Japanese Maple Availability

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Japanese Maple Availability Yang's Japanese Maples D-S- M-L- GROWTH # NAME SPECIES GROUP G/R/V XL HABIT NOTES 1 Akegarasu Acer palmatum Matsumurae R M Broad upright Multi-branched narrow vase-shaped 2 Ao kanzashi Acer palmatum Palmatum VG M upright Dwarf 3 Aoba jo Acer palmatum Palmatum G D Dense rounded mound 4 Aoyagi Acer palmatum Palmatum G M Upright 5 Arakawa Acer palmatum Palmatum G L Upright 6 Asahi zuru Acer palmatum Palmatum V L Rounded upright 7 Atrolineare Acer palmatum Linearilobum R M Vase-shaped upright 8 Attaryi Acer japonicum Full Moon G L Rounded upright 9 Attraction Acer palmatum Palmatum R M Rounded upright 10 Aureum Acer shirasawanum Full Moon G L Multi-branched upright 11 Autumn Fire Acer palmatum Dissectum G S Weeping upright 12 Autumn Moon Acer shirasawanum Full Moon G L Multi-branched upright 13 Baldsmith Acer palmatum Dissectum R M Weeping upright Dwarf 14 Beni hime Acer palmatum Palmatum R D Rounded dwarf 15 Beni kawa Acer palmatum Palmatum G L Vase-shaped upright 16 Beni maiko Acer palmatum Palmatum R S Upright 17 Beni shichihenge Acer palmatum Palmatum V M Upright 18 Beni shigitatsu sawa Acer palmatum Matsumurae V M Broad upright 19 Beni tsukasa Acer palmatum Palmatum R M Upright 20 Beni ubi gohon Acer palmatum Linearilobum R D Bamboo-like shrub 21 Bloodgood Acer palmatum Amoenum R M Vase-shaped upright 22 Bonfire Acer palmatum Palmatum R M Upright 23 Burgundy Lace Acer palmatum Matsumurae R M Upright 24 Butterfly Acer palmatum Palmatum V M Vase-shaped upright Dwarf 25 Chiba Acer palmatum Palmatum G D Low spreading upright Dwarf 26 Chishio Acer palmatum Palmatum R D Upright dwarf with horizontal branching 27 Chitose yama Acer palmatum Matsumurae R M Broad cascading upright 28 Chitose yama Exbury Acer palmatum Matsumurae G S Rounded upright Dwarf 29 Coonara Pygmy Acer palmatum Palmatum G D Rounded semi-dwarf 30 Corallinum Acer palmatum Palmatum G S Rounded upright 31 Crimson Queen Acer palmatum Dissectum R S Multi-branched weeping upright 32 Deshojo Acer palmatum Palmatum R S Rounded upright 33 Elegans Acer palmatum Matsumurae G M Vase-shaped upright 34 Emerald Lace Acer palmatum Dissectum G M Broad weeping upright 35 Emperor I Acer palmatum Amoenum R L Rounded upright 36 Ever Red Acer palmatum Dissectum R M Weeping upright 37 Filigree Acer palmatum Dissectum VG S Weeping upright 38 Fireglow Acer palmatum Amoenum R M Upright 39 Flavescens Acer palmatum Dissectum G S Weeping upright 40 Franksred Acer rubrum Other R XL Oval-shaped upright 41 Full Moon Maple Acer japonicum Full Moon G M Upright 42 Germaine's Gyration Acer palmatum Dissectum G M Broad weeping upright 43 Glowing Embers Acer palmatum Palmatum G L Rounded upright 44 Grandma Ghost Acer palmatum Matsumurae V S Rounded upright 45 Green Cascade Acer japonicum Full Moon G S Broad weeping upright Dwarf 46 Hanami nishiki Acer palmatum Palmatum G D Rounded dwarf 47 Higasa yama Acer palmatum Palmatum V L Vase-shaped upright 48 Hogyoku Acer palmatum Amoenum G M Rounded upright 49 Hubb's Red Willow Acer palmatum Linearilobum R M Vase-shaped upright 50 Ichigyo ji Acer palmatum Amoenum G L Broad rounded upright 51 Inaba shidare Acer palmatum Dissectum R M Broad weeping upright 52 Inazuma Acer palmatum Matsumurae R L Rounded upright 53 Itaya Acer japonicum Full Moon G L Rounded upright 54 Japanese Maple Acer palmatum Palmatum G XL Vase-shaped upright 14903 Peacock Hill Avenue NW Gig Harbor, WA 98332 253-857-3313 © 2016 - Yang's Nursery And Landscaping, Inc. - All Rights Reserved Page 1 Yang's Japanese Maples D-S- M-L- GROWTH # NAME SPECIES GROUP G/R/V XL HABIT NOTES 55 Japanese Sunrise Acer palmatum Palmatum G L Broad upright 56 Karasugawa Acer palmatum Palmatum VG M Upright 57 Kasagi yama Acer palmatum Matsumurae VR L Broad upright Dwarf 58 Kashima Acer palmatum Palmatum G D Dense rounded upright 59 Katsura Acer palmatum Palmatum G M Upright 60 Keiser Acer palmatum Linearilobum R M Multi-branched upright 61 Ki hachijo Acer palmatum Matsumurae G M Rounded upright 62 Kinran Acer palmatum Matsumurae R M Rounded upright Dwarf 63 Komachi hime Acer palmatum Palmatum G D Compact rounded upright 64 Koreanum Acer palmatum Matsumurae G L Upright openly branched Dwarf 65 Koto hime Acer palmatum Matsumurae G D Dwarf upright Dwarf 66 Koto ito komachi Acer palmatum Linearilobum G D Dwarf upright 67 Koto no ito Acer palmatum Linearilobum G S Vase-shaped upright 68 Kurabu yama Acer palmatum Matsumurae G M Rounded upright Dwarf 69 Kurui jishi Acer palmatum Palmatum G D Upright 70 Linearilobum Acer palmatum Linearilobum G M Broad upright 71 Lovett Acer japonicum Full Moon G M Rounded multi-branched upright 72 Mai kujaku Acer japonicum Full Moon G M-L Multi-branched broad upright 73 Meigetsu Acer japonicum Full Moon G L Rounded upright Dwarf 74 Mikawa yatsubusa Acer palmatum Palmatum G D Rounded dwarf 75 Monroe Acer circinatum Other G M Broad upright 76 Novum Acer palmatum Amoenum R XL Upright 77 O isami Acer japonicum Full Moon G L Rounded upright Dwarf 78 O jishi Acer palmatum Palmatum G D Dwarf upright 79 O kagami Acer palmatum Palmatum R M Upright 80 Ogurayama Acer japonicum Full Moon G M Multi-branched upright 81 Okushimo Acer palmatum Palmatum G M Vase-shaped upright 82 Omato Acer palmatum Amoenum G M Rounded upright 83 Omura yama Acer palmatum Matsumurae G M Weeping upright 84 Orange Dream Acer palmatum Palmatum G M Upright 85 Orangeola Acer palmatum Dissectum R S Weeping upright 86 Oregon Fern Acer japonicum Full Moon G M Weeping upright 87 Oridono nishiki Acer palmatum Palmatum V M Rounded upright 88 Osakazuki Acer palmatum Amoenum G L Broad rounded upright 89 Osakazuki akame Acer palmatum Amoenum G L Broad rounded upright 90 Osakazuki rubrum Acer palmatum Amoenum L Upright 91 Oshio beni Acer palmatum Amoenum R M Multi-branched spreading upright 92 Otaki Acer japonicum Full Moon G M Broad weeping upright 93 Otome zakura Acer palmatum Palmatum R M Upright 94 Palmatifidum Acer palmatum Dissectum G S Weeping upright 95 Paperbark Acer griseum Other G L Rounded to oval upright Dwarf 96 Pixie Acer palmatum Matsumurae R D Rounded semi-dwarf 97 Princeton Gold Acer platanoides Other G XL Oval-shaped upright 98 Red Dragon Acer palmatum Dissectum R S Weeping upright 99 Red Pygmy Acer palmatum Linearilobum R S Multi-branched rounded semi-dwarf 100 Red Select Acer palmatum Dissectum R M Weeping upright 101 Red Snakebark Acer capillipes Other R L Upright with spreading crown 102 Red Spider Acer palmatum Linearilobum R M Weeping upright 103 Red Wood Acer palmatum Palmatum G M Vase-shaped upright 104 Sagara nishiki Acer palmatum Palmatum VG M Upright 105 Sango kaku Acer palmatum Palmatum G L Vase-shaped upright 106 Satsuki beni Acer palmatum Amoenum G L Vase-shaped upright 107 Seiryu Acer palmatum Dissectum G M Vase-shaped upright 108 Sekka yatsubusa Acer palmatum Palmatum G S Semi-dwarf upright 14903 Peacock Hill Avenue NW Gig Harbor, WA 98332 253-857-3313 © 2016 - Yang's Nursery And Landscaping, Inc. - All Rights Reserved Page 2 Yang's Japanese Maples D-S- M-L- GROWTH # NAME SPECIES GROUP G/R/V XL HABIT NOTES 109 Shaina Acer palmatum Palmatum R S Rounded upright Dwarf 110 Sharp's Pygmy Acer palmatum Palmatum G D Rounded dwarf 111 Sherwood Flame Acer palmatum Matsumurae R M Rounded upright 112 Shigure bato Acer palmatum Matsumurae G S Upright 113 Shigure zome Acer palmatum Matsumurae R M Upright 114 Shin chishio Acer palmatum Palmatum G M Weeping upright 115 Shin deshojo Acer palmatum Palmatum G M Upright 116 Shishigashira Acer palmatum Palmatum G M Upright 117 Siebold's Maple Acer sieboldianum Other G XL Upright Dwarf 118 Skeeter's Broom Acer palmatum Matsumurae R D Columnar upright dwarf 119 Stella Rossa Acer palmatum Dissectum R M Weeping upright 120 Sumi nagashi Acer palmatum Matsumurae R L Vase-shaped upright 121 Sunset Acer palmatum Dissectum G S Weeping upright 122 Takao Acer palmatum Palmatum G S Vase-shaped upright 123 Tamukeyama Acer palmatum Dissectum R M Weeping upright 124 Tennyo no hoshi Acer palmatum Palmatum VG M Upright 125 The Bishop Acer palmatum Palmatum R L Upright 126 Tobiosho Acer palmatum Palmatum G M Upright 127 Toyama nishiki Acer palmatum Dissectum V S Weeping upright 128 Trompenburg Acer palmatum Matsumurae R L Upright 129 Tsukushi gata Acer palmatum Amoenum R M Upright 130 Tsuma gaki Acer palmatum Amoenum G S Rounded upright 131 Ukigumo Acer palmatum Palmatum VG S Rounded upright 132 Utsu Semi Acer palmatum Amoenum G M Rounded upright 133 Ven's Red Acer palmatum Dwarf Amoenum VR D Rounded dwarf 134 Villa Taranto Acer palmatum Linearilobum G M Rounded upright 135 Vine Maple Acer circinatum Other G M Multi-stemmed with arching branches 136 Viridis Acer palmatum Dissectum G S Weeping upright 137 Vitifolium Acer japonicum Full Moon G M Upright 138 Volubile Acer palmatum Amoenum G M Upright 139 Waterfall Acer palmatum Dissectum G M Weeping upright 140 Willow Leaf Acer palmatum Linearilobum R S Upright 141 Winter Flame Acer palmatum Palmatum G S Upright 142 Yubae Acer palmatum Matsumurae VR M Upright Key: Amoenum - Leaves with shallowly to moderately divided lobes - up to 2/3 of the way to the leaf base Palmatum - Leaves with moderately to deeply divided lobes - 2/3 to 3/4 of the way to the leaf base Matsumurae - Leaves with very deeply divided lobes - more than 3/4 of the way to the leaf base Dissectum - Lacy leaves with very deeply divided and dissected lobes Linearilobum - Leaves with narrow, strap-like lobes - divided to the leaf base G=Green, R=Red, V=Variegated D= Dwarf:<=6', S=Small:<=10', M=Medium:11' to 20', L=Large:21' to 30', XL=Extra Large:>31' Exposure: Part sun, part shade.
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