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Sustainable Production and Consumption

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Life cycle assessment of for partial dealcoholisation of

María Margalloa,∗, Rubén Aldacoa, Albert Barcelób, Nazely Dibana, Inmaculada Ortiza, Angel Irabiena a Departamento de Ingenierías Química y Biomolecular, Universidad de Cantabria, Avda. de los Castros s/n 39005, Santander, Spain b VITEC Parc tecnològic del vi. Carretera de Porrera, km.1 43730 Falset (Tarragona), Spain


Wine is one of the most popular alcoholic in the world. This beverage, in moderation, is considered to be heart healthy, particularly the red variety. However, civil concerns and some health reasons have greatly increased the consumer demand for dealcoholised wines. Several techniques for producing low- and reduced-strength alcoholic beverages have been developed over the last several years. The most common treatments are column (SCC) and technologies such as (RO) or (UF). An innovative , called evaporative pertraction (EP) has shown promising results for the partial dealcoholisation of . This technology has some drawbacks and some benefits such as low energy demand. Therefore, a life cycle perspective is required to evaluate technology along with its environmental impacts. This work assesses and compares the environmental performance of EP, SCC and RO fusing a life cycle assessment methodology based on the use of two variables: natural resources sustainability (NRS) and environmental burdens sustainability (EBS). For the technologies, RO presented a higher energy consumption and lower materials and demands than did EP, whereas the latter displayed better results in all of the air categories except for human health effects (HHE) and in three of the five water categories. The highest consumption of natural resources (NR) and the greatest environmental burdens (EB) in all of the categories were given by the SCC technology. Nevertheless, this situation was reversed when the wastewater from the SCC process, with its high content, was energy valorised.

Keywords: Dealcoholisation; Life cycle assessment; Membrane contactors; Wine

⃝c 2015 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of the European people (Notarnicola et al., 2015), which in- dicates that wine production is an important economic and The global wine production level in 2012 was at approxi- social sector (Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2012b) because Europe mately 27 billion litres per year (Amienyo et al., 2014). The ori- accounts for 62.3% of the total world wine production. In and history of this beverage are strongly linked to those fact, the Mediterranean countries such as Italy (15.9% of the

Abbreviations: AA, atmospheric acidification; AOD, aquatic demand; AqA, aquatic acidification; BOD, biological oxygen demand; CF, footprint; COD, chemical oxygen demand; EB, environmental burden; EBS, environmental burden sustainability; EP, evaporative pertraction; EU, eutrophication; FU, functional unit; GW, global warming; HHE, human health effects; LCA, Life cycle assessment; LCI, life cycle inventory; LCIA, life cycle impact assessment; MEco, ecotoxicity to aquatic life (metals); NF, ; NMEco, ecotoxicity to aquatic life (others); NR, natural resources; NRS, natural resources sustainability; POF, photochemical ozone formation; PP, polypropylene; RO, reverse osmosis; Sc., scenario; SCC, spinning cone column; SOD, stratospheric ozone depletion; TV, threshold value; UF, ultrafiltration. ∗ Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Margallo). Received 27 February 2015; Received in revised form 20 July 2015; Accepted 21 July 2015; Published online 7 August 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2015.07.007 2352-5509/⃝c 2015 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 30 SUSTAINABLEPRODUCTIONANDCONSUMPTION 2 (2015) 29–39

total world production), France (15.7%) and Spain (12.2%) are successfully applied to concentrate juices and has shown the most important producers of this beverage in the world promising results for partial dealcoholisation of wine while (OVI 2014). In recent decades, the so called “New World” wines barely altering the organoleptic properties of the product have experienced a strong development (Villanueva-Rey et al., (Liguori et al., 2013a,b; Varavuth et al., 2009; Diban et al., 2014). Specifically, a proliferation of the vinification industry 2013, 2008). The main advantages of these technologies are was observed in the USA (10.7% of the total world production), the following: (a) the process can be conducted at room tem- China (5.37% of the total world production), Argentina (4.6% perature, (b) low energy consumption (no pressurisation of of the total world production), Australia (4.49% of the total the system is required) and (c) a cheap and non-hazardous world production), South Africa (4.32%) and Chile (3.8%) (OVI extractant, water, is normally used as a stripping (Al- 2014). Nevertheless, the European wines are the most daco et al., 2014). In order to state the environmental benefits common due to the international renown gained for their and drawbacks and environmental impacts of obtaining the exceptional quality, which is a key issue for wine makers. Cur- dealcoholised wine by means of the conventional technolo- rent quality indicators for wine production are based on a se- gies (RO and SCC) and the innovative technology (EP), the use ries of indicators that comprise a wide range of dimensions; of environmental tools such as life cycle assessment (LCA) some of them are difficult to measure or report, which makes is essential. LCA has been proven to be an effective mech- anism for reporting environmental performance in the food their definition complex. In particular, the quality of wine can and beverage sector in general, and in the and vini- be divided into intrinsic factors (age, colour, aroma or har- fication sector specifically (Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2012b). LCA vest) and extrinsic factors (reputation, appellation, region or has been applied to wine production in several “Old World” advertising and propaganda) (Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2012b). countries such as Italy (Lamastra et al., 2014; Fusi et al., Moreover, the content has a strong impact on the 2014; Iannone et al., 2014; Pattara et al., 2012; Arcese et al., quality of the wine affecting acidity, astringency and 2012; Bosco et al., 2011; Pizigallo et al., 2008), Spain (Jiménez of aroma compound and altering the organoleptic properties et al., 2014; Villanueva-Rey et al., 2014; Vázquez-Rowe et al., of the product (Diban et al., 2008). In this regard, over the past 2012a,b; Gazulla et al., 2010; Aranda et al., 2005) and Por- several years a reduction of the time required for grapes to tugal (Quinteiro et al., 2014; Neto et al., 2013), and in “New achieve ripeness, possibly a result of climate change, World” countries including Canada (Cleary, 2013; Point et al., has been observed in wine-growing regions, raising the is- 2012), New Zealand (Herath et al., 2013; Barry, 2011), Australia sue of a potential disconnect between flavour ripeness and (Amienyo et al., 2014; Soosay et al., 2012), the USA (Mann et al., sugar accumulation (Boss et al., 2014). The high sugar con- 2010), South Africa (Woodward, 2010) and Chile (Cárdenas- centration of juice results in wines with an excessive concen- Rodríguez, 2008). However, on wine dealcoholisation are still tration of ethanol (Lisanti et al., 2013). Furthermore, despite lacking. Therefore, the present study focuses on the applica- the health benefits of wine, and specially , the alco- tion of LCA to evaluate dealcoholised wines using different hol content limits wines consumption due to civil restrictions dealcoholisation processes. In particular, the environmental and health reasons (Catarino and Mendes, 2011; Bogian- performance of the EP, RO and SCC technologies were evalu- chini et al., 2011). In this sense, a proliferation of wines ated and compared using a life cycle approach. with low ethanol content has been observed. The company Wine Intelligence surveyed American and European buyers in 2014; the results showed that 39% of the consumers in 2. Methods 2014 bought low ethanol wines, 9% more than in 2013, and that the sales of these wines in the USA reached 2.700 mil- 2.1. Goal and scope lion dollars in 2013, 33% more than in 2013. Moreover, low ethanol content wines exceeded the overall growth rate of The goal of this paper was to quantify the environmental ben- wines with a higher ethanol content. The European Com- efits and drawbacks of EP process for wine dealcoholisation. mission regulation (EC, 2009) has not been immune to this In addition, this technology was compared to other conven- new situation and has set that in wine dealcoholisation tional dealcoholisation processes: RO and SCC. In this sense, should not remove more than 2 percentage points of ethanol the function of this system was wine dealcoholisation; there- and that the minimum concentration should not be less than fore, the amount of dealcoholised wine is a good descriptor 8.5% v/v. Therefore, a small adjustment in the alcohol con- of the process. For that reason, the selected functional unit tent between 1 and 2% is currently one of the most important (FU) was one cubic metre of dealcoholised wine (13.26% v/v). objectives for the wine industry. Several different techniques This FU provides a reference to which all the inputs/outputs for producing low and reduced alcoholic strength beverages are linked to (Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2012b). The scope of the have been developed over the last several years. The most assessment was based on the “cradle to gate” life cycle of a common treatments are (Gómez-Plaza product and entailed resources usage and environmental im- et al., 1999), spinning cone column (SCC) (Belisario-Sánchez pacts (Fig. 1). et al., 2012, 2009), membrane-based technologies such as • Cradle to gate: This step includes the environmental bur- nanofiltration (NF) (García-Martín et al., 2010; Catarino and dens generated by the transformation of natural/primary Mendes, 2011) and reverse osmosis (RO) (Catarino and resources into useable forms of the resources. All of the Mendes, 2011; Gil et al., 2013; Meillon et al., 2010; Bogian- individual transformation processes such as raw materi- chini et al., 2011) and in lesser extent on zeolites als extraction, and manufacturing were considered. The and supercritical fluid extraction. Among all of these tech- natural resources included the primary form of energy, nologies, SCC and RO are the most used methods in the in- materials and water, whereas the final resources were dustry to produce low alcohol-content (García-Martín et al., electricity and water. The production of wine that feeds 2010). Moreover, the latter has been applied to concentrate the dealcoholisation process, was not taken into consider- grape must (Notanicola et al. 2008; Notanicola et al. 2015). ation because the process is the same in all of the studied Conversely, EP is an innovative technology that has been technologies. SUSTAINABLEPRODUCTIONANDCONSUMPTION 2 (2015) 29–39 31

Fig. 1 – Scope and boundaries of the cradle to gate analysis of wine dealcoholisation.

• Gate to gate: This step includes the environmental burdens Scenario 2: Reverse osmosis (RO).RO is the most used membrane generated by the transformation of the final resources into in the wine industry for both wine deal- a product, a process, or a service. In this case, this step coholisation and musts . With this technology two refers to the wine dealcoholisation process. The environ- streams are obtained from the original wine: one of permeate mental burdens originated from the consumption of the containing water and ethanol, and one of retentate with the raw materials (i.e., water and energy) and the discharge dealcoholised wine. The wine is slightly heated before enter- ◦ of a stream with water and ethanol to fresh water. In the ing the membrane module from approximately 15 C (wine ◦ SCC technology this wastewater has a high alcohol content storage temperature) to a temperature of 22–25 C in order to that can be subjected to a valorisation process. facilitate the ethanol flux (Aldaco et al., 2014). The problem of this technology is that RO are permeable to both The boundaries of the study included all major material alcohol and water with high operation pressures (60 to 80 ) flows, that is water and wine and the energy flows of the and that it is necessary to add water to the dealcoholised wine dealcoholisation process as well as the emissions to air and again after the filtration. The high operation pressures result water. The infrastructure of the three technologies was not in considerable energy consumption, and the water addition included in the study because the long life span of the plants creates legal problems at European countries where the addi- reduces the impacts of construction, and thus it is negligible. tion of water is forbidden (García-Martín et al., 2010). To over- In particular, three technologies have been evaluated in four come this regulation, the permeated water could be separated scenarios, EP technology which was the base case (scenario 1, from the alcohol to add this water back to the wine (Diban Sc.1), RO (scenario 2, Sc.2), SCC (scenario 3, Sc.3) and SCC with et al., 2008). This should, in principle, be allowed because the energy valorisation (scenario 3.1. Sc. 3.1). Fig. 2 shows the flow water is coming from the same wine. This water addition has diagram of the four scenarios. not been considered as an input to simplify the calculations. Scenario 1: Evaporative pertraction (EP).EP is a membrane tech- Scenario 3: Spinning Cone Column (SCC).SCC was developed nology that is less energy demanding than SCC and RO as it in Australia by ConeTech(2015) as the most ef ficient and operates at ambient temperature and . cost-effective method in the world for the capture and The scale pilot plant was provided by INOXPA (Girona, Spain) preservation of volatile flavour components from all types (INOXPA, 2015), and it was equipped with a frame of stainless of or slurry substances in the food industry, at high steel, a rotary kobe pump for wine and a for speeds and at low temperatures (Makarytchev et al., 2004). , seat and butterfly valves, a control panel, instrumenta- Specifically, SCC has numerous applications in the wine tion and a polypropylene (PP) hollow fibre contactor provided industry including recovery of delicate aromas, removal of 2 with a membrane area of 20 m (Liqui-cell, 2015). Fig. 3 shows sulphur dioxide from grape juice, alcohol reduction of wines the EP scale pilot plant at VITEC facilities (Falset, Spain). The and production of grape juice concentrates (Schmidtke et al., transfer of volatile components (e.g. ethanol) is promoted 2012). This technology has been perceived as a particular type from aqueous solutions through a membrane. The membrane of falling film contactor (Makarytchev et al., 2005). The SCC contactor consists of hollow fibre membranes that are mi- device consists of a vertical pack of alternately rotating and croporous and hydrophobic, allowing non-dispersive contact stationary cones and, compared with the traditional plate and between both phases (García et al., 2013). The wine is cir- packaged distillation columns, has singular characteristics for culated through a hydrophobic hollow fibre membrane con- the low-temperature distillation of the thermally sensitive tactor while a second phase/stripping phase (water) flows foodstuffs (Belisario-Sánchez et al., 2009). Specifically, SCC is through the other side of the membrane inside the hollow a two-stage distillation process that is used industrially for fibre contactor. The difference of the com- the production of wine with less than 1% v/v of ethanol. ponents, between both phases creates the driving force of In the first stage, the aroma compounds are removed at the process and permits the ethanol transfer. Working under high vacuum conditions (0.04 atm) and low temperature optimum operational conditions could minimise aroma com- (26–28 ◦C) and collected in a high strength ethanol stream pound losses to below 20% during partial wine dealcoholi- that represents approximately one percent of the original sation using EP. Therefore, the low energy consumption wine volume. The second stage in which ethanol is removed accompanied by the acceptable impact on the sensory prop- from the base wine is conducted at higher temperatures, erties of wine makes EP a promising technique for removing usually approximately 38 ◦C. After ethanol reduction, the ethanol from wine at an industrial scale (Aldaco et al., 2014). aroma fraction is added to the dealcoholised base wine. This 32 SUSTAINABLEPRODUCTIONANDCONSUMPTION 2 (2015) 29–39

Fig. 2 – Flow diagrams of Scenario 1. Evaporative Pertraction (EP), Scenario 2. Reverse Osmosis (RO), Scenario 3. Spinning Cone Column (SCC) and Scenario 3.1 Spinning Cone Column (SCC) with energy valorisation and Scenario 3.3 Spinning Cone Column (SCC) with material valorisation. technology has a high capital outlay and operating costs Moreover, SCC has large energy demand, the energy due to the number of ancillary devices that are required: valorisation of the wastewater with a high ethanol content heat exchangers to warm the product feed to operating was evaluated (Sc. 3.1). In particular, small companies usually temperatures and pumps and condensers to collect the sell this effluent, which can be subjected to an energy or gaseous vapour and collect the removed fraction (Aldaco material valorisation. In the former, the wastewater feeds et al., 2014). a combustion process to produce energy, whereas in the SUSTAINABLEPRODUCTIONANDCONSUMPTION 2 (2015) 29–39 33

Table 1 – Data source and quality of Sc. 1 EP, Sc. 2 RO and Sc. 3 SCC.

Data source Time-frame Geography

Scenario 1 (EP) Energy consumption Experimental data 2014 Spain Raw materials consumption Experimental data 2014 Spain Wastewater Experimental data 2014 Spain Regulation 2009 Europe

Scenario 2 (RO) Energy consumption AMTA 2014 USA Raw materials consumption Labanda et al.(2009) 2009 Spain Wastewater Regulation 2009 Europe

Scenario 3 (SCC) Energy consumption Alfa Laval 2014 Europe Raw materials consumption – Wastewater EC Regulation 2009 Europe

2.3. Allocations

In Sc 3.1 and Sc. 3.2 SCC with energy and material valorisation of the wastewater, the processes present two functions: wine dealcoholisation and energy production (Sc. 3.1) and wine dealcoholisation and vinic alcohol production (Sc. 3.2). To solve these multifunctional processes system expansions were carried out (Fig. 4). Thus, for the systems under study which include in one case wine dealcoholisation (function 1) and energy production (function 2), and wine dealcoholisation (function 1) and vinic alcohol production (function 3), the alternative systems that only comprise the function 2′ (energy) and the ′ Fig. 3 – Image of the EP pilot plant, where 1: Feed phase function 3 (vinic) were subtracted. Therefore, the resulting pump, 2: Stripping phase pump, 3: Hollow fibre membrane systems have only the function of wine dealcoholisation ′ contactor, 4: Feed phase inlet, 5: Stripping phase inlet, 6: (function 1 ). In this study, the electric power mix of Spain Feed phase outlet, 7: Stripping phase outlet, 8: Feed phase and the production of ethanol (96% v/v) from in the ELCD–PE tank, 9: Stripping phase tank, 10: Indicators of flow rate, 11: GaBi database (PE International, 2011) were selected for ′ Control box (Flow rate), 12: Indicators of pressure, 13: Filter, the technology in the alternative systems (function 2 and ′ 14: Indicators of temperature. function 3 ).

2.4. Life cycle inventory latter, the wastewater is sold as wine alcohol to alcohol industries. Table 2 shows the life cycle inventory (LCI) for the studied Large use the high ethanol content wastewater to scenarios. All input and output data are given in reference produce their distillates or to increase the alcohol content of to 1 m3 of dealcoholised wine. For the operation data, the their sweet wines (chaptalisation process). wastewater generated in SCC is a stream rich in ethanol In this study, energy and material valorisation were that is usually valorised in waste to energy (WtE) plants. evaluated. In the latter, the wastewater from the SCC is The waste streams in RO and EP have poor amounts of ethanol that should be possible to recover by distillation sent from the to an where it is and processes. However, these processes have concentrated by means of distillation to obtain a stream with low yields and high energy consumption, so the valorisation a greater ethanol content (96% v/v). In the energy valorisation process is not technically and economically possible. The this concentrated effluent is used to produce energy. limits of biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) established by the Spanish regulations 2.2. Data acquisition and quality for wastewaters allow their discharge to the municipal sewage network (Aldaco et al., 2014). Conversely, to treat 1 m3 of wine with SCC 432 MJ m−3 of energy are required; however, Primary data were obtained from the dealcoholisation EP unit to meet the alcohol content of the European regulation, part suppliers AMTA (AMTA, 2014) and Alfa Laval (Alfa Laval, 2014), of the wine is treated and further mixed with the feeding bibliographic data, regulation, chemical analysis, or were wine, and thus, the energy demand is reduced. estimated by the authors using stoichiometric calculations (Aldaco et al., 2014). Furthermore, the characteristics of the 2.5. Life cycle impact assessment EP plant were provided by Liqui-cel (Liqui-cel 2015), the supplier of the membrane contactor, whereas the scale pilot The life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) was conducted plant data were obtained from INOXPA (INOXPA, 2015). The following the ISO 14040 (ISO, 2006a) and ISO 14044 (ISO, background data for the energy production and manufacture 2006b) requirements and using the LCA software GaBi of the ancillary materials were collected from the ELCD–PE 4 (PE International, 2011). The mandatory and optional database (PE International, 2011). The source, timeframe and steps of LCIA were applied: classification, characterisation, geography of the data are given in Table 1. normalisation and weighting. 34 SUSTAINABLEPRODUCTIONANDCONSUMPTION 2 (2015) 29–39

Fig. 4 – System expansion procedure.

Fig. 5 – Life cycle impact assessment methodology.

Table 2 – LCI of Sc. 1 EP, Sc. 2 RO and Sc. 2 SCC.

Scenario 1 (EP) Scenario 2 (RO) Scenario 3 (SCC)

Energy consumption 0.37MJ m−3 3.11MJ m−3 dealcoholised wine 72.1MJ m−3 Inputs dealcoholised wine (RO)+25.1 MJ m−3 dealcoholised dealcoholised wine wine (distillation) Water 0.51 m3 dealcoholised – m3 m−3 dealcoholised wine – m3 m−3 Raw materials wine m−3 dealcoholised wine Wine (15% v/v 1.02 m3 m−3 1.05 m3 m−3 dealcoholised wine 1.05 m3 m−3 ethanol) dealcoholised wine dealcoholised wine Water stream with ethanol to 0.53 m3 m−3 0.05 m3 m−3 dealcoholised wine 0.05 m3 dealcoholised Outputs discharge dealcoholised wine (<4% (50% v/v ethanol) m−3 wine (50% v/v v/v ethanol) ethanol) Dealcoholised wine 13.26% v/v 1 m3 1 m3 1 m3 ethanol

2.5.1. Classification and characterisation Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) (Tallis et al., 2002). Two main indicator variables were considered: natural re- This set of indicators can be used to measure the envi- sources sustainability X1 (NRS) and environmental burdens ronmental sustainability performance of an operating unit, sustainability X2 (EBS) (Fig. 5). This set of indicators was pre- providing a balanced view of the environmental impact of viously applied to compare the conventional and alternative inputs (resource usage), and outputs (emissions, effluents and passivation process (García et al., 2013), several arsenic re- waste). The outputs include a set of environmental impacts to moval treatments (Dominguez-Ramos et al., 2014), bottom the atmosphere and aquatic media. The environmental bur- ash treatment and ash recycling (Margallo et al., 2014a) and den (EB) approach was used to estimate and quantify the several WtE plants located in Spain (Margallo et al., 2014b). potential environmental impacts. Specifically, the environ- NRS includes the consumption of the final useful resources, mental impacts were classified into 10 variables grouped into such as energy (X1,1), materials (X1,2) and water (X1,3) for ( ) the considered process and/or product, whereas EBS is given the release to each environmental area: air X2,1 and water by the environmental sustainability metrics developed by the (X2,2) (Margallo et al., 2014b). SUSTAINABLEPRODUCTIONANDCONSUMPTION 2 (2015) 29–39 35

Fig. 6 – Consumption of natural resources for Sc. 1 EP and Sc. 2 RO.

2.5.2. Normalisation and weighting 3. Results and discussion In the second step, the air and water impacts were normalised using the threshold values (TV) of the European Pollutant 3.1. Comparison of evaporative pertraction and reverse Release and Transfer Register E-PRTR (EC, 2006) providing osmosis normalised variables (Fig. 5). The E-PRTR regulation establishes the contaminants for The findings of this study were divided into the consumption which the European installations must provide notification of natural resources and the generation of environmental to the authorities along with the TV of those pollutants. burdens. The NRS results in Fig. 6 include the consumption The threshold values can be used as an important aid in of energy, materials and water for Sc.1 EP and Sc. 2 the normalisation process because they provide an overview RO from cradle to grave. Water and energy consumption of the environmental performance of the installation at a were the highest contributors to the NR index in both European level. This normalisation procedure, as shown in scenarios, whereas the consumption of materials had smaller Eq. (1), reduces the complexity and allows the decision maker influences. to track the progress towards environmental sustainability The comparison of EP and RO showed that the latter had and to clarify the optimisation procedure at least for the a consumption of energy that was 15 times that of the EP environmental pillar (Margallo et al., 2014b). For the NRS, a technology, and the consumption of water and materials were good reference value would be the consumption of resources 3.0 and 1.5 times greater for RO. of the best available techniques for wine dealcoholisation. The high energy consumption in RO is linked to the Nevertheless, the Guide of Best Available Techniques of separation of the permeated water from the alcohol to wine production (MTD Vii , 2011) does not include the add this water back to the wine. Therefore, EP technology consumption for dealcoholisation techniques. Therefore, a presented a lower consumption of energy, water and normalisation procedure was not included for NRS. materials. Moreover, Table 3 displays the EBS of Sc. 1 and Sc. 2. The ∗ ref X = X /X (1) 2,j,k 2,j, k 2,j,k results show the total environmental impacts for the EP and RO processes and the contribution of the production and the where j represents different environmental compartments consumption of water and energy to the total impact of both (air and water); k represents the environmental impacts to air technologies. and water (see Fig. 5); X are the 10 environmental burdens 2,j,k The highest impacts in Sc. 1 and Sc. 2 before the to air and water, X∗ is the normalised value of X ; X 2,j,k 2,j,k 2,j,k normalisation were given by the categories of global warming includes the environmental burdens to air and water, and (GW) and atmospheric acidification (AA) due to the emissions ref X is the reference value for EBS normalisation. 2,j,k of greenhouse gases and acid gases. In particular, the Furthermore, according to Eq. (2) the 10 normalised EB to emissions of CO2, CO and methane and HCl in the air and water can be subjected to direct summation to obtain manufacture and consumption of water and the emissions a single index to air (EB to air, X2,1) and a single index to water of compounds and HF in the energy production (EB to water, X2,2). In addition, the air and water EB can be displayed the greatest values in the GW and AA categories. grouped in a global EB indicator. Most of the water categories obtained lower impacts than in the air categories for both technologies. The highest value j=n  was observed in the eutrophication (EU) category due to the = β ∗ ∈ [ , ] X2,j 2,j,kX2,j,k n 1 2 (2) j=1 emissions of and chemical measures to water and COD in particular. where X2,j are the two EBS indexes for air and water and In Sc. 1 EP, the manufacture and consumption of water β2,j,kβ2,j,k is the weighting factor for EBS. When the envi- showed the biggest influence in all of the impact categories = ronmental burdens are equally relevant, β2,j,kβ2,j,k 1 for except for stratospheric ozone depletion (SOD) where energy each j, k. This assumption was made because it is the clearest had the largest contribution. Specifically, energy displayed way to obtain a single index that allows comparison across 55% of the total impact in SOD due to the higher emissions several technologies. Other sets are also possible, but differ- of CFCs, HCFCs, methyl bromide and 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane ent weighting procedures must be discussed (Margallo et al., in energy production than in water manufacture. Conversely, 2014b). water consumption represented between 74 and 99% of the 36 SUSTAINABLEPRODUCTIONANDCONSUMPTION 2 (2015) 29–39

Table 3 – Environmental burdens of Sc. 1 EP and Sc.2 RO.

Impact category Sc.1 Evaporative pertraction Sc. 2 Reverse osmosis Total Contribution Contribution Total Contribution energy water energy consumption (%) consumption (%) consumption (%) −4 −3 X2,1,1 AA (kg SO2 eq.) 3.81 10 24.1 75.9 6.02 10 100 −1 X2,1,2 GW (kg CO2 eq.) 2.26 10 16.1 83.9 2.40 100 −5 −4 X2,1,3 HHE (kg eq.) 1.16 10 26.3 73.7 1.98 10 100 −5 −4 X2,1,4 POF (kg eq.) 6.83 10 19.1 80.9 8.60 10 100 −11 −9 X2,1,5 SOD (kg CFC11 eq.) 2.97 10 54.9 45.1 1.05 10 100 −7 −6 X2,2,1 AOD (kg O2 eq.) 4.49 10 14.0 86.0 4.18 10 100 + −10 −10 X2,2,2 AqA (kg H eq.) 2.11 10 4.80 95.2 7.24 10 100 −8 −8 X2,2,3,1 MEco (kg formaldehyde eq.) 1.82 10 5.18 94.8 6.70 10 100 −8 −7 X2,2,3,2 NMEco (kg Cu eq.) 5.45 10 5.23 94.8 2.02 10 100 −5 −5 X2,2,4 EU (kg PO4 eq.) 4.77 10 1.42 98.6 6.09 10 100

Normalised environmental burdens Normalised EB to air and water (dimensionless). (dimensionless).

Fig. 7 – Comparison of Sc. 1 EP and Sc. 2 RO in terms of (a) normalised EB and (b) EB to air, EB to water and total EB. total impact in the remaining categories, because EP has a low the reference values of HHE (1,000 kg y−1) and POF (1,000 kg energy consumption, and is a high water demand technique. y−1). For water, there were no significant differences after the According to Rugani et al.(2013), the review of several wine normalisation because the threshold values were lower than LCA studies showed that on average, the carbon footprint (CF) for the air categories (Margallo et al., 2014a). In this sense, EU for a generic bottle of wine (0.75 L) was 2.2 ± 1.3 kg CO2 eq., remained the greatest water burden after the normalisation. given the variability in technological, geographical and viti- The comparison of Sc. 1 and Sc. 2 in terms of EBS showed culture conditions and the uncertainty they imply. Viticul- that EP had better results in all of the air categories due to ture activities (17%), packaging processes (22%) and end of-life the low energy consumption of this technology. For water, (22%) are the most significant processes. RO presented also the worst environmental performance in If the boundaries of our study were extended to include most of the categories except for EU due to the emissions of wine production, the CF to obtain 1 m3 of dealcoholised phosphorus linked to the manufacture and consumption of wine using the EP technology, would be approximately 2.96 ± drinking water in EP. 1.22 kg CO2 eq. For the grouped indexes (Fig. 7(b)), the EB to air and water Wine dealcoholised would represent 8% of the total CF, were 1.3 and 1.2 times higher in RO than in EP. Therefore, being this process and the vine planting (3%) the lesser from an environmental impact point of view, EP technology significant impacts. presented a better performance for air and water than RO. Sc. 2 RO had a greater energy demand and null consump- tion of water than EP, because the water comes from the 3.2. Spinning cone column technology permeate. For that reason, in RO, energy production had the greatest influence in all the impact categories. SCC is applied to obtain wines with very low ethanol The environmental impacts of Sc. 1 and Sc.2 were content. These wines have great marketing expectations in normalised in Fig. 7(a) based on the TV of the E-PRTR the USA, Arabian countries, Asia and Nordic countries. To Regulation displayed in Fig. 5. These 10 normalised impacts meet the European regulation that sets wine dealcoholisation to air and water, are grouped by means of direct addition to to remove no more than 2 percentage points of ethanol, the obtain the EB to air and water that are further grouped into a dealcoholised wine (1% v/v ethanol) is mixed with the initial single global index. wine. Therefore, this technology can be compared with RO After normalisation, the human health effects (HHE) and and EP. Table 4 shows the consumption of energy, water and photochemical ozone formation (POF) became the greatest materials (dimensionless) of Sc. 1 EP, Sc. 2 RO, Sc. 3 SCC, Sc contributors to the air impact due to the high threshold value 3.1 SCC with energy valorisation and Sc 3.2 SCC with material of GW (1.0 108 kg y−1) and AA (1.5 105 kg y−1) compared to valorisation taking RO as a reference. SUSTAINABLEPRODUCTIONANDCONSUMPTION 2 (2015) 29–39 37

Table 4 – Consumption of NR in Sc. 1 EP, Sc. 2 RO, Sc. 3 SCC, Sc. 3.1 SCC with energy valorisation and Sc. 3.2 SCC with material valorisation.

Dimensionless Sc. 1 EP Sc. 2 RO Sc. 3 SCC Sc. 3.1 SCC energy Sc. 3.2 SCC material valorisation valorisation −2 Energy X1,1 6.66 10 1.00 3.07 −19.6 −14.9 −1 Materials X1,2 9.16 10 1.00 3.07 −19.6 −20.6 −1 −1 Water X1,3 3.96 10 1.00 3.07 −19.6 −1.60 10

Normalised environmental burdens (dimensionless). Total EB index (dimensionless).

Fig. 8 – Comparison of (a) normalised EB and (b) total EB index of Sc. 1 EP, Sc. 2 RO, Sc. 3.1 SCC with energy valorisation and Sc. 3.2 SCC with material valorisation.

SCC had the greatest consumption of energy, materials impact in all of the categories except in AqA and EU due to and water of the three technologies. Specially, SCC presented the high avoided burden in energy valorisation. Sc. 3.1 had an energy consumption 46.0 and 3.1 times the EP and RO the lower total EB index and thus, it is presented as the best values, respectively, and consumptions of materials and improvement of the SCC technology. water that were 3.4 and 7.7 than Sc. 1 and 3.1 and 3.1 times Finally, although the use of a single index renders higher Sc. 2, respectively. The consumption of energy, water decision-making easier, the use of a global EB could po- and materials can be grouped into a single index by means tentially mask certain results. Consequently, individual EBs of weighting factors supposing that the three final resources should also be assessed to determine the main problems and are equally relevant. The lowest global NR index was obtained thus provide opportunities for improvement of the critical for EP; in particular, the EP index was 2.2 and 6.7 times lower points of the process. than the index for RO and SCC, respectively. To reduce the In Fig. 9 the EB and NR were classified according to their consumption of NR and optimise the operational conditions intensities. Values near the “+” symbol indicate the highest of the SCC, the wastewater with a high ethanol content can impact, whereas “−” represents the lowest burden. Sc. 3 be energy and material valorised. According to the outcomes presented the biggest consumption of natural resources and of Table 4, the energy and material valorisation of the SCC therefore the greatest air and water impacts, whereas Sc. wastewater (Sc. 3.1 and Sc. 3.2) reduced the consumption 3.1 is the best option from an environmental point of view. of NR in such a way that the extraction of the resource is The comparison of the EB and NR emphasises the great avoided, and therefore the NRS indicators showed a negative interdependence of these two variables because a technology value. Particularly, Sc. 3.1 showed lower consumption of water with the greatest NR produces the greatest EB (Margallo et al., and energy than Sc. 3.2, whereas the material valorisation of 2014b). the wastewater presented a lower consumption of materials. The global NR index of Sc. 3.2 was 1.6 times higher than in Sc. 3.1; therefore, energy valorisation is presented as the 4. Conclusions improvement of the SCC technology. For EBS, the normalised air and water impacts (Fig. 8(a)) are In this work, LCA methodology has been proven to be a grouped in a single index to compare the three technologies useful tool in evaluating the dealcoholisation wine sector. and the improvements of the SCC technology (Fig. 8(b)). The proposed methodology based on the consumption of In all of the air and water categories SCC (Sc.3) displayed natural resources and environmental burdens reduces the the greatest impact, with a total EB index that was 6.7 and 3.1 LCA complexity and aids in the decision-making process. In times higher than the EB of EP and RO, respectively. Therefore, particular, the work evaluated and compared several wine the EP technology presented the best environmental perfor- dealcoholisation techniques: evaporative pertraction (Sc.1), mance among the three technologies. Nevertheless, the en- reverse osmosis (Sc.2) and spinning cone column (Sc.3). ergy and material valorisation of the wastewater (Sc. 3.1 and SCC is a high demand technology; therefore, to reduce its Sc. 3.2) turned this technology into a less impactful process. environmental impact, two improvements of the process Sc. 3.2 had a higher impact in all of the air categories were evaluated for the energy and material valorisation of the than Sc. 3.1, whereas in water the former showed a lower wastewater with a high ethanol content (Sc. 3.1 and Sc.3.2). 38 SUSTAINABLEPRODUCTIONANDCONSUMPTION 2 (2015) 29–39

Fig. 9 – Summary of the generation of air and water EB and consumption of NR in Sc. 1 EP, Sc. 2 RO and Sc. 3 SCC, Sc. 3.1 SCC with energy valorisation and Sc. 3.2 SCC with material valorisation.

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