December 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1839 few key provisions in this legislation that set The bill also extends the Internet Tax Free- —The agreement rejects a House rider to the stage for future productive efforts, such as dom Act till October 1, 2015, which is a mora- defund grants to state or local law enforce- animal welfare enforcement funding and lan- torium on state and local taxation of Internet ment on the basis of local immigration policy. guage restricting funding for horse slaughter. access and on multiple or discriminatory taxes —The agreement rejects a House rider pro- These and other positive provisions, how- on electronic commerce, and which includes hibiting the Department of Justice from enforc- ever, in no way offset the harm caused by the grandfather protections. ing certain parts of the Fair Housing Act. many destructive elements and the horrible In addition, the bill includes various riders, LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION precedent set for future action. A Republican some of which are harmful. Fortunately, the Funding: $375 million, which is $10 million House majority that campaigned on promises final version of H.R. 83 does not include nu- above the enacted 2014 level. to reform and respect the process has instead merous House-proposed riders that would FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION abased it. A massive bill released too late to have impeded the Environmental Protection Funding: $293 million, which is $5 million read, let alone understand, makes a mockery Agency’s regulatory authority to ensure the below the 2014 enacted level but reflects one- of their promises and I refuse to support it. safety of our Nation’s air and water. time moving expenses for 2014. f Further, H.R. 83 attempts to prevent the im- plementation of an initiative legalizing rec- ADMINISTRATIVE CONFERENCE OF THE INSULAR AREAS AND FREELY AS- reational use of marijuana in the District of Co- Funding: $3.1 million, which is $.1 million SOCIATED STATES ENERGY DE- lumbia by prohibiting the use of any funds to above the 2014 enacted level. VELOPMENT ‘‘enact any law, rule, or regulation’’ for such OTHER MATTERS Abortion SPEECH OF purpose. It is my understanding, however, that as this initiative has already been enacted, no —The agreement does not include a House HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. further funds are needed for it to go into ef- rider prohibiting funds to subsidize abortion OF fect. Thus, the bill’s restriction has no legal ef- services in connection with a multi-state plan IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fect on the initiative. offered under the ex- Thursday, December 11, 2014 The following summarizes the bill’s principal changes negotiated by OPM. provisions pertaining to the Judiciary Commit- SURVEILLANCE Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in oppo- tee’s jurisdiction: sition to H.R. 83, Consolidated and Further —The agreement does not include signifi- JUDICIARY cant House-passed reforms on government Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015, and to Funding: $6.7 billion for the Judiciary, which set forth my views on certain matters con- surveillance activities conducted by the Na- is $182 million more than the 2014 enacted tional Security Agency, but instead retains cur- cerning or relating to the jurisdiction of the level; the $182 million increase is $1 million Committee on the Judiciary. While the bill rent law. less than the Judiciary’s request. HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATORY CONCERNS does fund many agencies and programs within Riders: 10 temporary district judgeships —The agreement does not include a House the Judiciary Committee’s jurisdiction at the were extended for 1 year; no funding for new policy rider prohibiting EPA’s Clean Power 2014 enacted level or higher through Sep- courthouse construction until the General tember 2015, H.R. 83 funds the Department of Plan Proposed Rule. Services Administration completes a feasibility —The agreement does not include a House Homeland Security (DHS) only through Feb- study. ruary 27, 2015 because of the Republican policy rider prohibiting EPA’s rule clarifying U.S. PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE which waters are protected by the Clean Leadership’s opposition to the President’s ac- Funding: $3.5 billion for the U.S. Patent and Water Act. tions on immigration. By restricting funding to Trademark Office (USPTO), which is equal to —The agreement does not include a House DHS to a highly limited duration, this measure CBO’s projection of USPTO’s FY 2015 fee policy rider prohibiting EPA from changing the is not only short-sighted and irresponsible, but revenue collections, and $434 million above way discharge of fill material is regulated. potentially harmful to all Americans. the 2014 enacted level. H.R. 83, by providing short-term funding to —The agreement includes a House policy DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE rider prohibiting regulation of lead in ammuni- DHS, makes it nearly impossible for the agen- Funding: cy to pursue long-term strategies to ensure —$8.44 billion for the Federal Bureau of In- tion. —The agreement includes a House policy the safety and security of our Nation. The bill vestigation, which is $93.3 million more than rider prohibiting the issuance of final and pro- jeopardizes many critical functions of DHS, in- the 2014 enacted level. cluding developing technologies to prevent fu- —$2.03 billion for the Drug Enforcement posed rules related to Sage Grouse under the ture terrorism attacks and securing the Inter- Agency, which is $15.3 million more than the Endangered Species Act. net to fight various cyber crimes such as iden- 2014 enacted level. —The agreement does not include a House tity theft and financial fraud. It also under- —$1.2 billion for the Bureau of Alcohol, To- policy rider prohibiting EPA from ensuring min- mines the agency’s Disaster Relief Fund that bacco, Firearms and Explosives, which is $22 ing companies are financially capable of FEMA uses to fund response and recovery ef- million more than the 2014 enacted level. cleaning up pollution rather than taxpayers, forts associated with major disasters. Other af- —$6.82 billion for the Bureau of Prisons, but includes report language on the matter. —The agreement does not include a House fected DHS components include the Secret Salaries and Expenses account, which is $46 policy rider prohibiting EPA from enforcing a Service, which protects the President and the million more than the 2014 enacted level. rule on safe removal and renovation of lead White House from attack, and the U.S. Coast —$376 million for Byrne-JAG grants, which paint, but includes report language on the Guard, which provides essential operations, is the same as the 2014 enacted level. —$208 million for the COPS program, which matter. training, and equipment to those who guard is $6 million less than the 2014 enacted level. —The agreement does not include a House our Nation’s waters. —$430 million for Violence Against Women policy rider prohibiting funding for the develop- Essentially, the Majority has bundled with Prevention and Prosecution Programs, which must-pass year-end appropriations legislation ment or revisions of regulations regarding im- is $13 million above the 2014 enacted level. ported ivory. a short-sighted measure intended to lash back —$125 million for the ongoing DNA Initiative at the President’s humanitarian efforts to deal program which funds the testing of sexual as- f with a major immigration crisis. As a result, sault kits, which is the same as the FY 2014 H.R. 83 now puts at risk the ability of the DHS enacted level and $25 million above the re- THE FALSE ECONOMICS OF THE and its thousands of dedicated employees to quest. In addition, $41 million is included for CROMNIBUS BILL protect all Americans from terrorism, disaster, the new Community Sexual Assault Kit Back- and crime. log Reduction program. HON. STEVE STOCKMAN With respect to other agencies and pro- —$73 million for the National Instant Crimi- OF grams that fall within the Judiciary Commit- nal Background Check System (NICS), which IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tee’s authorization jurisdiction, H.R. 83 appro- is $14.5 million more than the 2014 enacted Friday, December 12, 2014 priates funding in most instances above 2014 level and $18 million more than the request. enacted levels. Nevertheless, I am dis- Riders: Mr. STOCKMAN. Mr. Speaker, in the 11th appointed that the bill reduces funding for the —The agreement rejects House policy rid- Century, King Canute proved his humility by COPS Program—a very effective initiative to ers to: 1) block reporting requirements on mul- ordering the tides from not coming in, yet the reduce crime by putting more police on the tiple sales of rifles/shotguns to the same per- tides came in without respect to his royal maj- streets and promoting community policing—by son, and 2) make permanent two annual rid- esty. Last night I thought we were experi- $6 million. ers related to firearms. encing another King Canute moment. The

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:03 Dec 14, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12DE8.004 E12DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1840 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 12, 2014 House passed a bill that was to rational eco- D.C., to help organize and host this memorial auditing the books of a rapidly growing, young nomics what King Canute’s order was to the service. Colonel Wangyee Vang, President of company called Columbia Helicopters. That rising tides. the Institute, of Fres- audit introduced him to the company’s found- Perpetuating the overspending and no, and Philip Smith, Washington Director of er, Wes Lematta, a pioneer in the helicopter compounding the debt burden on future gen- the Lao Veterans of America, worked closely operations industry. In 1975, Mike joined Co- erations is not only immoral, it is plain dumb with members of the U.S. Congress, Arlington lumbia Helicopters full time as the company’s policy. National Cemetery, the U.S. Army and Depart- first Director of Finance. He later was named One would have thought that a lesson was ment of Defense, and others, to coordinate the Vice President of Finance, and became Exec- learned when in August of 2011, the United memorial service at the ‘‘ Memorial’’ in utive Vice President in 1997. States’ credit rating was downgraded. But Arlington. A joint U.S. Armed Services Color For the majority of his employment with Co- massive deficits have continued and the bill Guard, the ‘‘Old Guard,’’ and a U.S. Marine lumbia Helicopters, Mike has been involved adopted last night will continue those deficits. Corps Honor Guard provide additional support with contract negotiations for both foreign and Today’s projections say that in the future the for the events, which are attended each year domestic operations, as well as assisting with annual deficit will continue to rise—topping the by a delegation of Lao Hmong veterans from the purchase of aircraft to expand the com- trillion dollar mark in under ten years. the Central Valley. A U.S. Army wreath-bearer pany’s fleet of heavy-lift helicopters. One of Now we know that these deficits are ulti- and bugler contribute additional meaning to Mike’s happiest memories was when the com- mately unsustainable and a crunch will come. this moving ceremony. These important pany purchased two Chinook helicopters from One scenario is that much of the federal debt events, which my office has attended over the tycoon businessman in 1993. will be wiped away by inflating the dollar. years, seek to honor the Lao and Hmong vet- Mike always felt the company got the best end Meaning that a dollar of debt today could be erans and their U.S. Special Forces and CIA of the bargain because he’d read Trump’s paid off with a penny of real money. This clandestine advisers. book ‘‘The Art of the Deal’’ and anticipated a would have some rather serious side effects As always, I am grateful and proud of the negotiating tactic that Trump attempted to use. such as the destruction of much of the wealth historic and ongoing contributions of the Mike won that deal, Donald. of the U.S. and every other nation. It would Laotian- and Hmong-American community in In the late 1990s and throughout the 2000s, mean economic collapse and the destruction the San Joaquin Valley and across the United Mike took an active role in promoting legisla- of world trade. States. We must not forget how Hmong vet- tion that would improve forest health. Like Other side effects that the Congress risks erans have sacrificed and struggled to help most of us from the West, Mike believes that by passing legislation like the bill we consid- the United States during and after the war. proper forest management is key to maintain- ered last night are the collapse of the social These brave individuals have truly made the ing good forest health. The company’s ‘‘selec- safety net on which our elderly and disabled San Joaquin Valley a better place. tive harvesting’’ system uses Columbia’s heli- population depends. I have a one-hundred tril- Many of my colleagues in the U.S. House copters to remove only a portion of the timber, lion dollar bill—and it can’t buy a loaf of bread. and Senate have been supportive of my creating natural forest spacing and improving It is a Zimbabwe bill and that nation’s eco- steadfast efforts to introduce and advance the the overall health of the forest. nomic policies are what we seem to be trying Hmong Veterans’ Service Recognition Act In 1999, Mike was named President of Co- to emulate. (H.R. 3369), which continues to gain strong bi- lumbia Helicopters, a position he held until But my listing of the effects of fiscal (and partisan support in Congress. I wish to thank 2013 when he was named CEO. Perhaps his monetary) incontinence is not the first in this the many Senators and Members of Congress greatest achievement during that period was Chamber. And that is the great tragedy. It is for standing alongside me in this worthy effort. the acquisition of the Type Certificates for the like the captain of the Titanic knew about the I must also thank the Hmong veterans and Boeing 234 commercial Chinook helicopter, iceberg the previous day and continued his Hmong-American community, who seek to and for the Boeing Vertol 107–II helicopter. course which he knew would end in catas- honor their veterans and historic legacy. It is This is the equivalent of Chevrolet selling the trophe. my hope that this legislation will continue to engineering and manufacturing rights to the I hope and pray that the members of the progress as more of my colleagues in the Corvette to a small business. Today these next Congress will change course. I have Congress and the public become aware of the heavy-lift helicopters are identified as the Co- done my work to change that course, and I unique and important contribution that the lumbia Model 234 Chinook and the Columbia will continue to work to change U.S. economic have made, and continue to 107–II, and Columbia Helicopters is the world policy from outside these walls. God bless make, to our nation. leader in commercial heavy-lift helicopter oper- America, and God help us. f ations. The company currently has aircraft f TRIBUTE TO MIKE FAHEY working around the world: supporting military RECOGNIZING THE LAO AND operations in Afghanistan, moving petroleum HMONG-AMERICAN COMMUNITY exploration equipment in Peru and Papua New HON. GREG WALDEN Guinea, logging and construction projects in OF OREGON HON. JIM COSTA Canada and domestic operations in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES westem United States. OF CALIFORNIA Friday, December 12, 2014 Throughout the years, Mike has always IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to been a dedicated supporter of numerous char- Friday, December 12, 2014 recognize my very good friend, Mike Fahey, ities and organizations, whether local, national Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to for his many years as a leading Oregon busi- or global in scale. He has supported Lines for recognize and express my appreciation to the ness executive and advocate of forest health. Life, a non-profit organization dedicated to Lao and Hmong-American community in Cali- Mike is retiring this month as CEO of Colum- preventing substance abuse and suicide in fornia’s 16th Congressional District and across bia Helicopters, where he has loyally served in youths and the military; Medical Teams Inter- the country, especially the veterans and their numerous executive roles for nearly 40 years. national, a global health organization working families. It is important to note their historic As his career at Columbia Helicopters winds to provide care to people affected by disaster, and positive contributions to California’s San down, I’d like to take a moment to pay tribute conflict and poverty; the Providence Medical Joaquin Valley and their critical sacrifices in to his significant contributions to Oregon and Foundation and Providence Child Care; and support of the United States during the Viet- the aerospace industry. the American Heart Association. He also cur- nam War. A native Oregonian, Mike was born in Or- rently serves on the Board of Directors for the This year, my Congressional office was egon City and attended local public schools. Oregon Forest Industries Council. pleased to once again attend the memorial He graduated from Portland State University in More than anything else, Mike is a devoted ceremonies held this past May in Arlington 1966 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Ac- and loving family man. He married his wife National Cemetery to honor those who served counting, with Honors. His studies emphasized Penny in 1964 in Lake Oswego, Oregon, during the as well as their ref- economics and finance, subjects that would where they still maintain a home. They have ugee families who were resettled in America prove to be crucial later in life when he took three children, Michael Fahey II, Holly following the end of the conflict. the helm of a company with global operations. Bellavara and Elizabeth Tobin, and they have Each year, since May 1997, constituents In 1966, Mike began working for the ac- six grandchildren. Mike will finally get to spend from my district in the San Joaquin Valley counting firm of Arthur Young & Company, more time with his family in retirement, but I travel a very long distance to Washington, and in 1968 he began a three-year project, expect he will still find time to hit the links with

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:03 Dec 14, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12DE8.006 E12DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS