Archives of Pulmonology and Respiratory ISSN: 2639-362X Volume 2, Issue 2, 2019, PP: 14-19 Epidemiology, Transmission and Management of Pleuropulmonary : A Review Farouk S. Nas1, Muhammad Ali2* 1

2 Department of Biological [email protected] Sciences, Bayero University,m Kano, Nigeria. Department of Microbiology, Federal University Gusau, Nigeria. *Corresponding Author: Muhammad Ali, Department of Microbiology, Federal University Gusau, Nigeria.

Abstract With increasing travel and migration, rates of parasitic lung and pleural diseases are increasing in the immune- competent population in developed countries as well as among immune compromised patients. Amoebic pleuropulmonary disease is the most common complication of , occurring in patients with amoebic liver disease and those with amoebic . The main source of transmission is the chronically infected human. Stools infected with the cyst form of the parasite may contaminate fresh food or water. The most common symptoms amoebic pleuropulmonary diseases include pain, cough, hemoptysis, and dyspnea. The pain may be pleuritic or localized to the right upperquadrant.The diagnosis of pleuropulmonary amoebiasis may be supported by the clinical manifestation. The diagnosis of pleuropulmonary amoebiasis may be supported by the clinical manifestation of the disease. The paper reviews the epidemiology, transmission and management of pleuropulmonary amoebiasis. Keyword: Amoebiasis, , epidemiology, pleuropulmonary.

Introduction occurring in 15% of patients with amoebic liver disease and in 1% of patients with amoebic dysentery Amoebiasis is defined by the World Health Organization Entamoebahistolytica [6]. It most commonly occurs by direct extension (WHO) as a parasitic infection with the protozoan from a superior right lobe hepatic abscess through regardless of symptomatology [1]. The disease is still considered a major public the diaphragm into the right lower lobe of the lung, health problem in developing countries of the world presenting with cough, pleuritic pain and dyspnea [7]. [2]. Amoebiasis is a cosmopolitan disease; it prevails Pleuropulmonary amoebiasis may also occur following especially in hot countries of the Third World. This haematogenous spread of to the lungs or is the third cause of parasite- linked death in the lymphatic spread from the liver to the diaphragm. world after and schistosomiasis [3]. It is Intra-thoracic complications include rupture of an currently estimated that 12% of the world population amoebic liver abscess into the pleural cavity with is affected by this germ among which only 10% are empyema formation which carries a mortality of symptomatic. This is due to the fact that there are two 15-35% [7]. Infiltration of the lung parenchyma strains of pathogenic and non-pathogenic amoebae may result in pneumonia or lung abscess formation. and the majority of subjects are infested with non- Further more, a hepatobronchial fistula leading pathogenic form [4]. It is considered as one of the most to expectoration of ‘anchovy sauce-like’ purulent common parasitic infections worldwide with around sputum can develop. Rarely, a broncho-biliary fistula 500 million infections per year and a leading cause may occur, causing bile expectoration. Radiographic of parasite related mortality with over 100,000 features Common radiological features include right deaths annually [5]. pleural effusion and basal lung disease. Right lower Amoebic pleuropulmonary disease is the most lobe consolidation may develop, which may progress commonArchives ofcomplication Pulmonology of and amoebic Respiratory liver Medicine abscess, V2to .abscess I2 . 2019 formation. 14 Epidemiology, Transmission and Management of Pleuropulmonary Amoebiasis: A Review Biology of E. Histolytica E. consists of an infective cyst stage and a multiplying histolytica trophozoite stage (figure 1). Humans are infected by Humans are the primary known reservoir for ingesting these infective cysts, which travel through [8]. The main source of transmission is the the gut lumen to the small intestine (figure 2), where chronically infected human. Stools infected with the each excysts to form eight daughter trophozoites. cyst form of the parasite may contaminate fresh food is The trophozoites are motile forms, which adhere to or water. The other common source of transmission E. histolytica and invade intestinal epithelial cells which line the oral-anals exual contact [9]. Experimental gastrointestinal tract. Trophozoites move by extending infections with have been produced in creeping projections of cytoplasm, called pseudopodia, some animals such as dogs, cats, rats, monkeys, and which pull them along. They also use these projections other laboratory animals. These animals may also E. histolytica to surround and engulf food particles. The cytoplasm acquire human strains as a result of close contact with E. histolytica E. histolytica frequently contains many red blood cells (RBCs) that humans. Natural infections with strains E. histolytica have been ingested. The trophozoites of morphologically similar to have been always have a single nucleus. Trophozoites are easily found in monkeys [10]. In one study, was E. histolytica destroyed in the outside environment, degenerating found microscopically in stained fecal smears from within minutes. The trophozoite of can six species of locally available Kenyan non-human E. histolytica convert to a precyst form with a nucleus, and this form primates [11]. There may be some animal reservoirs matures into a tetranucleated cyst as it migrates down of (dogs, monkeys, and probablypigs), and out of the colon. The precyst contains aggregates but they represent a very small source of human of ribosomes, called chromatoid bodies, as well as infection compared with humans themselves [12]. The food vacuoles that are extruded as the cell shrinks to importance of wildlife (primates) in zoonotic infections E. histolytica become a mature cyst. It is the mature cyst that, when was studied by Jackson et al., who used zymodeme consumed in contaminated food or water, is infectious. analysis to investigate whether occurs In the process of becoming tetranucleated, the nucleus as a true [13]. However, there are no reports E. histolytica of the cyst divides twice. Chromatoid bodies and of sporadic zoonotic transmission of cases between glycogen vacuoles cannot be seen at this stage [15,16]. infected animals and humans, although Cyst scanre main alive outside the host for weeks or is most commonly associated with animals (cats, dogs, months, especially under damp conditions [17], but non-human primates, etc.). are rapidly destroyed at temperatures under 5°C and Infective cysts may be spread by arthropods such as over 40°C [14]. Cysts are not invasive, but trophozoites cockroaches and flies, suggestingE. histolytica that these insects are can penetrate the gastrointestinal mucosa [15]. From able to play a rare but important role in transmission there, the trophozoites are able to migrate to other [14]. The life cycle of is simple. It organs, causing extra-intestinal infections.

Fig 1. Tropozoite and cyst of E. histolytica[28] 15 Archives of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine V2 . I2. 2019 Epidemiology, Transmission and Management of Pleuropulmonary Amoebiasis: A Review

Fig 2. life cycle of E.histolytica [28] Epidemiology E histolytica persons and homosexuals, the disease is a common occurrence in the less developed and developing is endemic in regions with poor countries of the world. These areas include the tropical sanitation and poor socioeconomic conditions. The and sub-tropical countries of South and West Africa, motile trophozoites forms of the parasite live in the CentralPathogenesis and South America, India and Mexico [20]. lumen of the large intestine where they multiply and differentiate into the cyst forms. Cysts are passed in E. histolytica the faeces and are highly resistant to environmental Transmission The life cycle of is simple, conditions, facilitating faecal-oral transmission. with only 2 stages, existing as either an infectious Ingested cysts are transformed into trophozoites cyst or invasive trophozoite. Transmission occurs [18]. This protozoan infection has an especially high after the ingestion of the infectious cyst. This most prevalence in sub-tropical and tropical countries commonly arises from feacally contaminated hands, where poor socioeconomic and sanitary condition food, or water, but there is a new appreciation that spredominate, while in resource-rich nations Entamoeba exposure to fecal matter may occur during sexual infections may be seen in travelers to and emigrants from end emicare as [19]. The majority of contact [21]. Following ingestion, excystation to trophozoites occurs, and the released trophozoites infections are asymptomatic.E. histolytica Factors that influence whether infection leads to asymptomatic or invasive migrate to the large intestine, multiplying by binary disease include the strain and host fission to produce more cysts. The trophozoite may factors such as genetic susceptibility, age, and immune invade the intestinal epithelium and even pass to status, where youngage, pregnancy, corticosteroid extra-intestinal sites such as the liver via hepatic treatment, malignancy, malnutrition, and alcohol is portal circulation or disseminate further to distant mare considered risk factors for severe disease [18]. sites such as the brain and lungs hematogenously. The disease is the most common complication of Symptoms may occur within weeks after ingestion amoebic liver abscess, occurring in 15% of patients but may also develop years after infection. Cysts and with amoebic liver disease and in 1% of patients trophozoites are passed in stools. Several properties with amoebic dysentery [6]. While amoebiasis is a of the cyst help it to remain hardy in the environment rare occurrence in developed countries of the world, for weeks, whereas trophozoites do not survive. For onlyArchives found of in Pulmonology travelers, immigrants, and Respiratory institutionalized Medicine V2example, . I2 . 2019 cysts are resistant to gastric acidity and are16 Epidemiology, Transmission and Management of Pleuropulmonary Amoebiasis: A Review Diagnosis also relatively resistant to chlorine. The low infectious dose and environmental stability can predispose to The diagnosis of pleuropulmonary amoebiasis may theSigns development and Symptoms of outbreaks [22,23]. be supported by the clinical manifestation and radiographic imaging such as homogenous opacity or Clinical manifestation of amoebiasis generally occurs cavitating lesion most commonly involving the right in the form of intestinal involvement as acute or sub- lower and middle lobes, elevated right hemidiaphragm, acutecolitis, with symptoms range from mild diarrhea basilar pulmonary infiltrates with are as of focal at to severe dysentery producing abdominal pain, electasis, and pleural effusions. Light microscopic diarrhea, and bloody stools, to fulminant amoebic examination can often identify characteristic colitis. It can also present as extra-intestinal disease trophozoites and cysts through direct, concentrated, in the form of amoebic live rabscess and even morer and/or permanently stained smears. Keeping in are as pulmonary, cardiac, and brain involvement. mind that the organisms may appear intermittently, Pleuropulmonary complications (i.e., pleural effusion, specimens from patients with disseminated disease lung abscess, and, rarely, pleural empyema) are the may not contain cysts and trophozoites despite second most frequent extra-intestinal complication; repeated examinations [28]. ImmunologicalE. histolyticatests such they occur in 7– 20% of patients with amebic liver as indirect hemagglutination assay (IHA) and enzyme- abscesses and in 2-3% of those with invasive disease linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for [24]. The presentation of pleuropulmonary amoebiasis antibodies are characterized by high sensitivity. The is variable and depends on the type of pulmonary primary disadvantage of serologic tests is that they involvement whether it is primary simulating broncho cannot distinguish between past and current infection pneumonia or tuberculosis or secondary to rupture unless IgM is detected; IgM antibodies to E. histolytica giving the characteristic suppurative syndrome. are short- lived and rarely detected. In contrast, IgGanti The most common symptoms include pain, cough, E. histolyticabodies are long-lived but highly prevalent in endemic hemoptysis, and dyspnea. The pain may be pleuritic settings. Newserologic tests based on recombinant or localized to the right upper quadrant. Cough can antigens have been developed; such as says be non-productive but more often is associated mayTreatment be especially useful in endemic areas [18,28]. with expectoration of material ranging from small amounts of sputum to large amounts of amoebicpus. If a hepato-bronchial fistula develops, the patient In general, amoebic pleural effusions should be may expectorate necrotic material that can include aspirated. Drained pleural effusions resolve rapidly liver abscess contents; such material may have are with drainage and antimicrobial therapy, which ddishbrownorTransmission “anchovysauce” appearance [25]. consists of (750mg orally three times daily for 7 to 10 days) or alternatively (2g The theoretical mechanisms of thoracic amoebiasis once daily for five days) [29]. Most patients respond are as follows; first, the infection usually spreads to to a single course of treatment with resolution of the lung by direct rupture of an amoebic liver abscess symptoms before the end of therapy. In rare cases, through the diaphragm. Second, the infection may a second course is needed because of failure to disseminate to the thorax directly from the primary achieve complete resolution after the initial regimen. Treatment with a luminal agent such as paromomyc intestinalE. histolytica lesion through hematogenous orlymphatic spread. And finally, in halation of dust containing cysts in (25–30mg/kg/dayorally in three divided doses for of is also a hypothetical route [25, 26]. seven days), diiodohydroxyquin (650mg orally three Pleuropulmonary amoebiasisis easily confused with times daily for 20 days), or diloxanidefuroate (500mg other illnesses which makes the differential diagnosis orally three times daily for 10 days) to eliminate rather a complexone, involving and not limited to intraluminal cysts is also warranted. The mortality rate pulmonary Tuberculosis, bacterial lung abscess, of amoebic pleural empyemaisas high as 16%, which carcinoma of the lung, and in endemic are asmalaria can increase to 42% due to theruptureofahepatic and schistosomias is considered common causes of abscess into the pleural space. 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Citation: Farouk S. Nas, Muhammad Ali. Epidemiology, Transmission and Management of Pleuropulmonary Amoebiasis: A Review. Archives of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine. 2019; 2(2): 14-19. Copyright: © 2019 Farouk S. Nas, Muhammad Ali. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

19 Archives of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine V2 . I2. 2019