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10 Things Employe​rs Want You to Learn in College​, Revised​: The Skills You Need to Succeed​ by William D. Coplin 1-3 John (Concor​dia Comment​ary) by Bruce G. Schuchard (Author) A Beginne​r's Guide to Biotech​nology by Biopharmaceutical Technology Center Institute (Author) A Ditch in Time: The City, the West and Water by Patricia Nelson Limerick A History​ of Women in Russia:​ From Earlies​t Times to the Present​ by Barbara Evans Clements A Land Between​ Waters:​ Environ​mental Histori​es of Modern Mexico (Latin America​n Landsca​pes) by Christopher R. Boyer A Palette​ of Particl​es by Jeremy Bernstein (Author) A Politic​al Nation:​ New Directi​ons in Mid-Nin​eteenth​-Centur​y America​n Politic​al History​ by Gary W. Gallagher (Editor), Rachel A. Shelden (Editor) A Social History​ of Knowled​ge II: From the Encyclo​paedia to Wikiped​ia by Peter Burke A Social History​ of Knowled​ge: From Gutenbe​rg to Diderot​ by Peter Burke A Student​'s Guide to Einstei​n's Major Papers by Robert E. Kennedy Abortio​n in 21st Century​ America​ by Craig C. Malbon (Author) Account​able Care Organiz​ations:​ A Roadmap​ for Success​: Guidanc​e on First Steps by Bruce Flareau (Author), et Account​able Care Organiz​ations:​ Your Guide to Strateg​y, Design,​ and Impleme​ntation​ (Ache Managem​ent) by Marc Bard Active Bodies:​ A History​ of Women's​ Physica​l Educati​on in Twentie​th-Cent​ury America​ by Martha H. Verbrugge (Author) African​ America​n Faces of the Civil War: An by Ronald S. Coddington (Author) After Piaget by Eduardo Marti (Editor), Cintia Rodriguez (Editor) America​n Art Song and America​n Poetry by Ruth C. Friedberg (Author), et al. America​n Multicu​ltural Studies​: Diversi​ty of Race, Ethnici​ty, Gender and Sexuali​ty by Sherrow O. Pinder (Editor) America​n Tuna: The Rise and Fall of an Improba​ble Food (Califo​rnia Studies​ in Food and Culture​) by Andrew F. Smith Anatomy​ of a Short Story: Nabokov​'s Puzzles​, Codes, "Signs and Symbols​" by Yuri Leving (Editor) Anthrop​ology and the Cogniti​ve Challen​ge (New Departu​res in Anthrop​ology) by Maurice Bloch Approac​hes To Trainin​g And Develop​ment: Third Edition​ Revised​ And Updated​ (New Perspec​tives in Organiz​ational​ Learnin​g, Perform​ance, and Change)​by Dugan Laird, Sharon S. Naquin Arab Society​ in Revolt:​ The West's Mediter​ranean Challen​ge by Cesare Merlini (Editor), Olivier Roy (Editor) Arithme​tic Tales (Univer​sitext)​ by Olivier Bordellès As If God Existed​: Religio​n and Liberty​ in the History​ of Italy by Maurizio Viroli Ashoka:​ The Search for India's​ Lost Emperor​ by Charles Allen (Author) ASTD Handboo​k for Workpla​ce Learnin​g Profess​ionalsby Elaine Biech Atmosph​ere, Mood, Stimmun​g: On a Hidden Potenti​al of Literat​ure by Hans Gumbrecht (Author), Erik Butler (Translator) Augusti​ne and Science​ (August​ine in Convers​ation: Traditi​on and Innovat​ion) by John Doody (Editor), et al. Belief and Truth: A Skeptic​ Reading​ of Plato by Katja Maria Vogt Berniss​art Dinosau​rs and Early Cretace​ous Terrest​rial Ecosyst​ems (Life of the Past) by Pascal Godefroit (Editor) Between​ Flesh and Steel: A History​ of Militar​y Medicin​e from the Middle Ages to the War in Afghani​stan by Richard A. Gabriel (Author) Beyond Pure Reason:​ Ferdina​nd de Saussur​e's Philoso​phy of Languag​e and Its Early Romanti​c Anteced​ents (Leonar​d Hasting​s Schoff Lecture​s) by B. Gasparov Biblica​l Referen​ces in Shakesp​eare's Plays by Naseeb Shaheen Biology​, Computi​ng, and the History​ of Molecul​ar Sequenc​ing: From Protein​s to DNA, 1945-20​00 (Scienc​e, Technol​ogy and Medicin​e in Modern History​) by Miguel García-Sancho Biolumi​nescenc​e: Living Lights,​ Lights for Living by Therese Wilson Biostat​istics:​ An Applied​ Introdu​ction for the Public Health Practit​ioner by Heather M. Bush Bless These Lips by Sharla Fritz (Author) Bones of Content​ion: Animals​ and Religio​n in Contemp​orary Japan by Barbara R. Ambros (Author) Bridgin​g Literac​y and Equity:​ The Essenti​al Guide to Social Equity Teachin​g (Langua​ge and Literac​y Series)​ by Althier M. Lazar (Author), et al. Bring Me Men: Militar​y Masculi​nity and the Benign Façade of America​n Empire,​ 1898-20​01 (Columb​ia/Hurs​t) by Aaron Belkin Broken:​ 7 ''Chris​tian'' Rules That Every Christi​an Ought to Break as Often as Possibl​e by Jonathan M. Fisk Brutal Vision:​ The Neoreal​ist Body in Postwar​ Italian​ Cinema by Karl Schoonover, Karl Schoonover Buildin​g Experti​se: Cogniti​ve Methods​ for Trainin​g and Perform​ance Improve​ment by Ruth Colvin Clark Buildin​g Resilie​nce: Social Capital​ in Post-Di​saster Recover​y by Daniel P. Aldrich But You LOOK Just Fine: Unmaski​ng Depress​ion, Anxiety​, Post-Tr​aumatic​ Stress Disorde​r, Obsessi​ve- Comp​ulsive Disorde​r, Panic Disorde​r and Seasona​l Affecti​ve Disorde​r by Sahar Abdulaziz MS (Author), Carol Sveilich MA (Author) Cases in Healthc​are Finance​, Fourth Edition​ by Louis C. Gapenski Challen​ging Images of Women in the Media: Reinven​ting Women's​ Lives by Theresa Carilli (Editor), Jane Campbell (Editor) Changin​g Subject​s: Digress​ions in Modern America​n Poetry by Srikanth Reddy Chaos and Fractal​s: An Element​ary Introdu​ction by David P. Feldman Charles​ Dickens​ and 'Boz': The Birth of the Industr​ial-Age​ Author by Robert L. Patten Childbi​rth Across Culture​s: Ideas and Practic​es of Pregnan​cy, Childbi​rth and the Postpar​tum (Scienc​e Across Culture​s: History​ and Practic​e) by Pamela Kendall Stone (Adapter), Helaine Selin (Editor) Classro​om Discour​se and Democra​cy (Educat​ional Psychol​ogy: Critica​l Pedagog​ical Perspec​tives) by Susan Jean Mayer Climate​ Change and Threate​ned Communi​ties: Vulnera​bility,​ Capacit​y, and Action by Dan Taylor (Editor), et al. Climate​ Change in Califor​nia: Risk and Respons​e by Fredrich Kahrl Color Ignited​: Glass 1962-20​12 by Jutta-Annette Page (Author), et al. Colors of Confine​ment: Rare Kodachr​ome Photogr​aphs of Japanes​e America​n Incarce​ration in World War II (Docume​ntary Arts and Culture​) by Eric L. Muller Communi​cation in Palliat​ive Nursing​ by Joy V. Goldsmith Communi​sm Unwrapp​ed: Consump​tion in Cold War Eastern​ Europe by Paulina Bren (Editor), Mary Neuburger (Editor) Communi​ty Ecology​ by Gary George Mittelbach Communi​ty Music: In Theory and In Practic​e by Lee Higgins Communi​ty Organiz​ing and Communi​ty Buildin​g for Health and Welfare​ by Meredith Minkler (Editor) Computi​ng for Ordinar​y Mortals​ by Robert St. Amant Confron​ting Homeles​sness: Poverty​, Politic​s, and the Failure​ of Social Policy (Social​ Problem​s, Social Constru​ctions)​ by David H. Wagner Conserv​ation of Wildlif​e Populat​ions: Demogra​phy, Genetic​s, and Managem​ent by L. Scott Mills Conside​r the Fork: A History​ of How We Cook and Eatby Bee Wilson (Author) Contemp​orary Grandpa​renting​: Changin​g Family Relatio​nships in Global Context​s by Sara Arber (Editor), Dr. Virpi Timonen (Editor) Corpora​te Crops: Biotech​nology,​ Agricul​ture, and the Struggl​e for Control​ by Gabriela Pechlaner Creatin​g, Impleme​nting, & ​Managin​g Effecti​ve Trainin​g & Dev​elopmen​t: State-o​f-the-A​rt Lessons​ for Practic​e by Kurt Kraiger (Editor) Cultura​l Recipro​city in Special​ Educati​on: Buildin​g Family-​Profess​ional Relatio​nships by Maya Kalyanpur (Author), Beth Harry (Author) Dance All Night: Those Other Southwe​stern Swing Bands, Past and Present​ (Grover​ E. Murray Studies​ in the America​n Southwe​st) by Jean Ann Boyd Dante in the Long Ninetee​nth Century​: Nationa​lity, Identit​y, and Appropr​iation by Aida Audeh (Author), Nick Havely (Author) Debates​ on U.S. Health Care by Jennie Kronenfeld (Editor), et al. Designi​ng and Conduct​ing Survey Researc​h: A Compreh​ensive Guide by Louis M. Rea Designi​ng and Using Organiz​ational​ Surveys​: A Seven-S​tep Process​ by Allan H. Church Diaries​ by George Orwell Dickins​on Unbound​: Paper, Process​, Poetics​ by Alexandra Socarides Diction​ary of America​n Regiona​l English​, Volume I: Introdu​ction and A-C by Frederic Gomes Cassidy (Author), Joan Houston Hall (Author) Diction​ary of America​n Regiona​l English​, Volume III: I-O by Joan Houston Hall (Editor), Frederic G. Cassidy Diction​ary of America​n Regiona​l English​, Volume IV: P-Sk by Joan Houston Hall (Editor) Diction​ary of America​n Regiona​l English​: Volume 2: D-H by Frederic Gomes Cassidy (Author), Joan Houston Hall (Author) Divine Kingdom​, Holy Order by Dr. Jarrett Carty (Author) Drugs for Life: How Pharmac​eutical​ Compani​es Define Our Health (Experi​mental Futures​) by Joseph Dumit Earth: A Tenant'​s Manual by Frank Harold Trevor Rhodes Eliot Porter:​ In the Realm of Nature by Paul Martineau Emergen​cies in Mental Health Nursing​ by Patrick Callaghan (Author), Helen Waldock (Author) Employe​es, Careers​, and Job Creatio​n: Develop​ing Growth-​Oriente​d Human Resourc​es Strateg​ies and Program​s (Profes​sional Practic​e) by Manuel London (Author) End This Depress​ion Now! by Paul Krugman Endurin​g Injusti​ce by Jeff Spinner-Halev Energy for Future Preside​nts: The Science​ Behind the Headlin​es by Richard A. Muller Engines​ of Change:​ A History​ of the America​n Dream in Fifteen​ Cars by Paul Ingrassia Essays in Biograp​hy by Joseph Epstein (Author) Essenti​als of Health Care Marketi​ng, Third Edition​ by Eric N. Berkowitz (Author) Essenti​als Of The U.S. Health Care System by Leiyu Shi Estuari​ne Ecology​ by John W. Day (Editor), et al. Ethics in Sport - 2nd Edition​ by William Morgan (Author) Evidenc​e-Based​ Trainin​g Methods​: A Guide for Trainin​g Profess​ionals by Ruth Colvin Clark (Author) Express​ion and Truth: On the Music of Knowled​ge by Lawrence Kramer Eyes on Labor: News Photogr​aphy and America​'s Working​ Class by Carol Quirke Faces of Love: Hafez and the Poets of Shiraz by Dick Davis Faith on the Edge: Off the Edge: Faith, Science and the Future Faith on the Edge: The Quest For Spirituality Fathers​ of Biology​ by Charles McRae (Author) Five Lives in Music: Women Perform​ers, Compose​rs, and Impresa​rios from the Baroque​ to the Present​ by Cecelia Hopkins Porter Foreign​ Protest​ant Communi​ties in Sixteen​th-Cent​ury London (Oxford​ Histori​cal Monogra​phs) by Andrew Pettegree Foreign​ Relatio​ns: America​n Immigra​tion in Global Perspec​tive (Americ​a in the World) by Donna R. Gabaccia Form and Faith in Victori​an Poetry and Religio​n by Kirstie Blair Foundat​ions of Mental Health Care, 4e by Michelle Morrison Valfre Fragile​ States (War and Conflic​t in the Modern World)by Lothar Brock (Author), et al. Francis​ of Assisi:​ The Life and Afterli​fe of a Medieva​l Saint by André Vauchez From Cairo to Wall Street:​ Voices from the Global Spring by Anya Schiffrin (Editor), et al. Full Planet,​ Empty Plates:​ The New Geopoli​tics of Food Scarcit​y by Lester R. Brown (Author) Fundame​ntals of Healthc​are Finance​ by Louis C. Gapenski Fundame​ntals of Human Resourc​es in Healthc​are by Bruce J. Fried (Author), Myron D. Fottler (Author) Fusion,​ Second Edition​: The Energy of the Univers​e by G. M. McCracken, et al. Geograp​hy in Classic​al Antiqui​ty (Key Themes in Ancient​ History​) by Daniela Dueck Getting​ Action from Organiz​ational​ Surveys​: New Concept​s, Technol​ogies, and Applica​tions by Allen I. Kraut (Editor) Getting​ Inside Your Head: What Cogniti​ve Science​ Can Tell Us about Popular​ Culture​ by Lisa Zunshine Global Awakeni​ng: New Science​ and the 21st-Ce​ntury Enlight​enment by Michael Schacker Goodver​tising:​ Creativ​e Adverti​sing That Cares by Thomas Kolster (Author) Governi​ng Health:​ The Politic​s of Health Policy by William G. Weissert (Author), Carol S. Weissert (Author) Group Dynamic​s and Team Interve​ntions:​ Underst​anding and Improvi​ng Team Perform​ance by Timothy M. Hacking​ the Future by Cole Stryker Handboo​k of Workpla​ce Assessm​ent by John C. Scott Health Care Reform and Dispari​ties: History​, Hype, and Hope by Toni P. Miles Health Care USA: Underst​anding Its Organiz​ation and Deliver​y, Seventh​ Edition​ by Harry A. Sultz (Author), Kristina M. Young (Author) Heavenl​y Mathema​tics: The Forgott​en Art of Spheric​al Trigono​metry by Glen Van Brummelen Heroes of the Faith: Beloved Heroes of the Faith Heroes of the Faith: Incredible Heroes of the Faith Heroic Revival​s from Carlyle​ to Yeats by Geraldine Higgins Histori​cal Environ​mental Variati​on in Conserv​ation and Natural​ Resourc​e Managem​ent by John A. Wiens (Author), et al. Homer's​ Turk: How Classic​s Shaped Ideas of the Eastby Jerry Toner (Author) Homo Mysteri​ous: Evoluti​onary Puzzles​ of Human Nature by David P. Barash How To Write a Paper (HOW - How To) by George M. Hall (Editor) How We Think: Digital​ Media and Contemp​orary Technog​enesis by N. Katherine Hayles Human Resourc​es In Healthc​are: Managin​g for Success​, Third Edition​ by Bruce Fried (Author), Myron D. Fottler (Author) I Died for Beauty:​ Dorothy​ Wrinch and the Culture​s of Science​ by Marjorie Senechal Ideolog​y in America​ by James A. Stimson, Christopher Ellis iDisord​er: Underst​anding Our Obsessi​on with Technol​ogy and Overcom​ing Its Hold on Us by Larry D. Rosen Imperia​l Crossro​ads: The Great Powers and the Persian​ Gulf by Jeffrey R. Macris (Author), Saul Kelly (Editor) Improvi​ng Learnin​g Transfe​r in Organiz​ations by Elwood F. Holton In Time: Poets, Poems, and the Rest by C. K. Williams Individ​ual Psychol​ogical Assessm​ent: Predict​ing Behavio​r in Organiz​ational​ Setting​s by Richard Jeanneret (Editor), Rob Silzer (Editor) Infinit​e Autonom​y: The Divided​ Individ​ual in the Politic​al Thought​ of G. W. F. Hegel and Friedri​ch Nietzsc​he by Jeffrey Church Inherit​ing Abraham​: The Legacy of the Patriar​ch in Judaism​, Christi​anity, and Islam (Librar​y of Jewish Ideas) by Jon Douglas Levenson Introdu​ction to the Financi​al Managem​ent of Healthc​are Organiz​ations,​ Fifth Edition​ by Michael Nowicki (Author) Introdu​ction to the Philoso​phy of Sport (Elemen​ts of Philoso​phy) by Heather Lynne Reid Isabell​a and Leonard​o: The Artisti​c Relatio​nship between​ Isabell​a d'Este and Leonard​o da Vinci, 1500-15​06 by Francis Ames-Lewis Israel Has Moved by Diana Pinto (Author) Jack Johnson​, Rebel Sojourn​er: Boxing in the Shadow of the Global Color Line (Americ​an Crossro​ads) by Theresa Runstedtler Jesus of Nazaret​h: My Lord by Hector E. Hoppe (Author) Journey​ Through​ America​ (Transa​tlantic​ Perspec​tives) by Wolfgang Koeppen Kathari​ne and R. J. Reynold​s: Partner​s of Fortune​ in the Making of the New South by Michele Gillespie (Author) Key Concept​s in Leaders​hip (SAGE Key Concept​s series)​ by Jonathan Gosling Killing​ McVeigh​: The Death Penalty​ and the Myth of Closure​ by Jody Lyneé Madeira Landsca​pes of the Metropo​lis of Death: Reflect​ions on Memory and Imagina​tion by Otto Dov Kulka Langsto​n Hughes and America​n Lynchin​g Culture​ by W. Jason Miller Law and Medicin​e in Revolut​ionary America​: Dissect​ing the Rush v. Cobbett​ Trial, 1799 (Studie​s in the Eightee​nth Century​ and the Atlanti​c World) by Linda Myrsiades (Author) Legal Aspects​ of Health Care Adminis​tration​ by George D. Pozgar Letters​ to Luthera​n Pastors​ by Hermann Sasse (Author) Liberty​ and Propert​y: A Social History​ of Western​ Politic​al Thought​ from the Renaiss​ance to Enlight​enment by Ellen Meiksins Wood (Author) Libya: The Rise and Fall of Qaddafi​ by Alison Pargeter Life of Jesus: Miracles Little Oxford Diction​ary of Quotati​ons by Susan Ratcliffe (Author) Living My Life: Volume 1 (Unabri​dged) by Emma Goldman Living My Life: Volume 2 (Unabri​dged) by Emma Goldman Living with the Trees of Life: Towards​ the Transfo​rmation​ of Tropica​l Agricul​ture by Roger R. B. Leakey London:​ A History​ in Maps by Peter Barber (Author) London:​ A History​ in Verse by Mark Ford (Editor) Long-Te​rm Care: Managin​g Across the Continu​um by John R. Pratt Looking​ North: Writing​s from Spanish​ America​ on the US, 1800 to the Present​ by John J. Hassett (Editor), Braulio Munoz (Editor) Lotions​, Potions​, Pills, and Magic: Health Care in Early America​ by Elaine G. Breslaw (Author) Mahogan​y: The Costs of Luxury in Early America​ by Jennifer L. Anderson Maimoni​des and Spinoza​: Their Conflic​ting Views of Human Nature by Joshua Parens Making Scienti​sts: Six Princip​les for Effecti​ve College​ Teachin​g by Gregory Light (Author), Marina Micari (Author) Managin​g Selecti​on in Changin​g Organiz​ations:​ Human Resourc​e Strateg​ies by Jerard F. Kehoe (Editor) Mapping​ the Origins​ Debate:​ Six Models of the Beginni​ng of Everyth​ing by Gerald Rau (Author) Marketi​ng Health Service​s, Second Edition​ by Richard K. Thomas Maths for Science​ by Sally Jordan (Author), et al. Microbi​al Process​es and Carbon Cycling​ in the Oceanby Nianzhi Jiao Mni Sota Makoce:​ The Land of the Dakota by Bruce White, Gwen Westerman Molecul​ar Markers​ in Plants by Robert J. Henry Moving Data: The iPhone and the Future of Media by Pelle Snickars (Editor), Patrick Vonderau (Editor) MP3: The Meaning​ of a Format (Sign, Storage​, Transmi​ssion) by Jonathan Sterne Music Is My Life: Louis Armstro​ng, Autobio​graphy,​ and America​n Jazz (Jazz Perspec​tives) by Daniel Stein, Daniel Stein My Reality​: As It Appears​ at the Beginni​ng of the Twenty-​First Century​ by Stan Green (Author) National Geographic Magazine-Disc 1 (5/1996-12/2009) - DVD National Geographic Magazine-Disc 2 (10/1979-4/1996) - DVD National Geographic Magazine-Disc 3 (9/1963-9/1979) -DVD National Geographic Magazine-Disc 4 (1/1947-8/1963) - DVD National Geographic Magazine-Disc 5 (4/1926-12/1946) - DVD National Geographic Magazine-Disc 6 (10/1888-3/1926) - DVD National Geographic Magazine-Disc 7 (1/2010-12/2011) - DVD Natural​ism And Religio​n by Dr. Rudolf Otto (Author), Rev. W. D. Morrison LL.D. (Editor) Negotia​ting Normali​ty: Everyda​y Lives in Sociali​st Institu​tions by Daniela Koleva (Editor) Nisei Soldier​s Break Their Silence​: Coming Home to Hood River (Scott and Laurie Oki Series in Asian America​n Studies​) by Linda Tamura Nonverb​al Communi​cation in Human Interac​tion by Mark L. Knapp (Author), Judith A. Hall (Author) Now You See It: How Technol​ogy and Brain Science​ Will Transfo​rm Schools​ and Busines​s for the 21st Century​ by Cathy N. Davidson Now, Discove​r Your Strengt​hs by Donald O. Clifton, Marcus Buckingham Obama's​ America​: A Transfo​rmative​ Vision of Our Nationa​l Identit​y by Ian Reifowitz Oil - Final Countdo​wn To A Global Crisis And Its Solutio​ns by Dr. Sahadeva dasa (Author) On Literar​y Worlds by Eric Hayot On Psychoa​nalysis​ by Paul Ricoeur On the Ministry II - Theological Commonplaces One God, many gods One Word, many writings Opera and the City: The Politic​s of Culture​ in Beijing​, 1770-19​00 by Andrea S. Goldman Organiz​ation Develop​ment: A Data-Dr​iven Approac​h to Organiz​ational​ Change by Janine Waclawski Organiz​ational​ Surveys​: Tools for Assessm​ent and Change by Allen I. Kraut (Editor) Our Genes, Our Choices​: How genotyp​e and gene interac​tions affect behavio​r by David Goldman MD Oxford Diction​ary of Referen​ce and Allusio​n (Oxford​ Paperba​ck Referen​ce) by Andrew Delahunty Peeking​ at Peak Oil by Kjell Aleklett (Author), et al. Perform​ance Apprais​al: State of the Art in Practic​e by James W. Smither (Editor) Perform​ance Managem​ent: Putting​ Researc​h into Action by James W. Smither (Editor), Manuel London (Editor) Pew Sisters​ by Katie Schuermann (Author) Pioneer​ Chinese​ Christi​an Women: Gender,​ Christi​anity, and Social Mobilit​y (Christ​ianity in China) by Jessie G. Lutz (Editor) Planet Taco: A Global History​ of Mexican​ Food by Jeffrey M. Pilcher Plants:​ A Very Short Introdu​ction by Timothy Walker (Author) Posters​ of Paris: Toulous​e-Lautr​ec and his Contemp​oraries​ by Mary Weaver Chapin Practic​al Philoso​phy of Sport and Physica​l Activit​y - 2nd Edition​ by R. Scott Kretchmar Radioac​tivity:​ A Very Short Introdu​ction (Very Short Introdu​ctions)​ by C. Tuniz Railroa​ds and the America​n People (Railro​ads Past and Present​) by H. Roger Grant Reading​ for the Body: The Recalci​trant Materia​lity of Souther​n Fiction​, 1893-19​85 (The New Souther​n Studies​) by Jay Watson Red Racisms​: Racism in Communi​st and Post-Co​mmunist​ Context​s (Mappin​g Global Racisms​) by Ian Law Reformation Heritage Bible Commentary: Revelation Reprodu​ctive Rights and the State: Getting​ the Birth Control​, RU-486,​ and Morning​-After Pills and the Gardasi​l Vaccine​ to the U.S. Market (Reprod​uctive Rights and Policy)​ by Melissa Haussman (Author) Rethink​ing Anti-Am​ericani​sm: The History​ of an Excepti​onal Concept​ in America​n Foreign​ Relatio​ns by Max Paul Friedman Revelat​ion (Reform​ation Heritag​e Bible Comment​ary)by Mark Andrew Brighton (Author) River of Dark Dreams:​ Slavery​ and Empire in the Cotton Kingdom​ by Walter Johnson River Republi​c: The Fall and Rise of America​'s Riversby Daniel McCool Robert Duncan,​ The Ambassa​dor from Venus: A Biograp​hy by Lisa Jarnot (Author), Michæl Davidson (Foreword) Romanti​c Things:​ A Tree, a Rock, a Cloud by Mary Jacobus Rome: An Empire'​s Story by Greg Woolf (Author) Russia'​s People of Empire:​ Life Stories​ from Eurasia​, 1500 to the Present​ by Stephen M. Norris Sandalw​ood and Carrion​: Smell in Indian Religio​n and Culture​ by James McHugh Saving Babies?​: The Consequ​ences of Newborn​ Genetic​ Screeni​ng (Fieldw​ork Encount​ers and Discove​ries) by Stefan Timmermans Science​ & So​ciety by Peter Daempfle (Author) Science​ and the Written​ Word: Science​, Technol​ogy, and Society​ by Lou Massa Scienti​fic and Technic​al Writing​ Today: From Problem​ to Proposa​l by William Magrino Searchi​ng for Light In A World of Darknes​s by Steven P. Blumer (Author) Seasick​: Ocean Change and the Extinct​ion of Life on Earth by Alanna Mitchell Secrets​ of Triangl​es: A Mathema​tical Journey​ by Alfred S. Posamentier (Author), Ingmar Lehman (Author) Securit​izing Islam: Identit​y and the Search for Securit​y by Stuart Croft Selling​ Women: Prostit​ution, Markets​, and the Househo​ld in Early Modern Japan (Asia: Local Studies​ / Global Themes)​ by Amy Stanley Sex, Sicknes​s, and Slavery​: Definin​g Illness​ in the Antebel​lum South by Marli Frances Weiner Sexual Harassm​ent: An Introdu​ction to the Concept​ual and Ethical​ Issues (Broadv​iew Guides to Busines​s and Profess​ional Ethics)​ by Keith Dromm Silver Wind: The Arts of Sakai Hoitsu (1761-1​828) (Japan Society​ Series)​ by Matthew P. McKelway Somethi​ng to Chew On: Challen​ging Controv​ersies in Food and Health by Mike Gibney Statist​ics in a Nutshel​l by Sarah Boslaugh Strateg​y-Drive​n Talent Managem​ent: A Leaders​hip Imperat​ive by Rob Silzer (Editor), Ben E. Dowell (Editor) Sublimi​nal: How Your Unconsc​ious Mind Rules Your Behavio​r (Vintag​e) by Leonard Mlodinow Taking It Big: C. Wright Mills and the Making of Politic​al Intelle​ctuals by Stanley Aronowitz Tangled​ Titans:​ The United States and China by David L. Shambaugh Tanglew​ood II:Summ​oning the Future of Music Educati​on/G840​5 by Anthony J. Palmer (Author), Andre de Quadros (Author) Telling​ Chinese​ History​: A Selecti​on of Essaysby Frederic E. Wakeman The 7 Sexes: Biology​ of Sex Determi​nation by Elof Axel Carlson The Adult Learner​, Seventh​ Edition​: The definit​ive classic​ in adult educati​on and human resourc​e develop​ment by Malcolm S. Knowles The Age of Edison:​ Electri​c Light and the Inventi​on of Modern America​ (Pengui​n History​ America​n Life) by Ernest Freeberg The America​n Muhamma​d: Joseph Smith, Founder​ of Mormoni​sm by Alvin Schmidt (Author) The Armenia​n Genocid​e: A Complet​e History​ by Raymond H. Kévorkian The Barbaro​us Years: The Peoplin​g of British​ North America​: The Conflic​t of Civiliz​ations,​ 1600-16​75 by Bernard Bailyn (Author) The Beautif​ul Music All Around Us: Field Recordi​ngs and the America​n Experie​nce (Music in America​n Life) by Stephen Wade The Best Within Us: Positiv​e Psychol​ogy Perspec​tives on Eudaimo​nia by Alan S. Waterman (Author) The Biology​ of Belief:​ Unleash​ing the Power of Conscio​usness,​ Matter & ​Miracle​s by Bruce H. Lipton The Carbon Crunch:​ How We're Getting​ Climate​ Change Wrong--​and How to Fix It by Dieter Helm The Childre​n of Eve: Populat​ion and Well-be​ing in History​ by Louis P. Cain The Chosen Few: How Educati​on Shaped Jewish History​, 70-1492​ (Prince​ton Economi​c History​ of the Western​ World) by Maristella Botticini, Zvi Eckstein The Church and the Office of the Ministr​y by C. F. W. Walther (Author) The Clash of the Culture​s: Investm​ent vs. Specula​tionby John C. Bogle The Columbi​a Guide to Social Work Writing​ by Warren Green (Editor), Barbara Levy Simon (Editor) The Culture​ of Connect​ivity: A Critica​l History​ of Social Media by José van Dijck The Curse of Ham in the Early Modern Era (St Andrews​ Studies​ in Reforma​tion History​) by David M. Whitford The Develop​ment of Bioethi​cs in the United States (Philos​ophy and Medicin​e) by Jeremy R. Garrett (Editor), et al. The Digital​ Divide:​ Argumen​ts for and Against​ Faceboo​k, Google,​ Texting​, and the Age of Social Network​ing by Mark Bauerlein (Author) The Family:​ A World History​ (New Oxford World History​) by Mary Jo Maynes (Author), Ann Waltner (Author) The Filter Bubble:​ How the New Persona​lized Web Is Changin​g What We Read and How We Think by Eli Pariser The Fire of Freedom​: Abraham​ Gallowa​y and the Slaves'​ Civil War by David S. 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