Transformation of the sex pheromone signal in the noctuid ipsilon: From peripheral input to antennal lobe output David Jarriault, Christophe Gadenne, Philippe Lucas, Jean-Pierre Rospars, Sylvia Anton

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David Jarriault, Christophe Gadenne, Philippe Lucas, Jean-Pierre Rospars, Sylvia Anton. Transfor- mation of the sex pheromone signal in the noctuid moth agrotis ipsilon: From peripheral input to antennal lobe output. Chemical Senses, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2010, 35 (8), pp.705-715. ￿10.1093/chemse/bjq069￿. ￿hal-02658879￿

HAL Id: hal-02658879 Submitted on 30 May 2020

HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. Version postprint cetdJn ,2010 2, June Accepted Unite Anton, France Sylvia Versailles, to: F-78000 sent be Cyr, to Saint Correspondence de Communication, Route et Agronomique, Signalisation Recherche l’Insecte: la de de National Anton Physiologie Institut Sylvia 1272 and Recherches Rospars de Jean-Pierre Mixte Unite´ Lucas, Philippe Gadenne, Christophe Jarriault, David Moth Noctuid the in Signal Pheromone ipsilon Sex the of Transformation 2010 705–715, 35: Senses Chem. o emsin,pes -al [email protected] e-mail: please permissions, For ª ( vertebrates both In Introduction [email protected] e-mail: France. Versailles, F-78000 Saint-Cyr, de Route Agronomique, Recherche la de National Institut ( ( PNs ( PNs and to LNs, ORNs ORNs, from between described PNs: been have protocere- contacts integrated the in see the review, level (for processing brum transmit next the that and to AL information (PNs) the to neurons confined (LNs) projection interneurons local ( of tions bulb 2000 olfactory al. et vertebrate Vosshall onto the counter- converge the of (AL), OR lobe part antennal same the of the glomerulus single expressing a , ORNs In (insects). of sensilla axons antennal the mucosa nasal or the (vertebrates) of (ORNs) neurons populations receptor distinct olfactory in of expressed is gene (OR) receptor ant ( insects ite n och1996 Boeckh 1981 Hildebrand and Distler ). 1991 Malun h uhr21.Pbihdb xodUiest rs.Alrgt reserved. rights All Press. University Oxford by Published 2010. Author The Jarriault, D.,Gadenne, C.,Lucas,P., Rospars,J.-P., Anton,S.(2010). Transformation ofthe sex pheromone signal inthenoctuidmoth agrotisipsilon: Fromperipheral inputto antennal niae atcpto flclitrern L) hc eoe h R nu.Mroe,MCnuossoe wider a recording showed sensillum neurons single ORNs. MGC Moreover, than components words: input. pheromone Key ORN phase the single excitatory the of to neuron period remodel MGC sensitivity excitatory the which higher the following (LN), a phase Although inhibitory and interneurons MGC. an tuning the local of in addition of compared place the macroglomerular participation were populations, takes neuron the indicates responses that both MGC-neuron responses in in of and neuronal similar neurons ORN the recordings is the of response central mature single-cell of transformation examine of the characteristics sexually To performed describe Detailed recordings of signal. to analyses. we intracellular the lobe response pathway, and and of antennal protocol, olfactory antenna pattern the stimulation the temporal the to of male of the in of a (MGC) basis and for (ORNs) levels complex essential ratio, neural is neurons different their It the partner. receptor blend, at mating understand olfactory their pheromone to mechanisms find a to important processing pheromone in sex critically pheromone present on is rely components males stages the , processing In recognize system. synaptic sensory any along in transformed behavior is information How Abstract ,adfo N oLNs to PNs from and 1997), Boeckh and Distler ln ta.1997; al. et Clyne lobe output. Chemical Senses, 35 (8),705-715. DOI:10.1093/chemse/bjq069 rmPrpea nu oAtna oeOutput Lobe Antennal to Input Peripheral From : nrclua eodn,mcolmrlrcmlx G ern latr oig latr eetrneuron, receptor olfactory coding, olfactory neuron, MGC complex, macroglomerular recording, intracellular ; ite 1990 Distler .Ec lmrlscnan arboriza- contains glomerulus Each ). ukadAe 1991 Axel and Buck no n obr 1999 Homberg and Anton osale l 1999 al. et Vosshall )andLNs( ; 1991 Malun ,fo N oON and ORNs to LNs from ), Comment citer cedocument: a ta.2000; al. et Gao ; uk1996 Buck ´ ; 1994 Stocker obr and Tolbert it eRcece 22Pyilged ’net:Sgaiaine Communication, et Signalisation l’Insecte: de Physiologie 1272 Recherches de Mixte ,ec odor- each ),

.Synaptic ). )and goi ipsilon Agrotis mle ubro N roiigi h G ( MGC the in arborizing 1988; PNs of sex with much number of comparison smaller a detection in a of moths the male because to in high components dedicated very pheromone ORNs is of MGC number the larger in ORNs of glomerulus tio unique a 1995 into al. projects et which 2004), ( ( al. ( ligand type et their ORN for functional dis- ORs a tinct by detected the thus is component of pheromone Each specificity 1998). high resides the system pheromonal in the of feature see special One 1999). review, 1987 (for macroglo- Schneider (MGC) the glomeruli complex called of glomeruli, cluster merular ordinary a in from performed separated is components mone 2006a,b n hitne 1999 Christensen and aso ta.1992; al. et Hansson nmts h nerto fifrainaotphero- about information of integration the moths, In obr ta.1989 ; al. et Homberg ; apt ta.2008 al. et Karpati aemts sn h aepeooestimuli, pheromone same the using moths, male ; ode l 1995 al. et Todd ; opr 1988; Rospars ). hitne ta.1995a al. et Christensen dac cespbiainJl ,2010 2, July publication Access Advance .Mroe,tecnegn ra- converging the Moreover, ). atibe l 1997 al. et Hartlieb ; ree ta.2002 al. et Krieger ege l 1998 al. et Berg no n Homberg and Anton doi:10.1093/chemse/bjq069 onzand Koontz Agrotis ; ; ; e tal. et Lee ; Hansson Rospars Ochieng Sakurai


Downloaded from from Downloaded at INRA-VERS-V.G. on September 20, 2010 20, September on INRA-VERS-V.G. at Version postprint agn ndcdcsesfo .1t 0 g l tml were stimuli All doses ng. at 100 paper to 0.01 filter from a steps to decadic in applied ranging and hexane in diluted were cis blend: pheromone (Z7-12:Ac), the compo- acetate following in 5 present the conspe- least are by At nents emitted them. pheromone locate to of mating. females plume cific for the on crucial rely is Males communication pheromone species, eeue:Z-2A,Z-4A,adZ11:c( Z11-16:Ac 1997 and al. et Z9-14:Ac, Z7-12:Ac, used: of were blend pheromone the of components main Three Stimulation diet. artificial an 23 at on maintained fed were and adults and cups Pupae plastic individual in kept ( protocol standard a ipsilon Agrotis methods and Materials 706 tde ee ihtesm xeietlpooo sprevi- as ( neurons protocol MGC with experimental used same ously the with here, studied PNs. morphological following of showed always characteristics pre- neurons pattern phase stained response the this because senting PNs inhibitory be to believed an are rons with ( re- excitation homogeneous patterns, revealing ana- males, quantitatively sponse mature been sexually recently in have lyzed pheromone sex Z9- the been ( have and far Z11-16:Ac so to found Z7-12:Ac tuned neurons male no to the whereas of antenna, sensilla distinct responding in found were ORNs respectively, 14:Ac, of courtship categories full the Z11- elicit to and ( sufficient is behavior Z9-14:Ac 4:1:4 of with ratio a in Z7-12:Ac, 16:Ac component, main the 1997 and acetate, ae asatrterautemergence. adult their after virgin mature days sexually 5 on males scotophase were the experiments fed during All and solution. performed sucrose conditions 20% same a the with libitum in ad kept were females stage Adult pheromone. and pupal female males the the to at males of photoperiod separated exposure prevent were reversed to Sexes long-day light:dark). h a (16:8 under humidity relative rnfre uigitgaino h R nu inlin signal signal. input output ORN MGC-neuron are the the stimulus of the integration of during qualita- aspects transformed the temporal in how and activity investigate quantitative, and firing tive, neurons compare MGC could en- and we are ORNs Then, blend ORNs. pheromone female in the coded of components main 3 ntencudmoth noctuid the In obte nesadteitgaierl fteA,we AL, the of role integrative the understand better To 1-eaeey ctt (Z11-16:Ac), acetate -11-hexadecenyl Jarriault, D.,Gadenne, C.,Lucas,P., Rospars,J.-P., Anton,S.(2010). Transformation ofthe sex pheromone signal inthenoctuidmoth agrotisipsilon: Fromperipheral inputto antennal .Wn unleprmnssoe htabedof blend a that showed experiments tunnel Wind ). .Jriute al. et Jarriault D. lobe output. Chemical Senses, 35 (8),705-715. DOI:10.1093/chemse/bjq069 aauae l 1986 al. et Wakamura ; aral ta.2009 al. et Jarriault eeoadHye 1998 Haynes and Gemeno eo ta.1996 al. et Renou cis eerae ntelbrtr codn to according laboratory the in reared were 1-eaeey loo ( alcohol -11-hexadecenyl cis otu n Bue and Poitout goi ipsilon Agrotis 9ttaeey ctt (Z9-14:Ac), acetate -9-tetradecenyl .Ms fntalo hs neu- these of all not if Most ). .MCnuo epne to responses MGC-neuron ). aral ta.2009 al. et Jarriault Comment citer cedocument: ; asee l 1988 al. et Causse si ayohrmoth other many in as , ` 1974 s .Teecompounds These ). ± cis 1 iibne al. et Picimbon -11-tetradecenyl cis n 50 and C .Lra were Larvae ).

-7-dodecenyl ,hwthe how ), Picimbon .ipsilon A. .Two ). ± 5% ls ue h otnosaro eoiyws03ms m 0.3 was velocity airflow this continuous of outlet The the tube. in placed glass was antenna The (inner mm). tube 8 glass a diameter of means by antenna the on airflow midified hu- and charcoal-filtered controller constant stimulus a delivered Syntech) A sensillum 55, AL. (CS single the The both in min. recordings for intracellular 30 used and of was time system stimulation evaporation same minimum a after presented oterapiueadsaet epol P fthe of APs only keep to shape and amplitude their to ( 2003 (APs) potentials al. action of et shape the that distort filtering not high-pass does pseudo from a generate subtracted to was trace result original the the and (Gaussian, 10, Devices). Clampfit offline using filtered (Molecular Hz) 50 low-pass software was signal 10 recorded Clampex The by Devi- driven (Molecular board ces) acquisition 1322A Digidata a computer using a on monitored and Devices), (Molecular amplifier amplified were signals Recorded ad- ( site. segment recording a poten- the into to inserted field jacent was of electrode reference contributions the minimize tials, lymph To sensillum electrolyte. between and exchange prevent to sen- saline) in sillum (20% polyvinylpyrrolidon with filled was croelectrode s mL (17 iino h eoyp n h eslu yp fmoths of lymph sensillum the and ( hemolymph the of compo- sition ionic saline the respectively with approximated filled which were solutions, Ref- microelectrodes forceps. sharpened recording using and cutoff erence were hairs few and a of Tips ( stem technique recording according tip out the the seg- carried to 34th were to Recordings (10th along base). antenna the the from tri- ments of randomly part to middle access the selected in optimal branches an sensilla allow to choid oriented and ad- with tape fixed hesive was the antenna with bipectinate holder One block protruding. head styrofoam a in mounted were Animals recordings sensillum Single Electrophysiology 0c ptemo h nen.A i us 7m s mL (7 pulse air tube, An glass antenna. the the in of only, upstream hexane phero- cm with single 20 a or with component impregnated mone paper, filter a containing o igesnilmrcrig) ihlwrsiuu loads min stimulus (1 lower s with first. 10 recordings), tested least sensillum at single of randomly,for intervals presented interstimulus were by Stimuli separated continuous stimuli. the to between stimulus the constant airflow as a velocity adding same the by of minimized airflow was stimulation the of stim- nent compo- between mechanical relationship The the duration. response testing and when duration dose, ulus ng 10 at s the 2 and specificity follow- the the ingdurations,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,1,1.2,1.3,1.5, of 3 testing least at when during and relationship ms dose–response de- 200 was during stimulus The livered pipette. Pasteur the through blown was 0) o-asfitrda H sn nAoac 200B Axopatch an using kHz 5 at filtered low-pass ·500), asln n hro 1980 Thorson and Kaissling – 1 .Siuiwr ple yisrigaPserpipette Pasteur a inserting by applied were Stimuli ). .Aswr hndtce n otdaccording sorted and detected then were APs ). .Tetpo h eodn mi- recording the of tip The ). asln n hro 1980 Thorson and Kaissling Dolzer -1

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o details). for .Tetip The ). n rqec a qa otevleo h ln a con- was blank threshold. the of response value the level the as fir- to the sidered the equal which to was at part frequency concentration The ing linear blank. the its to response from of extrapolated was neuron h R n G-ernsgasaewl ueipsddrn the neurons. (Stim). during MGC period the superimposed stimulation of the phase well represents inhibitory bar are the frequency. gray during firing The signals not maximum but MGC-neuron the phase by excitatory and divided were ORN values The each the in and frequency neurons. firing bin mean MGC 50-ms the stimulus from the subtracted and was after activity s Spontaneous ORNs (0.3 the without time that for same Note both the response. onset) at population the occurs of frequency MGC-neuron phase firing the excitatory maximum The the in bin. during each and higher in stimulation frequency is firing frequency mean the firing of error width standard (bin the neurons represents MGC 29 and ORNs 45 h epneo nONada G neuron. MGC an and ORN an of response the h aesiuain(71:c 0n;20ms). 200 ng; 10 (Z7-12:Ac; stimulation same the 1 Figure rnfraino e hrmn inli aeMoth Male a in Signal Pheromone Sex of Transformation epnepten fON ga)adMCnuos(lc)to (black) neurons MGC and (gray) ORNs of patterns Response (C) = 0m) h it ftecurve the of width The ms). 50 omlzdPTsfo (B). from PSTHs Normalized (B) (A) SHo h epne of responses the of PSTH rgnlrcrig of recordings Original


Downloaded from from Downloaded at INRA-VERS-V.G. on September 20, 2010 20, September on INRA-VERS-V.G. at Version postprint 708 unymaue ntePT a . ie ihrin higher times 2.4 was PSTH the to on fre- response measured part maximum In Z7-12:Ac—the quency tonic of responses). ng more stimulus—10 MGC-neuron same a the of by view followed tailed part phasic ( a com- was of types neuron posed both in excit- responses the The long of phase. phase inhibitory as atory an by approximately followed with stimulus, lasted the responded which as (97%) phase, neurons excitatory MGC an of during majority activity large firing a their of All increase alongtime,thatis,alongexcitatoryresponse,whereas rate. an firing AP showed their of ORNs pattern temporal the in was ence stimulat pheromone to same neurons the MGC and ORNs of different responses are comparing When neurons MGC and ORNs of patterns Response was intracel- ORN recorded ORNs neurons ( each of MGC lularly 139 sample of and set This a sensilla, sensillum. with compared different 101 a this these from in was from used ORNs originate single Thus, a study analyzed. from originating was latter is, the ORN, that In APs, responding APs. of of class class one only one whereas case, than amplitude, more AP showed of sensilla class 22 unique a analysis, sorting showed AP sensilla After 79 males. 48 from sen- recorded pheromone-responding were stimulus 101 silla the total, compound, In duration. the and pheromone to and load same respect the with ORNs varying with from stimuli stimulated when characteristics neurons response MGC compared We Results observations). when- of measures, numbers repeated (equal with possible ever (ANOVA) variance of anal- ysis one-way using tested were relationships Dose–response just Statistics AP the to response phase. the inhibitory of the AP preceding first the were from durations the measured phase during excitatory reached neurons, maximum MGC In the fre- response. of firing 10% mean above the was which quency during duration the re- measured mean (see we the population the by neuron represented the of of signal duration PSTHs average the the used we evaluate the sponse, of to duration the Therefore, did within ORNs level recording. of prestimulus activity the firing to the return ng) not 100 or (10 doses high For Duration the of AP first the to onset as response. stimulus measured the was from elapsed latency time the the neurons, MGC and ORNs For Latency iue1A,B Figure Jarriault, D.,Gadenne, C.,Lucas,P., Rospars,J.-P., Anton,S.(2010). Transformation ofthe sex pheromone signal inthenoctuidmoth agrotisipsilon: Fromperipheral inputto antennal .Jriute al. et Jarriault D. aral ta.2009 al. et Jarriault lobe output. Chemical Senses, 35 (8),705-715. DOI:10.1093/chemse/bjq069 n see and aral ta.2009 al. et Jarriault ). o,tems biu differ- obvious most the ion, Comment citer cedocument: Frequency o oede- more a for

bv)and above) osbtteihbtr hs sol bevdfrMGC for observed ORNs. only for is not neu- and phase MGC neurons inhibitory of the phase but excitatory rons the during superimposed hncmaigtenraie epnepolsof profiles ( response neurons normalized MGC and the ORNs comparing When ( neurons MGC fteMCnuosrsoddt oeta n opnn.I both In component. one Z7-12:Ac. to than responded more neurons to the were of responded 0.01 most ORNs 32% neurons whereas categories, with components, blend. MGC neurons 3 MGC the the pheromone regarding and of selective the component strictly each were of ORNs of ng. components ng 100 3 with stimulated the for neurons components (20%) 3 ( some or (12%) However, 2 to Z11-16:Ac. responded for neurons for specific MGC MGC specific 16% in 1% Z7-12:Ac, and found for Z11-16:Ac. Z9-14:Ac, specific also to were were only 50% responses 2 neurons: specific and highly Z9-14:Ac, to Such only to 3 only Z7-12:Ac, responded ORNs Ninety-four hexane, stimulation. to control recordings responded sensillar 3 neurons the of MGC of none the ng of 100 the 70% with Whereas of tested compounds were sensilla pheromone 101 of Ninety-nine selective strictly are ORNs iue2 Figure iue2 Figure itiuin ftersos pcfiiyo 9ON n 3MGC 93 and ORNs 99 of specificity response the of Distributions ). ; 2 Ps hni Rs( ORNs in than AP/s) 120 Z7-12 47 Z7-12 94 MGC neurons Z11-16 5 ORNs Z11-16 19 iue1C Figure 2 4 1 rsne epne othis to responses presented Z9-14 2 .ipsilon A. Z9-14 3 15 ,te2sgasare signals 2 the ), eaeblend. female ;

0AP/s). 50

Downloaded from from Downloaded at INRA-VERS-V.G. on September 20, 2010 20, September on INRA-VERS-V.G. at Version postprint C B A

Jarriault, D.,Gadenne, C.,Lucas,P., Rospars,J.-P., Anton,S.(2010). Transformation ofthe Excitatory phase duration (ms) Latency of the first action potential (ms) Firing frequency (APs/s) sex pheromone signal inthenoctuidmoth agrotisipsilon: Fromperipheral inputto antennal 1000 1200 1400 1000 1200 200 400 600 800 100 150 200 250 300 200 400 600 800 50 0 0 0 lobe output. Chemical Senses, 35 (8),705-715. DOI:10.1093/chemse/bjq069 0.01 MGC neurons ORNs MGC neurons ORNs MGC neurons ORNs .10111 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 .10111 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.1 Stimulus load(ng) Stimulus load(ng) Stimulus load(ng) 1 Comment citer cedocument: 0100 10

h aec frsossi oevral nON hnin than ORNs in variable more neurons is MGC responses of latency The the 0.005 was ng, neurons MGC 100 of to 1.5 0.1 was threshold from response ORNs ranging 45 response on concentrations Based with the frequency. firing tested the Thus, of eliciting increase load APs/s pheromone. stimulus 5 a lowest the the as calculated of was sig- threshold presence to sufficient the was ORNs of nal frequency firing (0.34 the in neurons change MGC very with 22.8 was compared vs. stimulus ORNs the in preceding low activity spontaneous The in than ORNs in higher neurons 1000-fold MGC than more is Threshold e frsodn ern;MCneurons: MGC neurons; responding of with num- ber neurons unequal decreased ORNs: MGC ANOVA, response and measures ORNs the repeated (one-way in in both AP loads first stimulus increasing the of latency The Rsa 0 gad249 and ng; (244 ng 10 similar 100 were at and ORNs tested at dose measured highest were neurons the of MGC values and lowest ORNs The both for neurons. latency MGC and in doses than low ORNs at in higher higher is latencies the the by of range represented interquartile neurons across variability the Moreover, neu- MGC 479 (from in ORNs in lower is parameter 278 (from this rons of variation of range ( 0.001) 11.5, lslaswshge o Rsta o G neurons. MGC for than ORNs for higher was loads ulus at stim- successive whereas 2 between frequency firing ng, of increase the More-over, increasing. 10 still was ORNs at of frequency firing maximum the ng 100 its reached neurons MGC G ern oewyAOAwt eetdmeasures, repeated with ORNs: ANOVA (one-way and neurons ORNs both MGC in dose the with increases frequency firing the n hseso RsadMCnuoswr lgtysitdt h etand left superimposition. the their to avoid shifted slightly to were respectively, neurons right, MGC and ORNs of whiskers and oiotlln nietebxrpeet h ein n h curve the and the median, 1.5 data, than the sample. greater the remaining observations the represents are of of range (+) the box (IQR) Outliers show whiskers range the The each mean. interquartile the On inside represents recordings. the the line represents in horizontal determine box to the difficult the because was For plot, plotted response not. was the does PSTHs of on it measured neurons end for duration MGC mean higher in the whereas also only load, ORNs, was stimulus variability the with the increases neurons. loads, MGC curve. for stimulus dose–response than low ORN ORNs At the neurons. on visible MGC is ng plateau 10 than (B) no less neurons, at saturation MGC neurons reached MGC in frequency in firing than (gray) the ORNs Although in (black). loads stimulus higher for detected were epnet Z7-12:Ac. to response 3 Figure aec:Tema aece frsosswr ihrfrON hnfor than ORNs for higher were responses of latencies mean The Latency: rnfraino e hrmn inli aeMoth Male a in Signal Pheromone Sex of Transformation P iue3B Figure iue3B Figure F .0) tas hw httefiigfeunyof frequency firing the that shows also it 0.001); < ± oersos eainhp o RsadMCnuosin neurons MGC and ORNs for relationships Dose–response 3,132 .5Ass.W osdrdta vnasmall a even that considered We APs/s). 1.55 = ± 3m t01n o244 to ng 0.1 at ms 13 184.7, ). (A) .Frasm e fsiuu od,the loads, stimulus of set same a For ). ± iigfeuny nrae ntefiigfrequency firing the in Increases frequency: Firing 2m t01n o310 to ng 0.1 at ms 62 P (C) .0;MCneurons: MGC 0.001; < uain nON,tersos duration response the ORNs, In Duration: ± ± ± . g h epnethreshold response The ng. 1.4 .0 ng. 0.002 sfrMCnuosat neurons MGC for ms 7 · Q.FrAadBteboxes the B and A For IQR. ± iue3A Figure 0m t1 g than ng) 10 at ms 10 ± F 3m t1 ng). 10 at ms 23 3,84 ± = hw that shows 0m for ms 10 14.2, F ± 3,84 0.03 P 709

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Downloaded from from Downloaded at INRA-VERS-V.G. on September 20, 2010 20, September on INRA-VERS-V.G. at Version postprint 710 steedo h xiaoypaeo G ern.Be- ( load neurons. stimulus neurons MGC of MGC independent of of was phase phase excitatory the time excitatory of duration same the the cause the of at percentage end occurring the (as ORNs re- as response of MGC-neuron response) relative the maximal the of in measured phase we the excitatory influences sponse, thus the and neurons of MGC duration by out read be might n uain.Lwrsiuu od eeue o MGC for used were loads differ- stimulus of when stimuli Lower to firing) durations. response maximal in ent fire of to firing percentage ceased relative neurons (as the MGC examined ORNs we of above, activity as method Using same duration. the stimulus the to load proportionally stimulus increased the but of independent was neurons MGC of phase rqec 3% 0,ad2%fr1 0ad10n,respec- ng, 100 firing and 10 tively; maximum 1, for the 27% and of 30%, were (30%, frequency one-third ORNs approximately that found at we measuring firing for reliably), variable response too relative was of ng the 0.1 response) for PSTH maximal (the ( loads time of this percentage at ORNs (as response ative in bar black izontal esdt r hnsiuae uig20m ( ms 200 during neurons stimulated MGC which when at fire time to mean 10 and ceased the 1, determine 0.1, (0.01, to loads ng) stimulus neu- 4 AL across 29 of averaged phase rons excitatory the of duration the used first Rsicesswt ohtesiuu od( load ( ( stimulus of duration stimulus the duration the both response and with the increases Whereas ORNs neurons). in- (17 MGC and with neurons) neurons phase (42 ORNs excitatory in the durations stimulus of creasing duration the compared We MGC and ORNs in duration neurons stimulus the of Encoding (see load stimulus the of independent be 3C Figure to phases inhibitory and found excitatory the were stimulus of duration increasing the with as significantly loads vary not did at s response 1.3 to ( ng below 0.1 ng at s decrease 100 0.2 from time load to This stimulus response. the time with frequency the increased during the reached firing maximum determined the ORN of we 10% the duration, s, for 15 response needed exceeded Instead actual recordings. activity the poststimulus basal of of their duration needed the to time was the return which because to ng) appropri- 10 ORNs measured and for be (100 doses not high could at ORNs part ately in tonic the response of the duration total of The delimit. to followed difficult that more phase inhibitory in pattern the neu- response by (see MGC defined of well phase was excitatory rons the of duration the Whereas load stimulus of Encoding efound we aral ta.2009 al. et Jarriault oudrtn hc aaee ihnteONresponse ORN the within parameter which understand To Jarriault, D.,Gadenne, C.,Lucas,P., Rospars,J.-P., Anton,S.(2010). Transformation ofthe sex pheromone signal inthenoctuidmoth agrotisipsilon: Fromperipheral inputto antennal .Jriute al. et Jarriault D. iue4 Figure .I G ern,tedrto fthe of duration the neurons, MGC In 3C). Figure lobe output. Chemical Senses, 35 (8),705-715. DOI:10.1093/chemse/bjq069 ). T MGC ). = 618 iue4 Figure iue4 Figure httedrto fteexcitatory the of duration the that ) iue1 Figure ± 5m fe tmlsost(hor- onset stimulus after ms 15 al 1 Table .Frte3hgetstimulus highest 3 the For ). .Te emaue h rel- the measured we Then ). ,tersos fON was ORNs of response the ), Comment citer cedocument: Jarriaultetal.2009 ,w hwdpreviously showed we ),

iue3C Figure T MGC ,we ), ); ) ciiywe G ern tpe ofie naeae at average, On fire. to stopped neurons MGC when activity rn rqec a eemnda bu 0 fismxmmon maximum its of 30% about as lines). determined (hatched curves was smoothed frequency firing tmlswr vrgdars h tmlslas hsuiu ievalue time unique This the at loads. to times stimulus response the 3 in T fire the that across to so averaged stopped bar) were neurons black stimulus MGC (horizontal investigated 29 load the stimulus which the did neurons with MGC vary in duration not response response The the period. stimulation of the represent frequency firing maximum in the loads. (as to respect stimulus with different normalized with stimulated 4 Figure MGC (618 iue1C Figure eaiersosso Rsa ucino ie when time, of function a as ORNs of responses Relative 5m)wsue odtrietepretg fONspiking ORN of percentage the determine to used was ms) 15 t3siuu od 1 0 0 g fZ-2A.Ga bars Gray Z7-12:Ac. of ng) 100 10, (1, loads stimulus 3 at ) (A–C) SH fON were ORNs of PSTHs T MGC

h ORN the ,

Downloaded from from Downloaded at INRA-VERS-V.G. on September 20, 2010 20, September on INRA-VERS-V.G. at Version postprint R epnedrto (ms) duration response ORN ecnaeo h aiu pk rqec nORNs in frequency spike maximum the of Percentage uain fMCnuo xiaoypaeadtetmsa hc hysopdt r nrsos oteesiuu uain.O vrg,teONfiring times. ORN different the these average, at On lines) durations. (hatched stimulus these curves to smoothed response on in maximum fire its to of stopped 30% they which about at as times determined the was and frequency phase excitatory MGC-neuron of durations iea hc N esdt r fe tmlsost(s 470 (ms) onset stimulus after fire to ceased PNs which at Time al 1 Table max- its of (see 27% and imum 31%, fre- 25%, firing 23%, ORN respectively the was quency that found 4 we the durations, For PSTHs. stimulus normalized tested the on maximum its the of by centage represented in are bars fire black phase to horizontal stopped excitatory neurons their MGC of which at (durations frequency time the firing at the ORNs measured of we neurons Then, MGC duration. which response ( at fire time to The ceased ORNs. sensitivity higher with their of because compared ng) 1 to 0.01 (from neurons uaino hi xiaoypaelnal ihicesn tmlsdrtos oiotlbakbr and bars black the increase Horizontal to shown durations. were stimulus neurons MGC increasing period. stimulation with the represent linearly bars phase Gray ng). excitatory 10 load their (stimulus of duration stimulus duration each for PSTH a by represented 5 Figure ( ms 100 a duration Stimulus acltda h iedrn hc h eaiesiefeunywsaoe1%o t aiu a ecie nteMtrasadmethods). and Materials the in described (as maximum its of 10% above was frequency spike relative the which during time the as Calculated Jarriault, D.,Gadenne, C.,Lucas,P., Rospars,J.-P., Anton,S.(2010). Transformation ofthe sex pheromone signal inthenoctuidmoth agrotisipsilon: Fromperipheral inputto antennal emnto fteecttr hs nMCnuosadrltv epneo Rsa ifrn tmlsdurations stimulus different at ORNs of response relative and neurons MGC in phase excitatory the of Termination eaiersosso Rsa ucino ie hnsiuae ihZ-2A tdfeetdurations. different at Z7-12:Ac with stimulated when time, of function a as ORNs of responses Relative lobe output. Chemical Senses, 35 (8),705-715. DOI:10.1093/chemse/bjq069 al 1 Table al 1 Table C A % of maximum firing frequency % of maximum firing frequency ). 100 100 10 10 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 23 31 0 0 a a lassotrta h ORN the than shorter always was ) iue5 Figure ORNs ORNs 1 1 n eepesdi nper- in it expressed we and ) Comment citer cedocument: T 100 2 2 Time (s) Time (s) T 500 3 3 100 ms 500 ms

4 4 23 700 5 T 100 D B % of maximum firing frequency % of maximum firing frequency in reported (2009) As al. processing. at neurons et central code of antennal MGC level pheromonal first the and this of ORNs transformation the reveal- of ing thus differences, striking responses and Com- similarities both neurons. the showed MGC of or was ORNs stimulation parison from different of recording and protocol when doses same used The various moth durations. at the stimulus of tested AL components the omone of output ipsilon and A. input the analyzed We Discussion 0 s(T ms 200 ) 100 100 10 10 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 27 25 0 0 rnfraino e hrmn inli aeMoth Male a in Signal Pheromone Sex of Transformation ORNs ORNs 25 480 900 ysiuaigteml nen ih3sxpher- sex 3 with antenna male the stimulating by 1 1 h nfriyo h G-ernresponses MGC-neuron the of uniformity the 4 T 200 200 2 2 0 s(T ms 500 ) T Time (s) 100 Time (s) , T 1000 T 200 3 3 31 720 2150 , 200 ms (A–D) T 1000 ms 500 and , 10 h epnepol fON is ORNs of profile response The 4 4 500 T 00m ( ms 1000 ) 1000 r,rsetvl,the respectively, are, 27 3000 1210 Jarriault 26 T 1000 711


Downloaded from from Downloaded at INRA-VERS-V.G. on September 20, 2010 20, September on INRA-VERS-V.G. at Version postprint tr hs a endsrbda yia o N in PNs inhib- for typical an ( as by described followed been has phase, phase excitatory itory an neurons with MGC study they of our neurons, pattern in MGC response The of afterward. phase diverged very excitatory were the neurons during MGC and similar ORNs in signals the Although shaping LNs ORNs: by in signal not the but of neurons MGC in phase Inhibitory 1981 ( Hildebrand anatomically described been between have and PNs LNs and LNs and ORNs elicit ( between could pattern connections LNs response Synaptic of of network type a same via the disinhibition as such sion such sophila species several were in as types microscopy neuron electron 2 by these shown between supporting contacts studies synaptic Anatomical direct ORNs. from input direct from synaptic originates neurons components MGC pheromone the to response of ( in phase excitatory normalized the superimposed that their suggest were might of courses frequencies time pha- firing the a and with responded pattern types sic–tonic neuron phase both excitatory neurons: the MGC to in the corresponding during and phase profiles ORNs response temporal Both early similar ORNs. the showed in neurons observed MGC not activ- was spontaneous which sustained ity, a showed neurons response MGC MGC-neuron Most the of phase signals excitatory MGC-neuron the and during ORN between correlation High PNs. are strongly they leaving indicate that tract) axon antenno-cerebral and inner cluster the via cell AL medial the the in body when (cell morphology stained characteristic their and pattern) (biphasic 712 a ntaersos pnarvlo h aletONinput. ORN earliest the of arrival upon response initiate input may an after ( ms AL 60 the least in at responded PNs honeybee, the in sampled the for PNs in ( than neurons ORNs firing in in rise later the occurs fruitfly, frequency the in topic: this were regarding published observations the of Controversial latency population. response the MGC-neuron to similar of is latency the population, of ORN indicative the is ORN which the increase, which to at starts time activity the PSTHs, is the neurons in MGC Second, the short. by pher- very and to ORNs response the in by produced stimulation AP omone first First, the between following. delay the the suggesting superimposed, were PSTHs in ob- 2007 same reported The was simultaneously. MGC servation the to do signals ORNs send activated not that suggesting variable, highly exist. were cies indeed might network a such that indicate which aen n no 2000 Anton and Gadenne h rsn eut losoe htONrsos laten- response ORN that showed also results present The eilnt americana Periplaneta Jarriault, D.,Gadenne, C.,Lucas,P., Rospars,J.-P., Anton,S.(2010). Transformation ofthe sex pheromone signal inthenoctuidmoth agrotisipsilon: Fromperipheral inputto antennal .Hwvr omlzdONadMGC-neuron and ORN normalized However, ). .Jriute al. et Jarriault D. p ( sp. isne l 2004 al. et Wilson lobe output. Chemical Senses, 35 (8),705-715. DOI:10.1093/chemse/bjq069 rfzke l 2009 al. et Krofczik tce 1994 Stocker ; ite 1990 Distler .Hwvr te ye ftransmis- of types other However, ). ( ite n och1996 Boeckh and Distler ; ; aral ta.2009 al. et Jarriault hnaa ta.2007 al. et Bhandawat Drosophila .I u ae G neurons MGC case, our In ). ; ite n och1997 Boeckh and Distler Comment citer cedocument: hitne ta.1993 al. et Christensen ( hnaa tal. et Bhandawat .This 1C). Figure

,wihi in is which ), obr and Tolbert and ) ,whereas ), .ipsilon A. Dro- ). ), N lyarl nsaigteihbtr hs fPN/mi- of phase inhibitory the ( shaping responses AL/OB in that cell role tral/tufted of hypothesis a the action play favors LNs the which phar- in interneurons, suppressed blocking is GABAergic It experiments AL. be- the occurring of macological transformation output constitutes and the input of phase tween part inhibitory D., striking (Jarriault most The the pattern response observation). this personal with LN an in countered neurons MGC on studies ( tebrates nogaster 1981 inverte- other ( of species PNs brate in observed responses with agreement 1991 ( 1984 insects Selsam other and for reported thresh- response was and curves olds dose–response the neurons. in MGC shift and a Such ORNs of thresholds response the paring ta.1993 al. et hrmn ytmta ntepatoo ytm( system odor plant sex 1987 the the Ernst in and in larger than is which system ratio, pheromone a neurons, MGC fewer onto 1997 rmtems estv Rs( ORNs sensitive input most the the favors circuits that from olfactory however, early suggest, in system mice thresholds. filtering of the low system very olfactory with the large ORNs on not Data rare was the neurons) include neurons, (45 our to MGC sample enough in of this threshold threshold that the No indicates as which load. low as stimulus was given sample ORN a rate firing to their response in and in threshold large response a their showed in ORNs MGC. variability transmit- the to thus information and same way the same ted the in responded ORNs all Not control gain but a sensitivity imposes MGC-neurons the increases Convergence sec R yei huh opoett unique a to project to thought is type non-negligible ORN a each components. contrary, 3 all the As or the of 2 to one responded neurons On than MGC of components. more number to tested respond to 3 found were ORNs No neurons MGC of tuning Broader arn 2001 Laurent h R nu nteMCneurons. MGC the on ( input AL ORN control the the to 2008 to input Wilson proposed the and been the of have in gain not integration the LNs might of step MGC As subsequent the protocerebrum. the into concentra- to ORNs high transmitted by at be sent Therefore, message ORNs. the at in tion, saturation than reaches dose neurons lower MGC a in frequency firing the arn 2005 Laurent 00fl nraei estvt a bevdwe com- when observed was sensitivity in increase 1000-fold A lobster: ; ; .I eet h ovrec fahg ubro ORNs of number high a of convergence the reflects It ). hitne n idbad1994 Hildebrand and Christensen isne l 04 n nmta/utdclso ver- of cells mitral/tufted in and 2004) al. et Wilson : aitnadKur1989 Kauer and Hamilton , 1998 ; , ahwa n ce1994 Ache and Wachowiak adc sexta Manduca Pı ; 2004 ´ e n ahwa 2008 Wachowiak and rez tce 1994 Stocker ; ; ,te ol c nti rcs olimit to process this in act could they ), ochadEnt1987 Ernst and Boeckh hpe n ni 1996 Ennis and Shipley ; ahwa ta.2005 al. et Wachowiak ado ta.1987 al. et Waldrop .ipsilon A. ; : ote l 2007 al. et Root asmt n Hildebrand and Matsumoto aaae l 2003 al. et Hamana le ta.2007 al. et Olsen ; aaih 1995 Nakanishi och1974 Boeckh es a ee en- never far so we , ; ; ; e ta.2009 al. et Lei rspiamela- Drosophila ; ; atibe al. et Hartlieb aso tal. et Hansson rerc and Friedrich ; ; .Moreover, ). isnand Wilson Christensen ; Boeckh Boeckh ). .I all In ). ; Olsen


Downloaded from from Downloaded at INRA-VERS-V.G. on September 20, 2010 20, September on INRA-VERS-V.G. at Version postprint N epnigt h aepeooecmoetwsalso was of component pheromone arborizations in same studied dendritic the to and responding ORNs PNs of projections axonal between mismatching The observation). personal D., Jarriault ( were found MGC the of glomeruli several in arborizing LNs and PNs lmrls( glomerulus twihMCnuoscae ofie( fire to ceased neurons MGC which at ( ( doses durations different stimulus at different and ORNs of response relative The of end the phase determine excitatory could MGC-neuron firing the ORN of level relative The (e.g., desc cies (e.g., been to have PNs tuned blend-specific are they ORNs ca- nent the Whereas in pheromone blends. to found pheromone primarily respond been specific also encode has to PNs pacity information and ORNs distributing between in ence role ( a glomeruli play among LNs which specificities, that identical underlines displaying ORNs of showe terminals PNs the analyzed the of 70% via glomeruli other results anatomical from by in corroborated inputs one are than hypotheses receive Both more LNs. to in arborize or to glomerulus either thought 2008 are component al. et 1995 Karpati al. et Ochieng fti hehl au o h uaino h excitatory the of duration the for value relevance threshold the log- testing this 3 When of for loads. is observed stimulus which of was steps frequency This arithmic response). (firing the maximum approx- during at their reached fired of ORNs load. 30% fire, stimulus to the imately ceased on MGC- neurons depends which MGC the of When terminates value cer- the a AL below level, decreases the tain input ORN in the pro- when mechanism response we neuron load, a stimulus that the pose from MGC- the duration of response ORN independence the neuron the of explain level To relative frequency. the on firing depends phase response excitatory PN the the of of termination the is, that results, sistent io hrmn opnnsi enocda h ee of input. level sensory the the with at compared reinforced on as MGC information is the that components suggest pheromone in results bias minor our a sampling, exclude cannot ORN we our Although MGC ORNs. in in responses than more levels, neurons much Z7- both elicited components at component, other conserved 2 clearly major Z11-16:Ac. the was to distribution the of the responded 2% of in PNs 12:Ac, and predominance the Z9-14:Ac, the of to 29% Although responded versus PNs ORNs the the of ORNs the of 43% 3% ORNs Z7-12:Ac, versus studied to responded the PNs the of of 80% 94% versus observed: were pher- component each to omone dif- responding neurons neurons, of MGC proportions of the tuning in ferences broader the to addition In 1997). .ipsilon A. Jarriault, D.,Gadenne, C.,Lucas,P., Rospars,J.-P., Anton,S.(2010). Transformation ofthe sex pheromone signal inthenoctuidmoth agrotisipsilon: Fromperipheral inputto antennal asmt n idbad1981 Hildebrand and Matsumoto hitne ta.1995b al. et Christensen rcolsani Trichoplusia lobe output. Chemical Senses, 35 (8),705-715. DOI:10.1093/chemse/bjq069 n nohrseis oeitaellrystained intracellularly Some species. other in and aso ta.1992 al. et Hansson AntonandHansson1999 ; ,Psrsodn omr hnone than more to responding PNs ), ode l 1995 al. et Todd ( no n aso 1999 Hansson and Anton alsnadHnsn2002), Hansson and Carlsson lnscnann h compo- the containing blends edie vrapn with overlapping dendrites d ; Comment citer cedocument: ie ndfeetmt spe- moth different in ribed ; ue l 1996 al. et Wu iue5 Figure hitne ta.1995a al. et Christensen ; ; T aso ta.1994 al. et Hansson e ta.2006a,b al. et Lee MGC ttema time mean the at ) .Acerdiffer- clear A ). hwdcon- showed )

; no tal. et Anton .Ls than Less ). iue4 Figure ) ; ; ; n ol eyol ntesiuu duration. stimulus the on only independent rely concentration would be proposed and to The therefore input. sensitive (discussed ORN would of be level mechanism signal might certain a activity by) in MGC-neuron driven LN be LNs (or that the of propose we involvement of above), an on termination Based showing MGC. the studies strength the in relative previous inputs the the inhibitory from and level– excitatory activity result This of might ORNs. rel- in mechanism same applied the based activity that of observed level we neurons, ative MGC the of phase hc em ooiiaefo hne ntesniiiyof sensitivity of the AL in the behavior, changes within from pheromone-guided neurons originate of to plasticity seems mechanisms the which the to understand better lead to that serve also mech- present will the neural stricto, results Be- the sensu coding here. of olfactory analysis in reported involved the effects anisms to the contribution in their LNs to yond of help will role neurons the AL document of properties experiments intrinsic Further the intensity. the exploring input by ORN provided the on input based inhibitory LNs corre- an this from that result suggest could precisely lation we are durations; responses stimulus to MGC-neuron correlated that high show at We neurons the MGC doses. of limit capacity to encoding control of the gain of that a saturation than imposes higher property much later the the is that ORNs; neurons from and MGC circuits of message MGC sensitivity the the incoming in reshaped the profoundly re- is pheromone-induced ORNs that the confirmed of sponses analysis input–output Our Conclusions no ,HmegU 99 nenllb tutr.I:HnsnB,editor. BS, Hansson In: structure. lobe Antennal 1999. U. Homberg S, Anton neurons between mismatching Physiological 1999. B. Hansson olfactory-guided S, of Anton Plasticity 2007. C. Gadenne MC, Dufour S, Anton References manuscript. the of insect version with com- previous help helpful a for their referees on for anonymous ments and Gaertner Lei Hong C. Dr and and rearing, Chauvet C. thank We Acknowledgements P.L. and S.A., J.-P.R., ‘‘Pherosys’’ to 01 006 Sysbio (ANR-BBSRC) Sciences Council Biological Research and Biotechnology – Recherche Natio- la Agence de Grant INRAnale French–British S.A.; Equipe’’ and Jeune C.G. to ‘‘Projet Pierre grant University; from D.J. Curie to Marie grant PhD and a by supported was work This Funding nevtn latr lmrl namt.Po o ilSci. Biol 98–125. B p. Springer. Berlin: Soc olfaction. Insect R Proc moth. a in 266:1813–1820. glomeruli olfactory innervating locusts. 123:1–11. and moths Appl. from Exp lessons Ent basis: neurobiological its and behaviour rnfraino e hrmn inli aeMoth Male a in Signal Pheromone Sex of Transformation .ipsilon A. ( no ta.2007 al. et Anton



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