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JULY. AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. Su. — 5 12 19 26 Su. -- 2 9 16 23 30 Su. — 6 13 20 27 Mo. — 6 13 20 27 Mo. — 3 10 17 24 31 Mo. — 7 14 21 28 Tu. — 7 14 21 28 Tu. — 4 11 18 25 — Tu. 1 8 15 22 29 Wed. 1 8 15 22 29 Wed.— 5 12 19 26 — Wed. 2 9 16 23 30 Th. 2 9 16 23 30 Th. — 6 13 20 27 — Th. 3 10 17 24 — Fri. 3 10 17 24 31 Fr. — 7 14 21 28 — Fr. 4 11 18 25 — Sat. 4 11 18 25 — Sat. 1 8 15 22 29 — Sat. 5 12 19 26 —

OCTOBER. NOVEMBER. DECEMBER. Sn. — 4 11 18 25 Su. 1 8 15 22 ^9 Su. — 6 13 20 27 Mo. — 5 12 19 26 Mo. 2 9 16 23 30 Mo. — 7 14 21 28 Tu. — 6 13 20 27 Tu. 3 10 17 24 — Tu. 1 8 15 22 29 Wed— 7 14 21 2S Wed. 4 11 18 25 — Wed. 2 9 16 23 30 Th. 1 8 15 22 29 Th. 5 12 19 26 — Th. 3 10 17 24 31 Fr. 2 9 16 23 30 Fri. 6 13 20 27 — Fr. 4 11 18 25 — Sat. 3 10 17 24 31 Sa. 7 14 21 28 — Sat. 5 12 19 26 — 1834. J JANUARY. FEBRUARY- MARCH. Su. — 3 10 17 24 31 Su. — 7 14 21 28 Su. — 6 13 20 27 Mo -- 4 11 18 25 — Mo. 1 8 15 22 29 y,o. — 7 14 21 28 Tu. — 5 12 19 26 — Tu, 2 9 16 23 — Tu. 18 15 22 29 Wed.— 6 13 20 27 — Wed. 3 10 17 24 — Wed. 2 9 16 23 30 Th. — 7 14 21 28 — Th. 4 11 18 25 — Th. 3 10 17 24 31 Ft. 1 8 15 22 29 — Fri. 5 12 19 26 — Fr. 4 11 18 25 — Sat. 2 9 16 23 30 — Sat. 6 13 20 27 — Sat. 5 12 19 26 —

APRIL. MAY. JUNE. Su. — 3 10 17 24 Su. 1 8 15 22 29 Su. — 5 12 19 26 Mo. — 4 11 18 25 Mo. 2 9 16 23 30 Mo. — 6 13 20 27 Tu. — 5 12 19 26 Tu. 3 10 17 24 31 Tu. — 7 14 21 28 Wed— 6 13 20 27 Wed. 4 11 18 25 — Wed. 1 8 15 22 29 Th. — 7 14 21 28 Th. 5 12 19 26 — Th. 2 9 16 23 30 Fr. 1 8 15 22 29 Fri. 6 13 20 27 — Fri. 3 10 17 24 — Sat. 2 9 16 23 30 Sat. 7 14 21 28 — Sat. 4 11 18 25 —

Teirins in Scotland and England. | IN SCOTLAND. IN ENGLAND. Candlemas Feb. 2, N.S.; 14, U.S.- Lady Day, March 25. Whitsunday, May 15, „ 27, „ Midsummer Day, June 24. Lammas, August 1, „ 13, „ Michaelmas Day, Sept. 29. Christmas, Martinmas, Nov. 11 , „ 23, „ December 25.

Whtu a Term-Day falls on a Sunday, the Monday following is considered as | the Term. Bank Holidays—1863-64.

Prince of Wales' Birthdaj'^, Novem- I Good Friday March 25 ber 9. Queen's Birthday May 24 | Christmas Day Dec. 25. Queen's Coronation .June 28

New Year's Day Jan. 1. 1 And the Sacramental Fasts.

When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the Monday following is kept, o^ f- y /'-• Q

^ 'O Q.:- :/ r^ r' t-\ CONTENTS.

AsERDREIf— Assurance Oom'pames-^ Provincial 22 Extent of City, Population, The Scottish 23 Burgh Rental 5 The Northern Standard Life 23 Aberdeen Mutual Assurance and SECTION I, Friendly 24 Fulslic Revenue Diarectozy Aberdeen Operative Mutual 24 Post Office 5 Shipping Companies— Customs 6 Aberdeen Steam Navigation 24 Inland Revenue (iate Excise) 6 Aberdeen, Leith, and Clyde 25 Inland Revenue (Stamps & Taxes) 6 Aberdeen, Moray Firth, &c 25 Valuation of Lands and Heritages 7 Aberdeen and Newcastle Steam County Voters' Registi-ation Act 7 Navigation 25 Aberdeen and Hull Steam Na- SECTION n. vigation Co 26 26 Municipal ISizectoxy. Aberdeen and Newcastle Trade.. Aberdeen, Tyne, and Hamburg Magistrates and Town Council... '^ Steam Navigation Co 26 Guildry and Dean of Guild Court 8 Railway Companies— Harbour Board 8 27 Police Board 8 Scottish North-Eastern Prison Establishment 9 Great North of Scotland 27 28 City Tax Office 9 Deeside Valuation of Lands and Heritages, Miscellaneous. Burgh of Aberdeen... 10 Foreign Consuls 28 Incorporated Trades ., 10 Mercantile Marine Board. 29 Parochial Board of St Nicholas or Aberdeen Corn Exchange Co... 29 City Parish 10 Aberdeen Stock Exchange 29 Parochial Board of Old Machar.. 11 Aberdeen Lime Company 29 Aberdeen Commercial Company.. 30 SECTION III. Aberdeen Market Company 30 Coanznexcial Sizectozy. The Northern Agricultural Co... 30 Gas Light Company of Aberdeen 31 Banldng Companies— Aberdeen Music Hall Company.. 31 Galena Investment Company 31 Aberdeen Banking Company 13 Michigan Investment Company.. 31 Union Bank of Scotland 12

Aberdeen Town

Burgh or Baillie Court 34 SECTION VIII. Justice of Peace Court 34 Justice of Peace Small Debt Court 35 Police Court 35 Miscellaneoua Dizectozy. Commutation Road Trustees 35 Messengers-at-Arms 35 Public News-Rooma, Libraries, Sheriff Officers 36 Clubs, &c 47 Police Establishment 62 Registration of Births, Deaths, SECTION V. and Marriages 52 Military Establishments 53 SSedical Dizectory; Royal Infirmary 36 IX. Royal Lunatic Asylum 37 SECTION Medico-Chirurglcal Society 37 Geneial Dispensary, Lying-in, Postal Dizectozy. and Vaccine Institution... 37 Ophthalmic Institution (for dis- List of Places in the Delivery of eases of the Eye) , 37 Aberdeen 54 Cottages, Mansions, and Places SECTION VI. in the Suburbs of Aberdeen 65 List of Post Towns in Scotland.. 71 iiCclesiastical Directory. Money Order Office 81 Established .. 38 Aberdeen Mail Arrangements— Free Church of Scotland... 38 When Letters can be Posted, and Episcopalian, United Presbyter- -, when Deliveries commence 82 ian, &c 39 Collections at Receiving Houses,

^ and Pillar Letter Boxes... 83 Inland Postage Regulations 83 SECTION vir. Rates of Postage of Foreign and Educational Dizectozy. Colonial Letters 86 Foreign Book and Newspaper University of Aberdeen 40 Postage 93 i^.ee Church College 41 Post Office Savings Bank 94 Town's Public Schools 41 Grammar School 41 Mail and Stage Coach Convey- Schools in Little Belmont Street 41 ances 96 Dr. Andrew Bell's School, Frede- Carriei-s to and from Aberdeen... 96 rick Street 42 Aberdeen Shipping 98 Established Church of Scotland Useful Tables lOl

.Schools , 42 Free Church of Scotland Schools 42 Other Denominations 42 New Abezdeen Dizectozy. School of Science and Art, Nayi- gation and Trade 43 General Directory 103 John Davidson's, York street, Trades' & Professions' Directory 230 Footdee 43 Agents for Insurance Companies 265 Robert Donaldson's, Back Wynd 43 Street Directory... 267 James Thain's, 52, Shiprow 43 Alterations and Additions 325 Academies, &c 44 Ladies' Boarding & Day Schools, &c 44 ftobert Gordon's Hospital 44 Old Abezdeen Dizectozy. Boys' and Girls' Hospital 44 Institution for the Education of Magistrates and Town Council... 326 the Deaf and Dumb 45 Incorporations 326 Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum 45 Seminaries of Learning 327 Hospital for Orphan



1.—Extent of City.

Aberdeen, at present, reckoning only the extent fully built on and inhabited, ia about 7 miles in circumference.

2 .—Population By the census of 1861, the population amounted to 73,794. The returns stated the number of inhabited houses at 5901, with 18,785 separate occupiers. The Population of the City and County, in the same year, was 225,148. The number of Electors on Parliamentary RoU for the year ending Whit- sunday, 1863, was 3,614. Member of Parliament for the City—Col. "W. H. Stkes.

kdxon I.—^ublk gtbenue ^mdorg»

Post-Office. Postmaster William Mitchell. Cler/cs— Robert Ctjmming, George Wood, DtrNCAN Collie, Robert Feashr, Lawrance Jaffrat, Alexander Bisset, James Watson, and John Garden. Stampers— Andrew Stuart, Peter Diack, James Abercrombie, and James PlEIB. Letter Carriers—Charles Wilson, William Salmond, David Fbaser, James Phaser, Robert Ritchie, John Ross, Isaac Forsyth, Thomas M'Guffik, James Mutch, and Thomas Buchan. — —


Customs. Collector and Landing Swi'veyor—Daniel B. Preston. Clerls— Alexander Macfarlane, William Whitecross, John Home, William Grigor, and James N. Justice. Examining Officers—David Bremner, James TmTier, George M, Thomson, George Johnston, and Alex. Taylor. Out-Boor Officers—1st Class—Alexander Gillanders, John Johnston, Robt. Eeid, William Gibb, and James Collie. 2nd Class—William M 'Galium, Duncan Dean, James Cattanach, George Milne, Alex. Garden. 3rd Class—Andrew Forbes, James Cassie, James Imray, Robert M'Kay, William Simpson, and Alexander Wright. HouseTceeper—George Middleton. Principal Coast Officer at Newhurgli—Peter Matthew. Cmtom-House Agents and Shipbrohers—William Whitecross and Charles Burgess. COAST GUARD. Inspector Commander— Captain Colin Campbell Kane, R.N. Chief Officers—T. B. Glover, Bridge of Donj John Garner, R.N, Cove Bay; Thomas Lapenotiere, Muchals ; , Katterline.

Sets of Captain Manby'B Life Apparatus are placed in charge of the Officers at Bridge of Don, Cove Bay, and Stonehaven.

Inland Revenue. (LATE EXCISE.)

Office No. 2, Trinity Quay.

Collector—Jon^ Andeeson. Cleric—Charles Ceoft.

1st District Supervisor—T. G. Oechaed. Officers—James Baebee, James M 'Donald, Thomas Mills, Robeet Hall, and Hugh Cowan. Assistant— Willi AJi Jessie Ashbee. 2nd District S^ipervisor—John Botd. Officers—George P. Robeetson, Thomas Matheson, Thomas Hodge, J. Pieeie, Stephen Yoddon, Geo. H. Heb- blethwaite, and J.ssistant Thomas Flintoff.

Oldmeldrum District Supervisor—Robeet Hunt. Officers—John Beoomhead, FiNLAT Cameron, Thomas Mitchell, Daniel Kobeet Hallet, Alex. Rutheefobd, Tho3. Beveeidge, John Liveemoee, William Beveeidge. Assistant—Geoege Doee.

Inland Revenue. STAMPS AND TAXES.

Inspector of Inland Bevenue for Aberdeen, Banff, Elgin, and Nairn—James M'AuLAT; Office, 201, Union Street; House, 40, Union Place.

Surveyor /or t7ie 1st Aberdeen District Alexandee Fkasee ; Office, 201, Union

Street ; Hours, Friday, 10 to 3.

Surreyor /or tTie 2d District—John Fimisteb; Office, 201, Union Street; Hours, Friday, 10 to 3. ;


Surveyor for the 3rd or City District—James Tuknbull ; Office, 201, Union St. Hours, Friday, 10 to 3. Surveyor for Kincardineshire^-3au^s S. Millee, Montrose. Distributor of Stamps, Collector of Land (Cess) and Assessed Taxes, and of Pro' perty and Income Tax for —A'SDUEyv Jopp, Victoria Court, 54i Castle Street. The Subsidy Tax is payable at Mr James Simpson's Office, 17, Huxter Row.

Valuation of Lands and Heritages.

(17 and 18 Vict., c. 91.) Assessors for tTie— County of Aberdeen, exclusive of the City within the Parliamen- tary line Alexander Fkaser, John Fimisteb, and James Turnbull ;

Office, 201, Union Street ; Hours, Friday, 10 to 3.

County Voters' Registration Act. Assessor for the County, exclusive of the City and Burghs—John Fimistek Office, 201, Union Street ; Hours of attendance—Fridays, 10 to 3.

S^dbn IL—Htwmdpal gxndorg.

Magistrates and Town Council. Lord Provost—Alexander A nderson, Advocate, BAILLIES. Druggist. John Uequhaet, Druggist. | William Pateeson,

Robert Watson, Builder. | William Adamson, Sharebroker, OFFICE-BEARERS. Dean of GuUd.., George Jamieson, Merchant. Treasurer, William Gordon, Sharebroker Ilaster of Shore Works, Robert Williams, Cooper. of Kirh and Bridge Worhs^ .William Lumsden, Merchant. Master of Mortifications, Robert Cruickshank, Merchant. Master of Guild Brethren's Hospital, James Wyllie, Bookseller. COUNCILLORS. Gibb, Jackson, Alexander Civil Engineer. j Henry M.D. Lachlan M'Kinnon, Ironfounder. David Knox, Iron Merchant. Robert Stevens, Merchant. Patrick Cooper, Advocate. | William Leslie, Alexander Morison, Silk Mercer. Architect. ( Legal Assessor, James Simpson, Advocate. Town-Cleric, John Angus, Advocate. Chamberlain and Town-Cleric Depute, Alexander Eraser, Advocate. Procurator-Fiscal, George Cadenhead, Advocate. Superintendent of Works, William Smith, Architect. Burgh Assessor of Property, John Milne. Collector of City Taxes, James Simpson. Auditor of Town' s Accomits, George Marquis, Accountant. Billet-Master, James Frater. Inspectors of Weights and Measures, John M'Hardy, and Alex. Mellis. MUNICIPAL DIRECTOEY.

Guildry, and Dean of Guild Court.

Dean of Guild—George Jamiesox, Merchant. ASSESSORS. J. B. M'Combie. "William Rose. Alexander Rust. Alexander Low. James Horn. Robert Kempt. Lewis Smith. William Shirres. David Wyllie. J. Abernethy. George Thomson. WUliam Walker.

ClerTc Alexander Eraser, Advocate.

Bean of Guild's Offi-cer, Alexander MeUis.

The Harbour Board.

Commissioners under the Act 6 and 7 Victoria, " For Improving and Maintaining the Harbour of Aberdeen," passed 12th July, 184.3. The Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council of the City of Aberdeen Com- missioners ex officiis, together with nine Burgesses of Guild Commissioners, and three Incorporated Trades' Commissioners. ELECTED BY BURGESSES OF GUILD. Benjamin Moir. Henry Adamson. William Hogarth. Robert Catto. Alex. Burnett Whyte. Alexander Nicol. John Duthie, Junr. James Horn. ELECTED BY THE TRADES. John Eraser, Alexander R. Dyer. Alexander Eddie. | Secretary a/nd Cleric—John Angus Collector and Treasiirer—Alexander Reid. Mesident Su^perintendent—William Dick. SHORE AND HARBOUR DUES DEPARTMENT. Collector—Alexander Reid. Clerks a/nd Sworn Bulkers—Peter Riddell, James Nicol, William Adamson, William Gellan, and John Alexander. BERTHING DEPARTMENT. Captain Pilot and BertTimaster at Loioer Quays—Alexander Gauld. Assistant and Keeper of Pier Light and Flag—John Davidson. Docfcmaster—James Lees Assistant Bockmaster and Attendant at Regent Turnhridge—A. Macdonald. Superintendent of Coal, Lime, and Grain Meters, of Harhour Rails, and of Carters and Carriers of Coal—John M'Lean. Office—Provost Blaikie's Quay.

Police Board. By Act 25th and 26th Vict., chap. 203 (7th August 1862), " For paving, clean- sing, lighting, watching, di'aining, and improving the City of Aberdeen, and

adjacent districts : for regulating the police thereof, for supplying the inhabitants with water, and for other purposes," the city and suburbs are divided into Nine Wards, each of which returns two Commissioners, who, with four ex officiis Com- missioners, are entrusted with carrying the Act into effect. The qualification of electors is the occupation of premises within the respective wards assessed under the Act, and valued at not less than £5 of yearly rent. The Commissioners are chosen from the electors occupying premises within the limits of this Act, of the yearly value of not less than £15. MUNICIPAL DIRECTOEY. 9

COMMISSIONERS. Chairman—The Lord Provost. COMMISSIONERS EX OFFICIIS. The Provost, Dean of Guild, City Treasurer, and Convener of the Incorporated

Trades ; all for the time being, COMMISSIONERS TOR WARDS. FirstWard William Thomson David M'Hardy.

Second ,, John feherar Robert Urquhart. Third „ George Stirling John Airth.

Fourth ,, George Brown , Alex. S. Cook.' Fifth „ John Rose James Clyne. Sixth „ John M'Lauchlan John Sangster.

Seventh ^^ William Keith William Henderson. Eighth „ George Donald David M 'Donald. Ninth 1, Thomas Gordon John Humphrey. Treasurer and Collector— William Duncan. Cleric of Police, and Superintendent of Gunpowder Magazine—George Milne. Clerics—James Main and John Baillie. Auditor — Robert Fletcher, Accountant. • Inspector of Police, Superintendent of Water Worlcs and Fire Engines—John Cruickshank. Assistant Inspector of Police—James Minty. Keeper of Steam Engines, Water Worlcs—John Webster. Su/perintendent of Police—James Duthie. —John M ilne and William Anderson. Medical Attendant—Dr. Ogston. Legal Adviser—James Simpson, Advocate.

The Night Watch consists of 58 men, and there is a Day Patrol of 27. ASSESSMENTS. Assessments for General Purposes—Under £7 of Rent, 15d. per £1. At and above £7, 18d. per £1. For Removal of Nuisances—Id. per £1.

For TFater—Dwelling Houses, 9d. per £1. All other Premises, 4d, per £1 •

Premises under £3 are exempted. 6d. per £1 additional is ^charged for water > when introduced into houses. The assessments are payable on the 20th of November.

Prison Establishment. Chairman Alex. P. Irvine of Drum Clerh Newell Burnett, Advocate Chaplain Rev. Daniel Baxter Governor of Aberdeen Prisons, John Rutledge Physician Duncan Reid, M.D. Matron at East Prison Miss Emily Black Teacher Henry Gordon.

City Tax Office. 17, HuxTEK Row. (Prison, Valuation, Rogue, Road Assessment, and Subsidy Tax.) Collector—James Simpson, 10 MUNICIPAL DIRECTORY.

Valuation of Lands and Heritages, Biirgli of Aberdeen.

Office—10, Union Street.

The Valuation is made under the authority and Superintendence of the Town Council. Assessor—John Milne,

Incorporated Trades.

Teinitt Hall, 153, Union Street. Patron—Rev, James Forsyth, D.D., Minister of West Parish. Deacon Convener—Robert Beveridge. Master of Trades' Hospital—Robert Thomson. Trades. Deacons. Boxmasters. Hammermen John Lamb Alexander Keith. Balcers James Morrison )araes Mitchell. Wrights and Coopers. ..William Pittendrigh Charles Gordon, jun. Tailors George Sinclair David M'Donald. Shoemakers] Alexander Brown W. L. Jaffray. Weavers....'. David Byres William Sim. Fleshers Alexander Wishart James Knowles,

Factor for the Trades^ Widows' Fund—William Bkd. Treaswrer of the Trades' Widows' Supplementary Fund—James Clyne. Treasurer of the Trades' School—James Jackson. Teachers of Trades' School—J. Allan and Mrs. Knox. Joint Clerics and u4ss6ssors — Marianas Massie and Alex. Henderson, Advocates. Convener's Officer—Andrew Ramsay. Housekeeper—Mrs. Hannan, Trinity Hall.

Parochial Board of St. Nicholas or City Parish.

Consisting of 4 Delegates from the Magistrates and Town CouncU, 4 from the General Kirk Session^ and 15 from the Ratepayers, 1863 — 64. Chairman—Robert Watson, Esq., ELECTED BT THE MAGISTRATES.

George Jamieson, Merchant and Dean I John Keith, Merchant of Guild of the City. John Roy, Jun., Seedsman.

William Gordon, Sharebroker. 1 ELECTED BT THE GENERAL KIRK SESSION, Robert Gerrard, Merchant, George Miller, Rope and Twine John Cargill, late Shipmaster. Manufacturer. George Angus, late H.E.I.C.S. •


ELECTED BY THE BATEPATESS. Eobert Watson, Builder, John Urquhart, Druggist. Alexander Stephen, Painter. Robert Stevens, Merchant.

Alex. Crombie, late Fruit Merchant . James Clyne, Leather Merchant. Charles M'Grlgor, Hosier. John Sangster, Druggist. William Lurasden, Merchant. William Ironside, Builder. Daniel Gray, Merchant. William Pittendrigh, Builder, Hugh Fraser, China Merchant, and D. E. Lyall Grant, Merchant. John Rose, Innkeeper. Inspector—James Wallace.

.Assistant Inspectors—Wm. Anderson and Geo. G-. Christie.

District Medical Officers—Drs. Jackson, Fiddes, and Christie.

Office of Parochial Board—5 and 6 Adelphi Lane.

The mode or principle of Assessment, for the current year is as follows, viz : — One half the Assessment is leviable from the Owners, after deduction of 20 per cent, from the annual value of house property, in name of repairs, insurance, and public burdens, and 7^ per cent, from cultivated grounds and fishings in name of public burdens. The other half of the Assessment is leviable from the occupants whose estimated and annual rent amounts to £3 10s and upwards, under deduction of 12| per cent, in the following proportions, viz,: —Occupants of cultivated grounds and fishing are rated at one-fourth and the occupants of all subjects other than dwelling-houses and cultivated grounds and fishiwgs, at one-half of the rate of Assessment leviable from the occupants of dwelling-houses.

Collector of Assessment—William Steele.

Office—30, Marischal Street. ST. NICHOLAS POORS' HOUSE.

Nelson Street. Governor—George Milne. Housefceeper— Mrs Dunn. Teacher—James Stewart

Medical Officer—Dr Sutherland, C7iaplam-Rev. John Longmuir, L.L.D.

ParocMal Board of Old Machar.

Parochial Board— Heritors of £20 annual value or upwards: Twenty members

elected by the other qualified Ratepayers ; Six members elected by the Kirk-

Session ; and the Provost and Bailies (rated for assessment) of any Royal Burgh in the Parish.

Collector of Assessment Alexander Diack, 4, Belmont Street. Inspector of tlie Poor T. Skene, St. Machar's Place. Assistants .Alexander Napier and Wm. Smart. District Medical Officers Drs Paterson, Carr, Irvine, and Gilchrist. OLD MACHAR POORS' HOUSE.

St. Machar's Place, FerryhiU,

Governor—Malcolm M'Leod, Matron—Miss Duncan. Medical Qfficer-Br Paterson. CAoptoin-^Ker. Cbarka Skene, 12 COMMERCIAL DIEECTOEY.

S^t&it III. —(Eommercml Bmttoxis.


Aberdeen Banking Company—1767.

Incorporated with the Union Banlc of Scotland—1849.


Newell Burnett, Advocate. James Horn of Pitmidden. Alexander Davidson. Advocate. James Murray, Advocate. Alex. Fraser, City Chamberlain. William Yeats of Auquhainey.

Cashier—David Wyllie Secretary—William Catto. Tellers—George Sinclair, John H. Fraser, and David WyUie, Jun. Accountant—George Sim, BooTc-lceeper—David H. Sefton,


Aberdour W. Stuart Keith Charles Green "'., Geo. Haynes Kincraigie, ") Mackay & Sura- John Malcolm Tough / mers Banfif James Rust Lumsden Buckie Alex. Bremner Macduff James Martin CuUen Wm. L. Taylor Mintlaw James Shives Elgin James Petrie New Pitsligo Wm. Spence Ellon G. F. Kaeburn. Peterhead A. & W. Boyd Fochabers John Cran Portsoy Peter Murray Fraserburgh George Wallace Rosehearty ..James Milne R. & J. Milne Andrew Ross Inverury Robert Inues Turriff Wm. Dunbar

The Union Bank of Scotland.

Head Offices—Ingram Street, Glasgow, and Parliament Square, .

Sab-Branches— George Street, and Downie Place, Edinburgh. COMMERCIAL DIEECTORY. 13

BRANCHES. Alloa Thomas Brydie Kilmarnock R. Gardiner Alva William Cowan Kincardine Robert Gentle Auchtermuchty... Robert Playfair Kirkcaldy John N. M'Leod Ayr Hunters & Co. Kirkwall Robert Scrath Barrhead Matthew Anderson Kirriemuir Wilkie & Black Bathgate M.K. Buyers Leith J.A.White Beith Wm. Love Lerwick F. G. Bi-uce Brechin Gordon & Lamb Leslie William Elder Bridge of Allan Duncan Stewart Lochgelly, Fife. ..John Wright Castle Douglas ...Richard Hewat Lochgilphead H & A. M'Ewen Coatbridge Robert Henderson Maryhill H. Kirkwood Dalbettie James Grieve Maybole W. & T. Rennie Dairy (Kirkcudbright) Jas. Barbour Moffat James J. Burnie Doune Al. Mitchell Moniavie William Smith J. Jackson and Montrose Findlay & Greig Dumfries "J. Symons Neilston ."Matthew Anderson Dumbarton Robert Buchanan Paisley John Affleck Dunblane Wm. Christie Peebles John Bathgate Dunoon John Miller Port Glasgow ...J. H. Bowie Edzell James Guthrie Selkirk PeterRoger Forfar Wm. Lowson Stewarton John Alexander. Galston John Hendrie Stirling J. &J. Mathie Gatehouse William Cairns Stranraer D. Guthrie Girvan W. & D. Andrews Strathaven James Millar Glasgow (Anderston) William Hell Tarbet (Lochfine) Arch. M'Calman „ (Trongate) D. M'Arthur Thornhill D. Crichton „ (Cowcaddens) James Frame Tillicoultry John Kirk „ (Tradeston) Andrew Gray Troon R. C. Reid Greenock Andrew Anderson Wick Alex. Wares Helensburgh Wm. Drysdale Innerleithen J. D. Bathgate SUB-BRANCH—Ofien twice a-week. Inverary Q. W. Wright Irvine Al. & J. Paterson Dairy (Ayrshire) Sub. to Beith Johnstone J. Holmes PERTH DISTRICT. Perth D. Cragie, Cashier Crieff J. & A. Gibson Aberfeldy George Rankin Dunkeld Joseph Dickie Auchterarder Wm .Young Dunning M. Lawson Blair AthoU A Stewart Enol Thomas Rogers, Kinmont Blairgowrie Wm. S. Souter Killin J. M'Naughton Coupar-Angus ...Bett & Baton Pitlochrie James Mitchell The Union Bank of Scotland draws and issues Letters of Credit on Glyn, Halifax, Mills & Co, Bankers, London ; Royal Bank of Scotland; Manchester and Liverpool District Bank; Carlisle City and District Bank; Moore & Robin- son, Nottingham; Warwick and Leamington Banking Co.; Whitehaven Joint Stock Bank: Yorkshire Banking Company; National Provincial Bank of Eng- land ; Provincial Bank of Ireland ; Sheffield Banking Company ; Birmingham

Banking Company ; Huddersfield Banking Company ; Belfast Ranking Company; Dundee Banking Company; Eastern Bank of Scotland; Gm-ney & Co., Norwich;

; W. H. Lambton & Co. Beckett & Co., Leeds; Caledonian Banking Company ; and the various Branches of these Banks.

Aberdeen Town and County Bank—1825, CAPITAL—£1,000,000. DIRECTORS. Chairman—Charles Chalmers of Monkshill. George Birnie of Johnston Place. of Allathan. Alexander Burness of Mastrick. James Simpson, Advocate. James Crombie, Grandholm Mills. Alexander Stronach of Drumallan. Manager—William Littlejolm. Secy John Keith. Acco^mtant—W. R. Riddel Tellers—John Jameson, George Stephen, and William Littlejohn, jun. Inspector of Branches—James Batchan. Messe7iger—John Milne. ;


BEANCHES. Alford Wm. Garden Wm. Christie Banff Wm. Coutts Laurencekirk.... D. & P, Dickson Bervie Robert Glegg Lnmphanan Harry Stuart Dufftown Wm. Cantlie Lybster Alex. Mowat Durno, Pitcaple George Webster Mintlaw John Farquhar Echt James Coutts Montrose Alex. Mackie Ellon John Eae, jun. New Deer J. & A. Joiner Fraserburgh Charles M'Beath Old Meldrum J, & J, Bruce Fsrvie James Mackie Peterhead Thomas Knox Golspie R. B. Sangster Stonehaven A. W. Kiunear Huntly James Lawson Tarland Aw. Robertson Insch James Bisset Tarves Wm. Duthie Inverury A. S. Maclean Thurso Alexander Adam Keith Wm. & Alex Turriff Alex. Leslie Thurburn Wick A. & T. Adam James Yule The Aberdeen Town and County Banking Company issue Drafts on the

London Joint-stock Bank, London ; Manchester and Liverpool District Bank, Manchester and Branches Yorkshire Banking ; Company, Leeds and Branches j Town and District Bank, Birmingham; Union Bank, Sheffield; Royal Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh, and Branches ; Caledonian Bank, Inverness and Branches

Central Bank of Scotland, Perth, and Branches ; and on the Branches of the

North of Scotland Bank ; Provincial Bank of Ireland, Dublin, and Branches

Bank of Montreal (Canada) and Branches ; and on and .

nSTortli of Scotland Banking Company—1836. (Incorporated under the Companies' Act, \%Q2.J PAID UP CAPITAL, £280,000. DIRECTORS. * J. F. Beattie, Land Surreyor * TV illiam Leslie, Builder John Cruickshank, LL.D. John Duguid Milne, Advocate George Elmsly, of Woodside Francis Ogston, M.D. * James Eraser of Heathcot * James Sim of Stocket Hill * Alexander Gibb, C.E, John F. White, Merchant George Thompson of Pitmedden Those marked thus * form the Committee of Management. Manager—James Westland. Secretary—Edward Fiddes. Accowntant—Fxaacis Smith. Inspector of Brayiclies— Charles S. Gordon. Book-Keeper—John Sim. Tellers—David Souter, Hector Allen, George Carmichael, and A. B. Baxter. BEANCHES. OFFICES. AGENTS. OFFICES. AGENTS. Aberchirder John Alexander, Jun. Keith William Longmore James Ogg Kintore John Annand

Alford , Andrew Wilson Laurencekirk.... John Watson Auchinblae Robert Crabb Longside Robert Cheves Banchory WilUam Sim Macduff Alexander Robertson Banff Robert Morison^ Methlic John Grant Bervie A. W. Henderson Montrose Robert Walker Buckie John Davidson New Deer ...John Middleton CuUen Alexander Sim Old Deer David Cruden Dufftown James Petrie Old Meldrum. ...James Manson Elgin Peter ChristaU Peterhead William Alexander EUon Thomas Milne, Jun. Portree Lawrence Skene Fraserburgh Alexander Watson Portsoy James Moir Huntly.... J. & J. Robertson Rhynie James Roger Insch Alex. Roger & Son Stonehaven James Scott Invergordon Roderick Hay Strichen John Stewart Inverury James Davidson Turriff James Grieve COMMERCIAL DIEECTORY. 15

The North of Scotland Banking Company draw upon Messrs. Barclay, Bevan, Tritton & Co.. Bankers, London; the Union Bank of London j the Manchester and Liverpool District Bank, Manchester, and Branches ; the Liverpool Union Bank; the Birmingham Banking Company, Birmingham, and Branches; Lambton & Co., Newcastle, Sunderland, North Shields, &c. ; the Yorkshire Bank- ing Company, Leeds, and Branches ; the West of England and South Wales Dis- trict Bank, Bristol, and Branches ; the Sheffield Union Banking Company; the

Commercial Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh, and Branches ; the National Bank of Scotland's Branches; the Union Bank of Scotland and Branches; the Clydesdale Banking Company and Branches; the City of Glasgow Bank and Branches; the

Caledonian Banking Company and Branches ; the Provincial Bank of Ireland, Dublin, and Branches; also upon the English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank, Sydney and Melbourne.

*** Negotiate Bills wherever there is a Bank,

' Bank of Scotland (Aberdeen)—1780.

Established ty Act of Parliament in 1695.

^gent—Arthur Thomson. Accountant—Alex. Sim. Teller—Thos. Willock,

Clerfcs—Gerald T. Baker, James E. Grant, and John Anderson.


New Town, Edinburgh. Charles Bruce, Agent.

Airdrie John Dalziel Hamilton Wm. Aikman Arbroath James Muir Inverness Donald Duff Ardrossan D. J. Mack Kelso * Auchtermuchty... Henry Walker ( t''I!'^'t.^=^^''"?" W. (. John P. S. Darling •Ayr C. Campbell Kilmarnock Adam Cowie Barrhead Arch. Brownlie Kirkcaldy A. G- Morgan * Blairgowrie....° -^^^l^" /|f^*''"'^'°^ Kirkcudbright i^' ¥' * (Robert Robertson ° (David ^I^^U^^^M'Lellan Callander A. M 'Donald Lauder Robert Romanes Castle Douglas. ...Andrew Milligan Lauriston, Glas-") J. Gourley, agent Coldstream J. Cunningham gow j Jn. Gibson, pp. agt. Cumnock f M. M'Kerrow Leith George B. M.Wyse ( H. Rose Moffat James M'MUlan Dumfries J. Johnston Montro.se Dundee i^^^ ^- Henley, agnt Paisley John Hutcheson \ n m. Moir, sub-agnt Walter ( Thorburn ; Dunfermline...... John Carr Peebles -^John Buchan, sub- ^°^ Dunse ( ( agent \B,.S^^^^l,^*^^*'F. Hardy Perth Robert Horn Falkirk St. Andrews... ^ Fraserburgh L.Chalmers ^(.G.^^^^n'^'^^^^^M'Grigor -(Wm. Rutherford Galashiels & Stirling Alex. Brodie (Alex. Rutherford Stonehaven James G. Soutar Gatehouse D. J. Ewart Strathavon Thomas Tennent (A. Neil son, man. West Linton,") Glasgow Arch.* t, Alexander,ai -^G. W . Hill, sub-man sub-branch to> (D. sub-agent M. Peebles, acct. Peebles ) Greenock Thomas Staik ( Todrick Haddington.... T. and ° (.James Gibson 16 COMMEECIAL DIEECTOEY.

The Bank of Scotland draws on the Bank of England and Branches ; Coutts

& Co., and Smith, Payne, and Smiths, London ; Manchester and Liverpool Dis- trict Bank and Branches ; Carlisle City and District Bank, Carlisle and Cocker- mouth; Preston Banking Company, Preston, Lancaster, Oimskirk, and South- port ; the Huddersfield Banking Company ; Samuel Smith & Co., Nottingham and Derby ; H. A. and W. M. Harris & Co., Old bank, Bradford ; the Bank of Ireland and Branches ; the Provincial Bank of Ireland and' Branches ; the Com- mercial Bank of Scotland's Branches, &c &c.; and negotiates bUls on all the principal towns in Scotland, England, and Ireland, and in foreign parts.

British Linen Company (Aberdeen)—1833.

Head Office , , Edinburgh,

(IncorporaUd by Royal (Jlmrter, 1746J Agent—John Manson. Teller—James Buyers. Accountant—Alexander Edward. Clerics—James Smith, William Thomas Grant, and George "Wallace. BEANCHES. Annan E. Irving I-ine Arbroath. J. A. Dickson {^^ire^^'^'^ Balfron M. Robertson Jedburgh J. Cumming Brechin D. D. Black Kelso..., J. & A. Robert

Carluke & Wis- ) y <-i-i i • i. Kingussie D. Macpherson J. Gilchrist haw j Kinross W. Wilson Castle-Douglas... James Moffat Kirriemuir W. Forrest & Son Coldstream W. Douglas Langholm.... A. & T. Stevenson Cupar Wm. Pagan & Son Leith J. Cundell Dumfries S. Adamson ^'^ Melrose ^ Dunbar John Kelly { c'ur'i?'^''''' Dundee ^°^ Moffat Thomas Reid {j°airis™'' Montrose James Beattie Dunfermline J. Landale Nairn Adam Davidson Dunse J. Wylie Newton-Stewart D. Stroyau Elgin E. & W. Brander North Berwick. ..James Dall & Son Forres Thomas Davidson Paisley John Peden

Fort-William J. Macgregor „ , C W. Stuart and P^^^^^s-1 L- Fowler 1 W.Blackwood Glasgow" If- (J. Gunn „ ,, ("John Cumming and ^®"^ Golspie ...... Donald Gray 1 Hunter Greenock T. O. Hunter Sanquhar W. O. M 'Queen Haddington John Ferme Selkirk John Lang Henderson, Thomas M'Caig Hamilton H' and Stranraer (b. Simpson Tain WiUiamson & Roes Hawick W, & G. Davidson Thornhill James Russell Inverness R. Davidson Wigton George C. Black

The British Linen Company draw on Smith, Payne, 'and Smiths, London ;

The Branches of the Bank of England ; Samuel Smith & Co., Nottingham ; Carlisle and Cumberland Bank; J. Backhouse & Co-, DarUngtoii, Durham, Sunderland; Bank of Ireland and Branches; Bank of Montreal and Agencies; Bank of Upper Canada, Toronto, and Agencies: Bank of Columbia, New Westminster & Victoria, Vancouver's Island; James G King's Sons, New York; the Principal Towns on the Continent of Europe, and Sydney, Melbourne and WiUiamstown, Australia. Also issue Drafts on Airdrie, Alloa, Ayr, Banff, Coupar-Angus, Dalkeith, Dingwall, Falkirk, Forfar, Galston, Galashiels, Girvan, Kilmarnock, Kirkcaldy, Kirkwall, Maybole, Oban, Stewarton, Stirling, Stornoway, Thurso, Troon. COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY. 17

Commercial Bank of Scotland.

Draws on JONES, LLOYD, & Co., and COUTTS & Co., London..

Head Office, Edinburgh.

Established in 1810, and Incorporated by Royal Charter.


Agent—George Milne, Accountant—A. Sutherland. Teller—John Balrd.

Clerics—Daniel Baxter and Patrick Paull.

BRANCHES. Alloa James Moir Glasgow W. Johnston & W.Paul Annan Simpson & Skelton Givvan W illiam M urray Anstruther Philip Oliphant Grangemouth J. S. Alackay

Arbroath Macdonald

Abington Alexander W. Paterson St. Clairton.. .Samuel Davidson Carnwath ...... Samuel Kello Comrie Archibald Ballantine Crail Peter Oliphant ^ -^^^^ ^§'^°*^ Eyemouth T. & J. Bowhill G'/aTgow } ^^^^^' P^*' Kincardine ...A C. Stephen Grass M kt. \ R. Stevenson, pro ma- Kilwinning ...Hugh King Edinburgh S nager Mauchline. J. Strathdee South Bridge, do., P". Robinson, p. man. Markinch .Alexander Gowan

The Commercial Bank of Scotland negotiates Bills on every place in Great Britain and Ireland where there is a Bank or Banker ; issue Drafts or Letters of Credit on the principal Cities and Towns of England and Ireland, and of Canada, on and New York, Paris, and Hamburgh ; issues Drafts and Letters of Credit, negotiates Bills on Australia, New Zealand. India, China, and Natal, and is agent for the following Establishments, viz, :— The North of Scotland Banking Co ; 2 ;;


Central Bank of Scotland; National Provincial Bank of England; Attwoods,

Spooner & Co., Bi'mingham Birmingham Banking Co. ; Bradford Banking Co.

District : Carlisle City and Bank Halifax Joint Stock Bank ; West Riding Union

Rank, Huddersfield; Hull Panking Co. : Warwick and Leamington Banking Co.

Leeds Banking Co. ; Leicestershire Banking Co.; Livei pool Commercial Banking

Co.; Manchester and Salford Bank ; ]Man(hester and Liverpool District Bank; Lambton & Co., Newcastle; J. & J. C. Wright & Co., Nottingham; Sheffield

Banking Co. ; York Union Bank ; Wakefield and Barnsley Union Bank; Preston Banking Co.. Preston; National Bank, Ireland; Northern Hanking Co.; De la

Touch & Co., Dublin ; Eoyal Bank of Ireland ; Boyle, Lovr, Pirn x: Co., Dublin; Hibernian Bank: Commercial Bank of Canada; James C. King's Sons, New

York; Rothschild Hrotheis, Paris; R. V. Swiiine & Co., Hambur^ih ; The Com-

mercial Banking Company of Sydney, New South Wales : The Union Bank of

Australia-; binny & Co., Madras : the Oriental Bank Corporation ; and the Natal Bank.

National Bank of Scotland.

(Incorporated hy Royal Cliarter.)

Ageivt—Alex. Chivas. Accountant—John Scott. Teller— Oliver Shirer.


Airdrie James Kidd Islay Ewer. Taylor Alloa D.M-Watt jGr- Rutheiford. Wm. J^^^^'Si^T„/iK,„.„i, Anstruther H. B. Macintosh t Maso„, Assistant Ayr G. GemmeU Kelso James Tait Ba»:ff T. Adam Kilmarnock Jan es \^ilson Pathgate John Johnston Kirkcaldy Henry Beveridge

Biggar .....Adam Fairman Kirkcudbright ...R. M . Gordon Burntisland Alexander Kidd Kirkintilloch Thomas Whitlaw Baikie, n ii T^ 1 (Jas. & W. H. Lidder- T" , ^^ (J. and < ^i^kwaU„ Castle-Douglas ,.., [r. EastoA Cupar-Ansus ....D. Clark & C. Boyd Kirriemuir G. B. Brand Cupar-Fife W. Drummond Largo A. tobertson Dalkeith .lames L. Henderson (R- Wallace and LangholmT 1 i™ T>. 11 (G. H. T'uncan, and iH.l.obie "'"S™" IJohn Mitchell Lei'h James Wwllace !>""'- "" Lochmaoen James V^att {ifrre"' . ,. , f D. Hill and ^o'^trose Dundee J. Henderson I G.C.Chalmers Dunfermline W. Beveridge Nairn J. D. Lamb East Linton James Whitelaw Kewton-Stewart Alexander Waugh

Elie, Fifeshire ...W. R. Ketchen Oban ... . A. Gregorson Falkirk Robert Adam Paisley P. Guilleaume Forfar James Young Pittenweem John Bowman Forres F. C. Mackenzie Perth D. L. Jolly Fort-Wii;iam ....D. S. M'Laren Portree Harry IM'Donald Galashiels W. Haldane Stirling J. Murrie Gu-van R. Smith Stornoway Hart J.Milln „, f H.Adair and Glasgow J. & Stranraer „ (Argyll Street Pranch) .1. Clark |wm. Wallace (St Rollox Branch) J. Paris „, (John Peaton and „ Str^ai'iess Grantown James s^tewart JAlex. R.bertson Greenock \. & J. Thomson Thurso J. W. Galloway- Hawick Thomas Purdom Whithorn G. C. Dinwoodle Inverary John M 'Arthur (Charles Stewart, and Inverkeithin g W. Fraser InvernessT J^-^^^ Taylor Rule BiU Collector COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY. 19

The National Bank of Scotland issue Drafts and negotiate Bills on every

place in Scotland, England, and Ireland, where there is a Bnnk or Banker ; draw on Glyn & Co. and Coutts & Co., London, and on the principal towns in Australia, ISew Zealand, British North America, United States, India, and China.

Koyal Bank of Scotland. Paid-up Capital, £2,000,000. Head Office Edinburgh. Incorporated hy Boyal OJiarter, 1727. Aberdeen in 1862. Agents—Messrs Smith & Cochran, Advocates. Accountant—Alexander M'Laggan,

Office— 152, Union Street. (Temporary—1, Huntly Street.) Draws on Bank of England and its Branches, Fank of Ireland and its Branches, and Coutts & Co., London. Governor—His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, K.G. Deputy Governor—Sir "William Gibson Craig of Riccarton, Bart, ORDINARY DIRECTORS. James Hozier James Hay James Robertson Donald Lindsay John Stirling Geo. Mitchell Innes John Duudas William Thos. Thomson Andrew R. Clark EXTRAORDINARY DIRECTORS.

Robert Sym "Wilson Sir Archibald Islay Campbell of Walter Duthie Succoth, Bart. James T. GibS'in Craig James M'Call ' William Wilson Sir Alexander C. Gibson Maitland The Right Hon. Sir John M'Neil, of Cliftonhall, Bart. G.C.B. John Graham Cashier—Laurence Robertson Secretary—James Wright. SvJb. Brancli—Hunter Square, Edinburgh, Wm. Morton, Agent.


Alyth William Yeaman Cupar Arthur Russel Arbioath Andrew Binny Dalkeith Richd. Paterson Ardrossan..,...... Jas. L. Bailey Dalmellington. Robert Guthrie [P. W. Kennedy, Doune R. Main Dist I Manager for Drymen Hugh M'Callum Ayrshire Dumfries Gordon & Whitelaw Ayton ....William Carter Dundee David Anderson ^^^^^ Bathgate ^^'^ Punse W. K. Hunter ° f^.^^^-bimpson (_ Ecclefechan Thomas Shankland Biggar , ...David Thomson £lgin -Murdoch & Forsyth Brechin (D'i^^^l ^'^t^^^'^'^ ^ Falkirk John Gair I Sons Forfar John Yeaman Campbelton Lauchlan M 'Intyre ^"^ faterson and Campsie .....James Galashiels ( ' Bishop C R. Stewart Catrine James M' Master Girvan fW. Brown jun,, & Coatbridge Thomas Torrance. \ J. M'Climont Cumnock Andrew White . ;


^Archibald Robert- Leven Andrew Wilkie _) son, Cashier and Lockerby David Ewart Glasgow. "' Agent. H. Cowan, Suh-Branch to J Lossiemouth f \Suh-CasMer. 'I Elgin— Al. Sim Do. (Canning") A. Waddel and J. ^^y^^^^ Street and Gal- Waddel iZ^iXZn'''' lowgate) J Meigle David Murray Do, (.Cowcaddens) Walter Denham Melrose Freer & Dunn

Do. (Argyle St.) Thos. Somervail Montrose Thomson

Cumberland Union Bank ; Huddersfield Banking Company ; Stuckey's Banking Company ; Aberdeen Town and County Bank ; Australian Joint-Stock Bank Bank of New South Wales. The Royal Bank of Scotland grants credits and negotiates Bills on the prin- cipal towns in Scotland, England, and Ireland, and in Australia.

City of Glasgow Bank (Aberdeen)—1844.

Incorporated under Act of Parliament,lS62.

Agents—John Cruickshank and John Morisou. Teller—James Stables.

(Jlerhs—Alexander S. Murray, Charles Leys, and Alexander Leslie.

BRANCHES. Airdrie Rankin

Greenlaw Allan Purves Paisley A. Pollock, jun. Greenock C. S. Caird Partick Gavin Paisley Haddington J. & R. Richardson Peterhead Robert Anderson .,, William Forrest, and Hamilton„ f PoUockshaws [ J c Forrest ft^e^a.i'^'""" Inverness JohnK. Greig Port-Glasgow ...David Inglis

Islay James Stein Port - William, )/-,„•„ ,, , }C- ^- ^^^^l^'^g^ Jedburgh G. Hilson jun. Wigtonshire Johnstone John Reid Rothes James Dean Kelso C. & W. Robson Kilbii nie John Alexander ICirkcalriy James Russell Rutherglen Donald Murray

„• , i-,1 1 (John Shearer, and Saltcoats James Campbell Kirkmtilloch | R.Murdoch St. Vincent Street } ^ T^ i James Brodie J^™^s ^^^^ Kirriemuir (Glasgow) J- _ , (David Stodact, and Stirling Chrystal & Macfarlane ^^^^^^ I T. L. Stornoway James M'Kenzie Lamlash, Arran James Begg Stranraer James Watson Largs James Lansi:, jun. Tranent James Richardson Larkhall Thomas Duncan Trongate (Glasgow) Wm. Robertson Lasbwade William Young Westend (Glasgow) A. G. Brown Lauder Thomas Broomfield West Calder Andrew Mungle Laurieston (Glasgow) W. R. Crombie West Kilbride ...Robert Gemmell ( Andrew Smith, and Whitburn Lesmahagow...T 1 ...Robert Gardiner | j^j^„ Hamilton Wick David Davidson Leven, Fifi^shire John Smith Wigtown James M'Laren Linlithgow... John Hardy Wishaw James ShirlaAV Lochwiunoch John Reid Henry Maitland, and Milnathort... J ISLE OF MAN. ( James Ross New Cumnock ...James Thomson (BANK OF MONA.) Newton Sewart{^^};'^^^hecm and Castletown James Gell Nuuton, Lochmaddy, Rd. M 'Donald Douglas John S. Jackson Oban iH^e^'t ^^^"^^7' ^"'1 Peel R.J Moore ( James JNichol Ramsey Joseph Mawby

In addition to the above, the City of Glasgow Bank draws on the London

Joint-Stock Bank, London ; negotiates bills in everyplace in Great Britain and

Ireland where there is a Bank or Banker ; and issues Letters of Ci'edit on the principal towns of Scotland, England, Ireland, Canada and Australia.

National Security Savings' Bank of Aberdeen— 1845.

Office Exchange Street. TRUSTEES AND MANAGERS. The Lord Provost The Member of Parliament for tha The Eldest Baillie City The Dean of Guild The Member of Parliament for the The Convener of the Trades County The Minister of the West Parish The Sheriff The President of the Society of Advo- The Sheriff-Substitute at Aberdeen cates The Convener of the County The Treasurer of the Society of Advo- The President of the Mechanics' In- cates stitution The President of the Shipmasters' The Secretary of the Mechanics' In- Society stitution

The above are Managers ex officiis. 22 COMMEllCIAL DIRECTORY.

John Angus, Advocate. John D. Milne, Advocate Newell Burnett, Advocate David McHardy, Ironmonger Robert Catto, jun., Merchant *James Murray, Advocate James Chalmers, Printer Charles Playfair, Gunmaker *Ales. Chivas, Banker James Rettie, Jeweller Francis James Cochran of Balfour Simpson Shepherd, Merchant John Fraser, Bootmaker John Smith, Advocate *James Garden, Advocate Keil Smith, Jun., Merchant Andrew Crane, late Shipmaster Alex. Stronach of Drumallan *Wm. Henderson, M.D. *Arthur Thomson, Banker *George Henry, Merchant George Thomson, Merchant *James Horn, of Pitmedden. Robert Watson, Builder *Alex. Jopp, Advocate John Watt, Advocate John Leslie, Manufacturer John Webster, Advocate Wm. Lumsden, Merchant James Westland, Banker *James B. M'Combie, Advocate John Whyte, Merchant

Utose marJced thus (*) are Trustees

Treasurer—David Wyllie, Cafihier of the Union Bank.

Actuary and CasMer—Alexander Ross, Advocate.

.4ccoimtcmf—Thomas Riddell.


The Scottish Provincial Assurance Company.

Established 1825—Incorporated by Act of Parliament.

CAPITAL, £1,000,000.

Head Office : 93, Union Street, Aberdeen.

GcBernor—The Right Hon. Lord Forbes. ORDINARY DIRECTORS.

Chairman—Alexander Stronach, Esq. of Drumallan.

A, Buruess, Esq. of Mastrick Wm. Litt'ejohn, Esq., Banker James Chalmers, Esq., Printer James Crombie, Esq., Manufacturer Alex. Fraser, Esq., City Chamberlain John Smith, Esq., Advocate

Physician—Dr Dyce.

Law Agent—Jdh-Q. Webster, Esq., Advocate.

Bankers—Ttid Aberdeen Town and County Bank. COMMERCIAL DIRECTOEY. 23

Office in Edinburgh 65, Princes Street Office in Glasgow Ill, St. Vincent Street Office in Perth 79, High Street Office in London 20, Cannon Street, City- Office in Dublin 34, B College Green Office in Montreal Place d'Armes

Manager-CHARh-ES F. GRIFFITH. Secretary—ALEX. STABLES. Jun.

N B.—This Company has agents in almost every Town in Scotland, and in the principal towns in England, Ireland, and Canada,

The Northern Assurance Company.

Established 1836 - Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1848. HEAD OFFICE.


Edinburgh 20, St Andrew Square I Glasgow 19, St Vincent Place

Loudon 1, Moorgate Street | Dundee .16, St Andrew's Place GENERAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS AT ABERDEEN.

C?iairman—John Cruickshank, Esq., LL .D ., late Professor of Mathematics in Marischal College. "William Adam, advocate William Leslie, architect Alexander Chivas, banker Benjamin Moir, merchant Robert Fletcher, accountant John Yeats, advocate Medical Officer—Wm^ Leslie, Esq., Surgeon. Auditor—James A. Sinclair, Esq., Accountant.

Ranfcers — The Union Bank of Scotland ; the Aberdeen Town and County Bank ; the North of Scotland Bank. Manager—WILLIAM CHALMERS.

Secretary—B.. AMBROSE SMITH.

The Northern Assurance Company has agents in every town of consequence in Scotland, England, and Ireland, the Continent of Europe, the Colonies, and most other countries abroad.

Standard Life Assurance Company.

Head Office— 3, George Street, Edinburgh. ABERDEEN BRANCH. DIRECTORS.

James Brebner, Advocate I Professor Thomson, University, James Horn of Pitmedden Aberdeen Duncan Forbes, 253, Union Street D. Wyllie, Cashier, Union Bank of Scotland Agen,ts and Secretaries to Local Roard—Messrs Smith & Cochran, advocates. Office—1, Huntly Street. 24 COMMEECIAL DIRECTORY.

Aberdeen Mutual Assurance and Friendly^Society.

Established 1831, and Enrolled Pursuant to Act of Parliament. ORDINARY DIRECTORS.

President—Donald M'Taggart, Commission Agent Vice-President— John Bulloch, brassfounder John Robb plumber Robert Fenton, bookbinder Alexander Birnie, masou James M. Smith, shoemaker James Thomson, wright James Selbie, mason James Outhie, stonecutter Malcolm Ferguson, mason James Peterkin, wright William Paterson, wright Alexander Robertson, plumber Aiiditors — Archibald Watson, George MUne, and John Eddie Medical Referees -William Phrie, M.D., F.R.S.E., and Wm. Pirrie, jun., M.D. Treasurer—John Bulloch, Brassfounder. Actuary and Secretary—John Crombie, Accountant. Bankers—The Bank of Scotland.

Aberdeen Operative Mutual Assurance Society. ESTABLISHED 1836.

Patron— A. D, Fordyce of Brucklay President — James Craigen. Vice-President—Alexander Reid. Treasurer—John Duncan. Secretary— George Rennie Medical Officer—F. Ogston, M.D. Auditors—James Murray, Donald Cattanach.


Aberdeen Steam ITavigation Company. DIRECTORS NAMES. John Stewart William Mitchell John CargUl David ijtewart Joseph Rowell John M'Laren John Ligertwood D. McHardy Alex. Eddie STEAM SHIPS. Tons H P. City of London (Iron) 1116 420 William Campbell, jun. Gambia (Iron) 517 80 Wil iam CargiU Stanley (Iron) 522 110 Thomas HowUng ABERDEEN AND LONDON TRADE. One of the above-named Ste^im-ships leaves Aberdeen and London (weather permitting) every Wednesday and Saturday. ./Igient—Charles Shepherd, Aberdeen Steam Wharf, 257, Wapping, London. Jlia?iager— John Smith, Waterloo Quay, Aberdeen. COMMERCIAL DIEECTOEY. 25

Aberdeen, Leith, and. Clyde Shipping Company.

DIRECTOES. A. Burness John Sutherland George Jamieson John Webster S. Shepherd B. Moir William Yeata

Edinburgh and Aberdeen Passage.

From Aberdeen every Tuesday and Friday night, and from Granton Pier, Edinburgh, every Tuesday and Friday morning.

Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Caithness, Orlcney, and Shetland Passage. From Edinburgh, every Friday morning, and Aberdeen the same afternoon, for Wick, Kirkwall, and Lerwick, carrying H.M.'s Mails.

From Granton Pier, Edinburgh, every Tuesday morning, and Aberdeen the same afternoon for Wick and Thurso.

Returning as follows : —From Lerwick on Monday evening, from Kirkwall 'on Tuesday morning, from Thurso on Friday morning, and from Wick every Tuesday and Friday forenoon, for Aberdeen and Granton Pier^ Edinburgh. AGENTS.

Edinburgh, Leith, and Granton—George Mathieson Wick James Crawford Kirkwall William Flett ]

Thurso David & Hugh Sinclair | Lerwick Robertson & Merrylees

Manager—John Milne, 62, Marischal Street, Aberdeen.

Aberdeen, Moray Pirth, Invergordonj and Inverness.

The Steam-ship "Times," Captain Anderson, leaves Aberdeen every Friday afternoon for the Moray Firth and Inverness, calling at the intermediate Ports, and arrives at Inverness every Saturday afternoon. Returns to Aberdeen every Tuesday evening, thence direct to Edinburgh.

Agents—James Falconer, 42, Marischal Street, Aberdeen ; J. Falconer & Co., Edinburgh.

Aberdeen and I^ewcastle Steam Navigation Co. DIRECTORS.

John Ligertwood Alexander Eddie George Yule William Connon | William Keith jun. j J. B. Adam James Marsh Robert Davidson 2'6 COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY.

The Steam-ship "Victoria," 279 tons, 110 horse power, J. Urquhart, com- mander, sails from Aberdeen every Wednesday, and from Newcastle every Saturday.

Managers—J. B. Adam & Co., 57, Marischal Street, Aberdeen. ^^rent—Robert Story, Fenwicli's Entry, Quayside, Newcastle.

Aberdeen & Hull Steam TTavigation Co. (Limited.) DIRECTORS.

John T. Rennie 1 Charles M'Gregor I Robert Abernethy

James Milne, Kinaldie | I'avid .VT 'Donald \ Joseph Wood George Jamieson

The Iron Screw Steamer " Aberdeenshire," 270 Tons, 50 Horse Power, James Linklater, Commander, sails from Aberdeen every Tuesday, and HuU every Friday.

Manager—Joseph Wood, 43, Marishal Street

J.gent— William Dyson, jun., 23, Humber Dock Walls, Hull

Aberdeen and !N"ewcastle Trade.

"Scottish Maid," Greig, saUs from Aberdeen and Newcastle every Saturday.

Managers— George Leslie & Co.

Agent—John Ochiltree, Quayside, Newcastle.

Aberdeen, Tyne, and Hamburg Steam Navigation Company.

(Limited.) DIRECTORS.

George Thompson, jun. I Henry Adamson James Abernethy William Hall John T. Renuie James Williamson Joseph Wood |

The " Pharos," 160 horse power, Andrew Linklater, commander, sails from Aberdeen for Newcastle every Wednesday, and from Newcastle every Friday.

Mayiager—Joseph Wood, 43, Marischal Street.

Agents—J. Mould & Co., Broad Chare, Newcastle. COMMEECIAL DIEECTORY.

Scottisli Horth-Eastern Bailway Company.

Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1856.


Chairman— John Stirling of Kippendavie. Depitty-C^iairman—Alexan ler Miller of Ashford, Middlesex.

George Birnie of Johnston Alex. Nicol merchant, Aberdeen Lieut. -Col. N T. Christie, Aberdeen George Reith. Aberdeen

Andrew Davidson of Percy George ! hompson, jun., merchant, Alex. C Matthew, Aberdeen Aberdeen

£aio Agents—John Webster, advocate, Aberdeen ; and Christopher Kerr, writer, Dundee.

Auditors—George Marquis, accountant Aberdeen; and James Morison, accouutant, Perth.

Traffic Manacjer—William Esplin . Secretary—Irvine Kempt

" Aberdeen" Capital Stoclc.

Ordinary Stock -£830, 000, in 16,600 shares of £50 each. Additional Capital.. .£276,666 13s 4d, in 33,200 shares of £8 6s 8d each. Additional Capital—£150,000, in 30,000 shares of £5 each. Additional Capital~£73,174 13s 7d, Do. do. £63,650 19s M.

" ScoUisJi Midland " Capital Stoclc.

Ordinary Stock -£600,000, in 24,000 shares of £25 each.

" Scottish North Eastern " Ca'pital Stoclc.

4i per cent. Preference Stock—£350,000.

G-reat North of Scotland Railway Company.

Incorporated hy Act of Parliament, 1846.


Chairman—Sir J. D. H. Elphinstone of Horn and Logie-Elphinstone, Bart., M.P. Deputy- Chairman—John Stewart, Esq. of Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen.

George Elmsly of Woodside, Aberdeen Alexander Jopp, Aberdeen Peter Brown of Dunkinty, Elgin. Joseph Rowell, Iron Merchant, Aber- Newell Burnett of Kyllache, Aberdeen deen James Crombie, Grandholm Mills Geoi-ge Thomson, EUingham House, Lieu -Col, Knight Erskine of Pittodrie Cheltenham

Solicitors—Messrs Adam and Anderson, Aberdeen.

Auditors—R. Fletcher and J. A. Sinclair. —


Engineer—Ales.. Gibb, C.E., Aberdeen. Traffic Manager—William Walker. Secretary and General Manager—'Robert Milne, C.E.

Caxiital StocTc. Ordinary Stock £276,860 Preference do., 291,090 " " New 4.^ per cent. Preference Shares, 482,050 " New" 43 per cent. Preference Shares, B, 360,000

Deeside Railway Company.

Incorporated hy Act of Parliament, 1846. CAPITAL

Deeside Railway Act, 1852, in 10, 625 shares of £10 each. ... £106,251 Deeside Railway Extension Act, 1857, in 8,000 shares of £10 each, 80,000

Total Capital, £186,250

DIRECTORS. Cliairman—John Duncan, Advocate. Vice-Oliairman—Patrick Davidson, of Inchmarlo.

Alexander B . Whyte, Merchant Andrew Robertson, Her Majesty's William Henderson, Architect Commissioner, Balmoral P. L. Gordon of Craigmyle Thomas Ruxton, Advocate Francis Aberdein of Keithock

Auditors—J. A. Sinclair, and George Marqnis. Secretary and General Manager—W. B. Ferguson.


Foreign Consuls, &c.

Belgium William S. Thom, 12, Commerce Street Denmark •1 France Netherlands Arthur Thomson, Bank of Scotland I Prussia Court, 35, Castle Street Russia Spain Sweden and Norway Hamburgh Hanover Hans Town M ecklenburg-S chwerin John F. White, 107, King Street. United States

Surveyor of Shipping for Lloycts—William Wallis, 13, Regent Quay Lloyds' Agent—James Aiken, jun., Marischal Street. Government Emigration Agent—J. T.Rennie, Marischal Street ;


Mercantile Marine Board.

. Office—28, Regent Quay. Chairman, ex ojicws—The Lord Provost.

Elected hy Board of Trade. W. Hogarth, Duncan Forbes, John Cargill, and Captain James Marsh. Elected hy the Shipowners. Henry Adamson, Alexander Nicol, Benjamin Moir, Robert Catto, Wm. Rose, and John Cook. Swperintendent, Registrar Royal Naval Reserve, and Examiner in Seamanship— Lieut. George Brock, R.N.R. Deputy do. do., and Secretary to the Board—James F. Kellas. Examiner in Navigation—Robert A. Gray, A.M.

Merchant Seamens' Fwnd Office. Seamans' Savings Bank Office.

Royal Naval Reserve Office. Sihipwright Surveyor—William Hall. Engineer Swrveyor and Examiner in Steam,—Andrew Leckie.

Aberdeen Corn Exchange Company. DIRECTORS. Chairman—*James Horn. Treasurer—*John "Webster. Secretary—*Robert Kemp. John F. White James Stoddart Wm. Keith *Wm. Webster James Barron *Alex. Walker Wm. Knox Al. Campbell SOvester Campbell Those marked * form the Committee of Management.

Aberdeen Stock Exchange. MEMBERS. Wm. Adamson William Gordon Lauchlan M'Kinnon, jr. James Black James George Malcolm M. Oswald William Duncan Robt. B. Home John T Rennie John Ferguson' Robert Fletcher Alex. Stephen Committee—William Gordon, Chairman; William Adamson, Robert Fletcher, John Ferguson; and James George, Secretary.

Aberdeen Lime Company. Provost Blaikie's Quay. Svb-Committee—Alexander Nicol, Henry Adamson, R, Williamson, Bendaach;

Thomas Ruxton, James Stoddart, Airyburn ; Thomas Wishart, Cairntradlin John Craighead," Junior, Tarbothi'.l Managers—Murray and M orison. 3 30 COMMERCIAL DIEECTOEY.

Aberdeen Commercial Company. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. George Thompson, Jun., Esq. of Pit- John Smith, Esq., advocate medden James Hay Chalmers, Esq., advocate Alexander Jopp.. Esq., advocate George Milne, Esq. of Kinaldie Alexander Davidson, Esq. of Desswood James Horn, Esq. of PitmeddeE. Manager—William Black. Secretary—Alex. Copland.

Aberdeen Market Company.

Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1839.

CAPITAL—£50,000. Chairman—James Murray. DIRECTORS. Alex. Chivas. Alex. Abercrombie D. R. Morice David Gill W. J. Lumsden Charles Ruxton James 0. Haigh Lambert Barron Rev. W. R. Pirie, D.D. Dr James Will Neil t^mith, Jun. James LittleJohn William Yeats Thomas Sangster Malcolm M'Kenzie James Murray George Collie Wm. Melville, Jun. James Sim Thomas Melville Wm. Williamson.

Agents—Adam and Anderson, advocates.

Superintendent— James Morisan. Architect Williant. Smith.

The Northern Agrienltnral Company.

30, Waterloo Quay. DIRECTORS. Alex. Anderson, advocate, Aberdeen Walter Scott, Glendronach,HuntIy *James of Stockethill, *James Bisset, bank agent, Insch . Sim Aberdeen Robert Brown, Bankhead, Midmar Robert Simpson of Cobairdy, Huntly Robert Copeland, Silvermoss, Methlic *Alex. Stronach of Drumallan, Abdn. *Anthony Cruickshank, Sittyton Alexander B. White, merchant, Aber- Alexander Eraser, advocate, Abdn. deen John Garland, Cairnton, Laurencekirk Alexander Ross Walker, Wester Fin- Alexander Gibb, C E., Aberdeen tray John Humphrey, of Pitmedden George Yeats, merchant, Aberdeen Patrick Poison, Old Aberdeen Thomes Tait, Inverury Mills David Eraser of Dairncleugh, Aberdeen William MUne, Tillycaim, Cluny l^aillie John Eraser, Aberdeen James Strachan, Wester Fowlis, Leo- James Gordon, M.D., Old Aberdeen chiel

Those marked * are the Sub-Committee* Manager—Alexander Anderson. COMMERCIAL DIRECTOEY. 31

Gas Light Company of Aberdeen. DIRECTORS AND COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. Chairman—John Webster. William Adam Alexander Jopp James F. Beattie John Sutherland Newell Burnett James Sim James Giles John Webster Manager and Secretary—George Gordon. Superintendent—Jas. Leslie. Assistant Superintendent—James Chalmers. Collectors—James Crane, John B. Simpson, and John C. Abell. Booh'lceeper—Robert Collie. Cler?e - George C. Robb. Inspector of Meters—'Jaraes Jolly.

The Aberdeen Music Hall Company (Limited). DIRECTORS. Chairman—John Webster, Robert Abernetliy Oeorge Jamieson

G. B. Bothwell , William Leshe George Brown Alex. Pirie, Jun. Newell Burnett Hardy Robinson Robert Catto Arthur Thomson Alex. Davidson ©f Desswood G. Thompson, Jun. William Henderson, architect Alex. B. Whyte Auditors—Messrs H. A. Smith and John Crombie. Secretaries and Law Agents—Messrs Kennedy & Eraser, advocates, Aberdeen,

Galena Investment Company. DIRECTORS. Chairman—

James Murray I John Keith William M'Kinnon Al. | C. Matthew Cashier and Agent in Aberdeen—Alexander Stronach, advocate, King Street.

Michigan Investment Company.

Established 1839. DIRECTORS. John Webster Wm. M'Combie A. C. Matthew Charles F. Griffith John Keith George Jamieson John Smith Wm. Mitchell

Cashiers and Agents—Murray and M'Combie, advocates, Union Street. —


S^i:ti0n IV. W^Qnl ^tudorg.

Society of Advocates.

Incorporated by Royal Charters—1774, 1799.

President—Alex. Fraser. Treasurer—Alex. Jopp. ^

1807 1825 1834

C. Winchester n *tN. Burnett n John Yeats *tJAlex. Jopp n T. J. Bremner 1812 Wm. Garrow Thomas Ewen Alexander Torrie Lambert Barron to. Chalmers n 1826 Alex. Copland 1836 *Wm. Koss n 1816 John Humphrey 1827 George Grant John Cadenhead David Reith

James Simpson tA . Anderson n Wm. Adam, jun. George Wilson 1828 1836 1817 JGeorge Grub Alex. Daniel n William Yeats n Alex. Gibbon tJames Brebner n John Stuart ti t James Murray n William Smith n 1829 1837

1818 Al. Macdonaldn David Mitchell *tFrancis Edmond n C. G. Grainger W. Adam n *%D, R. Morice n tAlex. Stronach n 1830 1838 1819 Alex. Harvey Alex. Henderson *tJohn Smith n Colin A. Philip John Anderson n 1839 1820 Jas. Williamson 1831 tRobert Smith n G. Johnston n fAlex. Davidson Francis Clerihew Alexander Ross 1821 tAndrevv Murray n *tF. J. Cochran 1840 John Fleming n J. B. M'Combie n Alex. Chivas n Pat. Davidson n William Hunter tJJames Edmond n William Irvine Alex. Flockhart James Geddes John Ligertwood 1822 John Webster 1.S41 *tJohn Angus n 1832 , Alex. Duthie n James Collie n 1823 Marianus Massie John Coutts Charles Thomson Wm. F. Ogg James Bussell n *t John Clark n *ttA. Fraser u 1842. 1833 1824 James Garden *Thos. Primrose fLauchlan M'Kinnou *tJohn Duncan n *L. M' Kinnon, sen. jun. n LEGAL DIRECTORY. 33

1843 1851 Lessel Stephen George Collie John "Watt James Paull tU S.F. Spottiswood John Davidson 1857 Robert Adam n 1844 T. A. W. A. Youngson 1852 §Alex. Stronach, jun George Allan tJohn D. Milne tJohn Robertson 1858 William Speid 1853 §Alex. E. Smith 1845 §Alex. Edmond n William Paul John Muill James Bryce WiUiam Moir 1859 1846 1854 John S. Henderson George Walker J. H. Chalmers William Anderson JNorval Clyne Charles Duncan n John G. Dawson R. Ligertwood n 1847 John Reid 1860

* Patrick Cooper n 1855 Alexander Yeats "iW. L. Keid n Lewis Chalmers Peter Duguid 1861 G. C. Fraser 1848 Thomas Mackenzie C. B. Davidson Charles F. Runcy C. D. Bonnyman *A1. Simpson, sen. D. H. Kennedy W, C. Hunter Al. Simpson, jun. John Duncan, jun. *Geo. Cadenhead 1862 Thomas Ruxton 1856 Jas. Forbes Lumsden 1849 John Thompson Alex. Cochran J. Watt, jun. n John Ferguson William Uunn *D. G. Cattanach *Andrew Jopp u Lecturer on Scots Law and Conveyancing, and Librarian—George Grub. Factor and Secretary—John Clark. Q^cer — Thomas Wood. * Funds Committee. t I^ands do^ J Examinators do. § Agents for Poor. Those having n attached to their names are Notaries Public.

Circuit Court of Justiciary. The Circuit Court of Justiciary, for the counties of Aberdeen, Banff, and Kincardine, meets at Aberdeen twice a-year, in the months of April and Septem- ber, for the trial of criminal cases, by one or two of the Lords. Appeals in certain civil cases from the inferior courts are also heard by this court.

Sheriff Court. S/ieri^—Archibald Davidson, advocate. Sheriff-Substitutes—Wm. Watson, W.S., J. Angus, and Alex. Fraser, a-Ivocates, Sheriff-Substitute at Peterhead—James Skelton, W.S. Sherifi-Clerk—John Ligertwood. Clerlcs-Bepute—J. G. Leslie, and Wm. Daniel. Cleric-Depute at Peterhead—R. Maitland. Procurator-Fiscal—Alex. Simpson, jun., advocate. Assistants—Alex. He iderson, advocate, and George Cadenhead, advocate. ' Auditor—J. G. Leslie. Bar Officer—Robert Shaw. Court days at Aberdeen -Wednesday and Friday at 10 o'clock, a m., during the Sessions; and at Peterhead, on Tuesday and Thursday. 34 LEGAL DIRECTORY.

Commissary Court.

Commissary Archibald Davidson. Commissaries-Depute Wra. Watson and John Angus, Commissary Cleric James Hay Chalmers. Commissary Clerlc-Bepute Charles Warrack.

Procwrator-f-iscal ; Alex. Simpson, jun.

Sheriff Small Debt and Circuit Court.

The ordinary Small Debt Court at Aberdeen, is held on Thm'sday, at 10 o'clock, A.M., weekly, during Sessions of the Court, and once or twice during vacation. Clerh Depute—John G. Leslie.

The Circuit Small Debt Courts are held at Tarlaud, Inverury, Huntly, Tur- riff, Old Deer, and Fraserburgh, once every three months.

J. Fkene, Tarland James Nicol, Turriff G. Taylor, Inverury David Cruden, Old Deer "W. Murdoch, Huntly Eobt, Anderson, iYaserburgh

Aretha persons who respectively issue Summonses, &c,, to be brought in these

Courts ; and a Clerk from Aberdeen officiates at these Courts.

Burgh or Baillie Court.

Lord Provost—Alexander Anderson.


John Urquhart I Wm. Paterson Robert Watson Wm, A damson. | Clerk—Town-Clerk Depute. Legal Assessor—James Simpson, Advocate. Procurator-Fiscal—George Cadenhead. Queers of CouH—Town Sergeants.

The Court Day is Saturday, at 11 o'clock, a.m., during the same Sessions as the Sheriff Court.

Justice of Peace Court.

The Quarter Sessions are held on the first Tuesday of the months of March, May, August, and last Tuesday of October. Special Sessions are occasionally held.

Clerk—James A, Sinclair. CZcrfc-Depute—John G. Leslie.

Procurator-Fiscal—J. D. Milne. LEGAL DIRECTORY. 35

Justice of Peace Small Debt Court.

The Aberdeen District Court sits every Fortnight, on Monday, at 11 o'clock, a.m. for the trial of Small Debt Cases under £5, by 6 Geo. IV., c. 48. Judges—Any two Justices of Peace. Cleric— J. A. Sinclair, Clerh-Bepute—J. G. Leslie. DISTRICT AND DEPUTE CLERKS. Aberdeen. John G. Leslie Kincardine Alford H. M'Connach, Forbes Peterliead Robert Maitland James Smith, Ballater Rathan and Fra-") J. Dunlop, Fraser- Deer D. Cruden, Old Deer serburgh, j burgli Ellon John Rae Huutly W. Taylor Garioch John Shand, Pitcaple Turiiif James NicoU Holidays.—"New Year's Day, the Queen's Birthday, and Christmas Day are kept as Holidays at the Sheriff Clerks, Commissary Clerks, and Justice of Peace Clerk's Offices.

Police Court.

Judge—The Sitting Magistrate. Procurator-Fiscal—George Cadenhead. Cleric—Town-Clerk Depute.

All the Courts, except the Baillie and Police Courts, meet in the New Court House, Castle Street. The Sheriff Commissary, Justice of Peace, and Small Debt Clerk's Offices are in the Record Hall, 27, King Street. Houi s of Attendance—from 10 o'clock, a.m., to 4, p.m. Saturdays—10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Commutation Road Trustees.

General Cleric —Newell Burnett, Aberdeen. DISTRICTS AND DISTRICT CLERKS. 1—Deer David Cruden, Old Deer 2—Ellon Alexander Ross, advocate, Aberdeen 3—Garioch... A, S. M'Lean, Inverury 4—Kincardine O'Neil James Ogg, bank agent, Aboyne 5—Turriff John Rose 6—Aberdeen R. Smith, advocate, Aberdeen 7— Alford Hugh M'Connach, schoolmaster, Alford 8 — Huntly Alexander Stewart, writer 9—Town of Aberdeen James Simpson, advocate, Aberdeen


James Johnston, Aberdeen Joseph Nicol, Kincardine O'Neil Robert Shaw, do. Adam Gray, Peterhead John Moir, do. James Hutchison do. Alexander Leslie, do. Grant Imlay, do. James M'Kinnon, Huntly J. D. M'Nee, Turriff 36 MEDICAL DIRECTORY.

Sheriff Officers. Charles Dawson, Aberdeen James Addie, Strichen George Lyell, do. John Brown, do. James Johnston, do. John Thom, New Deer Kobert Webster^ do, J.D. M 'Kee, Turriff John Moir, do. John George, do. Alexander Leslie, do. George Webster, Old Meldrum Kobert Turnbull, do^ William Mitchell, Whitehouse John Hendry, do. John Law, Lumsden Village, Auchin- Andrew Milne, Foveran doir William Eue, Cruden James M'Kinnon Huntly Adam Gray, Peterhead W Kennedy, Iiisch Jas. Hutchison, do. George Robertson, Inverury Robert Adam, do. John Dawson. do. Grant Imlah, do. Joseph Nicol, Kincardine O'Meil John Leslie, do. Joseph Nicol, jun do. George Cockburn, Longside Peter Cran, Ballater John Thom, do. William Imray, Banchory Ternan Alex Thompson, do. Alex. Davidson, Thomas Robertson, Fraserburgh Wm. Skene, Tarland John Dunlop. do. Joseph Jenkins, Banff William Eushmore, Fraserburgh John Morrison, do. George Taylor, Keith Kobert Cormack, Fyvie William Dalziel, Strichen Hector Angus, Ellon

'Action V. —gtebkal ginctarn.

Royal Infirmary—(1740). PHYSICIANS. Consulting Physician—Robert Dyce, M D. Alex. Kilgour, M.D. Alexander Harvey, M.D. | Wm. Williamson, M.D. George Carr, M.D. | Resident Physicians' Assistant—Robert Walker. SURGEONS. William Keith, M.D. David Kerr, M.D. I William Pii-rie, M.D, David Fiddes, M.D. I Opthalmic Surgeon—J. R. Wolfe, M.D. Dental Surgeon~W. WiUiamson (R.C.S.E.) Resident Surgeons' Assistant—Alexander Collie. Resident Siiperintendent Apothecary—Robert Rattray, M.D. Chaplain—Rev, John Massie. Treasurer and Cleric—William Carnie. Auditor—Andrew Masson, accountant. Matron—Mrs. J. Smith. JLectwrer on Clinical Medicine—Alex. Kilgour, M.D, Lectxcrer on Clinical Surgery—William Keith, M.D. Lecturer on Pathology and Curator 0/ Museum—Robert Beveridge, M.D. Porter—George Selbie. MEDICAL DIRECTOEY. 37

Boyal Lunatic Asylum— (1800). KESIDENT OFFICIALS. Physician and Superintendent— 'Robert Jamieson, M.D. Medical Assistant—H. M. Fraseii*. Do. at ElmTiill House—James Murray, M.B. House Steivard—Edward Savage. Matron—Miss Elrick. Ladies' Superintendent at Elmhill House—Mrs Butters. House-Tceeper at Do.—Miss E. Johnston. NON-RESIDENT OFFICIALS. Consulting Physician—Dr Macrobin. Chaplain—Rev. John Massie. Treasurer and Clerk—Wm, Carnie.

Medico- Chirurgical Society.

President— George Angus. Secretary—George Carr, M.D. Curator of Museum—R. Smith, surgeon. Librarian—Wm. Fraser, surgeon4 Treasurer—Francis Edmond, advocate.

General Dispensary, Lying-in, and Vaccine Institution— (1823).

Crown Court, 36, Tlpperhirlcgate.

For supplying Advice and Medicine to the sick poor, and to such as are unfit patients for the Infirmary, at their own houses. Supported by voluntary contri- bution. President—The Lord Provost. Vice-Presidents—Dr Moir and George Henry. Secretary—John Watt. Treasu/rer—Alexander Anderson. MEDICAL ATTENDANTS. Robert Smith, surgeon John Paterson, surgeon James H. Forsyth, M.D. George Sutherland, physician and William Fraser, surgeon surgeon

Vaccination by the Medical Officers of the Institution. Apothecary—John Urquhart. Collector and Attendant—John Middleton.

Patients admitted every morning at half-past 9 o'clock ; Medicines dispensed every afternoon at half-past 3 o'clock ; and Vaccination performed every Wednes- day at Three o'clock.

Optlialmic Institution, for Diseases of the Eye.

Croiin Court, 36, UpperTcirlcgate.

Under the Patronage of the Right Hon. the Earl of Aberdeen, the Convener of the County, and the Hon. the County Club. Surgeon—Dr Wolfe. Attendance, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 2.30, p.m. —


S^dioit VI. ^tclmn$tunl Mxxniotvf.


NAMES. WHERE SITUATED. MINISTERS. RESIDENCES. East Parish Union Street Colin M'Culloch 10, Albyn Place Principal Beadle— Alexander Scatterty West Parish Union Street James Forsyth, D.D. 19, Rubislaw Ter. Principal Beadle—John Gray, Grammar School, Skene Street West North Parish King Street John Wilson 33, Union Place Principal Beadle—George Milne, 87, Queen Street South Parish Helmont Street Thomas Dewar 4, Mackie Place Principal Beadle— i'homas Wood, Advocates' Buildings Greyfriars' Parish.... Hroad Street Joseph Henderson, 17, Victoria St. West Principal Beadle— ^ illiam Chisholm, 53. Longacre St. Clement's Parish St. Clement Street.. .J. '^.Hepburn 125, Crown Street Principal Beadle—James Ewing, 20, Prince Regent Street John Knox Mounthooly Charles Skene 4, Summer Street Principal Beadle—Hugh Stewart, 6, Causewayend

Gilcomston . Summer Street David Milne 5, Carden Place Holburn Wellington Place ...John Milne 51, Chapel Street Principal Beadle—Peter Johnston, 59, Huntly Street

FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. NAMES. WHERE SITUATED. MINISTERS. RESIDENCES. East Belmont Street J. C. M'Phail 9, Carden Place Principal Beadle— Joseph Lawrence, 86, John Street West .....Belmont street A. D. Davidson, D.D. 126, Crown Street Principal Beadle—Alexander Barnett,31, Upperkiikgate South Belmont Street John Adam 27, Bon-Accord Ter. Principal Beadle— William Donald, 36, Union Terrace North WestNorfh street. ..George Campbell 93, Queen Street Principal Beadle— James Adams, 2, Kagg's Lane Melville Correction Wynd ...William Primrose ...19, N. Silver Street Principal Beadle -James Henry, 19, Queen Street Gaelic Gaelic Lane Principal Beadle — Eobert Mackay, 6, Black's Buildings Bon-Accord Union Terrare Charles Boss 20, Union Terrace Principal Beadle—David Edward, 3, Denburn Trinity Crown Street David Simpson 6, Carden Place Principal Beadle—Alexander Le.mie, 12|. Kidd Lane Greyfriars George street ....John Thompson 90, King Street Principal Beadle— Francis Russell, 5. Jopp's Court, Broad Street Gilcomston Huntly Street W. M'Gilvray, U.D 9, N. Silver Street Principal Beadle—William Garden, 26, Short Leanings Union Shiprow ...Alex. Banuatyne ....26, Mount Street Principal Beadle—John Sim, 23, Frederick Street St. Clement's Lrince Regent St. .». Alexander Spence... Castle Hill Principal Beadle—William Donald, 8, St. Clement Street ^"' Knox's Gerrard Street John Stephen John {^' cSon^^"^' Principal Beadle—Fergus Macandrew, 47. St- Andrew Streot Holburn Bon- Accord Ter.... Wm. L.Mitchell ...34, Victoria St. West Principal Beadle -Donald Sinclair, 85, Chapel Street Mariners Commerce Street Jno.Longmuir, LL D. 11, East North St, Principal Beadle—Wm, Hutcbeon, 23, Commerce Street — — —



Scotch Episcopal- ) g. ^^ Suther, D.C.L...25. Bon-Accord Ter. St. Andrew s King Street i Scotch Episcopal St, John's St. John's Place .John Comper 116, Crown Street Principal Beadle—William Baillie, 25, Chapel Street

Scotch Episcopal— "i Frederick George Lee, F.S.A., Fountatn- St. Mary's (temporary) ..Correction >• hall Wynd ) George Aikers, M.A„ ...176, Skene St. West Principal Beadle—

Church of England— St. Paul's 61, Gallowgate F. W. B. Bouyerie, B.A.3, West Craibston St

Church of England l'^' ^o^^"™ St. James' Crown Street...T. Brooks Wrenford . . . [ '^^^j'^f Piincipal Beadle—Wm. Stevenson, 54, Summer Street

United Presbyterian St Nicholas Lane James M'Kerrow, B. A..59, Bon-Accord St. Principal Beadle—George Simpson, 57, Green United Presbyterian. George Street... James Stirling .4, Caroline Place Principal Beadle - John Nicol, 16, Northfield, GUcomston United Presbyterian. Belmont Street

United Presbyterian.Charlotte Street.John B. Ritchie 171, Crown Street Principal Beadle— John Fraser, 20, North Broadford

United Presbyterian. St. Paul Street ..Andrew Dickie 6, Mackie Place Principal Beadle — William Crichton, Tem. Hall, St. Paul Street

Associate Synod Skene Terrace. ..John MKay 26, Skene Terrace Principal Beadle

Methodist(Wesleyan)Longacre John Reacher 44, Constitution St. Principal Beadle...James Jamieson, 5, Fish Street Congregational George Street. ...David Arthur Maybank Cottage Prmcipal Headle— Robert Gilbert, 45, George street Congregational Dee Street David Wallace Whitehall Principal Beadle—John Ross, 2, Nelson Street

Congregational Blackfriars St. ...Thomas Gilfill an 14, North Silver St. Ed^era Cottage, Mount Congregational Park Street John Duncan I

EvangeUcal Union... St. Paul Street ... Fergus Fcguson 12, Mount Street Principal Beadle— John Milne, 3, Castle Lane ^^^ Baptist ...George Street Alex. Anderson |^' ^{jg"^^"^^' Baptist (English) ...John Street

Baptist (Scotch) South Silver St.. ..John M. Hewson ...... 65, Dee Street JJohu Sutherland, Chapel House, Huntly St. ^^*^°^^ppthniin TT.intiir citrcot ^""^^J'^^^'^^-lwm. Stopani do. do. Principle Beadle—Alexander Aiken, 48, Longacre Unitarian George Street United Christ. Ch....John Street John Hunter 66, Hutcheon St. Friends Gallowgate... Various

Glassite ...St. Andrew St.. ..Various

Northfield Mission... ^^^^' 1^2, Skene [ cilcmnston } ^^^"S Street. GaUowgate Mis3ion.l40, Gallowgate... .


S«tti0n VII.—©bitrattottal ginttorg.

University of Aberdeen.


Chancellor—Charles Henry, Duke of Richmond and Lennox. Vice-Chancellor—Principal Campbell. Rector—Edward Francis Maitland (Lord Barcaple) Principal—Peter Colin Campbell, D.D. Secretary/—David Thomson, M.A. Assessors— Alexander Thomson, Esq.; John Webster, Esq.; Alexander Kilgour,

M.D. ; Francis Ogston, M.D. Registrar and Librarian—Rev. John Fyfe, M.A.


Greek William D Geddes, M.A.

Humanity , Robert Maclure, LL D. Logic Alexander Bain, M.A.

Mathematics Frederick Fuller, M.i . Natural Philosophy David Thomson, M.A. Moral Philosophy William Martin, M.A. Natural History James Nicol Systematic Theology R. Macpherson, D.D. Divinity and Church History William R. Pirie, D D. Divinity and Biblical Criticism William Milligan, D.D. Oriental Languages Andrew Scott, M.A. Law Patiick Davidson, LL.D. Institutes of Medicine George Ogilvie, M.D. Practice of Medicine John Macrobin, M.D. Chemistry James Smith Brazier

Anatomy < Alex. J. Lizars, M.D. Surgery William Pirrie, M.D. Materia Medica Alexander Harvey, M.D. Midwifery Robert Dyce, M.D. Medical Logic and Medical Juris-") •/->*. FrancisT^ Ogston, M,D.\irT\ prudenle j Botany George Dickie, M.D.


(W. R. Pirie, D.D. Murray Sunday Lecture kR. Macpherson, D.D. (W. Milligan, D.D. Practical Religion {I,lX%^n!'l>.T>. Agriculture Thomas F. Jamieson


Greek s. d. F. Salmond, M,A. Humanity Charles Cooper, M.A. Mathematics James M'ELimraie, M.A. Natural Philosophy George Gordon, M.A. Chemistry Angus Eraser. M.D. Anatomy Alex. Mitchell, M.D. Materia Medica ") Medical Logic and Medical Juris-)- John Barclay, M.D, prudence ) EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORY. 41

Free Church College, Union Place.

Rev. James I.umsdcn. IS"), ("rown ^treet. Kev. Marcus >-ac-hs, Beccliliill, I'itf dels. Rev. Dr. David li.owUj 78, Dee fctieet.

Town's Public Schools.

Under the Patronage of the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council

Grammar School.

Sector—Rev. Wm. Barrack, A.M., h. 2, Union Place,

Masters—Rev. Alexandc* Peverly. A M . Ti. 4, North I'roadford; Rev. J. W.

Lep-i^e, A .M.. ?i. Baliiioral I lace, Holburn street; Rev. Cha les Macdonald, A.M., h. 5, Constitution t-treet.

Subjects tau.:iht— Latin, Greek, History. Geography, and English.

Fee (including all these branches) Ilalf-a-Guiueaper quarter.

Schools in Little Belmont Slraet. ENGLISH SCHOOL.

JMosfer—Robert Alexander, A.M., h. 5, .Millburn Street, Ferryhill,

Branches taught — English Reading, T'nglish G am nar. Geoiraphy, Physical Geograpljy, History, Composition, llisto y of English Literature,


JUaster—Rev, Robert A. Gray, A.M., h. Berryden House.

Branches taught -A rithretlc, Book-keeping, Physical Geography, Mathematics —Thenreticil and Practical—and the Mathematical Depaitmeuts of Natural Philosophy.

Fees—For day pupils—For 1 hour daily, 5s. per quarter ; for two hour" do.. 7s 6d

per do. ; whole day, 10s 6d. For students—In summer, lOs 6d per quarter; in winter, 10s 6d per se-sion, WRITING AND DRAWING SCHOOL.

Master—Francis Craigmyle, 7i. 5, Strawbeny Rank.

Branches taught— Writing and Drawi g. Fees, per quarter, the former inclndin;

books, pens, &c., 6s 6d ; the lutter, 10s 6U. 4 —


Dr. Andrew Bell's Schools, Frederick Street. SCHOOL FOEBOYS.

Master - Mr. James Milne. Branches Taught—English Keading, Grammar, Geography, History, Writing> Dictation, Arithmetic. Mathematics, Geometry, Music, and Drawing. Ff.ks —Tliiee halfi)ence per weelc Reading books, pens, ink, and paper fur- nished to pupils gratis. There is a Library in connection with the sch -ol.

Evening ' lasses are opened ia September for Writing, Arithmetic, and Mathematics. SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Teacher— BiiASCHKS Taught— Same as in Roys' -'chool, with the addition of plain Needle- * work and Knitliig. Fees —Three halfpence per week, Everything fur- nished to pnpils gratis. Dr Hell's Schools as will be ?een from the moderate charges, are intended chiefly for the children of the abouring clases. There is a.commodatiou for 400 boys and 200 girls. The school-rooms are commodious and well aired.

Establislied Chnreli of Scotland Schools. NAMKS. WH'-KK SITUATED. TRACHF.BS. " East St Paul Street J, s. Kidd West George .-treet Alex. Keddie North Albion Street John I'rown

c ., rr. •* o^ i. (Al, Moni-on i^o^th Tumty Street -. i>UssMollison Greyfriars .....?hoe T.ane Wm. Callura John Knox's Mounthooly Miss Johnston Gi comston 59 f^ummer .'treet Geo. imray Holburn Wellinjton Place W.KobertsoQ Dr. John Brown's Skene Square John Roy.

Free Cliiircli of Scotland Schools. NAMES WHEKE SITt:ATEr>. TEACHEKS. East Pt. .Andrew street J. Stevenson

North ..Prince- street ...Adam I rail

South (. harlotte Street Wm. Rattray

T. . J 11 ei *. (David Mavor .Ma'-yM well Street Bon-Accord jWin Riit Gilcomston Union Wynd las. Philips

Union ... . Vi ginia Street Ji-hn Richardson John Knox's fJerrard .-treet David Ewart St. Clement's Fisher's Square Miss Howling

Other Denominations. NAMES. WHERE SITUATED. TEACHERS. S. Episcopal (St. Andrews) Crown Court Wm. Presslie Do do. 23, F.edaiick Street Miss Haugh Do. (>t. John's) St. John's I'lace Roman Catho ic (St Lawrence's) for Boys. ..Chapel Court Castle St John O. Regan Do. for Girls. ..Constitution Street .Franciscan Nuns Albion Street Chapel School Miss Courage EDUCATIONAL DIEECTORY, 43

Seliool of Science and Art, MECHANICS' INSTITUTION.

(In connection with the Science and Art Depaitment of the Committee of Comiell on Education.)

Chairman of the Council -The Lo:d Provost of Aberdeen.

Chairman of the Commiffee of Management— II. Ambrose Smith, actuary.

Secretary—James Sinclair.


Mathematics (including Algebra and Geometry) —Teacher—D, Maver.

Mechanics—D. Maver,

CTiemistry—Professor J. S. Brazier, F.C.S.

Botany—Robert Peveridgc, M.D,


Ornament and Figure Drawing—P. Cleland, artist.


English, Arithmetic, and Wnting—William Mollison and Andrew Sherar.

German and French—Thos. Davidson, and Wm. Brebner, A.M.

Jolin Davidson's, York Street, Footdee.

Teacher of Boys—W'il'iam Harper.

Teacher of Girls—Miss Margaret Anderson.

Bobert Donaldson's, Back Wynd.


Teacher—"Rey. James Grant, h. Eastfield Cottage. Fees, 2s, per Quarter.

James Thain's, 52, SMprow.


TeacTier—John M. Stewart, 52, Shiprow. Gratia. 44 EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORY.

Academies, Schools, and Teachers. NAJtES. WHKUE SITU\TKD. TPACHKK3. \Vcst-Fnd Academy 216. Union treet Dr Ferp:nsson and Assistants Tulloch's Academy .-\cade y Street ....G. Tulluch, LL, ".

I.edi "ham's Academy.. 1-i, c iTect ion Wynd ....) mes I cdingham Silver Street ^ca emy..in. North &il er '-treet. .< has Mieliie, iJ .A., & Assistantj Union low Academy. ...18. Union low Koliert im

Commercial Ac demy Mech nics' i nilding-8....\\ iliia n Mollif=ion AVriting.\c demy 115, Union St eet G. t;. M"'onachie Hill 9.!Semin iry 19 Qiicen -treet Isaac Mil

Trades' School I enbuni James Allan and Mrs Knox Porthill School rorthill

I'o. (i.irls)... .. Do Miss Walker.

Drawing, Painting, .\c...8, Uni n Terrace P trick i leland Drawing &;Lan^.,uages... 120 Crown -treet John Jazdowski Navigation 8, James' Sheet Edward Henessey Mathematics, &c 13, North Silver Street David Reunett

Ladies' Boarding and Day Schools.

Rev. R. Demaus, 250, Union street Miss Chisholm, 77, Bon- A ccoid Street

IMiss Peterkni, 8, Golden Sqnare ^liisses I nil u ton, l.^W, Crown fctieet Mis^es Wiiyte. 57, Dee Street Miss S.ephen, 13, Uuiou Row MiiSes i'yie, 103, Crown c treet

Hobert Gordon's Hospital.


Master-Vev. W. D. Stralian Clerl: and Factor—A. Stronach, advo- Teacher of Mathematics— Al^ Gerard cate Teacher of Arithmetic—John Scott Treasurer — William Reid

Teacher of Emjlish—James 1 ale Phiisician— Robert J'yce, M.D. Writiiag I'fastcr— Alex, -tnavt lli/frow— Miss Janison Teacher of trench and Draicinj—J. House Steicard— David Gray Jazdowski Qfflcer - Robert N. Anderson, town Teacher of Music -Alex Colston sergeant Brill Master—

Boys' and Girls' Hospitals,

19, Uppeiki kgate, and 56. Gallow_^ate.

This TTospiial was instituted in 1739, and the Trustees were incorporated by Actfif I'arlijimcnt, 185-'. Its olijccts are the main' ena ce and education of poor children of the paiish of St Nichol.is 'I'hc education consi.-^ts of reading, writing, arithmetic, grannnar, geograi hy, drawirg and " usic. The giils are also taught sewing, knittin_', and household work Children are admitted from 7 to 10 yeara of age, and may continue till 14. Present number, 50 boys and 50 girls.

Teac7ier of Boys—W. A. 'WilUamson TeacTier o/Motsic—A Colston Matron,— Miss Ann Milne 'Ireasurer and Secretai-y- J. I'ooth Teac'.er of Drawing—P. Cleland factor -Alex. I'avidson, advocate Matron and Teacher of Girls—Miss M. Physician—Francis J. Otjston, M.D. Ferguson EDUCATIONAL DIEECTORY. M-

Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, 31, Belmont Street.


Patron—His Grace the Duke of Richmond. Lady Patroness— Her Grace the Duchess of Gordon. President and Convener—The Lord Provost for the time being. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer—James Edniond. Hon. Physician— Robert Dyce, M.I).

Superintendent and Teacher - Fi anklin Bill. Matron—Miss M. E. Troup.

Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum, Albyn Place.

Instituted November, 1840, 'or Maintaining, f'lothing, and Educating Orphan Girls, -whose parents have lived in the parishes of St Nicholas, Old Mach u-. and Nij-'g, for three years previous to their decease. Admitted from the age of four to eight.

Secretary— Alex. Simpson, Jun., Advocate. Chaplain—Rev. David Milne. Physician—W, Williamson, M.D. Matron—MisReid.

Visitors from Aberdeen and its vicinity admitted to view the Asylum the first and third Monday of every mo tli. Strangtrs may visit every lawful day, Saturday excepte J, on application to the Matron.

Hours of admission, 11 to 1.

Hospital for Orphan and Destitute Female Children, Huntly Street.

Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1849.

Secretary and Treasttrer—Patrick Davidson. Matron—Miss Martin. TeocTier—Miss Straith. Porter— James Cobban.

Aberdeen Female School of Industry, Guestrow.

Patroness—The Countf ss of Aberdeen. TeacTier and Superintendent- Miss Mackay.

Secretary and Treasurer—R. S. F. Spottiswood, Advocate, 46, King Street. P?ia/sxc{an—Dr Fiddes, King Street. ^ EDT7CATI0^'AL DIRECTORY.

Aberdeen Industrial School Association.

Certified under the Act 17 and IS Victoria, cap. 74, entitnled " An Act to render Reformatory mid Indiisiri 1 Schools in Scothuid more availdbla foi tlie benefit of Vajjrant Children."

Treasurer—Charles F. Ituncy, advocate 2, Conection Wynd. Secretary— Alex. Machray, fkene -quare. Collector—G Simpson, 57, Green. BUYS' >C1I00L, SKENE SQUARE. Opened 1st October. 1841. Teacher—.lames Martin Oi-er£eer of TForfc— Archibald Ross. JDVENILI-: SCnOOL, SUG ^R-HOUSli LANE. Opened ISth May, 1845.

Boys' Dej)art'ment.

Teaclier and Overseer of PTorfc—The ^. Gilbert

Assistant Overseer of T7orfc — ^Viiijam Williamson

Girls' Department

TeacJier — Miss Mary J. Held

jlssistants— Miss Jessie Murr.iy and Miss Margaret Jolly.

Oldmill Heformatory School.

Oldmill, rear Ab rdeen. For Boys.

Certifiod under the Act 17 and 18 Victoria, ca-^. 86, entitnled '"An Act forth* better Care and Kefonnation of Youthful Offende.sin Great Britain." Opened in March, 1857. Treasurer — Alexander Anderson, advocate

Secretary -Charles F. Runcy, advocate, 2. Correction Wynd Medical Attendant— Archibald IJeith, M.D. Governor—Ja' res Aiken Matron — Mis Aiken TeacJier- Peter Donald Farm Overseer— George Bain

Industrial Assylum and Heformatory for Girls, Aberdeen.

Mount Street, Aberdeen,

Certified under the Act 17 and 18 V ctn^ia. cap. SS.emituled "An ^ ct for the better care and Roformati n of Youthful Offenders in Great liritaiu." Opened iu March, 1S62. Treasurer— R. s. F, Ppottiswood, advocate Secretary—Charles F Runcy, advocate Medical Attendant— W illiam Henderson, M.D. Matron— iViiss Meldrum MISCELLANEOUS DIEECTOKY. 47

House of Industry and Befiige, Skene Square.

Instituted 1836.

Superintendent— Alexander Machray. Matron -M

Treasurer— Alex. Anderson, Advocate. Secretary—John Watt, Advocate.

Medical Attendants -The Medical Officers of the General Dispensary.

Collector—Win. Stevenson.

Applicants admitted on Wednesdays at 2, p.m. Visitors admitted every law- ful day.

Asylum for the Blind, Huntly Street.

Established 1843.

Secretaries and Treasurers—P. & A. Davidson, Advocates.

Physician— J . R. Wolfe, M.D. Superintendent—Alex. Martin,

Matron— Mi> 3 A. Aiken.

^jcdioix VIII.—UlisccIIancoxts gircdorg,

Athen^um Reading Boom,

Unioa Buildings.

Yearly Subscription, £2 2s.

Strangers admitted on being introduced by a Subscriber.

Aberdeen Public K'ews Boom,

Com Exchange, Hadden Street, off Market Street.

Open from 7. a.m., to lo, p.m , in Summer.

,, 8, A.M. to 10, i" M , in Winter.

Annual Subscription, 53 ; Single Visits, Id each^ 48 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTOEY.

Meehanies' Institution Public Library. Open from One to Three Afternoon, and from Six to Nine Evening.

Annual Subscription—5s.

Belect Library—Open at the same hours. Annual Subscription— 10s. 6d.

Public Library and Reading-Club,

111, Union Street.

D. Wyllie & Sons, Booksellers to Her Majesty and The Prince of Wales. This Library has a connexion with Mudie's Loudon Library

A. Brown & Go's Public Library,

77, Union Street.

Annual Subscription, 21s ; Half-yearly, 12s; Quarterly, 7s.

A. & R. Milne's Select Library, (In connection with Mudie's),

199, Union Street. Single Subscription, One Guinea per an- urn. Family Subscription, Two Guineas and upwards.

Andrew Wilson's Circulating Library,

43^, Castle Street.

Aberdeen Union Club—1846, Market Street. Secretary—Alexander Simpson, jun. Superintendent—Alexander Mackle.

The Northern Club

1, Union Terrace,

Chaimum—BiT J. H. Burnett, Bart, of Leys, Secretary—W. L. Keid, advocate. ;


The Spalding Club.

For the Printin.^ of the Historical, Fcclesiastical, Oenealogical, Topographical and Literary Ifemaiiis ol the North- Kasteru Couutie3 of Scotlaud.

Instituted a.d. 1839.

President— The Duke of Richmond.

Vice-Presidents— The Earl of Kintorc ; the ^arl of Seaficld ; the Earl of Aberdeen Lordsaltoun; Lord Lind-ay.

Secretary— John Stuart, General Register House, Edinburgh.

Treasurer—John I.igertwood, Advocate, Aberdeen.

Auditors—Newell Burnett. Advocate ; Wi'Ham Gordon, City Treasurer; \\ iliiam Yeats, Advocate.

The Aberdeen Philosophical Society.

President—George Dickie, M.D.

Vice-President— G. Ogi vie, M D., and Nerval Clyne, Advocate.

Treasurer- J. Duguid Milne, Advocate.

Secretary— 11. Ambrose Smith, Actuary.

Trade Protection Society.

Instituted 1854.

Office—30, Marischal Street.

President— James Forbes. Fice-President— David GiU.

Directors—Twenty five of the leading merchants of the town.

Treosurer—John Roger. J.au'-.43ent—John Yeats, Advocate.

Secretary—W. Steele, Accountant.

Aberdeen Property Investment Company.

Instituted 1851.

Office—Public Schools, Little Be'mont Street.

President— George B.Bothwell. Vice-President— Uobert Tliomso .

Treasurer- Robert Collie, Merchant, Green. Manager—John Jlacaldowi&

Open every fourth Friday evening, from 7 to 9 o'clock. 50 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.

Eoyal 'Novthevn Agrieultiiral Society. President—The Earl of Aberdeen.

Vice-Presidents -The T) like of Richmond; the Earl of Kintore: the Earl of

fcouthesk ; the Earl of Airlie ; the Eurl of Fife ; Lord Lindsay.

Commitee— The Provost of Aberdeen ; T>ieut.-r"ol. Sykes, MP. for Aberdeen ; the Members of I'arliameiitfor Aberdeeiishi-e. I'anffshire, and Kincardineshire; the Conveners for these Counties, and other Gentlemen.

Secretaries and Treasurers—J. & R. Ligertwood, advocates, 89, Union Street.

Aberdeenshire Hortieultural Society.

Instituted 1824.


President—Alexander Anderson, Esq. of , Lord Provost of Aberdeen.

- Vice-Presidents Newell Burnett, Esq., advocate, John Webster, Esq , advocate^ Geo. Dickie. Esq., M.L., P.ofessjr of Botany, Aberdeen University.

Actinq Committee- George Reid. Union Ftreet John Edmond. Queen Street John M'Pherson, Polmuir James locker, jun, Sunnypark Geo'ge Touph, George Street George Patterson, Decmount James Cocker, sen., -unnypark James Mowat, Huntly Street Thomas Uarlin^;, Union street

Sonorary Secretary and Treasurer—John Hay, 34, Ma: ischal Street

Hospital for the Relief of Persons Labouring under Incurable Diseases.

President—The Eight Hon. the Earl of Aberdeen.

Vice-Presidents—William Leslie of Warthi'l, M.P for the County of Aberdeen, and v\ i liam Innes of Kaemoir.

^ecretar^— Patrick Cooper, advocate.

Shore Porters' Society.

James Mitchell, Beacon.

William Caie, 8, Virginia street George Pirie, 11, Chronicle Lane William Moir 7, Marischal street John Poiter, 23, < astle street William Chrj'%tal 7, Do. William Allan 23, Do. Peter C^ntly, 7, Do. Alexander Aiken, 45, Do. John Cantly. 7, Do. John Smith. 9, Guestrow James M ilne, 1, Park Place John Wilson. 53, -hiprow Alexander Buchan, 5, Fish street Alexander Fraser, 24 Frederick street MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTOBY. 61

Mason Lodges in Aberdeen. Alex. Hadden, Provincial Grand Master. Aberdeen Jolin Jamieson St. George ...E. J. ITenessey St Machar W. Ramage Opeiative Wm. Wishart

1 St. Niciiolas Robert 1 ugties Neptune „James Harvey Old Aberdeen Jolm G. Dawson ROYAL ARCH CHAPTEES.

11. Aberdeen Alexander Rust, Z. I 21. .^'t. Googe E. J. Henessey, Z. Menzie, Z. 16. Old Aberdeen.. .A, Stables, sen., Z, | 30. St. Peter'? ..Thos Knight's Templak Encampjiicmt, Ft. George, Ab yne, W. Ramage, com. Masonic Hall, 115, Union Street. Kee'per—Daniel Campbell, 32, Windy Wynd.

Victoria Lodging House. Exchequer Court, Exchequer Row— Instituted 1849. Gliairman—Provost Henry. Vice- Chairman— Raillie Bothwell. Treasurer and Secretary—George Grant, advocate. Swperinterhdent—Patrick Tarraut.

Public Baths, Crooked Lane. Opened— 1851. Open from Six in the morning till half-past Nine at night. Entrance to tho Path Koomsfroni CiookedLane. Treasurer—Wm. Allan, 122, Union Street. Swpermtendent—Donald M 'Kay.

Bon-Aceord Swimming Club. Instituted—1862. For the Promotion and Improvement of the Art of Swimming and Diving. Patrou—John Farley Leith, Esq., London. President— Captain VMlliam Stevenson of \ iewfield. Vice-Fresident— David Knox, A.R.V. Treasurer— Andrew LeciinghMm, 14, Regent Quay. /Secretary— John Baillie, Police Tax Office. Referee and Swimming Master—Archibald MTarlane, 21, Hutcheon Street

Ifewspapers in Aberdeen.

Aberdeen Journal (Wednesday) 28, Adelphi Court. „ Herald (Saturday) 7, Queen Street. „ Free Press (Friday) Concert Court. Broad St. Northern Advertiser (Tuesday) , 7, est. Catherine's Wynd —



James Dnthie SiTpeintenrient 31. Queen Ftreet John Milne 1st Lieutenant 32, Younfr street William Anderson 2nd Lieutenant 30. la'lowgate CIiailesReid 1st class Serjeant 18, ^Liiirow James Milne do. 7, Se mount Place John Smith do. 9, Mounlhooly

William s. Fisher 2nd class Serj^eant I 'othwell's Ct., Justice St.

Smith Ewan do. 2 >, James Street Ang'us M'Intosh do. 2", .-pa street James Lo>mie do. 27, Ann Street George Da v.. Detective Officer Donald's c; urt Schoolhill

Thomas Gibb... . do. 11. Young i^treet John \^'ebpte^ .....Ist class c onstable 7. Seamount Place William Sma t do. 22. Yoimg >tT. et

James Cooper...... do. 50. fkene street James Anderson do. King qua e Huntlv Street Hector Rose do. 103, \\ est North Street William Hall do. 1, H ni'ver Lane William Walker ., do. 8, Hanovei' Street

William Skinner... do. 1, Hanover 1 ane Samuel Presslie.... do. 1, Denhurn Terrnce John Irvine., .... do. 59, Marischal Street Jonathan .-immers do. 14, Hanover Street James .Allardyce do. 42, NetlierkirkgMte Daniel Hose... d\ Chapel rourr, .)ustic8 St. Al xander Ve/is.. do. 174, West North Street Alexander Rhind do. 10, Kingsland Place

William Cormack do. 14, ( hapel i ane Robe t Ijaing do. 50, l^kene Street Douglas Grant do. 1, Marvwell 'treet

David Watson , do. 8. Hanover .-treet Andrew Gauid .... do. 27, Hutcheon street John Massoii, do. 26, Young treet William Eddie do. 28, Union Terrace James Avgo do. 20, Skene "treet Alexander Glennie do. l.<, Netlerkirkvate

Gci>rge Unrden „..Turnkey 9 I 'iamond Street

Mis tran , ,.„...... Female Turnkey 16, Huxter Row

Registration of Births, Marriages, and Deaths.

17 AND 18 VICTOHIA, CAP. 80. Officf:—No. 4 Correction Wynd. for district of St. Nichola.s, Aberdeen. H0UB9 10 to 3, and 6 to 8 ; shut on S.iturdays after 3. J. Watt, Registrar.

Office—No. 28, Union 'I errace, for the Parish of Old Machar. J Leask, Reg^strav. Hours from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Under the new system of Re;;istration all Pirths, Deaths, and Marriages will be rei'istered without any fee or penalty, if intimated within the foUowing periods, viz. : Births 21 days Deaths 8 days Marriages.. 3 days

In registering Births, it is necessary to state the date and place of the parents' marriage. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. 53


23rd HIGHLAND DEPOT BATTALION. Depots—72nd, 74th, 78th, and 93rd Regiments. Barracks—Castle Hill.

T^revet Lieut. -Col C. H. Gordon, C.B Commanding Officer

Major A. < itcaiin Major Major R. W. Oiiff Paymaster Captam F. Padfield Adjutant Captain Hrownlow, 72nd Instructor of Musketry Lieut. Woodall, 74th Assistant do. John Rohenson Quarter- Master D. s. !*iiiith tuigeon

E. Halle M n ) . • [Assistant-Surgeons^ * c- R. M. Gilchrist,M.D

Militia. ROYAL ABERDEENSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. Head Quarters—King Street Barracks. Henry Knight Erskine (late Capt. 33rd Foot) Lieut. -Col. Commandant JCaptain, Adjutant, and Archibald George" Keen (late^ Lieut. 62nd Foot... ( A ctmg Paymaster Alexander Hutcheon (late 72nd Foot) Quavter-M aster George Morison, M.D Surgeon

Volunteers. ARTILLERY. Four Batteries of 31st (Aberdeenshire) Adm. Brigade. Lieutenant-Colonel William Cosmo Gordon Adjutant James Kimieai- Chaplain Rev. James Forsyth, D.D. No. 3—Oeorge Thomson Captain „ 4—William Forsyth Do. „ 6—John Blaikie Do. „ 7—Andrew Jop Do.


(11 Companies.) Orderly Rooms—Blackfriars Street. H. K. Erskine Lieutenant-Colonel T. Innes Major Samuel Hawson Captain and Adjutant Geor.e Carr .. surgeon Arthur Thomson Captain, 1st Company William Stevenson '. „ 2nd „ Hardy Robinson „ 3rd „ Al. Hogarth „ 4th „ Willi im Fsplin ,, 5th „

Alexander >impson ,, 6th „ Lessel Stephen „ 7th „ Robert Abernethy „ 8th „ „ 9th T. Wilsone „ 10th „ „ 11th „ John Mearse Sergeant-Major 5 POSTAL DIRECTORY.

kdxon IX.—^0stal gmriorg.

List of Places in tlie Delivery of Aberdeen.

With the Offices from which they are served.

Abergairn, Ballater Auchincruive, Methlic Abergeldie, do. Auchinclech, Skene Abbev Cottage, Auchindarg, Newburgh ABOYNE, 8.O., Aberdeen Auchindoir Manse, Lumsden Achath, Waterton of Echt Auchindellan. Clatt Adendale, Strachan Anchinhove, Udny Affleck, New Deer Auchinhove, Affleck, Whiterashes Auchlin, Clatt Afforsk,Methlic Auchlunies, Maryculter Afforsk. Blackburn Auchinleith, Lumsden Airlie, ^uchlossan, Lumphanan Aitchnicant. Newbnrgh Auchintoul (Upper), Forbes Aitkenhead, Hatton of Fintray Auchintoul (Nether) do. Aitkenshill, Newburgh Auchmair, Cabrach Aldevalloch, Cabiach AuchmaleHdie, New Deer Aldareg, Alford Auchmenzie, Clatt Alehouse, Udny Auchmillan, Lumsden ALFORD, S.O., Aberdeen Auchmurdseil, New Deer Altdowrie Cottage, Ballater AUCHMULL, S.O., Aberdeen Aldunie, Cabrach Auchnafoy, Aboyne AUanaquoich, Ballater Auchnashey, Udny Allathan, New Deer Aucholzie, Ballater Allathan, Udny Auchorie, Echt AUargue, Auchredie, New Deer Allencreich, Aboyne Auchtaven, Halla'e.r Altonleys, Tarves A uld Cathers. Hatton of Fintray Altries House, Maryculteff Auldusach, Ballater Allundie. Cabrach Andet, Methlic Backhill, Tarves Andrewsford, Fyvie Backhill, Fyvie Angnston, Petercultes Backhill, Hatton of Fintray Annfield. Dyce Backhi'l of Brackloch, Cabrach Annfield Alford Backhill of frlack, Waterton of Echt Annagathle, Keig' Backhill of Kingsford, Alford Aquherton. Kintore Backhill of Lethenty, Forbes Aquhorsk Biackburri Backside, do Aralogie, Fyvie Backward. Hatton of Fintray Arbeadie, Hanchory BADENSCOI H, S.O., Rothie Archballoch, Alford Badenscoth House, Rothie Ardgeathan, do. Badenstone, Alford Ardmore. Udny Badentoy, Hillside Ardneedlie, Methlic- Badenyon, Bridge of Bucket Ardo. MRryoulter Bagieside, Rhynie Ardo, Methlic Balbithan, Kintore Ardo, Belhelvie Balblair, Echt Argyle Cottage, Cults Balfiddie, Aboyne Artamford, New Deer Balfiing, do. Ayrbun. Dyce Balfling Castle Alford Ashentilly, Durris Balfour, Aboyne Ashfield Co'tace, Kintore Balfour (Upper), Forbes Ash'ead New Deer Balfour (Nether), do. Asloun House, Alford Balgarn, Keig Athol MiU, Udny Balgove, Tarves Auchalater, Ballater Balgusie, Dyce POSTAL DIRECTORY. 55

BALLATER, S.O., Aberdeen Birns, Hatton of Fintray Ballaterich, Ballater , S.O., Aboyne Balloch, do. Birselassie, (Jluny Ballogie, Aboyne Bishopstown, Blackburn Balmalen, Ballater Bishopstown, Hillside BHlmedie, Belhelvie Blackbank, Alford Balmoral, Cove Bbickbog, Fyvie , Ballater Blackbriggg, Alford Balnaboth, Aboyne BLACKBURN, S.O., Aberdeen Balnaci aig, Kincardine O'Neil Blackchambprs, Blackburn Balna^arth, Aberdeen Blackelie, Newburgh Balnagask, do. Blackford, Newseat Balnagowan, Aboyne Blackball, Banchory Balnakelly, Alford Blackhills, Alford Balquhain, Forbes Blackhill Hillside Ealquhain, Pitcaple Blackhills, Skene Balquharn, Hillside Blackhills. Rhvnie Balquhind'Chy, MetWic Blackhill of Trom, Alford Balrach, Blackhillock, Monymusk Bamans, Cabrach Blackh«ly, Udny BANCHORY, b.O., Aberdeen Biackiewall, Maryculter Banchory House, do. Blackness, Whiterashes Banchory Lodge, Banchory Blackree, Fyvie Bandley. Alford Biacksmith s Croft, Dyce Baneside, do. Blackstone, Bank, Cabrach Blaeordans, Alford Bank, Khynie Blair, Hatton of Fintray Bankhead, Aboyne Blairs, Kintora Bankhead, Auchmull B lairs College, Maryculter Bankhead Clatt Bls) ikies Village, Forbes Bankhead, Keig Blaidaff, Monymusk Bankhead (Keig), Whitehouse Blairduff, Ciatt Barflat, Rhynie Blairmdinny. do. Barker's Croft, Dyce Elebick House, Aboyne Barnton. Echt Blinksford, Alford Barra, Oldmeldrum Bluebrae, do. Bartle Chapel, Oldmeldrum Bluelay, Forbes Battlehillock CAuchindoir), Lumsden Boat of Drumallachj'-, Mossat Beildside, Cults Boat of Hatton, Hatton of Fintray Beedliestown, Dyce Bodachra, Dyce BELHKLVIE, S.O., Aberdeen Bodiebae, Cabrach

Belhelvie Lodgf , Whitecairn Bodiebae, Rhynie Bellabpg, Strathdon Bodieehell, Fyvie Beladrum, Durris Bog, Hatton of Fintray Bellfield, Countesswells Bog Cairncoullie, Alford Belli veainy, Alford Bogbrady, Forbes Belnaboddack. strathdon Bogencloch, Rhynie Belnaboth, Bridge of Bucket Bogend, Clatt Belnaglack, do. Bogend of Tullynessle, Forbes Belnagoak, Methlic BoL^endreep, Strachan Beltie, Bogengoss, Dyce Beltimore, Bridge of Bucket Bogentory, Waterton of Echt Beltun, do. Bogfairn, Alford Bents, Waterton of Echt Bogfechee, Udny Bents, Alford BogfieMs, Alford Beni laugh, Blackburn Bogfold, Kintore Bendrtuuh, Dyce Bogfoutain, Rothie Berryhill. Skene Bojrgieshillock, Forbes Berryhi!!, Fyvie Boghead, Kintore Bervie, Waterton of Echt Boghead. Fyvie Bervie, Alford Bogheadley, Stonehaven Berwick. Hatton of Fintray Bogloeh, Lumphanan Bethelnie, Oldmeldrum Bofiroofie, Hatton of Fintray EethJen, Fcht Bogside. Alford Bethnie, Forbes Bogtown, Drumoak Bierd Castle, Oldmeldrum Bon-accoi d Cottage, Cove Binghill, Aberdeen Bonbroad, Tarves Birkenbrow (Auchindoir), Lumsden Bondeen, Craigievar Birkball, Ballater Bonnytown, Udny 56 POSTAL DIRECTORY.

Borrowstowti, Alford Brucehill, Newburgh Borrowstown, Countesswells Bruekh lis. Ho hie

Borro < stown, Kincardine O'Neil Prunthill, New Deer Bout tie Manse, Daviot Buck, Cabrach Bova-lie, Hallater Buck. Rhynie Bowbiitts, Strachan Buckie Alford Braehmond, Durris Euckhu m, >tva'hdoa Bracklav, Meth ic Buckni ins, Waterton of Echt Pracklay I'allater Burnbank, Cove Brackby, Tarves Burngrains, Kllon Bracli och. Rh;.nie Burn -rains, Hdtton of Fintray Brae, Kiiitore Burngrains, Methlic Brae, Hh' nie Biirnhead, Hatton of Fiutray Brae of Cnsiinie, Alford Burnseat, Waterton of Echt Brae ot Wliiteh ugh, Forbes Burnside, Alford

Braehead, Alford Burnside, I cht Braehead. Keig Burnside, Hatton of Fintray Braehead, Monymusk Burnside, Kintore Braehead (TuUich), Ballater Burnsi e of Duljstown, Forbes Bi! ^EMa k, S.O., Ballater Burnside ' f Tullyuessle, do. Braesid', Tawes Bush, Rothie Braigieswells Echt Buttencroft, Dyce

Braikley, I ballater Euxburu, Auchmull Braiiijohn, .Methlic Brankenanleni, Monymusk CAPRACH, S.O. Aberdeen

Bran ley, Alford Cadgerford, < ountesswells Brawland, Rhynie Caidmiil. Blackburn Breda, Alford Caies Mills, Dyce Breda House. Fovbes Cairdseat, Udny Bridgend, Alford Cairnballoch, Alford Bridgend I'allater Cairnbanno, New l^eer Bridgend. Fyvie Cairnbioggie Tarves

Biidgend, . aterton of Echt Cairndaird. i hynie Bridgend of Auchindoir, Mossat Cair fechel, Udny Iridg nd Inn, -trathdon Cairufold, Ali'urd Bridgend (Kildnimmy), Lumsden C'airnhead, Mossat

Eridgen i of .M ossnt. \i ossat Cai nhall. Kincore Bridge Alehouse, Kintore Cairnnorrie, Methlic Bridge of Alford. Fo bes Cairn P rk, Hatton of Fintray BRIiJGK OF BUCKET, S.O., Abdn. Cairnrobin, H illside BRIDGl-: OF DF.E, S.O. do. Cai ns, Methlic BKIDt.K OF DON, S.O. do. Cairnton, Hatton of Fintray

Biidgeof Dye, strachan C airnton ( ottage, Abe deen Bridge of Gairn, Ballater Cairnton Cottage, Banchory Brid-e of Lead, Forbes Cairntradlin, t lackburn Bridye Mall, Keig C'alfork, Forbes Bridgefield, I'ridge of Don Calfvva d, Alford

.\i Bridgefoot, Udny Ciunbus . O' ay, Ballater Bridgefoot of Keir, Belhelvie Cammieston, Kintore Bridgeton, do. Campfi Id. Banchory

Bridgetown, Alford ( aidhill I'ouse, ( raigievar Brindy. Keir Candyclerach, Drumoak Brindy:i ire, do. Candycraig, .-tiathdon Broadbog, Alford Cantlach, Limisden

Bioadiack, ( ountesswells Cantly, • eterculter

Broad ire, ( latt Ca denston Alford

Broadshed, ^kene Carlogie < ottage, Kincardine CNeU Hroadstreak., do. Carncosh, Forbes Broadtree. do. Carnsiiill, Tarves Brockerfield, Countesswells C: skieben, PI ickburn Broom, Rhynie Castlehill, Rhynie Broomfield, Monymusk , Keig

Bioonifield, Drumoak Castle F aser. ' luny Bioomhill, Skene Cnstle Hunger, Hatton of Fintray Broonhill, \^ aterton of Eeht Castle Kildrummie Mossat Bromnhill, Torphius Cas Je Newe. - trathdon

Broom I ill, Alford Castletown, Durris Brownhillock, Fyvie Castletown Hiaemar Browuieshillock, Monymusk Castletown of Asloun, Forbes POSTAL DIEECTOEY. 57

Castletown of Corve, Craigievar Cotton, Kintore Catam, Forbes Cotton Lodge, Woodside Cattie, Keig Cottown, Strathdon Cattle, Oldmeldrum Cottown, Forbes Cattie, Whitehouse CouU, Aboyne Cattofield, Woodside CouUie, Monymusk Causeyend, Hntton of Fintray Coullie, Udny Causeyend, Helhelvie COUNTESSWELLS,S O., Aberdeen Causeyport, Hillside Courtstone, Tarves Caviehillock, Echt COVE, S.O., Aberdeen Chance Iiin, Belhelvie Cowford, Alford Chapelhall, Udny Cowhill, Fyvie Chapeltowu, do. Cowstores, Hatton of Fintray Chapeltown. Methlic Coylaereich, Ballater Chapel of Garioch, Pitcaple Crabedonia, Newburgh Charlestown, Hillside Crafts. Bridge of Bucket Chrad, Alford Crafts End, Ciatt Christkirk on Sleepyton, Kinnethmont Craibstone House, Auchmull Cividly, Keig Craig, Lumsden Clashenriach, Ballater Craig, Rhynie Clash farquhar, Hillside Craigdam, Tarves CLATT, S.O.. Aberdeen Craigengalt, Cabrach Claymill, Cragievar Craigenlath, Maryculter Claymires, Hatton of Fintray Craighall. Kinnethmont Clifton Lodge, Banchory Craigie, Tarvis Clinterty, LMackburn Craigiedarg, Waterton of Echt Cloghill, Countesswells Craigiedarg, Skene Clova, Lumsden Craigiesteps, Alford Clovenstone, Kintore Craigievar Castle, Craigievar CLUNY, S.O., Aberdeen CRAIGIEVAR, S.O., Whitehouse Cluny Castle, Aberdeen Craiglug, Durris Coalmuir, Alford Craigmile, Torphins Cockley, Maryculter Craigmiii, Alford Coirford, Craigievar Craigmills, Pitcaple Coldhame, Forbes Craignoak. Clatt Coldhame, Keig Craigour, Torphins Coldhome, Tarves Craigtown, Kinnethmont Coldstone. Tarland Craik, Lumsden f Coldstream, Drumoak Crfimptown do. Colhay, Forbes Cran Bog, Bridge of Don CoUonach, Drumoak CRATHIE, S.O.. Ballater CoUynie. Methlic , Aberdeen Comers. Cluny Crausmid, Khynie Concraig, I'lackbum Creack, do. Concraig, Skene Crechie, Fyvie Condy, Kinnethmont Crigie, Strathdon Confounderland, Alford Crolts (Glenmuick), Ballater Cookhill, Mossat Crombly Hank, Ellon Cookstown, Hillside Cromlet, Forbes Corbieshill, New Deer Cromlet, Fyvie Cordovan Lodge, Ballater Cross Gight, New Deer

Cargarff, Strathdon Crossley, iVl aryculter Cornaleia, Ballater Cross Roads, Aboyne Coinbauchory, Alford Cross Roads, Craigievar Corner Cottage, do. Cross Roads, Durris Cornerstone, do. Cross Roads, Keig Cornhill, Echt Culford, Alford Clayland, Skene Culfosie, Watertown of Echt Corrachree, Aboyne Culivine, Cabrach Coreen Quarries, Forbes Cullairley, Echt Corryhoul, Strathdon Cullybleen, Forbes Corrymutzie Cottage, Braemar Culmelly, Alford Corvyside, Strathdon Culsh, Mossat Corsee House, Banchory Culsh, New Deer Corsindae House, Aberdeen Culter House, Peterculter Corskie, Waterton of Echt Cults, Aberdeen Corthymuir, Udny Cults, Kinnethmont Cothnll Mills, Aberdeen Culter Cuilen, Newburgh Cothill, Hatton of Fintray Colquhome, Strathdon 58 POSTAL DIRECTORY.

Cuminestown, Fyvie Drums. Newburgh Curdyseat. Ta^vis Dryden. I.'hynie Cushnie, Khynie Dubiestyle Newburgh Cushny House, Alford Dubstone. Forbes Duch Cabrach Daes, Kinnethmont Dukestone, Mossat Daldownie Ballater DuUox Bridge of Bucket Dalmaik, Pnimoak Dunecht House, Waterton of Echt Dalb eiry, Kintore Ijunnet. .Aboyne

Damfold, Hatlon of Fintray Duno, I itcaple Dam head, Alford DURRIS. SO., Aberdeen

Damhead. Newbur^h Durris House. I 'urris Damhead, \^"aterton of Echt DYCE. SO., Aberdeen Damseat, Echt Dykehead. Monyniusk Danestovvn, W'oodside Dykeside of ^ uchmair, Cabrach Daruadykes, Alford Dykeside of Kildrummy, Mossat Darncleugh, Aberdeen Darnege. Moiiymusk Earl rioisterseat Udny Danford. Durris Earljfield Kennethmont DAVIOT, S.O., r)idmeldrum East Balhamie, Alford Davishill, Newburg-h Easterbodiebae, Cabrach

Deebaiik, ^ btrdeea Easter ( irncoullie, Mossat Deebank, Bani hory Easter Carnie, Skene

Dee C stle Hallater Easter i cht, Kcht Deershill. Fyvie Easter Kilum Mossat Da nadamph, strathdon Easter M ainsof Keith HaU,Kinnethk Denend U ny Easter Ord, Skene Denghead, Keig Easter Skene, Skene Denmill, W hitehouse Ea.'ter ^^ oodside Echt Den more, Aberdeen Easttield, Hallater Denside. I^urris Eastgnte. Alford Derrysheiliii, Braemar Easthillhead Hatton of Fintray Deskryside, Strathdoa Easthog, do.

De.5ky, i iimsden East Qiiartons. Hrumoak Desswood House, Kincardine O'Neil East Huniblie, Alford Derilghead -Mford ECHT. S O, Aberdeen Disblair, Hattoii of Fintray Edinbanchory. Mossat Dishiair. Suinmerhill Edinbanchory. I.umsden Dockiiigton. Bridge of Bucket Edinglassy Strathdon Don of Kildruinmie, Ivlossafc Eggie Helhelvie Don of Towie, do. Elnhin Alford Do sail, Alford Elrick do. Dorsenciily, I'allater Elrick, f'abrach Douglashead. Tarves Elrick. Rhynie Downies. Hillside Elrick Hoiise. Summerhill Doynstone, Kintore Endovin. Alford Drakemire. Methlic Enzean, .M onymusk Droughs urn. Alford Evci biggin, Lumsden

Drum. ! rumoak

Dj uma Ian, I Uirrls Fairbrunfland, Hatton of Fintray Drumbreck. E ht Fairley, Countess wells Druuibreck Tarvis Fair>hillock. H atton of Fintray Drunidiian, .Vlarycalter Farbm-n Dj'ce

Drumdiidg;e, \^ hitehouse Farmtown .>> Iford Drum Durno, Pitciple Federate New eer Diumfoltie, >i(issat Fernhill, CountessweUs Drumfootie, Alford Ferrar Aboyne Drumfonls, do. Fctterletter Fyvif^ Drumhead, I'elhelvie Feugh I ottage, I'anchory Drumlassie. To i)hins Fiddle, ( :ouiitesswells Drummie. Aboyne Fiddy, Skene Diumminor, Ithynie lindon, IJillside Dru iiunfunner, Iford Findiack I orphins Drumn:ifunner, Forbes Fingask. Oldmeldrum

Drumnagar y, i ridge of Bucket Finglanny, nhynie Druninahive, Mossat p'intray House. Hatton of Fintray Drumnohill, Kintore Aboyne DRUMOAK, SO., Aberdeen Fisherford, Rothie Drum of Auchindoir, Mossat FiiuthiUSj Methlic POSTAL DIRECTOEY. 59

Fochel, Oldmeldrum Greenmyre, Methlic Fopgieley, Aboyne Green of Udny Udny Fogg-ieley, Craigievar Greenstyle VIossat Foggiemlll, Pt^athdon Greystoiie, Forbes Foolston, Kint re Guildhall of Pitmedden, Dyce Foordtown Kintore Guise, vv hitehouse FORBES, S.O., Aberdeen Forbes Lodge, Stiathdon Haddo, Fyvie Fornety, Newburgh Haddo Methlic Foveran, Aberdeen Haddo House, Aberdeen Fowlbank, Cove Hadd ck Cabach Fumercy, Echt Haddock, ihynie FYYIE, S O., Aberdeen H ddock, Monymusk Fyvie Castle. Fyvie Hainnoss, Hillside Hairmoss, Tarves Gallovvhill, Foibes Hallforrest, Kintore Garchory, Strathdon Hallhead, Alford Gaidiierhill, Mossat Hardhillock Udny Garlogie Mills, Skene Harenmir, Kinnethmont Gateside. Lumphanan Harestones, Fyvie Gateside, Maryculter Harlaw, Pitcaple Gate- de, Mossat Harlhill, Countesswells Gateside, Strachan Hart hill, Kintore Gateside, '! arves HarthiU, Keijr Gaudyuioss, Skene HATTON OF FINTRAY, S.O., Gight, Methlic A berdeen Gilkhorn JVew Deer Hattou of Folos. Fyvie Giliybiae, New Deer Hattoncrook, Whiterashes Gilmoiton, Udiiy Hattonslap, Tarves Girnock Ballater Haugh Head Lumphanan Glack, Oldmeldrum Haughton House, Alford Glas^oe o. ulackburn Hawlands, Belhelvie Glasgoforest, do Hayfield Woodside

Glasi'inore, Diuinoak Headinsch, i allater Glassel, Banchory Heathcote, Maryculter Glenham (Ji'ttage, Strachan Heughe d, Strathdon Glenbogie, Hhynie Hilldowntree. Maryculter G'enbuc et Lodge, Mossat Hillhead, Kcht Glenbiirnie, Aberdeen Hillhead, Mossat Glenbrindie, Kein Hillh ad of Puttie Fyvie Glenca. St athdon Hillhead of Largue Cabrach Gleiigairn Ballater Hillhead of Mosstown, Udny Gleiihead. Kimiethmont Hillock Alford Gleukiiulie Mossat Hillock Forbes Gleulogie, Lumsden Hillocks, Auchmull Gleulogie, Korbes lliilock of Tespercy, Forbes Glenniillan [louse, Lumphanan Hill of P>alrack, Monymusk Gleninuick, Ballter Hill of Fiddes, Newburgh Glentaniier, Aboyne Hill of Fechel, Udny

Go kstoue Methlic Hi 1 of Keir, .^kene Gordon's Mills, Woodside Hillof Kei-, Helhelvie

I Go ! don 'ale Aberdeen Hill of Middleton, Fyvie Gordonstone, Clatt PI ill of Mennie, >.evirbu'gh Gordonstown, Kohie Hill o^ Overhill, Relhelvie Gou das. Fyvie Hill of Udny. Udny Gowanuell Methlic JUUsack, Newbur^h Gownie, V\ hitehouse HILLSIOE, S.O. Aberdeen Grandholme, Aberdeen Hillside House. do. Grandhohne Cottage, Woodside Highboys, Whitehouse Granitehill, do. Highlands. Summerhill Grnut Lodge, Monymusk Hilton Mouse, Woodside Gratherdams Fjrbes Hoive, Strathdon Graystone, ttothie Holmhead, Alfod Greenasho n ( ove Holywell, Kennethraont Greenburn. Auchmull Honeybarrel, Mossat Greendeen. Belhelvie Hope Farm, Auchmull Greenhill, Forbes Hopshill, Belhelvie Greenlands, Hatton of Fintray Housieside, Udny 60 POSTAL DIEECTORY.

Howebog, Cabrach Laighraoor, Kinnethmont H uxterstoiie, L'ountesswells Lairney, Torphins Lairshill, Summerhill Inchmarlo, Panchory Lammerbraes, Fiutray Indigo, Aboyne Lairney, Torphins Inver, Hal ater Langhill, Methlic Inverb ie, Methlic Langley, Mossat Inveramsay, (i tea pie La'ghmore, Kinnethmont Invercauld P^allater Largue, t'abrach Inverden, Maryculter Largue, Rhynie Inverden, Mossat Lary, Hal later , lial ater L')tch, Pitcaple Inverey House, Fyvie Latch, Fin tray Inverernan, ^-trathdon Laveroch Uraes, Bridge of Don INVEKKINOIE S.O., Mossat Law. Lumphanan Inverythan, l-'yvie Learney Green, Monymusk Ironside, New Ueer Leddach, ;-kene Irweils, Udny Leggart Mills, Bridge of Dee Leggerdale, Cluny Jackstone, Fyvie Leith Hail, ivinnethmont Jesslefield, C- ountesswells Leochel, Aiford Lennoir, Rhynie Kebbaty House, Cluny Lentush, Pitcaple KEIG, S.O., Whitehouse IvCthenty, Forbes Keir, Helhelvie Letter of Skene, Skene Keithfield, Methlic Leucharburn, Skene Kennerty, Peterculter Lethenty Fyvie Kettocksmills, Woodside Lewishillock, Mossat Ketty, Mill of, Me'hHc Leylodge, Kintore Kilbleen (Jldineldrum Line of Skene, Skene KildiHinmie. Mossat Lingamend, Craigievar Kilnary. Udny Links of Eggie, belhelvie Kinaldie. Blackburn Linton. Cluny Kinbroom, Rothie Little Endovie, Aiford Kinck-inie, Durris Little Gight, Methlic KINCARDINE O'NEIL, S.O., Aber- Little Halquhnin, Forbes deen Little Mill, Lumsden Kincardine Lodse, Kincardine O'Neil Little Aiill, Blackburn Kincrai-ie, Luniphanan Little Warrackstown, Forbes Kincraigie v\ hitehouse Littlewood Park, do. Kincorth. Maryculter Little Ythsie, Tarves Kingcausie, Aberdeen Loanhead, Aiford Kin ^ seat, ^ummerhiU Lochead. -kene Kinjsfor i. Alfo»-d Loch (iveens, Summerhill Kini-'Stown, Newburgh Loch Hills, do. Kingswells, Countesswells Distillery, Ballater Kinknockie Newbmgh Lochside, Skene Ki mundy, Countesswells Lochtown, Durris Kinniundy House, Sumraerhill Logie, llatton of Fintray Kinnernie Clnny Tarland KTNNETHMONT, S.O., Aberdeen Logie Elphinstone, Pitcaple Kintocher. Craigievar Logiereive, Udny KINTOKE, S.O., Aberdeen Loinveig, i^allater Kirk of i.ayne Hitcaple Loirston House, Cove Kirkb'ae, Aiford Lonach Inn, Strathdon K rkhill, I'yce Longcroft, Whiterashes Kirkhill Kinnethmont Lonhead, Newburgh Kirkhill, Mossat Low, Kinnetiunont Kirkhill, Oidmeldrum LU.VIPHANAN, S.O., Aberdeen Kirkhill House. Aberdeen LUMSDEN, S.O., Aberdeen Kirknowes, \lford Lynturk, Whitehouse Knaves, New Oeer Knockando, Craiuievar Macaan Haugh, Mossat Knockespock. Clatt MactMry. Udny

Knockhall, Newburgh M aidencrai , Countesswells Mains of Asloun. Forbes

Lachans. Mossat JMain3 of • rux, Mossat Lachentilly, Kintore Mains of Concraig, Skene Ladymill, Aiford Mains of Craighallj Kinnethmont POSTAL DIRECTORY. 61

Mains of Drumbreck, TJdny Millbowie, Skene Mains of Druminnor, Hhynie Mi Ibrese Fyvie Mains of Haugh, Mossat Millbrex, Fyvie Mains of Keithfielil, Tarves Millden, Helhelvie Mains of Knaper a, Udny Millhill Forbes Mains of Monaltrie, Ballater Mill of Allathan, Udny Mains of Mosstown, Udny Mill of Baudly, Alford Mains of Pitmedden, do. M ill of Bissack, Blackburn Mains of Pitricliie, do. Mill of Brax Alford Mains of Pchivas, Tarves Mill of Hrux. Cushnie, Mossat Mains of .^lieii, Helhelvie Mill of Cavie, summerhiU Mains o Tillyfour, Monymusk M ill of Corse, Craigievar Mains of Tolquhon, Tarves Mill of 'orskie, Waterton of Echt Mains of Tnlloch, Keig Mil of Conllie. Udny

Mains of Udny. Udny M ai of < raigtown, Kinnethmont Malvleburgh Keig Mill ot Drum, Drumoak

Maltcroft, i\l ossat Mill of I'rumbreck, Udny M arch m ires, Alford Mill of Echt. Echt Mar Castle, I'raeniar Mill of Eggie, Helhelvie Marvbanlj, Mavvcnlter Mill of I echel, Udny MARYCULTKR, S.O., Aberdeen Mill of Fiddes, Newburgh Marytield, Banchory Mill of Fintray, H^tton of Fintray

Maryroads, Monymusk Mill of Horn, i anchory Marywell, Aboyne Mill of < ird, Countessvs'ells Mastrick, Aterdeen Mill of Rothie, Kyvin

Mastrick, Pitcaple Mill ' f Thainstone Kintore Mavisbank. Hanchory Mill of Tifty, Fvvie Mayfield, Whitehouse Mill of Torry. Udny Maytas, Khynie Mill of Udny, do. Meadowbank, Whitecairns Milltown (TuUick), Ballater

Meadowbrae, Fintrav Milltown Bank, ( raigievar Meadowbrae ^i onymusk Milt'.n (Cullerley), E ht M ean Echt, Echt Miltown of Allayne, Strathdon M e kle Folia, Rothie Miltown of Auchindoir Lumsden.

Meikle Folly. Stiathdon Miltown of < airncoullie, Alford Meikle Haddo, Nowburgh Miltown of CairncouUie, Mossat Meikle Wartle, Pitcaple Minchmise, Korbes

< Meldrum House, ' idmeldrum M onabattock, Forbes M elton of Auchindoir, Rhynie Monalt ie, Ballater Melton of C'brHch, (.'abrach Money Kebback. Summerhill Melton of Kildrummy, JMossat Monkshill. Newburgh Memulach, Summerhill Monkshill, Udny Menie House, Belhelvie Monkshill, Fyvie Menfew, .Mossat Monlith, Lumsden

MET 1 1 Lie, S.O., Aberdeen Montanno, Newburgh Midbeltie, Torphins Monteach, Lumsden

Middlefield, i ountesswells Montga ly, Forbes Middlefield Mossat Montgar y, Alford Middlefield, Skene MONYMUSK, SO., Aberdeen Middlefield, Woodside Monymusk House, Monymusk Middlemoor, Lumsden Mo\iywells, Udny Middleinuir, l^elhelvie Moor of Leggieden, Kinnethmont, Middlemuir, Methlic Moi'rsay, Mossat Middiethire, Lumsden Mornhaugh. Keig Middleton, Fintray Morven Lodge, Ballater Middleton of Helhelvie, Belhelvie Mosmehlop, Summerhill M iddleton of Pottcrton, do. MOS-AT, S.O., Abeideen Midniar Castle, Kcht Mossend, Alford Mid mar Cottage, Echt Mosshead, do. Midniill, Alford Mossbead, Udny Midmill, Forbes Mosside, .Alford Midniill, Kintore Mosside, Hat ton of Fintray Mid ward Forbes Mosside, Monymusk Mildowrie, Monymnsk Mos.side, Mossat Mildin-no Brig o' Don Mosside. Tarves Mi Ibaiik School, Cluny Mos.stown, Udny Mi'lbank, bridge of Don Mosstown, Kinnethmont MiUbank, Udny Moxes. Alford Muckle Newton, Echt 62 POSTAL DIRECTORY.

Mnggarthaugh, Alford Newton of Alford, Alford Mug-giemoss, Auchmull Newton of Auchinclf ck Skene Wuir, Forbes Newton of Auchindoir, Lumsden Muirhead, Alford Newton of Hidesvvell, Alford Miiir of Alford, do. Newton of Brux, Mossat Muir of Fowlis. do. Newton of Crathie, Hallater Muir of , Aboyne Newton of Fochel. Alford Mui town, Belhelvie Newton of Knockriach, do. Murcar, (iridge of Don Newton of Skene, t^kene Wurtle, Aberdeen Newton of Tidlich, Ballater Newtyle Newburgh Neilsbrae Fintray New Wester Echt, Waterton of Echt Kether Auchintoul, Alford Nibbleston, Alford Nether Halfnur, Durris Norham, dp. Nether Coullie, \'onymusk North Bank, lorbes Nether Drumallachie, Mossat North bog. Fintray Nether Hills, Auchmull North Forest, Skene Nether Howbog, Cabrach North Keig, Forbes Nether Iiive'-, vioin-musk North Keig, Keig Nether Kildrummy, Mossat Northnio, alford Nether Loirstoti. (.'ove North Town, Kcht Nether Mill, Alford North Ythsie, Tarves Nether Mill, Taves Norwood, Aberdeen Nether Minmore, Alford Noughtyside, Strathdon Nether Minnes, Newburgh Nether Park, Druinoak Old AuchinHoir, Lumsden Nether Terryvale, Skene Old Craig, Udny Nether Tillymaud, Udny Old Echt, Echt >ethertown, Clatt Old Keig, Keig Nethertowii, Monymosk Old Manse, New Deer Newbigging, Clatt Old Manse of Cushnie, Alford Newbigging, Fyvie Old Mau I, New Deer Newbigging, Keia; OLDMELDRUM, S.O,, Aberdeen

NEWBUR .H. S.O , Aberdeen Oldmeldrum. Rhynie Newburn.-ide, Keig Old Mill, Alford New raig, Udiiy Old Mill, Newburgh Newcrofts, \ionymnsk Old Mill, Craigievar NE \ DEER S.O., Aberdeen Old Strannie, Forbes Newfariu, Keig Old Town, Alford Newfiilds. Monymusk Oldtownleys, Methlic Newforrest, Rhynie Old What, New Deer Newhaes, Alford Oraietown Cabrach Newhills, -> uchmull Orchardtown, Udny New Inn, -^ If'rd Ord, H hynie New Keig, Forbes Ordlot;ie, Fyvie New Keig, Keig Ord .M ill Cottage. Monymusk New Kiik, 'larl-^nd Ord Mill Saw Mills, do. New Knock Alford Orrick Belhelvie Newlands, 11 atton of Fintray Orrick House, do. Newuiachar Inn, Summerhill Overhill, do. New Mains of tiraystone, Alford Overhill, Newburgh New \ erdrum. Khynie Overtown, Monymusk New Mill. Hatton of tintray Newmill. Newburgh Paneed. Cabrach Newniill of a uchindoir, Lumsden Pannanach Wells, Ballater Newpark. Countesswells Parkburn, Fyvie

Ne«>eat, i hynie Parkhill, Dyce Newseat of Craighall. Lumsden Parkhil House, Aberdeen Newseat of Drunibreck, Udny Paik House do. NEWSEAT, SO, Pitc .pie Parkstyle Monymusk Newseat Tolquhoun, Tarves Park of Brux, Lumsden Newton, brid-e of Bucket Park Villa, Strathdon Newton, Forbes Parnassus, Fyvie Newton, Hatton of Fintray Pattons, Maryculter Newton, Keig Pawford, Forbes Newton, Methlic Pe sley Woodside Newton, Rhynie Perviimes HiidgeofDon Newton. Rothie Peterivell, Fyvie Newton, Drumoak PETERCULTER, S.O., Aberdeen POSTAL DIRECTOEY. 63

Petty, Fyvie Rumloan, Ballater Petty muck, Udny Ruxton, Tarves Piperwell, Alford Pitbee, Pitcaple St John's Wells, Fyvie Pitcaple Castle, Pitcaple Sack, Newbur^^h PITCAPLK, s.O,, Aberdeen Sattie, Fintray Pitcow, Udny Sauchen, Cluny Pitcullen, Torphins Sauchentree, Methlic Pitfechie Cottage, Monymusk Schivas, do. Pitfour, Alford Sclattie, AuchmuU Pitmedden, Dyce Scotstov?n, Aberdeen PitmeddeDj Torphins Scotstown Methlic Pitmedden, Udny Sc-tt's Mill, Forbes Pitmellan, Newbiirgh Scrapehard. Kin tore Pitmurchie Torphins Sculterie, Alford Pitmursie, Monymusk Pcurdavgue, Khynie Pitsc^ilf. Newbuigh Seaton House, ( »ld Aberdaen Pittendrick, Keig Seats, Whitehouse Pittod ie, Pitcaple Seggieden, Fintray Pittrichie. Udny Seggieden. Kinnethmont Pitulhies, Keig Senniel, Strathdon Portlethen, Hillside Sennil, Methlic Potterton, Aberdeen Sh^nnaburn, Maryculter , Kincardine O'Neil Shanneock, Forbes Prewmess. Dyce Shannock -vboyne Primrose Hill, Old Aberdeen Sheddockslej'-, Aberdeen Sheelagreen Alford Quarry, Udny Shethin, Tarves Quartons, Drumoak Shiel Alford Quiddies Mills. Echt Shielhill, Belhelvie Quithelhead, Durris Shiels Cottage, Belhelvie Shiels, Cluny Eachinlochie, Drumoak Shunnies, Keig Eaemoir House, Banchory Siivermoss, Tarves

Eannieshi 1, Sumnierbill Sittytown, Summerhill Eanniestown, Ellon Skelmore, Methlic Rannestown, Vlonvmusk SKENK, ^.O., Aberdeen Eashiebottom, Fintray Skene House, vv'aterton of Echt Eathen, Monymusk Skiiktown, Bridge of Bucke Eattlick. Ballater Sluggie, do. Eecan)lane. Cabiach Smiddyburn, Belhelvie Eedburn, Fintray Smiddyscut, JVIethlic Bedford, Craigievar Smiddyseat, Methlic Eedhill, Echt Snewton, Monymusk Eedhouse, Forbes Somefolk, do. Eedmyre. Hillside South ^ uchrovine, Skene Eeekie, Alford South BiddiFSwells, Alford Eeekie, Forbes South Craigton, Kinnethmont Ehyal, Rhynie Southfarthing, Newburgh EHYNIE, S.O., Aberdeen Southfield, Keig Eimmierae, Fintray South Fowlis, Alford Eintany Farm, Bridge of Bucket South Orrock. Belhelvie Roadside, Forbes Stankside, Alfoid Eoadside of Cults, Kinnethmont Stanrieford, Summerhill Eogerseat. Fyvie Stevenaburn, New Deer Eogiehili, Skene Stonemanhill Fyvie Eose^rdle, M onymusk Stoneydyke, Rhynie Eosebank, Udny Stoneywood, Aberdeen

Eoseburn, Fintray STRACHAN, S.O , Banchory Eoseoaim, do Straloch, Aberdeen Eosehall, Summerhill STKATHDON, s O., Aberdeen Eosebill, Aboyne S'rathmore, Aboyne Rosehill Woo'dside Strathforhes. Craigievar Rosemount Cottage, Kincardine O'Neil Strathcarrick Forbes Rosevilla, Fintray Stranduff, Kincardine O'NeU Rothie. Fyvie Stripes, f^ummerhill Rothiebrisbane, do. Ft roan, Alf. rd Rothiemaise, Pitcaple Somahard Mossat Rumblie, Alford SUMMERHILL, S.O., Aberdeen 64 POSTAL DIRECTOEY.

Snnnybrae, Bridge of Bucket Tolquhon. Tarves Sunnyside Diunioak Tomnakeist, Ballater Sunnyside, Fyvie Tonley, Whitehouse Rwaiiend, Summerhill Torbeg, Ballater Swailend, Echt Torburn, Rhynie Swell, Alford Torgalter, Ballater Swiddy, Forbes Tornavean, Torphins Sylareihy, do. Tv)RPHlNS, S,0., Banchory T.irrie, Clatt Tanfield. Woodside Torrie, Mossat Tarbf rthill I'ridgre of Don Tories of Tough, Whitehouse TAHLAND, i*.0., Aboyne Torry, Aberdeen Tartowie, Hlackbuin Torryburn, Kintore T \RVES, S.' '., AberdeeE Torrvleith, Summerhill Taughlawford, Methlic Truffhill New Deer Templand, Rhynie Tulloch, Echt Templecroft, Mossat Tulloch Lumphanan Temple-ton, Mossat Tulloch, Oldme drum Terpersie, Forbes. Tullochdens, Craigievar

Tha'nston, Kintore TuHochleys, ( latt Thistlehill, Udny Tnllichmicarroch, Ballater Thornroan, Tarves Tub OS, Aberdeen Thornton, Aboyne Tullyangus, Clatt Thriepfield Udny Turnerhall, Hnllater Throopmoor, Methlie Turniehelt Cabrach Tibbercnmdy, Alford Turntoul, Bridge of Bucket Tibberkindy, Forbes Tyiebagyer, Blackburn Tilbourie, MMrvculter Tyries, Mossat Tilliery, Metbbc ht Tillenbelt, £ UDNY, S.O., Aberdeen Tillwhilly, Banchory Upper Auchintoul. A ford "Kintore Tillybin. Upper Corskie, Waterton of Echt Echt Tillybirnach Upper Coullie, Monymusk Tillybrig. Watertoii of Ecbt Upper Hairhog, Cabrach Tillycairn, ( luny Upper Haugh, Aif'-rd < 'Idmeldrum Tillycairn. Upper Inver. Monymusk Tillycawden, 'I'arves Upper Leochel C aigievar Tilychelty, Alford Upper Mains, Echt Tillycorthy. Udny Upper Mill. Afford Tillyduke, Strathdon Upper Mi' 1, Tarves Tillvewe, Udny Upper Mill, Forbes Tillfa'. do. Uppertown, Bridge of Bucket Tillyfoddie, Waterton of Echt Tillyfour, Monymusk Waterton of Echt Tiliyfoui- Whiteh' use Wakenda'e, Alford Tillyfourie, Monymusk Walkend, Aberdeen Tillygreii, Sumaierhill Wa kfie d, < ou-nesswells Tillyhelt Rhynie Warbraes, Methlic Tillyhorn, Alford Wardford Forbes Tillykerrie, Whitehouse Ward ead Tillykeny, Fintray Wardmili. Drumoak ford Tillylodge. Aboyne Wark A do. Tillymair, Whitehouse Warkbraes, Forbes Tillymanach. Waterton of Echt Warrackstown, Newseat Tillymaud. Udny WarthiM, Warthi 1 House, Pitcap'e Tillymorgan Kothie Newburgh Tillyorn, Craigievar Wateridgemuir. Forbes Tillyorn. Kcht Watermill, Fintvay Tillyrenach.Echt AA'aterside, Forbes Tillysack, Alford Waterside, Craigievar Waterton AuchmuH Tillysack, OF ECHT, S.O., Til vshogle. Kcht WATERTON Aberdeen Tilly wate-. Monymusk thv town, Keig Tilty, Kintore Weal

1 Fintray Todlochie, Monymusk We' fan d, We'lfo'ds, Alford Tofthill, Kintore do. Toldon, Ballater Wellheads, Tolmauds, Torphins Wellhouse, do. —


West Cloisterseat, Udny Whitebillock, Rhynie West Goulie, do. Whitborn Porb3S West Craig, do. WHITE HOUSE. ^.O., Aberdeen Wester Rodiebae, Cabracli Whitelanes. Mossai Wester Cirnie, Skene Whiteley, Whitehcase Wester L'lova. Mossnt Wbifcelunis. Saminerhill

Wester ''orse, Alford Wbvtemvres ' ountesswellg Wester Corsp, Countesswells WHITE K \SHE-, SO., Aberdeen Wester Conll, Aboyne White'-ide, Forbes

Wester < iillerley Echt Whuddleniont, Rhynie Wester Fintray, Kintoro Willowbank, .Mossat Wester Fornet, Skene Wiudseye, Alford Wester Kingsford, Alford Wiiidseye, ' ountesswella Wester Knowes, do. Windseye, Rhynie Wester Leocliel, do. Windseye, Lumsden Wester 1 leochel, Conntesswells Windyfield, Rhynie Westficld. NewburA Winestripe, Mossat West Gallowhills, Alford Wirthill, Ijum=den West-jate, do. Womblehill, Kintora Westknowe<5, r*ounte3Swell3 Woodend Manchory Westside, Alford VV'oodend, Alford

Westside, < ountesswellg Woodend. Forbes Westside, Monymufk AVoodend. Lumphanan Westside of Urux, Mossat Woo'lend Cottao^e, LJanchory Wethanoh, Rhynie Woo'lhead, Fyvie Wbeedliemont, Auchindoir Woodliead. Monymusk WbJteho^, New Deer Wood hill, .Aberdeen Whiteburn, Kinnetbniont Woodhill, Fintray Whit^cairns, New Deer Woodhill Kintore WHITEC \IRN3. S.O., Aberdeen Woodland, Whiterashes Wbitefield, Forbes Woodside. Alford Whitebaug-b, do. Woodside, Lumphanan Whitebill, Monymusk Woodside House, Woodside Whitebill, New Deer WOOD -IDE, <.0., Aberdeen WMtehillock, Cabrach Wretinglaill, New Deer

Cottages, Mansions, and Places in the Suburbs of Aberdeen.

Albyn Cottage—near -Albyn place, on west side of Holburn Church Angusfield—on Skene road, b?side Rubi^law Quarries I'i^^ht hand side Ann Place— on Low stocket road, near Rosemount terrace Arthurseat— a, mansion near Polinuir, beyond Ferryhill Railway Station, or ten minutes' walk due south irom Roy's nursery Ashcrove—about half a mile sotith west of Kittybrewster toll Ashhill, or Prospect Cottage—on road leading south west and west from Kittybrewster toll, half a mile from toll Ashley place— on Cuparstone road, quarter of a mile from Holburn street Ashvale— on Cuparstone road, ri'.iht hand side, opposite Nellfield cemetery

Halgownie Hoad—road leading along north side of river i on to Grandholia house Balgownie—a mansion on north side of river Don, half a mile above old bridge Balffownie Hrid.u'e (Old Bridge of Don) Balgreen —a cottage on low Sfcocket road, right hand side, one mile and a half from Caroline place Eanchoi-y house—a mansion on the south Deeside road, two miles beyond

I ridge of Dee Bannerm-ll a ma-.ufactory near Links, approached by Bannermill street and Albion street Barkmill house— Berryden road teechbill—a mansion on Countesswells road, left hand side, nearly two miles from Holburn street

Beliront— ."i raansion on Berryden road, half a mUe beyond Carclin« placo 6 66 POSTAL DIRECTORY.

Bellevue—a mansion on Hardgate road, left hand side, half a mile beyond Bon-accord terrace Belvidere—a mansion on Stocket road, half a mile west from Skene square Berryden Road—leading north, from CaroUne place to Cairncry road and Kitty brewster toll Berryden House—on Berryden road, three minutes' walk from Caroline place, right hand side Berrybank —on Berryden road, half a mile from Caroline place, or near to Kittybrewster toll, left hand side Berry's Road—a narrow lane leading from nortli end of Broadford to north end of Cansewayend Bloomfield—a line of cottages on the Holburn road, two minutes' walk be- yond Holburn street, left hand side Bonnymuir—a dwelUng-house on low Stocket road, about a mUe from south end of Hutcheon street Bridge of Dee—on south road, by Holburn street, about one mile and a half from Union place Bridge of Don (New) —on King street road, two miles from Castle street Bridge of Don (Old) —or Balgownie Bridge—^three minutes' walk west of New Bridge of Don Broomhill—a dwelling-house on the old Deeside Road, half a mile from south end of Holburn street Bumieboozle—a mansion on the Skene road, half a mile beyond Rubislaw Quarries, left hand side Eumside—a group of cottages on low Stocket road, one mile from Caroline place Cairncry Road—a by-road branching off south-west from Kittybrewster toll, and extending about two miles in length Calsayseat— at the junction of George street and Causewayend roads, half a mile from George street Carnation Field— a fruit and flower garden on low Stocket road, opposite Lunatic Asylum, left hand side Carden's Haugh— at the west end of Skene street, nearly opposite Victoria street west Cattofield—on Cairncry road, three minutes' walk west from Kittybrewster toU Cherryvale— at west end of Skene street, opposite Sheriff "Watson's Female School of Industry Clayhill Brick-work—on road leading from Poynernook to Ferryhill Station, one minutes' walk beyond Affleck street Clerkseat Asylum Grounds—lower end of Cornhill road Comhill House— on Cornhill road, one mile from Lunatic Asylum, right hand side of road Countesswells Road—a by-road branching off to the right from Cuparstone road, about one mile beyond Cuparstone toll Countesswells House—aboiit four miles from Holburn street, by Cuparstone and Countesswells roads Cuparstone Road— branches off on the right from Holburn street, fifty yards beyond Holburn bridge Cuparstone Cottage^-on Cuparstone road, three minutes' walk from Hol-

• burn street, right hand side Craigie Loanings— a road leading north from Westfield, or foot of Albert street to high Stocket road Craigiepark—a dwelling-house on tbe Craigie Loanings road, left hand side Craigiebuc'-der—between the Rubislaw and Countesswells roads, two miles from Holburn street Craigton Cottage—on Countesswells road, two miles from Holburn street, left hand side, east side of Railway branch line Cunnigarhill Nursery—at the east end of Constitution street, adjoining Links, left hand side Dancing Cairn Quarries—on the Inverness or north road, one mile and a half beyond Woodside Daimcleuch— a dwelling-house on Countesswells road, two and a half miles from Holburn street, left hand side Denhead of Rubislaw—a road which branches off to right near Rubislaw toll, half a mile from toll Devanha House—a mansion near Ferryhill, two minutes' walk south from south end of Crown street DevEinha Brewery—on north side of river Dee, near Wellington bridge —


Deyanha Distillery—on north, side of river Dee, a quarter of a mile beyond Wellington bridge Dee Mouth—at south end of College street, left hand side Dee Mount—a mansion about one hundred yardsscwest from Ferryhill junc- tion of Scottish North-Eastern Railway Diamond Cottage, Holburn place— south end of Holburn place, left hana side Drywell Park—on the Stocket road leading past Rosemount place, nearly opposite head of Short loanings Eastfield—on the low Stocket road, one mile and a quarter from Caroline place, left hand side Eden Cottage—on Countesswells road, two and a half miles from Holburn street, left hand side Elmbank—a mansion near Kittybrewster toll bar Elmfield—a dwelling house, half a mile above Mounthooly, east side of Rail- way branch line Ewen Place—on Countesswells road, two and a half miles from Holburn st., left hand side Farmers' H all Lane—a narrow footpath leading from Gilcomston brae to Rosemount Eerryhill House—a mansion on road leading from Crown street to Roy's Nursery, right hand side Ferryhill Foundry—beside Wellington bridge Ferryhill Mills—three hundred yards south of Newbridge, Hardgafce Ferryhill Cottage—on hill overlooking Wellington bridge Firhill Well—half a mile west from Old Aberdeen, approached by foot road leading from beside Red Lion Inn, Spittal [side Fonthill Place—on road leading from Roy's Nursery to Hardgate, right hand Fountainhall—a dwelling-house on the road leading north from the top of Albyn place, four minutes' walk from Stoneyton, right hand side Forbesfield—on Cuparstone road, one mile from Holburn street, right hand side Forresterhill—on the Cornhill road, leading from, west side of Lunatic Asylum, one mile and a half from Caroline place, left hand side Friendville—a dwelling-house on Cuparstone road, one mile and a half from Holburn street, right hand side Friendly Bank—a dweliing-hotise near Mounthooly bridge, right hand side Froghall Cottage—half a mile above Movmthooly Galleries—a dwellinghouse between Mackie place and Cherryvale, right hand side of Skene street Gilcomston House—Upper Leadside, Gilcomston, right hand side Glenburnie Distillery—about a hundred yards north from Rubislaw toll bar Glenburnie Cottage—between Cherryvale and Garden place, right hand side of Skene street west Gordon's Mills—on the south side of the river Don, half a mile beyond Old Aberdeen Cathedral Gowan Brae—a group of dwelling-houses at north end of Causewayend, right hand side Grandholm Works—on north side of river Don, about a mile north from Woodside Grandholm Cottage—on north side of river Don, half a mile west from Grandholm works Grandholm Lodge— on north side of river Don, half a mile west from Grand- holm works Granite Hill (late Cairncry) a dweUing-house at west end of Cornhill and Cairncry roads Grantown Lodge—at Cuparstone place, about three minutes' walk from Holburn street, right hand side Hawthorn Cottage—at Cuparstone place, quarter of a mile from Holburn street, right hand side Hazlehead House—about a mile beyond Rubislaw toll, then neaily half a mile to left from Skene road Hilton—about five minutes' walk west from Woodside Free Manse Honeybank— north end of Canal road, right hand side, near Sutherland's manufactory Honeybrae— on the south high Stocket road, leading past Morningfield, left hand side, one mile and a half from Skene square Hosefield—a dwelling-house about a quarter of a mile north from Mile-end Inmore Cottage—on low Stocket road, leading from Hutcheon street, about two minutes' walk from Caroline place, left hand side 68 POSTAL DIRECTOEY.

Ivy Cottage—on liit^li RtocTiet road, leading from top of Maberly street, past E I'^emount, liaif a mile from .-^kene square, left hand side Jessiedtli— on Skene road, about two miles beyond Kubislaw quarries, left hand side >f Johrsjone I'lace—a dwe'llinc'-"'jouse on the Enbislaw road, about three qiiar- ters of a • ile bsyond Bubislaw toll, lefo hand side

Kenfield ' ottage—on Countesswells road, two miles from Holburn street, left hand side Kepplsstone House— o;i the Skene road, left hand side, opposite Eubislaw quarries Kepplestone Cottage—on the Skene road, lefb hand side, opposite Eubislaw quarries Kepplestone Lodge—on the Skene road, left hand side, opposite Eubislaw quarries Kirkhill on the Wellington road, south side of river Dee, one mile beyond Wellington bridge, left hand side Kifcfcybrewster Toll—on the Inverness road, about a mile and a quarter from Union street Leslie I'lace—north end of North Broadford, ri^hthand side Loanhead—on the high Stocket road, leading from >k3ue square, by Rose- mount, nearly half a mile from Sksne square, left hand side Lochhead—on the low >tock3t road, right hand side, about four minutes* w dk from Caroline place Louisville— a mansion on Ciiparstone road or North Deeside Turnpike, one mile from Holburn street, liaht hand side Lunatic 'sylam —near west end of Hutcheon street Mannofleld—a group of dwelling-houses on the Cuparstone road, at the junction of the i ountesswells, Pitfodels, and North Deeside roads, about half a niila beyond Cuparstone toll Maryfield a dwalling-hous^ on road leading from Eoy's nursery to Hard* gate, left hand side JIarywell Bank—a dwelling-house at the foot of Marywell street, south f^ida Moryvale— a dwelling-house at the west end of south high Stocket road, leading from .Morninxfield. about two miles from Skene square Mastrick—two and a quarter milss from town, on low Stocket road Millbuik Place north end of North Broadford, left hand side l^lillbank -a dwelliiig-house at north end of North liroadford, left hand side Millbauk Cottage—on the Berryden road, a hundred yards from Caroline place, right hand side Millbaiik Cottage—in Hardgate, near Willowbank, left hand side Mile-end—on the high Siockat road, at the parting of the north and south high Stocket roads, about three quarters of a mile west of Skene square [hand side Morefiald—on the north high Stocket road, half a mile west of Mile-end, left Morningfield—a group of dwelling-houses on south hia-h Stocket road, tak- ing left hand road from Mile-end, about half a mile from Mile-end

Mornin^^ide - on ' tip irsione road, or north Daeside turnpike, one mile and a half from Holburn street, left hand side Mount Pieajant-a dwelling-house at north end of Canal road, right hand side Mount Cottage—Eosemount, Vount street Moirnsld Cottage -on north high Stocket road, about half a mile beyond Mile-end, left hand side •

Nellfiel I < emetery— on Cuparstone road, a few yards from Holburn street, lefc hand side Nellfield Hou=e—on Cuparstone road, a quarter of a mile from Holburn sk, left hand side Newbridge -in valley of Hardgate, beyond Hon-accord terrace Newbri?e lirewery-in valley of Hardgate, beyond lion-accord terrace Newlauds—on the old North Deeside road, one mile from Holburn street Newton of Pitfodels— on the north Deeside road, three and a half miles Irom Holburn street North High >tock3t Eoad— C.%e Stocltei Roads) Oakbank- between north and south high stocket roads, about five minutes' walk beyond Mile-end Oakbank Cottage— on south high Stocket road, leading past Morningfield, one mile and a quarter from . kaue square, right hand side Oldmill Eeformatory—about two and a half miles from Union Place, on tikene road, left hand side. POSTAL DIEECTORY. 69

Orchard Cottage—Orchard Lane, Spittal Outseats of Pitnnaxton—on the north side of river Dee, between Eoy's nursery and Euthrieston Prospect Cottage—a new name for Ash-hill {See Ash-hill) Prospect Hill—a dwelling-house on south high Stocket road, leading from Skene square past Morningiield, about two miles from Skene square, right hand side Prospect Place—a dwelling-house on Countesswells road, two and a fourth miles from Holburn street, left hand side Pitmuxton—on old Deeside road, right hand side of Holburn street, about one mile from Union place Pitfodels Road—branches off west from Cuparstone road, at Mannofleld, about one mile and a half from Holburn street Pitfodels—about two miles from Holbvirn street, on Deeside road ' Powis—a mansion about five minutes' walk north-east from Kittybrewster toll Princesfield—a dwelling-house on low Stocket road, leading from Hutcheon street, by Westburn, one mile from Caroline place, right hand side Eaeden—on low Stocket road, leading from Hutcheon street, one mile and a quarter from Caroline place, left hand side Richmond Hill—a mansion on south high Stocket road, about four minutes' walk beyond Mile-end, right hand side Rosehill—a dwelling-house on the Cairncry road, three minutes' walk from Kittybrewster toll, right hand side Rosehill— a dwelling-house on Stocket road, leading from west end of Maberly street, three minutes' walk from Skene square, left hand side Rosemount Place—on Stocket road, leading from west end of Maberly st., three minutes' walk from Skene square Rosemount House—on Stocket road, leading from west end of Maberly st., first house on right hand after passing Forbes street Rosie Cottage—another name for Ash-hill or Prospect cottage Rosie Cottage—at west end of Hutcheon street, north side Rosebank House—a dwelling-house on Stocket road, leading from west end of Maberly street, first house on right hand side after leaving Skene square Rosebank—a dwelling-house on left hand side of Hardgate, near Bellevue house Royfold—on road leading to right from Rubislaw toll, half a mile from toll, on right hand side Rubislaw House—on Skene road, about fifty yards beyond Rubislaw toll-bar, on right hand side Rubislaw Works and Bleachfield—near Skene road, a quarter of a mile be- yond toll-bar, on left hand side Rubislaw Quarries— on Skene road, about five minutes' walk beyond Rubis- law toll, right hand side [from toll Rubislaw Den—on road leading to right from Rubislaw toll, about half a mile Rubislaw Park—on Skene road, three minutes' walk beyond Rubislaw toU, right hand side' Euthrieston Market Stance—on south Turnpike road, about half a mile from south end of Holburn street, left hand side Ruthrieston House—on south Turnpike road, half a mile beyond soutli end of Holburn street, right hand side Ruthrieston Lodge—on south Turnpike road, half a mile beyond south end of Holburn street, right hand side Euthven Cottage, Ruthrieston—on old Hardgate road, twenty-five minutes' walk from Castle street Seabank House—on King street road, right hand side, one mile and a quarter from Aberdeen Seafield—a dwelling-house about half a mile south from Rubislaw Bleachfield Seaview Gardens— at east end of Constitution street, adjoining Links, left hand side Stocket Hill—by the low Stocket road to Raeden, from thence one fourth of a mile to the right hand side Scotstown—about two miles north-west from Bridge of Don Sheddocksley—a mansion on old Skene road, three and a half miles from Caroline place, right hand side Sim's Cottage—in Holburn street, about two hundred yards beyond bridge, on left hand side 70 POSTAL DIRECTORY.

SlopSeM—a cottag-e on Countesswells road, two and a half miles from Hol- bum street left hand side Sprinp-bank - a dwelling-house on Inverness road, near Kittybrewster toll, left hand side Sammerhill—a mansion on south high Stocket road, leading past Morning- field, two miles from Skene square, right hand side Sammerfifld—a group of dwelling-houses at lower end of Park street, on left hand side Funnybank—a mansion about half a naile from Causewayend, by Canal Road Sunnypirk—adjoining Troghall, five minutes' walk from Causewayend Sunnyside—adjoining Spittal. three minutes' walk west from Red Lion Inn Bpringhill —a mansion on old Skene road, three miles from Caroline place Spa Well—in Spii street, west side of Infirmary Stocket Road (-outh High)—leads south-west from Mile-end, by left hand side road, past IMorningfield. and on to the Stocket Stocket Hoad (North High)—leads westward from .Mile- end, by right hand side road, past Haeden and Oakbank, and on to the >" tocket Stocket Road (Low) —leads in a straii^ht line westward from Caroline Place, past Westburn. Hounymuir, and Woodbill, on to the t^tocket Stoneytown—a group of dwelling-houses on Skene road, right hand side, about three hundred yards west from Albert street Stoneywood— about two miles north from Woodside, on south side of river Don Torry Farm —on south side of river Dee, half a mile east of Wellington bridge Torry Farm Brick Woiks—on south side of river Dee, half a mile east oi Torry Karm Torry Village—south side of Harbour entrance Twin Cottages— about the middle of Holburn street, right hand side Union Orove-a mansion at Wellington Hlace, on west side of Holburn ch. Union Glen Distillary—beside Holburn bridge, on Holburn street, left hand side United Cottage—two minutes' walk beyond south end of Holburn street, left hand side Villa Franca -a cottage about a hundred yards east of Morningfield Villafield - a cottage near GUcomston dam, three minutes' v?alk from north end of Albert street View Place—a dwellin'^r-house at west end of Rosemount, right hand side Viewton Place—a dwelling-house on the road from Mounthooly to Spittal, left hand side Viewfield between Tountesswells and Rubislaw roads, one half mile west of Rubislaw uleuchfield Wallfleld House—Stocket road Walnut < ottage—on Ruthrieston road, about half a mile beyond south end of Holliurn street, right hand side Waterton - about two miles north from Woodside, on south side of river Don Wellington (or Suspension) Bridge—over river Dee, near FerryhUl Iron Woiks Westfield—a mansion near north end of Albert street, entrance at ioot of (raigie loanings Westfield Nursery - on ""raigie loanings, left hand side, three minutes' walk from north end of Albert street Westburn—a mansion on low f tocket road, right hand side, three minutes* walk from ' "aroline place Westertou of I'itfodels three and a half miles from Aberdeen, on north side of Dee, near Cults station Whitehall—a dwellins-bouse near Gilcomston dam, a quarte.r of a mile from north end of Albert street, on road leading west from the same W hitemyres—a mansion on old Skene road, three and three fourth miles from ."-kene square, by low >tocket road WiUowbank - a mansion on left hand side of Hardgate, nearly opposite New« bridge Willowpark—a dwelling-house on low Stocket road,, two miles from Caroline place, left hand side Woodbill -a mansion house on low Stocket road, one mile and a quarter from Caroline place, right hand side J —



When in the snhjoined List two places are mentioned, the first is only a sub-office, and the second is the Mead Office to which tiie first is subordinate. In all cases the figures after a place show its distance hi milts from the sub- office. With some exceptions, all Head Offices are Money Order Offices, but some- times there is a Money Order Office nearer to the Sub-Office than is the Head Office. In these cases such Money Order Office is added as a third name, for the information of anv person who may Avish to remit money to the neighbourhood. As regards Town JSecemng Offices those only arc entered at which .Money order business is transacted ; and these will be found under the names of their respective Head Offices. Offices at which both T.Toney Order and Savings Bank business is transacted, are marked thus * and those which are Money Order Offices but not Savings Banks thus f. The last word in the Address of every letter, &c., should be the name of the town to which, or near to which, the letter is sent ; except when the l^ost-Office at that town is only a Sub-Office, in which case the Head Office to which this Office is subordinate must be added; and except also that where there aie two Tost Towns of the same name the county must be given.


Aberarder, Inverness 12 *Anderston— £60 Glasgow Aberargie, Bridge of Earn 3 Annan Aberchirder, Banff 9 Anstruther, Edinburgh 37 Aberdalgie, Perth 6^ Appin, Bonaw ISf

Aberdeen Applecross, Dingwall 70 j Lochcarron *Aberdour. Burntisland 3 Arbirlot, Arbroath 3 [20 *Aberfeldy, Dunkeld 17 * Arbroath Stirling 20 Arbutiinott, Fordoun Aberfovle, 2^ ; Eervie 4J Aberlady, Edinburgh, 21 ; Drem, 3^ Archiestown, Craigellachie 4 Aberlemno, Forfar 7 Ardcla h, Forres 11 j Aberlour, Craigellachie IJ Ardelve, Lochalsh 6 Aberncthy, Craigellachie 30; Gran- Ardentinny, Greenock 9; £tronc4^ town 6 Ardersier Abernethy, Newburgh (Fife) 3 Ardfern, Lochgilphead 15^ Abernyte. Inchture 3 Ardgay, Tain 14 Aberuthven, Auchterarder 3 Ardgour, Bonaw 31 ([30

Abington Ardnamurchan Honaw 75 ; Strontian

*Aboyne, Aberdeen Sll Ardpatrick, Lochgilphead 231 j Tar- Achahoish, Locligilphead 9^ bert 9i

Acharacle, Bonaw 574 5 Strontian 13 Ardrishaig, Lochgilphead 2

Acharnie, Himtly 11 Ardross, Inverness 365 ; Alness 5 Achinarrow, Craigellachie 22^; Ballin- Ardrossan [8 dalLoch 12 Ardvarsar, Broadford 17; Isle Ornsay

Advie, Craigellachie 14 ; Ballindalloch Ardwell Inn, Stranraer 11 : Drunmor© Airdrie [3^ 6^

Airth, Falkirk 7 ; Grangemouth 4^ Aiisaig, Fort Wil'iam 38; Alexandria, Glasgow 18 Armadale, Kdinburgh26; Bathgate 2 *Alford, Aberdeen 26 Armad'ile, Thurso 23 *AlIca Arncroach, Edinburgh 39 ; Pitten- Alness, Inverness 30 weem 3^ Altnaharra, Lairg 21 Arnisort. l^ortree 12 Alva, Stirling 6|; Tillicoultry 1 Aros, Oban 27^ A Ives, Forres 63; Elgin 5 Arran see Brodick and Lamlash *Alyth, M eigle 4 Arrochar, (ilasgow 33 Amisfield, Dumfries 4 Ariochar Village, Glasgow 37a; Ar- Amnlree, Dunkeld 10 rochar IJ AncxuiB, Jedburgh 4 Ascog, Roths&y 3 J ;


Ashkirk, Hawick 6|j Selkirk 4| Beith Assynt, Lairg 33 Belhelvie, Aberdeen 8 Athelstaneford, Edinburgh 20; Drem Belivat, Nairn 9 •Auchenblae, Fordoun 3 [2| Bellshill, Glasgow 10; Holytown 2 •Auciiencairn, Castle Douglas 8 Beltonford, Dunbar 2|

Auchencloich, Kiimarnock9| j Galston Benrinnes, Craigellachie 4 Auchencrow, Ayton 5 [4.3 Berriedale, Golspie 27; Dimbeath 6 Auchengray, Lanark 10; WestCalder *Bervie, Fordoun 7 5h Biggar

Auchinleck, Kilmarnock 14J ; Cum- Bii-gham, Coldstream 3| nock 1^ Birness Toll, Ellon 4 Auchleven, Insch 3 Birsay, Kirkwall 20 ; Stromness 10 Auchmull, Aberdeen 4 Birse, Aberdeen 38?; Aboyne 7 Auchmithle, Arbroath 4 Bishopbriggs, Glasgow 3| Auchnacarry, Fort William 121 Bishopton, Paisley 6

Auchnacraig, Ooan 13 Blackburn, Aberdeen 9 ; Kintore 4

Auchnagatt, Ellon 8 Blackburn, Edinburgh 265 ; Whitburn Auchnasheen, Dingwall 30 Blackford, Auchterarder 4^ [2 Auchterarder Blackball, Edinburgh 3 Auchteihouse, Dundee 7^ Blackhillock, Keith 5 Auchterless, Turriff 6 Blackridge, Edinburgh 29; Bathgate *Auchtermuchty, Ladybank 5 *Blackshiels, Edinburgh 17 [51 Auchtertool, Kirkcaldy 4 Bladnoch, Newton Stewart 7^; Wig- Auldearn, Nairn 2t town 1 Auldgirth Bridge, Dumfries 8 Blair-Adam, Kinross 4^ Auldgirnaig-, Blair Afhol 3 *Blair-Athol Aultbea, Dingwall 70 ; Poolewe 7 Blair-Drummond, Stirling 6 ; Doune 2

Aviemore, Kingussie- 13 ; Carr Bridge *Blairgowrie Blairlogie, Stirling 3^

Avoch, Inverness 11 ; Fortrose IJ Blairngone, Stirling 14; Tillicoultry 5

*Ayr Blantyre, High ; Glasgow 9| ; Hamil- *Ayton ton 3^ Badenscoth, Aberdeen 28i; Turriff 8 Blantyre Station, Glasgow, 8| ; Hamil- Ballieston, Glasgow 6 ton 3 Bainshole, Insch 7 Boar Hills, St. Andrews 4 Balbeggie, Perth 6 Boddam, Peterhead 4 Balblair, Tain 5i Bogroy, Inverness 7 Balerno, Edinburgh 6; Currie 2 Bohally, Pitlochry 12 Balfour, Kirkwall 5 Bonar Village, Tain 15; Ardgay 1 Balfron, Glasgow I85 Bonchester Bridge, Hawick 6| Balgonie, Markinch 1| *Bonaw *Ballantrae, Girvan 13 *Boness, Edinburgh I95 Ballater, Aberdeen 42 Bonhill, Glasgow 18 ; Alexandria 5 *Ballindalloch, Craigellachie 10s- Bonnybridge, Denny 2

Ballinluig, Dunkeld 8 ; Pitlochrie 5 Boreland, Lockerby7

Ballintuim, ; Blairgowrie 11 ; Kirk- Borgue, Castle Douglas 14J Kirkcud- michael, 3 [4 bright 5| Ballygrant, Greennck 100; Bridgend *Bothwe]l, Hamilton 2J Balmaclellan, Castle Douglas 14 ; New Botriphnie, Keith 5 [3J

Galloway 2 [3 Bowden, Edinburgh 44 ; St. Boswell's Balmullo, Cupar (Fife) 5|; Leuchars Bower, Wick 10 ; Castletown 8

Balnaguard, Dunkeld 11 ; Aberfeldy 7 Bowmore, Greenock 96; Bridgend 3 Baltasound, Lerwick 62 *Braco Banchory, Aberdeen 18 Brae, Lerwick 25 Banff *Braemar, Aberdeen 60 Bankend, Dumfries 6 Branxton, Coldstream 4|

Bankfoot, Perth 9 ; Stanley 4 *Brechia

Bannavoulin, Bonaw 75 ; Morvern 18 Bressay, Lerwick I5 *Bannockburn Stirling 2^ Bridgend, Greenock 96

Banton, Denny 6 ; Kilsyth 3 *Bridge of Allan Bargrennan, Newton Stewart 9 Bridge of Bucket, Aberdeen 42 Barr, Girvan 8 Rhynie 13 Barra, Lochmaddy 63 Bridge of Cally, Blairgowrie 6 Barrhead, Glasgow 9^ Bridge of Dee, Aberdeen 2 BarrhiU, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen Girvan 12 J ; 2 Barvas, Stornoway 12 Bridge of Dun, Montrose 4 Bathgate, Edinburgh 24 Bridge of Earn Beauly Bridge of Marnoch, Huntly 8| Beeswing, Dumfries 7 Bridge of Koy, Fort William 12| 6 3 J


Bridge of Turk, Stirling 23 ; Callander Castletown. Thurso 5| ( Pusby 7 [2^ athcart, Glasgow 3A ; 2^ Ca;riiie. Kilmarnock IMauchlineS} Bridge of Weir, Paisley 6 ; Johnstone lU Bridge of Westtield, Ttiurso 5 Causewayend Newton-rtewart 3 Broadford Causewayhead Stirl.n;,' Ij *I!rodick (Arran). Ardrossan 14 Cawdor, Nairn 6 *13rora, Golspie 5.| *Ceres, Cupar (Fife) 3 *Bioughtj' Ferry, Dundee 4 *Chance Inn, A'broath 6 2i 2 Broxburn, Edinburgh 12; Winch- Chape hall, AiidriH ; Holytown burgh 2i Cliapelknowe, Hawick 35i; Canonbie 6 Bruckiaw, Mintlaw 5^ Chapelton, Hamilton 6 Brunton, Cupar (Fife) 63 *Cbai-lestown, Dunfermline 3^ Brydekirk, Annan 3 * Charlotte Place, see Edinburjih Buckhaven, Leven 2^ Clierrv bank, Pel th U •liuckie, Fochabers Tg *('liirnsiile, Aytoun.5 Dunoon 6 Bucklyvie, Stirling 15 ; Kippen 5 C aciiaig, G eenock 16 ; Biinnessan, Oban 41^ Clachan, Lochgilphead 26; Tarbert 11 *Burghead, Elgin 9 Clachnaharry, Inverness 2

Burn of Cambus, Stirling 10 ; Doune ( lackmannan. A loa 2 Burntisland [2 Clarencefield, Annan 73 Burray, Kirkwall 12; St Margaret's ( lai Us tone, Airdiie I5 Hope '2^ Clashmore. Inverness 62 ; Dornoch Si

Burravoc, Lerwick 38 ( latt, Aberdeen 35 ; Rhynie 4

Buirelton, C'oupar-Angus 2 Claverl.ojs , iJundee 4 Sj Burwick, Kirkwall 19, St Margaret's (. leish, Kin;oss4; Blair-Adam \\ Hope 7 Cleiland, Moherwell 3.i ; ishaw 2^ *Busby, Glasgow 6 Chntmains, Edinburgh 42 ; St Boa- Butterstone, Uunkeld 4 wells n Byth, Turriff 8 Cloli, Ellon lOh Mintlaw 2| ThornhiU 2 Cabrach, Abei deen 47 ; Bhynie 9 Closeburn, 15 Cainiflow, Glasgow 49 ; Inverary 9 Cluny, Aberdeen , Huntly 6 Coaltuwn, Markiuch I5 Cairnie Hill, IJunfermline 3 *Coatbridge Cairnryan, Stranraer *Cockburnspath Ullapool 14 Calder, Thurso 6| -Coigach, Dingwall 66 ; C'alderbank, Airdrie 2 Coldingham, ^ytonS.h Eyemouth 2g *Call^nder, StirUng 16 * Coldstream *Calton, see Glasgow *Colinsburgh, Edinburgh 31 Colinton, Edinburgh Cambus, Stirling 5? ; Alloa 2 4^ Cauibusbarron, t^tirling 1 Co intraiv. Greenock 25; PothsayS 57^; Tobermory 20 Ciunbuslan/, Glasgow 5^ ; Calton4 Co 1, Oban Canielon, Falkirk 1 CoUessie. Ladybank 3h j Auchter* "•'Campbeltown muchty 3

Campsie, Glasgow 9| ; Lennoxtown Collieston, EUon 6 Camptown, Jedburgh 6 [2 Collin. Dumfries 4 *Canonbie, Htiwick 29^ Colmonell, Girvan 10^- ; Eallantrae 6 Carbost, Broadford 23 Colpy, Tnsch 3J Cardross, Glasgow 18}; Dumbarton Colvend, Dumfries 18; Dalbeattie 5 Careston, Hrecbin 4 [3g *lomrie. Crief G\ Carinish, Lochniaddy 13 Conon Bridge. Dingwall 3 Carluke Contin, Dingwall 7 Carmunnoch, Glasgow 8; Bushy I5 Cornliill, Coldstream 2

Carmyllie, Arbroath 8 [3 Cornhill, Keith 12 ; Hanff 8 Carnbee, Edinburgh 39; Pittenweem Corpacb, Fort-Wiili ^m 3 Carnbo. Kinross 4^ Cor.ie (Arran), Ardrossan 20; Brodick Carnock, Dunfermline 3 Corsoclc, Dnmfiies 14.^ [6

Carnoustie Corstrophine, Edinburgh 4 • Carnwath, Lanark 7 Cortachy. Kirriemnir 5

Carrbridge. Kingussie 19 Cortes. Mnitlaw S ; Fraserburgh 5 Carridale, Campbeltown 13 Countesswe ls,~'Aberdeen5

Carrington, Edinburgh 12 ; Lasswade Courance. I ockerby 9i Carron, Falkirk 2 [5 Cousland, Edinburgh 10^; Dalkeith 4 Carronbrid^e, Denny 5 Cove, Aberdeen 4.j Carionbridge, Thotnbill 2i *Cowcaddens. see (Glasgow

Carnn Shoie, Falkirk Cowdenbeath, Ediubur^jh 14 ; liOCh- Carsphaiin, Ayr "^5^; ralmellington gelly 2 Car.^ttirs Lanark 4 £10 Coylton, Ayr 6 Castle Douglas Craigellachie Castlehiil, Inverness 3 Craigie, Kilmarnock 4 |


Craigielands, Moffat 2? Darvel, Kilmarnock 9 ; Galston 4

Craigievar, Aberdeen 27 ; Alford 7 Davidson's Mains, Edinburgh 4 *Craigrownie, Greenock 7 Daviot, Inverness 6 Craigton, Carnoustie 5 Daviot, Aberdeen 21f ; Oldmeldrum 4 •Crail, St Andrews 10 Deanburnhaugh, Hawick 7j Crailin;?, Kelso 7 ; Jedburgh 4 Deanston, Stirling 9 ; Doune 1 Cramond, Edinbiu-gh 5; Davidson's Deerness, Kirkwall 6 Mains 1 Denhead, St Andrews 3

Cramond Bridge, Edinburgh 5| ; Denhead of Auchmacoy, Elloa 2 Davidson's Mains 2 Penholm. Hawick 5 Cranshaws, Dunse 10 Denino, St Andrews 4^ Crathie, Aberdeen 51 ; Ballater 8 Dennistown, Glasgow 14; Dumbarton *Creetown, Newton-Stewart 6 * Denny *Crieff Dennyloanhead, Denny 1| *Crimond, Peterhead 9 Deskford, Banff 17|; Cullen 4 Crinan, Lochgilphead 5^ Dingwall

Crocketfoid, Dumfries 9 Dirleton, Edinburgh 20| : Drem 3 Cromarty, Inverness 24 Dollar. Stirling 12 Cromdale, Craigellachie20; Grantown Dolphinton, Edinburgh 26; Noble- Crook, Biggar 6| [4 house 6 Crossford, Lanark 4| Dores, Inverness 7 Crossgates, Edinburgh 16 ; Inver- Dornie, LochalshT keithing 4 *Dornoch, Inverness 55 Crosshands, Kilmarnock 6; Mauch- Dornock, Annan 2 line2^ 'Douglas, Lanark llj Crosshill. Maybole 3 Douglastown, Forfar 3

Crosslee, Edinburgh 28 ; Stow 4 *Doune, Stirling 8 Crossmichael, Castle-Douglas 3| Dreghorn, Irvine 2 Crossmyloof, Glasgow 2j Pollock- Drem, Edinburgh 17f shaws 1 Drumblade, Huntly 6 Cross Roads, Banff 22ij Cullen 9 Drumlithie, Fordoun 4J ; Aachenblae 4 Croy, Ardersier 5 Drumore, Stranraer 17i

Croy, Glasgow 11^ ; Kilsyth If Drumnadrochit, Inverness 14 Cruden, Ellon 8 Drumoak, Aberdeen 10 Culbokie, Dingwall 9 Drymen, Glasj:ow 18; Balfrou 6 *Cullen, Banff 13i Dubford, Banff 7^ Cullicudden, Porto- Inverness 25J j Cromarty Duddiugston, Edinburgh 3; Cullivoe, Lerwick 54 [10 bello IJ

Culrain, Tain 1SI~ ; Ardgay 4^ Duffus, Elgin 5| *Culross, Alloa 9| Dulnain Bridge, Kingussie 25; Gran- Cults, Aberdeen 4 town 3^

Cumbernauld, Glasgow 15 ; Kilsyth 4 Dumbarton, Glasgow 15 Cuminestown, Turriff 6 Dumfries Cummertrees, Annan 3f Dunaskin, Ayr 12 *Cumnock, Kilmarnock 16 *Dunbar *Cumnock, New, Kilmarnock 21 Dunbeath, Golspie 33 Cunningsburgh, Lerwick 12 Dunblane *Cupar- Angus Dunbog, Newburgh4 *Cupar (Fife) Duncow, Dumfries 5 *Currie, Edinburgh 6 *Dundee *Dailly, Maybole 7 Dundonald, Kilmarnock 5? Dalbeattie. Dumfries 14 Duudrennan, Castle Douglas 13; Elirk- Dalguise, Dunkeld 5 cudbright 8

Daljarroch, Girvan 7i ; Barrhill 5 *DuufermIine *Dalkeith, Edinburgh^e Duuglass, Glasgow 11 ; Old Kilpatrick Dallas, Torres 9 *Dunkeld [1^ Dalmally, Inverary I65 Dunlop, Kilmarnock 83 ; Stewarton 2^ *Da!melliugton, Ayr 15? Dunmore School, Stirling 7 Dalmuir, olasgowS; Old Kilpatrick 2 Dunnet. Thurso 8| ; Castletown 3 Dalnacardoch, Blair-Athol 11 Dunnichen, Forfar 4 Dairy (AjTshire), Beith 5 Dunning, Bridge of Earn 9

Dairy, Castle Douglas 16 ; New Gsl- Dunoon, Greenock 8 loway 3 5 Dunrossness, Lerwick 24 Dalrymple, Ayr 6 Dunscore, Dumfries 9 Dalswinton, Dumfries 7 Dunse Dalton, Lockerby 6 Dunshelt, Ladybank 7; Auchter- Damhead, Kinross 6| muchty 1 Darnaway, Forres 5 Duntocher, Glasgow 11; Old Kirk- Daxnlck, Melrose Ij Patrick 2^ — J —


Dnnure, Ayr 6 Flotta, Kirkwall 15 *Dunvegan, Portree 23 *Fochabers Duraden, Cupar (Fife) 3^ Folda, Meigle 17; Alyth 13^

Durness, Lairg 663 ; Tongue 21 Forbes, Aberdeen 27 ; AKord 2 Durris, Aberdeen 13; Banchory 5 Ford, Coldstream 8 Durrisdeer, Thornhill 7 *Ford, Edinburgh II5

Duror, Bonaw, 22J ; Glencoe 8| Ford Lochawe; Lochgilphead 12 Dyce, Aberdeen 6 Fordoun. A Head Office, but not a

*Dysart, Kirkcaldy 2 Money Order Office ; nearest Money Office at Eaglesham, Glasgow 9 ; Busby 3J Order Auchenblae, 3 miles *Earlston, Melrose 4i distant

*Easdale, Oban 16 Fordyce, Banff 10^ ; Portsoy 2| East Wemyss, Kirkcaldy 5; Buck- * Forfar haven Ij *Forres East Yell, Lerwick 48 Forgandenny, Bridge of Earn 3 *Ecclefechan Forglcn, Turriff 4| Echt, Aberdeen 12 Forneth, Blairgowrie 6 Eday, Kirkwall 20 , Huntly 7^

Eddleston, Edinburgh 18 ; Peebles 3 *Fort- Augustus, Inverness 35 [3 fEdinburgh. Head Office in Waterloo Forteviot, Bridge of Earn 7 ; Dunning Place, from which the Town Ke- Fort George, Ardersier IJ ceiving Office of Forth, Lanark 7 *Leith is 2 miles distant Fortin gal, Dunkeld27; AberfeldyD *Leith Walk | mile distant *Fortrose, Inverness 12J *Charlotte Place 1 mile distant *Fort William *Granton Pier 2 miles distant Fossaway, Kinross 6

*Nicolson Street | mile distant Fountain Hall, Edinburgh 20 ; Stow 4 *Pitt Street J mile distant Fowlis, Crieff 6 Edinkillie, Forres 8 *Fraserbui"gh

Edrom, Ayton 8 ; Chirnside 3 Freuchie, Ladybank 3 ; Kettle 2 Edzell, Brechin 6 Friocheim, Arbroath 7 *Eglinton Street, see Glasgow Furnace, Inverary 8 Elderslie, Paisley 2^ *Fyvie, Aberdeen 25 *Elgin Gairloch, Dingwall 57; Poolewe 6 *Ehe, Edinburgh 39 Gairloch-head, Glasgow 32; Helens- *Ellon burgh 8 Enzie, Fochabers 5 ; Buckie 3 *GalashieIs *Errol *Galston, Kilmarnock 5 Errol Village, Errol 1 Garallan, Kilmarnock 18; Cumnock 2 Eskdalemuir, Hawick 22 ; Langholm Garderhouse, Lerwick 15 *Garlieston, Newton Stewart 151 Ettrick Bridge, Selkirk 7 Gargunnock, Stirling 6 ; Kippen 2 Etal, Coldstream 6| Garmouth, Fochabers 5 *Evanton, Inverness 25 Garrabost, Stornoway 6 Evie, Kirkwall 17 , Insch 8J; Huntly 4^

Stirling ; Ewes, Hawick 18f ; Langholm 4? Gartmore, 23 Aberfoyle 3 *Eyemouth, Ayton 2^ Garvald, Prestonkirk 6

Fairlie, Greenock 18 ; Largs 3 G^rve, Dingwall 13 Falkirk Garvock, Laurencekirk 4

Falkland, Ladybank 5 ; Auchter- Gask, Auchterarder 6 ; Dunning 4^ muchty 3 *Gatehoiise, Castle Douglas 15 Farnell, Brechin 4 Gasstown, Dumfries I5

Farr, Thurso 31 ; Tongue I4 Gateside, Ladybank 12^ j Auchter- Fasnacloich, Bonaw 13| ; Appin 6 muehty 4J Fearn, Brechin 9 Gattonside, Melrose 1 Fearn, Tain 5 Gavinfon Dunse 2 Fenwick, Kilmai noqk 4J Gifford, Haddington 4^ Ferryden, Montrose 1^ Gigha, Lochgilphead 37f ; Tarbert23| *Ferryport-on-Craig, Dundee 5| Gillyburn, Dunkeld 7 ; Stanley 4 Feshie Bridge. Kingussie 9 Gilmarton, Crieff 2 Fetlar, Lerwick 51 Gilston, Castle Douglas 2| Fetterangus, M intlaw 2 *Girvan [3J *Fettercairn. Laurencekirk 5 Gladsmuir, Edinburgh 13^ ; Tranent Findhorn, Forres 5 Glammis, Forfar 5

Finstown, Thurso 37 ; Kirkwall 7 'Glasgow. Head Office in George's

Fintray, Aberdeen 10 ; Kintore 4 Square, from which the Town Re- Fintray, Glasgow 1 ceiving Office of Ilsherie, Turriff 8 Anderston is 1 mile distant.

Five-mile-house, Dundee 5 ; Lochee 3 *Calton 1 Smiles distant ; j


Cowcadclens 1 mile distnnt Heriot. Edinburgh 16 ; Gore Bridg* «Eglinton Street 1 mile distant HtT.iiiston. Edinburgh 8 [Gi Glass, Huntly 8i Hightae, Lockerby 4 Glas-erfoii, Newton Stevrart 2Cf; Hilicud, Edinburgh 13; Inverkeith- Whithorn 1^ ingl Glenapp, Girvan 19h ; Pallantree 6J Hillhead, G'asgow 2 ; Cowcaddens 1

Glenhar. Greenock 72 ; Campbeltown Hillside, Aberdeen 7 Glcncaple, nunifries 5 [12 Hillside. Montrose 3

Glencavsc. Pei'h 61 ; Errol dj Mil swick, Lerwick 42 Gleiicoe, Poiinw 30| *llolytown, (iJasgow 12 Glendale, Portree Holytown -SlJ; Dnnvejran 8f Station, Glasgow 13 ; Holy- Glendarr.el, G'eenocksS; Dunoon 17 town 1

*Gleiiel!r, I oclialsh 8 Holywood, Dnmfrjes 4 *(^leiiisla, Mei^le 10; Alyth 9 Hopeman. Ilgin7: lUirphead 2 Glenlivat, Ballin- Houston, Paisley (rdi^ellachie 16; 6J ; Johnstone 3.5 dalloch 6 Howmove, L'chniaddy £7 Glenlochar fastle Howood, I'aisley Douglas 3 5| J Johnstone 3| lilciihice, Newton Stewart 15| Huna, ^^ick 18 Glenmorriston. Inverness 26 ; Fort Hnntingtower, Perth 2| Aupriistu* 6s^ Huntly llurlet, Glen.«hee I'lairgowrie 20 Glasgow 7^ ; Ban head 2 Glen Urqnhrt, Hurlford, Inverness 20 J Drum- Kilmarnock 2 nadrociut 6 Inc' bare. Brechin 4^ •Golspie *Inch ure Inellan. Gordon, Kelso S ; Favlstnn 5 Greenock 12; Dunoon 4, *Gor^b'id<;e Edinburgh 12 Inneleithcn, Kd.'nburgh 2Ei

Gortlech, Inverne-s 20 ; Fort Augus- Innerwick, Dunbar 5 tus 12 *Iiisch

Gourdon. Fordonn 8} ; Bervie 1? Inve-, Dunkeld 1 *Gourock Greenofk 3 Inveran, Tain2C^; Ardgay6| *Govan Gla-gow2'^ *Inveraiy Gowanbank. Arbroath Sg Invercannich, Beanly 17 Grangemouth, F,ill ergordin. Inverness 32 Inverie, Gi antshouse, Edinburgh 411 ; Cock- 'nveness 89 ; Fort Angustiw bunispath 4? *Inverkcithing, Edinburgh 12 [54

Greenburn. F.dinburghSS ; Wliitbum Inverkeithny, Turriff 7 *Greeul,iw Dunic 8 [4^ Inverkindie," Aberdeen 38; Rhynie 11 Greenock InvHi kip, Greenock 6 Greens, Turriff 10 Inverness

Gretna. Carlisle 9 ; Long-to-mi 4 Inverury, see Keith Hall

Grninart (Islay), Greenoek 105; Ion a. Oban 48^ ; Tobermory 43 Pridgend 6 *Irv ne Guardhridge, Cupar (Fife) 6; St. *Isle Ornsay. Brcfdford 9| And ews 4 Isle of Whithorn, Newton Stewart 23 Guildtown. Perth G Whithorn 3i Gull.ni, Ediubur h 20|; Drem 3| Jamest

Halkirk, Golspie 70.;^ ; Thurso 7J Johnstone, Pais'ey 3J Halkirk Koadside, Golspie G9j Johnstone Bridge, I ockerby 7

Thnso 6 Juniper G een, Edinlnngh .5 : CuT'el

*Haunlton Jtu'a, )-ochgilph ad 25 ; Bridi;end26 I.'olhesay Harlosh, Portree 21 ; Dunvegan 3^ Kamesburgh. 2| Haroldsw-ok, Lerwick 65 Keig, Aberdeen 26: AlfordS Harrav. Kiikwall 12 Keills, Lochgilphead 17 Harriotfield. Perth 10 Keis.s, Wick 7^ Harris, St ' noway 3> Keith Haugh-heid, Glasgow 11; Lennox- Keith Hall (or Invernry) town Is Kelso Haugh of Urr, Dumfries 14; Castle Kelton Hill. Cast'e Douglas 2J Douglas 4^ Kemnay. Keith Hall 6: Kintore4 Hawick Kpnnethmon% A'.'erdeen 32: Insch 6 Heath CotaL'e Elgin 4 Kenmore, Dunkeld 23; Alierfeldy 6

Heiton. Kel.so 2A Kennowny, I- din burgh 24 j: Leven 3 •Helensburgh, Glasgow 24 Keren-.orc. Dunkeld 39; Aberfe-dy2J

•Helmsdale, Golspie 17 Kersland, Heith 2jJ ;


Kessock, Inverness Kirkcowan, Newton Stewart 8 *Kettle, Ladybank 1 Kirkcudbright, Castle Douglas 10

Kilba'chan, Paisley 6 ; Johnstone 2| Kirkfield Bank, Lanark 1 *Kilbirnic, Beith 3 Kirkgunzeon. Dumfries 8 Kilbride, Lochmadrly 57 Kirkinner, Newton Stewart 10| ; Wig- Kilbride (East), Glasgow 8 ; Hamilton town 3 Kirkintilloch, Glasgow 8 Kilbride (West). Greenock 22^ Kirkliston, Edinburgh 9; Winch- buigh • Kilchrenan, Inverary 14f ; Bonaw 7 2J

Kilconquhar, Edinburgh 32^ ; Collins- Kirkmahoe, Dnmfries 4 burgh I5 Kirkmichael, Blairgowrie 14

Kilcreggan, Greenock 5 ; Cove 2 Kirkmichael, Maybole 3

Kiifinnan, Glasgow 60^; Eothsay 21 Kirknewton, Edinburgh 10 ; Midcalder Kilham, Coldstream 7| Kirkoswald, Maybole 4J ' [3

Killearn, Glasgow I63 ; Balfron 2^ Kirkpatrick Durham, Dnmfries 12|; Killearnan, Inverness 7 Castle Douglas 4f *Killin, Crieff 27 Kirkpatrick Fleming, Ecclefechan 6 Kilmalcolm. Port Glasgow 4 Kirkwall Kilmany, Cupar (Fife), 5^ Kirn, CreenockGj; Dunoon 1^ Kilmarnock Kirriemnir *Kilmartin, Lochgilphead 8 Kirklebridge, Ecclefechan 3

Kilmaurs, Kilmarnock 2^ Kishom, Dingwall 55 ; Locharron 5 Kilmelford, Oban 15§ ,Knockando, Craigellachie 9 Kilmichael Glassary, Lochgilphead 3| Kyleakin. Lochalsh 7 Kilmorack, Beauly 3 Ladybank

Kilmorie (Arran), Ardrossan 28-a-; Ladykirk, Berwick 10 ; Coldstream 5^ Brodick 17 Lasgrtn, Kingussie 11 Kilmuir, Portree 18; Uig 3 Laighdoors, Crieff 5^ ; Brace 3g Kilmun, Greenock 10 ; Strone 2 *Lairg Kilninver, Oban Si Lamington, Biggar 7 Kilpatvick (New), Glasgow 5J; Mary- Lamlash (Arran), Ardossan 15 ; Bro- hill 21 *Lanark [dick 4 *Kilpatrick (Old), Glasgow 10 Langbank, Port Glasgow 4J Kilrenny, Edinburgh 38 ; Anstruther Langholm, Hawick 24 *Kilsyth, Glasgow 12 [1 Larbert, Falkirk 3 Kiltarlity, Beaiily 5 Largo. Edinburgh 28 *Kilwinning, Irvine 3^ * Largs, Greenock 15 Kincaldrum, Forfar 4f *Larkhall, Hamilton 4 Kincardine, Alloa 51 *l.asswade Edinburgh 6 Kincardine O'Neil, Aberdeen 26 Lathorn, Gnlspie R7 ; Dunbeath 4| J^boyne 5 Lathones, St. Andrews 6

Kingairloch, Bonaw 481 ; Strontian 7 Lauder, Edinburgh 25 Kingarth, Rothesay 6| * Laurencekirk King Edward, Banff .5 Laurieston, Castle Douglas 6f *Kinghorn, Edinburgh 10| Laurieston, Falkirk 1^

Kinglassie, Kirkcaldy 7 ; Leslie 3| Lead '^ urn Toll, Edinburgh 13; Penni- Kingussie cuick 3

Kingsbarns, St. Andrews 6 : Crail 3 *Leadhills, Abington 65

Kingston, Edinburgh 22 j Drem 3 Ledaig, Bonaw 10 ; Appin 6

Kinlochard, Stirling 24 ; Aberfoyle 5 *Leith. See Edinburgh Kinlochbervie, Lairg 46 *Leith Walk. See Edinburgh Kinlochewe, Dingwall 39 ; Poolewe 25 Leitholm, Coldstream 5J Kinlochmoidart, Bonaw63|; Strontian *Lennoxtown, Glasgow 10

18J Leonach, Glasgow 63^ ; Inverary 10 Kinmuck, Keith Hall 8 * Lerwick Kinnaird, Inchture 3J * Leslie, Markinch 3

Kinneff, Stonehaven 5 Leslie ; Insch 7

Kinross Lesmahagow ; Lanark 6 Kintail, Lochalsh 16 Lesswalt ; Stranraer 3J Kintessock Forres 4 Letham ; Ladybank 5 j Cupar 4^

Kintore, Aberdeen 12 Letham ; Forfar 6

Kippen, Stirling 10 Lethnot ; Biechin 8 Kirkbank, Kelso 5 *Leuchars; Cupar (Fife) 7 Kirkbeati, Dumfries 12| Leven Kirkbuddo, Forfar 6 Lhanbryde ; Elgin 3J *Kii'kcaldy Liberton ; Edinburgh 3 Kirkcolm, Stranraer 65 Lilliesleaf; Selkirk 7 [town 1 Kirkconnel, Kilmarnock 28J; San- Limekilns; Dunfermline 3; Charles- 3|- quhar Lindores ; Newburgh (Fife) 2 J


Linkshorse ; Lerwick 46 Menstrie, Stirling 4i ; Tillycoultry 4 •Linlithgow; Edinburgh 16 M ethlic, Aberdeen 22 ; Oldmeldrum 8 Linton, West, see West Liuton Methven. Perth 6 Lintralhen, Kirriemuir Mey, Thurso 8 13f ; Castletown 5 Linwood, Paisley 3J Miavaig, Stornoway 32 Lismore Ponaw 15|: Appin 7 *Midcalder ; Co. of Edinburgh Livingstone, Edinburgh 15 : Mid Cal- Millbrex, Aberdeen 31; Fyvie 6 der 2i Millerhill, Edinburgh 5 : Dalkeith 2\ Loan, Edinburgh Millhouse, 19^ ; Linlithgow Zh Greenock 30^; Eothesay *Loanhead, Edinburgh 6 W illhouse, Lockerby 4 fioi *Lochalsh *MiIlport, Greenock 25 Lochans, Stranraer 2^ Milnathort, Kinross 2 Lochbroom, Dingwall 40 ; Ullapool 6 *Milngavie. Glasgow 7 Lochcarron, Dingwall 50 Milton l^ridge, Edinburgh 8; Penny- Lochearnhead, Crieff 19^ ; Killm 1\ cuik 2 *Lochee. Dundee 2 Milton of Campsie, Glasgow. See Lochfoot, Dumfries 5i Campsie Loehgair, Inverary 16'; Lochgilphead Minard, Inverary 12 *Lochgelly. Edinburgh 21 [8 Minishant, Maybole 3f ''Lochgilphead *iMintlaw Lochgoilhead, Greenock 19 * Moffat Lochinvcr, Lairg 47 *Moninve, Thomhill 8 *Lochmaben, Lockerby 4 Monifieth, Dundee 6^ *Lochm!!ddy Monkfon, Ayr 4 Lochranza Arran, Greenock 42 ; Bro- ^Montrose dick Ill- Monymusk, Aberdeen 18; Alford 8 Loch ?wein, Lochgilphead 19 Moodiesburn, Glasgow 7 *Lochwinnoch, Paisley Morebattle. 9| Kelso li; Yetholm 3.f *Lockerby Morinish, Oban 39-1 ; Tobermory 8J Logierait, Dunkeld 9 ; Pitlochrie 5^ *Mortlach, Craigellachie 5 Longforgan Dundee 6^; Inchture 2* *Morv^rn, Ponaw 65 Longhope. Kirkwall 18; Stromness 12 Mossat, Aberdeen 32; Ehynie 6 Long Niddrie, Edinburgh 13; Pres- Mossbank. Lerwick 29 tonpans 4 *Motherwell Longside, Mint'aw 2f Mousewald, Dumfries 7 Lonmay, MintlawlO; Fraserburgh 5J Moy, Inverness 12 Lossiemouth, Elgin 6 Muchalls, Stonehaven 4J Loth, Golspie 13 : Helmsdale 4 Muckart, Stirling 15J; Tillycoultry 7 Lower Tabrach, Huntly 16 Muirdrum, Carnoustie (Forfarshire) 2

Lugar, Kilmarnock 18 ; Pumnock 2 *Muirkirk, I anark 21| Lumpbanan. Aberdeen 30J : Abovne5 Mulchaich, Dingwall 6 Lumsden, Aberdeen 34; Ehvnie4 Mun'ochy. Inverness 8^ ; Fortrose 4 Lunan. Arbroath8: Chance Inn 2 Murrayfield. Edinburgh 1^

Lundie, Dundee 9 ; Lochee 7 *Musseiburgh. Edinburgh 5? Luss. Glasgow 27 ; Alexandria 9 Muthill. Crieff 3 Luthermuir, Laurencekirk 5: Fetter- Mylnefield, Dundee 4 cairn 3J *Nairn Luthrie. Cupar (Fife) 5^ Neilston, Glasgow 11^; Barrhead 2 *Lybster, G'^lspie 39^ Netherdale, Turriff 8i Lynwilg. Kina-nssie 9 New Abbey, Dumfries 8 Macdnff, Hanff 1 New Aberdotir, Fraserburgh 8J Maderty. Crieff 6 Newart Hill. Motherwell 3 IWakerston. Ke'so 5 Newbigging, Dundee 7^

Manor, Edinburgh 25 ; Peebles 3 *Newburgh (Fife)

•AFarkinch Newburah, Aberdeen 12 ; Ellon 4 Maryburgh, Dingwall 2 *Newcastleton, Hawick 19| Marycnlter, Aberdeen 7 *New Cumnock, Kilmarnock. Se« Maryhill, Glasgow 3 Cumnock, New Mai-j-kirk, Mon'rose 6 New Deer, Aberdeen 30; Mintlaw 7

Marypark. Craigellachie 7| ; Ballin- *New Galloway, Castle Douglas 13| dalloch 3 New Lanark, Lanark 1 Mauchline, Kilmarnock 9 Newluce, Newton-Stewart 21 ; Glen- Maybole luce 5 *Meigle Newmains, Motherwell 5^; Wishaw2

Meikleour. Perth 12 ; Cupar-Angus 5 New Mill, Keith \\ Melness, Thurso 48; Tongue 3 Newmilns, Kilmarnock 7^ ; Galston 2J *Melrose New Pitsligo, Mintlaw 10 Melvich. Thurso 17 Newport, Dundee 2 Menmuir, Brechin 5 New Rattray, Blairgowrie J 4 ; J


Newseat, Aberdeen 25 ; Fyvie 5 *Poolewe, Dingwall 64 Kewton Grange, Edinburgh 85; Dal- fPortaskaig, Gieenock 104 [end 8 Port Charlotte, Greenock keith 2i ; Keithail 7 104; liridg- Newton M earns, Glasgow 7 ; Busby 3 *Port Ellen, Greenock 85 Newton Moor, Kingussie 4 Port Elphinstone, Keith hall 1 Newton of Ferintush, Dingwall 6 Port Essie. Fochabers 9 ; Buckie 1§ *Newton Stewart *Port Glasgow

Newton St. Hoswell's, Edinbuigh 40; Port Gordon, Fochabers 6 ; Buckie IJ St, Hosweli's li Port Knockie, Banff 14J; Cullen 1^

Newtyle, Cupar Angus.6 ; Meigle 2^ Port Logan, Stranraer 15 ; Djuuimore *>iicholsou Stieet. see Edinburgh Portmahomac, Ta n 12 [2^ Nigg, Inverness 465; Parkhill 6 I'ort Monteith, ftirling 14; Kippen 4 Noblehouse, Edinburgli 21 *Portobel o, Edinhurgh Sf •North Berwick, Edinburgh 22^ *Port Patiick, Stranraer 85 *North Queen's Ferry. Edinburgli 10 *Fortree North Konaldshay. Kirlcwall 30 Portsonachan Inverary 12^; Bonaw North Water Hridge, Laurencekirk 6 *Portsoy, Banff 8 [9^ Fettei cairn 4J *Port V\ illiam, Newlon Stewart 18 Nunton, Lochmaddy "22 Poyntzfield, Inverness

Onick, Bonaw 30 ; Glencoe 5 Rfimsaycleugh, f^elkirk 18 Ormiston. Edinburgh 12^; Tranent 2| *Rannoci), Pitlochrie 21 Orphir, Kirk all 9 *Ratho, Edii:' urgh 8^ Orton, Fochabers 5-^ Reay, ThuiMj 11 Osnaburgh, Cupar (Fife) 3 Redding, Falkirk 2| Oxton, Edinbuigh 22; Lauder 5 Redgorton, Perth 4 Oyne, Insch 3 Renfrew, Paisley 3

*Paisley Reuton, Glasgow 16^ ; Alexandria 1 Pallinsburn, Coldstream 5i Reston, Ayton 3 Parkgate. Dumfries 8 Rhynil, Perth 6; Bridge of Earn 3 Paikhead. Glasgow 2 Rhynie, Aberdeen 38 -' •Parkhill, Inverness 40| Riccarton, Kilmarnock I *Partick, Glasgow 3 Riccarton, ^tonehaven 5 Parton, Castle IJouglas 7 Rinjiford, Castle Douglas 6; Kirkcud- Pathhead, Kirkcaldy 1 bright 5 Pathstruie, Bi id^e of Earn 7 Roadside, Errol 3 Patna, Ayr IO5; Dunaskin 2? Rogart, Golsjiie 9 Peat Inn, Cupar (Fife) 6^ Rosehall, Tain 26J; Lairg 8 Peebles, Edinburgh 22 Roseheai ty, Fraserburgh [2| 4^ [1 Pencaitland, Edinburgh Rosemarkie, Inverness 12J; Tranent I3.f ; Forlroso

*Pennycuick, Edinburgh 10 Roseneath, Glasgow 26| ; Helensburgh Penpont, Thornhill 2

*Perth Rosewell, Edinburgh 9 ; Lasswade 3 Roslin, Peterculter, Aberdeen 9 Edinburgh 8? ; Loanhead 2^ *Peteihead *Rothes, Ciaigellachie 3 Petty, Inverness 6 Rothie, Aberdeen 285 ; Fyvie 3J Pitcaple, Aberdeen 2?; Keith-hall Rothiemay, Huntly b^ Pitlessie, Ladybank2; Kettle 2 Rothesay *Pitlochrie Rousay, Kirkwall 20 Pitnacree, Dunke'd 13 ; Aberfeldy 6 Row, Glasgow 26J; Helensburgh 2| Pittenween, Edlnbur^h 36 Rutherglen, Glasgow 2^ Pittenain, Lanark 5^ Ruthven, Huntly 7 *Pitt Street, see Edinburgh Ruthven, M eigle 5| Plean, Siiiling 5 *St. Andrews Plockton, Lochalsh 6 *St Boswell's, Edinburgh 42 Pluscarden, Elgin 6 St. Cyrus, Montrose 6 Pollockshaws, Glasgow 3 St. Fergus Peterhead 5

Polmont, Falkirk 3 St. Fillan's, Crieff 12 ; Comrie 55 Polnackie, Dumfries 17; Dalbeattie 3s *St. Margaret's Hope, Kirkwall 13 80 POSTAL DIEECTOEY.

St. Mary's Holm, Kirkwall 7 *Stornoway

St. Monance, Edinburgh SZj j Pitten- *Stow, Edinburgh 26|

weera 1^ Strachan, Aberdeen 21 ; Banchory 3 St. Stirling Ninian's, 1 Strachur, Glasgow 59 ; Inverary lOf Saline, I>unJfermlinB 7 Straiton, Maybole 7 Salsburgh, Glasgow 16|j Holytown45 Stranraer *raltcoats *Strathaven, Hamilton 8 Salton, Edinburgh lojj Tranent 5^ Strathblane, Glasgow 11; Milngavie 4 Samuelston, Haddington 3 Strathdon, Aberdeen 43 ; Rhynie 18 ^ Sanday, Kirkwall 25 Strathkinnes, St. Andrews 3

Sandbank, Greenock 13 ; Dimoon 3^ Strathmiglo, Ladybank 10; Auchter- Sandhead, iiti-anraer 8 muchty 2 Sandness, Lerwick 31 Strathpeffer, Dingwall 5 Sandwick, Lerwick 13 Strathy, Thurso 22 Saudwick, Thurso 36 ; Stromness 6 Stricheu, Mintlaw 7 *Sanquhar *Stromness, Thurso 30 Sauchie, Alloa ii *Sti-one, Greenock 10 Scalloway, Lerwick 5 Stronsay, Kirkwall 13 Scone, Perth 2 Strontian, Bonaw 45 Sconcer, Broadforci 11 Struan, Broadford29; Dunvegan 12

Scotlandwell, Kini'oss 7 ; Leslie 4| Struy, Beauly 10 Scourie, Lairg 43J gtuartfield, Mintlaw 3

Scrab-ter, Thui so 2 SummerhiU, Aberdeen 10 5 Oldmel- *Selkirk drum S Shawhead, Dumfries 7 Swiuton, Coldstream 5^ Shuttlestone, Glasgow 4 Sj^mington, Kilmarnock 6

Shieldaig, Dingwall 66 ; Lochcarron 16 Symington, Biggar 3j Shisklue (Arran), *Tain Ardrossan 22| j BiodickSi Tannadice, Forfar 7| *Shotts, Motherwell 9J *Tarbert, Lochgilphead 14 Skeabost, Portree 6 * J'arbolton, Kilmarnock 8 Skene, Abedeen 8 Tarfside, Brechin 18 SkirUng, Biggar 2^ Tarland, Aberdeen 37| ; Aboyne 5|

Skyrebuin, Castle Douglas 18 ; Gate- Tarradale, Beauly 2 house 3 Tarves, Abe ceen 18; Oldraeldrum 6 *Slamannan, Falldi-k 6 fTayinloan, Lochgilphead 33 *Slateford, Edinburgh 3 Ta'yvallich, Lochgilphead 11|

Sinailholm, Kelso G? ; Earlston 2 Tealin/, Dundee 7|

Sorbie, Newton-Stewart ISj ,• Garlie- Templand. Lockerby 5| ston 2| Temple, Edinburgh 12 ; Gorebridge 21 Sorn. Kilmarnock 13; Mauchline 4 Teviothead, Hawick 9 Southdean, Hawick 10; Jedburgh 71 The Cairnies, Perth 10 * Southend. Campbleton 9^ I hornhill *South Queen's Ferrj% Edinburgh 9? Thornhill, Stii-lmg 8 ; Kippen 4 Southwick, Dumfries 16 ThornUebank, Glas^jow o^ ; Pollock- Spitalfield, Dunkeld 6 shrt ws 2 5 Spott, Uuiibar 2* Thornton, Keith 4 Springburn, Glasgow 2^ Thornton, Kirkcaldy 5 Springlie d, Cupar (Fife) 3 Thrumster, Wick 4 Springhoim, Lumfries llfj Castle * 1 hurso Douglas 6 Tibbermuir, Perth 5 Sprouston, Kelso 2| Tigh-na-Bruaich, Greenock 28; Rothe-

Stairbridge, Kilmarnock lOJ ; Tarbol- say 10 ton 24 Tiglinalinn, Pitlochrie 33 ; Eauuoch 12 "Stau'ey, Perth 7i Tighyariy, Lochmaddy 24 Star, Maikinch ij Tillicoultry, Stirling 9 Staxigoe, "Wick 2f Tobermory, Oban 37^ Stenhouse Muir, Falkirk 3 Tollcross, Glasgow 3

Stenton, Prestonkirk 4 Tomatiu, Inverness 16 ; Carr Bridge 9 Steveuston, Saltcoats I5 Tommtoul, CraigeUachie 27^ *Stewarton, ELUmarnock 6 *Tongue, Lairg 38 *Stirling Tongueland, Castle Douglas 7| ; Kirk- f^titchell, Kelso 3i cudbright If [2i Stobo, Edinburgh 28 ; Peebles 6 Torpichen, Edinburgh 21 ; Bathgate Stobs, Hawick 5 Torphins, Aberdeen 25| ; Banchoiy 7^

Stoer, Lairg 55| Torrance, Glasgow 6 ; Ku-kintulloch 3 Stonehaven Torryburn, Dunfermline H; Culross Stonelmuse, Hamilton 7 2^ [4 Stoueykirk, Stram-aer 5J Torthorwald, Lockerby 8J; Dumfries —


Townhead, Castle Douglas 2? Waterside, Kilmarnock 7 Townhill. Dunfermline 1.^ Waterton of Echt, Ab^rdeen 12 Toxside, Edinburgh 17; Gorebridge 7 Watten, Golspie 62 : WickS •Tranent. Edinburgh 10 [2 Wemyss, E ist, Kirkcaldy 5 ; Leven4 Traquair, Edinburgh 295; Innerleithen Wemyss, West. Kirkc ildy 3^ Tresta, Lerwick 15 Wemyss Hay, Greenock 8 ; Largs 7 Trinafour, Blair Athol 11 *West*Calder, Edinburgh 17 Trinity Gask, Auchterarder 63 ^Vesterdale, Golspie 70; Thurso 12^ Troon *West Kilbride, (ireenock -^2^ nburgh 16.^ Tullibody, Stirling 5 ; Alloa 2 'West Linton, Ed Kirkwall 15 TuUymet, Dunkeld 8 ; Pitlochrie 5 Westrav, •Turriff Westru'ther, Edinburgh 32; Lauder 7 Twynholm, Castle Douglas 9; Kirk- West Salton. see Sa ton cudbright 4| *Whitburn, Edinburgh 28.^ Oldmel- Tyndrum, Crieff 40 ; Killin 19 Whiterashes, Aberdeen 14; Tynningham, Prestonkirk 2 drum 3J Tynron, Thornhill 5^ Whitecairns, Aberdeen 7 Tyree, ()ban67i; Tobermory 30 Whitehills, Banff 2 Tyrie. Fraserburgh 5^ Whiteh'iuse, Aberdeen 23; Alford 3 TJddinjstone, Hamilton 4 Whitehouse, Lochgilphead 20 ; Tarbert Udnv, Abe deen 14; OldmeldrumS Whiteness, Lerwick 8 [6 •Uig.Portree 15 * Whithorn. Newton Stewart 18J Ulbster, Wide 7^ Whiting Bay. Ardrossanl9; Brodick *UlIapool, Dingwall 46 W hitletts, Ayr If [8 Ulsta, Lerwick 38 Whittingham, Prestonkirk 2\ Unacban, Fort William 9\ Whitsome, Ayton 9 ; Chirnside 3

Uphall, Kdinburgh 13i ; Winchburgh 4 *Wick. Upper Keith, Edinburgh 2U; lilack- Wigtown, Newton Stewart 7i shiels 3 *Wiuchburgh, Edinburgh 12 Urrny, Heauly 8 Windygates. Kdinburgh 224 ; Leven 3 Uyeasound. Lervvick 57 *Wishavv, M otherwell 3^ Voe. Lerwick 19 "W'iston, Biggar 9 Wails, Lerwick 24 Woodside, Aberdeen 2 Wamphray, Moffat 7 Yarrow, ^elkirk 9 Wanlockhead, Abingdon 8|; Leadhills *Yetholm, Kelso 7^ Waterbeck, Ecclefechan 4 [If Yoker, Glasgow 4

Waternish, Portree 23 ; Dunvegan 7

Money Order OfiQ.ee. excepted. Open every day from 9, a.m., to 6, p.m.—Stindays and Sacramental Fasts

The Commission on Orders issued is as under : —

For Sums not exceeding £2 £5 £7 £10

If payable in— S. T>. S. D. S, B S. D. No single Order The United Kingdom 3 6 9 1 can be granted Cape of Good Hope, Ca- for more than

nada, A ustralia, or New . £10.

Zealand w 1 2 3 4 Gibriiltar or Malta 9 1 6 2 3 3

N.B. No application can he entertained for compensation for alleged injury from the non-payment of a Moneij Order at the expected time. When a Money will Order is applied for, it must be > n the clear understanding that no such claim be allowed, and that the Post-' 'ffice is not liable, under any circumstances, to more than one payment of a Money Ordei-, even when, notwithstanding the precau- tions that are taken, the Order has been paid to a person not entitled to receive the Money. ABEBDEEW MAIL AHBAK'GEMEKTS.

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Collections at Receiving Houses and Boxes.

1st Collec- 2d Collec- 3d Collec- Receiving House and Boxes. Sunday. tion. tion. tion.

43, High St., Old Abdn. (R. Ross). lO'SO A.M. 2'50 P.M. 10-0 P.M. 10 A.M., & Pillar Letter Boxes.—Wei-" 10 pm. liagton Place, Broadford Place, Gallowgate Head, King Street, St. Clement > 2-15 A.M. 11-15 A.M. 3-0 P.M. 2-15 A.M. Street, South Crown Street, Black's Buildings, & Union Street, and Quay.

The Lerwick Mail is despatched every Friday at 8"30 p.m. (wind and weather permitting), from April to September inclusive, by steamer, and tlie other six naonths by sailing vessel—time uncertain. On Saturday only, there are two despatches to Rhynie, Mossat, Lums- den, and Strathdon, viz., at 7'20 a.m., and 12'40 p.m. On Saturday, no Letters are forwarded for London. Letters for the following Counties in England and Wales, viz. : —Norfolk, Suffolk, Huntingdon, Cambridge, the southern portions of Bedford and Btickingliam, Hertford, Berks, Sussex, Hants, Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon, Cornwall, and Essex, Kent, Surrey—with the exception of those places in the vicinity of London, regarded as "London District,"— Pem- broke, Carmarthen, Glamorgan, Monmouth, are on Satiurday forwarded by tke Mail made up at 11 '50 a.m. only, provided the entire postage is prepaid by means of postage stamps alfixed. On Suudays the Office is opened for the delivery of letters from 9 to 10 A.M., and from 1-30 to 2-20 p.m., and on Sacramental Fasts from 9 to 10 A.M., and from 4-30 to 5'30 p.m.

Inland Postage Regulations. LETTER POSTAGE.

The rate of postage on all inland letters is regulated by weight, irres- pective of distance, and (with— the exceptions afterwards mentioned) is as follows, if paid in advance : Letter weighing not more than 5 oz. Id. „ „ more than ^ oz., but not exceeding 1 oz. 2d. „ „ more than 1 oz., „ „ 2 oz. 4d. „ ,, more than 2 oz., „ ,, 3 oz. 6d. and so on, twopence being charged for every additional ounce. As a general rule, the postage, if not paid in advance, is double the foregoing ; and, if the payment in advance be insufficient, double the defi- ciency is charged. There is no limit to the weight of paid letters, but unpaid letters must not exceed 4 oz., and no inland letters or packets must exceed 24 inches in leng-th, breadth, or depth. The only exceptions to these regulations are in the case of— 1. Addresses to Her Majesty ; 2. Petitions to either Houses of Parliament, forwarded to any member of such House, without cover, or in covers open at the ends ; 3. Printed votes or proceedings of Parliament 4. Letters or packets to or from pubhc departments or public officers in Her

Majesty's Service ; 5. Letters, &c., to or from places abroad. If the Stamps affixed to letters are mutilated or defaced, the letters will be liable to the \inpaid rate. A Stamp which has been cut from an envelope and affixed to a letter, entitles it to pass free of charge. —


Ee- directed Letters are charged an additional postage for eacL. re-direc- tion, according to the Prepaid Scale. "When the value of Stamps on a letter is less than the amount of the postage to which it is liable, the letter will be charged double the amotint of such difference on delivery ; but letters exceeding in weight four ounces, on which three quarters at least of the postage is not prepaid, are detained, and notice of their detention given to the senders, or, when that is not practicable, to the persons addressed. All persons sending letters by the Post unpaid, which, from any cause whatever, cannol; be delivered to the parties to whom they are addressed, are liable to pay the postage charged thereon, which naay be recovered, with costs, by summary proceedings before a magistrate. By the 1st Victoria, cap. 33, sec. 2, any person illegally conveying Letters, incurs a penalty of £5 for every letter, and £100 for every week the practice is continued. The sender also incurs a penalty of £5 for every letter, with. full costs of suit. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS, INCLUDDTG NEWSPAPERS. Periodical Pablications, inchiding Newspapers, published in the United Kingdom, at intervals not exceeding thirty-one days, and which bear an impressed stamp or stamps denoting the stamp duty (of the land formerly confined chiefly to Newspapers), may be transmitted or re-transmitted through the post within the— United Kingdom, free from postage, under the following regulations, viz. : They are subject to the same restrictions, with regard to the number of sheets and superficial extent, as were lately applicable only to Newspapers, properly so called. These restrictions are shown in the following table :

Amount of Ptamps Maxhnum Maximum Pujierficial impressed on Number of Extent of Lettei press the I'ublication. Sheets. on one side.

One Pennv Two 2,295 iuches. Three Halfpence Three 3,443 „ Twopence Four 4,591

The impressed stamp on each publication must be at least of the value of one penny. The title and date must be printed at the top of every page. The publication must be folded so that the whole of the stamp "or

stamps denoting the full duty shall be exposed to view ; and when, in the same cover there are more than two, it will be sufficient if they are so ar- ranged as readily to admit of examination. The publication must not be printed on pasteboard or cardboard, or on two or more thicknesses of paper pasted together, nor must any pasteboard, cardboard, or such pasted paper be sent with it as a back or cover thereto, or otherwise. • It must be posted within fifteen days from the date of publication. It must either have no cover, or a cover open at the ends. It must contain no enclosure. No mark or writing is allowed but the name and address of the person to whom it is sent, nor anything on the cover but such name and address, the printed title of the publication, and printed name and address of the publisher or vendor who sends it. If addressed to any one within the free delivery of the place where it is posted, a postage stamp— Id. —must be affixed, otherwise it will be charged 2d. on delivery. Unstamped publications, or stamped publications, which have been issued more than fifteen days, can be forwarded within the United Kingdom and to the Colonies, under the regulations of the Book Post. Newspapers and other Periodicals, published in the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, Isle of Man, will be siibject to the same regulations as those which are published in other parts of tlxe United Kingdom. REGISTRATION OF LETTERS, &c. By the prepajrment of a Pee of Pourpence (which must be made not in Money, but by affixing stamps), letters, books, or other packets paying POSTAL DIRECTORY. 85

ordinary postage may be registered. Tins will make their transmission more secure, by rendering it practicable to trace them from their receipt to their delivery. BOOK POSTAGE.

Not above 4 oz. ... Id Above 4 oz. ... 8 oz. ... 2d ... 8 oz. ... 16 oz. ... 4d ... 1 lb. ... 11 lb. ... 6d and so on increasing 2d per half-pound, or any less weight.

Boole Packets limited in length, xoidth, and depth, to two feet. CONDITIONS ON WHICH BOOKS ARE FORWARDED AT THE ABOVE RATES.

The postage must be fully prepaid, by means of postage stamps aifixed-. Every packet must either have no cover, or a cover open at the ends. It may contain any number of separate books or other publications, prints, or maps, and anj quantity of paper, parchment, or vellum, either printed, written, plain, or any mixture of the three ; together with whatever is ne- cessary for the safe transmission of literary matter, or usually appertains thereto, to the exclusion of letters or any enclosure sealed or otherwise closed against inspection, or any commtxnication of the nature of a letter written in any such packet or on its cover. Entries, however, merely stating who sends the book, &c., or to whom it is given, are not regarded as a letter. If a packet be not sufficiently prepaid with stamps, but nevertheless bear a stamp of the value of one rate (Id.) it is fotwarded, charged with the de- ficient book postage, together with an additional rate of a penny, but any packet which bears no postage stamp is charged with double the Book- postage, ;


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Registration of Letters, &c.— The fee chargeable for registering a letter in addition to the ordinary postage, hotli of ivhicli -must he prepaid, will be found against each country in the table oi Foreign and Colonial Postage.

B. —Where the letter B is prefixed to the Book Post Rate, no packet must exceed 3 lbs. Routes.—When the route by which a Letter, &c., is to go is not marked on it, it will, under ordinary circumstances, be sent by the route immedi- ately following the name of the place in the foregoing Table. G.U. —According to the regulations of the German Customs' Union, no Letter exceeding 50 grammes (a little more than IJ oz.) in weight, and con- taining any other enclosure than paper, can be allowed to circulate by the post. Any Letters, then, forwarded in the Mail to Prussia above that weight, and containing any other enclosure than paper, will be liable, on their arrival at the Prussian frontier to be stopped, and sent to the Custom House for delivery as freight

Non-commissioned oificers, private soldiers, or seamen serving abroad, can receive letters for a postage of Id. provided the letter weigh not more than half an ounce, the postage be prepaid, and the direction distinctly specify the rank or class of the soldier or seaman, and the ship or regiment

to which he bftlongs ; but if any such letters have to pass through a Foreign Country, they are subject, in addition, to the Foreign Rates. Letters addressed to a Commissioned Officer (whether ia the Navy or the Royal Marines), Warrant Officer (viz.. Assistant Engineer, Gunner, Boatswain, or Carpenter), or Master's Mate, serving abroad, are subject to a uniform British Kate of 6d. per i oz. each, which must be prepaid, and when such letters have to pass through a foreign country, tliey are subject to a foreign postage in addition.

Letters to or from Ceylon, Australia, New Zealand, posted wholly lin- paid or paid, less than one Rate, are detained, and returned to the writers for postage, but those on which one rate (although not the whole postage) has been paid by stamps, are forwarded charged with the deficient postage and a fine of 6d.

Periodicals not of daily publication, issued in the shape of pamphlets, may be sent to HoUand, the United States, California, and Oregon at the following Rate, %vMcli must he prepaid: not exceeding 2 oz.. Id; 2 oz., and not exceeding 3 oz., 6d ; 3 oz. and not exceeding 4 oz., 8d ; with an addition of 2d for every additional ounce, up to 16 ounces, above which weight the

privilege does not extend ; and at the same Rate of Postage, pamphlets, even though they are not periodicals, may be sent to the United States, California, and Oregon, if not exceeding 8 oz. This is only the British Postage, a further sum being charged on delivery. Other printed books to those places are liable to Letter Rate of postage. There must be no writing unon such pamphlets, except the names and addresses of the persons to whom they are sent. Warm Climates.—The practice of Sealing Letters passing to and from the East and West Indies, and other Warm Climates, with wax (except such as is specially prepared) is attended with much inconvenience, and frequent- ly with serious injury to the Letters, in consequence of the melting of the wax, and adhesion of the Letters to each other; the public are therefore recommended, in rll cases, to use wafers in preference to wax in securing their Letters sent to India, or other warm climates and also to advise their correspondents tii those countries to pursue the same course. 11 I


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Post OfS.ee Savings Bank. ABSTEACT OF E EG U L ATI O NS. Every Money Order Office at wMcli deposits can be received, will be open for that purpose, and for tbe repayment of moneys withdrawn, during the hours appointed for the transaction of Money Order business at such Office. Deposits of One Shilling, or of any number of Shillings, or of Pounds and Shillings, will be received from any depositor at the Post Office Savings Banks, provided the dex^osits made by such Depositor in any year ending on the 31st day of December do not exceed £30, and provided the total amount standing in such Depositor's name in the books of the Postmaster-General do not exceed £150, exclusive of interest When the principal and interest together, standing to the credit of any one Depositor, amount to the sum of £200, all interest will cease so long as the same funds continue to amount to the said sum of £200. Every Depositor, on making a first deposit, must make and sign the fol- lowing Declaration, to be witnessed by the Officer of the Postmaster-Gene- ral appointed to receive deposits, or by some person known to him, or by the Minister or a Chtirchwarden of the Parish in which the depositor re- sides, or by a Justice of the Peace, and if such Declaration, or anypait thereof, shall not be true, the Depositor making the same will forfeit and lose all right and title to his deposits :

Coipy of Declaration, to ie signed hy Dejpositor on making Ms first deposit.

In pursuance of an Act of Parliament, I of do hereby declare to the Postmaster- General that I am desirous on my own behalf, to become a depositor in the Post Office Savings Bank. I do further hereby declare, that I am not directly or indirectly entitled to any deposit in, or benefit from the Funds of this or any other Savings Bank in Great Britain or Ireland, nor to any sum or sums standing in the name or names of any

other i^erson or persons in the books of the said Post Office Savings Bank ; and I do hereby also testify my consent that my deposits in the said Post Office Savings Bank shall be managed according to the Regulations thereof. Witness my hand this day of 186 Signed by the said Depositor in the presence of me,

Save and except such benefit as I may be entitled to from being a Mem- ber of a Friendly Society, legally established ; or from sachsum or p.ums as may be standing in my name as Trustee jointly with the Name or Names, and on behalf of any other Deposit or Depositors. Every deposit rece'ved by any Officer of the Postmaster-General, ap- pointed for that purpose, will be entered by him at the time in a numbered book, and the enti-y will be attested by him, and by the dated stamp of his office, and the said book, with the entry so attested, will be given to the Depositor and retained by him as primary evidence of the receipt of the deposit. The Depositor must sign his name in the place provided for his signature in the Depositor's Book. The amount of each deposit, and the name, occupation, and residence of the Depositor will, upon the day of the receipt thereof, be reported to the Postmaster-General, and the acknowledg- ment of the Postmaster-General for the said deposit, signified by the Officer appointed for the purpose, will be forthwith transmitted by Post to the Depositor as the conclusive evidence of his claim to the repayment of the deposit with interest thereon. If the depositor does not receive the acknowledgment within ten days from the day on which he made the deposit, he must api)ly for the same to the Postmaster-General, by letter, and if necessary he must renew his ap- plication to the Postmaster- General, until he receives the said acknowledg- ment. Interest, calculated yearly at the rate of Two Pounds Ten Shillings per cent., per annum, wiU be allowed on every complete Pound deposited, and will be computed from the first day of the calendar month next following the day on which a complete Pound shall have been deposited, or on which deposits of a less amount shall have made up a complete Pound, up to the first day of the calendar month in which moneys are withdrawn. The interest thus calculated will be at the rate of one Halfpenny per calendar month for every complete Pound. POSTAL DIKECTOEY. 95

The interest will be calculated to the 31st December in every year, and will then be added to, and become part of the principal money. Deposits may be n^ ade by — (A) A Trustee on behalf of another person, in the joint names of such Trustee and the person on whose account such money shall be

so deposited ; but repayment of the same, or any part thereof, will not be made without the receipt and receipts of both the said parties. (B) By, or for the benefit of, any person under 21 years of age, and repayment will be made to such minor, after the age of 7 years, in the same manner as if he were of full age.

(C) By married women ; deposits so made, or made by women who shall afterwards marry, will be repaid to any such women, un- less her husband shall give notice in writing of such marriage to the Postmaster-General, and shall require payment to be made to him. (D) By the Trustees of any legally established Friendly, Charitable, or Provident Society, or Penny Savings Bank. [Note. —In these cases the Trustees must first make special ap- plication by post to the Postmaster-General, accompanied by a copy of their rules.] This Book must be forwarded once in each year, on the anniversary of the day on luhich the first deposit teas made, to the Principal Office of the Post- master-General, in a cover to be obtained at any Post Ofiice Savings Bank, in order that the entries may be compared with the entries in the Books of the Po-tmaster-General, and that the interest due to the Depositor may be inserted in it. No charge will be made for the Books at first supplied to Depositors, or for Books issued to them in continuation thereof ; biit if any Depositor shall lose his Book, and shall desire a new Book, application must be made by him to the Postmaster-General by letter, stating the circumstances, and enclos- ing Postage Stamps of the value of One Shilling to pay for the new Book, should the application be granted. No charge for postage will be made upon Depositors for the transmis- sion of their Books to the Postmaster-General, or for the return thereof to them, or for any applications they may have to make for acknowledgments of deposits, or for any application or necessary letter of enquiry respecting the sums deposited by them, or for the replies thereto. A Depositor in the Post Ofiice Savings Bank may transfer his deposits to any other Savings Bank legally established, and. on his written applica- tion, accompanied by his Book, to the Chief Oifice of the Postmaster-General, in a Form to be obtained at any Post Ofiice Savings Hank, he will be fur- nished with a Certificate of the whole amount due to him, and his account with the Post Ofiice Savings l-!ank will thereupon be closed. A Depositor in any legally established Savings Bank may transfer his accotint to the Post Ofiice savings Hank, and may require from the Trustees or Managers of such Hank a Certificate stating the amount due to him, and thereupon his account with such Bank will be closed. The Certificate may be delivered to any ofiicer of the Postmaster-General authorised to receive deposits under the Post Office Savings F>ank Act, and will be received by him as a deposit of the amount therein set forth, and on the said Certificate being forwarded to London, and verified by the National Debt Commissioners, an account for the amount thereof will be opened with the Depositor, and an acknowledgment for the said amount wiU be sent to him. Any Depositor wishing to withdraw the whole or part of the sum de- posited by him, must make application for the same to the Postmaster- General, in a Form, a printed copy of which may be obtained at any Post Oifioe Savings Bank. In this Form the Depositor must specify the particulars therein re- quireij, . and on receipt of it at the General Post Ofiice in London, a Warrant for the amount required, payable at the Office named by him, will be sent to him by post. This Warrant must be presented by the Depositor at the Post Office named thereon, together with the Depositor's Book, in which the Postmaster will enter the amount repaid, and attest the entry with Ids signature, and the dated stamp of his oifice. The Postmaster will take a receipt from the Depositor, on the Warrant, for the amount repaid to him, which receipt is not chargeable with Stamp Duty. The Postmaster-General will endeavour 96 POSTAL DIEECTOEY. to prevent fraud, and to identify every Depositor transactinar business with. the Post Office Savings Bank ; but if any person shall fradulently represent himself to be a Depositor, and by forwarding the proper notice of with- drawal, and by presentation of the Depositor's Book, and compliance with the Riiles of the Department, shall obtain any sum of money belonging to that Depositor, the Postmaster- General will not be responsible for the loss thereof. Repayments will be made only to the Depositor in person, or to the bearer of an order under his hand, signed in the presence of either the Minister or a Churchwarden of the parish in which the Depositor resides, of a Justice of the Peace, or, in case of sickness, of the Medical Attendant.

If the Depositor be resident abroad, the signature must be verified by some - constituted authority of the place in which he resides. A Form of Order, to be signed by the Depositor on such occasions, may be obtained at the Post Office at which the Warrant is made payable. The Officers of the Postmaster General engaged in the receipt or pay- ment of deposits will not disclose the name of any Depositor, nor the amount deposited or withdrawn by him, except to the Postmaster-General, or to such of his officers as may be appointed to assist in carrying out the provisions of the Post Office Savings Bank Act.

Stage Coach Conveyances.

Aberdeen to Cluny. —A Coach leaves 13, St. Nicholas Street, every Monday, Wednesd iy, Friday, and Saturday, at 4 o'clock, p.m., passing Straik, Skene, &c., ai riving at Cluny about 8. p.m. Leaves Cluny every Mon- day, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, about 7, a.m., arriving in Aberdeen at 10 o'clock „ to Ellon, &c.—The " BANKS OF YTH AN," in connection with a con- veyance to Newburgh, leaves Glennie's Inn every lawful diiy at 4, P.M., arriving at "Ellon at 6, p.m. Leaves Ellon at a quarter to 8, A.M., reaching Aberdeen at a quarter to 10, a.m. „ to Methlic—The "EARL OF ABERDEEN" leaves M'Pherson's Inn, West North Street, every lawful day at 4, p.m., arriving in Methlic at half-past 7, p.m. Leaves Grant's Inn, MethHc, at a quarter before 7, a.m., arriving in Aberdeen at 10, a.m. „ to Newburch (Rail to Udny) at 850, a.m., and G'O, P.M. Leaves New- burgh at 8"0, A.M., and 5'25, p.m.j

Carriers to and from Aberdeen.

Those marked f are fortnightly; the others are weekly.

FROM WHENCE. CAREIEKS' NAMES. WHERE LODGED. ARRIVES. DEPARTS. Aberchirder and)^. ^^.^ 30 Qerrard st Wed. 8 a.m. Wed. 4 p.m. CornhiU j Auchleven W. Pirie 90 George st Th. 9 a.m. Th. 5 p.m. Auchterless A. Barclay 30 Gerrard st Th. 8 a.m. Th. 4 p.m. Badenscoth. ...A. Gordon.... 90 George st Tu. 10 a.m. Tu. 4 p.m. Eallater James Young. 6 Lt. Belmont st. Wed. 10 a.m. Wed. S p.m. Bervie E. Strachan... 6 Lt. Belmont st.Mon. 12 n. Tu. 4 a.m. Birse Thos. Martin.. 6 Lt. Belmont st.Th. 2 p.m. Th. 8 p.m. (M 1 "30 p m Mealmarket st.Wed.lO a.m. J.-^ Brucklay Geo. Wilson... 16 3-30 p.m.' Cabrach Wm. Sim 90 George st Th. 9 a.m. Th. 5 p.m. Cairubulg 90 George st Tu. 10 a.m. JamesMUne... | pri. 3 p.m. Clatt W. Pu-ie 90 George st Th. 9 a.m. Th. 5 p.m. CAERIEES TO AND FROM ABERDEEN. 97

PROM WHENCE. CAERIEES NAMES. WHERE LODGED. AEEIVES, departs. CoUieston Jas. Sangster. 6 Mealmarket St.. Wed. Wed. tCorg-a'f J. Tait 8 Harriet St Wed. 10 a.m. Wed. 5 P.M. Cuminestown Joiin Rettie ... 30 Gerrwrd st...... Wed. 10 a.m. Wed. 4 P.M. Daviot A.*Rothnie .... 90 George St Tu. 8 a.m. Tu. 5 P.M. Dudwick Rob. "Mearns.. 6 Mealmarket St.. Th. 8 a.m. Th. 3 P.M. Fri. 10 A.M. Echt R. Mathieson. 6 Lt.Belmt.st.|j^j^^_ 4 p.m. Tu. 5 A.M. Tu. & Fri. Ellon Wm. Thomson 6 Mealmkt. st. 1'^^^:.* JSa.m-8a.m- [ 2 P.M. 1-'' etternear A. Stephen, 90 George St Th. 2 p.m. Fri. 10 A.M. Forgue A. Gordon 90 George St ^Tu. 10 a.m Tu. 4 P.M. M. W. &F. Fraserburgh James Milne... 90 George st .'Tu. 10 a.m. •< 3 P.M. fFyvie James Clark... 90 George st Th. 8 a.m. Th. 4 P.M. fFyvie Geo. Chapman 90 George st Th. 8 a.m. Th. 4 P.M. Fyvie Jas. Mackie... 16 Mealmarket st..Mon. m. Mon. 3 P.M.

Gamrie John Eettie... 30 Gerrard st .Wed. 1 i a.m. Wed. 4 P.M. Glenbucket Alex. Cobb... 8 Harriet St. Wed. 10 a.m. Wed. 5 P.M. Inverkeithny A. Gordon 90 George st Tu. 10 a.m. Tu. 4 P.M.

In verury , Argo 90 George st Fr. 10 a.m. Fr. 5 P.M. Johnshaven E. Strachan... 6 Lt. Belmont St. .Mon. 12 n. Tu. 4 a.m. Kildrummy Wm. Sim 90 George st Th. 8 a.m. Th. 5 P.M. Kincardine ONeil.Alex. Sheriffs 6 Lt. Belmont St.. Th. 10 a.m. Th. 6 P.M. Longside John Smith... 90 George st Wed. 9 a.m. Wed. 3 p.m. Lonmay Wra. Wiilox... 16 Mealmarket St.. Tu. 8 a.m. Tu. 6 P.M. laiiwpanan A. Walker 8 Harriet st Th. 11a.m. Th. 6 p.m. Linnsden Village. ..Wm. Sim 90 George st Th. 8 a.m. Th. 5 P.M. Manar 41ex. Stephen 90 George St Th. 2 p.m. Fr. 10 A.M. Maryculter Samuel Brown 6 Lt. Belmont st.Tu. F. 10 a.m. Tu. F. 1 P.M. Methlic James Mutch 6 Mealmarket sf..'ih. 9 a.m. Th. 3 P.M. W. &F. Mintlaw John Smith... 90 George st Tu. 10 a.m. JM. ( 3 P.M. JFii. 11 A.M. Midmar R. Mathieson 6 Lt, Belmont st. M. Th. 6 p.m. l& Tu.6 A.M. New Aberdour John Leslie... 90 George st Wed. 8a.m. M. W. 3 p.m. Newburgh Jas. Conuon... 6 Mealmarket St.. Fr 8 a.m. Fr. 3 P.M. Newburgh Alex. Sangster 16 Mealmarket St.. Fr. 8 a.m. Fr. 3 P.M. Newburgh B- Cruickshank 6 Mealmarket St.. Wed. 8 a.m. Wed. 2 P.M. Newbyth .John Mackie... 90 George st Wed. 8 a.m. Wed. 4 p.m. New Ueer Geo. Wilson... ]6 Mealmarket St.. Tu. 3 p.m. M. W. 1 P.M. New Pitsligo John Leslie... 90 George st Wed. 8 a.m. M.W. 2 p.m. Old Deer ,H. Ross 16 Mealmarket st..Th. 8 a.m. Th. 6 P.M. OWmeldrum Janies Green 90 George st Tu. F. 2 p.m. W. S. 5 A.M. Oldmeldrum Jas. Webster 2i Schoolhill Fr. 10 a.m. Fr. 12 noon Oldmeldrum Jas. Cheyne... 90 George st Th. 3 p.m. Fr. 10 A.M. Rhynie W. Sim 90 George st Th. 8 a.m. Th. 5 P.M. M W. &F. Rosehearty .....James Milne... 90 George st Tu. 10 a.m. | 3 P.M. Rothie A. Barclay 30 Gerrard st Wed, P.M. Th. 2 p.m. fSchivas Andw. Wilson 16 Mealmaiket st..Th. 8 a.m. Th. 6 p.m. Strachan James Ferries 6 Lt. Belmont st..Th. 2 p.m. Fr. 4 A.M. Strat hdon Chas. Morrison 8 Harriet st Tu. 10 P.M. Wed. 1 P.M. Strichen Jas. Urquhart 6 Mealmarket St. Wed 8 A.M. Wed. 6 P.M. "^^ _ . Th. Sat. 9 A.M. Stonehaven W. M'Pherson 6 Lt. Belmont st, ^ |Tu. Th. Sat. 3 p.m. Tarland Wm. Reid 14 Harriet st Tu. 8 a.m. Tu. 4 p.m. Tarves A. Mutch 13 Princes st Th. 5 p.m. Fr, l2noon tTowie A. Ingram.... 6 Lt. Belmont St.. Th. 8 a.m. Th. 12noon tTowie Wm. Foibes... 8 Harriet st W^ed. 10 a.m. Wed. 5 p.m. Udny James Mutch 16 Mealmarket St.. Th. 9 a.m. Th. 3 p.m. Wartle Alex. Rothnie 90 George St.. Tu, 8 a.m. Tu. 5 p.m. Watertonof Echt,.Wm. Leith... 6 Mealmarket St.. Fr. 8 a.m. Fr. 1 p.m 98 ABERDEEN SHIPPING.

Aberdeen Shipping.

NAME AND MASTER. OWNETl OR AGENT, . TONS. BtTlLT. Aberdeen Packet, schooner, Mennie...J. B. Adam & Co 104 1800 Abeideenshire, s. steamer, Linklater... Aberdeen and Hull Steam Navigation Co. (limited) 149 56 Aberdonian, schooner, Beattie James Leslie 145 40 Agricola, brig, Angus Northern Agricultur-al Go...... 159 57 Ajax, brig, Artis A. Reid ...,..,...,, 191 54 Aldivalloch, barque, Lovie Geo. Thomson 322 61 Alexander Hall, barque, Daniel Donaldson Kose & Co 403 46 Alibi, barque, Reid . George Thomson 328 41 Alma, ship, Conn John Catto, Son, & Co 620 55 Ambassador, brig, Donald Joseph Wood 181 50 Annabell, brig, Hutchison G. Thomson 162 53 Ann Mitchell, brig, Robertson D. MitcheU 189 62 Ann Law, brig, Buyers John Law 185 58 Anna Maria, brig. Main The Master 178 —

Apollo, schooner, M'Lean John Law ,. 128 23 Ariel, barque, Roberts John Catto, Son, & Co 314 42 Artisan, brig, M' Bain W. Ligertwood & Co 170 57 Assyrian, ship, Mearns Alexander Nicol :;.. -555 55 Austral, ship, Phillips John Catto, Son, & Co... 506 56 Balgowaie. barque, Bertie Alexander Nicol 324 48 Beautiful Star, Catto John Cook 547 61 Belina. brig, Lees J. B. Adam & Co 113 22 Benlomond, ship, Smart Donaldson Rose & Co 986 62 Bon- Accord, barque, Colvin George Gray 289 57 Bon-Accord, steam-tug. Goidon George Leslie & Co 31 62 Braes O'Moray, schooner, HendersonWilliam Mackie 103 54 Brilliant, ship, Philips Robert Duthie 548 50 Britannia, steam-tug, Watson George Leslie & Co 15 57 British Queen, Scorgie Alexander Duthie 412 58 Caledonia, barque, Vollar Robert Duthie 444 55 Camilla, brig. Brown Alexander Inglis 115 31 Caprera, Henderson Alexander Nicol 755 61 Cathcart, ship. Smith John T. Rennie 422 52 Centaur, briif, Taylor Blaikie Brothers 194 49 Centurion, ship, Largie George Thomson, jun., & Co... 639 56 Charles, brig, Mackay The Master 175 55 Cheviot, schooner, Grubb Charles Wilson 70 34 Christian, schooner, Pithie ....George Goldie 77 50 Citizen, brig, San gster James Winlaw, jun 139 44 City of Aberdeen, ship, Taylor James Tulloch, jun 551 62 City of London, steamer, Campbell.. .Abdn. Steam Navigation Co... 1116 44 City of Quebec, ship, Cobban Donaldson Rose & Co 526 56 Clarinda, barque, Milne George Milne & Co 320 28 Clipper, schooner, Baxter George Sinclair 89 40 Cock of the North, smack, Catt William Hogarth 48 35 Colonial Empire. Ross George Thompson & Co 1305 61 Commodore, ship, Dalgarno Richard Connon & Co 562 61 Concord, schooner. Falconer Aberdeen Commercial Co 145 38 Cora, schooner, Alex. Hay 114 46 Countess of Fife, Watson J. Catto, Son, & Co 510 58 Coulnakyle, ship, Morrison John Jameson 635 63 Cruiser, yacht, Ennew William Hogarth 22 41 Cyclone, ship, Hossack Robert Catto & Sons 594 53 Cynthia, brig. Burgess Andrew Reid 181 54 Cygnet, bi ig, Grant George Elmslie & Son 152 — Dahlia, schooner, Morgan George Morgan 73 35 Damascus, ship, Murray George Thompson, jun., & Co 964 57 Dee, schooner, Scott Aberdeen Commercial Co 97 46 Dee, brig, Mackie George Leslie & Co 177 57 Don, schooner, Diack Aberdeen Lime Co 112 58 Dunrobin Castle, ship, Campbell Donaldson Rose & Co 545 51 Earl of Wemyss, brig, Craig George Leslie & Co 165 26 ABERDEEN SHIPPING. 99

NAME AND MASTER, OWNER OK AGENT. TONS-EtnLT. Earl of Southesk, Ritchie J. T. Rennie 356 1858 Earl of Fyfe, Angus The Master ... 232 63 Eident, ship, Barclay... J. B. Adam & Co 180 61 Elizabeth, brig, Law Do. 162 39 Elizabeth, schooner, G. Scott The Master 68 40 Do. do. Hutcheson J. T. Willet 96 — Enchanter, barque, Levie Robert Duthie 486 51

Essex, ship, Manson = George Milne

Good Hope briir, Ganson , H. Ganson 162 61 Granite, brig, Cadenhead Aberdeen Commercial Co 186 46 Granite City, ship, Hodge HenryAdamson 771 53 Haidee, schooner, Anderson 55 52 Harbottle Castle, schooner, Mutch John M'Lauchlan 102 40 Harmonia, ship. Barclay Richard Connon & Co 643 47 Harvest Horae, brig, K OSS G. Milne & Co 140 38 Hawk, schooner, Mair George Leslie & Co 159 15 Hawk, schooner, Gauld Blaikie Brothers 84 38 Heather Bell, steam tug, Newton The Master 15 57 Homeward Uound ship, Dunningham..Oswald & <^o 643 55 I'll Try, brig, Stephen Jas. Gumming 217 63 Isabella Forbes, schooner, Henderson. .The Master 90 37 Isabell. schooner, John Donald 136 — James Chadwick, brig, Strachan A. and F. Manuelle 145 47 Jane Boyd, barque, Colvin George Thompson, jun. & Co... 387 43 Jane schooner P. Beveridge 84 44 Jason, ship, f^tnart Henry Adamson 877 58 Jehu, ship, Liddle Richard Connon & Co 524 56 John Bunyan, ship, Allan.. George Thompson, jun. & Co... 466 48 John Knox, barque, Munro The Master.... 296 52 Josephine, brig. Cook ,...J. T. Willet 245 55 Juno, brig, Stephen .'.....A.Davidson, jun 151 32 Kaffirland, ship, Stephen R. Catto & Son 753 52 Kinloss, schooner, Aris JohnLaw 104 40 Kosciusko ship, Stuart George Thompson, jun. & Co .. 1192 62 Lady of the Lake, schooner. Falconer.. .Aberdeen Commercial Co 100 39 Lady Franklin, brig, Eraser Aberdeen Arctic Co 201 50 Lady Head, bri;^, Lees Joseph Wood 238 55 Laurel, ship, Reid Geo. Milne & Co., 626 61 Liberator, ship, Martin John Duthie, Sons & Co 690 60 Liverpool Pa<;ket, schooner, Stephen... John M'Lauchlan 81 19 L'lmperati ice Eugenie, barque, Stuart John T. Rennie 250 54 Lochel ship, Hadden G. Milne & Co 674 56 Lord Haddo, barque, Brotherston John T. Rennie 291 47 Lord Metcalf, barque, Young R. Donald's Trustees 510 55 Lord Provost, schooner, M'Kenzie The Master 83 60 Lucknow, barque, Leslie Robt. Johnston 402 59 Luna, brio:. Petty Aberdeen Commercial Co 186 48 Magnet, brig, Mair. Robert Maitland 176 45 Maid of Judah, ship, Scotti, George Thompson, jun. & Co... 756 53 100 ABERDEEN SHIPPING.

XAME A^^) MASTER. OWNER OR AGENT. TONS.BTTILT. jVramelon, ship, Urquhart J. March 737 1857 Marquis of Argyle, Monro Monro 800 60 Margaret PMward, barque. Thomas.. .Geo. Elsmie & Son 281 56 Margaret Milne, barque, Milne John Cook 279 47 Margaret, barque, Clarii ...J. March 527 55 Margaret, schooner, Ross Peter Beveridge 96 56° Margaret Reid, schooner, Main J. Cumming 98 60 Maria, schooner, Skea William Duncan 67 55 Mariner, schooner, Barclay Robert Maitland 142 55 Martin'Luther, barque. Hercules John Smith 356 41 Martha Birnie, ship. M 'Queen Wm. Duthie 830 63

Marys, schooner, Fletcher Wm. Talbot , 133 36 Mary Ann, biig, Mutch..- A. Shearer 217 50 Mary Jane, schooner. Wood The Master 81 47 Mary Scott, sloop, Murray William M'Kinnon & Co 47 46 Matanzas, brig, Dunn John M'Lauchlan 152 53 Mercury, schooner, Middletou George Elsmie & Son 152 42 Messenger, schooner, Skakle John Catto, Son & Co 174 39 Moiia, ship. Japp Donaldson Rose & Co 856 55 Moravian, ship, Edward George Thompson, jun. & Co... 967 58 Natal Star, ship, Forbes John T. Rennie 366 62 Nereid, Mackie George Leslie & Co 191 60 Nonsuch, brig, Greig James Leslie 145 — Ocean Biide, schooner, M'Kenzie A. Inglis 65 47 Ocean Mail, Linkl^iter Henry Adamson 630 60 Ocean, schooner, Lecklar Alex. Mirchell 92 56 Omar Pasha, ship, Henry George Thompson, jun. &Co... 1274 54 Onward, Mitchell Andrew Mitchell 118 51 Pacific, barque, Paterson George Thomson..... 386 26 Parisian, ship, Shewan ...R.Anderson 750 54 Paul Jones, schooner, P.uthley The Master 79 51 Perseverance, brig, Beattie J. B.Adam

Resolute, Wallace , Donaldson Rose & Co 1072 58 Renown, barque. Walker ...,,...... Richai^d Connon & Co 311 42 Richard Grainger, schooner W. Williamson 115 39 Rifleman, ship, Bruce W. Duthie, jun 724 60 Rose, barque.,...... Donaldson Rose & Co 279 43 Rose, schooner, Gait The Master 81. 31 Rose, schooner, Craib James Allan 98 52 Rosehall, brig, Mennie George Milne & Co 250 61 Rover, brig, Leslie Benjamin Moir 213 69

Romene, ship, Edwards ,. .George Milne & Co 729 61 Rubens, ship, Levie John Catto, Son & Co 360 53 Samson, schooner, Benzie John T. Rennie 128 36 Sarah, schooner, Christie John Christie 54 84 Sardinian, brig, Chalmers G. Elsmie & Son 174 55 Silistria, ship, Fernie Donaldson Rose

NAME AND MASTER. OTTSER OR AGENT. TONS. BTTILT. Sir Winiam Wallace, bri-% Morice Anderson, Vv atson, Elgin & Co. 183 1835 Smithfield, schooner, Archibald Aberdeen Lime Co 163 42 Sophia, schooner, Devine Peter Heveridge 89 31 Sophia, brig. Lucas Gt'orge Thomson 113 50 Speed, schooner, vvallace J. B. Adam & Uo 139 48 Spartan, yucht, Cat Hograrth

Staibeam, larque, Reid George Elsmie

Star of Peaee, ship, Mitchell George Thompson, jun «fc Co... 1271 55 Star of the North, ship, Paterson G. Leslie & Co 935 57 Star of Hope, Talbot Oswald & Co 788 54 Stanley, Cargill Aberdeen Steam Navigation Co. — — Superior, b'i.o-, Symmers D. M' Taggart 136 16 Strathdon, Pill ....Geor eTliompson, jun. & Co... 1010 60 Taurus, schooner, Henderson A Wishart 84 47

Thalia, barque, Volum William Volum , 350 44 The Oak, R. Johnston „... 155 29 Theophilus, brig, Chalmers John Donald 96 18 To!ii Duff, schooner, Christie ...Williamf'liristie 85 41)

Transatlantic ship. Philips ...... George Thompson, jun. <&Co... 614 57 Union, schooner, Daniel R. Johnston 55 29 Unity, schooner, Leighton The Master 88 47 Vanguard, Clerk Murray & Garden 188 58 Vanguard steamer. Parrot Leith & Clyde Co 608 43 Vesta, schooner, Harrow The Master 87 50 Victoria, steamer, Urquhart J. B. Adam & Co, 279 48 Victoria, schooner, Crombie Aberdeen Lime Co 180 49 Viking, brig, M'Bain J. B. Adam & Co 181 62 Vu can, brig, Daniel George Thomson 162 40 Walter Hood, ship, Donald George Thompson, jun & Co... 918 52 "Wave of Life, ship, Lawson George Thompson, jun. & Co... 10^0 —56 Wave Spirit, schooner, Murray John Law , 140 Westburn, A. Bruce... A Nicol 593 58 William Duthie, sh p, Duthie ..John Duthie, Sons & Co 968 62 Woodlark, brig, Taylor R Johuston 203 54 Woolloomooloo, ship, Ayling ...George Thompson, jun. & Co... 627 52 Ythan, schooner, .viilne.... The Master 120 54 Zeus, Urquhart G. Leslie & Co 197 60 Zoophyte, brig, Milne G. Leslie & Co 161 56

Table to Oalculate wages and otner I'ayments.

Year. Month. Week. Day. Year. Month. Week. Day.

£ £ S. D. £ S. D. S. D. £ £ S. D. £ S. D. s. o. 1 18 4| 0| 16 16 8 6 If 10| 2 3 4 9i li 17 18 4 6 6i Hi 3 5 1 If 2 18 1 10 6 lOf 11$ 4 6 8 16^ 2f 19 1 11 8 7 3^ 1 Oi 5 8 4 1 11 3i 20 1 13 4 7 8 1 H 6 10 2 3i 4 30 2 10 11 6 1 71 7 11 8 2 8i 4i 40 3 6 8 15 4 2 2i 8 13 4 3 Of 5i 50 4 3 4 19 21 2 9 9 15 3 5i 6 60 5 1 3 Oi 3 Si 10 16 8 3 10 6% 70 5 16 8 1 6 IQA 3 10 4i 11 18 4 4 2| 7i 80 6 13 4 1 10 8i 4 12 10 4 7i 8 90 7 10 1 14 6i 4 Hi 13 118 4 111 8i 100 8 6 8 1 18 4i 5 5f 14 13 4 5 4i 9i 300 25 5 15 Of 16 5i 15 15 5 9 9| 500 41 13 4 9 11 9i 27 4|

If the sum be Guineas, not Pounds, for each Guinea add a penny to each month, or a farthing to each week. ^" 102 USEFUL TABLE.


Showing the number of Bays in one month, to the same Bay in any other Month.

From Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept Oct. Nov. Dec.

January 365 1 31 120 151 181 -^43 304 1 59 90 1 | 212 | | 273 | 334 1 i | | February 1 | 242 334 1 365 212 zTd 3U3 120 | I8l | 1 28 59 | 150 | | \ 89 | March 3U6 ! 31 214 | 245 275 | 122 153 337 61 | 184 | | 1 365 | 92 | | |

April 3^» 1 fil 214 | 244 1 122 153 183 306 334 | 275 1 | 365 | 91 | | | 1V3 153 184 214 May 276 1 304 | 335 1 365 31 | 61 92 | | | 1 245 1 [ |

; 1 3" . June ; | 1^2 153 183 | 334 61 92 | | 214 245 273 S04 | | 1 365 | i23 153 | 31 62 92 | 184 215 243 274 | 304 335 | 365 | | July 1 1 | i |

-243 i 31 61 92 122 1 3 4 | | 212 273 | 334 365 August 153 184 1 | | ] | 3i'3 91 | | 3o i 61 September 1 212 242 273 334 365 j | 122 153 1 181 1 | 31 61 182 273 | 3,04 | 335 365 j | 1 212 243 | October 92 123 151 1 | | 1 |

~61 ' 120 151 181 212 242 j 273 | 304 | 334 | SW | 30 1 92 1 | November 1 1 365 , 335 | 121 151 182 | 212 243 274 ] 304 | December 31 1 62 1 90 1 1 1 j GENERAL DmECTOHY



ABEL, James, baker, 64, h. && Virginia plreet John, (G. N. of S. R.,) 15 Fish street William, commercial traveller, 5, RosHn terrace Abell, John C, clerk (Gas Light Co.), 4 Thistle street Peter, 78 Shiprow Abercrombie, Alexander, 31 Gallowgate James, stamper (P.O.), 19 Whitehouse street Miss Rachel, 2 Rotunda place Aberdeen Banking Co., 53 Castle street

Brick and Tile Co. ; works and office, Clayhills ; Thos. Fraser, manager Chemical Light Manufactory, 38 Jopp's lane; A. W. Ledingham, manager Chemical Works, Links, J. Miller & Co. Commercial Company; lime, coal, bone, manure, and

grain merchants, Provost Blaikie's quay ; Wm. Black, manager Free Press Office, Concert court, 12 Broad street Foundry, 102 Lock street; Wm. Henderson, managrer Genera] Dispensary, Lying-in, and Vaccine Institution, 36 Upperkirkgate Herald (Newspaper and printing proprietary), 7 Queen street Journal Office, 28 and 29 Adelphi court, Union street Lands and Heritages Valuation Office, 10 Unioa street; John Milne, assessor ;


Aberdeen Leith & Clyde Shipping Co. ; office, 62 Marischal st.

Lime Co. ; lime, coal, bone manure, nitrate of soda, and guano merchants, 2 Provost Blaikie's quay Murray and Morison, managers

Market Company ; Adam and Anderson, treasurers, 75 Union street Mourning Establishment, 40 Union street Mutual Assurance and Friendly Society; secretary, John Crombie, 3 Queen street Mutual Marine Insurance Association, 58 Marischal

street ; R. Coimon, secretary and Newcastle Steam Co.; office, 57 Marischal street ..... and North of Scotland Trade Protection Society, 30 Marischal Street; Wm. Steele, secretary and North of Scotland Permissive Bill Association; office, 115 Union st'^eet Quill Manufactory, 47 Queen street; Alex. Gordon, managing partner Eope and Sail Co.; office. Links, Footdee

Salmon Co. ; office, 31 Gallowgate ; icehouse, Fish st. Steam Navigation Company, 87 Waterloo quay Town and County Bank, 62 Union street Union Club, Market sireet Young Ladies' Listitution, 250 Union street; Eev. Robeit Demaus, teacher Writing Academy; G. C. M'Conochie, teacher, 115 Union street, h 2 Union place Aberdein, G. A., commercial traveller, 30 Dee street Mrs., lodgings, 30 Dee street Abernethy, George, civil engineer, 3 Dee place James and Co., iron founders, engineers, millwrights, machine makers, blacksmiths, and boiler makers, Ferry hib foundry »,,... James (of J. A. & Co.), Ferryhill cottage John (of J. A. & Co.), Marine terrace, Ferryhill Robert (of J. A. & Co.), 8 Alb} n place ...... Mrs, sen., Ferryhill Adam and Anderson, advocates. 75 Union street Alexander, land surveyor, 74 Union street Alexander, slater, 4 Hutcheon street Alexander, manager, Aberdeen Salmon Co., 9 Fish st. James, grocer, 70 Causewayend

... .. Rev. John (Free South Church), 27 Bon-accord terrace John, timber merchant, North Charlotte street, A. 5 Forbes street John, grocer and spirit dealer, 64, h. &Q Green John, bookseller, Market gallery, h 9 Diamond street John B., ship and insurance broker, 57 Marischal st., h. Maryfield, Ferryhill CITY OF ABERDEEN. 105

Adam, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 22 Albion street

, Robert, advocate and notary-public, 29 Union street, h. 100 Chapel street Roderick, baker, 14, h. 16 Union place William, advocate (of Adam and Anderson), 30 Skene terrace Wm., jun., advocate, 62 Skene street Wm., town-sergeant, 41 Summer street Mrs., Wm., 4 Prospect terrace, Ferryhill Adams, Alexander, feuar, 36 Catherine street Andrew, photographer, Rettie's court, 26 Broad street, h. 30 Queen street James, beadle (Free North Church), 2 Ragg's Lane John, Register ofSce, 11 Queen street Robert, foreman (J. & W. Martin), 46 Charlotte street ...:.. Wm., furniture dealer, 25 Castle street Miss Isabella, lodgings, 41 St. Nicholas street Adamson & Home, sharebrokers, and agents for Edinburgli Life Assurance Co., 25 Marischal street Alexander, tinsmith, 17 Gallowgate,^. 17 Littlejohn st. Henry, ship and insurance broker, 57 Marischal street, h. 4 Golden square

Wm., (of A. and H ), Norwood House, Pitfodels Wm., clerk, Harbour Office Mrs, 6 Albert street Mrs, 97 Skene street Addison, Allan, butcher, 28 Justice street Adlington, Wm., proiessor of music, 64 Bon-accord street Advocates' Society Hall and Library, Advocates' buildings, Union street Aiken, Alexander, shore porter, 45 Castle street

Alex, gilder, 1 Littlejohn street Jas., boot and shoemaker, 57 Broad street, h. Donald's court, Schoolhill

James, (Northern Assurance Co.), 1 Littlejohn street James, jun. (of J. Catto, Son, & Co.), agent for Lloyds, 67 Marischnl street, h. 27 Union place Miss, matron. Blind As^^lum Airth, John, shoemaker, 2 Justice street, h. 91 King street John, jun., tea dealer, i, ^. 11 Union Buildings Aitken, David, merchant (of Neil Smith & Co.), 4 Ann place Akers, Rev. George, M.A. (Oxon.), curate of St. Mary's Church, 176 Skene St. West Albion and Eagle Assurance Co., agent, James Paull, 12 King street Alexander, Alexander, manager's clerk (S. N. E. R.), 49 Bon-Accord street Alexander, grocer, tea, and spirit dealer, 1 Baltic street, A. 3 Baltic street 106 GENERAL DIKECTORY,

Alexander. James, watch and clockmaker, 6 Union street, h. 14J Broad street ...... James, miller and grain merchant, Lower Justice Mills John, cabinet maker and upholsterer, 164 Union street, h 20 Garden place ...... John, draper, 138, h 140 Gallowgate John, spirit dealer, 8 Justice street Robert, professor of dancing exercises and deportment, Academy, Diamond lane, h 184^ Union street

, Robert, teacher (public schools), 5 Millburn street, Ferryhill Wm., (of J. Lumsden and Co.), 20 Garden place Wm., reporter {Free Press Office), 7 Charlotte street Mrs. A., 36 Union Row Mrs, 49 Bon-Accord street Mrs Capt,, 3 Springbank terrace Mrs, Woodbine cottage, Ferrjdiill Miss, teacher (Ross's School), 14 Holburn street Miss, Gooseberry bank, Bon-Accord terrace Miss, 243 George street

Alfred Life Assurance Association ; William Gordon, agent, 5 King street Allan, Alex., carter and coal merchant, Nelljfield, Holburn street ...... Alex. G., cashier (G. Milne and Co.), 22 Constitution street George, late boatman, Footdee

George, advocate, 56 Castle street, 7i. 33 Albyn place Hugh, cabinetmaker, 2 Crown terrace James, carver, 1 Fish street James, shipmaster, 17 Prince Regent street James, grocer and provision merchant, 59 St. Nicholas street, h. Kingsland place James and Sons, cabinet makers and upholsterers, 122

Union street : cabinet manufactory, 42, h. 37 Dee street James, teacher, Trades' School, 42 Union terrace John (Bon- Accord Hotel), 8, h 10 Huxter row John, hairdresser, 161 George street Nathaniel, grocer, porter, and spirit dealer, 39 Park street Wm., cabinetmaker, 2 Gordon's court, Gordon street Mrs, draper, 41 Market gillery, h. 10 Carmelite street Mrs James, 37 Dee street Mrs James, 22 Constitution street Mrs, lodgings, 5 Huntly street Mrs, 14 North Broadford Mrs, lodgings, 2 Crown terrace Allanach, Mrs, Lodgings, 42 Union terrace CITY OF ABERDEEN. 107

Allathan, Miss, lodgings, 27 Crown street AUardyce, John, grocer, 137, h. 135 Crown street

, Miss, 21 Bon-accord terrace Allen, Hector, teller (N. of S. B.), 87 Bon-accord street

, Miss, 70 Dee street agent, Alliance Life and Fire Assurance Office ; James Black, 23 King street Altria, Cses r, glassblower and optician, medical galvanist, &c., 29 Huntly street Anderson & Thomson, clothiers and warehousemen, 10 Broad street A. & J., painters, glaziers, paper-hangers, carvers, and gilders, 33 Queen street Adam, blockmaker (J. Duthie, Sons, & Co.) 10 Church street A., manager (Henry Ogg & Co., distillers, Strathdee), Rose cottage, Cuparstone place Alexander, A. M. (Asst. Free St. Clements), 37 Sea- mount place '^.... Alex., manager (Northern Agricultural Co.), 3 Canal terrace Alexander, advocate (of A. & A.). 198 Union street Alexander, of Tillygieig, 45 Schoolhill Alexander, painter, 64 Gerrard street Andrew (of A. & J. A.), North Lodge, King street G. B., cotnmissi(m agent, 57 b, Marischal street Charles, shipmaster, 13 Prince Regent street David, principal audit clerk (S. N. E. R.), 24 Victoria street west David C, skinner and woolmerchant, Gilcomston. Tannery David, clerk (G. N. of S. R.), 25 Regent quay George, 3 Fish street George, woodsawyer, 4 Park place George, 5 Albert terrace

James (of A. & J. A ), 35 Queen street James, foreman blacksmith (A. Hall & Sons), 36 York street James, grocer, tea, and spirit dealer, 123 Crown street, h. Balmoral place James, clerk (Telegraph Office), 7 Commerce street John, collector of Inland Revenue, 2 Trinity quay, h. 159 King street John, late merchant, Balmoral place John, bookbinder, 40^ Union street John, plumber, brassfounder, and gasfitter, 63,^. 60 Windmillbrae Lewis, spirit dealer, 7 Wales street Robert, civil engineer, 142 King street 108 GENERAL DIRECTOEY,

Anderson, Robert C, haircutter, 62 Regent quay Robert N., town sergeant, h. 30 Belmont street Samuel, cashier (Northern Assurance Office), 21 Victoria street west Thomas, grocer and spirit dealer, 61 Green Wi'liam, assistant inspector of poor of St. Nicholas, Ti- 45 Constitution street William, advocate, 75, h. 198 Union street William, second lieutenant of police, 68 Catherine st. William, blacksmith, Flourmill lane William, grain merchant, Maybank, 142 Hutcheon st. William, plumber, 57 Park street William, baker and confectioner, 4 Holburn street William, clothier, 23 Queen street, h. 19 Guestrow William, tinsmith, 12, h. 3 Thornton court William, salmon fisher, 1 Trinity quay, h. 1| Affleck street William, umbrella maker, 51 Upperkirkgate, h. above shop

William, furniture dealer, 82, li. 80 George street Mrs. George, 86 Bon-accord street Mrs. J^ines, lodgings, 6 St. Clement street Mrs. William, 7 Forbes street Mis. William, 2 Millbuin street Mrs, Glenburnie Cottage, Skene street west Mrs, lodfjings, 39 Union terrace Mrs, 37 Victoria street west Mrs, spirit dealer, 13, h. 15 Holburn street Mrs, lodgings, 13 Constitution street Mrs, lodgings, 54 Regent quay Mrs, Crown Inn and Lodgings, 83 West North street Mrs, 20 Victoria street west Mrs, 21 Victoria street west Miss Margaret, teacher (Davidson's school), 39 Union terrace Miss, Nelson lane Misses (late of Strichen), 4 Dee street Andrew, William, druggist, 168 Union street, h, 42 School- hill Andrews, Mrs, lodgings, 76 Broad street Angus, George, mei chant, 4, h. 5 Bank street George, Bengal Medical Establishment, 13 Golden sq. John, advocate and town clerk; office, Town House; h. 5 Waverley p'ace John, blacksmith, Pork lane, h. 89 Virginia street Samuel, spirit dealer, 12 Shiprow, h. 1 Skene terrace Thomas, shipmaster, I Bannermill street William C, boot and shoemaker, 130 Union street, h. 3 Henry place CITY OP ABEEDEEN. 109

Angus, Mrs Henry, 50 Dee street Mrs James, sick nurse, 31 Chapel street Misses, 41 Victoria street west Miss (of Botripbnie), 13 Golden square Archibald, James, carter and provision merchant, 70 Loch street Argo, John, 65 Chapel street

Argus Life Assurance Co. ; J. Brebner, advocate, agent, Advocates' buildings Arthur, Rev. David (George street Chapel), Maybank cot- tage, 147 Hutcheon street west John, keeper of Music Hall Buildings Asher, James, commission merchant and agent, 115 Union street, h. 6 Dee place Atheneeum Newsroom, 2 Union buildings Avery, John, printer {Northern Advertiser), 7 St Catherine's wynd, h. 106 Crown street

BADENOCH, Alexander, outfitter, 12 Union street, h. 22 North Broadford Baillie, William, beadle (St John's), 25 Chapel street Bain, Alexander, professor of logic (Aberdeen University) 148 Crown street David, manager (City Loan Office), 95 King street Ebenezer, wright, opposite 228 George street, h. 67 Causewayend James, spirit dealer, 6 Schoolhill William, livery stables, horse and cab hirer, 60 Loch street Mrs, confectioner, 10, h, 12 Marischal street Miss, lodgings, 8 Castle street Baird, Alexander, guard (S.N, E.R. Co.), Wellington road John, teller (Commercial Bank), 28 Huntly street Thomas, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 191 Union

; h. street workshop, 17 Summer street, Pitfodels ; foreman, T. Connel, 24 Huntly street Baker, George, 54 Chapel street R. Hosier, professor of music, 18 North Silver street

Bake well, James (Pickford & Co ), 119 Crown street Balfour, James, confectioner, 180, h. 194 George street

William W., professor of dancing, calisthenics, &c. ; academy. Music Hall Buildings, h. Rosemount place William, collector, Wellington Suspension Bridge Mrs, lodgings, 81 Hutcheon street west Mrs, lodgings, 14 Langs tane place Bamford, Mrs, 26 Thistle street Bank of Scotland Branch, Bank of Scotland court, 35 Castle

street ; Arthur Thomson, agent 110 GENERAL DIRECTOEY,

Banks & Robertson, bakers, &c., 51 West North street Thomas (of B. & R.), h. 34 Union terrace Bannatyne, Rev. Alex. (Free Union Church), 26 Mount street Bannerman, George, 18 Albyn place ...... John, silk dyer, 35 George street John, coruniercial traveller, 61 Gallowgate John, late dyer 11 Rose street Patrick, coal merchant, 2 Trinity quay, h. Fuschia Bank, Cults Patrick, book-keeper (J. W. Barclay). 2 Thistle street Thomas, 18 Albyn place William, coal broker and commission agent, 2 Trinity quay, h. 4 Devanha terrace Miss, 18 Albyn place Barber, James, officer of Inland Revenue, 53 Victoria street west Barclay, James W., commission and grain merchant, 12 Com- merce street John, dealer in porter, ale, and ginger beer, 1, h. 20 Harriet street John, overseer, 2 St Clement's place Wm., rope and twine manufacturer, Po;/nernook, h. 57 College street Barker, A. C, manufacturer, 81 Loch street, h. 79 Chapel st. Barnett, Alex., principal beadle (Free West Church), under- taker, and cabinetmaker, 31 Upperkirkgate John, auctioneer, mahogany and timber merchant. Guild street, h. 132 Crown street William, schoolmaster and inspector of poor, Nigg Wm. (George Hotel). 175 George street Barrack, Rev. William, M.A., rector (Grammar school), 2 Union place

Barrie, P. & M , hat makers, 39 Queen street, h. 5 King street place Barron, Lambert, advocate, 15 Adelphi court, h. 83 Crown street Mrs Alex., 23 Broad street Mrs W., 89 Holburn street Miss, lodgings, 20 Union row Miss E., lodgings, 24 Uee street Barry, Henry, & Co., ironfonndersand manufacturers of bone manure, 102 and 104 Loch street Batchan, James, inspector of branches (T, and C. Bank), 18 8pringbank terrace Batten, Abraham, commission agent and railway contractor's agent, &c., 20 and 21 Adelphi court Baxter, Alexander B., teller (North of Scotland Bank), Rose street 1


Baxter, Rev. Daniel, chaplain of Aberdeen Prisons, h. West Prison, Rose street William, engineer, 19 York street William, boot and shoemaker, 11 Wales street Mrs J., spirit dealer, 6 Crooked lane Mrs, grocer and spirit dealer, 17 Gausewayend Mrs, broker, 118 Gallowgate Misses, 2 Skene place Beale, Bernard G., surveyor's department (Gr.P.O.), 2 Rubis- law place Bearsley, Mrs, Berlin wool and fancy needle work, 12 Crown street Beaton, John, hairdresser, 9 Marischal street Beattie, Alexander, hairdresser, 13 Shiprow, h. 8 Upper Denburn Alexander, shipmaster, 27 Mar5'^well street Alexander, slater, 20 Steps of Gilcomston, h. 18 Spa street

James F., land surveyor, valuator, and engineer ; office 2 Bon -accord square h. 6 East Craibstone street John, mealseller, 101, h. 99 Gallowgate ..;... John, painter and glazier, 3, h. 24 Marischal street

Wm., general merchant, 3, ^, 26 Harriet street Mrs, 6 Prospect terrace, Ferryhill Mrs. 100 Skene street Miss, lodeings, 51 Queen street Miss, 29 Dee street Beedie, William, shipmaster, 6 Castle brae Begg, John (disti ler to the Queen, Lochnagar), wine and

spirit ; merchant office, 17 Weigh-house square ; h 9 Quay Wm., flesher, 46 Market hall, h. 3 Victoria place Bell, David, joiner, 54 Wellington street John, cooper, 7 Windmilibrae, h. 12 College str^'et

, Rannie & Co. (of Leith), wine merchants, 44 Marischal street Bell's (Dr) School, Frederick street

Belgian (Consul ; Wm. S. Thom

Bennet, William, printer, 42 Castle street, Ti. 27 Constitution street Benson, Samuel, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 141, h. 141 Skene street Benton, Alexander, flesher, 260 George street,^* 40 Catherine street Benzie, David, shipmaster, 13 Constitution street

,,.... M .^ Wm., grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 206 Gallow- gate, h. 3 Farquhar place Berry, James & Son, watchmakers, jewellers, and opticians^ 29 St Nicholas street, h. 1 Dee place 112 GENERAL DIRECTOEY,

Berry, James, jun. (A.& W. Gray), 158 Crown street James, gardener and riddle maker, 8 Broadford lane James, provision merchant, 3 Garvock street John Edward, clerk (Skinner & Wilsone), 25 Bon-accord street John, plumber and gasfitter, 4 South Silver street, h. Ill Gallowgate W, and J,, linen manufacturers, 14 Queen street,^. 18 Skene terrnce Wm., night watchman (SN.E.E), Station Mrs, dealer in fruit, &c., 108 George street Best, Thomas (late banker), 10 Bon-accord square Beveridge, Peter, manufacturer of bed and table linen, 122| Union street, h. 1 Ferryhill place, and Peterburu, Nig-g

Robert, M D , surgeon, 1 Gallow^te Kobert, linen manufacturer, 39 Sw^icholas street, Ji. 25 Ferryhill place Thomas Gordon, manufacturer, 122| Union street, h. 30 Ferryhill place

Beverly, Alex., teacher (Grammar School), Ji. 4 North Broad- ford John, shipmaster, 5 East North street William, manager (Catto, Thomson & Co.), 83 Wales street Mrs Robert, 83 Wales street

Bible Society Depository ; G. and R. King, booksellers, 28 St Nicholas street Bill, Franklin, superintendent and teacher (Deaf and Dumb Institution), 31 Belmont street Bird, James, carter, 49 Upper Denburn Peter, carter, 49 Upper Denburn Wm., clerk (Broadford Works), 31 Charlotte street Birnie and Stewart, builders, Skene terrace

Alex, (of B. and S ), 25 Whitehouse street George, of Johnstone, ^. Johnstone place Mrs, 12 Waterloo street

, M., spirit dealer, 9 Trinity quay Birss, Robert, wholesale chemist, 87, h. 83 King street Bisset, Alex., clerk (Post Office), 63 Green George, general merchant, 67 Holburn street James, keeper of the Courthouse, h. Courthouse, Lodge walk James, photographer. Exchange street John (of J. and W. Bisset), 122 Crown street John and William, grocers, tea. wine, and spirit ware-

house, 37 Queen street ; and wholesale grocery warehouse, Exchansre street Joseph, confectioner, 149 Gallowgate CITY OP ABERDEEN. 115

Bisset, Leslie, plumber and tinsmith, 238 George street Peter and Son, builders, 110 Locli street Wm. (of J. and W. Bisset), 21 Union terrace Wm., spirit dealer, 43 J Wales street Miss, dressmaker, 49 St. Nicholas street Black and Ferguson, wine merchants. 49 Union street Chas. and Alex., wrights, 5, h. 77 College street George, grocer, 254 George street Hugli, grocer and spirit dealer, 7 Commerce street Jas. (Robinson, Crum, & Co), 33 Constitution street James (of James Black & Co.), 3 Wellington place James and Co., share ^nd'produce brokers, and forward- ing; agents to the Queen, 23 King street James, 13 York street James, (at H. Cooper & Co.'s), 18 Rosemouut place John, traveller (A. Clark), 28 Thistle street

Thomas, master carpenter (J. Duthie, Sons, & Co ), St. Clement street Wm. (of Black and Ferguson), 3 Strawberry bank Wm. and Co., brewers and distillers, Devanha Wm., manager (Aberdeen Commercial Co.), 7 Affleck st. Mrs Alexander, lodgings, 39 Whitehouse street Mrs Andrew, late of Foresterhill, I70 Skene street west Mrs James, 43 Whitehouse street Miss, 6 Albyn place Blackball, James and Co., drapers and hatters, 39 Uniou street

James (of J. Blackball and Co ), 7 Rossmount terrace Blacklaws, David, porter and ale dealer, and lemonade manu- facturer, Exchange Court, 36J Union street Blackwood, Andrew, cutter (J. Tocher and Sons), 48 Holburr. street Blades, J., lieutenant, R.A,, 25 Constitution street Blaikie Brothers, iron-founders, engineers, millwrights, boil- ermakers, and general blacksmiths, Footdee Iron Works John, yost. (of Blaikie Brothers), 15 Union terrace John and Sons, plumbers, brassfounders, gas-fitters, coppersmiths, pewterers,. zinc workers and gas meter manufacturers, Littlejohn street Lady, 32 Bon-accord terrace Mrs, grocer, 101 Cause wayend, h, 1 Charles street Miss, 10 Cuparstone place Blair, Thomas, shoe manufacturer, 17 Broad street, h. Mains of Kepplestone Cottage

Blind Asylum, 50 Huntly street ; Alex. Martin, manager Bon-accord Music Hall, 50| Union street Property Investment Co.; manager, George Marquis, accountant, 147 Union street 10 114 GENERAL DIEECTORY,

Bon-accord Sawmills, Inches —Joseph T. Willett, proprietor Bonner, James T., warehouseman (J. J. Kennedy), 7 Charles street John, (St. Nicholas Hotel), 9 St. Nicholas street, and 2 St Nicholas lane Bonnyman, C. D., advocate, 74 Union street, h. 19 Loch st. James and John, blacksmiths and bellhangers, 19 Loch street Booth, Alex., 37 Victoria street west James, M.D., 27 Queen street

, James, boilermaker (Blaikie Brothers), St. Clement court, St Clement street James, 148 Union street John (of Lo^an and Co.), 264 George street Joseph, treasurer of Boys and Girls' Hospital, Spring- bank, Pitfodels Wra., chimney sweep, 7i Justice street Wm, jun., chimney sweep, 27 Justice street " William P., merchant and ship insurance broker, 20 Marischal street, h. 148 Union street ...... Mrs, 2 Castle hill Mrs John, 5 Black's buildings Borthwdck, Andrew, silk and woollen dyer, scourer, cloth

fuller and dresser, dye-works, 76 Loch st. ; shop, 1 Summer street, h. 74 Loch street Bothwell, Alex., confectioner and pastery cook, 51 Castle street, and Well court, h» 14 Broad street George B. (late merchant); office 25 Justice street, A. 9 Bon- accord square George, general merchant, 27 and 28 Market Gallery George, basket maker, 23 George street, h 10 Kidd lane John, shoemaker, 11 Broad street, h 9 Eoslin terrace Mrs. G., lodgings, 1 Kose street Margaret, Greenbank, 31 North Broadford Bouverie, Rev. Fred. W. B., B. A., Incumbent of St Paul's, (Church of England), 61 Gallowgate, li. 3 West Craibstone street Bow, Hugh, keeper of Medical Hall, King street Bowie, Jane, register office. 72 Guestrow Miss, lodgings, 29 Broad street ijowman, Andrew, jun. (of K. and B.), 28 Thistle street Mrs, spirit dealer, 73 Queen street Miss, white seamstress, Cruden's court, 22 Broad street Boyd, John, supervisor of Inland Revenue, South Bridge, Holburn street, h. Cherrybauk Cottage, Bou- accord terrace Mrs. G. H., 15 North Silver street ...... Mrs, 4 Rubislaw place

Misses, 1 Mackie Place CITY OF ABERDEEN. 116'

Boyle, David, superintendent, passenger department (S. N. E. R.)) 9 Carmelite street

Boys' Hospital, 19 Upperkirkgate ; W. A. Williamson, teacher

School of Industry, 31 Skene Square ; Alexander Machray, superintendent Brand, Alexander, accountant and assurance agent, 103 Union street, h. 7 Dee place o..... David, grocer and spirit dealer, 99 Skene street George, carter, 45 Windmill brae George, grocer and spirit dealer, 12 Marywell street John, carter, 2 Marywell street William (successor to G. Booth and Son), jeweller and watchmaker, 15 Huxter row Brands, Andrew, ship carpenter, Inches, h. 65 Virginia street Brander, Eobert, wright, 17 Thistle street, h. 20 Chapel street Mrs Colonel, 146J George street Brantingham, John W., grocer, 146 George street Brazier, James S., F.C.S., professor of chemistry, University of Aberdeen, h. 167 Crown street Brebner and Grant, merchants, 56 St Nicholas street Alexander, broker, 96 Loch street James, advocate, Advocates' Buildings, h. 20 Albyn place William (North of Scotland Equitable Loan Co.), H Garden place William, cowfeeder, 75 Holburn street Mrs lodgings, 65 Dee street Brechin, Henry, foreman moulder (M'Kinnon & Co.), 11 Canal street Bremner, David, customs, 9 Canal street

. , Mrs, lodgings, 5 Mounthooly Brew, James, linen merchant, 1 Market gallery, ^.11 Carme- lite street Brewster, George, stone cutter, 150 West North street, h 1 Causewayend Bridewell and Rogue Money Assessment for the city and

liberties of Aberdeen, James Simpson, collector ; office, 17 Huxter row British Linen Co.'s Bank, 22 King street; agent, John Man son Broadford Bread and Flour Co., 218 George street; Alex. Robertson, manager Works, Maberly street (Richards and Co.) Brock, George, shipping master and examiner in practical seamanship, receiver of Merchant Seaman's Fund, 28 Regent quay Brodie, Alexander, sculptor, Bothwell's court, 25 Justice street 116 GENEEAL DIRECTOEY,

Brodie, Wra., clerk (Blaikie Brothers), 2 Yeats' lane Mrs Joseph, 2 Ragg's lane Mrs, sick nurse, 6 Donald's court, Schoolhill Miss, dressmaker, 2 Raijg's lane Brook, Charles, spirit dealer and cab proprietor, 47 Castle street, stables, 33 Union row Brotchie, John, Ashvale, Cnparstone Brown and Carr. wholesale clothiers, Exchange court, Union street Alexander (Brown and Carr), 93 Crown street Alexander, auctioneer (of P. and G. Brown), 175 Skene street west

» Alex. & Co., booksellers and publisliers, 77 Union st. Alexander, boot and shoemaker, 71 George street, h. 18J North Broadford Charles, cork manufacturer, 39, h. 11 Schoolhill Rev. David, D.D., professor (Free Church College), 78 Dee street George (of P. and G. Brown), 71 Bon-accord street George, 1 Crown place

James, silk mercer, 2 and 4 George street, h. 1 Bon- accord square James, printer {Herald office), 146| George street James, day officer (Aberdeen Market), 79 Green James, feuar and coachman, 47 St Andrew street Dr John, school, Skene square John, commission merchant, 47 Marischal street, h. 3 St Mary's place John, teacher (North Parish School), 32 Union terrace Isaac, general manure merchant, 59 Marischal street P. and G., auctioneers and furniture warehousemen, 140 Union street Peter, auctioneer (of P. and G. Brown), 3 Belmont st. Rev. R. J., D.D., 19 Golden square Robert, timber merchant, Trinity quay, A. Viewmont, Banchory- Ternan Robert, booking clerk (S. N. E. R.), 49 Bon-accord st. Robert, stabler, 180 Gallowgate Rev. Thomas, 33 North Broadford William, fishing tackle maker, 36, h. 34 George street William, stationary clerk to surveyor (G. P.O.), Kien- field cottage, Rutlirieston William, coachman, 54 Catherine street Mrs, lodgings, Crown court, 41^ Union street ...... Mrs, 11 North Silver street Mrs, lodgings, 12 Kinijsland place Miss, lodgings, 11 Little Chapel street Misses, 19 Victoria street west Browning, Mrs, 38 Skene terrace CITY OF ABERDEElSr. 117

Bruce, Alexander, cattle dealer, 63 Hutcheon street Alexander, traveller (Aberdeen Commercial Co.)j 1 South College street Alexander, grocer, 49 College street James (Pratt and Keith), 76 Bon-accord street Robert, draper, 27, h. 29 Castle street William, builder, 63 Causewayend Lady, of Scotstown, 67 Schoolhill Mrs, 147 Crown street

„ ... Mrs. David, 28 Constitution street Miss, lodgings, 39 Union terrace Miss, milliner and straw hat maker, 47 Summer street Bryce, James, advocate, 12 Adelphi court, h. Westbank, Fonthill Buchan, Alexander, shore porter, 5 Fish street John, shipmaster, 16 Links street

, Robert, baker, 76 Green Thomas, letter-carrier, 75 College street ...... Mrs, 4 Union place Buck, WilHam, 4 St Clement street Buckner, James, baker, 32 Gallowgate John, grocer and spirit dealer, 23 Shiprow, h. Gowanbrae John, butcher, 25^ Gallowgate, h. Gowanbrae Mrs William, Gowanbrae, Causewayend. Buist, Thomas, cooper, 26 St. Andrew street Bulloch, John, foreman (J. Blaikie and Sons), Clayliilla Wellington road Burgess, James 73 Crown street William, shipmaster, 95 Wales street Miss, dressmaker and milliner, Annand's court, 30 James street Burns, Alexander, fruiterer, 228 to 237 New Market hall, h. 41 George street ...... David, shipbuilder. Inches, h. 2 Regent quay Burness, Alexander, Prospect place, and 85 Crown street Wm., cashier (N, Agricultural Co.), 158 Crown street Burnett, Alexander, feuar, 5 Holburn street James, flesher, 4, h. 8 East North street Newell, advocate, keeper of the register of sasines for

Aberdeen and Kincardineshires ; office. Record Buildings, King street, h. 23 Belmont street Mrs, 26 Constitution street Burstall, H. A., agent, 6 Bon-accord terrace Burt, Robert, tailor and outfitter, 70 Queen street Burwelf, Elijah, jeweller, and dealer in all kinds of Foreign and British fancy goods, 101 Union street, h. 38 Victoria street west Batchart, Alexander, engine driver (S. N- E. R. Co.) 8 Prospect terrace, Ferryhill 118 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Buthley, Alex., shipmaster, Cotton street Mrs, lodgings, 41 Dee street Butler, Charles, glass blower and china repairer, 58 Wind- mill brae Joseph, flesher, 32 and 33 Market hall, h. 36 Union row- Buyers, Alexander, shipmaster (Ann Law) 29 Frederick st. David, shipping clerk (Richards & Co.), 14 North Broadford James, manager (Aberdeen Eope and Sail Co.) Marine terrace, Ferryhill James & Co., builders and timber merchants, 12 Kidd lune James (British Linen Co.) 12 Kidd lane Peter, grocer, ship chandler, and spirit dealer, 32 Quay, h. 31 Quay Mrs, lodgings, 129 Union street Miss, lodgings, 59 Dee street

CADENHEAD, David, boot and shoemaker, 96 John street George, advocate (of S. & C), procurator -fiSo^^S^.tho city, 9 Huxter row, h. 55 Dee street Major James (H.E.LC.S.), Maryville, Stocket

, John, advocate, Albyn cottage, 1 Alb}^ place Peter, shipmaster (Granite), 17 Prince Kegent street William, agent, 39 Netherkirkgate, h. 245 Union street Miss, Diamond Cottage, Belmont place Miss, Albyn cottage, 1 Alb37n place Cadger, George, general blacksmith. Bridge of Dee Caie, William, shoreporter, 8 Virginia street Caird, George, clerk (P. & G. Brown), Woodside dalder, Charles, porter and spirit merchant, 50 Green, h. 4 Carmelite street John, watch, &c., dealer. North Gallery, Market, h. 79 College street

Caledonian Insurance Co. ; agents, Wm. C. Hunter, advocate,

15 Adelphi court ; John Muill, advocate, 83 Union

street ; and David Johnston, 142^ George street Galium, Wm., teacher (Grej'friars' Parish school) 2 Martin's lane. Green Cameron, Alexander, shipmaster, 2 Canal street Andrew, 23 Prince Regent street Duncan, shipmaster, 18 Virginia street Peter, feuar, Hardgate William, shoemaker, 10 Skene street ^ Miss (late of Morefield), 139 Crown street ' ...... Mrs Angus, 24 Ferryhill place

.. .. Miss, lodgings, 4 Dee street ...... Misses, 154 Crown street Campbell & Co., timber merchants, 127 George street CITY OF ABERDEEN. 119

Campbell, Alex., contractor, Margaret's place, Rutlirieston Alexander, overseer, 33 Huntly street

Alexander, bookseller and agent, 16 Crown street, .\. Paradise cott ge, 9 Hoi burn street Alexander, horse and cab hirer, 6 Diamond street Alexander, late baker, 8 Albert Terrace Archibald, notary-public, 89 Union street, h. 25 Bon- accord street Banochie & Co., plasterers, 14 Albion street Daniel, shoemaker, and keeper Masonic hall, 32 Windy Wynd ^ David, plasterer (of C. B. & Co.), 13 Albion street Rev. George (Free North Church), 93 Queen street

.. James, fruiterer, 11 Justice street

John, post-horse master and funeral undertaker ; stables, 5 Bon-accord street and 13 Back wynd, h, 13 Back wynd John, staff-sergeant, 50 Castle street ... Kenneth, baker, 120, h. 118 Chapel street -Wtniam, shipmaster (City of London steamer), Ken- field, by Mannofield William & Co., clothiers, 73 Union street Mrs, 13 Park street Cantlev, John, shoreporter, 7 Marischal street Peter, shoreporter, 7 Marischal street Cardno & Darling, seedsmen, nurserymen, and florists, 80

Union street ; nurseries, Westfield George, seedsman (of C. & D.), 36 Victoria street west Cargill, John, late shipmaster, 2 Springbank terrace William, shipmaster, 25 Quay Carmichael, George, teller (N". of S. Bank), 34 Thistle street Carnegie, Miss Hannah, 6 Golden square Cairnie, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 56 East North street William, clerk and treasurer of Royal Infirmary and Lunatic Asylum, 25 Victoria street west Catherine, milliner, 85 Queen street Carr, George, M.D., 22 Union place Miss, 14 Victoria street west Carter, Misses, 22 Springbank terrace Cassie, James, portruit and landscape painter, 11 Crown st, James, porter, 43 West North street James, boatman (Customs), 14 Links street Miss, milliner, 19 St Nicholas street, h. 2 Gallowgate Castle, Andrew, overseer, (Bannermill) 99 Wales street Cattanach, Charles & Co., tailors and clothiers, Exchange court, Union street, h. above shop ...... D. G., advocate, 56 Castle street, h. 57 Bon-accord st...... 'Donald, principal warder, West Prison, Rose street 12Q GENEEAL DIRECTORY,

Cattanacli, James (H.M. Customs) 6 Nelson street John, 2 Denburn terrace

John, writer, 58 Castle street ; h Rose street ...... Mrs, straw hat and bonnet maker, 7 Winclmillbrae Miss, dressmaker, 2 Denburn terrace Catto, Alexander, late farmer, 65 Park street George> bookseller, ornamental stationer, print-seller, &c. (successor to W. Mitchell & Co.), 55 Union street, h. 3^ Bank street James, boot and shoemaker, 219 Union street, h. 132 Crown street James, commission agent, 29 Marischal street John, Son, & Co., insurance and shipbiokers, 57 Marischal street Robert & Son, merchants and shipowners, 47 Marischal street Robert & Co., grocers, wine and spirit dealers, 14 King street ...... Robert, merchant (of R. Catto & Son), Wallfield John (of J. Catto, Son, & Co.), Cattofield Robert, jun. (of J. Catto, Son, & Co.), 16 Rubislaw terrace Robert, spirit dealer, 6 Virginia street

Thomson & Co , rope and sail manufacturers, Links, Footdee "William, secretary (Union Bank) 8 Springbank terrace William, corkcutter, 37 Netherkirkgate, h. 22 Rose st.

, Mrs, grocer, 17 Charles street Miss, 8 Springbank terrace Miss E., dressmaker, 17 Charles street Miss, 29 North Albert street Cay, George, grocer and spirit dealer, 47 Upper Denburn Wm. (Mitchell & Cay), 86 John street Chalmers & Ewing, sculpture and polished granite works, 7 Mounthooly C. & J. H., advocates, 147 Union street Charles, advocate (of C. & J. H. Chalmers) 14 Union terrace David & Co., printers and publishers {Journal office) 28 and 29 Adelphi court George, shipmaster (Sardinia), Grant's court, 49 Upper- kirkgate James (of D. Chalmers & Co., printers), 10 Union terrace .„..» James Hay, advocate (of C. & J. H. Chalmers), 14 Union terrace James, 37 Albyn place James, superintendent (Gas Light Co.) Gas street John G. (ofD. Chalmers & Co.) 13 Adelphi court John, baker, 211 Gallowgate, h. 5 Seamount place CITY OF ABERDEEN. l2l

Chalmers, Patrick HendersoD, 147 Union street, h. 14 Union terrace Wm., manager of the Northern Assurance Co., 3 King street, and Cotbank, Banchory-Devenick Wm., builder (Low & Chalmers), 35 Victoria street west

Wm. , grain dealer, 39 Victoria street west Chapman & Co., tailors and clothiers, 18 Union street, fi» 38 St Clements street Charles, John, clerk (T. & C. Bank) Wm., shoemaker, 16 John street Wm., baker, 76 and 78 Skene square Chesser, James, town sergeant, 6 Constitution street Cheyne, George, 14 Marywell street George, house carpenter, 20 Justice street, h. 27 Black- fiiars' street Chisholm. James, parcel clerk (D E. Co.) 6 Carmelite street John, clerk. 15 Carmelite street Wm., officer (Gre3'friars' church) 53 Longacre Miss, ladies' sc]iool,77 Bon-accord street Misses, teachers, 43 Dee street Chivas, Alexander, advocate and ag'ent for the National Bank of Scotland, National Bank court, 42 Castle street Brothers (late Stewart & Chivas) grocers to Her Ma- jesty, 13 King street James (of Chivas Brothers) 21 King street Christall, James, shoreporter, 7 Mariscbal street Mrs Wm., lodgings, 72 Bon-accord street Christie, Alexander, merchant, 1 Causewayend Alexander (of Campbell & Co.) 35 Charlotte street Alexander, spirit dealer, 122 Gallowgate Andrew, shipmaster, 8 Virginia street George G., assistant inspector of poor, 32 Park street James, railway inn, Ruthrieston James, lodgings, 18 Frederick street John, M.D., F R.C.S.E., lecturer on midwifery, 46 Schoolhill John (of Mihie, Low, & Co.), 51 Ann street John, auctioner and valuator, 19 Adelphi court, h, 11 Seamount place John, shipowner, 18 Virginia street John, grocer, 12 Skene street Robert, flesher, 124 Chapel street Wm., overseer (Hadden and Sons), 12 Bon-accord lane Wm., shipmaster (Tom Duff), 19 Prince Regent street Mrs, 30 Belmont street Miss, 49 Bon-accord street Chrystal, William, 2 Rosemount place Christopher, Mrs S., spirit dealer, 49 and 51 Windmillbrao 122 GENERAL DIEECTOEY,

City of Glasgow Bank, 21 Market street ; John Cruickshank and John Morison, agents

City Loan Office, 1 Longacre ; D. Bain, manager City Tax Office, 17 Huxter row Clark, Alexander, wholesale merchant, Crown court, 41^

Union street, Ji. Kepplestone cottage, Rubislaw Alexander, provision merchant, 12 Northfield, Leadside, Gilcomston Alexander, principal assistant (James Mowat), 74 St Andrew street Alexander, shipmaster, 27 Frederick street

. Brothers, millers and grain merchants, 68 Schoolhill George and Son, wholesale booksellers, stationers, and paper merchants, 15 Broad street, h. Louisville James, bookseller (G. Clark and Son), Louisville James, , 167 Skene street west James, grocer and spirit dealer, 45 St Ancf^Mi-^street John, advocate, 3 Queen street, ^. 18 Golden sqiMrav.. John, 28 Blackfriars street '•^-?^ .... J. Moir (of JohnMoir and Son), 7 East Craibstone st

John, builder, 23 Princes street, Ji. 10 Constitution st. William, late ironmonger, 12 Union terrace Wilham, baker, 276 George street, ^. 72 Catherine st. Wm., 37 Constitution street Wm., shipmaster (Vanguard), 34 Marischal street Wm., manager (Clayhills Provision Works), h. Welling- ton road Wm., gardener, Market hall. Links gardens

... .. Mrs J., lodgings, 153 Crown street Mrs John, 121 Crown street Mrs, lodgings, QQ Dee street ...... Mrs, lodgings, 5 Mounthooly Mrs L., Millbank, Hardgate Mrs M., bookseller and stationer, 59, h. 61 Broad street Mrs, lodgings, 7 Donald's court, 20 Schoolhill Mrs, 23 Castle street Miss, ladies' school, 16 Gallowgate Miss, 8 King street Miss, 33 Bon-accord street

Clayhill Provision Works, Wellington road ; Wm. Clark, manager Cleland, Peter, artist and teacher of drawing, 8 Union ter. Clerihew, Francis, advocate, 5 Union place

. ... Wm. (late of Ceylon), 34 Aibjm place Clyne, James (of Wm. Clyne and Sons), 158 King street Norval, advocate (of Duncan and Clyne), ^. 9 Waverley place Thomas, tea, coffee, and fish dealer, 20 Gallowgate, h. 11 Littlejohn street CITY OF ABERDEEN. 123

Ciyne, William and Sons, curriers, 28 Berry lane William and Sons, leather dealers, boot and shoe- makers, and gutta percha agents, 22 and 24 Gal- lovvgate Cobban, Kobert, shipmaster, 72 Dee street Alex., advocate office, 152 street, h. Crown Cochran, ; Union terrace David, night watchman (S.N.E.R.), 15 Bon-accord street F. J., advocate (of Smith and Cochran), Crown terrace

Cock, John, spirit dealer, 11, 7i. 9 Commerce street Cocker, James, nurseryman and florist, Sunnypark, Canal- side, by Causewayend Cockerill, Charles, hairdresser, 14, h. 16 Causewayend Collie, Alexander, Oakbank, Stocket Alexander, slater, 28 Shiprow Alex,, baker, QQ George street, h. above shop Alex.,jun., slater, 22 Shiprow Duncan, clerk (Post Office), 5 Market street George and Co., drapers, 4 St Catherine's wynd. Union street George (of G. C. and Co.), 21 Union place George, shipmaster, 2 Ferr3diill place George (of J. and G. Collie, advocates), 141 Crown street James and George, advocates, St John's court, 38 Castle street James (of J. and G. Collie, advocates), 38 Castle street

James H., hairdresser, 1 South Silver street, h. 45 Bon- accord street James, locker, customs, Brebner's court, 84 Shiprow John, plasterer. Union bridge,^. 4 College street John, hairdresser, 62, h. 58 Shiprow John, builder, 14 Blackfriars street, h. 48 Woolmanhill Robert, wholesale and retail hardware and fancy ware- house, 1 Belmont street, h, Affleck street Robert, jun., photographic warehouse, 1 Belmont street, h. Springbank terrace Robert, 64 Shiprow Robert, book-keeper (G. L. Co.), 50 Woolmanhill Robert, plumber and gasfitter, 39 Loch street, h. 37, above shop William, painter, 144 George street, h. 58 Oatherin© street William, 59 Wales street Mrs, 5 Market street Mrs William, 54 Holburn steeet Mrs, lodgings, 34 Jhapel street Miss Ann, 30 Gordon street 124 GENERAL DIHECTOEY,

Collins, James, auctioneer, 44 East North street

Colonial Life Assurance Company ; J. T. Rennie, agent, 48 Marischal street Colston, Alexander, teacher of music, and teacher (Gordon's Hospital), Woodbine, Bieldside Colvin, John, shipmaster (Jane Boyd), 4 Bannermill street John, porter (University of Aberdeen), 82 Broad street

Commercial Bank of Scotland Branch, 7 King street ; agent,

a. Milne . Commissary Clerk's Office, Eecord Buildings, 27 King street Commutation Road Trustees—Jas. Simpson, advocate, clerk and collector, 17 Huxter row Comper, Rev. John (incumbent of St John's), 116 Crown street Connel, Thomas, cabinet maker, 24 Huntly street

. .. Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 24 Huntly street Connon, George, commercial traveller, 216 George street J. and J., haberdashers and mercers, 5 Union buildings James, draper, 6 and 8 Broad street, h. 43 Constitution street ...... John, agent for Monymusk distillery, 6 Netherkirkgate Peter, silk mercer and draper, 30 Union street, h. 2 St Catherine's wynd Richard and Co., ship and insurance brokers, and gene- ral commission agents, 58 Marischal street Richard (of R. Connon and Co.), 37 Thistle street

... .. William, furniture dealer, 4 and 6 Back wynd stairs William, carpenter, 28 St Clement street ..... Wilham (of W. Davidson and Co.), 22 Albyn place Mrs Alexander, 79 King street Connor, Agnes, draper, 43 Market gallery, h. 2 Shore_brae Jane, grocer, 19 Causewayend Cook and Davidson, clothiers, tailors, and general drapers, Market street Alexander, house carpenter, 65, h. 19 Holburn street Alexander S. (of Cook and Davidson), 46 King street Alexander, coach guard, 13 Guestrow George, shipmaster, 6 Hanover street James, house carpenter, 65 Holburn street John, ship and insurance broker, 48 Marischal street, h. Ashley William, Short Leanings Mrs, lodgings, 15 Bon-accord street Cooper, Francis, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit dealer, 58 and 60 Chapel street, h. 8 Summer street Henry and Co., silk mercers, linen and woollen drapers, 47 Union street ...... Henry & Co., linsey woolsey manufacturers, Exchange street CITY OF ABERDEEN. 125

Cooper, Henry (of H. Cooper and Co.), Garden place James, grocer, 44 Gallowgate

James, commission merchant, 56 Marischal street, Ji. Craigie street cottage John, hairdresser, 121, h. 123 George street John, grocer and spirit dealer, 89 Holburn street John, sacrist (Aberdeen University), 82 Broad street Patrick, advocate and notary public (of Davidsons and Cooper), 2' 9 Union street Wm. (of Philip and Cooper), 23 Albyn place Wm., silk and wool'en dyer and scom'er, 41 Castle street, h. 43 Commerce street Mrs, midwife, 123 George street Copestake, Moore, Crampton, and Co. (of London), lace and muslin merchants, 40| Union street; Robt. Hardie, manager Copland, Alexander, secretary (Aberdeen Commercial Co.), 50 Bon-accord street Peter, slater, 62 Gerard street Wm., slater, 78 John street .... Mrs, lodgings, 1 Union wynd ' Corbet, James (Bengal Medical Stafi), 42 Union place Rev. Wm., chaplain (Blind Asylum), 42 Union place Cormack, Alexander, grocer, wine and spirit dealer, 31 Ship- row, A. 151 Crown street George, furniture dealer, 4 Upperkirkgate Peter, draper, 204 George street Wm., grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 31 York place, h. 151 Crown street Cornwall, E. M., photographer, 3 Belmont street, h. 30 Vic- toria street west George and Sons, printers and lithographers, Victoria court, 54Castle street ...... George (of G. C. and Sons), 30 Victoria street west Joseph R. (of G. C. and Sons), 45 Victoria street west Cosgrove, Peter, tea and spirit dealer, manufacturer of Cos- grove's Ointment for all kinds of sores, and Bishop Hay's pills, 302 George street Coulson, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, Commercial court, 58 Castle street

County Fire Office and Provident Life Office ; agent, Wm. Smith, jun., 106 Union street Rates Office, 152 Union street {temporary office^ 1 Huntly street)^ F. J. Cochran, advocate, collector Valuation Office, 201 Union street Courage, Archibald, bookseller, 7 George street, hj 7 Brae- head, Gilcomston James, cooper, 175, h. 177 Gallowgate 11 126 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Courage, Miss, teacher (Park street chapel school), 177 Gallow- gate Coutts, Alexander, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, Eubislaw Charles, chemist and druggist, 26 Broad street Francis, tea and grocery warehouse, 73 Holburn street Francis, herbalist, rubber of sprains, Eubislaw, near toll bar

, George, cabinetmaker, 88 John street James, builder, 24 John street James, M.D., 21 Golden square John, advocate, 214 Gallowgate John, engineer (Richards and Co.), Eubislaw, h. at the works William, painter, glazier, and paperhanger, 223 Union street, h. 12 Union row "William, overseer (RuMslaw works), Eubislaw villa William, grocer, 135 Skene street Misses, millineis and dressmakers, 44, h. 42 St Nicholas street Cowan, Hugh, Inland Eevenue officer, 55 Victoria street west William, engineer (G. N. of S. E.), Spiingbank, Kitty- brewster Cowe, William, farrier, 7 Carmelite street Cowie and Co., brewers, 5 Virginia street Crabb, Mrs William, 2 Eoslin terrace Craib and Esson, saddlers, 43 Queen street William (of Craib and Esson), 7 Shore brae Mrs, midwife, 1 Trinity quay Craig, Alexander, baker, 308, h. 296 George street Alexander, shipmaster, 23 Marywell street Andrew, grocer and spirit dealer, 212 Gallowgate George, foreman (Thomson, Catto, Buchanan & Co.), 11 Catto square James, trunk and saddlery warehouse, 38 Schoolhill, h. 13 Black's buildings James (of T. C. and Sons), Ashley place, Cuparstone John, saddler, 20 Back wynd, h. 10 Black's buildings Robert, 1 Windsor place Thomas and Sons, tobacco manufacturers, 22 George street Thomas, jun. (of T. Craig and Sons), 54 Victoria street west Thomas, sen. (T, Craig and Sons), 163 Skene street west WilHam, baker, 215 Gallowgate Mrs, lodgings, 18 Commerce street Mrs, spirit dealer, 21 North Broadford, h. 1 Broad- ford lane .,,.,.. Miss, Melbourne cottage, Nelson street CITY or ABERDEEN. 127

Crai^, Miss, 43 "Whitehouse street Craigen, James, boot and shoemaker, 33 Schoolhill, h. 13 Harriet street John, pliotographer, 20 George street Craighead, James, printer, Crown court, 41^ Union street,^. 57 Huntiy street Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 20 Silver street Craigie, Major James (H.E.I.C.S), 26 Albyn place Craigmile, Alex., grocer, tea, wine, and spirit healer, 51, h. 49 Commerce street Wm., late farmer, 67 Commerce street Craigmyle, Francis, teacher of writing and drawing (Public school, Little Belmont street), h. 5 Strawberry bank Wm., carriage inspector (S.N.E.K.), 48 Skene street Mrs, lodgings, 1 Kingsland place Cran, James, superintendent and clerk, rural police constabu- lary, h. Record office, King street

;... . Eobert, cashier, 46 King street, h. 26 North Broadford Mrs, female turnkey, 16 Huxter row Crane, Andrew, shipmaster, 44 Victoria street west

James, collector (Gas Light Co ), ^Q Gerrard street John, grocer, 52 Broad street, h. 21 Guestrow Crawford, William, flaxdresser, 35 North Broadford Isabella, bookseller., 171 Gallowgate Crichton, Wm., beadle (St Paul street U.P. church) and keeper St Paul street hall Crighton, Mrs, 5 St Mary's place Croft, Charles, Inland Revenue, 57 Victoria street Croll Francis, confectioner, 45 St Nicholas street, h. 72 King street John, baker, 67, h. 140 George street Matthew, baker, 70 King street Cromar, Alex., boot and shoemaker, 18 Schoolhill John, dentist, 15 Belmont street Miss, 51 Victoria street west Crombie, Alexander, 23 Broad street Charles (of P. and C. Crombie), Park place James, commission agent, Crown court, 41^ Union street, h. 3 Albert terrace .. .. James and John, woollen manufacturers, Grandholm works James (of J. and J. Crombie), Goval, Fintray John (of J. and J. Crombie), Grandholm lodge John, juu., Bleachfield, Grandholm John, accountant, 3 Queen street, A. Donbank, Wood- side P. and C, jewellers and watchmakers, 17, h. 8 St Nicholas street .


Crombie, Peter, jeweller, 60 Broad street, Ti. 2 Wales street Wm,, cabinetmaker, 25 Gallowgate Crow, James, late locker of the Customs, 2 Thistle street Cruickshank, A. and Co., hosiers and glovers, 105 Union street Alexander, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, 14 Black's buildings, h. 161 West North street Anthony (of A. Cruickshank and Co), Beech Grove, Mile-end, south Stocket George P.. chemist and druggist, 228 George street, h. 6 Rnsemount terrace George F., writer (Adam and Anderson), 16 Victoria street west James, teacher of the organine, organ, and ordinary flutina, concertina, and accordian, 35 St Nicholas street John, LL.D., 12 Rose street John, agent for City of Glasgow Bank, 23 Market street John, inspector of police, 50 St Nicholas street, h. Thistle cottage, 21 Thistle street Robert, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, 196 Gal-

lowgate, Ti- 11 Catherine street Wm., innkeeper (Queen's Hotel), 25 Union street Mrs Thomas, 3 South Constitution street Mrs, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 19, h. 20 Castle st. Mrs, lodgings, 32 Marywell street Mrs, lodgings, 19 Prince Regent street Miss M., teacher of French, drawing, and flower paint^ ing, 35 St Nicholas street Misses, teachers of pianoforte, harmonium, and singing, 35 St Nicholas street Cuddie, Nicholas, Mile-end, Stocket road Cumine, Joseph, grocer and spirit dealer, 10 Windy wynd Peter, merchant, 169 Crown street Misses, 3 Alhyn place Gumming and Fyfe (successors lo W, Henderson), painters, glaziers, and paperhangers, 5 Dee street; work- shop, 81 and 82 Windmillbrae James, ship chandler and grocer, 79 and 80 Waterloo quay, h, Wellington street James, master carpenter (Walter Hood and Co.), 44 York street John (of Gumming and Fyfe), 102 Chapel street John, slater and slate merchant, 256 Union street, %. 67 Chapel street ...... Robert, clerk (Post Office), 124 Union street Robeit, clerk (Devanha Brewery), h. 6 Bank street Mrs, 25 Frederick street Miss A., 7 Albert street CITY OF ABERDEEN. 129

Gumming', Miss, 4 Garden place Miss, lod,:.'ings, 124 Union street Miss, lodgings, 57 Huntly street Gunard, Jaraes and Co., steam sliip and commission agents, Exchange court, 36| Union street Gurr, Thomas (J. and R. Urquhart), 1 Rosemount terrace

Gurrie, George, slater, 1 Blackfriars street Mrs, lodgings, 25 Queen street Miss, teacher (Northfield school). 25 Queen street Gushnie. Mrs, provision warehouse, 58 Causewayend Miss, dressmaker, 5 Schoolhill

Gustom House, 16 Regent quay ; watch-house, New Pier, Footdee Guthhert and Wyllie, Misses, milliners, 150 Union street, h. 50 Skene terrace

D AKERS, James, coach builder, 7 Union wynd, h. 27 George street Dalby, Dr, surgeon (H.M.S. Winchester), 26 Ferryhill place Dale, Jaraes, teacher (Robert Gordon's Hospital), 13 Craigie street Mrs, lodgings, 3 Bank street Dalgarno, Mrs, sick nurse, 62 Catherine street Dalgety, Alexander, fish dealer and provision merchant. Basement floor, market, h. 66 Hutcheon street Brothers, engineers, 70 Hutcheon street Dalrymple, Miss, 3 Alford place Daniel James & Co., printers, publishers, stationers, book and chart sellers, 46 and 48 Castle street Thomas, post-horse master, stabler, and innkeeper, 16 Mealmarket street Wm., sheriff-clerk depute, 16 Mealmarket street Wm. (of Warrack and Daniel), 8 Broadford place Wm., shipinaster, 16 Marywell street Danish Consul, Arthur Thomson, office, Bank of Scotland court, 35 Castle street Darling, Thomas (of Cardno & Darling), Westfield cottage David, Wm., feuar, 117 Causewayend

Davidson, Rev. A. D , D.D. (Free West Church), 126 Crown street

, Alex, (of Desswood), 1 Diamond street _ Alex., jun., grocer, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, 44 Castle street, h. 9 Springbank terrace Alex., stoneware, china, and glass merchant, 80 East North street, h. above shop Alexander, collector to S. N. E. Coal Go,, 124 George street Alex., grain merchant, 72 George street, h. 8 Eoslin terrace 130 GENERAL DIRECTOEY,

Davidson, Alex., feuar, 311 George street Brothers, cabinet makers and upholsterers, 131^ Union

street ; workshop, 18 Summer street ; timber yard, 27 Union row Charles and Co., clieraists, 205 Union street Charles (of C. Davidson & Co.), 207 Union street

, Charles B., advocate (Robertson & Lumsden), 34 Union terrace

Charles & Sons, paper manufacturers ; warehouse 4

Trinity quay ; works, Muggiemoss and Waterton David P. (of Davidson Brothers), 27 Union row Donald, manufacturer, 43 Green, h. 2 Denburn George, bookseller, 185 Union street, h. 8 Castle street George and William, mercliants, rope and twine manu- facturers, Footdee, office 18 Quay George (of G. & W. Davidson), 33 Bon-accord terrace, and Wellwood, Cults George, slater, 65 Chapel street George, grocer, Bridge of Dee J. & R., cabinetmakers and cartwrights, 80 Causeway-

end, 7i. 12 Young street James, flesher, 47 Market hall, h. 9 Affleck street James, gardener, Hardgate James, plasterer, 22 Union row

John, advocate, '4 Queen street, 7i. 14 Rosemount place John assistant pilot master, New Pier John, plumber, 78, h. 77 St Andrew street John, provision merchant, 24 Basement floor, market, h. 34 Union terrace John, carter, 10 Young street Joseph, clerk (Richards & Co.), 3 Rosemount terrace Patrick (of Davidsons and Cooper), Inchmarlo ..... Robert, manufacturing chemist, Cnnal road Robert (of Davidson Brothers), 28 Union row Wm, & Co grocers, wine, and spirit merchants, and , dealers in agricultural seeds, 44 Broad street Wm., architect and surveyor, 59 Victoria street west Wm., paper ruler, 15 St. Nicholas street, 7i. 58 John street Wm., glass and china merchant, wholesale and retail, 10 St Nicholas street, h. 71 Skene square Wm., merchant (of Cook and Davidson), 7 Roslin ter-. race. King street Mrs Alexander, provision merchant, 63 Gallowgate Mrs D., 27 Union row h. Ferryhill , Mrs Wm., gardener, Springbank terrace, Mills Misses, 27 Victoria street west Miss (of Balnagask), Bloomfield, Holburn place CITY OF ABERDEEN. 131

Davidson, Miss, lodgings, 54 St Nicholas street Miss, III Crown street Miss, 41 Union terrace Davidsons and Cooper, advocates, 7 Union terrace Davies, Henry, sliip rigger, 9 Yeats lane Davey, Robert, carpenter, H.M.S. Winchester, 27 Victoria street west Dawson, Alexander, spirit dealer, 18 Maberly street Charles, sheriff ofScer and constable for Aberdeenshire, h. 16 Huxter row

.' John Grant, advocate, 14| Broad street, h. 28 High street, Old Aberdeen ...... John, town's drummer, 8 East North street Wm., cart and plough wright, Spa street Mrs, spiiit dealer, 13, ^.11 Queen street Miss, 134 King street

Deaf and Dumb Institution, 31 Belmont street ; Franklin Bill, superintendent and teacher Dean of Guild's Office for Inspection of Weights and Measures, 6 Huxter row Duncan, tide waiter, 72 Loch street Jolm, stabler, 26 West North street Mathew, chimney sweep, 22 Mutton brae W J., contractor, 2 Ferryhill place Miss, 32 Marischal street Demaus, Rev. Robert, MA., teacher, 250 Union street Dempster, John, 14 Bon-accord street Devanah Brt wery, Devanha Distillery Co., Polmuir Dewar, Rev. Daniel, D.D. (late principal of Marischal College), 13 Victoria street west David, general draper, 49 Castle street, h. 12 Roslin terrace Rev. Thomas (South Parish), 4 Mackie place Dey, George, shoemaker, 5 Carmelite street Wm., painter, glazier, and paper hanger, 32, 7i. 55 WeUington street Diack, Alex., collector of Old Machar Poor's Assessment; office, 4 Belmont street, h. Q& Schoolhill Wm., manager (Buchanstone Mill Warehouse), 79 Broad street

Wm., grocer. 16 Park street, Ti. 20 Castle street Wm., hardware merchant, 42 Broad street, h. Mount place Dick, James, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, 6 Union place, h. 57 Victoria street west William, overseer (Harbour Works), 5Q St Clement st. Dickie, Rev. Andrew (United Presbyterian Church, St Paul

street) , 6 Mackie Place 132 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Dickie, Andrew (Richards & Co.), 4 Hanover street Charles, general and furnishing ironmonger, 6 and 8 King street, h. 4 Hanover street George, professor of botany (University of Aberdeen), Cherryvale Dickson, George (Simpson and Whyte), 91 Wales street Dilling, Mrs, sick nurse, 7 St Andrew street Dispensary, General, 36 Upperkirkgate Diverty, Mrs, lodgings, 60 Schoolhill Don, William, mill overseer (Richards & Co.), 70 Catherine street Donald, Alexander, wood merchant, Inches, h. 19 Skene ter- race Alexander, stoneware merchant, 9, h. 28 Shiprow Charles, parcel clerk (S, N. E, R.), 14 Huxter row Geor^'e, painter, glazier, and paper hanger, 17 and 19 Netherkirkgate, h. 15 Victoria street west George, furnishing tailor, 2 Broad street James, 9 Union terrace John H. (of Grant & Donald), 10 Chapel street John, timber merchant, Inches, h. Boatley, Fetternear Peter, draper, 35 Broad street, h. 30 Loch street Peter, broker, 86 Green Wm., agent and spirit dealer, 15 Marischal street, ^. 49 Constitution street Wm., mason, 112 Chapel street

Wm , vintner, Cuparstone buildings Wm., principal beadle (Free South Church), and funeral waiter, 36 Union terrace Wm., priihcipal beadle (Free St Clement's), 8 St Cle- ment's street

Wm., milliner and draper, 148, li. 146| George street

Wm , painter and glazier, 17 and 19 Netherkirkgate, h. 10 Schoolhill Mrs A G., Bexhill cottage, Holburn place Mrs James, Stoneytown Mrs Robert, 6 St Mar3^'s place Mrs, 25 Upperkirkgate Donaldson, Alexander, clerk (Aberdeen Rope and Sail Co.) 3 St Clement's place Arthur, flesher, 230 George street, li. 20 North Broad- ford George, builder and licensed appraiser, Summerfield cottage, 75 Park street James, spirit dealer, 24 Trinity street .*...., Robert, gardener, 191 West North street

Donaldson's school. Back wynd ; Rev. James Grant, teacher, h. Eastfield cottage, Stocket Dougall, Daniel, chimney sweep, 64 Netherkirkgate CITY OF ABERDEEN. 133

Dougall, J., (H, Cooper & Co., Exchange street) Ji. 3 Mount street

Douglas, Alex., grocer, 21, J^. 19 Chapel street Alex., farmer, Kerahill John, grocer, 44 Green, h. 6 Little Belmont street Robert, innkeeper, 6 Little Relraont street Thomas, purveyor to Her Majesty, Douglas' Hotel, Market street Dow, Alex., heel and toeplate maker, 119 Causewayend James, flesher, 26 and 27 Regent quay, h. 19 Charles street Mrs, broker, 8 Park street Downie, Alexander, farmer, Rubislaw Charles, of Ashfield, Morayshire, ^. Cuparstone place

• Charles Gordon, writer, 75 Union street Wm,, upholsterer, 73 John street

. ... Mrs, teacher (N. P. school), 73 John street Mrs John, grocer, 8 Holburn street Druramond, James, bootmaker, 43 Union street, h. 2 Affleck place John, boot and shoemaker warehouse, 54 ; Union st. ; h. Seabank Cottage, King street road Duflf, Archibald, manager (S. N. E. Coal Co.) h. Friendship farm, Cuparstone road Duffus, Alexander, confectioner, 11 Castle street and 3 Mar- ket street, 7i above shop in Castle street .c — James, confectioner, 86 Union street, /i. 13 Correction wynd John, bookseller and stationer, and lithographic prin- ter, 9 Union buildings, h. Exchange court, Union street William, grocer and provision dealer, 3 Causewayend ..... Miss, confectioner, 9 Upperkirkgate Misses, lodgings and family hotel, 54 Union street Dugan, Hugh, clerk, 67 John street Duguid, C J. G., 24 Bon-accord terrace David, fishing tackle maker, 5, h. 7 Flourmillbrae James, innkeeper, 42 Regent quay John, Wright, 12 Spa street ...... Peter, advocate (of (Stronach & Duguid), Fonthill place, Ferryhill Wm. (of J. Smith & Co.), 255 Union street Wm., tailor and clothier, 16 South gallery, New Mar- ket, h. 32 Shiprow Mrs, Belle vue cottage, Hardgate Mrs, spirit dealer, 67 Guestrow Mri, lodgings, 60 St Nicholas street Misses, Newlands, Ruthrieston ...••- Miss, cotton manufacturer, 83 St Andrew street 134} GENERAL DIEECTOEY,

Dunbar, Alexander, clerk (Richards & Co.), Braehead house, Gilcomston James, coal, grain, and manure merchant, 1 50 ^ Union street "Wm., draper, 24, h. 20 Chapel street Duncan and Clyne, advocates, 8 Castle street Alex., surgeon, 71 King street Alexander, guard (G. N- of S. E), 47 Constitution street Charles, advocate and notary-public, 16 Adelphi court, h. 52 Union place George, flesher, 10 Park street, h. 4 Little Wales street George, p:rain merchant, 2 Flourmillbrae, h. 266 George street George, fringe and tassel maker, Windmill lane, h. 24 Blackfriars street George, tailor, 55 Green, h. 51 College street James, watchmaker, 27 West North street James, spirit dealer, 12 Quay, h. 3 Nelson lane Rev. John (Albion Street Chapel), Eden Cottage, Mount street John, advocate (of Dimcan & Clyne), 263 Union street

John, jun., advocate, 84 King street, li. 28 Silver street

John, law stationer and insurance agent ; office, 7 Back wynd, h. 47 Victoria street west John, goldsmith, lapidary, and optician, 4, Ti* 6 St Nicholas street

•» .. John, lodgings, 3 Mary place John, flesher, 30 Basement floor, Market, h. Loriston, Nigg Robert, engineer, (Blaikie Brothers), Footdee Iron Works Robert, gardener, Millbank cottage, Berrj'den

... . Thomas and Son, cork manufacturers, 20 St Nicholas street Thomas, (Royal Bank of Scotland), 5 Huntly street Thomas, general dealer, 70| Gallowgate Thomas, marble and stone work, 34 Dee street Wra, treasurer and collector of police; office, 50 St Nicholas street, 7^. 4 Shore brae Wm., ship insurance, sharebroker, and timber merchant, 14 Marischal street, Ji. 52 Union place Wm., flesher, 217 Gallowgate, h. 19 Spittal William, flesher, 17 Basement floor, Market, h. Loriston, Nigg CITY OF ABERDEEN. 135

Duncan, Wm., sen., boot and shoemaker and leather cutter, 25 Broad street and 12 Guestrow, h. Cherrybank cottage Wm., boot and shoemaker and leather dealer, 37 Broad street Mrs, lodgings, 37 Marischal street Mrs Thomas, 2 Albert street Mrs James, provision merchant, 72 Loch street Mrs and Co., provision dealers, 28 Basement floor, Mar-

ket, h. 9 Carmelite street < Mrs. lodgings, 78 Union street Mrs David, 28 Huntlj street Mrs Wm,, 52 Union place

» Mrs, 32 Union terrace Miss, teacher (Free Gilcomston school), 16 Holburn street Miss, poultry dealer, 26 Shiprow Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 31 Schoolhill Dun, Joseph, 5 Pluntly street Mrs John, 41 Belmont street Dunn, Alexander, clerk (Blaikie Brothers)) 43 Frederick street Arthur, mason, 36 Holburn street Hugh, 8 Constitution street John, shipmaster, 13 Commerce street John, book-keeper (A. Hadden & Son), 7 High street, Old Aberdeen William, advocate, 74 Union street, h. 7 Springbank terrace .... Mrs John, Fonthill place, Ferryhill Mrs, 3 Skene place ...... Mrs David, 7 Alford place Mrs Ann, 6 Upperkirkgate Dunnet, James, shipbroker, 9 Catto square Durie, Mrs Mary W., teacher (John Knox's school), 13 Com- merce street Durno, Alexander, printer, 34 Gallowgate, li. 19 Windy wynd Durward, Gordon, spirit dealer, 18 Huxter Eow William innkeeper (Burnett Arms Hotel), 12 Burnett's close Duthie, Alexander (of J. Duthie, Sons, & Co.), 77 Waterloo quay Alexander, shipowner, Garden place Barclay, furnishing tailor, 16 Commerce street George (of J. Duthie, Sons, and Co.), 53 Wellington street James, superintendent of police, 31 Queen street John, Sons, and Co., shipbuilders, Footdee l36 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Duthie, John, shipbuilder (of J. Duthie, Sons, and Co.)» 53 Wellington street John, jun., shipowner John, stabler, 32 West North street Kobert, shipowner, York place, h. Woodbine cottage, Kuthrieston Wm., jun., shipbuilder, Inches, h, 17 Regent quay Wm., Cuparstone place Miss Elizabeth, Broadford place Dyce, Kobert, M.D., professor of midwifery (University of Aberdeen). 16 Union terrace Mrs, 4 East Craibstone street Dyer, Alexander R. (of R. Connon and Co.), 23 Thistle street

EAGLE Life Insurance; agents, Arthur Thomson, Bank of Hcotland court, 35 Castle street, and James Paull 12 King street Easton, Alexander R., watch, clock, optical, and nautical in- strument maker, 53 Marischal street, h. 108 King street Alex., grocer 1 Waverley place Eaton, James, stonecutter, 9 Mount street

Economic Life Assurance Society, London ; agent, D. G. Cattanach, advocate, 56 Castle street Eddie, Alexander, baker, 6, ^. 8 Commerce street John, clerk, 3 Thistle lane John, brewer, 112 Loch street Robert, lale brewer, 1 Strawberry bank William, chemist and druggist, 30, h. 28 George street Wm. E., fireman, Bridge of Dee Mrs, mealseller, 21 Basement floor, Market, h. 15 Den- burn terrace Mrs, midwife and sick nurse, 3 Thistle lane Eden, Mrs, dressmaker, 17 Forbes street Edinburgh Life Assurance, Robertson and Lumsden, 3

Union terrace ; James Murray, 48 Schoolhill, and Adamson and Home, 25 Marischal street, agents Bope and Sail Cloth Co.'s store, 48 Marischal street and

Theatre lane ; J. T. Rennie. agent Edmond, Alexander, advocate, 22 Adelphi court, h. 35 Bon- accord terrace Charles, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, 38J Broad st., h. 4 Dee place Francis, advocate, 22 Adelphi court, h. 5 Albyn place James, advocate, 23 Adelphi court John, bookbinder and stationer, 54 Queen street, h. Cuparstone cottage Robert, photographer, Exchange street CITY OP ABERDEEN. 137

Edmond, William, commission agent, 23 Adelphi court Miss, lodgings, 4 Dee place Edward, Alexander, (British Linen Co.), 2 Albert terrace David, beadle (Free Bon-accord church), funeral waiter and undertaker, 3 Middle Denburn George, seedsman, 4 Canal street John, baker, 36 Union place

Simpson , baker, 3 Yeats lane Edwards, D. (of J. & D. E.) Holburn street J & D., boot and shoemakers, 38 Union place James, overseer (Richards & Co.), Maybank, Hutcheon street west James (of J. & D. E,), Strathdee, Cuparstone John, jun., clerk (Brown & Carr), 33 Charlotte street Mrs, midwife, sick nurse, and register office, 50 Wool- manhill Mrs D., 3 Windsor place Elder, Miss, corsetmaker, 37 Bon-accord street Electric and International Telegraph office (S. N. E. Railway Station), Guild street; G. H. Midgley, manager Elgie, Wm. (Broadford works), Maybank, 148 Hutcheou street Ellicock, Joseph, cabinetmaker, Q6, h. 49 Broad street EUiott, John & Co., tallow melters, 39 James street Mrs, 3 Affleck place Ellis, Alexander, architect, 4 Belmont street, h. 66 School- hill Archibald, 31 Constitution street Mrs, 4 North Charlotte street Mrs, lodgings, 87 John street Elmslie, John, coppersmith, 69 Windmillbrae, h. 9 Diamond street Elrick, John, wright, 19 Thistle street John and Co., pipe manufacturer, 63 Gordon street

.. .. Wm. (G. N. of S. R.), 1 Bannermill street Miss, Maybank cottage, 152 Hutcheon street Miss, matron. Lunatic Asylum Elsmie, George and Son, commission merchants and general agents, 12 Trinity quay, west end of dock James (of G. Elsmie and Son), 2 Regent quay

English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Co. ; agents, Da- vidsons and Cooper, 7 Union terrace Emslie, Alexander, Anvil cottage, Ruthrieston James, dentist, 55 Schoolhill James, 22 Leadside, Gilcomston Wm., late druggist, 4 St Mary's place Mrs, lodgings, 10 Kingsland place Mrs, lodgings, 32 Union terrace .... Mrs, 8 Little Chapel street 12 138 GENERAL DIEECTOEY,

Emslie, Misses and Co., milliners and dressmakers, 90 Union street Erskine, John, cutter (J. Lumsden and Co.), 73 John street Kobert M., surgeon and druggist, 138 George street, h. 14 Eosemount place

Esplin, Wm., sen , manager (S. N. E.'E.) ; oflSces, Guild street station, h. 1 Ferryhill place Wm., jun., manager (S. N. E. Goal Co.), ^. 1 Ferryhill place Esslemont, Alexander, wholesale and retail grocer, and tea and coffee merchant, 32 King street, h. 4 Mitchell place, King street Peter, late silk mercer, 10 North Silver street Esson, Charles, engineer (Bannermill), 26 Constitution street James (of Craib and Esson), 1 Barnett's close Peter, watch and clockmaker, 7 West North street Mrs, lodgings, 25 Whitehouse street Ettershank, Joseph, shipmaster, 16 Marywell street Joseph, jun., clerk (Stamp Office), 16 Marywell street J., photographer, St Mary's place

European Life Insurance and Annuity Co. ; A. Davidson, advocate, agent, 7 Union terrace Evans, Joseph, barrack sergeant, Castlebrae house Mrs, Elizabeth, matron (Shaw's Hospital), Broadford cottage, North Broadford Ewan, James, turner, South Silver street, A. 73 Windmillbrae James, sexton (St Clement's churchyard), and funeral waiter, 20 Prince Recent street John, tailor. Concert court, 12 Broad street Ewart, David, teacher (Free John Knox's) 35 St Nicholas street Ewen, John, grocer and spirit dealer^ 41 Littlejohn street John, provision merchant, 17 Skene street M. A., furniture dealer, 90 Spring garden Thomas, advocate, 28 Broad street Mrs William, 26 Chapel street Mrs William, stabler, 8 Harriet street Ewing, James (of Chalmers and Ewing) 19 Spittal

FAIRWEATHER, David, wood merchant, 33 Dee street John (late mail guard), 2 Thistle street Falconer, George (of J- Falconer and Co.), 24 Union row James, shipmaster, 37 College street James, agent for North of Scotland Steam Shipping Co., 42 Marischal street, h. 14 St Clements street John and Co., haberdashers, 23 Union street

, Joseph, baker, 3 North Broadford, h, Jessiville cottage, Rosemount place CITY OF ABERDEEN". 139

Falconer, Robert, spirit dealer, 17 Fisher row Mrs John, 5 Huntly street Mrs, midwife, Stoneytown, Rubislaw Mrs James, 45 Bon-accord street Mrs, 166 Skene street west Misses, Belvidere, Mile-end, Stocket road Farquhar and Gill, painters, glaziers, paper-hangers, plum- bers, braziers, and gas-fitters, 2 Drum's lane, and 24 Upperkirkgate Arthur, store-keeper (S. N. E. E. Oo.), 2 Affleck place

., ... George fAberdeen Herald) , 20 Ferryhill place James, plumber (of F. and G-) 23 Broad street

, James, clerk (J. Blaikie and Sons), 19 Littlejohn street John, grocer, 15 Justice street r..... Robert, butler, 256 George street Wm., South Stocket road Miss, 18 Garden place Miss, milliner, 218 Gallowgate Farquharson and Co., family grocers, tea, wine, and spirit merchants, 131 Union street Henry, grocer, 234 George street Peter, grocer, 46 Summer street, h, 2 Henry place Mrs, 11 Millbuin street Fearn, Wm., wright, 7, h. 6 Martin's lane Fearnside, John, druggist, 49 Green, h» 13 Springbank terrace

Female Orphan Asylum, 19 Albyn place ; Mrs Reid, matron School of Industry (Aberdeen), 61 Guestrow School of Industry (Sheriff Watson's), Skene street west Fenton, Robert, bookbinder, 50 Gordon street Ferguson, Rev. Fergus (Evangelical Union Church) 12 Mount street James, 44 Bon-accord street John, advocate and sharebroker, 84 Union street, h. Cotton lodge John, grocer, 137 King street John, tailor, 45 Windmillbrae Malcolm, stonecutter, 1 Affleck place Robert, silk dyer and renovator, 42 Upperkirkgate, ^. Charles court, 40 Upperkirkgate William B., civil engineer and secretary (Deeside Rail- way Co.)» 24 Adelpbi court, h. 21 Rubislaw terrace Mrs James, Grove cottage, Cuparstone place Mrs Alex., 30 Bon-accord terrace Miss, matron. Girls' Hospital, Gallowgate Fergusson, Dr James, rector (West-end Academy) Mile-end House, Stocket 140 GENERAL DIEECTORY,

Fergusson, Eobert, foremaa (A. M'Donald), 42 Bon-accord street Fernie, Eobert, shipbroker, 5 James street Ferries, Wm., spirit dealer, 11 Back wynd Fiddes, David, M.D., 18 King street Edward (North of Scotland Bank), 14 Albyn place Francis, bootmaker, 25, St Nicholas street, h. 40 Union terrace Fidler, Alex., coal broker, office, Quayside, ^. 154 West North street John, provision dealer, 37 Green, h. North cottage, 154 West North street Fidler's, Alex., Free Fomitain, top of Victoria dock; foot of Market street

Fimistef , John, surveyor of taxes, 201 Union street, h. 26 Dee street Findlater, George, grocer, 18 Chapel street James, plasterer, 47 Causewayend James, shoemaker, 13 Dee street Findlay, Alex., ivonmonger, 57 St Nicholas street, h. 20 North Broadford Francis, shipmaster, 95 Wales street James, grocer and spirit dealer, 48, 7i. 48| Gallowgate JameS; 3 King street place

John, watch and clock maker, 7 Market gallery, Ti, 65 Spittal John, watchmaker, 72 and 74 Broad street

John, provision dealer, 89 Basement floor, Market, 7*. Calsayseat Eobert, fishmonger, Basement floor, Market, h. 15 Meal- market street Eobert, turner and carver, Windmill lane, ^.26 Mary- well street Wm., wine merchant, 67 East North street, h. 1 Castle hill Wm., grocer, 65 George street Wm., merchant, 24 Shiprow Mrs Alexander, boot and shoe warehouse, 5 Broad street and 27 Union street, h. Milner's court, 25 Guestrow Miss, dressmaker, 5 Mounthooly Finlason, Mrs F., 42 Marischal street Finnic, Peter, bookseller, 82 Gallowgate, h. 5 Craigwell place Fire Engine Station, 125 King street Firth, James, slater, 202 George street, yard opposite Fisher, C. B. (of Murcar), Westville, 25 Albyn place Wm., Ferryhill house Mrs, draper, 23 Market gallery, h. 12 Marrischal street Flann, Mrs, grocer, 35 Bon-accord street CITY OF ABERDEEN. 141

Fleming and Paull, advocates, 12 King street John (of Fleming and Paull), 12 King street J. and J., hardware merchants, 24 Broad street, ^. 18 St Mary's place Robert, victualling house and spirit dealer, 27 Guest- row Mrs J. Gr., trimming and smallware merchant, 85, h. 83 Union street Mrs John, 81 Crown street Fletcher, Robert, sharebroker and accountant, 17 Huxter row, h. 15 Albert street Wm., shipmaster (Marys), 61 Commerce street Flett, Mrs, baker, 142 George street Flockhart, Alexander (of Yeats and Flockhart), Belmont house Florence, James (of J. Laing and Co.), 4 Dee place

Footdee Baking Association, 77 Waterloo quay ; Wm. Gill, manager Foote, Mrs Dr James, 14 Golden square Miss, 71 Crown street Forbes, Alexander, merchant and general warehouseman, 42 Queen street, h- 29 Union street Alexander, jun., merchant (of J. Forbes and Sons), Kiogsland house, 265 George street Alexander, preserver of fresh provisions, 12, h. 6 Canal

terrace ; ofi&ce, 12 Prince Regent street Andrew, tidewaiter (Customs), 52 Wellington street Charles, writer (Smith and Cochran), 29 Thistle street David, stoneware merchant, 64 Woolmanhill Duncan, 253 Union street George, grocer, 109, h. 107 Gallowgate Captain James, barrackmaster, Barracks James and Sons, merchants and general warehousemen, 24 Market street James, merchant (of J. Forbes and Sons), Kingsland house, 265 George street James, jun., merchant (of J. Forbes & Sons), Kingsland house, 265 George street James, Wright, South bridge, Holburn street James, spirit dealer, 7, h. 11 James street James, cart and house wright, Bridge of Dee John, shipmaster, 41 York street P., sawmaker, 18 George street, h. 73 John street Wm., gardener. Upper Leadside, Gilcomston Mrs A., provision dealer, 22 Causewayend Mrs, lodgings, 25 Queen street Mrs, dressmaker, 56 Windmillbrae Miss (of Echt), 97 Crown street Miss, 29 Union street 142 GENERAL DIEECTOEY,

Forbes, Miss, provision merchant, 30 and 32 Loch street Ford, John, flint glass manufacturer to the Queen (Holyrood flint glass works, Edinburgh), and china ware-

house, 136 Union street ; John Veitch, manager Fordyce, Edward, principal porter, passenger department (S. N. E. R.), 4 Carmelite street Forrest, George, carter, 23 Castle street James, provision merchant, 30 Marywell street ...... Peter, horse sheer, 4 Farrier lane Mrs, midwife, 114 Chapel street Forsyth, Alexander, late merchant, 51^ Bon-accord street Alexander L., boat builder, York street George, 51 J Bon-accord street Isaac, letter carrier, 1 Marischal street Rev. James, D.D. (West church), 19 Rubislaw terrace James H., M D., 56 Castle street John, leather merchant, 85 Broad street, h. Prospect house, Rosemount place Robert, traveller (S. R. Stewart & Co.), 17 Denburn terrace Wm. and Co., druggists. 57 Castle street Wm., editor (Aberdeen Journal), Friendville house William Temperance Hotel, 100, 102, and 103 Union street William, late upholsterer, 33 Victoria street west Wm., grocer, 31 Causewayend Mrs, lodgings, 1 Marischal street Foster, Thomas, Strawberrybank, entrance from Justice mill lane Fotheringham, Richard, late manufacturer, 13 Black's build- ings Fowler, James and John (of Cluny), warehouse, 3 and 4 Regent quay Mrs, 39 Victoria street west Franklin, H., boot and shoemaker, and clerk (St Paul's chapel), 61 Gallowgate Fraser, A., agent for Brackla Royal Distillery, 15 Marischal street Abercromby, eating house keeper, 27, h. 25 Shiprow Alex., advocate and city chamberlain, Town-house, h. 194 King street Alex., surveyor of taxes, 201 Union street, h. 23 Ferry- hill place Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 8 Upper Leadside, Gilcomston Alex., shore porter, 24 Frederick street Angus, and Co., grocers, tea, cofibe, wine and spirit merchants, 72 Union street Angus (of A. F. & Co.), Woodbauk, Pitfodels CITY OF ABEEDEEISr. 143

Fraser, Archibald, wood merchant, 209 King street, A. 4 Nel- son street Arthur, stonecutter, 118 West North street Charles, Crown and Anchor Hotel, 60 Marischal street and 1 5 Kegent quay Charles, furnishing tailor, 30 Castle street David, builder, 79 John street, h. Broadford Bank, Kings- land place David (Prince Alfred Inn), 7 Union lane David, letter carrier, 2 Littlejohn street Duncan, boot and shoemaker, 37 Summer lane George, spirit dealer, 8 Netherkirkgate, h. 6 Union lane George, foreman (Thomson, Catto, Buchanan, and Co.), Boslin terrace Gray C, advocate (of Kennedy & Fraser), 42 Castle street

, Hugh, china merchant to the Queen, 55, h, 54 Castle street Hugh, late clothier, 2 Black's buildings Hugh, clerk (J. Duthie, Sons, and Co.), 89 Virginia street James and Sou, boot and shoemakers, 115 Union street ...... James, Heathcote James, letter carrier, 50 Chapel street James, overseer (Commercial Co.), 20 Marywell street James, overseer (Gilcomston Comb Work), 17 Seamount place James, hairdresser, 28, h. 26 Gallowgate John (of J. Fraser and Son), 66 Bon-accord street John H. teller (Aberdeen Bank), 11' Crown street John (W. Campbell and Co.), 29 Victoria street west

John and Son, builders and stone merchants ; office, 79 John street John, clerk (T. and C. B.), 42 Castle street John, watch and clock maker, 170 Union street, h. Broomfield cottage, Balmoral place John, tailor, 122 George street John, spirit dealer, 10 Trinity street John, cab proprietor, Trinity street

Robert, clerk (Aberdeen post office), Ji. Keith Thomas and Sons, boot and shoemakers, 73 Broad street Thomas (Aberdeen Brick and Tile Co.), Clayhills Col. William, 20 Golden square William, grocer and wine merchant, 50, h, 75 Union street William, surgeon, 31 Union terrace William, tailor, 37 Castle street 144 GENEEAL DIRECTOET,

Fraser, Mrs, 77 Crown street Mrs John, 73 John street Mrs, 42 Castle street Mrs, draper, 16 Castle street Mrs, lodgings, 124 Union street Miss (of Fraserfield), 9 Union row Miss, teacher pianoforte, 2 Black's buildings Frater, James, accountant and billet master (City Chamber- lain's office), 9 Huxter row Frederick, Charles, German clockmaker, 42, h. 45 George street Herr, photographer, 173 Union street, h. 104 Green

Free Church College, Alford place ; keeper, William Donald, 36 Union terrace French Vice Consul, Arthur Thomsan (Bank of Scotland), 35 Castle street Friends, Societ}'^ of, Meeting-house, 122 Gallowgate Frost, Robert, shoemaker, 112 King street Wm. (W. Clyne and Sons), 2 Nelson lane Fullerton, John, grocer, 31 Ann street Robert C, guard (Deeside railway), 8 Virginia street Mrs, 55 John street Mrs, 5 Springbank terrace Misses, ladies' boarding and day school, 73 Dee street Fyfe, Alexander, draper, 2 Wellington Place, h. 5 Skene place George, grocer, 51 Shiprow, h. 126 King street James (of Gumming and Fyfe), 21 Rose street John and Son, brushmakers to the Queen, 22 St Nicholas street, k. 16 Bon-accord terrace Robert, jobbing gardener, 26 Union row Wm., grocer, 88, h. 13 Chapel street Wm., grocer, 45 East North street Mrs John, grocer and spirit dealer, 56, h. 53 Shiprow Mrs P., dressmaker, 74 Hutcheon street Misses, ladies' boarding and day school, 108 Crown street

GABRIEL, David, inspector of quays, 44 York street Gage, Andrew (Richards & Co.), 44 Skene street James, overseer, cloth department (Richards & Co., Rubislaw), Rubislaw villa Galen, Mrs Alex., 82 Crown street Gall, John & Co., grocers, 141, h. 149 Gallowgate Wm., tailor, 1 South Constitution street Gallow, John, porter (St. Nicholas Poor House), Nelson street Galloway, James, engine driver (S. N. E. Railway), Dee- mount cottage CITY OF ABEEDEEIf. 145

Galloway, Mrs, 126 King street Gallowgate Mission Chapel, 158— 160 Gallowgate Gait, Alex., grocer, 15 West North street Ganson, Herman, ship and insurance broker, and commis- sion merchant, 59 Marischal street, h. 89 Wales street John, shipmaster, 85 Wales street Mrs, 89 Wales street Garden and Raebnrn, bakers, 32 Schoolhill Alex., Customs, 22 Gordon street George (of Garden and Raeburn), 30 Schoolhill ..... George, spirit dealer, 9 York street James, advocate (of Murray and Garden), 145 Crown street James, plasterer, 19 Jopp's lane John, grocer, 76, k, 78 College street John, gardener, Calsayseat Wm., hair-cloth and curled hair manufacturer, 14 John street ...... William, beadle (Free Gilcomston Church), Short Leanings Mrs George, 89 Bon- accord street ...... Mrs John, bookseller and newspaper agent, 124, h. 139 Gallowgate Miss, 121 Crown street Garey, Wm,, photographer, 79 1 Windmill brae Garioch, Rev, John, 9 North Broadford Garriock, Wm, S,, shipmaster, 12 Constitution street Garrow, James & Co., game and fish dealers to her Majesty, 19 Basement floor, Market James (of J, Garrow & Co.), 19 Hadden street Garvie, James, builder, 60 Huntly street, h. 12 Summer street Gas Light Co.'s OfSce, Gas street, George Gordon, manager and secretary Gaudie, Hugh, house carpenter and furniture dealer, 73 George street Gauld, Alex., pilot master, New Pier Alexander, flesher, 45 Market hall, 1. 3 North Broad- ford Gavin, Wm,, grain and meal merchant, Mill of Lairney Ware- house, 59 Schoolhill Geddes, John, M.D,, 37 Union place John, 42 North Charlotte street John, provision merchant, 63 Shiprow Miss, lodgings, 38 Frederick street Gellan, Alex., carpenter and precentor (North Church), 62 Virginia street 146 GENERAL DIEECTOEY,

Gellan, Mrs R., lodgings, 166 Union street

General Fire and Life Assurance Co. ; John Davidson, advo- cate, 3 Queen street George, James, share and insurance broker, 19 Marischal St., h. 11 Chanonry, Old Aberdeen Miss, dressmaker, 2 Denburn terrace Mrs James, lodgings, 47 Park street Gerard, Alex., teacher (Gordon's Hospital), Balmoral place, Holburn road ..... Eobert (G. Lyall and Co), 97 Union street Wm., 55 Huntly street Mrs., James, 82 Skene square Gerrie, Wm., furniture dealer, 71, h. 69 Broad street Gibb, Alexander, civil engineer, Waterloo quay, h. Willow- bank Alex., parcel clerk (S. N. E, R.), 36 Schoolhill Alexander (of J. & A. Gibb), Belvidere place Andrew (of Keith and Gibb), 40 Victoria street west James, bootmaker, 26 Marischal street, h. 61 Park street James, shipmaster, 43 Commerce street

. ... John & Son, stone merchants, Waterloo quay J. & A., wholesale warehousemen, 79^ Loch street John (of J. & A. Gibb), 18 Mount street John, porter, 9 Berry lane o Wm., major, 5 Albert street

Wm (H.M.C.), 4 Park place >^,,, . Miss L., 15 Rose street X;f* Miss, milliner, 28 Upperkirkgate Gibbon, Misses, 5 West Craibstone street Miss, 85 Crown street Gibson, James, missionary, 30 Whitehouse street Thomas, shuttle maker, 35 Union terrace Thomas B. (of Lumsden and Gibson), 124 Crown street Wm., commercial traveller, 21 Skene row Wm., flesher, 6, h. 8 Gallowgate Mrs. G., 21 Skene row Gilford and Son, (late Gifford and Mair), carvers and gilders, print sellers, &c., 187 Union street James (of Gifford and Son), 30 North Silver street Gilbert, Edward, superintendent (E. T. Co.), 4 King street place Robert, plasterer, 45 George street Thomas, teacher, Juvenile Industrial School, Sugar- house lane Brewery Company, flour and merchants Gilcomston, meal ; John Webster, manager Comb Works, Steps of Gilcomston CITY OP ABERDEEir. 147

Gildawie, Alex., 13 Springbank terrace G»les, James (E.S.A.), portrait and landscape painter, 62 Bon-accord street Gillj D., & Son, wholesale watch and clockmakers, 78 Union street, h. 48 Skene terrace Alexander (of Farquhar and Gill), 5 Rosemount terrace David (of Farquhar and Gill), 6 Caroline place ... 1% Miss, lodgings, 216 Gallowgate Gillan, William jun., general merchant, 68 and 70 Virginia street, h. 36 Marischal street David, shipmaster, 72 Wales street Gillanders, Alexander (Customs), 46 Kegent quay Mrs, 59 Virginia street Miss, 189 Union street Miss, milliner, 59 Virginia street Gilles, Archibald (Editor Aherdeen Herald), h. Broomhill, Ruthrieston Gillespie, Erskine, boot and shoe warehouse, 12 Broad street h. 43 Dee street James, shoemaker, 9 Broad street, h. 12 Castle street James (Crown Hotel), 3 Shorebrae William, Gilcomston tavern, 16 Steps of Gilcomston Mrs, spirit dealer, 81 Woolmanhill Mrs, lodgings, 163 George street Mrs, lodgings, 3 Charlotte street Gilfillan, James, 13 Craigie street Rev. Thos. (Blackfriars' street chapel), 14 North Silver street Gillivary, Alex., block and spar maker. Provost Blaikie's quav, h. 18 Marischal street

Girls' Hospital,*56 Gallowgate ; Miss Ferguson, matron Glass, John, flesher, 43 Wales street Glassites' Chapel, 37 St Andrew street Glegg and Thomson, iron merchants and wholesale iron- mongers, 179 George street Robert, confectioner, 216 Union street, h. 18 Crown street Robert (of Glegg and Thomson), Villafield

Glendronach Distillery ; W. Cadenhead, agent, 39 Nether- kirkgate Glennie, Charles, coach proprietor, 56 Queen street William, house carpenter, 6 North Charlotte street William, vintner, 49 Lodge walk Mrs, 1 Golden square Mrs, 24 Union row Mrs, lodgings, 27 York place Misses, Galleries, Mackie place Life, Globe Fire, and Annuity Insurance Co. ; agent, Oswald and Co., 24 Marisctial street 148 GENEEAL DIRECTORY,

Goldie, George, serated water manufacturer, 27 Harriet street, h. 33 Charlotte street Goodbrand, (of S. & G.), 4 North Broadford Goodridge, Mrs, 25 Marywell street Goodwin, Wra., mail guard (Post Office) Gorard, Martha, Burns' tavern, 68 Guestrow Gordon and Smith, grocers, tea, wine, and spirit merchants, 203 Union street Alex., quill manufacturer, 47 Queen street, h. St. Ann's court, 15 Guestrow Charles and Son, coopers and provision manufacturers, 57 Green, h. 9 Millburn street, Ferryhill Charles S., inspector of branches North of Scotland Bank, 40 Bon-accord street Charles, gardener, Holburn place Douglas, clerk (T. and C) Bank)

... . George, late merchant, 42 Chapel street George, manager and secretary (Gas Light Co.), Gras street, h. 8 Albert street Henry S., photographer, 249|- Union street, h- 111 Skene street west Hugh and Co.. ironmongers to her Majesty, and general iron merchants, &c., 89 Broad street; manufac- tory, 14 Gallowgate J. and J., tea, wine, and spirit merchants, 86, h. 84 Broad street James and Co., coopers, Chronicle lane, h. 56 Long- acre James, Aberdeen mourning establishment, 40 Union street, h. Crown court, 41| Union street John, shipmaster (Bon- accord steam' tug) 27 York place John, carter, 14 Catherine street Michael F., clerk, 39 Union terrace Peter, stoneware merchant, 31 St. Nicholas street,/^ 4 Correction wynd Peter E. (of Mosstown), 38 Bon-accord street P. L. (of Craigmyle), Hawthorn cottage, Cuparstone place Eobert, wrigbt, 10 Summer lane Thomas, jun. (of Gordon and Smith), Berryden house Thomas, flesher, 58 East North street Thomas, cab hirer and stabler, 26 Harriet street William, sharebroker, commission merchant, and bank

agent, 5 King street, h . 11 Bon-accord square Wm. (of J. Sim and Co.), 1 Constitution street Wm. M. C, clerk (T. and C.B.),77 Loch street Wm., brewer, 213, ^. 211 King street

Wm., jun , 11 Bon-accord square CITY OF ABERDEEN. 149

Gordon, Mrs Dr, 41 Dee street Mrs George, Woodbine cottage, Ferryhill place Mrs, 8 Bon-accord square Mrs, lodgings, 91 Broad street Mrs and Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 7 Back wynd Miss, lodgings, 72 Dee street Miss (of Pitkirg), 9 Golden square Miss (of Wardhouse), Kuby cottage, 17 North Silver street Miss (of Avochie), 3 Union place Miss Ann, dressmaker, 72 Dee street Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 50 Gordon street Miss, lodgings, 8 Canal street Miss, lodgings, 22 Union terrace Gordon's, Kobert, Hospital, 58 Schoolhill Gossip, Alexander, draper, 28 Marywell street Miss, laundress, 4 Hanover street Gove, Alexander, shipmaster, 40| Regent quay Mrs William, fishmonger, 6 Basement floor, Market, h. 6 Carmelite street

Government Emigration Agency for Australia ; agent, J. T. Rennie, 48 Marischal street Gracie, James, builder, 59 Huntly street Graham, Joseph, 2 Links street

Wm., baker, 3, 5, 7t. 31 Frederick street Mrs, lodgings, 6 George street Mrs E., sick nurse, 59 Huntly street

Grammar School, Westfield . Grange, Mrs, innkeeper, 53 John street Grant and Donald, chemists, 141 Union street and Miller, fleshers, 156 Gallowgate Archibald, spirit dealer, 137 Gallowgate D. R. Lyall, of Kingsford (of Brebner and Grant), 204 Union street David, boot and shoemaker, 3 Silver street, h. 34 Skene street David, tobacconist, 25 Union street, ^.19 Union build- ings George, advocate, 30 King street George G. and Co., general commission agents, ship and insurance brokers, 46 Marischal street, h. Fuschia Bank, Cults George, spirit dealer, 14 Park street, h. 13 Fish street George, furniture dealer, 87 Broad street, ^. 5 Upper- kirkgate Rev. James, teacher (Donaldson's school, Back wynd), h. Eastfield cottage, Stocket James, shipmaster, 58 Shiprow 13 150 GENERAL DIRECTOEY,

Grant, James M., chemist, 3, Ji. 1 Holburn street John, shipmaster, 5 Catto square John M., goods agent (Deeside Kailway, S. N. E. Station) John Lyall (of Brebner and Grant), 204 Union street John R. (Brebner and Grant), 74 St Andrew street John S. (of Grant and Donald), 18 Victoria street west John (successor to Smith and Ramag'e), optician and. nautical instrument maker, 45 Regent quay Peter, surgeon, 157 Gallowgate, h. 9 Seamount place Peter, spirit dealer, 15 Castle street Wm. H.,M.D., 1 Holburn street Wm. (of Grant and Miller), 156 Gallowgate William T. (British Linen Bank), Polmuir Wm., flesher, 22 Market hall Wm., jBesher, 2 Little Wales street Mrs, lodgings, 1 Berry lane Mrs Isabella, provision merchant, 13 and 15 Loch street Mrs, lodgings, 99i Chapel street Miss (of Monymusk) 11 Belmont street Gray, A. and W., commission agents, tea and provision mer- chants. Exchange street Adam, M. (of A. and W. G.) 13 Rubislaw terrace A. R., commission merchant, Shoreporters' Buildings, Virginia street, and Weigh house square, h. 5 Affleck street Alexander, coachbuilder, 101 King street, and Aber- deen Coach Work, 7 Frederick street, h. 103 King street Alexander, watch and clockmaker, 11 Netherkirkgate Rev. Charles, 9 Rosemount place ' Charles, 8 Constitution street Daniel, tea, wine, and grocery merchant, 38 Union St., h. 153 Crowa street David (of D. and G. Gray), 65 Holburn street David, house steward, Robert Gordon's hospital

D. & (jr., cart and plough wrights, general blacksmiths,

&c , 65 Holburn street, and 1 Trinity street Francis, manager (gutta percha boot and shoe shop) 68 Broad street George, merchant, 13 Marischal street, h. 5 Dee place George H., iron merchant (H. Gordon & Co.) 18 Bon- accord terrace George (of D. & G. Gray), Trinity street James, commission agent, 12 Castle street James, jun. (Northern Agricultural Co.) 12 Castle street CITY OF ABEEDEEN". 151

Gray, James (A. E. Gray) 5 Affleck street James, flesh er, 19 Market hall, A. College bounds, Old Aberdeen John, surgeon, 27 Victoria street west

John, engineer (M'Kinnon and Co ) 2 Mount street John, commission merchant, 18 Bon-accord terrace John, manager (N. Lockhart & Sons, 41 Marischal St.), 34 Park street John, funeral waiter and warden (West Church) Lodge, Grammar School, Skene street west John, Commercial Coffee Rooms, 8 Schoolhill Robert (late Post Office) 2 Mount street Robert A., teacher (Public schools) Berryden house R., pointsman (S. N. E. R.) 9 Bank street Watt, & Co., rope and twine manufacturers, 162 West North street Wm. C. (of A. & W, G.) Strawberry bank, entrance from Justice mill lane Wm., spirit dealer, 11 Exchequer row Mrs Professor David, 15 Union place Mrs Wm., 115 Crown street Mrs, lodgings, 31 Charlotte street Mrs, lodgings, 127 Crown street Mrs, 3 John street Green and Menzie, wholesale tea dealers, 29 Queen street James, manufacturer and clothier (Cottage tavern) 118 John street Peter, horse shoer and ferrier, 9 Chronicle lane, h. 15 Princes street William (of G. and M.) 3 Prospect terrace, Ferryhill Greig, Rev. George, chaplain to the forces, 104 King street George, builder, 6 Thistle lane ...,. James, grocer and spirit dealer, King street road John, furnishing tailor, Ruthrieston John, cabinetmaker, 129 King street, h. 28 Constitution street Mrs James, 3 Little Chapel street Mrs William, 4 Thistle lane Mrs, midwife, Ruthrieston Miss, teacher, 6 Thistle lane Miss, lodgings, 130 Union street Miss, dressmaker, milliner, and straw hat maker, Greig's court, Windmillbrae Griffith, Charles F., manager (Scottish Provincial Assurance Co.) 91 Union street Grub, George, advocate, Advocates' buildings,/^. 56 Dee st.

Guardian Fire, Life, and Annuity Insurance ; A. Chivas, advocate, agent, National Bank court, 42 Castle street 152 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Guarantee Society, London ; Stronach andDuguid, advocates, 71 King street Guarantee Association (British), Davidsons and Cooper, 7 Union terrace Guild, Mrs, stoneware merchant, 274 George street Gullon, John, plasterer, 3 Craigwell place GunUj John, master shipwright (A. Hall and Sons) 78 Wales street Mrs, 2 Canal street Guthrie, Mrs, sick nurse, 2 Thistle street

Gutta Fercha boot and shoe shop ; Francis Gray, manager, 47 Broad street Percha boot and shoe warehouse (Glasgow) 39 Broad street Gymnasium, Artillery, Queen street

HACKET, John, skinner, Jack's brae, h. Upper Leadside Hadden, Alex, and Sons, woollen and carpet manufacturers, and worsted spinners, Green James Farqubar, manufacturer (A. Hadden and Sons), Union grove Haigh, James 0., manager (A. Hadden and Sons) 27 Ferry- hill place Haugh, Miss, teacher (St Andrew's Episcopal school) 25 Frederick street, h. 10 King street Hall, Alex, and Sons, shipbuilders, York street, Footdee ...... Alex., sworn timber salesman, 45 Wellington street Henry, wool and rag merchant, 42 Woolmanhill, h. 2 Mount street James, shipbuilder (of A. Hall and Sons) Footdee

... . James, flesher, 110 Gallowgate, h. 13 Spittal John, wholesale warehouseman, 43 Broad street, A. 13 Union place Robert, inland revenue officer, Millburn cottage, Mill- burn street Wm. (of A. Hall and Sons) 47 York street, Footdee Mrs H., 11 Union place Miss Heileu, teacher of music, French, and English, Millburn cottage, Millburn street Elizabeth, dress and bonnet maker, 45 Wellington st. Hamilton, John, cutler, 17 George street Hampton, Wm., cabinetmaker, 84 Chapel street

Handyside and Co., boot and shoe warehouse, 3 Broad st. ; Peter Webster; salesman, Ti. 2 Guestrow Hannan, Mrs, keeper (Trades' Hall) 153 Union street Hanoverian Royal Consul, George Thomson, 22 Regent quay Hanseatic Vice-Consul, George Thomson, 22 Regent quay Hardie, James, general blacksmith and machine maker, Hill- downtree, Banchory-Devenick CITY OF ABERDEEN. 153

Hardie, Robert, manager for Copestake, Moore, Crampton, and Co., 40^ Union street Wm., spirit dealer, 27 Loch street Hardy, James, watch and clockmaker, 41 Union street, h. 17 Huxter row Harp, Miss, lodgings, 10 Canal street Harper & Co., iron gate and fence makers, and general wire workers, 82 Union street; works, 10, 12, and 13 Mealmarket street Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 57, ^. 55 Virginia street John, mealseller, 61 Virginia street John (of Harper and Co.), 13 Mealmarket street William, teacher (Davidson's school), 10 York street William, boot and shoemaker, 165 Gallowgate Mrs, 19 Union buildings Harris, Robert, mealseller, 43 Commerce street Wm., draper, 73 Green Harrow, Geo., clerk (J. J. Kennedy), 37 Marischal street Harvey, Alex., M.D., professor of materia medica (Univer- sity of Aberdeen), 44 Skene terrace George T., inspector of accounts (S. N. E. R. Co.), 139 Skene street Wm., 42 Quay Mrs, late of Woodside, 90 Bon-accord street Miss, 61 Bon-accord street Hatt, John L.j'Ruthrieston cottage, Ruthrieston Hay and Lyall, carvers and gilders to the Queen, printsellers, opticians, and artists' colourmen, 2 Market street and 19 Guestrow Alex., shipowner and sailmaker, St Clement's court, 21 St Clement street, h. 4 Mount street, Rosemount Alex., merchant, 1 Blackfriars street George furnishing tailor, 129 Skene street John, jun. (of Hay and Lyall), 19 Guestrow John (of Philip, Hay, and Co.), 7 Carmelite street John (of Warrack and Hay), 34 Marischal street John, spirit dealer, 22 East Green, h, 7 Little Belmont street Robert, grocer, 5 Blackfriars street Wm., boot and shoemaker, 113 Union street, h. 31 Sea- mount place William, painter, 34 College street Mrs James, cab proprietor, 19 Huntly street, h. at the premises Mrs, 178 Skene street west Mrs, 7 Carmelite street ...... Mrs, 1 Mount place Miss, lodgings, top of Kingsland place 154 GENEEAL DIEECTOEY,

Hay, Miss, dressmaker, 7 Carmelite street

Hayward, John, paymaster (H.M.S. Winchester) , 22 Ferry- hill place Hector, John, salmon merchant, Bon-accord cottage, Cove John, traveller (Brebner and Grant), 4 Castle hill Thomas, clerk (G. N. of S. R.), 4 Castle hill Wm., boot and shoemaker, 7, h. 57 Holburn street Mrs Captain, 53 Bon-accord street Heitzman, Felix, German clockmaker, 12 George street Henderson, Alex., advocate, 26, h. 32 St. Nicholas street Captain A., 28 Ferryhill place Alexander, bookbinder and stationer, 2 Broad street, h. second floor Alex grocer and spirit dealer, 35 College street , David, fishing tackle maker, 39 Castle street James, architect (agent for the Duke of Devonshire's Slate Quarries, Burlington), 24 Belmont street James, shipmaster, 85 College street John Sharp, advocate, 58 Castle street John, ornithologist, and preserver of animals and birds, &c.. Mill bank terrace. North Broadford

... .. John (of T. & H.), i Henry place Rev. Joseph (Greyfriars Parish), 17 Victoria street west Robert, plasterer, 8 Shuttle street, h. 4 John street Wm. & Son, architects and builders, 6Q Loch street Wm. (of W. Henderson and Son), 1 Garden place Wm. L. (of W. Henderson and Son), 21 Albert street north Wm., M.D., 49 Schoolhill Wm., late painter and glazier, 3 St Mary's place, Crown street Wm. (of Geo. Thompson, jun., and Co.), Devanha house Wm, jun, (Barry, Henry, and Co.), 28 Skene terrace ....- Wra., clerk, stationery department (S. N. E. R. Co.), 5 South College street

, Wm., printer (G. Cornwall and Sons), 17 Woolmanhill Wm., sexton (St Nicholas churchyard), 7 Donald's court Mrs, 2 Devanha terrace Mrs John, 23 Bon-accord street Mrs, 102 Chapel street Hendry, James, beadle (Melville Church), 19 Queen street John, sheriff ofBcer, 7 Huxter row Wm., book keeper (J. Catto, Son, and Co.), Balmoral place Henessey, Edward, teacher (Board of Trade Navigation school, 8 James street), h. 4|- Strawberry bank Henry, George, merchant (Hugh (Gordon & Co.), 17 Rubislaw terrace CITY OF ABERDEEN. 155

Henry, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 188 George street Hepburn, Rev. John W. (St. Clement's Parish), 154 Crown street Herald Office, 7 Queen street

Herculus Insurance Co. ; agent, Duncan & Clyne, advocates, 8 Castle street Heriot, James M., shipmaster, 19 York street Hewson, Eev. John M. (Baptist), 65 Dee street Hill, Isaac, teacher, seminary and h. 19 Queen street Hird, Miss, milliner, 4 Black's buildings Miss, lodgings, 58 Gerrard street Hislop, William, 1 Springbank place Misses, 1 Springbank place Hobrow, William, confectioner, 218 Gallowgate Hodge, James and Co., cutlers, and surgical instrument and bandage makers, 18 Broad street James (of J. Hodge and Co.), 163 West North street Thomas (Inland Revenue), 8 Henry street Mrs John, 8 Rosemount place Hodson, Benjamin, woolbuyer, 1 King street place Hogarth and Co., merchants, 82 College street Alexander Pirie (of D. Hogarth and Co.), 18 Bon- accord square Dickson and Co., preserved provision merchants, &c., 82 College street Hugh, merchant, 87 Crown street Thomas, Elmfield William, merchant, 261 Union street Hogg, George, wright, Holburn street, h. East Twin cottage, 64 Holburn street John, fish dealer, 6 Park lane Robert, fish and provision dealer, 93 Gallowgate W. and A., wrights, 7^ Carmelite street, h. 15 Hadden street Mrs, 34 Union terrace Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 237 George street Holland, Frederic, manufacturer (Richards and Co.), 15 Golden square Holman, Henry, photographer, 19i Market street Holmes, Alexander, messenger (Adam and Anderson), 75 Union street John (J. Mess), 1 Braehead, Gilcomston Robert H., clerk (J. & W. Martin), 75 Union street William, overseer (Hogarth and Co.), 87 College street Wm., jun., clerk (Hogarth and Co.), 6 Wellington place Home, Robert, commercial traveller, 83 Hutcheon street Hood, John, gate keeper, Footdee iron works

• Walter and Co., shipbuilders, Footdee ...... Miss, 8 Canal terrace 156 GENEEAL DIRECTOEY,

Home, John, clerk (customs), Mount Pleasant, 1 Canal street R- B. (of Adamson and Home), 65 Bon-accord street Hossack, Archibald, fruit merchant, 46 Union street, h. 7 Millburn street Houston, R. S., engraver, 6 Queen street, h. 1 Millburn street Howie, Mrs Wra., spirit dealer, 1 Adelphi lane Mrs, lodgings, 59 Skene square Howling, Tliomas, shipmaster, 78 Waterloo quay Mrs, lodgings, 28 Wellington street Miss, teacher (Free St Clement's School), 28 Welling- ton street Huddlestone, Peter, 143 George street

Hughes, George, ship and ornamental carver, 15, Ji. 13 York street .e«... Robert, engraver and lithographic printer, 15, h. 13 Netherkirkgate Humphrey, John (of Comalegy), 5 Mackie place John, shipbuilder (John Smith), 57 Regent quay Hunter, George, traveller (H. Gordon & Co.), 2 Gilcomston brae James (of Robertson and Hunter), 10 Canal street i„... Rev. John (Zion Chapel), 66 Hutcheon street Leslie, superintendent, Waterloo station (G. N. of S. R.), 61 Park street Robert W., musician, teacher and dealer in musical instruments, 16 Huxter row William, advocate, 14 Adelphi court, Ji, 36 Albyn place William Chambers, advocate, 15 Adelphi court William, grocer and spirit dealer, 63 Huntly street William, grocer and spirit dealer, 33 Park street, h. 19 Constitution street ...... William, 11 Union buildings Mrs, coffee rooms, 53 New Market, h. 88 Green Mrs, 48 Constitution street Misses, 30 North Broadford Huntly Distillery Company's Office, 39 Netherkirkgate Hurray, Andrew, shipmaster, 16 Marywell street Hurry, Alex- (of W. Hurry and Sons), 35 West North street William and Sons, nail and tack manufacturers, 20 Frederick street Hutcheon, Alexander, clerk (J. Abernethy and Co.)? H Holburn place Alex.; quartermaster, R. A. H. (late 72nd Foot), 185 King street Andrew, heedle maker, 20 Forbes street George, butcher, 57 Commerce street John, upholsterer and cabinet maker, 44 Union street, and 41 Netherkirkgate, h. Springbank cottage, Pitfodels ' CITY OF ABERDEEN. 157

Hutcheon, J. & J., fleshers, 48 Market Hall, h. Garlogie, Skene William, 23 Commerce street Hutcheson, G. & W., grocers, wine, and spirit merchants,

20 Upperkirkgate, h. 26 Skene square . George, corn factor, and commission agent, 47 Marischal street Hutchison, Mrs, lodgings, 44 Upperkirkgate Huttou, James, lodgings, 108 King street Hyde, George, clerk (Adam and Anderson), 75 Union street Hydropathic Establishment and Turkish Bath, Loch-head

(near Aberdeen) ; Dr Meikle, resident physician

1 IMPERIAL Eire Insurance ; agent, Wm. Smith, architect, Bon-accord street, and Wm. Hunter, 14 Adelphi court Imray, George, teacher (Gilcomston school), 57 Summer st. Wm., stoneware merchant, 75 Broad street Mrs, sick nurse, Cunnigar hill. Links

Income Tax Office, Record buildings, 27 King street ; N. Burnett, clerk to commissioners Income Tax Assessor's Office for Aberdeen district, 152 Union street {tem;[jorary office^ 1 Huntly street) Industrial Asylum and Reformatory for Girls, 10 Mount street Infirmary, Royal, Woolmanhill Inglis, Alexander, grocer and ship chandler, 28 Regent quay, h. 6 Castle brae George, merchant, 2 Crown court, A. Ladymill, King street road James, baker, 2, h. 3 Waverley place Ingram, Alex., feuar, 25 Seamount place J. and J., cartwrights, 34, h. 51 Causewayend James, tailor, 64 Broad street Wm., wright, 91, h. 11 Loch street Mrs Dr, 32 Dee street Mrs, register office, 30 Upperkirkgate Inland Revenue Office (Excise branch), 2 Trinity quay Revenue (Stamps and Taxes), Victoria court, 54 Castle street Innes, Captain George, 44 Chapel street George, plasterer, 2 Broadford place Robert, fishmonger and game dealer, 60 and 61 Base- ment floor. Market, h. 47 Green Mrs John B., 48 Chapel street Mrs John, 52 Bon-accord street Miss, 251 Union street Miss, 69 Dee street

Insurance Company of Scotland ; agents, Fleming and Paull, 12 King street 158 GENERAL DIRECTOEY,

Insurance Company of Scotland (Fire) ; agents, Skinner and Wilsone, 229 Union street Ironside, George, inspector (S. N. E. R.), 56 Chapel street James, hairdresser, 147 Gallowgate, h. 27 Mealmarke street William, builder, 9, h. 8 Well of Spa Irvine and Seton, boot and shoe warehouse, 110 George street Alexander, shoemaker, late convener's officer, 25 Long- acre J. and Son, pianoforte saloon, 1 Exchange street, h. 50 Skene terrace Robert, leather merchant, 7 Flourmill brae, h. 187 George street

, Thomas J., clerk (Town and County Bank)

JACKSON, George, sen., army marker, collector (House of Refuge, &c.), 2 Marywell street Henry, M.D., surgeon and druggist, 34 Woolmanhill, h. 53 Schoolhill James, boot closer, 50 Lonsacre Wm., clerk, Devanha, 20 Kidd lane Jaffray, Lawrence, clerk (Post Office), 45 Constitution street Thomas, coach builder, 5 Fish street ,..0.. Wm., baker, 63, h. 61 Broad street Wm. L., boot and shoe shop, 14 Union street, h. 6 Bank street, Ferryhill Wm., shipmaster, 45 Wellington street

, Mrs Wm.,45 Constitution street James, Wi liam, 211 King street Jameson, John, teller (T. and C. B.), 166 Skene street west Miss, 4J Chapel street Jamie, Robert, marine store keeper and grocer, 14 James street Jaraieson and Mitchell, wholesale tea, coffee, and wine mer- chants, 34 and 36 Netherkirkgate Alex., 54 St Andrew street George (of J. and M.), 38 Albyn place George, jeweller, silversmith, and watchmaker to the Queen, 107 Union street, h. Drumgarth, Cults James (late J. Fraser & Co.), family grocer and wine merchant, 221 Union street, and 1, 2, and 3 Dee street, h. 54 Dee street James, mason, Bank street, Ferryhill John, ship and insurance broker, and commission mer- chant, 56 Marischal street, h. 12 Albyn place John, tea and spirit dea'er, 74, h. 70 Commerce street Lewis, grocer and spirit dealer, 292 George street, h. above shop CITY OF ABERDEEN. 159

Jamieson, Peter, harness composition manufacturer, 20 St Nicholas lane, h. 9 South College street Eobert, M.D., superintendent, Royal Lunatic Asylum, h. Elmhill, Asylum grounds Thomas, wright and funeral undertaker, 11 Carmelite street Mrs, midwife and sick nurse, 15 St Nicholas street Mrs, lodgings, 28 Broad street Jamson, Mrs Captain, lodgings, 36 Union street Miss, matron, Gordon's Hospital Jarvis, James, hosier, 3 Jopp's lane, h. 8 North Broadford Miss A. F., School of Industry, 61 Guestrow Jazdowski, John, teacher and linguist, 120 Crown street Jenkins, Wm., inspector of buildings, 30 Summer street Jessieman, Miss, lodgings, 40 Chapel street Jessiman, Jessie, spirit dealer, 24 Castle street Johnston and Laird, furnishing tailors, 36 Union street Alexander, builder, 34 Thistle street Andrew, cashier (Adam and Anderson), 11 Eosemount place

^ David, agent for the City of Glasgow Friendly Society, 142J George street Fraser L., tea, wine, and spirit merchant, 2 and 4 King street, h. 37 Summer street George, inspector of patrol (Customs), 48 Commerce street J. and W., blacksmiths, 18 Mealmarket street ...... James, meal and barley miller, Leggart mills. Bridge of Dee John (George Reid and Son), 41| Union street John, grocer and spirit dealer, 86, h. 88 Upper Denburn

John H. , embroidery designer and printer, 197 Union street, h. 46 Holburn street John (H. M. Customs), 38 Union terrace Peter, beadle (Holburn church), 57 Huntly street Robert, merchant, 25 York place, h. 3 Golden square William (of Johnston and Laird), 1 Netherkirkgate Mrs, lod-ings, 3 Henderson's court, 91 Gallowgate Mrs Alex., broker, QQ Shiprow Miss, 11 Rosemount place Miss, dressmaker, 239 George street Johnstone, James (Pickford and Co.), 8 Schoolhill Jolly, Isaac, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, il4 George street, h. 33 Charlotte street James, inspector of meters (G. L. Co.), 37 Park street William, printer {Journal Office), 18 Marywell street Misses, dressmakers, 136 George street Jopp and Shand, advocates, Jopp's court, 31 Gallowgate Alexander (of Jopp and Shand), Woodhill 160 _ GENERAL DIRECTOEY,

Jopp, Andrew, .ad vocatej distributor of stamps and collector of taxes for Aberdeenshire, Victoria court, 54 Castle street, h. 31 Gallowgate Keith (of W. and K. Jopp), 12 Bon-accord square W. and K., wine and spirit merchants, 13 Market street William (of W. and K. Jopp), 31 Gallowgate Mrs Andrew, 31 Gallowgate Joss, Charles, tailor, 91 Skene street Patrick, agent (A. and F. Manuelle), 41 Guestrow Mrs, lodgings, 24 Marywell street Mrs, provision merchant, 53 Loch street, h. 5 Charlotte street Mrs, spirit dealer, 176 West North street Justice, Miss, 69 Bon-accord street

KAY, Miss, 30 Thistle street Keating and Co., clothiers and outfitters, 26 Union street and 2 St Catherine's wynd; A. B. Taylor, manager Keddie, Alex-, teacher (West Parish school), 67 Bon-accord street Kean, Bernard, broker, 73 Gallowgate Keen, Arch, George, captain and adjutant, R. A. H., 2 South Crown street Miss, milliner, 118 Skene street .Keir, Alexander, clerk (Telegraph Office), 14 Marywell street Keith and Archibald, shoemakers. Bridge of Dee and Gibb, lithographers, engravers, and ornamental printers, 15 Union buildings Alexander (of K. and G.), 4 Rosemount terrace James, druggist, 8, h. 10 Union place James, clerk (A. M'Donald), 10 Bon-accord lane John (of Pratt and Keith), 36 Bon-accord terrace John, late merchant tailor, 1 Guestrow John, secretary (T. and C. Bank), 7 Bon-accord square Peter, carter, 11 Mounthooly William, M.D., surgeon to the Royal Infirmary, and lecturer on Clinical Surgery, 257 Union street William, slater and slate merchant, 24 Union row and 24 Summer street William, jun., slate and stone merchant, 187 King street, h. 1 Roslin terrace .... Wm. T., auctioneer and commission agent, 88 Union street, h. 5 Canal street Mrs James, 101 Crown street Mrs, lodgings, 10 Bon-accord lane Mrs, milliner and straw bonnet maker, 34 Union terrace ;


Keith, Mrs, hardware merchant, 18 Market gallery, Ti. 84 Ship- row Misses, dressmakers and milliners, 7 Crown street Kellas, James F., secretary and clerk, Local Marine Board, 28 Quay Kelman, John, cooper, 151 Gallowgate William, tailor, 5 Blairton lane Kelly, John, liiJiside foot post, 25 St Andrew street Kemp, Alexander, flesher, 29 Market hall, h. Woodside Robert, miller and grain merchant, tacksman of the Murtle and Kennerty mills; warehouse and office, 59 and 60 Castle street Mrs, lodgings, 86i Crown street .....> Mis Francis, grocer and spirit dealer, 60 Skene square Kempt, Irvine, secretary (S. N. E. K. Co., Guild street), 135 Crown street Kenn, Miss, 15 Huntly street Kennedy and Fraser, advocates, 42 Castle street ...... David H,, advocate (of Kennedy and Fraser), 42 Castle street

...... J. J., merchant and agent, Market street, h. 79 Crown street

Kent Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ; W. P. Booth, agent, 20 Marischal street Kerr and Bowman, carvers, gilders, and printsellers, 179 Union street David, M.D., 9 Union place George (of Kerr and Bowman), 4 Henry place, White- house street James, flesher, 13 Langstane place John, 5 Holburn place William, boot and shoemaker, 86| John street Kidd, J. Simp;5on, teacher (East Parish School, St Paul street), 3 Kingsland place ...... Thomas A., tinplate worker, 15 James street Lewis, sub-editor {Aberdeen Herald)^ 3 Kingsland place Kilgour, Alex., M D., 158 Union street ...... J mes, draper, 94 George street, h. 76 Wales street Miss, 18 Springbank street Kiloh, Miss, 27 Dee street King, Arthur, & Co., printers {Free Press Office), Concert court, Broad stieet Arthur (of A. King and Co.), 3 Ann place George & Robert, publishers, booksellers and stationers Depository of the British and Foreign Bible So- ciety. 28 St Nicholas street George (of G. and R. King), 19 Carden place George, shipmaster. Cotton street John, late shipmaster, 3 James street 14 162 GENEEAL DIRECTORY,

King, Maxwell, dentist, 18 Queen street Mrs, ]odg:ings, 36 Union street Mrs, coffee rooms, 55 Basement floor, Market Mrs C, 29 Victoria street west Kinghorn, James, linen mercer and woollen draper, 198 George street, h. 2 Mary place Kinneard, William gardener, Outseats, Pitmuxton Kirby, ^-'ol. G., Beltie house, Dee street Kirkiand, Mrs, 12 North Silver street Knight, George, spirit dealer, 5 Trinity quay George M. (of J. Knight and Son), 61 St Nicholas street James and Son, refreshment rooms. Market street, h. 61 St Nicholas street .... Wm., architect and surveyor, 88, h. 104 King street Miss, dressmaker, 61 St Nicholas street Knowles, Alex. F., clerk (G. Thompson, jun. and. Co.), 7 Black's buildings Alexander, smith and machine maker, 18 Lower Den- burn George, enp^ineer, 65 Park street James, butcher, 5 Skene street, h. 9 Denburn terrace Thomas, flesher, 7, 8, and 9 Market hall, h. 1 Little Wales street

, Thomas, jun., flesher, 6 Market hall

Mrs, 1 Lanfifstane place Misses, teachers, 37 Marischal street Knox, Arthur, cabinetmaker, Windmillbrae, h. 51J Bon- accord street David, wholesale ironmonger, 56 and 58 Gallowgate, h. 110 Crown street

, William G., architect, 4 Belmont street, h. 255 George street William, grain merchant, 16 King street, ^. Craigton, Cults Mrs, teacher, 84 Skene square Kyd, David, writer, 84 King street, h. 69 Crown street James, road surveyor, Rubislaw Kynoch, Mrs John, 87 Bon accord street

LaER, E. W. Von, Millburn cottage, Dee village Lafferty, Robert, beadle (Galloweate Mission), 71 Gallowgate Laidlaw, Mrs, lodgings, 50 Castle street Laing and Melvin, coach builders to her Majesty, 4 and 8 Bon-accord street Alexander (of Laing and Melvin), 142 Skene street Alexander, ship steward, 15 Adelphi court

, Charles, tailor, 72 Skene square David, basket warehouse, 5 Crown street CITY OF ABERDEEN. 163

Laing, James, mason, 32 Hummer street James, skinner, 38, h. 63 George street James, and Co., ironmongers, blacksmiths, and bell hangers, 121 Union street, and 52 Green; work- shop, foot of Windmill brae James (of J. Laing and Co.), 32 Alburn place James, hairdresser, 16 Windmill brae Robert, shoemaker, 176 George street Thomas, chemist, druggist, and ©ijerative dentist, 51, h. 50 W^oolraanhill .v.... William, blacksmith, heel and toe plate maker, 18 Catherine, street, h. Eden cottage, Mount street Laird, Daniel (of Johnston and Laird), 14 Bon-accord terrace Lakin, Francis H. (Wood and Co.), 211 Union street Lamb, Alexander, plumber and brassfounder, 48 John street, h. 184 George street James, innkeeper and grocer, Margaret's place, Ruth- rieston John, photographer, 28| Crown street, h, 14 Skene ter. Lamond, Charles, clerk (S. N. E. R. Co.), Priutfield Lamont, Alexander, broker, 21 Causewayend Lancashire Insurance Co. ; Lachlan M'Kinnon, jun., advo- cate, agent Langlands, Robert, provision dealer, 187 Gallowgate Largie, James, shipmaster, 14j Broad street Latter, Richard, professor of music, 53 Union place Latto, John, dentist, 70 Patk street Laurie, Thomas (late of J. Abernethy and Co.), Craigluo- cot- tage, Ferryhill William, bookbinder, 401 Union street, h. 5 Prospect terrace, Ferryhill .... Mrs William, 29 Ferryhill place Law, Christopher, grocer and provision merchant, 27 Com- merce street George, shipmaster, 3 Cotton street John, baker, 60 Shiprow, h- 3 Affleck street Samuel, shoemaker, 122 Skene street Mrs, lodgings, 31 Charlotte street Misses, 43 Victoria street west Miss Barbara, grocer and spirit dealer, 8 Wellington place Lawrence, Joseph, tailor and funeral waiter, ofiScer (Free East church), 86 John street Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 27 Dee street Laws, Robert, foreman (A. and W. Ogilvie), 48 Summer street Lawson, Alexander, spirit dealer ...... James, warehouseman, 67 Union street, h. 3 Farquhar place 164 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Lawson, William, gardener, Ferryhill house Mrs, 44 Holburn street Mrs, 7 Albert ten-ace Leaper, Joseph, grocer and spirit dealer, 58 College street Leask, Alexander and Co., bullion dealers, 38 Marischal street John, registrar of births, deaths, and marriages for the parish of Old Machar, 28 Union terrace Mrs, fish dealer, l^asement floor, Market Leckie, Andrew, engineer (Thomson, Catto, Buchanan and Co), 78 Waterloo quay Ledingham, Alexander, grocer and provision merchant, 42|, h. 75 Chapel street Andrew, nautical instrument maker, 14 Regent quay A. W., manager (C. L. Co.). 166 Skene street west ..... Andrew, provision dealer, 61 Shiprow James, A.M., teacher, house and academy, 12 Correc- tion wynd ...... James, miller and grain merchant, Upper Justice Mills Miss, teacher of pianoforte and singing, 12 Correction W3'nd

Leeds and Yorkshire Assurance Co. ; agent, Joseph T. Wil- lett Lee, Rev. Frederick G., F.S.A. (incumbent of St Mary's), Fountain hall Lees, James, docl

... . Misses (of Freefield), 46 Skene terrace

Lemon Tree Tavern ; Mrs P. Machray, 7 Huxter row Lendrum and Thomson, silk mercers, shawlmen, and general drapers. 145 Union street John (of Londrum and Thomson), 6 Strawberry bank Lennie, Alexander, shoemaker and principal beadle (Free Trinity church), \2h Kidd lane Leslie and Maule, booksellers and stationers, 98 Union street Alexander, messenger-at-arms, 12 Huxter row, h. 6 Roslin terrace CITY OF ABERDEEN. 165

Leslie, Alexander (of Leslie and Maule), 130 Union street Alexander, moulder, 14 Bank street Allan, boot and shoemaker, 27 Wales street Andrew, commercial traveller (A. & W. Gray), 13 Loch street George and Co., shipowners and coal merchants, agents for Muntz's metal, 11 Quay George (of G. Leslie and Co.), 146 Crown street George, shipwright (J. Duthie, Sons, and Co.), 18 Con- stitution street George (of Morrison and Leslie), 59 Marischal street George, billiard room keeper, 10 Queen street and 32 Broad street G. C (of J. L. and Son), 261^ George street James, engineer (Gas works), 23 Constitution street James, shoemaker, 21^ Schoolhill, A. 16 Loch street James, shipmaster, 38 St Clement street James, shipowner (ofG. Leslie and Co.) 146 Crown st. John and Son, manufacturers, 40 Woolmanhill, h. 263 George street John Grant, sheiiff-clerk depute, and depute clerk of the peace, Eecord Buildings, 27 King street, h, 71 Dee street John, shipmaster (Rover), 61 Wales street John, bootmaker, 8 Queen street, h. 4 South Constitu- tion street ...... Wra., surgeon, 10 Golden square Wm., architect and builder, 123| Union street, h. 28 Albj'n place W. and W., grocers, tea and spirit dealers, 39 West North street, h. above shop. Mrs, 13 Albert street Mrs, 130 Union street Miss, coffee room, 35 Marischal street Miss, milliner, 16 Virginia street Misses (Powis) Berr^'^bank Misses, Canal road villa CauBewayend Levie, Alexander, shipmaster (Enchanter), 39 Bon-accord street Andrew, shipmaster, 171 Skene street west Mrs, 73 Wales street Mrs, lodgings, 13 Marischal street Mrs, teacher, 13 Commerce street Leys, Robert, engineer, 9 Constitution street Ligertwood, Alexander, 137 Union street John and Robert, advocates and notaries public, trea- surers of the Spalding Club, and secretaries and treasurers of the Royal Northern Agricultural Society, 89 Union street 166 GENEEAL DIRECTORY,

Ligertwood, John, advocate and sheriff clerk (of J. & R. L.) 26 Bon-accord terrace Robert (of J. and R. L.) Il4 Crown street Wm., master shipwright, 34 York street

Wm L , builder, Woodbine cottage, Gowan brae

... . Mrs (of Logierieve) 17 Albert street Mrs, 60 Bon-accord street Mrs James, 32 Thistle street Mrs Peter, 28 Wellington street Lindsay, James, stoneware merchant, Clarence street, corner of Wellington street Robert, principal porter, goods department (S. N. E. R. Co.) 2 Bank street Wm., bookseller, stationer, and newspaper agent, 62, h. 55 Gallow^ate Mrs Dr, 2 South Silver street Linklater, Alex., shipmaster, 27 Marywell street Andrew, shipmaster (Pliaros) 62 Virginia street James, shipmaster. 28 Wellington street Linton, Alex,, surgeon, R. N., 266 George street Lister, Miss F., teacher of music, 60 Queen street Little, Mrs, broker, 161 GalJowgate Littlejohn, James, wholesale and retail tea dealer and grocer, 39 Green, h. Ashgrove house James, Gordondale, Stocket James, spirit dealer, 18 Gordon street Wm., cashier (Aberdeen Town and County Bank) 60 Union street Liverpool and Loudon Fire and Life Insurance Company; Jolm Sheed, agent, --4 Marischal street Livingston, John, fish dealer, Basement floor, Market, h. 16 Tiinit^y street Peter, city missionary, 34 Park street Mrs Dr, 85 Ciown street Mrs, spiiit dealer. 80 Loch street Lizars, A. Jardine, M.D., professor of anatomy (University of Aberdeen), A'rnlee, Cults Lloyds' Agent, James Aitken, JMn.,57 Marischal street Surveyor, Wm. Wallis, l3Regentquay Lockhart and Sahnond, confectioners, restaurant and dining room<, 123 Union street; wholesalevvarehouse, ginger beer, lemonade, and soda water manufac- tory, 2 Little Hehnont street James (of Lockhart and Sahnond), 14 Back wynd N. and Sons, linen and sack manufacturers (Kirkcaldy) 41 Marischal street Co pianoforte makers and music sellers, 195 Logan and ,

Union street ; workshop. Spring garden David (of D. Logan and Co.), 74 St Andrew street CITY OF ABERDEEN. 167

London Printing and Publishing Co., 2^ Broad street ; Jos. Maitland manager

Union Assurance Fire Offices and Annuities ; J. and Gr. Collie advocates, 38 Castle street Longmuir, James, shipmaster, 2 Bannermill street Rev. John, A.M., LL.D. (Free Mariners' Church), 11 East North street John, foreman blacksmith (Walter Hood and Co.)) 1^ Fish street Mrs John, 53 Victoria street west Lonie, David, furnishing tai'or, 77, h. 79 Gallowgato Lorimer, David, spirit dealer, 7 East North street James, bootmaker, 9 St Catherine's wynd, /*. 9 Rose- mount terrace Louden, Miss, 14 Bon-accord street Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 7 Skene street Lovie, Mrs, 41 Victoria street west Low and Chalmers, builders, 40 Whitehouse street Alex. R., clerk, 74 Wales street Gavin (of Low and Chalmers) 40 Whitehouse street James and Co., saddlers, 45, h. 60 Queen street James, tailor and sJfeneral outfitter, 10 Regent quay Mrs, g'-ocer, 40 West North street Mis James, 40 Union terrace Mrs Horatio, 74 Wales street A Mrs, provision dealer, 104 Chapel street Lower Huxbuin Mill Warehouse, 72 George street Lucas, Jaines, late contractor, 128 George street Ludwig, Chas., 11 Union buildings Lumsden and Ewan, wood merchants, opposite 222 George street and Gi^)son, family grocers and wine merchants, 95 Union street Henry S, (of Lumsden and Gibson) 75 Crown street Rev. Jas.. professor of theology (Free Church College), l59 Crown street J. F., advocate (of Robertson and Lumsden) 3 Union terrace James and Co-, clothiers, 155 Union street

Wm , merchant, 58 Union street, A. Eastbauk, Font- hill Lunan, G. and T., builders, 2 Charles street, h. 311 George street John, wright, and messenger to the wright and cooper trade, 77 Broad street

* William accountant (S. N. E. R.), Ashley place, Cupar- stone road Lunatic Asylum, adjoining Mary place; Robert Jamieson^ M.D., superintendent 168 GENERAL DIEECTOEY,

Lyall, David (of G. Lyall and Co.), 97 Union street George and Co., silk mercers to the Queen, 99 UDion. street Eobert, blacksmith, 19 Huxter row R. W. (of Hay and Lyall) 12 Springbank terrace Lyell, John, retiister grate, stove, and gunmaker, 128 Union street; manufacturing house, Backwynd; h. 2\§ Union terrace George, sheriff officer for the counties of Aberdeen and Kincardine, 11 Huxter row, h. Bairnshall lane, Woodside

Lynch, Neil, steward, Northern Club, 1 Union terrace Lyon, Alex., cattle and hide salesman, 194| George street, h. 80 Bon-accord street John, spirit dealer, 76 Waterloo quay Wm,, grocer and spirit dealer, 181 Gallowgate, ^. 67 Hutcheon street Wm., teacher (West-end Academy) 23 Victoria steret Mrs, 35 Netherkirkgate Miss, white seamstress, 30 Summer street

I'ADAM, John, carter, 77 Skene street Wm., brewer (Wallace Brothers) 53 Holburn street Jister, D., book agent, 61 St Nicholas sireet, h. 71 Hkene square M'Arthur, Eev. George, (of the Gymnasium) Eden cottage, Mount street M'Aulay, James, inspector of taxes, 201 Union street, h. 40 Union place M'Bain, George baker, 62, h. 55 Schoolhill James, i)uncan cottage, Leslie place Wni., spirit dealer, 46 Green M'Bean, Donald, furnishing tailor, Trinity Manse, Market stieet M'Beath, Peter, shipmaster, 20 Marywell street Mrs, register office for engaging servants, 2 Longacre M'Call, Mrs., lodgings, 24 John street M' Galium, William, locker (Customs), 20 St Clement's street M'Combie, James Boyn, advocate (of Murray and M'Combie) 4 Albyn place William, editor {Free Press), 5 Mount street Mrs Peter, 7 Charlotte street M'Condach, Harry, 1 Holburn street John, r ilway contractor, 8 Millburn street M'Conachie, G. C, teacher of writing, 115 Unioa street, A. 2 Union place Mrs, lodgings, 6 Union lane M'Courtie, George Walker, Eesidenter, 8 John street CITY OF ABERDEEN. 169

M'Crindle, Mrs Gilbert, refreshment rooms, 60 Eegent quay M'CuUoch, Rev. Colin (East Parish), 10 Albyn place M'Diarniid, John, clerk (Stamps and Taxes)

M'Donald, Alexander, advocate, 83 Union street, Ji. 17 Rose . street Alexander, Polished Granite Works, east end of Con- stitution street, h. 3 Rotunda place ...... Bernard, pavier and contractor, 36 Bon-accord street Charles, spirit dealer, 169 Gallovvgate David, late manager (Bannermill), 8 Garden place Gordon, grocer and spirit dealer, 30 Park street R.), G. W., audit office (S. N. E. 4 Black's buildings . James (Inland Revenue), 2 Park place James, jun,, cabinet maker, 31 Castle street, h. 48 Longacre James, porter, 10 Carmelite street John, confectioner, 37 Basement floor, Market, h, 20 Trinity street John, spirit dealer, 2 Schoolhill John, late merchant, 12 North Broadford

, Peter, spirit dealer, 51 East North street Peter, furnishing tailor, 58 Queen street Roderick, carter and feuar, 8 Charles street William, grocer, 73 King street William, boot and shoemaker, 65 Causewayend Isabella, spirit dealer, 20 West North street Mrs Alex., Shannaburn House Mrs, 8 Alford place Mrs, lodgings, 9 Diamond street Mrs George, innkeeper, Ross's court, 22 Schoolhill Miss, dressmaker, 9 Diamond street Miss, lodgings, 168 George street Miss, stay and corset maker, 53 Queen street M'Gee, Richard, corkcutter, 47 Guestrow, h. Jopp's court. Broad street M'GilHvary, John, hairdresser, 242, h. 247 George street John, hotel keeper, 9 St Nicholas lane Mrs, eating house, 4 Exchequer row M'Gilvray, Rev. Walter, D.D, (Free Gilcoraston Church), 9 North Silver street M'Gregor, Alex., grocer and spirit dealer, 67 Guestrow, h. 2 Barnett's close Alex., commercial traveller, Twin cottage, 66 Holburn street Colin, auctioner and cattle salesmen, 78 Wales street David, dyer, 28 George street John, 125 Skene street John, dyer, 26 George street, h. Leonard cottage, Bel- yidere place ;


M'Grigor, Charles, hosier and girth manufacturer, 5 Justice street, h. 1 Chapel court, Justice street Mrs John, 15 Crown street Miss, 42 York street Miss, 1 Chapel court, Justice street Miss, lodgings. 220 George street M'Guffie, Thomas, letter carrier, Abbey place, 46 Shipi'ow M'Hardy, David and Son, ironmongers, smiths, and bell- hangers, 64 Netherkirkgate John, general smith and bellhanger, and inspector of weiahts, 15, A. 17 Back wynd John, blacksmith and broker, 36 Gallowgate ...... Eobert, grocer and provision merchant, 188 West North street

William, writer, 2 Correction wynd, Ji. 67 Crown st. Mrs Charles, 31 Dee street M'Intosh. Duncan, grocer and spirit dealer, 202 Gallowgate George, foreman (W. Eraser, 30 Union street), 24 Dee street John, engineer and millwright, 30 John street, and 150 George street J. C. (A. Pirie and Sons), 18 Springbank street William, wire worker, 93 George street, h. 29 Hutcheon street Mrs, lodgings, 36 Union street Mrs, midwife, 68 Cause wayend Mrs, spirit dealer, 34 and 36 Loch street Mrs, broker, 14 Hutcheon street M'Kann, John, broker, 38 Lodge street M'Kay, Alexander, shipmaster, 93 Wales street Alexander, cabinetmaker, 15, h. 13 Upperkirkgate workshop, Wilson's court, 91 Broad street Charles, eatinij house keeper, 44 Guestrow Donald, superintendent. Public Baths, 5 Crooked lane George, boot and shoemaker, and leather cutter, 18 Gallowgate, h. 49 St Andrew street George, hairdresser, 2 Commerce street George, slater, 83 Green John (Cottage hotel), 8 Burnett's close Rev. John (Associate Synod, Skene terrace), 26 Skene terrace Robert, cabinetmaker, 11 Upperkirkgate William, chimney sweep, 1 Windmill brae William, tailor, Wellington road

Mrs Alex , innkeeper (Steam Yacht hotel), New Pier Mrs, Littlejohn Street tavern, 10 Littlejohn street

Misses, dressmakers, I Thistle street M'Keaii?, James, Caledonian hotel, 62 Cast'e street M'Kechnie, James, broker and shoemaker, 21 Park street CITY OF ABERDEEN". 171

M'Kenna, Francis, cutler, 126 Gallowgate M'Kenzie, Alexander, broker. 60 East North street Daniel, house agent, 284 George street George, grocer and spirit dealer, boot and shoemaker, 35, h, 36 Rciient quay George, 22 Rosemount place James, baker, QQ and 68 Queen street James, draper (H. Cooper and Co.), 29 Victoria street John, commission agent, 13 Regent quay John, stoneware merchant, 19 Gallowgate, h. 17 Long- acre William, manager (J. Fyfe and Son), 22 St Nicholas street Mrs G., lodgings, 3 Rosemount place Mrs (late of Skene), 4 Springbank place Mrs, 23 Rosemount place Miss (late of Ruthrieston), 29 Castle street Miss, 33 Summer street M'Keowin, Wm., superintendent of funeratory, 8 Henderson's court, Broad street M'Kerrow, Rev. James, B.A., 59 Bon-accord street M'Kesser, Mrs John, Ashvale cottage, Cuparstone place M'KilHam, B. and W., confectioners to the Queen, 54 Broad street Basil (of B. & W. M'Killiam), 48 Victoria street west James, clerk, Bon-accord Livery stables, h. 24 School- hill Robert, pastrycook, 28 Union street, and 38 Upperkirk- gage, h. Crescent cottage, Spittal road M'Kinlay, Robert, assistant (Farquharson and Co.), 13 Black- friars street M'Kinnon, John, coach painter, 41 Victoria street west 7i. Lachlan, advocate ; office, Spring-garden iron works, 19 Albert street Lachlan, jun., advocate, 233 Union street Wm., and Co., iron merchants and founders, Spring-

garden works ; office, 12 Windy wynd William late iron merchant, 19 Albert street Miss, 121 Crown street M'Kissock, M., draper, 16 & 17 Market gallery, h. 2 Millburn street M'Laren, John, commission merchant, 15 Queen street, h. 51 Schoolhill M'Lauchlan, John, coal, shipbroker, and shipowner, 1, h. 3 James street M'Lean, Alexander, shipmaster, 21 Skene row G. Gordon, M D., late professor of Oriental Languages (Marischal College), 144 King street Hugh, traveller (J. J. Kennedy), Market street 172 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

M'Lean, James, shipmaster, 61 Regrent quay John, superintendent of Meters; office, 1 Provost Blaikie's quay, h. 50 Gallowgate Thomas, baker, 7, A. 9 Dee street Mrs, grocor, 11 Bon-accord lane M'Lein, Alexander (Lessee of Theatre), 51 Marischal street M'Leod, Colin and James, tinsmiths, 52 East North street Donald, 6 Mount street Malcolm, governor of Old Machar Poor-house, St Machar place John, watchmaker, 9, h. 11 Schoolhill Simon, grocer and spirit dealer, 23, h. 21 Chapel lane

Mrs Alex , LTOcer, 33 Summer lane Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 24 Dee street M'Manus, Charles, draper, 1 & 2 Black's buildings M'Millan, Rev. Samuel, 16 Rosemount place M'Nab, Robert, Gutta Percha Warehouse, 39 Broad street M'Naughton, James, engineer (Richards and Co.)j 83 Skene square M'Nie, Mrs, lodg-ingfs, 34 Union terrace M'Niven, John, baker, 81, h. 79 Bon accord street M'Petrie, Margaret, hoiser, 222 George street M'Pherson, Alexander, baker, 65, h. 63 Green

D , clerk (R. T. Oface)/23 Marywell street George (of J. M'P. & Co,), 1 Ann place, Back Stocket road James, north mail guard (Post Office) John and Co., comb manufacturers, Steps of Gilcomston John (of J. M'f. & Co.), Sprincrhill John, jun. (of J. M'P. & Co.), 1 Ann place, Back Stocket road John, gardener, 165—167 Market hall and Polmuir ...... John, bookseller, Cuparstone buildings Kenneth R., clearing-house clerk (S. N. E. R.)> ^^ ^^^' melite street Mrs Wm., lodgings, 28 Crown street Miss, dressmaker, Cuparstone buildings M'Queen, Wm. (late of Coast Guard), 65 Park street M'Rae, John (Strathdee Distillery), h. 74 llolburn .street M'RoblDie and Milne, house carpenters, 1 Thistle lane, h. 27 Thistle street Charles, spirit dealer, 62 St Andrew street ' ^ George, draper, 35 and 36 Market gallery George, feuar, 11 Broadford lane James, flesher, 31 Basement floor, Market Mrs, china merchant, Basement floor. Market,^ 79 Green Miss, teacher (Free John Knox's), 11 Broadi'ord lane M'Sloy, John, fish dealer, Basement floor, Market, h. 2 Back Wynd Stairs, Green CITY OF ABEEDEEN". 173

M'Taggart, Donald, coal broker and commission agent, 13 Trinity quay, west end of dock, near Market st., h. Broadford bank, Kingsland place Macaldowie, P. & Co., brush manufacturers, 14 St Nicholas street John, accountant, 12 St Nicholas street, h. 17 Bon- accord street Robert, cashier (Abdn. Com. Co.), 131 King street Mrs P., lodgings, 9 Huntly street Macallan, Mrs David, 10 Straw berrybank Macandrew, Daniel & Co., builders, asphalt and slate mer- chants, 120 Loch street Daniel, architect (of D. M. & Co.) 120 Loch street Fergus, cabinetmaker, 48 Loch street, h. 47 St Andrew street Mrs Colin, 120 Loch street Macbeth, Jas., pianoforte maker and music seller, 17 Crown street, h. 17 Huntly street Mrs, flesher, 5 Basement floor, Market, h. 14 Carmelite street Macdonald, David, tallow, hide, and leather factor, 113 George street, and 31 St Andrew street; h. Marine villaj 8 South Constitution street ...... David, japanner, 11 Thornton court, Guestrow Ewan, grocer and spirit dealer, 193 Gallowgate John, tailor, 21 Lodge walk Macguire, James, tailor, and cloth merchant, 49 Queen street and 33 Lodge walk, h. 51 Qaeen street Edward, 43 Lodge walk Machray, Alexander, superintendent (House of Eefuge), 31 Skene square John A., grocer, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, 14 George street, h. Grant's court, 49 Upperkirkgate

.. ... Isaac and Co., importers of foreign wines and spirits,

20 Adelphi court ; A. Batten, agent Mrs Peter. Lemon Tree Hotel, 7 Huxter row ... .. Mrs, 25 Victoria street west Mackay, Charles, printer (A. King & Co., Free Press Office), 14 Fish street David M-, druggist, 1 Exchequer row, h. 3, above shop George (Star and Garter Hotel), 79 VVindmillbrae

... ,. James T. and Son, working jewellers, silversmiths, and opticians, 30 St Nicholas street, ^.19 Ferryhill place ...... Robert, beadle (Gaelic Church), and funeral waiter, 6 Black's buildings Roderick, feuar, 39 North Broadford ...... Miss, matron (A, F. School of Industry) 61 Guestrow ...... Miss, provision dealer, 21 Huntly stree* 15 174 GENERAL DIEECTORY,

Mackenzie, James (of Shirres, Webster, and Mackenzie) 6 Prospect terrace J. Russel, architect, 14 Adelplii court, h. 2 WestCraib- stone street Kenneth, late collector (Customs) Faschia Bank, Cults Malcolm (of Friendville) 2 West Craibstone street William, publisher, 61 St Nicholas street Mackie, Alex., shipmaster, 187 George street Alexander M. (Aberdeen Union Club), 14 Marywell street

• David & Co., winsey and linen manufacturers, 41 St Nicholas street, h. 10 Langstane place George, boot and shoemaker, 99 George street, ^. 19 Harriet street

John, basket maker, 3 Market Gallery, Ji. 53 Green John, blockmaker (W. Hood & Co'), 17 St Clement street Richard, ropemaker, 16| Constitution street Mrs, lodgings, 19 Marischal street Mrs, 5 Mitchell place Mrs, sick nurse, 54 Summer street Mrs, 29 Bon-accord street Maclagan, Mrs Professor, 40 Skene terrace Maclean, Samuel, bookseller and stationer, 1 King street, h. 22 Silver street Maclennan, Hector, commercial traveller, 98 Chapel street Maclure, Robert, LL.D., professor of humanity (University of Aberdeen), 18 Rubislaw terrace Maconachie, Robert, chief clerk (Stamps and Taxes), 178 Skene street west Wm., clerk, goods department (S. N. E. R. Co.), 5 Henry place Mrs, lodgings, 6 Union lane Macphail, Rev. James C. (Free^East Church), 9 Garden place Mrs, 56 Marischal street Macquibban, Charles M., M.B., laboratory, 28 Park street,

Ji. 39 Constitution street Macrobin, John, M.D., professor of Medicine (University of Aberdeen), Migvie house, 23 North Silver street Main, David, shipmaster, 44 York street David, surveyor of shipping, 13 Constitution street Mair, Mrs William, lodgings, 69 Crown street Miss, 52i Chapel street Maitland, George, agent for Blackie and Son, publishers, Glasgow; 40 Broad street, h. 255 George street John, 23 Union place Joseph, manager (London Publishing Co.)j 2| Broad street, h, 6 Nelson street CITY OF ABERDEEN. 175

Maitland, Robert, shipowner; office, 42 Netherkirkgate, h> Garvock wynd Miss, 2 St Clement street Malcolm, Alex., spirit dealer, 66 Causewayend Jobnj carriage builder (S. N. E. R. Co.), Sycamore place, Polmuir Peter, plasterer, 10 Nelson street ...... Wm., chainmaker, 91, h. QQ West North street Miss, 7 Victoria street west

Manchester Fire Assurance Company ; agents, D. Mitchell, 12 Adelphi court, and Alex. Diack, 4 Belmont street Mann, George, tailor and clothier, 104 Union street, h. StonejT'town house James, broker, 9 Drum's lane John, shipmaster, 8 Rosemount place John, broker, 47 Lodge walk Manson, John, agent for British Linen Co., 22 King street Manuelle, A. & F., stone merchants, Provost Blaikie's quay

Maritime Passengers' Assurance Company ; agent, John Sheed, 44 Marischal street Marquis, George, accountant, 147 Union street, h. 27 Albyn place Marr, Alexander, clerk. Free Press office John, music-seller and pianoforte maker to the Queen, 218 Union street, h. above saloon Robert, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, 10, h. 8 East North street

Marsh, James, shipowner, 11 Quay, Ti. 15 Rosemount place

Marshall & Co. , Aberdeen Chemical Light manufactory, 38 Jopp's lane Alex, plumber, 5 Charlotte street John (of W. & J. Marshall), 67 Chapel street

, John, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, 160 George street,

Ji. 41 John street W. and J., drapers, 81 Union street Wm. (of W. & J. Marshall), 43 Bon-accord street Martin, Alex., manager (Blind Asylum), 50 Huntly street Alex. W., manufacturer, 14 North Broadford Alex., teacher, 4 North Broadford George, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 1, h. 14 North Broadford George, Ferry-boat Inn, New Pier

Gilbert, hairdresser, 53 Upperkirkgate, 7e. Short Lean- ings James & William, fleshers, 50, 51, and 52 Market hall,

Ti. 6 Springbank terrace James, baker, 1 Catto square, provision store, 31 Park street, ^. 2 Shuttle lano 176 GENERAL DIRECTQEY,

Martin, James, butcher, 42 Skene square John, 6 Springbank terrace Samuel, hat manufacturer, 34 Union street, h. QQ Dee st. Wm., manager (J. & J. Fowler), warehouse, 4 Kegent quay Wm., slater, 23 Upper Denburn Mrs, 13 Whitehouse street Mrs, provision seller, 31 Park street Mrs, 12 Marischal street Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 14 North Broadford Miss M., matron (Orphan Institution), 30 Huntlj'- street Massie, Rev. John, chaplain, Royal Infirmary and Lunatic Asylum, 6 Rosemount place Marianas, advocate, 153 Union street, h. Nellfield house, Cuparstone Mrs, Loch-head Cottage, Loch-head Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 166 Union street Masson, Alex., Sugarhouse lane Alex., auctioneer and appraiser; office, 115 Union st., h. 24 North Silver street Andrew, accountant, house factor, &c., 4 Queen street George, eating-house, 7 Park street Robert, cabinetmaker, 9 Park street Thomas, flesher, 58 St Nicholas street Wm., Bexhill cottage, Holburn place Wm., tea, wine, and spirit merchant (Golden Tea Pot), 112 George street, h. 7 Rosemount place Mather, John, commission agent, 2 Crown court, Union st., h. Burnside Cottage, 68 Holburn street Mathers, James, plumber, 13^- Dee street Mathieson, Alex general 24 George street, h. 4 , ironmonger, Charlotte street Isaac, wholesale and retail bonnet, shawl, and dress warehouse, 33, ^. 75 Union street James, foreman shipwright ( W. Duthie) 7 Church street John, spirit dealer, 58 George street John, cofiee and dining rooms, 1 Carmelite street Robert, shipmaster, 27 Frederick street Robert (late excise), 20 North Broadford Thomas, officer of Inland Revenue, 33 Thistle street Thomas, shipmaster, 25 Prince Regent street Wm., coach spring and mounting maker, 30 Mealmar- ket street Mrs A., draper, 45 Market gallery, h. 30 James street

, Mrs Peter, 22 Lower Denburn Miss, dressmaker, 1 Crown terrace Miss, provision dealer, 77 Green Mathison's Wax and Paper Flower Establishment 13, h. 18 Crown street CITY OF ABERDEEN. 177

Matthew, Alex. C, surgeon, 39 Albyn place John, fruit merchant, 51 Broad street, h. 84 Skene square Wm. A., merchant, 273 George street Mrs Robert, 11 Waverley place Misses, dressmakers, 38 Chapel street Matthews, James, architect, 24 Adelphi court, Ji. 9 Rubislaw terrace .... Wm., Polmuir Mrs, midwife and sick nurse^ 6 North Broadford Maule, George (of Leslie and Maule), 130 Union street Maver, David, teacher (Bon-accord Juvenile School), 6 Mary- well street George, farmer, Ruthrieston James, jobbing gardener, Ouparstone row John, shoemaker, Margaret's place, Ruthrieston Miss, lodgings, 177 Union street Mearns, John, book-keeper (Chivas Brothers), 38 Union row Robert, spirit dealer, 8 Regent quay William, plasterer, 70 Netherkirkgate Mrs Daniel, 3 Constitution street Miss, Chapel court, 61 Gallowgate Mechanics' Institution and Library, 17 Market street Mecklenburg Consul, John F. White, 107 King street Medd, Miss, teacher of music, 40 Union terrace Medical and Chirurgical Society's Hall, King street; keeper, Hugh Bow Meff, Robert, baker, 147, h. 149 George street William, fish and game dealer, 62, 63, and 64 Base- ment floor, Market, h. 2 Carmelite street Meffet, John, gardener, Outseats, Pitmuxton Mrs George, haberdasher, 204| Gallowgate Meikle, John, boot and shoe shop, 22 Castle street Thos. H., M.D., Hydropathic Establishment, Loch- head Mein, James, surgeon dentist, Crown terrace Meldrum, William, tailor and outfitter, 45 Marischal street,.

Ji. 6 Union lane Miss, matron. Industrial Asylum, 10 Mount street Mellis, Alexander, Dean of Guild's officer, and inspector of and weights and measures ; offices, Town-house 6 Huxter row Thomas, spirit dealer, 235 George street Miss, 43 Victoria street west Melville, Thomas, ironmonger (of T. Melville and Sons), Westfield Thomas and Sons, iron merchants, wholesale iron-. mongers, plane, lock, and hinge manufacturers, 106 and 108 Gallowgate 178 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Melville, Wm. (of T. Melville and Sons), 4 Springbank ter. Mrs E., 63 Bon-accord street Miss, 91 Bon-accord street Melvin, George, boot and shoemaker, 3 Gallowgate, h. 232 George street James, musician. Red Lion court, Guestrow John, grocer and spirit dealer, 89 John street William, carter, 62 College street Mrs John, 19 Kidd lane Menzies, Alexander (of Green and Menzies), 31 Charlotte street

, John, boot and shoemaker, and leather merchant, 64 SchoolhiU Thomas, bookseller and stationer, 52 Castle street, h. Oldmill road, foot of Dee street Merchant, George, grocer and provision merchant, 29 Chapel street, h. 27 Thistle street Seamen's Office, 28 Regent quay; George Brock, re- ceiver Merson, John, writer (A. and A.), 75 Union street Mess, Jonathan, miller and grain merchant; mills, Gordon's

mills and Flourmill ; office and warehouse, 48 St Nicholas street, h. Don cottage, Woodside Messmer, Michael, clockmaker, 78 George street Meston, James, law and general accountant, 75 Union street, h. 50 Victoria street west James, grocer, 6 East North street Mrs, Balmoral place Michie, Charles, M. A., rector, Silver street academy, 10

North Silver street, Ti. 55 Victoria street west George, tinplate worker, 7 Rose street, h. 79 Green John, tinsmith, 68 Windmillbrae, h. 66 Green Mrs, spirit dealer, 25 Windmillbrae Miss, milliner, && Green Middleton, Alexander, shipmaster, 11 Holburn place Alexander, butcher, 9, h. 7 Little Chapel street Archibald, broker, 39 Causewayend David, H.M. Inspector of Schools, 147 Union street David, flesher, 41 Market hall, h. 7 Little Chapel street George, bookseller and librarian, 4, h. 6 Skene square Rev. G., 2 8t Mary's place James, mealseller, 13 West North street, h. 1 East North street John, grocer, 31 Ann street John, porter to General Dispensary, 36 Upperkirkgate Joseph, provision merchant, 121 Gallowgate Peter, tailor, 6 Crown street, h. 80 Windmillbrae

•> Robert, builder, 2 Union Wynd, A. 46 Victoria street west CITY OF ABERDEEN. 179

Middleton, William, writer (D. R. Morice), 34 Mariscbal st. Mrs John, 11 Summer street Mrs, provision merchant, 171 George street Miss, dressmaker, 17 Huntly street Miss, dressmaker, 1 East North street Midgley, G. H., manager (E. and I. Telegraph Office), 158 Crown street Midland Counties' Insurance Co. (Lincoln) W. P. Booth, 20 Marischal street, agent Militia Depot (Royal Aberdeenshire Highlanders), King street Barracks Military Hospital, Castlehill

Mill of Cults' warehouse, 52 Queen street ; John Thomson, manager Miller, Alexander, shoemaker and provision store, 27 Chapel street ...... David, architect and civil engineer, 71 Bon-accord street George, jun., rope and twine manufacturer, 40 and 42 Park street, h. Cosiebrae cottage, West Cults George, coachman (Royal Hotel), 2 Martin's lane George (of J. M. and Co.), 195 King street ...... James S., pawnbroker, 55 Woolmanhill John and Co., manufacturing chemists, Sandilands chemical works, Links John (of J. Miller and Co.), 134 Crown street Rev. J. D., 2 Affleck street Thomas, innkeeper (Regent Quay Inn), 64 Regent quay Mrs, lodgings, 1 Henry place Mrs, lodgings, 130 Union street Miss, dressmaker, 38 Union terrace Mills, Thomas, Inland Revenue officer, 1 Millburn street, Ferryhill Miln, Captain James, 6 Holburn street Milne and Marshall, grocers, 24 St Nicholas street and Walker, advocates, 129 Union street A. and R., booksellers and stationers, 199 Union street Alexander, boot and shoemaker, 27 Marischal street, h. 3 Charlotte street ...... Alexander (of A. and R. Milne, booksellers), 12 North Silver streer Alexander, of Pittrichie, 14 Young street, h. Pittrichie house, Udny Alexander 0. (of Milne, Low, and Co.), Park cottage, North Broadford Alex. D., Rubislaw Bleachfield, S2 Victoria street west Alexander, accountant, 72 Wales street ...... Andrew, boot and shoemaker, 1 and 3 St Paul street,

Ji. 42 Loch street , 180 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Milne. Andrew, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, Windmilllane, h. 9 Diamond street Rev. David (Gilcomston Church), 5 Garden place Francis, Maryculter foot post, 13 Jopp's lane George and Co., timber merchants, Victoria dock saw- mills George, agent for Commercial Bank, 7 King street George, shipmaster, 1 South College street George, clerk of Police, 50 St Nicholas street, h. 29 Thistle street George, governor of Poor's House, Nelson street Geerge, writer, 56 Castle street, h. Mount street George, principal beadle (North Church), and funeral waiter, 87 Queen street George, house carpenter, 3 Fish street George, spirit dealer, 15 Shiprow George, officer of customs, 2 Park place J. and Sons, machine makers, 43 Virginia street James (of G. Milne and Co.), 5 Bon-accord square James (of Angus Fraser and Co.), 72, h. 74 Union street James, teacher (Dr Bell's School), 81 Skene square

James, writer, 22 Adelphi court, li. hi Huutly street James, boot and shoemaker, Holburn place James, coachbuilder, Spring-garden works. Loch street James, shore porter, 72 Park street James, flesher, 191 Gallowgate James, sergeant of police, 7 Seamount place John B. (of W. Milne and Son), 3 East Craibstone street John, manager (Leith and Clyde Shipping Co.), 11 Caual terrace Rev. John (Holburn Church), 51 Chapel street John (of M., Sons, and Co.), 1 Chapel street John, wholesale corfectioner and merchant, 30 Union place and 4 Rose street, h. 2 Alford place John (of M. and M.), 13 Loch street John, messenger (Aberdeen Town and County Bank), Bank buildings, Netherkirkgate John, assessor of Lands and Heritages for the Parlia- mentary Burgh of Aberdeen, 10 Union street, h. 2 Windsor place, 21 Victoria street west John D., advocate (of Milne and Walker), 14 Rubislaw terrace John, overseer (Broadford works), 13 Craigie street Johd, 1st lieutenant of police, 32 Young street John P., beadle (E. U. Church, St Paul street), 4 Castle lane ... John, clerk (A. R. Gray), 34 Skene square CITY OF ABERDEEN. 181

Milne, Low and Co., clothiers, 127 Union street Peter, draper, 22^ George street, Ji. Sunnyside Robert (of M., Sons, and Co.), 1 Chapel street Robert, civil engineer, secretary, and general manager,

Great North of Scotland Railway ; office, Water- loo station, h, 10 Rubislaw terrace Robert, shipmaster, 54 Regent quay ...... Sons, and Co., stay and bonnet, boot and shoe ware- house, 35 and 37 Union street Thomas, nurseryman and florist, Sunnyside Thomas, Park cottage, 22 North Broadford Thomas, jun., gardener and nurseryman, Rubislaw Wm. and Son, grocers, tea, wine, and spirit merchants, 209 Union street Wm. and Son, fleshers, 10 and 11 Market hall Wm. (of W. Milne and Son), Oastle lodge, 1 Castle brae Wm. shipmaster, 6 St. Clement's street Wm. S., commercial traveller, 1 Marine place, Ferryhill Wm., grocer, 21 Gordon street Wm., slater, 91 Chapel street Wm., writer (Yeats and Spottiswood), 46 King street Wm., late painter, Spittal Wm., shipmaster (Clarinda), 11 Huutly street Wm., overseer, 9 Bank street, Ferryhill Wm., grocer and spirit merchant, 43, h. 61 Skene square Wm., grocer and spirit dealer, 85 St Andrew street Wm., feuar, Ruthrieston Mrs Alex., lodgings, 84 Union street Mrs Captain, lodgings, 51 Chapel street Mrs Captain James, grocer and spirit dealer, 42 Gordon street Mrs John, grocer and spirit dealer. Bridge of Dee Mrs, provision merchant, 61 Loch street Mrs, lodgings, 19 Shiprow Mrs, 7 Black's buildings Mrs, lodgingsand innkeeper, 14 Harriet street ...... Mrs, 20 Chapel street Miss, bookseller, 6 South Silver street Miss, dressmaker, 142^ George street Miss, matron (Boy's Hospital), 19 Upperkirkgate Miss, Bellevue, Hardgate

Minerva Life Assurance Co. ; agent, A. Diack, 4 Belmont street Minty, James, assistant inspector of police, 4 North Charlotte street Mrs, sen., 9 Seamount place Mitchell and Cay, house carpenters, 11 Spa street and Ogg, builders, 20 Bon-accord lane ...... Adam, builder, 259 George street 182 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Mitchell, Alex, (of Mitchell and Cay), 2 Gilcomston brae

Alexander, bird and animal stujffer ; Museum, 58 Castle street Charles, blacksmith and grate manufacturer, 77, h. 75 . George street David, advocate, agent for Manchester Fire, and Pelican Life, Assurance Company's, 12 Adelphi court, h* 2 Carden place

, David, blacksmith, Inches, h. 53 Commerce street David, office porter (Leith and Clyde Shipping Co.), 62 Marischal street George, baker, 129 Crown street, h. 80 Bon-accord street James, marine and general outfitter, 29 Quay, h. Chapel court, 1 Justice street James, shore porter, 8 Virginia street James, manager (Torry Farm Brick Work Co.), h. 18 Marischal street James, spirit dealer, 14 Frederick street James, baker, 41^, h. 41 Schoolhill James (of Jamieson and Mitchell), United cottage, Holburn place James, outfitter, 50, h. 64 Broad street James, stair builder and hand rail maker, 86 Skene st., A. 11 and 12 Hardweird John, jun. (of M. and 0.), 4 Little Chapel street John, late builder, 4 Little Chapel street John, linen manufacturer, 16, h. 18 Marischal street John, vintner, 15, ^. 17 Carmelite street John, vintner, 3 East Green Robert, boot and shoemaker, 65 Commerce street Robert, lock and hinge maker, Beattie's court, 102 Gal-

lowgate, Ji. 155 Gallowgate Rev. "Wm. L. (Free Holburn Church), 34 Victoria street west "Wm., postmaster of Aberdeen, Elmbank Wm.,20 Spittal Wm., Wright (A. Rennie), 4 Castle lane Mrs John, agent for Morrison's Medicines, 29 Broad st. Mrs, 21 Springbank terrace Miss, lodgings, 23 Summer street Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 65 Chapel street Miss, dressmaker, 8 Guestrow Moir, B. (of J. Moir and Son), 16 Albyn place Charles, clerk (A. Brown and Co.), 16 Marywell street David, wright, Hilldown tree, Banchory-Devenick

James, surgeon and druggist, 12, li. 10 Wellington place James, foreman (Catto, Thomson, and Co.), 19 York street CITY OF ABERDEElSr. 183

Moir, James, tea and grocery warehouse, 36 St. Nicholas st., h. Ann place

.. ... John and Son, preserved provision manufacturers, 5Q Virginia street John, messenger-at-arms, house factor, agent and col- lector of outstanding debts, 11 Huxter row, h. 3 Donald's court, Schoolhill John, late wood merchant, 5 Nelson street Wm., advocate (Jopp and Shand), 31 Gallowgate, Ji. 84 Broad street William, tailor and clothier, 19 Market gallery, h, 30 Shiprow Wm. W., writer, 2 Correction wynd Wm., shore porter, 7 Marischal street Wm., 26 Basement floor. Market, h. 1 Martin's lane Mrs Wm. (late of Park), 254 Union street Mrs Dr., 172 Skene Street west Mrs, register office for servants, 3 Donald's court, Schoolhill Miss, 84 Bon-accord street Miss, dressmaker, 109 George street Miss J., flower and fruit modeller, 1 Martin's lane, Green Misses, dressmakers, 40 Chapel street MoUison, Alex., teacher (South parish school), 62 Gordon street John, baker, 1, ^. 4 Wellington place John, grocer, tea, and spirit dealer, 26 Virginia street John, 130 Union street Wm., clerk (N. of S. E. L. Co.), 42 St Nicholas street William, teacher (Mechanics' Institution), 62 Gordon street William, grocer and spirit dealer, 140 Skene street

MoUyson, Chades Alexander (N. of S B ), 6 Marine place Moncur, Nicol, Hotel and Lodgings, 10 Adelphi court and 5 Marine place Mrs, lodgings, 3 John street Monro, James, shipmaster (John Knox), 39 Constitution street Joseph, teacher and repairer of the accordion, &c., music seller and stationer, 32 Woolmanhill Mrs (late of Huntly), 61 Dee street Monymusk Distillery Office, 6 Netherkirkgate More, Miss, 150 Crown street Miss, lodgings, 36 Schoolhill Morgan, Alex., hairdresser, 36, h. 34 Windmill brae James, shipwright, 1 Church street

James, accountant (Deeside railway) ; office, 24 Adelphi court, A. 14 North Broadford 184 GENERAL DIEECTORY,

Morgan, John, shipowner, 172 Skene street west

, John, provision dealer, 111 Causewayend Patrick, clerk (Richards and Co.), H Kingsland place William, hairdresser, 4 Skene street, h. 296 George street Mrs, lodgings, 91 Broad street Morice, Alexander, game dealer and provision merchant, 15 Chronicle lane D. R., advocate, 34 Marischal street, h. 46 Don street, Old Aberdeen Morison and Leslie, corn factors and commission agents, 59 Marischal street Alex., shipmaster, 42 Constitution street Alex,, silk mercer and linen draper, 119 Union street, k 11 Union buildings

Alex., bookseller and stationer, 28 Marischal street, 7i» 7 Yeats lane David, merchant, Manhattan cottage, 2 Mackie place George, M.D., surgeon (R. A. Highlanders), 24 Albyn place

George, leather merchant, 37 Upperkirkgate, 7i. 35 Union terrace George, shoemaker, 10 Gordon street George, brush manufacturer, 16 George street, h. Frog- hall place George (Garibaldi Tavern) 38 Gallowgate James, superintendent (Aberdeen Market), h. 19 Fisher row James (of Morison and Leslie), 38 Constitution street ..,.., James, gardener. Drywell park, Loanhead John, agent for City of Glasgow Bank, 15 Constitution street Joseph, tailor. If Virginia street Peter, manager (Aberdeen Lime Co.), 157 Crown st. Mrs, 1 St Mary's place Mrs Alex., 13 Prince Regent street ...... Mrs John, 15 Constitution street Morren, Miss, 29 Dee street Morrice, Alexander, ironfounder (W. M'Kinnon and Co.), 21 Albyn place Alexander, merchant, 15 Chronicle lane Morris, John, V. S., 3 Langstane place; shoeing forges, 4 Langstane place, 8 Schoolhill, and 3 Flourmill lane William, clerk (Telegraph Office), 4 King street place Morrison & Skakle, jewellers, silversmiths, and opticians, 51 St Nicholas street George, flasher, 78 Broad street James (of Morrison and Skakle), 1^ North Broadford CITY OF ABERDEEN. 185

Morrison, James, baker, 6, A. 7 Shiprow Malcolmson, nurseryman, Forbesfield, Cuparstone Robert, watch and clockmaker, 35 Upperkirkgate Wm., flesher, 12 Black's buildings Miss, 53 Huutly street Mortimer, Wm., hosier and girth manufacturer, 11 St. Nicholas street, h. Outseats, Pitmuxton Morton, David (of J. Laing and Co.), 121 Union street Mowat, Alex., wholesale stoneware merchant; warehouse, 3 and 4 Blackfriars street, also proprietor of the baths, Seabeach, and 10 Regent quay, h. 4 Black- friars street

, James, tailor and clothier, 37 St. Nicholas street, reno- vator of gentlemen's wearing apparel, 8, h. 7 Flourmil] brae James, gardener, 57 Huntly street John, shipmaster, 25 Marywell street William, accountant, 22 Adelphi court,A. 63 Don street Old Aberdeen William and Co., outfitting wharehouse, 82 Shiprow Mowlam, Burt, & Freeman, stone merchants, Provost Blaikie's

quay ; office, Waterloo quay Muil, Rev. Francis, 23 Summer street Francis, baker, 153, h. 155 George street Muill, John, advocate, 83 Union street, h. Belvidere place Mrs, Mile end, Stocket Miiller, Charles, bookseller and stationer, teacher of modern languages, 3 Castle street, h. 34 Chapel street Mullet, Mrs, commercial hotel, 22 Broad street Munro, Alexander, saw trimmer, 20 Netherkirkgate David (of J. and D. Munro), 32 Union terrace Donald, wright, undertaker, and sexton (John Knox Cemetery), 251 Hutcheon street, h. 6 Gerrard street Donald, spirit dealer, 51 Guestrow James and David, boot and shoemakers, 48 Upperkirk- gate John, retired inspector of taxes, 36 Skene terrace

. „... Joseph, farmer, Broomhill, Pitmuxton Kenneth, baker, 60, h. 62 George street

' Robert, artist, Springbank terrace Murdoch, Alex., and Son, grain merchants, 49 Regent quay Alex, (of A. Murdoch and Son), Ruthrieston William, 15 Denburn terrace .Murray and Garden, advocates, 48 Schoolhill and M'Combie, advocates (agents for North British In- surance Co.), 103 Union street and Morrison, managers (Aberdeen Lime Co.), Provost Blaikie's quay, Inches 16 186 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Murray, Alexander, clerk (C. of G. B.), 10 Springbank terrace Andrew, advocate (of Murray and M'Combie), 35 Bel- mont street Andrew, seaman, 20 Constitution street George, tin-plate work, 33, h. 31 Chapel street George, builder, 65 Park street Isaac, furnishing tailor, Crown Court, 41^ Union street James (of Murray and Garden), 50 Schoolhill James, clerk (Farquhar and Gill), Balmoral place James A., clerk (City Tax Office), 43 Victoria street west James T. (Pickford and Co.), 8 Schoolhill James, dyer, Union Glen, h. South Bridge, Holburn st. John, importer of foreign goods, and general merchant, 74 Union street, 1st floor, h. 3rd floor John, cabinetmaker, 70 Green Peter, dyer, 173 George street Eobert, ship captain, 5 Kosemount place Thomas, baker, 24 Justice street Wm., manager (Aberdeen Lime Co.); office, 2 Lime Sheds, Inches, h. 10 Springbank terrace Wm., late builder, 3 Devanha terrace Wm. R., manager, carpet department (A. H. & S.)i 2 Marine place, Ferryhill Wm., tailor and clothier, 130 George street, h, 61 John. street Mrs John, Leighton lodge, Hardgate Mrs John, lodgings, 11 North Broadford Mrs, 42 Victoria street west Mrs, 7 Prospect terrace, Ferryhill Misses, teacher of Music, 2 Dee place

Music Hall Buildings, Union street ; keeper, John Arthur Mustard, Robert, tailor and clothier, 145, h. 275 George st. Mutch, James, letter carrier, 6 Black's buildings

NAPIER, Alex., assistant inspector of poor for Old Machar ; office, St Machar place, h. 7 Holburn place Charles, house carpenter, 33 Belmont street, h. 2 Den- burn terrace

National Bank of Scotland Branch, 42 Castle street ; agent, Alex. Chivas Fire and Life Assurance Co.; agent, George Marquis, accountant, 147 Union street Security Savings' Bank, Exchange st., A. Ross, actuary Naughton, Mrs, 167 Skene street west Neil, James, silk mercer, 183 and 184^ Union street, h. 165 Crown street Mrs Joseph, 29 Victoria street west Neilson, George, boat builder, 10 Canal terrace CITY OP ABERDEEN. 187

Neilson, George, clerk (G-. N. of S. R.).- 10 Canal terrace Neish, Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 11 Dee street Nelson, Daniel, feuar, 14 Holburn street Ness, Robert, coach builder and harness maker, 7 Union row, h. 220 Union street Robt., jun., coach builder, carriage and harness bazaar, 231|- and 232^ Union street, h. 86 Crown street

Netherlands Vice- Consul, Arthur Thomson ; office, Bank of Scotland court, 35 Castle street Newcastle Steam Co., 57 Marischal street; J. B. Adam, manager Newson, Jonathan, 8 Bannermill street Newton, John, shipowner, 28 Wellington street Nicol, Alex., ship and insurance broker, 39 Marischal street, h. 29 Albyn place Alex., meter, 23 James street Alex., cooper. Red Lion court, 77 Broad street David, flesher, 20 Market hall, h. 4 Mounthooly George (A Cowie & Co.), Commercial court, 58 Castle street George, grocer and provision merchant, 48, h. 50 Wind- millbrae

James, grocer and spirit dealer, 1, h 19 John street James, bulker (Harbour Office), 2 Shore hrae James, professor of Natural History (University of Aberdeen), 15 Bon-accord square

John, rope riianufacturer ; rope work, Spa street, 7i. 18 Spa street John, beadle (U. P. Church, George street), and funeral waiter, 16 Northfield, Gilcomston Joseph, baker and confectioner, 10, h. 8 Exchequer row Mrs Dr, 17 Belmont street Mrs, vintner, 18 Wellington street Nicoll, Alex., commercial traveller (W. Stevenson), 20 Mount street Nicolson, Alex., blacksmith, 181 West North street, h. 74 Hutcheon street Wm., assistant (G. and S.), 127 Crown street ...... Wm., coal broker (D. M'Taggart), 27 Marywell street Niddrie, Wm., messenger, Savings Bank, Exchange street Niddry, Charles, house carpenter, 64 Hutcheon street Nisbet and Robertson, insurance brokers, 47 Marischal street James (Nisbet and Robertson), 4 Skene place Norrie, Mrs, 34 Union place Norris, Mrs., teacher (Ladies' school), 60 Queen street British North and Mercantile Assurance Co. ; agents, N. Burnett, advocate ; Alexander Brand, accountant ; Murray and M'Combie, advocates, Wm. Paul, ad- vocate, and John Duncan, 7 Back Wynd 188 GENERAL DIEECTORY,

North, of Scotland Banking Co., Castle street ; James West- land, manager of Scotland Equitable Loan Co., 4 Flourmill brae, and 6

Flourmill lane ; Wm. Brebner, manager Northern Advertiser Office, 7 St Catherine's wynd Agricultural Co., grain, coal, and all kinds of manure merchants, 30 Waterloo quay; Alex. Anderson, manager Assurance Co., Wm. Chalmers, manager, office, 3 King street Club, 1 Union terrace; Wm. L. Reid, secretary, 146 Union street Co-operative Co. (limited); B. Troup, manager, 51 Gal- lowgate Norwich and London Accident and Casualty Insurance Asso-

ciation ; A. Boss, agent, York place Iron Works Fire, Life, and Annuity office; agent, Charles Chal- mers, advocate, 147 Union street

OGGr, David, basketmaker, 43 Upperkirkgate and 30 Market gallery Henry and Co., Strathdee distillery, Cuparstone Wm. F., advocate, agent for the Scottish Trade Pro- tection Society, 15 Adelphi court, h. USCrov^n strGct Wm. (of M. & 0.), 119 Chapel street Mrs, lodgings, 35 St Nicholas street Ogilvie, Alex, and Co., hatters, 32 Queen street Alex., clerk, 35 Queen street A. and W., cabinet makers and upholsterers, 175 Union

street ; workshop, 5 Thistle lane, h Mile end,

Stocket ; foreman, R. Laws, 48 Summer street Colonel the Hon. Donald (of Clova). 154 Union street George, M.D., professor, Institutes of Medicine (Uni- versity of Aberdeen), 29 Union place ...... John, L.L.D., 7 Strawberry bank John, bookseller, stationer, and bookbinder, 47 Upper- kirkgate, ^.10 Kingsland place Martin S., clerk (D. Mc Hardy and Son), 9 Skene row Thomas, hat and cap manufacturer, 17 Drum's lane, h. Happy Grove, 6 Canal street manufacturer, 24 Union St., Thomas, jun , hat and cap h. 6 Canal street WilHam and Sons, rope and twine manufacturers, Catto square Mrs, 46 Bon-accord street Ogston, Alex., soap and candle manufacturer, 92 Loch street, h. Ardoe, Banchory- Devenick Francis, M.D., 18 Adelphi court CITY OF ABERDEEN. 189

Ggston, John, wright, 11 Denburn terrace Ohmann, Mrs, 21 King street

Old Machar Poor House, St Machar place ; inspector, Thos. Skene Oldman, Mrs Andrew, 31 Thistle street Oliphant, Walter, commission agent, 6 Garvock street Opthalmic Institution, for diseases of the eye, Crown court, 36 Upperkirkgate Orchard, Thomas G., supervisor, first district, Polmuir House ... .. John G., clerk (T. & C. B.), Polmuir House Orphan and Destitute Female Hospital, 30 Huntly street, matron, Miss M. Martin Oswald and Co., ship insurance and sharebrokers, office 24 Marischal street Malcolm M'K. (of Oswald and Co.), 95 Crown street Wm. R. (of Oswald and Co.), 95 Crown street Mrs, 95 Crown street

PALLADIUM Life Assurance Society ; agent, Nerval Clyne, advocate, 8 Castle street Panton, John, grocer, 55 Park street Mrs, 224 Union street Parker, Rev. M. F., Bridge of Dee Mrs Gavin, 52 Skene terrace Paraffin Light Co., 38 Castle street Parrot, Thomas, shipmaster, 69 Virginia street Paterson, Alex., mill overseer, 43 Frederick street Alex., provision seller, 277 George street David, shipmaster, 5 Carmelite street David, general agent, 34 Marischal street George, painter, glazier, and paper hanger, 9 Crown street, h. 46 Chapel street George, gardener, Deemount house, Wellington road George, 39 Union terrace James, draper, 59 Gallowgate Rev. John, 82 Bon-accord street John, surgeon, 20 North Silver street John, boot and shoemaker, 194 West North street Samuel, accountant (G. N. of S. R. Co.), 50 Upper- kirkgate Wm., wholesale druggist, 133 and 135 Gallowgate,^, Spring-garden house

Mrs A , 10 Bon-accord terrace Mrs, 128 Crown street Mrs John, 55 Huntly street Mrs, 5 East North street Mrs, 3 Mackie place Mrs, lodgings, 2 Union place 190 aENERAL DIRECTORY,

Paterson, Miss, coffee rooms, 38 Basement floor, Market, t. 6 Carmelite street Misses, dressmakers and milliners, 9 Bon-accord street Baton, Miss, (of Grandholm), 32 Skene terrace Pattieson, James, 2 Denburn terrace Paul and Rutherford, advocates, 20 King street William, advocate (of P. & R.)i ^0 King street Paull, James, advocate (of Flemini? & Paull), 1 Skene place Pedelty, Joseph and Co., manufacturers, Cothal mills

Pegler, George, fruiterer to the Queen, 7 Union buildings ; wholesale store, 7 Quay, h. 1 Hadden street Mrs, spirit dealer, 1 Hadden street Peggie, Thomas, overseer (Broadford works) Majbank, 148 Hutcheon street Penny, Wm., shipmaster, South Crown street Pension Office, 50 Castle street Peppe, Mrs, Balmoral place Peterkin, James, wright, 18 Whitehouse street Mrs, midwife, 188 Gallowgate Miss G., boarding school, 8 Golden square Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 18 Whitehouse street Petrie, Alex, (of J. P. and Sons) 2 Mary well street Alex., spirit dealer, 124 King street, \A. 32 Park street ...... David, mealseller, 51 Green James, jobbing gardener, 35 Hardgate,,near Bellevue James and Sons, granite, marble, and stone works, Union bridge James, (of J. P. and Sons) 13 Springbank terrace Eobert, boot and shoemaker, 120 Skene street Petty, David, shipmaster, 125 Crown street David J., clerk, 125 Crown street Phillip and Cooper, wholesale clothiers, 32 Union street

Alex., dyer, 200, h. 202 George street 4 . Alex shipmaster, street , 16 Wellington |.| Colin A., advocate, 82 Queen street

... . Hay and Co., silk mercers and general drapers, 17 and 19 Union buildings, and 12 Exchequer row James, surgeon, 1 and 3 Mounthooly Richard, cutter (W. Campbell & Co.) ^ North Broad- fo^ Wm., jvin. (of Phillip and Cooper), 2 Strawberry bank Mrs, 24 Hun tly street

Phoenix Fire Office ; agents, Robertson & JLumsden, 3 Union terrace Pickford and Co., railway agents, 8 Schoolhill Pickthorn, Captain, R.N., 279 George street Piper, Mrs, 17 Holburn place Pirie, Alexander & Co., photographers, carvers, and gilders, 82 King street CITY OF ABEEDEEN. 191

Pirie, Alexander and Sons, paper manufacturers and whole- sale stationers; works, Stoneywood, Woodside, Culter, and Union Works, Poynernook, Aberdeen Alex. George (of A. Pirie and Sons) Waterton Alexander, coffee rooms. Union Olub, Market street Andrew (of J. and A, Pirie), 13 Seamount place Charles, grocery and provision warehouse, 1 Gordon street George, shore porter, 11 Chronicle lane George, cab proprietor, 74| John street

Gordon (of A. Pirie and Sons), Stoneywood house . J. and A., general blacksmiths, 3 Barnett's close James (of J. and A. Pirie), 119 Gallowgate James, bottler (Devanha brewery), 1 Marywell street John, shipmaster, 6 Garvocl^ street .... John, grocer, 37 West North street John, gardener, Strawberry bank, Hardgate John, grocer, spirit and provision merchant, 104, h. 104| Gallowgate Johnstone, 87 John street Wni. R., D.D., professor of Church History (University of Aberdeen), 13 Bon-accord square Mrs Gordon, fishmonger, Basenjent floor. Market, h. 17 Carmelite street Mrs Wm., 67 Bon-accord street Miss, sick nurse, 7 St Andrew street

... .. Miss, lodgings, 124 George street Sarah, spirit dealer, 23 Loch street Pirrie, William, M.D., F.R-S.E,, professor of surgery (Uni- versity of Aberdeen), 247 Union street Wm., jun., M.D., 247 Union street Pitcairn, Major A., 238 Union street Pithie, Richard, shipmaster, 2 Yeats lane Pittendrigh, Alex., wright and funeral waiter, 8 St Clement street James, 147 Union street Wm., builder, 56 Loch street, h. 65 Gallowgate

Plate Glass Insurance Co. ; agent, John Sheed, 44 Marischal street

Playfair, Charles, gunmaker, 138 Union street, ft. 19 Union terrace Police Writing Chambers, 50 St Nicholas street Pollock, Charles, shopman and sprain rubber. Union Glen, Lower Justice Mill, Holburn Mrs, Crown court, 4H tlnion street Poor's Rate Office (St Nicholas parish) 30 Marischal street; Wm. Steele, collector

Rate Office (Old Machar parish) 4 Belmont st. ; Alex. Diack, collector 192 GENERAL DIEECTORY,

Pope, S.. guard (North mail) 7 Canal street Porter and Leighton, boot and shoemakers, 52 St Nicholas street

, George (of Porter and Leighton) 11 Charles street

, John, feuar, 35 North Broadford

. John, shore porter, 23 Castle street

. Mrs F., 35 Dee street

, Mrs, 86 Chapel street

Porthill school, Seamount place ; entrance, 120 Gallowgate Post Office, Market street (Receiving Pillar Letter Box) near 32 Quay (Receiving Pillar Letter Box) 221 Union street (Receiving Pillar Letter Box) Wellington place (Receiving Pillar Letter Box) King street (Receiving Pillar Letter Box) South Crown street (Receiving Pillar Letter Box) Black's buildings (Receiving Pillar Letter Box) G-eorge st., opposite 228 (Receiving Pillar Letter Box) Gallowgate head (Receiving Pillar Letter Box) St Clement street, corner of York place Pratt and Keith, warehousemen and manufactures, 51 and 53 Union street James, gardener, Fountainhall Presslie, Wm., teacher (St Andrew's school, Crown court, Union street) 40 Union terrace Pressly, George, secretary (Northern Agricultural Co.) 72 Commerce street James, engineer, blacksmith, and machine maker, 14, h. 101 Wales street Mrs, poulterer, 75 Windmillbrae Preston, Daniel B., collector of customs, 44 King street Primrose, Rev. Wm., 19 North Silver street Pritchard, Wm., broker, 55 Queen street Probit, James, furnishing tailor, 16 Netherkirkgate

Procurator-Fiscal for the Bargh ; George Cadenhead, advo- cate, 9 Huxter row

for the County ; Alex. Simpson, jun., advocate ; office, 13 Huxter row of the Peace for Aberdeenshire; John D. Milne, 129 Union street Profat, Miss, teacher (Trinity school) 13 Denburn terrace Professional Life Assurance Company; agent, W. P. Booth, 20 Marischal street

Provident Clerks' Mutual Life Assurance Association ; A. Ross, agent, York place Iron works

Provident Life Office and County Fire Office ; Wm. Smith, jun., 106 Union street, agent

Prussian Vice- Consul ; Arthur Thomson, office, Bank of Scotland Court, 35 Castle street CITY OF ABERDEEN. 193

Public Baths, 5 Crooked lane ; superintendent, Donald M'Kay English, &c., Schools, Little Belmont street News-room, Corn Exchange Purvis, Alex., late coast-guard service, 4 Park place Pyper, George E., commercial traveller, 8 Schoolhill Jas., post-horse master and livery stables, 12 Shoe lane Wm., grocer, 70 Broad street, h. 12 Shoe lane

QUEEN Insurance Co., T. A. W. A. Youngson, 74 Union street, agent Queen's Hotel, 25 Union street, William Cruickshank, inn- keeper

EAE, Francis, 62 Skene street Wm. millwright (Ferry hill foundry) 8 Bank street Wm., jobbing gardener, 78 St Andrew street Mrs George, 35 Dee street Mrs, lodgings, 6 Little Chapel street Miss, 43 Victoria street west Raeburn, Peter (of Garden and Raeburn) 47 Schoolhill Rafferty, Peter, merchant, 2 Guestrow Ragg, James, commercial traveller, 2 Castle brae Railway (Aberdeen and Turriff) head office, Waterloo sta-

tion ; R. Milne, secretary (Alford Valley) head office, Waterloo station, R. Milne, secretary (Banff, Macduff, and Turriff Extension), head office, Waterloo station, R. Milne, secretary (Deeside), head office, 24 Adelphi court, W. B. Fergu- son, secretary (Formartine and Buchan), head office, Waterloo station, R. Milne, secretary

.0. . . . (Great North of Scotland) , head office, Waterloo station, R. Milne, secretary (Keith and Dufftown), head office, Waterloo station, R. Milne, secretary (Scottish North-Eastern), head office. Guild street, W. Esplin, manager, and I. Kempt, secretary Rainie, Geo., gardener and porter -(Female Orphan Asylum), 19 Albyn place Rainnie, Alexander, builder and timber merchant, 50 Com- merce street, h. 50 Castle street George, innkeeper and stabler, 6 Mealmarket street Rainy, Alexander, M.D., surgeon, 17 Golden square Rait, William, teacher (Bon-accord infant school, Marywell street), 2 Prospect terrace, Ferryhill Isabella, spirit dealer, 19 Virginia street liamage, Wilham, architect, 115 Union street, h. 7 Waverley place ;


Eamsay, Andrew, Convener of Trades' officer, 12 College st» John, shoemaker, 83 Queen street Mrs, worsted and shoe warehouse, 17 Marischal street Eanson, Edward, New Market coffee-room and lodgings, 9, h. 11 Market street Rattray, Alexander, tobacco pipe manufacturer, 20 Frederick street John, south mail guard, 41 Summer street Robert, M.D., surgeon-superintendent. Royal Infirmary William, manufacturing chemist, St Clement's chemical works, 18 Links street William, teacher (Charlotte street schools), 6 Ann place, back Stocket road William (Patrick Whyte), 36 Hutcheon street Rawson, S., Captain, Adjutant, 1st Aberdeenshire Rifle

Volunteers ; office, Blackfriars street, h. Mount cottage Ray, Captain, R.N., 130 Crown street Reacher, Rev. John (Wesleyan Chapel), 44 Constitution street Record Office, 27 King street; John Ligertwood, advocate,

sheriff clerk ; Charles Warrack, commissary clerk depute; Newell Burnett, advocate; James A.

Sinclair, accountant ; John Reid, advocate ; John

Gr. Leslie, sheriff clerk depute ; William Daniel Major John Ross, chief constable; James Cran, keeper

Refuge and Industry, House of, 31 Skene square ; A. Machray, superintendent Regan, John 0., teacher (Roman Catholic School), 19 Lodge walk Reid, Alexander, mason, 3 Whitehouse street Alexander, treasurer (Harbour Office), 11 Waterloo street Alex., late cart and plough wright, 29 Skene street Alexander, general blacksmith, 2 Windmill brae ..... Alexander J., grocer, 74, h. 72 King street .1.... Andrew, merchant, 46 Constitution street Benjamin and Co., seedsmen, seed, plant, and imple- ment warehouse, 132 Union street and 2 Belmont

street ; nurseries, Albyu place and Union vale

, Benjamin (of B. Reid and Co.), 31 Albyn place Charles, sergeant of police, 18 Shiprow David (Gr. Reid and Sons), 76 Dee street Donald, teacher of sacred music, and precentor (Free East Church), 6 Little Chapel street Duncan, M.D., Crown court, 41i Union street Duncan J., shipmaster (Starbeam), 114 King street George and Sons, chemists and druggists, 45 Union st. CITY OF ABERDEEN. 195

Eeid, George, 14 Gallowgate George (B. Reid and Co.), ^- 86^ Crown street George, buss conductor, 57 Regent quay J., flesher, 158 George street James, shipmaster, 9 Bon-accord lane James, furnishing tailor, 154, h. 251 George street James, overseer (J. Abernethy and Co., Ferryhill foundry), 9 Bank street

James, house carpenter and builder , 58 John street James, spirit dealer, 18|^ Shiprow John, advocate, Record Office, King street, h. 1 Albert street John, writer, 42 Castle street, h. 68 Skene square John, land measurer, 15 Holburn place John, shipowner. Granite hill, Rubislaw John, shipmaster, 4 Devanha terrace Joseph, boot and shoemaker, 86 King street Peter, new inn and stabling, and jobbing gardener, 79 Holburn street Robert, tobacco and snuff manufacturer, 80, A. 76 Broad street Robert, tide waiter, West North street William, ship and insurance broker, 36 Marischal street, h. 1 Springbank terrace William, photographer, 3 Summer street William, earthenware dealer, 20 Park street William, slater, 290 George street William, treasurer, Robert Gordon's Hospital William L., advocate, 146 Union street Mrs, matron (A. F. 0. Asylum), 19 Albyn place Mrs D., lodgings, 48 Dee street Mrs George, sen., 28 Silver street Mrs, 6i St Mary's place ....,0 Mrs William, lodgings, 11 Holburn street Mrs, 5 Wellington place Mrs, 47 Frederick street Mrs, 1 Albert street Mrs, lodgings, 81 Queen street Mrs, Home cottage, 2 Holburn place Mrs, Balmoral place Mrs James, 6 Frederick street Mrs, lodgings, 8 Commerce street Miss Jane, milliner and dressmaker, 108 Loch street Miss, 90 Union street Miss, teacher, 3 Littlejohn street Miss, dressmaker, 13 Correction wynd Reith, Alexander, M.D., 15 Skene terrace Archibald, M.D., 1 East Craibstone street George, sharebroker, office, 56 Marischal street 196 GENERAL DIEECTORY,

Eeith, James, gardener, 6Q Woolmanhill Robert, chemist and druggist, 133, h. 131 Crown street William, late builder, 8 North Broadford Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 10 Affleck street Mrs John, Cuparstone buildings Mrs, lodgings, 28 Skene street Eennet, David, teacher of mathematics, 13 North Silver st. Rennie, Alexander, painter, glazier, and paper hanger, 45 Upperkirkgate, A. 131 King street George, printer, 64 Broad street, h. Watkin's buildings, North Broadford

George, grocer and spirit dealer, 112 Gallowgate, /^. 6Q Hutcheon street ...... John T., ship insurance and share agent, 48 Marischal street, h. Deemount William, smith, and furniture dealer, 23, h. 21 Gallow- gate ...o.. Mrs Captain, 31 Dee street Mrs, draper, 15 Market gallery Mrs, 31 Victoria street west Miss, dressmaker, 83 Union street Rettie, James (of M. Rettie and Sons' jewellery department), 26 Broad street ..... M. and Sons, silversmiths and jewellers, dealers in Lon- don and Geneva watches, clocks, and fancy goods, 151 Union street M. and Sons, lamp manufacturers, and purveyors of oil to her Majesty, 28 Diamond street William (of M. Rettie and Sons' lamp department), 23 Dee street Rezin, George, furnishing tailor, 4 Belmont street, h. 68 Skene square Reynolds, Gordon, basketmaker, 26 Queen street Rhind, John, commission agent and mahogany merchant, woodyard, 72 Commerce street, h. 1 Netherkirk- gate Rhynas, James A., shipmaster, 28 Wellington street Riach, James, shoemaker, 3 Huxter row, h. 30 Virginia street John, proprietor, 3 Thistle lane Mrs, Warkraan's tavern, 16 Shiprow

Richards and Co., linen manufacturers, Broadford ; bleaching and vitriol works, Rubislaw Richardson, John, teacher (Free Union), Virginia street Misses, 112 Crown street Riddel, Alex., late overseer, Westland's houses, Holburn place D. and J., jewellers and watchmakers, 43 St Nicholas street, h. Dee place George, commission and general merchant, 42 Marischal street, A. 114 King street CITY OF ABERDEEN. 197

Riddel, Peter, principal clerk (Harbour Office), east end of Links street Thomas, accountant (N. S. Savings Bank) William R., accountant (T. and C. Bank), 77 Chapel street William, accountant's office (S. N. E. R.), 37 Victoria street west Riddoch, Mrs W., 67 Crown street

Rifle Club, 29 Union street ; James Humble, keeper Volunteers (1st Aberdeenshire), orderly rooms, Black- friars street Rire, Alexander, broker, 163 Gallowgate Ritchie, Alexander and Co., leather dealers, 33 Broad street Andrew, shipmaster, 19 Prince Regent street David, shipmaster, 54 Quay D. and A., furnishing tailors, 40, k. 42 St Nicholas st. Rev. J. B. (Charlotte street U.P. Church), 171 Crown street

... .. James, furniture dealer, 10 Gallowgate Robert, letter carrier, 26 Thistle street Thomas, late merchant, 3 Millburn street .».,,. Turner, saddler and harness maker, 5 and 9 Back wynd, h. 28 Thistle street ...... Mrs, sick nurse, 48 Summer street Robb, Alexander, 13 Canal street Alex., gas engineer, 49 Marischal street, h. 6 Affleck st. George, writer (Town-house), h. 182 Gallowgate George, clerk (G. L. Co.), 170 Skene street west George, wholesale grocer, 14. Young street, h» 22 Ger- rard street James, agent, 22 Gerrard street John, plumber (J. Blaikie and Sons), 29 Frederick st. John, inspector, 170 Skene street west William, writer, 75 Union street William, coachbuilder, foreman (Laing and Melvin), 10 Bon-accord street Mrs James, 22 Gerrard street Mrs, 18 Bon-accord street Mrs Charles, 84 Crown street Mrs, fish dealer, Basement floor, Market Robbie, George, spirit dealer, 1 Regent quay, h, 137 Skene street John and Co., spirit dealers, 21 Upperkirkgate

William, writer (Jopp and Shand), 31 Gallowgate, Ji. 1. Skene square Roberts, David, gig and harness repository, 92 and 94 King street, and leather merchant, 17 Princes street, h, 4 Frederick street Robert, spirit dealer, 15 Fisher row 17 198 GENERAL DIRECTOKY,

Roberts, Mrs, 171 Skene street west Mrs, midwife, 290 George street Miss, 95 King street Robertson and Hunter, sculpture and monumental works, Marywellbank, Wellington road Alexander, goods superintendent (S. N. E. R.), 24 Union row

. .. Alexander, engineer, 44 York street Alexander, manager (Broadford Bread Company, 218 George street), h. Kepplestone, Rubislaw Alexander, plumber and gasfitter, 8 and 10 Skene ter- race; workshop, 6, h. 2 Denburn terrace Alexander (of R. and H.), 45 Bon-accord street Andrew, sexton (Nellfield Cemetery), Cuparstone, h. at the gate Charles, ironmonger, 17 Park street, h. 42 Castle street David (Royal Hotel), post horse master to her Majesty and the Royal Family, 61 Union street ...... George P., officer of Inland Revenue, Bellevue, Hard- gate George, jun., clerk (T. and C. Bank), 2 Prospect ter- race, Ferryhill George, spirit dealer, 74 Green George, mason, 123 Chapel street George, ironmonger, 207 Gallowgate, h. 2 Gerrard street George, meal and barley warehouse, 59 Green, and Hilldown tree

- George, saw miller, Leggart James, teacher (John Knox School), 300 George street James, haircutter and perfumer, 20, h. 26 Broad street John (of B. and R.), 12 Canal street John, watchmaker and jeweller, 10 and 11 Market gal- lery John, advocate (Robertson and Lumsden), Craibstone House, Auchmull John, book-keeper (John Lyell, 128 Union street), 62 Skene square

Robert, tailor and clothier, 1 Correction wynd, ft. 26 St Nicholas street Robert, ropemaker, 127 Causewayend Robert, shoemaker, 43 George street Wm., wright, 9 Whitehouse street, h. 95 Chapel street

William, stoneware merchant, 88 George street, ft. 24 Blackfriars street William, granite ana marble works, 258 Union street,

ft. 7 Huntly street William, teacher (Holburn school), 65 Dee street Mrs, midwife, 40 St Clement street CITY OP ABERDEEN. 199

Robertson, Mrs, lodgings, 13 Marischal street Mrs, midwife, 53 Virginia street Mrs, provision agent, 209 Gallowgate .... Mrs, inn and lodgings, 13 Guestrow Miss, milliner and importer of French millinery, 217 Union street Miss, 1 Albyn place Miss, 124 Crown street Misses, 29 Castle street Misses, teachers, 116 George street Robinson, Crum, and Co., cotton spinners, Bannermill Hardy (of R. C. and Co.), 156 Union street William, shipmaster, 7 Prospect terrace Robson, James W., assistant clerk to P. and I. Tax Commis-

sioners ; office, 201 Union street, h. 39 Bon-accord street

Rock Life Assurance Co. ; agent, Thomas Ruxton, 84 Union street Rodger, James, tanner, currier, wholesale and retail leather dealer, Gilcomston tannery, h. 1 Mary place Roger, G. S. (Pratt and Keith), 89 Crown street James, clerk, 264 George street John (of Pratt and Keith), 89 Crown street Thomas, late teacher (Trades' Sehool), 55 Longacre Rollo, William, clerk (W. Clyne and Sons), 11 Mount street Ronald, William, hide and leather factor, 182 George street Mrs, 1 Mount street Rose, Donaldson, and Co., shipowners and timber merchants, 7 York street George, turner, 71 Green, h. 76 Skene street George, flesher, 12 Market hall James (of D. R. and Co.), 11 Golden square * John, stabler and vintner, 166 Gallowgate John, photographer, 5 Rose street, h. Holburn lane W. (of D. R. and Co.), 11 Golden square Mrs Donaldson (of Hazlehead), 11 Golden square Miss, 26 North Broadford Ross, Adam, jeweller and watch dealer, 23 St Nicholas street, h. 35 Back wynd Alexander, stoneware merchant, 57 Windmill brae Alexander, overseer (Bannermill), 20 College street Alexander, advocate, actuary and cashier of the N. S. Savings' Bank, clerk to the Commutation Road

Trustees of the Ellon district ; office, Savings' Bank, Exchange street, h. 75 Bon-accord street Alexander, brewer, 8 Skene square Alexander, managing clerk (Thomson, Catto, Buchanan, and Co.), York place, h. 10 Constitution street Andrew, manager (G. T. and Son), 25 Spittal 200 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Eoss, Andrew, druggist, 43 Castle street Rev. Charles (Free Bon-accord Church), 20 Union ter- race Donald, secretary and superintendent, N. E. Coast Mission, Rose cottage, Orchard place,^_01d Aber- deen George, feuar, 45 Wales street Harry, grocer and spirit dealer, 23 Woolmanhill, h. 6 Donald's court Hugh, umbrella maker, 12 Grailowgate, h. Emslie's court, 26 Gallowgate Hugh, jun., haberdasher, 4 Broad street, h. 100 Crown street Hugh, broker, 14 Shiprow James, writer (Adam and Anderson), 75 Union street James, shoemaker, 44, h. 40 Shiprow James, builder, 28 Summer street James, shipmaster, 7 Thistle street James, 20 Commerce street James, clothier and haberdasher, 206, h. 208 George st.

, Major John, chief constable of Aberdeenshire ; office, Record buildings. King street, h. Granton lodge John, mason, 28 Summer street John, trimmings warehouse, 125 Union street, h. 52 Chapel feireet John, letter carrier, 24 Union row and 26 Summer st. John, spirit dealer, 104 Green John, grocer and spirit dealer, 76, h, 74 St Andrew street ...... Peter, shoemaker, 60 Gordon street Robert P., 39 Dee street Rob&rt, plasterer, 20 Longacre Thomas, wood merchant, sawmills, Wellington road, h. 1 Marywell street Thomas, provision dealer, 168 Gallowgate William, advocate, 20 Belmont street, h. 14 Rose street William, hay dealer, 1 Cross quay, h. 15 Carmelite lane William, wright (Gas Works), 3 Gas street Mrs Jane, sick nurse, 40 Skene square Mrs William, 4 Marine place Mrs Peter, 59 Huntly street Mrs Robert, 91 Crown street Mrs, draper, 179 Gallowgate, h. 1 Berry lane ...... Mrs, day cook, 32 Union row Miss, lodgings, 189 Union street Miss, 46 North Charlotte street Miss, 3 Devanha terrace Misses, 42 Skene terrace Bosie, Mrs, Bosie cottage, Maybank CITY OP ABEEDEEUr, 201

Kothnie, James, flesher, 28 Market hall Eoutledge, Whinton, and Son, rope and twine manufacturers, 219 Gallowgate Wm. (of W. Eoutledge and Son), 15 Garden place Miss, 220 Gallowgate Rowell, Benjamin, watchmaker, 157, h. 247 George street Joseph, iron merchant, wholesale ironmonger, manufac- turer of nails, &c., 14 and 16 St Paul street, and Ironmonger's court, 14 Upperkirkgate, h. View place, 23 Rosemouut place Joseph, sen., 16 North Broadford Joseph, jun., merchant, 14 St Paul street Roy, James, late nurseryman, Eotunda lodge, Ferryhill John, late sergeant, Aberdeen Militia, 19 Marischal st.

...... John, jun., nursery seedsman, 48 Union street ; nursery, Ferryhill, h. 4 Eotunda place, Ferryhill John, teacher (Dr John Brown's school), 71 Skene sq. ..0.. Mrs, 34 Skene terrace Eoyal Aberdeenshire Highlanders' Militia Depot, Barracks, King street Bank of Scotland Branch Office, 152 Union street (tem- porary, 1 Huntly street). Smith & Cochran, agents Exchange Assurance Corporation; Alex. Jopp, advo- cate, agent Liver Friendly Society; agent, Michael Togan, 34 George street Northern Agricultural Society, J. and E. Ligertwood, secretaries Euncie, James, late merchant, 37 Victoria street west Mrs James, grocer, 93, h. 95 Causewayend Euncieman, John, assistant (L. and G.) Burnside cottage, by Westburn Euncy, Charles, Barkmill house, Berryden road Charles F., advocate, 2 Correction wynd, h. Barkmill house Eussel, Francis, beadle (Free Greyfriars Church) 5 Jopp's court. Broad street George, artist, 4 Dee street Peter, M.D., 12 Regent quay Wm., bookseller and stationer, 19 Broad street, h. Mill- bank cottage, Woodside Mrs, spirit dealer, 30 Causewayend Eussell, James, policeman (S. N. E. E. Co.) 12 Skene square John, artist, 13 Diamond street John S., com. traveller (W. Eoutledge and Son) 97 Skene street Mrs, 35 Huntly street Miss, 3 Mount street Miss, lodgings, 13 Bon-accord street ^02 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Eussel, Miss, of Rathen, 257 George street 'Rust, Alexander, commission agent, Crown court, 41 J Union street Alexander, house carpenter, 18 Bon-accord lane, h. College bounds James, carpenter and builder, Charlotte street, h. 31 Charlotte street John, wood merchant and carpenter, 14 Thistle street, h. 20 Rose street Rutherford, George (of P. and R.) 4 West Craibston© street James, clerk (G. N. of S. R.) 19 Marischal street John, spirit dealer, 64 Queen street Thomas, carver, Donald's court, 20 Schoolhill Ruthven, George J. W., 19 Springbank terrace Rutledge, John, governor of prisons, Lodge walk Ruxton, Charles, 4 Albert street Thomas, advocate, 84 Union street, h. 22 Rubislaw terrace

ST. ANDREW'S Episcopal School, 25 Frederick street St. governor, George Nicholas Poor-house, Nelson street ; Milne; inspector, James Wallace; office, 5 and 6 Adelphi lane St Paul street Hall, St Paul street; keeper, Wm. Crichton Sachs, Marcus, professor of theology (Free Church College), Beechhill, Pitfodels Sadler, Mrs, lodgings, 189 Union street

Saint, James (late shore porter) 1 1 Union row James, jun., silk mercer, draper, and shawl merchant, hosier and outfitter, 135 and 139 Union street, h^ 6 West Craibstone street Salmond, Wm., letter carrier, 5 Drum's lane Salter, Wm., flesher, 14 Market hall, h. 1 Nelson street Sandison, John, shipmaster, 2 Bannermill street

Ludovick G., fishing tackle maker, 118 King street, li. 66 Spittal Sang, Thomas, boot and shoemaker, 50, h. 52 Summer street Mrs, 12 Waterloo street Sangster, George, jeweller, 81, h. 68 Broad street George, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 122 King street, h. 129 West North street James, shipmaster, 4 Bannermill street

.. ... John, druggist, 46, h. 48 Commerce street John, 37 Whitehouse street Robert, sen., flesher, 31 Market hall, h, 21 Crown street Helen, 20 Crown street Mrs, lodgings, 39 Summer street CITY OP ABEEDEEir. 203

Sangster, Mrs, lodgings, 37 Marischal street Mrs, keeper, Public News Rooms, Exchange street, h. 53 Green

Sasines Register, Record office, King street ; N. Burnett, ad- vocate, registrar Saunders, James, spirit dealer, 53 Regent quay James, 19 Ferryhill place Kemp, coal merchant and commission agent, 10 Vir- ginia street, h. 3 Victoria place Savage, Edward, house steward, Lunatic Asylum, h. Henry street Scatterty, Alex., principal beadle (East Church) and funeral waiter, 21 North Silver street Schaschke, Gottleib, tailor and clothier, 33 Marischal street Scholes, George (Pilots' Tavern), 52 York street Scorgie, George, porter, Jopp's court, 40 Broad street Scott, Alex., boot and shoemaker, 41 Upperkirkgate Alex., shipmaster, 3 Bannermill street Andrew, spirit dealer, 55, h. 63 Guestrow David, herbalist, 82 Chapel street George, shoemaker, 44 Virginia street, h. King street place James, cattle topman (S. N. E. R.) Cattle station James, spirit dealer, 4 Trinity street John (North of Scotland Bank) John, accountant (National Bank of Scotland) 4 Mill- burn street, Ferryhill John, teacher (Gordon's Hospital) 86^ Crown street ...... Mrs, Ruthrieston lodge .,.,.. Mrs James, 18 Rosemount place Miss (late of Berryden) 4 Bon-accord terrace Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society; John Jamieson, 56 Marischal street, agent

.... Equitable Assurance Co. ; W. Hunter and James Hay Chalmers, agents North Eastern Coal Co., Guild street Station; Messrs Esplin, jun., and Duff, managers Provident Institution of Edinburgh; Skinner and Wil- sone, advocates, Lachlan M'Kinnon, jun., advo- cate, and A. Brand, accountant, agents Provincial Assurance Co., 93 Union street; C. F.

Griffith ; manager

Sea Insurance Co. ; William Reid, agent, 36 Marischal street Union Fire and Life Assurance Co.; James and George Collie, 38 Castle street, and J. S. Henderson, 68 Castle street, agents

Widows' Fund ; Alexander Nicol, 39 Marischal street, agent 204 GENERAL DIEECTORY,

Sedgwick, John, foreman (D. Koberts, currier) 9 Princes street Selbie, James, 26 College street James, mason, 32 Union row Sefton, Charles, manager (Bannermill) 50 Constitution street Sellar, James, 1 Links street Wm., wholesale confectioner, Pirie's court, 50 Castle street, h. Heathpark Senter, John, boot and shoemaker, 8, h. 10 Crown street Session-Clerk for district of St Nicholas, Alexander Simpson, advocate, 48 King street and Kegistrar of Marriages, &c., for district of Old

Machar ; John Leask, 28 Union terrace Seton, Alex., pawnbroker, 35 Netherkirkgate James, spirit dealer, 7 Gallowgate Shand, Alex,, manager, Devanha distillery Mrs, sick nurse, 45 Bon-accord street Misses, 45 Belmont street Shanks, William H. (Davidsons and Cooper) 8 Strawberry- bank Shaw, Eobt., messenger-at-arms and bar-officer, sheriff-court; office, 1 Huxter row, h. 90 Gallowgate R. S. W. book-keeper, 68 Skene square Miss, 20 Springbank terrace Shaw's Hospital, Broadford cottage. North Broadford Sheach, David, writer, 84 Union street Shearer, Johnston, photographic artist, Eosebank House Skene square Mrs, sick nurse, 14 Blackfriars street Sheed, John, wine, spirit, and liqueur merchant, plate glass factor, and general commission merchant, 44 Marischal street and Theatre lane Mrs, midwife, 38 Park street Shier, David, land surveyor, Beechhill Pitfodels Shepherd, Alex. & Co., bottlers, 5 Littlejohn street Alex., cart and plough wright, house carpenter, &c.,

310 George street, Ji. 64 Hutcheon street Alex, (of A. S. & Co.) 37 Seamount place Alex., spirit dealer, 5 Commerce street Charles L., 8 Rosemount terrace George, bookseller and stationer, l,Ti. 26 Broad street James (of S. and S.) 23 Bon-accord terrace ...... James, washing powder and table salt manufacturer, Windmill lane, h. Braehead, Gilcomston Simpson, wholesale wine and spirit merchant, 52, h. 50 King street Wm., wholesale and retail confectioner, 27 Broad street, h. 134 Crown street Miss, Hardgate ;


Sherar, John, ironmonger and naphtha merchant, 48, Ji. 50 George street Wm,, furniture dealer, 27 Gallowgate Sherer, Andrew, ship chandler, 13 Quay Sheret, Kobert, grocer, 68 West North^street Wm., grocer, 67 Shiprow Sheriff-Clerk's office, Eecord office. King street Sheriff Watson's Female School of Industry, Skene st. west Sheriffs, Wra., grocer, 53 Park street Sherman, Mrs, lodgings, 26 Crown street Miss, milliner, 26 Crown street Shewan, Alex., jobbing gardener, 33 Whitehouse street

Shipmasters' Society Hall, 11 Quay ; F. J. Cochran, advo- cate, clerk Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Benevolent Society honorary agent, W. P. Booth, 20 Marischal street Shields, Thomas, pharmaceutical chemist and druggist, 125 Crown streer, A. 31 Marywell street Shirer, Oliver, teller. National Bank of Scotland Wm., clerk (A. Hall and Sons) 8 Bon-accord terrace

street, h,. Shirras, Wm. , photographer, 40 Broad 6 Donald's court Shirreffs, Alex. B., lithographer, 2 Longacre, h. 20 Princes street Alexander, painter, glazier, and paper hanger, 130, /t. 126 Gallowgate Alex., innkeeper, 30 Gerard street Mrs James, 1 Caroline place Miss, 16 Thistle street Miss, dressmaker, 20 Princes street Shirres, D. L. (of D. L. S. & Co.), 240 Union street D. L. & Co., manufacturers and warehousmen, 76 George street James (of Shirres, Webster, and Mackenzie), 10 Millburn street Webster, and Mackenzie, wholesale warehousemen, Market street Wm., accountant, 115 Union street, h. 14 Bon-accord square Wm., tin-plate worker, 18 Upperkirkgate, h. 6 Donald's court, 20 Schoolhill Shooting Gallery, 69 Guestrow Shore Dues and Harbour Office, Quay, foot of Marischal street Sievewright, Mrs Wm., 65 Park street Miss, 65 Park street Sim, Alexander, accountant (Bank of Scotland), 34 Castle st...... Alex., 21 Holburn street ...... David, shipmaster, 28 Huntly street 206 GENERAL DIEECTORY,

Sim, General Duncan (H.E.I.C.S.)> 19 Holburn street George (Union Bank), 103 Crown street George, spirit dealer, 74 Shiprow George, bird stuffer, 20 King street, h. 3 Charles street James, gardener, Carnation-field, near Skene square James, 2 Sim's square, Shuttle street James and Co., manufacturing chemists and wholesala druggists, 76 King street James (of J. Sim and Co.), 150 King street John, book-keeper (North of Scotland Bank), 19 Eose- mount place John, surgeon (H.E.I.C.S.), 21 Holburn street John, shoemaker and beadle (Union Chapel), 21 Virginia street, h. 23 Frederick street Kobert, teacher (Academy, 18 Union row), h. 2 Henry place William, tanner and currier, Newbridge, flardgate, h. at the premises William, clerk (Richards and Co.), Rubislaw Bleachfield, h. at the works William, smoke-curer, builder, and jobbing mason, 2 Gordon's court, Gordon street Mrs James, 10 Summer lane Simpson and Cadenhead, advocates, 9 Huxter row and Whyte, clothiers to Her Majesty, 21 Union Build- ings Alexander, advocate, clerk and treasurer of the General Session of St Nicholas, 48 King street, h. 27 Bel- mont street Alex., jun., advocate (of S. and C), Procurator-Fiscal for the county, 58 Bon-accord street Eev. Alex., 6 Bank street Alex., grocer and spirit dealer, 1 Eosemount terrace, h. 1 Forbes street Archd. F., clerk (T. and C. Bank), 19 Thistle street Rev. David (Free Trinity Church), 6 Carden place Edward, spirit dealer, 31 Justice street George, cork manufacturer, 30 Broad street, h. 40 Con- stitution street George, baker, 41 Park street, Ti. 9 Yeats lane George, beadle, (St Nicholas lane Chapel), and funeral waiter, 75 Union street James, advocate, and collector of Burgh Assessments, 17 Huxter row, h. 2 Bon-accord square James W., silk mercer, 126 Union street, h. Home cot- tage, 2 Holburn place John, broker, 1 Park street John (of Williamson and Simpson), 5 Castle lane John, shipmaster, 85 College street CITY OF ABEEDEEN". 207

Simpson, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 50 West North street, h. 15 Correction Wynd John B., collector (Gas Light Co.), 16 Back wynd Eev. Dr. R. (of Kintore), 19 Thistle street Wm., coalbroker, Quay, h. 13 Constitution street Mrs George, 6 Alford place Mrs John, 2 East Craibstone street Mrs Joseph, 131 Crown street

Mrs Wm , 2 South Bridge, Holburn street Mrs, Bloomfield, Holburn road Mrs (late of Strichen), 27 Belmont street Mrs, 29 Thistle street Mrs, lodgings, 35 Guestrow

Miss, 1 Alford place Miss, lodgings, 21 Bon-accord street

.. . Miss, register office for servants, rf Gaelic lane Sinclair, Donald, (John Smith and Co.), 59 Dee street Donald, funeral waiter, 85 Chapel street George, teller, Union bank George, tailor, clothier, and outfitter, 21 Marischal st., h. 31 Constitution street James A., accountant, clerk of the peace for Aberdeen-

shire ; office, Record office, King street, A. 31 Bon- accord terrace James, keeper and resident manager of Mechanics' In- stitution, Market street James, giocer, 165| Gallowgate John, grocer, 50 Virginia street, ^. 15 James street William, wholesale druggist and oil merchant, 34 & 36 Upperkirkgate, h. in court Miss, 31 Constitution street Singer, Alex., officer (Markets), 3 Denburn John, spirit dealer, 30 Shiprow Patrick (of D. Wyllie and Son), 6 Bank street Ferryhill Skakle, John (of Morrison and Skakle), 1| North Broadford Skea, Joseph, veterinary surgeon, veterinary forge, 22 Dee street, h. 22 Dee street Skene and Goodbrand, rope and twine manufacturers, Mount- hooly Rope Works Alexander, wholesale tea, coffee, and commission mer- chant, 21 Regent quay, h. 4 Ron-accord square Alex., furnishing tailor, 19 Schoolhill Rev. Charles (John Knox), 4 Summer street John D., agent, 23 Marischal street, h. 6 Albert terrace John, clerk (customs), 1 Canal street Peter, carter, Devanha brewery, 5 Affleck street

...cc, Thomas, inspector of poor of Old Machar ; office, St. Machar place, h. Victoria Cottage, Ashley place, Cuparstone road 208 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Skene, Mrs Thomas, 93, h. 83 King street Misses, 3 Bon-accord square Skinner and WiJsone, advocates, 229 Union street George, bookseller, 3 Schoolhill, h. \Q Shiprow James, Fire and Life Assurance agent, Berryden cottage James, jobbing gardener, 13 Hardgate John, laoatbuilder, Wellington street, near the Links John, mate, 9 Wales street ...... P. A., candlemaker, St Catherine's court, 16 Shiprow Mrs (Commercial hotel), 16 Correction wynd Slaker, Wm. (of Souter and Slaker), 44 Summer street Slesser, Joseph, railway porter, 25 Berry lane Slorach, Colin, spirit dealer, 7 Exchequer row Smart, George, provision dealer, 94 Gallowgate John, contractor, 7 Carmelite street John, shipmaster, 10 Rosemount place William, assistant inspector of poor for Old Machar, 8 Albert terrace William (of Farquh arson and Co.), 1 Langstane place Mrs, sick nurse, 1 Skene square Smith and Cochran, advocates, agents for the Royal Bank of Scotland, and Standard Life Assurance Co., 152 Union street (tem/porary ofiQce, 1 Hantly street) Adam, winsey manufacturer, clothier and hosier, 96 and 98 Union street, h. 1 Marywell street Alexander, civil engineer and land surveyor, 2 Crown place Alexander, engineer, 51 Causewayend Alexander, bookseller, 7 Seamount place Alexander, gas inspector, 21 Guestrow Alexander, provision dealer, 23, h. 25 College street Alexander, gardener. King street road Alexander, bookbinder, 63 Queen street Alexander, outfitter, 2 Castle street Alexander, spirit dealer, 97 Gallowgate Alexander Elmslie, advocate, 74 IJnion street, h 102 Crown street Alfred G., 217 Union street Andrew, draper, 63 St Nicholas street, Ti. 17 Rosemount place Arthur, painter and glazier, 30 Quay, A. 49 Commerce street Charles and Co., grocers, wine, and spirit merchants, 23 Windmill brae, and I College street Charles (of Gordon and Smith), 67 Dee street Charles, merchant tailor, 9 Skene terrace, A. 63 Vic- toria street west Duncan, traveller (J. Marshall), 3 Braehead, Gilcomston Ferguson, writer, 23 Adelphi court, h. Westfield (East) CITY OF ABERDEEN. 209

Smith, Francis, accountant (N. of S. B.), Balnagarth, Pitfodels George, shipmaster, 24 Constitution street George, wright, 8 Causeway end George, confectioner and fruit merchant, 133 King st. George, boot and shoemaker, 62 Broad street, ^.31 Longacre H. Ambrose, F. I. A., secretary (Northern. Assurance Co.), 5 East Craibstone street James (B. L. Co.)> 1 Affleck place James, wholesale watch and clockmaker, dealer in watch and clock tools and materials, 20 Belmont street,

Ji. 3 Kubislaw place James, publisher {Northern Advertiser), 27 Thistle st. James, stationer and bookseller, 21 J Adelphi court, h. 68 Dee street James, boot and shoemaker, 42 Holburn street James, house carpenter, 7 St Mary's place, Crown street James, accountant (Leith and Clyde Shipping Co.), 261 George street James, gardener, 20 Trinity street James, upholsterer, 102 King street, h. 9 Princes street James, salmon fisher. Thistle cottage, Ruthrieson John, manager (Steam Navigation Co.), 87 Waterloo quay, h. 1 Wellington street John, advocate, 252 Union street John, merchant and shipbuilder. Inches, h. Dee mouth, South College street ...... John, grocer, 45 Commerce street, h. 4 Hanover street John and Co., iron and nail merchants, 5 Shoe lane, and 30 Longacre John, pharmaceutical chemist and druggist, 159 Skene street, h. 43 Whitehouse street John, Newbridge, Hardgate John (late of Rotterdam), 5 Alford place John, bookseller and stationer, 57 Union street, and 5 Adelphi court, h. 1 Rubislaw place John, cabinetmaker, 33, A. 20 Castle street John, printer, 57 John street John, shoemaker, Rubislaw John, merchant tailor, 13 Union buildings,^. 13 Bon- accord streec John, sergeant of police, 9 Mounthooly John, shore porter, 9 Guestrow John, grocer and spirit dealer, 57 St Andrew street Lewis, wholesale bookseller and stationer, 3 M'Combie's court, 50|- Union street, h. 55 Netherkirkgate and Marybank, Maryculter Neil, jun., & Co., merchants, 46 Marischal street 18 210 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Smith, Neil (of Neil Smith & Co.), 14 Garden place Eobert, surgeon, 58 Dee street Eobert, inspector of county police, 22 Summer street Robert, tanner and skinner, wool and leather merchant, Jack's brae, h. Twin cottage. Chapel street Robert, advocate (of Smith and Cochran), 214 Union street Dr Thomas, 99 Crown street

, Thomas, carter, 95 West North street Victor E., shipmaster, 1 Links street ...... Wm., architect and superintendent of town*s works; office, 1 Bon-accord street, h. 237 Union street

Wm., accountant (Northern Assurance Co.) , 6 Frederick street Wm., corn factor, 38, h, 36 Kin^ street Wm., jun., tea, wine, and spirit merchant, 106 Union street, h Springbank, Dee street Wm., shipmaster, 12 Fish street

,.. .. Wm., seedsman, 53 St Nicholas street,^. 5 Huntly street Wm., wigmaker and haircutter, 2 East North street Wm., painter, 3 Nelson lane Wm., house carpenter, 20 Blackfriars street Wm., blacksmith, 8, h, 6 Minister's lane Wm., gardener, Mile-end, Stocket Wm., grocer, 70 East North street Mrs A. (of Blackhills), 88 Bon-accord street Mrs A., 32 Whitehouse street Mrs James, lodgings, 32 Union place Mrs John, Rosebank, Hardgate Mrs Wm., midwife, 15 Denburn terrace Mrs Wm., Claremont cottage, Cuparstone Mrs, 31 Shiprow Mrs, housekeeper, Royal Infirmary Mrs, 3 Charlotte street Mrs, register ofBce, 36 Park street Mrs, milliner and dressmaker, 18 Skene street Miss, 5 Wellington place Miss (late of Birse) 12 Chapel street Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 49 Bon-accord street Miss, dressmaker, 44 Chapel street Miss, 15 Rose street

, Miss, 45 Victoria street west Miss, 5 Skene place Miss, draper, 54 George street Miss, 4 Little Chapel street Misses, Hector's houses, 11 Holburn place Misses, dressmakers, 8 St Nicholas street Missesj milliners and dressmakers, 2 South Silver street CITY OF ABERDEEN. 211

Somerville, Charles, clerk (Telegraph Office) 10 Regent quay Sorley, John, reedmaker, 62 George street, ^.11 Princes street Sorrie, Mrs, mealseller, 77 Virginia street Soup Kitchen, 41 Loch street Souter and Shepherd, wholesale druggists and drysalters, Cruden's court, 22 Broad street and Slaker, painters, glaziers, and paper hangers, 24 Green

..... D., teller (N. of S. B ) 9 Strawberry bank John C, M.D., 4 Castle brae Wm., merchant, 16, h. 14 Hanover street Wm. (of S. and S.) 35 Whitehouse street Mrs, 9 Strawberry bank Mrs James, 62 Dee street Mrs, lodgings, 89 Union street Souttar, Robert, shipmaster, 38 Park street Wm., clerk (G. N. of S. R. Co.) Calsayseat Spanish Vice-Consul, Arthur Thomson; office, Bank of Scot- land court, 35 Castle street Spark, Andrew, flesher, 4 Market hall George, grocer, ship chandler, and spirit dealer, 8 Gar- vock street, h. 1 St Clement street

, Wm., professor of music, 28 Queen street Wm. (of Craigiepark) Craigiepark Mrs, 61 Wales street Speid, Alex., 172 Skene street west

Spence, Rev. Alex (Free St. Clement's Church) Castlehill . ..i... Basil, 16 Constitution street Mrs, sen., 2 Castlehill

Spottiswood, R. S. F , advocate (of Yeats and Spottiswood),- 20 Rubislaw terrace St Nicholas Hotel, 9 St Nicholas street and 2 St Nicholas

lane ; John Bonner, hotel keeper Stables, Alex., jun., secretary (Scottish Provincial Assurance Co.) 106 High street. Old Aberdeen James, teller (City of Glasgow Bank) 110 High street, Old Aberdeen Stallan, Miss, lodgings, 147 Union street Stamp Office, Victoria court, 54 Castle street

Standard Life Assurance Co. ; office, 152 Union street (tem-

porary office, 1 Huntly street) Smith and Cochran, agents and secretaries to local Board of Direction Stark, A. and W., fleshers, 84 Woolmanhill Steel, James, M.D., 17 Adelphi court Wm., spirit dealer, 4 VVeigh-house square Steele and Co., wholesale and retail hatters, 20 and 22 Union street 212 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Steele, Alex, (of Steele and Co.) 5 St Mary's place, Crown st, Wm., accountant, collector of poor's rates (St Nicholas

or City parish) ; office, 30 Marischal street, k. dl Kin^ street Stephen, Alexander, painter, paper-hanger, glazier, and glass stainer, 52 Netherkirkgate, h. 1 Devanha terrace, Ferryhill Alex., late merchant, I Martin's lane Alex., waiter and keeper of refreshment rooms,. King street market, 62 Netherkirkgate Alex. (J. Black and Co.), 17 Rose street George, teller (T. and C. B.) 113 Crown street George, hairdresser, 9 Chapel street ...... James, ironmonger, 34 Broad street, h. Watkin's build- ings. North Broadford James, grocer and spirit dealer, 53 Gallowgate James, Eed Lion Inn, 8 West North street Kev. John (Free John Knox's Church) 9 Northfield, Gilcomston John, late merchant, 4 Marywell street John H., engraver and copperplate printer, 3 Correc- tion wynd, h> 59 Huntly street

...... John, game dealer and provision merchant, 55 West North street paper-hanger, h. \ John, painter, glazier, and 15, 17 VVoolmanhill John, late shipmaster, 2 South Constitution street Lessel, advocate, 83, h. 129 Union street Robert, shipmaster, 28 Constitution street Wm., surgeon, 77 Dee street Wm., baker, 31, h. 29 Broad street Wm., 13 Union row

, Wm. J., draper, 120 George street, h. 4 Marywell street Mrs Captain, 17 Rose street Mrs, midwife, 25 James street Miss, dressmaker, 108 Skene street Miss, boarding and day school, 13 Union row Steven, Arthur, coffee and dining rooms, 19 Market street William, D.M., pianoforte tuner to Logan and Co., ^. Newbridge, Hardgate Stevens, Robert, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit dealer, 214 George street, h. 4 Rosemount place Stevenson, Hilkiah, grocer and tea merchant, 63 Park street James, teacher (Free East Church School, St Andrew street) 31 Charlotte street James, engraver, copperplate and lithographic printer, 6 Queen street, h. 37 Victoria street west CITY OF ABERDEEN. 215

Stevenson, John, merchant, 7 Belmont street Wm., merchant, 5 Belmont street, h. Viewfield, Kubis- law Wm., bookseller and stationer, 13 St Nicholas street, h. 5 Prospect terrace Wm., attendant (St James' Church Crown street), 54 Summer street Mrs, 61 Windmi librae Mrs, midwife, 6 Carmelite street

Stewart, Alex , silk, cotton, and woollen dyer, 7 Leadside, Gilcomston Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 1 Gilcomston brae Archibald, engine-driver (S. N. E. R. Co.) 1 Prospect terrace C. and W., wine merchants, 23 Adelphi court Charles (of C. and W. S.), 8 West Craibstone street Charles, mason, 1 Canal street David, manufacturer (of S. R. S. and Co.), 7 Carden place George, 69 Guestrow George, waste dealer, 28 Harriet street George, shipmaster, 12 Waterloo street Gordon, mason (of Birnie and Stewart), 50 Justice mill lane Hugh, beadle (John Knox), 6 Causewayend James, flesher. Market hall, h. 29 Union street James, flesher, 18 Market hall, h. 42 North Charlotte street James, city missionary, 5 Carmelite street John (of S. R. Stewart and Co.), Craigiebuckler John, late mail guard, 14 Upper Leadside John, teacher of Thain's school, 52 Shiprow John, shipping clerk (Jos. Wood), 43 Marischal street John, maltster and brewer, 69 Virginia street and 20 Mealmarket street, h. 69 Park street John, printer, 46 Dee street John, flesher, 20 Market hall Peter, plumber, brassfouuder, and gasfitter, 12 School- hill, h. 4 Northfield, Gilcomston Peter, provision merchant, 51 Upper Denburn S. R. and Co., comb manufacturers, Aberdeen Comb Works, Hutcheon street Walter R. (of C. and W. S.) 56 Victoria street west William, timber merchant (of G. M. and Co.), 8 Affleck street Ann, flesher, 3 Market hall, h. 10 Carmelite street Mrs Alexander, 123^ Union street Mrs Kenneth, U Union terrace 214 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Stewart, Mrs Peter, laundress, 43 Bon-accord street Mrs, lodgings, 3 Trinity quay ...,., Mrs, 5 Constitution street Mrs, 7 Union place Miss, 85 Bon-accord street Miss E., milliner and dressmaker, 2 Chapel street Miss, 57 Park street Still, Dr Charles S. (of Burgar), Richmondhill Robert, blockmaker, 15 Prince Regent street Mrs Andrew, spirit dealer, 17 York street Miss, Elmbank, Hardgate Miss, 23 Thistle street Stirling, George, wholesale wine and spirit merchant, 13 Castle street, h. Westerton of Pitfodels Rev. James (United Presbyterian Church, George st.), 4 Caroline place Stock Exchange, Victoria court, 54 Castle street Stopani, George, hosier, 7 Castle street Rev. William, Chapel house, Huntly street Stott, John, furnishing tailor, Commercial court, 58 Castle street William, spirit dealer, 19 Park street Strachan and Sherriffs, tea and cofifee merchants, 3 St Nicho- las street George, shipmaster, 22 Virginia street John, coffee roaster, coffee, sugar, and spice grinder. Jack's brae John, turner, 71 Windmill brae, A. 50 Holburn street J. (of Strachan and Sherriffs), 28 Thistle street William, Ruthrieston

William, of Moreseat, Stocket, 7i. Moreseat Mrs, sick nurse, 1 Blackfriars street Mrs A., Hardgate ' Mrs James, 17 Queen street Misses, dressmakers, 11 Constitution street Miss, dressmaker, 50 Holburn street Miss, milliner, 1 Queen street Strahan, Rev. W. D., governor (Gordon's Hospital) Straith, Miss, teacher (F. 0. Asylum), 30 Huntly street Strath, John (Alexander Ogston, 92 Loch street), 1 Mitchell place Strathdee Distillery, Cuparstone Mrs, sick nurse, 12 Skene square Straton, Mrs, lodgings, 22 Broad street Stronach and Duguid, advocates, 71 King street, factors for Robert Gordon's Hospital, Colyhill Trustees, and Mitchell's Hospital, Old Aberdeen Alexander (of Stronach and Duguid), 71 King street, and Sunnybank, Old Aberdeen ;


Simpson, Alex., jun., advocate and accountant, 20 Belmont street, A. 17 Ferry hill place Stuart, Alexander, writing master (Gordon's Hospital), and teacher of writing and stenography, 1 Holburn street Alexander, 78 Chapel street Alexander Gr., Fuschia bank, Cults Andrew, stamper (Post Office), 1 Holburn street Charles, shipmaster (Wave of Life), 4 Alford place John, stoneware merchant and funeral waiter, 98, h. 100 Green John S., chief audit clerk (G. N. of S. R.)» 1 Holburn street John, architect, Balgair, Euthrieston Kobert, Balgair, Euthrieston William, grocer and spirit dealer, 18 Netherkirkgate William, road surveyor, 1 Leslie place. North Broad- ford William, boot and shoemaker, 28 Schoolhill Mrs William, 31 Thistle street Mrs, register office, 62 George street Mrs, grocer, 78 Chapel street Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 62 George street Summers, Miss, 3 Mitchell place Miss, dressmaker, 8 Langstane place Suther, Eight Eev. Bishop Thomas G., D.C.L., 25 Bon- accord terrace Sutherland, Alex., Inmore cottage, near Eosemount terrace Alexander, accountant (Commercial Bank), 51 Chapel street Alexander, grocer, 16 East North street A., Sons, and Co., manufacturers. Canal road ...... Andrew, jun. (of A. S. S. and Co.), Canal road George, silk mercer, 149 Union street, h. 117 Crown st. George, physician and surgeon, 130 LTnion street Hugh, painter, glazier, and paperhanger, 60 and 62 Windmill brae, h. 30 Dee street J. and J., house and cart wrights, 62 Skene street James, shipowner, 18 Ferryhill place Eev. John, Chapel house, Huntly street John, druggist, 34, h. 32 St Nicholas street John, grocer, 22, h. 24 Upper Denburn Mrs Dr, 13 Belmont street

... .. Mrs, lodgings, 104 King street Mrs John, fish dealer. Basement floor. Market, h. W Carmelite street Mrs, staymaker, 42 Market gallery Swedish and Norwegian Vice Consul, Arthur Thomson office, Bank of Scotland, 35 (Jastle street 216 GENERAL DIEECTOEY,

Sword, Mrs, vintner, 23 Regent quay Symmers, Alex. Anderson, Glenburuie cottage, Skene street west George A., Glenburnie cottage, Skene street west Misses, 31 Whitehonse street Symon, Arch. M., furniture dealer, 10 Castle street John, furniture dealer, 29 Upperkirkgate, h. Glenburnie house, Skene street west Wm. and Co., silk mercers, linen and woollen drapers, 31 Union street, h. 10 King street

TAGGAKT, M., innkeeper and stabler, 90 George street Tait, Robert (J. and J. Fleminar), 10 North Charlotte street

Thomas & Sou, paper manufacturers, 52 Regent quay ; works, luverury Mrs, 43 Victoria street west Miss, pattern printer, 23| George street Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 47 Loch street Talbot, Wra., 29 Constitution street Talbert, Mrs, lodgings, 11 Bon -accord street Tarrant, Patrick, superintendent (Victoria Lodging House), 4 Exchequer court, Exchequer row Tastard, James, flesher, 8, ^. 18^ Shiprow John, flesher, 16 Basement floor, Market, h. 18 Trinity street Tawse, Alex. ( H.E.I. C.S.), 19 Union buildings Henry, carver and gilder, 61 Queen street Lewis, spirit dealer, 83 Green ...... Mrs Andrew, late of Coldstone, 13 Garden place Taylor and Henderson, lithographers, draughtsmen, engra- vers, copperplate and ornamental printers, 83 Union street Alexander, wholesale and retail woollen draper, 67,^. 201 Union street Alexander, shipmaster, 69 Virginia street Alexander, inspector of patrol (Customs), 48 Marischal steeet Andrew B., manager (Keating and Co.) David (of T. and H.), 3 Henry place David, freestone merchant, 16 Shiprow James, boot and shoemaker, 6, h. 4 St Nicholas lane James, shipmaster, 1 Millburn street James, 41 Constitution street James, grocer and spirit dealer, 24 Skene square, h. 43 Ann street John (of R. Taylor and Son), 59 Netherkirkgate John A., clerk (J T. Willett), 18 Marywell street John, shopman (Chivas Brothers), 79 King street John, coachman (G. Thompson, jun.), 26 Harriet street CITY OF ABEEDEEN. 217

Taylor, John, druggist, 50 Eegent quay John, builder, 6 Henry street

Kobert, spirit dealer, 61, 7i. 59 Netherkirkgate Robert and Son, rope and twine manufacturers, and general merchants, 56 Union street and 59 Nether- kirkgate Richard (Derwent steam-tug), 55 Wellington street Wm. (J. and A. Gibb), 24 John street Wm., shipmaster, 61 Quay "W'm., cashier (Blaikie Brothers), 3 St Clement street Mrs John, spirit dealer (Wallace Tower Tavern), 63 and 65 Netherkirkgate Mrs, broker, 17 East North street Mrs Janet, stoneware dealer, 78 Queen street

, Mrs, midwife, 4 St Nicholas lane Misses, dressmakers, 3 Henry place Misses, dressmakers (lodgings), 20 Harriet street Tench, Donald W., major, staff officer of pensioners, 50 Castle street Tennant, Joseph, draper, 67 King street Teviotdale, J. A., clerk (J. J. Kennedy), Market street Thain, Mrs, outfitter, 37 Lodge walk Theatre Royal (Alex. M'Lein, lessee); pit, 50; boxes, 52 ; gallery, 54 Marischal street Thom, Alex., flesher, 12 East North street Alexander, spirit and provision merchant, 67 Gallow- gate, h. 38 Spring garden George, boot and shoemaker, 35 Shiprow W. S., 26 North Silver street Miss, milliner, 35 Shiprow Thompson, George, jun., and Co., merchants and shipowners, insurance brokers and underwriters, 40 Marischal street George, jun. (of G. T., jun., and Co.), 6 Golden square

Thomson, Adam, senior, flesher, 42 and 43 Market hall, Ti. 22 Belmont street Alexander (of Lendrum and Thompson) 145 Union st. Alex. (J. Barclay), 27 Mary well street Alexander (of Banchory), Banchory house Alexander, grocer and provision dealer, Wellington road

, Andrew, traveller (Devanha brewery), 6 Millburn street Arthur, agent for the Bank of Scotland, Vice-Consul for Russia, Prussia, the Netherlands, Sweden,

Denmark Norway, and France ; Bank of Scotland Court, 35 Castle street Arthur, confectioner, 64 George street Catto, Buchanan, and Co., engineers, boiler makers, chain makers, anchor makers, brassfounders, and iron shipbuilders, York place iron works 218 GENERAL DIEECTORY,

Thomson, David, bookseller, 96 George street, h, Holburn place George and Son, wine merchants, commission agents, and ship brokers, Thomson's court, 21 Kegent quay George, jun., merchant (Thomson, Catto, Buchanan, and Co.), 59 Marischal street, h 22 Kegent quay George, baker, 45, A. 47 St Nicholas street George M., tide surveyor (Customs), 83 Waterloo quay Hugh, flesher, 10 Causewayend James, manager (J. Buyers and Co.), 53 Summer st. James, manager (A. Pirie and Sons), 48 Union place James (of Glegg and Thomson), 86 Skene square James (of Anderson and Thomson), Maybank James, boot and shoemaker, 53 and 7 Broad street, h. 31 Victoria street west James, srocer and spirit dealer, 145 Gallowgate John, advocate (Adam & Anderson), 15 Kingsland place John, late builder, 16 Thistle street John, furnishing tailor, 74 Queen street Rev. John (Free Grej^friars), 90 King street John, miller and corn merchant, Cults warehouse, 52 Queen street

Robert, furnishing tailor, I Marischal street Robert (Broadford Works), 3 Garden place Wm., traveller (G- C. & Co.), 2 Chapel street Wm., plumber, brassfounder, and gasfitter, 72 Nether- kirkgate, h. Sprinubank house, Dee street Wm., manager (Mill of Cults Warehouse), h. 30 Sum- mer street Wm., basket maker, 85 Market gallery, A. 30 Oommerce street Mrs Alexander, Maybank, 144 Hutcheon street Mrs Daniel, lodgings, 57 John street Mrs George, 39 Union place Mrs John, 47 St. Nicholas street Mrs, midwife and ladies' nurse, 35 Lodge walk Mrs, late of Stonehaven, 75 Dee street Mrs, 56 Gerrard street Mrs, lodyings, 278 George street Mrs, lodgings, 42 Schoolhill Mrs, 12 Thistle street Miss, lodgings, 12 Regent quay Miss, dressmaker, 45 Park street Thorn, Mrs. lodgings, 9 Carmelite street Thow, George, tailor and clothier, 6, h. 34 Skene street Tillery, John, foreman (F. & G.), 15 Drum's lane Tocher James (of J. T. and Sons), 169 Skene street west John and Sons, tailors and clothiers, 142 Union street CITY OF ABERDEEN. 219

Tocher, John (of J. T. and Sons), 41 Albyn place

Tochetti, Mrs, lodgings, 1 1 Union buildings Todd, Alex., basketraaker, 102 Green Alex., grocer, 76 West North street Gavin T., 15 Rubislaw terrace Thomas, manufacturer (A. Hadden and Sons), Mary- culter house Toddun, George» ticket collector (S. N. E. R. Co.), Hanover lane Togan, Michael, agent for Royal Liver Friendly Society, 34 George street Tonach, John, coal and lime meter, 22 Trinity street Topp, Adam (late of Jamaica), 35 Constitution street Misses, Craigwell cottage, 31 North Silver street Torrance, John, commercial traveller, 21 Ferryhill place

Torry Brick Work Company ; office, Provost Blaikie's quay Tough, Aichibald, carter, 81 Spring Garden George, draper, 134 George street, h. 14 Mount st. ... t. George, spirit dealer, 32 Castle street John, furnishing tailor, 190 George street John, waiter, 7 Huxter row John, Wright, 6 Windmill lane, h. 38 Whitehouse street Town's Drummer, John Dawson, 8 East North street Trade Protection Society; sec, Wm. Steel, 30 Marischal st. Trades' Hall, 153 Union street Trail, Adam, teacher (Free North School), 5 North Broad- ford James, wright and cabinetmaker, 6, h. 8 Rose street John, clerk {Journal office), h. 31 Huntly street

, Miss, dressmaker, 22 Virginia street Troup, Alexander, merchant tailor, Cruden's court, 22 Broad street A. & J., paper manufacturers, agents, and commission merchants, Thornton place, Guestrow Benjamin, manager (Northern Co-operative Co., Gal- lowgate), 64| Oausewayend David, feuar, 86 Chapel street David, coachman, 2 St Catherine's wynd Mrs George, Prospect Cottage, Loanhead Mrs, Glenburnie cottage, Skene street west Miss, 31 Belmont street

TuUoch, Rev. George, LL.D. ; academy, Academy street, h, Bellevue, Hardgate James, late shipmaster, Viewmount Cottage, Holburn street James, jun., grocer, wine, and spirit merchant, 16 Sfc Clement street, h. 5 York street Lawrence, general agent. Market, h. 14 Kingsland place 220 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Tulloch, Marcus, teacher, Bellevue, Hardgate Mrs, lodgings, 25 Bon-accord street

Turnbull, James, surveyor of taxes, 201 Union street, Ji. Ash- hill Turner, Mrs, 180 Skene street west Misses, of Turnerhall, 22 Victoria street west Turreff, Alexander, draper (J. Blackball and Co.), 39 Upper- kirkgate Wm. grocer spirit dealer, h. Tweedie, , and 86, 84 Shiprow Tyson, Mrs, 29 Thistle street Tytler, Robert B. (of Ceylon), 12 Golden square Mrs, 7 Charlotte street Mrs, 60 Chapel street

UNION Bank of Scotland, 53 Castle street University Buildings of New Aberdeen, Broad street Ure, Mrs, 26 Thistle street Urquhart, Alexander, boot and shoemaker, 38 Holburn street Alexander, grocer, 62 St Nicholas street, h- 5 School- hill J. & J., druggists, 65 St Nicholas street James (of J. & J. U.), 5 SchoolhiU James, shipmaster (Victoria steamer), 27 York place John, keeper of Leading Lights, Torry John (of J. & J. U.), Arthurseat John and Robert, wholesale tea and coffee dealers and commission agents, 7 SchoolhiU Robert (of J. and R. Urquhart), 7 SchoolhiU, h. Arthur seat Wm., shipmaster, 31 Huntly street W. and Co., millers and grain merchants. Mill of Maidencraig, Newhills; warehouse, 14 and 16 Wellington place Mrs Dr, Pitfodels

VACCINE INSTITUTION, 36 Upperkirkgate Valentine, James, reporter (Jowrnal), 49 Ann street Vass, James, upholsterer, 35 Victoria street west Veitch, John, manager (J. Ford, 136 Union street), 60 St Nichalas street Vessie, James and Co., booksellers and bookbinders, 2 Queen

street i-

Victoria Lodging- House, 4 Exchequer court ; Patrick Tar- rant, superintendent Virtue, J. S., publisher, London, 123|- Union street; agent, Ewen Cameron VoUar, John H., shipmaster, 36 Union terrace

WADE, Mrs Captain, 55 Victoria street west CITY OF ABERDEEN. 221

Wagrell, John, bookseller, 27 Upperkirkgate, h. 21 Woolman- hill Matthew, grocer, 27 Huntly street Walker, Alex., shipmaster, 2 Yeats lane Alex, (of W. Walker and Sons), 193 Union street Alex. R., cabinetmaker, 45 Bon-aecord street, h, 12 Victoria street west Alex., tobacconist, 69 Union street, h. 3 Caroline place Alex., engineer, 6 Hanover street Charles, commission merchant, Kettle's court, Broad street David, plane maker, 75 John street

David, hairdresser and perfumer, 117 Union street, ft. 41 Summer street Duncan F. D., grocer and spirit dealer, 177 Gallowgate, h. Froghall D. F. D gardener and florist, Froghall and Cunnigar- , hill gardens George, advocate (of Milne and Walker) 3 Albert st...... George, town-house keeper, 13 Huxter row George, bookseller (of A. Brown and Co.) 52 Victoria street west George, grocer, 192 George street George, 15 Denburn terrace G. L., wholesale and retail hardware merchant 46 Up- perkirkgate James (of Walker and Sons), 3 Adelphi court James, watchmaker and jeweller, 59 Union street, ^. 123 George street ...... James, bookseller, 34^ Upperkirkgate, A. 14 Catherine street James, grocer and spirit, 41, h. 39 College street James, clerk (J. Smith and Co.) 12 Rosemount place James, bootmaker, 89 Queen street John, umbrella manufacturer, 16 West North street John, bootmaker, 115, h. 117 George street John C, clerk (M. Rettie and Sons) 67 Chapel street Robert, bookseller and stationer, 92 Broad street, h. 6 North Broadford" Robert, flesher, 29 Basement floor, Market, A. Wester Kinmundy, Skene Robert, hairdresser, 210 Gallowgate, h, 6 North Broad- ford

...... Wm. and Sons, wine merchants, tea dealers, and gene- ral importers, 52 Union street Wm. and Son, tinplate workers, 28 Netherkirkgate, h. 68 St Andrew street Wm. (of W. Walker and Sons) 3 Adelphi court Wm., shipmaster (Renown), 32 St Clement sireet 20 222 General dieectoiiy,

Walker, Wm., butcher, 47 Chapel street Wm., traffic manager (G. N. of S. K.) 5 Canal terrace Wm., grocer, 56 George street

, Wm., 2 Caroline place Wm., umbrella maker, 35, h. 37 Schoolhill Mrs David, 1 Crown court, 41^ Union street Mrs Duncan, 32 St Clement street Mrs James, 2 Mitchell place Mrs James, 24 Thistle street Mrs John, 6 St Clement street

... . Mrs John, 35 Huntly street Mrs Wm., 54 Bon-accord street Mrs, 183 Gallowgate Mrs, 74 Dee street Mrs, embroidery stamper, 125 George street Miss, milliner and straw hat maker, 125 George street Miss, 12 Victoria street west .. ..Miss Mary, female teacher (Porthill School) 6 North Broadford Misses, dressmakers, 32 Upperkirkgate, ^. 296 George street Wales, Alexander, 69 Bon-accord street Walkenshaw, Alex., boot and shoemaker, 40 George street, h. 1 Barnett's close Wallace, Alex., grocer, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, 51, 53, and 55 George street, h. above shop Alex, and Co., brewers and malsters, 24 Loch street Archibald, messenger (N. of S. B.) Lodge walk Brothers, brewers and maltsters, Hardgate Kev. David (Dee street Congregational Chapel) White- hall George, clerk (British Linen Co-'s Bank) 261 George street ...... James, inspector of poor (St Nicholas) 261 George street John, shipmaster, 12 St Clement street Robert, mason, 87 Chapel street Wallis, Wm., Lloyds' surveyor, 13 Regent quay, h. 136 Crown street Walton, John, accountant, Inchles, h. 7 South College street Warrack and Daniel, builders and house carpenters. Steam Joinery Works, 7 and 9 North Charlotte street, and 92 John street and Hay, commission agents, 34 Marischal street Charles, commissary clerk depute (Record Office) Mill- bank, North Broadford David, baker, 5, h. 7 Chapel street James (of Warrack and Hay) 11 Springbank terrace James (of Warrack and Daniel) 92 John street Warren, John, surveyor (G. P. 0.) 4 Waverley place CITY OP A.BEEDEEN-, 223

Warren, Mrs, lodgings, 5 Schoolhill Miss, dressmaker, 5 Schoolhill Watch House, 2 Huxter row Watson, Alex., stoneware merchant, 69 Gallowgate Alex., shipmaster, 2 York street Alex., bookseller, 28 Summer street Alex. H., assurance agent, Chapel court 1 Justice street Alex., town sergeant, 1081 Gallowgate Archibald, cashier (Broadford Works) Bonnymuir Charles, tea, coffee, and provision merchant, 49 Wool- manhill, h. 7 Charlotte street ...... George, 68 Bon-accord street George, cart and plough wright, 184 West North street, h. 294 George street George, saw maker, 65 Windmillbrae, h. 83 Bon-accord street

James P., M.D. , 75 King street James, shipmaster, 23 Prince Regent street James, watch and clockmaker, 18 St Nicholas street, h. 28 North Broadford James, broker and old iron dealer, 72 Gallowgate James, house carpenter, 15 Langstane place, h. 16 Chapel street James, clerk (Post 0£5ce) 46 Dee street .. .. John, dyer, 104 George street John, keeper of steam engines, Bridge of Dee Patrick, draper, 18 and 20 Union place, h. Ivy cottage, Stocket road Eobert, builder. Nelson street Robert H., leather merchant, 20 Queen street, h. 5 North Broadford Thomas, shipmaster, 4 Frederick street Thos. R., general draper, hosier, and haberdasher, 47 Gallowgate, h. 5 St Paul street Wm., W.S., sheriff-substitute, 25 Dee street Mrs A., hatter, 38 Broad street Mrs, glass and china merchant, 52 Virginia street Mrs, 83 Bon-accord street Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 294 George street Watt, Alexander, writer (Murray and M'Combie) 103 Union street, h 23 Broad street Alex, (of J. W. and Sons) 30 Thistle street Alex., painter, glazier, and paper hanger, 15 School- hill, h. 7 Woolmanhill Archibald, watch and clockmaker, 154 Gallowgate George, shipmaster, 171 Skene street George, slater (successor to James Smith) 13 Carmelite street 224 GBNEEAL DIRECTORY,

Watt, James, book-keeper (C. and J. H. Chalmers) 9 Bank street, Ferryhill James, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, 43 Wool- manhill, h. 5 Henry place John and Sons, leather dealers, curriers, and shoe manufacturers, 134 and 136 Gallowgate; curry- ing shop, 49 George street John, advocate (registrar for St Nicholas parish) 4 Cor- rection wynd, h. 9 Belmont street John, jun., advocate and notary-public, 40 King street, k. 113 High street, Old Aberdeen John, boot and shoemaker, 10 Holburn street John, boot and shoemaker. 42 Windmillbrae Patrick, M.D., surgeon, 2 Gallowgate Wm. (of J. W. and Sons) Braehead House, Gilcomston Mrs John, sen., Prospect House, 21 Rosemount Mrs M., ginger beer and porter dealer, 17 Correction wynd, h. 1 Hadden street Mrs, grocer, 13 Hutcheon street

* Mrs, provision dealer, 60 Netherkirkgate Miss, spirit dealer, 1 York street Miss, draper, 182 Gallowgate Miss Ann, postmistress^ Bridge of Dee

Webb, Edward, hatter, 1 5 Market street, h. 32 Thistle street WVoster, George (of Shirres, Webster, and Mackenzie), 74 Bon-accord street James, agent, 62 Queen street James, warehouseman (J. J. Kennedy) Market street John, advocate, 42, h. 31 King street John, manager (Gilcomston Brewery) h. at the works John, 7 Constitution street John, baker, 45 Green, h. 19 Carmelite street John, com. traveller (T. Melville & Sons) 106 Gallowgate John, keeper of steam engines, Bridge of Dee Peter, salesman (G. Handyside and Co.) 2 Guestrow Robert, sheriff officer, 10 Huxter row Thomas, clerk (T. and C. B.) Gilcomston Wm., baker and confectioner, 4, h. 6 Skene terrace Wm., tape factory, Woolmanhill, h. 66 Skene square ...... Mrs, midwife and sick nurse, 12 Spa street ...... Miss A., teacher (West Parish School) 36 Union terrace

Weigh-house, Quay ; John Duncan, taxman Weir, Mrs, 2 Affleck street Miss, dressmaker, 9 Diamond str-eet Welch, James B., power-loom manager (Richards and Co.) 88 Skene square Welsh, A. G., commission merchant, 44 Upperkirkgate

4.. .. David, grocer, wine and spirit dealer, 41 Green, h. above shop CITY OF ABERDEEN. 225

West-end Academy, 216 Union street ; rector, Dr Fergussoa West Parish School, 185 George street

of England Fire and Life Assurance Co. ; agents, Geo. Cadenhead, advocate, 9 Huxter row, and James Asher, commission agent, ll5 Union street Westland, James, manager (N. of S. B.) 1 King street Mrs, 32 Skene street Whitaker, John H., M.D., surgeon, 3 Springbank terrace White, James, flesher, 15 and 16 Market hall, A. Millbank place, North Broadford John F., grain and flour merchant, 107 King street, h. 16 Bon-accord spuare John, fish dealer, 8, 9, and 58 Basement floor. Market, h. 2 Carmelite street Kobert, surgeon, 50 College street Whitecross, Wm., Custom house agent, 19 Crown street Mrs, sick nurse, 19 Kidd lane Whitton, Wm., aarent (East Coast Railway) 3 Marine place, Ferryhill Whyte, Alex. B. (of Simpson and Whyte), agent for J. Cock- burn and Campbell, wine merchants, Edinburgh, 21 Union buildings, h. 19 Union place John (of Simpson and White) 52 Dee street Patrick, tobacco and snuff manufacturer, 22 and 24 Queen street, h. 183 King street Misses, ladies' boarding and day school, 57 Dee street Wigham, Mrs Mary, 5 Caroline place ^ ...... Barbara, 33 North Broadford Wightman, Thomas, timber merchant, 5 Bank street Wildgoose, James, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, 20 Shippow, h. 25 Marischal street Wilkie, Misses, 1 Prospect terrace, Ferryhill Wilkin, James (J. Williams and Son), 13 Virginia street Wilkinson, John, superintendent, locomotive department (S. N. E. R. Co-)^ Deemount cottage, Ferryhill Will, James, M.D., 11 King street ...... John H., woollen manufacturer, 69 and 71 Netherkirk- gate, h. 80 King street Thomas, 1 Millburn street, Ferryhill Willans, Samuel, manufacturer and stoneware merchant, 170 Gallowuate, h. Friendly bank, Mounthooly Willet, John, civil engineer, office, 123^ Union street, h, 35 Albyn place Willett, Joseph T., timber merchant and commission agent, Bon-accord saw mills, Inches, h. 64 Dee street Williams, James and Sons, coopers and fishcurers, 13 Vir- ginia street ...... James, warehouseman, 13 Virginia street Robert (of J. Williams and Sons)^ 23 Virginia street 226 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Williams, William, commission, wine, and spirit merchant, 19, h. 20 Regent quay William, grocer and house agent, 16 St Andrew street, h 204 Gallowgate

Mrs, dressmaker, 1 Frederick street Jane, sick nurse, 1 Gordon's court, 22 Gordon street Williamson and Simpson, candlemakers and tallow chandlers, 79 Wales street Adam, haircutter, 40 Castle street Alexander, 39 Union ten ace George, sen., flesher, 30 Market hall, h. West^i* Ein- mundy, Skene George, jun., 44 Market hall, h. Rubislaw

James (of R. Catto and Co ), 152 Crown street James, jun., flesher, 39 Market hall, h. Wester Kin- raundy, Skene James, sen., flesher, 49 Market hall, h. Cornhill, Old Machar James, commercial traveller (W. Stevenson), 178 George street John, spirit dealer, 258 George street John, jun., flesher, 5 Market hall, h. 26 Summer street

John, sen., 40 Market hall, Ti. Wester Kinmundy, Skene ...... William, M.D., 239 Union street

William, dental surgeon (R. C. S. E ), 181 Union street William, flesher, 36 Market hall, h. Cairufield, Old Machar William, teacher (Boys' Hospital), 19 Upperkirkgate William (of Williamson and Simpson), 81 Wales street Mrs B., 239 Union street Mrs P., 143 Union street Miss, lodgings, 66 Chapel street Willis, T., clerk (Telegraph office), 73 Netherkirkgate Willock, Robert S., temperance hotel, 56 Union street Thomas, teller (Bank of Scotland), Applebank House, 13 Spittal Willox, John, 4 Strawberrybank Mrs William, 30 Blackfriars street Wilson, Alex., shoe shop, 13 Broad street, h. Cruden's court, 22 Broad street Andrew, late bookseller, Concert court, Broad street Charles, shipowner, 11 Market street, h 63 Green Charles, Butchers' Arms Inn, 17 Castle street David, dyer and scouicr, 20 Innes street and 5 St Nicholas street, h 10 John street David, shoemaker, 214 Gallowgate, ^. 13 Causewayend David, grocer and spirit dealer, 9 West North street George W., artist and photographer to the Queen, 24 and 25, h. 23 Crown street CITY OF ABERDEEN'. 227

Wilsoii, George, tailor, 188 Gallowgate George, 236 George street Hugh, confectioner, 47 Regent quay Rev. John (North Parish), 33 Union place John (Leith and Clyde Shipping Co.), 87 Wales street John, bookseller and stntioner, 43^ Castle street, h. Concert court, Broad street John K. (W, Smith, jun.), Cuparstone place ..... John, shore porter, 53 Shiprow John, house carpenter, 44 Frederick street, h. 11 Roslin terrace Johh, spirit dealer, 67 Green Peter, flesher, 34 and 35 Market hall, h. Roseburn cot- tage, 90 Hutcheon street Robert & Son, booksellers, bookbinders, and stationers, 1 St Nicholas street, h. 2k Mary place Robert, gunmaker, 16 St Nicholas street, h. Newbridge, Hardgate Robert, baker, 83 Gallowgate, h 11 Forbes street William, gardener, Mile-eud, Holburo road

.. .. Mrs James, lodgings, 26 Huntly street Mrs Robert, grocer, Newbridge, Hardgate Mrs William, 90 Union street Mrs, 2 Springbank place Mrs, lodgings, 27 York place Mrs, draper, 15 Causewayend Miss, 4 Little Chapel street ..... Miss, grocer, 141 George street Miss, teacher, 54 Causewayend

... .. Miss, teacher of pianoforte and singing, 2 Chapel court, Castle street

Wilson e, Thomas (of Skinner and Wilson e), 229 Union street Winchester, Charles, advocate, North lodge, King street Misses, dressmakers and milliners, 17 Queen street Wink, Ronald, weaver, 20 Thistle street Winkly, James, painter, 3 Flourmill brae, h. 29 Huntly street Winlaw, James, jun., ship and insurance broker, and coal merchant, 11| Regent quay, h. Winlaw villa, Cults Winton, John, late merchant, 65 Spittal Miss, dressmaker, 48 Summer street

Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Co. ; Adam and An- derson, agents in Britain, 75 Union street Wisely, John, 38 Union terrace Wiseman, John, ship broker and general cortimissioii agent, 56 Marischal street Wishart, Alexander, builder, 1 Charlotte street Alexander, flesher^ 92 Gallowgate, h. 89 Wales street 228 GENERAL DIRECTORY,

Wishart, James, jun., carver, 78 Waterloo quay, h- 28 Wel- lington street Joseph, organ builder, 24. h. 22 Young street Mrs, lodgings, 22 Broad street Wolfe, J. R., M.D. (opthalmic surgeon, Royal Infirmary and Eye Institution), 231 Union street Wood and Co., London pianoforte and music saloon, 211 and 213 Union street Andrew, grocer, 46 Queen street, h. 2 St Mary's place David, boot and shoemaker, 97 George street George, clerk (Post Office), 28 Chapel street James, photographer, 25 Market street, h. 120 King st. John, surgeon, 20 Bon-accord street Joseph, ship, share, and insurance broker, and commis- sion merchant, 43 Marischal street, h. 28 Victoria street west ...... Robert, boot and shoemaker, 3 Crown street, h. 7 St Mary's place Thomas, keeper of Advocates' Hall,,^. Advocates' build- ings, Union street Mrs Jane, sick nurse, 28 Chapel street ... .. Miss, 2 St Mary's place

Wordie and Co., railway agents and carriers ; office, Market street Wragg, Patrick P., merchant and provision agent, 5Q Regent quay, h. 53 Seamount place Wrenford, Rev. T. Brooks (incumbent of St James'), Bloom- field, Holburn place Wright, David, photographer, 119 George street James and Son, stonecutters and granite polishers, 112 John street, h. 1^ Mount street John, gardener, Pitmuxton John, ivory turner and dealer in fancy goods, 19 Sea- mount place

, Joseph and Son, timber merchants, Footdee steam saw

mills, York street ; office. Exchange street, h. Marywell bank, Marjwell street Wyllie, David, cashier (Union Bank), 2 Marischal street David and Son, stationers, booksellers to the Queen and H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, public circulating library, 111 Union street James (of D. Wyllie and Son), 12 Garden place James, clerk (Commercial Co.), 1 Marywell street Wyness, Andrew, flesher, 13 Market hall, fe. 4 Donald's court, 20 Schoolhill John, flesher, 21 Market hall, h. 13 Netherkirkgate Mrs, lodgins^s, 7 Skene terrace Wyse, Andrew, provision dealer, 178 Gallowgate William, grocer and spirit dealer, 99 Causewayend CITY OF ABERDEEN. 229

YAEROL, John Neville De, ostrich feather maker, 81 King street Yeats and Flockhart, advocates, 84 King street and Spottiswood, advocates, 46 King street Alexander, advocate, 2 Correction wynd, h. 149 Crown street ...... George, silk mercer, 87 Union street, h. 149 Crown street

.. ... John (of Yeats and Flockhart), Kincorth, near Church of Nigg Peter, boot and shoemaker, oi John street William, advocate (of Y. and S.), 1 Union place Mrs George, of Auquharney, Wellington place Mrs Alexander, lodfiings, 47 Schoolhill Young, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 65 Woolmanhill Colin, grocer, 9 Summer lane David, messenger (S. N. E. R. Co.), Guild street James (of Oswald and Co.), 35 Spittal, Old Aberdeen

John, musical instrument maker, 32, A.. 30 Netherkirk- gate William, shipmaster, 4 Affleck street William, baker, 23 Hardweird Mrs, Twin cott'ige, 64 Holburn street Mrs, midwife and sick nurse, 82 Chapel street Miss, 2 Golden square

.. ... Miss, dressmaker, 30 Netherkirkgate Youngson, George, stoneware merchant, 167 George street John, grocer and spirit dealer, 34 North Broadford James, boot and shoemaker, 126 Chapel street, h. 1 Thistle street John (Lucknow tavern), 13 Exchequer row Robert and Co., sailmakers. Theatre lane, Regent quay Thos. A. W. A., advocate, 74 Union street, h. 29 Bon- accord terrace ..w. Mrs Major, 29 Bon-accord terrace Mrs Robert, 24 Constitution street Younie, William, cabinetmaker, 12 St Paul street and Ross's court, 6 Upperkirkgate Yule, Alexander, ironmonger, and dealer in India rubber goods, 7 St Nicholas street, h. 20 Kidd lane Robert, working jeweller, 7 Correction wynd

.„ ... William, grocer and spirit dealer, 165 Gallowgate, A. 11 Young street Mrs (Mary Queen of Scots Inn), 61 Castle street Mrs, lodgings, 177 Union street DIEECTOEY.

Accountants. Advocates.

Brand, Alex., 103 Union street Adam and Anderson, 75 Union Crombie, John, 3 Queen street street Fletcher, Robert, 1 7 Huxter row .... Wm., jun., 62 Skene st. Frater, James, Town-house .... Robert, 29 Union street Lunan. Wm., S. N E. Hallway Allan, George, 56 Castle street MacAldowie, John, 12 St Nicho- Anderson, Wm., 75 Union st. las street Angus, John, Town-house Marquis, George, 147 Union st. Barron, Lambert, 15 Adelphi Masson, Andrew, 4 Queen st. court Meston, James, 75 Union street Bonnj^man, C. D., 74 Union st. Milne, Alex., 72 Wales street Brebner, James, Advocates* Morgan, James (D. R. Co.), 24 buildings, Union st. Adelphi court Bryce, James, 12 Adelphi court Mowat, Wra., 22 Adelphi court Burnett, Newell, Record office Paterson, Samuel (G. N. of S. Cadenhead, John, 9 Huxter row R. Co:) Cattanach, D. G., 56 Castle st. Riddel, Thomas (Savings' Bank) Chalmers, C. and J. H., 147 Riddel, Wm. R., (T. and U. Union street Bank) Chivas, Alex., 42 Castle street Scott, John (National Bank) Clark, John, 3 Queen street Shirres, Wm., 115 Union street Clerihew, Francis, 6 Union Sim, Alex. (Bank of Scotland) place

Sinclair, James A. ( Record Office) Cochran, Alex., 152 Union st. Smith, James (Leith and Clyde Collie, James and George, 8. Shipping Co.) Castle street ^ .... Francis (N. of Scotland Coutts, John, 214 Gallowgate Bank) Davidson, John, 3 Queen streeb .... Wm. (Northern Assur- Davidsons and Cooper, 7 Union ance Co.) terrace Steele, st. J. G., st. Wm , 30 Marischal Dawson, 14f Broad Sutherland, Alex. (Commercial Duncan and Clyne, 8 Castle Bank) street trades' and professions' directory. 231

Duncan, Charles, 16 Adelphi Robertson & Lumsden, 3 Union court terrace .... John, jun., 84 King street Ross, Alexander, Savings' Bank, Dunn, William, 74 Union street Exchange street Edmond, Alex., 22 Adelphi .... Wm., 20 Belmont street court Ruxton, Thomas, 84 Union st, .... Francis, 22 Adelphi court Runcy, Charles P., 2 Correction .... James, 23 Adelphi court wynd Ewen, Thomas, 28 Broad street Simpson & Cadenhead, 9 Hux- Ferguson, John, 84 Union street ter row Fleming and Paull, 12 King .... Alex., 48 King street street .... James, 17 Huxter row Fraser, Alexander, Town-house Skinner and Wilsone, 229 Union Grant, George, 30 King street street Grub, George, Advocates' build- Smith and Cochrane, 152 Union ings, Union street street (tem. office, 1 Henderson, A., 26 St Nicholas Huntly street) street .... Alex. Elmslie, 74 Union

.... John S. , 58 Castle street street Hunter. Wm., 14 Adelphi ct. .... John, 252 Union street .... Wm. C, 15 Adelphi court Stephen, Lessel, 83 Union st. Jopp and Shand, 31 Gallowgate Stronach and Duguid, 71 King .... Andrew, Victoria court, 54 street Castle street .... Alex., 20 Belmont street Kennedy and Fraser, 42 Castle homson, John, 75 Union street street Watt, John, 4 Correction wynd

Ligertwood, John and Robert, .... John, jun , 40 King street 89 Union street Webster, J., 42 King street M'Donald, Alex., 83 Union st. Winchester, Charles, North M'Kinnon, Lachlan, 20 Spring- Lodge garden Yeats and Flockhart, 84 King .... Lachlan, jun., 233 Union street street .... and Spottiswood, 46 King Massie, Marianus, 153 Union street street .... Alex., 2 Correction wynd Milne and Walker, 129 Union Youngson, Thomas A. W. A., street 74 Union street Mitchell, David, 12 Adelphi ct. Moir, Wm., 31 Gallowgate and Commission Morice, D. R., 34 Marischal Agents street nflexchants. Muill, John, 83 Union street Anderson, G. B., 57 Marischal Murray and Garden, 48 School- street hill Asher, James, 115 Union street .... and M'Combie, 103 Union Barclay, J. W, 12 Commerce street street Ogg, F., court Wm. 15 Adelphi Batten, Abraham, 20 and 21 Paul and Rutherford, 20 King Adelphi court street Burstall, H. A., 6 Bon-accord Colin Philip, Allan, 82 Queen terrace street Cadenhead, Wm., 39 Nether- John, Office Reid, Record kirkgate .... Wm. L., 146 Union street Catto, JameS; 29 Marischal st. 1

232 trades' and professions' directory*

Clark, Alexander, Crown court, Walker, Charles, Rettie's courfc, 41 1 Union street Broad street Connon, Kichard, and Co., 58 Warrack and Hay, 34 Maris- Mariischal street chal street Cooper, James, 56 Marischal Watson, Alex. H., 1 Justice st. street Williams, William, 19 Regent Crombie, James, 2 Crown court, quay 41j Union street Willet, Joseph T., Inches Cunard, J. and Co., Exchange Wiseman, John, 56 Marischal court, Union street street Donald, Wm., 15 Marischal st. Wood, Joseph, 43 Marischal st,. Elsmie, G. and feJon, 12 Trinity quay- Architects, Grant, George G. and Co., 46 Marischal street Ellis, Alex,, 4 Belmont street Jas, 24 Belmont Gray, A. and W., Exchange st. Henderson. st. Son, .... A. R., Shnreporters' lauild- .... Wm. and 66 Loch st. ings, Virginia street Knight, Wm., 88 King street .... James, 12 Castle street Knox, Wm. G., 4 Belmont st. Hutcheson, George, 47 Maris- Leslie, Wm., 123^ Union street chal street Matthews, James, 24 Adelphi Jamieson, John, 56 Marischal court street Macandrew, Daniel, 120 Loch Keith, W. T., 88 Union street street Kennedy. J. J., Market street Mackenzie, J. Russell, 14 M'Donald, David, 113 George Adelphi court street Millar, David, 71 Bon-accord M'Laren, John, 15 Queen street street Mather, John, 2 Crown court, Ramage, Wm., 115 Union st. Smith, Wm., 1 Bon-accord st. 41f Union street Morison and Leslie, 59 Maris- Stuart, John, Balgair, Euthrie- chal street ston PatersoD, David, 34 Marischal street Aztists. Rennie, John T,, 48 Marischal Cassie, James, 11 Crown street street Cleland, Peter, 8 Union terrace Rhind, John, 1 !N"etherkirkgate Giles, James, R.S.A,, 63 Bon- George, 42 Marischal Riddel, accord street street Munro, Robert, Springbank ter- Crown Rust, Alex., court, 41 race Union street Russell, George, 4 Dee street Kemp, 10 Virginia Saunders, .... John, 13 Diamond street street Wilson, George W., 24 Crown John, 44 Marischal st. Sheed, street Skene, John D., 23 Marischal street Smith, Wm., 38 King street j^uctioneeirs. Stevenson, Wm., 5 Belmont st. Barnett, John, Guild street Thomson, George and Son, 21 Brown, P. and G., 140 Union Regent quay street Troup, A. and J., Thornton pi. Christie, John, 19 Adelphi court Tulloch, Lawrence, 18 Kings- Collins, James, 44 East North laud place street TEADES' AND PEOPESSIONS' DIRECTORY. 233

Hutcheon, John, 44 Union st. Martin, James, 1 Catto square Keith, W. T., 88 Union street Mefif, Robert, 147 George street M'Gregor, Colin, 78 Wales st. Mitchell, George, 129 Crown st. MassoD, A., 115 Union street .... James, 41j Schoolhill Mollison, John, 1 Wellington pi. Morrison, James, 6 & 7 Shiprow Bakers, Muil, Francis, 153 George street Munro, Kenneth, 60 George st. Abel, James, 64 Virginia street Murray, Thos., 24 Justice street Adam, Koderick, 14 Union place Nicol, Anderson, William, 4 Holburn Joseph, 10 Exchequer row street Simpson, George, Banks and Robertson, 51 West 41 Park street Stephen, Wm., 31 Broad street North street Thomson, George, 45 St Nicho- Broadford Bread Co., 2 18 George las street street Warrack, David, 5 Chapel Buchan, Robert, 76 Green street Webster, John, 47 Green Buckner, James, 32 Gallowgate .... William, 4 Skene terrace Campbell, Kenneth, 120 Chapel Wilson, Robert, 83 Gallowgate street Young, William, 23 Chalmers, John, 211 Gallowgate Hardweird Charles, Wm., 76 and 78 Skene square Basket-xnakeirs. Clark, William., 276 George st. Bothwell, George, 23 George st. Collie, Alex., 66 George street Laing, David, street Craig, A., 308 George street 5 Crown David, 43 .... Wm,, 215 Gallowgate Ogg, Upperkirkgate, and Market Croll, Francis, 55 St Nicholas 30 gaHery street Reynolds, Gordon, 26 Queen st. Thomson, William, 25 Market . , , , John, 67 George street gallery .... Matthew, 70 King street Eddie, Alex., 6 Commerce street Todd, Alexander, 102 Green Edward, John, 36 Union place .... Simpson, 3 Yeats lane Blacksmiths. Falconer, Joseph, 3 North Broad- ford Abernethy, James & Co., Ferry- Flett, Mrs William, 142 George hill street Anderson, Wm., Flourmill lane Footdee Association, 75 Water- Angus, John, Pork lane loo quay- Blaikie Brothers, Footdee Iron Garden and Raeburn, 82 School- works hill Bonnyman, James and John, 19 Graham, Wm., 3 & 5 Frederick Loch street street Gordon, Hugh and Co., 14 Gal- Inglis, James, 2 Waverley place lowgate Jaffray, Wm., 67 Broad street Gray, D. & G., 65 Holburn st., Law, John, 60 Shiprow and Trinity street M'Bain, George, 62 Schoolhill Johnston, J. and W., 18 Meal- M'Kenzie, James, 66 and 68 market street Queen street Knowles, Alexander, 18 Lower M'Lean, Thomas, 7 Dee street Denburn M'Niven, John, 81 Bon-accord Laing, William, 18 Catherine street street M'Pheraon, Alex., 65 Green Lyall, Robert, 19 Hoxter row 21 2U trades' astd professions' dieectory.

M'Hardy, D. and Son, 54 Catto, George, 55 Union street Ketherkirkgate Clark, G. and Sons, 15 Broad .... John, 15 Back wynd street Mitchell, Charles, 77 George st. .... Mrs M., 59 Broad street .... David, Inches Courage, Archibald, 7 George Eobert, 102 Gallowgate street Nicholson, A., 181 West North Davidson, George, 1 85 Union st. street Duffus, John, 9 Union buildings Pine, J. and A., 8 Barnett's Finnic, Peter, 89 Gallowgate close, Guestrow Garden, Mrs John, 124 Gallow- Pressly, James, 14 Wales street gate Reid, Alex., 2 Windmill brae Henderson, A., 2 Broad street Smith, Wm., 6 Minister's lane King, George and Eobert, 28 Thomson, Catto, Buchanan, and St Nicholas street Co., York place Leslie and Maule, 98 Union st. Lindsay, Wm., 62 Gallowgate Boilexsnakets. Maclean, Samuel, 1 King street Menzies, Thomas, 51 Castle st. Abernethy, James, and Co., Milne, A. and E., 199 Union st. Ferryhill Monro, Joseph, 32 Woolmanhill Blaikie Brothers, Footdee iron Morison, works Alex., 28 Marischal street Thomson, Catto, Buchananj and Miiller, Charles, 3 Castle street Co., York place Ogilvie, John, 47 Upperkirkgate Eussel, Wm., 19 Book Agents* Broad street Shepherd, George, 1 Broad st. CampbeD, Alex. (A. Fullerton), Skinner, George, 3 Schoolhill

16 Crown street Smith, A. , 7 Seamount place Cameron, Ewen (J. 8. Virtue), .... James, 21^ Adelphi court 1231^ Union street .... John, 57 Union street M'Alister, D. (W. M'Kenzie), .... Lewis, M'Combie's court, 61 St Nicholas street 50j Union street Maitland George (Blackie and Stevenson, Wm., 13 St Nicholas Son), 40 Broad street street .... Joseph (L. P. and P, Co.), Thomson, David, 95 George st. 21 Broad street Wagrell, John, 27 Upperkirk- gate Bookbinders. Walker, J., 34^ Upperkirkgate .... Eobert, 92 Broad street Anderson, John, 40^ Union st. Wilson,y4^hn, 43| Castle street Edmond, John, 54 Queen street .... Eobert & Son, 1 St Nicho- Henderson, Alex., 2 Broad st. las street Laurie, Wm., 40^ Union street Wyllie, Dx and Son, HI Union Ogilvie, John, 47 Upperkirkgate street Vessie, J. & Co., 2 Queen street Wagrell, John, 17 Guestrow Wilson, John, 43| Castle street Boot and Shoemakers. Kobert & Son, 1 St Nicho- Aiken, James. 57 Broad street las street Airth, John, 2 Justice street Angus, W. C, 130 Union street Booksellears & Stationers. Baxter, Wm., 11 Wales street Adam, John, Market gallery Blair, Thomas, 17 Broad street Bro\^n, A. & Co., 77 Union st. Bothwell, John, 11 Broad street trades' and PBOFESSIONS' DIEECTOEy. 235

Brown, A., 71 George street Milne, Andrew, 1 & 3 St Paul's Cadenhead, David, 96 John sfc. street Cameron, Wm., 10 Skene street James, Holburn place Campbell, i)., 32 Windy wynd Mitchell, Robert 65 Commerce Gatto, James, 219 Union street street Charles, Wm., 16 John street Morrison, George, 37 Upper- Clyne, Wm. and Sons, 22 and kirkgate 24 Gallowgate Munro, James and David, 48 Craigen, James, 33 Schoolhili Upperkirkgate Cromar, A.., 18 Schoolhili Paterson, John, 194 West North T>ey, George, 5 Carmelite street street Drummond, John, 54 Union st. Petrie, Robert, 120 Skene street .... James, 43 Union street Porter and Leighton, 52 St Duncan, Wm., 25 Broad street Nicholas street .... William, 37 Broad street Ramsay, John, 83 Queen street Edwards, J. and. D., 38 Union Reid, Joseph, 86 King street place Riach, James, 3 Huxter row Fiddes, Francis, 25 St Nicholas Robertson, Robert, 43 George st. street Ross, James, 44 Shiprow Findlay, Mrs Alex., 5 Broad Sang. Thomas, 50 Summer st. street and 27 Union Scott, Alex., 41 Upperkirkgate street George, 42 Virginia street Findlater, James, 13 Dee street Senter, John, 8 Crown street Franklin, H., 61 Gallowgate Smith, George, 62 Broad street Fraser, Duncan, 37 Summer James, 42 Holburn street lane Stuart, William, 28 Schoolhili J. & Son, 115 Union street Taylor, J., 6 St Nicholas lane T. & Sons, 73 Broad street Thorn, George, 35 Shiprow Gibb, James, 26 Marischal st. Thomson, James, 53 and 7 Gillespie, Erskine, 12 Broad st. Broad street James, 9 Broad street Urquhart, Alex., 38 Holburn st. Grant, David, 3 South Silver st. Waikenshaw, Alexander, 40 Handyside, G. and Co., 3 Broad George street street Walker. James, 89 Queen street Harper, W., 165 Gallowgate John, 315 George street Hay, William, 113 Union street Watt, John, 10 Holburn street

Hector, William, 7 Holburn st. Wilson, Alex , 13 Broad street JaflPray, William, 14 Union st. David, 214 Gallowgate Kerr, William, 86 John street Wood, David, 97 George street Laing, Robert, 176 George st. Robert, 3 Crown street Law, Samuel, 122 Skene street Yeats, Peter, 54 John street Leslie, Allan, 27 Wales street Youngson, James, 126 Chapel James, 21^ Schoolhili street John, 8 Queen street Lorimer, James, 9 St Cathe- rine's wynd McDonald, William, 65 Oause- and €a-as&ttears. wayend Anderson, John, 63 Windmill M 'Kay, George, 18 Gallowgate brae Meikle, John, 22 Castle street Berry, John, 4 South Silver st. Melvin, George, 3 Gallowgate Bisset, Leslie, 238 George street Menzies, John, 64 Schoolhili Blaikie, John and Sons, Little- Milne, Alex., 27 Marischal st john street 236 TEADES' AND PEOFESSIONs' DIEECTORY.

Collie, Eobert, 39 Loch street jj.Qnside, William, 9 Spa street Davidson, John, 78 St Andrew- j^jjUston, Alexander, 34 Thistle street street Farquhar and Gill, 24 Upper- Low and Chalmers, 40 White- kirkgate house street Gordon, Hugh and Co., 14 Gal- Lunan, G. and T., 2 Charles st. lowgate Macandrew, Daniel and Co., Lamb, Alex., 48 John street 120 Loch street Mathers, James, 13i Dee street Middleton, R., 2 Union wynd Eobertson, Alexander, 8 and 10 Mitchell and Cay, 11 Spa street Skene terrace and Ogg, 20 Bon-accord Stewart, Peter, 12 Schoolhill lane Thomson, William, 72 Nether- Mitchell, Adam, 259 George st. kirkgate Pittendrigh, Wm., 56 Loch st. Rainnie, Alex., 50 Commerce st. Birexireirs. Reid, James, 58 John sti'eet Ross, Black, W. and Co., Devanha James, 28 Summer street Eust, Cowieand Co., 5 Virginia street James, 31 Charlotte street Taylor, Eddie, John, 112 Loch street John, 15 Henry street Gilcomston Brewery Co. Warrack and Daniel, 7 and 9 Gordon, Wm., 211 King street N. Charlotte street Eoss, Alex., 8 Skene square Watson, Robert, Nelson street Stewart, John, 20 Mealmarket Wishart, Alexander, 1 Charlotte street St. and 69 Virginia st. Wallace, Alex, and Co., 24 Loch street Cabinetmakesrs. Wallace Brothers, Hardgate Those marked, thus * are Upholsterers >

- Bzushssiakezs. *Allan, James and Sons, 122 Union street Fyfe, John and Son (to the *Alexander, Queen), 22 St Nicholas John, 164 Union street street *Baird, Thomas, Macaldowie and Co., 14 St 191 Union st. Crombie, Nicholas street Wm., 25 Gallowgate ^Davidson Brothers, 13 Morison, George, 16 George st. 1^ Union street Buildess. J. andR.,80Causewayend Elicock, Joseph, 66 Broad street Bisset, Peter and Son, 110 Loch Greig, John, 129 King street street *HutcheoD, John, 44 Union st. Bruce, Wm., 63 Causewayend Knox, Arthur, Windmillbrae Buyers, James and Co., 12 Kidd M'Donald, James, jun., 31 Castle lane street Clark, John, 28 Princes street M'Kay, Alex., 15 Upperkirk- Collie, John, 14 Blackfriars st. gate Coutts, James, 24 John street Robert, 11 Upperkirkgate Donaldson, G., Summerfield Macandrew, Fergus, 48 Loch cottage, 75 Park street street Fraser, J. and Son, 79 John st. Masson, Eobert, 9 Park street Garvie, James, 60 Huntly street Milne, Andrew, Windmill lane Greig, George, 6 Thistle lane Murray, John, 70 Green Henderson, William and Sons, *Ogilvie, A. and W., 175 Union 66 Loch street street trades' and professions' directory. 237

Playfair, Alex., 32 Upperkirk- Cairvexs and Gilders. gate Anderson, A. and J., 33 Queen Smith, James, 102 King street street John, 33 Castle street Davidson, Robert, 28 Union Walker, A. R., 45 Bon-accord row street Gifford and Son, 187 Union st. Younie, William, 12 St Paul Hay and Lyall (to the Queen), street 2 Market street Hughes, George, 15 York st. Candlemakezs. Kerr and Bowman, 179 Union street Ogston, Alex., 92 Loch street Pirie, Alexander and Co., 82 Skinner, P. A., St Catherine King street court, 16 Shiprow Tawse, Henry, 61 Queen street Williamson and Simpson, 79 Wishart, James, 78 Waterloo Wales street quay Gavpet Man-9j.factufe3rs. Cattle and Hide Hadden, A. and Sons, 1 Lower Salesnien. Dee street Lyon, Alex., 194^ George st. Cazt-Wsrights. M'Gregor, Colin, 78 Wales st. Macdonald, D., 113 George st. Davidson, J. and R., 80 Cause- wayend Chimney Sweeps. Dawson, Wm., Spa street

Gray, D. and G., 65 Holburn fit. Booth, Alexander, 72 Bast and Trinity street North street

Ingram, J- and J., 34 Cause- . . . , Wm., 7| Justice street wayend Wm., jun., 27 Justice st. Shepherd, Alex., 310 George Dean, Matthew, 22 Mutton street brae Sutherland, J. and J., 62 Skene M'Dougal, Daniel, 64 Nether- street kirkgate Watson, George, 184 West M'Kay, Wm., 1 Windtcillbrae North street Clezks. Gairteirs. Anderson, David (S. N. E. R. Allan, Alexander, Nellfield Co.), Guild street Archibald, James, 70 Loch st. .... David (G. N. of S. R. Co.) Bird, Peter, 49 Upper Denburn Waterloo station Brand, Geo., 43 Windmillbrae Berry, John Edward (Skinner Davidson, John, 10 Young st. and Wilsone) 229 Forrest, George, 23 Castle st. Union street Gordon, Jobn, 14 Catherine st. Bisset, Alexander (Post Office) Keith, Peter, 11 Mounthooly Brodie, William (Blaikie Bro- M'Adam, John, 77 Skene street thers) M'Donald, Roderick, 8 Charles Buyers, David (Richards and street Co.) Melvin, Wm., 62 College street Caird, Geo. (P. and G. Brown) Pickford and Co., 8 Schoolhill Collie, Duncan (Post Office) Tough, Archibald, 81 Spring- Croft, Charles (Inland Revenue) gardeA 2 Trinity quay 238 TEADES' AND PKOFESSIONS' DIEECTOEY.

Gumming, Eobert (Post Office) Murray, Jas. A. (R. Fletcher, 17 .... Robert (Devanha Brewery) Huxter row Davidson, Joseph (Broadford Neilson, Geo. (G. N. of S. R.) works) Waterloo station Donaldson, Alex. (Aberdeen Ogilvie, Alex., 35 Queen street Rope and Sail Co.) Martin, S. (D. M'Hardy) Dugan, Hugh, 57 John street IN^etherkirkgate Dunn, Alex. (Blaikie Brothers) Riddel, Peter (Harbour Office) Edward A. (British Linen Co.) Robson, James W., 201 Union Edwards, John, jun. (Brown & street Carr) 37 Union street Robb, Geo. (Gas Light Co.) Farquhar, James (J. Blaikie & Roger, James, 264 George street Sons) Littlejohn street Robertson, George, jun. (T. and Eraser, Robert (Post Office) C. Bank) Gray, Jas. (Northern Agricul- .... John, 128 Union street tural Co.) Waterloo Rollo, Wm. (W. Clyne & Sons) quay Ross, Alex. (T. C. B. and Co.) Harrow, Geo. (J. J. Kennedy) York place Market street Rutherford, James (G. N. of S. Hector, Thos (S. N. E. R.) R.) Waterloo station Hendry, William (J. Catto, Shaw, R. S. W. (W. Stevenson) Son, and Co.) 5 Belmont street Holmes, William (D. H. and Simpson, John B. (Gas Light Co.) 82 College street Co.) Home, John (Custom House) Sim, John (N. of S. Bank) Jaflfray, Lawrence (Post Office) .... Wm. (Richards and Co.) Keith, James (Granite works) Rubislaw Constitution street Souttar, Wm. (G. N. of S. R. Knowles, Alex. F. (G. T., jun. Co.) Waterloo station and Co.) 40 Marischal Stewart, John, 43 Marischal street Low, Alex. R., 74 Wales street Stuart, John S. (G. N. of S. R. M'Intosh, J. C. (A. Pirie and Co.) Waterloo station Sons, Poynernook) Taylor, Wm. (Blaikie Brothers) M'Killican, James, 5 Bon- Trail, John (Journal Office) accord street Walker, James (J. S. and Co.) Maconachie, Eobert (Stamps 5 Shoe lane and Taxes) J. C. (M. R. and Sons) .... Wm. (S. N. E. R. Co.) 151 Union street

- Guild street Watson, James (Post Office) Marr, Alex. (Free Press Office) Wood, George (Post Office) Milne, John (A. R. Gray) Vir- ginia street Clothiezs and Barapeirs. Mollison, Wm. (N. of S. E. L. Those marked * are Wholesale- Co.) Alexander, John, 138-140 Gal- Mollyson, C. A. (N. of S. Bank) lowgate Brown Moir, Chas. (A. & Co.) Anderson and Thomson, 10 street Union Broad street Morgan, Patrick (Richards and .... Wall, 23 Queen street €0.) * Blackball, James and Co., 39 Murray, Alex. (C. of G. Bank) Union street (Farquhar .... James & Gill) *Brown and Carr, Exchange 24 IJpperkirkgate court, Union street TEADES' AND PBOFESSIONS' DIRECTORY. 239

Brown, James 2 & 4 George st. Ross, James, 206 George street Bruce Robert, 27 George street Mrs Wm.,l79Gallowgate Campbell, Wm. and Co. 73, *Shirres, Webster, and Mac- Union street kenzie, Market street *Collie, G. and Co., 4 St Ca- Simpson and Whyte, 21 Union therine's wynd buildings Connon, James, 8 Broad street *Smith, Adam, 96 & 98 Union .... Peter, 30 Union street street Cook and Davidson, Market st. .... Andrew, 63 St Nicholas *Cooper, Henry and Co., Ex- street change street .... Miss, 54 George street Dewar, David, 49 Castle street Stephen, Wm. J., 120 George

Donald, P , 35 Broad street street .... Wm., 148 George street Symon, William and Co., 31 Dunbar, Wm., 24 Chapel street Union street Falconer, John and Co., 23 *Taylor, Alexander, 67 Union Union street street * Forbes, James and Sons, 24 Tennant, Joseph, 67 King st. Market street Tocher, John and Sons, 142 .... Alexander, 42 Queen st. Union street Fyfe, Alexander, 2 Wellington Tough, George, 134 George st. place Watson, Patrick, 18 Union *Gibb, J. and A., 79j Loch st. place Gordon, st. James, 40 Union , , Thomas R., 47 Gallowgate *Hall, John, 43 Broad street Watt, Miss, 182 Gallowgate Kilgour, James, 94 George st. Kinghorn, Jas., George st. 198 Coach Buildesrs. Lei'th, Alex., 33 St Nicholas st. Lumsden, J. and Co., 155 Union Dakers, James, 7 Union wynd street Gray, Alexander, 101 King st. M'Manus, Charles, 1 and 2 and 7 Frederick street Black's buildings Laing and Melvin (to her Ma- Marshall, W. and J., 83 Union jesty) 4 and 8 Bon- street accord street Mathieson, Isaac, 33 Union st. Milne, James (Spring garden Meffet, Mrs George, 204 Gal- works) Loch street lowgate Ness, Robert, 7 Union row Milne, Low, and Co., 127 .... Robert, jun., 231^ and Union street 232J Union street Milne, Sons, & Co., 35 Union street Coal Sirokeirs. .... Peter, 22 J George street Bannerman, Patrick, 2 Trinity Mowat, Wm. & Co., 82 Shiprow quay .... James, 37 St Nicholas st. .... William, 2 Trinity quay Paterson, James, 59 Gallow- Elsmie, George and gate Son, 12 Trinity quay * Philip and Cooper, 32 Union Fidler, Alex., Quayside street M'Lauchlan, John, 3 James .... Hay and Co., 17 and 19 st. Union M'Taggart, Donald, 13 Trinity buildings quay *Pratt and Keith, 51 and 53 Saunders, Kemp, 10 Virginia Union street street Eoss, Hugh, jun.^ 4 Broad st Winlaw, James, jun., Hi Quay 1


Comb IKEant&factuxezs. Balfour, James, 180 George street S., E. Stewart and Co., 40 Bisset, Joseph, Gallowgate Hutcheon street 149 Bothwell, A, 51 Castle street M'Pherson, John & Co., Steps Alex., street of Gilcomston *Duffus, 11 Castle and 3 Market street Gommeircial Travellexs. , , , » James, 86 Union street Edward, John, 36 Union place Abel, Wm., 5 Eoslin terrace Glegg, Robert, 215 Union street Bannerman, John (D. Knox) Hobrow, Wm., 218 Gallow- G-allowgate gate Black, John (AJex. Clark) *Lockhart and Salmond, l23 Crown court, 41 Union street Union street M'Donald, John, 37 Basement Cameron, Hugh (J. J. Kennedy) floor, Market Market street *M'Killiam, B. and W., 54 Connon, George (S. Shepherd) Broad street 216 George street .... Robert, 28 Union street Forsyth, Robert (S. R. Stewart and 38 Upperkirkgate and Co.) Hutcheon st. *Milne, John, 30 Union place Hunter, George (H. Gordon *Sell«r, Wm.. 50 Castle street and Co.) Shepherd, Wm., 27 Broad Leslie, Andrew (A. & W. Gray) street Exchange street Smith, Alex., 29 Park street M'Gregor, Alex, T win Cottage, Thomson, Arthur, 64 George 66 Holburn street street Milne, Wm. S. (Brebner and Wilson, Hugh, 47 Regent quay Grant, 56 St Nicholas street) Ificol], Alex. (Wm. Stevenson) Coopers. Belmont street 5 Those marTced * are Fish

Co2ifectioners and Pastry Blaikie, J. and Sons, Littlejohn Cooks. street Elmslie, John, 69 Windmillbrae Those marked * are Wholesale. Gordon, H. and Co., 1 Gallow- Bain, Mrs, 10 Marischal street trades' and professions' directory. 241

Coarkcuttexs. Doctosrs oi IXEedicine. See also Surgeons. Brown, Charles, 39 Schoolhill 27 Queen street Catto, Win., 37 Netherkirkgate Booth, James, Duncan, Thomas and Son, 20 Carr, George, 22 Union place Schoolhill St Nicholas street Christie, John, 46 21 Golden sq. M'G-ee, Richard, 47 Guestrow Coutts, James, Robert, 16 Union terrace Simpson, George, 30 Broad st. Dyce, Fiddes, David, 18 King street H., Castle I/Cttcn Ma3iu.factuxexs. Forsyth, James 56 street Kobinson, Orum, and Co., Ban- Geddes, John, 37 Union place nermill Grant, W. H., 1 Holburn street Harvey, Alexander, 44 Skene Curiiers and Sklanearls, terrace Henderson, Wm., 49 Schoolhill Clyne, William and Sons, 28 63 Schoolhill Berry lane Jackson, Henry, Royal Luna- Hacket, John, Jack's brae Jamieson, Robert, Asylum Laiug, James, 38 George street tic Keith, Wm., 257 Union street Roberts, David, 17 Princes st. place Gilcomston Kerr, David, 9 Union Rodger, James, Union Tannery Kilgour, Alexander, 158 street Sim, Wm., Newbridge, Hard- Leslie, William, 10 Golden sq.

Lizars, A. J , Arnlee, Cults Smith, Robert, Jack's brae MacQuibban, C. M., 39 Con- Watt, John and Sons, 134 and street 136 Gallowgate stitution Macrobin, John, Migvie House, Silver street Gutless. Meikle, Thos. H., Hydropathic Establishment, Loch- Hamilton, John, ] 7 George st. Hodge, James & Co., 18 Broad head street Morison, G., 24 Albyn place Murray, John, Riddel's court, Ogilvie, George, 29 Union place Windmiilbrae Ogston, Francis, 18 Adelphi cfe. Philip, James, 2 Mounthooly Bentists. Pirrie, Wm., 247 Union street Wm., jun.,247 Union st. Cromar, John, 15 Belmont st. Rainy, Alex., 17 Golden square Elmslie, James, 55 Schoolhill Rattray, Rob., Royal Infirmary King, Maxwell, 18 Queen street Reid, Duncan, Crown court. Laing. Thomas, 50 Woolman- Union street hill Reith, Alexander, 15 Skene Latto, John, 70 Park street terrace Mein, James, Crown terrace Archibald, 1 East Craib- Williamson, William, 181 Union stone street street Souter, John C, 4 Castle brae Steel, James, 17 Adelphi court Bistilleirs. Stephen, William, 77 Dee st. Begg, John, 17 Weigh-house Watson, James P., 75 King square street Ogg, Henry and Co., Strathdee, Watt, Patrick, 2 Gallowgate Ouparstone Whitaker, John H., 3 Spring- Black, Wm. and Co., Devanha bank terrace 242 trades' and professions' dieectory.

Will, James, 11 King street *Sinclair, William, 34 Upper- Williamson, William, 239 Union kirkgate street *Smith, John, 159 Skene street Wolfe, J. E., 231 Union street *Souter & Shepherd, 22 Broad street Brapexs, Sutherland, J., 34 St Nicholas street (See Clothiers.) Taylor, John, 50 Regent quay Dzessmakess. Urquhart, J. and J., 65 St Nicholas street (See Milliners.) IDyeirs. Druggists. Those marhed * are wholesale. Bannerman, John, 35 George st. Borthwick, Andrew, 76 Loch Andrew, William, 168 Union street and 1 Summer street street •*Birss, Robert, 87 King street Cooper, Wm., 41 Castle street Coutts, Charles, 26 Broad street Ferguson, R., 42 Upperkirkgate Cruickshank, George P., 228 M'Gregor, John, 26 George st. George street Murray, James, Union Glen Davidson, Charles and Co., 205 Peter, 173 George street Union street Philip, Alexander, 200 George Eddie, Wm., 30 George street street Erskine. R. M., 138 George st. Stuart, Alexander, 7 Leadside, Fearnside, John, 49 Green Gilcomston Porsyth, W. and Co., 57 Castle Watson, John, 104 George st. street Wilson, David, 5 St Nicholas Grant and Donald, 141 Union street street Peter, 157 Gallowgate Ungzavezs. James M., 3 Holburn st. Jackson, Henry, "34 Woolman- Those ma/rked thus * are Lithographers. hill ^Cornwall, George and Sons, Keith, James, 8 Union place Victoria court, Castle Laing, Thomas, 51 Woolman- street hill *DuJ9fus, John, 9 Union build- 1 Exchequer Mackay,DavidM., ings row *Hughes, R., 15 Netherkirkgate Charles M., 28 MacQuibban, *Keith and Gibb, 15 Union Park street buildings Moir, James, 12 Wellington *Sheriff8, A. B., 2 Longacre place Stephen, J. H., 3 Correction *Paterson, William, 133 and wynd 135 Gallowgate *Stevevson, James, 6 Queen st. Crown street Reith, Robert, 133 ^Taylor and Henderson, 83 George and Sons, 45 *Reid, Union street Union street Ross, Andrew, 43 Castle street £agiaeeirs. Bangster, John, 46 Commerce street Abemethy, George, 8 Dee place Shields, Thomas, 125 Crown st...... James and Co., Ferryhill *Sim, James and Co., 76 King foundry street Asdei^on^ l^beit, 142 King st. TRADiES' AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY. 243

Blaikie Brothers, Footdee Iron Begg, William, 46 Market hall works Benton, Alex., 2 60 George street Balgety Brothers, 70 Hutchedn Buckner, John, 25| Gallowgate street Burnett, James, 4 East North Ferguson, Wm. B., 24 Adelphi street court Butler, Joseph, 32 & 33 Market Gibb, Alex., Waterloo quay hall Knowles, Alex., 18 Lower Den- Chalmers, William, 11 Base- burn ment floor, Market M'Intosh, John, 150 George st. Christie, Robert, 124 Chapel st. Milne, Robert, Waterloo station Davidson, James, 47 Market Pressly, James, 14 Wales street hall Smith, Alex., 2 Crown place Donaldson, Arthur, 230 George Thomson, Catto, Buchanan & street Co., Footdee Dow, James, 26 and 27 Regent Willet, John, 123^ Union st. quay Duncan, George, 17 Basement Faxziears. floor, Market .... George, 10 Park street W., 7 Carmelite street Cowe, .... William, 217 Gallowgate Chronicle Green, Peter, 9 lane Gibson, William, 6 Gallowgate John, YS., Morris, 4 Lang- Glass, John, 43 Wales street place stane Gordon, Thomas, 58 East North Skea, Joseph, V.S., 22 Dee st. Grant and Miller, 156 Gallow- Fishsnongezs. gate Findlay, Robert, 4 Basement .... William, 22 Market hall floor, Market William, 2 Little Wales Garrow, James & Co., 19 Base- street ment floor, market Gray, James, 19 Market hall Gove, Mrs Wm., 6 Basement Hall, James, 110 Gallowgate floor, Market Hutcheon, George, 57 Commerce Hogg, John, 6 Park lane street .... Robert, 93 Gallowgate .... J. and J,, 48 Market hall Innes, Robert, 60 and 61 Base- Kerr, James, 5 Langstane place ment floor, Market Knowles, James, 5 Skene street Livingston, John, 12 do. .... Thomas, 7, 8, & 9 Market Mefif, Wm., 62, 63, & 64 do. hall Pirie, Mrs Gordon, 2 do. Martin, James and William, 50, White, John, 8 and 9 do. 51, and 52 Market hall .... James, 42 Skene square Fishing Tackle Makers. Masson, Thomas, 58 St Nicholas street Brown, Wm., 36 George street Middleton, Alexander, 9 Little Duguid, David, 5 Flourmillbrae Chapel street Henderson, David, 39 Castle Milne, W. and Son, 10 and 11 street Market hall .... J., 1 Mnibank terrace Morrison, Geo., 78 Broad street Sandison, Ludovick, 118 King .... William, 12 Black's build- street ings .... William, 76 East North Fleshezs. street Barron, Wm., 41 Market ball Reid, J., 158 G«orge street 244 trades' and PEOPE3SION3' DIRECTORY.

Eose, George, 12 Market hall Furniture l^ealers. Eothnie, James, 28 Market hall Adams, Wm., 25 Castle street Salter, Williamj 14 Market hall Anderson, William, 82 George Sangster, Robt, 31 Market sen., street haU Connon, William, Back wynd Eobert, 6 Basement Scroggie, stairs floor, Market Connack, George, 4 Upperkirk- Charles, 17 Market Seivewright, gate hall Crombie, Wm., 25 Gallowgate Spark, Andrew, 4 Market hall Ewen, M. A., 90 Spring garden Stark, A. and W., 84 "Woolman- Findlay, Eobert, Windmillbrae hiU Gerrie, Wm., 71 Broad street Stewart, James, 1 and 2 Market Grant, George, 87 Broad street hall Eennie, Wm., 23 Gallowgate James, 18 Market hall .... Eitcbie, James, 10 Gallowgate John, 20 Market hall Sherar, Wm., 27 Gallowgate Ann, 3 Market hall Symon, John, 29 Upperkirkgate Tastard, James, 8 Shiprow .... John, 16 Basement floor. Market Gauze Sealers. Thomson, Adam, sen., 42 and Archibald, James, 70 Loch st. 43 Market hall Beattie, Wm., 3 Harriet street .... Alex., 12 East North st. Duncan, Mrs, 72 Loch street .... Hugh, 10 Causewayend Garrow, James & Co., 19 Base- Walker, Eobert, 29 Basement ment floor, market floor. Market Grant, Mrs, 13 and 15 Loch h^ .... William, 47 Chapel street Innes, Robert, 60 and 61 Base White, James, 15 and 16 Mar- ment floor, Market ket hall Joss, Mrs, 53 Loch street Williamson, George sen., 80 Meff, Wm., 63 Basement floor, Market hall Market . George, Jan., 44 do. Milne, Mrs, 61 Loch street, and , James, sen., 49 do. 10 St Andrew street . John, sen , 40 do.

. J^hn, jun., 5 do. Gardeners. . William, 36 do. do. Wilson, P., 34 and 35 Berry, James, 8 Broadford lane Gallow- Wishart, Alexander, 92 Brown, Donald (jobbing), Ban- gate nermill 13 Market Wyness, Andrew, Clark, William, Market hall, hall and Links .... John, 21 Market hall Cocker, James, Sunn37park Davidson, James, Hardgate Fruiterers. .... Mrs William, Springbank Berry, Mrs, 108 George street terrace Burns, A., 228 to 237 Market Donaldson, Eobert, 191 West hall North street Campbell, James, 11 Justice Forbes, Wm., Upper Leadside street Fyfe, Eobert {jobbing), 26 Union Hossack, Archd., 46 Union st. row Matthew, John 51 Broad street Garden, John, Calsayseat place Pegler, George, 7 Union build- Gordon, Charles, Holbum ings Kinneard, William, Pitmuxton trades' and peofessions' directoky. 245

LawsoD, Wm., Ferryliill house Eettie, M. and Sons, 151 Union M'Pherson, John, Polmuir street Maver, James {jobbing), Cupar- Sangster, George, 81 Broad st. stone row Yule, Robert, 7 Correction wynd MefiFet, J., Ontseats, Pitmuxton Milne, John, Westtield cottage Morrison, James, Drywell park, Grocers & Spirit Dealers . Loanhead (See also Spirit Dealers.) J. {jobbing), Huntly Mowat, 57 Adam, John, 22 Albion street street Adams, James, 70 Causewayend Petrie, James (jobbing), Hard- Adam, John, 64 Green gate Airth, John, I Union buildings Pirie, J., Strawberrybank, Hard- Alexander, Alex., I Baltic st. gate Allan, James, 59 St Nicholas st. Pratt, James, Fouatainhall .... Nathaniel, 39 Park street Eae, Wm., 78 St Andrew street Allardyee, J. R., 137 Crown st. Reid, Holburn Peter {jobbing), Anderson, James, 123 Crown street street Eeith, Woolmanbill James, 66 .... Thomas, 61 Green Shewan, Alexander {jobbing), Angus, G., 4 Bank street Whitebouse street 33 Baxter, Mrs, 17 Causewayend Sim, Jas,, Carnation field, Skene Black, George, 254 George st. square Benson, Samuel, 141 Skene st. Smith, David, Links garden Benzie, Mrs W., 206 Gallow- James, .... Rubislaw gate .... Wm., Mile-end, Stocket Berry, James, 3 Garvock street Walker, D. F. D., Froghall Bisset, George, 67 Holburn st. Wilson, William, Mile-end, Hol- .... John and William, Ex- burn change street and 37 Wright, John, Pitmuxton Queen street Blaikie, Mrs, 101 Causewayend Gas Fitters. Brand, David, 99 Skene street ("See Plumbers.} .... George, 12 Marywell st. Brantingham, John W., 146 Gexxnan Clock nSakexs. George street Bruce, Alex., Frederick, Charles, 42 George 49 College street Buckner, John, stieet 23 Shiprow Buyers, Peter, 32 Quay Heitzman, Felix, 12 George st. Carnie, Messmer, Mjchael, 78 George Alex., 20 East North street street Catto, Robert and Co., 14 King Goldsmiths & Jewellers. street Cay, George, 47 Upper Denburn Crombie, Peter, 60 Broad street Chivas Brothers, 13 King street .... P. and C, 17 St Nicholas Christie, Alex., 1 Causewayend street .... John, 12 Skene street Duncan, John, 4 St Nicholas Connor, Jane, 19 Causewayend street Cooper, Francis, 60 Chapel st. Jamieson, George, 107 Union st. James, 44 Gallowgate Mackay, James T., and Son, 30 John, 89 Holburn street St Nicholas street Cormack, Alex., 31 Shiprow Morrison and Skakle, 51 St William, 31 York place Nicholas street Cosgrove, Peter, 302 George st. 22 246 trades' and professions' directory.

Coutts, Alexander, Rubislaw Gavin, William, 59 Schoolhill Francis, 73 Holburn street Gellan, William, 70 Virginia st. William, 135 Skene street Gordon and Smith, 203 Union Craig, Andrew, 212 Gallowgate street Craigmile, AL, 51 Commerce J. and J., 86 Broad street street Gray, Daniel, 38 Union street Crane, John, 52 Broad street Guild, John, 17 Short Leanings Cruicksbank, Alex,, 14 Black's Harper, Alex., 57 Virginia st. buildings Henderson, Alex,, 35 College st. Eobert, 196 G-allowgate Hunter, Wm-, 63 Huntly street Mrs, 19 Castle street William, 33 Park street Cumming, James, 79 and 80 Hutcheson, G. and W., 20 Up- Waterloo quay perkirkgate Davidson, Alex., jun., 44 Castle Inglis, Alex., 28 Regent quay street Jamieson, James, 221 Union st. William and Co., 44 Broad -..,<. John, 74 Commerce street street and Mitchell, 34 and 36 Dawson, Alexander, 18 Maberly Netherkirkgate street ..... Lewis, 292 George street Diack, Wm., 16 Park street Johnston, Fraser L., 2 and 4 Dick, James, 6 Union place King street Douglas, Alex,, 21 Chapel st. John, 88 Upper Denburn John, 44 Green Kemp, Mrs, 60 Skene square Downie, Mrs, 8 Holburn street Law, Miss B., Wellington place Duffus, Wm., 5 Causewayend Leiper, James, 108 Chapel street Easton, Alex., 1 Waverley pi, Leaper, Joseph, 58 College st. Esslemont, Alex,, 32 King st. Ledingham, Alex., 42| Chapel Ewen, John, 41 Littlejohn street street John, 17 Skene street Leslie, W. and W., 39 West Farquhar, John, 15 Justice st. North street Tarquharson & Co., 131 Union Littlejohn, James, 39 Green street Low, Mrs, 40 West North st. ,...,. Henry, 234 George street Lumsden and Gibson, 95 Union Ferguson, John, 137 King street street Findlay, Wm., 65 George street Wm., 58 Union street Finlay, James, 48 Gallowgate Lyon, Wm., 181 Gallowgate Flann, Mrs, 35 Bon-accord st. M'Gregor, Alex., 57 Guestrow Forbes, George, 109 Gallowgate M'Kenzie, Geo., 35 Regent quay Forsyth, William, 31 Causeway- M'Intosh, Duncan, 202 Gallow- end gate Fraser, Alex., 8 Leadside M'Leod, S,, 23 Chapel lane Angus and Co., 72 Union Mrs, 33 Summer lane street Macdonald, Ewen, 193 Gallow-- William, 50 Union street gate Fyfe, George, 51 Shiprow William, 73 King street William, 88 Chapel street Machray, John A., 14 George William, 45 East North street street Marr, Robert, 10 East North st. Mrs, 56 Shiprow Marshall, John, 160 George st. Gall, John and Co., 141 Gallow- Martin, George, 1 North Broad- gate ford Gait, Alex., 15 West North st. Masson, Wm., 112 George street Garden, John, 76 College street Merchant, Gee, 29 Chapel street trades' and professions' directory. 247

Meaton, Jas , 6 East North street Tweedie, Wm., 86 Shiprow Milne and Marshall, 24 St Urquhart, Alex., 62 St Nicholas Nicholas street street Wm. & Son, 209 Union St. Wagrell, Matthew, 27 Huntly Wm-, 43 Skene square street Mrs, 42 Gordon street Walker, Geo., 192 George street Mrs John, Bridge of Dee .... James, 41 College street Moir, James, 36 St Nicholas st. .... Wm., 56 George street MoUison, John, 26 Virginia st. Wallace, Alex., 51, 53, and 55 William, 140 Skene street George street Nicol, George, 48 Windmillbrae Watt, James, 43 Woolmanhill James, 1 John street Welsh, David, 41 Green Panton, John, 55 Park street Wildgoose, James, 20 Shiprow Pirie, John, 104 Gallowgate Wilson, David, 9 West North Pyper, William, 70 Broad street street Eeid, Alex. T., 74 King street .... Miss, 141 George street Rennie, George, 112 Gallowgate Mrs R., Newbridge, Hard- Robertson, Mrs John, 13 Wales gate street Wood, Andrew, 46 Queen street Eoss, Harry, 23 Woolmanhill Wyse, Wm., 99 Causewayend Euncie, Mrs James, 92 Cause- Young, Alex., 65 Woolmanhill wayend .... Colin, 9 Summer lane gangster, George, 122 Ring st. Youngson, John, 34 North Scott, Andrew, 55 Guestrow Broadt'ord Sberet, R., 68 West North street Yule, Wm., 165 Gallowgate .... Wm., 67 Shiprow Shireffs, W., 53 Park street Sim, George, 74 Shiprow Simpson, Alex., 1 Eosemount Lyell, John, 128 Union street terrace Play fair, Charles, 138 Union .... John, st. 50 West North street Smith, Charles Co., 23 and Wilson, Robert, 16 St Nicholas Windmillbrae, and 1 street College Street .... John, 57 St Andrew street Spark, George, 8 Garvock street Haiir-cloth Manufactuxeir, Stephen, James, 53 Gallowgate Garden, William, 14 John street Stevens, Eobert, 214 George st. Stevenson, Hilkiah, 63 Park st. Stewart, Alexander, 1 Gilcom- Hairdsresseirs. ston brae Allan, John, 161 George street Stirling, George, 13 Castle st. Anderson, Robert C, 62 Quay Strachan Sheriifs, St and 3 Beaton, John, 9 Marischal st. Nicholas street Beattie, Alex., 13 Shiprow Stewart, Peter, 51 Upper Den- Cockerill, Charles, 14 Cause- burn wayend 19 street Stott, Wm., Park Collie, James H., 1 South Silver Taylor, James, 24 Skene square street Thom, Alex., 67 Gallowgate .... John, 62 Shiprow Thomson, James, 145 Gallow- Cooper, John, 121 George street gate Fraser, James, 28 Gallowgate Todd, Alex., 76 West North st. Ironside, James, 147 Gallow- Tulloch, James, 16 St Clement st. gate '

248 trades' and professions' dieectory.

Laing, James, 16 Windmirbrae House Carpenters and M'Gillivray, Jolin, 242 George Wrights. street Bain, Ebenezer, 228 George st. 2 street M'Kaj, G., Commerce Black. Chas. and Alex., 5 Col- Martin, Gilbert, 53 Upperkirk- lege street gate Brander, Eobert, 17 Thistle st. Morgan, Alexander, 36 Wind- Buyers, James & Co., 12 Kidd millbrae lane street .... Wm., 4 Skene Cook, Alex., 65 Holburn street Robertson, James, 20 Broad st. .... James, 65 Hoi l^'urn street Smith, William, 2 East North Cheyne, George, 20 Justice st. street Elrick, John, 18 Thistle street George, Chapel st. Stephen, 9 Fearn, William, 7 Martin's lane, Walker, David, 117 Union st. Green Kobert, Gallowgate 210 Garvie, James, 60 Huntly street Williamson, Adam, 40 Castle Gordon, Eobeet, 10 Summer street lane Henderson, William and Son, 66 Hatters. Loch street Hogg, George, 62 Holburn st. Barrie, P; and M., 39 Queen .... W. and A., 7^ Carmelite street street Martin, Samuel, S4 Union street Ingram, William, 91 Loch st. Ogilvie, Alex. Co., 32 & Queen Ironside, William, 8 Spa street street Jamieson, Thomas, 9 Carmelite

. . . Drum's lane I Thomas, 17 street .... Thomas, jun., 24 Union Middleton, Robert, 2 Union street wynd Steele and Co., 20 and 22 Union Mitchell and Cay. 11 Spa street street .... and Ogg, 20 Bon-accord Watson, Mrs A., 38 Broad st. lano Webb, Edward, 15 Market st. .... James, 86 Skene street Napier, Chas., 33 Belmont st. Hosiers and Glovers. Niddry, Charles, 64 Hutcheon street Barker, A. C, 81 Loch street Peterkin, James, 18 Whitehouse Cruickshank, A. and Co., 105 street Union street Pittendrigh, A., 8 St. Clement Davidson, Donald, 49 Greeu street Jarvis, James, 3 Jopp's lane .... William, 56 Loch street M'Gregor, Charles, 5 Justice Rainnie, Alexander, 50 Com- street merce street M'Petrie, Margaret, 222 George Reid, James, 58 John street street Eoss, Wm., Old Gas Work Mortimer, Wm., 11 St Nicholas Eust, Alex., 18 Bon-accord lane street .... James, 31 Charlotte street Eamsay, Mrs, 17 Marischal .... John, 14 Thistle street street Smith, George, 8 Cause wayend Smith, Adam, 96 and 98 Union .... James, 7 St Mary's place. street Crown street Stopani, George, 7 Castle street .... William, 20 Blackfriars Watson, Thomas K.,47 Gallow- street gate Trail, James, 8 Rose street d?EADES' AND PROFESSIONS' DIRECTORY. 249

Warrack and Daniel, 92 John Scholes, George, 52 York street St., and 7 and 9 North Sheriffs, Alex., 30 Gerrard street Charlotte street Skinner, Mrs, 16 Correction Watson, James, 15 Langstane wynd place Stephen, James, 8 West North .... Robert, Nelson street street Wilson, John, 44 Frederick st. Taylor, Mrs, Wallace Tower hotel, 63 & 65 Nether- kirkgate Innkeepers. Wilson, Charles, 17 Castle street Yule, Mrs, 61 Castle street Allan, John, Bon-accord hotel, 8 and 10 Huxter row Znsuzance Agents. Barnett, Wm. , 175 George st. Bonner, John, 9 St Nicholas st. (See end ofProfessions' Directory.) Cruickshank, W'lHam, Queen's hotel, 25 Union street Insurance Brokers. Douglas, Thos., Douglas' hotel, Market street Adam, John B., 57 Marischal .... Eobert, 6 Little Belmont street street Adamson and Home, 25 Maris- Duguid, James, 42 Regent quay chal street Durward, William, 12 Burnett's Adamson, H., 57 Marischal st. close Aiken, James, jun., 57 Maris- Forsyth, Wm., Temperance ho- chal street tel, 100, 102, and 103, Booth, William P., 20 Marischal Union street street Eraser, Charles, 60 Marischal Catto, J., Son, and Co., 57 Mar- street ischal street .... David, Prince Alfred Inn, Connon, Richard and Co., 58 7 Union lane Marischal street Gillespie, Mrs, 81 Woolmanhill Cook, John, 48 Marischal street .... James, 3 Shore brae Duncan, William, 14 Marischal M'Donald, Mrs, 22 Schoolhill street M'Gillivray, J., Prince of Wales Ferguson, John, 84 Union street Hotel, 8 and 9 St Ni- Fletcher, Robert, 17 Huxter row cholas lane Ganson, Herman, 59 Marischal M'Kay, Mrs Alex., Steam Yacht street hotel. New Pier George, James, 19 Marischal st. Machray, Mrs P., Lemon Tree Jamieson, John, 56 Marischal hotel, 7 Huxter row street Mackay, George, 79 Windmill- Nicol, A., 39 Marischal street brae Nisbet and Robertson, 47 Maris- Mackie, Alex. M., City Hotel, chal street 21 St. Nicholas street Oswald and Co., 24 Marischal Martin, George, Ferry-boat inn, street New Pier Reid, William, 36 Marischal st. Millar, Thomas, 64 Regent quay Rennie, John T., 48 Marischal Moncur, Nicol, 10 Adelphi court street Rainnie, George, 6 Mealmarket Sheed, John, 44 Marischal street street Thompson, George, jun. & Co., Robertson, David, Royal hotel, 40 Marischal street Union street Thomson, George and Son, 21 .... Mrs, 13 Guestrow Regent quay 250 trades' and peofessions' directory.

Willet, J. T., Inches Shier, David, Beechhill, Pit- Winlaw, J. jun, 11| Eegent fodels quay Smith, A., 2 Crown place Wiseman, John, 56 Marischal street Iieathez miezchaiits. "Wood, Joseph, 43 Marischal st. Brebner and Grant, 56 St Ni- cholas street Izonfounders. Clyne, William and Sons, 22 and 24 Gallowgate Abernethy, James & Co., Ferry- Duncan, Wm., 25 Broad street hill foundry jun., 35 Broad street Barry, Henry, and Co., LocL .... Wm., Forsyth, John, 85 Broad street street Flourmill brae Blaikie Brothers, Footdee Iron Irvine, Robert, 7 works Lyon, Alex., 194| George street Macdonald, David, 113 George M'Kinnon, William and Co., 20 Spring garden street Mackay, George, 18 Gallowgate Thomson, Catto, Buchanan, and Menzies, John, 64 Schoolhill Co., York place Morrison, G., 37 Upperkirkgate Ritchie, A. and Co., 33 Broad Ironmongezs. street Dickie, Charles, 6 and 8 King Roberts, David, 17 Princes street street Rodger, J., Gilcomston tannery Findlay, Alex., 57 St Nicholas Ronald, Wm., 182 George street street Watson, R. H., 20 Queen street Glegg and Thomson, 179 George Watt, John and Sons, 34 and 36 street Gallowgate Gordon, H. and Co., 89 Broad street Linen Manufactuxexs. Knox, David, 56 and 58 Gallow- Berry, W. & J., 14 Queen street gate Beveridge, Peter, 122|^ Union Laing, James & Co., 121 Union street street Robert, 39 St Nicholas st. Lyell, John, 128 Union street Mackie, D. and Co., 41 St Ni- M'Hardy, David and Son, 54 cholas street Netherkirkgate Mitchell, John, 16 Marischal st. Mathieson, A., 24 George street Richards and Co., Broadford Melville, Thomas and Suns, 106 Gallowgate Iiithographexs. Eobertson, Charles, 17 Park st. .... George, 207 Gallowgate (See Engravers.) Howell, Joseph, 12 and 14 St Paul street, and Iron- Iiodging-house Keepers. monger's court, Upper- kiikgate Aberdein, Mrs, 30 Dee street Sherar, John, 48 George street Adam, Miss, 41 St Nicholas st. Stephen, James, 34 Broad street Allan, Mrs, 5 Huntly street Yule, Alex., 7 St Nicholas street .... Mrs, 2 Crown terrace AUanach, Mrs, 42 Union terrace Allathan, Miss, 27 Crown street Xiand Suxveyoxs- Anderson, William, 2 Millburn Adam, Alex., 74 Union street street Beattie, J. P., 2 Bon- accord sq. .... Mrs, 39 Union terrace trades' and professions' directory. 251

Anderson, Mrs, 13 Constitution Gill, Miss, 216 Gallowgate street Gillespie, Mrs, 163 George street .... Mrs, 83 West North street .... Mrs, 3 Charlotte street Andrews. Mrs, 76 Broad street Gordon, Mrs, 91 Broad street Balfour, Mrs, 81 Hutcheon street .... Miss, 8 Canal street .... Mrs, 14 Langstane place .... Miss, 72 Dee street Barron, Miss E., 24 Dee street Graham, Mrs, 6 George street Beattie, Miss, 51 Queen street Grant, Mrs, 99i Chapel street Black, Mrs A., 39 Whitehouse Gray, Mrs, 3 John street street .... Mrs, 31 Charlotte street Bowie, Miss, 29 Broad street .... Mrs, 127 Union street Brebner, Mrs, 65 Dee street Greig, Miss, 130 Union street Bremner, Mrs, 5 Mounthooly .... Miss, 33 Charlotte street Brown, Mrs, 3 Crown court, Harp, Miss, 10 Canal street Union street Hu,y, Miss, top of Kingsland .... Mrs, 12 Kingsland place place Bruce, Miss, 39 Union terrace Hird, Miss, 56 Gerrard street Burnett, Mrs, 26 Constitution Howling, Mrs, 28 Wellington street street Buthley, Mrs, 41 Dee street Hutton, James, 108 King street Buyers, Mrs, 129 Union street Jamieson, Mrs, 28 Broad street Miss, 59 Dee street Jamson, Mrs Captain, 36 Union Cameron, Miss, 154 Crown st. street .... Miss, 4 Dee street Jessiman, Miss, 40 Chapel st. Christie, Mrs, 20 Frederick street Johnston, Mrs, 91 Gallowgate Christall, Mrs, 72 Bon-accord Keith, Mrs, 10 Bon-accord lane street Kemp, Mrs, 86h Crown street Clark, Mrs, 7 Donald's court, King, Mrs, 36 Union street Schoolhill Laidlaw, Mrs, 50 Castle street .... Mrs, 66 Dee street Law, Mrs, 31 Charlotte street .... Mrs, 5 Monthooly Levie, Mrs, 13 Marischal street Cook, Mrs, 15 Bon-accord street M'Call, Mrs, 24 John street Copland, Mrs, 1 Union wynd M'Donald, Mrs, 9 Diamond st. Craigmyle, Mrs, 1 Kingsland .... Miss, 168 George street place M'Gregor, Miss, 220 George st. Gumming, Miss, 57 Huntly st. M'Intosh, Mrs, 36 Union street .... Miss, 124 Union street M'Kenzie, Mrs G-, 3 Kosemount Currie, Mrs, 25 Queen street place Dale, Mrs, 3 Bank street M'Nie, Mrs, 34 Union terrace Davidson, Miss, 54 St Nicholas M'Pherson, Mrs W., 28 Crown street street Duffus, Misses, 54 Union street Macaldowie, Mrs, 9 Huntly st. Duguid, Mrs, 60 St Nicholas st. Mackie, Mrs, 19 Marischal street Duncan, Mrs, 37 Marischal street Maconachie, Mrs, 6 Union lane .... Mrs, 78 Union street Mair, MrsW., 69 Crown street Ellis, Mrs, 87 John street Maver, Miss, 177 Union street Emslie, Mrs, 32 Union terrace Most on, Mrs, 112 Chapel street Esson, Mrs, 25 Whitehouse st. Miller, Mrs, 130 Union street Forbes, Mrs, 25 Queen street .... Mrs, 1 Henry place Fqrsyth, Mrs, 1 Marischal street Milne, Mrs, 84 Union street Eraser, Mrs, 124 Union street .... Mrs Captain, 51 Chapel Geddes, Miss, 38 Frederick street street Gellan, Mrs R-, 166 Union street Mitchell, Miss, 23 Summer street 252 TEADES' AND PROFESSIONS' DIRECTOEY.

Moncur, Mrs, 3 John street Clark, Bros., 68 Schoolhill Morjran, Mrs, 91 Broad street Davidson, Alex-, 72 George st. Mullet, Mrs, 22 Broad street Fowler, J. and J., 4 Regent quay Ogg, Mrs, 35 St Nicholas street Gavin, Wm., 59 Schoolhill Patersou, Mrs, 2 Union place Geddes, John, 63 Shiprow Keid, Mrs, 8 Commerce street Harper, John, 61 Virginia street MrsD., 48 Dee street Langlands^ Robert, 187 Gallow- .... Mrs W., 13 Holburn street gate .... Mrs, 81 Qaeen street Middleton, Jas., 13 West North Eobertson, Mrs, 13 Marischal street street Robertson, George, 59 Green Eoss, Mrs P., 59 Huntly street Sorrie, Mrs, 77 Virginia street Miss, 189 Union street Thomson, John, 52 Queen street Russell, Miss, 13 Bon-accord st. Urquhart, Wm. and Co., 14 and Saddler, Mrs, 189 Union street 16 Wellington place Sangster, Mrs, 37 Marischal st. Wilson, Mrs, 8 Bannermill street Sherman, Mrs, 26 Crown street Simpson, Miss, 21 Bon-accord Mid-vsrives. street (See Sich^Nurses.) Smith, Mrs James, 32 Union pi. Soutar, Mrs, 89 Union street IKEillezs. Stallan, Miss, 147 Union street * Stratton, Mrs, 22 Broad street Alexander, James, Lower Jus- Sutherland, Mrs, 104 King street tice mills Talbert, Mrs, 11 Bon-accord st. Clark, Brothers, 68 Schoolhill Taylor, Miss, 20 Harriet street Gavin, Wm-, 59 Schoolhill Thompson, Mrs, 278 George st. Kemp, Robert, 59 and 60 Castle Mrs,, 57 John street street Thorn, Mrs, 9 Carmelite street Ledingham, Jas., Upper Justice Tulloch, Mrs, 25 Bon-accord st. mills Tochetti,_Mrs, 11 Union build- Mess, J., Flourmill, St^Nicholas ings street Warran, Mrs, 5 Schoolhill Robertson, George, 59 Green Willliamson, Miss, 56 Chapel st- Urquhart, Wm. and Co., 14 and Wilson, Mrs, 27 York place 16 Wellington place Mrs J., 26 Huntlj street Wishart, Mrs, 22 Broad street Milliners & Dressmakers. Wyness, Mrs, 7 Skene terrace Bisset, Miss, 49 St Nicholas st. Yule, Mrs, 177 Union street Brodie, Miss, 2 Ragg's lane Burgees, Miss, Annand's court, IKEasons. 30 James street Carnie, Catherine, Jamieson, James, Bank street 85 Queen st. Cassie, Miss, Montgomery, James and Co., 26 19 St Nicholas College street street Cattanach, Reid, John, 3 Whitehouse street Miss, 2 Denburn ter- race Boss, John, 28 Summer street Mrs, Sim, William, 2 Gordon's court .... 7 Windmillbrae Chalmers, Gordon street Mrs A., 59 Park st. Connell, Miss, 24 Huntly street XMCealsellezs. Coulson, Miss, 58 Castle street Coutts, Misses, 44 St Nicholas Beattie, John, 101 Gallovrgate street Christie, Alex., 1 Causewayend Craighead, Miss, 20 Silver street TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY. 253

Cuttbert and Wyllie, Misses, Reith, Misses, 10 Affleck street 150 Union street Rennie, Miss, 83 Union street Duncan, Misses, 31 Schoolhill Robertson, Miss, 217 Union st. Eden, Mrs, 17 Forbes street Ross, Miss, 46 North Charlotte Emslie, E. and Co., 90 Union street street Sherman, Miss, 26 Crown street Farqubar, Miss, 218 G-allowgate Shirreffs, Miss, 20 Princes street Forbes, Mrs, 56 Windmill brae Smith, Misses, 2 South Silver Fyfe, Mrs P., 74 Hutcbeon street street George, Miss, 2 Denburn terrace Misses, 49 Bon-accord st. Gillanders, Miss, 59 Virginia Misses, 8 St Nicholas st. street Miss, 44 Chapel street Gordon, Miss Ann, 72 Dee st. Stewart, Miss E., 2 Chapel st. .... Miss, 50 Gordon street Strachan, Miss, 11 Constitution .... Mrs and Misses, 7 Back street wynd Miss, 1 Queen street Greig, Miss. Greig's court, Wind- Stuart, Miss, 62 George street mill brae Tait, Miss, 47 Loch street Hay, Miss, 7 Carmelite street Taylor, Miss, 20 Harriet street Henry, Miss, 188 George street Misses, 3 Henry place Hird, Miss, 4 Black's buildings Thorn, Miss, 35 Ship row Hogg, Misses, 237 George street Thomson, Miss, 45 Park street Jolly, Misses, 136 George street Trail, Miss, 22 Virginia street Keen, Miss, 118 Skene street Troup, Miss, 8 Mealmarket st. Keith, Mrs, 34 Union terrace Walker, Miss, 125 George street Misses, 7 Crown street Misses, 33| Upperkirkgate Kerr,' Misses, 27 Schoolhill Warren, Miss, 5 Schoolhill Knight, Miss, 61 St Nicholas st. Watson, Miss, 294 George street Laurence, Miss, 27 Dee street Weir, Miss, 9 Diamond street Leslie, Miss, 16 Virginia street Williams, Mrs, 1 Frederick st. Louden, Miss, 7 Skene street Winchester, Misses, 17 Queen. M'Donald, Miss, 9 Diamond st. street M'Kay, Misses, 1 Thistle street M'Leod, Miss, 24 Dee street SSillwzights. M'Pherson, Miss, Cuparstone Abernethy, James & Co., Ferry- buildings hill Martin, Miss, 14 North Broad- Blaikie Brethers, Footdee ford Thomson, Catto, Buchanan, and Massie, Misses, 162 Union street Co., York place Matthew, Miss, 38 Chapel street Matbieson, Miss, 1 Crown ter. Music (Professosrs of) Micbie, Miss, 66 Green Middleton, Miss, 17 Huntly st. Adlington, Wm., 64 Bon-accord Miller, Miss, 38 Union terrace street Milne, Miss, 142^ George street Baker, R. H., 18 Silver street Mitchell, Miss, 65 Chapel street Hunter, R. W., 16 Huxter row- Moir, Misses, 40 Chapel street Latter, Richard, 53 Union place Miss, 107 George street Spark, Wm., 28 Queen street Neisb, Miss, ll Dee stieet Paterson, Misses, 9 Bon-accord ^UTsezymen. street Those marlcedthus * are also Seedsmen. Peterkin, Miss, 18 Whitehouse *Cardno and Darling, 80 Union street street ;


Cocker, James, Sunnypark Paper Manufacturers. Milne, Thomas, sen., Sunnyside Davidson, C and Son, Muggie- Thomas, jun., Rubislaw moss, and 4 Trinity Morrison, Malcolmson, Forbes- quay field, Cuparstone PiriC) A. and Sons, Poynernook *E.eid, Benjamin and Co., 132 Tait, Thos. and Sons, Inverury, Union street and 52 Regent quay *Roy, John, jun., 48 Union st, Wm., *Smith, 53 St Nicholas Paper Rulers, street Davidson, Wm., 15 St Nicholas Opticians^ street Henderson, Alex., 2| Broad st. Altria, Csesar, 29 Huntly street Smith, Lewis, M'Combie's court Berry, James and Son, 29 St Nicholas street Paivnbrokers. Duncan, John, 4 St Nicholas st, street Easton, A. E,., 53 Marischal st. Bremner, Mrs, 96 Loch Grant, John, 45 Regent quay City Loan Office, 1 Longacre Hay and Lyall (to the Queen), Miller, James S., 55 Woolman- 2 Market street hill North of Scotland Equitable Oirgan Builder. Loan Co , 4 Flourmill Reid, David. 67 Woolmanhill Wishart, Josepli, 24 Young st. Seton, Alex., 35 Netherkirkgate

Painters, Glaziers, and Photographers. Faperhaugers. Adams, Andrew, Rettie's courtj Anderson, A- and J., 33 Queen 26 Broad street street Bisset, James, Exchange street Cornwall, E. 3 street Beat tie, John. 3 Marischal st. M. Belmont Collie, Wm., 144 George street Cra,igen, John. 20 George street Coutts, Wm., 223 Union street Ettershank, Joseph, Crown ter. Frederick. Herr, st. Gumming and Fyfe, 5 Dee st. 173 Union Dey, William, 32 Wellington Garey, Wm., 79| Windmillbrae street Gordon, Henry S.. 249| Union Donald, George, 17 and 19 Ne- street therkirkgate Holman, Henry, Market street Farquhar and Gill, 24 Upper- Lamb, John, 28^ Crown street kirkgate Pirie, Alex, and Co., 82 King Murray, James, 79 George street street Paterson, George- 9 Crown st. Reid, Wm., 3 Summer street Rennie, Alex., 45 Upperkirkgate Wm.. 20 Park street Shirreffs, Alex., 130 Gallowgate Rose, John, 5 Rose street Smith, Arthur, 30 Quay Shirras, Wm., 40 Broad street Souter and Slaker, 24 Green Wilson, G. W. (to the Queen), Stephen, Alex., 52 Netherkirk- 23 and 24 Crown street gate Wood, James, 25 Market street John, 15 Woolmanhill Wright, David, 119 George st. Sutherland. Hugh, 60 and 62 Windmillbrae Piano-Forte IKEakers and Watt, Alex., 15 Schoolhill Tuners. Winklyi James, 3 Flourmill Irvine, J- and Son, 1 Exchange brae street TEADES' AND PROFESSIONS' DIRECTORY. 255

Logan and Co., 195 Union street Reedmaker. Macbeth, James, 17 Crown st. Sorley, John, 62 George street Marr, John, 218 Union street Wood and Co., 213 Union st- Road Surveyors.

Plasterers. Kyd, James, Rubislaw Stewart, Wm., 1 Leslie place, Henderson, Eobt., 8 Shuttle st. North Broadford Campbell, Bannochie, and Co-, 14 Albion street Rope and Sailniakers. Collie, John. 4 College street Findlater, James, 47 Causeway- Aberdeen Rope and Sail Co., end Links Garden, James, 19 Jopp's lane Catto, Thomson, and Co., Links, Gullon. John, 3 Craigwell place Footdee Innes. George, 2 Broadford place Hay, Alexander, 21 St Clement Malcolm, Peter. 10 Nelson street street Mearns, W., 70 Netherkirkgate Youngson, R. and Co., Theatre Hoss, Robert, 20 Longacre lane

Flumbers. Rope and T-vtrine Manu- (See Brassfowadiers, &c. facturers. Barclay, William, Poynernook Printers. Davidson, G. and W. 18 Quay Watt, and Co Avery, Jno. Northern Advertiser Gray, , 162 West oflBce) 7 St Catherine's North street wynd Millar, G., jun., 40 Park street Bennet, Wm., 42 Castle street Nicol, John and Sons, 25 Spa st. Brown, James {Herald office) 7 Ogilvie, W. and Sons, Catto sq. Queen stseet Routledge, Wfainton, and Son, Chalmers, L>. and Co. (Journal 219 Gallowgate office) 28 and 29 Adel- Skene and Goodbrand, Mount- phi court hooly Cornwall, George and Sons, Taylor, Robert and Son, 59 Netherkirkgate Victoria ct. , 54 Castle st Craighead, James, Crown court, 41 J Union street Saddlers. Daniel, J. and Co., 46 and 48 Craib and Esson, 43 Queen st. Castle street Craig, James, 38 Schoolhill Durno, Alex., 34 Gallowgate .... John, 20 Back wynd King, Arthur and Co. (Free Laing and Melvin, 4 Bou'Rccord Press office) Concert street court. Broad street Low, James and Co., 45 Queen Eennie, George, 64 street Broad street Ness, Robert, 7 Union row Provision Curers. .... Robert, jun., 231J and Clark, Wm., Clayhills 232|- Union street Forbes, Alex., 12 Canal terrace Ritchie, Turner, 5 and 9 Back Gordon, Charles & Son, 57 Green wynd Hogarth, D. and Co., 82 College Roberts, D., 92 and 94 King st. street Moir, John and Son, 56 Vir- Sailmakers. ginia street (See Rope and Sailmakers-) 256 trades' and professions' dieectoky.

Sa'wmakers. Cbalmers, Geo., Grant's court, 49 UpperkirKgate Forbes, P., 18 George street Christie, Andrew, 8 Virginia Munro, Alex., 20 Netherkirk- street .... Wm., 19 Prince Regent Watson, G., 65 Windmillbrae street Sharebzokezs. Clark, Alex., 27 Frederick street .... Wm-, 34 Mariscbal street Adamson and Home, 25 Maris- Cobban, Robert, 72 Dee street chal street Collie, George, 2 Ferrybill place Black, J. and Co-. 23 King st. Colvin, Jobn, 4 Bannermill Duncan, Wm., 14 Mariscbal st, street Ferguson, Jobn, 84 Union street Cook, George, 6 Hanover street Fletcber, Kobt., 17 Huxter row Craig, Alex., 23 Marywell street George, James, 19 Mariscfaal st. well street Daniel, Wm , 3 4 Mary Gordon. Wm., 5 King street Dunn, Jobn, 13 Commerce st. MKinnon Lacblan, jun., 233 Dunningbam, Henry, 20 Com- Union street merce street st- Oswald & Co. , 24 Mariscbal Dutbie, James, 53 Wellington Eennie, Jobn T., 48 Mariscbal street street Ettersbank, J., 16 Marywell Willet, Josepb T- Incbes street Wm., 61 Commerce street Seedsmen. Ganson, Jobn, 85 Wales street (^ee Nurserymen.) Garriock, Wm. S., 12 Constitu- tion street Shipbuilders. Gibb, James, 43 Commerce st: Bums, David. Incbes Gordon. Jobn, 27 York place Sbiprow Datbie, John, Sons, and Co., Grant. James, 58 Footdee Henderson, A., 28 Ferrybill place .... Wm. jun . Incbes College street Hall, A. and Sons, York street, James, 85 Footdee Heriot, J. M-, 19 York street Waterloo quay Hood, Walter and Co, York st., Howling, T.. 78 Footdee Hurray, Andrew, 14 Marywell Smith, Jobn, Incbes street King, George, Cotton street Shipmasters. Largie. James, 14j Broad street Law, George, 3 Cotton street Allan, J., 17 Prince Kegent st. Leslie, J., 38 St Clement street Angus, Tbos., 1 Bannermill st. Jobn, 61 Wales street Beedie, Wm-, 6 Castle brae Levie, Alex., 39 Bon-accord Benzie. D., 13 Constitution st. street Black, Peter, 57 Regent quay .... Andrew, 171 Skene street Butbley, Alex., Cotton street west Bucban, Jobn, 16 Links street Linklater, Alex., 27 Marywel Burgess, Wm., 95 Wales street street Buyers, Alex., 29 Frederick st. .... Andrew, 62 Virginia st. Cadenhead, Peter, 17 Prince James, 28 Wellington st. Regent street Longmuir, J., 2 Bannermill st. Campbell, Wm jun-, Kenfield, , M'Beath, Peter, 20 Marywell by Manofield street Cameron, Alex., 2 Canal street M'Kay, Alex-, 93 Wales street Cargill, Wm., 25 Quay trades' and professions' directory* 257

M'Lean, A.lex., 21 Skene row Taylor, Wm., 61 Quay .... James, 61 Quay Urquhart, James, 27 York place Mackie, Alex , 187 George st. Wm., 31 Huntly street Main, David, 42 York street Vollar, John H., 36 Union ter. Mann, John, 8 Eosemount place Walker, Alex., 2 Yeats' lane Mathieson, Robert, 27 Frederick .... Wm., 32 St Clement st. street Wallace, John, 12 St Clement .... Thos., 25 Prince Regent street street Watson, James, 2S Prince Re- Mearns, James, 76 Park street gent street Middleton, Alex., 11 Holburn .... Thomas, 4 Frederick st. place Watt, George, 171 Skene street Milne, George, 1 Souiii College Young, Wm., 4 Affleck street street .... Robert, 54 Regent quay Slioire Poxters. .... Wm., 11 Huntly street Aiken, Alexander, 45 Castle .... Wm., 6 St Clement street st. Allan, William, Monro, James, 39 Constitution 23 Castle street Buchan, Alexander, S^Fish street st. Caie, William, 8 Virginia Morrison, A., 42 Constitution st. Cantly, John, 7-Marisehal street st. Cantly, Peter, 7 Marischal st. Mowat, John, 25 Marywell st. Chrystai, William, 7. Murray, Robert, 5 Kosemount Marischal place street Fraser, Alexander, 24 il¥ederick Parrot, Thomas, 69 Virginia st. street Petty, David, 125 Crown street Milne, Jdmes, 71 Patrk Phillips, Thos., 15 Prince Re- street Mitchell, gent street j£i,mes, 8 Virginia st. Moir, William, .7 Pithie, Richard, 2 Yeats lane Marischal st. Pirie, George, 11 Chronicle lane Reid, Duncan J., 114 King st. Porter, John, Castle .... John, 4 Devanha terrace 23 street Smith, Johuj Rhynas, James A., 28 Welling- 9 Guestrow Wilson, ton street John, 03 Shiprow Ritchie, Andrew, 19 Prince Re- gent street ShuttU Maker, .... David, 54 Quay Gibson, Thomas, 35 Union ter- Ross, James, 7 Thistle street race Sandieson, John, 2 Bannermill street Sangster, James, 4 Bannermill Sick Nurses and street IKEid^trivss. Scott, Alex , 3 Bannermill st. Brodie, Mrs, 6 Donald's court, Simpson, John, 85 College st. Rchoolhill Smart, John, 10 Rosemount pi. Cooper, Mrs, 123 George street George, Smith, 24 Constitution .... Mrs, 5 Schoolhill street Craib, Mrs, 2 Trinity quay Victor E., 1 Links street .... Dalgarno, Mrs, 62 Catherine sti .... William, 12 Fish street Dilling, Mrs, 7 St Andrew st. Steven, Robert, 28 Constitution Eddie, Mrs, 3 Thistle lane street Edwards, Mrs, 50 Woolmanhill Strachan, Geo., 22 Virginia st. Falconer, Mrs, Stoneytown, Stuart, Charles, 4 Alford place Rubislaw Alex., Virginia st. Taylor, 69 Graham, Mts E,, 59 Huntly st. 23 268 trades' and professions' DrRECTORYV

Guthrie, Mrs, 2 Thistle street Pratt and Keith, 61 and 53 Imray, Mrs, Cunnigar hill Union street Jamieson, Mrs, 15 St Nicholas Saint, James, jun., 135 and 139 street Union street M'Intosh, Mrs, 68 Causewayend Simpson, J. W., 126 Union st. Matthew, Mrs, 6 North Broad- Sutherland, Geo., 149 Cnion st. ford Symon, Wm. and Co., 31 Union Peterkin, Mrs, 188 Gallowgate street Pirie, Mrs, 7 St Andrew street Yeats, George, 87 Union street Eitchie, Mrs, 48 Summer street Boberts, Mrs, 290 George street Skinners. Eobertson, Mrs, 40 St Clement (See Curriers.) street .... Mrs, 51 Virginia street Eoss, Mrs, 40 Skene square Slaters. street ^ctor, Ann, 25 Chapel Adam, Alex., 4 Hutcheon street Bon-accord st. Shand, Mrs, 45 Beattie, Alex., Steps of Gilcom- Sheed, Mrs, 38 Park street stone Smart, Mrs, 1 Skene square Shiprow Denbum Collie, Alex., 28 Smith, Mrs W., 15 .... Alex., jun., 22 Shiprow terrace Copland, Peter, 60 Gerrard, st. 25 James street Stephen, Mrs, .... Wm., 78 John street Mrs, 6 Carmelite st. Stevenson, Gumming, John, 256 Union st. Strathdee, Mrs, 12 Skene square Currie, George, 1 Blackfriars st. Taylor, Mrs, St Nicholas lane 4 Davidson, George, 65 Chapel st. Mrs, 35 Lodge walk Thomson, .... Eobert, Craigie street 12 Spa street Webster, Mrs, Pirth, James, 202 George street Mrs, 1 Kidd lane Whitecross, 9 Keith, Wm„ 24 Union row Chapel street Young, Mrs, 82 Wm., jun., 187 King st. M'Kay, George, 93 Green Silk miercers. Martin, Wm,, 23 Upper Den- burn (See also dothiers and Drapers.) Milne, Wm., 91 Chapel street Brown, James, 2 George street Montgomery, James and Co., Connon, James, 8 Broad street 26 College street Eeid, Wm„ 290 George street . . . . Peter, 30 Union street Cooper, H. & Co., 47 Union st. Watt, George, 19 Carmelite st. Copestake, Moore, Crampton, & Co., London, 40| Union Spirit Dealers. street (See also Grocers and Spirit Dealers,) Gordon, James, 40 Union street Kinghom, James, 198 George Alexander, John, 8 Justice st. street Anderson, Mrs, 13 Holbum st. Lendrum and Thomson, 145 Angus, Samuel, 12 Shiprow Union street Bain, James, 6 Schoolhill Crooked Lyall, George and Co., 99 Union Baxter, Mrs John, 6 street lane Mathieson, Isaac, 33 Union st. Birnie, M., 9 Trinity quay Castle street Morrison, Alexander, 1 19 Union Brook, Charles, 47 street Calder, Charles, 50 Green Neil, James, 183 Union street .... Mrs, 89 Lodge walk Philip, Hay, and Co., 17 and 19 Catto, Eobert, 6 Virginia st. Union buildings Christie, Alex., 122 Gallowgate trades' and professions' DmEGTORY. 259

Christopher, Mrs, 49 and 51 Mathieson, John, 58 George st. Windmillbrae .... John, 1 Carmelite street Cock, John, 11 Commerce st. Mearns, Robert, 8 Regent quay Cooper, John, 89 Holburn st. Mellis, Thomas, 235 George st. Craig, Robert, 21 North Broad- Middleton, Joseph, 121 Gallow- ford gate Dawson, Mrs, 13 Queen street Mitchell, David, 3 Park street Donald, William, 15 Marischal .... James, 14 Frederick st. street .... John, 15 Carmelite street Donaldson, James, 24 Trinity .... John, 3 East Green street Munro, Donald, 51 Guestrow Duguid, Mrs, 67 Guestrow Petrie, Alex., 124 King street Duncan, James, 12 Quay Pirie, Alex., Market street Durward, Gordon, 18 Huxter .... Sarah, 23 Loch street row Rait, Isabella, 19 Virginia st. Edmond, Chas., 38| Broad st. -Ranson, Edward, 9 Market st. Falconer, Robert, 17 Fisher row Reid, James, 18j Shiprow Ferries, Wm., 11 Back wynd .... Peter, 79 Holburn street Forbes, James, 7 James street Robbie, John, 21 Upperkirkgate Fraser, Alex., 10 Trinity street Roberts, Robert, 15 Fisher row Fraser, A., 15 Marischal street Ross, John, 104 Green Gillespie, Wm., 16 Steps of Gil- Russell, Mrs, 30 Causewayend comston Rutherford, John, 64 Queen st. Mrs, 81 Woolmanhill Saunders, James, 53 Regent quay Gorard, Mrs, 68 Guestrow Scott, James, 4 Trinity street Grant, Archibald, 137 Gallow- Seton, Jaaies, 7 Gallowgate gate Shepherd, Alexander, 5 Com- .... George, 14 Park street merce street .... Peter, 15 Castle street Simpson, Edward, 31 Justice Gray, Wm., 11 Exchequer row street

Hardie, Wm. , 27 Loch street Singer, John, 30 Shiprow Hay, John, 22 Green Slorach, Colin, 7 Exchequer row Harvey, Wm., 56 Regent quay Smith, Alexander, 97 Gallow- Howe, Mrs Wm., Adelphi lane gate Jessiman, Jessie, 24 Castle st. Steele, William, 4 Weigh-house Joss, Mrs, 176 West North st. square Littlejohn, James, 18 Gordon st Steven, Arthur, 19 Market st. Livingston, Mrs Francis, 80 Still, Mrs, 17 York street Loch street Tawse, Lewis, 83 Green Lorimer, David, 7 East North Taylor, Robert, 61 Netherkirk- street gate Lyon, John, 76 Waterloo quay Tough, George, 32 Castle street M'Bain, Wm., 46 Green Williamson, John, 258 George M 'Donald, John, 2 Schoolhill street Peter, 51 East North st. M'Intosh, Mrs, 34 and 36 Loch Stablers. street Brown, Robert, 180 Gallowgate M'Kay, Mrs, 10 Littlejohn st. Daniel, Thomas, 16 Mealmarket M'Robbie, Chas., 62 St Andrew- street street Deans, John, 26 West North Macdonald, Charles, 169 Gal- street lowgate Duthie, John, 32 West North .... Isobel, 20 West North st.

street , . „ 260 trades' and professions' DIRECTOIiY.

Ewen, Mrs, 8 Harriet street Willians, Samuel, 170 Gallow- Eainnie, George, 6 Mealmarket gate street Youngson, George, 167 George- Bose, John, 166 Gallowgate street Taggart, M., 90 George street Surgeons. Stationers. Beveridge, Robert, 1 Gallowgate

(See Booksellers-) Duncan, Alex., 71 King street Erskine, R. Marr, 138 George Stonecutters. street Eraser, Wm., 31 Union terrace Brewster, George, 150 West Grant, Peter, 156 Gallowgate North street Gray, John, 27 Victoria street Chalmers and Ewing, 7 Mount west hooly Jackson, Henry, 53 Schoolhill Duncan, Thomas, 34 Dee street Linton, A., R.N., 266 George Eraser, Arthur, 118 West North street street Matthew, Alex. C, 39 Albyn Legge, John, Windmillbrae place M'Donald, Alex., Constitution Moir, James, 10 and 12 Wel- street lington place Petrie, James and Sons, Union Paterson, John, 20 North Silver bridge street Robertson & Hunter, Marywell Philip, James, 1 Mounthooly bank, Wellington road Sim, John, 21 Holburn street .... Wm., Union place Smith, Robert, 58 Dee street Wright, James & Son, 112 John Stephen, Wm., 77 Dee street street Sutherland, George, 130 Union street Stone «rare Mezcliants. Watt, Patrick, 2 Gallowgate Whitaker, John H., 3 Spring- Davidson, Alex., 80 East North bank terrace street Wood, John, 20 Bon-accord st. .... Wm., 10 St Nicholas st. Donald, Alex., 9 Shiprow Tailors. Eord, John, 136 Union street Eorbes, David, 64 Woolmanhill Donald, George, 2 Broad street Eraser, Hugh, 55 Castle street Duncan, George, 55 Green Gordon, Peter, 31 St Nicholas Ewen, John, Concert ct.. Broad street street Guild, Mrs, 274 George street Eerguson, Wm., 45 Windmill- Jamie, Robert, 14 James street brae Lindsay, James, Clarence street Eraser, Chas., 30 Castle street M'Kenzie, John, 19 Gallowgate .... John, 122 George street Mowat, A., 3 and 4 Blackfriars .... Peter, 42 Shi])row street .... Wm., 37 Castle street Robertson, Wm,, 88 George st. Ingram, James, 64 Broad street Eoss, Alex., 57 Windmillbrae Joss, Charles, 91 Skene street Stuart, George, 28 Harriet st. Kelman, Wm., 5 Blairton lane Lawrence, Joseph, 86 John st. . . John, 98 Green Taylor, Mrs, 78 Queen street M'Kay, Wm., Wellington road Watson, Alex., 69 Gallowgate Macdonald, John, 21 Lodge walk , . , , Mrs, 52 Virginia street trades' and peofessions' directory. 261

Morison, Joseph, 1 Virginia st. Sinclair, George, 21 Marischal Murray, Isaac, Crown court, street 41 1 Union street Skene, Alex., 19 Schoolhill "Wilson, George, 188 Gallow- Smith, Adam, 96 and 98 Union gate street .... Alex., 2 Castle street .... Chas., 9 Skene terrrace Tailoirs—Furnishing . .... John, 13 Union buildings Badenoch, Alex., 12 Union st. Stott, John, 58 Castle street Burt, Robert, 70 Queen street Thomson, John, 74 Queen st. Campbell, Wm. and Co., 73 .... Robert, 1 Marischal st. Union street Thow, George, 6 Skene street Cattanach, Charles and Co., Tocher, John and Sons, 142 Exchange court, Union Union street street Tough, John, 190 George street Chapman and Co., 18 Union st. Troup, Alex., Cruden's court, Cook and Davidson, Market st. 22 Broad street Duthie, Barclay, 16 Commerce street Tea Merchants. Gibson, James, Concert court, Brebner and Graut, 56 St Broad street Nicholas street Hay, George, 129 Skene street Skene, Alex., 21 Regent quay Johnston and Laird, 36 Union Stevenson, , 5 Belmont st. street Wm. Urquhart, J. & B., 7 Schoolhill Keating and Co., 26 Union st. Lonie, David, 77 Gallowgate Low, James, 10 Eegent quay Teachers of Dancing, &c, Lumsden, James and Co., 155 Alexander, Robert, Academy, Union street Diamond lane M'Bain, Donald, Market street Bajfour, Wm., Music Hall M'Donald, Peter, 58 Queen st. buildings Macguire, James, 49 Queen st. and 33 Lodge walk Teachers (IKCiscellaneous). Mann, George, 104 Union st. Meldrum, Wm., 45 Marischal Allan, James, Trades' school street Alexander, Robert, Public Middleton, P., 6 Crown street Schools, Belmont st. Milne, Low, and Co., 127 Union Anderson, Miss, 10 York street street Barrack, Wm., Grammar school Mitchell, James, 29 Quay Beverly, Alox., Grammar school .... James, 50 Broad street Bill, Franklin, 31 Belmont st. Mowat, James, 8 Flourmillbrae Brown, John, North Parish and 37 St Nicholas st. school Murray, Wm., 130 George st. Galium, William, Greyfriars Mustard, Robert, 145 George school, Shoe lane street Chisholm, Miss, 77 Bon-accord Probit, J., 16 Netherkirkgate street Eezin, George, 4 Belmont street .... Miss, 43 Dee street Ritchie, D. & ^.,40 St Nicholas Clark, Miss, 16 Gallowgate street Colston, Alex., Gordon's hos- Robertson, Robert, 1 Correc- pital tion wynd Courage, Miss, Albion street Schaschke, G., 33 Marischal st. chapel school 262 trades' and peofessions' directory.

Craigmyle, Francis, Public M'Eobbie, Miss, Free John schools, Belmont st. Knox's, Gerrard street Cruickshank, J., 35 St Nicholas Mavor, David, Free Bon-accord street school, Marywell st. Miss, 35 St Nicholas st. Medd, Miss, 40 Union terrace Currie, Miss, Northfield Mission Michie, Cbas., M.A., academy, school 10 Silver street Dale, James, Eobert Gordon's Milne, James ^Dr Bell's school) hospital MoUison, Wm., Mechanics' In- Demaus, Rev. Robert, 250 stitution Union street Munro, Joseph, 32 Woolman- Downie, Mrs, North Parish hUl school, Albion street Murray, Misses, 2 Dee place Duncan, Miss, Free Gilcomston Presslie, William, St Andrew's Union wynd school, Crown court, Durrie, Miss, (John Knox's) 41^ Union street Mounthooly Rait, W., Free Bon-accord Ewart, David (Free John school, Marywell st. Knox's) Gerrard st. Rattray, Wm., Charlotte street Fergusson, Dr Jas., West End school Academy, 216 Union Regan, John 0., Chapel court, street Justice street Fraser, Miss, 2 Black's build- Eennet, David, 13 North Silver ings street Fullerton, Misses, 73 Dee street Richardson, John (Free Union) Fyfe, Miss, 108 Crown street Virginia street Gerrard, Alex,, Gordon's hos- Robertson, Jas. (John Knox's) pital Mounthooly Grant, Eev. J., Donaldson's .... Wm., Holburn school school. Back wynd Roy, John (Dr Brown's) Skene

, , street Stuart, Alex., Gordon's Hos- Ledingham, J., A.M., academy, pital 12 Correction wynd Trail, Adam, Free North school, .... Miss, 12 Correction wynd Princes street Legge, J. W., Grammar school Tulloch, Dr George, Bellevue Lister, Miss F., 60 Queen street academy

-M'Conochie, G. C , 115 Union ..... Marcus, Bellevue academy street Walker, Miss, Porthill schools M'Donald, Charles, Grammar Webster, Miss, West Parish school school, George street TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY. 263

White, Misses (boarding sohool) Umbrella Mlakers. 57 Dee street Anderson, W., 51 Upperkirk- Williamson, W., Boys' hospital, gate 19 Upperkirkgate Ross, Hugh, 12 Gallowgate Wilson, Miss, Juvenile school, Walker, John, 16 West North 54 Causewayend .... William, 35 Schoolhill Teachers of Drawing. Cleland, P., 8 Union terrace Vintners, Jazdowski, John, 120 Crown Donald, W., Cuparstone build- street ings Gillespie, Wm., 16 Steps of Gil- Tinsmiths. comston

Adamson, Alex., 1 7 Gallowgate Glennie, Wm., 49 Lodge walk Bisset, Leslie, 238 George street Mitchell, John, 15 Carmelite st. Gordon, Hugh and Co., 1 Gal- Nicol, Mrs, 18 Wellington st. lowgate Sword, Mrs, 23 Regent quay Kidd, Thomas A., 15 James st. Legg, James, 48 Netherkirkgate Wax and Paper Floiver .... William, 79 Queen street nflakers. M'Leod, C. and J., 52 East North street Mathison, 13 Crown street Michie, George, 7 Rose street Moir, Miss J., 1 Martin's lane .... John, 68 Windmill brae Murray, George, 33 Chapel st. Watch and Clockmakers. Shirres, Wm., 18 Upperkirk- Alexander, James, 6 Union st. gate Berry, Jc and Son, 29 St Nicho- Walker, Wm. and Son, 28 Ne- las street therkirkgate Brand, Wm., 15 Huxter row Crombie, P. and C, 17 St Ni- Tobacco and Snuff Manu- cholas street facturers. Duncan, James, 27 West North Craig, Thomas and Sons, 22 street George street Easton, A. R., 53 Marischal st. Eeid, Robert, 80 Broad street Esson, Peter, 7 West North st. Whyte, Patrick, 22 and 24 Fiudlay, John, 72 —74 Broad st. Queen street Eraser, John, 170 Union street Gill, D. and Son, 78 Union st- Tobacconists. Grant, John, 45 Quay Gray, Alex., 11 Netherkirkgate Grant, David, 25 Union street Hardy, James, 41 Union street Walker, Alex., 69 Union street Jamieson, G., 107 Union street Morrison, Robert, 35 Upper- Turners. kirkgate M'Leod, John, 9 Schoolhill Ewen, James, South Silver st. Rettie, M. and Sons, 151 Union Fiudlay, Robert, Windmill lane Rose, George, 73 Green Riddel, D. and J., 43 St Nicho- Strachan, John, 71 Windmill las street brae Rowell, Benjamin, 157 George Wright, John, 19 Seamount street place Smith, James, 20 Belmont st. 264 trades' and professions' directory.

Walker, J., 59 Union street Wightman, Thos., 5 Bank st. Watson, J., 18 St Nicholas st. Willett, J. T., Inches Watt, Archibald, 154 Gallow- Wright, Joseph and Son, York gate street

Wine IMEezchants. Woollen Manufacturers. Begg, John, 17 Weigh-house Barker, A- C, 81 Loch street square Cooper, H. and Co., Exchange Black and Ferguson, 49 Union street street Crombie, Jas. and John, Grand- Gray, A. and W., Exchange st. holm works Jopp, W. and K., 13 Market Hadden, A. and Sons, Green street Leslie, John and Son, 40 Wool- Machray, I. and Co., 20 Adelphi manhill court Mackie, David and Co., 41 St Sheed, John, 44 Marischal st. Nicholas street Stewart, C. and W., 23 Adelphi Pratt and Keith, 51 Union st.

court Sutherland, A , Sons, and Co., Thomson, George and Son, 21 Canal road Kegent quay Will, John H., 69 and 71 Ne- Walker, Wm. and Sons, 52 therkirkgate Union street Whyte, Alex. B., 21 Union Writers. buildings Williams, Wm., 19 Regent quay Cattanach, John, 58 Castle st. Cruickshank, G. F., 75 Union Wiire Workers. street Downie, Charles G., 75 Union Harper and Co., 82 Union st. street M'Intosh, Wm., 93 George st. Duncan, John, 7 Back wynd Forbes, Charles, 29 Thistle st. Wood IKEerchauts. Hay, Alex. (Jopp and Shand) Adam, John, North Charlotte Johnston, Andrew, 75 Union st. street Kyd, David, 84 King street Barnett, John, Exchange st. M 'Hardy, Wm., 2 Correction Brown, Robert, Inches wynd Buyers, J. & Co., 12 Kidd lane Merson, John, 75 Union street Campbell & Co., 127 George st. Middleton, W-, 34 Marischal st. Connon, R. and Co., 58 Maris- Milne, G., 56 Castle street chal street .... James, 22 Adelphi court Donald, Alex., Inches .... Wm., 46 King street .... John, Inches Moir, Wm. W., 2 Correction Duncan, Wm., 14 Marischal st. wynd Eraser, Archibald, 209 King st. Robb, George (Town House)

Johnston, Robert, York place .... Wm , 75 Union street Lumsden and Ewen, opposite Reid, John, 42 Castle street 222 George street Ross, James, 75 Union street Milne, George and Co., Victoria Sheach, David, 84 Union street dock saw mills Smith, Ferguson, 23 Adelphi Rose, Donaldson and Co., 7 court York street Watt, Alex., 103 Union street Rust, John, 14 Thistle street .... James, 147 Union street AGENTS FOR INSUEANCE COMPANIES. 265

Agents for Insurance Companies.

OFFICES. AGENTS. Aberdeen Mutual Assurance andFriendly) j j^ Crombie, 3 Queen street Society j ' ^ Aberdeen As-) Mutual Assurance Marine Marischal street ^ Connon & Co.,' 58 sociation ....) Accidental Death... Andrew Masson, 4 Queen street Albion and Eagle Assurance Co James Paull, 12 King street Alfred Life Assurance Association "William Gordon, 5 King street Alliance Life and Fire Assurance Office ...James Black, 23 King street Argus Life Assurance Co J. Brebner, Advocates' buildings Atlas Fire and Life Office Davidsons and Cooper, 7 Union terrace Bank of London and National Provincial") jj^^^ Crombie, 3 Queen^ steeet Insurance Assooiation ..) ' British Guarantee Association Davidsons and Cooper, 7 Union terrace (W. C. Hunter, 15 Adelphi court, John Caledonian Insurance Go < Muill, 83 Union street, and D. John- ( ston, 142^ George street City of London Life Assurance Co.* .John Crombie, 3 Queen street Colonial Life Assurance Co J. T. Eennie, 48 Marischal street ^^''^' ^^°''^*^^°* ^""^ ^^^} Smith, jun., 106 Union street ^°"office^^ Wm. Crown Life Association Alexander Yeats, 2 Correction wynd ^Arthur Thomson, Bank of Scotland, James "W arrack, 34 Marischal street. EagleTj'^.o.io LifeT if^ InsuranceT„c«,.o„«o Con^ 3 -j j^^^^ p^^U^ {^ King street, and, V. A. Batten, 20 Adelphi court

Castle street , Economic Life Assurance Society, London.D. G. Cattanach, 56 ; Schoolhill, nj- u , T T A f James Murray, 48 and Edinburgh Life Assurance T Adamson & Home, 25 Marischal st. English and Scottish Law Life Assur-) ^ayidsons and Cooper, 7 Union terrace ance Co ) European Life Assurance and Annuity Co. Do. do. do. General Life and Fire Assurance Co ...John Davidson, 3 Queen street Globe Fire, Life, and Annuity Insurance .., Oswald & Co., 24 Marischal street Guardian Fire, Life, & Annuity Assurance. A. Chivas, National Bank Guarantee Society, London Stronach and Duguid, 71 King street Hercules Insurance Co Duncan and Clyne, 8 Castle street fWilUam Smith, 1 Bon-accord street,

Mitchell, Adelphi court, and Manchester MrrATsurance'co!!!!"."!!.'. /DYi*i 12 ( Alexander Diack, 4 Belmont street Marine Insurance Co Andrew Masson, 4 Queen street Maritime Passengers Assurance Co John Sheed, 44 Marischal street Midland Counties Insurance, Lincoln "W. P. Booth, 20 Marischal street Minerva Life Assurance Co Alexander Diack, 4 Belmont street 266 AGENTS FOR INSURANCE COMPANIES.

OFFICES. AQENT3. National Fire and Life Assurance Co George Marquis, 147 Union street " N. Burnett, Record Office, King street, Alexander Brand, 103 Union street, & ^'Combie, 103 Union st., North British & Mercantile Assurance Co | ^"^F^y William Paul, 20 King street, John Duncan, 7 Back wynd, and William Reid, 36 M arischal street Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life)...Wm. Chalmers, 3 King street, manager Norwich Fire, Life, and Annuity Office...Charles Chalmers, 147 Union street Norwich and London Accident and") . p ^ ^' "°^^' * "^^ P^^°® Casualty Insurance Association J Pelladium Life Assurance Society Nerval Clyne, 8 Castle street MitcheU, 12 Adelphi court^ PeUcan Life Office, London... (^^^^'^ and Insurance ' (, James Buyers, British Lmen Co. People's Provident Life and Fidelity") . -, j ,ao tt • ^'"^'^d' ^^^ Union street Guarantee ..| ^- ("Robertson &Lumsden Union Phoenix Fire Office „ 3 terrace, (. and James Buyers, British Linen Co. Plate Glass Insurance Co John Sheed, 44 Marischal street Professional Life Assurance Co W. P. Booth, 20 Marischal street Provident Clerks' Life Assurance Assoc... Alexander Ross, York place Queen Insurance Co T. A. W. A. Youngson, 74 Union street Rock Life Assurance Co Thomas Ruxton, 84 Union street Hoyal Exchange Assurance Corporation ..i Alexander Jopp, 31 Gallowgate Royal Liver Friendly Society .J^David Johnstone, 142J George street Royal Insurance Co , John Watt, 40 King street

'• ''^^*: ^°^ Scotland Insurance Co « i ^'^l^l^L^^ l-f^' ^^^i^^T (. Skinner & vv ilsone, 229 Union street Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society.. .John Jaraieson, 56 Marischal street Scottish Equitable Assurance Co { ^"^j.^H^SalmtrflirUnio^n'JtreTt" rSkinner & Wilsone, 229 Union street, Scottish Provident Institution of Edin... •< Lachlan M'Kinnon, jun., 233 Union ( street, and A. Brand, 103 Union st. Scottish Provincial Insurance Co C. F. Griffith, 93 Union street, manager Scottish Sea Insm-ance Co William Reid, 36 Marischal street '^*:,^- Scottish Union Fire and Life Assurance ( ^.^'J^^^'^frf R'i'i^^,^f'l^'''f ''"'*' ''' ""' Company { ^^l^e^f'Z^f^eT Scottish Widows' Fund Alexander Nicol, 39 Marischal street Solvency Guarantee Co.»...... ^ ., Patrick Cooper, 7 Union terrace Sovereign Life Assurance Co .*....John Duncan, 7 Back wynd Standard Life Assurance Co Smith and Cochran, 152 Union street Sun Fire, Life Office, London .,. D. R. Morice, 34 Marischal street United Kingdom Temperance, &e., Life) James Moir, 36 St Nicholas street, and, Assurance Society j James Skinner, Berrji-den '°' West of England Fire and Life Office... {^- ^^^-,1^ L'hTon JrlJt Wisconsin Marine and Fire Assurance Co.. .Adam and Anderson, 75 Union street STREET DIRECTORY.

Abbey Flace^ 5—6 Office of Parochial Board of St Nicholas 46 Shiprow 7 D. Fairweather, mahogany mercht.

Academy Street, Affleck Place, From Dee street to Crown street From Marywell street to Affleck street Dr G. Tulloch, Academy 1 Malcolm Ferguson, stonecutter 2 Thomas Thomson, late gunmaker Adelphi Court, ... Arthur, Farquhar 3 Mrs Elliot Between 49 and 51 Union street

3 Wm. Walker, grocer, <&c. 10 Nicol Moncur, hotel Affleck Street, 12 David Mitchell, advocate Crown street to Wellington road ... James Bryce, advocate From 13 John Chalmers (of D. C. & Co.) 1 Robert Collie 14 William Hunter, advocate IJ Wm. Anderson, salmon merchant ... J. Russell M'Kenzie, architect 2 Mrs Weir 15 Wm. F. Ogg, advocate ... Rev. John D. Miller ... Wm. C. Hunter, advocate 3 John Law, baker ... Alex. Laing, ship steward 4 Wm. Young, shipmaster 16 Charles Duncan, advocate 5 Peter Skene, carter (Devanha) 17 James Steele, M.D. ... A. R. Gray, agent 18 Francis Ogston, M.D. 6 Alex. Robb, gas engineer 19 John Christie, auctioneer 7 WiUiam Black, secretary (Com- 20 I. Machray & Co., wine merchants mercial Co.) 22 A. Batten, commission agent 8 William Stewart, timber merchant ... Francis Edmond, advocate 9 James Davidson, flesher 23 Alexander Edmond, advocate 10 Misses Keith, milliners ... James Edmond, advocate ... Wm. Edmond, commission agent 24 C. & W. Stewart, wine merchants Albert Street, ... James Matthews, architect From Waverley place to Westfield ... Deeside Railway Office; Wm. B. 1 John Reid, advocate Ferguson, secretary ... Mrs Reid 28—29 David Chalmers prin- & Co., 2 Mrs T. Duncan ters,

15 Eobert Fletcher, sharebroker and 6 Miss Black accountant 8 Robert Abemethy, C.E. 17 Mrs Ligertwood 10 Rev. Colin M'Culloch 19 William M'Kinnon 12 John Jamieson, merchant ... Lachlan M'Kinnon, advocate 14 Edward Fiddes (N. of S. B.) 21 William L. Henderson 16 B. Moir (of J. Moir and Son) 29 Miss Catto Alford Place, Albezt Terrace, From Union place to Albyn place. 2 Alexander Edward (B. L. Co, 1 Miss Simpson Bank) 2 John Milne, confectioner 3 James Crombie, agent 3 Miss Dalrymple 6 John D. Skene, agent 4 Charles Stuart, shipmaster 8 Alexander CampbeU 5 John Smith, late of Rotterdam 6 Mrs George Simpson; Albion Court, 7 Mrs David Dunn 8 Mrs Dr M'Donald 18 Castle street Anderson's Court, Albion Street, 46 Loch street, j From Park street to Links 1 Mrs King, provision seller Ann Place, 10 William M'Donald, provision seller Back Stocket Road. 14 Campbell, Bannochie, and Ccfe, plasterers I George M'Pherson (of J. M'P, and 15 Mrs Peebles, general dealer Co.) 30 James Innes, teacher ... J. M'Pherson, jan. (of J. M'P. and Co.) 3 Arthur King, printer

Albyn Place, 4 David Aitken, merchant (of N. S. «S5 West from Alford place Co.) James Moir, grocer LEFT HAND SIDE. 6 William Rattray, teacher John Cadenhead, advocate, Albyn Cottage 1 Miss Eobertson of BaJgownie Ann Street, 8 Miss Cumine of Rattray From Maberly street to Hutcheon st. 5 Francis Edmond, advocate 31 John Fullerton, merchant 18 Thomas Bannerman 49 James Valentine (J. 0.) ... George Bannerman 19 Female Orphan Asylum ... MrsReid, matron, do. Annand's Court, 20 James Brebner, advocate 30 James street. 21 Alex. Morice, (of W. M'K. & Co.) 22 W. Connon, merchant Miss Burgess, dressmaker, &c. 23 W. Cooper (of P. & C.) Morison, M.D. 24 George Stairs, 25 C. B. Fisher of Murcar Back Wynd 26 Major Craigie,H.E.I.C.S. From Green to Union street. Marquis» accountant 27 George Wniiam Connon, furniture dealer 28 W. Leslie, architect 29 Alexander Nicol, shipowner 31 Benjamin Reid, seedsman Back Wynd, 32 James Laing, ironmonger 33 G. Allan, advocate From Union street to Schoolhill, Clerihew, late of Ceylon 34 William 5 Turner Ritchie, saddler engineer 35 John Willet, civil 7 John Duncan, law stationer 36 William Hunter, advocate .,. Mrs

19 Donaldson's school Barnett's Close, 20 John Craig, sadler From Guestrow to Flourmillbrae.

Balmoral Place, 2 Alexander M'Gregor, spirit dealer 3 A. & J. Pirie, blacksmiths South from Holburn place. 1 James Anderson, grocer 2 John Anderson, grocer Beattle's Courti 3 Wm. Masson 4 Alexander Gerrard, teacher 102 Gallowgate, 5 Mrs Peppe 6 William Hendry, hook-keeper 7 Mrs Reid Beattle's (J.) Court, 8 Mrs Meston 99 Gallowgate. 9 James Murray, clerk (F.

30 R. N . Anderson, town sergeant Bannermill Street, ... Mrs Christie 33 Charles Napier, house carpenter From Summer Lane to the Links. 1 William Elrick (G. N. of S. R.) 2 James Longmuir, shipmaster Berry Lane, 3 Alexander Scott, shipmaster 4 John Colvin, shipmaster From Gallowgate to Loch street 8 William Wilson, mealseller 1 Mrs Ross, draper 9 Jonathan JHoyiaQU Mrs Graot'slpdginga 24. 270 STREET DIEECTOEY.

9 John Gibb, porter Bloomfield, 25 Joseph Slesser, railway porter 28 William Clyne & Sons, curriers South end of Holbum place.

1 Miss Davidson of Balnagask Black's Buildings^ 2 Mrs Simpson 3 Rey. T. B. Wrenford From "Woolmanhill to Skene st bridge 1—2 Charles M'Manus, draper Bon-Accozd Lane^ 2 Hugh Fraser, late merchant 4 Miss Hird, milliner From Dee street to Bon-accord street ... G. W. M'Donald (S.N.E.R.) 5 Mrs John Booth 10 J. Keith, clerk (Marble & Granite 6 James Mutch, letter carrier works. Constitution street, 11 Mrs M'Lean, ... Robert Mackay, beadLe (Gaelic ch.) grocer and fnneral waiter 12 William Christie, overseer 18 Alexander 7 Alexander F. Knowles, clerk (G. Rust, house carpenter 20 T., jun., and CoO Mitchell and Ogg, builders ... Mrs Milne 10 John Craig, saddler 12 William Morrison, flesher Bon-Accozd Square, 13 James Craig, saddler to ... Richard Fotheringham From East West Craibstone street 14 Alexander Cruickshank, grocer 1 James Brown, silk mercer 2 Jas. F. Beattie, land surveyor, &c. Blackfxiazs street, ... James Simpson, advocate 3 Misses Skene From Woolmanhill to St Andrew st 4 Alexander Skene, tea merchant 5 James Milne (of G. Milne & Co.) 1 Alexander Hay, merchant 7 John Keith (T. and C. Bank) ... George Currie, slater 8 Mrs Gordon ... Mrs Strachan, sick nurse 9 G. B. BothweU 3 and 4 Alexander Mowat, stoneware 10 Thomas Best, late banker merchant 11 William Gordon, sharebroker 5 Robert Hay, grocer 12 Keith Jopp (of W. and K. J.) 13 Robert M 'Kinlay, merchant 13 William Pirie, D.D. 14 John Collie, house carpenter 14 William Sbirres, accountant ... Mrs Shearer, sick nurse 15 James Nicol, professor (Aberdeen 20 Wm. Smith, carpenter and builder University) 24 William Robertson, stoneware 16 John F. White, grain merchant merchant 18 A. F. Hogarth ... George Duncan, fringe maker 27 George Cheyne, house carpenter 30 Mrs Willox Bon-Accozd Street, 42 and 43 1st Aberdeenshire R. V. Orderly Rooms From Union street to Springbank ter» LEFT HAND SIDE. Blaikie's (Firovost) Quay. 1 William Smith, architect place South side of the Harbour. Langstane 5 John Campbell, post-horse master John M'Lean, superintendent of 9 Misses Paterson, dressmakers and meters milliners Torry Farm Brickwork Company's 11 MrsTalbert office 13 J. Smith, tailor

Alexander Gillvray, blockmaker ... Miss Russell, lodgings Andrew Brands, ship carpenter 15 David Cochrane fS.N.E.R.) Commercial Co. ... Mrs Cook, lodgings Aberdeen Lime Co. 17 John Macaldowie, accountant A. and F. Manuelle, stone raerchts. 21 Miss Simpson, lodgings G. Milne and Co., wood merchants 23 Mrs John Henderson Mowlem, Burt, and Freeman, stone 25 Mrs Tulloch merchants ... J. E. Berry, clerk 29 Mrs Mackie 33 Miss Clark Blaixton Lane, Bon-Accord Lane 35 Mrs Flann, grocer From Broad street to Guestrow. 37 Miss Elder, corset maker 5 William Kelman, tailor 39 Alex. Levie, shipmaster STREET DIRECTOEY. 271

39 James W. Robson, clerk Entrance to Bon-aceord terrace 43 Wm. Marshall (of W. and J. M.) 72 Mrs Christall, lodgings ... Mrs Stewart, laundress 74 George Webster (of S. W. and M.) 45 A. Eobertson, stone cutter 80 Alexander Lyon, cattle and hide ... James H. Collie, hairdresser salesman ... Mrs James Falconer 82 Rev. JoTin Paterson ... Mrs Shand, sick nurse 84 Miss Moir 49 Alexander Alexander, clerk Springhank terrace ... Mrs Alexander ... Miss Christie ... Miss Smith, dressmaker Bon-Accozd Texrace, 51| Arthur Knox, cabinetmaker ... Alex. Forsyth, late merchant From Union street to Bon-accord street ... George Forsyth 53 Mrs Thomas Hector 4 Miss Scott 57 D. G. Cattanach, advocate 6 H. A. Burstall, agent 59 Rev. James M'Kerrow 8 William Shirer, clerk 61 Miss Harvey 9 Mrs John Smith 63 Mrs E. Melville 10 Mrs A. Paterson 65 R B. Home, sharebroker 14 Daniel Laird (of J. and L.) 67 Mrs William Pirie 16 Mrs Fyfe ... A. Keddie, teacher (W. P. S.) ... John Gray 69 A, Wales 21 Miss Allardyce ... Miss Justice 22 Mrs John Blaikie 71 David Millar, architect 23 James Shepherd (of S. and S.) ... George Brown (of P. & G. Brown) 24 C. J. G. Duguid 73 Mrs Allardyce 25 Bishop Suther, D.C.L. 75 Alexander Ross, advocate 26 John Ligertwood, advocate 77 Miss Chisholm, teacher 27 Rev. John Adam 79—81 John M'Niven, baker 29 Mrs Major Youngson 83 George Watson, saw trimmer ... T. A. W. A. Youngson, advocate, ... Mrs Watson of Black shiels The Oldmill Boad 30 Mrs A. Ferguson Stewart 85 Misses 31 James A . Sinclair, accountant 86 Mrs G. Anderson 32 Lady Blaikie 87 Mrs John Kynoch 33 George Davidson, merchant 88 Mrs A. Smith of BlackhiUs 35 Alexander Edmond, advocate 89 Mrs George Garden 36 John Keith (of Pratt and Keith) 90 Mrs Harvey 91 Miss Melville S^pringhatik street Bothwell's Court,

EIGHT HAND SIDE. 25 Justice street. Hardgate G. B. Bothwell 4 Laing and Melvin, saddlers, &c. A. Brodie, sculptor 8 Laing and Melvin. coach builders 10 William Robb, coach builder 14 John Dempster Boy's Hospital Court, ... Miss Louden East Craihstone street 19 Upperkirkgate. 18 Mrs Robb 20 John Wood, surgeon 36 Bernard M 'Donald, contractor Bxebnez's Court, Lane to Bon-accord terrace 38 Peter E. Gordon 9 Castle street. 40 Chas. S. Gordon, inspector of N. of S. B. Branches Court, 42 Robert Ferguson Brebner's 44 James Ferguson 84 Shiprow. 46 Mrs Ogilvie 50 Alexander Copland, cashier 5i Mrs Jolm Innes Broad Street, 54 Mrs W. Walker 58 Alex. Simpson, jun., advocate,

2§ Joseph Maitland (L. P. & P. Co.) 14 Well court 3 George Handyside and Co,, boot ... A, Bothwell, confectioner and shoe warehouse 14J James Largie, shipmaster 5 Mrs Alexander Findlay, boot and ... James Alexander, watchmaker shoe warehouse ... J. G. Dawson, advoeatc 7 James Thomson, shoemaker 18 James Hodge and Co., cutlers 9 James Gillespie, shoemaker 20 James Robertson, hairdresser 11 John Bothwell, shoemaker 22 Cruden's court 13 Alexander Wilson, shoemaker Mrs Stratton, lodgings Nefherlcirkgate Mrs Wishart, lodginj?s 15 G. Clark and Son, booksellers Mrs Mullet, commercial hotel 17 Thomas Blair, shoemaker Alexander Troup, merchant tailor 19 William Russell, bookseller Alexander Wilson, shoemaker 23 James Farquhar (of F. and G.) Miss Bowman, seamstress ... Alexander Watt, writer Souter and Shepherd, druggists ... Alexander Crombie 24 J. and J. Fleming, hardware mer- ... Mrs Alexander Barron chanrs 25 William Duncan, bootmaker 26 Rettie's court 27 WUUam Shepherd, confectioner James Robertson, hairdresser 29 Mrs Mitchell, agent George Shepherd, bookseller ... Miss Bowie's lodgings James Rettie (of M. Rettie

91 Mrs Morgan, lodgings Bsruce's Couxt, 92 Robert Walker, bookseller 22 Loch street.

Broadfozd (Nozth). Burn Couxt,

North end of George street. 44 UpperMrkgate.

1 George Martin, grocer Buirnett's Close, IJ Morrison and Skakle, jewellers 3 Joseph Falconer, baker 5 Exchequer row. ... James Stephen, ironmonger 4 Stephen Goodbrand (of S. & G.) ... Alex. Heverly, teacher 8 John M'Kay, Cottage Hotel ... Alex. Martin, teacher 12 Wm. Durward, innkeeper 5 Eobt. H. Watson, leather merchant Walter Campbell, spirit dealer ... Adam Trail, teacher 6 Robert Walker, bookseller Bnirsaz's Court, ... Miss Walker, teacher 7 George Rennie, printer 61 Castle street. 8 James Jarvis, hosier ... William Reith 9 Rev. John Garioch Calsay Seat, ... Richard Philip, tailor 11 Mrs Murray Wm. Souttar, clerk 12 J. M'Donald 14 James Morgan, clerk (D. R. Co) Canal Lane, ... David Buyers, clerk (R. and Co.) ... George Martin, grocer From Canal terrace to Summer lane. ... Miss Martin, milliner 16 Joseph Rovrell 18^ Alex. Brown, shoemaker Canal Road, 20 A. Donaldson, flesher From Causewayend to Froghall. ... A. Findlay, ironmonger ... Robert Mathieson Robert Davidson, chemist 21 Robert Craig, grocer Sutherland, Sons, 22 T. Milne Andrew & Co.'s works ... Alex. Badenoch, tailor Sutherland, jun, (of A. S. 26 Miss Rose Andrew Sons, and Co.) ... Robert Cran, writer Mason, flesher 28 James Watson, watchmaker Thomas 30 Misses Hunter Misses Leslie 31 Miss Bothwell 33 Barbara Wi.^ham Street, ... Rev. Thomas Brown Canal 34 John Youngson, grocer 35 John Porter, feuar From Mounthooly bridge westward. ... Wm. Crawford, flaxdresser 39 Roderick M'Kay, feuar 1 Charles Stewart, mason ... John Home, clerk 2 Mrs Gunn ... Alex. Cameron, shipmaster Broadfozd Place. 4 George Edward, seedsman 6 Thomas Ogilvie, hat manufacturer 2 George Innes, plasterer 7 S. Pope, mail guard

8 Wm Daniel, builder 8 Miss Gordon, lodgings . , 9 David Eraser, builder 9 David Bremner (Customs) Miss Elizabeth Duthie 10 Miss Harp, lodgings ... James Hunter (of R. & H.) 11 Henry Brechin, founder Broadfovd Lane, 12 John Robertson, warehouseman 13 Alex. Robb From Broadford to Causewayend road. Canal Terirace, 1 Mrs Craig, grocer 7 Mrs Gerrie From Virginia street to Garvock st. 8 James Berry, gardener 11 George M'Robbie, feuar 3 Alex. Anderson, manager (N.A.Co,). 274 STREET DIRECTOHY.

5 David Ross, clerk 17 John Mitchell, spirit dealer 4 Wm. Walker (G. N. of S. R.) 1 9 John Webster, baker 6 Alex. Forbes, provision curer ... John M. M'Pherson (S. N. E. R.) 8 Miss Hood ... George Watt, slater 10 Mrs Farquhar ... Mrs Wm. Murray EIGHT HAND SIDE, ... George NeUson, boat builder 11 John MUne, sec. (L. & C S. Co.) 2 John White, fishmonger 12 Alex. Forbes, provision curer ... Wm. Meff, game dealer 4 Charles C alder, spirit dealer ... Edward Fordyce (S. N. E. R.) Candlexnaker's Court, 6 Mrs W. Gove, fishmonger ... John Milie, bottler ... John Chisholm, clerk 46 Gallowgate. ... Mrs Stevenson, midwife 7i W. & A. Hogg, Wrights Caxden Place, Caxmelite Lane, From Skene street west to Stoneyton. From Fisher row to Trinity street. Henry Cooper, draper 1 Wm. Henderson, builder 2 Mrs M'Donald, fiesher 2 David Mitchell, advocate 15 Wm. Ross, hay dealer 3 Robert Thomson, Broadford works 4 Miss Gumming 5 Rev. David Milne Caxnegie's Bxae, 6 Rev. D. Simpson 7 David Stewart, manufacturer From Netherkirkgate to Green. 8 David M 'Donald 9 Rev. J. C. M'Phail 10 Mrs Lawson 11 Wm. Brebner (N. of S. E. L. Co.) Caxoline Place, 12 James Wyllie (of D. W. & Son) 13 J\Irs Tawse From Skene square to Hutcheon st. 14 Neil Smith, jun., grain merchant 15 Wm. Routledge (of W. R. & Son) 1 Mrs Shirreffs IS Miss Farquhar 2 Wm. Walker 19 George King, bookseller 3 Alex. Walker, tobacconist 20 W. Alexander 4 Bev. James Stirling ... John Alexander, upholsterer 5 Mrs Mary Wigham Alexander Duthie, shipowner 6 David Gill (of F. & G.)

Caxmelite Street, Castle Stxeet,

From Green to Trinity street. From Union street to Justice street and Castle brae. LEFT HAND SIDE. 2 A. Smith, outfitter 1 John Mathieson, coffee rooms 3 Charles Milller, bookseller 5 James Stewart, city missionary Town House ... George S. Dey, shoemaker Lodge walk Scotland ... David Paterson, shipmaster North of Bank street ... Miss Paterson King 7 Wm. Cowe, farrier 7 George Stopani, hosier Clyne, ... John Smart, contractor 8 Duncan and advocates Davidson, bookseller ... John Hay (P. H. & Co.) ... George lodgings ... Miss Hay, dressmaker ... Miss Bain, 9 Mrs Thorn, lodgings 9 Brebner's court Arch. Symon, furniture ... Mrs Duncan, provision dealer 10 M. dealer Duffus, ... D. Boyle (S. N. E R.) 11 Alex. confectioner 11 Thomas Jamieson, wright 12 James Gray, agent 13 James M'Donald, porter 13 George Stirlinyr, grocer court ... Ann Stewart, flesher 14 Mathieson's ... Mrs Allan, draper 15 Peter Grant, spirit dealer 17 Mrs Gordon Pirie, fishmonger 16 Mrs Fraser, draper

... Jame&Brew 18 Albion court STREET DIRECTORY. 275

19 Mrs Cruickshank, grocer 66 George Allan, advocate 20 William Diack, grocer D. G. Cattanach, advocate ... John Smith, cabinetmaker James H. Forsyth, M.D. 21 Smith's court Wm. Forsyth & Co., druggists 22 John M eikel, bootmaker Commercial court 23 John Porter, do. Alex. Mitchell, bird stuffer ... George Forrest, contractor John Stott. tailor ... Mrs Clark John S. Henderson, advocate 24 J. Jessiman, grocer George Nicol, brewer Peacock's close Miss Coulson, milliner Justice street —60 Robert Kemp, grain merchant 25 W. Adams, furniture dealer Bursar's court 27 Robert Bruce, draper Mrs Yule, innkeeper 29 Misses Robertson 62 James M'Keaig, Caledonian hotel ... Robert Bruce, draper ... Miss M'Kenzie 80 Chas. Fraser, tailor Ldbhan's court Castle Bzaci Castle hrae 31 J. M'Donald, jun,, cabinetmaker From Castle street to Castle lane. 32 George Tough, spirit dealer 33 John Smith, cabinetmaker 2 James Ragg, traveller 34 A. Sim, accountant (Bank of Scot- 4 John C. Souter, M.D. land) 6 Wm. Beedie, shipmaster 35 Baiik of Scotland court ... Alexander Inglis, ship chandler ... Arthur Thomson, agent (Bank of ... Joseph Evans, barrack sergeant Scotland) 13 Wm. Arnot, cooper 37 Wm. Fraser, tailor 38 St John's court ... Paraffin Light Co. ... J. & G. Collie, advocates Castlehill, 39 David Henderson, fishing tackle maker From Park lane to Hanover street. 40 Adam Williamson, hairdresser 41 Wm. Cooper, dyer Rev. Alexander Spence 42 National Bank court Mr» Spence, sen. ... Charles Robertson, ironmonger 1 Wm. Findlay, merchant ... John Reid, writer 2 Mrs Booth ... Wm. Bennett, printer 4 John Hector, traveller ... Alex. Chivas, advocate ... Kennedy and Fraser, advocates ... Mrs Fraser ... Wm. Grant, van driver Castle Lane, 43 Andrew Ross, druggist Wilson, 43J John bookseller From Castle brae to Fish street. 44 Alex. Davidson, jun., grocer 45 Duncan's cowrt ... Alex. Aitken, shore porter 4 John Milne, beadle ... Charles Brook 5 John Simpson (of W. & S.) 46—48 James Daniel & Co., printers ... William Mitchell, wright 47 Charles Brook, spirit dealer 49 David Dewar, draper 50 Pirie's cowrt ... Pension Office Catherine Street, ... Alex. Rainnie, builder ... Mrs Laidlaw, lodgings From Causewayend to George street ... William Sellar, confectioner 51 Alex. Bothwell, confectioner 1 George Christie, grocer 52 T. Menzies, bookseller & stationer 2 George Brewster, stonecutter Marischal street 14 John Gordon, carter 53 Aberdeen Bank ... James Walker, bookseller 54 Victoria cowrt 18 Wmiam Laing ... George Cornwall and Sons, printers 36 Alex. Adams, feuar and lithographers 40 Alex. Benton, flesher ... Andrew Jopp, advocate 54 WilUam Brown, coachman ,.. Stamps and Taxes oflSce 58 Wm. Collie, painter ... Stock Exchange 62 Mrs Dalgarno ... Hugh Fraser, china merchant 70 Wm. Don, mill overseer 55 Do. do. 71 K, Cruickshank, grocer 276 STREET DIRECTORY.

Catto Squaze, 9 George Stephen, hairdresser 21 A. Douglas, grocer Garvock Wynd, Thistle street 25 Wm, Baillie, beadle 27 Alex. Millar, shoemaker 1 James Martin, baker 29 George Merchant, grocer 5 Andrew Sim, blacksmith 31 George Murray, tinplate worker ... John Grant, shipmaster 33 Do. do. 11 George Craig 41 Miss Jamieson 13 Ogilve & Sons, rope and twine W. Walker, butcher manufacturers 47 Wm. 51 Al. Sutherland (Commercial Bnk.) ... Rev. John Milne, Holburn church ... Mrs Captain Milne, lodgings Causeivayend, 55 John Argo, late farmer 65 M iss M. Mitchell, dressmaker From Gallowgete to Gowan brae. ... George Davidson, slater 67 J. C.Walker, clerk (Rettie & Sons) ... John Cumming, slater 1 Christie, grocer Alex. ... John Marshall (of W. & J. M.) 3 Duffus, grocer Wm. 77 Wm. R. Riddel (T. 65 Wm. M' Donald, shoemaker 34 Mrs ColUe, lodgings 66 Alex. Malcolm, spirit dealer ... Charles Miiller, teacher 67 Ebenezer Bain, wright 38 Misses Matthew, dressmakers 68 Mrs M'Intosh, midwife 40 Miss Jessiman, lodgings 70 James Adam, grocer ... Misses Moir, dressmakers 80 J. & R. Davidson, cartwrights 42 George Gordon, late merchant 93 Mrs James Runcie, grocer 42^ A. Ledingham, grocer 99 Wm. Wyse, grocer 44 Captain G- Innes 101 W, & R. Blaikie, merchants ... Miss Smith, dressmaker 111 John Morgan, provision dealer 46 Geor°;e Paterson, painter 117 Wm. David, feuar 48 Mrs J. B. Innes 119 Alex. Dow, blacksmith 50 Mrs Tytler 127 R. Robertson, ropemaker ... James Eraser, letter carrier 52 John Ross, mercer 52s Miss Mair Place, 54 George Baker Cause'way 56 George Ironside overseer 56 Miss Williamson, lodgings 8 Causewayend. 58—60 F. Cooper, grocer, &c. Little Chapel street 78 Mrs Stuart, grocer David Scott, herbalist Chapel Street, 82 ... Mrs Young, midwife 84 William Hampton, cabinetmaker From Union place to Skene street. 86 David Troup, feuar ... Mrs Porter LEFT HAND SIDE. 88 William Fyfe, grocer 98 Hector Maclennan, traveller 1 John MUne (of M. S. & Co,) 99^ Mrs Grant, lodgings 5 David W arrack, baker 100 Robert Adam, advocate STREET DIRECTOEY. 277

102 Mrs Henderson Mrs Gillespie, lodgings ... John Gumming (of C. and F.) Alexander Mathieson, ironmonger Kidd lane Mrs Joss, provision merchant 104 Mrs Low, prorision seller Alexander Marshall 108 James Leiper, grocer Mrs Tytler 112 William Donald, mason Wm. Alexander, reporter (F. P. 0.) ... Mrs Meston, lodgings Mrs M'Combie 114 Mrs Forrest, midwife Charles Watson, merchant 118 Kenneth Campbell, baker 31 James Stevenson, teacher 124 Robert Christie, flesher Mrs Law, lodgings 126 James Youngson, boot and shoe- James Rust, carpenter maker Mrs Gray, lodgings 33 Alexander Hay, writer George Goldie, aerated water manu-° Chapel Z>ane, facturer Isaac Jolly, grocer From Weigh-house square to Shore 33 Alexander Christie brae.

11 Meter's court 23 Simon M'Leod, grocer Charlotte Street (North),

Chapel Couxty 4 Mrs Ellis ... James Minty, assistant Inspector of police 61 Gallowgate. 6 William Glennie, house carpenter 7 and 9 W arrack and Daniel, builders 8 John Adam, wood merchant Chapel Court, ... William Glennie, carpenter 10 Robert Tait 1 Justice street. 42 John Geddes 46 Miss Ross, dressmaker Miss Wilson, teacher James Mitchell, outfitter Miss M'Grigor Charles M'Grigor, hosier Cherrybank Cottages, Alexander H. Watson, assurance agent Off Bon-accord terrace.

John Boyd, supervisor Charles Court, William Duncan

40 Upperkirkgate. Cherryvale, Street, Charles Skene street west.

Broadfoad to Causewayend. From George Dickie, professor of Botany 2 G. and T. Lunan, builders 3 George Sim, bird stuffer 7 James T. Bonner, warehouseman^ Chroniole Court, 8 Roderick M'Donald 11 Alexander Bain, shoemaker 32 Broad street and 10 Queen street, ... George Porter (of P. and L.) 13 Mrs Mackie 10 George Leslie, billiard rooms 17 Miss Elspet Catto ... Mrs Catto, grocer ... Mrs Blaikie, merchant 19 James Dow, flesher Chronicle Iiane,

From North street to Mealmarket st. Charlotte Street, 2 James Gordon, cooper From St Andrew street to John street 3 James M'Donald, cabinetmaker 5 Joseph Skea's veterinary forge 1 Alexander Wishart, builder 9 P. Green, horse shoer 3 Alexander Milne, shoemaker 11 George Pirie, shore porter ... Mrs Smith 15 Alexander Morrice, merchant 278 STEEET DIRECTORY.

Chuxch Street, College Street (South),

Waterloo st. to Bt. From St Clement 1 James Milne, shipmaster ... Wm. Henderson, clerk (S.N.E.R.) 7 James Mathieson, ship wright 7 John Walton, accountant 10 Adam Anderson, blockmaker 9 Peter .Jamieson, harness composi- tion manufacturer John Smith, shipbuilder, Deemouth Clarence Street,

From Waterloo st. to Wellington st. College Court,

James Lindsay, stoneware mercht. 52 Broad street.

Clark's Court, Collie's Court,

2 Upperkirkgate. 28 Shiprow.

Cluues' Courts Collie's Court,

75 George street. 60 Gallowgate.

College JCiane, Commerce Street,

From College st. to Lower Denbum. From Quay to Park lane.


College Street, 5 Alex. Shepherd, spirit dealer 11 John Cock, provision merchant From Windmillbrae to Affleck street 18 John Dunn, shipmaster ... Mrs Levie, teacher ... Miss Durie, teacher 1 Charles Smith and Co., grocers 23 William Hutcheon 4 John Collie, plasterer 43 WUliam Cooper, dyer 5 C. and A. Black, wrights ... James Lees, dockmaster 9 Wm. Caie, shore porter ... James Gibb, shipmaster 12 John Bell, cooper 41 Robert Harris, mealseller ... Andrew Ramsay, convener's officer Virginia street, 20 Alex. Ross, overseer 49 Alex. Craigmyle, grocer 26 James Selbie ... Arthur Smith, painter ... J. Montgomery & Co., masons Craigmile grocer, &c. 34 William Hay, painter 51 Alex. 53 David Mitchell, blacksmith 35 Alexander Henderson, grocer 61 William Fletcher, shipmaster 37 Walker's court 65 Robert Mitchell, shoemaker ... James Falconer, shipmaster WiUiam CraigmUe 41 James Walker, grocer 67 49 Alexander Bruce, grocer 50 Dr Robert White EIGHT HAND SIDE. 57 Wm. Barclay, spirit dealer 58 Joseph Leaper, grocer 2 George M'Kay, hairdresser 62 Wm. Melvin, carter 6 Alex. Eddie, baker (shop) Buchan, letter carrier 8 Do. do. 75 Thomas [ 77 Charles Black, wright ... Mrs Reid, lodgings 78 John Garden, grocer 12 James W. Barclay, commission

82 Hogarth and Co. . merchants merchant 85 Wm. Simpson, shipmaster 16 Barclay Duthie, tailor ... James Henderson, shipmaster ... Mrs Yule, flesher 87 William Holmes, sen. 20 Henry Dunningham, shipmaster 90—95 D. Hogarth and Co., provision 22 Robert Eddie, agent street . merchants TiTgi/mia STEEET DIRECTORY. 279

46 John Sangster, druggist 41 James Taylor 48 Do. do. 43 James Counon, draper ... George Johnston (Customs) 45 Lawrence Jaffray, clerk (Post 50 Alexander Rainnie, builder , <&C, office) 70 John Jamieson, grocer ... William Anderson, assistant poors' 72 George Pressly, secretary (N. A. inspector Co.) ... Mrs William Jaffray 74 John Jamieson, grocer 47 Alexander Duncan, guard (G. N. of S. R. Co.) 49 William Donald, spirit dealer Railway bridge Commerce Lane, Marble worhs Links Gardens

Off Commerce street. EIGHT HAND SIDE.

Couxt, 6 James Chessar, town sergeant Coznm.ezcial 8 Hugh Dunn, steward 10 Alexander Ross (T. C. B. and Co.) 58 Castle street. ... Adam Thomson, jun., flesher ... John Clark, builder 12 William S. Garriock, shipmaster 16 Basil Spence Concext Court, 18 George Leslie 20 Andrew Murray 22 Mrs James Allan Between 10 and 12 Broad street. 24 George Smith, shipmaster ... Mrs Robert Youngson 26 Mrs Burnett, lodgings Concert Court, ... Charles Esson, engineer, Banner- , mUl South Constitution street 27 Gallowgate. 28 Mrs David Bruce

... Robert Stephen, shipmaster ... John Greig, cabinetmaker Romaw Catholic schools Constitution Street, 38 James M orison (of M. and L.) 40 George Simpson, corkcutter 42 Alexander M orison Fr<)m Park street to Links. 44 Rev. John Reacher 46 Andrew Reid, merchant Hunter LEFT HAKD SIDE. 48 Mrs Railway bridge 1 William Gordon (of J. Sim & Co.) 50 Charles Sefton, manager, Banner- 3 Mrs Daniel Mearns mill 5 Mrs Stewart Bannermill 7 John Webster 9 Robert Leys, engineer 11 Misses Strachan 13 Mrs Anderson, lodgings Constitution St. (South), ... David Main, surveyor of shipping ... D. Benzie, shipmaster From Park street to Constitution street ... William Simpson 15 John Morrison, agent (C. of G. 1 William Gall, tailor Bank) 2 John Stephen, late shipmaster ... Mrs John Morrison 3 Mrs T. Cruickshank 19 William Hunter, grocer 4 John Leslie, bootmaker 23 James Leslie, engineer (Gas works) 8 D. Macdonald, leather factor 27 William Beunet, printer ... Charles Gray 29 Robert Talbot, shipmaster 31 Archibald Ellis ... George Sinclair, clothier ... Miss Sinclair Cooper's Court, 33 James Black (R. C. and Co.) 35 Adam Topp 37 William Clark 26 Netherkirkgate. 39 James Munro, shipmaster ... C, M. Macquibban, M.D. 280 STREET DIKECTORY.

Corzection Wynd, Czaigie Stzeet,

From St Nicholas street to Green. From George street to Charlotte street. 13 James Dale, teacher (Gordon's 1 Robert Robertson, famishing tailor Hospital)

2 Charles F. Runcy, advocate ... James GUfillan . Alexander Yeats, advocate ... John Milne, overseer 3 John H. Stephen, engraver 4 Peter Gordon, stoneware merchant

,. John Watt, advocate 7 Robert Yule, jeweller Czaigmile Couzt, 2 James Ledingham, A.M., academy

.. Miss Ledingham, teacher 69 and 61 Commerce street. 13 James Duffus, confectioner Miss Maria Reid, teacher Miss Eliza Reid, dressmaker Mrs Skinner, hotel keeper Czaigwell Place, 17 Mrs Watt, porter dealer From Skene street to Skene terrace.

3 John Giluon, plasterer Cotton Stzeet,

Between Summer lane and Bannfirmill. Czombie's Couzt, George King, shipmaster Alexander Buthley, shipmaster 37 Park street. 3 George Law, shipmaster Crooked Lane, Courage's Couirt, From St Andrew street to Loch street 2 Weigh-house square. 5 Aberdeen Public Baths ... Donald M'Kay, superintendent 6 Mrs John Baxter, spirit dealer Cowgate,

From Justice street to Castlehill, Czown Couzt,

41J Union street. Czaibstone Stzeet (East), 1 John Johnston (G. Reid and Son) From Boh-accord street to Bon-accord ... Mrs David Walker square. 2 James Craighead, printer ... John Mather, commission agent 1 Archibald Reith, M.D. ... James Gordon 2 Mrs John Simpson ... James Crombie, agent 3 John B. Mihie (of W. M. and Sous) ... G. Inglis, merchant 4 Mrs James Dyce 3 Alexander Clark, merchant 5 H. Ambrose Smith, F.IA., secre- ... Mrs Brown, lodg-ings tary (Northern Assurance Co.) ... Isaac Murray, tailor 6 James F. Beattie, land surveyor 4 Alexander Rust, commission agent 7 J. Moir Clark (of J. M. and Son) ... Duncan Reid, M.D. ... Mrs Pollock

Czaibstone Stzeet (West), Czown Court, From Bon-accord ter. to Bon-accord square. 36 Upperkirkgate,

2 Malcolm Mackenzie of Friendville 3 Rev. F. W. B, Bouverie, B.A. 4 George D. Rutherford, advocate Czown Place, 5 Misses Gibbon 6 James Saint, jun., draper 1 George Brown 8 Charles Stewart ^of C. and W. S.) 5 Alexaader Smith, land aorreyor STREET DIRECTORY. 281

Czown Stxeet, 135 Irvine Kempt, secretary (S. N. E. R.) From Union street to Bank street. 137 John R. AUardyce, grocer 139 Miss Cameron LEFT HAND SIDE. Ajffleck street 141 George Collie, advocate 3 Robert Wood, shoemaker 145 J. Garden, advocate (of M. & G.) Windmill hrae 147 Mrs Bruce 5 David L^ing, basket maker 149 George Yeats, silk mercer dressmakers 7 Misses Fveith, ... Alex. Yeats, advocate 9 Geoige Peterson, painter 151 Wm. Cormack, merchant Fraser 11 John H. ... A Cormack, merchant ... James <'assie, portrait painter 153 Mrs J. Hark, lodgings 13 Mathison's wax and paper flower ... Daniel Gray, grocer estabiishment 155 Hobert Kemp, Krain merchant 15 Mrs John M'Gregor 157 P. Morrison (Aberdeen Lime Co ) 17 James M acbeth, music soloon 159 James Lura-den, professor of 18 Mrs Mathison theology (F. C. C.) 19 W. Whitecross, custom house agt. 165 James Neil, silk mercer 21 Robert Gangster flesher 167 Professor James 15ri\zier, F.C.S. 22, 23, & 24 George W. Wilson, artist 169 Peter Cumine, merchant and photographer to the Queen 171 Rev. J. B. Ritchie 26 Mrs Sherman, lodgings ... Miss Sherman, milliner EIGHT HAND SIDE. 27 Miss AUathan, lodgings ... Mrs Harvey, of Kin nettles 6 Peter Middleton, tailor 28 Mrs M l^herson, lodgings 8 John Senter, shoemaker Crown terrace 12 Mrs Bearsley, fancy needle worker 67 Mrs Leffen 16 Alex. Campbell, book agent ... Mrs W Riddoch 18 h'obert Glegg, confectioner 69 Mrs Wm. Mair, lodgings 20 Helen Sang-ter 71 Miss Foote Crown place 73 James Burgess 285 John Lamb, photographer 75 Henry S Lumsden (of L. & G.) 82 M rs Alexander Gelan 77 Mrs Fraser 84 Mrs Charles Kobb 79 J. J. Kennedy, agent 86 Robert Ness, jun.. coach builder 81 Mrs John Fleming 86s John Scott, teacher 83 Lambert Barron, advocate ... George «eid (of B. Reid & Co.) 85 Alexander Harness ... Mrs Kemp's lodgings

... Mis l)r i ivingstone Academy street ... Miss Gibbon St James's church 87 Hugli Hogarth (of D. H. & Co.) 100 Hugh Ross, habeid sher St John's place 102 A. E. Smith, advocate 89 John Roger, merchant 106 John Avery, printer 91 Mrs Robert Ross 108 .VI isses Fyfe, boarding school 93 Alexander Hrown (of B. & C.) 112 Miss Richardson, lodgings 95 Mrs H. C Oswa'd 114 Hobert Ligertwood, advocate 97 Mrs Forbes of Echt 116 Rev. John Comper (St John's) 99 Dr Thomas Smith 118 Wm. F. Ogg, advocate 101 Mrs James Keith 120 John Jazdort ski teacher 103 George ^im (Union Bank) 122 John Bissf.t (of J. & W. B.) St Mary's place 124 Tnomas B. Gibson (of L. & G.) 111 Miss Davidson ... Miss Robertson 115 Mrs Wm. Gray Dee place 117 George Sutherland, silk mercer 126 Rev. A. D. Davidson, D.D. 119 James Bakewell (fickford & Co.) 128 M rs John Pater- on

121 Mrs John Clark 13 » Captain Ray, R.N. ... Miss Garden 132 John Barnett, auctioneer ... Miss M'Kimion ... James Catto, shoemaker 123 James Anderson, grocer 134 Wm. Shephed, confectioner Marywell street ... J. Miller (of J. M. & Co.) 125 David Petty, shipmaster 136 WilHam WaUis, Lloyd's surveyor ... Thomas Shields, druggist Springhank street 127 Wm. Nico'son, grocer 146 George Leslie, shipowner ... Mrs Gi ay, lodgings ... James Leslie, shipowner 129 George Mitchell, baker 148 Alex. Bain, professor of logic 131 Mrs Joseph Simpson 150 Miss More 133 Robert Reith, chemist and drug- 152 James Williamson (of R. Catto and Co.) 25 282 STREET DIRECTORY.

154 Misses Cameron, lodgings Davidson's Court, 158 Mrs Garioch ... George H. Midgley 113 GaUowgate. ... James Berry, jun.

Dee Street, Crown Street (South.). From Union street to Dee place. 1 Captain Wm. Penny 2 Capt. A. G. Keen (R, A. H.) LEFT HAND SIDE.

5 Camming and Fyfe, paiatera Crown Terrace, Windmillhrae 7—9 Thomas M 'Lean, baker 11 Miss Neish, dressmaker From Crown st. to St Mary's place. 13 James Findlater, shoemaker 13i James Mathers, plumber 1 Miss Mathieson, dressmaker 15"Col. G. Kirby 2 Hugh Allan, cabinetmaker 23 Wm. Rettie (of M. R. & Sons) 3 James Meia, dentist 25 Wm. Watson, W.S., Sheriff Sub. 4 F, J. Cochran, advocate (of S. & C.) 27 Miss Lawrence, dressmaker ... Miss Kiloh 29 Miss Beattie Cruden's Court, ... Miss Moiren 31 Mrs C. M'Hardy 22 Broad street. ... Mrs Rennie 33 D. Fairweather 35 Mrs G. Rae Cruickshank's (C.) Court, ... Mrs F. Porter 37 Mrs Allan 10 Shiprow. 39 Robert P. Ross 41 Mrs Dr Gordon ... James Drummond, bootmaker Cuparstone Buildings, ... Mrs Buthley, lodgings 43 Misses Chisholm, teachers ... Ersldne Gilh spie West of Cuparstone place. Academy street 55 George Cadenhead, advocate John MTherson, bookseller 57 Miss VV hyte, boarding school Donald, spirit dealer Wm. 59 Miss Buyers Mrs Keith 61 Mrs Munro 65 Rev. John M. Hewson ... Mrs Brebner. lodgings Cuparstone Place, 67 Charles Smith (ot G. & S.) 69 Miss Innes From Holbnrn street to Cuparstone 71 J. G. Leslie, sheriff-clerk depute buildings 73 M iss FuUarton 75 Mrs Thomson Mrs M'Kessor, Ashvale cottage 77 Wm. Stephen, surgeon Andrew Robertson, sexton, jSi oilfield Dee ;place Cemetery Char'es Downie of Ashfield EIGHT HAND SIDE. John Edmond, bookbinder 1 James Jamieson, grocer John K. Wilson (W, Smith, jun.) 4 George Russel, artist Wm. Duthie ... Wm. Eussel (of R. & G.) Alex. Anderson, manager (H. Ogg ... Misses Anderson, late of Strichen and Co.), Rose cottage ... Miss Cameron, lodgings Mrs James Ferguson, Grove cottage Langstane place M ajor John Ross, Granton lodge 14 Independent Chapel P. L. Gordon of Craigmyle, Haw- 22 Joseph f-kea, veterinary surgeon thorn cottage 24 Miss M'Leod, milliner Miss Blaikie ... Miss E. Barron, lodgings M, Massie, advocate, Nellfield house ... George M'Intosh 26 John Fimister, surveyor of taxes 30 Mrs Aberdein, lodgings Daniel's Court, ... Hugh Sutherland, painter 32 Mrs Dr Ingram 48 Castle street. 34 Thomas Duncan, marble works STREET DIRECTORY. 283

42 James Allan and Sons, workshop Denburn (Loxtrez), Bon-accord lane 46 John Stewart, printer From Poynernook to Spa street. ... James Watson, clerk (P. 0.) 48 Mrs Reid, lodgings 2 Donald Davidson, manufacturer 50 Mrs Henry Apgus 19 A. Knowles, machine maker 52 John Whyte (of Simpson & Whyte) 22 Mrs Peter Mathieson 54 James Jamieson, merchant 56 George Grub advocate 58 Robert Smith, surgeon Devanha Terrace, 62 Mrs Souter 64 Joseph Willet, timber merchant Ferryhill. 66 Mrs Clark, lodgings 68 James Smith, bookseller 1 Alexander Stephen, painter, &c. 70 Miss Allan 2 Mrs Henderson 72 Robert Cobban, shipmaster 3 Miss Ross .. Miss Gordon, lodgings ... WiUiara Murray, late builder dressmaker ... Miss Ann Gordon, 4 John Reid, shipmaster 74 Mrs Walker ... William Bannermaa, coal broker 76 David Reid (of G. R. & Sons) 78 Rev. Dr D. Brown The Old Mill road Diamond Street,

From Union street to Silver street. Dee Street (Lowex), 1 Alexander Davidson of Desswood 6 Alexander Campbell, horse hirer Trinity street to Lower Denburn. From 9 Miss Weir, dressmaker ... John Adam, bookseller ... Mrs M 'Donald, lodgings Bee Place, ... Miss M'Douald, dressmaker 13 John Russell, artist From Marywell street to Springbank, 28 M. Rettie and Sons, lamp manu« facturers 1 T>. and J. Eiddcl, jewellers ... James Berry, watchmaker, &c. 2 M isses Murray, teachers of music Diamond Lane, 3 George Abernethy, engineer 4 James Florence (of J. L. and Co.) From Diamond street to Silver street. ... Miss Edmond, lodgings ... Charles Edmond Robert Alexander, professor of 5 George Gray, merchant dancing and deportment 6 James Asher, agent James Ewan, turner 7 Alexander Brand, accountant

Dingwall's Court, Dee Village, 85 Crallowgate, Between Crown street and Ferryhill. Donald's Court, Denbuzn Tersrace, 20 SchoolhiU and 16 Loch street, From Skene terrace to Corbie welL 3 John Moir, messenger-at-arms 2 Alexander Robertson, plumber ... Mrs J. Moir, register office 4 Andrew Wyness flesher ... Miss George, dressmaker 5 Thomas RutheifoM, carver ... James Paitieson 6 Wiilium Phirres, tinplate^^worker ... Miss Cattanach, dressmaker ... Mrs Brodie, sick nurse ... John Cattanach 9 James Knowles, butcher 7 Mrs Clark's lodgings 11 Mrs Ogston ... William Henderson, sextoii 13 Miss Profat, teacher 15 George Walker ... Mrs William Smith, midwife Do-wnie's Court, ... Mrs C. Eddie ... Robert Forsyth, traveller 65 Broad street. 2B4i STREET DIEECTORY.

Drum's Lane, Ed-wazd Place,

From 26 Upperkirkgate to Loch street. 12 Seamount place.

5 William Salmond. letter carrier 9 James Mann, broker E-wen's Couzt, 15 John Tillery, foreman (F, & G.) 17 Thomas Ogilvie, hatter 42 Gallowgate.

Duncan's Couzt, EsLchange Street,

From Hadden street to GuDd street. 45 Castle street.

1 J. Irvine and Son, pianoforte saloon Duncan's (D.) Couzt^ A. and W. Gray, agents H. Co'per and Co.. m^nufactarers 120 Gallowgate, J. and W. Bisset, wholesale mer- chants Aberdeen Savings' Bank Duncan's Couzt, Alexander Ross, advi cate Jstmes Bisset, photographer 74 Gallowgate, Exchange Court, Duthie's Couzt, Between 35 and 37 Union street. 45 Guestrow.. Brown & Carr, wholesale clothiers John Duffus, bookseller Duthie^'s Couzt^ James < uuard and Co , steam ship agents 14 Schoolbillo C. Cattanach and Co., tailors David l^lacldaw, ale and portiK dealer East Zfoztb Stzeet, Exchequer Roixr, From King street to Park street. From Castle street to Shiprow. 1 James Middleton, provision mer- chant 1 David Mackay. druggist ... Miss Middleton, dressmaker 4 Mrs M'Gilviay 2 "William Smith, hairdresser 5 Burnett's close 4 James I'ltrnett, jSesher 7 Colin Slorach, spirit dealer 5 John Beverly, shipmaster 9 Exchequer court ... Mrs Paterson 8—10 Joseph >.icol. baker 6 Jaraes Meston, grocer 11 NMUiam Gray, spirit dealer 7 David Iiorimer, spirit dealer 13 John Youngson (Lucknow tavern) 8 John Dawson town's dmmraer 10 E. Marr, grocer 11 Rev. John Longmulr. LL.D. 12 Alexander Thoio, llesher Exchequer Couzt, 15 Mrs Taylor, broker 16 Alexander Sutherland, grocer 9 Exchequer row. 19 Webster's coart 44 James Collins, auctioneer and gene- 4 Victoria Lodging Honse—Patrick ral dealer Tarrant, superintendent 45 William Fyfe, grocer 51 Peter MM'onald, spirit dealer Place, 52 Colin & James M 'Leod, tinsmiths Exchequer 56 Alexander Carnie, grocer Weigh-house square. 58 Thomas Gordon, flesher 60 Alexander M'Kenzie, broker 67 Wm. Findlay, spirit merchant 70 William Smith, grocer Farquhar Place, 78 WilUam Morrison, flesher 80 A. Davidson, stoneware merchant 2I85 Gallowgate, STREET DIRECTORY. 285

Farquhaz's Court, 6 Alexander Buchan, shore porter 9 Alex. Adam, manager, i.berdeen 17 Upperkirkgate. Salmon Co. 12 William *mith, shipmaster 13 George Grant, spirit dealer Ferguson's (J.) Court, 14 Charles M ackay, printer 15 John Longniuir, smith R.) 1081 Gallowgate. ... John Abel (G. N. of S.

Ferrier Iiane, Fisher Row,

From North street to Mealmarket st. From Maltmill bridge to Green.

i Peter Forrest, horse shoer 15 Robert Roberts, spirit dealer W. & A. Hogg, Wrights 17 Robert Falconer, spirit dealer Ferryhill, 19 James Morison, superintendent, Aberdeen market Near Devanha Brewery. James Garrow, game dealer

James Abernethy (of J, A, [& Co.) Ferryhill cottage Flourmill Brae, J. Abernethy & Co., founders, &c. Mrs Abernethy, sen. From St Nicholas st, to Bamett's close Thomas Laurie (late of J. A. & Co.) 2 George Duncan, grain merchant 3 James Winkly. painter Ferryhill Place, 4 N. of S. Equitable Loan Co. 5 David Duguid, fishing tackle maker From Rotunda place to Marine place. 7 Robert Irvine, leather merchant ... James Mowat, renovator LEFT HAND SIDE. 17 A. Stronach, jun., advocate 19 James T. Mackay Flourmill Iiane, ... James Saunders 21 John Torrance, traveller From Netherkirkgate to Flourmillbrae 23 Alexander Fraser, surveyor of taxes 2 William Anderson, blacksmith 25 Robert Beveridge, manufacturer ... John Morris, shoeing forge 27 James O. Haigh, manufacturer 6 N. of S. Equitable Loan Co. 29 Mrs Laurie

EIGHT HAND SIDK. Fonthill Place, 1 W. Esplin, sen., general manager Near St. Machar place. (S. N E. R. Co.) manufacturer ... Peter Beveridge, Dunn 2 George Collie, shipmaster Mrs Peter Duguid, advocate ... W. J. Deans, contractor 18 James Sutherland, shipowner 20 George Farquhar (Herald) 22 John Hayward (H.M.S. Win- Forbes Street, chester) 24 Mrs Angus Cameron From Rosemount ter. to Rosemount pi. 26 Dr. Dalby (H.M.S Winchester) 28 A. Henderson, shipmaster 1 T. Curr (J.

1 James Allan Forhes Court, 3 George Milne, house carpenter 5 Thorn as Jaffray. coach builder 78 Greea 286 STEEET DIEECTOEY.

Firedeirick Street, 31 Andrew Jopp, advocate ... ^^ illiam Moir, advocate From King street to Park street. ... A. Abercrombie ... Wm. Jopp (r.f W. & K. Jopp) LEFT HAND SIDE. ... Mrs Andrew Jopp St Paul street 1 Williams, dressmaker Mrs 47 Thomas R. Watson draper 3 Graham, baker —5 William 49 D. Beid's court 7 Alex. Gray, Aberdeen coach work 51 Northern Co-operative Co. 23 John Sim, shoemaker 53 James Stephen, Gumming grocer 25 Mrs 55 Wm, I,indsay, bookseller St Andrew's Episcopal school 59 James Paterson, draper 27 Robert Mathieson, shipmaster 61 Chapel court 29 Alexander Buyers ... H. Franklin, boot and shoemaker, ... rTohn Robb, plumber and cleik (St Paul's) 31 William Graham, baker ... John Bannerman, com. traveller 38 Miss Geddes, lodgings ... Miss M earns 43 Alex. Paterson, mUl overseer 63 Mrs Davidson, provision dealer ... Alexander Dunn, clerk (Blaikie 65 Milne's (Provost) court Brothers) ... Wm. Pittendrigh, buildfer Dr Bell's school 67 Alex. Thom, spirit and provision 51 Andrew G all, spirit dealer merchant 69 Alexander Watson, stoneware EIGHT HAND SIDE. merchant 4 David Roberts, saddler 71 Robert Lafferty, beadle ... Thomas Watson, shipmaster 73 Bernard Kcin. broker 6 Mrs Reid 75 Milne's court ... William Smith, accountant 77 David Lonie, tailor 14 James M itchell, spirit dealer 83 Robert Wilson, baker 20 A. Rattiay, pipe maker 85 Dingivall's court ... Mrs James Christie, lodgings 89 Peter Finnic 22 William Hurry & Sons, nail manu- 91 Wm. Henderson's court facturers ... Mrs Johnston, lodgings 44 John Wilson, house carpenter 93 Robert Hogg, fish dealer 97 Alex. Smith, spirit dealer 99 Beattie's (J.) court Gaelic Lane, 101 John Beattie, mealseller 103 Moir's court From Belmont street to Back wynd. 107 Winlaw s court 109 George Forbes, grocer 1 John Campbell's stables 111 Watt's court 8 Miss Simpson, register office 112 George Rennie, tea and spirit dealer 113 Davidson's court Galen's Couxt^ 119 Shewan's court ... James Pirie blacksmith 121 Joseph 21 Guestrow. Middleton, spirit dealer 123 Henderson s (A ) court 133—135 Wm. Paterson, druggist Gallo-w^gate, 137 Archibald Grant, spirit dealer 139 Simpson's couH 141 John Gall & Co., grocers street to Causewayend, From Broad 143 Alexander's Mounthooly. court ... John Alexander 145 James Thompson, grocer LEFT HAND SIDE. 147 James Ironside, hairdresser 1 Patrick Watt, M.D. 149 Joseph Bis.-et, confectioner 7 James Seton, spirit dealer 151 John Kelman, cooper 17 Alex. A damson, linsmith 153 C. Bain, broker 19 J. M'Kenzie, stoneware merchant Innes street 21—23 WiUiam Kennie, smith and 155J Robert Mitchell, lock and hinge furniture dealer maker 25 Wm. Crombie, cabinetmaker 157 Peter Grant, surgeon 251 JohnBuckner. butcher 161 Henderson's (W) court 27 Concert court ... Mrs Little, broker ... William Sherar, furniture dealer 163 Alexander Rire, broker 31 Jopp's court 165 William Yule, grocer ... Aberdeen Salmon Co. 's office ... Wm. Harper, boot and shoemaker ... Jopp& Shand, advocates 1655 James Sinclair, grocer STREET DIEECTOEY. 287

Toung street 64 Bihind's court 169 Charles M 'Donald, spirit dealer 70 Plasterers' court 171 Isabella Crawford, bookseller 70^ Thomas Duncan, general dealer 175 James Courage, cooper 72 James Watson, broker 177 Do. do. 74 Duncan's court ... Miss Courage, teacher 80 M' Kay's court Mrs Ross, draper 90 Shaw's court Berry lane ... Eobert Shaw, messenger-at-arms 181 Wm. Lyon, grocer 92 Alex. Wishart, flesher 183 Mrs Walker 94 George Smart, provision dealer 187 Kobt. Langlands, provision dealer 98 PortMll close Windy Wynd 102 Beattie's court

193 Ewen M'Donald. grocer ... R. Mitchell, lock and hinge maker Gerrard street 104 John Pirie, grocer 207 George Robertson, ironmonger 104^ Arthur Fraser, grocer 209 M rs Robertson, provision agent 106—108 T. Melville and Sons 211 John Chalmers, baker 108 John Webster 214 David Wilson, shoemaker Melville's court ... John Coutts, advocate IO85 Ferguson's (J.) cowt 215 Wm. Craig, baker ... Alex. Watsnn, town sergeant 216 Miss Gill, lodgings 110 James Hall flesher 217 Wm. Duncan, flesher 116 M'CooWs courb 218 Wm. Hobrow, confectioner 118 Mrs Baxter, broker ... Miss Farquhar, milliner 120 Buncan's (D.) court 218i Farquhar place ... Porthill school 219 W. Eoutledge and Son, rope 122 Alex. Christie, spirit dealer manufacturers^ 124 Wm. A. Ciichton, bookseller 220 Miss Eoutledge 126 Sutlierland's court

... Francis M'Kenn«, cutler 130 Alex. Shirreffs, painter EIGHT HAND SIDE. 132 Friends' M eeting House 138—140 John Alexander, draper 2 Eobert Beveridge, M.D., surgeon 144 Beid's court ... Miss Cassie, milliner 152 Logan's court 4 George Melvin, shoemaker 154 Archibald \^'att, watchmaker 6 Wm GiDson, flesher 156 Grant & Miller, fleshers 12 Hugh Ross umbrella maker 158 Mission Chapel 14 Hugh Gordon and Co., iron mer- 166 John Rose, stabler chants Seamount place ... George Eeid 168 Thomas Ross, provision dealer 16 Miss Clark, ladies' school 170 Samuel Willans, stoneware mer- 18 George M'Kay, leather cutter chant 20 Thomas Clyne, tea dealer 178 Andrew Wyse, provision dealer Littlejohn street 180 Robert Brown, stabler 22—24 "Wm. Clyne and Son, shoe 182 George Eobb. writer manufacturers ... Miss Watt, draper 26 Union court 188 Mrs Peteikin, midwife 28 Eraser, hairdresser James ... George Wilson, tailor 30 Inglis' court 191 James Milne, flesher ... Wm. Andeison, 2d lieut. of police 196 Robert Cruickshank, grocer 32 James Buckner, baker 202 Duncan M'Intosh, grocer 34 Beid's court 204J Mrs Gporge Meffet. haberdasher ... Alexander Durno, printer ... Wm. Williams, spirit dealer broker 36 John M'Uardy, 206 Mrs W. Benzie 38 George M orrison, tavern keeper 210 E. Walker, hairdresser 42 Ewen's court 212 Andrew Craig, grocer 44 James Cooper, grocer 46 Candlemaker's court 48 James Fiudlav, grocer ' 48J Do. do. Gairdinez's jLane, 50 M'Lean's court ... John M'Lean, superintendent of meters From Justice street to East North st 56 Poor s Hospital court ... Girls' Hospital— Miss Ferguson, matron 58 David Knox, ironmonger Garden's Lane, 60 Collie's court 62 Wm. Lindsay, bookseller 120 West North street 288 STREET DIRECTORY.

Gaxvock Street, 99 Ligertwood^s court ... George Mackie, bootmaker Prom Canal basin to Garvock wynd; 103 Wm. Meff, game dealer 107 Miss Moir, dressmaker 3 James Berry, grocer St Andrew street 6 John Pirie, shipmaster 113 D. Macdonald, leather factor Walker, bootmaker ... Alex. Brodie, sculptor 115 John 119 David Wright, photographer ... Walter Oliphant 7 James Ross, writer 121 John Cooper, hairdresser 8 George Spark, grocer 123 Mrs Cooper, midwife ... J. Walker, watchmaker 125 Mrs Walker, embroidery stamper ... Miss Walker, mDliner Gaxvock's Wynd, 127 Alex. Christie, timber merchant Unitarian Church From Garvock street to the Links. 141 Miss Wilson, grocer 143 Miss Huddlestone Robert Maitland, shipowner ... Peter Huddlestone 145 Robert Mustard, tailor 147 Robert Meff, baker Gas Street, John street 153 Francis Muill, baker 155 Do. do. From Trinity street to Poynemook. 157 Ben. Rowell, watch & clockmaker 161 John Allan, hairdresser Gas Light Co.'s office 163 Mrs Gillespie, lodgings George Gordon, manager and sec- 167 Geo. Youngson, stoneware mer- retary chant 3 Wm. Ross, Wright 171 Mrs Middleton, provision dealer 4 James Chalmers, superintendent 173 Peter Murray, dyer 175 Wm. Barnett, innkeeper 179 Glegg & Thomson, iron merchants Geddes' Court, 187 Alex. Mackie, shipmaster Craigie street 17 Prince Regent street. 229 Ebenezer Bain, wright Pillar Letter Box Free Greyfriars Church George Street, Broadford place 235 Thomas Mollis, spidt dealer From St Nicholas street to North 237 Misses Hogg, milliners Broadford- 239 Miss Johnstone, dressmaker Kings land place tEFT HAND SIDE. 247 John M'Gilvray, haii'dresser 251 James Reid, tailor 7 Archibald Courage, bookseller 255 George M aitland, book agent 17 John Hamilton, cutler 257 Miss Russell 23 George Bothwell, backer maker 259 Adam Mitchell builder 27 James Dakers, coachbuildei 261 James Wallace, inspector of poor 35 John Bannerman, dyer ... James Smith, accountant (L. & C. 41 Alex. Burns, fruiterer S. Co.) 43 Robert Robertson, shoemaker 261| George C. Leslie, manufacturer 45 Robert Gilbert, plasterer 263 J. Leslie, manufacturer 51-53-55 Alex. Wallace, grocer 265 James Fo bes (of J. F, & Sons) Loc7i street Kingsland house 63 James Laing, skinner ... Jas. Forbes, jun (of J. F. & Sons) 65 Wm. Findlay, grocer ... Alexander Forbes, jun. (of J, F. & 67 John CroU, baker Sons) 71 Alex Brown, leather merchant 273 Wm. A. Matthew, merchant 73 Hugh Gaudie, furniture dealer 275 Robert Musta' d, tailor 75 Clunes' court 277 A. Paterson, provision merchant 77 Charles Mitchell, grate manufac- 279 Captain Pickthorn turer Rutcheon street 79 James Murray, painter 81 Macliray's court EIGHT HAND SIDE.

... Pickford and Co , stabling 83 Hugh Leith, grain merchant 2—4 James Brown, draper 93 Wm. M'Intosh, wireworker 6 Mrs Graham's lodgings 95 David Thomson, bookseller 12 Felix Heitzman, German clock 97 David Wood, shoemaker maker STREET DIRECTORY. 289

14 John A. Machray, grocer 1465 William Donald, milliner and 16 George M orison, brushmaker draper 18 Peter Forbes, sawmaker 148 Do. do. 20 John Craigen, photographer 150 John Macintosh, engineer 23 Thomas Craig and Sons, tobacco 152 Do. do. iind snuff manafacturers 154 James Reid, tailor 22| Peter Milne, draper 158 J. Reid, fiesher 23J Miss Tait, pattern printer 160 John Marshall, grocer 24 A. Mathieson, ironmonger John street 26 John M Gregor, dyer 168 Miss M'Donald, lodgings 28 William Eddie, cheaiist and drug- 176 Robert Lainsr, shoemaker gist 178 James Williamson, traveller .. David M'Gregor, dyer 180 James Balfour, confectioner 30 William Eddie, druggist 182 Wm. Ronald, hide and leather 34 Royal Liver Friendly Society factor ,.. William Brown, fishing tackle 184 A. Lamb, plumber maker 188 Miss Hendry, dressmaker 36 Do. do. 190 John Tough, tailor United Presbyterian Church 192 George Walker, grocer 38 James Laing, skinner 194 James Balfour confectioner 40 Alexander Walkinshaw, boot and 194| Alexander Lyon, cattle sales- shoemaker man 42 r. Frederick, clockmaker 198 James Kinghorn, draper 48 J. Sherar, ironmonger 200 Alexander Philip, dyer 50 Do. do. 202 James Firth, slater 54 Miss i^mith, draper 204 Peter Cormack, draper 56 William Walker grocer 206 James Ross, clothier Loch street 214 Robert Stevens, grocer 58 John Mathieson, spirit dealer 216 George Connon, traveller 60 Kenneth Munro, baker 218 Alexander Robertson, baker 62 Stewart's court 220 Miss M 'Gregor, lodgings ... Miss Stewart, dressmaker 222 Margaret M'Petrie, hosier ... Mrs Stewart, register office 228 George P. Cruickshank, chemist ... John Soiley, reedmaker and druggist 64 Arthur Thomson, confectioner 230 Arthur Donaldson, flesher 72 Alex. Davidson, Buxburn mill 234 Henry Fa.rquharson, grocer warehouse Spring garden 76 D. L. Shirres and Co. 238 Leslie Bisset, plumber 78 Michael Messmer, clock maker 242 John M'Gilvray, hairdresser 80 W illiam Anderson, furniture dealer Gerrard street 88 William Robertson, stoneware 256 Robert Farquhar merchant ... George Wilson 90 M. Taggart, stabler 258 John Williamson, spirit dealer 94 James Kilgour, draper 260 Alex. Benton, flesher 104 John Watson, dyer 264 John Booth (of Logan and Co.) 108 Mrs Perry, green grocer ... James Roger, clerk 110 Irvine and Seton, shoe ware- 266 Alex. Linton, surgeon house ... George Duncan, grain merchant 112 William Masson, grocer Catherine street St Andrew street 274 Mrs Guild, stoneware merchant 114 Isaac Jolly, grocer 278 Mrs Thomson, lodgings 116 Misses Robertson, teachers 284 Daniel M'Kenzie, house agent 120 W. J. Stephen, draper 292 Lewis Jamieson, grocer 122 John Fraser, tailor Hutcheon street 124 Miss Pirie, lodgings 294 George Watson, cartwright ... Alex. Davidson (S. N, E. Coal ... Misses Watson, dressmakers Co.) 296 William M organ, hairdresser 128 James Lucas 300 James Robertson, teacher 1,34 George Tough, draper 302 Peter Cosgrove, grocer 136 Misses Jolly, dressmakers 308 Alex. Craig, baker i:^8 Robert M. ErSkine, surgeon 311 Alexander Davidson, feuar 140 Mrs Flett, baker ... G. and T. Lunan, hmlders 142 John CroU, baker 142^ Miss Milne, dressmaker David Johnstone, agent Gexzard Stxeet, 144 William Collie, painter 146 John W. Hrantingham, grocer Erom Gallowgate to George street. 146^ James Brown, printer Mrs Colonel Brander 2 George Robertson, ironmonger 290 STREET DIEECTOEY.

6 Donald Munro, sexton (John 15 Fred. Holland, manufacturer Knox's Cemetery) 17 Alex. Rainy, M.D. 22 James Robb, agent 18 John Clark, advocate ... Mrs Robb Lindsay street ... George Robb, grocer 19 Rev. R. J. Brown, D.D. 24 James Taylor, grocer 20 Colonel Wm. Eraser 30 Alex. Sberiffs, innkeeper 21 James Coutts, M.D. 56 Alex. Anderson painter 58 M iss Herd, lodgings ... Mrs Thompson Gordon's Court, 62 Peter Copland, slater 64 Wm. Strachan, sawyer 22 Gordon street. 66 James Crane, collector (G. L. Co.) Gordon's Court,

Gilcoxnston Brae, 4 SchoolhiU.

From Woolmanliill and Spa street to Leadside, Gilcomston. Gordon's Court, 1 Alex. Stewart, grocer 2 Alex. Mitchell 43 Virginia street. ... George Hunter, traveller 3 Duncan Smith, traveller 7 A. Courage, bookseller Gordon's Court, 10 Lumsden and Ewen, wood mer- chants 88 Broad street. Alex. Dunbar, clerk James Shepherd, naanufactujrer Gordon Street,

Gilcomston Steps, From Langstane place.

Prom Spa street to Skene square. 1 Charles Pirie, merchant 10 George Morrison, shoemaker Gilcomston Tannery, J. Rodger 18 James Littlejohn, spirit dealer David C. Anderson, skinner, &c. 21 William Milne, merchant Gilcomston Comb Manufactory, 22 Gordon's court John M 'Pherson and Co. ... William Sim, mason 16 Wm. Gillespie, tavern keeper ... Alex. Garden (Customs) 30 Miss Collie 42 Mrs Milne, grocer Golden Square, 50 Miss Gordon, dressmaker 60 Peter Ross, shoemnker 62 Wm. MoUison, teacher From South to North Silver street. 63 John Elriclt and Co., pipe manu- facturers 1 Mrs Glennie 2 Miss Young 3 Robert Johnston, merchant 4 Henry A damson, ship and insur- Grant's Court, ance broker 5 G. Thompson, jun., shipowner 88 West North street. 6 Miss Hannah Carnegie Lindsay street 8 Miss Peterkiu, boarding school Grant's Court, 9 Miss Gordon of Pitlurg

10 Wm. Leslie . surgeon 49 TJpperkirkgate. 11 Mrs Donaldson Rose of Hazle- head ... William Rose (of D. Rose & Co.) ... James Rose (of D. Rose and Co.) Green, 12 R. B. Tytler, of Ceylon North Silver street From Fisher row to Windmill brae. 13 George Angus, B.M.S. ... Miss Angus of Botriphnie 3 John Mitchell, vintner 14 Mrs Dr Foote 22 John Hay, spirit dealer STREET DIEECTOEY. 291

24 Souter and Slaker, painters 41 MitcTielVs court 37 John Fidler, provision mercht. 45 DutMe's court 39 James Littlejohn, tea dealer 47 Richard M'Gee, corkcutter 41 David Welsh, grocer 51 Donald M unro, spirit dealer 43 D. Davidson, manufacturer 55 And. Scott, spirit dealer 44 John Douglas, grocer Barnett's close 45 John Webster, baker 57 Alec. M'Grigor, spirit dealer 46 Wm. M'Bain, spirit dealer 61 Wdiker's court 47 Robert Innes, fishmonger, &c. ... Aberdeen Female School of In- 49 John Fearnside, druggist dustry—Miss Mackay, matron 50 Charles Calder, spirit dealer 67 Mrs Duguid, spirit dealer 51 David Petrie, mealseller 68 Stewart place

53 Mrs Sangster, keeper of news- ... Geo. Stewart room George 55 Duncan, tailor RIGHT HAND SIDE. 57 Charles Gordon & Son, coopers 59 George Robertson, mealseller 2 Peter Webster, salesman 61 Thomas Anderson, grocer ... Peter Rafferfcy 63 Chas- Wilson, shipowner 8 Miss Mitchell, dressmaker ... Alex. Bisset, clerk, P.O. 12 Wm. Duncan, shoemaker 64 John Adam, grocer Ragg's lane 65 Alex. M'Pherson, baker Blairton lane 66 John Michie, tinsmith 44 Charles M'Kay (eating house) ... Miss Michie, dressmaker 68 Martha Gorard, Burns' tavern 67 John Wilson, spirit dealer 72 Jane Bowie, register office 70 John Murray, cabinetmaker 71 George Rose, turner 73 Wm. Harris, draper Guild Street, 74 George Robertson, spirit dealer 76 Robert Buchan, baker 77 Miss Mathison, provision dealer From foot of Market street to Gas 79 John Rae, audit clerk (D. R. street Co.) ... James Brown, market Scottish North-Eastern Railway 83 Lewis Tawse, spirit dealer Station and Offices ... James Mackay, painter John Barnett, auctioneer 86 Peter Donald, broker 90 John Cameron, basket maker 93 George M'Kay, slater 98 John Stuart, stoneware mercht. Hadden Stveet, 104 Herr Frederick, photographer 106 John Ross, spirit dealer From Market street to Fisher row

Corn Exchangee Aberdeen Public TTewsroom Guestirow. Mrs Pegler, spirit dealer 1 Mrs Watt, porter dealer From Netherkirkgate to Upper- kirkgate. Hanover Lane, liEFI HAND SIDE. Foot of Albion street. 1 John Keith, late tailor 9 John Smith, shore porter 13 Mrs Robertson, innkeeper George Toddun (S. N. E. R.) ... Alex. Cook, coach guard

16 • St Ann's court ... Alex. Gordon, quill manufacturer Hanover Street, 19 John Hay, jun. (of H. & L.) ... Wm. Anderson, clothier 21 Galen's court From Castlehill to Albion street. ... John Crane, grocer ... Alex. Smith, gas inspector 4 Andrew Dickie, painter and 25 Milner's court glazier (Richards & Co.) ... Mrs Alex. Findlay ... Charles Dickie, ironmonger 27 Robert Fleming, vintner ... John Smith, grocer 29 Thornton place ... Miss Gossip, laundress 35 Patrick Joss, agent 5 George Cook, shipmaster 292 STREET DIRECTORY.

5 Wm. Arnot, cooper Henderson's (W.) Court, ... Alex. Walker, engineer 14 Robert Glegg, shipmaster 91 Gallowgate. 16 Wm. Souter, merchant

Hardgate, Henderson's (A.) Court, From Bon-accord street to Mile-end 123 Gallowgate. Peter Cameron, feuar John Pirie, gardener Wm. Sim, tanner and currier (W.) Mrs Wilson, grocer Henderson's Court, Alex. Gibb, civil engineerj Wil- lowbank 161 Gallowgate. 13 James Skinner, gardener Miss Shepherd Mrs Smith, Rosebank Mrs J. Murray, Leighton lodge Henderson's Court, Miss StiU, Elmbank Mrs Duguid, Bellevue cottage 46 Broad street. Rev George Tulloch, LL.D., Bellevue Wallace Brothers, brewers George P. Robertson 35 James Petrie, gardener Henry Place, James Davidson, do. Mrs A. Strachan From Whitehouse street to Henry street.

Harper's Court, 1 Mrs Miller, lodgings ... John Henderson (ofT. & H.) 76 West North street. 2 Peter Farquharson, grocer ... Robert Sim, teacher 3 David Taylor (of T. & H.) Hard-«reird, ... Misses Taylor, dressmakers ... W. C. Angus, boot and shoe- Prom Skene row to Jack's brae. maker 4 George Kerr (of K. and B.) 11 & 12 Jas. Mitchell, stair builder 5 Wm. Maconachie (S.N.E.R. Co.) 13 Neil Anderson, broker ... James Watt, groce?: ... Wm. Young, baker

Henry Street, Harriet Street, Skene street to back of Bride- Prom Schoolhill to Loch street. From well. 1 John Barclay, porter dealer 3 Wm. Beattie. merchant 5 John Taylor, builder 4 Alex. Duncan, innkeeper 8 Thomas Hodge (Inland Revenue) 8 Mrs Ewen, stabler 13 James Craigen, shoemaker 14 Mrs Milne, innkeeper Holburn Street, 19 George Mackie, shoemaker 20 John Barclay, porter dealer ... Misses Taylor, lodgings From Wellington place to Holburn 23 Mrs Kennedy, sick nurse place. 26 Wm. Beattie, merchant 27 George Goldie, aerated water Inland Revenue Office, 2d district manufacturer James Murray, dyer 28 George Stewart, waste dealer 1 Harry M'Condach

... Alex. Stuart, writing master

... John S. Stuart (G. N. of S. R.) Heading Hill, ... W. H. Grant, M.D. (P. ... Andrew Stuart, stamper O.) Prom Park lane to Castle lane. 2 Mrs W. Simpson, South bridge STREET DIRECTORY. 293

3 J. M. Grant, chemist 17 James Macbeth, pianoforte maker 4 Wm. Anderson, baker 19 Mrs James Hay, cab proprietor 5 Alex. Burnett, feuar 21 Miss Mackay, provision dealer 6 Captain James Miln 27 Matthew Wagrell, grocer 7 Wm. Hector, shoemaker 29 James Winkly, painter 8 Mrs John Downie, grocer 31 Wm. Urquhart, shipmaster 9 Alex. Campbell, book agent ... George Trail, wright 10 John Watt, shoemaker 33 Alexender Campbell 13 Mrs*Anderson, spirit dealer 35 Mrs Russell 14 Daniel Nelson, feuar ... Mrs John Walker 16 Miss Duncan, teacher Free Crilcomston Church 19 General D. Sim (H.E.I,C.S.) 53 Miss Morrison 21 Alex. Sim 55 Mrs John Paterson ... John Sim (H.E.I.C.S.) 57 Miss Cumming, lodgings 38 Alex. Urquhart, shoemaker ... James Craighead, printer 42 James Smith, shoemaker ... James Mowat, jobbing gardener 44 Mrs Lawson 59 James Gracie, builder 46 J. H. Johnston, pattern printer ... John H. Stephen, engraver 48 Andrew Blackwood, cutler ... Mrs E. Graham, sick nurse 50 John Strachan, turner 63 Wm. Hunter, merchant 54 Mrs Wm. Collie 64 George Hogg, Twin cottage EIGHT HAND SIDE. ... Mrs James Young, Twin cottage Eomcm Catholic Gha;gel 65 D. and G. Gray, blacksmiths Rev. Wm. Stopani ... Alex, Cook, house carpenter Rev. John Sutherland ... James Cook, house carpenter King's square 66 Alex. M'Grigor, traveller 24 Thomas Connell, cabinetmaker 67 George Bisset, general merchant ... Miss Connell, dressmaker 73 Francis Coutts, grocer ... Mrs PhiUp 74 John M'Kae 26 Mrs James Wilson, lodgings 75 Wm. Brebner, cowfeeder 28 Mrs David Duncan 79 Peter Eeid, gardener ... David Sim, shipmaster 89 John Cooper, grocer 30 Hospital for Female Orphans 50 Asylum for the Blind 60 James Garvie, buUder Holbuzn Place,

From Holburn street to Bloomfield. Hutcheon Stireet,

1 Alex. Murdoch, grain dealer From Causewayend to Mary place. 5 John Kerr 7 Alex. Napier, assistant inspector LEFT HAND SIDE, (P. of O. M.) 13 Mrs Watt, grocer 11 Alex. Middleton, shipmaster 63 Alex. Bruce, cattle dealer ... Misses Smith 15 John Reid, land measurer George street 81 Balfour, lodgings 17 Mrs Piper Mrs 83 Robert Home, commercial traveller

EIGHT HAND SIDE. Kuntly Street, 4 Alexander Adam, slater From Union street to Summer etreet, 14 Mrs M'Intosh, broker 36 Wm. Rattray (of Pat. Whyte) LEFT HAND SIDE. 40 S. R. Stewart and Co.'s Comb Works (Temporary Office for 64 Charles Niddry, house carpenter Smith and Cochran, advocates 66 Mrs Dalgety, fishmonger Royal Bank of Scotland Branch ... Rev. John Hunter County Rates Office; collector, F. 74 Mrs Fyfe, dressmaker J. Cochran George street 5 Joseph Dun 90 Peter Wilson, flesher ... Mrs John Falconer ... Wm. Smith, seedsman ... Mrs Allan, lodgings Kutcheon Stzeet (West). 7 Wm. Robertson, stone cutter 9 Mrs Macaldowie, lodgings 142 Wm. Anderson, grain merchant, 11 Wm. Milne, shipmaster Maybank 15 Miss Kenn 144 Mrs Alex. Thomson, Maybank 17 Miss Middleton, dressmaiker ... James Edwards 26 294 STREET DIEECTOHy.

144 Mrs Rosie James Street, 147 Rev. D. Arthur 148 Thomas Peg^e From Quay to Virginia street. ... William Elgie 152 Miss Elrick 1 John M'Lauchlan, shipowner 3 John King, late shipmaster James Forbes, spirit dealer Ro-w, 7 Huster 14 Robert Jamie, grocer,

Geo. Walker, Town-honse keeper ,. Mrs Gray, lodgings Mrs Cran, female turnkey Mrs Moncur, lodgings Charles Dawson, sheriff officer James Nicol, grocer Robert W. Hunter, musician Alex. M'Bey, cattle dealer 17 City Tax Office John M'Intosh, engineer Robert Fletcher, accountant John Marshall, grocer James Simpson, advocate George street James Hardy, watchmaker Mrs Grange, innkeeper Gordon Durward, spirit dealer Mrs Fullerton Robert Lyall, blacksmith Wm. Murray, tailor John Smith, printer Hugh Dugan, clerk Znnes Street, Mrs D. Thomson, lodgings Charlotte street From Gallowgate to Loch street. 73 Mrs John Fraser P. Forbes, sawmaker 20 D. Wilson's dye works John Erskine, tailor David Walker, plane maker John Fraser and Son, builders Znglis' Court, David Fraser, builder Mrs Ellis, lodgings John Melvln, grocer 30 Gallowgate. EIGHT HAND SIDE. 4 Robert Henderson, plasterer Ironmongers' Court, 8 George W. M 'Courtie 10 David Wilson 14 Upperkirkgate. 14 William Gordon 24 James Coutts, builder ... Mrs M'Call, lodgings Jack's Brae, ... Wm. Taylor (J. and A. Gibb) 48 Alex. Lamb, plumber From Upper Denburn to Upper George street Leadside. 54 Peter Yeats, shoemaker 58 James Reid, builder 2 Robert Smith, tanner ... Wm. Davidson, paper ruler 37 John Hacket, skinner 74^ George Pirie, cab proprietor STREET DIEECTORY. 295

North Charlotte street Justice Mill Lane, U.P. Church 78 Wm. Copland, slater From Hardgate to Wellington place. 86 Joseph Lawrance ... Wm. Cay (of Mitchell and Cay) Thomas Foster 86J Wm. Kerr, shoemaker 50 Gordon Stewart^ mason 88 George Coutts, cabinetmaker 92 James Warrack ... Warrack and Daniel, builders Kidd Lane, 96 David Cadenhead 106 NicoVs court From Summer street to Chapel street. 112 James Wright and Son, granite works 10 George Bothwell, basketmaker 118 James Green, manufacturer and 12 James Buyers and Co., builders tavern keeper ... James Buyers (British Linen Co.) 12^ Alex. Lennie, shoemaker 19 Mrs John Melvin Jopp's Couzt, ... Mrs Whitecross, sick nurse 22 Alex. Yule, ironmonger ... Wm. Jackson, clerk 31 GaUowgate.

Jopp's Court, King Street,

From Castle street to Love lane. 40 Broad street. LEFT HAND SIDE. North of Scotland Bank Jopp's Lane, James Westland, manager 1 Samuel Maclean, bookseller From St Andrew street to John street. 3 Wm. Chalmers, manager (North- ern Assurance Co.) 3 James Jarvis, hosier 5 Wm. Gordon, shaiebroker 7 Mrs Smith, cowfeeder 7 George Milne, agent ("Commercial 13 Francis Milne, Maryculter foot-post Bank) 21 James Garden, plasterer 9 Commercial Bank of Scotland 34 James Milne, millwright Branch 38 Chemical Light manufactory 11 James Will, M.D. 13 Chivas Brothers, grocers to her M ajesty Chivas Justice Stzeet, 21 J. (of Chivas Brothers) ... Mrs Ohmann 23 James Black and Co., stock, share, From Castle street to Park street. and produce brokers 27 Record Office 1 Chapel court ... John Ligertwood, sheriff clerk ... J. G. Leslie, sheriff clerk ... Alex. H, Watson, agent depute 3 John Airth, shoemaker ... Wm. Daniel, sheriff clerk depute 5 C. M'Grigor, hosier ... James A. Sinclair, accountant 7^ Wm. Booth, chimney sweep ... Chas. Warrack, commissary clerk 8 J. Alexander, spiiit dealer depute 11 James Campbell, fruiterer ... Newell Burnett, advocate 15 John Farquhar, grocer ... Major John Ross, chief constable, 18 Pensioner's court Aberdeenshire 20 George Cheyne, house carpenter ... John Reid, advocate 24 Thomas Muriay, baker ... James Cran, keeper of Record 25 BothwelVs cowrt Office Aberdeen Medical ... George B. Bothwell, office 29 and Chirurgical Hall ; keeper, ... A. Brodie, sculptor Hugh Bow 27 Wm. Booth, jun., chimney sweep 31 John Webster, advocate 28 Allan Addison, flesher North Church 31 Edward Simpson, spirit dealer Queen street West North street 67 Joseph Tennant, draper Justice Lane, 71 Stronach and Duguid, advocates ... Alex. Duncan, surgeon 73 Wm. M'Donald, grocer From Justice street to East North st. 75 James P. Watson, M.D. ,


79 Mrs Coimon 72 John Croll, baker ... John Taylor (Chivas Brothers) A. F. Reid, grocer 81 John Neville de Yarrol, ostrich 74 Do. do. feather maker 76 James Sim & Co., chemists 83 Eobert Birss, druggist 80 John H. Will, manufacturer 87 Robert Birss, wholesale draggist 82 A. Pirie & Co., carvers and gilders 91 John Airtb, shoemaker 84 Yeats and Flockhart, advocates ... Wm. Steele, accountant John Duncan, jun., advocate 93 Mrs Skene Mrs Macdowell 95 David Bain, manager (C. L. O.) 86 Joseph Reid, shoemaker ... Miss Robei-ts 88 Wm. Knight, architect 101—103 Alex. Gray, coach bnilder 90 Rev. John Thomson 107 John F. "Whyte, grain merchant 92-—94 David Roberts, saddler ... Andrew Reid, merchant Frederich street MealTMirket street 102 James Smith, upholsterer 125 Fire Engine Station 104 Mrs Sutherland, lodgings 129 John GreSg, cabinetmaker Wm. Knight, architect 131 Robert Macaldowie, cashier 108 Mrs Button, lodgings ... Alex. Rennie, painter, &c. A. R. Easton, optician 133 George Smith, confectioner 112 Robert Frost, shoemaker 137 John Ferguson, grocer 114 G. Riddel, commission merchant Mitchell place Duncan J. Reid, shipmaster 15S James Clyne (of W. Clyne and 118 Ludovie Sandieson, fishing tackle Sons) and golf-club maker 159 John Anderson, eoll of in. rev. 120 James Wood, photographer Andrew Anderson (of A. and J. 122 George Sangster, grocer A.), North Lodge Princes street. 183 Patrick Whyte, tobacconist 124 Alex. Petrie, spirit dealer 185 A. Hutcheon (R. A. H.) 126 Mrs Galloway 187 Wm. Keith, jun., slater 134 Miss Dawson, teacher 195 George Mfller, (of J. M. & Co.) 142 Robert Anderson, civil engineer King street place 144 George Gordon M'Lean, M.D. 209 Archibald Fraser, woodyard 150 James Sim, druggist 211 William James 194 Alex. Fraser, advocate ... William Gordon, brewer Bji&lm terraca 214 King street Brewery

EIGHT HAND Sri>B. King Street Place, 1 2—4 Fraser L. Johnston, tea, wine, Frcan 199 King st. to West North st. and spirit merchant 6 & 8 Charles Dickie, ironmonger ... Miss Hangh, teacher 1 Benjamin Hodson, wool buyer ... Miss Clark 3 James Findlay ... Wm. Symon, draper 4 Edward GUbert 12 John Fleming, advocate ... George Scott, shoemaker ... Fleming and Paull, advocates 5 P, and M. Barrie, hatters 14 R, Cattoand Co., grocers 16 Wm. Knox, grain merchant 18 David Fiddes, M.D. Kingsland Place, 20 George Sim, bird stuffer ... Paul and Rutherford, advocates 22 British Linen Co.'s Bank: agent, 247 George streel John Manson St Andrew's GTiapei 1 Mrs Craigmyle, lodgings 30 George Grant, advocate 3 J. S. Kidd, teacher .32 Alex. Esslemont, merchant ... David Fraser, buUder 36 and 38 Wm. Smith, com factor 10 John Ogilvie, bookseller 40 John Watt, Jun., advocate 11 Patrick Mea-gan, clerk 44 .) . Webster, advocate 12 Mrs Brown, lodgings ... D. B. Preston, customs 13 Lawrence Tulloch, agent 46 Yeats & Spottiswood, advocates 15 John Thomson, advocate ... A. S. Cook (of C. & D.) James Allan, grocer 48 Alex. Simpson, advocate 50 SimpsMi Shepherd, wine and spirit merchant 52 Do. do. King's Square, East North street 70 Matthew Croll, baker Huntly street. STREET DIEECTOEY. 297

Ziangstane Place, Little Chapel Street,

From Dee street to Bon-accord street. From Summer street to Chapel street

1 Wm. Smart (of F. & Co.) 3 Mrs James Greig ... Mrs Knowles 4 J. Mitchell, late builder 3 J. Morris, veterinary surgeon ... Miss Wilson 4 J. Morris, veterinary forge ... Miss Smith 8 Miss Summers, dressmaker 6 Mrs Rae 13 James Kerr, flesher ... D. F. Reid, precentor 14 Mrs Balfour, lodgings 7 David Middleton, flesher 15 James Watson, wright 8 MrsEmslie 16 Wm. Smith, porter 9 Alex. Middleton, butcher 11 Miss Brown, lodgings

Iieadside, Littlejohu Street, From Gilcomston brae to Short From Gallowgate 4o West North st Loaiiings.

1 James Aiken (N. A. Co.) Adam Eeid, manager (J. Grant & ... Alex. Aiken, gilder Co.) 2 David Frasel", letter carrier Wm. Forbes, gardener 3 Miss Reid, teacber 8 Alex. Fraser, grocer 5 Alex. Shepherd & Co., bottlers 22 James Elmslie 10 Mrs M'Kay, spirit dealer 11 Thomas Clyne, merchant 19 James Farquhar (J. B. & Sons) Iieslie Flace^ 21 Inspector of Weights for Town and County From Berry-road, 41 North Broadford, ... J. Blaikie & Sons, plumbers,

29 Castle street. Iiigeztixrood's Couzt, Locb Street, 99 George street. From Harriet street to Windy wynd.

Lindsay Street, 13 John MUae, grocer 13 & 15 Mrs Grant Leslie, traveller From Diamond street to Golden sq. Andrew ... J. Justice (foreman, D. Roberts) 18 James Leslie, shoemaker Iiinks Street, ... Andrew Pirie, blacksmith 19 C. D. Bonnyman, advocate ... J. & J. Bonnyman, smiths From St Clement street to Links. 22 Bruce's court 23 Miss S. Pirie, spirit dealer 1 James Sellar 24 Alex. Wallace & Co., brewers ... Victor E. Smith, shipmaster 27 Wm. Hardie, spirit dealer 2 Joseph Grahame 30 P. Donald, draper 16 John Buchan, shipmaster 34 & 36 Mrs M'Intosh, spirit dealer ... James Cassie, customs 37—39 Robert Collie, plumber 18 W. Kattray, manufacturer 41 Soup Kitchen Peter Riddel (Harbour Office) 47 Miss Tait, dressmaker 48 Fergus Macandrew, cabinetmaker 46 Anderson's court Iiittle Belmont Street, 53 Mrs Joss, provision merchant 56 Wm. Pittendrigh, builder 60 Wm. Bain, Livery stables From Belmont street to Back wynd. 61 Mrs Milne, provision merchant 66 Wm. Henderson & Son, builders 2 Lockhart & Salmond confectioners 70 J. Archibald, provision merchant 6 Robert Douglas, innkeeper 72 Mrs Duncan, provision merchant 7 John Hay, spirit deaier ,.. Duncan Dean (Customs) 298 STREET DIRECTORY.

76 Andrew Borthwick, dyer nX'Kay's Court, 78 iS?iarp's court J. & A. Gibb, warehousemen 79J 80 Gallowgate. 80 Mrs Livingstone, spirit merchant 81 A. C. Barker, manufacturer 91 Wm. Ingram, wright 92 Alexander Ogston, candle and soap ni'Kay's Court, manufacturer 96 Alex. Brebner, pawnbroker 18 Trinity street. 100—102 Aberdeen Foundry Innes street 108 Miss Jane Keid, dressmaker nX'Xiean's Court, 110 Peter Bisset & Son, builders 112 John Eddie, brewer ' 50 Gallowgate. Young street 120 Daniel Macandrew & Co., build- ers, &c. nUaberly Street, ... Mrs C. Macandrew 129 James MUne, coach builder From Broadford gate to Skene square.

Iiodge Walky Broadford works 18 Alex, Dawson, spirit dealer From Castle street to Queen street.

Court House. James Bisset, keeper Machray's Court, Prison, John Rutledge, Governor 19 John O. Regan, teacher 81 George street. 21 John M 'Donald, tailor 35 James Magnire, tailor and clothier ... Mrs Thomson, midwife nXachray's Court, 37 Mrs Thain, outfitter John M'Kann, broker 38 13 Bon-Accord street. 39 Mrs Calder, spirit dealer 43 Edward Maguire 47 John Mann, broker Mackie Place,

Logan's Court, West end of Skene street.

152 GaUowgate. Misses Glennie 1 Misses Boyd 2 David Morrison Ziongacrei 3 Mrs Paterson 4 Rev. T. Dewar (South parish) 5 John Humphrey of Comalegy From Broad street to West North st. 6 Rev. And. Dickie

1 City Loan office, D. Bain, manager 2 Mrs M'Beath, register office 20 Robert Ross, plasterer Marischal Street, 23 Painters' Hall 25 Alex. Irvine, shoemaker From Castle street to Regent quay. 31 George Smith, shoemaker 'Donald, cabinetmaker 48 James M LEFT HAND SIDE. 50 James Jackson, bootcloseer 53 Wm. Chisholm, Church officer 1 Isaac Forsyth, letter carrier (Greyfriars) ... Mrs Forsyth, lodgings 55 Thomas Roger, late teacher ... Robert Thomson, taUor 56 James Gordon, cooper 3 John Beattie, painter 5 Alex. MUne, spirit dealer 7 Wm. Moir, shore porter M*Combie's Couxt, ... Peter Cantly, shore porter ... James Christall, shore porter ... Cantly, shore 50| Union St., and 51 Netherkirkgate. John porter 9 John Beaton, hairdresser 13 George Gray, merchant mX'Cook's Couzt, ... Mrs Robertson, lodgings ... Mrs Levie, lodgings 116 Gallowgate. 15 A. Fraser, spirit merchant STEEET DIRECTORY. 299

17 Mrs Ramsay, hosier 36 Wm. Gillan, jun., merchant 19 Jas. George, share and InsoraQce Marischal street bridge broker 42 Mrs Finlayson ... John Roy ... James Falconer, agent for N. S. S. ... Mrs Mackie, lodgings Co. 21 G. Sinclair, tailor ... George Riddel, merchant 23 John D. Skene, agent 44 John Sheed, merchant and agent 25 A damson & Home sharebroi;eM 46 Geo. G. Grant & Co., commission ... James Wildgoose, grocer agents 27 Alex. Milne, shoemaker ... Neil Smith & Co, 29 James Catto, agent 48 J. T. Rennie. insurance broker 33 G. Schaschke, tailor ... John Cook, insurance broker 35 Miss Leslie's coffee rooms 50, 52, and 54, Theatre Royal 37 Mrs Duncan, lodgings 56 John Wisemen, ship broker ... Misses Knowles, teachers ... James Cooper, agent ... Mrs Sangster, lodgings ... John Jamieson, commission agent 38 A. Leask & Co , bullion dealers ... Mrs Macphail 39 Alex. Nicol, insurance broker 58 Richard Connon & Co., insurance 40 Geo. Thompson, jun., & Co., ship- brokers owners and insurance brokers 62 Aberdeen, Leith, & Clyde Shipping Marischal street bridge Co., John Milne, manager 41 N. Lockhart & Sons, manufacturers ... John Gray, manager 43 Joseph Wood, insurance broker 45 Wm. Meldrum, outfitter IKEaxine Place, 47 Nisbet and Robertson, insurance brokers FerryhLU. ... John Brown, merchant ... George Hutcheson, corn factor ... Robt. Catto and Sons, merchants, 1 Wm. S. Milne, traveller &o. 2 Wm, R. Murray, manager 49 Alex. Robb, gas engineer 3 Wm. Whitton, agent 51 Alex. M'Lein, Lessee of Theatre 4 Mrs Wm. Ross 53 A. R, Easton, watch and clock Nicol Moncur, maker 5 hotel keeper 6 C. A. Mollyson, of S. Bank 57 Henry Adamson, insurance broker N. ... J. Catto, Son, and Co., insurance brokers ... James Aiken (of J. C. S. & Co.) Marine Terrace, ... John B. Adam, insurance broker ... G. B. Anderson, agent 69 Isaac Brown, manure merchant South from foot of Ferryhill place. ... Herman Ganson, ship broker ... Morison and Leslie, commission

agents John Abemethy (of J. A . <& Co.) ... George Thomson, shipowner James Buyers (Abdn. R. & S. Co.)

BIGHT HAND SIDE. 2 D, Wyllie, cashier (Abdn. bank) miarket Buildings, 10 Mrs Bain, confectioner 12 Mrs Martin 14 Wm. Duncan, timber merchant Market street. 16 John Mitchell, linen manufacturer 20 Wm. P. Booth, insurance broker B ASEMENT-FLOOR. 24 Oswald & Co , sharebrokers ... John Beattie, painter 28 Alex. Morison, bookseller 2 Robert Findlay, fishmonger 30 Wm. Steele, collector of poors' 11 Wm. Chalmers, do. rates (City Parish) 12 Mrs Groundwater, do. 32 Miss Deans, provision dealer 17 William Duncan, do. 24 David R. Morice, advocate 19 James Garrow and Co., fish and ... David Paterson, general agent game dealers ... Warrack & Hay, commission mer- 20 Robert Kemp, mealseller chants 21 Mrs Charles Eddie, do. ... Wm. Clark, shipmaster 23 Wm. Webster, baker S6 William Reid, ship and insurance 24 John Davidson, grocer broker 25 Mrs Ewan, provision merchant

... Scottish Sea Insurance Co., Wm. 26 Wm. Moir, grocer iPai'^ asreat 28 Mrs Duncan, do. 300 STREET DIRECTORY.

37 John M 'Donald, confectioner 139 James Berry, North Broadford 38 Mrs Paterson, coffee-rooms 144 Wm. Smith, Fountainhall 53 Mrs Hunter, do. 146 James Cocker, Sunnypark 55 Mrs King, do. 148 Wm. Forbes, Leadside 60—61 Robert Innes, fish and game 150 James Morrison, Drywella dealer 152 James Pratt, Fountainhall 62, 63, & 64 Wm. Meff, fish and game 160 Peter M'Robbie, Sunnyside dealer 165 Robert Connon, Links, Old Abdn. 89 John Findlay, provision dealer 167 John M 'Pherson, Polmuir Mrs Gordon Pirie, fish dealer 176 Wm. Kinnaird, Pitmuxton John Livingstone, do. 206 James Hutcheson, Denhead, Rub- Mrs Eobb, do. islaw JMrs Least, do. 233 Alex. Burns, fruiterer Mrs Sutherland, do. 250 George Pegler, fruiterer Robert Findlay. do. 288 Alex. Skinner, fruiterer Mrs Wm. Gove, do. John M'Sloy, do. 8, 9, & 58 John White, do. GAXLEET. Mrs Dalgety, do. John Adam, bookseller 3 John, Mackie, basket maker 7 John Findlay & Sons, watchmakers 10—11 John Robertson & Co., watch- makers Market Office 16 Gordon, draper 1 2 James Stewart, flesher Mrs — M'Kessock, draper 3 Ann Stewart, do. 17 Mrs hardware merchant 4 Andrew Spark, do. 18 Mrs Keith, Moir, clothier 5 John Williamson, jun., do. 19 W. draper 6 Thomas Knowles, jun., do. 23 Mrs Fisher, 25 26 Wm. Thomson, basket maker 7, 8, & 9 Thomas Knowles, do. — 27—28 Geo. Bothwell, general mercht. 10, 11 W. Milne & Son, do. 31—32 basket maker 12 George Rose, do. David Dgg, M'Robbie, draper 13 Andrew Wyness, do. 35 George 42 Mrs Sutherland, staymaker 14 Wm. Salter, do. confectioner 15—16 John Whyte, do. 56 James Duffus, 18 James Stewart, do. 19 James Gray, do. 20 John Stewart, do. SSaxket Street, 21 John Wyness, do. 22 Wm. Grant, do. 28 James Rothnie, do. From Union street to Trinity quay. 29 Alex. Kemp, do. 30 George Williamson, do. 31 Robert Sangster, sen., do. LEFT HAND SIDE, 32—33 Joseph Butler, do. Peter Wilson, do. 34—35 3 Alex. Duffus, confectioner 33 Williamson, do. Wm. 5 Money Order Office James Williamson, jun., do. 39 7 Post Office John Williamson, sen., do. 40 9 New Market coffee room, E.Ran- 41 David Middleton, do. son Thomson, sen., do. 43 Adam 11 Edward Ranson 44 Geo. Williamson, jun., do. ... Charles Wilson, shipowner 46 Wm. Beg^, do. 13 Wm. and Keith Jopp (late Allar- Davidson, do. 47 James dyce and Jopp), wine mer-

BIGHT HAND SIDB. niKaxtin's Iiane,

and Lyall, carvers and gilders 2 Hay From Green to Eennie's wynd. to the Queen Market buildings 1 Wm. Moir, merchant Madden street ... Miss Moir, teacher Alex. Pirie, coffee 20 rooms 2 George Millar, coachman 22 Aberdeen Union Club ... W. Galium, teacher 24 James Forbes and Sons, wholesale 6 Wm. Fearn, wright merchants 7 Do. do. Shirres, Webster, and Mackenzie, warehousemen Cook and Davidson, clothiers Wordie and Co., agents Mazy Place, Donald M 'Bain, tailor From Hutcheon street west to Rose- mount terrace. niazyivell Bank, 1 James Rodger, tanner, &c. 2 James Kinghorn, draper Wellington road. 2^ James Sheriffs ... Robert Wilson, bookseller 3 John Duncan, lodgings Joseph Wright, timber merchant Kobert Kankin, merchant Mathieson's Court, IKIazywell Street, 14 Castle street

From College street to Crown street. Mealmazket Street, LEFT HAND SIDB. From King street to West North st. 1 Adam Smith, manufacturer ... Thomas Ross, wood merchant 6 George Rainnie, stabler ... James Wyllie, clerk 10—12 Harper and Co., wire fence 23 Alex. Craig, shipmaster manufacturers 25 Mrs Goodridge 13 John Harper (of Harper and Co.) ... Thomas Norrie, shipmaster 16 Thomas Daniel, innkeeper ... John Mowat, shipmaster 18 J. and W. Johnston, blacksmiths 27 Wm. Nicolson, coalbroker 23 John Stewart, brewer ... Alex. Linklater, shipmaster 30 Wm. Mathieson .., Alex. Beattie, shipmaster 31 Thomas Shields, druggist

Meazns' Court, ElOHT HAND SIDE.

2 John Brand, carter 52 Shiprow. ... Alex. Petrie (of J, P. and Sons)

... George Jackson 4 John Stephen 6 David Maver, teacher nXeter's Court, 12 George Brand, grocer 14 George Cheyne 11 Chapel lane. 16 Wm. Daniel, shipmaster ... Charles Moir, clerk

... Andrew Hurray, shipmaster 15 Wm Jolly, printer IKEelville's Court, 20 Peter M'Beath, shipmaster ... James Fraser 106 Gallowgate.

22 James F. Wood, agent V 24 Mrs Joss, lodgings 26 Robert Findlay, carver and turner 28 Alex. Gossip Milne's Court, 30 James Forrest, merchant 32 Mrs Cruickshaiik, lodgings 75 Gallowgate. 302 STEEET DIEECTOKY.

SXilne's (Provost) Court, Mitchell's Court,

65 Gallowgate. 41 Guestrow.

Mitchell Flace, Snilner's Court, From North street to King street. 25 Guestrow. 1 John Strath (A. Ogston) 2 Mrs James Walker 4 Alex. Esslemont, merchant Millbank, 5 Mrs Mackie Miss Summers Broadford.

Charles Warrack, commissary Moir's Court, clerk depute

103 Gallowgate. Millbank Iiane, Mount Place, From North Broadford to Millbank. 1 Mrs Hay 2 William Diack Alexander Sutherland IKEillbank Terrace, 3

North end of North Broadford. Mount Street, 1 John Henderson, bird staffer From Rosemount place to Rosemount terrace.

Miilburn Street, 1 Mrs Ronald ... Mrs Barrie, lodgings and From South Crown street to^Welling- I3 J. Wright, granite marble ton road, cutter 2 John Gray (W. M'Kinnon and Co.) 1 Thomas MUls (I. R.) ... Robert Gray (late Post office) ... Mrs WiU 3 Miss RusseU ... Eobert Hall, I. R. Officer ... J. Dougall ... R. S. Houston, engraver 4 Alex. Hay, sailmaker ... Mrs Captain Taylor 5 Wm. M'Combie, editor (Free Press) 2 Miss M'Kessock, draper 6 Donald M'Leod 3 Thomas Ritchie, late merchant 9 James Eaton 4 John Scott, accountant 10 Industrial Asylum; Miss C. Mel- ... Mrs Carter drum, matron 5 Robert Alexandei-, teacher 11 Wm. RoUo, clerk 6 Andrew Thomson, traveller 12 Rev. F. Ferguson 7 Archibald Hossack, fruiterer 14 George Tough, draper 8 John M'Condach 16 Ewan Cameron, book agent 9 Charles Cordon, cooper 18 John Gibb (of J. and A. Gibb) 10 James Shirres (of S.W. andM.) 20 Alex. NicoU, traveller 11 Mrs Farquharsoa 24 Henry HaU 26 Rev. A. Bannatyne Rev. George M 'Arthur, Eden cot- tage Minister's Lane, Rev. John Duncan, do. Capt. S. Rawson, Mount cottage From Kidd lane to Skene street. Wm. Smith, blacksmith Mounthooly,

From Gallowgate to Canal side. Mitchell's Court, 2 James Phillip, surgeon 80 West North street. 4 David Nicoll, flesher STREET DIRECTORY. 303

5 Miss Findlay, dressmaker 13 John Wjmess, flesher ... Mrs Clark, lodgings ... Robert Hughes, engraver ... Mrs Brebner do. 15 Do. do. 65 John Slora, tailor 17—19 George Donald, painter 7 Chalmers & Ewing, granite works 35 Alex. Seaton, pawnbroker 9 John Smith, sergeant of police 37 Wm. Catto, corkcutter 11 Peter Keith, carter 39 Wm. Cadenhead, agent 41 John Hutcheon, furniture dealer 51 M'Combie's court 53—55 Lewis Smith, bookseller Mutton Bzae, 59 Robert Taylor and Son 61 Robert Taylor, spirit merchant From Woolmanhill to Denbrn-n. Carnegie's hrae 69—71 John H. Will, manufacturer 22 M. Dean, chimney sweep RIGHT HAND SIDE. 6 John Connon, distiller National Bank Couzt, 16 Smith's court 18 Wm. Stuart, grocer 20 Alex. Monro, saw trimmer 42 Castle street. Cooper's court 28 Wm. 'Walker and Son, tinplate workers Nelson Street, 30 Feats' court 32 John Young, musical instrument maker From Gallowgate to King street. 34—36 Jamieson and Mitchell, tea and wine merchants Robert "Watson, builder 42 R. Maitland, shipowner Miss Craig, M elbourne cottage 48 James Legge, tinsmith 1 Wm. Salter, flesher 52 Alex. Steyhen, painter, 2 John Ross, beadle &c. 54 David McHardy and Son, smiths 4 Archibald Fraser, wood merchant 5 John Moir 60 Mrs Watt, provision dealer 62 Alex. Stephen, waiter 6 Joseph Maitland, book agent 66 Daniel Dougal, chimney sweep ... James Cattanach (Customs) 7 St Nicholas Poor house 70 Wm. Mearns, plasterer 72 Wm. Thomson, plumber ... George Milne, governor ... John Gallow, porter 10 Peter Malcolm, plasterer Nicol's Court, Nelson Lane, 106 John street 2 Wm. Frost, shoemaker 3 Miss Anderson ... James Duncan, spirit dealer Noxtk Chaxlotte Street, William Smith, painter See Charlotte street (North) Neptune Texzace, Noxthfield, Entry from 44 York street. Gilcomston. David Gabriel, inspector of quays James Gumming, carpenter Alex. Robertson, engineer 4 Peter Stewart, plumber 9 Rev. John Stephen 11 John Strachan, coffee roaster Nethexkixkgate, 12 Alex. Clark, grocer 14 Do. do. 16 John Nicol, beadle From Broad street to St Nicholas st,

LEFT ECANB SIDE. 1 John Rhind, commission agent Ogston's Court, St Catherine's wynci 11 Alex. Gray, watchmaker 84 Broad street 304 STREET DIRECTOEY.

Fazk Street, Park Place,

From Justice street to Railway. Foot of Park street.

Mair, shipmaster LEFT HAND SIDB. 2 Wm. ... James M' Donald, Inland Revenue ... Crombie, jeweller 1 John Simpson, broker C. ... George MUne (Customs) 3 David Mitchell, spirit dealer George Anderson, wood sawyer 7 George Masson, eating house 4 Gibb (Customs) 9 Robert Masson, cabinetmaker ... Wm. guard 13 Mrs Campbell ... Alex. Purvis, late coast 17 Charles Robertson, ironmonger 19 Wm. Stott, spirit dealer 29 Alex Smith, confectioner Peacock's Close^ 31 Mrs Martin, provision seller 33 Wm. Hunter, grocer 24 Castle street. 37 Cromhie's court James Jolly, inspector (G. L. Co.) 39 N. Allan, grocer Pensioners' Court, 45 Miss Thomson, dressmaker] 47 Mrs J. George, lodgings 18 Justice street. 53 Wm. Sheriffs, grocer 55 John Panton, grocer 57 Miss Stewart, milliner Pirie's Court, Wm. Anderson, plumber 59 Mrs Alex. Chalmers, dressmaker 50 Castle street. 61 LesUe Hunter (G. N. of S. R.) James Gibb, bootmaker 63 Hilkiah Stevenson, grocer, &c. Plasterers' Courtf 65 Wm. M'Queen, late coast guard George Murray, builder TO GaUowgate. Miss Sivewright George Knowles, engineer John Stewart, brewer Polmuir, James Milne, shore porter George Donaldson, buUder, Snm- South-west of Ferryhill. merfield cottage Wm. C. Matthews M'Pherson, gaidener EIGHT HAND SIDE. John

8 Mrs Dow , broker Poors' Hospital Court, 10 George Duncan, flesher 14 George Grant, spirit dealer 56 GaUowgate. 16 Wm. Diack, grocer, &c. Aliion Street Chapel 20 Wm. Reid, earthenware dealer 26—28 Charles M. M'Quibban, drug- Pork Lane, gist, 30 Gordon M 'Donald, grocer From Quay to Virginia st. 32 Alex. Petrie, spirit dealer 34 John Gray (of N. Lockhart and John Angus, blacksmith Sons) 36 Mrs Smith 38 John Wilson, wright Porters' Court, ... Robert Souter, shipmaster 12 Weigh-house square. ... Mrs Sheed, midwife 40—42 George MiUar, jun., ropemaker Wm. Gray, ship carpenter 70 Porthill Close, ... John Latto, dentist Mearns, shipmaster 76 James 98 GaUowgate.

Faxk Lane, Poynernook, Foot of Denbum. Prom Park st. to Commerce 6t. Alex. Pirie and Sons, paper manu- 6 John Hogg, fish dealer facturers STREET DIRECTORY. 305

Prince Regent Street, 11 John Adam, house a?ent 13 Mrs Dawson, spirit dealer From Canal terrace to Baltic street. 15 John M'Laren, commission mer- chant Alex. Forbes, proYision curer 17 Mrs James Strachan Mrs Morison ... Misses Winchester, dressmakers Charles Anderson, shipmaster 19 Isaac Hill, teacher 15 George M'Bain, shipmaster ... James Hendry, beadle Thos. Phillips, shipmaster 23 Wm. Anderson, clothier Robert Still, blockmaker 25 Mrs Currie, lodgings 17 Geddes' court ... Mrs Forbes, lodgings Peter Cadenhead, shipmaster 27 James Booth, M.D. Jas. Allan, shipmaster 31 James Duthie, superintendent of 19 Mrs Cruickshank police Wm. Christie, shipmaster 33 A. and J. Anderson, painters, &c.

James Ewing, sexton 35 J. A nderson (of A . & J. A .) Geo. Crombie, shipmaster ... Alex. Ogilvie. clerk Hugh Leith, grain merchant 37 J. and W. Bisset, grocers 23 Andrew Cameron, moulder 39 P. and M. Barrie, hat manufac- Jas. Watson, shipmaster turers 43 Craib and Esson, saddlers Shoe lane 45 James Low and Co., saddlers Princes Street, 47 Aberdeen QuiQ M anufactory ... Alex. Gordon, manager From King street to Park street. 49 JameB Macquire, dealer in clothes 51 Miss Beattie, lodgings 9 James Smith, upholsterer 53 Miss M 'Donald ... John Sedgewick, foreman (D. Ro- 55 Wm. Pritchard, broker berts, currier) 61 Henry Tawse, carver and gilder 11 Alex. Petrie 73 Mrs Bowman, spirit dealer ... John Sorely, reedmaker 79 Wm. Legg, tinsmith 15 Peter Green, farrier 81 Mrs Reid, lodgings 17 D. Roberts, leather merchant 83 John Ramsay, boot and shoemaker JFree North Church School 85 Miss Cardno, milliner 20 Alex. B. Shirriffs 87 George Milne, beadle (North Ch.) ... Miss Shirriffs, dressmaker 89 James Walker, boot and shoemaker 23 John Clark, buUder 93 Rev. Geo. Campbell

BIGHT HAND SIDE. Prospect Terrace, 1 Miss Strachan, milliner From Bank st. to Devanha brewery. 2 James Vessie & Co., bookbinders 4 Andrew Masson, accountant 1 Misses Wilkie 6 James Stevenson, engraver ... Arch. Stewart, engine driver 8 John Leslie, bootmaker 2 Wm. Rait, teacher 10 Chronicle court 3 Wm. Green (of G. and M.) ... Geo. Leslie, billiard rooms 4 Mrs Adam 14 W. and J. Berry, linen manufac- 6 Wm. Laurie, bookseller tuvers ... Misses Laurie, milliners 18 Maxwell King, dentist ... Wm. Stevenson, bookseller 20 Robert H. Watson, leather mer- 6 Mrs Beattie chant ... James Mackenzie (of S. W. & M.) 22 and 24 Patrick Whyte, tobacco and ... Wm. Robinson, shipmaster snuff manufacturer 7 Mrs Murray 26 Gordon Reynolds, basketmaker 8 Alex. Butchart, engine driver 28 Wm. Spark, professor of music 30 Andrew Adams, photographer 32 A. Ogilvie & Co., hatters Queen Street, 42 Alex. Forbes, merchant 46 Andrew Wood, grocer 52 Mill of Cults Warehouse, Broad J. Thom- From street to North street. son 64 John Edmond, bookbinder, «fcc LEFT SIDE. HAND Lodge walk 3 John Crombie, accountant 56 Charles Glennie, coach proprietor ... John Davidson, advocate 58 Peter M 'Donald, tailor ... John Clark, advocate 60 MrsNorris, ladies' school 7 Aberdeen Herald Office Miss F. Lester, teacher '27 306 STREET DIRECTORY.

62 James Webster, agent 10 Hot and Cold Salt Water Baths; 64 John Rutherford, spirit dealer Alex. Mowat, proprietor 66—68 J. M'Kenzie, baker 11 George Leslie, shipowner 70 R. Burt, taUor ... James Leslie, shipowner 74 John Thomson, tailor llj James Winlaw, jun., ship and in- 78 Mrs Taylor, stoneware merchant surance broker 82 Colin A. Philip, advocate 12 James Duncan, spirit dealer ... Peter Russel, M.D.

.. Miss Thomson, lodgings 13 Andrew Sherer, ship chandler Ragg's laane, ... John Mackenzie, commission agent ... Wna. Wallis, Llyod's surveyor From 37 Broad street to Guestrow. 14 John Ritchie, spirit dealer ... Andrew Ledingham, nautical in- 2 Mrs Joseph Brodie strument maker ... Miss, Brodie, dressmaker Marischal street ... James Adams, beadle 15 Charles Fraser, spirit dealer Shore lane 16 Custom house 17 Wm. Duthie, jun., shipbuilder Raxnage's Court, 18 G. & W. Davidson 19 W. Williams, commission merchant 83 Broad street. 20 Do. do. 21 r?iomsoTi's court ... G. Thomson & Son, wine merchants ... Alexander Skene, wholesale tea Red Iiion Couzt, merchant 22 George Thomson, shipowner 77 Broad street. 24 George Adams, tailor 25 Scott's court ... Andw. Taylor, manager (Keating Rettie's Couzt, and Co.) ... Wm. Cargill, shipmaster ... David Anderson, clerk (G. N. of 26 Broad street. S. R.) 26 James Dow, flesher 28 Alex. Inglis Reid's Couzt, ... George Brock, shipping master ... Merchant Seaman's Office 34 GaJlowgate. James street 29 James Mitchell, outfitter 30 Arthur Smith, painter 32 Receiving Post Office Reid's (D.) Couzt^ ... Peter Buyers, ship chandler, &c.

... Charles Runcy, Millbank 49 Gallowgate. 34 H. Murean and Co., porter dealers 35—36 George M'Kenzie, grocer and spirit dealer James Duguid, innkeeper Couzt, 42 Reid's ... Wm. Harvey Water lane 7 Shiprow. 45 John Grant, watchmaker 47 Hugh Wilson, confectioner 49 A. Murdoch and Son, grain iner- Regent Quay, chants Sugarhouse lane 50 John Taylor, druggist From Shorebrae to G. N. of S. Railway- 52 Thomas Tait & Sons, papermakers Station. 53 James Saunders, spirit dealer ... David Ritchie, shipmaster 1 George Robbie 54 Mrs Anderson 2 James Elsmie (of G. E. and Son) ... Robert Milne, shipmaster ... David Burns, shipbuilder 56 P. P. Wragg, merchant 3—4 J. & J. Fowler, provision ware- 57 George Reid, buss conductor house ; "William Martin, man- Commerce street ager 60 Mrs G. M'Crindle 8 Mrs R- Mearns, spirit dealer M'Lean, shipmaster Weigh-house square 61 James ... Taylor, shipmaster 9 John Begg, merchant Wm. 63 R. C. Anderson, hairdresser 10 James Low, tailor STREET DIEECTOKY. 307

Smart 63 Mrs Gavin 10 Captain John Johnston (Adam Anderson) 64 Thomas Millar, innkeeper 11 And. & Great North of Scotland Railway ... Miss Johnston clerk Oflfices and Station 12 James Walker, 14 John Davidson, advocate ... R. M. Erskinej surgeon 15 Captain Marsh Renny's Wyad, 16 Rev. S. M'Millan 17 Andrew Smith, merchant From Green to Trinity street. 18 Mrs James Scott ... James Black (H. Cooper and Co.) 19 John Sim (N. of S. Bank) Riddel's Court, 20 George M'Kenzie 21 Mrs John Watt, sen. 40 Windmillbrae. ... John Forsyth, leather merchant 22 Mrs M'Kenzie 23 Joseph RoweU, ironmonger Rhind's Couzt, Rosemount Tei-irace, 64 Gallowgate. From Forbes street to Mary place.

Rose's Coust, 1 Alex. Simpson, grocer 3 Joseph Davidson, clerk (R. & Co.) 18 Commerce street. 4 Alex. Keith (of K. & G.) 5 Alex. Gill (of F. & G.) 6 George P. Cruickshank, druggist Blackball and Stxeet, 7 James Blackball (of Rose Co.) 8 C. L. Shepherd From Union place to Bridewell. ... James Lorimer, bootmaker

1 John Edward, baker ... Mrs Bothwell 4 John Milne, confectioner Hoslin Teirirace, 5 John Rose, photo i^rapher 6 James Trail, wright, &c. From King street to Park road. 7 George M ichie, tin-plate worker 11 John Bannerman, late dyer 1 William Keith, jun., slater 12 John Cruickshank, LL.D. 2 Mrs Crabb 14 William Ross, advocate 5 Wm Abel, commercial traveller 15 Miss L. Gibb 6 Alex. Leslie, messenger-at-arms ... Miss Smith 7 Wm. Davidson (of C. and D.) 17 Alexander Stephen 8 Alex Davidson, grain merchant ... Alexander M 'Donald, advocate 9 John Bothwell, shoemaker ... Mrs Captain Stephen 10 Joseph Tennant, draper 20 John Rust, wood merchant 11 John WUson 21 James Fyfe (of C. and F.) 12 David Dewar, draper Rev. Daniel Baxter, chaplain, "West Prison 22 William Catto, corkcutter Ross's COUEt, ... Donald Cattanach, principal warder 22 Schoolhill. Rosemount Place, Ross's Couart, From Skene square to Short Loanings. 6 Upperkirkgate* 1 William W. Balfour, professor of dancing 2 William Chrystal 4 Robert Stevens, grocer Rotunda Place, 5 Capt. Robert Murray 6 Rev. John Massie N.E. corner of Roy's Nursery. 7 Wm. Masson, grocer 8 Mrs John Hodge 2 Miss Abercrombie ... Capt. G- Mann 3 Alex. M'Donald, granite works 9 Rev. Charles Gray 4 John Roy, nursery seedsman 308 STREET DIEECTOEY.

Xlubislaw Place, 76 John Ross, grocer Shuttle street 78 Wm. Eae, gardener From Albyn place to Albert street,

1 John Smith, bookseller 2 B. G. Beale (G. P. O.) St Ann's Court, 3 James Smith (of Gill

Terrace. Rubisla-w St Catherine's Court,

9 James Matthews, architect 16 Shiprow. 10 Robert Milne, secretary (G. N. of S. E.) 13 A. M. Gray, merchant 14 J. D. Milne, advocate St Catherine's Place, 15 Gavin T. Todd 16 Robert Catto, jun. (of J. C, Son, & Co.) 32 Shiprow. 17 Geo. Henry (of H. Gordon

lEFT HAND SIDE. Street, 16 Wm. Williams, grocer St Clement George street Building yard. 26 Thomas Buist, cooper From Garvock street to CrooJced lane Blackfriars streei George Spark, shipowner 78 John Davidson, plumber Miss Maitland 83 Miss Duguid , cashier (Blaikie 85 Wm. Milne, grocer Brothers) Misses Anderson Wm. Buck, shoemaker EIGHT HAND SIDK. Mrs John Walker Milne, shipmaster 7 Mrs Pirie, sick nurse Wm. Alex. Fittendrigh, wright and fune- ... Mrs DilMng, sick nurse waiter 11 Mrs Dawson, lodgings ral beadle 25 John Kelly, Hillside P.O. nmner Wm. Donald, George street Wm. Findlay, bootmaker shipmaster 35 Alexander Thom John Wallace, Falconer, agent Glassite Chapel James 37 merchant 45 James Clark, grocer James Tulloch, Gray, grocer 47 James Brown, coachman Joseph Wm. M'Callum, locker ... Fergus Macandrew, cabinetmaker Alex. Hay, sailmaker 49 George M'Kay Booth, boilermaker 54 Mrs John Ross James Alexander Jamieson James Lindsay, grocer ... Connon, carpenter 57 John Smith, spirit dealer Wm. Charlotte street Mrs Duncan Walker Walker., shipmaster 62 C. M'Robbie, spirit dealer Wm. James Leslie, shipmaster ... W. Walker & Son, tinplate workers Robertson, midwife 74 John R. Grant (of B. and G.) Mrs Dick, overseer ... Alexander Clark Wm. Thomas Black, carpenter ... David Logan STREET DIRECTORY. 309

St Clement's Place, Wm. Mortimer, manufacturer Wm. Stevenson, bookseller Opposite 50 St Clement street. Wm. Davidson, paper ruler Mrs. Jamieson, midwife 2 John Barclay, overseer P. & C. Crombie, jewellers 3 Alex. Donaldson, clerk Miss Cassia, dressmaker Alex. M. Mackie, City Hotel Adam Ross, watch dealer Francis Fiddes, bootmaker St John's Couirt, Correction wynd J. Berry and Son, watchmakers 88 Castle street. P. Gordon, stoneware merchant Alex. Leith, draper J. Cruickshank, teacher of music Miss Cruickshank, teacher of St John's Place, music Mrs Ogg, lodgings From Crown street to Crown terrace. James Mowat, clothier Robert Beveridge, manufacturer David Mackie and Co., manufac- St IVIaxy's Place, turers D. & J. Riddel, watchmakers George Thomson, baker Prom Crown terrace to Crown street. Do. do. Mrs John Thomson 1 Mrs Morrison Miss Bisset, dressmaker 2 Andrew grocer Wood, Morrison and Skakle, jewellers ... Miss Wood William Smith, nurseryman and 3 Wm. Henderson, late painter seedsman ... John Brown, merchant Francis Croll, baker 4 Emslie, late druggist Wm. Churchyard gate 5 Mrs Crighton Alex. Findlay, ironmonger 6 Mrs Robert Donald James Allan, grocer 6i Mrs lieid M'Kenzie, piiblisher, D. James Smith, W. 7 house carpenter M'Alister, book agent ... Robert Wood, bootmaker James Knight Fleming, hardware merchant 38 J. Miss Knight, dressmaker Wood, stonecutter Andrew Andrew Smith, draper John and James Urquhart, drug'

St. Nicholas Lane, EIGHT HAND SIDE. Prom St. Nicholas street to Correc- tion wynd. 4 John Duncan, goldsmith 6 Do. do. 2 John Bonner, hotel keeper 8 P. & C. Crombie, jewellers dressmakers 4—6 James Taylor, bootmaker ... Misses Smith, 9 J. M'Gillivray, hotel 10 Wm. Davidson, stoneware mer- 20 Peter Jamieson, harness com- chant position manufacturer 14 Macaldowie & Co., brush manu- 24 Mrs Skinner, hotel facturers Robert Humphrey, tailor 16 Robert Wilson, gunmaker 18 James Watson, watchmaker Netherhirlcgate 20 Thomas Duncan and Son, cork St. leicholas Street, manufacturers 22 John Fyfe and Son, brushmakers From Union street toUpperkirkgate to the Queen 24 Milne and Marshall, grocers LEFT HAND SIDE. 26 Alex. Henderson, advocate ... Robert Robertson, tailor 1 Robert Wilson and Son, book- 28 G. & R. King, booksellers sellers 30 J. T. Mackay and Son, jewellers St Nicholas lane 32 Alex. Henderson, advocate 3 Strachan and Sheriffs, tea and 34 John Sutherland, druggist coffee merchants 36 James Moir, grocer 5 David Wilson, dyer 40 D. & A. Ritchie, tailors 7 Alex. Yule, ironmonger 42 Wm. MoUison, clerk 9 John Bonner, innkeeper 44 Misses Coutts, milliners 310 STREET DIRECTORY.

FlourmiUbrae 6 James Bain, spirit dealer 48 Jonatlian Mess, corn merchant 8 Miss Adams, lodgings

50 Police Tax Office ... Pickford and Co., railway aarents

52 Porter and Leighton, boot and ... John Morris, veterinary forge shoemakers ... G. E. Pyper, traveller 54 Miss Davidson, lodgings 85 John Gray, coffee rooms 56 Brebner and Grant 10 Wm. Donald, painter and glazier 58 Thomas Masson, flesher 12 P. Stewart, plumber and gasfitter 60 Mrs Duguid, lodgings 14 Buthie's court 62 Alex. Urquhart, grocer 18 Alex. Cromar, bootmaker 20 Donald's court 22 Ross's couH St, Paul's Street, ... Mrs Geo. M 'Donald, innkeeper 24 Mrs Duncan

From GaUowgate to Loch street. ... James M'Killiam, clerk 28 Wm. Stuart, boot and shoemaker 1 and 3 Andrew Milne, boot and 30 George Garden, baker shoemaker 32 Garden and Raeburn, bakers 5 Thomas R. Watson Harriet street 9^ St. Paul's Street HaJl, William 36 Miss More Crichton, keeper 38 James Craig, saddler 12 Wm. Tounie, cabinetmaker 42 William Andrew, druggist 14—16 J. Rowell, iron merchant ... Mrs Thompson East Parish School-J. S. Kidd, 46 John Christie, M.D. teacher 48 Murray and Garden, advocates 50 James Murray (of M. & G.) 68 Robert Gordon's Hospital Schoolhill, 60 Mrs Divorty, lodgings 62 George M'Bain, baker •From Upperkirkgate to Woolmanhill 64 John Menzies, boot and shoe- maker LEFT HAND SIDE, 66 Alex. Diack, collector, poors' as- sessment .3 George Skinner, bookseller ... Alex. Ellis, architect 5 M rs Warren, lodgings 68 Clark Brothers, millers and grain ... Miss Warren, dressmaker merchants 7 J. and R. Urquhart 9 John M'Leod, watchmaker 11 Do. do. ... Charles Brown, corkcutter Scott's Court, ... Samuel Watt 15 Alex. Watt, painter 25 Quay. Churchyard gate 19 Alex. Skene, tailor 21^ James Leslie, shoemaker 27 Miss Kerr, dressmaker Seaxnount Place, 31 Misses Duncan, dressmakers 33 James Craigen, boot and shoe- maker From GaUowgate to North street. 35 Wm. Walker, umbrella maker 37 Do. do. 7 James Milne, sergeant of police 39 Charles Brown, corkcutter ... A. Smith, bookseller 41 James Mitchell, baker 9 Dr Peter Grant 4U Do. do. ... Mrs Minty Back Wynd 11 John Christie, auctioneer 45 Alex. Anderson 13 Andrew Pirie (of J. & A. P.) 47 Mrs Yeats 17 James Fraser, overseer ... Peter Raeburn, baker 19 John Wright, turner 49 Wm. Henderson, M.D. 25 Alex. Ingram, carpenter 51 John M'Laren, merchant 31 Wm. Hay, bootmaker 53 Henry Jackson, M.D. 33 P. P. Wragg, merchant 55 George M'Bain, baker 37 A. Shepherd, bottler

... James Emslie, dentist ... Alexander Anderson, A.M. 57 Lady Bruce of Scotstown 59 Wm. Gavin, merchant

EIGHT HAND SIDE. Sharp's Court, 2 John M'Donald, spirit dealer 4 Gordon's court 78 Loch street. .


Shaw's Court, 60 John Law, baker 62 John Collie, hairdresser 90 Gallowgate. 66 Mrs Johnston, broker 72 Webster's court 74 George Sim, grocer 78 Sutherland's court Shewau's Coust, 82 Wm. Mowat and Co., merchants 84 Brebner's court 119 Gallowgate. ... A. Burns, fruiterer ... James Collie, tide waiter 86 Wm. Tweedie, spirit dealer ShiproWi 90 John Wilson, spirit dealer

From Union st. to Market street. Shoe Xiane, LEFT HAND SIDE. From North street to Queen street. 7 Beid's court 9 Alex. Donald, stoneware mer- 2 Greyfriars' Parish School chant 5 John Smith and Co., iron mer- Alex. Seattle, hairdresser 13 chants 15 George Milne, spirit dealer 12 James Pyper 17 Mrs Milne, provision dealer ... Wm. Pyper 23 John Buckner, grocer 27 A. Fraser, eating house 29 Mrs Smith 31 Alex. Cormack, grocer Shoxe Brae, 35 George Thorn, shoemaker ... Miss Thom, milliner From Shiprow to Quay, 51 George Fyfe, merchant 53 Mrs John Fyfe 1 James Mcol, bulker 3 James Gillespie, hotel ... John WUson, shore porter Crown 61 Andrew Ledingham 4 William Duncan, treasurer of 63 John Geddes, provision dealer police 67 W. Sheret, grocer 8 Mrs Robertson, lodgings

EIGHT HAND SIDE. Shore Iiane, 6—7 James Morrison, baker 8 James Tastard, flesher From Quay to Virginia street. 10 Cruiclcshank's (C.) court 12 Samuel Angus, spirit dealer 14 Hugh Ross, broker Short Xioamngs, 16 St. Catherine's court ... P. A. Skin3ier, candlemaker 17 John Guild, grocer ... David Taylor, clerk Wm, Cook, weaver ... James Gabriel, porter (S. N. Co.) ... Mrs Riach, Warkman's Tavern 18 Charles Reid, sergeant of police Shuttle Iiane, ... James Tastard, flesher 18J James Reid, spirit dealer 20 James Wildgoose, grocer From East North street to Park st. -22 Alex. Collie, jun., slater 24 Wm. Findlay, merchant 26 Miss Duncan, poultry dealer Shuttle Street, 28 Collie's court ... Alex. Collie, slater From St Andrew street to John st, 30 John Singer, spirit dealer 33 St. Catherine's place 8 Robert Henderson, plasterer 38 Jamieson's court 44 James Ross, shoemaker 46 Abbey place Silver Street (North),

. . Thomas M'Guffie, letter carrier 52 Mearns' court From Golden square to Skene ter. ... John Stewart, teacher 54 John M'Gregor, tailor 9 Rev. Dr. M'Gilvray, Free Gilcom- 56 Mrs Fyfe, grocer ston Manse 58 James Grant, shipmaster 10 Charles Michie, M.A., rector. ... John Collie, hairdresser Silver street Academy .


10 Peter Esslemont 7 Miss Louden, dressmaker 11 Mrs Brown 17 John Ewen, grocer 12 Mrs Kirkland Skene terrace ... Alex. Milne, bookseller 29 Alexander Reid 13 David Eennet, teacher 77 John M'Adam, carter 14 Rev. T. GilfiUan Summer street 15 Mrs G. H. Boyd 91 Charles Joss, tailor 17 Miss Gordon (of Wardhouse), 97 John S. Russell, com. traveller Ruby cottage ... Mrs Adamson 18 R. H. Baker, professor of music 99 David Brand, grocer 19 Rev. Wm. Primrose 125 John M'Gregor 20 Miss Craigliead, dressmaker 129 George Hay, furnishing tailor Cliapel street ... John Paterson, surgeon 21 Alex. Scatterty, beadle (East 135 Wm. Coutts, grocer Parish) 137 George Robbie, spirit dealer 22 Samuel Maclean, bookseller 139 George T. Harvey (S. N. E. R. 23 Dr Macrobin, Migvie house Co.) 24 Alex. Masson, auctioneer 141 Samuel Benson, grocer 26 WiUiam Thorn 142 Alex. Laing (of L. & M.)

... M!iss Thorn 28 Mrs George Reid, sen. EIGHT HAND SIDE. ... John Duncan, jun., advocate 4 "Wm. Morgan, hairdresser Gifford Son) 30 James Gifford (of & 6 George Thow, tailor & clothier 31 Misses Topp 8 Wm. Cameron, shoemaker 10 Do. do. Silver Street (South), 12 John Christie 28 Mrs Reith, lodgings 32 Mrs Westland st. to Golden square. From Union 34 David Grant, bootmaker

... George Thow, tailor hairdresser 1 James'H. Collie, 44 Andrew Gage, overseer 2 Mrs Dr. Lindsay 48 Wm. Craigmile (S. N. E. R.) ... Misses Smith, milliners 62 F. Rae 3 David Grant, shoemaker ... W. Adam, jun., advocate 4 John Berry, plumber and gas ... J. & J. Sutherland, cartwrlghts fitter 64 Miss Robson Milne, bookseller 6 Miss 100 Mrs Beattie 108 Miss Stephen, dressmaker 114 Alex. M'Kay, shoemaker Sim's Goust, 118 Miss Keen, milliner 120 Robert Petrie, shoemaker 89 Shiprow. 122 Samuel Law, shoemaker Slcene row 140 Wm. Mollison, grocer Sim's Square,

Shuttle street. Skene Street (West), 2 James Sim 159 John Smith, druggist 163 T. Craig, tobacconist Sheriff Watson's Female School Simpson's Courts 166 John Jameson, teller (T. and C Bank) GaUowgate and 96 Loch street. 139 ... A. W. Ledingham (C. L. Co.) ... Mrs Falconer 167 James Clark, missionary Sinclair's Court, ... Mrs Naughton .. Mrs John Chivas 69 Broad street. 169 James Toclier, clothier 170 George C. Robb, clerk

... John Robb, inspector Skene Street, ... Mrs Black 171 George Watt, shipmaster From Black's buildings to Skene pi. 172 Alex. Speid ... Mrs Dr. Moir

LEFT HAIfD SIDE. ... John Morgan, shipowner 5 James Knowles, butcher 175 Alex. Brown, auctioneer 7 Mrs Captain Dunningham 176 Rev. George Akers STEEET DIHECTORY. 313

178 Eobert MaconacMe, clerk 7 Mrs Wyness, lodgingsf ... Mrs Hay !9 Charles Smith, tailor 180 Mrs Turner 10 Alex. Eobertson, plumber and gas- A. A. Symmers, Glenbumie cot. fitter Jolin Symon, Glenburnie house 14 John Lamb, photographer 15 Alex. Eeith, M.D. 18 Wm. Berry (of W. & J. B.) Skene Place, 19 Alex. Donald, timber merchant 26 Eev. John Mackay From Skene street to Cberryvale. 28 W. Henderson, jun. (of B. H. and Co.) 1 James PauU, advocate 30 W. Adam (of A. & A.) 2 Misses Baxter 32 Miss Paton of Grandholm 3 Mrs Dunn 34 Mrs Roy 4 James Msbet (of Nisbet and 36 John Munro, retired inspector of Eobertson) Taxes 5 Miss Smith 38 Mrs Browning ... Alex. Fyfe, draper 40 Mrs Maclagan 42 Misses Eoss 44 Alex. Harvey, M.D. Skene Squaxe, 46 Misses Leith of Freefield 48 D. Gill, watchmaker From Steps of Gilcomston to Caro- 50 John Irvine (of J. I. & Son) line place. ... Misses Cuthbert and WylUe 52 Mrs Parker 1 Wm. Robbie, slater ... Mrs Smart, sick nurse 4 George Middleton, bookseller 12 James Eussell (S. N. E. E. Co.) Skene Rontr, ... Mrs Strathdee 24 James Taylor, grocer From Skene place to Hardweird. 31 House of Eefuge 34 John Milne (A. E. Gray) 13 Mrs Middleton 40 Miss Jane Eoss, sick nurse 21 Mrs George Gibson 42 James Martin, butcher ... Wm. Gibson, commercial traveller 43 Wm. Milne, grocer ... Alex. M'Lean, shipmaster 60 Mrs Kemp, grocer 61 "Wm. Milne, grocer 62 John Eobertson, book-keeper Smith's Court, 63 Dr Brown's School ^.. D. M'Alister, book-agent 16 Netherkirkgate. 68 E. S. W. Shaw, book-keeper ... John Eeid, writer 71 Alex. Leith, draper Smith's Court, ... John Eoy, "teacher 72 Charles Laing, tailor 21 Castle street. 73 WiUiam Davidson, stoneware merchant Street, 76 and 78 "Wm. Charles, baker Spa ... Geo. Eose, turner 81 James Milne, teacher From Skene street bridge to Woolman- 82 Mrs James Gerrard hiU. 83 James M'Naughton, engineer (Eichaids and Co.) 8 Wm. Ironside, builder 84 Mrs Knox, teacher 9 Do. do. 11 Mitchell and Cay, wrights ... John Matthew, merchant 85 Eobert Mitchell 12 Mrs Webster, midwife John Duguid, wright .., James Smith, book-keeper (Blaikie Brothers) Wm. Dawson, cartwright 86 James Thomson (of Glegg and John Nicol, rope manufacturer Thomson) 18 Do. do. 88 James B. "Welch (Eichards & Co.) Alex. Peattie, slater

Skene Texxace, Springhank Street,

From Skene street to Summer street. From Crown street to Bon-accord st.

4 Wm. Webster, baker 18 Miss KUgour 6 Do. do. ... John Macintosh 314 STREET DIEECTOEY.

Spzingbank Tez^ace, 5 Francis Craigmyle, teacher 6 John Lendrum (of L. and T.) From Crown st, to Bon-accord ter. 7 John Ogilvie, LL.D. 8 Wm. H. Shanks, clerk Robert Collie, jan. 9 David Souter (N. of S. B.) 1 Wm. Reid, insurance broker 10 Mrs David Macallan 2 John Cargill, late shipmaster 3 Mrs Capt. Alexander ... J. Whittaker, M.D. 4 Wm. MelviUe (of T. M. and S.) StKonach's Olose^ 5 Mrs FuUarton 6 J. and W. Martin, flesherg Exchequer row. 7 Wm. Dunn, advocate 8 Wm. Catto (Aberdeen Bank) 9 Alex. Davidson, merchant IJane^ 10 Wm. Murray, Lime Co. Sugarhouse 11 James Warrack, agent From Quay to Virginia street, 12 R. W. LyaU (of Hay and Lyall) 13 Alex. Gildawie 12 Alex. Masson, mate. . . John Fearnside, druggist ... James Petrie (of J. P. and Sons) 18 James Batchan (T. and C. B) 19 George J. W. Ruthven Snmnier Stzeet, 20 Miss Shaw 21 Mrs Mitchell From Union place to Skene street. 22 Miss Carter 1 Andrew Borthwick, dyer 3 Wm. Reid, photographer Spiringbank Place, 4 Rev. Charles Skene 8 Francis Cooper, grocer 11 Mrs John Middleton From Springbank to Springbank st. 12 James Garvie, builder 1 Wm. Hislop 18 Davidson Brothers, cabinetmakers Baird, ... Misses Hislop 19 Thomas cabinetmaker 2 Mrs "Wilson 22 R. Smith (County police) 23 Miss Mitchell, lodgings 3 James IJruce (of P. and K.) 4 Mrs M'Kenzie 24 Wm. Keith, slater 26 John Ross, letter carrier John Williamson, flesher 28 Alex. Watson, bookseller Spiring @a£den. James Ross , builder John Ross, mason From George street to Windy wynd. 30 Wm. Thomson Miss Lyon, dressmaker 81 Archibald Tough, carter Wm. Jenkins, inspector 85 Wm. Paterson, druggist. Spring Mrs Erskine garden house James Laing, mason 90 M. A. Ewen, furniture dealer Miss M'Kenzie Eraser L. Johnston, merchant Mrs Sangster Stewart's Cousrt, John Rattray, south mRil guard David Walker, hairdresser William Adam, town's officer 62 George street. Wilham Slaker Peter Farquharson, grocer Miss Bruce, milliner Steivaxt Place, Miss Winton, dressmaker Robert Laws, foreman (A, and W. 69 Guestrow. Ogilvie) Mrs Ritchie, sick nurse Thomas Sang, shoemaker Stiravrbezny Bank, James Thomson, manager '(J- B. and Co.) Top of Hardgate. Mrs Mackie, sick nnrse W. Stevenson, attendant (St James' 1 Robert Eddie, late brewer Church) 2 Wm. Philip, jun. (of P. and C.) George Imray, teacher (Gilcomston 3 Wm. Black, wine merchant School) 4 John Willox Miss Walker STREET DIRECTORy. 315

Summez Lane, 29 George MUne, clerk of police 31 Mrs Andrew Oldman From Garvock wynd to Fish street. ... Mrs William Stuart 33 Thos. Mathieson (Inland Revenue) 9 Colin Young, grocer 37 R. Connon (of R. Connon & Co.> 10 Robert Gordon, wright 31 Mrs Eraser, lodgings RIGHT HAND SIDE. 33 Mrs M'Leod, grocer 2 Patrick Bannerman, book-keeper 37 Duncan Fraser, shoemaker ... James Crow, late Customs ... John Fairweather, late mail guard ... Mrs Guthrie, sick nurse Sutherland's Couxt, 4 John C. Abel, clerk (G. L, Co.) 12 Mrs Alexander ThomsonI 20 James street. 14 John Rust, wood merchant Rose street 16 John Thomson, late builder Sutherland's Court, ... Miss Sheriffs 18 John Elriok, wright 126 Gallowgate. 19 Rev. Dr R Simpson of Kintdre 24 Mrs James Walker 26 Mrs Ure Sutherland's Court, ... Mrs Bamford ... Robert Ritchie, letter carrier 78 Shiprow. ThistU lam,e 28 J. Strachan (of S. and S.) ... John Black, traveller Theatre Lane, ... Andrew Bowman, jun. (Kerr and Bowman) From Quay to Virginia street. ... Turner Ritchie, saddler 30 Miss Kay Robert Youngson & Co., sail makers ... Alexander Watt (of J. W. & Sons) 32 Edward Webb, hatter ... Mrs James Ligertwood Thistle Lane, 34 Alexander Johnston, builder ... George Carmichael, teller (N. of S. From Victoria street to Skene street. Bank)

1 M 'Robbie and MUne, house car- penters Thomson's Court, 3 John Riach, proprietor ... John Eddie, clerk 69 West North street. ... Mrs Eddie, midwife 4 Mrs William Greig 5 A. and W. Ogilvie, cabinetmakers Thomson's Court> 6 G. Greig, builder ... Miss Greig, teacher 61 Broad street.

Thistle Street, Thomson's Court,

From Chapel st. to Victoria st. west. 21 Quay.

LEFT HAND SIDE. 1 Misses M'Kay, dressmakers Thornton Place, ... James Youngson, boot and shoe maker 29 Guestrow and 4 Flourmill lane, ... James Ross, shipmaster Rose street 3 A. and J. Troup, agents 17 R. Brander, wright 11 David Macdonald, japanner 21 J Cruickshank, inspector of police 12 Wm, Anderson, tinsmith 23 Miss Still ... Alex. R. Dyer (of R. C. and Co.) Thistle lane Trinity Street, 27 George Merchant, grocer ... J ames Smith, publisher (,N. A.) From Denbum to Trinity lanei 29 Mrs Simpson «. Mrs Tyson 1 D. and G. Gray, wrights ... Charles Forbes, writer 2 George Gray (of D. andG. G,) 316 STREET DIEECTORY.

4 James Scott, spirit dealer 11 Mrs H. Hall 10 John Fraser, spirit dealer 13 John Hall, merchant 16 John Livingston, fishmonger 15 Mrs Professor David Gray 18 M'Kay's court 17 Mrs T. Sangster ... John Tastard, flesher 19 Alex. B. Whyte (of S. and W.) 20 John M 'Donald, confectioner 21 Geo. Collie (of G. C. & Co.) ... James Smith, gardener 23 John Maitland 24 James Donaldson, spirit dealer 27 James Aiken, juru, ship and in- snrance broker 29 Geo. Ogilvie, M.D. Trinity Quay, 31 Mrs Alex. Low 33 Rev. John Wilson 35 Alex. Gibbon From Regent quay to Poynemook. 37 John Geddes, M.D. place leading 2 Patrick Bannerman, coal merchant Wellmgton to Solbum street ... Wm. Bannerman, coal broker, &c. ... Inland Revenue Office (Excise Branch) EIGHT HAXD SIDE, 3 Mrs Craib, midvdfe 2 Mrs Paterson, lodgings ... Mrs Stewart, lodgings 6 James Dick, grocer merchant 4 Wm. Anderson, salmon 8 Jas. Keith, druggist Sons, paper ... Charles Davidson & 10 Do. do. merchants 14 Roderick Adam, baker 5 George Knight, spirit dealer 16 Do. do. 9 M. Birnie. spirit dealer 18—20 Patrick Watson, draper 12 George Elsmie and Son, coal mer- Chapel street chants, SIDE. ... Miss Forbes 1 Wm. Yeats (of Y. & S.) ... Rifle Club 3 Miss Gordon of Avochie 31 Wm, Symon & Co., sUk mercers 5 Francis Clerihew, advocate 33 Isaac Mathieson, silk mercer, &c. 7 Mrs Stewart 35—37 Milne, Sons, & Co., staymakera 9 David Kerr, M.D. 36i Exchange cowrt STEEET DIRECTOEY. 317

39 James Blackball & Co., clothiers 123^ Wm. Leslie, architect 41 James Hardy, watchmaker ..y John Willet, civil engineer 41^ Crown court ... Mrs Stewart ... James Gordon ... Ewan Cameron, book agent 43 James Drummond, boot and shoe- 125 John Ross, trimming warehouse maker 126 J. W. Simpson, draper 45 G. Reidaud Sons, chemists, &c. 127 Milne, Low, & Co., clothiers 47 Henry Cooper & Co., drapers 129 Milne and Walker, advocates 49 Black & Ferguson, wine merchants ... Mrs Buyers, lodgings Adelphi court 131 Farquharson and Co., merchants 51—53 Pratt and Keith, silk mercers Stairs leading to Green. 55 George Catto, bookseller,

83 Alex. M'Donald, advocate .... M. Massie, advocate ... John Muill, advocate 156 James Lumsden and Co., clothiers ... Lessel Stephen, advocate Union hridge ... Taylor & Henderson, lithographers 173 Herr Frederick, photographer ... Mrs Fleming 175 A. and W. Ogilvie, cabinetmakers ... Miss Rennie, dressmaker 177 Miss Maver, lodgings 85 Mrs James G. Fleming, fancy ... Mrs Yule, lodgings trimming warehouse 179 Kerr and Bowman, carvers and 87 George Yeats, silk mercer gUders 89 J. and R. Ligertwood, advocates 181 Wm. Williamson, surgeon dentist ... Mrs Souter, lodgings 183 James Neil, silk mercer 91 C. F, Griffith, manager (S. P. A. 184J R, Alexander, teacher of dancing Co.) 185 George Davidson, bookseller 93 Scottish Provincial Assurance Co. 187 Gifford and Son, carvers and 95 Lumsden and Gibson, grocers gilders 97 R. Gerrard (of G. L, and Co.) 189 Miss Ross, lodgings ... David Lyall (of G. L. and Co.) ... Mrs Sadler, lodgings 99 G. Lyall and Co., silk mercers 191 Thomas Baird, cabinetmaker 101 Elijah Burwell, jeweller 193 Alex. Walker (of W. Walker and 103 Murray and M'Combie, advocates Sons) ... A lexander Brand, accountant 195 Logan and Co., pianoforte manu- ... William Forsyth, temperance hotel facturers keeper 197 John H. Johnston, embroidery 105 A. Cruickshank and Co., hosiers, printer &c. 199 A. and R. Milne, booksellers 107 G. Jamieson, jeweller to the Queen 201 James M'Aulay, inspector of taxes 111 D. WylHe and Son, booksellers to ... Alex. Fraser, surveyor of taxes the Queen .. John Fimister, do. 113 William Hay, bootmaker ... James TurnbuU, do. 115 William Ramage, architect ... Alexander Taylor, clothier ... Writing Academy—G. C. M'Con- 203 Gordon and Smith, grocers achie Crown street ... Aberdeen and North of Scotland 205 Charles Davidson & Co., druggists Permissive Bill Association 207 Charles Davidson (of C. D. & Co.) ... Alex. Masson, auctioneer 209 Wm. Milne & Son, grocers ... William Shirres, accountant 211 P. H. Lakin (Wood and Co.) ... James Asher, commission mercht. 213 Wood and Co., pianoforte saloon ... James Fraser and Son, boot and 215 Robert Glegg, confectioner shoemakers 217 Miss Robertson, milliner 117 David Walker, hairdresser ... A. G. Smith 119 A. M orison, silk mercer, &c. 219 James Catto, bootmaker 121 James Laing & Co., ironmongers Dee street 123 Lockhart and Salmond, confec- 221 James Jamieson, grocer, &q. tioners 22B Wm. Coutts, painter 28 318 STREET DIRECTORY.

229 Skinner and Wilsone, advocates 56 R. Taylor and S'oii, geaeral mer- ... Thos. Wilsone (of S. and W.) chants 231 J. R. Wolfe, M D. 53 Wm. Lumsden, merchant 231J, 232J Robert Ness, jun., coach 60 W. Littlejohn, manager (T. & C. builder Bank) 233 Lachlaii M'Kinnon, jun., advocate 62 Aberdeen Town and County Bank 237 William Smith, architect St Nicholas street Bon-accord street 72 Angus Eraser and (^o., grocers

239 Wm. Williamson, M.D. 74 James Milne (A. Fraser

... Mrs B. Williamson . A. E. ?mith, advocate 245 W. Cadenhead, agent .CD. Bonnyman. advocate

247 Wm. Pirrie, M.D. . T A. W. A. Youngs'in, advocate ... Wm. Pirrie. jun., M.D. . John M uiTay, general merchant 249 Patrick Cooper, advocate (of D. . Wm. Dunn, advocate

and C.) . Alex. Adam, land surveyor 251 M iss Innes 78 D. Gill and Son, watchmakers 253 Duncan Forbes ... Mrs Duncan, lodgings 255 Wm. Duguid (of J. Smith & Co.) 80 Cardno and Darling, seedsmen 257 Wm. Keith, M.D. 82 Harper and Co., wire workers 261 Wm. Hi "garth, merchant 84 John Ferguson, advocate 263 John Duncan, arivocate ... Thomas Ruxton, advocate Bon-accord terrace ... Mrs Milne, lodgings 86 James Duffus, confectioner EIGHT HAND SIDE. 88 Wm. T. Keith, auctioneer 90 Miss Reid 6 James Alexander, watchmaker ... Mrs Wm. Wilson 10 Aberdeen Lands and Heritage ... Misses Emslie and Co., miUiners Valuation office—John Milne, and dressmakei-s assessor 96—98 Adam Smith, manufacturer 12 Alex. Badenoch, outfitter 98 Leslie and Maule, booksellers 14 Wm. Jaffray, boot and shoemaker 100—102 Wra. Forsythj temperance 18 Chapman & Co., tailors & clothiers hotel keeper Broad street 104 George Mann, tailor 20—22 Steele and Co., hatters 106 Wm. Smith, jun., tea, wine, and 24 Thos. Ogilvie. jun., hatter spirit merchant Union lane ... County Fire Office, &c.—William 26 Keating and Co., clothiers and Smith, jun., agent outfitters Stairs leading to Correction wynd 28 Robert M'Killiam, confectioner Churchyard— (East and West 30 Peter Connon, silk mercer Churches) St Catherine's wynd Baolc wynd 32 Philip and Cooper, clothiers Advocates' Hall and Library 34 Samuel Martin, hatter James Brebner, Advocates' build- 36 Johnston and Laird, furnishing ings tailors Geo. Grub, Advocates' buildings

... Mrs M'Intosh, lodgings 122 Jas Allan


150 Misses Cuthbert and Wyllie, mU- 34 Mrs Keith, milliner liners ... Thomas Banks of (B. and R.) 150J James Dunbar, grain merchant ... John Davidson, provision dealer 151 James Littlejohn, merchant ... Mrs M'Me, lodgings Diamond street 35 Thomas Gibson, shuttle maker 152 Eoyal Bank of Scotland Branch 36 John H. Vollar, shipmaster Smith and f'ochran, agents ... Wm. Donald, church officer ... County Rates Oflfice— F. J. CocTi- 38 Miss Millar, dressmaker ran, collector ... John Johnston (H.M C.) ... Smith and Cochran, advocates ... John Wisely, draper 154 Col. the Hon. D Ogilvie of Clova 39 Miss Bruce, lodgings 156 Hardy Robinson (of R. C. & Co.) ... Alex. Williamson 158 Alexander Kilgour, M.D. ... Michael F. Gordon, clerk 164 John Alexander, upholsterer ... Mrs Anderson, lodgings 166 Misses Massie, milliners ... George Paterson ... Mrs Gellan, lodgings 40 Mrs James Low 168 Wm. Andrew, druggist ... F. Fiddes, shoemaker 170 John Fraser, watchmaker ... Wm. Presslie, teacher South Silver street ... Miss Medd, teacher Music Hall buildings 41 Miss Davidson 198 Alexander Anderson, advocate (of 42 James Allan, teacher A. and A.) ... Mrs Allanach, lodgings 204 D. R. L. Grant (of B. and G.) Huntly street 214 Robt. Smith, advocate (of S. & C .) Union Row, 216 West End Academy pianoforte saloon 218 John Marr, From Union street to Summer street. 220 Robert Ness, coach builder 224 Mi's Panton 7 Robert Ness, coach builder 238 Major A. Pitcairn 9 Miss Fraser of Fraserburgh Union row 11 James Saint, late shore porter L. ane, 14 Charles Chalmers, advocate ... James H. Chalmers, advocate From Union street to Guestrow. 15 J. Blaikie, yost. (Blaikie Brothers) 16 Robert Dyce, M.U. 6 Mrs M'Conachie, lodgings 19 Charles Playfair, gunmaker ... Wm. Meldrum. outfitter 20 Rev. Charles Ross 7 David Fraser, innkeeper 21 Wm. Bisset (of J. & W. B.) 21^ John Lyell, gunmaker 22 Miss Goi-don Union "Wynd, 28 John Leask, registrar of births, &c., Old M achar Parish (office) From Union row to Summer street. 31 Wm. Fraser, surgeon 32 Mis Elmslie, lodgings 1 Mrs Copland, lodgings ... Mrs Duncan 2 Robert Middleton, builder ... D. Munro, bootmaker (of J. andD. 5 John Ewing Munro) 7 Jas. DakerSj coach maker 320 STREET DIRECTORY.

Upper Denbuxn, 36 Aberdeen Dispensary and Vaccine Institution From Spa street to Jack's brae. ... John Middleton, porter ... Wm. Sinclair, druggist 8 Alex. Beattie, hairdresser 38 Robert M'Killiam, pastry cook 22 J. Sutherland, grocer 40 Charles court 23 Wm. Martin, slater ... Robert Ferguson, dyer 24 J. Sutherland, grocer 42 Do. do. 47 George Cay, grocer 44 Bum court 49 Peter Bird, carter ... A. G. Welsh, agent 51 Peter Stewart, provision merchant ... Mrs Hutcheon, lodgings 86 John Johnston, grocer 46 George L. Walker, hardware mer- 88 Do. do. chant 48 J. and D. Munro, boot and shoe- makers Vppezkiirkgatei 50 Samuel Paterson, accountant (G. N. of S. R.) From Broad street to St Nicholas st.

lEFT HAND SIDE. Victozia Conzt,

5 Jamieson's cowrt 54 Castle street. 9 Miss Duffus, confectioner 11 Robert M' Kay, cabinetmaker 13 and 15 Alex. M'Kay, cabinetmaker Victoria Flace^, Cruestrow 21 John Eobbfe & Co., ^irit dealers Wales street. 25 Mrs Donald 27 John Wagrell, bookseller 3 Kemp Saunders, coal broker 29 J. Symon, furniture dealer 29| Do. do. 31 Alex. Barnett, cabinetmaker Victoria Street West, ... Miss Barnett, corset maker 35 Robert Morrison, watchmaker '^From Albyn place to Skene st. west. 37 George Morison, leather cutter 39 Alex. Turriff LEFT UAED SIDE. 41 Alex. Scott, shoemaker 43 David Ogg, basket maker 12 Miss Walker 45 Alex. Rennie, painter 14 Miss Can- 47 John Ogilvie, baokseller 16 G. F. Cruickshank, writer 49 Grant's court Waverley place ... John Macbray, grocer 18 J. S.Grant (of G. ritm's lane 28 Miss Gibb, milliner 7 Miss Malcohn 30 Mrs Ingram, register office 13 Principal Dewar, I>.D. 32 Alex. Playfair, cabinetmaker 15 George Donald, painter 32J Misses Walker, dressmakers Thistle street 34 Wm. Sinclair, druggist 17 Rev. Joseph Renders cas 3^ Jam^s Walker, bookseUex 19 Miss Brown 36 Qrawn cowrt 21 Mrs Andersoa STREET DIRECTORY. 321

21 Samuel Anderson, cashier (N. A. 61 John Harper, mealseller Co.) 69 Alex. Taylor, shipmaster 23 Wm. Lyon, teacher ... John Stewart, brewer and maltster 25 Wra. Carnie, treasurer, Infirmary 73 Robert Tarves, day patrol ... Mrs Machray Commerce street 27 Misses Davidson 89 Hugh Eraser, clerk ... John Gray, surgeon ... Robert Davey, carpenter 29 Mrs Neil EIGHT HAND SIDE. ... Mrs King ... James M'Kenzie, draper A. R. Gray, commission merchant 31 James Thomson, boot and shoe- 8 R. C. FuUerton, guard (D. R.) maker 10 Kemp Saunders, com. agent ... Mrs Rennie 16 Miss Leslie, milliner 33 Wm. Forsyth 18 John Christie, shipowner

35 Wm Chalmers (of L.

... John Wilkin, cooper 81 Wm. Williamson (of W.


Wales Street (Little), Watt's Court,

From Wales street to Albion street. 111 Gallowgate.

1 Thomas Knowles, flesher I3 Wm. Grant, flesher Waverley Place, 3 Mrs FuUerton, provision dealer From Victoria st. west to Albert ter.

Walkez's Couzt, 1 Alex. Easton, grocer 2 James Inglis, baker 61 Guestrow. 4 John Warren, surveyor (G. P. 0.) 5 John Angus, town-clerk 7 William Ramage, architect Walkex's Couzt, 9 Norval Clyne, advocate 11 Mrs Robert Matthew

30 Virginia street. Webster's Court,

Walker's Court, 72 Shiprow.

37 College street. Webster's Court,

Wapping Street, 19 East North street.

From Trinity st. to Lower Denbum Weigh-house Square,

Water X>ane, Quay.

1 Wm. Steele, spirit dealer From Quay to Virginia street. 2 Courage's couH 17 John Begg, Lochnagar distillery office Waterloo Quay,

From Regent quay to York place. Well Court,

30 Northern Agricultural Co. 14 Broad street. 72 Jn. Gibb & Sons, stone merchants ... Alex. Gibb, civil engineer 76 John Lyon, spirit dealer Wellington Place, ... Footdee Baking Association; ma- nager, Wm. Gill From Union place to South bridge. 77 Robert Johnston, shipmaster ... A Duthie, shipbuilder 1 John Mollison, baker 79 Thomas Howling, shipmaster ... Alex. Fyfe, draper ... James Wishart, jun., carver 3 James Black (of J. B. & Co.) ... Andrew Leckie (of T. C. B. & Co.) 5 Miss Smith 80 Jas. Gumming, ship chandler, &c. ... Mrs Reid 83 Geo. M. Thomson, tide surveyor 6 Wm. Holmes, jun. (Hogarth & Co.) 87 Steam Navigation Co.'s office 8 Barbara Law, merchant 12 James Moir, surgeon 14—16 Wm. Urquhart and Co., grain Waterloo Street, merchants 15 Mrs Yeats of Auquharney From Garvock st. to Waterloo quay.

11 A. Reid, treasurer (Harbour Office) Wellington Road, 12 George Stewart, shipmaster ... Mrs Birnie From Lower Dee street to Wellington ... Mrs Sang bridge.

Alex. Thomson, grocer Watt's Court, Charles Souper, shoemaker Thomas Ross, wood merchant 46 Virginia street. George Paterson, gardener STREET DIRECTOEY. 323

Wm. M'Kay, taUor Chronicle lane A. Brand, pointsman (S. N. E. R.) 26 John Deans, stabler John Bullock, foreman (J. B. and 32 John Duthie, stabler Sons) 38 Grant's court Robertson and Hunter, stonecutters 40 Mrs Low, grocer Wm. Cormack, innkeeper 50 John Simpson, grocer Clayhills Curing Establishment Mealmarhet street Aberdeen Brick and Tile Work 68 R. Sheret, grocer 76 Sarper's court ... Alex. Todd, grocer Wellington Street, 80 - Mitchell's court 118 Arthur Fraser, stone cutter 129 George Sangster, grocer Waterloo to Links. From quay 130 James Simpson, fish curer 150 George Brewster, stone cutter 1 John Smith, manager (S. N. Co.) 154 John Fidler, provision dealer Charles 14 Mrs Smith 162 Gray, Watt, and Co., manufac- 16 Alex, jfhilip, shipmaster turers 18 Nicol, vintner Mrs 176 Mrs Joss, spirit dealer 28 James A. Rhynas, shipmaster 184 George Watson, cartwright ... John Newton, shipmaster 188 Robt. M'Hardy, grocer ... Linklatc, James shipmaster 194 John Paterson, shoemaker ... Mrs Howling, lodgings ... James Wishart, carver 32 WUliam Dey, painter Street, 52 Andrew Forbes (customs) Whitehouse 53 John Duthie (of J. D., Sons, and Chapel street Skene place. Co.) From to ... George Duthie (of J. D., Sons, and Alex. Reid, Co.) 3 mason 13 Mrs Martin ... James Duthie, shipmaster Peterkin, wright 54 James Gerrie, sailmaker 18 James ... Miss Peterkin, milliner and dress- ... David Bell, joiner 55 Richard Taylor, shipmaster maker 19 James Abercrombie, stamper, P.O. ... Wm. Dey, painter 25 Mrs Esson, lodgings ... Alex. Birnie (of B. & S.) Street, 30 James Gibson, missionary West Noxth 31 Misses Symmers 32 Mrs A. Smith From Bong street to Mounthooly. 33 Alex. Shewan, jobbing gardener 35 Wm. Souter (of Souter and Slaker) LEFT HAND SIDE. 37 John Sangster 7 Peter Esson, watchmaker ... A. G. Welsh, agent 9 David Wilson, grocer, &c. 38 John Tough, wright 13 James Middleton, provision mer- 39 Mrs Black, lodgings chant 40 Gavin Low, builder 15 Alexander Gait, grocer 43 Mrs James Black Longacre ... John Smith, druggist 27 James Duncan, watchmaker ... Miss Craig 35 A. Hurry (of W. H. and Sons) 39 W. & W. Leslie, grocers 43 James Cassie, carriers' porter William's Place, 51 Banks and Robertson, bakers Littlejohn street Opposite Spring Garden works, Spring 55 John Stephen, game dealer Garden street. 65 Thomson's court 91 Wm. Malcolm, chain maker 95 Thos. Smith, carter Wilson's Court, 161 Alex. Cruickshank, grocer 163 James Hodge, cutler 91 Broad street. 181 Alex. Nicolson, blacksmith 191 Robert Donaldson, gardener Windmill Brae, EIGHT HAND SIDE. From Green to Dee street. 8 James Stephen, Red Lion inn 12 Ferrier lane 1 Wm. M'Kay, chimney sweep 16 John Walker, umbrella maker 7 Mrs Cattanach, straw hat and bon- 20 Isabella M'Donald, spirit dealer net maker 324 STREET DIKECTORY.

16 John Bell, cooper Wooluianhill, 18 James Laing, hairdresser 22 John Legg. stonecutter From Schoolhill to Steps of GUcomston 23 Charles Smith and Co., grocers 25 Mrs Michie, spirit dealer 15 J. Stephen, house painter 36 Alex. Morgan, hairdresser 17 Wm. Henderson, printer

40 Riddel's court ... John Stephen, painter 43 John Watt, shoemaker 21 John Wa^rell, bookseller 45 George Brand, carter 32 Josepli Monro, teacher of the ac- ... John Ferguson, tailor cordion ... George Nicol, grocer, &c. 34 Henry Jackson, M.D., surgeon and 49—51 Mrs Christopher, spirit dealer druggist 56 Mrs Forbes, dressmaker 38 Wm. Morrison, flesh er

57 Alex. Ross, stoneware merchant 40 John Leslie

From Canal terrace to Summer lane. Windmill Iiane, 2 Alex. Walker, shipmaster From Windmill brae. ... Wm. Brodie, clerk ... Richard Pithie, shipmaster 2 Gifford and Son, picture frame 3 Simpson Edward, baker makers 7 Alex. Morison, bookseller 3 Robt. Findlay, carver and turner 9 Henry Davies, shiprigger 4 Kerr and Bowman, carvers and gilders 5 M. Rettie and Sons' workshop Yeats' Court, 6 John Tough, wright 7 Arthur Knox, cabinetmaker 30 Netherkirkgate. 8 Green and Co., chemical works ... James Shepherd, fancy box maker ... J. Macbeth, pianoforte maker York Place, 9 William Clark, blacksmith 10 Pratt and Keith, manufacturers From Waterloo quay to York street.

Robert Duthie, shipowner Windsor Place, 25 Robert Johnston, merchant 27 John Gordon, shipmaster Thistle lane to Victoria st. west. From ... Mrs Glennie, lodgings ... James Urquhart, shipmaster 1 Robert Craig 31 Wm. Cormack, grocer 2 John Milne, assessor Thomson, Catto, Buchanan & Co., 3 Mrs D. Edwards founders

Winlaw's Court, York Street, 107 Gallowgate. From Wellington st. to the New Pier.

Windy Wynd, 1 Miss Watt, spirit dealer 2 Alex. Watson, shipmaster and Co., timber From Gallowgate to Spring Garden. 5 Donaldson Rose merchants

... James Tulloch, merchant - 10 Joseph Cumine, grocer dealer 20 Wm. M'Kinnon & Co., founders 9 George Garden, spirit 28 Daniel Campbell, shoemaker 13 James Bliack —


13 George Hughes, carver Young Street, 5 Do. do. 7 Mrs Andrew Still, grocer From Gallowgate to Loch street. 19 James Moir, ropemaker .,, James M. Heriot, shipmaster R. Davidson, cartwrights ... Wm. Baxter, engineer 10 J. & 36 James Anderson, blacksmith ... John Davidson, carter 41 John Forbes, shipmaster 11 Wm. Yule, grocer ... David Main, shipmaster 14 G. Robb, wholesale grocer 44 Neptune terrace ... Alex. Milne of Pittrichie 47 Wm. Hall (of A. HaU & Sons) 24 J. Wishart-'^rgan builder Walter Hood & Co., shipbuildCTS 32 John Milne, lieut. of police A. Hall & Sons, shipbuilders 52 George Scholes, tavern keeper


Correct—Anderson, Wm., 2d lieut. of police read, 30 Gallowgate „ Bruce, James (of Pratt & Keith), 76 Bon-accord street—read, 3 Spring- bank place „ Cairnie, A., grocer, &c., 56 East North street—reacJ, 20 East North st. „ Crombie, John (of J. & J. Crombie) Grandholm Lodge— read, Balgownie Lodge „ Drummond, James, boot and shoemaker, &c., h. 2 Affleck place—read, h. 41 Dee street „ Lawson, Mrs, 7 Albert terrace—read, 10 Garden place „ Williamson, James, (of R. Catto & Co.), 162 Crown street—read, (late

of the firm of R. Catto

,, Jamieson, John, clothier and outfitter, 42 Union street Omit—Catto, Robert and Co., grocers, &c., 14 King street „ Gerard, Wm., 55 Huntly street „ Sutherland, Mrs Dr Neil, 13 Belmont street Letters for India and other places to the east of Suez, via Marseilles, are charged the rate of lOd per half 02., instead of 9d per 5 oz, as formerly. OLD ABERDEEN DIRECTORY.

Magistrates of Old Aberdeen.

Provost—^P. C. Campbell.


Alexander Stables I Professor W. D. Geddes

Dr. Robert L. Poison I D. R. Morice MERCHANT COUNCILLORS. Convener Clark Alexander Clark Professor Thomson Alex. Stab'es, jun Professor Fei guson Robert Rosa Major L, X. Leslie Dr. James Gordon TRADES' COUNCILLORS.

Charles Mathieson Alexander Connon j William Thorn William Smith

Robert Clark |

Treasurer—Eobert Ross.

Procurator-Fiscal—^Alexander Stronach, advocate.

Town-clerh— George Grub, advocate. 0#cer—James -Charles.


Patron—Principal Campbell.

Convener—Alexander Clark. Master of Hospital—George Stables.

TRADES. DEACONS. E0XMASTEE3. Hammermen John Arthur Ninian Kynoch Wrights and Coopers George Laws Robert Clark Weavers John Mitchell Leslie Nicol Tailors William Calder Charles Mathieson Shoemakers Alexander Connon Bakers and Brewers George Stables, jun George Grub Fleshers and Fishers ...George Rae John Nicol OLD ABERDEEN DIEECTOBY. 327

Seminaries of Learning.

Univeesitt Buildings, High Street. (See Educational Directory, p. 40) • Grammak School, New Street. Rector—Thomas Davidson Gymnasium, 7 Chanonry. Eector— Rev. A. Anderson Bell's School, Bots, New Street, Teacher—George Eamage Do. Girls, Do. Teacher—Miss Stewart Paboghial, New Street. TeacJier—John Gregory

ADAM, Wm., tailor, 46 Spittal terrace Miss, milliner, 41 Spittal Alexander, Miss, Donbank cottage Allen, Alexander, sub-janitor. University buildings George, vintner. King street road Anderson, Rev. Alex., rector of Gymnasium, 7 Chanonry Alexander, farmer, Cluny's wynd Annand, Miss, 30 College bounds Arthur, James, blacksmith, King street road

BAILLIE, Mrs, dressmaker, 30 High street Bain, John, farmer, Seaton gate Bannerman, Mrs Dr, 8 Chanonry Begg, John, janitor, University buildings Birnie, Moses, late surgeon, 61 Don street Bisset, Miss, dressmaker, 49 Spittal Mrs, midwife, 14 Spittal Borthwick, Charles, shipmaster, 7 High street Buchan, Miss, of Auchmacoy, 16 Chanonry Burnett, Miss, of Kemnay, Don street

CALDER, Robert, boot and shoemaker, 46 Spittal terrace Campbell, Rev. P. C, D.D., principal (University of Aber- deen), 13 Chanonry Roderick, vintner, Seaton gate Charles, Wm., painter and glazier, 24 High street Cheyne, Alex., manager. Brickwork Chisholm, Alex., 89 High street Christie, Alex., manager. Brickwork Clark, Alex., miller, Don mills Alex., boot and shoemaker, 13 College bounds Alex., cooper, Don street James, cooper, Don street Robert, painter and paper-hanger, 19 Don street William, sexton (St Peter's Cemetry), Lodge, King street road Connon, Robert, gardener, Brick-kilns Mrs, lodgings, 29 College bounds 328 OLD ABERDEEN DIRECTORY.

Cormack, George, portrait and miniature painter, 16 College bounds Craig, John, feuar, 46 Spittal terrace Creighton, Mrs, 68 Spittal Cromar, Mrs David, feuar, 89 Spittal Cruicksbank, James, wrigbt, 23 College bounds

DAVIDSON, Thomas, session-clerk, and rector of the Gram- mar school, 1 College bounds James, lodgings, 10 College bounds Dawson, John G., advocate, 28 High street, office, 14| Broad street, Aberdeen Eobert, land steward, Seaton house Donald, Mrs James, Kildare cottage, King street road Donaldson, James, lodgings, 6 College bounds Downie, John, carter and Old Aberdeen carrier, ^9 Don st. Drummond, John, bootmaker, Sea-bank, King street road Duncan, Alex., shipmaster, 93 Spittal John, 37 Spittal Wm., flesher, Spittal Mrs John, 20 Spittal Dunn, John, book-keeper, 7 High street Durie, Charles, lodgings, 108 High street

EDMUND, Wm., 22 College bounds

TAEQUHAESON, John, tea and spirit dealer, 57 Spittal terrace Ferguson, George, LL.D., (late professor of Humanity, King's College), 11 College bounds Findlay, Mrs James, lodgings, 19 College bounds Forbes, Captain James, barrack master, 15 Chanonry Thomas, butcher, 60 High streeet Misses, 10 Chanonry Fuller, Frederick, A.M., professor of Mathematics, Univer- sity of Aberdeen Fyfe, James, flesher, 60 High street

GALL, Mrs, lodgings, 19 College bounds Garvock, Mrs, 45 High street Geddes, Wm. D., professor of Greek, University of Aberdeen George, James, insurance broker, 11 Chanonry Gerrard, Misses, 6 Chanonry Gibb, Wm., boot and shoemaker, 9 College bounds Mrs, midwife, 9 College bounds Gill, Mrs, lodgings, 16 College bounds Glover, Thomas, chief officer, preventive station. Bridge of Don Gordon, James, M.D., 110 High street OLD ABERDEEN DIREOTOEY. 329

Grant, Alex., farmer, 74 High street Duncan, lodgings, 97 Spittal Peter, grocer, 29 College bounds Grassick, John, Orchard cottage Gregory, John, teacher, Parochial school, New street Greig, James, 28 Spittal James, grocer, King street road grocer, Bridge of Don Wm. ,

HALL, Arthur, Major- General, Seaton house Hatt, George, farmer. North lane Hay, James, of Seaton, Seaton house Mrs, vintner, Ked Lion, Spittal Hector, Mrs, lodgings, 79 Spittal Henderson, Wm., toll-keeper, Bridge of Don Mrs, lodgings, 8 High street

IRONSIDE, Wm., teacher. Bridge of Don school Irvine, Francis, M.D., 70 High street Isaac, George, cattle dealer, King street road

J AFFRAY, Miss, King street road ...... Miss, 18 Don street Jamieson, Rev. George, 5 Chanonry Mrs Wm., 25 College bounds Johnston, John, feuar, 27 Spittal John, grocer. Bridge of Don, Don View Miss Jane, lodgings, 96 Spittal Joss, Peter, machinist and artificial limb maker, Love lane, Spittal

KEITH, Wm., farmer, 57 Spittal Kilgour, James, spirit dealer, 87 High street John, church oflScer, Church gate Robert, carter. East Back road, Don street Kynooh, Ninian, clerk to St Peter's churchyard, and keeper of the Trades' Mort-cloths, 64 Spittal

LAWS, Alexander, cabinet maker, 84 High street George, cartwright. King street road Lawrence, Wm., carter. High street Leask, John, treasurer, Kirk Work Funds (Old Machar), and treasurer Sick Labourers' Fund (Old Aberdeen), 28 Union terrace, Aberdeen Miss, lodgings, 82 Spittal Leith, George, weaver. East Back road Leslie, Capt. L. X., 14th Regiment, H. P., Tillydrone Hugh Eraser (of Powis), Powis house Wm., shoemaker, King street road 29 330 OLD ABEKDEEN DIRECTOEY.

Levy, Donald, lodgings, 63 Spittal Lewis, John, sergeant of police, 24 High street Linton, Alex., baker, 79 High street Wm., mason, High street Low, James, clerk and manager (Smith, Irvine, & CJo., brewers), 40 Union terrace, Aberdeen Lyell, Mrs, lodgings, 12 College bounds Lyon, David, contractor, Marj cottage, King street road, and 26 South Portland street, Glasgow

M'DONALD, David, haberdasher, 104 High street M'Innes, Mrs, lodgings., 89 Spittal M'Killiam, Kobert, feuar, Viewtown cottage Macgrigor, William, baker, 97 High street Mackie, Charles, cattle dealer, 37 Don street Charles, jun., cattle dealer, 3 Market lane Wm., farmer, Seaton gate Mackenzie, Mrs, governess, Mitchell's hospital, 9 Chanonry Macleod, Miss, 71 High street Macpherson, Rev. Robert, D.D., professoir

street . . Mrs, 30 College bounds Milne, George, Orchard cottage George, grocer, 45 Spittal terrace James, feuar, 29 College bounds John, baker, 97 High street William, 66 Spittal Miss, lodgings, Orchard place, College bounds Milligan, William, professor of Divinity and Biblical Criti- cism, 34 College bounds Minto, Wm., feuar, 30 College bounds Mitchell's Hospital, 2 Chanonry William, late bookseller, Gordon cottage, Spittal ter. Mrs, feuar, 20 Spittal Moir, George, feuar, 100 Spittal Mollison, Mrs James, lodgings, 19 College bounds Morice, D. R., advocate, 46 Don street; office, 30 Marischal street, Aberdeen Morrison, William, teuar, Bridge of Don

, Wm., grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 16 High street Murray, Miss, teacher, 27 College bounds

NICOL, Leslie, church officer, Church gate OLD ABEEDEEIS' I>IEECTOEY^ 331

PAUL, John, boot and shoemaker, King street road Poison, Robert L,, M.D., surgeon, 2 Cbanonry Mrs, 68 High street Porter, Mrs, grooer,^ 25 Spittal Post Office (Receiving), 43 High street

EAE, George, farmer, 1 Seaton gate Eamage, George, teacher (Bell's school), h. King street road Rhind, Mrs, 45 High street Robbie, Mrs, lodgings, 98 Spittal Robertson, Mrs John (late of Gartly), 15 High street Ross, Donald, Rose cottage. Orchard lane, College bounds Mrs, Red Lion Inn, Spittal Robert, surgeon and apothecary (Post Office), 43 High street Rust, Alex. Irvine, house carpenter and builder, 1 College bounds

SCOTT, A., professor of Oriental Languages, University of Aberdeen Sim, John, boot and shoemaker, 103 High street Simpson, Andrew, wright, 25 College bounds Ann, teacher. Bridge of Don Smart, William, gardener, 39 Spittal terrace Smith, Alexander, late gardener, East Back road ...... Alexander, grocer, 58 High street ...... George, innkeeper, 3 New street Irvine, and Co., brewers, 18 High street James, tailor and grocer, 25 College bounds John, boot and shoemaker, 48 Kierh street Rev. Robert, D.D., Old Machar Church, 14 Chanonry Robert, furnishing tailor, Town-house Wm., blacksmith and farrier. King street road Mrs, lodgings, 25 College bounds Mrs, 94 Spittal Stables, A. and Son, grocers and spirit merchants, 112 High street George, jun. (of Alex. Stables and Son), 112 High street George, vintner, 102 High street James, teller (City of Glasgow Bank), 110 High street Stephen, Wm., shipmaster. Orchard house Stevenson, James, wright, Seaton aate John, boot and shoemaker, 114 High street Stewart, Miss, teacher (Bell's school) Sittherland, John, Viewton place

TAYLOR, James, tailor, Don street Robert, rope and twine manufacturer, Froghall lane 333 OLD ABERDEEN DIEECTORY.

Thorn, Wm., mason, 66 High street Mrs, lodgings, Orchard place Thomson, David, professor of Natural Philosophy, and secretary (University of Aberdeen), 31 College bounds John, blacksmith and veterinary surgeon, King street road Tocher, Wm., overseer (salmon fishings), Bridge of Don Turreflf, Gavin, clerk (N. B. Co.), 46 High street

WATKINS, Alex., Primrose hill Watson, George, blacksmith and farmer, 82 Spittal Watt, John, Mains of Seaton John, advocate, 113 High street White, Mrs Wm., Bridgefield, Old Bridge of Don

YEATS, Thomas, butcher, 24 Spittal Yeoman, John, cartwright, King street road WOODSIDE DIRECTORY.

Clmrclies. EstaMishe&—'W. M. Keay. Free—A. F. Moir. Congregational Union— J, Strachan.

TREASTTEEES OF CONGREGATIONS: Established—Alexander Fullerton. JFree— John Johnston. Congregational Union —George Stewart.

Teachers. Free Church— G. F. Duthie. Shand's Walk—Miss Wallace. Female Teachers—Misses Hall, Fraser, and Sutherland.

Post Office. 67 Hadden Street.

Postmaster—Robert M 'Donald. Letter Carrier—George Cooper, 114 Hadden st,

Feuars' Association of Cotton, Tanfield, and "Woodside. Instituted 1841.

For promoting the improvement and prosperity of these Villages. Patron— President— Treasurer—John Eeid. Secretary—Robert M'Donald ; and a Committee of Twelve.

Water Committee. Constituted 1854.

Trustees—The Ministers of the Es- Secretary—Robert M'Donald tablished and Free Churches, and the Treasurer—John Wight Secretary of the Great North of Scot- Members—Dr. Gilchrist, D. Ferrier land Railway, ex officiis. William Johnston, William Nicol, John Chairman—D. Ferrier. Reid

Parochial Coal Fund—1840. President—J. Fullerton, sen. Treasurer—John Wight, sen. Secretary—' W. M. Keay. Four Extraordinary and Twenty-four Ordinary Members. 334 WOODSIDE DIEECTORY.

Total Abstinence Society, 1839.—60 Members.

President—A. Barnett. Vice-Presidents—A . F. Moir and J. Strachan. Secretaries—John Murray and A. Farquhar. Treasurer—John Forbes.

Horticultural Society—1853. President—Eev. W. M. Keay. Vice-President—Thos. Gumming, Secretary-^' Wm. Ynnnie. Treasurer—Garden Hepburn. Council of nine. Exhibitions in July and September, in Woodside SchooL

Mutual Improvement Association—1853. Meets every Thursday at Half-past Eight, p.m. Secretari/—Thomas Barnett. Treas^lrer—Hugh Ross.

Police OflB.cers. William Eichardson and WiUiam Gray.

ADAM, Alexander, Cotton lodge Adan, Charles, farmer. Nether Buckie Allan, Alexander, merchant, 85 Barron street Anderson, William, Tanfield cottage Angus, Arthur, farmer, Hayton

B AENETT, Alexander, wright, 152 Hadden street Barrack, George, 9J Dunedin cottages Barron, Wm., boot and shoemaker, 4 Queen street, h. 139 Hadden street Thomas, painter, 14, h. 28 Hadden street Beat, John, engine driver, h. 26 Gaelic lane Beattie, Andrew, leather dealer, boot and shoemaker, 142, h. 140 Hadden street John, stonedresser, 3 Wellington place Bell, Alex, and David, bakors, 146 Hadden street Beverley, A., blacksmith, 259 Barron street Beveridge, Wm., boot and shoemaker, 62 Hadden street Black, Mrs John, 39 Hadden street Blake, Charles, mason, 33 Wellington street Bonnyman, John, millwright, Grandholm houses Brown, David, blacksmith, 10 School lane Mrs Charles, Tanfield house Mrs David, Tanfield cottage Booth, Mrs, midwife, 36 Wellington street

CAIRD, George, clerk (P. and G. Brown), 11 Grandholm st. Wm., mason, 11 Grandholm street

»,.. . Wm., jun., wright, 4 Hadden street Cameron, Wm., clerk (J. and J. Crombie) WOODSIDE DIEECTORY. 335

Catto, James, farmer, Lower Cotton John, carter, 2 Mary place Clark, James, mason, 3 Grandholm street James, watchman, Grandholm Cooper, George, letter carrier, 114 Hadden street Cowie, Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 134 Hadden street Crombie, James and John, woollen manufacturers, Grand-

holm works , James, Goval, Fintray John, accountant, Donbank John, jun., Bleachfield John, h. Balgownie lodge Cruickshank, James, grocer. 111 Hadden street James, grocer, 51 and 53 Barron street Cumming, James, farmer, Smithfield Thomas, farmer. Upper Buckie

DEANS, George, stonedresser, 85 Barron street Devine, Miss, milliner, 43 Hadden street

Dingwall, John , shoemaker, 30 Barron street Don, David, farmer, Balgownie Donald, Andrew, 10 Wellington street Alex., farmer, Hilton bank Duguid, Alex., 33 School lane Duncan, George, gardener, 20 Wellington place John, gardener, Gordon's mills Durward, Andrew, stonedresser, 109 Hadden street Duthie, George, schoolmaster, Woodside, h. 3 Barron street John, draper, 96 Hadden street

ELMSLY, George, Woodside house

FARQUHAR, Alexander, boot and shoemaker, 121, h. 123 Hadden street Ferguson, John, advocate, Cotton lodge Ferrier, A. and Co., merchants, 5, h. 7 Hadden street Miss, dressmaker, 5 Hadden street Fettes, David, boot and shoemaker, 223 Barron street Fisher, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 31 Wellington street Thomas, grocer and spirit dealer, Wellington place Flaxington, James, overseer (J. and J. Crombie) Flann, Joseph, chemist and druggist, 138 Hadden street Foote, James, carter, Kittybrewster Forbes, James, broker, 13 Wellington street Fraser, Miss, teacher, 2 Park street French, Peter, 34 Hadden street Frier, Mrs, 150 Hadden street Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 150 Hadden street Francis, Levi, overseer (J. & J. Crombie) h. 3 Persley den 336 WOODSIDE DIEECTOEY.

Fullerton, Alex., wright, 13 Queen street John (of Johnston and Fullerton) 40 School lane John, jun., wright John, clerk, 3 Canal street

GIBSON, Miss, milliner, 150 Hadden street Gibb, Wm., shoemaker, 41 Hadden street, h. 20 Gaelic lane Captain James, Honey cottage Gilchrist, Isaac, M.D. and J.P., surgeon, Ardenville Gillanders, Francis, feuar, 8 Canal street Glass, Alexander, general merchant and circulating library, 69 and 71 Hadden street Goodbrand, James, cabinetmaker, 104 Hadden street Gordon, Peter, cowfeeder, Gaelic lane Grant, Alexander, Tanfield David, grocer, 181 Barron street James, contractor, 60 Canal terrace John, engineer, 30 Hadden street Wm., tailor, 139 Hadden street Gray, James, merchant, 62 Hadden street Greig, Wm., carter, 17 Hadden street

HADDEN, Alex, (late of Persley) Eose cottage A. & Sons, manufacturers, Gordon's mills Kobert, salmon fisher, cruives of Don Hall, Miss, teacher, 50 Canal terrace Harper, Alex., gardener, Woodside lodge Hector, Thomas, 155 Hadden street Henderson, Matthew, flesher, 147, h. 149 Hadden street Hendry, A. M., general merchant, 169 and 171 Barron street Hepburn, Garden, tailor, 127 Hadden street Hewit, Lewis, carter, 33 Hadden street Howarth, Wm., weaver, Hayton road Hutcheon, John, wright and merchant, 38 Hadden street Hutton, Wm., grocer, 155 Hadden street

JACK, Wm., feuar, 128 Hadden street Jamieson, Alex., carter, 37 Hadden street James, William, farmer, Persley Johnston and Fullerton, builders and timber merchants, 20 Hadden street Wm. (of Johnston and Fullerton) 18 Hadden street John, blacksmith, 18 Hadden street Sir Wm. B. Bart., Hilton house Joss, Mrs James, grocer, Gordon's mills

KEAY, Rev. William Murray, M.A., parish minister, Ji. the Manse Keith, John, farmer, Persley WOODSIDE DIRECTORY, 337

Kerr, Miss, 152 Hadden street Key, John Morris, feuar, 133 Barron street

LAING, James, flesher, 45 Hadden street, h. 12 Don street Lamont, Wm., wright, 33 Wellington street Wm., plasterer, 33 Wellington street Lancefield, Alfred, land surveyor, h. 12 Don terrace Lawrence, George, gas inspector, Middlefield James, mason, 1 Wellington street Leddle, Capt. George, Canal cottage Leslie, George, tailor, and beadle. Established Church, 68 Hadden street Lyall, Charles, carter, 12 Bairnshall lane

M'ALLAN, William, vintner, Tanfield Inn M'Dermont, Alex., stonecutter, 243 Barron street M'Donald, Mrs James, grocer and spirit dealer, 76 Barron street Robt., postmaster, h. 65 Hadden street •

M'Intosh, Charles, pipe top maker. Primrose cottage <, John, engineer, Middlefield house M'Kechnie, Mrs Neil, 54 Canal terrace M'Kenzie, James T., manager, Gordon's mills (A. Hadden & Sons) John, gardener, 13 Grandholm street

, Thomas, boot and shoemaker, 110 Hadden street Mrs, midwife, 70 Hadden street M'Lennan, John, toll-keeper, Kittybrewster M'Pherson, George, merchant, 63 Hadden street Mair, George, vintner, 301 Barron street Martin, James (late of Ceylon) Cumming's Park Maitland, Alex., carter, Barron street George, merchant, 93 Barron street Miss, dressmaker, 93 Barron street Mathieson, Mrs, feuar, 3 Wellington street Mee, Eev. George S., Hillhead of Cotton lodge Melvin, John, mason, 11 Hadden street Miss, dressmaker, 11 Hadden street Mess, Jonathan, Flour mills, Gordon's mills, h. Don cottage Milne, Mrs John merchant. Hayton Moir, Rev. Alexander Forbes, F. C. Manse Alex., foreman, Kemnay Quarry, h. 125 Barron street Morison, Alex., blacksmith, 86 Barron street Thomas, stoneware merchant, 52 Hadden street Murison, James, chemist and dentist, 67 Hadden street Munro, Alex., stonecutter, 245 Barron street George, shoemaker and feuar, 107 Barron street Murray, John, merchant, 129 Hadden street Mrs, clothier, 145 Hadden street 338 WOODSIDE DIRECTORY.

NARES, Captain William Henry, R.N., Danestown house Niven, Mrs, merchant, 2 Hadden street Nicol, John, 14 Wellington street Wm., Wright, 46 Barron street Mrs, merchant, 13 Hadden street Nicolson, Malcolm, quarrier, 100 Barron street

OGQ-, George, carter, 150 Hadden street

PATERSON, John, engine driver, 19 Wellington street Paul, James, merchant, 31 Hadden street Petrie, George, shoemaker, 74 Hadden street Pirie, Alex, and Sons, paper manufacturers, Woodside works Philip, James, 16 Hadden street Ploughman, Ann, merchant, 49 Hadden street Poole, Richard, M.D., F.R.C.P.E., proprietor, private lunatic asylum for ladies mentally afQicted, Middlefield house Porter,'*William, farmer, Persley

REID, John, mason, 21 Hadden street John, broker, 107 Hadden street Rennie, Alex., feuar, Mary place, h. 7 Barron street Miss, grocer, 3 Barron street Riach, Alex,, wright, 47 Hadden street Riddel, James, Kittybrewster tavern James, civil engineer, h. 1 Tanfield walk Ritchie, Alex., 97 Barron street Allan, merchant, 47 Barron street John, 17 Wellington street Robertson, Daniel, draper, h. 4 Canal street John, cleik, 2 Wellington street Robert, 3 Wellington street Mrs Wm., grocer, 52 Barron street Rose, Wm., grocer, 4 Barron street Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 4 Barron street Ross, Charles, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, iron- monger, &c., 134 Hadden street Donald, boot and shoemaker, 127 Barron street John, wright, 91 Barron street ...... John, station agent, Kittybrewster Ruddiman, Alex., 73 Barron street Russel, Wm., bookseller, Millbank cottage

SANG, Robert, grieve, Kittybrewster Scott, David, slater, 14 School lane John, mason, 28 Wellington street John, shoemaker, A. 38 School lane Wm., farmer, Don terrace WOODSIDE DIRECTORY. 339

Scott, Mrs, feuar, 19 Gaelic lane Shand, John, manager, h. Woodside works Sherriffs, John, 10 Canal street Skinner, Donald, merchant, 115 Barron street James, flesher, 48, h. 43 Hadden street Mrs, flesher, 1 Hadden street Smith, Charles, mason, 36 Hadden street John, gardener, Bairnshall J., Hayton cottage Stephen, Charles, manufacturer, 85 Hadden street Stewart, John, stonedresser, 6 Queen street Stuart, George, Cotton Chapel manse Stiven, Mrs, 98 Hadden street Strachan, Eev. James, Cotton Chapel manse Strath, Mrs, feuar, 27 Hadden street

TAYLOR, James, feuar, 1 Well street, Barron street John, merchant, 231 Barron street Wm., gardener, 15 Wellington street Miss, grocer, 145, h. 147 Barron street Miss Jane, stoneware merchant, 42 Barron street Tough, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 6 Hadden street Troup, Alex., 16 Wellington street Mrs, Newseat, Wellington street

URQUHART, Kenneth, baker, 44 Hadden street, Ji. 8 Sum- mer street Lewis, millwright, 84 Barron street

WALKER, George, tailor, 57 Barron street

... . George, blacksmith, 21 Wellington street Wallis, Rev. James, M. A., &c., assistant to Dr Poole, Upper- middlefield house

Wallace, Miss, teacher, Shand's walk, Ti. 131 Hadden street Miss, milliner and dressmaker, h. 131 Hadden street Warrack, Miss, merchant, 127 Barron street Warrander, Thomas, farmer, Persley Watson, David, engine driver, Kitty brews ter, 20 Gaelic Ian© Wight, John, 46 Hadden street

Wilson, Alex , fenar, Hayton H. M., station master, A 29 Gaelic lane ...... Robert, farmer, Hayfield Peter, sen., 9 Dunedin cottages

YOUNG, James, carter, 14 Wellington street Youngson, Peter, jun., manager, Gordon's mills Yule, David, farmer, Middlefield



(Incorporated iy Special Act of Parliament.) CAPITAL.—ONE MILLION STEELING. ESTABLISHED 1846,

Governor—The Eight Hon. the Eakii of Elgin and Kincaedinb, Governor- General of India. HOME ASSUEANCE. EEDUCED rates for persons who have no intention of proceeding Abroad. No RESTRICTIONS whatever as to residence or Voyages. COLONIAL AND FOEEIGN ASSUEANCE. LOCAL BOARDS and AGENCIES in aU the British Colonies. PROPOSALS may be made. Premiums received, and Claims settled, at the <3olonial and Foreign Agencies. MODERATE RATES applicable to different climates LOANS ill connection with Assurance to Military Officers. PROFITS divided every Five Years. Divisions took place in 1864 and 1859, when large additions were made to Policies. This is the Bonus Year, and persons assuring on the participating system will he entitled to share in the Division of Frofits, as at 25th Mag, 1864. WILL. THOs. THOMSON, Actuary. D. CLUNIE GREGOR, Secretary.

Edinbukgk (Head Office) 5, GEORGE STREET. T ("81, LOMBARD STREET, E.G. ; and "f,^p,„„ " I Paris & Co., St. JAMES ST., S.W, Dublin 62, UPPER SACKVILLE STREET. GLASGOW 58, ST. VINCENT STREET. AGENTS. Aberdeen JOHH T. HllNSili:, 4:8 Mazischal Stxeet. Peterhead Wm. Gamack. Solicitor, and J. P.^, Jamaica Street. 30 342 ADVERTISEMENTS.



2 Will. 4, C. 81 (1832;, 8 and 9 Vict., C. 75 (1845), 22 and 23 Vict., C. 27 (1859).


JAMES BREBNER, Esq., Advocata JAMES HORN, Esq., Aberdeen Commercial Company. Peofessoe THOMSON, University of Aberdeen. DAVID WYLLIE, Esq., Cashier, Aberdeen Bank. DUNCAN FORBES, Esq., 253 Union Street West.


SMITH & COCHRAN, Advocates, 1 Huntly Street, Aberdeen.


ACCUMULATED FUND £2,037,261 2 8

ANNUAL REVENUE £322.896 18 8


THE POLICIES of the STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY are relieved from all Restrictions as to Residence Abroad (except in Special cases), and they are otherwise so framed as to afford the most complete security in con- nection vrith Family Provisions, Marriage Settlements, Loan Transactions, and the various other purposes in connection with which the protection of Life As- Burance is sought. ADVERTISEMENTS. 343 THE SIXTH DIVISION OP PROFITS

Was made on 9th May, 1861, when it was reported that the Bonus Additions were at the rate of 150 per cent, on Policies effected in 1825 j 100 per cent, on

Policies effected in 1831 ; and 50 per cent, on Policies effected in 1840. Next division of Profits in 1865.


And ANNUAL KEPORT and PROSPECTUS for 1863, shewing these important advantages, may be had at the Office, or Agencies of the Coiupany, WILL. THOs. THOMSON, Manager.

Edinbuegh 3 GEORGE STREET (Head Office). London 82 KING WILLIAM STREET. Dublin.. 66 UPPER SACK VILLE STREET. Glasgow 35 St. VINCENT PLACE,

AGENTS: Aberdeen.. ..SMITH and ©©CHH-^H, Advocates, Abeirdeen. Ballater George Hayness, Union Bank. Banff. Andrew M'Ewan, Commercial Bank Beauly Alex. M'Kenzie, jun. Bervie John H. Stewart, Parochial Schoolmaster Cromar (Tarland) F. B. Stewart, Merchant, Newkirk Cullen William Strachan, Shipowner Elgin James Petrie, Aberdeen Bank Findhorn William Anderson, Shipowner Fochabers Alexander Marquis Forres Robert Urquhart, Writer Fraserburgh William Ramsay, Stamp Office Golspie Donald Gray, British Linen Company Grantown Cummingand M'Dougall, Merchants Huntly Thomas Ogilvie, Merchant Invergordon John Joss, merchant Keith Charles Green, Aberdeen Bank Kirkwall Alexander Bain, Writer Laurencehirk Alexander Bell, Manager of Gas Works Lerwick William Sievewright, Writer Macduff. Alex. Dallas, Shipowner Nairn Wm. Leslie, Druggist Oldmeldrum... George Jackson, General Merchant Peterhead A. & W. Boyd, Solicitors Portsoy James Moir, North of Scotland Bank Stonehaven Stromness Wm. Hay, Writer Tain.. Hugh Ross Macdonald, Accountant, British Linen Company Turriff John Rose, Factor Wiek Peter Reid, Bookseller —



SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, paid vf in full, JB644,000. With power to increase to £3,000,000-

COURT OF DIRECTORS. Thomas A. Mitchell, Esq., M.P, (Firm of Sampson, Mitchell, & Co.), Chairman. John Allan, Esq., late of Calcutta Peter Bell, Esq., Firm of Scott, Bell, & Co., London James Eraser, Esq., late of Singapore Captain C. W. Gordon, M.P., Fyvie Castle, Aberdeenshire John Jones, Esq., Fi- m of Hyde & Jones, London Thomas Lancaster, Esq., late of Bombay W. S Lindsay, Esq., M.P. (Firm of W. S. Lindsay & Co., Shipowners) "William Macnaughton, Esq., late of Mincing Lane Alexander Miller, Esq. of Ashfoid House, Middlesex Joseph R. Morrison, Esq., late of James Morrison & Co., London BRANCHES AND AGENCIES. Bombay, Calcutta, Singapore, Hong-Kong, and Shanghai BANKERS. The Bank of England ^^^"'^Lrnidon S I The City Hank ^The Bank of .-'cotland » Scotland...... KThe Royal Ba"k of Scotland (The Commercial Bank of Scotland SOLICITORS. Messrs Oliverson, Lavie, & Peachey, London Colin C. Grant, W.&., Ia, North St David Street, Edinburgh

pHE CORPORATION Buy and Sell Bills, of Exchange on Bombay, Calcutta, Singapore, Hong-Kong, and Shanghai; issue Letters of

Credit ; undertake the Purchase and Sale of Government and other Securities, and Banking Busines-; generally, including Receipt of Fay, Pensions, and Dividends on Stocks of all kinds. The Corporation iilso receive Deposits at interest for longer or shorter periods, the rate allowed at present being On Deposits for Twelve months. Five per Cent, per Annum,

„ „ Six ,, Four „ ,, In connection with this Branch of their business, the Corporation have lately established Agencies in Scotland, at £!dinbuirgh, Dundee, and Abeirdeen, where the Agents will negotiate and arrange the terms of the Deposits, to be secured by Deposit Receipts granted by the Corporation.

AGENT IN ABERDEEN WIIi^IAM GORBOX^, Shaxebxokeir, 5 King Street. ;


Chairman of the Co-mpany—^Edmund Buckley, Esq. Dejputy-Chairman—James Heald, Esq. Chairman in London—Sik Jamfs Duke, Bart. M.P., Aid. Bepuiy-Chairman—Thomas Q. Finnis, Esq., AM. THE Rates charged are founded on thirty years' experience —this Company acting independently of the Combination Tariffs. The usual Discounts on Cbtton, Flax, and Woollen Mills are allowed. Insurances must be paid within Fifteen Days after the Quarter-day on which, they fall due, or the Policy will become void. JAMES B. NORTHCOTE, Secretary, AGENTS AT ABERDEEN: Mk. DAVID MITCHELL, Advocate, 12 Adelphi court ; and Mb. ALEXANDER DIACK, 4 Belmont street. SCOTTISH jr;^-^^^St ^^^-^^ BURIAL .^^d^i^ ^^ ^^^ LOAN W^^S" SOCIETY.

Established March, 1852. Enrolled for Scotland, agreeably to the Acts of Parliament 18 and 19 and 21 and 22 Vict., cap. 63 and 101, being the only legal Society in Scotland ttpon the same principle. M.'EK'B ©FFSCU—14:1, Geosrge Street, Glasgow. With BRANCH OFFICES in all the PRINCIPAL TOWNS in SCOTLAND,

SOME of the advantages that this Society possesses above almost all others are—That Assurances can be effected from £1 10s to £100

That it admits Members at any age, if in good health ; That all Weekly Payments are regularly uplifted and definitely stated at entry, and do not increase upon the Members; That no extra levy can be made, and no fines can be inflicted, Members having paid in their whole Funeral Money and expenses pay no more. All Funeral Money is increased Five per cent, for every Five Years of Member-

ship : and all Claims promptly settled within Twelve Hours after application. All information regarding the Society may be obtained on application to A. H. WATSON, Agent for the above Society, Chapel Coiort, 1, Justice Street. 346 ADVEETISEMENTS.



Incorporated by Royal Charter and Special Acts of Parliament.


Frederick Pitman. Esq., W.S. John White Cater, Esq., Merchant John Brown Innes, Esq., W.S. Charles Morrison, Esq., Merchant Henry D. Fergusson, Esq., W.S. A. de Arroyave, Esq., iMerchant J. Maitland, Esq., Account. -General Edward Cohen, Esq., Merchant to the Court of Session. James du Buisson, Esq., Merchant R. B. Maconochie, Esq., W.S. P. du pre Grenfell, Esq., Merchant Sir James Gardiner Baird, Bart. A. Klockmann, Esq., Merchant J. F, W. Drummond, Esq., Merchant John Mollett, Esq., Merchant James Campbell Tait, Esq , W.S. Junius S. Morgan, E^q., Merchant G. Auldjo Jamieson, Esq., C.A. John H. W, Schroder, Esq., Mercht. Vice-Admiral Henry Dundas Geo. Garden Nicol, Esq., Merchant Laurence Davidson, Esq., W.S. George Young, Esq., Merchant D. B. Wauchope, Esq., Merchant, Manager of Fire Department, Leith George H. Why ting Secretary—John Ogilvie Manager of Life Department. W. Fred. Birkmyre Actuary—David Chisholm Sujperintendent of Foreign Department' jludiior—George Murray, C.A. G. H. Burnett

Ins'pector of Agenoies—Alfred Good Secretary—F. W. Lance

Medical OJicer-JOHN G. M, BURT, M.D.

General Manager—DAVID SMITH.


GLASGOW 102 St Vincent Street NEWCASTLE 14 Side LIVERPOOL High Street, Exchange BIRMINGHAM 52 Union Pas,sage MANCHESTER .,Haktford Chambers, St Ann Square DUBLIN 67 Upper Sackvillk Street, and 47 Dame St. BELFAST 23 Waring Street

CANADA BRANCH.—Ceufral Offices—2, 4, and 5 Merchants' ExcHANaB, St Sacrament Strket, Montreal, :

ADVERTISEMENTS. 347 LIFE ASSURAN^GE. THE system of the NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN- TILE INSURANCE COMPANY combines the benpfit of Mutual Assur- ance with the safety of a large Protecting Capital, and affords all the facilities and advantages -which can prudently be offered by any Life Assurance Office. The Company have recently adopted a few new Tables to meet the object and views of intending Assurers, which are fully detailed in the Company's Prospectus, and the Premiums will be found to be moderately rated at all ages. From the REPORT by the DIKECTORS, read at the FIFTY-THIRD ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, held 2d March, the following particulars aa to the present position of the Company are extracted: — FUNDS AND REVENUE.

At 31st December, 1862, the Accumulated Funds amounted to... £2,122,828 8 And the Annual Revenue to 422,401 2 2

LIFE DEPARTMENT. INCREASE OF THE BUSINESS. In 1858 there were issued 455 Policies, assuring £377,425 1859 „ „ 605 „ „ 449,913 1860 „ „ 741 „ 475,619 1861 „ „ 785 ,. 527,626 1862 „ „ 1037 „ „ 768,334 Note.—This improvement in the Business will, it is expected, beneficially affect the Bonus to be declared at the next Division of Profits in 1865. NEW CONDITIONS. The Conditions of the Company's Policies have recently been revised, and the Assured are now freed from many of the usual Restrictions. Prospectuses, containing full information as to Rates and certain New Tables, may be obtained, along with forms of Proposal, &c., from the Head Office, or any of the Agents in the United Kingdom.


The Company INSURES against FIRE—Silk, Cotton. Woollen, and Flax Mills, Buildings of all Descriptions, Furniture, Stock in Trade, Merchandise, Agricultural Stock, Implements of Husbandry, and Effects of every kind, at Home or Abroad, at the lowest rates of Premium corresponding to the risk.

DAVID SMITH, General Manager, JOHN OGILVIE, Secretary. 64, Princes Street, Edinburgh, May, 1863,


Messrs NEWELL BURNETT, Advocate, Record Office. King street. „ MURRAY & M'COMBIE, Advocates, 103 Union street. „ PAUL & RUTHERFORD, Advocates, 20 King street. „ ALEXANDER BRAND, Accountant, 103 Union street. „ JOHN DUNCAN, 7 Back wynd. „ W. REID, Shipbroker, 36 Marischal street. .

348 ADVERTISEMENTS. GUARANTEE SOCIETY, "No. 19, BirclierL Lane, Cornliill, London,

(Being the Souse lately occupied hy tTie Corporation of the London Assurajnce) ESTABLISHED IN 1840.

Suretyship undertaken for the fidelity of persons in situations of Trust, on the




BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Chairman—Geoege Scovell, Esq. Deputy-CJiairma'n.—Feancis Ltsons Price, Esq. Major Wtnell Adams, Esq Jonathan S. Pidgeok, Esq. John Bensoj?, Esq. C. Saundeeson, Esq. Heebeet H. fUNNAN, Esq Auditors— J OB.N Rannie and Robeet Tucker, Esq. Banhers—Sir Charles Price, Bart., Maretat and Price. Standing Counsel—John Greenwood, Q.C. (Recorder of Portsmouth), K. Ryder Dean, Esq. Secretary—James Muzio, Esq.

Solicitors—Messrs W. & S. Cotton, 7 Lothbury. London ; Messrs Hoene & Rose, Edinburgh; Thomas Ceoziee, Esq., Dublin.

Prospectuses and all necessary information may he ohtained of the Secretary, 19 Birchen Lane, Cornhill, London ; or any of the Society's agents.

THIS SOCIETY was the First Public Company established in Great Britain to obviate the inconvenience and defects of Suretyship by private Bondsmen, and its security is accepted by the Banks of England and Ire- land, and most of the Public Companies, Bankers, Commercial and Trading Firms in the United Kingdom. Persons of the highest character and qualifications frequently decline valuable appointments, either from an unwillingness to place themselves and their friends under so serious an obligation, or the great difficulty of obtaining satisfactory

sureties ; but the institution of this Society removes these difficulties. The Guarantee Society undertakes, for a small yearly payment, to make good to the employer any loss hy the fraud or dishonesty oi the person employed, ac- cording to the amount specified in the bond, and therefore obviates the necessity for Private Sureties, as well as the evils arising therefrom, which often prove as prejudicial to the real interests of the employer as to the person finding the guar- antee of private friends, ADVERTISEMENTS. 349

Employers, by the existence of this Society, are assured of the continued sol- vency of the surety of the person employed, and the security thus becomes a permanent one. Friends and relatives are relieved of the fear of those pecuniary losses to which persons are exposed who become responsible for the acts of others.

Bates from 10s per centum per annum, and upwards, according to fhe nature of the employment, or the amount of the Security required. No charge is made for Stamp Duty, except in special cases; the usual legal expenses of Surety Bonds will therefore be avoided by persons who enter on their respective duties under the Guarantee of this Society. A reduction is tnade in the Premium on the Sixth Annual Payment.

A B E E D E E IT Messrs STROl^ACSH & DU^OIB, Advocates, 71 King Stsreet, iigents. EJTGLISH AND SCOTTISH


EDINBURae : 120 Princks Street. Street. LONDON : 12 Watrkloo Place ; 6 King William Street, GLASGOW : 44 and 46 George Square ; 20 Buchanan

f^pHE BUSINESS carried on by this Association embraces A every description of risk contingent upon Human Life, and combines all the advantages of the Mutual and Propeietaky Systems of Assurance. The PoUcies of the Association are secured by a protecting Capital of ONE MiLLroN Sterling, subscribed by a large and influential body of Proprietors. The Participation Pc>licies receive valuable periodical additions from the profits of the extensive business carried on, both in Scotland and England, and thus present a most advantageous mode of Investment for Family Provision, with entire exemption from responsibility. At last investigati'in, a Bonus of Two per Cent, per Annum was added to the sums assured. Thus, a Policy opened in

1840 for £2,000 was increased, at Christmas, 1846, to £2,280. . Loans granted, on approved personal security, in connection with Life As- surance. Annuities and Endowments on favourable terms. A New Pamphlet, with full Tables of Rates, and Illustrations of the different Schemes of Assurance embraced in tlie business of the Association, may be ob- tained at the Head Office in Edinburgh, or from the Agents throughout Scotland. By order of the Edinburgli Directors, HOPE OLIPHANT. & MACKAY, Secretaries. WILLIAM SMITH, Manager.

AGENTS IN ABERDEEN Messrs Davidsons & Cooper, Advocates Arbroath Williiim Johnston, Banker Edward Mortimer, Solicitor Tj ff f i^^^"^ \W. R. Gordon, Procurator-Fiscal Brechin James Speid, Writer Keith Robert Falconer, Solicitor Elgin Grigor & Young, Writers r Alexander Stewart, jun., Writer Uuntly (^ John Christie, Accountant Inverness -John Mackay, Procurator-Fiscal Strathaven Charles G. Munro, Writer 350 ADVEETISEMENTS. THE EUROPEAN



The existing Revenuefrom Premiums exceeds One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pounds per Annum.


Alexander Allan, Esq. of Hillside Alexander Strathern, Esq , Sheriff-Sub- James Fonnan, Esq., Advocate, Edin- stitute of Lanarkshire burgh John Stewart, Esq. of Craigiebnckler, Robert H unter, Esq., Manager of the Aberdeen Agra and United Service Bank, William Gordon, Esq., Treasurer of the Edinburgh City of Aberdeen Professor Laycock, M.D., F.R.C.P., Thomas Couper, Esq., Manager of the Dundee Shipping Company, Dun- Thomas Sprot, Esq., W.S., Edinburgh dee Donald Cuthberston, Esq., Accountant, James Yeaman, Esq., Craigie Cliff, Glasgow Dundee Bobert Hunter, Esq., M.D., Glasgow. Solicitors—Messrs Crawford and Crawford, S.S.C. Manager—James Rhind Carphin, Esq., C.A.

THIS SOCIETY is specially authorised by its Act of Parliament to Guarantee Officials in every Department under Government, and having acquired the business of the British Guarantee Association, is now the only v^ociety whose Guarantee Policies aie accepted by Government. The Officials of the Treasury, Customs, Inland Revenue, General Post-Office, Poor-Law Board, the Board of Trade, War-Office, Admiralty, Commissioners of Her Majesty's Works, &c., Home, Colonial, India, and other Government De- partments, the principal Banks, Railways. Public Companies, Municipal Corpo- rations, &c., in threat Britain, India, and the Colonies, are largely Guaranteed by Policies of this Society. Every description of Life Assurance is transacted by the Society at moderate rates, with or without participation in profits. The combination of Guarantee with Life Assurance, which is a feature intro- duced by this Society, affords important advantages to the Assured, as consider- able deductions are made on the Guarantee Premiums (in some cases equal to the whole annual payment), depending upon the relative amounts of the Life and Guarantee Risks. Claims arising in Scotland are made payable at the Society's Head Office in Edinburgh. Agents are appointed in most of the principal towns in Scotland.

Secretaries and Chief Agentsfor Aberdeen and North of Scotland—

Messrs. Savidsous dS:; Cooper, Advocates. —



Incorporated hy Act of Parliament. Head Office-93, UNION STREET, ABERDEEN.

THE SPECIAL ADVANTAGES to be derived from Assur- ing in this Office are Vert Moderate Rates of Premium, Large Bonuses, Liberal Conditions. Total Sum Assured under 5355 current Life Policies, upwards of £2,225,400


Year No. of ending Life New Annual Total Revenue Accumulated 31st Policies Premiums. in each Year. Funds. January. Issued.

1853 146 £2,039 6 8 £34,121 5 8 £181,472 10 1

1858 356 3,989 18 60,706 11 10 249,556 9 2 1863 935 10,853 17 3 107,921 1 403,632 12 1 BONUSES. The Rate of Bonus is equivalent in the case of the older Policies to £\\4:S per cent, per annum on the original sum assured ; the total additions to the sums assured, now vested, are equal to Thirty- two per cent, on the sum assured ; and, at the younger ages, the additions amount to upwards of Seventy-Jive per cent, of the Premiums paid. copies op INVESTIGATION REPORT, 1862, AND ANNUAL REPORT, 1863. and Balance Sheet, along with Prospectuses and Forms of Proposal, may be ha*^ at Head Office and Agencies throughout the United Kingdom. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Risks of almost every description are undertaken at the usual rates. Claims promptly settled. Losses arising from Explosion of Gas are paid by this Company. Transfers from other Offices free of expense. CHAs. F. GRIFFITH, Manager. ALEX. STABLES, JuN Secretary. Scottish Provincial Assurance Office, Aberdeen, May, 1863. 352 ADVERTISEMENTS. NATIONAL SECURITY SAVINGS BANK OF ABERDEEN, EXCHANG-E STREET.

TRUSTEES AND MANAGERS. The Lord Provost The Member of Parliament for the The Eldest Baillie City The Dean of Guild The Member of Parliament for the The Convener of the Trades County The Minister of the West Parish The Sheriff The President of the Society of Advo- The Sheriff-Substitute at Aberdeen cates The Convener of the County The Treasurer of the Society of Advo- The President of the Mechanics' In- cates stitution The President of the Shipmasters' The Secretary of the Mechanics' In- Society stitution

The above are Managers ex officiis.

John Angus, Advocate John D. Milne, Advocate *Newell Burnett, Advocate David McHardy, Ironmonger Robert Catto, jun., Merchant James Murray, Advocate James Chalmers, Printer Charles Playfair, Gunmaker *Alex. Chivas, Banker James Rettie, Jeweller Francis James Cochran of Balfour Simpson Sheperd, Merchant John Fraser, Bootmaker John Smith, Advocate •James Garden, Advocate Neil Smith, Merchant Andrew Crane, late Shipmaster Alex. Stronach of Drumallan *Wm. Henderson, M.D. Arthur Thomson, Binker •George Henry, Merchant George Thomson, Merchant James Horn, of Pitmedden. Robert Watson, Builder *Alex. Jopp, Advocate John Watt, Sen., Advocate John Leslie, Manufacturer John Webster, Advocate Wm, Lumsden, Merchant James Westland, Banker *James^B, M'Combie, Advocate *John Whyte, Merchant

Ihose marked thtis (*) are Trusters

Treasurer—Da,\ii Wyllie, Cashier of the Union Bank.

Actuary and CasAfer—Alexander Ross, Advocate.

J.ccountawt—Thomas RiddeU,

rr HE BANK is Open every THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and JL SATURDAY, from Nine te Eleven o'clock Morning, and from Six to Eight o'clock Evening, iothfor the receipt and repayment of deposits. It receives in Deposit any sum, from One Shilling upwards, to the extent of £30, withui each year, ending at 20th November, and £150 in whole A Pass Book is given to each Depositor gratis, containing an abstract of the Rules, and the Depositor's Account with the Bank. FuU copies of the Rules may be had for Sixpence each. Interest at the rate of THREE PER CENT, is allowed on every sum of Five Shillings or upwards deposited, for the full nuTriber of days the Depositor remains in the Bank, and is added to the principal at 20th November yearly, whether the Depositor attend to the time or not. The Interest is free from In- come Tax, or any other deduction whatever^ ADVERTISEMENTS. 353

The sums deposited, or any part of them, will be repaid whenever they are wanted; previous notice being given, in terms of the rules, for sums above £10, but with which notice the Trustees and Managers dispense in cases of urgency, and on a sufficient reason, in the opinion of them or the officers being given. In terms of the Acts of Parliament, a Duplicate of the Annual Balance Sheet of the whole affairs of the Bank, made up to the 20th November yearly, is hung

up in the office for the inspection and information of all concerned j and any De- positor is entitled to a printed copy of it, price one penny. There is also printed, at the end of every four weeks, an abstract of the whole transactions of the Bank during the previous month, with a statement annexed of the whole sums due to Depositors at its date, the amount in the hands of Govern- ment, and the balance in the hands of the Treasurer and Cashier respectively. Depositors may have a copy of any of these abstracts on payment of a penny. By order of the Trustees and Managers,

AL. BOSS, Actuary a/nd Cashier. Aberdeen, 31st May, 1863.



Enrolled under the Act 6 and 7, Will. 4>, Cap. 32. Shares, £26 each. Entry Money, 6d jper Share.


THIS Company affords a very safe and profitable Invest- ment for Sums from 2s. a month upwards, repayable with Interest at 5 per cent, and a share of Surplus Profits, at the expiry of 15, 12, or 10 years, as the member may elect at his entry. A payment of 2s. monthly for 15 years amounts to £18. In return for this tTae member will receive at the end of the period £25, with a share of Surplus profits. The Surplus Profits declared as at 31st Dec, 1861, are equal to 25s. per sTiare on shares of 8 years standing. Surplus Profits declared every second year. Any number of shares may be held by a member, Loans on Security of Heritable Property granted to members, repayable as may be agreed on, in 6, 8, 10, 12, or 15 years, in monthly or quarterly Instal- ments. The amount of Loans granted since 1854 exceeds £13,000. Members may withdraw their shares at anytime on giving notice to that effect. Interest and Surplus Profit allowed on such shares, in terms of the Rules, Copies of the Report and Statement of the Company's affairs for 1862, lately printed, and any further information, may be had on applying to GEO. MAEMARQUIS, Accountant, Manager.

147, Union Street, Aberdeen, June, 1863 31 354 ADVERTISEMENTS. "THE QUEEN"



GLASGOW: 4, National Bank Buidings ; EDINBURGH: 8, Bank Street j iiBERD£EN: 83, Union Street. Chairman of the Company—Bebnard Hall, Esq., Merchant, Liverpool. Deputy- Chairmen of the Company—Joseph Kitchen, Esq., iMerchant, Liverpool; Thomas F. Bennett, Esq.. Merchant, Liverpool. Ohahman of the London Board— Henht Bruce, Esq., Merchant. Chairman of the Glasgow Board—Alexander Hastie, Ksq., Mei chant. Chairman of the Ediyihurgh Board -Peter .\I'Lag\n, Esq. of Pumpherston. Chairman of the Aberdeen Board—John 8tewakt, E-q. of Craigiebuckler. Maimger and Actuary of the Company—J. .VIoncrikff Wilson, Ksq., Live. pool. Suh-Manager of the Company—Johx E. Letland, Esq., Liveipool.


Robert Abemethy, Esq., Engineer, Henry H 11 Lancaster, Esq., Advocate,

Aberdeen. I dinbu gh. Wm. Allan, Esq., Merchant, Glisgow. Peter M'Lag n. Esq., of Pumpherston Robert Bryson, Jnn., Esq., Cotton James Marshall, Esq. (Messrs. Red-

Broker, Glasgow. path, Brown,

Thomas Gordon, Jun , Esq., Merchant, Adam Paterson, Esq., Writer, Glasgow Aberdeen, Joseph Rowell, Esq., Iron Merchant, Alex. Hastie, Esq , Merchant, Glasgow Aberdeen. I. Anderson Henry, Esq. of Woodend, John Stewart, Esq. of Craigiebuckler, PerthshiD-e, & Hay Lodge. Trinity, Abe deen. near Edinburgh. James -yme,^Esq., Banker, Glasgow, * All duly qualified Shareholders of the Company. BANKERS. The Clydesdale Banking Company, Glasgow. The City of Glasgow Bank, Edinhurgh. The Aberdeen Town and County Bank, Aberdeen. MEDI AL OFFICERS. George H. B. Macleod, Esq.,M.D., Glasgow.

David ' hristison. Esq , M.D., Edinburgh. Alexander Ki gour, Esq., M.T>., Abe deen. I George Carr, Esq., M.U., Aberdeen. RESIDENT MANAGERS FOR SCOTLAND. Messrs Mitchell & Watson Accountants and Stockbrokers, Glasgow. Resident Secretary in Glasgow—Michael Thomson, Esq. Resident Secretary in Edinburgh—W. W. Millar, Esq., S.S.C. Resident beczetary in Aberdeen-!•. SrJtPjdtjeur, Esq., Advocate.

Some and Foreign Fire and Life Insurance a/nd Annuities, at Moderate Rates. Fire Policies Transferred f om other Companies free of charge. Losses Settled with promptitude and libernlity. Loans Advanced on approved secu'ity. in conjunction with Life Policies. *** This is the Life Bonus Year of the Company. Three-fourths of the Profits belong to the Particip'ting Policy holders, and one fourth to the Proprietors. All Participating Policies effected before 31st August wiU gain One full Year's Bonus at the Division of Profits. With Agencies in the Principal Towns in Scotland, and throughout the world. ADVERTISEMENTS. 355 STANDAED

atrk of §ritis!j30itt]^ l^frxca, (LIMITED). CAPITAL—ONE MILLION STEELING.

DIRECTORS, James Black, Esq. John Paterson, Esq. AlexRnd-T CroU, Esq. Thomas Stenhouse, Esq, William Duthie, Esq. John Torrance, Esq. S. Bolton Ed^nborough, Esq. Edward Weston, Esq. Alfred Jarvis, Esq. Robert White, Esq.

THE BANK beint^ now in full operation, the Directors are prepared to transact every description of Banking business connected with the Colony. Interest will be allowed on fixed Deposits for not less than one year, at the rate of Five Pound per Cent, per Annum, payable half-y arly at the Head Office The terras for Special Depo its may be known on application at the Head Office 90, Cannon Strket, London, E.G.; or at the Agent, JOHsf T, BENi^I^, 48, Maxischal Stsreet, Aberdeen.


\[miit ^ ^XmiU^ WiGi^% BY STEAM POWER.




©yifSLfiNl© STOKES

^Rb all Kittbs of ^ttral aub ot^er ^onumetttal ^xtdiam.


Near ths Scottish Norfh-Easte^ti Railway Station.

HORSE SHOEING AND i^ ;fiiiiii¥mw rW d^

No. 4 Langstane Place; 8 Schoolliill ; and 3 Flourmill Lane-

BEGS most respectfully to thank the Public for the kind and liberal patronage bestowed on him since purchasing the above Premises. J. M. trusts that, by his unremitting endeavours to discover and counteract the many diseases so incidental to Horses. Cattle, Sheep, and Dogs, he may still be able to merit the patronage already so liberally bestowed on him.



26 GEORGE STREET, ABERDEEN. JOHN MCGREGOR BEGS to return his most sincere thanks to his Friends in Town and Country for the liberal encouragement with which he has been favoured dudni? the many years he has been in business, and desires now to inti- mate that, on account of his increasing business, he has very considerably altered and enla'-ged his present Premises, and will thus possess f^reater facilities than for- merly tor carryinif on the business in its various departments. J. M'G. therefore indulges the hope that, by a careful personal superintendence of his business, promptitude in the execution of orders, and strict attention to the wishes of his patrons, he will receive a continuance of their kind support. GENERAL DYE WOEKS, 42, VFFERKIRKGATi:.

DYER, RESPECTFULLY returns thanks to the Nohility, Gentry, and Public in general of Aberdeen and Country, and the surrounding Counties for the liberal patronai^e conferred upon him during the twenty-seven Years he has been in business in Aberdeen R. F. trusts, from his long practical experience and friendly correspondence with some of the first .Masters of the Art in the South and West of Scotland, to be able to give his Employers every satisfaction.

The Dye-house Arrangements at pi esent are as follows : Merinoes, Coburgs. &c., dyed and dressed, commencing on Tuesday every week. Silks, Velvets, Poplins, &c., dyed and dressed on the most approved principles, commencing on Wednesday and Friday, every week Silks watered on Thursday and Saturday.

Carpets < rumb Cloths, and Hearth Hugs cleaned. All sorts of Linen Drapery hot calendered. Moreen and Damask Furniture cleaned, ri^-dyed. and dressed. Printed Furniture cleaned, starched, and glazed. Straw Bonnets dyed black, Tuesday and Friday. Kid Gloves dyed black.

GENTLEMEN'S APPAREL RENOVATED IN A SUPERIOR STYLE. Orders from the Country attended to with Punctuality and Dispatch.

*#* Not aeeomitahlefor amy article left over Twelve Months. 358 ADVERTISEMENTS. 218 irilOJr STEEET. 318



WELL-SELECTED Stock of PIANO-FORTES from the most eminent London Makers also those of his own manufacture, as ap- A ; proved of and purchased by Her Majesty. HARPS, GUITARS, VIOLINS, FLUTE 3 and BRASS INSTRUMENTS, in great variety, and every article in the Music Trade,

New Music every Week.

Groldsmitli, Jeweller, Lapidary, and Optician, 4, St Nicholas Street, Aberdeen.

HAS always on hand a Select Assortment of SPEC- TACLES and EYE-GLASSES, of the most fashionable patterns, in Gold Silver, Steel, and Tortoiseshell, fitted with the finest Glass Lenses, and the Oriental Brazilian Crystals or Peebles, the qualities of which are so highly re- commended by the most eminent Oculists and Opticians. *** Spectacles suited to the various sights with the utmost care. FARMERS' AND GARDENERS' SEED GLASSES. FOOKET MAGNIFIERS, MICROSCOPES, BINOCTILAR OFERA, AND FIEIB GLASSES, AND FEER STALKING TELESCOFES. TEIiESCOPJEIS specially made for Ilifie practice. Pocket Compasses, Thermometers, Cottage Pediment Barometers, a good useful article and low in price, and Wheel Barometers. "Best London-made I>rawing and Mathematical Instruments. ADVERTISEMENTS. 359




THE ABERDEEN MUSIC HALL COMPANY LIMITED, Proprietors of these Buildings, are prepared to accommodate Persons requiring Rooms for Concerts, Lectures, Meetings, &c.

THE BUILDINGS COMPEISE : 1,—The Large New Music Hall, 150 feet long by 68 feet -wide, and 50 feet high. 2.—A handsome Ballroom, suitable for Concerts and other similar pur- poses. This Room is 70 feet long by 35 feet wide, and 35 feet high, and fitted up with handsome Gasaliers. 3.—The Square Room, 34 X 34, suitable for smaller Concerts, Picture Exhibitions, &c. &c. 4.—A fine Octagon Room, of the same size as last. 5.— Two smaller Rooms, fronting Union Street, each 28 X 20. 6.- A large Upper Room, foi-merly used as a Billiard Room. The Rooms will be shown to applicants by John Aethuk, the attendant at the Rooms. Terms of Letting will be learned on application to the Secretaries, at the Company's Otfices, National Bank Court, 42 Castle street. EEAL VALUE IN BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ABERDEEN MAKE, FITTED ON, OR TO MEASURE, AT BLAIR'S BON-ACCORD BOOT & SHOE MART,



MESSRS. PICKFOED & CO. BEG to inform the Public that they have now REMOVED to the centrical and extensive Premises, No. 8 SCHOOLHILL, recently occupied by Messrs Robertson

Price List of British Birds' Eggs, Id; by Post, 2d. GINGER BEER. u o •l-l o o o

CQ p o GQ ws ?p m O o <1 pi \^ < o& MANUFACTURED BY WALLACE BROTHERS, 55, George Street, Aberdeen.

ALWAYS on hand, in the hierhest state of perfection,

BASS & CO., ALLSOPS, and EDINBURGH ALES, in Pints or Quarts ; LONDON PORTER, in Pints or Quarts; PREaTONPANS BELR, in Quarts only. ;



THE SUBSCRIBER begs respectfully to intimate that, having relinquished the Furniture Business, he will in future devote hia whole attention to that of AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR, and hopes, by strict attention to business and prompt settlements, to merit a continuation of the patronage he has hiiherto enjoyed. JOHN CHRISTIE, 19 ADELPHL



FARllS : 1st Oabin, 10s. ; 2nd Cabin, 5s. Retuirn Tickets available for a Month—1st Cabin, 15s. 2nd Cabin, 7s. 6d.

The accommodation for Passengers and Goods is superior, while the stowage room for Live Stock is of the most ample description.

Goods and Live Stock carried on Bech at the Shipper's rish.

All Goods intended for shipment must be alongside the Vessel one hour pre- vious to the advertised time of sailing ; otherwise their shipment wiU not be guaranteed. For Rates of Freight, apply to JAMISS ikBAM & CO., Managers,

57 Marischal Street, Aberdeen ; or to the Agent at Newcastle, EOBEET STOREY, Fenwick's Entry, Quayside. 362 ADVERTISEMENTS.


N.R.—The Boute to and from Aberdeen, via Hull, is the cheapest for Pas- sengers and Goods goin.: to, or coming from the manufacturing Districts of England and the Continent. There are frequent Trains leaving and arriving in Hull daily; and fine Steamers s il several times' a week between it and Hamburg, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Copenhagen, Dunkirk, St. Petersburgh, Gothenburgh, Yarmouth, London, &c., Fares and Carriage of Goods by.which are very moderate. *** Wiitten Notice of any damage, short or wrong delivery of Goods, must be given to the Company within twenty-four hours after the delivery of the Goods. All Goods addressed to the care of tiie Company's Agent in Hull, are for- warded fiee of Agency expens-s. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM DYSOV, Jun., As-ent, 23 H umber Dock Wall Hull. JOS. WOOD, 43 Marischal street, Aberdeen.


STALLS 228 to 237, NEW MARKET HALL, ^ (Near the Fountain.) AB. desires to return his sincere thanks to his Friends • for the very liberal encouragement he has received during the past years he has been in business, and begs to state that no effort on his pa it shall be want- ing to merit a continuance of their kind support. All ordeis left at his t^TALLS, Ko. 2-8 to -.37 (near the Fountain) MAHKET H.ALL, for FKUIT, "VEGE- TABLES, or FLOWERS, will be executed with the utmost dispatch. Hoxce and Foxeign Fxuits in theiir Reason. ADVERTISEMENTS. 363


'HE ABERDEEN, TYNE, and HAMBURG STEAM NAVIGATION CO.'S Powerful and fast Steam-ship,

^^ m HHI /^ m Hlk ^ »» ANDREW LINKLATER, Commander,

Leaves ABERDEEN for NEWCASTLE every WEDNESDAY, and NEW- CASTLE for ABERDEEN every FRIDAY, weather, &c., permitting.


1st CABXN, 15s.; 2d CABIN, 7s. 6d.

Through Fares may be had from


By the Tyae and Continental Steam Navigation Co.'s splendid Steam Vessels from Newcastle.

FARES—CABIN, £2 ; STEERAGE, £l. Return Tickets for On« Idonth— CABIN, £3 ; STEERAGE, 30s,


Goods and Live Stock carried on BecJc at Shipper's Bisk.

Full particulars as to Rates of Freight, &c., may be learned on application to JOSEPH WOOD, 43, Marischal Street,

Aberdeen j or to the Compan/s Agents at Newcastle, JOHN MOULD & CO., 5, Broad Chare, 364 ADVEKTISEMENTS.



^'l "uetttii; .::^J'Aey> -^^ 'to- a44-U''ie 't/iet^

a£€ /t'in.e -^^^-^^ ^u^l^ G'V-e^ty' 'tAt/ne^ NEW


26, Union Stebet, Abebbekn. /i.DVERTISEMENTa. 365

OUR stock of CLOTHS adapted for Gentle- men's Wear, is composed of the latest productions of the leading Manufacturers, and embraces every Novelty suitable for the Season.


HAVING every facility and appliance neces- sary for the production of First Class Garments, we are determined that in our efforts to secure Elegance of Style, Perfection of Fit, and Despatch in executing orders, we shall not be superseded. COOK & DAVIDSON, TAILORS, MAEKET STEEET, ABERDEEN.

IN all our Departments we are prepared to meet the demands of our increasing Busi- ness. By discarding the antiquated idea still too prevalent, of a Select Trade and high chnrges, we have successfully adopted, and shall continue to carry out the more modern and progressive doctrine of a Large Trade and Small Profits. COOK & DAVIDSON, Clothiers, Tailors, Hatters, & Glovers, Shirtmakers, Hosiers, and Men's Mercers, MAEKET STEEET, ABERDEEN. 32 366 ABYEETISEMEKTS.


Clothiers, Outfitters, Hosiers, and Glovers,

DESPECTFULLY invite the attention of Gentlemen to J-IJ their New and Cavefnlly- selected Stock of West of England and York- shire CLOTHS, DOESKINS, and CASSIMERES; Fancy COATINGS, MEL-

TONS ; Cheviot and Saxony T W EEDS—which they make up in the most tasteful and elegant manner, and at the most Moderate Charges.



Gentlemen's Summer Overcoats, in a variety of Colourings, from 2l9 upwards. Boys' and Youths' Clothing, in every Style. Knickerbocker and Kilt Suits,

SCARFS, once and twice round, in Silk and Wool, TIES, all Shapes and Styles. GLOVES, in Dogskin, Calf, and Kid, all Sizes and Colours. HANDKERCHIEFS, Silk and Cambric, hemmed, and ready for use. COLLARS, Linen and Paper, all Sizes, and Newest Styles. UNDER-CLOTHING—Lamb's Wool, Merino, Gause, aaid Cotton Shirts and Drawers.










121, UlSriON STEEET.

EG to direct the attention of Parties Furnishing to their B stock of IRONMONGERY, which is extensive, and moderate in price. DINING-ROOIvr, DRAWING-ROOM, and other REGISTER GRATES, with Univalve, Bivalve, and Common Backs. FENDERS and FIRE-IRONS. CLOSE KIRE and other RANGES. TEA TRAYS, TEA URNS. BATHS, TOILET WARE, and WASH-HAND STANDS. IRON BEDSTEADS. DISH COVERS. BRITANNIA METAL GOODS. COPPER and other COAL SCOOPS. TABLE CUTLELYof superior quality. ELECTRO-SILVER GOODS, iu Spoons and Forks. Dessert Knives and Forks in Cases of 12 and 18 Fairs.


Illustrated Catalogue of Electro and Nicleel Silver Goods gratis, and free by post,


|> 15, MAEKET STEEET, EGS most respectfully to intimate to the Inhabitants of B Aberdeen and surrounding district that he has been appointed Agent For CLARKS^ of Regent Street;, iLixay and Clerical Clothier, in Aberdeen and North of Scotland, for the Sale of MORNING COATS SHOOTING COaTS OVKRCOATS OFFICE COATS WATERPKOOF WRAPPERS, VESTS, and EVERT DXSCRZPTZON OF CLOTHING.



J^. Sc I^. 3Nw(IIL3SrE'S


THIS LIBRARY is in connection with Mudie's great London Libray, from which may be had all the Best and Newest "Works in History, Biography, Religion Philosophy, Voyages, Traveli?, Poetry, and Fiction, aud all the Standard Reviews and Magazines, with the power of Selection from a Catalogue containing many thousand Volumes in all branches of Literature. Single Subscription—21s. per Annum. Family Subscription—31s 6d and up^nrards per Annum. ADVERTISEMENTS. 369' ADELPHI HOTEL MRS. LEFEEN, retiring from Business, be^s to tender her best thanks ON received to her Friends and the Public for the liberal support she has while conducting the a DELPHI HOTEL for the last Thirty-two years. She has now resigned the Business in favour of Mr NICOL MONCUR, whom she can cordially recommend to her former Patrons.

IN EEFEEENCE TO THE ABOVE, NICOL MONCUR (Late Steward of the " Frince Consort" steamer), BEGS to assure the frequenters of the ADELPHI HOTEL, his Friends, and the Public in general, that no pains will be spared on his part to rae:it a continuance of the Patronai^e so long bestowed on his predecessor. The Hotel has been Refurnished and Decorated in a way calculated to add to the comfort of those patronising the Establishment, Adelphi Hotel, A Delphi, Aberdeen, 29th May, 1863.

messrs. CROIKEBXE BROTHERS, Dentists,

8, St. NICHOLAS STREET, SUPPLY Teeth in Gold or Vulcanite, delicately shaded to resemble the natural colour, and of the finest quality, on the most improved system. The fine finish of their Teeth, and the great care taken in fitting, cannot fail to render them agreeable as well as useful substitutes.

CKARGE8 : from 5s. a Tooth ; Set (Upper or Under) 10*.


DINING, DEAWINa, AND BEDROOM FURNITURE. Ftineirals Undeztakeu and evezy Requisite Furnished. CABINET WORKS: Top of WindmiUbrae, near Crown Street. 370 ADVERTISEMENTS.

^ 9) WILLIAM GAEET, (Late with G. W. WILSON, Photograplier to the Queen) 79| WZNDMIX.I. BRA.E, ABERDEEN.

PORTRAITS on PAPER or GLASS of superior excelleDcy, both as regards artistic merit and photographic manipulation (having studied Art for several years in the Royal Institution, Edinburgh). Views of Buildings, &o., Sintile or Stereoscopic; Paintings, Engravings,

Photographs, &c., copied ; Carte de Visite or Album Portraits, 10s. per dozen. THE ART TAUGHT, 79| TOP OF WINDMILL BRAE, (Betvreen Crown Street and Dee Street).


Poztxaits, Stereoscopic Groups, and Views of Gentle- men's Seats oz Buildings, TAKEN IN TEE FIRST STYLE OF THE ART. Public are respectfully invited to an inspection of Specimens, to be seen at The '"' the above Rooiiis. P.S.—Stereoscopic Groups of Families taken at their own houses,


PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, DRAWINGS, and PHO- TOGRAPHS, &c., FRAMED in every variety of Style in a superior manner. _. CHIMNEY, PIER, and every other description of MIRRORS FUB- NISHED. MIRROR and PICTURE ERAMES RE-GILT. ADVBETISEMENTS, 371 WOOD'S


Portraits Taken either on Glass or Paper, including the " Carte de Visite."


Photographs and Pictuzes Copied. CAL0TTFE8 COLOURED IN OIL OR WATER COLOTTR.

Obsezve—25, MARKET STREET.


ACKNOWLEDGES with his roost grateful thanks the liberal measure of Patronage so kindly extended to hira since he Opened the above Gardens, and respectfully invites Inspection of his large Collection of Greenhouse Plants and riorists' Flowers, as well as his extensive Fruit and Vegetable Gardens, which are open to the Public every lawful day, where orders given for Fruit or Flowers will receive prompt attention. Polmuir being situated within a mile of the centre of the town, on a lovely slope facing the Kiver Dee, near the Ferryhill Railway Station, and having beautiful walks all round, is in every way eminently suited for a Summer Fruit and Flower Garden. J, M'P. begs to state that all Orders left at his Stall, No. 165 to 167 (inclu- sive), Hall of New Market Buildings, on the North side, near the Fountain, for Fruit, Flowers, or Vegetables, will be executed with the greatest dispatch. FoLMUiE, l8t Juue, 1SS3. 372 ADVERTISEMENTS. LAMP & FUMTSHING DEPARTMENT



%* AGENTS for MILNER'S FIRE-RESISTING SAFES, for the preserva- tion of Valuable Papers, &c ^T" SPERM and FINEST CARCEL OIL, GLOBES, GLASSES, and COTTONS for LAMPS, Fairaffin and Belxuontine Lamps and Oils.


iknofnrte autr Mum Mar^r00ms, 195 UNION STEEET. 195


Having now Removed from 130, to larger Premises, 195, Union Street, BEG to inform the Musical Public that they have at present on hand, for Sale or Hire, a large Selection of First-Class PIANOFORTES, both new and second-hand, consi-ting of BICHORDA GRANDS, COTTAGEs' and SQUARES, by Broadwood and other London makers, in addition to Instru- ments of their own manufacture, which they can with confidence recommend in every respect. They can be had in Rosewood, Spanish Mahogany, Finest French Burr, "Walnut, and other fancy Woods. Prices, from 20 to 40 Guineas.

Haxmoniums, Flutes, Violins, &c. Strings of all kinds, and every- thing' in the Musical Department. Pianofosrtes Tuned and Repaired in Town or Country.

Old Instruments tA^icn in Exchange, ADVERTISEMENTS. 373 PERAMBULATORS.

nnHE principles and finish of Carriage Making, ap-

plied to these useful little Car-

riages, very light, comfortable and suspended on easy springs. Always for Sale at the Aber- deen Carriage and Harness Bazaar, Union Street West. ROBERT NESS, J U N. GEORGE CATTO, (Successor to W. MITCHELL # Co J BOOKSELLER, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL STATIONER, PRINT, AND MUSIC SELLER, JEWELLER, And General Dealer in Britisli & Foreign Fancy Goods, 55, UNION STREET, BEGS respectfully to call the attention of his customers and the Public generally, to his Extensive and varied Stock of Tourists' Cases, Fort^olios, Pocket Boohs, Ink-stands, Photographic Albums, Ladies' & Gentlemen's Dressing Cases, Tea Caddies, Ladies' Companions, Purses, Mathematical Instruments, Comhs, Nail, Tooth, & Hair Brushes in great variety,

OB o

u a o A CB »

Perfumery, Spectacles, Telescopes, Concertinas, Flutes, &g.. Cutlery, Scissors, Carpet Bags, Brandy Flasks, Camp Stools. Ladies' Hand Bags, Opera Masses, Books, Drawing Materials, Vases, Albums, Scrav Books, Bibles, Prayer Table Knives, Forks and Spoons, Childrens' Books, Baaatelle, Chess, Backgamrnon. a,ni Draft Boards, Playing Cards, Dom.moes, Cricfcet, Bats and Balls, boUtaire, variety, American Tactics, Croquet, Aunt Sally, and other games in great MacjiG Lanterns, Toys, Dissected Maps, &c., London and French Jewellery, <&c. 374 ADVERTISEMENTS. GEANITE JEWELLEEY.

M. RETTIE & SONS, MANUFACTURERS of ABERDEENSHIRE GRANITE BRACELETS, BROOCHES, CHAINS, SHAWL PINS, BUTTONS, STUDS. DESK SEALS, &c. ; Honourably distinguished at the Great Exhibition l!r51 ; shown also at those of Dublin, Paris, Edinburgh, and London, 1862. ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS, consisting of — t^poons, Fo.ks, Tea Sets, Waiters, Dish Covers, Corner Dishes, Centre Pieces, Toddy Kettles, Hot Water Jugs, Dessert Knives and Forks, Bottle Stands, Liquor and Cruet Frames, Wine Coolers, Fish Carvers, &c., &c, Ziondou and Geneva Gold Watches, and Elegant French Clocks.

JEWELLEEY DEPAKTMENT, 151, Unipii Street Bridge. COAL.

COAL BROKER. OFFICE—13 TRINITY QUAY, (Ceoss Quay, foot of Market Steeet), ^Wheze Oxdezs may be sent, -which shall at all tin&es have his careful attention.

Aberdeen, 18th June, 1863.

HORSE-HIRER, BEGS respectfully to tender his grateful thanks to his Friends and the Public generally, for their liberal support since he com- menced I'usiness on his own account, and to intimate that their orders shall con- tinue to receive his prompt and punctual attention on all laveful days.

First-Class Cabs on the shortest Notice.


HAVING REMOVED from 14 to 41, UNION STREET, intends keeping a larger Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c., and, as formerly, from the best Makers only. His better accommodation affords him in- creased facilities for carrying on the Working Department of his business. He respectfully thanks Customers for past favours, and assures all, that Orders entrusted to his care •will receive his best attention. In addition to former Stock, J. H, has just received a supply of ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS- 41, UNION STREET. Aberdeen, 4th June, 1863,




SJ- f»W %xMfm&, ^Mm %mp.

KITCHEN RANGES of various Patterns, with the latest Improvements, from £2 2s. to £23. PRIZK PORTABLE BOILERS, suitable for Farm and Washing-house Boilers, which require no building. Prices from £2 15s. to £6, bTOVES for Workshops, Warerooms, Halls, «fcc., from 7s. 6d. to £5 53. DAVIDSON BROTHiJlIlS, 131§, UNION STREET, ABERDEEN, (Top of Back Wynd Stairs.) ADVERTISEMENTS. 37^




DAVIDSON BROTHERS would callthe attention of parties furnishing to their varied Stock of CARPETS, CRUMB CLOTHS, FLOOR CLOTHS, DAMASKS, CHINTZES, BRASS and IRON BEDSTEADS, &c. Their Stock of CABINET FURNITURE has been carefully prepared on their own premises from thoroughly seasoned materials, and of chaste designs- comprising DINING-ROOM, DRaWING-ROOM, and BED-ROOM FURNI- TURE, which they can confidently recommend; and are prepared to execute orders in the various departments of their business in the newest designs and most approved manner.


Cta, W^mt, antr Spirit P^errl^ants, AND PURVEYORS OF GROCERIES AND PROYISIONS, 203, Union Street, and 1, College Street, ABERDEEN.

SOLE AGENT to Messrs W. & A. GILBET, who have the largest Wine Trad* direct with the c

ELBG SRERRT, 15s per Dozen. This Sherry from Hambro' is a light, wholesome, stimulating Wine, peculiarly free from acidity. The reduced duties now allow us to introduce this wine. Taking into consideration its strength, it is cheaper than Beer, or any other taxable beverage consumed in this country. SHERRY, from the Cape, 18s per Dozen. Light Gold colour. The produce of vines transplanted from Xeres (Spain). A really good flavoured "Wine, suitable for dinner or luncheon HflARSAIiA, 20s. per Dozen. Light Gold colour. This Wine possesses a full and excellent flavour, and has the general good body of the old Madeira Wines, combined with the delicacy of Sherry. It is grown in the district of Bronte, which is one of the largest and best in the island, and is one of the cheapest and most wholesome Dinner Wines imported into this country. " CASTIiE A " SHERRY, from Spain, 24s per Dozen. Pale colour—is pure, wholesome, ao^ very delicate. An excellent dinner or luncheon vrine—four years old. EBRO FORT, 15s per Dozen. This Port Wine imported from the north-east of Spain, is pure, delicious, fruity, and of a ruby colour. Through the introduction of the low duties, we now offer it in this country as the cheapest and purest Port that has come under our notice. FORT, from the Cape, 18s per Dozen. The produce of the Oporto Vine transplanted. It is sufiiciently mature to be quite fit for present use, and is a full, fruity, and strong stimulating Wine, FORT, from Portugal, 26s per Dozen—five years in the "wood. A full bodied, fruity Wine, possessing excellent flavour. It is mature^ and fit for present use, or wDl continue to improve either in wood or in bottle.

CLARET <' BORDEAUX," 14s. per Dozen. « BEAVJOI.AXS," 14s. per Dozen. " BEAUNE," 18s. per Dozen.

W. & A. GILBEY'S BOOK OF PRICES of 150 different WINES and SPIRITS can be had. Samples Tasted, and any quantity of their variout Wines obtained, bearing their Seals and Brands, o& application to

203, Union Street, Aberdeen. ADVERTISEMENTS.. 379

CI 99


(y4['R intimating the completion of extensive alterations on their Premises, beg to remind their Friends and the Public generaUy, that they lately introduced Printing BY Steam into their Establishment, and having added to their Stock of Printing Material Two First-Clasa PEINTING MACHINES, the facilities they have on their Premises for producing work of a superior description, at moderate charges, are unequaHed in the North of Scotland. They also take the present opportunity to acquaint the Public that they have now added STEREOTYPING to their Business, and parties who entrust •Oiem with orders may

depend I upon having their work properly and carefully finished.




TRUSTEES. LAtTRENCE Robertson, Esq., Cashier, Royal Bank of Scotland. A. KiNCAiD Mackenzie, Esq., Manager, Commercial Bank of Scotland. "William James Duncan, Esq., Manager, National Bank of Scotland. William Thomas Thomson, Esq., Manager, Standard Life Assurance Company. DIRECTORS. Charles Cowan, Esq. of Valleyfield. David Thom, Esq., Cliairman of the Chamber of Commerce, Leith. Kenneth Mackenzie, Esq., C.A., Edinburgh. Charles MacGibbon, Esq., Dean of Guild, Edinburgh. John Cook, Esq., W.S., Edicburgh. Benjamin Hall Blyth, Esq., Civil Engineer, Edinburgh. William Smith, Esq., Manager of the English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association, Edinburgh. ifanager—JAMES WILKIE, Esq., C.A. Agent in Grlasgoxo—Robert Lumsden, Esq., C.A.

THIS Association provides security for the Actings, Intro- missions, and fidelity of Persons in Situations of Trust and Responsibility, and undertakes, amongst others, the following descriptions of Risks, viz.: — Managers, Secretaries, Agents, Tellers, and Clerks of Banks, In- surance Companies, Railways, and other Public Institutions. Factors, Trustees, Collectors, Receivebs, and others intrusted with the Management of Property and Collection of Rents, &c. Commercial Clerks, Book-keepers, &c., and Travellers for Cok- mercial Houses. The Association transacts Guarantee Business alone, unconnected with Risks of any other description whatever,

J'orms of Proposal, and every information may be ohtamed at the Head Office, or from any of the Agents of the Association.



%%m\^vi^ (^nm^uvi%

EstahlisJied in IS§6.


Head Office... ABEEDEEN... 3, King St.

Dundee Glasgow

16, St. Andrew's Place. 19, St. Vincent Pke.

Edinburgh : London

20, St. Andrew's Square. 1, Moorgate Street,


Alexander Chivas, Esq., Banker. > FnANcis Clerihew, Esq., Advocate. Robert Fletcher, Esq., Accountant. William Leslie, Esq., Architect. Benjamin Moir, Esq., Merchant. John Yeats, Esq. of Kincorth.


This Corpoi'ation continues to receive Proposals for, and to grant,

Fire Insurances. Life Assurances. Annuities. Endowments.

On terms and conditions most beneficial and liberal.


Insurances effected in nearly all parts of the world, on very advantageous terms. Losses by Lightning and Explosion from Gas made good. LIFE DEPARTMENT.

The NON-PARTICIPATION SCHEME is adapted for those who prefer the present advantage of Reduced Premiums to a future Bonus, the Premiums having been calculated on the most economical scale consistent with perfect safety. They will be found to bear a most favourable comparison with those of other offices. In the PARTICIPATION or MUTUAL BRANCH, the whole Profits be- long to the Assured, and are divided every Five years among the Members—the business being conducted by the Proprietors, who also guarantee the sums assured, for a fixed charge on the amount of Premiums received. FOREIGN RESIDENCE.

Desirous of allowing the Assured the fuU benefit derived from the advanced state of medical science and improved methods of transit, the Directors have lately made important modifications in the extra charge for Foreign Residence and Voyages. The Assured are now permitted to reside in any- part of the World, distant more than 33 deg. from the Equator, without payment of Extra Pre- mium—persons engaged in gold-digging or other hazardous occupations excepted ; and for Residence or Voyages beyond this limit the extra charge is considerably reduced. Persons proceeding to the East or West Indies have likewise the option of effecting their Assurances under a new system, whereby, instead of being subjected to a heavy Extra Premium during their residence within the Tropics, they may throw the same over the whole currency of the Policy, by paying a fixed Rate, which, it will be seen, is very little higher than the Home Kate. — ^


(Payable dunng the entire currency of tlie Policy.)


S. D. Age. £ s. D. 1 Age. £ Age. £ S. B. Age. £ S. D.

18 2 8 9 ' 35 3 14 3 18 2 3 3 35 3 5 9

21 2 V. 11 39 4 3 11 21 2 5 11 39 3 14 5

25 2 16 11 42 4 12 5 25 2 10 5 42 4 1 11

28 3 1 3 45 5 1 10 28 2 14 4 45 4 10 3 32 3 8 48 5 12 4 32 3 4 48 4 19 6

Military and Naval Officers are charged Ten ShUliiigs per Cent. extra- War Risk excluded.


(Payahle during the entire currency of the Policy.)


Age. £ S. D. Age. £ s. D. Age. £ S. D. Age. £ S. D. 18 2 13 1 35 4 7 18 2 7 35 3 11 5 21 2 16 9 39 4 10 7 21 2 10 3 39 4 4 25 3 2 5 42 4 19 6 25 2 15 4 42 4 8 2

28 3 7 3 45 5 9 7 28 2 19 7 45 4 17 1

32 3 14 6 48 6 1 5 32 3 6 48 5 7 7

Unacclimated Lives by which are understood persons who have not resided Three years consecutively in places within the Tropics, subject to visitations of the yellow fever, will be required to pay, in addition to the above Rates, One per Cent per Annum until they shall have completed Three years' residence as above. Military Men are chMrged Ten Shillings per Cent, above the Civil Rate— War Risk excluded. If holding Civil Appointments, not requiring Military Service Civil Rate only. Naval Men pay the Civil Rate—War Risk excluded. The West Indian Rates include permission to reside in any part of the World—the West Coast of Africa excepted.


At the fourth investigation into the affairs of the Company, at 31st January, 1861, a Bonus was declared on the Participating Branch, at the rate of £1 7s 6d per cent, per Annum on the accumulated amount of each Policy, with a farther prospective Bonus, at the same rate, on such of these Policies as shall become Claims before the next Investigation.

The following are the additions to a Policy for £1000, effected in the year 1836 :—

Bonus declared in 1846, £125 Do. do. 1851, 77 6 11 Do. do. 1856, 82 12 9 Do. do. 1861, 88 6 10

Total additions, £373 6 6

Being equal, in the case of a person insured at the age of 25, to 71 per Cent, of the Premiums paid to the OfB.ce.


Annual Premium for Assuring £100.


Age. £ S. D, Age. £ s. D. Age £ S. D. Age. £ S. D.

20 1 16 9 45 3 14 3 20 1 12 7 45 3 5 9

25 2 1 11 50 4 7 4 25 1 17 1 50 3 19

30 2 8 55 5 7 3 i 30 2 2 7 55 4 19 1 35 2 14 11 60 6 16 8 35 2 8 8 60 6 6 3 40 3 3 11 65 8 9 3 40 2^6 8 65 7 IS 6

Premiums payable Yearly, Half-1 early, QuaHerly, or in a variety of warjs, to suit the convenience of the Assured.

No Entry-Money nor Charge for Policy Stamp.

liUbical ^Uports paxb for bg iljc dtomjirmD.

Fii'e and Life Proposals and Tables of Eates may be obtained at the Head Of&ces or numerous Agencies throughout the Kingdom,

Wm. CHALMEES, Manager.

H. AMBROSE SMITH, Sec^-etary. A