0000 Title slates

0011 Slate: Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), on the legacy of bidding for the 2020 Olympic Games

0012 “A bid for the Olympic Games is a unique occasion to put around the table, people of different origins. You will have the politicians, you will have the corporate world, you will have representatives of the social fabric of the city, you will have specialists in urbanism and city development. And altogether they have to define a vision, what is the vision of our city in terms of staging the Olympic Games. What is the legacy we want to leave for future generations, is this a sustainable legacy, what are are we really wanting to do from our city’’.

0052 ‘’Yes I think Stockholm is a good example They bid unsuccessfully for the 2004 Games. But in their bid document they had the intention to work very hard on a derelict suburb of the city. They augmented the quality of life there, they did a lot of infrastructural work and it has become one of the most interesting parts of the city nowadays’’

0116 ‘’Ecoutez une candidature aux Jeux est un moment unique de déterminer la vision qu'ont les habitants d'une ville pour leur ville et leur région. Vous trouverez autour de la table dans la préparation de la candidature, vous trouverez les représentants des autorités publiques, les représentants de la ville, la municipalité, je dirais toute la fabrique sociale qui fait la ce, la cité. Il y aura les urbanistes, les experts, les spécialistes du transport, et tous ensemble, ils vont déterminer quelle est notre vision pour le futur de notre ville, que voulons-nous obtenir. Bien sûr, on veut obtenir les Jeux Olympiques, mais à travers des Jeux, quel est le but final. Et si ce but final est un héritage durable, à ce moment-là il y a un apport extraordinaire à la compréhension des habitants de leur ville et de son future’’.

0210 “Oui je pourrais vous parler de Stockholm, qui a été je dirais candidate pour les Jeux de 2004 sans succès malheureusement pour eux, mais dans leurs documents de candidature ils avaient prévu des travaux importants d'amélioration je dirais d'une partie de la ville qui n'était pas véritablement au niveau, ils ont travaillé très dur, cette partie de la ville est devenue véritablement très attrayante, voilà un héritage très très très important”.

0239 Slate : Hasan Arat Chairman of 2020 Bid Committee Vice President of the Turkish Olympic Committee

0242 “ Whatever happens in September, Istanbul 2020 will have changed our city. For the better. Our major big legacy is the Project. It is the Olympic training Centers. It will provide the equipment and the coaching that our top athletes needs to compete for the highest level. And it will serve the city and international sports community, as a regional hope of sporting excellence, work has already started. There is so much sporting potential in Turkey. And Istanbul 2020 is helping to unlock it. The bid has really inspired the people. The last IOC public poll supporting Istanbul: 83%, the highest among these three cities. Istanbul 2020 is a great opportunity to promote innovation, participation and integration. To do huge of the world. And we have already an unbelievable momentum behind us”

0405 “Istanbul iki seneden beri bu hazırlıkları çok ciddi bir şekilde, büyük bir ekiple, hükümet özel sektör, milli olimpiyat komitesi, milli paralimpik komitesi, sporcular komisyonu, gönüllü kuruluşlarla birlikte yapıyor ve bugüne kadar yaptığı en kapsamlı çalışmayı yaptı Istanbul ve Türkiye ve IOC’nin raporunda diğer aday şehirlerarasındaki en yüksek oranda olimpiyatlara gönüllü bir Istanbul ortaya çıktı, yani uluslar arası olimpiyat komitesi %83 olarak bunu açıkladı. Bizim son zamanlardaki araştırmalarımız %94ün üstünde gösteriyor bunları. Bölgesel bir merkez bu çalışmanın güzel İstanbul’umuzda olması ve tüm spor camiasını bir araya toplayacak olması, hali hazırda yapılan çalışmalar, milli antrenman merkezleri olimpiyat sporcuları için inanılmaz yatırımlar, şu anda zaten Türk hükümeti tarafından yapılıyor. Ama şunu unutmayalım Istanbul 2020 tarihi değiştirebilir. Türkiye’de ve bölgedeki gençlere daha sağlıklı bir yaşam ve spora yönlendirmelerini sağlayabilir. Istanbul 2020 hiç olmadığı kadar bu zamanda olmasını biz çok önemsiyoruz ve tam zamanı diyoruz”.

(English Translation: “Istanbul has been preparing in a very serious manner for the last two years with a big team, in collaboration with the private sector, the Government, the National Olympic Committee, the National Paralympic Committee, Athlete’s Commission and voluntary organizations. In its most comprehensive study ever, IOC’s report on Turkey and Istanbul has shown that Istanbul is much more in favour of the Olympics compared to the other candidate cities, with a 83% approval rate. Our recent studies show this to be above 94%. Existing works and significant investments in National Olympic Training Centres and Olympic athletes are already underway by the Turkish government to host this event and to gather the world of sports in our beautiful city. But let us keep in mind that Istanbul 2020 can also change history. It can serve to provide a healthier lifestyle and to guide the youth of Turkey and the region towards sports. We believe it to be more important than ever for Istanbul 2020, and we say ‘now is the time’”)

0535 Slate : Tsunekazu Takeda IOC Member in Japan President of 2020 Bid Committee President of the Japanese Olympic Committee 0539 ‘’The process that reaches beyond the city is that hosting the Olympic and Paralympic games is our nation's dream. Bidding has already united people across Japan. And now we have 81.5% of public support. And people are excited to imagine Tokyo transformed to a city center party like never before. And we Japanese people we always loved the sports and our TV rating of the Olympic and Paralympic games is among the highest in the world. And we have already seen the positive changes, in society with the urban development and green initiatives and community rebuilding, in affected areas. And we are all passionate about the, hosting the superb games and promoting the Olympic moment’’.

0656 ‘’ “招致国あい都市う利益もし言うこあますけもオンそし パン日本開催すこ日本中国民こ望います先IOC最終的発表 も%そし我々調べ調査も5%日本国民オン望いいうわ ましそし東京ここ変化す素晴しいオン大勢人エキサテしこ待うけ いいうこ言えますま, 日本人もうスポー大好国民すオンテ放映 率も世界もプス言うこ思いますそしこー多くスポー変え ます都市変化すこあいーー都市くこあいそコミュテ すこ例え先被災地復興もスポー大変役立いこ言えますそし我々 そパショネーそオンそしオンン日本人皆待いいう伝 えしい思います’’

(English Translation: “In regards to your question about the benefits bidding for the Olympic and Paralympic Games brings to the country and city, what I can say is that the entire Japanese population is fully behind bringing the Games to Tokyo. The IOC’s most recent survey in March revealed that 70% of the Japanese population is in support of bringing the Games to Tokyo. And also a more recent survey revealed that 81.5% of the Japanese population is in favour of hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The people of Tokyo are excited for the prospect of hosting the Games and I can even say they are waiting for it. The Japanese people love sports, and as a testament to our passion our TV ratings for the Games is one of the highest in the world. And sport has the power to change many things: the transformation of the city, green initiatives, rebuilding the community. Sport is also playing a major role in the revitalization efforts of the 2011 tsunami and earthquake affected areas. The Japanese people are looking forward to this passion, the Olympic and Paralympic Games, and to welcoming the Olympic Movement”)

0832 Slate : Alejandro Blanco Bravo President of Madrid 2020 Bid Committee President of the Spanish Olympic Committee

0836 ‘’ Bueno… para nuestra ciudad es muy importante los Juegos Olímpicos, es muy importante la consecución de los Juegos Olímpicos, por varios motivos: primero, porque la ciudad ya vive para los juegos olímpicos; y, segundo, porque nosotros pensamos que a través de los Juegos, a través del deporte, a través de los principios del movimiento olímpico, se puede construir una nueva sociedad, se puede construir una nueva forma de vida. A veces, se habla de grandes ciudades y se habla de carreteras, autopistas, metro y edificios, y las ciudades las construyen las personas. Y para construir ciudades a través de las personas, sólo se pueden construir a través de los valores, y esa educación en valores es lo que tiene el movimiento olímpico, y es lo que nosotros hemos defendido con la candidatura. Nuestra apuesta es por una nueva sociedad, a través de los juegos. Y eso es lo que hemos explicado en Madrid, eso es una de las grandes ventajas que los juegos van a llevar a Madrid y a España, y es una de las grandes ventajas que tiene cara al futuro. La situación que hemos vivido en España, en Europa y en el mundo indica que hay una falta de valores importante. El deporte nos los puede dar y los juegos olímpicos es la máxima expresión de esos valores. Por eso es tan importante los juegos para nosotros. Más allá de la organización, más allá de los resultados, más allá de la práctica deportiva, el deporte es crear esa nueva sociedad integradora, social y justa, y en eso estamos y por eso queremos los juegos’’.

(English Translation: ‘’ Well... the Olympic Games are very important for our city, it is very important that we win the bid for various reasons: firstly, because the city is already living for the Olympic Games; and secondly, because we think that via the Games, via sport, via the principles of the Olympic movement, a new society can be formed, a new way of life. Sometimes, people talk of great cities, they talk of roads, motorways and buildings, but cities are built by people. And people can only build cities through values. This education in values is what the Olympic movement holds and it is what we have defended with our bid. Our bid is to form a new society by means of the Games. And this is what we explained in Madrid, this is one of the great advantages that the Games will have for Madrid and for Spain, and it is one of the great advantages it has for the future. The situation that we have experienced in Spain, in Europe and in the world indicates that there is a significant lack of values. Sport can bring them back and the Olympic Games are the greatest expression of these values. It is for this reason that the Games are so important to us. Beyond the organisation, beyond the results, beyond the practice of sport, sport is about creating this new integrating, social and just society, and that's what we're working on, and it is for this reason that we want the Games’’.

0955 Slate: General Views Of Stockholm 2004 Olympic Games Candidate City Hammarby Development Stockholm Stadium

0957 General views of Stockholm, Sweden (3 x shots)

1011 General views Hammarby Development Stockholm, Sweden (4 x shots)

1033 General views Stockholm Stadium, Sweden (6 x shots)

1054 Promotional video courtesy of ISTANBUL 2020

1218 Promotional video courtesy of TOKYO 2020

1322 Promotional video courtesy of MADRID 2020

1445 Slate: Contact details for further information

for the prestige of holding the 2020 Summer Olympic Games.