Polyhedral Techniques in Combinatorial

Optimization I: Theory

Karen Aardal

Department of Computer Science

Utrecht University

P.O. Box 80089

3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands

[email protected]

Stan van Ho esel

Department of Quantitative Economics

Limburg University

P.O. Box 616

6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands

s.vanho [email protected]


Combinatorial optimization problems app ear in many disciplin es ranging

from management and logistics to , physics, and chemistry. These

problems are usually relatively easy to formulate mathematically, but most

of them are computationally hard due to the restriction that a subset of the

variables have to takeintegral values. During the last two decades there has

b een a remarkable progress in techniques based on the p olyhedral description

of combinatorial problems, leading to a large increase in the size of several

problem typ es that can b e solved. The basic idea b ehind p olyhedral techniques

is to derive a go o d linear formulation of the set of solutions by identifying

linear inequalities that can b e proved to b e necessary in the description of the

of feasible solutions. Ideally we can then solve the problem as

a problem, which can b e done eciently. The purp ose of

this manuscript is to giveanoverview of the developments in p olyhedral theory,

starting with the pioneering work by Dantzig, Fulkerson and Johnson on the

traveling salesman problem, and by Gomory on . We also

present some mo dern applications, and computational exp erience.

Key words: combinatorial optimization; p olyhedral ; valid in- equalities

Combinatorial optimization deals with maximizing or minimizing a function sub ject

to a set of constraints and sub ject to the restriction that some, or all, variables

should b e integers. A well-known combinatorial optimization problem is the traveling

salesman problem, where wewant to determine in which order a \salesman" has to

visit a numb er of \cities" such that all cities are visited exactly once, and such that the

length of the tour is minimal. This problem is one of the most studied combinatorial

optimization problems b ecause of its numerous applications, b oth in its own right

and as a substructure of more complex mo dels, and b ecause it is notoriously dicult

to solve.

The computational intractability of most core combinatorial optimization prob-

lems has b een theoretically indicated, i.e. it is p ossible to show that most of these

problems b elong to the class of NP-hardproblems, see Karp 1972, and Garey and

Johnson 1979. No algorithm with a worst-case running time b ounded by a p olyno-

mial in the size of the input is known for any NP-hard problem, and it is strongly

b elieved that no such algorithm exists. Therefore, to solve these problems wehaveto

use an enumerative algorithm, such as dynamic programming or branch and b ound,

with a worst-case running time that is exp onential in the size of the input. The

computational hardness of most combinatorial optimization problems has inspired

researchers to develop go o d formulations and algorithms that are exp ected to reduce

the size of the enumeration tree. To use information ab out the structure of the convex

hull of feasible solutions, which is the basis for p olyhedral techniques, has b een one

of the most successful approaches so far. The pioneering work in this direction was

done by Dantzig, Fulkerson and Johnson 1954, who invented a metho d to solve the

traveling salesman problem. They demonstrated the p ower of their technique on a

49-city instance, whichwas huge at that time.

The idea b ehind the Dantzig-Fulkerson-Johnson metho d is the following. Assume

wewant to solve the problem

minfcx sub ject to x 2 S g; 1

where S is the set of feasible solutions, which in this case is the set of traveling

n n

salesman tours. Let S = P \ ZZ , where P = fx 2 IR : Ax  bg and where Ax  b

is a system of linear inequalities. Since S is dicult to characterize, we could solve

the problem

minfcx sub ject to x 2 P g 2

instead. Problem 2 is easy to solve as linear programming problems are known to

b e p olynomially solvable, but since it is a relaxation of 1 it may give us a solution

x that is not a tour. More precisely, the following two things can happ en if we solve


2: either the optimal solution x is a tour, which means that x is also optimal for


1, or x is not a tour, in which case it is not feasible for 1. If the solution x is not

feasible for 1 it lies outside the convex hull of S which means we can cut o x by

from the convex hull of S , i.e. a hyp erplane identifying a hyp erplane separating x

that is satis ed by all tours, but violated by x . An that is satis ed by all

feasible solutions is called a valid inequality. When Dantzig, Fulkerson and Johnson 1

solved the relaxation 2 of their 49-city instance they indeed obtained a solution x

that was not a tour. By lo oking at the solution they identi ed a valid inequality that

was violated by x , and added this inequality to the formulation. They solved the

resulting linear programming problem and obtained again a solution that was not a

tour. After rep eating this pro cess a few times a tour was obtained, and since only

valid inequalities were added to the relaxation, they could conclude that the solution

was optimal.

Even though many theoretical questions regarding the traveling salesman problem

remained unsolved, the work of Dantzig, Fulkerson and Johnson was still a break-

through as it provided a metho dology that was actually not limited to solving trav-

eling salesman problems, but could b e applied to any combinatorial optimization

problem. This new area of researchonhow to describ e the convex hull of feasible

solutions by linear inequalities was called polyhedral combinatorics. During the last

decades p olyhedral techniques have b een used with considerable success to solve many

previously unsolved instances of hard combinatorial optimization problems, and it is

still the only metho d available for solving large instances of the traveling salesman

problem. The purp ose of this pap er is to describ e the basic theoretical asp ects of

p olyhedral techniques and to indicate the computational p otential.

A natural question that arises when studying the work by Dantzig, Fulkerson and

Johnson is whether it is p ossible to develop an algorithm for identifying valid inequal-

ities. This question was answered by Gomory 1958, 1960, 1963 who develop ed

a cutting plane algorithm for general integer linear programming, and showed that

the integer programming problem 1 can b e solved by solving a nite sequence of

linear programs. Chv atal 1973 proved that all inequalities necessary to describ e

the convex hull of integer solutions can b e obtained by taking linear combinations of

the original and previously generated linear inequalities and then applying a certain

rounding scheme, provided that the integer solutions are b ounded. Schrijver 1980

proved the more general result that it is p ossible to generate the convex hull of in-

teger solutions by applying a nite numb er of op erations to the linear formulation

containing the integer solutions, starting with P ,if P is rational but not necessarily

b ounded. The results by Gomory,Chv atal, and Schrijver are discussed in Section 1.

Here we will also address the following two questions: When can we exp ect to havea

concise description of the convex hull of feasible solutions? How dicult is it to iden-

tify a violated inequality? These questions are strongly related to the computational

complexity of the considered problem, i.e. the hardness of a problem typ e will catch

up with us at some p oint, but we shall also see that certain asp ects of the answers

make it p ossible to hop e that a bad situation can b e turned into a rather promising


The results of Gomory,Chv atal and Schrijver were very imp ortant theoretically,

but they did not provide to ols for solving realistic instances within reasonable time.

Researchers therefore b egan to develop problem sp eci c classes of inequalities that

contain inequalities that can b e proved to b e necessary in the description of the con-

vex hull of feasible solutions. Based on the various classes of valid inequalities it is

then necessary to develop separation algorithms, i.e. algorithms for identifying vio- 2

lated inequalities given the current solution x . In Section 2 we b egin by describing

families of valid inequalities and the corresp onding separation problems for two basic

combinatorial optimization problems. These inequalities are imp ortant as they are

often useful when solving more complex problems as well, either directly, or as a start-

ing p oint for developing new, more general families of inequalities. Moreover, they

represent di erent arguments that can b e used when developing valid inequalities.

We then discuss two applications: the capacitated facility lo cation problem, and the

economic lot-sizing problem.

Next to the theoretical work of developing go o d classes of valid inequalities and

algorithms for identifying violated inequalities, there is a whole range of computa-

tional issues that have to b e considered in order to make p olyhedral metho ds work

well. These issues, together with some alternative approaches to solving integer and

combinatorial optimization problems, and an extensive list of problems for which

p olyhedral results are known, will b e discussed in the accompanying Part I I of this

pap er.

Research carried out in the Netherlands involves b oth theoretical and more prob-

lem sp eci c results. Gerards and Schrijver have considered several imp ortant theo-

retical issues, see e.g. Schrijver 1980,1981, Grotschel, Lov asz and Schrijver 1981,

Co ok, Gerards, Schrijver and Tardos 1986. Here we also wanttomention the result

of H.W. Lenstra 1983 that the integer programming problem 1 can b e solved in

p olynomial time for a xed number of variables. Although not sp eci cally a result

in p olyhedral combinatorics, it is central in integer programming and combinatorial

optimization. If we consider more problem sp eci c results, lot-sizing problems have

b een considered byVan Eijl, Van Ho esel, Kolen and Wagelmans, see Van Ho esel and

Kolen 1994, Van Ho esel, Wagelmans, and Wolsey 1994, Van Eijl and Van Ho esel

1995, Van Ho esel, Kolen and Van Eijl 1995. Gerards and Schrijver characterize

graphs for which the node packing polytope is describ ed completely by certain con-

straints, see Gerards and Schrijver 1986, Gerards 1989, and Gerards and Shepherd

1995. Inequalities for the no de packing problem have b een used to solve problems

suchastheradio link frequency assignment problems by Aardal, Hip olito, Van Ho esel

and Jansen 1995, and the uncapacitated facility location problem by Aardal and Van

Ho esel 1995. Various more complex facility location problems have b een studied by

Aardal, see Aardal, Pochet and Wolsey 1993, Aardal 1994, and Aardal, Labb e,

Leung and Queyranne 1994. Results on scheduling problems have b een obtained

by Nemhauser and Savelsb ergh 1992, Crama and Spieksma 1995, Van den Akker,

Van Ho esel and Savelsb ergh 1993, and Van den Akker, Hurkens and Savelsb ergh

1995. Savelsb ergh has also considered the single-no de xed charge ow mo del Gu,

Nemhauser and Savelsb ergh 1995, and he is one of the researchers b ehind the com-

mercial mixed-integer programming software MINTO, see Savelsb ergh, Sigismondi

and Nemhauser 1994. 3

1 Theoretical background

The integer linear programming problem ILP is de ned as

minfcx : x 2 S g;

n n

where S = P \ ZZ and P = fx 2 IR : Ax  bg.We call P the linear formulation

of ILP. A p olyhedron P is rational if it can b e determined by a rational system

Ax  b of linear inequalities, i.e., a system of inequalities where all entries of A and

b are rationals. The convex hull of the set S of feasible solutions, denoted convS ,

is the smallest convex set containing S . A facet-de ning valid inequalityisa valid

inequality that is necessary to describ e convS , i.e. it is the \strongest p ossible"

valid inequality. In Figure 1 we give an example of sets P , S and convS .


q qs qs qs


sq qs qs qs








q q qs q H

Figure 1: P , S , and convS .

If we know the linear description of convS we can solve the linear programming

problem minfcx : x 2 convS g which is computationally easy. In this section we shall

primarily address the issue of how dicult it is to obtain convS . First we show that

for rational p olyhedra, and for not necessarily rational, but b ounded, p olyhedra, we

can generate convS  algorithmically in a nite numb er of steps. In general however,

there is no upp er b ound on the numb er of steps in terms of the dimension of S .We

also demonstrate that it is very unlikely that convS ofany NP-hard problem can b e

describ ed by concise families of linear inequalities. Finally,we relate the complexity

of the problem of nding a hyp erplane separating a vector x from convS orshowing

that x b elongs to convS , to the complexity of optimizing over S . In general these

two problems are equally hard, but if we restrict the search of a separating hyp erplane

to a sp eci c class, this problem might b e p olynomially solvable even if the underlying

optimization problem is NP-hard.

1.1 Solving Integer Programming Problemsby Linear Pro-


Gomory's Cutting Plane Algorithm. What was needed to transform the pro ce-

dure of Dantzig, Fulkerson and Johnson 1954 into an algorithm was a systematic 4

pro cedure for generating valid inequalities that are violated by the current solution.

Assume that wewant to solve the variant of ILP where the integer vectors in S are

b ounded and where all entries of the constraint matrix A and the right-hand side

vector b are integers. Gomory 1958, 1960 and 1963 develop ed a cutting plane

algorithm based on the metho d, for solving integer linear problems on this

form. This was the rst algorithm develop ed for integer linear programming that

could b e proved to terminate in a nite numb er of iterations. The basic idea of Go-

mory's algorithm is similar to the approach of Dantzig, Fulkerson and Johnson, i.e.

instead of solving ILP directly we solve the linear programming LP relaxation 2

by the simplex metho d. If the optimal solution to LP is integral, then we are done,

and otherwise we need to identify a valid inequality cutting o x . Gomory develop ed

a technique for automatically identifying a violated valid inequality and proved that

after adding a nite numb er of inequalities, called Gomory cutting planes, the optimal

solution is obtained. We shall illustrate Gomory's technique by an example. Assume

wehave solved the LP-relaxation 2 of an instance of ILP by the simplex metho d,

and that one of the rows of the nal tableau reads

1 2 36

x x + x = ;

1 3 4

11 11 11

where x is a basic variable and variables x and x are non-basic, i.e. at the current

1 3 4

solution x =36=11 and x = x =0.Wenow split each co ecientinaninteger and

1 3 4

a fractional part by rounding down all co ecients. The integer terms are put in the

left-hand side of the equation and the fractional terms are put in the right-hand side.

Since all co ecients are rounded down, the fractional part of the variable co ecients

in the right-hand side b ecomes nonp ositive, giving

10 2 3

x x 3= x x + :

1 3 3 4

11 11 11

In any feasible solution to ILP, the left-hand side should b e integral. Moreover, all

variables are nonnegative. Since the variables in the right-hand side app ear with

nonp ositive co ecients we can conclude that

3 10 2

x x  0 ; and integer: 3

3 4

11 11 11

Wehave argued that inequality 3 is valid, i.e. it is not violated byany feasible

integer solution. It is easy however to see that it do es cut o the current fractional

solution as x = x = 0. Let bxc denote the integer part of x.

3 4

Outline of Gomory's cutting plane algorithm.

1. Solve the linear relaxation 2 of ILP with the simplex metho d. The current

number of variables is k . If the optimal solution x is integral, stop.

2. Cho ose a source row i in the optimal tableau with a fractional basic variable.



=a ba c; and Row i readsa  x +a x + ::: +a x = b . Let a

ij ij 0 i ;1 1 i ;2 2 i ;k k i

ij 0 0 0 0



b = b bb c.

i i


0 0 0 0

, where x is a 3. Add the equation a x a x ::: a x + x = b

k +1 1 2 k k +1

i ;1 i ;2 i ;k i

0 0 0 0

slackvariable, to the current linear formulation, and reoptimize. If the optimal

solution x is integral, stop, otherwise k  k +1,goto2. 5

In the outline ab ovewehave not sp eci ed howtocho ose the source row. To b e able

to prove that the algorithm terminates in a nite numb er of steps wehave to make

sure that certain technical conditions are satis ed. The technical details are omitted

here but can b e found in Gomory 1963 who gives two pro ofs of niteness, and in

Schrijver 1986, page 357.

Theorem 1 Gomory 1963. There exists an implementation of Gomory's cutting

plane algorithm such that after a nite number of iterations either an optimal integer

solution is found, or it is proved that S = ;.

A recent discussion on Gomory cutting planes can b e found in Balas et al. 1994

who incorp orate the cutting plane algorithm in a branch-and-b ound pro cedure and

rep ort on computational exp erience.

Chv atal's Rounding Pro cedure. Chv atal 1973 studied the more general version

of ILP, where the integer vectors of S are b ounded and where the entries of A and

b are real numb ers. He showed that if one takes linear combinations of the linear

inequalities de ning P and then applies rounding, and rep eats the pro cedure a nite

numb er of times, convS  is obtained. After each iteration of the pro cedure we

get a new linear formulation containing more inequalities. We again illustrate the

pro cedure by an example. Note that this example will b e referred to frequently in

the sequel. Let G =V; E b e an undirected graph where V is the set of vertices and

E is the set of edges. A matching M in a graph is a subset of edges such that each

is incident to at most one in M , see Figure 2. In the gure thick lines

represent edges b elonging to the matching. An early application of matching app ears

in so-called sets of distinct representatives, where a family of sets is given. From each

set one element should b e chosen, such that all chosen elements are di erent. The

matching problem is also a substructure in manyscho ol timetabling problems. For

more technical details, see Gerards 1995.

s s

@ @ @ @ @ @

@ @ @ @ @ @

s s @

@ @ @ @ @


@ @ @ @ @


@ @ @ @ @

s s s s s s @ @ @ @ @ @

Figure 2: A maximum matching.

Let x b e equal to one if edge e b elongs to the matching M and zero otherwise,


and let  v = fe 2 E : e is incidentto v g. The maximum cardinality matching

problem can b e formulated as the following linear integer programming problem.


max x 4




s.t. x  1 for all v 2 V; 5


e2 v 

0  x  1 for all e 2 E; 6

e 6

x integer for all e 2 E: 7


Let U be any subset consisting of k vertices, where k  3 and o dd, and let E U be

the set of edges with b oth endvertices in U . By adding inequalities 5 for all v 2 U


we obtain 2 x jU j, or equivalently


e2E U 


jU j

: 8 x 



e2E U 

Since each x is an integer, the left-hand side of 8 has to b e integral. As jU j is o dd,


the right-hand side of 8 is fractional, and hence we can round down the right-hand

side of 8 giving the valid inequality



jU j

x  ; 9



e2E U 

whichwe call an odd-set constraint. It is easy to show that the o dd-set constraints

are necessary to describ e the convex hull of matchings in G.We also note that there

are exp onentially many o dd-set constraints as there are exp onentially manyways

of forming subsets U . We shall now give a more formal description of Chv atal's

pro cedure.



a x  b is said to b elong to the elementary closure of a An inequality

j j

j =1




set P of linear inequalities, denoted e P , if there are inequalities a x  b ;

ij j i

j =1

i =1;:::;m de ning P , and nonnegative real numb ers  ; ;:::; such that

1 2 m


m m


 a = a with a integer; j =1;:::;n; and  b  b:

i ij j j i i

i=1 i=1

k k k 1

For integer values of k>1, e P  is de ned recursively as e P =eP [ e P .

1 k

The closure of P is de ned as cP =[ e P .

k =1

Theorem 2 Chv atal 1973. If S is a boundedpolyhedron, then conv S  can be

obtained after a nite number, k , of closureoperations.

An interesting question is if k can b e b ounded from ab oveby a function of the

dimension of S .Chv atal called the minimum numb er of closure op erations required

to obtain convS , given a linear formulation P , the rank of P .Ifwe return to the

matching problem 5{7, it was proved by Edmonds 1965 that the convex hull of

the matching p olytop e is determined by inequalities 5, 6 and 9. As the o dd-

set constraints 9 can b e obtained by applying one closure op eration on the linear

formulation, the rank of the set of inequalities 5 and 6 is one. In general however,

there is no upp er b ound on k in terms of the dimension of P as the two-dimensional


: x +2tx  2t; x 2tx  0g illustrates. One closure p olytop e P = fx 2 IR

1 2 1 2




op eration reduces the p olytop e only slightly, i.e., the p ointt 1;  b elongs to e P ,




and similarly, the p ointt k;  b elongs to e P  for k


there exists an upp er b ound on k that is a function of the dimension of P . This was

proved by Co ok et al. 1987. 7

0; 1





0; 0

Figure 3: The numb er of closure op erations is of order t.

There is a clear relation b etween Chv atal's closure op erations and Gomory's cut-

ting planes in the sense that every Gomory cutting plane can b e obtained by a series

of closure op erations, and every inequality b elonging to the elementary closure can

b e obtained as a Gomory cutting plane. It would b e p ossible to prove Theorem 2

using Gomory's algorithm, but then one would rst need to get rid of the inequalities

x  0; j;:::;n; and the assumption that the entries of A and b havetobeinteger.


For further details, see Chv atal 1973.

Schrijver's Rounding Pro cedure. Schrijver 1980 studied the version of ILP

where S is not necessarily b ounded, and where P is de ned by a rational system

of linear inequalities. The op erations carried out on P to obtain the convex hull of

feasible solutions is quite di erent from the linear combination and rounding schemes

develop ed by Gomory and Chv atal. The key comp onentofSchrijver's pro cedure is

the formulation of a total ly dual integral TDI system of inequalities. A rational

system Ax  b of linear inequalities is TDI if for all integer vectors c such that

maxfcx : Ax  bg is nite, the dual, minfyb : yA = c; y  0g, has an integer optimal

solution. Note that if Ax  b is TDI, and if b is integral, then P = fx : Ax  bg is

an integral p olyhedron, i.e. all extreme p oints of P are integral. TDI systems were

intro duced by Edmonds and Giles 1977.

Each iteration of Schrijver's pro cedure consists of the following two steps.

1. Given a rational p olyhedron P , nd a TDI system Ax  b de ning P , with A


2. Round down the right-hand side b.

It has b een proved by Giles and Pulleyblank 1979 and Schrijver 1981 that there

exists a TDI system as in step 1 of Schrijver's pro cedure for every rational p olyhedron

P , and that the TDI system is unique if P is full-dimensional. Finding such a TDI

system can b e done in nite time. After one iteration of the ab ove pro cedure we get


a p olyhedron P strictly contained in P unless P is integral. Given the p olyhedron


P we rep eat the steps 1 and 2. This continues until convS  is obtained.

Theorem 3 Schrijver 1980.For each rational polyhedron P , there exists a natural

number k , such that after k iterations of Schrijver's procedureconv S  is obtained.

The results presented ab ove are of signi cant theoretical imp ortance as they give

algorithmic ways of generating the convex hull of feasible solutions. All three ap-

proaches are nite, but from a practical p oint of view nite in most cases do es not

imply that computations can b e done within reasonable time. One apparent question

is whether for some problem classes it is p ossible to write down the linear description 8

of the convex hull in terms of concise families of linear inequalities. If that is p os-

sible we could apply linear programming directly. This is the topic of the following


1.2 Concise Linear Descriptions

We mentioned in the previous subsection that the convex hull of matchings in a general

undirected graph G is given by the de ning inequalities 5, 6, and the exp onential

class of inequalities 9. Assume now that G is bipartite, i.e. that we can partition

the set V of vertices into two sets V ;V ; such that all edges have one endvertex in V

1 2 1

and the other endvertex in V .For bipartite graphs the convex hull of matchings is


describ ed by the de ning inequalities 5 and 6 only, which is a p olynomial system

of linear inequalities. This means that for bipartite graphs the integrality condition

7 is redundant. In contrast, there is no concise linear description known for the

traveling salesman problem, even if we allow for exp onential families of inequalities.

The reason why the bipartite matching problem is so easy is that the constraint

matrix is total ly unimodular TU. A matrix A is TU if each sub determinantof A is

equal to 0,1 or -1.

Theorem 4 If A is a TU matrix the polyhedron P = fx : Ax  bg is integral for al l

integer vectors b for which P is not empty.

Seymour 1980 provided a complete characterization of TU matrices yielding a p oly-

nomial algorithm for testing whether a matrix is TU. For a thorough discussion on

TU matrices we refer to Schrijver 1986, and Nemhauser and Wolsey 1988.

It is interesting to observe here that the bipartite matching problem is p olynomi-

ally solvable as its linear description is p olynomial in the dimension of the problem.

For the matching problem in general undirected graphs there is a p olynomial com-

binatorial algorithm due to Edmonds 1965, but the traveling salesman problem is

known to b e NP-hard. The following theorem con rms that there is a natural link

between the computational complexity of a class of problems and the p ossibilityof

providing concise linear descriptions of the convex hull of feasible solutions. Before

stating the result we need to intro duce the following decision problems:

The lower-bound feasibility problem. An instance is given byintegers m; n,an m  n


matrix A,vectors b and c, and a scalar  . The question is: 9 x 2 ZZ : Ax  b; cx >  ?

The facet validity problem. An instance is given by the same input as for the

lower-b ound feasibility problem. The question is: Do es cx   de ne a facet of


convfx 2 ZZ : Ax  bg?

Note that if the lower-b ound feasibility problem for a family of p olyhedra is NP-

complete then optimizing over the same family of p olyhedra is NP-hard.

Lemma 5 If any NP-complete problem belongs to co-NP, then NP=co-NP.

Theorem 6 Karp and Papadimitriou 1980. If lower-bound feasibility is NP-complete,

and facet validity belongs to NP, then NP=co-NP. 9

The way to prove Theorem 6 is to show that if facet validity b elongs to NP, then

lower-b ound feasibility b elongs to co-NP.Iflower-b ound feasibility is NP-complete

we can through Lemma 5 conclude that NP=co-NP. It is extremely unlikely that

NP=co-NP, as this implies that all NP-complete problems have a compact certi cate

for the no-answer. Hence, if we b elieve that NP6=co-NP, and if minfcx : x 2 S g is

NP-hard, then there are classes of facets of convS  for which there is no short pro of

that they are facets.

1.3 Equivalence Between Optimization and Separation

Wehave seen that if a problem is NP-hard we cannot exp ect to have a concise

linear description of the convex hull of feasible solutions. Moreover, for the matching

problem, which is p olynomially solvable and which has a concise linear description of

the convex hull of feasible solutions, this description is exp onential in the dimension

of the problem. These observations do not necessarily have to b e negative since what

we primarily need is a go o d description of the area around the optimal solution. The

question is then whether there exists an ecientway to identify a violated inequality

whenever needed, i.e. if we can nd, in p olynomial time, a hyp erplane separating

a given fractional solution from the convex hull, or prove that no suchhyp erplane


The separation problem for a family FP of polyhedra. Given a p olyhedron P 2 FP ,


and a solution x , nd an inequality cx   ,valid for P , satisfying cx >, or prove

that x 2 P .

The optimization problem for a family FP of polyhedra. Given is a p olyhedron P 2


FP . Assume that P 6= ; and that P is b ounded. Given a vector c 2 IR , nd a

0 0

solution x such that cx  cx for all x 2 P .

Theorem 7 Grotschel, Lov asz and Schrijver 1981. There exists a polynomial time

algorithm for the separation problem for a family FP of polyhedra, if and only if there

exists a polynomial time algorithm for the optimization problem for FP.

The theorem says that separation in general is equally hard as optimization but, as

we shall see in the next section, when applying the p olyhedral approachwe develop

speci c families of valid inequalities for a given problem typ e, such as the o dd-set

constraints 9 develop ed for the matching problem.

The separation problem based on a family FI of valid inequalities. Given a solution


x , nd an inequality cx   b elonging to FI, satisfying cx >,orprove that no

such inequalityin FI exists.

The separation problem based on a family of valid inequalities may b e p olynomially

solvable even if the underlying optimization problem is NP-hard. Moreover, even

if a family of inequalities is NP-hard to separate wemay still b e able to separate

it e ectively using a heuristic. Go o d separation heuristics together with a go o d

implementation of a prepro cessing routine and a branch-and-b ound scheme, form the 10

basis for the success of the p olyhedral approach.

2 Polyhedral Results for Selected Combinatorial


The results presented in the previous section did provide very imp ortant theoreti-

cal answers, but no ecient computational to ols. In the early seventies there was

a renewed interest in developing general purp ose integer programming solvers. In-

stead of Gomory's cutting plane metho d, which tended to b e very time consuming,

one develop ed facet de ning inequalities and corresp onding separation algorithms for

various problem typ es, and emb edded the separation algorithms in a branch-and-

b ound framework. In the early days one generated violated inequalities only in the

ro ot no de of the branch-and-b ound tree, whereas in mo dern implementations inequal-

ities may b e generated in every no de. Since the added inequalities could b e proved

to b e necessary to describ e the convex hull of feasible solutions one could exp ect that

they would b e more e ective than the Gomory cutting planes. Moreover, developing

facet de ning inequalities and asso ciated separation algorithms for some basic combi-

natorial structures that o ccur frequently in more general combinatorial optimization

problems, would p ossibly b e very useful when solving a wide range of problems. In

the late seventies and in the eighties remarkable computational progress was made.

Here we shall describ e some classes of facet de ning valid inequalities develop ed for

a few basic, imp ortant, combinatorial optimization problems. The main purp ose is

to give an impression of how inequalities and separation algorithms are develop ed,

and how they can b e used, not only for the problem for which they are develop ed,

but also for more general structures. Since the space provided here is not enough for

a complete survey,we recommend the following literature to the interested reader.

The b o oks bySchrijver 1986, and Nemhauser and Wolsey 1988 provide a broad

theoretical foundation as well as many examples. The latest developments on solv-

ing large traveling salesman problems are rep orted by Applegate et al. 1994. The

article byJunger et al. 1995 contains a comprehensive survey of computational

results obtained by using p olyhedral techniques. In Part I I of this article we present

an extensive list of di erent problem typ es for which p olyhedral results are known,

together with references.

Before we start the more technical exp osition we give some basic de nitions. An

inequality x   is called valid for P if each p ointinP satis es the inequality. The


set F = fx 2 P : x =  g is called a of P , and the valid inequality x  

0 0

is said to de ne the face F . A face is said to b e proper if it is not empty and if it

is prop erly contained in P , i.e. if ;6= F 6= P . The dimension of a prop er face F ,

dimF , is strictly smaller than the dimension of P . If dimF  = dimP  1, i.e., if

the dimension of F is maximal, then F is called a facet. The facet de ning inequalities

are imp ortant since they are precisely the inequalities needed to de ne the convex

hull of feasible solution in addition to the set of inequalities that are satis ed with

equalitybyevery feasible p oint. 11

2.1 The Traveling Salesman Problem

Consider a complete undirected graph G =V; E with n = jV j. In the traveling

salesman problem TSP wewant to nd a minimum length Hamiltonian cycle, i.e.

a minimum length cycle containing eachvertex exactly once. A mo dern application

of the TSP o ccurs when manufacturing printed circuit b oards. It is then necessary to

drill numerous small holes for the wiring, which is done using a numerically controlled

drilling machine. To sp eed up pro duction it is desirable to nd the drilling sequence

that gives the shortest cycle. Another application o ccurs in vehicle routing. Here

we need to simultaneously decide on the number of vehicles needed to serve a set of

clients, as well as the tour, from a central dep ot, to a subset of the clients, and back

to the dep ot, that eachvehicle has to make.

Let x = 1 if edge e is b elongs to the Hamiltonian cycle, and let x = 0 otherwise.

e e

Moreover, let d denote the length of edge e 2 E . As b efore, E S  denotes the set of


edges with b oth endvertices in S . Often, the vertices of the graph are called cities,

and the Hamiltonian cycle is called a tour.


min d x 10

e e



s.t. x =2 for all v 2 V; 11


e:v 2e


x jS j 1 for all ; S  V; 12


eE S 

x 2f0; 1g for all e 2 E: 13


The formulation restricted to the constraints 11 and 13 is called the 2-matching

relaxation of TSP and its solutions are referred to as 2-matchings. Such solutions may

constitute disjoint cycles, or subtours. Constraints 12, intro duced by Dantzig et al.

1954, prevent subtours, and are therefore called subtour elimination constraints.

Edmonds 1965 studied the p olyhedral structure of the 2-matching p olytop e, and

obtained a complete linear description of the convex hull of feasible solutions by

adding so-called 2-matching inequalities to the linear relaxation of the 2-matching

p olytop e, i.e. to constraints 11 and 0  x  1 for all e 2 E . Since the 2-matching


problem is a relaxation of TSP, the 2-matching inequalities are also valid for TSP.We

illustrate these inequalities by considering a solution to the linear relaxation of the 2-

matching p olytop e illustrated in Figure 4. The thick lines in the gure corresp ond to

variables that havevalue 1 and the thin lines corresp ond to variables with value 0.5.

The intuition b ehind the 2-matching inequality is as follows. From Figure 4 we see

that the triangles induced by the vertices f1; 2; 3g or f4; 5; 6g would cause a violation

of the degree constraints 11 if we imp ose integrality. Therefore, consider one of the

triangles, say H = f1; 2; 3g. Let E H  b e the set of edges with b oth endvertices in

0 0

H , and let E = ff1; 4g; f2; 5g; f3; 6gg, i.e each edge in E has exactly one endvertex



in H .Furthermore, let xF = at most x .From the set of edges E H  [ E



four can b elong to a 2-matching since otherwise at least one of the vertices in H

will have degree 3, which violates constraints 11. The cumulativevalue of the 12


1 4








2 5








3 6


Figure 4: A fractional solution violating a 2-matching constraint.


variables corresp onding to edges in E H  [ E is 4.5. Hence, we can conclude that


the inequality xE H  + xE   4 is violated by the solution describ ed ab ove. In

general, a 2-matching constraint has the form



0 0

; 14 xE H  + xE  jH j + jE j



where H  V and where the edges in E have precisely one endvertex in H . Note that


only 2-matching constraints with an o dd numb er of edges in E can b e facet-de ning,

since they are otherwise implied by the degree constraints.

Comb inequalities were intro duced byChv atal 1975 as a generalization of the


2-matching constraints. In the comb inequalities the edges in E are replaced byan

odd numb er, s, of disjointvertex sets T ;:::;T , called teeth, eachhaving one vertex

1 s

in common with the hand le H . The comb inequality is written as

s s



xE H  + xE T  jH j + jT j 1 s +1: 15

j j


j =1 j =1

Chv atal's comb inequalities were generalized by Grotschel and Padb erg 1979 who

intro duced structures where each to oth can have more than one vertex in common

with the handle. The clique tree inequalities,intro duced by Grotschel and Pulleyblank

1986, are further generalization of comb inequalities in the sense that clique trees

contain multiple handles, which are connected through the teeth. Many more exotic

classes of inequalities have b een derived to date, but the search for new classes is still

vivid. A go o d overview of the current state-of-the-art is provided by Applegate et al.

1994. Go emans 1993 considers the qualityofvarious classes of inequalities with

resp ect to their induced relaxations.

The separation problem based on the subtour elimination constraints can b e

viewed as a minimum cut problem, which is p olynomially solvable using max- ow

algorithms. Separation of the 2-matching constraints is also p olynomial, whichwas

shown byPadb erg and Grotschel 1985. Violated 2-matching constraints are however

usually identi ed using a heuristic, since this is still e ective and faster in practice.

No p olynomial time algorithm is known for solving the separation problem based on

the comb inequalities, but there are fast heuristic metho ds available that p erform 13

quite well. For clique tree inequalities, not even go o d heuristics are known that will

p erform well in general. To illustrate the progress made by using the p olyhedral

approach to solve the TSP,we present, in Table 1, the sizes of the largest instances

that have b een solved to optimality since 1954. Note that the values given in the

ro ot

have b een rounded to the nearest integer. In the tables to followwe column z


use the following notation: z denotes the value of the LP-relaxation, and z de-


notes the optimal value of ILP.By gap we mean the p ercentage duality gap, i.e.

z z =z . The p ercentage duality gap closed, denoted  gap closed, is cal-


ro ot ro ot

culated as z z =z z , where z is the value of the LP-relaxation



after all violated inequalities that have b een identi ed in the ro ot no de of the branch-

and-b ound tree have b een added. The numb er of branch-and-b ound no des needed to

verify the optimal solution is given in the column B&B nodes.


ro ot

cities z z no des application year rep orted by:



49 12,345 12,345 1 map USA 1954 Dantzig et al.

120 6,942 6,942 1 map Germany 1980 Grotschel

318 38,765 41,345 35 drilling 1980 Crowder & Padb erg

532 27,628 27,686 85 map USA 1987 Padb erg & Rinaldi

666 294,080 294,358 21 world map 1991 Grotschel & Holland

1,002 258,860 259,045 13 drilling 1990 Padb erg & Rinaldi

2,392 378,027 378,032 3 drilling 1990 Padb erg & Rinaldi

3,038 137,660 137,694 287 drilling 1992 Applegate et. al

4,461 182,528 182,566 2,092 map Germany 1994 Applegate et. al

7,397 23,253,123 23,260,728 2,247 programmable 1994 Applegate et. al

logic arrays

Table 1: Computational results for the traveling salesman problem.

2.2 The Knapsack Problem

Consider a set N = f1;:::;ng of items, eachhaving a weight a , and a value c .A

j j

\knapsack" is to b e lled with a subset of the items, such that the cumulativeweight

of the items do es not exceed a given threshold, and such that the cumulativevalue

is maximum. The knapsack p olytop e o ccurs as a substructure in many capacitated

combinatorial optimization problems. An example is the capacitated facility location

problem presented in Section 2.3. The knapsack problem is formulated as


max c x 16

j j

j 2N


s.t. a x  b; 17

j j

j 2N

x 2f0; 1g for all j 2 N: 18


Assume that the vectors c; a, and the right-hand side b are rational, and let X


denote the set of feasible solutions to the knapsack problem. We call a set C a cover,


or a dependent set, with resp ect to N if a >b.Acover is minimal if a  b

j j

j 2C j 2S 14

for all S  C .Ifwecho ose all elements from the cover C , it is clear that the right-

hand side of 17 is exceeded. Hence, the following knapsack cover inequality Balas

1975, Hammer et al. 1975 and Wolsey 1975


x jC j1 19


j 2C

is valid. A generalization of 19 is given by the family of 1;k-con guration inequal-



ities Padb erg 1980. Let C N , and t 2 N n C b e such that a  b and such


j 2C


that Q [ftg is a minimal cover for all Q C with jQj = k . Let T r  C vary over


all subsets of cardinality r of C , where r is an integer satisfying k  r jC j. The

1;k-con guration inequality


r k +1x + x  r 20

t j

j 2T r 

is valid for convX , and if k = jC j the cover inequalities 19 are obtained. The


1;k-con guration inequalities are primarily designed to deal with elements j of the

knapsackhaving a large co ecient a .


In general inequalities 19 are not facet de ning, but they can b e made to b ecome

facets by applying certain techniques, called lifting, to systematically increase the

dimension of the face induced by the inequalities. Lifting techniques are describ ed

in Part I I of this article. A sp ecial case of a lifted cover inequality, where all lifting

co ecients are equal to zero or one, is obtained by considering the extension E C 

of a minimal cover C , where E C =fk 2 N n C : a  a ; for all j 2 C g. The

k j


inequality x jC j1isvalid for convX  and under certain conditions it

j K

j 2E C 

also de nes a facet of convX .


The separation problem based on the cover inequalities can again b e viewed as a

knapsack problem as we show b elow. Assume we are given the p oint x .To nd a



x > jC j1 cover inequality 19 violated by x we need to nd a set C such that

j 2C



and a >b. Let z =1 if j 2 C , and let z = 0 otherwise, and assume without

j j j

j 2C

loss of generality that a ;j2 N , and b are integral. For 19 to b e violated the


z -variables have to satisfy the constraints


0 1


@ A

x a z  b +1: 1 and z > z

j j j j


j 2N j 2N j 2N


z < 1, leading to 1 x The rst of the ab ove constraints can b e rewritten as


j 2N


the following formulation of the problem of nding the most violated cover inequality



z 21 1 x min =



j 2N


s.t. a z  b +1; 22

j j

j 2N

z 2f0; 1g for all j 2 N: 23

j 15

A violated cover inequality is identi ed if and only if <1. To see that the separation

problem 21-23 is equivalent to a knapsack problem we only need to complement

the z -variables, i.e. substitute z by1 z . Problem 21-23, however, is often easier

j j j

to solve than the original knapsack problem since, at a typical fractional solution x ,

= 1, the co ecientof z in 21 is equal to manyvariables takevalue zero or one. If x



zero, and we can set z equal to one. Analogously,ifx =0 we set z is equal to zero.

j j


Therefore, typically few variables remain in the separation problem. Crowder et al.

1983 develop ed a heuristic for the separation problem and for lifting the inequalities

to b ecome facets. Once a minimal cover C is generated it is also used in a heuristic for

nding a violated 1;k-con guration inequality. They implemented the algorithms

and solved large, real-life, 0-1 integer programming problems without any apparent

structure by automatically generating knapsackcover inequalities. This was one of

the early computational breakthroughs in combinatorial optimization, as most of the

problems were considered not amenable to exact solution within reasonable time.

Table 2 gives a summary of the computational results. The valid inequalities were

generated and added in the ro ot no de of the branch-and-b ound tree only. The results

include some initial prepro cessing to delete some variables and constraints, and to

reduce the size of some co ecients. For more details ab out prepro cessing we refer

to Part I I of this article. In Table 2 vars, constr., and ineq. denote the number of

variables, constraints, and added valid inequalities resp ectively.

original problem prepro cessing cutting plane B&B

vars constr. z vars. constr. z ineq. z no des z


33 16 2,520.6 33 16 2,819.4 36 3,065.3 113 3,089.0

40 24 61,796.5 40 24 61,829.1 29 61,862.8 11 62,027.0

201 134 6,875.0 195 134 7,125.0 139 7,125.0 1,116 7,615.0

282 242 176,867.5 282 222 176,867.5 462 255,033.1 1,862 258,411.0

291 253 1,705.1 290 206 1,749.9 278 5,022.7 87 5,223.8

548 177 315.3 527 157 3,125.9 296 8,643.5 36 8,691.0

1,550 94 1,706.5 1,550 94 1,706.5 94 1,706.5 10 1,708.0

1,939 109 2,051.1 1,939 109 2,051.1 110 2,051.1 334 2,066.0

2,655 147 6,532.1 2,655 147 6,532.1 149 6,535.0 214 6,548.0

2,756 756 2,688.7 2,734 739 2,701.1 1,065 3,115.3 2,392 3,124.0

Table 2: Results for general zero-one problems.

2.3 The Capacitated Facility Lo cation Problem

In the capacitated facility location problem CFL we are given a set M = f1;:::;mg

of p ossible lo cation sites for facilities and a set N = f1;:::;ng of clients. The capacity,

m , at each lo cation site is known, as well as the demand, d , of each client. The total

j k

demand of the clients in the set S N is denoted by dS : We also know the xed

cost of setting up each facility, f , and the p er unit transp ortation cost, c ,between

j jk

every facility { client pair. Wewant to determine at which site a facility should b e

op ened and how the ow should b e distributed b etween the op en facilities and the

clients such that the sum of the xed costs and the transp ortation costs is minimized,

and such that all clients are served, and all capacity restrictions are satis ed. 16

Let y = 1 if facility j is op en, and let y = 0 otherwise. The ow from facility j

j j

to client k is denoted by v . The mathematical formulation of CFL is given b elow.



min f y + c v 24

j j jk jk

j 2M j 2M k 2N


s.t. v = d for all k 2 N; 25

jk k

j 2M


v  m y for all j 2 M; 26

jk j j

k 2N

0  v  d y for all j 2 M; k 2 N; 27

jk k j

y 2f0; 1g for all j 2 M: 28


Inequalities 27 are redundant for CFL, but they do strengthen the LP-relaxation of

CFL and are therefore included here.

By aggregating the ow from each dep ot we can easily see that a version of the

knapsack p olytop e forms a relaxation of CFL. By using the aggregate owvariables


v = v ;j2 M ,we can obtain the aggregate capacity and demand constraints

j jk

k 2N

0  v  m y for all j 2 M; 29

j j j


v = dN : 30


j 2M

If we combine constraints 29 and 30 with constraint 28 we obtain a so-called


surrogate knapsack polytope X = fy 2f0; 1g : m y  dN g. Complement-

SK j j

j 2M


ing the y -variables, i.e. letting y =1 y for all j 2 M , gives the knapsack p olytop e

j j



0 0

fy 2f0; 1g : m y  m dN g. Hence we can use the knapsackcover

j j

j 2M j 2M


inequalities 19 when solving CFL. Note that these inequalities can also b e derived

for subsets K N of the clients. The cover inequalities have proved very useful

computationally, as is illustrated in Table 3. In the table we rep ort on the number of

branch-and-b ound no des and the time needed to verify optimum if we use the linear

relaxation of CFL only, compared to if we use the linear relaxation and added violated

lifted knapsackcover inequalities. All instances have 33 facilities and 50 clients.

B&B cover  gap B&B

problem  gap no des time s ineq. closed no des time s

50331 1.5 399 686 13 86.0 31 125

50332 1.2 691 1,560 58 54.3 51 450

50333 1.5 259 556 122 54.1 89 769

50334 0.7 239 493 42 76.6 23 213

50335 1.3 685 1,232 25 78.3 49 248

Table 3: Result of adding knapsackcover inequalities to CFL.

The knapsack p olytop e is a quite drastic relaxation of CFL since it disregards all

ows. Aardal et al. 1993 considered the general family of submodular inequalities


v  f J  f J  f J nfj g1 y ; 31

jk j

j 2J k 2K j 2J

j 17

where K K for all j 2 J , and where f J  for J M is the maximum feasible ow


from the facilities in J to the clients in K given the arc set fj; k :j 2 J;k2 K g.


The function f J  is a submo dular set function. Here, if y = 1 for all j 2 J , the



resulting inequality b ecomes v  f J , whichisvalid since f J  is the


j 2J k 2K


maximum ow. If y = 0 for k 2 J , and y = 1 for all j 2 J n k , then the value

k j

f J  f J nfk g is precisely the amount with which the maximum ow decreases

if we close facility k . Aardal et al. completely characterize some large sub classes

of the family of facet-de ning submo dular inequalities. Separation algorithms, and

computational results of applying p olyhedral techniques to solve CFL, are rep orted

by Aardal 1994.

2.4 The Economic Lot Sizing Problem

In the economic lot-sizing problem ELS wehave a planning horizon consisting of

T p erio ds. In each p erio d t, a demand d must b e satis ed by pro duction in one


or more of the p erio ds in f1;:::;tg.Wehave unit pro duction costs, c , and setup


costs, f , which are incurred whenever pro duction takes place in t. Let x denote the

t t

pro duction level, and y indicate whether a setup is made in p erio d t. Moreover, let


d ; 1  s  t  T , denote the cumulative demand of the p erio ds fs;:::;tg, i.e.,




d = d . The mathematical programming formulation of ELS is:





min f y + c x  32

t t t t




x = d ; 33 s.t.

t 1;T




x  d for all 1  t  T 1; 34



x  d y for all 1  t  T; 35

t t;T t

x  0 for all 1  t  T; 36


y 2f0; 1g for all 1  t  T: 37


ELS is one of the relatively few combinatorial optimization problems that are p oly-

nomially solvable see Wagelmans et al. 1993 for the description of an O T log T 

algorithm. For such problems we can exp ect to b e able to give a compact charac-

terization of the convex hull of feasible solutions, c.f. the matching problem 5-7.

Barany et al. 1984 showed that the constraints 0  y  1 for all 1  t  T , y =1,

t 1

33, 36, together with the exp onential class of l; S -inequalities 38 presented

b elow, completely describ e the convex hull of solutions.

Takeany1  l  T and S  L = f1;:::;lg. The l; S -inequalities are written as


x + d y  d : 38

t t;l t 1;l


t2LnS 18

The intuition b ehind the l; S -inequalities is as follows. Assume that no pro duction

takes place in the p erio ds in S . Then the full demand d has to b e pro duced in



the p erio ds in L n S , giving x  d .Now, supp ose we do pro duce in some

t 1;l


of the p erio ds in S , and let p erio d k b e the rst such p erio d. The pro duction for

demand in p erio ds f1; :::; k 1g then has to b e done in p erio ds in L n S . Itishowever

p ossible that the remaining demand, d , is pro duced in a single p erio d in S , which


explains the co ecients of the y -variables. Although the class of l; S -inequalities


is exp onential, we can still solve ELS eciently by the p olyhedral approach since the

separation problem based on these inequalities is p olynomially solvable Baranyet

al. 1984.

We can generalize ELS byintro ducing startup costs, i.e. a payment for the rst

p erio d in a set of consecutive p erio ds in which pro duction takes place. This new

problem is referred to as ELSS. Belowwe demonstrate that the l; S -inequalities

can b e generalized to incorp orate the variables representing the startups such that

the resulting inequalities are valid for ELSS. A typical situation where startups are

relevant is when painting items. If wewant to start painting after a break of a couple

of p erio ds, we need to clean the residue from the old paint, and ll new paintinthe

machine, which incur a cost. Let the variables z ,1  t  T; indicate whether a


startup takes place, and let g denote the startup cost in p erio d t. The startups are


intro duced by adding inequalities

z  y y ; for all 1  t  T; with y =0 39

t t t1 0

to the constraints, and the terms g z , for all t, to the ob jective function of the

t t

formulation of ELS. Let l , L, and S b e de ned as ab ove, and let R b e a subset of S

such that the rst elementof S b elongs to R as well. Furthermore, let pt = maxfj 2

S : j


x + d y + d z + ::: + z   d ; 40

t t;l t t;l t 1;l



t2LnS t2S nR

intro duced byVan Ho esel, Wagelmans, and Wolsey 1994, describ e together with

constraints 33, 36, 39, y  0; and z  1; 1  t  T the convex hull of feasible

t t

solutions to ELSS. To see that inequalities 40 are valid we again distinguish the cases

whether pro duction o ccurs in p erio ds in S . The case where S contains no pro duction

p erio d is analogous to the same case for the l; S -inequalities. Now, assume that

p erio d k is the rst p erio d in S where pro duction takes place, and cho ose  as the

smallest p erio d such that a setup o ccurs in all p erio ds f ; :::; k g. Since at least one of

the variables z ;y ; :::; y app ears in the left-hand side of the l ; R; S -inequality with


a co ecient at least equal to d , the inequalityisvalid. The separation problem


based on inequalities 40 can b e solved as a set of T shortest path problems.

3 Concluding Remarks

Wehave attempted to present a broad intro duction to the theory of p olyhedral com-

binatorics. There are of course several theoretical issues that wehave not discussed, 19

and wehave given little attention to the many computational asp ects of p olyhedral

techniques that are necessary to address to solve problems successfully. These issues

will however b e treated in Part I I of this article, where we also present a list, with

references, of problems for which p olyhedral results are known, and a brief discussion

of some alternative techniques for solving combinatorial optimization problems.


Wewould like to thank David Applegate for providing data on the traveling salesman

problem rep orted in Section 2.1. Large parts of this article was written while the rst

author was visiting University of California at Berkeley. Financial supp ort provided

by the late Gene Lawler, and Umesh Vazirani through grant IRI-9120074 from NSF

is greatly acknowledged.


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