ED 103 334 SO 008 205

AUTHOR Young, Mildred; And Others TITLE Elementary Art Guide, 1S"2-1973. INSTITUTION Greenville County School District, Greenville, S.C. PUB DATE 73 NOTE 145p.

EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$6.97 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS *Aesthetic Education; Art Activities; **art Education; Ceramics; Curriculum Guides; Elementary Education; *Elementary School Curriculum; *Handicrafts; Instructional Materials; Painting; Puppetry; Sculpture; Sewing Instruction

ABSTRACT This guide to teaching art in the elementary grades aims to develop art experiences that stimulate visual awareness, personal expression, self-evaluation, and ease in using art media. The following art experiences are covered with activities classified in order of difficulty: clay, collage, crayon, drawing, masks, mobiles, mosaics, murals, painting, , printmaking, puppets, stitchery, three dimensional art, and weaving. Other practical resources include tools and materials necessary for a complete art program, formulas for art media, ways to display art, a guide to basic needlework stitches, and a list of art elements and principles. The manual also introduces the teacher to the characteristics of a well-conducted art class and to ways for motivating and evaluating children's experiences with art. Other educational guides for the teacher include a categorization of developmental stages for art activities and the mechanics of an art lesson.(JH) U S DE l'AltIME NT OF 14F 41.1N t DUCATION&WtLIIfl NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION VI '4' 1 ;

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00002 J.T.BOARD Dr. H.G. BondsChappelear,Alex OF A. ChambersTRUSTEES Chmn. itt T.PalmerGeorgeDr. C. HooperDonald Covil W. Morrow G. Kilgore, Jr. 6Calc SUPT. OF SCHOOLS MelvinW. D. Workman, K. Younts III ASST. SUPT. FOR INSTRUCTION Dr. J. Floyd Hall GREENVILLETHIS ART GUIDE COUNTY IS THE SCHOOL PROPERTY SYSTEM OF Gordon L. Smith GREENVILLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT ELEMENTARY ART GUIDE PREFACE This\o curriculumart guide points is ever toward complete. a unified Space art is program. limited. ItTrends offers change. general Methodsobjectives change. and responsibilities. Ideas for conducting tothe avoid art lesson repetition intend from to expand grade toCie grade children's and insure TheWhileexperiences. material new lessons challenges thatVariation are follows classified c,),- and is e.cli innovationbased by competencegrade on needs level, are encouraged. I.remains through in a survey to 12. be done of Green toward ii: structuring art experiences in such a wav as elementary teachers. Major space has been ideas.thegiven committees to those matters listed below. receiving To themmost andinquiry. their IndebtednesstirelessIt goes efforts without is go also sinceresaving acknowledged thatappreciation. the contents to many ofof thisthe nation'sguide represent leading art many educators hours fromof unselfish. whose learning enthusiastic we have work distilled on the useful part of Guide Committee: Mrs. Mildred Young. Chmn. 411111111111=1111111166611a Review & Critique: Mrs. Annaba Bennett Mrs.Mrs.Miss MargaretDorothy DorothyGladysSusan BarberZeisGilliam,Blackmon Sullivan Art Dir. Sponsored & funded by The Curriculum Council Mrs. Kay Quinn TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface 1 Art Experiences, continued CollageClay _ . Pape 2317 ForewordContentsPhilosophy and Objectives 432 MasksCrayonDrawing . 393327 Staff Responsibilities TeachersPrincipal 5, 6 MuralsMosaicsMobiles .. .. . 514943 CCAC Art And The Teacher ConsultantSpecialist 7 PrintmakingPaperPainting . . 675775 MotivationThe Vv.-Al-Conducted Art Class StitcheryPuppets ...... 3781 Develcpment Stages CorrelationAppreciationEvaluation Weaving3-DimensionalStitchery Guide Art ..... 101115109 91 ArtContests Experiences And Competitions Conducting The Art Lesson 13n1214 BasicDisplayFormulas Materials Storage And Care Of Materials 134119131 Art ElementsActivities And Principles 1514 InBibliography Conclusion 141137 2 all levelsmthidual of growth. b% because integrating the the imaginat;%e."Art creative. experiences intellectual are andessential manual to the fullest development of youth at promote the selfrealization of the whole to I.:ing esthetic sensithity into the life of each pupil.The purposeart guide of is thisa first Elementary of its size Art for GuideGreemille is to Countyenable and possibly every teacher capacities.-mentaryState Department Art Guide.. of WeEducation. realize that art affectsThis everyone statement in ser%eshis daily as living. a most appropriate introduction to B. run W. flansford. Commission of Education. Colorado our Ele- foreveryfor sensitizing anclassroom. and judgment building. for developingArt Irani'.creativity g goes in problem beyond beingschool district in S.C. It recognizes the need to put good art into an activity. It has a responsthigity students.The ingfineimprovement and arts we % asmust ital well placeofpart as our theof strong communitythe social total emphasis ens development ironment.has uponits basis art If of experiencesin the the child. foundations of the we are to foster creativity in as a continu- pupil'sistosolving. givenbe errors contribution. Ithigh offers can priority. oftenan atmosphere bewhile turned sharing freeinto from usefulof ideas fear innovations. enhancesof failure andsince Individual enriches what worth each appear helpministratorseffective in improving art to program use art it as in a theprofessional schools. toolWe fromThe which main purposethey of this guide is to offer ideas for realizing a e, :ruction. Specific activities and procedures will encourage teachers and ad- can secure more cooperationdeveloping from professional the principals interests in providingon the part ofArtSuccessfully the has teachers. always implementing belonged in the the curriculum. art program We will believe require the Elementary maximum necessary 'materials. and in values.need to be worked out in the local school to be consistent with community SuperintendentJ. F. Hall ofArt a sound Guide elementary will do much school to lend art program.emphasis and GordonAssistant L. Superintendent Smith for Imam-flan support to the development able. you will want to study it carefully. An honestMuch effort time has and been effort made have gone into the writing of this Art program. Since it is the first guide avail- to acquaint our teachers with con- cepts. techniques, materials and understanding of art. principal.herr often Others, discarded. as you It stud: is hoped your thatguide, if youmayMany have be improvised questionsmaterials fromas are available in your school through the you I r oradopt the thisdirector program of art. for Both your can own, be you of help will tocontact you! Director,Ben Carson Elementary Education your principal PHILOSOPHY OBJECTIVES We believe that: Topupil provideaid in the Greenville classroomtwo hours Co..-ty ofteacher weekly School in art the District. experiences important forneed every for developingelementary ArtbalanceEducators is a humanfor have dehumanizing need.a responsibility forces. to foster esthetic creativity as a counter- Toindividual develop creativity. through art experiences thL, child's a.abilities toward visual awareness child'schildren.ArtExperience expression personal with expression an expanding and creativity. range of art media wil! enhance the is also a pleasing and natural communication for c.b. self personalevaluation expression TheGrowthartistic child i- perception artis directed ability comesand toward skill through a are healthy cultiv.ted. continuous leisure timeuse and pursuit training. when his TopressionsTo provide generate forof the fromthe fine verbally the artist. child's inarticulate experiences a successful an d.understanding non-verbal of com-the ex- ease in using art media ofConsistentChildren the environment artbecome experiences morewhen actively their make esthetic discriminatingconcerned sensitivities with art the consumers. arebeauty nurtured. and harmony Tomunication. addutilize to thecreative attractiveness art for the of heightening attending school. of appeal of other subjects. Leings.contributionsEventuallyTo motivate to pupils affectof mature, toward the upward sensitive. constructive, progress imaginatively creativeof our community use constructive of leisure through time.human the To see that communications from the art director reach the teachers. puretime.Art (not twoactivity correlatedhours is ofan each integralI week part are ofdesignated the elementary by the curriculum.administration At for this STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES art, in the Greenville County School District. interestToand realize vice versa that his own enthusiast,! is reflected wherever he shows PRINCIPAL'S RESPONSIBILITIES To provide two hours of art activity a week TEACHERS' RESPONSIBILITIES To..rowing schedulehave concern leisure two hours forneeds buildingof o:art youth in thepositive curriculum cultural on aactivities regular weekly to basis fill the munitYTochildTo know the physical. social and intellectual enviromnent of the cum serious]. about the cultural development of each individual teacherToTo provide budget. adequate at this time. art materials. approximately fairly shared$1.25 perand child fully forused art by materials every To makeencourage the classroom a creative esthetically climate in theappealing classroom MC artTo activitiesconferfacilitate with the teachers collection about and materials storage ofneeded found materials, useful for Tomaterials workplan and foron handcontinuityorder far enough in art growth in advance to assure having adequate localpaperTo provide dealers. bags. wooda Teachersprompt scraps, means should wire of screen,not purchasing have spray to buy specialpaint, these. balloons. materials etc.. such from as To avoidworkinform withtracing. pr;ncipal the of specialist art needscopy when work. at the one opaqueproper is available timeprojections stereo-typed library.Toproducts providedispense foyer. adequatepassing with etc. display as display children's of space copy art forwork. children's stencils, art halls cafetorium,color Totechniques holdmake a usepositive which throughout are view often of theeverypassed school child's off asof art artavailable efforts space to display Toin the encourage classroom fieldteachers trips. to museum attend art visits, workshops and other and enriching to follow activities through schoolTochildren's cooperate administration art with those community art undertakings appr,..-ed by the municateTo appoint with a key other teacher teachers to represent in this regard community art interests and com- To bewaregrow a;ong of art with competitions pupils. both and creatively other influences and appreciatively exploiting the child 5 ART SPECIALISTS' RESPONSIBILITIES STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES - Cont. DIRECTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES ToTo be knowevaluate responsible and progress support to Art objectives Director of the overall program ToTo clear providecoordinate all art leadership related art program requests in professional from civic, development etc.. organizations and forward planning To assist,identifywork with not needs replace,teachers and thereport and teacher principal them to todirector improve the art program To aidassistconduct in implementingin orplanning arrange art workshops county-wide facilities forfor displays, newprofessional schools exhibitions, development etc. ToTo maintainshare keep with abreast personal the oftencher new creativity trends, responsibilities projects and for materialsdeveloping the creative To up-datecorrelatestay abreast and collections evaluateof current ofart trends,art materials resources; new in literature, warehouse viz films, research . reproductionsand materials CCIC)CCP Topotential aid in andimplementing personal art county-wide expression displays,of every childexhibitions, etc. ToTo maintain beinterpret on call personal art when program creativityprincipal to administration requests help and to community ToTo supervisebe develop responsible art and specialists toealuate Assistant innovations Superintendent in art teachingin charge of Instruction. 6 of-h)rART educators AND not to grasp THE the vitality, TEACHER theit as1,iritualit central h)and ;in the educated intellectualit roan is to ignore the measure by whih our i%ilization will he judged."' President.William Schulman Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Will be characterized bt purposeful muting about THE NORMAL WELL CONDUCTED ART CLASS For pupils who work too rapid). - OccasionalA 1.chatter of exclamations, voices laughter The atmosphere will be free: of fear of failure TheFor teacher pupils is istoo alertalert slow toto entire wasteful class ails ....en Wes. while helpingthey may an individual. try again. altering the problem.. ormaterials some of or the colors used snore swmpetent Anal helps the slow any 2. -Permissiveness" t not mayhem encouragementofof demands anxiety for perfectionto think originally implies: 5. Follow-through includes orderly cleanup. t :44211The comsnittertools: teacher and faces materialstakes the up largest ^thers part clean of theup ;snoutat their at awn all times. plan-. then sit responsibilityexperimentclassroom order and on exploration that part is of flexible each child to be considerate of others -- not abandoned 6. Evaluation noteddown. by A teacherwastebasket for special is passed attention. around the room. Spills. rte_ are 3. Materials and their use will be well organized asPlanplanning thePlan materialsresult classroom in theof pre-needed.following procedures: Obtain sequence: them. aids, protecting furniture and clothing. clean-up, storage. viz. distribution. motivation. visual, TeacherSomething guidesinvokeslooks pes*itite forthru child's and leading isappreciates opinionfound questions, in ~IA alitrrsit of handling tt.ok. MotivateSetDiscuss out materials discussions time element for relateduse. for Make project. to interests them attractive. and experiencesstratingdisplay. byhow demon to use materials and by considering their proper 7. Displaying Children are helpful with displaying work. Often.mya small daddy rag explanation -h standing :- ..aerirs underby the a artist:tree." tiz.. This is ms is*.afte and byby meansasking challenge ofquestions audio-visuals. to invent and stories. discover. recalled experiences.ties.ed events. imagin- WheneverIn the room. this every class pieee has arrest* *f !work to larges,.4 not display placedofdoesFour :pare opportunities. on notor inview five display the piece athalt. owe. esert ors. changed painting. frequenth. but each staff-we.will have Eters a fair share 4. Work begins. TeacherAfter explaining moves constantly clean-up. among helpers pupils, distribute remaining bymaterials. creating aware aof mood whole $ music, poetry, drama ). is projectsworklibrary.given from beside either offers every his.lass an work.child easier-11Vor choice for *walk.. Early chill's name med. (loosing from severalads *Were:Ita group pirrt. or individual Teacher encourages. re-motivates sympatheticconversational finding a new inquiry approach way into problemto draw out ideas 8. Art activities for their own north. consame a minimumAdditionalArt of may 2 hours he art carried may per beon correlatedEy the whole with dm:** other in orof individually.a pupil's education. MOTIVATION EVALUATION actionWhileMotivation and motivation sustaining is simpl% is tierhim %%intik.; until he toa has child'sall finished.subjects. interest it findsanti thusiasm no more tospontaneous- the point of teachingThepreiate purpose t. %ark's is toin broadenart expression. understanding a This is alsoandTraditionally. iserceptiteness.a good time In e%aittatit e%alltate and t ap- takesthe plat. at the ompletin of an art project reception than ;!. art. It can originate from anfieldwalks trips to toappreciate the zoo, nature park. 4luseurn. farm. mountains. lake. public of the following. sectionquestioning%tilt:nicer on Design theirto seek prefer, Elements other n.-n.. good anti 1,1 themel'rintqualities iples eliplaitS 14 ail, sthsened. helpAs tlw murk teacher keret. prr41111 work fur ealuation possible. avoid picking out -the best one.- I:Whiten local them 11, informal t Kekrenae to the music.mai%building. ies. rit architecturalthins.filmstrips. games film specitnens loops. slides. etc. 2. tatteoustellPut1144 whatup each responses all thr% thechild work like shun not about forrequired his tiewing own various ofwork andesers and let rhihl. pupils.explain ,gradesit. 3-1-5-64 These sl"! he "'Pun" pets.stories toy!: to which the child can relate -4..3. PointEvenIf some happsout unique something accidents treatment areg000d shows a source sonup. let rtrof +child learning.Nine. explain trn if ithow he did it. *414 the visits-dressing-up from interesting 4and interested people 1. commercialdevelophint.fartI./isplay that athe sense children: art. pupil patterns. 41 spent worth wrk antimuch inabout adultthe effort. roomtheir art should aftkiAmeciateand theefforts. be minimized..24-4 anti This enrourapr is 'alha!whx that the., currentcollectionsETV and events tele.ision and of hobbiees note G. CarelesswhattheTreat teacher she children's pilesconsiders dislass of messy unworth%.arttells with artwhat work revert the demean teacher when the storingvalues. child's andit effort*.Aso handling implies it. For artistic purposes motivation acquires momentumnoveltythe child's through own appealexperiences to discovering helping 7. NeverbelowwrittenWhen allowthedisplaying. tor work tspeuritten the mannerheightens be explanation,sure of eahiatingits the appeal childs tar to stiflenameviewers. a ischihrs %With enthu A siasm brief attarbed ah4m!sitle exploringcuriosity enjo%inventing ing manipulatingimagining childthe most to importantpause in phasethe earl's of vAaluallitm. Aagr 44 hi- Educators art actiit%Research suggest to reiew thatis indicating eneouraginr.: his "wit :hat ob- decisions the child makes while creatingonfor this art point. output. Remember This is how the talent ?du in revaluate.. inhibited. Re supersensitive are a experimenting communicating himjectives clarify is good. and enrich Letting his the own pupil ideas. discuss what he plans for his projeti helps 9 andThe sculpture.appreciation of art includes. but reaches be% ond understanding paintings APPRECIATION newclarifyingBecause concepts. art 'earnings communicates in other visually. areas. itIt hasstrengthens immense association.,value for synthesizing and leads and to CORRELATION Theandcriticize.furnishings. presence more selectneedful. or clothing. lack and of even estheticenvironment. design properties discriminatek etc.. in our televisionin these areas programs. becomes film:.. more is our direct concern. Ability to toArtDon'trendering him. is the Usually.ask child's shehim will statementto if writethe gain teacher insightsabout about hisencourageswhat rarely art he work. touchedhas himlearned His by toart telltests.and volt aboutwhat is his L4 his ealiPaPire significant "artistic" . - greaterachievementsTherefore.inspiring appreciation. chikiren'sin oftoday's by -gone artifactsperceptions masters. and but needsurroundings. also not need only to toNature'sbe bewhetted directed assets toward toward also what deserve the is attractive.drawingUsingfrom art books. charts tobut interpret theyIt and does give maps. cognitivenot no mean These due tousinglearning require the child'sthe faithfulopaque mental duplication.projector. images. It doesThey not can mean be does not mean copying pictures tosentations, heightenFieldenjoy trips. these. esthetic music. collections, too. perception.rhythms. museum direct For personalvisits. experiences. finely growth. illustrated can the allteacher betexts. controlled needs dramatic a chance pre- tc: beotherEncouragereach dictated. studies. an agreementthe It As shouldpupil a matter to beabout employ his. of the economy. artmedia media used the for teacherBut expressing the andart expressionpupils his ideas may about should have his to rat child'sTheIn presencepurposeful affinity offor vieuings finehis cultural art reproductionsof paintings. heritage, as etc.. inwell the the as classroom teacherto implant may canartistic lead develop concepts.pupils the into teacherArtForeach projects the materiaLmay sake become are of Ideassharinggrouped familiar can ideas, inthen withthis pupilsbe book someprovided may ofunder alsothe to many sparktypeselect topossibilitiespupils'of work media. groups. so inherent that Types the in attention.obviousDodiscussions not use strainLine. of of toshapes.a the designdetect story. color. elements element mood. value. notcostume.or texture. elements.too apparent. action. shading. these personalThis distance may can be becomereaction. or called space confusing. toIf apply. theretheir is of cooperative projects from which to choose includeCollagesMuralsBanners MobilesMosaicsBook jackets Resources for art appreciationLocal artists Special window dis- plays Beauty spots in class- room CompositeMasksPapierComic Mache'strip stitcher. sequences figures panels CostumesDramatizationsModelillustrations cities. of villages events LandscapingArchitecturalArt exhibits landmarkslandmarks CooperativeExperiences withefforts art inmedia ArtFilms magazines and film andloops.booksslides CeramicPostersTotems modeling (original t "Environments"ShadowPuppet plays Plays Museum activities forchildren decoration Art reproductions For examples of these and many more. refer toArts magazines and Activities such asand School Arts. 10 the other. K-2 'MANIPULATIVE CHARACTERISTICS gressionTheatDevelopmental different following index. rates phasesForstages and more at cannotdo differ,._ complete not befall arbitrarilv ages. neat!. data, seewithin isolated!. Lowenfeld. each They grouping, merge. but one serve into DEVELOPMENTSUGGESTIONS STAGES Bibliog ) as a pro-DESIRABLE 01 "COMES enjoysactivityshortscribblesintuitive attention handling. centered design span ofin and manipulativelarge unity muscles materials geometric shapes random to controlleti. to Thames''. Materials gluewoodbigManilapaste. scrapsbrushes, magic paper largemarkers. paper scissors Ability to: tearusepastecutfold paper paper largepaper forms crayons and paper gradual progress from drawing one person imto 'tiding two naturalnon-dripsoftfingerbig clay soft objects painttempera crayons 1 shells, plants. etc.) enjoyworklearnmodelmakeuse temperafinger together repeatseasonal picturessimple paint paintpatterns clay ofprojects children shapes and animals Guidance discussencouragetieprovidebuild in where,experiencespantomime activities when, forandwith what, bodily rhythmical animals. how movement people, music surroundings appreciate PRIMARY perceiveselect.enjoy beautychoose, color in arrange nature and common objects -1HROUGH 3RD 1 primary, serondary and intermediate teachersharenever drawingsdisparage mixes paint withchild's adults effort,: who understand child art createmodeluse decorativecrayon.fingerrhythmicin clay paint. chalk, effect design tempera, water color colors) 1 not expertly tflati drawworkcreateworkweavecreate neatlycrude 3-ll with repeatsimple things figures heavy patterns things- from yarn: paper. in on paoer. cardboard, oil, oilcloth loom fount, objects sizegeometric3-4 SCHEMATICindicates forms importance turn PHASE into set figure representation: materialsSUGGESTIONS same tools. plus round brushes #6 - #12 DESIRABLElth OUTCOMES rel'Itgnize dark and light ctdors.ability shades to: and tints sequenceskyearthfiguresinterior-exteriorradial is isa topasun of perpendicularbase eventsline is oftenline view in usedone to picture tables, walks, etc. activities quick-dryingsimpleassortedwideruse playcolor3 -Dcolors that materialsrange glue of dramatizes construction in tempera. action such as walking, chalk,paper charcoal, yarns applyexpres:rentegnizegrowper-riveperceive positive seasonalin pleasingpatterns.awareness color self-criticisin changesand colorpregHlrl beautyof shapescc,mbinations in pictures:n objectsand forms ais, spare jointedintuitivefiner bodiesmuscular design appear control stns still evident simpleboxbolddrawing constructions simple sawingexperiences and weaving and painting with hammering in stitching glue thru wide meshrunning, jumping effectcontrolrepresentimprove realism lettering. Kt:portions actionnear in modelingarranging.and far objects marginal spacing. guidance buildteacherhelpavoidalways child contactsemphasis does appreciate to colorrelate with on realismmixing beautifulto efforts other people, things things morebecome, cautious self-critical 5-6 PRE-ADOLESCENT PHASE materialsSUCGESTIONS include smaller brushes DEVFLOPMENTAL STAGES Sib i /ESIRABLEcooperation OUTCOMES with group and individual drawing-skypicture,sexbackgrounds interestsmeet, more strive groLnd diverge complete forget realismmore attention broadyarns,quick3-Dwatercolor,white material!: constructiondryingrangewire colored of glut creative paper, ink, materials drawing paper, colored tissues desireattemptactionoriginalityfeelinginterest to and forinevaluate dre-s.texturein deorati:, design owneo-,tme. in modeling designand uniformrother's vvork objectively tII ton -trust and draw re:Ili-tit-ally somedevelopmentcolors under-tanding include of tint, overlap and of linear and-hatles softened perspective color to depth,represent light. shade, texture activities figureviewingdramatizatioas,children drawing. mit.:films paints on landsce.prtiante. nature. and adventure, music fur other emotional countries release 6th knowledgegreatergroup managementpride confidence of colorin ro4on, term- in of art di-playart ability procedure- bulletinin,ard primary. secondary. guidance helpopportunitiesnut too the muchchild totostill feeldu life abstractthat success design t70111C:thru trial and error knowledgeusefeelings of lettering forof variety balance, pens of proportion.alphabets rhythm alternation_dominance.contra,tintermediate, unity warm and cool. tint, and shade-. avoidrecognizeencouragedevisefamiliarize formal opportunities his teachingwithdesire neighboring to of conformfor linear abstract colorsperspective design and cool colors, through usr, not memorization I analogous). warm realistic-mindedimprovedfair abilitycontrol manual in of poster cutting children control design tools ti-e more correct detailproportion, and depth every individual art expression is an importantTo goal value of the uniqueness and personal quality of CONTESTS AND COMPETITIONS jected.are dashed. They are led to look upon themselvesFor asthe re- non-winning majority of pupils. high hopes education. ArtCommercial firms and organizations know thatcontests and competitions counteract this becomes.giveclaim.pression his he abil:ties fortends of him.his to freetalent. animitate rein.exercise After Failing his theinfirst frustration. toprizes. success. win thepublicity nextrather Meanwhile,contest and than ac- the winner is misled into a false im- mendouschildren.recognition.parents and disappointmenttheir teachers Not glowing perceiving are dazzledpromotions for theall bybutvulnerable offers onebuild or of toward two.prestigeemotions a andtre- of agesanticipations,vagaries contests of foradult the those judges. School of tender oradministration for years. the blow tofirmly theirBecause discour-hopeful children are not emotionally ready for the 12 ARTThe young child. EXPERIENCES no less than the mature artist states. *This is what I know etimeC and understand; this is the meaning I find in my life.' Ernest Zeigfield

13 samepupilsDiscussion thing. and the procedes expressingCONDUCTING the art of activity. their ideas. It should Talking involve THE to themthe thinkingART is not ofthe LESSON the possibleitWhile is useful the to ARTteacherto recognize know doestheELEMENTS and elements not draw use aattentionand formal principles approachto AND their of design.successful in PRINCIPLESteaching It will use design,then when be passagegiveTheirinterest expression sharing in must his work. ofoccasionally to ideas them. He fertilizescan be renewedhelped new byconcepts as one the oryoung moreand artistsparks of the meets following:an urge difficult to ness,Somemoniousthey appearbut projects choiceundue in are children'semphasisof purposelyelements. is work. not devised to Beauty be forused developing results in evaluation. from design a limited, conscious- har- suggestionquestionsgetting himto for clarify awaya different hisfrom idea approachhis immediate problem by diverting attention Design elements Line EffectsKinds of of lines lines downwardthick, thin, movement sweeping. shaded, etc. straight, angular, curved,vertical broken, suggests upward or somethinglettingto helpingsome him other him phase. over itnot over his a technical withwork. his then neighbor difficulty. remove your (If you work show from how, sight). do it on heavyjaggedcirculardiagonalhorizontalfine delicacy boldnessroughness, activitvfluid motionenergy restfulness findinglettingmoving him outhis seatgoif he see temporarily understands what some to directions ofa spot the besideothers aare capable doing and helpful child TextureShapes woven,Tactilerow;Large. geometric, small:appearancemossy, regular. sandy, free-forms; rippled, irregular; solid. etc. voluminous, open nar- fuzzy, sharp, prickly, ropy, findingprojectc.ivingdetermining something him a whether chance good (not hein hashis too workhad soon) previous and to complimentingstart experiences over it needed for the ValueColey TintsVaryinggradation,Neighboring and lightness shades mixing, colors, orintense darkness opposite or subdued of (warm color or cool) colors, andencouragingmightpraising faith, invent his it may efforts."difference":a new technique and assuring it may or style not him make his way sense of yet, doing but something riven time Space ture,negative)lapping,IllusionAreas bright found of diminishingcolors depth between in (perspective). foreground size.and around relative and Achieved objects subdued position (positive- bycolors in over- pic- tornandtryIf a the gluepaperdifferent teacher and design, mediumsee cannot if etc.. he helpcan or. letsaya child. him anything goand to neither athis quiet way. can spot anyoneLet and him review else, try clay,let the him if he can't do a painting. give him toothpicks Design principles Balance TheAffectThein Anbackground.shapes itemsthe over use balanceinall of the visual design picture each sense elements. other are of not stabilityin allapparent on one weight side. employed.motivational filmstrips. film loops, slides, or other simple visuals Positiveones.S:ncothandUse (notviceof dark areasaicasform).versa. color includebreak is relievedmonotony some negative by of a littlehighly space. light textured color least"The weyoungsters can give in them." our classes are entitled tc the most, not the Frank Wachowiak Opposition UsingUsing largehighlyopposing strong versus textur.7d lights colors small and versus(warm darks smooth.vs cool) etc. and"Childre.i th..:refore are exciting born wanting substances to experimentof this world" with the strange Emphasis Assistingform,byThisMaking color can by something begreater impact,emphasis done attentionby by :ix-come byplacement. highlighting, playing to thedetails. bydown center comparative by other ofshading attention. parts size. for of Margaret Gre.enbery RhythmRepetitionSubordination UsingRepeatingflattenedcomposition repeats surface, design thru to finerelements,subduedcreate texture, a color_harmoniousto createrautimum diminished pattern. feelingdetail, size, etc. of VarietyTransition giveneasilyMakingmovement.Finding designaround a anddirectional elements through inventing thetoeffect avoiddifferent composition. which monotony. ways leads of therepeating eye Diversit.No art activity in the describedway students hereafter handle is theiroffered art asefforts a rigid is anprocedure. indication of creative thinking and involve- ART ACTIVITIES 53KArtment. -- 46activities2 ==Encourage ThirdFifthKindergarten gradehavegrade it. been There throughthrough through classified really sixthfourth second is ingradeno gradeorder "right grade of way." difficulty. ItandProjects ateacher'sis project techniquesadvisable listed once,outlook. on forfor it lower theshouldnew and teacher possibilitieslevelshelp not determine be canto tried try be and out usefulagain. if improved ait project suits toLook hiiher the forskills.before pupils-levels new giving if capabilities. the pupilsit to the are Do class. going not feel It to will explorethat refresh having media thedone and better effects: try for improved skills; CopyNoapply(See activity work,new Motivation). interpretations. shouldstencils, be Itcolor begunshould books, without also opaque include sufficient projectors, an evaluation. materials do not on(See belong hand Evaluation). inor thewithout art program. sufficient motivation. V) W N 0 Z

00019 Cr "TheCLAY youngsters in our classes are entitled to the most, not the least we can give them." EmphasisFrank Wachowiak .4rt General Objectives: To encounterexperiencediscoverwork with the the acontrol numerousmaterial chemical of aclosely effectcreativemalleable ofderived possibilitiesheat substance. on from clay the andof glazes. CLAY forIn Forteaching handling instance,GENERAL clay their tellwork material. them to primaryINSTRUCTIONS bore Avoid to children.join. telling but whatgivenot where.FORthem the product only USING the should barest CLAY lookessentials &like. GLAZES out.BlisterstheToROLLING rollclay Too slabs appearing betweenmany A ofSLAB ofclay thethesein evenly.rolled strips. mean slabs useThese the aindicate rollingday keep needs theenclosedpin rollingreworking.and two air. pin stripsPrick at an ofthem even 1,:,0d. and pressure. placingsmooth projectsItofisWith isimportant.the assumed intermediate final will product. alreadybut of again.course. children. have ::void that been broadening thedirecting made. usual theproctdure possibilitieskind. shape of making andof what exact plans can decoration be for done the JOININGWetScoreBe sure the the clayCLAYscored sides is areas. firm,PIECES:to come but innot contact. dry. ToSurface work for with working: clay. the minimum tools are:spongepopsiclewoodClay will and for sticks lift from moistening easily fur plaster. fashioning from !unless soaked). also from FillJoinPrr_-ssLetApply standin with tooltogether.a coat forwooden impressions aof few slip tool. moments. 1mushv with moreclay). clay. For little folks. scoring. then pressing clay pieces together and working Other useful tools are: rollingvegetableplasticbowla board for pinbag forwater knife for support keeping moist NeverOTHERSculptureNo piece apply TIPS to should bee%cessive fired be shouldhollowed or sudden be outover pressureas one much inch toas thick.clay. possible.edges Easy into does each it. other will usually do. CCFib Care must be taken to: burlapsculptingmaintainbrushpaddle tool even texture no lumps BisqueGreenLetTooUsuallyCracks clay much ware ware in theon claywater clothingfirst.= = dry firedmean on unfired claywithoutdry one withoutfarms ofpieces glazetwo makes touching. things them It go will limp. then brush out easily. too dry or too much pressure. dryjoinavoidhave finished dav thinair theno parts holes thinspotsright piece thoroughly projecting consistency thoroughly edges of moisture or points DRYINGawaterproofBisque-waxGlazed second ware color the == afiredbisquepiece, commercial a butsecondwax. gives Available wax time. beautiful finish decorated at tohobbyfinish. be withused shop.Can glazeon be bisque antiqued ware. easily Will with not stickingbrokenDoNo piecenot trysurfaces together. of to clay mend andwork Let dry applying stand.should clay Wipeforms. be slip over otfIgonev Clay an excess. inch will consistency thick. mend Hollow if still ) moistout thick by scoringobjects. PREPARATIONS FOR ALL CLAY WORK to them and then coversSetWhenAftersecurely on object piece theapiece rackthat color lightly. begins airifis possibleof finished,may the to not to seep leave insurebecomes leather in. in Iteven plastic roustlighter. hardness. drying. dry covering. expose slowly. lift toplastic openbut do coverair. not coverso that so it ProvideSpreadtheyThese are newspaper smallautomaticallydirections amount over will c!a tally-. not partwater. be of repeated all preparations. with each project. It is understood andDoItWhen ispull not nowalso awayclay attempt calledvery is from nobrittle longer heavier dry and clay cool onesmust over to causing bethe a handledradiator cheek. cracks. itorcarefully. is heater. dry. Weak places dry faster 18 tightlyGiveProvideKeepHavePlace each covering wetaa spongefruitpopsiclechild towels knife aunfinished forwooden stickhandy onevery hand for boardfor work.two reaching forcleaning pupils. to cutting work difficult hands. on.out Also pieces. (Savesplaces. a plastic many bag trips and to string the sink). for judgmentGreenwareSetBISQUERaise the kiln-sitter the are temperaturecan used. be with stackedDo notslowly. letin thegreenware kiln. one touch pieet sides inside of thekiln. other if rare and FIRIN( -trrit RollSLABPlan ausing flattened helpers ball tc of distribute clay with materials rolling pin.and Determineclean up. Rotate thickness this job.desired. CONSTRUCTION METHODS rurrent.CloseDrFiringInsertLeave not kiln plums kilnwillopen top tophe on onkiln. completed slightlyMEDIUM. HIGH. raised when while lever on on LOW. kiln sitter drops. rutting off electric- cutbaseForforceUsually clayFollow larger andwith out 1/4" immediately slabwithsmall constructions is whereknife.minimum. pieces Fold they withof coil.roll Forup reinforcing_will sidesconstructingout join. and of Moistenbox. cut coil. apress basesmallwhich slightly corners and , is used sides. use andtogether topaper press Scorefill seam. andpattern together. edges rein- Smooth and of crawl.DoTheyUsingAllow not are cleankiln handle now to gloves. knownbecome bisque paper. as barelyware bisque or with warmcloth. ware. the liftbefore hare pieces hands.openin out. Oily spots cause glaze to g APINCHwasthis Forball intojoined. aof METHODhollow baseclay andis object. gradually side. beginRepeat pressed by for slowly betweeneach side.working the Join fingers thumbsides inio in into same desired hall way and shape. base then SetGLAZINGForCheckADust bisquebarely pottery bisque glaze waredamp. youforpiece on wrung-outa usually whippinga inside piece do andof sponge cream thecardboard. out inside withthickness.will first.removedry. clean remaining brush. dust. COILintoAForpressing head.lump METHODanimals. legs.of outward day tail. lumps is arms-.shaped toward are etc. pinchedrourhly fingers. into up rotating froma thick thethe roll. centralclay Then ball ball lavino. as andvou it arework. on fashioned a wooden wareBrushingbrushToandIt the apply pour isneckthinly. damp. out.glaze is exceptto TheThis withon excess ceramicsometimes to brush. reduce is stillwaredip littlerequires intousable. is ridges. usuallyglaze. four. and done flow in three onto coats.the piece. unless -v the small for painting. pour the glaze into it, rotate the piece. Whenevercoilssticky.withofboard. thein theUsually place hand.or aend oncoil in Pressure- ofnewspapera agives slab thecircular new baseout. must coil. manner.itpinchis iscut berolledOverlap theand kept end coilsback even. them into areand and aand builtwedge forth thecontinue. upward clayunder shape must fromtheand flattenedbe do this, so._ the laying samebut palm not SetGLAZEOnlyAlternate the one kiln coatthe sitter directionon thewith bottom. 05 of orthe- 06 strokes.cones for being most sure glazes. to let each coat get dry. FIRING Theuntillargeis tocoils rollpress nocoils. mustcoils very the The be show. thincla: joinedthird coilsof The theis together and to sameupper pinch press max ascoil off themvou be intosoft donebuild. firmly theclay to lowerThere andintothe outside.smooth theandare groovesseveralvice it versa.into ways.between the Another insideOne the NeverFollowFiringEachawayPlace piecefrom eachcantake the gosamethemustglazed faster kiln beventing pieceware wall.setwith on out atglazes.procedures a least stilt.of the Oneone kiln giveninchhour until away perfor it from practically level any should other cold. andbe The adequate. one glazes inch SeeROLLINGside.ACARVING large that and blockclay then A isCOIL hollowedof of day even is consistency. carvedout inside. to desired that it dimensionsis not sticky. and but shapevery pliable. on the Thisout- ationsothers.OneandIfoften you fireword acquire underfind You again. of thin never the warning.fine placesmost cracks know controlled Thein whatifthe chemicalscooled glazes. you conditions. tooare don't of fast.going some give to glazes up.get. you and react ran there unexpectedly add will more he glazevari- on Doyouof sureend utmost not are of Keepthe trystrokes.working surface importance. toyour make handon ou're coilsnewspaper. l. Theworking too minute long: keep on they theis shifting smooth. clay tend gets to to break. atoo dry firm. spot. it flattens from el. and your pressure even. without extra push at firedNever over fire cone reds 09. or and oranges it is safest near to greens. fire them Reds separately. burn out in many cases if 19 Pot PROJECTS MADE FROM COILS Begin with a slab base. arol attach coil. CLAY BowlPROJECTS FROM PINCH METHOD Roll clay into ball. Begin pressing thecoilsincreases1%Build interior. slightlout coil from onFollowvolume.inside coil.mid-line mid-linesettgeneral Reverse 'mgof coil directionseach to below. bydecrease coil putting slight- forThis thesureoutside.tothumb clay 3between 8" gradually intoapprox. rotating center. thumb from thinner. and Work inside bottom. pressing. graduallyOccasionally and Apply fingersworking downpres- Bowl ajoining. moremade. decorative Many different effect. get shapes a large can mix- bet Can he made by above method). For thin.Smallerkeepjoginside the Whenit flat. bottom children bowlBe careful reacheslightly should to aonavoid thicknessnot the workthin table spots suit- too to created by uneven pressure. 4-tilergundamping in bowl newspaper forbottom several and coverand strips.inches. added smoothly Coils The:: one can insidetheover be pupil thebe- with Planter evenfullyable with to into its knife. outersize. adjustsurface. Press shape textures and trimcare- rim Roll clay into a large roll 3" in repeatAddlastandmay coil. insertingbegina coil Be makingor sure two them no abuve designs openin a the ringspaces with designs above theare coils left. andthe with design band of different workformingfingersdiameter. from into a groove. Jogothermiddle to side.Tornflatten top ofWhenpiece on roll. one around 3and side.4" beginfrom andPress :eriorsoftforearewidth. clay filled. bitremoving. Continue byand Let bit fill theuntil intoFire. bowl rimover all Glaze of small becomethe bowl. wholemay crevices Pinch firm be in- ap-be-off combcontinueofbetweenbottom a tohollow texture!ill is thumb reached,the log. lengthwiseclay and Smooth has beginforefinger. the insidepressingon appearance outside. Turn and sides anduse Decorations: Coils can be rolled to almost anycreatethickness.plied to cord-like interior Very thin designsonly. ones, on can surface. be used to Carved vase visedtheytions wire arebut loop even.keep and sidesUse scoop afairly hairpin out thick. designs or Beimpro- sure Follow pinch ho ,d instruc- on CoilsFinger-thick sliced into coils regular-sized canappliedto be enrich la:d pieces as onbeading the surfacescan textural be on surfaces. effect. another.glazethe carving Match large Cut one 2/3color and color into bold. inside and thickness. Afterouter to carving. surfacefiring, Keep Large. thick coils (2")ed canhalf,mustlengths suitably be hollowedbe cut toshaped at intoform either out,equal intosalt end.rejoined anddesired peppers, and , perforat- which cut in 20 PROJECTS MADE Walk' I114 )1(1 Use a large Idaho potato 1ith even contours - I ash tray 1 Preplanning Objectives To grasp the versatility PROCEDURE After rolling out clay.with shapes the rimmay of be a coffeecut can or other con- FROM CLAY SLABS presswithshapedor the Saran.gentlyunderside grapefruit Layto fitof cla:. fcontour. oran bowl.acron Allow squash.Cover to wellthis be- slab over it and To make usedecorativeof offlattened many possibilities. clay pieces clay_edatainer, paper to reduce or pattern they sharpness. may and betracing cutTake by it found ontodrawing ob-the. Clay edges should then be smooth- evencomeorinside scratchedthem. firm with removebut tongue design. not from hard. depressor. Fasten form Trim andlegs. Addedges smooth or carved care- to Materials In additioncutting.pressing,suggestionswrap. to general add saran tools knives for im-for createtexturedpressors,jects such textures scissor, as shells, in design buttons, patter.) tongue on de-the effects on scrapetc.. and clay. try Then pressing VariationLay rubber bands in a fullydesign flatten when bottom rolling so that it will stand. Preparation See general instructions Birds: roll rather thin techniqueSomecut-outslab. Cut,interesting piece. are: decorate Fine coils can also be used. possibilities for this bisquepullform.rubberslab rubberfor When bands. tray. bands vou DrapeRolling remove away. and pin shapefror-Afte.- will thisfiringimpress over to ware. glaze in severa! color. ';e form. Tiles: Roll clay 3/8" thick.groundcanand Cut laterpunch in or be squares. astwo assembled tree holes ornaments. for on hanging. a burlap Birdsback- refire.awayglazefitting intoragged to grooves rubber edges bandwith of darkdesign.dark color, glaze Fire wipe andonce, glazingcarvedsigns.IfDecorate this scratch designs. canis theeach be objective, design.assemblers squareTiles builtwith _elect into upimpressed adesigns, commonmural. de- after firing and Cityscape: Each child trim.outThenclay a and cut draws it out. a add house textures or building for roof. on windows. blinds. architectural :_all slab Mobiles: Using othermobile. shapesdirectionsidea or foliowtheme. for birdsthe and assemble into a onThishatchinNote: a varietylonghelps 1 Use8" plywood preventdeep ofa hairpincolors. on warping. backpanel orrefire. wire of stained each andFire,loop assemble piece. to glazewith cross Trivets: 1/4" to 3/8" sign.shape.thick.doesof trivet.Lift notCreateCut cut tend Allowdesired out an to pieces. attractivegive to stand readily. Texture untilincised (1 surfacethehr.) de- clayRoll Medallions: Circular. oval.shapesDecoratebrown triangular. can beorby tancutpiercing_ etc. fromshoe thinpolish. impressing slabs of andclay. 'or levelunderforapprox.)a coil, feet. until middlecut Place and it3 hardens. or join severalareas 4 toequal ofunderside small trivet lengths wads to of holdof trivet clay it (1/2" Other projects: planters.Glaze. atvases, addingtop for plaques day.hanging Be sureon chain to make fir cord. two holes 21 Preplanning CLAY ANIMALS OR PEOPLE CLAY Preplanning SALT AND FLOUR CERAMICS Objectives to create action figures with Procedure Roll a large thick coil. Use knife and split Objectives To create modelingmaterialsdium from me- household Procedure Spread newspaper. Shapeoven.into clay desired orwith air fingers dried.form. TurnCan befor dried even indrying. slow PreparationMaterials and alreadyto avoid explained joiningof the mostappendage andshapespreadRollat join ofa split smallertoneck one ends. and "corner"ball head.Stand and pinch Score.ofends the into on invertedmoisten table. eithergeneral end. Bend into u-shape and Materials To work withwide.)mum a clay"skills. requires mini- etc.animals.candleflowerswithPaint. are some ShAlac holders. on contour ofwire thewith sterns.plaques. manymaps. white articles beads, smallshellac. puppet buildings,figurines,possible or heads, spray clear varnish. Miniature fruits, thecommentshouldpearancepowersu shape. be ofhere leftofFrom observation a to andparticular completethis there point and aboutanimal the imaginationthe thejob. willpupils' ap- A aid young. Sculptors ask what each Preparation salt, solox,ing. newspaper flour food color-shellack brush, Evaluate in this medium. Alternate procedure showinganimal is action. "doing" to suggest postures Prepare salt32 cups11,1-,mix. and saltcupsfburflour water Form a very thick slabTheclaysides of formand aclay. bit. thenthen DrawFlatten cutneeds itanimal outonly around to shape be refined. outline. on the awater.with lowMake Putflame a thesmooth untilsalt over paste the flour and it 00 ° 0000000e'"Oo0c.Cooviva ,,0°° rEpOE) OtOO*D Second Alternate ProcedureUse a ball of clay andThese squeezefrom can it veryappendages be shortenedmuch as if later. milking or com-a cow. Kneadpaste.StirstirringsnapsPack inconstantly. a covered jar salt anduntil into cracklessmooth. flour- 000° joiningbecomesrelationshippressed.FormBe sure problems.legs. or theto withthinned make head.body. remainder themetc. This according and ample method adjustof clay at to tothehas whichneed. proper kneading.tmodelingmayto o on,keep beor m itadded by can:ist. brushing be after added portions during Color Note:Evaluate Clay tiles make an effective display itewhen backing assembled for hanging. and glued to a mason- or"CreativeCOLLAGE subject expression matter for giveshis art to that every are child most the meaningful opportunity to tohim. choose the ideas UniversityAsst.Blanche Professor Jefferson of Pittsburgh of Edu;gtion The wort collage conies from the Fren,-11 word colter, which means to paste. COLLAGE PreplanningWOOD ASSEMBLAGE K-2, 3-4, 5-6 Cneraldecollag,glued11..v.e.t-r. items, Objectives and andthe assemblages term"gime has 3-d expanded arepieces variations to include Toof collage.learn most to 2-dcombine works overlap, put together group. with discriminate in if not too much -in the round." Montage. the choice of shapes. Prepla. wing TISSUE COLLAGE 3-4 Material-Objectives Clue:To appreciateenjoy heavy possibiliftis : of sculptural c.lotex; form.masonite or weight and shape. colors. lines, and textures for pleasing composition. MaterialsObjectives containersorassortedto sensitizeteachwaxed forwarmcolored paper, same,pupil and tissue, tolarge newspapercted transparent brushes,whitecolors glue to overlaysheets coverplus of1.3 tables,glass H2O, Preparation canwool'Visithoards; bring aplant cabinetwood scraps. and -craps; collectmaker. Remove turnings. -craps. lumber unwieldy Sometimes dealer, pieces or pupil.: . and Preparation timeOneglueshapes,Setscissors up inbrushselect milk aspread still . tissueslarge Let one tissuetwo on for ora sheet.eachnearby three two Put pupils table. children. smaller atPut a life of objects in a variety of :Motivate collectionfromput the whirl: remainder complete pupils into helmran low-cut help themselves. cardboard cartons Have starting project. Procedure Pupils are encouraged to select a large shape from the still life and cut or tear Motivate pieces torn tissue on each table. Procedure severalDistribute piece- the of woodboard- each which are to serve as background Pupils will then be asked to support.theexamine most Let shapespleasing pupils of select design,pieces. Variation Cautionsmallerit fromEncourage about colorthe bigtendency bits. them sheet. to ofuseOther some small and t:ssue4 pieces smaller to in bleed. shapesthe open Suggest can spaces. conic that Overlay pupilsfrom the do large tornnot brushpieces pieces. on Ctry different arrangements with them until satisfied with Evaluate -bowingAssemblage- variation can in be color. sanded v..eight and -hellacke,i, and grain. Haveif they them merit it.glue pim-es into position. Evaluate forglueinterestingVaryover an effective on tissuethe background, sizes. spacesexcessively. over Vary all between andthedesign. layingcolors.Use the 3 tissueorcolors.Arrange 4 layers into Glue shapes glue. of each tissue. Brush on piece paper, Tear glue in overlappingorover succession cut tissue geometric lightly. andby brushing forming shapes. Work TEXTURE COLLAGE 3-4 Preplanning Ob iectives 10To createbecome with aware textiles. of texture in cloth. Procedure andBlindfold let them pupils select and pieces let them for feel collage. different Cut texture: cloth into of fabrics.various Remove shapes artiblindfold sizes. Materials brushescardboardcloth scraps; sheet white glue 11,3 glue to 2/3 H20) ; (shirt beard) ; scissors; large Variation Arrangeuntil all cloth are secure.shapes intoCover a pleasingentire cardboard. design on Overlaps cardboard. can Glue be effective. one piece at a time Preparation glue,fabricPrepare scissors scraps. several Haveand brushes.low helpers distribute of different cardboard, textured Evaluate Yarn, braid, trim, buttons. etc.. n be glued over cloth to add variety and texture. 24 TISSUE AND CORD 3-4 COLLAGE RELIEF OR RAISED COLLAGE 5-6 Preplanning Objectives glueTo graspcreate thea design useful with resistance string andof waxpaper tissue to Preplanning Objectives To createobtain 3-dimensional depth. forms. Materials TocupswhiteWax-paper, enjoy glue, transparency- string, pencil. colored of tissue tissue. or scissors.,paper Materials backgroundscissors.accessibleHave pupilsconst-uction location. cardboard get own paper. materials paste. masking from an tape. rasily Preparation Cuthelpersgluepin cord each lengths.distribute to a sheet Tear materials. of wax newsprint. paper lengths Dilute andwhite and place in paper cups. Have pupil Preparation DemonstratenatureDiscuss and forms commonly four d such as leaves, pods. cones. shells. in Procedure Motivate Procerlure Motivate television.someglue.drawDiscuss shapesLayinstance- simplecar; string on newsprint.shapesthe over tissue same pupils mayThen lines. can be pull easilycutThen wax in cut.apply shapessheet Ask overcolored similar about drawing tissuesshapes to the and stringofover trace moon, the designs shapes string.roof withtop,and In use associated shapes. After distributing materials. have pupils underside.endwhereForAttach paperof itthe should in shapes, ,eissor,Paste a planned be where todraw rai form -rdarrangement thereOutline bya erea,e. holding on !tendcon-tructionto down hackground along with -cored paper,one by hand u-ingline and andto rut rolled create uout. -mg tape Sorea therai,rd (in bluntthe loops)effect. paper end on suffivient vontact. Evaluate Thenlaidfoil over liftbackground offthem. wax Brush paper. or glass. all Trim tissue edges. with frame glue. withCover construction wax sheet papercompletely. and put Let against dry. COLLAGE MURAL - (SEE MURALS) EvaluateVariation nutshells.sprayedOther depth ringswhite effects rutor painted.from can towel lir made tube-. macaroni. etc. Finished arrangement, can be log egg s. small boxe.. bottle caps, 25 00029 TheCRAYON essential difference in the child's approach to art and to other subjects Ch) symbols."andis that sy.tems in speaking. invented reading. IN others. writing In his and art ciphering ( he he must master symbols ... devises and uses his own O 91/itto UnderstandingLark-Horovitz-l.ewis-Luea Children's Artfor Better Teaching NNN, In CRAYON colorsCharacteristics: are opaque. SmoothPaper:LighterDark Rough wax colorscolors crayons paperlaid can onbe surfacecan arubbed dark easily willarea and be not appeardrawnmixed be filled tooverwith mix as lighterfingers withthickly. it.areas. or a rag. Dark Preplanning Objectives to combine 2 art media RESIST 3-4 Heavy waxed areas can beWax blurred crayons with area brush soluble dipped in turpentine. in turpentine. tandrotine and benzine. Materials crayonsto learn thatthat resist oil andinvolves water the do principles not mix. ( wax ) . paper, tempera. brush, to learnexperiment to combine with colordifferentcrayons with qualities other of media crayons CRAYONS OBJECTIVES Preparation Cover work temperachildorarea sponge. willwith placed need newspaper.Optional: crayons in an large easily Eachand 1:aking paper. accessible Havepan. Preplanning STENCILING K-2 Procedure 3-4 Procedure Using light_ bright colors,pressing draw textures heavily. and When solid shapesdrawing directly is complete. on paper, cover entire paper with area . ObjectivesMaterials cardi.oardto overlapuse repeat 1 old for designs filedeoth fold- Sketch a simple objectandcuter.togetherboard building. intoa negative sheet afterward. etc.) fromstencil. with edge ThisL crayonse and eithergives tape on ora positive slashboth. . Cut out. Child can 1 tree. animal. flow- card- canpingstopaper.useda darkbe mix pouredI. and Crayon colorthinnedKeep simply back of paint areas solutiontempera into pour fairly will jar paint infor resistthin a continued jar.over by paint. Set adding crayoned aAnother use.pan water. Lay-large sheet. way designBrushenough ofPaint applying onor tocaught spongenewspaper catch paint in drip-over pan is white or light color of tempera may also be Preparation Each child Manilapaper.ers_will crayons.need file scissors_ I newsprint_ Place stencil on a flatsecond Mo.paper.surface. eor Rub object thirdCover with object andwith crayon rub over held again. the on ones flat Plate al-side. a Variation Make drawing on darktempera forpaper drying. asusing overlay. light colored oil pastels. Use light ensfolder_ and paper. scissors. crav- paper.placementreadyriat there. ion by Let moving them overlap. up or down Stagger on Evaluate edge.toline.paperThe paper stencil Turn. and vith heavily usingmay strokes he fingers. chalked placed perpendicular rubon around topchalk of out- the onto Evaluate Does the compositionstaggered?depth? have aElac feeling objects of been overlapped. 28 CRINOLINE 3-4 CRAYON Preplunning Objectives Toto achieve experience texturedfect the of ef- pro-rough surface Procedure Crinoline: Sketch withcrinoline craons directly as ',nu would on on paper. Color Preplanning Objectives to learn in away simplified how the art of ETCHING 34, 54 Procedure Using light. bright crayonscolors.of colors put Press big all patches heavily.orer paper. Using iLimit black tocray- 34 Materials for crinoline:heatcessproducing toof craons crayon.producing. by applying re- crayonsrepeat.Press2in sheets all with areas.heavily. color of warmmanila Keepcrinoline Place iron. orobjerts constructionface Removeagain. uplarge. between print. Applypaper. To to createcombiningetchingscratching is done. techniques.various texture:: 1)% With sharp tool. sketchthroughon.until colorpictureWer theblack over black. brightdirectly orall areScrapethe colors completelybright away appear colors. with covered. toolColorfaintly making for sandpaper:tionIt waxcrayons wax)). iron.Manila paper or construc- Sandpaper: Using crayons.entire draw sheet and heavily.color Place between Materials crayons pin.brokenscratching etc.). pencil. tool thobbie sticks, t wax I. paper. I for varia- Variation Coyer bright crayon areastextures.thin. with thick. tempera wavy, etc. lines. Create many Preparation Cover worknewspaper.ironing1 Manilaarea and construction area Have with iron . iron and paper coloredsheetsupwarm occasionally. and iron. reprinted Remove. many Sandpaper times. Touch can be paper. Press over lightly with Preparation Cover workuidtion. area detergent!. tempera with and liq- Evaluate blackmixed14 tablespoonTempera crayon. with liquidconsistency. Scratchdetergent.) detergent through 1 cup instead tempera.tempera of to Motivate childolineset willon or WARM. needsandpaper.wax), crayons paperEach and crin- Evaluate adragMateMb. Motivate paper.tool.willnewspaper. and need a scratching Eachcrayons. child A CRAYON MURAL (SEE MURALS) to: / 0* ***** se fl WNWOW" 29 PreplanningENCAUSTIC (TURPENTINE)Objectiv,, 3-4To achieve an encaustic ( or melted) CRAYON Preplanning Objectives to experience the spontaneous quality of melted crayon. TRANSPARENCIES 5-6 PreparationMaterials CoverCrayons work wax)Havebrusheffect. area : paper: with turpentineor rag newspaper.turpentine; placed in paper PreparationMaterials Covercrayonsto combine work (wax), area other(construction andwax media ironing paper, with or areagrater crayonsManila), with (or (string, .edgestring, of plasticfoil, scissors), tissue). Each milk iron,childcartons. paperwill Motivate paper.pentine.cups.for daubingDistribute crayons. on and smallbrushes turpentine. areas or ofrags tur- Each child will need Procedure PlaceMotivate or plastic wrap on needwork paper,surface. (wax) Place crayons, crayon shavings grater, string, on bits of foil and tissue. Procedure Using wax crayons. drawlinedto melt solid after a shapeslittle turpentineas youand directly dries. Areas on or paper. dip of finishedthe Wet drawing small piece areascan in beturpentine. done over This or out-will cause wax StainedPlace glassa second window piece effectcan ofCrayonsstringthe bewax willpaper. added. around onbe will obtained.Usetop bond the andshavings various paperpress sparinglytogether.gently color withareas. or WARMcolors Bits of will iron.foil run and tog-ther. colors ofArrange tissue Evaluate Preplan trig Objectives To apply waxheatmelted into layers,wax, effect. causing building a MakeVariationString amay sketch be glued with crayontoingly.Place edges on crayon Stayand paper hung within shavings (construction, as mobiles.outlines in the of fingerpaint,picture sketch. area Place butcher).of design. newsprint Use crayonsover sheet spar- of CoverPreparation work areaTaterials with newspaper.C;-qvons i(If wax)candleedone candle, layer;paper; is onused, hairheat another. dryer (light.set it orin iron).a jar lid Eva luate ifshavings. needed. Iron gentlyWARM iron. Add more crayons and iron again Motivate Each c: 'd erwilland or need iron).candlecover crayons, newspapers(or access paper to with hair foil.dry- sA so 44. to: It'slb 1.671.61 .11' 64°. Ise 4. /1"2,1"s. gi Procedure Using crayon. stick endpaper into immediatelyflame of candle while just stillenough wet. to Thick melt. Useareas on may be built up by ENCAUSTIC 5-6 AI :Sc't 1670%% .1.: Evaluate Hair dryer can be usedelectricareasapplying to heat to iron melt.wax paper applied on In waxfrom this to (technique. underunderimpasto). side side, will the dopaper. the same. not crayon is heated. An crayon ett 10';- -: :"3"..0 t 30 Preplanning TEXTURE RUBBINGS 5-6 Procedure CRAYONS Preplanning CRAYON BATIK 5-6 Procedure Objectives to learndiscover to use faces.manyand area- invent different - of -u r- Using crayon pattern.different Use surfaces over one and or tworub surfacesto pick upas I flat side ( lax paper over Objectives To learntechniquemethod of of the batik. ancient a simplified Oraw in severalcrumplewaySpaper. betweenColor minutes. into heavily tightshapes. Uncrumple. ball.but When leave Wet lay completed,1 paper /8"on news-road- for light. bright crayon on white Materials crayons. materia!s.texture in I ascreen drawing. wire. paper. found WithSeveralbeginning.rub manycra.ons colors With surfaces.buildings, and of another crayonpaper Arrange makepiece may as ofabe a sketch paper, coil:we.used. Materials crav( nssofttempera;water;poster cloth: newspapers. brush container soft Iof ; paper;1 wax I : whiteblack ingturnsinktemperapapers burnish toand newspaperand washusing withcover lighth a soft soft fordrawing cloth. underdrying. brush. faucet.with AfterCarry black dry-Re- to rreparation Each corduroy.raisedfacesl. things with child or rough sur- will need faceswith( texturesdraw outlines). rubbed from different sur- farm. home. community I, Fill in outlined area Preparation Each posterons. paperHave andblack cray- tem- child will need Evaluate Motivate terials.assortedcrayons and paper and found ma- Evaluate Motivate paperssinkpera area I for with drying). news- avoilable. Pad __AW/Allk Preplanning Objectives to achieve ablack white drawing on instead SCRATCHBOARD 5-6 Procedure Working over newspaper,with coat broad freezer even strokes of black crayon. paper Materials to experimentmanyachievingof black techniqoes with on texture. white fur surface.toApply(or scratch nearly thickly. picture to Coveredge). or entire designUse scratchingfreezer into blackpaper tool Use many different lines to his"The world child of shapes fantasy. his and art by work his spiritedby what childlike he knows. perceptiveness." h his imagination and Freezer etc.1stick.scratchi.igpaper. scissors. black tool crayons,(sharp nail. paper, news- criss-cross,achieve texture zig-zag. broken, et::.) thick. thin, cress-hatch, Sarita Rainey Motivate Each crayon,paperingfreezer tool. onand Spreadtables. a scratch- news- child paper, will blackneed EvaT.uate 31 00035 child-"CopyingDRAW! becomes presents involved a moral, in aesthetic. kind of and forgery educational problem. Morally the G . . . Copying is an esthetic tionaldesignproblem. problem and because techniques because children whichthe copyistacquire are difficult acceptsconventional, theto change. solutions often Copying obsoleteof the artist isconcepts an edara- of . . . and does not solve the problem for himself." MuseumVictorEducational D'Amico of Modern Director Art DRAWING hiseffortistic outline to with use outline.noand attempt does and not Toto often veterase.the seecorrectionsK-2 As that group,drawing the the pupil (self-imposed mass progresses of and color painting alonehe will arecan color sYnonvmous.represent within It is a character- are drawn over first K - 2 aremarkers, most suitablelarge wax to crayons,theirChildren muscular and need 1" control. to simple, 11,4" boldpaint materials brushes with for drawing 10" handles and painting. Big magic willtheheHisform. drawings hewill inner respondHe take needs vision lose a tolook, thetheir thefar feeling visualandsurpassesschematic Duringdraw ofdata control withoutwhatlook beforethis and hegiventime him. referring isthe ableheby child drawsthe to tobeginsoutline.draw. themnot Iftofrom again. modelsattempt a visual, Only realismare whenused. but from a mental image. lessfor thedifficulty primary in pupils.expressingThisChalks It does and not charcoaldistrictdrip or carriesrun are and too a thereforethickdusty temperafor offersthe first called the years. child Texture-tone especially OtherWays tothan help providing children many with figureopportunities drawing for drawing no direct effort is suggested for this period. There is a natural K - 4 alsostorybodyalonggrowth stimulate tellingparts. in from an clothing, informal.!an primitive awareness be tied bodyunobtrusive schema inMaterials of movement,with body theto articulation. manner.moreand drawing sizemotivation sophisticated relationship:, The period pupil areto sensitize isallrenderings. detailsbest that helpedare perceptions. of needed dressThe by objective andbroadening to Shadowfacialstimulate is features. to play,his K4assist experiences mirrors,projects. Pantomime, the developmental drawing Therefore, in observationplay each activities, no stagesother, specific of drawing activities General Objectives are given. 3 - 6 A word about drawing Figu.eLine Drawing etc.)to learndiscover to use qualities the whole of lines arm ( thick, thin, wavy, broken, bent, straight, faithExpectingtakes that many their realistic more early years,stumblirgsrepresentationsWhen because children and finerwobblyof a begin childmuscle gait tois likewalk,willdraw,coordination expecting improve. theythe sameare must agiven two-year-oldoutlook develop. joyous is needed. encouragement The process and AnimalsLandscapes - Cityscapesto providelearnplan grouping toto experienceobserve,feel and and showrepresent selectingof on-the-spot action, the objects represent particular sketching. and peoplein "mood" a composition. in groups. of an area. couragedto do adult to the figure-skating. point of givingDrawingThe child up. tocanIt expressis beall madein theideas happyway rather he over is thanhandled. his to drawing show skill efforts allows or he his can ability be dis- to Still-Life tohabitats. toprotideobserve depictrecord opportunities animalsspaceelements by in overlapping, which action, for childrentypify their and theindividual to varying sizescharacteristics,by being of objects. selectiw.. and their ingfordevelop waystechniques. improve. About At this the point 6th or he 7th is ready year infor school adult assistancehe will begin with to draw- seek 34 EXPERIMENTS WITH LINES 3-4, 5-6 DRAWING DRAWING APPROACHES Still-LifeLandscapeAnimalsExperimentsFigure Drawing - Cityscape with lines Preplanning ObjectivesMaterials (see beginning)children),brushes (for young newsprint Procedure A. STRAIGHT1Each step canLINES be a separate lesson) Cr Preparation chalk.sticks,paper,Each etc.)pencils. magic child markers,charcoal, will need 1. Horizontal lineHave childrentobroken.many use kindsmake whole fuzzy. of arm. lines etc.) HoldI Encouragethick. up thin, work wavy,child and B. CIRCLES AND COMBINATION OF VERTICAL AND HORIZONTALtheyHave feel children confident. make havecircular them motions bring armin air down to paper. Use circles use free motion 1. When O Motivate abovetoolspaper makingand a variety lines. of similar to those 2. Vertical li.:es: Using varietyThen,havediscuss of children tools,when the movement types make of line linesbecomes in withair first_ bold class. C. CURSIVE LINE intereststraightof various lineshim. sizes. )He mayFill paper.use cross-hatch. Using pages scribbling_ gathered far ;circles andetc. have each child combine on one sheet lines which andgrowthepaper.and "drop". line. large, out Think Have Show ofhave bottom classof himaction MOVEMENTnot think transfer or of top climbing-of lines ofit to page thatthe 3.2.1. andBeginWorkNew around with paper:slowly. astraightit. circle Have Have on same acovered new Then thing piece bendwith repeated of aitpaper. networkand on wind Windnew of apaper anotherlinesasline witharound linea evesspider through it. closed. web. 3. Horizontal manydropping.time different emphasize Show sketchingto theclass. various tools. tools. This or Vertical Lines: Use 4. criss-crosscaninofContours: Openothers.the he paper. added eves or AddHave cross after Letbetween linesuntil children lineshatch few minutes. wander.somelines.) theyuse oflines run pressingtheFill outwhich thesome dose followedges areas in ofplaces.the with the rectangular paper.a stretching tone Shading shape out ( charcoal. Figure drawing GroupUsePose model: modelsmodel 'et in each costume:twos pupil or thi,Tes. providesketch from background several angles. ways to help pupils ( sheet. cardboard ). VaryForIfTryUse feel,available, tools.cuttingposes let each paper,in oruse a tearingpupilmotion skeleton.and enact drawing figuresequence orthe artist's frompose. method (swinging paper manikin. tennis racquet) I gesture. scribble. contour) 35 CONTOURS AND GESTURES 5-6 FIGURE DRAWING C. Groups and Crowds of People Preplanning Objectives Procedure ( Each step can be a separate lesson) sameshouldersBegin(Heads with with visible legs, ora discussion feet pants without I. Have and ofliftin., children, crowds. the use, hemlines. . pencil.What charcoalDetails parts andaor doline crayon. values to outline Docan the be the added. heads arn! ou actually see? toand limber moving arm of and the shoulderforfigure sketching movementsexperience bending A. Contours thehaveedgesurface movement othersof shape the shape.)watch. of the Then figure. sketch Now indraw air Use lines that followas if vou the are feeling the Let a child run, (Sometimes detail is not visible) Materials papersuchsketching f newsprint,as charcoal. tools butch- cray-er park. newspaper), ( variety- Now use a model. Pose on table Iaction.draw. upPosefrom high). concentrating IgnoreInmemory running details. the position. actionon Follow main ofHave lines contourrunning. class of Preparation Havepencil:-on.use _reit ) own markers. dark area. children stand. Have class look at model and NOT PAPER.oneoutlineLetshape tool of shape. (crayon.figure. Do notcharcoal) pick up follow tool. Use the continuous line. Children may tool.paperEach and a sketching child will need Variation Have model take an action"feel" posefor edges (diving,movehavestretching. of model apaper. bit throwing, moremove (untila little. etc.) he Sketch. assumes Then a Group Contours ThisusingstoopingstandingDrawings shows different action. position can becolors done from for over a each dive each pose. orother, a position from a stretch.) Pose group of 3 to 4. Have classencontinuousbackoerall lint draw 9). and contour lines put in( ofinstead details. group of alwaysfirst,short, then brok- using go ApproachesLANDSCAPES for outdoor sketching: - CITYSCAPES B. Gestures shoulderpencilwith"wrappingHave head children and I. andtheir moving wrap pretendmodel entire in that string." arm'they Start and are Make circular movements. ( using c:-avon, or B.A. WhenHave child view begin is complicated. with sketch suggest center.ofdarker planes Sketchfinding values and basic it andsomething first shapes.details. and then ofthen interest let develop rest in"grow" around it. notSketchesforwhenUse define continuous body show enlarges. action line. shrinkingenlargingONLY. They circles do limbs. (Continued) asPose in contours). model in action. Principles to aid in definingC.B.A. OverlappingObjects/shapesObjects distance "shapes objects farther closer create areaway usually feeling are smaller. drawnof depth. larger.higher up on page. 36 LANDSCAPES Procedure CITYSCAPES 5-6 DRAWING C.B. SelectMake lightsmall sketch area of of whole overall still-life lizipe. and then use fill for in composition.detail,. or Preplanning Objectives to learn toto seerecognize and re-intoWanes a picture and shapes beobjectsafterHave reminded looking student or shapes andto sketch repeat planning.if needed. directly shapes, He He on canor, should paper rlap,shift D. Select large object as center ofdoesother interest: not shapes mean draw and center itsizes of in the comparati.e drawing. 1 relation u. it. or in roughl.. and place it:enter of intcrr-t Materials Manilapaper ).(newsprint sketching tools orcordscapeacteristics particular citsape. of char-a land- andgroup light. objects. add textures. balance dark Preplanning Objectives toa picture organizesee basic objects shapes into of STILL-LIFE - BASIC SHAPES 5-6 Preparation Sketchingm..I -kern.pencil. trip should be ink. crayon.) charcoal.pen. stick. felt Variation ingMake close sketch on paper. Add details, pav- attention to design. Repeat Materials papercharcoalilaobjectsi simple ).(newsprint. still-life or forms crayon. Man-asset cylind- up phere.forSuggestdiscussed special things with character- to class. look t mood or atmos- coal.shapes and lines. Shade with ink or char- ers (boxes).ibexes).(cans). sphere squares rectangles ( CcC Motivate anduplight.istics. or foregri usingways spaceand.)of breaking of roof lines. dark Evaluate MotivatePreparation tool.paperEach child iand a sketching will need STILL-LIFE 5-6 Procedure Suggestions for settingB.A. up ArrangeUse variety in various of form places (small. about large. theured, tall. room. plain) short. simple. complex. text- side).etc.)withSketch Practice shading is made wa.s one on sideof paper. making. heat Using il% :ones side I(riss-cross. of charcoal enors-hatch. or eras on.If experimentscribbles. you have acre's to a flood li:,ht. Im I shadow t opposite all means use it. Don-t t Suggestions for beginnin,,A.C. IncludeDraw an many object objects in center. then movewhatlicated isto design. needed next and for so a on.good including arralgement. just or (next column)child can select few or use all for more comp- VariationEvaluate lightSubstitutedraw caneverything. befruit. used vegetables Be the seictive. same etc. way. for basic shapes used. Shadow and shade 37 Suggest:..,ns for helpingC.13.A. Begin children ...haw lmolve vide from withthe one animal liveanimal animal models in compositions an whenactivity possible or t% pical situation ANIMALS DRAWING Preparation wherealforeignbeDiscuss habitat.observed the inth awhatanimal museum you lives. would). Talk Each expect about child natur-to will see haraciefistics of animals( pets. to farm. zoo. cis us, E.a Fill Make in naturalsketch setting aroundand animal filmstrips can suggest jungle scenery. Also photos of flora in then add detail I rocks, foliage, flowers) . Filmsarea. Procedure sometime.Haveneed a childrensketching observe tool. paper the and animal a hoard. for Notice surface appearance Preplanning SKETCHINGObiecti,;es LIVE ANIMALSisticsto learn of toanimals 5-6 observe and record character- angles.ment.quicklyhowWatch(color. he Make the Thenbendsat hair. first.animal several gofeet.and tryin,, back in moves.sketchesears. action toand nose,capture Then. refinefromand eves. observe several move-sketchdraw- etc.). Materials feltSketchingtheto use compositionmarker natural 1tool habitat(pencil. charcoal. . paper (newsprint. Manila I. of the animal in cra=,on. Variation makingColornaturaling. can notessetting be for added ofpainting the by particular crayonslater. orarea. by Fill in area around animal with desk area of board ( if on a field trip) Evaluate suggestionsofDrawUse natural films several scenery. for and drawing animals filmstrips crowdsor groupsfor suggestionsof using Cdbe cone,drawin,,Cezanne can has tie stated based that on theall the cube sphere. and tile 38 MASKS 41.4.1."..44.4"4". for your know foo well that knowledge alone chiledoes d. introduced in his early years. may well mean the differenceone who. in not make people happy. Art C towillbetween his environment.remain a happy an unbalanced adjusted individual individual and who ha, difficulty in his ViktorYour LoetifeldChild and his .-lrt of all learning relation,hip Preplanning Objectives See general objectivesPAPER BAG MASKS K-2 General Objectives: to create expressive individual characters. to learnwork theimaginatively historic significance with variety of masks.of media. MASKS Preplanning ObjectivesMaterials HALF-MASK 3-4 PreparationMaterials cutobjects:ionPaper paper paper scissors,bags and cloth slip glue scrapsover cloth heads; into scraps: triangles, construct- found Preparation SpreadplacePutbrushes,Oak paintingtagboard, to newspapers hescissors used equipmenthole as reinforcements,needed.on desk. in convenient paint, GivetionsthatTalkcrescents.other could inabouteach materialsfeatures andbepupil different made. other doa out bag to Discussodd animalsonappearance. and shapes.table. scissors: what or people varia- put Motivate Helpersinforcement: pass out scissors oak tag paper. hole re- VariationProcedu 1-e Motivatematerials.DecoratePlace bag to over look head. like chosenMark spotscharacter. for eyes. using Take scraps off and bag; other cut foundeyes. Procedure Fold paper at center, cutfoldChildren outholes projection projection then experiment down. on sides Shape cut for d piecestine forvariousattaching may eyes, beedging shape glued string. patterns.for on nostrilsPunch to add To hole andcontours.make mouth; nose: cut I reinforce ) EvaluatePreplanning COAT HANGER MASKstructionBags K-2, can painted crag with.-is. foundtempera. materials. Tempera etc. can be combined with con- Evaluate Paint features in bright colors. Preplanning MASK 3-4 MaterialsObjectives stockingscoatmaterialsTo create hangers a mask with yarn and found ObjectivesMaterials VariousobjectsToSee devisegeneral sizes featuresobjectives and shapes from of a boxes. variety tem- of Preparation whitebuttons.EachYarn.needles glue chill clothtrim. (large) will scraps.beads. need jewelry a coat hanger. one Preparation sors.HavelocatedAssemblepera glue, paint. class table. masking materials considerbrushes. tape. found foundon a largeit, objects. ms centrally and scis-how Motivate animal).Discusslocatedotherstocking. assorted place. Selffeatures and portraits needle.materials of the can Have character in be a done.yarncentrally and (or Procedure Motivate paintamountEachthey cancanchild of bebe willglue. usedshared. need Foundto create a box materials features. and a small and EvaluateProcedure (buttons,ortheShape stitching. hanger. coat cloth, hangerTie Eyes, orbeads. stitchears. to form ete.1.mouth. edges mask-like Stitch. downnose canK-2at shape. top. be will madeAdd Slip glue. yarn froma piece for found hairof nylon gluing over Evaluate Give child large box andwithWhenDemonstrate glue. gay dry. colors.Let paint usehim feathers.allof choose maskingover withfoundsequins. tape one items to color.braid. hold for piecesbeads.Let features. dry inor and placewhatever decorate until you glue features have. sets. 40 Preplanning PAPIER MACHE MASK 3-4, 5-6 MASKS Preplanning PAPER MASKS 3-4, 5-6 MaterialsObjectives NewspaperTo use modelingpaper strip: mache technique paper towelling: wheat paste: newspaper: various MaterialsObjectives ConstructionaddingTo create on. a mask paper. b. glue. cutting scissors. :,ut found by Preparation FindAssemblefeathers.thicknesses pictures beads. materials of of string buttons.native on and aand trim.large rope: theatrical centrally paints. masks brushes:located table sponges; gl.:e, jewelry, CutPreparation ovals from paper.Helpersapproximatelyobjects. about pass It).arn. .)%zds. scrap paper_glue. scissors. felt. string x Motivate Coverfeatures.HaveDiscuss classwork uses considerarea of with masks. foundnewspapers. historical items and they can be used to create Procedure By making slits at the chinto give of theroundness oval. show to the how flat these pieces. Glue the overlap and tape Motivate forPut use fight as needed weight found objects on table can hr overlapped on the Procedure Crumple newspaper intohead-like a ball and form. tape This or wrap can Bewith done twine ahead to make of time. a one for each child. 'See section on Formuhs for papier mache methods) Have children cut holesshape forback ey of or es. the inside Nose nose to along hold onein place side whileand folding drY ing. it back can be made b% I I 1 slicin:, the After mask has dried, removesides,minimumandCoverdecoration. to attach withbuild from of wax string.up 3newspaperPaint: layers withpaper sponge paperof or papierball.foil towellingfinal and glue mache coattape on to rope,it.forstrips. makeShow different etc, Set features.children for aside effect. to howMask dry.Punch to requirespush holes in, in Evaluate holesout."out a Createholeon sides, and variations gluinginsert string a intriangular other for tying. features shape overusing the found hole materials. making it Punch-stand or 121 by cutting Variations AnotherCoverAddSprinkle strips mask wayfine of with ofcurledsand formin,, foil. on paper thentoperforate maskthe fordecorate. mask whiskers,when nostrils base still is forears, wetto breathing crush etc. foil and over then one's cover own the face, foil with criss-crossing for texture. Preplanning Objectives to construct a mask from mesh using WIRE MASKS 5-6 Evaluate papierstrips of mache masking strips tape and until paper the towelling form is established. as above. Remove and apply PreparationMaterials needle.wirestitcher.plastic mesh scissors. for features found materials -ariety I wire) I hardware cloth. screen wire_ wire cutters_ yarn and Procedure Motivate wireFoldSlitCut in wirein two and intoplaces out hold. bottom to form chin. slitted places together and run Evaluate Using yarn. ribbon. clothstitchcan strips_ be and cut weaveetc.. out, weave stitched.face. in and or beadsout to added.make face. ['se Evesa arietv of methods to 4 1 00045 ram 41 a elr41rn all**OurMOBILES foremost goals should he to lookindividuals forward areto .isually literate and esthetically sensitive to their a society in which CCr)NON environment:* KansasDirectorRosemary City of Beymer Art Education MOBILES Ceneral Objecti, es: To make 3 dimensional figures that floating.Toviewed designlearnCo observeat anymovement balance angle. many rucking. objects in kinds space of motion: turning. spinning. phy sically and visually are pleasing when Methods of Hanging Mobiles:materials Hangers which may be used are -.-)otlett dowel and cardboard. may be easily rut and bent. Other

N 44 MOBILES Preplanning MaterialsObjectives See General Objectives BIRD K-2 Preplanning currents.To visualizeTISSUE movement MOBILES created by K-2, air 3-4 Preparation MakepapersThinyarn;paint, cardboard; a mobile thread;brushes; on paintscissors; whichfeathers containers; to glue; hang temperafinished news- I if possible) ; --pct?er c3lue,ci over- Material SoftTo create wire-18 translucent gauge approx. suspended (stovepipe forms. gluepapersscissors,colorspieces. on paint Talk desks. equipment.about Put differentfeathers, Spread shapesyarn news- and and in of birds. convenient place for Pass out cardboard, use as Preparation Cutdilutedthreador wire aluminum), and1in wire 9" needle. to clippers 12" scissors. dowel, lengths. white glue (un- tissue, black Procedure MotivateDraw large outline ofneeded. birdinimaginatively. slit. on Putcardboard. thread Make through Cut diagonal Out. top. Decorate slitHang for on wings. both mobile. sides Cut wing as shown. Insert materials.atingLayDistribute out by sheetscolor. glue of and colored other tissue, needed separ- VariationEvaluate Body and wing shapesconstruction can paper over c ardboard.Preplanningbe done in mosaics by gluing small bits of Motivate MaterialsObje: tives edTowelTowire, ,develope tubing,old button,nylon whimsical pipe hose, etc., cleaners, bitstape,creatures. of white storecloth, glue.pipe color- Procedure Cover tables with newspaper.chosenbend intocategory. and shape distribute Flatten of fruit. wire wire flowers. lengths. shape faces. against Have bells. pupils table. animals. If tissue or issome in large other Preparation fabricbenewspaper,LeaveMake triangular, or wing apaper lengthwire shapes toclippers ofcover fromwire tubing. wire.projecting. These mayCut fan shaped, or round. andsheets,dries,wireout, cut lay between layruntissue on wirea newspaper thread around tissueshape through wirefold atand one applyandcontour. the end pressupper glue and Save tissueto foldend both left oftissue firmly sides.shape, over over Replacetotissue. just wire. wire. inside Whenglue-coveredUse Lift the scissors wireglue wire. Procedure Decorate and glue coveringholes near to towelone end. tubing. Run pipeUsing cleaner needle, through punch for two antennae. Glue buttons, WHOPPER BUGS K-2 Motivate Evaluate "The basic issue is aSuspend concept from that assumesdowel, varying that here lengths you haveof thread. education Evaluate throughotherpaper,orinserting other at or foundfromabout netting. wing sides objects the upSecure centraland to to thewrap make wings basepoint around eyes. topart on tubing Cover tubing.orbase 121 byof wire make wings.Stick(1) wings slitting 2extensions holes with the opposite nylon tubing of hose,wire and each soand intertwined here you have that the you arts cannot separate one from another." The thing I am urging is that these two become AtlanticSuperintendentJohn Letson Public Schools 45 Preplanning STYROFOAM MOBILES K-2, 3-4 MOBILES Procedure Inflate balloons and ends tightly. MaterialsObjectives newspaper.StyrofoamTo comprehendcreate cups.a glue. different colorcolorer? pins. overlay string.type tissue of brushes art form ( pomps). 2.1. paste.WrapTakesApply Beinflated5overlapping or sure 6 layers. itballoon is completely strips A seem!'in ofall one directions colordry. color Deflate. may tissue withbe added paper yarn at saturatedwith the whenlast. in i wheatpaste. Preparation across.set.atcupInsert rims. Cutfor knotted Keen hanging.coloredPins familywill stringtissue Glue help colors inthrutwo hold circles cupstogether;bottom in place abouttogether of viz. till 2" a Variations 3.PutBefore balloons balloon together dries, sprinkleto form animals,lightly with angels,approximatelyCombine glitter. Santa the Claus, above 2 days. etc. methods, beginning with the tissue. Drying time, Procedure SpreadMotivate newspapers. Placeforenvelopesviolet. milk each magenta.container two to preventpupils. red.of Letmixing.50-50 pink. each white andchoose putglue an in and water according to his own Evaluate Preplanning DANGLE ANGLES 3-4, 5-6 Evaluate fromedgescirclesapplyingcolor ceilingrreferences. of to projectingcircle.avoid or brackets. uncoveredand Give tissues brushing each one topover a Whenand bruslt it. Thisbottom. completelyto isapply continued, Set glue, aside covered. brushing tooverlapping dry. trim Haag glue, off MaterialsObjectives ColorfulTo createutilize magazines, 3-discarded dimensional magazines scissors, forms clear tape, Preplanning MaterialsObjectives See General Objectives. BALLOON 3-4 Preparation brightlyCollectwireof tapeor stringcoloredplenty for each ofsheets. child.magazines. Cut short Tear lengths out Preparation PassAssorted out 1 hangers,paperballoonpaste and; (seeper thread, "or child, section wire wheat oncutters recipes)paste ; balloons; yarn; newspapers; scissors; wheattissuecoat- Procedure Using a paint brush handle,begin start rolling. from As one soon corner as roll of magazineis established page set and brush aside and continue Motivate childrenofandonin paper milkdesks. scissors whofile cartons,or Put yarnpast finish intissue convenientto newspapersthey early,choose paper, desire. make theand/or place; to colorsaHave spread sup- yarn, let hangmayconstructingwithrolling. beoverhead. clear covered Tape tape.triangles, with with Assemble cleartissue and tape. otheror these other Roll flat flat decorative a geometric modulesnumber shapes. thesecreate When tubes. Join3-D completed, Then corners beginSides Motivate mobiles).portt see on illustrationwhich to hang on methods finished forproducts making EvaluateVariation Short strips of pages, cutend. to taper Use whiteto a point, glue canon end be rolledand glue starting whole at roll. wide 46 5-6 MOBILES Procedure Preplanning ObjectivesMaterials quick-dryingColored tissue glue. paper. s-issors: black construction, thread. coat Mark two cups around hard!rimsforefingerformed,withinshould with Go 1/2" beevenlyaround and enough.sliding of one spacedbase. the at fromcup Take aDo timepencil three thisbottom scissors press times. each tooutward and rimEight Itsection cutshould as sections slightlystraightyou mark. not do beso.betweendownTake forced Do each sidenot thumboutward. pressstripof cup thusandtoo to Preparation hanginghangerspletedMake I.piecesa support on which to hang com- I see suggestions for mobile sectioncoveringadjustthantassleInsert spaces edges thruknottedso spaces that other betweentogether sections stringequidistantly. end. sections Cutandfrom meet. trianglespin inside Thisoftill Place cups. dry. willofone tissuecups ClipGlue notcup together. beoffsomewhatforthese absolutely anyhanging; to projecting inside rim wider precise.fastento of rim.and each tissue. a longer and Glue yarncup, Procedure MotivateUsing 2 sheets of blackshapes. oaper. cut birds, both anirm. pieces oneflowers, time toetc. form Cut geometric inside the designs to make a Evaluate otherifandThe done addingcup mobiles with may white discretion. be from painted glue these 4/5 Don'tin cups. contrastingto 1/5.overdecorate! Braid. or darkersequins, Challenge tone buttons by pupilsmixing can beto tempera deviseadded CftO VariationC UseUse pipe cellophane, cleaners forfoil, border.borders, orborder metallic trimmingof aboutedges. 1". Insert G'ue thread colored through tissue top.paper Tie between on mobile. the 2 black Preplanning CARDBOARD 5-6 Evaluate Wire may be arrangedLay intissue loops. piece on orof this. triangles. tissue When over etc.dry, it. Spread Turntrim tissueover glue andfromalong glue outer wire. other edges side of of wire. wire. Lay ObjectivesMaterialsSee General ObjectivestoCardboard; hold paint; paint, water; brushes; pointed milk scissors; cartons Preplanning Objectives ToSTYROFOAM make pupils sensitive MOBILES to new 5-6 visual Preparation needed.Teacher-helpersthreadstring; put paint pas= on cardboard, work table scissors, to use as PreparationMaterials tissue,possibilitiesStyrofoam string, in scissors, a familiar pins, form. tempera cups, white glue, colored Procedure Motivate Motivate sets.1/5stripsDemonstrate Demonstrate glue cut in in small cups. use bending ofquantities. Mix pins 4/5 toof holdtemperastyrofoam till glue and Evaluate Demonstrate how tophane, slitDecorateit. Leta piece magic children as of desired.mending cardboard proceed, Put tape andthread using will put atthishelp another a point slitting keep pieceof cardboards balancemethod into forto in makehanging. right a Cello- 47 4

00051 MOSAICS vrommoNmwomm ""i ft almost"Creativity is a distinguishing characteristic of outstanding individuals inevery field.- GuidingE. Paul Creative Torrance Talent to form a design or figure.Mosaics Many are examples made by of fixing this techniquesmall pieces can of be various found inmaterials side-bv-side MOSAICS GeneralducedartNatural history. by Objectives individuals. forms The design provide groups, should good or be ideas classes. kept for simple. mosaic especiallyto design.learn to Mosaicsinmanipulate primary can grades. materials be pro- MOSAICS USING PAPER BASES K-2 to experimentlearn to pre-plan with composition and use of colors DIRECT TECHNIQUE 4-6 Preplanning Objectives ToTo experiment create a mosaic with different using paper qualities pieces of papers. Preplanning Objective To createlearn anothera permanent approach mosaic to making a mosaic. MaterialsPreparation foretc..paste.Bits mounting. in of small rubbercolored containers cement. paper i accordingof or any quick-dr% kind to ) color ing or glue: object: paper scissors. or hard . cardboard . seeds. eggshells. beads. grass. leaves, PreparationMaterials Smallwhite bits glue, of spackling glass. beads. or plaster tiles. etc. Masonite or board b- und, Procedure Motivate whattableIf possible. theyor convenient need show and examplesput place. mosaic Allow of pieces mosaics children in envelopes.and to discuss. file past Put table all materialsto collect on Motivate bottlesHavekeep(called pupils spacklingif possible. tesserae) draw from Tack design for running. pupilsa narrow to fitto select thestrip hoard. pieces. Pass Give boxes out white of small glue inbits small ( frame shape) around board to Make sketch of simple designshapesIf insetfrompaper forms in to outlineabout curvesis he used used. I of parallel 2-for design. Transferx mosaic1 to Leave outline topieces. background tiny of cut gapsdesign. or betweentearpaper. Erbourage into pieces.square variety Piecesor irregular of may colors be Example: 2 shades of green in grass. r. Mosaic materials are pasted down. working Procedure After design is transferredspacklingplaces, to leaving the and board press a wee begininto bit grooves.of gluing space Wipetesseraebetween. off toatWhen finish.their dry. fill spaces with Variation UseUse Usegummed cloth.scraps paper wood. of tapecut circles contact cardboard. into from paperTransfer mosaic hole foretc.. mosaic topuncher. piecesfor large base. pieces.and cardboard Plan crayon sketch or or paint. inposterboard. color With brush or fingers I cravonsl. Variation A. Make a sketch of designmaterials.onlyquicklywhere. part to Pour to be of colors.form used.entirethick design. and Plznlayer base textures. whatLeave ofmay plaster typebe small covered. intoof gapspieces base. between Encourage willPlace go pieces.mosaii. use Theofpieces variety whole down ofor Evaluate mayofapply pencils. be appliedg!ue Overlap to completed to prevent work. cardboard from showing through. Shellac I or paste ) to small area. Apply circles with fingers or tips Evaluate C.B. CutUse powdered sand-and-paste paint colors base. intoMix basethick; sand mix. withtakes wallpaperlong time topaste dry. until Pour fairly into plywood base. 50 CC visually:*vet-UnderMURALS they our are present anxious educational and willing system to learn young new thingspeople if turn they off can and learn drop them out, CoordinatorJohnEastman L. Dehhes Kodak Education Projects I General C,;)jectites: to provide opportunities to bring together to provide experiences for sharing and working together many ideas MURALS ORGANIZING CLASS finds Bordertoon motivatea common interest goal in a subject B. compsite using a series of separate pictures atinuous unit conveying a central theme on Primary: BeginningAll children experiences should be should given bean brief opportunity and simple to participate Panel eachmainmat picture be theme one picture or a series. nfa central theme. 'There may not be a sequence ) may depict a different phase of the TeacherIndividually can give drawn help in pictures use of materialscan be cut and assembled and are not suggested for limitations. Mural illustrations that f 1lw are offered solely to clarify techniques Intermediate: lines,ArtGroup principles texture. planning. space.should should arrangement). be include considered ideas of whole. s light and dark. repetition. colors, group TEMPERA MURAL 11.* Ng 40, t it di es 4._ a 64 : ;;; r Ir AI: Ain* '10 1111118 gra % S. .404 41. wN 4it*r II, .6_ .4; 1Ir .44; 46; .111 5_ 4 lb 41'4 Jo if w ; je v,r. r. . 41; $::: go I I a. fr fP de awe 411% . 52 Prepianrzing TEMPERA K-2 MURALS Preplanning CRAYON K-2, 3-4 NlatrriakObirctie, To.r differentiate object- unll - rp:tratt frttni bat-kroutiti hy m 11% using an toter all haekgriturid. ean- of C 44.r. F MaterialsObjectives To :over large areas with crayon. Preparation Temper:::dividually.cartons charcoalmuffin o^ tin-or Makemufti chalk: t.r milk -keteltc-tins; bru-he-; cartons. rag-; on sponges;smock- newsprint. tit- paper: apron-.Pour paint into small containers, suchthrone. Plan glrawitv,. ztntl carry out theme either in small groups or cardboard; nwspaper:: milk in-as Preparation DiscussButcher paper.themedisu-s-onsequence. crayon:- with andHacr class. then children Organze plan arrangement.plait small -mall groups sketches to illustrate first Put various children's parts. sketches Plan up for 1 wax I paper (a- cloth 1)1'414.c-dun- PaintMea-ureNita i% -objectsate and cut over background. backgroundin -ubdued Sketch area. tone. picture, l-se Paint brighten, witharound chalk. more areas Begin v:nrant -ketchrd by color.,painting than background in back- Let dry. Procedure MeasureMoti va t e background area, and fit with mural i paper. Spread ne.-spaperr., and lay DryVariation tempera lemperaParaffinPeople, object canan be be ,. used combinedsod animalsforground. drawing with may crayon, andbe painted. painted chalk overor ink. with tempera. In hr mixed with %arnish to make an oil type paint. ut out, and applied to background. cleandoingwithlargespots.mural cloth.areapaper. Whenona crayon flour.-. Don't sketch Sketchmural forget is completed,ondirectly to cloth. fill inwith the the fill colorlight with coloredcan crayon. he setchalk. Gice byUse ironingtheBt- sides muralsure of betweenthere crayonsa caption. are sh.-etsno to blankWhencover of rst- dark otiors next to light. Notch crayons for stripes. Rub crayon Evaluate Art- the color- clean antitra-t bright? with he Does background! the mural Dintell thea story? figure-. Do etc., all the true shar.s out large con- enough to fill space? Evaluate I, the theme clear?background? Is the work clean and bright? Is the eift-et appealing? 111i1,11 Is the -etiurnet- right! 111111 Ire the figures and action on a subdued dlit1ffi1i11411.111i1111141111111(1111P . 1 /7 53 MURALS Preplanning Objectives To achieve forms and movement by using lines (yarn/. YARN 3-4, 5-6 PrepearationMaterials CutYarn mural backgroundyardchalk; long newsprint; pieces.into sections Discussscissors; to be-subject coat reassembled hangers; matter new-papers.or at theme end of withproject. children.different Cut yarn Talk weights in about and was colors ; white glue; heavy cardboard for background; Motivate Sketchesof using yarn shouldbackground.mural to fill beshould in dune art-as be on filled(curling, new in-print with curve- withyarn. and chalk. Sky waves, or Adjust ground straight to art- "fit" lines, sometinws together, etc.) Entire painted. on VariationProcedure Transfer sketches by cuttingthen work out onshapes parts and in smalltracing groups around or them. inilit Skezchidually. whole mural. C i'reidan nirz MURAL ASSEMBLAGE 3-4, 5-6 Evaluate HasYarn the can yarn be used been to used curves.usedoutline with to straightfillobjects. varying Tempera. directional wall effect? paper, S,Ieh chalk, as or crayon can be in areas. lines. etc. Do colors harmoni- r? Have they been repeated? Do zig-zags, Cri ObMaterials ire ToLarge et.,join ate -mallIt-t--kgrountl a textured intikIndia ithial ink. meta:lirof caruhttard.Smallprojects neural. square- into t tine. ti.ra cardboard.composite. skrtifottin trays. sci-s.ors. pencil, foil. Tempera, figures show up? Is the whole mural well done? Motkate Preparation Cut squareswhereand.err of thincardboard. cartiboartl they solution ran not hrthie of over acontainer light tempera of glue color for mixed ecry twoWith pupils. I thsp. Brushes.white glue India ink. ii-tributed later. x 12' for each child. Tear lengths of foil for place Prtteetlure Hike pupil-- -elect i_erralnt-tiedshapesLa antit. glue ro on tillrtifeain blan's areas.trk and Take tract% foil. impre--ing ern-ii into -atilt a ball pencil then point.-traighten out. DO not i.rtibearti -quart-. Add parallel toothpick-. buttons. cord. etc. if Gke each a (r x 12 -beet of paper. for drawing. :tit out styrofoam Take the tempera-glue-waterallink.rri.sitfitteLneath.smooth! the Wipe wrinklesglut- Be:linpiecesmix Lay 'ightly. foil.anti tt%er athayhalt getthepaint rTin- beencomposition a spoonthe will fini-hrti. foil. resealor Lettongue and fa-ten thedry. begin tintedtit-pre--4-r Paint to pre the foil. over -sing large andand with to cardboard in -tartyield Indiaplaces smoothing the theshape with foil glue.formsthe only. foil under-When until -.---titer remoyed. anti work outward. When the contours are completely FAaluate : useful form of evaluatir:'_iindicidual takes piece- place into in thea pleasing process composite. of deciding how to arrange 5-1 SCRIBBLE MURAL 3-4, 5-6 MURALS Pr rplarzning COLLAGE 3-4, 5-6 01.1e, nye- -1*, I,, experiel.ce "drawing out- -hapt-, from abstract lines. a (ir !.t1 isithtine- into one whole. fit% tilMit- Objectives To unifyassemble and foundbalance materials a large arrangement.into a large composition. Preparation Discits- making Large. kground paper: charcoal : reping lour. with whole arm. Have children use chalk.arms inor pencil: tempera: brushes Materials,Newspapers. newsprint, cloth. charcoal and pencils, stapler. pins. scissors etc., white wire. buttons,glut-. brushes. cardboard or masonite for background, small sticks. yarn. beads, trim and fringe; artificial Nletiy att. Plate backr, to t1104lIra-:. paper on flat wall. Each child will need charcoal. chalk. or a Preparation groups.pencils.materials,Discuss Plat., Pinoverall balance found -ketches theme. materials materials. to backgroundPlan in Havemural open sketches boxespartsto get soeasilya viewmadethat acces thereof on the newsprint -ibleis whole. a relationship to all. Divide with charcoal into between small or Procedure HaYt each child place"Drawthis-,pportunity lines !inn- out-directly finding object,. onto shape- Paint background. inin thethe ah,tractobjects When found.lines. each borne then child paint lines has backgroundwillhad theneed to area, be eliminated. following to contribute line,. the whole ,tudied. Discuss central theme again. Procedure Motivate Create objects and figures by gluing. or stapling materials to background. Large ableEvaluate shapes. Check for theme. i-lorshape,.lines relationship-. alreacy lines and contrast. unity. textures. sufficency of recogniz- estabii-bed. Establish a center of interest, and try for repeats of Evaluate Dors the mural hold childpiecestogether had of incloth,a partdesign. it? organization, etc. will help importantunify the whole.shapes? Has every

55 MOSAIC MURAL 5-6 MURALS l'replartriirIg RELIEF 5-6 Material- CornTI,To cregt.- a :ortwatildelarge de-ign from small hit-ber..1711- arid piece-. :1-it -hould be t: -ed in a ni -air. t II, textural tTialitie- of a ino-sic. Materials TA, create a thrredinicrisional effect i-ce formula -3 or -tarni.. lira% on cloth. bead-. buttons. gla--. ceramic-reds. bean-. rice. rte.: the-hell-. tilt-;1pt bble-. .11 bits of material- rri I tile-. -turtly backgroundhi materialsi. ware: -uitable paps adhe-ice tape. is pencil.woodpaperNew-papers macht-:t a-he large -to- can- and !for "brat pate pa-te mo-onitr: tempera and brushes: : knife or spatula: ply- newsprint and knife-Tool-ile-cartPlace -hould al befor -t.ex, tintr.: lighter hale-crew with material-.-pare- or tempera. other attatthe Ti!,-- nipper, hinents -tomb' for on begla-s hack wiped and for clean. ceramic Lunging. are determined by type of mo -air. with -parkling or grout which Scissors or Preparation andbackground.!.ject-Di-cu-- paint.Spread ..r -erne,. plan-Let new-paper. dry. for Tin- Putmural. can sketcheslay be Makebackground done together-ketch.-- a- group board and on work new-printtract-on orfloor individual-them or of tableon ob- Motkation and PreparationAfter the rla-- ha-for decidedde-ign-New-Taper-. mixing upon a cement - ertion new a theme. r"- of print. pkt-ter. mural divide on cla--new-print. into groups, each pene'.! and throw -away containers which Prt oCtdUrt Mix relief medium in larg" cans or pan -. Coxer work area with newspaper. Apply Nbakate Procedure When ,:- awing- ground. La. background on floor and proceed to trace deign in final form. arrange tee- i"n- are c.nn purtet a--embl.- them in pleo-ing order on back- Variation ground.medium When to background. completely building dry 'several up area days' with the finger-mural can to "stand be painted away" with from tempera. back- Elevate Check dire,-tional effects.suchfigure-Elevate if and any: color-. object- textures fir-t. and u-ing color--; mo-t filling colorful of; total Saxe effect. neutral toner -ky. -pace. ground. Do the-e la-t. rue -hap,- and directional mo-.ti, tool- for the group- working oneffect- the mo-aic. a- the conructing continues. Do f..: spaces Evaluate ShapesDoes theor objects3-1) effect forsand seem a relief casting). to invite mural you can to betouch done or feelby sand it? 1,, casting the design effective? (see section on 44 1 .1 V b Cry I0Aft ° ereiCnigapitaol rfoODmeorlAV V 013 Pm110111r r NIPsz] tr Se 81467r9 56 /hS -.4. significantly."AestheticPAINTIlearning oversensitivity, the years when of childi, attained, G tad, andis artistic training a product of development and seems to shape it 0 PennsylvaniaHeadDale HarrisPsychology State DepartmentUniversity FINGERPAINT PAINTING MONOPRINTING WITH FINGERPAINT K-6 Tools:General Whole Objectives: Hand To utilize the large muscles in painting Flat Palm To gaincontrol a concept paint through of rhythm direct in paintingcontact Preplanning Objectives to toexperience obtainprint an interesting impressionreverse visual from textures a flat surface FingernailsKnucklesThumbSideFingersClenched of (base,hand (flat Fist (straight outer part) side) and fingers curved) PreparationMaterials fingerpaint,wrapping,print, newspaper, etc.) Manila, construction, oak tag, brown paper, (fingerpaint paper, news- Controlling fingerpaint WhenBackgroundColorsDark doingcan and be color lightmulticolored (mixed Less canareas paint onbe canseparateremoved andpainting, be more controlled surface,with waterwork cloth, then quicklylightens.)by sponge pressureadded. while from (More and certainpaint paintby ispaint areas. wet.and consistency.less water darkens.) Motivate Spread newspaperwaterprintsprints, and to or onsponge string floor ready clotheslineor tables for overheadreceive and clip it with clothespins. Have bucket of mentmany totimes. experiment Also the with work many is of varied a large-muscle, strokes.Fingerpaint It rhythmicalmust be understood is style. a medium Pupils however childrenDoLearn need background thatencourage.not enjoy, skilledto go becausefirst,over andmiddle they over ground can areas. redesign second, their foreground painting last. Procedure Make a fingerpaintingprint onscraper,to becana glazed printed be or made brajer. or on formica on top Lift wet of print. surfaceprinting the wetSecond (table paper.painting. print top, canglass).Ru:, be gently madePlace overusingpaper the more back pressure. using hand,Third Experiments:Procedure:subtle effects of goodBegin fingerpainting with one comecolor, youfrom practice, work. more keeping mature paintartists. move Ede by adding a little water while Variation 2.1. DesignaLift time, a print orwith use of leaves, manyblots of colors.grass, paint. flat Add materials. blots of anotherArrange and on repeat.a wet paintinglift Print one color prints. at WhenPat, swing, advancing push, to wiggle, twoHavesidewhole colors, of zig-zag,pupil whole hand, begin repeat arm, smear,palm, by thosewristhaving side scrape, experimentsto of pupilelbow, hand, tap, place elbow.spiral,fist, that one thumb Thisscallop.turn color (sideoutcan on well,Trybe halfand continued this theinbase), order withsheet finger forto rememberseveral tips, fingernails, lessons. them. 5.4.3. Placestylus,SpreadLift prints cardboard make thick on wood,picturepaint shapes onmaterial, on surface. back on astyrofoam. of flat Place printing surface. printing paper. Lay paper Liftwet print.finger over it. paint Rub gently. Using sheet on top. Follow thi- by havingwhite.ofThenmiddle. pupil andeach compare another Addspread colorCompare daubs should onewithcolor theofcolor those onanotherbe three theleftover sheets effect:.otherlike partscolor that it half. is.ofin Letstill the Thensonic have paperwhite letthreeof leavingspaceshimthe colors. pupils blend andareas Help blend thelet of himtwothem the covercoicrs seewhole that onlyjust sheet. soli': inthe the sleeves up, or cut off6. at the elbow. It is advisable toInk,ResultingApply have crayon childrenfinger print or paint willbring beandaccents old a scrapescraped shirts can topaintbe ruonoprint. protect added off towiththeir the scraperclothes. dry print. ofRoll cardboard shirt or wood. AsKeepNow a last reminding let step, him let apply him him that planhistent)beground.white. each paintingall where of covered Th... colorhis he picture.techniques he needswants up. may tothe blend stay sparinglycolors partlya little, to go byso but for itselfas notthenot and too compositionto muddydoesn'tmuch towantthe complete(con- back- to his background. handsspongesfeel withreluctant anda damp large to sponge.get containers messy with of fingerclean water.paint.Research KeepShow shows wethow paper easily that childrentowels finger handy paintwho have comesas well been off as strongly admonished about cleanliness Variation: 3.2.1. Longpaintings.Boxes,Colorful (6") wi.stepaper fingerpaintings narrow triangular baskets, can pencil bestrips cut holderscutinto from pieces are fingerpaintings attractivefor collage. when can covered be rolled with over finger a quality of living and the character of our culture.""I"By hold revolutionizing that meaningful the teaching experience of art with we themight arts well does enhance help to significantly equip a young the Dr. John Goodlad S.4. prints.LightTryjewelrystitchery paper colored they needlesculpture make fingerpaints and a withnice glued necklace.fingerpainted make to make good beads. backgrounds papers. Interspersed for styrofoam with beads and cardboardfrom old spiritual."person to deal with the problems of life, whether practical, moral, psychological or PerformingPres.Wm. SchulmanLincoln Arts Center for the 58 TOOLED FINGERPAINTING 3-6 PAINTING BEADS FROM FINGERPAINTINGS - 4-5-6 Preplanning Objectives to torecord incorporate impressions various by tools roiling in painting Preplanning Objectives to tosalvagemake create beads apersonal. fingerpainting that harmonize handmade injewelr) color Materials fingerpaint.size-paper. sponges. long Ivarietyl brushes. an of water.i all kinds. Materials scissors,to "stretch"needle,11/." art xmaterials white glue. small brushes, pencil, stitehery or fine knitting cardboard triangles wax . cardboard Trinking straws, natural mater- different thicknesses. orpaper. small embroidery twine, damp needle. sponges heavy or threadpaper ic.etc.ials etc.. braver. newspaper. wood. rubber, felt. sponges. plast-gs. bark. fruits. vegetables. Preparation thoseHave oldwithing fingerpaintings good man)towels color swirls. variety Cuton hand.cardboard and Selectshow- triai,gles Preparation Lay out individualcanseasytowels. ofaccess tools Placesponges forand a longwetting orpaper wet pan aspaper paper. ofneeded. water Large Vetfor Procedure MotivateUse cardboard triangles as patterns11 /a" xto 12" mark off triangles on the finger- Motivate Lay directly paperonin table long by panrolling of water. int Lift by one edge. I formica . a tube. Immerse Slip the needle out andapplythe setfromthepainting. strip. the colorglue needlerolled roll with sideCut a beadand triangle brushoutis handsout. the inside When overtriangles before and the repeating. outside marked.strip has the 30 Startingbeen tip. beads roiled thiswith nearlysize the shouldwide end make of a needle. Keep the strip centered. Be sure on was paper to dry. Wipe glue to the tip Procedure LThe Use following strings. leaves,variations grass.fingerpaint can etc. be underused with wet glossytomakethrougha go short necklace overlook. necklace. an the embroidery longerhead. String Shellacand needle. morebeads can professional. Glasswith be appliedheavy threadBe to the or paper light beads twine forstrung a or wooden beads interspersed will sure it is large enough 3.2. PlaceUse cardboard string on wet edges fingerpainting forfingerpaint. scraperspaper. Rolland on foldover paper with brayer. paper or place a top sheet beauty"Each student which stimulatesin his own himway. to works produce to satisfy and create the inflate artistically." love of George von Kantor Evaluate 4. Use natural materials paint.over first. Pull strings out. Lift top sheet. f wood. bark. etc.) as tools to use on wet finger- individuals"Creativity in almost every field." is a distinguishing characteristic JohnArt Chairman F. Kennedy Jr. High E. Paul Torranceof outstanding 3'; General Objectives to give creative experiences with color. TEMPERA PAINTINGAND WATER COLOR GetPROCEDURE set for painting FOR PAINTING activities at the beginning of the year, and the actual to tolearngain gainlearn facility to experience tocombinefingers, combine in the etc.) colorsin use manpreplanning of into media. painting a pleasing techniques.a composition. . t brushes. sticks. cardboard. Do this: Have old newspapers on hand. Cutactivity downtops will from cardboard be milksimple. cartons cartons. to (Campbell's hold paint. soup size) to 3" high. A WORD ABOUT PAINTING. Reakismto cultivateencouragework boldly comes spontanietv. experimentation without from long reliance practice with on pencil drawing. guidelines. CollectIfPlace individual large6 milk cans cartons water from containersin cafeteriabottles. foil-lined to are cardboardhold needed. water. box-tray. cut tops off plastic mill. parentlightsnotwhat botheredand color, he darks,is experimentingharmony. so large long areas asbrush his ofwith_ color. If andsmall ittextures. looks effect areas realistic. moodAPaintingare ofpainter's pleasing.color. fine. is cleanchiefabout If it color, concerndoesn't.something trans- ishe what entirelyis happens different. with his paint. Colors. blends, these are a part of ToBefore beginDo 'his: the Fillpainting milk activitycartons with 4 to 6 separateWetSet acolors paint batch cartons1" of topaper 1" in deep. towelscardboard and traywring and slightly. cover with plastic wrap. POINTERSpainter is struggling ABOUT for.PAINTING:Tempera Learn toshouldpigments find these:be theareIn it'sthicknessnot children's a pure fascinating andof lightpaintings. do game. notcream. mix many into naiveclear deaneffects blends. reach qualities the adult ToDo cleanthis: Cover up tables with newspaper 12 pupils)GiveSet water eachout paper andchild paints anda damp brushes on papertables 12 towel (Teacher pupils) for keeping hands clean. BrushBrushesUsing thedrawing should side of notis the bolder be brushbeanthe held preferred.inch brushand to like back paintfreer point. a pencilof alongthan the metalbut pencila line should ferrule. worksdrawing. be better grasped and than much at usingleast to Do this: Pupils clean brushes in water can andTeacher lay1 pupil them collects collectsat on each table. painttablebrushes emptytrayempties and waterdiscards cans all at milk sink cartons that are nearly WetChildren,SeriousFilling paper in painters (on pencilK-2, both should oftendrawings sides) paint.forspreadnot gives fitting haveis coloring. on beautiful morethe color color than andnot effectsand 3painting.draw colors drawing if over not at exactly.ait.overloaded time. without concern with PaintingsEach1 pupil pupil passes not removes dry the can wastenewspapersleaving besomeone spreadbasket painting fromtowilltemporarily collect donateontable table. newspaper. and an on oldfolds floor hair them or dryer, counters. compactly, the drying If can be speeded up. PAINTING

Preplanning TONED BACKGROUND K-4 SPATTER PAINTING K-2, 3-4 Objectives ToTo discover create weta color blending. background for drawing. Preplanning MaterialsObjectives To experiment withwith positive many techniques and negative for shapes.making a stencil painting. Materials White constructionsponge paperfor clean or butcher up, muffin paper, tins. water, tempera, brush, Preparation GiveTempera; out scissors,befolders)brush, scissors; made charcoalhairbrush) ; directlyscreen charcoal or wire ;on pencilspaper or cardboard (piece) pencil; I butcher,and brushcardboard. and manila, cut (toothbrush, out. Sketches newsprint) Keep objec-svegetable should ; cardboard large. (file MotivatePreparation Distribute materials. Put 3 thinned colors in each muffin tin. Procedure Motivate Cover paintingassist area each with other newspaper. with spattering. Children can work in pairs and Procedure Explain that pupils going draw. Smooth to Have make paper them their on dip table sponge and inbrush clear colors water, on and the wet paper paper to createon both own colored paper on which Object is cut out fromthroughandused.whichmay cardboard. spatter beOverlap itscreen. wasused Objectcut. shapes asSeveral Placestencil when colorsstencil or repeating area canon paperfrom be the with tempera-filled brush Evaluate oncolorful the colored background. surface. Set aside to dry. Next day, let pupils paint picture Evaluate spatter. 61 SPONGE PAINTING Preplanning Objectives To experiencepaper. mixing colors on the 3-4 PAINTING Preplanning Objectives TEMPERA WASH-OUT 3-4, 5-6 Materials SpongesTo achieve (cutcut variouswetness varioussponges) effects sizes) ; ;by scissors different (to of areas on paper. dry tempera; paper Materials tempera,To discover a form of resist. paper (construction), rubber Preparation Cut sponges into small piecesEach (approximatelychild willinwith or need newspaper.near paper, the color sponges to be and used. tempera. Use a Spongesdifferent cansponge be placed with each color. (Manila) ; clothes pins. x 2"). Cover work area Preparation Cover workanothercement, area with areabrushes newspaper. near sink with Cover newspapers Procedure spongesWetMotivate paper. to dipPlace into on dry smooth tempera, surface then Paintand onto remove can paper. be wrinkles.placed in Usea centrally pieces ofle'ated area. Motivate betweenbrushfor drying. and several tempera. Each children. child Glue will can need be sharedpaper, Variation:Evaluate Cut a stencil fi-nnIfClothespin dry a temperamanila holds file issmall folder.not pad.spongesponge.available, Lay willit on liquidhold a clean enough tempera sheet paint of poured to color into small a regular sponges. Use like a stamp Procedure processgentlyPaintdripped is rubbing appliedcan or be placed underrepeated heavily onrunning paintedtoafter areas dryingwater. surface.on paper. Gluedthe paper.When Whenareas dry, willdry, paper remainrubber is dark. cementwashed The is by forpaper second and spongecolor. Try color sponging in open around space. cutTry out two piece. colors and shift stencil Preplanning DRIP PAINTING 3-4, 5-6 ProcedureEvaluate ObjectivesMaterials temperaTo helpexperiment developpaint,technique. brush witha feeling or a Jacksonstick, for thenewspaper, Pollockabstract. Take a half sheet of newspaper.drawstencilpaperLoad aroundbrushstencil. with Tear with smaller shapesChange holes fluid withholesinto colortempera it.magic canand Lay so berepeat marker this thatused overitwith to isor repeatdripping. paper.ablack clean thepaint. brush. Drip process. Letover dry. Whenthe Anews- new dry Preparation EachCover child work willManila,paper areabrushes need with(newsprint, or paper nearoldnewsprint). newspapers.(newspaper,children Manila). Place to prevent paint anddrip- Variations (a) Paint tonal background on paper. Let dry.tempera Dip stick and intodrip easy-runniover background color. Motivate andbrushping pass over orjars stick eacharound. in other's each color work. tempera Put a Evaluate (c)(b) CombinePaint in rhythmic technique lines. of dripping Then drip and colors pouring. over original lines. 62 Preplanning PAPER ENGRAVING 3-4, 5-6 PAINTING PAINT ON FOIL Prep/anni;.i: GR. 3-4, 5-6 Objectives To understandthrough the technique a simple process.of engraving 11 Objet ties by scratching.o experi,nci "pulling out'' a picture or design Materials Newsprint;folders) brush;pencil ortempera: churcool; cardboard darning (posterneedle; paper, file .Abuninumstick.scratching foil; etc./ rubber :tool cement; (dullrial- pencil), tempera; scissors, card- pointedd I Airt board hair spray; liquid detergent. or corrugated); brush; Preparation Di-cuss engraving.into a surface. lia.e children understand that thi- is a process of scratching Preparation Cover workRubberuse area abstract ye/tient with n,.uspaper. deand -ign- tempora or Each picture- child -cratched will need into a piece foil. ofSubjects cardboard, fur pictures foil. can be an he placed in centrally located areas. Children can Motivate Give oil: newsprintCovereachchild peris area andsatisfied child) with charcoal . newspaper. with or hi- pencils. -ketch. lio.e gite planning out cardboard and Paint can be placed in central locations to sketchesservedarning several done. needles children. When lone the of Procedure Motivate lines,besimple produced criss-cross, objects, by trees, scratchingwiggly, animal,, broken thru lands( lines. the paintapes, stillin various life. or waysfigures. (cross-hatch, Many textures strai?'t can EvaluateProcedure Design is scratched intohouse.(ewnly). cardboard per-on). scratch-d with Selatch needle. design deep willy into show cardboard up as a darker color. -e simple paintsubjects over with thinned tempera animal, tree, Evaluate Glue foil to cardboardprotectthroughtempera. with surface.rubber tempera cement. to create Smooth desired out design wrinkles. or picture. Paint surface Spray with hair spray to help Add liquid detergent N. tempera if it "beads-.) Allow to dry. Scratch Preplanning Objectives BRAYER 3-4, 5-6 Procedure Materials assortedto discover brayersbrayers. different techniques or rollers) possible with Tempera is poured incanRollerapplied flat be pan doneturned directly and with onroller tovarious side paper. is canrun strokes. Long. makethrough extendeda narrow paint. Paintedstrokesline. An orroller entire short is pictureonesthen can or becomposition combined. Preparation Coverpaperflattempera pan (constructionwork area with paper, newspaper, manila) children can Evaluate Motivate experimentstrokes,variouson with newspaper rolling strokeslong ones). brayer before(side) inof planning differentbrayer, oAisting, pictures.ways short Try 63 WET PAINTING IN WATERCOLOR 3-4, 5-6 Preplanning PAINTING Preplanning Objectives CONTROLLED BLENDING 5-6 MaterialsObjectives To understandof colors the flowing on wet paper.and blending Materials Whiteto use wetconstruction blendingpaper, water, in or limited sponge, areas round brush # 12, white drawing Preparation White constructiontins,of water.tempera. paper. 1 flat pencil. large 1 round, container and sponge.brush, muffin Preparation Make completebox,muffin pencil. sketch tins andof over tempera, all area or watercolor Motivate Place water containersconstruction.location.and give out Havefor brushesevery pupils two have draw pupils. muffin picture Cover tins ortables and design temperawith on newspaper the paints sheet at ofa central white Procedure Motivate (omit fine details) Procedure Let each pupil select 5 colors.surfacepapermuffin A thoroughly istin.spoonful moist Dip paintsponge of first each colors on inwill one clear loosely suffice. side. water thenon Put theand onthese forms thewet in other. sheet in the Whileof picture. construction the Do paper not Dip brush in clean watercolored.color.acrossorflow and to When itcreatewet Treattointo anotheran the the thisshade.area area clear section whicharea is When liquid.all without moist,inis theto Another be same colorpickany of oneupside way.colorin the principalthis bordering Proceed,maymain spot be color is added movingonsatisfactory of the theto first fromgetarea sectionvariety moveandone color.watercolorroundothers.thetry tocolors The fitbrush Let thespread overlap. technique.dry. fluid Whenof Makecolor merelyblack the beyondthe paintingtempera. spread colors the color is andmore marginscompletely drawflatly intense theofover formsdry.shapesin the some (next area. is in aplaces on day)deliberateLet top some dipthan of the inof usetheformsdry designbrush spot for tip isto watercolors. not anotherto drawtoo complex toin details.blend this and A approach pointer:shade the worksavoid whole smallvery painting. well. thin Whenobjects As long dry, or as Evaluate OTHER POSSIBILITIES1. TO Straw EXPLORE: painting sodapaintApply straw, forward paint blow toin formonfluid the manydroplets, droplets, small a few forcingbranches. a: a time. the fluid Using a 3.2. CorrugatedPaint prints cardboard Cutinto overonly.withsimple groovesUse theother form temperaopening colors,with out of oneandpaint puttingcardboard. color,tape on raiseddown. design then Stretch surfaceThenpaint on raisednylon paintcross only. hose throughsurfacegrain Or, paint print.paredcolorsthe nylon this produces way,screen repeating onto something paper. the Using similarpainting several to ina silk differentshapes screen pre- 64 TEMPERA BATIK Preplanning 3-6 PAINTING CARDBOARD PAINTING GL 5-6 MatrialsOb;ectives To createlearn a a simplecomposition batik effect.step by step. Preplanning Objectives ToTo gain "build experienceeolus up" ain comptstion a repeating step shapes by step. and S Preparation FirstSeveral day: Coverartor periods pencil. work will Makearea be with sketch needed. new-paper. on Manila Each paper. pupil Have will temperaneed paper plat and ed incharcoal easily accessible Tempt ra ; brushes:running paper water, charcoal or pencil (for sketch). Manila) ; India ; Materials Tempera +thickenmilkcardboard);ed cartons; with cardboardliquid, scissors; flake pencils(various or pwder- or thicknesses); charcoal.detergent) ; drudges; paper t manila or SecondThird day: day:Spreadcoveredarea Crumple Cover sinceto dry.with sink severalpainting. newspapers. area colors with Shake willnewspapers. off 1.)e excess needed. Washflakes. Paint. painting Apply ink. under Have running inkin' water.area Preparation Give each child a piecePainting of cardboard, areaTemperashapes can drawn charcoalhe can prepared Iseon cardboardormixed pencil by coveringand and and placed scissors. cut a table milk HaveKror severalsurecartons free to formrepeatdesks in center withcurves of newspaper. workand straight area. lines. Procedure Motivate each day Procedure Motivate cardboardShapes are shapescut out toneof cardboard. at a tintet Assorted into paint sizes or brushand thicknesses paint on. Print can be on used. paper. Press Let Begin by a planningemerge.dry. paintinginganimals.)sketch -roadways" Gentle 'into Keep rubbingball). aroundobjects Shake in objects. fairly areas off large. bill flakes.Use help. wholeSkt Coat telt slices. surfaceon paper. tLet Use of paint Applypaintingbrush.) dry tempera completely.Wash with underIndia thickly, CrumpleInk.running leav- Let water. Remove when paintd areas begin to suitable sul,jets tnelutle still-life, landscapes. portraits. Variation Cut strips of cardboard.drydarkused xtd Use colored andrepeat edges sheet withtempera. to is draw filled.another overPress Overlap shapeprinted edge andsometo picture paper areas. byand painting pull up. edge Repeat. with . obit. Keep repeating until all shapes are Evaluate Preplanning TIE DYEING Evaluate Objectives to tounderstandexperience experioant proceduresan with age-old folding textiletor and.Lying. proces:- tying. - 3-4, 5-6 Procedure Take a squat... of cloth,allowingWhensuit, pinch pinching they: up acannot small up large possiblyamount, and getwrapsmall hold tightly bits. of makinganother with string "pinch,"sure andof light lettie, them winding wet fabricand tying. and mall tip to show. The wrapped area should not dye. Let pupils Inflow PreparationMaterials dye. pot furnewspapers. dye,for plate. string. kitchen soft tongs. washed pan cotton fabric. howtowelsthatpiecebegin the the oftyingdyeing. will color fabric helpaffected looks The at speed a dyemuchtime. the themust dye. Thedarker drying bePress longer very when as with will wet. staysiron a Use hair Remove to in kitchen setdryer. the color stronger the When tongs cloth,and smoothdryandthe rinse, untiecolor.immerse fabric.and and Remember dry. discoverone Paper tied Motivate Make up longdyeforin in anfor each strong enameled each pupil. solutionchild. Cut pan. 7 and Haveor 8 have lengths squares ready of cut string or torn10" Variation 2.back 1.Tie Pleaton knots itself. the in fabric Thisthe fabric, requires lengthwise, wet thin and thenfabric. dye. have Wet someone then dip assist into twisting until. it curls 65

PAPER . " . . inquire what the art effort does to the recipient. If it affects him in a 0CNIC tofine be changed." way, then it is art; if the rules have been broken, then the rules will have CreativeHughes Power Mearns General Objectives: PAPER To learndiscover toto manipulatecreate the versatility two paperandmanufactured.and of threescoring by paper cutting, dimensional and folding,the variety ;orms tearing, in from which bending paper it is Simple skills: Scoringuse a dull point such as the back of a scissors blade and impress along Catstairs(UsedCurlingDrawing for paper armspencilany strips line and in which aoverlegs straight ontheis to paper metalor become spiral figures).edges manner.a fold. of CutaDo ruler, not two cut or long orrolling tear. strips on ofa FlowersFold paper squrRepeatsquarelypaperHold re of diagonally;untilcenter equalover strips of tiewidth. square, are other;fold neededF.ien resulting stillthen ends folded,length. fold triangleat theright Clipin leftsecond inanglesends hand half, and strip toandfold glue.each cut squarelyagain. other.wide end overFold so theone that first.strip radial S1ct511,1 pnrrtS Ca-t SlashingCut slits in paper.wire,circles,sidespart, orareInsert andone a ofthin cut overequalend dowel.along ofthe length. another other, lines. Drawmake Openpiece. anya and fullPull shape fringe. bloom. through petal curl, Fasten to desired. notch,desired to pipe orretaining leavecleaner, as the is.wrapped centerSeveral berldi.ncl BendingCurvesFringingMultiple made slashescurledposition, to create along for and 3fluffy paper'sdimensional glue. effect. Control edge. forms. closely size of slitsand andevenly inserts cut. for Cdn desired be effect. 68 TREES Preplanning Objectives To creategive bilateral many variations practiceK-2, fromin 3-4cutting. one idea. PAPER Preplanning Objectives T, achieve a textural effect by punching TEXTURED PAPER K-2, 3-4 PreparationMaterials TeachConstruction 'r helperstingclearials. paper. outscotch passIf achildren pattern. outmending needed have have tape. mater-difficulty them scissors. trace in cut- it glitter l optional ). Materials Corrugatedpaper. boxholes. cardboard, nails (assorted construction sizes). Motivate theaboutlateralfirst. base. whycutting- paper is donetrees muston the be fold. wider Talk at Be positive that they know bi- MotivatePreparation Each childcardboard, will need a construction piece of corrugated paper and nails. Procedure Fold a piece of green constructionandstyle.trees cut onUsing this a triangular paperout.the treeTake lengthwise justshape these cut. making cut-outs trace down around themthe and middle. lac largerit onthe another Cut atfolds base. on matchinc, Christmas the table. sheet. backtree Procedure Place corrugated box cardboardstruction paper over corrugated board. Punch through construction on flat surface (table or desk). Lay con- Evaluate temperashouldTurnto bark. over. stand Tapefor and snow. thealone. do folds ifthe Trimdesired. samefirmly with on against glitter.the other each sequins. side. other When withor sponge clear finished. Scotch with the white tape. tree Evaluate placesover.holespaper form Hangto(into achieve a corrugatedsorelief that a patternpleasing punched board) showing design. side with (back) textures. Removenails. is Use facing construction a variety of paper sizes. and Group turn iewer. Punched out Pr, planning ,k...,,,vercreate a raised a different design way to use tissue. DESIGNING WITH TISSUE BALLS Procedure Set boxes on tables Thenand let have pupils pupils select draw tissue a design. pieces and roll into balls. i turkey.K-2, pumpkin. 3-4 snowman. Santa, PreparationNIAterials Cutt..,,loret1 or scissors.ground. small boxes. envelopes. tear tissue. x 12".tissue pencil. white glue. cardboard into pieces for aboutback- theballsaroundchildmap picture. shapes.arean the envelopeto In beroom. other on glued cardboard towords.letting tohold the pupilshiscolors design to tissue be are takecovered so balls. gluedthat out cflorsPasscolors withon for the tissuedefine theydesign. boxes need. balls.specific of tissueTheGive parts tissue ballseach of Motivate x Giv e each child pencil. cardboard. Place each color in separate Evaluate 69 PAPER STRIP CONS IRUCTION .,-4, 5-6 PAPER Prtplanning CIRCLE DESIGN 3-4 I 1!I' I. ar.,,tni.r %NAt In ot Ibje elk e To create ele.ign with cirrular shapes. I1., snips.paper 'wortwake 1 rie.. in OA veram! Nlatrials I't's . ut tietn paper: Valli lats. et ont,itir-.each itt tit all ttit shwtei El- Ei. the same. FM' e:i rat ione hild coins of ,arions size,: need N.J.-low. jar tops,sizes of Ilave"tattler. uii sr ott par euttet. ,nsto:ction.s (list t ibuto paper stapler are and I s'avets at a time. 10 ante,mitp:1f.apr.tit ries. -tilt: paste. of paste. ;1,1a,l sissorsarea. Prot ide ....nstru..ti. Prooedure Motkate thrit-atpasteto h. ho and let 1 y141,4 a:(1 scissors:. tilt' ..etttrall% I, ,wleetittp. 144,4.aled Prateedure Aloti.ate f the --011j1-clitte.thatpupils theN, do outline Eil,l1% lie I/0 Tel Mak,' l,it,l - aaprs. atlasthe :'' tt..r.t. :-t.rl at one arfl pit llEtt- ..1 tl jollr-11 the third a the push k Let Tit Variation Use ot.e large sheet ..fpasting.arrangements consttro Use tient different of discs size-.(41 tit et lap some. fit.ltu t to create an interesting paperdesign fur before background. Try several the see,,tal ship from Ift.tioto the . 1 whichlittle more can thanfottn the the hi -ad. St:el., at 1,,t .1, t,,t1;!.. e 1,,,,I\I I - i, 1-1 p it Ili, creates1. ileneining a bulgethis ;Ma. end-. working. Cut free form shapes outseveral of the r41,,r, 1.1 paper. Arrange on a ltaelground pit'Ve of COnStrfiti011 pa!vr flout whih disc.: were eut. 'Use Experiment to create otherlength.mayfrom hethe culled. top strip or bingeddown ti' f r ! !ft". Sit ip?.. r..; }E tail. 14.^. .' be` added. en41 (In emi for Fa pap'''. Let shapes overlap eat it Evaluate Ohjeeti% es n in g GEOMETRIC STRUCTURES Procedure K-2, 3-4 1't ri:laUr1I.I. t' e ate con true tion paper. scissors. oak :' formrutting from and st-o;mr. I sing 4-an. ehil.1 17-1.atPlace triangl . . ireh ar' nod it on . Cut out circle. .1 that it touches the edges intriangle. 3 places. Remove With . triangle and bend circle folds Preptration 'I eadier tan.akjaitet_ ruttag lid or triangle.or shirt shirt eardLoad. cardioard shape out paste to of fit or inside.4aples. r can. 'Variation Use tri.engles insteadto th- e-ilituerisiorrd!. On I., 'an forms. he pasted or stapled together along circles. Cut a smaller triangle out of cardboard to Motivate constructionchildrenwillirl need will shape. needapaper triangle Ilach penu ehittl shape. it and or scissors. Each2-3 children 2-3 can for circle shape. fit inverted int., the larger. Score and the same wal. at. with circlet.. 70i PA?ER WEAVING IN ABSTRACT DESIGN Preplanning 3-4, 5-6 PAPER Preplanning CARDBOARD LAMINATIONS 5-6 MaterialsObjectives constructionTo achieveproduce varietya paper. novel of scissors,effect pattern paste MaterialsObjectives To usecreate repetitions a raised ofeffect. form. MotivatePreparation Distributechild. in2 sheetscontrasting of construction colors. Scissors paper for each Prepa ration ShirtPut cardboardwhite glueglue, or inpencil, posterboard, small newsprint. dispenser scissors, bottles Procedure Explain that margins mustb;necessaryagainInsteadin.. be widthsatallowed offinish. cutting and onAfter angles allstraight cuttingsides ( or lines,of curves).these sheet the strips, to Havepaper be weaving woven. an is evento be strips numbercut in are lines forcut this. fromof vary- It the will to cut through one margin which will be pasted together Motivate tributeor in paper materials cups. toLet each pupil child. helpers dis- thatpastequence.angles.other has ends Thebeensheet.Number on one cutrandunderside. These cautionthem glue areas Finish isthey to that vary are bythe cut.lavingin weaving width Weave a concealed also, set them of so stripsin asstrip correct to beundercurve kept order, margin orin andformse- down. Procedure Choose simple objects, and1/8"tracecardboard. work toeach 1/4" out pieceBegin from possible on by edge. cardboard tracing designs Repeat. design again.on usingnewsprint on This cardboard second time, to fit cutforms and out, cutting to trimming trace out. design. Next,away EvaluateVariations Animals, people, cut in simplestripsweavinginterest shapesin by ait uniform weavingcreates from construction interestmanner. paper into to wrap paperthe larger yarn can be diagonallyareas. given On standard over and paper under strip the Evaluate designcardboardCut away may edgesin be graduated painted again. or Continueorder shellacked. with until smallest jou have piece 4 onto top.6 layers. The finishedGlue to Preplanning Objectives to experiencecreate a linear effect design of broken color YARN ON CORRUGATED CARDBOARD Procedure Pupils draw simple designswitLYarngation. blade on is Inthethen along some thin glued outlines. placesside into of the cardboard.the Pupils paper cardboard peel is left Teacher out grooves,as paper a cuts layer cut to fitexpose each corru-groove. 3-4 5-6 ividing line between parts. MaterialsPreparation sheets of corrugatbrushes,pencil.exacto knifed scissors. muffin(box) or ra cardboard,tins, or Optional: blade, water yarn,jars. paint, glue, Variation Use small pieces of cardboardcleanersnotIf peeled paint can isaway.with tobe bepushed grain used. runningthrough distribute fromhorizontally. these side mattto fill rials.Pipe grooves_ Paint paper surfaces Motivate Distributeyard wherecardboard, lengths. pupils place can select balls ofcolors. yarn Cr t off in Evaluate Cardboard from rolls canstrengthenhaving be decorated teacher the design. cut with a lineyarn around by drawing the edges design for and an outline of yarn to 71 PAPER Preplanning MaterialsObjectives to createunderstand simple, positive dramatic and design negative areas POSITIVE - NEGATIVE DESIGN 5-6 Procedure MotivatePreparation pupil.Let9 x 12 helpersPlace construction glue distribute for everypaper, 2 sheets two assorted; pupils. colored, 9 x 121 sheetconstruction white construction paper,white; paper scissors, to each glue Variation Begintrastingform.whiteHalve Gluesheet.onewith color sheet ina placing trianglecanposition. of be construction theattractive. or Small cutrectangle. out shape paper. Cut in Drawacross reverse, an it irregularinas aif series it had shape of been related along folded curves one back edge or from angles.extending the sectionLay from these it topwas cut to cutpieces bottom. from. on ThisCut another out. creates Laysheet. the keeping two cut pieces squares may be cut simultaneously in the same way, and arranged in a repeat pattern. Laying cut pieces on a con-a a positive and a negative in sequence. on a Evaluate ifsimple Spreadfolded geomet:- back them from slightly original apart position. observing effect of open (negative) spaces created. Adjust to most pleasing arrangement and glue. Try this _ shapes_ Cut a simple geometric shape from both sides of a rectangle. Vary the size of the cut-outs. Lay them outside the rectangle aswith other CC 1.Patterns Using aare folded not creative.sheet fold A approxito B thetate star.point one shown. of our national symbols, is often required in decorating. and is not easy to cut without directions. 2. Fold C over to A fold. adjust-ing to point ir idway of width. CUTTING A STAR 3. Fold D down over C fold. 4. Cut from D to E.

72 Preplanning Objectives TORN TISSUE FIGURES 5-6 Materials To"10Sheets work emplo: ofwith astruction free whitetorn approach paper: glue paper: arid sheetsto drawing. of colored tissue. light (dored or white con- ',ziter 50-50. brushes, orationsdimensionalinnumerableScoring. two. of forms ways allow slitting. fromof only creating paper.joining, a suggestion Limit-three- offer Preparation Arrange forpaper andtables.fora pupil thecups.distribute. Puttoclass. newspaper.model diluted Spread one in gluecostumeto eachnewspapers in paperpupil; cupsalso on Procedure MotivatePose model in attitude of action. selectingDiscussoreda brush tissue bending colorsper wherepupil. needed. of elbows,pupilsSpread may sheetsknees, take ofbody, turns col- Y-Yry YYV V Let pupils begin tearingSuggestdoubt,please.exact,and tissues effect butthatsuggest Easiest. to to ontheyconstruct try clothing. beginninc, addtoof showcourse decorative figure, Assurethe withis model'sstarting to torso,effectsbeginpupils anywhereposture. andwith theirsuch adding largest aswork theydots, head, does shape. stripes, arms,not For have buttons, legs, those to etc. be in rylevVVY\/ v YV V vr, VariationsEvaluate This same approach canand betobrushing sovehicles,used on. with Asthem animals, theyconstruction in placeare houses, torn. with paper. apply etc.brush It these candipped be pieces applied in glue to background solution. sheets, re V V

CC PRINT MAKI Gthe main objective of art education today is to assist in the intellectual, capacities."emotional, and social... growth of the learner according ChildrenChar le.; D. and Gaitskell Their Art to his needs and General Objectives PRINTMAKING To employlearnexperience to repetitionhandle many many wasand printingoverlapping techniques in making prints. of repeating an image. - Printmaking has innumerable1. Reliefprint possibilizies. from There a raised are many surface ways of printing: To explore effect of print on different surfaces. Preplanning STAMP - PRINTING K-2, 3-4 CollographprintingStencilprintingIntaglioprintSerigraphprint from through anfrom incised cut-outsilkassemblage screen design area of glued-on surfaces Objectives To exploreintroduceexpression.printing. a different some of form of art the basics of There is a wide choice of7.6. materials: PhotogramprintRubbingimpression on light taken sensitive from raised paper surface by rubbing Materials Pie tins; tempera:comb.usedplastic for sponges; cups, dish crumpledwashing, small boxes, forks, foil, mesh nylon balls net, 2.1. InksPrinting Plates, filed sticks, ink crumpledclay,pipemulti-plates paper. plaster, cleaners. boxes, brayer. assembled cement. stvrofoam, linoleum. from vegetables, wood.cardboard. glass. spools, inner sponge, tubing. eraser. string, wax. tin Also cans. ( water soluble), tempera. finger paint, oil ink. Preparation EitherCorks, make clothespaintspools, or obtain andpins, egg pie examplespaper cartons. tins, dips,paper ofcardboard prints. cups,(variety tubes,). 5.4.3. Engraversknives,PadsSquarePapersFinger of paint.vinyl nails, tile,butcher, files, shelfor small scissors. paper.colored cardboard paperlino-zip tissue. towels, covered wrap,burlap. linoleum with , waxfabrics. cutters. paper Motivate layerCoverfour.Arrange Arrangeof tables temperatables withmaterials for in workingnewspaper. pie tins.for ineach groups Put group. thin of Sensitivity to patterns for printing may be developedor foil. : . Procedure Explain what a simple andtorelief do print stampprint repeat is. printing. Show design. howLet These pupilsfound can chooseob: go in printing circles. materia overlap. create stagger- 'mom collection :an he used 3. 1.bringing taking walksthings toto observefeel, smell. naturaltexturedleaves,cement, hear, patternstaste. flowermaterials. butterfivvines, rows rocks.) wings,of telephone dried seedpoles. pods. wheel rings tracks, on a veins stump, in I spider's web, mud, cracks in Variations PrepaieOverprintPrint object paper with edge bystring cuttinc, to coated edgeed squares lines,to with. edge. form tempera.of colored block patterns. tissue. Glue Try tothese fill topaper. w...ite 3. showing prints by ariists. Impressions made on flattenedconstructionfore inking, balls paperofoffer clay. awith morethen diluted driedinventive white kind glue. of stamp Let dry for beforei printing. d sEellacked be- 76 VEGETABLE PRINTS Preplanning K-2, 3-4, 5-6 PRINTMAKING Preplanning PLASTER BLOCK PRINTING 3-4, 5-6 MaterialsObjectives ToTo overlap combine in printing.several prints into a composition. MaterialsObjectives wallboard,to discover shellac,another inksurface pad, for printing printing ink, brayer Preparation Coveronions, tables.ive)apples, ; r oranges,:spaper, paint,etc.; pie tin and brushes. Men-. squash. paper (black is green pepper, effect- corn, Preparation It must be understoodpaper by pupils that there will ( foil or wax paper), paper PassPlaceCut out some severalpaper. paint.horizontally.vegetables vegetables vertically for everyand some pie tin of Motivate withdistributeabe print an newspaper interlude is cuttingmade. for Cuttools. drying wall Cover boardthe tables plaster in sections,and before floor Procedure Select vegetables, blot carefullypressmoist itsurfaces on lift paper off on vegetable. with newspaper, even Select pressure. paint another surface With vegetable ofone vegetable hand and hold repeat and paper process and otherby printing hand Motivate Procedure 1. plasterHave pupils surface. peel Dampen cardboard remaining coating bits back of fromcardboard one side andof wall finish board removing. to expose S. EvaluateVariation Dip weeds, grasses, shells,ornext pulling to andor overlappingthe other material. natural first items print. in Trypaint to and print print. a still-life. Try dragging Evaluate PutInkShellacTrace blockprinting or with draw with brush.paper design printing over and ink.block cut with and linoleumrub lightly. cutters. Peel print. Let plaster dry completely. Preplanning Objectives To learn n actions of lighi.=ensitive paper. PHOTOGRAMS K-2, 3-4, 5-6 Procedure MaterialsPrinting-off paper orTo blue controllearn print simpleium)pan arinting (for black developing. developing) to constructionobtain gradations ; paper, in value.found objects hypo (developing med- paper; shallow Give one envelope tosunlitof each oforcolored.sealing hypo.remove child. spot, Removeit Demonstrateif inuntil possible. black ready from envelope. Remove tohowlight develop. toand take Letpaper, place For achildren photogram, developing,immediatelylay objects have and foundonfollow in necessity it,black waitobjects instructions envelope. until ready. paper onDo Select containerisnot dis- open a Preparation Make a blacksheeteachfor printing. constructionchild.of light-sensitive paper paper envelope into each for envelope In a closet or darkroom, slip a Variations UseAfter a object(s)small rectangle exposurea ofnew glass. has position been Paint lightly andwith let dark recorded color onof tempera.paper, shift Ccver the surface object (s) to it finish recording over the first impression. com- photogramsavailable,developand close papers. withperhaps at home. tab theof tape.teacher Plan can for develop a place the to If no closet or darkroom is Evaluate overpletely. light-sensitive When dry, paper.scratch Picture a picture will or be design recorded. into the paint. Place scratch picture 77 PRINTMAKING HANDS 51AV BE Hifib LINOLEUM PRINT CUTTER THE Preplanning- Objectives REGULAR CUTTERS 5-6 Preplanning Objectives LINOZIP PRINTS 3-4, 5-6 Materials To designlearn use for ofeffective regular contrast linoleum and cutters. texture. toTo cut teach a block youngprints.cutters which children can be usedthe use to make of linozip many Note:Lino zip linoleum cutter,aink,white block. inking newspapers,tempera,noes notplate, havedetergent, paper,battle to be ship(1ariety), brayer,mounted linoleum, water spoon. on soluble Materials Lino zip cutters,white tempera, newspaper, detergent, battle ship brayer, linoleun water , soluble Preparation PassCoverPrepare out tables. pieces supplies,papers, of linoleum. prepare cover inks,pieces spread of cardboard news- with foil for Preparation Prepare piecesink, inking of linoleum plate, paper (variety), spoon Procedure 1st dayCoat linoleum with white tempera mixed with a drop of detergent. Let dry. Motivate inking pad, or use a vinyl tile. coverspreadpreparepass out tables piecenewspaper inkssupplies of cardboard with foil for inking 2nd dayBefore cuttingtheasspoonDraw the well). linoleum. design, untilsimple Remove pencil practice Indicatedesign markspaper. on textureson transfer butcher Takea scrap andpencil to paper.of darkenblock. linoleum and Turn goareas over facefor to bethevariety down left. transferred Doon in blocknot, and rub now with on Tracing with will do just Procedure stretch clotheslinepad, or use to a hang vinyl prints tile for drying 3rd dayCover pieces ofline brayerofthecardboard and a cutter!small texture. get ink_bean_withWhen Hold Whenaluminum Rollcutting linoleum brayerbrayer, is foil, complete, iswith picking squeezec ipletely one wash hand,it out upcovered. ink o.f betweenkeeping paintequaling apply and itcontacts always sizeitpencil to the so behindmarks. linoleum. that allthe sidespoint rolling of Paint surface of linoleumtowardouton paper by lightly oneself_the and cutter with trace either tempera or draw along mixedpicture the lines, with directly ordetergent. to on remove linoleum. Draw spaces. Thepicture Linozip design cutteris then is gouged pulled newspaperswhenlayoffrom paperprint. in different a safe print withDo andplacenot backwon'tdirections thenlet to of papercome laydr). spoon. to overor slip. offensure pin Peelinked well, Keepto completeapaper block_clotheslinebegin rubbing up by Be coverage.slightly tilldampeningcareful with print froma not clothesis c,,mpleted.tocorner the tear pin.paper, whenand Hint: checkLiftblot rubbing. Sometimes printbetween condition and ay paper over block and rub Evaluate Ink linoleum with brayerplacespoon. andto Peel dryor place up clip cornerspaper to aover andclothesline linoleum. check to and seeRub hang if back print till of isdry. paperclear. withIf so, lay print in safe Evaluate 78 PRINTMAKING Pre;!tzttrtir, SIMPLIFIED SILK SCREEN 3-4, 5-6 Tin can hands.OTHER Glue VARIATIONSon designs cut from TOinner EXPLORE:tube- Cut out end-: use ni -tal -hear.: to remove rims. Tape K-2, 3-4, 5-6edges to avoid cutting NlaterialsObiretie- firmti, cardboard box such as ii.).sieryunderstand box: masking -ilk screen proces:. canStringantreat on easel can papertempera to wrapped print. with Aa fewhorizontallypike,- drop- of broom Of or detergent. vertically. handle run then Pat through pattempera onto the designcanon with helps with brush. in therolling. Roll flat of n use airplane glue). When glue dries, Preparation cut -trip- of paintpaper:cardboardtape. or tempera: wheat paste: newspaper organd.. hose-tut cardboard or for :direr squeegee: silk: butcher finger OtherTowel materials tubing that can he applied are: spaghetti,thicknessbraidspaces or rick-rack. areon oneall right. tube. Always When shellac dry. shellac. and dry. Apply Be paint with brush or sponge. Coat with due and roll in rice. Get a good covering, tho' intermittent strips of vegetablesure raised bagging, elements bits are of of same Pr. wedUrt- :Motivate coverprepare tables paints BoxesSmallstrips of Styrofoam boxes frommake meat useful trays retangular can be supplyglued masses to roofing towelfor building. tubes,lines, po;es,and Cardboard shellacked_ war, and Alter linear elements. edges will Cut rectangle in boxofshellacopening the-rcurt-17, thelid. exposedscreen's allowingthe in bottomwhole silkedge. a box Ofmarginscreen. Next. box.interior. andforMeasure cut fastening placetapea paper downorgandy. on stencilbottom screen. over hose with edgeside Put or a of anof silk,design silkopeningidentical to screen fitthat box and isand lid smallercover fastenand astaple than littlelightly inside box lid. all the war around. Press bottom of box into lid. Tape or GenalitePlastic sheets, cops make noften good found circular in packing forms, I cardboard.aslightlyon will the bottle genalite.for on shading the print A andpaper paper pull is will uplaid theget on print.interesting tot, of Pressing the results. ink. linear Draw forms, on the such back as side:edges rub of make an unusual plate. The ink caps, jar lids. is rolled sheetpaintpre,-fulorwith it of for two thewillandfinger printing. paintpieces causerepeat pain: arr.. theof theSet tape. stencilto stiffprocess.-ilk the Spread screenpiece otherto sti.-k of a andrmi. padcardboard to stencil Dutheof newspaperset-yen.the over the same widththe Lift. in andpaper. theofremove laythe oppcsite Scoop ascreen. clean print. up direction.sheetand placea tablespoon- using of a clean Theeven I or tempera mix) and spread across on inside of screen. Take Ii the box interior is immediately cleaned with a pressure, pull and paper Potatoes.Bisque clay carrots. etc.Designs carved intowitfired. large .- varietysnllacked sections of repeatandof these used. patterns. Clay blocks. cut front thick coils of clay, carved out and dried, can be vegetables offer a ariatA .1i:tn-tit kind of silkplate-cleaned. screen can framehe used can for ht- very made small front prints. embroidery Tape edges hoops. of organdy Paper firrrlynot down-)baked. over another color can, be usedneil- with may the be next changed, stencil. but If color not must be kept the same. Cardboard-Cardboard Can prints be used are alsoon its made edge by to getcuttingcan straighton be cardboardsections cut lines, int.) of curvedbacking.flat a designshapes, lines. Shellac and painted gluing on frontand in printed.inei back, ink and print. zigzag lines. It place Evaluate Pallho -teal 2 or 3 acto-sandhole taint screen rut across. in atplate. one Print time will for color a multi-colored background print. and leave design clear. u-i'ig a stencil. draw heavily on the screen with wax crayon. e'ull squeegee CollectBrayer--After papers of coating varying with texture ink. andtake quality. cardboardpapers,away Paper rice from or paper.somebags, brayer gift-wrapfoilother surface. tool papers, andRoll brayer pattern on tissue, clean paper paper towels, to make colored print. tissue, etc. papers. grey packing scrape paint 79 00083 4 1.11.50...11111. WS/MN

PUPPETS"There is a relationshipc people between are always creativity intelligent; and intelligence highly intelligent people are not always highly creat- creative." CreatireJames A. Teaching Smith in of theGraphic Arts PUPPETS General ObjectivesToTo create learnexplore an the artmany effectiveness form different through ofmaterials whichart in for expressionmaking puppets. can take plate. THROUGH THE USEDRAMATIC OF PUPPETS SELF-EXPRESSION Table and chairs. Attachendfront of edge athe curtain tableof lung alongor table.sheet front Placeto edge. a chair Lay aat board each fivecharacters.canthan developminutes.on the The puppets aThe childrenplay children themselves_by tal.esuf7esting will over adopt Afterand the finish theeach beginning Withsuggested the child play younger has of,Ahich characters completeda story children may in%olving go andhis more on puppetidentify spont.ineously emphasis two the with or teacher threeshould their for be placed on the use of the puppets edgestandtoor theheav of behindother, board.cardboard attach table fromcurtainand work the to seat board. puppet of OneChild close chair can to aexpressmoreprolilems. polished spontaneous themselves performance withinif the with children a general no script are framework. notin hand. Olderheld Afterrigidly children several to shoulda script. rehearsals, be but inspired are they permitted towill develop put onto their own plays. The plays are always Box and table. Attachonedge a backcurtain of table. edge or Cutofsheet table, one to side frontopen from side box. toward Place floor. box Condensed from Meaning in CraftsSug gestions for presentingTurned puppet over plays table. Child can kneel in back of Edward L. Mattil puppet.ScenerysitTape dowels can beor stickspainted to onbox back for legs.of box Child orhehind kneel can on floor under opening in box. C Table and curtain. AttachScenerybacksurfacefront of curtain and edgecantable hold be of (orand taped table.puppet sheet) hold to Child uptable topuppet to tablecantop upandsit edge_ orto made kneeledge. to at Three-sided screen. Sidesgatedstand canup.cardboard be made or ofplywood_ corru- Appliance boxes THE SELF-REVELATION OF PUPPETRY screen.plainormoved.from hinged orfurniture Paper decorated.Edges (plywood.). scener: can stores Child be Frontcan tapedneed can be sides.sit onlytotaped oropen can ::;neelone to beandtop side paintedbehind edge.close re- approval. or The unreasonable: about puppet Hov,ever. things is itas throughcan they build are; his big puppets fantasiesOften, thehe and canyoung aspirations:release child's the desire inner for self approval without leads him to conform to what will meet free to be naughty, to say outrageous things; whatever is most important to the child at it can comment it can be the moment. The teacher who cares will listen. 82 2.3.1. StageCutCut pieces openingback for t or topis one cut from side in frontside remo' off. BUILDING A PUPPET THEATER FROM APPLIANCE BOX PUPPETS 6.5.4. Scenerybrads.CurtainwithVoice cloth opening wirerod and is is dowelisglue attached cut on atrun kreelingLick throughto top side. oflevel holes stage of back child.opening of Cover stage by A) 8.7. opening.DoweltheaterAttachin place. rod roofby (C) clothes by in wiringrear pins. of 2puppet sideClip piec:_sfront theater roof at holds top. on andClipsides let to t B) Theater can be folded flat by rest or: back pie,et.,. .moving dowels. K-2 STICK FIGURES K-2 atChO Preplanning Objectives To providecreate a a ingform simple a character.which experience can be in viewed creat- Preplanning Objectives ToSee create General a front.figure Objectives using a back and a Materials Newspapersdifferentfrom ( forall stuffing)sides.sizes of scissors, paper bags quick-drying Preparation Materials Oaktag. stapler.paint.side whitesticks found glue.or stripsmaterialsyarn paste. of wood.pop- crayons.for hair. Preparation Put bags and materials on table. Letscraps,rubberglue. children found tape, bands_ file objects,crayons, past tableyarn, paper tostick, choose and string, cloth size Procedure Motivate Helpers pass out paper. crayons. and sticks. Procedure MotivateDiscuss how to attach different materialsbag they (sewing, want and gluing, materials. stapling, Show etc.) a completed Draw and color a figureGlueview).out. onout Haveoak twofigure Secure tag. pieces child Keepas popsicle pattern.colortogether. figures second sticktrace Finishlarge. tofigurearound Cutbyone pasting out.asleg it the onUsing onbacksecond yarn cut- of hair.piecehis first beads. of one.oak etc. tag. Cut I let stick out 4" below leg) . ( Back Evaluate bandorcrayon,Proceed, cloth and paper.scraps. usingtie securely etc_ imaginationPut for stick open costumes. inside end to createof bag Stuff bag. to puppet inflated hold on faces bag to. .withUse string shredded or rubber paper n bags. Use cloth, EvaluateVariation Figure can be stuffed lightlyedges. with cotton before gluing or stapling around 83 Preplanning SELF-HARDENING CLAY-CREATURE HEADS K-2 PUPPETS HAND PUPPET 3-4, 5-6 Preplanning Objectives to workacquireget quick in manipulative3-dimensionalwith results clay. without experiences form. firing. in working MaterialsObjectives To create a puppet with head and body in one PreparationMaterials self hardeningpera, clay, brushes, dowels, and newspapers. shellac brush. tem- unbleachedscissorsbrushes.stuffing papermuslin, milk-containers(cotton,for thread, stockings, and needle, and socks, water. Manila etc.), paint, found materials, pattern for puppet, material cardboard tubing, for Procedure Motivate Prepa-e clay balls about 3" in diameter. Preparation Assemblematerials fortime.Manila, each Mix child onoaktag, painttable muslin. andinfor milk scissors,laterneedle. containers. use. Distribute thread, Put at otherclass Discuss imaginary wierdshellac.ported.coilspress creatures.forcheek ItMount eyebrows should aad onTalkeye be stick contours,and 'about andmouth. exaggerating add to pinchPuncha decorative up hole nosefeatures. forfrill con stick for *Show ow-s, collar. on how whichto add to headclay balls is to for be eyes,sup- the thickness of the ball. Let dry. Paint with tempera and Procedure Have each child sketchclothhand. his makeWhen animal body making or humanpattern animal. shown include Sketch large ears large enough making enough to head fit to over fitand over earshand. in Cut one two piece. layers On Motivate EvaluateNote: The above may be carried out in plasticene except for paintingnetnotPlasticene reachedbe surprised and is shellacking.this rather developmentalif some stiff forchildren young stage. make hands, Accept heads and withoutwhatevershould befacial they warmed features. a.heive. to soften Some it. have Do Evaluate canwithStufflargerfor frontbe tempera.head. thanpainted. and sketchInsert back. Facial shortto Cut allowfeatures piecewhole for ofcan seams.puppet cardboard be painted. Glue,out oftubing or Yarna sewdouble in hairseams neck. piece can usingPuppet be of sewn muslin.a canrunning on. be CutClothes. painted stitch. 1,2" LIGHT BULB Preplanning Objective to utilize the modeling technique with papier 3-4, 5-6 Procedure Dip newspaper stripschin,Buildsaran into flattenedwrapup wheatfacial layer. piecesfeaturespaste Apply and for when2 3 firstlayers Cover to layerslight over with bulb areentire paper dryover bulb. by toweling wax placing Let paper dry. andsmall orTakes paste. wads 2 orSecure for 3 days.nose, to Materials newspapereroldcanmache. or use burnedforpaper only) ;nixing, toweling, out wax light paper paper, wheatbulbs, cups rubber paste, razorfor individual blade,bands,large (teach. scrap use, tocuttingmovestakelight neck severalbulb bulb.clothof bypuppet days.) Coverstripsthe shape (turn Whendipped slit clothesindicatedwith complett" in pastewheat inside in and paste.sketch. out newspaper over Smooth Sew head up out strips. toseams. glue).wrinkles Body Glue and can neck let be dry. ofmade clothes (May by dry, teacher slits one side of head and re- Preparation CoverMix wheat light towelingjewelry,material,paste.bulbs withTear tempera, intoneedle waxnewspapers small andandpaper pieces thread,brushes, and or and secureyarn,paper white strips. beads, gltr- odd Evaluate shapeNote: papierIt is also mache possible head overto form this. a ball from newspaper, wrap with twine, and Motivate SpreadPour newspaperswheatuse.with paste rubber overinto bandworkpain- around area.cups for base. individual 84 SOCK PUPPETS 3-4, 5-6 PUPPETS PLASTICENE AND PAPER MACHE 5-6 Preplanning Objectives to from socks and stockings.learn sew .:al mi.-thuds of creating puppets Pre planning. Objective To fort% fzeial features using a pliable medium. Materials Old. cleanscissors,beads.stuffing), jewelry. cardboard yarn, needlefelt tubing, and and cloth rubberthread, scrap. bands. white buttons. glue socks and stockings. cotton (for PreparationMaterials Plastieenebeads:paper or felt; paper cloth; toweling jewelry, strip-: mod!-"ling clay,: -tick,: .1rtilioardwhite glue. -Apiares; tempera; brush;wheat yarn scraps; pa-te and container: vaseline; news- MotivatePreparation Each child willscissors, need varietya sock. ofneedle found and materials. thread. Motivate EachSpread cl newspaper .Id willpaper need bits over 2or worksticks paper area. of toys clay Mix el andmg N b,-at2strips cardboard paste tsmall in squareslarge can Ifor or pan.molding Tear head),news- . Procedure PLASTICENE AND PAPER MACHE coCC MethodMethod B--Cut A Use sock whole justatontowhileend. sock.mouth below Pushsock. each Have when toeheel. Bechild childinward.careful finished. Stuff decorates extend nottoeFingers toend armto stitch suit lightlywill full thethrough manipulate length withparticular moreofcotton sock mouth character.than and to one 2" ofinsert puppet.of al' Sew toe -kne,:s. buttons, Pin Removemouth yarn, edges pins etc. Procedure Work clay into half ;mandnewspaperofviewback egghead let ofusing shape dry. head_piece orfingersRemove towelin., plain.Place anti fromeachRub sticks.dipped forms.bothon a Exaggerate intocardboardpieces Fit wheattogether with -quart-.sizespa-te. .aseline. by ofattaching Let Moldnose. dry.Cover eyes.facial Repeatslit with with mouth. features 22 strips or or more Leave3 intodippedlayers layers frontback ofin i hollow I for front of brad. Wo- another half for wheat paste. Let dry. While head dries wake ears by building up paper bits. . Evaluate usingshortDecorate piecespattern by of shapesewing cardboard suggested. on features. tubing Glue for Clothe, neck. clothes can Place be to maderubberneck byor band cuttingattach around withcloth sockrubberscraps at Evaluate bebead.,.Fasten made andtoetc. head secured can withbe addedonto paper bead by toweling gluing by usir tostrips I- aggestion for'rrint stocking when puppets. dry if needed. Yarn, buttons, white glue. Clothes and body can o. d. 85 S1 t ROFOAM AND PLASTER Preplanning Objectives to build up facial features in 3-dimension. 5-6 PUPPETS Preplanning Objectives to create puppets and a puppet stage out of few materials. SHADOW PUPPETS AND THEATER :#-6 Materials Styrofoamto create unusualnewspaper;plaster eggs,by 2"; styrofoamof facial fine Paris; knife, sandpaper; expressions. large St. razor -ups; can: blade toothpicks; dowel, tempera: or scissors. W," whitebrushes; glue; Materials newsprint,to create aand 2-dimensionallight tape, weight pencil, cardboard medium. sticks (old post cards, oak tag, old file folders) scissors (popsicle, etc.), cardboard box, black tempera, brush; Preparation Each childNote:placedscraps will Mixandneedin a toothpicks;central enougha styrofoam location plaster other egg, formaterialsfor dowel, all. only 4can or be 5 Preparation knifetracing or razor paper, blade. (parchment type) or nylon (to show clear shadows), flashlight, Motivate heads at a time. Motivate Charactersthe andprintpattern story. scenery and whenList cardboard. canthose placed be to sketched over beDecide made. cardboard). on what newsprint. characters Each (Newsprint child and will scenery need can bescissors, will used be as neededpencil, a news-to tell Procedure AttachUsing(undiluted). styrofoam to egg shape Securescraps, by coating incut place with by sticking white glue a tooth- ears, nose, mouth. Procedure Placepoint newsprint where the figurepattern or over object cardboard will stand anderect. cut Continue ont. Tape using stick newsprint to hack sketches at a neck.roundtobywhenpick sockets mashing at glue Whenpiece right insets. thumbs ofsameangleglue styrofoam sets,manner into into digegg. egg. asto out Removenosebottom Eyes hole and can inof toothpickears. beneckhead added Glue for Ey.; sockets can be pr.:I-A:Led in sticksas CharactersbookspaperframeTheater:patterns on or forthe untilnylonboxes screenback.and scenery sceneryinover onback framefront and canof box characters(see beopening. manipulated(shining diagram). Flashlightare toward cut byFrom out. holding screen). or inside, flashlights them tape flat a can againstsheet be ofplaced screen tracing onby Paint outside of box black. Cut away one end and one side. Cut out Dip styrofoam head into plaster until covered. Remove, allow to dry. Paint v.ith thickness.arestick glued (for finger, on and eventually). set, mix plaster When to all a featurescreamy Variation: Movable parts can bethe made joint by and placing attaching a brad a stick at to each movable Evaluate madetempera. by usineAdd yarn patterns hair, suggestedbeads, etc. for by light gluing. bulb Gently and stocking remove puppets.dowel Clothes can be. Free I sc.recn;n4ee;oc 1,rnic'jc.6 Evaluate Hair can be madelimb byedgestring. gluing of twisted the or head. taping wire, raffia, frayed straw or coton to the Puppet heads may be made from the deep dividers yarnaeyelashesjoE,"used cardboard or in ravelledthem apple will astube chutes. conceal shownburlap for forneck. Cut inthewill andillustration. outjoining do add the for cupfeature:at hair. the shapes-andPaint eyesInsert Heavy flesh and burlap fringe for 86 N '1k 0 "-"NII11.11.111/.."4"111° (-) STITCHERY"The making of art has always been.integral to the life of human beings on C our earth." NewGlassboroProfessorBurton Jersey 'Wasserman State of Art College

1 ,:,,....d ''`'....r STITCHERY General objectives: To appreciate the decorativecolored yarns and threads. possibilites in stitching with Pointers: To thread yarns through narrow needleTo eyes,To become encourage place acquainted yarn inventiveness withcombination an in with other med ia theart use of ofancient stitches- heritage. and their ItCautionthetapeend is eye betweennotto theeasily. pupilsnecessary Thewidth two Clipendnot of small to canoffforthe pull afterward.thread,beyoung pieces threadstaped pupilsandof down t..;,cellophane the threadon tie the off willtape.back their go Trimside throughthread. of the the fabric. Preplanning Objectives to teachIN AND how to OUT use needles DESIGNS safely K-2 WhileonIntroduceNeedles closely working, wovenare whenthe easily thimble putmaterials. not maskingcared in touse. studentsfor tapeif stuck onwhen theinto theyback a styrofoam begin side ofworking rawblock Preplanning USING STYROFOAM K-2 Materials large-eyedto learn toed bluntuse for in needleskindergarten) and out (already needles thread- Appliquesingedges can is be done.of temporarily material. It pastedprevents or raveling. stapled until stitch. Objectives to maketeach ain design and out with stitchery yarn Preparation paper9"colored x 12" punches, yarn coloredglued or scissors heavy toconstruction shirt thread board paper, PreparationMaterials styrofoam meatraffia, trays. metallic toothpicks. threads, yarns, etc. GlueWork construction in a smallfiledeskshirt past groupcentrallyboards. paper and selectto Place located- tagboard his all or materialsLet heror each construct- pupil on a Motivate Give each pupilcoloredayarns, variety a toothpicks.styrofoam yarn of for sizes indivdual meat andof meat thread.tray &aste. trays Provide and Procedure TalkMotivate about safe way to use needles.ion paper,Use yarn or thread. Procedure Punch holes in tray withagainStretchyarn toothpicks. punch yarn through. toPunch next plannedContinue point working and through holes with toothpicks. Evaluate connectingpaper.punches Have holesto make children with border yarn. make or designs design byon Evaluate beads,varietyin sequins, of yarns etc. in one design. Glue:his process to foiLn design. Use 88 CRAYON-YARN PICTURE K-2 STITCHERY WIRE MESH Preplanning Objectives Preplan rung Objectives . K-2, 3-4 'Materials To combinelearn use 2 of art needle media. and thread Materials VariousTo create colors ahardware picture of Yarn:with Yarn cloth w ire scissormesh 1 s: : 1wire -1-- Preparation White paper: crinolineneedlesoline best with ori netting dull points; staples. : crayons: Yarns: large-eyed crin- Preparation Cut variouscutters. onwithsuresizes under tomasking of snip hardware side off tape. ofany border cloth. endsTape and Brendbefore tape of thread edgeschild Procedure Give eachpassingcrayon.crinoline pupil aoutTeacher-helpers needle,and materials. a variety a piece mayof colors assist ofofin Procedure Let children pick shapethe7.-w-rirrentthrough yarn, of mesh working onebegins. andwith square. yarn. inmaking a across_variety Show curved ofhowand directions. lines. downto draw Children through Yarn proceed upanother. to Let -paint- them with ex- Evaluate Use crayons to make boldneeded.olineUse picture. yarn or netting. to outlineStaple Demonstrate c.inolineand accent or drawing. on netting pi-_-ce S's:izehto ofpaper. (-loth through stitches paper as and they crin- are VariationEvaluate Use yarn and needles. Createing colored a mosaic yarn design in and out through mesh until all areas are filled. !larch% are -I 1111 b weav- Preplanning Objectives to make a cloth picture APPLIQUE 3-4 Procedure Let each child draw a pictureburlapdesign of rectangle.hison ()%111paper. thenTrace cut the out design each pieceonto Materials Scrapto learn cloth how thread:overin to boxes: otherapply scissors: fabric.burlap: pieces stapler: needles:of cloth paper: pencil: stitchedpiecesDependingtoscraps.of it.the Assemble RIMpaperCut to the clothon be designburlap. children's theglued. scrap pieces Saplingand b% on paperpin the can to burlap.pinned becloth re- stapled. and or abilities. the Preparation glue. andtapemoved tapefor after moreloops stitching. finished for hanging. look. Bind Use with dowel bias k \C kAA71... s inn AIVITVYVY BindCut burlap edges into oftoscrapspaper burlap preventpupils.rectangles. cutlater. with Let toraveling. fit each ormasking eachovals. child piece. Hay" tape select Distribute his own EvaluateVariations L se applique to make aon cloth heavy collage. yarn to Glu- give texture. SAMPLER 3-4, 5-6 STITCHERY APPLIQUED OBJECTS 5-6 Preplanning Preplanning Objectives MaterialsObjectives to learn various stitches. Materials Threads;To create yarns;a picture needles; from fabric. white glue; burlap. yarn, blunt end needle. 0.:,ingqr"74; itettenrinn raug,17-k" - bricksscrapwoodenunbleached cloth; for doweldoorstop; felt; muslin, forburlap; wall foametc., monk'shanging, for for background pillows: cloth; etc. s iLe Pre?aration Set up a tablecolorslet pupils or deskof fileburlap for past materials and and yarn select in anif materials. possible.easily HaveThis accessiblepromoteson hand location creativeness. a variety and of Preparation Discuss with pupils what object they want to make: and use of cloth scraps Procedure cross-stitch.Demonstrate simple stitches such asbutton hole. chain, running. Procedure If fabric is to be applied oftingto fabrican to object fit. canand Let suchbe yarneach stapled as in childa makingbrick. in stitchplace draw a "picture."todesign :-hapeassist before pupilfor cut- whilerutting. stitching. Appliqued bits Evaluate Help child do research instructionstoraveling. find how Use whento do other needed. stitches Child to shouldmake a picture. additional stilearn a be oes. Help interpret stitch to prevent Evaluate Pillow:Doorstop: Cut glue back onto side brick to out.match when Turn, appliqued stitching stuff with completed. foam. Sew upsew 3 sides.up. wrong side Preplanning ObjectivesMaterials to make a textural picture using yarn. PAINTING WITH YARN 5-6 Procedure Tape around edges oflimp fabric use to embroider% prevent raveling. hoops or If tack material to a wooden is frame. Let chil- Preparation CutBurlap. squares monk'stape.or...material of variousfabric cloth. for or background. colorsonion mesh andeachsacks, thickneses childlarge-e. can ed ofchange needles. varn. maskir4 sciss- felt or other tostitchesdren worksolve choose mayouttheir new arn. beproblems. neededstitches. Proceed butUse to children scrapsew a material picture. can "invent" asIndividual new helpstitches on "doodling" cloth Set up deskofscissorsshape fabricplace.fabric. for of materials for andLetfabric pupils otherpupils if hewho inmaterials. filedesires.a mightcentrally past wantProvideand 'crated selectto change a few squares shapepair, of EvaluateVariations Pieces of cloth may beadded. appliqued on. Buttons, beads, etc. may be 90 STITCHERY "MOLAS" OR CUT-THROUGH 5-6 Prei,'anning Objectives GEOMETRIC YARN DESIGNS 5-6 Pr; planning Objecti t-s To learn aart new form stitchery of another process. country. Materials ruler,To achievelines- a feeling by using straight compass, pencil, masking tape, Materials various colorsthread, and needle, patterns scissors. of cotton, Preparation yarn. needles 1 large 1 stiff cardboard. 9 6 3 Z Preparation Cut fabric intomaterialsmaterial, 12" x thread,you15" plansquares. needle, to use. Give scissors. each Give pupil a pre-cutbrief demonstration squares of using all Ruler,Demonstrate compass.Theseshouldhole a design provided yam that should (seelarge can forillustration). beneedle eachatmade pupil's and pupil. by piece threadingdesk Masking of befop-hand. heavy yarn tape cardboard from could Demonstrate one be shared. a Procedure Sew about 4 rectailgles/squaresbaste.Cut through Cut togethe a smaller top layermakingaround shape edge or several with a large basting smaller shape. stitch. shapes Turn underwithin edge the large and Procedure Preplan on paper what design will beLetdesign made. pupils that Trace try can out ontobe amade designcardb< by firstard.threading withPunch pencil. yarn from one hole to another. andfinishedsmallershape. inserting Baste shapesby sewing aaround wooden within bias edges the doweltape larger each around for time.hanging.ones edges, Continueuntil making last lavercutting cloth shows. loopssuccessively Canon top, be nextholeupTheseholes on hole,(do at frontmust points not and cross so evenly cross,on. over Connect spaced go on down back!. holesand i accurate.backCross according 1. on From Startfront, to backa yarn pla.anedgo come down.from design. upback. come in NEXTCome Com-up in 1 use large needle or do on unthreaded sewing machine). EvaluateVariation Cut out pieces may be appliqued over areas. Variations Use a leaf motif. Sketchparts;bine several triangle connect leaves designpoints. on make a zig-zag.Make holes Use with a circledivide in equal Evaluate stringstoneedle stitch and and designs. print. stitch Shellacas in geometric when completed. designs. Use Let heavy.dry. Paint hard or finish ink raised cord 91 5 4.3.2. BringInsert1. Make outexactlyneedle ina small center ur opposite on straight aleft little online. stitchlowerright inline. down. center top of design. FISHBONE STITCH leaf design #4This and is best#5 done by following the diagrams. the needle goes behind the crossed threads, as shown. LADDFt1 STITCH 5. 6.Make Keep a centerstitch stitchesover this equal loop in and length. bring needle out on left line. Thisintended is a brief tc be collection taught as of a basicunit. Theystitches. are Theyintended are notto be STITCHERYSTITCHERY GUIDE attractive.Combining two or more kinds of stitches is often giveChangingcanofManyuseful 2 beordramatic of to3combined contrastingthesethe the teacher effects.length, stitches into forcolors width, arevery helping lovely using andrich her spacing whenthelooking students same overlaid of borders,stitch. stitches get Many rows etc.can agestitch,ByanotherUse changingolder of all differentway pupilskinds tothe getof toslant, size threads addingideas out theircan a and loop, beown. differentueveloped. putting incolors, Encour-an extra is CHAIN STITCH 3. 2.Thread I.Bring Make under needle chain chain outstitch. astitch little Tie without downbelow with thisgoin;= stitch.small through stitch. fabric. BRAID STITCH 3.DrawBringContinueHold 1.Insert Bring threadneedle needle inneedle sante downthrough.out at athrough spotmanner. shortwith over thumb.distance fabric. loop. below. I not same holel where thread emerged. 5.4. InsertThread needle it under in fabric the tie where downemerged,this it last stitchpoint. emerged, bringingand reinsert and out bring belowwhere out this belowit last point. 1. Lay out 2 rows of parallel evenly spaced dots. Bring thread SQUARE CHAIN STITCH 4. 3.2.Stitch WorkingHolding slantwise loopfrom withtotop left, down, thumb, etc. stitchonthrough insertout right. pullingon needle 1stNowa diagonal. dot loop make insideon taut. L. loopfr. loop snug. at next dot L with- STEM STITCH 4.3.2. 1.BringInsertThread Bring needleout needle may beside a be shortthrough baseheld distance of toat previous beginningrightconsistent. to orright. stitch. left of line.of needle, but keep i:: 6.5. TheInsert more needle diagonal beside the top stitch of iirst the stitch.slenderer continue the stem. as above. 93 1. Put in a row of closely aligned back stitching. PEKINESE STITCH 1. Work from L to R. SCROLL STITCH 3.2. GoingBring needlefrom L backto R gounder under 1stback second stitch to 2nd. stitchand begin without again penetrating on 3rd stitch, fabric. coming 5.4.2. 3.KeepAfterPull See thread stitches insertingthat thesnugly even. threadneedle but is fromnot looped too below.stitchunderside tight. under just above takethe needlea andsmall just above slanting below and the line. 1.MakeHoldDrawPull Brim:, threaddown aneedle small thread withsnug throughstitch up thumb. but at along beginningnot over tooline. thread. tight. of line. CORAL STITCH 2. 1.Bring Lay 1stneedle thread up alongbeside line. and below end of 1st thread. One thread is overlaid by another. COUCHING STITCH 5.4.3. BringInsert needledirectly throughdirectly across, fabricacrossetc. andat 1st desired below thread 1stdistance on thread. other beside side. 94 1. Use two lines parallel. BLANKET STITCH KeepStitchBeginBringHold threadneedle towardoutby bringingdirectly downabove yourself. belowneedlewiththread left onthroughloop a thumb,bottom little as you onto and line. lowerrightdraw insert ofsnug.line. startingneedle point. on upper line This is the blanket stitch done very close together. BUTTONHOI,E STITCH 2. 1.If Workthe inside from point the top of downeachthenThe stitchbets feathertofrom ,enthe is the aparallelR, stitchlittle theright. exampleisbeyond lines. really,shown herefirst the L FEATHER STITCH . open chain stitch taken first from the left, 1. Use 3 parellel lines. SPINE STITCH 2. 1.Take Bring a deep thread stitch through slanting material. from R to L. SINGLE FEATHER STITCH 6.S.4.3. 2.HoldInsertSwing Start thread needle needleon L loopline onto L mid-line,andwith line bring thumb andpoint emergeneedlestitch soand of that downwardpullentry. throughon needle center fabric.comes and line toward atout snug. a point lower overthan it. Pull snug. center line. 3. Keep loop under needle. Pull snug but not tight. 95 3. 1.Insert Bring at needle D and up bring at A out atInsert E. at E and bring outPLAIN at C. HERRINGBONE STITCH 3-2. 1.ThenInsert Work workneedle first from fromas shown_ R L toto LR with stitching. CROSS STITCH 2 Yarns 2. 3-Insert1_ Bring Bring needle out needle an at equal start up aofdistance short line. distance ahead fromof line. start of lk.e. BACK STITCH 1. Work a foundation of back stitches. THREADED3 Yarns BACK STITCH 3.2. AThread third yarnanother can color be threaded of yarn through through if these desired. stitches. 96 3.2. 1.KeepUsing Work the guidelines from stitches L to close R.based together. onsharp those diagonal. indicated, FISHBONE STITCH stitch at a 4-3.2- 1-BringInsertLay Use out threadneedlea bluntparallel through atneedle. B. lines. at A. VAN DYKE STIT'al 8-6-5- 7.InsertBring For needlenextoutat D at stitch,and rightcome insert margin out needle pickingat on belowE. left. under upla-. fabric, center-crossed Draw through. stitches without Etitch. Bring out directly below CRETAN STITCH ( 2. 1.Using Work parallel from Llines to R. as guideunderpointstitches make needleneedle verticalsmall inward. to these Keep lines. thread Always loop . CLOSE HERRINGBONE STITCH 4. 5.3.2.Insert 1.ContinueInsert Bring at atF needle DBandas and shown. bring upbring at out A. out at atG. EC. 97 1. Bring needle through at A. CRETAN STITCH leaf design RepeatInsertKeep outsideat above DB, and form fromstitches brir a Bloopg outthrough close with eventheat Eloop.togetl-ex threadE.line.over loop. and and emerge inside stitchesat C, over in

CENTIPEDE STITCH 2.1. WorkUse a betweenhoop - two work from left to right. I lines. 6.5.4. 3.LoopStitch Start throughneedle under in the underand diagonalcenter, across first bring ofstitch. as previous margin.upperbefore. needle margin loop.through and material, bring through insert directlyat across on opposite 98 42. 1.Insert The needlethread isat woundemergence around point needle and pulltwo throughor three totimes. back. FRENCH. KNOT 4 BULLION STITCH 3.2. 1.BeforeNeedle The thread /wilingis pulled is needle not through wound through.thread, clothdowninsterted around threadand thento emergence needleforthrough inserted a straight until bound nearpoint. after stitch. beginning of stitch. is tightened 1. Use parallel lines for guide. RUMANIAN STITCH 4. 3.2.Bring StitchBring needle allneedle the over way out 1st acrossa little stitchstitch. fromlessleftward and line, thanL lefttie to bringinghalfwayhalfwayR.line. Keep towardneedleback needle to- point point out abo,e on left thread line. of 1st 1. Work a layer of small stitches to serve as padding. PADDED SATIN STITCH 3.2. ContinueBring needle stitches up alongat one an closeedge oppositeeven andof edge, area evenly side, keepingand using spaced. insert slantthem at stitching. 99 ?4

00103 3-DIMEditions"Manimproving is for searching living." the balance at last betweenSIONAL technology, economies, ART esthetics, and con- seeking with renewed vigor techniques for is4 JohnArtGeorge Chairman Hopkins F. Horn Jr. High 3-DIMENSIONAL ART General Objectives To relatecreateunderstand 3-Dfree-standing effects the importance to sculpture;orrns to cf beand volume viewed architecture. andin the space round. in design. SHADOW BOXES Preplanning Objectives K-2 Preplanning Objectives FOLDED NEWSPAPER FORM K-2, 3-4 Materials ToShoe choose boxes aobjects subject, or cardboard that be willcreative, foundations. stand makealone. If Materials ToNewspaper,To discover fold and that rollglue. newspaper paper. tape, rubbe- has 3.D bands, potential. paint, brushes. scene,paper,ionoutdoor paper, etc.; scene, foundscissors; paint, materials; brushes, and glue. construct-if indoor wallpaper, cloth, construction Preparation MakeCoverPass samples out tables newspapers, of with rolled newspaper. forms, tape, paint thick andones, brushes. elongated ones, bendable ones. Preparation Have children bring shoe boxes from Procedure objects.Cutfoldingmadefoundation.home construction be orfor sure make wall If to cardboard scoreand apaper. floor cardboard Collect foundation foundations. beforefound is folded cardboard Determine the shape orpieceslargestround,Decide shapes withflat,what to be gluetypes made. and of rolls tape. will When be needed, object basic shape and attach other long, fat, etc. Begin with Procedure Decide on idea for boxbrace.on (paint). side. Cut Cut Turnout outother box people, scenery, decorate score where and Variation Working on a smaller scale,is completed, colored tissues paint with tempera. Evaluate pobsible and brace. Evaluate edcan ornaments. be used to create attractive, gay roll- 102 Prep!anning LIGHT BULB PEOPLE K-2, 3-4, 5-6 3-DIMENSIONAL ART Preplanning STONE SCULPTURE 3-4, 5-6 Objectiyes To dre-- createdi. pi a -imp!, foundation figu:e. facial feat ur-- fectiyely..1y. Objectives To observecreate a and3.dimensimal utilize the objectnatural Erin( beauty of Materials Styrofoamorscraps iu s. htl of orclth. 7.1 yarn. watt lightwhite bulb-. glue. paperplastic cup-. construction uction paper, Materials Stones. shellacstones.turpentine or clear varnish. brushes, solox or for cleaning brushes) tempera, Prepat-ation Coer table-whitepaint. wiL' gluematerial-. new-paper.added Teacherto make Glue itwill for prepare every 2a basicpupils. mix Let of pupils help give out stick to bulb. Divide into separate containers. Make flesh color with a little Proparation Clean stonesepoxy. (scrub glue. % ;ith sand and water/. Turn stones oyez- and oyer studying Procedure SecondFirstMotiNate day dati Add yarnsmal: for hair hole in bottom of (ups. Pu-h bulb- into upside down cup. paint bulb- with fiepate -h color. cut out Coyer feature- cups on with bulb. fabric. These can be painted on by upper grades. Cut paper collar from construction paper. lace, foil, or use Procedure WhenMotivate an idea emerges, paint detailsthe shape (wings, and head, color. features. Cover work eyes. area etc.1 with with newspapers. tempera EvaluateVariation featttre-dian,fringe.Stick etc. Make lightcan [)re be bulb --ha( sey.nto tosuit:,to -uiton toethe withthe ofcharacter. haractri -ticking.needle aad --clown. St yarncure crwith pilgrim. glued rubber un. nurse. Yarnband woman, hairaround can base. child,be sewn. Facial In- EvaluateVariation Glue several stones togetherpaint.and brush. to formShellac wings, or varni.h head, feet.when etc. dry. I cave stones natural or Preplanning Objectives To ex.rciseheads. imagination in creating non-realistic BOX TCiTEMS ProcedureK-2 Discuss totems. their purpose. how made. Challenge pupils to make totems to Materials ToBoxesTo create make collecteda mension.!uselargemeal. of unit plentiful from frommaterials, household, inexpensiveindividual such such materials. egg as oat- crates, but- hi- quick, detergent. etc. Smaller 3-di- SecondFirst day:day: PupilsSpread selectnewspapers.glue.inoverrf.pre:e-it solid boxes tables. Add color spiritsandotherlielprs suited found items andgive to ancestorsobjects toout pupil's complete glue to ;dea. andof build thisfacial sci--ors. features.age, features or Attach a Paintfuture and -ars paint.each period. with boxPunch Spread hole- news:tapers in boxes. Preparation Cut egg cartolissections.24",.tons. newspaper. etc.. and For paint.towel features several brushes.tubes prepare into lung water smaller dowelsa table in jars. o'at mis-leastscis- bottle caps, feathers, macaroni, towel Variation Boxes can be treated individuallyandcupstop centerstack for necks. tobox and create totems bottomSet a lower variety one center endabuse of furofcharacters otherdowel stipping on in or dowel. potunto object-. of dowel. dirt, Aniroals, or Inter-per-e stand in perforated painted paperbricks Motivate fornictiveMixPreparecellaneous a bit a material:, ofdryingboxes detergent and area about other into totems. collected 'paints. mate.ials. Find in for first day's work. Evaluate After displaying totemsrentrains, andmay rocket effect dismantle ships,of assembling totems barns, tocastles. boxes carry windmills,hastheir been own appreciated. projects houses, home.cities. child- 103 Preplarzninh Objectives to find usefulness of foil for modeling. FOIL SCULPTURE 3-4, 5-6 3-DIMENSIONAL ART Preplanning Objectives to learn toan join assemblage. a group of found materials into BOX LID ASSEMBLAGES 3-4, 5-6 Materials Foil,to build wheat awareness paint,(stovepaste, pomps pipe,ofnewsprint, body aluminum, tissue, structure. wire copper), clippers. pins, tempera 18 gauge wire Materials lidsto create anstraws,nutfound abstract shells, objects styrofoam, textured (beads, etc.) composition. cardboard, bottleof caps, shoe boxes, glue, construction paper, seeds, buttons, wood strips, soda r-eparation Tear individualoutreach. newsprint lengths Spread andof newspaper foil, wheat cut paste,9 overinch paints tables.lengths when of wire. needed. Have Place pupil other helpers materials give within Preparation Collect box lids well in t.dvance; assemble large collection of found materials in Procedure MotivateCrumple foil into largefoil oval.if needed, Pinch crushing out body it andevenly head over from first one ball. piece. Add Add appendages more by running wire Procedure GlueMotivate construction paper to fit insideadvance. of box Have lid. Select them piecesready inof lowwood, boxes straws or pansor other and placed in a central location. Evaluate makelegs,throughhair.can tail, abe stronger body appliedetc. andat figure shoulderover clip this. offcover and excessUse first hip small with wirepoint pieces newsprintand and foil. tocrushing get Cover and around wheatfoil with contours.around paste.colorer: it.Colored Paint Bendtissue, face, arms,tissue or toand These lids may be joinedsprayedconstructionmaterials into a a tosingle freize, create paper color. or designthe mural lid andand and texturescontents if desired, within may instead be the painted partitions. of using in harmonizing colors or create partitions within the lid. Glue in place. Use smaller found IN1c Preplanning WIRE FIGURES 5-6 MaterialsObjectives assortmentto create ofacopper, 3-Dwire form (stovepipe, and which brass wires);showselectrical, action. screen, Procedure Using gesture sketches,wireskeletonof atry doubleloosely to copyis solidly thickness wrapped. action put of of Newtogether,figure. wire. pieces SkeletonJoin begin can at jointswrapping beor addedframe by cementing canby(as wrapping beiii formedgzsture and ends sketching).wrapping. into torso WhenKeep and Preparation wireSeecylindrical cutters, that childrenglue. pliers, objects, pencilsare string, thoroughly and yarn, newsprint, beads, familiar cement with Variation Finished piece can behiding hung mobile or nailed to wood block (as a base). Motivate cutters,tion.figuregesture Each of etc. animal child willin action need usingwire and circular access mo- to sketching. Have sketches made of Evaluate Instead of wrapping wireto round as a outgesture ribs, sketch, skull, hips, wire etc.can Coloredbe attached tissue to skeletoncan be wrapped. form PLASTER CASTING 3-DIMENSIONAL ART SAND CASTING Mixingremoved) Plaster . Ha., .42-p paper towels on hand.Use a throw -away container such as a gallon plastic bottle (with the top part Preplanning Objectives To use a simple mold for 3-d plaster form. letuntilstandstinue it getthe above until plasterso far the you that surfacebegins feel the aandplasterto thicken. does shows not For continue the dipping,Fill trail 1,2to ofslide usewith the atunder. stick.water. this Usepoint.This Begin a willstick For sifting setpouring,and too stir plaster fast. slowly con- If into water and continue until a peak slight resistance to the stirring stick. Use at once. Do not Materials LargeTo understand box ordamp plastic the reverse container effect filled of casting. with fine (not wet) sand. Small tools for im- stiffeningplastertheon trap.) wetrefuses will paper make to towels. thicken, it more Wipe add fluid table, a forlittle aetc. fewmore, Do moments.Do not it none maywash of be anythingthis old. near intothe sink. sink. Throw container and stick away. Wipe hands clean Patting plaster that is (Plaster sets in Preparation Set up a mixingdamp station sand. Pupils for plaster can work away only from in small groups, since the teacher mixes plaster. containerpaper;pressing water; textures for mixingdamp into paper plaster; the sand.towels; stick; Plaster; throw-away wire news-hook. Arranze several boxes of will strengthen your plaster, especially whereForForHemp smoothing, the hanging, rope,parts cheeseare #400be fragile.sure sandpaper cloth, to imbed old ornylons, a emerywire orloop. paper. rust proof .vire embedded in your casting Procedure MotivateUsing a jar, or bowl,bowlSee make formula in ana circular impression for mixing manner, in plaster. the pressing damp It is sand advisablethe at sand least outwardto 2" try deep. this to Move project form the firm first wallson y to hold -* own. to theprotect use offinishes. vermiculite, sand or sawdust. PlasterSeeLacquer, section can shellac, also on Formulasbe or made polymer interesting for plastercan be by mixesused swirling as that sealer. are given They attractivealso make texture good top through coats wish.jectingattentionchoiceplaster. Spread andsurface. Pack to having the newspapersa littleAfterfact decided thatagainst this the muchon upon deepersidetables. demonstration a of motif Givethebowl pressure,begin boxesall the letpressing of way the sand morearound. formsto pupils, outstanding :ntoTake let the tool them sand. the of select yourpro-Call pupils ask any questions they colora bit evenly of color all throughinto the the plaster plaster. just Crayon before chips pouring. can alsoDo notlend stir color enough to plaster. to distribute surfaceminimizebeginproceduretools and to and pour. forcebegin. for then mixing Do.1 Someadd pouring not plasterplaster. splashmay which also until Asand canwatchsoon theif destroy entireas in plaster preparation impressionsand reaches mold. for Pourisa theircream-likefilled lightly turn. at least overFollow thickness, whole the possible dip out with small paper cup to 1 inch. mixingcastsetHavethe 30 and sink.a minutes. containerwire lift. Clean hookUse Brush all aprepared. stiff plaster away brush away sandInsert to remewithand into testwet sand.the for paperplaster Washfirmness, towels. correctly if you if Throw, for get theseoverhanging. finger aaway. bucket, underAllow Also notthe to the z. T.., one for the next group. Evaluate 105 PLASTER SWAFFITO 3-4, 5-6 Preplanning Objectives To understand and experience incised design. 3-DIMENSIONAL ART Preplanning Objectives To become conscious of interior space in sculp- BALLOON AND PLASTER SCULPTURE 5-6 Materials ToButchir contrive paper; box;againstinteresting plaster; pencil; another. effects 3wet throw-away ofpaper one towels;color containers; shoe stick; Follow toinUseplaster. beit cardboardhere pulled Obtain and outside. theremilk 'mall cartonto ture.Tape balloons, permit infor place. form.ends inflate ofMake balloons and holes tie. usual preparations for working with MotivatePreparation tainers.Dip brush Spread in oil newspapers and coat inside of andbox. have Put temperawet towels color on inhand. two separate con- tcolwater: (screwdriver, newspaper; fruit cooking knife, spoon) oil; brush; carving Procedure Motivate Procedure Have pupils draw designwith totempera. fit their Mix box. one Divide colored dry plasterlayer and between pour into two boxes, containers let firm, then miA and Mix plaster3 hours.untilpourAdd and amorecarton balloonbegin plaster, ispouring beforefilled. add intoplasterAllow another milk getsto bottle. set balloon, to first hole, etc. Remove carton. Deflate for aboutballoons. edried,ccC rub to a gloss with wax paper. Evaluate andtracepour cut thinoverdesign layerit withthru of thepencil, other top color.layer,using 1/16".adown bit of toWhen pressure. second set, color. Liftlay paperpaper, When designtake finished scratching or plasterand fully tools and Evaulate WhenWiththeshape. spoon finishesdry, Simplify, it carve may described thebe examining sanded form in thisto and a itsection.more givenfrom pleasing allone sides. of Light1 egg Dough Combine first S dryCOOKIE ingrtients. SCULPTURE SCULPTURE Directions Sift, K-6then 1/3Dark cup Dough shortening 2/311/31/2 cuptsp. "upcup honeylemon vegetablesugar flavoring shortening openCutaddflour orto space mold firstmay design, mix,haveto desired ato thelittle be open Byshape.added. at rolling a spaces time. Roll dough canSomedough be into morefilledto 1/4". coils and creating an 62/3 cup cup1 all-purpose1/2cup water cupbrown molasses sugarflour (firm) 35001 tsp.I3 tsp.cups forsoda salt aboutsifted 15all-purpose minutes flour edofwith foiland crushed 3500arranged from sour in 3 ballsmany toVariousStrips 6 andminutes. shapes. of imprintscooked dough can oncan abe be sheet coiled,made from twisted, tools, pinch- toys, 2 tsp.1/41/21 tsp. tsp.soda salt cinnamonnutmeg fingers, bolts, rope or other textured objects. 35001/4 tsp. for ginger about 15 minutes 106 PAPER MODULE CONSTRUCTIONS, 5-6 3-DIMENSIONAL ART BOX SCULPTURE, 5-6 Preplanning Objectives T.-,To createbuild understand asmall largestress constructionlust stzucture and rudiments strain from (balance).units. of the architectural units. PreplanningObjectives To createmaintain neverinterest balance, before from seen, all sides, imaginative forms. Materials Toothpicks.straightscissors,bestrips, Q-tips, used vools, applicatortopins. create woodblocksany modules; sticks, cardboard quick of drying which glue, can newspaper, ruler, colored tissue, Materials 2 or 3 cardboardtape,knife,newspaper crushed cartons, foil. papier mache pulp, tagboard strips strips, and wheat newspaper, paste; masking exacto Preparation HaveSpread sample newspaper,ively modulesmay use distribute madedifferent from scissors, sets cardboard, of modulemodular spools, materials materials. applicator and glue. sticks, Different etc., respect- pupils Preparation If usingDistribute pulp,severalmeal, two prepare rollsetc. containersone boxes.inof advance.tape If to wheat each (Seefor eachgroup pasteformulas four andis to pupils.Ian 1''. exacto used, Group mixknife pupilsbefore or scissors in class fours toand aroundeach. divide paste. into Collect cereal, cake mix, oat- Procedure ShowMotivate sampledesignsiblewhen modules modules andjoined to to experimentinto andpupils a repeatconstruction. and toexplainthe design construction Explain how their they own.that untilcan there Keepbecome a series are it other buildingof similar shape units modulesshapes has pos- simple. Then let pupils Procedure ChallengeMotivate pupils to create strangeAssemble but simple other forms,materials part where solid, they part areenclosing easily Variatim Let pupilsdesired_ plangluedproceedbeen howbuilt pieces to to Thesejoin puttill their dry. shapesmodules modules together may with be tocovered glue build and/or awith larger fine tissue, form,wire. cardboard, Pinsthen canlet themcoloredbe used paperto hold if paperlightlyinandCartons nutplace. strips/or the crushed smallcan Aformdipped boxhave cones. in intocan inoddthis wheat be crevicesThese shapedmanner attached, paste, can holes untilto befillor and cutthetrimmedspread in another, inpupilshape. them. with isto Tape satisfiedusingfitNewspaperspaper one in differentpulp against with mix. can his thesizes. Continuebesculpture. other made and intofilling Be taped largesure it place. Overlay with news- Fo . can be Evaluate Wood scraps,sculptures. imaginatively assembled, are good material for creating. buildings and Evaluate paperstands strips). solidly. Paint Be surewith to tempera. retain some open space. Allow drying time. 12 days for Preplanning Objectives To create on more than one plane. BOX ASSEMBLAGE Procedure Using sidesto createof box verticals. as a support, horizontals begin gluing and or in diagonals. dowels or Thesestraws must or cardboard be in the stripscentral area_ :1:1 Materials ToTo be bevisually sensitive aware to penetratingof view from space. both sides. fromasones. youwell allTo work, as sides. these near checking Colored thesmaller edge the papers,sectionsof design box. foils,Addfrom glue shorteralltissues cardboard angles, piecesmay to shapesbesee connecting added that and the as 3-Dstrips. desired. some effect Turnof isthe pleasingthe longer box _ gVi.. MN "tai Preparation Removeshoe boxes bottom (orboardsodadowels other from straws, strips of boxes;into equivalent heavyand suitable cut shapes cardboad, variety size); lengths on of paper dowel,string, card- to usecutter; glue, in boxes,tape. cut Evaluate Motivate eithertribute diagonally, glue, string, h3rizontally tape to eachor vertically; pupil. dis- 107 PLASTIC BOTTLE SCULPTURE 3-DIMENSIONAL ART TheGeneralPlasticDirect pre-formed information:heat surfaces from curves awill flame Plastic andnotunder or contoursglueobtainable electricbottles warm easily runningofcancoil with plasticwhere easilywill cardboard water melt containersthere be cutmostfor is withaoftension. plasticfew offerpaper. scissors moments. possibilities containers. Brass if heldbrads humoroustasticroughly creatures. at inner glue-points. workings.whose interiors can exposePlastic bottles offer possibilities for fan- Sandpaper tho- To paint the surface, roughnicely.onandthrough a upwooden add the overlappingwhite plastic block glue with and to edgespiercing mediumthe tempera. are it coarseneeded. with Acrylic ansandpaper, Puncture ice-pick. paints plastic and spray first paintsby laying cling it Two tops of milk bottles. with handles Suggested uses: plorationTheprojects, following of but plastic ideasare presentedbottle are not sculpture. written to initiate up asex- ing.tostraw, removedmake cone a nice -petals."can bird be house.joined bark. orCap and other the covered topmaterials open- with It goes without sayingvideBitsthenAddoffer that garments.ofadetergenttheexcellent painted braid, outer giftstyrofoam When bottlesbasesc:othing wrap, thefor characterclothmakinGballis all forthe-head, scraps you need.male, pro- Cutting out the handle area of a milk maypaperpaste.legs.cut beWrap theorPaint cut avoidedfabrics bottom legspantsfrom withfor cardboardbyandof upper usingnewspaperthe shoes; bottle garments. capes. andapply toand attached. representcoloredor wheatArms they besects.basecarton, designed for and creating by turning the allpupil kindsthe and inside of attached. imaginative up, gives thein- Spots. wings, antennae, legs, etc., can basicand set form into for an creating inverted many styrofoam kindsThe ofcup, heads. top is halfa of a plastic bottle, inverted timestackedingthenylonThe edgesin open a tohat ofthe topor the with stockinga can bottlecapA thread.few bewill will filled iceto eliminate doformYa.npick towith holesanchorhair.can a then stuffedSome-around stock- be need for canstructionhair. be used.Facial paper features and glued are on, best although cut from yarn con- 103 inWEAVING" What the plastic about and the chrome visual culture of America today? brain-washing of our kids, who are growing up PhoebePennsylvaniaEdinboroProf. ArtK. Scholl EducationState College General Objectives WEAVING Note: younger childrenTo tend learnprovide to toa weavevariety makeexperience andwithout of weaving use forweaving. aa creatingloom.definite techniques. original andand novel should ways be allowed .cf to do so. pattern, Preplanning Objectives WEAVING INTO MESH 2111811211F....6.40.1111111111111111112.2solitagessommeolosimOf11111111111111111111811111111, 111111111111111Povm. 4111111611K-2 OSUMI ovum DRINKING STRAW LOOM, 3-4 Preplanning Objectives Materials WireTo learn mesh basics or ofscrim weaving. (cross-stitch rug ell11.1111.14.11.1111 amiliaiLAW*4111111111111.414t0.1111111ftnapHitimainmsesse by rMar.4041111111111116111111a A .--...J116841 assaisamIllBABBIIBROSSA BROSS Ban WEIewe BB I Materials ToTo weave make on a simple loom. loom. Preparation canvas)needles: ; paper: crayons: wire cutters. yarn or string; blunt-end MIllealeldisno oilman 111011-1111+F11111.11M411111r411.111.4 WWI tir.,411[11 ,r4.-4011 illeaSINIIIIIIREitvb.-J=11161RO WI OBI Intl Preparation Straws: string:terials yarns. for weaving; grass. other scissors- ma- Motivate HelpersCut scrim orneedles. wire into individual pieces. pass crayons, paper, string, SO BRIBIIMEWSSOIRKS.SIBIBINAW. SOW rrl hair .4 ',Iv+ BS BS SOSPS MORIBOOMII UM ..I SI HelpersCutDemonstrateCut string straws pass intogin 5 in straws howseveralweaving. half: to and cutmakeyard string strips lengths.loom to of andeach. yarn. be- Procedure Design simpleChildrenthislinedesign object choice.shapt- onmay on mesh or preferpaper. with toPlace crayon.weave paper withoutWeave under over design.mesh and for By under pattern. all means.scrim Trace give themto out- fill in areas Overlap v arns for texture. Experiment. Procedure Cut 5 piecesend. c f string Thread (approximately each string through 2 ft a straw. Push straws Motivate Tie them into big knot at one up to knotted end. 14,i"C EvaluateVariations PlasticStretchUse berryold onion textured boxes sack stretched hosewith oversquare over a piece holes cardboard ofweaving or cardbroad. chicken frame. with wire Weaveyarn can or on this. used for Evaluate weaving.progressts,toSelect Weaveadd anew piece backSlip push color straws ofand woven varn. and 'forth. off texture. Tie section strings going at knotted Tieup whenover andnew and end finishedoff piece under.tostraws, one to weaving. Changeend freeing of old. yarnsstraws As after weavingfor moreawhile a straw. Preplanning BASKET WEAVING, 3-4 MaterialsObjectives OatmealTo createlearn boxbasics a or stripesimilarof weaving. of circularuseful black object paper:contain- yarns; scis- Procedure Cut blackbasket stripsoverbox. orSkip2"rim stabile.longer of1/4" box. spacesthan Glue. height between Weave of box.strips. yarn Glue Bring over strips themand to underupward bottom strips. and of fold Use ends for MotivatePreparation See proceduresors: glue; rulers. Evaluate 110 WEAVING PENCIL LOOM, 5-6 Preplanning Objectives To ex.IA-rience simple weaving. create a simple inexpensive loom. POPSICLE LOOM, 3-4, 5-6 Pre-i-nning Objectives To make a pencil loom MaterialsPreparation TwoUse pencils two sticks orpocket dowels. for-top comb. 10 and popsicle hand bottom. drill. sticks, Between, glue, cardboardglue 7 or 8strip, sticks yarn. with Materials To learnPencil principles or dowel;ing used heavy for leo yarns: .1 weav- scissors JI A Motivate slitsholes.pencil.through betwern Make l.:les sticks. aand cardboard tie to a pencilshuttle orand dowel, wrap thenwith continueyarn. for endsweaving. back to I See drawing) . Pass them through and tie evenly to aTie dowel yarn or ends at holes. Bring other ends Preparation HelpersCut several passchild. yard dowels, lengths scissors, of yarn yarn. for each Procedure Loom shoulddowelwill resemble be there fastened canillustration moveto your up belt.below. or down. Tie The the Keep looppopsicle yarn attached endtaut. to Weavetc a achair nail with so thatshuttle. the Motivate Evaluate Use comb to pull threads close. Cut off the eighth Procedure Cut piecesthis). of yarn Loop 11/, yarn times so itlength has a ofshort finished and long product tail. (child decides (a I Place pencil across strandthrough.have which will not a slit to go pullthread"warp" withtight. overand-undersecond threads. Continue thread Pull across shorton to left,its pencil ends end. and over Dowithso on.same top other When of with pencil.pieces weaving right ofWeave end yarn. is thread.completed, left These (b)end Repeat Foldare loag knot top part of loop over pencil. c) Pull ends through loop; ends in pairs. Loops are removed from pencil and knotted in same way. Evaluate Evaluate after each hasWhat done cm.some be work done onto giveloom_ variety to work? 111 Preplanning Objectives To harmonizepreplanexperiment weaving colors. with texture.pattern. CARDBOARD LOOM, 3-4, 5-6 WEAVING "OJOS DE DIOS" (GOD'S EYES), 3-4, 5-6 Preplanning Objectives To work with an art form frcm another Materials Yarn, ribbon,scissors; weeds.natural etc. ruler; materials i string; (grass, needle. . mohair: heavy : ardboard; Materials luckland charms). (Gc,l's Eyes are Mexican good Preparation Discuss patternsboardsstraight ofprepared lines.) designs in that advance. could beand made begin in the weaving anchoring (using of threads.only Each designs his idea on paper. Have ample card- Preparation ChildHelpers goes pass to out table 1 pipewhere cleaner, yarn is, 2 sticksselects, per and child cuts 1 yard piece Q-tips,Sticks tree (ice branches, cleaners;cream sticks, scissors;etc.) applicator ; yardstick. sticks, yarn; pipe Procedure DrawMotivate line alongstretchslits topfrom to and bottom. edge bottom to Continueline. of cardboard,about across. I, U'eaccabout 1/2" from edge. Cut apart. Anchor thread in top slit, and yarns over and under in usual Procedure WrapMotivate pipesticks, cleanerdirection. starting around Go at under center2 sticks first and to spoke looping form and a aroundcross. wrap Windonce,each spoke, yarnto next around always spoke inon same right; Variations Use circles orafterweaving notother yoube shapes everfashion. have 1y experimented.of spaced; cardboard tie some as You frames. together, etc. Begin weaving your design Invent your own techniques. may want to make changes in it. Vertical threads need Variations MakeUseCombine more a sculpture than ojosover 2 to sticksusing makeand orwrapthis a branches. mobile. technique. once, then under the next, etc. Evaluate Preplanning Objectives BURLAP, 3-4, 5-6 ProcedureEvaluate Threads shouldUse bevarious pulled combinations from the burlap. of pulling (pull Materials ToBurlap, learn basics yarn,scissors of colored weaving. string, needles, Variations A.Thread Threads needle fivetwo,can withskip beskip tied yarntwo, inthree, orareas andetc.). cut. pull beginwhere Pull two, weaving fromthreads skip one, have pull been pulled. Preparation Cut burlap intoandEach yarn. child Let will children need burlap,choose colorsneedles of squares or rectangles. canpanelsrickofsigns.both be threads rack,attached.directions Wide made yarnstied rows by together.topulling can canform be be threads. squarespulled; woven groupsBeadsor into de- Cellophane, Motivate yarn. Evaluate B. Free form shapes can be cut out byWeavecutting into all cut-outthreads shapes. in one direction. 112 Preplanning Objectives ToWALL create a texturedHANGING, 3-4, 5-6 hanging of found and WEAVING Preplanning Objectives To become acquainted with a simple f" -m of RUG HOOKING, 5-6 Materials TwoTo Unprovise ,tripscarton.regular cf corrugateda simple ballweaving of loom. twine. cardboardmaterials. coathanger. cut from yarn a -. cloth Materials ToBurlap enjoy rugorcreating cotton hooking. texturemonk's andcloth, pattern. yarn hook, thick Preparation Punch strips.boththe cardboardcenter raffia. for reed wc-ostrips etc. threads_ On the down :it` Preparation Cut 12" squareswool yarn, of pencil. paper, carbon, masking tape. fabric. Let pupils tape preventsloosecardboardtwineagainstthread knotlength twine one tangling. strip.about edge.through lengths 18" belowmatching the holetop. Thisin second knot Straighten twine and tie ItinPass other end of each will(36") be loosened andand tie firmly For weaving with plentywoodfantasy. of is room not try tooweavingfor old imagination and on brittle. tree and branches. Be sure the Motivate edges10"margin toby prevent 10"inside- ravelingthe- tape. and Cut draw paper a twofor designinch Procedure Motivate lowered as weaving progresses. Procedure Select piecebraid.stitcheduntilotherloose of decision fringes.yarn. material,ondown the tie .-lothto onside-at change cantopbat -craps fur betok side.a weavingwoven primitivecan for be- into a materialwoven neat look. the finish. fabric. intoCellophane the hanging. strip with s. reed, an eye raffia. to the and color many first vertical string. t weft ). Rings. loops, bottleHowever, caps, they pieces are sometimesof left Ends should Beginbe tied weaving and continue off or WithGive eachleftinhook. hand child designhook hold aand sheetmust thread pull beof to large,carbon, ontop underside. ,;.de have a again.square a bold push Length of outline, paperhook of throughloopand anoabove pencil. fine from surface details. top. placenot Demonstrate 'Ayr yarn one- inch. use Stress that the threads of Evaluate throughstraight.andcardboardweighted textural theWhen loopsoreffect. strips otherwisenear at along thetop bottom and threadsfinished attach of and athanging. cord bottom. tear fur away. decidehanging. Take ifa knifeit or razor blade. split Use aue lower cardboard to act as a beater to keep threads Run a is to bepole. tied fringed. curtain rod the mayholdapart.Keepfillfirst. bebetter. snugLet Institched l-eppupils against When pattern. together experiment finished.fabric With foron theyarn.underside.a onrug margin a two orscrap wall or Continue.can threeof hanging. inbeburlap. with row,turned placing appropriate areHave under needed themloop, and colorfor abouthook whipped. the -. twooutline. Then Working in circular directions makes the thread the outlines Pieces ...T3:91-1111"11TI 113 00117 organFORMULAS of instruction."John Dewey "It is by way of communication that art becomes the incomparable ( FORMULAS Carving Mixture No.Vermiculite 1 and cement Carving MixtureVermiculite No. 3 and Plaster of Paris Carving Mixture No.Dirt 5and Plaster 2 parts11201 part vermiculite Portland cementawayintoAdd milkwater from carton. sink.until Clean creamy,When up set, stirringout-of-doors. tear away constantly. carton. PourStay H2O13 partspart Plaster Vermiculite of ParisanyMix. plaster Pour intoin the milk sink. carton. Clean Letup out-of-doors. set. Do not get H2OMoldingDirt Plaster cartons.Siftwell. equal Keep amounts plaster dirt away and frommolding sink. plaster. Add warm H2O and mix. Pour into milkMix Carving Mixture No.Cement 2 and Sawdust4 parts cement Carving Mixture No.Plaster 4 of Paris 1120Plaster of Paris Carving Mixture No.Zonolite 6 (Vermiculite)2 parts and plaster Plaster 112016 parts sawdust Stayachieveharden.Mix awayin largea moist from pan sink,mixture and and pour before wash into upallowing milkout-of-doors. cartons to set up. to Mix dry ingredients and add H2O to Pan dustthisFillpanuntil panpointaway and plaster half iromforswish way does sink. gently.with not H2O, sink. Tempera siftPut plasterhand may on beinto bottom added 1120 atof color. Keep all plaster or plaster H2O1 part Zonolitesand dry.Mix. No Pour plaster into milk in the cartons. sink. Allow 48 hours to Asbestos Modeling13 tablespooncupscup flour asbestos whiteAdd glue enough water to make a stiff dough for model- Sawdust No. 13 cups1 cup sawdust wheat paste Addwater enough 1120 to mix ingredients. Do not make Papier Mache PulpTear newspaperonandmuchwat-- heavy Ids 1120and into cardboad. let assmall standpossible. pieces. Use 3 parts pulp, 1 part flour part salt. May be used for contour modeling Dry, then paint.for 24 hours. Cover with boiling Squeeze out as Asbestos Cement3 gallons asbestos ing. Sawdust No. 2 2 cups sawdust it stiff. 2%9 cups cups 1120 Ready-MixslightlyAdd wheatwell 1120 untilpaste dry. to noasbestos Add trace lump ofand wheat freeknead wheatpaste well. remains. pasteLeave andasbestos mix 1,41 cup cup Plaster wheat ofpaste Parisreached.Ad;,ups H2O gradually until molding consistency is To make veryeasilywater.use small tissue and or inhas delicate small smooth strips objects surface. soaked of papier in 4 smallmache quantity of Mix w:th library or homemade paste. Works 116 Dough No. I FORMULAS 2 cupsH2O saltflour Add enough H2O to flour and salt to make a creamy Bread Paste Fresh white breadGlycerineGlue and water Finger Paint Mix oneAdd boxUsesoap one cold non-toxic flakes oz. starch oil inof powder fourclovessuch quartsas orpaint, Argo winter-green and coloring, oneCook (preservative). until or tempera clear. cup Dough No. 2 1 cup salt consistency. Crumble anddepressionRoll workkneadglycerine. into until inside ajust ball, smoothKnead made push theand putthe glue free thumb4 drops andfrom intoglycerine lumps.of theglue, center. into the In massthe of 2 slices of bread. 1 drop Fabric Paint Put the whitefor color. of an egg or powdered albumin (one to I»s12 cupcup cornstarchboiling waterShellacStoreKneadBeat in until mixture theclosed finished it is jars.over the product. rightslow consistencyheat until thick. for modeling. This can bebracelets.mache. usedfruits asto pendants,abe cement applied boxes for to papierjewels and plaques. mache on papier products such as It is also fine for making small flowers and setstwovinegar.three thepapers. parts) colors Paint with Steam designand tempera makes with on fabric.watercolor. hotthem irondamp fast. Add cloth.% teaspoon Place fabric between This C Dough No. 3 4 cupsP..1 cup cups unsifted salt H2O flour Play Clay 2 cups1%1 cup cups baking cornstarch water soda Textile Paint SubstituteMix 12 dropsabeentine pressing vinegar, withpainted tempera cloth 6and drops saturateddried, or lemon oil the paints. withcolorsjuice, diluted 3 oz. white vinegar may beAfter set by material using has turpen- Mixthen(Recipeatdesired. knead aftershapes.least should baking.1 forFigures hour. not 5 Place shoulddoubled on Mold becookie or baked halved.) into sheet at desired 350 to bake.degrees Paint for Insert paper clip for figures if hanging is Mix thoroughlyform.inknead. portionsconstantly. inShellac saucepan. before well Cook kneading,Heatwhen to a to thoroughlydough-like boiling, or brush stirring consistency. dry. color This on clay dried Cool is and Store in plastic bag or in covered jar. Color Silk Screen PaintBeat a smalland pressedamount withof a hot iron. soap flakes in water with an Gesso 10 tablespoons whitingMix with water to a creamy consistency. soothing to the skin. Printing Ink from Temperapowderegg beater paint oruntil tempera. thick. Color with small amounts of ForWhenBoilAdd color, 6in1 tablespoonsalmosttablespoon double use through,temperaboiler varnish. liquid 10 oradd minutes. glue.paint. 3 tablespoons linseed oil. Flameproofing Solution9 oz. boraxsolution. byApplyand brushing, 4 oz. to fabrics,boric dipping acid streamers, in or 1 gallonspraying. other warm inflammable water. items Washing removes TemperaFlake Soap Add flake Mixsoap to to a liquidpudding-like or dry consistency. tempera and H2O. 117 FORMULAS Candle Wax: FormulaWax No. from 1 an (parafinold candle or beeswax will substitute) Fixatives 1 on chalk, part shellac -Aith 2 parts denatured alcohol. charcoal, pastel, with atomizer or insect Spray Drying FlowersBeach sand,cornmealhalf clean and dry,and sifted,half or Borax and white Candle Wax: Formula No. 2 35%60(,,-, stearic by weight5% acid beeswax of paraf in Use skim spraymilkmilk.a table, gun. Keep front in down. flat position till dry. no cream). Lay chalk painting flat on Paint the back side with skim Have sandlightunimportantPickflowers. flowersbright Also colors.(wire at have noon can Bea shoeon be sure asubstituted drybox blooms day. or shirt Stem arelater). boxdry. length Choose ready. is or borax mix ready before gathering Strip lFl10 oz.oz. muttongum24 oz. camphor tallowbeeswaxalum Fixative (Polymer Note:Mixsubstitute) 4 Portions partssame water may way(s) tovary 1 pan asto Polymerget Elmer's various isGlue. used.consistency. Use in the 4 orotherwise.overfaceoff 5leaves. downdayspetals HangFillif(zinnias, until the box upside flowersthey 2" asters, with are down justaresand,daisies). to notcovered. finishplace heavya Gently radialdrying. Remove siftweek blooms sand in CIA Soap Parafin forMix Candles 1 cup ofcoloring forsoap 10 powder mayminutes be withadded with 1 forhandcup color. of beater water. until Food a thick foamy Beat at high speed Sawdust TextureSaw dust berriescoratedlatherrolls. pilesfor withCoat Christmas. up. seasonal the Save spool cardboard oddities. with a heavy spools layer or toilet of foam paper de- Ex. holly leaves and H2OPowder PaintsprinkleSpread on Mixa glued powder surface paint for andtextured H2O creamy consistency. it over sawdust and work well. Use it to Plastic Foam 6 tablespoons1 cup dry detergent of plasticMix (for starch with tintingmallow water add cream.and powder whip paint). to consistency of marsh- 118 C experiencesweDISPLAY must cease in Education."Abrahamto think of them as a Maslow luxury. They"The must arts becomeare so close basic to our biological and physiological core . . . Display is visual teaching.It informs ?la otiv ates DISPLAY 3. Cut tangleoutermat. edges of the another to match rec- Keep it in terms of theevaivatesenriches learning level. 4. picturethecardboards.theHinge frame picture and averthe moveClose to thetwo its I. 2. Displaying art ChildrenChildrens should art needs help displaying_the teacher in arranging displays, when possible. erase*cueCloseandOpenbest pencil tape frame marks.the pic-and inthe position. place. frame Lc the classroom--EveryThereafttof child's a project. work several Anchanged should essential pi..ces be every viewed part may day of beupot,or evaluation. putso completiontntil on displaythe next at project_ a time. Pieces may brightly colored mats steal attention. AvoidFancy mountings, off center backgrounds, .3 4 EachBy using child's placeslipa may standardwork the and be artshould usedswap piecesize, the'be theunderneath. teacher intermittently. may Then cut for 5 changing, Every piece ke he Pitt the on the tack -`.oars, and simply 6 mats which the mat in lightlycarefullycolorlessthem. unless andit can lacking thebe in Dry have Ajax to .rubbedexhibit isThe plain mat is over white posterboard classic. If handledwill often creates dtirs not have to he used. boner,neutraldean resistant width tone. slightly.21/2" smudges. to 3" borders, increasingWhenUse posterboardsmall oddshaped or matboard items areof white to be or 2.1_ Draw an opening which is 1/4' smallerlightlycardboardfat onmark aevery .eetangle corners. sideon thicknesses thanlarge the enough picture. of newspaper to Laymat the a7:1 picture. cut the Center reduced picture opening. on it and MATTING A PICTURE cutouttable.betacked obtained shapes. to a background by placing them a unified upon look identical mayThe same applies to items displayed on a 120 M017NTING DISPLAY cardboardstitcherysheet of backing corrugatedglued or ST1TCHERY theposterboard.or tan cover color with of white the card- paint this Occasionally heavy strip of cardboard,Across perforated the top near on the back side, glue a A MUST aroundmatcorrugatedtaped cut on stitchery to cardboard fitcardboard exactly unpainted.board may look very well letthe stringmiddle come and strungabove foredge hanging. of mat. Do not ItAll is flatall rightwork tomust lay havethe work a 3" onmat poster of white board or andoff-white glue it cardboard. firmly, but No the colors. effect is not as nice as a m PREPARING ART WORK FOR EXHIBITION at. handling.punctures. MakeBeWhenStitchery sure everyyou that mat can alleffort the3dimensionalbe stretched work,to avoid cover work the a piecehasback flimsy, a sidebaseof corrugated with easilyso that additional damaged it lookscardboard. cardboardfinished pieces. Allcw and to mough cankeep be the edgemoved work to about laprigid, over withand the minimum cardboard, to hibitand tape ha.. orthe staple responsibility on the back. of beingA nice educational, way of presenting of being stitchery appealing, is to and Whenframe of demonstratingitexhibiting as shown forabove. aims.the public, Try to select represent the most as charming, the most original of the children's work. An ex- SELECTING WORK FOR EXHIBITION many individuals as possible. AvoidAvoid anything pieces showingthat suggests repetitious copywork. handling Seek originalityof the same and subject. uniqueness. SOME CRITERIA content, related items, good balance,Look esthetic for appeal.good composition. This meansSelectChoose amplea variety colorful of bear handling without being damaged.All sculpture, constructions, and mobiles must mat.part of a picture, trim it down and Ifuse there a smaller is something irresistible about some and design. See that 3 dimensional structures have rhythm 121 Select art work that is full and expressive DISPLAY mentscompletedyouagainstMobiles asassemble. needed. a are walland most thenand Remove easilyestimating make carefullymade finer balance by adjust- tapingwhen as 1. Picture content not related to size of sheet. 2. i3etter use of space. ...."""-.0000""mm.... 3. Meager expression of ideas. 4. Richer association of ideas about subject. cationcorneringtogether, with tag on and clearare front. wellif matmatted, Otherwise painted varnish staple and helpsglue haveor taggluekeep DoBeno to tobroken surethemnota lowerpiece forget that clean. i..;:eas. ofright papier tocardboard taghand Spray- mache every piece.entries Use are standardsubstantially identifi- put resented.ceptedimportant.neglectand fasten silently this onParents is butwithto imply they finecare are to wire.too. the remembered, Disappointments childPlan that hisfor and effortspicking sometimes are oftenwere up work notac- and returning it to pupils. To 5. A painted background covers butblank it has space little to add to the picture story. 6. of more Theassociative relationships thinking. shown here give evidence 122 DISPLAY inlounge, the building office. hallways, and foyer.ThereDisplay are displaysareas may which be found will benefit in the fromlibrary, a theme. cafetorium, Ex- siblemeaningSnowing,"amples: use ''We tomats. Weeach saw LikeShowii.g work, the to Parade,"Play."especially the tools"When "At Afor used short, thevisitors.I Like addsCounty typed to Wherever interestStudy," explanation,Fair," toetc. "It'spos- the quoted from the child gives finished work. Good arrangement of art work usually follows one of [off ornamentationouterpiecesbottomtwo plans. edges intoedges. ain balanced line,of a displaytop, arrangement, bottom, border and detracts. sides. keeping Heavy the Line up the top edges evenly, or theIf there are two rows, work the

123 DISPLAY LetteringLETTERING should be readable!The simplest Horizontal answer or slightly tolettering letteringarrangement. diagonal. made for Avoid awith busy pinvertical teacher backings. is the commercial TO MAKE YOUR OWNA Stencilsnew product. are applicable stick-on expensive).here. letters will peel off. ready to mount. (A bit OrA Informal2" house letteringpaintingheight.your lettersUse canbrush coloredbe and dippedrapidly cut chalk themin laid tempera on outout. the between side. can dobroken parallel the same to linesright task. thatwidth. control draw or write CutUseCoverOtUse outan tline speedball a opaque blocksuitable smallletters letters. projector. piece steelcanstrip be brush.of made cardboard.paper with with bottle finger caps. paint colored znd scrape circles out or letters squares. with t Must be cleaned and carefully stored). Good letter Heavytextures yarn.can canboard, be discarded be used. sandpaper.had by recording cutting cloth. letters gifttape. wrap mysticfromcorrugated foil. tape. Styrofoam. colored card- Scotch tape Informational DisplaysA bulletin board is only a large poster UseVeilicalKeepRememberSubordinateSpotlightDon't arresting words overcrowd layout youthe to even colorslimita mainofare minimum lettering dramatizingthing idea else fordoes unity. not read one wellcolor dominant SubdueAchieveBalanceLse simplestrong thevisualemphasis contrastsarrangementbackground material by placement.arrangement. andcolors verbal dominant message novelty color. of idea. dominant and size shape. leading 124 lWtt 11.11" atl ir% %IMO% pipArVIA Ibilel Aft% 11111MIttiMTriaribdoIra $11Zi .ii,Wl BULLETIN BOARDS Plan the bnlletin board.decidetofirst break upon where up a linethe to rectangle.placeor arrangement the center Then Decide MOO simplicity.suggestions.topanyingworkof demonstrateinterest. around The TheyArrange styling this. the are importance everything The givencan beaccom- here ad- toof illustrations are only flmtimmx varyingjustedtin. to the size design. and shape of bulle- There are many ways of 125 BULLETIN BOARDS (Cont'd) OTHER DISPLAY IDEAS Boxes, paintedcanas pedestals,or be covered, stacked can canto makehang be used columns.overhead, or TY, ZA, 118. Einall placed to dramatize under little and pieces unify the dis- Ceramic pieces display well in tray of pebbles, sand, gravel. .11 W/W7/17.4711.-fre rd. ')) ","' 11) ./Afffig/711 Corrugated pedestal.aroundcardboard, a table wrapped will provide a nice Oil drums goodcardboardcovered display with and tables.a circle a cloth of make 126 OTHER DISPLAY IDEAS braceserveplacefoldunits.Large thethem Docardboard box, notinside andcut boxesto offtape help .laps; incan to as hanging display A plumbing flange screwed For new schoolspendedbe hung bulletin by fromcord. boards 4 picture in hallshooks, and using classrooms 1 sheet ofmay Celotex sus- supportThefasteningwoodenedbaseto aplumbing poleboardfor p-_,gana hooks,thus variety uprightmakes formed thenails, Inserta thread-top good can for a of dis- etc. Dowels tobeen which attached. heavy fabric lengths have Other props for exhibits:adjustablemasonite circles frames of for various flat work sizes plays. catalogueenlargedpottedpanelsbricks,reed and ofplantsblocks straw photosglassof exhibitors and of ormatting of wood,plastic,interesting children towels, bamboo atfurniture work driftwood screens Remove out of date material, 4 weeks is long enough. 127 OTHER DISPLAY IDEAS On cement block wallscement ----usewhich doublenails art work will faced cansuspend tape be tacked. for an lightinexpensive pieces. Four full lengthstrong sheet of celotex on Where nailing is possible, tape.inwork.willstretcheda length do Or for it of lightcan burlap be weight taped tightly place with over a frame electrical G Fromtie boxrink manufacturers. large 6' sheets of cardboard canjoined be zig-zagobtained fashion and to stand on the floor. These do not last too long. CeilingpaperTo tr,e hooksor small fabric should wall and spaces, bepainted placed a cardboardon overhead the outside box for cantosuspending support be cut diagonally,small mobiles. 3-d objects. lined with 128 OTHER DISPLAY IDEAS On tables. a zig-zag arrangement of ;mined cardboard sheets will provide panels for small art work. I backing.Small stitcher} tape raw pieces edges canto back be assembled and cover onback a burlap side with wall matching hanging. piece If the of stitcheries plain cardboard. are uniform Then in size, cut cardboardhang pieces from a dowel.Display shelves are benefitted by light paint. light wall paper. light fabric or shelving paper to counteract shadows. MuralShelf settings or cabinet can displaysbe provided should for backgrounds.have groups of adding related glass items. for underwater effects. 129 hopedlightful that products in time these available materials with maysingular also qualitiesjoin However,Thisthose muchguide now fortohaswithin be the purposely desired. sakethe budget. of avoided costs, more sophisticated exotic media materials. have been bv-passed. It is are many de-

130 BASIC MATERIALS lead to the thrill of di,rovery of it -Exploring and exploiting the nature of any material will inevitably potential.- Nit Krevitsky

/11 0 BASIC MATERIALS well from as variationsthe local school in pupil district abilities. warehouseQuantitiesTheWithout have following been adequate are numbered not lists indicated materials are forcompiled Itemsthe because there teacher's starred to is coverof no variations conven-art(*) major program.have art into pupilneedsbe purchased assignments in grades from K-6. at localdifferent The stores.items schools, avail- EXPENDABLE MATERIALS Available From: quantity to meet the needs of every child for 30Most art oflessons the basic per in the first list may, and should be already on h .t.d in sufficient 7010 Brayer; for block printing, 4" size BASIC TOOLS 51007065 ApplicatorBurlap (white, sticks 5(6") yards to package) SCHOOL DISTRICT WAREHOUSE CATALOGUE Request through Principal 86778630704070307020 ExtensionClips,Brush; Bulldog; easel cord paint,paint, size(25 A-1/4"B-3/4" C-1" feet)3c or 710471017098-1.710070677066 7098-12Chalk (colored, 12 sticks per box) ClayCharcoalfiurlapBurlap (modeling, (black,(natural, (pressed, 5plasticene, 5yards yards1 dozen to to package) 5 package) stickslb. package) per box) Ceramic glazes (assorted colors) 8820736887281860 Punch, Hammer, hand bellface,size curved claw *Pan, largeLinoleumKnife, rectangular utility cutter, baking(cardboard blades and cutter) handle Garvey No. 3012, adjustable 711071457140711271117180 Crayons (pressed, non-wax, 8 to box) ClayCrayonsCleaners,Cleaners (moist, (wax,(oil,(pipe, (pipe, natural, 12 166" 10"to toassorted 10box) assortedbox) lb. bag) colors) colors) 30402640 *MuffinRollingPlastic tins tote Screwdriver,Pliers,Linozippin trays combination, cutter 7/32" (contact blade, slip art joint, 8"director) 6" 7850-118645864072307182 Cord (heavy white twine) Dowel SticksEraserCordCrinoline, (light (art (38" gum)weight, wide) 3 ply)Cotton ( rug hanks for weaving, 18 colors) 57908816739777567742 Saws PinsNeedles,NeedlesScissorsPins (mounting, (straight, blunt (sharp (for bulletin300 point yarn) per 5") board,box) 300 per box) 73097303730272607312 InkGenaliteFoilFixatiff (Pelikan (speedball(aluminum (for (sheets, charcoaldrawing blackin 18 cutter by andink,drawingIndia) 24, box) chalk)assorted 6 sheets colors) per box) 88478845775777797758 'Spoons Staples(stainlessSpongesStaplingScissors (st--idard steel)(celluloseMachine(teacher's(sharp andpoint 31/2 shears Swingline) 6") by 51/2)8") 736473637362736173607340-1. 7340-8 Kiln stiltscementstilts (11/2 (2")(3") (powdered, ") 5 lbs.) Ink (linoleum printing, water soluble, assorted colors) 730488707780 Gun (spatter with bottle) *Paper CutterKilnYardstickSponges (contact (silk art for director) ceramic work) 712047120-57120-3 Kiln Kiln cones cones (05) (06)(03) Kiln wash (powdered 5 lb.) *Local7365-17365 purchase Knife (X-Acto No.Knife 1, Handleblades with blade) 132 7366 BASIC MATERIALS 7608 Paper (construction 18" by 24" single packages-7623) 2410-24408745-4887408735-387367 LinoleumMarkersLinoleum II unmountedMagic. jumbo. 12" black)by 12")MarkersMarkers (small. non-refillable.Nails black, red, blue, green) I unmounted1 common 24" byI large, steel)36") non-refillable. black, red, blue, i) 76707651765076457624 PaperPaper (Manila (finger(Manila(construction drawing, paint, drawing, 100 24" 18" sheets 12"by by 36"by 24") per 18")single package) packages-7634) 7697769688102450-24707705 PastePaste I Robber (school. Cement, pint jar) 4 oz. bottle) Nails tI White household. 11 gallon)quart) 1 finishing 76717097-1-7097-1276927691 Paper (corrugates1 single roll,listed 48" under by 25", Corrugated) assorted colors,Paper (art(newsprint, tif..sue,tissue `pomps," assorted9"18" by by 12") 24") 6"colors by o", 12" assorted by 18" sheets)colors) 7724-27724-17724-47724-37715 Paste I Wheat flour.Pen 2 1I(felt lb. feltfelt bag) marking.marking. blueblack)red) I felt marking_ green 1 774378107745774478417090 PlasterPaperPlastic (wax(cardboard(oak (molding, dispenserbags tagpaper (heavy cardboard, 100 poster inbottles cutter lb. duty, bag)board, box)24" 10 by14" 836") byby 22")24) 742074157410740774067724 PaintPaintPen felt marking, fine-line.anger.finger, yellow)green)blue)red) nylon tip) 77597752775177487749 ShellacSandRaffiaRazor paper blades(assorted (clear (9 (singlewhite, by colors, 10, 1edge) medium) fine)qua 1 lb. *.) packages) 74407435743074457 -125 Paint (I finger.finger, white)black)brown)purple)finger. orange) 88648858-8862885678117760 Tape (cellophane(masking) "Scotch," large roll) TandrotineShellac thinner (paint (1thinner) quart can) Tape (Mystic, assorted colors) 75107504-1749075227513 Paint PaintPaint (waterI waterpowdered colorcolorposter.Texture refills)sets) tempera. tempera. paint, see seesee assorted assortedassorted cc,lors) colors) 78427815781359708866 Tape (cellophane "Scotch," medium roll) WireVarnishToothpicks (Aluminum, (Hyplar matte,gloss, black, 1 19quart) gauge, 50 ft. roll) 75857578756575357530 PaperPaper (constructionI constructionI(butcher(colored construction.(butcher design24" 18" 12"9" roll, x9"roll, by paper,12" bywhite) 18" white) assorted12" mattsingle single surface, colors) packages-7598) packages-7577) 8 colors) 7846-1-7846-117844-1-7844-1378407843 Wood scraps (assorted shapes in box) Wire (Aluminum, black, 30 gauge, 50 ft. roll) Yarn (filler,(mercerized assorted pearl colors) cotton, 2 oz. tube) assorted colors 133 In the age of technolog:. art. BASIC MATERIALSlike science, has expanded its horizons.FOUND Many MATERIALS new materials, dis- collected by teacher. students. Local P. T. A.'s mayThe followinr. are materials which can be variety.however,carded after that serving the, prcducts a commercial alone freezerliquid paper detergent purpose, are filled with creati:e possibilities.serve the needs of an art program. They can onlyIt does enrich not the follow,styrofoamstyrofoam packing cups ceramicboxesbottleballoonshelp caps(all with and sizes) pettyglass cashtile pieces funds. etc. orangenewspapersnetsmilkmasonitemagazines fromcartons juice vegetables cans with and lids fruits cementsmootholdvermiculitetubesthread costume river(paper) (nylon rocks(zonolite) jewelry fishing filament) electricciloredcoatenamelchili hangers scraps, cellophaneiron and wood wood stains scraps ( white pine1 sawdustplywoodplasticparaffinpaper bags bottlesbowls and food containers driedspoolsoldfeathers Christmasmoviegrass. filmand balls other things from nature foil pie tins screen wire ( wire mesh) SUGGESTIONS FOR light bulbs PAINT. PENCILS. MAGIC MARKERS.. ETC.. PASTE AND CLUE, STORAGE AND CARE OF MATERIALS IN THE CLASSROOM BRUSHES box Paint can be stored in qackable tote trays of the plastic variety. Tote trays may CHALK. CHARCOAL CRAYONS tinerect.4"spaced withcan properlywithholes sand drilled will in servelargeit will enoughas support a temporary Brushesto brushes. support brush should brushesJars hold alwaysor large:nakes be tin acleaned durablecans will and contains hold stored brushes r. upside Aey down. A shoe .k blenk of wood about 2." by wi-h boles deskandalso placedbe or improvisedstore in in small tote from babytrays. grocery food Wood jars cartons.Pencils Coca-Cola for individual and pensboxes mayuse. also Childrenbe make stored handy mayin orange totekeep trays. thisjuice at containers. their Paste may be uivided toDo stand not use in waterthem asfor mixing a long spoonstime.The followingcleaning or allow and them care of brushes is important. suggestions are made for the taiLrsinThisforPlas:ic can group and be glueordiluted individual bottles withwork. capsLooseWhiteplastic can liquidcrayons, hold milk glue glue containerschalks, can be charcoals, diluted with afor tight paper fitting work. lid.tempera containers, *-!:: water to plastic glue and stored mustardetc. may be con- cleaning of brushes: UseUse Solox detergent (wood and alcohol) water when when cleaningandbrushes.from cleaning glue brushes. shellac fromtempera brushes.tandrotine :when cleaning varnish from containers.tainerscartons.sorted infor Egg muffin dividing small cartons, tins.cardboard up cigar materialstin cans,boxes, boc forors plastic makeBand cut-downgroups. aidgoodmargarine or milkcon- tobacco tins make good individual Storebrushesthe upsidebrush free tips. downof water in a and container. withWashUse finger againnail tips polish all shapebrushes remover in soap (Acetone) anding water. when acrylic Shake clean- paints from brushes. si RAPMAGAZINE TISSUE. CLIPPINGs, CONSTRUCTION ETC. PAPER. UNFINISHED WORK For 3-D work, shelving of some kind is essential. SOdurableanda -tripgr,cery be faced stored.d fohler tvbric.carion frt,rit this to way_andmysticthe insidejoined tape, with along or Iwowidethe one samelarge mailinglength makescardboard with tape a sheets 15" by zr cut from tore paper. Scrap paper may al- andsolution,cratesPutbeBoards ckthes-pins. used newspaperscan especially resting serveto lay this onpaper between good cementpurpose. over for pieces blocksprints, the dowels Forof isor work.a bricksflat clothes-line for work, ordrying. apple a folding clothes-drying rack can The clothes-line may be strung Another woodSCISSORS board. Hang _scissors on nails inside Insert into slots made in thick styro- tif a closet on a acrossFINISHED the top WORK of a chalk board.Construct folders iron. cardboard boxes. Each stapledcartons.foam atpacking close intervals material. on a wall strip. Scissors may be inserted behind elastic. Insert into inverted egg cardboardformaythechild'sfolders year.holding also work Evaluationhelp cancarton. artshould be to pieces alphabetized.keep be of children's keptcanprogress bein Posterboardsequentialmade workis important. from apart. order separatorsa Alarge The binfor Cover carton with wallpaper or plastictime'gaymayCLAY projettbethe bags stored project hasand in not shouldputplastic beenupon betrash completed a wrapped shelf cansKeep or with table andduringclay covers. stored till work next in in tightly ck.sed plastic bags. Clay If 3-DIMENSIONALfabric. Because of the bulk involved, it is more difficult PEAS.FORwork TACKS.period. BEANS. N BUTTONSMILS. PAPER AND CLIPS, OTHER SHELLS, thepiecesficientlyarydisplay,to keep restaccommodations. to this beoverheaddisplayed, reserve taken work. home. forTopssuspension, select community After of a cabinets, few the willof work exhibitingthe provideshelving, mosthas been effective tempor- andlibrary suf- let Cr,04 storageendscrew".;MALLtablesin of2 jarsrows board.when ITEMSwhile inn. on not Can inunderside. needed. useon be placed shelf, between cabinet,Take a tops boardor in of central andtwo firmly nail lids of small jars lids. Leave 5" extending at each Put small items in and riuned-offavailable.theypaper,withFOR caninconspicuousSCRAPS is sections bean assembledanswer. AND of paperthe "FOUNDAs together cardboard smaller such MATERIALS"as aad Ititems wood box, stored accumulate orgrain storedin parti-wall- possible a central If not. a large cardboard box covered storage space should be havea glancebagsjewelry,in smallermagnetic will what cloth make boxes you walls: scraps, and yarn,labeled. etc_The following suggestions apply to schools that possible to lift out and see at For instance,Storing junk in plastic hookssuspendedusing magnetic to the from metal hooks the part ceiling or of clips. the by lightMobiles, attachingOn fixture.metallic etc., magnetic canwalls be clothes lines can be strung 135 LOCAL ART SUPPLY DEALERS Space has been left for additional notations DEALERS IN ART SUPPLIES NATIONAL SOURCES OF ART SUPPLIES Craft306Acme1220-A Wade Shack Quality Laurens Hampton Paints Road Boulevard 232-7175232-5608 1950AndersonAtlanta,410American Peachtree South Georgia CeramicsHandicrafts McDuffie Street, Company StreetN. E. Hobby626Glidden1715 North HouseAugusta Paint Main and Road Decorating Centers 235-6181242-6192 College9520Anderson,ArtsP. 0.Baltimore andBox Park, S.Crafts 3227 C. Maryland Avenue 29621 Materials 20740 Corp. Munford2111Paintin'2118 Augusta Do-ItPlace Yourself Road Store 235-6824239-3014 P.DickColumbia,StateAudio-Visual1513 0. BoxBhckDepartment Gervais 1267 S. C.Library Street29201 of Education PleasantburgReid353Piedmont Office West McBeeSupplyPrintmakers Shopping Avenueand CenterPrinting and Supply Co. Co., Inc. 239-5U3233-5371 J.Lynchburg,BoxGalesburg, L.C. 4125 HammettLarson Illinois Virginia Company, Company 61401 24502 Inc. LakeSuburban421Riddle's South Forest Picture Paint Main Shopping Co.Frame Center Shop 244-1375232-5001 Tampa,310PyramidChicago,7330 South NorthFlorida PaperIllinois Morgan Clark 33602 Company 60626 Street Street PleasantburgThe Framer,: Shopping Center 232-9185 TriarcoMilwaukee,207SaxDivision NorthArts Arts and Milwaukeeof Wisconsin andCraftsSax CraftsBrothers, Street53202 Inc. fromfrom catalogues the yellow received. pages of the telephone directory.The above listing is not intended to be exclusive. Local listing Northfield,Department Illinois 6602, 60093P. 0. Box 106 National listing comes comes Art BIBLIOGRAPHYeducation a %hal part of a program for young people." South Carolina State Department of Education O O C) 13: AMIN. BIBLIOGRAPHY schoolresultthe Professional library of careful purchase examinationLibrary these of books, the by School the as committeefunds District permit.With of a fewGrern'.ille exceptions, County. the followingThis list list of books and periodicals on art. It is recommended that each can be found in is the Hayett,Hartung,Hartung, William. Rolf. Rolf. MoreCreative Creative Textile Textile Design.Display Design, New and York. New Exhibit ReinholdYork, Handbook, Reinhold Book NewCo., Book 1968.York. Co.. Reinhold1965. Book Co., 1967_ Ballinger,Anderson, LouiseMildred.Warren Bowen H. and Thomas F. Vroman.California,Co., 1968. Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1965. Original Creations with PapierArt Learning Mache, SituationsNew York, for Chilton Elementary Book Educations. Design, New York, Reinhold Book Belmont, Jefferson,Jameson,Jackson,Horn, George Sheila.Kenneth. Blanche. F. Inc., 1959. SimpleBulletin Toymaking, Boards, New Watson-Guptill York,Art andVanTeaching the Nostrand Pulishers, Young Art toReinhold Child,New Children, YGrk, New Co., , York.1966. 1962. The Massachusetts, Viking Press. Allyn 1968. and Bacon, Boehn,Bodor,Bodor, John.Peggy. John. Rubbing Knitting and Without Textures. Needles, New NewYork,York,Corp., York, Rei"old 1967.1968. Sterling Book Publishing, Corp., 1968. 1968. Creating and Presenting Hand Puppets, Reinhold Publishing Co., New Kampmann,Johnson, Lillian. Lothar. 1968. Papier Mache, David McKay Co..Creating New York,Creating with 1958. Colored with Colored Ink, New Paper, York, New Van NostrandYork, Reinhold Reinhold Book Co.. Corp.. Cr Cooke,Carlis,Campbell,Bonanza. Robert John. Ann. F. Start to Draw, New York,New Franklin York, Watts,1968. Inc., 1968. Cookies and Bread, New York, Bonanza Books,How 1967. to Make Your Own Greeting Cards,Designing Watson-Guptill with Light, Publishers. Worcester, Massachusetts, Davis Publications, Kenny,Kampmann,Kampmann Carla Lothar.Lothar. and John. Creating with Crayons,hold New Co., 1968.York, Reinhold Book Corp.. 1968. Creating withCreating Poster with Paints, Printing New Material,York, Reinhold NewThe York,Book Art of Corp..Van Papier Nostrand 1968. Mache, Rein- Nev York, Chilton Book Co., 1968. ;.1 Curt'culumConant. Howard, Bulletin. and Puppetry Randall in Arne. the Curriculum,1954.Bennett,Inc., 1969.New 1963. York, N. Y., Board of Education, Art in Education, Peoria, Illinois, Charles A. Krevitsky,Kornerup,Knudsen Nik. and Ann-Mari. Christensen. Embroidery for Children,1969.Bennett New Co., York, Inc.. Van1957. Nostrand Reinhold Co., Batik, Art and Craft, New York, Reinhold Book Corp., 1968. Children's Art Education, Peoria, Illinois, Charles A. I" Ellis,d'Amato,d'Arbeloff, Mary Janet Jackson Natalie. and Alex. and .4n Gene Artist's Watson. Workbook:T. 1969.ReinholdS_ Line,Denison Co.,Shape, and 1969. Company, Volume, Light,Inc., Minneapolis, New York, 1959. African Crafts for You to Make, New York, Julian Messner, Creative Art Ideas, 3rd and 4th grades. Kroncke,Krinsky,Krinsky.Krevitsky, Crete. Norman.Norman Nik. and Bill Berry. Paper ConstructionBook Corp.. for 1968.Children, New York, Reinhold Stitchery,Weaving Art and with Craft, Cane NewArt and forYork, Reed, City Reinhold NewChildren, York, Book New Reinhold Corp., York, Book1968.Van Nostrand Corp., 1968. Reinhold Co., 1970. GirdlerGaitskell.Enthoven, Reynolds, Jacqueline. Jr. Crayon Techniques,1953. New1968. York, Pitman Publishing Co., Art Education for Slow Learners, Peoria, Illinois, Charles A. Bennett Co., Stitchery for Children, New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1969. Lark,Lammer,Laliberte' Horovitz, andJutta. .McIlhany.and Luca, BannersLewis. Understanding and Hangings,Columbus,M CM LX NewChildren's I V. Ohio,York, CharlesReinholdArt for E.Better Book Merrill Teaching,Corp., Book 1969. Company. 1967. Make Your Own Gifts, Wason-Guptill Publishers, New York, Guyler,Greenberg,Grater,Granstrom, Vivian M. Pearl. PaperK. V. E. Faces, Taplinger Publishing1966. Co., 1968. DesignCreatingChildren's in with Nature, Metal, Experiences Worcester, New York, in Massachusetts, Art, Reinhold New York, Book Davis ReinholdCo., Publications, 1968. Publishing Inc.; Co.. Lindstone,Linderman,Laury, Jean John. EarlRay. and Henkerholz. Publications,Iowa, W. C. Inc., Brown, 1967. 1964. Self ExpressionApplique inStitcher"-, Classroom New Art, York, Worcester, Reinhold Massachusetts, Book Corp., 1968 Davis, Developing Artistic and Visual Awareness, Dubuque, Hart, Florence M. What Shall We Do in Art?and1970_ Maplewood,Co., 1961. New Jersey, C. S. Har,.;.,;:vi Lowenfeld.Loughran, Bernice B. Brace and World, 1963_ Your Child and His Art, New York, The Macmillan Company, 1954. Art Experiences an Experimental Approach, New York. Harcourt, 138 BIBLIOGRAPHY Mei lack Dona Z. Creating Art from Anything, Chicago, Illinois, Reilly and Lee, 1968. Thomas, Richard K. Three Dimensional Design, New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Meyers.Mcllhany,Moseley.Mitiit, 150 Anna Sterling.Techniques E. Pauli inand Art, Margaret New York, S. ReinholdBennett Co., Publishing Inc., 1957. Corp., 1963. Crafts Design, Belmont, California, Wadsworth Publishing Co., Inc., 1962. Art as Design: Design as Art, New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Paper Figures, Pee- :a, Illinois, Charles A. Wankelman,Waltner, Willard PhilipKarl and Richards, R. Elma.N4 igg, Marietta Marietta Wigg. K. Wigg,BrownCo., Arts 1969. A andPublishing Handbook Crafts, Co.,Wm. of Arts Dubuque, C. andBrown Crafts, Iowa, Publishinc Wm. 1968. C. Holiday Hobbycraft, Lantern Press, N. Y., 1964. PattersonPattemore,Orze, Joseph and Arnel andGerring. CarlW. ExploringReed. with Paint,Co., chusetts,cations,New 1970. York, Inc., Davis Reinhold 1960. Publications, Publishing Inc., Company, 1966. Printmaking Activities for the Classroom, Worcester, Massa-Art from Scraps, Worcester, Massachuse'ts. Davis Publi- Wiseman,WienerWeiss, Harvey. and Ann. Lidstone. Rag Tapestries and Wool Mosaics,holdCo., Dubuque,Co., New1969. Iowa,York, 1954.Van Nostrand Reinhold, Collage and Construction, New York, Young Scott Books, 1970.Creative Movement for Children, New York, Van Nostrand Rein- Rainey,Pearson, S.Hazel. R. Inc.,1966.1964. 1966. Weaving WithoutPlaster a Loom, Casting Worcester, for Fun andMassachusetts, Profit, Rosemead, Davis Publications, California, Handicrafts, Yates,Yochim, Brock. Louise Dunn. national1965.1969. Textbook Co., 1967. Plastic Foam for Arts and Crafts, Sterling Publishing Co., New York, Perceptual Growth in Creativity, Scranton, Pennsylvania, Inter- RandallRandall, andArne Haines. W. Murals for Schools, Worcester,Inc.,Publications, 1956. Massachusetts, Inc.. 1965. Davis Publications, Design in Three Dimensions, Worcester, Massachusetts, Davis Exporing Puppetry, Tapplingei Publishing Company, only;Artist 5Junior or more, $1.00 each.) Published monthly, October through April except December. (Group subscriptions ART PERIODICALS, JOURNALS, MAGAZINES Rosenberg,Robinson,Rottger, Ernest. StuartLi lli Ann and Killen.Patricia. holdNew BockYork, Company,1966. 1968. Creative Clay Design, New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1963. Children Make Murals and Sculpture, New York, Rein- Editor:Ceramic RachelThomas Monthly Baker, Sellers, 1346 Chapel Street, 1953New monthlyHaven, Connecticut$6.00. 06511. Professional Publications, Inc., 4175 North High Street, Schonewolf,Rottger,Scrase,Rottger, Ernest. Pat. Ernest. Herta. 1968. Let's Start Designing, New York, Reinhold CreativePublishing PaperWood Corp., Design,Design, 1966. New New York, York, Reinhold ReinholdPlay with Publishing Publishing Light andCorp., Corp., Shadow, 1961. 1961. New York, Reinhold Book Corp, Indianapolis,Editor:DesignColumbus, Beurt Ohio Indiana, R. 43214. Servas, 46207. Review Publishing1899 bi-monthly,Co., F.,:itember-June $4.50. Inc., 1100 Waterway Boulevard, Sproul,Snow,SeideLnanState Aida Adelaide.Department and Cannarsa. Mintonye. of Education. Corp., 1968. With a Free Hand, New York, Reinhold BookGrowing Corp., 1968.with Children ThroughCreating Art, New with York, Clay, Reinhold New York, Book Crowell-Collier Press, 1967. Arts and Crafts, for use with mentally retarded stu- SchoolIllinoisEditor:Arts and 60076.Arts Mary Activities Magazine Cole Emerson, Arts and Activities,1937, Monthly, 8142 SeptemerJuneN. Lawndale $7.00.Ave., Skokie, Suttles, Patricia H. dolph,dents. Columbia,Wisconsin, S.Educators C. Dept. Progress of Educ., Service, 1966. 1969. Elementary Teachers Guide to Fre? Curriculum Materials, Ran- 01608.Editor: George F. Horn, Davis Publications,1901, Inc., monthly, Printers September-June Building, Worcester, $7.00. Mass. 139 111111 BIBLIOGRAPHY A Guide for the Improvement of the Teaching of Art in the CURRICULUM GUIDES ArtSpartanburg,Spartanburg Aids CitySouth Schools Carolina 1967 StateSchoolsPhoenix,Bulletin Department of Number Arizona ofseven Public Instruction 1951 ArtFortCurriculumGrades WorthWorth, 3-5 Public BulletinTexas Schools Number 1303 1969 ArtEnjoying1961LosDivision K-2 Angeles Pictures of instructithial City Schools, Services Los Angeles, California ColoradoPortsmouth,Art Art Virginia Guide Elementary Guides for Grades 4, 5 and 6. Portsmouth Public Schools 1968 Kindergarten,An1962Los Instructional Angeles FirstCity Guide Schools,and Second Los Grades Angeles, California Washington,ArtK-12NationalDenver,Colorado Education, Colorado, ArtState D. Education C. Department Association of Education. 1969, 1964 Exemplary Programs in CurriculumLosGratesArt1964 Angeles 3-6 Guide City Schools, for Art Los Angeles, California ElementaryArtSchool Experiences Commission, Art Guide Indianapolis Elementary1952. Schools. City of IndianapolisAnn Arbor Public Schools. Ann Arbor. Michigan. CurriculumChicago,ChicagoBoardKindergarten, of Public IllinoisEducation Guide Primary Schools for Art1-2-3 1966 Pennsylvania,ChildrenArt Education and Art 1969. Elementary Schools of Ohio, Columbus 12. Ohio, 1961.Pennsylvania Department of Education. Harrisburg, ArtChicagoChicago,BoardGrades in the Public of4-5-6 Awakening IllinoisEducation Schools Years UpperThe1963K, Board1, Marlboro, 2, 3, of 4, Education 5, 6Maryland of Prince George's County 140 In the community of Greenville. where citizens show a keen awareness and IN CONCLUSION JonesAssociation,Thisappreciation interest University ofThehas artistic engenderedCollectionGreenville expression, ofArtists the Sacred growth many Guild. Art, groupof thesuch GreenvilleFurmanandGreenville institutions individual University Museum is asalso art The activitiesthe Art of Greenville home Art,Department. abound.theo several Bob Art artists of national acclaim and is the locale C successfulnessartof industriesshows that the and early andart group programexperiences businesses exhibitions. of thewhich in creativeGreenville have andestablished County mentalIt is Schoolin growth.a customthe midst District of of sponsoring these and one-manmany other evidences of growing artistic conscious- seeks to stimulate liftedsteproom toward as in the Greenville anresult often of expressed County;a more acceptable that need. the self-concept self-expression.Dr.TheIt isdevelopment hoped that M. this ofT. a Andersonguide sequential will enrich art program, art instruction grades K-6,in every will elementarybe a welcomed class- of each teacher and pupil will be 141 moreto give pleasure confidence to the when basic needed, activities but herein not to provid..1 TheThererestrict art will guideeither"Lose occur isimaginationnot amany tool,the nightingale." accidentalnot effects When- an end. It is intended to help the teacher plan ahead, or deliberate experiments which add far or exploration. crt learnedcomforted;ever a what glowing atthey least resultwill there do beckons, andhas howcome encourage to a makefullerDoing Thethemknowledge breaking true ado project it.artist away.of theonly,expresses Ifmaterials. itdoes doesn't himself not develop well 1.). ecause his materialsan in-depth are familiar. comprehension He has of process or come off, be tomood,medium. really for exhaust Repeat a change the of potentialproject colors, and offor most looksaying activities.for something different. It takes new ways to improve it; try for a different ArtMargaret Director Gilliam many encounters 142