John Muir Trail 100 Painting Project Catalog June 2016 Paintings by Faith Rumm Contact:
[email protected] 415 878-5734 studio 209 769-3836 cell Facebook: Faith Rumm private message John Muir Trail 100 Painting Project Catalog June 2016 Price List In the following pages please find paintings listed by title in alphabetical order, complete with prices, sizes, and medium. Prices do not include shipping. Yellow highlight indicates special pricing good through June 24, 2016 only. If interested contact Faith Rumm at
[email protected], 415 878-5734 (studio), 209 769-3836 (cell), or by Facebook personal messaging. John Muir Trail and the Range of Light The 210 mile John Muir Trail (JMT) is one of America’s best known, most scenic, and treasured trails. It follows the Sierra Nevada crest from Yosemite to Mt Whitney, the highest peak in the contiguous United States. It is named after John Muir, the well-known nineteenth and early 20th century naturalist, environmental philosopher and champion for the establishment of U.S. National Parks. He helped establish Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks and was an advocate for many years. “My romance with the JMT began as a child when my parents spent their hard-earned vacations undertaking backpack trips in the Sierra Nevada. As a family we covered much of the JMT as well as many of the peripheral trails. These trips set the stage for me as an artist later in life wanting to capture the wonderful “Range of Light” scenes and details through which the JMT meanders.” —Faith Rumm Why 100 Paintings? Much publicity and modern lightweight gear has made thru-hiking this magnificent stretch of land wildly popular.