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As such, I am discontinuing scanlation of it. To see what happens after vol 1, please obtain the volumes as they are released. High schooler Hana is a small, quiet, ordinary girl. Because there is something she wants to buy, she is working part time at a fancy shop. Then Hina, a girl with the appearance of a trendy gyaru, is hired as a new employee. As Hina comes from a completely different world, Hana is a little reluctant. However, it seems that somehow, Hana is always on Hina’s mind. Hana & Hina After School Vol. 1 by Milk Morinaga. From and To can't be the same language. That page is already in . Something went wrong. Check the webpage URL and try again. Sorry, that page did not respond in a timely manner. Sorry, that page doesn't exist or is preventing translations. Sorry, that page doesn't exist or is preventing translations. Sorry, that page doesn't exist or is preventing translations. Something went wrong, please try again. Try using the Translator for the Microsoft Edge extension instead. Hana & Hina After School Vol. 1 by Milk Morinaga. The next manga series I will be sharing my thoughts on is Milk Morinaga’s Hana & Hina After School . Hana & Hina After School was originally serialised by Futabasha in the magazine Comic High! . That was up until June 2015, when it switched over to Monthly Action . The series concluded in November 2016. have translated and published the manga in English. The first volume of this series contains six chapters. A Secret Between You and Me. Hana’s new co-worker, Hina, is a cool, tall, and stylish – the total opposite of Hana. While the two of them get off on the wrong foot, they soon come to rely on each other and even become friends. But part-time jobs are against school rules, and if word got out they could be expelled. As Hana and Hina work together to hide their after school activities, their relationship grows deeper. Can the two girls keep their job (and their feelings for each other) under wraps? Chapter 1 begins with Hinako Emori, or just Hina from this point forward, going to the shop where Hana Hasegawa works and asking about their vacancies. Hina starts working at the shop, and Hana is eager to be the reliable senpai. She soon discovers that Hina knows a lot more about the stuff the shop sells than she does. Hana and Hina find themselves taking part in a festival, complete with Hana cosplaying one of the characters sold at the shop. Due to that, Hana and Hina are able to grow closer – and after spring break, Hana discovers that Hina is younger than her. Hana says that she and Hina should probably avoid talking to each other at school so as not to arouse suspicion about their jobs in chapter 2. However, Hina finds an excuse to go over and talk to Hana regardless. Hana also happens to overhear that Hina was a model in a fashion magazine. However, Hina has decided to quit modelling. After realising that she got Hina nothing for her birthday, Hana decides to try and find a gift for her. She is able to pick something out for her, and tells Hina that is perfectly fine for them to talk during work as they are friends. After school in chapter 3, Hana and Hina travel to work together – in complete silence. Hina asks Hana about that, but Hana insists that they need to keep the fact they are co-workers a secret. The shop gets in a new line, and Hana can tell that Hina is enthralled by it. Hina tries to denying it, but it’s pretty obvious. When other girls start approaching Hina and talking to her during school, Hana can’t help but dwell on it. She seems to be a little colder towards Hina during work. Afterwards, Hina takes Hana to a restaurant, where she apologises and admits that she really does like cute things. After that, the two girls return to their respective homes and Hina worries she’s being weird. Rumours of Hina being expelled make their way around the school in chapter 4. Hana starts to blame herself, and goes along with the other girls when they go to try and find out what exactly is happening. Later on, Hina finds herself working alone. She resolves to talk to Hina about it, and does so at school. However, Hana assumes she is being expelled and other girls happen to overhear their conversation. Turns out Hina just had to write an apology saying she would quit modelling. Part of the reason was that she was concerned about an old friend seeing her in a magazine. With a sports day coming up in chapter 5, Hana and Hina have to adjust their work schedules around that. Both girls discover that they are in the health committee, so Hina is eager to participate in the relay with Hana. Hina is determined to win the relay with Hana, get a photo of her in her summer uniform, and if possible, her phone number as well. When sports day arrives, Hina can barely contain herself when she sees Hana in her class uniform. She intends to eat lunch with Hana, but as they are both health committee members, they are busy tending to others who have injured themselves. Hina hurts her ankle when she falls trying to stop another injured girl from going to the track. Hina refuses to let her ankle hold her back in chapter 6, as she is very eager to get that photo with Hana. Hana realises that Hina is hurt, but she insists on running regardless. They then discover the race will be a three-legged relay race. Hana insists on sticking with Hina as her partner. Hana falls before they start running, but she was actually the one supporting Hina all the time. They finish last, but they are able to talk to each other afterwards. Hina invites Hana to her place, and Hana gives Hina her phone number. Hina asks her classmates if its weird if someone would want to be with someone else forever – they say it would be, especially at an all girls’ school. This leaves Hina worried about scaring away Hana by being weird – though Hana has said to her that she is not weird. That brings the first volume of Hana & Hina After School , and I have to say that I really quite enjoyed it. It doesn’t quite dethrone Kase-san as my favourite manga series, but it is certainly an enjoyable story about the feelings blossoming between two girls. I guess the focus is more on Hina’s feelings in this case, as Hana always seems to be on her mind. This first volume is pretty much about Hina coming to terms with what she feels for Hana, though she is still struggling with that somewhat at the end. Meanwhile, we see that Hana enjoys being with Hina, and that dream she has indicates she might feel something a little deeper than friendship for her new co-worker. I often see yuri referred to as the ‘purest form of love’, and it is stories like Hana & Hina After School that lend credence to that. After all, you can’t really go wrong with Milk Morinaga when it comes to yuri. ISBN 13: 9781626924628. Hana & Hina After School Vol. 1 (Hana & Hina After School, 1) Morinaga, Milk. This specific ISBN edition is currently not available. A brand new yuri series from the New York Times best selling manga creator Milk Morinaga! Hana & Hina After School is an all-new series by Milk Morinaga, a beloved creator known for works in the yuri genre including Girlfriends and Gakuen Polizi . Hana & Hina After School is a romantic comedy about two dissimilar girls who find common ground when it comes to all things cute, including each other. Hana and Hina are two high school girls working at the same shop, but they come from completely different worlds. Hana is petite, uncertain and shy, while Hina is tall, trendy and confident. But they both can’t keep their eyes off things that are cute, be it the uniforms at Hana’s new school or Hana herself! Hana and Hina may have more than their shared part time jobs to keep a secret. "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title. Milk Morinaga is a fan-favorite yuri manga artist whose works include , Gakuen Polizi, and Kisses, Sights and Cherry Blossoms Pink. aurora lector. If I haven’t made it clear yet, Milk Morinaga is an auto-buy author for me. I was utterly charmed by her new series. It’s gonna be another short one, but it’s being released in tankoubon as it was in Japan, after the usual syndication. Basically two girls, Hana and Hina, are forced to keep a secret together, working while attending a school that doesn’t allow after school jobs. They can’t even let anyone know that they know each other. Their mutual appreciation was really refreshing. Seven Seas is on a roll with translating yuri manga, of course, it's almost all set in high school , and some are exploitive, entertaining at the cost of some very important storytelling elements (as far as I know, citrus and Netuzou Trap -NTR- fall here, but here’s a positive review from which says what the problem for me is, they’re very dramatic and angsty, and frankly, NTR sounds creepy, but they're both immensely popular) but with the publication of stories like After Hours (which I will be reading and reviewing soon) I have hope that we will be seeing more mature stories. It might still be a while… Anyway, I’m really looking forward to the continuation of short series. Once again, this book takes the full length of the volume before the girls confess feelings to one another. But it feels like a real relationship. I really enjoyed the age reveal. I’m sure it won’t surprise some of you. Milk Morinaga feels like she’s bringing in some of the usual shojo elements, which is nice. There’s the usual tropes in play here, but I don’t know how to be mad about any of it when it’s this charming.