International Symposium Opening and Closing Doors: East Asian Immigration, Policies and Borders

Time: November 22, 2014 (Saturday) Venue: University, Graduate School of International Development, Multi-Purpose Auditorium, 8th Floor.

Supported by the Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) No.22401030.

Keynote Address : Apichai Shipper Georgetown University Morality of Citizenship: Immigration Politics in Japan, Sweden and the

10:00-10:10 Opening Remarks

Section 1 Japanese emigration and admission policies in North and South America in the first half of the twentieth century Moderator: Ayako Uchida ()

10:10-10:50 Anthony do Nascimento (Kinjo Gakuin University) To Protect, to Promote and to Expand : Japan's State-Led Emigration Towards Brazil in the 1920s and the 1930s 10:50-11:30 Igor Saveliev (Nagoya University) The Restriction of Japanese Immigration in British Columbia and the relations of Japan with Canada and US, 1907-08 11:30-11:40 Coffee break 11:40-12:00 Discussants: Ayako Uchida (Nagoya University) and Sachie Asaka () 12:00-12:20 Discussion

12:20-13:30 Lunch Break

13:30-14:10 Keynote Address : Apichai Shipper (Georgetown University) Morality of Citizenship: Immigration Politics in Japan, Sweden, and the United States

Section 2 Migrant and Border Moderator: Teruyuki Komatsu (Nagoya Gakuin University)

14:10-14:50 Francis Peddie (Nagoya University) A Problematic Presence: The Japanese in Mexico and US border issues, 1907-1942 14:50-15:30 David Toohey (Nagoya University) Representations of Immigration in the U.S.- Mexico Borderlands: Opportunities and Limitations of Documentary Films 15:30-15:40 Coffee Break 15:40-16:20 Norio Horie (University of Toyama) Chinese Workers Inflow and its Restriction in Russian Far East Borderland 16:20-17:00 Discussants: Kazuhiro Kumo (Hitotsubashi University), Akihiro Asakawa (Nagoya University), Yu Nouchi (Nagoya University) 17:00-17:30 General Discussion

17:30 Closing Remarks

18:00-20:00 Reception (Japanese Cuisine Restaurant "Hana-no Ki" inside the Higashiyama Campus of Nagoya University) (reception fee - 4500 yen)

To register please send your name, affiliation, contact information (phone number or e-mail address) to [email protected] and let us know, if you would like to participate in the reception, by October 31, 2014 (Friday).

Contact Phone Number : 052-789-4396