SETI INSTITUTE Activity Report 2 2018 1

Q2 2018 Activity Report

Cover: Non-human communication on Earth and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Credits: Background planetary ocean by Martz90 (free wallpaper). Rapunzle Whale credit and copyright: Fred Sharpe, Alaska Whale Foundation, with permission. 2

Peer-Reviewed Publications (only in press or published) 1. Aerts C, Bowman DM, Simon-Diaz S, Buysschaert B, Johnston C, et al., including Huber (2018). K2 Photometry and HERMES Spectroscopy of the BlueSupergiant ρ Leo: Rotational Wind Modulation and Low-frequency Waves. MNRAS 476, 1234-1241. 2. Becker, TM, Retherford, KD, Roth, L, Hendrix, AR, McGrath, MA, and Saur, J (2018) The Far-UV Albedo of Europa From HST Observations, J. Geophys. Res., doi: 10.1029/2018JE005570 3. Bishop, JL (2018). Chapter 3. Remote detection of phyllosilicates on Mars and implications for climate. In: From Habitability to Life on Mars (Cabrol, N.A. and EA Grin, eds.). Elsevier, 37- 63, in press. 4. Cabrol, NA and EA Grin, Eds (2018). Habitability and Life on Mars, Elsevier, 371 pp. In press. 5. Cabrol, NA, EA Grin, P. Zippi, N. Nofdke, and D. Winter (2018). Chapter 6. Evolution of Altiplanic lakes at the Pleistocene/Holocene transition: A window into Early Mars declining habitability. In: Habitability and Life on Mars, (Cabrol, NA and EA Grin, Eds.), Elsevier, 153-178, in press. 6. Cabrol, NA, EA Grin, JL Bishop, SL Cady, N. Hinman, J. Moersch, N. Nofdke, C. Phillips, P. Sobron, D. Summers, K. Warren-Rhodes, and DS Wettergreen (2018). Concluding Remarks: Bridging strategic knowledge gaps in the search for biosignatures on Mars – A blueprint. In: From Habitability to Life on Mars (Cabrol, N.A. and EA Grin, eds.). Elsevier, 349-360, in press. 7. Cady, SL, JR Skok, VG Gulick, JA Berger, and NW Hinman (2018). Siliceous hot spring deposits: Why they remain key astrobiological targets. In: From Habitability to Life on Mars (Cabrol, N.A. and EA Grin, eds.). Elsevier, 179-210, in press. 8. Cartwright RJ, Emery J, Pinilla-Alonso N, Lucas, MP, Trilling DE, and Rivkin AS (2018). Red material on the large moons of Uranus: Dust from irregular satellites? Icarus, in press. 9. Cody AM and Hillenbrand LA (2018). The Many-faceted Light Curves of Young Disk- bearing Stars in Upper Sco and ρ Ophiucus Observed with K2 Campaign 2. Astron. J., in press. 10. Curtis JL, Vandenburg A, Torres G, Kraus AL, Huber D, et al. (2018). K2-231 b: A Sub- Neptune Exoplanet Transiting a Solar Twin in Reprecht 147. Astron. J. 155, article id. 173, 17pp. 11. David TJ, Crossdield IJM, Benneke B, Petigura EA, Gonzales EJ, et al., including Cody AM (2018). Three Small Planets Transiting the Bright Young Field Star K2-233. Astron. J. 155, article id.222, 9pp. 3

12. Dharmawardena TE, Kemper F, Scicluna P, Wouterloot JGA, Trejo A, et al., including Cami J, (2018). Extended Dust Emission from Nearby Evolved Stars. MNRAS, in press. 10.1093/mnras/sty1422. 13. Dobrovolskis AR, and Korycansky DG (2018). Internal Gravity, Self-energy, and Disruption of Comets and Asteroids. Icarus 303, 234-250. 14. Elyajouri, M., Lallement, R., Cox, N. L. J., Cami, J., Cordiner, M. A., et al. (2018) “The EDIBLES survey. III. C2-DIBs and their prodiles”, Astronomy & Astrophysics, in press. 15. Esposito, Thomas M., Gaspard Duchêne, Paul Kalas, Malena Rice, Élodie Choquet, Bin Ren, Marshall D. Perrin, et al. including F. Marchis 2018. Direct Imaging of the HD 35841 Debris Disk: A Polarized Dust Ring from Gemini Planet Imager and an Outer Halo from HST/STIS. eprint arXiv:1806.02904. 16. Esselstein, R. Suzanne Aigrain, Andrew Vanderburg, Jeffrey C. Smith, Soren Meibom, et al., The K2 M67 Study: Establishing the Limits of Stellar Rotation Period Measurements in M67 with K2 Campaign 5 Data, 2018, ApJ, 859, 2, 10.3847/1538-4357/aac20e/pdf 17. Fenton, LK, *Carson, HC, and Michaels, TI (2018) Climate forcing of ripple migration and crest alignment in the last 400 kyr in Meridiani Planum, Mars, J. Geophys. Res., doi: 10.1002/2017JE005503. Note that HC Carson is a student. 18. Forsythe, J.G., English, S.L., Simoneaux, R.E. , Weber, A.L. Synthesis of β-Peptide Standards for Use in Model Prebiotic Reactions. Orig Life Evol Biosph (2018). https:// 19. Greenbaum, Alexandra Z., Laurent Pueyo, Jean-Baptiste Rufdio, Jason J. Wang, Robert J. De Rosa, Jonathan Aguilar, Julien Rameau, et al. including F. Marchis 2018. GPI spectra of HR 8799 c, d, and e from 1.5 to 2.4$\mu$m with KLIP Forward Modeling. The Astronomical Journal, Volume 155, Issue 6, article id. 226, 20 pp. (2018). 155. doi: 10.3847/1538-3881/aabcb8. 20. Häder, H.-P. and NA Cabrol (2018). UV and life adaptation potential on Early Mars: Lessons from extreme terrestrial analogs. In: From Habitability to Life on Mars (Cabrol, N.A. and EA Grin, eds.). Elsevier, 233-248, in press. 21. Lallement R, Cox NLJ, Cami J, Smoker J, et al. (2018). The EDIBLES survey. II. The d e te c t a b i l i t y o f C 6 0 + b a n d s . Astron. Astrophys. 614, A 2 8 , d o i : 10.1051/0004-6361/201832647. . Lock SJ, Stewart ST, Petaev MI, Leinhardt Z, Mace MT, Jacobsen SB, and Cuk M (2018). The Origin of the Moon Within a Terrestrial Synestia. JGR 123, 910-951. 22. Lupisella, ML and MS Race (2018). Low-Latency teleoperation, Planetary protection and Astrobiology, International Journal of Astrobiology, 17(3), 239-246, 10.1017/S1473550417000374. 4

international-journal-of-astrobiology/article/lowlatency-teleoperations-planetary- protection-and-astrobiology/8A76F273DFEA75E5144464FB21ED2991 23. Miller, HM, LE Mayhew, ET Ellison, P Kelemen, MD Kubo, et al. (2018). Low temperature hydrogen production during experimental hydration of partially-serpentinized dunite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 209, 161-183, 24. Morley, Caroline V., Andrew J. Skemer, Katelyn N. Allers, Mark. S. Marley, Jacqueline K. Flaherty, et al., including Richard S. Freedman, An L Spectrum of the Coldest Brown Dwarf, ApJ, 858:97, 2018 May 10 25. Nesvold, Erika R., Adam Greenberg, Nicolas Erasmus, Elmarie van Heerden, J. L. Galache, Eric Dahlstrom, and Franck Marchis. 2018. The Dedlector Selector: A Machine Learning Framework for Prioritizing Hazardous Object Dedlection Technology Development. Acta Astronautica, Volume 146, p. 33-45. 146: 33–45. doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2018.01.049. 26. Ortiz, E, M Tominaga, D Cardace, MO Schrenk, et al., including MD Kubo (2018) Geophysical Characterization of Serpentinite Hosted Hydrogeology at McLaughlin Natural Reserve, Coast Range Ophiolite. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 19(1), 10.1002/2017GC007001 27. Pajola M, Roush T, Dalle Ore C, Marzo GA, and Simioni E (2018). Phobos MRO/CRISM Visible and Near-infrared (0.5-2.5 micron) Spectral Modeling. Plan. Space Sci. 154, 63-71. 28. Rebull LM, Stauffer JR, Cody AM, Hillenbrand LA, David TJ, and Pinsonneault M (2018). Rotation of Low-mass Stars in Upper Scorpius and ρ Ophiuchus with K2. Astron. J. 155, article id.196, 31pp. 29. Rummel, JD and C Conley (2018). Inadvertently dinding Earth contamination on Mars should not be a priority for anyone. Astrobiology, 18, 108-115. 2017.1785. 30. Rummel, JD and G. Kminek (2018). It’s time to develop a new ‘‘Draft Test Protocol’’ for a Mars sample return mission (or two). Astrobiology, 18, 377-380. 2018.1823. 31. Rymer A, Mandt K, Hurley D, Lisse C, Izenber N, et al., including Estrada PR (2018). Solar System Ice Giants: Exoplanets in our Backyard. Exoplanet Science Strategy White Paper, submitted to the National Academies of Sciencesm Engineering and Medicine, Space Studies Board, March 2018. 32. Shannon MJ, Peeters E, Cami J, and Blommaert JADL (2018). Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission Toward the Galactic Bulge. Astrophys. J. 855, 32, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aaae06. 5

33. Simpson JP (2018). Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph Observations of the Galactic Center: Quantifying the Extreme Ultraviolet/Soft X-ray Fluxes. Astrophys. J. 857, article id. 59, 34. Siebenmorgen R, Voshchinnikov NV, Bagnulo S, Cox NLJ, Cami J, et al. (2018). Large Interstellar Polarisation Survey. II. UV/optical study of cloud-to-cloud variations of dust in the diffuse ISM. Astron. Astrophys. 611, A5, DOI:10.1051/0004-6361/201731814. Note: This paper was chosen as the highlight for issue AA/2017/31814 ( 35. Silva Aguirre V, Bojsen-Hansen M, Slumstrup D, Casagrande L, Kawata D, et al., including Huber D (2018). Condirming Chemical Clocks: Asteroseismic Age Dissection of the Milky Way Disc(s). MNRAS 475, 5487-5500. 36. Spahn F, Hoffmann H, Rein H, Seiss M, Sremcevic M, and Tiscareno MS (2018). Moonlets in dense planetary rings. In Tiscareno MS and Murray CD, eds., Planetary Ring Systems: Properties, Structure, Evolution. Cambridge University Press, 157–197. 37. Spry, JA (2018). “Three Faces of Martian Dust: Dust for Cover, Dust to Breathe, and Dust Everywhere” Book Chapter, in: Dust in the Atmosphere of Mars and its Impact on Human Exploration (Eds. Joel S. Levine, Daniel Winterhalter and Russell L. Kerschmann, in press). 38. Spry, JA, MS Race, G. Kminek, B Siegel and C. Conley (2018). Planetary Protection Knowledge Gaps for Future Mars Human Missions: Stepwise Progress in Identifying and Integrating Science and Technology Needs, In Proceedings of International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Albuquerque NM, in press. 39. Stucky, TR , D Bergman, BJ Glass & AI Davé (2018). Autonomous Regolith Extraction using Real-Time Diagnostics and Dynamic Plan Execution for 1 Meter Class Interplanetary Rotary-Percussive Drills, ASCE Earth and Space 2018, p.256. 40. Telfer, M.W., E.J.R. Parteli, J. Radebaugh, R. A. Beyer, T. Bertrand, et al. (2018). Dunes on Pluto. Science. Vol. 360, Issue 6392, pp. 992-997. DOI: 10.1126/science.aao2975 41. Thompson, S. E., Coughlin, J. L., Mullally, F., Burke, C. J., Bryson, S., et al. including Caldwell, D. A., Clarke, B. D., Li, J., Morris, R. L., Smith, J. C., Twicken, J. D., Van Cleve, J. E., Wohler, B, Doyle, L., Tenenbaum, P. (2018) Planetary Candidates Observed by . VIII. A Fully Automated Catalog with Measured Completeness and Reliability Based on Data Release 25, ApJS, 235:38 42. Thompson SE, Coughlin JL, Hoffman K, Mullaly F, Christiansen JL, et al., including Huber D (2018). Planetary Candidates Observed by Kepler. VIII. A Fully Automated Catalog with Measured Completeness and Reliability Based on Data Release 25. Astrophys. J. Supp. 235, article id. 38, 49pp. 43. Tiscareno MS and Murray CD, eds. (2018). Planetary Ring Systems: Properties, Structure, Evolution. Cambridge University Press, 582pp. 6

44. Tiscareno MS and Murray CD (2018). The future of planetary ring studies. In Tiscareno MS and Murray CD, eds., Planetary Ring Systems: Properties, Structure, Evolution. Cambridge University Press, 577–580. 45. Tiscareno MS and Harris BE (2018). Mapping spiral waves and other radial features in Saturn’s rings. Icarus, in press. 46. Tiscareno MS and Hedman MM (2018). A review of Morlet wavelet analysis of radial structure in Saturn’s rings. Philosophical Transactions A, in press. 47. Twicken, JD, Catanzarite, JH, Clarke, BD, Girouard, F, Jenkins, JM, et al., including Li, J, Tenenbaum, P, Wohler, B, Caldwell, DA, (2018). Kepler Data Validation I— Architecture, Diagnostic Tests, and Data Products for Vetting Transiting Planet Candidates, PASP, Volume 130, Issue 988, pp. 064502, 10.1088/1538-3873/ aab694. 48. Twing, KI, WJ Brazelton, MDY Kubo, AJ Hyer, D Cardace, et al. (2017). Serpentinization- indluenced groundwater harbors extremely low diversity microbial communities adapted to high pH. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 308. 49. Yant M, KE Young, AD Rogers, AC McAdam, JE Bleacher, JL Bishop, et al. (2018). Visible, Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Spectral Characterization of Hawaiian Fumarolic Alteration near Kilauea’s December 1974 Flow: Implications for Spectral Discrimination of Alteration Environments on Mars. American Mineralogist, 103, 11-25. https:// near-infrared-and-mid-infrared-spectral?redirectedFrom=fulltext 50. Yu J, Huber D, Bedding TR, Stello D, Hon M, Murphy SJ, and Khanna S (2018). Asteroseismology of 16000 Kepler Red Giants: Global Oscillation Parameters, Masses, and Radii. Astrophys. J. Supp. 236, article id.42, 18pp. 7

Book in Press From Habitability to Life on Mars – Nathalie A. Cabrol and Edmond A. Grin, Editors.

Table of Contents: • Foreword by Carl Pilcher • Chapter 1. Habitability as a Tool in Astrobiological Exploration. Jack Farmer • Chapter 2. An Origin of Life on Mars? André Brack • Chapter 3. Remote Detection of Phyllosilicates on Mars and Implications for Climate and Habitability. Janice L. Bishop • Chapter 4. Martian Habitability as Inferred From Landed Mission Observations. Raymond E. Arvidson, Jeffrey G. Catalano. • Chapter 5. Archean Lakes as Analogues for Habitable Martian Paleoenvironments. David Timothy Flannery, Roger Everett Summons, Malcolm Ross Walter • Chapter 6. Evolution of Altiplanic Lakes at the Pleistocene/Holocene Transition: A Window Into Early Mars Declining Habitability, Changing Habitats, and Biosignatures. Nathalie A. Cabrol, Edmond A. Grin, Pierre Zippi, Nora Nofdke, Diane Winter • Chapter 7. Siliceous Hot Spring Deposits: Why They Remain Key Astrobiological Targets. S.L. Cady, J.R. Skok, V.G. Gulick, J.A. Berger, N.W. Hinman 8

• Chapter 8. Habitability and Biomarker Preservation in the Martian Near-Surface Radiation Environment. Luis Teodoro, Alfonso Davila, Richard C. Elphic, David Hamilton, Christopher McKay, Richard Quinn • Chapter 9. UV and Life Adaptation Potential on Early Mars: Lessons From Extreme Terrestrial Analogs. Donat-Peter Häder, Nathalie A. Cabrol • Chapter 10. Are Recurring Slope Lineae Habitable? Alfred S. McEwen • Chapter 11. The NASA Mars 2020 Rover Mission and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life. Kenneth H. Williford, Kenneth A. Farley, Kathryn M. Stack, Abigail C. Allwood, David Beaty, Luther W. Beegle, Rohit Bhartia, Adrian J. Brown, Manuel de la Torre Juarez, Svein-Erik Hamran, Michael H. Hecht, Joel A. Hurowitz, Jose A. Rodriguez-Manfredi, Sylvestre Maurice, Sarah Milkovich, Roger C. Wiens • Chapter12. Searching for Traces of Life With the ExoMars Rover. Jorge L. Vago, Andrew J. Coates, Ralf Jaumann, Oleg Korablev, Val_erie Ciarletti, Igor Mitrofanov, Jean-Luc Josset, Frances Westall, M. Cristina De Sanctis, Jean-Pierre Bibring, Fernando Rull, Fred Goesmann, William Brinckerhoff, François Raulin, Elliot Sefton-Nash, Håkan Svedhem, Gerhard Kminek, Daniel Rodionov, Pietro Baglioni, The ExoMars Team • Chapter 13. Concluding Remarks: Bridging Strategic Knowledge Gaps in the Search for Biosignatures on Mars — A Blueprint. Nathalie A. Cabrol, Edmond A. Grin, Janice Bishop, Sherry L. Cady, Nancy Hinman, Jeffrey Moersch, Nora Nofdke, Cynthia Phillips, Pablo Sobron, David Summers, Kimberley Warren-Rhodes, David S. Wettergreen 9

Conferences: Abstracts and Proceedings 1. Backman, DB, Clark, C, Harman, P, (4/10, 4/24, 5/8) EM Spectrum and Multi- wavelength Astronomy, webinar series for Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors 2. Backman, DB, (5/18) NASA SOFIA and IR Astronomy GLOBE Student Research Symposium, NASA Ames Research Center 60 students 3. Backman, DB, (6/5) NASA SOFIA and IR Astronomy MUREP Teacher Workshop, NASA Ames Research Center 55 teachers and 5 staff. 4. Backman, DB, Clark, C, Harman, P, (6/23) EM Spectrum and Multi-wavelength Astronomy Workshop for Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors, 14 educators. 5. Beaty, DW, MM Grady, HY McSween, E Sefton-Nash, BL Carrier et al. including JL Bishop, JA Spry (2018) Mars Returned Sample Science: Report of the iMOST Study. Presentation series at the 2nd International Mars Sample Return Conference, Berlin, April 2018. 6. Beyer, R.A., T. Hare, J. Radebaugh (2018). The Need for a Planetary Spatial Data Clearinghouse. Planetary Science Informatics and Data Analytics (PSIDA) Conference. Abstract #: 6067, April 24-26, 2018, Washington University, St Louis. 7. Beyer, R.A., J. R. Spencer, F. Nimmo, C. Bedding`ield, W.M. Grundy, et al. (2018). Charon’s Smooth Plains. Cryovolcanism in the Solar System Workshop. Abstract #2031, June 5-7, 2018, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX. 8. Bonaccorsi,, R., McKay, C.P., Willson, D., Zent, A.P., Davila, A., Stoker, C.R., Blacker, D. Scalice, D., DeVore, E., (2018). Engaging the Public with MarsFest Events in Death Valley National Park. Astrobiology Jamboree, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA. 9. Bousses, K., I. Hawes, D. Lim, D. T. Andersen, M. Belan, A. Brady, T. Mackey, and J. Biddle (2018), The Biological Role Associated with Microbialite Formation at Pavilion Lake, British Columbia, in 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, edited, Portland Oregon, USA. 10. Cabrol, N. A., Diamond, W. H., Altaf, N., Bishop, J., Cady, S. L., including Fenton, L., Warren-Rhodes, K. (2018) Advancing astrobiology through public/private partnerships: The FDL model, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XLVIX, 19-23 March, The Woodlands, TX, USA, Abst. #1275. 11. Cami J, Cox NLJ, Farhang A, Smoker J, Elyajouri M, et al. (2018). The ESO Diffuse Interstellar Band Survey (EDIBLES): First Results. Poster presented at “Cosmic Dust: origin, applications & implications”, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 11-15, 2018. 12. Clark, C, (4/3) NASA SOFIA and IR Astronomy, Mount Zion Intermediate School Mt. Zion, IL, Presentations to 25 sixth grade students and 4 teachers. 13. Cuk M, Hamilton D, and Stewart ST (2018). Early Dynamics of the Moon’s Core. Presented at the 49th DDA Meeting, San Jose, CA, id.#101.02. 10

14. Ertem, G (2018). Oral Presentation: Catalytic Role of Minerals for the Formation of RNA Oligomers. 55th Annual Meeting of The Clay Minerals Society, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL. 15. Ertem, G (2018). Oral Presentation: Role of Minerals in the Events Leading to the Origin of Life. 55th Annual Meeting of The Clay Minerals Society, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign, IL. 16. Faucher, B., D. Lacelle, W. Pollard, D. Fisher, D. Alfonso, M. B. Wilhelm, and D. T. Andersen (2018), Biogeochemistry of Lake Untersee Oasis, Queen Maud Land, Antarctica, in Polar 2018: Where the Poles come together, A SCAR & IASC Conference, edited, Davos, Switzerland. 17. Fenton, LK, HC Carson, TI Michaels (2018). Climate forcing of bedform migration and crest alignment on Mars: Where atmospheric modeling and morphometry meet, Mars Workshop on Amazonian Climate, Abstract# 4030, meetings/amazonian2018/pdf/4030.pdf 18. Gorti U (2018). The Physical and Chemical Evolution of Disks During Planet Formation. AAS Meeting #232, id.#212.01. 19. Gullikson, A. L., Hayward, R. K., Titus, T. N., Charles, H., Fenton, L. K., et al. (2018) Mars Global Digital Dune Database: Composition, thermal inertia, and stability, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XLVIX, 19-23 March, The Woodlands, TX, USA, Abst. #2304. 20. Haddaji, A, J.-L Fellous, G Kminek, J Brucato, D Margheritis, et al. including Spry, JA (2018) The International Planetary Protection Handbook. Abstract accepted as Poster for COSPAR 2018- PPP3 (Panel on Planetary Protection). 21. Harman, PK (4/28) Reaching for the Stars: NASA Science for Girl Scouts, Golden Gate Bridging event, interactive exhibit for Girl Scouts. 22. Harman, PK, (5/17) Girl Scout Stars at Girl Scouts Golden Gate Bridging, NASA SMD Nugget included in HQ communication packet. 23. Hoover, R. H., Robbins, S. J., Putzig, N. E., Fenton, L. K., Hayward, R., (2018) Examining thermal inertia of layered ejecta craters and southern hemisphere dunes on Mars, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XLVIX, 19-23 March, The Woodlands, TX, USA, Abst. #1811. 24.Jenkins, J. M., Caldwell, D. A., Davies, M., Li, Jie, Morris, R. L., et al., including Smith, J. L., Tenenbaum, P., Twicken, J. D., Wohler, B., (2018), Status of the TESS Science Processing Operations Center, AAS #232, 120.06. 25. Jeute TJ, LL Baker, JL Bishop, Z Abidin & EB Rampe (2018) Characterizing nanophase materials on Mars: Spectroscopic studies of allophane and imogolite. Clay Minerals Society Annual Meeting, p. 119. CMS%202018%20Program%20%20Abstracts%20medium%20(2).pdf 11

26. Jin, M., Liu, W., Cheung, M., Nitta, N., Manchester, W.B. et al. (2018). “Global Magnetohydrodynamics Simulation of EUV Waves and Shocks from the X8.2 Eruptive Flare on 2017 September 10”, TESS Meeting, Abstract ID: 319.05. 27. Jin, M., Petrosian, V., Liu, W., Nitta, N., Omodei N. et al. (2018). “Data-driven Simulations of Magnetic Connectivity in Behind-the-Limb Gamma-ray Flares and Associated Coronal Mass Ejections”, AOGS Meeting, Abstract ID: ST02-A024. 28. Johnson, E, N Lerma, O Marcu, el al (2018). In dlight miRNA isolation and recovery on the ISS, ASGSR (Amrican Society for Gravitational and Space Research) Annual Meeting. 29. Lafuente Valverde, B, DF Blake, TF Bristow, GW Cooper, CE Dateo, et al. including MD Kubo (2018). What is the Astrobiology Habitable Environment Database (AHED)? 4D Workshop: Deep-time Data Driven Discovery and the Evolution of Earth, p. 16. 30. Li, G., Zhao, L., and Jin, M. (2018). “Comparing Shock Geometry from MHD Simulation to that from the Q/A-Scaling Analysis”, AOGS Meeting, Abstract ID: ST02-A021. 31. Li J, DA Caldwell, JM Jenkins, JD Twicken, B Wohler et al. (2018). Photometer Performance Assessment in the TESS SPOC Pipeline, AAS 232nd Meeting, Abstract No. 120.03. 32. Lupisella, M, et al., including MS Race (2018). NASA Exploration Science Forum (June 26-28, 2018), "Apollo Environment Sampling: A 50 Year Experiment", NASA Ames. 33. Manchester, W.B., Jin, M., van der Holst, B., and Sokolov, I. (2018). “MHD Modeling of ICMEs and Heliosphere Disturbances with Application to Space Weather Forecasting (Invited)”, TESS Meeting, Abstract ID: 411.03. 34. Marchis, F. (2018). Project Blue: Optical Coronagraphic Imaging Search for Terrestrial- class Exoplanets around Alpha Centauri A and B Special Session SS27, The Alpha Centauri system as a benchmark for stellar and planetary system, EWASS 2018, Liverpool 2-6 April 2018 35. Nitta, N., Hurlburt, N., and Jin, M. (2018). “Possible Scenario to Effectively Improve Space Weather Predictions from Space-based Observations”, TESS Meeting, Abstract ID: 416.05. 36. Paganelli, F., Conrad, A. 2018. Ground Observation of Asteroids at Mission ETA. Planetary Science Informatics and Data Analytics (PSIDA) Conference. Abstract #: 6032, April 24-26, 2018, Washington University, St Louis. 37.Race, MS (2018). Exploration, Space Activities & Public Decision Making, Examining Real World Challenges, SoCIA Conference, Univ. of Nevada, Reno. 38. Race, MS, JA Spry, B Siegel, G Kminek, CA Conley (Eds.) and COSPAR Workshop Participants (2018). Incremental Progress towards Developing Planetary Protection Requirements for Human Missions: Overview of Recent Workshops, Findings and Plans. Abstract accepted for the 42nd COSPAR Scientigic Assembly, for the Panel on Planetary Protection, Pasadena, CA, 2018. 12

39. Race, M.S., Spry J.A. and Rummel, J.D. June 2018 -- Selected Panel Coordinator for AGU Fall Meeting: Dec 2018 meeting in Washington DC. Tackling Far Out Challenges in Science Research, Policy Formation and Societal Concerns: Stepwise Progress in Astrobiology Research, Planetary Protection and Mars Mission Planning 40. Rampe EB, RV Morris, DW Ming, TF Bristow, CN Achilles, JL Bishop, et al. (2018) Alteration of volcanic sediments on Mars and the formation of clay minerals and X-ray amorphous materials. Clay Minerals Society Annual Meeting, p.195. http:// CMS%202018%20Program%20%20Abstracts%20medium%20(2).pdf 41. Ricca, A, J Roser, J Chiar, E Peeters, and X Tielens (2018). PAH Infrared Spectroscopy in the JWST Era: a computational and laboratory study, Sixth Annual Space Science & Astrobiology Division Science Jamboree, poster AP.5 https:// Final.pdf 42. Roser, J, A Ricca, C Dalle Ore, and D Cruikshank (2018). Ammonia on Charon: Laboratory Optical Constants of Ammonia Hydrates to Support New Horizons Observations, Sixth Annual Space Science & Astrobiology Division Science Jamboree, poster PS.2, 2017/12/6th-SS-Jamboree-booklet-Final.pdf 43. Simpson JP, Colgan S, Cotera A, Kaufman M, and Stolovy S (2018). SOFIA FIFI-LS Observations of Sgr B1, American Astronomical Society AAS Meeting 321, 237.01 44. Smith, JC, Caldwell, DA, Davies, MD, Jenkins, JM, Li, J, et al. including Morris, RL, Rose, M., Tenenbaum, P,. Twicken, JD, Wohler, B, (2018). The TESS Transiting Planet Search Predicted Recovery and Reliability Rates, AAS #232, 120.05. 45. Spry, JA (2018). “Planetary Protection Objectives for Mars Mission Concepts of the Next Decade” Poster presented at the 36th MEPAG Meeting in Washington DC, April 2018. 46. Spry, JA, MS Race, LM Pratt, B Siegel (2018). Planetary Protection for Human Missions to Mars: A Forward Look. Abstract accepted for the 42nd COSPAR Scientigic Assembly, for the Panel on Planetary Protection, Pasadena, CA, 2018. 47. Spry, JA and B Siegel (2018). “Mars Sample Return as a Feed-Forward into Planetary Protection for Crewed Missions to the Martian Surface”, Poster presented at the 2nd International Mars Sample Return Conference, Berlin, April 2018. 48. Summers, D, R Quinn, V Gulick (2018). Mid-IR spectroscopy of perchlorates. Abstract accepted for the 42nd COSPAR Scientigic Assembly, in the Mars Habitability section, Pasadena, CA, 2018. 49. Summers, D, and T Boone (2018). Microbial contamination detection at low levels by [125]I radiolabeling. Abstract accepted for the 42nd COSPAR Scientigic Assembly, in the Mars Habitability section, Pasadena, CA, 2018. 13

50. Tiscareno MS (5/15/18) gave the monthly lecture for the San Francisco Amateur Astronomers at the Presidio in San Francisco. 51. Tiscareno MS (11/13/18) will speak about Cassini for the Community Tuesdays event at the Palo Alto Jewish Community Center. 52. Twicken, JD, Caldwell, DA, Davies, MD, Jenkins, JM, Li, J, et al., including Morris, RL, Smith, JC, Tenenbaum, P, Wohler, B, (2018). Characterization and Validation of Transiting Planets in the TESS SPOC Pipeline, AAS #232, 120.04. 53. Weisleitner, K., A. Perras, C. Moissl-Eichinger, D. T. Andersen, and B. Sattler (2018), Microbial Communities along Consecutively Connected Habitats in East Antarctica (Poster), in Polar 2018: Where the Poles come together, A SCAR & IASC Conference, edited, Davos, Switzerland. 54. Willson, D., Bonaccorsi, R., Gold, R. Adams, E., Thomson, S., Slone, D. Mathias, D. Koehne, J.and McKay, C.P. (2018). Testing Ice Collection For Europa & Enceladus Plume Fly- Through Missions. Astrobiology Jamboree, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 14

Technical Reports & Data Releases 1. Cox NLJ, Cami J, Farhang A, Smoker J, Monreal-Ibero A, et al. (2018). Vizier Online Data Catalog: The ESO DIB Large Exploration Survey (Cox+, 2017). Vizier Online Data Catalog: J/A+A/606/A76. Originally published in: 2017A&A…606A..76C http:// 2. Kminek G, BC Clark, CA Conley, MA Jones, M Patel, MS Race, MA Rucker, O Santolik, B Siegel & JA Spry (Eds.) (2018) Report of the COSPAR Workshop on Regining Planetary Protection Requirements for Human Missions: accessible at https:// Report+COSPAR+workshop+redining+planetary+protection+requirements+for+human +missions+dinal20180424.pdf 3. Kostov, V. "Compiled a benchmark catalog of uniformly vetted K2 planet candidates using the automated pipeline DAVE. The publicly-available catalog is under development and publication is in preparation. The preliminary results are hosted at" 4. National Park Service (DEVA) - Weather Data report February-April 2018 Bonaccorsi, R., 2018, Weather Data report for Scotty’s Castle and Grapevine Housing Stations: Rainfall amount, frequency and intensityRymer, A. Abigail, Kathleen Mandt, Dana Hurley, Carey Lisse, Noam Izenberg, including Flora Paganelli, 2018. Solar System Ice Giants: Exoplanets in our Backyard. 5. Rummel JD, MS Race, and JA Spry (2018). Planetary Protection: A Cross-Cutting Concern, and a Necessity for Basic and Exploration-Driven Research in Astrobiology. White paper for the SSB Committee on the Astrobiology Science Strategy for the Search for Life in the Universe. 6. Spry JA, MS Race, G Kminek, B Siegel and C Conley (2018). COSPAR 2016 Workshop Report - Planetary Protection Knowledge Gaps for Future Mars Human Missions: Stepwise Progress in Identifying and Integrating Science and Technology Needs. 7. Tarter JC, JD Rummel, A Siemion, M Rees, C Maccone, and G Hellbourg (2018). Three Versions of the Third Law: Technosignatures and Astrobiology. White paper for the SSB Committee on the Astrobiology Science Strategy for the Search for Life in the Universe. 15

Popular Publications/Web Stories/ Other Media / Interviews 1. Bonaccorsi, R., "Xenolinguistics" in DIAPHANES magazine, Issue 4, April 2018. Interview about Xenolinguistics and communicating with aliens. http:// 2. Busch MW (4/19), Interviewed on 3/30 by Francie Diep, Pacidic Standard magazine, regarding efforts to address the asteroid impact hazard. Article published 4/19: https:// 3. Cabrol, NA. Big Picture Science, “Imagining Planets”. Radio Interview with Molly Bentley, June 4, 2018. 4. Cabrol, NA. D. La Repubblica (Italy): Nathalie Cabrol, astrobiologa, tra Terra e Marte, May 12, 2018. 5. Cabrol, NA. Radio Interview, The Space Show, hosted by David Livingston, May 7, 2018. 6. Cabrol, NA. Mars Exploration Panel, Breakthrough Discuss Conference, April 12, 2018. 7. Cabrol, NA. New York Times “Voyages” Sunday Edition. In Her Orbit, story by Helen Macdonald. 8. Cabrol, NA. Several “Spacebook Live” for the SETI Institute. 9. Cami J, Cox NLJ, Farhang A, Smoker J, Elyajouri M, et al. (2018). “The ESO Diffuse Interstellar Band Large Exploration Survey (EDIBLES)”, ESO Messenger 171, 31. DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5066. ( toc.html?v=171&m=Mar&y=18) 10. Cami J (2018) The Sound of Science, research interview for Western Radio, https:// 11. Harman, PK. (5/17) SETI Institute Education, CosmoQuest Daily Space interview. 12. Harman, PK. opportunity-waiting-high-rock-tower-observatory-4742.html 13. Harman, PK. observatory/759063105 14. Marchis, F. Facebook live from EWASS with astronomers who study the Alpha Centauri system. 15. Marchis, F. Facebook live from the Archery with Elliot Gillum on Laser SETI https:// 16. SETI Talk with David Stork on HAL's Legacy: 2001's Computer as Dream and Reality 16

17. McGrath, MA, interview by New York Times, 5/10/2018, 2018/05/14/science/europa-plumes-water.html 18. McGrath, MA, interview by National Geographic 5/11/2018, https:// nasa-space-science/ 19. Race MS (June/1). Interviewed for the Scientist: by reporter Andrea Yeager—upcoming article on Astrobiology, Planetary Protection and Mars Exploration. 20. Shostak, S. Space aliens could have died out long ago, scientist says,” NBC News, April 11, 2018. 21. Shostak, S. What can a gorilla teach us about the search for space aliens?” NBC News, April 20, 2018. about-search-space-aliens-ncna867481 22. Shostak, S. “Could space aliens on hefty super-Earths be trapped by their own gravity?” NBC News, May 6, 2018. hefty-super-earths-be-trapped-their-own-ncna871546 23. Shostak, S. “Could alien life exist in parallel universes?” NBC News, May 28, 2018. ncna876896 24. Shostak, S. “If space aliens are out there, why haven’t we found them?” NBC News, June 11, 2018. haven-t-we-ncna881951

25. Spry A (April/5) NASA Human Landing Site Study Lectures and Briedings: Google Hangout How Humans Will Accelerate Life Detection on Mars (Part 2, Featuring: Jennifer Eigenbrode (GSFC), Brian Glass (ARC), Chris McKay (ARC), Paul Niles (JSC), Andy Spry (NASAHQ/SETI Inst). google_hangout_life_detection_part_2_4-5-18_v2.pdf 26. Tiscareno MS (2018). Rings as a physics demonstration. Explorer, May issue, 8–10. 17

Invitation to Speak (Professional and Public) 1. Dale Andersen: Invited Panelist at the Breakthrough Initiatives, 2018 Breakthrough Discuss Conference. Panel One: Search for Life in our Solar System. April 12-13, 2018, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 2. Bishop JL (April/25). High Priority Subaerial Environments Needed for Mars Sample Return. Berlin, Germany, Second International Mars Sample Return Conference. 3. Bishop JL (April/25). High Priority Subaerial Environments Needed for Mars Sample Return. Berlin, Germany, Second International Mars Sample Return Conference. 4. Bishop JL (June/21). The Surface of Mars: Mineralogy as an indicator of water, geochemistry and surface processes. Seminar for SETI –NASA Summer Intern Program, SETI Institute. 5. Bishop JL (June/28). Formation of Surface Clays via Short-Term Warmer and Wetter Climate Excursions on a Largely Cold Ancient Mars, Chang Conference Room, NASA Ames. 6. Cabrol, NA. Invited in June by the John W. Kluge Center to be part of a panel at the Library of Congress in September 2018. 7. Cabrol, NA. (May 2018). Update of the SETI Institute Carl Sagan Center to the Science Advisory Board. 8. Cabrol, NA. (June 19). Astrobiology: Habitability and Life Beyond Earth. Seminar for SETI –NASA Summer Intern Program (REU), SETI Institute. 9. Cabrol, NA. (June 16). Drake Award Panel, SRI, Menlo Park. 10. Cabrol, NA. (June 15). Update of the SETI Institute Carl Sagan Center to the Board of Trustees. 11. Cabrol, NA. (June 12). Update of the SETI Institute Carl Sagan Center at the All Hands Meeting. 12. Busch MW (2018 May 20), "#TeamRadar: Radar Astronomy and Near-Earth Asteroids", public outreach talk for Astronomy on Tap San Jose. 13. Busch MW (2018 May 30), “Near-Earth Asteroids and Spacecraft Missions”, public outreach talk for San Francisco Amateur Astronomers. (2018 June 30), talk reprised for Taste of Science Peninsula in Redwood City. (2018 July 28), talk reprised for East Bay Astronomical Society. 14. Cami J (Jan 26, 2018), The Hidden Life of Cosmic Fullerenes, San Diego, invited talk at the Pacidic Conference on Spectroscopy and Dynamics. 15. Cami J (Jan 19, 2018), Are We Alone?, London, ON, public talk at the monthly meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Hume Cronyn Memorial Observatory. 18

16. Cami J (Feb 1, 2018), Are We Alone?, London, ON, seminar talk for all undergraduate physics students at Western University. 17. Cami J (Mar 20—Apr 3, 2018), Are We Alone?, Lecture tour for the Canadian Association of Physicists, with lectures given at the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton; St.- Francis Xavier University, Antigonish; Mount Allison University, Sackville; Saint-Mary’s University, Halifax; Laurentian University, Sudbury. 18. Cami J (May 25, 2018) “The ESO Diffuse Interstellar Band Survey (EDIBLES): First Results” contributed talk at the Canadian Astronomical Society Annual General Meeting, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 22-26, 2018. 19. Cami J (June 13, 2018) “From Molecules to Dust (and back)”, invited review talk at “Cosmic Dust: origin, applications & implications”, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 11-15, 2018. 20. Cody AM (2018). Appeared on NPR’s Blue Dot podcast. 21. Cody AM (2018). Producing cartoons depicting the K2 Mission's observing campaigns, and with the latest one for Campaign 18 was recently published: focus-on-star-clusters 22. Diamond, W. Space Tech Expo, Pasadena, CA, May 24, 2018 Invited speaker at Open Tech Forum presenting the NASA FDL AI/ML Research Accelerator 23. Diamond, W. Dawn of Private Space Science, Columbia University, New York, NY, June 3, 2018 Invited talk: Space Science and Machine Learning – NASA’s Frontier Development Lab at the SETI Institute 24. Diamond, W. NASA FDL AI Boot Camp, NVIDIA Headquarters, June 26, 2018 Machine Learning for Space Science Research 25. Marchis, F. Astronomy Day at the California Academy of Sciences April 21. 26. Marchis, F. The SETI Search for exoplanets, San Mateo County Astronomical Society April 5

27. Marchis F. Science Operations at the SETI Institute, for the 4th workshop on Project Blue, Austin, TX, June 14. 28. Paganelli, Flora 2018. RADAR perspective on Titan. Rochester Institute of Technology (RTI), Rochester, NY (04/13/2018). 29. Paganelli, Flora 2018. Titan and Enceladus through RADAR. St. Lawrence College, Canton, NY (03/30/ 2018). 30. Paganelli Flora served on a NASA R&A review panel. 19

31. Race MS (May/7). Astrobiology & Searches for ET Life: A Behind the Scenes Look at Science & Space Exploration, North Adams High School, Seamen, OH. Invited Speaker: Special Event: Space Science. Assembly Presentations, Grades 9-12 (two sessions). 32. Race MS (May/7). All About SPACE - Our Place in the Universe & Searching for ET, North Adams Elementary School, Seamen, OH. Special Event, Assembly Presentations for Grades 5&6. 33. Race, M.S. June, Invited Speaker, Newark CA Public Library, “Life on Mars” – 2 programs- for children’s and Adult programs (August 6, 2018) 34.Race MS (June/22). Planetary Protection and Astrobiology. Seminar for SETI –NASA Summer Intern Program, SETI Institute. 35.Roser J (April 4). Ammonia on Charon: Laboratory Optical Constants of Ammonia Hydrates to Support New Horizons Observations, Sixth Annual Space Science & Astrobiology Division Science Jamboree (1-day research conference for Space Science & Astrobiology Division at NASA-Ames Research Center). 36. Rummel JD (January/24). Accomplishing a Protocol for Mars Sample Biohazard Testing. Presentation to the Space Studies Board Committee on Extraterrestrial Sample Analysis Facilities, Remote to Houston, Texas. 37. Rummel JD (February/8). An Astrobiology and Planetary Protection Perspective on Sample Returns: Restricted, Unrestricted, and ‘Natural’ Missions. ISSI/Europlanet Workshop on the Role of Sample Return in Addressing Major Outstanding Questions in Planetary Sciences, Bern, Switzerland. 38. Rummel JD (April/23). Planetary Protection and Public Aspects of Space Resource Utilization. The Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group, Leiden, The Netherlands. 39. Rummel JD (April/25). It’s time to develop a new ‘‘Draft Test Protocol’’ for a Mars sample return mission (or two). 2nd International Mars Sample Return Conference, Berlin, Germany. 40. Rummel JD (May/22). Light in the Thermal Environments of an Ocean World: Groveling for Photons, or Living It Rich? Ocean Worlds 3, Houston, Texas. 41. SETI Institute Science Council (June 2018). Meeting of the Science Council at the Institute’s HQ in Mountain View. 42. Shostak, S. April 7, 2018. “Great Filters: Why We Don't Have Any Cosmic Company?” Contact Conference, Sunnyvale, CA 43. Shostak, S. April 12, 2018. “Great Filters and SETI,” NightLife, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA 44. Shostak, S. April 30, 2018. Videocast on SETI, with Ariel Waldman, San Francisco, CA 20

45. Shostak, S. May 1, 2018. “SETI”, Palo Alto Jewish Community Center, Palo Alto, CA 46. Shostak, S. May 4, 2018. “Looking for Life in the Cosmos,” Association of Computer Professionals in Education Annual Conference, Welches, Oregon 47. Shostak, S. May 10, 2018. “Life in the Cosmos,” The Villages, San Jose, CA 48. Shostak, S. May 20, 2018. “SETI”, lecture to Andor Corporation 49. Shostak, S. May 26, 27 2018 Four talks on astronomy and SETI, Starlight Festival, Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wisconsin 50. Shostak, S. May 30, 2018. “SETI”, Astronomy on Tap, San Jose, CA 51. Shostak, S. June 7, 2018. “SETI”, Mountain View Senior Center, Mountain View, CA 52. Shostak, S. June 7, 2018. Panelist at Quizotron, Piano Fight, San Jose, CA 53. Shostak, S. June 10, 2018. “Are We Being Visited?” SkeptiCal, Berkeley, CA 54. Shostak, S. June 12, 2018. “Science Searches for Life Elsewhere,” Pure Storage corporate event, Mountain View, CA. 55. Shostak, S. June 16, 2018. “What is Astrobiology?”, AlienCon, Pasadena, CA 56. Shostak, S. June 16, 2018. “Why Space?’ AlienCon, Pasadena, CA 57. Shostak, S. June 17, 2018. “What is SETI?” AlienCon, Pasadena, CA 58. Shostak, S. June 17, 2018. “Comets and Showers,” AlienCon, Pasadena, CA 59. Shostak, S. June 23 – July 1, 2018. Various talks, including keynote, astrobiology conference, New Zealand 60. Sobron P (May/31). Facebook Live Event, SETI Institute. 61. Sobron P (June/14). Facebook Live Event, SETI Institute. 62. Tiscareno MS (5/15/18) gave the monthly lecture for the San Francisco Amateur Astronomers at the Presidio in San Francisco. 63. Tiscareno MS (9/20/18) will give the joint Astronomy / Earth and Planetary Sciences department seminar at the University of California in Berkeley CA. 64. Tiscareno MS (9/24/18) will give the Physics department seminar at the University of Idaho in Moscow ID. 65. Tiscareno MS (11/13/18) will speak about Cassini for the Community Tuesdays event at the Palo Alto Jewish Community Center. 66. Tiscareno MS served as co-chair of the Local Organizing Committee for the 2018 meeting of the AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy, which took place in April in San 21

Jose CA. The meeting was attended by some 90 people, making it one of the largest DDA meetings ever, and all activities ran smoothly. 67. Tiscareno MS served on a NASA R&A review panel.

SETI Institute Outreach Activities SETI Talks: 1. Roving on Mars: Revving up for Future Exploration of the Red Planet, March 27, 2018 Bishop JL, Sobron P and Gulick VG 2. What are We Protecting Mars from – And Why do We Bother? April 19, 2018 Rummel JD and Zubrin R 3. HAL’s Legacy: 2001’s Computer as Dream and Reality, May 23, 2018 Stork D

Big Picture Science (new episodes): 1. Space: Why Go There? (March 5, 2018) 2. The X-Files (March 19, 2018) 3. Hawkingravity (April 2, 2018) 4. Skeptic Check: Political Scientist (April 16, 2018) 5. High Moon (April 23, 2018) 6. We Are VR (May 7, 2018) 7. You Are Exposed (May 14, 2018)

Facebook Live: 1. Live from the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, Liverpool, UK Hosted by Marchis, F (April 3, 2018) 2. Tribute to Edna DeVore, Hosted by Diamond, W with Harman, P (April 5, 2018) 3. Research Expedition to Chile, Hosted by Diamond, W with Cabrol, N (April 11, 2018) 4. A Visit with the Science Advisory Board, Hosted by Diamond, W (April 19, 2018) 5. What Would We Do If We Found a ?, with Shostak, S (April 26, 2018) 6. SETI Institute Update, with Diamond, W (May 2, 2018) 7. The Big Questions in Science, with Shostak, S and Bentley, M (May 9, 2018) 8. Chasing New Horizons, Hosted by Marchis, F with Grinspoon, D and Stern, A (May 15, 2018) 9. AstroReality, Hosted by Diamond, W with Skok, JR (May 23, 2018) 22

10.Exploring Deep Ocean Vent Systems, Drone-Based Robotic Sampling and Sensing, and Next-Gen Mars Rover Systems, Hosted by Diamond, W with Sobron, P (May 31, 2018)

Contribution to ongoing/planned missions 1. Bishop JL (2002-2018). Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM), Visible/near-infrared (VNIR) imager in orbit at Mars on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) and mapping surface composition at scales as dine as 18 meters per pixel. 2. Caldwell, D. A., Clarke, B. D., Coughlin, J. L., Wohler, B. (ongoing), Kepler/K2 Mission operations support, data processing support, science analysis support. 3. Caldwell, D. A., Li, J., Morris, R. L., Smith, J. C., Tenebaum, P., Twicken, J. D. (ongoing) TESS mission development, including release of dlight-ready science processing pipeline (May 2018), supporting spacecraft commissioning. 4. Europa Clipper: Melissa McGrath. 5. JUICE (ESA): Melissa McGrath 6. Marcu O (2017-ongoing). WetLab2, dirst facility to provide gene expression in space, on the International Space Station. Developing protocols and workdlow for plant automated extraction and processing. 7. Mars Exploration Rover – Nathalie A. Cabrol. 8. Mars Science Lab. Philippe Sarrazin. 9. MRO HiRISE: Ginny Gulick, Ross Beyer, Livio Tornabene 10. New Horizons: Mark Showalter, Ross Beyer, Cristina Dalle Ore, Oliver White, Chloe Beddingdield 11. Spry JA (2015-present) Mission support to the NASA Ofdice of Planetary Protection for the New Horizons, OSIRIS-Rex, Parker Solar Probe, ARTEMIS and Solar Orbiter missions

Contribution to mission planning/concepts 1. Marcu O. (April-ongoing). WetLab2, 1) demonstrating feasibility in SPM (Sample Prep Module); 2) providing justidication for future support of plant missions on the ISS; 3) provided science input for the need for hardware development for deep space mission. 2. Resource Prospector (now canceled): Ross Beyer. 3. Lunar Science and Technology Initiative. SETI Institute PIs - 23

4. Skok JR (2010-2018) SPRING Mission, Developing mission concept for search for evidence of life in Nili Patera Mars. Serving as PI. 5. Skok JR (2018) BRAILLE Mission, VNIR and cave science advising. 6. Skok JR (2006-2018) MVP-SEM Space electron microscope development. 7. Skok JR (2016-2018) Made of Mars ISRU tech development.

Other support to missions: 1. InSight Landing Site Selection and Certi`ication: Ross Beyer 2. SPICE training and certi`ication: Flora Paganelli

Telescope Observation Time 1. Busch, MW, as part of the Asteroid Radar Team: Asteroid Radar Observations, using Arecibo Observatory and the Goldstone Solar System Radar. 2. Busch, MW, “L-Band Observations of a Large Martian Dust Storm”, using the VLA. Observations took place on 2018 June 9. 3. Cartwright RJ (2018). Observing time: one night at the IRTF in April to observe the Galilean moon Callisto. 4. McGrath, MA, co-investigator, awarded VLT time both regular cycle and DD, “Identifying active plume regions on Europa using polarimetric imaging with ZIMPOL-SPHERE simultaneously with HST observations” 5. McGrath, MA, co-investigator on mid-cycle HST program awarded 34 orbits, “An intensive ultraviolet imaging campaign for Europa's plumes” 6. McGrath, MA, co-investigator on SOFIA program, “Condirmation of Plumes on Europa” 7. Peterson R (2018). On February 4, 2018, data with the Hubble Space Telescope were obtained for the program GO-15179, "Astrophysics Meets Atomic Physics: Fe I Identidications and Templates for Old Stellar Populations from Warm and Hot Stellar UV Spectra", with Peterson as PI. These were the dirst data acquired for this program, of the 52 orbits allocated to it. 8. Peterson R (2018). Data from the Kepler 2 satellite were also obtained. In Campaign 16, running from Dec 7, 2017 through Feb 25, 2018. Peterson is PI on the program GO-16091, "The Evolutionary History of the Blue Horizontal Branch Star HD 74721". The pipeline-processed data from this campaign were just made available on the HST MAST archive. 24

9. Peterson R (2018). Kepler 2 Campaign 17 data were also successfully obtained during Mar 1 - May 8, 2018 but are not yet available at MAST. Peterson is PI on the Campaign 17 program "K2 Ages of Thick-Disk K Dwarfs", whose 3115 targets were acquired for this program. Of`icial Committees/Working Groups/Other 1. Bishop JL (Jan-June). International MSR Objectives and Samples Team (iMOST), purpose is to re-evaluate and update the sample-related science and engineering objectives of a Mars Sample Return (MSR) program. 2. Cabrol, NA. Member of the ROW OPAG “Roadmap to the Ocean Worlds since 2016. 3. Cabrol, NA. Member of the MEPAG Science Analysis Group (SAG) “Scientidic Objectives for the Human Exploration of Mars” (HSO-SAG) since 2015. 4. Cabrol, NA. Member of the NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI) Executive Committee (EC) since 2015. 5. Cabrol, NA. Editorial Board of the Astrobiology journal since 2012. 6. DPS Publications Committee Chair: Ross Beyer. 7. MAPSIT Steering Committee: Ross Beyer 8. Marcu O (April-ongoing). Speakers Committee, Palo Alto Rotary Club, purpose is to provide community engagement of business and professional advocates. 9. McGrath, MA member of National Academies Committee on Best Practices for a Future Open Code Policy for NASA Space Studies 10. McGrath, MA member of Science Organizing Committee for 2018 Division for Planetary Sciences meeting (in Knoxville, Tennessee)

11. Race MS, et al., (May/16-17). 2nd COSPAR International Workshop on Regining Planetary Protection Requirements for Human Missions, Workshop Co-organizer and subgroup facilitator (with A Baker, JA Spry, et al.), Houston TX JSC.

12. Race MS, (ongoing). International Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Editor, 3rd Edition, Planetary Protection Section. 13. Race MS, (ongoing). Assoc. Editor, Astrobiology journal, Astrobiology in the Real World Commentary section. 14. Spry JA (Jan-June). International MSR Objectives and Samples Team (iMOST), purpose is to re-evaluate and update the sample-related science and engineering objectives of a Mars Sample Return (MSR) program (Objective 6 Co-Author). 25

15. Spry JA (May) Co-organizer (with A Baker, G Kminek, M Race & B Siegel) of the 2nd COSPAR Workshop on Regining the Planetary Protection Requirements for Human Extraterrestrial Missions, Houston TX. 16. Spry JA (Ongoing) Member of the EU-funded Planetary Protection for the Outer Solar System (PPOSS) team, with upcoming training presentations in Pasadena (July) and Beijing (October) as well as a coordination meeting in Florence (Sept). 17. Stucky TR (Jan-Oct). APEX Life Detection Thinkubator, develops novel, pre-proposal stage life detection concepts. 18. Tiscareno MS (continuing). Member of the AAS DPS Subcommittee on Professional Culture and Climate, which works towards making the community of planetary scientists an environment in which professional merit is the only criterion that determines each person’s success. 26

Highlights/ Signi`icant Events and Activities 1. Rosalba Bonaccorsi (Milan, May 12, 2018) acted as a judge at the Undergrad Human Exploration Context organized by the Italian Mars Society on 12th may. The context was held at the end of the Earth to Mars Conference in Milan. Six projects were shortlisted and included Hand Gloves for Mars Explorers, Food and energy Production to support Humans on Mars, and a high-didelity mock up of the Mars Curiosity rover 2. Ertem, G (June/11-14). Organized a session with the title “Role of Clay Minerals in the Events Leading to the Origin of Life” at the 55th Annual Meeting of The Clay Minerals Society, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL. 3. In Saturn’s Rings was released on May 4, 2018. In Saturn’s Rings is a journey through space. Narrated by LeVar Burton, Stephen van Vuuren’s new documentary dilm is created entirely of 7.5 million of images of Earth, the Milky Way and the Moon that were captured by Hubble, Cassini and other NASA space telescopes to offer a grand tour of the universe. Dr. Nathalie A. Cabrol, along with her husband, Dr. Edmond A. Grin, are co-executive producers of the dilm. It took 12 years to Stephen van Vuuren to produce this incredible documentary. The dilm is made with 2D multiplane parallax techniques developed by Walt Disney combined with Ken Burns technique to avoid using any type of camera projection, 3D models, visual FX, texture maps etc. It also features some high-resolution time lapse photography. 4.Race MS (spring). She is continuing to work with the San Jose Museum of Art on program development ideas and space science talks related to their upcoming "New Terrains: Mobility and Migration" theme. This consists of a broad range of programs, events, exhibitions, performances, and experiences unfolding through the spring of 2019. Race is helping link the SETI Institute with ideas that feature space exploration and migration! 5. Race MS, JA Spry and JD Rummel, (spring). Selected Panel Coordinator for AGU Fall Meeting: Dec 2018 meeting in Washington DC. Tackling Far Out Challenges in Science Research, Policy Formation and Societal Concerns: Stepwise Progress in Astrobiology Research, Planetary Protection and Mars Mission Planning. 6. SETI V2 Roadmap. Organization of work towards a draft for a new roadmap has started (June 2018). 7. Skok JR (June/22) Launched Kickstarter Campaign for “EARTH: An immersive AR/AI experience & model of our planet” as Science advisor for AstroReality. 27

8. Sobron P (April/30). Field deployment in Lava Beds National Monument (California) as part of a CSA-sponsored astrobiology analogue project looking for biosignatures in lave tubes. 9. Sobron P (spring). InVADER (In-situ Vent Analysis Divebot for Exobiology Research) project selected by PSTAR program. 10. Stucky TR (Feb-March). Supported drilling and sample transfer for Atacama Rover and Astrobiology Drilling Studies (ARADS) in Yungay, Chile. Life detection instruments were dield tested with clean, autonomously collected sample from the dry and nearly barren regolith of the Atacama Desert.

Honors Race MS (May/15). Community Appreciation Award, Given by Mayor and City Council for service as Library Commissioner from 2016 to 2018, City of Menlo Park, CA.