Post Office Aberdeen Directory
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! 'i-'UHi 1 I . : . 'J i ' mx i 9 1 ' ' ' 1 1 i v.-^^- Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from National Library of Scotland JPOST-OFFICE ABERDEEN DIRECTORY. 1863-64 COMPRISING, AMON& OTHER INFORMATtON, PUBLIC orricES and bank dikectoey POSTAGE DIPECTORY CONVEYANCE AND INSURANCE DIEECTGRY GENERAL DIRECTORY TRADES' AND PROFESSIONS' DIRECTORY STREET DIRECTORY OLD ABERDEEN DIRECTORY WOODSIDE DIRECTORY ETC. ETC. PRINTED POR THE PROPRIETOR, BY ARTHUR KING & CO., "FREE PRESS" OFFICE, CONCERT COURT, BROi.D STREET; And soiiD by the XmHttsb. carriers. 18^3. COUNTING-HOUSE CALENDAE. ises. JULY. AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. Su. — 5 12 19 26 Su. -- 2 9 16 23 30 Su. — 6 13 20 27 Mo. — 6 13 20 27 Mo. — 3 10 17 24 31 Mo. — 7 14 21 28 Tu. — 7 14 21 28 Tu. — 4 11 18 25 — Tu. 1 8 15 22 29 Wed. 1 8 15 22 29 Wed.— 5 12 19 26 — Wed. 2 9 16 23 30 Th. 2 9 16 23 30 Th. — 6 13 20 27 — Th. 3 10 17 24 — Fri. 3 10 17 24 31 Fr. — 7 14 21 28 — Fr. 4 11 18 25 — Sat. 4 11 18 25 — Sat. 1 8 15 22 29 — Sat. 5 12 19 26 — OCTOBER. NOVEMBER. DECEMBER. Sn. — 4 11 18 25 Su. 1 8 15 22 ^9 Su. — 6 13 20 27 Mo. — 5 12 19 26 Mo. 2 9 16 23 30 Mo. — 7 14 21 28 Tu. — 6 13 20 27 Tu. 3 10 17 24 — Tu. 1 8 15 22 29 Wed— 7 14 21 2S Wed. 4 11 18 25 — Wed. 2 9 16 23 30 Th. 1 8 15 22 29 Th. 5 12 19 26 — Th. 3 10 17 24 31 Fr. 2 9 16 23 30 Fri. 6 13 20 27 — Fr. 4 11 18 25 — Sat. 3 10 17 24 31 Sa. 7 14 21 28 — Sat. 5 12 19 26 — 1834. J JANUARY. FEBRUARY- MARCH. Su. — 3 10 17 24 31 Su. — 7 14 21 28 Su. — 6 13 20 27 Mo -- 4 11 18 25 — Mo. 1 8 15 22 29 y,o. — 7 14 21 28 Tu. — 5 12 19 26 — Tu, 2 9 16 23 — Tu. 18 15 22 29 Wed.— 6 13 20 27 — Wed. 3 10 17 24 — Wed. 2 9 16 23 30 Th. — 7 14 21 28 — Th. 4 11 18 25 — Th. 3 10 17 24 31 Ft. 1 8 15 22 29 — Fri. 5 12 19 26 — Fr. 4 11 18 25 — Sat. 2 9 16 23 30 — Sat. 6 13 20 27 — Sat. 5 12 19 26 — APRIL. MAY. JUNE. Su. — 3 10 17 24 Su. 1 8 15 22 29 Su. — 5 12 19 26 Mo. — 4 11 18 25 Mo. 2 9 16 23 30 Mo. — 6 13 20 27 Tu. — 5 12 19 26 Tu. 3 10 17 24 31 Tu. — 7 14 21 28 Wed— 6 13 20 27 Wed. 4 11 18 25 — Wed. 1 8 15 22 29 Th. — 7 14 21 28 Th. 5 12 19 26 — Th. 2 9 16 23 30 Fr. 1 8 15 22 29 Fri. 6 13 20 27 — Fri. 3 10 17 24 — Sat. 2 9 16 23 30 Sat. 7 14 21 28 — Sat. 4 11 18 25 — Teirins in Scotland and England. | IN SCOTLAND. IN ENGLAND. Candlemas Feb. 2, N.S.; 14, U.S.- Lady Day, March 25. Whitsunday, May 15, „ 27, „ Midsummer Day, June 24. Lammas, August 1, „ 13, „ Michaelmas Day, Sept. 29. Christmas, Martinmas, Nov. 11 , „ 23, „ December 25. Whtu a Term-Day falls on a Sunday, the Monday following is considered as | the Term. Bank Holidays—1863-64. Prince of Wales' Birthdaj'^, Novem- I Good Friday March 25 ber 9. Queen's Birthday May 24 | Christmas Day Dec. 25. Queen's Coronation .June 28 New Year's Day Jan. 1. 1 And the Sacramental Fasts. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the Monday following is kept, o^ f- y /'-• Q ^ 'O Q.:- :/ r^ r' t-\ CONTENTS. AsERDREIf— Assurance Oom'pames-^ Provincial 22 Extent of City, Population, The Scottish 23 Burgh Rental 5 The Northern Standard Life 23 Aberdeen Mutual Assurance and SECTION I, Friendly 24 Fulslic Revenue Diarectozy Aberdeen Operative Mutual 24 Post Office 5 Shipping Companies— Customs 6 Aberdeen Steam Navigation 24 Inland Revenue (iate Excise) 6 Aberdeen, Leith, and Clyde 25 Inland Revenue (Stamps & Taxes) 6 Aberdeen, Moray Firth, &c 25 Valuation of Lands and Heritages 7 Aberdeen and Newcastle Steam County Voters' Registi-ation Act 7 Navigation 25 Aberdeen and Hull Steam Na- SECTION n. vigation Co 26 26 Municipal ISizectoxy. Aberdeen and Newcastle Trade.. Aberdeen, Tyne, and Hamburg Magistrates and Town Council... '^ Steam Navigation Co 26 Guildry and Dean of Guild Court 8 Railway Companies— Harbour Board 8 27 Police Board 8 Scottish North-Eastern Prison Establishment 9 Great North of Scotland 27 28 City Tax Office 9 Deeside Valuation of Lands and Heritages, Miscellaneous. Burgh of Aberdeen... 10 Foreign Consuls 28 Incorporated Trades ., 10 Mercantile Marine Board. 29 Parochial Board of St Nicholas or Aberdeen Corn Exchange Co... 29 City Parish 10 Aberdeen Stock Exchange 29 Parochial Board of Old Machar.. 11 Aberdeen Lime Company 29 Aberdeen Commercial Company.. 30 SECTION III. Aberdeen Market Company 30 Coanznexcial Sizectozy. The Northern Agricultural Co... 30 Gas Light Company of Aberdeen 31 Banldng Companies— Aberdeen Music Hall Company.. 31 Galena Investment Company 31 Aberdeen Banking Company 13 Michigan Investment Company.. 31 Union Bank of Scotland 12 Aberdeen Town <fc County Bank 13 SECTION IV. North of Scotland Banking Co.... 14 B ink of Scotland 15 Z<egal Sizectozy. British Linen Co. (Aberdeen)... 16 Commercial Bank of Scotland... 17 Society of Advocates 32 National Bank of Scotland 18 Circuit Court of Justiciary......... 33 Royal Bank of Scotland 19 Sheriff Court 33 City of Glasgow Bank (Aberdeen) 20 Commissarv Court 34 National Security Savings Bank. Sheriff Small Debt and Circuit Aberdeen 21 Court..... 34 IV CONTENTS. Burgh or Baillie Court 34 SECTION VIII. Justice of Peace Court 34 Justice of Peace Small Debt Court 35 Police Court 35 Miscellaneoua Dizectozy. Commutation Road Trustees 35 Messengers-at-Arms 35 Public News-Rooma, Libraries, Sheriff Officers 36 Clubs, &c 47 Police Establishment 62 Registration of Births, Deaths, SECTION V. and Marriages 52 Military Establishments 53 SSedical Dizectory; Royal Infirmary 36 IX. Royal Lunatic Asylum 37 SECTION Medico-Chirurglcal Society 37 Geneial Dispensary, Lying-in, Postal Dizectozy. and Vaccine Institution... 37 Ophthalmic Institution (for dis- List of Places in the Delivery of eases of the Eye) , 37 Aberdeen 54 Cottages, Mansions, and Places SECTION VI. in the Suburbs of Aberdeen 65 List of Post Towns in Scotland.. 71 iiCclesiastical Directory. Money Order Office 81 Established Church of Scotland.. 38 Aberdeen Mail Arrangements— Free Church of Scotland... 38 When Letters can be Posted, and Episcopalian, United Presbyter- -, when Deliveries commence 82 ian, &c 39 Collections at Receiving Houses, ^ and Pillar Letter Boxes... 83 Inland Postage Regulations 83 SECTION vir. Rates of Postage of Foreign and Educational Dizectozy. Colonial Letters 86 Foreign Book and Newspaper University of Aberdeen 40 Postage 93 i^.ee Church College 41 Post Office Savings Bank 94 Town's Public Schools 41 Grammar School 41 Mail and Stage Coach Convey- Schools in Little Belmont Street 41 ances 96 Dr. Andrew Bell's School, Frede- Carriei-s to and from Aberdeen... 96 rick Street 42 Aberdeen Shipping 98 Established Church of Scotland Useful Tables lOl .Schools , 42 Free Church of Scotland Schools 42 Other Denominations 42 New Abezdeen Dizectozy. School of Science and Art, Nayi- gation and Trade 43 General Directory 103 John Davidson's, York street, Trades' & Professions' Directory 230 Footdee 43 Agents for Insurance Companies 265 Robert Donaldson's, Back Wynd 43 Street Directory... 267 James Thain's, 52, Shiprow 43 Alterations and Additions 325 Academies, &c 44 Ladies' Boarding & Day Schools, &c 44 ftobert Gordon's Hospital 44 Old Abezdeen Dizectozy. Boys' and Girls' Hospital 44 Institution for the Education of Magistrates and Town Council... 326 the Deaf and Dumb 45 Incorporations 326 Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum 45 Seminaries of Learning 327 Hospital for Orphan <fc Destitute List of Names 327 Female Children 45 Aberdeen Female School of In- dustry, Guestrow 45 Woodside Dizectozy. Industrial School Association... 46 Oldmill Reformatory School. 46 Indnstrial Asylum and Reforma- Churches, .Teachers, Ac 333 334 tory for Girls.... ,. 46 List of Names... House of Industry and Refuge... 47 Asylum for the htliud 47 Advei^tidements. — . POST-OFFICE ABERDEEN DIRECTORY. ABEEDEEN. 1.—Extent of City. Aberdeen, at present, reckoning only the extent fully built on and inhabited, ia about 7 miles in circumference. 2 .—Population By the census of 1861, the population amounted to 73,794. The returns stated the number of inhabited houses at 5901, with 18,785 separate occupiers. The Population of the City and County, in the same year, was 225,148. The number of Electors on Parliamentary RoU for the year ending Whit- sunday, 1863, was 3,614. Member of Parliament for the City—Col. "W. H. Stkes. kdxon I.—^ublk gtbenue ^mdorg» Post-Office. Postmaster William Mitchell. Cler/cs— Robert Ctjmming, George Wood, DtrNCAN Collie, Robert Feashr, Lawrance Jaffrat, Alexander Bisset, James Watson, and John Garden. Stampers— Andrew Stuart, Peter Diack, James Abercrombie, and James PlEIB. Letter Carriers—Charles Wilson, William Salmond, David Fbaser, James Phaser, Robert Ritchie, John Ross, Isaac Forsyth, Thomas M'Guffik, James Mutch, and Thomas Buchan. — — b PUBLIC EEVENUE DIRECTORY. Customs. Collector and Landing Swi'veyor—Daniel B. Preston. Clerls— Alexander Macfarlane, William Whitecross, John Home, William Grigor, and James N.