Vol. 153-06 ISSN 00302937 Saturday, 8 February 2020 Le samedi 8 février 2020

Parliamentary Notice Avis parlementaire Notice of Election Avis d’élection

Provincial By-Elections will be held to choose representatives for the Des élections partielles provinciales auront lieu pour choisir des Legislative Assembly of for the Electoral Districts of Orléans représentants à l’Assemblée législative de la province de l’Ontario pour and Ottawa—Vanier on Thursday, February 27, 2020. les circonscriptions électorales d’Orléans et d’Ottawa—Vanier le jeudi, 27 février 2020. Qualified Electors should take note of the following information: Les personnes habilitées à voter devraient prendre note des Additions to the list of electors renseignements suivants : Qualified electors whose names are not on the List of Electors may be added to the List by making a statutory declaration and providing Ajouts à la Liste des électeurs proof of identity and proof of residence before 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, Les personnes ayant qualité d’électeur et dont le nom ne figure pas February 26, 2020, at their electoral district’s Returning Office or dans la liste des électeurs peuvent faire ajouter leur nom à la liste during voting hours at an Advance Poll in their Electoral District or en faisant une déclaration solennelle et en fournissant une preuve during voting hours at their voting location on Election Day. d’identité et une preuve de résidence avant 20 h le mercredi 26 février 2020 au bureau du directeur du scrutin, ou encore pendant Official Nomination of Candidates Closes les heures du scrutin à un bureau de vote par anticipation dans leur Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 2 p.m. in the Returning Office. circonscription électorale ou pendant les heures du scrutin à leur lieu de vote le jour du scrutin. Advance Polls will be held at locations* chosen for ease of access from Sunday, February 16, 2020 to Friday, February 21, 2020 from 10 a.m. La présentation officielle des candidatures until 8 p.m. Doit être faite au plus tard le jeudi 13 février 2020 à 14 h au bureau du * Advance poll locations will be advertised at a later date. directeur du scrutin.

By-Election Day, Thursday, February 27, 2020 Les bureaux de vote par anticipation Seront ouverts dans des lieux* choisis en fonction de leur accessibilité Voting Hours from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. du dimanche 16 février 2020 au vendredi 21 février 2020 de 10 h à 20 h. *Les adresses des bureaux de vote par anticipation seront annoncées à Office Hours: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Saturday une date ultérieure. 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday* *10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on all Advance Poll days Jour de l’élection partielle – le jeudi 27 février 2020

Dated this 29th day of January 2020 Les bureaux de vote seront ouverts de 9 h à 21 h. www.elections.on.ca Heures du bureau : 10 h à 20 h (lundi à samedi) 12 h à 17 h (dimanche)* Greg Essensa *10 h à 20 h pendant les jours de vote par Chief Electoral Officer anticipation (153-G046E) Daté ce 29e jour de janvier 2020


Greg Essensa Directeur général des élections (153-G046F)

Published by Ministry of Government and Consumer Services © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2020 Publié par le ministère des Services gouvernementaux et des Services aux consommateurs © Imprimeur de la Reine pour l’Ontario, 2020 279 280 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO

Ontario Highway Transport Board Commission des transports routiers

Periodically, temporary applications are filed with the Board. Details de l’Ontario of these applications can be made available at anytime to any interested parties by calling (416) 326-6732. De temps à autre, des demandes de permis temporaires sont déposées auprès de la Commission. Toute personne intéressée peut obtenir en The following are applications for extra-provincial and public vehicle tout temps les détails concernant ces demandes en composant le 416- operating licenses filed under theMotor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987, 326-6732. and the Public Vehicles Act. All information pertaining to the applicant i.e. business plan, supporting evidence, etc. is on file at the Board and Les demandes qui suivent visent à obtenir un permis de transport is available upon request. extraprovincial et de transport en commun en vertu de la Loi de 1987 sur les transports routiers ou de la Loi sur les véhicules de transport Any interested person who has an economic interest in the outcome en commun. Tous les renseignements concernant le demandeur, of these applications may serve and file an objection within 29 days of notamment le plan d’affaires et les preuves à l’appui, sont versés au this publication. The objector shall: dossier de la Commission et seront fournis sur demande.

1. complete a Notice of Objection Form, Toute personne intéressée qui possède un intérêt économique dans le résultat de la demande peut signifier et déposer une opposition dans les 2. serve the applicant with the objection, 29 jours suivant de la date de la présente publication. L’opposant doit suivre les étapes suivantes : 3. file a copy of the objection and provide proof of service of the objection on the applicant with the Board, 1. remplir un formulaire d’Avis d’opposition;

4. pay the appropriate fee. 2. signifier l’opposition au demandeur;

Serving and filing an objection may be by hand delivery, mail, courier 3. déposer une copie de l’opposition et une preuve de la signification or facsimile. Serving means the date received by a party and filing de l’opposition au demandeur auprès de la Commission; means the date received by the Board. 4. payer les droits applicables. Cardinal Transportation Ltd. 47871 700 Harrison Drive, Columbus, OH 43204, U.S.A. La signification et le dépôt d’une opposition peuvent se faire par Applies for an extra-provincial licence as follows: livraison personnelle, par la poste, par messager ou par télécopieur. For the transportation of passengers on a chartered trip from points in Le terme Signification désigne la date de réception par une partie et le the United States of America as authorized by the relevant jurisdiction terme Dépôt, la date de réception par la Commission. from the Ontario/U.S.A., Ontario/Quebec and Ontario/Manitoba border crossings: Cardinal Transportation Ltd. 47871 1. to points in Ontario and for the return of the same passengers on 700 Harrison Drive, Columbus, OH 43204, U.S.A. the same chartered trip to point of origin; L’entreprise fait une demande de permis extraprovincial comme suit PROVIDED THAT there be no pick-up or discharge of Pour le transport de passagers dans le cadre d’un trajet nolisé à passengers except at point of origin. partir de points situés aux États-Unis d’Amérique, conformément 2. in transit through Ontario to the Ontario/Manitoba, Ontario/ à l’autorisation délivrée par les autorités compétentes, depuis les Québec, and Ontario/U.S.A. border crossings for furtherance; passages de la frontière entre l’Ontario et les États-Unis, l’Ontario et le 3. to points in Ontario on a one-way chartered trip without pick-up Québec et l’Ontario et le Manitoba: of passengers in Ontario. 1. vers des points en Ontario et de ramener les mêmes passagers par le même trajet nolisé au point d’origine, Sharp Bus Lines Limited 21605-A40 À CONDITION QU’IL n’y ait aucun ramassage ou 111-B Easton Road, Brantford, ON N3P 1J4 débarquement de passagers, sauf au point d’origine; Applies for an extension to public vehicle operating licence PV-5281 2. en transit en Ontario vers les passages de la frontière entre as follows: l’Ontario et le Manitoba, l’Ontario et le Québec et l’Ontario et les For the transportation of passengers on a chartered trip from points in États-Unis pour se rendre the County of Simcoe. 3. vers des points en Ontario dans le cadre d’un trajet nolisé en aller PROVIDED THAT the licensee be restricted to the use of Class “D” simple sans prendre de passagers en Ontario. public vehicles as defined in paragraph (a) (iv) of subsection 1 of Section 7 of Regulation 982 under the Public Vehicles Act, R.S.O. 1990 Sharp Bus Lines Limited 21605-A40 Chapter P.54. 111-B Easton Road, Brantford, ON N3P 1J4 Fait une demande de prolongation du permis d’exploitation de Felix D’Mello véhicule de transport en commun PVS-5281 comme suit: Board Secretary Pour le transport de passagers dans le cadre d’un trajet nolisé à partir (153-G047E) de points dans le comté de Simcoe, À CONDITION QUE le permis soit limité à l’utilisation de véhicules de transport en commun de catégorie « D », au sens du sous- alinéa 7 (1) a) iv) du Règlement 982 pris en application de la Loi sur les véhicules de transport en commun, L.R.O. 1990, chap. P.54.

Felix D’Mello Secrétaire de la Commission (153-G047F) THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 281

Government Notices Respecting Corporations Avis du gouvernement relatifs aux compagnies

et que la dissolution de la société concernée prend effet à la date Notice of Default in Complying susmentionnée. with the Corporations Tax Act Avis de non-observation de la Loi sur Ontario Corporation l’imposition des sociétés Number Numéro de The Director has been notified by the Minister of Finance that Name of Corporation la société en the following corporations are in default in complying with the Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario Corporations Tax Act. 2020-01-13 AUTO-MOTION SMALL CAR CENTRE INC. 000600671 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN under subsection 241(1) of the Business Corporations Act, that unless the corporations listed 2020-01-13 1554627 ONTARIO LTD. 001554627 hereunder comply with the requirements of the Corporations Tax Act within 90 days of this notice, orders will be made dissolving the Barbara Duckitt defaulting corporations. All enquiries concerning this notice are to Director, Ministry of Government be directed to Ministry of Finance, Corporations Tax, 33 King Street and Consumer Services West, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8H6. Directrice, Ministère des Services gouvernementaux et des Services aux Le ministre des Finances a informé le directeur que les sociétés consommateurs suivantes n’avaient pas respecté la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés. (153-G049)

AVIS EST DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE que, conformément au paragraphe 241(1) de la Loi sur les sociétés par actions, si les sociétés citées ci-dessous ne se conforment pas aux prescriptions énoncées par Certificate of Dissolution la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés dans un délai de 90 jours suivant la réception du présent avis, lesdites sociétés se verront dissoutes par Certificat de dissolution décision. Pour tout renseignement relatif au présent avis, veuillez vous adresser à l’Imposition des sociétés, ministère des Finances, 33, rue NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a certificate of dissolution under King ouest, Oshawa ON L1H 8H6. the Business Corporations Act, has been endorsed. The effective date of dissolution precedes the corporation listings. Ontario Corporation AVIS EST DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE que, conformément à la Number Loi sur les sociétés par actions, un certificat de dissolution a été inscrit Numéro de pour les compagnies suivantes : la date d’entrée en vigueur précède la Name of Corporation la société en liste des compagnies visées. Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario 2020-02-08 THI ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 000852667 Ontario Corporation Number Barbara Duckitt Director, Ministry of Government Numéro de and Consumer Services Name of Corporation la société en Directrice, Ministère des Services Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario gouvernementaux et des Services aux 2019-10-24 LINDSEY HERMER DESIGN INC 000450437 consommateurs 2019-11-05 PARTENO HOLDINGS LIMITED 000098810 (153-G048) 2019-11-25 2195297 ONTARIO INC. 002195297 2019-12-10 MARTINS & AZEVEDO MASONRY LTD. 001949906 Cancellation of Certificate of Incorporation 2019-12-11 ANCASTER AUTO SERVICE LTD. 000763246 2019-12-11 ANDYMAN PAINTING AND (Corporations Tax Act Defaulters) RENOVATIONS INC. 002477641 Annulation de certificat de 2019-12-11 KEN HOCKEY (1987) LTD. 000723268 constitution (Non-observation de la 2019-12-11 MJR SYSTEMS INC. 001370765 Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés) 2019-12-11 T J CUSTOM HOMES INC. 001833816 2019-12-11 1841696 ONTARIO INC. 001841696 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, under subsection 241(4) of the 2019-12-11 2398605 ONTARIO INCORPORATED 002398605 Business Corporations Act, the Certificate of Incorporation of the 2019-12-11 656608 ONTARIO LIMITED 000656608 corporations named hereunder have been cancelled by an Order for default in complying with the provisions of the Corporations Tax Act, 2019-12-12 LAURA J. HAMILTON INC. 002489102 and the said corporations have been dissolved on that date. 2019-12-12 5001091 ONTARIO INC. 005001091 2019-12-16 GROW STRATEGIC BUSINESS AVIS EST DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE que, conformément au SOLUTIONS INC. 002092184 paragraphe 241(4) de la Loi sur les sociétés par actions, le certificat de 2019-12-16 1035516 ONTARIO INC. 001035516 constitution de la société sous-nommé a été annulée par Ordre pour non-observation des dispositions de la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés 2019-12-18 W. COX & ASSOCIATES LTD. 000466804 282 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO

Ontario Ontario Corporation Corporation Number Number Numéro de Numéro de Name of Corporation la société en Name of Corporation la société en Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario 2019-12-19 CRAIG ALLEN ENTERPRISES LTD. 002336706 2020-01-07 2525913 ONTARIO INC. 002525913 2019-12-30 ALPHIR LIMITED 000370284 2020-01-08 A.H. WILSON & ASSOCIATES INC. 000654596 2019-12-30 FL3XLIFE LTD. 001974519 2020-01-08 AGS SOFTWARE INC. 001278382 2019-12-30 INTERNATIONAL FURNITURE (1995) 2020-01-08 BARK LAKE WATERFRONT LOTS LTD. 001144691 LTD. 002089736 2019-12-30 RE HOMES REALTY INVESTMENT 2020-01-08 BLAIS CONSTRUCTION (2001) GROUP INC. 002409457 INCORPORATED 001291044 2019-12-30 1144021 ONTARIO LIMITED 001144021 2020-01-08 CANADA-WIDE WATERPROOFING 2019-12-30 1279 COLDREY AVENUE INC. 002590112 SUPPLIES AND INSTALLATION LTD. 001049720 2019-12-30 1293 COLDREY AVENUE INC. 002590115 2020-01-08 CHARLAND LAW PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 002425342 2019-12-30 1303 COLDREY AVENUE INC. 002590116 2020-01-08 EUTHENIA MANAGEMENT INC. 002431886 2019-12-30 2216561 ONTARIO INC. 002216561 2020-01-08 FISSION CONTRACTING INC. 002301041 2019-12-31 BFT PLASTICS INC. 001026537 2020-01-08 FURBER HOLDINGS INC. 001960925 2019-12-31 BIG WALL INC. 002555732 2020-01-08 HAPPY CREATION INC. 001151870 2019-12-31 GABRIELE 1 INC. 002427563 2020-01-08 JOSHUA SHADD MEDICINE 2019-12-31 MARKVILLE DEVELOPMENTS INC. 000732742 PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 001684445 2019-12-31 MAYARTIK CONSULTING SERVICES 2020-01-08 LARRY SULLIVAN INVESTMENTS INC. 002599649 LIMITED 000227292 2019-12-31 MEETA’S BEAUTY SPA & SALON INC. 002658541 2020-01-08 LAZIO RISTORANTE INC. 001839173 2019-12-31 OXSHOTT ENTERPRISES INC. 001755810 2020-01-08 LE NOTRE BISTRO INC. 002550976 2019-12-31 SKYVIEW IMPORT & EXPORT INC. 002413277 2020-01-08 L6SIT LTD. 001944269 2019-12-31 WRITING FOR RESULTS INC. 002252699 2020-01-08 MEGAHERTZ HOLDINGS LTD. 005018286 2019-12-31 2338231 ONTARIO INC. 002338231 2020-01-08 NEW AGE CAREER PLACEMENT 2020-01-02 FEELIX YOGA EPS INC. 002125597 INC. 001258695 2020-01-02 KINGSMOUNT HOLDINGS LTD. 001958185 2020-01-08 OPELSKE CONSULTING INC. 001015594 2020-01-02 LINLAKE INTERNATIONAL INC. 002107202 2020-01-08 PERELA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS INC. 002390613 2020-01-02 ORBIT NDE SERVICES INC. 002339354 2020-01-08 PRENNA INVESTMENTS LTD. 001773567 2020-01-02 SJI HUMAN RESOURCES 2020-01-08 PROACTIVE SERVICES AND AGENCY CONSULTING INC. 001292529 LTD. 001821307 2020-01-02 SUN-DEX EQUIPMENT RENTALS 2020-01-08 SENTIENTSIX INC. 002578338 (1992) LTD. 000969381 2020-01-08 SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM 2 INC. 002531222 2020-01-02 VENSHORE INVESTMENTS INC. 000997843 2020-01-08 STRATHROY PAINT & WALLPAPER 2020-01-02 W W CARS INC. 001696227 INC. 001111857 2020-01-02 1727902 ONTARIO INC. 001727902 2020-01-08 SUSAN SPENCER & ASSOCIATES 2020-01-02 2124642 ONTARIO INC. 002124642 INC. 002386817 2020-01-02 2144051 ONTARIO INC. 002144051 2020-01-08 SYLKAR MANAGEMENT INC. 001480833 2020-01-05 2186369 ONTARIO LTD. 002186369 2020-01-08 TERRMAR PERKINS CONSULTING LTD. 002206660 2020-01-06 MUIR METALS AND WIRE INC. 002145951 2020-01-08 THE FAMILY BAGEL BAKERY LTD. 001845069 2020-01-06 1228347 ONTARIO LTD. 001228347 2020-01-08 TIDYLAND CLEANING SERVICES 2020-01-06 2338216 ONTARIO INC. 002338216 INC. 002655586 2020-01-07 APHELION SECURITY SERVICES 2020-01-08 TMH CONTRACTING INC. 002289842 LTD. 002372399 2020-01-08 WELLER FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. 001627086 2020-01-07 EMMA KENLEY PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 002547538 2020-01-08 1061518 ONTARIO INC. 001061518 2020-01-07 EUROPEAN TECHNOLOGY GROUP 2020-01-08 1329454 ONTARIO INC. 001329454 INC. 001562254 2020-01-08 1361935 ONTARIO INC. 001361935 2020-01-07 KENLEY MANAGEMENT CORP. 002572521 2020-01-08 1478864 ONTARIO INC. 001478864 2020-01-07 MARKHAM DATA INCORPORATED 000429520 2020-01-08 1520907 ONTARIO INC. 001520907 2020-01-07 QUALIFIED MECHANICAL 2020-01-08 1640568 ONTARIO INC. 001640568 SERVICES INC. 001440338 2020-01-08 1677361 ONTARIO LIMITED 001677361 2020-01-07 1479386 ONTARIO INC. 001479386 2020-01-08 1689913 ONTARIO INC. 001689913 2020-01-07 1515497 ONTARIO LIMITED 001515497 2020-01-08 1693882 ONTARIO INC. 001693882 2020-01-07 1987024 ONTARIO INC. 001987024 2020-01-08 1727710 ONTARIO LTD. 001727710 2020-01-07 2037173 ONTARIO INC. 002037173 2020-01-08 1761025 ONTARIO LTD. 001761025 2020-01-07 2062991 ONTARIO INC. 002062991 2020-01-08 1864088 ONTARIO LTD. 001864088 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 283

Ontario Ontario Corporation Corporation Number Number Numéro de Numéro de Name of Corporation la société en Name of Corporation la société en Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario 2020-01-08 2126919 ONTARIO INC. 002126919 2020-01-10 ITRADE GENERAL SERVICES INC. 001897975 2020-01-08 2230642 ONTARIO INC. 002230642 2020-01-10 KIAJO HOLDINGS INC. 001896196 2020-01-08 2346833 ONTARIO INC. 002346833 2020-01-10 KWIK-KOPY PRINTING LIMITED 001231152 2020-01-08 2613011 ONTARIO INC. 002613011 2020-01-10 MACLEOD CONSULTING INC. 001101445 2020-01-08 2689683 ONTARIO INC. 002689683 2020-01-10 MAPLE 3D INC. 002351724 2020-01-08 559003 ONTARIO LIMITED 000559003 2020-01-10 MODERN CASTER INC. 000532110 2020-01-08 624995 ONTARIO LIMITED 000624995 2020-01-10 MSL HOME BUILDERS INC. 002308446 2020-01-08 8800 INC. 001753305 2020-01-10 NALAVNA ASSOCIATES INC. 002519187 2020-01-09 ASHTON PARALEGAL 2020-01-10 SKYRISE WINDOW & METAL PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 001914577 CLEANING CO. LTD. 000762910 2020-01-09 CONWAY’S MECHANICAL 2020-01-10 SMG LAB BOOKS LTD. 002044161 CONTRACTING INC. 001515536 2020-01-10 STANMARK CONSTRUCTION INC. 001538440 2020-01-09 COOMBE ELECTRIC INC. 002235028 2020-01-10 TABEYA LTD. 002148129 2020-01-09 DESIGNER’S PASSION INC. 002403437 2020-01-10 WOODEX INC. 002519464 2020-01-09 DNAFIT CANADA INC. 002614991 2020-01-10 1534690 ONTARIO INC. 001534690 2020-01-09 GAVAZA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 2020-01-10 1669574 ONTARIO INC. 001669574 INC. 005010252 2020-01-10 1797375 ONTARIO LTD. 001797375 2020-01-09 GLOBAL NURSERIES LTD. 001364857 2020-01-10 1835051 ONTARIO INC. 001835051 2020-01-09 H&H MEDICAL GROUP INC. 002421484 2020-01-10 1924169 ONTARIO INC. 001924169 2020-01-09 INDEPENDENT TRUCK COMPANY LTD. 001725009 2020-01-10 2261797 ONTARIO INC. 002261797 2020-01-09 MCDONNELL ENGINEERING INC. 001164684 2020-01-10 2331430 ONTARIO INC. 002331430 2020-01-09 MERIT TELECOM INC. 000615185 2020-01-10 2369513 ONTARIO LIMITED 002369513 2020-01-09 RON DUGAS CONSULTING INC. 002272977 2020-01-10 2385782 ONTARIO INC. 002385782 2020-01-09 RUNHART RESIDENTIAL INC. 002041893 2020-01-10 2484554 ONTARIO LTD. 002484554 2020-01-09 SLAM CORPORATION INC. 001274542 2020-01-10 2513225 ONTARIO INC. 002513225 2020-01-09 THELROY HOLDINGS INC. 000710552 2020-01-10 2624687 ONTARIO INC. 002624687 2020-01-09 YENIM’S DENIMS INC. 000245396 2020-01-10 2720314 ONTARIO INC. 002720314 2020-01-09 1175009 ONTARIO INC. 001175009 2020-01-10 595856 ONTARIO LIMITED 000595856 2020-01-09 1257310 ONTARIO LTD. 001257310 2020-01-10 999192 ONTARIO INC. 000999192 2020-01-09 1266318 ONTARIO INC. 001266318 2020-01-13 BR TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT INC. 002037935 2020-01-09 1360233 ONTARIO INC. 001360233 2020-01-13 CHARLOTTE PHARMACY INC. 002421661 2020-01-09 1727821 ONTARIO INC. 001727821 2020-01-13 CREATIVE MEDIA 2020-01-09 1843369 ONTARIO INC. 001843369 ENTERTAINMENT INC. 002074335 2020-01-09 1919373 ONTARIO INC. 001919373 2020-01-13 O’FARRELL TRANSPORT INC. 001865960 2020-01-09 1932765 ONTARIO INC. 001932765 2020-01-13 TRUE NORTH SPRAYING SERVICES 2020-01-09 1953216 ONTARIO LTD. 001953216 INC. 001859278 2020-01-09 2112045 ONTARIO INC. 002112045 2020-01-13 1158670 ONTARIO LIMITED 001158670 2020-01-09 2140385 ONTARIO INC. 002140385 2020-01-13 1469237 ONTARIO LIMITED 001469237 2020-01-09 2217708 ONTARIO INC. 002217708 2020-01-13 1471526 ONTARIO INC. 001471526 2020-01-09 2460029 ONTARIO INC. 002460029 2020-01-13 2145596 ONTARIO INC. 002145596 2020-01-09 2469834 ONTARIO INCORPORATED 002469834 2020-01-14 A B SPORTS MANAGEMENT CORP. 002430165 2020-01-09 2569981 ONTARIO INC. 002569981 2020-01-14 BLACKBIRD ROOFING INC. 002106569 2020-01-09 864250 ONTARIO LIMITED 000864250 2020-01-14 BLOOM THE FLOWER COMPANY 2020-01-10 BRACONDALE TERRACES INC. 001802543 LIMITED 002119039 2020-01-10 BROSE LEATHER GOODS 2020-01-14 HOME BASE VARIETY STORE INC. 001943250 INCORPORATED 000403751 2020-01-14 LOFTS MCGILL OUEST INC. 002032395 2020-01-10 C. W. BUCK AND SONS LIMITED 000090943 2020-01-14 MELANIE ZABAWA PHARMACY 2020-01-10 CEDAR AUTO SALES INC. 002460227 LTD. 002159458 2020-01-10 CLINIMAX RESEARCH INC. 002039767 2020-01-14 ORANGE CREATIVE CONSTRUCTION INC. 002370016 2020-01-10 DELTA CENTRE NATURAL MEDICINE CORPORATION 002375003 2020-01-14 PATGROUP INTERNATIONAL INC. 000600720 2020-01-10 HAPPY VALLEY ENTERTAINMENT 2020-01-14 R. & D. FORD MANAGEMENT GROUP INC. 001891544 LIMITED 000375127 2020-01-10 HILLEBRECHT FARMS LTD. 000751691 2020-01-14 SWIRE ENTERPRISES LTD. 002272968 284 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO

Ontario Ontario Corporation Corporation Number Number Numéro de Numéro de Name of Corporation la société en Name of Corporation la société en Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario 2020-01-14 UNIT 5 COMPONENTS INC. 002566041 2020-01-16 337095 ONTARIO LIMITED 000337095 2020-01-14 URBAN CAPITAL (FLORA) INC. 002255980 2020-01-16 342072 ONTARIO INCORPORATED 000342072 2020-01-14 1063107 ONTARIO INC. 001063107 2020-01-17 AAA CARE & HOME HEALTH 2020-01-14 1905044 ONTARIO LIMITED 001905044 SERVICES CORPORATION 001857913 2020-01-14 1910110 ONTARIO INC. 001910110 2020-01-17 ACCENT MARKETING & SALES INC. 002113059 2020-01-14 2639114 ONTARIO CORP. 002639114 2020-01-17 AHS PHARMACEUTICAL CORP. 001805658 2020-01-14 2686702 ONTARIO LTD. 002686702 2020-01-17 ANDANJA CORP. 000958729 2020-01-14 843557 ONTARIO LIMITED 000843557 2020-01-17 BARCLAY CONSTRUCTION HAMILTON LIMITED 000235634 2020-01-15 AVENUE ROAD GLASS AND MIRROR LTD. 002436493 2020-01-17 CHOICE EQUIPMENT LEASING LTD. 001039297 2020-01-15 CORONEL CONSTRUCTION INC. 002605347 2020-01-17 CITY MORTGAGE GROUP INC. 002470029 2020-01-15 KEMENEV INC. 002024244 2020-01-17 COSMO TRUST HOLDING CORP. 002570497 2020-01-15 KINCORE HOLDINGS LIMITED 001922980 2020-01-17 CUSTOM INTERLOCK LTD. 000920024 2020-01-15 788494 ONTARIO LIMITED 000788494 2020-01-17 FOUNDATION DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMS LTD. 000704094 2020-01-16 ACKERT PIPELINE INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 002403122 2020-01-17 FRA HOLDINGS INC. 002232505 2020-01-16 ARBOURCOR.COM INC. 002275026 2020-01-17 GORE RD. INVESTMENTS LTD. 000518344 2020-01-16 AVBRO INC. 001769571 2020-01-17 GOYA SCHOOL OF MUSIC LTD. 001490500 2020-01-16 BIRTHCARE INC. 000977938 2020-01-17 HIGHWAY 7 & GORE RD. LTD. 000521113 2020-01-16 BODY BLITZ CONSTRUCTION INC. 002284170 2020-01-17 IAS CANADA, INC. 002416051 2020-01-16 BRILLIANT MOUNTAIN CANADA 2020-01-17 JOLIE BRIDAL INC. 002181910 LTD. 002400332 2020-01-17 KCAP COBOURG INC. 002108042 2020-01-16 BROWNERS BRANDS INC. 002069232 2020-01-17 MOHANA ENTERPRISES INC. 002646196 2020-01-16 CHV MANAGEMENT INC. 001402386 2020-01-17 REVIVAL APPAREL LTD. 002417761 2020-01-16 CLARK CREEK FARMS LIMITED 001986286 2020-01-17 RIA LABS INC. 002090520 2020-01-16 DR. SHANNON CAUSEY MEDICINE 2020-01-17 SING WAH DEVELOPMENT INC. 001945077 PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 002218562 2020-01-17 SPARROW BIOSCIENCES INC. 001880706 2020-01-16 ENCORE SALES LIMITED 000874643 2020-01-17 TEM-FUND LTD. 000401145 2020-01-16 FAIZ MOHYUDDIN INC. 002267464 2020-01-17 TNT CONSTRUCTION LTD. 002288407 2020-01-16 GHAZNAVI CONSULTING INC. 000857805 2020-01-17 WAECHTER BROS. BARN 2020-01-16 GLYNDE LIMITED 001943371 MAINTENANCE LTD. 000617774 2020-01-16 INNOVA CONSTRUCTION LTD. 001909845 2020-01-17 1046327 ONTARIO LIMITED 001046327 2020-01-16 ITECHNICA INC. 001767779 2020-01-17 1047718 ONTARIO LIMITED 001047718 2020-01-16 K. S. ROGERS LANDSCAPE SERVICE 2020-01-17 1557424 ONTARIO INC. 001557424 LTD. 000523892 2020-01-17 1878355 ONTARIO INC. 001878355 2020-01-16 LEHANE, BYRNE & ASSOCIATES 2020-01-17 2300833 ONTARIO INC. 002300833 INC. 001206017 2020-01-17 2369368 ONTARIO INC. 002369368 2020-01-16 LINIRIS INC. 002625364 2020-01-17 2374630 ONTARIO INC. 002374630 2020-01-16 MARS BLINDS & SHUTTERS INC. 001031229 2020-01-17 2438715 ONTARIO INC. 002438715 2020-01-16 MIRANTIS INC. 002727628 2020-01-17 2491886 ONTARIO LIMITED 002491886 2020-01-16 MUTUAL SOLUTIONS INC. 002234507 2020-01-17 2557572 ONTARIO INC. 002557572 2020-01-16 NEW EDUCATION WAVE INC. 001496050 2020-01-17 3195269 ONTARIO INC. 003195269 2020-01-16 ORNUM ENTERPRISES LTD. 001506416 2020-01-17 352-356 EGLINTON WEST 2020-01-16 SOPHI TRANSPORT INC. 001691673 DEVELOPMENTS INC. 002391984 2020-01-16 TONGHUI INTERNATIONAL GROUP 2020-01-17 558963 ONTARIO INC. 000558963 LTD. 001581940 2020-01-17 611554 ONTARIO INC. 000611554 2020-01-16 UBER MD INC. 002651352 2020-01-17 658561 ONTARIO LIMITED 000658561 2020-01-16 1197805 ONTARIO LTD. 001197805 2020-01-17 794374 ONTARIO INC. 000794374 2020-01-16 1638153 ONTARIO INC. 001638153 2020-01-17 904697 ONTARIO INC. 000904697 2020-01-16 1869882 ONTARIO LTD. 001869882 2020-01-20 ACCESS LITIGATION SUPPORT INC. 002613850 2020-01-16 1907160 ONTARIO LTD. 001907160 2020-01-20 BBKD INVESTMENTS INC. 000907227 2020-01-16 1978745 ONTARIO INC. 001978745 2020-01-20 CASA PRODUCTIONS INC. 002375708 2020-01-16 1984528 ONTARIO INC. 001984528 2020-01-20 CC CANADA HOLDINGS INC. 002556788 2020-01-16 2225673 ONTARIO LIMITED 002225673 2020-01-20 COSTANDSON CONSTRUCTION LTD. 002468988 2020-01-16 2382508 ONTARIO INC. 002382508 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 285

Ontario Ontario Corporation Corporation Number Number Numéro de Numéro de Name of Corporation la société en Name of Corporation la société en Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario 2020-01-20 DFAST TRANSPORT INC. 002627405 2020-01-21 GARDNER INVESTMENTS INC. 000827849 2020-01-20 DIAMOND COMMITMENT INC. 002125661 2020-01-21 GLE PROPERTIES INC. 001961860 2020-01-20 DR. DONALD H. ATKINSON 2020-01-21 GREAT NORTH REALTY LTD. 000698820 MEDICINE PROFESSIONAL 2020-01-21 JELIN INVESTMENTS LIMITED 000209540 CORPORATION 002209850 2020-01-21 L. A. CAZABON HOLDING CORP. 000545895 2020-01-20 FIRESIDE TRAILER RENTALS INC. 002290860 2020-01-21 NEOSTAR MARKETING INC. 002356081 2020-01-20 GAMHILL INVESTMENTS LTD. 000278330 2020-01-21 OTTAWA OPTOMETRIC CLINIC INC. 001270700 2020-01-20 GREEN EGGPLANT RESTAURANT (EGLINTON) INC. 002194346 2020-01-21 P & L DIE DESIGN INC. 001241614 2020-01-20 HZM INTERNATIONAL INC. 002602886 2020-01-21 PARTEQ ANGEL SPARQ GP INC. 002296741 2020-01-20 IRONSHIELD ELECTRICAL 2020-01-21 PARTEQ ANGEL SSI GP INC. 002296740 CONTRACTORS LIMITED 000283755 2020-01-21 SLEEGERS ELECTRIC INC. 000276570 2020-01-20 KIMBALL FABRICATION 2020-01-21 THE RUSTIC BAKER LIMITED 002404307 INCORPORATED 001811976 2020-01-21 TORSTAR MEDIA GROUP 2020-01-20 LENTICULAR CORPORATION 002214969 ENTERTAINMENT INC. 001494497 2020-01-20 NCF FARMS INC. 001508342 2020-01-21 WESTBORO OPTOMETRIC CLINIC 2020-01-20 NORTH AMERICAN LIGHTWORKS INC. 002374134 INC. 002348767 2020-01-21 WNUF GP INC. 002226705 2020-01-20 NYUMBANI.CARE INC. 002508791 2020-01-21 1515348 ONTARIO LTD. 001515348 2020-01-20 ORION PRINTING INC. 002274511 2020-01-21 1678515 ONTARIO INC. 001678515 2020-01-20 PAID TO CLICK INC. 002353529 2020-01-21 1724660 ONTARIO INC. 001724660 2020-01-20 ROBERT J. WONG CONSTRUCTION 2020-01-21 1822907 ONTARIO INC. 001822907 INC. 002208079 2020-01-21 1940582 ONTARIO INC. 001940582 2020-01-20 SADIE MORANIS REAL ESTATE 2020-01-21 2175449 ONTARIO INC. 002175449 LIMITED 000881467 2020-01-21 2178424 ONTARIO INC. 002178424 2020-01-20 SPOT VAC AND FILL INC. 002686168 2020-01-21 2226704 ONTARIO INC. 002226704 2020-01-20 SYNCARPHA SOLAR CANADA 2020-01-21 2240594 ONTARIO INC. 002240594 HOLDINGS INC. 002276857 2020-01-21 2284016 ONTARIO LTD. 002284016 2020-01-20 1080550 ONTARIO LIMITED 001080550 2020-01-21 2287576 ONTARIO LIMITED 002287576 2020-01-20 1346150 ONTARIO INC. 001346150 2020-01-21 2561704 ONTARIO INC. 002561704 2020-01-20 1432847 ONTARIO INC. 001432847 2020-01-21 2606772 ONTARIO INCORPORATED 002606772 2020-01-20 1811818 ONTARIO LIMITED 001811818 2020-01-21 751485 ONTARIO INC. 000751485 2020-01-20 1829850 ONTARIO LIMITED 001829850 2020-01-22 CLARION CANADA INC. 000401871 2020-01-20 2116216 ONTARIO LTD. 002116216 2020-01-22 ESPANOLA REGIONAL HYDRO 2020-01-20 2125371 ONTARIO LTD. 002125371 SERVICES CORPORATION 001446455 2020-01-20 2140147 ONTARIO LTD. 002140147 2020-01-22 GH GREEN MEADOWS INC. 001434418 2020-01-20 2188026 ONTARIO INC. 002188026 2020-01-22 LIFESOME RIVERS CANADA INC. 002543058 2020-01-20 2216765 ONTARIO INC. 002216765 2020-01-22 SOMAL FOODS INC. 002483114 2020-01-20 2406463 ONTARIO INC. 002406463 2020-01-22 WASTE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 2020-01-20 2426153 ONTARIO INC. 002426153 INC. 002401141 2020-01-20 2533516 ONTARIO INC. 002533516 2020-01-22 2423408 ONTARIO INC. 002423408 2020-01-20 2542583 ONTARIO LTD. 002542583 2020-01-22 2472769 ONTARIO INC. 002472769 2020-01-20 2558537 ONTARIO INC. 002558537 2020-01-22 2639751 ONTARIO INC. 002639751 2020-01-20 2558544 ONTARIO INC. 002558544 2020-01-22 2673511 ONTARIO INC. 002673511 2020-01-20 2558547 ONTARIO INC. 002558547 2020-01-20 2559787 ONTARIO LTD. 002559787 Barbara Duckitt 2020-01-20 2593527 ONTARIO LTD. 002593527 Director, Ministry of Government and Consumer Services 2020-01-20 812492 ONTARIO INC. 000812492 Directrice, Ministère des Services 2020-01-20 826384 ONTARIO INC. 000826384 gouvernementaux et des Services aux 2020-01-21 BARRIS, FORD & HARRIS INC. 002009096 consommateurs (153-G050) 2020-01-21 BERNARD SCHNEIDER PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 002663301 2020-01-21 BETAWATCH INC. 001344907 2020-01-21 ENBRIDGE GOREWAY INC. 002063934 2020-01-21 EURO KITCHENS INC. 002295037 286 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO

Notice of Default in Complying with the Ontario Corporation Corporations Information Act Number Avis de non-observation de la Numéro de Name of Corporation la société en Loi sur les renseignements exigés Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario des personnes morales 2020-01-29 CANADA PRIME HAIR INC. 2670220 2020-01-29 CONVERDE GROUP INC. 2553993 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN under subsection 241(3) of the Business 2020-01-29 DEAD ROYALTY INC. 2557926 Corporations Act that unless the corporations listed hereunder comply with the filing requirements under the Corporations Information Act 2020-01-29 EAST REBEL INC. 2491854 within 90 days of this notice orders dissolving the corporation(s) will be 2020-01-29 ELITE ADVANCED WELLNESS issued. The effective date precedes the corporation listings. SOLUTIONS INC. 2644602 2020-01-29 EVER AFTER TOYS INC. 2487184 AVIS EST DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE que, conformément au 2020-01-29 EXECUTIVE SOLUTIONS paragraphe 241(3) de la Loi sur les sociétés par actions, si les sociétés WORLDWIDE CORP. 2379181 mentionnées ci-dessous ne se conforment pas aux exigences de dépôt requises par la Loi sur les renseignements exigés des personnes morales 2020-01-29 FABIAN STATIONERY COMPANY dans un délai de 90 jours suivant la réception du présent avis, des LIMITED 400787 ordonnances de dissolution seront délivrées contre lesdites sociétés. La 2020-01-29 HMQ TELECOM INC. 2241302 date d’entrée en vigueur précède la liste des sociétés visées. 2020-01-29 MARKETING FORCE INC. 2211796 2020-01-29 OCTANORM CANADA LTD. 512134 Ontario 2020-01-29 SMOKINGAMBLE LIMITED 2614168 Corporation Number 2020-01-29 THE HOLLY MANAGEMENT Numéro de CORPORATION 1094358 Name of Corporation la société en 2020-01-29 VIRIDAX CORPORATION 1753236 Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario 2020-01-29 1142298 ONTARIO LIMITED 1142298 2020-01-29 HYDRONIC HEATING 2020-01-29 1910628 ONTARIO INC. 1910628 TECHNOLOGIES INC. 1574390 2020-01-29 2318444 ONTARIO INC. 2318444

Barbara Duckitt Director, Ministry of Government Barbara Duckitt and Consumer Services Director, Ministry of Government Directrice, Ministère des Services and Consumer Services gouvernementaux et des Services aux Directrice, Ministère des Services consommateurs gouvernementaux et des Services aux (153-G051) consommateurs (153-G052)

Cancellation of Certificate of Incorporation Cancellation for Cause (Business Corporations Act) (Business Corporations Act) Annulation de certificat de Annulation à juste titre constitution en personne morale (Loi sur les sociétés par actions) (Loi sur les sociétés par actions) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by orders under section 240 of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by orders under subsection 241(4) Business Corporations Act, the certificates set out hereunder have been of the Business Corporation Act, the certificates of incorporation set out cancelled for cause and in the case of certificates of incorporation the hereunder have been cancelled and corporation(s) have been dissolved. corporations have been dissolved. The effective date of cancellation The effective date of cancellation precedes the corporation listing. precedes the corporation listing.

AVIS EST DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE que, conformément au AVIS EST DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE que, par des ordres donnés en paragraphe 241(4) de la Loi sur les sociétés par actions, les certificats vertu de l’article 240 de la Loi sur les sociétés par actions, les certificats présentés ci-dessous ont été annulés et les sociétés ont été dissoutes. La indiqués ci-dessous ont été annulés à juste titre et, dans le cas des certificats dénomination sociale des sociétés concernées est précédée de la date de de constitution, les sociétés ont été dissoutes. La dénomination sociale des prise d’effet de l’annulation. sociétés concernées est précédée de la date de prise d’effet de l’annulation.

Ontario Ontario Corporation Corporation Number Number Numéro de Numéro de Name of Corporation la société en Name of Corporation la société en Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario 2020-01-29 A.Z.A TRANSPORTATION INC. 1685363 2020-01-29 DOONE TOWER LIMITED 366374 2020-01-29 AMAV ENTERPRISES LTD. 1508760 2020-01-29 HOME LEGAL AND RESTORATION SERVICE INC. 2600287 2020-01-29 AZLOT LTD. 2101399 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 287

AVIS EST DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE qu’en vertu de l’article 21.2 Ontario de la Loi sur l’exercice des compétences légales, des ordonnances ont Corporation été rendues ayant pour objet de révoquer des ordonnances antérieures Number annulant le lettres patentes des sociétés ci-après désignées. La date Numéro de d’effet de l’ordonnance de révocation précède la liste des sociétés la société en Name of Corporation visées. Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario 2020-01-29 716162 ONTARIO LIMITED 716162 Ontario Corporation Barbara Duckitt Number Director, Ministry of Government Numéro de and Consumer Services Name of Corporation la société en Directrice, Ministère des Services Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario gouvernementaux et des Services aux consommateurs 2020-01-17 TWIN CITY SPINNERS (153-G053) WHEELCHAIR SPORTS INC. 853105

Barbara Duckitt Director, Ministry of Government Cancellation for Filing Default and Consumer Services Directrice, Ministère des Services (Corporations Act) gouvernementaux et des Services aux Annulation pour omission de se consommateurs conformer à une obligation de dépôt (153-G055) (Loi sur les personnes morales)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that orders under Section 317(9) of the Government Notices — Other Corporations Act have been made cancelling the Letters Patent of the following corporations and declaring them to be dissolved. The date of the Avis du gouvernement — Autres order of dissolution precedes the name of the corporation.

AVIS EST DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE que, les décrets émis en Marriage Act vertu de l’article 317 (9) de la Loi sur les personnes morales ont été émis Loi sur le mariage pour annuler les lettres patentes des personnes morales suivantes et les déclarer dissoutes. La date du décret de la dissolution précède le nom de la personne morale. CERTIFICATE OF PERMANENT REGISTRATION as a person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following: Ontario Corporation LES CERTIFICATS D’ENREGISTREMENT PERMANENT Number autorisant à célébrer des mariages en Ontario ont été délivrés aux Numéro de suivants : Name of Corporation la société en Date Dénomination sociale de la société Ontario January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 2020-01-29 OWEN SOUND REVOLVER CLUB 1406057 Name Location Effective Date Barbara Duckitt Nom Lieu Date d'Entrée Director, Ministry of Government en Vigueur and Consumer Services Alexander, Russell Ian Lindsay, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 Directrice, Ministère des Services Moreland gouvernementaux et des Services aux consommateurs Chang, Andrea Elaine Scotland, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 (153-G054) Finlay, Ronald Kenneth Toronto, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 Froese, Abram Langton, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 Graham, Rebecca Irene Kenora, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 Order Revoking Cancellation of Letters James, Margaret Grimsby, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 Patent under Corporations Act (Statutory Labah, Kelvin Wonder Ottawa, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 Powers Procedure Act) Massi, Alex Toronto, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 Metcalf, Delvian Verona Oshawa, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 Ordonnance révoquant l’annulation du Rankin, Shirlee Marion Toronto, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 lettres patentes en vertu de la Loi sur les Peacock personnes morales (Loi sur l’exercice des Solangon, Joseph Toronto, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 Compétences légales) Tabakman, Linda Dianne Thorold, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 Tillberg, Nancy Annette Slate River, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 Toeller, Heike Waterloo, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that orders under section 21.2 of the Statutory Powers Procedure Act have been made revoking previous Unger, Johan Walsingham, ON, 23-Jan-2020 orders cancelling the Letters Patent set out hereunder. The effective CA date of the revoking order precedes the corporation listing. Wiebe, Aron Blenheim, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 Wild, Edward Alfred Chatham, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 288 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO

Re-Registrations Name Location Effective Date Nom Lieu Date d'Entrée Name Location Effective Date en Vigueur Nom Lieu Date d'Entrée Despodov, Georgi Krumov Toronto, ON, CA 22-Jan-2020 en Vigueur Lambshead, Thomas Charles Waterdown, ON, 22-Jan-2020 Charles, Brian Emerson Peterborough, ON, 23-Jan-2020 CA CA Litow, Matthew P Lower Sackville, 22-Jan-2020 Kozlof, Larry Walter Norwood, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 NS, CA Taylor, Michael George , ON, 23-Jan-2020 Medeiros, Artur Machado Binbrook, ON, CA 22-Jan-2020 Anthony CA Medeiros, Diana M C Binbrook, ON, CA 22-Jan-2020 Vezina, Calvin Gene Timmins, ON, CA 23-Jan-2020 Milanoff, Rouman Thornhill, ON, CA 22-Jan-2020 Miller, David L Vita, MB, CA 22-Jan-2020 CERTIFICATES OF TEMPORARY REGISTRATION as person Miller, John L Mossley, ON, CA 22-Jan-2020 authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the Pasmore, Linda E Listowel, ON, CA 22-Jan-2020 following: Sider, Douglas Paul Welland, ON, CA 22-Jan-2020 Stuart, Isabel R Alvinston, ON, CA 22-Jan-2020 LES CERTIFICATS D’ENREGISTREMENT TEMPORAIRE autorisant à célébrer des mariages en Ontario ont été délivrés aux Watson, Bradley John Tecumseh, ON, CA 22-Jan-2020 suivants : Blum, Barry Willowdale, ON, 24-Jan-2020 CA January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 Colton, Lawrence Michael Toronto, ON, CA 24-Jan-2020 Cooper, David S Toronto, ON, CA 24-Jan-2020 Date Name Location Effective Date Deitsch, Nechemia Toronto, ON, CA 24-Jan-2020 Nom Lieu Date d'Entrée en Vigueur Gitlin, Meir Thornhill, ON, CA 24-Jan-2020 15-May-2020 to Meisner, Spencer Saskatoon, SK, 23-Jan-2020 Hecht, Yosef Yitzchok Richmond Hill, ON, 24-Jan-2020 19-May-2020 Ford CA CA 16-Apr-2020 to Venables, Brian Corydon, , UK 23-Jan-2020 Kadoch, David Thornhill, ON, CA 24-Jan-2020 20-Apr-2020 Charles Markose, Howard Michael Toronto, ON, CA 24-Jan-2020 Romang, Gustavo A St Catharines, ON, 24-Jan-2020 CA CERTIFICATE OF CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION as a Rosenberg, Meir Thornhill, ON, CA 24-Jan-2020 person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following: Rubin, David Sarnia, ON, CA 24-Jan-2020 Schulman, Bernard Martin Toronto, ON, CA 24-Jan-2020 LES AVIS DE RADIATION de personnes autorisées à célébrer des Sheldon, Paul M Toronto, ON, CA 24-Jan-2020 mariages en Ontario ont été envoyés à : Swain, Matthew George Newbury, ON, CA 24-Jan-2020 January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 Alexandra Schmidt Deputy Registrar General Name Location Effective Date Registraire générale adjointe de l’état civil Nom Lieu Date d'Entrée (153-G056) en Vigueur Brant, Lori Crystal Beach, ON, 22-Jan-2020 CA Dahms, Jeffrey W Cobden, ON, CA 22-Jan-2020

Change of Name Act Loi sur le Changement de Nom

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following changes of name were granted during the period from January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020, under the authority of the Change of Name Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.c.7 and the following Regulation RRO 1990, Reg 68). The listing below shows the previous name followed by the new name.

AVIS EST PAR LA PRÉSENTE donné que les changements de noms mentionnés ci-après ont été accordés au cours de la période du 20 janvier 2020 au 26 janvier 2020, en vertu de la Loi sur le changement de nom, L.R.O. 1990, chap. C.7, et du Règlement 68, R.R.O. 1990, s’y rapportant. La liste indique l’ancien nom suivi du nouveau nom.

Date Previous Name New Name Ancien Nom Nouveau Nom January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HUYNH, LEO. HUYNH, LEO.THAI. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ABIDIAN, OLINN.MINJUN. MCCOY, OLINN.MINJUN. THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 289

Date Previous Name New Name Ancien Nom Nouveau Nom January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ABIDIAN, OLIVE.SU-RIN. MCCOY, OLIVE.SU-RIN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ABIDIAN, OLIVER.MINGUN. MCCOY, OLIVER.MINGUN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ABIDIAN, OLIVIA. MCCOY, OLIVIA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 AGCAOLI, ROB.AIVANN.LYNX. AGCAOILI, ROB.AIVANN.LYNX. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 AIZENOBIE, EGHEOSA.AKHERE. AIZENOBIE, GABRIEL.EGHEOSA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 AIZENOBIE, OSAMHANHIEMHEN.ODION. AIZENOBIE, MICHAEL. OSAMHANHIEMHEN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ALI, MUHAMMAD.HUSSAIN. NAQVI, HUSSAIN.ALI. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ALJMIAI, ALIRIDHA.AHMED. ALJMIAI, ALI.AHMED. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ALJMIAI, HAYDARALI.AHMED. ALJMIAI, HAYDAR.AHMED. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 AMIR, MUHAMMAD.SOHAIL. MAHER, SOHAEL.MOHOMAD. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 AMIT KUMAR, KUMAR, AMIT. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ANDERSON, LIANNA.RACHEL. ANDERSON, LEANA.RACHEL. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ARAFAT, MERSHAB. ISSADIEN, MERSHAB. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ARIYARATNAM, VINETHA. THAYANSON, VINETHA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ARSENAULT, JENNIFER.LYNN. CORNISH, JENNIFER.LYNN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ARSENEAU, DAVID. A RODGERS, DAVID. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ATKINS, SAVANNA.LUCY. ATKINS-TABONE, SAVANNA.LUCY. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ATUL, SHARMA, ATUL. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 BARREY, ALEXANDRA.DEE. WOLFE, DEREK.DEAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 BERCIER, JOSEPH.JANVIER.PAUL.ERMILE. BERCIER, PAUL-EMILE. ALCIDE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 BONNEAU, AMANDA.LISE. AERIN, AMANDA.LISE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 BRAYLEY, HUNTER.RANA. RANA, HUNTER.JULIAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 BUICK-PAUL, JESSIKA.LYNNE. PAUL-SWIM, JESSIKA.LYNNE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 BUTCHER-WHITE, ELLA.JEAN. BUTCHER, ELLA.JEAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 BYKOV, MAXIME. BYKOV, MAX. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 CHAN, ESME. CHAN, ESME.WAN.YIN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 CHAU, NIYA. XIAO, NIYA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 CHENG, JHONNY. CHENG, JOHNNY.BING.ZHENG. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 CHIKHALINA, ANGELINA. MYKHALSKYI, ANGELINA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 CHIKIRA, MISERU. DOLMAYA, MICHELLE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 CHOI, JOO.YEEN. CHOI, JOOEUN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 CHOWDHURY, OYES.AHMED. CHOWDHURY, NAYEEM. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 CHOWDHURY, RAHEEB.SAFWAN.S. CHOWDHURY, RAHEEB. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 COLLETTE, ELIANE.DOREEN. ROBITAILLE, ELIANE.DOREEN.NEVE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 COLLETTE, JADE.TANYA. ROBITAILLE, JADE.TANYA.CAMILLE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 COLSOUL ALMEIDA, MARCUS.LIGIO. WALDRON, MARCUS.LIGIO.JAMARI. JAMARI. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 COPPING-VANDERSANDEN, AUSTIN. COPPING-SMITH, AUSTIN.DANIEL. DANIEL. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 COX, TRISTAN.JAMAL. ADISA, TRISTAN.JAMAL. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 CRERAR, ASHLEIGH.SUSAN. VANDERMEER, ASHLEIGH.SUSAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 DAR, NAZISH.QAISER. WAHEED, NAZISH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 DEEP, AMAN. RANDHAWA, AMAN.DEEP. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 DEEPEKA, SARUP, DEEPEKA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 DEHAL, GAIL.BRAMHAWATEE. DEHAL GUNRAJ, PEGGY-GAIL. BRAMHAWATEE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 DESCHAMPS LANGLEY, RILEY.SCOTT. ROBERTSON, RILEY.AUREL. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 DOSANI, SONAL.ASIF. HIMANI, SONAL.U. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 DUBEM GBEMUDU, ZIKORAH.FUMNANYA. PAULS, ZIKORA.FUMNANYA.AMANDA. AMANDA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 DUBEM-GBEMUDU, CHIDERA.MELISSA. PAULS, MELISSA.CHIDERA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 DUBEM-GBEMUDU, CHIMAOBIM. PAULS, RICHARD.CHIMAOBIM. RICHARD. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 DUBEM-GBEMUDU, HOPE.IJEOMA. PAULS, HOPE.IJEOMA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 DUCHARME, AMBER-LYNN.ARIANE. DUCHARME, JASON.APOLLO. MARIE. 290 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO

Date Previous Name New Name Ancien Nom Nouveau Nom January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 DUNN, LYJAH.TAYLER. LANDA, LYJAH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ELGANAINY, TAREK.AHMED.HASSAN. ELGANAINY, TAREK. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ESHAGHI CHALESHTARI, SHARAREH. ESHAGHI, SHARAREH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 FARAG, MICHAEL.ADEL.SOLIMAN. SOLIMAN, MICHAEL.A. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 FAZL, ZOHRA. AHMADZAI, ZOHRA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 FICKLING, IRA.WILLIAM. BRENTON, IRA.WILLIAM. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 FILAZZOLA, ANTHONY.SEBASTIAN. OLIVA, ANTHONY.SEBASTIAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 FISHER, NATALIE.ANNE. PETIT, NATALIE.ANNE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 FLEAR, ADELAIDE.ELLIE. FLEAR, ELLIE.ADELAIDE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 FORRESTER, HARRISON.JOSEPH. VANDEN ENDEN, HARRISON.JOSEPH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 FORRESTER, WALTER.JAKE. VANDEN ENDEN, WALTER.JAKE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 FRANCO, TERESINA. FRANCO, THERESA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 FRENCH, ELIZABETH.MARGARET. PAN, ELIZABETH.MARGARET. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 GAMBINO, MARIA.CAROLINA. GAMBINO, LINA.CAROLINA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 GAO, XIAO.JING. GAO, ELLA.XIAO.JING. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 GARROW-LILLY, FELIX.DOUGLAS. LILLY, FELIX.DOUGLAS.GARROW. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 GAYAD, HABONE.MUSE. MUSE, HABONE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 GBEMUDU, DUBEM.MACDONALD. PAULS, DUBEM.MACDONALD. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 GEORGE, KILEY.MARTHA. GEORGE, KILE.MA’IINGAN.MIGIZI. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 GIBBARD-KUNTZ, ETHAN.CLARK. GIBBARD-KUNTZ, ETHAN.CHRISTOPHER. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 GRANT, TENYSON.JUSTICE. GRANT, TENYSON.JUSTICE.PICCOLINO. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 GROVER, JOSHUA.KEITH. KO-GROVER, JOSHUA.KEITH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 GURPREET SINGH, GILL, GURPREET.SINGH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HAMAM, AL-WALID.AYMEN. HAMAM, ALWALEED.AYMEN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HANNAH, ZHU.JIAYI. ZHU, HANNAH.JIAYI. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HARPREET SINGH, SINGH, HARPREET. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HASSAN, SARA.MOHAMAD.HACHEM. GERGES, MARIA.WADIE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HEEMSKERK, GRAYSON.THOMAS. THOMAS-HEEMSKERK, GRAYSON.ROBERT. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HENDRICKS, BRYN.KELLY. KAI-HENDRICKS III, BRYN.JAMES. WILLIAM.KELLY. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HERNANDEZ, ROSE.CHRISTINE. REYES, ROSE.CHRISTINE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HERTZ, JACK.LAWRENCE. HERTZ, JACK.LAWRENCE.CRIGER. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HOAR, TANYA.ELIZABETH.MARIE. THOMPSON, TANYA.ELIZABETH.MARIE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HOCHMAN, JOSHUA.DAVID. HOCHMAN, SADIE.JESSICA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HOFSTEDTER, ARYEH. BENEDICT, ARYEH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HOFSTEDTER, SHLOMO. BENEDICT, SHLOMO. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HOLLETT, COLLEEN.GLENNIS. MCCLURE, COLLEEN.GLENNIS. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HOSSEINI RAD, PARISSA. RAD, PARISSA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HOWELL, KRISTENE.MELISSA. PIROTTE, KRISTENE.MELISSA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HOZH, SERGIY. HOZH, ALEXANDER. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HSU, JIHEN-HUYU. HSU, STEVEN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 HUDSPETH, SHAYNE.ROBERT. VOGT, SHAYNE.ROBERT.JAMES. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ILIZIROV, SHANI. NISSIM, SHANI. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 IMPERIO, GLAIZA.LUCAS. SALVADOR, GLAIZA.IMPERIO. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 IMPERIO, LARIZA.GORGE. SALVADOR, LARIZA.GORGE.IMPERIO. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ITHIKA, PERVEZ, ITHIKA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 IYER, DAIWIK.ANAND. IYER, DEVIK.ANAND. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 JEAVONS, THEORY.JACOBA. YOUNG, THEORY.JACOBA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 JIM, SUMMIT. MAHAL, SUMMIT. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 JORGENSEN, MALENE.SOGAARD. JORGENSEN-DOESSING, MALENE. SOGAARD. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KAIS, QAIS.OWAIS. OWAIS, QAIS. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KANAPATHIPILLAI, PATHMALOGINITHE. JAYACHANDRAN, PATHMALOGINITHE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KARAN GUPTA, GUPTA, KARAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KAUR, JASMIN. DHALIWAL, JASMIN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KAUR, TEJPAL. THUKRAL, NEENU.KAUR. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KENNEDY, BRAEDEN.MICHAEL. KENNEDY, MELODY.SAVANNAH. THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 291

Date Previous Name New Name Ancien Nom Nouveau Nom January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KERKERIAN, JEAN-MARC.ERIC. RHEE, MEGUMI.RAMONA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KERR, LILIAN.MERVIN. GODDARD, LILLIAN.MERVIN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KIDU, AMEN. KIDU, AMEN.NEGASH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KIM, JEONG.A. KIM, JOANNE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KIM, SOON.HEE. CHANG, JENNIE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KIRUBANANTHAN, AKSHARH. THAMBIPILLAI, AKSHARH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KO, MINSOO. KO-GROVER, MINSOO. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KONIDIS, MARIA.SHANNON.VAN.EEDEN. KONIDIS, MARIA.SHANNON. INESON. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KONIDIS, PANAGIOTIS.LEONARD.VAN. KONIDIS, PETER.LEONARD. EEDEN.INESON. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KOSSAYAN, MICHAEL.G. SARKIS, MICHAEL. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KOSSAYAN, SARKIS.G. SARKIS, GEORGE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KRAFT, LEAH.MARGARET. HERMAN, LEAH.MARGARET. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KRAKANA, ALYSHA.BRIANNA. DUBROY, ALYSHA.BRIANNA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 KURZROCK, HANNAH.MIRIAM. KELLY, HAIDEN.EVERETT. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 LAJEUNESSE, SUSSANNE.IRENE. SAVOIE, SUSANNE.IRENE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 LAJOIE, MARIE.NATALIE.NANCY. LAJOIE, NATHALIE.NANCY. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 LALLI-GALPAYA, SARINA.SIMRAN. COUTTS, SARINA.SIMRAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 LANDRY, MADISON.VIRGINIA. SPRAGGE, MADISON.VIRGINIA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 LANDRY, MICHELLE.ALCINDA.JOAN. SPRAGGE, MICHELLE.ALCINDA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 LAOYE, AYOMIDE.JOSHUA. LAOYE, JOSHUA.AYOMIDE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 LAU, STEPHANIE.ALEXANDRA. DHIMA, STEPHANIE.ALEXANDRA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 LI, DENNY. CHENG, DENNY.BING.XING. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 LI, MAY.BO.VIVIEN. LI, VIVIEN.MAY.BO. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 LIM, YEONG.JUNG. MCCOY, ANN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 LOTT, CARTER.JOHN.GEORGE. HUBER, CHARLOTTE.THEA.ROSE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MARTIN, SHARI.LYNNE. REAUME, SHARI.LYNNE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MATTHEWS, HAILEY.KAYLA.MADISON. MATTHEWS, BAILEY.KAYDEN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MAWALAGE, SIDDHATH.TARIQ. REID, SIDDHATH.TARIQ. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MCBRIDE, HEATHER.ANN. SINCLAIR, HEATHER.ANN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MCLAUGHLIN, ALLAIN.JOSEPH.ROGER. MCLAUGHLIN, ALAIN.ANDRÉ. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MCVEETY, COLE.MICHAEL. HOUGH, COLE.MICHAEL. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MEMON, AYAAN. MEMON, RAYAAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MILLS, KYLE.THOMAS. MILLS, KYLY.THOMAS. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MOHAMMED, MUNA.EDRIS. OMAR, MUNA.KHALIFA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MORALES, ANDREA.MERCEDES. MORALES, LUCAS. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MORRIS, MARCELL.MICHAEL.HARRISON. OUIMET, MARCELL.MICHAEL.HARRISON. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MOUSAVIKIA, KIMIA.SADAT. MOUSAVIKIA, KIMIA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MOUSAVIKIA, SAYED.ILIA. MOUSAVIKIA, ILIA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MUNGER, MICHAEL.MARCEL. MORIN, MICHAEL.MARCEL. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MUNKER, NAHIN. ZUBAIR, ALYASA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MUNSTERS, GRAYSON.MURRAY. BUCZEK, GRAYSON.MURRAY. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MUNSTERS, HAYDEN.KAZIMIERZ. BUCZEK, HAYDEN.KAZIMIERZ. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 MUSTAFA, RAKHSHANDA. SYED, RAKHSHANDA.ALI. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 NADILA, HALIMULATI. HALMURAT, NADIRA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 NANAYAKKARA, NANAYAKKARA. MANAYAKKARA, OSUREE.MANDIRA. WASANAGARAGE.OSUREE.MANDIRA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 NAULT, JOSEPH.GEORGES.DONALD. NAULT, GERALD.ROBERT.GEORGES. ROBERT.GERALD. JOSEPH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 NELSON, LEVY.ALEXANDER. NELSON, LEVI.ALEXANDER. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 NEWSTEAD, EMILY.DARLENE. SABAN, EMILY.AVIGYLE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 NGUYEN, ALBERT.THANH-CHUONG. DOAN, ALBERT.THANH-CHUONG. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 NGUYEN, ALEXANDER.THANH-SANG. DOAN, ALEXANDER.THANH-SANG. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 NGUYEN, JOLIE.PHUONG-VY. DOAN, JOLIE.PHUONG-VY. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 NGUYEN, KHANH.HOANG.PHUONG. DOAN, KHANH.PHUONG. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 NGUYEN, THANH.LIEM. DOAN, LIEM.THANH. 292 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO

Date Previous Name New Name Ancien Nom Nouveau Nom January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 NGUYEN, TU.KHANH.ASHLEY. NGUYEN, ASHLEY.TU.KHANH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 NIJANAND, SANIDHYA. NIJANAND, SERENE.SANI. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 NIMA DORJEE, DORJEE, NIMA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 NUGENT, JAIDYN.MARINA.JOAN. BROWN, JAIDYN.MARINA.JOAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 OLIA ZADEH KHORAKCHY, ALIREZA. OLIA, ALIREZA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ORR, CHARLOTTE.HOPE. GIROUX, CHARLOTTE.HOPE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 OSHINOWO, ADEDOYIN.AYOKA. FAGBEMI, ADEDOYIN.AYOKA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 PALAFOX, VALENTINO.EMAUS. TORRES SULVARAN, VALENTINO.EMAUS. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 PALANIVEL, SIDHARTH.GOWTHAM. GOWTHAM, SIDHARTH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 PAPADOPOULOS, EYFYMIOS. PAPADOPOULOS, TIMOTHY.TOM. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 PARK, BYUNG.JUN. PARK, BRADY. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 PARK, HYE.RYUNG. PARK, GRACE.HYERYUNG. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 PARSAEINEJAD, FATEMEH. PARSA, SHIRIN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 PATEL, JAY.RAJESH. PATEL, JAY. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 PECSON, DIVINE.JADE. HAYNES, DIVINE.JADE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 PHAM, MAO.THI. PHAM, MELISSA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 PHILP, ALYSHA.DANIELLE. MARSHALL, ALYSHA.DANIELLE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 PHILP, TYLER.JORDAN. MARSHALL, TYLER.JORDAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 POLUS, BARAA.FARAJ.POLUS. QAS YONAN, BARAA.FARAJ.POLUS. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 PORTA MARTIN MORENO, EDUARD. PORTA, EDUARD. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 POUNTNEY, ALEXANDER.QUINN. CHERIAN-POUNTNEY, ALEXANDER. QUINN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 PYPHER, WILLIAM.MORGAN. PYPHER, VIVIAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 QIN, ZIHAN. QIN, TINA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 RAHAMAN, OLAITAN.ALOWONLE. OWONIYI, OLAITAN.NURUDEEN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 RANIA, IQBAL, RANIA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 RAYAN, IQBAL, RAYAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 REINKE, CHANTEL.MARIA.GLENNA. REINKE, ALEXANDER.DREW.JACKSON. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 RICKRAM, LUCAS.TABIAS. RICKRAM, LUCAS.LEONARDO. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 RIKAKO ORYO, LOKI.LIGHT. ROSE, BRENDAN.SAMUEL. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ROBERTS, BRODY.MATTHEW. DOODY, BRODY.MATTHEW. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ROBINSON, TAYLOR.ANNE.ELIZABETH. ROBINSON, TAE.REDECOPP. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ROUSSE, MARIE.ALINE.GABRILLE. ROUSSE, MARIE.ALINE.GABRIELLE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ROWLINS, GENA.FREDERICA. ST LUCE, GENA.FREDERICA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ROZINA, AHMED, ROZINA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 S SRILEKHA, SANKAR, LEKHA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SAHIB SINGH, HUNDAL, SAHIB.SINGH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SALEHI MOGHADAM, MARYAM. SALEHI MOGHADAM, CATHRINE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SAMPSON, DEVONTÉ.RASHAWN. SAMPSON, DEVANTÉ.RASHAWN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SANDHU, SONYA. DEOL, SONYA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SANKARAKANTHAN, JAYALAKSHMI. SANKAR, JAYA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SARAFAT, CHOWDHURY.AROOSA. CHOWDHURY, AROOSA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SARGLA, NICOLE.SAMANTHA.JAYNE. STADEN, NICOLE.SAMANTHA-JAYNE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SCOTT, TYRESS.KEVONTÉ.MARK. MILLION, XANDER.KING. BERNARD.SCOTT. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SEKU, DECHEN.KHANDO. SEKUTSANG, DECHEN.KHANDO. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SEKU, KUNSANG.NIMA. SEKUTSANG, KUNSANG.NIMA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SENOS, TERIANA.NICOLE. TRAVIS, TERIANA.NICOLE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SETNA, DANNY.MINOO. SETNA, SARA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SHEIK-ALI, SAMATAR.MOHAMUD. JONES, SAMATAR.MIKAEL. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SINGH, NAVLEEN. THUKRAL, NAVLEEN.SINGH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SINGH, SANDEEP. THUKRAL, SANDEEP.SINGH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SINGH, SARBUNGH. THUKRAL, SARBUNGH.SINGH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SMITH, DEIDREA.NICOLE. RICHARDS, HARMONY.ANGEL. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SMITH, JONATHON.JAMES. SUMMERS, EMILY.AMBER. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SPAHIU, VALMIRA. SPAHIU, DORIAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SPOIALA, GABRIELLE.LYN.IRENE. HEDGE, GABRIELLE.LYN.IRENE. THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 293

Date Previous Name New Name Ancien Nom Nouveau Nom January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 STIRLING, ALISON.JANE. CLARKE, ALISON.JANE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SU, SPENCER.STORM. LEE, SPENCER.STORM. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SUD, MOHIT.K.SUD. SUD, MOHIT. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SUJOY, SHAHNOOR.AHMED. SIDDHARTHA, SUJOY. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SUNICHURA, ALICIA.TESHA. MICHAEL, SONIA.SANICHAR. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 SWACCHA, ROHAK.DEY. DEY, ROHAK. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 TAGGAR, AKILAH.NEELAM.KAUR. DOWNEY, AKILAH.TAGGAR. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 TATAEV, SAIED. TATAEV, SEAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 TAYLOR, JESSY.KATRIN. TAYLOR, KATRIN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 TENZIN METOK, METOK, TENZIN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 THAVARAJAH, GEERTHIGA. ROSE MÄRIE, JESSICA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 THEVARAJAH, ARUTPIRAGASS. THEVARAJAH, ARUT. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 THOM, RYAN.ZACHARY. THOM, BRIAR.ROSE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 TONG, YUAN.LI. LIN, XIN.YUE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 TRINH, NGOC.DONG. TRINH, DON. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 TRUSS, CHRISTOPHER. TRUSS, CRISS. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 TWIDALE, XAVIER.LOGAN.JAMES. GONDER, XAVIER.LOGAN.JAMES. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 UNSWORTH-HANCOCK, BRANDON. HANCOCK, BRANDON.WILLIAM. WILLIAM. UNSWORTH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 UNSWORTH-HANCOCK, HAYDEN.GEORGE. HANCOCK, HAYDEN.GEORGE.UNSWORTH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 USMAN, ANABIA. KHATTANI, ANABIA.USMAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 USMAN, ARHAM.MUHAMMAD. KHATTANI, ARHAM.USMAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 USMAN, AYESHA. KHATTANI, AYESHA.USMAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 USMAN, MUHAMMAD. KHATTANI, USMAN.MUHAMMAD. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 USMAN, MUHAMMAD.AHMED. KHATTANI, AHMED.USMAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 USMAN, MUHAMMAD.ANAS. KHATTANI, ANAS.USMAN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 UZODIMMA, CHIZARAM.IVANKA. UZODIMMA, CHIDERA.EXCEL. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 UZODIMMA, CHIZITARAM.IVANNA. UZODIMMA, CHIEMERIE.SUCCESS. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 VALENTINE, SUMMER-BEA.SAFIYAH. VALENTINE, SAFIYAH.SUMMER. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 VAN GELDEREN, INGRID-MARIA. VANN, INGRID.MARIA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 VENNERI, MARYANN. VENNERI-HACHÉ, MARIANNA.NINA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 VIWANOW, MEYE. LEKPOR, SYLVIE.HOPE.MEYE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 WEATHERALL, APRIL.JOHANNA. WEATHERALL, AUGUST.JOSEPH. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 WU, RONG.HAI. SHUM, HOI.YEUNG. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 XU, QIANYING. KYO, CHIE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 YANG, STEPHANIE. YOUNG, STEPHANIE.AMELIA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 YANG, YU.YING.RACHAEL. YANG, RACHAEL.YU.YING. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 YASEEN SULTANA, SULTANA, YASEEN. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 YMERI, ANDUENA. BANJA, ANDUENA. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ZALDIVAR, JACOB.MICHAEL.JORGE. ZALDIVAR SADLER, JACOB.MICHAEL. JORGE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ZHAO, HE. ZHAO, KATHY.HE. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ZHOU, LINRONG. LIN, RONG. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ZHU, LIRUIXING. ZHU, JERRY.LIRUIXING. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ZHU, SIYANG. ZHU, TIMOTHY.ALEXANDER. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ZHU, YANFEI. ZHU, JACQUELINE.YANFEI. January 20, 2020 to January 26, 2020 ZIGELMAN, ESTHER.CHANA. ZIGELMAN, ESTY.CHANA.

Alexandra Schmidt Deputy Registrar General Registraire générale adjointe de l’état civil (153-G057) 294 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO

the conditions set out below at, 297 Pembroke Street East, Pembroke Applications to Provincial Ontario, K8A 3K2, 613-732-8581 on March 13th, 2020 at 2:00 pm.

Parliament — Private Bills CONDITIONS: Demandes au Parlement provincial — The purchaser to assume responsibility for all mortgages, charges, liens, outstanding taxes, and other encumbrances. No representation is Projets de loi d’intérêt privé made regarding the title of the land or any other matter relating to the interest to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests PUBLIC NOTICE with the potential purchaser(s).

The rules of procedure and the fees and costs related to applications TERMS: for Private Bills are set out in the Standing Orders of the Legislative • Deposit 10% of bid price or $1,000.00, whichever is greater Assembly's Internet site at http://www.ola.org or from: • Payable at time of sale by successful bidder • To be applied to purchase price Procedural Services Branch • Non-refundable Room 1405, Whitney Block, Queen's Park • Ten business days from date of sale to arrange financing and pay Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A2 balance in full at 297 Pembroke Street East, Pembroke Ontario, Telephone: 416-325-3500 (Collect calls will be accepted) K8A 3K2. • All payments in cash or by certified cheque made payable to the Applicants should note that consideration of applications for Private Minister of Finance. Bills that are received after the first day of September in any calendar • Deed Poll provided by Sheriff only upon satisfactory payment in year may be postponed until the first regular Session in the next full of purchase price. following calendar year. • Other conditions as announced.


Note: No employee of the Ministry of the Attorney General may purchase any goods or chattels, lands or tenements exposed for sale by Corporation Notices a Sheriff under legal process, either directly or indirectly.

Avis relatifs aux compagnies Date: February 8th, 2020

The Sole Pursuit Inc. Sheriff of the County of Renfrew Ontario Corporation No. 002436224 297 Pembroke Street East, Pembroke Ontario, K8A 3K2, TAKE NOTICE CONCERNING WINDING UP OF The Sole 613-732-8581 Pursuit Inc., Date of Incorporation: October 1, 2014. Liquidator: File No.: 926/14 Kyle S. Dawe, 28 Meadow Dr., Orangeville, ON L9W 4R8. Appointed (153-P028E) November 19, 2019.

This notice is filed under subsection 205(2) of theBusiness EN VERTU ET CONFORMITÉ d’un bref de saisie-exécution délivré Corporations Act. The Special Resolution requiring the Corporation to par la Cour supérieure de justice du comté de Renfrew le 26 juillet, 2018, be wound up voluntarily was passed/consented to by the shareholder numero de dossier 926/14 concernant les biens personnels et réels de of the Corporation on January 19, 2020. Kevin Arthur Bradshaw, la partie défenderesse, à la demande de C.R.E.

th Investments Inc., la partie demanderesse, j’ai saisi tous les droits, titres, DATED the 20 day of January, 2020. intérêts et droits de rachat en equity de Kevin Arthur Bradshaw, relatifs à : Kyle S. Dawe Liquidator Lot 14, Plan 228; ville de Pembroke, constituent le NIP 57167-0234 (153-P027) (LT) à l’adresse municipal suivante: 541 rue Giroux, Pembroke (Ontario) K8A 4G6.

Je dois mettre en vente aux enchères publiques tous lesdits droits, Sheriff’s Sale of Lands titres, intérêts et droits de rachat en equity de Kevin Arthur Bradshaw, Ventes de terrains par le shérif la partie défenderesse, desdits terrains et tènements décrits ci-dessus, sous réserve des conditions énoncées ci-après au 297 rue Pembroke Est, Pembroke (Ontario) K8A 3K2, (613) 732-8581 le 13 mars 2020 à 14h00. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Superior Court of Justice at County of Renfrew dated July 26, CONDITIONS : 2018 under writ file number 926/14 to me directed, against the real and L’acheteur assume l’entière responsabilité des hypothèques, des personal property of Kevin Arthur Bradshaw, Defendant, at the suit of charges, des privilèges, des impôts impayés et de toute autre charge. C.R.E. Investments Inc., Plaintiff, I have seized and taken in execution Aucune garantie n’est donnée quant au titre du terrain ou aux motifs all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of Kevin Arthur de la vente. Il incombe à l’acheteur éventuel de vérifier ces questions. Bradshaw, in and to: MODALITÉS : All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises • Dépôt de 10 % du prix de l’offre ou de 1 000,00 $, selon le plus situated, being Lot 14, Plan 228; City of Pembroke, being all of PIN élevé des deux montants. 57167-0234 (LT), municipally known as: 541 Giroux Street, Pembroke, • À payer au moment de la vente par l’acheteur retenu. K8A 4G6 • Le dépôt est déductible du prix d’achat. • Le dépôt n’est pas remboursable. All of which said right, title, interest and equity of redemption of • L’acheteur dispose de dix jours ouvrables à compter de la date de IKevin Arthur Bradshaw, defendant in the said lands and tenements vente pour obtenir le financement nécessaire et payer le solde en described above, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction subject to entier à 297 rue Pembroke Est, Pembroke (Ontario) K8A 3K2. THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 295

• Tous les paiements sont effectués en espèces ou par chèque certifié required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the à l’ordre du ministre des Finances. relevant land transfer tax. • Un acte formaliste unilatéral sera fourni à l’acheteur par le shérif seulement lorsque le paiement aura été effectué en entier. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the • D’autres modalités pourraient s’ajouter. successful purchaser.

CETTE VENTE PEUT ÊTRE ANNULÉE PAR LE SHÉRIF EN For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the TOUT TEMPS ET SANS PRÉAVIS AU COURS DE LA PÉRIODE prescribed form of tender contact: DE MISE EN VENTE. Philippe Timbers, Remarque : Aucun employé du ministère du Procureur général ne peut Treasurer acheter des biens ou des biens meubles, des terrains ou des immeubles The Corporation of the Town of offerts en vente par un shérif dans le cadre d’une saisie judiciaire, que Hawkesbury ce soit directement ou indirectement. 600 Higginson Street Hawkesbury (Ontario) K6A 1H1 Date : le 8 février, 2020 (153-P029)

Shérif du conté de Renfrew 297 rue Pembroke Est, MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 Pembroke, Ontario K8A 3K2 (613) 732-8585 SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER Dossier: 926/14 (153-P028F) ONTARIO REGULATION 181/03 Sale of Land for Tax Arrears MUNICIPAL TAX SALES RULES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF By Public Tender NORTH STORMONT

Ventes de terrains par appel d’offres TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands pour arriéré d’impôt described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on February 27, 2020, at the North Stormont Township Office, 15 Union St., Berwick Ontario. MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER as possible after 3:00 p.m. at the North Stormont Township Office, 15 Union St., Berwick. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HAWKESBURY Description of Land(s): TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time 1. Roll No. 04 11 009 005 35000 0000; 15811 County Rd. 9, Avonmore; on March 5th, 2019 at 600 Higginson Street, Hawkesbury, Ontario. PIN 60112-0055 (LT); Part Lot 23 Concession 6 Finch as in S291145 T/W S291145; North Stormont; File No. 18-04 Description of Land(s): According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of Roll no.: 02-08-040-001-02400-0000 the land is $52,000.00 Sec. M-8 PCL 19-1, Lots 19 and 20 Town of Hawkesbury, County of Prescott Minimum Tender Amount: $9,265.28 Minimum Tender Amount: $6,431.48 2. Roll No. 04 11 009 005 00000 0000; PIN 60109-0066 (LT); Part Lot Roll no.: 02-08-040-002-46204-0000 42 Plan 2 (formerly Lot 14 Concession 6 Finch) as in ST17645; North CON 1 BF PT Lot 14 RP46R4946 PT Stormont; File No. 18-08 Part 1 Town of Hawkesbury, County of Prescott According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $4,400.00 Minimum Tender Amount: $13,622.33 Minimum Tender Amount: $7,596.95 Roll no.: 02-08-050-001-02100-0000 Sec. M-14 PCL 200-1, Town of Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be Hawkesbury, County of Prescott accompanied by a deposit of at least 20 per cent of the tender amount, which deposit shall be made by way of a certified cheque/bank draft/ Minimum Tender Amount: $48,155.43 money order payable to the municipality.

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank the title to, crown interests, or any other matters relating to the lands draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the Corporation of the Town of Hawkesbury and representing at least 20 potential purchasers. Any interests of the Crown encumbering the land at per cent of the tender amount. the time of the tax sale will continue to encumber the land after the regis- tration of the tax deed. The assessed value according to the last returned Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding assessment roll may or may not be representative of the current market the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Respon- value of the property. sibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and any taxes that may be applicable, such as a land transfer tax and HST. 296 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO

The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the Environmental Warning for # 3: successful purchaser. There is wood waste landfill on the property for which the Ministry of A copy of the prescribed form of tender is available on the website the Environment, Conservation and Parks has issued an Environmental of the Government of Ontario Central Forms Repository under the Compliance Approval (ECA). Closure of the landfill in accordance to listing for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. ministry standards must be achieved and the ECA amended to reflect the closure of the landfill. Section 46 of the Environmental Protection Act For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prohibits the use of land which has been used for the disposal of waste prescribed form of tender, visit: www.OntarioTaxSales.ca or if no within a period of 25 years from the year in which the land ceased to internet access available, contact: be used unless approval is received from the Ministry. Furthermore, the ECA must be registered on-title to the land. For more information, Carly Wheeler, contact the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks’ North Director of Finance/Treasurer Bay Office at 705-497-6865. The Corporation of the Township of North Stormont Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be 15 Union St., PO Box 99 accompanied by a deposit of at least 20 per cent of the tender amount, Berwick ON K0C 1G0 which deposit shall be made by way of a certified cheque/bank draft/ 613-984-2821 X 228 money order payable to the municipality. www.northstormont.ca cwheeler@norths (153-P030) Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to, environmental concerns or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 the potential purchasers. The assessed value, according to the last re- turned assessment roll, may or may not be representative of the current SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER market value of the property.

ONTARIO REGULATION 181/03 This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will MUNICIPAL TAX SALES RULES be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and any taxes that may be applicable, such as a land transfer tax and HST. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF ENGLEHART The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the successful purchaser. lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on February 27, 2020, at the Englehart Town Hall, 61 Fifth Ave., A copy of the prescribed form of tender is available on the website Englehart Ontario. of the Government of Ontario Central Forms Repository under the listing for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as possible after 3:00 p.m. at the Englehart Town Hall, 61 Fifth Ave., For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the Englehart. prescribed form of tender, visit: www.OntarioTaxSales.ca or if no internet access available, contact: Description of Land(s): Shawn LaCarte, 1. Roll No. 54 52 000 001 30400 0000; 112A Third Ave., Englehart; Clerk-Treasurer PIN 61278-0122 (LT); Parcel 21508 Section SST; Lot 61 Plan M95NB The Corporation of the Town of Englehart Evanturel; Englehart; District of Timiskaming: File No. 18-02 PO Box 399 61 Fifth Ave. According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of Englehart ON P0J 1H0 the land is $33,000.00. 705-544-2244 (153-P031) Minimum Tender Amount: $9,967.19

2. Roll No. 54 52 000 002 27201 0000; 50 Third St., Englehart; PIN MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 61277-0358 (LT); Parcel 22189 Section SST; FIRSTLY: Part Lot 87 Plan M65NB Evanturel SRO designated Part 3 Plan 54R2709; SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER SECONDLY: Part Lot 88 Plan M65NB Evanturel SRO designated Part 4 Plan 54R2709; S/T the exceptions and reservations contained in ONTARIO REGULATION 181/03 the grant of the said land by the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Commission; File No. 18-03 MUNICIPAL TAX SALES RULES

According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF the land is $402,000.00 NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE

Minimum Tender Amount: $100,490.55 TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on 3. Roll No. 54 52 000 003 00100 0000; 3 First Ave.(Also known as March 5, 2020, at the Town of Niagara-On-The-Lake Town Hall, 1593 Old Mill Yard Property), Englehart ; PIN 61276-0126 (LT); Parcel Four Mile Creek Road, Virgil Ontario. 10206 Section SST; Part N 1/2 Lot 10 Concession 5 Evanturel as in LT51717 & LT97062; except Part 1 Plan 54R3038; Englehart; District The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as of Timiskaming; File No. 18-04 possible after 3:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, 1593 Four Mile Creek Road, Virgil. According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $262,000.00 Description of Land(s):

Minimum Tender Amount: $73,645.45 Roll No. 26 27 020 008 02300 0000; 1651 Lakeshore Rd., Niagara- On-The-Lake; PIN 46392-0020 (LT); Parcel 200-1 Section M11; Lot THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 297

200 Plan M11, except Part 1 Plan 30R4033, as confirmed by Plan According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of 30BA179, Plan M11 is not a plan of subdivision within the meaning of the land is $23,500 the Planning Act; Niagara-On-The-Lake; File No. 18-10 Minimum Tender Amount: $8,619.47 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $341,000 2. Roll No. 57 76 000 001 07700 0000; 39 Broadway Ave., Wawa; PIN 31169-0258(LT); Parcel 229 Section AWS; Lot 209 Plan M27 Minimum Tender Amount: $80,604.44 McMurray; Michipicoten; File No. 18-03 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be the land is $47,500 accompanied by a deposit of at least 20 per cent of the tender amount, which deposit shall be made by way of a certified cheque/bank draft/ Minimum Tender Amount: $25,068.90 money order payable to the municipality. 3. Roll No. 57 76 000 002 09507 0000; 15 Second Ave., Wawa; PIN Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding 31169-1493(LT); Parcel 794 Section MICH SRO; Lot 1039 Plan M131 the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Respon- McMurray; Michipicoten; File No. 18-04 sibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of The assessed value, according to the last returned assessment roll, may the land is $38,000 or may not be representative of the current market value of the property. Minimum Tender Amount: $12,038.86 Transfers of properties in this jurisdiction that contain at least one and not more than six single family residences and are transferred to non- 4. Roll No. 57 76 000 002 19400 0000; 68 Third Ave., Wawa; PIN residents of Canada or foreign entities, are subject to the Province’s 31169-1197(LT); Parcel 416 Section Michipicoten SRO; Lot 1100 Plan Non-Resident Speculation Tax (NRST). M131 McMurray; Michipicoten; File No. 18-08 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal the land is $43,000 Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and Minimum Tender Amount: $15,059.95 any taxes that may be applicable, such as a land transfer tax and HST. 5. Roll No. 57 76 000 002 16700 0000; 12 Third Ave., Wawa; PIN The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the 31169-1125(LT); Parcel 292 Section MICH SRO; Lot 1074 Plan M131 successful purchaser. McMurray; Michipicoten; File No. 18-09 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of A copy of the prescribed form of tender is available on the website the land is $40,000 of the Government of Ontario Central Forms Repository under the listing for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Minimum Tender Amount: $15,813.50

For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the 6. Roll No. 57 76 000 003 17900 0000; 138 Government Rd., Wawa; prescribed form of tender, visit: www.OntarioTaxSales.ca or if no FIRSTLY: PIN 31169-0925(LT); Parcel 12175 Section AWS SRO; Part internet access available, contact: Mining Claim SSM8042 McMurray designated Part 2 Plan 1R7836; reserving the ROW of the Algoma Central Railway & the SRO on and Donna Lake, over the ROW of the Government Rd; Michipicoten; SECONDLY: Revenue Coordinator PIN 31169-0914(LT); Parcel 11752 Section AWS SRO; Part Mining The Corporation of the Town of Claim SSM8042 McMurray designated Part 1 Plan 1R7836, reserving Niagara-On-The-Lake the ROW of the Algoma Central Railway & the SRO on and over 1593 Four Mile Creek Road the ROW of the Government Rd passing through the said claim; P.O. Box 100 Michipicoten; Virgil ON L0S 1T0 File No. 18-11 905-468-3266 Ext. 230 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of (153-P032) the land is $9,700

Minimum Tender Amount: $7,288.63 MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 7. Roll No. 57 76 000 003 30446 0000; 135 Mills Dr., Wawa; PIN 31170- SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER 0009(LT); Parcel 11-1 Section 1M511; Lot 11 Plan 1M511 Lendrum; Michipicoten; File No. 18-16 ONTARIO REGULATION 181/03 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $10,700 MUNICIPAL TAX SALES RULES Minimum Tender Amount: $10,688.61 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF WAWA 8. Roll No. 57 76 000 007 18002 0000; PIN 31170-0152(LT); Parcel TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land 12519 Section AWS SRO; Location CL10545 Lendrum designated described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on Part 1 Plan 1R9738 S/T, if enforceable, execution No. 99-000593; March 4, 2020, at the Wawa Town Hall, 40 Broadway Avenue, Wawa Michipicoten; File No. 18-23 Ontario. According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $12,400 The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as possible after 3:00 p.m. at the Wawa Town Hall, 40 Broadway Avenue, Minimum Tender Amount: $8,793.82 Wawa. Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be Description of Land(s): accompanied by a deposit of at least 20 per cent of the tender amount, which deposit shall be made by way of a certified cheque/bank draft/ 1. Roll No. 57 76 000 016 39500 0000; PIN 31169-0294(LT); Parcel money order payable to the municipality. 1797 Section AWS; Mining Claim SSM3375 McMurray; except Mining Rights as in AL31210; Michipicoten; File No. 18-01 298 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO

Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal the title to or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold. Respon- Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be sibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. required to pay the amount tendered plus water arrears, accumulated The assessed value, according to the last returned assessment roll, may taxes and any taxes that may be applicable, such as a land transfer tax or may not be representative of the current market value of the property. and HST.

This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will successful purchaser. be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and any taxes that may be applicable, such as a land transfer tax and HST. A copy of the prescribed form of tender is available on the website of the Government of Ontario Central Forms Repository under the The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the listing for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and can also successful purchaser. be viewed on the City of Sarnia web site www.sarnia.ca.

A copy of the prescribed form of tender is available on the website For further information regarding this sale contact: of the Government of Ontario Central Forms Repository under the listing for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Angie Dixon, Law Clerk For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the The Corporation of the City of Sarnia prescribed form of tender, visit: www.OntarioTaxSales.ca or if no 255 Christina Street North, P.O. Box 3018 internet access available, contact: Sarnia, Ontario N7T 7N2 TEL.: (519) 332-0330, EXT. 3333 Manuela Batovanja, FAX: (519) 332-3995 Deputy Treasurer [email protected] The Corporation of the Municipality (153-P034) of Wawa P.O. Box 500, 40 Broadway Avenue Wawa ON P0S 1K0 705-856-2244 Ext. 226 www.wawa.cc (153-P033)






TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on March 3, 2020 in Customer Service Centre located on the first floor in Sarnia City Hall. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:01 p.m. at 255 Christina Street North, Sarnia in the Council Chambers.

Description of Land(s):

Roll #38 29 200 035 03600, PIN 43140-0182 (LT) PT LT 42-43 CON 9 AKA FRONT CON SARNIA TOWNSHIP AS IN L755981; SARNIA; municipally known as 1616-1620 Blackwell Road, Sarnia.

Minimum Tender Amount: $266,152.52

According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $589,000.

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form along with the address or roll number of the property noted on the outside of the envelope and must be accompanied by a deposit of at least 20 per cent of the tender amount, which deposit shall be made by way of a certified cheque/bank draft/money payable to the municipality.

The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to, existing interests in favour of the Crown, environmental concerns or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 299

Publications under Part III (Regulations) of the Legislation Act, 2006 Règlements publiés en application de la partie III (Règlements) de la Loi de 2006 sur la législation


ONTARIO REGULATION 3/20 made under the MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 Made: January 20, 2020 Filed: January 22, 2020 Published on e-Laws: January 22, 2020 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: February 8, 2020


1. The definition of “qualifying taxation year” in section 0.1 of Ontario Regulation 385/98 is amended by striking out “2019” and substituting “2020”. Commencement 2. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.

Made by: Pris par :

Le ministre des Finances,

ROD PHILLIPS Minister of Finance

Date made: January 20, 2020 Pris le : 20 janvier 2020 6/20


RÈGLEMENT DE L’ONTARIO 3/20 pris en vertu de la LOI DE 2001 SUR LES MUNICIPALITÉS pris le 20 janvier 2020 déposé le 22 janvier 2020 publié sur le site Lois-en-ligne le 22 janvier 2020 imprimé dans la Gazette de l’Ontario le 8 février 2020


1. La définition de «année d’imposition admissible» à l’article 0.1 du Règlement de l’Ontario 385/98 est modifiée par remplacement de «2019» par «2020». Entrée en vigueur 2. Le présent règlement entre en vigueur le jour de son dépôt.

Made by: Pris par :

Le ministre des Finances,

ROD PHILLIPS Minister of Finance

Date made: January 20, 2020 Pris le : 20 janvier 2020 6/20


ONTARIO REGULATION 4/20 made under the MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 Made: January 20, 2020 Filed: January 22, 2020 Published on e-Laws: January 22, 2020 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: February 8, 2020


1. The definition of “qualifying taxation year” in subsection 1 (1) of Ontario Regulation 73/03 is amended by striking out “2019” and substituting “2020”. Commencement 2. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.

Made by: Pris par :

Le ministre des Finances,

ROD PHILLIPS Minister of Finance

Date made: January 20, 2020 Pris le : 20 janvier 2020 6/20


RÈGLEMENT DE L’ONTARIO 4/20 pris en vertu de la LOI DE 2001 SUR LES MUNICIPALITÉS pris le 20 janvier 2020 déposé le 22 janvier 2020 publié sur le site Lois-en-ligne le 22 janvier 2020 imprimé dans la Gazette de l’Ontario le 8 février 2020


1. La définition de «année d’imposition admissible» au paragraphe 1 (1) du Règlement de l’Ontario 73/03 est modifiée par remplacement de «2019» par «2020». Entrée en vigueur 2. Le présent règlement entre en vigueur le jour de son dépôt.

Made by: Pris par :

Le ministre des Finances,

ROD PHILLIPS Minister of Finance

Date made: January 20, 2020 Pris le : 20 janvier 2020 6/20


ONTARIO REGULATION 5/20 made under the CITY OF TORONTO ACT, 2006 Made: January 19, 2020 Filed: January 22, 2020 Published on e-Laws: January 22, 2020 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: February 8, 2020


1. The definition of “qualifying taxation year” in subsection 1 (1) of Ontario Regulation 121/07 is amended by striking out “2019” and substituting “2020”. Commencement 2. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.

Made by:

ROD PHILLIPS Minister of Finance

Date made: January 19, 2020 6/20


ONTARIO REGULATION 6/20 made under the EDUCATION ACT Made: January 20, 2020 Filed: January 22, 2020 Published on e-Laws: January 22, 2020 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: February 8, 2020


1. The following provisions of Ontario Regulation 400/98 are amended by striking out “2019” wherever it appears and substituting in each case “2020”: 1. Section 1. 2. Subsection 2 (2). 3. Subsection 3 (2). 4. Subsections 9 (3), (4) and (5). 5. Subsection 10 (1). 2. (1) Subsection 1 (1) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “0.161” and substituting “0.153”. (2) Subsection 1 (2) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “0.04025” and substituting “0.03825”. 3. Subsection 3 (3) of the Regulation is revoked. 4. Subsections 9 (3), (4) and (5) of the Regulation are amended by striking out “0.01030000” wherever it appears and substituting in each case “0.00980000”. 5. Subsection 10 (1) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “0.00257500” at the end and substituting “0.00245000”. 6. Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted: TABLE 1 TAX RATES FOR BUSINESS PROPERTIES IN MUNICIPALITIES FOR 2020 (EXPRESSED AS FRACTIONS OF ASSESSED VALUE)

Municipality Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Commercial Industrial Property Pipe Line Property Landfill Property Property Class Class Class Class Alberton, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00925034 Armour, Township of 0.00690833 0.00395200 0.00519019 0.00980000 Armstrong, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00964207 none Assiginack, Township of 0.00842583 0.00676308 none 0.00980000 Atikokan, Township of 0.00980000 0.00984735 0.00980000 0.00980000 Baldwin, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00796553 none Barrie, City of 0.00980000 0.01062384 0.00980000 0.00524134 Belleville, City of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.01122046 0.01250000 Billings, Township of 0.00644236 0.00980000 none 0.00352821 Black River-Matheson, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00817516 0.00980000 Blind River, Town of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Bonfield, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00668371 0.00980000 Brant, County of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.01250000 Brantford, City of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.01236930 0.01250000 Brethour, Township of 0.00439262 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00445422 Brockville, City of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.01142785 none Bruce, County of 0.00980000 0.01250000 0.00958720 0.00980000 Bruce Mines, Town of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00658154 none Burk’s Falls, Village of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00955889 none Burpee and Mills, Township of 0.00494118 0.00980000 none none Callander, Municipality of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00864536 none


Municipality Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Commercial Industrial Property Pipe Line Property Landfill Property Property Class Class Class Class Calvin, Township of 0.00601963 0.00980000 0.00907364 0.00584711 Carling, Township of 0.00557065 0.00980000 none none Casey, Township of 0.00467717 0.00980000 none none Central Manitoulin, Township of 0.00688166 0.00980000 none 0.00506696 Chamberlain, Township of 0.00301852 0.00497570 0.00921266 0.00477412 Chapleau, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none none Chapple, Township of 0.00593040 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00459442 Charlton and Dack, Municipality of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00896777 none Chatham-Kent, Municipality of 0.01238970 0.01263978 0.01248862 0.03657373 Chisholm, Township of 0.00980000 0.00643693 none 0.00752763 Cobalt, Town of 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 none Cochrane, Town of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00771725 none Cockburn Island, Township of none none none none Coleman, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Conmee, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 Cornwall, City of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.01250000 Dawson, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Dorion, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Dryden, City of 0.00980000 0.00992674 0.00980000 0.00980000 Dubreuilville, Township of 0.00980000 0.00994594 none none Dufferin, County of 0.00918303 0.01250000 0.00856022 0.00792019 Durham, Region of 0.00980000 0.01250000 0.00980000 none Ear Falls, Township of 0.00980000 0.00986704 0.00980000 none East Ferris, Municipality of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 none Elgin, County of 0.00980000 0.01250000 0.00980000 0.23687812 Elliot Lake, City of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00819560 0.00980000 Emo, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Englehart, Town of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 none Espanola, Town of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 none Essex, County of 0.01232828 0.01270170 0.01250000 0.01122591 Evanturel, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 none Fauquier-Strickland, Township of 0.00980000 0.00431149 0.00580449 none Fort Frances, Town of 0.00980000 0.01008202 0.00980000 none French River, Municipality of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 Frontenac, County of 0.01250000 0.01250000 none 0.01250000 Gananoque, Separated Town of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.00980000 none Gauthier, Township of 0.00589674 0.00883039 none 0.00962973 Gillies, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 Gordon/Barrie Island, Municipality of 0.00973463 0.00980000 none none Gore Bay, Town of 0.00980000 0.00884341 none none Greenstone, Municipality of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00343299 0.00980000 Grey, County of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.00980000 0.01250000 Guelph, City of 0.01102552 0.01250000 0.01250000 none Haldimand, County of 0.01163509 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.01250000 Haliburton, County of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none 0.00663886 Halton, Region of 0.00770552 0.01098184 0.00980000 0.00864766 Hamilton, City of 0.00980000 0.01166409 0.00980000 0.01680173 Harley, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 Harris, Township of 0.00980000 0.00521783 0.00980000 none Hastings, County of 0.00944951 0.00980000 0.00936385 0.00669159 Hearst, Town of 0.00980000 0.01004982 0.00715368 0.00663570 Hilliard, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Hilton Beach, Village of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none none Hilton, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none none Hornepayne, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 Hudson, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00584244 0.00980000 Huron, County of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00458716 0.00677916 Huron Shores, Municipality of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Ignace, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00853735 none Iroquois Falls, Town of 0.00980000 0.00996037 0.00803222 0.00980000


Municipality Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Commercial Industrial Property Pipe Line Property Landfill Property Property Class Class Class Class James, Township of 0.00980000 0.00988699 none 0.00980000 Jocelyn, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none 0.00929572 Johnson, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00707060 0.00980000 Joly, Township of 0.00810484 0.00980000 none none Kapuskasing, Town of 0.00980000 0.00991472 0.00763320 none Kawartha Lakes, City of 0.00980000 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.00980000 Kearney, Town of 0.00602794 0.00789639 none none Kenora, City of 0.00980803 0.00996701 0.00980000 none Kerns, Township of 0.00596158 none 0.00835780 none Killarney, Municipality of 0.00568569 0.00980000 none 0.00353645 Kingston, City of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.01208565 none Kirkland Lake, Town of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 none La Vallee, Township of 0.00906164 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00115600 Laird, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 Lake of the Woods, Township of 0.00772929 none none 0.00802319 Lambton, County of 0.01240801 0.01289128 0.00980000 0.03964162 Lanark, County of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.00980000 Larder Lake, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 Latchford, Town of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 none Leeds and Grenville, United Counties of 0.01250000 0.01278614 0.01219450 0.01133835 , County of 0.01250000 0.01282827 0.00980000 0.01250000 London, City of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.01250000 Macdonald, Meredith and Aberdeen Additional, 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00901297 0.00980000 Township of Machar, Township of 0.00783763 0.00655620 0.00593986 0.00980000 Machin, Township of 0.00980000 0.00529884 0.00980000 0.00980000 Magnetawan, Municipality of 0.00709582 0.00969327 none 0.00980000 Manitouwadge, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 Marathon, Town of 0.00980214 0.01006318 none 0.00980000 Markstay-Warren, Municipality of 0.00980000 0.00772281 0.00980000 0.00980000 Matachewan, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none none Mattawa, Town of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 none Mattawan, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 none Mattice-Val Côté, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00445055 0.00980000 McDougall, Township of 0.00764924 0.00980000 none none McGarry, Township of 0.00980000 0.00418996 none none McKellar, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none none McMurrich/Monteith, Township of 0.00900069 0.00425628 0.00206841 0.00980000 Middlesex, County of 0.01220720 0.01250000 0.01144706 0.00980000 Moonbeam, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 none Moosonee, Town of 0.00678228 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 Morley, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Muskoka, District Municipality of 0.00681019 0.00799699 0.00425921 0.00790439 Nairn and Hyman, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 none Neebing, Municipality of 0.00396753 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00571707 Niagara, Region of 0.00980000 0.01250000 0.00980000 0.01714649 Nipigon, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Nipissing, Township of 0.00933728 0.00247459 none 0.00684276 Norfolk, County of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.01250000 none North Bay, City of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 none Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands, Town of 0.00935249 0.00980000 none 0.00667984 Northumberland, County of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.01096633 0.01250000 O’Connor, Township of 0.00923338 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 Oliver Paipoonge, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Opasatika, Township of 0.00965286 0.00980000 0.00539944 0.00498043 Orillia, City of 0.01134445 0.01292920 0.01250000 0.01146075 Ottawa, City of 0.00971056 0.01326287 0.01250000 0.01148666 Owen Sound, City of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.00980000 0.01250000 Oxford, County of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.00980000 0.01250000 Papineau-Cameron, Township of 0.00896091 0.00980000 0.00593169 0.00639835


Municipality Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Commercial Industrial Property Pipe Line Property Landfill Property Property Class Class Class Class Parry Sound, Town of 0.00852267 0.00650266 0.00980000 none Peel, Region of 0.00944727 0.01066032 0.01189049 0.00831729 Pelee, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none none Pembroke, City of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.00980000 none Perry, Township of 0.00832501 0.00596791 0.00590076 0.00980000 Perth, County of 0.00980000 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.00980000 Peterborough, City of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.00980000 none Peterborough, County of 0.00980000 0.01250000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Pickle Lake, Township of 0.00553869 0.00049704 none 0.00483683 Plummer Additional, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00752162 none Powassan, Municipality of 0.00945188 0.00989617 0.00753775 0.00980000 Prescott and Russell, United Counties of 0.00980000 0.01272188 0.00980000 0.00980000 Prescott, Separate Town of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.00980000 none Prince, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none none Prince Edward, County of 0.00706031 0.01250000 0.00508185 0.00223960 Quinte West, City of 0.01250000 0.01279177 0.00980000 none Rainy River, Town of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 none Red Lake, Municipality of 0.00980000 0.00996404 0.00980000 0.00980000 Red Rock, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 none Renfrew, County of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Ryerson, Township of 0.00692152 0.00980000 none none Sables-Spanish Rivers, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 Sault Ste. Marie, City of 0.00980821 0.00994239 0.00980000 0.00980000 Schreiber, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none none Seguin, Township of 0.00666974 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00406447 Shedden, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none none Shuniah, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Simcoe, County of 0.00980000 0.01250000 0.01237518 0.00980000 Sioux Lookout, Municipality of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 Sioux Narrows-Nestors Falls, Township of 0.00980000 0.00729366 none 0.00980000 Smiths Falls, Separated Town of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.01231520 none Smooth Rock Falls, Town of 0.00982065 0.01059002 0.00908177 0.00980000 South Algonquin, Township of 0.00496193 0.00980000 none 0.00766612 South River, Village of 0.00977214 0.00815926 0.00412122 none St. Charles, Municipality of 0.00577910 none 0.00980000 0.00620364 St. Joseph, Township of 0.00770563 0.00980000 none 0.00661451 St. Marys, Separated Town of 0.00980000 0.01250000 0.01247778 0.00980000 St. Thomas, City of 0.01250000 0.01252938 0.00887611 none Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, United Counties 0.01250000 0.01263487 0.00980000 0.05908938 of Stratford, City of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.00980000 0.01250000 Strong, Township of 0.00687504 0.00980000 0.00555103 0.00966360 Sudbury, City of Greater 0.00980000 0.01014217 0.00980000 0.00980000 Sundridge, Village of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00654769 none Tarbutt, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none none Tehkummah, Township of 0.00901677 0.00980000 none 0.00777024 Temagami, Municipality of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00930842 none Temiskaming Shores, Town of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00809919 0.00980000 Terrace Bay, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 The Archipelago, Township of 0.00635908 0.00776030 none 0.00167740 The North Shore, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 Thessalon, Town of 0.00980000 0.00800781 0.00661381 none Thornloe, Village of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none none Thunder Bay, City of 0.00980000 0.01015511 0.00980000 0.00980000 Timmins, City of 0.00980000 0.00996435 0.00980000 0.00980000 Toronto, City of 0.00980000 0.01067220 0.01250000 none Val Rita-Harty, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00690763 0.00980000 Waterloo, Region of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.00980000 0.01250000 Wawa, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 Wellington, County of 0.00924236 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.00811182


Municipality Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Commercial Industrial Property Pipe Line Property Landfill Property Property Class Class Class Class West Nipissing, Municipality of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 White River, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 Whitestone, Municipality of 0.00586377 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 Windsor, City of 0.01235882 0.01271667 0.01250000 none York, Region of 0.00896686 0.00980000 0.01250000 0.00528649


Municipality Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Commercial Property Office Building Shopping Centre Parking Lots and Class Property Class Property Class Vacant Land Property Class Chatham-Kent, Municipality of 0.01250000 0.00980000 0.01250000 0.00980000 Espanola, Town of 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 none Essex, County of 0.01250000 0.00980000 none 0.00633473 Hamilton, City of 0.00980000 none none 0.00980000 Kenora, City of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Lambton, County of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.00679260 Marathon, Town of 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 0.00980000 Ottawa, City of 0.00980000 0.01250000 0.00775935 0.00549581 Sault Ste. Marie, City of 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Smooth Rock Falls, Town of 0.00980000 none none 0.00980000 Windsor, City of 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.01250000 0.00822145


Municipality Tax Rate for the Industrial Property Class Tax Rate for the Large Industrial Property Class Atikokan, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 Chatham-Kent, Municipality of 0.01250000 0.01250000 Dryden, City of 0.00980000 0.00980000 Dubreuilville, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 Ear Falls, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 Elgin, County of 0.01250000 0.01250000 Espanola, Town of 0.00980000 0.00980000 Essex, County of 0.01250000 0.01250000 Fort Frances, Town of 0.00980000 0.00980000 Hamilton, City of 0.01166409 0.01166409 Hearst, Town of 0.00980000 0.00980000 Iroquois Falls, Town of 0.00980000 0.00980000 James, Township of 0.00980000 0.00980000 Kapuskasing, Town of 0.00980000 0.00980000 Kenora, City of 0.00980000 0.00980000 Lambton, County of 0.01250000 0.01250000 Leeds and Grenville, United Counties of 0.01250000 0.01250000 Lennox and Addington, County of 0.01250000 0.01250000 Marathon, Town of 0.00980000 0.00980000 Orillia, City of 0.01250000 0.01250000 Ottawa, City of 0.01250000 0.01250000 Owen Sound, City of 0.01250000 0.01250000 Powassan, Municipality of 0.00980000 0.00980000


Municipality Tax Rate for the Industrial Property Class Tax Rate for the Large Industrial Property Class Prescott and Russell, United Counties of 0.01250000 0.01250000 Quinte West, City of 0.01250000 0.01250000 Red Lake, Municipality of 0.00980000 0.00980000 Renfrew, County of 0.01250000 0.01250000 Sault Ste. Marie, City of 0.00980000 0.00980000 Smooth Rock Falls, Town of 0.00980000 0.00980000 St. Thomas, City of 0.01250000 0.01250000 Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, United Counties 0.01250000 0.01250000 of Sudbury, City of Greater 0.00980000 0.00980000 Thessalon, Town of 0.00653412 0.00980000 Thunder Bay, City of 0.00980000 0.00980000 Timmins, City of 0.00980000 0.00980000 Windsor, City of 0.01250000 0.01250000


District Territory Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for Tax Rate for Commercial Industrial the Pipe Line the Landfill Property Class Property Class Property Class Property Class Algoma Sault Ste. Marie Locality Education 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Cochrane Cochrane-Iroquois Falls Locality Education 0.00886807 0.00980000 0.00698313 0.00829465 Cochrane Hearst Locality Education 0.00743939 0.00869287 0.00516933 0.01030000 Cochrane James Bay Lowlands Locality Education 0.00980000 none none none Cochrane Kap SRF and District Locality Education 0.00980000 0.00383334 0.00653976 none Kenora Dryden Locality Education (assessment roll 0.00948184 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00618298 numbers beginning with “6060”) Kenora Dryden Locality Education (assessment roll 0.00980000 none 0.00980000 none numbers beginning with “6093”) Kenora Dryden Locality Education (assessment roll 0.00980000 0.00927098 0.00980000 0.00980000 numbers beginning with “6096”) Kenora Keewatin-Patricia District Locality 0.00800301 none none none Education Kenora Kenora Locality Education 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Kenora Red Lake Locality Education 0.00724716 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00227545 Kenora Sturgeon Lake Locality Education 0.00736495 none none none Manitoulin Manitoulin Locality Education 0.00831012 0.00854291 none none Nipissing Nipissing Combined School Boards 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Nipissing Timiskaming Board of Education 0.00844508 none 0.00980000 none Parry Sound East Parry Sound Board of Education 0.00806675 0.00980000 0.00856534 none Parry Sound South River Township School Authority 0.00853965 0.00980000 none none Parry Sound West Parry Sound Board of Education 0.00654584 0.00881572 none none Rainy River Atikokan Locality Education 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 none Rainy River Fort Frances/Rainy River Locality 0.00882994 0.00980000 none none Education (assessment roll numbers beginning with “5902”) Rainy River Fort Frances/Rainy River Locality 0.00720129 0.00599774 none none Education (assessment roll numbers beginning with “5903”) Rainy River Mine Centre DSA Locality Education 0.00213734 0.00333662 none none Sudbury Asquith Garvey DSA Locality Education 0.00468931 0.00582315 none none Sudbury Chapleau Locality Education 0.00902994 0.00980000 none none Sudbury Espanola Locality Education 0.00914423 0.00619443 none none Sudbury Foleyet DSA Locality Education 0.00980000 none none none Sudbury Gogama DSA Locality Education 0.00708392 none none none Sudbury Missarenda DSA Locality Education 0.00456610 0.00980000 none none Sudbury Sudbury Locality Education 0.00980000 0.00980000 none none Thunder Bay Allanwater DSA Locality Education 0.00239259 none none none Thunder Bay Armstrong DSA Locality Education 0.00600736 0.00980000 none none


District Territory Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for the Tax Rate for Tax Rate for Commercial Industrial the Pipe Line the Landfill Property Class Property Class Property Class Property Class Thunder Bay Auden DSA Locality Education 0.00064240 none none none Thunder Bay Ferland DSA Locality Education 0.00049671 none none none Thunder Bay Lake Superior Locality Education 0.00980000 0.00980000 none none Thunder Bay Lakehead Locality Education 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Thunder Bay Nipigon Red Rock Locality Education 0.00538140 0.00980000 0.00980000 none Thunder Bay Savant Lake DSA Locality Education 0.00532219 none none 0.00527440 Thunder Bay Upsala DSA Locality Education 0.00531244 0.00393111 0.00307924 0.00571328 Timiskaming Kirkland Lake Locality Education 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 none Timiskaming Timiskaming Locality Education 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 0.00980000 Commencement 7. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.

Made by: Pris par :

Le ministre des Finances,

ROD PHILLIPS Minister of Finance

Date made: January 20, 2020 Pris le : 20 janvier 2020 6/20


RÈGLEMENT DE L’ONTARIO 6/20 pris en vertu de la LOI SUR L’ÉDUCATION pris le 20 janvier 2020 déposé le 22 janvier 2020 publié sur le site Lois-en-ligne le 22 janvier 2020 imprimé dans la Gazette de l’Ontario le 8 février 2020

modifiant le Règl. de l’Ont. 400/98 (QUESTIONS FISCALES - TAUX DES IMPÔTS SCOLAIRES)

1. Les dispositions suivantes du Règlement de l’Ontario 400/98 sont modifiées par remplacement de chaque occurrence de «2019» par «2020» : 1. L’article 1. 2. Le paragraphe 2 (2). 3. Le paragraphe 3 (2). 4. Les paragraphes 9 (3), (4) et (5). 5. Le paragraphe 10 (1). 2. (1) Le paragraphe 1 (1) du Règlement est modifié par remplacement de «0,161» par «0,153». (2) Le paragraphe 1 (2) du Règlement est modifié par remplacement de «0,04025» par «0,03825». 3. Le paragraphe 3 (3) du Règlement est abrogé. 4. Les paragraphes 9 (3), (4) et (5) du Règlement sont modifiés par remplacement de chaque occurrence de «0,01030000» par «0,00980000». 5. Le paragraphe 10 (1) du Règlement est modifié par remplacement de «0,00257500» par «0,00245000» à la fin du paragraphe. 6. Les tableaux 1, 2, 3 et 4 du Règlement sont abrogés et remplacés par ce qui suit : TABLEAU 1 TAUX D’IMPOSITION APPLICABLES AUX BIENS D’ENTREPRISE SITUÉS DANS DES MUNICIPALITÉS POUR 2020 (EXPRIMÉS EN FRACTIONS DE LA VALEUR IMPOSABLE)

Municipalité Taux d’imposition Taux Taux Taux d’imposition applicable à la d’imposition d’imposition applicable à la catégorie des biens applicable à la applicable à la catégorie des lieux commerciaux catégorie des catégorie des d’enfouissement biens industriels pipelines Alberton, canton d’ 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00925034 Armour, canton d’ 0,00690833 0,00395200 0,00519019 0,00980000 Armstrong, canton d’ 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00964207 aucun Assiginack, canton d’ 0,00842583 0,00676308 aucun 0,00980000 Atikokan, canton d’ 0,00980000 0,00984735 0,00980000 0,00980000 Baldwin, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00796553 aucun Barrie, cité de 0,00980000 0,01062384 0,00980000 0,00524134 Belleville, cité de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,01122046 0,01250000 Billings, canton de 0,00644236 0,00980000 aucun 0,00352821 Black River-Matheson, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00817516 0,00980000 Blind River, ville de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Bonfield, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00668371 0,00980000 Brant, comté de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,01250000 Brantford, cité de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,01236930 0,01250000 Brethour, canton de 0,00439262 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00445422 Brockville, cité de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,01142785 aucun Bruce, comté de 0,00980000 0,01250000 0,00958720 0,00980000 Bruce Mines, ville de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00658154 aucun Burk’s Falls, village de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00955889 aucun


Municipalité Taux d’imposition Taux Taux Taux d’imposition applicable à la d’imposition d’imposition applicable à la catégorie des biens applicable à la applicable à la catégorie des lieux commerciaux catégorie des catégorie des d’enfouissement biens industriels pipelines Burpee and Mills, canton de 0,00494118 0,00980000 aucun aucun Callander, municipalité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00864536 aucun Calvin, canton de 0,00601963 0,00980000 0,00907364 0,00584711 Carling, canton de 0,00557065 0,00980000 aucun aucun Casey, canton de 0,00467717 0,00980000 aucun aucun Central Manitoulin, canton de 0,00688166 0,00980000 aucun 0,00506696 Chamberlain, canton de 0,00301852 0,00497570 0,00921266 0,00477412 Chapleau, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun aucun Chapple, canton de 0,00593040 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00459442 Charlton and Dack, municipalité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00896777 aucun Chatham-Kent, municipalité de 0,01238970 0,01263978 0,01248862 0,03657373 Chisholm, canton de 0,00980000 0,00643693 aucun 0,00752763 Cobalt, ville de 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 aucun Cochrane, ville de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00771725 aucun Cockburn Island, canton de aucun aucun aucun aucun Coleman, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Conmee, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 Cornwall, cité de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,01250000 Dawson, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Dorion, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Dryden, cité de 0,00980000 0,00992674 0,00980000 0,00980000 Dubreuilville, canton de 0,00980000 0,00994594 aucun aucun Dufferin, comté de 0,00918303 0,01250000 0,00856022 0,00792019 Durham, région de 0,00980000 0,01250000 0,00980000 aucun Ear Falls, canton d’ 0,00980000 0,00986704 0,00980000 aucun East Ferris, municipalité d’ 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun Elgin, comté d’ 0,00980000 0,01250000 0,00980000 0,23687812 Elliot Lake, cité d’ 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00819560 0,00980000 Emo, canton d’ 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Englehart, ville d’ 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun Espanola, ville d’ 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun Essex, comté d’ 0,01232828 0,01270170 0,01250000 0,01122591 Evanturel, canton d’ 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun Fauquier-Strickland, canton de 0,00980000 0,00431149 0,00580449 aucun Fort Frances, ville de 0,00980000 0,01008202 0,00980000 aucun French River, municipalité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 Frontenac, comté de 0,01250000 0,01250000 aucun 0,01250000 Gananoque, ville séparée de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,00980000 aucun Gauthier, canton de 0,00589674 0,00883039 aucun 0,00962973 Gillies, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 Gordon/Barrie Island, municipalité de 0,00973463 0,00980000 aucun aucun Gore Bay, ville de 0,00980000 0,00884341 aucun aucun Greenstone, municipalité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00343299 0,00980000 Grey, comté de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,00980000 0,01250000 Guelph, cité de 0,01102552 0,01250000 0,01250000 aucun Haldimand, comté de 0,01163509 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,01250000 Haliburton, comté de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun 0,00663886 Halton, région de 0,00770552 0,01098184 0,00980000 0,00864766 Hamilton, cité de 0,00980000 0,01166409 0,00980000 0,01680173 Harley, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 Harris, canton de 0,00980000 0,00521783 0,00980000 aucun Hastings, comté de 0,00944951 0,00980000 0,00936385 0,00669159 Hearst, ville de 0,00980000 0,01004982 0,00715368 0,00663570 Hilliard, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Hilton Beach, village de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun aucun Hilton, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun aucun Hornepayne, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 Hudson, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00584244 0,00980000


Municipalité Taux d’imposition Taux Taux Taux d’imposition applicable à la d’imposition d’imposition applicable à la catégorie des biens applicable à la applicable à la catégorie des lieux commerciaux catégorie des catégorie des d’enfouissement biens industriels pipelines Huron, comté de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00458716 0,00677916 Huron Shores, municipalité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Ignace, canton d’ 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00853735 aucun Iroquois Falls, ville d’ 0,00980000 0,00996037 0,00803222 0,00980000 James, canton de 0,00980000 0,00988699 aucun 0,00980000 Jocelyn, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun 0,00929572 Johnson, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00707060 0,00980000 Joly, canton de 0,00810484 0,00980000 aucun aucun Kapuskasing, ville de 0,00980000 0,00991472 0,00763320 aucun Kawartha Lakes, cité de 0,00980000 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,00980000 Kearney, ville de 0,00602794 0,00789639 aucun aucun Kenora, cité de 0,00980803 0,00996701 0,00980000 aucun Kerns, canton de 0,00596158 aucun 0,00835780 aucun Killarney, municipalité de 0,00568569 0,00980000 aucun 0,00353645 Kingston, cité de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,01208565 aucun Kirkland Lake, ville de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun La Vallee, canton de 0,00906164 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00115600 Laird, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 Lake of the Woods, canton de 0,00772929 aucun aucun 0,00802319 Lambton, comté de 0,01240801 0,01289128 0,00980000 0,03964162 Lanark, comté de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,00980000 Larder Lake, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 Latchford, ville de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun Leeds et Grenville, comtés unis de 0,01250000 0,01278614 0,01219450 0,01133835 Lennox and Addington, comté de 0,01250000 0,01282827 0,00980000 0,01250000 London, cité de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,01250000 Macdonald, Meredith and Aberdeen Additional, 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00901297 0,00980000 canton de Machar, canton de 0,00783763 0,00655620 0,00593986 0,00980000 Machin, canton de 0,00980000 0,00529884 0,00980000 0,00980000 Magnetawan, municipalité de 0,00709582 0,00969327 aucun 0,00980000 Manitouwadge, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 Marathon, ville de 0,00980214 0,01006318 aucun 0,00980000 Markstay-Warren, municipalité de 0,00980000 0,00772281 0,00980000 0,00980000 Matachewan, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun aucun Mattawa, ville de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun Mattawan, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun Mattice-Val Côté, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00445055 0,00980000 McDougall, canton de 0,00764924 0,00980000 aucun aucun McGarry, canton de 0,00980000 0,00418996 aucun aucun McKellar, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun aucun McMurrich/Monteith, canton de 0,00900069 0,00425628 0,00206841 0,00980000 Middlesex, comté de 0,01220720 0,01250000 0,01144706 0,00980000 Moonbeam, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun Moosonee, ville de 0,00678228 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 Morley, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Muskoka, municipalité de district de 0,00681019 0,00799699 0,00425921 0,00790439 Nairn and Hyman, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun Neebing, municipalité de 0,00396753 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00571707 Niagara, région de 0,00980000 0,01250000 0,00980000 0,01714649 Nipigon, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Nipissing, canton de 0,00933728 0,00247459 aucun 0,00684276 Norfolk, comté de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,01250000 aucun North Bay, cité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands, ville de 0,00935249 0,00980000 aucun 0,00667984 Northumberland, comté de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,01096633 0,01250000 O’Connor, canton d’ 0,00923338 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 Oliver Paipoonge, canton d’ 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000


Municipalité Taux d’imposition Taux Taux Taux d’imposition applicable à la d’imposition d’imposition applicable à la catégorie des biens applicable à la applicable à la catégorie des lieux commerciaux catégorie des catégorie des d’enfouissement biens industriels pipelines Opasatika, canton d’ 0,00965286 0,00980000 0,00539944 0,00498043 Orillia, cité d’ 0,01134445 0,01292920 0,01250000 0,01146075 Ottawa, ville d’ 0,00971056 0,01326287 0,01250000 0,01148666 Owen Sound, cité d’ 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,00980000 0,01250000 Oxford, comté d’ 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,00980000 0,01250000 Papineau-Cameron, canton de 0,00896091 0,00980000 0,00593169 0,00639835 Parry Sound, ville de 0,00852267 0,00650266 0,00980000 aucun Peel, région de 0,00944727 0,01066032 0,01189049 0,00831729 Pelée, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun aucun Pembroke, cité de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,00980000 aucun Perry, canton de 0,00832501 0,00596791 0,00590076 0,00980000 Perth, comté de 0,00980000 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,00980000 Peterborough, cité de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,00980000 aucun Peterborough, comté de 0,00980000 0,01250000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Pickle Lake, canton de 0,00553869 0,00049704 aucun 0,00483683 Plummer Additional, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00752162 aucun Powassan, municipalité de 0,00945188 0,00989617 0,00753775 0,00980000 Prescott et Russell, comtés unis de 0,00980000 0,01272188 0,00980000 0,00980000 Prescott, ville séparée de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,00980000 aucun Prince, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun aucun Prince Edward, comté de 0,00706031 0,01250000 0,00508185 0,00223960 Quinte West, cité de 0,01250000 0,01279177 0,00980000 aucun Rainy River, ville de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun Red Lake, municipalité de 0,00980000 0,00996404 0,00980000 0,00980000 Red Rock, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun Renfrew, comté de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Ryerson, canton de 0,00692152 0,00980000 aucun aucun Sables-Spanish Rivers, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 Sault Ste. Marie, cité de 0,00980821 0,00994239 0,00980000 0,00980000 Schreiber, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun aucun Seguin, canton de 0,00666974 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00406447 Shedden, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun aucun Shuniah, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Simcoe, comté de 0,00980000 0,01250000 0,01237518 0,00980000 Sioux Lookout, municipalité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 Sioux Narrows-Nestors Falls, canton de 0,00980000 0,00729366 aucun 0,00980000 Smiths Falls, ville séparée de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,01231520 aucun Smooth Rock Falls, ville de 0,00982065 0,01059002 0,00908177 0,00980000 South Algonquin, canton de 0,00496193 0,00980000 aucun 0,00766612 South River, village de 0,00977214 0,00815926 0,00412122 aucun St. Charles, municipalité de 0,00577910 aucun 0,00980000 0,00620364 St. Joseph, canton de 0,00770563 0,00980000 aucun 0,00661451 St. Marys, ville séparée de 0,00980000 0,01250000 0,01247778 0,00980000 St. Thomas, cité de 0,01250000 0,01252938 0,00887611 aucun Stormont, Dundas et Glengarry, comtés unis de 0,01250000 0,01263487 0,00980000 0,05908938 Stratford, cité de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,00980000 0,01250000 Strong, canton de 0,00687504 0,00980000 0,00555103 0,00966360 Sudbury, ville du Grand 0,00980000 0,01014217 0,00980000 0,00980000 Sundridge, village de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00654769 aucun Tarbutt, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun aucun Tehkummah, canton de 0,00901677 0,00980000 aucun 0,00777024 Temagami, municipalité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00930842 aucun Temiskaming Shores, ville de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00809919 0,00980000 Terrace Bay, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 The Archipelago, canton de 0,00635908 0,00776030 aucun 0,00167740 The North Shore, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 Thessalon, ville de 0,00980000 0,00800781 0,00661381 aucun Thornloe, village de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun aucun


Municipalité Taux d’imposition Taux Taux Taux d’imposition applicable à la d’imposition d’imposition applicable à la catégorie des biens applicable à la applicable à la catégorie des lieux commerciaux catégorie des catégorie des d’enfouissement biens industriels pipelines Thunder Bay, cité de 0,00980000 0,01015511 0,00980000 0,00980000 Timmins, cité de 0,00980000 0,00996435 0,00980000 0,00980000 Toronto, cité de 0,00980000 0,01067220 0,01250000 aucun Val Rita-Harty, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00690763 0,00980000 Waterloo, région de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,00980000 0,01250000 Wawa, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 Wellington, comté de 0,00924236 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,00811182 West Nipissing, municipalité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 White River, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 Whitestone, municipalité de 0,00586377 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 Windsor, cité de 0,01235882 0,01271667 0,01250000 aucun York, région de 0,00896686 0,00980000 0,01250000 0,00528649


Municipalité Taux d’imposition Taux d’imposition Taux d’imposition Taux d’imposition applicable à la applicable à la applicable à la applicable à la catégorie des biens catégorie des catégorie des centres catégorie des terrains commerciaux immeubles à bureaux commerciaux de stationnement et des biens-fonds vacants Chatham-Kent, municipalité de 0,01250000 0,00980000 0,01250000 0,00980000 Espanola, ville d’ 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 aucun Essex, comté d’ 0,01250000 0,00980000 aucun 0,00633473 Hamilton, cité de 0,00980000 aucun aucun 0,00980000 Kenora, cité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Lambton, comté de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,00679260 Marathon, ville de 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 0,00980000 Ottawa, ville d’ 0,00980000 0,01250000 0,00775935 0,00549581 Sault Ste. Marie, cité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Smooth Rock Falls, ville de 0,00980000 aucun aucun 0,00980000 Windsor, cité de 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,01250000 0,00822145


Municipalité Taux d’imposition applicable à la catégorie Taux d’imposition applicable à la des biens industriels catégorie des grands ensembles industriels Atikokan, canton d’ 0,00980000 0,00980000 Chatham-Kent, municipalité de 0,01250000 0,01250000 Dryden, cité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 Dubreuilville, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 Ear Falls, canton d’ 0,00980000 0,00980000 Elgin, comté d’ 0,01250000 0,01250000 Espanola, ville d’ 0,00980000 0,00980000 Essex, comté d’ 0,01250000 0,01250000 Fort Frances, ville de 0,00980000 0,00980000 Hamilton, cité de 0,01166409 0,01166409 Hearst, ville de 0,00980000 0,00980000 Iroquois Falls, ville d’ 0,00980000 0,00980000


Municipalité Taux d’imposition applicable à la catégorie Taux d’imposition applicable à la des biens industriels catégorie des grands ensembles industriels James, canton de 0,00980000 0,00980000 Kapuskasing, ville de 0,00980000 0,00980000 Kenora, cité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 Lambton, comté de 0,01250000 0,01250000 Leeds et Grenville, comtés unis de 0,01250000 0,01250000 Lennox and Addington, comté de 0,01250000 0,01250000 Marathon, ville de 0,00980000 0,00980000 Orillia, cité d’ 0,01250000 0,01250000 Ottawa, ville d’ 0,01250000 0,01250000 Owen Sound, cité d’ 0,01250000 0,01250000 Powassan, municipalité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 Prescott et Russell, comtés unis de 0,01250000 0,01250000 Quinte West, cité de 0,01250000 0,01250000 Red Lake, municipalité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 Renfrew, comté de 0,01250000 0,01250000 Sault Ste. Marie, cité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 Smooth Rock Falls, ville de 0,00980000 0,00980000 St. Thomas, cité de 0,01250000 0,01250000 Stormont, Dundas et Glengarry, comtés unis de 0,01250000 0,01250000 Sudbury, ville du Grand 0,00980000 0,00980000 Thessalon, ville de 0,00653412 0,00980000 Thunder Bay, cité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 Timmins, cité de 0,00980000 0,00980000 Windsor, cité de 0,01250000 0,01250000


District Territoire Taux Taux Taux Taux d’imposition d’imposition d’imposition d’imposition applicable à la applicable à la applicable à la applicable à la catégorie des catégorie des catégorie des catégorie des biens biens industriels pipelines lieux commerciaux d’enfouissement Algoma Localité de Sault Ste. Marie - éducation 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Cochrane Localité de Cochrane-Iroquois Falls - 0,00886807 0,00980000 0,00698313 0,00829465 éducation Cochrane Localité de Hearst - éducation 0,00743939 0,00869287 0,00516933 0,01030000 Cochrane Localité de James Bay Lowlands - 0,00980000 aucun aucun aucun éducation Cochrane Localité de Kap SRF and District - 0,00980000 0,00383334 0,00653976 aucun éducation Kenora Localité de Dryden - éducation (numéros 0,00948184 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00618298 d’inscription au rôle d’évaluation commençant par «6060») Kenora Localité de Dryden - éducation (numéros 0,00980000 aucun 0,00980000 aucun d’inscription au rôle d’évaluation commençant par «6093») Kenora Localité de Dryden - éducation (numéros 0,00980000 0,00927098 0,00980000 0,00980000 d’inscription au rôle d’évaluation commençant par «6096») Kenora Localité du district de Keewatin-Patricia - 0,00800301 aucun aucun aucun éducation Kenora Localité de Kenora - éducation 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Kenora Localité de Red Lake - éducation 0,00724716 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00227545 Kenora Localité de Sturgeon Lake - éducation 0,00736495 aucun aucun aucun Manitoulin Localité de Manitoulin - éducation 0,00831012 0,00854291 aucun aucun Nipissing Conseils scolaires combinés de Nipissing 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000


District Territoire Taux Taux Taux Taux d’imposition d’imposition d’imposition d’imposition applicable à la applicable à la applicable à la applicable à la catégorie des catégorie des catégorie des catégorie des biens biens industriels pipelines lieux commerciaux d’enfouissement Nipissing Conseil de l’éducation de Timiskaming 0,00844508 aucun 0,00980000 aucun Parry Sound Conseil de l’éducation d’East Parry Sound 0,00806675 0,00980000 0,00856534 aucun Parry Sound Administration scolaire du canton de South 0,00853965 0,00980000 aucun aucun River Parry Sound Conseil de l’éducation de West Parry 0,00654584 0,00881572 aucun aucun Sound Rainy River Localité d’Atikokan - éducation 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun Rainy River Localité de Fort Frances/Rainy River - 0,00882994 0,00980000 aucun aucun éducation (numéros d’inscription au rôle d’évaluation commençant par «5902») Rainy River Localité de Fort Frances/Rainy River - 0,00720129 0,00599774 aucun aucun éducation (numéros d’inscription au rôle d’évaluation commençant par «5903») Rainy River Localité de Mine Centre DSA - éducation 0,00213734 0,00333662 aucun aucun Sudbury Localité d’Asquith Garvey DSA - 0,00468931 0,00582315 aucun aucun éducation Sudbury Localité de Chapleau - éducation 0,00902994 0,00980000 aucun aucun Sudbury Localité d’Espanola - éducation 0,00914423 0,00619443 aucun aucun Sudbury Localité de Foleyet DSA - éducation 0,00980000 aucun aucun aucun Sudbury Localité de Gogama DSA - éducation 0,00708392 aucun aucun aucun Sudbury Localité de Missarenda DSA - éducation 0,00456610 0,00980000 aucun aucun Sudbury Localité de Sudbury - éducation 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun aucun Thunder Bay Localité d’Allanwater DSA - éducation 0,00239259 aucun aucun aucun Thunder Bay Localité d’Armstrong DSA - éducation 0,00600736 0,00980000 aucun aucun Thunder Bay Localité d’Auden DSA - éducation 0,00064240 aucun aucun aucun Thunder Bay Localité de Ferland DSA - éducation 0,00049671 aucun aucun aucun Thunder Bay Localité de Lake Superior - éducation 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun aucun Thunder Bay Localité de Lakehead - éducation 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Thunder Bay Localité de Nipigon Red Rock - éducation 0,00538140 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun Thunder Bay Localité de Savant Lake DSA - éducation 0,00532219 aucun aucun 0,00527440 Thunder Bay Localité d’Upsala DSA - éducation 0,00531244 0,00393111 0,00307924 0,00571328 Timiskaming Localité de Kirkland Lake - éducation 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 aucun Timiskaming Localité de Timiskaming - éducation 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 0,00980000 Entrée en vigueur 7. Le présent règlement entre en vigueur le jour de son dépôt.

Made by: Pris par :

Le ministre des Finances,

ROD PHILLIPS Minister of Finance

Date made: January 20, 2020 Pris le : 20 janvier 2020 6/20


ONTARIO REGULATION 7/20 made under the HEALTH PROTECTION AND PROMOTION ACT Made: January 22, 2020 Filed: January 22, 2020 Published on e-Laws: January 22, 2020 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: February 8, 2020

Amending Reg. 569 of R.R.O. 1990 (REPORTS)

1. Paragraph 11 of section 5 of Regulation 569 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 is amended by striking out the portion before subparagraph i and substituting the following: 11. Diseases caused by a novel coronavirus, including Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS): Commencement 2. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed. 6/20

RÈGLEMENT DE L’ONTARIO 7/20 pris en vertu de la LOI SUR LA PROTECTION ET LA PROMOTION DE LA SANTÉ pris le 22 janvier 2020 déposé le 22 janvier 2020 publié sur le site Lois-en-ligne le 22 janvier 2020 imprimé dans la Gazette de l’Ontario le 8 février 2020

modifiant le Règl. 569 des R.R.O. de 1990 (RAPPORTS)

1. La disposition 11 de l’article 5 du Règlement 569 des Règlements refondus de l’Ontario de 1990 est modifiée par remplacement du passage qui précède la sous-disposition i par ce qui suit : 11. Maladies causées par un nouveau coronavirus, y compris le syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère (SRAS) et le syndrome respiratoire du Moyen-Orient (SRMO) : Entrée en vigueur 2. Le présent règlement entre en vigueur le jour de son dépôt. 6/20


ONTARIO REGULATION 8/20 made under the HEALTH PROTECTION AND PROMOTION ACT Made: January 22, 2020 Filed: January 22, 2020 Published on e-Laws: January 22, 2020 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: February 8, 2020

Amending O. Reg. 135/18 (DESIGNATION OF DISEASES)

1. (1) The Table to Ontario Regulation 135/18 is amended by adding the following item:

18.1 Diseases caused by a novel coronavirus, including Severe Acute Respiratory Yes No Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)

(2) Item 57 of the Table to the Regulation is revoked. Commencement 2. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.

Made by: Pris par :

La ministre de la Santé,

CHRISTINE ELLIOTT Minister of Health

Date made: January 22, 2020 Pris le : 22 janvier 2020 6/20


RÈGLEMENT DE L’ONTARIO 8/20 pris en vertu de la LOI SUR LA PROTECTION ET LA PROMOTION DE LA SANTÉ pris le 22 janvier 2020 déposé le 22 janvier 2020 publié sur le site Lois-en-ligne le 22 janvier 2020 imprimé dans la Gazette de l’Ontario le 8 février 2020

modifiant le Règl. de l’Ont. 135/18 (DÉSIGNATION DE MALADIES)

1. (1) Le tableau du Règlement de l’Ontario 135/18 est modifié par adjonction du point suivant :

18.1 Maladies causées par un nouveau coronavirus, y compris le syndrome Oui Non respiratoire aigu sévère (SRAS) et le syndrome respiratoire du Moyen-Orient (SRMO)

(2) Le point 57 du tableau du Règlement est abrogé. Entrée en vigueur 2. Le présent règlement entre en vigueur le jour de son dépôt.

Made by: Pris par :

La ministre de la Santé,

CHRISTINE ELLIOTT Minister of Health

Date made: January 22, 2020 Pris le : 22 janvier 2020 6/20

NOTE: Consolidated regulations and various legislative tables pertaining to regulations can be found on the e-Laws website.

REMARQUE : Les règlements codifiés et diverses tables concernant les règlements se trouvent sur le site Lois-en-ligne.



Parliamentary Notice...... 279 Avis parlementaire...... 279 Ontario Highway Transport Board...... 280 Commission des transports routiers de l’Ontario...... 280 Government Notices Respecting Corporations...... 281 Avis du gouvernement relatifs aux compagnies...... 281 Notice of Default in Complying with the Corporations Tax Act...... 281 Avis de non-observation de la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés...... 281 Cancellation of Certificate of Incorporation (Corporations Tax Act Defaulters)...... 281 Annulation de certificat de constitution (Non-observation de la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés)...... 281 Certificate of Dissolution...... 281 Certificat de dissolution...... 281 Notice of Default in Complying with the Corporations Information Act...... 286 Avis de non-observation de la Loi sur les renseignements exigés des personnes morales...... 286 Cancellation of Certificate of Incorporation (Business Corporations Act)...... 286 Annulation de certificat de constitution en personne morale (Loi sur les sociétés par actions)...... 286 Cancellation for Cause (Business Corporations Act)...... 286 Annulation à juste titre (Loi sur les sociétés par actions)...... 286 Cancellation for Filing Default (Corporations Act)...... 287 Annulation pour omission de se conformer à une obligation de dépôt (Loi sur les personnes morales)...... 287 Order Revoking Cancellation of Letters Patent under Corporations Act (Statutory Powers Procedure Act)...... 287 Ordonnance révoquant l’annulation du lettres patentes en vertu de la Loi sur les personnes morales (Loi sur l’exercice des Compétences légales)...... 287 Government Notices — Other...... 287 Avis du gouvernement — Autres...... 287 Marriage Act...... 287 Loi sur le mariage...... 287 Change of Name Act...... 288 Loi sur le Changement de Nom...... 288 Applications to Provincial Parliament — Private Bills...... 294 Demandes au Parlement provincial — Projets de loi d’intérêt privé...... 294 Corporation Notices...... 294 Avis relatifs aux compagnies...... 294



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