ITEM 12 Access to Bramling Quarry,

A report by the North East Area Manager to the Highways Advisory Board on 11 May 2004. ______

1. At the last meeting of this Board on 9 March, Members recommended to the Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport that access to Bramling Quarry should be allowed from the A2 Trunk Road, via Coldharbour Lane. The Cabinet Member subsequently accepted this recommendation in making his decision. All other vehicles which exceed the width restriction limit will continue to be prevented from using Coldharbour Lane.

2. Consequently, a width limit on Coldharbour Lane has been advertised, including an exemption for any vehicle with the permission of the Highway Authority. This then gives the Area Manager or Highway Manager the opportunity of issuing permits to vehicles gaining access to Bramling Quarry.

3. The order was published on 8 April, and the final date for receipt of objections is 30 April. A number of objections to the Traffic Order have been received. These are detailed in Appendix A – together with comments on each. Any further objections which are received prior to 1 May will be reported at the Board Meeting.

4. None of objectors have raised any new points and so all were taken into consideration in reaching the conclusion to use Coldharbour Lane. Whilst it is accepted that Coldharbour Lane is very narrow over part of its length, and none of the remainder of this route to the quarry could be considered ideal, it is considered that this route is the ‘best’ that is available. It represents the shortest route from the A2 Trunk Road, passes the least number of properties, and is considered the overall best option in terms of road safety.


5. Taking account of the objections to the Order, and all of the representations that have been made in respect of this issue, it is concluded that the quarry lorries should be allowed to use Coldharbour Lane. Consequently, subject to the views of this Board, it is proposed to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport, that the TRO on Coldharbour Lane be made as advertised and that permits be issued to vehicles going to the Quarry.

Accountable Officer – Peter Fairweather ( 01227) 825359

Background Documents – Report to Highways Advisory Board 9 March 2004


Appendix A

Access to Bramling Quarry, Canterbury - Objections

1. In addition to the statutory consultees, copies of the advertised Notice have also been sent to all Parish Councils in the area affected by the quarry and to Dover District Council.

2. Bridge Parish Council have replied requesting that vehicles servicing the Ovenden Quarry are not exempt from the Order as Cold Harbour Lane is popular with walkers and cyclists. The Parish Council fear that there will be an increase in accidents and pollution if large numbers of HGVs are allowed to use this narrow lane.

3. A resident of Bramling Road West has written in objection on the grounds that the road is too narrow and bounded by hedges and has insufficient foundations. HGVs passing close by the properties of Coldharbour Cottages, Chota and Mill Cottages would be detrimental. The route passes through an area of outstanding natural beauty and is used by walkers, dogs, equestrians and cyclists. A slow moving lorry crossing Downs Road at Bramling crossroads would be a major traffic hazard.

4. Roads Policing Unit have reiterated the comments that they made previously that access to the quarry should be available from all directions initially, with the potential to take action in the future if any of these routes becomes problematic. Kent Police would prefer a weight limit as these are easier for them to enforce.

5. Kent Police (local Police Station) suggest that authorised vehicles are identified by a permit in the windscreen.

6. The closing date for receipt of objections is 30 April 2004, and any additional representations that are received after the report is finalised will be reported at the Meeting.
