University of Cincinnati News Record. Thursday, February 3, 1966. Vol
University of' Cincinnati NEWS -·R··E.,CORD Vol. LIII Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, February 3, 1966 No. 16 Lively~Profound Professors Carter. Appointed Dean- Heighten Student Interest Replaces Education's Good , One dean and two department ed UC faculty in Sept., 1954while heads were appointed by the UC \ Dr. Asbury became a member of Board of Directors, Tuesday at its the campus communityfn July, February meeting. Effective Aug. 1956. 1, 1966, Dr. William Carter will Since 1964, Associate Dean of become Dean of the College of Faculties and Officer for Academ- Education and Home Economics; ic Planning, Dr. Carter came to on March 15, 1966,Dr. Taylor As- UC as assistant professor ofedu- bury, director of Opthomology cation. In the past decade, he has and on Sept. 1, 1966,Dr. Hans H. also been assistant dean of UC Jaffe,. head of the Department of summer school and assistant dean Chemistry. of faculties Dr. Carter will succeed Dr With a B·ac.helor of Science de- Cart~r V. I ~ood who h~s ~een gree with honors in mathematics appelnted Dean of Instat~tlonal from Eastern Illinois University, Research.- Dean Good will as- Dr. Carter also holds Ohio State sume his new duties Aug. 1. Dr. -, Master of Arts and Doctor of Jaffe follows Dr. Thomas B. Philosophy degrees, and a Ken- Cameron, who asked to be re- yon College Certificate of 'Meter- of the depar!mental head- ology. Dr. Carter taught, at s.hlPln order to .glve full atten- , Seoul, Korea, when in the 'u. S. 'taon to teaching; research, Air Force at Ohio State West- ~l1d .writing.
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