A PEOULIAB BOBBERY, THE BASE BALL CRANK IS HAPPY List of Causes. EASTER OBSERVANCES. sermon from. St. Mark XVI chaptei an offering of ntion with ringing and the solo part. The Ind waft in good father, gowned in whitesdUri with a cbllar"- bin nbsence from,t!:c;buuincD3 section. voluntary at the opening. The large voico and sang with pleasing effect. of Duchess lace, wearing'orange blossoms .. recitations by the scholars of the pri- choir then sang aii anthem by Jas. A. mary department. One hundred and After a hymn was sung by. the wholo and jewel ornaments and carrying a bou- • Johnston entitled, "At the Early Eiister congregation, "Old Anthe'm," by Bill- quetof lilies of the valley and maiden hair,,:; forty Easter packages, consisting of Morn." distributed ings, was rendered by a septette com- fern. •' •' '.''' • - . •• „•...-',- '" Dr. England preached a splendid posed of Mrs. Jas. II. Johnston, Mrs. The groom and best man, Mr. William Easter sermon, basing his remarks on Williird Alleger, Miss Speirs, Messrs. Shields, J., of New York, entered from the /ices of the ovening wore in ulatioris than an April Benedict, the text: "Christ the first begotten of Geo. W. Kase, F. P. McKinstry, Ernest chapel and met the party as they arrived Tho new*Mfiyor is a man of liberal views, and is of a cordial nature and genial charge of the Sunday school and Sup- has just been appointed by Secretary the dead"—Kev. 1-5. One of Ward and Geo. Bowlby. before: the officiating clergyman. The erintendent Wm. HoiT presided. A Episcopal form of service was used. The of State Wurts to the second best clerk- At this point Dr. England announced 1 well arranged and appropriate program prominent points of the discourse was gentlemen wore full evening .drew.,:i';,--:-.--. ship in his office at Trenton. He sitc- thfitGhrlifife th* mily repealer of iin- that ao tho musical program was 1 flljnfluonee. , ,-.-.,_, ....• > ,„•-.• - ...... : •••__•'.-.-as ' and uncertainly pre-1 " After.tho ceremony, the favored guests ^.;:.:-CGGU5 -G.-B.- Buiiiiiug, - formerly of Dfiortality] . Tho sources of proof that lengthy he would not detain the con- •air. Vanmitta was born hriS33Dpo9 upon what isi howknownanow known ass thoe Larison milmilll ' aented to the large congregation.' repaired to tho home of the bride where a • •: ; Newton, us clerk in charge of the Court propertyperty. lie wag the'son Aaron and Susan Vannatta. During the war he was we shall live beyond the grave, out- gregation beyond the usual time by t After a voluntary on the piano by reception was held. The collation was of Errors and Appeals jarid the Pro- nected with the Quartermaster's Department. For fifteen years he was a side of the teachings and revelations of j making the remarks that he intended served by T. B. Howell, the well-known carriage builder in Washington,' but of recent years mid at the present time, he Prof. Schleider, of Hackettstown, Miss : rogntive Court work, and will enter Christ are three: the suggestions from to, feeling that' the theme had been caterer of Hackettatown.: There; was a is employed as a cabinet maker in Cornish & Co.'a factory. Belle Mitchell rendered a piano solo; : upon his duties May 1st. Tho position In 1S90 ho was elected Councilman for a term of three years and in 1804 was the world of nature, the result of hu- well treated in song. display of numerous handsome presents.' a male quartet consisting of Messrs. carries with it r. handsome salary. again elected for another three years' term, which hne just expired. The office i /•,,,„„ Tj_n.iu,. -n P Tn ,;hnni. man reason and the instincts of the Another fine solo from the Messiah, Mr. and Mrs. Young left on the 8 o'clock of Mayor, to which he has been chosen, is a one-year terra, but it has been a « Bowlby^D. B^ Laubaoh, Lewis The appointment while an appro- hnmnn-heart; yet,-none of.thcso far^ TU-JkTpKln«h-yt followed ,vrfth,C=O Of trsinzlbr^VashiagtonpI 1 custom in the past to re^lgetHinlnf>nmheat9 to three successiveterm»,-iiM»oH&fDi!d*ns.iiiiu MHV. t by a glorious transformation brought . '... I was first to see - how-much money could the contest. The following score more S; Losey,8; Wrighfc,8;Longcor, C; Petty, Aftor Mayor Vannatta and Council- about by a process of a nature is trans- : be gotten together among themselves, arid fully explains the details: 2. . . .;,; to this end.the President was authorized men Ourl and Eckel were sworn in, formed into the beautiful lily. He Mayor Vannatta appointed the follow- WASHINGTON. Junction—J. Cannon, 13; J. Hardy, to appoint a committee of five members to. said there were many lives jough like o ing committees: All. ir. 13; J. Woodruff, 13; J. Ktley, 1?; W. ; .„..'.!• .;. -....,-. solicit, subscriptions j. j;iBto.pJr.^:'A8jlthQ;~ If. 4 l. tho buib"vvhicu""ai 6iin'ul« bouuufui atid- : EEck, 12; A Rinehart, 12; J. Crater, ^12; " ™" matter now appears to stand, the erection Smith; o; 5 o fair like the lily, by the hand of God." Fire Department—Haub, Hanco, Eclccl. Ervjn,.2b 5 M. Cannon, 11; W. Kiley, 10; A, K, , of the building;rests almost solely with '- pulpit platform was a bower of tliesuccess of tbe committee in securing PoorpCurl, Spangenbors, nance. Clirist'ine. m, 5 Smith, 9; H. Puraell, 8; J. Skinner, 7; Craft, lb.. floral beauty. : On it were placed in : _... subscriptions...^, , - !..._.:,; ..-:.- .;.;\;™V^ « . .: .^';\ ;v; Ordinance—Eckel, Raiib, Bowers. Lance, rf, 6 T. Smith, 7; Vusler, li; W. Allen, G. mm1 : : : : i i ; ii : Streetr-Hnnce, Spangenborg, Riuib. Force, 3b 4 an artistic manner, calkUilies, palms, Liconse—Bowers, Riiub, Hanoo. Hill, of. 2 ferns, azelias, marguerites,,i(ind many "Wedded,'nt Puterson. School—Eckel, Bowers, Our], Uhlo,p;. .0 2 The Peach Buds Fro/.i'ii. other potted plants and a boquet of Miss Bertha, the accomplished daughter The unseasonable cold weather Mon- I of es-AIderuitui Bnunhall, was married Sidewalk—Itaub, Bowers, Spangonberg. Total 37 14 9 27 roses. • day night and the frost of Tuesday "KCCK HOMO" ISV .1. BKK.U 1>. Sunday night to Mr. James} Edwards of Public Property—Hnnce, Curl, Eckel. ST. PETER'S. Electric Lights —Spnngenberg, Hance, night have probably done considerable Washington, N. J., formerly of,.tIii«_eity.™ All. Bev. VVillialn P. Evans, rector of St. Eckel. Mattes, ss 5 damage'to the peach as well as other The great feast was observed by 7 brought ro % close by the rendition or [i'l know-that-iny-Redeemer Liveth," Mark's P. E. church, performed .the cere- Pollcc-Spangenberg, Bowers, Curl. _-_ .Bruner. 2b ;._•!.-. fmiturops. The moderate weather of many- services?^ THe H rat """Aliolui as f Hater,"of ;.7...~.. ~o Dudley Buck's "Christ the Lord is was now sung ;by Mrs. Alleger. She mony in the latter edifice at. 7 o'clock. Miscellaneous—Bowers, Riiub, Curl. Giants, 3b 5 the past few weeks had allowed the were sung on Easter, Even' by the Risen" by the choir, in which Mrs. Wii3 at her beat and sang- the long Many friends of botli parties were Wilholm. lb...... 5 buds to come out so far that they were children afc the vesper service on Satr Jam us HvJohnstoir took the solo part. selection with an artistic and pleasing present. The bride was gowned In white Warts, rf, 4 urday at 5 p. m. p gwed In white Bcehtol, c 3 particularly susceptible to the bad The Sunday school had special exer- effect. A quartette, composed of'Mrs. ilk ith l d Tho surprise of tho week was the mar- effects of cold weather. Owners, of Easter Day proper began with the silk, with pearl and lace trimmings. She Prico, If,; 4 cises and there were some pretty floral Alleger, Miss Speira, Mr. (Kaso and riago, of Mr. Joseph. A, Beavers, district Geary, p...... 4 celebration of the Holy Comnninioii'at carried a prayer book. Miss Anna Stanley!. _ orchards say that while the damage decoration'* in honor of ths-occasion. beautiful and difficult solo part -was was maid of honor, antl'waa "attired in ..superintendent ,of-.the_..PriidGnt.lfl'I Tnsur-. done cannot be reckoned upon with 7:30 arm;jfatwhich;"many of 'the faith- ance Co., and Miss Susan Sweeny, at the rTofcttlr-Vi^r^-sy 4 10 24 10 The program was prepared by Mrs. taken by Mrs. Johnston in a fine man- White brocaded silk with loco trimmings any degree of accuracy, yet itiscor- ful made their communion. ; Tho maid carried a shower bouqaet,comi_ homo of tho bride's mother, Mrs. Anna . . SCORE BY INNINGS. - me ntv i 1 W. G. Creveling, Miss Isabelle Stew- ner. The doxology andL...bengdiotion.l Washington... 3 4 0 0 2_ 2^2 l...x—14 fejpj'ji'.ftjij? °f. ffiff-h^-fo \l e!"n!!!---,{I^^-Tbo -greats ssr.vico^cf^thc-dnrjr—TvoSTtt : puseuufpiuk rbsea-and-whitehyacinthaT" M. SweonyK.East^,\Vasliington..'Ayoiiuo.-at ir"l


Local Correspondence. Important Notice! Don't Laundry Pointers ! -:-X" BELVIDEBE. HxUWIONY. DKLAWAUK. The only genuine "Baker's Chocolate, Stand Outside. »-Easter day was observed with more than Rev. Wm. S. Coeymin returned to the Fred A, Smith has gone to New York 'usual interest by the churches of the place. A. E. Church to brotk ttio lirondof life city and secured a position m a conductor celebrated for more than a century as a de- ', Tho Summer season is at hand The flowers and plants were beautiful and o this people for another year. on a trolley car there. The glimpses we give you • there seemed to bo an abundance of.tUem. nnd your laundry must needs have • The services all partook largely of tlio ton- Mrs. Win. Stout give u dinner party to James P. Jones, of town, spent part of icious, nutritious, and flesh-forming bever- j attention prior to any other gar- - rderne68, sympathy and love that tjather tome friends last Tuuraday. I last week at Crt-sco, Pn., where he caught from time to time of the ment you may, wear. A snow- around the occasion. At the Baptist Arthur H. Gareon. tenchor of the Picas- ome very ilno-trout ai tthhe result of his age, is put up in Blue Wrappers and Yel- ; whlto, spotless shirt front, with church two interesting services were held, Lnt Grove public school, is lit the home of .rip. money-saving and bene- collars and cuITa matching exactly : at which the ordinances of baptism was ifs parents, with Ms brother who is ill. Sifts Emma Kitchen, of ffufticsburg, is low Labels. Be sure that the Yellow: j» wWtoness, are essential. celebrated, there being a number of can- Mr. Wtehy, of Upper Harmony, hns ipi'iiding u slioit time with friends in Label and our Trade-Mark are on every j fits for you by dealing Only experienced Help employed didates. The pastor, the Rev. Mr. Boon, loved to Mauch Chunk.where tie will live own. by us, artfaU at tholr work, pains- was assisted by tbe Rev. D. DeWolf, a •1th hit datigntcr, .Mrs. Arndt. Mrs. Good Friday services were held 011 the package. taking , and careful, who will not r State official. ;• -'vc* ~: • •'•'•••- •/-: \.nna Stiff, of your borough, will occupy 16th liu.1 In the Episcopal cliurci on thu with us, must be as un- wilfully or through ncgligonco ;he house vacated by Mr. Wisby. ilternoonof that date ami were fairly at- allow your garments to bo muti- Our markets are well supplied with tended by town people. • : • : WALTERBAKER & CO. Ltd., Dorchester, Mass.; about everything but strawberries. These Charloa Mutcher, formerly of thij place, satisfactory as a peep lated or torn. : - ias tliken onto himself a wife. Lota of rafts were run down the Dela- are scarce and very poor. Theodore Johnson, of Uniontown, is still ware river and it Is siad this season is tho Many Ladles nro not aware that President Warileld, of Lafayette College, ery ill with dropsy. best for raiting they have hadinanuni- view of a circus, unless wo "do up" Laco Curtains. We gave the members of Chautauqua Circle a icr of years. launder them In first-class style, fine address on "The Heroic Element In and roturn them to you almost as American History." He Is a very fluent Mrs. Bruon, mother of Rev. J. DeHart you will also come and you; b boughe t thorn at the store— O. H. Hinoline, of New York, is visiting Bruen, pave a very interesting discourse to •lit and fresh. speaker and never fails to interest and in- ils mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hlnelinc. tho W C. T. U. in the Presbyterian church bright struct. - MIssLillio Keifer Is the happy owner of on Thursday afternoon last look through our stock—• The Odd Fellows will observe the TSth No Annoying disappointments now wheel. Mrs. O. I. Higgins promised to give attend our patrons. Be your pack- anniversary of the order by attending tbe FITTS' : Rev. Mr. Edmondson' church, April 23th. Mm Laura Mayers, of Elizabeth, spent prizes to those scholars who attended and examine the goods, test age largo or small It has our equal The Court of Pardons baa paroled the Saturday and Sunday with Miss Emma lad the best Sunday school lessons dur- caro and attention. Verbal order following Warren county prisoners:"Win. ing the year at. tho Episcopal church. values. Then you'll know or postal brings our wagon—nnd and Theo. Wilgus, Jos. Devore and Frank Ciirrol DeWitt spent Easter with his Master Fred Quig and Harry Kibble were our delivery is made as desired— J. Van Gordon, all hailing from Palm- larents, Mr. nad Mrs. Thomas DoWitt. ,he lucky ones. The former receiving BEE PROMPT-SUBS. quarry and convicted in October, 1S95, of Miss Gertie Nolf, of Belvidere, is visiting Vo dollars and the latter three. and enjoy. Try it; there's breaking and entering. They were a bad it Peter Young's. Miss Ellen M. Cummins returned fiora an „„ cranir and deserved all the punishment they ixtended visit in Dover, Del., on Tuesday . everything to gain. .,„..;, Trvln Rliller.-who has been sick for two iveiling last. V/lillo we probably litriuuan got." ;•-• "-••y.r. ••• weeks, is improving. ". - •"•'" irror of some weeks' duration in reporting HIVE u\j"vyf'Hit Eggs were down to ten cents a dozen the MIsa Jennie Love, a formor resident bliss Cummins' return, as tbe town corres- latter part of last week. They usually icre, mis visiting friends here last week. pondent of "The Blairstown Press" said LM. DAVIS, STEAM LAUNDRY, boom In price about Easter time. Two of our young boys, Rnub Loin- ast week, yet when we report we always The pink tinted arbutus now decks the tason and Midisun Engler, aru taking ;ry to apply the name Miss to unmnrried Below Cornish's Factory. Broad Street. lapel of tbe gallant youth as. he sallies ioliu lessons of J. D. Hillmati. idles una Airs, when married. Evidently THB APRIL NE WS. forth to lead captive the fair sex. Miss Mabel D.uiley is visiting friends in The VrtsA" coi respondent in town has A reception was tendered the Rev. Mr. Haston. brgotten how to use these words and would Wilson and wife, of the Methodist church, fall dhort in trying to secure tho prize of Store news. Good news to hundreds of prospective buy- lost Monday evening, and n, very pleasant Mr. and Mrs. Schujr have moved from we thousand dollars per month which a ers."News relating to many lots of April'needfuls that it time was enjoyed. The membership turned ilartin's Creek, into John Kioier's house. :ertnin General Manager of a Railroad out quite largely. George Aruey is happy; it's a boy. iffcrs to the person who never nukes an will pay you to take note of. County Chairman Blair, of the Republi- Miss Carrie Bnchman spent Easter with irror. We will take a cigar ladies. can Committee, wan in Lowu Saturday dis- tfr. and Mrs. William Humlin at Ochre ThoEister entertainment given by the With such a volume of values we should make a merchan- tributing Easter eggs. None but the taith- Galley. Y. P. S. C. E. Society in the Presbyterian dise moving record that will-be hard to beat a year hence. If you only knew ful know what they contained. Ed. Garret and family, John Koch nnd cb.urch parlors on Friday evening lost was The city fathers got together long enough family, Spencer Hoff and wife and Budd a grand success and tho net profit-) realized •This go-ahead store will be a great traffic centre for all Holden all spent Easter at J ames DeWitt's. from Barae were about ?2l' which goes Saturday to subscribe to the oath of office towards expenses of tbe Y. P. S. C. E.classes of our buying public during April. what very handsome patterns and colorings we and have a social chat. They then ad- Mr. and Mra. David Wisby havu sold out The entertainment was given exclusively journed over to Monday night when they tnd gone to Mauch Chunk. His home is by the children and Misses Baird and Van effected an organization and set the ball a for rent. Syckle deserve credit in preparing them Handkerchiefs and Glovos I An Apiil Sale of Millinory, have in Wall Paper this spring, you would not rolling for the year. Councilman McMur- Mrs. Clark Hartung, of Easton, spent for the sr.:»o. trie, who just returned from Europe, was faster with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lev! for April. present at the Monday evening meeting. think of purchasing until you had looked over our KARL'S CLOVER I1OOT will purify i Shirt Waists, Capos and , The Rev. Sir. Wilson's father was pros Howard Rttey spenspec t Sunday with his your Blood, clear your complexion, re- Many special lots to be sold at trated with paralysis at his home in Irving- brents, Mr. and Mrs. William RUey. gulate your Bowels and make your head special prices. This will be emphati- \ Separate SiSXTtS. • new stock. Our sales this spring have been ex- ton, a few days ago, and may not recover. Rev. J. D. Hill man preached a very in- clear as a bell. 25c., 50., and $1.00. Charfes Naylor and wife celebrated the callv a week of bargains in the hand-; ceptionally large and. we cannot help attributing 25th anniversary of their marriage a few teresting Easter sermon on Sunday morn- ng. The church was decorated with AJSTHON*. kerchief section. i This offering is in everyway worthy evenings since, and enjoyed one of the ferns, cilia lilies and other potted plants, Hnndkercbtefo from 2c to 25c. ! of the occasion. Styles, materials, and many of them to the winsome patterns. most pleasant occasions ot their lives, sur- [n the evening we had a special Easter Mrs, John Beatty had a life insurance rounded as they were with friends, all vle- policy in the Prutientinl for 5105, which aiLadIea'4.BuUon Kid Gloves, 75c-vnluo j prjces are hefe tQ pIease ^ most ex. ing with each other to make the event iervice entitled, "The Risen Lord." Calvin Amey and family, of Belvidero, was promptly paid. '' Full line of Silk Gloves at all times. acting tastes. Many exclusive ideas both pleasing and profitable. The host Alex. Anderson and wife spent Sunday and his good wife received numerous sub- ipent Easter with her parents. nt the home of his father, D. C. Anderson, with no duplicates will be quickly stantial evidences of the appreciation in The P/.bboa, Eadiancs. secured. The first comers always get PERSONAL.—The gentlemen who annoy- it Woodglen. While upon this subject which they are held by a large circle of Prall Opdyke, of Glen Gardner, spent All widths; all colors, and best of the choice pickings. Your April friends. ;d the congregation last Sunday by con-Easter at Little Brook, at the home of his inually coughing will find instant relief all, they're all silk. Satin on one side j Hat is here awaiting your selection of The pigeon'shoot was declared off atby using One Minute Cough Cure, a speedy uncle, Jacob Lance. Danville last Saturday, on account of theand harmless remedy for throat and lung Mrs. Ribbons, mother of Jacob, Robert and gross grain on the other, and at trimmings. Come early, as the rush it is appropriate to. remind you that we also keep.a '. -,- - spring elections.: .•; :-;;_,_...::.::.v:.:;:_.::. ;:.:-•;--.•-• ".. troubles. b\ H. Jenkins' Warren Co. Drug _nd Charles, died at th« liume ouff hebur r1 these nnces thev will create some- lias commenced. This department is The people of Belvidere are more than Store. daughter, Amanda, at Orange, nn Titesd'ij delighted over the good news that the silk of lust week and was buried at Pleasant thing of ~a si'iisatiun. • in charge of Miss Hogan, of line of high grade paint and oils—-the kind we know mill is to be enlarged and that a weaving Grove on Thursday. Deceased had many Bl:wk and Colnra, N'os. 3 at oc. 9 at 10u. I York., :. : department will be added. ' The Messrs. POKT friends in this neighborhood. Her age was 12 at 12c, 1G at 15c. are right and can guarantee fully. Permit us to" Bamford were here lost week and decided Dr. H. M. Cox and son, Irving, of your bout 80 years. on buildinc at once. The plans have been Shirt Waists from 19c up—all new. ;own, were here last week renewing old Rev. W. F. Randolph preached his tirst April Dress Goods. . Capen from 93c up to ?5.00. placed in the hands of local contractors for tcquuintmices. sermon here on Sunday nnd it was a very show you what we can do. estimates. The building is to he 7Ssl34 r Ladies' Skirts from 99c up to .J3.99. feet, one story high. It will extend out Aug. Hedden, of Port Colden, has moved good o'ne. Rev. Jos. McMniiimun, our late Profiting by former expe ience, we over the water some 18 feet. It is to beinto "Hogan's Alley," in the house vacat- pastor, was present. He goes to Walpuck have put the Dress Goods stock in the built of brick and to be completed by June ed by Isaac Hurdman, and John Hender- jentrej Sussex county, on Tuesday. Our 1st. There is a feeling of general satisfac- son has moved to "Cherry Tree Bend." best wishes go with him. best possible shape to satifactonly Shoes and Hosiery for April. tion over the action of tbe Batnfords and Mrs. T. Edwin Vassar is visiting1 her "Veritas" said his say in last week's meet the great demand for Apri.l our people will do all they can to encour- mother at Flemington, who is quite ill. STAB and much good may it do him.Dresses. The exceptional values will A. B. Groff & Bro. age the firm. We hope that no one will When he talks about taxes, we might refer Business making items these, all throw any obstacle in the way of this pub- Capt. Hill is very busy in his saw mill speak for themselves. - - i>'e improvement, something that will ;etting out ties and posts for Boss Fro trie. to a certain supervisor's account; when he bought for a quick sale, and to be -Oar neighbors arc painting and other' refers to "isms'! we might say that Ciist- All wool Henriettas and Serges at 25c.. benefit the entire community. This firm nensm is as dend as a door nail in politics, Choice lino of novelty Dress Goods from t "' is pursuing a very liberal course toward its vise improving their property so that we so far as two families are concerned. employees and has recently advanced the iardly recognize them as we pass by. 25c up—all special values. hosiery and shoes throughout(on this wages of the young people and given them Frank Apgar commenced househeeping store. Here's some helpful lints for a chance to make anywhere from five to Wm. Perry, of Port Colden, is the guest in Stephensburg on Thursday. The Only OHO-Price of his grandparents, Mr. .and Mrs. B. F. April Furnishings. you. \y seven dollars a week. We want all thePerry. Henry S. Apgar. who has been.sick for CLOTHING) men with this same spirit and enterprise some time, is slowly improving: ' UOUSEln Biaton, !•». in pur midst that we can get. There is not a vacant house in town. These for the men folk, all fresh Ladies' Dongola Shoes, button or lace, •s at 93c. ' n This speaks well for our place. Croup and whooping cough are child- and inviting, and with a price temp-: Ladies' Dongola Goodyear welt, at §1.99 r The Odd Fellows, some 25 in^number, We are very sorry so say that Mrs. Re-hood's terrors; but like .pneumonia, bron- —a reimlar S2.50 shoe. ..„•--.•.,..,-.....,-•....-.. .• •-"-•" "~ mwe goue-inio'-uprocective-associanon 'iuCYY-'uf \ ,r "" There is no other way to decide which of the various claims deserve your ?3 a quarter to become a member. Drugstore. Fast Black Hosiery, 10c, 15c, 25c. / •/' Ladies' Fast Color Hose, from 5c to 50c careful consideration. Comparison of statements alone will not determine ihe will recover from the attack. Best Shirt on earth for 25c. \ ff —colors warranted or money returned. One of the silk mill's big horses, driven The outlook for business on the canal is which is the most conscientious dealer and entitled to your patronage. by Billy Melberger from Belvidere to Ox-jot very bright at present. There are only BKIDGEVILLE. That's why wo offer to refund money if you can improve upon your pur- ford, died a few days ago of colic, while on 1 chase here. .'..:'••• the road, and the Oxford young folks had a few orders on hand aud none at all for Miles Banghart, of Glen Gardner, and Don't fail to visit the BeeHive !.for your every want, as we are in better the pleasure of footing it home. The horse future doHvery. lady friend; Wm. M. Banghart, Jr., ofcondition to serve you than ever tefore, at prices we are sure will please. 1 was replaced at once. Bumlars tried to enter the residence of Bound Brook; Charles and Percy Bang- Elegant Spring Suits and Ovorcoats, $7.50, $10 and $12. Rev. T. E. Vassar Sunday night. They hart, of Belvidere; David Banghart and Our Motto—100 cents for your dollar or no sale. Beautiful Pictures and The Wonder Cornet Band, of town, will cut out a glass and raised the window bu wife, of Hone Station, and A. B. Simerson Silverware you free with your purchases. give a fine musical and dramatic entertain- were frightened away by the dog. and wife, ot Manunkachunk, spent Easter ment in the opera house on the evenings Alvin Beatty has secured a position a Sunday with relatives here. SPRING OVERCOATS. ofthe6th,7th and Sth of May. Charley Rockaway and will leave us Tuesday. B In Making nnd Cutting. Collins, the inimitable Dutch comedian, of "Jacob Bowlby, of Rocksburg, makes his Only tho nowoet clothtt I Only tho Newest Ue Eoston, will be the star performer. Tin The Karrsville correspondent seems to weekly trips with, fresh shad through this J. WARREN Fins, 33 E. WASHINGTON AVENUE Price, $6.00 to $15.00. boys want to raise the wind a little am like to glean Port Murray news. It's asection, and as he sells to suit the times wonder he does not confine himself to hissoon disposes of his load. MEN'S CLOTHING. Soo our superb Hpring I MEN'S CLOTHING. Tho cream and Do wot have taken this method of doing it. own territory. snowing, of men'u aultsat $IO. Newest and | our Spring Goods. Suitu at *|5. Oarraoi The schools are getting in trim for Arboi Richard Green, of Danville, is delivering chokost BtylBB or spring Cheviots and Cassi-1 equal to custom work la ovory particular. Inc Day, April 30th. We have no house for the new minister. much timber at our depot for a Mr. tuoroB. Uottor tuan cheap cuatom work. | word, those uulta are nothing short of perfect. Some of our capitalists will have to buili Hance. :- Best Grades at Lowest Prices As far as we know court will open on one or more. Established over 35 years. They have i A Men's Business Suits, $4.00 to $7.00. The new miller atSarepta is running the Tuesday, the 27th. But if, as is reported, S.F.' improving under the . _ succenifully stood tie toat of time and ORGANS: SSStylosof Cliildren's Short I'ant Suits, in tho the 27th is a legal holiday, the opening n mill day and night to meet the demand of N-Uue. Stripped on 16 days test trial tc your own homo under our reliable guarantee of lu y 25 Styles of Cblldroa's Short I'aut Suite. Uouolo doubt will be deferred until tlie 2Sth. new treatment and it is hoped he mayhis many customers. fljNo satisfaction, DO pay. Oroanifrom ' " * ' — Breasted and Junior Suits, $1.00 toS2.00. moat Striking and Escluslvo Novcltiea, $4 to i6. fully recover his former health. ^TO-DAY for Catalogne Bay 43 Styles of Children's Short Pant suits. Platda, Boys' Long Pant Suita, J3.U0 to 110.00. _^ Mr. Cole expected to take the America] Edward F., Smith's hunting dog was - iw and unique dosigns, $3.00 - •- . ...: Uhlldron'a Kneo I'anta, 35 cts. to $1.00. _ ~" House bat "the arrangement fell throug Our new minister, the Rev. King, deliv- shot and killed by a neighbor a few days with and be may now take the Pequest ered his initial sermon to us Sunday morn- ago. Ed. doesti'o use a Sunday school lesson BICYCLE SUITS. , ing. It being Easter, he took his text when discussing the affair. SPHI1TG HATS. House. This is the talk now but talk is so from St. Luke's gospel, "Why seek ye the Flno All Wool Cbovlot and TwoodHogulatlon plentiful and so cheap that one cannot be- living among the dead," etc., portraying Constable Banghart is the owner of a 3pular Flat Sot ,w Edge Soft Hat. All lieve more than a third that he hears. the works of Him who died for us on Ca]malteae sbepard pup with blue eyes. It is OWB, Hfc to J2.B0. Illcyclo and English Golf Suits, ^7 7- - r L Cards archest •annoarioirig-the^miirriag vary and thus became the Saviour of alla beauty and is for sale. • Golf Caps, 25o to ? :.•'.•.•:'. •.•- • ' t2.M tO «B.6O;., :••;••: • .: -.:..;;.-.:: of Miss Alice Harris McMurtrie, daughtei mankind.. He ia an able and . learned of Councilman McMurtrie, and George speaker and the congregation in general Glenn Gtngles is the: proud owner, of a Van Dusen Riepert. It will be a churcl were well pleased to have received such a "We Invite attsntionto our Pine;Lino of "Men's wedding, and will be celebrated at tin good man. The church presented a most First Presbyterian church, Rev. Mr. Bruen beautiful appearance through the • kind- .00 SHOE We Manufacture Every ArtieloofClothtni wo Sell pastor, on Wednesday, April 21st, at 12:31 ness of .the ladies who decorated it with The Style, Fit and Wenr ' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE. - p. m. flowers and potted plants, typical of th could not be improved fur day and occasion. Double the.Price. - Every Artiolo Marked in Plain Figures. Messrs. McMurlrie and Gros3 arrivec ^ZJ^r~ ~ home from-their. "European:; tour :;Sunda; 1 night, and were warmly welcomed at thi '.-Ui Douglas-$3.50,-34.00~anci- $5.00 -Shoes-are* the—- station by a number of friends. Worms. Is what gives Hood's SarsaparlUa Its great pop- productions of skilled workmen, from the best ma- ularity, increasing sales and wonderful cures. terial possible to put into shoes sold at these prices. Mother Gray's Sweet Worm Powderi We make also $2.50 and $2.25 shoes for men, and Now is the .firne^T"^ Thirty years is a long time to fight so cure Feverishness and Destroy Worms The combination, proportion and process in Used by Mother Gray, a nurse in the preparing Hood's Ssrsaparilla are unknown .,£2.50,-$2.00 and 51.75 for boys, aridJftc V. L. to look over your old harness and see what repairs are painful a trouble aa piles, but Jacob Mitch- -Douglas $3.50 Police shoe, very suitable for ell, ot Unionville. Pa., struggled that long Children's Home. New York. At all drug- to other medicines, and make it peculiar to needed. Everything should be gotton in readiness for the before ho tried DeWitt's Witch Haze dists, 25c. Sample FREE. Address, Allen itself. It acts directly and positively upon the lelter-orrkrs, policemen and others having Salve, which quickly and permanent S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Wood, andasthe blood reaches everyiiook much walking to do. busy days of spring, i so that no time will be lost in delays. cured him. It is equally effective in ecze- and corner of the human system, all the We have two very capable men at the bench prepared to do • ma and all ekin affections. F. 2i. Jenkins1 •\Venro constantly adding now styles to oar Warren Co. Drug Store. - , VIENNA. nerves, muscles/bones 3nd tissues come un- already larjie variety, nnd tliero Is no rea- repairing in the best possible manner.. Bring in your old . Mra. Isaac Hillt of Walnut Valley, der the beneficent Influence of j| son why you winiiot lie suited, so Insist on harness and-'haye it made strong in; fact..-and like new in ; yisiting-hor-parents, Mr. and Mrs..£ hiivinn W. li1. Douglas Shoes from your jamin Howell. •-•' '•---tlcs\izr---:.-~^: T-T:~~.:r--~•--•:r••—• - :---;- BUTTZArILLE. Miss Grace Merrell and Miss L. Howel ily ttic licst Calf, Russia CaU Simon Skyler, who has been sick fo returned to the Normal School on Monday. (.rs>. Fruiwh Patent Calf, some time, is now able to be out doors. endi Ki i:cl, Viei Kid; etc., "Mrs. John G. Anderson has presents The measles are spreading in this village irresiiond with prices Washing|on Harness Sto^e. the M. E. church with brown plush kneel and the neighboring one of Petersburg. »'(tho si Wilbur Smith, teacher of the Free Union L. G. SMITH, Manager. _ ,, : , ing cushions, which were much needed. school, spent Saturday and Sunday with ii|']ily you, TheSTARis the favorite paper in th Vienna friends. Sarsaparilla : -, plCCe. .-,>-,;'::;:.;:,:;;.: -'^ :-.--„.;..: ,; •.-:•;. -. •: -\ ;;••„• The One True Blood Purider..-All druggists.. ?l. ;,W, L. DOUGLAS, RrocHonJ John' Martenis, and Nora Albert/of New- CATALOGUE I'ltuu. Miss Fanny Simons, and Mrs. S. Nark, spent Easter with their parents. oure LIvor IIl3 Cross, of Sterling, Pa., are spending tht u j» rk'ii i cwy to wWeek_withiMra..OrossL-brother.-John,.G Easter_wjmi|}propriately observedjn all ElOOd S PHIS take.easytooperato.26c. in the Methodist church both morning and Bev. S. Lambert our new minister, was evening. The church was tastily decorat- with us Sunday and preached a very im- ed and the children did their part remark- Repairing of Furniture ana Upholstering'.a Specialty. pressive Easter sermon. Ho expects tc Sond for our new 18»B Cat- j ably well. In the Christian church the nloguo, iUuetraicd ID colors, OVER 20 VEAK3* EXPEItlBNOH. ! , ' move In the parsonage this week. services were held in the evening. Here coniuimnt' full UcscriptloiiB of Clara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B the decorations and all preparations all our i'lncoa. and Organs. Shop, O&ceand Residence:, 148 West Washington Aye. Pittenger, orPhlllipsburg, while visiting showed careful forethought. Although KEMKMBEH we are tUo only her grandparents, of this place, was take: but a trifle over a week < had i been spent FREE! FREE! flrai of. nctuul uiauufacturera upon it yet everything passed off with sollinp OXCIUSITOIJ to tho general public direct, ntfactory tMtf—the onlly flrnifl whorh e you cct tiin yery sick but at this writing is much in Keal Ktxnet Vnluo for yonr money. Thuro nro no AcenU', Itoalors1 or Jllddlomen1- profits, i; great credit and the children deserve great proved. . •• '•*"•;'' • ; • •', ' ' ' •"• '\ added "THE BEST IS, AYE, ' THE CHEAPEST.' '- - Christian: Banghartj of Free Union, praise.' *•' • • ^,;_ ...... sn!. t yon_™«.r ctrcmiifitunicH- ^« o. Jur oi n EASYPAYMEKTS,^ ..;:,. —z^z niQVedintoOalebBoit'ahouae hrtbfe:] " _-;;T.he main road through town is receiving jr own liomo under mirFpoclnl-ff • (Jryuua flilppud on Uiirty- dny'B* trial In . . : AVOID IMITATIONS,:OFJ AND ^SUBSTI- .'• .): _on.Monday;,pfthisjyeek.,;.;_. ^.^:^_ a" coat of. gravel. _This will make;'fine \quiredin advance. Safejnftrimto-rg— -"-*-'--"-] - -idbsijsnnaaentlynrt_™,K«.^«u«,.-.,_»,w..^d- size oontains twenty-five only 25cr"'Ohna:Tby Ono MinuteTCough Cure. "F.N.Jen- ren love It.;; Sold at Carter's Drug Store., kins' Warren Co. Drug Store. THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J^, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1897.

r HA ZEN. PEESIDENT'S ENORMOUS MAIL. To'Cook Mutton uiicl humb. ~ Isaac Lnntz. of whom we spoke a few "The flesh of mutton should bo a bright wooks ago as bolog quite seriously ill, we He HCCPIVCH IIH Jinny tis Eight lluu- red color, the fat firm and white,1! suys CASHAND GIVEN FREE aro g:lad to note. Is able to bo out again dred JjL'tters per Day. Mrs. S. T. Roror, In her cooking lesson In and paid a visit Sunday to his,daughter, the Ladies' Home Journal. "Select for OXPOKD. Mrs., J. T. Jones, who has also boon "AHmany as eight hundred letters in boiling, a lea or shoulder; for roasting or PRIZES EACH MONTH seriously sick for somo tlmopast, but at ono day are received at tho White House, baking, a loin or saddle; for broiling, the As follows: Prof. The Choral Union concert of this writing Is improving slowly. but comparatively few of these, only the rack cut Into French chops; loin chops 4 First Prizes, eacli of $100 C Albright's class wa*t given at tlio Pres- most important ones, reach the President, may also be used; for stewing, tbe neck or byterian church on Thursday evening last. Our pastor, Rov- Hutobinson. exchanged for If he doalt personally with all his cor- upper part of tho rack; for broth or soup, 2O2OSBCoS n 00 Tbo JnrgoedKlco waa packed to the doors pulpits with liev. Edmonson. of the Second respondence ho could do nothing else," the neck and feet, or head. To boil u leg 40 Third and standing room w«n in order. The Presbyterian church of - Belvldore, last writes ex-President Harrison, toiling in of mutton, wipe It carefully with a dump fact (s so much Interest was takonlntho Sunday morning, who gave us a very earn- the Ladies' Home Journal, of "A Day clotb. Dustapieceof cbetsecloth thickly Cash and Prizes given each month - • $3,400.00 g . , concert that tho Prof, and blsolnsa of 45 est and Interesting Easter sormon on tho With tho President at His Desk," the first with flour, roll the leg In It, tie, place It in I inndo a biff hit The class entered tho Resurrection, of his series of articles on lite In tho White a kettle of boiling water and boll rapidly room while Smith Bros,' orchestra played House. "Very many of the letters ud- for flvo minutes. Then push the kcttiu on a prutty rauroh. They took tbelr neata on Tho Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Win. 'hey too Brinker has been aorlously sick with bron- dressed to tbo •.President," he adds, "are tho buck partof the atove, where the water Total given during I2mos. 1897, $40,800.00 WRAPPERS tho stage with Proff!. Albrl[ghi t at the front chitis and does not improve much. trivial, not a few of them ini pertinent, and will be keptitt a temperature of 200 degrees and a large silk tUgtUg hung acrosacr s ttio pulpitpulpit. some aC thorn angry and threatening. Fahrenheit, cooking twenty minutes to HOW TO OBTAIN THEM. ( . RULES. Tho.program consl Tho last meeting of our Lyceum Loague These, if tho private secretary is a judici- each pound. When done remove tho Coinmiilom i» nave nn ninny SUNLIGHT |. ET<«rT month dannr 1W In eiehof tbe4 dlitrlet* Thoprogram conslstelstea ooff solosoloss , duelsduels, for the season WIH hold Friday ovenlng. SOAP WruppprH IIH tbey can collect. Vut I PMZMtrlUbaKMnicdMfollovra- triostios , qunrtetqtta undd chorusesh . Among the ous mun, the President never bears of, and elotb, dish the mutton and servo It with off tho toi> portion of nneh rr S !! 1 Tl» 1 Competitor who lendiIn tto "-• features of which1 particular mention is They debated tho subject: Resolved. "That the malicious intent of the writer is caper sauce," • ' r.nrscHC Number ol coupon* from due wero thcao: A duot entitled, "Friend tho Into war was unneces&iry." Floyd thwarted. The requests for autographs thA ct I" which ba or tbaieildtt I. Jones wot) chosen chairman and acting arc scarcely numerable. Patches for bed " Limn, like mutton, should bo a bright will rec»l»o»| OO Canif* jorFoo"Huiiy by Profs.. Albright and Fow- Judge. After a short but spirited dlcueslim TIIB fi OoniptUtora who lend lath* ler; a aolo entitled "Night Songs" by Miss quilts and lunch clothes add to tho burden, red color, with white tat; it is bust when Next Jjiixsest Mumberii of cog- on both sides. It was leit to the judge, begging letters, for numbers, take the two months old.,-While mutton is much pool from tTio district in which th»j Lizzie Lnnnlng; solo and semi cliorus who after meditating for a fow minutes »*id9 will Ench receiie *t winoer'i "Light May thu Boat Row;" Recitations second placo In tho President's limit. They better if hung, Iamb should ho used within option A lady's orneotleniiD'a Fierce decided in favor of the nfllrmative. Tho come from every part of the land, and re- three days after killing. TIiu better way HBfclnl bicycle, price iiCO.OO. by Miss Martha SlutfTor and Geonro It. club U to reorganize in October next. Searing; duot by Misses Bennett, of Uncle- late to every possible subject, some aro of cooking is to roast or bake It, and the „ ~ Tbo 10 CompetltorinhoiendliJth* " ••-•'-• •• • to get un cduca- forcquartor is the choice portion, Wipe it Next LnrttcntNiiiiibcrHntooapoiiafroni the die ,:: ettstown, and Shrope, of Wiwhlngton. At Not longsince onoof our most eiiterprla- triotin which they reilda will Uncb recthektwiann'i tbo condition of tho conuurt the class infffarnicM, while driving along hlslano appeals to oid'the writer with a damp towel, place it in a Imkirig- option a lady's ur jcentleman's Gold Witch, prico $25. tfon,, or to pa,...y„ of _f a mort---'gi'ge| , or to buy a pan, It lightly with pepper. Put a 2. The Competition* will Clone the I,nnt Day of .. presented tho profoMHor with a memento with a team of hones to his farm wagon, Ench fllontlidnrinit 1837, Cotmont recel»d tooiite in appreciation of faithful service.' must havo been attracted by something piano or pony; and no form of public up- cup of water, with a teaspoonful of sit It New Yurie City* JJrookljn, l.on« forooo month's com petition will be put into tbo next. other than his team, for boforo he know it peul is ubsuiit—to aid the building of dissolved, In the bottom ot the pan, nnd _ QttdHlnlcnlHlnndmNe%rJcr>i-" 3. Competitors who obtain wrappers from untold Mrs. E. T. Lukcns and a class of'25 in churches, to endow schools, to build monu- place the whole in a very quick oven. In New York Mtnto [ounUU o/N. )*. C\ ho found himself, team and wagon off tho Brooklyn, tony and Slaltn lilamU), BOBplndwler'sBtock wlllbe cliwmilifled. Krnploysei number called lit the home of Mra. Henry bridge In the Pom-En-Daslng creek, but ments, and to aid every other good pur- a lew moments the water will have eva> of teter Brothom,, aad tWr (amlllei, srad«. A photographic view of J. T. Bell orated and the bottom of the pun will be tward iilnr>> tarrod from cosnwtfog. Myern on Sunday afternoon and r furtimitoly no d image was none and no- posu tor which men or women or children 4. A printed flit of Wlnnorsln Competitor'sdUtrid Httlo Easter exercise of singing, reel ...... body hurt. Whnt should havo como over associate themselves. On ono day thecovered with dripping. Bihte with tuis Lc"t ^ "*- will be forwarded t o Ootnpetltori in about SI days sftai the expert blacksmith and horse shoer and reading.* npprotirbitu to ttio dny. The the elderly gentleman wo can't understand requests for specific sums aggregated £U,- every ten minutes, bakine fifteen minutes Tlio Ni-w i:nglni»l Mtnt at work at his anvil turning a "shoe! - -'. call was due to the fact of that Mra. Myerd for be Is a strict temperance man. , 000. Them] appeals are unavailing in tlio to each pound, keeping the oven medium nature of tilings, and self-respect ought tu hot from beginning to end. Serve witn it .ttern, mTd by Oeo. H.PiercoioSj of Haf- prTies fairly to the bentof their ability and Judgment has been confined to the In•use far the pist ln«lon and New York. Fitted with ftartford butltlsnndentoodthatall whocompeteBRroo tr — Many years of close study and-^ . year by sickness and Is unable to attend Trailing arbutus,thocarpet fiowcr of tho restrain the practice." mint sauce." . . ,FI»t Cla-s Nlelcle Limj>. NBW Departure cupttboAward of J>«r Brothers, Ltd., Mfinal. the church. ods and the fairies'noaegay, is now in LEVER I1H0S., Lid., New York. perience has placed this man in an en gloom and the many seokerd after this Harris Lodjjc, Xo. 157, I.O.O.F.,wiIl beautiful and very fragrant little blos3om viable position smcr.g UDU &£ hm Uauty- „„_ attend divine services at th« Pnwhytiirj. uf tiio" WUUUM inny daily be seen roaming Wlmn t.ii*» unving-tfme.comcs : /church next Sunday. Annie," like all other sensible persons, winning him a large anf growing the hillside's. Tbo arbutus Is unusually will cleanse the liver and renovate the sys- Harry Zulauf, a farm hand on the farm well matured this year. tem with DoWitt's Little Early Risers, CATARRH NEVER PASS US BY business. of Frederick Wolflnger, seems to be lucky Mrs. Warne and two daughters, of, famous little pllld for the liver ami ston in finding old coins. At the farm near the 1 Mount-No-More mountain ho wiw working Kingston, N. JM who have been spending all the year round. K. N. Jenkins in tho field no vend days ngo whuu hu found a fortnight witli her parents, was joined Co. Drug Store. ft coin dated 1740. Making tho ttfth piece bv her husband, Rev. D. Ruby Wrtrne, last eesd y returned together on CORNISH of coin ho found In the same field. Friday. Point!* For Tin- Cook. At the meeting or the Willing Workers .: Tho Headquarters for- Prices of work to HMH every' of tho M. E, church on Wednesday even- , Flour anil butter mackerel before bnk- body. ' Tooth examined nai : ing limt, the following ollicers was elected: HAMPTON. I ing, and nerve with lemon juice squeezed THE BEST OF EVERYTHING advlcoglvea froe. • • ••.•;•' f-.;';. President, James W. O'Byran; lat vice Tbedcatu of Mrs. Phccbe Wolsted oc- on"iho ,ijnda wifok sauce of president, .John "II. Dalrymple; 2nd vice Vfllll1 ftflhtf WDHPfJ QhflOP Wears them out toooften perhaps, vou thin.. Teeth Extracted, d-^ ciirrod on SaturdayTand wa, due to para?y- ^JgL 1 v .: president, Mrs. John Creator; "HRorntnry, Vl IUU1 flflUjf IrDdlS UllUOii —So do the (IROWfM UP CHrLDftE^—only ]';.; ';i"!../;""^/:/Vas; cents"!':: Miss Alico Hornbaker; asslstint secretary, I MK^ ingt ElSin^E more ao. You MUST KENEW them, nnd you want GOOD SHOES at the All local applications free William Dalrymplc; treasurer, Nicholas "S^Wel/teT was oSoof* Vu°r } of the ™vy, to whth hl' AAI n IK, LJ r A n LEAST PO5SIBI.B PRICE. We have a lino of CIIIMXltlSN'S SCHOOL Teeth . extracted -• poeltlrely': Ltimpshire; oriruiM, Lydla TIce, nsal-stant LULD 'N HEAD wlU-out pain by the use of our cula and ITOtfutHthuMeinhrdno.M Hffliorontbe 'illOISS that we nUST CLEAR OUT. We are selling them at LESS THAN organist, Lena McNonr. . S!£U«S SS^S^I^'iKbf^Sciou, ,, prepay fiifet- or Tiisie iiml Snicll. Full SIz* -VK,-,; Trial JOST.—if this is TRUE, and we assure you it is—It means that you. can aa1 vitalized air or vapor.os centa : Easter day was delightful and the people ize lOu. at Uruct'lata er by nmll. Tooth filled with gold, si and up. turned out in large numbers at the cnureh, ELY BROTHEU3, w> Warroo Street, Now York money by taking advantage of ourgoffer. . . . : ol eoth fllled with olfve"tvor-, «7L "_. Tho Presbyterian church was decorated "resbyterian church by letter May 2.1857. P^"-y Into tancy shape — -- Come to-day-wo have ell sizes and styles, all grades and prices. I sot of tooth. oitset of with ferns and potted plants nnd a pretty Icr generous nature arid kindly dtiposiUon """e the lutoter not, lira, Teeth, f 8. programmo was rendered. All who took mdeared her to a largo circlo of friends. \ P'f^s of pastry. • ) 0OO0O0(K>OO OOOOOO OOOOOO O Spring; Styles in Our Dry Goods Dep't Our $9 eets of teetn are tho beet that are made part did well. At the Methodist church Iho is survived by three sons and one L ^et'ila MV£aift ll PoH•lla; h dish, no matter how much you pay for them. -Where - in thecvenliif! the number who attended , UIld CUHTAI>\3IATE1UAL—Figured and piuln, In Chinese nnd Scrim Drap- tne teeth are out, patients coming ID the mom- services Is estimated at 800. The program '2^nTi wmXLHhn^ Sles in Wow \ ^ bief-wfthout bonw-and pounding ery, at 5c, 9n. nun 12c. per yard. ; • • , •ngcan have thalr teeth made the same day by i- ROBINS' iOtltylng UB three days In advance. Tooth fllled was elaborate and beautiful. It was ar- CHEVIOT SIUKTINCJ— Fine goods, fastcolorH—for shirt waists. a painlessly sa dental ttdunue will permit. Gold ranged and given under the direction of he Musconetcon,j Valley Pff^^^^^^^T&^Z PLEASANT GLOVKS FOIC J3ASTEK—Aepecial line of regular dollar and a half glovei Ullng a specialty. Partial Bets of teo t-binif*! f «nioiiB and mix uith tlieni bicud crums ..., at S9Jnnd Si.00—latost stylos. Satiafuotion guaranteed. ; rlth gold without plutee called - bridKe-Worlt. ' • Hubnoh. ill kinds of artificial teeth made; , All work le •Phi. w?«I««i i nutter, pepper, nnd suit. Fill the incisions EXCELSIOR, :: ! 3t r>ltl a Save Tour Faro to E^ston—Vou Got the Same and Bettor Goods lullywarranted. ' : ; Tho remains of Mrs. Sarah McConnell, J^f $l ottondlS " - - ;»-<'vj with. *•.' thfs" «£forcemeat- , ~ann(dl skewe skewer r uupp ththee FOR of Newark, wore brought to town on Wed- e largelr y nttonciul. Horo for Less Money, , Philadelphia Dental Rooms; nesday last. Tne deceased iv.ia 81 years of were largely nttonciul. p b . stewpan, DYSPEPSIA AND IM- You know our reputation. Everybody says— age and was a resident of this town for a Mrs. Rachel Soorror, wife of Hon. John ' llIld) p]n(.Ill{, t,I(J meal in thia let itsimTnBr 212 Northampton St., Eaaton, Pa. Shurrer, died on Tuesday, after a brief il- ^. - erate tire till It is tbor- "Johnston & Cornish carry the finest line of number of years. Tho funeral servico slooughly 0V6cookedft motl. Serve with n brown PURE BLOOD, Ome* Open From T A. M. to N P. M. 'r. .'_.:'. took place at the Buttzvillo M. E. church, deucness.e oThf hee funerar husbanl wild ol nb oFrida heldy aatt th10e a resi. ni-. mi(»hK- /.nniroH «««.,. «itn, - !,-„...- first-class staple groceries in town and always havo done so." Yes, and wt gravy, mude from the drippings; buttei The Symptoms being Sour Worn- Rev. Dem in t* olliciatlng; interment in tbo Interment at Still Valley. and flour. always will. We also handle CHEAPER groceries. You can get just the cemetery adjoining. ach. Nervousness, Constipation, QUALITY you want, but we don't go out of our way to boom these goods al Alfred Atirlatt, a student at the Normal Take either slices of i:old round beef or Indigestion, Headache, Lous of Gov. Grlggs appointed E. W. Sharps as School, Trenton, returned to his studies on beefsteak cut rather thin, cover them with Appetit E and cut throat prices, but we sell them just as cheap as anyone else possibly can, a commissioner of deeds in Oxford town- Monday, after enjoying tho E'ister vacation slices of fat bacon and chopped herbs, well We have them if you want them. ship. at his home here. , seasoned with pepper nnd salt and. moist- I y Bcmcmtar, you get the fall value o£ every cont you invest with us NEEDHAM :r..: John KiikpatricKiikpatrickk and Beryam Hartung, MI ; Jennle( Weller, _of- BInomfiold, Is J - ' -ith vinegar, ltoil tho slices up, tie That Tired reeling. of BrooklynBrookl , came homd Beryae tom oaHartunt theigr visitinvtingg at the homhome of'Mr. and Mrs. Pe'tnr j thetmm securelyecuely,Ir, try them a little, and 'Ofders by mail promptly filled. Families waited on daily. - of Brooklyn, h t t thi Weller, near here, EasteEstrr ddinneri . , thet m in a gravy. IANO-ORGAN COMPANY A nice way t AVo will BOO Mrs. Wm. Caswcll. of. .your borotiirh. . A nice way tunerv Hello!'-v:ith«!! the sur-. called on trlends in this place last Tintrs^ cut each one perfectly, cover them with MANUPACTDRaKS OP ''• roundini g towns throughrhh ththe 'phone'h . DrD . day. beaten eggs and bread crumbs, fry the JOHNSTON & CORNiSHr G. W. Cummins, of Belvidere, who has rich brown, and put them around a c HIGH GRADE chargo of the enterprise, has extended the Blanche and Celeste Riddle pns.sefl E. Washington Av., (next door but one to the square) WASHINGTON, N. j, 1 Easter with relatives In Easton, huipcd with mashed potatoes. j wire to the. Company !* store. A large cir- Fry slices of bread and serve upon them Easton, Pa. ^ a . cuit is already reached tind is being extend- Alonzo Relulmrt, of Easton, accom- hot minced mutton that has been done in 0-0OOOO<>OOOO0 ORGANS. ed farther, and we presume will continue panied by his friend, Wm. Sutphin, passed gravy. till tbe whole county will be united. Easter at the homo of his parents. G-LOBIE STOZRIE Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCabo spent ,The Easter services at the Valley Presby- Sunday at Puterson, at his former home. terian church Sunday morning and at the Misses Lizzie Stelter and Annie Hart- Presbyterian chapel at Junction in the Sheriff s Sale. Iff EAKT 14 th ST. man, of Easton, are spending a few days evening, were interesting and well attend- ed. The morning sermon by Dr. Umber. EVKW.YOIKK. in town. g«r, on "The Resurrection." was an nhl« , _. IS ClIANCKHV OF.N'KW .IKBBKV. discourse. "At the cImpel in the evening" a service of song was rendered, tu-eciu Joso[)li li. Cornish and Johnston Money Saving Chances In It will not euro everything. It is noi Corntali, partners irndlng as C'oruUli & L'o.. MANDPa'JTOHY claimed that it will cure but one complaint, xuplainantP, and George Stoveuon, ut us H that is, dyspepsia. We cannot say that il IH., dufonilantfl. VI fa. for aaloof inurtcnged will cure every case of dyspepsia, but it KAKUSVILLE. lemlstH. lieturunble .Muy Term, A. J). 181)7. will cure a large majority of them. Such George Fro me says that those fellows WM. A. STUVKKH, Solicitor, cases as are adapted to its use will derive who have been guying him about cutting lly vlrtuft of tlio above atitted ivrlt to mo SPRING immediate benefit. One small bottlo will as much wood Tn two days as his uncle directed and delivered. Issued otic ol thu Court be sufficient to test it. Sam hauled home in his carriage at one if rba'cery of Now Jmy-y, I ...haye.Jovled upou. time, can either put up or shut up as. he ^^jrhjsahafcftr.-njgp^iviv.nnMHR.i-m.espe^ huaim evt!fii'(i!t to betthat'he^hn'do^any inlly adapted for "emaciated or elderly put^ oftheni chopping,wood. Now boys, you pic whose food does them but little or noknow what you cuvi do, either put up or good because It Is not digested. Tbe Cor- FRIDAY, the SEVENTH day of MAY, JTHE dial contains nn artificially-digested food forever hold your peace. tilphtoou huuUreJ and ntnoty-Hovon, at oi _A^0TDORIZED CAPITAL, tfflo.DOO. and is a digester of food happily combined. Sir. and Mrs. H. M. Cregar and their in- o'clocti In tlio aftorooon of aiild dny, all tho.- Read one of the little books which your fant daughter, Hazel, have been on the trncw or imrcolH of land nnd jireintapg herein- druggist is now giving away and learn ol sick list during the past week. ititor purtluulnrly Jescrlbed, Hltimto, lying uiiU this wonderful remedy. Mr. and Mrs, John Viinnattn, of Wash- being In tlio Township of Franklin, County of EASTON TRUST A really palatable Castor Oil can now be ington, were calling on old acquaintances warron and Stato of Now Jorcoy, bounded mid In all. the fashionable weaves and colorings that had under the name of Laxol. Upsclbod as follows: GLAR PROOF SAFE DEPOSIT. on Sunday. T.ot No. 1 bofilna at a small chestnut trco BS TO RENT AT LOW KATES. Veterinarian Geo.Vliet,of Hackettstown, corner to landd lato of John J. FIU8, deoensod; you want and pi ices that you will like. See the performed an operation here on Saturday. thonco (1) along said Frltts' lino nortb soveuty- BLOOMSBUKY. four nnd a half doBroes •' east iiluo uhalntt and It is rumored that Mrs. Banghart will Borenty links to a mono corner In n lino of lands gieat varieties at i3/^c, 2jc, 39c, joe and jeje to COMPANY, Miss Radle Alpaugh, of Trenton, Is the have another sale at the Jacob Fisher of theholrBOfl'otorG. Uaylor; thence (2) north guest for a week of her sister. Mrs, Louis farm in the near future to clean up the fourteen and a half degrees wtet Ore chains PATS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. 'HOW MUCH?" sixty linhs to Uetiry E. Burd'. . s _corner_ ..... ttlODC; O ,., Anderson. balance of household goods and farming S1.00 a yaid. Also new Spring Capes and new DDRESS THE .COMPANY TOK ISPOKMA utensils. It is said that petty thieves have It Is sntil tlmt a pofHOu can travel ftll over tlio ntougsaUl Bunl' "«! 'outli aovoutr-four do- TIOM. Miss Cora Cy ihers, of Philadelphia, been carrying off considerable of the greet - ' • - nud twenty links ton :: spent Sunday wit Mrs. Cline Petty. world nnd not know how to sp'onk auytbiug but atono corner to said Burd and SaUy Ann Fltw nnd as the parties live not many miles thewo two worda—"How Miioli ?" thence {•}) nlonz hor lino Boulh ton andnliali Kid Gloves in all the new shades. Estooh Youngoung, oof Trentonn,, wawas att ththeefrom here nnd are known, it would be well I EASTON, •f ; iloeroos worft flvo clialnB and seventy..links tc homomo ofofh!spartSMd?JV:vh!s^pars!!tSj r..".and."?Jrs,.~Va]-] FutUi'ii liiBiii;-'"{•••— '."•;-•"«:-."-.^...vr;-.•-.:.-..:;..-:..•....„- cho (jlnco oi Dugmhiagrcontainiut' live ucres of i BDSINESS IS SOLICITED. Young/over Sunday. Sfimuel Pursell is th.e.hnppy.fnther of1 l«ml. • , .. _ ,,'. : .',..-.•„ ;..,. lUtitiitluii' ia-'iioi 'liIIow Much"?"-but" J low - Lot No. 3 begiii3 at a stouo corner In a lino ot MissAdaMiUd h Housel, of Valley, was. with baby girl..„ ."- •""••'. ' "•""•••• • • " " ' "" * 1 tbo nolcu of Potor G. Uaylor and corner tn lot llen Carpenter, '-'• ••'• friend; in town a partof lust week. *" """" John H. Albert, of Drnkestown, was in Little ? If you want MUCH with Uttlo oxpouse, No. land runsiiUmco (l) along salil Uaylor'a .,:...... Miss1 Anna Johnson, of Junction, is the lino south fourioon and „•-•—- half dogrooaena'- -•- t -two town lost week calling on old friends- all and soo na. Wo aro offering nti followe: guest for a week of Mrs. H. S. Apgar, Best Family Flour, $2.30 cwt. cnalNSnnd Bovonty-Qr< llukB to a atakofor a 229 Northampton St., EASTON PA It has not been the warm early7 aprinsprinjg corner In said Uiio; thonce (3) Anthony Diller lost a valuable cow last redicted dogrooawoHt by land of Sally Ana Flttu two week. " •• that our local weather prophets pi * ' Fancy Whole Grain Coffee, 15c H>. ohalnBandthlrty-olghtllnkuto acornorby tlio Best Rio Coffee, 20c tb. brook; thonoo (3) up tlio brook nortu flvo degrees are now offering Miss Lizzie Petty is visiting friends at about a mouth ago. Best Santos Coffee, 25c Hi. : ;:::r:: oast two clmiuB and twonry-nino links to a stako :.,.._. .Charje^to_n.^^..jU.^^---^^-^^^-;^^^^^:i '' Annie Cummins returned home Monday. Fancy Toas,"O rc5nor-l)iack," 2oc'iJj/—• -" and fltonun-for-ft corner tn lot^Norirtlience {i. ™~~"nWmrCafiing,J of Glen Gardner, had a Fancancvy Prepared.Buckwheat F'onr, nest aloug lot No. I no'th sovon'y degroOH Afuttonr. -IEKAL KST.VTK : chain and fifty-sis link a to* tho boginulng, con- Jnusual Bargains sale of wagons and harness hist Saturday quull_...ityl ', 3- Hi ,-_pkir.. 10c_„. Style and Proportions Fancy Prepared PUP. Cake Flour, made of taining forty-olgbt hundred tlis of an ncro of afternoon. land bo the Hame moro or loss. It being tbo AND. in wheat, rice nnd corn, large pkg, 10c. i!iHi!!" _constr!:ctcd~j ini?-on.hhft n[H7/n flTif>^«11-pS;*!:rca!:In!j:hcr;lotfTi-uunvfys-lfuid in Franklin;—~?—T—*- Su£arXured"Ham87b~estiq"uality, 12jc li'. ~~byus. "Weare~qualifiea to pleaaethe New Pianos "T**a'rin"abbve1he'elbbw.'"'9h"e is doing nicely. moat particular, by reason of our aims Abram H, Smith,Jet als. commissioners, Fancy New Lard, 8c IJi. • A •-:-'• -Honry- Sohooley,- of Greenwich,* will Dutod: April fitn,18!)7.' . and business methods and varied ex- at great reductions to make room for* '•':~"'Tnove into one of Mrs. Ella Gardner to S. McClellan WiTdrick, of Blairstown, B. T. Babbitt's Best Soup, 3c bar. perience. Buying much material, we new stock. ' .-:••; houses this week. ;, dated April 1,1897, conveys land In Blairs- are able to reach .bottom prices in town; consideration $l,05fl.8fl. Fonoy.New Soup Beans, 5c qt. - NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. every line. This redounds to the bene- : :, JTr. and Mrs. JohnLowdrop spent 'Sun- Fancy Dried Peas; 5c qt. : 136 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. Isaac R. Kerr and wife to Wm. 9. Kerr, Notice ia heroby glvon that tho accounts of tho fit of customers as well-as to ourselves. : day with relatives at Holland, v of Frelinghuysen, dated Dec. 12,11896, con- Fancy New Lima Beans, 6c qt. subscriber, administratrix of David WVKfMriOi If you contemplate building, in or out Union services in the. Methodist church veys land in Frelinghuysen: consideration' Fanc.v New Marrofat Beans, 6c qt. decoasod, will bo audited and stated by tho of town, allow us to submit plans and next Sunday. Easter morning services $5,500. Fan'uy New Salmon, 10c caii. show you what we can do. were held in both the Presbyterian and : . Margaret Borger and husband to Chns. ivd Soap, 2e bur. • - .'•' ' MeLbodiat 'churches. 'Dr. Clydp preached ,Weller, ot als., dated April3,1897, conveys an excellent sermon in the Presbyterian Fancy Frosh Oyster Crackers, 5c Hi. >wanco. . Jas. P. Deremer & Sonss^ Frank 7ai Sycfcfe. lot In Franklin; consideration $28,60. SAUAH A. HIBULK- - church from 1 Cor. 15-20 v. There was no Fancy Ginger Snaps, 5c II). : I Adiulnbtratrlx. Contractors and Builders, (Bucceasor to Wm. service in the ovonlng. At the Methodist Adam R. Reeso Jr. and wife to Frank Fancy Lemon Cake, Sc II). 'Dated March 8,18Hr.-t3.S0. ,,; ..l. HacEOrty, of Phillipsbuwr. dated.March L „:— ntinrnh the.eveningf ;ser?ice,v.'as conducted Fancy New Crop.rN. O. Mo!asses,-50c.-gal. Tbo P'tiifof tula Houso by members of the Sunday school. The 27,1897, conveys lot in PhilHpsburg: consid- Dark N. O. Molasses, good baker, 25c. gal. .-.: service opened by singing followed bypray- eration $100. Fancy Light Molasses, 40c gal. win made by Jos. 11. Doro BILLIARD - er by Dr, Clyde, Tho exercises consisted of Frank P. Haggorty and wife to Adam !{—-""-": recitations and singing and a short address Fancy Coru Starch, oc for 111) plcg* ESTABLISHED 1864. and 1 r _:. Reese, Jr., of Philllpsburgidated March by the pastor, Rev. L. T. Janes. The chil- 27,1897. convoys lot in Philhpsburg; con- Best Laundry Starch 5c. lb. dren had been tutored by Frank Stamets : sideration $50. •- -• ; • V-; ••,-.-• Sweet Chocolate, large cake 5c. Washington Planing: Mills and made a creditable shTowing"" Lenox Soap, 3c bar. ; '• ;..._ : John, E. Davis and wife to Robert L. v : : NO PAY UNTIL CURED. r of thnfriynds of-Mr;-v id Mrs.- Cllnei'or-Wtiab in Ktdnp dated April VjlSa?,"1 Stai Soapj3o bar. ~"-^"-'~~~" """"' "" A. P. Snyder paid them an unexpected sonveys lot in Washington; consideration Quaker City Soap, 3c bar. AH the latest designs in Pane], visit Saturday evening and had a pleasant 11.00. & ' Best Penrl Tuplocn, oc lb, 6 tbs for 25o 4idGb|W I tlm'e -Ilolierl,^.Ti.i.f3Hn n-» nd i-wji fw ~t.n • A 1th «n.ip.-« •T—'Bavett nW life." !ao do hundreds moro."""Located'over lOyoftrsr" . reatment-Full Stock ofTFtne - Davig, ofAVasliihgtpnV'dated AprilT,'1896,' JancyiSowWhittfFieh7101bkit, 50cT If "the"yo'iing man wh"o"has so much fault j Cigars audToDacco. •• •;,•,;'' •to flnd haeause' there is not as much convoys lot in Washington; consideration Fancy New Mackerel, 101t> kit, 90c. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mould- ** CATARRH CURED FOR $3.00 CASH-ALL MEDICINE INCLUDED. Bloomsbury news in the STAR as he would 11.00. Tronton Butter Crackers, 5c lb. • ing in stock and made to order. ASA MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 184 Orange Street, Newark, N. J. like, will commit matrimony, or, bettor Fairbanks Brown Soap, 1 lb bar lie. OCQco hours: 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3,'and 6 to 8 p. m. - . still, suicide, we could make one more Electric Bitters, -.-.v r 12 Boxes Parlor Matches, 5c. Mill Work and Jobbing, Turn- short item. ' Electric Bitters is ft medicine suited for T .•\Vestern iMea£A:S?Sffi ;ny season, but perhaps more generally Red Kidney Beads, Sc can, -•< . ; ,• - ing* and Band Sawing promptly needed when the languid oxhauated feel- V good full grown Cittftr for lc. a 1 Also a full line of Dry Goods, Groceries, done. has a flavor and a tendorncss that la only',/, ••'• ,-.' There is a CIIIBS of Pcoplo ing prevails, when the liver is torpid and AN B NOTICE OF SETTLEMRNT. Who are Injured by tho use of coffee. Re- iluggish and tho need of a tonic and a-ltor- lion's, Ladies' nnd Children's Shoes of all INSURE ° ^0TEcTED occasionally obtained from cattle'ralaedV;':; kinds at prices that you will appreciate, ' A Full Line^ of Lumber and Xotlco la hereby given that tlio accounts of tlio h«eaboutft.f/Tho fact that.nearly all our.HT; cently there has been placed in all the gro- latlvo is felt, A prompt uso of this medi- agalnut loss by^ire and Accident, v v eery stores a new preparation, called cine bas often averted long and perhaps Call and see us; wo want your trade. Building 'Material always urr-i mtocrlbors, Uugli ricott mid Lizzie Woolrertoii, boef comas from the,West accounts ln*I» ^ ^; '•"';; GRAIN-0, made of pure grains, that, takes fatal bilious fevers;; No medicino will act . • ' ',(.-/ Iroproaent ' ' • '• Q iiocutorfl of Lumbort Suott, doconeod, will bo largo moftHiire for .our.'extensive • and grow--—-^ r j?and,...;;;;;..•:.;••;.>••... ' indited and .atatPd- by; tho SurrofiHtei andro- ™r:^;the pla«e.of coffee.-The most doliuato stom- tnoro surolj in:.coiintcracting:and.frcoing : jiorted to tho OrplianB1 Court of • tbo. County of Ing tradoT > <-y^-; •.:••••: SV ^l^^f ^ -l^^'^ .ir;.-..nohreoelveslt" without distress, and but tho system from the malarial poison. Hoad- \J. JSr Hampton, X 9 Pirst Class Companies," Wnrrou, on Friday, the rocond day of July next, few can toll it, from coffee. It does not : acho, Indigestion, Constipation, Dimn- 1 at,11 a. m.; for sotttomoiit and allowance. cost over J as much, Children may drink ess yield to Electno Bitters. 6flc and $1.00 S Belvidere Ave., E. W. Alleger & Son, ,i. -Stock and Mutual. . ... it with groat benefit.' lBots. and 25cts. por per bottlo at'F. N. Jenkins'WarronCounty 6 W. Washington Are. HUGH SCOTT, 1 3G nud 3S IlyonU Strcot. Offlco In Bank W. G. CREVELING. packagoWH i^lf fl .tr(\ ._ TrI^fyV ItIT... ' AsA tilkr fotrtir lGRAINf6^ IT A 1 nJ—i7i : County Drug,Store, - .' ~>;i LIZZIE WOOLVEUTON;- .'- Washington, N. J. Office, Sill! nud Ynnl: Urofttl filreot. Dated April 5, ISflr.

StSalM TIIK WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J.v THIIRSDAYV APKIL122, 1897. • Postmaster Duyton, of,New York oILy, . .: A Nitrrow Kscape. '• ANMUAIJ SALE OF FIXE has resigned because of pressure of outside Six girls employed in tho Standard silk business. Cornelius Van Cott will doubt- mill, who persist In tho dangerous habit o leas be appointed to the position. crossing the Central railroad bridge over Tho law of Is that tho tho Dolmvare on tholr way to their homes money received from tho granting of In Elision and South Easton, had a narrow licenses shall be spent upon tho streets oscapo from death last week. They wore and roads of tho several counties, abo:it half way across the bridge and had atthoir Carriage Repository in Tho Indiana window glass manufacturers stepped on tho East-bound track to allow called n special intellng nt Mtmde last a West-bound trnin to pass them, when a Frldiy to raise tho price of tbo iifsongcr train came nlong from Easton/ result of the high t irlifschedulo. The girls became excited and bewildered. AsburyN. J., Saturday, May 1st, Harry ToeingC!", who siiccuin-ie

boatmen for awhile, but it is only a tem-plains of Thessaly, in northern Greece, has porary arrangomont and tho locks will bo been captured by the Turks after a des- Owing to better facilities in manufacturing, we are perate struggle and a great battle is ex- Consider Well now permitted to offer thi8 Peer of Bicycles at ?20 operated as heretofore as soon as business : might say much, less than the old price. No other wheel is better picksup. ; •'• pected within the next few days. Tbe before yon buy your Spring and Sum- Greeks have been more sueeefuful in Fpi- ' mor clothing—whether it in not more from any standpoint,. Jf as good,.,though.many_, satisfactory to have your suit mado to .n-00Bt JJOI,••-.- • - • ?• It Is not aremedy put upi by any Tom,rus, in the west, and their fleet of ircn- order than to buy it ready-made. but we prefer to simply extend an invitation for you Dick or Harry; it is compounded by expert clads are bombarding and capturing Tur- Custom clothing wears longer, fits bet- 1 pharmacists. , Ely Bros, offer a 10 cent kish towns. , ter, looks better and keeps its shape Jo call and look over the attractive goods we have 'IDEAL ' §(CYCLE|I5O,- ;4;,-trial size. Ask your druggist Full size much longer. There is economy In ? laid in this s(eason. We are sending forth a goodly, :•'•'.,' Cream Balm 50 cetot&j We mail it. • •••• •. custom work. n for either ladies oFgentlemen. The best wheel for U^L:C;,ELY BROS.V56, Warren St., N. Y. City.... When a cold is contracted, cure. it at , Noonedoes betterwork thanland number of'delighted people Should like . . ,( the money in existence. Examine themjbefore MiSfrr'; SineeiSGri" hiwe ^been-a~ great • sufferer ; : : none do it cheaper—if as cheap. -You 1 ^::A from catarrh.: I tried Ely's Cream Balm onco. One aiinute^Co'Sgh CuTeTwill set are asked to pall. to serve you'tb the 'same satisfaction. •--•^Hr-.--"—-.• hi^ w •V7 ••and to all appearances am cured. Terrible you on the road to recovery in a minute. - CHRISTINE V-1; Jieadaohsa from which I had long suffered It will cure pneumonia, bronohitls; croup nearly,new,' for Bale very cheap. " 'Siv are eono.—W. JoHitchcock, late Major Uan. d all forms of lung and throat troubles. Wm. J. Roeker. ^^•s.iVoI,:and A. A. Gen., Buffalo, N.Y. F. N. Jenkins' Warren Co. Drug Store. '- Miller Bulldlnff, 2nd Floor. '•• ,••..•[: J. W. Hitts:

f u^z m 7JY ,

•P iS-


The Morris Canal opened for tho seaaoj Lambortvlllc has a good roads assocli GLTho now Board of Freeholders will oi WANTED—Girl for general housework. Monday. tlon. ganlzo May 12th. Apply at 33 Jackson Avenue. It Fireman Georgo Bailoy Is treating b Boating commenced on tho canal lasl Two more railroad crows havo been loll FOR ItENT— A house of six rooms at No. 0 Cornish stroet. Apply to Daniel Horn- house on Johnston nvenuo to a coat o off at Hoboken by tbo Lacfeawnnna. J OFFICE OP CHAB. L. SrnvMCfi, EDITOF. AND PROPKIKTO Monday. baker. ™ 4-15-tf. paint. Tho April term of court will convoin On Monday Officer Gray arrested Wm. RemcmborS. S. Teel [8 always on baud dry (und Pahaquarry farmers are shipping horse- Sluggish livers respond promptly to Jon- We do not Intend this as a circular letter, bnt a sort of ' C0v»r.) A two-story addition is being built in the radish to Now York city and receiving ?00 kins' stomach nnd liver pills—IS cents. Spring greeting. Wo can't get around to see you personally as , Ooiil louddtl illruet from nlnitnsfove rear of Mm. Mary Carter's house on West per ton. Tho nobbiest lino of young men's suits often as wo would llko, so take advantage of tbo facilities offered,* la wagona. ever shown in this town $0.00 up nt Bryant by THE WASHINGTON STAR In order to reach you on a subject of WM.Hni Stewart street. It Is about 12x15 foot. Tho employees on D.,L. & W. passenger ; & Wollor's. . Importance to ua, - ' Blackamlthlngor mtlralnoim Coal $.1.50 per toi A family reunion was hold at tho homo trains havo been forbidden to smok< of Charles Rice, at Lower Harmony, on while on duty. The facts of tho cose are that we have been brought before Monday, in honor of his 72nd birthday. the bur of public opinion, charged with keeping the bettfurniiure SUPERIOR LEMIGH VALLEY COA Now York has second placo and Chicago CENT A WORD. CAII bo obtained only nt our chines nionfr th Tho ntw1 street recently opened by J. P. and carpets made. • Our innate sense of modesty provonts ns from' itxth in population among tho ten grea Advorttoemontu under thin he-ul aro published pleading guilty, and tho circumstantial evidence of our guilt Is so* Morrla Cnunl, at Itn J motion with llolvlcloi Dereraer off upper Broad street, due Ht tlitt uniform rnta of ono cent a word, but no Avontie. cities of the world. (vlvertlBoinont will bo revolved forlos s Uisn IS strong as to make It almost farclal for as to plead not guilty. KPK /. |4.00 por tfli East, has been christened Mozart avenue. ccntw for the drat insortloii. Swvo 4 'A " " Tho annual reunion of the Ninth New We have therefore refused to plead and ask that wo be tried by a Chnutnut 4 10 " Capt. Wm. Wollcr, our Borough Assessor, Jersey Volunteers will bo held in Phillips- WANTBD-A first-class blacksmith. Wm. jury of our peers. You aro ono of that Jury, and while wo do not Van 2,75 " will begin the work of making assessments burg on Sept. 10th. Crater, Glen Gardner, N. J. 4-15-lt. wish to appear as attempting to tamper with tho jury, yot strict- All coal Uudor Cover nnd dcllvprad t" wncni of real and personal property on May ovor fcrcwnti. Tlio jtnporlnriiy of LtriitfEh Viillo; Longraire's millinery store at Strouds- Anyone contemplating breeding this sea- ly on the quiet we ask you to carefully consider tho evidence In Conl II'D In tlio fact (lint It I- tinnier, burtu 20th. son would do well to consult tho "ad" of the cose and tbon render your verdict, if you ploaso, in the Bhape tonKQf, plvea furth mint liont. burns up doiint burg was gutted by flames last week. Tho "Squiro Nutt," to bo found in another col —the bout, llioroioro tho cli«*ttpeHL Wm. Eognn and family Bkippcd tho loss is about $5,000.- umn. Being sired by tho'famous trotter of an order for Furniture and Carpets, charged by the prosecu- town on Sunday night nnd are said to havo Nut constcont,, and nt tho extreme low prprici o tion as the best made. It. L. CLINK & CO. Olios. Smith, of Rlngocs, bad bis car asked for his i hld b go no West. lie was employed on the rail- asked for his service same should bo Wo await your verdict. nearly severed from his head ldt week, aagerly sough' t" af.ftert ___. Ho is richl„y bred, a w road. ..Trndeatieally yours, - - -« — ~^- - iy the kick of a hntw». icautlful bay In color: ., .mr goo d' I•n nfrn,' grt LATEST 'TIME'TASLE. The Queen Ester Circle will glvo a mus- n style and good in actioi TO NEW YOItK. Tho MorrlsCountyBonrdof Freeholders POWDER FORD & FLEMING. ical at the home of Mi&s Alberta Shropo, ia.i given permission to lay gas mains TKAINED NURSE.—Miss Annie Dufford, Lonvo WnBtilngton-2.45, .(.IB, 6.3), 7.03, 7.1 1 baying taken a two years' course of train- Absolutely Pure. 7.41), 10.11, ii. m. 12.43,1.58,3.15,4.10, CM, 7.15, No. 21 School street, April 29. All aro lirough Madison and Chatham. 7,85, 8.00, p. m. ng at the Sloane Maternity nnd New York Uplobrntod for its (jro/it lonvealng utrongth :ordially invited. .nil IionlthftilnouB. A(wurt>» tho food against FKOM NKW YORK. The famous "Old Brick Church" of Hospitals, is now prepared to do medical, i nud nil form Engine No. 7 broke a driving axle, Sat- lurgtcnl and obstetrical nursing. Ad- tbo cbounuUp albruadil formt s of adulteration common to Arrtvo fit Wn«hlngton~B.WS. 7.35, 10.10, 10.1B, Caraden is to bo replaced by a handsome lresa:—Washington, N. J. 4-22-tf 11.13, ll.M, ft. in. 3.05, &1B, (3.23, Siitunlnya only), urday morning in the Washington yard. stone structure to cost *G0,O00. L BASINO POWER CO., NOW York. fl.09,0.13,7.3:), 0.02,0.10,10.15,11.50, p, in. Engineer Opdyko was In charge. No other FOR RENT—House of seven rooms o.. damage was done. Wm. Wolf, tho Saropta miller, has ast Stewart street, Wm. G. Hall, School Lonva Wellington for Eatfton—6.35,10,23, n. m, taken up his residence at Washington, itrect. 3.18, f!.17,10.JU), p. m. Edward Prall has a hen that cuts ([ulto HEW YORK Loftvo Wanlilngton for Sornnton—7.35, 10.25, with his daughter, Mm, John Beam. FOR RENT—House on Broad street, 11.55, n. m. 3.20, 0.15, 9.45,10.43,11.50, p. ID. figure—big enough to hatch fifteen jydiajohnston. 3-25-tf. We can't sell ;hlcks from the same number of eggs on- A farmer nearRahway ia posltivo he has LOIIYO WdohliiKluu fur Juuutluu—7.43, IO.«0 discovered oil on his farm. A chemical HOUSEWIVES—For 25 cents and n twu- a. m. ltf.«,3.25, U.MO p. ni. trusted to her enrc. :entstntnp, you will receive by mail, post Arrivu from Junctlou-10 13,11.45, a. m- unnlysis of the finding is being made. )aid,14Hoparate packets of choice flower «.1S, 9.36, p. m. Tho third annual reception of the Wash- Cloak and Suit Co. John Dubfield, a Cumberland county iceds, also a set (2) Perfection measuring 2 Pounds of Flour ington Dancing Class, Prof. Wobor In- sups. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address: 435 NORTHAMPTON STREET. Comuu'iiclutf Juno 7tb, 1800, every Sunday itructor, will tnko place on Tuesday cven- 'armor, lias a rauskrat firm. It is a profit- V. H. Reese, agent, Carponteraville. extrnmltk trnlu leavoH lloboknii fin.m. , nint iblc winter employment for a farmer. .J. , l-15-2t " for One Cent, to Washington, vln Morrltttown, iirrlvltifi at lg next, April 27th. WoBhtnt'ton 9.05; roturnlng louvoa WaHlitngtou Tho large Easter numberof the Christain Mica has been discovered on the Liner FOR REST—A houso of'flvo room on 7.35 p. m., via Morriutowu 'Isher avenue. Inquire of Willard Allcger \dvocato, published the first of this week roperty, nt Bloomingdalc, Morris county, 'ho indications point to a large deposit. Washington School of Music, 07 East leitlier do we (as some other stores ONLY EXCLUSIVE CLOAK and SUIT STORE In EASTON. ad an excellent picture of our handsome >Va.iliirigtbn avenue.• For beginners nnd idvertise) keep two qualities of Win. Onrling has moved into R. M. Ellen- icw Methodist church. Robert Fitzsimmona, tho chnmplon or advanced players. Piano lessons 25 bergor'a houso on Johnston avenuo. mgUist, was tendered a rousing reception sonta. F.W. Collins, director. ;roceries; ive buy only the BEST, and Rev. Joseph W. McManiman, tho recent t is possible under existing circum- Dr. England, of Washington, and Itev. pastor of tho Anderson and Mt. Lobanon ipon bis arrival in New York last week. FOR SALE—A large Hosier safe: trado or 3ash. Wm. H. Axford, Washington. N. itances to sell the best very cheap. Mr. Edmotwon, of Belvidere, havo been charge, was last week transferred to Wai- Never throw papers upon the street, J. 4-22-2L See our silk and velvet capes at $2.50, naked to act aa examiners nt Blair Hal; pack Centre, Sussex county. ,hey are not only unsightly, but tend to FOR GOOD BREAD—USO Cramer's flour. this year. 'righton horses and causo a serious run- 3.50, 4.50 and up. Edward F. Thompson, assistant operator Good building lots for sale near depot. George M. Dawes has been having thi it the D., L. &,. W. depot, was one of tho iwuy. Fames II, Johnston. iron and wood work of his recently pur- 'oung men who sang for tho Ladles' an- Tho Musconetcong Driving Park Asso- 50-bushel wagon body of sawed slabs de- No Schemes See our separate skirts at $1.39, 1.50, chased property, the N. Y. Life building, illary at Hoboken Y. M. C. A. Tuesday ciation, of Stanhope, has been reorganized [vored for $2.00. Gideon Wydnor, Steph- ropaintud. Edward Prall has been doing lost, instead of Edward Nixon. ind oflicers elected. Races will bo held nsburg, N. J. 2.98 and up. the work. r WANTED—Smart, tidy young girl, or A handHomo now organ rendered sweet uly 3d. ivomun not over thirty, for general house- Here. See our silk waists at $1.98, 2.98, 3.98, Friday, April 30th, Is Arbor D.iy, which mslc for the first time in St. Peter's church President McKinley cannot be present work on a farm near Harmony, N. J. No is celebrated by tho public schools. The .t Nashville nt the opening of the expo- utter making; must be able to milk. Ad- ii EaFter. It was a present to.the con- xess: B., STAR Office. 4-S-tr. Our business methods are npen 4.50 and up. Washington school will hold public exer- Ition but will attend ns soon as Congress gregation from Mr. and Mrs. John II. md above-board. HONEST GOODS cises in the morning and will hold no ses- lowers, and is greatly appreciated. djourns. Home tested flower and garden seeds, iweet Peas and Nasturtiums by the quun- YT HONEST PRICES, SATIS- See our wrappers at 45c and up. alon in tho afternoon. The boarder* ".t the Vw Windier ity. WarronStrcctGrccnhousc. 4-15 2S. An entertainment for tho benefit ot the House were each made the recipient of a brnied a singing clavj at Lambertvllle FOR SALE CUBAP, or for rent—A fine, 'ACTION OR MONEY REFUND- See our shirt waists at very low prices. starving people of India will bo held ai liberal bunch of beautiful arbutus on Tues- :en collected the tuition in advance and urge store, with good basement (and barn) illge of Junction, N. J, D, is the banner we march under, Bowers' Foundry on Friday night.thu 30th ay. They were sent by Mr. J. W.ikippedout. village of Junction, N. J, Enquire of S. CramoiCmoi;; JunctionJtio , NN.JJ, 4-1-lt ind thus far it has brought us forth The Oxford string band will furnish music Valker from his homo in Pennsylvania. A new way of making wire fence has FOR SALE OR RENT—A brick house of 'ictorious. In addition to our com- The admission will be 15 cents. A half-dozen articles of drawn work havo een invented by L. M. Runyon, of near ight rooms on Grand avenue, known ns R, L. Clino &Co., thoLeblgh coil deal- been received by Mrs. F. J. Lariew from Jlamuchy. He will place it upon the ae Dr. Defoe house. Inquire of R. M. ilete line of groceries we carry an NE W YORK CLOAK & SUIT CO. ers, have been exceedingly successful dui mission workers in Texas. The articles larkct shortly. IHenbergcr. 1-22-tf. st endless variety of useful 435 NORTHAMPTON STREET. ing the past year and find their plant too ill be sold by,the King's Daughters for The "baby on the bike" has been forbid- WANTED—Girl for general housework, pply to 187 East Washington Ave. 4-S-tf. articles. small. They arc about to raise their build- ,he benefit of tho poor Mexican women len by law in New York, and the man ings one story and enlarge the chutes. ho did the work. who fastens an infant in front of him on a FOR SALE—A pood work horse,a sound wheel there is arrested. Mr. John FJtta, of Broad street, has a Prof. Collins will 'move" In a few days Warren County Poor Form. 4-l-3t luaranteed "Universal' "grandfather clock" which lias been in to J. P. Doromer'a new house on Mozart It is reported that 40,000 Spanish troops PICTURE FRAMES—Geo. S. Mattison, 19 .awn Mowers, 14-in. , the Fitts family for 12S years, nnd In his venue, just completed. Mozart is the are to be withdrawn from Cuba. Friends of Taylor St. tf ' possession (IS years. It keeps time now lu't, only lame of the new street recently cut that Government claim the insurrection is FOR RENT.—My store-room at 19 Belvi- $2.59 "Wear's" the Difference? just as accurately ns it did a century ago. ,hrough Mr. Doremer's lately acauircd practically at an end. dcro avenue. John Hagnn, on premises. The abandoned cow which Ofllcer Shrope iropcrty east of Broad street. Twelve citizens of East Stroudsburg are FOR SALE—I offer for sale my thorough- Anybody can tell you it's pudding after they have eaten it. Just took In charge, in the name of the Society bred bay gelding—young, sound and good The Celebrated Cortland make Next Sunday is tho Seventy-elghtli an- willing to be policeman under the now so with Our Shoes and others. Anybody can tell you after wear- _ for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal ivnr«n»"y nF_Odd Fellowship and to com- disposition. Any gentleman in wantjaf a Window Screen^, 19c_un. —All -sizes superior ruauiter, uero is ihe opportunity ™~ing- which are the be&i, but icw can cell by jusc looking. Look at — was sold at pullo sole on Monday to Jacob lemorate the occasion Mansfield Lodge, to work ns low as ?18 per month. to obtain a rare bbargain. E. A. Cole, "Lightning" Ice Cream Freezers. T< Frome for $12.25. This is the cow that 1 our shoes and then look at others; perhaps you can't see the dif- To. 42, of this place, will attend divii The Madison Democrat has been sold Washington ' , N" . J' . 4-15-tf. caused the Stout—Snyder law suit. make good Ice Cream and make it i] ference, but, like the pudding, you'll find it. This particularly jrvlco at tlio BI. E. church when Rev. to Frank Wright, publisher of the Short Coldframe Cabbage plants, Tomato, noticeable in our Tan Goods. Oscar, W. Jeflery, of New York, lectured R. Wright will preach a special sermoi Hills Item. It was started during the Pepper, Egg and other vegetable plants. a hurry, buy a lightning Freezer here Warren Street Greenhouse. upon civil law and the courts of New The county is laying about 00 feet of iron campaign of last fall as a Free Silver 4-15-31. Don't forget our fine line 0; Jorsey bo fore tho senior and junior classes FOR REST—House of eight rooms; ipe across West Washington avenue near organ. Crackers of the public school yesterday morning. good location on corner, §9.00 per month. and those extra fine Soft, Handsome Vici Kid, he Henry Cummin's property. Its diam Madison is having tho same trouble with Wm. E. Weller. 3-11-tf. for men, $3 A few outsiders were in attendance. The iter is 30 inches. It will carry the surface Mackerel that we have spoken of so its macadamized streets as we are hav- Highest cash price paid for long, flai lecture proved of a most interesting and vater under the street instead of its mak- threshed, rye straw. Apgar & Thompson often at io cts. the pound or go cts- Very Durable Russia Calf, 4 instructive nature. ing in Washington. The streets are ig a mud hole of the roadbed as hereto muddy, the "crown" or top dressing being the kit. Always bear in mind The members of tho A. M. E. church >ro. too soft. FOR SALE—A quantity of fine clover and Stylish Vici Oxfords, for women $2.00 will hold a supper for the benefit of the timothy hay. Olios, E. Wolverton, near A recent issue of tho Silver Cross, the Secretary Alger has accepted the offer pastor's salary, in tho W. C. T. U. rooms Broadway. 4.15-3t. A Very Good Dongola, " 2.75 flicial organ of the King's Daughters made by the State of New Jorsey of the The Only Cash Grocery next Saturday evening. Supper 25 cents. FOR REST—The Vannest house at 15 ociety, contained tho pictures of Mrs. D. use of the State camp and riflo range at Everybody is Invited. The pastor has to Taylor street, after April 1st. Address These are shoes that we specially recommend for service, com- Beutty and Mrs. F. J. Lariew, who were Sea Girt for tho United States troops in Wm. H. Green, Succasunna, N. J. 3-18-tf. in Town. Bo to conference May 4th and they want fort and style. We also have splendid goods in Tan Leather for litor and associate editor, respectively, Now York and vicinity. WANTED—A good second handed road to make up the~de0cib in his salary. the Woman's Edition of tho Warren Misses, Boys and Children. <£ Tho Republicans of Newark will con- cart. R. Q. Bowers, Jr. 4-G-tf. Here you pay only for the goods you On account of the crowded condition of [dings, two or three years ngo. FOR RENT—Flat of five rooms, third test the recent elections for the purpose of buy, and not the other fellows'. the primary department at tho public While Frank Christine, a young son of further testing the law passed by the last floor, over tbe Warren County Drug Store. Mrs. S. A. Kibble. Bicycle Shoes, $1.25 to 2.00. school, the scholars were this week divid- iimes Christine, was carrying a box to Legislature which changed the elections 2-18-tf ed into two sections. This necessitated rofTs delivery wagon in tho rear of tho from the spring to the fall. FOR SALE—Fifty thousnnd strawberry (i the engaging of another teacher in the ore last Friday, one of the horses at- plants. Wm. H. Bowers, Hope, N. J. 3t. Be sure of the place— in blacks and tans. The originial L. A. \V." shoes, with an im- While feeding a fodder cutter run by T person of Miss Edith Gray, of East Strouds- iched to Larison's mill team became FOR RENT—Neat six-room single dwel- proved sole will please wheelmen. Call and see them. " - horse power near Lambertville, Willie, bnrg, who is a graduate of the Normal ightcned and began kicking. One of the ling, with large garden. Wm. A. Stryker. the 12-year-old son of John Daley, had his School there. OW9 from tho horse's hoofs struck the boy FOR SALE—Several dwelling houses. right hanrt cntighf; and mangled in a lior- Also, building lots on Johnston nnd Grand I^James M. Fitts "The Burglar" troupe at Dawes' Music tho arm breaking it in two places. rlblo manner on Friday lost. avenues. Apply to E. M. Eilonberger, Hall failed to draw a big house last Fri- The last social event of tho season to be Washington. 12-3-tf. GROCERY/ J. f. LANGSTAFF. day night, due in a large measure to the iven by the Washington Athletic Associa- Tho Brotherhood of Locomotive En- FOR SALE.—Fifty-inch extra high Bart- next door to the Bee Hive. 16 East Washington Ave., Washington, N. J. faot thatit was Good Friday. Tho play on occurs tonight. It will doubtless be a gineers was organized in 1863, the Order ley turbine wheel; run two years; good as was so well presented, considering tho •illiant affair, for the committee in charge of Railway Conductors in 1868 tbo Brother- new. La Bar & Johnson, Beatyeitown, V • hood^" Locomotive Firemen in 18S3 and surroundings,, that _Jt_must_have-.p roved. __ __ inf. OFder"o~i Telegraphers in ibSb, Mrs. Van Norman's orchestra, of Etta ton, "MrsTJaiSes" And erson, colored, w I ._ The Carpenter's Union of Newark have an experienced washer and ironer, wishes ies and auch plays are deserving of tho consisting of five pieces, will furnish the washing and ironing, to do either at her most liberal patronage. music, and the refreshments will bo more consummated matters with their bosses home or nt the residence of tlio parties nd they will got $2.60 for eight hours who employ her. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mlein's.- BICYCLE Tho ninth annual ball of Echo Lodtje, varied than usual. Invitations have been fter May 1. This averts a general strike Persons wishing to employ her will please I SELL No. 162, Brotherhood of Railroad Trnin- issued only to members and their ladies. call at her residence, No, 179 Lincoln which would have occurred about that The Uehlein Ice Oream is a better men.wlll bo held in Ortygia Hall, Phillips- Mansfield Lodge, No. 42,1. O. O. B\, of avenue. date. burg, on Tuesday night, May 18th. Tickets, Washington, hits presented the name' of cream than any other that Bells at Vice President Hobart has leased for FOR SALE—First-class timothy hay, but- including transportation on tho M. & E.Win. A. Strykor, P, G., for the position of ter, eggs and lard, at-Wm. G. Duflord's. 3t. four years the handsome houso of ox- the same price. We think it ia the division of the D., L. & W., will sell for Grand Warden of the order in New Jersey, Covering more than It Acres, Serator Don Cameron, on Lafayette placo, Star Incubators and brooders are guar- BY THE $1.00; tickets without transportation, 50 and more than fifteen lodges of the State anteed. For circulars and prices address best cream sold in the State, irre- Washington, D. 0., adjoining tho site of cents. Tho balls ofthii lodge havo always have already endorsed tho nomination. E. C. Slater, Washington. the old Seward mansion, in which Jas. G. spective of price—that's what wo boon very popular nnd well attended, and Among tlio number uro iVy,-of-Nowton; A Variety of Bedding and Potted Planta. - Filled._with^the,mostjcostly_- - Blainedied, " " ^" """" ' this will doubtless bo no exception. Musconetcong, of Hackettstown; Covon- Warren Street Greenhouse. have honestly tried to make it i (1 r machinery ever put into such -•Tho unllc^nsfld niiv^^ oT ^V ^hln 't» )n >f Relvitlora; TonrliHtnne, of Blooms- Judge William S. Gummere has appoint- FOR RENT—TWO E jd aizod'front rooms T J The best plan IB not to take our and the Immodiitte vicinity, of which there bury; Granite, Newark, Howard and Pro- id Horace Mooro, a" well-known Domo- over A. B. Groff l~ Bro, s store; newly are several, aro responsible for more than srat of Flemingten, sergeant-at-arms of fitted up and heated with steam; would an enterprise. Such a business " toutlon, of Newark; Fraternity, of Hobo- make fine offices. Inquire on tho premi- judgment," but to come and see for linlf the drunkenness and disorder which ken, and American Star, of Atlantic City. the Hunterdo*n county court, to fillth e ~ occurs in our town.- Greatly to the credit vacancy earned-by-tho death of Chailes -~ yourself.~ _---..- -~_ The lack of though tf of Bomo people is!" FOR SALE CHEAP—A light truck" wagon, of our people may it be Baid tlmt wo aro to Bay tho least, remarkable. Wo saw an Stope, a Republican. with top. Inquire of R. Q. Bowers, Jr. fl has grown because Pope Mfg. !__-._„ exceptionally free from both, at lnnit «n instance tho other day that sat us think- Tho demented man who was captured 4-S-tf. AlVThc^. iruiigii iwulf~in wuueriittUr^Or idy pldceQup a~oig piece of wrap-" on Johnston" av'enireTTioaf'Mr&'E.I'tationT T . .noes some cater to the young ping paper from her dooryardinonoofthe day night has been Identified and taken to PopHlaf~Fl7ivdys. "~ iime-produces-rne best residental neighborhoods of Washing- Apply to R. M. Eilenborgor, while others aro patronized principally by iis homo in Tronton. Ho was Edward Try Hibhard Beatty's Saraaparilla Cough those long addicted to its uso. ton, and, rolling it into a ball, throw it out Hogan and had just recovered from a Syrup. At Hampton's store. 10c. 2-i-6t. OUR SODA FOUNTAIN is iu most perfect bicycles that into tho street. It never seemed to occur severe apell of sickness. For RENT—Two flats in the Uehlein Garden The Horshoy Chocolate Co. will demon- to her to carry It into tlio house and put working order. In all goods made In another column will bo noticed the Block. Apply upon Lhu premises. money can turn out—and_ the _ strate tholr coco i and chocolate atJ T. it in tho kitclion range or in the ash barrel, idvertisemont of Buttorwick &Smith, who Something now in tho musical lino. It by xis we use the natural fruit for LangstafTs store on Washington i%*oniio, and yet If every ono on the block did tho 11 vlll have their third big annual auction ia called the Opera Harp: call and see it. people know it. ' > on Mondny, Tuesday and Wednosdav same sho would wonder why tho streets It is on exhibition at W. W. Chrlsino's flavoring purposes. OurOANDIES Seed. »ale of wagons, carriages and harness at " April 25, 27 and 28 All ladies aro cordmliy were so untidy. Sporting Goods Houso. • 2-4-136. Asbury on Saturday of next week, May 1st. are made by us fresh every day. invited to call and samploilerstioy's lire ik- FOR SALE—A flrst-class road cart, com- fasl Cocoa freo, and judge for themselves. Columbia and Hartford Bicycles at The two previously held were big suo- paratively now. Will Bell cheap. Can be be BQGii at lUohaiu W'ulvui tou'opJancuon. - Fresh Lot Received. '- - " No""$10 suit like ours. Bryant & Wollor. at James K. Johnston's. L R Children's suits in endless variety at SI 25 Headicho wafers, best and cheapest, KIH-Rorna never fails. W. 6. Drug Store. - Uehlein, np, at Bryant & Waller's. Warren Co. Drug Store. ' Gent's fancy shirts 22c. Bryant & W. pension papers. "Brace np" for spring. Take Tonic Ext- Full lino summer underwear now ready. Dutchess pants never rip. Try them, BDILDINQ LOTS for sale on upper Broad Confectioner, Baker and Maker .Malt, only 20 cents at W. Co. Drug Sfore. All grades end prices. Bryant & Wollor. Bryant & Welter. Btreot. R.M.1 Petty. 1-14-tf t of Uehleihls Ice Cre'im and Ices. JAMES H. JOHNSTON. THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1897.

JUNCTION. Herbert Staples, who Is attending Sheriff's Sale. 'lerce's Business Collogo In Philadelphia, But Joking aside, It l» a touching sight to has been spending a fow days with his • ; ' 7 Warren Circuit Court. Bee the Ola man down on all fours looking mother In this phtce. like overgrown bull-frog, hop] Hoi Poison. Waltor D. Oullck VB. ChurlM P. Bowlby. FI. around plnyln' how" for his two-; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowlby, of Port / Win. A. Strykor, Atl'y. , grandsc Morris, passed Easter with relatives hero. *»Thorecognition oTEMter appears to bo Contagious B'ood Poison has been flp* .... ',..;.Warren Common Pleas." Rev. Olios. Scott, of Phllllpsburg, occu- Tbero is nothing that makes the streets 1 becoming more general, ana with TO It In ,00k more untidy than tho dally depositing iropriately called the curse of mankind. DAutel S]>iirjgcnb*rK va. Charles I . Bowlby.. ; looked npon as co-equal with OhrbtmM. pied tbo pulpit of tho Lutheran church on :t is the one disease that physicians can- The resurrection to ipirtttul life on thoSunday. , of ashes. A borough ordinance prohibits FI. fit. on docketed Judgment. one hand, tho birth Into material lifo .on it and tho same should bo enforced. lot cure; their mercurial -aud potash : Uaulel Spatigenborg, Att'y pro so. other.and aajubllant beltairins ont^be Mrs. Houston and children returned to •emedies only bottle tip the poison in The Store Was Very Interesting Last Week. It Will PHILLIPSBUKG. ;e system, to surely, break forth in a :"'' Warren Common Pleas. birth of Onrlst at glad Chrbtmas time, ihelr homo In Elizabeth after a week's SnmttPl M, Young T0."Clmrli'n P." Huwlliy.'•'* 1.: ; the ohoruj from chr&tlin folk the world Forty guests had an able time visit to friends in this placo and Glen ore virulent form, resulting ill a total Be Just as Much so cThis Week. ioverBlngwith pralso In voice, "Christ tho fable time ntGardner. -reck of the system. fa. on dockotctl Jui^mont. tho home of Mr. and * fas. Dempster, Samuel SI. Young, Alt'y pro so. on South Main street, Friday evening, the Wilson Hann and family have re- Mr. Frank B. Martin, a prominent occasion being the 10th anniversary of lumed housekeeping In a part of the house jeweler at 926 reusylvania Ave., "Wash- ' Warren Common Pleas. ].'.' their marriage. ,. , vitb Mrs. Rhlnehart, opposite Blgelow's ington,D.C.,says: Adnm W. CcoTellriR TH. Cliaikit. I'. Howlby. tian peoplo.are^beginning to look upon A musical and literary treat was given itore.""." : "• "• •"-' • ',.• :• ", • .'." I was for a long I. la. oudickmed jmlginent. : Easter as the harbinger of good. to the various societies of the Baptist Mrs. F. T. Mellcfc has opened a millinery time under treat Adam W. Crevcllng, Alt'y I'ro BO. MiBsKittlei Dean, of Philllpsbure, was churcb, Friday night, by the members of itore In Samuel Caso'a house on Main incut of two of the gnest of her slater, Mrs. John. Lomp- the Y. P. S. C. E. •reet. , , '• the best physi- Warren Common I'loas. lng, on Sunday. \ -••'-''••• • Cards are out for too marriage of Frank The M. E. congregation wilt givo a re- cians of this city, Mlcturl U. Alien v«. CbarLs T. Ilowlby. FI. We saw Mrs. Annie Kremer in town on B. Heckman, n former Phllllpsburger, to :eptlon to their now pastor. Rev. George lor a severe case fa. on docketed Jildgom uU QoodPrlday. • '; • ••;••"'-.: •: Miss Elizabeth Wilson, of Gerniantown, D. Angleman, this {Thursday) evening. of blood poison, CONSTANT ATTRACTIONS Uourgi* M. S)i1|iinnu, Alt'y. Why should a person make himself a Pa. •/ . :. •-..•...-.• • .'• •' •••. • • Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Fisher attended the but my condition Warren Common PlflaB. nuisance I What gain is there in crimness •'On Friday evening the body of Frederick iineml of her step-mother, Mrs. McCon- grew worse all .Michael C. Allen VH. Charles P. Howlby, VL H, and sourness and unsociability?; Few per- Walters, the American House suicide, was nell. at Buttzvillo, on Wednesday of last the while, not- fn.. on dochetiil Judgment...... sons care to listen to whining and com-sent to Allentown. week. withstanding the AND PLENTY OF THE/n. Ocorgo JI. Shliiinan, All'y. plaint On the whole the world uses us Michael Walsh died at tho nlmshnuse 'The Deacon" Is the title of tho drama to fact that they about as well as we deserve. It livery lnst Friday night. Ho was a resident of -given next Sautrday In Wells'Hall by Wnrren Cora mou Pleas. •'• ; hard forthe defeated to admit this, but ft 5 charged me three John W. t'ttw vs. ChnrJoa P. Howiby. Fi. la- Phlllipsburff until a few few weeks ago. ;ho members of theCltizons' Band. Twen- 'hundred dollars. is a fact nevertheless, and if only admitted, ty cents will be the price of admission. n docketed Judgmv t. . : ono of tho chief reasons for defeat Is re-He was a bnchelor and about 50 years old. My month was •: Jolin W. Kltts, Att'y pro BO. moved.— Zton's Herald.. The funeral took placo on Tuesday. Without doubt, the freezing weather of tiled'witu eating sores; my tongue was Adam Martin's horse ran away at Slt- -Ionday night will prove disastrous to the lmost cateu away, so thnt for three 'Wnrrou Common Ploas. He-" They nay, dear, that people who greaves street, Friday afternoon. icach crop which appeared so promising. live together get to looking alike.".. Sno iontus^-was tillable totasleany solid W. Flttsm. Chnrlca I'. Uowlby.: FI. fa. "Then you must remember that n.7 re- The Senior Epworth League of the Main There were special Easter services at sod. Myhairwns coming out rapidly. on dock'.'tul ]udgu.Hnt. 1 Street M. E. church gave an interesting ,ho Baptist church. In the morning the YOU WILL FIND SOMETHING John W. FlttB, Att'y pro BO. fusal is final. Hid T wnsin nhorrible -fix.^I had .tried '~"~: 'W'filiSiTctMvra^TVO!!!?!!1 who- wore so entertain mentto a large audience ^Thurs castor preached an appropriate sermon, rarioiis treatments, and wasnearly dis- uity evuiiiJiB. "•'.[•'• * ---—;-.-;;-;:.•.•• -: mil in Llio cvbiiliie tlio LJimday school huii ..,.., ,..., .__, WatnmCommon Pleas. just and discerning that they never saw an :harge of the services, which consisted of •ouraged, when a friend recommended Enoch O. I'lttfl vs. unarim l'. iwwiuy. -Fi. in. opportunity to be generous. - • Rev. Father Rusal, of Oxford, preached 3.S.S. After T had taken four bottles, I New and Interesting Here Every Day. on Jocketed Judgment- . in Sts, Philip and James' church Friday ringing and recitations and proved to be Kuoch O. Fittn, Att'y pro e. If some of our young scallawags persist evening. very Interesting. Tiio floral decorations gan to get better, and when I had B finished eighteen bolllcs, I was cured In their deviltry, they may land in State Ex-Policeman Iladding Stelncr has wore very pretty. Warron Circuit Court. Prison. On Tuesday night of last week a Mrs. Alfred A. Senior died at her homo, iound and well, my skin was without a loir bad been fastened across the walk in moved to Trenton. lliiminond Iteotl Company' T8. Charles K 1520 Madison avenue, New York, last jlemisb, nud I have bad no return of Our windows, which were so much admired, arc only a representation of what you tho vicinity of Mr. Stock's to trip unwary The new clerk at the American House is Saturday morning, of consumption. The ;be disease. S.S.S.saved me from a life H0W1W. Kl.t». Wn,.A.8tr,tor,Al.r. passers-by. The parties who arranged said Harry Stanhope, of Elsie, Nevada. will find on the inside—as plcaBing ns the windows arc to you. So you will f\nd every remains were brought to this place for af misery." S.S.S. {guaranteed purely department throughout tho great store. Three things thnt you will always find hen obstruction are known; they were seen The 20 altar boys at Sts. Philip nnd burlul on Wednesday. Tho funeral took wgctable) will cure any case of blood Warron Circuit Court. doing that whieh.had any accident resulted James' Catholic church have new surplices placo In the Baptist church, Rev. II. B. joisou. Books on tbediscase MlchulC. Allonvs. Charluu P. lJowlby. Ff. would have placed them behind prison and new cassocks. >nre olnciiiting; interment In the yard ,nd its trent- bars, and tho only reason accidents did not Rev. Thoa. Hull moved to Paterson on adjoiuing the church. Mrs. Senior was QUALITY "" Oeorfio M. Stilpman, Att'y. occur was tho discovery and removal of Thursday, and Rev. B. K. Boyd to Newark tho sister of Mrs. Elizabeth Terriberry, and Warren Common Flout", the obstruction, and that was iu itself a Mrs. Wm. Apgar, of Washington. STYLE difficult task. . on Saturdny. ;cnt. mailed JllchaolC. Allen vs. OmrlfH P. Howlliy, l-l. On Thursday last Chlofof Police Penney, E. P. Baylor entertained his brother "ree by Swift PRICES RIGHT! There is considerable fault-finding by of Trenton, was in town looking up the Theodore, from New York city, over Specific Co., George M. Slilpmnn, Att'y. the residents of Washington avenue, west Sunday. of the Square, with the conduct of thorecord of Jamesj KelleyKelley,, vwbo was com itlauta, Ga. We are giving object lessons everyday: How you can dress better, how you can Warren Circuit Court. younger generation of boys who congre- mitteittdd to BliBelviderd e jijaill Iin 1S9 1S933 . Miss Eva Hurley, of Jersey City, Is s s s"urnisb your homes bettor—and at no more cost (nnd often lcins) than you have been ipending a few weeks with her parents iccustomed to pay for inferior qualities. Pratt, Hood & Co. YD. Charles P. Uowlby. FI. gate fn that vicinity at niglitfall and race Our base ball club will hold ti fair nnd lere. and ran through the streets and alleys, festival in OrtygiaHall tomorrow night. fB* Oscar .leffcry, Att'y. through private yards and gardens, and in The Central railroad has laid off two of E. J. Butler and s.Uler, Miss Annie, of some instances through private houses; in its faithful workmen, wbo are Retting this place, who have been spending ihe FRENCH ORGANDIES AND GINGHAMS. Warren Common Pleas. fact, raise cain the annoyance along iuyeara. They are George Schlck, past month with friends In New York It would bo hard to collect a more coraplcto and varied assortment of Organdies nnd Michael C. Allen x*. Cliarlos P. Uowlby. FL of tna neighbors and destruction of prop- who has been a machinist fn the shops Elizabeth, returned lioino lust week. Ginghams than we are showing. Many say the nnsortmnnt is • hotter thnn any fa. on docketed JudBnu-ut. erty. We simply call attention to thehere for twenty years, and Edward Ward, Miss-May- Sullivan, a student of the they litivo seen in tbo large city stores. Every imaginable color combination, 25c. yd. . (JuutgoM.Sliliimau, Alt'y. matter; it needs looking after. who for thirty-two years has been em- Philadelphia University[y,, hns beern spend' ' Watrou'Circuit Court. We htid been given to understand, and to ployed in the round house. ing a few dajs here wittl!i relatives' " . COTTON COVERT CLOTHS. look upon a Board of Trustees of a Presby- Our school children will celebrate April For bicycle wear, in shades of Grey, Blue and Tnn, 32 inches wide, 20c. per yd. Alfrcil l)olp>*. ot niu.. imrtnera, eto., vs. Charles terian church as a body clothed with most 30th as Arbor Day by appropriate exercises 1'. Howlby. Kl fiv. eminent authority, whose decis ons were and planting trees. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., Hun Diego, nnd health making TAILOR-MADE SUITS. Oacar JefTory, Att'y- CaI.,Bays: "Shiloli's Catarrh Remedy is are included in the ' Warren Circuit Court. final, butin "The. Presbyterian" of Feb. Henry Paustaln's barn and a dwelling the tirst medicine I have ever found that Our Suit Department Is coming right along. Eton Suits, Fly-Front Jacket Suit* 12,1396. we read that "Trustees are nowhere nearby came near catching fire from a would do me any Rood," Price BOc. Sold waking of HIRES Cutaway Jacket Suits, in a variety o"f materials * ' ' , tailored'-" perfectly* . «..,.Suit_s _^«.$5.00 t_o f 10.00. .I.aibsonMcIlvaiu. M als., purtuorc, etc , VB. recognized in the standards of our church," burning shed last Wednesday. at Carter's Drug Store. Rootbccr. The prepa- Charles 1'. Uowlby. FI. fa. and fn this connection the decisions of tho ration of tliis great tem- LADIES1 SHIRT WAISTS. V Oscar JofTery, Att'y. Supreme Court of the United States are Monday afternoon a dog belonging to Christopher Newman bit Mr. Newman's perance drink is an event Fancy Lawn Waists, with wbite collnrs 50c. Uyvirtiioof tho writs of 11 ori facias tomodl- clear and explicit. Sec. 1.—"The powers daughter, Mary, and la daughter of Dr. of importance in fiuiilltoii * I^awn "Wnlsta, better quality, 75c. recied.lftiuod out o( tin* cnuriB of Nowjtirsoy, of trustees, are restricted to temporal Collan, of New York. County Superintendent R. S. Price well regulated homes. Lawn, Dimity and Percale Waists, with collars and cuffs, $1.00. •vlll I'Xiiouo to milo nt public vendue on matters to the exclusion of those which made our school a call last week. pertain to worship, etc." Section 2.— Frederick Scrader mourns the loss of Tho famos LAFAYETTE WAIST, made In a great variety of materials, made by us, FlilDAY, Uii'THlltTIKTIl day of AI'KIli. his wife, Frederlcka, who died at her home Hampton Gardner has moved from the must be right in every detail—$1.25, $1.60, $2.00 and $2.50. uiiihtet-n huudrod nnd nim'ty noven. at iho liour "That to trustees are committed the title Joseph Gardner lot above town into part olouo o'clock 1. th« afternoon «f said "t and custody, of church property - for the on Heckman street, Monday mornine, ol PARASOIJS AND SUN " Now \VlndsorHousi- iu ibo Horuutju ol »\ ofin- -. use of those entitled to such use by the paralysis, aged 67 years. A husband and of Mrs. Koaf/land's house. ton In the Comity <•( Wnrrun and Stutoof laws of the church." Sec. 4.-"That trus- one daughter survives him. . Marshal C-iol is improving the appear- Hi We don't know of a style that con be added to our stock to make it more complete. iv Jersey, all those tracts or panels of .and tees have no control over the music 01 a A small fire in the kitchen of the Unioi .nce of his lot by building a fine new fence Those that you see on display range in price from ?2.00 to £5.00, We have them lor ?1. liirnulses, Bllua.o. lying anil L'Olng Iu the " particular church, all of which pertains to Square Hotel «urly Monday morning caus- around it. ;• . ... •• •. •• . Rootbeer i>u«b a Wflslilogtoii, In..ihe County,of Wnr-, worship and belongs exclusively to theed considerable excitement and but little Eev. W. C. Timbrell was presented with nnd Stute or1 New Jersey, bounded nnd de- session?' Sec. 5.—"Nor have the trustees damage. is full of good health. scribed as follows : •••- • • power to make any change in tho pastor's willow rocking chair before he went to Invigorating, appetiz- Hotlnuluc ntasttkefor u corner in tho edge The bucket brigade quickly extinguished of Stevari Birort dlw) a coruf r to inndKOf M»rk • salary which can be lawfully done only by a fire in the Central railroad dinpatcher'a Mrs. Hunt has moved into part of Mrs. ing, satisfying. Put 'yi.tiiT" nnd mtiHlrom tltrncn tU alone lauds formal action of the congregation regular- office on Monday last. [outz's house, some up to-dny and I siiid Cyphers tweuty-llvo mid n half iluum-a ly constituted, and with the concurrence f have it ready to put .oatouK hundred and sixty-five feet, aud four of the Presbytery." • Easter was appropriately celebrated in Philip Gardner, of PhilHpsburg, gave lucliesto a corner In an niloy way; tb<-nco[9] For a new business the straw baling all the churches of the city. Music, (low-our town a call lost week. down whenever you're mill ttlxiy-four and a half decrees west aloug business of Apgar & Thompson, at theers and new Ints predominated. The ser- There was no church in this place Sun- thirsty. ild a ley way sixty tout to a suike lor a pornor; railway station, is beyond the expectations mons were appropriate to the dny, andday on account of the sickness of the new Made only by The lenco fS] "omb twonty-uvo and a half uogree* large congregations listened to them. oastoiie huudrod and siny-Uve feet nud tour of investors and the hopes of friends, but minister. Charles E. Hires Co., inches w nstakt-for a corner; thenco [IJ aloug facts are facts and the results are proof Tremont Social Club's third annual ball, Since the erection of tho new schoo' I Philadelphia. A pack- a lino of wild Stewart street sixty feot to the that business properly managed will tnriv which was held last eyennig in Parochiii building the hill in the rear.of the village j age makes 5 gallons. place of beginning, containing tweuty-bun- and grow fat in btewartavilia us fetiuily us ""iifwas wtJliaUeuutiii.' - - ••-• -. - . M i I-stltiis of as mr?, be the s'im" mnrv or 1P«B, ho- is known as College Hill,— ??,: Sold eY?r; ,v1i' r?.r:•---•- ig the wmif trncl ot land that was convoyed to in other places. A number,, .of,young people gathered at .JO wild Charles V. Howlby by deed from Abra- "No sir," said Uncle Bill Cruthers, HACK13TTSTO WN. the home'-of ""John Gardner one evening ham 11. Stewart ntid wiio by deed dated the MADE ME A MANWALL PAPER thirtieth miy of May, elehtcun hundred nud " politics, nor tariff, ner money don't cut last week and hada pleasant time, and the Samuel Johnston, of Danbury, Conn, e?=» AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE seventy-ouo, reconlod In tho clerk's ofllee of the no ice wiih me. Oh, yes, I used to think I guests were treated to ice cream and cake r^ AZZ. A-ervott* J>U.;". Impotency, SlBppWBnesB. etc.. cnuseJ county of Warren In vol. 87 of deeds, page 159, home in this place. "VI by Abase or oilier Kzcnsses nna India- made a blamed fool of myself. Yes, en I There is some talk of starting a woolen **•' eretiooH. They .qxiMilu and aurclu The second tract, beginning at a corner In a laugh to myself now when I'm alone. Why The C. C. L, re-opened on Tuesday aftei mill in this place which would be a great restore Lost Vitality in oMorrouns.und lino of lands o! Wlhlam 0. Van Doren, and runs I was a leader and could call the bosses by ,he ten-day Easter vacation. benefit to our town. Ten new buildings Provent Insanity'and CoHHUIUniton it 2C.. thouce [11 nloiiK Archie Lauce's lot, uonh six- their first names en 'twas all right, out^ it ^MissVi'ola^ White spent a part of the have been erected in less than a year and je. Their UBO shows Immedluto Improve' ty Ihree degrees on-t one hundred nnd twelve ~t^uiuirttaks^""Liiii5 to flnd -nut."jist lEactn n ,CUHE..where .BH/oth^fHU-Jn- • - - ...virtual— decroeH" west nub "hundred "and tliirty-">ur and a'haK how big—little—I wag, en I give 'em all G. K. Creveling has opened a meat mar- lafe cured thousonda und wiVl'curoyou. We uivo n pos- the grand bounce and took care of my own Tho Warrington mill property that was itive writton Kunrnntoo to efface a cure Cfl PTC in feot to a corner in iho edge of towing path; ket. ouch enso or refund the money.' Price 0U U I O • per thence [31 along said towiug path ono unnrJred< stuff fer a rainy day, en I've got it, too, 11 sold Monday was purchased by Mr. Stirea pnuknue; or fix I>I• Lung Troubles, DebiUly, disttwilng eunueh tr customers at one time than any two or three stores in this city. ~ return to Hotel Clarendon in a few weeks and made in Toledo, Ohio, by. F. J, Cheney lollhs and ia noted for making ;ujts when *U oU .We employ more men in connection with our business than all the other wall paper bithismywhythentheykickasifthehul to spend the entire season. & Co., Testimonials free. ntnt ftllw. T.rcTj mnlliBr anil Invalid thnuid have IL . stores in Easton, South Easton and Phillipsburg combined. , world is a coin' to stop short off; just as if • The ladies'of the M. E. church will givi ^y-Sold by Druggists, price 75c. poi PARKER'S We have tho store, wo have the stock, we have the prices; in fact, we have every- the hull ahootin' match was fur the benefit Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Robinson a receptiot bottle. Sheriff's Sale. of one man, or one set of men, fer that HAIR BALSAM thing necessary to give you good service and entire satisiaction. in the Sunday school rooms Friday even lid %ni beantmei tho hill. We have a line of white back papers, ranging In price, 2, 3 and 4 cems, their equal IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. matter. I jist get clear discouraged with Promote • • luxuriant ing. : have never been shown in this city. ' . >em, but it ain't no use talkin' nor trying' Between John G. Kist, complainant, and Hos- , 1} to convince 'em. They've jist got dead Mayor Jacob Beatty has the contracl We carry a full lino of choice designs and colorings, the price of which you will find for the erection of the new entrance to tht FREE very reasonable. ter A. Wllcox and ^Belinda K. Criamun, d«foud- Btuck fast to their idols, en they're, wet John Cook and wife, of Belvidere, speni Jifstimates on all work cheerfully given. auts, FI. fa, tor Hn'.e of inorlBflged promises. ~ "uouifi to stick there.- ,I,kin stand it if they, Union cemetery. It 1is to be built of red Sunday with his parents...... _... ., .:,^. i ~_ iV—^sKlonoi-As IIAHKIS, SoL sand stone, same" as the -National- Bank. :r : By virtuo of a wrl: or lluri tucloti toiuwdlreol-"'" bin." .',.;' Mr. Shumackerrof New~Ybrk'7isspend ed, issued out of the Court of Chancery of Now The fertility of resources upon which to The contract price is $1,959.00. ing a few days with his cousin, Miss Oliv Jersey, I will oxposo to sslc at public vonduo on . ii invent excuses is really astonishing. One The dancing class meets this evening Bartow. ' •' "" •""" " '""' 102 South Third Street, EASTON, PA. •would naturally have imagined after last Btead of last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Hill, of Sarepta, spent MONDAY, tho THIRD dayof MAY, I The improvements at the M, E. parson- olghtoen hundred nnd nlnety-soven, nt tho hour fall's elections that the soil upon which SundayatR. M. Hill's. of half nust ono o'clock In the afternoon of eftld , thev crew bad been exhausted, but bless age were Begun this week. An extension Mrs. Poyer is building a new yard fence day at tho Court llouso, In the town of Uelvl- ns how mistaken we have been, for nofor a square hall will be erected, with and otherwise improving her property, dero, in tho county of Wnrrou, and 8t «to of New Booner had vye heard the. result ofjhe new entrance. The wprkjsjbeing done_by_jJacob_ Bailey Jersey, all thnt tract or parcel of land and prom- s ~^"rc'hc]'i -in -_t o 1 "H op e ,"T- ~—"-1—"7—•—™.—«-«.*——H -.'r-*..***™*—. *-^™~~™ """" Sarged wTth^lfsorts and ''manner of Tea? three churches last Sunday. At the Epis- "action'To the entrrc"sy£tem. Ivfngkiul bolii'g fu U3e*towriof"liolvldero la iho'T' sons or excuses explaining why the Q. 0. copal chutch the morning and vesper ser- Our new minister, Rev. M. S. Lambert, Cure DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, County of Warr«u and Stato of New Juraoy, but- P went down almost everywhere in the vices were full choral with sermons by the preached a very impressive sermon o -od nud bounded 113 follows: . , . . .. Rev. W. M. Mitcham. At the M. E.Sunday. We hope his labors may beCONSTIPATION and PIMPLES, - a Farmer V^ants Bcginnlugata point ou tho souihorly line of State. . ••-,-.: profitable during hlfl stay with us. Oxford street opposite the eouthroatorly lino ot The decision of Alderman Weller, of church the Easter sermon was preached tlieUrldg vllleroad.runniugalongthorncoway Easton, last week in the suit of Hollpway by Dr. W. S. Robinson and the Sunday Wm. J.Huff expects to leave in a fe in the way of Farm Machinery. of tho water power aud In tho linoof lands or •vs-Oberly In favor of the plaintiff, will school gave a special service in the even- days to take a position with the Interna- GRADE TYPEWRITER D. C. Blair; runiiinK thouoe along the north-- ing. A special musical program was rend- tional Pub. Co., of Philadelphia. Plows, Wagons and Castings >rlylinoof Uie said lirlfigovlllo roadanualoug v Btrike a majority of the people conversant at"a Moderate Cost. the lluo of lnndB herotofore. coavoyed' toD. 0. ! with the situation as being, to say theered at tho Presbyterian church and the James Albert is erecting a new fenci is supplied upon the most fav- Blair and Abraham McMurtrle In an easterly. ' least, rather peculiar. If contracts can be sermon were delivered by the pastor, Rev. which is a much needed improvement. Moderate courao to a point oppOBl'o to the lino of lands or broken by one of the contracting parties, J. C. Chapman. In the evening a congre- The farmers in this section are very busy Jacob Smith and William at. Nnckeyj thenco In ; the provisions and agreements ignored and gational song service waa held. The church- orable terms at the old estab- a Boutherly courBO along the lino of Bald smith es were all decorated in palms and white sowing their oats. Some have begun t Prices. aud Mackey to the southerly edgo of Oxford the annulling party receive protection plow for corn already. flood Goods. . stroet aforeBald; thonce along tho tald southerly ^^.it from the courts, why then tb ere certainly cut flowers. • ;, lished lineot Oxford street to tho place of beginning;^ iff^g'^T— can b*e no further use of imaKing contracts "'"'Miss Lizzie Diitfdrd is now"ituling us'sales- ^Superior-Workmansiiip.-t^—-^— oxcopting~and reserving^* uowevor, irom - tbo-- "'•""" or of specified agreements. ;.i lady at Cline & Johnston's store. Shako Into Your Shoes. Right Prices. Bftroe alt tho lota within tho paid: bouudarloa;,. We are Informed that Rev. Wm. Thomp- Allen's FootrEase, a powder for the feet thit hnvo, horotoforo boon convoyed by tho 1 It cures painful-swollen, smarting feetani ;..-:.• -••—:-..: •-• >*?••-.. foundry, owner thoroof to sundry parties. Thlfl Inden- i-- " so" •wiirconllnue tbo pastorate of tho Prcs-: Unconditional.surrender, is the" only Inatantly takes the sting out of corns and ture- iflintondod to convoy all thw prftmlsoa • *~ byteflan church for the ensuing year, the terms those famous little pills known as bunions. It's the greatest comfort dis- Let us show you our R. Q. Bowers, Jr., Proprietor. , doaoriued In a certain dood made hy/Nlcholos misunderstanding that had arisen having DeWitt's Little Early Risers will make covery of the age. .Allen's FootrEase 1 ; Ilnrrif, Special Master, to said llestor A. Wlioox* : been amicably adjusted, line of Fine Woolens dnt«d sept, aind, 188S, and recorded In Warren r; with constipation, LBick headache and mRk«B t.Itrht-fitting or new. shoes feel easy. county olerk'u omco, In-vol. 187 ot deedB,pag&. . „« v^y to meet Miss Josephine 'stomach lroubles.^:I?. 2>. Jenkins'--Warron It is a certain "cure for">wedtingr~callous •-"?"—including all •that-is-;i!- •W-,-oU-.,exoBiitiHg'tnereon:-tJiroi*..-lotaj:ot;fltt7-T-= Barber on the street on Friday. She has Co. Drug Store. and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it to-dfiy ieot front each, aud ouo hundred uud fiftyfeo t deep, lately sold by said Hosier A. Wlleoz; said been suffering from a ^severe attack of Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. B> ^desirable for Gentle- threw lots contain one hundred and fitly loot sciatica, jj mail.for.25c.An. stamps. Trial package j-don't foriret when you need anything iront onLi?xf!'rdi atr^et and,llo_adjacent^o tho^_ Lot owuoa-by Jiisbn-K-.-WiluiJu'iv j^tijou eAtiu|jliut£"— know as weff'as we do^wh*at~is""besr for Mrrand Mrs: Bnover alid^dauKoLor ap 'We "are" sure we can "In Che-Horse- uooas-nne tnairi.-have n lot sold to Annie M. Wlhon by jnld Heater A. 1 1 : Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. George . Equals tiny of tho hlgh-pricod Jlachluos .j ft hig stock of Wllcox by dead rocordid In-Warren County them."-' jW' "'/'- •' •':'.' ' • . '.•: '• Fisher. ' . • 'a • . opacity and quftHty of wort nud oscols tin suit' you in every Clork'e ofllco, In vol )4H, pnge231, etc , being flfty OlavtonHanco ran up from Long Island ; Ed. Hamlln has employed Miss Stella nil in convenience. feot front on Oxford struul and extondlcg back, Cityfa pass Eastor with his family. way—goods, work, Harness and Horse Collars, omi huudrod and fifty feat 101111 alloy. ; !- -His friflnds will grieve to learnjihflt Levi Melroy of this town. Price, $35.00. s Seized nj tlio property of M10 dolouilautd at tbo- MCressman'is lying seriously ill at nurhome -We arii glad to hear: that Donald Amey, Whips, Curry.Gomlps, Brushes, Jf*t Belvidere. Mr. Oressman, owned, and jf this place is improving after being sick A full key-board machtno With 84 Yottora n p charnctera. Weighs only six pouuds. It can Harness Oil, Axle Grease, '...'• •'' • :." •. '"• ' ' ••. •;' '•>' Sherl'tr.' '".. 7 conducted the Willow Groveimill for itany twoweeks. v :. •;; . :!, operated as'rapidly/ as any other. With 1 Mrs. William Fry spent Monday at Ed- writing always In sight, It requires no lifting We do repairing and Stock Food, Cattle Powder, * wnr HI health compelled his retirement cArriago to sea whnt haa boon written, or roi T JR. HUUU WXTON, fhiaSpringi: : ;, . : ; ". :;,.]• •%'.':, ...V/' ward Hamlin'a. • : ..;•:: ltig ot tbo scale to soa whoro to placo a letter 1 .cleaning .in a manner "Farmer Man," Mrs. Cregar, ac Mr. Sn'over has purchased a finene w correcting an orror. I'ortablo unil durable, OAB; : ; Poultry Powder; also: Repair- to li-arn to onertito, clear In Improaaions and that cannot- ' be' ex;r;. •nledbv tho master of the Cregar Ji. •• •' ': " OCQce nnd resldonoo m wagon. • perfect - in :alt enmont," It: - meets 'tho popular ing. , Everything at tlie . Warron .street, neft.;cj, -•George Strykor spent Sunday;wi Frank domund. In: Wnanlngton t!3ORO"macnlno8 r~ l i Pierson.!'-'.'. ','"'."'". ^"••".""]"'. " "•' t used and rocommondod by tho following: • l6triK^|!f ^i%§ Miss Amy Snovef, John Hawk, Miss Noddham Pluno & Organ Co., DUTIH Uros., Bella Pioraon and John Snover spent Sun-. G. Croyollnir, Tho.WasmnKton Star, and othe Skalla & Diidiher . Voura for HORSE and CARRIAQEGOODS, : ^ "^jj D. M i P E R R Y, A G E NT^ : NdV9 B. Washington Ave?T ~~-; ' iavB,nuBu| ..wu»v«.w and Al. Searles spentSun- • 31 ,W. WashlnBton Ave., Washington, X. J. 1 old chapI day at Theodore Searlea.' ./0 •'(,'•••'• t:\ <-^t:^ THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1897.

THE RISEN SAVIOUR. wood, toiling amid tho heat and th a' whole crucifixion of nirony ___ .. dust of tho potteries, until ho coul Why? Shadow on the grave* of goo- make for Queen Charlotte tho fin won and women who seemed to di He Foo'cons Us to aWcrld Be- royal tabio service of .English manu before their work was done. Shade TTTM. A. BTRTKSB', ,- "^•'* 1 .•'•'.•'••"••;. ; yond tho Tomb. faeturu. That was what helped Jnmei Successful on all tho graves of children becuusi It/Is! Nbii5^|elli TT No.«OB.WoBhUiftonATe.V' »"< Watt, scoffed at and caricatured, untf we ask ourselves why so beautiful hffton.N.J. F Tli era Will lie No Sorrow, or 1Slo*ftiMW, or ho could put on wheels tho thunder craft launched at all if it was to b growers of fruits, berries, f -• - . . 'V^r ;'•;. Deformity Tlarn — We Shall bo bolt of power which roars by day ant wrecked one milecutslde of the harboi and all kinds of vegetables, SupretuoConrlConnnlwIoner.V"*.- : fil*W V - . ^ sold singly at wholesale,; not: retai , for human skulls. For 40 centuries li In royal robe and bedimnoned, a celes- Tho flukes of the upturned earth scat' vegetable1 • - •• s of- a qualit" y tha• t wil"l" prices, and V: furnish a strictly first-class machine, which will compare wil "T\ AKIKi TXIBT, had been unhindered In his work, II tial equestrian mounting tbc whit torcd upon His garments said He wai had taken down kings and queens an horse, but from this Easter of 1807 t» a gardener. How do you know lie was command the best prices. any bicycle in existence. ; conquerors, and those without fame, our last Easter on earth we'must neci not a gardener? Alii Before KuBtei All alwut Putaili—the nautii (if J:» u«; hy ex Solicltocond Master In that cold palace there were shelve: to sco Christ as Mary Magdalen saw irimcnt on ihc beat farm* In ih^ Ui'ltct St.iic»ii had gone by Ho gave to some of Hi: laid In a little W.k which we t.uL.Kb ntul will pinilly of skulls, nnd pillars of skulls, ant Him at the daybreak, "supposing Hii disciples IIU throe credentials. 11 mail free to any farmer in America ivlm wi<] w. ile fur it Wash!ngtor,N. J. altars of skulls, and even the ehalicci to bo gardener." showed them His hands and His side GERMAN KALI WiJKKS. - at the table were in nil e of blench c Another thing which the church am Three paragraphs written in rigid oi 93 Kaiwu Si., New Votk. r*i B. SMITH, M.D. skulls. To tho skeleton of Abel he hit< the world have not noticed in rcgtirt depressed letters. A scar In the righ' added tho skeleton of alt the ages, am to the resurrection of Christ is that H< palm, a scar in tho loft palm, a sen: Wavblnffton, N. J. no one lmd disputed his right until oni. made His first post-mortem appearance timid tho ribs—scars, scars. That is HUMPHREYS' (8 to 8 a.m. Good Friday, about 1,807 years ago, as to one who had been the st'vcn-devlled the way they know Him. That is th Offlco Hours. •< Ito 3p.m. ^ _ Nothing, has.ever been produced to. " ' uwiu io 7.ou p. BL ™;ncar tiftl cuu wtlouiuLu ii, a mighty 'Mary'Magdalen. One would have . ray you and I wilt know Him. 1 equal or compare with Humphreys Office and realdeose one door below Pr«bj.. "'stranger camo to tho door of that awfu" posed ho would have, made his flrsl Ay, am I saying this morning toe toria* Parsonage, palace, rolled hack the door, and wen posthumous appearance to a woman much when I say that will be ono oi Witch Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and Telephone connecuon. ' in, and seizing the tyrant, threw him who had always been illustrious for the ways in which you and I will knovi HEALING APPLICATION. It has been to the pavement and put upon tli goodness. There are saintly women each other by tho scars of earth; scan used 40 years and always affords relief tyrant's neck the heel of triumph. who havo always been saintly, saintly of accident, scars of sickness, sours oi and always gives satisfaction. P. MoKINSTRY, M. D. Then the'mighty stranger, exploring in girlhood, saintly in infancy, always persecution, scars of hard work, scars It Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS, External _ all tho ghastly furniture of thu place .saintly. In nearly all our .families, of battle, scars of old age. When I or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—Itching and Wanhlugton, N. J. and walking through the labyrinths, thero havo been saintly aunts. In my see Christ's resurrected body having Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. ; Relief immediate—cure certain. (8 tofi nnd opening the dark collars of mys- family circle it was saintly Aunt I'hebu; scars, It makes mo think that our re- B •OUBB.-JltoB It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulccrationand tery, and tarrying under a roof the in yours saintly Aunt Martha or saintly modeled and resurrected bodies wil UtO" Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. ribs of which were, made; of human Aunt Hut]). .Ono always atilntU*. Hut have scars. Why before we got out 01 Telephone Connection. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated bones—tarrying for two nights and a not so was tho ono spoken of Iu tho this world some of us will bo covered Wounds and Bruises. . day, tho nights very dark and the day Itoxt. with scars all over. Heaven will not It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old TT M. COX, M. D., vary dismal, he solved the two ohle" While you are not to confound her bo abay into which float summer yachts Sores, Itching Eruption.-, Scurfy or Scald Description of Our 1897 Model C. pillars of that awful pulace and rocket, 'with tho repentant courtesan who hail after a pleasuring, with'the' gay bunt- Head. It is Infallible. them until it began to fall, nnd then For Ladlea and Gentlemen. Framo—22, 24 and 20 inches: 1J Inch steel tubinj. imado her long locks do the work o: 'ng and with tho embroidered sails as It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS laying hold of the ponderous fron and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Head—li Inch. Hear Forks—2 inch. D. Back Stays—J Inch. Deep Fork Sides—: [towel at Christ's footwasliing, you an fair as when they wore first unfurled, gate,1 hoisted it from its hinges, ant It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy not to forgot that she was exorcised [leaven will bo more like a ntivy yard, Inohoutsldo frame joints. Wheels—28 inches; 32 and 36 spokes, swaged. Hubs—bai marched forth crying, "1 am tho r'esur where men-of-war come iu from Tra- Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, rol pattern; turned from solid tool stool. Handle bars—Metal and wood, adjustab: (of seven duvilf*. What a capital ol Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, reclion!". That event we celebrate thL falgar and Lcpanto, men-of-war wltli or'rigid.. Sprockets—detachable, iront and rear, 17 to 25 and 7 to 9. . Chain—Humbe; demonolotfy she must have been! What Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. ; Easter morn, lltindeUun and Ueetho- a chorus of all diabolism! Seven devils masts twisted byi a cyclono, men-of- Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. pattern, 1{ inch hardened. Colors—black, maroon and greon, striped and decorat< /'M. 8TITE6, M. B., veao miracles of sound added to tliii —two for the eyes, and two for the war struck on all sides by 7-t-pounders, Bold by DruRg|st»,or wnt post-paid on recalptof price. Bearings—all cups and cones turned from tool steel, felt washers Inserted, making al floral decoration which has set the 1 hands, and two for the feet, ami one men-of-war with docks scorched of tho HLJtntHKVS XED. CO., 111 A1 IS WIIUIMBCiKiv York. bearings dust proof. Crank Hanger—Disc, adjustable type with cones solid on shaft Physician and Surgeon, place abloom. for the tongue. Seven devils. Yetal. shell. Old Constitutions, old Constcl- Crank Hanger Drop—2 Inches below center.' Cranks—Keyless; put on with taper am ations, flouting in, discharged from 107 E. Wauhington Ave., There are three or four things which these are extirpated, and now sho is as held by hexagon shaped bolt. Cranks made of spring steel tempered in oil and drawn 7 to 0 R. m. I tho world and the church have not no ,good as once she was bad, nnd Christ iorvico to rust forovcr. In tho rosur- WiTCH HAZEL OILto a spring temper. Ladles Chain Guards—stamped from sheet metal enameled saim 12 to a p. m. > Office Hours. Washington, N. J. ticcd in regard to tho resurrection pi. honors her with the first posthumous 'uction Christ credentialod by scars, color as frame. Wheel Guarda—wood, extra long, enameled and laced. Tires—M. 5 to 7 p. m. ) Christ. First, our Lord in gardener's appearance. What docs that mean? fou and I will bo crucian tin led, and W. or Vim. Saddles—Messlnger Hygienic. Welght^Gents» 23 lbs; Ladles* 21 lbs. nil be recognize each other by scars. attire. Mary Magdttlcn, grief-struck, Why, it means for worst sinner great- Do you think' thorn now a disfigure- T> N. JACOBUS, M. ». stands by tho rifled sarcophagus of est grace; it means those lowest down ment? Do you think them now a badge Christ, and turns around, hoping she [shall come, perhaps, highest up; it PRICE $49.00. It. R* Avcnuo, Wnsblnffton* if euduranco'? I tell you the glorious can find the track of tho sacrilegious 'means that the clock that strikes IS at bought this morning, they arc going Wednesday af tornoon and Saturday. resurrection 1st who has despoiled the midnight may strike 12 at inidnoon ,o be the means of ..heavenly recogni- Boston, Thursday oronlng and Friday grave, and she finds some one in work- means that the grace of God is seven ,ion. r -ing apparel come forth lib if- to wi times stronger than sin; Mary Mugdu- -',.-:•; Description of OiiriSo? Model B^ nth-west corner SoiitU 3rd und Furry fits the flowers, or uproot the weeds from Icntho seven "deviled buuuiuu Mary There is one mure thing Unit thu Call outside If necossary. For Ladies and Gentlemen. Frame—22 and 2-1 inches. Diamond Frame foi the ggarden, , or set to rcclimbing the Magdalen the seven angeled. It means >vorld and the church have not noticed Qontlomon. Full Drop Curvo Framo for Ladies. 1£ Inch Bllwood Stmiuluas Tubing. fallen vino—sousa g apap- that when the Lord meets us at last He this resurrection of Christ, and that Fork—Steel Forging, Nickeled; Extra Strong Fork Sides. Wheels—28 Inches. Tan- parcl, his garments perhaps havini g i*ill not throw up to us what wo have is the Christ from LYijloy to Sabbath JQB. P. J. ECKBt, gent Spokes. Tires—M. & W. and P. & P. Rim—Lobdell Interlocked. Cranks- tno sign of the dust und the dirt of been. All He said to her was "Mary!" ,vas lifeless in a hot climate where Pontlat,, the occupation. Many people havinir met her under such sanitary prudence demanded that Forged Steel... .Pedals—Brandenburg. Sprockets—Detachable. Saddle—P. & W, Mary Magdalen, on her face the rain circumstunces would have said: "Let " urial take place tho same day as death, It la sold on a guarantee by all dr Gear—63 to 72." Tread—*S inches. Finish—Black or Maroon. Gold Striped. Wt. 3-t lbs, Washington, N. J .of a fresh shower of weeping, turns- to mo see, how many davils did you nd where there was no ice to retard gist3. It cures Incipient Consumption ifflceand residence —.d is the tost Cough and Croup Cure. this workman, and charges him with * '" One, two, three, four, five, six, lissolution. Yet, after throe days He Opposite BE. Uluud HoteL tho desecration ot the tomb, when lol seven. What a terrlblo piece ,you :omcs up so healthful, so robust, and Sold iir. Carter's Drug Store. PRICE $39.00. the stranger responds, Hinging his were when I first met you." The most io rubicund Mary Magdalen takes Him whole soul into one- word, which trem- of the Christian women in our day or a gardener. Not supposing Him to JQR. F. PIERCE FARROTV, bles with all tho sweetest rhythm of would havo nothing to do with Mary an invalid from a. hospital, not sup- C. S. Qardner, Manfgs' Agt. DentUt, of earth fui'1 Heu'en, saying: "Mary!" sin™, Hi:nto'bo a corpae from* Lhe In that peculiarity of accentuation all lest somehow they bo compromised. nb, but supposing Him to be the No. 6 Broad Street, Washington, N. J. "WASHINGTON, N. J. the incognito fell off, and she found The only thing 1 have to say against ;ardner. Healthful by the breath of that instead of talking with an humble women is that th»y" havo not enough ie upturned sod, and by a perpetual gardener of Asia Minor, she,was talk- mercy for MarjviMagdalen. Christ put ife in the sunshine. »nd lloor, Fora & Fleming Building. ing with Him who owns nil the hang- all pathos, and all reminiscence, und After Christ's interment every cellu- ing gardens of Heaven. Constellations all anticipation, and all pardon, and all iar tissue broke down, and nerve, and T~\R. G. T. FOX, the clusters of fcrgot-me-nots, the sun- ioinfort, anil all Heaven into one word trtery, and brain, were a physiological flower the chief of all, thfi morning sky >f^four_letters,,,l'Mary!M..,,, yreck,,and.yet.He comes_up^swarthy, _ Offlco and Residence. Grand Central Hotai r You Know It Is True and midnight aurora, flaring- terraces ;hrist"'did"nbt""appear tb"soine Bible ubicund and well." When I see"af ter , PA. " " of beauty, blazing with a sumiqei' wall Elizabeth, or Bible Hannah, or Bible ucli mortuary silence such radiant ap- with coronation roses and giants of Esther, or Bible Deborah, or Bible icarancc, that settles it that whatever battle. Blessed and glorious mistake' Vushti, but to Mary; not to a Mary "lould become of the bodies of our of Mary Magdalen. "She supposing against whom nothing was said-, not Ihristiandead, they are going to come Gulick, The Lumberman, EYE, EAR, NOSE AID THROAT, Him to be a gardener," What does that f-Also, Retraction of the Eyes for the «l- ;o Mary the mother of Jesus, not to the nerves rustrung, the optic uarment of glasses. mean? It means that wo have, an Mary the mother of James, not to icrve roillumined, the ear drum a-vi-. Constantly oa hand dn» Largest assortment OZ 1 cvery-day Christ for every-day work in Mary the sister of Lazarus, but to a irate, tiie whole body lifted up, with- JPECTACLBS and KYSS GLASSES m t&S ehlsh Vwllay. evcry-day apparel. Not. on Sabbath seven-deviled Mary. "t its weaknesses and worldly uses • At BASTOK.Frnnklln House, TUESDAYS morning In our most seemly appurel telephone Grand Central Hotel. There Is a man seven-deviled—devil : which there is no resurrection, are we more attractive to Christ than Whito Pino, if avarice, devil of pride, devil of hate,1 'oine, is it not almost time for us to go Doors, we are in every day work dress, man- YollowPlno, "Windowi .evil of indolence, devil of falsehood, >ut to meet our reanimated dyad? Can Norway Pino, Blinds, aging our merchandise, smiting our t [evil of strong drink, devil of impuri- •ounot hear the lifting'of the rusted Sprucr, Moldings, anvil, plowing our fields, tending the ;0RSET5. Poplar, Brackota, ;y. God can take thein all away, seven' itch? Oypreaa, Columna, Veterinary Surgeon, .''•[. ' flying shuttles, mending tho garments ir 70. I rode ov'e'r'the nVvv cantilever Oh, the glorious thought, the glori- The Newark Bee Iltvo sell more Corsotsand liasa Wood, Newels, for our household, providing food for .tialleu more customers tlmn any other store Homlook, Baluatora, {Graduate of Ontario Vetorlaarj College.) ridge that spans Niagara—a bridge ious consolation of this subject when icanao ltkeopBnll the ITIIKOB—Long,Moillum Shingles i Mantels, our families, or toiling with weary pen, Casings, 100 feet long, 850 feet of chasm from find Christ coming up without any of id Short Lont;tbB KB woll as Bicycle Coraota Slate, ootor. Cook's, old o&lcorOpposite Toot Cuice or weary pencil, or weary chisel. A id Cutaway Hips—250 styles to select from Brick, duff to bluff. I passed over it with- io lacerations, for you must remem- ings, working day Christ in working day ap- Ith, an Export Fittor always in nttondanco. Comont. Curbing, iut any anxiety. .Why? Because two er lie., was , lacerated" and wounded lloro aro pomo'of our popular Btylaa: Sand, Flagging. parel for us in our every day toil. Put ^a VldO-Whlto, Drab and Black, 93.50, $1 and :ars laden with gravel, had tested the tarfully in the crucifixion—coming up it in the highest strain of this Eustcr , or Embroidered Oriwti Llnon, $9. thousands of people standing ithout one. What does that make "W. & B."—White and Dral> -j0c to $1.50; or .anthem: "Supposing Him to be'tho t JU the Canadian side, thousands stand- ie think? That tho grave will get lack, $1 to 82. • . '— • .gardener." "Hor Majouty"—White, Black and Colored, ,ng on tho American side to applaudj othing of us except our wounds and .75to£J. ;~ It you Intend to build or rpairepairr It will pay yyou to call at thla yard and BOO for yourself and If Christ had , appeared at daybreak he achievement. And however long in perfection 3. Christ went into the "II. & S."—Whlto and Drab, D0o to $1.50; got prlcoel . YoY u are welcoml o to callll whothoh r yo DT. CLOUD HOTEL, ( ack, 75c to $2.50; or "Elito" In White and Drab, upon and that Is "Quality,Q " which yoy u will fln J -.with a crown upon. His head, that lie train of our immortal'-"interests' 'ave exhausted and bloodless. All .iH to $3.75; or iu Black. $3.23. pressed upon your mind is thithiss , that all sawini g and plainin would have seemed to suggest espe- may-bo we are to remember that God's ia currents of His life had poured out '.'It. & G."—White andDnib,fi0cto$3; or Black, Ad th bt f k I ri O. F. Staatca, Proprietor nn His wounds. He had lived a life •o$2. •-.-:•• o Bowlby's Organ Factory to do all thlfl work promptly and at prlc cial sympathy for monarchy; if Christ iridge of mercy spanning the chasm J. & II."—White and Drab, Leather Tips ln- UnsurpasBed in location, aooommodatiOL ant- 1 1 had up[)eured in chain of gold and with if sin has been fully tested by the aw- trouble, sorrow, and privation, and _Jo«I,S0istu $1. - •' •• - - • ••. au&KtJuiunt. Permanent ana transient gueut " 1 ll entertained. Prices reasonable. robo ucdiamonded, that would have ul tonnage of all tho pardoned sin of 'I . N."-Whito, Drab and'Black Including ion Ho died a lingering death. IIis jdominal and Nursing, 75c to $175. Every room heated by steam and lighted top seemed to be especial sympathy for tho ,11 the ages, church militant standing, itire body hung on four spikes. No JlcGralnla," AbJotiiiual, lu Wlilto aod Drab, lectrlcity. .aiUucnt; if Christ had appeared with one bank, church triumphant stand-i '.SO; oxtra sizes, $1.75. . ivalid of 20 years' suffering ever went 1 Washington Lumber Yard, "Trlcora," ArmorBlde, Mlasos, In White, 75c; Washington Ave., WoshlnKton, N. J. soldier's sash and sword dangling at ing on tho other bank. was to ito the grave so white and ghastly dloa,1 Wlilto and Drab, SI; extra nlzoa, JH.25. His side, that would have seemed to he seven-deviled Mary that Christ nd broken down as Christ,'!. and yot'.| 'Dr. Wnrnor'ai" "Corollno," "Hoalth" and, rrispljJKpcclal-syaipaiUjrr W*» uil lu^T r a appearance," .."Cl'O" IIo COui^a"-*U ^"aij'l-Tilj' i utuTd-!liui~ rO-~~Thompson's'"Glovo Flttlns""CorfletB, Young but I 'find Christ in gardener's, habit, bust she supposed Him to bo tho gar- LadloH1,75c; Lartios', $1 to $1.50. There is another thing that tho world ( Ferris' "Uooil Sentio" CorHot Waists for Ladioa ROSS UK1), Prop'r. with ...perhaps the Hakes of tho.carth dener, ' • . • . * • ... - • '; • T Belvidere Ave. and Morris Canal. ; .nd the church have, not observed in and CJtiildron S5o to f 1.S0. • • • • and of tho upturned ioil upon His gar- •egartl to this resurrection, and that is, Ah! all the side-aches, all the head- "C. ]3."—A la Splrito, White, Drab and Blauk, Finely arrangod, spaclons groondg, ments, then I spell it out that Ho has $1 to $1.75. v was the morning1 twilight. aches, and the backaches, and the.leg- electric lights, steam heat, free bus to hearty and pathetic understanding aches, and tho heart-achos wo will Mino. Poys CorBPts, $1.35. If the chronometer had been invented . Balls' Coraots—Wlilto and Drab, fl. and from all trains, A pleasant Bum- with every day work, and every day leave where Christ left His. The oar ' Loomorn'Cutaway and Mode Bunt, Drab and' id Slury had as good a watch as some' mer retreat. / anxiety, and every day fatigue. will come up 'without its heaviness, Black, $].£>. if the Marys of our time have, she the eye will come up without its dim- "Sounotto."—White, Black and Drab, 75c to lloll it down iu comfort nil through J3.H0. Warranted t'ould have found it was about half- ness,'the lungs will come up without "C.P."-WlHtoorDrab, $1.60 to $3; or I) lack theso aisles. A working day Christ in ast 5 o'clock a. m. Matthew says it oppressed respiration. Oh, what races $2.50. A MEBICAN HOUSE, working day apparel. Tell it in the as in tho duwn; Mark says it was at wo will run when we become immortal "P. D."-Wlilto and Drab,«."3. darkest corridor of the mountain to tho "J. B."—Wlilto and Drab, % 1.00. Uo»o, io sunrising; . kujte_saysit;jwas voryj !ithl(it.r's|^ni,i^w3!otic!reiiit2--v.*c~-»vill-- Frouch Girdle In White, $1,50., ^ ... ;, 5 Years. -poor~minuiv ~ Toll it to tliu "itmluiy ; sarly in'the .'morning; 'John says i town's" tiiko when: all earthly imperfections ~"l'riina Donua," Wlilto nnd l>rab,$lto S1.BO.~" maid .in most uuventiluted establish- subtracted 'and all celestial velocities "Z. Z."—Whito, Drub and Ulack, J1.75 to f-1.70. Romodolod and Vory Comfortably FurnlBhed, hile it was yet (lurk, Iu other words," "TasBO," In Will to, vory fliio, $5.00 to $7.25. od Table A splendid place to stop when ment at Lowell or Lancaster. Toll it added we shall sot up our residence in ..was twilight.. .That.was.the o'clock "Hoyal Worcostor," Whito, Drab and Black, di -to the clearer of roughest new ground that city which, though vaster than $1 tO $1.50, •.-."-• •-.-;™. -.-•..-• .••....•;.: i"'which"'"Mary" Magdalen "mistook •Jn'"'western wilderness. Tell *"it to all the cities of this world, shall never "Floxlbono," Whlto and Drab, $1.50 to $3.00. lirist for thu gardener. What docs have one obscquy! Fronuu Wovoa Coraots, 75uio$l.!)5. the Bowing woman, ti stitch in-, the side r mb mean? It, means there are slmd- "Noino," Tipped Top and Bottom, Jl. -.•••• for every stitcli _in the garment, some "V. V," Coraot^ Waists, Infants to Ladlofl, 40c ivs^oyerjthe: grave, uulifttid,-shadows- Standing^ this ^morning ,roun(U_ the, ~ of their "cruel "employers having lio shattered masonry" of "our" LWd's tombT" I mystery that are hovering. Mary ""ilVSs W.^\VaistH'ri to ia yoars,^lc to 63c. V right to ••think that they will get 1 point you to a world without hearse, "B. U."'-CorHet Walstu at aw. g y g toopud down and trii'fV. to look .to, t.he without..iimftied.dnnn, -without tumu-i Llttlo Beauty Waist-schild's to MIBSOS :)2 to 50o h h d f H ~ Alaoacomplotoiino ot all klnda of summot •through the door of Heaven any more ithcr.cnd.of the crypt. ...She, gave hys-.. yV^ lus. witlioiit,.cutafoloue. iiud.withotit.a- ccrss:s;'cr.s:s:r.-.n7;Si;M7wr^i'u^'uSt;cl«s^si^u" yo could'not'seono'thb"' tcinr^ATuiannrtlTe^^tli'cdniirof tlTo" Lacos In Llnon, Elastic aud Silk, and a <-omploto broken needle which has jii3t dropped 1 g ead March in OBSortmont of, Ii nation, Hip Pads, and Boaom ,her end of the, crypt. Neither can blessed no longer the Dead Mnrch in Forma. Makes no cliCtoronoo what you want, •on thu'buro"floor• from tho pricked itndi ou sco to the other end of: tho grave Sani, but whole libretti of Hallelujah ohavo it. . bleeding fingers of tho consumptive 'your dead. Neither can we see to Chorus. Oh, put trumpet to lip and Alao aend for a copy of. our publication- sewing girl. Away with your talk finger to key, and 'loving forehead Newark QIJWB of Fauhlon" 50 pages illustrated IO other end of our own grave. Oh, innthlv for fidon , your tnailfiil to your-ntldro^i -.aboutliypostuticiiniou, nnd soteriolpjjy •n gainsgainstt ththee bosom of; a risen Christ. there weru'shadows over the family Hallelujah, Amen. Hallelujah, Amenl or 25c a yoarlf called for. Atonilon this paper of the Council of Trent, and tho meta- .ot belonging to Joseph of Arimuthea, rhoii called for. • physics of religion which would freezo it strange that that there should bo 1 MAIL OHDEHS SOLICITED. practical Christianity out of tho world, mo shmlnw


- PEBSONAL MENTION, r WALNUT VALLEY. ASBURY.. Mlaa Jeannette Holllmn.iuad h suffering J. 0. Hill and family spent part of lost Daniel Osmun, who hns been spori ling a with toosUitls. ,;.Vu-:V;\ * •^•;;':-;' •• :•••• ..•...:; - * rroek with Irlenda at Vienna. week with relatives at Montclair. roUrnod Mr. Joe, B. Hampton Is confined to lib Mr. and Mrs. Jabcs Ervino and Mr. and homo last Mondwy. ; Long Distance ARBWARD Lome with pleurisy.;, Mm. II. P. Lfnaborry visited Wesley Lin- Miss Bertha Watson nnd Miss Ella Rid Miss ConsUnco HlncsUspondlng a week aberry at BrandsvUIe on Sunday. dlo returned to Stato Normal School at Telephone with, Meads in Scran ton. Frank Hill and his best girl spent Sun- Tronton last Monday after enjoying a ten Tour Ohoico of Any of tho gx day with Mrs. A. 0. Yeomans, nt Columbia. days'vacation here. Miss Emma Hong- The obildron of Messrs. Otto OloIU and Innd also returned to her school duties at BUSH & ost Grafio $100.00 Bicycles, Thomas Byrne ore seriously 111. : John Metzgarnnd wife were tho guest of C. KlrkhutTon Sunday. Englowood last Monday. MlaaFannloRIohoy, of Asbury, passod Miss Fanny Richey returned homo last 1897Model. Frooof OoatTjy Easter with her elator, Mrs. 0. B. Stultb. Cora and Ola Beck and Clark and Clara Monday after a few days In your Extensive Tailoring -TTeiaff Somo of Your SparoV Obarles A. Miller is couflned to his homo Jones passed Sunday at Cedar Lako. borough the guest of hor sister, Mrs. 0. B • with a severe attack of stomach trouble. A. U Smith and wife and George Titmnn Smith. Department Momoats. v •.-..:•.-. : ; Mr. George Young has been conined to and wife were the guests of Jon. D. Hill on Miss S.-illIo Smith roturned home last bis homo for several days with rheuma- Sunday. Saturday from an extended visit among tism, "••.••:.,.••..•• '-. • Two fountsyoung mon from this place were friends at Jursoy City, Nowarfc nnd Perth •1 ho grout HtrW«« mnda lor.Tlli Nnw Vomc , Mrs. F. E. Van Sycklo is ontortalnlne initlatci•a In ttiiifttlilc clrodlntlon. Tula growth, wtillo Indeed iiriillfj- Military Academy. Charles Swartz, of Stilhvatcr, was atfor tho post week, Is somewhat better at Uumodios In thn IIOUHH thrro i» no doctor to hunt (ng, Horvcfl only to Htlmutnto tho mnnnijumotit ills homo here over Sunday: orwnit forwhon DELAYS A UK DANGBItOUti. Easton's Largest togrcitor flTorttt. WM, n vfiw to tho Intro- Mr. D. M. Perry returned to his duties this writing. ditctlouortlio'liiit NKW YHHK TIMKB liiliornoa at the Needbara office on Monday after a Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Riub spent Saturday MLss Bertha Smith, of Philllpsburg, spent -oii'sOulilo to Elenlth will toll you what to wlioro It M not now roonlvml, wb«ro thu im- week of severe illness. ; and Sunday at Stroudsburg. Easter at hor homo in this place. nd how to SAVE DOLLARS IN IIOCTOU'S provoment tlmt Iitut bocn iniu]« inny not bo Mr. John B. Wright bns fiufflciontlyre - Mrs. Amy Klrhhufl'and family visited Union services will be held in tho M. E. FEKS. Sickness orteti como.i n'ltUenly, known, n jimu lirw bouu mlvltioil ft reward tboite covered from his recent attack of typhoid among friends at Delnwaro last week. ivory mother should bo iirojinrod bj* having who mny ntiHlttt in tint work of Incrotwliig its church next Sunday evening. MUNYON'S ilKMKnu^wtioroMi'o.cangrt t o ivnldllon tiyotloriiiK toniiy mnn, wmnmt.or fever to bo nbout again. A. Hill and I. Hilt have secured the con- Miss Julia Spencer Is conllnod to tho "•'"ilowonii or Uio biniulurd hlttii-Krn.lo one- ,,'Prof. Lewis Barnes, of Philadelphia, tract to paint I. W. Smith's handsome re- houso suffering with tho grip. ThoyHro nliaolutoly hnnnio.^, nndw> M In n. four h nir«. T'rico. S3«. Tlmt no off irt to 'iicr'UnO tW,-l c H nil cnii^'bH nad tflutlihoy ennnot Hwuro moro tlmn fltty houses on Jackson avenue. Ogdcn Brands cntne out second in acame home to spend Easter accompanied iwodilf Iioals tlio liitigi*. I'rlcc, S5c -i:rll)«r»iiirtnr(io moinlw oneli. tlio ubolco Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Petty havogonoto wrestling match, resulting In u broken leg by their cousin, Elias Fritts. .Munyon's C'ollo nnd CrylciK Ilnby Curocui STORE will bo (ikon or nny Hfty-dollar (rut'tll nrlco) Richmond IIill, L. I., to spend ten days to him. iplng pnfus of ovory Joaurliitloii, i^oiiip blcjeif. Ainerlfiin iititnnlncluro. nnd to tlioao with their granddaughter. Harry Rut in, of Buyonne, was noticed who In tliulr utTorl«fBll Biiorti.f nfty «nljw:riliorB In town recently. relieves jialn from , nml f there will bo-imf(l 50 cents In ennh far every Miss Eva Sells, of Iiulaydolu, spoilt Sat- blos Piico, i!S cents. . ardoTcndSBsdanTiih- Mrs. b.\ Prr." "On The Corner" Ask your Uroccr to-day to show you it POLKVILLK. .Munyon'ri Soro Throat Curo provutitu dl[.ti. 1 on W. Washington avenue. package ofGKAIN-O, tho new food drink orln and curru nit foriiift of soro thnmt. 1'r to, OPANYmUVCXEOPAsiKIHCAViMAsBKAl^ ' Miss Mary Badgley returned last week that takes the place of coffee. Tho child- Thoro has been a number of changes in CLMlW. ' T1IK OKKKIt IN DKI'AII.. to Easton to enter upon her fourth season ren inny drink it without Injury as well ns our littlo town this Kprlnj;- Among the Manyon'rt Fnvor Cure will bronk nuy form of nt Bunstein's millinery store. latest Is the moving of Mr. and Mrs. Clco. vt>r I'rioo, S5 ooutn. NORTHAMPTON STREET AND CENTRE SQUARE. Any ji?woii deMlrlnj; to underinko tlm work of tho Adult. All who try it, like It. GRAIN-0 Alburtson to Marksboro. A wiinrntit euro for eiwh IIIKOIUIP. Hpoiirliiftl0!nul«k'rl[,urrt nliuiil.l iiutlfy TnK NKW Mrs. J. K. Smith WAS the guest of her haa that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, ucgltm, mo.stlvJ.'ioetiiHU vinl. OIIK Inue. UIHI mil liiHiriiftiotiri und MiuikH brother) Mr. Joseph H. Thompson, at but it is tun do from pure grains, nnd the Mrs. Irvln McCracken and mother visit- IVrr-oniil loltom t» I'rot. .Mimyon. 111 bo funilitliuil. Under no cln-niiitttnnccti will Jersey City governl days last week. most delicate stomach receives it without ed at Jebiel Harris' at Knowlton on Wed-..•-(•ot. l'li'lmluliihit 1'a., tuiMwcrtid Hiibriorl|illntt tm nwu|.tod m nmMiiL- nil tlio nesday. iiioiicut ndvit/u fur tiny illsCnuu. ••»•••••«««*«««• iinib-rrrttuirodor tiny iiorwin wh» 1ms boon Mr. Thomas Donelley, of Mt. Holly, distress, i the price of coffee. 15c. and n regular rmtiler of TIIK is"hiv Ynt-K Tliinstltico spent Monday and Tuesday visiting his 25 ets. per packnge. Sold by all grocers. Mrs. Dorothy S. Huff is spending a few JBU. 1, 1HU7. All llntH will Ho IHT(Mllj;ifHl, nnd sister-in-law, Mrs. Jas. Donelley. days with her son. lflt[uroiiMlth»rI>i<:Iudo ttio niiiioo? nuy i>or< Sheriff's Sale. No such stock of goods lms over beon shown in Eastern Pennsylvania,' Our HOII who Inw roouiilly buen » rc^ninr rumlor.thnt ' Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Rndllne, of Easton GLI3X GAItDXEIt. Mrs. David Low is visiting her brother, were tho guests of his sister, Mrs. Lemuel Charles Smith, at Harmony. G. Vnnnatta, of Broad street, over Mrs. A. L. Beavers, who is ill, is improv- Mrs. James B. Huff visited Mrs. C. B. Sunday. : ing. sr^-""««"""—»•» Huff, at Delaware.on Tuesday. tnnini S. T. W'Plutt* ot nl->.. Miss II. A. Adams, of Philadelphia, mid Mrs. E. Oaks issiilleriiig from a severe jd (Jlirlftofiher (!. lioirern t>i nl^. ItfH dhllnctlir nml«r/loo.l tlmt nil lintn nf nlnck of rheumatism. Dress Goods, Silks, Suits, Capes, ..nmeH nrn Mtbjrat (o vo-llK'nllon All coiilonof . her little niece, Atlanta Hall, of Atlanta, Dflli'lmix Knj-llsli >Iulllii>. Itotnnmblu May 'IVrm, A. I), ISlC, TllK KMV VOHK TIHKII ordered mtdor tlitH IIIHU Ga., wore guests of Mrs. J. Ross Lake over Jiinies Lanning has been coniMicd to the iiut»t bi« flolivfred whoro TIIK I IUKH (IIIH not Sunday. bouse for the past few days. To make English hiulHns scald one pint : hbretoforu beon rwolvud. TnuolTorirt Itilundud of milk, and while hot add'two ounces of Jackets, Separate Skirts and bolulyfor now tmi-dcrl..tli)ii», nnd onlerrt from Mr. Ira Blazer, postmaster of Montclulr, ' John Broad bend has inherited £1,GOO butter. When liikc-wnnn add half n tea- By vtrtnu of tho nliov* stated writ to mo til- accompanied by his family, passed Sunday from his lather. 'twtcd nnd delivered, isMU'd out uf tlio Court of wnt roauliir romlerit of TIIK NRW YOKK with bis father, Mr. Charles Blazer, south spoopun fitl I ofSiltofSiilt, hniranouiiceolin f compress__inpra_- •utiiiL'ary uf XHW .loivoy, I linvo levin! n — KS will, untfor nciijlrciiins nni'on, bo nwoiitod Hello, Jersey, I thought you could shoot. ed yeyeast t dissolveiolvedd iin two tablespoon I uls of iiul will noil nt iiublle veii'ltm at tho New \V lu nuiklUK ui> tho ri-<|ii|i o-l iiiiiul>ur. of town. Oh, well Allen, I tell you anybodily can •or llom-u. In tho Huron h of U'atfilnn Waists •ilori* (or tho duilvury ol tivutiinl-H to tlio wnrm watert , nndd two cups of flour. Be.Bea,t Juiinty of Warren nml Suite of Sow Jornt'y, ou 0 mlilrmii will nut lw mvaiiloil ni iwo new ' Mr. James H. Johnston bas been confin- shoot but the devil of it is to brenk ththem. . Ihorouuhly and stand aside for two hours; tcrlbinn. 'Mm ]>iir|io*e of J'IIK TIJIKS IK to ed to his home for nearly a week past with Woody mid I dusted every one of mine. bnke in greased mufnu-riiigs on a hot ijrid- MONDAY, tlio TWENTY-FOURTH dayof 31 AY, 1 n a wlilor OiHtrlbiitlitn o( ft-* |->nimrt In troublo of tho throat brought on by a se-Yes but what wits the mittcr with Woody? dle.—Mjts. S. T. Roittiii in Ladies' Home hom»w whor« It Un* n >t Im-of-for- t.....n a0. vere cold. cipbtcon linndrod utl rln ity-eovpn, nt two Aro superb in stylo nml almost endless in assortment. He certainly tried hard to break them. Journal, o'clock In tho nrif noon Ut1U(MI fur reply, iTllK Slater. Ho was accompanied by his inotU- and if I hadn't lie wouldn't have got twoEaster Over. :on avenue, nnd runt from thon^o (1 i lu a »outh- NKW Y> UK 1 mm win Miipiily IIMRM bond tlio birds. Well, I'll tell you one thing, next >rly course nlong tho lino of (tnlil Flu-.'lot ouu PARASOLS, KID GLOVES, LACES anditlf:ni>dittitl itd'iri'foud litttor ulrvulnrtt to THE er and niece. time I go out I'll t:iko heuviur shot. Don't iiiudnd nml nove'ity-alx feet to a enrnor; NKW YoMi TiJfs, und ihey will h,\ ninllod wlth- Brakeman A. E. Sutton is moving from give any to Smith heavy enough to go Wasn't it a glorious day? .hence i2t In nn easterly course Ilfty feut niuro luti-octiti you: If y-n titnll them jour-df you )r IVM to IL comer In IIno of lot owiifil by Jotib mustunix tn f.-idi lettn-finvo-vmitHtainii lly A. Petty's house on East Washington through sheet iron an inch thick, for if you thlit niu'iiiH y'U intiy witliuut i-iilllnn In perwou avenue to Wiilard AHeger's house on do he mny hurt some one. Wimt was the Wouldn't been half so fair were ll«r»ho'i; thence 13) lu n northerly course iilong HANDKERCHIEFS. Fisher avenue. line of-Mcrslion's lot one hund>od(indt lu the htinilr.-d- aloiiK ilio ctuutherly fdtie of said avenue ou » Largest Stock, Latest Slyltm mid Loweai Prices. Burguins every day. fully ii-irilt'limtts In th! to liavn-nn julo- ._ were guests o"f hi" *s brothe" r at the Newtcr get? I don't know. I sot discouraged orly coursofltty fnet to tlio place of bojtli Call and see. . Windsor over night. and didn't pay much attention. When we much in evidence, so was hernlng. Contaluluc < fiif en one- j of Milur of TIIK Tmts, oiwuro n: c-oj.y, rcu I It have the return mutch we will put it on to . .LTD more or les«. IMnc thomitnolotcon George Hall, , a student. .it Colcman's them. Smithy says next time tie'll shoot new hat. An inquiry will reveal voypd to tho Gnid Jacob C. ISowers by CLtlnlo- in or Iff*. •' Yon will H-U thnt 'I'IIK New YOHK Business College, Newark, spent Easter No. 4 shot, well, Washington only got IB phor C Bowfis and wife by d-'cd dated tlio TiMKH \# n decent, (llKUlOcd, ontorp-Mug. flrst- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. G. the fact that the hats that you ninth day of Jnuiinry, A. I>. eighteen uundrud •*•«•••*•••••••• cln-tt u •wtt|iii]ier, ithiM ulwtiyH tti>ilutulJiltmmo and to \>n nuinuur toliitorc.4tliitt>Ult.-t'Ut mon rind worn on. the latter place, lust Thursday. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, sold for MIMII by mo. To be Hnen rnnOIiic TUB XRW YOHK TIMI-S is n Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever BUSH & BULL, Htim.lrf utiitura nn-l rp.spuotul.Ul'.y. Tho^tory Floyd Bates was taken alarmingly ill Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, KI.IAS J. MACKEV, U !i>l It isThe Bon Ton. Datod, April '22, JS!»7. pwtfvo i>mj>loyor, nnuwcml alinjily. "I road ious consequences are anticipated. ITS. Feu, 59.00. EASTON, TPJL. 'l in-: NKW \ nitK TIJIHS." He wnetnwoiitod Into guaranteed tojjive perfect satisfaction cr employment at oucu on tho theory that rond- Mr. Cbas. JI. Tuttle has been appointed monev rflCtindrcd. Prim 25 wnts jmr box. liurau»WH|iniinr <>f tlm q.i»Uty nt THF M»«- , r a canncicdoncr to the Tennessee :Ccntcn ., Nov.- that the rush is ever, we ^ OIIK TIMK.-! la u'vertlllmtu of good clinrnctur. nial Exposition by Governor Griggs. He For Sale at F. X. Jenkins' Warren County I received his commission yesterday. Drug Store. shall be better prepared to serve A KliW KACTS. Mrs. Morris Coyle has been in n serious A Inruo piirt of tho populiitinu of Oroitor New- you with that care so essential to GOLDSMITH. BROS. York catmint« of mnii mid woiupii of culture nnd condition for some time suffering with MOXTAXA. educntlon who ecrupulotiiily oxcludo from tholr dropsy. On Saturday a physician relieved proper and becoming effect. hornos s-nsiitloiml ncwspiiporH. Tliuy want n her by drawing over five gallons of water. Rev. D. DeWolf, of Newark, occupied ONE DOLLAR $i. pure, lvholi'conie nownpiijuir, which, while pro- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Teel, of Bridge- the Baptist pulpit last Sunday morning. Bro^tvonnd fiitorltiiiilt g, Joes not doUloiis Jacob Wiilever, of Port Murray, spent New goods received ' every pngos by U'liulitivedouiiisor Hciudals nnd horrl- " ville, and Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hillmnn, invested in hl« (Kx-onuw of crime. Thoro la n growing rovolt of Bushkirk'sBridgc^N.Y., passed Sunday Sunday in town. ..week._ Call and see:,what,we,are. Reliable " ' "with ilr. P6Lur~I5iLviu&ijiruii BfoauhLreet. Rift, spent Sunday as the guest ol" her fatli doing. wodkinlndwlnndnntliliiklnebyovi „ John H. Bowers left Monday on a busi- er, Mr. Joseph Plum. of vice itiiil Imiuoralliy. Tim hust nion In tho ness trip through Maryland and Virginia community nro calllus a Imlt on this vicious* in the interest of the Bowers' Snuff & The Mission Band will meet at the home Clothiers. 1 1 (•Wilnt-vy, nll'i Tl!!! NE :. YOKE 'TlJICS is -- Tobacco Co. He will return about the of Ethel M. Cole on Saturday afternoon. dally pnlmeit to nn an ttxiiuiiilo of what n sclf- first of May. Miss Luella Rush, of Easton, is spending Mrs. Edmund Wendehack, rt'itpcctliiL', modern newepiiper should bo. So- - Miss Viola Bowers bus been suffering: a week at her home. curo a copy of th« Saturday odltlon nml ohworvo with the grip and threatened pneumonia. ttinSiip{>lnmf>ui-,d*)vot«rt-to it Tevlew of books Her duties as teacher in the public school There is something on the northwest Vehleiu's .Block. uuil art. Show tula to your friend** who nro side of Montana more interesting to some will give new light and beauty to a room of ordinary size. Our rondora of tho beat lltornturo, and th«y will ho have been temporarily assigned to Mrs.of our young men than Sunday school. Inter-'stod ntonce In tin* nltmctlvo I'oittontsof J. S. McCain. One of our newly made neighbors furnish- large stock just replenished with latest styles. We know we can mis fontiire. Tlio llliiHtrntml Mn^nzlno Supple- Mr. E. Brooks, Supt. P. 0. Station G. es the entertainment which is not religious ment which ui:companfou tho Sunday odltlou lu a in its character. suit your taste and supply your wants. gem of art mill lltcrnturo. it coniparo- favor- Brooklynt spent Sunday with Mrs. Jas. t * ably with tho boat lon-L-ont imignzluefl. A Gardner, in whose charge his little daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cole spent Sunday knowledge of .tht-no facts will enable you to ter will bo for the future, Mr. Brooks com- at Port Murray. nrop-rly pre-L'iitttio merlin of TIIKNUWVOKK ing out from the city every Saturday and II.IIKS to prospective Hiibscrlburtf. returning Monday. Miss Ada Smith, of Kocksburtj, is visit- A Woman's Thlngtt worth hnvlitK aro not easily obtalnod. ing her sister, Mrs, Joseph II. Hush. A NEW IDEA -It required rarnent etTort and uniirlug, pornlst- Mr. Wilbur Nixon and Miss May Davis, pucn to cociiro 100 itub^crlbora; uuO you may nnd daughter of Mr. Jacob W. Davis, of Rail- County Superintendent Price visited our ® far the ilrat day or two thnt tbo'effort Is not HO road avenue, two well-known voting people .school on Monday. He is much respected ..,.,.:. ., which we,have adopted will enable easy aa ymi muy.lniiu;liiu, but poreevornuco will of Washington, were united in marriage' by both teacher and pupils. ilnvention surely bring success.-. :—; irymi desire nddlttonal Information, write to at the Presbyterian parsonage at Beatyes- A horse belonging to Charles S:ipp ran :: TIMI:S._A1iii:s. All1 quoj-lluns will boo checheerfulle y towu, last Sunday, by Rev. Dr. 'Campbell. away one day last week. The wagon was "The Teller Cooking FARMERS TO MIX FVAIINT nsworeded.. This IIss a rnrrnroo oppportuniitty to HCUIH O overturned and broken, and the horse ouur choice of nny of tthho beaat one-hhud dre Mrs. George W. Dilts left yesterday r bibicyclel .Ad Addressd . morning with her two children for a visit was badly injured. Knife" for turning to any desired shade. Call and see it at the " s. .. .. With her brother, Mr. A. S. Conine, in The Ladies' Aid will niuet at the home •TIIKXKWYOWT K TiitiVs." Ricbmutia,Vu. The visit is inade in the in- of Mrs. Atnzie Rush on Wednesday next. pan cakes, eggs ome- An Advance Crop Now York City. terest of the health of her oldest daughter, Kate, who has been ill for a Ions time, lets, fish, meat, etc., WARREN COUNTY DRUG STORE, Their stay will be indefinite. Do Your Feet Ache? of early Spring styles in swell cloth- Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, retails in stores at ing is ready here for your harvesting. K. N JJ3NKINS, Pharmacist : a powder, it cures Corns, Bunions, The cloths have been^chosen with an DoYouWant ;CO3UIUNICATKI>. Swollen, Tired, Sweating, Aching feet. 2jc. We-give one Public Telegraph Service to all Parta of the World. At all drugaists nnd shoe stores, 25c. eye to beauty of pattern and quality v EDITOR STAK:—It is well known tbat I Sample FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm- of wear. They are made up as well Local and Long Distance Tolephoiio Connection. am a temperanca man from conviction, stcd, LeRoy, N. Y. and X want to lessentheeviland ultimately' as cloth can be. You couldn't get a A New Wagon? have it abolished^ so far as the legalized Bale of intoxicating liquors is concerned. t Free better making if you were to pay ti)i-iii ,_It hosjjeenjfrequently_jttiidj)yj3onie of. my. twice as much. : Xt__ "-»™^^AjIiuw~uiLizeiia"liial:tu«'grail Ling oi license rMi=3~Nctticrn:LcI±:~and; friends .;.from. lady. CUStO-.:. J the very "latest" patterns; """"Tliey-con- just before election would render useless Townsbury spent Sunday with her cousins, We are ready for Spring;" are yoiT? any attempt the temperance people might Misses Cora and Olie Wildrick. mer. Remind us of %Spring .Togs will be coming for some sist of all kinds and grades, and we make at the election held on the Monday John Parr has decided to stay on the time yet, but the best are here, and I have marked them at prices that defy in which they were so successful. The farm he now occupies. it if we should for- THE PLACE we claim to have the largest and competition. ; position of the license question is this: John Matlock has moved on Mrs. Lizzie The Council just elected has by theWerts get it. most select stock of law (for which Mr. Hoover, one of-the Leida's lot. JUST THE PLACE 'licensed liquor sellers voted when a mem- Miss Maie Bond spent Saturday and Sun- ber of the Assembly,) the power to revoke day with Miss Myrtella Dunfield, at Mt. AND licenses, for the following offences: First Hernion. Respectfully, Buggies $45 —Selling or offering for sale any liquors Mrs. Alvin Smith, who is ill, does not Clotting, Hats on the Sabbath, or giving away tho same. Second—Selling or giving away any liquors scm to. improve. to $150 Edward Hartzell made the highest score | Roof & McDanolds, _,_ „___ to. minors or apprentices contrary to law. at.the sjiootincr. match held herejast Satur^.. and Furnishings THEjONLY PLACE ..___,., iii,_ -^Sli _^r^r-==—-—Third-Selling or'^fhrntobine any intoxica- "day"/"", "' ---.-•- ---.--. r fVnyone wanting'-a really.first-class ting liquors to _. person known in the Swayze Craig, of Buttzville, spent Sun- neighborhood to _ of confirmed intem- vehicle can get it"bf us at a saving of perate habits, or who is visibly nndor the day with his sister, Mrs. D. Leida. K influence of intoxicating liquors. This, David Garrison draws the reins over Al- at least $50, backed by a full guarah-' you will see, is very broad and sweeping, *red M. Smith's fine team this summer. We'll show you everything. • We FURNITURSTYLES VISITORE S tee. You would pay as much for a -It'Will-not bo-so Olulcult to prove these Robert Leida, of Pulkville, was at tho :CORRECT •JU—^J*. A. offences as it has been to prove some othesr want you to see it, and you'will be WELCOME good second-hand wagon at an auc- homo of his mother.qyer Sunday. ; ———r- in the past:~Persons who drink'"sob'n'get satisfied--that'•'• you-~can," suit yourself "LARGE "' COME tion sale as we ask for a! new one. under Its influence, then if the landlod A number of our young people attended the party at Johnson Van Horn's, Friday better with us than you can at ASSORTMENT AND SEE Don't be mislead by the enticing flaloonsaloon keepekeeperr , or ththeiir bartendersbtd, sell evening, in honor of his daughter May, ""imjiquoreijtisground, for,revokinjr,,the Smith's or Brown's or Robinson's. ^-^^l!oLCPX^J^.n-^ti_calers.j,If.you_huy.-. M "of us you'are sale as well as salisfie^d" deal to the cause of morality and sobriety Beaver Brook, were guests of his brothei fr '- in our comnmuity. That feature of Belling Johnson Van Horn, on Sunday. JOHN to men of confirmed intemperate habits Our stock embraces' NEAR THE DEPOT, being cause of revoking license, will be of Stand at tho Head. Don't Wait! Como Toddy. R. Q. Bowers, Jr., benefit to the families of drunkards. If everything to be . that section of the Werts law is carried Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of r 11 out tbo business will not be so profitable, Slireveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Look at our Hats and Furnish- ~™"" "Wasill1 i iigto n~" P6 liml ry^iW™ ^™- and if I can live tnisee the day when liquor Discovery is the only thing that cures my tfound in a first-class . HACKEXTSTIDWN;IS." J.^ Belling is unprofitable in a commercial cough, and it Is the best seller I have." '•-,'• Repository. ,„ . ? view, then the legalized sale of liquors as ". F. Campbell, merchant ofSafford, Ark., 1 ings too. , « ' Parlor Suits . Side Boards Chiffoniers Chamber Suite v up-to-date establish- a beverago is ended. ' writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all China Cloaets " Oouolies : Fancy Rockers Lounges HENRY JOHNSTON. that is claimed for it; it nover fails: and is Your iXonoyBocls if you want it a sure cure for Consumption, Coughs and .-. mentp». I -1- :_ Dining Chairs ... •.. Extension'Tables ... :.. . Wardrobes .'."-,•:«;:::| Spring Beds r ' MorchmitHniid others aro warned ngftinst"" UlUidren's blous9 suits yscrBryanfiSfWl v Dr. King's New Diicovery for Consump- ',.•;_ Parlor Tallies '•"Mattresses Picture Frames sellinpr goods to my wife, unless «fjd' -forl: Boys' " Brownie" overalls. Bryant & W. tion, Coughs and Colds is not an experi- or harboring hor.ns I will not pay any such > MRS. H.M. BULL, 1 Three pairs gent's flue hose 25c.iB. & W. ment. It has been tried for a quarter of a 222 and 224 Northampton St., Baby Carriages ' ( ^^li ^, -._^\u_. \_ JKelVlgeratprs '_ bills contracted ,fpr sbpjs not nientally roj^ ^ century and to-day stands at the bead. It : fl'ponsibio'i'or'borrdcts; „ ... Children's ^ best' hose in town 10 centa at never disappoints. Free trial bottles at P. (.,.,.-. 52.E. WASHINGTON AVE. • /•, > In ahort, Everything in^he Furniture Line . 'V'- k ' WM. A. ANDREWS. tryant & Waller's. P * N. Jenkins, Warren County Drug Store. ' EASTON, PAs Telephone In Store. : . , ,, UnderUkliijr and Embalming Promptly Attended To. 'Now Village, N. J., ApriM4,1S87.*>-'