Date 22 OCT 2020 Time 11:00am Notes

***8,500 SHEEP 8,500*** Sale Type Feature Saleyards

Animal Sheep All lines of ewes offered are 100% Breeders ewes

Interfaced with AuctionsPlus Address Corowa 2646 N/A


Coachworth Nominees Pty Ltd- W & D Bott ‘Emu Park’ (ELD)

1000 1st B/L Merino X ewes March/April 2019 drop Ex Alma blood ewes by Tulagi Border rams, Sept shorn Gudair vacc Cydectin Eweguard Excellent quality & condition Annual draft.

C Harper ‘Tara Vale’ (CP)

800 1st B/L Mer X Ewes July/August 2019 drop By Cadel B/L rams Sept shorn

AJ & JC Allen – Byawatha (AWN)

530 1st B/L Mer X Ewes June/July 2019 drop Ex Rocky Point Ewes By Retallack rams Sept Shorn Avenged Trigard Gudair vacc Drenched off shears Mulsed 1 mark

AM & WM Strachan ‘Wahringah’ Balldale (ELD)

500 1st B/L Mer X Ewes June/July 2019 drop Ex ewes by Hovell rams Oct shorn gudair vacc viper drenched cydectin eweguard 3rd Oct

DG McFarlane Family Trust ‘Maneroo Park’ (ELD)

400 1st B/L Mer X Ewes May/June 2019 drop ex Borambil bred ewes by rainbow rams Aug shorn gudair vacc avenge o/s drenched triguard mulsed

P Drum P/L ‘Eagles Nest’ Balldale (ELD)

350 1st B/L Mer X Ewes April/May 2019 drop ex Borambil blood ewes By Retallack B/L rams Aug shorn drenched Q drench gudair vacc avenge o/s mulsed

I & N Tweddle F/T ‘Theddora’ Norong (BUR)

320 1st B/L Mer X Ewes July/Aug 2019 drop Ex Lewisdale ewes by Hovell B/L rams 5th Sept shorn gudair vacc drenched eweguard extinosad dipped 1 mark

L Clifton & Son ‘Kia Ora’ (PSN)

250 1st B/L Mer X Ewes April/May 2019 drop By Dellaware B/L rams Sept shorn gudair vacc dipped 6 in 1 (x2) drenched NSM mulsed

Deleware Past Co ‘Deleware’ Brockelsby (CP)

200 1st B/L Mer X Ewes July/August 2019 Ex Tara Park Ewes By Deleware B/L rams Sept shorn eweguard o/s gudair vacc 6 in 1 (x3) mulsed

Inglemar Pastoral Company ‘Carramar’ Walbundrie (ELD) 150 1st B/L Mer X Ewes September 2019 drop Ex One oak Poll ewes by Gleneith Super Borders Sept shorn gudair vacc mulsed

JW Boyd ‘Uyanyah’ Brockelsby (CP)

150 1st B/L Mer X Ewes September/October 2019 drop Ex Riverina Ewes By Elarada B/L rams Sept Shorn Eryvac (x3) 6 in 1 (x3) gudair vacc weaner guard mulsed

Rebbur P/L ‘Fermanagh Balldale (ELD)

150 1st B/L Mer X Ewes June/July 2019 drop Ex Boorambil blood ewes By Retallick Rams Shorn Sept gudair vacc avenge & fly o/s drenched triguard mulsed

RN & RJ Harper ‘Cadell’ Ariah Park (PSN)

150 1st B/L Mer X Ewes August/September 2019 drop Ex Stud ewes by Cadell B/L rams Aug shorn NSM Gudair vacc MN3V Status 1 mark

EM Everitt & Co ‘Moreki’ Brockelsby (CP)

100 1st B/L Mer X Ewes April/May 2019 drop ex Wood park ewes By Elarada B/L rams sept shorn gudair vacc Eryvac (x3) 6 in 1 (x3) mulsed

Inglemar Pastoral Company ‘Carramar’ Walbundrie (ELD)

100 1st B/L Mer X Ewes October 2019 drop Ex One oak Poll ewes by Gleneith Super Borders Sept shorn gudair vacc mulsed

Anstee Pastoral – Mansfield (CP)

100 1st B/L Mer X Ewes May 2019 drop By cypress Vale B/L rams Sept shorn Gudair vacc 6 in 1 mulsed


T & V Paramore ‘Spring lagoon’ Walbundrie (PSN)

95 1st B/L Mer X Ewes Aug 2019 drop Ex Concordia Blood ewes by Retallack rams Sept shorn gudiar vacc NSM mulsed 1 mark

CT Arthur ‘Redbank’ Rutherglen (ELD)

75 1st B/L Mer X Ewes August/September 2019 drop Ex Mulengudgery blood ewes By Bindaree rams Sept shorn 6 in 1 eweguard on 2nd Oct

GM Whitty & JM Beesley ‘Wongadel’ (PSN)

70 1st B/L Mer X Ewes Aug/Sept 2019 drop Ex Concordia Blood ewes by Retallack rams July shorn NSM 1 mark

J, E & A Schulz ‘Huonlea’ (PSN)

50 1st B/L Mer X Ewes July/August 2019 drop Ex Western Bred Merino Ewes by Huonlea B/L rams Sept shorn NSM mulsed

J & E Heagney ‘Gerradale’ Brockelsby (CP)

36 1st B/L Mer X Ewes May/June 2019 Ex Bondaleer Merino ewes by Elerada B/L rams sept shorn gudair vacc 6 in 1 (x3) mulsed

L Thomas ‘Levuka’ Walbundrie (CP)

10 1st B/L Mer X Ewes May/June 2019 drop By Hovell B/L rams sept shorn gudair vacc 6 in 1 (x2)

2020 DROP- 1ST B/L MERINO X EWES JR Bruce ‘Avondowns’ (PSN)

600 1st B/L Mer X Ewes April/may 2020 drop Ex Boxleigh Park Ewes by Bauer B/L rams Sept shorn 6 in 1 at marking drench Tridectian weaner guard backlined with Viper Cliked before sale NSM 1 mark

Colonsay Past Co ‘Colonsay’ Splitters Creek (BUR)

300 1st B/L Mer X Ewes April/May 2020 drop Ex Hazeldean blood ewes By Hovell & Elerada B/L rams Sept shorn gudair vacc plunge dipped drenched eweguard 1 mark

KC & FF Lavis ‘Barnweal’ Balldale (BUR)

300 1st B/L Mer X Ewes May 2020 drop Ex Woodpark ewes By Elerada B/L rams Sept shorn Gudair vacc dipped extinosad drenched eweguard

JW Boyd ‘uyanyah’ Brockelsby (CP)

200 1st B/L Mer X Ewes March/April 2020 drop Ex Riverina Ewes by Elarada rams Sept shorn eryvac (x2) 6 in 1 (2) gudair Vetartec at weaning mulsed

AM & WM Strachan ‘Wahringah’ Balldale (ELD)

180 1st B/L Mer X Ewes May/June 2020 drop Ex Borambil blood ewes By Hovell rams shorn Oct gudair vacc viper drenched cydectin eweguard 3rd Oct mulsed

Sunshine Farms ‘Sunshine’ Brockelsby (CP)

100 1st B/L Mer X Ewes March/April 2020 drop Ex wood park ewes By Deleware B/L rams Sept shorn gudair vacc 6 in 1(x2) mulsed


M & D I’Anson ‘Longgully’ Burrumbuttock (BUR)

120 1st B/L Mer X Ewes April/May 2015 drop Ex Borambil ewes by Hovell B/L rams Sept shorn gudair vacc drenched and dipped 1 mark


A selection of rams will be offered by local breeders at the conclusion of ewe sale