o Are lou depressed soon after breahfast? o Does lour temper flare unerpectedly? o Is it hard to pinpoint the last time yufelt really utell? Here are some surprisingfacts to I consider the next time yourfami$t ashs, (( ,S NG T ?,, a I


""'# her responses to a variety of foods bold, a New York psychiatrist and a f m i;:'*'li'i,ll ;ltt: and environmental chemicals. Results Ieader in the search for a relationship ! necticut allergist Dr. Marshall weren't long in coming: Tests for wheat, between allergies and mental illness. years. I Mandell. For four this 25- corn and rye produced the visual blur- When Dr. Newboldfirst examined Dor- year-old woman I- contrnually suf- ring that had plagued Irene for so long. othy, the situation looked hopeless. For tt fered from a bizarre array of physical House dust and certain common molds nearly five yean, shc had been wasting and mental symptoms including ten- brought on a vast spectrum of mental away in a psychiatric hospital, a victim I sioo, fainting spells, extreme fatigue, and physical reactions, and other foods of severe, paralyzing schizophrenia. Shc panic, anxiety, even daily periods when provoked all the symptoms formerly was so far removed from reality. New- hereyeswould fail and the whole world diagnosed as cmotional in nature. bold notes, that she didn't even remem. go would black. She was also a victim Aware that certain foods and chem- ber how to use money. of colitis, a serious and i[itating colon icals could produce her long-standing Newbold put Dorothy on a fivcday disease often associated with emotional problems, Irene soon became her own fast, during which time she consumed problems. detective and bega[ searchiog out other only pure springwater. There was noth- Before consulting Dr. Mandell, Irene things in her life that might be trouble- ing mystical in this treatment; physi- had been through the medical mill, but some. She didn't have to look very far; cians working in the new field of "ccre- not one specialist was able to offer a a single puff on a cigarette made her bral allergy" have discovered that a fast conclusive diagnosis or relief from the restless and lightheaded, and threw her cleanses the body of thosc offending symptoms making her life so dismal. into what she called "a state of anger." allergens that can be the root of psy- Finally, she ended up in the care of a Exposure to the wax she used on the chiatric disorders. And the results in clinical psychologist, who treated her kitcheu floor led to a near rage. Yet, Dorothy's case were remarkable. for immaturity" "emotional for a year by simply avoiding the offensive sub- "Abruptly and dramatically," repons and a half. stances, Irene revened the problems Newbold,"heremotionalfogcleared... Mandell, professor once a at New that had upset her life so totally. She spoke her 6rst complete sentencc, York Medical College and now direc- Even with all her d€bilitating symp- showed an interest in her surroundings tor of his own allergy clinic in Nor- toms, Iren€ had been luckier than and smiled for the first timc in yeaB." walk, didn't spend any time investigat- Dorothy B., a patient of Dr. H. L. New- With the allergens cleared from her ing the psychological stresses in Irene's system, her worst symptoms simply dis- Iife. Instead, he put her through a se- Nick Gonzalez is a free-loncc Nttitcr spe- appeared, Subsequent testing showed rics of provocative allergy tests, to study cializing in the arcaol health. conlinued


! ( I ,\5 Eb

that Dorothy was indeed seriously al- by this study ranged over the entire symptoms of allergy. They aren't like lergic to certain foods. , for exam- spectrum of mental disorders-from the sniffies of hay fever or the hiver ple, could rapidly bring back her former fatigue and dizziness to catatonia (a produced by an expensive lobster din- illness. To remain well, Dorothy must complete loss of voluntary motion) and ner. Doctors believe these kinds of im- avoid the oftending substances, perhaps hallucinations. "Almost every schizo- mediate reactions occur when a foreign for the rest of her life. phrenic symptom that has ever been substance, such as a food , a These two case histories are not described," reports Dr. Philpott, drug or even a cosmetic, makes its way unique. Allergy specialists, such as "turned up when we tested one hun- into the body. If you happen tobreathe Mandell and Newbold, successfully dred fifty patients. Wheat," he adds, the offending chemical, then your nasal ii,::*'.t.r:t: patients psy- para- passages may respond. Or, you might .;:"'... !i.:.'. treat hundreds of with "was the commonest evoker of 't chiatric symptoms by pinpointing the noid reactions." have a runny nose or some other cold- foods and chemicals in the environ- What actually are these cerebral like symptom. If the allergen is ab- ment at the root of the illness. The reactions? How do they develop? WhY sorbed through your digestive tract, idea that some forms of schizophrenia, should wheat, long considered a pillar then-traditional theory claims-the end manic depression or chronic fatigue of our agriculture, produce paranoid product might be hives, eczema or can result from eating a common food behavior? And why should any food, some other skin or digestive disorder. or inhaling an ordinary substance, like or the gas from the oven, produce no "Most allergists have focused on dust, might seem revolutionary, but reaction in Tom but severe symptoms these reactions," explains Mandell"'but growing evidence indicates that this of schizophrenia in Bob? Though these they haven't often considered the brain new breed of allergists may be uncov' are complex questions, the answers are as a target organ. When allergens get ering a long-sought biochemical key to beginning to come in, and theY in- into the bloodstream or circulatory sys- psychiatric disorders. (Even most dicate that we may be living in a Pan- tem, however, they travel throughout orthodox allergists recognize the notion dora's box of allergic mental disorders' the entire system and reach the brain of cerebral allergy, although they are It's essential to understand, as a because it has a rich blood supply. The reluctant to link emotional reactions as start, that cerebral reactions are much brain is exposed to anything carried in closely to allergens.) more complex than the traditional the blood, and the same things can "Cerebral allergy is a very real en- happen there that we normally associ- tity, and it is extremely common," says ate with the skin. As one investigator Mandell. "I would say that at least claims, hives may actually form on the half the patients in mental hospitals brain." have cerebral allergies, and perhaps In addition to these immediate reac' ht'lttqe' an even larger percentage. If we could tions that can affect the brain, there is ,. t;,r:..11' only get to them and aPProach their another response doctors consider more disease as an allergic Problem, I important in chronic mental illness. strongly believe we could help clean Called "masked food allergy," this re- out the mental hospitals." action produces no immediate negative symptoms anywhere. In fact, the in' dividual may experience a feeling of well-being, an actual improvement in mood and feeling at first. If You are chronically allergic to wheat, for exam' T is a strong statement,butsome Why shoald any fud, ple, a sandwich for lunch might give experts in the field ascribe an even .- . i.: :-.' you a lift. Hours later, how- :.:::.' higher percentage of mental illness to or the (u fnm the oaen, noticeable food wears off, allergies. One innovative practitioner, produce no in ever, as the effect of the reactbn "hangover" develops that can Dr. William Philpott, formerly assist- a type of ant director of the Fuller Memorial Tom hut seaere syrnfutorns produce depression, fatigue, headaches Hospital in Massachusetts and cur- of schisofhrenia in Bob? -or, in a more serious case, the stuPor rently director of an Oklahoma clinic, of catatonia. But these negative reac- studied cerebral allergies in schizo- tions are actually stopped temporarily phrenic patients and got startling re- by consuming more of the same food, sults: Fully 92 percent of one grouP much as a drug addict fights off the of 53 patients suftered psychiatric symptoms of withdrawal bY taking poison. symptoms after eating certain foods. more of his own Sixty-four percent reacted to wheat, 52 percent to corn and 50 Percent were allergic to milk-interesting find- - ings since these three foodstuffs are t-, mainstays in the American diet. Three' i Wdevelops here," says Man- quarters of all these patients also re- v dell, "is an actual delayed withdrawal sponded badly to cigarette smoke, and { syndrome, often as powerful as any 30 percent developed symptoms when -, nl drug addiction. The'hangover' is elim- exposed to petrochemical hydrocar- inated by taking another dose of the bons-the chemicals found in every' same food, and the withdrawal is de- thing from oven cleaners to automobile \r layed for another few hours-until the exhaust to the gas from the kitchen process starts again. Increased exPosure ward stove. to the food, unknowingly taken to prolongs The emotional responses uncovered off the symptoms, only the

24 FAMILY HEALTH/TOOAY'S HEALTH NOVEMBER 1977 illness and evcntually begins tr.r wcar own illergics. by accident, lhe Quite Dr. ditional reactioos to additives, hor_ bodv down " Rinkel discovered This;laim a basic fact about mones or other chemicals. pure food . lhar common foods, rang_ thc(c malked allergics proved rng trom that lo is neederj to observe a pure reaction. corn to chopped liver, can bc inraluahle to the whol; becomc iddictive ficld of Afler scveral wecks of testing, Ran_ is extraordinary. but cerebral allergy. He learned rhc doctors that a dolph-rnd his patient have a psg11y are saying just lhxt. They chronic, masked food helieve- allergy with no good idea of just what footts nied to lhar rhis addiction only oc_ apparent syntptoms curs when would turn into be avoided. foods ars frequently eaten. an allergy with speclacular 'Whal symptoms But lhats only part of the baltle. s even more imponant is that when rhe oflending lhcse ccrcbrrl foorl wai omitted Environmental chemicals are wairing tllergisrs feel lhar by from lhe diet for al leasr eating five days and to assault curcd patients the moment certain foods too oftcn, yuu can then reintroduced. actually bring on the tbey step from the hospital. arkliction, with Rinkel's experiences and theories all its inherent problcms. And What kinds of chemicals can cause don,t cillrght lhe a cntion,during the 1940's, problems? think the addictions are con6ncd to Any kind-the additives, ol a professor of allcrgy at Noflh_ preservativcs lhe menlally ill: they can hc problem and pesticide residuals on a western University, Dr. Theron Ran- for all of us. If you can r get food: the "air pollutioo'. borh ourside ihrough dolph, who today ranks as one the the day wilhout of and inside our homes; our dogs, coflee, susloecr an ad- most higbly rcspected allergists cats, diction: yorr in the parakcets; and evcn our window_clean- if need a drink in thc country. Io 1955, it was cvening Dr. Randolph ing solutioos. Randolph to relax, suspect addiction. who introduced the four-day has found that And. yorrr fast as our own homes are nightmares if one loy is a daily choco_ lhe technique for deroxifying of Illc har. Ihen a pa_ potential trouble. Some of Randolph's lhc doctors srv again. trenl with a maskcd allergy_and beware of addiction crcat_ patienls have been thrown back into ing a rcsponsivc stale for tesling. This "The great difficulty illncss by lhe smoke of a cigarette, with cercbral mclhoJ of diagnosing allergies is still allergies," says philpott, ..is the fumes from dry-cleaning solutions thar the used today. Not only do the patient's patient is often unaware and rhe insecticides in ordinary of the addic_ symptoms clear up on the elimination oaint. rion becxusc lhere are no Because of its chlorine and fiuorine, flareups im- fast hut whcn lhe offending foods are medtat.ly cfter lhc food is even drinking water can send a cured enten. When reintro,,luced. dramatic proof the rhc individ al does of individual reeling back into rhe have delayed symp_ nllcrSy can be observed. depths toms. hc may noI realize a food he con- of depression. sumcd hours earlier is the culprit," . For a, chronically ill prlient, good heallh 'One symplom occurs in people who often requires avoiding all drugs, drinking wake during the night wilh monoro- distilled water. eating organic nous regularity," food, chalgilg rhe house froin explains Mandell. work sis ro "Some of thesc people R""orono has served as a electric heating and cooking-an-d, in have lsssns6 model for olher physicians. thar. lhey For the general, kecping all exposure to if eat a cerlain food at rha! past three years, chemi_ he has been io charge cals lo ( time, they feel a lot better and can go a minimum. Some of Ran_ of a 2l-bed "ecological" unit locat;d patients b ck to slecp. I have onc patient who dolph'! have hafl 1s r.ra,. in Zion-Denton Hospiral near Chicago, lhe rrsed to wukc up cvery night at folrr in counrry, ro avoid lhe pollulion of where his palients unJcrgo rigorous crty trvtng.) lhc morning with a craving for orange testtng Io son out lheir problems. Thc But luice. What happened was that hc was can these measures really pre- runit is designed to kccp exposrrre to vent withdrawing from a dose of orange allergies from recurrinsi ies. foods and environmenlal chemicals at juice taken twenty hours Randolph has treated thousand-s of pa_ earlier, at an absolute minimum, because breakfast." any ex- tients suffering from many serious dis- lrlncour suhslances could easilv throw orders Chemicals can produce addictions, and he has cured the maiorily off the testing. All drugs, p"rfr."r, them. too, and cigarelte smoke is an obvious of Therc have been failures, of cosmetic\, deodorants, toothpastcs and cxample. Any heavy smoker who coune, and some tragedies, too. Orle has scenlcd soaps are banned. In fact, tried to give it up knows full well woman, for example, Ieft the hosDital how any odorous item. front flowers to cig- difficult it can be to break the cured of her emotional iltness. Larer, habit. aretles, is strictly forbidden. An elab- But Mandell and other cerebral oo the terrible advice of a friend who aller_ orate filtering system insures that air (he gists know patients who have found regimen too restricting and become pollution and dust exposure depcndent on things will be urged her to stop being so careful and tike hydrocar- minimal: even rhe hedding pillows bons or,. in the anrl resume her "normal" life, the woman case of one hapless havs $sqn selccted to prevcnt nouse patntcr. lhe fumes ad_ went off her prescribed diet. Within a from paint. ditional allergic reactions. Acrually, week, she had committed suicide. lhe helicf lhat chronic al- AII patients are put on lergy to foods is an a spring- But the question remains, why addictive state has waler fist. lasting at least four'davi - heen developing for years. should these devastating allergies de- Durins the and often up to sevqral rvgsk5. 1920's. a famed Califomia dgpeni_ velop.in the frsr place? If you only alleigist, rng on the time it takes for symploms Dr. Albert Rowe, discovered consider synthetic chemicals, the an_ rhat tircrc to go away. Withdrawal eflects_which wcre actually two kinds swer might seem obvious, After all, of allergic can be very serious-usually appear by reactions: One is ao immediare phy;i- most of the pesticides, food additives ,h".-"ld rhe 6rst dly, una'tu.t up cal symptom, snch 9f and other synthetic products in our as hives: the olher until lhe ffth day. Only when is rhe body everyday world have been develoDed a more subtle, chronic response that has been cleared of all can allergens wiil since World War IL They are basicilly cause mental illness. the symptoms disappear. Dr. Rorve's work new substances and cerebral allersists . was later taken up As soon as the patient is well. Ran_ say that lhere is no way our by a Midwestern physician, Dr. Her- dolph begins bodies-can hert Rinkel, serving test mealy com- adapt to such an onslaught. who became inlrieued posed of one food. while searching The foods are What is evert more frightening for a solution to- his organically produced, to prevent is ad- continued

? '_ |!.:::::+;:::|:::!:: !i : :.!: i I that mostsynthetics have been released resistance to allergies. Newbold says: can't be eliminated completely. Thus, into the marketplace and the environ- "People are reluctant to believe that the best way to treat an allergy is to ment with little thought about possible we are biological creatures-we like avoid the offending substance. toxicity. Although Government regula- to think we are beyond . But To prevent new food allergies from tions do require testing, a substance is we're not. And every creature on earth developing, doctors have created a spe' only deemed harmful if it produces has its own kind of food that it needs cial rotation diel. It's as simple as it cancer or some serious genetic change to thrive on, For instance, a horse sounds. You rotate the foods you eat needs meat. WhY is not a period of four days, the cycle in Iaboratory animals. The regulations oats, not it -over t!!!i:;:+'tii.*,.r-. just don't cover the possibility that a possible that we have foods natural to that's most frequently used, On this new substance might inflict enornous us, just like the horse? And perhapg plan, no food is eaten mote than once chicken mental anguish. As onc allergist pointed the foods we eat today just aren't every four days (if You eat out, we may go through our days and right." on Monday, you can't have it again The diet never develop cancer, but a gas stove ln the past year, evidence has ac- untit the following Ftiday). or chlorinated drinking water-which cumulated that may explain iust how prevents new allergies from forming believe cause symptoms in one out of ten addictive foods do their damage. In and some doctors, like Philpott, Americans-may mean the difference fact, Philpott has pinned down some it's the best eating program for every- no. only does it between a contented life, or a life spent of the actual physiological reactions one, allergies or Not battling the misery of chronic mental that accompany these allergies. He has force us to consume a variety of nu' stress on illness. found that repeated exposure to a food trient sources, it also limits The problems with food are a bit wears out the systems needed our digestive-enzyme systems. more complex than the ones caused by lo digest that very food. The main chemicals, since cven the most organ- organ involved is the , which ically nurtured meat or fruit cart spell secretes digestive . Acc.rding disaster for a susceptible patient. Sci- to Philpott, different enzymes break ut in addition to the rotationdiet, entists like Randolph admit that they down each kind of food, and when the these doctors prescribe a don't know why foods cause so enzyme-secretirlg cells are overworked many of really program of nutritional many problems in cenain people, but by the cumulative effects of an aller- compreheosive supplementation. High levels of cer' several important theories have been gen, they just stop functioning Prop- vitamios, such as C, E, A and 8., proposcd. Some doctors feel that our erly. "The pancreas becomes over- tain have been found useful in lessening or bodies are still only adapted to the stressed," he explaios, "to the point of f li'.nl.lltf.,1r' even blocking allergic reactions. And primitive diet of our ancestors, when inhibition. When that happens, diges- since these allergies may in part result food was unrefined, unlouched by syn- tive fuoction cannot be complctely ef- from inadequate nutrition, the doctoE thetics, and above all, varied. Unfor- fective." The result? PoisoDous by' find that a carefully supervised supple- tunately wc have no way of determin- products enter the bloodstream and mental program can build resistance to ing just how many of our ancestors often, the doctor believes, end up at unknowingly from digestive the brain. allergies, suflcred allergy? psychological problems, so no Philpott has also discovered that one How widespread is cerebral and Aod be proved. of the first signs of this pancreatic No one really knows for sure. theory is ever likely to I breakdown is over-acidity in the diges- wide-scale statistical studies have neYer within the been made. But all the doctors in- II tive organs. While lii:rai*Ir.t slomach does require an environ- volved in this excitiog new research I r..-.,. ment, after food leaves the , area feel thal funds are desperately needed to find out just how much dam- -anysicians like Newbold and Phil' it should proceed into an alkaline me' pott point out that what we eat-reg- dium. The pancreas usually insures age results from our diet and chemical then can we begin ularly today simply wasn't Pan ot our this by producing neutralizing doses of environment. Only this diet forhundreds of thousands ofyears. , similar to common baking to mobilize out tesources against insidious aud ever-present danger to Asriculture is onlY 8,ooo to l0,0oo soda. These doses are released into the . ve-an old, and mankind has been duodenum-the Passageway between our health. iround for a good million years. "When the stomach and the . man be€ame a farmer," saYs Mandell, But when the pa[creas is tired, bicar' Author's Note: Arc lou intereited in program on your own "he concentrat€d on a few new foods, bonate iust isn't manufactured in suf- working out a which he raised intensively. It's pos- ficient quantities. Thet's when allergic lhat will limi, your chances ol getling possible sible thatwhen ourdiet became monot- symptoms can develoP. addictive allergies? lfs but i, onous, the trouble began. Yet who Using this information in his treat' would be difficuh to do. Only an expe can explain the primitive tribes that ment programs, Philpott has achieved understands all the inlicacics-ond cer- seem to thrive on limited diets? Per- some startling results. For example, lainly only an axpert should supervise haps lhey're eating all 'natural' foods, with large doses of certain pancreatic som.thing at drastic as a louriay latt. pursue this subiect and nature is protectinS them that way. enzymes and bicarbonate, hc can block Bul il you vtttu, to I iust don't know." serious allergic reactions in patients lurther, certain books might be hclp- Mandell is not alone when he Places who have been given hefty helpings of Jul, panicularly Eating Dangerously the blame on our evolutionary part. normally damaging food. Philpott has (Harcourt Bruce lovanovich), by an Mary allergists f€el that the typical also demonstrated that eveo reactions English psychiatist, Dr, Richatd Mac' "civilized" diet-hi8h in non-nutritive to chemicals, such as car exhaust, can kqrness, vrho studicd under Dr.Theron susar and refined Packagcd items- be prevented by doses of enzymes' bi- Randolph. Dr. fl. L. Newbold lat olso doisn't provide oPtimal nutrition for and other suPports This wriuer severol books that outlinc thc the human bodY. And this kind of ""r6on"ttwork is still in its preliminary stage, dongers in our lile-style-and explain them. "subnutrition," ahey feel, can lower our and he points out that many reactions how to deal with NOVEMBER 1977 !:t';-'' 26 FAMILY HEALTH/TODAY'S HEALTH Ii, i.' ;-