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The Hoboken Herald.

Vol. 1 No. 1, September 8, 1971 HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY 25 cents per copy

[photo during filming of scene of ""]






Page 2 THE HOBOKEN HERALD September 8, 1971


It would seem appropriate in this, the first issue of The Hoboken Herald, to state our editorial policy - pro or con on city government, on county officials, the educational system, etc. Of course, these views would reflect our editorial feeling on the subject, something which we lack. Like the City of Hoboken, we have not a feeling, rather many feelings, each as different as the member of our staff who expresses them. We come from different backgrounds; we have different goals; but this we share — our desire to see everyone's opinions expressed frankly and openly in a free press. The Hoboken Herald will never endorse a candidate for office. Yet, are we blind to the issues of our city? No, issues will be brought up, brought out and presented for your analysis. Issues, yes! Politics, no.

In effect, our emphasis in the Herald will be to give a fair balance of opinion in both the selection of contributed articles as well as personal opinions of issues affecting Hoboken. To idealistically believe that we will be constantly and unswervingly unprejudiced would be naive. We only hope that we can remain as objective as our prejudices will allow.

We’re Sorry

This is our first issue. Unfortunately, we couldn't fit all that we'd have liked to into it. Some sports, some poetry, an article on the mystery of the Hoboken monument,a few news stories — all had to be omitted. We apologize to those whose pictures we took but could not print and to those who wanted their contributions to appear in the first issue. We will be printing many of these items in future issues and hope you will continue to read and contribute to The Hoboken Herald.

Next Week . . .

The Hoboken Herald

The Hoboken Herald is published every Wednesday by The Hoboken Herald Corporation. Editorial and advertising offices located at 52 Newark Street, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030; Tel. (201) 659-1213. Subscription $6.00/yr.

Editorial Board:

Sami Fiedler

James Hans

Russ Nevins

Mark Schubin

Joseph Schulman


International Bulletin Board



How Well Do You Know Hoboken?

Check the most appropriate answer.

1. Hoboken is noted for its:

a. Tall Buildings

b. Super Highways

c. Famous History

2 Which street in Hoboken was once called Ferry Street?

a. Hudson Place

b. River Street

c. Washington Street

d. Observer Highway

3. The composer Steven Foster, while a resident of Hoboken, published his famous song:

a. "The Old Hoboken Bucket"

b. "Heaven, Hell or Hoboken"

c. "Jeannie With The Light Brown Hair"

d. "Mammy"

4. Two talented young men, who rented a house on Tenth Street in Hoboken, wrote:

a. The Music Man

b. Hello, Dolly!

c. Funny Girl 5

d. Hair

(Answers to the questions appear on page 15)


Aqui Hoboken

por Julio E. Cardenas

El programa de Ciudad Modelo de Hoboken, si que con su programa maravilloso, si Usted quiere aprender un curso de secretariado no vacile y dirijase a T.O.P.S. que es donde Ciudad Modelo ofrece su programa de entrenamiento 506 Park Ave. 0 llame al Inter-American Spanish Club para mayor Informacion Tel. 656-5505 de 5:00 a 10:30 P.M.

Marquito Abreu sique buscando una casa adecuada para poner una funeraria en Hoboken. Se dice tambien que el dinamico Empresario de los muertos hiso negocios con el Espiritista Turco Trokacheres para que sus mertos lleguen al cielo con luz verde.

De unas merecidas Vacaciones por Europa regreso el buen Amigo Victor Berrios, nos cuenta el amigo Berrios maravillas de Espana.

El Inter-American Spanish Club de North Hudson County tiene un tema Verdad, Justica, Democracia; es una organisacion que cumplira con los propositos de su tema, por eso es que hemos escojido al eminente Medico Antonio Martinez, se dice Verdad, se hace Justicia y Democracia; por eso es que el 12 de Septiembre de 1971 se le brindara un banquete de Honor en el Union Club, 600 Hudson St., Hoboken. Para mas informacion llamen al 656-5505 tel de la organizacion.

Lo que tiene Josefina alii es asombroso, nos referimos a Manolo el peluguero estrella del Venus Beauty Salon, de la Wash, y la calle 2 en Hoboken, dicen que las Viudas, casadas, solteras y viejas lo prefieren a el para estar en algo con sus bonitos peinados.

El profesor Don quien fue' estara precente en la comida de honor que se le brindara al Dr. Antonio Martinez el 12 de Septiembre proximo.

Mario Ciria Jr. no sabe cantar, pero escribe unos versos sencillos pero salidos del Alma que sabe poner el dedo en el mismo centro de la llaga.

Calguier persona que este interesada en enviar cualquier informacion o algun comentario de law comunidad puede hacerlo personalmente a las oficinas del periodico local de Hoboken, el Hoboken Herald. Llame a Rudy Rosario 659-9121.

El Sr. Victor Berrios que se comunique con las oficinas de este periodico immediamente o que llame al tel. 656-5505, pregunte por Julio.

El buen borrincano el mejor lugar para comer mondongo y carne frita en Nueva Jersey. Valla pruere y conpare. El profesor "Don quien fue'" Comera alli proximamente.



September 8, 1971 THE HOBOKEN HERALD Page 3

On The Waterfront

by Peter Filancia

On a bitterly cold night in mid-winter of 1953, a lone figure ran desperately down River Street and around the corner to Hudson Place. Pursued by four burly men, he darted into an alley and waited. The time was 3 a.m. and the temperature hovered just above zero.

"Okay. It's a take," a voice called over the bullhorn.

A shivering Marlon Brando emerged from the shadows of the Hoboken alley and shielded his eyes against the blinding flood lights. The photographers covered their cameras to keep them from freezing. Two of Brando's pursuers approached him - and Lee J. Cobb - and were joined in a huddle by film director .

"I've got what I want," he said. "We can call it a night."

So went the filming of "On the Waterfront," winner of eight Academy Awards. To the movie-going public, it has become one of the all-time classics. But to many Hoboken citizens, it is a vivid, personal memory.

Perhaps no one remembers it better than Anthony Damato, Hoboken's Director of Health and Welfare. "We were out there at three in the morning to avoid the crowds," he said. "Everywhere they shot a scene outdoors, there was always a big crowd watching. Even in the extremely cold weather. That night, we had to have empty streets and that meant working at three a.m."

Director Damato served as Elia Kazan's local casting director, using Hoboken residents in scenes with the famous stars.

"They wanted the real thing," Damato said, "originals. And that's what Hoboken has. Real people who fitted right into the story they were filming. Sometimes Kazan would call me the day before and tell me he needed as many as 200 people on a certain location early the next day. It was my job to get them to be there. Sometimes, after a day's shooting I would pay off more than 3,000 - and that was in 1953, before today's inflation. Some guys would make $75 a day for a special bit part they did."

Local Men Start Film Careers

Several local citizens broke into acting careers with "On the Waterfront." Among them were Johnny Sanducci, Matty Russo and Tony Amato. Recently all three of them completed work on the filming of "The Godfather" in New York. Among a number of other Hoboken residents participating in the movie were Mike Rubino, Andrew Auriegemma and Tony Petrozelli, proprietor of Tony Martin's King on Newark Street.

Praised For Realism

The movie has been applauded by critics for its unflinching realism, and the city of Hoboken and its citizens can take a large share of credit for the realistic atmosphere that was captured on film.

"There was a bar scene - a fight - " Director Damato recalls, "that took place on 14th Street in the Bank Tavern, as it was called at that time. During the fight they made a shambles of the place. Furniture splintered all over, glasses broken, bottles smashed. At the end of the fight, they paid the owner $1400 for the damage they did."

Sometimes Damato provided a little too much realism for Kazan's comfort. "One day he asked me to get him a guy who was half-loaded, so I sent two guys out to get somebody off the street. They came back in a little while holding a third guy between them and you would swear they were all three drunk because they staggered around so much trying to get the guy to us. It was a little more than they could film," Damato chuckled.

An accidental touch of realism came during the filming of one of the pier scenes. Karl Malden, who played a priest, was acting before the cameras in one of the holds when a genuine workman above, unaware they were filming there, threw an empty can into the hold. It hit Malden on the head and he looked up, startled and angry. It was so real, Kazan decided to leave it in the picture.

Lee J. Cobb is unlikely to forget the realism of one scene. Director Damato recalls the incident. "We were down on the floating dock at Fifth Street and there was supposed to be this big fight between Brando and Lee J. Cobb. It was the climax of the picture.


[photo with caption]

Columbia Pictures

Accidental Realism - A startled & angry Karl Malden (see story).


"In the fight, Brando had a stand-in - Joe Luciglini, from Hoboken - and he took Brando's part in the fight scenes. Well, when they got into the fight, Kazan .kept urging them to go at it, and before they were finished, Joe threw a punch at Cobb that knocked out one of his teeth."

Cobb took this, and some of the other treatment he received during the shooting, bravely. On one of the warmer days when the thermometer stood at 23 degrees, Cobb took a dive in the river. He was insulated in advance by rubber underclothing and partially wet down to keep the


[photo with caption]

Columbia Pictures

Marlon Brando wearing Johnny Sanducci's jacket. Not all of the blood on the jacket was make-up. Some of it was Lee J. Cobb's.


shock from being too great. When he was lifted out of the river, he commented that it was "a little uncomfortable." What he said when his tooth got knocked out was not recorded.

In an interesting sidelight on the picture featured on the cover of this issue of THE HOBOKEN HERALD, Johnny Sanducci, who is shown on the extreme left of the photograph, tells of a jacket switching incident.

"You'll notice I'm wearing a jacket that was identical to Brando's. During the fight scene, Joe wore my jacket and it ended up with blood all over it."


[photo with caption]

Columbia Pictures

Elia Kazan (right) directing and Marlon Brando in a scene overlooking Hoboken rooftops. Outdoor scenes were often filmed in freezing cold.. A quick look at Miss Saint's costume will explain why she wore longhandle underware [sic - underwear].


Brando, said Damato, was a nice guy although he was moody and temperamental at times. Once during the filming, when he forgot his lines, he cursed and walked off the location. He disappeared into New York for three days before he came back and resumed working.

"But he had his joking moments. The night they made the scene where Brando was hung up on the hook, we were all eating ravioli together on Fifth Street and were lingering over the meal. 'Come on, you guys,' he kept urging us. 'I've got to die tonight and I want to get it over with.' "

About Karl Malden, Damato said, "A lot of guys didn't take to him. Called him an 'odd-ball,' but once you knew him he was okay. Before they finished the movie, he got so he would come into my club just to shoot pool with some of the fellows. He was a fine actor, a pleasure to watch on the set."

Frank Sinatra was, in fact, offered the priest's role played by Malden, but turned it down because he felt it was not the right kind of role for him.

Director Damato remembers the impression Sam Spiegel, the famous Hollywood figure who produced "On the Waterfront," made on Hoboken residents. "One night he pulled up to my club in an enormous maroon limousine. His chauffeur opened the door for him and he got out - a big, heavy-set fellow with a cigar in his mouth - and came into the club. None of us had ever seen anything quite like that. He brought a real touch of Hollywood glamour to Hoboken when he arrived."

About six months ago Director Damato saw Elia Kazan, the film's director, in a New York Restaurant. "It had been so long since I had seen him that I didn't know whether he would recognize me or not. But he spotted me and came over to my table to chat for a while. In fact, he invited me over to the table where was eating to introduce me to him."

Some of the movie's scenes were filmed on locations that no longer exist. Most of the interiors were shot in the Continental Hotel. It was there that the picture's version of Eva Marie Saint's apartment was set up and there many of the scenes of the rooftop pidgeon coops were taken.

One of the scenes took place at the corner near City Hall on the ramp of the old A Z Motor Company building.

The cast often ate at Myers [sic - Meyers] Hotel, where Kazan maintained his offices during the shooting. It was at Myers Hotel that the wedding scene, which showed many Hoboken residents, took place.

Asked what it was like to work so closely for six months with three famous actors and a hauntingly beautiful actress, Director Damato said simply, "Unforgettable."

Nattily dressed in a flowered yellow shirt, wide tie and stylish suit, an athletic looking Damato showed a visitor a photograph of a rather stout young man in a thick overcoat and hat with an upturned brim standing beside an equally bundled up woman who was immediately recognizable.

"That's me before I lost weight, and Eva Marie Saint. You know, she wore red longhandle underwear for all the outdoor rehearsals. When they got ready to start the cameras rolling, she would push the longhandles up out of sight and go on with the scene. Right after they took this picture of us I asked her why a beautiful woman like her would wear longhandles that were red. She said she didn't care what color they were so long as they were warm.

"She was a very sweet and natural girl. It was a great thrill to watch her on television the night she won the Oscar for her part in 'On the Waterfront.' Standing there with the Oscar in her hand in front of the television cameras and a nationwide audience, she said the best time she ever had was working on the movie and how nice it was to meet and work with the people of Hoboken. I'm sure that made us all feel good."

Finally, The Preview

"Waiting for the picture to open was like a kid waiting for Christmas," said Damato. "A lot of us who worked on the picture were invited to the premiere. After six months of watching a scene being taken and retaken and retaken again, and skipping around from one location to another with no apparent rhyme or reason, it was quite an experience to see the whole thing pulled together.

(Continued on Page 18)


Page 4 THE HOBOKEN HERALD September 8, 1971

[photo, no caption: view of site for Marineview Towers with painted sign: John J. Grogan's Marineview Towers]


Marineview Plaza ???

by Don Singleton

When you stand at the corner of Fourth and Hudson Streets and look southwest, across those 11.91 acres of bricks and rusty cans and illegally parked cars, there are a few things which cannot be seen.

You can't see a cluster of modernistic skyscrapers, for instance. You can't see vast shopping malls. You can't see enough housing for several thousands of people. You can't see public parking garages.

So far, those things have been seen only in architect's drawings and campaign literature. In the drawings and the pamphlets, Grogan Marine View Plaza looks as real as the Yellow Flats.

The only actual construction that took place on the site over the past three years was the erection of a sign, which stood as a cynical, mute watchman standing guard over the rust and the rubble, waiting for the day when the plans drawn up by the firm of Comparetto and Kenny would become a reality. The sign stood and waited, while its lettering faded and cracked and peeled.

One never would have inferred any doubt about the future of Grogan Marine View Plaza from the statements of Mayor Louis DePascale and other public officials, who issued a series of optimistic reports over the course of the past few years.

According to these statements, which usually came immediately prior to elections, the final approval was always just around the corner.

Somehow, however, around each corner there was always another corner.

Usually, the people who knew the inside story were not quite as optimistic.

For example, consider the following two statements, both made on the same day early last month, when two men were asked to comment on the current status of the application by the developers for an FHA mortgage to finance construction of the plaza.

The two men were Mayor DePascale and William Rose, Chief Public Information Officer for the New York — New Jersey Regional Office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Here is how each answered:

DePascale. "Oh, there's nothing wrong with this application. The only problem is that the developer must get assurance from the FHA that they have insured a mortgage. And before you can get that assurance from them — because this is involving more than $20 million — you have to go through these feasibility reports and all . . . and that's where we have an indication that it's going to be okay. . .. The developer has been selected, the plans have been completed, everything's set to go. The only thing they need is for the FHA to say, 'Yes, go ahead, we'll guarantee your money,’ and that's where we understand the approval is coming any day now...."

Rose: "The application was made on June 23 — it hasn't been hanging around for a long time — for $11,615,700 in HUD-FHA mortgage insurance, for 386 units of housing on this urban renewal site. In order to get the insurance, the applicants have to prove their feasibility, and they have to have a meeting with FHA and go over what they propose to do — what the market is, what rents they're going to charge, and how they're going to carry the thing — and then they get a letter of feasibility, which invites them to submit formal documents putting everything in writing, especially as to their financing. And if that is finally approved, then they get a firm commitment. But this application we’re talking about has not yet reached the stage where they have even scheduled a feasibility conference. They haven't even taken the first step. This application is in a highly preliminary stage."

Another high official in HUD, speaking under the promise that his name would not be published, was even more gloomy: "During the feasibility stage of an application like this, the developers have to provide us with evidence of their characteristics and qualifications. Now, it is no secret that Bernard F. Kenny, who is a partner in the firm of Comparetto and Kenny and who is listed as one of the sponsors, has had some trouble lately. Now, that gives us a certain amount of concern. There is a lot of money involved here. And, frankly, some of us wonder how we can be optimistic about a sponsor with the characteristics and qualifications of Mr. Kenny. Now, that's all off the record, and I'm not going to say any more for the record. For the record, all I'll say is that this thing is still under review. Period."

Bernard F. Kenny's troubles, as the spokesman said, are no secret. Early this year he was named as a co- conspirator in the federal extortion-conspiracy case involving Hudson County officials. And on Aug. 12, Bernard Kenny was again named as a co-conspirator in an extortion and fraud case, this time involving John V. Kenny and Angelo J. Sarubbi.

Kenny's firm, Comparetto and Kenny, has been identified by former U.S. Attorney Frederick B. Lacey as being associated with "a web, finely spun and highly intricate, of public contracts in Hudson County and certain of its cities, conceived by certain political leaders, and woven by certain contractors, architects and engineers. Repeatedly, the name of Comparetto and Kenny turns up as architect or consulting engineer...."

Much earlier, in 1955, Bernard Kenny served five months of a two-year federal prison term on a charge of illegally concealing the fact of his association with the architectural firm of Mascolo and Masumian while he was a director of a Jersey City Redevelopment Agency.

So it was under the sponsorship of Kenny that Grogan Marine View Plaza remained unbuilt, unbegun, even unapproved. Under that sponsorship, an earlier application for an FHA mortgage languished, an application for state mortgage insurance came to nothing and the most recent application was rejected on Aug. 30.

All that time, of course, it was the official policy to express confidence, optimism and self-assuredness, even as the size of the proposal was shrinking — from an original $45-million project, to a $30-million project, to the most recent proposal, of which only $11.6 million was for housing. At the same time, the number of housing units shrank from 775 to 386.

Yet, through all the inaction, the official attitude has not changed. Always, the ground-breaking was right around the corner. As Mayor DePascale said last July 26, "I'm more anxious than any other present city official to realize the actuality of Grogan Marine Plaza. I feel Mr. Mongiello and others realize my feelings in pursuit of such a realization. I feel the needed mortgage funds will be approved this week by HUD,

(Continued on Page 12)


September 8, 1971 THE HOBOKEN HERALD Page 5

The Hoboken Ferry

by Mark Schubin

No single aspect in Hoboken's history is as vast or as well known as the Hoboken Ferry. This is by no means accidental — the ferryboat was born in Hoboken and its regular operation predates even the . Yet, even the many thousands of devoted commuters who lined icy decks during mid- winter crossings, who endured the spray and the stench of the now polluted Hudson, who opted for the ferry over the comfort of PATH, even these faithful souls knew little of the role which Hoboken's own riverboats played in the shaping of American history.

In this issue, The Hoboken Herald begins a series of articles about the Hoboken Ferry, its history and its devotees. This week: The First Ferries.

In September of 1609, Henry Hudson's ship. The Half Moon, pulled into a cove between Weehawken and Hoboken and was promptly showered with arrows and rocks by some inhospitable Indians. The ship found safety on the New York side, but returned the next day to inspect a strange white green rock formation (Castle Point), thus making what was probably the first round trip ferry crossing to Hoboken. Of course, even before Hudson came to the New World, Indians had been crossing the river in canoes and rafts, but neither they nor 1 Hudson can really claim the first established ferry service.

The exact beginnings of regular ferry service are somewhat obscure, but it is clear that once there was a reason to get to Hoboken, boats were quickly available. In 1642, the first Brew House in New Jersey was constructed in Hoboken. Sure enough, ferries began to flourish, ostensibly to promote trade and communications between New York and the continent, but also to quench a thirst or two.

Two types of boats were in use at this time and did not really change through the start of the nineteenth century. Twin-masted canal boats with leeboards (called periaguas) were used when there was wind enough to make the trip and rowboats were used at all other times. A typical river crossing at that time would take hours at best, days at worst and could even cost the traveller his life in the choppy waters. To the river's dangers and delays were added the price wars and bickering of the ferrymen, which could keep the traveller for days on shore. The situation grew so bad by 1684 that the Director of the Council of New York had to step in with a schedule of rates for the ferry and an order that the boats "must carry savage, male or female."

New Line Advertised

One of the first recognizable aspects of the Hoboken Ferry came in 1771, when an advertisement in the New York newspapers heralded the arrival of a new line of boats which the ferry company said could be recognized by the name "The Hobook Ferry" painted on the stern. Since Hoboken's name was not yet finalized, this may have been the first use of the term "Hoboken Ferry."

It was not until four years later, however, that New York City granted the first lease for "a ferry from the dock belonging to this Corporation, at the Bear Barket at the North (Hudson) River to Hoboock," on May 8, 1775, to Harmanus Talman. The ferry opened seven days earlier on May 1st, demonstrating that New York's government was not much better at running things then than it is today.

Designed to add a touch of excitement to this period, the Revolutionary War broke out (many historians feel that taxation, representation, independence and freedom had something to do with the war but that doesn't make them right). When the Continental Army occupied New York on August 7, 1775, they also took over the ferry, using it for troop transport (the Brew House was still operating) and for harassing citizens while looking for spies. On September 15th, 1776, Washington fled to King's Bridge, the British took over New York and began doing their own transporting and harassing. The British apparently had so much fun with the ferry, that they remained in control of it till November 25, 1783, over seven years after the Declaration of Independence.

On October 8, 1784, New York got the ferry back and immediately leased it to John Van Allen for 20 shillings a year. Van Allen was not a ferry devotee, however, and soon pleaded with the City Council to be released from his lease. The Council agreed on August 10, 1785 and only three weeks later sold the lease to Sylvanus Lawrence for thirty-seven pounds per annum. Lawrence was given a discount and incentives but still didn't keep the ferry, which was tossed about until John Stevens, owner of Hoboken since 1784, purchased the lease on Wednesday, April 15, 1789. On December 12, 1791, he lost the lease but was not yet out of the running.

Rates Established

In 1796, there were four boats in service, operated by Elis Haynes on the New York side and John Town (after whom the Town of Hoboken was later named) on the New Jersey side. While Town boasted of the finest service from his two rowboats and two sailboats, for a long time the crew of one of the periaugers consisted of an old man and his dog. The 1799 rates for ferriage were firmly established and ranged from one penny for a "common chair," to tupence for a mahogany chair, a side of leather or a plant, nine pence for a passenger, and a maximum of eight shillings and sixpence for a coach, chariot or covered wagon.

At about this time, John Fitch, close friend of John Stevens, suggested that a circular platform for horses might make the Hoboken Ferry much more efficient. The platform would be suspended between two boats and would operate paddles to push the boat forward. Stevens, very hot about the idea of steam, rejected the idea, claiming that he could bring steam power to water vessels.

On December 11, 1809, Stevens presented the following demand to the New York City Council: "I, John Stevens, have been for a considerable time engaged in endeavors to apply the force of steam to navigation and claim to be the first in the country who made efforts for the desirable ends. I am the Proprietor of the right of ferrying from Hoboken to New York." Stevens went on to deny the exclusive rights of others to this privilege and, one year later, on December 10, 1810, the Council agreed to lease the ferry to Stevens.

At about this time, a gentleman by the name of Robert Fulton appeared on the scene. On February 9, 1811, Fulton was granted a patent on what was generally agreed to be the first steamboat. Yet, fully seven years earlier, in May of 1804, three students of King's College in New York witnessed the following sight: "We were informed that "Jack" Stevens was going over to Hoboken in a queer sort of boat," wrote James Renwick, later to become a famed professor of natural and experimental philosophy at Columbia University. "On reaching the bulkhead by which the Battery was then bounded, we saw lying against it a vessel about the size of a Whitehall rowboat, in which there was a small engine but no visible means of propulsion. The vessel was speedily underway . .

Was this the first steam boat? No, Stevens had built steamboats years before that. What baffled the crowd was the fact that the Little Juliana, as the vessel was called, was powered by the first set of twin screw propellers. On September 10, 1811, the first steam ferryboat, called the Juliana after its smaller predecessor, was placed into regular service on the line, between Hoboken and Vesey Street in New York. By September 23, the little boat was

(Continued on Page 12)


[three illustrations]

Hobook Ferry - 1775

A Ferryboat of 1825 Fairy Queen

A Ferryboat of the Civil War Period - the Morristown 1864



Page 6 THE HOBOKEN HERALD September 8,1971


by Joseph Schulman

As entertainment editor of this newspaper it would seem appropriate to announce, discuss and review, in this and future issues, the entertainment and Art that is available in Hoboken. Unfortunately, I wouldn't have enough material to fill an eighth of a page. Hoboken, with few encouraging exceptions, is a cultural wasteland.

Hoboken has an exciting past history of art and entertainment with unfortunately died on its way to the present. The city that at one time supported ten legitimate theaters, an opera house, a city orchestra and many other attractions, now has very little to offer those interested in art and entertainment. The situation isn't completely bleak, though. There are artists, musicians, dancers, writers and many sympathetic citizens who are willing to help build a more cultural Hoboken.

The major problem for the moment is communication. Many of the people involved in the arts are unaware of, and have no contact with, people of similar interests. Also, there is very little publicity for the cultural programs that exist in Hoboken, though, there have been recent developments in the solving of this problem. The Model Cities Program has conducted an arts survey in Hoboken that contains information about churches,

(Continued on Page 8)


Let’s Scare

Jessica to Death

Although fear represents real or imagined threats to one's life or well being, it is an exhilarating feeling, a stinging affirmation of the life that is being threatened. Our body reacts to fear in much the same way it reacts to surprise and extreme elation. So, possibly fear, experienced actually or vicariously, is an important need for excitement-oriented people. But, for whatever reason, there is a large audience for fear in the form of horror, terror and "spine tingler" movies.

In recent months there has been an epidemic of horror films, done in most part by the same exploitive producers who have been serving up sex in a variety of forms and positions. Most of these horrors have been. Low budget, minor-talent combinations have paid off with some pretty unoriginal flicks.

When I went to see. Let's Scare Jessica to Death, I expected to be scared, more so at least than by the flacky abominations created by ex-marriage manual directors. The picture had a lot going for it. It had a Paramount Pictures release, which is a step above ''Gross Presents". It had a recognizable actress, Zohra Lampert, whose face has crossed our television screens thousands of times in the commercial that (Continued on Page 8)


What Hoboken Needs ...

By Mark Schubin

This column will analyze one of Hoboken's needs each week. Along with a statement of the problem, some methods of solution will be presented.

What Hoboken needs is a movie theatre. Any resident of Hoboken of more than a few years will surely remember the Fabian, Hoboken's last theatre, majestically standing on the corner of Newark & Washington Sts., closed and grafitti covered, till it gave way to the vast supermarket which now covers its ashes.

Before the Fabian, the U.S. Theatre, between Sixth and Seventh on Washington, fell to become — alas — a parking lot! Theatres before that reign in the memory of Hoboken's older residents, some of whom remember as many as fifteen legitimate and movie theatres at one time.

Hoboken is not the only New Jersey community without a movie theatre, nor is it the only place where movies have gone the way of the two-cents plain. In Manhattan, great movie palaces fall every day — even in Times Square, the movie theatre capital of the world, the old Paramount and other greats have fallen.

It's not even surprising that these theatres should fail. In Hoboken, one could not hope to maintain a grand theatre like the Fabian when faced with competition from the Journal Square of Manhattan theatres a short ride away. In Manhattan, large theatres fall because they cannot fill their seats — former patrons now stay at home to watch movies on TV, or go to new, smaller, neighborhood theatres, which, with only a few hundred seats to fill, show films to capacity crowds every day.

A quick look at Cue Magazine any week reveals the hundreds of movies playing at the nearly one- thousand movie theatres in the tri-state area which the magazine serves. Vet, to see any of these films, a Hoboken resident must wait for a bus, frequently in cold or rainy weather, or walk to the train station to wait for a train, or drive to some unholy community where he must find a parking space, dash to he theatre, and find he missed the last show, anyway. Gone are the days of a pleasant walk home after a warm happy ending, of the Saturday matinees the kids went to, giving you a few hours of peace, or of the midnight horror movie and the suspiciously dark streets one passed thereafter. Ah, those were the days.

Well, these are the days! There is little reason that a Hoboken movie theatre cannot thrive in the seventies. Here are some of the reasons it must succeed.

Hoboken has no movie theatre. That's over 45,000 people who must travel to see a film — enough to fill a thousand-seat auditorium every night for a month. However, that's assuming all 45,000 people want to see the same film and are willing to pay. If only 3000 meet those conditions, what then?

Films are available in sufficient quantity to change programs weekly, at least. Festival theatres in New York, such as the Elgin or the Thalia, frequently change programs daily. However, the high cost of film rental, as well as maintenance of a large theatre make this a gloomy business proposition. What about that?

Get a small, automated theatre. Several business concerns offer these theatres on a franchise basis. One person is manager, ticket seller, and, if necessary, concessionaire. Two to three hundred seats is an ample number for such a theatre and, with the associated small size, the theatre does not take up much room. Two theatres may be operated side by side at an even greater saving (perhaps one for English and one for Spanish films). However, even this small theatre may not generate sufficient interest among Hoboken residents. What then?

Nothing. Aside from Hoboken's population, the populations of most of Union City and downtown Jersey City would be closer and more convenient to a Hoboken theatre than to any other. Both of these locations have direct bus service to Hoboken; Jersey City has PATH, too. Union City has over 58,000 people and Downtown Jersey City. . . . Still not convinced? Okay. Stevens Tech has an on-campus (resident) student body of only a thousand or so. Yet movies are shown every Monday and Tuesday night to packed audiences in a three-hundred seat lecture hall.

Indian language movies are shown on some Saturday nights, and even engineering films on Wednesday afternoons sometimes draw crowds. There is no reason why Hoboken's theatre couldn't show these films on different nights — or why Stevens students wouldn't flock to the theatre on Wednesday through Sunday nights.

Still not convinced? Fine. The potential audience for Hoboken's theatre is not limited to to the immediate area. It's impossible for any one area to carry all the films of interest to its residents. Manhattanites from midtown to downtown are as close to a Hoboken theatre as they are to an uptown theatre. Picture a Greenwich Village resident who can either take a hot, sweaty subway to 181st Street to see something at the Loew's Victoria, or air-conditioned PATH to exotic Hoboken to see something at the Hoboken Olympus! Hudson County alone has over 600,000 people; Newark, a PATH ride away, has nearly 400,000, and then there's New York...

(Continued on Page 16)


September 8, 1971 THE HOBOKEN HERALD Page 7

[photo - view of Clam Broth House window with "women keep out" sign on paper plate]

[credit] Joseph Shulman


Clam Bar Holds Out

By Barbara Spector

It’s a woman's prerogative to change her mind. But three women who stirred up a kettle of fish, and then changed their minds, may change the course of history in Hoboken.

The legendary 72-year male bastion, the Clam Broth House Men's Bar, may have to open its doors to women, if a New Jersey Division of Civil Rights complaint wins its day in court. And if so, owner John Podesta says he will shutter the narrow saloon with its clamshell-lined floors — one of three eating places in the Clam Broth establishment.

A favorite watering and dining spot for men only, with patrons from all over the area — as well as a faithful handful from the city and its docks — the Clam Broth House's Men's Bar patrons for years have enjoyed their own form of liberation — a place to drink and eat with no women around.

Then a new form of liberation came into the Clam Broth House in the shape of three women wearing Women's Lib buttons who demanded to be served. When refused, they went to the State Division of Civil Rights and filed a complaint.

Hearing Scheduled

The trio, Katherine Donadio, Ealyne Nord, and Susan McConnell — none from the area — have since decided to clam up, or drop the charges, but the state, under the name of Civil Rights Director James Blair, is pursuing the matter. The case is scheduled for a public hearing in Newark on Oct. 20.

Meanwhile, the patrons are themselves gathering support for their tavern and their own rights. American Independence for Men (AIM) has been organized and a cuspidor in the bar is being used as a cannister for collecting donations for the legal battle ahead.

"It's a setup," said Victor Palmer Jr., the attorney for the Clam Broth House.

"Many women have tried to get served here, but never a lady," asserts Norbert Cadamuro, manager of the restaurant and a leading member of AIM.

"We intend to picket and stand up for our rights too," adds Cadamuro, who listed the names of the people most active in the drive.

"There is Pamby, J. R., Heavy, and Sharky, among others," he said. ''Honestly, that's how they're known. They've been patronizing this place for years and years. They don't want the atmosphere changed."

Cadamuro alluded to "days of yore" when the Clam Broth's poIicy of no-females-in-the-men's-bar evolved. "Remember, we're 72 years old," he said.

"In those days, men and women were thought of as separate entities when it came to bars, taverns and saloons. Most places even had a separate 'family entrance.'

Other Bar Available

"It was a matter of course that women of gentility and quality just never came into a bar. And today, these men still actually feel that way. Honest, it's no joke."

Cadamuro noted that the and drink served in the men's domicile is also served in the two neighboring dining rooms operated by the Clam Broth House. And in the Marlin Room, a woman can even sit at the bar.

In the men's bar there are no seats, notes Palmer, the lawyer, who added too, "there are just no facilities."

Cadamuro said that before the complaint was issued and even since then, "Women peek in and make a farce of an attempt at getting served — but they were never serious, until those three."

The Clam Broth House is believed to be one of the last all-male holdouts in the metropolitan area — or at least the most famous.

Last year, McSorley's in New York's East Village went co-ed, but after the first flurry of excitement — news cameras and television crews — the novelty died down.

"They come in, but just a few and just once in a while. It's not a big deal anymore since all that publicity," said a McSorley's regular.

Attorney Optimistic

Palmer feels there is a good chance his client can win the case." Any licensed premises has a right to indulge in certain policing," he said, comparing a "No Girls" ruling in the Men's Bar with requiring ties and jackets after 6 p.m. in the Marlin Room. "We can set a standard of decorum to protect our license, for example. It also keeps prostitutes out."

Palmer calls the tavern's policy ''differentiating, not discriminating" because he does not like the images the latter word conjures up.

"Those three girls dropped the charges after a conciliation hearing," said Palmer. "They knew I'd have a field day with them at a public hearing."

Nevertheless, the state division then sent in their own investigators — male and female — who reported back that they received "unequal treatment," and the Clam Broth House made the complaint calender. "They've got three attorney generals working on this," laughed Palmer. "It must be important."

Vernon Potter, a spokesman for the State Division of Civil Rights, calls the matter "Just another case."

"When discrimination occurs, it occurs. An individual doesn't have to file a complaint. If we know about it, we can handle it," he said.

He expects a lively public hearing, as do Cadamuro and Palmer. "There will be some colorful faithful patrons there," said Cadamuro.

There is unanimous agreement among all parties that if a shapely women totally unclothed should wander into the bar today, the only attention she would get is from the patrons ordering her to leave.

There is also some speculation that if Podesta loses this round he may turn the place over to the girls completely. Beer and , anyone?

Miss Spector, the maritime writer for the Newark News, covered Hudson County for three years, and has won numerous awards for her writing.


Page 8 THE HOBOKEN HERALD September 8, 1971

Tribute to a Fighter

[illustration of Frankie Nelson sports cartoon]


by Jim Hans

Frankie Nelson, the celebrated former New Jersey lightweight champion who died recently (Aug. 17th) at the age of 83, had lived in Hoboken since he was 8 years old. Mike Bucino, one of his closest friends, said Frankie was born in 1888 "the year of the blizzard" in New York City, on January 10th, two doors from the former Mayor Al Smith's house.

Frankie's real name was Michael Francis Valeio. He adopted the Irish name for his first professional fight in the Irish community of Waterbury, Conn. After defeating "One-Round Nolan," he was known for a time as "The Fighting Irishman."

Frankie was a life time member of Ring 14, Veterans Boxing Association. The boxers met every other week, usually on a Thursday, at Frankie's bar on River Street. If you haven't raised beer glasses with that special breed of men, I suggest you do the first chance you get. They are one of the last colorful groups associated with the old-time bar-room atmosphere. The combination of a boxer's ego and energy expressed verbally in public is very different from his physical expression in the ring.

Frankie was a Past Grand Ruler of the Elks and one of the original sponsors of the Hoboken Little League. He had many friends some of which are shown in the picture above right taken on the south east corner of 5th and Adams Street. Frankie is on the right with hat cocked. Others identified are: (from left to right) 1. Frank Auriemma, 5. Mimi Yaccarino, 6. Peter Natale, 7. Mike Borelli (former local commissioner), 8. Tilyou Molinari, 9. Fred M. De Sapio (former Mayor of Hoboken), 11. Ed Flario, 12. Fred D'Aurio, 13. Judge Charles De Fazio Jr., 15. Frankie, 16. John "The Florest" Leanesso.

"Kiddie outings" were also sponsored by Frankie Nelson. The picture below is of chartered

(Continued on Page 9)


[two photos described in text]


September 8, 1971 THE HOBOKEN HERALD Page 9

(Continued from Page 8)

buses loading in front of Frankie's "speak easy" on Hudson Street (Between 1st and 2nd, looking south) in the summer of 1927. Frankie is in the center with white hat and pants. Note the old Rialto Theater to the right and the Hudson Trust building in the distance.

During the Prohibition in the late 20's and up to the Depression, Hoboken was considered "wide-open" compared to most other cities. Theater plays were popular at that time in ^Hoboken's night life. Frankie used to talk about how New York's Mayor Jimmy Walker and his party would arrive in chauffeur-driven limousines with everyone wearing top hat and tails. After the theaters let out, the crowd would gather at Frankie's for more entertainment. Jack Dempsey was also a frequent visitor. And so were boxers "Two-Ton" Tony Galonto and feather weight Joey Ross. Joey still lives in Hoboken.

Around 1933, shortly after Prohibition ended, Frankie opened "Nelson's Marine Bar and Grill" on the corner of 3rd and River Streets. The picture above, left, shows Frankie with his wife Antoinette (Nettie) in the kitchen sampling the "No. 1dish.

Frankie was always active in community affairs, raising funds, supporting the Church, and when the U.S. entered the 2nd World War, he joined the Hoboken Air Raid Wardens. The meetings for the first sector were held at his River Street location. In the picture above, taken around 1943, in front of his bar, Frankie is standing below the left corner of the headquarters sign. Other wardens at that time were: (front row, left to right) Edwin R. Pilsum, William F. Schroeder, Anthony "Minock" Truatt, Charles I. Trus, Edward M. Cahill, Francis M. Fitzpatrick, William J. Giddings. Back row: William Kroger, Emil (Jerry) Kissel, Charles H. Kroger, Frankie, Jack H. Gaftick, Otto Kirchner, Joseph Carton, Edward T. Giddings, and Joseph Connelly.

Jerry Kissel, second from left, top, who lives on Hudson Street, talked of Frankie as always being in good physical condition. "I was surprised to hear of his ill health. ... I saw Frankie a day or two before he went into the hospital, and he looked great."

Jerry remembers when Frankie and his wife, Nettie, used to live at 514 Hudson Street. "Their bar on River Street, where we held the Air Raid Wardens meetings, did quite a business. Frankie and Nettie would walk home passing through Elysian Park carrying the night's money . . . Frankie would laugh and say it was a good thing he was a fighter."

Frankie was a fighter, but he was also a kind, sincere person, and very much an entertainer. My wife and I enjoyed many a night at Frankie's until River Street was torn down in 1969. It was interesting to hear him tell stories about his past. Sometimes while talking about his boxing days, he would suddenly reach down under the counter and ring the old official fight bell he installed there. One could spend hours in the place, and we did. It was like a museum with the walls covered with rare old fight pictures and posters.

The collection is now in the Hall of Fame, Long Branch, New Jersey. Frankie would explain, in a warm and proud manner, each picture and its history. He was generous with his time (and money); going out of his way to offer free food and sandwiches at the bar, and buying customers drinks simply because he wanted to. Frankie always enjoyed the social side of life. Below left: A night on the town at Kean's 304 River Street. The gentleman wearing glasses is Frankie Nelson, on his left is his wife Nettie, standing behind them are Mr. and Mrs. Fuhrmann, near center are Martin and Dolly Sinatra, on their left is Frank Bartletta. The gentleman on the far right is John "The Florist" Leanesso. The other two ladies are unidentified.

Frankie's funeral services were held August 21st at St. Francis Roman Catholic Church after being in St. Mary's Hospital for 34 days with arterio schlertic heart disease. He died of a heart failure after two operations. Interment was held at Holy Name Cemetery.

Frankie leaves no children. His wife passed away on Sept. 17, 1968.


[four photos - described in text]


September 8, 1971 THE HOBOKEN HERALD Page 10, Page 11 []

The Hoboken Ferry was a major communications and trade link, connecting New York to the rest of the United States. This engraving, made shortly after the Civil War, depicts the chaos which reigned at the New York terminal on Barclay Street. Since the seventeenth century, Hoboken Ferryboats had carried cattle, passengers, furniture, vehicles and almost anything else — a feature of the line which led to the perils shown. On several occasions, the New York City Council or the Bergen Council had to step in and set rates to avoid the bickering and delays caused by price-cutting ferrymen. The rates in 1825 were as follows:

Passengers...... 12 1/2

An Ordinary Wagon 50


Wagon...... 1.00

Additional Horses/Wagon .18

Coach Drawn by Two Horses, with Driver and Four Passengers...... 1.00

Phaeton, Drawn by Two Horses, and Two Persons .... 1.00

Two Wheel Carriage, Chair, or Sulky, Drawn by One Horse, and Two Persons ...... 50

Bushel of ...... 02

Horse and Cattle, Each . . .22

Sheep, Calf or Hog 06

Large Trunk or Chest ... 1 1/2

Hogshead of Wine, Spirits or Molasses ...... 75

Barrel of , , Flour or fish...... 12 1/2

Raw hide ...... 03

Iron, Steel, Lead, per

cwt...... 06

Desk...... 37 1/2

Bag of Fruit...... 04

Crate of Earthenware . . . .25

Clock case ...... 12 1/2

Specie, per $1,000 .....12 1/2

Cabbage, per hundred ... .19

This selection just scratches the surface of the ferry rates, which helped cause the chaotic scene shown. It should be pointed out that though clock cases had rates, clocks did not. Also amusing is the charge for money — Specie, per $1,000. . . . 12 1/2. At the end of the rate table was the final insult, "and all other articles and things in like proportion." Ferry travelers were inspected and rates were placed on every item on their persons. This produced long delays which, with the accompanying confusion and crowding, frequently brought about injury.

The various rail lines and steamship companies shown here represent a small portion of the transportation companies which sprung up around the ferry, a major factor in the establishment of the City of Hoboken.

[illlustration: 1866; The Perils of the Ferry Crossing - Scene at the Hoboken Ferry, Barclay Street, New York]


Page 12 THE HOBOKEN HERALD September 8, 1971


(Continued from Page 5)

making an average of sixteen trips a day, with about one hundred people on each trip.

Earlier, Fulton began a regular run to Albany with his Clermont. The legislature of the State of New York conferred, accordingly, upon Fulton and his partner Robert Livingston, exclusive rights to the navigable waters of New York. Fulton and Livingston, in turn, granted the Paulus Hook Ferry Company, at that time running ferries from Cortland Street to Paulus Hook (now in Jersey City), exclusive rights to run a ferry for a distance of three miles to the north of the Paulus Hook site. This grant encompassed Hoboken and Stevens was forced to retire the Juliana from service. But. . .

The ferry moves uptown, returns to steam and catches fire a lot, next week in The Hoboken Herald.

Mark Schubin, managing editor of this paper, used to ride the Hoboken Ferry because it was as close as he could come to running off to sea.


Marineview Plaza

(Continued from Page 4)

that actual ground-breaking ceremonies will materialize very soon."

Surely Mayor DePascale should not have to shoulder all the blame. For, over all the months and years, not one of his political rivals ever made a serious challenge to any statement. Only in the past few weeks, when the death-rattles of the last Comparetto and Kenny proposal could be heard, did the others move in for the kill.

If there is an element of tragedy to the story, surely it is in the waste involved. Money has been wasted, time has been wasted, Hoboken's history has been wasted. In all, 96 buildings were torn down: buildings with more than 100 years of history in them; buildings which housed 150 families of two or more and about 200 individuals; buildings in which 29 taverns and 21 other businesses were located. There were flophouses and ginmills. There were colorful old hotels, and solid homes where families had lived for generations.

Most of the area, unquestionably, was so dilapidated that it needed to be torn down. Urban renewal was an appropriate answer, by all accounts.

But what were they torn down for? To make a bumpy parking lot where commuters can park — free — while they work in Manhattan and pay their taxes somewhere out in suburbia? To provide a trash heap where people can discard their old sofas and refrigerators? To bring some federal funds for dispensing? To flesh out some effete campaign literature?

Of course, the cloud could still have a silver lining. There is always the possibility that the original developer or some new one will win mortgage approval, and the skyscrapers will grow from the rubble on the site.

One of the giants from across the Hudson, some Tishman or Uris, could become interested in the site and consider making a proposal.

Having Tishman move in could be a blessing. "Professionalism can make a big difference in the speed with which applications are processed," said HUD's Rose. "If an outfit like Tishman comes in, and everything is professionally done — all the I's dotted and all the T's crossed — it would take just a minimum amount of time, a few weeks. But if a guy like Joe Doakes comes in, and his architect doesn't know how to prepare the plans, and his financing is shaky, and he has to be sent back to prepare better plans, well, it can take a long, long time. It can take forever."

Many observers feel that no matter who builds an apartment complex on the site, it will be a sure-fire success, both for the developer and for the city.

"That spot is right next to the PATH station, and the Path station is just a short, air-conditioned, dependable ride away from the World Trade Center," said one Hoboken realtor.

"With those kinds of advantages, you just couldn't miss."

The realtor also said he believes that if and when a high-rise apartment complex is built on the site, it will mark the beginning of a new era for Hoboken.

"When we. get a lot of new people in town, shopping here and going to church and school here, they'll just have to discover all the good things about Hoboken," he said.

"And when the word gets out about what we've got here, there's going to be a land rush like Hoboken hasn't seen since the days of Col. Stevens!"

Don Singleton a Hoboken resident who writes for the N. Y. Daily News has been called by a New York Times editor "one of the best writers in New York."



(Continued from Page 3)

"Parts of it were unbelievable. For one thing, snow was on the ground much of the time and in several scenes it was actually snowing while they photographed. I don't know how they managed to keep it invisible, but somehow or another, there was no snow in the picture."

The scene which probably startled most Hoboken residents showed the outside of Our Lady of Grace Church at 4th and Willow Streets, but when the scene shifted inside it was St. Peter & Pauls on Hudson Street.

Now in its seventeenth year and umpteenth TV showing, "On the Waterfront" remains one of the most memorable films of our time. The eight Oscars it won were well-deserved, according to almost every critic who saw the film. The picture got an Oscar for being the best feature production of the year. An Oscar went to Marlon Brando for best actor, to Eva Marie Saint for best supporting actress, to Elia Kazan for best director, to Budd Schulberg for best story and screenplay, to Gene Milford for best film editing, to Richard Day for best art direction and to Boris Kaufman for best cinematography.

Three of the five nominations for best supporting actor went to stars of the movie, Lee J. Cobb, Karl Malden and Rod Steiger. In fact, the movie was the first to establish Steiger as a major American movie actor. And in case you don't remember, the music for the film was written by Leonard Bernstein.

It all took place in Hoboken, about Hoboken and with Hoboken people. If cities were given Oscars, Hoboken would certainly have won it that year.

The city was famous before the movie, but now, recorded on film for posterity, millions of people will continue to watch with fascination the many streets and buildings and people that are part of the daily lives of the citizens of Hoboken.

Peter Filancia is a New York based free-lance writer who has done film work and likes to eat in Hoboken.



Mayor DePascale

& the City Council extend Best Wishes to Hoboken's new Newspaper



Wm. Roth, Jewelers

One of Hudson County's Leading Jewelry Stylists and Trend-Setter








1.24 ct $895.00

Always a Large Collection of Fine Jewelry


Agency for









September 8, 1971 THE HOBOKEN HERALD Page 13

Hoboken Horoscope

[text not transcribed]


Page 14 THE HOBOKEN HERALD September 8, 1971

[full page ad, illustrated]

London Furniture 221 Washington St.


September 8, 1971 THE HOBOKEN HERALD Page 15

Food Fun for Everyone

By Beverly [Hans]

International Recipes

The inhabitants of Hoboken represent almost every country in the world. And for a city only a mile square with a population of over 45,000 that's really something! Luckily for those who live here, and also for those who come to visit, the many nationalities have not created a hodge-podge of humanity, but rather a unique atmosphere of distinct and different tastes, respected, appreciated, and shared.

I guess ideally any place that a person chooses to live represents to some extent his idea of what life in American should be. And Hoboken, to me, represents that ideal — variety in all aspects of life and the freedom to choose, to be choosey, if you like, plus the inspiration to do so!

Here are the Germans with their franks, , , knockwurst, teewurst, potato salads, munster and tilsit . And here are the Italians with their pepperone, proscuitto, Genoan , stuffed eggplant and peppers, , , ricotta, and cheese. And the Puerto Ricans with their salted cod fish, , , malangas, bonatos, rice, beans, and fresh or canned guava, papaya, and coconut products. The Indians with their rice, a variety of split and whole beans, flours, mango and lemon pickles, all kinds of papad (Indian that looks like a very thin pancake or tortilla, made with different spices, such as chilli, or pepper, or ), plus both liquid and dry spices. The list is amazing. The Jews, whose cooking is already international in style, incorporating the best of Polish, Russian, Spanish, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cooking, are none the less responsible for the kosher products, and pickled that are made available here in and supermarkets.

Something Special You or your family may have certain preferences as far as food is concerned, but there always comes a day when you want to fix something special, feel daring or simply have a craving for something different. Well, the ingredients for just about any recipe, more than likely, are within walking distance. And that's the whole idea. If you really want to, you can prepare any dish you like whenever you choose no matter where you live. Only in Hoboken, getting it together enough — the inspiration, the ingredients, the time — to do it properly is easier, more convenient, more fun.

In the Jewish repertoire, POTATO LATKES, is one of the most famous of their potato dishes.

1 tblsp. grated 2 large cups grated raw potato

2 tblsp. matzot meal 2 large eggs

oil for salt and

Mix the matzot meal with the grated potato, then add the beaten eggs (having beat the and whites separately), the grated onion and the salt and pepper. The mixture should be sufficiently soft to drop from a spoon. If necessary add another egg if the mixture is too dry or stiff. Heat the oil in a frying pan and drop in spoonfuls of the mixture and brown on both sides. Serve hot.

Here is a Polish recipe for SALAD.

1 lb. firm tomatoes white to taste

1/2 cup minced or shallots sweet basil leaves

1/2 cup corn oil salt and black pepper

fresh dill (preferably) or dill seeds

Thickly slice the tomatoes and mix with the minced onion, dill and sweet basil. Toss in the oil until well coated, then toss in the vinegar, about 2 tablespoonfuls. Season with salt and black pepper, toss again and chill slightly before serving. This salad is especially good when served with sour cream into which you have stirred plenty of real Hungarian .

This German recipe for BEER SOUP is a very simple one to make.

1 pint mild ale 3 tbsp lemon juice

1 pint milk 1 tsp brown sugar

3 egg yolks 1/2 tsp cinnamon

salt and pepper

Just heat the ale with the lemon juice and cinnamon. Heat the milk in a separate pan, and add the beaten egg yolks, mixing well. Add to the beer, season with salt and black pepper and add the sugar. Heat to boiling point and serve with toasted .

Preparing this BAKED ITALIAN SAUSAGE dish is easy, too.

6 or 8 links of sausage 6 potatoes 6 onions chopped tomatoes salt and pepper oregano crumpled bay leaf oil

Put a little water in a dish, arrange the sausage, potatoes, and onions. Sprinkle with the chopped tomatoes and season with salt, pepper, oregano, and crumpled bay leaf. Pour a little olive oil over all and bake in moderate oven until sausage is tender and are cooked.

Here is an Indian idea for a HIGH PROTEIN SANDWICH,

very dark rye loaf lemon (with thick peel) or butter substitute very ripe wheatgerm desiccated coconut

Cut the rye loaf into thick slices and butter them liberally. Sprinkle

with plenty of wheatgerm, pressing it well into the butter, then add a layer of lemon marmalade. Cut the banana into thin slices along its length. Add this to the sandwich, sprinkle with the coconut and press the sandwich together.

For a dessert, this Puerto Rican (ARROZ CON COCO) tastes as good as it sounds.

1-inch piece of ginger root, chopped (or 1 teaspoon ground ginger)

6 cups coconut milk 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup raisins ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon whole cloves 6 cinnamon sticks, 2 inches long 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup raw rice

To make the coconut milk: Combine 4 1/2 cups of milk, 1 1.2 cups of water, 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt, and 1 1.2cups flaked coconut in saucepan. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Strain. Yields 6 cups.

Now for the rice pudding: Tie whole spices in cheesecloth. Add spice bag, salt, and rice to 5 cups of coconut milk. Simmer until rice is tender and almost dry, about 25 to 30 minutes. Remove spice bag. Add remaining coconut milk, sugar, and raisins. Stir. Simmer until rice is almost dry. Sprinkle with cinnamon.

One of my own favorite recipes for a very healthy and refreshing drink, good for adults and infants alike, is YOGURT — APRICOT ELIXIR: 1 half-pint of plain yogurt, 2 or 3 fresh and pitted apricots (or 1 or 2 fresh, pitted, peaches), 1 tablespoon honey, and 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice (more or less) blended up in a blender. Almost an instant meal-in-itself, especially if you also add one raw egg .

If you are wondering where to find some of the ingredients mentioned here, for vegetables, try Raabe's Market, 155 First Street (between Bloomfield and Garden), or the store at 105 Fourth Street (between Washington and Bloomfield) which seems to have no obvious name, but it's easy to spot with its awning shaded baskets of vegetables to which you must step down from the sidewalk. For fresh dill in the Polish Tomato Salad, it will be worth it, believe me. If you like, you can also get the shallots, or as some call them, wild onions, at 105 Fourth Street or at Joseph Modero and Sons, a fruit and vegetable store that you can't miss at the corner of First and Clinton Streets. The latter not only has a wide variety of gorgeous fruits and vegetables but an equally large variety of Italian cold cuts and specialties. (For out-going service, their on American or Italian rolls and heroes is fantastic.) You can get fresh ginger root and canned coconut at Alonso and Morales Grocery, 201 Bloomfield Street. You might also check Pueblo Super Market (previously Alonso & Ortega Superette) at 95 Garden Street, and San Juan Supermarket, 204 First Street, between Garden and Park. There are always new discoveries to be made in the Puerto Rican bodegas. I've been happily surprised to find certain food items there that I couldn't but should have been able to find in numerous other places. Joseph Modero & Sons, Alonso & Morales, and San Juan Supermarket, all take "food coupons." and San Juan Supermarket, with its more obvious "Spanish-American Groceries” sign, is open on Sunday.

Aromas Are Unique

You don.t necessarily have to go to a German meat store or an Italian market to get what you need for some German or Italian dishes,

(Continued on Page 18)


Answers to Hoboken Quiz

1. (c) History. That was an easy one.

2. (d) Observer Highway. On the far south side of the city, it used to run down to the ferry slips through what is now the bus line section and turnaround spot.

3. (c) "Jeannie With The Light Brown Hair." Steven Foster lived in Hoboken, in a house on Bloomfield Street, in 1845. There is a plaque on the building at 601 Bloomfield Street.

4. (d) Hair (Broadway's 2nd longest running hit) was written in Hoboken over five years ago. The production started off small in New York's Greenwich Village ... more about that in a future issue.

If you picked (c) Funny Girl, you had good reason, not the play but part of the movie version was filmed in Hoboken.



Hoboken stands.

Across from New York Over the murky Hudson,

In what many,

Out of ignorance.

Call shame

But those who know her Call pride.

It is a pride of being,

A pride of being all that she is:

Her people.

Her industry.

Her ports.

And her great institution.

Yes, those who know her Know well her pride As this small, small city Stands proud amongst the giants. Yes, we come to Herald Hoboken For all that she is;

To praise her.

To urge her.

Hoboken stands.


Alexander is the Poet Laureate of Whippany, New Jersey.



This week, the Everlasting Eater takes you to one of the finest Ice Cream Shops in the world. Umlands, located at 508 Washington Street, has been serving the Hoboken community from the same location, under the same name, for over 40 years! The store makes its own ice cream, which probably accounts for its superb, unusually good taste. In addition, they feature other homemade , including soups, sandwiches, and various old-time fountain delights.

The delicious food is accented by interesting decor in a friendly, comfortable theme — just the thing for a mid-day lift. Finally, there's the good service and pert, pretty proprietress, Ann Roberts, to take your mind off the cares and chores of a humdrum day. All in all. I'd rate Umlands a Class A-1 food stop — excellent throughout all day long.

Where will the Everlasting Eater strike next? Maybe your kitchen!

Umland's Luncheonette




Page 16 THE HOBOKEN HERALD September 8,1971


(Continued from Page 13)

[not transcribed]


Hoboken Needs

(Continued from Page 6)

Where do we build a theatre? On some empty lot, some abandoned building, some unused space. (Hoboken has not yet reached the point where every inch of the City is used for something vital). Who can build the theatre? The City Government, as a better attraction than the illuminated sign atop the Standard Brands building; the Model Cities Agency, to leave something permanent when they leave Hoboken; any organization that can come up with the funds (it need not be a charitable act — we hope we've shown that a theatre can be a profitable enterprise). Who will maintain it? The same people mentioned above — a call to an organization like Jerry Lewis Cinema in New York will demonstrate just how cheaply a theatre of this sort can be maintained.

One final word. New York's City Government has accomplished a lot of good by making stipulations on new construction and enterprises. The new office building rising at the site of the old Astor Hotel will contain legitimate and movie theatres to replace the ones it knocked down. Cable TV companies in New York must provide community channels because of their city franchises. Now is the time for Hoboken to stipulate that Marineview Plaza (or any other new construction) contain improvements for our city — a movie theatre can be built into a building for much less than it costs to build a theatre from scratch. Hoboken needs a movie theatre. Will Hoboken ever get a movie theatre?

Next Week: Community

Antenna Television (Cable TV).


[six ads]


Congratulations to the Staff of the HOBOKEN HERALD on their first edition


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Page 17 THE HOBOKEN HERALD September 8,1971

TV Listings

[not transcribed]


Page 18 THE HOBOKEN HERALD September 8, 1971


(Continued from Page 6)

casts her as Eve in the Garden of Eden. It also had a director, John Handcock, who was somewhat aware of the importance of good acting in a film, even it was "just" a horror film. Bob Baldwin, the cinematographer, proved himself at least professional and in addition, if he did his own lighting, his efforts were reasonably creative.

But, in spite of the talent used, the picture was not scary, above all else, I have to judge the picture on that baiss.

Although I wans't scared, I was infuriated by what might be considered a minor point, but to me was one of the major reasons for my not liking the film: the title was misleading. Jessica (Zohra Lampert) was very convincingly scared, but not to death, which the title implicitly states. Beyond that, the "Let's" in the title implies that a group of people have conspired to scare Jessica to death. An abortive attempt was made to give the audience several alternatives as to who were the "Let's," the result being a - series of self-conscious, manipulative plot changes including a standard, cliche "walk down the dark hallway and meet the wholesome, young girl instead of the expected ghoul, complete with electronic music and overly dramatic lighting. The technique was dishonest and misleading. The fact is that the plot of the picture bears a slight, confusing resemblance to the title. There was some horror in the film though, and that: was the script. The story line was meaningless and confused and the characters weren't developed enough for an audience to care what happened to them, with the exception of Jessica, whose character developed only as a result of Miss Lampert's fine acting.

Another element of the film that was a constant source of irritation was the music and sound effects which were as subtle as the proverbial black hat on the bad guy in the old westerns.

All and all to coin a phrase), I should have left the theater in the first thirty seconds when Jessica does a voice — over narration, muttering that she didn't know whether or not to believe all the events that had happened to her and that she was about to relate.

Unfortunately, I stayed to the bitter end.

Joseph Schulman

Joseph Schulman, a Hoboken resident, is a motion picture director and still photographer. He also teaches filmmaking at Millennium Film Workshop in New York City.



(Continued from Page 6)

community groups, educational institutions and individuals who have entertainment and art programs or facilities. Hopefully, that survey will be more widely circulated. Also, an Arts Council is being formed by a group of interested citizens. Their programs and goals will be discussed in future issues of the Herald.

The Herald can act as the entertainment communications middle man. In every issue there will be a calendar of events listing Hoboken's activities for the week. Art exhibits, lectures, plays and any event that is entertainment-related will be listed free in the calendar. It will list only those events of which we have one week written advance notice. So, the success of the calendar is dependent on your response. The deadline will be Wednesday for the following Wednesday's publication. Adress your listing to "The Entertainment Calendar, in care of the Herald

In addition to the calendar, there will be articles on Hoboken entertainers and artists and also reviews of plays, films and other functions that are available to Hobokenites in Manhattan and other neighboring cities.

If any reader has suggestions or information that would be helpful in the promotion of the arts in Hoboken, your advise would be welcomed. Write to me care of The Hoboken Herald.


Food Fun

(Continued from Page 15)

but that shouldn't stop you from paying a visit to Kurt Laemmel's at 102 Hudson Street, or Fiore's at 414 Adams Street. Both have their unique aromas and visually exciting display of products. Kumar Brothers at 536 Bloomfield Street, and Triveni Company at 204 Hudson Street are equally aromatic and educational. And you might keep in mind that Kumar Brothers and Triveni Company, at present Hoboken's only two Indian stores, are open only in the evenings, 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. Monday thru Friday, but all day 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.) Saturday. Triveni Company has the same 9 to 9 hours on Sunday.

The Italian bakeries and pastry shops, the fresh poultry and fish markets, the restaurants, bars, and luncheonettes, the pizzerias and hotdog wagons are all stories in themselves. I'm having fun discovering them for myself. But if you beat me to it, we, at The Hoboken Hearld would be pleased to hear about any place you would like to recommend. Just drop us a note addressed to: Beverly, The Hoboken Hearld, 52 Newark Street, Hoboken.

Beverly Hans, born in Georgia, graduate of Duke University, is a fanatic on diet, and loves cooking and preparing unusual dishes.



For a mans world this fall...

. . . There's wintuck orlon that will put you way ahead of the crowd. Available in chocolate brown. Sweater Vests at $15, matching Slacks fancy or solid ate $20 and a ribbed Turtleneck is available for only $12 from Coventry.

This fall William Barry presents the perfect Flight Jacket that's a great match for your coordinated clothing collection at only $32.


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September 8, 1971 THE HOBOKEN HERALD Page 19

[five ads]



















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Page 20 THE HOBOKEN HERALD September 8, 1971

[full page ad]

The HOBOKEN RETAIL BUREAU Welcomes The HOBOKEN HERALD and wishes it long, sucessful, life in our city.

Shop With Confidence Where You See This Decal






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