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Participant Handout

“Thriving While Surviving The School Year” The choice is yours.

Discover ways to grow personally and professionally as you go thru the school year. There is a difference between thriving and surviving – the choice is yours.

Debra Dixon Doss NCASBO Academy Instructor [email protected]


Point #1 - There is a difference between surviving and thriving.

Survive means to “continue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship.”

Thrive means to “prosper, be fortunate or successful, to grow or develop vigorously; flourish.”

From Alone:

“Dave isn’t surviving on the island, but thriving with a positive mental attitude focused on long-term survival. While the other contestants’ food sources are dwindling, Dave’s finding new ways of catching fish and Dungeness crab on a consistent basis. After 50 days, McIntyre found his second wind and genuinely is having a great time.” ALONE Blogger During Season Two

Surviving Vs Thriving

Short term Long term survival • Holding on for dear life • Loosing your hold on old ways • Cutting back • Finding new ways to do things • Doing with less • Gaining more • Waiting to endure • Working to grow • Find a second wind • Having a good time

The difference between these mindsets are straightforward. Surviving is doing what is necessary to live. Thriving is not being satisfied just surviving, but reaching above and growing.

So….Make The Daily Choice to Thrive.

“Gratitude drives happiness. Happiness boosts Productivity. Productivity reveals mastery. Mastery inspires the world.”

Robin S. Sharma – Leadership Expert, Writer


Point # 2 – Knowing how to survive and surviving are different things.

So….Anticipate challenges and ACT against fear.

Anticipate  Expect, look forward to, nullify, prevent, forestall.  Synonyms – assume, await, count on, forecast, foresee, prepare for.  Antonyms – doubt, be surprised, be unready.

Act against fear – Assess Risk Consider Options Take Action



Point # 3 – The right gear can make all the difference.

So…. Use all your gear. You are not limited to 10.

Point # 4 – It’s not the fittest that survive but the most adaptable.

So…. Stay humble and change what’s not working.

“A humble person is one who is growing, asks good questions and invites feedback. They are slow to be offended, know their limitations and ask for help. A humble person knows they don’t have all the answers and is open to better ways of doing things.” Craig Finnestad – Pastor, writer, blogger

Stay Humble and Change What?

Take the PSA test:

Pain, Score, Apathy



Point # 5 – Some people tap out because they do stupid stuff.

So….Don’t do stupid stuff.

“In the best of times people make irrational decisions. In the midst of unrelenting chaos, people make horribly irrational decisions.” J.D. Walt from Seedbed

Point # 6 – The hardest part of being by yourself is being with yourself.

“I want to know if you can be alone With yourself, And if you truly like the company you keep In the empty moments.”

From The Invitation By Oriah Mountain Dreamer

So….Get a grip on yourself.

If you get a grip on yourself, you control your emotions and feelings under difficult circumstances.


Kick in your determination and self-discipline.

Feel - Recall a period in your life when you were thriving. Spend time recalling how thriving felt. Think about what you can do now to get that feeling back.

1. Ask “why this” instead of “why me?” 2. Invest in relationships. 3. Don’t should on yourself. 4. Connect with purpose and meaning outside yourself.

Point # 7 – Good habits can regulate and energize your mind, body and spirit.

So…. Start and maintain positive daily habits.

“The bigger the storm the more inclined we are to revert to our survival habits, and the more important positive rituals become”.

Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz “The Power of Full Engagement”


Positive Daily Habits

1. Intentional time and accidental time 2. Urgent and important 3. Energy management and time management

“If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first.”

Give your cells phones their own bed!

You will sleep better and have a better morning.


What survive vs thrive looks, feels and sounds like….

Which do you choose? Take steps to THRIVE.

Your action plan: ______