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Participant Booklet V17.Docx 1 Last Updated 2017-09-11 Indian Ocean Science Workshop September 11-13, 2017 (La Jolla, California) WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS NAME AFFILIATION and EMAIL RESEARCH EXPERTISE Indian Institute of Tropical Climatology, oceanography, Meteorology, Pune meteorology Arora, Anika Lamont Doherty Earth Chemical oceanography, Observatory paleoceanography Basak, Chandranath Large-scale ocean circulation and the RSMAS - University of Miami role of the oceans in climate and climate change Beal, Lisa Ocean acidification, chemical and SCCWRP biological oceanography, global ocean change, pelagic biogeochemistry Bednaršek, Nina Ocean circulation, remote sensing IFREMER (calibration and validation), turbulent abderrahim.bentamy@ifrem heat fluxes, scatterometer surface wind analyses Bentamy, Abderrahim OCB/Woods Hole Chemical oceanography, carbon cycle, Oceanographic Institution paleoceanography Benway, Heather Participant Booklet v17.docx 1 Last Updated 2017-09-11 Remote sensing, satellite oceanography, University of South Carolina physical oceanography, ocean dynamics, air-sea interaction Bulusu, Subrahmanyam Tropical ocean circulation, coupled University Corporation for climate system, numerical modeling, Atmospheric Research ocean observation, surface fluxes of momentum and heat Busalacchi, Antonio BCO-DMO, Woods Hole Biological and chemical oceanography Oceanographic Institution data management Chandler, Cynthia Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Ice sheets, geology and geophysics Cochran, James Observation and modeling of ocean and estuarine circulation, climate impacts on UMCES/HPL regional and global scales, biogeochemical, ecological, and genomic modeling Coles, Victoria Trace element cycling in fresh and Old Dominion University marine waters, atmospheric transport and deposition of trace metals, paleoceanography Cutter, Gregory Physical oceanography, internal waves, Applied Physics Laboratory, air-sea interaction, upper ocean University of Washington dynamics, Arctic oceanography, ocean instrumentation D'Asaro, Eric Participant Booklet v17.docx 2 Last Updated 2017-09-11 Oceanic mesoscale phenomena, tracer Jet Propulsion Laboratory budgets from models and reanalysis Andrew.S.Delman@jpl.nasa.g products, intraseasonal, interannual, ov and decadal climate variability, satellite oceanography and meteorology Delman, Andrew Marine geology: Crust formation at Woods Hole Oceanographic ocean ridges, relationship between Institution mantle flow, melting, ridge tectonics, and mantle petrology and geochemistry Dick, Henry Air-sea interactions, remote sensing, Applied Physics Lab - submesoscale ocean variability, upper University of Washington ocean salinity, tropical mixed-layer dynamics Drushka, Kyla Ocean color remote sensing, bio-optical properties of coastal and ocean waters, Louisiana State University physical-biogeochemical interactions, optical properties of colored dissolved organic matter, coastal biogeochemical D'Sa, Eurico processes Carbon cycling and ocean acidification, mechanisms controlling sources and PMEL/NOAA sinks of anthropogenic CO in the 2 oceans, and impacts of CO2 on marine ecosystems Feely, Richard Rosenstiel School University of Miami Physical processes, air-sea exchange, carbon and oxygen cycles, circulation Fine, Rana* *online poster only Land-sea fluxes and the effects of Jet Propulsion Laboratory freshwater forcing on ocean dynamics severine.fournier@jpl.nasa.g using principally satellite sea surface ov salinity, ocean color and ocean currents measurements Fournier, Séverine Participant Booklet v17.docx 3 Last Updated 2017-09-11 University of Massachusetts Ocean circulation and numerical Dartmouth modeling, operational synoptic ocean avijit.gangopadhyay@umassd forecasting, ecosystem response to .edu multi-scale climatic forcing Gangopadhyay, Avijit University of California, Irvine ● Biogeochemical cycles Garcia, Catherine CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography Microbiology, marine biology Gawade Velip, Lata Indian Institute of Tropical Indian Ocean regional climatic impacts, Meteorology data assimilation, ocean modelling, physical oceanography Gnanaseelan, Chellappan Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Geochemistry, isotope geology Goldstein, Steven Program Coordination Officer for NOAA NOAA's Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) Gorecki, Ed Biological oceanography, models to HPL/UMCES simulate and predict biogeochemical and ecological variability in marine environments Hood, Raleigh Participant Booklet v17.docx 4 Last Updated 2017-09-11 China Academy of Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, Ocean circulation, equatorial wave and Scripps Institution of dynamics Oceanography, UCSD Hu, Xiaoyue Volcanic and tectonic controls on Woods Hole Oceanographic hydrothermal activity at mid-ocean Institution ridges, geochemistry of rock-water interactions Humphris, Susan ● Satellite (scatterometer) observations of Scripps Institution of surface winds, convection–wind Oceanography, UCSD coupling, air–sea interaction and its role in climate Kilpatrick, Thomas Centre for Earth and Space Sciences, University of Marine geophysics, lithospheric Hyderabad dynamics, tectonics, plate tectonics Krishna, Kolluru Food- web interactions involving micro- Scripps Institution of and mesozooplankton, population and Oceanography/UCSD community ecology of plankton, physical-biological coupling Landry, Michael Marine microbial ecology, particulate University of California - organic C:N:P measurements in the Irvine Indian Ocean using both metagenomics and amplicon library sequencing Larkin-Swartout, Alyse Participant Booklet v17.docx 5 Last Updated 2017-09-11 Physical oceanography, intraseasonal-to- decadal variability, climate variability, upper-ocean heat and salt budgets, meridional circulation and heat Jet Propulsion Laboratory transport, inter-basin linkages, tropical- extratropical connections, ENSO diversity and teleconnections/impacts, Lee, Tong “Tony” coupled ocean-atmosphere data assimilation Jet Propulsion Laboratory Ocean circulation and air-sea interaction Liu, W. Timothy Geomicrobiology, molecular biology, and University of Tennessee geochemistry to determine how microorganisms influence marine geochemical cycles Lloyd, Karen Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Marine biogeochemistry, phytoplankton Sciences diversity and physiology, biological pump, macronutrient cycles Lomas, Michael Ocean circulation and variability Woods Hole Oceanographic (transport of mass, heat, freshwater, Institution nutrients and carbon), ocean's heat and carbon cycles and their role in predicting future atmospheric carbon levels Macdonald, Alison Woods Hole Oceanographic Ocean carbon cycle, biogeochemical Institution distributions, climate change, modeling Mahadevan, Amala Participant Booklet v17.docx 6 Last Updated 2017-09-11 Biological oceanography, ocean CUNY Brooklyn College productivity, phytoplankton, ocean optics Marra, John Marine biota, biogeochemistry, UC Irvine responses and adaptations to environmental variation Martiny, Adam NOAA/PMEL Ocean climate, global tropical moored michael.j.mcphaden@noaa.g buoy array ov McPhaden, Michael Woods Hole Oceanographic Physical oceanography, global ocean Institution circulation variability and impact on Earth’s climate Menezes, Viviane University of Southern Trace element speciation and redox California chemistry, metal -phytoplankton interactions, Moffett, James University of Maryland Phytoplankton, large-scale weather patterns, climate models Murtugudde, Raghu Energy cascade in the ocean, space-time geography of ocean mixing, oceanic Scripps Institution of internal waves, wave generation and Oceanography wave breaking, Arctic and tropical oceanography, ocean observing techniques and instrumentation, Pinkel, Robert zooplankton biophysical interactions Participant Booklet v17.docx 7 Last Updated 2017-09-11 University of Maryland Surface-atmosphere radiative fluxes Pinker, Rachel UCAR/CPAESS Climate adaptation and mitigation Reisdorf, Jill Climate science and modeling, Princeton University geochemistry and paleoclimatology, oceanography Resplandy, Laure Numerical modeling, Southern Ocean, UCSD/SIO mesoscale and submesoscale processes, physical-biogeochemical interactions, carbon budget Rosso, Isabella Biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nitrogen in the ocean and estuaries, CSIR-National Institute of stable isotopic geochemistry (C,N,O,S,H), Oceanography air-sea exchange of trace gases, biogeochemical modeling, primary production modeling using remote Sarma, V.V.S.S. sensing data, paleoceanography Air-sea interactions; atmospheric boundary layer dynamics; synoptic Woods Hole Oceanographic meteorology; tropical meteorology and Institution physical oceanography;
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