Harding Asks Another Po­ New Cigar Maintenance of Travel is Man's for Prayers tato Warehouse Manufactory Higways Greatest Enemy Issues Armistice Day Proclama­ Miller Michigan Potato Co. In jRoss A. McEachern Now Mak- Comm'r Rogers Gives Instruct­ Accidental Deaths While Victims tion Urging Nation to Honor Local Field. ing "The Jordan" Cigar. ion on Subject. Were Traveling Number 465. Heroes. EAST JOHVAN HIGH SOHOOX Earl Jones, representing the Miller During the past month East Jordan Lansing, Mich. Sept. 26, 1921. Travel is man's greatest enemy, out­ The American people were called Michigan Potato Co., has been in our has had a newjoia industry—that of a To Township Highway Commissioners. Mass Meeting side of disease, statistics of the state upon by President Harding in a pro- city the past few weeks making plans Cigar Factory. --- Even though the state is spending An enthusiastic crowd of students department of health prove. clamatior to offer a silent two-minute to erect a potato warehouse and enter About a month ago Ross A. McEach­ vast sums of bond money in road con­ attended the Mass Meeting held, in the Accidental deaths have tolaled 1,675 Qrayer at noon on Armistice day, the local market for the farmers' po­ ern opened a cigar factory in his struction, it is still true that the great­ High School Auditorium last Thursday during 1921 up to Sept. 1, travel ac­ November II, when the body of au un­ tatoes. ' father's residence, located onThird-St., est road tax in Michigan is the tax afternoon held to arouse interest in counting for 465. Drowning,- the known American soldier, killed in They have secured some vacant lots and since then has been preparing to which the people, in rural sections vote the opening football season. Mr. Nes- nearest rival to travel in the accident­ France, will be laid to rest in Arling­ between the Lakeside Garage and the place a locally-made cigar on the mar­ upon themselves at the annual town man and Mr. Snellenberger were al list, caused 320 deaths. ton National cemetery. E. J. & S. R. K. tracks on Esterly-st., ket. Mr. McEachren has followed the meetings. Last year this amounted to speakers of the afternoon with Mr. Automobile accidents are credited The proclamation calls upon "all de­ and have commenced the erection of a cigar-making trade for years, and is 118,495,380.04. Secord and Mr.' Coykendall and Mr. with 245 of the 465 deaths resulting vout and patriotic, cittzens to pause warehouse. To care for present needs, conversant wifh the, art of making a As much of this money is expended Snellenberger leading as yell masters. from travel; steam railroad accidents for two minutes—from 12 o'clock noon Mr. Jones has rented an adjoining good "smoke." in hauling gravel to roads, a "word ,or Loyal support of the team is desirable with 115; electric railroads with 56; until two minutes past 12, for a period •warehouse and they are now in the "The Jordan" cigar was placed on two as to the application of gravel and and Thursday's meeting indicated the and other modes of travel with 39. of silent prayer of thanks." market for potatoes. the market among our local dealers the maintenance of gravel roads after-, spirit of the school. Detroit reported 129 of the deaths; the The text of the proclamation is as last Monday—to retail at two for 15c. wards, may not be amiss. rest of the state 336. follows: COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Those who have sampled the"m say Too commonly a first class job is Foot Ball Game Eighteen other causes of accidental ,-1'By the president of the United that they are a good trade, Our smok­ spoiled by neglecting the gravel after East Jordan played its first game in deaths claimed 1,210 victims, the more it is dumped, (too often not spread) on important causes including poisoning States of America, a proclamation: Regular meeting of the Common ers should give them a good try-out foot ball, Friday afternoon, with Boyne "Whereas, the congress of the Unit­ and encourage a home-town industry. the road. In fact it is.left to pack it­ City at the latter's home grounds. Ow­ burns, falls, conflagration, electricity, Council of the City of East Jordan held self and immediately becomes full of fractures, injuries by animals, and ex­ ed States, by a concurrent resolution at the council rooms, Monday evening, ing to the inexperience of the Jordan adopted on the fourth day of March bumps and hollows which become so player's and the fact that this is the ternal violence. Four persons died October 3,^1921. AT THE TEMPLE bard that they can hardly be smoothed from starvation; 4 from extreme cold, last authorized the secretary of war to Meeting was called to order by Mayor first time they have played for two - cause to be brought to the United THEATRE NEXT WEEK except by using a scarifier. seasons, the boys made a better show­ and 68 from effects of' heat. Due to Wilson. Present: Mayor Wilson, and This could easily and cheaply be the mild winter of 1920-21 the number States the body of an American, -who Aldermen Aldrich, ' Porter Whitting- ing than was expected of them. Boyne was a member of the American ex­ : Sunday, Alice Brady in ""Little prevented by spreading the gravel City's men were players of last year of dea),b- from extreme cold is below ton, Stone and Kowalske. Absent—" Italy," the gripping story of life in an with the use of the four-wheeled grad­ normal, while the number of deaths peditionary forces in Europe who lost none. and they out-weighed all of the East his life during the World war, and Italian colony in America. The soul er followed by a spike tooth harrow Jordan players. Boyne City made six attributed to effects of the heat is in Minutes of the last meeting were struggle of a girl who tried to be loyal and the road drag. In fact the gravel excess of other years. whose identity has not been establish­ read and approved. . touchdowns and six goal kicks. to her family and keep the family feud which is placed on each day should be Lightning, one of the most commonly ed, for burial in the memorial amphi­ The petition signed by Thomas W. H. LINE UP alive, even though she loved a man of spread in this way and made as smooth feared causes of death, killed 20 per­ theater .of tne National cemetery at Marshall regarding alleged violation of East Jordan 0 Boyne City 42 the rival clan. as possible before quitting work at sons—a trifle more than an average Arlington, Virginia; and, Sunday observance law was taken from White L. E.' Sarasin Tuesdry, Carmel Myers^n "Cheated night. week's toll of travel. "Whereas, the remains of this un­ the table and after some discussion by Coykendall L. T. Van Haessin Love.''- Her one big chance in life Later the constant use of the road More than three times as many men known American to be brought to the the council and audience, it was moved Hammond L. G. Altrock was gone, she was nameless, tagged drag would make many of those town­ died from accidental causes as women United StatesMn pursuance of the said by Mayor Wilson and supported by Jones C. Swift concurrent resolution will be buried in only with a number, yet the terrible ship gravel roads .which have been Sumner R. G. Beugnot the totals being 1,266 to 409. Alderman Whittington, that the same panic stilled at the sound of her voice. cheaply built, as pleasant to drive the said memorial amphitheatre at be rejected on the grounds that it is Walker R. T... Tompkins Arlington un the 11th day of Novem- Do you believe that oniy a great trage­ over as many of the more costly high­ Malpass Q. B. D' Anjon to square stock and make simple things not within the province of the council dy brings out the best in human be­ ways. bea next; and, to enforce the provisions of a state Philips L. H. Manglas like bench-hooks. The lumber used "Whereas, these remains will be ings. . Probably no implement used in road Dicken R. H. Vogg by the junior students is furnished by law. The aye and nay vote was taken Wednesday^ there will be an added representative of all unidentified dead and stood as follows: building or maintenance has done so Johnson F. B. Graham the school and it did not come until a attraction to the regular picture pro­ much to keep the roads constantly who in the World war gave their lives Ayes: Wilson, Porter, Aldrich, Referee: Albert of Petoskey. few days ago but the students were gram, Mrs. Ida Brown who is known to smooth as the use of the patrol road in their country's cause; and, Whittington, Stone and Kowalske. - East Jordan plays Charlevoix at ready for it when it came. The other all of the East Jordanites and will be drag and grader. "Whereas, it is deaired that grate­ Nays: None. Charlevoix this coming Fridayr" The grades are doing advanced work such remembered for her sweet and power­ WHEN TO DRAG. As soon as-the ful recognition of their loyal devotiotf* Alderman Porter then moved that game wii) be called at 3:30 sharp. as furniture making. ful voice.. It is a long time since Mrs. frost begins to come out of the ground to-country and of their sacrifice should the said petition be referred to county Mr. Gibbs, the manual training teach­ Brown has sang in public and , the in the Spring use the road drag. Use be approprialily shown witn due authorities, but Mayor Wilson ruled Boy's Cooking Class er, says that before the boys start to lovers of good will have a treat in it frequently, especially after rains, un­ solemnity by their God-fearing and that in-as-much as it had been rejected When the five boys of the " High make anything this year they must store for tbem 'on Wednesday night til the ground freezes in the Fall. patriotic fellow country men; it could not be considered further. School took cooking as a subject, many know what they are going to make when she will render a choice select­ When the road softens during . the ' /'Now, therefore, 1, Warren G. Hard­ The Miller Mich. Potato Company laughed and made wise remarks such and how to make it and then they -will ion of vocal numbers. The picture winter months smooth it up with the ing, president of the United States of made application for permission to as "They will soon tire of it." As yet make it right. He thinks that boys will be Wm. Russell in "Children of road drag so the surface will freeze America, do hereby call on all devout build a warehouse on grounds adjoin­ this has not come to pass. On the should not take manual training-just to ' Night."' The name of Russell is smooth. and patriotic citizens of the United ing the Lakeside Garage, the same to contrary, the boys look forward eager­ make things but to iearri how to make States to pause from their accustomed enough to guarantee that the picture HOW TO DRAG. Hitch to the drag them. Undoubtedly the classes will have a cement foundation, and fire­ will be above the average, this will ly to. the second hour in the afternoon, occupations and labors on Friday, the proof composition roof and outer side in such a way that it will be drawn at which is.the cooking hour. This may progress rapidly and at the end of the 11th day of November next from 12 make a strong program for Wednesday. an angle, forcing some gravel towards year will know much about the sub­ walls. It was. moved by Aldrich, sup­ Thursday, Eugene O'Brien in "Is be due to the excellent instruction giv­ o'clock noon to two minutes past that ported by Whittington, that-the per­ the center of the road. If the drag en by Miss Massalink and perhaps to ject and will have many fine things hour for a period of silent prayer of Life Worth Living," in which he has a cuts too deep shorten the hitch; if too finished to their credit. mit be granted, and the aye and' nay chance to display his best talents,, as a the novelty of eating in school which thanks to the Giver of all good -for vote stood as follows: little lengthen it. Drag one side of is strictly forbidden in the other rooms. lover he has few equals and is a mod­ the road, then the. other, lastly making these valuable and valorous lives and Ayes: Wilson, Porter, Aldrich Whit­ Some day they will be great chefs if ern Romeo up-to-date. This picture a trip down the center. If the road is ROAD BANQUET of supplication of His divine mercy "for tington, Stone and Kowalske. they keep up the good work. contains a good story and is of the not smooth, ride the drag, stepping His blessings upon our beloved country. Naysr-none. AT WOLVERINE "Furthermore, I hereby direct that society drama kind. around on it sufficiently to- vary the OH motion by Alderman Whittington Debating Team (From Boyne Citizen) the national flag be displayed at half- Friday, in "What cutting depth to work out high places John F. Kenny was given permission Again East Jordan is on the list as In the pleasantly decorated grillroom mast upon all public buildings of the Happened to Rosa" It is a whimsiaal and fill low ones. to use the city lot near the lake until one of the competing cities for debat­ of the Wolverine Hotel, the Charlevoix United States and all stations of the tale of a shop girl who took a flyer in­ Strive toward a uniform crown in all such time as the city should find use ing. More students of the East Jordan County Good Roads Association, on army, navy and marine corps through­ to romance. It sizzles with exciting gravel roads. When you drive over For same. Motion was carried by an High School have turned out for the Tuesday evening, sat down to one of out the world as well as upon all situations and is threaded by the gold­ the road you will readily detect if it is aye and nay vote as follows: trial contest than ever before. It is the artistically prepared, perfectly American embassies, legations and en vein of humor. Miss Normand will too crowning. If too flat it will hold Ayes: Wilson, Porter, Aldrich hoped that this year will be the biggest served, delicious repasts for which consulates, from sunrise to sunset, be remembe'ded for her wouderful water. ^ Whittington, Stone and Kowalske. character in the picture "Mickey." debating year that Michigan has ever that popular hostelry is so justly famous. on November 11, 1921. Large stones embedded in the sur­ seen. The question for the debate is: Nays: None. -> Saturday, the original Family Night Following the dinner the president "In witness whereof I have hereunto face should be taken out as it is impos­ "Resolved, That the principle of the Bills were presented for payment as is proving more popular every week "Uncle George" Van Pelt, called the set my hand^nd caused the seal of the sible to handle a road drag properly closed shop in American "industry follows: for the whdlesome entertainment it meeting to order, and all the phases of United Stales to be affixed. Done in Reuben Winstone, opening met­ when it is bobbing over stones. should receive the support of public provides for the whole family. Hoot good road building and maintenance the District of Columbia this thirteenth er boxes z-.-A 6.00 One year's faithful use of the road opinion." The students who are on Gibson in "The Movie Trail" is a west­ were discussed by earnest, competent day of September, in the year of Our Henry Cook, reading-meters 6.00 drag will convince the taxpayers- of the list for the contest of debaters are: ern picture right up to the minute. speakers. --" - Lord one thousand nine hundred and D.L.Wilson, salary 33.33 any township that the money had been Arthur Secord, Virginia Pray, Francis The Diamond Queen is drawing near well expended. WON'T YOU TRY IT? A resolutiou was drafted by an ap­ twenty-one, and of the independence E. W. Giles, cleaning streets 42:00 Coykendall, Gayle Hudklns, Mabel pointed committee and unanimously City Treasurer, payment of labor 365.20 the end and is full of excitement. The Very truly yours, of the United States of America the Maddock, Fern Flannery, and Cecil adopted, requesting that on all future one hundred and forty-sixth. Elec. Light & Power Co.,- light­ Snub Pollard comedy and the News FRANK F. ROGERS, White. ^ Weekly provide the comedy and edu­ conducted and repaired trunk line v. . "WARREN G. HARDING. ing streets 600.00 State Highway Commissioner. Elec. Light & Power Co., pump­ cational part of the program. roads nothing but concrete be used in By the President. r ^Assembly this county. This resolution was sent ing - 246.04 +. The second assembly of the year "CHARLES E. HUGHES, Henry Cook, salary.... 100.00 Postmaster General, postmasters are to the State Highway department and Secretary of State." was held in the auditorium September East Jordan Lbf.Co., team work " •EMPTY" MAIL BAGS to be held strtctly responsible to see a copy of it will go to the supervisors that every mail sack and pouch is 28. Singing was led by Ingram Little. of our county. TEACHERS'INSTITUTE and mdse 17.96 GUILTY OF CONCEALING A talk on "The Man of Vision" was E. R. Kleinhans, work at ceme­ MUCH "LOST" MAIL hereafter thoroughly inspected before Another committee, consisting of the FOR CHARLEVOIX COUNTY tery ...v.. --- 40.00 it is cast aside or stored. There are given by Reverend Marshall- The talk superintendents of schools of Boyne Harriet Empey, salary 60.00 approximately 7,500,000 sacks and in general was that everyone has a .City, Charlevoix, East Jordan and OCTOBER 18-19 Startled., by the revelation that an 100,000,000-pouches used in the postal vision in his life and the people who' Boyne Falls, was appointed by the Grace E. Boswell, salary and count are the people who put their The Annual Teacher's' Institute for N average of 50 parcels of second, third service. chair, to frame advertise, and carry on telephone 61.00 vision into action. Afier a' few an­ the teachers of Charlevoix County will Elec. Light & Power Co., light­ and fourth class mail, and 20 letters a contest in which all the school child­ nouncements and song the meeting be held this year at Charlevoix,- Octo­ ing library 4.15. are found daily in empty mail sacks Also birds of a feather fall to the ren of the county' wili be allowed to was dismissed. ber 18 and 19. Prof. H. Z. Wither of Otis J. Smith, salary 35.00 sent to the Mail Bag Repair. Shop in same hunter. compete for a prize awarded for the Ypsilanti, Mich, will act as conductor, Reid-Graff Plumbing Co., labor Washington for repairs, Postmaster It's not the quantity but the quality best essay to be written on the sub­ and Dr. George B. Randals of, Alma, and material 13.00 General Hays has issued orders for the of brains. One kind can, be bought Sophomore English ject "Concrete Roads." Mich, will be instructor. E. J? Cabinet Co.,- rep. library immediate inspection of .nearly 2,000,- in a sandwich for ten cents. Wednesday morning at 8:30 the sec­ The evening was most enjoyably 000 sacks, and 400,000 pouches, which ond division of the Sophomore English This is an important meeting of the doors--.. 1.50 Often wondered what happens when spent by the fifty gentlemen present teachers of our county. I wish to urge are sent to the depositories at Boston, organized a club. The following offic- and the meeting did not adjourn until Nat. Office Supply Co., blank New York, Atlanta, Cincinnati, Chicago, the square-jawed type of man marries ers,were elected: ;upon every one of them the necessity books 23.52 the lantern-jawed type of woman. midnight. It was attended by- repre- of being.present. St. Louis, St. Paul and San Francisco, President—Alma Anderson sentative"men from .every section of On motion by Porter, the bills were for storage or distribution, in order to Just because all education is, not Vice President—Zada Tindale- Come and get acquainted with the fhe^county. allowed by an aye and nay vote as ascertain if other mail in like manner found in the schools some "self-made Secretary—Raymond Swafford. new commissioner. follows: has become lost. men get the idea that none of it is Thursday morning the first division A. C. BELDING Ayes: Wilson, Stone, Kowalske, Al­ there. FOUND THEM A GREAT HELP drich, Whittington and Porter. Special delivery letters and parcels of Sophomore English organized a club Indigestion, biliousness, headache, Comm'r of Schools. That hare and tortoise story has had The officers are: Nays: None» are frequently found. Some letters bad breath, coated tongue, gas, or any a bad effect on humanity. It is the President—Aura McBride Rockefeller would give millions for a On motion by' Whittington, meeting bear recent postmarks and others old condition caused by fermenting, un­ good stomach. If you have a good was adjourned. N postmarks. Even first class mail with only time that a turtle ever won a •Vice President—Charles Farmer race and it will be the last; and besides Secretary and Treasurer—Jasper digested food can be relieved. Peter stomach therefore you are worth mill­ i OTIS J. SMITH, City Clerk. uncancelled stamps is often shaken Landis, Meyersdale, Pa., writes: ''I out of sacks which would indicate that it didn't win that one because there Stollard. ^ ,- • ions. Next time you wish a loan from WATER TAX NOTICE. have suffered many years and I cau the bank we suggest you list your this particular mail is. left in the sacks wasn't any such race. say Foley Cathartic Tablets are a great stomach asHn asset and see how' you after the collections by city collectors sManual Training Progressing Water taxes for the quarter ending It's always been discouraging to the help for constipation." Hite's Drug come out. are supposed to have been completely The manual training classes this year Sept. 30th is now due and payable at young man who has been in the big Store. Hnman nature is so much alike that my office oyer the Hite Drug Store. If removed. city and made a success, to return to in the high school are smaller than • if you are inclined to be original it is not-paid by Oct. 30th, 10 per cent Such mail when found will be special­ his old home town and find that half they were last year as only twelve are The small toe is disappearing because bound toresent it.-. The commonplace penalty will be adde

XS-^fV'&SB.tsasi.. « S»4vi!^^4*^to»ijj5*&li»tf ^iLii>< «fltS» 4MB. >*,J»:fc*aa^j^JwdS^ "• l "*T-V-*>&MA*wieua:*» rttfiW'lw->W^#Hl.UM»< y WtW.^Sr^w^nSittUHAhMIHnKiM THIS. CHARLEVOIX COUNTY HERALD, (East Jordan, Mich.) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1921

Mason—A. third of the divorce cases ———————JSST wrtViVWNvyiWifliVrtwv listed for the September term court hero were begun by men. £ Michigan News Traverse City—R. A. Bostwick and MARKET REPORT Earl Stewart, of state conservation FURNISHED BY U. S. BUREAU £ Tersely Told department, are preparing the site of OF MARKETS. WASHING­ WVJWWAWA"AWA%W; a large fish hatchery to be built here. TON, D. C. Lansing—A campaign has been Armada—The forty-ninth annual started to secure rooins for the 5,000 V/ (For the week ending Sept. 20, 1921) fair will be held here Oct. 11-14. | visitors expected in Lansing, October Grand Rapids—The city commission 17 to 20 for the annual slate conven­ Llv(e Stock and-Mefts Compared with a week ago Chicago was offered the Grand Rapids Railway tion of Michigan Odd Fellows and live stock prices as a n»e showed a company's property for -56,270,000. Rebekahs. . downward trend. Hogs ranged from 10 f to 40 cents lower while fat and feeding Stephenson—Surveyors" were here Flmt—Ptomaine poisoningrbelieve d Iambs declined 15 to 25 cents. Yeajllngs quoted 25 to GOc lower but fat ewes recently looking over property with a due to eating frankfurters-it a weiner were unchanged. Be tter grades beef view to building an electric road from roast a few days ago, caused the death steers were steady to a shade higher; but lower grades were as much &3 35c lower. here to Iron Mountain, 36 mileB. of Harold Doherty, 31, a football star Butcher cows and holfars "average 10 to of high school and semi-professional 60c lower while feeding steers ranged Kalamazoo—Jay Stantz was re­ from 35 to 50c lower. Veal calves de­ manded for sentence after he was note here. clined from 75c to $2 per 10.0 pounds. September 20th Chicago prices: Hogs found guilty of an attack upon his Port Huron—W. O. Lee, state, rep­ top $8.35; bulk of sales, [email protected]; me­ Me-p-my, sister-in-law on the day of" his wife'3 resentative, lias filed with the city dium and good beef steers, $5.75(249.^5: butcher cows and heifers, [email protected];- funeral. clerk his petition as a candidate for feeder steers, $4.65C50; light and medi­ Bessemer—W. E. Taft, collection mayor at the city election, Oct. 31. um weight veal calves [email protected]; fat lambs, [email protected]; feeding/lambs, $G@ how "you'll take agent for an Ashland, Wis., insurance Mayor John V. French has announced 7.25; yearlings $4.75^7-: fat ewes [email protected]. he will run for re-election. W. G. company,, was held up and robbed ot With the exception of mutton ahd fresh ¢285, his^lay's receipts, by two armed Jenks is also a candidate for the of­ pork loins eastern wholesale fresh meat men near the Ironton mine. , fice. prices showed rather substantial declines compared with prices prevailing waek a pipe—and P Benton Harbor—Roy F. Wallace, 47, Mt. Clemens—In the circuit courV ago. Lamb declined $1@4 and veal 51fg)3 per ]00 lbs.- Be"ef was 60ciQ)$1.50 lower business man and for 10 years a mem­ Judge Sample, of Ann Arbor preside while pork loins were generally steady ber of the Benton Harbor city council, ing, Brugge and Rau, operating the to $1 lower, Mutton prices were prac­ Before you're a day older from bite and parch (cut tically unchanged. died at his home here, following a former Green Tree saloon at Gratiot Sept. 29 prices good grade meats: you want to let the idea slip out by our exclusive pat­ general breakdown in health. and Markets streets, pleaded guilty to Beef [email protected]; veal $16@20; lamb, J16@18; mutton, *11®15; light pork under your hat that- this ented process) are a reve­ Muskegon—Muskegon Chamber of the charge of violating the liquor loins, f25@2D; heavy .loins, ?14@20. Commerce directors voted to discon­ laws and were fined $1,00'0 and $50 Heifer, Grade Jersey^ 3 yrs. old, to Lo.t Window Sash Churn (Barrel) dropped. Moss charged false-arrest. brothers, Henry and Oliver W. Mosier, 5; bologna bulls, |[email protected]; stock bulls, $3 @4; feeders, [email protected]; stdokors, [email protected]; freshen Oct. 22. Myers Orchai'd Barrel Spray Battle Creek—Nearly two years and of Detroit, were given $60 each". Mrs. milkers and springers, $40@80. ' ' a half ago Earl Williams, of the 63rd Barnes alleges that her father was CALVES—Best grades, »13@14; fair to. Yearling, % Durham Bull. Quantity of Fishing Tackle. Mirror Engineers, shipped home from France. Influenced against his children by a good, [email protected];; light to comrtfbn. >7®10;' heavy, $3®6. Yearling, Jersey Bull. i DeLavalNo. 12-vCream Separator As he deposited his surplus equipment granddaughter. • . SHEEP AND LAMBS—Best lambs, (8 Yearling, Heifer.' Shoat. Babcock 4-Bottle Milk 'Fester i • with the quartermaster _at Havre, he ®8.2B; fair Iambs, $6.75iB7.25; light to Iron Mountain—John Rowe, of Nor­ common lambs, [email protected]; fair to good July'Calf, 3-4 Holstein Heifer. 2 5-gal. Cream Cans 2 Kitchen Tables labeled the /blanket with his name way, Mich., farmer, who ,-jb.ot and sheep, [email protected]; culls and common, $1@2. and address! Recently Mr. Williams, HOGS—Mixed hogs, J8.15; pigs, 18.15; O. V. C Grade Boar, weight about 225. Chest Drawers • Bench Wringer killed the 10--year-old son 6f Mr. and porkers. $8.25; extreme heavy, 17.25; whose home is in .Albion entered an Mrs. J. Corlin several weeks ago stags, $5@6; boars, S3. 20~Purebred White Wyandotte Hens. 2 Wash Tubs 2 Dining Room Tables army and navy store here to buy a LIVE POULTRY—Best spring chick­ when he caught him and other boys ens, 22c; Leghorns, springs, 18o; large/ 25 Purebred White Wyandotte Pullets Set Dining Room Chairs, Oak 6 Chairs blanket. The one. he received boro In his vegetable garden, pleaded guil­ 'hens, 24@26c; small her.s 17®18c; old the name and address which he had ty to manslaughter In circuit court roosters, 16c; ducks, 22@24c; geese, 15c; « and Cockerels. .„ ' Solid Oak Buffet, Birds Eye Maple placed on it in France. turkeys. 30c per pound. here. He has not been sentenced as Karm and Garden Produce. 2 Barred Rock Roosters" Purebred. Interior 2\ - yet. Rowe is 27 years old and served "APPl.ES—$2.50(53.25 per bu. Pontlac—Elizabeth Nax, 17, through ^GRAPES—46@55c per S-Ib. basket; «0 Johnston Mower. Farm Wagon. Rug, 9x12 5 Small Rugs Oil Heater an interpreter, told in circuit court in the world war. ®65o per 7-lb. basket. „Pf!ARS—Bartletts, $4(94.60 per bu; Stfperior Seed Drill. ._ Hay Rack 3 Oak Rockers Round Oak Heater the story Of how she had been attack­ Grand Rapids—Although Deputy Klefer, $2®2.25 per bu. John Deere Spike Tooth Drag. Stove-pipe Drum 3-Burner Oil Stove ed by her stepfather, Frank Werner, Sheriff Martin King of Dut'ton* holds CABBAGE—50®75c per bu with the aid of her mother, on the ,day the torn seat of a pair of trousers as GREEN CORN—60c®$l per bu. Spring-Tooth Drag 2 Spring Cots Cot'Mattress Dresser TOMATOES—Hdme grown, 1I.2S01.7S of her arrival here from AIsace-Lor-' evidence, Williain Ross, held 0¾ a per bu. Two-horse Walking Cultivator. Three-quarter Iron Bed Refrigerator Tajne. The girl accuses the couple charge of stealing.corn, has entered a ONIONS — Eastern, $404.60 wvou ; lnaIndiana $3.76@4 per 100-lb. sack. ' '»-na. Walker Fanning Mill. Garden Drill. Lot Mason Fruit Jars Stand ot a' serious offense against her. She plea of not guilty in justice court. TATO ES Mloh, an was brought to this country, she said, Rosl, who will be tried before a Jury, 150-lb,r?°u. sack,. - 8 ' »3.6003.76 pet Double Wagon Box> Pair Farm Sleighs Burned Wood Table Medicine Cabinet DRESSED CALVES-Choice, lSifJMo; by false stories of the affluence In Will submit his pantaloons as evidence medium, 13o per lb. >*"u> Spring. Top Cutter. Buggy Harness. Burned Wood .Plate Rack which the Werners lived, but found to show that the chunk the deputy - Sutter and Eggs Heavy Harness. 6 Acres Oat Straw. Burned Wood Magazine Stajid . them In a three-room_ shack at Fern- holds belcjigs to the trousers of.some- BUTTER—Best creamery, In tubs,. 8«0 dale. one else. , , ( 37c per lb. , , Malpass Special Gas Engine,, 3 h. p. Saws, Ax§s, Scythes, Grass Seed, Lime, £.. . ^,^ Milwaukee Railway company, against peninsula on the charge ot ^ktempt Washington.—Revocation of the > Walter Christlanaon, A. M. Witmer, to murder. He is 16 years of age and charter of the First National BanX, of rr\ £ O 1 Sums of flO.OO and under, cash; over $10.00, one year's time will be given Lieo and Archie Langloa, of Muskegon, was arrested after he had fired a Hagerstown, Md,, Is sought in a tult I PflYW fit -%fMP* otf approved bankable notes, bearing 7 per cent interest, payable at the and others, was adjourned 10 days, charge of buckshot into the back ot died by Comptroller Crlgsinger, who X vl Illo vFl kJCHV* state Bank of East Jordan, East Jordan, Mich. Five per cent discount for giving attorneysfor the plaintiff, time, Matt P^ohar, a settler." Moran's young-' allege* "persistent violation of the N* ( cash on sums over $10. No property to be removed until terms of sale are complied Vvitli. in which to file briefs. The railway er sister, 14, Is alleged. to have told tionel Banking Act." The action, filed charges In Its bill of complaint that Plonar-that her father had killed a in the United States District Court in the busses cannot compete with the deer and needed help to drag it out Baltimore, was declared by the comp­ railway in carrying passengers or of the woods. The girl started ahead troller to be only the second in the VERNON S, PAYTON, Prop'r •freight between cities, villages or and Plohar followed. The boy, think­ history of (he national banking sys­ townships on their line of operatlopi, ing his sister was being chased by a tem where it had been necessary to, A. J. SUFFERN. CL'ERK W. E. BYERS, AUCTIONEER •• they are not franchiied. ban, fired. Mk revocation gf cftartsr. ~

b'JAJ' •& b^K^K .*,' t ' iMMM* THE CHARLEVOIX COUNTY HERALD, (East Jotdaii, Mich,) FRIDAY, OOTOBER 7, 1921

PUPPY AND THE FOWL oats, just like Jack is sowing now." "It Is plain we must take matters HE Barnyard Fowl lived very Into our own hands," said old Brown comfortable with old Toffser, Hen.- "Towser will not help us, so we T but when Jack Puppy came better call a meeting and see what there to live they found out they knew can be done." nothing ubout dogs. That afternoon under the currant "I thought all dogs were good," said bushes at the end of the garden all old Brown Hen, looking after her bit the hens and ducks and Mr. Eooste; of bread which Jack had stolen and held a meeting. oasted run off with. "I wish I could catch Jack Puppy ran all around th< him and give him a sharp peck." barnyard trying to find them, and Notice this delicious "He tipped over my dish of mush when at last they returned he ran ni flavor when you this morning and then rolled In it," them barking and jumping. "Make smoke Lucky Strike said Mine. Duck, with a snap of her the most of It, young fellow," said big bill. "He could not eat that either, Brown Hen, pecking at him as he rar. — it's sealed in by and my lit[le ones had no breakfast." past her. "Tomorrow you will not b< the toasting process At hist the ducks and hens could so gay." stnnd it no longer and then went to The next morning when Jack rar. old Towser and told their troubles. out In the yard to get his breakfast "You must help us," said old Brown he found all the hens and ducks Hen. "I should think you would be around his plate of food helping them­ selves. "Get away I Get away I" he barked, About Bosses. *©V-T- 4tv*yS (PS* running nt them with wide-open One of the fool notions young men get Is that the boss doesn't know what Nazimova, star in productions beat­ mouth, but to his surprise no one ran. Instead they kept on eating, and when Is going on In the plant. We never ing the name of this noted "movie" yet have known a boss who didn't some­ favorite, is recognized as one of the lie ran up to them the older, liens and Mr. Booster pecked at him. how manage to know more about what most distinguished actresses of the was going on in the concern than any age. This renowned artiste was born The ducks quacked and one old of the employees gave him credit for in Russian 'Crimea, on the shores of drake took Jack by the ear In no Or. to put it another way: We've the Black sea. Her career has been an gentle manner. never known a boss who raises the unbroken record of successes. Jack "ki-i-ed" loudly as he ran to pay of a shirker under the false be­ O Towser's home for ^protection, but lief that he was a worker.—Exchange. they all chased him, and if the farm­ er had not come out just then with riotiH a dish of corn there Is no telling what l_ LYRICS OF LIFE would have happened. By DOUGLAS MALLOCH Beauty and joy—the bread and wine and "He won't bother us' any more," saicf all— tired of having him snatch your food, old Brown Hen. "Don't one of you We ha.ve foresworn; our noisy hearts too. I saw him run off with a bone' forget; young hens run when he comes We stray and on strangre altars cry and you were eating the other day. around here now. Just stand still and THE CONTEST. call. I "What is the matter with you, Tow­ peck at. him, and he will runjfrom you Ah, patient gods, be patient with us yet, ser? You would have chased another instead of yo.u running from him." And Pan pipe on, pipe on. till we shall dog and shaken him." Should Use LD age complains when Winter rise, It was just as old Brown Hen said. reigns. And follow, and be bappy. and be wise. "Oh, Jack is young," said Towser. Jack found out his day was over for T'S different from'' O But youth runs out to play "I don't mind him, and you know, scaring the fowl, and he became a others because'more c And finds in storms a tiling that SEASONABLE FOODS. Mrs. Brown Hen, we dogs must have well-mannered dog and behaved -as he I is taken in'the making^ warms our day; besides that, I was young should after that. and the materials used are Its pulses all the way— HEItE must be>something wrong once myself and had to sow my wild (Copyright)' higher grade. It is the contest so"Intense with the people who do not enjoy ' With Winter's angry elements. T the luscious muskmelon and the ..1..MOSTA lima da liglit weeth ^^ffffffW^ftft^WIH•» wru < Black Silk some guys 1 go on da feesli trip I rosy-meatcd watermelon, yet youXfinU I weeth lasa week. , I gotta plentu The weak perspire beside the lire men who even dislike lemon pie, so it : HOW DO YOU SAT! IT? THE RIGHT THING Stove Polish trouble getta ready go on dnt trip. ' I And shiver with the cold; is hard to suit all tastes; however, * By C R LUR1E AT Mokes a brilliant, silky polish that does no mind dnt so mooch, but when we The sturdy go to meet the snow "there is no loss without some gain," not rub of! or dust off, and the shinelasts 1 Witii hearts increasing bold, for there wouldn't be enough of such {our times as loog as ordinary stove reacba da place where da finish leeve Common Error* in English and THE RIGHT TIME polish. Used on sample stoves and sold everyting go on da bum. j With hearts made stronger by the good, things to satisfy all appetites if How to Avoid Them by Ifcrdware and grocery dealers. everybody wanted the same food at the All wo risk iaatrial. Useitonyourcooketove, When dnt bunch tella mo eet 1 wtuita ! gale, By MARY MARSHALL DUFFEE your parlor Etove or your gas range. If yon same time. M^^AdM^A^HhAAdU^HMMfc^^MW^ don't find it l!ic best stove polish you ever go on da trip I say alia right. He Whatever arrows may assail. used, your dealer is authorized to rufurul your money. Insist ontJiuck Silk Stove Polish. waiita know eef I ever catcha solici­ ! "DIFFER WITH," "DIFFER FROM." WHEN TO GO HOME. Made in liquid or paste—one quality. Orange Ice in Melon'Cups. ting. I say I catcha da flu and da The timid groan, the timid moan, Black Silk Stove Polish Works This is really the ntli power of serv­ smalla pox and mosta everyting a doc­ | When troubles cloud the sky; ETWEEN the proper use of the And often took leave, but was loth to Sterling, Illinois ' ing, for each alone is delicious enough. UBQ Black Silk Air-Drying Iron Enamftl on | tor can pit«h. Only ting I gotta trou­ • The brave go out and do not doubt, term "differ from" and the proper depart.—Prior. -ates,registers, stove-pipe's—Prevents rusting, f ble catch ecs da strccta car. Wash the small melons, cut in halves B Sac Black Silk Metal Polish forBilvcr, nickel j Unfriendly fate defy, use of "differ with" there is a IME Is money to most of us, in - braes. 11 has no equal for us© on automobiles. J But dat bunch wanttt know eef I Ahd find each contest bravely met and scrape out the seeds and mem­ clear distinction, although it is for­ brane carefully. Chill and fill with one way or another. Tet many catcha da feesli. I never do dnt ver Makes each contestant braver yet. gotten frequently, even by some writers T of us forget to go home—and so i orange ice. Boil one cupful of sugar mooch, but I inn preety smarta guy and speakers who are careful in the waste a lot of somebody else's money, y When thmulers roll before your goal, with a pint of .water and the grated and melibe can do somating I no try use of words. in the guise of tune. yet.'. What will your' answer be?.. rind of an orange, add the juice of one B]or a person to differ from another, Will you go forlh to'face th4 north, lemon and the juice of four oranges, Were you ever in this-position? The Well, dat bunch tella nie to getta or for a thing to differ from another, maid had gone out for Thursday after­ .pli'ntu flies and we getta plenta feesli. ; Or from the norther flee? strain and freeze as usual. he or it must be unlike, in appearance, Does Winter drive you to your fire, noon, or else there was no maid. A EAT LESS ANDTAKE "I aska wot for we wnntn dn flies and In manner, or In some other character­ guest was coming at half-past six. he say we trow oen da water and eef f)v each new storm new strength Pimento Cheese. istic, while to differ with a person The dinner was partly prepared— da feeslia grnba da fly we graba da I inspire? A most delicious cheese may be pre­ means to disagree with him in opin­ thanks to yoar desire to be ready for SALTS FOR KIDNEYS feesli. l _ (Copyright.) pared at home at a small fraction of ion or belief. It follows, therefore, I o • emergencies. At half-past five 1«, For three day before we go on dat the cost usually paid for such an ar­ that, while a thing may differ from UIHIUHIIIIUIllim.lllM.HIJMNMMIiJIIinf ticle. Take one-fourth o£ a pound of another, It cannot differ with another, would be time to put the meat in the Take a glass of Salti before breakfast trip I have a time catcha- da flies. oven, nnd at six the vegetables must Ees no ver many now seence da cold good, snappy American cheese, put since only thinking beings can have if your Back hurts or Bladder 1 THE GIRL ON THE JOB | go on. You must in the meantime weather. But I getta plenta I tink through the meat chopper, also grind a difference in belief or opinion. For bothers you. and we go. on da trip. 5 How to Succeed—How to Get 5 with three hard-cooked eggs, three or example, "I differ from John in stat­ dress yourself, and perhaps put a child — Ahead—How to Make Good = to bed, or else help an older one to When we reacha dn place where da four canned pimentoes. Alternate the ure, but I differ with him In our views egg and peppers through the grinder on the present national policy." dress. A neighbor called at half- The American men and women must feesli leeve 1 gecva da Hies to my | By JESSIE ROBERTS = past four. You looked thankfully at guard constantly against Kidney trouble, frien. I tella heem eef lie trow een da to save the juice of the pepper, sea­ (Copyright.) the clock, realizing that she could not because we eat too much and all our food water I graba da feesli so queeck lie ifmiiiiiNiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii? son with salt and cayenne, add mayon­ stay long enough to harm your din­ is rich. Our blood ia fllled~with uria try graba my flies. But da bunch tella NEVER A BETTER TIME naise dressing to moisten, and put acid which the kidneys strive to filter me ees no Iiook een da flies and ees away to chill. Cover with .paraffin pa­ ner. But she stayed. out, they weaken from overwork, become no good for catcha da feesli. How lie per and keep In the ice chest. It never At five you hegan to be nervous, Bluggish; the eliminative tissues clog and tink I could see wot da lly gotta een- HERE never was a bettor time thinking of the things yet to be done. the result is kidney trouble, bladder than today for the girl or woni- spoils, for it doesn't last long enough. slde when I catch, huh? This is excellent for the sandwich fill­ At half-past five, making some excuse weakness and a general decline in health. ; T an who wants to do well In When your kidneys feel like lumps ol ing for hungry boys and men who about hearing a knock at.the kichen Everybody tella me 7 am craze een business to make a success. The lead; your back hurts or the urine is carry lunches to school or work. door, you scurried out to the kitchen da head and dunno somating. He world needs constructive work. It cloudy, full of sediment or you are say eef I wanta da feesh I gotta catch and put in the meat. Then you sat in doesn't care who does it, provided the obliged to seek relief two or three times weetli da spoon when I no gotta da Fried Chicken With Boiled Rice. agony, waiting for the caller to take during the night; if you suffer with sick work is good. Women are picked for fly. But I say mebbe da feesh roll off Cut up the chicken for frying, add her departure, and when she did, about headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid jobs that not long ago would certain­ da spoon, so I suggesta we usa da butter to the hot frying pan, sprinkle six, you madly'dashed down again to stomach, or you have rheumatism when ly have gone to men. In Washington, knife and fork. the seasoning in flour and roll each whip the cream for the dessert and the weather is bad, get from your phar­ for instance, a girl has been made macist about four ounces of Jad Salts; piece until well covered. Place In the mix the salod, and air the dining room, Nobody speaka (o me after dat so manager of the lunch room in the take a tablespoonful in a glass of I leava da place and go home. pan and cook slowly, closely covered, and heat the soup, and set the table, Treasury building. This restaurant water before breakfast for a few dayv until quite tender, then brown. The and put things to rights in the living Wot you tink? serves lunches to .1,000 government and your kidneys will then act fine. (Copyright.) chicken will be much more delicious room, and light the lights and do the This famous salts is made from the acid employees every day. The business O and moist than If fried brown at once. dozen of last-minute things that ought of grapes and lemon juice, combined with detail of running such a place is great, Heap ajnound of well-cooked hot rice to have been dnne In the last hour— lithia, and has' been'used for generations and only a trained woman could un­ In the center of the platter, surround not In the last minute. to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; dertake it. But Sliss Dorothy Chap­ to neutralize the acids in the urine so it witii the chicken and serve with ripe Most of us have been in some such man is trained, having been graduat­ predicament, and, remembering this, no longer is a source of irritation, thai olives. ending bladder disorders. ed in home economics at Cornell uni­ It behooves us to remember to go versity, one of a large class. And Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in­ Twin Mountain Muffins. home' before we have worn out our these trained women will find the field jure, makes a delightful effervescent Cream one-third of a cupful of but­ welcome. ready for them. " " lithia-water beverage, and belongs in ter, add one-fourth of a cupful of This is just one of the occasions every home, because nobody can make There are other ways for women sugar, then alternately add three- when a guest should make ap early de­ a mistake by having a good kidney, flush­ who have taken special training in do­ fourths of a cupful of milk, two cup-| parture. There are many others. ing an} time. HE toy zoetrope was the grand­ mestic science to make money. One fills of sifted flour, sifted with four A caller on a,, sick person should al­ father of the motion-picture ma­ such woman serves box lunches to T teaspoonfuls of baking powder' and ways make a short call, unless by chine of today. The oldest in­ office workers in one of the big city one-fourth of a teaspoonful of salt; staying for a longer, specified time, vention was-one of these toys, patent­ office buildings. These lunches are add one egg well beaten, mix and she can Telleve the nurse. ed by W. B. Lincoln, 18G7. In 1869 put up at different prices, three GRANDMA NEVER LET. bake In gem pans. A cupful of well- When guests are expected, a caller O. B. Brown pntented a machine which grades, each containing n balanced ra- floured blueberries, or dates finely cut, should always take her departure projected "moving pictures" from a , tion, excellent food, well-prepared and series of glass plates. Muybridge, in rrin.v be added If desired. promptly. If unexpected callers ar­ I daintily served in its white box. HER HAIR GET GRAY 18S0, also produced a glass-plate ma­ rive, the first comers should go be­ chine. M. Marey, of the- French in­ I There Is certainly an opportunity fore many minutes have passed. \ to use this idea at railway stations. She Kept Her Locks Dark and stitute, first used the continuous Him, If there Is illness in the house, a Glossy, with Sage Tea and Lumiere, in 1893, invented the The thing is to be the first^n the field Titu-M. 7vw.rt*ii caller should not keep the members , at the chosen center. Copyright, 1921, Western Newspaper Union. "and Sulphur. ,. . "Cinematograph." _The first renl ma­ O _ of the household very long. Even If chine came to America In 1894, and Honest value and sound methods are they are not bearing the duties of £# • one Edward Hadley Is supposed to what are needed—and training I Train­ nurse, they probably have many calls When you darken your hair with ing is by no means a college career Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can have the honor of being the first mo­ THE CHEERFUL CHERUB A LINE 0' CHEER on their time. tell, because It's done so naturally, w tion-picture operator In America. or work In a business school, though If your hostess Is going out Inter in evenly. Preparing thta. mixture, (Copyright.) these are fine things to have. Train­ though, at home Is mussy and trouble­ I love to be outdoor* By John Kendrlck Bang*. the afternoon—If you have found out 0 ing can be self-acquired lf_ you really this to be the case In some chance some. At little cost you can buy at N in FLU any drug store the ready-to-use prep­ want It. manner—you should not keep her In, aration, Improved by the addition ol (Copyright) It tkrilU me. wker\ even If she protests that she Is In no other Ingredients called "Wyeth'e Sage 0 - A HELPFUL ENEMY. hurry. and Sulphur Compound." Tou lust tke blue, wind blows dampen a sponge or soft brush with A NONEXPERT To Kew the. tree* xJ\ HE howling wolf outside the Put yourself In the place of the It and draw this through your hair, OPINION. door hostess on all occasions when you taking one email strand at a time. vVuspermg T Oeta really little credit for are wondering whether or not It Is By morning all gray hair disappear*, There was a maid The virtues that In him lie time to go home. and, after another application or two, who dyed her Tke Secret Not clearly seen by human eye; your hair becomes beautifully dark­ hair, How seldom does the thought oc­ (Copyright.) ened, glossy and luxuriant. % And now she's tkvt tke. cur O Gray, faded hair, though no dis­ on the shelf. Outdoors That he's a most efficient spur Family Pride. grace, Is a sign of old age, and as we To urge us on from present stress s all desire a youthful and attraotlva At first It was not knows. To things of ultimate success, "Mrs. De Grow makes me

ift^AlftSMMwihHK^^ ^^Kii^^^^.,SrJ>:&M.fc3^^ '<* ^rf.ua 4***. ! • >4. THE CHARLEVOIX COUNTY HERALD, (East Jordan, Mich.) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1921

CHARLEVOIX CO. HERALD A large crowd attended the F. B. Dow auction sale and things sold high. G. A. Lisk, Publisher Temple Theatre There is a report of the first month Subscription Rate, $1.50 per year. WHERE EVERYBODY GOES. of the Advance school in the Boyne I Citizen, showing an average of 21 and - Entered at the postofficc at East Jordan 9-10 attendance out .of an enrollment PROGRAM of 24. I for one would like to see the From Oct. 9th to Oct. 15th Michigan, as second class mail matter. reports of all the schools in the county ASK FOR each month. It would be interesting SUNDAY, Oct. 9th to make a contest to see which school First Methodist Episcopal Church Alice Brady in "Little Italy." The CHESTONIA could have the best monthly record for the year. Rev. Thos. Marshall, Pastor: soul itruggle of a girl who tried to be (Edited by Mrs. J. H. Kocher) Mrs. Will Gaunt assisted Mrs. W. C. "A Homelike Church." loyal to her family. How with the silo fillers Monday., 10c and 20c Mrs. Pearl Beal and son of Pleasant Sunday, Oct. 9, 1921. » Genevieve Graham Valley and Mrs. Henry Savage and two Edward Guerrin is working for Mr. children of Detroit visited with Mrs. Stollard in the Mountain dist. 10:00 a. m.—Subject—"Forward." TUESDAY Kocher and Mrs. Snyder Friday. Mrs. 11:15—Church School. Orval Bennett is terribly worked up; 7:00 p. m,—"Christ or Chaos." THE JORDAN Carmel Myers in "Cheated Love." Savage expects to return home Mon. someone shot his rabbit hound which Nameless—known only by a number. 7:00 p. m.—Wednesday, Family Night Colonel Snyder returned to East had broken its chain and got away. Motion Pictures. Tht Unknown girl. Lansing, Friday, where he will enter Richard, Russell and Frank Hayden 7:30 p, m. Thursday, Church Night. 10c and 20c his Junior year at M. A. C. of the Star dist. are in the High School Julia Supernaw Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jaquays and orchestra at Boyne City. family of Pellston took dinner with There was a Grange meeting Tues­ Presbyterian Church Notes CIGAR WEDNESDAY EXTRA, Mrs. Ida Brown in a lelect- Mrs. Kocher Saturday. They returned day at the Peninsular Grange hall to ion of vocal gems. Don't fail to hear to their home the same evening. elect delegates to the State Grange. Sunday, Oct. 9, 1921. 4 her. Also see Wm. Russell in "Child­ Quite a number from this neighbor­ A large crowd attended the dance at 11:45—Sunday School. ren of Night," a dandy five-reel feat­ hood attended the FBir at Bellaire Peninsular Grange Saturday evening. 6:00 p. m.—Y. P. S. C. E. ure. No extra charge will be made. Thursday. There was no sign of intoxication as Made In East Jordan by 10c and 20c Mrs. A. E. Snyder and daughter of has been reported at some of the Miss Helen Ward Mt. Bliss returned home Friday after dances. St. Joseph's Church. visiting with Mrs. Clara Snyder. Pauline Loomis and Alice Russell D. M. Drinan Pastor. THURSDAY Miss June Wilcox of Central Lake were absent from school on account of ROSS A. McEACHERN Eugene O'Brien in "Is Life Worth visited Mrs. Kocher Wednesday. illness.. Masses on 1st and 3rd Sunday of each % LiTing?" Life is all you make it. See Mrs. Theressa Wilcox is helping Mrs. C. H. Tooley of Boyne City was on month at 8:00 and High Mass at 10:00. this man't side of it. Ulvund of East Jordan a few days. the Peninsula Saturday looking for Mass on 2nd Sunday of each month 10c and 20c apples to fill an order for shipping, at 8:00 o'clock. Mrs. Bessie Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Snyder and Rex Tobey of Mt. Bliss visited with High Mass on 4th Sunday of each Two for 15c Mrs. Kocher Sunday. month at 10:00. FRIDAY SOIL SURVEY IN U. P. Mabel Normand in "What Happened Frank Lllak expects to start his On 5th Sundays Masses at 8:00 and to Rosa." Girls, here is a tip. See threshing outfit out again this week. SHOWS FARMING LAND 10:00. On Sale at All Local Dealers. what happened to Rosa dressed up. Arthur Snyder will run the engine. Masses on Holy days and Devotions 10c and 20c Mrs. John Savage and grandson, will be_announced. Mrs. Lapeer Riceard, accompanied Mrs. Henry That agricultural development is St. John's Church. Savage to Detroit Monday. Mr. Savage justified in 80 per cent or more of the Bohemian Settlement. SATURDAY will go later and they expect to make area of Ontonagon County, Michigan, High Mass on 2nd Sunday of each THE ORIGINAL FAMILY NIGHT their home there. is the belief- expressed by Dr. M. M7 month at 10:00. i Hoot Gibson in "The Movie Trail," Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers and Am­ McCool, head of the soils department High Mass on 4th Sunday of each a western. 16th chapter of the "Dia­ ber Bolser of Echo took supper with month at 8:00 o'clock. mond Queen." Snub Pollard comedy Mr. and Mrs. _L.. S. Myers Sunday. at the Michigan Agricultural College. and News Weekly. Gladys and Jimmie Myers also spent A soil survey of this Upper Peninsula 10c and 20c Sunday with them. county is being made at the present Latter Day Saints Church. John Lucia Mr. Shepard is putting down a "well. time through the college and the U. S. ' C. H. McKinnon, Pastor. Mr. Ashby is helping him. Bureau of Soiis, classifying and map-, 10:00 a. m.—Sunday School. BUS ping the principal soils of the area and JACK'S GARAGE 11:10 a. m—Prayer Meeting. ORIN J. WOLTER, who through the summer PENINSULAR collecting information of value in the 7:00 p. m.—Preaching. SOLICITS YOUR WORK (Edited by Mrs.E. Hayden) agricultural development of the region. Wednesday— months operated a Passenger Bus between Petoskcy and The field work, which will be complet­ 7:00 p. m.—Prayer Meeting. John W. Lalonde has opened a Gar- Charlevoix, started October 1st a Bus route which will Orval Bennet fell from his bicycle at ed this fall, is being handled under the Friday— ige and Auto Repair Shop on State Advance while returning from school direction of J. O. Veatch, of the M. A. 7:00 p. m.—Religo. cover East Jordan, Boyne City, Charlevoix and Petoskey. street opposite the Zitka block and from Boyne City Thursday injuring C. soils department. The schedule of operation is as follows: solicits your auto repair work, includ­ himself so he could not play football "Results of the survey so far show a Church of God. Friday. He is all right now. ing motors on all makes of cars. Emil surprisingly large acreage of arable Lv. East Jordan 7:15 a.m. 6:45 p.m. Steinback, an expert mechanic, profic­ Frank Hayden fell from his bike on Hours of services: the Lake Shore stone road while re­ land in Ontonagon County," said Dr. (Eastern Standard Time) Lv. Bovne City 8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. ient on ignition and general repair turning from Boyne City school Wed­ McCool in discussing the work. "Final Sunday School—10:00 a. m. Lv. Charlevoix 9:00 a.m. Ar. 12:30 p.m. Lv. 1:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. work, is employed byjir. Lalonde. nesday injuring his right knee. estimates have not been made, but it is Bible Study—11:00 a. m. Ar. Petoskey 10:00 a.m. Lv. 11:30 a.m. Ar. 2:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. All work done goes out with our Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Seiler, believed that in an area aggregating Bible Study—8:00 p. m. Oct. 3, a boy—John Jr. Wed. Prayer Meeting—8:00 p. m. This schedule will be maintained every business day guarantee back of it. Give us a trial. 80 per cent or more of the total, the The public is cordially invited to at­ »dv. The first snow of the season, Oct. 3 soil and topography are such as to tend these services. but no frost yet. through the month of October. If sufficient patronage is justify development at present and in If all the fools were dead, how lone­ Harold Hopkins visited Richard Rus­ obtained, Jhe service will continue until weather conditions sell at Ridgeway from Friday until the near future for farming purposes. It is well to be a slave driver if the some we'd be. Sunday. "Most of the land at present is cut- slave~you drive is yourself. prohibit, and'sfarted again in the spring. The bus -stops Who remembers the man whose Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Dow and two over timber -land, or is occupied by "Ignorance of the law excuseth no­ anywhere on the road to take on passengers, and charges daughters, Ruth and May were dinner virgin hardwood forest. The principal boast was that he had a driving horse body" and it's the very making of the guests of Mr. and Mrs. IraMcKee, Sun. soil in areal extent is a heavy clay are made accordingly. Mr. Wolter at this time wants to that was good for twenty-five miles a lawyers. day? H. B. Russell, who. is stopping in which contains a comparatively high thank the people for their patronage in the past and also Boyne City visited his father "Grand­ Many a man is clamoring loudly for pa" Russell at Ridgeway, Sunday. percentage of lime, and which is asks them to help make the new line a success. NEVER WANTS ANYTHING ELSE probabably rich in other elements of world peace who would be willing to C. A. Hayden worked on the Pine compromise for peace at home. The season of coughs, colds, croup Lake Telephone line Monday. fertility. The soil is naturally adapted and bronchial troubles is at hand. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Ezra for clover and small grains which may Every mother will be interested in this Dean states that they are located in be made the-basis of a dairy industry. letter from Mrs. E. K. Olson, 1917 Ohio Denver, Col. and they and their little', There is also a large area of lighter Ave., Superior, Wis.: "I never want son are doing fine. textured soils, silt, sand Snd sandy anything else than Foley's Honey and Allen Hayden came up from Charle­ loams, characterized by level or gently voix where she has. been employed for Tar. I used it for all my children and a two week's visit at Orchard Hill. rolling topography, adapted to the also for my grandchild." Hite's Drug Miss Rose Kerna of Milwaukee, who growing of potatoes and also to grain Store. has been employed at Hallett's Inn at and root crops while fruit and a variety Charlevoix the past summer is visiting of vegetables may be grown for home Miss Alien Hayden for two weeks. use." '* Elton Jarman has a badly smashed WE WANT YOUR finger caused by dropping a buzz pole on it while buzzing wood. He is again Ullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'i able to work. "' Clarence Dickhout of Boyne City 1 THE GIRL ON THE JOB § was a business caller at Geo. Jarman's S How to Succeed—How to Get s Monday evening. a Ahead—How to Make Good — Pffl Mrs. John McColman of the Three MUNNIMAKERS Bells distris caring for Mrs. J. P. Sell­ | By JESSIE ROBERTS | er and the new son. Notices of Lost, Wanted, For Sale, niiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii For Rent, etc., in this Column is 25 June roses are in bloom. cents for one insertion for 25 words or Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hurd visited FARM OPPORTUNITIES less. Initials count as one word and their daughter, Mrs. A. B. Nicloy Tues­ compound words count as two words. day and took in the F. B. Dow sale. AM constantly In receipt of letters Above this number of words a charge W. C. How filled his silo Monday. of one cent a word will be made for from women tired of office work the first insertion and one-half cent for There were five rainbows and a I small amount of snow and lots of rain who nsk what chance they would subsequent insertions, with a mimimum have In investing their savings in a charge of 15 cents. and some sunshine Monday. Mrs. James Arnott is confined to the small farm. They want a home, they want to be their own masters, they Wanted house with lumbago. Visitors at Hayden Point may be long for the country after .years of confining labor at a desk. WANTED TO BUY LATH BOLTS- interested to know it is fifty years Cedar, Spruce, Balsam. Will pay since it first got its name. There is Success in farming requires train­ •5.50 per cord delivered at Mill B. a nice historical sketch of it in the ing and experience- as well as a wish Boyne Citizen of Sept. 23. for that type of work. A good busi­ New Potato Warehouse Hemlock and pine purchased at $6.00 per cord. Bolts must be 49 inches ness training and Initiative are excel­ longrnot"less than 5 inches diameter lent as stock in trade, but there should and up to 14 inches—LEONARD be" more than that. Farming is no easy is being built at East Jordan, west of the Lake­ DUDLEY. 39x4. job. " Two young women tell me that they For Sale—Real Estate are making money with a small sheep side Garage. We are always in the market farm. There is plenty of demand both RESIDENCE FOR SALE—My seven, room brick veneered dwelling on the Agency for for the wool and the meat. But these and pay the West Side together with between 7 two women also run an apiary, mar­ and 8 acres of land. New furnace the well- keting their honey, in a distinctive recently installed. Good well. A package. It Is the finest honey, and bargain as we are about to remove known they-charge a high price for It. They from the city.-ORRIN T. STONE. have worked up a trade with a list of 34tf. private purchasers,. and sell through HIGHEST MARKET PRICE the moil. For Sale— Miscellaneous The thing is to have only the very highest class of produce, to charge GOOD FARM TEAM and nearly new high for it, to put It into attractive HARNESS for sale. Will be sold Can Take Them Now At Any Time. cheap.-J. J. VOTRUBA. 40tf FISK and striking packages that are an ad^ vertlsement In themselves, and to sell FOR SALE—Fodder Corn and Corn in direct to the copsumer: With the par­ the shock, also 200 bushels small cel post this Is possible. We find it Potatoes.—JOHN ROSS. 40x4 better to specialize In several things rather than In one. Establish a mar­ Gash Paid On Delivery FOR SALE-BERKSHIRE PIGS, six TIRES ket for one of your Items and you es­ weeks old.—A. J. WELDY, phone tablish it for all. 178-21, East Jordan. 38x3 This sounds like good talk, and I recommend it to my readers who may Call Stroebel Bros. Hardware or Russell House Red Top and be thinking of turning to the farm as CA! a source of income. for nie. until my phone is in. HONEYS Non-skid W (Copyright.) A careful man thinks of his "gas" PURE EXTRACTED PRICES RIGHT. before he starts to drive. Also he considers his "gas" before he starts to $6.00 for 60 lb. talk. . CAN.. Now that there are no Indians to fight and the "Wild West" has become Miller Mich. Potato Co. tame, what do normal boys do for J. L. ZOULEK BULOW Bros. mental exercise? EARL JONES, Manager To automoblllsts: A "toot" in time East Jordan Phone 17S 1-3 uvMkfine,

Ife&^i^^ 4&&gk*kx&a^^ tKivJ 14.«' 'IU-'.K,.** kkt»,' THE CHARLEVOIX COUNTY HERALD, (East Jordan, Mich.) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1921

Miss Fern Howard left Monday for Detroit. C. A.jirabant was a Detroit visitor NEW STATE TAX this week. Mrs. Eliza Flynn left Saturday for a visit at Mackinaw City. VOID. SAYS COURT Mr. and Mrs. Max Wright left Satur­ Richard Malpass left last Friday for Miss Emma Southwell visited friends JUDGE TUTTLE, IN U. 8. DISTRICT Lansing, to enter the M. A. C. at Kalkaska over Sunday. day for a visit at Detroit. COURT RULES CORPORATION WEDNESDAY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kenny left Wed­ Robert Barnett, Jr., left Monday for Mr. and Mrs. James Malpass left LAW UNCONSTITUTIONAL. . Lansing where he enters the M. A. C. Saturday for a visit with relatives at nesday for a visit at Detroit- Hazen Gardiner was called to De­ Muskegon. Mrs. Jule Walters left Monday to Extra Added Attraction troit, Tuesday, by the serious illness of Mr. and Mrs. John Hawley returned spend the winter at Chicago. EXTRA SESSION IS POSSIBLE his mother. home Tuesday from a business trip to Mrs. Earl Shay and son are visiting at Temple Theatre Miss Minnie St. Charles returned to Ann Arbor. friends at Gaylord this week. If Decision Is Upheld in Highest Provemont, Tuesday, after a visit at F. M. Luther, Piano Tuner, will be Court, Governor Will Ask for Miss Neta Rebec who has been visit­ in East Jordan soon. Leave orders at Needed Amendment. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. St. ing her sister at Petoskey, returned Herald Office, adv. Charles. home Tuesday. Mrs. Ida Brown There will be a meeting of The Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Mackey left Detroit.—If the ruling on Michigan'* American Legion next Monday night, Thursday on a business trip to Grand Charles Tousch" is home from Flint new corporation tax made by Judge Oct. 10th Important that all ex- Rapids and other points. for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Tittle in federal court Saturday Is up­ Mrs. Albert Tousch. service men should attend. Let's Go. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Rogers and Mr. held by the United States supreme and Mrs. S. J. Colter attended the Mrs. Jennie Handy who has been court, the state.will stand to lose the Ragnar E. Olson, an East Jordan 16,000,000 revenue, which the collec­ young man, has been appointed mana­ Wolverine Fair Thursday. here visiting relatives, returned to Grand Rapids, Monday. tion of this tax is estimated will bring, WITH THE ger of the Western Union Telegraph Mrs. Julia Young and son, Sherman unless a special session of the legis­ office at Charlevoix. He took charge Sturgill, arrived Tuesday from Greenup Mrs. M. H. Thompson returned to lature is called and the law amended THE SWEET of the station last week. Ky., for a visit with relatives here. Oberlin, Ohio, Wednesday, after an ex. so as to remove the flaw pointed out LITTLE Vernon S. Payton will hold an auc. Rev. and Mrs. Thos. Marshall are tended visit with Mrs. I. W. Bartlett. In the decision. AND . In his ruling denying a motion to tion sale at the Payton farm located 5% receiving a visit from the latter's Oscar Harris returned to Flint, Wed­ dismiss the suit brought by the De­ LADY POWERFUL miles north of East Jordan, on Monday mother, Mrs. F. B. Joslin of Vassar. nesday, after a week's visit at the troit Mortgage corporation and the Oct. 10th, commencing at 10 o'clock a. Mrs. G. H. Ferris returned to Det­ home of his sister, Mrs. J. A. Niekless. Republic Acceptance corporation, both VOICE m. See adv. elsewhere in this issue. roit, Thursday, after an extended visit Mrs. Mary Hill and Mrs. Olive Long foreign corporations, to restrain the at the home of her son, G. C. Ferris. Peter Anderson and Mrs. Lena Iver- returned to Davison, Monday, after a state from collecting the tax, Judge son, residing near this city, were Basil Piggott arrived here last Satur­ visit at the home of the former's son, Tuttle declared that the corporation united in marriage at the Congrega­ day and will make his home at B. E. Henry C. Clark. tax law was uneonstitutlonal and void. tional parsonage Charlevoix, Monday, Waterman's. He is employed at the The motion to dismiss the suit was A- If the bone dry laws continue—Will Sept. 26th, Rev. James Smith officiat- East Jordan Cabinet Co. made by the state on the ground that a storm be allowed to brew? Will the ting. the" plaintiff was not entitled to relief. presenting the best in a selec­ The Methodist Ladies Aid will serve moon be allowed to get full? Will The corporation tax law was passed John Lenosky, aged about 80 years, their annual Chicken Pie Supper at the "hops" be allowed in dance halls? by the last regular session of the leg­ tion of vocal numbers. Don't passed away at the Traverse City church parlors on Friday evening, Oct. Willwebe allowed to name children islature as a means of raising addi­ State hospital, Saturday, Oct. 1st. The 14th, 5:00 to 8:00 o'clock. Tom and Jerry? Will -a person be tional revonue for the statepand to fail to j hear her wonderful remains were brought here and Mon­ Supt. M. R. Keyworth was here from allowed to become drunk with success relieve real and personal property of the heavy burden of taxes now being singing. day morning funeral services were Hastings last Saturday on business. or intoxicated with joy?—The Arklight, borne by them. held from St. Joseph's Catholic Church. He reports school work there as open­ Lack of funds is said-to have caused It provides that each corporation, Gwendolyn Deloras, 5 mos. old ing up very satisfactorily. a delay in the-completion of a" Catholic both domestic and foreign, doing busi­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Rev. R. S. Sidebotham, former past­ church at Good Hart. The pretty little ness in Michigan, must pay a fran­ Payne passed away at their home in or of 'the Presbyterian church here building is being erected by the In­ chise fee of approximately * 1-2 mills Also see Wm. Russell in this city, Sunday, Oct: 2nd. Funeral was in our city a few hours last Satur­ dians of that place under the personal on each dollar of capital stock and services were held Monday, conducled direction of Father Dorotheus, their day renewing acquaintances. He was surplus. by Rev. Thos. Marshall. Interment at pastor. The building is to replace one enroute from Detroit to his home at Sunset Hill cemetery. used many years ago but in which Lansing.—That the new corporation "Children of Night" Manistique. church services have not been held in Orrin Bartlett was at Jackson this tax will continue to be. collected, In many years. case._the present law, imposing It Is week where he purchased a grocery upset on the grounds advanced by store located at Vandercook Lake Alpena's new Memorial Hsfll, built at Judge Arthur J. Tuttle, in the United A good five-reel feature about four miles out of Jackson. Mr. a cost of $35,000 contributed by citizens States district court, was decided by - and Mrs. Bartlett expect to leave East will be formally opened to the public. Governor Groesbeck and the leaders Jordan in the near future for their Special Communication of East Jor­ Thefbuilding has a 178-foot front, a of the legislature during conferences No extra charge, 10c and 20c new location. While regretting their dan Lodge No. 379 F. & A. M. this depth of 105 feet and covers 18,868 held when the new law was first at­ departure, their many friends here Saturday evening, Oct. Slh! Work square feet of ground. One side is the tacked from this angle. wish them success in their new field. in the M. M. degree. federal building and on the other the It was decided at these conferences Don't Forget Wednesday Night CityHall. The building will be used that tf the courts should hold that the as a community center. In the base­ present law is unconstitutional, be­ and The Temple Theatre. ment is a banpuet hall, kitchen, gym­ cause it fails to put the proceeds from nasium, shower baths, etc.; on the the corporation tax into the primary main floor, auditorium, lobbies, rest school interest fund, the legislature Co'Mon, Let's Go! will be called in extraordinary session Most Sacrificing Sale of the rooms, smoking rooms, etc.; on mezza­ and will amend the law so as to put nine floor, balcony orchestra, platform, Season. Just think of it— the money in that fund. lobby, rest rooms, smoking rooms, etc. The law has been attacked in the Fred E. Fisher, Wayne county school state courts by domestic corporations Where the "Little Women" Played. You can't have purpose without Pep. What American girl or sifcian has A Heavy, Well-made commissioner, has accepted appoint­ as well as in the federal court in the Then there is the kind of welfare present case. not laughed or wept witifphe Meg, worker whose chief aim is his own ment as assistant, state superintendent Jo, Beth and Amy of Louisa Alcott's of schools and will leave soon for Lan­ That the present constitution of welfare. 6-quart Aluminum Michigan does not, however, require delightful story? In the home of the sing to take up his new duties. Fisher authoress at Concord, Mass., the attic in that such taxes as that levied under "Beauty is as beauty does"—and says that conditions in the rural schools particular recalls the jolly good times the corporation tax law shall go into beauty does as beauty pleases. of which he will be , in. charge in his of the "Little Women."- As we mount the primary school-fund, Is the main the stairs, we can hear In imagination Ambition will not bear a halter? hew position, are disgraceful and that contention of Merlin Wiley, attorney the reason for this is that "people do the sound of laughter as the four general, in his brief filed In the state girls discussed plans or plays, for this It doesn't matter if hair is bobbed so not realize the conditions that exist in supreme court Monday morning in an­ was their favorite gathering place, long as the mind isn't. Preserv'g Kettle them. The new superintendent will swer to the suit of the Union Steam and It recalls many a delightful in­ insist that only expert teachers be Pump Sales company, of Battle Creek, cident in their lives. CUT THIS- OUT—IT IS WORTH employed in rural schools in the future the first corporation to attack the va­ MONEY. instead of high school graduates, many lidity of the new tax-law^ Cut out this Blip, enclose with Sc to c ea of whom are now so employed. In the Hundreds of corporations have paid Another Vision Dispelled. the fee under protest. Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chi­ rural schools these young girls teach "Wouldn't you like to see an old- cago, 111., writing your name and ad­ eight classes and are absolutely unfit fashioned coinlc opera with a chorus dress clearly, You will receive in re­ only 99 !°h for the work, Fisher says. QUAKES SCARE 3 UTAH TOWNS of merry villagers?" "No, It would turn a trial package containing Fo­ Value $1.75 be too untrue to life. Everybody ley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney First Come, First Served Residents Flee As Brick and Stone seems to think that in order to bo happy he must move into town." Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Next Saturday, Oct. 8th Structures Are Destroyed." Hite's Drug Store.—adv. Salt Lake City, Utah.—After more than E0 hours of recurrent earthquake, shocks and almost continuous tremb­ ling, the seismic disturbances at Rich­ Regular meeting of South Lake Lodge field, Elsinore and Monroe, 130 miles No. 180 every Wednesday evening at south of Salt Lake City, subsided. WHITE ROSE STROEBEL BROS. 7:30 sharp. Members urged to "be pres­ Property damage at Elsinore and Mon­ ent. Visitors welcome. ' roe Is estimated at more than $100,- Straight Winter Wheat 000. Warm in Alaska. Not a brick or stone structure re­ Although less then thirty degrees mains Intact in either Elsinore or from the North-pole, the climate of Monroe, it is said, and several resi­ $6.75 bbl. south central Alaska Is very mild, the dences and business houses are total Temperature seldom registering below wrecks. sero, says the American Forestry Maga­ The exodus, of residents from the zine. The mean annual temperature three towns south of here, near the IRON DUKE for Prince William sound Is thirty- center of disturbance, continued eight "degrees Fahrenheit, and It Is throughout the disturbance. A Blend With Minnesota Wheat warmer during the winter months than Wanted! at any other point In the world In similar latitude. The temperate cli­ NINE INJURED IN K. K. K. RIOT mate is due largely to the beneficent $8.25 bbl. influence of the Japan current which Sheriff Shot Twice When He Tries sets Into the head of the Gulf of . to Break Up Parade. Alaska. Waco, Tex.—Nine men. Including MINNESOTA BEST -* When Dogs Bark. Sheriff Bob Buchanan, were wounded CIDER It Is rather curious that dogs bark during a riot that resulted when the Part Blend With Winter Wheat only when they are connected with hu­ sheriff attempted to break up a Ku man beings In some fashion; for In­ Klux Klan parade at the Intersection stance when a burglar la suspected to of the main streets of Lorena. $8.75 bbl. be near. When the dog Is alone, he ts Two bullets IB the right lid* laid given (o groans, growls,' howls or We have made a decided change in our method of the sheriff low when he attempted to milling our Duke and Best by using a Minnesota whines. Possibly the act of barking snatch an American flag from the is the dog's method of talking. It APPLES leader of the parade. None of the flour to make the blend in place of-the wheat. would seem like It when your pet dog wounds are thought to be fatal. sees you carrying food and barks as We have made a number of tests by the Mid- We are now in the market for If he were asking for it. Another dog, West Laboratories and we now have an extra good which Is In the habit of going to bed Bees "Steal" Honey Supply. analytical report on these flours. your cider apples. at sundown, will bark to tell you that Rochester, N. T,—A crime ware has he Is ready when the time comes. broken out among bees. This be­ Try a sack and see if we are right. Bring them in any day. came known when H. L. case, ot Can- "Bud's" Declaration. andalgua, an apiarist, reported that West Virginia Coal, f 9.50 "Bud" who had Just started to a horde of beet had flown Into nil school, thought It very smart to use warehouse through a broken window, East Jordan Co-opera­ big words. His sister was told to slap drained every drop of honey out of his his hands when he was naughty, so comb* and escaped with two tons of one day he came In, furious, and said: the sweet liquid. The raiding party, ARGO MILLING COMPANY "There Is absolutely no philosophy In however, suffered heavy caicuaHlet, tive Association. : sister hitting me the way she does. for Case picked up four busliels ot PHONE 126 She must be made to stop It"—Chi­ dead bees which apparently had fallen cago Herald and Examiner, exhausted,

X .*sa&m& i *U,irt « -^ T & ?* *k*. ^tti&JI&.i' TV.-J» L&«> J 3 Ju§ K % * THE CHARLEVOIX COUNTY HERALD, (East Jordan, Mich.) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1921

Sudd"efily, with" a spring of lief" heart careless disdain. Alix, after watching her for a trou­ against her ribs, she saw Peter's dark "That is'nt of any consequence!" little" Inarticulate" Cherry,' she added, earnestly: bled minute, went to her and put her ') head with Its touches of iron gray. "You don't feel It so!" He sat down ami about her. "Don't cry, Cherry I" Groomed and brushed scrupulously beside her, and again they locked "Alix will forgive us; you'll see she she pleaded sorrowfully. I as always, with the little limp, yet as hands. will! Alix—I know her!—will only be sorry for me. She'll only think me Cherry, regaining self-control, re­ always dignified and erect, he came to "Not that part," she answered, sim­ ftiad to disgrace the good name of sumed her work silently, witli an oc­ Sisters stand before her, and she stood up, ply. "I mind—Alix," she added, casional, sudden sigh. She had opened Strickland; she'll think we're both and their hands met. Flushed and a thoughtfully. the subject with reluctance; now she "Yes, I mind Alix I" he admitted. crazy. Perhaps she'll plunge into the 'By little confused, she followed him to orphanage work, or perhaps she'll go realized that they had again reached an Inconspicuous table In a corner of "But the injury is done to Alix now," on here, gardening, playing with Buck, a blank wnll. the dining room. Then the dreamlike Cherry said, slowly. "Now It Is too late raising ducks—she says herself that unreality and beauty of their hours to go back! You and I couldn't—we she lias never known what love means Three days after their talk in the KATHLEEN together began again. couldn't deceive Allx here, Peter," —says it really meaning It, yet as if .-moonlit garden Peter found chance "Did you expect me to meet you?" Cherry added, and as she turned to the whole subject was a joke—a weak­ to speak alone to Cherry. she smiled. For answer he looked at him he saw her thin white blonse move ness !" NORRIS suddenly with the quick rising of her "Are you ready?" he asked. her thoughtfully a minute before his "Quite!" she said, raising blue eyes own face lighted witli a bright smile. heart., "That—thnt would be too hor­ "I believe she will forgive us, for rible! But I could take this love of she Is the most generous woman in to his. "I don't think I thought of your not ours ,a\vay, leave everything else be­ the world," Peter said, slowljv "Any­ "It's tomorrow, then, Cherry I" he CwrWkc kr Kstu«« K«nJ« being there," he confessed. "I was hind, simply—simply recognize," stam­ way—we can't stop now! We can't said. simply moving all morning toward the mered Cherry, her lips beginning to stop now! There is the steamer line "Tomorrow!" He saw the color ebb instant of meeting." lie watched her, (Continued) tremble, "that It is bigger than our­ that goes to Los Angeles," he mused. from her face as she echoed him. Thl|. . almost with anxiety, for a moment, selves, that we can't help It, Peter. "Yes—I believe thnt is the solution," was already late afternoon; perhaps- then turned" his attention to the bill I'd fight it If I could," she added, pile- he added, with a brightening face. "No­ her thoughts rnced abend to tomorrow Yet laf the'"ifa Hon another change of of fare. But Cherry was not hungry, ously\ "I'd go away if I didn't know body you know goes there on It; it afternoon at this time when they two plnn occurred, for as Alls brought the .. and she paid small attention to Hie that no power on earth could keep me leaves daily at eleven, and gets into would be leaning on the rail of the car to the platform Anne came toward order, or to the food when It came. from coming back!" Los Angeles the following morning. little stennier, gazing out over the them from the arriving train, a gloved Presently they were talking again, From til ere we can get a drawing- smooth, boundless blue of the Pacific, In that hunger for self-analysis that She buried her head on his shoulder, and alone in the world. and demure ana smiling Anne, anx­ and he put his arm about her, and room to New Orleans; that's only a is a part of new love. They thrilled ious, she explained, to talk over this there was utter_ silence over the great day and a half more; and we can "Tomorrow you will be mine!" he newest development, and "whether It at every word, Cherry raising her brooding mountain, and in the valley keep to ourselves if hy any unlucky said. proved to be of any value or not," to eyes, shining with eagerness, to his, brimming with soft moonshine, and in chance there should be any one we "That's all I think of," she an­ try to find out what Uncle Lee had or Peter watching the little down- "Here's Alix," She Said Gladly as tile garden. know on the train " swered. And now the color .came up really wanted for them all, and then dropped face In an agony of adoration. Allx Came Downstairs. "Which Isn't likely!" "' in a splendid wave of flame, and the agree to do that In a friendly manner, An hour passed, two hours, after "I believe that even Alix will under­ curlous'look from oi\e to the other. stand," Peter said after awhile. "She "Which isn't likely! Then at New face that she turned toward his was out of court. awhile they were walking, still with Orleans we go either to the ZoneJ or radiant with proud surrender. that strange sense of oneness nnd of "You know what I hope," Alix tokl loves you and me better than any one "My first feeling, whej Frenny told her, "Is that Cherry and Martin will else in the world; she is not on)y- ev.- to South America, or to any one of He told her the number of the dock ; me," said Anne, chatting pleasantly in solitude, and still as easily RS If they Hie thousand places—New York, if they discussed trains, had been floating, to the ferry. always keep the old place open now. erything that is generous, but she isn't the shade, "was one of such relief I we like, by water. By that time we "We sail tit eleven." said- Peter, "but Allx met them In Mill Valley with I don't believe Cherry'll ever love an­ •.elfish, she is the busiest and the most For I hadn't wanted all that money will be lost as completely as if we had I shall he there sho-ll.v nrtcr ten. I'll , vivid accounts of the day; she had other place as she does the valley— sensible person I ever knew. I know one bit," she confessed gaily. "I only will you, Sis?" Alix ended, eagerly, —of course 1 know it's rotten," he broke dropped into the sea. I'll see about have the bairpijie on'hn;-:-(|. everything * wanted to do what was fair. Only be«n pondering the sbrief talk with off In sudden despair, "but what I'm reservations—the thing is, you're to •"oady; yon "i;lv ! ••. <• -,, ,-rcss the Anne, and was anxious to have Peter's Cherry met the arm her siste." linked two or three nights ago I said to trying, to say is Hint Alix, of all peo­ pretty to go quite unnoticed!" he add­ gangplank. You have your hnggage view of it. Peter was of the opinion around her, half-way, and gnve her Frenny that it really belonged to us ple I know, Is the one that will make ed ruefully. . \ cheek; give it to me." that Anne's conduct indicated very a troubled smile. all, and last night we talked and the least fuss about it " He saw a smile flicker on her face clearly that she and Justin realized And yet a few moments later, when They were waiting in the car while- talked about it, and the result was in ilie moonlight, but when she spoke, Alix marketed. Cherry opened her •that their case was lost. some .quest took Peter suddenly from Cherry was staring raptly before that I said that I must see the girls— it was with almost tearful gravity: purse and gave him the punched card­ "Then you're fixed for life. Cherry," the group, she watched the shabby her;'" now she grasped his hand and we three are the only ones concerned, "You arrange It, Peter, and -some­ board. was Allx's first remark. "Oh, say!" corduroy suit, the laced high boots, said breathlessly : after all, and"—Anne's old half-merry how I'll go. I'll write Alix—I'll tell she added, in a burst.. "Let's go down and the black head touched with gray, "Oh, Peter, are we talking about it? "I'll tell Alix that I have, a last and half-pouting manner was un­ Iter that where she's sane, I'm mad, to the old house tomorrow, will yuuV disappear in the direction of the Are we talking about olir going away, dentist appointment nt half-past ten," changed—"what we decide is what and where ' she's strong, I'm weak! she'said.' "If she goes in with me, Let's see what it needs, and how much kitchen with a tearing pain at her and belonging to eacli other?" really matters!" she finished. And we'll weather ii, dear", and we'll we'JI go to the vary door. But she would huve to bo done to make 11 fit heart. Her father had asked her to "What else?" he said, quick tears "Why, there Is no question that it's find ourselves somewhere, alone, with says she can't come in tomorrow, any­ to 'live ill!" wait, wait until she was'nineteen 1 iii Ids eyes. Daddy's handwriting," Cherry said, all "the golden, beautiful future before way. I'll write her tonight, and drop Cherry flushed, staring steadily at Nineteen had seemed old then. She "Oh, but I've been so unhappy, I've with what, for her, was sharpness, ue. But, Peter, until this part of it's the letter on the way to the boat. To­ her sister, and Peter, too, was con­ had felt at nineteen she would have been so starved!" she whispered. "I "and it seems to me—It seems to me, over we mustn't be alone again—you morrow, ^tiien !" was Cherry's only an­ fused, but Alix saw nothing. The merely delayed the great joy of life thought I wanted people—cities—I Anne—" she added, hesitatingly^ mustn't kiss me again! Will you prom­ swer. "I'm glad it's so soon." next day she carried her point, and for nothing; at nineteen she would thought 1 wanted to go on the stage. "That you have a nerve!" Alix fin­ ise me?" **** + + *• took them with Her down to the old be only so much older, so much more But it was only you I wanted. Oh, ished, not with any particular venom, As stirred as she was, he gathered house. Cherry was pale and- lighting desperately bent upon this marriage. Peter, what a life it will be! The lit­ "Good-by!" said Cherry, leaning "That document' throws the case out her little lingers together, and kissed tears, as they crossed the porch, and And Peter 'was there then, was com­ tlest cottage, the simplest life, and o.ii"i' the side of the car to kiss her of court," she said flatly. "Peter Is them. fitted the key in the door, inside the ing and going, advising and teasing her. perhaps a bench or woods to walk in sister. Alix received the kiss, smiled, confident of that!" "I'll promise anything! Only trust house the al-r was close and stale, —so' near, so accessible, loving her —and always talking, reading, always and stretched in the sun. Anne's pale face flushed and her me for a-few days more, and we will odorous of dry pine walls and %\ un- even then, had she but known it! "together. Isn't there some way we "Heavenly day to waste in the city I" eyes nan-owed. be away from it all. And now you -aired rooms. Peter Hung up a window That engagement might as easily— can get away, disappear as if we had said Alix. Cherry was flushed and uncomfort­ put it all out of your minuV and run the girls walked aimlessly about, and how much more wisely!—have never been?" "I know!" Cherry said nervously. able. There was an awkward pause. in and go to lied. You're exhausted, through the familiar, yet shockingly been with Peter;' the presents, the "Cherry!" he said, kneeling before She I.ail been so strangely nervous "Board?" shouted a trainman, with and if Alix gets the eight o'clock train strange, chairs and tables that were all 'gowns, the "wedding would have been her in the wet grass. "You know- what and distracted in manner all ihorning a rising inflection. The sisters looked she will lie here in a few minutes." coated thickly with dust. the same, to her childish egotism; the it means!" |hn.j Alix had more than once asked at each other in n panic of haste. "Good night!" she breathed, and lie "It needs everything!" Allx said, rest how different! .The rest would "It means you!" she answered, after her if there was anything wrong. Now "I can't leave tills car here," Alii saw the white gown flicker against after a first Quick tour of inspection, have been light instead of darkness, a silence. She had laid her hands .she questioned her a;;ain. exclaimed. "I've got to park her and the soft light on the lawn, and saw eyeing a greater weather streak on joy instead of pain, dignity and de­ •"You mustn't mind . me!" Cherry lock her and everythingr Eun; get I the black shadow creeping hy it, be* the raw plaster of the dining-room velopment and increasing content in­ said with a laugh. "I'm desperately on board, Cherry. I don't have to go fore- she mounted the porch steps, wall. "It needs air, cleaning, straight­ stead of all the months of restless unhappy," she said, her eyes watering. In, anyway—you've/ got a date!" nnd was gone. - ening, flowers Gosh, how it does criticism and doubt and disillusion­ "I'd do anything in the world_to help Cherry's heart leaped, sank coldly, ment. The very scene here, with Mrs. you, Cerise!" Alix said sympathet­ need people!" s and leaped again, as withva swift nod North and Allx, might easily have CHAPTER XV. ically. of parting she hurried for her train. "I—I can't bear It!" Cherry said softly, in a sick undertone. been, with Cherry as the wife of Peter, "I know you would. Sis! I believe," The other two women watched her Swept along by a passionate excite­ Alix, who was rapidly recovering Cherry as her sister's hostess, in the Cherry said, trembling, "that there's with forced interest as she' climbed ment that seemed actually tq consume la^quilibrium, sprang upstairs wlth- mountain cabin nothing you .wouldn't give me!" '- on board and as the train slipped her, Cherry lived through (die- next oi^fcenring her, but Cherry did not At the thought her heart suffocated "That's easily said," Alix answered noiselessly out of sight. It curved three days. Alix noticed her mood, fonw. She went to the open front her. She stood dazedly looking out of carelessly, "for I don't get fond of among the redwoods and was gone be­ and asked her more than once what doorway and stood _ there, leaning the old kitchen window, and her things, as you do' My dear, I'd go off fore either spoke again. Then, as her caused it. Cherry would press a hot against the sill, and gazing sadly out senses swain In a sudden spasm of witli Martin to Mexico in a minute. eyes met Anne's friendly, questioning cheek to hers, smile with eyes full of at the shabby, tangled garden that pain. I mean it! I don't care a whoop smile, Alls said awkwardly: pain, nnd flutter away. She was wen, had sheltered all the safety and joy where I live, if only people are happy." • "I think the only thing to do is for she \ftis quite all right, only she—she and Innocence of her little-girl days. ^ CHAPTER XIV. "How about Buck?" Cherry said, as you and Justin to take this up with was afraid .Martin would summon her . "Peter," she said, as he came to the dog leaped to his place on the front Peter, Anne. I mean—I mean that soon—and she didn't want to go to stand beside her, "I'm so unhappy!" "You and I must go away!" said seat and licked his mistress' ear. you were the ones who proposed to him—! "Cherry, will you end it?' he asked Peter. "I" can't stand it. I love you. Aft'x embraced him lovingly. bring It into court in the first place,. Suspecting something gravely amiss, her, huskily. I love you so dearly, Cherry. I can't "Well—if lie wanted to go with and—and I don't understand much think of anything else any more. It's Alix tried to win her confidence re­ yon !" she conceded unwillingly. "But about It. As far as coming to any She gave him a startled look. garding Martin. But briefly, quickly, "End it?" she faltered. like a fever—it's like a sickness. I'm he wouldn't!" . she added quickly. agreement with me Is concerned, you never haprjy, any more, unless my and with a sort of affectionate and Cherry, going to the train, gave her might just as well have gone back on "Will you—do you think you are apologetic impatience, Cherry refused brave enough to give everything else arms, are about you. Will you let me an April smile, and as she took her the train with Cherry. I ifate to talk take you somewhere, where we can be to discuss him. seat nnd the train drew on its way, it this way—but we all think you acted up for me?" he asked.^ "I shall not go hack to him!" she "Peter!" said Cherry,"" hardly above happy together?" •' seemed to her .suddenly thnt she might •very-^-well, very meanly!" Alfx fin­ Cherry turned her confident, child­ said, breathing bard, and witli the ail' Indeed meet Teler, but it would only ished rather flatly. a breath. of being more absorbed in what she "Will you go away with me?" Peter ish" face toward him; her lashes glit­ be to tell him that what they Had "Perhaps it's just as well to under­ tered, but she smiled. was doing than what she was saying/ planned was impossible. stand each other 1" Anne said, with went on, feverishly. "That's the only "But do you mean that you are way, now. That's the only way—now. "I love you, Peter!" she said. And But on the deck of the Sansalito hot cheeks. They exchanged a few the words, sounding softly through the really going to leave him?" the older- steamer, dreaming in the sunshine of more sentences, wasted words and Will you go away?" sister questioned. "Go away!" Cherry's face was ash­ silence of the garden, died away on the soft, lazy autumn day, her heart angry ones, and then Anne walked the warm night air like music. . Her Shining Eyes Were Close. "I don't know what I'm going to turned sick with longing once more. over to a seat in the shade, to wait en as she moved her tragic and beau­ do!" Cherry half sobbed. tiful eyes to his. "Go away where?" In the two weeks- since the day at Alix was forgotten, everything was for another train, and Allx, with her the old house they had not chanced to softly about his neck, and her slim­ "But, dearest—dearest, you're only forgotten except Peter. His voice, his "Anywhere I" Peter answered, con­ ing eyes were close to his. \ heart beating hard and her color high, be often alone, nnd tonight, for the twenty-four"; don't you think you tall figure, erect, yet moving with* the fusedly. "Anywhere!" "He did not "It's so beautiful—it's so wonderful drove at mad speed back to the moun­ first time, Cherry admitted that she might feel better about it as time goes HtUe limp she knew so well, came to tain cabin. meet her look, his own went furtively —to love this way," she said, in her on?" Alix urged. "Now that the about the garden. Immediately he could fight no longer. They talked as innocent, little-girl voice, "that It her thoughts. She thought of herself "I didn't ask her to lunch—I don't lovers, fiis arm about the soft little money is all yours, Cherry, and you on the other steamer, only an hour care!" Allx said to herself, In-agita­ seemed to regain selfjcontrol. "I'm seems to me the only thing in the can have tills nice home to come to talking like a fool!" he said, quickly. clinging figure, her small, firm fingers world!' I'd come to you, Peter, if It from now, safe In his care, Martin for­ tion. "She and Justin know -they're tiglit In his own. -He had squared now and then, isn't It different?" gotten, and all the perplexities and beaten—they're Just trying to patch "I don't know what I'm saying half meant shame and death and horror. Cherry was looking at her steadily. the time! I'm sorry—I'm sorry, Cher­ about on the great log that was their It doesn't mean that, it only means disappointments of the old life for­ it up before it's too late—I don't care seat so that his ardent eyes were . "You don't understand, Sis!" she gotten, in the flood of new security ' . —I won't have her think she cap get ry. Don't mind me. Say that you'll a man and a woman settling down said. ' . \ closer to her; the world held nothing somewhere In the south of France, a and joy. Los Angeles—New Orleans— away with any such scheme—!" forgive me for what I said 1" "1 understand that you don't love He had taken her hands, and they but themselves. It was eight o'clock. big quiet man who limps a little, and France—It mattered not- where they "So this is the thing that was wait­ a little yellow-headed woman in blue Martin," Allx said, perplexed. "But wandered; they might well lose the CHAPTER XIII. were looking distressedly and sober­ can't people who don't love each other ly at each other when an unexpected ing for us all these years, Cherry, ever smocks and silly-looking hats—-" world, and the world them, from today since the time you and Allx used to live together In peace?" she added, on. noise made them step quickly apart. "It means life, of course I" he inter­ Meanwhile Cherry, in the sick flut­ dam my brook and climb my oak with a half smile. Cherry's heart heat madly with ter­ rupted her. "The hour that makes "So that Is to be my life—one of ter of spirits that had become familiar trees!" "N-n-ot as man and wife!" Cherry the blamed and ignored women?" to her of late, kept her dentist ap­ ror, and Peter flushed deeply. you mine, Cherry, will be the exqui­ stammered. It was Martin Lloyd's aunt, Mrs. "I never dreamed of lt°!" Cherry site hour of my whole,life!" Cherry mused, leaning on the rail pointment, and at noon looked at a said, with wonder in her tone. Alix sat back on her heels, in the un­ and watching the plunge of the re­ flushed and lovely vision In the den­ North, their old neighbor, wlrtfeame They weres silent for a while, and graceful fashion of her girlhood, and about the corner of the house, and "If we had dreamed of it " Peter ceding water. "Like the heroines of tist's mirror. began, and stopped. below them the white moonlight deep­ shrugged her shoulders. half the books—only It always seemed She went out Into the blazing street; approached them smilingly. How much ened and brightened and sworn like had she seen? Cherry asked herself, "Ah, if we had, it would, all be dif­ "Think of the people who are wor­ so bold and so frightful in books I it was one of the hot noontides of the ferent," Cherry said, with a look of an enchantment. rying themselves sick over bills, or But to me it just seems the most nat­ year. At two o'clock a wild wind In a panic. What were they doing"? "There will be no coming back, Cher­ —what were they saying as she ap­ pain. "That's the one thing I can't sick wives, or children to bring up!" ural thing In all the world. I love would spring up and, send papers and bear to think of! I cannot go back to ry.'.' she suggested hopefully. "My Lord, If Peter, and he loves me, nnd the earth dust flying, but just now the heat was peared?—how much had their atti­ "Oh, I know that I" tude betrayed them? Martin. I can't leave you—I can't leave you have enough money, and, food, la' big enough to hide- us, and that's dry and clear and still. you I" "There can't e?er be—there mustn't and are young, and well—I" all there is fo It. Anyway, right or She was carrying a parasol and she Mrs. North was the same loud- be—you've thought of that?" he saldj laughlng, cheerful woman as of old. "Shall we go away?" Peter asked, "Yes, but, Allx," Cherry argued wrosg, I can't help it," she finished, opened it now and walked slowly to­ simply. uncertainly. In the curious, unreal eagerly, "I'm not Well when I'm un­ rejoicing to find herself suddenly ward Geary street. She could not even She kissed Cherry, and was full of light thirl flooded the world, he saw queries for Martin. "Go where?" she asked. happy. My heart Is like lead all the serene_and confident. frame In her thoughts the utter blnnk- "Go anywhere!" he answered. "We her turn,, and caught the gleam of her time; I can't seem to breathe! Peo­ (TO BE CONTINUED.) . ness of the feeling thnt swept over "Durango? Belle told me some­ surprised eyes. thing about his going there," she said. have money enough; we can leave ple—Isn't It possible that people are ' her at missing an opportunity to see "You mean children—a child?" she "How long you been here, Cherry?" Allx rich—she will still have her cabin different about thnt?" she asked Peter. She turned and went slowly and her dogs and the life she loves. said, surprisedly. "Why not, Peter?" timidly. The Echo Came. "I've been with Allx and Peter for The mother of a five-year-old child up past the big shop windows that re­ But there are other tiny places, Cher­ she added, tightening her fingers, "I suppose they are I" Alix conceded —for several weeks," Cherry said, un­ was admonishing him to be a better flected the burning Plaza, and so came ry; there are little cabins In Hawaii, "what could be more wonderful than thoughtfully. "Anyway, look nt all easily. Her eyes met Peter's and he boy, when the father who was present to the oool, great doorway of the St. there are Canadian villages—Cherry, that we should have a child? Can the fusses in history," she added care­ conveyed reassurance to her with a 'jokingly remarked, "It can't be did, Francis. Inside was tempered light there'are thousands of places la the you imagine a happier environment lessly, "of grnnde passions, and mur­ look. It can't be did." Later when the and much noiseless coming and going, south of France where Ve might live for a child than that little sunshiny, ders, and elopements, and the fate of "When you going back, dear?" Mrs. little boy was saying his evening meeting and parting. for years and never be questioned, and woodsy beach cottage; can't you see nations—resting on just the fact that North asked, with so shrewd a glance prayer just before retiring he Invoked Cherry drifted into the big, deep- never be annoyed." the little figure—the two or three little a man and woman hated each other from Cherry's exquisite rosy face to the Supreme Being to make him ti carpeted waiting room; there were "France!" she whispered, and the figures 1—scampering ahead of us too much, or loved each other too Peter's that he felt a fresh pang of better boy, Continuing, he snld: other women there, sunk into the big downcast face he was watching so through the country roads, or around mucin There must be something In msplclon. She had seen-something "Make daddy a good man," then hesi­ leather chairs, watching the doors and eagerly 'was thoughtful. "How could the fire? Oh, I can," said Cherry, her it all that I don't understand. But "Why, I've been rather—rather kept tating In his supplication he-remarked, glancing at the clock. When a man we go," she breathed. "You first, and extraordinary voice rich and sweet what I do understand," she added, af­ here by the—the law-suit, haven't I, "It can't be did, daddy, it can't be did.'' came hastily In the door, one woman then I? To meet somewhere?" with longing, "I can! That would be ter a moment, when Cherry, choked Peter?" Cherry explained. "But I ex­ —Columbus Dispatch. rose, there was a significant smile, a "We would, have to go together," rootfferhood; Peter, that wouldn't be with emotion, was silent, "Is that Dad pect to go soon as It Is all settled! murmured greeting, before the two he decided swiftly. "Every one must like having n baby whose father one would die of grief If he knew you were vanished. Here's Alix," she said, gladly, as Allx know, dear; you realize that?" didn't—one couldn't love, marriage or unhappy, that your life was all broken Long Time Fixing It, In a luxurious chair Cherry waited, came downstairs. , Wide-eyed she was staring at him no marriage 1" up In disappointment and bitterness I" Ohio Paper—Mrs. Lucy Merrow has Peter certafnly would not come In un- "I'll bet you three are having re«> as If spell-bound by some now hope; And as he watched, amazed at the "But Is that my fault?" Cherry ex- been under the doctor's car all- till JU. half-past .twelve, perhaps .not then. food j}iggal" Ma. North sajd. stth_ji now. she, shrugged her shoulders In "Change. tjumfly_«.na.a brought to. unlet, olaiund, with ludden teari, __ week,—Boston Transcript, f,-I'" -- - /- v Jki^ tf&te-^^ <&-v-4 ^ -<«» • ,



What mn AP Til IT 4 0115" Constitutes Real Wealth. I. C.C. URGES RAIL COMBINE blue unfforuis, but they had their*own Kill Mr Inul fllinr Real wealth does not consist In the ideas about how to wear them. A full ROBERT PRUITT K By Elmo dress parade was an auiusingJBlgiit, I1IU Ul 11!« I »«»t-| m„tel.iai things of life-gokl,anU sll- Stories of —'—— 4 j vcr and jewels—but in the Intangible. Has Plan to Consolidate All Lines Some wore only the trousers ana were : possessions on which there is no la- — Into .19 Great Systemsterns.. Great Scouts *&* bareheaded; others wore the big black It you are a sufferer with lame: j come [ax to pay. A clean conscience, hat, but had a breech cloth 9, and here Major North killed the nagging backaches and distressing .of the transportation act which al­ 186T-GS, undjiiore than once he showed I patch. lows Uie consolidation, if voluntary Sioux chief Tall Bull, although Buffalo pain through mf kidneys. My kid­ himself worthy of the title. He had neys were very Irregular In action. with the railroads concerned. Blll„ls sometimes credited with that Co-operation Necessity of Today. married a S'.ous woman, and lived feat. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and they with the tribe for years. • He could Some one oiicu mill: "Half the peo­ During his scout career Major North helped me wonderfully by rolievinfe ple know not how Ihe oilier half FATTY ARBUCKLE OUT ON BAIL spea'k their language and knew their the backache and correcting the ac ways. As a trailer and reader of became a close friend of Buffalo Bill, lives." This Is truer today than ever. and when he disbanded his scouts, Hon of my kidneys. I have usen There is nerd of knowledge thai will signs, Grover was'without a peer. Judge Rules Film Comedian Can't Be Cody nnd*North went Into,.,the cattle Doan's in the past and they have al­ give co-operation. People cnnnoMoii- He could tell how long since the Held for Murder. ways given me the best of relief and ger live unlo themselves nlone If Hie tracks had nieen niude; whether they business in Nebraska together, and satisfaction." (Statement given on country prosper as II should. were by horses or ponies, shod or un­ were partners for many years. Aug. 3, 1909.) San Francisco—Roscoe "Fatty" Ar- buckle was bound over to the superior shod"; how many were •'ridden, how On April 23, 1920, Mrs. Harrington Better Than Using Sand. court by Judge Sylvan Lazarus on a ninny were driven; whether it was a added* "I haven't had occasion to They have found that-stigiir can be By Elmo charge, not of murder, but of man­ war party or one moving-from one Stories of use a kidney medicine since Doan's made from sea weed. We are suspi­ slaughter. • "^~ camp to another. " Kidney Pills cured me years ago. The cious that tljey have found it can be He had been admitted to bail'of When the Sioux wont on- the war­ Great Scouts *£* Robert Prutt was stricken blind on' cure proved to be complete in all re made from a lot of things besides path in 1866, Grover left them ami his tenth birthday, while at play with.' spects and has stood the test of time. sugar cane. When the family sugar $5,000 and returned to his home in Los Angeles, with his wife and his moth­ joined the army as a scout for Custer. commandant of the gon traif -crossed the Green river. He- mas. and Ihe gift being at the puppish the rear and opened fire.' Comstock^ marine corps. Redd, who undertook was doing a good business with the age, when everything looks good to wus killed instantly and Grover badly' CARL WANDERER PAYS PENALTY the additional crossings to rescue in /emigrants passing over the trail until chew, he bites harder sometimes than wounded, but lying on the ground and ^Mothers want it, for injured fireman an.d-~.to carry first atd^ a Frenchman opened up a rival store he should. One morning, several days ranking a desperate defense of Corn- Slayer of Wife In Fake Holdup Goes to injured passengers, was a marine henrby. A quarrel between the two after Christinas, the little dog rno quickly eleare away stock's body, h& fought off the Indians reservist. men soon resulted. * to Gallows. .howling from the room. When the unlll nightfall and escaped. _ the choking phlegm, The quarrel ended In a challenge. little hoy's mother inquired what was The next month Grover joined Gen. Both men ran, to their cabins, seized the matter he replied: "lie bit my [stops the hoarse cough, Odd Scents of Wood. G. A. Forsyth's band of scouts and 'Chicago.—Singing a popular sons, pistols and from the doors of" their finger and he can't learn to stop bltin', The scent of the West Indian satin- wus with fhem. nt the celebrated Carl Wanderer, "convicted, of killing cabins, which were only about 100 so 1 bit bis "or."—Tonekn Journal. L gives restful sleep. Safe wood suggests coconut oil. says the Beecber's Island ..fight. As Roman his wife',' her unborn, baby and * yards apart, they began firing at each •.and reliable. American Forestry Magazine, while the Nose's warriors shouted to each other, "ragged stranger," whom he hired to other. Neither was" hurt at the first paper-bark tree of Australians said to Grover understood everything they stage a fake holdup, was hanged at shot, for botbrfhe Frenchman and Old A Distinction. .No opiates. smell like Brazil nuts while being said, and told Forsyth what they were the Cook County jail at"7:19 a. m. Jim had been drinking heavily and The aim of hook reviewing Is to worked-. planning to do. After the biggest Sept. 30. Wanderer walked to tb» engage In discussion of our contem- their aim was unsteady. I mm charge of the Sioux and Cheyennes gallows with a Arm step and as he pprnries, nnd this is why book re­ "HSE New Toilet ATticfe. hud- been turned back, Forsyth turned Then the duelists retired to their. took his place pn the scaffold repeated viewing, which is a department of "Wrinkles," says a beauty hint, "can rooms, loaded tliei'r guns again and, I a short prayer after a minister. Journalism, must be carefully distin­ to Grover and said: "Can they do bet­ be, removed by tightening up the skin." ter than that, Grover?' taking another drink to keep up their I Asked whether he had anything to guished fom criticism, which is a It sounds as though no toilet table courage, they opened fire once more. I Bay, he replied in the affirmative, and "I have been on the plains, man arid : department of literature.—Branuar were complete without a monkey The bullets flew wild. For several as a shroud was adjusted on his head,' Matthews. boy, for 30 years, and I never saw such wrench.—London Opinion. a charge before," was the scout's reply. hours the duel continued, each man \ started the song, "Oh, Pal, why don't becoming more unsteady all the time, j you answer me?" He was singing "I think they have done their level ! best." At last, finding themselves unable to when the trap dropped,- "AH right, we're good for -them, hit each other, they gave it dp in I then," said Forsyth. disgust, and the oddest due] Jn his-1 tory ended. I EQUIP TROOPS FOR RUM WAR For years the fact that Grover was 1 with Forsyth that day was kept from Baker was born In Illinois in -1808, the Indians, for he was friendly with and went west with a fur-trading i State to~ Spend $10,000 for Motorcycles them, arid they would have killed him party about 1823. - | 1 and Portable Houses. without mercy, had they known. Later Old Jim was a mighty hunter. At they did learn it and attempted sev­ one time he was nttecked by two full- eral times to kill him, but he always grown grizzly bears. The old scout Lansing—To equip the statS'police department for a vigorous fight escaped. Unfortunately Grover drank was armed only with his long hunting knife, but after a.terrific struggle; In against rum runners and other law vi­ heavily, and a few years ..after the olators the state administrative board Beecher fight he was killed In a which he was' almost torn to pieces, he- killed both bears. has authorized Roy C. Vandercook, row.at Pond City, near Fort Wallace, commissioner of public safety, to pur­ in Inglorious end for so great a scout. In 1857 Baker was a guide and scout for Gen. Albert Sidney Johns­ chase $10,000 worth of motorcycles and portable houses. The motorcycles ton on his expedition against the Mor­ There is a peculiar quality in each human voice that is so individual, will be distributed among the troops. mons in Utah. Returning from that that the very personality of the speaker is given out. By Elmo The houses will be erected at various Stories of trip, he wandered. back to -Colorado places in the state where constabulary and became one of the first settlers posts have been established. How often do your friends say to you,'"Oh, I knew you by your voice?" Great Scouts ^L, of Denver. Later in life Old Jim drift­ i ed to nortberp. Colorado. On the For this reason long-distance telephone conversations have an em­ ©, Western Newspaper Union. banks of the Little Snake river he CAMP HOSPITAL READY NOV. 1 built a block house, which became a phatic value aside from the convenience of an immediate reply to ques­ FRANK NORTH, "WHITE CHIEF rendezvous for all of his old trapping tions and. the opportunity for discussion. OF THE PAWNEES" companions and a place of refuge Camp Custer^Community House Will when the Indians went on the war­ Be Used by Disabled Vets. Sead your particular person call*. "The White Chief of the Pawnee! four inches heyond\the,stair. If thick The White Chief'of the Pawnee"!" Best Picture Wire. enough they will save a great deal of- Call the Loni Distance Operator. She WiuConnect You. MaJ. Frank North was-the "White' They, have recently been experi­ wenr and tear of the carpet, also dead- menting in England on the best sup­ Chief of the .Pawnees." He had lived en t,ie among them and they loved him. They port for pictures, and the. Scientific sound of footsteps. K MICHIGAN STATE TELEPHONE COMPANY adopted him into the tribe, calling him American"snys'it was found that plain | Mixing Cause and Effect. »• rk. Pawnee La Sharo. This, meant "great copper wire in one strand is far supe­ "Dea^ Teacher," a mother writes, \+\te&- clilef of the Pawnees"' and cliief even rior to twisted brass wire, and copper "please excuse_ Winnie being late this r ¢41 T H' 4- of the Pawnee chiefs. No other wire" is of course not liable to rust. morning, as she 1).¾¾ to wait until I •--, J*«3J<»S»» ^^L S Pawnee and only one white man,'Gen. got this excuse wrote."—Boston Tran­ i.r«iw»\st John O. Fremont, ever-held that title. Infallible Sign. script. • _X_ ' As a general thing, when a, man Major North enlisted his first Pawnee 20,000,000 Saw "Ben Hur" scouts in 1894, and in every war on doesn't ask hts wife what she' does with the money he gives her It Is a During the twenty-one years that the' plains thereafter they did valiant "Ben Hur" was being produced on th» service. > sign that he doesn't give her any. n Let' Tli em Hear Your Voice" —Galvestoir News. stage,'it Is estimated that 20,000,000 The scouts were. Issued regulation persons saw the play. t S

MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL By Utatks Sughnt «M They Do is Sign the Payroll?

gNtMtUtittKNJtiHbl^ THE CHARLEVOIX COUNTY HERALD, (East Jordan, Mich.) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1921 r REPORT NEWBERRY FORD WILL HARVEST LUMBER Auto Manufacturer Has Plan for Con- LEGALLY ELECTED " serving U. P. Tracts. Iron Mountain, Mich.—"OJne hun­ BARGAINS dred years from now we will have MICHIGAN SENATOR ENTITLED more' timber on our upper peninsula TO.SEAT, SENATE OOM- lands than we have today," declared . MITTEE DECLARES. Henry Ford, Detroit motor manufac­ turer, discussing plans of the Ford ON FORDS company for systematically managing MINORITY FAVORS UNSEATING the timber harvest on the immense tract of land recently acquired by his company. Democrats Agree Ford Was Not 1921 Touring $385.00 "We will not cut a single tree less Elected, But Recommend De­ than one foot In diameter," Mr. Ford claring a Vacancy. declared, "unless.that cutting is nec­ 1920 Touring $375.00 essary to the-growth of gome other Washington—Trunian H. Newberry tree., Our company Is going to harvest was legally elected over Henry Ford its timber, but not clear it out.-" 1920 Touring $350/oo In Michigan in 1918 and is entitled to Mf. Ford urged greater efforts at be seated in the senate, according to fire protection and more systematic $325.oo the-mapority report submitted late forest management in the upper penin­ 1920 Touring last week by the senate privileges and sula, also the reforestation of all lands How's the Bed­ elections committee. . _ cut over. The report clears Mr. Newberry of 1919 Touring $225,oo all charges of corruption in connection NAVAL RESERVE IS DISBANDED with his election and recommends that the contest of Henry Ford be dismiss­ 1919 Touring $225.00 ed and that Mr. Newberry be declar­ Only Two Classes Left, Result of ding Supply? ed duly elected. It is stated that Mr. Economy Measure. Newberry's qualifications for the of- 1914 Touring $85.oo fice-of United States senator have been Washington.—The naval reserve of Co h established conclusively. the United States is virtually abolish­ Both the majority and minority re-, ed under an order issued by Secretary 1920 Truck ct1tf $375.oo ports, the latter being submitted by Denby disbanding all classes, except the Democratic members of the com­ one and six and affecting.approximate* THese cool nights, make mittee, agree that too much money ly 155,000 men of the reserve. Fordson Tractor and equipment was spent in the Michigan campaign The order was effective September you think of your needs. 1 ALMOST NEW , UUU.UU The Republican committeemen held empted from the worttings of 'the or­ WILL SELL ON EASY TERMS that Mr. Newberry was not personally der at present. "*. For cotton batting try the responsible for the unduly bulky cam­ In. making the announcement Secre­ Cars on exhibition at Crowell's Livery Barn paign outlay, while the Democrats tary Denby pointed out that the step TSast Jordan. Phone 89 contended the reverse." of such importance was taken only "Reddistitched." It always The minority report submitted by through the pressure of economy and the. Democratic committeemen on with great regretby the department. Btrlct party lines, opposes the seat­ makes friends. In one large ing 6C Mr. Newberry and recommends that his seat be'deftared vacant. What a young man about to marry white sheet 72x9(Hnches. Roscoe Mackey With the filing of the reports the fails to consider is that even though case now goes to the senate for final two could live as cheaply as one, six decision, which will probably not be orse-ven can't. • The stitching four inches made for several weeks. In the mean­ time, It is understood. Senator New­ Were you ever involved in a violent impart and sewed through 20 berry will not attend the senate ses­ argument that made you feel better sions. ' • ' afterward? Neither was anybody. layers of corded cotton. The Claims of Mr. Ford tothe Michigan A slim princess never imagines that seat were deniedJiy both majority and some day she'll be a fat housewife. -'Reddistitch" is attractive and minority members on the same If you are going to need any grounds—that all charges against easy to use. Senator Newberry related to the pri­ WAS HURTING ALL THE TIME mary and not the general election and Kidney trouble saps vitality and more Barrels, now is the time that it was established conclusively strength, It causes backache, head­ that in the general election Senator ache," stiff joints, sore muscles, shoot­ to £et your rush orders in. Newberry had received a majority of ing pains. John F.-Brooks, 712 S. 17th the votes. Mr. Ford's charges of brib­ vSt., Omaha, Neb., writes: "My back ery, illegal voting, undue influence and was hurting me and I had a pain in Intimidation of voters in the general -election were declared by the major­ my- right side. Since taking Foley ity to be without foundation. Kidney Pills I feel no pain at all." EastJordanLumberCd Hite's Drug Store. The majority; report after setting out the senate resolution under which the hearings were held, proceeds to MORTGAGE SALE ->r give aNchrfinology of the case from the Default having been made in the time when Newberry and Ford- were terms and conditions of a certain mort­ gage bearing date October 18th, A. D. candidates for the Republican senator­ 1903, made by Edward S.^ Stacks' and ial nomination at the primary of Au­ Etola E. Stacks, his wife7 of Charle-. gust, 1918, down to the end of the re­ voix, Michigan, to John Muir of Nia­ count, of ballots In Washington, which gara "Falls, Ontario, which said mort­ recount showed conclusively, the re­ gage was recorded in the office of the port says, that -Truman H. Newberry Register of Deeds for the County of was elected Unite.d States senator, Charlevoix, Michigan, in Liber Thirty- You know that it takes a little time to build barrels "and that there is no evidence to sus­ seven (37) of mortgages on page One tain any of the charges of the contest­ hundred fifty-nine (159) on the 7th day and a little more time to make them good—and we of January A. D. 1904, on which- mort­ ant with regard to the general elec­ gage there is due at the date hereof do not send out any barrels that are not -first class. tion." tor principal, interest and taxes jjaid the sum of Four Thousand Nine Hun-- dred Seventy-five and No-100 ($4975.00) Call or write your orders to Poverty is inconvenient and ignor- Dollars and an Attorney Fee of Thirty- The Boyne City plant. aace is a great handicap but only tact­ five and No-100 (135.00) Dollars pro­ lessness is utterly ruinous. ^_ vided by law, and ho suit or proceed­ ings at law or in equity having been The past is supposed to be dead but had to recover said sum or any part there are a lot of people in the world thereof. Crozed Stave Corporation whose chief happiness comes from Now, therefore, notice is -..hereby digging it up like a. dog digs up a given that, by virtue of the power of buried bone. sale in said mortgage contained apd in pursuance of the statute in-such case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the pre­ mises therein described at public auc­ tion or vendue to the highest bidder at the outer, easterly front door of the' Court House at the City of Charlevoix, County of Charlevoix and State of .Michigan, said Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court with­ in the said County, on the 31st day of IbrBreadBiscuits-Cakes December,. A. D. 1921, at ten o'clock in DENTIST the forenoon; the description of the Morning, Noon and Night Office Hours: 8:00 to. 12:00 a. m. said premises contained in said mort­ FLOUR 1:00 to 5:00. p. iB. gage is as follows: Evening* by Appointment. Cot Three (3)'of Section Twenty- The Office, Second Floor of Kimball Block. nine (29); Lots One and Two (1 and*2) and the East one-half (E%) of the '•Ask"Your Dealer For It." Northeast quarter (NE%) and the Southwest quarter ""(SYV}£) of the Dining Room »•••••»••••••••»•••t•••••• Northeast quarter (NE%) of Section If the dollar is the standard by which There is such a thing as a hard-work­ Thirty-two (32); Lots One and Two Is the most intimate meeting place of the Ivhole fam­ you measure others, don't be surprised ing loafer. There-isn't much harder XI and 2) and the East-one-half (EX) ily. It is the symbol of hospitality between host and if others measure you by the penny of the Southeast quarter JSE%) of£ec- 4 work than for an active man to be tion Thirty-one (31); all in township guest. The one, room where the. family, ^gathers standard. ' forced to loaf. But is any active man Thirty-four (34) North Range Eight (8) ever forced to loaf. Dr.Q.H.Prety West as per the United States survey morning, noon and night. It is no wonder the thereof and containing Four Hundred Three and 16-100'(403.16) acres, more housewife is particular about the furniture she selects Dentist or less,, being in the Township of Char­ levoix, County of Charlevoix, Michi­ for her Dining Room. -., Or. W.H. Parks Office Houra: gan. Physician and Surgeon Hugh W. Dickeii 8 to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m , . Dated September 29th, 1921. ' And Evenings. / JOHN MUIR ^ Our Dining Rt)om Furniture Office soc'ond floor Kimball Blk„ Mortgagee. v next to Peoples Bank. - PfTysician and Surgeon Phone No. 223. • ' DWIGHT L. WILSON, is built with these exacting conditions in mind—made Phone 158—4 rings Attorney for Mortgagee, East Jordan, Mich, Phone No. 128 Office hours; 1:30 to 4:00 p. m. Business Address, to meet them,-and to give satisfaction in doing so. East Jordan, Michigan. 40-13 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Office Hours: Material, construction, design—in all these respects X-RAY In Office. M»»*l««W«K»M.ttt«««tl 4 11:00 to 12:00 a. m. Statement Of The Ownership you will find our line decidedly above the average. 2:00 to 4:00 and 7:00 to 9:00'p. m. Management, Circulation, etc of The Charlevoix County Hejald,* published weekly at East Jordan, Michigan, re­ John H. Albert quired by the act of August, 24,' 1912. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY.AND SERVICE. Editor and Publisher—G. A. Lisk, Chiropractic^Physician East Jordan, Mich. Dr. F.P.Ramsey; Postoffice Building :, Charlevoix Owner—G. -A. Lisk, East Jordan, Dr. Flora V. , Mich. , Physician and Surgeon. < Woodward Tibbits Known bondholders, mortgages, or other security holders, holding one per Graduate of College of Phyaiciana and < Ghronio Diseases. cent or more of total amount of bonds, BamberWatson Sur|eoni of the Uaireraitr of ! -Consultation. Only. mortgages, or other securities—State* IlliMil. Bank of East Jordan. FURNITURE DEALERS < Suite I. Masonic Temple (Signed) G. A. LisTc, " Frank Phillips Publisher. OFFICE K. JL LUMBER CO. BLOCK , BOYNE CITY, - - MICH. 1<. G. WATSON, Funeral Director. Phone 66 . EtMfwira., Mich, * Tomorial ArtUt. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Hours:—10:00 to 12:00. 2:00 to 5.-00. 30th day of Septemberr-1921. • PfcoM No. 1M LEROYSHERMAN, East Jordan—The Best City Of Its Size In Michigan. Residence, 441 State St. ' When in need of anything in my line UtrfMrfMrii. Notary Public. «*11 in tod tee m«. My Communion expire* July, 23, 1924. •f

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