The World Bank Report No: ISR15448

Implementation Status & Results Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services (P109224)

Operation Name: Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services Project Stage: Implementation Seq.No: 7 Status: ARCHIVED Archive Date: 18-Nov-2014 (P109224)

Public Disclosure Authorized Country: Uganda Approval FY: 2010 Product Line:IBRD/IDA Region: AFRICA Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Implementing Agency(ies): Key Dates Public Disclosure Copy Board Approval Date 22-Jun-2010 Original Closing Date 30-Jun-2015 Planned Mid Term Review Date 01-Sep-2014 Last Archived ISR Date 11-Feb-2014 Effectiveness Date 20-Dec-2011 Revised Closing Date 30-Jun-2016 Actual Mid Term Review Date 06-Oct-2014

Project Development Objectives Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services (P109224) Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The Project Development Objective is to increase agricultural productivity and commercialization of participating rural households by transforming and improving the performance of agricultural technology development and advisory service systems in Uganda Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Program? Public Disclosure Authorized Yes No

Uganda Sustainable Land Management Country Program (P108886) Global Environmental Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The Global Environmental Objective is to enhance the environmental sustainability and resilience of agricultural production to landdegradation and climate risks

Has the Global Environmental Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Program?

Yes No


Component Name Component Cost

Public Disclosure Authorized Component 1: Developing Agricultural Technologies and Strengthening the National Agricultural 25.50 Research System Component 2: Enhancing Partnerships between Agricultural Research, Advisory Services, and Other 11.50 Stakeholders Component 3: Strengthening the National Agricultural Advisory Services 58.10 Public Disclosure Copy Component 4: Supporting Agribusiness Services and Market Linkages 11.50 Component 5: Program Management 13.60

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Overall Ratings Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Moderately Unsatisfactory Moderately Unsatisfactory Progress towards achievement of GEO Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Unsatisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Unsatisfactory Moderately Unsatisfactory Overall Risk Rating Substantial

Implementation Status Overview Project implementation has continued to make progress. The National Agriculture Research Organization (NARO) has continued to respond strongly to farmers’ and stakeholder demands for agricultural technology. In this regard a total of 168 new improved technologies, of which 53 are new varieties, have been generated that are now available for

Public Disclosure Copy dissemination. Steady progress in strengthening NARO’s research capacity is also being made through training of 37 scientists at PhD and MSc levels. The research-extension interface as evidenced by the close working relationship between NARO and NAADS at the Zone level is increasing in strength. At this reporting, all districts now have operational District Adaptive Research Support Teams (DARSTs) to support adaptive research and dissemination. The NAADS implementation continues to face considerable challenges that include (a) poor financial and procurement management, (b) a shift in focus from supporting farmer institution development and delivery of advisory services to farmers, (c) weak implementation of the M&E function and follow-up of implementation. Given that NAADS implemented components represent the greater proportion of investment, these challenges faced by NAADS are affecting the flow of improved technologies and knowledge to farmers, and constraining progress towards achievement of the PDO that aims to increase productivity and incomes of participating households.

Disbursement is currently at US$ 58.46million or 49.0 percent of the total IDA credit of US$ 120 million against an elapsed project time of 60%. The disbursement rate for the companion GEF grant has remained at 5.6 percent mainly due to delays in contracting of the Sustainable Land Management (SLM) consultants to develop and implement activities. Procurement under NARO has made progress with several contracts signed and other procurements advanced. The outstanding procurements need to be closely tracked to ensure that they remain on track. The raising of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) ceiling for NARO last quarter by GoU should enable outstanding procurements, especially of civil works, to proceed faster. NARO's procurement unit was restructured with some new staff put in place. This has contributed to the registered improvement. Going forward, the NARO Secretariat needs to address the continuing misalignment between the budget, work plan, and procurement plan which in some cases slow procurement and inadequate cash flow planning.

Locations Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Uganda Masaka District

Uganda Mukono

Uganda Mbarara

Uganda Not Entered Kachwekano

Uganda District

Uganda District Bulindi

Uganda Buginyanya Public Disclosure Copy Uganda Not Entered Abi

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Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Uganda Apac District

Uganda Arua District

Uganda Bushenyi District

Uganda Gulu District

Uganda Hoima District

Uganda Iganga District

Public Disclosure Copy Uganda Jinja District

Uganda Kabale

Uganda Kamuli District

Uganda Kibale District Kibale District

Uganda Kisoro District

Uganda Kitgum District

Uganda Kotido District

Uganda Kumi District

Uganda Lira District

Uganda Luwero District Luwero District

Uganda Masindi District

Uganda District

Uganda Mbarara District Mbarara District

Uganda Moroto District

Uganda Moyo District

Uganda Mubende District

Uganda Nebbi District

Public Disclosure Copy Uganda Ntungamo District

Uganda Pallisa District

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Uganda Rakai District

Uganda Soroti District

Uganda Tororo District

Uganda Adjumani District

Uganda Nakasongola District

Uganda Sembabule District

Uganda Kanungu District Public Disclosure Copy Uganda Nakapiripirit District

Uganda Sironko District Sironko District

Uganda Koboko District


Project Development Objective Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Increase in Agricultural Productivity and Percentage Value 15.00 Household Incomes Date Comments MTR and Completion The results for this indicator Indicator- Baseline yields are to be obtained at MTR being 1.5 t/h for , 1.3 t/h scheduled for Augustl 2014 for rice, 0.7 t/h for ; 3 l/ day for milk; 220 eggs/bird; Baseline agricultural income of participating households UGX 4,120,000

Global Environmental Objective Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Additional land area with improved land and Hectare(Ha) Value 11000.00 water management practices Date Comments MTR and Completion The results for this indicator Indicator- Baseline being 0 are to be obtained at MTR Public Disclosure Copy scheduled for August 2014

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Intermediate Results Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Proportion of districts with operational District Percentage Value 0.00 99.10 100.00 Adaptive Research Support Teams, cumulative Date 30-Jun-2014 Comments Target=30% Target=100% Complaints Handling Mechanism Yes/No Value No Yes Yes Date 30-Jun-2014 Comments Target=Piloted (YES) Target=Functional (YES) Direct project beneficiaries (in million), Number Value 0.00 2.30 cumulative, of which female (%) Date 30-Jun-2014 Public Disclosure Copy Comments Annual Target is 1.29 Technologies demonstrated in the project Number Value 28.00 60.00 40.00 areas (number) Date 30-Jun-2014 Comments As in the PAD Annual Target is 30 Percentage Increase in the number of Percentage Value 0.00 15.12 20.00 technological innovations generated for Date 30-Jun-2014 dissemination (cumulative) Comments At project start, there were 692 600 technologies. Target is to increase these by 20% over the project period Number of collaborative Research Projects Number Value 0.00 248.00 58.00 implemented (annual) Date 30-Jun-2014 Comments Annual target =58 Annual target =58

Data on Financial Performance (as of 30-Jun-2014)

Financial Agreement(s) Key Dates Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date P109224 IDA-47690 Effective 22-Jun-2010 19-Jul-2011 20-Dec-2011 30-Jun-2015 30-Jun-2016 P108886 TF-97184 Effective 19-Jul-2011 19-Jul-2011 06-Jun-2013 30-Jun-2016 30-Jun-2016

Disbursements (in Millions) Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P109224 IDA-47690 Effective USD 120.00 120.00 0.00 58.46 63.47 49.00 P108886 TF-97184 Effective USD 120.00 7.20 0.00 0.98 6.22 14.00 Public Disclosure Copy

Disbursement Graph

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Key Decisions Regarding Implementation A project Mid Term Review planned for April was postponed to allow for the preparation of a Sector Note to provide guidance to the review. The MTR is now planned to be undertaken in July-August, 2014.

Restructuring History There has been no restructuring to date.

Related Projects P108886-Uganda Sustainable Land Management Country Program Public Disclosure Copy

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