Commun. Math. Phys. 291, 813–843 (2009) Communications in Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1007/s00220-009-0890-5 Mathematical Physics

Distinguishability of Quantum States Under Restricted Families of Measurements with an Application to Quantum Data Hiding

William Matthews1, Stephanie Wehner2, Andreas Winter1,3 1 Department of Mathematics, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TW, U.K. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 2 Institute for Quantum Information, Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. E-mail: [email protected] 3 Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore, 2 Science Drive 3, Singapore 117542, Singapore

Received: 31 October 2008 / Accepted: 4 June 2009 Published online: 13 August 2009 – © Springer-Verlag 2009

Abstract: We consider the problem of ambiguous discrimination of two quantum states when we are only allowed to perform a restricted set of measurements. Let the bias of a POVM be defined as the total variational distance between the outcome distributions for the two states to be distinguished. The performance of a set of measurements can then be defined as the ratio of the bias of this POVM and the largest bias achievable by any measurements. We first provide lower bounds on the performance of various acting on a single system such as the isotropic POVM, and spherical 2 and 4-designs, and show how these bounds can lead to certainty relations. Furthermore, we prove lower bounds for several interesting POVMs acting on multipartite systems, such as the set of local POVMS, POVMs which can be implemented using local operations and classical communication (LOCC), separable POVMs, and finally POVMs for which every bipar- tition results in a measurement having positive partial transpose (PPT). In particular, our results show that a scheme of Terhal et. al. for hiding data against local operations and classical communication [31] has the best possible dimensional dependence.

1. Introduction

Suppose we are given one of two possible quantum states ρ0 and ρ1 chosen with proba- bilities π0 and π1, respectively. The goal of ambiguous state discrimination is to output a guess ρb for the given state such that the average probability of error is minimized. To obtain this guess, we may thereby perform a measurement providing us with an outcome b ∈{0, 1}. In this paper, we study the task of state discrimination when we are only allowed to perform a restricted set of measurements. To state our results, let us first explain the notion of a measurement (POVM) more formally. Consider a measurable space (X, F), that is F is a σ-algebra of subsets of the set X, where we will identify F with the possible outcomes of the measurement. A POVM is a function M : F → B+(H) such that M(X) = 1, where we use B+(H) to denote the set of positive Hermitian opera- tors on a finite dimensional H.Thatis,M(A) is the measurement operator 814 W. Matthews, S. Wehner, A. Winter associated with outcome event A ∈ F. With regard to the problem of state discrimina- tion, suppose that when performing the POVM M we guess that the state is ρ1 if we observe outcome A ∈ F, and ρ0 otherwise. The probability of error can then be written as

Perr = π0 Tr(M(A)ρ0) + π1 Tr(M(X \ A)ρ1).

Let us now consider which outcomes A ∈ F we should associate with ρ1 and ρ0 respec- tively in order to minimize the probability of error. We will use Bsa(H) to denote the space of Hermitian operators, and D(H) ={ρ ∈ B+(H) | Tr(ρ) = 1} to denote the space of density operators on H. Note that for any Hermitian operator ξ ∈ Bsa(H), the function νM[ξ]:F → R defined by

νM[ξ](A) := Tr(M(A)ξ) is a signed measure on (X, F). It has a Hahn–Jordan decomposition [2]

+ − νM[ξ]=νM[ξ] − νM[ξ] ,

+ − where νM[ξ] and νM[ξ] are positive measures on (X, F). For all A ∈ F these mea- sures can be written as

+ νM[ξ] (A) := νM[ξ](A ∩ X+), (1) − νM[ξ] (A) := νM[ξ](A ∩ X−), (2) where X+ and X− are the positive and negative parts of the Hahn decomposition of X with respect to νM[ξ]. Note that we can rewrite the probability of error using the function νM[ξ] as

Perr = π1 − Tr M(A)(π1ρ1 − π0ρ0) = π1 − νM[ξ](A) with ξ = π1ρ1 − π0ρ0. (3)

In light of the Hahn–Jordan decomposition, it is now clear that the smallest probability of error is attained by letting A = X+ correspond to the guess ρ1, yielding 1 Perr = π − ν [ξ](X ) = π − (ν [ξ](X ) − ν [ξ](X−) + ν [ξ](X)) (4) 1 M + 1 2 M + M M 1 1 = (1 − (ν [ξ](X ) − ν [ξ](X−))) = (1 −ν [ξ]), (5) 2 M + M 2 M where

νM[ξ] :=|νM[ξ](X+)| + |νM[ξ](X−)| is the total variation of the signed measure νM[ξ]. Defining the bias to be 1 − 2Perr , we have shown that the largest bias that can be attained, based on the outcomes of M, is νM[ξ]. Hence if we are only able to implement the POVMs in some set fixed set M, the best bias that can be achieved is given by

ξM := sup νM[ξ]. (6) M∈M Distinguishability of Quantum States Under Restricted Families of Measurements 815

When the measurable space (X, F) has countable or finite X ={x1, x2,...} with F containing all subsets of X, the total variation of a signed measure ν is simply ν= |ν({x})|. x∈X

In this case, νM[ξ] is just the 1 norm of the vector (Tr M(x1)ξ, Tr M(x2)ξ,...), and the operators M(xi ) are often called the elements of the POVM. The Holevo–Helstrom theorem [23] tells us that when we are allowed to perform any POVM, the choice of measurement that maximises the bias is the two–outcome POVM with elements equal to the projectors onto the postive and negative eigenspaces of ξ.It is not hard to see that this achieves a bias equal to the trace norm of ξ, ξ1. A natural indicator for the performance of a restricted set of POVMs M is thus given by the ratio ξ M . (7) ξ1

A. Results. We first show in Sect. 2 that (6) is a norm for every sufficiently rich set M. We furthermore make a connection to general norms in vector spaces, showing that indeed any norm on operators can be interpreted as a norm of the above type. We then turn to a number of particular examples, where we especially highlight the problem of determining bounds on the ratio (7). In Sect. 3, we investigate the particu- lar case where M consists of only one (necessarily informationally complete) POVM, finding the best upper and lower bounds on the ratio (7) for any such measurement. These bounds are attained for the isotropic (unitary invariant) POVM. We also analyse the situation for POVMs originating from 2- and 4-designs. In Section 4, we look at the situation that the system under consideration is bi- or multipartite, and that the POVMs are restricted to classes respecting the partition: local measurements, with or without classical communication between the parties, and extensions of this class. The existence of data hiding [14,22,31] states yields bounds on the ratio (7) in one direction. Here, we show that in the bipartite case, these bounds are optimal up to a constant factor by analysing the tensor product of two isotropic local POVMs: it turns out that the resulting measurement attains almost the same bias. Hence, the hiding states of [31] are already (near) optimal in the sense that we cannot hope to construct states which are less well dis- tinguishable under LOCC operations. Finally, we make a connection to Sanchez-Ruiz’ “certainty relations” for mutually unbiased bases [29] in Sect. 5, which we show holds more generally for any 2-design POVM, and – even in a stronger form – for 4-designs. We also show how our results for bipartite systems imply a universal lower bound on the information accessible by LOCC from any pure state ensemble. Several appendices contain the proofs of more technical results in the main text.

2. First Observations on Norms and Dual Norms

Before turning to the essential observations that we will need later on, we first explain some basic concepts. We follow the terminology of Rockafellar [3] when referring to some elementary concepts from convex analysis. For norms ·a and ·b defined on a space V , we write ·a ≥·b if xa ≥xb for all x in V . At the heart of the Helstrom-Holevo Theorem [23] on optimal state discrimination lies the duality between 816 W. Matthews, S. Wehner, A. Winter the operator norm ·and the trace norm ·1: For operators α, A on a Hilbert space H, these are dual to each other with

† α1 = sup | Tr(α B)|, B≤1 A= sup | Tr(β† A)|. β1≤1 In finite dimension, which we shall assume throughout this paper, the suprema are eas- ily seen to be maxima. The duality persists when we restrict to Hermitian (self-adjoint) operators α = α†, A = A†:

α1 = max Tr(αB), B=B†, B≤1 A= max Tr(β A). † β=β , β1≤1 These equations are direct consequences of the singular value decomposition in the general, and of the in the Hermitian case. The role of the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product,

A, B:=Tr A† B which makes the real vector space of Hermitian operators, Bsa(H), a Euclidean space, becomes more evident in geometrical language by saying that the unit balls † B1 (·1) = α = α :α1 ≤ 1 , † B1 (·) = A = A :A≤1 , are polar to each other. To explain this notion, note that the unit ball of any norm N on a finite dimensional real vector space,

K := B1(N) ={x : N(x) ≤ 1}, is a topologically compact, convex and symmetric set (i.e. K =−K ), containing the origin 0 in its interior. Any such body K conversely determines a norm 1 x ˇ = inf : t > 0 and tx ∈ K , K t = (· ) =· and it is immediately verified that K B1 Kˇ and N Kˇ (unconventionally, ˇ we write ·K for the norm with unit ball K rather than that with unit ball K ,asit simplifies the notation later). That is, norms and convex, compact, symmetric bodies of non–empty interior are equivalent descriptions. Now, the polar of K in a Euclidean vector space with inner product ·, · is defined to be

Kˇ := {y :∀x ∈ K x, y≤1}.

It is easy to verify that if K is symmetric, convex and compact, and contains the origin ˇ in its interior, then Kˇ has the same properties, and Kˇ = K . Distinguishability of Quantum States Under Restricted Families of Measurements 817

· ˇ · By the above discussion, K is the unit ball of Kˇ , K is the unit ball of K and one has the important, but elementary, formulas

yK = maxx, y, x∈K   =  , , x Kˇ max x y y∈Kˇ which are the abstract versions of the equations above. We are now ready to make a series of observations. First, we need to show that Eq. (6) really does constitute a norm for trace class operators, i.e. for operators with a finite, well-defined, trace. First we note that, for any POVM M, νM[ξ] is a seminorm on trace class operators ξ, which we give the shorthand ξM := νM[ξ]. For sets of POVMs M have defined · = · M supM∈M M which, being a supremum over seminorms, is also a seminorm. Clearly, ·M is a norm iff for all ξ = 0, there is a POVM M ∈ M such that νM[ξ] > 0. We call a set of POVMs which satisfies this property “informationally complete”. It is often said that a set of POVMs is informationally complete iff knowledge of the statistics of the POVMs in the set is sufficient to reconstruct any unknown state (operationally, we think of having an unlimited number of copies of the state on which we can perform the measurements). It is not hard to see that this is true of a set M iff span{M(E) : M ∈ M, E ∈ FM}=:S = B(H). If there is a ξ such that ξM = 0, then we must have Tr M(E)ξ = 0 for all POVMs and events, so S = B(H). Conversely, if S = B(H), then there is an operator ξ in the orthogonal complement of S and ξM = 0. Therefore, the two definitions of informational completeness coincide. We now show that we can restrict ourselves to POVMs with 2 outcomes. Intuitively, since we decide between two options (e.g. ρ and σ above), we can group the outcomes of each POVM in two. It is then not difficult to verify that

Definition 1. For any separating set M of POVMs we define the set of twoÐoutcome POVMs M2 := {(M(A), 1 − M(A)) :∀A ∈ FM} , M∈M F · =· where M is the set of measurable subsets of outcomes for M, satisfies M M2 and we define

M := cl conv {2E − 1 : (E, 1 − E) ∈ M2}=cl conv {2M(A) − 1 : A ∈ FM}, where cl conv S denotes the closure of the convex hull of S.

Lemma 2. M is a compact symmetric convex body, contained in the operator interval [−1; 1]={X :−1 ≤ X ≤ 1} and containing ±1, and has a nonÐempty interior, such that

ξM = max | Tr(ξ E)|=:ξM. E∈M

Proof. From the discussion in the Introduction, it is clear that for a particular choice of ξ, the bias for any POVM M ∈ M is equal to the bias for the two–outcome POVM (M(X+), M(X−)). 818 W. Matthews, S. Wehner, A. Winter

Note that M has a non-empty interior (and then contains the origin in its interior) if and only if the collection M is informationally complete, which is the case if and only if M2 is informationally complete. Mathematically the information-completeness is expressed by M, spanning the whole operator space. Furthermore, note that from our discussion above we have that Remark 3. The symmetric convex body M defines two norms, one on the observables and effects, the other on the trace class operators, via 1 E ˇ = inf : t > 0 and tM ∈ M , (8) M t ξM = max Tr(ξ E). (9) E∈M The first has exactly M as its unit ball, the second has as its unit ball the polar of M, i.e.

Mˇ = {ξ :∀M ∈ M Tr(ξ M) ≤ 1} . · (=· ) · The norm M M is dual to Mˇ : ξ = (ξ ) :  ≤ , M max Tr E E Mˇ 1   = { (ξ ) :ξ ≤ } . E Mˇ max Tr E M 1 Putting everything together, we can now see that

Theorem 4. The norms ·M associated to sets of POVMs are in one-to-one correspon- dence with full-dimensional symmetric compact convex bodies ±1 ∈ M ⊆[−1; 1]. As a consequence, any norm |·|≤·1 can be written as | · | =  ·  M for some set of POVMs.

Proof. First, starting with a set of POVMs M defining norms ·M, Lemma 2 describes how to construct M, such that ·M =·M. Conversely, starting with a full-dimensional symmetric compact convex body M ⊆ [−1; 1], we can construct a set of POVMs M ={(M, 1 − M) : M ∈ M and M ≥ 0} for which ·M =·M. We formalise the connection with the state discrimination problem in the following theorem.

Theorem 5. Let M be a set of POVMs on a given Hilbert space, and let M2 and M be defined as above. For any two states ρ and σ, consider the minimum error probability M PE of discriminating between these (a priori equiprobable states). Then,

M = 1 − 1| ((ρ − σ) )|=1 − 1ρ − σ  . PE inf Tr M M (M,1−M)∈M2 2 2 2 4 1 ρ − σ  ρ σ That is, 2 M is the bias achievable in discriminating from when only mea- surements in M are allowed. In finite dimension, which is the case we stick to in this paper, the operators also form a finite-dimensional space, and all these norms are “equivalent” in the sense that there are λ,µ > 0 such that   λ ·1 ≤·M ≤ µ ·1. (10) Distinguishability of Quantum States Under Restricted Families of Measurements 819

By using the above correspondences and dualities, we see that this is equivalent to   λ [−1; 1]⊆M ⊆ µ [−1; 1]. (11)   We will use λ1(M) (µ1(M)) to denote the largest λ (smallest µ ) in these equations. The numbers λ1 and µ1 are called the constants of domination of the norm ·M (with respect to ·1). In the following, our goal is to bound these constants of domination for various interesting classes of POVMs. These constants are especially interesting, since we know from Theorem 5 that they allow us to bound the bias that we can achieve when trying to distinguish two states ρ and σ with a restricted set of measurements. Note that µ1(M) is trivially 1 since for ρ ≥ 0, ρM =ρ1 = Tr(ρ). Thus, we are motivated to restrict to traceless operators in Eq. (10). This is also the setting for which bounds on the constants of domination give us a bound on the bias of distinguishing two a priori equiprobable states ρ and σ.Letλ(M) and µ(M) be the largest and smallest numbers λ and µ, respectively, such that

∀ξ with Tr(ξ) = 0 λξ1 ≤ξM ≤ µξ1. (12) Equivalently, in the dual picture we have to go to the quotient modulo multiples of the identity, R1:

λ[−1; 1]/R1 ⊆ M/R1 ⊆ µ[−1; 1]/R1, (13) where, for a set of operators X, X/R1 ={x − 1 Tr x/ Tr 1 : x ∈ X}. The following lemma characterizes λ1 (µ1) and λ (µ), and their respective relations. Lemma 6. For a set M of POVMs with associated convex body M, the constants of domination can be expressed as the solutions of the following optimisation problems: 1 λ(M) ≤ λ1(M) = inf sup ξM ≤ inf sup ξM = λ(M), ξ = ξ = 2 1 1 M∈M 1 1 M∈M Tr(ξ)=0 1 = µ1(M) = sup sup ξM ≥ sup sup ξM = µ(M). ξ = ξ1=1 M∈M 1 1 M∈M Tr(ξ)=0 λ µ ξ ξ = 1 (ρ − σ) Here, for the purpose of and , may be thought of as 2 for orthogonal states ρ, σ . Proof. The optimisation problems are an immediate consequence of the definitions, and we already argued that µ1(M) = 1. To lower bound λ1(M) we proceed as follows: Given any ξ of trace norm 1, we can write it as

ξ = (1 − p)ρ − pσ = (1 − p)(ρ − σ)+ (1 − 2p)σ = 2(1 − p)ξ0 + (1 − 2p)σ, ρ σ ξ = 1 (ρ − σ) ≤ ≤ / with orthogonal states and , and 0 2 . W.l.o.g. 0 p 1 2, otherwise use −ξ.NowletX0 ∈ M be optimal for ξ0, i.e. ξ0M = Tr(ξ0 X0), and test ξ with X = (1 + X0)/2 ∈ M.NoteX ≥ 0, so

ξM ≥ Tr(ξ X) = 2(1 − p) Tr(ξ0 X) + (1 − 2p) Tr(σ X) 1 − 2p = (1 − p) Tr(ξ X ) + Tr(σ X) 0 0 2 1 1 1 ≥ Tr(ξ X ) = ξ M ≥ λ(M), 2 0 0 2 0 2 concluding the proof. 820 W. Matthews, S. Wehner, A. Winter

What is the relation of the constants of domination for different sets M and M? Clearly, if M ⊆ M, then λ(M) ≤ λ(M) and µ(M) ≤ µ(M). More interesting rela- tions are obtained by using the convex structure. For this purpose we look at convex combinations of POVMs in the sense of direct sums as follows. Let M : F → Bsa(H) and M : G → Bsa(H) be two POVMs for measurable spaces (X, F) and (Y, G).Let(X ∪ Y, K) be the direct sum of (X, F) and (Y, G), i.e. K ={A : A ∩ X ∈ F and A ∩ Y ∈ G, ∀A ∈ P(X ∪ Y )} (where P denotes powerset). For p ∈[0, 1], define the direct convex combination (1 − p)M ⊕ pN : X ⊕ Y → Bsa(H) by specifying that, for all A ∈ K, ((1 − p)M ⊕ pN)(A) = (1 − p)M(A ∩ X) + pN(A ∩ Y ).

If we have two sets of POVMs, M1 and M2, then their direct sum convex combination is defined naturally as

(1 − p)M1 ⊕ pM2 := {(1 − p)M1 ⊕ pM2 :∀M1 ∈ M1, M2 ∈ M2}. More generally, we can look at convex combinations of any finite or even count- able number of POVMs and sets of POVMs. These constructions have a straightforward operational interpretation: implementing p(Ek)k ⊕ (1− p)(F) means tossing a biased coin, with p being the probability of heads, then measuring (Ek) if heads showed, and (F) for tails. The coin toss is part of the measurement result. ≥ = Lemma 7. Let Mi be sets of POVMs and pi 0 probabilities, and R i pi Mi . Denote the corresponding convex bodies of operators M and R. Then, i R = pi Mi , i and consequently λ(R) ≥ pi λ(Mi ), µ(R) ≤ pi µ(Mi ). i i Proof. The first relation is by inspection. For the inequalities, note that since we have

λ(Mi )[−1; 1]/R1 ⊆ Mi /R1 ⊆ µ(Mi )[−1; 1]/R1, we clearly get pi λ(Mi )[−1; 1]/R1 ⊆ pi Mi /R1 ⊆ pi µ(Mi )[−1; 1]/R1. i i i

In particular, since [−1; 1] is invariant under unitary conjugation, i.e. U[−1; 1]U † = [−1; 1], the constants of domination also have this invariance and so we obtain imme- diately Proposition 8. For a probability measure d p(U) on the unitary group on H, and any symmetric, convex body with nonÐempty interior, ±1 ∈ M ⊆[−1; 1], λ d p(U)UMU † ≥ λ(M), µ d p(U)UMU † ≤ µ(M).

In other words: symmetrisation makes M “look more like [−1; 1]”. Distinguishability of Quantum States Under Restricted Families of Measurements 821

3. Single POVMs

Let us look now at the constants of domination λ and µ in the case that M consists of a single, informationally complete POVM M. We denote the constants of domination λ(M) and µ(M).

A. Isotropic POVM. Given a D dimensional Hilbert space H,letX denote the sphere of normalised pure states in H and let F be the Borel measurable subsets of X. We define + the isotropic POVM MU : F → B (H) by

MU(A) = D |ψ ψ|dψ A with dψ the unitarily invariant probability measure on (X, F). If we take any POVM M : (X, F) → B+(H) we can construct a new POVM M which corresponds to a measurement where a random unitary is drawn according to the Haar measure, and recorded, and then M is measured. M takes outcomes in the product measure space (X, F) × (SU(D), G) (where G is the set of Borel measurable subsets of the Lie group SU(D)). M is defined on ‘rectangles’ A × B, A ∈ F, B ∈ G by  † M (A × B) = UM(A)U d p(U), B where p denotes the Haar measure on (SU(D), G). Now, the total variation of the signed measure νM [ξ] is ( ) M Ai † νM [ξ] = sup (Tr M(Ai ))D Tr U U ξ d p(U), ( ) ( ) Tr (M(A )) Ai i SU D i where the supremum is over finite partitions of X into measurable setsAi . For any ( ) M(A) D |ψ  ψ | D = M A , Tr M(A) has a spectral decomposition j=1 p j j j , where j=1 p j 1 and p j ≥ 0. Therefore, M(A) D Tr U U †ξ d p(U) ( ) Tr M(A) SU D ⎛ ⎞ D ⎝ † ⎠ = D Tr U p j |ψ j  ψ j |U ξ d p(U) (14) SU(D) = ⎛ j 1 ⎞ D = ⎝ |  | † ξ † ⎠ ( ) D Tr U 0 0 U p j Vj Vj d p U (15) ( ) SU D j=1   ≤ |  | †ξ ( ) =ξ . D Tr U 0 0 U d p U MU (16) SU(D) ( ( )) = ( ) ν  [ξ] Given this, and the fact that i Tr M Ai 1 for any partition Ai , M can ξ be no larger than MU . This bound is attained, for example, whenever the POVM is ‘rank–one’ in the following sense: 822 W. Matthews, S. Wehner, A. Winter

Definition 9. Call a POVM M : F → B+(H) with outcomes in the measurable space (X, F) ‘rank–one’ if there is a countable partition (Ai ) of X into Ai ∈ F such that rank M(Ai ) = 1 for all Ai . As a consequence of Proposition 8, we arrive at the following theorem. Theorem 10. The supremum of λ(M) over all single POVMs M in dimension D is attained by the isotropic POVM MU. In addition the infimum of µ(M) over all rank–one POVMs is µ(MU).       1 a k b k +  1 2 λ(MU) = min 1 − = ± o(1) , 1≤a≤D/2 D D D k D π b=D−a k=0,...a−1 =0,...b−1 (17) 1 µ(M ) = . (18) U 2 Proof. Since randomising a POVM over unitary transformations (which we record) can- not decrease λ we can, without loss of generality, perform the symmetrization over the Haar measure described above without decreasing λ. From our discussion of such sym- metrized POVMs it is clear that none has a larger value of λ than the isotropic POVM. The statement about µ for rank–one POVMs follows from the fact that the symmetrized version of such a POVM has the same bias as the isotropic POVM. For the constants of domination for M , first note that for any operator ξ, U ν [ξ] = ψ| (|ψ ψ|ξ)|. MU D d Tr (19) Note that since ξ is Hermitian, we may again take ξ = (1− p)ρ − pσ for orthogonal operators ρ and σ .ForEq.(17), we then have by the unitary invariance of the uniform λ( ) ξ POVM and the triangle inequality, MU is attained as MU for an operator of the form 1 1 ξ = P − Q, with a projector P of rank a, and Q = 1 − P, b = D − a, 2a 2b where we may even take P to be the projector onto the subspace spanned by the first a computational basis vectors (again invoking unitary invariance). For this choice of operator, according to Eq. (19), and letting p := a/D, a D 1 2 1 2 ξM = D dψ |ψ j | − |ψ j | U 2a 2b j=1 j=a+1 1  k +  = 1 − pk(1 − p) , (20) D k k=0,...a−1 =0,...b−1 by Lemma 24 in Appendix B. It is quite natural to conjecture that the minimal choice of ranks is a =D/2 and b =D/2. In this case we have  1 D/2 k D/2 k +  ξ = 1 − MU D D D k k=0,...D/2−1 =0,...D/2−1  2 1 = ± O , (21) π D D Distinguishability of Quantum States Under Restricted Families of Measurements 823 for large D. The analysis of the asymptotics is elementary but lengthy, and is here restricted to a few hints: We lose only terms of order O(1/D) by focusing on even D, for which the formula evaluates to D/2−1 D/2−1 1 − − k +  1 − 2k λ(M ) = 1 − 2 k = 2 2k , U D k D k k,=0 k=0 where we have used the following identity from Lemma 25, proved by induction on k: k  −k− k + = . 2  1 (22) =0 Then a simple application of Stirling’s formula (with explicit error bounds) yields Eq. (21). However, since we have not been able to prove that the minimum value of the expres- sion 20 occurs for this choice of ranks, we instead follow a different route: From the proof of Lemma 24 in Appendix B, we observe that for general a and b, a d 1 1 ξM = E X j − X j , U 2a 2b j=1 j=a+1 ≥ χ 2 with independent X j 0, each distributed according to a rescaled 2 law. By defini- tion, their expectation and variance are EX j = 1 and Var X j = 1, respectively (also, all higher moments are finite). Thus, by the central limit theorem,

a d 1 1 1 1 X j ≈ Y ∼ N 1, , X j ≈ Y ∼ N 1, , 2a 0 4a 2b 1 4b j=1 j=a+1 where Y0 and Y1 are normal distributed with means µ and variance ν as indicated by N (µ, ν), and the approximation signs indicate convergence in probability as a, b →∞. (Note that since the third moment of the X j is finite, this convergence is uniform in a and b, thanks to the Berry-Esséen theorem which bounds the rate of convergence in the central limit theorem – see e.g. [13].)  − =: ∼ N , 1 1 Since Y0 Y1 Z 0 4a + 4b , we obtain asymptotically    ∞ ξ ∼ E| |= 1 1 √1 | | −x2/2 = 2 1 1 , MU Z + dx x e + 4a 4b 2π −∞ π 4a 4b  = = / λ( ) ∼ 2 which is minimized for a b D 2, yielding MU π D , as advertised. For Eq. (18), note that by the triangle inequality, µ(M) of any POVM M is attained for an extremal traceless ξ such that ξ1 = 1. These are easily seen to be of the form ξ = 1 |φ  φ |− 1 |φ  φ | |φ  |φ  2 1 1 2 2 2 for orthogonal pure state vectors 1 , 2 . By unitary invari- ance of the uniform POVM, any such ξ will in fact yield the same value, so we may take ξ = 1 |  |− 1 |  | 2 1 1 2 2 2 , so that by Eq. (19), D 1 µ(M ) =ξ = dψ |ψ |2 −|ψ |2 = , U MU 2 1 2 2 once more by Lemma 24 in Appendix B, applied with a = b = 1. 824 W. Matthews, S. Wehner, A. Winter

Note that in terms of the bias the above translates to    1 1 2 ρ − σ  ≥ρ − σ ≥ − o(1) ρ − σ  . 2 1 M D π 1

B. Almost optimal performance of 4-designs. The results of the previous section pro- vide the motivation to look at POVMs made from t-designs, as these are structures approximating the full random POVM better and better as t →∞. We thus intuitively expect to obtain a similar value for λ as we obtained for the random POVM for larger t. On the kth tensor power H⊗k of a Hilbert space H, there is a natural unitary repre- sentation of the permutation group of order k, Sk, which permutes the k tensor factors. That is, for any π in Sk, k k |ψ = |ψ . Uπ j π−1( j) j=1 j=1 H⊗k (k) We denote the projector onto the completely symmetric subspace of by Psym. It has D+k−1 rank k and can be expressed as an average over the action unitary representation just described (see, for example, [1]), (t) 1 P = Uπ . sym k! π∈Sk ( , )n Definition 11. A (weighted) spherical t-design is an ensemble pk Pk k=1 of 1-dimensional projectors Pk and probabilities pk such that ⊗t = 1 (t) = 1 . pk P  −  Psym  −  Uπ k D+t 1 t! D+t 1 k t t π∈St Note that the isotropic POVM is an ∞-design. We call a t-design proper if all the  probabilities are equal, pk = 1/n. Note that any t-design is automatically also a t -design  < = 1 1 for all t t. In particular, k pk Pk D , so it makes sense to associate a POVM with every t-design of the form ( )n , = , Ek k=1 with Ek Dpk Pk which, as before, we also call a (weighted or proper) t-design. It turns out that 4-designs already achieve essentially the same worst–case bias as the isotropic POVM (in the sense that the dimensional dependence is the same). This was discovered by Ambainis and Emerson [5], who showed, invoking a beautiful moment inequality by Berger, that if M4 is a 4-design POVM then 1 1 ρ − σM ≥ ρ − σ2 ≥ √ ρ − σ 1. (23) 4 3 3 D We briefly review their argument, including the Berger inequality, as we need to return to this later on in Sect. 4. Lemma 12 (Berger [12]). For a real random variable S, (ES2)3/2 E|S|≥ . (ES4)1/2 Distinguishability of Quantum States Under Restricted Families of Measurements 825

Proof. That is just Hölder’s inequality, which states that for real random variables f and 1 1 = g, and p + q 1,

  /   / E( fg) ≤ E| f |p 1 p E|g|q 1 q .

Here it is applied with f =|S|2/3, g =|S|4/3 and p = 3/2, q = 3.

Proof (of Eq. (23)Ðsee[5]). For traceless ξ, consider the random variable S which (ξ ) E| |=ξ takes value D Tr Pk with probability pk. Then clearly S M4 , and Berger’s inequality can be used. The moments are easy calculations, using the fact that the POVM is a 4-design. First, the second moment, 2 2 2 ES = pk D (Tr(ξ Pk)) k 2 = pk D Tr ((ξ ⊗ ξ)(Pk ⊗ Pk)) k 2 ( ) = D2 Tr (ξ ⊗ ξ) P 2 D(D +1) sym D2 D = Tr ((ξ ⊗ ξ)(1 + F)) = Tr(ξ 2), D(D +1) D +1 where F is the swap operator, that is F = Us, where s is the non–identity element of S2, and we have made use of Tr(ξ) = 0. Similarly, 4 4 4 ES = pk D (Tr(ξ Pk)) k 4 = pk D Tr ((ξ ⊗ ξ ⊗ ξ ⊗ ξ)(Pk ⊗ Pk ⊗ Pk ⊗ Pk)) k ⊗ 24 ( ) = D4 Tr ξ 4 P 4 D(D +1)(D +2)(D +3) sym 4   D ⊗4 = Tr ξ Uπ D(D +1)(D +2)(D +3) π∈S4   D3 D 3 = 6(Tr(ξ 2))2 +3Tr(ξ 4) ≤ 9(Tr(ξ 2))2. (D +1)(D +2)(D +3) D +1 The equality in the last line comes from the fact that there are 3 elements of the permu- 4 tation group S4 with a 4–cycle, each giving rise to a term equal to Tr(ξ ), and likewise, 6 elements which have 2 2–cycles, each yielding a term equal to (Tr(ξ 2))2. All other elements of the group have at least one fixed point so the corresponding terms con- tain a factor of Tr(ξ), which is zero. The final inequality is just an application of the Cauchy–Schwartz inequality. Thus,  1 2 1 1 ξM = E|S|≥ Tr(ξ ) = ξ2 ≥ √ ξ1. 4 3 3 3 D √ In other words: λ(M4) ≥ 1/(3 D). 826 W. Matthews, S. Wehner, A. Winter

It is not known how to construct spherical 4-designs efficiently  in general though D+3 2 there must exist a weighted 4-design of cardinality at most 4 . To see this, note that ( ) ( ) the normalised projector P 4 /(Tr P 4 ) lies in the convex hull of normalised symmet- sym sym   D+3 2 − ric product states, which are a subset of the 4 1 dimensional real subspace of trace–one hermitian operators on the symmetric subspace. Carathéodory’s theorem [3] tells us that any point in the convex hull of a subset S of a n dimensional space can be written as a convex combination of n + 1 points from S. Constructions are known for a real vector space of small dimensions [21]. Ambainis and Emerson [5] construct approximate 4-designs which perform almost as well as Eq. (23).

C. Performance of 2-designs. Unfortunately, we have as yet been unable to give the bias for 3-design POVMs, but here we show how to bound it for 2-designs. Consider ( = D )n first a proper 2-design with associated POVM Ek n Pk k=1. I.e., 1 1 2 (2) Pk ⊗ Pk = (1 + F) = P , n D(D +1) D(D +1) sym k

(2) D D with the projector Psym onto the symmetric subspace of C ⊗C and the swap operator F. Such POVMs are always informationally complete – this will also follow from the theorem below. An example of a 2-design is a complete set of D + 1 mutually unbiased bases, which are known to exist if the dimension D is a prime power [10,32]). Let (|ψb) : = ,..., , s s=1...D b 0 D

|ψb th be the basis vectors of the D +1 mutually unbiased bases, where s is the s basis vec- th b =|ψb ψb| tor of the b basis. Then the set of basis state projectors Ps s s forms a proper spherical 2-design [25]. It is conjectured that in all dimensions there exist spherical 2-designs with the minimum number n = D2 of elements [28], giving rise to so-called symmetric informationally complete (SIC) POVMs. These are only known to exist up to dimension D = 45 [28] by numerical results, and for even fewer dimensions up to D = 19 by mathematical construction. Zauner’s conjecture states that in every dimen- sion there exists a SIC-POVM of a particularly beautiful group symmetric form [33]. We refer to [7,15] for more information. Let M2 be any 2-design POVM. Our objective is to prove the relation. Theorem 13. For any traceless Hermitian operator ξ,

1 1 ξ ≥ ξ . (24) M2 2 D +1 1 λ( ) ≥ 1 1 In other words, for any proper 2-design POVM as above, M2 2 D+1 .

Proof. Since this is a homogeneous relation, we may w.l.o.g. assume that ξ1 = 2, meaning that we can write ξ = ρ − σ with two orthogonal density operators ρ and σ . ν [ρ]−ν [σ] ≥ 1 Thus, what we need to show is M2 M2 D+1 . Distinguishability of Quantum States Under Restricted Families of Measurements 827

For this, we use Proposition 21 in Appendix A, Ineq. (A1), for the vectors p and q defined as

D D p = Tr(ρE ) = Tr(ρ P ), q = Tr(σ E ) = Tr(σ P ). k k n k k k n k


ν [ρ]−ν [σ] =   − M2 M2 p q 1 D2 ≥ 1 − n (Tr(ρ P ))(Tr(σ P )) n2 k k k 1 = 1 − D2 Tr ((ρ ⊗ σ)(P ⊗ P )) . n k k k

Now, the last sum can be evaluated as follows, using the property of spherical 2-design:

1 1 Tr(ρ P σ P ) = Tr ((P ⊗ P )(ρ ⊗ σ)) n k k n k k k k 1 = Tr ((1 + F)(ρ ⊗ σ)) D(D +1) 1 1 = (Tr(ρ) Tr(σ) +Tr(ρσ)) = . D(D +1) D(D +1)

Inserting this above, we conclude

1 1 ν [ρ]−ν [σ] ≥ 1 − D2 = , M2 M2 1 D(D +1) D +1 as advertised.

Theorem 14. For a POVM M2 which is a weighted 2-design the conclusion of λ( ) ≥ 1 1 Theorem 13 still holds: M2 2 D+1 .

Proof. The idea is to break down the probabilities pk into smaller but approximately equal values. This increases the number of outcomes of the POVM, but makes it be approximated better and better by a proper 2-design, to which we can apply Theorem 13. In detail, assume that our weighted 2-design is discrete, with n elements; choose an integer N  1, and for each k let Nk =Npk and k = Npk − Nk. Define a new weighted 2-design with the same projectors Pk = Pk and “uniformised” weights  k/N for  = 0, βk = 1/N for  = 1,...,Nk. 828 W. Matthews, S. Wehner, A. Winter

Then, applying the same proof as in Theorem 13 to this refined 2-design (which has N + n outcomes), we get

ν [ρ]−ν [σ] =p −q M M 1 1 ≥ − ( ) β2 2( (ρ ))( (σ )) 1 N + n k D Tr Pk Tr Pk k 2 N + n ≥ 1 − D β  Tr ((ρ ⊗ σ)(P ⊗ P )) N k k k k D2 N + n = 1 − Tr [(1 + F)(ρ ⊗ σ)] D(D +1) N   D n 1 = 1 − 1+ → , D +1 N D +1 where we have used βk ≤ 1/N in the third line. Note that the factor of 1/(D +1) in the bound (24) is essentially best possible (up to a constant independent of D), as the example of D + 1 mutually unbiased bases shows. Indeed, if the two states ρ and σ are distinct elements of one of the bases, then the measured output distributions for all the D other bases are the same, namely uniform, ν [ρ]−ν [σ ] = 2 , while in their proper basis the trace distance remains 2, so M M 1 D+1 λ(M) ≤ 1 and hence D+1 .   2 1 Similarly, for a SIC-POVM with D operators D Pk it is easily verified that two states from the POVM, i.e. for instance ρ = P1 and σ = P2, have trace norm difference ρ − σ  = 2D ν [ρ]−ν [σ] = 2 , λ(M) ≤ 1 1 D+1 , while M M 1 D+1 so D .

4. Local POVMs

Consider now a multipartite system H = H1 ⊗ H2 ⊗···⊗Hn, of local Hilbert spaces H j of dimension d j . (The total space’s dimension is denoted D = d1d2 ···dn in this section.) This partition suggests various classes of POVMs due to restrictions of locality. For instance, let LO be the class of all local operations, i.e. tensor product measurements:   ( ) ( ) ( ) LO = E 1 ⊗···⊗E n : (E j ) POVM on H . k1 kn k j j More generally, LOCC is the class of measurements that can be implemented by local operations and classical communication between the parties. SEP are the separable POVMs, i.e.     = (1) ⊗···⊗ (n) : ( j) ≥ , (1) ⊗···⊗ (n) = 1 . SEP Ek Ek Ek 0 Ek Ek k Finally, there is the class of PPT POVMs: denoting the transpose operation (with respect to any basis) by T ,itis ⎧ ⎛ ⎞ ⎫ ⎨   ⎬ = ( ) :∀∀ ⊂[ ] ⎝ ⊗ ⎠ ≥ , PPT ⎩ Ek POVM k I n T id Ek 0⎭ i∈I i ∈I Distinguishability of Quantum States Under Restricted Families of Measurements 829 i.e. all POVM elements have to be PPT with respect to every bipartition of the n-party system. It is not hard to see that LO ⊂ LOCC ⊂ SEP ⊂ PPT, and all inclusions are known to be strict, at least if the dimension is large enough (see [18] and [19]). The corresponding symmetric convex bodies of operators are denoted LO ⊂ LOCC ⊂ SEP ⊂ PPT.

These are interesting examples of POVM classes since we know due to so-called quantum data hiding [14,26,31] that ξM for them can be much smaller than ·1. Indeed, it was shown in these references that in a bipartite system Cd ⊗ Cd , the states σ = 1+F α = 1−F d(d+1) and d(d−1) , i.e. the (normalised) projectors onto the symmetric and antisymmetric subspace, respectively, obey 1 1 2 ρ − σ = . 2 2 PPT d +1 (In [14] more general statements of this type for n-partite systems can be found.) Con- λ(PPT) ≤ 2 sequently, d+1 . The next result shows that this bound is quite sharp: Lemma 15. For any operator ξ on an n-partite system,

ξ ≥ 2 ξ ≥ 2 √1 ξ . SEP / 2 / 1 2n 2 2n 2 D

2 √1 √1 In particular, λ(SEP) ≥ / ; for a bipartite system, we find λ(SEP) ≥ . 2n 2 D D Proof. Gurvits and Barnum [20] have shown that for a bipartite system, within the set of Hermitian operators, the unit ball of the Hilbert-Schmidt norm centred on the identity operator contains only separable operators. More generally they proved in an n-partite − / system, that the ball of radius 21 n 2 around the identity is fully separable [20]. ( , 1 − ) : − 1 ≤ It follows immediately that all the POVMs in the set E E 2E 2 21−n/2 are separable. It is easy to see that the corresponding symmetric convex body (see Lemma 2) is the ball of radius 21−n/2 in the Hilbert-Schmidt norm around the origin and so this is a subset of SEP. From this inclusion, and the fact that the Hilbert–Schmidt norm is self–dual, 2 ξSEP = max Tr (Eξ) ≥ max Tr (Eξ) = ξ2, ∈SEP 1−n/2 n/2 E E2≤2 2 √ concluding the proof, if we recall ξ1 ≤ Dξ2. We now come to the main technical result of the present section, showing that this order of magnitude goes through all the way to LO, indeed, a particular tensor prod- uct POVM on a bipartite system is already almost as good as the class of all separable POVMs, in terms of the constant of domination. Note that Proposition 8 gives us the local POVM with the largest λ: namely, by symmetrising over all unitaries U = UA ⊗ UB, drawn from the product of the local Haar measures, we find that for any tensor product POVM MA ⊗ MB,wehaveλ (MUU) ≥ λ (MA ⊗ MB), where MUU denotes the tensor product of the isotropic POVMs on the two subsystems. 830 W. Matthews, S. Wehner, A. Winter

Theorem 16. For any two states ρ and σ on a bipartite Hilbert space HA ⊗ HB,let ξ = ρ − σ . Then, 1 1 ξM ≥ √ ξ2 ≥ √ ξ1, UU 153 153D √ where D = dAdB is the Hilbert space dimension. Consequently, λ (MUU) ≥ 1/ 153D. Proof. We do exactly the same as in Subsect. 3B, only that we have now a POVM on HA ⊗ HB of the form (Ddϕdψ|ϕ ϕ|⊗|ψ ψ|), so S is the variable S = D Tr((|ϕ ϕ|⊗|ψ ψ|)ξ), and the bias of the estimation based on the outcome is E|S|, as before in Subsect. 3B. We use Berger’s inequality, Lemma 12 again, for which we need the second and fourth moment. Because now we randomise independently over HA and HB, we get   22d2 d2 E 2 = A B (AA ⊗ BB )(ξ AB ⊗ ξ AB) , S Tr sym sym dA(dB +1)dB (dB +1) 242d4 d4 ES4 = A B ( )( )( ) ( )( )( ) dA dA +1 dA +2 dA +3 dB dB +1 dB +2 dB +3 × (AAAA ⊗ BBBB)(ξ AB ⊗ ξ AB ⊗ ξ AB ⊗ ξ AB) , Tr sym sym where the superscripts remind one of the systems these operators act on. Expanding the projectors into the permutations of two, respectively four, elements, we get   E 2 = dAdB (ξ 2 ) (ξ 2 ) (ξ 2) , S Tr A +Tr B +Tr (25) (dA +1)(dB +1) AA BB AA where ξA = Tr B(ξ) and ξB = Tr A(ξ), because we get terms with 1 ⊗ 1 , 1 ⊗ F BB, F AA ⊗ 1BB and F AA ⊗ F BB. The fourth moment is considerably more complex: looking at d3 d3 ES4 = A B (d +1)(d +2)(d +3)(d +1)(d +2)(d +3) A A A B B B AAAA BBBB ⊗4 × Tr (Uπ ⊗ Uσ )ξ , (26)

π,σ∈S4 we see that we need to calculate – or at least reasonably upper bound – the trace terms AAAA BBBB ⊗4 Tr (Uπ ⊗ Uσ )ξ . In Appendix C, Lemma 26 we show that   AAAA BBBB ⊗4 Tr (Uπ ⊗ Uσ )ξ

π,σ∈S4 ≤ ( (ξ 2))2 ( (ξ 2))( (ξ 2 )) ( (ξ 2))( (ξ 2 )) 153 Tr + 126 Tr Tr A + 126 Tr Tr B +9(Tr(ξ 2 ))2 +9(Tr(ξ 2 ))2 +30(Tr(ξ 2 ))(Tr(ξ 2 ))  A B  A B 2 ≤ (ξ 2) (ξ 2 ) (ξ 2 ) . 153 Tr +Tr A +Tr B Distinguishability of Quantum States Under Restricted Families of Measurements 831

Plugging this into Eq. (26), we find   3 2 E 4 ≤ dAdB (ξ 2) (ξ 2 ) (ξ 2 ) . S 153 Tr +Tr A +Tr B (27) (dA +1)(dB +1) Now we conclude as in the single-system case: by virtue of Eqs. (25) and (27), ξ = E|S| MUU (E 2)3 ≥ S ES4  1 ≥ √ Tr(ξ 2) +Tr(ξ 2 ) +Tr(ξ 2 ) 153 A B 1 1 ≥ √ ξ2 ≥ √ ξ1, 153 153D and we are done. Remark 17. From the proof we see that, just as in the single-system case of Subsect. 3 B, it is enough for the local measurements to be 4-designs. Corollary 18. The constants of domination, for locality-restricted measurements on a d × d-system, are in the following relations: 1 2 √ ≤ λ (MUU) ≤ λ(LO) ≤ λ(LOCC) ≤ λ(SEP) ≤ λ(PPT) ≤ . (28) 153d d +1 For separable measurements we have the even tighter bounds, 1 2 ≤ λ(SEP) ≤ λ(PPT) ≤ . (29) d d +1 Proof. The first inequality in (28) is just Theorem 16, the chain is by inclusion of the sets of POVMs, with the last bound following from the data hiding states αd and σd ,the (appropriately normalised) projections onto the (anti-)symmetric subspace of Cd ⊗ Cd –see[31,14] and [26]. By Lemma 15 finally, λ(SEP) ≥ √1 = 1 . D d Remark 19. The first inequality (28) in Corollary 18 proves a conjecture about the optimal bias achievable with LOCC measurements ([26, Conjecture 7]. Compare also with [31], where a bias of order 1/d2 was proven using a particular informationally complete measurement, and it was suggested there that better POVMs might exist. This result shows that in a very strong sense the original data hiding states, the sym- metric and anti-symmetric subspace projections, are essentially optimal: up to a constant factor they achieve the best available bias, which is (1/d). Remark 20. The 2-bound in Theorem 16 has another notable consequence for data hiding: observing that for orthogonal states ρ and σ ,  2 2 ρ − σ2 = Tr(ρ ) +Tr(σ ) ≥ max {ρ2, σ 2} , we conclude that data hiding states have to be highly mixed. If one of them has rank bounded by r, say, Theorem 16 places a lower bound of 1/13r on the bias achievable by LOCC measurements. 832 W. Matthews, S. Wehner, A. Winter

Indeed, all known constructions of data hiding states endow them with considerable entropy (comparable to or larger than the size of the “shares”), see [14,22,31]. Our bound tells us that this has to be so to guarantee security of the scheme. We intend to return to this issue on a separate occasion.

5. Certainty Relations

The results on λ(MU) for the isotropic POVM, tensor products of isotropic POVMs, and 2-designs have nice interpretations as “certainty relations” in the sense of Sanchez- Ruiz [29]. Namely, for a complete set of D + 1 mutually unbiased bases in CD with associated basis measurements Bk, he shows that for any pure state ϕ =|ϕ ϕ|,

D D +1   (D +1) log ≤ S ν [ϕ] ≤ (D +1) log D − log(D − 1), (30) 2 2 Bk k=0   ν [ϕ] =− | |ϕ|4 where S2 Bk log x x is the Rényi entropy of order 2 for the ortho- normal basis {|1,...|D}. The right hand side of Eq. (30) is referred to as a certainty relation, and intuitively states that for the chosen measurements there exists no pure state that will lead to maximum entropy for all measurements simultaneously. It quantifies the fact (quite natural, after a moment of thought) that not all the tomographic data from measuring those bases is equally informative in the sense of Shannon. The certainty relation of [29] also holds for the Shannon entropy. Let M be the POVM formed by measuring in one of the D + 1 bases at random. Using the concavity of the log, the certainty relation can then be rewritten as

1 log (D(D +1)) − S (ν [ϕ]) ≥ log(D − 1). 2 M D +1

From our results in the previous section, we can infer similar certainty relations. First of all, from Theorem 13 we get the following more general but weaker bound for any proper 2-design POVM with n outcomes:

log n − S2 (νM[ϕ]) ≥ log n − S (νM[ϕ]) = D (νM[ϕ]νM[1/D]) 1 ≥ ν [ϕ − 1/D]2 2ln2 M − ≥ 1 d 1 ≥ 1 1 , 4ln2 D(D +1)2 6ln2(D +1)2 where D(··) is the classical relative entropy and the second inequality follows from the (µν) ≥ 1 µ − ν2 Pinsker inequality D 2ln2 (see [4], for example, for definitions of the relative entropy between measures). For uni- and bipartite 4-designs, in particular the isotropic POVMs, we get con- siderably better bounds, due to the appearance of the Hilbert-Schmidt norm. Consider ρ = ρ any ensemble of quantum states, x px x . For the Shannon mutual information between the preparation variable X (distributed according to px ) and the measurement Distinguishability of Quantum States Under Restricted Families of Measurements 833 outcome given by U,   ( : ) = ν [ρ ]ν [ρ] I X MU px D MU x MU x ≥ 1 ν [ρ ]−ν [ρ]2 px MU x MU x 2ln2 1 2 ≥ px ρx − ρ 18 ln 2 2 x   1 2 2 = px Tr(ρ ) − Tr(ρ ) 18 ln 2 x  x  1 = SL (ρ) − px SL (ρx ) . (31) 18 ln 2 x In other words, we get a lower bound on the accessible information of the ensemble in 2 terms of so-called “linear entropies” SL (ρ) = 1 − Tr(ρ ). In the above derivation we have used the well-known relation between mutual information and relative entropy, the Pinsker inequality and Eq. (23). A particularly interesting case is that of a pure state ensemble ρx =|ϕx  ϕx |: all the SL (ρx ) are zero, so we get a positive lower bound for the accessible information   1 2 I ({px ,ϕx }) ≥ I (X : M ) ≥ 1 − Tr(ρ ) , acc U 18 ln 2 which is a small but positive constant, depending only on ρ. It turns out that the best possible lower bound on the accessible information in terms solely of ρ is known: it is the so-called subentropy Q(ρ) of Jozsa, Robb and Wootters [24], attained on a par- ticular ensemble decomposition of ρ, named after Ebenezer Scrooge. Incidentally, for this ensemble all complete (i.e., rank-1) POVMs have the same information gain. It is 1−γ ≈ . γ largest on the maximally mixed state, and bounded by ln 2 6099, where is Euler’s constant [24]. LOCC(·) For bipartite systems we furthermore obtain a lower bound for Iacc , that is the accessible information when we are restricted to performing LOCC measurements. This bound is obtained by using Theorem 16 to lower bound I (X : MUU) – the mutual infor- mation when the locally unitarily invariant continuous POVM is used. This quantity is studied as a lower bound on the locally accessible information in [30] (where it is denoted L ({px ,ϕx })). Unlike the subentropy, this quantity depends on the ensemble (rather than the ensemble average alone) even when it is a pure state ensemble. How- ever, in [30] it is interpreted differently as the average of the mutual information over all complete product basis measurements. Since some measurements of this form cannot be performed by LOCC, the authors (unnecessarily) restrict their claim that it is a lower bound on the locally accessible information to bipartite systems of 2 × n dimensions (where it is known that any complete product basis measurement can be performed by LOCC). This is unnecessary because, as described in Sect. 4, I (X : MUU) is also the mutual information yielded by the protocol where Alice and Bob independently measure according to the unitarily invariant continuous POVM and share their results (which is clearly accomplished by LOCC). As noted in [30], this bound is saturated by Scrooge ensembles. 834 W. Matthews, S. Wehner, A. Winter

No general closed form is known for I (X : MUU) (although some special cases are derived in [30]) so it is useful to note that by using the same derivation as in (31), but invoking Theorem 16, we get that for an arbitrary ensemble on a bipartite system,   LOCC ({ ,ρ }) ≥ ( : ) ≥ 1 (ρ) − (ρ ) . Iacc px x I X MUU SL px SL x (32) 306 ln 2 x It is worth noting that in the case of an ensemble of pure states this lower bound, unlike I (X : MUU), depends only on the ensemble average. Hence we get a lower bound of   LOCC LOCC 1 2 Q (ρ) := inf I ({px ,ϕx }) ≥ 1 − Tr(ρ ) ρ= ϕ acc x px x 306 ln 2 on the LOCC-subentropy of ρ.

6. Conclusion We have introduced a formalism of norms on states/density operators linked to their (pairwise) distinguishability by a given, restricted, class of measurements. This allows us to study the relation between these norms in convex geometric terms. We went on to investigate the constants of domination for the resulting norms with respect to the well-known trace norm: for a single measurement we looked at the isotropic POVM, 4- and 2-designs. Furthermore, we considered several classes of locally restricted mea- surements, such as LOCC or PPT POVMs. The results here have strong connection to data hiding: indeed, we proved that up to a constant factor the hiding states of [31] achieve already the best possible bias. Weleave many questions open, such as the eventual determination of the locally accessible information and better bounds on the constants of domination. More importantly, one ought to be able to obtain more information on the geometry of the convex bodies M and the unit balls of ·M – here we only compared them with the trace and the Hilbert-Schmidt norms, but it would be interesting to get more insight into their geometric shape. It is an intriguing open question regarding single measurements where to place 3-design POVMs relative to 2- and 4-designs.

Acknowledgements. AW thanks the members of the Pavia Quantum Information group for an enjoyable after- noon in October 2007, where he had occasion to discuss some of the questions of the present paper, when they were still in a nascent state. In particular the feedback of G. M. D’Ariano, G. Chiribella and M. F. Sacchi, and their suggestions regarding the use of symmetry, are gratefully acknowledged. Ashley Montanaro provided the pointer to the paper by Ambainis and Emerson, and provided the example mentioned in Appendix A. WM would like to thank Dan Shepherd for a useful discussion about groups and diagrams. WM was supported by the U.K. EPSRC. SW was supported by NSF grant number PHY-04056720. AW was supported by the U.K. EPSRC through the “QIP IRC” and an Advanced Fellowship, by a Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award and by the European Commission through IP “QAP”. The Centre for Quantum Tech- nologies is funded by the Singapore Ministry of Education and the National Research Foundation as part of the Research Centres of Excellence programme.

Appendix A: An 1-Inequality for Probability Vectors and Density Operators   Rn ( ≥ n = Proposition 21. For probability vectors p, qin i.e. pi 0 and i=1 pi 1, and likewise for qi ),

p −q1 ≥ 1 − n p ·q, (A1) Distinguishability of Quantum States Under Restricted Families of Measurements 835 where on the left is the statistical distance between the distributions, namely the 1-norm of their difference, and on the right we have the usual Euclidean inner product of vectors. Corollary 22 (Quantum case). Ineq. (A1) has a straightforward quantum generalisa- tion: for any two density operators ρ and σ on an n-dimensional Hilbert space,

ρ − σ1 ≥ 1 − n Tr(ρσ), (A2) where now on the left is the trace norm, and on the right is the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product on operator space. This actually follows from the classical case, as follows: ρ is diagonalised in some basis, with a probability vector p along the diagonal. Denote the dephasing operation in this basis by E – it is a CPTP map with E(ρ) = ρ. Denoting σ  = E(σ), which is now diagonalised in the same basis, with a probability vector q along the diagonal, we now have 1 1   ρ − σ ≥ ρ − σ  and Tr(ρσ) = Tr(ρσ ), 2 1 2 1 so all we need to prove is

1   ρ − σ  ≥ 1 − n Tr(ρσ ). 2 1 But because of 1  1  ρ − σ  = p −q and Tr(ρσ ) =p ·q, 2 1 2 1 this is precisely (A1). Proof of Proposition 21. We use the well-known relation between trace distance and fidelity [16]: 1 √ p −q ≥ 1 − pi qi , 2 1 i hence we are done once we show   √ 2 1 − pi qi ≥ 1 − n pi qi , i i √ which – introducing the shorthand ti = pi qi – is equivalent to 1 1 2 ti ≤ + n t . 2 2 i i i = ≤ = ...= = s Now, for fixed s i ti 1, the right hand side here is minimal for t1 tn n , 1 1 2 ≥ in which case it reduces to 2 + 2 s , which is indeed always s. Remark 23. Ineq. (A1) becomes false when introducing a factor c < 1 on the left hand side. for sufficiently large n. Ashley Montanaro [personal communication] pointed out to us the following class of examples:     = , , 1−x ,..., 1−x  = , , 1−x ,..., 1−x Consider p x 0 n−2 n−2 and q 0 x n−2 n−2 , which have − = −  ·= − n ( − )2 ∼ 2 c p q 1 2cx, whereas 1 n p q 1 n−2 1 x 2x + x for large n. 836 W. Matthews, S. Wehner, A. Winter

Appendix B: An Integral Over the Unit Sphere

Lemma 24. Let P and Q be mutually orthogonal projectors of rank a and b, respectively, Cd |ψ= d ψ | ∈Cd in . Then, for the uniform distribution on the unit vectors j=1 j j , a a+b 1 1 1 2 1 2 E Tr(ψ P) − Tr(ψ Q) = d dψ |ψ j | − |ψ j | 2a 2b 2a 2b j=1 j=a+1 1  k +  = 1 − pk(1 − p) , a + b k k=0,...a−1 =0,...b−1 where p = a/(a + b). √1 d Proof. Introduce a random Gaussian vector |ϕ∼NCd (0, 1) [11], i.e. |ϕ= = 2d j 1 (α j + iβ j )| j with independent Gaussian distributed real and imaginary parts α j ,βj ∼ N (0, 1) of zero mean and unit variance. In particular, Eϕ|ϕ=1. Now, using this and the unitary invariance of the distribution of |ϕ,wesee 1 1 1 1 E Tr(ψ P) − Tr(ψ Q) = Eϕ ϕ|ϕEψ Tr(ψ P) − Tr(ψ Q) 2a 2b 2a 2b 1 1 = Eϕ Tr(ϕ P) − Tr(ϕQ) 2a 2b a = 1E 1 (α2 β2) α j ,β j ∼N (0,1) j + j 2 2a = j 1 a+b − 1 (α2 β2) j + j 2b = j a+1 1 1 1 = EX,Y X − Y . 2 2a 2b

The sums of squares of Gaussian components occurring here are well-studied, and known under the name of χ 2-distributions:

a a+b (α2 β2) =: ∼ χ 2 , (α2 β2) =: ∼ χ 2 , j + j X 2a j + j Y 2b j=1 j=a+1 their probability density being given by

1 − − / Pr{X ∈[x; x +dx]} = (x/2)a 1e x 2dx, 2(a − 1)! 1 − − / Pr{Y ∈[y; y +dy]} = (y/2)b 1e y 2dy. 2(b − 1)! Distinguishability of Quantum States Under Restricted Families of Measurements 837

This allows us to evaluate the latter expectation as follows, denoting the indicator function of a set {...} as 1{...}: 1 1 1 1 EX,Y X − Y = EX,Y dr 1{X/2a ≤ r ≤ Y/2b} 2 2a 2b 2 + dr 1{Y/2b ≤ r ≤ X/2a} 1 ∞ = dr (E 1{X ≤ 2ar, Y ≥2br} + E 1{X ≥ 2ar, Y ≤2b}) 2 0 1 ∞ = dr (Pr{X ≤ 2ar} Pr{Y ≥ 2br} 2 0 +Pr{X ≥ 2ar} Pr{Y ≤ 2br}) 1 ∞ 1 ∞ = dr Pr{X ≥ 2ar} + dr Pr{Y ≥ 2br} 2 0 2 0 ∞ − dr Pr{X ≥ 2ar} Pr{Y ≥ 2br}. 0 Using the χ 2 densities, the probabilities under the integrals are easily evaluated:

a−1 k b−1  − (ar) − (br) Pr{X ≥ 2ar}=e ar , Pr{Y ≥ 2br}=e br . k! ! k=0 =0 This finally gives 1 1 1 1 1 E Tr(ψ P) − Tr(ψ Q) = EX,Y X − Y 2a 2b 2 2a 2b ∞ k  1 1 − ( ) (ar) (br) = + − dre r a+b 2 2 k!! 0 k=0,...a−1 =0,...b−1    1 a k b k +  = 1 − , a + b a + b a + b k k=0,...a−1 =0,...b−1 where we have used the integral for the Gamma function. We will also need the following small lemma:   k −(k+l) k+l ≥ = Lemma 25. Let Sk denote l=0 2 l . We claim that for integers k 0,Sk 1.       n = n−1 n−1 , Proof. Using the well known ’addition formula’ m m + m−1 k+1 k+1 −(1+k+l) k + l −(1+k+l) k + l Sk = 2 + 2 (B1) +1 l l − 1 l=0 l=0 k 1 −(2k+2) 2k +1 −(2+k+l) k + l +1 = Sk +2 + 2 (B2) 2 k +1 l l=0 1 −(2k+2) 2k +1 1 1 −(2k+2) 2k +2 = Sk +2 + Sk − 2 (B3) 2 k +1 2 +1 2 k +1 838 W. Matthews, S. Wehner, A. Winter so −(2k+2) 2k +1 2k +2 Sk = Sk +2 2 − = Sk, +1 k +1 k +1     2k+1 = 2k+1 where the final equality is due to the addition formula and the symmetry k+1 k−1 . To complete the proof we note that S0 = 1.

Appendix C: Upper Bounds on Certain Traces

Lemma 26. Let ξ be a traceless Hermitian operator on a bipartite Hilbert space HA ⊗ H (4) (4) B. Let Psym A and Psym B denote the projector onto the completely symmetric subspace H⊗4 H⊗4 of A and B , respectively. := (ξ 2) := (ξ 2 ) := (ξ 2 ) ξ = Then, with the shorthands t Tr ,a Tr A and b Tr B , where A Tr B(ξ) and ξB = Tr A(ξ),      ( ) ( ) ⊗ 1 Tr P 4 ⊗ P 4 ξ 4 ≤ 153t2 + 126ta + 126tb +9a2 +9b2 +30ab . sym A sym B 4!2 (C1) The proof is conceptually simple but a little long. We write the projection operators as averages over the unitary operators which permute the four subsystems. Defining, for permutations π ∈ S4, the representation 4 A := | A  |A, Uπ ji π(i) ji i j∈{1,...,d}m i=1

{| A} th H H⊗4 where j i 1≤ j≤d is an orthonormal basis for the i copy of A in A , and defining B Uπ similarly:      (4) (4) ⊗4 1 A B ⊗4 Tr P ⊗ P ξ = Tr Uπ ⊗ Uσ ξ . sym A sym B 24!2 π∈S4,σ∈S4

A B Clearly (π, σ) → Uπ ⊗ Uσ is a representation of S4 × S4. S4 × S4 has a subgroup consisting of all the elements of the form (g, g), which we’ll denote by R. R If (π ,σ) = r −1(π, σ)r for some r ∈ R, we write (π ,σ) ∼ (π, σ) and note that the corresponding terms are equal since     A ⊗ B ξ ⊗4 = ( A ⊗ B)( A ⊗ B)ξ ⊗4( A ⊗ B ) Tr Uπ Uσ  Tr Uπ Uσ Ug Ug U −1 U −1   g g A B ⊗4 = Tr Uπ ⊗ Uσ ξ .

Essentially, conjugation by an element of R corresponds to a permutation of the identical ξ operators, and therefore leaves the term unchanged. R The set of all 24!2 terms is partitioned by the equivalence relation ∼ with the terms in each subset all equal to each other. We shall refer to these subsets as the R-conjugacy classes of S4 × S4. Clearly, the R-conjugacy classes form a finer partition of S4 × S4 than the normal conjugacy classes. Distinguishability of Quantum States Under Restricted Families of Measurements 839

By demonstrating an appropriate upper-bound for the terms in each R-conjugacy class, and calculating the size of each class, we will prove the upper bound (C1).

Tensor Diagrams. Let us establish an orthonormal basis {|iA} ({|iB})forHA (HB). In ξ ξ k,l = | ⊗| ξ|  ⊗|  this basis, we can write in component form thus i, j k A l B i A j B. We would like to demonstrate upper bounds for terms of the form   A ⊗ Bξ ⊗4 = ξ aπ(1),bσ(1)ξ aπ(2),bσ(2)ξ aπ(3),bσ(3)ξ aπ(4),bσ(4), Tr Uπ Uσ a1,b1 a2,b2 a3,b3 a4,b4 (C2) where the ai and bi (i ∈{1, 2, 3, 4}) are dummy variables to be contracted over according to the Einstein summation convention. Using indices in our calculations would be rather messy and confusing. Instead we use the ingenious tensor diagrams of Penrose [27]: We denote our bipartite Hermitian operator ξ by The “terminals” of this diagram correspond to indices like so

ξ k,l = i, j

Joining the terminals with “wires” denotes contraction of the corresponding indices:

ξ k,l ξr,m = , r, j p,q

ξA := Tr B(ξ) = ξB := Tr A(ξ) = Tr(ξ) = = 0, Tr(ξ 2) = = t, (ξ 2 ) = = , (ξ 2 ) = = . Tr A a Tr B b In an effort to keep the diagrams tidy and compact, we sometimes use a pair of ver- tical grey lines, one with wires entering from the right and the other with a matching set of wires entering from the left. A diagram with this feature is to be read as equivalent to the diagram one obtains by identifying the grey lines parallel to join the matching wires. It should not be confused with the bars drawn across wires (by Penrose and others) to denote (anti-)symmetrization. Here is an example showing how a diagram corresponds to a particular term of the form (C2):

= ξ j,q ξl,p ξ k,nξ i,m. l,q k,m j,p i,n

In Fig. 1 we provide a table with a diagram representative of each of the R-conjugacy classes organised by the conjugacy class of S4 × S4 which contains it. The size of each R-conjugacy class is written to the right of the corresponding dia- gram. An upper bound is given and diagrams which are identically 0 (by virtue of having a factor of Tr(ξ) = 0) are drawn in a lighter shade of grey. Proofs of upper bounds. We give bounds for the terms shown in the upper-right triangle of Fig. 1. Bounds for those terms below the diagonal follow from these by exchanging the roles of the parties. We will make repeated use of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product, 840 W. Matthews, S. Wehner, A. Winter

Lemma 27. | Tr(A† B)|2 ≤ (Tr(A† A))(Tr(B† B)).

Let P denote a positive semidefinite hermitian operator. Wehave the inequality Tr(P2) ≤ (Tr(P))2 (by the spectral decomposition of P for example). From this fact and the Cau- chy-Schwarz inequality it follows that

Lemma 28. If P and Q are both positive semidefinite, then Tr(PQ) ≤ (Tr(P))(Tr(Q)).

Third, since the partial transpose map is selfadjoint,

Lemma 29. The quantities t, a and b are unchanged if we replace ξ with ξ .

Proof of of Lemma 26. We go through the types one by one.

(2,2):(2,2) = (Tr(ξ 2))2 = t2. To show that the same bound applies to   2 , we note that it can be written as Tr (Tr A(Z)) , where

Z = (ξ ⊗ 1C )(1A ⊗| |)(ξ ⊗ 1C )

|= d |  ⊗|  =((ξ ⊗ 1 )(1 ⊗|))((ξ ⊗ 1 )(1 ⊗|))† and i=1 i B i C . Since Z  C A C A , 2 2 it is positive semidefinite, and as such Tr (Tr A(Z)) ≤ (Tr(Z)) . The result follows by noting that Tr(Z) = t. = ( (ξ 2 ))2 = 2 (2,2):(1,1,1,1) Tr A a .

(2,1,1):(2,1,1) = ab. (4):(4) Noting that ξ 2 is positive semidefinite, and applying Lemma 28, we get = Tr(ξ 4) ≤ (Tr(ξ 2))2 = t2. The partial-transpose of ξ, ξ , has the diagrammatic representation (we choose to take the transpose on Bob’s system). Substituting, this for ξ in results in the diagram

= (Tr(ξ ))4, so Lemma 29 shows that the same bound applies   here. The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality yields = Tr (ξ )2(ξ 2) ≤    1/2 (Tr(ξ ))4(Tr (ξ 2) )2 = , which can ≤ 2 be seen to be t because of the previous two bounds. = ( (ξ 2))ξ 2 ≤ ( (ξ 2))( (ξ 2 )) = (4):(2,1,1) Tr Tr B A Tr Tr A ta, by Lemma = (ξ(ξ ⊗ 1 )ξ(ξ ⊗ 1 )) ≤ ξ(ξ2 ⊗ 1 )ξ = 28. Tr A B A B Tr A B , where we have used the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. Distinguishability of Quantum States Under Restricted Families of Measurements 841

Bob (4) (3,1) (2,2) (2,1,1) (1,1,1,1) 68361 6 24 12 24 6

2 24 24 612a

(4) 6 (t2 + ta) ⁄ 2 t2 ta t2

6 36 48 18 36 6 24 24 24 24 8

24 24 t(t+b)/2 a(t+b)/2 (3,1) (t2 + tb) ⁄ 2 (ta + tb) ⁄ 2 24 8

8 8 48 64 24 48 8 12 24 3 6 3 2 2 6 t(t+a)/2 t 12 a (2,2) t2 ta 6 Alice t2

3 18 24 9 18 3 24 24 6 66

12 b(t+a)/2 12 ab 24 6 (2,1,1) tb tb 24

6 36 48 18 36 6 6 8 3 6 1 b2 b2 (1,1,1,1)

1 68361

Fig. 1. Sizes and upper-bounding expressions of the R-conjugacy classes. The faded diagrams are identically zero (because they contain a factor of Tr(ξ))

  1/2 (4):(3,1) ≤ .Usingthe results for these two diagrams and the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality we can bound this expression by t(t + a)/2, as was claimed. is given by substituting ξ  into the previous diagram, so by Lemma 29 the previous bound applies. 842 W. Matthews, S. Wehner, A. Winter

2 2 2 (4):(2,2) = Tr(Tr B(ξ )) ≤ t . For the other diagram we use    the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: ≤ Tr

   / Tr 1 2 = ≤ t2. (2,2):(2,1,1) = ta. For the other diagram in this class it is useful to define YB := Tr A (ξ(ξA ⊗ 1B)). We define YA similarly but with the roles of the parties reversed. ( 2 ) = (( (ξ(ξ ⊗ 1 ))) · ) Tr YB Tr Tr A A B YB = Tr (ξ(ξA ⊗ 1B)(1A ⊗ YB)) = (ξ(ξ ⊗ )) Tr A YB ≤ ( (ξ 2))( (ξ 2 ))( ( 2 )), Tr Tr A Tr YB and therefore ( 2 ) ≤ ( (ξ 2))( (ξ 2 )) = . Tr YB Tr Tr A ta ( 2) ≤ = ( 2 ) ≤ Similarly Tr YA tb. Hence, Tr YB ta. = (ξ 4 ) ≤ ( (ξ 2 ))2 = 2 (4):(1,1,1,1) Tr A Tr A a .     (3,1):(3,1) = Tr (ξ ⊗ 1 )ξ 2(1 ⊗ ξ ) = Tr ξ 2(ξ ⊗ ξ ) .Using A B A B  A B the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality we upper bound this by (Tr(ξ 4))(Tr(ξ 2 ))(Tr(ξ 2 )),  A B ( (ξ 2)) ( (ξ 2 ))( (ξ 2 )) ≤ ( )/ which in turn is bounded by Tr Tr A Tr B ta + tb 2, using arith- metic-geometric mean inequality at the end. is given by substituting ξ  into the previous diagram, so by Lemma 29 the same bound applies.      = ( (ξ 2)) ≤ ( (ξ 2)) 2 ( ( 2)) ≤ (3,1):(2,2) Tr Tr B YA Tr Tr B Tr YA t(t + b)/2.  = (ξ 2 ) ≤ ( (ξ 4 ))( ( 2)) ≤ ( )/ (3,1):(2,1,1) Tr AYA Tr A Tr YA a t + b 2. Now, collecting terms according to the multiplicities found in the table of Fig. 1,we conclude the proof. Remark 30. Note that for every pair of conjugacy classes of permutations, all the types falling into the corresponding box in Fig. 1 share the same upper bound.


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Communicated by M.B. Ruskai