Math. Prog. Comp. (2010) 2:203–230 DOI 10.1007/s12532-010-0017-1


Alternating direction augmented Lagrangian methods for

Zaiwen Wen Donald Goldfarb Wotao Yin · ·

Received: 21 September 2009 / Accepted: 11 September 2010 / Published online: 28 September 2010 ©SpringerandMathematicalOptimizationSociety2010

Abstract We present an alternating direction dual augmented Lagrangian method for solving semidefinite programming (SDP) problems in standard form. At each iteration, our basic minimizes the augmented Lagrangian for the dual SDP problem sequentially, first with respect to the dual variables corresponding to the linear constraints, and then with respect to the dual slack variables, while in each minimization keeping the other variables fixed, and then finally it updates the Lagrange multipliers (i.e., primal variables). Convergence is proved by using a fixed-point argu- ment. For SDPs with inequality constraints and positivity constraints, our algorithm is extended to separately minimize the dual augmented Lagrangian function over four sets of variables. Numerical results for frequency assignment, maximum stable set and binary integer problems demonstrate that our

The work of Z. Wen and D. Goldfarb was supported in part by NSF Grant DMS 06-06712, ONR Grant N00014-08-1-1118 and DOE Grant DE-FG02-08ER58562. The work of W. Yin was supported in part by NSF CAREER Award DMS-07-48839, ONR Grant N00014-08-1-1101, the US Army Research Laboratory and the US Army Research Office grant W911NF-09-1-0383, and an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship.

Z. Wen (B) D. Goldfarb Department of· Industrial Engineering and , Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA e-mail: [email protected] D. Goldfarb e-mail: [email protected]

W. Yin Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005, USA e-mail: [email protected]

123 204 Z. Wen et al. are robust and very efficient due to their ability or exploit special structures, such as sparsity and constraint orthogonality in these problems.

Keywords Semidefinite programming Alternating direction method Augmented Lagrangian method · ·

Mathematics Subject Classification (2000) 90C06 90C22 90C30 90C35 · · ·


In this paper we present an alternating direction dual augmented Lagrangian method for solving semidefinite programming (SDP) problems. These problems are solvable in polynomial time by interior point methods [26,29,33]. How- ever, if the number of constraints m in an SDP is of order O(n2) when the unknown positive semidefinite is n n,interiorpointmethodsbecomeimpracticalboth in terms of the time (O(n6))andtheamountofmemory(× O(m2))requiredateach iteration to form the m m positive definite Schur complement matrix M and compute the search direction by× finding the Cholesky factorization of M.Ontheotherhand, first-order methods do not form or factorize these large dense matrices; consequently, they typically require much less computation and storage at each iteration. Further- more, some first-order methods are able to take advantage of problem structure such as sparsity. Hence they are often more suitable, and sometimes the only practical choice for solving large-scale SDPs. Most existing first-order methods for SDP are based on the augmented Lagrang- ian method (which is also referred to as the method of multipliers). Specific methods differ in how the positive semidefinite constraints are handled. In [3,4], the positive definite variable X is replaced by RR⊤ in the primal augmented Lagrangian function, where is a low rank matrix, and then approaches are used. In [2,6], a method and an eigenvalue decomposition are used to minimize the primal augmented Lagrangian function. In [31], by fixing any (n 1)- dimensional principal submatrix of X and using its Schur complement, the positive− semidefinite constraint is reduced to a simple second-order cone constraint and then asequenceofsecond-orderconeprogrammingproblemsconstructedfromthepri- mal augmented Lagrangian function are minimized. In [41], the positive semidefinite constraint is represented implicitly by using a projection operator and a semismooth Newton approach combined with the conjugate method is proposed to mini- mize the dual augmented Lagrangian function. The regularization methods [22](and the related boundary point method [24]) are also based on a dual augmented Lagrangian approach and they use an eigenvalue decomposition to maintain complementarity. In fact, one variant of these methods is the same as our basic alternating direction method. Alternating direction methods have been extensively studied to minimize the aug- mented Lagrangian function for optimization problems arising from partial differ- ential equations (PDEs) [11,12]. In these methods, the variables are partitioned into several blocks according to their roles, and then the augmented Lagrangian function is minimized with respect to each block by fixing all other blocks at each inner iteration.

123 Alternating direction augmented Lagrangian methods for semidefinite programming 205

This simple idea has been applied to many other problem classes, such as, variational inequality problems [16,17,37], [9], nonlinear convex optimi- zation [1,7,13,14,20,21,28], maximal monotone operators [10]andnonsmoothℓ1 minimization arising from compressive sensing [30,35,36,40]. In [38], an alternating direction method for SDP is presented by reformulating the complementary condition as a projection equation. Our algorithm applies the alternating direction method within a dual augmented Lagrangian framework. When our method is applied to an SDP in standard form, at each iteration it first minimizes the dual augmented Lagrangian function with respect to the dual variables corresponding to the linear constraints, and then with respect to the dual slack variables while keeping the other variables fixed, after which it updates the primal variables. This algorithm is very closely related to the regular- ization method in [22]. While the theoretical algorithm in [22]updatestheprimal variable X only after a certain condition is satisfied, the actual algorithm implemented in [22] (i.e., Algorithm 5.1 in [22]) updates the primal variable X immediately after all other blocks are updated at each iteration, which is exactly our alternating direction method. The algorithms in [22]cannotbeapplieddirectlytoSDPswithinequality constraints, and in particular, with positivity constraints, i.e., every component of X is nonnegative. In order to preserve the structure of these inequality constraints, like sparsity and orthogonality, we do not transform them to equality constraints but add extra steps to our alternating direction method to minimize the dual augmented Lagrangian function with respect to the dual variables corresponding to the inequality constraints. Numerical experiments on, for example, binary integer quadratic pro- gramming problems, show that the performance of our method can be significantly better than those reported in [22,41]ifthespecialstructuresintheseproblemsare exploited. Our contributions are as follows. Although the techniques for analyzing the alter- nating direction methods for variational inequalities in [17]andaclassofnonlinear optimization problems in [1]canbeappliedtoanalyzeouralgorithmforSDPsin standard form, we present a different and simple convergence proof by formulating our algorithm as a fixed point method. We note that the convergence properties of the actual implementation of the regularization method in [22]havenotbeenstudied.We present a multiple block variable extension (whose convergence has not been estab- lished) for solving SDPs with inequality constraints directly without transforming them into SDPs in standard form by introducing auxiliary variables and constraints, thus enabling exploitation of certain constraint structures. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We present an alternating direction augmented Lagrangian method for SDP in standard form in Subsect. 2.1 and analyze its convergence in Subsect. 2.2,andthenextendthismethodtoanexpandedproblem with inequality and positivity constraints in Subsect. 2.3.Wediscusspracticalissues related to the eigenvalue decomposition performed at each iteration, strategies for adjusting the penalty parameter, the use of a step size for updating the primal variable X,terminationrulesandhowtodetectstagnationtoenhancetheperformanceofour methods in Sect. 3.Finally,numericalresultsforfrequencyassignment,maximum stable set and binary integer quadratic programming problems are presented in Sect. 4 to demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of our algorithm.

123 206 Z. Wen et al.

1.1 Preliminaries

The set of n n symmetric matrices is denoted by Sn and the set of n n symmetric positive semidefinite× (positive definite) matrices is denoted by Sn (S×n ). The nota- tion X 0(X 0) means that the matrix X Sn is positive semidefinite+ ++ (positive definite).≽ The notation≻ X 0(X > 0) means∈ that every component of the matrix X is nonnegative (positive).≥ The of X,i.e.,thesumofthediagonalelements m n of X,isdenotedbyTr(X).TheinnerproductbetweentwomatricesA R × and m n ∈ B R × is defined as A, B A j,k B j,k Tr(A⊤ B).TheFrobeniusnorm ∈ ⟨ ⟩ := jk = m n 2 of a matrix A R × is defined as A F A . ∈ !∥ ∥ := i, j i, j "! 2AlternatingdirectionaugmentedLagrangianmethods

2.1 A two-splitting scheme for standard form SDPs

Consider the standard form SDP

min C, X s.t. (X) b, X 0, (1) X Sn ⟨ ⟩ A = ≽ ∈ where the linear map ( ) Sn Rm is defined as A · : →

(X) A(1), X ,..., A(m), X ⊤ , (2) A := # $ # $ ( ) the matrices C, A i Sn, i 1,...,m,andthevectorb Rm are given, and the unknown matrix X ∈ Sn .Letvec= (X) be a vector that contains∈ the columns of the matrix X,stackedeachontopofthenextintheorderthattheyappearinthematrix,∈ + and mat(x) be a matrix X such that x vec(X).Notethattheequation (X) b is equivalent to A vec(X) b,where = A = =

(1) (m) ⊤ m n2 A vec(A ), . . . , vec(A ) R × . := ∈ % & m n m (i) The adjoint operator ∗ R S of is defined as ∗(y) i 1 yi A A : →m Am A := = = mat(A⊤ y).Theoperator ∗ R R is defined as ( ∗(y)) (AA⊤)y and n AAn : → A A =! the operator ∗ S S is defined as ∗( (X)) mat((A⊤ A)vec(X)). We makeA theA following: → assumption throughoutA A our presentation.=

Assumption 1 The matrix A has full row rank and the Slater condition holds for (1); that is, there exists a matrix X 0 satisfying (X) b. ¯ ≻ A ¯ = The dual problem of (1)is

min b⊤ y s.t. ∗(y) S C, S 0. (3) y m ,S Sn − A + = ≽ ∈R ∈ 123 Alternating direction augmented Lagrangian methods for semidefinite programming 207

The augmented Lagrangian function for the dual SDP (3)correspondingtothelinear constraints is defined as:

1 2 µ(X, y, S) b⊤ y X, ∗(y) S C ∗(y) S C , L := − + A + − + 2µ∥A + − ∥F ' ( where X Sn and µ>0. Starting from X 0 0,theaugmentedLagrangianmethod solves on∈ the k-th iteration =

k min µ(X , y, S), s.t. S 0, (4) y m ,S Sn L ≽ ∈R ∈

k 1 k 1 k 1 for y + and S + ,andthenupdatestheprimalvariableX + by

k 1 k 1 k 1 k ∗(y + ) S + C X + X A + − . (5) := + µ

k Since solving problem (4)requiresjointlyminimizing µ(X , y, S) with respect to y and S,itcanbeverytimeconsuming.Instead,weminimizetheaugmentedLagrang-L ian function with respect to y and S,oneaftertheother,andhencenolongersolving problem (4)exactly.Specifically,wereplace(4)and(5)bythefollowing:

k 1 k k y + arg min µ(X , y, S ), (6a) := y m L ∈R k 1 k k 1 S + arg min µ(X , y + , S), S 0, (6b) := S Sn L ≽ ∈ k 1 k 1 k 1 k ∗(y + ) S + C X + X A + − . (6c) := + µ

The above order of (6a)–(6c)isnotimportant.Similarconvergencepropertiesand numerical performance, which we will study below for (6a)–(6c), apply to any other order as well. The first-order optimality conditions for (6a)are

k k 1 k k 1 k 1 k y µ(X , y + , S ) (X ) b ( ∗(y + ) S C) 0. ∇ L := A − + µA A + − =

Since by Assumption 1 is invertible , we obtain yk 1 y(Sk, X k),where AA∗ + := 1 y(S, X) ( ∗)− (µ( (X) b) (S C)). (7) := − AA A − + A − k k 1 By rearranging the terms of µ(X , y + , S),itiseasilyverifiedthatproblem(6b)is equivalent to L

2 k 1 min S V + , S 0, (8) S Sn − F ≽ ∈ ) ) ) ) ) ) 123 208 Z. Wen et al. where V k 1 V (Sk, X k) and the function V (S, X) is defined as + :=

V (S, X) C ∗(y(S, X)) µX. (9) := − A − k 1 k 1 Hence, we obtain the solution S + V† + Q†" Q†⊤,where := := +

" 0 Q†⊤ Q"Q⊤ (Q† Q‡) + = 0 " Q⊤ * − +* ‡ +

k 1 is the spectral decomposition of the matrix V + ,and" and " are the nonnegative k 1 + − and negative eigenvalues of V + .ItfollowsfromtheupdatingEq.(6c)that

k 1 k 1 k 1 k ∗(y + ) S + C 1 k 1 k 1 1 k 1 X + X A + − (S + V + ) V + , (10) := + µ = µ − = µ ‡

k 1 k 1 where V‡ + Q‡" Q‡⊤.NotethatX + is also the optimal solution of := − −

2 k 1 min µX V + , X 0. (11) X Sn + F ≽ ∈ ) ) ) ) From the above observation, we) arrive at the alternating) direction augmented Lagrang- ian method in Algorithm 1,below.

Algorithm 1:AlternatingdirectionaugmentedLagrangianmethodforSDP Set X0 0andS0 0.; for k ≽0, 1, do≽ = ···k 1 Compute y + according to (7). k 1 k 1 k 1 Compute V and its eigenvalue decomposition, and set S V + . + + := † Compute Xk 1 1 (Sk 1 V k 1). + = µ + − +

Remark 1 Algorithm 1 is related to the boundary point method in [24]andtheregular- k 1 k 1 k 1 ization method in [22], in which X is fixed until µ (S + V + ) is nearly feasible. However, the actual regularization method implemented in− the numerical experiments in [22]isexactlyAlgorithm1.

Remark 2 If ∗ I ,asisthecaseformanySDPrelaxationsofcombinatorial optimization problems,AA = such as the maxcut SDP relaxation, the SDP relaxation of the maximum stable set problem and the bisection SDP relaxation, step (6a), i.e., (7), is very inexpensive. If ∗ I ,wecancompute ∗ and its inverse (or its Cholesky factorization) prior toAA executing̸= Algorithm 1.IfcomputingtheCholeskyfactoriza-AA tion of ∗ is very expensive, an for solving the system of linear equationsAA corresponding to (7)canbeusedandthestrategiesdescribedin[7,10]for

123 Alternating direction augmented Lagrangian methods for semidefinite programming 209 controlling the accuracy of the subproblem may provide a provable convergence guar- antee. Moreover, as in the approaches used in [34,35], it might be possible to replace the step (6a)byasinglesteepestdescentgradientstep:

k 1 k k 1 k 2 y + arg min (g )⊤(y y ) y y , (12) := y m − + τ k ∥ − ∥ ∈R

µ gk 2 where τ k ∥ ∥2 and gk (yk, Sk, X k);thatis,yk 1 yk τ k gk. (gk ) 2 y µ + = ∥A∗ ∥F := ∇ L := −

2.2 Convergence analysis of algorithm 1

The convergence results obtained for the alternating direction methods for optimiza- tion problems arising from PDEs in [12], variational inequalities in [17]andaclass of nonlinear optimization problems in [1]canbeappliedtoouralgorithm.However, here we present a simpler direct proof by formulating our algorithm as a fixed point method. Some of our results shed light on rules for monitoring iteration progress and choosing stopping criteria. n For any matrix V S ,letthematrixV†, V‡ be denoted by (V ).Hence,each iteration of Algorithm∈1 can be expressed as P

k 1 k k k 1 k 1 k 1 k k y + y(S , X ) and S + ,µX + (V + ) (V (S , X )). (13) := := P = P % & We first describe a result of the orthogonal decomposition. Lemma 1 (Theorem 3.2.5 in [18], J.-J. Moreau) Let K be a closed and n K ⋄ be the polar cone of K , that is, K ⋄ s R s, x 0 for all x K .For n := { ∈ : ⟨ ⟩ ≤ ∈ } the three elements x, x1 and x2 in R ,thepropertiesbelowareequivalent:

(i) x x1 x2 with x1 Kandx2 K and x1, x2 0; = + ∈ ∈ ⋄ ⟨ ⟩ = (ii) x1 PK (x) and x2 PK (x), = = ⋄ where PK (x) is the projection of x on K . The next lemma shows that any optimal solution of (1)isafixedpointofthe Eq. (13). Lemma 2 Suppose Assumption 1 holds. Then, there exists primal and dual optimal solutions (X, y, S) for (1) and (3) and the following two statements are equivalent: (i) (X, y, S) satisfies the KKT optimality conditions

(X) b, ∗(y) S C, SX 0, X 0, Z 0. A = A + = = ≽ ≽ (ii) (X, y, S) satisfies

y y(S, X) and (S,µX) (V (S, X)). = = P 123 210 Z. Wen et al.

Proof The proof here is similar to Proposition 2.6 in [22]. Since the Slater condition holds, there exists primal and dual optimal solution (X, y, S) for (1)and(3)sothat statement (i) is true. Direct algebraic manipulation shows that y y(S, X) from statement (i). It follows from Lemma 1 that =

S µX V (S, X), X 0, S 0, SX 0, − = ≽ ≽ = is equivalent to S V†(S, X) and µX V‡(S, X).Hence,statement(i)implies = = statement (ii). Now, suppose statement (ii) is true; i.e., S V†(S, X) and µX = = V‡(S, X).SinceS µX V (S, X), it follows from V (S, X) C ∗(y) µX that S C (y−).From=y y(S, X),weobtain = − A − = − A∗ =

( ∗)y µ(b (X)) (C S) µ(b (X)) ( ∗)y, AA = − A + A − = − A + AA which implies that (X) b.Hence,statement(ii)impliesstatement(i). A = ⊓2 We now show that the operator (V ) is nonexpansive. P Lemma 3 For any V , V Sn, ∈

, (V ) (V ) V V F , (14) P − P F ≤∥ − ∥ ) ) with equality holding if and) only if V ,V‡) 0 and V ,V† 0. †⊤ = ‡⊤ =

Proof We denote V† V† by W† and V‡, V‡ by W‡.Since, V ⊤V‡ 0andV ⊤V‡ 0, − − † = † = we obtain W†⊤W‡ V†⊤V‡ V†⊤V‡.Thepositivesemidefinitessofthematrices − =, + , , , V†, V‡, V†, V‡ 0impliesthatTr(V V‡) 0andTr(V V‡) 0. Expanding terms ≽ †⊤ ≥ †⊤ ≥ of V V ,weobtain , , − , , , , 2 V, V Tr (W† W‡)⊤(W† W‡) Tr W ⊤W† W ⊤W‡ − F = − − = † + ‡ ) ) % & % & 2 Tr W ⊤W‡ ) ,) − † % & 2 (V ) (V ) 2 Tr V ⊤V‡ V ⊤V‡ = P − P F + † + † 2 ) (V ) (V )) , % & ≥ )P − P , )F , , ) ) which proves (14). ) , ) ⊓2 The following lemma shows that the operator V (S, X) is nonexpansive. Lemma 4 For any S , X, S, X Sn , ∈ +

V (S, X), ,V (S, X) F S S,µ(X X) (15) ∥ − ∥ ≤ − − F )- .) with equality holding if and only, if, V V ) (S ,S) µ(X, X) ). − = − − − , , , 123 Alternating direction augmented Lagrangian methods for semidefinite programming 211

Proof From the definition of y(S, X) in (7), we have

1 y(S, X) y(S, X) ( ∗)− µ (X X) (S S) , − = AA A − + A − - . which together, with, (9)gives , ,

V (S, X) V (S, X) (C ∗(y(S, X)) µX) (C ∗(y(S, X)) µX) − = − A − − − A − ∗(y(S, X) y(S, X)) µ(X X) = A − + − , , mat µ (I M) vec(X X) Mvec(S, ,S) , ,(16) = −, , − − ,+ − 1 - . where M A⊤(AA⊤)− A.SinceM is an orthogonal, projection matrix, whose spec- tral radius:= is 1, we obtain from (16)that

2 2 V (S, X) V (S, X) µ (I M) vec(X X) Mvec(S S) − F = − − − − 2 2 2 ) ) )µvec(X X) vec(S S) ) ≤∥ − ∥2 +∥ − ∥2 ) , , ) ) 2 , , ) S S,µ(X X) , (17) = − ,− F , ) ) which proves (15). ) , , ) If the equality in (15)holds,italsoholdsin(17); that is,

2 2 2 µ(I M)vec(X X) 2 Mvec(S S) 2 µvec(X X) 2 ∥ − − ∥ +∥ − ∥ =∥ − ∥2 vec(S S) 2. , , +∥ − ,∥ This implies that Mvec(X X) 0and(I M)vec(S S) 0. Using, this relations in (16), we obtain − = − − = , , V (S, X) V (S, X) mat vec(S S) µvec(X X) , − = − − − - . which proves the second statement., , , , ⊓2 Lemma 5 Let (X ∗, y∗, S∗),wherey∗ y(S∗, X ∗),beanoptimalsolutionof (1) and (3).UnderAssumption1,if =

(V (S, X)) (V (S∗, X ∗)) S S∗,µ(X X ∗) , (18) P − P F = − − F ) ) ) ) then, (S,µ)X) is a fixed point, that is, (S,µ) X) ) (V (S, X)),andhence,) (X, y, S), where y y(S, X),isaprimalanddualoptimalsolutionsof= P (1) and (3). = Proof From Lemma 2,wehave(S∗,µX ∗) (V (S∗, X ∗)).FromLemmas(3)and (4), we have = P

V (S, X) V (S∗, X ∗) (S S∗) µ(X X ∗), − = − − − which implies that V (S, X) S µX.SinceS and X are all positive semidefinite, and S X 0, we obtain from= Lemma− 1 that (S,µX) (V (S, X)). ⊤ = = P ⊓2 123 212 Z. Wen et al.

Given Lemmas 3, 4 and 5,wecanproveconvergenceofAlgorithm1 by following the proof of Theorem 4.5 in [15].

Theorem 2 The sequence (X k, yk, Sk) generated by Algorithm 1 from any starting 0 0 0 { } point (X , y , S ) converges to a solution (X ∗, y∗, S∗) ∗,where ∗ is the set of primal and dual solutions of (1) and (3). ∈ X X

Proof Since both ( ) and V ( , ) are non-expansive, (V ( , )) is also nonexpan- sive. Therefore, (PSk,µ· X k) lies· · in a compact set andP must· have· a limit point, say k j{ } k j S lim j S and X lim j X .Also,forany(X ∗, y∗, S∗) ∗, ¯ = →∞ ¯ = →∞ ∈ X

k 1 k 1 k k (S + ,µX + ) (S∗,µX ∗) (V (S ,µX )) (V (S∗,µX ∗)) − F = P − P F ) ) ) k k ) ) ) )V (S ,µX ) V (S∗,µX ∗) ) ) ) ≤ ) − F ) ) k k ) )(S ,µX ) (S∗,µX ∗) ,) ≤ ) − F ) ) ) ) ) k ) k ) which means that the sequence (S ,µX ) (S∗,µX ∗) F is monotonically non- increasing. Therefore, {∥ − ∥ }

k k lim (S ,µX ) (S∗,µX ∗) (S,µX) (S∗,µX ∗) , (19) k − F = ¯ ¯ − F →∞ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) where (S,µX))can be any limit point of )(Sk,µX k) .Bythecontinuityof (V ( , )), ¯ ¯ the image of (S,µX), { } P · · ¯ ¯

k j k j k j 1 k j 1 (V (S,µX)) lim (V (S ,µX )) lim (S + ,µX + ), P ¯ ¯ = j P = j →∞ →∞ is also a limit of (Sk,µX k) .Therefore,wehave { }

(V (S,µX)) (V (S∗,µX ∗)) (S,µX) (S∗,µX ∗) , P ¯ ¯ − P F = ¯ ¯ − F ) ) ) ) which allows) us to apply Lemma 5 to get) that (S), y,µX),wherey y)(S, X),isan ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ optimal solution to problems (1)and(3). Finally, by¯ setting (S ,µ¯X=) (S,µX) in ∗ ∗ ¯ ¯ (19), we get that =

lim (Sk,µX k) (S,µX) lim (Sk j ,µX k j ) (S,µX) 0, k ¯ − ¯ ¯ F = j ¯ − ¯ ¯ F = →∞ ) ) →∞ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) i.e., (Sk,µX k) converges to its unique limit of (S,µX). { } ¯ ¯ ⊓2 k 1 We now describe the relationship between the primal infeasibility (X + ) b 2 k 1 k 1 ∥A − ∥ and dual infeasibility C ∗(y + ) S + F and the difference between the matri- ces V k . ∥ −A − ∥ { } 123 Alternating direction augmented Lagrangian methods for semidefinite programming 213

Corollary 1 Let (X k, yk, Sk) be a sequence generated by Algorithm 1.Then { } k 1 1 k 1 k k 1 A 2 k 1 k 1. (X + ) b µ (S + S ) and (X + ) b 2 ∥ µ∥ V + V F . A −k 1= Ak 1 − k ∥kA1 − ∥ ≤ k 1∥ k−1 ∥ 2. C ∗(y + ) S + µ(X X + ) and C ∗(y + ) S + F −k A1 k − = − ∥ − A − ∥ ≤ V + V F . ∥ k 1 − k∥ k k 1 3. V V F V V F . ∥ + − ∥ ≤∥ − − ∥ Proof (1) It follows from (7), (9)andAssumption1 that

k 1 1 k 1 k 1 (X + ) b (S + V + ) b A − = µA − − 1 k 1 k k 1 k (S + C) (X ) b (b (X )) (C S ) = µA − + A − + − A + µA − 1 k 1 k (S + S ). = µA −

k 1 Since the projection V† + is nonexpansive, we obtain

k 1 A 2 k 1 k A 2 k 1 k (X + ) b 2 ∥ ∥ vec(S + S ) 2 ∥ ∥ V + V F . ∥A − ∥ ≤ µ ∥ − ∥ ≤ µ ∥ − ∥

(2) Rearranging the terms of (6c), we obtain the first part of statement 2. The non- k 1 expansiveness of the projection V‡ + gives

k 1 k 1 k 1 k k 1 k C ∗(y + ) S + 2 V + V F V + V F . ∥ − A − ∥ =∥ ‡ − ‡ ∥ ≤∥ − ∥ (3) From Lemmas 3 and 4,weobtain

k 1 k k k 1 k k 1 V + V F S S − ,µ(X X − ) − ∥ ≤∥ − − F ) k k 1 k k 1 k )k 1 ) V† V − , V‡ V − V V)− F . ) = − † − ‡ F ≤∥ − ) ∥ ) ) ) ) ) ) ⊓2

2.3 A multiple-splitting scheme for an expanded problem

If there are linear inequality constraints in an SDP, one can transform them to equality constraints by introducing non-negative slack variables and thus, apply Algorithm 1 without any change. However, in order to preserve favorable constraint structures such as sparsity and orthogonality, we shall avoid applying such a transformation. We now extend our alternating direction method (6a)–(6c)tosolveanexpandedSDPproblem, that includes, in particular, positivity constraints on the elements of the matrix X;i.e.,

min C, X , s.t. (X) b, (X) d, X 0, X 0, (20) X Sn ⟨ ⟩ A = B ≥ ≽ ≥ ∈ 123 214 Z. Wen et al. where d Rq and the linear map ( ) Sn Rq is defined as ∈ B · : →

(X) B(1), X ,..., B(q), X ⊤ , B(i) Sn, i 1,...,q. (21) B := ∈ = %# $ # $& As we did for the operator ,wedefinetheoperators , and by introducing A B∗ BB∗ B∗B

(1) (q) ⊤ q n2 B vec(B ), . . . , vec(B ) R × . = ∈ % & We also make the following assumption.

Assumption 3 The matrices A and B have full row rank and a refined Slater condi- tion holds for (20); that is, there exists a positive X satisfying (X) ¯ ¯ b, (X) dandX 0. A = B ¯ ≥ ¯ ≥ The dual of problem (20)is

min b⊤ y d⊤v, s.t. ∗(y) ∗(v) S Z C, y m ,v q ,S Sn ,Z Sn − − A + B + + = ∈R ∈R ∈ ∈ v 0, S 0, Z 0. (22) ≥ ≽ ≥ The augmented Lagrangian function for the dual SDP (22)correspondingtothelinear constraints is defined as:

µ(X, y,v,Z, S) b⊤ y d⊤v X, ∗(y) ∗(v) S Z C L := − − + A + B + + − 1 2 ∗(y) ' ∗(v) S Z C , ( (23) +2µ∥A + B + + − ∥F where X Sn and µ>0. Starting from X 0 0,v0 0, Z 0 0andS0 0, our alternating∈ direction method computes new iterates≽ similar≥ to the≥ procedure (≽6a)–(6c) as follows

k 1 k k k k y + arg min µ(X , y,v, Z , S ), (24a) := y m L ∈R k 1 k k 1 k k v + arg min µ(X , y + ,v,Z , S ), v 0, (24b) := v q L ≥ ∈R k 1 k k 1 k 1 k Z + arg min µ(X , y + ,v+ , Z, S ), Z 0, (24c) := Z Sn L ≥ ∈ k 1 k k 1 k 1 k 1 S + arg min µ(X , y + ,v+ , Z + , S), S 0, (24d) := S Sn L ≽ ∈ k 1 k 1 k 1 k 1 k 1 k ∗(y + ) ∗(v + ) S + Z + C X + X A + B + + − . (24e) := + µ

k 1 k 1 k 1 Note that y + , S + and X + can be computed in the same fashion as in (7), (8)and k k 1 k k (10), respectively. By rearranging the terms of µ(X , y ,v,Z , S ), it is easily L + 123 Alternating direction augmented Lagrangian methods for semidefinite programming 215 verified that problem (24b)isequivalenttothestrictlyconvexquadraticprogram

k 1 k 1 ⊤ 1 min X Y + d v v⊤( ∗)v, v 0, (25) v n B + µ − + 2µ BB ≥ ∈R * * + + where Y k 1 (yk 1) Sk Z k C.If is the identity, the solution vk 1 is + := A∗ + + + − BB∗ +

k 1 k 1 k 1 v + max µ X Y + d , 0 := − B + µ − ; * * * + + + Otherwise, the solution is not as straightforward, and one can choose a method based on the comprehensive summaries of software “” and “”accordingtoavailablecomputational k k 1 k 1 k resources. By rearranging the terms of µ(X , y + ,v + , Z, S ), it is easily verified that problem (24c)isequivalentto L

2 k 1 min Z U + , Z 0, Z Sn − F ≥ ∈ ) ) k 1 k 1 ) k 1 )k k where U + C ∗(y + ) ) ∗(v + ) S) µX .Hence,thesolutionofproblem k 1:= −k A1 −B − k −1 k 1 k 1 (24c)isZ + U + ,thepositivepartofU + ,thatis,(U + )i, j max(Uij+ , 0). Our numerical= experiments+ show that the convergence of+ the alternating:= direction method is not related to the order in which subproblems (24a)–(24e)aresolved.The scheme (24)isaspecialcaseofanalternatingdirectionaugmentedLagrangianmethod (ADM) for three or more separable blocks of variables. Although this version of ADM has been applied to solving a wide range of applications successfully, its theoretical convergence property is still unknown.


In this section, we discuss algorithmic issues related to the eigenvalue decomposition performed at each iteration, strategies for adjusting the penalty parameter, the use of astepsizeforupdatingtheprimalvariableX,terminationrulesandhowtodetect stagnation to enhance the performance of our methods. Our discussion focuses on procedures (6a)–(6c)forproblem(1), but it extends in an obvious way to (24a)–(24e) and the expanded problem (20).

3.1 Eigenvalue decomposition

One of the bottlenecks of our alternating direction method is the computation of the eigenvalue decomposition. Fortunately, for many problems in practice, either the pri- mal solution X or the dual solution S is a low rank matrix. For example, the primal variable X in the maxcut SDP relaxation often has low rank while the dual variable S in frequency assignment problem often has low rank. Moreover, since the optimal solution pair (X, y, S) satisfies the complementary condition XS 0, the matrices X = 123 216 Z. Wen et al. and S share the same set of eigenvectors and the positive eigenvalues of X (S)corre- k spond to zero eigenvalues of S (X). Therefore, we only need to compute either V† ,the k k part corresponding to the positive eigenvalues of V ,orV‡ ,thepartcorresponding to the negative eigenvalues of V k, at iteration k.Specifically,thefollowingadaptive k k scheme can be used at the end of iteration k 1todecidewhetherV† or V‡ should k 1 − k 1 be computed. Suppose that V† − has been computed and let κ (V − ) be the total k 1 k 1 n + k number of the positive eigenvalues of V − .Ifκ (V − ) 2 ,thissuggeststhatS k + ≤ k might have low rank and we compute V† .Otherwise,itispossiblethatX has low k k 1 rank and we compute V‡ .Ifthetotalnumberofthenegativeeigenvaluesκ (V − ) k 1 − of V − is known, a similar strategy can be used. There are two types of methods, direct and iterative, for computing selected eigen- values and eigenvectors of a real V .Directmethods,whichreduce V to tridiagonal form and then compute the required eigenvalues and eigenvectors from the tridiagonal matrix, are suitable for small and medium sized matrices. Since n is less than 5,000 in our numerical experiments, the code “DSYEVX” in LA- PACK works fairly well. Iterative methods, like the (for example, “ARPACK”),requireonlymatrix-vectorproductsandhencetheyaresuitableforsparse matrices or matrices for which the required matrix-vector products are cheap. If the matrices C and ∗(y) are sparse or have low rank, then advantage can be taken of A 3 these structures since V C ∗(y) µX.SinceiterativemethodsrequireO(n ) operations if O(n) eigenvalues:= − needA to− be computed, they are not competitive with k direct methods in this case. Hence, iterative methods should be used only if either V† k or V‡ is expected to have low rank. k 1 Note from Corollary 1 that the primal infeasibility (X + ) b 2 and dual infeasi- k 1 k 1 ∥A − ∥k k 1 bility C ∗(y + ) S + F are bounded by the difference V V + F which is nonincreasing.∥ − A Hence,− when∥ the alternative direction method∥ converges− ∥ slowly, k k 1 k 1 V V + F is often quite small. Hence, the spectral decomposition of V + is ∥close− to that of∥ V k.However,neitherthedirectnortheiterativemethodsmentioned k k k k above can take advantage of a good initial guess. Assume that V† Q†" (Q†)⊤ k k 2 := + has low rank. Since V† is the optimal solution of minS 0 S V F ,wecanusenon- linear programming approaches, like the limited-memory≽ ∥ BFGS− ∥ method, to obtain k 1 k 1 2 k k 1 R arg min n κ RR V starting from R Q (" ) 2 ,andset + R R × ⊤ + F † k 1 := k 1 k∈ 1 ∥ − ∥ k := k + S + R + (R + )⊤,whereκ κ (V ). Similarly, since V‡ is the optimal + := k 2 := k 1 solution of minS 0 S V F ,wecancomputeV‡ + from the optimal solution of ≽ ∥ +k 1 2∥ k minR n κ RR⊤ V + F ,whereκ κ (V ). ∈R × ∥ + ∥ := −

3.2 Updating the penalty parameter

Although our analysis shows that our alternating direction method Algorithm 1 con- verges for any fixed penalty parameter µ>0, numerical performance can be improved by adjusting the value of µ (see also [17,39]). We next present a strategy for doing this dynamically. Since the complementary condition X k Sk 0isalwayssatisfied,thepair = 123 Alternating direction augmented Lagrangian methods for semidefinite programming 217

k k k k 1 (X , y , S ) is close to optimal if the primal and dual infeasibilities (X + ) b 2 k 1 k 1 ∥A − ∥ and C ∗(y + ) S + F are small. Hence, we can tune µ so that the primal and ∥ − A − ∥ k 1 k 1 k 1 dual infeasibilities are balanced, that is, (X + ) b 2 C ∗(y + ) S + F . Specifically, we have from Corollary 1∥thatA − ∥ ≈∥ −A − ∥

k 1 1 k 1 k k 1 k 1 k k 1 (X + ) b (S + S ) and C ∗(y + ) S + µ(X X + ), A − = µA − − A − = −

1 which suggests that the primal and dual infeasibilities are proportional to µ and µ, 1 respectively. Therefore, we decrease (increase) µ by a factor γ ( γ ), 0 <γ<1, if the primal infeasibility is less than (greater than) a multiple of the dual infeasibility for a number of consecutive iterations. In addition, µ is required to remain within an interval µmin,µmax ,where0<µmin <µmax < . [ ] ∞

3.3 Step size for updating the primal variable X

For many alternating direction methods [7,11,12,17,20,21,28], numerical perfor- mance is often improved if a step size is added to the update of the . Here, we replace step (6c)by

k 1 k 1 k 1 k ∗(y + ) S + C k ρ k 1 k 1 X + X ρ A + − (1 ρ)X (S + V + ) := + µ = − + µ − k k 1 (1 ρ)X ρ X + , (26) := − + ¯ where ρ (0, 1 √5 ) and X k 1 1 (Sk 1 V k 1).Toproveconvergenceofthis +2 ¯ + µ + + variant one∈ can use an argument:= similar to the− one in [17]toobtainthefollowing theorem.

1 √5 Theorem 4 Let (X , y , S ) be an optimal solution of (1) and (3), ρ (0, + ) ∗ ∗ ∗ ∈ 2 and T 2 1 (1 ρ ρ2).Then,wehave = − 2 + −

k 1 2 ρ k 1 2 ρ(T ρ) k 1 k 1 2 X + X ∗ S + S∗ − ∗(y + ) S + C ∥ − ∥F + µ2 ∥ − ∥F + µ2 ∥A + − ∥F k 2 ρ k 2 ρ(T ρ) k k 2 X X ∗ S S∗ − ∗(y ) S C ≤∥ − ∥F + µ2 ∥ − ∥F + µ2 ∥A + − ∥F 2 (1 ρ ρ )ρ k 1 k 1 2 k k 1 2 + − ∗(y + ) S + C S S + . (27) − 3µ2 ∥A + − ∥F +∥ − ∥F % & Hence, we obtain

k 1 k 1 2 k k 1 2 lim ∗(y + ) S + C F S S + F 0. (28) k ∥A + − ∥ +∥ − ∥ = →∞ % & 123 218 Z. Wen et al.

Based on Theorem 4,wecanshowthatboththeprimalanddualinfeasibilitiesand the violation of the complementary condition converge to zero. From statement 1 of Corollary (1), we have

k 1 k 1 k 1 k 1 (X + ) b 2 (X + ) b 2 (X + ) (X + ) 2 ∥A − ∥ ≤∥A ¯ − ∥ +∥A − A ¯ ∥ 1 k 1 k k 1 k 1 A 2 S + S F A 2 X + X + F . (29) ≤ µ∥ ∥ ∥ − ∥ +∥ ∥ ∥ − ¯ ∥

We obtain from (26)that

k 1 k 1 k k 1 X + S + F (1 ρ) X S + F ∥ ∥ = − ∥ ∥ k k 1 k 1 k 1 k 1 (1 ρ) (X X + )S + F X + S + F ≤ − ∥ − ¯ ∥ +∥¯ ∥ (1 ρ)%(X k X k 1)Sk 1 & ¯ + + F = − ∥ k − k 1 ∥k 1 (1 ρ) (X X + ) F S + F . (30) ≤ − ∥ − ¯ ∥ ∥ ∥ It follows from (26)and(28)that

k 1 k k 1 k k 1 k 1 lim X + X F 0, lim X + X F 0, lim X + X + F 0. k ∥ − ∥ = k ∥ ¯ − ∥ = k ∥ − ¯ ∥ = →∞ →∞ →∞ (31)

Combining (28)–(31), we obtain

k 1 k 1 2 k 1 2 lim ∗(y + ) S + C F 0, lim (X + ) b F 0, k ∥A + − ∥ = k ∥A − ∥ = →∞ →∞ k 1 k 1 lim X + S + F 0. k ∥ ∥ = →∞

3.4 Termination rules and detection of stagnation

Since the rate of convergence of first-order methods can slow down as the iterates approach an optimal solution, it is critical to detect this stagnation and stop properly. However, it is difficult to predict whether an algorithm can get out of a region in which it is temporarily trapped and then resume a fast rate of convergence. Hence, it is usually beneficial to allow some flexibility in the termination rules. Similar to the rules used in the Seventh DIMACS Implementation Challenge, we measure the infeasibilities and closeness to optimality for the primal and dual problems as follows

(X) b 2 C S Z (y) F pinf ∥A − ∥ , dinf ∥ + + − A∗ ∥ , = 1 b 2 = 1 C 1 +∥ ∥ +∥ ∥ b y C, X gap | ⊤ − ⟨ ⟩ | . (32) = 1 b y C, X +| ⊤ |+⟨ ⟩ We stop our algorithm when

123 Alternating direction augmented Lagrangian methods for semidefinite programming 219

δ max pinf, dinf, gap ϵ, := { }≤ for ϵ>0. We use “it_stag” to count the number of consecutive iterations that δ does not decrease below the best value obtained thus far and stop if the following criteria are satisfied:

2 (it_stag > h1 and δ< 10ϵ) or (it_stag > h2 and δ< 10 ϵ) or = 3 = (it_stag > h3 and δ< 10 ϵ), (33) = where 1 < h1 < h2 < h3 are integers representing different levels of difficulty. The complete pseduo-code for our algorithm SDPAD (SDP Alternating Direction) is presented in Algorithm 2. SDPAD uses eleven parameters, the values of only a few of which are critical to its convergence and performance. The default value of the 6 termination tolerance ϵ is 10− ,andh1, h2 and h3 are used to detect stagnation. The following parameters are for adjusting the penalty parameter µ:theinitialvalueof 4 4 µ is 5, and its minimal and maximal values µmin and µmax are set to 10− and 10 , respectively, the factor for reducing (increasing) µ is γ 0.5, and this is done if there = are h4 consecutive iterations in which the ratio of the primal to the dual infeasibility is less than or equal to η1 (greater than η2). The step size ρ for updating X is set to 1.6. 0 0 k 1 We choose the initial iterate X I and S 0.Bydefault,thedecompositionV† + k 1 = = or V‡ + is computed by the code “DSYEVX” in LAPACK for all eigenvalues in the 12 15 interval 10− , 10 and their corresponding eigenvectors. Note that SDPAD can be extended[ naturally] to the expanded problem (20); we shall also refer to the resulting algorithm as SDPAD.


In this section, we report numerical results of our alternating direction algorithm SDPAD and the Newton-CG augmented Lagrangian method, whose implementation is called SDPNAL [41], on the SDP relaxations of frequency assignment, maximum stable set and binary integer quadratic programming problems. The main parts of our code were written in C Language MEX-files in MATLAB (Release 7.3.0). The main parts of SDPNAL were implemented in Matlab with a couple of tasks written in C Language MEX-files. All experiments were performed on a Dell Precision 670 workstation with an Intel Xeon 3.4 GHZ CPU and 6 GB of RAM. We should point out that the current implementation of SDPAD is not aimed at SDPs with general linear constraints since inverting the matrix ∗ can be expensive even if done only once. The comparisons are not meant toAA be a rigorous assess- ment of the performance of the solvers tested, as this would require very careful handling of subtle details such as parameter tuning and comparable termination cri- teria. Our main purpose is to demonstrate that alternating direction methods can be extremely robust and efficient if underlying special structures in the test problems are exploited.

123 220 Z. Wen et al.

Algorithm 2: SDPAD 1 √5 Set 0 <µmin µ µmax < ,ϵ>0,γ (0, 1), 0 <η1 η2 < ,ρ (0, +2 ), 1 < ≤ ≤ +∞0 0∈ ≤ ∞ ∈ h1 < h2 < h3 and h4 > 1. Set X 0andS 0. Set eigS true, ref , it_stag≽ 0, it≽_pinf 0 and it_dinf 0. for k =0, 1, do =+∞ = = = = k···1 k 1 k 1 S1 Update y + , S + and X + : k 1 k 1 Compute y + according to (7)andV + according to (9). if eigS true then == k 1 k 1 k 1 k 1 1 k 1 k 1 Compute V + ,setS V + and X (S V ). † + := † + = µ + − + k 1 n if κ(V + ) then set eigS false. † ≥ 2 = else k 1 k 1 k 1 k 1 k 1 1 k 1 Compute V + ,setS V V + and X V + . ‡ + := + + ‡ + = µ ‡ k 1 n if κ(V + ) then set eigS true. ‡ ≥ 2 = Set Xk 1 (1 ρ)Xk ρ Xk 1. + := − + + S2 Check optimality and detect stagnation: Compute δ max pinf, dinf, gap . if δ ϵ then:=return{ the solution. } if δ ≤ ref then set ref δ and it_stag 0 else set it_stag it_stag 1. if condition≤ (33) is satisfied:=then return the solution.= = + S3 Update penalty parameter µ: if pinf/dinf η1 then Set it_pinf≤ it_pinf 1andit_dinf 0. if it_pinf =h then set+µ max(γµ, µ =) and it_pinf 0. ≥ 4 = min = else if pinf/dinf >η2 then Set it_dinf it_dinf 1andit_pinf 0. = + 1 = if it_dinf h then set µ min( µ, µmax) and it_dinf 0. ≥ 4 = γ =

4.1 Frequency assignment relaxation

In this subsection, we demonstrate the effectiveness of SDPAD on the SDP relax- ations of frequency assignment problems. These problems (see equations (4) and (5) on page 363 in [5], or equation (2) on page 5 of [23]) arise from wireless communica- tion networks and contain both equality and inequality constraints. Let G (V, E) be an undirected graph with vertex set V 1,...,r and edge set E V = V ,and r ={ } ⊆ × let W S be a weight matrix for G such that wi, j w j,i is the weight associated ∈ = with edge (i, j) E.Forthoseedges(i, j)/E, we assume wi, j w j,i 0. Let T E be a given∈ edge subset. These problems∈ can be formulated as:= = ⊆

1 k 1 min diag(We) − W, X 2k + 2k / 0 1 s.t. Xi, j k− 1 , (i, j) E T, ≥ −1 ∀ ∈ \ Xi, j k− 1 , (i, j) T, (34) = − ∀ ∈ diag(X) e, X 0. = ≽ 123 Alternating direction augmented Lagrangian methods for semidefinite programming 221

Using the matrices corresponding to the edges in T and the constraint diag(X) e to construct the operator ,andthematricescorrespondingtotheedgesinE T=to construct the operator ,wecanformulate(A 34)astheexpandedproblem(20)without\ B 1 √ the positivity constraints X 0. We replaced the constraints Xij k− 1 by Xij/ 2 1 1 ≥ 1 = − = − and Xij − by Xij/√2 − ,hence, I, I and √2(k 1) ≥ k 1 ≥ √2(k 1) AA∗ = BB∗ = A and − are orthogonal to− each other. Therefore,− the optimal solution of the subproblems (24aB)and(24b) are explicitly available:

k 1 k k k 1 k y + µ( (X ) b) (S C) and v + max µ( (X ) d) := − A − + A − := − B − % & % % (Sk C) , 0 . +B − & & To accommodate the inequality constraints, the primal infeasibility was measured by

(X) b 2 min( (X) d, 0) 2 pinf ∥A − ∥ +∥ B − ∥ . = 1 b 2 +∥ ∥ Since the matrices corresponding to the operators and do not have to be stored, the memory required by our implementation is quiteA small.B The parameters of SDPNAL were set to their default values. The iteration counter set points h1, h2 and h3 were set to 20, 150 and 300, respectively, the iteration counter h4 for changing µ was set to 50 and the ratios η1 and η2 were set to 1. We stopped SDPAD when the total number of iterations reached 5,000. All other parameters were set to their default values. A summary of the computational results is presented in Table 1.Inthattable,m denotes the total number m q of equality and inequality con- straints, “itr” denotes theˆ total number of iterations+ performed and “cpu” denotes the CPU time reported in the format of “hours:minutes:seconds”. In particular, “cpu(p)” and “cpu(f)” denote the cpu time obtained by SDPAD using partial (“DSYEVX”) and full (“DSYEVD”) eigenvalue decomposition, respectively. The advantage of using par- tial eigen-value decomposition was very obvious on the small instances from “fap01” to “fap12”. However, its performance deteriorated on the large problems “fap25” and “fap36”. Since both of the codes “DSYEVX” and “DSYEVD” reduce the targeted matrix to tridiagonal form and their difference is in how they compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors from the resulting tridiagonal matrix, it may be possible to improve the performance of SDPAD with partial eigenvalue decomposition if a sophisticated strategy for specifying the lower and upper bounds of the interval to be searched for eigenvalues in “DSYEVX” can be found. Although SDPAD converged slowly on problems “fap12”, “fap25” and “fap36”, it was relatively easy to find solutions whose 4 accuracy was of order 10− . Since running SDPNAL on “fap25” and “fap36” is very time consuming (for example, in the results reported in [41], SDPNAL took more than 65 hours to solve problem “fap36”), we did not run SDPNAL on our own computer on these two problems and the results presented here were taken from Table 3 in [41]. Note that the numerical results of SDPNAL on problems from “fap01” to “fap12” in Table 1 are slightly different from those reported in Table 3 in [41]. Since the results in [41]

123 222 Z. Wen et al.

Table 1 Computational results on computing frequency assignment problems

Name n m SDPAD SDPNAL ˆ itr gap cpu(p) cpu(f) pinf dinf gap cpu pinf dinf fap01 52 1,378 607 9.06e 60.35 0.69 2.02e71.83e71.39e76.31 8.28e71.02e7 − − − − − − fap02 61 1,866 666 5.29e 50.49 0.94 1.62e61.47e51.15e54.12 8.38e73.51e7 − − − − − − fap03 65 2,145 840 1.48e 60.75 1.42 4.43e64.30e62.27e67.44 1.14e72.50e7 − − − − − − fap04 81 3,321 718 2.18e 51.21 2.77 2.28e61.08e61.53e519.69 2.07e76.38e7 − − − − − − fap05 84 3,570 768 8.84e 61.32 3.04 2.50e61.69e61.09e531.59 5.21e66.13e7 − − − − − − fap06 93 4,371 506 8.91e 61.07 2.39 4.11e62.66e61.73e529.84 6.87e76.83e7 − − − − − − fap07 98 4,851 543 9.89e 61.26 1.98 3.26e64.95e65.75e629.88 9.93e74.88e7 − − − − − − fap08 120 7,260 424 8.39e 51.57 2.82 1.27e55.29e65.93e625.25 2.80e79.90e7 − − − − − − fap09 174 15,225 505 2.06e 74.77 6.74 5.80e75.08e72.86e659.67 8.92e79.60e7 − − − − − − fap10 183 14,479 1,250 4.96e 414.93 29.48 2.31e69.17e77.93e5 1:50 1.49e 79.33e7 − − − − − − fap11 252 24,292 1,654 4.99e 449.57 1:18 2.34e64.51e71.89e4 5:15 9.48e 75.96e7 − − − − − − fap12 369 26,462 4,207 1.36e 4 5:33 6:41 5.54e 73.11e71.60e4 13:14 6.07e 77.82e7 − − − − − − fap25 2,118 322,924 4,752 7.47e 5 37:07:18 24:25:18 1.71e 62.41e71.1e4 10:53:22 3.2e 65.0e7 − − − − − − fap36 4,110 1,154,467 5,000 1.68e 5 152:04:46 116:28:06 1.38e 61.26e72.5e5 65:25:07 7.7e 76.7e7 − − − − − − fap12 369 26,462 2,000 6.43e 4 2:34 3:51 1.88e 61.41e61.60e4 13:14 6.07e 77.82e7 ∗ − − − − − − fap25 2,118 322,924 2,000 6.97e 4 15:06:58 7:17:08 1.29e 51.27e61.1e4 10:53:22 3.2e 65.0e7 ∗ − − − − − − fap36 4,110 1,154,467 2,000 2.20e 4 78:37:23 53:14:12 1.48e 51.04e62.5e5 65:25:07 7.7e 76.7e7 ∗ − − − − − − were obtained from a PC with Intel Xeon 3.2 GHZ and 4 GB of RAM which has a very similar performance profile to the computer that we used, the numbers reported in our table and Table 3 in [41]areverysimilarandthecomparisonbetweenthem is meaningful. From these two tables, we can see that SDPAD is quite competitive with SDPNAL for achieving a gap of almost the same order. Although the infeasibilities are not directly comparable since our formulation is different from the standard form used by SDPNAL,wecanobservethattheinfeasibilitiesachievedby SDPAD were still satisfactory. The results of the boundary point method “mprw.m” reported in Table 4 in [41] are much worse than those of SDPAD.Sincetheimple- mentation in “mprw.m” is essentially an alternating direction method applied to SDPs in standard form, we can conclude that treating inequality constraints directly can greatly improve the performance of such methods. Wenowcomparethenumericalresultsofouralternatingdirectionmethodsobtained using ρ 1andρ 1.6byusingperformanceprofilesasproposedin[8]. Specifi- cally, performance= plots= for the duality gap and the CPU time are presented in Fig. 1a, b, respectively. These figures show that the variant using ρ 1.6isbothfasterthan the variant using ρ 1andachievesasmallerdualitygap. = =

4.2 The SDP relaxation of the maximum stable set problem

Given a graph G with edge set E,twoSDPsrelaxationsofthemaximumstableset problem are

θ(G) max C, X , Xij 0,(i, j) E, I, X 1, X 0 , (35) = {⟨ ⟩ = ∈ ⟨ ⟩ = ≽ } θ (G) max C, X , Xij 0,(i, j) E, I, X 1, X 0, X 0 , (36) + = {⟨ ⟩ = ∈ ⟨ ⟩ = ≽ ≥ } 123 Alternating direction augmented Lagrangian methods for semidefinite programming 223

1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 lems lems b 0.5 b 0.5 0.4 0.4 of pro 0.3 of pro 0.3 % 0.2 % 0.2 ρ=1.6 ρ=1.6 0.1 ρ=1 0.1 ρ=1 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 not more than 2x times worse than the best not more than 2x times worse than the best (a) (b) Fig. 1 Performance profiles of two variants of SDPAD for frequency assignment problems

where C ee⊤.Wescaledtheconstraintssothat ∗ I ,i.e.,wereplacedthe = AA = 1 1 constraints Xij 0byXij/√2 0and I, X 1by I, X .The = = ⟨ ⟩ = √n ⟨ ⟩ = √n matrix C was also scaled by n.Thetestsproblemsweretakenfrom[19,25,27]. The numbers h1, h2 and h3 were set to 20, 50 and 150, respectively, the iteration counter h4 for changing µ was set to 100 and the ratios η1 and η2 were set to 1. We stopped SDPAD when the total number of iterations reached 5,000. All other parameters were set to their default values. Summaries of the computational results for θ(G) and θ (G) are presented in Tables 2 and 3,respectively.SincerunningSDP- NAL on all+ the test problems is very time consuming (for example, in the results reported in [41], SDPNAL took almost 81 hours to compute θ (G) on problem “1et.2048”), we did not run SDPNAL on our own computer on+ any of the θ(G) and θ (G) or BIQ (see next subsection) problems. Hence, the SDPNAL results in Tables+2 and 3 are taken from Tables 5 and 6 in [41]. Because the computer used to obtain the results in [41]hasverysimilarperformancecharacteristicstothecomputer that we used, the comparison presented in Tables 2 and 3 is meaningful. Specifi- cally, when we run SDPNAL on smaller and easier problems, such as “fap01”– “fap12”, on our computer, the cpu time differed from those reported in [41]byan insignificant amount. From Table 2,wecanseethatSDPNAL performs better than SDPAD on most problems. However, SDPAD is faster than SDPNAL on “2dc.512”, and it achieves a duality gap not much worse than that of SDPNAL on problems like “theta102” to “theta123”, “sanr200-0.7”, “c-fat200-1” and “brock400-1”. From Table 3,wecanseethatSDPAD is quite competitive with SDPNAL.Specifically, it is faster than SDPNAL on problems like “2dc.512”, “1tc.1024”, “2dc.1024”, “1tc.2048” and “1zc.2048” while achieving smaller duality gap. We should point out that SDPNAL is a generic code for SDPs and its performance may be signif- icantly improved if its parameters are carefully tuned on the maximum stable set problems. Finally, performance plots for numerical results obtained using ρ 1 and ρ 1.6forcomputingθ(G) and θ (G) are presented in Figs. 2a, b, and=3a, b, respectively.= When both the final duality+ gap and CPU time are considered, these plots again show that using a fixed step size of ρ 1.6ispreferabletoastepsizeof ρ 1. = = 123 224 Z. Wen et al.

Table 2 Computational results on computing θ(G)

Name n m SDPAD SDPNAL ˆ itr gap cpu pinf dinf gap cpu pinf dinf theta102 500 37,467 256 9.67e-7 47 6.47e 71.25e61.6e850 6.9e84.8e7 − − − − − theta103 500 62,516 257 3.33e 757 2.10e71.88e64.6e81:00 4.4e85.8e7 − − − − − − theta104 500 87,245 260 6.53e 748 2.51e71.94e67.6e858 6.1e86.5e7 − − − − − − theta123 600 90,020 263 4.57e 71:432.52e71.94e64.1e81:34 3.3e85.2e7 − − − − − − MANN-a27 378 703 503 8.81e 627 2.93e66.99e68.3e807 9.4e11 7.0e 7 − − − − − − sanr200-0.7 200 6,033 219 3.04e 704 5.93e71.99e61.4e704 2.3e73.1e7 − − − − − − c-fat200-1 200 18,367 302 9.15e 704 8.39e73.50e78.5e809 1.5e78.3e7 − − − − − − ham-8-3-4 256 16,129 199 8.04e 705 8.24e71.98e69.0e802 7.2e98.0e7 − − − − − − ham-9-5-6 512 53,761 1,154 3.16e 83:091.66e61.84e61.3e810 1.2e10 2.4e 7 − − − − − − ham-10-2 1,024 23,041 597 9.51e 622:84.95e66.31e61.4e61:33 7.1e87.1e7 − − − − − − brock400-1 400 20,078 254 8.30e 725 7.24e71.61e61.7e826 5.4e79.9e7 − − − − − − keller4 171 5,101 249 9.32e 703 3.87e71.97e61.3e805 1.3e74.4e7 − − − − − − p-hat300-1 300 33,918 764 9.96e 737 5.67e71.36e65.3e71:45 5.5e79.4e7 − − − − − − G43 1,000 9,991 935 7.68e 621:175.90e67.82e64.2e81:33 3.0e84.6e7 − − − − − − G44 1,000 9,991 933 6.82e 621:025.02e68.41e63.3e72:59 3.6e79.2e7 − − − − − − G45 1,000 9,991 957 6.70e 621:271.15e57.76e65.6e82:51 3.6e85.8e7 − − − − − − G46 1,000 9,991 927 9.69e 621:029.00e61.09e52.3e72:53 3.2e79.1e7 − − − − − − G47 1,000 9,991 880 8.91e 619:417.23e61.20e51.3e72:54 7.0e89.3e7 − − − − − − 2dc.512 512 54,896 2,254 1.31e 412:425.82e61.25e51.7e432:16 2.4e55.0e7 − − − − − − 1dc.1024 1,024 24,064 747 2.79e 424:265.70e51.02e42.9e641:26 1.4e64.9e7 − − − − − − 1et.1024 1,024 9,601 603 7.11e 420:031.42e42.64e41.8e61:01:142.5e63.5e7 − − − − − − 1tc.1024 1,024 7,937 611 9.93e 421:473.28e41.04e32.2e61:48:041.7e66.3e7 − − − − − − 1zc.1024 1,024 16,641 608 4.16e 723:151.10e67.56e73.3e84:15 2.8e83.0e7 − − − − − − 2dc.1024 1,024 1,69,163 3,802 4.75e 53:01:372.93e68.18e69.9e52:57:567.8e66.8e7 − − − − − − 1dc.2048 2,048 58,368 473 9.99e 42:50:442.13e44.33e41.5e66:11:117.7e74.0e7 − − − − − − 1et.2048 2,048 22,529 904 9.93e 44:54:571.36e48.10e48.8e77:13:556.9e76.3e7 − − − − − − 1tc.2048 2,048 18,945 1,011 9.98e 04 5:37:33 1.26e 48.37e47.9e69:52:093.3e63.7e7 − − − − − − 1zc.2048 2,048 39,425 941 9.17e 66:39:076.16e66.20e61.2e645:16 1.5e77.3e7 − − − − − − 2dc.2048 2,048 5,04,452 3,434 5.79e 521:15:292.56e65.67e64.4e515:13:193.7e64.5e7 − − − − − −

4.3 Binary integer quadratic programming problem

In this subsection, we report on how SDPAD performs on SDP relaxations of binary integer quadratic programming problems and compare these results to those obtained using SDPNAL.Theseproblemshavetheform:

Q 0 min , X 00 /* + 0 s.t. Xii Xn,i 0, i 1,...,n 1, − = = − Xnn 1, X 0, X 0, (37) = ≽ ≥ 123 Alternating direction augmented Lagrangian methods for semidefinite programming 225

Table 3 Computational results on computing θ (G) + SDPAD SDPNAL

Name n m itr gap cpu pinf dinf gap cpu pinf dinf ˆ theta102 500 37,467 281 2.84e 71:01 2.17e71.91e68.4e83:314.5e79.1e7 − − − − − − theta103 500 62,516 262 4.85e 71:01 2.42e71.90e62.3e83:281.0e79.3e7 − − − − − − theta104 500 87,245 266 7.35e 752 2.64e71.91e61.6e72:358.1e78.4e7 − − − − − − theta123 600 90,020 267 6.02e 71:39 2.78e71.89e61.2e76:447.7e78.5e7 − − − − − − MANN-a27 378 703 530 8.17e 632 2.32e68.15e61.6e735 2.1e76.8e7 − − − − − − sanr200-0.7 200 6,033 228 4.47e 705 6.53e71.91e62.9e711 5.9e74.0e7 − − − − − − c-fat200-1 200 18,367 306 8.40e 704 4.33e74.08e72.1e736 1.3e79.5e7 − − − − − − ham-8-3-4 256 16,129 199 8.05e 705 8.23e71.98e62.7e10 05 8.5e 93.7e7 − − − − − − ham-9-5-6 512 53,761 472 3.25e 72:19 7.31e71.51e62.6e742 1.1e74.4e7 − − − − − − ham-10-2 1,024 23,041 653 9.78e 727:58 3.97e71.10e64.2e74:356.0e87.9e7 − − − − − − brock400-1 400 20,078 258 9.83e 729 7.41e71.51e63.5e91:459.5e76.5e7 − − − − − − keller4 171 5,101 331 2.98e 605 2.75e61.80e53.7e743 6.1e79.7e7 − − − − − − p-hat300-1 300 33,918 567 1.50e 629 1.00e61.18e67.9e76:508.7e77.2e7 − − − − − − G43 1,000 9,991 864 8.02e 620:22 1.30e51.09e52.1e752:009.1e78.1e7 − − − − − − G44 1,000 9,991 893 6.36e 621:14 4.40e68.72e65.7e849:323.3e76.2e7 − − − − − − G45 1,000 9,991 916 8.96e 622:54 1.38e58.16e62.4e850:259.3e78.6e7 − − − − − − G46 1,000 9,991 886 9.47e 622:48 7.36e61.04e53.3e844:383.5e79.6e7 − − − − − − G47 1,000 9,991 838 8.76e 621:11 6.56e61.13e55.1e940:274.7e76.0e7 − − − − − − 2dc.512 512 54,896 1,521 2.61e 55:10 2.14e64.72e63.8e42:25:152.1e47.7e7 − − − − − − 1dc.1024 1,024 24,064 1,022 6.23e 557:20 1.52e51.18e51.4e55:03:491.4e56.9e7 − − − − − − 1et.1024 1,024 9,601 651 5.26e 436:04 8.61e54.32e41.1e56:45:504.8e67.0e7 − − − − − − 1tc.1024 1,024 7,937 799 3.53e 449:13 1.25e45.33e48.7e410:37:571.5e47.3e7 − − − − − − 1zc.1024 1,024 16,641 506 5.30e 428:22 4.17e53.61e51.6e740:136.4e75.7e7 − − − − − − 2dc.1024 1,024 1,69,163 2,052 4.86e 61:25:125.70e71.57e67.3e411:57:251.6e46.2e7 − − − − − − 1dc.2048 2,048 58,368 517 9.99e 44:25:171.51e41.89e49.7e535:52:441.9e57.1e7 − − − − − − 1et.2048 2,048 22,529 659 6.80e 45:15:091.27e45.33e44.0e580:48:176.3e65.7e7 − − − − − − 1tc.2048 2,048 18,945 862 6.09e 46:35:331.36e47.94e41.4e373:56:013.5e47.9e7 − − − − − − 1zc.2048 2,048 39,425 953 8.27e 67:14:215.10e69.21e62.3e72:13:042.5e77.9e7 − − − − − − 2dc.2048 2,048 5,04,452 1,651 9.87e 611:00:087.99e72.68e62.7e345:21:421.3e47.2e7 − − − − − −

(n 1) (n 1) where Q R − × − .WereplacedtheconstraintsXii Xn,i 0by ∈ − = 2 (Xij Xn,i ) 0andthematrixQ was scaled by its Frobenious norm. The 3 − = computational" results obtained on the BIQ instances described in [32]arepresented in Table 4,where“bestupperbound”isthebestknownupperboundreportedin[32], and “%pgap” and “%dgap” were computed as

best upper bound pobj %pgap − 100% and := best upper bound × 1 1 1 1 1best upper bound dobj1 %dgap 1 − 1 100%. := best upper bound × 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 123 226 Z. Wen et al.

1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 lems lems

b 0.6 b 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 of pro of pro

% 0.3 % 0.3 0.2 0.2 ρ=1.6 ρ=1.6 0.1 ρ=1 0.1 ρ=1 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 not more than 2x times worse than the best not more than 2x times worse than the best (a) (b) Fig. 2 Performance profiles of two variants of SDPAD for computing θ(G)

1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7

lems 0.6 lems 0.6 b b 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 of pro of pro of

% 0.3 % 0.3 0.2 0.2 ρ=1.6 ρ=1.6 0.1 0.1 ρ=1 ρ=1 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 not more than 2x times worse than the best not more than 2x times worse than the best (a) (b) Fig. 3 Performance profiles of two variants of SDPAD for computing θ (G) +

Note that %pgap and %dgap may not be valid since the values pobj and dobj obtained by SDPAD are not generated from primal and dual feasible iterates in general. The numbers h1, h2 and h3 were set to 50,400 and 500, respectively, the iteration counter h4 for changing µ was set to 0 and the ratios η1 and η2 were set to 1 and 100, respec- tively. We stopped SDPAD when the total number of iterations reached 10,000. The minimum penalty parameter µmin is set to 0.1. All other parameters were set to their default values. Again, we did not run SDPNAL on our own computer but presented the results reported in Table 8 in [41]inTable4.Fromthistable,wecanseethat SDPAD is faster than SDPNAL for achieving comparable lower bounds. We again emphasize that the performance of SDPNAL may be significantly improved if its parameters are carefully tuned on this class of problems. Finally, performance plots for numerical results obtained using ρ 1andρ 1.6arepresentedinFig.4a, b. When both the final duality gap and= CPU time are= considered, these plots again show that using a fixed step size of ρ 1.6ispreferabletousingastepsizeof ρ 1. = = 123 Alternating direction augmented Lagrangian methods for semidefinite programming 227

Table 4 Computational results on the BIQ problems


Name n itr best upper bound %pgap %dgap cpu pinf dinf %dgap cpu pinf dinf be200.3.1 201 2,484 2.5453000e+4 8.891 8.891 32 8.55e 71.60e 68.89110:29 5.6e 75.0e 7 − − − − − be200.3.3 201 2,296 2.8023000e+4 5.194 5.195 31 1.03e 54.47e 65.19212:09 5.6e 55.7e 7 − − − − − be200.3.5 201 4,782 2.6355000e+4 6.519 6.519 1:04 3.25e 61.11e 76.51910:38 1.4e 65.5e 7 − − − − − be200.3.7 201 2,447 3.0483000e+4 3.730 3.732 32 9.11e 65.55e 63.7309:43 1.1e 65.8e 7 − − − − − be200.3.9 201 6,940 2.4683000e+4 7.106 7.106 1:31 1.22e 65.51e 87.1068:28 3.2e 53.7e 7 − − − − − be200.8.1 201 4,267 4.8534000e+4 4.812 4.812 57 2.36e 66.83e 84.8119:41 3.7e 56.2e 7 − − − − − be200.8.3 201 2,107 4.3207000e+4 7.051 7.053 28 9.94e 62.34e 67.05210:53 5.8e 79.2e 7 − − − − − be200.8.5 201 1,885 4.1482000e+4 6.725 6.723 25 9.52e 63.33e 66.7239:53 1.7e 57.7e 7 − − − − − be200.8.7 201 2,186 4.6828000e+4 5.394 5.391 28 8.72e 61.07e 65.3924:30 4.7e 76.8e 7 − − − − − be200.8.9 201 2,146 4.3241000e+4 5.213 5.214 29 6.54e 61.75e 65.21312:16 5.8e 63.8e 7 − − − − − be250.1 251 5,923 2.4076000e+4 4.334 4.334 2:14 1.22e 61.49e 74.33216:41 4.0e 54.6e 7 − − − − − be250.3 251 2,747 2.2923000e+4 4.698 4.697 1:02 7.48e 62.18e 54.69817:17 2.9e 56.0e 7 − − − − − be250.5 251 6,326 2.1057000e+4 6.258 6.258 2:24 1.22e 69.80e 86.25414:30 9.3e 54.4e 7 − − − − − be250.7 251 5,256 2.4095000e+4 4.250 4.250 1:57 2.82e 62.22e 74.25014:00 5.9e 57.1e 7 − − − − − be250.9 251 6,532 2.0051000e+4 6.713 6.713 2:30 1.22e 62.66e 76.71317:13 1.1e 43.6e 7 − − − − − bqp250-1 251 3,005 4.5607000e+4 4.509 4.507 1:08 7.53e 61.17e 54.50817:42 3.9e 76.6e 7 − − − − − bqp250-3 251 3,006 4.9037000e+4 4.159 4.159 1:05 3.68e 68.86e 64.16010:36 9.9e 77.9e 7 − − − − − bqp250-5 251 3,129 4.7961000e+4 4.260 4.261 1:10 9.18e 65.05e 64.26019:03 4.4e 56.9e 7 − − − − − bqp250-7 251 4,801 4.6757000e+4 4.630 4.630 1:46 6.79e 71.51e 64.63016:36 8.2e 75.9e 7 − − − − − bqp250-9 251 3,006 4.8916000e+4 5.277 5.279 1:06 7.58e 61.67e 55.27616:12 3.7e 73.9e 7 − − − − − bqp500-1 501 8,960 1.1658600e+5 8.044 8.044 19:44 2.76e 71.89e 68.0451:00:592.9e 75.5e 7 − − − − − bqp500-3 501 8,824 1.3081200e+5 5.842 5.841 19:04 2.78e 71.77e 65.8421:01:474.4e 74.0e 7 − − − − − bqp500-5 501 8,288 1.2548700e+5 6.857 6.857 18:41 5.35e 72.03e 66.8571:36:434.5e 52.5e 7 − − − − − bqp500-7 501 9,153 1.2220100e+5 7.603 7.602 20:16 3.27e 71.99e 67.6031:25:268.1e 55.7e 7 − − − − − bqp500-9 501 8,439 1.2079800e+5 7.856 7.856 18:54 3.33e 72.41e 67.8571:24:409.5e 57.3e 7 − − − − − gka2e 201 4,375 2.3395000e+4 6.508 6.508 57 1.22e 65.75e 86.5067:23 4.7e 74.3e 7 − − − − − gka4e 201 2,735 3.5594000e+4 4.583 4.582 36 1.02e 57.59e 74.58211:25 1.2e 54.2e 7 − − − − − gka1f 501 8,106 6.1194000e+4 7.133 7.133 17:57 5.34e 72.83e 67.1331:28:549.9e 55.2e 7 − − − − − gka3f 501 7,785 1.3803500e+5 8.778 8.777 17:04 4.05e 71.46e 68.7781:31:342.8e 56.7e 7 − − − − − gka5f 501 8,849 1.9050700e+5 8.612 8.612 18:58 4.56e 71.58e 68.6131:25:486.6e 67.1e 7 − − − − −


In this paper, we presented alternating direction augmented Lagrangian methods for solving semidefinite programming (SDP) problems. At each inner iteration, the algo- rithm minimizes the dual augmented Lagrangian function with respect to each block of dual variable separately while other blocks are fixed and then updates the primal variables. For the version of our algorithm that uses a unit step size ρ 1, comple- mentary is enforced by computing partial eigenvalue decompositions at each= iteration. The special structure of the constraints, such as sparsity and orthogonality, can often

123 228 Z. Wen et al.

1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 lems lems b b 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 of pro of pro 0.4 0.4 % % 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 ρ=1.6 0.1 ρ=1.6 ρ=1 ρ=1 0 0 01 23 4 5 67 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 not more than 2x times worse than the best not more than 2x times worse than the best (a) (b) Fig. 4 Performance profiles of two variants of SDPAD for the BIQ problems be used to simplify the computation when solving the subproblems. Our method can handle SDPs with inequality and positivity constraints directly without transforming them to equality constraints. Although the numerical results are limited to three special classes of SDP prob- lems, they illustrate the effectiveness of our approach. In order solve SDPs with general linear constraints efficiently, further research on solving each block of subproblems cheaply and partial spectral decomposition is still needed. Since the low rank structure of the optimal solution is often exposed after relatively few iterations from our numer- ical experience, we also plan to explore how to take advantage of this to improve the efficiency of our algorithms. Moreover, we note that the convergence of alternating direction methods for three or more separable blocks of variables remains an open question.

Acknowledgments We want to thank Kim-Chuan Toh and Defeng Sun for sharing their code SDPNAL and for providing the data files for the frequency assignment and maximum stable set problems, Samuel Burer for sharing his code SDPLR and Andreas Stathopoulos for his helpful comments on iterative methods for eigenvalue decomposition. The authors are grateful to the Area Editor and the four anonymous referees for their detailed and valuable comments and suggestions.


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