Klamath Basin Restoration 2018 Grant Slate

NFWF CONTACT Femke Freiberg Manager, Water Programs [email protected] 415-243-3104


Bull trout

OVERVIEW The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have awarded 15 new restoration grants totaling $2.09 million through the Klamath ABOUT NFWF Basin Restoration Program. The 15 awards announced generated $2.3 million in match The National Fish and Wildlife from the grantees, providing a total conservation impact of $4.4 million. Foundation (NFWF) protects and restores our nation’s fish and wild- The Restoration Program seeks to restore water quality, water quantity life and their habitats. Created by Congress in 1984, NFWF directs wildlife and health of the communities. Projects funded through the program address public conservation dollars to and the aquatic and terrestrial habitats of the Klamath Basin for the benefit of fish, the most pressing environmental needs and matches those invest- limiting factors facing steelhead, Chinook salmon, coho salmon and Pacific lamprey; ments with private funds. support restoration actions to benefit resident fish populations of and Learn more at www.nfwf.org Basin.shortnose suckers, bull trout and redband trout; and undertake activities that will ultimately lead to successful reintroduction of anadromous fish to the upper Klamath Lower Stream Habitat Restoration: Phase 2 (CA) Grantee: Siskiyou Resource Conservation District NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Grant Award:...... $73,374 1133 15th Street NW Matching Funds: ...... $107,000 Suite 1000 Total Amount:...... $180,374 Washington, DC 20005 Restore 2.75 river miles of critical habitat for coho salmon, Chinook salmon and steelhead 202-857-0166 (continued) Klamath Basin Restoration Program 2018 Grant Slate

Chinook salmon trout within the mainstem Scott River through instream Reducing Road Sourced Sediment Loading habitat improvements. Project will develop conceptual for Scott River Tributaries on EcoTrust Lands (CA) design plans involving a series of instream habitat features Grantee: Northwest California Resource Conservation & and off-channel rearing ponds to increase pool frequency Development Council and volume, add complex woody shelter structures, improve Grant Award:...... $117,790 Matching Funds: ...... $60,000 promote mature riparian forests, and sort spawning gravels. Total Amount:...... $177,790 floodplain connectivity, provide slow water rearing areas, Reduce the potential road-sourced sediment load from Water Dedication Development in the Scott River Basin (CA) habitat and water quality through inventory and priority Grantee: Scott River Water Trust sedimententering tributaries treatment ofprojects the Scott on Riverroads tomanaged benefit salmonidby Ecotrust Grant Award:...... $99,007 Forest Management. Project will treat at least 10 major stream Matching Funds: ...... $110,000 Total Amount:...... $209,007 Advance negotiations of long-term and permanent water crossings impacted by fires in 2014 and 2017, including the dedications, as well as allow for the continuation of improvement of culverts to convey 50 year flows, removal of forbearance based water dedications in the Scott River Lowerculverts Bear and installationCreek Stream of rock-filled and Floodplain fords with Habitat critical dips. Watershed, within high-priority reaches for coho salmon. Enhancement to Benefit Native Salmonids (CA) Grantee: Tribe hundreds of acre-feet back to the system annually and Grant Award:...... $88,906 Project will work with landowners to dedicate flow to return Matching Funds: ...... $180,608 Total Amount:...... $269,514 provide for thousands of feet in instream benefit. Install constructed wood jams and rehabilitate riparian Klamath Basin Restoration Program 2018 Grant Slate habitats in lower Bear Creek to provide immediate and Scott River Beaver Dam Analogues: Implementation, Monitoring and Passage Assessment (CA) steelhead and coastal cutthroat trout. Project will facilitate Grantee: Humboldt State University Sponsored Programs thelong-term formation benefits and maintenanceto Chinook and of productivecoho salmon, winter and rearing Foundation Grant Award:...... $129,428 Matching Funds: ...... $70,500 andhabitats; resilience. improve connectivity between riverine, tributary Total Amount:...... $199,928 and floodplain habitats; and increase riparian forest health Implement beaver dam analogues in the Scott River South Fork Scott River Floodplain Restoration and watershed and monitor their effectiveness with a particular Increased Habitat Complexity for Coho Salmon (CA) Grantee: Siskiyou Resource Conservation District expand the area of suitable rearing habitat for juvenile coho Grant Award:...... $111,591 salmonfocus on and evaluating other species, fish passage. while theBeaver monitoring dam analogues effort will will Matching Funds: ...... $80,000 Total Amount:...... $191,591 guidance for future efforts. clarify the potential benefit to fish populations and provide within a 1-mile reach of the South Fork Scott River for the Water Quality and Fisheries Habitat Restoration Restore floodplain function and instream habitat complexity for Anadromous Fish in Blue Creek (CA) coho salmon. Project will include the excavation of inset Grantee: Yurok Tribe benefit of anadromous salmon species including threatened Grant Award:...... $253,244 (spanning 600 feet of stream), removal of historic mining Matching Funds: ...... $100,546 tailingsfloodplains, and plantinginstallation of native of large-wood riparian structures/jamstrees. Total Amount:...... $353,791

Reduce Entrainment of Native Fishes through Chinook and coho salmon, and steelhead and coastal cutthroat Installation of Fish Screens on the Wood River (CA) troutProvide immediate and long-term benefits to wild runs of Grantee: Trout Unlimited Grant Award:...... $139,863 complexity, and Pacific and resilience lamprey inby the improving Blue Creek water Watershed. quality, Project Matching Funds: ...... $665,263 willpromoting address base sedimentation, flow restoration water and quality, increasing and hydrologic habitat Total Amount:...... $805,126 increase habitat complexity and resilience by adding large on the Wood River in the Basin to prevent impairments associated with a legacy timber road; and Address fish screening needs at five irrigation diversions bull trout and lamprey. Project will build upon ongoing Enhancingwood to fluvial and habitats Protecting and planting Water for riparian Salmon trees. through partnershipsentrainment ofand native restoration fishes, includingefforts in redbandthe Wood trout, River and Voluntary Dedications in the Basin (CA) will reduce entrainment threats to socially, culturally and Grantee: The Nature Conservancy Grant Award:...... $99,567 Matching Funds: ...... $43,846 Channelecologically Reconnection important native and Water fish species. Transfer to Restore Total Amount:...... $143,413 Threemile and Crane Creek Critical Habitat (OR) Engage with partners in the Shasta River Watershed to Grantee: Trout Unlimited identify and implement voluntary solutions to enhancing Grant Award:...... $300,000 Matching Funds: ...... $184,525 Project will assist three to eight landowners who are Total Amount:...... $484,525 currentlyflows to benefit pursuing habitat Safe forHarbor Chinook Agreements and coho with salmon. the Restore habitat, improve water quality and ensure reliable National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration in securing of threatened bull trout, spotted frog, endangered up to 4,400 and 9,700 acre-feet of additional water being left connectivity to unoccupied critical habitat for the benefit dedication of instream flows which will ultimately result in and Crane creeks from a series of irrigation ditches, return themsuckers to andtheir anadromous historic channels, fish. Project and reconnect will remove them Threemile to Upperinstream Sycan when Bull fish Trout need itCritical most. Habitat Protection (CA) adjacent critical bull trout habitat, as well as complete Grantee: Klamath Watershed Partnership funding of an instream water transfer to ensure reliable Grant Award:...... $54,000 Matching Funds: ...... $54,030 Total Amount:...... $108,030 flows in the restored channels. Protect critical habitat for bull trout in the Upper Sycan Watershed through 3 miles of fencing and hardened water Klamath Basin Restoration Program 2018 Grant Slate

Coho salmon | Credit: Oregon Department of Forestry gaps for cattle. Project will limit cattle access to the streams factors affecting their survival, including lack of low-velocity over-wintering habitat and lack of thermal refuge. especially with respect to spawning gravels, redds and refugia,in grazed and meadows future streambank to benefit instream stabilization habitat and conditions, shading Upper Sprague Riparian Protection and Enhancement promoting additional water quality and instream habitat to Improve Water Quality for Native Fish (CA) improvements. Grantee: Trout Unlimited Grant Award:...... $140,653 Water Transactions to Benefit Chinook Salmon Matching Funds: ...... $105,769 and Support the Shasta River Water Transaction Total Amount:...... $246,422 Program (CA) Complete riparian protection and enhancement actions in the Grantee: The Nature Conservancy Upper Sprague Basin to improve water quality in the Klamath Grant Award:...... $58,210 Basin through functioning riparian buffers to reduce external Matching Funds: ...... $67,871 phosphorus loading and decrease stream temperatures. Total Amount:...... $126,081 Project will include the installation of 5 miles of riparian Secure approximately 500 acre-feet of water with short- term forbearance agreements with willing water right systems, and riparian grazing management plans. holders in the Shasta River Watershed. Project will work fencing, 15 acres of riparian planting, five off-stream watering with water rights holders to leave water instream when Increase Habitat Complexity in the Wood River and to Benefit Native Fish (OR) end of irrigation season. Grantee: Trout Unlimited flows are at their lowest in late September just before the Grant Award:...... $91,000 Creating and Restoring Off-Channel and Side Matching Funds: ...... $112,167 Channel Habitat along Humbug and Seiad Creeks (CA) Total Amount:...... $203,167 Grantee: Mid Klamath Watershed Council Grant Award:...... $334,368 addition of large wood along approximately 10 miles of the Matching Funds: ...... $363,356 WoodIncrease River habitat and Spraguecomplexity River for in native the Klamath fishes through Basin. Projectthe Total Amount:...... $697,724 Create 22,000 square feet of off-channel habitat and River sucker, bull trout and lamprey, build upon ongoing enhance a 700-foot long Klamath River side channel in the restorationwill benefit innative the respective fish species, watersheds, including redbandand prepare trout, Lost the watersheds for recolonization and reintroduction of coho salmon and Chinook salmon by addressing key limiting anadromous salmonids. Klamath Basin. Project will benefit Klamath River steelhead,