!B\ |B\ Si Wakefield May Start in Tiger Outfield DETROIT TIMES. JAN. 15. 1942 PAGE 21 Predict Greater | THEY WERE HAMMERING AWAY AGAIN AFTER SLIPPING GehringerSeen Interest in Golf ! In Player- Despite War Role This Year EDITOR Courses Preparing Club Taking No i to Use Record Chances Mullin Lineup of Big Leaguers in Armed Forces Number of Caddies May Be Unread/

|t\ \< IJONK.U- Reads Like a Dream Team' H\ KIM. Ut IIMKS LEO M \\ Mul- !)• [iitp the \*,ir and iic attend- M a pos v ;(*' 1 11 n that Pat throwing in\ lx* nffei ted hv would you like to have an outfield that would iver. ge ant • .1- golf rirtir*»**s J«k»k» to lin'* How i t ailing shoulder. T)n'k \\ aketirld. <>{ tv * -g" wiil bo Pa. on Mullin'' condition are Tigei master And a pitcher like Bob Feller' swHlßpy., \ cheering. but the A!'« efy t:.«* various private rr.intis are not leunc C-ht of the Well, our all-star team, comprising stars from the American 'loss •< •« ivt the -• r| po*s of y in mil . : / foi Hi ccoi j hiht> }« ¦; League service in I.'ncleSmri's and naval i ir.. i young nutfiehlri .* shoulder, which already in military r it? i• o! < 'H:e- t » r take cal» of• he mnyed in a colli.' on in i game forces, such stars. tf.«* p!.< 1 ..’ 1 tt.o coijrsf of a 1 at Chicago last summer i 1 - > i Km gri'f -i a "M ippi"Mmatidy If.’) MOO , s re- « .'h - - '[.mi’ .- metro- f'Oinso, on what ihc voting col- legian show* in hitting in spring •'Wi* rinnt r*\p« , (f (mi mill'll .training at I.ak land which gets troiibb* in getting hm*," Hugh under way Februni\ J Pitchers S', - "-rung- V r* r f at tn. Dt and eatchers leport February ! ; 11; t (,i' | ('j ’, 11, »>> j 11 k!a \ , and the lC't of the .-quad one week B moxi i Mint \(,t. later I »<->«• Cramer is r\pe- t,»f to be nu*s| M fl "Our lto\s lor tin* part MIKK MBAS -fi and JOHN BILBPKY 10-t their l t'iori knocked r it his St. Mary s Bedford opponent in n center field with Barney Me- ire iiiuler t lie age u h*n tliev 'r h* • rr• > a f .m- the third round to reach the light heavyweight final.- in Cosky in left. gßi ran join the armed fortes nr li ila! tiir moment and if *le dci k alt r w>rk in far tnries. I hr- turimver --oti • . xc/,;.ngr m a f’YO bo i! last mg Bilbrey of Annun- f’lass B 3.% TO REPORT Besidr s Travis. Lewis and v* ill W< go at. r than in most A squad of .!.) players will be \ears \\e b lind that rnnrlition orden d to report lor training, to e \is.l last \.in . W e have l.'iU big league k more than 10 wen* in th*' Florida ; \v(n Might Too e On harlg.-s h v\ have in use at camp last spring. The list is rx- ? No Soft-Cushion I we iis.-d Handball alt tunes t-d summer Stars perted to include Charley Gehr- .* Sanford. I ,i>no 1 1 ift T'. ¦. 1 1 l.nvs, alimisi four inger a* player-roach. fei\ s In ear h h Boxer, nivr-sity «? Mm tag .n ttlge. Annunciation Now Training Regularly, While the squad that will go to ! S\>| (II \l»>1 \.\ “We hnpe In g t ftl*» lahur Prmer Griffith lias Lakeland e pretty well set, there athlete whom Clark hoard fn drop the ag< limit for Confirms Coach’s in CYO Pushed to Win Faith Meet Job for Louis is still a po-sibihtv that the Tigers _hfen a hig league post. H» i- an grooming *n *he minors for raddles nri<* vear. \«>vv thev m; two .Toe >• mike deal or at the :it mild hr* I* II were » YORK. J >n. 15 Pvt is a at ast If - MAY Sanford if 1. /, nut fielder, one of the fastest men in . _• Q t i//f\ ? , ' i . * r*. i\.<] *) American League's special meet- l.‘{ A' V. i weigh* r! p Imhal wallop w. d have nn wnrrie**.’’ Lnm-.- ni'.jp.r| ia-t mgt)i a lotmn to town will go I |* ( Uilill *i-r* - on f after .lack /.diet to the Gotham <* I'll I\ i i d ir-mn-ell *n :< *ne Ixmg Resides Williams, who hit ton ad American Rr »rr] foi a '•ev< n Dpt for meeting The White Sox ate still K • y ¦,,, ; a n <•' rk'omn'-d rount from Camp on a radio chr.. 1111 . . . ;.,, trying to deal with the Tigers in hatting in the past season. *a* Boston Red Sox, also lard i'T. broadcavt and then' b-e Heepily - have again Edgar r b- 11 -a v r'd t~< A-"- n'-ion wa> and offered Ihkmun, r»! f . \s ft n t*‘r > o{ los* pitcher-s Mickey Harris, Kar Johnson and Kna rson 1 1 ¦ t Sm ’h. • :.thp ,\v pi* ' . The ho’ for a .a mi j>• of h-.u: - of Tie* . * ean • arvther left-hander end Larry Powell and hr, farmamis. . - " ! ’ ! Z ,| c A 1 Fa -; 1. it ' *l* > not |nr to give ‘ < t.r fr iM' k to } • r I V" H irt;r,g i is of a e I f iii-1 Sr ( \ With ‘he exception of Felier wno plenty *-, !> I>n n : T Trout ; to lost only one reg’-.ar < if * lor n Fdga ¦ Sm 1 t h Cleveland Indians appear have * Th>* lie \v\ ig ; .' a; • if) of (" r * - i -teg* :. . • ¦ • ‘ I I I ID' l.'lr.Al t'.’H At tn ¦ co the ttxj a f ai» i” *j'o .Jc)p •So up Cams 1 ell an itfie J» r I”’*> r. WOT’lcl hccarnP si \ xs" iiot aUiu; Bn ice C-nmp- Stack, whom 'he Chicago chib obtained from Fhr.‘ a ycaj ag L" i • Bairow Ne'tradav -,t vv md- b‘ for wI- .to ti Tigers got w. i * fpr.. n . w • .v- C .met m a trade with Washing- White Uncli Sam's n tci \ • (Tih the only Sox listed on --,»¦}•,) t'iiinxtr< r! draft.** p- ,vnr< ton v Cl- i o wants Firs' big ieagtn-r *o be draf’ed. Stack never pit* ;.ed regularh anr! r-amei.tnv'n wr-e no* tk*i- Ctaniet The T get ; | i\e two -oa npaw s m Harold hewhouser team. po ’!<: for \\: • ¦ !’.<•> aw lint t-.e former na y ” ill rrgist' trunrj lb and may Joe (Jrace St. Louis Browns’ outfielder, ha* joined the- -- gram t i'. v , n prr fo* ]n . •• :: Aw f woulrf inferfnrr vv .sh *h" older l\ he drafted lb haw, who lives m Albert Whi'e. an outfielder, whom the Browns had ouf on optr • i' i. ob~ ,* of tho routine Ife Chicago, maria* He was i ! „ a - . e j. nr i ia« eonduc* wail I ’ <;• ° * l.nu, \ season, is in army. H ’• ! . *?. 1 • : * '» Fn City in the 'he <•* • > perrmt army lamed from Jer-» at San Antonio las' * P- ’ i * * 1 - •’*'¦ {*o m in uni- ha'Cball draft „ others, no. ’ There will be many doubt. li* 1 . v ? \ , (\ • \ •(1 \ |nf .f | inH) f~. t i MAY BRTIM.LS - LOSE \;,, o '!r*- ’,5) M»f) "f }'f‘- -a . o i "h-.n 11 >i< .*'• -s 1.f-w i• k tj a n rig per- • iod. Loo -> vvr Ufd I e treated a> an\ 'h ough ¦ head of a family, . (1 PERFECT .. > e HERE .* ' nun.'iAtr *.O!< ) ; Tommy Gentleman, a Horse TIMING IS r -V-1 B -ft "V n. Other r er t re--* ?

f„* • • faces the long arm of comes t his yarn : j r’ha: ,f.« ui'*. Cncle r went through’the mil! with him Sam Bridges has had ROTC i ::.ivp mentioned Mrs. Isabe’ T*'>:g ' "On!\ rare few ever - If Lou has bee-1 pi IV Itelv tr uning

u;.v -* in eonneo'inn with Ais «:•. -A: • 1 .f\o nf tho ru-t n - Tnrv C llf tel for '. eijshion-'" d *.-i, \rnom: the T r p i->'| * who Boh n and vi«.s*ero!e - k 11 Sloane smit |» B ' • P . ¦ in the °t sec- B ; g* - have < hildren are i.jtc running *ci morale division th*' ,j six’y-eigi *h of the Kentut kv I by. *' fv. f. the a yu cv« t v *>fi j>ut I\ol*in, l ond corps a"»-a officer' a* t'plon F i h', on M i'. 2. Sehoo’iiov Rowr, .lortnnv Gorsica,

* - Bud y r t j* j. ~jn b«-on for tne.sc* three a lady, n g* nth-man lin\ a IVnntifr if I'i >mn anti Yu *i! Tru*’¦> Le* ano i M ••hi m* tiiore would no’ have h« •n an Alsab. V - h .• 1 Id Whue are mil'- : *. s, • it* r ~an and , 1 l •r. t m* si", owner of the Brookrnca i* St a ow red Woman Golfer Burial Renoenhacen Siars ' Mt ¦ Basketball Resets head * a fan .!; y, ;,j|, w-,!• nw is bred *o the Fren< rr.are. Bro« a’e!'' TP.* A Tige. lineup foi the opening (Ol I H.t * To Be Held Tomorrow As Pin Substitute da\ o! ’he on r T look son ft: •. g i.l ti 1 li:uf r» „ r, i •,« t • w• < r.' w ore i.g a tm»* - ma< i- -gen uhstj. B* nton Yo; »• in' an i. as f • • • T * t t * . , * ’ t Walter R ipcnh p. k lb BN iworth ggtns ;h. nr*d iraj appeared to be riving of malnutrition. t'.'.rtg for S inv'iUci t flaunt*- Jh. 11 Hi** ;an k. short* llit * 's iie g. • * *t i - v *un¦ into the * I*• ¦ 1T f < •*er in lb, 1.,-. ’ Boh Smitii. t ,i* n trainer fur Brook mead* riel , t lie Hrm\ i, M* ( *osi. y (h cf, 1 how He if amer at command |, v yi. [ y j (1\ • i >., » . Jnriividu.l C’ias'ic. led or W medicines his ¦ ‘ Mullins hefield -4' H ««r jr . rs I M v.'.ti > gr» rda\ -( . 'i nl 2 t vv ilh It is learned that ihetc Is a tv wit hoiit rasult. Mrs. Si" w it.• s.- . V ur. rat rv ir v t ]>o 1 ,| jn Charlie Kotai ski second. 10S3. and probability that the Tigets Beau- \\ p •¦>*' n lut.,s ibe J far- Th \p\% ’» Harold A'l. third h;h v .I. Cass f • p f’ j H*4rrt >n* *¦# m* n» fat rn t tr i\ *tn\ in that s - m 0,, v 1n iim R- op-nhagen en* 217- eity. The f’> -nont tow ti*p<'opl > Jh-JaS-J 1 >-2.’. foi an average of ’ • . IIM.II ||fMM an hot to *.•-ct* 1 1 ml are l< on Page "’.I) t*n ontintled seemed always bespeak attack . . ins appre. lation wit ii :.is .'idor- Mm a Ibunh. r Is St. John's, N. Y. U. Win LAST BID FOR TITLES FOR 'COOKIE'

’ ’E/E \r \Y v/ j; » ’ ]\ > Em Acfim * Bf. <¦ < the ca ise f ’ e was hope- r State, ! •¦* ** •,» Gold Skates :t\ v . ' : 11 Crowns Her Goals " ’nivr* i 1 ‘* c IS BB it..Bw *¦ ‘ y+KSffx: ¦¦ - vljjmn|> M - v/ -M « !*> <*h OK(«t » \ W

* t • r | flip ! n . -s y » I • * •» . , y,.. \ t f f if tf r* ad ai> !m." w >nk me.. n r'» r•» u '¦ b -. I'r * - v ( .v ; r un^f rn ",iM< u ‘ o ir* n in ¦ >T E/& ft**¦ft ’ 1 Mliv SU.VNE SKI ' I ft | Si.nU

N MION \l If \t, I | *n\\ ft . r . • • '?• x'Hi r f r<' Colt Perks Up, Wins Stake Races 11 ; j*rprr• r.! M;|f|»»fj Pm r \ hr'rv

"Smith went to Washington and asked questi ns. The name " " ' tne Oh, viostero’e. Let ’s see now this medi- fii yes. 1 . of medicine , Ju\Ji.ll | , \ \|| cine was building up sickly children, giving them appetites for food that built them into health and strength’’ Yes. they told Smitn. that’s what viosterole was doing. Would if help a sickly \MKKH ' N t l \r.l | | 11, • \ | v VV f- I»* -1.» ,1m Wo J.m ; . •. :|.F*'bni;iiv 1 horse" Well, they wouldn't really be knowing about that they r« t specialized in treating humans. But it wouldn’t harm the horse of thar they were sure. Mi’si in \i isi 111 ?{ ‘ So Boh Smith put in an order for several hundred vmsterole n-niiv niv i«’-iv capsules, went back to Mrs. Sloane s breeding establishment in A 'ppervilie, Ya and proceeded to d"'e out the pills f • the c<>lt. a&M >on the colt, perked up. began to have a fine appetite, put on P MVKUXKI I ( OOK lillN l)0\ I,K - 4 v Ml*: I IJI UICUNX weight, and developed eventually into a race horse which, while r '1&. * \- * < ( I I Mr;it i K l 'll l*» . . . M <4 rri#-3 *r- i* not a champion, won some high class stake races. ¦

• ? ihp,t/t\ -» *. ’ His name was flood floods. /u»y*i in /riiM. Follow 'n K( v /'(/••v;/mg /if * { |jf . i .Vj, * < * 1 V ; "¦ v I n/Sli/h: "After his racing days were done, flood floods Was shipped ¦'^l. (Itvi/.1l I - O V '!» yjtfn 'kfitini; Vh \ o artii <» m ||| of fhr r! i*"* • to 'he breeding farm of Thomas Piatt, in Kentucky. It is p<*s- mrU In irftllTinn to !!»'!< n I,.»o povlr I!( thoji - }-anMni . >t»( Mill) f \ffcf llonnir K'th>»» ann Mil. \N-ON I I \l.l I • . .. that Mrs.'Sloane, who is in partnership with Piatt in the t i.,,.. v #t p f> , , » | sihlr V ."•» A Miry ami M i'l\ J Jf | :ff stallions, by signal, these college ba ketb.it! .t!,f jl** f * . ) M JI, „ • (v. wtirrsinp of* various retained an interest in flood As if pre-arranged f f I I P |#*> n* aM * • .:•* i :i ' , i > floods. But if was Piatt who male f flood floods with a little pkw r ; gi\»> .in excellent demonstration «'f lra \ mg m ptl j irfjiiv-f •¦'ili, 1 . >tiil* arno»M fjnr * ' known ni-ire Wind- Pliant, by Wildair. and the consequence was unison foi the hal| under tho basket. Tiie action o rurrrd Ih.-Mt Ui• i- V 7 *•••;. -vrrr ithi/a »\n j • .v* a o*'ir iter since the reign of Man O War. at Maril.son ."quire Th* W'rvi'.A rlnn have ) c^rf• , , C'»"kic KrvivvsVha*