RUZZLER BY SCOTT KIM The Magical Tour "...dying to take you away, take you today."—The Beatles

there are four views per node, then a 600MB CD-ROM can hold at most latest in a series of worlds created by Cyan, founded by brothers 6,000 views, or 1,500 nodes, not including space for sound, movies and TheRobynpopularand CD-ROMRand Miller.gameIn suchMyst,a publishedworld, thebyplayerBroderbund,moves aroundis the other data. Myst uses about 2,500 still images. 3-D spaces like a building or landscape. Exploratory worlds create a strong The 12 views below form a single continuous tour around Myst sense of place and offer the fascination of discovering what is around the Island. Can you put them in order? Write your answers below. View 1 is comer. Other multimedia titles structured as exploratory worlds include first. Hints: Each view shows some of the next view. With each step, you ^ Interactive and Freak Show. move forward some distance, and sometimes you also tum 90 degrees left As in Cyan's previous creations. , Cosmic Osmo and or right. Observe shadow directions. Spelutvc, the player in Mysf moves by clicking on different places in the pic¬ Five puzzle solvers will be randomly selected to receive NewMedia ture: left to tum left, right to turn right, center to move forward and some¬ T-sbirts. All entries must be received by March 12,1995. Send your answers times up or down to look up or down. All the possible views are stored on to NewMedia, 901 Mariner's Island Blvd., Suite 365, San Mateo, CA 94404, the CD-ROM. When the player clicks, the computer loads the next view. Attn: Puzzle Editor. You can also fax us at (415) 573-7446. Write us a note Views must be rationed carefully. On the one hand, there must be about the magazine while you're at it. M enough views to give the player a sense of continuous motion—roughly Attention Puzzler fans: Look for Random House's book ofScott Kim's New- one node every 20 feet, with up to four views (north, east, south, west) per Media puzzles, the NewMedia Magazine Puzzle Workout, in your local node. On the other hand, if each view takes 100KB of space on disc and bookstore.


January Puzzle Winners

The type-heads struck in force. We got 791 responses to "One Good Kern Deserves Another." One reader reminded us that there are a lot of "kem-flakes" out there; another talked about the days of metal type. Our winners are Don Calley, Las Vegas; David 1. Chrestenson, Oswego, Illi¬ nois; Carolyn G. Fidelman, Charlestown, Massachusetts; Michael Goad, Poway, California; Craig Wallace, Ashland, Kentucky. January Puzzle Answers

Here are the 11 words that contain kerned letter pairs: whAT, shuTTing, WAs, WAs, onLY, FAce, AT, thAT, WAs, thAT, loveLY.

120 NEWMEDIA MARCH 1995 For a great cyber date.


As a lesbian in San Francisco, 1

have become accustomed to a plethora of gay and lesbian community activities and sup¬ port services. However, I often wonder wbat it's like to be gay and live in a small Mid¬ western town or a Southern city. Where do these folks find community? Well, many are flocking to America Online's gay and lesbian public chat rooms, which are frequently bursting—on a given evening there can be more than 10 rooms with 23 users per room. Some people live openly gay lives in fairly tolerant areas while others live closeted lives. A large number are young people suffering from the isolation that reminds us that being gay is one of the main reasons for teen suicide in the United States. After spending several (OK, many) hours glued to my mon- itor, I made new friends in these "rooms," and \ /^J posters for ages trying to see responded to such 1/ V w thestaredoutrageousat those stereographic3-D images diverse questions as, "If everyone is talking about, but nothing pops God existed, would he out. Now Pioneer has freed those of us have let Susan Smith chained to the 2-D world with LaserActive murder her children?" Mega-LD Pack ($999|, a laserdisc player that works with a and "Does anybody pair of 3-D goggles ($179) and a Genesis cartridge port. know any gay and les¬ Help for The 3-D goggles (a little bian places in Birming¬ the^-D big, but comfy) split and syn¬ ham, Alabama?" chronize the image on your TV I felt at home. I impaired with imperceptible flashes in was entertained and a transparent active-matrix LCD in the excited by the possibili¬ lenses. The effect is utterly jaw-dropping. I ties of a national gay sat in the darkened NewMedia Lab for online community. But hours, my head jerking back involuntarily as the images leaped out of the screen. where gays and lesbians As usual, the software has to catch up go, so go those who with the hardware. I spent all my time with hate us; there are gay bashers in 3D Museum ($120), a laserdisc with more these online rooms. Every five min¬ than 100 images and animations and a utes or so someone appears to spew great soundtrack. Legacy, a game in which forth hateful, angry sentiments, you ski down a steep mountain or kayak the telling us that we are sick, disgusting rapids, is in the works, produced by Robert and deserve to die. Sometimes a Redford and lllumina Productions in Oak¬ conversation ensues alxjut how we should deal with the bashers. It is possible to cut and paste their land, California. Pioneer also plans to release a 3-D venom and report them to AOL in the hope that their services will be terminated. But it seems that adapter this spring that will plug into any video source and break the every time a basher leaves, a new, more persistent basher takes his or her place. We can always ignore sig¬ nal into even and odd fields so any video them, but just knowing that we're being attacked in the "safety" ofour own rooms wears on the spirit. can be viewed in 3-D using the goggles— (There are also frequent visits from preachers who, dep)ending on their mood, tell us that Jesus loves with varying results, of course. us or God hates us.) So, for all you frustrated, 3-D-impaired The hate-mongering barely nicks my skin, but I feel on angry behalf of all the 17-year-olds who folks out there... help is on the way. go online to ease their loneliness, only to be confronted with yet another voice that reinforces the —Michaeliynch common sentiment that there is no place for gays and lesbians on this earth. This is why I would not call these rooms safe places to congregate. I had hoped that the online Pioneer (800) 421-1404 world would insulate us from the hate that p>ermeates the lives of many gays and lesbians. Maybe someday it will. —Amy Hirschkron (Acelndia&aoLmm)

119 NEWMEDIA MARCH 1995 With sadness we announce the departure from this life of our deeply loved and cherished friend Jack Larson on the 12th of August, 1994, in New York City

Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky tuith one hand wavin'free Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands With all memory andfate driven deep beneath the waves Let me forget about today until tomorrow.

Hey! Mister Tambourine Man play a songfor me In thatjingle-Jangle momin' I'll come followin' you.

H. We will remember Jack at the home of Marjorie Heidsieck and Nick Jarecki 301 East 79th Street, Apt. 23S, Thursday, October 6, 1994 at 6:30 pm A DIFFERENT LIGHT

honored guest 7th anniversary party PHOTOGRAPHY BY


53B MANCHESTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA. 94110 (415) 824-3449 *> U

■ ■ to in 3. 2. 1. To is ■ ■ at and trip the a To being NOT 6034, (415) away local If May phone The its move. or while Your call. this 6-digit 4-digit Dial number Calvert, on changed number Then security Next, Enter reach number. number, number, the number DIGITS work: reach Using The of with a of the 1991 reveal can person from or regular home a called. the system the enter code. home enter dial the Directory the Contact permanently if be you number 512-5069. the long-distance listed. Directory This (415)777-1111 Telephone duration. Jan vacation, directory the the telephone number FIRST San does access extension you or business of access your someone 7-digit 4 someone person change temporarily out-of-office wish listed office: full 10-digit listed 6-digit Chronicle Francisco Briefing 7188 Church, Dean 7120-00 Hosley, Sally 7120-01 Kosman, Joshua 8871-00 Mailroom: Britton, Robert 7230-00 Circulation 7000 Howe, Kenneth 7090-00 Kraus,Sibella .510-524-3863 Main 8471 Abel, Mark 6025-00 Dale, Lesley 8475 FAX Numbers (Bureaus): Buehler, Kirsten 7444 Dir.: Steven Falk ....7522-00 Hubig, Dan 7187-08 Home access: 8004-00 275-Fifth 8874 Accounting Dept 7057 Datebook: Marin 415-492-1029 Building Manager: City Desk 7100 Hunter-Davis, Terri .8427-00 Krefting, Bruce 7186-05 Agency 7570 Accounts Payable 7048 Daily 7006 Martinez 510-372-8103 901 Mission 7611 City Editor: Hutson, Cathy 7010 KRON-TV 441-4444 Maloney, Mike 7077-06 Ad Alley 7487 Editor: Mountain View 275 Fifth 8401 an Rosenheim 7109-00 Hyams, Dave 7020-00 Kupfer, Peter Managing Editor: Adam, Philip 7077-00 Bob Graham 7034-00 415-961-5023 Bureaus: City Editor, Night 7102 Home access: 8003-00 Matthew Wilson....7319-00 Administration: 6225 Sunday 7052 Oakland 510-834-5556 Alameda 510-272-6966 City Line 512-5000 Mariner, Mary Ann .8420-01 Adolphson, Sue 7052-01 Editor: Petaluma 707-769-8362 SF Flail of Justice 7139 City Line—Office...777-6035 Markell, George 7073-09 Agate, Albert 8870-00 David Kleinberg...7052-04 Sacramento..916-447-7082 Martinez 510-372-8057 Clancy, James 7080 Marshall, Jonathan 8465-00 Ahlgren, Calvin 7031-01 Sunday Calendar 7053 S.F. City Hall 861-7115 Mountain View....961-2499 Clark, Don 7126-00 Martin, Bruce 7072-05 Aiello, John 7150-01 Davila, Rob 7005-00 S.F. Federal Oakland 510-465-0514 Classified Ads 777-7777 Building Martin, Glen 7246-00 Albert, Kevin 7150-02 June 7230-02 552-4643 Oakland Police Cohn, Lowell 7201-04 Dellapa, lacono, Dorine 8428-00 Matthews, Allen 7108-00 Albertoni, Marc 8424 DelVecchio, Rick San Jose 408-287-8361 510-834-2880 Colbert, Harley 7219 Ingram, Erik....707-778-6061 Lara, Adair 7238-00 McCabe, Michael ...7154-00 Atten,-Jeff 8770-00 510-465-0514 Washington, D.C Petaluma 707-778-6061 Cole, Myra 7150-04 Home access: 8107-00 Larson, Fred 7077-03 McCaustland, Vedder..7150 Anderson, Michele.8462-00 Home access: 7137-00 202-737-7121 Redwood City 365-5720 Collier, Robert 6090-00 Ingram, Ron 7179-00 Larson, John 8451 McEvoy, Nion 8494 Annsfire, Joan 8430-00 Demaago, Greg 7021 Business Insider Sacramento..916-445-5658 Colvin, Bruce 6013-00 Insurance: LaSalle,Mick 8870-01 McHugh, Paul 7247-00 Antoni, Jon 7012 Demoro, Harre 7083-00 202-347-7312 San Jose 408-998-0222 Comics Desk 7211 Health 421-6833 Lattin, Don 8479-00 McKenzie, Marie 7230-04 Arnold, Bill 7201-00 Dennison, Natl. Pol. Wire SF City Hall 7149 Commanday, Robert Georgeanne Intern Program 8498 Lazzereschi, Kim 6020 McLeod, Ramon (Bud) Arnold, Jean 7212-00 6055-00 703-237-5149 SF Federal Building....7129 7116-00 Irwin, Fran 6243-00 Leary, Kevin 7148-00 7233-00 Art Department 7187 Denson, Charles 7187-01 CNN 404-827-3015 Wash, O.C 202-737-7100 Composing Room: 6061 Iversen, Lance 7099-01 Lemons, Bonnie 7073-07 McMahon, Regan...8461-00 Art Director: Dewey, Phelps 7225-00 FAX Numbers (Chronicle): Burns, Rotimi 8430-01 Ad Alley 7487 Lempinen, Edward ..7100-03 Mead, Doug 7201-29 Hulda Nelson 7187 Dewey, Tamar 7186-02 City Desk 512-8196 Burress, Charles 8456-00 APS Room 7476 ^vy, Dan 8455-00 Mead, Tyra 7074-02 Graphics Editor: Diaz, John 7147-00 Critics 957-8737 Bush, David 7201-01 Chapel Foreman 7481 Levy, Tom 7077-13 Melendez, John 6046 Steve Outing 7185 Dickey, Glenn 7201-08 Finance 543-2482 Business/Finance Section.. Foreman 7470 Levy-Hewett, Dianne Meltzer, Alyx 7185-00 Asimov, Nanette 7127-00 Dietz, David 8464-00 People 495-2067 8440 Head Makeup 7486 8497-00 Merlo, Laura 7072-07 Associated Press 7119 Permissions/ Editor: Peter Sinton Classified 7483 Diringer, Elliot.510-465-0514 Jaffe, Martin 8480 Lewis, David 7108-02 Mettasick, Bea 7180-00 Home access: 8201-02 Newh a I I/Wright 7087-00 Datebook 6224 Jampol, Gerald 7209-00 Liberatore, Karen ....8477-01 Meyer, Thomas 7229-00

- Dodds, Stuart 7212 495-3843 Butler, Katy 7100-00 News 7491 Janitors: Library: Miller, Ira 510-653-7833 Dolinsky, Lewis 6011-00 Promotion 546-9291 901 People 7484 Mission 7599,7611 Public Line 7239 Home access: 8005-00 7167-00 543-3754 Sports 7490 Donnelly, Trish Sports Jenkins, Bruce 7201-13 Main 7230 Miller, John 7230-05 Dotson, Tom 7073-05 Features/Asst. Managing Computer Help 7085 Jensen, Jack 8881 Photo Line 7232 Minesinger, Dave 8897 Editor: Cone, William 7186-01 Doyle, Jim 7129-00 Johnson, Clarence..6030-00 Dir.: Richard Geiger Minton, Torri 7262-00 Ducharme, Amy 6211 Rosalie 7210-01 Conference Room: Wright Jones, Jackie 6225-00 6001-00 Moore, David 7004-00 Back Copies 6833 Dunlap, Terry..916-445-5658 Federal Reporter 7129 City Room 7064 Jones, Rodney 6012-00 Littlefield, Barbara ..8430-04 Moore, Teresa 6024-01 Baker, Kenneth 8445-00 Home access: 8118-00 Feldhorn, Chris 8431-00 Publisher's 7228 Jordan, John 7072-04 Livingston, Kimball..7201-17 Moreland, Susan 8896 Baldwin, Laura 8882 Fimrite, Peter..510-834-2880 >£aen. Herb 7171-00 Conner, Ken 7051-00 Jonte, Joann 8452 Livingston, Lourdes Agnes.. Morse, Richard 7003-00 Ballard, Connie 7115-00 Home access: 8102-02 Cain, Elizabeth (Suzy)...8894 Conti, Kris .6233-00 Jowett, Phil 7477 6273-00 Moss, Bryan 7104-00 Barber Shop 7607 —Finkelstein, David....7150-05 Caldwell, Tracy 7201-02 Cooper, Tony 7201-05 Jungerman, Eric 7186-03 Lochhead, Carolyn Murray, Thomas 7186-07 Barnes, Keith 7073-03 First Aid or Fire 7088 Calvert, Jan 6034-00 Copy Desk Chief 7072 202-737-7100 Murph, Mary 6017 Barnum, Alex 6052-00 Fisher, Carol 6787-00 Camps, Mark 7201-03 Copy Editors 7073 Home access: 8108-02 Barrios, Jim 7150-03 Fiske, Jack 7201-09 Carlsen, William 7122-00 Copy People 7150 Lombard, Betsy 7100-02 Barza, Dave 7245-00 Eaton, Kate 7030-00 Carman, John 7028-00 Corporate Comptroller/ FitzGerald, Tom 7208-00 Louis, Arthur 7190-00 Basye, Dale 7007-00 Eckhouse, John 8407-00 Carmean, Michael ..7073-00 Treasurer: Fitzmaurice, Deanne Lucas, Greg ....916-445-5658 Bauer, Michael 8463-00 Editor and Publisher: 7077-01 Carpenter, Jody 6238-00 Jerome Gronfein 8891 Home access: 8118-03 Beck, Bernie 6029-00 Richard Thieriot 7222-00 Carr, Mary 7444 Cosgrove, Ben 8874 Fong, Gary 7099-00 Kahn, Alice 6062-00 Luchak, Pat 7046-00 Beckerley, Richard 7150 Editorial Page Editor: Food N Carrasco, Johanna Craib, Karola 7045-00 Department 6044 Kantor, Dorothy 7151-00 Luther, Judy 7025 Beckett, Jamie 8496-00 Thomas Benet 7182-00 Editor: 510-465-0514 Credit Union 986-0484 Kearsley, Steve 6274-00 Ludwig, Mark 7067-00 Nachman, Gerald....7047-00 Behr, Andrea 7165-00 Einstein, David 8490-00 Michael Bauer 8463-00 Home access: 8102-00 Loans 986-0731 Keiser, Mike 7174-00 Lufkin, Liz 6246-00 Neagle, Tim 7066-00 Benefits Manager— Electrician 7467, —0— Fourre, Anne Marie 8895 Carroll, Dennis 7073-01 Cronk, Brian 6258-00 Keown, Tim 7201-14 Lundgren, Mark 7164-00 Nelson, Hulda 6003-00 Non Guild 8895 Elliott, Vicky 7072-02 Carroll, Jerry 7168-00 Curiel, Jon 7201-06 Francis, Lynette 7230-10 Kerrihard, Scott 7230-03 Luse, Eric 7077-04 Nevius, C.W 7201-23 Benet, Tom 7182-00 Emergency: Frank, Phil 7210-03 Carroll, Jon 6249 Curley, John 7206-00 Kershner, Viae Lynch, April 510-465-0514 Newhall, Anthony ...6761-00 Bengal, Nikki 7230-01 Fire & First Aid 7088 916-445-5658 Castle, Teresa 7073-02 Curtis, Diane...415-479-9330 Freedberg, Louis 7143-00 Home access: 8102-03 News Desk 7065 Elevator—Chronicle ..7089 Benwitt, Rebecca ...7052-02 Freistadt, 7072-03 Home access: 8118-02 Chen, Ingfei 7144-00 Home access: 8002-00 Margo News/Asst. Managing Bergman, Gordon....7072-00 Engineer 7237,7611 Frost, Iris 7166-00 Chiang, Harriet 7106-00 Curtis, Jake 7201-07 Kettmann, Steve 7201-15 Editor: Bernard, Richard 7059 Engraving Room 7473 Funeral Notices 7320 Chickering, Lawrence Customer Service 7548 Kibbee, Sally 7230-11 Jack Breibart 7065-00 Bigelow, Michael....7086-00 Epstein, Ed 8436-00 7100-05 Kilduff, Marshall 7110-00 Newspaper Division 6016 Binder, Julee 7150-21 Espinosa, Suzanne..8457-00 Chin, Marianne 7074-01 Kirby, Renne 7214 Nix, Shann 6065-00 Black, Craig 7163-00 Examiner 777-2424 Chronicle Books 7240 Kirkendall, Betty 7188-00 Maa, Susan 7048-00 Nobles, Barr 7038-00 Blackburn, Mark 7073-04 Executive Editor: Chronicle Features 7212 Kirkland, Marshall...7178-00 Machine Shop 7464 Nolte, Carl 7146-00 Bloom, Hilda 7207 William German 7112-00 Chronicle Pub. Co. Kirkwood, Cynthia...7073-06 Mackey, Douglas....7073-08 Norek, Carol 7118-00 Book Editor: Evenson, Laura 8441-00 Newspaper Division...7444 Kittleson, Phyllis 6278 Macrae, Ena 7210-00 Nurse 7234 Patricia Holt 8439-00 Everett, Rob 6279 Chronicle Real Estate Kleinberg, David 7052-04 Madrigal, Alix 8439-01 Boring, John 7187-00 Gagliardo, Nick 7013 Division ...321-5982 or 8401 Knies, Rob 7201-16 Maggiora, Vincent..7077-05 Breibart, Jack 7065-00 Gamez, Aida 6251-00 Rhiing I isn 71?5 00 Koenig, David 7150-09 Maggy, August 7218-00 Brewer, James 7103-01 Garage 7535 Ish LSJ Reasner, Pam 7185-02 Smith, Amy 7170-00 Tucker, Marilyn 7041-00^ Receiving Room 7567 Smith, Bill 7186-08 Juller, David 713?^M O'Hara.John 7077-07 Receptionist: Smith, Derelle 7073-18 Turner, Stephanie...8937-00 Olson, Gary 8443-00 Chronicle 7061 Smith, Derrick 8448-00 TV Week 7076 Vamamoto, Mike 6022-00 > Olszewski, Lori 7156-00 Reddy, Grace 7213 Smith, Lynda 7093-00 Typewriter Repair 7476 Vao, Judy 7072-11 Orr, Christine 7230-09 Reprint Permission: Smith, Philip Adam 7077 Voachum, Susan 7123-00 Operator 7056 Print 7226 Smoke Shop 391-4927 York, LyIe 8459-00 Ostler, Scott 7201 ^ Photo 7061 Snyder, George Yule, Dorothy 7187-07 Outdoors 7247 Restivo, Peggy 6248 707-778-6099 Zailian, Marian 7052-00 Editor: John Curlev7206-00 Review 8431 Home Access 8107-01 Zane, Maitland 7134-00 Outing, Steve 6242-00 Rhodes, Kathleen....7230-06 Snyder, Michael 7031 Rivera, Victoria 7150-10 Sommerdorf, Scott..7077-09 Roberts, Jerry 7124-00 Sports Department 7201 Underwood, Deborah ..8898 Roberts, Stephanie.7150-22 Editor: John Curley7206-00 Unterman, Patricia Robinson, Jack 7491-00 Stack, Peter 7035-00 863-5355 Rodrigues, Julia Stanley, John 7189-00 Home access: 8116-00 Palmer, Michael 7076-00 NEWSPAPER 202-737-7100 Steenman, Linda 7022 AGENCY Pantel, Evelyn 7199-00 Home access: 8108-01 Steger, Pat 7160-00 Robert McCormick, Paper Handlers 7477 Rose, Jim 6047-00 Stein, Ruthe 7175-00 president 7400 Parker, Paula 7003-02 ■r\Rosenheim, Dan 7109-00 ^Stemer, Rosalie 6045-00 Tom Clancy, executive vice Parkinson, Jim 7187-04 Rubenstein, Steve...7135-00 Stewart, Chris 7077-14 president 7401 Pates, Bill 7183-00 Rubien, David 7003-01 Stewart, Jon 7114-00 Larry Ingram, senior v.p., Payroll: Rubin, Sylvia 7162-00 Stilwell, Otis 7230-07 Vande Berg, Marsha operations 7679 Guild 7014 Ruff, Caria 7240-00 Strawser, Kris 6275-00 6023-00 Dave Beihoff, v.p. Non-Guild 8899 Russell, Sabin 8447-00 Stumes, Larry 7201-26 Van Niekerken,Bill..8430-05 advertising 7420 PBX Chief Operator 7055 Sulkis, Brian 7050-00 van Oosterwijk, Carol...8414 John Raytis, v.p. circulation Pelline, Jeff 8442-00 ■ Sullivan, Pat 7201-27 Vernier, Carole 7172-00 7520 Pels, Jackie 7073-16 Sunday/Features 7210 VDTHelp 7085 Steve Falk, Chronicle Pender, Kathleen ....6050-00 Editor: Viets, Jack 7157-00 circulation director ....7522 People Department 7166 Rosalie Wright 7210-01 Viviano, Frank 6024-00 Joe Kolder, administrative Editor: Iris Frost 7166-00 Sunday Punch 7191 services 7670 N'erlman, David 7117-00 Editor: Tom King, building Permissions: Saekel, Karola 7045-00 Peter Sussman....7191-00 manager 7141 Print 7226 Safety Engineer 7611 Sussman, Peter 7191-00 ' Photo 7061 Sandalow, Marc 7159-00 Swan, Gary 7201-19 Using This Directory Pestorich, Richard..7067-01 Debra Saunders 7170 Sward, Susan 6015-00 To reach someone at work: Petit, Charles 7084-00 SF Newspaper Agency Sylvester, Dave Wadsworth, Christienne Dial the FIRST 4 DIGITS of Photo Engraving 7473 777-5700 408-998-0222 7120-02 the 6-digit number listed. Photography: Scarborough, Caroline Home access: 8003-00 Walker, Larry 6044 If the number listed is a General Number 7077 8858-00 Systems 7085 Wallace, Bill 7128-00 regular 7-digit local Picture Desk 7099 Schacht, Henry Walsh, Patrick 7150-12 telephone number, or a 10- Studio 8409 510-548-1037 Ward, Brant 7077-11 digit long-distance number, Editor: Gary Fong...7099-00 Home access: 8114-00 Ward, Celeste 7014-00 dial the full number. Pimsleur, Joel 7139-00 Scheffler, Alison 7224 Ward, Eric 7150-13 To reach someone away Police Reporter 7139 Schmulewicz, Wolf ^Warren, Gina 8471-00 from the office: Political Editor 7124 6254-00 Waters, Brian 7150-16 1 — Enter (415) 512-5069 Power, Gavin 6051-00 Schreiner, Tim Watkins, Rufus 7150-15 2— Next, enter your 4- Pressroom: 707-778-6090 Watson, Lloyd 7126-01 digit home access security Makeup 7475 Home access: 8107-02 Taber, Jane 8449-00 Webb, Mary Jo 7230-12 code New 7577 Schwartz, Stephen .7139-01 Taylor, Michael ^NA/hite, Evelyn 7106-01 3 — Then enter the 6-digit Old 7480 Searles, Sharon ..6111x9400 510-465-0514 Whitehill, Carole 6018 number listed in this Promotion 7120 Home access: 7140-00 Home access: 8102-05 Whiting, Sam 8852-00 directory of the person you Information 6232 Season of Sharing Fund Telephone Problems....6225 Wiegand, Robert 7003 wish to call. Dir.: Dean Church..7120-00 7120 Telfer, Jerry 7077-10 Wildermuth, John ...7137-01 Your out-of-office number Publisher 7222 Home access: 8104-00 Security Office 7192 Temko, Allan 7133-00 can be changed Punch/Sunday 7191 Selvin, Joel 7032-00 Thieriot, Peter 7444-00 Wilson, Mary 8899 temporarily while on a Shea, Joe 7201-24 Thieriot, Richard 7222-00 Wilson, Matthew 7319-00 business trip or vacation, Sheanin, Wendy 7058-00 This World 7050 Wilson, Scott 7072-10 or permanently If you Shifter. Peter.„. 7072-08 Editor: Lyie York 8459-00 Winn, Steven 8869-00 move. Contact Jan Calvert, ^^ilts, Rand'^ 7220-00 Thomas, Ron 7201-28 Wong, Nancy 7078-00 extension 6034, with the Shirk, George 7201-25 Thompson, Bob 8470-00 Workman, Bill 961-2499 change and its duration. Home access: 8104-01 Siegmann, Ken 961-2499 Thoms, Pamela 66253-00 The home access phone Home access: 8441-01 Transportation: right, Rosalie 7210-01 system does NOT reveal Rabellino, Elissa 7173-00 Sietsema, Tom 8488-00 Dock 7563 Wrixon, Gail 7075-00 the home number of the Rachles, Ed 7187-05 Sinton, Peter 7087-00 Office: Timekeeper 7540 person being called. Ravernell, Wanda ...7073-10 INSTRUCTIONS Place this card between sets to prevent write through of message.


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