June 2021

Newsletter of the PCC Rokita Capital Group and affiliated companies

Chemist’s Days in – 57 years of tradition! Happy Summer to all our readers!

PCC CHEM NEWS Editor: Typesetting: Editorial Team Maciej Trubisz Hiram Advertising Agency phone 71 794 2448, e-mail: [email protected] www.hiram.pl contact details ul. Sienkiewicza 4, 56-120 Brzeg Dolny

Publisher: PCC Rokita SA, seated at ul. Henryka Sienkiewicza 4, 56-120 Brzeg Dolny, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for Wrocław – Fabryczna in Wrocław, 9th Commercial Division of the National Court Register (KRS) under number: 0000105885, Tax Identification Number (NIP): 9170000015, Natio- nal Business Registry Number (REGON): 930613932, BDO 000052553, share capital PLN 19,853,300.00, paid in full. Table of Contents/June 2021

Events 4 Chemist’s Days in Brzeg Dolny – 57 years of tradition!

From life of companies 12 #We vaccinate!

Personal Matters 13 Open Day of the PCC Group 15 From scholarship holder to chief technologist

After work 16 2021 – the European Year of Rail 19 Flying a drone safely over Brzeg Dolny 21 Chess – a passion of mine

13 15 16 Events PCC Chem News

t gained legal validity through the resolution of the Council of Minis- ters and CRZZ (the Central Union Council) of 9th January 1964 on establishing the “Chem- ist'sI Day,” as announced in “Monitor Polski” (the Official Gazette of the Gov- ernment of the Republic of ). Its purpose was to appreciate the employ- ees of chemical plants and all chemists in Poland. On this occasion, meetings, festivals, concerts and various sports competitions are organised.

The festive atmosphere of the days is palpable in June especially in and cities with large chemical plants. It is no different in Brzeg Dolny, where the ’s residents as well as employees of GK Rokita and other plants indulge in the celebrations. It is difficult to tell apart the events organised by the plant in communal facilities and those held by the borough as part of the “Days of Brzeg Dolny.” A general impression that Brzeg Dolny is a “City of Chemists” is particularly strong on those days.

Sports competitions and various ways of appreciating Rokita's jubilee-celebrators have always been a harmonious chem- ical duo, joined over time by an enter- tainment segment offering a number of

1965: Chemist's Day, poster by Rosław Szaybo

4 June 2021 Events

1967: Chemist's Day – barrel of beer going to winners of the game at the old stadium. The electrolyser hall in the background. (FB_JanCzykiel)

1971: 25 years of NZPO for jubilee celebrators – from archives of Alina Z Albekier-Beer

attractions for children on the occasion ion Council (CRZZ), citizen Jagodziński agement simply had to seek on various of Children's Day. from the District Trade Union Council, occasions in those times. and Jerzy Krymowski – Vice-President The history is full of other important of the Provincial Board of the Union of As part of the accompanying celebra- events related to the celebrations. Let us Socialist Youth (ZMS). tions, on 6th June 1981, during a solemn mention here at least a few of them. Holy Mass held on the occasion of the The time is no less important than the Chemist's Day, the banner of NSZZ “S” In the jubilee atmosphere of the 25th people. At the time, the construction of NZPO “Organika-Rokita” was blessed anniversary of NZPO Organika-Rokita, propylene oxide and an intermediate at the Rokita Sports Club stadium. it was our pleasure to guest the minister for the production of propylene glycol and representatives of both central and and polyethers for polyurethane foams In the context of “Solidarność“ (Inde- provincial authorities. plant was under preparation, and the pendent Polish Self-Governing Trade concept to modernise the chlorine plant Union “Solidarity“), one should not fail Thanks to a photo and description by was being developed. History has shown to mention the celebration of the Inde- Alina Z Albekier-Beer, we know that that among foreign currency loans often pendent Chemist's Day organised by we were visited by (from the left) citizen carelessly taken out by Gierek's crew in the opposition in the 1980s (starting in Karst – the Provincial National Council the 1970s, Rokita has been a notable 1984). On 2nd June 1985 at 1:00 p.m., in Wrocław, comrade Jerzy Olszewski – exception. The outlays for the licensing employees of Rokita and other chemical Minister of the Chemical Industry, com- of the above-mentioned plants paid off plants, students of Wrocław University rade Ludwik Drożdż – 1st Secretary of quickly and completely, and the installa- of Science and Technology as well as the Provincial Committee of the Polish tions, developed over time, determined creators and cultural personalities gath- United Workers' Party, member of the the company's current profile. However, ered in the Church of St. Klemens in Polish People's Republic Parliament, it would not be possible without the sup- Wrocław to pray together during Holy representative of the Central Trade Un- port “at the top,” which Rokita's man- Mass. The Mass, celebrated before Our

5 Events PCC Chem News

1985: 2nd independent Chemist's Day (Wrocław, Archives of the Remembrance and Future Centre [Polish: Ośrodek Pamięć i Przyszłość])

Lady of Consolation, was held for the the winners would receive a barrel of that stayed around for more than sev- homeland, political prisoners, former beer sufficient to quench their thirst af- eral years. Since it began, the team internees, and one's own intention. ter their sports efforts. from Zielona Góra has been visiting us in June to compete at events devoted In 1996, as part of the plant’s 50th anni- An old-boys football match that took to Chemist’s Day, and vice versa – the versary celebrations, a gala concert with place in 1971 for the then already tra- Power Engineer’s Day (in September) the participation of Krystyna Prońko, ditional barrel of beer caused peals would not have been the same had they Alicja Majewska and Włodzimierz Ko- of laughter among the audience. The not played against Rokita's old boys on rcz was held in the sports hall. That teams that clashed that day on the pitch that occasion. It is impossible to recall same year on 9th September, one of the were the Management Board of KS all the final scores, but in June 1997. largest jubilee events took place in the “Rokita” and the Works Council. The Rokita won 3-2 and so won the Cup of post-Cistercian monastery complex in players’ uniforms consisted of Roman the President of Rokita SA. The heat Lubiąż, to which representatives of for- tunics and flat caps, and the referee – and power plant’s team was awarded the eign companies cooperating with Rokita wearing a traditional folk costume from President's Cup of the newly established were invited. Kraków – made funny rulings. “Energetyka-Rokita” company.

1996’s celebrations of the 50th anniver- Old-boys football matches between Matches between the City Hall and the sary constituted a great opportunity to Rokita and Elektrociepłownia Zielona Police Department, played on the pitch show appreciation for the employees. Góra (combined heat and power plant), behind the “Piast” Hotel attracted a lot This was achieved, among other, by the inaugurated in 1985, were a tradition of attention. The results were varied – Resolution of the Management Board of Zakłady Chemiczne “Rokita” S.A. on awarding employees with badges and honorary medals commemorating the 1999: 50th anniversary for significant work ef- Chemist's Day – swimming competition fort and special contribution to Rokita’s (photo: company archives) development.

25 years earlier (in 1971), in order to honour those of the plant’s employees whose personal work input was particu- larly significant to the plant, the title of Honoured Employee of ROKITA was introduced. By definition, the title was of an honorary nature and did not give any special rights. By 1980, a total of 39 employees had been awarded with the title.

Football encounters

Tournaments and sports events held on the occasion of the “Chemist's Day” have always given football fans heaps of satisfaction and arisen a lot of emotion.

Football matches were first organised in the 1960s at the old city stadium. When football struggles were over, as a prize,

6 June 2021 Events

in 1998 police officers took a hit losing petitors that train in the various sections the game. At present, there are a com- of the MKS Rokita sports club on a dai- munal Orlik sports field (put into use in ly basis to show off their skills, and for 2003: 2009) and a road safety training course the residents of Brzeg Dolny – present Jubilee Ball in front of the canteen located in that very place. their individual achievements. (photo: company archives) On 2nd May 2001, an old-boys match In 1982, as part of the Chemist's Day between Brzeg Dolny and Wołów teams celebrations, a friendly wrestling match took place at the city stadium, partici- between young wrestlers and the rep- pated in by both the Mayor and the Gov- resentation of Wrocław was held in the ernor. The now forgotten final score was Silesian Walls area. Victory went to Rok- no more important than the wish for it ita’s young and junior teams. The wres- to be the only form of rivalry between tling division of the MKS Rokita sports these two neighbouring cities. club is one of the most successful sec- tions, whose struggles are very popular The year 2002 witnessed the 1st Football during the celebrations. 2003: Championship of teams of the Rokita Chemist's Day – tennis tournament Capital Group take place on the pitch in Another traditional section of the (photo: company archives) Wilcza Street. The tradition is now con- Sports Club is the bridge division – tinued through football championships chemists’ faithful companion. In 1989, in which teams composed of employees of various PCC Rokita departments and companies of the Capital Group compete for the “Cup of the President of PCC Rokita SA.” The event is also organised in its winter, indoor version.

A set of sports events

Football competitions are an essential part of the organised sports events, but you can also cheer on competitors in other disciplines – volleyball matches, tennis and table tennis tournaments, chess, wrestling, swimming and bridge competitions have all been organised on this occasion. Sports performances con- stitute an excellent opportunity for com-

7 Events PCC Chem News

In 2006, the Chemist's Day con- cert was graced by the presence of Krzysztof Krawczyk, and in 2007 – BoneyM! (photo: company archives)

Czesław Bogusławski and Wiesław Zbigniew Andruszko (Hotel and Sports At 2 p.m. on 4th June 1994 a meeting Węgrzynowski triumphed over Wiktor Complex), Jerzy Wieczorek (former with 213 jubilee celebrators took place in Mieszczanowicz and Tadeusz Zaroń in Mayor of the Miękinia Borough) or the company's canteen building. Since it the pairs' bridge tournament organised Jerzy Więcławski and Grzegorz Łyczko was a working Saturday, the company’s on the occasion of Chemist's Day. The (representatives of the previous Board of Management Board asked the managers games continue to this day (with a short the Wołów District). to let the jubilee celebrators leave work break in the 1990s). early on that day, so that they could go The list of disciplines is regularly updat- home and get ready for the event. In the morning hours of 5th June 1999, ed, with such competitions as “chemist's the first Open Swimming Competition run,” streetball, taekwondo or sumo It was in the place known as the “Kon- took place under the patronage of the – which stemmed from the experience sum Rokita” hall that a meeting to which President of Rokita SA at the newly of the Rokita wrestling team – having 158 jubilee celebrators were invited took built indoor swimming pool Aquasport. popped up here and there along the way. place on the hot afternoon of 5th June There were three age categories, each 1998. Sławomir Sobieraj, President of divided into men’s and women’s. The Jubilee Ball the Management Board, said then: “Dis- winners rode away on bikes. It is a pity tinguished Jubilee Celebrators! Thanks triathlon was not so popular at the time Another permanent fixture In the cele- to your impeccable work, your devotion as it could have been the beginning of brations calendar are events known as and dedication, Zakłady Chemiczne some extraordinary sports careers. the “Jubilee Ball,” often organised in the “Rokita” S.A. are still among the leaders The opening of three tennis courts next “Old Canteen” building. of Polish chemical industry. I am proud to the city stadium in 1998 enriched the programme with tennis tournaments. Starting in 2004, the competition has taken on a form of VIP matches for the Cup of the President of PCC Rokita, at- tracting people known in the local com- munity. Saturday 23rd June 2007 saw 14 men take part in the fourth tournament ever. After several hours of fierce rivalry, the victory fell to Piotr Krzyżyński (Lin- pack, Bukowice), the second place was taken by Edward Rusinowicz (Prison Service, Wołów), and the third place by Stefan Michalski (Intersilesia, ). The group of VIPs included the host of the event – Mirosław Krutin (PCC Rokita) and such personalities as Marek Aleksander Skorupa – Mayor of Brzeg Dolny, Krzysztof Kostecki (Brzeg Dolny City Hospital), Piotr Smelkowski (Secondary School in Brzeg Dolny), Piotr Gembara (PCC Autochem),

8 June 2021 Events

2018: Fire magic show!

to be able to be here today on this mo- lations from the Board, the title of Rok- the 1990s, the entertainment part took mentous occasion – the moment of hon- ita’s jubilee celebrator, honorary badges place on the scene in the forest behind ouring your efforts with a symbolic, yet and material prizes. the Piast Hotel. Crowds of town’s resi- very meaningful badge, whose value is dents and the company’s employees certainly not simply material.” Beautiful Earlier on, before the 1990s, the award- gathered there for the entertainment, words, both worth repeating and consti- ed prizes were in cash. Depending on and on 6th June 1998, it was proba- tuting an excellent cheat sheet for the the length of service, it was from 25 to bly for the last time. On that day, the next CEOs. 200% of the base rate. Initially, the low- main attraction was a performance by est possible amount was due already af- one of the best pop groups – Formacja The grand banquet of 3rd June 2005 ter having worked in the plant for three Nieżywych Schabuff. Fun was guaran- was held in the same place, known as the years. teed with such hits as: Da, da, da; Lato; Glob-Eko hall. Those who could boast Klub wesołego szampana; or Baboki. “honourable seniority” received watches It is worth mentioning here the partici- It is a pity that the area had somewhat with engravings reminding them of the pants' remark – reported to the editors of a factory-like ambiance, but at least many years of work in the company. of the “Company Bulletin” – that the ju- trees provided protection against both bilee bonuses should be paid out not af- sun and light rain. Who knows, maybe Invited guests should, however, always ter, but on the eve of the Chemist's Day. the change of venue resulted from the read the invitation carefully as there This was to guarantee a great mood at protests of local residents complaining have been instances of other venues be- the celebration, while handing out the that the celebrations disturbed them in ing chosen for the event. On 16th June cash afterwards seemed like the pro- late evening hours, “infringing their pri- 1999 (as well as the next year), the meet- verbial “too little, too late.” And when vacy.” ing of 140 jubilee celebrators was held I write “handing out,” I am being liter- at the Cultural Centre in Brzeg Dolny. al – at the time, bank accounts were not A year later, on Saturday 5th June 1999, In 2001, jubilee celebrators met in the that popular yet, so remuneration was one of the most popular Polish vocalists Athena Restaurant, and a year later – in physically given to employees in cash. and leader of the Mafia band – Andrzej the Galeria Restaurant, where a barbe- This, in turn, is related to another inter- “Piasek” Piaseczny, who at the time cue feast had been prepared. esting phenomenon, one that intensified tried his hand as an actor in the popular on paydays in particular – wives with “Złotopolscy” soap opera, performed in The jubilee meeting of over 120 people children waiting at the front gate for the Old Town Square. on 6th June 2008 took place in the Audi- their husbands and fathers at the end of torium of the Secondary School, and in the workday. The reason was, of course, On 6th June 2002, the area behind the 2016, 82 jubilee celebrators (supported them longing for their loved ones, but sports hall in Wilcza Street was the ven- by their managers) were invited to the at the same time, it was a good opportu- ue of Anita Lipnicka's concert. The fina- Grappa Restaurant. I wonder if anyone nity to make sure that before returning le of that day, and at the same time the will ever risk organising the jubilee cel- home, the husband would not go out to end of the chemists' day celebrations, ebration at the Klucha Kluchę Pogania celebrate with his colleagues, and not was a fireworks show. In 2005, a crowd greasy spoon? only on Chemist's Day. of Brzeg Dolny’s residents sang “Przeżyj to sam” along with the Lombard band. At the Ball, employees celebrate their The entertainment segment The entertainment segment of 2nd June 25, 30, 35, 40, and the most persistent 2007 was organised on the market square ones even 45 year anniversaries of work- The celebrations have had different in Brzeg Dolny, where a performance by ing in the plant. They receive congratu- forms and locations over the years. In BoneyM took place. Despite the rain,

9 Events PCC Chem News

everyone had a great time. A year ear- amusement park – a special treat for The future of the Chemist's Day lier, Rokita’s age-mate, Krzysztof Kraw- those youngest guests – were provided czyk performed behind the KHS Rokita by Dart-Pol s.c. from Pszczyna. The play 2020 was exceptional in terms of the sports hall for the town’s residents. area was divided into three zones: eco, Chemist's Day celebrations as their pirate and sports. scope had to be very limited. Due to the The band De Mono performed in 2008 limitations caused by the coronavirus on the mobile stage set up on the foot- The employees of GK Rokita help to en- pandemic, all the main events (sports ball pitch next to the KHS Rokita sports rich the programme by showing unusual competitions, the picnic and the Jubi- hall. The following year, the star of the chemical phenomena, while various art- lee Ball) as well as those accompanying evening was the band LESZCZE. De- ists and cover bands provide entertain- them, such as SIT's “eating the Presi- spite heavy rain, the show was enthusi- ment during the event organised in this dent's bigos” meeting – a tradition start- astically received thanks to the band’s newest form. ed in 2000 by Roman Bajda – all had to excellent contact with the audience. The be cancelled. Awards were handed out daring versions of such hits as Ta dziew- Now, providing the stars of the evening among jubilee celebrators in private by czyna,, Genowefa, or Tak się bawi nasza is in the domain of the borough, exer- the heads of given departments, while klasa made up for the rainy weather. cised as part of the Days of Brzeg Dolny maintaining the sanitary regime. Unfor- celebrations organised in parallel to our tunately, similar restrictions also apply In June 2010, for the first time ever, the event. to 2021. All we can do is hope that the Chemist's Day was combined with the situation returns to normal the next year Days of Brzeg Dolny. This three-day The starts that have already given con- as the fair and the ball in a remote ver- event, starting on Friday, was filled with certs as part of the City Days celebra- sion are just not the same. performances by local bands and the ea- tions have been Liber and Natalia Sz- gerly awaited stars of the evening. The roeder as well as the Cugowski brothers The Chemist's Day is an excellent exam- stars performing here in that period in- (2015). Rafał Brzozowski introduced ple of the “power of tradition” as the res- cluded Eleni, Monika Brodka, Urszula, himself to us five years before his Euro- olution establishing the celebrations lost Top One, Sylwia Grzeszczak and Elek- vision Song Contest performance, while its binding force a long time ago, having tryczne Gitary. the band Boys confessed to all female been repealed by Resolution No. 211 of residents of Brzeg Dolny that they are the Council of Ministers of 14th October By decision of the Management Board wild in 2017 in their song “Jesteś szalo- 1976. The tradition has, however, taken of PCC Rokita SA, since 2013, the en- na” [English: You’re wild]. Sławomir root among chemists to such an extent tertainment part has been organised sang his hit “Miłość w Zakopanem” to- that they will not even consider breaking as a closed event for employees of the gether with the audience in 2018. Michał with it. Let us hope it will last until the PCC Group and their closest families Szpak reminded us of his Eurovision end of the world and one June Sunday only. Saturday 15th June 2013 saw the song, and the band Łobuzy [English: longer. first multi-themed family picnic take Rascals] tried to convince everyone that place in a new location by the city stadi- the love of a rascal is the strongest in Marek Wielowski um in Brzeg Dolny. Catering and a real “Łobuz kocha najbardziej” (2019). PCC Rokita

2019: Pizza from scratch!


for referring someone for a job!

The referral bonus applies to the following vacancy:

The higher bonus applies to referrals made by the end of MaySeptember 2021 2021


All you need to do is send the referral form, CV and the consent * The bonus will be paid to the processing of personal data out to you after the form to [email protected]

referred person has The documents are available on worked for six months! the “Pracownik PCC” portal and in the HR Department in bldg G-1, room 6a. From life of companies PCC Chem News

#We vaccinate!

Nearly 1,200 employees of our Industrial Park took the opportunity to vaccinate against the COVID-19 virus last May. Another action, aimed at administering the second dose of the vaccine, was carried out in June.

“I’m glad to have had the opportunity to be staff for the exemplary conduct of the vaccinated at our plant. Everything’s very well entire action, as well as our employees organised, there are no queues and everything for being very disciplined at the vacci- goes very smoothly. This is a good move to- nation point. wards getting back to normal,” said one of the employees right after being vaccinat- We all just can’t wait to return to nor- ed. mal, and it is our hope that staff vaccina- tions will accelerate this process. The vaccination point is located in the Company Rescue Service buildings. We Maciej Trubisz would like to thank our Rescue Service Editorial Team

12 June 2021 Personal Matters

Open Day of the PCC Group

This year's Open Day of the PCC Group was held online due to the ongoing pandemic. To compensate for the lack of opportunity to meet students face-to-face, we’d prepared videos showing the work of people in following jobs: lab technician, technologist, R&D specialist and technical specialist.

his year, the leitmotif of our Especially for the students, we decided to Open Day was chemical re- "decompose" – break into smaller parts – actions: chemical decompo- the job position in the PCC Group that sition, the substitution reac- arouses a lot of interest among them, and tion and chemical synthesis. not only among chemists – the technical TWhy these? Because just like compounds specialist job. are formed in reactions, our company combines the competences from various The substitution reaction industries so that our products and servi- ces are ultimately provided at the highest The substitution reaction is one during possible level! which an exchange of components be- tween the reacting substances takes place. Chemical decomposition There are many such exchanges in chemi- stry, but we focused on the literal "exchan- CHEMICAL DECOMPOSITION is ge" that occurs between the employees of a chemical reaction known to every che- our Group. We’ve shown how important mist. Two or more products are formed cooperation and exchange of experience from one substrate. are at the lab technician position.

13 Personal Matters PCC Chem News

I’d like to congratulate you on having prepared an interesting Open Day, it was a pleasure to take part in it, :) " one of the participants wrote.

Chemical synthesis which resulted in considerable interest in the Scholarship Programme.„ CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS gets asso- ciated with the dictionary definition of During the Open Day itself, apart from combining two or more substrates into videos devoted to job positions, students one product? We’ve shown what it looks had the opportunity to listen to a pre- like at our place  sentation by the R&D Director – Igor Korczagin, the HR Department, as well We’d prepared videos showing the work as the heroes of our videos – Ania Kar- of our staff specialising in... synthesis wowska (Junior R&D Specialist) and (R&D specialist). The video also shows Patryk Latacz (Technical Specialist). the work of a technologist, depicting Thank you for your commitment  that synthesis can be done on a larger scale on production installations. It is our hope that students enjoyed our efforts – the feedback we’ve received en- The Open Day was part of the company- courages us to keep on going. "I’d like to -promoting activities that we started at congratulate you on having prepared an the beginning of this year. As part of the interesting Open Day, it was a pleasure spring campaign, we arranged online to take part in it, :) " one of the partici- meetings with students from various fa- pants wrote. And we couldn’t have ho- culties of Wrocław University of Science ped for a better review! and Technology and Silesian University of Technology. We took turns on duty Karolina Ławecka on Messenger and prepared interesting HR Specialist campaigns and contests in social media, PCC Group

14 June 2021 Personal Matters

From scholarship holder to chief technologist

In March, Wojciech Bojszczak took up the position of chief technologist at PCC Consumer Product Kosmet. He has been associated with the PCC Group since 2017, and he’s about to tell us more about how his professional path has developed.

Izabela Dreja-Dulewska: Last What job offer did you receive at March you took over the position the end of the scholarship? of chief technologist at PCC CP Kosmet – congratulations! But After completing the scholarship, I was let's start from the beginning – offered a job as a junior technologist in when did your professional adven- the development department. As a grad- ture with the PCC Group start? uate of Chemistry and Industrial Ana- lytics, I had some concerns about this Wojciech Bojszczak: My profession- kind of "retraining" to a new position. al adventure began in 2017 when I ap- Fortunately for me, the entire team, plied to participate in the scholarship both office and production staff, were programme for graduate students. To very open and helpful. this day, I remember walking from the train station, along Sienkiewicza Street, What new tasks did you face when to the interview place. The size of the taking up a higher position? plant, the number of cars with the PCC logo and the look of the buildings made For me, taking up the higher position a huge impression on me. To my sur- is associated with a much greater con- prise (as, in my opinion, I didn’t do well tribution to new development projects at the interview :-) ), I was accepted to at our plant and the continuous imple- the programme, and starting that Sep- mentation of the already existing du- tember, I was able to work on my mas- ties of a technologist. In addition, due ter's thesis at PCC Kosmet. to the start of the next internship pro- gramme edition and taking on a new What was your master's thesis person for the holiday period, I will have written during the scholarship a new role as a supervisor and teacher. about? What’s the biggest challenge My thesis was devoted to validation you’re dealing with these days? of cosmetic products’ viscosity meas- urement in a small volume adapter, Due to the new investment and the which I completed under the supervi- implementation of a robotic produc- sion of our quality control department. tion line, the current challenge for me Through working in a laboratory, I had is to adapt the technology park to the the opportunity to learn about the "life increased needs, which means modern- cycle" of semi-finished products and all isation of our infrastructure, selection the necessary analyses. I have very good of appropriate tanks, and optimisation memories of all the performed tasks, of the technology for the production of and I can easily recommend participa- semi-finished products. tion in the scholarship programme to every student! Izabela Dreja-Dulewska HR Business Partner PCC Group

15 After work PCC Chem News

foto Olek Hałas 2021 – the European Year of Rail

The aim of the project is to promote rail as a sustainable, safe and affordable mode of transport. It is also counted among the most environmentally-friendly means of transport.

t is an EU initiative to which we everything written above is about us. ordered over 100 kilos of honey that – as PCC Intermodal – fully sub- Intermodal means less CO2 emissions we wish to gift to you. To receive it, just scribe. Pro-ecological activities fit into the atmosphere. By choosing our send us a photo with a flower meadow into the pattern of the work we do. services, in 2020 our Customers too in the background in one of the four cat- We have been convincing both our contributed to the reduction of CO2 egories: customersI and the community about emissions into the atmosphere by over the advantages of intermodal transpor- 315 thousand tonnes. • Most orange flower meadow tation for years now. And as you can see And what can we – employees of the • Flower meadow in a pot in the calculations below, we are doing PCC Group – do to take care of the en- • Flower meadow in the company garden quite well – more and more companies vironment? We urge you to plant a flow- • PCC Intermodal locomotive on a green are choosing rail over long-distance road er meadow! On 20th May we launched background transportation to move their loads. It is our ecological campaign "Intermodal our hope that this trend will hold, con- – a green way," during which we intend Rules and regulations of the competi- firming the validity of our strategy. to sow over 6,200 m2 of flower meadows tion can be found here: www.pccinter- – a colourful and beautiful alternative modal.pl/green-way. According to the calculations of ex- to evenly trimmed lawns. They can be Join our campaign and take part in the perts from the European Environment sown in a home garden or in a pot on competition, may this summer be beau- Agency, the average CO2 emission per your balcony. Flower meadows are easy tiful and fragrant, friendly to bees and tonne-kilometre (tkm) is: to maintain, they don’t need to be in- the environment, and let the next issue tensively watered, fertilised or mowed; of the newsletter be filled with your col- • 15.6 g/tkm in rail transport and additionally, they attract bees and ourful photos of flower meadows. • 139.8 g/tkm in road transport. beneficial insects, constituting a good shelter and source of food for them. And this is the year of PCC Intermod- And the more satisfied bees there are, al :). We do have a lot to celebrate, as the more honey we get. We’ve already

16 June 2021 After work

The activity of sowing flower meadows was also joined in by little helpers from PCC Intermodal, who worked briskly and very professionally. Sand shovels, watering cans and rakes were all quickly in use... all so that the colourful flowers could soon be enjoyed. We’re waiting for the results! Kacper (Łukasz Salomonowicz)

Jaś (Katarzyna Uklejewska-Krawczyk)

Lena i Karol (Magdalena Kwapisz)

Adaś i Kamil (Agnieszka Guszpit)

Apolonia (Katarzyna Uklejewska-Krawczyk)

Mikołaj (Magdalena Milbrod)

Max i Mikołaj (Danuta Grabowska)

Lena (Ewa Mielka)

17 After work PCC Chem News

Ania i Tomek (Maja Heinowska)

Zosia (Martyna Gwiaździńska)

Leon (Martyna Gwiaździńska)

Maja (Mateusz Węglewski)

Julia (Marzena Jędrzejczak) (Marzena Julia Michalina (Tomasz Maliszewski) (Tomasz Michalina

Lena i Elizabeth (Tomasz Książyk)

Kasia (Monika Konsor-Fąferek) Paweł (Marek Pytka)

Kuba (ZofiaDoring)

Alicja (Karolina Wajda)

Mikołaj (Zofia Doring)

18 June 2021 After work

Flying a drone safely over Brzeg Dolny

Photographing our plant requires a special permit. But is such a permit necessary when photos are taken with a drone? Can you even fly a drone around our company premises or in the plant’s vicinity? You will find answers to all these questions in today's feature.

he first time I came in con- tact with a drone was less than a year ago. And to be honest – it was love at first sight. How many of us have Tever dreamed of flying and seeing the world the way a bird sees it? I certainly have, and modern technology’s made it possible.

The drones I’d like to focus on today give you a sense of freedom. In princi- ple, it can be said that airspace is with- out limits, and in theory everyone can find a place in it for themselves. And so it is, but in practice – everyone will find a place in it for themselves by following the relevant regulations that apply here to make such flights safe not only for drone users, but also for other airspace users (such as, for example, the Polish Medical Air Rescue or civilian passen- ger aircrafts).

Drones have revolutionised the pho- tography market, but also quickly gained the status of a cool gadget. Small, cheap and available on the market – all this has brought about a large number of drone users. According to statistics by the Civil Aviation Authority, at the end of December 2020, there were officially nearly 23,000 people in Poland holding the so-called Certificate of Qualifica- tions authorising the use of drones. Reg- ulations introduced at the end of 2020 allow all those interested to be able to easily obtain the qualifications necessary to become an operator of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV operator in short), and those holding a Certificate of Quali- fications – to automatically convert their licences. The course and the exam are free and done online. This meant that people who, until the end of 2020, had flown drones without a permit could eas- ily obtain a licence to fly drones in the appropriate category.

19 After work PCC Chem News

What does it look like when it How to find out where you can fly? reational flight will be very difficult. The comes to flying over Brzeg Dolny? P zones are established so that drones The easiest option is to download the and other aircrafts, such as paragliders First of all, it needs to be said that fly- Droneradar app, which is mandatory for or powered hang gliders, would not fly ing over Brzeg Dolny is possible. Most all drone operators. Based on your cur- into them. Such consent can be given for of the town’s airspace is open without rent location on the ground (not that of flights carried out for such purposes as, any restrictions – but remember to fol- the drone in the air), the app will show for example, performing expertise of an low the general rules. The most impor- where you are and whether flying in the area located in the DRA-P zone. tant piece of information for all who given area is permitted. Interestingly, wish to perform such flights, however, in April alone, there were over 42,500 If the plant is visible in the back- is as follows: parts of the city are the check-ins done in the Droneradar sys- ground of a photo or video, does it so-called DRA-P zones (Drone Air- tem, which shows how popular drone violate PCC Rokita’s rules? space Prohibited). For safety reasons, flying actually is. Remember, however, such a zone has been established over that when planning a flight, you should Due to what a big part of our town the our plant. It would seem that drones plan it in such a way so as not to violate plant is, it is difficult to take pictures are so light that they cannot cause any the DRA-P zones as, under the Aviation with a drone in which the plant will not damage – remember though that, how- Law, it may have very unpleasant conse- be visible. Provided that the plant is part ever light, drones are powered with quences for the drone operator. of the landscape and not the main focus batteries, which, if damaged, can cause of the photo, it doesn’t violate PCC Rok- a fire or explosion. Losing control of Is it possible to obtain consent for ita’s regulations. a drone can be very dangerous, which the flight from the administrator? is why the airspace over our plant is a P Flying a drone is a lot of fun. Things we zone. In practice, this means that it is Obtaining consent from PCC Rokita are used to seeing in certain way look forbidden to perform such flights with- to perform flights is possible (I need to very different from the air. Remember, in the designated area – regardless of remind you, though, that such consent however, to fly in accordance with appli- whether they are so-called recreational alone is not sufficient to fly in a DRA-P cable regulations so that your flights are or commercial flights and the size of zone, as you will also need to notify safe and enjoyable to everyone. the drone. Importantly, photographing PANSA UTM and obtain their approval the plant also requires the consent of for the so-called drone flight plan). How- Maciej Trubisz the administrator. ever, obtaining such approval for a rec- Editorial Team

20 June 2021 After work Chess – a passion of mine

Krzysztof Kasiańczuk is the team leader in the Company Rescue Service. On a daily basis, he ensures safety in emergency situations on the plant premises, but in his spare time he devotes himself to a great passion of his.

Maciej Trubisz: Krzysztof, big con- my qualifications in that what gave How many games did you have to gratulations! Last June, you won me a lot of fun and become a chess play to defeat your opponents and the title of the Polish Champion in instructor. With time, I received a pro- how long did the competition last? the 20th Jubilee Polish Champion- posal to run the MKS Rokita Brzeg ship for Uniformed Services. How Dolny youth sports club’s chess di- The tournament started on 1st and end- does it feel to come to work with vision. Success came thanks to hard ed on 6th June 2021. There were nine the title of Polish Champion? work and commitment. The children rounds, ninety minutes per game, plus won the Lower Junior Champi- 30 seconds per player’s move. Krzysztof Kasiańczuk: My adventure onships, the Wrocław Championships, with chess started when I was 33, which and took part in the Polish as well as The tournament can be participated is very late for any player, but my chess the German Championships. Today, in by representatives of such services story is not that obvious. When he was I’ve reached the next stage in my ad- as Polish Army, Police, Prison Service, seven, my son, Patryk, wanted to take up venture with chess – the first chess Border Guard, Customs and Tax Ser- chess, and that's how it started. category. Despite the passage of time, vices, State Fire Service, Volunteer Fire I am still developing. The title of the Brigade, and other. Competition was I went to classes of the chess division best chess player among professional very fierce. My experience, which is very to later work on the material at home. firefighters in Poland, won at the 20th important in this sports discipline, also After six months, Patryk won the title Jubilee Polish Championship for Uni- helped me to achieve this success. It is of the Vice-Champion of Poland in the formed Services in Głuchołazy, consti- worth mentioning that I had the oppor- Polish Preschoolers' Championships, tutes a summary of my adventure and tunity to participate in the first Individu- and I discovered within myself a tal- is a great motivation to continue work- al Polish Chess Championships for Uni- ent for teaching. I decided to improve ing and striving for perfectionism. formed Services, which took place 20

21 After work PCC Chem News

XX Individual Polish Championship of Uniformed Services

years ago, and in total I’ve taken part in have reached the peak of the Crown of these tournaments a dozen or so times. Polish Mountains three times.

Is chess exhausting? Can the The ability to predict the oppo- effort you put in a game be com- nent's moves as well as concentra- pared to other sports? tion are extremely important in this sports discipline. And how much Chess is very exhausting. Each move do these help you in your daily requires making a decision and bearing work as a company firefighter? its consequences, counting options. The feeling is similar to that in a marathon, Chess is a very good way of life. It teach- you need to be in shape and keep your es humility, long-term thinking, plan- strength for the finish. Two games a day ning ahead and consistency in making means approximately eight hours at the decisions. Perseverance and the ability board, and any single mistake can end to act in difficult conditions that require the game. all the physical and mental strength you can muster are features that must also Training is very important in any characterise a firefighter. I encourage sports discipline. What does train- everyone to try their hand at the “Game ing look like for chess players? of Kings” as it helps you shape your character and teaches paying attention A chess game can be divided into three to your physical condition. It is an hon- stages: the opening, middle game and our for me to represent my professional end game. Chess training consists in group at national competitions, espe- studying these elements, competing in cially now that I’ve brought the winner's tournaments, and solving chess prob- laurel wreath to Brzeg Dolny. lems. Physical condition is a very impor- tant element too. Congratulations! I wish you con- tinued success! In my case this is where cycling helps, as it not only develops me physically and Interview by calms me down, but also allows me to Maciej Trubisz discover the beauty of Poland. I’ve been Editorial Team hiking in the mountains for years and


A postcard from holiday

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