Hatchett's Appointment to NYU Assailed by Jewish Groups

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Hatchett's Appointment to NYU Assailed by Jewish Groups ~ ~ ---~~ ~ ---.---T-e'n-. ~~1- =-=e-':"_h_E=l=~= ~O ~~=· I 70 Orch;ird Ave . Wll.,LIAi•>1 C . ""· -· ··.- w...: ,._,.::. ,s.. Prov i dence , R. I, 0 ~906 - OF TEMPLE BETH-EL Spokesman Offers Deal For 12 Israeli Prisoners BEIRUT - A spokesman of on the outskirts of Beirut. 1be the Popular Front For the Palestinian representative asked Lib,eration of Palesrtne, told to be Identified only as a foreign newsmen here this week spokesman of Popular Front in that the 12 Israelis , still held Lebanon. He spoke good English THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. prisoner in Algeria were • and appeared to be about 25 years exchangeable for Paiesrtne Arabs old. hel d prisoner In Isr ael . But he He asserted that there were VOL. Lil NO. 23 FRIDAY, AUGUSf 2, 1968 15¢ PER COPY 16 PAGES s aid that the El Al Boeing 707 more than 1,000 Palestinian airliner hijacked last week, on commandos in Israeli j~ls "who which the Israelis had been 3re nor human beings, and Israei Called Anti-Semitic fl ying, was not exchangeable allows the Red Cross to see only Israelis Kill because the plane was an ihose the Israelis want to s how." ('"" : instrument of war. He added: "The Israelis have ' The news conference was the said one Israeli Is worth 100 .' Hatchett's Appointment To NYU Arab Terrorists firs t held in Lebanon by any Arabs, so the rate of exchange Palestine commando, or for our 12 prisoners is about TEL AVIV - Six Arab resistance group, It rook pl ace In right." terrorists were killed in a clash offices of Al Anw ar, a newspaper Assailed By Jewish Groups 1ast week · when they were NEW YORK - The New York November-December, 1967, Issue intercepted by an Israeli patrol In Civil Liberties Union urged New of The A f rican- Americ an the Umm Shurr pass between the York University to keep J ohn F. Teachers Forum. Ir char ged that Allenby and Damiyah Br idges In Suggests Arabs Seek Employment Hatchett as director of its new Negro pup! I s were being the Jordan Valley, Martin Luther King Jr. Afro­ "mentally poi soned" by " anrt­ In Israel Rather Than Abroad l American Student Center even bl ack" Jewish educators and The inti! rrarors were cl ad In though he wrote an article "black Anglo- Saxons." light khaki army uniforms over T E L AVIV Defense stop stamping the passports of ◄ civilian clothing. Among the arms Arabs entering the West Bank ◄ described as anti-Semltlc. Last winter the American Minister Gen. Moshe Dayan ◄ they carried were six Rus sian­ s ugges ted In Nablus last week from other Arab countries. { • Donald D. Shack, vice Jewish Congress, the Catholic Interracial Council of the City of made Kl atchnikoff asaul r rifles that, "on the _assumption that Gen. Dayan s aid that he pres ident of the union, said that with 500 r ounds of ammunition :i' ua man's right to empl oyment New York Issued a Joint there will be no political changes rho u g h r about 1,000 Nab I us statement condemning the article four Improvised bazookas, 13 in the near future." West Bank workers could be absorbed daily must be base d on his professional ' as "black Nazism." hand grenades, 30 detonation workers should seek employment by the labor market In Naranya. ' . performance and not on his charges , 30 demolition charges, l private · thoughts , words, beliefs But Chancellor Carter has In Israel Instead of going abroad He al so said that the Israel . detonation cords and firing Government wa s prepared to or associations." said he was unaware of the for jobs. Gen. Dayan made the ' article when he announced Mr. devices. suggesrton to Mayor Hamdl extend aid for any constructive • However. the Anti-Defamation H a r ch e tr' s appointment. As An Arab terrorist later told a Cannaan of Nablus in connection suggestions bur would not tolerate League of B'nai B'r lth assailed with Arab requests that Israel subversive actlvities. About a l director of the new center, Mr. military tribunal in Nabl us that a ◄ the appointment as "an affront Hatchett hol ds an 'administrative, band of Infiltrator s of which he dozen Nab! us high school youths not only to Jews, bur to the not a faculty, position. had been a member had been Service In Rindge . have been arrested for training l memory of Dr. King." The New York Civil Libertles ins tructed to cross into Israel with firearm s and dis tributing Morris S. Sass, director of Union said in its letter that it and kidnap and bring back at least anti-Israel pos ters. the league' s New York regional abhorred anti-Semlrtsm. one Jewish prisoner, male or To Toke Place Aug. 4 Mayor Cinnaan used the office , s aid the office had been "Nevertheless," the union female. His four-man band was The 22nd Annual Jewis h occasion of Gen. Dayan's vis it to "inundated by reactions from continued, "we call on New York intercepted by an Israeli patrol Worship Service at the Cathedral appeal for an end to the passport outraged citizens " to the Un iver si ty to keep par amount the when It crossed the J ordan River of the Pines in Rill'dge, N. H., will stamping, which has apparently . appointment of a person who "has we 11 -,:stablished principle of near Umm T'zutz. Three of the be held on Sunday , Aug, 4, at 3 become a major issue among ' e spoused racial and religious academic freedom that university men wer e - killed In the ensuing p.m. Services will be conducted We s t Bank Arabs. Mayor ' employes should be appointed Mouhammad Jabaarl of Hebron ' bigotry." fJght. The fourth, As sam Dovek by Rabbi Harry A. Roth of • s olely bn the basis of ability and 20 . who admitted being a Temple Emanuel, Lawrence, made the same appeal to Minis ter Both Mr. Shack and Mr. Sass competence in their profession11.J of Religious Affairs, Zerah I ' member of the "Mother! and Mass. Musical settings for the i1 made .their s tatements in letters -~_I,j' fie Ids. Freedom Front," was captured. liturgy will be sung by a choir Warha ftig, who visited that town to Dr. Allan M. Carter, I ast week. Mayor Cannaan said "We believe that incaluculable He was sentenced to eight years· under the direction of Sidney J. chancellor N.Y.U. Dr. Carter that Kuwait does not recognize ' harm would be done to the spl rl r imprisonment. Katz of Natick, Mass. The said on Thursday th at he was passports bearing an Israel l of free Inquiry and expression cantorial soloist will be Julius r eviewing the appointment." stamp. Many West Bankers work that shoul d characterize a An Is raeli pickup truck hit a Fisher. The article by Mr. Hatchett university If candidates for land mine near Ein Yahav on the in the Kuwait oil refineries and that is at the center of the The Jewis h Service, which is appointment are rejected because · Arab r oad to Ell at south of the held annually, is one of the many return home once a year to visit controversy · appeared in the their families. of the particular beliefs they Dead Sea. Sa boteurs active in the services held ar the Cathedral profess." area were believed to have sowed throughout the summer. The stamp issue arose when AID FOR AGED The Anti-Defamation League mines along the road. Isr ael authorized Arabs from TEL AVIV - Israel's first c ommended N.Y.U. f or Ar the Jewish service, the abroad, particularly students, to health, counseling and guidance establishing the new center. Bur An Israeli army patrol, current Sedra or portion of the spend their summer vacations for the aged has been opened in it said _ that Mr. Hatchett's consisting of two arm<),ed cars, Torah and of the Prophets will be with relatives -in the West Bank Jerusalem by Malben, the agency appointment " completely virtates intercepted a band of saboteurs read. A booklet containing the and East Jerusalem. Many Arabs ministering to the needs of 111, the laudable objecrtv~s for which on the Araba road Sunday night entire service Is given to each stayed away. however I for fear of a g ed an a h a n d I c apped Dr. King was so eloquent a and routed the Infiltrators after attendant. I osing their passports when they immigrants, Harold Trobe, spokesman." an exchange of fire. One Israeli Arrangements are in charge returned home. general directoi; of Malben, told · The Jewish Labor Committee 'soldier was slightly wounded. The of Milton Posovsky and Morton The Israeli stamp, printed In members of the United Jewish ai'so called on rhe university to clash took place between Sodom Rose, both trus tees of the Hebrew, Arabic and French, is Appeal's youn g leader ship rescind the appointment: Similar and Ellat less than two miles Cathedral of the Pines Trust. s imilar to stamps affixed to mission that Jerusalem was appeals were made by the from the Jordanian border. 1be Hosts at Hilltop House will be passports at frontiers all over selected as the sire of the new American Jewish Committee, the ambushers were routed. Search Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lakin of the world. Jordanian authorities center because of the I arge American Jewish Congress and later uncovered three anrt- Gardner, Mass. Torah assistants announced earlier last week that c once n r rat i i'.>n of people of the Jewish War Veterans New vehicle mines plantect.
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