1 " . - ' •

f VOL. Bdltor SBd FnprUMr.f NEW YORK, Sj^LTURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1866. vma cuva«

ON THE ROAD. Karerl" larraly teplled the Duchess. "Shs ksowsloo mooh DMldrs, u I hare laid befon, ahe la loo fair: aad then— 'AndthonwbatI" 101 IBS raw lOBS ctmta. 'Timff 'Iie(!lllnot. JsDottbalanaolsnt?" 'And tha conie

Ibe ' Ai o'or MTement olow ve go, ind the peaUlrace la quite OTtt." not yet 1. , Cnlll the roid bafote u Uj, Aa aba spots. Lady Aiiamonlh nlsed bet dark, jlumlng ntu 'anOi o;ir fMt no gna ilitU grow. eyea with onloous meaning lo ber oempenlon'e fice, godaikly omlnona Ibal that eren ho turned awar ftom U hi Tb« Ant iltp on Uugaod bud tnck, wu meaning, ilmoal honor. smile wllh whloh he mat it TFbr (botud «« lUU del*/ It iplle of the cahn tret Aenil, Uiat buutiful otwhire. He wu aeoua. Bo DOW, doll town, we IwTa yoa tack, Wu ebe a toned to ber ilarlog aobomn, even to ber merelleaaneeit ml lo ma fan before ni, "

ihookserenme.*' . "Shooka I" she echoed, scomfnny. "BonryOlaTarton shocked I" "You msy ue«r, u you know i can aland II, but I will not aid • you la Ihla." . "Not aid me I" renraled Lady Portamontb, alowly. "What OB, - mean you, OlaTarlon?" . She ul dews the light u aho apoke, and ralttna ber eyee. Bud A BLACK MASK AND A WHITE FACE. them on hll ollr»hued fece wllb an eipreulon of almoet Beadlan lenenrss. "Do yon know boat, sad mutt Boat or CBAFTEB Zni. Ihil we are Is the eune dak togcltaerr Mkcd tbe. ., ' - TO THE FUODV KXJB0]— . ISS VimoB nu DKID OF THE PUTI- 'I know wo iro In uch olher'e power." he tepUed, barihiy. . LEJICI—THZ OLD BAO'B PBICS—THE PEABL IIBOOCB— 'Ay," ibi inawesed, with a low, loR, mocilng laughi "and yeiyonwlUiiotald me?" . . . The door wu opened. "He turned away Beroely, aad euodeto Ihe other end of the "Br ell tbe ailnta, UlelfOM Hotb, I thought yon mnet h*Ta «- room, but In 1 few seconds be reUrnsA. What wu the nadna. elm) of the plignajoonelf, keeping newtlUng like this 1" eeld Uon of this wonaa'a wlokednssst Be knew net; but be knew t soft, tloh TOlce. "IhiTewhuUedtbteeUnetl" thU he could no mon teelat It no more btask from It thiD If II •'Cooein, mjUdjI I'm getting tUlUe bird of hewing, I'm hsdbeen lene potent speU. Pnnd, hard, adauian.t u wu Ua tireldl I onlj beard 70a whan joo rapped," rtpUid the lug, natnra-4oTlag atUfotlle own sake, u hedld,he.wu alUllbe "laallweUf" alara of UUbeautlfnl Bend, who, wUUI the led bim on, ha Ml, "Perfectly wtO, my tady; oooldn't be belter, or I ehooldn't In bis mockilg hurt loathed and hilod bIm, loo. hare aant to joo. Yonr ladythlp haa brought the llltle aeent "Ton will not aid me V repealed Ibe Ducbeee. packet, howerert" "Uenrielta, ton ate 100 moidless." "Tonr Cham—ay, tbongh my fdlh In ll'a hot amnlL" She smiled, bnl berdark eyee Aubed. ^ And then ftvmhla hiding plaoa Olavde aawataU,gruefiil,ft- "TIamymmre-IamatlgreiS Ton know." And Ihen, ^ng male tgm atop Into the hot and aland In the fall blaie of the op tbe llgbl, ihe egiln held the odor to Nell Owynue's nostrils, Ire. .Bluonanot dieaaed In Ibe ftahlon of the llmea, bat waa and after Halchlsg the effiat tor a moment ot two, tamed away. enTOloped, so to apeak, hi foldaoi black Ttlrat, daaped loasd the "Ton wll land Bamon to ma l»ffloiiaw, and coma to Bie throat by a brooeh of mignlhoent dlaaonda. On ner kead ahe younelf, ifur luiuet" shs said, paaalng hit aofi wblu hand won a man'a pinmed hat and her Itcu waa ooDceaM by 1 Tlaor. Ihnugh Clarerion'a arm, and loading him lo the doot. beeoUfnl iM aha atood there, boweTer, lu-tnilng to Mlalnan Heth'a apo- •I will," be eniwoted ; end Ihen Ibe eanllar and hla logleo, aha Slug aalde the hat and \taor, and dlicerered a tiee of compenlon puaed oot leering their unfortonala capUn petftct-

' each eiaolaite beanty that, eran aa ft» lay, Claadt felt hla burt Ijrhelplauin that atony alapor. ' w k. thrill une gaud at It The (Mtnrw were of Ibt aqoalliie type, 'Bail in hoar aflerwatda aaretton wu oa .hls wiyBMI to bnt eiQaialfely delicate; the oomplaii A of idaiillng Ikiraca: limdon, ud Lady Forlsmoulh, perfeoUp saUaled.wlth her the oyaa larg^ dark and glowing, uow with a lorf of praod nlgbt'e work, layXrutblng solUy {^'^'i^^?^.'.*'*^'''' ** gerceneaa, now wtlh meltug aofmeaa. Bhe waa oolte yoong; eonndlyulf berposadenoa waa : bnl, naTeitheleaa, to the face reae an eipreaalon of Indoultable flrmnaoa, and one glance waa aoffldant to ahow that, whoerar. OHAFIEB IVL wia no ordinary aba waa. aha chanoter. Caatlngaiieagerglaaca »ino a roond the hut, ahe aoddasly atntched out a daiulDgly white arm LDinD Toonama >r am-rai naa mu, aaoixa-m LoaDox— novaa aao ounaxov-Taa towirda the corpee'a head, and exclaimed, "Ihit li what yoa Kuan bare to eihlUt, Uother Hetb, I preanmel" aacaar ovr. "If ao It pltace year lidyahip ; bnt the eight la ghaitly enongb, There wtaunelblng ivellr letrlble Is the ohaiacler of this and—" beauUful wonan. ud yet whiob, la Ila hangh^ bolducas, tOM "Aj, ghaatly enoogh; bnl not ngUer than many an one theae abore Ike eoamon run of female wlokedn eu. B^awaaoota oom* en uTaaeca, melhtnka. Uncorer your bonny ahow, Uother mon Inhrlgainte, itooping lo the ususl modu of sscrcey ud Seth, andbrlagmeafeggot, that we mayaeell toadnnngai ubtle calinlilloa la the oariylag out of bat dralgnai Indaad, u nurewaaiomet^iognonlble tobearioeh wonia fion anch If ahe dlidalaed tbe feer which ought to bare followed Ihe lipi, and Olande ablTered. Stm, aa the old bw, taoghhia her orimu Ibe daringly committed, iha loaioely eren troubled her- hldaosalanah, took a brand tamlho Ireland lad the woto the aelf lo coaoeal eoipaa,beobaeiTad.1iatlhe ladypnaaad kai pearly laalh into iWlUi ahneit Aarca careltsnus, the sBowad harbalaaaad her neiher Up, and badlated a moment before foUoniu. lores to be known sround, aad She pttdadharseltio taairowtt

"Kethinka the elc nnella too foal for yondtr to be a dead o( to epile of all, aleertng safely Ihraugh all danger. ' At AnI, eiuay I" the »!d, with alight ihndder. aha bid Inulod lo her known Inluenea wllb King Oharlu lo UeanwhUe, Miatma Jeireel Heth had adnand and dnwn kSep both eacmluandfrlendaat bay; but aisheleeudherown aalde the rich mantle which coTcnd the oorpae, and Ihere, onder pdifer, ebe gnaiaii/ •--.ly in ihii alngn fudnalion which, the cilfflaon Teltel, qipeared thanwfDiconntenaaeeof one newly ahnoal Incomprehenalble to henelf, she loilna ase paiaus m »i> dead of the peatUence. Llkenllesd,theoldbagbenloTerlL The betsUfnl girl, bow- ''nheli'er II wu the magic of ber magnltcanl hoauly, or Ihe Biographical Bketoh e«6 hnoltor ooIuibd. herself koew not) bnlabefbund over, atood at a little dlatance, and contemplated the *'ifl^ft*^B OHAHLOTTB THOMPSON. Coiiebik.h«. For eharmofinlnlenaemlad, ibe obje Aln a kind of illeni lertor. At length ahe hmedawn. thai ennerll man like Uartrton aha could Cuolnale to do her "COTerltapl nsgh, Jeireell bow that ghaatly fice will haont wOl and uae ^a bet toola. She «u, howeror, at tlmu orer-c«nl- mol" dent;ud, u In Ihe pteust cau ot NeU Owynhe, to carry out Aa aho ipoke, ahe pot op her whl'e band InpaUenllytO'her totne ploi, ebo utod eelutle ptecauuou and » much hula that endaogerod friends. If not beraeir. ojea, u if todear awaj acme honld rlalon, and then, retnmtng alia ber snr- me, daughter, that you will tee Ihe blue iky again for many keep tbe tsrotof Ihe King, to the Are. llung heraelf on the old hu'i low aeet Jeneel Heth man, therefor^ the cloak wia snddcnly liflad from her fkce< orange girl waa, aho wia no coward: and u aoon u Ihe Artt The one object of her litowu lo s greet mouth." to NerUle, ebe - replaced the mantle, and, wllh a wild uogb, foUewed her Ttallor and she foond herself In eompanUTO . to eeu eye deladad that Hesrletla wu no longer tho nlgnlng Idol though shs hatsd him IntenMlj, "Come, no Ueeor' which allowed bar to be ao eaally doped. ble. Beeauae my creed diinn from Tonn, It Is no rauon that nut itinntu wu appalling) and, oomUnid with Ihe gloom of Thtt decelrad the oilier, la act dUBeult lo be comprehended. In ths tanllT. "Ooat feari'm nbont to lob your aoooretd treaaoreT Afleranpid walk of aome twenty mlnatee, to bar Inlenie re- yon ahould at once tun agalnal me.'' the apartment, and tbe bomn of the taputried walla, Mali aoon OlaTerton mtde blawsy lelaiuelr back lo town, Thlam'sl Ihon, If I wanted the llk^ I would reston hen alone lief ahe aaw the dark form of aome large building loom tbtougb The worda were genUy epoken, bnt reiaonable Ihoub they found ber anger gin way loan In kind of fear. Bhewudra. preaent case, u all be quite diteimlsed that he would bare no hand m Iha Intaaoot In the hat et lUa bont t" Ihe dlataaoa. Wed u Kell knew London ud ila enrlrons, she were, then wu ansellilng tVoiit (he rigid, ahuUy tseo that allo- penloly wsarr, tooi and what with the leilgue and the ex- otangegltl, howeTet mneh Itmlght With a kind of dogged aabmiaalon. IfIstreaa Heth went to • oonld not reooUect thle piece. It wu sppuantly a noblaman'a geUier mamd their InleDded effect NoU ibleered, and cut an dlement aha had gone Ibrough, her mind began to bare sinnge plot igilnil the yonna dti. ' ' Porlmoath. small aide onpboard neer the eotpee, and brought from thence n rtalddnei and, on one aide, waa epanled (nm the road by a nneaay gluea aronod. fhodea. pleunre lady box, she to beautlfol extended Ilwunollbatlhepeorglrl'eUfe anpearodto him ImporlanlL little -t whloh peased tbe kind com- blah brick wall. "You would know wbera yon are, and why yon are thai de- Slnnie sbslowa Msmed horering nrand beri tbOM gro4eeau^ .. ..•r-r— . . prtTenlad tbit pirdon rpeohlna Claude MIgbl mandlDgfr for it Slowly nnfksteoing It, the alrenge irirl,'-.with^ olaTerton aeemed well accnatomed to Ibe way, boworer; and, talnedt" centlnned the priest, the next Inalant yet twnl, Agniee oa Ihe will .aeoned dancing about; hoUow tor could be hare ll that morning, be would bare bad < lacrlBouig' not aome anxloty,, heot down towarda Ibe dn to oiamtae the-J con- wlUnotaay Inable, he found a amall aad Tcty low door, which "I would know why 1 hare twen treaeheroualy docelred end gnaoa Ailed bar ean, end II required no amall effort of her will In time by Uu but he considered It loo . Impndsnl. (Ila. tenia, and then, ntleilng an exclamation of surprise, she drew be puahed opes, and illll dasptaia Moll's hand, entered. II wu bnught ban I" exclaimed tho girl, Indlgiuntly. to pnTeni herwolf felling Into delirluni. Wllh no ordlntry self allghUat btallallon; In his cat a small paari brooch. a nllef to And heraelf within reion of olher l»iiigs, Are roa euro, diughler, that yoa use ths command, ahe ro« foade benelt pace np and down the Tsrtan Use praterred mere Horeey Baremployerl Hethoogbt Uon daTartcsi lad on and oflt-UO at length Ibey reached a amall, NeU started. the pedding of ber bodice, And well It wu she did so, for not 1 to Flitlier Oodfrol, wu Aram Inolhiodi and yonfatnnswenot theleelerlypal Now anTlshelrl" nanrew door on one aide of the houae, and there Ihey paueed. "An you aeni to me by Ihe Black Jleak t" ahe eiclalmed. qusriar of so hour after txhsusla't oeluM gsre way, and ebe fell, my lady, erep bad he been ao nowithaftrthar em- the Jew, Uaman, qulle decided "Toor ladyship hstb s keen eye, In good ecotn," old Jeiteel, "7onr ttaTola an about lo esd now, fair niatrcas," her com- For an Inataol tbe apeclre-Ute vricat was sllenl, keeping his half ileoplng, half lenieleu, 00 Ibe bed. Bow tho Loon aped bf ploymoat of blin.YEa nguded lady'a sohouo limply Ihmale Jealousy, and he till » Utile snlklly. ' "For my pari, Incognlse neither tbe Lester panion aald. In a lone of mookerr.u be took aamaU keyfrom small but pleioeing eyea Aied on ner with e gUnce tbst aeemed tbon, Mell knew not my demoslao u featarea noreuon wbalsoeterfor deletiung Ibe OTanga-aauer from ner Quy's broooh." hie pooket and applied It lo Ibis door; "bnl I would suggest your to scan her rery eoul,' and from which et length she Inraed in The eleep waa toe taeary for her lo beer tho sleallbr opening uw I till Ukelr, argued, that any one would "Ay uollber recognised you Unbert'aooipee Janet Fai- eoreilng those lieiiaea from onrlou eyce at preaest" horror. of tbe oaken door, or Ihe foolateps tliat entered—too netry for bar Ubertt. It wu not be be ling awon'twaablK. Duobeee'taeachery bui Claude Rigbli Yonwonld net tMonlie Claide Might, Mell drew bar manlle orer her bead, wlthont replybg. Her • "Listen I" he etid elowly. "I come to demand Ibe caeieo her lo know that a haad held aome ourlous odor lo bsr nostrils, partlcnkrly aSaotedby Ihe (onhsaoe^wuoioe.1 lying well, aucoeeded, tha highwayman would sooa he , . there instead of Benry^enry Lealer , hamrof thlamanwu erer Inoreailni: and ahe Iclt, lo escape rftip/" which.tarned her sleep into ecnseleu stopor, and left her power- and if bis Ktaems beoni nut { esonih of Ihle. I moat bea'olng. Keep np yonr witoh atUl, turn, she carad not what new dangeia ue encountered. Almost Again Ihe onsge gill itarted. leu In the buds of ber enemy. olthe wayotrerenging hlmaclf. and yonyoi shall hare drod, ...... across already open when reached Lou- ,yonr pay, Ae oey I look npon tbal>^ Joyioily. tbenfcm, ahe followed um up a narrow winding alair. "The ring 1" she began, and then auddenly It luhtd A dark, handsome lidy elood by the heine-Uke bed, and, hold- Tbe (a(ta of tbe nty wen he you know what you might expeoL' caae, to a salte of rooms. ber brain tbst Ibis wu bnt a (art of Ihe treachery, Bhe fell con- ing up a email Uper, let llr light hll on the ainulue, beaullfnl don, aad to hla homt he toundlbat tho Anwu allll tasbg wllb Aa she spoke, her bcsntltiu taee grew atein and white, end They wen dimly lighted; bnt aun, Vell'a keen eye aoon de- Tinced that that apeotre-Uke being wis not Ibo masked sUangor floe. Bhe wu dnned In dark gieen reltet, bnlded wUh gold, a fury which deled all human meana lo etUsgulih II. again the orll his lhat, aeemed to Aub np like aome Aandlah aplrllpeerlng tected tbeabandanterldsaoe of wealth and hnporlanoe; end, to who had glnn II to bar, aad protably now It atruok ber eht had and.on her bead awaned auperb diamonds. As aha elood then, A scene of oonfuilou and terror mot oyce, lutdssodM out of her deep dark eyea. her aaaaftotlOD, Ibeaoundol lolooa In 1 dliUnI chamber wu bccnbnughltotblaplacelogetlbltrisgtromhar. holding 00 bIgbUe Ughl, and Iwndlug orer the aleeper, Uen- be wu, aod callooa to bunau euirariug, eppilled erea Mm. Thai aome dark and texTfblo crime OTsrihsdoved her In some diallnotly audible. Inatead of approaching them, boworer, to With a slight Auaerlng at the beari, therefore, tbongh ahe riella of loctamonUi looked notnnlike aome beantfnl aotoaiaee. Tbo paste bad reached lurh a iillcb, tbiC eroa Ibe King waa way waa erideni, and eren lhehlghwayman,ube giied upon her her dluppolnlment, aarerton led her away In anoUier direction, spoke bniely aoongb, aba snswered, "Ibe ring I ebsll return in- maUarlng her apella. flhewunotaloaaionlheoppoellaaldaof ridlaaabcat, andearorlni, aflet hla own (aahlon, tolosntnaUtUa peerleaa Ikoe, eonld not help ftOUng a IhrlU of horror mingle till, at leagth, ooeelng aa apartment at right augloa, be alopped to the bsnda from whom I rccelred II, and none other I" tbe bad apnetrtd Ihe dark, handeoma face of Uenry OlarartoD— conadence; out tho letrlled people were thtonglBg tba olmla with hla idmlrtUoo. befon a heavy oaken door, and wllb aome dUScnliy opening It, "Honeelly apokea, at as* nie, dmghler," ,aald the priest Ikat man the OnckoM haled ao. yel oonld not Jo wllhout hi tbelt ulUu despair, wbllat pUlago and ether oruua w«ta gohig BeaaUfal-mysterloaaly beaultfol was ah«; bnt no one oonld alcod back for Nell to enter. gently, bel with that mma demoDlto gleam la his hollow eyes. "Talir: be said, wllh a ilaning anlte, u he watebsd Ibe on ainoal as In Ihnca ot war. Biding hlafaratga lootttg bca u look on tha|>oe, and not feel that Its Ikaolnatlon waa somethhig be-, ' It wu a large and particularly gloomy apartment. Ailed np u r.Bal such an iniwer I cannot cbarge ma wllh to my bdy iealooa An riaa alowly la the Ducheu' eyu, aa she beat orer macb u hv could, for ths notion lhal Ihla lairlble.'Are wu Ibe longing to other than men yonlh and Creahne'si BIslsg np abedcbamber, Orsrthe maatel shelf knag a maaalTe surer Ducheuj and I would oounael yon tlao not lo snd It" KellOwTune, "well, what Ihlnkrou?" doing ot Ibo utboUca bad golabout, CkaTtitoasptned blaMabl- nlowly, ab« nanmed her Tleor ind pinmed bat, sn4 Ihen, tossing cmolAi, and the walla wen ccTemd with tapestry, Ihe aublecta "My lady Dochea I Then 'Us Ihst nlae. Aeidlih woman who "SbeiifoebuuUfnir' nplled ladrFortamoulh, Aereely,and ened bone along Ibe lout orewded atmela in tha direction of tut ,' npnne of gold to the loathsome Lady . old woman, and excUlmlsg, of whicb wen nnuUaraUy boirtUe, aad, added to the grotesque. datestutrealmehitblawsyl Tie Porlmouth who— not deigning lo notice the eneer. "I tell you, OUrerton, eren U qntrt«r sbemtbeJaw,:IIamta,UTBd. ' "Semanberl" she bin, bus tnnad, and w« gone with' the same sudden- neu of the workmanshiii, scarcely to be looked upon wUhoul a "Huah, daaghter I—bnih I Ton are erst-bold and acarce thla girl ha4lnot rendered honelt In olher wayi obnoiioua, I Ubi Inlenllon wu to dtUrer the Ducheu' mesiaaa lo atta thai ahe had appealed. ahndder., A maguldceni but beaneUke bed aloodin ona corner wlae. Hnowyoaaol.wallabaTeeant-aadaklng'aliTaill) la iboald hila her for her beauty." tt Uw aane lime to bint lo him the danger of obeylog ber-a but of Ihe ohimbar, and on a smin table betide It elood a solitary a troublaiome enemy," "Banahlne, eb ri agtiln aneeted the carallar, whloh htkaeweronld be Qttllaiufflclcnl to aikaiitumm, ' out ' ' alrallar to thoee aaed In la lbet1ghtl"aniwared3(SII, holly. agJiMBJ OHARZB nr. caadlwtick, CalhoUo cburehef, which "Icannot kUoe The Ducheu wu allont keeping her dark glowing ayu Aied eren l( h< usdettcok the fady'a Utile plu, canr " shed JoatauAlalenl light sroond loniksthe gloom and horror ' "BuabrhnabI" And Ibe priest laok«f anapldousT Kound. oa Hell Owynne. The handaome face waa a model ofbeauly, but lo bla own noUent of aateiy, Aa, boworer, he sopio arrp oAmmiH-nzx owson aid ni cafiob— P^^J^iJ^l cbalr, I warn you. In mon apiannt, . Fohiuag to a with a sinlstar aolle, OlaT. "Ualen, fooUab girl 1 would Ton an danger, lo watch tho cbangea passing orer It wu simosi pahiful. Teal OhutcholSI. Ptul'a-thenVl"'r''^':^T«dS A snaioi nsnoa. IdSa^SSf ' siton bade Nell seal hirself aodrett; and then, raahlngahur- for the Duohasa^in wis la nought milter, and ebe oleatly bisn hidaad, the wu narcDeu, ebe wu ambllloua, ihe wu Aercely tofallatU«mtothedeTonaiaeU|mmt-e "'«^^ lfoanwhlla,KeliawyBne,tn(hlibed nlmott dnl of her senaes ried exit himself, he doeed the door, aad to the lenllled girl's you a grudge Ibr wbit yon did tbla moinlsg. Ifyooarepra- urael-ahe wai all that, added lo eilnme bunly, which nnden a hlnuind, rdnlDg In bis LoreoTbe Im"*? "«S'V "^u^J^. yenrway anloUy." . with thanolis oa tbi rlrer and lAe terrible Inrnlsg ahoiea, homr, looked and bolted II. dentj yon 'Will etrs op this ting, ind go womaoDonihlbntabeauUtalAand. OlarerlOBwatohadbarinlal. .The oMie gUl told bUu J5li'*SoJMM? cnnuhed down besids her oompaalon, utterly bt«dleu or Whllber She wu a prisoner, She had allowad turaelf to lie doud and MnI Bashed sp. sm no Oouludy, snd noFapIs^ Ksaiar lenoe, but with a amlle thit ataroaly leu demonlao Cathedisl-conid be by '"^ • wu than (he Ibt f**"2,'^'i°iSiSlt^i tata •hs waa . aal aerer yet belreted her lOTst belag taken. captaredl For some Ume eha withherboebtiriedlnber Frietli b«t Mali Owyane ct btoka Anln ber datk eyea. Tba girl wu etldeully ''^Z^^^^^SSnmlSS- Sl^ To th* to do taoia than realise you nay carry back that answer to lady ' Well,'' cnnge ««• atoi atmple mhid. the Ud'of an ' thlngt handa, too wearied and frigbienod that ber pnmleei ud my al length he tudj "what does yonr meidfal bdytUp waaalbindi and wtlb hit pretty bands clasped, ahe cmly loaal^ ihe wu In the power of thit dark, aloomy maa, and a pitsoner. Buoiieu u the only one abeH gel ftom me." delennlne ? Is yotu oonsc(ence teadar tO'iilghl, or-.^' ssisf{rn?;&s?f»'^ . nom bet Ata of aemnia aluvarmc to matter noh prtysn ae the Tbe reaaoB of all this—of her depneatlon of libeity tielng aeoes "Von an laa^, dingblor I" calmly aaawerad lbs Jesuit "Ihe "renderl" shs onlslmsd. "HelUnks my tasaH serar tall try Ala- wara that duhea Itself agilnsi It and are , oonldBUia|etotantomlad. TtBtab

CLIPPER. S18 THE NEW YORK elgMi'tmeni^MOBalBlhatankaowntohaTabeauved. S*v*. taiar from y»«r letia IhU jMjtta b^M, b*",**^ 1. B. K, OettoabBft—W* FEARFUL DISASTEfl AT 8EA. nipaforaien who wo* mgaged to go wtth Ihle capany broke Mmlnt A«B Uw hOTrtbl* oopfukm wlUHnil, ecnnly, belac tbe ca**, and aaha ] a B&dS^lB Ibi mcb theltomtnci*, UietebT aiVag IhJr Uvea. wMeleel2llta(h«di*trtcl,tfeananwho bal that one or moi* oa Thd Offloe, V Hart Biny Snaraou ud WUllaAiBatrong, ^o hadmnlaed to wager. . eoantytUkatwoald be *l*ol«d,wtaitta* . THE EVENING STAB. NO. 11 BAST H0D8IOR SnEBY, NEW YOBK IbA Bat mom the SINKING OF go, bat foitoaataly for Ibem Uiey did not abrt BUhBaevu aad aTT. SSklgMttiUuuwortollutarUwBluk Ibl* old **labll*hed and ectsadvaly pdnniied Bealanrul wl/e wan alao eagaged, but wdtod ovee for aaolbaf •turner^ ud that i Mdyhjda Oh« Honu la now under tba proprlolnnblp of 'H^'^jiuliboat to iMn th« OHh»ita, IJutefor*, "if" « OF EVENING STAR. laUedonlhoUhTnit Wealaouadei^ind itadowo* THE LOM THE WHoiiESAKE I-dSB OF I^IFE, Pt.Bpaaldln^ **« to MBBSBS. aBOBOE AND JAkKB HIOHiOl, 1o lb* Jew'», «b«n * «rar«i, »UJ>(Ua« «olloiiI«« in Um lug, partUn of ble wardrobe ou beard. ateuner, but totaillaly so long and inHmalely saswilsled wlUi toe 0* lha 9Mh of tl^ tka aleamAlp "araniag llai," harlag have aooompmlod hie commnv on Uiia pnaent a Mef aketoh of . . NEW YOBK OBIOESr OLDB, eto., budatu pt*vml*d blm. We tenwIUi jbcaiillwobnadniaaiidlflypaanngen, and a a*w«f Ifly Lilt of Aotor*, Aotraiiei, MInitrtIa, DMoera, to tlwm. and tnonbly known lo the lovtn of the game thionghont »<«* u-vrtrti" It wlU no doubt bo Intonatlag Uie ,ii?BiiSa hSraSrtM oTSTito j« « thaperftannen loot u United Btalec ItnisBuikMoraol, CtnarfameoiildDOtM*. H« inrooBM, mea,a*lled from Ihl* port bouad for New Orleaaa, Whoioflthe aandiof ptofbaalonala who an udooa to I"" Whs Wont Dftwn In the Ship. •'^^'Sl'S?! Dton f<« and Bior* than nine tcntbe *f th* pmma oa the IB fated but Udlea wen ThaBarlaalookedwIlhlho cholceal Imported Wtoe*.SDtrila la tulblni mulDg utMiDd, tUI «to oanlw wu TATBlIBBTa OF Buavivoiia. The FiwUr Jlrfera-Tbcw very popnUr young Is botoo^ oonildored ud Olg>i*,and Ih* Malt Llqnon wUl be round of theYtoowt lanr than Inraliw dowlT nmal II wm Vboit weieM Tbe appalling diaaatu call* fbr a partlcokw noUoe named napedlvelyUlUle, ChnmdLoulaa, ud wtn on the por quality. «bS'o£T^il^!i%eol7 «it bli bu4, Uld U of the veryttlcnfeddoiufluei, Uiey coamuded a nlaiy of BlOO it^Si from na, becau* amongat thou aognlptaod bT the fnry u N. U.—Fllu of >ni«flf*ii md EDgllah Sporltog and The atumiblp EvBlog Star, ol Ihe N*w York Ball Btomiblp week. They wen of SagHah parentage. UIDIo came to tbla oUier>«r jonr-lo» tta*dr*aattapnfeealeB. Ontbil naUwIUbefoundIa the Beading £om. ""whitwoaUjonr-uldftniula] Tdot, torolr. u,nlilBg WBTawtremaayaembenof Oompaay'a line, wblcbUt tbla poll on Sept 3Mh, with in ueoit. connliy about all veaii ago, and made berdchil at Uie Udodeon, aceoont a '0 Bhe be- Mf EaOHAM BBOI^S, Froprietor*. lilih««l,tl»«triiigertho»edliHnin»oitl«d too tar," n- down withbir. Shebadbutfoarboata, It It aald. altboogE Ihe (* dlOuant dUea u Ihe Fowler Sl*(era, meeihu with flattering Olub, add toey had a good Uqa of li and took home toe most to.galnmoney bar owner* IObt boala put oSiroinIhe the toned the Muk, carelCHlr- ptojier. If lheahlp*uuitf>-tt Uw required her lo have elL The nice***. About a yeu Igo MllUe again rldted Enropo for Importut tnphy .of the two matches toey took cart to, the known, for IX Ihe pnaeni time only two boata have two deter*—Loulu ud ar*t eleven defcatiiig toe flnt eleven *Ton uo wilting for tome oner fairly challenged Death and wteA-lel Ihe faol be ainUng 'ablp; bnt op to pupoM of bringing her mother md her Olymplu of llubatUn to the boita two wen atove In Imnedlatalr, to thia city. wltbafteon rana to ••mill Id* bin lin; own tflUxl" bughtUf tuMmi reel ilwaye been tTeardTlrom. Of Ihe Blaa—to thla coonln. She retnmed wilb thorn one Inntogi spsn, bntlostogwito toe second It la uUa&clorlly damonaliated, ja odlnm maet ShtingVt which laadaniaralwaii lo be feared wtlh wooden or melalllo Bloc* which Ume they nave boon befon lha public ud recogniaed eleven, too Msahsttana having six wtcketoto fall when gam* traSo hamen 'WorwoildlietkloiianUon joslsMloilI;. ItminMoun on Ihe buda at Umm men who wonld bo*ta. One ofihe been uied wu npaet Bve time*, ahowlog Ita ai popular potformen. Millie udOlin wen daiunuer, ud wu cdled. The Bnt eleven match wu played on Satuidar ate, boweier, niter loelBdenciyuellfebMt Tocallat Tbe moUier la at preaent living In PhUa' October Bto, on Ibe Hubattan grounde, foot of Oto life at Ibe mart of gain. Wbalerer the tKt* r Loiuia wu a etred' whom, ia*J I Inqnlie raancounaoVTHZ niaiam. delphia, left to the Ion of Uuce beinUtUl ud affecUonale The weatoer waflanaiildou, ud tho "A mnMngu^-tDd (o nwf Fran when ihe left port, and moun Hoboku. oonlestbii the boot looked aafe ind eonnd It be Inlemt lo Obe (bugu ipcke In a lose iUonglr Itaged with Hrcum. In iddllwn to the above, ind ticcauae may of daughter*. elevens wen on Ihe ground ewiy. The Mubatlua wot In ' (Hende, UlUe thought 'leomeframoBOWbonntortnutely cunotoomeBenaiL ftlenda, u they prc**ed the handa of very many Ouma relden, parUcnlarly to Ihofe havlne loat ne JTfnli) iVoiipeconatBted of J. NIcolo, (right name NIchole), Ulgham and Bndson to the bat to begto (he gam^ bn( (hey wen coUalcd the "Ton ipeek enlgmu," wutb* cudoni nt>lf. they parted abould ^ftnin to them frlenda or nlaUvee tr Ihla ad diauter, wi have fol- Tonng Nloolo la pupU) ud Uie Talleen Biothera, (right nmies,Wm, boUi diapoeed of for email scores, the whole eleven bdng put that tboee wllb whom :— ForniWul,CUTeit<>l>beilM«d. TblewunoDdlOwrBne, kiwlng tnm the atatemenia of Ibe anrnvon Bodney and Tbomu ToUldayl, Br. NIrolo came to thla country Ion d* conbol for a told of but BT off Ibe bst—Jenkins' 0 wu ibe again oa urth no more fcrerer. TUn there wen, bat not lean tobeatdteraipitMd oat of bereeciat; bonlibt iBTOWeblm- iTiTmiiTorTBETOB^n, .a.au.u. with Fruconl'a Hippodrome ud tnvekd with that compuy for highest score. The Olymplsaa torn look the tat ud before "Eraning Star" ahe ad/ In e aund, bat be woold not dmw oat ua mTitvi inn ofdeapalT. Dtmmed eyea watched Ihe u Tbe Evening Star laft New York on Ihe aflfnoon of the SNb of aomo time. Aflar ttua ha tnveled with diffenni clicua com- tbey wen got rid of 181 bad bru placed upon their ecore bock, tt and a of 61 men, bound for thet aim Hiak. Be draw bidr, fetUng Inclined to tMn ailed from Ihe harbor, bat when they lepanled-Uiey who bad September, wflh 3ia pauengen oew pault*. He aubicquontly lelnrned to EogUnd, and after u of which & won eitau, Hoyt scoring 81, Bradahaw lo, Wdlace hint hve pllol end eioned tbe bar abont 0 bringing one*, wllbont ajlng more, when It etnck hlmUut the the fu- Hew Orleana. DIaeharged the abience of tbiu yean once men rldted ttda country, 17 ud Etog 10. Thla left the UuhaOua 63 to get to uie a do. wlin boea long aaacdalcd—Hope painted pleaaani pletaru for night be u efflcMleu ee to Hemea, end InTOlre him iree P. B. the eame day, the veawl being to good trim, having a fell wlUi blm Young Nloolo, whom be had adopted ud brought up to fed to one tontoga. Budsoo ud HIgbam did their ahan of tbe Ihey abonld meet again aeemed not far l2j Poitanxmlb. Stretching oat hU band, h* egilnUld It on tor*, and the tine when cargo. On lb* ovenlog of Ike Wh we eipei-lanced eoaterly wlnda Ibe budneia. Since nla lut arrlvd from Bnglud with Ihe work towarda II by acoitog ao ud U reapectlvely, bol Neevea' amoolher, t, the mentle* dUlant •Only to New Orleana," they uld, "right here in out with a heavy aweU. On the lOlb, Ibe lea wu much TlUcen BroUierB,lbey have Imvded togetber.u IheNlcolo Troupe, "not cut," wu tbe next beat aeon; too total or toe tonlnga wia l«ln dingerooe lair Monday morning, Oct. 1, about S with •Bitkl"beaU,lmprenlTdT; "MeUOwTDS* the Ihougbl thai with veiy weather. On vlUi dtcue coinpulei, etc- Tbey have dec been tb Harua only a, of which butMwanofftoebat Thla wu IS short of of own United Btalea," and lo few, if to any, came gbe bin etu«ctad the leeentment of the Dacncee o'dock, «w Capo Halteru llgkl. Al tola (Ime the le* wu quite ChlailnL Tbcy bare ippeared In Uila dty, at the Winter Gar- (be required number, tbe Olymptus thenby remaining the But lha camel porti^Dontbe" Ihe grwiocun of Etomlty lay between. elom calm, with every evidenoo of fUr weather. Tneaday, Oct 1, com- den, wllb Banuin'i Uuaenm rompuy, at the old Boweiy, ud victon to one lontoga. The followtogb tho scon:— then Bren thea the Bleck Uiik kept • canUou lUenoe; end Thefaoulhathadbeamed wllh pleeante grew Hdwtlhpaia: Joy menced with a (rcab bieeie from cut lo eenlhnat with a heavy lattfy at Wood'a Thutn under Oeonie Wood'a management Pint Inntogs. Bambituii. Second lantogs. EeniT CleTerton', wllb la Impetlnit ihng, toned tws} end die- awell, wblcb by evening luonaacd lo a gale, wllh a very beary TbeTdlcmBrolbenbadtbelrwIveewlUiUiem. Br*. NIcolo la HIgbam b Bndshaw 3 bHoyt ig yielded lo eorrow; hope anirendered lo dcapair, for Ihe lempeel eea. Capt Snapp Informed na, a few mloolea befon mldolgbt, at preBcnl to thla dty, condned to a alck bed and noarlycruT over Hudson 0 Dawaon b Brad- the oonarch who *'!^W^Mln!ileUr^ be wunoteoielhitbehideetedwlielr, bioke with unalterable fury, aad Dcatb, grim that the iblp wu abont 140 mllea northcaatof UanUoabla Beef, Ihe lou of her bnaband. The NIcolo Troupe wen aU flnt clau ahaw 8 0 Dawson bWsllaoe M notelltbitwu land, and fiom that Ume until tnoveaaelwent at the Int II wu too U«« now to repent Ahl heknew alwaya keep* uinnaecn company, placed hla bony hand it the and 180 mllea from arUala. The Bnt appearuce of tbe Talleen Bntben wu Pearleub Hoyt 1 b Wallace o toepilngfnmlbitimpaMTeacl; bed he gnieeed lUhewooM down 1 ahould Judge then wu bote Uldlog dlffennce lo her p^ Foutleenlh etreet drcne, in Ihla dty, nnder cuvu, with Jamea Juktoa b Bradibaw t b Hoyt i not helm. The ruddy cbeeke blanched, aad wild eyu gued inlently ooiamencedblowlogahurricino,wilh lim left Nell awjnne Is perlih (ortr Uaeoorer. Bewu iltion. Abont mlilnlgbtll M Nlion u manager, T>ler c Douredoun b Dnd- one, taowerer, to like nach heed of whet wu done, end no on (he fileful loeor, and lobi aroao that wen loot in the grnler a voty ngly crora lea. Atwut 3 o'clock Wedoeediy monlng the H'unaai Vnt, who Banfotd'a Lore 0 Elng b Bradahaw,... 0 oudbWallace i Ihe eogine became diubled. Ibe water dow leached the fur- MInatnIa at the Old Boweiy, In July lut Hie brother Edward Neevuc Dawaon bUorl.... 0 notout 8 Blune bu been attached lo the offlcen and etaw of the boat for ORK CLIPPEB nace doota, ofUngniihlng Ihe fire*. Having been at work on died about ilx weeka ago: tndr aged mother la now left with no leg bye, wide, l.ia byee, leg byee, 1; wldee, t.lg Y 1; 7; NEW Byu, 10; act making a greater aVott lo ure the lire* of thepeaecngcn dock 1 now went to the lower efter cabhi *nd aialated In balling, one In the world to care for her. but the water locnuing in the ablp'a hold, uoo drove the men JtuutK (tight BuUer) bom la Ihla dty, BATUBDAT, OCTOBER 20, lue. Befon they from whom cmanatce Ihla crlUdam write futtlier on 7V» name Tom wu Totol W ToUl W on deck. At Ihla time Ina iceoe wu Indaaolbable. Eor cargo and wu formerly a wdter In Mcadinlx'e eating aloon on Broid. Ihe auhject, let Ibem coodder for a moment bow dear lo each commenced ahllting aft, and abe wu flat Mttling In the water; way. Ue flnt turned to etog by vlalUng the dlffetmt "Flee ud Grud total ....iir the maa la bia own life. If Ihe oOaan lad men of "Enalng her cutwater wu atove lo by • heavy no, the water pouring In Eaiica" to lowD, ud wuicgulaily to be found et Jtelud'e Free OLivruw.—First Inntoge. Xo Oorrefipondeiita. wllb a peifed deluge; her rodder gearing broken, and Star" aallod their boal properly, and eooght with all Ibe iklll Ihel wu tbe and Euy. He obtained InatrucUona from Tony Putor, who fu^ A. Bndshaw c Eigham b Bradahaw run ont M belog carried light work on the deck wu away place by piece. A nlihed blm with all tbe popular comic looga of the day. Hla Jenktoe B Pnracu c Bcrtrener b Jenktoa g Sqoibb," Oimngo, M. J.—The time made In the 100 Ihey poeaeaacd to ure her Irom deetraetloD, we cannot and fhalt **Oii m liiUa befon daylight CapL Kaapp went Inb lha cabin and Brat regular engagemant wu at the Tariellee, Detroit to 1663, OnffencSudlowb Pearleu.. I Omntogham claw b Fearleu 1 yonr town. Imween fobs Ibomae end the BUI Bojr, Inevllable, when (bo verde nee In wllh them. If, when her lou became and nouaed the neaungcn that he had done all that wu in hla power when he beramo a grcil favorite. Be (hen went to Obadwick'i DourcdourehtwktbPoirleu S DavIa ran out 6 kllhoogb giren oat u UTlDg been made in 0 eooonda. waa not to the aup, and he aallaaed that abe wonM go that only a amall number could bo ured, they uve wu dowu VirleUea, Chicago, returning aoon after to Detroit Stoce then I Pearleu.. ..17 Patton not out 0 taiT* had proof of elnoe that fact wu known Wallace bwb donaliildeor II leoonde.aa we befon amy mtontea bad piaeed ; he (hen doaod Ihe cablii doon, be hu appeared In different dUoi In the country. HewueU' Hoy 1 0 Hudson b Pearleu ... .84 Byee, II ; leg byee, I; w1de*,8.IO No maa In tbla or in; olhor connli; eter ran U Inalde aought (beir own nfety Bret Such conduct la nalonl' Ume. and with Ihe aaaialanco of myaeir h* oonmiaced getting U>e boala gaged at Ihe New Bowery laet uawn with Bob BuUer'a com' King bPewleu 10 oft aeconda. Deedi contrary lo thla an but Ihe eicepUon. When Ihe bnre dear from their faatanlnga. Tb* caplaln now oMUd Ihe doora puy. Ue wu conddeied e good comlo vocallat. Totd lia each aide of Ihe acdaibill, ind enorla wen about to E. H. B., Moifolk, Tft.—1. Flora Temple'e 1:UW to konen baa Hemdon, on hla burning, alnklng ahip, took bia own life In bia on be made Mvard S. Bary wu very popularly known all over Ibe couu' Umpire—Mr. Wlndf Id- Scorer*—Meesn. Hsncock ud Ssmp- aolcieet mile lo hameea waa togettbeladluintolheboet*'. II waa no* all o'dock. few muager. nertr been beaten. 3. Deiler'e that tboee who pieced A try u a dever Iriib vocdiat ud u enldenl atage He son. Time of gamo-B boon ud 80 mtoute*. w«i»m.>/irt hand and dung It lo Ood and Honor, hid we abont made In ^Miit on Ibe Tnot, Oct B, Ibe preaent jeer. miDulta aflar daylight, la wen (iking the ant lady wu very popular In Pblladdpbia, when he married Cella Mor* On Monday, 8to, uotoer Bneday-toe beat of tbe monlb— hla charge might tire, a wcnderlny world read heavy aca B, Deitar'e I:1B wia made mltr nUU, at BaAlo, Ang. IB, thia themielne nnder from the cabin door, a aweptthedepk**wamplng, ley. For eovenl eeaaoaa he wu atage joMDtMt for Dtagle'e made ye ueond eleven boy* Uvdy. ud tbey wen all on bead larch and ymt, In a match with Oen. Bnller. ofhli act wllb profoundeai admltaUon; lad well It might, for Ihe the veaad; abe maoe one went <* #n. 1 now Varietlee, Bt Loula. He Icaree a wife and tour chUdien to PhU' euly. When we aay bD, we mem all of Ibe Muhatlan, for toe found mjMlf atrnggUng In Ihe water lumnnded by drift- Bdelphla. five second for toe bsl, BraxnoLnD.—"In the match it Iblladelpbla between the thit world ahowa no purer eiample of Olymplua could i*uo bat elevu men whole breed hlitory of wood; a aharp piece mtand my upper Up, plening my gum BawubotnlnNew AUaalleaand Athletic*, A beta 1100 to B'l 170 that the Athlellca fdmifdJfumiywuaiongandducamu. Wallace and Patton going to, ud nuktog uvea to all, wito manly, dlalnleiceUd benlam. my free wu cat la two or three placca; my arm* aad leg* very played In thla dty, at 0 bel*B tlOO lo |tO Uut he loee* bli money. The York and wu about n rean old. He hu Dooredoun ud Hoytto hdp to toe Bold. Tbe Olymplua went win. Then bmleed. Thru lady pateeogen wen etraggUng with Bntbetlaadiawowlngtalhegamenotbebigtslehed. DoeaC But we bare no right to claim, becanae of nchan laolaled caae, much me "M." He iearu a wife ben only 17 yean of ago. to flnt but ntlred for a tolal of 10 off toe bat Qiaffu'e B betog In the water, having Ihdr mm aronnd me, but lanud nnder M'lU Delpkint wu Uie wife of Wm. wny, ud wu bom to Cm- af.ni..ii.w., for their share, np a totu iMehlamonert'l'ttadnw.aliol" It la a draw In both bete. Ike part of erery odoer who aalle toe but score. Tbe ru the lame unHiaab dcToUon on ii«iet«Bc»>, Aflar banging to a piece of for them no th« wreck ada. She wu poiinUr la a Jig ud finoT ducer, ud wu also a of 38; livsHy'a 13 "not ool" wu tho but acore. Neevea wu seooTd ). A. &, 'a., aorahad.—ne aotic* la mmdon related to wllh Itmlllce or tilenda at boala Boated tome the lee*. They, too, an men home three boot*, on* of the ehip'i aad 1 climbed valuable aadetanl to her bnaband to hla ruta of magto. on toe list toe vetaian dways dotog serrio*. In Ihe second in. Uftain oelMaa of the alatof* at Bocheeter, and baa no bearing Into oapelied Uoee, each llae loalng hold. their loii, and mayhap, to lome one It but wu ui ny Mmle B. UUi waa the daughter of a membor of Ihe police foioo, nlngs tos Olympiana bdted weU for 89, of which land scored IB performaaoee In mor oltr. Aj oar coi iea oudent'a who wonld hare moomed upon their p From wballuw and beard, I think all the boata wen capilud lad wlolar, ibe adopted Ihe profeulon oosiaalt who died to tble dty ud udWaUacelL Then wen no exiiu al aU. Thia left toe Man- tfksatkma an not dlapntratn joirnole, of la not who aonghl to ure the pauengen, there anie Ihrongb Iheblack down; all tbla time tbe eea when Ihe veeeel want wu nnnlog u a mean* of auppoit for her widowed mother. hallana a7 to wto, which toey obtolaed, wito alx wlokato to fail. r to gin the lallor poblbitj. loving wife— fec«* of high, and until afleinooD Ibe boat conlalnhig myielf — atoim a dreolde aeene—the eye* of a ihe very and ifary Durol wu one of the weU known Dnval Blaten, md wu The fo!lowtos Is toe aeon: No work pnbUahad la Ihla oonnlry compinioDB earrounded with imtaenw quanliUu of drift Bmio, Blddefwd.—L chnbby children—and then the thought of how that wlfe'a «yce wu popnUr uavocaliat Pint loiiliigs. OLnnam. BecoBd Inning*. oontalnlngakelcbeaof ptomtnentgymnada. 9. Fowler * Welle, wood. The wind wu Btill btowtog * bnrrtcanr; that evening the I'biaa fneen, JuUa CtrUdi, Mn. B. B. KoA and Mlmlt Tay- Onffu 0 Tucker b LIvesey , - B b Liveaey. 8 oltj, the neareat approach to what wonld dim with tear*, bow (he children would aj when they lea modenled comldanbly captain pabllaken, of Ihl* hn* jm wbid and ; KupplnitlampU lor we have no record of, u Ihoy bad not bem long to the pro- EUUngtoncudbLtveuy. ... 7 oudbLireeey a li lo haTe "pnl sp" a INIk, belt wuetrack on the head with want s. PHid Senn uld wen told t£at "pa'a" body lay at the boltom of Ibe untalhoned Ing to reach our boat a beary place feaiton. "Fredericks" o ud b Uveuy 0 o Neevu b Sceley 11 of dfUt wood, and Immediately aank; bedda myulf, our 9. OooMn'tatUapoelUnlr. ocean; how the chubby llaoa might growvlnched and aaDow from jarb tFy^defanltHgewu alao a paaaenger. Tbla genUemu became land run ont I b LIvesey 18 pitoeof conalated of tbe following penoni: Bobeit Finger, chief eng|. nolwtoua to connection with the pinto ehlp Shenudoah. On P. Foooim, Foit Vorgaa, Ool. Ter.—Tbe MTi protecting Patton b LIveuy 1 not ont 3 hnngir and cold when tbli can wu renond—thla neer; John lang, water tender; Frederick Shaffer, coal paaaer; lot lU month! la ttOO In gold, or Ita eqalTaleat In United Stale* hto arrinl to Boglmd, about three yean ago, he married BeUe Woolmu not ont a b Uveasy 0 atayed the half ralaad John Fowei*, eeatnaa; nurtsoT, eqoil to aboat tO.>ll—ofllc* ITO Strand, London. plctnro, we aay, may have aim to foocor. Ooo. Bmltb, aeiinan; Dennla Qannon, Boyd, indihortly after made hla ar6>< u a dnmaUonaderto b LIveuy 0 b Llveaey 0 waiter; Bowland Stopheni, waller; Edward Laner, paawngar: with Toor better nUn woold be to mbacrlbe lOr It lluoagh the firm of So, befon we condemn, let ne conalder onraclna ta the Ume la tbe provtoce*. Tho recepUon he met then embolducd Bye, 1; leg byee, 8; wide, L. 8 bye*, tc 0 Bogen, 47 Niafnatreet, New Toik. U. H. Hatria, paaaenger. Tbnnday morning opened calm aao him to torn bi* dtouUon to Ihe ilage- He arrived to thla coun- muffler k poaltioiia, aad aak onr heerta the queatJon, "Wonld we hare their Eleaaant We were now on (he breed ocean, wllbont uything about montha ago^ and at once adrertleed for star engage- HiHiict BalUBore.—"A and B make a bet; A, beltlDg on a try alB Total .94 Total 88 done bettert" I eat md very poorly did. By wardrobe coodetea of i ment*, but not encocedlog to effecting uy, eaUedfor New Or- iaretT,wln*. laltlawtol InbetUggclroloelabetonaeertilinlTt" FIrat Inning*. MaiiBaxiu. Second IniUnga. that the "Erenlng Slu" ehltt pair of pant* *nd necktie. About fl o'clock, A. H., we leua 10 try hla fortime there. HewuByoiiiignim,abonttbiity Vo, lo long la ITaod la not leaorled to In order to Indnce An acconni* agree aboart wen many J. Tuckernu oot 0 b Wallace 1 fdl in wllh one of Ihe ahlp'i boela, oontalnloiihe third nita of age, iHinly built of good appearuce. hla montj igalnitanmlhlig.' yean nther and Neevu b Patton 4 not ont B tbe oppoiUapartjIo wager ^en women. Tbli dan of nnfortunattaalffloit Invariably poa> and nine of the paaaeogen md crew. now rigged We Budlow b Fredericka a b Wallace 8 Nine and aqaailar aeconda bjOeoige Seward In Eng- death. In Ihe glided path of iln Ibay a laU tnm Mvenl llfe-preaerveri, Uie other boat B. M. R— aeu the Intenieat few of hanng Aylmerb Patton 0 land, bat not baring been In a pnbUomalch. 2. One or two dal a her own ull. Both boata now ihaped their contve wcatwatd. In PORTRAIT GALLERY. aeek to forget Ike lolemn hour when they mnat He down and die. OUR DRAMATIC H. Tucker b FaUon 0 I. b. w. bPdIon I to bare lOOjarda In* leoondi, bat there fa no anlhentlc re- hopee of reaching land or fUlIng In wiUi lome paadng veeeel nn ont 18 if yon can, reader, bow lenibly the knell that aonnd- LIveuy not II* done, a. AbontaeTenjirde, Tblnk then, The wind al thla time wu iboat E. N. B. ; aeon after dark cord of enr we OBABLOTTE THOMPSON. SceleycXand b Patton a cWodiunbPatlon 1 laat match for tbe Afflarican Bllllard ed Uuongh the itorm mnat bare taDen upon tbe can of them loot eight of the other boat ud have not aeen her alnce. (Tbla A SuaacBiBiB, N. T.—The Ulu Thompson wsa bom to Bradford, Yorkabin, ^g,, June Blahop 0 Wallace b Elkln^ton. 0 win ate by Uat week'* Ourpn, waa played there beet arrived at Fenmdlna, noridi, on Bunday morning, Oct 7, Obamplonibtp, aa yon for whom, if the "comfortable creeda" be true, la no meny 71b, 1818, She la the dioghler of Lyunder Thompion, one-of SImpeon b Patton 0 notout 8 between John BcDerlltasa Joiaph Dion, on with alx pencn* *nd two dead bodiea. Tbe namee oflhe enrvl- at Vonlreal, 0. &, oomo. the belt acton that ever graced tbe Amencu etago, bu la- Blchardeon b ElUngtoa a In tbli world, nor in Ihe world to von In ihlB boat ue—Tbomu Fllzpatrlck, third mate; John md October tlh. heriled a large of abiUty. well bia popularity. filmma e land b Patton 1 appalling that which we have chronicled ever Dempaey, lumin; John Campbell, aeamm; Jamoe Howe, lea- aban Ua u u He Ibitltjon No accident u u Bye,l;l.b.a;wldea,10;n.b.l.l4 Bye*, 4;ly, from Bahae, Hcndoiu, boaod forSoathampton, seaaon of IBM-T, u Phoba to "Ai You Like It" Tbe reorallon collated ; when they an, donbtleea, another added England, she met wUb wu each u to Juitlft (be moat ardut hopeo cnier tuun. OuBLat Mtiaa, Bafilo.-^ the nwtMle 1* lo be wlthdiawn .wntalMitr. of by which we wen Iramedialaly takea aboard aad kindly cared ^^^^^^^^ tolheraainCT^_*!!M^*y' enoogb heirl-readlng friends: whUe Ihe tdeol she dlaplayed wu enflldent to forbode ^^w^^Md^ ai ^Doye^WMiheay to for. On the afternoon of tbedlh. ehoot I o'clock, we ipoke the eceau known to na. WOUun (u elated oluwbcn,) waa UiepoalUon she waa deaUnedto occupy. LUXYWBITE T*. YOnNO AMBBIOA. OF OEBMANTOWN. ^ ^^ilLftu'gHe'juiii an Wny chocner S. J. Waring, Cast Frank Emltb, bom New York, Her connecUon with Walnck's a most Important event to her career, Bach totere*! wu diown (t toe match betweu the** cinb*, among the paaaeogen loat Only two weeka ago wo pubUihed bound to Apaliohicola, Florida, ind wen (nnafcrred to her. EQie wu u no better school edatad for ImparUng a good tnlntog to toou who wtn played at Oennutown, Pa., on Salniday, Oct 8th. Tb* adding FouorouTd.—]. It wulSV area np that HeCooleaadDaTia biotber. Alter hie death having been In the recent hurricane, wu crippled, her edie hav- aa obituary notice of hla the notlttr of duirona ol learning their profeadon, ud bowling wan aharp and toe batten did act econ buvUy. b*tlBthefrlag,andnot$HDlolM|andan the money ooDectad ing bemblown away. The captain wu bound to Ihe flnt poi^ udwiBtogtoworkbudto the two men caDed upon na, and with leara la her eyee related accompUah lhat end thoroughly. Ben ihe tieoune known Bdow la toe book aocouat Young America wioalng by 88 niiai— afurwaida waa ttO, ao that McOoole coaldnH Terr weB b*T« Savannah or Oharleeton. wbUe on board the Waring, Captain ud recogniaed of Flnl Innlnga, Vcimo Ambbioa. Seoono Innlaga. DiTlaitandareadytoAgktMoOooleigalnanytlffle. the good polnte In her aon'a chatactar. Bhe epoke with ill a Smith and blaofllcen and crew did everything that wee In their u u idreu conddenble talmt ud day by day glTeolW. L NawhalloBargruvu b power to nlieve our auSeting*, etcn to Ihdr own dlaccmfort made each marked atridea that her bme iprcad npldly Ihrooga a. M. BnirUa,—Fiopelllng a beat wlUi one car at the atem la motliar'a pride and aAclton, bnt her eomw lb«a wu alleviated act •a*, On ihe monlng of Monday, thesth, we arrived In Bavannab. toe whole drde of play-goer*. Our berotoe, qulttingtho acene Wbilmu 6 ont 0 allhoogh the term baa become gmeral and la applied In Boolllag, aoaewbat by the fact that WUllam wu laA u a suppoit and com- ^^iMwi of her prevlouB labors, tialntog, ud triumpha, received u offer Morria b Henson a bHenaon 1 alncle Koll rowing matcbei It la banly a proper tenn for or A riaaEKou—a. b. bibub. And now loo 1* gone—matched of an engagementfrom LannKeene, alwboae thutn ahe opued D.B.NewhaUoud b Heaacn 8 bHuaon 8 foittoberdecUahigyear*. he After giving pattlcalanof theitoiiD, etc, Mr. Barrla that theUUer. uya durlog the eeiion of IBAT-Bk ud dosed the aeaaoa at too Howard Davia 0 Naphle b Henaon.... 10 bHeaaon 4 away nddenly In Ike taD ptlme of yoong manhood. What won. "at Ave o'oloai on Ihe morning of October 'Jd, the aleamer Comun """"i Oedar Filla, lowa.-^ Ike BenabUcane wu Atbcaaum, Boatoo. After thja abe played to Savannah, Macon, 0. A. Newhali o Hargruve* b 1 b w b Uensoa 7 a oompltto wreck, both naddle-boiei wen gone, nothing of them carried 'Snbaine by dna m^orlty, ttaegenUenun woo bet II darthat the widowed motker'a heart 1* alrlcken with de^ dno- ud Oolnmbne, u the leadtog lady of Flemlag'a Oliealt Com- Henson 11 remaining In dght but the iron bar*. Tbepllotbouaeandgaarda wonld be oanled B£ Luniu.—Tbe mnnal drill 11 became Ohamnlon a lha lUddIa Woghla when be defealed Jack Bio IUtob.—DeUUa of the pittc Bght between two Xbeir placca were quickly and mnstor of toe Poonono ailed by otbet*. Bhe Worccaltr, fln Whltmsn Ita M 13 4 OnnI, Joae 9, 18M. tuned over ind orer In the water like a Bau, department was held on Ihe 4th lut It >ana BtiUah P. B., via., O'Baldwin and Uandao, conelstcd Dntton 9« 0 3 1 Ug o^Ou wlO log. Aft« grul eiertioo, we uianaged to got her freed of water. of a psndo, review by toe Mayor, end a dtouer In Ihe Lunn^ NewOrleana.—Tbe aeTonlllama wpearin the de- moratog, Yomio Amnioa. be found In another part of Ihla lane of oar paper. la Ike be- Daring the evening of Uia 8d (Weaueidaj), wa began to nffor and Irlala of iklU, eneed, Ac, to tbe afternoon. Hook piitmcnta to wbloh they pioperly bolcng. Vt hare oailaUed 0. A. Newhdl 183 81 B 0 conaldenble from the want of food and water. One of our and Ladder Co. Mo. 1 did toe but In actUng Iiddrnto tbe roof your loUiffB leea than thoae of any othor ooneaj ondent ginning of the conleat, Haraden had the b«t of It; conaequontly John* US 40 3 8 party bad found a turnip floating near tho boat and, havlnii of a acbool-hcuae; Eagle Co. No. 8 laid 800 feet of bou the quick- J. T. B.—The loit nnfortonite yoo name tu the nar^ who bia pirtliaaa wen greelly elated, and applauded their man with Mcund it diTlded It wllh hlB compwiosi. Some who cat Tbe atranon played a horiionlal Btreim,one petpendlcolar INDIANAPOLIS vs. OIKCINNATI, eklmed Hoenin ii her hulband through the pnbUo piute about bad bem drinking adl water becune qulle dellrtoue atream and two perpendicular itreams. Hii* part of Iba trtd re- much vigor. In a little while, however, Ihe Iriah giant, having from the The IndlanapoUa dob Dnicn of bli mitcb wllb Bayere. effect of It Soma ovon aulled u follows: horluntal—Gov. Lincoln, feet ud cricket dab of OtoctonaU Ihe Ume dnok their own nrtne, ao inlenic Sw a tooheei played viewed "tbealtnallon" In all llaaapeot«,galheredbtmHtf together Col. Davia, IBS fett a match at Indlanaiwllj, lod., en toe Bto tool, oondallair had Ihdr Ihint become. From the canvu of Uie life pre- B tochu. One perpendicniar atream—Gov. 0. D. tl.—We were nnder tbe Impreaalon that wi bad noticed of one luntogs each, to which toe Unions for a gnat effort, ud duhed at hla opponent In anob a deter- •erren we managed to rig up a adl, LInooto, I«6 feet; Col. Davis, IM feet wan dsfealed byaattn It At preaent; wo bare no room for It; It will probably appear which, by tbe aid of the Two perpendionlu alrams—Gov. Ltocoto, of 48 sgatosftoelrlO. We append a Bummsryi- Inafewweeki. mined maimer Ihil Uataden and hla thend* acarcely knew what itiODK oaitarly wind helped ua doog toward theahoro. AtS IWfeetiCol. Davis, 180 fed. The flnt tridof toe Iimiaxtnua. UHIOM. o'clock on the nut morning (the lUi) we felt In wlUi ooo of Ibo bud cngtoa oomnanluwuto runtoUieiaachtoo, 8. H. B„ Jeppa, There la anoh a Arm at 179 WlUlam lo mak* of It O'BaMwio aeut in blow ellor blow, completely Weaver o Bobeito b EUard. ..' Packkam b McOaw. Kau.— •hip'e Ufe boela, oondlnlog (he Uilrd mate ud 0 men. Thev take it to the Ricrvolr, lay IM feet of bou and put water Uircagh ; 3 ilieel, tbli dty. UcGawoEUard bOoolIdge..U Semper bMcGaw dlubllag bia advetiary, and making a men "chopping biMk" of gave each of u* a handful of cnctna, Ibay having been forlunalo the pipe; which wu accompllsbed Ijy Ysnkec Mo. B to 1 mtoTll 8 BItchellbUowe o CooUUgelbwb kUtoheU.... U. F, H., Boaton.—L We are not adrlaed of the futore moT^ onongh to uve a box of them from among Ihednftof thoWnch. sec.; Itopld No. 9, in 1 mto. W sec.) waahisgtoo No. 1, In 1 mto. I him, u Ihey aaylo the BrlUih olaaalca. On the lut rotind ArdenbBowe 8 Uoweb Uc<3sw mania of Blelorl. i. Faaay Herring and R. 0. Byner. SbotUyaflarwardwopartedoompmy, liiioUierboathadagocd 80 eec.; NIagan, 8, lime not Ukea, The acA trld wu a hociua- 14 barely enabled to get to the eeiatcb, when hla fliende Davenport o BobettobEUaid. 4 Bandea wu ull. BoUi boata now itood for the land, wind about lal ud petpendlcolar dream by each englDC Then waa no ao- Himncndb HcOaw 7 BntiTXB, Philadelphia.—SopUe wu bom in Mew Otleani la UNE. At I Dicker b Howe broke Into the rlug, auaulled O'Baldwin, and cot and elaahcd o'clock on the of Ihe curate ainngemout for meaaurlng too perpendicular 0 Bllard b BcOaw 0 IBM; Irene and Jennie In OInohinaU, in 1«<0 and KM. monlng BUi, wonw a lall, which proved to stnams, the batk Flcetwlng, and tbov wen ceUmated by tbe Lloyd 0 Ije b Howe o Johnson b MeOaw 4 awny at 'all who oppoeed them. It wu Fatnbonogb over be of Lounlg, Norway, fnn Uellie, Hondu- Judge*, ndog Ihe flag etaff over A DBOOMLTKin.-The HIcbael Noonan drowned it Ihe Brook- WUaon b Howe i Itoberto n>i bound toSoolhimpton, which hove to lod took ua on board. which the atreame were pUyod aa a guide, Ae reaSia of toe b McOaw 3 lyn Ferry a few dayi ago wu not the boxer of that name, again, with another "foreigner" eelectcd aa tbe TlctlA of BbodubHowa 8 F. Harvey st We nmdued on board of her 88 boun. Al 9 o'olxk on Ihe MIer- trld wen:— Aidu b UllabeU 0 PearBon b Howe 4 0 n. 0., Biook, M. OoL Ohuleo O. Halplne la the lb* nbble; but Ihe Irlahmin eeema to ' have bad wno noon of (ho OUi wo ipoke Ibe ecbooner ITortofiiai. be Wuver b BlIeheD 1 Dosnd J.— B. J, Wartn?, Cept Frank ,. ^ . ftrpmiltular. Yankee Gurotlnolout o H. H. HuTey not out original 'Ullee." alannota anppotleta preecnl, who got him out of Uie ring BmlUi, mm Now York for Apalaoblcola, Fht We wen limi- B 180 ft mit 0 D., 8; l.b„l;n,b,,l; w., 8.. it forred to her. Waring, Rapid] Byu, a; no ball, 1; widea, 1 . 4 LnwiB, Brooklyn.—TboHogbca now performlngln Ihla ally la Tho hanne been dlaabled In the etorm, KOaSto. UOft before Ihe mob could ioHiet much Injury npou him. We MllgaiaS the aame IhalWu In Nuhtllle. wee makioiifor tbe iiearcat port—tuvaiuab or Oharlwton. We 183 ft 8 to. ISOtt Tola] 48 Totd: an glad to uy that Ihe referee, unlike Ibo one who oOdalcd airlTcd off Tybco on Sunday night and went up to Uudtylbo Wiiblngtonl 170It8to. Iiaft ..4« JoBi BcO., FalnuTlUe.—One mlle^ aerailaen Tarda, tai 1 mln. wcTO Juitly gave a verdict In favor of O'Baldwin, noitmotolog. Our pirtr conalitcd of lo i'"g 9d, A, Mo- FooBiB Oaio, do with yoong puacngenalUieoompuv'aofllM. (See our voter*. Bany an offered, hot fewwillbeotaoeen, wengnlto New Orleana cor. _ « B Lyons » reipondenl'* letter In uolher colnan Tlirowlog htkJj htmrner-litprlu, for olhrr nimea, Ac—Kn. Bobt. LdUtor; U, Adiu Bsladay 8-11 SffllUi 18-3B fonght Xing, "f • " P. gm-^eenin Deo. 10, IBaS-Uag'* flgbia Our.) Br, Pinl AUulu proceeded to New Orloana by bnd. XfUCTe .iriltalIaaawa>«lnlBB% Ihua avoiding Uie aad bto that awdlad Ibrowtogllghlhanmet-lsl Bold Aoiae.—Some ol the papen have aoldthe race hone Uie membcn of Ua com- prlae.Bobt LdWari ad, Angni Omadtold 88 Onadtolal.', M While in Patla Mr. Fnser. ALBin.-A lufedli hi* deal owing to glTlog bU adToraai} loo Alhaia rcodved Ibe newa of hi* Xentacky to Mr. L. W, Jerome fOr firii) Mowatid dtOanl ma Kny. (toon*.-Mr.Taytor cams on from PhOadalphla ontoalltb fnany carda. Iher** death, ud loat a brother two weeka later. Hli accond Toedng Uie oaheiu-iat prln, Bobt Ldtaleri ai, J. McLeod. tost, to match W, Bodgaon igatoit Jis. McLaren for a home ud Nie OB papar la Intended lo tell Uie pnbllo u well u the hone, brother, Br. Oharlei AUialia, waa can of Uio paaaengen by the Fnot i*c*-AduIU-l*t prite, Wm. OBmenoi ti, H. Madden. J. H., Fort Dodg,ptopTlaloroflheWuUBg(OB0yDinia(iua, On Doww...4)wlng to Ihe oowded atale of onr cotamna, we pnaeot wTlUng, only two wards, hu elldted no nsponu tnm any quarlar, mncta lo Ih* k Ob—Three numlba, an known to have bem utmi via., bu lulBdenUy recovered Bum |B.e<. have bean obliged to enrtall aevoal bag* taD and other aulohe* hank Oeiaid from hi* Uto Bavan Ulnaa*, la Ihli ollr, snipitH of Ih* sdailren of padsahrtsnloa. W*k*vab**Bgina (u Btbloplau comedian,who wu Ihe only mAaaved retarnlng A, 0. W,i Biittad.—We ban no tooh \i V!^* ¥* to Waahlnglon, for whi^olly ha lall co to nBdaiBtaad Uial jnvilMu to this chaUann, Bndy^ aaa was nleb On Obb* iKp DuvMR DvABainlt'it «UT«M*Uy mwM In tb* Ihlrt mato'a boat md who** i*ald*nee I* SI Bond Itreet thaUthlnii AbnarbadahaidtasBlawllh'HisirlmiBOBftor." opaa tonm ujbody. la Ih* laagnaa* of tt* agoc d«at j>. miliar Is BMl, Brooklyn), udMlBaleiaylor. Ibeia ti* •tny 7. ow fallUimak. , Ik* B[r-im , oBly two nTd lralh*kuoom*«tilofth«Mra|tl*ilfUild«Bp, hs doll sow r I*s, why doB^iaT^ V , . , '


Umu a vrtT novel eight pnaeBltd by the waving THE RING. wu of TBI Oahb m Sra»anxL>, tbia.—The amploytts of Ihe toonbalnapoalUon to bout of two bUltanI champlsBB, A* thout thteo or four Uiounnd hudbenblafk, thoae on ooe however, Iho Lnlag(OB-made obamplon will have (ha i elde waring flnl, endo Bf THE OBAND ud then the oUien ' oppodte. Never mmlof tuch . OBAUFIONBHIP. lUTOH FOB TBZ OBAUFIONBHIP, plnen u Tiaou, dmnlter. Pholu, UoDavlU, TBI AHIBIOAM befon wu then rach a highly at tho eame leapoctabla ud time Foe, Dion ud Nrlmt, (he enUra DllUtrd naR'UcOoou Aoin. PaiusBLFau Tt, BBOOiLni, lonnmeroni i gaHioriog ud "Americu Ptaytxa* Oath Oma to laaembled to dtnui eny outdoor lowet tegloea ainolng by a tooia of 40 lo 3S Ameian AtaooUlloo," in Tba organlied at nochcater ISSS, ud of which Oenhon DlCtmH. ATBUnO Tt. lILlRtO. port tlila ccnntry. AfUio lownl ealimata fnUy IS.OOO people BUyed a muOo I* MJOHlXt gune on Uio tame day, Ihe oorih tbop nlnabeaU B. Hnbbdlta chairman, he WlU havaloataUUla (be bealofUia oconplcd poaltloni within Ibo cnclonre, ud aomo two or three lag Uw eouUi thop FOB OTHXBS TO OEI TH&T BELT. Befon beginning to report the pneecdinge of the grud nine 89 to 9T The Lookouta Qunlor) (rot argnmnnl Thn Eoledin MlllanI room, In UUa dly, hal Vo'cSASOE thouand wen ouuldo. The epice btck of Ihe len field, wu oc- tway wlu the L. match betwem the Atlutlo ud Athletlo Oloht, on the loih of B. Stan, In a gtme of Hvn Innlnga, on Uie obuged huda. John Uontgomcry, Ito proprietor blUietto, Is BXXlOZT'lOBU.LCIfOI TWAKIWXUO. ooeled by carriiget, ud Iho row of luta marred for Ibe Pbllt- 3«th. Scota—SS (0 October, at Brooklyn, wo pnpoea taking a ntnepecbTe glance 0. In 111 hoallh, ud pnpoaca lo tujnvenato t&iougk a tour al (ha or "Srin Quo." ddphUni wtt crowded to Ita fount ulul, tU Ibe itxugcn be- Bio Oum tn a Bun al all the nrarloua mecllnge of the two cinba aluca tba PbUidel- Anuno, or Habuh vs. or Btatbw Weit end BoaUiwait Thomu UoElbboo, anUl taomUy with Tn ing imply provided tot, Aibuhc, Iilibd.— followi i aim," uaon will tell jon SUant ptld Ibdr Ont rltlt to Kew Tork, Thia Tiall occucrtd In Tho tbon Junior dnbi etayod a very clow Elldaff, u barkeeper, bu opened a bUltard toom inHur a ilorai InfwInblT TBB OAin. ud eielUng mtlch on Btoadwar. l*U vou U» nme on di7 Uiid-*t lewt u fir une, Uti, the picked nine of PhUadalphla Indudlng Pratt, oa (bo ]0(h, on (be Red Uonto gronnot, reaulUBR ta tbe anrcen cor. lOUi atreet Phelu, Otnne ud oUien vlayed at the open. .1 J> uid m cut „Flay commrnced at 3 P. hi., the Attanlla golue to Uiobat; ooacmeJ. U It tlwijt Uiiu. Od« big BgbL Tniklne, Uoon, Loughery and Paul, ot the AthleUeClub. Dot' 01 the Harlem nine. Afler Ihe game the Statu lilud ehib lnii....,J)r. Hoyt tadow the lole proprietor ot Conceit HaU a KilM auau* peo. Ftanly, of the Eiceldor dob having pnriouily been choten wu wblcJi li »l)ont BTuy Um jan, will ing thU trip they played three gemee, one with a nliettNewtrk, hudaomely enlartilned by the boapltablo Kariom dnb. Tho bllltatd toom, Phltadelphla, Ut. Leech bavlog ntlted, /. Shim trfdohiTOone, loflUthelmporitnt poit of nforee. Hetca wu tbo flnl baU- K "cWii noHo" tn* "bcllM taliw' from tbo which tbey lott; one with t nine of the Wutem Dlitilct, In aeon wat:—AUileUc, Etrlim, 38| AlhltUo, Statan lilud, 9S. Plunkeltudhta priae Itblo tn it thta bouae Bywayot IrfS! ml mow mtn, followed by gmlth, both victlme of Betkeniloek il lit bwe. •Rex Ibtt niT*Ddeal opart, PiiflU, which Smith, P. O'Orlen, Crue Chtumm, ot tbo AUtntio— pcuince, fot not having won i prixe in the hraodMlfuM Pn«, ud WUklna Reach TBI Rmroiic Clob ox a The Eeyetone Club left Phil' State chimpiont toot- the latter md fiddtag tbe bdit, Chapmu, third hud Toob.— lament InSteono of Lbwe'o big taUooni ind Itao FrofcMor then of the Enlerprlae—played, Orelghton pllohlng, the adolpkia ragigMl Thomu Foley, tbe nibiota npttarataUve, It taid to hxra f^t^S out, bdoa caught on tbe fiy byneioh.lhna acoriog a blank on tbe litb, for Wubtngton, wbon (hey an (o wiUetl goWoB bJlmoulof OU.rt w. b.T.lo aeon being in ftror of Brooklyn by 9' to 10. Of ttali 10, the home to Chicago Oenbom B. Hubball, ex-MUtaid SSiXudlTbop-''' for Uie AUmUca. For tho FhUadelphUni, Iltlnfi4«tr opened play mKcbn wllh the National, Union and Jofforaoo duba, and chamo ond tto cool » cbiaoe U> im** Mcotdlng to Ibtlr Phlladelphlut toored 6 off Onfgblon In the flnl S Innlnga, and wllb on of Connectlont and grul beddu In ben ball, eama on iSl bindi pUy with a good hit to Uilrd beec, but Charioy Bmltb wu at Uie UuyUnd ud Eitaiprue, of Bdllmon, on their tcturn ^iinilieftlstboUef Uultwo mm ostof tbo vboleof Uino the nmtlnder offOhtrler Bmllh'i tlowa In the litt font Innlnge, home. "•rtford, THlontay, (Uonday), to aee ellbet Uie AUuUcs band, ud ho paaecd tho bdl nnldly lo fint but, when II eelUed J™?, aiatciulTciTllorioo migbt •cotdcsUllj or oUurwlu wltb thciTtnge In ttrorot Bmllh'e dcllrery. " P"" ''o champlonohip obulnut out ot Uia fln„ nniuid In Slan'a bindi, UcBrldo rcltrlng directly iflrrwardi on t foul All OH Wnriiboro' duba com« lo mwtlDg. Webwe The Tlaltwuntumed by Ihe Brooklyn pityerelu July of the OXB E SB.—The UonUcdlo ud "'up TIemin, whole good taprovetbltL •JSooontbepolnl *l Utm mi » ly ctngbl by tuilt; ntlun bid no eo atine year, Ihe two Beach, however, eeoured ble btio by • fino Etayodtroturugimoon Ibogroondaot (he former on tbe Stb nturacd to ril»ll««» omco Ibo Ciam wu lb* Cut™, ulnee playing in phUidelphla on July let qindnniU, Uim be wu provoked fnto adopting Uia Snstod IbU bit to right field, bnt befon bo could taonn hit third Wllklu itL, when (be H'a wen igtUi vlclorloni, marking down B9 lo99 oryunniliin oor leului wbo biTO retcntlTO memorleo ot btck ud 9d, el Cimtc't Woodi, 'Ihe Dnt mttch rteulUJ in fieor of tccelliini. Indirect cauto-avetbilebillangt,wUch Sums of Knt a btll lo Smith which again retched Start befon tho ttrikcr, Tlemi UU«r tn the moit leUible,) miut tdmll, ooil tbe PhlUdelpblui by t icon of la to 10, Pratt, Filler, McBitde, I'm AonvBt, ot Boaloo, boU tho Pluoiia, 30 to 19, on tho swhowunover known todlowaddonment ot Uiehlndlo ^'?'"J*^''"'«'' 'M, Horrluej natnlabcd Hcenu In 'M, due ud Joe Ollrer, ot the Atlulica, on the loting tide. In between 'foot, a penodologtot-in fkmlUai itaur wltb ^ce In htm cot It flnt hue, but Pike tbnw the beU wlhlly to the Blolude, ot Ibtt pltoo, tnd lue Cltn of 10, ot Ytle Ii™'!? J?"'!! 'M, Cobam arnqnemd MeCoole In 'Mj tho tecoud gtme Ihe timonltyera of Ibe Allutlca Icui pari, but CoUego, • •'•'"Ip- » forbearuoa whlcbao<> H»nMSe«Siier.ln Bcrkmilock, *hloh he filled lo hold, It wlUi Iba foUowIng Rnilt:-Otatt of '70, 38; Uuluala, IS. '.L''!V"',."'.' only tIi. u went over bla beid, gelled (hat be bid not reiwit tIcIoij o« r Dmrte, Ibue hii been the Ihno AthloUce, : Paul, Ouklll ud WUklna, tbo Brook- driceniloj In • dinct line from Uioaa im' downlo ICcCoolo'i Cnno gelling home by theie erron. Btartibonid tin htvo been pulilrc nenMper eonUorerw. "ilu; were cboeen, lyn nine winning by a icore of 18 lo 15 only. It wte hi thli lut hnlgbte who In tbo eleventh century "nllied round Ja- unulunoantor pliced^criilu comlal at lat bale, ba( WUklna favored blm bv lu- niultm," fonght. It id»j nme that UcBrlde wu fint bnngbl Into notice it t pltcbtr. quIeUy entered Uito a brief dlaouubm ot the marlta few at," to borrow • cluelo rbrwo, (we meto dulgtag in wUd throwing, lo Tabobt Bboot AMD "DAKaABiB."—Tht "Andy Johnun Muake- ot tml lIcBtlde that Blart aanaged to reach hta Id (lie cue, which diecuulon lo tu) uid If >ll tbo paper boion were minhiDed pityed u thort ilop, ud In the latin pait ot Ibo nne (eete," t newly formed eoctal otganluUon of np-lown liddlri- condudvelv oitabltabed hta ehtiaotat £a necoaiUT hue ibtough ble error u well u (hit ot Dociney'i high Uirow. for vtrtdty, ind ebooU biro w Duj u Ihoie ere citda In the peak took Pitti'i place u pluhor, Pntl burling bla bud. UcDrlde'a ^ on their flnt unuil target oicnnlon lo Pollock'!, Weehiw, tbeu—tnd Uien-he emnhulcdly ud impna, out to itj, «o Start mchrd bta 3d by t iitiiod ball, and a bit or Ferguion't ilvrly Idd tho accuracy ot ddlrery, aod bit effccllTe pitching were tpcdally :u, N. J., on Tbutadiy tho 18th Init, tftct which Uie umo eve- pdm of bta unrhenmiUo hind upon Uio Uniiy lent blm home. Pnll bid ntind on t fonl bound taken by mrmben, eltulfled lo all Inlenla and commented upon at the time in our rrpoit, that diy he ning Uio boya win ptrllclnitc by pbyalologltta u Iho ml of amnUon in '^'n?^'te'conteal'nar Bl. Lonla, wtlcb waa ud n«m Dockney, Fergiiion tctehlog hit in tho muy duco at Joon' Ai- hie career but by uother wild tlirow of cuu where tbe tetet enter Into Ihtl bUuful cohulon for tbe ohamploniblp, nroHded tboie baring Ibe henn u a pitcher. Pue'e, HffiOly Roomi, OM Dnadway, niulUng nniDOoea tho bell bavlng been wdl atoppad by Berkenatock. A froin tbe ddlgtalful that belt tranafetible, broogbt tn men On the 18(h day ot June, lets, the Athletic club proper tM led procau cdlcd by onphemltta, ud other Hiwarliid made caued UD by Dockney cent Fergueon to hie 3d, and Oalvin'e ptiide of baa tbo and bnlld New Tork for the flivt time, playlsg four gamee, tho Eckfonle peopla, oacntaUon. Aa ulUi tbo vernacutar,Phlllpdtppad Into pnbUo note, any one wbom make briUUnt hit lent him Lome, DucnAnoBO.—Tbe men amtled on ouipldon being the taller eecuring hla buee by a of con- tomobody 'i monUi, whereil biggeil kind of game, bnt bow It la Ibal aome beollng them 10 to n, the Untuala IT to 11, and tbe Atlulica 91 lo thero wu gtadneu In Uia tand of Uia lo eland ualnat Ibo high throw by MoBridr. Oalvln faiobing bli third on a wild cerned lu Ibe murder of Ur, Wdker, tbo bone tnlner, htvo been ClndnniUl more proper, cunol be Induced to oome 13; the only rlelory they oblalned wu Ihtl orer Ihe Exctlelor Btmuel Key, of Tonuto, wu In thta dtylaat one. or ti^ would be ihnw otMcBridcud home on Pearca^ibll, Mllh pnvlonily dltdiargcd, the cvldciKO adduced tt tbe Coronet'e Intiueit being week. Ur, rex/ dUBcuIt ot ulntloo, epeaklng ebeta- dab, IS to IT. The fcllowiog la tbe acora of Ihe Athletic end At- deemed Uty olBctatod u Dlon't nnnln In Ihe match at HoB' to tetna la a problem nUringcnahIgh fonl by Dockney. Pearco being on hU Ihhu, Intufilolut to wtrxut their detmllon. (real, hare Iblnga their own war- One cu't Unltc match. It bdng the fint tho two club nlnu ever played UeDevlu'i bdng Henry OrlfllB, ol UUca Ohatlia !>» mllr onleat all want to Smith on bta icccnd, ud ohtiimtn on bta flttt which buei together. Tola gtme played hid vli, now of NuhvUta,It Ibout getting up a lotirnimmt for tba Mokcd onlj firom > certain place and tnalata on the Hgbl com- wu beeneecund oblcfly >t byetron ot Pike ud Dockney—wbm Dock. A F(VB Uiu Bacb, for 1100 a ebl^ took place on Uie Connoo- RtatootTmnetaee. Davta ta the ptayet John anolber pnia Ihe Hanree ao hlgb that Ibe Join IBtb, 1603, at Bzorono, L. I. whom Fnwiay, la oS nor ttiat apot— neyctughtoutCnuoweUon t foul bound, tho Inuluga cloelni (Icutrtver, al SI H.L. n.L. ttoilngflcUI, on Monday, Oct ISUi, botwnn tho da tboaghtnnnlngni, but by two potato for the Ohio Obaaplon- It, aren wllh a Bpjr^glaai : a tmrd don't know where ATBLETIOi Atlahho. it can't we tot 4 runi, wllh Ihne men on the buea. Beikmttoch led oaied tbolla J. F. Taploy ehip RIelntelder, o.... 1 Smith, ed b ...i ud H. S. Baker, of Bpringfidd. It i Phelan k CoUmder't addlUouil nunrtotory, located look for fnnda: * fourtb la oppoaed U> (langa; and tbe man off on tie AlhbfUc tide lo thta Innlngt, la bnt wu ctplued by t good nee, Uie Ttpley whinbig in SS:SO; Btket'i Umo, 9*:98. on the weet dde, tnd covortog four toll lota, wmt toto opctatloii at comea^ul fll^rooted and eaya bo*ll fight Moore, c f 9 Petrce, c ...9 wbom all are picking Start, Dockney foUowing with a good bit oa which he lut week. Thta flmi ban Loughery, It.... 3 1 aow three tactoriu in ute in Ibtadly, more. That*! the waj matten aland Dow--and tbcee tblnga Cbepmu, f ...I tecuxcd 3d, no ' bit Chtpmu not htndHng the ball u lively u he did uweaeabyihepioot theeta MrBride, t a.... 1 Ciue, ad b ...9 ot tbe BlUlard Ciu tot OctObar, being ao, we are verj uucb Inclined lo Ihe belief thai tbere'U othen. SeoMndorfer waa neit udnUmd at let from Ibe flne heioe bUllerd Blarl, -A.QTJ.A.'rxOS. md tablu have eoma down to (SSO aplaoa, Thta fiolblog done among Ihe lumloailea for eome time to oomo. Paul 9d b 3 latb .. 4 fielding of Smith to Start—two oata and no rune. Flaler fol- ought to ba good nnwa to the pnrehiaett, It to nobody known that Darla baa aieit«d ererr Prmlt, p 3 Tlcknor,ot ...9 du It maj not tw geneimllj lowed, ud eecurod tUabeae by good batilDg, lending Dockney uondenr Feynud, who bu been tatonlibing the Engllah ptcr^ lefTetogolonttreahmalchwlIb McCoole, but It'e ae, boneat 6aillb,3db I J. Smith, r f ...3 home. Pike eecuring bta baio through a mliaed catch by Crue, Jamss MoKay, by hta bllltard pitying, U coming to thta country, to rumor bu Indian la perbapa the tight word. Dart* la mote Wilklnt,rf. , P. O'Brien, a a...... 9 Inline, or but be wu left on bta 9d, Elelnfelder being e vicllm of Pnit tod BOAT BUILDER AND SPOON OAB UAEER. It If to, whleb la doublftU, tome oontldente IMud wouU do UcOoole now than bo erer wae, certain oUcmn* Betkeulock, lit b A. Bmith, p ...9 anilona to figbt Start, Uie Innlnge cloilDg with Iho totdecI4to9 In llivorof Uie Baudot of aU BamlU't botta, ilio Wtrd't cdibntod fonroared weU to idvlu him to takt wtinlng by Roberta, UieEngllib Oham', ilnDcea bATUig opeimlcd lo derogatory agtlnat him when been* AtlanUct. boale, tlao Ytle boata. Bdl, Harvard ud Unlvenlty Flahing ud plon. If he ta lo reelltv Uio gtnl pliyor he It npiatuted, ht be'a nght again, bo woold co bald- Total 13 Total .-. 91 tatd that ring thai, now In the 3d innlnga the AUanttca wen ditpoud of for a tingle PleaninboatabuUt to order. Bed Hoan, lOSlh it, cm do well hen, provided he the iKinroa. lat 3d Sd ith tth 0th 7lh 8lh »th comu btton Amerlcu peopla beaded to hara another trial wltb the lack/ twiatinani But Uc< ran, (bough flve men went lo Iho bit, Pntl beloa a victim of 30*ne ButBlvar, N. T, upon 9-13 hie own merita Chrle. O'Connor conUmptalea, it 1b Coote aaja no, and fartheraoro we an Informed that be baa Athletlo SOlltO 90 Berhenelock'e, w'jo atoppeil a wildly thrown baU by Wllkino wdl, add, opmlng mother bUllard toom in thit dly, u i btineh ot it In round cub, tberebydolng awij AUuUo 3 1 1 7 1 8 0 4 1-31 bought tbe belt and paid for PIko ud Beach canturfiu Fergueon at 3d, afler he bed taken Ue A.'nftiAL RioATTA or TRB ATALABrA OtDB.—The (klid unuil the Onion Bquon Putheoo, which U crowded day ud nighk wllh taj chance for eoma other body gettlDg It, u ba hu retired Umplra—Mr, Bkaata, ot the Btar dnb. Time of gime—Three let on three belli, Odvinbdng left on bla Sd, when be wu when tegtlta of Ihe Ataluta Boat Olnb, ot New Tork, oama off on Uon- Walter Brown, the great touUot, la going to anito Napnc* the ring, vlth hla hoDOra fnlT upon him, TbU ft^taeta honn md twenty minalet. from UiUa, after ibr(hln8 twice, tiUed lo ebrike tt i good btll, tnd Uit day afternoon, Oct. 10th, on Ihe umal two mUe oouno on the DIUIatdlna, and open a toom ot bit own, wlUi elE (ablu, in Pott- aaldo all bcpa of a niatcbhi anjr oDaiter. Wedon'tknowwbethar In Angual, I8M, the Atlutlo OInb vlalted PhOaddphla, tod on third atrlko wu celled on blm. In Ihle laiuiiga Iho Atbtallce Uudion Blvcr off the Eljelu FIdda, at Hobokon. Tba meo wu tand Ohtit. Bird, ot Phllidelphta, ta about opening a big* Darla fight Jonee, or wbelner he conld itlaetha "needful" (he lltb of Auguet pityed their eecond gtme with the Atbletlc. woum ballad flndy tor 8 tune, thereby Ueing the econ of their op- rowed (n tingle eoull working botta, and (he priM wu the cham- toomon Wahiatatnot He will nave twelve lables Banry therefor, but we do know that either Darla or Jooea would have Pntlwu tho pitcher of the AtluUoa on thia ooculon,ud Ho* ponenta, Dockney gelUng a deu home tun from i fine hit orer pion belt of Ihe club, wblcb It contended for unuallv, Tbo HewH, of tbe time rity, ta ilto going to htvo a now room Elliott condlttona^r, tiad Ibe made anjthlns like Bride that of (he AthleUca. Tbe foUowlag la the aeon of the accommodated Udvln'e heed al centn field, Odvm pnvlcudy rapturlug two onlrloo wen (ha David Bmka, Jr., rowed by R. WKhen; the Ida, John Seeteller, Uiefimoua "Dnich Hut,"taigiln in lhabllllaid a fUr piopceltlon, and wllh Ihla --bigblj Impoilanl information" game, which proved to bo a dedded victory for the Atlulica;— Ov bdIt In tpludid tlyle, Soniendeifer being ought luppuig it rowed by W. 0. Ualnland; Ihe Ueteor rowed by R. Parker; the buatoeu to Detroit Utah., ud ta doing a Uvdr liada Tldct bung our reoirka to a oloae nnlll further derelopmenta are Aoouar, ItM, at Pwn.irrirau. wo Idhy Cnne from a good throw ot UUIa, Ihe totaU now bdug 0 to S. Dnckihot rowed by J, Ogden, ud the Fannie, 0. Buatell, rowed Bdepha, It le reported, Intoudi to make matorul ohangu la hta made. In the meantime adrlalng oor paglliBtic Menda lo caat ATLaima. h.l. AiBLmc. B.L. B. In the Ith Innlnge the champlone opened In llvdy tlylo, ecor- by L. Probet. room ud (ahlea, tt tho cornet ot Eighth ud Ohnlnut atnatoi tbelr ejea towaida the Eatlem Bemlaphne and content Ihem- Petrca,o S 4 Derkcnalock.lAb 0 3 9 Ing 4 moe wltb bnt one out Pntt being on ble 3d when Forgu- The etartwu nude It 8.90, Utlnlud taking Iht laid, doedy PhUiddphta. reading of Iriab glania, Koltlngbam roogha **aod all amllh,3db 3 0 Ouklll, r f t ^ Mlree wllb on ud (hlrin tlcped out Tho Alhletica alio followed np wnU following by Wllhen end Probet, ^tbe uppai ttakt wu teaehed ' Start, let b 0 8 Elelnfelder, o 9 that aort of thing, jon know." Terbnm eap, u OM Horace (not wllb, 9 runt the fln»< fielding ot CtuatoStatt ud two pntUly flnt bv Uilnland, who turned two Lnigtbi ahead of WIthaia, the Bllllirdi, P. O'Brien, of 3 4 Ontz, 3d b 3 1 Orealey) woold ooMrro. tahm foul bound catchu by Mllli ud Bmllh marking the Atlu- latter being doedy followed by Probit while the olhon wen ftr Tba tttmllon of the public la retncitnUy called to Ihe fbct Ihtl Oalvin.aa 4 4 Malona,9db 9 3 BBXrea BETWEEN A COUPLE OF BOUNDEBS. Uo fielding, (he totda of Uie Innlnge being 9 to 8 Infavot of the utorn. kialolud came in a budjomo wlnnar of Iho bdl In we an now prepttcd to futntab dhjjabD TABLES, with our Crue, 2d b 3 0 Wilklne.aa 9 9 "BLia EMOcn Bron out or CiiULEf OamioH. AtUnUca. 80:90; Ftobal vru aecood.ln 33;0O, Wllben oomlng Inlhlrriln niw ud Improved Pitmt Cuthion, (098 etch. Um" Chapman, If 3 0 UcBrlde^ p 3 Charley Cannon of the Fonitb, and Mike Brown, of Ihe Eighth Tbe fifth Innlnge uw Uie peitlM equal hi Uie icon, 11 to 11, 33:40. The nee wu witaea*ed bye tair number Mtneutalora, Pratt, p 4 4 Heybant,ef 1 9 Warda, baring "collided" at a recent Democntlo prlmair eleo> the AUuUceai Tork duba, bnt wu nofnntii of fielding, flne calchu by Hllla in Ihle reiqpect only wen tbey alike. Brown'e prlnolpal eecond ud (hue ud that of Ihe AUu- Aaron, No. I, (B. N.)....4:1TX Namolcu lut SPECIALITY I that tbey encountered tlie Atlulica again, on which occaelon ttc, tho taller once gaining tbe lead, (ho waa Joe AiUlgb: Cannon'a, BUI Ackcrman, (not the late Bill mon (otala otandiog 19 JacquM Ctriler 4:10 In conKononn ot tooond die (or Jtf I lUlea having laid* eoBM tbey wen egtln defeated In Phlltdolpbla, u will be teen by the Poole'e left bower and tbe preaent Jack Poole'a tlgbl). Browo to II hi Ihdr ttvor at tbo dote of tho SUi huUngi. toto gouenl nao, we an pnpated to ont down tuU died tablea to appended ecore;— BuATTA Ai PouanBEniB.—There lo lo bo t gnnd tegtlU on bat the call In betting—Cannon no calL Brown won (be choice Tbe Importut Tth Innlnge wu now commenced. . In the Sth oecmd elae for (ho enm ot OOTOBZB 30, less, IT PBIUDILPHU. the Hndton Rivet, oppoallo Pougbkeepele, en Tneaitay, Oct 39, of conore, and placed Cannon on tbe lowlanda, low. Innlnga Berkenelock bad bu finger naU knocked off, and went to ONE HUNDRED DOLLABB (tlOO), AiLatmo. I.L. B. AiBLxno. B.I. for ilngle eboU boata, for wblcb (farce prlzn an offered, vta:— At abont I P. IL, Ihe apeotalor*, wbo had taken nrlona dircc- right odd In place of Elelnfelder, Ihe tattar pUylng tt lit but. Pettoe, ea ..3 Slelnfeldet, o. . ..4 Flnt prlie, SITS; eecond, ITS; (bird, ISO. Open (o all. All Hone to arold Eennedlao interference, bad all galhend togelber Thta Injury weakened tho ploy of Betkey, bnt he plackUy kept FULL SIZED TABLES Smith, 8db ..I UcBrld^ p i Jiolriee mua( b« mado on or befon Oct 39, which tn tno, ud it on tbe choaen apot, lo tbo numlMr of a couple of handled, indu* hla piece In (be nine end did bta duty, the crowd en^iidlog ble TAKEN izaHANai, Korum, 0 ..4 Beach, 3dl>.... t cut four ibdli mutt eulcr ud ttart to htvo (bt iffair oomo off. m ding many Boweiy Boya. pluck. The AtluUce got (nto t "otreik" of batUng In tbu in. Olden by mdl pnmpUy attended to. Pntt, ..4 WIlkloNea S It It pnlly tun Ihit'Jotb. ud OU. Wird, it wull ii UoKlol, p utagt, ud befon (hey wore dlipoeed of xu np a aeon ot 9, a m noar. DIgllnud McOndywIllgo for tboprliee. In PRIClS OF Ali ARTIOLEH CONNBOTCS WITH TBI Ciua, 9d b ..9 Borkenitock, let b 3 tnd perbtpa John Boond I. The two men came op each watching Ihe other care- paaaed ball by Dockney, which be went afler too leiannly, bdp- TBADB BEDUOED IN PROPOBTIOH. Sid. Bmltb, r t ..8 Lneogeoe, 3d b 3 cue enough money can be raited between now ud Chen, then fnlly. Cannon made a drlre at tua opponent'a left peeper with lug them to (wo runo, Fitlor miklog a fine fly ct(cb, ud Sloln- SATANAOH k DBOKU, Stttt, lltb 4 Ed. OukUl, r r 3 will dec be i four ctred nee. Eoltlc* to ba nude with P. Amur, hla tight, which wu well parried by Brown with hla left, when folder ud UcBrlde putUog Chapmu oat at lat buo iftor bo had Ooraer Cmin ud Oand i(Tcata, Gtlvlo, of 3 Smith, If 3 Eicbugo Hotel, Pougbkeepele, M. Y. he let drire hie right lint etnlghi for Cannon'i mouth. The once tecnted It 9T-(f New Tork, Chapmu, It 4 Potter, of 3 lo old latter. In attempUna to parrr, allpped a little, rauaing bla adrer- Thta lead wu tbe turning pohit In the game, ud though tho ItiKtaaovA DoatBoildeb.—Wo tegnt learn that our AthleUca ralUed well fricDd fnei Uie tand of cakoi ud porridge, Jtmn UoEay, the' aaiy'a fiat la atrlka full on hla forehead, knoofcing bun dean off for3,ltwuappanat lothe knowing once Blllltrd Total Jl Total IS leJd attack of . Th« Stindard Amarloan Tiblei bla pine. that Ihe victory had bem beepokeo for Uie AUeotlra. IMmilte relebnied boat bnUder, hu been up wllh a uvero Imniioa lat 9d 8d ith BIh Sth Tth Sth Mh OD, (oo conitant attutlon (o 1. Cannon waa on bla feet In an Inetaut, and came np aa If tbo teed obtabicd in thia Innlnga—30 to 14—Ihe Athlellct pityed up dyoentcry, brought ao doubt by AttuUc 8 9 0 3 3 1 4 9 4-31 nothing had happened, a red mark on bla forehead akowlog, abarply to tho dote, but they anpanntly felt that Ihdt pooto had builooia. La(cat idvlcM, however, tn to tho offoot thil t U(Uo AtbleUc... 4 3 3 0 0 0 1 0 1-lS bowerer, that the blow he had recalred waa a aeren one. Both tieen cooked In thta Innlnge. In the lut two Innlnga the AtUn. ret( ud can wlU bring oat Uoc, like hta botta, "tighl dde up Ompln-Ur. F. C. Enlght, of tbe Cemdeu Club. Bcorere— men apuTcd conalderafily for a eecond or two.>wbeD Brown tin Bcond T lo tbe Alhletica 3, Uint coning In Ibe victon by t wllb can." Urun. Lynch ud Benaon. Time of Otmo—Tbire boun. Fly cauflhtOannon under the clUn wllh bla left, while with hla tight toon of 37 to 17 In a game of thteo honta* dunUon. Wo ippend CociLi Baboe.—Conncilnun Btaphen Bobetta reoenUy ahlnped Oilcbee—4;hapnuD, S; Bmltb, 8; Oalvln, 3; Norton, li Pnll, I; lie touched him on Ihe note, eending tba blood In all dlrec- (be econ:— a apludid eight oiied barge, for tbe "J. Pdnter Olnb"^ lo total 13; E. Ouklll, 3; WUMnt, 3; Raub, 1; Elelnfelder, 1; Uont, Pint blood for Brown. Axuimo Ctnn. b.u n, ATBimo Oim. B.L. a. PllUburgh, Pa., which coet 1900 In Ibe coin of the Republic. Bmltb, 1; Luragme, 1; total S. Oula on Fonl BiUa—Atlutlo 0 B, Qannon waa aponged off and came to Ibe adttlch tgaln, Peiece, ee 4 3 1 The length of thta coatly plttaun boat It 09 feel, ud the wldlh AND OOUBINATION OUSUIONB. Umu; AthletU 4 timet. " looking aomewbtt fhMaatd, whila hla opponent waa eUU nn- BmlUi,9db 3 4 UcBrlde, p ...4 9 ta 34 (nuu; tbo matatiii ta Bpulah cadtt, tilghly pollibed tnd Tbeu BUUaiA Ttbtea ban lacetaod the nnqnaUfiad appioval at The tetnn game of Ihta match wu played at Brooklyn on Ihe touched.. Bpaning again commenced, when Cannon dellrexe^t Chtpmu, If 8 8 Beach, 9dh ...a S varntabed. Tolnaonlta tub deUvety, the oouDcUmu Maia Ihe but ptayen ud moat oompatonl lodgae, wbo have nnim* Sth of Morember, ISSS, ud for the fOnrth time tbe Alhletica "tfannderer" with hla left tMtween Bmwn'e two peepen, making C>ue,lldb 9 4 wilUniitt; ...8 1 with it It fit tt PbUtdelphta, tnd tlio tffocted liuuxtnot itUy ptononncad them unetntlled fot guei«l aiaeDantt tad ireaanted a trophy to the AUuUet, the icon ot the melch atud- mu u 1 e BerkeBalook, . the latter reel to hit comer. Start. lt( b lal b . . ...I 0 on the btxgo, lo (hit oonneoUon it mty be u wdl to mmUon dunbOl^. ng u foBowt. a Dookner, #1o 19. Thia and the final ronoda oonalated of men epairlng Pntt p 4 o ...9 3 (hat Roberta bu openad a d«w thop tt SOS Sonlh ttnet for tbe Savu dIaUnot patanto tot Improvemmta to DIUlaid IBbiM haya NavxHnn 0, ISSS, at Bboobltiv. 0 ScDimoerfer, and counter apartiog, with no great ahow of edeocc by ellhtr of Ferguton, rf 3 If,.., . ...s 1 conelrncUon of inn u weU u woodu Dotu. ne« grauced to oa u< irniidflutu PutontOfllce, wt hart Atubtio. E.1. B. ATBLTIICI. B.I. B. ud thet At the twelfth, bowerer, Caonoa waa Ituown hearUy, Odvln.ot 3 8 Ftaler, o t ...1 4 lately obtained a patent item tbe Fnnoh Oorexnmmt tox ooff (a* Prtroe, 1 1 4 3 Eldofeldet,c 4 3 and from that time opto the doeo of the foniteeDth Brown bad Umi,o 4 1 Flk^3d b ...1 3 provemuto In biOlard cuahlooa. Bltrt, lltb .1 s MoBrldcp. .3 ererythlog hla own way. In tbe fltleenth, aliteenlh, eerrateenlh Wa emploT, In the cooatniotioo ot our lable^ a vatlaly of ra^ Cnn^ 9d b ...3 .4 Beicb, 3db .8 and eighteenth both men nflered eeretely, but Ihe almgile waa Total.. otiluM apenilly nude for the puipou, by which meana wa ti« Pialt, p ...8 8 WUkliia, ee ....1 too much for Cannon'a powera, and la Ibe nineteenth ha wu Imfwaa lit Id 3d 4Ui Btb Sth 7Ui enabled to Inaan a tdmttflo ud mechanical aoonnoy hiUieitB Chtpmu, If ...4 8 Beikuitcck, lath...... 1 SUi OUi - nnmerclfully and ao hearlly thiowa at the end of 0 4 1 4 3 1 8 3 TBB AUEBtOAN OBAUPIONSBIP. uuknown In bIDlaxd muotaotura. Bommelad Morton, o ...3 3 Luengme, 8db ....S AUuUo 4—9T la round that bla ecconda tbnw up Ihe eponge and declared AUileUc 0 3 3 3 0 AHEBIOAN CUE OEUENT.-Pfloe tbt largo bolUet, lOoesta. Odvin, of ...8 8 OuhOl, rf ....B 3 0 9 1-17 DiOE't Next OnonUR. Brown the victor. The two man looked very bad at the cloeo of Umpire—Ur. Oeo. Fluly, of Uie Eioaltlor (tab. Scotera— WatfUted the but In nte. Sid. Bmltb, rt...... 8 e Bmllb,lf 3 Louta Foi, of Roeheder, bavlng tome monlbi ainca liaaed a tbe oonteat Brown'e note and forehead and left peeper Ueaara. Benton. Fly Ftlca Ltata ud tnll IntetnuUon tent bv atX<, BmlUi,3db ...4 a Patten, ot ....3 Ucnk ud catohea-AUuUe, 8; Athletic, 8. obdlooge fot (he obtmplontbtp, wlU be the next opponnt of tho — being ao awoDen that eren hla frlondc conld aoarcejy recognue Buna—Start, Dockney, 1. Foul bound ritrbiw Mllli, PBBLAMKll k OOLLEEDSB, Home 1; tkllfol Ointdtan ptajtr, Jot. Dion. Tbefotfeltaanup, ud Ittaex* him. Cannon'a two ejee wen about half cloaed, owing to Ibe 3i Dockney, S; tfit, Onta on beau MltnUo. Ath. >»4f OS, OS, ST ud 09 Oroaby ttxeet. Mew Yoifc, Total 3T Total 34 L 10 Umu: peetad Iblt tbe conteat wiU take place ibout Uie latter piiiot blow between Ibe peepera he had received in the third round, leUo, IS Umeo. Onta on foul balla-AlluUo, » timet; AUdeUo, S Imiiiioa. Ut 9d M 4th DIh Sth lib 0th Sth DecembetsoEl, either ta Uonlreal or Queboo. John UoDaviU, which waa dnpUeaud In the twelfth. Umoa. Stmck out—Ullta, 1. Utatcd ntnhnt Mllln. AlUntIC « 8 7 1 0 8 9 1 1-9T 1; (}hap- Dlm'a lut opponut, ntaroed from Uontretl on tht Mh (nit, Oonoert Hill Blllltrd Room. Dookaey, Benauderfer, Flaler, 1, COK OBEK AND BILLT DWTEE AlhleUo S 0 S 1 0 0 4 B 0-34 mu, 3; 3; 3; niher dUbotrlmed it hla defeat, bat elUl confldent ot hta abUI^ Not. U17, 1310 and 1331 Otaeatantttrut The game ovor, the uumbltgo quleUy adjoutned, not the nan a OLort nan ITmplre-Hr. Omm, of the Ecktotd Olnb. Bcoren—tintn. to give the ""''"*" a Eotand for Ihe Oliver he blmulf had been PHILADELPHIA. dIahlMl dtatntbance mirklng (be occulon from beginning (o Wnn BuoDim) GiAm^ a La CLamn ajiD COBUur, Hoalem ud Benaon. Time of game—Two boun md 40 mln- feioed to accept, ud ditarmliud to make the effort at (ha earUoat 90 Tibial, Fhttan k Oollandei make. ThalaigaatBUUaidHall end. Tbe ntmoat good feeling wumulfoeted betwem the two The propoeed match between Oon Onm and BUly Dwyer haa alca. Fly catcheet Peatca 8, Norton 3, Ohamnao 3, Start 1, Oal- poidbtamommt TtaeDlgbtafl«rlitateliimhewHlakmaoBi» In lha Dolled Btalai. Vlalton Istored prompt aOeoUon. IMm cinbe, Ihe AthleUca bearicg Ihdr dafeat gneefoUy, nUrlng ended m the two man agiselng lo aelUe It wllb elorea, probably via ],Orue 1.—Total II. Bmith 3, UcBrlde 1—Total 8. OaU on ud what aback, while being the cntnl flgnn ot a uleot company of from the gniudt in tbe hope of a mon lueceeatnl luue on Uon- for the gala money and |W0 a aide, u we bars ]ait leaned by foal baBa, AUmUca 9 timei, AtUioca S Umet. imtlemm who bad anembltd In (he upper ballot hta eilab- dty next, Oct 93d, on whloh occaalon Ihey wlU ptay tbe return Qeiry's Bllllird Tibial. our oonwpondesl, Mike MoO., wilting ftom Tlritnla Olty, N. T., AttanUctvlctorlouiona lahmul, at bedng formally Invealed with a maulve riog ct That for tht eecond time wen tkt game on the AtbleUo gnunde, Ihe ohatge for adniiulon to which O. D. COLLINS, UANDFAOTUBBB, Sept 93d. He tan:—"Thoe baa tteen to mnci bilking ben ot amethytt upon which, in tovpheroC dltmonda, an hta laldtlt. lid ot home ud home gemei, (he loltl of tho latlee being 113 w1Ube|l,Uiettoketa^ohigUmltadto«(n. high fence PBE8BNT, lata among figlMen that It la next to impoealbia for a mm to get A bu The pnaentatton wia parUcipaled In by uveral weU known PAOTOBT FOB TBB losa bem eteciad aiound Ihe field ud a tall (otca of police will be 3S-8m* UONBOB RBER. he^ed tor any amonnt woiUi figbllag for, aa good mm who having got logelher a very amatenn, the malorlty of whom badoontributad toward the M Buly'lhta aeaaon, the AthleUca llita time to enfotca otder. t&ald to Inreet It not Dnar'a tell that pteamt valuable gift, which wie tudered In tcknowledgment ot the im- would pnl np tn wu etnng team, challenged the AUutlce to play ellbe^ in Brooklyn heoonld notaet beokeo, to the match eioepUonablo betriog ud gmeral worth of the young exnett tbemauhdldnotgoon— or PhUadelphia, but the Atlulica having been tanporaiUy dla- gtoTO conteat tbe Feopla'a Theain, which wu thont EciroBO va. UoTDiL,—The home home game between In pnrtomce ot hta oipretaei naolve to win tnecbamploti ended in a at orgulied Dyihe aeccta(on of prominul pityen Irom their ud ooa half honeet mountahieeta. At tbiae o'clock on the theae dube, poetponed ftom teat year, look ptaca at Hoboku otinonraUittddefealln Uie attampt, UoDevlU hu tanedtha filled by xtnkt, wen In no trim for champion mttcbet, u two important aflatnoon ot ami 3Sd, the cotlaln wu holated, ahowlngBUiy on Oct Ulh, and it ptoved to ba qnlte u lotateiUng conical, appended ohaUmge:— defnle over In Hew Jeney fully pnied; but u icon u Uiey got "ManohBstar BobV SklHIe Qreund. Dwyer attoidea by Bcotty, and Oon Oram attmded l>y Johnny (hey the Uuluata wbinlng^nt givtag them Uie two gtmca ont ot the 188 Bon AVBBDB, New TbBE, Oot 9, leiSL ' Ihelr nine (cge(her tgaln ud In utlnlrg tor pity, teepond- BlgnoflheRabMtWaRen,0*roUetteetBoalhBKnUyn., Eeenan, wllh Joe HcOte u nferee, and a oonple ot "ddegtUe three of the aetlu. Thta wu the firat meeUng ol the two clubt UESoa. Pbelab k Oollbbde^ Btakeholden for the OhimplcB- , ed to the ohtllmge of the AthleUca, aid on the latofOcuber, EnUnly Be-oenttmelad, Newly Secotttad ud lOnmtottod. totetuicoren. Time wu called at Bflam mlnnlca putItatee, dnet the oontut in whloh Ihe "tailing" prooui wu mgiged In by ehlp:—Indoaed find (tSO, by way ot miklug good Uita, my ohd- less, viiiled PhlltdelphU to piv the Int ot tbe third lailu of Oapabto of holding SOO people, ud nnmtatakabty lha flnetl Otound whan both wmt np to the tctatch, ahook hmda, aflarwbich three of the Ihmmemben of Ihe Untud dnb. Ibe Eckfordt luge for Ihe Amerlcu Ohamnlonthlp. The mtloh to be rot the mm home and home gtmci betwem Ihe twodnbeLWhmthagtjoe In the OonntiyrAlao, a eapaoloae qoon OBOUHD iUaahed, . Ihey'out np their pmpe tot the tny, Dwyei wu tbe Ant to lead bad out a ttroog nUie, Indndlng that fine ptayer, Wooda, wbo oc- niual amonnt, and Ihe game to ba 1,600 polnta, tceoidtau to tula. proved to be aftllnia, owing to tho Immente crowd ot people who OanandtMtOryouMU. lafl^ltl BOBEBT OALTIN. Billy again led off, getting InloCon't cupied hta regnlat podUon in the nine for tba flrol time in two Beapectfnlly yonia, jobb UoOBviTr. OIL which Oram tupped; were piatut on the ocaitton. We now come to the pteemt con* upper ttoiy, leating i good tiled mark; Con alto geHlng Into yean, and he stayed tight up to hta old mirfc, Bwudd pitched, teit, tnd thta wa proceed to deutibe in fall. Obauebob to UoOabtbt, or Fobt WAvn.-T.KeOittby.tha peeper. One mark claimed ud allowed for etch of mdweU, too, btabiltatroobllng the Hutnda to panlih them. SfclttlM. SkltUei. Bluy't Itft At ettly u S A. H. tho fidd begu lo be lumnnded ant ell the Indluaoliaaipiou, who. It wlD ba nmembered, won the Inltd Bklltlsa. rormd bolb mencameupQnlokly, whm Umoll otrried off Ibe pilm In fielding, the - valeru doing viTu- old no doubt be plaaaad to lam Ihem. OnlbeieoouA lute occupied. Tbe urugemmta tot iffordlng ill a view of the The lovan of thta fine game wlD got Billy followed blm op, and got eble Mtvloe on the ooculoni Indeed, the fleldlng otthe Eckfordt woU Ughted venUlited, OcB led cff thoit, and away: lime wen eudlent Btok ot the oilchor'e podUon, end tuf. Ihtl (ban It t fine, tnctont gtoimd, ud followed him, hitting nun on (he ta tU podlloni wu eiceUent Hid they biUad they Added, Slelelreel, belwun SUi in right md Ml, when Orem idenlly ont of tbe way wen nwa of plank lean, ud In ttont ol u at Ktog'a Bnweiy BhidiklST W. udBm two mtrki wen ttien olilmed lUr BUly, end one It. would have gone bard with the Uutnala, The laltar, howevet, Engllib bagalalla (ahlea, Bnropeu papetK knowledge boi; md on etch tide of the tegular, ttandt for ladiei^ uite van laid ud homo matoh tor S2Sb or 1800 a aide each nnu, one to be avuoae, N. Y, ilto,— for Oon. Tbe tafene illowed two forDwyer ud none for Oram, pikyed a fine game, UttUn'i pitching proving u effective, with long plMt, Ao. Thit' ta (he placa whan you cu raloy yomaair down. Tbo delegtUon from Fhlladdphta had aeata neonred for played In Cbicago uu the other lu Fort Wayne, Ind. Tho dly in ' loonda fought in tU, wbm tba icon ttood teren good inpporl; ulthudoneuroughonttheeeaios. DIekyUont ritlontllyi eoonomlcdly. Come onoo and yon tn bound to Then wan fin them. 111 the oUien, euept IhoM tor bdlu, being ftee totbefint wblob the flnt game la to be ptayed to be delatvloed by (cm. ud At Ihe condutlon ot the fifth led Ibe econ on the Uutual aide, md Brown on behalf the lar-gtej T. BINO, IS7 Wut 4lal attoet rot Dwyer and fire for Orem, occupying them. At 11 A. M. Ihe police took pceteealou of the of Each gime to be tcoordlng to the ttudatd rulet. and oKbtt 1,000 comt tgaln, off Ihe lloret, tccotlng the lefarca ot Ecklordt. Tho aoote ttood:—Untnali, IS: Eekford, 10. The nnmd. Oon thnw giouda, platoon aftat platoon marching on Ihe gxoand under or 1,600 potota up; (ho flitt to be ptayed Ihlxty daya aftoi tcocpt- partiality. At the teoooet' ot the andieooe, Eckforde ptay the Unlona, at Uonliula, on OotolMr 18th. commud of Ita ngnlar ofllcar In military etyle, ud icon otdat uooofobdlcDge.iodlbeeacondUilitydiytafterthtfinl. The aOalr terBlnalad in a lieely torlnuntge which ptoduead, and Ihe telgnod In Wtniw, (he efildra( txiugemmto nude by Bnperln. AiuKTio ve. Umiok.—In plica of tho mtlch announced for Ihe mi(cb to be btUfortdt tppeated uUiiy til haudi, Dwyer thlnka of ntumlsg home to (udent Folk being luchu to preclude (lUnn. TheweKheiwu IBIh Inel,, at Korrlunlt, a game wu played between the TInleni Obahfioxuip or Uuudbi—A WaoLxaom OuEaB of Re- inortly. nUio, tho reeult ot whloh 111 (bit could have been dealied, with Ihe oicapUon of too eltong ud afield ta eppended. Tho fkllun b' PBEtEBTATivit.—Tho conteat for the ohamplonihip of Hitaenri, SPLENDII>> BONOS WITH CHOBUBIB.-Sead lo anr tthlela brigblly tnd breoie (o meet their engegemml rOUB Aajow Jona an Cobcbm ik BaoonTW —The Aann I broeie, parbipt; but the tun ibone out the Ibe AUuUca draw down tbe ceDeurci nault ot which wu it fint givm ua by Idtorapb, teemt to mualo boute or bubltahet for Ihtm. (houtina tho Jonw, In conJunctlOD wltb Joe Cobntn, will repeat hla lata no- wu not nnpleuut. of eomj two or three peopla, wbo bid been Induced (o bive been a very creditable uur, though tt tunu, u the Bt OABLINO UTTld ULLY, 80 cenit, Ball, lu tbo hopca ct ceaaful mnacoUr md mualoal fwUral at PlKenla Court Thoea ptrtica who came early wlicly bioaght nllona wllb Ihem, vldt Horrtaaota wlheailog a oloae conlut Tho LouleJournaU tdmll, a little tadlont. Couddorabla OEdtemmt LKTB BIT DOWtlAMD TALK TOOrTHZB, 80 omto. itreet, betwem Dem md Bergm, Brooklyn, on Wcdnredty ere- ud, lakmg pouwilon of choloe tetta, located Ihemaelvta for the field nloo Induded eiorlleutplayen ftom (be Uutual and AUanUc ud darm wu cntted abortly after Iht gtme bed opened by the LITTLE BABEroOTj 80 cm(a. claiaee, will the milority well. nlng, Oct M, when a nrled progismme, to ault all day hi tcgnur boalneu aMe. Tbe ladlea' elude wen occupied dubi, ud pltred At the eloao the count giving WIT of t pert ot the ptalfoim on whloh tht euta wen FOOLS ABB Ndn ALL DEAD YKrsOcenta. club tct, to. Union, ; be produced. Barry Bill, In nia monttn doable by tho Ihlr eex u early u ten o'dock, ud by 19 o'clock not a teat wu fot the 91 Held Nloo, 14. erected. Some flny tpeetaton fdl froa their higk utatea, but J. B. UBRBILL * CO., PublUbtll, BIchtrd BUI, to new too, wae gelhir with the woudetful protcfe. Heater waa to be had. The large ball over tbe dub nome, SriB va. ATLuma—The following It the icon of the match fortuiutely, no llmba wan brokra, Tbe ptayen were A, U. Bar> 38-41 01 WuhlngicB ittati, Chicago, III thia aide of the trlenda md cbtrtcterlttio tonga tnd danou, go Irom filled wlUi t boanUful ddcgtUon of the feir ot Ihe three plirod between tbete olubt tt Bedford on October llUi, neither riaon, who acquired tbe title of obamplon at (he tournament held true eoni view ftom Ihli potlUon pro- rlTor, ud BeeoherriUe will be npratentod by good ud dnbe occupying tbe ground!, tbe club pitying up to their mirk, whUe bdh wen mlnua of tho eer. In Bt Loult lut June, ud PhUlp J. Plerca. well known to thta OBATTV^ UIOBOBOOPE. wllh Mpliuiilin dl» novel ecme imaginable. TUB of Heroul w. The ulerlalnmul to eondnda a tenUng the meet itbacUvo ud The vicuof vdnabloptayera: AUuUo, 48; Star, 18. cHy under the ludleroua uatrUiutt of "Hink Undga," bellowed The but bvnu, mtgnUttog imtll objecta (00 Umeai ta end. play between Ihe nptetulattru ot tbe Old 'World ud Ihe Mow, oxin can beau ninnlng on (ho arrival ot overy ferry boat at 10 niperinleodenl of Ohrlt. O'Oonnor't upper lonrce ot amnaemeiit Tblttv-tlE Fnuch PlototM and otbtr Atblbtio abd Eubbiu Uatcu The Eunku, ot Nowirk, on blm whUa ho wu leu Aaron Jonu ud Joe Cobara. A. 11., ud from that hour nnlll alter 8 o'dock every cir wu room, by qululcd Ndl Baut who to Iht tountmmt had objeota amt Vrloa II, or Uuee tot IX Addteu biggeel went to Philadelphia on tbo 11th to pliy t nluxn gtme wllh tbo eronlng (Oct It) it thonld loaded, tU (tareo nulee to the giound doing Ibo kind of Hirrlton vety httd np to tht flalab, lha Uttot bavlng to J, 0. ORATIAN, Uaibat at, LoweO. I Jn Tnox'i Mion Ur Tdwf.—Thit Athteltca, but owing lo vtrioot deUye it chiied &n* bnelnou. Fntldeotfitboockwuemongthe fintonthosround. wu lata before ptay be nmembered, Jem Tyeon, the Pocket Hercnlu, who hu mtda conoeiinence avenge ality In the dwldlng or Ua game of BOO polnta to order butleat of the buty In tinnglng mtUan lo commenced; the wu, that at the oloae of Uioilh in- at a boier on the olberendol the Cable, bu ud wu tmoug (be to catty off tbo ou^ Plaiee, having Inmedtately obillengcd bta MACOY'aUAaTEBWOBEUAN, Omialnlni ElnddaUooi.ot a name ud Itme outddt nlnge dtrkneu put u md to (be gimo. The icon ttood— at Dramatic Hall, tn Weet Stth ainel, u to make tho evut a tueoeu tt fkr u maugoment the 4th intt thepltyenouittogtUier,ttBt Louta, lUatltatad by two bla fiiil benefit lu America, Eureka, 19; AtbleUc, S. Tbe AUilelIre pleycd bekiw Ihdr avenge, conqueror, on (baStaihalloDegTeuotFtecmitooty, to^o, DlUy could do. The ipace at (he lower end of (he Hold waa rcned cff betwem Rib and «th armuce, andwe adrUe^ while toe Eunku mado a caplld dtaplay, ta a game of l,SOO, wbtoh ratnlCed to tivor ct Uit cnaSenget by bnndied ainvlngt, 83 mo. mutUn, gUt edgoa. But .bp mtU allow tbo crowd aoceu to tho aidoe, t cordon of polite /' Kellj ud Jem glre Iht wind up, which wUI draw EoUy'i Mradi, ao u to 88 polnta. The avenge ot Uia wlnnet wet 10 l-fl; thit of the for SOota.^ddieai J. H. UILLB, lUwIay, Ft. 'i^ue field deer of Inlmdeta. Eobbu va. Cbioii.—Tbo gtonnd of the Btar Olnb, at at tbo Ihoto ot HcAullB. Mcmla will boy a Uoket keeping the mlin Jency loeer, 10. The belt ram were.-BtniioB, 08; PItroe, 89. Uatii- oommitlee of (be AtluUo Club went ovor to tho Uercbut'e Oily, wu (be acme of a game pityed between the tbovo clubi, HiBBT Alum Uatobid.—Theu apeclmon A ton. It ta Hid, WlU cbillengo tbe newly dtoled chimplun, 100l(Er BALL ROOU OUIPB. Tha mott eompMa Bdl JaOB Rooiz m Hold, in Conrlludt tuaet, to bring the A(hleUce over, two who btU from Uudion ORy, on (ho ll(b Intt, tho niult being a Town bare money up (o fight (he Bt utlogacue, by doroallDg them 38 to 13, UKN BEAD AND B|l OOMTINOED. We preinme thit "Itota eit ilea,'' or the die la oail, ud nolhlag vut gtihirlng ot people titembled to wllneu thta oelebnied punched tho balla •with the hairy md of a bnth." IPOQTINa . IbavtogJuitratantdtMaKafopewllhl80,oooPbetogiwpbe. If Iblt card pnrea aocepltble to Jtke, U> A BszuBB OaMB.—Tho teoond aunt of a home ud home farther camalni, bnt con tut UutAcnnBTn billubd CBAmoEtBir.—The mdoh for of Parit, Ihe hour tppolnlad tor calling tba game, tbe mtlch betwem the Eeanaiwn. of Hoboku, ud tba Unlona, ot TBB ti>tn from UM, aad ot lha (oatUut' Womm wU^ igteaupcn a nakebolder wbm Janninat comu onorBooma Bboilly belon the bllUatd world,, cue, tt tht puce ihe Uiit, Ihta honorable UUe to end (be goldra b» undiampiaconoalplotaiola. Bmd ud be aaUafied to goaiaway, whlobirar way tbey fiE It Hen'a Biiiy'i "deraltr astin field wu eumnnded by tpeoUlon.noneoooaylngUie field nudecn Clly, wu oonlutod fonner on 4Ui (wean E, Duleta, Iho niMont ohimplon, ihd W, A, Toblo, ta to BOX 399, nrooer, eioepl Uie police, Ihe epMtal npotten, md a few of Ue the S'e coming ont thead by a tally of 8S to 91 In a gams ot Mven ttke placa it Bumatead Hall, Botton (t^ (ho tvautog of Wedntfr 98-31* Wtteifbrd, X, ^ aod whlU dogt, tIi., ISi utter pauing the ball round, the eome ptMentcd b^ innlnga. "I will fight my three yellow BUly, the toa IIUi tott Udlw ud ganllsqiw ate alike toviled, and Ere. Jonmoy to wltaeae. By oto o'clock the day, Badger, 13| ud Joey, 30 ponnda—the fonnet two tot isoo, at oeworthaday't Omonman Biti Datx.—An aicdlng gtme of baU wat playtd good uUdpatad field ready tot play, when ihey a gtme U AND BABI B00S8. Oattu da Yldta^VMytloblint* tkehtlarfor H.OOOor mon a tide. I will do better thujdw U« won dteaaed ud In the In oinolnBaU en the 8lh, batwees Iho CudnnaU and Covlnglca SICH baton Ihe AtltnUca FiaBoiai.—P1amaarme(alsNawOtliu^ whlUierba Oiittt, iO omta, or term tht |L Uteroicopto (Mfia> Booma ofltra to do. IwOlglTt |100tofightinNawBniIud,or DiacUcedfortullaoaaTlerofanhoar wan clabi. AlUiaoloeaotUiesbMblntUogelhaaoanaloo&T^lnotau ««Bi having Uidrpldane takin Ihe SUi tool, where h*. toundt to day for a ftw . naLBIncaandOptnOtataai. Btataoampto Ttowa^vaate. I wlB Itka 1100 lo fight an Ihraa malahea hi or neat New lork nadrTind ittar thai wen detained In naU, 37; OoTlaglos, aL on ud weeks. . "~" lUuilnlcd piper, libelna nearly 3 P. H, before ill BdphBenJiminbuMdadliiatobilUudau abnitiuta, tad ta ADrami, emttinlag^l_lt>8e P'*jjwj^'~ olljr. Bay It'a • go, and I wUtendona olinahartoraathiaa for Htmer't Ewa Om n, EiaxLauia.—Thaaa Etta OUf, Pb, dabi playad malehta. HabbiJibbdm the pnlil^nailu ••n.utugrf. _Th. «"« ffod*^^ aowulnniuoa igml In Ihla dty Ueoin, Pimy and »tP»~r a match on the SIh IniW tot a pieBloBcf |8^ olbtalDyUia ' " nacyfl mtlohea, I nnaeceutry Mil of adr .patlenoa, the deain n Looto- T. a.—If I coma on to Iliw ToA tolUht Ihau wm mend ondir Uita OaontyAgtlaaltatatloaMy, Aiconot (3 to fi gtv* Uia flo, fight two 19&, a dtaghtat to Ihinmtmakhiiue^gama^mtimt Uem bilcleiut ot alTdelu for Uia Uae Ittadsrknd dtuhlin ot "Old Bmi, nn ud MMM wm^ taiT lo the Ms, of Du HoMA loini Jiai Bmdie, U of Wlb, nd a Boalar alat „,T,,B,enta otOut.porVB of for tt lha oonolBriop ot aiet na PAnuif Ou» oUa 10 nib^lBy or in oflSiM I W(D auob (ot Iff «r l>(N • „ __,ih1aia oaSylng loir Nil*, nmi (t » «t 'mllM (Me bv|h,Vt,M(|(tMlM(i ' nMM'iiniV>wrtett. ' 1 <


Mlaa Keeno to Bakenp Ihemaoaalpt The parfonaanoa at I tared. Tit, J. H, WaUon'sb oDelimre, W. J. Begin' go Bleb- Botmo-wureaehodattwntymlnatea pastnlaa, AbenllOO «( SUIT. " which, howsTsr, wia' ahoyt, Taylor being men THEATRICAL LAW PlovtilcBesmbtbttlaTsr^^adltwllh lUssHerae. I moad, aucceoai. J. W, Weldon's cbeLeeal, K.T.aaedeker'abfUdyDsii Ihe Jbndoi ^ity wen awtlfinsi&nsns,us, IndIrad OUretOUtst IwllhoatI his fnl. ludiig one on lha' naek, whn, wnitimWhatllaT, after a liltia flhu^ of Nlhlo's,kalUedlfeltb«ptld|MOtoMln I BiTBiit ud W, Xlnrln'a ch h Cllada). The speealatloo upon allandul niellita, "Fuggr" Wule,White, who la at pnanipiaaul la Hor Ma- j*luJfarm,lheybotbwuttof«a,Pirtttmidar. OnccnSS^S leeae; he did ael i«membic whit paassd at ths tune of pay- 1 this race wu much heavier than upon other the diy. jesty's for stlcilag to the Imporiint to Minageri and Performer*. uy daring aervleeb pnased thereto npea nd (Of the aecond ronnd, the ney wuebsrrred tadckUng fromnSii aiaH;it wts paid mdat'lhe ianee; the' slay had atacabeen lla Itae poola BIcbmond sold (or ILOOO, Local siikea, ling in shlp-ahaps, the DeUwataUM, a month ago), aeon had ths uand Pirtlfa right Jaw-flrtI - blood eliloedud allewej fnTivln teqaantly played la ihaalrea with which Ulu Keens had no I llig, Ciudal ud Lady Dsn, 1(0 tteb. Lonl got off with lha London "proi" were busy selling ling licketa, Ths MIL aqaans The third round wu a merry one, both alogglng awir to iZ!i John CUrkCi A>r P«r- cnmecllon; Ur, Oaikaindwlliieu'wttela pailnenblp when he I Uad, IMaaart, Din ud Citadel is a ruck, Blchoond piaitanitr to itonfiton oak m%mlmU . ladf wUb wuoloMluthanllwayatallou,^ , udlfa aamtal, Laan Kmbs , the tesuU being a clerer uoaa-bollMk by Taylor hu paid, the money. did not pay Xeene in I awaiting further devtlopmenla view of the | the money u Miu la ibe rtu. The qaarter trees ud onl-buildlngs gave the "yokela" a good advmary lUltog heavily. Al the doM of thla nnni "Oar AbimIcbb Caniln," persDBi I tieTcr tte £i||„'! femlaf mw Mlu Eeeaei I hid no Ucensefrom Mlu I pole wureicbed with Loeil aUll In thenn, Deliwin clou op, whole aOilr on lha chnp. O'Baldwto wu Ihe nnl loahylnbla nndOTrenlT^ange, B to < bolng tnely Eeene (nd offend piri?f eltbar before or aflar the decree; I did not consider It I ud lUchmcnd, who bid cnpt by Citadel sad Lady Du, third. cap, (oUos ed by Manden at u Interval of ten minnlea, ud each SfceatUT. STAND. I did not pliy It from Ibis maaasctipl; Ihli Is a I At Ibe hslf mile no material change had occurred, except that recalTed an ovalloo. Maisden won Ihe Insa, and placed O'Bald- thongli very careful^, hla auperior sc WELL KNOWN A0TOB8 ON THE - • enco and aen»>U),i. akeMoni-tt wu plav«led (ram the original I«ndon mannierlpl they wero doier together ind all ninnlng in a bimch. Citadel wto wllh a daxzllngane playing straight on his flee. Whllethelr manffoaUngltaelf. Forlhe uvenlli round, _<4w 11... * M rTT'. . | ParflttliL' S^if.l'S with the London coat in 11, and that muaacrlpt wu obtained dropped In Ibe rear on the home stretch, ud Local oomploted loUeta the belUng commenced by Ibe seven gaah over t wen being altonded to, tho lefteye, which bled prefueewribcro bi n! »ooi» lOTfoin (ramMfa.811abee, Thla eloeed the teaUmoay, hla lint aHetwc leogtba ahead In 1:1IT. The eagcriy, al ual, slight cuaMX "aui" nt a bib fabi—uv nn second mllewu Londonen offering B to 4, which wu taken ud sins one visible overTsylor's rigil optfc.^'il^.Yl'Jl"' TheOoort—Ido not see whit la to go to the Jnry here, Mr. iccompllihed much in the ume order, tho chcitaut colt aiaUi- a lenl "Avar" wu put down by the combatula. Jem Mace ud this Umo commenced to aUp down Tory fScoiiD to oluiu. suatfdonslvlniili^S um, MB. jAuifl run Jaaei. talalag his lead, and the honor of aeoond place wb« divided be- Joe Oou aeeonded Dillon ud Boa Tyler every round. At Ibe eleven^ ronnd m Maraden, ud Jem even 3S Sis offeSS^i Mr, Jamea—Nor do I. It Is a nneallon for the Court, and I tween Deltwin, Lady the fiToilte, Citadel tillen ludlocai, Taylor. Du ud having did the needfal for O'Baldwto, AD betog to Thedlffonnt bouU were ao rimllar to iha!Iri!r^.''S ahall uk your Honor to dismiss the compUInt noon nearly the bopeloaali in the rear. Time, 3:8). Delaware had lapped Local the men ahook to len for wonU be ledloui to dcacribe them; LAtnu a vratDicrr of ti.iM.tt. hUda at wtu minutos nfflce it to ut t^'i^L" am aame gnnude u those I have urged, ud also on toe ground that at lha pob, bnt itaortly after enleriog the third mile the liUer appeared the nouT. to Improve with bto work, ud gml confldenJJvrJJ II appean thai Mr. Clarke did net prodnco the play, bat Mr. nccaeded ta shsking at the nnirler leoglta when mm, ud pole wu one Ronnd L Manden ma ths flnt lo Bnlah his tollelle, and exprtaaed at Ihe twulr.flfth ronnd toit bo would nSrl J?" Mr, Clarke having ao conlrol his abare of the pioflta I to the good, Bicbmood three lengtha behind "Oar Ameilcan Covitn" leans to bm bwD troabluone ud Delawin, ind Lady be put up hb arma to be rubbed he wu loudly cheered. He ccsafol, PortlU through lou of blood falling off aUBhllf^fi?.'" dttmlt os Ui*t wu menly by way of auiiy. Dan away In the lurch. On lha lackitnlcb tho bay coll mode loosed thbi well, with a large amount of muacle about Ibo ovldenlly dlitress. ono of enitomw Id tbg Uw coarti, fof ttlot nriotu lUn, ud m hU eyw fast dAng.nS Li .i.iSiV' Soptrlor In thlr cIIt, on Iht The Court—I shall overrule In that, but wlB biar you, if yon play for ihe lead igolo, ud bad collared the cheeiont at the half ehoulden, cheet and arms, appnrlng quite different to what he ronnd, Patfltt BITS the flnlcleu he unlB tsnod ap In Uio Coarl 8U> knock down blow. From fiJ wlab. In relation to the amount of damages. mile, lUchmond haKa dozen lengtha In the rear. The itragglo did In hla lira O'BaUwln was very slilT.flfth ultth init., tt Uia lilal lem baton Jni Ilea Jonce, unn K»aa proTlcna raoonnten Ned round, Taylor hid it nearly his own wk n^S,]^' acllng Ur. fames—That ii one thing to which t ahonld like to call wu deipenta on the lower turn, linl Iho pace wu loo ainng iW ahortly alao In BghUng trim, moaltnthislaaUo Pirill'sPsrilt's damageddan nearly ud John B. Clirka bolng Ua Ull«inls, lha Uii Lun th« ud he met with a eye every round. TblaTtlnd J»i;f yonr Honor'a attmtion. No damigea hivo been proved, end Local, and he gradually dropped awar, leaving Delawan to win reception, himself * nit of plalBUir, Mr. Btnitt, nuugar of lha Wlnlar Oinleo, Joa hla condition nfleding gnat credit on both conHnncd nntli111 Ibe ud of Ihe ntoety-thlrd round when Puaii none can be fixed. damegta In by four Iragths, Itlchmond second, Inrea a half lengths be- faffanoD, who diloii to ba at leul In part tho anlhor of the The lapoielblUfy of flxing the ud and batoer. Although he did not ahow iny great increase to aetonda threwwnpnp Ibe sponge.spoi A gamerbslUohuieldomi>ilJj nch a caw been held grulisg fore Local, I^d^DanudCitadelalODg way behind, Tlme,t;M. at- ' hu npealedly a gronad for muscle or breadth pUt In qociHon, Mr. DTOtt, Mr. Fttcre, Mr. CUIk^ ud u of ihcnlden, stUI, u each put hlmielf to wlbitaaed In that dlstriit,district, ud Pvfltl, though he Ua ,?ff^^ laJonoUon, Then data wbatover. titude for the Mr, Anlreiri veie all prernL Ur. Booth, for lha plilnUlT, an ban no THIRD DAT.—Tbubdai, OCT. 11. enoouter, they looked like two glidlaton ill—both bis flnt deleal, bu nothlnjnoth' to be ubsmed oTia ho The Court— think dUpV,?^* eiplmlnliig Ihit ihottJ/ twfor': last SapUm- X the proper meuun of damages la the all In size ud condition—to contud for a Ungdom, Aathey look smount of phick kuu wunt(c, lor optsed the cue, FnsT Back.-UoBOLi Bace, ahondlap for agta, two miles, Goat .'?i.'^!^?;*I.!^^»docldISn mm a oocidod up3u|un.hiri amount Mr, CUrki oblilned by It, What he has gained, lo my np their poalllona. It thai 1? ba "Out Amerlas Cosils" wu adTarUied for the Wlntar over eight hurdles. (300 to Ibe Bnt hoiee, tlOO lotheMcond. wu plainly evtooed by their moUoas ttls for him from shoni Ibe seventlolh round Bo new wrongfblly, he should pay over plshitlff, Jl Ho wasn Otidan, and Mtie laon Eeane, bettlogof ll,imedon Ibam to the I sh Zlgiag, Oen'l Williams, Nunis Craddcek ud Citadel competed neither wu u adept to the "noble art," but on the coimtenuce verely punished sbont ths head. Taylor not so dlract a verdict much twU^! tho owner of the Ibr ths plalatlff for Ibst smonnt, t3,lll8 H, but u of each beamed a look of deternUnaHon which augured well for a irfilt lacks sbllllT to punish, notice Dot to play that comedr, u aha wu for this, thamoillnterrtllog nee of the day, Ihe lormer being Ihongh he to as gamo u a Mhhu the qnestions are aew tntrrestlag, I be mlataken In ptay. That Ihej dlerenidlng ft, an ution for prohibition bad ud ud may Ihe favorlle sgolnit the Held, Kunle next, wllh Ihe belllhA eren nmi ud eeineit encounter, and Ihe rttnll wu looked forwird and wBi qnlle bfind at the dew. Tbe time occnnlod my Ttawa, tvtUdlrect '~-"i"« mto thoik^ nmmenced, and uut, on the trial of that ciae, It had been U subject to exceptions, to bo heard by the cn Ihe others. ZIgzig off wllh the u wllh much oigomen by mo assembled epeclitors. O'Baldwin ninety-three rounds was 9 houn 1 min. bau Oeoaral wul Ind, ud Ihe fliit har- itllei], Term In tho lint Instuce. Verdict utered acconllDgly. dle, waa tho bnatoeaa by deddcd thit the lepetf , on which lha plalnUIT bad not plictd at the end of Ihe club atind, wu cleired Ihiiswlu: Int (wllhout lou of time) to commuca haanpionrtr anlhenlloled. That the apptalon thai had not .Zlgug, WUUims, Nunle ud Cltodel-lhe loiter duhlna Ihroogb leading off bla left It the noee. Manden countering him a.'lghUy yet been aeodcd. That the preaent anlt wu for damigea for the the brash ud sciUerlng things to Ihe four wtudsTVery lllUe on the left eyebrow, Manden then mihed wildly to doae qna^ THE BRinSH.CHAUPIONBSIP. ten, perfomanee of the oonedf tj the dtfendanl; CUike, aomo 34 THE rcXTRF. altantlon—sad Ibst but momentary—took plico In these pool' ud thev both hit away madly at half-arm . dlsUnce until o'niLnwm abxioos xp noBT kacb, wouuu) on haudet &me<. Kin Xe»& aome jean ago; pnrchued thia pla/ fhini tlons until Ihe end of the Unl mile, which wsscompleled Manden ludrd i hilf round bit on Baldwin'i ehib, while he wu In 3:03. Foa FBOU i900'io leOO A Bise, ado the Bilt. Tom Tarlor. ahoatljr afier iba pndnoed It tatre Mr. Clarfe pro- Oeni Wllllama took the alith hurdle, Ihe favorlle following doae In tho act of bmkiog iway, a^d It caused him to stagger down. Keene an THE PATSB80N FALL UEETINO lbs length of lime Ihe Ohimplon'a dnced It in PhUadolphU, MUi oommeaced action In al hla beela, sevenl lengths In advuce of Nunle, who led CIU- This dtelled loud sua uproarious cheen from Marede?e corner, From Bdt hu lain i| im ' agalnat Ibe trophy the United SliteaCoarl at that time Oaika k Wheatley, TBBEE DATS SPLENDID BAOINa. dol half a doiea. It wu nip ud tncfc between Zigzag ud Wl|. and his sdhenota proclaimed that ho would agato achieve a with Ihe trniloes, must have sccnmulaled some >v« fator, thst wbleh wuftmllj decided b her and a decree waarendered Bad Wutbkb ars a Poob Aitksdaxce. llama down the beck atretch, Ibe olhcn virtually out of the iice. bloodlen victory. Ilils round occupied IT ico. but It Is thought now toitthen to a likelihood of a ccnlM.' acoonUnglf. Clarke wu the Iiat man who ahonld have TloUted The Qenenl wis iHII leading it the faiH mile pole, 9. Mirailen wu the flnt to commence cpenUcna by nihing ths dazzling prospect It used to hold ont will atladi lo Its BAtfWATn 'wm TUB n. lxozb, akd xio-ua the stcefle- Nunle cross- forner • her rlghu. He had bad a lult Id which hla'copy wu decided to ing Ihe hardiest that point nearly a It hie mu. ud lome very wild exchangee took place, each brilliucy ud pnitigt. Mace hu depoalted to find A3IB dozen lengths behind Zlg- U "a uu? be had CHASX HimOU BACK. to O'Baldwin Belt, be laperftct. In that ault Mt sp the aaoe defence u he ug, ClUdil U^lng. The driver of Ihe favorite let him out ind hitting like two Hhoolboyi, wllhout the lUghlnt predilcn or Bght for Ibo ud 1900 a tide, which hu bm cuetallj' The fcutb fall Ihe part doee In tbia. He bad Identllid bU pment with bla nee meeling of the Paanlo County Agrlcnllnral I ho coliand W s cn the borne stretch, both taklDg thehnrdle...swuiuii JndgmonL At lenglh they got to the ropei, and altar a Utile covered by Jeaae Hatton, cn of O'Baldwto. nw moan '' that Society la now amengthe at of fbrmir deftnce. On former defence ho wia defaaled. He, thlnga of Ihe peal, ud wo regret to I the three^cuarter together; Iho boraea were now pal to their weavtog and hnggiog they were both down. While on tbe gnud bu been placed to the buds theautooilEOdilabeholderfcr fijrther, elate that the 'liowenr, goea ono atep and dalma that lha damagea be memonu which duitar around II an act of the I nimoat speed, but Ihe snpcrionly of the on-trtnmphut Ziiug acrowdmahed ronnd them, ud a cry wia niied that Manden lbs Champlonahlp, ud ibe partlu wen to med to sign arllclta Inihil ault pleaiuteeldeacrtpUon, blltog. mi cranpelled to pay «cr« paid tor a llcesia to pUy eithartothemansgen, whowerepccuni- 1 manifested Iteelf and ho paaaed Ihe aUnd two lengtha aheal wu An appeal was made, ud O'Baldwin came to Ihe cn Thursday, Oct i. It la doobUnI whether Ihia will reiull hi - arlly lotereated In Ihe ttanywbete. He nuiheraeti op that the play hu become pobllo aucceu of Ihe meeting, or Ihatporllon of I Time of lut mile, 9:01x, and of race, i:OSI<. nferee to ahow htm the marks, but he wu ordered to flght oil urthtog, bnt the knowtog ones spish of Joe Womiild ccoiiM ' * - tho general public property by abandomncnt by the pUlntUT who Uke delight In Ibe sports of the tnrf. I SiooKs Baoi.—The Seqnel Slakes, a sweepilahe pnmlum of Al Mandu wu betog carried to bis cornor, a slight tlcge of outagsto. His sprotoed arm Is now sound, ind Iboro will be loS . racea It, John Dyott wu then called to ibow lha MenUly of the The wen held al the track near Pilerson, N. J., commeadng I liOO, for three yeirnlda; 1100 oitruce, half forfelf; two mile blood wu Tialblo from the lip, ud thua O'Baldwto gained the of money forthcoming to back Joe agatoat O'Baldwto. To ibov on the InsL, fl^oea, indtaallfledlhat he knew thi partluwhohadlha play; the Mh ud cantbiulng three days. The attenduca | dish, the winner of the Darby to carry five pounds eitn. Closed evul of flnt blood. how eager toe IrlU Qlut la to fight igito, wo have only to refer of vilth fint ttne he played In It wu at WuMc;ton, nndcr MluKeene'a spedston wu meagre—at no lime eiceeding Ave tbonaud, I five entrloa, but only three nme to Ihe poal, tIz'—T. B. 8. No sooner bsd Ihoy fsced each olher Ihu Manden rushed to hla three challengea below: ' while on the cpenhig day Bead's BBugement, In 18M, In tho part of Abel Mnrcot He wai fa- not mora Ihu sixteen hundnd poions I ch f Bidianlieis, D. McDulel'i b c Blpley, and S. J. to his mu, and a few wild but hirmleu exchanges were made. Mace ako O'BALinnx,—Jeeu Hatton vrlabea to atite he cog. miliar with It aa far hla wenpteeent Thlsriick of pitronagemayproperlybeatiribnted Carter'ach Maraden, If u vm locnei were concerned; he played I oDelegate. TheformerwuthecholcelnthebotUng, not to be denied, bored to, ud gelUng his oppcnenton siden Msce Is mstched with O'Bsldwin, but Mace wsota to get Itlbraboni three to aeven] canaae—Inl, from Ibe Ihe part of Uttla of lbs ropes, will weeke hit ycu at (be Winter Garden; the neglect cn thou I which wu done. Delegate got away with Ihe lead, ud endeavored to hold him then, but after a uort atrog- out of It, thon O'Bsldwin flgbt uy mu In Ihe world for the at having charge of Ihe at Ihe Igadlng actor that time wu Mr, Clarke hlmaelf—at leut, be meelln* to place H properly btfon the pa- 1 quitter pde wu a length ahead ol Ripley, Enohutress 81e O'Baldwto broke away; Uorsden, however, followed him CtumpionBhip, ud for <300 np to KM a ald& A depoelt to the lions of the tort tsking played the pert of Au Treachud; hla (witneu'l part wuthe by Jodldoni sad Hmoly advertising; second, I It leiioRly in ths rear. Coming up lha stnleb it Ibe ito Ihe centn ol Ihe ring, when they again clutched, and, after stakeboldor, ud artldu sent to O'Baldwto, at Jeaae flilton'i, nme, la ill Intenta and pnnole^ ai at Eeene'a becauH the public ware pnlly well nufelled with such recreo- 1 doae of Iho dni mOa. Delecsto some half arm a freih milch fbr tbe Cbimplonihlp be Mua ; Ibere were dnpped behind, ind BJoley com- exchugea, the Nottingham mu caught O'Bald- ud cu entered Into. lion St ploled ''aome trifling dUfemcee, The ecenee and Acta were lubftantlally Jenme Paik, upon Ihe heels of which Palanon followed I Ihe turn two lengtha ahead In l!a3>i. Iho rtder of Ihe wto a round hit with the right on Ihe back of Ihe neck, which O'Biuwiii TO WoiiiALD,—Jeiie Ballon, on thepartof O'Bild- loo eloM; lutly, uvorite theaamc;Iheaair--''Ifreqnlred a reading or two of the defendanl'e mann- ud owing to Ihe very dlngReebls weather ex- 1 now touched her up, ud it the qurter pole hid half a staggered him down, ud Maitdu, elated at the fesi, pointed wto. Informs Wormild that if Mace will not go- ou with Ui ' each length eolpttt to get op hla part; there wu aomediHennc*; for Initince, perluced dar, c«ld, blualerlng wlnda, a dimp, penelnling I Ihe lieat of Ripley. The conleat wu now eettled, and to fill fallen adversozT. O'Baldwin wu carried lo hla coraer match, then he (Wormald) abill have tbe flnt chance for ihtlhelt, mill and thrtolulag donds deterrtng muyfrem bnvlng the I EnehutreM won eaally by a length In 1:11, Ripley aecond and bmlhlng tauvlly ; and Ihe bicken of Miradon wen In ecitaclea. ths slike to be f rom <300 to IdOO, AnuswarscnttoJoaiefiii. dangen ud inoccTanluces of a Journey acroas the dnary I Delegate UaL -Tlmeof tvomilea, SMU, 4. Tbo KotUngbam party wen vodferoua In their colls of ton will be ittendcd to. bnl net read the whole nianhea of Jeiaey for the ake of a few honn' Tsmo , Men mannacilpt of Mlsa Eeene'apla amnaemut. This I Racb.—This, the principal evsnL (or a pramium of BTOO Tlmol dmefudtboEmeralderwaa nthor slow to respond, O'Biuivrm TO Mabuen.—If Marsden la not uttailod with hla la a matlar of regnl. the three norhare I read Ihe whole of Mr. Clarie'i muQMripl; 1 nai_ u sport-especiilly on the flnt day- mUe hesia, for all agn, nnfortnnatcly nsolved ilHU into a snd on scntchtog, ipamd to recover himself. Manden at onco late defeat, O'Baldwto will make a fieU malcb, ud atako £300 of a much belter mra aeen the entire play; I played It at Waibington snder wu description Ihu that witneaaed at pnvlons I walk over for J, a Walson'a Aldebamn, dubed to, bn^O'Bladwto fought on the defenalve, ud retreated lo i900 to flght for the champlon'a bell; to come off In the Los- meetings, and thoss who HluKeene'o management; I have never played It except then put In u appeinnce, deaplla the dia- 1 FomiBRiaB.-ThemeeHnawasbronghttouendbyaconlest to ths ropes, when Msnden got close, snd O'Baldirln aeni cut don district, coonglng dioumilances and under Mr. Clukei. 1 hare icen-porliona played at va- ennmented, wen empty repaid for I between John Hnnler'a bo VMca, B. Ogle'ag e BIcbmond. Col. bis left, whichallgbled on Marsden'a left dieek; Ihe teller ecun. Maudih. TEBCATXiia 10 Bdz.—Big Andnw, who wu k> rlona tbeatrea where Ulia Sceoo wu; 1 traveled 'to virl- their Double and Iho diacomforta attendut upon Ihe trtp. McDuUel'i b c Lilher, Dr. Weldon'a tered allgbtly cn left ruahing to We | b ( BMe H., ud c e Local, ue eye, ud a clon, after aehorl tboroagbly whipped by tbe Irlah Oiut tho of give below a brie( of for on Ulh Beptea. one. theelrra . with her; there were aome Teiy fUgbt alieit- record Ihe three daya ndng lha ConeoUdatlon Premium of tSOO, for all -'rufflle, Manden Ihnw O'Baldwto fell by hie side. agei, ono and a ud ber, la out with a letter toitatenlns to ane thaalakaholder (Fruk tlona In. the two playo, bnt very alight In my part; I quarter mllea; hcreei bnlu once durtog 5. up to this lime no parttcnlsr damago had been FIBOT DAT—TuxasAT, OCT. 0, the meeting allowed done by S. DowUng) to the match between nloiulf snd O'Baldwto, unkti nerer law ' Mr. Jeflcrson play It ; 71b, Ihoao beaten ellher, X don't reniemlMr who twice or men, lllb; eutnuce moucy to go to ud on time being called, both obowed eagcriy at Ihe he 9lten hla dedalon, Pity FiBST Racb—Tha InlHiUve evnt wu Ihe Dnderwood Qlfl about him 1 Tho itakebolder, hor. tho part to mo; probably the itipe minagor or call-boy; the lecond horse. In Ihe poola Dlrlca aokl for Lniher ocntcb. For a moment ttiey eyed each other, when Baldaio Ere of $300 for all sges, mile hiala, tWD, 1300, 0 erer. pnbllcly announoea Ihitlhemoney wu to have bau gtrm r. Btnart (or which four enMea werd engaged me. I neVer uw what are ailed the funny, Richmond ud Weldon's pair ITS MCh, This wu uolher pitfall dubed out bla left at tho head, which Marsden neatly put on ono ilb mide, Tlx:' Mr. Binfonl'e b m Nunle Butler, 0 yean; Coff- up to O'Baldwto cn tbe of October—u "omtooua day" la •oene* playedeuctly alike; they were anbitandally alike, to the beUins fnUrnlty, Rlcbmend, aide ud laughed. The "glut" then tried left bnt u who Illd back during the hie at the mouth, Englud—ride Mace and Cobnm two yean ago. ' eometimee there were little emendaUona: ia;h Iblnga are very and got homo hnrlly. ud Manden countered blm on Ihe fore-

' Jioi WITS ooniznoD fp playa like the Amorlcan Couain, Ihoaah not In the head, bnt then wu no ateam to tho blow, O'Baldwto then aenI Booiz UTCBZO PATn Bbaido*.—Tho celobialed ssfjdyff.7i,s°„*. b«'vs»'s?tSe*^sru'«n^s Birmingham bruiser, Jsck Rocke, covered Ihe moet seilou and atudard playe. I think Mr. Andrawi, who ^{^^^s^'^Xirssir^i^ss'^^ds^ hla right In hearily on Ihe ribs, ud the blow left a knuckle mark. hu Mllnhs, race,wbllo Lother ecld for Enrghthood Palsy Raardon'a money, -played Lord Dondreary bet^ wu nlher mote conlroUel by the im, ud ud Nannie iitoM Srio^Sfl;n»lh^^rtSf^ ThiT broke ground, and after a few fetola O'BildwIn dubed to flgbt to three or tour montba fnn ' algnlng anleles, to wdgh the day befon lighting, to raanageineot, . . out hie right on toe noie, dnwlng a coploua aupply of tho fluid. Juk receivs Ohirira Men non, .(edlSed that x^'nS'fniSs.eS^tLrans'gete'o'n'^ru^^^^ ID lo light to London, or to give ilO for (he fight to come be. had often played tho ' Tbie brought them to a doee, ud Maraden, gelling wen hold of ot mneu.toibedlaguil of those wbo bad inreited their '_ put of "Blooey;" he had plared II two or Ihrve bonilnd timoe:' lUmpa on bla mu, crou bnUocked him. Time, 7 mto. half way between London and Mucheator, the (aTorile. It wu looked opon ii a foregone rjro Fosrar.—The Telenn nitioni ol Ihe turf who, heedlest wu qnlle fkffllUar with hla own part, bnt not with the other conduslon that I Manden wu agoto the flnltocommencohoaUllticaby aend- OnwirdHoold prove the winner, whereu be did not cvtn allain '"••,'"*to''>nB.«speclof Ihebeavoniudlheblualerlngwhids, paria; he pbyed Itit the Wlnlar Oirdcn la^l year for iboot four iDg bla left atrmlgbl on the month, getting countered to return second plwe, and ""!' Faiblou Coune, I., weeka; heplaycd Blnney wIQi UP, Clarke; tho «u dlotanced In Ibe third heat, wbllo Nannie, 7™?,™ ^ L. cn the lOih luL, pari* with bim' to wttneu hearlly by Baldwio'l right cn the forehead. Manden agoln tried who did'nt become Ihe favorite at ooy time during the the trolling of Iho great three mile match IorW,000 and MUlZeeno were Teiy nnch the aame; lome liUJe dlArace' nee. I hla left, and reached Edward's noae, dnwtog Ihe blood; but ' nmooffwith flyiog colon—a result milnly "'"doomed lo And them- In the bnalneM, bnt the nme dlflaion of acenei lod acts; there allrthntablo to the O'Baldwto to return crou ccnntereU Andnw heavily on the Jaw auperior iookeyahip ol her experionced rider, ths ullnuilcd "'"'onawUd goou chaae. The odds, which were on Shark OCEAN TAOBT BAOE. might bare been eome omiuloni, bnt very trldlng. Had not with the rlgbl, knocking him deu off bla ptoa. (Flnt knock mok^ "Old Abo/' Four boats contested, toe early part of the week, changed to tlOO to at the aeen the ounnajript of the other parle; bad played It with Mlsa wen Nunle taking the J"™* |M down blow forO'Baldwio.l HSXaZEITA TS. TeSTI, fOB $1000. flnt ud fourth, Luther Ihe aecond, Enloblhood being bnusht lo tho icore. It wai Eeene elaewhcre; Ur. Sluart ma the manager of the Winter ud the . 1 SI' . fj" 7. Tho fill flghtlog lu 'ound that bhark wai out of tbo previous rounds hid told a tale, ud Amerlcu yschts have long been celebnied Ibr apeed, that third. Time, 1:11: ItlS; IMH; IMU. I proper fli, ud conicquully bii ftd Oorden. both men came up puffing, each being willing to apar for wind. BxcoiiD Race—Tbz Sr. LuxB.—Nait came <'!''>" '"'"''"IteP'T'crfelludwilhdnw, much to tbo disgust ha%1ng long ainco been eilabllshed by the victory of the Anierld WlUlam Andrews, who played Lord Dundreary with Mis Eeene! the great nee of For two such heavy men Uiey feinted and broke ground Iho meeting-the 81. ''"> "d bnved Ihe elemcnii In very OTcr tho Royal Yacht Squadron of England to 1891, but Ihcre two yean bio lut BcptemVr, leatUcd Ihit he Leger, a swcepstakca pnmlum of (1000 for Ihelrjoumey to tho wu familiar with """""^ well. O'Baldwin wu the flnt to offer wllh hli left, but Mondon wen those who quostlonod their eca going three year olds, tu enttuce, p. p., two and a quarter ' qualities. Tbeio hla own part; bo had alio pliycd tho part at Winter Qanlen; his, milea. Jumped bock avoided IL At the next einv There wero forty-four enbriu, but ud they got together, doobli, however, bavo recdred thdr quietus by tho aucccstfid part, u he played It at the Winter Uardan, very only 'alx of the number came Saie or Bloodfj) Stocb —Metsra. Leeds A Miner, wu iltnllar to inclicneeri and eome flue exchangee took place to O'BaldwIn'a corner, the voyagra acrou tbe Atlutic lately to Ibe poal. Tic I John Hunter's b f inrlca, sold made by Ihe little Bod, White tbatat Ulai Eeene'i; but tho part given him r.na Icil B. A. Aloxander'a b a number of blocded bones, belonging to the blood flowtog u than Bayewater, eatite of a from the n'osce of both, but O'BaldwIn'a hita ap- and Blop, end tho Alice, and Uter by the race thatglTenhtaby SIIuXceio;ll c J. W. Weldon'a ch c Local, D, Beady'a rh o Tom dcceued grntlemu, cn Ibe lOtb Init between tbe yachla wu ciirlallcd; thudlvlelon of The following U a list of peared to bavo tho moat effect Tbla wu conttoued until they Woolfclk, n. A. Alexender.'a eh c Walaon, CoL Ibo bones ind Ibe Vcsia ud Henrietta, which wu deddod to such wnlber u would thf apta wu the ume, and Ibcte wu the eamo number of the ud McDinlrla' pricea they brought: Toronto Clilef, tgooo fought to Ibe ropes, when to the close br f by Lclipae. Alexudor'a stable both were down. An ap- sppil I mere freih water uUcr, such is muy of our yacblmtn . honored Blonde, uenea, though then may hive been a tnoipoalilon; with regard wu with tho lull agnnd-daugblerof Abdoilib, I24M; Lady Clifton, gins' peal that O'Baldwin gouging soiling for tlOOO, whtla Ulrica brought wu wu disallowed. Time, I'J min, to the olher parta.lho play li - tiOO,' Local, tVU, the ipslrofblackbcises, ahorlar—many parti an cut down; , ^ V ud I iJxudievcnyeonold. S3200:LidvBoIle' B. On coming up, Mandi-n ahowed plainly tbe olher two togclhor. iao. The slott cffecta of The Henriotta has long been known u one of tho fiatest ud aome of the namu are ohanicd-cne of the yonig UdUa, In ono «'u from Iho IhneHioarter $1325; Toronto Chief, Jr., flve yean old, IS bindihirt fiSS. O'Baldwln'shudlworkto tbe pnvloue round; bla Mt eye and sbiuncheit yacbta of the Now York Squadron, bariog won lorenl calledOeorglani,lf hLthooiIiar£mUy. ner^r uiv Mr. Clarke's fonhnd won swollen, ibeVaMbo hla mouth out of shape, sud ho wu nces, among otben igalnit the Ihlnier the Restless. enUra manas^pt; I have norcr read ou^ftilly U«SM^S5W;^bM ud She Mill Kceno's; I bleeding fTrcIy from the nose, while O'Bddwtn wu compan- have aeen lhlspji»pl»y«l wss built In 1801, ud since tlist period baa served u a nvenno In Pravldenos, R."!., itihe'PIno Strccl lively scalhdeu. Msrsden,howcvir, tbe flnt tu wu begin bud. cuttrr to Ihe serrico of tho Cnlted States. Her tuunago Is 30^, Tbuire; I.lhink In September, ISKI; MUs Eecnehed nothing l^f^nMVe?krWi't.i^n%Mn5»r^^^ ~ Irjtog to nen by hla lelt, but wu knocked bock by O'Dablwto, who she dnws 11 feet of water. do with lbalthutrej.Mr..£dward Barry Wootfolk fourth, the Ecllpie Ally flfth, end Locil sixth, tin the' ° ud wuthe nuhOBcr; I Saw Match ITIO, mile butr, beet a in I, lo wagons. several limes in lucccuion luded hla left heavily ou the mouth, played In upper turn, Watiou went lo tho foro, thejwilUcne of Iho The Vcito hi entlRly new. bivtog been Isken off the etocks to 11 IIaUrii,;NaTa Hcollo, and In WaiLlnnlon, at Mr. Oro- othen E. L. NorcroN cnltred left Bide of Itae remslnhlg b g Major Htley head ud forehead, ud flnlihed Iho round by Juno orthlsyear. Tbo meunroment Iho ver'a; 11 wu played. In imcbugid. Ulrica went put Biyswaler on tho back- of Veetaisoafollows:— Oalllmon while I wu then, but I did not J. J. Bowen entered a John Uortlclt sending Marsden to by .fluib bit atretch and took second g gnu a wllh Ihe left cn Ihe tunnage, 301, 100 feet 0 tochu water Une, (8 feel keel and feel aeolt; luv llailvertlicdtobeplaycd; Imadesomeaddlllonito place, 'VVcolfoIk, Local and the ,fllly, moutb. 3] nmo, 9:U>i; 9:39; 3:3!l>;. bcim, onl/ dlffortog a few tocbcs to the port as given to mo by Mr. aldeud std^, tkne lengthe behind. Oolng around uilower meunremonl bom tho Hen- Btuorl ; I bad seen Mr. Jeffemm 9. O'Baldwto had now Uken a alrcng lead, and no looaar wia turn Uiey Ixfgu to atrlag out, Watson rniihing to the rietta. plqrthaputollAuTrencliard; I bavo artel In the piece with front, Marsden to front of blm Diyiwati.r Kcond, half Ihu ho dished out bla left on the Tho crowa of both vcasda.vore tally pnpaied for Ibo 'mm; 1 don't know whither homado any altenUooa on . a Icngtb ahead si Ulrica, Ihe cthcn lag- month, nee, Ibo tho pari ^-^ ud npeated tho doie three limes without a rutura, end Henrietu having a complomut of 94 otigbully written, but I ging. Juit after piaalng Ibe etud lha Ecllpie flUy wu with- SPOItXS mu, under the charge of u know allenlloDa were made. I know ABKO-AX). flntibed the nund by knochtog Maraden off hie lege, lime, dnvm, Walionled onelaigih to the_ ijnirter_ pole, Capu H. Dajton. her siuing muter, ud Ibe Tesli hiving a Cttw Mlaa seeoo did not give permlaolon Ibr Ita acting at Hallfaior _ UMoaui lahf mto. ' ' * .'"'»gis'*'"8 nforee that ha was lod to tho aciatcb. Mo when both boata out loow tug, cript having been Fontlac, Micb. Local lapping, four tragths Ueid of I tolhaHtbetnUn repreacn' wen from tbe amid the congni- I ihougbl It better to moke f°?" v"?.""',?"' sooner hid be Uvuced toward hie Norfolk, Lonleomo lengtha In the rear. An|tl»*»n, he opponent (who wu quietly nlatloBa of their (rionda on the tug, tbo Teala tflM chancier an Eaatem man In place of a Weslem man, ss Tlme,4:Sl«. and hliVeSnda walling iluding off to Ihe Tbibo blood.lhlrsty hla approach) thu a acene of the moil mflluly descrip- southward tmder'donble orlglnallT wtltlen, A comedy which Is loosely Bub.-Premium of tlOO, for all agea, two mile hntf. I '•"If " Nottingham ronahi. md nefed nulniall, stogie reefed foniall ind nmbliogly ' tion ensued, for the roughs to Three..a..- enlrlie...... were made,lumuc, luuu..:—followe:— J^rnboTOUgh enacted, Msrsden's corner, scebig that he udfullJIb. Tbe wtodwu blowing very fteah, put together la apt to be vulid from nigbt to night I flnt ux J. S.D. Walaon'lYsuou'i ch g Aldc^ I ?,JIE?5i'° became a snd a heavy held mw """^ vru gc4tiog all the wont of Ihe flgbt, broke luto Ibe ring, bann, Jno. Hunler'i b h AkoU, and P. '° Oxt chaaUalng of a "native," ud aca met tho two yubta ao they stripped for the nee. tuff, the manuacrlpt of this play at Miu Eeene'Bi a profeaicd mrnt a Bnah'a ch h Float- v'?^'*"!!. ud miaallu ot Tho wlpg. In Ihe belflng, Areola to' all deecripUona (toclndtog even Ihe lln bowl need (or hcweTor. carried the Testa's of Mr. Tayk>r'a wu ben then. Then wen ilteiatlone wu™ the^. ...„„,.flvorits it „a.odda ofo. B„ lo,o So ?5S^SS.J15! 'X'i Jl>«" ™ one dUlingniih- awsy jlbboom leach ropea—unn- made lu , , Manden'ewatarJ.wen thrown at O'Baldwto. They alao agilnit the Beld. Be look Ihe- . flntJnt heal to flne l'^^''**' "'erea awiri^^ got be- Icrhinala acddul, which delayed ber for haUan hour U ftom nlBht to night In Ihobuilneas, nntU II wah quilsa dllfertnt style, insklng the I f '^W*'- tween Ihe men, to gelUog first fflUe in 9:01k; ths ?*!*'< deserred II, wheteaa, In ud one nilicteent ilruck Jem Dillon a huvy nay from Mr, .Taylor'a maanaorlpL I lolrodnced second to 1-JO'i; ud the heat In arilu;! I *^'?^''! Heenu's cue. thai thajibcntaway, which wu ntarding her ntogreee, dragglDg many altera- Jada't Ihe norve auffldeni blow with a loaded aUbk, tofllcUng a very Mvere Fleelwhig being dlaluced, the contertRulved itself nt'*' to do Justice. Butio cut over hli le/t under ber bow. By tbla aoddnt the Henrislla gained Iho ad- tlonslnlhopIay.andsLMr.CJarka.andJ wero old profeiilonil Intoamatoh I f themolch eye. During between Areola and Aldobaiu. thia dlagraceful acene the referee left the ring aids, friends, I laformed bini of theao thlng^- Tbe apparut eiu with which I '"if?;, ,. , Tuhigs on the start The HenrieUa had vtogle reef milniall, and navn blm auch Mnia ">e >uoy In ud O'Baldwto alio left the rtog, but for doubt the former wen the flnt beat made him a greatar and around London had longbeeiin Manden aome mtonlea full foresail ud Jib. Vntll near dark the Kenriolla u no be wouU have gireb to ma I never GansferrOd my ftvortte Ihu I amoodr romatoed withto mitotatoid ever, odda ol |jOO to tlOO °' fnsstionsl In the ropM.itir Tbe nfcne,^ on being applied to for right In those allentlona or Improrrnents to ud wen offerod on him. They got off 7"7u"J —J* ,1°!?,"*?'?''. thot line—"drumi" the idvutage ebe had gained at the etart, and both yachto bowled Mlu Keens. I bad >b ibe London dlitrlct his opinion, refused, In Iho (uo of ra'ch'dcinn, to give received conrteslea o( weU together for Ihi aecond hea^ bnt an many atridea had been hid been mnflled, ud thehugenon It, bnt on along at a moat torriflo apeed, taking Into accoanl the the tame hind from Mr. Clarke. I have hie inlTil in rouahnra lakes, Areola ahowed to advance, "blipar a eecret lo the tone of town he unhultaHngly give Els decision ln,favor never aeen tbla nannacrlpt liefore, I and al the quarter pole wia I ".nl . Cs. However, the ofthsaea,whlohhtoderedlbe Teala. life-ropeswenpuluptothe knew Mr. BUabee Qulle big of O'Baldwin, ^ lesdlng one length, which he inenased I »"''>•«"«», ''e 'nushu caused lome itlr In .welL I don't know, thongb I heard that he had a manuacrlpt of to double the diolince at P. a clnjes. Teeli, ud srrugemenia mado for Ihe nighl by dividing two Ihe hiU mile. kept Ihe "•".'be iplendid perfonuncn of O'Baldirln nniAUss. Our Amerlan Ccnilo. I Be gap open to Ihe end of Ihe flnt mile I wllh Bn In vntchea, by Capt Dayton. At tjf o'dock we mode Abaecom Light, pUyed II at varlona plaeca when Miss Fcb- Ihe flgbt Is sBlllclenlly whloh he completed "«1'»dy'a Ups, It described above, ud the ablr would Eeene vru not connected wllh the minigement, lulJOM. Aldebann now forced the pace KS'I',.'""?^ "J" ud bad been predicted ud the Hmilelta wu Just to be eeen fall down to tbe galherlsg but In Amirlca "??',..'".'''*'' comment wen It not for I did ud closed npldly upon the favorite, but the latter Champlcnahlp. Ihe diagracefnl scene dsrkncM of the night shout two miles lonnder sn amngement with Mlu Keene. In Auilnlla responded to I S"? "V* Manden which took place sbead of the Vesta. At Ihe can hli ><^>*t>><^^^^'A,?"^^.."'to*t Iho cbeilnut gelding ruehod by him 1 ue eieatO" was of that "persnulon," S^*''!SS',°,?J'''P'""'"'»'''''Tl'"i«l»8 out tremondou and atttictlvoneu to the public. It would be morn valuable toe ud reached the ftoal a win- for when blown lha hiaaing aonnd of Iheangry mten againrt tho aidea of toe Tetia, ner by three ronatbs. mskUig uiidirgotng'tls prabilion al on aBoMwto's body ud head, ud at Ihe end of the third peraon if owning It oiclnilvcly. The terms Iho l.it Sle to ifjBvTnd the fi'.f" Lugtim's he^s taoSS Uke Ihe roar of a hundred clrenlar uwa, or the atenUirouabmth. on which Bnt olus round a iwlngtog right hiuidar the beat to B:M, Tbe belling now changed -*'*?»''''';'''.,''".''?.''''•• on back of the neck waa of tog of Father setors take itor engiaeniculi In flnt dm Ibcatrei vary wllh the to 100 to W ™ AuSitS! ta*^in'S™''t.^°iP tt™ "l^ dd Neptune bimaelf. The ooeu, aa far u the eye who lock tbe lead frem the tian I^odon, ud ho was taken In hand by auch a rtuning nature u to mike Med sisgger, a diah of contnct. TUlapbiyieccnildeKdiucceserulal the Olympic. ou the next beat, and was never r Tom Cooper, of DhiT ud coM could necb, wu oovlred with ptaosphonacent gleame of light, He water wu thrown oTcr his bead to brtog recogniud.Uiominuicriptihownhlu la him to. This midered making a very brilllut speotade. pssi o'llork tho manuscript of tho s At 97 mluntea 0 »&Soi:di';'Kf\r'^'.''Af?^'''^^^ Ned headpiece nlher shdy. ud II wu not 1111 American Couain road by him in lew.^ -He recognized tbe sixth round we saw three rocketa aacud in quick snecesilon from tho Henri- It by Ibe thst be recovered his true fom. handwriting, by peicll marki.and from running again, TIdo, llnl ullo, ud then hd^dabbcd on Mars, etta, ass signal that ebe wu nundtog tbo Ugbtahip, aeelngil eveiyday at den s fice Cape May Founn Rack-Selling nee and dropped his right cn Ihe ribs wllhouluy effeclusl nheoml, Then are many emondiliona both In buelneia and In lOiM miles ftom Budy Hook Light. At M mtouies pist 9 Iho quarter mile do^; ueuaf tonus; f."" "u-uun, euiiy nturni. Ho galned^a knock dcwnblcwwllharightcrosscounter, dlaloine, which wen made by me and communicated by utruco to go lo tho lecond 1 Rr^l".* shaken, ind ipt to Vesta rtached the Capo May Light, and flred one rocket as In- me to •"d It wu dl np with after Mr, Clarke, that are not in this bono. IhoenWMwenaafcllows:-E.V. Bnedeker's b f ••'sS'*'' Msrideu did not Mandu that; Anibew wu Mecdtog timation that she rounding manusoIpL I wu then In Mlu Udy L^j'J'"' reqnlra any profusrly from wu tho ume pctot paaied 17 employ.. CoL two vride guhea on Iho noso snd upper lip, and Keene's . J*.lS,'' ""l "I™* Bcvenl of doivn, ud kHt light of her until wo carried away head of fore- I ifcd thov to And j'£Sf ««„!:Si""" uariden i puty bare dolermtoed npon punishing elslming it, both Mr, Silabee and inmce money to lo the the miscreant aall. which ranaed us to sluken pace, when to Miu Keouc; I know that by go aecond honi For ttSTtbe prlndSl '.' " at Us own our she camo common noort; I rcoclTed I mwltoV uteew mlMhJZrS'^m" f to homo. On tho return to town, Marsden, sccomninled no notln from Mlis Eeene UII oAor mceof Ihsdiy, three Ihmoua aleople choaerTwho hive Sfed aliowtliit O'Dald- sight ud wo mido her out hoadtog to windward. After wo act the pliy been S^wSf'a ™t a^^^ ^"^' "* wu made hod produced. I bfeiunio Mr. Olorko furnished Si's '.^ acquotolcd our forcaol), wo ru cut of her etoht ber etem betog atink out of tho copy; Messrs. Jimes ?' «'"«. It which he eipnasod * Dunphy were mv counsel: I do not R"Siytsr«KM If i>"> nuprise, view, At 4 o'clock Wednoaday afternoon we parted loader ropo rtmembrancolvlnglbU Icllor; 1 think 1 received s notice on of fonull, ud while puUlng to double nof tho Henrietta camo the flrstor second '""°» diy alter 11 waa produce:i.b's.''o5» sJS. li^.^K'^,""",'! "* whonovor ho liked, to eight alx miles north of Bamegit Light but we gndnallr -^^^^ ud flgbt In a 10ft. ring, Iho umo as Mace Slalncd that that lotler wu anowored tho very day It S&3&'SS ud Oou. dropped hor out of alaht atrudi or tho Jib wero alnlned, camo to no; The Ir.Btuart «'^'',"<>™ McDonild, la qnlle correct; my aosworappeantouavebeenon tho m'b^^tl^•i2^l;Vt;.^•;sl^u!i?%^^^^ wrlllen bcfon and at fl.98 o'dock on Wodnesdsy illornooa wa ^oke Bindy Hook thViSnlJS'JlSJSJi"',Jourails 3d October, and tho play wu Ont produced on tho 3(Kb.) making lbs pace, wbllo the acnanl He came •"".ff'S won laiuod, cn Ihe evening of Ibe Light tho It was look mitten eaiy u li K t\o7neSSiiM ™ out of ,w^5l2f.? six miles from Budy Dock boseb, Tbo watchon boird not a pari of the agreement that Mr. Clarke wonttolhocommoacemeutof «'»•'''• lulereat. Jock thua AiIm:- should play Uilaplar arice. Tho flnt flve fcnwa were ;Sm„.^;?SJ^»l^^ Jcsao'i ffi^'iSi"''Baldwin Light In anawor to our queallon, aild lhat the Hurietta hid not a star aotor la nndentood lo O ud Marsden fought ot a place cilled have a certain sot of playa In hla re- olear«d nk;oWbylbo t,lo,aiwai aUo Iho elxlh by KciS, Bcluc, 09 mUes fiuaed Ibo light ud wo could Juat discern a ull supposed lo bo ud deStlTbTi^ridon Ild iK ui^^^ fromUndon, nurPolorborougb, tho Sortnln. This waa one of the plays ho had been playing all over Zigzag, but hen WllUamstrlppcd, Ihrowlug Ber- on Orcat Northern Ltoa Uo Bonriolto, chase, hU ndwudsquiih- rldm iWh(?^HirS . .hni um^ mcyatirledon 8opt9;ih,aie.aoA.M.. about flvo milu astern, crowdlngssll In full 10 oounlry. inp!lbohope.ofhl.b«,k£S: that and fought u mundi for 'Tbo neS now taJ^uSVeJu "e condition to nilnuUa. Tbo crow of tlio Vcsto took off their hato and clieerod loudly whMmr^ h^^^^ 10 In the flnt round wo Ihougbl It nU 'TfilMM the proceedings In the other two, who began to warm to Ibdr work and the pace wie was ovorTu their vonci from Ibe Sandy Hook Blgnil Ship for Mr, LorUbnl, Philadelphia 'V/^ riudi OfLt^rSd wtShi IMlh So'i". suit, to oitabllih Mlu Boono'a llllo to mitcriilly Ineniiod. lie f^""' or eilop »S. horse took tho water Jump bcfon the I •'y Mike for Cipt Dayton, ud for everybody In general, ud thus ended OUrke Ham denying her right toddto (mWili^^SS SJifL„„ iS,'S;„?? to it, Mr, James objected |5 It on stud some Iffigth, in idvuer, The second tlm„ ireund™ Iho greatest ocesn yocht nee ever won by u Amorinn yacht thegmuiI'lbslthepiMentiollcn KMsWSw^aSdbv'blsS^ keeping wu atcommon law, while tho •coompllahed without Humble or mlihipof uy kind; when lLJ,i£?5fm,RK!^S^Jfm^ himself in eince the Maria took the cup at Cowee. Tho weather throughout wu of tho roughest nsturo possible lo Imsgtoo, snd tbo en wsi rlgbl bat .eololy an equitable one, and Uial rivil, Ibe piymcnt of two on her ud they rose st iho nme moment, going ever thi so bolelcnus snd heavy that dl Iho coulen bound cut had to lhat a hnn Ti hen time na caJted for nndm decree wu paid for a full license to Ibo walCT-lump In besntim st)le, another round, the rcpM In dofendant to head ud bud, amid Qio ehouti, i put back Inside of the Hook for safety. play it without comer. restriotlon or limlUUon; and Itirtbcr, that the play had ainoa '"d all ktods been abandoned by them to the public, Tlio i J "iiL'""',''*^""'"' olmlsallea atu^ Court held that u snbiUntlilly Ibe aamo defenaea luronTAKTBreaixBODLLMATon OnTuosday, Ibr OUi ln;l, woie eel up ud onl a dnadftil Shanulntho present case, he gaeb over hla eye, and cleared John A. Blglln, UcOrady, should sdmll II. ilnigbt borne tun. ' IherinB Thi Biroke car of tbe BlgUn crow, ud John This of course Both Jockeys now exerted themielTci to the turnedonl for him tEV nTvT „ f"* 'I" ' MelMo ttitlmony u to a sulisequont dedication wu a tough Job with Joe (bolter known as Bam Taller), met signed arllcloi lo r.v'J rS..??' to the utmoiltoludlhelrchargiawliner-spurudwhIp wenSSnwSSSraM w^^^ on Iho gTouiKl, ud publlc ^br Miss Keene, IhaTcstaco heard that Cl. li He would further rule that this tSOO pUed, and each hcr»e1dlSnal.ly showelln the Mace and O'Baldiri^ Ave mile nee, for $3M a elde, etarttog from the N. Y. Yce'.il Sd; ihliiSbl «SS u'ni^thal^lWur .?n^^^^^ an malehed for tSOO a side, ", i wupdd for I license to iiorforiu thli play mcrvly at come InUmsoly eiclllog, u ud the CbamiTlo Kit.'' Hcuae, at noljcken, N, J„ two mllu a half up the river to Clarke & sud everybody, u It wen, held Ihelr jJS raslhlySSie ud Whee ley'i Thcain it Philidelpbla. brcalhin «"d hta^ jSe hid T'h.'S? •^Ii^S'f^ff '^^H toke boit, end on Bolurday, Nov. The pontiff Su luled. uiious oipeclucy. They come down the slntoh ho raDSSvX?miniSIJii it?^ t 'nEbn.and ntum to the plua of ilorilng, .0. W. Tayleure wu colled Ibr Ihe de/ence, and leaUded toward the kat huittle alaioiriflo SLABHINO FIOHT IN TUEYORKBHUIB Id, alB P, M, Fifty "chuoka'' for each have been placed In the that pacai Nunle dm llfliS In SS?a «ui?n^ted^Llu^ whlohS^ ^ DIBTMor FOB MO hohidbaua thaauioilueal for ID yemri, aid knew half a length ahead, and 'S'lf'J:-»"e;n>lnuUf" biadiof JackBokencn, mine boat of Iho "Qnat Bistoro," foot the pl^l daahu away for the atud wllh tenoweJ. k toolfpuie speed; bul Ihe iSaiSS ^ ud IheiSS? '*'">''««,whom be defSlSl In and hu a posllirn to tbeMelnpolllan I'lnDepsrtmont MoOra- hertbastnas acted there. nunds, oceupying llmin,. to October UiiTwr, hi But If ffl. nwiiilh^^M tSiTiS dT la I boat builder trade, wu ugagcd to from by and for aome yean lha sqibu or uy inuuMrlpl. Tbu <'»«'«ilo'y of bla profession Is o d Wd'ertifon irPbUa" fortioh of Ihe race wu vary dose, the rinTe running lappM on "ff"."!','"* bringing off a nineteen to WesU3d street nou Ibe Ferry : he u ' romifs. ttm tia nti jMalrTi Jl> Ak,._B.b._> 1 t - a _ _ . -"t _ ' * In «mln„ on JuuarrSBd lul. fiia back stnlch ud' EndimttiM i?<-i,S.^* He resident of Ihe 33d Ward, allhoUflh al presul In partoonhip hivtog~riSil5rburhi( ; I JJdVh.n It ™I'SSjK,'to^Ji,'^?7?f°']f length at the hiK mils pole. Tlme,l:M«.' with Oeorge Boabr, In the builnese, to Weel street ns u . j?i, nfitonTofl?, nf Iilfi^*^^^^ ume 7n»l tS?iL^7'^JT"''*''*'^ Ws opponut, ud u Inch sboullS ud icdceW Ibe yeanofagcBftgorlOlndiu in height fp^isdaUon.ofsD lotion . at common law, '«*«dSS by'sm Poster," ud thai av,^ ir u A.^'^«^VhJ?^iortase:,p"p%^L«h£ S2.^VJii"iS,fil'^' M neighborhood of leoibs, Mao hu beu rowing since 'HU ".^ T. Hslly wss ngaged to aorvlco. '^' S Tf Wdl&iAigh Ihe put three or fonryetts dot ta soUve " 'send by many tbat1b?!njr sn a M.c'SM'Si^MiS? £5I>H ™» . •'4P!.*?""'' His first Importknt slngls leull milch waa when be rowed *^ ti»U»taowii of lla " eomoBy hSrted Ihil KJtor ,.5£:iT'J!J°" J^"5«*' boica played at R.d.wtog. Moms- P-r wsn"5rs7ori'i^"5-,y6o??i!S ™ oii!?!j; f'Aa' dofcitea Denny Leary, to U feet fiihtog boifa.Mao PJJUoB.'il "•W.app^ed^ |;?«r.?KtoT.?,'s^A "'•'ory. TheslarllBrtoebeS a dalV; " Sevenl of SSir^SSS'i.'"*'""!*'^*'* match on the iaiffle day, while UeOrady vrai u fresh u fil2,^o^Jf^Ili"'*i J?;'*" neverthelsei tbete mn JL''£J'.? wu a awd Blnee Ihen, he bulled In seveial ragaitasL ud ones or IwiH nadeifou has men ?ir^?lt27' ^'.SlI'?* " the Stoi •gainst Josh Ward,' bnt not to a malab race, nit t#o snob "4 PMdieT al twain ntonluBui stoa klll.nli^eagoodHMrU ihnosta "mbral," snd^lhe stuotlo na- I «» ro-al. for /uie rib* iT^uiXf^.^li^^'&VtSSS^^'SS^ wia a^ the ait roMd tarnliy'viu NoTomber wllh gie" «sTi^JSSiconunmoed h'^JS^by ParflU Irying look (crwatd to Ihe Sd of a feder irllh his Itf? totoreit. . . — — , — , » 1 : . ,


OBiND lOUBNAHIKI AT AUBUBN, THE RINO. Thla InlartaUng convuUon of ttaa eiponentaof onr natlmel Horlharp Il. EVAS8 It CO., Md Bllrer, heiVT gUt IIM, 18.00 eech. can pri^lbly bo nsde for. We seU first claia irlideiBl a oil pricey sJSio'f Oold •JM. McKtlvey, a a. . ..1 ward a. Spring Boawell, la.... Ittod Bn.'e Fitent Bel, end UUI'e Feint told after winning, no lale. ind wa* :^oi mahrt an Inferior aiUde at my price. AMOt for Doga prepared tor malchea and or No. 33 Liberty alrect. Now York Clly. end.o IL3I acta. Price MeU eral free. Ord>r< i,j uiiil rareraUy orompUy atecuted. B»t,nil pricecrlcell.OO • Total 47 ToUl Ordora punctually allandcd to, and Dogi aenl to uy part of tbo BEND OUR CATALOOUE-FOIlWAnnLD ORATIS. wd Dhittilled ANDBEW FECK, PuWlehcr, FOR CaUloguo Slid nlall. Otta 8th United BUtes. Doge cured of all diseases. PATENT UAOiC Price Llala sent by "Tbb Bcliubd Obb," Iwaat. let 3d 3d 4lh Bth lib Wo taave on tasnd, and vrin forwsrd at tbo shortest noilce, ill iril. 109 Kieeeu elreel, Kow York. 14-4T ajonmaliiliblahcil In UielDtereatofbilliMdB, udcoBtalBlBgdt. gj^l, FicUo 9 B 7 8 B 4 9 FLEA SOAP, to centa pec boi, or tS.CO per dozen. clea need by THE BPORTINa MAN, TUB MAN OF LEISURE, Ulls of dl uovi'itiea, a coploua record of billiard news, and freryi Anlle 1 0 1 B 0 3 B 3—1! ALL DOOB WARBANTED. 37.tf TASTE. THE MAM OF thing lulerratlDgto snifenraof Umplrc-O. W, Bllai, of Knickerbocker Club, of Albuy. blUlards.aentfrMonappUestloai TBE LABOEST AND MOST TARIED ASSORTMENT IN THE PUELAN A COLIKRDfB. the Qreit Canine Medico, CITY AT THE TERY LOWEST PRICES. EXCELSIOR Tl. NIAOARA, Sam Turner, ^ , 03, 18, 97 and 19 Oroiby atteet jTr, BEF0RTRD8 OF MATOnES O- B00S8I BOOKSI BOOESI-CV 33-tf at Ihe UNION HOUSE, 83 FOBTLAND BT., BOB- eols Minnhclnnn. Will and In Eicunoa, B.L. B. NUOIBI. B.L, THE NEWEST AND OAYEST OUTI TON, MASS. Mr. TURNER baa now enlargod hla Dog Kunela, beferesce book, B. Porter, c 4 9 Burt, 8d b... .. 3 RUBBER aOODS OF THE BEST QUALITY, ha>;et'S dabe ball puzpoae of keeping a Urgor aasortment of Dogs. All SEYMOUR, or Prtvate Ltfeot ABellet Qtrl, 3Bo, poa Coughlto, a a.... 3 & Cowing, r f...... 8 for the E09B . "CHAD," BY choico Doga bought add, forwarded to all raria paid. HILTON k CO., 19a Naasau at, N. Y. 38-11* Sulllvu, r f.... 0 Tu Telior, let b.., ...1 kinds o( ud ud ee edepled by the Congestion of IMS ; In- Pocket Albums, Plctniea, Btereoscopio TIeirs, Carlea da Tlstto, Dm Bnlee of the Oeme of the United Blalcs with ttao groalcat care. AU ordera promptly Yerloie Folnta of the Oeme thet lad to Campbell, letb. B Bpra;iue, 3d b...... 8 Mlccoscople Snlvea, Wnlcta CtaarmB, Plna, Cigar SSrtloMScmplree; attended to bj Mr. TURNER hlmaelf. He baa now on band a end Improred Sretnn of Scsring: Hoy, Sdb 8 Davli, of ...a ToBueo Boies, Finger Rlnge, Porte Mod. SSraSbn tke Keld ; the Kew large quutlty of Dofls. sa foUowa: Bull Doga, Btill Terriers, B. B. Flejer; beet Anngu for Bunlington, 1 1. 4 Atwater, p ...8 nalea, Matrta Doioa, tr„ Ae. iu^d ConiUlnttoni tie Model Mack end Tans, Scotch Terriers, Skye Toirlen, Belter*, Pointers, Secretiriee of Leedln. Clnbe. AlUngTp 4 W.CowtDg, c ...3 IwTMd tteiddweeJe Velle.Telle, o0 * » 38 No, 33 Liberty street. New York Clly, noc, of Augaita, aud the AndroKogglD, of Lewlatno. Wcdnen DofeD 00 explain- BOOKS BY THB MILLION I Trmrer, 3 4 Flncfa, ea p day fDtonoon, Oct 9d, (tae Eona ud Cuihnooa pliycd In Oardlner, ed In an aty FOB THE MILLION I IIi«ee.Ktb S S A. Manning, Ictb. ...1 AT PRICES TUAT tho Eona winolsg ttae geme by a icore of 99 to 2T, though minua mauer, that CERRITT n. EVANS A CO., CANNOT FAIL TO OITE BAnSFAOIIOl De^ff, 3d b i 8 B. Hopper, P ...3 ttae lervlcea of their calcher ud led dtld. At the aamo lime the uy person msy No. S3 LIBGBTT TO EVERY BUYER. Biler, Sdb 3 3 T. FoiUr, 3db..,. ...3 BTBEET, NEW TOBK Androicoggln and Athlctica pulled at actaothfc In Augnabilon comprehend J, u. farrell; O. Uannlng, Be 1 4 T. Mennlng, 3db...... 3 Dealera In Ihe oppoSta Bide of the river). The Atbletlce coming out with thla uaefal art, No. IB ANN SIREETlI OIIdereleeTe,lf d l LantlDg, If ...I ADVANTAOE benmliig coiutrnucti tcid Ihe mult before we hard the ecore, containing de* (ONE OF TBE OLDEST ESTABL1SHMBNT8 IB THE ORI Ot Bneedl,rf 3 I F. Hopper, c f ...» which Blood 91 to 18 In their favor. In the afternoon the grud icrlpllonaofcor. NEW YORKJ I F. Foeur, r f ...3 Dorknd, c t 0 Paglllatlo PLAYING Haa Uia largest ud best aasorlmrat of Books, ererr (ttlda game took place between the two winning duba. Much doobt red CARDS, uA a veryatrong tcui, atlltndes.aa prao nsnally supplied by ttae tradn. Any ortlola that cao be oMAlntd Total waa felt abont thla game, aa the A'b preauted FABO BOXES, OASEKEBPEBI, loul 39 In uv slora In the United Ann while the Eooe were mlnua Foeler,uieirnaperior left Add (whom Uccdbyttaemoat FABO OHEOKS, Slatea ou bo obtained at No, 14 ' 8th »lh KBRO BBTTt, Lnnaoa. let 34 Sd ilta Olh eth Ttta PortUnden think aa good aa uy N*w Yorker). But the Eona celebnlod Box* BireeL Don't fkU lo caU ud eiomUie Uie slock, sa II comntlaM 0-33 IiATOVTS, Independent 0 7 4 7 0 3 6 8 thought 978 would make them Bleep better on their return hom^ on of Itae prer- DICE, ersiTltahig In ttae sporUng Hne. OaUIognsa giving Iks ralletl 1 4 3 14 »-47 paiticulara Puk, 8 a a a ud the teanlt waa most gloriona (or them, aa ttao following acore ent day, Price A5D ETEBT TABIETT OF BPOBTINO lUPLEHSRTS. aa lo style of Books ud prioea fnmlabea on appUcti end Conklln. tloD. Umpire—J. Blorra. Boorei»—Meeara. Monegtaan ahowa:- 18c. Sud ordera Dcelen should give me a call, aa I am > Fly utchea— Time of Oene—Two honra and thirty mlnuKe. Eoy, B.L. n. ATBLxnr. B.U 1. to 0. A. ROORBACE, 133 NiBsaa ttreet. New York, 16-9me TUE LAliOt»T PUBUBUER OF THESE BOOKS, Ad. Independent, 11; Park, 8. FBICE LIBTB ud IUPB0TB1> BAMFLE BIIEETB OF CABDI IN THB UNION. Evane, c . 3 6 Mitbews, c a 4 Those abont to commence boatoaai 'cu obtdn OTsry InfonBB* Meua, latb . 3 4 WaterhouBe,p 4 3 lent FOES lo uy address Hurlgate Ferry Houae, Hon by spplylDg porsonally or by latter, CaU or addreaa EOLEOnC -n. UNA. Broaghtoo, p . 4 9 Moody, a a 3 a 1 FOOT OF a«lta SriBEET, EAST RITER J, B. FARRELL, with a atrang sine, Armitrong, a a . 3 9 WilUima, letb.... 4 i'/^LEMENOEAU"-From tho FceDcb, Durais. Ihlslaa On Wedneeday, Oct. Sd, Ihe EdeeUo dab, Hie nndaralgncd would reapootfully inform hla Menda ud the by 34-9m* No. Id Ann atraet, near Bnadway, Rudall, it . 3 B Boui.'iilon, 3d b.... 3 3 wentnptoMonntTemon to play their return geme with the nnblio that he baa taken the above named bMntifni Summer Kj guulne BumbuilIDcalor. Price 60 ceula. a badly whipped HagECtI, 9d b . 3 0 An^ ' «!, Ud b.... 4 3 38-11* HILTON 198 sL, Y. Cnea, of that Tillage, bat they renimed taone Reaort, which he haa fumlahed ud doconled in a stale of com- k CO., Naasau N. ST. JOHN, or Myatnry Bolved. A ttumer, ontdolng ttaeir the Dennle, r f . 3 4 Cur\. if 0 1 CLARA party, ttae Unaa haroenfaig to be lively on mojcle on fort ud elegance that will be fonnd worthy of their palronagr. uyUdng from Africa, ate. Hodtkui, 3d b . 3 4 Davlk, rf 3 4 day In queetlon, ae the acore of ttaolr belting ehona, their field, ALES, WIMEB, LIQUORS ud OIOAlUoftheTerybeililuallly. OUR NEW OATALOaUE. 38-II* niLT0NACO.,13aNaiuuaL,N. Y. Kazer,cf . 4 4 9 being rljhtnp to ttae mirk. Wo append the ecore:- too, - 0U0F8, STEAKS AND DINNEBS aerved to order, Dm. H. I. EcLzcnc. s.L. Boala, Fishing Tackle aud Bait consUntJy on band, 4S-WE BELL 13 (Paris) COLORED FICTUDEB lor tO oe ta, Total., ,^ 99 WOBDBN HOUSE, Br. Bell, ..a 43-SAME TBINO IFIain), 30 cuta. Hathaway, 3db 1 I p 7-tf JOHN LAWIIENOE, Proprietor. CORNER OF BOWERY AND BAYARD STREETBl N. 7, Jamre, c ..a 8th 43-18 PHOTOORAFBS liUch), 40 c«nt« Baeenbniy, e a a 4 IHBIBOB. lit 3d 3d 4lh Ith 7th eth »iii Onoats csn tw accommodated wlUi Itooma by Ihe day or week 49-19 BULLY BONOS (all now), BO omls. 3 4 WaidweU, 3db... ..a Eon , 1 9 0 13 3 0 3 1 3- 39 Bterena, p "Ed. WUaon," "Eil. Wilton," ~ wlUi or wlUioul board. OEO, P. WORDEN, Froprtetor. 17-tr Downa,o 3 4 Bltilwaggon, ea.. ..a Athletio. .. 3 o-u 40-90 BONOS (sU dlbrut), 80 No. 18 LEROY PLACE, Bplcer, If B 3 H.Oiltan, letb 3 Umjplre—Mr. Flke.of ttao CuibnocClub. Fl; atchaa—Eon, fl; cuts. Comer of Bleecker and Oreene eta., 17-tf] New Yobb. PliOTOQRAPH 0AIID8 FOR OENTLSMEN, Homphrey, r £. 3 moat beautiful, 43-80 BONQB OANT BE BEAT, 1^8. Van Coll, 3d b 0 8 W. AUileUo, 7. The adding o( the AthletlCB ra BAtlFLi; 29 OEMTB, Cott, lalb 3 K Brown, c f 1 bnt the new bate tMlia,ud BIB II 00. - D. Van Eona wuted lobuyBome ud TRANHPARKNT OARDH 193 TIEirB), Humphrey, If a were given to 49-8 NEW BOOKS (Jnaloul) aent Jerrle,Tf 3 4 M. would help. At tbe doae of the aamo the Btampa "Our House." James Coburn, Proprietor. 11.39 Per Pack, 110 Per Doten. free for 9B oenla each. W.H. TenCoU,Jr„cf...3 3 E. Taylor, Idb 3 Williime, treaanrer of the Con Club, end the dub relumed homr, BILLIABD8. 8.W.car.giatat.k3dave. [10dm*) IIILLIAIIDB. ALSO, MARKED BACK FLAYWU CABDB, |1J0 PBRFACV of the "ioliyold tlmei" they had with Ihe DownEait 4^8 NEW BOOEB (larger sin) ipeaklng by nisll oo reoolpt of price. Addresa tor CO cents each. AU Tolel. ,.37 loUl 3 bore. Tbtia tho Con refine the championBhIp, which they have FORWABDINO AOENOY, let 3d ad 4th ttta Ctta held for two aeaioni igalnat all comera, Plo-Nlea and Target Companies, 4^ Tbe Fructa TrusformiUon 3].trB B8 Liberty itraol. New York. Una ...6 10 3 9 7 4—37 FOBT OEOROE HOTEL, UIOH BBIDOE BOAS, IfflH ATE- Packet (uUrdy new ud oriulud) alluded to. $1B0. Eclectio - 1 0 0 3 3 9-8 NUB AND 1»TH BIUEET. Ordera pnmpUy FRAKELIN va. PATTERSOy. rUD "FANNY," Uio great out and ont Blory of Female Pri- atchea—Una, Edecllo/5. Homo rune—D. Vbd Cott, 1. lUm MABK UAUUinE, Proprietor, 49- Fnmeh irueparvut Playing Fly 8; vation 39. 38-11* geme Junior dubi wis played the ; price IlILTON A CO., 138 NlMB IL Double pley—T, & Tan Cott, O. BteTcne and D. Van Cott. Time The return between thao on Cards (genuluo), 13 per pack. E groimda of the latter on tho 3d Inal., the Fruklin beating their 49-All the above dcUvered FREE of Oam»—Ih, and 45mli], Bcoroia—Una, W. O. Ttaleelton; Eclec- reoeived a opponente by tbe foUoalng Bcore: Small Terrlera-BIII Fletcher has Juat on receipt of prlco. ^7'' tic, Q. Taylor. Umpire—8. 8. Mooro, of tho Una. stock of very small lerriere from England. Amongsl them he baa of Dr'kln. b.l. b, FATTZBIOlf, of N. Y. H.U B. 43-All ordora DookR, - ' - The EclecUca won the tliet game iKtwccn the above dabe, Fnmu^, for Cartea de -c- . j c 3 Mllllgin, c 3 3 a Utile blue terrier weighing 3 Iba., ud ouo 9 yeara old, wolgblog Ylslle, Iniaiodlitrly rrcrlpt onlrr. and conaeqututly there la allll another to bo played. Lennon, 3 etc, forwarded on of Freeman, r f 3 4 Caving, 3d b 3 1 i}£ lbs.; aod several olbcra about the same weight 49-NE\V CATALOOUE ud PRETTY i'iCTUIlE by sending for JobUBon, If 4 9 PlrrcD, r t 4 0 If Ihe old ftnclcrs wul a trat, Id thenl call, ud Judge vtampcd ud addrossod uvolupo to AKOTHEB SILVER BALL MATCH. Noonan, aa 1 0 Ward, if 1 9 themselrca. at-H. B. DAVIS k CO., I will show four of the smallest for all prcpcrUcs of Ibe terrier A match for a allver ball aod tho Junior cbaniplonehfp of New Tracy, 2d b 0 6 Pennington, p 3 0 30-ir 07 Nauaa alrect. New York Clly. egalDst anybody. Theso llllle doga are vfry good klUcra, auii York State waa played on XburidaT, OcL 4tb, bclwccn the Ac- Forker, IbI b 3 3 Siillck,latb 3 0 wlu be kept for slock. I will siso show Uio llltle dog, Punch, and Wepplnger'a FaHa, and the Volunleere, of Poaghkoepalo, McCrca, 3d b 4 3 Wlillimi, a a 3 1 tlTee, of length; and "/1HILD OF TnEflUN,"-AT«loof»SIf.xlan Dooutyi price Mnrphy, 0 3 Johniot), of 3 0 bla brother, wefgblog two ounces, ud two Inches In on the grounu of ttae latter. Tho AcUvra won ttao toaa, and tbo p 'Jtc. the 93 lb. dog Dncon, and a number of Ihc Caulno race. Ky |3»-lt*) HILTO.w k CO., .Vow York. Voluntcera wtnt to the bat, retiring on a cart whed, while tho Haggtrty, c f 3 4 need, Sdb 3 0 Bala alvreys kept on hud, and good Dccommodatlon for Doga. ActlTea acorcd four rune. The game wee very cloae, and at tbe Dogs trimmed, ud IrestHl for dl discasee. (ESTADLISUEO IN 1910.) ' end of tho eighth iDoinge Ihe voluolcere wcro one ahead; on Total 33 Tolll 4 FOB THE TEmur ~} dive Bill a call, ond see tbe ImprovcmcDl in hlsFlctnre Oollery. W. L. CRAWFORD, the ninth they acorcd one mu. The AotiTca came In fall of confl- Flybilia—Franklin, 9: Falteraon, 2. Homo raae—Franklin— 13-tf Thiriccuth street end Olnrd avo.', Philadelphia. MANUFACnUREB OP ' dence; Finn ud Fwter accurod their baaee, Conllffo Upping Tracy, I; Johoeon, 1: total, 1 Umpire—Mr. QrlOth, Slar B. B. PLAYING OARDS, BEWARE OF UlITATIONB. 4.am* floe hit, made lua baae, when Flrnn C. Bcorera—Porter and Emg. Tlmoof gome-ahoure. out Halliday, by a ud Fue* KENO Sem, FARO llOXEi),PARO ter came In. maklog a tte. Moore made talabue'ud Jack went bantral Wanted—A Room of medium «lze. In a CHECKS, BFREAD8, OAIID FRESB. BEL DEUONIO—Tho great gn-betwocnj price 98, to the ttalrd. Doogherty, by a fine bit to centre flold, which wia CAHROLL t>. KALAMAZOO. looallly, betweu 14Ui ud 94Ui abraeU and ad ud 7tta avenuM, E8, CHECK BACKS, CUE KEEl'ERS, 98-lt* lUILTON k 00., 138 Nl lU ak, N, Y. brought Jack hi, who acored ttae drat of tho Tlctorloue muffed, to bo need ae a iporring room by a-amil] club. Addrcas, sinliag DICE, DIOE TOPS, EIC Tone. Appended la the ecore: Theae clnbi had a verr Intereallng game on Ihe 8lh Inelut, at terme, A. B. a, Cilpperofflce. 37-31* IVr 0. M. J.—RICH. ONLY U (7T8, E.L. B. VOLUXTEEBa. WllilamBburgb. BdowlathoBcoro: aAAfPLEfl Aonris. B.L. B. _ BOOK OF AND PRICE i.v| . NEW BOOKS JOar OUT. Flynn, a a 3 3 3 a CuiaoLL. B.L. n, Kaumazoo, n.tm m. LISTS BENT TO ANY ADDRESS 31-9m* Ooi 380, Braotlyn Pi 0. Foater,letb 3 9 0 Fergnion, p I < Rcddhig, Sdb n a Boxing Qlovea for Sale.-The Veteran Master of FREE. Cunlifle, r f 4 1 J. Oabomo, r f.... 4 8 Unrihy, a B 8 Kuell, aa j I CeremoDlee, OLD BILL TOTE^ wll].scDd,.onrecolpt of IB, per NO. 09 AND 07 NABBAU BTBEET, JAMEB OOODWIN, Oommlssion Paper Deeler, No, IIS JOHN 1 Flnob.ea 3 Howe, adb 8 3 Livlngaton, p 1 9 ,eipreis, a superior set of BOXINa OLOVES to uy Bute in the NEW YORK OITY HeUlday, Sdb 3 3 BTBEET. Dear OUlf, New York, D. Moore, It 3 3 C.O«bome,p 3 1 McNort, letb 1 0 McMcnamy, r f 8 i Dnioo, Olovaideuodud-repalrcd. N. B.—NEW WU0LE8AI£ Nowa ud PrInUng paper nunufutured lo order at lbs ihorlait Rdloy, of 3 B McEvcra, latb 4 a THB ART OF SELF DEFENCE taught by Mr. TOVEE, alltaer Dongherty, p 3 9 a 1 TBADE PRIUE LIST noUoe, 3 Olake.ol at Ilia reaaonablo terms. 3a.|f J. Moon, 0 1 9 9 BIcharda.Sd h.... 4 3 Moon, r f « 3 1 own or Ihe pupll'a realdenc^ on 91-tf NOW READY Leo, If U 8 Marthi, 0 1 TOVEE, Darrocta, o 3 8 4 t -WILLIAM ONES, THE MILUNBIU price 3S. Ttala a ipellbouiid book, , U Robblna, b 0 7 Bmlth,3db..: Myrtle Flank Boad, Buahwick, Brooklyn, L. e 3 Avuue L ' McSlnlay,adb I 1 Tan Suren, 3db.. a 3 g L 38.11* HILTON A CO., US Naasau aL, N. Y. UcCarty, 9d b 1 e gulUvu, If 1 e P. 0. Addreia, Boz 3te, Brooklyn. PLAYIIfG^ Tho lo CAKDS. Tobd ..31 Total 18 De Kalb Avuue Oara, Fulton Ferry, take you tbe old Total IrnruoB, 4th Clb ath 7lta eth ath ToUl 4S 4T gestlemao'a rtaldenco. NELSON, 1-18 Iimixaa let Id 3d 4lta gth Olh M Vohmtaara.,.. 3 , 444 Broome street. New York Oily. THE CONVEX^ AcUrea.. 0 f-n CarroU 8 8 S 13 7 0—4) Muufaclurer ud Deder hi a variety of AllTaroDt kinds of Can be need wltta oommou cards, ud ttae fkce ef the oarda irlQ Umpire—M.O. Carr, UndcrcUSi, Coldaprtog. Bcorera—Meeara. Kalamaioo B 9 0 10 7 10-47 PLAYING OARDS be aeeo by ttae dodor, ud koowlng JUBT what yonr opnonsnta Mr. UiUa, of the Putnam Club. Tnmera ud Bcdfleld. Fly atctaea—Actlre, 19; Tolutaer, 0, . Umpire— ud Artlclaa uied In Osmes of Amusement ud Chsnoe, sold al taohl In their tauda wlU enable you to win every time, flonft oa Fly mialea—AcUTe, i Volunteer, 4, Paeaed Balla—Active, 3; reduced prices. Bead for CtrcuJar. T.tf receipt of |1, wlUi fuB directions for use. ; FEMALE LIFE IN NEW YOBE,-«» Ulualtatcd - Tolunteer, 8, We also keep every deacrlpUou ut HARKED OARDS, FABO. PHILLIPS AOADEMY IN THE FIELD. . wllta 44 engravIngSj-tS aenl on reoalpt of SO oonla. , -et OUEOES, KENO SETI8. DEAUNO BOXES AND CARDS, DICE; Addreas" • J. TAYLOn, No. 3 Dldea Court, On tlie 3d of bclober there waa a mslch game of baM ball it tr •» " T) OOTMAKEB OF Bth AYE.," or Lore, TIrtuo and Petroleum DICE TOPS, RINaEBSv Ud everylldni need by sporting msn. FRIENDSHIP TB. TAKDEE. 38-lte Filbert aUeei; below FhilUpa Academy, Andover, between the Engliah Commona and 4V 9Ui, Ptalladdphla, Fa,^ X> price 3Scw HILTON A CO., 139 Naisau It., N. Y. 38-11* Send stamps for circular. LONOLEY A,CO., A match wiB played on the (th Inet at HolMken, between the lalin Commona. The play on bolta aidta waa good, but Itae 31-181* micago, ni. Frlendehlp and Vudee Baae Belle CInba of ttala dtr, which re> ON BEOEIPT OF BO CENTS, I WILL Engliata Commoiu were auperior in batting. We append ttae BEND « GAY AND FESTIVE SPORTS, SEE TUE "ELEPHANT, "- anlKd in a Tlotory for the former dub, by a acor« of 49 to 31, ea 100 SPLENDID PI0TDRE8 OF FEMALE aEA0TI£9,-et Our Rctr, Uio lateat book scocei on tho carpel, when opened, will NEW MAMMOTH OATALOOUE FOB 18M, followa;— . 40 Fnnny Songa the Rib Ttcklar, EMOuau Conos*. iLi. n. LiTUI COUHOXt, B.b g^ ud niuatrated "at please thoee who have ud those who have not ecu the aoimal. JUST ODT-FOOR NEW BOOKS. t TaBDU. B.L. B. FarmffBip. H.L. B. n. Reybold, 3d b 1 7 Ctaurcta,o 3 with to Enmvlnge, ill for BO cuts, OiTIt'aalove toast, fiUed wlUi fine Uilnga, i ar -S4 eto.,ud plc- Price 11(0 eiob. Bond for them, I'beir namea are: Kinney, p » 9 8 Addreia J. TAYLOR, No. 2 HIDES COURT, -» Ollfl, p 3 8 Wells,p 1 g mr turca -{l4 by ttao keeper, It'earlpalaver. Boat by mall for ioc. PRETTY OlIPIUN OIRL, FEMALE BEUINAB7 Bugea, c 1 4 Hughee, 0 .0 a «7-3S-lt* Filbert atteet, below l(Ui.,PhiiadelphU,Pa.-6f RlggBilalb 3 B fflng, lit b 4 9 E W. TOIVNBBND k 00., CONFESSIONS OF A BEAUTY, and ISABEL tlANTON. Hatiett, Ut b 3 4 WlUUma, litb.... .3 4 Farltr.Sdb 1 i Dlckty,3db 3 4 33-131* No. 130 BouUt ElgbUi st, Philadelphia, Pa. They wlU bo soDt on rocoipt ot price, by maU or sipreaa. Biota Kearney, 2db 3 4 Cokellf, Idb .1 8 E. Btybold, 0 0 9 Jameaon, If 4 B rriHOSE PETITE CHAItMINO UlCnOSCOPlO TIEWB, aet hi ud Ilare BookB, Phologmpha, Iransparenl Plarliiii Cards, Ac Sing, 9db 0 4 Duiiy, 3db... .3 4 I will Jonea,rt B 9 Semotir. aa 0 .3 JL Watch Cbarms, Scarf Pins, etc. send you one sample Bud red sump for 4 .3 FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH, HEW tUMUOTU CATALOOTU? to Qulnn, of a O'BrioD, If 4 Spann, aa 1 8 Cambell, 3d b 4 9 for BOcts.. or 18.60 OCT dozen. Knlces, Bloga ud flue Charms, THE MADAME JDMEL'S MAMMARIAL J, O. CLEOO A CO., Bntob, If 3 4 Carroll, rt .3 I Ooai,if..: 3 0 Bua,of B II, 19, IS to IB. Encloso price and sismped cnydopc, with OALM FOR ENLARO- 3 ad' INO, DSVELOPINa, AND BGAUTIFYINO BREAST, 18-18l« No. 804 SonUi FUth Bt, PhiliAclphIa, P». DlpiK-1, r f 4 3 Ocnnen, c f .3 8 While, of 3 S Stanly, rt 4 9 dreta, for Bportlog floods of all kinds, to THE Dogere, a a Tbe Bain la a moat agreeable and iudlapeneable article tor Ihe Kennedy, a a 3 9 .3 0 a7-8me KLEOflAND, 33 John street. New York City. EAD LEFT HEB H0ME.9B| AaNEfl,33l FAlltlY,39. toUet of uy lady, rendering the Breaalslnrgeud firm, romovlDg Tobd 41 Total 90 3B-lt* UlLTON A CO., 118 Musan st, N. T, tcndemeaaud palD, udgiTlng llteand action to tho mammary Total 81 Unplr«—Aioby Buih, of ttae S'ltlunila, of Albany. Bcorera— PENKNIVE3I PENSNITE9II FENSNIVESIII aecrationa. On aoooanl of ttao nriely ot forma ud Uiiuea which Imniiae. let 3d Id 4lh gita eth Meaara. Tu neniBelier ud FaraonB. Time ol nme—Two Containing ran FIOrORES, one blade tl.2B: two bliul^, exist In ttae fcnulo oigultatlon, Uia impriclreaa has fmnd It Frlendehlp .11 . 4 0 10 14 1—19 houra ud twelve mlnut^a. Flycaloher—Gobb,!; While, 3; Bigga, |] .79. Bent by mail on recdpt of price. 3e-3te nocessarr tolntndnee two nreiiarallona. TIIE FinST PREPA- Vudee .10 8 0 10 4 D-.30 3:0. Reybold, 1; OlUt, 1. Fiewd bille-E. Reybold, 0. Fly W, CUIFENTER, Microacoplat, 77 Naasau St., N.Y, OU UAN o; "TnoBE BOORS" by rasll "0,R.," or by ei RATION OF MAMMARIAL UALM, for onUrgtng the Breasts Umplit—Thomaa Colalon, o( the Olive Club. Scoren—Ueaare. catcboa—Baee, 3; Jamceon, 1; Wella, 1, "0. 0. D.," or It No. 30 Ann slrcot opnosllo Theetre where there leu Imperfect davelopmpnt. In which caao amcobsn- fileaI, O'Brien ud SuUlvu. Home Rnna—Willlama, 1; Duffy, 1| PLEASE TAKE NOTICE—That wo Bupply tbo lateat Booki Alley, 'cw York, fiend your idrtreaa on a slaitincd onvdopo tor leal Dreaat Elevator la sIso usedto ficllllatc tho process. Tbo O'Brien, 3; Eughei, 1; Qnlnn, 1. and Fancy Arllolea of every deseripUon chMoer Ibu aCs'tilogue. Culttalamit 0. ULANODARD, Publlabcr. 17-8m* NOTICE TO CLOBB. uy appUcaUon of tho FIRST preperaUou of Ihe Balm will increase one else In IhobualnoaB.' Bend rod slsmn for our neweataloaue. the siie of (he UIIEASTB lo sny citetit dcslroil, but ia sU cases AwnisiiEinarotBelluLzi.-Evcrytretdaiadub, during each Address LAMOILE t CO., Thomdile Iron Worka, Fa, 37-71* BIOaEST TIIINO ON ICB. ORIENTAL, OF N. Y., Ta. POMONA, OF NEW BIUOHTON, B. I. the ure of tho Elevator in counooUoa with the Balm will greaUy THE Beason'aeiperience, bia some occurronce to mark their gamea Id 1 hero Juat relumed from Eurono with 100,000 pholograpba, bsslcn tho devclopmunt, givlug to tho laily UluaUatlon of the wut of a dearly defined Broisls of any of soy played a match game of baee ball on Tueaday, which an apt rule b 1 FREE 1 1 I I I all taken from llfo sod lu dlffercul positions, Three two duba FREE I 1 1 I of tho pret&eai FREE FREE FREE I I I 1 ago that porroet development which eicllcs the admlraUon of Oct 9tta, on tho grounde of the latter, at New Brighton, which re. afforded, we have to uewrr nuneioua oneatlona aa to Inlcr- Bend a Blnmp, ita 0. E., Woniso of I'arla. Wlllsond ainplo with entirely new FTenob ud "Obay." ImlUTcrcnt, snrt which Is alio tu tho most lUo pride of every Isdy of eultcd In uotber vlotory for tho Oriontala bv a ecore of 90 to 19. pretiUon of this or that rule, ud qntnra regard 'to tho 27-ai« BERRY 4i calaloguo. Plain, IBc, Colored, 30o,, cicb. DIBEOT P. 0. CO., Ann Arbor, Mich, educateil taste. Ladloa whoso Dreosta have lost their natural youUi- The playing of the Oilentela waa not up to thehr aeual atudtrd, correclncaa or dt-Oclonclce of porllooa of tho tuICB. Ail ttaoso 90-71* Boa Ohictgo. ful devclopmunt, In coDsequoQco of nnrsliig, can bava thon com- 1970, although Feonlngton'e playlog at flrat tjaeo wao dret claaa, he wtao tlilDk tlioy can proiWBo uy change In the wording ot a A NEW TERRITORY. OF reatonid In aUa aod boauty by using ttae FillBT preparm- Daklnotwo double playe, aaelited by Mciara. Barlow and Little. rule, or uy efldltion to the rulco Ibey think wlvantagenue to the Eletely LEFT HER HOME," price 3Bo.—Thla ia not from Uie French, OENIB THIS IS A "RIPPER." on of tbo Dsim, wiUi or wlUiont the EleVator, lb appllcallon flddTxhe playing of MoGauley, Mulllgu end Loyd, of ttae Po- IntereBta or tho game, abonld BUbmli tbe eame in writing to tbo but hi a regular New York Olrra ddngs. MAP Price only 39 cuts, rcuovlDgallschlrmsiDd Improper coodlUon ot tho DiaiDDiiry 'M-lt* mona, waa Trry good, J Miller led tho ecore for the Oriental!, Chairman of Ihe Committee on Rulca [Dr. J. D, Jonea, Brooklnil, HILTON A CO., 138 Nasiau st, N. Y, THE UARRIAOE OUIOK Joat out Prica BO cents. gisnds, allmulaUng ud InvlRorallDg the socroloryveasola, cre*- McCool for Uio Pomonaa. Tho following la the ecore: Bometlme before tbo lOtli of November. Article XI of tho (;on* ud JOHN BROWN ("RmouBlmcted"), pries 3B cents. ting a beauUful ud be4lthrul dovolopmuL OmEBTAL. POBOMA, U.L. allluUon of Ihn National AuocUtloae rude:- AT B.—ALL YOUNO PEOPLE oontcmnlatlng mirriage abonia WATCH CHARMS, with 0 vlewa laockera), price «0 centa. Ladles who sre nursing ud dofiolont In milk should nso the L. MlUer, p ...0 McCauIey, c ...a All propoBod dterationa, addltloao or amendmenta to tho Cod. ll . read Nalnn'B Own Book, wllh TRIf bigtaly colored lllnslrs. MOUSTAOBEB, an; abide (genuine), price CO cute. FillBT preparation of Uie Babu, Its elToct bijlngmulfosl Inaftw MouslaohsalFreuoh), i«lr,bymill, Young, c r. ...3 Robloeon, e e ...0 illlullon. or Bj'Liwa, or Rulea ind IteguUtlonB, elan be aub. Irallons, price |1, False II a hours In tho removd of tondemoaa ud lisrdncsa of tbo glanda, care J. MlSer, 0 ...1 Loyd, latb ...8 milled In wrlUng to too Committee on Rulee, it leaat ono month AddreiB SAMUEL YOULD, B. Lookwood, tho Breaata becoming healthy and ainindantly aupplleU wltb McCord,ao ...a McCool, If ...3 iKfore tho annual meeting, and aball bo by uld commlltco re- 17-3mL 93 Nov Bowery, Mew York. milk. A preeoripUon (fireo) for nnrslug ...4 ported at Bald unual meeting, with their oplolon Ihoreon; mothera aocompules Fcimtogton, latb...... 3 Dorran, Udb and 17 HEW SONBSI the Balm, which caii be obtained npon Inqulrr. Barlow, ad b ...4 UiUligan, of ...3 ntr neM aJtenitm, oJdHion or anendnnt lAiut btt adopted, unlw it And -VTliW, It's Blch A PICTURE, "BULLY," prico only 99 conla. ladleeduriagprcgnucyabouldmskooccaifoDalaaa Ihefint OAY AND FEBTTVE BOOK.-Out ud LllUeOold, 3db ...3 Doing, 3d b ...a ihatl have been tc pnpaed and reported; nor uulcia Iwo-LblrdB of d FINOER niNOB, with micro, view (good), price only II. 39. prepamUon of uie BsJm, sa tho i/l Uplny, Oay devolopmcula. It's a rib ticbirr, wlUi Iboae en. all at a ling duota ud i-ncal vostdea ato lUlcB,rf ...8 BimODaon, p ...0 Ibo membcra prcaent met roguhirly ornnlied, shall 49* A Wharkdolakor BockwoUaksr Bingup gtavlngsi slio, a aelccUon the boat Blories, Jokoa, Qsms, circular and Flc- Uablo to InflammaUoD, thereby caualDg painful and dugoroua of etc, WUcoi, If ...3 Bolllnglon, r f ...a vote In favor of each alteration, oddltlcn or onenomont to the tore for one red alamp. AdlreaB 11, M, ROSS ft CO,, alToaUonsi by In Uie world, By Nlc-liaa. By maU, 90 oenla. -ConsUtutlon and Dy-Lawa, and a majoritu in favor atteraUont using Uie Balm, firat propinllon, once or twice qf 37.191* No, 01 Nan au alreet. New York, UABTER, DATI8 A CO., V fbpuJaHoni. a week prevloua to ooDfinemeDl, sucbdlflTculUeBmay be avoided, Total 88 Total IJ or amtndncndfe Ue Mtej ond Place, Ijidlca who bavo rnlood the Ueanly of Uio BroaaCs by 33-13t* 11 Eidiugo PhlladelphU, Ft. InnNoa. lit ad 3d 4lh Olh 0th 7th gth Olh tho nao of arUfldalpaddhiga sonalvoradly womatthepreaentlhnr, may Oriental 3 g 13 0 7 1 3 9 3—38 Asiociinott.—In reply Hot to Ektcb ibe Nauomal to a s a a obUIn a tuUud porfert dovelopment of Ibo Breaala by Ujo use of EEAD AONES, ThoDeanUful Ullllner; price 3Bo. IlwlUnika Pomona 4 0 110 113 3-13 to In p 9 9 V ^ 4 4 snick right nninbor of oucrioa aa the rulea to bo observed order to Join tbo firat prcparallon you out Pennington, 1: Barlow, T>IOHI RARBII RAOYlll of Msmmsriol Bdmi In fsct, iion-dcrclop. Fly catchce-Orienlal, L. Miller, 3; 1; the KaUonal Aesoclation, we append oitricta from the Conatitu. 3tl.lt* HILTON A 00., U8 NsBsau at, N. Y, I BOOKS I mut, arising from whstevur aouroe, may bo ceniplololy curod, Llttlodeld, liuaee,l;WUooi,l;toUI,8. Pomoni-Roblnaon, 1; Xi BOORS BOOKS I lion, which glvea tho Inxormilion dealred:— ' a NEWEST AND OAYEST I aud complete aud perfeot derolopmoni produced by luo uae of Loyd, 1; McCool, 1; Dorru, 1; Mulllgu, 1| Doing, 1; total, 8. THE OUT Bee 3. Any Baae Bill Club dcelrlng ta bo roproaentcd In tbli the firat prenanUon of Balm, wllb or witljoul Elevator. Umpire—Mr. Bhorwood, Qolhun Olub. Time of gamo—3h. 30m. Tho flncat "Cartea" ud Btorooscoplo Tlowi In the nirkot. the Assodatlon, shall prerent to the Recording Hecreta^, atlMit FANCY KNTVES, Prioaof Irslpreparallonof MammarialBilm, per botllo..(3 00 FORTUNES MADE EASILY. thiriv to the THIS IB dayi prtvimu annual wittting qf (Ais ,,4Bioe..a 8 aald appliallon ud their opinion thereon; ud a ballot shall Band lhr«o-cent ntamp for of yonUi, Ladles of uy age wboaa breaala bavo lost the bctuty Deerman, 8db,,..-. .,..3 let b 3 ono mt Forker, • thereupon be had it auch meeting npon the idmlaslon of such of areclnoas, so necessary lo . . OREAT NEW mnCDLAR. a perfect orgiQlraUon, ahonld DR, LAMONTE'S CORBOLIA . E. NMUer, 3 ' I<". 94liLCiava]s^O. 7. Day Life, or Ihe Slar Obamber, 93 Large eoo, 114a«< .KM'-efof Arts, Box Bi Mounonlb, ' Foul balla—Franklin, Monmouth, Uioir deaUnallon. UloatnUona, - 7i 7. Time olDoa wlU reach ^- ' li i i i l - • ' iMi 7 Monroe Bt, Boctaotlar, ' U, 0. WEDD, N. Y. i u M Clarance, or Life . , ji. : of game—3 honif 30 minntea. Some rana—ITaoy, 1| Nponu, Oay In Mair York, 90 lUnaliiUana, 90a, .^ jiLr r I; Jobnaon. lota], a Woman's Love, or Uia Bridal Eve: by Alsi. Dnmaa, 800. 1; BAHTon, or Cmoom, Mah.—This New Englud dub hid a with 49- eigtafEi 8 ei> \^ LOOK 49- A Book -n 'E* » HARBISON, WlLUAMg A 00,, Urely Ufflo and a auccewlon ot vletoriei dorlnt Ihe drat week of qnlalle Bnartvlngs «mie UiiXft 40- Itit py> pMOTOCHAPi-..'. 3«-l«t* . . 009 Ibyer sL, Phlladdphia, Pa. i Sf LCNOID EuioDoit.—AtaitatedmaeUngof IhaOamdtn Clnb, of Cam. October. Oo tho 3d tbey got away wtlh th« Uonltora, of Uol. eat-e* aV'nebest-ea 4a-TheohaapealltaIngout-St 49-Pric4 dap, N. J„ bald on Ihe evmlng of the IM Inat, the foUowlngvffl. yoke, B9tol4i lha followfogday they made 88 to Itae IB of Itae oniT to centa-ct 4a-!Idr tbb ttm BtAii played t matoli ia TiBU,'taaI B tut with ttae Tukans, ot Bndy'B Bend, * naw 'SBI 8T0BTB. BAIBAl Answ lot Just cteilTtl, pyat Aefaesaes tor 38 oaala. lOOPbotooaphaot Aelora fot u eenta, lheBlb,'Uiam«ka Itae lost named waa voUalwd : Uui nttti Utuld priea, IBcli ud i«d aUmp, 100phot«i>uh>otO«lafor39eealB, ' i BUi ATX., Love,TlrtaBanlf^ wlniUng by i tetmet U to It; 0. HkglBi orgastaiBoo, on ttaa 8th Inst, wban ' Th««taol«bt|l. Brad -noOTKAKER OF a tlonot leading Itaaaeort >U* B. VIBE, BaUBton Bpilngt, H. T. erdtn urw. HBVBDBIID, ~- at, on tb* winning aldo, (tf MUMtnntotll0foIttaaHi«wiUiA,udl7fMUiaTn]CiB. 1 aStm O. m Ntaau ilnat, N. Y. 37-«* Isnm, 990,, HILTON A CO., 188 Naasau M.I. Mrll* i^iiSi'^iitK-^i^i ' ., " "


FrukAanefly. Tbeitoiy, Ihciifh alight In lli natart, la qaile B. Beraolds, J. H. DarenMrt, Wm. Bpenoer, EagueOormu, BoraoBT, tbe great brie comedlaa, appeaml belbn a Brooklyn REOORP. iS?'^.."'* If. J» ^>*"j of OlaolnBaltl. In TJHEATBIOAL anfflolut for Ihe noriioeei the Oct lOtb, oa the T chuactan an atconal; ladlrunal. John Wbltiag, Jamea Ooflbia, Bam Terney, J. w7Motciias,0. aadlance for (he flnt Ume on Wcdnesdu night m«, who Pimhaasd It In u nAniahed slate Aom bStSS.? Uad, aatsmlly wall afuotiek's Open Beaaon. ud u u effeoUnly dnwnt aad uw Inddmto M. Dnw ud W. E. Pratnen, oocaslOBOf tbeloaagunlalgbtof Has Mr. Oeorge Fuller pmcbased It In 18(3, aad nmodaladUlnloA u% maaand with eonalditiU* lit ordlouily sofBced, bnt dr- tfmaiwnti, B«»,bIslostopentlotreasaKa u budaomeat IVIo loo, V. U. Cnoe, 0«o. Uorton, hvt MononJ, a for "Bacoabat. Low. rOh Beoret," to ei^oy which we Inrlta yoa to the Winter Oirdrn, Ermlas Btu, bat be floda II a dUBcuU maltrr to procnn the aolt b befon us, ud tbongb, by barliig lo depud on otben obtbi KsATxa or nx Paos," wu DmM>i«,i W. B. BuitHS, EdwiD KUat, Joha Budolpb, H. A. B. Ur. mndcUs; D. rccelrcd no credit wbatevtir for hla ahiro 01 the work. And yet oalilea that am now on oihlbltioD, together with Ibe muy other polotbelng tho power of comic expression. BonconI Is without BIcbardUr.'and'Hcrcbutorventce.'" J H. BuUoo, W. WolU Fovirr, Ed. O. Ooodlig, Ooow Wllllo, ' rrllhoat seeing "Tbo Black Cnok" waa rocenlly produced at (ho UelropollUn aigbls la addition to tbo menagerte, Damnm'a ongbt lo proto doubt the Anett comnlbm on Ibe lyrto stage, ud Tat "DucB Cboob" ts tai Ibe third week of 1 brilliant n>n .> W, Fovltr, O. W. Hill, A. Fnd Ettborl, R. S. Conoligbun, W. Tbealn, DaOlo, vilhoui the impoited nudltlee, and lie eocceu one of the moat atlnctire placralo tbo dty. bim In eny other.chsnctcr tbu that of Criapino, wo ahonld not the Uetropolllu pentre, Bnflklo N. T. The Co»3?,( 0. Btone, EtUo Bieerott, lln. Om. Com, Oraoa Hidden, tale dealn baa been of tbo moat marked cbaracler, the bouae being ciowded CosmiBs of varloua aiylea an adrertlaod lor Bale cheap la haro hcaltiled to udoru sacb a repnlation. Io make-ap, lo dly ura:- "Ibe on Ibe put of the pubHo to wllni>^ {?. Domo IsgcnoU, KltljBlooncr, Aoolo Beigei, Cta«ilotl« BIctawd- to rcploUon oreiy erenlng. Will thcea foreign critlca end mana- uothar colnmn. coareplloo of the chancier, and ui hla thoroughly natural nn- Bune'extnordlnuyapeclidetlhe 'Bl«k^s3ck"conn^Sa*fe •OS, Ilttj Ijrffe, Oioi, Vletoiu Howud ud Addlo Hiilo Lo gen wbo condemn utlre producliona make a note of thla I Bmabcs, aruroadaa, monhin, ud nnmeroas other llrlng ud dering throughout ho atamps btmielf tho great lyxio Burton he All (he Ibeitn nightly beyond Ita upadty to accommMlto Onsoll. A WninFiLi Mr. Wallick, of Wnllack'a Theatrr, aonoancei dead cnrtodiln, ur adrenlHd for eale In Ihla wtek'a Currxii. Is. hover bare wo aeu this enjoyable open u adminbly pifr NoTor within our memory baa any manly dnmatlcd mmi through the public prlnta that he haa Juat recdrcd from big. Haui LnxjB, tbe intr^id aaconalonlat, who la now perform- Mated end performed u on Ihiaoccadon. Ulu Kellogg, tbongb caaecd audi gueral exdiemut amo;ig aU daaaes of amnaemral land ilM,OOU, We congnlulalc bio on bla good fortune. Per- ing al the Bowory In may engiged by not well, aang aclod rrith her onial charming effect ud the scehen. Places ooaUnue to be taken City Summary. New Theatre, thla dty, bo ud a week In adrUM iSd hape it may be aa weD to elate that the "XIOO.OOO" la the name of addnaalBg his agents, Mesan. Conner ft Co., u per idrerllac- other rofci of Iho open were adminbly Rudettu by tbe popnlu when frienda meet taitead of the oaoal aUrootyped ' raiarts UonsAi, Oct \t, IBM. a new play rccutir produced in Englud, and purcbiaed for Ihe mut In uotbtr colnmn. BrlUnl and the lalcntcd Antonaccl. Blguor Tcala made a very fa- shout Ibe wrathu, Ihe Inquiry la hare you seen n.o BuS Tbdb n muy %mi ud moonlsgbonotboM t»4v, (hit wu home mukct by ur. Wallack. TnoHis Jaobsoii, of the Winter Oardon Theatre, uUa Ibla week ronblc Impressloa, showing ths poaacseloo of a nmaikaMy doe Crook.' " II la probable Ihsl the "Black Aock" will bin t?£ asaiated In uo- broku offal Ihe clou "OiiB Akzucan Cocan" doea'iit run aa aplriledly aa in daya for Englud. tenor voice; ud Ulu Stockton, u tho Fairy, tbe of tbU, the third week, owtng to usi,^ bt|iy7»i)dbop«ftilnlioBliit wo htldowootcwn 01 00 with onr rood. some ego of yoru, and lie laat nlgbta at Ihe Olympic an ntimbercd. On Haui Lia,iB, Ibe Uaht rope artist, wbo csn do more Iblnga ccu of the ennlng. A more brilliant audience wu nover befon menis timo entered bito wllh Ur. ud Ura. "amayBiW!!,. •a,&r««7*ltlMp«nwudiTlh>tceeaidtaUi«leputiinotmuT WedDeeday, Oct 111b, Mr. Jefferaon will appear aa Caleb Plam- on a ilender rope In mld-alr tbu moat of people on Ibe ground, Ethcicd Mlhin tho walls of Ihe Brooklyn Acsdcmy, ud the m- Williams, who sn 6 commence on the 93d. MoSxAN DacHANAX will bo al Decatur, ofoarpnftMloiulfilaBda Cottliooiiii]i7ootilU,Uiop*liifiillntoUI- mu, lo "Crkkol on tho Bcarth." It la prebable, ilao, that commenoea a aiM nighu' enpagement at Ibe New Bowery ihli ariuUe moora tesllAcd to their gnllflcallon. ni., rrith a "™uauodnmiHn "Rip Vu WInVIo" will be reiuacltated rnd trolled oot agaln- erenlng, ud from hla prerloua pertormucea at thla catabllah- Tbe Aausnoira Diajuhc Coupaht "went up" lad week at compuy, from tho Ulb to the 30(h Inet (aooof tbtlOMgf QiA'knnliif Bte wh bnnfht no, tsd thon Blthw of Iheae plecee will do better Ihu "Our amoricu meal bla reception wlU, no doabt be u oration. In addition BlogbamtoD, N. Y. An excbango aiya:—"The people of Bing- AuiEax WiATT doaed bla dnmatio aeaun at Taunton xr... wbo Itflu bat tftwdAyiogD full o( hop*, ud llfo, ud h*ppl- Coniin." lo the uaual blalrionic altracUona, on Uonday, (leih inat.), Mr. bsulon sppiedale tiloBt, ud will aupport It; othen will And It on tho 6lh biat Be io si pretut rrith B. F. Lowell's nmuar to bsggage." who Is pisyhig bi Ibe Eutera BUtee, Baii,i«Bow*iiiUwd*epbooom o( (ho ooou bvrlcd," Bm- Ub. Dfp Uaa. Pant mnal feet loneaomo at Irrlng Ball, for few Ltallo walka Iho rope, manaded with aolld Iron cbobia aaldio one of Ibe best places In Ihe coutry lure Ihdr sbn and will be al Hart! people keep their company, end by St. Paul the rrork goea not weigh llOlba., ud alao doea gymnaaUc fealei Toaaday, docs the Uakt UiTOBSU, AW JoBH AUAUOB commuce U the Open ford, Conn., on the 1Mb; New Hsru. lAlh; ud Fnrldraca, vtim^taoaXowOrleuooomtpoodnioe, ud la ow own cut- 17ih bnrely on. Tbo enterulnmonta offored by tbia couplo are not three pall act, origlud; Wodoeaday, ImtlatJona of a dmokeo Houses Colnmbo^ Ohio, on tbo lOtli, for ono week. The company coaalata of Albert A. Wratt Harry Oordon; Tom 8lh, Owena, tioorge Clair, Hadller, fnllT yi^rtd uiloloo, win bo toond (ho umw of our (riendt caknlaled lo pleaae u Ameilun audience, howcrer merllortona woman, reeling, ataggerlag, Ac, alao original; and the nmalnlng . TSB BunLAT Favilt, on OcL drew 1 belter lUuduco Fruk Eliot E. Mlu Bnau Flood"° predscesson of the Ulu Jrnale Klmbdl. vbo "wnt down wttb (ho ihip," woU uUognpbloal •tolcheo (bey may be conaldorcd In Kglud. three nighta appean In mel the JuggUngaet An- lOtb Inat. bare crowded Ill CncniiiATi, on Uonday mlutnli. ud peoplo In ilmott ererr department of (bo uiaeo. If yon an Dalch enough to fcaow what that la. Bchntien Society, rained at ITS. On tbe occaaloa of lla preaeo- olhu nlaht'a eiblblllon of the Und would no doubt night 6th, Hra. Oladstue pndaced "Nion a Bon.'*—Did yon ercr apeadanlgbt In Dome? talioa Fxealdut Jobnaon made a apeeoh compUiaenllng tbe u- the Academy. the "Corslcu Dnthen," ud repeated It on Tneaday erenlng BUtworld. And we uo (old (bat nsmben of the fnUobler. to No? Mon'a the pilT. Wall, the flnt night In New York of llit for hU daring and akUL TBI BABLOia—Thomu, Edward ud Frederick-Inaiuanted slim houses, owing to dwilon.. Our correspondut "Ante boodwon among the loot, many *'anfortQXUl«, gone to (heir Jnllaa Elehberg'a "Kbht In Borne" laOxedfor W edneadiy, Oct. K1LI.T k Liow'a Mosnna are sow bi Ihe Ibird week of their a eerlee of their popalucnlertalnmutalnlndluaon Ibe 8th. nye:—"3be sustained Ibe dual charactera of Lonla and Fablao, aeaaon bi thla to lo Day- Her parfonnuqit not lo the expectallona doalh." wmtean Bow for Mae r WUI tkey 1» mimed, loor 1111), at the New York Theatn, where the "Doctor ol Alcuan" dty. We rldted them sgiln lut week, and wit- They wen remain then ono week, ud then proceed wu up of her frienda, baa made each a hit They gin theee Engllah Operaa ray derarly neased a muked Improrament In the performucea, u well u bi ton, Ohio, opening on the ISth, for one week, thenoe to dacla* uaho waa rery nerroue ud could not remembu heritors Tea, dear nedar, though ont of (he palo of whit we call eodot;," la at Ihla eoay eotabllahment Ibe attendanoc. The Arat week, their dlo bualneu wu nlbcr nab for two wecki, bcglanlng tbeie on the 33d. wblcb owing, perhape, to the norelty of Ihe mdo atUre. Oii light attaching blmaelf (he 10(b ahe did 'Peg Wotflngton' IhOTweraboloTadb/rolatlTaaudCrienda whowUlrMdof (h«wuaiu'a HntarBEZA an located "near Fifth walatcd, bnt br tbe addition of aeorgacnirlsty, Dick Sanda. A YonTB of nineteen snmmen la dcslroua of to a good houae, ud ber reo- Aranne Bote!," wo fail to pcrceira thai and Oeorge lo some good nriely or dramatlo company, a pupil, tbe eqnlr. dltlon of Oarrtck'a farorite waa eplendld well lom with ugolahud pain. The lad record of ono of Ibno loot ret Ibey pot on more aln ud Willie Our, that part of tbe abow came to tbe u ud neelrrd. Mlu thu other pMpie. On the contrary, they piaaent a pragramme excellence of uymlnatreleotertalnmuL Inconaequuce not being a conaldenUon. See H. J.'s sdrertlMmmt la uolher Henrietta Oabone, u Mable Tine, rru eicellut ud received ooaiaraalabnttboKoordofan, Bball toll the tale of "one w* (oimaaeallclaaaeB, ud wo cheerfully bru erldence Ihat Fifth of the death of bla tatber. Flank Monn wu obliged to leare for column. many rounda of appliaae. Hr. Forbei did Jimu Triplet rery olthiloetr' LUtm;- Aruoodlea, Bioadwayden ud Bowery alopen all langb In unl* Fhlladdpbli, andblaendwu keplnp by Oeorge Chrlaly, who O'Baba k Btu's OMrAHi played al Canton, N. T., darina the well; Mr. W. Kcue, ii Eimeet Tue, wu good, u wu ilao Hr, BTEU,A: aon at the findwcrth Jokea. ud harmonlao In expreauon whoa nerer aimeued in better splrtts. Oeorge bu bm lakhig can of week of Ihe 6t Lawieuce County Fair, ud anbaeqnuUy at C. Lorediy, In BIrCbulu Pomudcr. To-nlgbt, Ulb, she doea Ihe aentiment olfered fhcm. Thla week wo uo bimiell lately, manifeat Ooremaur, thence to Wetertown, N. 7., at which place they hare 'ArUst's Bride.' Ber engigement termlnitn this (laat) "on or Tn um." la pnmlaed eome u waa erery erenlng ho appeand, for week, beantlfal aoloa, ud ducea, ud fiu, ud ballade of high degne. be wu u witty u be wu yean ago, wben be wu on the ud guerally met wllb aucceaa. ud Ihe Womll Slalan follow her At Wood's, Laeflle Wealera ont In the Weat, when (he log taota lay Fu Thla Flflb Annuo Open Bouae la a picaaut place to rlalt when rritbiboR,?. Obrlstyparty hi thla dty. The Ant partoftho FAma BABBalrocallatandutrculand Bailie Benrywenu- run 'Eaat Lynne' all bat week, to crowded houan, tiklag hw doelDg day, Balhcd In the gloam of a inlnalrtia make the foa. entertainment wu rery good, eapedally the singing of Erug^ nonnccd to lure 8u Frudaco on tbe 1st Inst for this dty. bueAt m It ahdrlng It for Luontla Borgia' on Satniday. On nonght ber loj to Wllh mu, NoTmTBRUiDHfO they giro rery lugthr performiacea at line, by Mr. Belly; Bbylle Bawn, by Jackson, ud Bwlas Bong, MAOunx's CouTAitr, at the Open Bouae. flu Frudaco, hare Uonday, 8tb, she played the Child BIcalei' lo igoodbooM a maiden bir. golden bill, Urod wlu the Old Bowery, bualneaa of late baa not been llrely. Eren on Ihe by Oberiat Tbe inatrumutal muaio la also good. Tbe olio been playing, up lo Ustadricea, "Sweethearts ud WIvea," rrith which Ml below pu oa Tueidiy, with tho ume piece. She wu form did well with ber namo compare— Whooo eaat aide of town the people are beginning to prefer quality to coBomeaced wllb Leon In a fucy duoe, ud now that he hu got Lady Don aa Laun: "Rural Felicity," "Bob Boy," ud, forl^y idmlnbly ustiined by Ur. Lingbam, Mr. Roys ud Mr. Band, Stella, Erenlng 8tir. Twaa the qoaotity. acqoalnled with Ibe atyle of Ibe moslo nd bis aadlences, ale Don'a bueAt on Sept ]lat, "Don Cmirde Buin," wUb neuly ud MUs Muy Howard. Bhe wul ran tbe place during tho re- teipdchorcu moremenls more appredaled tbe whole of WiUice'e music brom "BIsrtbui." mainderoflhorraek. She atayk uotbw vnex." FU awiT tan the North (he (amplar came. Had. Bcbellxb conduded her perfoimancca al Ibe Thalia en Ihu Ibey won the opening week. Allen's "Nlcodemna Jobnaon" was ex- Cbablxs DiLLOH hu bcu sucd by Aodnw Flynn, miaiger of Tax MoarSuooxxnjiDxBOTOf tho aeaaon wu that of Iheifr And (ho loghnta told a (aloof aham^ Theatn on the 13lh. She performed (0 "poor, bnt honest" aa- tbe Nuhrllle Tbeatn, for the sum of 81,000 for non-fnlAunul deahingly young Americu prima doua, Mlu Haaok, Aiminy nub (hen art— dlcncca. cellut, ao waabla "BIp Van Winkle;" Dick Banda ud Otmt at the Chrlaty did tbe Ihe Utahffs ofengsaamutofoneweek. Mr. Dillon's tlmstoplaywuwbu Brooklyn Academy, on Oct. 13th. She le a natlr'e of New York, Of affeotimi paat of a maiden caet Taoae of our mden wbo bare nerer piucd "Ton Nlgbta In a ''Challeniio Dues," ud Ouy dhfa can eollgbien tbemaelrea aong burlerqoe called tbe All-cu-lear^ tbe choien wu et its bolgbt and nuriy 1 hundred wen dying ud a protege of Hr. Jerome, of Jerome Puk celebrity. .AJiifi Id ancomlcr atone lUO'a bliaf: Bu-room," on that aubjoct by riaiting ud duce. A "Doctor of The Bar-niun'a Huaenm, wbcn the donble-HllallUtd moni drama of ber" doaed Ihe oreolug'a amuaemeat Thla week, a burieaqae dally. Not wlabbig lo risk bis life, Mr. Dillon refascd to rldt openwu"Soniiainbals," vrtlblbenew tenor, Baragltloaaalal In Poor BtelU, thoEranlngStu. girlng edal to the oceaaton. (hat name la now offered to the palrona of the ealihllibmuL on Bistort and "Medea" la glru. Tbe attenduce last week tbe "Rock City." Mlu Bauck is qaite yoimg, ud lot innonaoed to open at tbe Booae, a first effort ou Ibe stage succeoded adminbly. FU away to (ho Boat, mldal din ud itrlfe, "Don't take 1 ablngle oif 1 mu'a loof," but apend u erenlng or wu much belter than the openbig week. In flcl, an taicreaae of Man. CUESTK wu Open Su She la of light form, petite featuna, a Bartarlng bw loil for the meani of Ufe, two wllh Ihe compuy who offlclata for "Ten Nluhta In 1 Bu- nearly Ally pu cut. wblcb prorea that the compsjiy Is liked, ud Frudaco, on Bcpt 31tb, In "Tho Womu In Red." hu aweet upruo rolce of high naie v-"^" and with And bearing (he bruded acar room." ls> guirulee of fnuin succeaa. Misa ELDamoE, we an pleased to learn, hu made qnlta eipuUmce ud Ihe powu growth will doobllea tin Is enjisged at ber, abe will prove a powerful competllor Tbat (ho world bealaw*, with (to moera ud blowa, TBB Hmacm FiioiT, conaliling of eighteen idulli and a faronble Impreaelon tn Memphis, wben she oa Ibe openUo amge. Uln Kellogg will have Unanorlngly on the heada of thoea three children, aail from thla dly on the Wh InaL, for California, Oreenlaw Open Houm for tho aeaaon, Dorlng l^elle MelrlUe'a to look lo ber launls. Bw ruderlng of Dramatlo. IhejiBaie received JUSeBlalla, Iho Ironing Btu, under engagemut to UuagorAndnw DIrrcll. of the kletropoll- engaffementthen Lllllo played tbe part of Captain Jobn Bmllb wu rrilb eathaelastio applanu, and Ibeulr detuJimre wu called oDt tu Tbeati^ Bu Frudaco. The kletropolitu It one of Ihe Or DnAVATio ArrAiBS m New Oblukb, onr oorreuoodu to ulu Mrlrllle'a Pocabontaa. Both ladles an quite louug, and The iMat wu a billliut necou wtlb- Fu away to (he Bonlb, are, ont of (be world, largeat theanca la (he coimtry, and one of the moat complete on Lsertca" aonda ue tbe following report, under date of Oct 0th. notunllks In sppesruce. Hr. Ohulea Dillon aucceeood Emelle, cat doubt Tbe new tuor made a rery bronble Impreaalon. Wllh bar twin-named ablp, that tb« Icmpeat barl'd the Pidilc. II wu at thla houae that Bate Balemao, the Rarrla, It rrlB be seen that ho diudea to the eipecled airtnl of Ibe sndrinhls play of Belphegor, Hiss Bdrldge euared the part of Tax BooBUTxa, N. T„ Ofxba BouIe had a good rua ol bat week, And ebtipl of meat ud ipu. Mr. ud Ura. Baney Wllllama, Anna Blahop, Bate Biyta,OhirIn French compuy^nd the compuy for the Acailemy, all of whom. Henrt the MounteVuk'a eon, of which the MtmfMt Doiij Appeal houau wllh J. W. Wallack u the alar, who doaed a Went down In ibe deep—abc Ufa uleep, DlBoo, Julia Deu Bayne ud other popnlu elan played brilllul It la feared, were! loet In the "Brtnlng BUr," bnt of which Ibo says:—"Mr. Dlllanwas sbly snatsbied by MluUlUe Bdridge, brilllul two weeka' eogucmei,t oa Ibe lilb loat Ulu Kate ABd Ibe merdtnl wares nnceailngly weep engagrmenta. It wu there, alao, we an informed, thai the Bala- nem bad not reached New Orieua at the time of our eorreepon- and In a munu thai took the audluce by aurpriae. In her put BelgnoMn was unounced lo commence uuauiemutof"sti.iiiui.iri six O'er Blalla, Iho Erenlng Btu. lay family cleared flfleen Ihonaud doUan. dent'a writing:— He ura:— "The Varletioa Theatre opened for of Henri, abo aoaredfar beyond the hlgbcat uildpattona of hu nights on tho 19th. B. N. Pnx, at pnamt In thla oily, aalla far Europe an Ihe ITth the aeaaon on Ihe tin loat, wllb Bberldu'a eStf i'owrt, the wumeat frienda. We bare nrely aecn tbe part rendered wllb TBI Onr MnsEn Tbxatbx, Pkiladelpbla, Fa., la aoon to be .....How tin amnirmenla ben the while, with etecUone cloeo at inaL, by the Perala. Ha Inlradaapending the winter In Conatu- 'Bohool for Bcuda],' u the initial performuoa. The cut wu that feeling ud perfect conception of cturutwlrhiob Iblayoung opued. It la unoimced, rrilb a Ant class compuy. Brllliut hudt Fan (hey 01 or bn Ihey well? Ai jel, (ha curiae sEan ilso pnmlaed. tinople ud Italy. While then ho pnrpoeea riaiting Ibeiprtndnal u excoUut one, oomprlalng Mr. A. D, Bradley, u 8lr Petu lady erlnced. She fairly dirlded the bonon with Hr. Dillon,. in By u idrcrtlsemut la aoothw column ngeano(,nortoRhca10fflo(hoalr;batoooolhemafla«fl In Ibelr open booaea on tho contlnut Dnring hla abauce the Daliduig Teaile; Jaa. Cardu, u Joaepn Sorfice; W. B.Fk>yd, u Chatlea ud we, u u Imnsrtlsl critic, snrd tbem to bw. She wu It wOl be seen that Miugor J. E. Mniphy wula a good alaga moot, and toicbllghli gleam In nob ud creiy itroel. lAktwUI of bla new open bouae In Ihla dly, aa well w ono In CinolruatC Surfkce; Barry Feanon, u Sir Ollru Saifaca; kl. W. Flake, u especially happy when Ue falls upon Ibo Ueu of hu fathu managw. 1.^ ...... I To^ II will be the old tile o'u again: "Who wonM be tno . 1' ~ T«f rrill progreaa rlgoronaly. Cnbtree; A. H. Daranport u Sir Benjamin Backblta; T.B-Bad- ud exclaima, 'Oh, mothu, mother, I will bate you She per- Jobk E. Owxss la pitpired, Ihroagh his igut Ur. CUflon W. mnat atrlko Ibe blow," an worda Ihit help mtke np thmoMlrca Uaa. F. W. Lahseb, formerly Hlaa J. U. Darenporl, doaed a cllff^ aaUoaes; a T. FaisIoo, u Trip; Chaa. Warwick, u Bow- fectly, udng a theatrical pbraae, 'carried the house by elovm.' Tayleare, to uegotlale with muigen for etu engagomente. For each qieaker'a blow; ud Iboeo who "know (heir righta, ud pirbculan to ice all Dighia* engagemut at tbo Winter Oudonon the ISlh Inal. ley ; Mra. F. & Chantnu, u Ladr Teaile; Un. Nelly Taylor, aa Blabchx ue Bab look a ISnwell benefit at the St Joe (Ho.) u Umr, idrerttiemut eUevbcre. knowing diro maiwfaiH ibom," aeo Iboaa ilgbia In oflbm fiL ud Bhe opened m thedrarru of "Adrlenne, the Aclreoa," which Mra. Cudor; Mlu Lua Pnntice, u Marta; ud Ura. L. E. Tbeatn on the etb Inst. "Usdelslne" wu given, ud tho affair TiLxn, Inclodlng 1 leiding lidy, ud u igut an wuled for aedDg,aeektogiln(bcnL And pledgee too. deir,detf, wo (row, kept the boarda all the week. The lady, we in aorry to air, did Seymour, u Lady Bneerwell. Tbe hooae wu llleially dimmed, was a glorioua anccen. On Ihe 6tb abe bade edlon to the St a compuy to mskes tonr or the Eastern Btstw. &igagemea(a ao muy; whole mrdi aro pledged, aye, ctttu na'emmpeon mw nol ittnot rery large andiencea,notwlliutudu>g abe liu a doable almcat lo luffocailon, by one of the moat Intelligent ud bshloo- Joaephiuis lu Ibe chuactcr of Nell Owyime. Tbla week ehe la at cu be made through Messrs. Coimwk Co., of Ibis clly. a'es, cuiled In one'e pocket, ud pardoned ont to Tom, ud an dilm upon the pabitc; in tho Ant piece, bccaoae ahe la In ercry ableaudlucoeeruaaaembledwllhhi lie walla, ud the ccrdlal the Uotropolitan Theatn, Indluopolls, Ind. A QoAiniTT or BcmxiT Is offered for sale by B. A. Auaira, of IMck, llkewtie unto Banr, with no epum of the coniclenco. ud Buae of the word u ullat; oecondly, ahe haa done her country receptico wbleb greeted the old farorilea, u well u the ucoor- Tnoius MAomBS wu the redplut of a oompUmestaiy bueAt Oambrldgeport Uiu. For puUculara, au hla adreidsemut la 'Ifeaioreo. the pairlole cry, "the Union, we'll ennport not mu," greit aerrlce. For orer one yeu Uo took tho entln cbargo of aglng applause bestowed upon tbe new comcra, cunot bat hero on Sept 17th, at the Open Bouu, 6u Frudaco. Lady Don this ud succoedlog laiuea of the CLirrst her;" (hen (o (be oeareat urem fly. (Arre'f when they ill aop tbe whole PoiLuxuWADBAiuncaarelhussdrertedlobyotiroorreapon. the boapltal departmut at Fort Boyal, B. C, daring Ike late n- bcu exceedlnglT flaltartng to Iho partiea concerned. On and compuy, , rolontcered. The houae wu rery , porter. The nbblo follow In ponnll—we meunnbrt-bed roten belUmi, ud rendered good aerrlce In tbo holy caoae of adminia' the tib, BoadcanU's bnllUnI comedy of 'Loadco Aaaannco' at- crowded,dcd. ud many tamed away unable to oblala iludlng deat tbe well koown crilic, "Colley Ctbbw," nodw date n Oo- —"Hnmh for Bmllb, ud Hike Hullone, three checn for Pat ' lol»r 13:— the taring aid ud comfort to the woudcd aoldlcn. And for Ihla Inded uotbw crowded bosae. To-night Ath, Bulwer'a play of room.I. 'Tbe Child of tbe— Baglmenf'______ud__ _ the— barlesqae of__ "At Wshlut Street Theatre, Mr. Backelt's FalaUS — I - . HiUoy"—Ibe gutlemen who left a while the Union, (0 enp — - - — - . ias been the sttndton daring gratulloua aerrice, how la ahe nwardod I It la 1 ahame to aee the "Lady of Lyona' will ho prodoced^wllh Mrs. Cbanirau aad "Peneu ud Andromeda" wen performed, ud John B. soCoI- Ibo week, Tbe fat gmesy, aoctn- "Alanllowa, well met, me bora, down wllh tyrula, porter. the begguly ittenduce It Ihe theatn when ahe appean,-- Mn. Mr. Jaa. Cardu in Iho leadlog relet. The laughable Ikroe of tbe hnub redted Ttowbridgo'a poem of "The Vagabonda." wall to thedr blv," thoa apont Ifaeeo patriot treaanreo. bring 'em ludanarHatlo claim opoa Ihe poblio oonaidention la equal to Fool of the Family,' wbCRln Flake ud Hn. Leighlon ccute a lI'LLB AaomiA, Ibe farorite rfanniar, la one of the prindpal (barothigmobreavood, "fSDrna oo^al/ud-'alfmea- "Jn'ale^' that of uy member of the blalrlonic profeaaloo now In tho coun- great deal of merriment will be tbe afterplfos. Bulww'a thie fntarea lu Mr. Banu* apectiole of "Ibe Black Crook," now nm- acDee." Aiid(hna(bfaepa(ilolBpledgeawayUiellfebloodofana- try. Ber natural pan, (bonngbly ooDiiilent conception, Ihe plar of 'Money' Is In nbonal The St. Chulu opeaa to- nlng rrilb grut raoceU al tbe HettopoUtan Tbulie, BoffUo. of AeU of Shakespesn's growing; Cooper alao esssyed iL hot tlOD,aBdglntbomaklncofoorIawetomulaneueetetatlon. Ah, night lib, wllb Ihe foUowtng Alice Mr. BaiTU, tbe author of the play, IspeifOrmlDg Ibe part of the wuywwuBwvulmpenoiiatl


DiamadeUnloiLotthatdtr, The peiformanoe will be alren at Ihe Academy of Hualc^ thonew York h<^leadtogoff in "London Aaraianoe" and Ihe Typos to SD sflsnileos. Tbc Bmnn Assoounow wsro to iIts todr Ant cnlerlatoi CONNER & CO,'S mealontheigthtosk.atMaaonloHall.Plllaburab, Fa. "Hlohasl SCHRODER'S NEW. OPERA HOU$£, DBAMATIO, MUBIOaL EODEBTBIAN. rDBCHAHINO AKI BLOOMIMaTOM, Buls" and tha "Bonht Boy of Limerick" wno the pieces adoclod, AOliNUY OL. OOSTDMS BUOTED TO Bole Lestee and Msaagar to % pint a & BIOSABDH . taSt 0« Ito MUl for her bmti. «1» uMnd cMH *M DBOADWAT. Mlt«allineout. Ibe sboTs elegaat place of amnaemeat, buDt U aa sneaas ctt le on U>e (>"1*- •Hadetr" (t18,000| ssvsab-fivs ttoniaad dollaia, wiU ba opiBsA oa or cooUnnea itrtbe OooUnenU) Theili*, BoeUn, Be JuuMoiaw. father of Ftank Moren, tho well known mto- TuvSiiiiR aaoni the SIh of November eaaulag. week "Bliaiiiiu O'Brien." etrel, died to FhUsdclphla, of gsnecal debillly, on the moinlag .i«dn Tosag Hsngerlen genlle- of Ihe 8lh Inek, aged TO yean. Bo waa an old professional of UAimice too Woslera oonntry, having bean filled np wito sB tos laodsn. Ible oountrr tbool>)ree.',ud le to mike forty yean' elanding, hartog liaToled wllh the late Bnfue Welch, n^wheliiebeanla Impnveaoals aecassarjr tomakellafiist clan Tbutaw.. (He WlhIwt, >t Uie OonUnenlal The*- Dderan and othen, ee SidtM on U>e etaoe on leader. He waa a trat elaaa TloUnlat and WANTED IMMEDIATELY, an aaccnentmnalclan generally, A FIRST LOW OOMEDUM, uil Lewie Btker ei« In ibe eeconl week of Unlr Joan Diinu,ltl8nottobsdenled, lamaktoghlmaalfpopalar ^AmTxrooMB ' Also A OOOD LEADIMO AlkenantD, by hla totrenld LADY AND CHAMBSBMAID, .luiaemrnt el Ibe Howard BoeU>n. rope ucenilona at fain and otoer JnbUant gith. THREE OOOD, BKSPOMBIBLE CTILTIT MEN, fora OwDte li to ble fonrtb week el tba Obeetnnl, PbUide). ertoga. Behaabscn anspendtog hlmaelflnmld-alratFlndlay, *1iTe ladlen" Bacyma,0.;andon AMD TWO OOUP DITTO LASIEa nUil *Tke VlctiiDe" end oompriee Ihe pro> toe ttoandMhtoak performed at Oallon, MUST HATE QOOD WARDBOBEa SSmoforlheproeenlweok. from whonca he pioceodsd to CblUlcothe on toe Oib, to hdp , . ,^ „ NONE OIBBBS HEED AFPLT.. oommencee a two weeke' ennjiement et theKi' make the fair there atliacUre, John has an adTerUaefflenl to tola "hul lanu B. -B. BIOHABDB, Hn^^Tbetlre, Weebtogton, D. O., on the letb toet wcek'aCuPTUL (or Uu> CIIt Uaeeom Tbetire, A. H. OaiawoLn, Iho 1 VmLCMffMT li winted *Tat Contributor," la making engage- Fin^ OLARS BeecirdotConnerkCo. monia lo ddlrer humotona STARS TREATED dioiUTloonenlnPbllidelpbU. ledurea before Iltsnty laaodiUoaa, ON UOEIUL TERMS. pl»7 to Eurleborg, P»., tbe Uet four leclun commltlces, ko., Ihs ccmtog wtoler. Hs Is preparing s _ _ _ , Tim nionSoe Toon P.6.-EadOM no alamp, aod ronildar allsau a aegaUva. end gotheoce to MUmoro. to Ibe Concortle now locluio enHUed "The Olft Enttrprlso." There Is a wide sUbte of Ible weoli, B. & BIOHAaDB, they open on the Wd, for «»enlBble. Idd for fnn to each a enbjecl, Hie addnaa la Cmdnnall, O. OpS?Houie, where Aahley Houm, KAJonBraKBix, who haa been following up the fain of lato, 3S.lta Bloomtagloe,in. waa at Oraenabnri: on too Ito Inik, and was to leare on toe lOto Olrouiei, for Now Orleans, u> oaks tost dty hla bsso of operations for U)« TO EQUESTRIAN ne, N. Y., OcL Id, Bd We like him belter fiian any wesrerot Ihs motley ws hava wtm iMl eanare WOOD'S THEATRE, Loulivllla. MnulathebDlldtog. Tbecigeafor the anlmila are errengod and itb, dnrtog Ihe Fnnklto County Fair, and allecwarda went eoen.—LoulavlUe Jonrnal, Pittorletor F. L. KELLEB. Tbe most sUracUve featun of toi verfbiBaanoe'wu the witt^ Ibe entire bnlldtog, rosntog nnderaealh the laaia for the lo Bk Lawrence county. mHai Ine above Theatre having tioea tooroughly nuotalcd re- ^dlenee.andtbebnUdtogUaoeiTanged that the drcna eihl- Ai.r.BDBjnrTle to Baltimore tola week, ana goea thence to ud olsma of Mr. & Cionuts.—Bk Lcula Free Press. deoontad can be rented by toe nighk week or monto, for Opera MHime be slTen at enj Uffle Independenlly of lbs oltaer ester Philadelphia fOr one woAk. / OB and Mtoilrol Tnnpee, or for OyninaaUc, AcrobaUc, Pantomime, Tbe most sitracUTa Bllla and SumLtTud eCtaRna. The whole bnlldtog will be wanned TBOHnoK k Oo'a Birro-coiLoaioDLiw brought Ue aeaaon lo s handiomsst Wsidtcbe to tho pr^, Ota Apply to fealon, Addreu, E. CROUXSTB, Nsw Olrsns, TintlUted to a moet perfect manner, the ring bttog lighted close on the lOto Inek, st Barrr, Mass. York ud CONNEB k CO., 9B-lt dome, and Ibe other (aita of the eeUUIebment by the Ma. awn Mas. Oconoi PiuRcBronr bave Inaugnrated, to llto street. New York Ctty, £im the JlramaHc Aienla, Silndowa at lh« front and aldei. A balcony will ba ereoted In Callfomla, too aerae etyle of enlertalnmenla aa glren by Mr. 98-110 SH Brcadwfy. for Ibe band, and a liable capable of acoommodiUng OTsr a and Mra. Howard Fan!. They an tnTelIng torounh Ihe Stale, MARIETTA RAVEL, handrodhoraeafonnalherearpartof theodlBce. Thealractore, glTlog an enlertalumrnt called "FortfoUo oflllaatiallen." The meal flnUbed PANTOHIHIST, DANSEDSE; AMD TIOHT which will be conelmcted at a (oalof about 118,000, bcaldta being UaaiBa. Fanma on Doaawn, nmnaala, and Tom Flak, slags MISS LEO HUDSON, nOPE PERFORMER In America, baa a fewwuka open In Febn- klmliably inlted for the porpoae for whiob II le dealgned, win carpenter, hare atartcd Item Ban nanclaco for the Eaat, acroaa Wlto bar colebraled horw "BBNMTION," la now playing an eU' ary, Minigora wlahhig to engage tole talented artlale for Star to the elroeL It la plains, lo gagement la Learenwortb. The lady will hare a few wecxa open Mo IM, anhllaclonlly apeaitog, an omamanl the give cnlertatomenta at erery town on toe route. Engagements, wUl sddreu M, W. HAMLBY, • dealcned enllroly by Yankee Bobloaoo. and la bulll by Heeara. WM. A. BtaoB arrlred In San Frandaco from China and Japan, prior to atarting tor Cuba to NoTcmber. Maoagera will addreea 98-lte gilppcrOfllcs,M.T. OadenkEIUotCbollderw, to lhat dty. Tbia ciblblilon wlU be by way of Honolnlu, on Sepk loto, and made hla first appearance UIB8 HUDSON, or neof Ibe permanent Inidtotjona of Chicago. The building la to to America Sepk 22d, at Lyceom Ball, In a monologue entertain' JAMBS CONNER k CO., TWO YOUNG LADIES and will be Itolahcdabont the middle of tbla month, be opened moot after toe etyle of l^ma Blanley. tMBrudway, Ihsl can Blngend pisy Speaking parts, snd aLADYJiaDAMOXB •boot Ihelitof NoTeober. Mas. Manama, well known to the mnslcal circles of San FraO' 3S.II0 Oppcalls Bamum'a Museum. or CLoaoisT, aro wanted Immedlalely for a lour through lha B.O. WEXtui'aCnomwialo filch lent at OhUllcoUie, 0., on daoo, aaUcd from Son Francisco on Repk 18th, for tola city. priDdpd BOUTRBRN ClTIESbyarespoadbls Maaagw ofea- IhelStb. A Eaxd Oboax, eultable for a smsll exhibition, Isadrertlaed for CERITO, tabllabed npulatloB. ApplloaaUmiiatboof ackiMWleagedUent SENORITA IS WEST HOUSTON BuoBTUiDCouiBaa'CiwiDei aayi a corr««pond«nl, haa of ale to this laeue. FBEHIEB DANBEDBE, STREET, NEW YORE, 98-U In toe pnfeaelon. Salary moderate but sure. through portlona ble been dotog a good boatoeaa of Ihe Btttaa Miaa Canuc Atibt, a leller of Importance awalla you at toe IsnowstUberty. Msnsgen wishing lo engage toe above for the Addreu "J. 0, H,," efUaiylaodi VlrgtDlaandTenneaaee, and are Btlll rccelTlng an F. 0., to tola dty. See adTerUumenk eole _9»-.lt dipper Oflhia. FaU and Wtoter Beaaon, will please spply to her sgenls, FRANK RIVERS CO., . Ihe dtlzaoa of Georgia. Onroorrea- & ihuadant patronage from AiXTWB, toe wizard, la called for by eo advertlear. JAB. CONNEB k CO., GENERAL DBAUATIO, MUSICAL, clowna. Ban Uagtoley and old Sam Lath- Paor, Oio. A. Fioaaiiaz hare Foi, EgUmRIAN, OOSTUME, goodent adde:—"The aro Wire Jotoed of CbUd- DramaUo Agents, 28-11 THEATRE ROYAL, Monlr«al, C. E. Mario and Oarrol, AND PUnCHABINO AaBNOV, nip toROther wllh U'Ue Baney luTe meted rcn'i Concert Ikme; Burltogton, Tk, la hla preaent baae of oper 38-lto 891 Broadway, N. Y, TO LET BY TUB NIOBT OR WEEK. the arenio lovtog popolaoc. ntlouemlbeplaodllaof' Ikeea aUons. Apply lo J, W. BUOSLANO, are a tower of atxangth to themielvca. 6nt they are enp- Ian BumaT FiuiLY opened st Tweddle HeO, Albany, N. T., MISS IkTorltM CONNER & CO.'S DRAMATIC AGENCY, B34 EMELIE MELVILLE, 9*-avellag lYonpea and Concert Salle wiU find II lo Outr lataeal' the esaaon hu been a praapsrone one, and bnt two com stay of three nlghlaalCohoes,N. Y., on toe 10th Insk On the LORENZO MAYA, OENBBAL AOENT. gtUiar JAB. CONNER k CO. loforvrard na toelr orden for any tolng they may need forihe panleaban met with bad bo^eaa. Tbeee aro the Thayer and Ulh toey opened sl Albany, N. T., for thirteen nights. This new snd elegant Dnlldtog wlU man for Us season of I6M-7 Dramatic Agents and Ooalnmen, Ikn and Wtolor seuon, Wekave acmeofthsbsaineosleto Ibe Korea party and Ooorge De Haven'a ahow. Tan Ambargh'a THE Oaxna ZooaTx Tnoorx hare been dotog a good bustoess 00 or sbcot toe let of NovimSer, 18n, wlto a M-llfl SM Broadway, prcfeadon on onr Moka. Addreu DATS) k OO., Uenigerls wlD doee to ue Tlclnlty of this dty, and wtolor at to the Esilam Blatts. They en sdrertlsed for HaUowcIl, Me., COUDINATION OF NdTELTIEa. 9S.lt* Ihulrlcal Agoila, P. 0, Diawar 981, OtadaaaU, C Unaeum. Alas. BoUneon cloaed In DUca, V. T,, on on Ihe Mto; Uwleton, ITIh; and BIddeford, 18to. selected wlto greet can from aU toe FBINOIPAL COMPANIES Baraom'a M, toe ISIh, where he will wtolor hla alack. & B. Howe*' will cloae TBI SriULODfo Bio's>ro Swiss Bzu Itmaxis an dotog well, W. CANNING. OF EUROPE AND AMERICA. CD the ailh toiL, to Jersey, and Harry Whllbock wU] lake we hear, to toe small tdwna of Ohio. On tho lOto lnal„they Agent for EMILY MBLTILLE, FELIX TIKOENT, MABTIN The Lidica and OenUamsn engaged for Ihs oomtog sessoa an WANTED--A Full Company of Ladlaa and GanH«< charge of the stock on hla farm sl dsTerack, V, T, Oeorge F. were at Warren and had a large boaee. EANLEY, B. MACAULEY, wlU greiUy obUge by oommunloaUng henby notified that toe Company wlU aaU for Havana, Cuba, on men lor a OoaoertHall; a good "BaaJolak" a "Soag aad Daaca wlto DAVEY Dalley'e drcna and menagerie vioeee to Danbaiy, Conn., on Ihe BiCHiao Howiaa—In onr adTeitlatog columna Ihla weak will k BOWEBS, WEDNESDAY, OOTOBEB SalhTlBed. "f"'" 7''?Sttl,»Si5»'S5°*t. APPlJtaimedtotsly, wlto lowest Montgomery Theatn (Ala,), sslary, lo Theatrled arrth IDIL, and Ue ap there noUl next apitog. Dan Eloe'e be found a card from toe Bpanlding Bntoen In regard to Mr. aad wito For any fUrtoer parUoulan, apply to their only sutooiized OATV * 00„ Agsola, OladansU, O. 9S.|ts menagsrle wloda up to PhUidalphla, on the a7th, and xamalna Id Howard, who, toey stite, la npreeenttog hlmaelf aa cooneoted JAMB) CONNER k CO., sgtnis, FRANK BTTEBS k CO., 3B-I10 ,r the nolgh*xirbood for wlDlar qntiters. Oardlner and Hem-' wIto toe party. «M Broadway. DranuUo Igeals, CHA8. BARRON. Fa., on the InaL, where 38-11 9S West mlDga^uoae to Media, Wth they remain. PsPA Biniuw's Tbodte, wIto Fanps, Brlgnoll, FenaaU, For- Hotitton abesl, Msw York, This highly popnisr and gUled yosag actor wlU play sngigai and John Bobtoson wtoler to OtodnnaU, ' LIpman'a drc» Ohio. tana; H. B. Mills. Carl Boa and Mr. J. Hallcn, concerUie al HOUSTON THEATRE. mints IhroughcuttoeWestaad Boutowut tola aeascn. Busx* Vaokee Bobtoion will mn tbs wlnlsr tbncgb sl bis new eslab- MelzantI HaU, Waahtoglon, D. C, on the Itib toak HOUaiOH, TEXAS. tenslvs npsttoire tocladee FATOBIfB FOBTDME, Thayer NOTICE TO MANAGERS. OF and otosi Uahmsnt to Chicago. Tbs end Mayes' stock wDI remato WiLuz Waas olfen hla aerrlces lo draaallte or lo write aooga, FBANK BATES .Manager aUncUvo plecca. Managen, wlahing tonegoUsIs, mil The UMDBRfilONED lakn tola metood of wantog IhMtiical ifliliua In DetroU. nndsr attacbmtnt B. O. Wheeler wUI be found to aa the case may be, to an adrerUaement In tbla week'a Cuma. WANTSD—Leading Maa, Hsstt JbveaUa. ^pply to him at 131 Brighton atreet, Beaton. managen Uirongboul toe country that he poeeearu the copy- 18-9t* Ohio. VUUam Lake, at Zaotwrllls, Ohio. Dan Caalallo'a drcoa. Tbe FiiiaauaoB AOiontt or Mcaio, rcpniod to be one of OOailEB k 00., right of owaenhlp of toe comedy called "THE Blight and Chambers, snd BIods, Bosslon k Co., tmrel to tha the beat and most eligibly located baOa to the Smoky City, may est Bnadwaj^ FATORITE Or I FoRTUMB," and lhat any totrtogsm'ent of toe same will A NICE LOT OF SHOW Booth. Frank Howe's Consolidation Clrcna totaad going to be ranted for first elaaa entertatomealiL^SeeadTOwemsnk Slan liberally treated wtUi. be rlga. STUFF ready proeecutedby bIm. MR- FRAME RITBRS u'tos only FOB BALE CHEAP.—Sla largo Anaeondul tolrteen Aaoflal Boulh Aip***^ . Joaa 0. Biraaa^ olown and comic a(n]f81, illh hla educated Ian sotocrlaed for isle Omoos was to lalkyslto, Ind., oo Iks IStb Inst terrier Helly, adreitlaea engagenient Ihla sgsnt toe of "TUEFAVORITB OF FOB, Monkeys; ons Ant Ealarjlhree pain of While Farrela. puca Howa'a dog fm aa to weik'e WALL'S OPERA HOUSE, TUNE." BounoR's Oiacss ahawed In DUca, N. T., on the Illb, OiiFna. (38-ltJ MARK SMITH. J. H. COLLIER, Dealer to BIrda aad Aahaala, Am. WABHINOTOM OTTY. 9S-lt* ud cloaed their aeaion lhare on Uie ISIta. The BaawaroES T^urx wen edrertiaed to iM to Blngbamp. DCFnELD k WALDBON MANAOEIU 78 Fultoa rtreskM. T. Ion, N. Y., on toe IM toak Wanted for tola eatabllahmont MISS KATE PENNOYER, Yomio LaniE% two and parts, Muilo HalU. Thbes for etogtog apeaktog and A FDIl DRAMATIO OOMPANY. The BeauUfol and TeraatUe A LARGE STOCK of Masquerada aiid TheiM* one aa Jig dancer and dogglaU an wanted for a troupe abcnt to cal for Flrst-claa Slan wlB pleaae addreu 'ua at A0TRE8S, PANTOMUnST AND DANBEU8E, Coslumu ssle chup. Aaoodohsouforsaypsrsoawisb. prersd ao aUracUTe a card to the patrosa of the Richmond, Ta., or "Uiztnan" make a lour of toe Boutoem dUea. See J. 0, H'a adrertlaemenl laglooommeaoethsbustoeu. - our aganU, JAMES CONNER k 00., Having recovered from her nry uven IndlapodUoa, wUI agato Buy terms. Agents kaatsdwltti.. Ibealio Comlquo, Boalon, last week, that the manager keepa It to anctoer oolamn. 9S-U* ar-»o gSABrcadway, New York. reaume HER TOUIt pnfeealondlr. M BOW3y, Third Floor. IbeblUe (or this week. Mbol DiTia k Co., of OtodnnaU, lasne sundry and aereial on All buatoeu ccmmunlcatlone anould be addreaaed to her Bole and Zate BeU aro at Cbadle's Ocnoett Han, Hiw Impoctant prodamadona of totsreet to toe profesdon genorally Jh Bun Ageota, FRANK RIYERS k CO., LADIES, AND GENTLEMEN Eareo, Ct to onr sdrcrtlslng columns. They waai talent of all eorls,'to- CAIRO THEATRE. DramaUo AgenIa, Beglalared at tos BLALIO of FnAMK BtTEBS Oanoc haa been effected to th* ityls of the enler- daUaa a leelnnr, danmK, slngtog Isdy, ets. They alao haTe k 00, wo«U eoB. A ummi. & 0. NOBTON BoleLeaiwaad Minagsi 38-lt ISWeetHouakmetrsek Nsw York. feralavorbysandhig Uie American, Bndhlo, eays onr or Mpondcnt, Char- purchaser for oorloaltles. OABTBS DETI8ITE,toaU caauwhan lahimint at a Mow undergoing toorongh repairs, snd being Impnred wlto e toey have toem, iDtoitrel int la gtrea, u they wUI be properly trameit aad placed to le; Uayne, "whereby a regnlar part to- besuUfbl disu drcle, win open on Ue first MoDday to Sepk wlto THE JEWESS OF HEIOLEBERQ, our nSOEPnOM BOOHS. ' • Engllah faroesL wUch baTe be - prodocad nlght- OR THE FALL 9Mt Head of Ihs old Fortlgn Dramttto and Shew Newi. a fUU company. Stan treated with on Ubaaal terma. Wanted, a OF THE IMQUISmON. The ends an ooooplsd by Billy Buaett. onoe^ and J. W. full sight Ir. dramaile compaay for a asssoa of months. None bnt A THBILUMO BENBATIONAL CUiks, lambo. Moni. Monaeto, Jogglsr, and larlsy Bsnadlot AwDZaloir, na Wirian —On Bepk Mto, Mr. Herbert Wright, reliable people need apply, Alao wanted, a flistdauicanlcaitlst DBAHA IN FITE AOIA FOR 8ALE...A large aliad HAND ORGAN, Managen or Artleta wlahhig lo produce tolatotanu ue Ibe latest altracUona that hare appeared." acUnf as the aolldtor of Mr. John H. Aadenoa, filed a peUflon hnmedlalaly, Addreu drama wlU BiUlableforenBahlblUonoraBalooa. Alao, one emaUer alia, at apply tounedlatelylo Joz Uoam arrlred to Oillforala on Sept. IMi, and made hla la toe Birmingham Baakraploy Court, to whIob Ihe Professor JAMES CONNZB.k 00„ tl Butar alreek rear bulldliur, top ficor. Franclcao, oo Sept FBAME BITEBB k CO., DnffliUc Agsnia, 38.1I* iMDpoarsnoe at the Olymplo, San ITth. He Siya lo be nllered of hla deble. Mr. Anderson aaorlbes Us DramaUo Aieata, A. ODIOOCHIO, a hooss crowded lo rspreUon. 38 Weel Bonslon sUeek WU welcomed back by LilUo lure to dlSennoea wlto toe Sk James' HaU Company, and Ihe IMm 831 Braadw IS-lt nice, isldtobetheoniysucceaafal rlnl of Lotia, HtonlsFUI- unancceaafnl sngagsmenis of a TeoliOoqalst and a glank No New York. nore, EDa la Bne, Delia Bager, Johnny Do AngolUh Johnny Wement of toe UaMUHea hu yd been dad. J, Vllllaine, lOmmy Bn« and Maater HARRY LESLIE, Colllni, Frank Pitwolt, E. P. Hoioaraw, manager of theHall-by-toe{|ea, Margate, Eng., ACADEMY OF MUSIC. company. np benefit toen on toe IBB ORBAT 8EH8ATI0N niak are to Ihe ns for a 3d toak NEW ORLEANS, LA. Boon, Toledo, Ohio, r»«p tooKliig'a Tleatre, Copea- HEBO SPAULDIMO k DIDWELL Maoagenand Prcprieton laat, under toe atage management of J. Tony, wito the fbUowlng bagen, wan lo mske toelr fint sppesranoe In London, Bag., on And The above beautiful edifice, having been enUnly nUElsd, ro- tonpany:—Heaars. 0. Sonmer*, Walaon, Antonio, ^7aUa, L, and Ihe lal tost, at tos HaymarhslTheatie, to a ballet dlTsrUssament. ONE OF TBE MOST DABINO AXTIBTB IN TBB OOmmiY, conitmcted and wholly redecorated, opensl lor' Ihs regular and now plajtog a I. VhttaoDy, O, Tyler and MIsa Bhippls. BsBiaT JoHi Pn, wen known to toe toesMcal world of Loa- . es t aeaaoa of ieadway,or MISS MATILDA IlERON'U OAMlUiB, SlIUFFLINO HOARDS, Uio beat Dude. >h« Cdion and Murpby party, Newoomb end ArUnglon ahonid snd toe bouse was closed. WM, H. EAHBLIN, BamowIt House, Eolyoks, Mau, la too nichanl Iho 111 of Booth, too Warner of Mscresoy, tos CUE PAPER, or "TADS," prtoted both aides. Cheap. to Ml. Lrsna's Onaa Ttourz were announced to open at too Tic* Alio, a Oood Leader. iB-ll* Learof Kun, sndlleg Meirillu of Cbsriolto Ouihman. Ws MOItOCOO OARD OASES, for pcckek BoaoEaa, FazHnuuiAaT k La Bun'e UlHsiaiLa play to Toledo, loria Theatre, Adelaide, on Augnattto. lakostoooreplcaaurelu being able tolnform too Managen of toe IVOIIY FARO OUEOKS, beat ecutn Ivory. Ohio, OD Uie lOlh toit ' Taa Zoraaa-CooEE-WiuoH Cnosa waa lo Icate Adelaide, Aua- A FULL DRAMATIC United Slalee lhat we hsvo had commuted to oar espeolal can, COUP, lYORY FABO OHEOKS, |TB for aaU of ««0, ConoH k Utnrai'e Uowiuu put to one nlgbt on Nor. lal, tialla, ca Aognal tto, for toelr up-country tour. WANTED COMPANY FOR TUE FAREWELL NI0BT8 EBNO BETin, from IM lo IISO. City Museum Theitn, Philadelphia. Apply lo UArtum.N.I. y San Haoox's Colored Utostnia wen to be at Damiley. Eng., of tola ORBAT AllTIST In her glorloua ehandar of toe EXTRA OARDH, BALLS, ola.,forKeao,alwaysoa hand. SoriEZ k BBHtsiot'a UiNnaus are endeaiortog to pitaa* the on Ook lek JAa CONMBB k CO., nEMOWNED CAMnXE. ' HOULETTR WHEELS, ell Undi, made to order. 38-lf DiaoliDi, and toeti socceaa la todubllablo. On the OUi and lOth JaHEa Mnaa' Ciaooa wu adrertliod to be to Jersey, Eng., on W Broadway. InaddlUon lo which wo call atlonUon to too Maw and BobUme HARKliD CARDS, over 00 paltome, lail., lUey an the people of Feoria opporlonlUoa to llaten to Uo Uto tosk raaedyot MALENTUIA, ADVAMTAGB OAIIDB, cut for any asms. ibtlt mualcal perlor'allona. OualaTeBldaua'aconnecUon with Joi-Baoww, who arrlred to Ible country a few mootoe ago from wrilloD eiprenly for MISS MATILDA HERON, and la Which BED snd BLACK SPREADS, two new pstlams. IihU CITY MUSEUM THEATRE, Iroupe aovercd, eo wo suppose he will eoon make Anatralla,and altar lying Idle a couple of TIiNDICECLOTUM,newdeilgns,veiTihowy ' r| hia Dean to Bogland, - II giandeat luccim of her ;: weeks wool CaUowhlUstrscI, below Fifth, PL Uadelphla. abe doitlned lo miko Iho alnady HE- '' Pa'tptaianoe to tlita city, llr. Duptia gayo him four weeks' waa at Lcoda Bepk a>to, wlto Oaeworto, Eiiaene and the 'Wll> ANMOUNCEMSMT. MAREABLB OARI^ED, bring EtOUT VIOE OUnUS, lhay csn'l be buk hoUce lu New Orleans. The niptnre bolwcen manager and man aon Ohrlaty Mtoatnia LUCK SPREADS, red, or green gold. Tbla ealabllahmenk having been rebuilt and enUrged at great ei- QRADD, THAOIO, HEROIC AND BUDLIME. OHUOK and Ija Hid to owtog to aomo uncalled for runarka made by T. P. Oaaxt, toe iTlih Tocallak who came lo UNDER SEVEN, led, be Ihla country aad penae, wlU abortly open u a genteel family reaork II la peculiarly BUltod lo too kifly lalenta ol OVER AND or gnen aad gold, puui, In to Eddy, of Uie Bk Cbarlea Theatre. demanded a aalaryof jUO togokl each week, and Ivory refortnce Mr, wu glad aaongh Engagemeola batog for HISS MATILDA HKOOM. UBXiaAN PUZZLES, or eboDyT ' that divides New York an made Acioss TBAT Hannow stubau of water to get g90 to greonbioki. and who wu a complote nllure, puo- A SEABON OF FEI1TE In addlUon to toe itMve, MIB8 HERON hu received anotoer PADLOOKS, eimetolng aew, loaBraoklyo, to IhoiIcelltUetown of WUIIamaburgli, maybe Uahea toe fdlowlng "ad*' In toe £ra:~"llr. Oarey wlU notdng aew play from a co^obrtlod novel of Aleiaader Dumas. AadatlU MALLBTS, a sure tbtog, band of mto- COMEDY, "Ud Beavor'a Opera House, where a roally oleTcr at any place whueua needful la not forthcomligg at tos regular SPEOTACDLAB anolhsr from ber own gracefol pen, enttUed, DICE TOPS, DICE, etc., tho only sasorlmont Wsak alTecUona of tho good AND treU hiTe eelabliahed themielTts In the hour on Saturday, u he le not to too habit of aerrlng edTenlor- MELO-DRAMA, AbLIA of PARIB. DICE CUPS. Lcatocr, Iwo alies. people of that burgh, Tbla band la SeaTsr's troupe, snd smong en who epocnlate witoout capita], end no moana of paytog tooee equal elarlUng dlalogoc lo MONTE TICKETS, can bo bid only of ns. ArUala from leading toealrea wiil make toelr appeanaoe; alao, FuUy lo pstooUo end aod dIaaUons te Doit promtoent members are K^h. Hon, Waah. Morton, SIg. they en^o; a parUcnlat objection to county coorta. I SPANIHU MONTEaARDB,purallnm, warranlcd. hope toe a lunraaalon of her own bunUrnI OAMILLE. '>ro, etc. gin Tory enlerlatotog perform, ptofoealoa wlU lake toe for Ucorge Oooe, They but from a peraon who haa been lo BBILLIAMT BTARB, In sddlUon to toe shove, HISS HERON'S BEPEDTOIRB la THE DUO, need "boldlog out," acce, which arc witooeaed by largo aodlescea. What Hooley'i America and France to eeewhat Ume It waa, and THE CONVEX, for routUig ap|K»ml's hand, fOnndonltoe Comedians, OomedlomM, Lyrlo aad Tinslchoresn ArUsIs of ran enUnly changed, being new and effective. Uulrcla aro lo too weatem dialrlct of Brooklyn, BcsTcr'a party We beg alao lo ahle Diet thclreuts wUl be sirenglhoncd by Ihs JEWBI.RV, for CIR linlerivlaes. (aror and pnnonnccd ablmles. Tbe folsrior le betog eaUnly re lo tho caslern dialrlct. ORinDAOE BOARDS, ten ktods. rcflUcdwlIb new dscoiatlons, orchestn chain, nsw scsnery snd oombtoaUon of too moet available talent at lU Uuei. TuE OEonou HnuTuu (Brooker and Clayton's parly), were Managen will addnMhar Bole DOMINOES, mm lOc. lo 110 per wlk upholstering—aU to toe most spproved msnner. Agents, I Augu«le, Me., on too lOlb, HallowoU Ulh, Oardtoor 131b, Dath 00., BILUAIID, DAOATBLLE, POOL. RONDO, and PDt Blare and otoen wlahing ongagsmenU vrtU be treated wlto on FRAME BlVkBS k TEN Ml, and Lewlrt-ni ItUi. Diamsllc Agsnls, BALUI, CUES, CUE POINTS and PA8TB, liberal Icrms. Addrees B. e.Finuis 1. .. Jotood Morris and Wllaon's tUnatrols, to Bk 9S.II 9S West Honston slrod. New York. FARO BOXES BBPAIBED, J. E, UDRPItY, nil. NEW BOWERY THEATRE. Bhean ground or repaired. Anything a BporUng Maa waati 38-3t* Oily Mnunm Theatn, FhUaddphla. . ' E. Oaina=:.i, too'OharUe FsllenglU's sdrcttlacmentto sn- GREENLAW'S OPERA HOUSE, wecaafarnlah. iber column. Bdo Proprietor j. w, LINOAnS MBMFUIB, TEMM. aa- BEND FOR OUR PRICE LIST, or call end eee na. a QooD Tiiion la wanted by Oharllo PellangUI, Seo adTctilae- A COMPETENT STAGE MANAQER WANTED MASON k MBTZOEB, -i FBANK A. TANNAHirX LeasM and Maaagei Y MIL MONDAY ETENINO AITO for a fint clan theatre. Also a full compaay. Apply Immo- 9S-1I* 13SDtarU)tnslreekChIiago^, DDBDia THE WEEK, TUB ONLY LBOIUMATE TUEATRE IN THE CITY. . a OauT PiuauJOitl—Hie programme that Manager Hooley Tho aulendid Drama of duieiy. r X, uonpiiy, The above now and magnlfieent edifice, poaaeeslsg aU toe mod. u mippnl out for the smusoment of hla Brooklyn palrona Ihla CAPTAIN W-lt* Okatoam alreot. New York, MoHEATH. H sru Improvements, opened on -^n> BOl', BED HOI. fok Is indeed neat, andtodudea thofollowtogfeaturoii—"Who SATUBDAY EVENINO, SEPT. 18n, ISfit, Mt the Oaniel Bagt" "Impndenee and Ignorance." "Daddy LESLIE, ALLYNE,thaWliard,""Good newa," Telaoraph wlUia company of nnnnalexcdlencc. Fltit duo alan can rely SOMETHIMa NEWI THAT OAMMOT Bl '''' <*>«Home,''"TboJeelousLaTer,"slo. "TheBacee" makcaa The Here of Mlagan Faila, to hla BBAXK'-'^'^'' whcraaboula to CHAR H. DAY, Mow Haven, Conn. S-lls upon advaatagu at Ihla toeatn never beton given st any Bouto. '•.''VV'";;- [Udylniile, and eretybody goei home waU plaaed with what DABINO A80EN8I0N8 cm Theatre. ny have heard at Uooley'e '- eeen and Opera Houee, Broohim, N. ON THE BOPE HAOIO OARDB IR ... nOHT MISS CARRIE AVERY .Also, Stars wlto whom engagements wen not oonrammaled C0I«Q98,/'.^I V ' ' Vm Heyes, dog dancer, oommeaoee an ongagement there toe toen lamonio boseeij Mwcck, Vu Drama ol WILL FIND A LETTER OF lui aeaaon, can now hava their datuanaiged. Apply personally la which Uian^il^ appeal, wllh ksx . HOLD SEXEBB8. QBEAT IMPORTANCE TO HER, U> FRAME BIVEBS loo,,' :. sipUahigtoeDyslety. 7Sela,! Ot«api'\^;''. '. 38.11* InUieNaaaaaelreetP.O:','M.T. DramallaAfenIs, ' just AfflBt«ur. 38-11 98 West Honalonslresk Msw York. A NEW ROOK pnMlahed^ai Uald to Bnmbu Life" wli| oonitl. POSinVBLY THE LABI TWO (nOEIS This UnM ira FAuons' isuoD paoiaob bbvited. of Orolaaei" and "Lore bsfon snd sflsr toe of his on- Opera, forhla open Una eommenoemeni brutoaas, maUng her tovalnable u maaagars, havtog Just com. '• ' Ihe after Of Elehberg's BrilllanUy eucaeiafnl • •.. ^ dramaUo portion of the celebration, whioh a grand ;. ilea ' ; gagensnl to Ihla dty, (Dso. H), wlO addreu the undenlgned Im- bar aad etleaslve repertoire, la now al Ubsrly to as- *IU ba glreo. ThlaaaaoclaUonwaaoniaBUMInl8l8,eadla TBE DWrOB OF ALOANTABA, pMad aew mediately, can of Wtoter Oanuo, New York. goUatc wlto maaagen totongh bar only anUonied agoDlik .qlieek.fnll-of inlliely orlglBal mtliar, oonUnlng aavml prtaenl to a Qourlahtog oondlUon, lis membership list embra- Embiacbig toe foUowtog briniaat eairt I Bg OUnOH W, TATLICRB, FBANK luVIBS k 00., lisicliltUnOK,7l««t), gmngacaatfpiwMly. . ' —

AMTJSBMBNTS. A3nqB[piMjByfT'|S.- . HALL, SHOW BILLS OF EVERY MINSTRELS. METROPOLITAN MUSIC _ _ DESCRIPTION.* ARLINGTON'S ' CHARLEY WHITE'S NEW00M8 A • To Adyortta«r*.» .«11 AMD MS CHESTNUT BTBKirr, FHIUDELmA. THEODOBE DOTTON OBBAT VABIEir TBODPE, ' OF TEE SAT. Bag* •nimfwrfjMto who wlih TBE OBEAT BEMBATIOM TUOUPK • tolnlnm hla old.Muwhenp*uforttm^ilinionttulat«, Ke, n BpiuM itrMl, N. Ti THIS IBHPLE lT-3m« OEO. B. LATHBOP, Agent FOLITTOAL CLUBS. If pmoaaead bir all th« pai tuellcnoa of the tgt. that hi* many yean T,S.tni*to eipeiiena to the bualnea tha I UATINKB E\'BBI BATUBDAY ARBBNOOM, try Urge auortment of euu al hto eomauad, aay of whlch'eu aa-It* Cemnendng at Vi o'clock. WHO GOES SOUTH 7 be printed to one or more colorat the •erriea oflle bettDalin ^WHZ.Tm. THE MASONIC BALL, era aad EagraTer* for aew #ork, vUl aecure to him a coattoiuSai dSS op» nt?. -CS«un«ici«U7l<. SAN FRANCISOO MINSTRELS, 885 BfOidway. NASHVILLE, TENN., of pait fkTot* aad a trial by new palnoa. lT-£ ETEBT KMHTiW) UHOBBki ATrERHOON, 'THE FAB FAMED, INIHITABLl! AND ONLY IB THE LABOEST HALL IN TBE STATE, DHPBBOBDDITBD . BUOOESS OF BIBCB, WAHBOLD, BEBNABD k BAOEDB' NEWLY FIITEO AND BE8EATED, SAMIUlX BECKNeIr^^^ -~ TBB BUCK OBOOK, BAN FBAKCISCO UINSTBELB, SEATINO 1,000 PEOPLE. OENBBAL COPYIST, ererythlng de- Whoa etuoew haa nerm been equalled by any alnllar organlu- Foot LIghU, Large Stage, SraatogBooma, aod la now prnand to eiMi:to ereiy deactlptlon of Chl - phy • BAUiEI TBODPE, • ! PABialAH ABBAT ttoa In Ihe world. - einbia for i relating to Thiatrlal maouaoript and Lawyer'a Btlafa, . ETC., «g(«U»rwlUi MBW AMD OBEEBrOL SCRLEBQUEB FOB THIS WEEK. BEBNANOEZ, end TBEATRIOALS, C0NCEBT8, LE0TUBE8, tlonaTCertllcatea, eto., engroated to arery atyle. THE WOMDEBODB . „ -siLmciflOADE Ftret appairanca of tha unrlTalled Banjoul, Lew Briuuner. BILLY EMERSON, COHEDIAM, for real by the night, wak or aaaon^^Ajpgtc^^^j^ SAUX. E. BBOKNER, ' 8CKKE. Am TBZ OBASI) TBASBFOnifA'nON Flnl week of Bpedial Sbtdra. ImltiUona of Actor*. PoUoe The Man In Ibe World. 91- 908 Broadway greatat Bong and Duca _ , Boom 10. BmI* an tx Moanl tU ttji In ndnnee. Court Scene. HrPoBrAnn. Oparatio Oinna. Oreal auccea of SIX FinST CLASS C0MEDUK8 Mualo Store, Maaonlo Tttmple. ~ ' Ballet Trogpc BoleagentoforOhlokertogABona'Flaaa. Chtdertog "Con. Crook and Alrlcan wUl appear nightly, In conoecUon with the other portion of thla M^tS^UU^CHToE^A^ IIATIIIEE KVEBT BATUHOAT, pert Orande" alwaya on hand. 3l-Sm* OBAITD' grandentutalDment, which will pioTe tobe of AM ENTIBE MEW THE TALENTED YODNa OOHEDIENNB, oomSiaiMa AT onb o'olooe, 94-3m*i SfcAVER'S.OPERA HOUSE, AXDOniOINALCBABAOTEn. HaTiog met with Immanu mooea Weal and Bonlh, recelrlna on wUoh ooculon Uu pilow wta bo B. D. LATE ODEON, BnOOKLTN, CENTRAL PARK NORMAL MUSICAL CONSER- Oaltuug enoomlnma from prea aod publlo, will comnenoe her ., OMBDOLLAB ... .1. igg^if BE-DECOBATED, NEW aCENEBY and HTA0EAPP0INTMENT8. 9ig«BT...... r... KB. JABESW: OOLUEB FIB8T CLASS TALBNT can addroa THE LABOBBT LOW OAYLORD, Venager. aU iijt In edwow. > T. W. SEATEB, Bole Proprietor. SHOW BUL Setia maj bo aemiad J. B. WABD, Treianrer. THEATRICAL STORE. ii^iaiiuo»-umiE BABEfoor. ai4f OEO. B. GOES, Stage Manager, PBDlTDlO BSTABUSHUEKT NEW ^^.Am H. T. ALLEN, Stage Uanaget. SHANNON A MILLEB, IN TBE WOBLD. VySm WU. FOOTE, Jr.TAgent THIS FIBU Ko. 89 Maiden Lane, New Totk, WINTER QARDEN. CHARLEY WHITE'S TROUPE. mporlere of aod Wboleeato and Retail Dealera u THEATRICAL Jtaatgn Hall, Broadwaj. fayi particular tUcallon to aalllng op all Mnla of W. BTDABT Bryanla' Mtehanlca' 473 BANJO CORRECTLY TAUGHT.-Binlo Book OOODS, COSrUXBSS' MATERIALS, and all ktoda of QOLD and FANOY.aHOW BILLS . BEAD I BEBOU>tl AND WONDEBIII by permlaatoa, BaU Son, Pond A Co., Oooda loai C. 0. D. to aay part of For Imellng eompanlea, and hara on hand a large and aplendid (mailed), II. Beferencta k SILTEB TBIMMWaa the ^uobdat; oor. TJrMWDTnoMa the week, A ataitUni norellT etery nlibl Ihle WMk. pnbuaher*, Broadwaj. Very truly your*, aaaortmeni oTlarge and emaU aad a T. OordoD, mualo United Statu or Canada. - BEBB OBBimAN HOLM, FInt enngtment h«K In two juio ol WOOD OUTS 3« J. BIVORI, of Bryania' Mlaatrela,4Tl>i Broadway. I04m* SHANNON A UILLEB. MBS. S. 7. BOWEBS. The Ortat Fir* King of Denmark, and Dating Toolh, who will SnUahle for CIrcuaei, Menageilei, Ethiopian Performer*, Oym- Who wlUappatr, anppoTtedbT appear nightly, to the emuiemoit and utlafacuon of all. In a rery naata, Hagldana, Ac, Ac, which can ba prtoled In ooe or mon TO MANAGERS.--Mr*. J. H. ALLEN and D. H. THE WEBB SISTERS, . TailoOSuAM AMD A OBEAT CASTE, Huaonloun Fat of ootor*^ to aolteuatomera. HABEIHB haling etarted on Ihetr Btarriag Tour, maaagera wlah. HISSES EMMA AND ADA, In Efonataun'a capital djtmitlntico of BntNO OFF A PIECE OF A BED BOT IBON BAB, A depalt required on all work ordered. 93-tf tog to oommnnloato wito them caa do ao through their agent, Manager* wlahtog to engage the aerrioa Of tbeee Tery talented . WITH HOT BBOTEL. . . LADE ABDLBT'B BEOBET. WIFINa HIB NAKED ABH A BED \ }Mm* CHAa T. PAB8LCE, Mo. MO Broadway. Artlate. for STAB Ebgagementa. wiBaddrea KB8. D. P. BOWEBS Pladng hU BABE FEET TO A BED HOT IBON PLATE. LAST ADSLET B. WEBB, 17 PoalllTaljnoflctliin. Dona erery night thla week. iS-lt* Thealrloal 15.tf Eiml Naaau alreet Breoklya . [X biillUDl and tulUew pwwiutlon.1 Rj B. KENT'S Hoilary, x ACT L—THE FBIOE OF OBIME. 909 BOWEBY. N. T., A CARD ACT. II_THK.LniB.TBgE WALK. OPERA HOUSE. FOBUEBLY OABMEB'S EBTABUBBHEMT, TO A0EMT8, THEATRICAL AND UntSTBO, MAMAOEBBk HAMILTON'S NEW HALL, HOOLEY'S NEW WAYNE, ACT nL—DTTgL' TO THB DEATH. OOBNEB OF COURT AND BEH8EM BTBEEI8, BBOOKLIB, an BOWEBY. aad the liaTellag oommtmi^ to general. FOBT IMDIANA, ACTTT.—TEiB ntCIEMDIAar. All kleda of THEATRICAL and CIBCUB CLOTHDia conatantly City Oppoalto the pubUc Square and Peat OtOoe. The hall la 190 feet , la DOW open for tha leaaon with We chaofelly reoommend yon to the Hotel, New Bafan, AOTT^TBAOXBD. 'AV'SAF..'' A OBEAT STAB COMBINATION OF on hand and mada to order. 3Mm< Conn., hept by Jema Barker, u being one of the bat hotole to long brOSwide,tua two dreaataigrooma 31 by 17 aad 17byu feat, ralaed eeata, foot aod border Ughta, and carpet The ta. . . HINBTBELB AND PANTOHIMISTa atop at eaat of Mew York. A generoua table, poUte, tidy and at- ' NEW BCBKEBT AMD APPOOTtUEim. AND FINEBT HALL teotive aarranta, dean rooma, nice beda, no btiga or moaqultoa. U 13 feet wide, 90 etepa high, and la toe only clean aid : tas HOST C0U70BTABLE THE GREAT CARLETON. DoonopeaatTMl beglnalS. 8atea«nindilxla;*lntdnnM. IN AHEBIOA; OABLEION. CABLEION. Ohargea reaionahle, In fact Barker can kap a hotel. nrm hall to the dty, BamlltoB Hall to by tar tha moat popular ball In the dty, and tha The Company compriaa TWEMTI-PTTE UNEQUALLED FEB- CnlTeraally acknowledged by the Frea of BABBY STONB, ONLY HALL WITHOUT OOINO INTO THB THIBD BIOBY. . . of eenaatlon troupe. OLYMPIC THEATRE. rOBMZBB, adeeted flom Ihe lint ranka of the Profeulon. .BOTH HEBQSPHEBBS . Menager Amy Btone'a N. B.-^Hainlllaa BaBowna all the BuUetto Boarda, aad hai lUat cloa Went can addrea to In tha only true lepteaentatlTa oi the Wll, Mirth and Melody 33-tf DAN WOBCESTEB. Agent LEOMIBDOBOTEB. DDEOIOB aB the dealrable wall* to toe dty fOr poetlag bUla. a^EENLANDi.Ag'L [>-tf] B. M. nOOLET,Bole Fropi't. OF OULD IBELAND, eaed MOtfDU ETENOiO, OOTOBEB IS, 18M, t . TO LET (for drat olaa eatortalameala only). ' ..,UBTK10HIBOF la now playing to crowded honaee at TBDIBLE'S TABIETIEft J. E. MoDONOUGH, will eat orer oae Ihonaod fenoai, la Sited Pa. The abore BaB KB. JOBEPE JEFFEBSOM, . PUtaburgh, , KELLY A LEON'S MINSTRELS. with, entirely new and elegant acenety (Flato). BONDAT ADD TDEBDAT: Oct' U and It." 91-tt Addreaa Clipper Oftoe. NOW IN LONDON, The moat oealrallylociled bunding la the city, aad erary way lM\ »l«bt> PcilllrdTot Ur. JgPFBMOS la ENGLAND, FIBBT OLASS EXHIBITIONS. OCB AUEBIQAM COOBIN. (daaled for AMES' GREAT SOUTHERN MUSEUM ha anaaged wllh lb BENT TO CIBCDBES—Ten aera of land, high aad diy, The HTlnl or thli fliiiining Comedx hu b««n attradad wUh I AND ZOOLOOIOAL INSTTTDTE. DION BOCOICAULT 100 yarda aouth of the grat work ahop* of Pittaburgh A Chicago alighted tndtonca. > THREE SPAOIOUB HALU, FOB A ILB. Fronto 00 Calhomi alreet the oeaire etrcet to the dty. LAST niaBTB of the rwnetkiWe. neiltoloiu caita, embra- Condatlog of a Rare Collection of LlTlng BMa, Flaha, NEW PLAY lUtfereccea.—MoKcac Buchanan, Wood'a Mhutrela, Mr. Jakfr dagim. OBAB. VAMDENHOFF, Ha BTOSDABT.llS. OHAa Hlnoala, Cdna, Pahilln^ Ptotaire*, Balldi of tha BaTotahon, way, B. Fox, of ATtUae Honae, and 0, P. Bood, of Fort Wayna .nTBa&!HB'J..Ti WABO, UB. T. BIMD, HB. a W.BABBON, and other CurloatUa fnm all parla of the world, BEAUTIFUL EFFECTa MB. a^80BB& H& aiLLBTT MB BIMOLAIILMB. KEN- Bank KAZDia ONE OF THE HOST INBtTBDOTIVS AND AMDSINO Manager* dealioua of 8M9t* B. R. WABD, Agent WAT, MiaS CABOURiaABMR, HIBB KATE NEWTON, MBS. INBTITUnONB IN TBIS CODNTBY. HB. HoOONOU. .BAUin>BB& UBS XHKBISA WOOD. MISS OBOBaiB TEUJlf, Urlng curfoaltla wtahlng engagamenta the ooalag eeaan will are toformed that ha win airtre here oa or Iboul September 80. MTttfl AJ.Tnfc wabhwuiu fctrfla muntj^n . . ^ SCHRODER'S OPERA HOUSE, be treated with on Ihe moit liberal tarma, by addreaalog WXDNESDAT, Oct IT, MIL JBETKQ80K (a ': ' BLOdaNOTON, ILLINOIS, , C. T, AHES, CommunlaUona addraaed to Ua agan^ Ihe underalgaed, . . 'OUiFBPLDHMEB, Winbelnlahed by thelOtoof October, 161^ and opea tor drat New Orleaat, La. will rcoelre prompt attanUon. IN OBIOSSr ON THE HBABTH. claaaajnnattnento of allktoda.. It 1* the beat home outalde of P.S.—WANTED-A Aral claa OLASS BLOWEB daring Ihe oonTonlaaca*. Addrea* . Winter Beaaon. W. F. Chicago, wUh all modem BBOUOH, B. BOBBCDra. BARNUM'8 NEW AMERICAN MUSEUM. I 80 WUloaghbyatreet 33^* Da "I BroadnT, Mtween Bpilni ud Prlneo itneta. RQBERT NICKLE, 33-tt . Brooklyn, Hew York. AMOIBBB OBANOB. PRESTIDIGITATEUR. HALL, Wlth-an ODtlialy new and oitgtnal Bepertolre of SlartUng Won- NEW BOUErrHmO FOB OLD AND 10;iNO TO SEE, auoubta. haine. der*. AU oommnulcatloDa to M addteeaed to ELLSLER'S ATHEN/EUM, ' "obanite ball," cobneb wateb stbeet amd mabkei AFRBNOON ATX ETEMDia AT 7X, 91-am* J. D. a DEMY8B, Agent, Brooklyn, N.Y. P.O. COLUMBUS, OHIO. IMIIflng and tnlhftl bquaBl Too Brama of 7» BBOADWAT. 1M BBOADWAT. TM BBOADWAT. lUapopnlarThatre, wall atoekad with Bcaery, etc, for BENT lUa Han to 100 feet long, 70 wide, with diwalng loomai ebige, TEN inaBTS IN A BAB-BOOH, . OBBISTT, by the night week, month or eeaaon, for DramaUo and other . oca UHHllfil. OEO. CBBIBTI, OEO. B. dmlcUu la ^Blhfhl wemm the HISIOar op CHAS. GRISTE, M feat dap, with aide and fooUlght*. The ebon BaU will eat TBI INBBBUTB FKANK'MOBAM', . FBAKX-MOBAN, tddraa ADTANOE AOENT, :< fVtt—^'- (dato). and eihlBllUg'ttia aetoiUtlea of BAB-BOOB LIFE. A. doTeland, orer 1,800 peteoni, and to dtted wito Beeamy JOBM ALLEN, JOHN ALLEN, Will accept an engagement with JOSI EUBLEB, Chto, or a diet elaaa IMrellng (Jompaay . erery way adapted for Thaatrea, (Jonoarta^ FBaoianun ELEOAMT DAR0E8—COUO BONO AKD DANOE. '• 98-tf C. A. WAOKEB, Cohunlrai, 0. It la ' THE WONDEBFUL LEON, or Blar. Addrea u IboTr, cara of I. B. aad all Eihlbltloaa. INFANT AND FEMALE DBUHUEB. KELLY, F. F. FABWSJ^ Lectnrea, and drat daa EDWIN EELLT, EDWIN Printing OIBce, 119 Waahtonton atraet, Beaton, Mala. ^ B. Agent . Tobanenalellhonn, ai-lf 9I*B* a OeOOOD, . DIOK BANDS, DICK BANDS. OOUXOnON OF TBE LATE OOBDOR ODHMINO. New Chonan, New Quart ele, New Ballada, New Daneee, New TO MANAGERS. HAMHOTB FAT HAM, WEIOHIMa tig LBB. Jokea, ererything new. COLLYER'S VARIETIES, All eommanioaUoDa lelatlTe to OWEN FAWCETT. ANNA 8WA!9K, (HAHTESS, UBS OYEB B FEET HIOB. LEON In hie Baeaming Burleeoot of BALnHOBE,HD. TBE OBAND lUOIOAL SPEOTACLE OF COMEDIAN, Walnnt BIreel Ihatre, FhOad'a, Fa. .XHBEB DWABF8. OLABS BLOWEBa OIBOABBUM OIBL. ME-DEA-B BE-STOBT. BAH COIXYEB Bole Fnorielor TBE BLACK CBOOK, Beaaon ISOO and '07. n-3m .. BIBOS BABEST LmMa OF PLDMAOB. 98-11 ME-DEA-B BB4T0BY. WM. BICE Muuaer NOW BUNNINO AT NIBLO-Bl N. Y., BU>TB. VTILTDBE. TBB A .A ADJDTANT. TBE HODEL CONOEBT BALL OF AHEBIOA. Aad creattog a MnuUon lupanllelad In dnmatlo trinmpha, WAVERLY HALL, . .. LIVIMa BHAEB8, LIVIMa MONEET& NOW IN TBE FULL IDE OF BUCOES& muatbemadeto CBAB H.-BABBAa AUOUSTA. MAINE. .mnONAL BnONZE POBTBAIT OALLEBT. 0, F. 8. LODGE ROOM, Got. 4th, 1866.- WANTED IHHEDIATELY—Baalo Player, Song and Dance A. 0. . Aatoor aad Proprietor, Lately tmprored, centrally loated,opoae Bight; two endranoe*; . US P0BTBAIT8 OF N. A. NDIAN 0HIEF8. aatattd mtetlDgof ActotaOrderot Frlmd>hlp,Bhakceptare, Man, Coiolo Stoaer, lady Vocallat, and an eaUn Cotpa Ballet At do l-lf BniUo, N. Y. eOilODialaqoare; trecooed. Parquet aad dna olrcle, amphl- TJoanonmai^ Learned Beal, Bepp; Famlljr, ofllcare laelalled acre for Flrat claa talentmly. Addrea Onnd Anuria, held thla dato, the following wen to WM.BIOB; thuttefotm. 'Wax FIgviMl'and 900,00(1 other CnrUKlUea. IwelTO monthatrom date: IT-tl*' Uanager ColIyer'aTariellea,BaltlBioi«,Hd. TALENT WANTED."An A I Varisty ENTIBE BET OF PEBUANENT SCENEBY, SPACIOUS AFIE- Admliilon,' 90 oenti: ohlldien under too. 15 cenla. Prealdent,Bto.JAB.B. B0BEBT8, Treaaurer,Bni. JOHNPAUL, Company wiah to eogaga ame good talent Addrea, wlia FULL FAR. BOOHS, STAOB ENTBANCB, TBAia PBOPERIIEa Ac t. Bio. WM. BAILEY. Seo'ry, Bn. ALEX. FTSBEB. Tloe Free B. SHERRY'S NEW.YORK THEATRE, TICDLABB AMD TEBHa' BILL POttTEBB AND B0ABD6 FUBNIBHED., following were appolntad ee a committee to reoelra proptv LOWQT NEW YORK CIB0U8. The Now to the alith week of auccea, to Siit, Fa. OPFOaiUON PBICB-TEN D0LLAB8 FEB NIOET. 38-U , ., ^aNDEX," are Clipper onm. of memberehip et tlie different thntree to which they are FOTIBTEENTH STBEET, oppotlteAadeffirotMulo. aitlona Wanted, A LEADINa JUVENILE HAM and A 8IM0INO OHAM- 9t.8m* Addrea A. STAPLES, Piopilelor. attached:... . L. B. LEMT... : Dlreoior BEBUAID, for a aeaaou of ten month*, to commena Immedi- Oco. L. Alktn, Wffl. B. Leak John A.Ellalar, MbNTGOMERY THEATRE, MATINEES HOMDAT AMD BATUBDAY AT 9K P. M. ately. ^ Addra* L. B. BhewcU, F.Ohlppendau, B. Byner, MONTOOHBBY, ALA. MASONIC TEMPLE, EVEBT NiOBT, AT EIOHT O'OLOOK. & J. F, BBEBBY, T. A'Becket, Lewla Baker, a B. Temey, STARS aad FIBSI OLABS TBOUPBS wlahlBgJaM at Ihe abore . LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. /, BODDISON, • • aT-3l* Manager, Erie. Pa. _^ Ooo. W. OUe, ' D. E. Balller, Wm, Naylor, ThMire, aow one ol the FINEST IN THE tOuTB, may apply to The Large Hall to totoipactoul building hartogbeenlmprcred, TIis Cbaaplso Bueback nider, with LmtiE OLABENOE. proHenlnm, aad procurloaa H'LU CABLOTTA DE BERO, Joa'ph Barker, J. L. Barrett, F. F. Mtckey. BOWEBS A DAvfeVi by mfeUng a new etagc^ ralaing the B. L. Beecomb, CTTua Cereon. WEBB'S HALLi 3Mm Mantgomety, Ala. hindaome drop enrtali, with Hto oCaultobto aoenery.palntedhy The moM deahhig'.tnl CMfiag Eoneetcleone the world hta erer Blrer Ualn Travelltig Committee: Block, ilrtet Warren, Ohio, will teal the calebttled arttat Jima B. Weet Eao., to now open for a- ' . _ ' pndDeed, anpporud by the full. SIX BUNDBED T. Da- Joo. Jefferaon, Edwin Adam e, Ttaoa.McXeoD, L. P.Bemtt PEBSONa gagemement Term made ^own by applkatlon to Joaopb . MEW nOBKi OIBODS TBODPE. two Arcfalmodlaa Tenlllalorai 1* lighted THE RENOWNED the city Bu with ga; footllgbto TidaOD•D, Soperinttndeut Maaonlo Temple, Lonlailllew Ey. 31.3ffl* All Drothera abaaot from are reoueated locomiDunl- . 'Frloea~I>ne(Cli<]leiM) 'c«nti; Chlldiin under ten, is cenlai . DUIBLAT FAMILY, ' on the atage, and dreaalng rooma adjoining. . at« with the Secretary InalaDlly, the leal umo of aklng. Bo- . performing to Bteui iiid Bntit weenie; Chlldrtn tinder ten, w canle. OPra FOB COMOEBTS, Now crowded houeeaat Ihe member. The BrothanwUI pleaee take noUeeof thedathot PABTIES,'LEOTCBES , Ac OPERA BeeenMBaubi'd TIetoti cen alao be pnxmred at the "Thea- A. D, WINTEB OABOEN, NEW YOBK, THEATRICAL BOOTS, SANDALS, Bro. Oroene. ALEX. FIBBER, Bee A. 0. 0. F., B., WEED, tre Tlcknt OOoe," Moi. lU and lU Bioedwtr WUl be al liberty to aeapt engagemento after tha Ulh of Octo- SHOBB AMD OYUNdSTIC BUPPBBS made to older by American Toutra, Philadelphia. »7.«l» Propttotor. Bvuetztane, Aototaite aod other arttala of acknowltdged abUlty, as-ll ber. Manager* wlahtog to aecure thle woaderfol Troupe ehould JOSEPH B0UEB8, Yoifc^ addreu aa above. addtea . BHEBIDAN COBBTN, Uanager, 9» Bowery, New wlBlung fngagemente, can I ANNIE HOWE. nppUad on Tciy OIB0DST^Te.-For tale, a UO fc«l Tent, and a W tat Tent, A. 0. 4). F. LODGE ROOM, Cot. 4, 1868. 30.U CUpparOOce.' Uinageie of Theaira and Qimnaalum Bchoola Thla popular Commodlaane, haelDg Juat arrlred to Ihia cointry . Wl^.^^ wi. IMm* nstmuoh uaad. Applj to At a etaled mntlila of the Aotora Order of Frlendahlp, Bhakea- Uhenltorma. from Europe, le pnjiared to afgoUate with managata tbroughont aS-U L. B. LENT, Now Tork OlKiaa. peare, held thla dab, the following rooluUonewere nnanlffloully MUSIC HALL, London, 0. W.,ls now for RENT the Weal and fioulnweat, for brief etar engageoeata. In . thla paaaed: tooonipeala or peraonalv the day, week or month. BlaoStby TO MANAGEBS. lady'a lepettolr* will baftnad ti^anda3(WtliIgh; two dteaatog rooma; palm TONY PASTOR'S OPERA HOUSE, Wherea, The Supreme Btiler of the DDlreteo In Bla high wla- TBBEE tna Is ceUtogi My present eeaaon will cloee about toeStthof October. After MEW PIECBB fbol.Ughtoi ealTOO: hotalr, eto.) wall Tentllaled; Ml BOWBBT, (onalU Bprllg elIWI^ dom baa been pleawd to take from tu by eudden dath an eical* dooraopen that Ume I ahiD be prepared to negoUato wito paiUa toltunlah oarer yet performed to thla conatiy, oukwarda. Local Drtat, lent ma^ our trtily worthy brother, THOUAB 0. QBEENE. Addraa MUBIO HALIk Loadoi. 0. W. »fi' Performing Horeeaaul Fonla of aiky deacrlpdo;;. with earrlca AH the weak, an asUnlrnaw - Adurew ITIIXIAH H. KINO, Therefttre : of myaelf and aon. Addreaa, for one month, IHB DPPBB AMD IiOWBB TEN THODSAin). Care JAUEB OONNEB k CO., Bea^Ired, Ibat tha membare of the A. F., S., while a«.lf LEVI J. NOBTH, Ereiett Booa^ Bl. Loula^Uo. Ell Cotton, Tnr Netui Bob SeoM, O. F. UoDonaldi PoUphar we, O. O. J7-9t» CM Broadway. MR. STUART ROBSON, the ainlnant Comedian, Pettifog, T. O. Bl0n; ApoOo Smign. t. W. Oofller; Bam Ian- ncctpjlilng tha ntmleelna and bowing to the wlU of Ood in all Hartc^^eoncluded hla aecaad angagemaat thla eeaaon at toe ranj, f. Wild; ArthuOibome, 0. Hareslloei S/lreatarOoHon, things casaot bat deeply faal aad alnearaly lament Ihe loa to aOAN THEATBE, PBILAD] 'HIA, NOTICE , where ba haa par- THE CELEBRATED AND ORIGINAL - TO MANAGERS. W. Aimatrang; Alfred Bhup, J. Oaraori Borneo end Johet, HIa our Bodety la the deeeaa of our brothw, and lake thla ooctalon formed to crowded honaa hla aucceaatnl Dnrleaaoa of BlSo BCOKLEYB' SEBBNADEBa to expraa our fntemal aimpalby with tha bereared family who Retain of J. E. MoOONOCOU from Enropa, Cot tlh. F. MoDonald : Eogeoe CoUoa, HUa Canari Marr Appkton, HIa LEAB, The CUBS, and HAMLET, OrWEABOtaOFTEBBXEBBLAOE, and unique eatatalnmenl ftom Boaton. During hla abaoM he ha added to hia npertoli* T. P. Cooke'a New J, Engel! Sallr BInl, Mlai Oia;. hara been ao trrepaiably deprired of thair beat protector, a true haaafew weekaimoocnpled time CommanlcattonaBay be ad. oMoln NanBal Pn«* Drama of A new aad eomlo Tha piece abouudi la hnaband and a Und fhlhar. _ dreaed care of CHAB. IBOB. PABSLOE, 000 Broadway. WBCCB AND BLACK FAOEa Ihallnreepectto IBUB TO THB OOBI; Ob, DBUTINa TO LEEWABD. HOTEL EFFEOr. iriBIXIMa BITBATIOHB, Uceeltad, our worthy htoUwr, IhU eiprea- 9T-3I* JOHN P. SUilH, Agent BncUey* to character or Alto, Dion Boaclcanlt'a laal Drama, now being pertomed at The OOMid SCENES, BnBBIMO TABLEAUX, alon of the nUatlton In which he WW held by the order been- FBENOHklAH, DUNBMAN, ENaUSBKAN, IBISHMAN, AND the Lyaimi, London, entllled - . BOKOB, DAM0B8, WIT AMD VCMOB. torod upon Ito raoorda. MIMBTBELBY, THE LONO BTBIEE. OLYMPIC THEATRE, .1 IN TBB OKHB OF NEOBO A new ohanolaiMIe ballad, br BeadlTed, That we atlead Ihe tonetal to a body, aad wear Ihe NEW OBLEANB. proaounad by prcasaad puhUc ereiTwhet* to be Ihe fanueat of for thirty dayi. Added to which Ihe aole right to E. B. Bona aad Dion Bond, MOMS. BZOLLOSr, uaual badge moumlog toe mat YeraHle and the mat puaalag anlerialaaiaot to BeaolTed, That of thaa reaolutlona cssira Drama, . IBE MODNTEBARK OF aSHNADA. a 0017 be forwarded to Ihe oa Baalatn Tmi. 3Mt*. ABBAH NA'POODE. TlUa highly popalar Thaire, now uoder|otog allenttoaa, wlU America. Now 3t« Mknowledged neat OonleTtoapa bt a ^'!yC2fA*<'M**!™- ALEE.FISBEB,Fra'l A.O.O,F.,a ' NIblo'a Oardeo, open lor the aeaoa oa or about Sept 9ith. OIBUB OABBON, Bto7 A. O. 0. F., ai-it IT-lf Addrea H. FALUEB, aBANDDtVEiaiFIBD TABlBnr PBOOBAHME. & FIBST CLASS STABS and her DauoMor, WBDNBBDAT BATDBDAT, MAD. LOUISE TOURNIAIRE HA31NEE ON Aim UberinybaitodwUh. LA PBHTE ktABIE, BANJO JIG DANCING, ^ . , , TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS AND 31-lt* haTantaned tnm the teal- CLOa, BONO AMD DAHOE, AND IBIBB JIO DANCINO, u. WAIEINB. Togctoer with a One itud of horaea, BUOWORTH'S MINSTRELS. ON HIS WB8TEBH TOUB IngieaaoD.aadirenowopaifor Fall aad Winter Bigagemnta. THAT KIMO OF langhl by Ihe renowned FITTB AYEMDE OFEBA EOUBB, OF Addreu at her Bum. Newtown, L,L 3MI* . J. BOOAN, Ul BAST HOUSTON STBEET, TO THE PROFESSION. 3 and t Wea( 2ith alreel, adjoining the Flflh Arensa BotaL nOHT BOPE PEBFOBUEBB, H. JOHN DENIBB, N. T., mar Foraylh it l^rma Id per ooura. Btajoe of a lope- WANTED—AT CHADWIOK'B TABIETY TBEATBB- lU aad 111 rlor qnalllr alwaya on hand for ttle. Dearborn alreet Chicago, IIL. OOOD AOTOItS, SUtOEBS. DRESSMAKING, EVEBI ETENINQ TEIB WEEK Entirely eollpatog ill other AitliU. DAN- ^THEATRICAL N. B.—on teealpi of III will aend three wrlllao leaaona on the CEBS, HALE AND FEUALB MINBTBEL PEBFOBHraa Ac WABDBOBB AMD JETOLBY, 91-91* All good perfoimera - Eto Daihlag BaiOo or Danctog. wiU dad eagaKementa 1^ applylatf at osa to BOUOHT AND FOB BALE. SBILLUMT AND TABIED PBOOBAMUB. ~ Bowery. aYUNABTIO FEATS "MOt* OEO. B. 9»-3m* MBa TILLSON, Ooatnmar, 389 OLOO AMD FAMCr DAKCES. hold Ibe audlenu ipall bound. WANTED. Aldieu OUppar Ctllce, a lior IT year* oftge,aelluaUontoany apaclty enabllag him Plane for $8 By *lfiARNING TO MANAGERS.-Wm. H. Otil, of INSTRUCTIONS on Ihe Guitar and 3S.lt* New York Olty. to learn to perform to a drona, or to lean gymoatto penoni^ Station D., New York. 90dm' BEADTIFDL SOLOS. Baton, adrertlatog hlmielf a a WalUiig Oenlleman; LOUIS par quarter. Addrea J. B„ AdddreaJ.A.THOMAS, Indiana, InX Co., Pa. 9T-3I* - CABLANO, of Boalon, a Coatnmer, aod the atiten THE BITAL8. ' OLABA AND BALLIE WOREIX, of Naahrllto, all nllclled LOVE AND UEDIOIMB. THE PEOPLE ALL HAIL I engaiomento and A GOOD SPEC I BIQNED CONTRAOIS for the eeaaon EOBOB FBOU FATBEBLAND. THE WOBLD'S FAVOBITE TBODPE, LAFAYETTE NIXON has tddsd 1o hla Estib- of 1000 end '07 with the A PANOBAMA OF IBELAND. - nnderdgned. The erer popular Juat rclnnlig from Mew Crltana aad their late Soulhem Tour. theaoraer of dih arcoue Thae people, recUea of their tumor aad reoard- feet of Otntaea, eoeting |l,00O, FOB BAIJB OBW Uahmeat, at and Ulh ilrMi, a tpludld oa 19,000 1<*8 of toe annoyaau fhar oooaatoa ua, machtoetyaaa FALL OF FOBT VISHEB. Belom of the OlganUo, Enr Weloomod and Famoua LUNCH CODMTEB, for die latreehmeal of tlaltora Ihronghout hare not area had the Togellier with a deaerlpUra lecture andaU the deoeney toglTeaotlcaof thelrtolended DUPBBE ft' BENEDICT'S the day and ereiUag. breach of cootractbit Brnuaa for axhlhlUOB. hare anffered toelr nama to be publlahed BONO, DANOS AMD BUBLEBqUE. (Lui Dmaii k Ouni'a) Be la alao ready to recelTe and Impart cqueeMaa IntelllgeaM u member* of the A rare opporluLlty to here offered to a ahowiaan. company engaged, prompt "BABY, MINSTBELB AKD BBABB BAND, toalltuchMhnorblmwlthacall 10 refereace A publlutlon of their alma may Addrea J. U. toprofeaSonal Y. the St. New Orleant, perhapa, pnl mpecUble managere on their Troy, M. Adinliaton OOo., SSc, and TSe, as-li* From OharlMlhalre, boatoeia, without oMt a7-tf guard wito Ihoa 3MI* CBOWNED WITH NEW lAOBEU AND lUUENBE BDOOEBS. parUa. We commend our eiample to the coodderaUon of man. Hartog had tha honor to play to one of the largnl houaa (orer •geratoelmlUrcaea. BOIO A UAODOMOBOH. A YOgNQ MAN, EVANSVILLE THEATRE, Ala., $1,000) aa well a one of tha meal auoceeaful engagemenla arer ^IobU^ Sept 9«th,H0d. ^"^""j^i AND BUU0B008 Nineteen jeen of ear. !• dealraua ofJoining a good EYAMBTILLE, IND. OEABAoixBU^'^OOlilO TOCALIBT ' knownlnlhehliloryof Ihebnmloork profeaalon. CharlaBey- VABKrr OB SBAMATIO COUfAMY, nolda. Law Benedict and OUIr Vat, the three nneqoaled Come- WANTED-^ full Dramttto Oompaay for the eaeoaa of ISM-'tT. VARIETIES .(alalloeaiT THEATRE. Ii with Elllnger 4FortS7ewo&naltoB Troope-tnwjW prtfenad,) to learn the profoulon, Would make a diaaa, will appear In tome olihalrlalat nighlly Ladleaand geiilleman of acknowledged potlUon to the profeulon, now good HoTelUa with DETBOIT, HIOB. heme*. FetnaTe Imperwiutar, and hai Bid Wme eipeiience noh deilrlng angagamenle, will addrta the nndenlgaad, t, O, Box Weet, aad paiformliig to oowdad u thla troupe. . CHAS. B. DUPBEZ, uanager, OHAa H. WELCH In Ughl cotaedx, (una, ele. New Ind. SoIePnorlelor Waga no (MmL 0. E. BLOOUH, Agent n. Haimooy, HABBY CLIFFORD j^nonalMe mmagaie will pleaa addrea 91-lm. UABTIN ;. .. . . /..{U^JmEmS OALIXA LATALLEB, Uoilcal Director and Leader of . OOLDEN.Leaee aad Uanager. ArUaU of aaknowledgedabUitlaun THEATRICAL HOSIERYt 3S-1I* H.J.,])oxiril,SilaD.aolamhlaniOo., alwaya prware good en- • OUo. . ODPfiEzTBENEDIOTB BBABS BAND, TIOBTB, 98-U : ^ gagemento by applytog u abore '"BSCCrSoLDErL 96«*9m CLOWN'S Buns, _^ „ ETO. CAROLINE HAYES, Htnagan wiehhig to amagawllh Ihe aboTotiUftforelaran' ETC., ^ MISS JULIEN THEATRE, Dubuqut, Iowa. baad, aad erery deecnpaw ' geaanoato, will pbaM addrea A grat aawirimeal conatantly OB ; THB lOUMO AMD AOOOUPLIBHED ABTISTE, tS5!L2SS?5£^2,?S:„M?''*5''' ««P"«»to hlmaeU to Thla BegMtErtbljahmeafla now opea for the aeaaoa, haytoa, bt eeoaacM.inlh th« SpaulllDn ' ll-tm F. 0. Boi D, ETaaarllle, HADE TO OBDEB Bioa. Bwla . i»o S, lad. Bell BIsien. and beea Bemodeled aad Decorated throiiAhOttI, with eaUieiy Kew H, i.'ffl'iSl - ' MB. 0. a DATENPOBT, Bcoaenaad AppolQimenlL iiSiSsS^i^uhJ?.'^"*-^ IBEiVEBT FOPULAB IBIBB AMD VBISATILE COMEDIAN, wanted; FIBST CLASS 'IcodafotwuW GtTABB wtahlng to aeooUale for'nl'gliu 'wiu Firiloolar itteaUon giraa to oidat* by mall. BPAUIOWO BBOa yOOAUar-AHD DAMOEB, BY A TENOB BnOEB, pleaa addr«a - CHABLmPLUN^IT, " . byoxpreaa. Ur/Dareopori, bATtag been etpreadr engaged toaupport Ula Who la well arqualntod with mualo, a altualloo to eoma raipaota. ' ~ ' TAKDEBLfr k ihtttoerutoigh ue Weal,a mat eitooelTa tnd bla company, a iHTaUag ampaay ptafernd. M-«P* aCABB(iiLEI0Ka'8to)*Haaag«r, la offered to managar^naetoaledby - ..,_.olr«ot pleoa I* at home In all Ihe mnato of la* day, haying had ooiialdeitble • NceSBowegKi aay other paitlcaMw trarallng. The undanlgnedlaTeady tone- eipeitona, and read* dlflnlt mtuto at eight Addraa ' NEW . gottale for tntlhar diigigeineala, to oommenc* alter January laU WIlTEB IBVIHO. AMERICAN THEATRE,. AN .H ^trfebt . . AGENT ... Ihs 1M1, feelli^ taau^uat Ibe combined afforta and peraoual WAIiNUI BTBEET. PHILiSELPlUA. dalalla of .-j-. - the bndn«M, and j i r:r^.n i i. _ quilKcaUona of lb«a young arUatea, for Ihe rola they eanme, ijy:"*j-LW .-jm -y-u-j.-L-L^.Tr;r,niirj!!flff _ OPEN FOB TBB. BALL AMD.WIHIBB BBABON, SV« with anyrapoKilbUpsrtrehSWfMtt. KAlTlHOBiT H. A.'BABHBHAW,i; Bole will DMl with thrappiobadoB of Ihe public AH comnuslatloiu DON SANTIAGO QIBBONOISE, KIng'of Confor Leeea and —--prUaaatar • . , Oai«)QBBT-£BOTEXBfl/Attla«UBptuoaBr tor (be prctent ahoud be addmaed to J. W. OOEST, donUla. Alio, Bope Walker, SrlaL Oymnaatio and MISS KATB FIBHBB, Coatotiloa Ihtoelebraled ' BqnaMan Aotaeaa, will oommena t two 9»«m tSaWeetFOuthlM. Fata, caa b« cigaged by a Teapenalble parly; to tnrei « aot weika' MTTSBUROH 38-11* «>"^0««-»»>.«PPo«»d b] a poweital THE AOAD^Y (ilF MU^IO. , Addr«a hlmloOOOOTBB, lad. niJPffil^Si"'"' MISS RACHEL JOHNSON. Dianatto Company, i ..•,1.1 . UieaMletegahL(Dmniodlooa,aidbalTeatllatod WILLIE WAKE would Inform MiniMrt ind *MaillnthecliT,lfnollntheWaet_ JAMBS FILOllDi'. •'.AHtogHaoagar ProfeUon gaeially that he le Bowprepar*d to do dl ihaaha of EDWIN VARREY THOa B. — -- -QTED TO BAMN ...Stage Maaagv BEUABLB FABHEB Ultftly work, DTamaHatog, Soig Wiltiu. ate WpiNitletoaratoej^gt^orFlralflVTiaHaiTia cr Flrat Jb>w Coa-Cog DB. CDNNINOIQM-.I.., aitoOBlr, wn^^ ..MukMniMlot Ara'lbhgot ihcHlam, ' if .Addtea ' 'WILLIBWABB; ady fnia Not, lit Oluis. T, PABSLOB:. . QBa WDNOmUOH.... . ' i^<...So«m(|Aillal .'THmdataal, >AMi(h. . .9t-l<: IMI*^' U-ll* . Moaice,Mleh. >:** Of a y., P. 0> BexHlFliilaMdrN,J. .. W-ll " ildiaMIle: ueWUMiIidMito, OUear>, nl' Credits

Scanned from the microfilm collection of Q. David Bowers

Scanning sponsored by Q. David Bowers and Kathiyn Fuller-Seeley

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