WELLINGTON TEAM CHURCHES NEWSLETTER For 27th June and 4th July Reflection from Reverend Richard Kelley

When I started my curacy in the Wellington Team last summer I knew I was facing an unusual year – how unusual, though, I hadn’t quite anticipated. I have had very little chance to meet many of you as the life of the church, like so many aspects of life in general, has been curtailed for far longer than many of us had once imagined. I truly hope that those things which we have all missed will be returning over the next year. However, whilst so much of the ‘normal’ has been missing there has been plenty of scope to fill my time with the ‘unusual’.

When I first envisioned the concept of glowing angels standing in the churchyard last Christmas I had no idea what an impact they would have – literally thousands of people from across Wellington and beyond (I spoke to one couple who had travelled from Bristol to see them) walked through the churchyard to see the Angels of Hope bringing a little bit of light in the darkness. When we took them out on twelfth night we immediately got messages from people who wanted them to come back and so the Easter Angels of Joy were born.

And my goodness what a response we had! I have no idea how many knitted flowers there were in the churchyards at St John’s and elsewhere but I do know that they numbered in the thousands. Each one of them was knitted by a member of the Wellington community who wanted to spread joy across the town, from children in the town’s schools right through to residents in the care homes; if I had a list of the people who contributed it would be many hundreds of names long. And I think, for me, this was the perfect re-telling of the Easter story: just as joy-filled community life sprung up in the Angels project when it appeared to have been killed by Covid, so did the joy-filled life of Christ spring up when he appeared to have been killed by fear and hatred. I follow him confidently in the faith that the message proclaimed in his story can be a part of my story too and, this past year, it certainly has been as the people of Wellington have joined in his Spirit to show that love and life will always be more powerful than their counterparts.

Spotlight on Churches Reopening

A pattern of services in our churches is emerging but in addition to these our churches are open during the week for several other things. On Sundays these churches are open for private prayer; Bradford on Tone, , Runnington, , and West Buckland. On Wednesdays there is another opportunity for private prayer at Wellington St Johns, Thorne St Margaret, Bradford on Tone, and West Buckland. On Thursdays Langford Budville is open again for private prayer. For further details such as the times, please see the calendar on the website. www.wellingtonteamchurches.org.uk

Baptisms have started up again across the benefice, with a baptism preparation day in July and five planned baptisms in July and August, and weddings have also restarted with five over the same period, plus a “renewal of vows”. Confirmation preparation is also beginning.

Small groups are meeting in a covid secure way, such as the Knit and Natter group in Rockwell Green, and pastoral companion teas in St John’s. West Buckland has an exchange library (with jigsaws) available when they are open on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Not everyone is feeling confident to take the next step and mix socially, even although we are being very careful to maintain a good covid security with masks, social distancing, hand sanatising and extra cleaning. If this is how you feel, don’t worry and don’t feel pressurised into doing more than you feel happy with. You may be reassured that you are not alone in how you feel. If you know anyone who would welcome a phone call, just do it! Please keep in touch with your church friends.

Church contacts Parish Office Tel: 01823 665254 Email: [email protected] Clergy - Tim Treanor 01823 662248, Alan Ellacott 01823 669824, Martin Beaumont 01823 400127, Selina Garner 01823 662227, Richard Kelley 07970 346544

Online Worship Sunday 27th June and Sunday 4th July  The Worship Podcast is back from Tim Treanor and John Young and available on internet or by a local rate phone call on 01174 288175  10 am ‘The Home Service’ church worship in your front room from Tone Deanery. 10Radio 105.3FM  7pm John Young’s Sunday evening hymns with reflections. Available by clicking on the Team Facebook page and from there on John Young’s page. This can also be viewed later  6 pm Sunday 27th June St. Margaret’s Evensong. Login details are:https://stmargaret.my.webex.com Once you have logged on to the website you will be asked to enter the meeting number which is:163 240 7891 Please ensure you enter spaces between the three groups of numbers. To join by landline telephone the details are: Dial 0207 660 8149. You will be asked to enter the following Access Code:163 240 7891 #

Worship in our churches – please worship locally or online th  Sunday 27 June Runnington 9.00 a.m. Holy Communion West Buckland 10.00 a.m. Lay led service Bradford on Tone 10.00 a.m. Lay led service 11.45 a.m. Lay led service

Wellington 9.45 a.m. Holy Communion. (Richard Kelley’s first occasion of presiding) This is planned to be outside so that we can sing. We will provided chairs, but if the weather is bad we will go indoors, so please book a ticket at https://bit.ly/3z8uxRZ or by phoning the office on 01823 665254

 Sunday 4th July West Buckland 9.00 a.m. Holy Communion Stawley 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion Wellington 9.45 a.m. Holy Communion Bradford on Tone 10.00 a.m. Lay led service Langford Budville 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion Rockwell Green 11.15 a.m. Holy Communion

Lectionary Reading and Collects

Sunday 27th June – 4th Sunday after Trinity Sunday 4th July – 5th Sunday after Trinity Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24, 2Corinthians 8:7-end, Ezekiel 2:1-5, 2Corinthians 12:2-10, Mark 6:1-13 Mark 5:21-end Collect Collect Almighty and everlasting God, O God, the protector of all who trust in you, by whose Spirit the whole body of the Church without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy: is governed and sanctified: increase and multiply upon us your mercy; hear our prayer which we offer for all your faithful people, that with you as our ruler and guide that in their vocation and ministry we may so pass through things temporal they may serve you in holiness and truth that we lose not our hold on things eternal; to the glory of your name; grant this, heavenly Father, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, who is alive and reigns with you, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. one God, now and for ever.

Points for Prayer Please pray for the couples preparing for their weddings in the next few months; Thomas Baker and Laura Chilcott, Paul Leech and Leeza Caswell, Alex Hamilton and Bess Menheneott, Martin Walker and Nikita Jarman, Samuel Bedford and Mary-Beth Deller.