1 St. Tudy Parish Council Minutes February 2019. Draft 3 Minutes of the meeting of Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 27th February 2019 from 7pm Present: Cllr. R. Clench (chair), Cllr Z. Newland-Hodge, Cllr. M. Straugheir, Cllr. H. Mardon, Cllr. P. Tucker, Cllr. R. Wood, Cllr. G. Murrell, Cllr. R. Wright, Cllr. J. Lane, Cllr. T. Sandry, Cllr. S. Rushworth (County Cllr. for & St Tudy wards), Mr. S. Mitchell (clerk). Parish Council Meeting 1. Public session: The chair opened the meeting and gave the floor to Steve Jolly and Jodie Geoffrey from Bunny Homes. They introduced themselves and said they were at the meeting to discover what sort of development the village might be interested in. The company were a new housebuilder in specialising in high quality homes. They had acquired the land behind the Methodist Chapel between Chapel Lane and Hengar Lane and owned it outright. Mr Jolly recognised there would be concern over this acquisition and claimed that there was no rush to application. He wanted to provide a unique opportunity and there was no hidden agenda. The councillors asked various questions concerning private homes, policy compliance, defined development and green spaces, conservation issues, the lack of mains drainage in St Tudy, timescales, the context of neighbourhood planning, other local applications, village footpaths’, affordable homes and their demand. Councillor Rushworth said that there was a new network manager, Jackie Rapier who had lots of planning experience. She would be coming to the next meeting and neighbourhood plans should be on the agenda. Designated planning officers would have more involvement with parish councils and they were trying to get more involvement with neighbourhood plans. He reported that the county council had approved a 3.99% increase in costs and some of this would be going to mental health issues in . He also reported that network funding was being made available to 'celebrate community’ and each network area was being asked to put in a project for this. He also reported that Coastline was coming off the county register for housing. 2. Apologies: There were no apologies 3. Members declaration of interest: Cllr. Straugheir declared interest in matters relating to the parochial church council. 4. The Minutes of the meeting held on 30th January 2018. There were several alteration to be made to the previous minutes. Cllr. Straugheir reaffirmed his declaration of interest concerning PCC matters. Cllr. Wright wanted her name corrected. Mr Mutton had observed that he had not had a letter of thanks from the parish council concerning the gift of cemetery land rather than his work delivering the allotments to the parish council. Item 8.8 Cllr. Newland Hodge confirmed that Cllr. Straugheir had reported the draft budget underway and that the meeting of the network group had been 7 February not the first. The chair signed the minutes and asked for these corrections to be made on the published version online. 5. Matters arising from the Minutes of the above meeting: · Signage. Cllr. Straugheir provided estimates and layouts for new aluminium signs. They would cost £58 per sign plus installation at £20 per sign. The wooden signs on the finger post were about seven years old and starting to rot. The new signs would be made from aluminium sheet and would have to be fitted in the old slots. The upright post was in good condition. · Lights. The clerk reported he had surveyed the public toilets for solar panels. Although an off-grid system was available at a reasonable cost the toilets were East facing and there was no suitable roof space. The area was also shadowed by trees in the cemetery. The parish council directed him to invite estimates for changing the lights and investigate suppliers who did not charge an additional tariff over electrical usage. · Bunny homes. This was discussed in the context of the environment plan for St Tudy. · Cemetery. The clerk had supplied a report giving a summary of the process of adopting the new cemetery land since 2015. Also some suggestions as to the management of the site. The chair directed the Council to give consideration to these options and the council discussed the extent of responsibilities between the PC and the PCC. She also suggested that increasing the amenity value of the land for the public of St Tudy might help to generate more voluntary contributions for maintaining the land. Cllr. Wright proposed that the parish council accept the PCC’s unofficial offer of applying for a faculty to make a gateway through to the ST TUDY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES - February 2019 2 existing cemetery. This was seconded by Cllr. Lane and accepted unanimously by the council. Mr Mutton was again present at the meeting and was invited to speak about access and fencing. · Wells. Cllr. Tucker provided an illustrated handout concerning the well in Well Lane. It showed that the problem of standing water might be overcome by directing it into a nearby ditch using a gulley or under- ground pipe. · Allotments. The chair read out an email reply from Mr Mutton concerning clarification of the Heads of Terms agreement. There were now eight people interested in adopting an allotment and it was likely that more would be forthcoming. The chair asked Mr Mutton for a contract. Cllr. Wood proposed that the Heads of Terms Agreement was accepted, this was seconded by Cllr. Straugheir and accepted unanimously. 6. Planning matters: PA19/00571. Works to a Holm Oak Tree, Church St. The clerk said that the council could go ahead with pruning after 5 March if they had not heard from planning. Cllr. Wright observed that the Holm oak was now full of nesting birds. Cllr. Straugheir proposed that the parish council accept the estimate from Jason Bellinger, this was seconded by Cllr. Lane and approved unanimously. The clerk was directed to contact Jason to confirm this and asked his advice on when the pruning could go ahead. PA19/00990 Demolition of boiler house, St Tudy School. Cllr. Straugheir was concerned the about the boundary wall with the church but there were no objections and the clerk was asked to confirm this on the planning site. (revised proposal following approval PA18/00129 dated 01.05.18) Construction of a new dwelling - Land East Of Phoenix Glen Chapel Road St Tudy Bodmin Cornwall. The clerk was directed to check whether the application was another application and whether the parish council had already made comment. Public Footpath No.2 Diversion Order: Cllr. Straugheir proposed that the parish council withdraw their objection. This was seconded by Cllr. Tucker and approved unanimously. 7. Financial Matters: a. Bank: Deposit account: 12.02.18 £2992.62 Current Account: 12.02.18 £10,571.70 total: £13564.32 b. Payments: Clerk’s monthly salary by SO: £508.14 8. To receive Cllr.’s reports: (item removed if no report) 8.3) Roads/Bus Shelter/ Notice Board Cllr. Straugheir reported that graffiti in the bus stop on the B3266 had been over-painted 8.5) Parish Magazine: Cllr. Tucker was working on text for the parish magazine. He was concerned that his work on tree issues had not been reported in the minutes. The parish council agreed that 8.5 on the agenda should now be labelled ‘parish magazine and tree issues’. Cllr. Tucker had checked the heights of trees on Hengar Lane and they had been confirmed as acceptable by Cormac. He also reported that a house near The Rectory had encompassed a protected tree within an embankment and that the forestry department were investigating this. 8.7) Parish website: The clerk reported that the updated governance documents were now on the parish website along with the renewed risk assessments and that he would be uploading the elements of the 2019 audit during March. 8.8) Outside organisations: Cllr. Straugheir and Newland Hodge had attended the network meeting. The costs involved in the communities speed control initiative started at about £5000 for a single unit which the parish council thought too expensive. Cllr. Mardon identified two dangerous spots where cars had nearly impacted on pedestrians several times. Cllr. Straugheir would investigate with Cormac the painting of SLOW signs on the road at these two points, outside ‘The Clink’ and on the bend opposite ‘St Tudy Inn’. The next network meeting was on 4th April at Cricket Pavilion and there would be a talk from ‘Extinction Rebellion’ members on the urgency of responses needed to climate change. Cllr. Newland Hodge was unable to attend but three other Cllr’s might find time. 8.9) Neighbourhood / environmental policy. Following the development of a sub group on these issues Cllr’s Wright and Wood had met and researched some of the options around plans. There was a wide rang- ing discussion amongst the Cllrs. This concerned: ● the parameters for a plan ● the adoption of existing local and county policies ● development boundaries ST TUDY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES - February 2019 3 ● rural exception sites ● the need for affordable housing and the allocation process ● the clustering approach and how this is established ● the Delabole and overflow of housing need ● the Crantock NP appeal ● the efficacy of official neighbourhood plans versus informal plans ● the balance between keeping rural communities fresh and preventing over-development ● the lack of public transport, amenities and employment ● existing occupation of council properties ● the involvement of large landowners such as the Duchy or Lamellen Estate ● the increased involvement of farmers in local planning. The parish council resolved to start collecting information and evidence relating to a local plan of whatever sort. They agreed the clerk should upload links to a page on the parish website regarding this. Cllr. Wood recommended that the parish website should also carry a link to the Cornwall Interactive Mapping Site which was full of useful layered information and the clerk was directed to do this. Cllr. Rushworth reported that the next regional plan was underway for about 5 years time. It was identifying the development of five or six new towns at strategic sites around Cornwall, which might take the pressure off local villages. 9) Correspondence & LMP: 10. Parish Matters: Other Parish Matters: 10.1) Review of governance documents. ● Nalc Standing Orders St Tudy Parish Council 2019 - 2020 ● Calc Commentary of the NALC Model Standing Orders ● Financial Regulations for St Tudy Parish Council 2019-2020 ● Statement of Internal Control for St Tudy Parish Council ● Risk Assessment updates The parish council agreed that they had reviewed these documents, proposed by Cllr. G Murrell and second- ed by Cllr. M. Straugheir. They agreed that action would be taken during 2019 concerning the risk assess- ment updates. Any Other Parish Matters: The chair would investigate matters regarding the smell of sewers in Tremeer Lane. She had also removed the poppies from the war memorial. She had been asked why there were no ‘FORD’ signs by Penvose Mill and Cllr. Straugheir offered to investigate. 11. Date of next meeting: Wednesday March 27th 2019 at 7pm. 12. To close the meeting: The meeting was closed by the chair at 21.46 pm