Did you know this about Koneurakointi S. Kuittinen Oy? • The Nurmes-based company has been engaged in mechanised har- vesting for more than 40 years and it employs about 80 people. Area of green industry – Nurmes • It mainly operates in North , Savo and but has also accumulated experience at logging sites in Germany and Sweden. Bioindustrial areas in – information cards • The company supplies the roundwood from forest to factory. about Karjalan Metsä ja Energia KME Oy? • The company was established in 2007 by two forestry contractors in Nurmes. • It supplies roundwood with an energy content of 60,000 MWh each year. • The company has two employees and it supplies 20 different sites with raw material. about Nurmes? • The city of Nurmes is known for its vibrant old wooden town and the Bomba House, a popular tourist attraction. • There are also other important forest industry companies in Nurmes: • Binderholz Nordic Oy (sawn timber) • Scanpole Oy (poles) • Karelment Oy (construction of wooden houses and halls) • Food production is also an important industrial field in Nurmes. Com- panies in the sector include Nurmeksen Filetuote Oy, Nurmeksen Kala Oy, Pielisen Kalajaloste Oy, Porokylän Leipomo Ky and Pielispakari Oy. A vision of the area of green industry • Karelia Development Center Ltd provides companies plan- ning to set up operations in the region with flexible location services. • For more information, go to: http://www.pikes.fi

Download cards: www.pohjois-karjala.fi/bioteollisuusalueet

Prepared by: Regional Council of North Karelia In cooperation with: Pielinen Karelia Development Center Ltd Area of green industry – Nurmes Area of green industry General description of the area

The area of green industry is located in Nurmes on both sides of the Voimatie road from which there are good road links to main road 6 (-) and main road 75 (-). There is also a rail connection from Nurmes to the north and to the south (freight traffic) and the distance to the Inarintie border crossing point be- tween and Russia is 120 kilometres.

The bioindustrial area currently covers 28 hectares and there is potential for expan- sion. In the fourth phase of the regional land use plan, the area is reserved for bioin- dustrial use. The area is covered by a local detailed plan. The area of green industry provides employment for dozens of people. North Karelia 0 0,75 1,5 Ü Current situation and outlook for the future kilometriä ©Maanmittauslaitos

Feedstock Optimum Oy will build a biorefinery in the area between 2017 and 2018. The main products of the facility will be biocarbon, bio-oil, distillates and liquids. Companies located in the area By-products include electricity and heat. The plant is expected to have an annual production capacity of 200,000 tonnes. The biorefinery will also have its own elec- Karjalan Metsä ja Energia KME Oy Koneurakointi S. Kuittinen Oy tricity and heat generating facility. • A bioterminal of 2.8 hectares for timber • Maintenance of the company’s equipment storage and chip production and staff facilities There are currently nine vacant plots in the area, which are equipped with urban in- • Products: clean and dry chips, energy wood • Main business: timber transport and harves- frastructure and up-to-date telecommunications connections. The area will be con- trunks, energy wood harvesting, terminal ting on islands nected with the district heating network and a railway siding will also be built. After operations • Amount of stored timber totals 160,000 m3 3 the changes the area is expected to provide employment for 160 people. A regional • Total wood volume 60 000 m each year environmental impact assessment has been carried out as part of the plans. • A large number of harvester chains are operating in the sector