NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 7, ISSUE 4, Apr. -2021 USE OF RUSSIAN IN COMPLEX SENTENCES Shatova Irina Yurievna Master's student at Termez State University

ANNOTATION: Riddles attract the attention of The deals with the problem of researchers as a historically formed text type, using riddles in complex sentences. In culturally determined units tied to a specific particular, the use of riddles in non-union, territory, to a specific ethnic group, emphasizing complex and complex sentences is and expressing its originality - how and how this considered. The analysis of the texts of or that ethnic group 8 perceives the world. riddles, where allied words, conjunctions Researchers are interested in the features of the and particles are used. objective world, the ways of encoding it in the texts of riddles, as well as their very emergence, Keywords: Russian riddles, complex entry into and reproduction, the social sentences, complex and complex sentences, context of the functioning of these texts. structure, meaning of fairy tales, Riddles are also studied as an "international", subordinate clause, conjunctions "cosmopolitan" genre that is characteristic of different cultures, dissimilar to each other. The INTRODUCTION: same motives, themes, structures of riddles are “The — as a whole, description repeated in a number of peoples. Riddles play and clue — is a figure of expression through the role of precedent texts. Their references are concealment. For brevity, we will call it the known to all representatives of culture. As G.L. hiding figure. This figure is marked by formal Permyakov, they have a fixed lexical contradiction. The function of expression in composition and structure, are not invented by general characterizes each symbolic figure, this the interlocutor on the go, but are isolated from is the essence of the symbol. The figure of memory in finished form and indirectly call the concealment hides exactly what it expresses. In hidden object [Permyakov 1988, p. 83]. formal and logical terms, this is a paradoxical act Riddles as traditional, texts are a ”[Senderovich 2010 p. 187]. model of ethno culture, transmitted through A riddle is a play statement that , and characterized by the absence allegorically encodes the designation of an of individual, author's word-creation. Author's object or phenomenon of reality and texts, becoming a fact of collective presupposes the actualization of the direct consciousness, gradually lose their authorship. name of this object in the reaction of the The totality of oral is lost today. addressee. The term “riddle” (and its However, the most important characteristics of counterparts - “folk riddle”, “true riddle”) is riddles as a folklore genre include collectivity used in folklore, ethnology, ethnolinguistic, and regular reproducibility. linguoculturology and refers to the texts of small The riddle is aimed at infinite repetition, forms included in the corpus of traditional but is subject to historical changes, cultural texts, in which the traditional (archaic , transformations and oblivion. The naive, mythopoetic at its core) picture of the attractiveness of the Russian riddle as an art of world. the word, poetic , language and cultural play lies in its amazing vitality, testifying to the

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NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 7, ISSUE 4, Apr. -2021 special love of Russians for it. In modern 3. In riddles, non-union causal sentences are linguistics, there are many definitions of a also used, which have peculiarities peculiar only riddle, but there is no single universal one that to them. Each line of the puzzle consists of a would reveal all its genre characteristics and simple sentence, the combination of which in would allow differentiating it from other the puzzle gives a causal meaning. folklore units that have the characteristics of an We have a house with a straw, a hundred independent genre. children in it (Spikelet) The last sentence in this This is due to a certain complexity and riddle "one hundred children in it" is the result variety of the construction of the puzzle, its of the event transmitted in the previous morphology, polyfunctionality and close genetic sentence "We are a straw with a house." relationships. 4. In riddles, non-union sentences In structure, Russian folk riddles, can consist of two, three, or even several simple depending on the semantics, can be expressed in sentences. For example: Stands in the garden, simple and complex sentences. With the doesn't say anything, doesn't take it and doesn't development of modern Russian in folk riddles, give it to the crows (Garden Scarecrow). 1) complex sentences began to be used, containing stands in the garden. 2) does not say anything 3) several simple sentences, semantically and does not take and does not give to the crows. grammatically related. This puzzle conveys an event occurring As observations show, in early written simultaneously and consists of three simple monuments, in the texts of riddles, where there sentences. In riddles, events that do not really are no conjunctions, complex thoughts were exist, but similar to it, are sometimes conveyed, conveyed using simple sentences following one the solution of which brings our thought closer after another, connected with each other by to these events, drawing attention to the intonation or in other ways. In riddles, the sequence of this event: A sieve hangs on the components of a non-union complex sentence ceiling in the corner, not twisted by hands are connected with each other by intonation, (Web). and are used with different semantics. Compound sentences with conjunctions in 1. The most commonly used non-union complex riddles are rarely used. Although in small sentences with opposite meanings. numbers, they are found, for example. She does They often ask me, they wait, but I will only not speak, does not sing, but who goes to the show myself. so they will begin to hide (Rain). owner, she lets you know. (Dog). Non-union complex sentences with opposite For the convenience of transferring information meanings are mainly used to characterize the to another subject, brevity is required, and envisioned object or phenomenon, to reveal its conjunctions are used only to provide . main signs. Riddles, as one of the types of oral folk art, are 2. In comparative non-union sentences, characterized by linguistic individuality. While phenomena or objects are indicated that are some riddles consist of only one line or one similar to the answers. The method of simple sentence, others consist of several comparison reveals the similarity of simple sentences. For example, they beat phenomena, events, objects, or the originality of Yermilka on the back of the head, he does not the properties inherent in them. They fly cry, only hides his nose. (Nail). without wings, they run without legs, they float Considering the above features, Russian folk without a sail (Clouds). riddles can be divided into the following two types: 1) riddles that require one answer, 93 | P a g e

NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 7, ISSUE 4, Apr. -2021 regardless of the number of simple sentences included in the complex; 2) riddles requiring answers, each line depending on the number of simple sentences in the complex. In Russian folk riddles, the following types of complex sentences are used: 1) A complex sentence of time, where the subordinate part denotes the time of action in the main thing and indicates the time of action, the enigmatic object. For example: he sleeps during the day, when he flies at night, scares passers-by. (Owl) 2) In riddles, there are complex sentences with adversary meanings, where predicates are formed from the verbs of the present tense with the help of the particle "yes". Yes, a woman sits in the beds, all in patches, if someone undresses her, he sheds tears. (Bulb) 3) In complex sentences of reason, the subordinate part denotes the reason, and the main part denotes the result. Black Ivashka - a wooden shirt, where he leads with his nose, puts a note there. (Pencil) Thus, we come to the conclusion that complex sentences in Russian folk riddles are found in the form of non-union, compound and complex sentences, differing from each other in their peculiar features.

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