2 4 — THE HERALD. Sat.. April 25. 1881

American Sands slips closer to death Cancer Society British arresting IRA sympathizers / BELFAST, Northern Ireland march by about 20,000 people (UPI) — The sister of IRA activist through the Roman Catholic sector Bobby Sands said today her brother of the riot-scarred city had been reduced to a “grotesque Conservative Member of F’arlia- physical parody” of the man who ment Barry Porter, an outspoken Manchaatar, ‘ Conn. Monday April 27, 1981 25 Cants began his hunger strike 58 days ago. IRA opponent, received a letter Sands' supporters said British bomb he believed came from sup­ security forces were rounding up porters of the hunger striker The political activists and sympathizers device was defused and police in anticipation of his death. Police warned public figures to look out for spokesman said "a number of per­ suspicious packages in the mail sons" were being detained, but they “They're damned cowards ~ rats declined to elaborate. from the sewers," Porter said of the Sands' sister, Marcella, said her IRA. 27-year-old brother had fallen from In Belfast, about 20,000 people 154 pounds to 98 pounds since he marched through the Homan MAKE began fasting in a demand for Catholic sector of the riot-scarred political prisoner status. city in Sunday's wintry weather to Sands' physical condition now is rally support for Sands' demands for “a grotesque parody of the full- political status for IRA prisoneis faced, blond, long-haired youth a demand flatly turned down by Bri­ whose picture has appeared in tain, which now rules .Northern newspapers and posters,” an H- Ireland directly and has outlawed Block Oimmittee spokesman said, the IRA. quoting Sands' sister. “He has sunken cheeks and his bones are “I say to mother England, il Boti- sticking out through his skin. by Sands dies, the might ol the peo­ Although he can still move his ple will demonstrate you have limbs, his eyesight and hearing are forfeited any right you ever had to diminishing fast.” govern Ireland we will drive you A DIFFERENCE to the boats," Mrs. .MeAliskey said Doctors told his family that Sands There are the RESEARCHERS. Because of almost died Saturday night. in a speech. you, they can continue their work to find the And the p u C A T O R S . Because of you, they The Northern Ireland Office, She also warned the Irish will be able to spread the word on how peonle Britain's governing arm in the republic, to the south, that if Sands causes, preventions and cures for cancer. region, said it had no plans to died the ruling Fiatia Kail Party can guard their own lives against cancer transfer Sands to an outside hospital “will never govern again " And the PATIENTS. Because of you, they will and denied local news reports that “Victory for the prisoners and life he was “slipping in and out of a com- to Bobby Sands, " she declared to have the care and support they need in order to SoriFTv®nr AMERICAN CANCER a." loud cheers Without you we would not A spokesman for the H-Block In London, police arrested 4.') peo­ fight for their lives. Committee, an organization suppor­ ple in two demonstrations by about be able to continue working towards our goal— ting demands for political status by 600 Sands' .supporters, who charged Then, the PHYSICIANS. Because of you, they IRA convicts in the H-shaped wings down a shopping street in defiance the savings of lives. of the Maze Prison near Belfast, of a ban on marches. A handful also will have up-to-date information on how best to said some activists had eluded were arrested outside Prime treat their patients. authorities trying to arrest them. Minister Margaret Thatcher's of­ “About 15 of our members have ficial Downing Street residence. already been arrested and served with 7-^ay orders of detention,” the In an ominous development, a YOU DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE H-Block spokesman said, “Police member of Britain's Parliament missed about 15 others when they received a letter bomb he believed The money you raise this year in the Connec­ called to arrest them. It is an ob­ came from supporters of the hunger vious move to round up our striker. The device was defu.sed and ticut Crusade Against Cancer will do so many members in preparation for Bobby police warned public figures to look Sands’ death.” out for suspicious packages in the things for so many people. Thank you sincerely Bernadette Devlin McAliskey, a mail. — from all of us. former member of the British At the head of Sunday's Belfast Parliament and one of the speakers demonstration, carrying a cloth Sunday at a rally in support of Sands banner declaring "Day 57 Hunger and other Maze hunger strikers, strike, " was Sands' sister Marcella About 20,000 people marched through the Roman Catholic sector of said the British would be driven out n t o She was followed by 41M) women TER® U I ' F THE°AMERICA®N^ TO MEET THE GOAL OF THE MANCHE8- Rally supports Sands Belfast, Northern Ireland, Sunday to rally support for Bobby Sands' of Northern Ireland if any hunger headscarfed against the wintry demands for political prisoner status for IRA prisoners. (UPl photo) striker dies. weather — the mothers of IHA con­ Her warnine came at the end of a victs in jail. This Page Paid For And Sponsored By The Following Civic-Minded ^ ______A Boston schools reopen; future still uncertain MANCHESTER PET CENTER CRNDOS BY CAROL “ Tou Call The ShoU" Quality & Service for your pets BOSTON (UPI) - Boston’s 84,000 Kevin H. White have been unabie to schools open till then. 983 Main Straat MORURTY BROTHERS ficials were pushing for quick him from office. Friday by a state Supreme Court 687 Main Straat “48 Years of Dependable Service" public school students ended a 10- agree on how to fund the remaining Morse became involved in the passage of the measure to give them Harvard Law Professor Charles decision which could eventually cost Manchestar • 648-4273 849-6619 • Manchaatar 318 Cantar Straat day spring vacation and returned to two months of school. case since March, when the state more time to come up with the M. Haar, the special master ap­ the city $90 million in property tax Manchaatar a 843-8138 school today while city officials and Suffolk Superior Court Judge Department of Education filed suit remaining money. pointed by Morse, said he sees hope refunds to busines.ses which claimed a court-appointed master struggled James Morse Jr. threatened Friday against the city to keep classes The City Council has already ap­ for a settlement, but said “it hinges they had been overcharged PRESTIGE PRINTING KRAUSE aOMST t GREHIiniMifC to raise 130 million to keep classes to order the city to take money from operating for the full 180 days proved an $18 million bond package on excluding extraneous items from open beyond Tuesday. other departments unless an agree­ “ IFhen You Want A SUPERIOR JOB!" “Largest Retail Grower In Manchester'' required by state law. to keep the schools open, but the discussion" White's office said after the ruling The city School Department of­ ment is reached by Tuesday after­ 'The state Legislature, meanwhile, 821 Hartford Road SHADY GlEH DARY STORES, RK. legislation was vetoed by White “I can’t see what recall has to do that another $27 million in bonding Main Straat ficially exhausted its |210 million noon. 840 Eaat MIddia Tumpika, and was under pressure to approve a $9.4 because he objected to amendments with the problem of keeping the authority would have to be approved M a i ^ a t a r • 646-6161 Manchaatar • 643-9889 budget April 16, the day the recess White promised at the time to million school aid bill for Boston to which would limit his authority and 360 Waat MIddia Tumpika (Parkada) schools open," he said. by the council immediately to pay began. The City Council and Mayor provide enough money to keep help ease the funding crisis. City of­ permit a recall election to remove The funding crisis was aggravated the court-ordered abatements 849-4248 a Manchaatar J.D. REAL ESTATE ASSOCUTES, INC. HERITAGE SAVIHGS i LOAH ASSOCUTIOH 618 Cantar Straat l0O7 Main Straat Zitser was surprised Manchaatar • 646-1980 Manchaatar • 849-4888 M. SIFFERT APPUANCES, TV-AUMO Today's Herald 448 Hartford Road 647-9997 a Manchaatar HARMSOirS STATIONERS PARKER STREET USED AUTO PAIRS, RNX Counsel fights for his job “For All Your Auto ParU Needs, Come See Vs." “Downtown Main Straat 778 Parkar Straat NKHLAHD PARK MARKET Manchaatar SInca 1945” By JACQUELINE HUARD office had been one of Mrs. Grasso’s Manchaatar • 649-3301 “Choicest Meats In Town" another lawyer; one financial and Fairfield, who said the office could be 646-7272 317 Highland Straat HARTFORD (UPI) - Barry Zitser management consultant, and two absorbed by transferring three of the campaign promises. •33^*77 a Manchaatar had heard rumors about his possible secretarial aides. It has a budget of employees to the Department of Con­ Zitser, former assistant corporation demise but was as surprised as $213,000 of which 70 percent is subsidized sumer Protection. counsel for the city of Hartford, said the WATKHIS BROTHERS, NHL everybody else when the Legislature by the utilities. Zitser said he was caught by surprise staff of four working out of the Depart­ 1. GARMAN, CLOTHIER steamed ahead and eliminated his agen­ The next move came when the House because the bill recommended by ment of Public Utility Control is more 887 Main Straat Known for Quality, Famous for Service Since 1874" 888 Main Straat WILSON ELECTRIC GO. cy to save money. and Senate adopted the budget, minus Nledermeier was never aired at a public than worth the state's investment, 643-2401 a Manchaatar 73 Summit Straat "I have no doubt that we returned hun­ Manchaatar a 843-8171 His $36,074-a-year Job as consumers’ any money for ^ tser and company, last hearing. The committee deliberated and Manchaatar a 949-1418 advocate at utility hearings later was Tuesday. voted on the budget in one, day-long, ses­ dreds of times our budget back to salvaged by a committee in an about The Appropriations Committee the sion. Connecticut utility consumers each Election runoff due CUNUFH MOTOR SALES face, but his head couid be on the block following day voted to keep Zitser's of­ "We had a very, very, short amount of year,” he said, “I think we put up a very this week when the full Legislature good show for the dollars involved." President Valery Discard d'Eslaing and Sociali.';! Routa 83, Talcottvilla fice and pay the state’s 30 percent share time In which to say b

■ .7 2 - THE HERALD. Mon., April 27, 1981 THE HERALD, Mon,, April 2?, 1981 — 3

, J>- •o*TO*i i i Is missing youth

News Briefing 108 ANQELEB^ / LOWEST TEMPERATURES' 27th in Atlanta? 40 V ATLANTA (UPI) — Police today city was criticized for the handling appeared Sept. 14, 1980. delayed a decision on whether a 21- of the Timothy Hill case. Meanwhile, Sharman Meade, an year-old youth who vanished last Hill, 13, was reported missing attorney for 34-year-old Larry [2 3 * Wednesday should be added to the March 11, but because he was Marshall said her client may have UPI WEATHER FOTOCA8T Ev city’s official list of 26 young blacks regarded as a runaway, his case was some information that could be missing or murdered in the past 21 not turned over to the task force un­ helpful in the case. Marshall is being Reagan expects win Labor law drafted months. til his body was fished out of the held in Atlanta on an attempted VTEMP Because Jimmy Ray Payne is Chatahoochee River March 30. robbery charge. WASHINGTON (UPI) — President Reagan expects to WARSAW, Poland (UPI) — Negotiators for the similar in size and age to the three If added to the list, Payne would However, District Attorney Lewis win a series of crucial votes on his major budget most recent young black victims — become the fourth young adult vic­ R. Slaton said Marshall has "to tell government and Solidarity union agreed on the draft of a all adults who have been found slain tim since the body of a 21-year-old proposals in Congress during the next few weeks, a new labor law legalizing the independent labor move­ me something” of value before he spokesman says. ment, capping six months of talks. Weather under similar circumstances in the retarded black man, Eddie "Bubba” will bargain as Marshall wants. Duncan, was pulled from the Chat­ Acting White House press secretary Larry Speakes At the start of a week of meetings that could prove past five weeks — authorities were A woman who told UPI last week said Reagan is “increasingly optimistic” about the out­ crucial to Poland's future, the official news agency PAP considering adding his case to the tahoochee River March 20. that her former boyfriend had look for his economic package on Capitol Hill, adding called the Sunday agreement, which includes recogni­ list of 26 being investigated by a The Duncan case apparently was boasted of four slayings of young the reports from the House and Senate look "extremely tion of a Rural Solidarity farmer’s union, "a com­ special police task force. the start of a new pattern in the blacks, said she had seen Marshall good.” promise.” But FMiblic Safety Commissioner killings. The next two victims also with her ex-boyfriend in Miami. were young black adults. Prior to "We approach these votes with confidence," Speakes Solidarity soures called the outcome of the weekend Lee P. Brown said Sunday, ”I have The woman was brought to Atlan­ decided not to add the case to the the Duncan slaying, all of the vic­ said. negotiation session “positive.” The draft law will be Today’s forecast ta by the Congress of Racial Equali­ Attention in the House was focused on an ad­ metro Atlanta special task force on tims had been between the ages of 7 ty, which said this weekend it will sent to the council of state and published nationwide for Partly cloudy today. High temperatures in the 60s. and 16. ministration-backed proposal offered by Reps. Delbert public discussion. the missing and murdered continue to investigate the child Fair tonight. Lows 40 to 45. Tuesday increasing children’s cases today.” Twenty-five of the victims have slaying cases even though police Latta. R-Dhio, and Phil Gramm, D-Texas, that cuts $6 Negotiators for Solidarity and the government were cioudiness with a chance of afternoon showers. Highs in billion more from the budget. Brown said the task force is infor­ been found slain and one, 10-year-old don't believe their initial suspect expected to continue meetings beginning today the 60s. Westerly winds around 10 mph today. Light and Darron Glass, is missing. Glass dis­ On the Senate side. Senate Republican leader Howard ■ 'M mally working with the city’s mis­ was involved in the cases. throughout the week to hammer out remaining points of variable winds tonight becoming southerly 10 to 20 mph sing persons unit on Payne’s case. Baker said the Reagan budget, defeated by the Budget contention. Tuesday. Committee earlier this month with three GOP defec­ The ^ sensitive issue of political prisoners and the. Payne, a 5-foot-3, 130-pound black Actor Alain Delon, right, congratulates French President Valery man, was last seen Wednesday by tions, is back on track "and now will be passed in that nation's economic chaos was on today’s agenda. committee late this week or early next." Solidarity sources said. GIscard d'EstaIng and his wife Anne-Aymone at the end of the first his sister when he left his northwest Reagan was preparing to fly back to the White House Long Island Sound round of the Sunday election for a new president of France. Atlanta home, hoping to sell old Agreement on the draft and a separate bill laying the coins at a shop in the Omni, a pop­ this afternoon from Camp David, where he worked in legal basis for the independent farmer’s union came ail l..ong Island Sound from Walrh Hill, R.I., to Mon- Congratulations GIscard d'EstaIng, who arrived in first position after the first round the mountain-top serenity to revise the nationally ular downtown entertainment and the beginning of a week of Communist Party meetings luuk Point, N.Y.: Winds variable at 10 knots or less of balloting, will face soliallst leader Francois Mitterrand in the se­ shopping complex. His sister televised address he will deliver to a joint session of political speeches and low-key Polish worker today and tonight. Southerly winds 10 to 20 knots cond round of voting May 10. (UPI photo) Congress at 9 p.m. EDT Tuesday. celebrations. reported him missing the next day. Tuesday. Partly cloudy today and tonight. Mostly cloudy The Omni has figured in the dis­ Before going to Capitol Hill, he will meet with key with a chance of showers Tuesday, Visibility over 5 Republican leaders at the White House Tuesday. appearance of one other victim — miles, except 1 to 3 miles in showers Tuesday, Average Patrick Baltazar, 11, who was found The president has been very much involved in writing wave heights 1 to 2 feet today, a foot or less tonight. Ihe speech that will deal mainly with his economic Skeptical of media slain Feb. 13, and was last seen alive package, but also could touch on his recent ordeal in near the huge mall. being shot in the chest by a would-be assassin. Brown's decision broke a policy NEW YORK (UPI) — A nationwide poll conducted Extended outlook Close runoff due set last month that requir^ in­ after the recent Pulitlzer Prize hoax of Janet Cooke vestigators to decide within 72 hours shows Americans are skeptical of what they see, read Extended outlook for New England Wednesday Congress returning through Friday: whether the case of a person Maureen Reagan Revell, the daughter of Presi­ and hear in the news media. - reported missing should be turned Massarliusetls, Rhode Island and Connerlirul: WASHINGTON lUPI) — Congress is returning to dent Reagan, and law clerk Dennis Revell walk to The copyright Gallup poll, conducted for Newsweek over to the special task force in­ magazine, showed that most respondents credited Fair Wednesday. Chance of showers Thursday Fair vestigating the slayings. work after a two-week Easter vacation with President their car to depart for their honeymoon after Friday. Highs Wednesday and Thursday in the upper 60s in French voting Reagan seeking to regain the momentum that had been exchanging marriage vows of their own com­ television news, news magazines and daily newspapers That new policy was set after the for accuracy, but 61 percent of those polled said they to mid 70s except cooler Cape Cod, Highs Friday in the propelling his budget and tax cut program. position Saturday in an exclusive ceremony 60s. Overnight lows in the 40s to low 50s. PARIS (UPI) - Voters handed But the biggest loser was Com­ In the Republican-controlled Senate, the administra­ believe "very little” or “only some” of the news. predictions, told his cheering sup­ attended by 75 friends and family members at The poll released during th^ weekend found that 33 N ermoni: Chance of showers Wednesday. Highs 65 to France’s pro-Moscow Communist munist leader George Marchais, 60, porters Sunday night. tion used the holiday to work on disgruntled Republicans the posh Beverly Wilshire Hotel. (UPI photo) 75. Showers or thundershowers likely Thursday. Party its worst defeat in 45 years in who fell far short of his goal of 20 whose opposition to projected large deficits killed the percent of respondents felt that most media reports are Marchais admitted, “I wasn’t sup­ Battle valid, and 5 percent believe "all" of the reports carried Clearing Friday. Cooler. Highs 55 to 65. Lows through the first round of the presidential percent of the vote to finish last of ported as I had hoped,” but said he plan in committee. the period 40s to low 50s. election, setting up a tight runoff the four major candidates. It was Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee will by the news media. would not drop his demand that Regarding the Cooke affair, 33 percent of those Maine, New llanipHhire: Chance of showers between President Valery Giscard his party’s worst defeat since 1936. Mitterrand agree to include Com­ meet privately today to try to work out a solution, and Wednesday and Thursday. Clearing Friday. Highs mid d’EstaIng and Socialist leader Fran­ Gaullist party candidate Jacques Sen William Armstrong, R-Colo., leader of the three Shuttle heads home knowing of the incident said reporters, “often made munists in any eventual government rages in things up,” but 58 percent felt the Pulitzer dupe was an 50s to mid 60s Wednesday and Thursday cooling to the cois Mitterrand. Chirac, 48, mayor of Paris, zipped before he would endorse him for the GOP conservatives who opposed the plan, said an agree­ mid 40s to mid 50s on Fridav. Lows in the 30s to low 40s. Center-rightist Giscard, 55, and past Marchais into third place after ment is near. EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (UPI) - The isolated incident. runoff. Miss Cooke was awarded the Pulitizer for her story, Mitterrand, 64, scored first and se­ a spectacular rise in the polls and “We will not support any can­ Armstrong wants additional spending reductions to Columbia, which performed flawlessly on its dramatic cond in Sunday's first round of gained added clout as a spokesman achieve the balanced budget Reagan has promised in maiden voyage into space, was hitched piggy-back onto “Jimmy’s World,” which turned out to be about a fic­ National forecast didate who will exclude Communist Lebanon ticious 8-year-old herion addict. The Post returned the France’s-two stage presidential for the right. voters,” he said in an ultimatum r. \ 1984. He said he thought the problem could be resolved a Boeing 747 today to be shuttled home to Cape voting that eliminated eight other With all but a few results in, Canaveral, Fla. prestigious Pulitzer Prize and Miss Cooke resigned. that could hurt Mitterrand May 10. BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) - today or Tuesday. By United Press International Los Angeles c 70 56 candidates. Giscard had 28.2 percent of votes Nearly all the respondents, 83 percent, said reporters City & i Fest Hi Lo Pep Louisville c 85 66 The Ecologist Party’s Brice Syrian and Christian Phalangist But House action on the budget will feature a major A tailcone problem was solved, a NASA spokesman at The May 10 second round will pit cast, Mitterran had 26.2, Chirac had Dryden Flight Research Center said, and the spaceship should sometimes be allowed to keep sources confiden­ Aibuquerque c 8F) 51.... Memphis c 84 64 Lalonde turned in the best showing forces battled across the strategic political battle between Democratic leaders and a coali­ Anchorage pc 52 31 . .. Miami Beach r them against each other in a battle 17.7 and Marchais had 15.4. V', tial if that is the only way they can get their story. The Asheville c 82 48 among minor candidates — about 4 slopes of Lebanon’s snow-capped tion of Republicans and conservative Democrats who was bolted to the top of the 747 Sunday afternoon. Milwaukee pc that could be even more closely Giscard’s tally, apparently hurt are pushing hard for the president's proposal. Takeoff was scheduled for today at 7 a.m. PDT, poll said 13 percent felt that journalists should always Atlanta c 84 58 Minneapolis r 70 56 percent — raising the possibility his Mount Sannine around the “French reveal their sources. Billings r 74 4f> .04 Nashville c 84 56 fought than 1974, when Giscard won by fast-rising unemployment and a backers could have an impact on a Room” fortified observation post A Reagan, bark at work after being wounded March 30. "We mated it today to the 747 and we locked in at 3 Birmingham c 85 51 New Orlens pc 81 54 his first seven-year term from growing image as an aloof spent the recess leading an intensive campaign to gain p.m ," said NASA spokesman Ralph Jackson. “We’re The Gallup poll found that 71 percent of respondents Boston pc 65 48 New York pc 66 54 tight runoff. today, ignoring efforts to arrange a Brwnsvll Tx.pc monarchical ruler, was below his the support of undecided Democrats and a few felt network television does the best job in providing ac­ 8f> 68 Okiahom Cty c 84 61 Mitterrand by iess than 2 percent. Despite cold, rain and snow in cease-fire. going to try to get it out of here by 7 a.m." Buffalo pc 51 41 Nobody was opening champagne 1974 first-round vote and his aides Republicans from the Northeast and Midwest who feel The Columbia was to be carried to Tinker Air Force curate, unbiased news accounts, while 69 percent chose Charlott N.C. c 79 57 Omaha c 91 63 some areas and a campaign that Lebanese security sources said local television. Chicago pc Philadelphia pc 61 46 at Giscard’s campaign headquarters admitted concern. failed to stir much interest, 82 per­ their areas would be devastated by the proposed budget Base near Oklahoma City Monday, landing shortly after Cleveland pc Phoenix pc 96 73 the Syrians and Phalangist were Pittsburgh pc Sunday night, a reflection that more “The people who have chosen -»u ,-~ cuts. noon local time. The crew and aircraft will spend the Columbus pc 58 45 cent of France’s 36.6 million voters fighting from dug-in positions near 1 f • 5 - ! I Dallas pc Portland Me. c 65 36 than 70 percent of the country voted change against inequality and un­ The president scheduled an address on his economic night before resuming the second leg of the 2,300-mile Portland Ore. r 63 47 turned out for the first round, com­ the fortified observation post built Denver pc against the incumbent president in employment are in the majority,” program Tuesday night to a joint session of Congress. trip to Cape Canaveral's Kennedy Space Center on Des Moines c Providence pc 65 48 pared with about 84 percent in 1974. by the French army in 1939, Richmond c 71 52 the first roud. M itterrand, who bettered poll The House will be asked to ehoose between the Tuesday. Detroit c 38 overlooking the fertile Bekaa Valley Ivan Driskill, a resident of the Imperial Valley, Calif., towm of West­ Wilkinson jailed Duluth r 67 37 St. Louis c morland, receives a bucket of water from tank truck driver Kirk Reagan budget — or a slightly modified version with At the same time, a Soviet Cosmos satellite launched iel I*aso pc 87 ff. Salt Lake Cityr 76 50 to the east and Christian-held moun­ deeper cuts — and a Democratic alternative approved Saturday sped toward a possible link-up with Salyut 6 — Hartford pc 64 44 San Antonio pc 81 67 tain and coastal regions to the west. Wintermote Sunday following an earthquake which damaged the by the House Budget Committee. MANCHESTER (UPI) — Ku Klux Klan Imperial Honolulu pc 84 71 San Diego pc “As it stands now, neither the water distribution system. The earthquake, which measured 5.6 an effort one expert on the Soviet space program said Indianapolis c 78 56 San Francisc c "may well be their answer to our space shuttle Wizard Bill Wilkinson, arrested on a charge of parading Jackson Mss c 8f) 53 Seattle cy Syrians, nor the Phalangist militias on the Richter scale, caused damage to some homes and com­ Jack.sonville -pc 82 ^ k a n e pc ‘Kamikazes' clean up program” without a permit, was in jail today, refusing to post bond are in the French Room position and Kansas City c 8f> 64 Tampa pc mercial buildings in addition to the wafer system, but no injuries The Columbia, the first reusable spaceship, spent 54 V2 because he "hadn’t done anything wrong,” I^s Vegas c 86 67 Washington pc close-range fighting is under way were reported. (UPI photo) hours orbiting the earth 36 times and made a spec­ At least 21 other people were also charged Sunday, but Little Hock c 84 62 Wichita c for control of the strategic mountain 0 0 / tacular landing before a crowd of more than 300,000 peo­ were released after posting bond, police said. peak,” the sources said. ple at Dryden's dry lake bed runway April 14. After his arrest, the third Klan gathering in a two-day The Syrians were reported using Lottery Us post-flight servicing took longer than engineers period was held in Manchester. Police said other arrests Japan nuke accident helicopter gunships to force the had planned because, as one NASA spokesman said, it were made, but no changes were detailed and officials Christian militia from their Strong quake just hadn't been done before. declined to say how many persons were arrested stronghold, but each side claimed to TSURUGA, Japan (UPI) - Poor ” We usually picked these shop owner Mlyoko Shinobuda, a 45- A planned Sunday takeoff was postponed because high The earlier arrests Sunday stemmed from a march kamikaze workers from Osaka and year-old business woman. “Today, I have forced the opposing side back Numbers drawn Satur­ down Highway 41, police said. unemployed men were used as at various times in the three days of day: winds delayed fitting the tailcone to the rear of the Almanac “kamikaze” laborers to clean up housed them in inns near the power have none.” outside, the April sun spacecraft covering its three main engines. Wilkinson, the leader of the Invisible Empire, Knights plant,” one sub-contracor said. They shone brightly. fighting. Connecticut 977 New Hampshire 7453 of the Ku Klux Klan, told former Manchester Mayor potentially deadly radioactive waste In the predominantly Palestinian Maine 524 Rhode Island 1693 The Columbia is to be outfitted for its next space from the nuclear accidents in the were returned to big cities after “We have received nothing but journey, expected in about six months. It was designed Clyde V. Myers the group bad done nothing to provoke ' working for a week to a month in the south, Israeli warplanes Sunday hits California Vermont 881 Massachusetts 2016 their arrests. Tsuruga power plant, a local cancellations since April 19,” (when for about 100 missions. radioactive environment. the radiation polution was made bombed 14 villages, killing at least By lliiitcd PrpoH International newspaper said today. 12 civilians and injuring 38 others. “We knew it was dangerous to The extent of exposure to the public), a fishing boat owner said. WESTMORLAND, Calif. (U PD - A spokesman for Caltech in Today is Monday, April 27, the 117th day of 1981 with workers is not known, the sub­ Palestinian officials said. Israeli ar­ 248 to follow. their health but figured they would “Some would say bluntly they would A strong earthquake that rumbled Pasadena said about 22 tremors contractor said. not want to fish in a polluted bay.” tillery blasted roads around the The moon is in its last quarter. not be used twice,’’ the daiiy Fukui Palestinian-controlled town of Nab- through Southern California's had been measured in the swarm Shimbun quoted one sub-contractor “The records were written in pen­ Owners of resort inns and hotels Imperial Valley damaged buildings over several days, most of them The morning star is Mars. cil and they could be easily erased,” along the pine tree-lined bay fear tiyeh. The evening stars are Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and hired to work on Japan’s worst The Syrian attempt Sunday to dis­ and knocked out the water supply in about 3.0 on the Richter scale but Capitol Region Highlights nuclear accidents. he said. the nuclear accidents will scare Westmorland, prompting the mayor .some as high as 3.7 prior to the 5 6 Saturn. The Tsuruga plant was closed for lodge the Christian militia from the Those born on this date are under the sign of Taurus. The two sub-contractors, who dis­ away some half a million visitors to declare it a disaster area. quake Sunday morning. repairs in April and a routine who come for sunshine and blue mountain northeast of Beirut came Samuel Morse, American artist and inventor of closed the wages paid for nuclear at the same time as talks for a new No one as injured in the quake at A quake with a magnitude of 7,0 on Town Council has agreed to recommend to the lull magnetic telegraphy, was born April 27, 1791. cleanups in January and March, said government check of sea-bed radia­ water every summer and one 5:09 a m. PDT Sunday, which Oct. 15, 1979, struck in about the Budget cut asked council that the town hire a private contractor to tion began the chain of disclosures woman innkeeper threatened to sue cease-fire were underway in Grants awarded On this date in history: they recruited workers in nearby Damascus between Lebanese measured 5.6 on the Richter scale, same area, injuring 91 people and collect the town’s trash. The Department of Public major cities from the lodging houses that revealed the coverup. Japan the company if her business suf­ but it broke pipes in the filtration causing heavy damage throughout Works now does the collections. In 1850, the American-owned steamship “The Atlan­ Foreign Minister Fuad Butros and .SOI 'I'M W INDSOR — The Town Council has tic" began regular trans-Atlantic passenger service. It used by the jobless, homeless and Nuclear Power Co. disclosed last fered. system that supplies water to the the valley and desert regions of HARTFORD — The Hartford Foundation for week that 23 workers were exposed Syrian President Hafez Assad. asked Town Manager Richard J, Sartor to cut the ■The committee figures that the switch to a was the first U.S. vessel to challenge British liners. destitute. A 10-member investigating team city 140 miles east of San Diego, .Southern California and northern proposed $5.4 million general government budget private collector would save the town some $125,- Public Giving has awarded grants totaling $55,580 The workers were used only when to radiation leaks in January and from the Ministry of International "The quake just jarred it loose, " Mexico. to fund a summer reading program, scholarships, In 1937, the first Social Security payment was made in another 56 in March. Tall Cedars and to keep the tax rate as close to the current 41.8 000. Public works employees who now work on the accordance with provisions of the Act of 1935. the operation was sadangerous they Trade and Industry was expected to Mayor Ron Rodriquez said. "It There were no injuries reported in mills as possible. and improvements to a home for the disadvan­ would be exposed to radiation In Tsuruga, a scenic city with 60,- wrap up the initial probe Tuesday. MANCHESTER - The Tall looked like somebody went in and the quake Sunday. trash collections would be reassigned to other taged. In 1975, South Vietnamese legislators named Gen. In response to pleas made at a recent public details such as road maintenance and street sign Duong Van Minh as president and instructed him to end beyond the government-set safe 000 people facing the Sea of Japan, The teams findings on the accidents Cedars will meet for a regular ripped them off." The quake was felt in parts of hearing, the council has also agreed to ask for a repair. The foundation said it has awarded the grants to the Vietnam War on communist terms. level of 100 mlllirems daily per per­ anger and apprehension prevailed. and their cover-up will be used in business session. Monday at 7:30 p.m. Fire engine tankers and nearby three counties. Imperial, Riverside reduction of $100,000 in the education budget, in­ help young people in the region. They include $19,- son, or 300 milllrem per person over “ We would have about 20 out-of- any prosecutions of people at Japan at the Masonic Temple, East Center communities were supplying and San Diego and in part of western stead of $150,000. The switch to private collections would also mean 000 to th? Hartford Consortium for Adolescents to towners in a day like this,” said bait Nuclear Power Co. Arizona. that the town wouldn’t have to buy four new trucks. eight consecutive days. Street. emergency water. Rodriquez Mayor Jacqueline J. Smith said the largest cuts provide a part-time coordinator and to finance declared the community of 1,500 a In El Centro, a natural gas line in the general government budget will likely be in scholarships for 10 youths to attend the Wilderness disaster area and said he would seek was broken in a residential area, but the proposed $992,000 capital improvements ac­ School this summer. For killing of nuns state aid. no damage resulted and officials count. The general government and education Fire damages plant A Better Chance House in Simsbury will receive ahe The epicenter of the quake, one of said there was no danger. budgets combined total $18.5 million. As that stands $18,750 for structural improvements and energy Official MAnchetter Netoapaper a swarm that struck the farming In Calexico, which abuts Mexicali it would mean an increase of 2.^ mills. conservation measures. The home is for disadvan­ valley over the past several days, in Mexico, police said the quake was EAST HARTFORD — A two-alarm fire, Satur­ taged urban young men. USPS 327-500 y/Qi .J7Q day night, caused damage to part of the Cellu was 5 miles north of Westmorland felt but there apparently was no Also, a grant of $9,430 has been made to the Inner Published daily except Sunday and certain holidays by and just south of the Salton Sea. damage. Products buiiding on Forbes Street. The fire was City Exchange in Hartford to support a six-week Arrests loom in El Salvador the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, Fee hike urged caused, officials said, when a spark from one of the summer reading tutorial program for 100 elemen­ machines ignited paper fibers lining one of the Manchester, Conn. 06040. Second class postage paid at walls. tary school children at the Neighborhood Center. A Manchester, Conn. POSTMASTER: Send address By United Press International which is backing the Salvadoran jun­ Sunday she explained^ a news con­ EAST HARTFORD — Because o^f the in­ satellite office of the Citizens Scholarship Founda­ military personnel. CBS said ' The fire damaged a section of the roof and one changes to The Herald, P.O. Box 59i; Manchester, Conn Six members of the Salvadoran ta with military aid in its fight evidence discovered recently is ference in Pittsburgh, “1 said that in creasing number of non-residents who are playing tion will also be established in the capitol region 06040. National Guard will be arrested this against leftist guerrillas, has told such a society anyone who is seen as at the East Hartford public golf course, the Parks firefighter injured his elbow. The fire started about through a $7,500 grant to serve community-based “even more conclusive,” although it 8:30 p.m. and firefighters were at the scene week in the rape-slayings of three Salvadoran President Jose did not say what the evidence was. having views is perceived as an ac­ Jail population up and Recreation Department is urging town officials groups that raise money for scholars. American nuns and a Catholic Napoleon Duarte that failure to to increase the fees for the non-residents. cleaning up until about 10 p.m. To subscribe, or to report a delivery problem, call 647- An FBI spokesman said, “We tivist, a partisan or a combatant.” religious worker last December, solve the case could jeopardize Her remarks on El Salvador and WASHINGTON (UPI) - The 16,848, the mdg.i/ine said. The fees for out-of-towners are about 20 to 30 per­ 9946. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday have not identified any person or through Friday and 7 to 10 a.m. Satunftiy. Delivery CBS News says. The FBI, however, future American aid, diplomatic South Africa had prompted 45 U.S. prison population rose a 4 “Corrections experts inter­ cent lower than they are at other area public groups responsible for the killings. should be made by 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and bv denies any group has been Identified sources told CBS. We have certain evidence in hand, graduating University of Pittsburgh percent in 1980 after minor in­ viewed attribute much of the courses and officials feel this is why the East Hart­ Dam to be repaired ^ew safe crossings 7:30 a.m. Saturday. as responsible. The CBS report Sunday said the but we are not prepared at this point students to stand with their backs to creases the previous two years. current increase to harsh new ford course is attracting so many senior citizens Suggested carrier rates are $1.20 weekly, $5.12 for one The National Guard in San FBI now has evidence linking six to point the finger at anyone.” her as she delivered a commence­ Corrections Magazine, a laws, the rising violent crime from out of town. Officials feel this is driving away HARTFORD — The Departmentof Transporta­ Salvador reported no information in guardsmen to the slaying and raping publication devoted to prison rate and demographic factors," VERNON — The State Bonding Commission tion will use $178,190 in federal funds for plastic month, $15.35 for three months, $30,70 for six months, ^ t h Secretary of State Alexander ment address. residents who would like to play. The proposed fee voted Friday to give the town a $6,900 grant to make the Dec. 2 slayings on a rural road, of Ita Ford of New York City, Maura reporting, said in its “Annual the magazine said. schedule will be presented for consideration of the pavement markings which will be installed at and $61.40 for one year. Mail rates are available on Haig and U.N. Ambassador Jean repairs to the Tankeroosen Dam. request. but said there would be “something Clarke of Belle Harbor, N.Y., Kirkpatrick have been criticized for Prison Population Survey” that The magazine quoted Milton Town Council Fee Committee, Wednesday. crosswalks used by school children and the elderly. next week’’ on the case. Indicating Dorothy Kazel of Geveland, Ohio, federal and state facilities held Rector, director of the National The money has been awarded to Connecticut statements they made about the Now you know The major part of the money wiii be used to To place a classified or display advertisement, or to some sort of breakthrough. and and lay worker Jean Donovan of controversial slayings. 320,583 inmates on Jan. 1, 1981 — Council on Crime and Delinquen­ repair the spillway and other works will be done to Building Corporation of East Hartford to complete The State Department in a Cleveland-based religious order. an increase of 13,376 over Jan. 1, cy, as saying the increase at the projects within about five months. report a news item, story or picture idea, call 643-2711. Haig drew fire for saying that the Panel advises make the dam safe. Two years ago, residents below Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Washington, said it too had nothing CBS said there had been reports Salvadorans were investigating a The easiest national test for a 1980. state prisons “belies the in­ the dam were evacuated when it was feared it’ The plastic markings are said to be more durable Friday. new but added likewise that it might that the FBI found fingerprints on driver’s license is given in Egypt, Although the number of federal creasing impression that crime than the painted markings and expected to last theory that the four women were would burst during a sudden winter thaw have "something to say” later the microbus the American women shot while running a roadblock. where applicants must show they prisoners dropped 3,472, the pop­ is going up because punishment $ ERNON — The Public Works Committee of the aggravated by heavy rains. three or more years. They will be installed in 31 today. were driving when they were killed. can drive about 20 feet in forward is going down. " Hartford area towns. Ms. Kirkpatrick labeled the four ulation of state prisons increase The Reagan administration. Identifying the assailants as women as oolitical activists, but and reverse. * — THli, Mt!.KAL,u, mon., April x/, la»l ^ AJJI II i.1 . 1301 D r . G o w e n Vets recognition day c a n d i d a t e Protesters still being held, won't give GROTON (UPI) — Seven of 21 peace protesters church is looked upon and held as an instrument of -share the conviction that Naval forces of the United lirsl to protest the name a submarine f o r p o s t arrested during a demonstration against the weekend peace, justice and freedom," he said. “Military forces 01 launching of the U.S.S. Corpus Christ! submarine were States are an important bullwark of peace," he said. The Corpus Chrisli is designed to carry Mark 48 anti- draws small crowds are a moral good, not an evil." ' While previous , ______launchings______have brought^______peaceo-—r group submarine torpedos along with harpoon and submarine NEW LONDON - Dr. Eleanore still being held today because they refused to identify “The overwhelming majority of religious Americans demonstrations, Saturday’s meeting was apparenUy the rqckets Gowen, administrative assistant at themselves, police say. “Those who told the prosecutors what they wanted to WASHINGTON (UPI) - The first Manchester High School, is a can­ Washington Monument and the Lin­ special wreath-laying ceremony at didate for the principalship of New hear were released,” a police spokesman said, “But National Day of Recognition for the Liberty Bell monument. They coln Memorial, where eventually London High School and a decision those who didn’t cooperate were left behind, and they Veterans of the Vietnam Era was they hope to build a memorial in­ brought hundreds of letters written can tell their story to the judge.” not widely celebrated, and the few of the post will be made no later scribed with the names of those.who by them and their classmates. than May 28. All 21 were scheduled to be arraigned this week in events that were held drew only did not return from Vietnam. In one letter, a 12-year-old girl New London Superior Court, police said. small crowds. But it had some She is rumored to be one of the "We are not here today to honor from Brookhaven. Pa., wrote: three top candidates, bqt the The nuclear-powered attack submarine was launched CHOICEST MEATS IN TOWN touching moments. the war, but the service and the superintendent of schools today Saturday at the General Dynamics Corp.’s Electric Such as the two veterans who sacrifice of those who fought," said "1 truly know what you went Boat Division as about 1,000 demonstrators rallied out­ walked more than 800 miles, from through when you fought in Viet­ would not name any candidates or Jan Scruggs, president of the Viet­ confirm that the field had been side the shipyard gate in a peaceful protest. Police said Illinois to Washington, to raise nam Veterans Memorial Fund, nam. 1 was born 12 years ago — June MEAT DEPT. SPECIALS DELI SPECIALS narrowed to three. 21 protesters were charged with disorderly conduct for money for a mernorial to the 57,000 which has raised $1 million toward a 11, 1968. My uncle died June 15,1968. blocking an entrance area and carried away. Americans who died in Southeast He never knew I was born, although The superintendent, Rene U8DA CHOICE BONELESS KRAKUS $7 million goal. The memorial is to Racette, would said only that there Officials said 14 of the arrested protesters were Asia. be built with private donations. my father sei]t him a letter. released Saturday after they signed a written promise Or the 12-year-old girl in Penn­ "The letter returned a few days were 83 candidates and that the SHOULDER STEAK IMPORTED HAM *2.69 Vietnam vets Kim Splain, 28, and to appear in court. The remaining demonstrators, four sylvania who wrote a warm letter of after my father sent it. I can't thank selection would be made by the WUNDERBAR Junior Wyatt, 34, both of Jackson­ Board of Education on May 14 or on men and three women, would not give police their thanks to the U S. soldiers who you enough for what you did in Viet­ names or dates of birth. LONDON DROIL fought in Vietnam, especially those ville, 111., walked 818 miles to nam. I’m sure my uncle would have May 28. .> Washington to hand Scruggs a $3,500 Police said authorities “had names” Sunday but the GERMAN BOLOGNA *1.49 been grateful for all your help in the Racette, who has the authority to 2.09 who may have served alongside the check, in direct donations and seven protesters wanted to remain in jail "to get their uncle she never met. war if he was alive." make a nomination or nominations WEAVER pledges, for the project on behalf of said he had not decided how many point across.” BONELESS President Reagan issued a The crowd outside the shipyard began to dwindle proclamation Thursday declaring American Legion Post 279. In New York, the Yankees paid names he will put before the board. CHICKEN ROLL *2.39 They spent six weeks and a day on tribute to veterans before Sunday’s Interviews are being conducted by Saturday after the protest, organized by about 30 social Sunday a National Day of Recogni­ action groups, began in an intermittent drizzle. SHOULDER CLOD CITTERIO tion for Veterans of the Vietnam the road, and were escorted the final baseball game, and club owner a professional interviewing com­ mile by about 40 other vets, a few in mittee, he said, and he has further The sub’s horn let off a long blast and the vessel slid Era. George Steinbrenner said, "... Let’s into the Thames River shortly after protesters outside ROAST GENOA SALAMI *3.59 wheelchairs or on crutches. consultations with the interviewing In Washington, about 150 veterans not forget that they bravely put the complex splashed cow blood on the steps of EB’s ad­ * congregated in a small two-acre In Philadelphia, some 50 children their lives on the line for our great committee before making his 1.99 S & R — PROVOLONE ministration building. hollow on the Mall between the Sunday honored the veterans at a country” nominations. Dr. Gowen entered college after Inside, Sen. John Tower, R-Texas, hailed the 668-class BONELESS CHEESE *2.39 her five children had grown up and, submarine as a symbol of the nation’s first line of earning her bachelor’s degree in defense and Navy Secretary John Lehman Jr. defended TOP DLADE JOHN MORRELL 1969 from Eastern Connecticut State military forces as “a moral good.” “We cannot afford to be second best at sea,” Tower BACON *1.39 College, her master’s degree in 1973 Final arguments due 'l l ; i told about 5,0(K) people gathered near the vessel under STEAK and her doctorate in 1980, both from the University of Connecticut. overcast skies. “The sea is our first line of defense and >2.09 Dr. Gowen left a position as a we need these (fast attack) ships.” teacher of Grade 9 at liiing Junior Lilia Burt Cummings Tower, the senator’s wife, PRIDE OF FARM SPRIISG CLEAIMJSG SPECIALS High School to become an ad­ smashed the traditional bottle of champagne on the bow in suit against Agnew ministrative assistant at Tolland of the vessel, sending the sleek fast-attack sub into the FANTASTIC o z High School. A few months later she river. TURKEY ...... 2 2 . 8 9 ^ The 380-foot, 8,200-ton Corpus Christ! is the 13th 688- became assistant principal. In July GLASS PLUS ...... 22 02 * 1 . 0 9 ANNAPOLIS. Md. (UPIi - 000 in delinquent taxes, plus as "something that has been going 1976 she was appointed assistant ad­ class sub launched by Electric Boat. It is the third DREAST Witnesses in a taxpayers suit penalties and interest. on for a thousand years.” > ministrator at Manchester High bearing the name of a Texas city. 1.19 PINE P O W E R ...... IS 02.89 ^ seeking $300,000 from former Vice Agnew, now a resident of Palm Agnew, in his 1980 book, "Go School, the post she now holds. The Navy said it chose the name Corpus Christ! by President Spiro T Agnew detailed Springs, Calif.. did not testify during 1.1' ■' She is a founding member and a following the tradition of naming submarines after SPRAY n’ WASH ...... 2 2 o2 . * 1 . 4 9 the alleged kickbacks he received the trial because he could still be Quietly ... Or Else,” gave a PRIMO different version of the conversa­ past president of the Manchester cities. But the name sparked protests recently from while governor, but the crucial point prosecuted on criminal charges in GREASE RELIEF ...... i 6 o2 . * 2 . 9 9 tion, saying he told White the Scholarship Foundation. She was a leaders of Connecticut’ Catholic churches. is whether Agnew s actions actually Maryland, although Harrison said member of the Manchester Com­ Bishop Daniel P. Reilly of nearby Norwich and HOT or SWEET allegations were "certainly not YES DETERGENT ...... 64 02.* 2.89 inflated state highway costs. Friday, "He’s told me 10,000 times true.” Mrs. I. Helen Gustuson, left, a charter member of Anderson-Shea munity College Citizen’s Advisory Archbishop John Whealon of Hartford asked the Navy to Closing arguments in the three- he would love to testify," change the name, the Latin term for “body of Christ,” White, testifying against his will, Post VFW, AuxIlWry, and Pete Jeffers, charter member of the Council. She has been active in the ITALIAN SAUSAGE WOOD PLUS ...... ^ day trial were scheduled to begin Harrison also said Agnew paid the PTA. because it was inappropriate for a vessel designed to > 160299 recounted how Jerome Wolff, head post, were among the guests at the 50th anniversary celebration today. back taxes and penalties not as an carry nuclear warheads. 1.59 What started as a political admission that he accepted of the State Roads Commission un­ of the post and auxiliary Saturday night at the post home. Mrs. der Agnew, and Maryland highway The naming of the submarine was the subject of one seminar project at George kickbacks, but rather "so he can be Gustafson Is displaying one of the original uniforms worn by the protest speech outside the EB yard. left alone. " engineer Lester Matz had come to Washington University became a him to describe a kickback scheme auxiliary when it was chartered in 1931. (Heraid photo by Bur­ St. Agnes Guild “The defense industry uses religion to legitimize its 1975 class action civil suit seeking to While attorneys for taxpayers and bank) actions,” said Carolyn Jean Dupuy, a nun and teacher force Agnew to pay Maryland $177,- the state called a parade of state they said would incriminate the vice president. plans luncheon from New Britain. “Are they saying that God, universal 500 in kickbacks received from budget officials, auditors and love, is that warship.?” she asked pointing to the highway contractors — plus $120,610 economists during the trial, the only White said the two men told him MANCHESTER - St. Agnes shipyard. TUESDAY ONLY in interest. witness called by Agnew's attorney, that I.H. Hammerman, a prominent Guild will hold its annual BOQNER membership luncheon at the Red l^hman defended the need for a strong military T. Rogers Harrison, was the head of Baltimore developer, solicited defense to combat America’s “powerful adversaries” ' “I was damaged just the same as Town readies Coach Grill, Wethersfield, on ALL BEEF FRANKS $1.59 the state's income tax division, who kickbacks from engineering firms in and discredited arguments against the submarine’s CENTER C U T any other taxpayer, ” says John said the Agnews paid an adjusted exchange for the awarding of state Friday. Mass will be celebrated at St. name. PORK CHOPS McMillen of Chevy Chase, one of the state tax for the years 1967-72 of highway contracts. Hammerman “Militarv forces and the historic tradition of the $1.69 three plaintiffs in the lawsuit. "1 $14,105. then would split the payoffs, giving Agnes Home at 11 a.m. and lunch RIB END just wanted to see that those people Probably the most damaging half to Agnew, a quarter to Wolff will begin at noon. COUNTRY STYLE PORK who had done wrong were not able its defense The Rev. Joseph Gengras, direc­ $1.29 testimony came from Agnew's and keeping 25 percent for himself. 7 RIB to profit by their conduct." longtime friend and attorney, Both Hammerman and Wolff were tor, office for the handicapped. Machinist vote Agnew resigned the vice presiden­ George White Jr., who under court originally named codefendants in Archdiocese of Hartford, will be the PORK R O A S T ...... $1.19 cy in disgrace in 1973, pleading no order to testify about private con­ the case, but Hammerman repaid principal speaker. contest to tax evasion charges, and versations with the vice president in Maryland $52,455 last year, and The event is open to members and later paid the state and federal 1973, said Agnew admitted accep­ Wolff is to be excused from charges in HUD trial guests and persons interested in the averts strike We Give*'Old Fashioned ,\o Subatitiite governments approximately $170,- ting the kickbacks, but dismissed it in exchange for his testimony. organization. WINDSOR LOCKS 1983 when it will negotiate | MANCHESTER - Manchester’s Human Rights and Opportunities, Reservations may be made with (UPI) — A midnight strike a new contract. Butcher Service ... For (Junlity attorneys in the racial discrimina­ was typical. Mrs. Richard Tonino, 28 Gallaudet was averted at the “Our sights are set on | tion lawsuit against the town are “The general impression of the Drive, West Hartford. Hamilton Standard divi­ 1983 and 100 percent Decision will be delayed busy pruning their list of 93 potential minority community is that sion of United membership,” he said. witnesses, as the prepare to launch Manchester was hostile. The Kiefer said a record 2,114 I STORE HOURS: their defense Wednesday. Technologies Corp. when referendum served to reinforce the Talk up Jamaica union machinists voted union members turned out | Mon. & Tues. 'til 6:00 3 17 Highland St. The trial originally was scheduled view that Manchester did not want to hear the union HARTFORD (UPI) - Keith John­ overwhelmingly to accept on Saudi arms sale plan to resume Tuesday, but U.S. Judge blacks or minorities living there,” a new two-year contract. negotiating committee Wed., Thurs., & Fri. 'til 9:00 M. Joseph Blumenfeld granted said Green. son, Jamaica’s ambassador to the support a vote not to strike. I MANCHESTER United States, says his countrymen The workers withheld WASHINGTON (UPI) - Senate perhaps with the president as well, say my piece before that happens.” Manchester lawyer Dominic Several witnesses said local of­ formal ratification of the "The rank-and-file voted Sat. & Sunday Republican leader Howard Baker on the shape and form of a package Baker also said: Squatrito’s request for an extra day ficials and groups made statements living abroad should talk up the 1,328 to 302 in favor of the 'til 6:00 Carribean country. company’s offer Sunday, CONN. says a final congressional decision as it may finally be submitted." — He believes the proposed of preparation. they considered racist in opposition however, to show dis­ contract, union officials "With the extra day, it may be Johnson told a crowd of about 300 HICKUITB FieiStiitEB on a reworked arms package for Baker said it was unlikely the Reagan budget — defeated in the to the Community Development satisfaction with the con­ said. The two-year con­ Saudi Arabia will be postponed until proposal would be sent to Congress Senate Budget Committee a few ..possible to pare down our list of 93 Block Grant program. in the city’s North End, many of tract will raise the average fall or even later this year. witnesses," said Squatrito Friday in them natives of the Carribean tract they said was before mid-summer, “So I would es­ weeks ago when three Republican Concerned Citizens for accepted because of fears hourly wage to $9.78 in Appearing on CBS” "Face the timate that it will be late this year, senators defected — “now will be federal court in Hartford. Manchester Development was island, that they should also return 1983. “Oh yes, I would think that would home to help rebuild the nation’s that non-union workers Nation" Sunday, Baker said he ad­ certainly this fall, before the passed in that committee” and he named by several witnesses as a would refuse to honor a vised President Reagan Thursday Congress can make a final deter­ will schedule it for action "late this be possible,” replied Blumenfeld, racist opponent of the CDBG troubled economy. Kiefer said the labor who has tried throughout the case to “We have to develop a system in walk out. negotiating group wasn’t the package — including enhance­ mination of any recommendation week or early next." program. Lou K iefer, district ment equipment for F-15 fighters that the administration may finally —"There will be no reduction on expedite proceedings. Frank Lupien, a founding member which we are sure inefficiency isn’t pleased with the contract, > se n d ” U.S. Justice Department and rewarded,” he said at the Caribbean organizer for the Inter­ but had to consider a force | plus five AWACS surveillance air­ Social Security benefits this year of the conservative group, testified national Association of GROCERY SPECIALS FROZEJS & DAIRY craft — faced considerable trouble but he expects some "components" Legal Aid lawyers wrapped up their that he and other members never American Society’s headquarters. of 1,400 nonunion in Congress, particularly in the Asked if it was pure coincidence case Friday, with testimony from Johnson said good publicity was Machinists, said union machinists at the within the Social Security System made racist statements. members had put the com­ Senate. that the postponement means the may have to be adjusted in the social psychologist Dr. Kenneth That -testimony was weakened by needed to help the tourist industry aerospace plant. There are I debate will not take place until Clark, an expert in racial relations. persistent questioning from Judge recover in Jamaica. Pre-election pany on notice that the un­ a total of 2,400 union | future. ion would be tougher in Kraft Sliced Mozzarella...... »oz. * 1 . 1 9 Baker said Reagan then agreed to "well after the Israeli elections’” The suit charges Manchester’s 1979 Blumenfeld. Legal Aid attorney violence had hurt the tourist trade, members. June 30, Baker said “that is a factor —He favors the so-called Kemp- postpone sending the package to Roth tax cut proposal because “we withdrawl from the federal Com­ Raymond Norko also produced a he said, but conditions have im­ BOUNTY TOWELS 69« Kraft Sliced M uenster...... 6 02. * 1 . 1 9 Capitol Hill to "give to the members we also considered.” munity Development Block Grant proved since. must make some effort to reduce deposition, signed by Lupien, where TETLEY of the Congress an opportunity to "The last thing it needs is to taxes as well as spending and ... I program was racially motivated. he said he objected to distribution of "More and more I’m hearing peo­ Cotter to decide Kraft Sliced S w is s ...... o z * 1 . 2 9 have an input, to give advice on the become a political issue in Israel," am convinced to my own satisfac­ Clark testified that discrimination a fair housing brochure in Hart­ ple back home are smiling again,”” he said. Johnson said. TEA BAGS ,o..,*1.69 Dreakstone Cottage Cheese ,.ce8 9 < final shape and form of the package tion that Kemp-Roth is the best shot in northern suburbs is often ford’s Park Avenue and Broad that might be submitted ” revealed by “code words”, which he Asked if he plans to support the we have got.” Street areas “because that is an about treatm ents VLASIC FRESH Land 0 Lakes Margarine...... i,b69^ "It is my understanding now that package, he said, “Well, it s not a —Reagan s decision to lift the described as "words or phrases used area that is Puerto Rican.” Mystery ride there will be an opportunity for package yet and I think I should grain embargo fulfilled a campaign to mask racist reasons for a ' Other witnesses said Concerned MANCHESTER - The annual KOSHER DILLS 89< Howard Johnson’s Mac & Beef ,ocx99« extensive consultation between the decision.” HARTFORD (UPI) — Rep. William Cotter, D-Conn., withhold final judgment." When promise and does not weaken his Citizens for Manchester Develop­ mystery ride of the Army-Navy was expected to remain at Hartford Hospital today Congress and the State Department According to Clark, whose OORTON 5oe9 9 < pressed he said, “I suppose I will hard-line approach to Soviet adven­ ment members John Tucci and Bet­ Club Auxiliary is scheduled for May while he decides what treatment he will receive for pan­ Howard Johnson's Fried Clams and Defense Department, and support the package but I want to turism. testimony in the landmark Brown ty Sadloski also made public 6 starting at 6 p.m. from the club on vs. Board of Education case greatly creatic cancer. MINCED CLAMS 79« Howard Johnson’s Chic Noodle Dinner ...... i o o z .9 9 ^ statements referring to “those Main Street. Members may bring A biopsy taken during 2'A hours of exploratory sur­ influenced the Supreme Court ruling people” from the “North End.” guests. SAW WHOLE KERNEL gery Saturday confirmed Cotter, dean of Connecticut’s New Oregon Farms Cakes H«z«lnul or ApplotauCB...... 14.5 oz. * 1 . 6 9 which banned school segregation, Nancy Carr, executive director of Members should also bring a code words may take the form of six-member House delegation, had a malignant tumor. the Manchester Area Conference of small gift suitable for exchange as CORN ,.„2§79* B .L Orange Plus ...... i z o z .9 9 ^ Cotter, 54, was in satisfactory condition after the negative references to places Churches, and John C. Honor, a door prizes. Reservations for the predominantly populated by operation. CHIXOFTHESEA OOt former member of the local Human ride close on April 30. Those wishing The six-term congressman was expected to decide New Swanson Blueberry Pancakes...... ? o z .6 9 ^ minorities. Services Commission, testified that to go should contact Thelma Weir, That testimony fit neatly into the this week how doctors should treat his cancer. CHUNK LIGHT TUNA esoz 0 9 ^ New Buitoni Hal Bread Cheese P iz z a ...... oz * 1 . 4 9 formef Board of Directors member 649-1324. “Surgeons biopsied the pancreatic tumor that was 14 case the plaintiffs have built. Joseph Sweeney made statements diagnosed about five weeks ago,” said hospital DIXIE Witnesses have consistently they felt were racist. Woman satisfactory Hood Pudding STIX Van., Banana A Choc...... 8 p l t 6 9 ^ testified that Manchester residents They testified that Sweeney told a spokesman James Battaglio. “The results confirm a 9 OZ. REFILLS ».,*1.49 at 1978 meetings opposed low- story about a rich uncle who gives a MANCHESTER - A Vernon needle biopsy that was taken at the hospital last month SeaKest Ice Cream Bars ib c * ' n . 2 9 income housing b^ause they did not family money, but insists the family woman is in satisfactory condition and showed the tumor is in fact a malignant one.” want people from the "North End” pasture his flock of sheep in the this morning at Manchester Battaglio said doctors left the tumor in Cotter’s body or “Albany Avenue” moving to back yard. Carr and Honor said they Memorial Hospital after receiving and no further surgery was planned. The spokesman town. believed the sheep in Sweeney’s back injuries in an accident early said Cotter would probably leave the hospital after he Squatrito asked witnesses if the allegory were minorities. Saturday morning on Tolland Turn­ recovered from the surgery. North End references may have Honor also testified that Carl pike. Hartford Hospital physicians had urged Cotter to seek been to deteriorated housing, rather Zinsser, state senator and former Linda Wheeler, of 335 Center a second opinion when they first diagnosed his illness as than the blacks and HIspanics who director, made statements which Road, received her injuries when cancer in March. with coupon d purrhnsp u ith 4'otf/mr( 7.TU purchase roupon & 7..tO nurchasn \ V He went twice to the Sidney Farber Cancer Institute K'lfA roiipori d: 7..TU inirchnse i'yV ■ live there. But black Manchester showed racial prejudice. Honor said the 1974 Ford LTD she was SWEET LIFE I I SWEET LIFE resident Edward J' Bariow’s Zinsser consistently referred to travelling in, driven by Davie in Boston, where doctors were divided in their opinions PAMPER I CYCLE I answer was similar to that of other “strings attached.” Wheeler of the same address, ran after going over additional tests. It was believed the il­ iGRANULATED I APG witnesses. “I could only in my mind connect off the road at 2:21 a.m. and hit a lness could have been pancreatitis, a relatively minor DOG FOOD I “In my opinion, the references inflamation of the organ. TODDLERS that the strings attached and the sign in front of Don’s Service Sta­ 48 c t. SUGAR #ia#2-25lb. I ! COFFEE were to the people, not the movement of people from the North tion. ' Cotter, after considering the conflicting medical 5 lb . bag 1 lb. can buildings,” answered Barlow. End were one and the same,” said Police said another car may have opinions with doctors and close family members, an- Many of the 17 witnesses called by Honor. been involved. nouced Wednesday he would undergo exploratory sur­ the plaintiffs testified that Those who opposed the CDBG David Wheeler was treated for gery. Manchester's reputation in the program maintain they were not minor head lacerations and Cotter was readmitted to Hartford Hospital last Mon­ •6.99 jil;«l.69 li’2'“ I l!‘1.69 Greater Hartford black and motivated by racial prejudice, but released. day after returning from his latest visit to Boston. He VALID APRIL 2S to RUT 2 VAl|U APRIL 2 t to MAY 2 VALID APRIL 28 to MAY 2 | VALID APRIL 2 t to MAY 2 remained in the hospital through the week. Hispanic communities is negative. by a desire to keep the federal ^m^MLAND PARK MKT. | HIGHLAND PARK MKT. They said the 1979 referendum con­ Smart shopping ’The Hartford Democrat represents Connecticut’s 1st I HIGHLAND PARK MKT. L B ■■ M M M M £!«■■■ J government out of local affairs. Smart shoppers read the Super­ Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Runcle, right center, opens a firmed this image. The defense attorneys will try to District, covering the Greater Hartford area. Opening week-long meeting at Washington Cathedral of the 26 primates — The testimony of Arthur Green, a market Shopper column Wednesday Cotter first decided to check into Hartford Hospital prove this argument when the trial and Saturdays exclusively in The after he could not shake the effects of the flu. The tumor Archbishops or presiding Bishops — of the world-wide Anglican black Manchester resident who is resumes Wednesday at 10 a.m. ceremony Communion Sunday In Washington. (UPI photo) director of the state Commission on Herald. was then diagnosed and the needle biopsy was "per­ formed. iiuniiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiii 6 - ’ THE HERALD. Mon., April 27, 1981 THE HERALD. Mun.. April 7, 1981 — OPINION / Commentary Keep . ^ Saudi arms sale: Washington's volcano WASHINGTON - Washington has neighboring Iraq. licensing, the State Department my's training manuals have been its own version of Mount St. Helens, The Saudis insist they have no in­ resorted to a little horse trading: rewritten down to elementary- which periodically belches hot tention of using American arms to The administration agreed to drop a- school levels in most cases. steam into the atomosphere. This is attack Israel. But as part of the long-pendlng proposal to let the Despite the extra help, 4 out of 10 the recurring question of arms aid weapons deal, the United States Iraqi Navy buy American frigate fail instruction in infantry skills, to Saudi Arabia, America’s great oil would provide Saudi Arabia with Jack Anderson ^ o v o e t in engines, in return for Bingham’s supposedly the least demanding in ally. bomb racks and refueling equip­ silence on the Boeing license. technical knowhow. For that reason, President Reagan now wants to Washington Merry-Go-Round ment for the F-15s that Jimmy Bingham, who had fought the the generals privately think the con­ seli the Saudis some super-radar Carter soid to the Saudis in 1978. warship engine sale for months, gressional plan to pay up to $10,000 planes, plus m idair refueling This wouid extend the range and reportedly agreed to the transport as a bonus for infantry volunteers Is capability and bomb racks for their increase the firepower of the F-15s. plane transaction as the lesser of a waste of money. What the Pen­ F-15 jet fighters. Opponents of the Coupied with the fact that severai owned and-operated aircraft. target. two evils. tagon really wants Is middle-class arms sale fear that the equipment pilots in the Saudi air force are Greater The sale of Boeing 747 and 727 So the Foggy Bottom strategists Meanwhile, the Saudi oil minister. youths who have already acquired will be used offensively against Palestinians, the F-15s could pose a transports to Iraq is being promoted are trying to stress the peaceful use Sheik Ahmed Yamani, has made it adequate academic skills. Israel. serious threat to Israel. as strictiy a commercial deal to of the transport planes — though clear that the Saudis expected To prevent a major eruption, of­ There is aiso some misunderstan­ help Boeing compete with foreign U.S. intelligence anaiysts have American arms as a quid pro quo for WATCH ON WASTE: The ficials have tried to keep some ding about AWACS. The radar com­ aircraft manufacturers. The con­ documented a number of instances holding down the world price of oil. Commerce Department’s top brass details out of the public debate. mand planes will not give the Saudis tract wouid be worth about |200 in recent years in which such And fuel prices are obviously an im­ have ordered some refurbishing of Manchester. These include: (1) the hair-raising much ground surveillance capability million to Boeing — if it can get con- transport aircraft have been used to portant consideration for the their office suites, supposedly to im­ possibility that some Palestinian beyond what they already have. But gressional approval for the ferry troops in wartime situations — Reagan administration in its fight to press the business executives and pilots in the Saudi air force could the system would greatly reduce necessary export license. by Libya, Iran and Israel, to name curb inflation. foreign trade dignitaries they deal make unauthorized strikes against Israel's critical advantage in air The sticky point is that Iraq is one three. THIS IS THE ARMY?: “Private with. Secretary Malcolm Baldrige is Israel in their souped-up F-15s; (2) warfare. of four nations on the State Capitol Hill sources told my Benjamin,” the fictional female Sad having his carpets cleaned and get­ proposals to approve the sale of Pentagon sources told my Department’s iist of terrorist­ associate Lucette Lagnado that the Sack of ntovie and TV fame, would ting some chairs and a sofa even more military equipment to associate Ron McRae that the supporting regimes in the Arab administration apparently is hoping be a super-soldier compared to most reupholstered at a cost of $1,203. His the Saudis, including 10 long-range Saudis have a genuine need for an Advert^ world. The others are Libya, Syria to push the Iraqi deai through quiet- of the male recruits the Army is get­ under secretary for international helicopter gunships, American anti­ eariy warning system iike AWACS. and South Yemen. Saie of miiitary iy, white Congress is occupied with ting, Pentagon sources acknowledge trade, Lionel Olmer, is gussying up tank missiles and several ground But the Pentagon wouid prefer not equipment to any of these countries the Saudi arms controversy. gloomily. Six out of 10 recruits have his private kitchen with $2,970 worth radar stations; and (3) the State to seii the system to the Saudis and, would be hard to justify, especialiy To spike the opposition of Rep. to get remedial reading instruction of redecorating touches. Department's push to sell five instead, wants to maintain the pre­ for an administration that has made Jonathan Bingham, D-N.Y., whose before they can even begin to leam Copyright, 1981, United Feature Boeing transport planes to sent arrangement of American- tprrnricm it

£TTA ® F O W W oWH $ra«-TE«£BW^ An editorial Huuvte N.E.n. Don Since lo o i- Titanic sinking Graff Syndicated o«%*ofourrea^rs columnist not forgotten ^ advertis*"S'® They called the $10 million didn’t receive them. The liner Shooting British ocean liner the “un- didn’t carry enough lifeboats tSi^rtant to me sinkable " Titanic — but on her and some boats w ere launched maiden voyage 69 years ago this with only a few seats occupied. lessons tnefchant. month the White Star Line Other vessels in the vicinity There is one thing that the vessel hit an iceberg and sank in failed to reach the Titanic before attempt on President Reagan’s life the North Atlantic, about 900 it sank, recounts the New is not: miles southeast of Halifax, Nova Columbia Encyclopedia. One, It is not yet another brutal Scotia. only 10 miles away, did not res­ demonstration of a fundamental M ore than 1,500 of the 2,200 pond because her wireless flaw in the American character. We persons aboard lost their lives in operator had retired for the are not as a society rotten to a the sea disaster which stunned evening. violent core, despite what some the world. among us may be inclined to read into the crime statistics — including The Titanic — hailed as the The Carpathia picked up most the president whose own remarks on largest, most luxurious, and survivors and braved stormy the subject were followed so soon by safest steamer that ever sailed weather as it headed for New the shooting. the seas — collided with the York. It was believed fishing They ve changed the grand finale. Ordinarily the opera ain’t over until the That shooting is not to be dis­ iceberg at 10:45 p.m. April 14, a vessels also made some rescues. fat lady sings.” missed as an isolated incident. Aftifr Sunday, and went down at 2:20 The Titanic disaster had one ail, the successful and attempted a.m. the next morning. positive result. It prompted assassinations of American public Headlines screamed the news measures for safety at sea, par­ figures are a matter of disturbing for days as word filtered through ticularly establishment of a record. But it must be remembered Manchester by wireless from other ships patrol to make known the loca­ that assassinations are acts of arriving in the area ... and as tion of icebergs, plus stringent violence of a very special t)rpe. They victims were identified, exten­ regulations as to proper equip­ Open forum/Readers should be seen for what they are — views attacks upon fame and authority, ding the tragedy across the land. ment and number of lifeboats to not as expressions of a national pas­ An impressive list of notables be carried. sion for violence. had been aboard. The catastrophe inspired a There are, however, other lessons Investigations revealed that large amount of literature, and to be found in the Reagan incident. messages of warning had been newspaper front pages with bold Impact of funding For one, it is a reminder that the sent but the officer in command headlines on the tragedy are American presidency is not only the of the Titanic either ignored or valued-souvenirs. To the editor: world’s most powerful position but digging deeper into a financial hole. As a member of Bolton’s Board of tend a high school that is not also one of its most dangerous. And Any budget increase allowed this Finance, my concerns have to be (1) physically located within our boun­ Americans themselves have done a year are oniy seeds being pianted your business. with funding an education for 197 daries is NOT a negative approach great deal to make it so. for next year’s budget increases. Bolton resident students presently to education, nor a voice against Any national leader is a potential When the residents get their tax attending our high school, and (2) education. It is merely an expres­ assassin’s target and has been bills in July and find out that they the impact of that funding upon the sion of a positive aitemative for throughout history. But it is an un­ have to take another $200-$300-$400 ENTIRE town. Funding for solving our problems. fortunate fact that the natural out of their pockets, it is too late to Willington’s students attending our Morris Silverstein vulnerability of leadership has been do anyth^g about it. The time for facility is Willington’s concern, not Member compounded in the United States by Berry's World action is now. Boiton’s. Bolton Board of Finance the hype as well as the power and The idea of having our students at­ Whatever facts and figures I prestige with which the office of the reported in a recent ietter to the presidency has come to be invested. Bolton Board of Education and We make of our presidents much Selectmen were obtained from more than political leaders. They public information and documents are our foremost celebrities. The available to everyone. The informa­ Quotes president has become not merely an tion was buried and had to be individual temporarily bolding the brought to the attention of the nation’s highest office but a cult advertistnQ. public. figure, a one-man media event, a “ To hold any animosity is'to say The Board of Education informed “ We must envisage a multi-polar public perfoTmer subjected to and that our country is not big enough to the Board of Finance and the pubiic, world, well disposed to America and for political purposes inviting a type turn the other cheek. We are big through one form or another, that it Russia, but under the control of of publicity that often seems more ‘3 enough.” neither.” I currently costs about $650,000 for appropriate to the world of enter­ William Belk, 45, former the 216 students at the high school. — Tony Benn, a chief member tainment than that of public affairs. hostage, saying Amerieans should That amounts to $3,300 for each of of Britain’s Labour Party, dis­ It is a dimension of political 1 not hate Iranians because of the cussing Europe's future. flerald. the 197 Bolton studeirts. leadership in America that has no fite ‘ - ‘ i seizure of the U.S. embassy in The current tuition cost to real counterpart In any' other coun­ Tehran. He is making a speaking Manchester High School is $2117. try, for all that others may from tour to thank Americans for their Rather than paying $650,000, we time to time produce their own support of the hostages. could be paying only $417,000, for a charismatic political personalities. ^verttsers. • • Herald, $233,000 savings. However, we couid The charisma does not, however, go “ I would assume — and everyone have additional transportation costs with the office as it has increasingly would agree, I think — that the (maybe $10,000) so our net savings done with the American presidency. cheapest way to get energy is to con­ Serving The Greater Mancheatet' could be reduced by that amount. In serve.” Area For TOO Yeara It is a situation that makes for a ______any event, we approach a $225,000 — James Edwards, U.S. lot of uniquely American political figure (3 plus mils) that is not Founded Oct. 1, 1881 secretary of energy. (Business color. And also for some problems ------necessary in the education budget. Week) Published by the that may not necessarily be unique­ The turmoil surrounding the con­ Manchester Publlahing Co. ly American but that can a^uire a r S«oscrmers.._ ^^.^^.omeof “ What has Princess Caroline ever 4D tinuation of our own high school Herald Square unique intensity in the American done that would rate a book? She’s operation has an unsettling effect Manchester, Conn. 08040 context. into adolescent rebellion. So what? I Telephone (203) 843-271 1 and casts a shadow over our entire The larger-than-life public per­ ) iMIbyNEA inc couldn’t get more than two pages Msmbsr: Unllsd Prtss Intsmatlonal education area. The cause of our sona that a president acquires 1 out of that.” Member of problems has been agreed upon. The makes of him more than a celebrity — Judith Krantz, author, Audit Bureau ot Clrculstlons n a m e solution has been identified. The “You’re NOT getting ‘solarium fever' denying her novel “ Princess Customer Service — 847-8e4e for certain elements of the public. \ ALREADY!" way to cope with uncontrollable He becom e an excitant to the un­ Daisy” is based on the life of Rldisrd M. Diamond, PubUstier, budgets and fixed costs is hot by stable pertonalltles, those with the anybody — including Princess Frank A. Burbank, Monaelng Editor Uking on MORE fixed costs and Caroline of Monaeo, Harold E. Turkington, Editor Emerttua overheated Imaginations and the twisted menUllUes that turn kooks into killers. THE HERAI.D. M (jn _ ^ r ' ]98l — <> 8 — THE HERALD. Mon., April 27. 1981 Littler, partner Regular instruction win Legends golf Obituaries SPORTS Page 11 slowest rising cost JoMph F. Fogg Jr. 83, of 204 West St., died Friday at MANCHESTER - Joseph Fran­ her home. She was a lifelong area cis Fogg Jr., 70, of 55 Westminster resident. HARTFORD (UPl) — The Connecticut Public Expen­ rise in 1979-80 when public schools spent more than $1.1 Road, died Saturday at bis home. He Funeral services were todajr from 76ers, Rockets on road to finals was the widower of Ada (Hudder) the Burke-Fortin Funeral Hdme, 76 diture Council says the cost of education continued to billion. over Kansas City behind the 42- Fogg. Prospect St. BY CATHRINE WOLF fourth quarter and battle the 76ers they won’t fall short. San Antonio, the Midwest Division "He’s awfully tough to stop when Regular instruction programs, which took the bulk of UPl Sports Writer polnt, 24-rebound performance of to the end. Philadelphia took the school budgets, increased at the slowest rate, the state He was bom in Beverly, Mass, on “I said before that the difference titlist, en route to the conference he goes at the basket that much," Aug. 12, 1910 and had lived in The NBA championship series Moses Malone. lead for good on two layups by between last year’s team and this final and have never appeared in a said KC’s Reggie King, who drew watchdog group said Sunday. may turn out to be a battle between Both series resume Wednesday Maurice Cheeks with four minutes But CPEC said all seven major functions of the Manchester since 1930. Before his Frances B. McCarthy year’s is that if we get down 1-3, we championship series. the defensive assignment against CPEC reports retirement he was a lead instructor EAST HARTFORD - Mrs. the indefatigable and the un­ night, with the Eastern teams can still win the series,” he said. “Moses really wanted the ball schools it examined became more expensive during the deniable. playing at Boston and the Western Malone. “ He plays hard. He always for Pratt & Whitney Division of Frances (Brunsdon) McCarthy, 81, “I’m sure the Sixers know we’re not today, and when he wants it you’ve plays hard." year. The Philadelphia 76ers, who sup­ series moving to Kansas City, Mo. Greenwich spent more than any other Connecticut United Technolooles. of 30 Whiting Road, died Sunday at going to give up. We’ll come out at really got to give it to him," said area expenses He leaves a sister, Betty Burns of St. Francis Hospital and Medical posedly spent themselves in an Despite the comfortable two-game them on Wednesday.” Houston Coach Del Harris. “I guess The Kings, playing with guards town per pupil for education. Greenwich spent $2,818 per exhausting seven-game series with lead, railadelphla Coach Billy Cun­ Otis Birdsong and Phil Ford at less pupil, closely followed by West Hartford's expenditure Vermont and four grandchildren in Center. She was the widow of Joseph Bobby Jones backed Erving with you could point to his intensity being Casco, Maine. H. McCarthy. Milwaukee, and the Houston ningham is hardly enjoying himself. 18 points, while Cedric Maxwell led better than in the last couple of than full strength, failed to score 90 A study by the Connecticut Public Expenditure of $2,807 for every student. Rockets, who weren’t even supposed “I don’t know if I can take it ‘We can still points again. Birdsong scored just Overall, the cost of operating Connecticut's public Private funeral and burial ser­ Funeral services will be Tuesday Boston with 20 and Larry Bird and games.” Council indicates that Manchester's costs overall at 8:15 a.m. from Callahan Funeral to be in the playoffs, both moved anymore,” Cunningham said after Nate Archibald had 18 each. If anything, Malone intends to get one point in his first starting role of for 1979-80 was $16,898,777 for the 8,529 students in schools increased $71 million in 1979-80. Enrollment vices will be at the convenience of win the series’ the series. the family. There are no calling Home, 1602 Main St., Elast Hartford within one game of the NBA finals Julius Erving scored the 76ers’ last In Houston, Malone pounded his more intense at Kansas City the system, or $1,981 per pupil. statewide decreased by more than 24,000 to 545,186 Sunday. six points to blunt a furious Boston during the same period. hours. The Watkins Funeral Home, with a mass of Christian burial at 9 way inside for his best performance Wednesday. Still, Houston led by only three For regular instruction the cost was $8,762,995 or At Philadelphia, Bobby Jones rally. “You tell your team at the of the series. The omnipresent “I won’t be happy until it’s over, " $1,027 per pupil. For other instruction the cost was Statewide, the cost of regular instruction programs 142 E. Center St. has charge of a m. at St. Mary’s Church. Calling points with six minutes left. Malone stole a pass with three seconds to half that they are playing well and center, who hit on just 16 of 33 shots he said, “1 thought we should have $1,491,827 or $175 per pupil. For pupil services the recorded the largest dollar increase of any major school arrangements. hours are today from 7 to 9 p.m. then contributed nine points and a play to preserve the 76ers’ 107-705 that the Celtics wouldn’t be where from the floor, simply would not be ended it today. This series should cost was $1.297,615 or $151 per pupil. For instruction function, averaging $1,126 per pupil. But the figure Jim Davis Memorial donations to the key blocked shot to keep the Kings American Heart Association, 310 victory, giving them a 3-1 lead over they are if they couldn’t come back. left, but it was Erving, who had 20 denied — any more than the Rockets have been 4-0. I thought we played at bay. staff services the cost was $412,850 or $48 per pupil. amounted to only a 9 percent hike. the Celtics in the Eastern They all agreed, but you saw what points in all, and Jones’ steal that Cost increases in other functions ranged from 12 per­ Gerard Q. Morin Collins St., Hartford. seem willing to be denied their bad in Kansas City. We didn’t play For managerment services the cost was $1,252,642 Conference finals. The Rockets, happened.” kept the 76ers ahead. march to glory. cent in the areas of special instruction and management EAST HARTFORD - Gerard G. sm art,” King led Kansas City with 24 or $147 per pupil. Plant maintenance cost was $2,- Jim Davis Morin, 55, of 613 Burnside Ave., died meanwhile, took a 3-1 advantage in What happened is that the Celtics Still, coach Bill Fitch has faith A 40-42 club during the regular The smart move for the Kings now points while Robert Reid and Calvin 550.668 or $299 per pupil. Other support services services to 17 percent for support services. Mrs. Pearl P. Balberg the Western Conference series at rallied from a 19-point first-half that his Celtics can stage a similar season, Houston ousted defending The town of Westport shelled out the most money per' Friday at St. Francis Hospital and would be to bind and shackle Murphy backed Malone with 16 and cost $1,139,180 or $134 per pupil. Medical Center. EAST HARTFORD - Mrs. Pearl Houston by scoring a 100-89 triumph deficit to go ahead 84-83 early in the recoverv act in the series — only league champion Los Angeles and Malone, 14, respectively. For Bolton the overall cost was $1,491,911 for 738 pupil when it came to regular instruction. Westport's dies at 65 spent $1,645 per pupil while Lisbon, which spent less per Private funeral services and (Polansky) Salberg, 70, of 129 pupils or $2,022 per pupil. burial will be in Sanford, Maine. Grande Road died Saturday at For regular instruction, the cost was $825,083 or pupil for regular instruction than any other town in Connecticut, laid out $685 for each student. LOS ANGELES (UPl) - Jim There are no calling hours. Newkirk Mount Sinai Hospital. She was the $1,118 per pupil. For other instruction it was $66,090 wife of \rthur I. Salberg. or $90 per pupil. For pupil services it was $64,588 or Hartford was the leader in spending for special educa­ Davis, the veteran movie and televi­ & Whitney Funeral Home, 318 Burn- tion. $518 per pupil. The statewide average was $183 per sion actor who became inter­ side Ave,, has charge of Funeral services were held today Indians atop AL standings $88 per pupil. For instructional staff services with student. nationally famous as the tough- arrangements. in the chapel of Weinstein Mortuary. was $77 per pupil. For management services the Memorial week will be observed at cost was $175,941 or $238 per pupil. Plant The cost of management services, including fees for talking family patriarch Jock Ewing By MIKE TULLY pinch runner Jerry Dybzinski. victory with a route-going perfor­ Blur Jti\H 2. I in TV’s “Dallas,” died Sunday in his the family home, 129 Grande Road. maintenance cost was $212,428 or $288 per pupil. boards of education, superintendents and principals UPl Sport. Writer Rick Manning scored the tying run mance. At New York, Lloyd Moseby sleep. He was 6i5. Lorraine V. NIcolo Memorial contributions to Temple Other support services cost $91,274 or $124 per averaged $163 per pupil. Colebrook went to the top of the Without looking, who’s in first on Jorge Orta’s sacrifice fly and “ I made some good pitches in the doubled in a run and stole home. A family spokesman said Davis, AMSTON— Lorraine (Valentine) Beth Tefilah, 465 Oak St., East Hart­ pupil. list by spending $372 for each student on management. Nicolo, 52, of Amston, died Friday ford. place in the AL East? Mike Hargrove produced his first late innings when I had to," Dave Stieb. 1-3, pitched his first Marlborough held the bottom rung by using only $92 per who was recovering from abdominal Wrong. The correct answer is game-winning hit of the season, a Blyleven said. “The team played complete game of the year Toronto surgery performed late last month, at Windham Community Memorial pupil. Hospital. She was the wife of Frank Cleveland. single. good defense behind me. Every had failed to score for him in 23 died at his Northridge home. His Samuel Scott Morgan “This was a big game for us,” “ I have been struggling at the ballclub needs some defense. ” straight innings. Tom Underwood, 0- wife of 36 years, Blanche, was with Nicolo. Besides a son and a daughter she MANCHESTER — Samuel Scott said Indians Manager Dave Garcia plate and when you are struggling In other games, California split 2. absorbed the loss him at the time. Morgan, 72, of 1168A W. Middle you have to go to left field or with Minnesota, winning 7-1 then Bed Su\ 7. Oriole. .3 No cause of death was given. leaves a sister. Miss Virginia Valen­ Sunday after the Tribe scored three tine of Manchester, and two Tpke., died Sunday at Manchester runs in the bottom of the ninth in­ losing 5-2; Chicago downed Detroit At Baltimore. Dennis Eckersley. The silver-haired actor made Memorial Hospital. He was the hus­ 5-4; Toronto nipped New York 2-1; 2-1, gutted his way to a complete Zinsser wants town dozens of movies and more than 300 grandchildren. ning to pull out a 4-3 victory over the band of the late Dorothy (Reeves) Boston defeated Baltimore 7-5; game and Gary Allenson, Tony television appearances during his Funeral services were today. The Texas Rangers. “What made it Belmont Funeral Home, Colchester, Morgan. more sweet was coming from Oakland ripped Seattle 9-4; and I’erez and Jerry Remy drove in two long career, but failed to attain star­ Before his retirement he was Milwaukee bombed Kansas City 11- dom until he appeared in "Dallas” had charge of arrangements. behind to do it.” Am erican runs each Ken .Singleton drove in employed at Hamilton Standard in What made it sweetest of all was 1, lour runs for the Orioles, three on and the Ewing oil dynasty became a Windsor Locks. He was a member of \ngelH 7-2. Twin. I-,5 his fifth homer in one Senate district national obsession and an inter­ it moved the Indians into first place Horbort H. Noff the Retirees Club of Hamilton. He in the Eastern Division. That’s pret­ League At Bloomington, Minn., Mike *K MariiuT. I national hit. was born in New London on April 4, Witt, a 20-year-old, 6-foot-7 rookie Abe Glassman for the 4th district Standing 6-foot-3 even without ELLINGTON - Herbert H, Neff, ty strange territory for them, and At Seattle, Dwayne Murphy hit a M WCIII'.STK.K - Challenging The fourth presently is an 52, of 16 South Road, died Thursday 1909 and had lived in the Manchester right-hander who pitched in Class A three-run homer on an O-and-2 count seat. A post election recount amalgamation of Glastonbury, cowboy boots or hat and talking in a they may not stay there, but they town Democrats to a fight on their at Hartford Hospital. He was the and East Hartford areas for many definitely appear improved over last last season, hurled a two-hitter in with two out in the sixth to help im­ own turf. Republican state Sen. Carl verified Zinsser's narrow defeat of Hebron, Andover, Bolton, Coventry, gruff, graveliy voice, Davis played husband of Carol (Quinn) Neff and years. Before that he had lived in season. Ninth-inning heroics always anywhere," Hargrove said. "1 the opener. Roger Erickson, 0-2, prove Oakland's record to 17-1. Matt Zinsser today called for the reappor­ the incumbent Democratic state South Windsor, East Windsor — and the perfect Texas patriarch son of Elsie (Pfau) Neff. the New London area and was a took the loss. In the nightcap, Roy representative. approximately half of Manchester. presiding over the back-stabbing, make a team look good. usually hit the ball where it is Keough. 4-1), allowed six hits, walked tionment of his 4th district to in­ Funerai services were today from dance instructor for many years. 2 2 Zinsser's position on reapportion­ The Legislature is expected to act maritial infidelities and empire­ “You can look bad for V hours pitched and most clubs pitch me in­ Smalley hit a two-run homer and two and struck out eight to complete clude reunification of this the Ladd Funeral Home, 19 He leaves two granddaughters, ment surfaced after his reported on reapportionment this August, and building of his quarrelsome clan — and with a little luck, it turns into a side. I have an inside-out swing and Fernando Arroyo, 1-1, scattered five his fourth game in four starts. traditionally Democratic suburb. Ellington Ave., Rockville.. Donna Morgan and Sharon Morgan, good game," said the Indians’ Alan it took over on that fastball." Oakland's five-man starting rota­ The town was split following the meeting with the Legislature's Zinsser said he is preparing for a especially the evil J.R. Ewing. hits over seven innings. both of East Hartford. Bannister, who drove in one run and Texas Manager Don Zimmer tion now has 15 complete games 1970 census between the third and Reapportionment Committee. While special legislative session. Before his ‘‘Dallas” days, W hile Sox i>. I'igcrH 1 calling Manchester his underlying Private funeral services will be scored the game-winner. relied on an adage to explain the At Detroit, Bob Molinaro's first Brewrr. 1 I, lto\al. I fourth districts, and town At the same time, the first-term however, Davis was a veteran of Ora 8. Bickford concern, Zinsser also suggested Wednesday at Holmes Funeral With Cleveland trailing 3-1, game. hit of the season, a tworun triple, At Milwaukee, Ted Simmons Democrats have expressed interest state senator said he would block more than 150 motion pictures, in­ COLUMBIA — Ora (Stoutnar) Home,400 Main St. Burial will be at drove in lour runs and (Jorman in re-establishing its geographical in­ South Windsor be moved to the 3rd cluding “Winter Meeting” with reliever Jim Kern opened the ninth “Bases on balls will kill you," he capped a three-run seventh that any reapportionment proposals Bickford, 72, of Route 6, died Friday the convenience of the family. There by walking two batters. John Henry said. “They always seem to get Thomas had a two-run homr Randy tegrity. district to compensate for the Bette Davis, “El Dorado” and “Rio at home. enabled Chicago to score its sixth which do not include the unification are no calling hours. Memorial con­ Johnson, 0-1, came on and got one home." straight victory and hand the Tigers Lerch. 2-0. allowed just six hits over Zinsser today acknowledged that vacating Manchester voters. of Manchester in the 4th district. Lobo” with John Wayne, "Last She was born in East Hartford on tributions may be made to the In an interview this morning, out, but Bannister singled home Bert Blyleven, 2-1, picked up the their seventh straight loss. eight innings. Dennis Leonard, 1-3, such a reapportionment would be Thirteen Republicans are seated in Command,” "Monty Walsh” and Sept. 10, 1908 and had been a resi­ American Lung Association, Ash took the loss. viewed by some as "political Zinsser said the Reapportionment the Senate, a number sufficient to "The Choirboys.” dent of Columbia for 18 years. Street, East Hartford. suicide, " but sounded confident Committee was considering an frustrate Democratic legislators, He also starred in the television Before that she had lived in amendment to place 86,000 voters in series “Maisie” with Ann Southern, when he beckoned his adversaries to said Zinsser. Manchester for many years. Halan K. Kingsbury each of the state's 35 senatorial dis­ "Stories of the Century,” “Rescue Hearns pushed in latest ring win bring on their best Funeral services will be Tuesday COVENTRY — Funeral services A former town director, Zinsser tricts. Such a move would take an Two-thirds of the senate must 8” and "The Cowboys.” He made at 11 a.m. from the Holmes Funeral ratify the reapportionment before it were today for Helen (Klie) last November defeated estimated 10,000 votes from the hundreds of guest appearances on Home, 400 Main St., Manchester. PHOENIX, Ariz. (UPl) - World opponent. I hit him with quite a few Shields left arm, but "just took the could be accepted. Kingsbury, 80, of 440 Bread and Milk cut in his career His corner Democratic senatorial candidate existing 4th district, said Zinsser. other popular shows. Friends may call Tuesday from 10 Boston’s Rick Miller slides under Oriole catcher Rick Dempsey In Boxing Association champion good shots, but he’d move away and "edge off " the pain. Davis was bom in Edgerton, Mo., St. who died Thursday at claimed It resulted from a “butt," a.m. until the time of the funeral. Manchester Memorial Hospital. She eighth inning yesterday. Ump Don Denkinger ruled runner safe as Thomas Hearns and his manager, use the ropes,” Shields said Sunday morning, "My but conceded it was accidental. on Aug. 26, 1915, and attended Red Sox won, 7-6. (UPl photo) Emanuel Steward, knew they had a Shields may have had more on his arm bothered me. I've had a William Jewell College in Liberty, was the widow of Fred D. The champion also found himself Kingsbury. fight on their hands, but they were side than the ability to take a punch. problem with it for over a month" on the canvas for the first time in Mo. He spent a year as a rigger with Lawrence J. Michaud She was born in New York City confident. Shields’ father and the boxer’s doc­ Sonny Shields, the fighter's father his career in the fifth round But a traveling tent circus and later VERNON — Lawrence J. When their scheduled 15-round tor reportedly have admitted that and manager, said the drugs used Hearns, Shields and Ferrara agreed became a salesman for an oil com­ and had lived in Coventry since 1953. Welcome Michaud, 32, of 33 Spring St., died She was a member of Second bout with fifth-ranked Randy eight shots of painkiller were in­ did not violate any rules. He said it was not a knockdown and that pany, a job that eventually brought Saturday at Manchester Memorial Shields was over Saturday, the un­ jected in Shields' left shoulder Xylocane and cortisone, not Novo­ Hearns had simply slipped as a right him to California and an acting Congregational Church of Coventry, Second 1-0 game Hospital. He was the son of Mrs. the Coventry Garden Club defeated Hearns had been pushed before the bout. cain, was used. by Shields glanced off his head to the career, Alice Michaud of Rockville. past 10 rounds for the first time in Referee Bobby Ferrara refused to When the fight was called. A memorial service was planned and Historical Society. Funeral services will be Tuesday She ieaves three sons, Ralph his career. But he had his 29th Dr. Richard Sisson, a friend of the allow Shields, who was bleeding Ferrara had scored it 120-109, judge for Friday at the Encino Community at 9:15 a.m. from the White-Gibson- knockout in 31 fights and prospects Shields family, said he administered from cuts over both eyes and his State of Hew Jersey s Church in Tarzana. Kingsbury of Marlborough, Mass., won by Knepper Joe Garcia 119-111 and judge Al Small Funeral Home, 65 Elm St., Fred D. Kingsbury Jr. of Pittsburg, of a September showdown with the anasthetic Novacain to relieve a nose, to answer the bell for the 13th Munoz 119-110 Rockville with a mass of Christian Pa., and Paul K. Kingsbury of World Boxing Council champ Sugar strained muscle and tendinitis, the round. He got no argument from burial at 10 a.m. at St. Bernard By FRED McMANE fourth save in protecting Kaat’s Ray Leonard. Arizona Republic reported in Mon­ Ck)ventry; a sister, Mrs. Gladys UPl Sport. Writer Shields' father, who said he already Hearns weighed in at 146 pounds, Church. Friends may call today Meyer of Long Island, N.Y.; 18 first victory, (jeorge Hendrick “Randy took some good shots,” day's editions. Jiad decided to stop the fight because one pound less than the nUER0HIGHWftY Bob Knepper used to feel like he homered for St. Louis. Man charged from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. said Steward, “I was really sur­ “He's had problems with his his son said he could not see. welterweight limit, for the second grandchildren and six great­ was suffocating in San Francisco. grandchildren. While the Pirates were getting prised. I realized it wasn’t going to shoulder for some time," Sisson was “1 couldn't see at all during the defense of the crown he won from Well, the Houston Astros aren’t beaten, club officials were meeting be a one-punch knockout. But I also quoted as saying. Agoatina P. Agnallo The Ladd Funeral Home, 19 last three or four rounds, " said Ran­ I’ipino Cuevas last August and with robbery exactly giving him much breathing with officials of the Louisiana knew that Thomas was a much He said the fighter had “ three or dy Shields. “I was going on in­ retained with a fifth-round knockout EAST HARTFORD - Mrs. Ellington Ave., Rockville, had room either. Superdome to discuss the possibility charge of arrangements. Memorial stronger man.” four areas that were very, very stinct." of Louis Primera in December. He MANCHESTER - A South Wind­ Agostina (Ponzo) Agnello, 86, of 430 Knepper, a left-handed pitcher of moving the ballclub to New Hearns said, “I knew I had a good tender" Park Ave., died Saturday at a local donations may be made to the Heart Hearns was cut over the right eye will have another title match in sor man was charged Friday with acquired from the Giants this winter Orleans. Pirates President Dan fight on my hands. Randy is a good Sisson said the shots did not numb in the first round, only the second June before meeting Leonard. first-degree robbery and third- convalescent home. She was the for third baseman Enos Cabell, won Galbreath said after the meeting degree larceny for armed robbery of widow of Lorenzo Agnello. In IVIcmoriani his second 1-0 game in a row Sunday with Superdome executive manager Cumberland Farms on 350 Hartford Funeral services will be Tuesday In memory of Charles J.M. by outdueling Mario Soto and stop­ Cliff Wallace, “We’re available to Straight set triumph Road, March 31, police said. at 11 a.m. at Callahan Funeral Garrow, Sr., who passed away April ping the Cincinnati Reds on eight talk more with New Orleans, but I Police arrested Daniel J. Shea, Home, 1602 Main St., East Hartford. 27, 1971. hits. Knepper’s triumph helped the still want to remain in Pittsburgh.” Jr., 21, of 772 Main St., for robbing Friends may cail today from 7 to 9 Astros snap a four-game losing Phillie. 6, Cuba 2 an undisclosed amount of money .p.m. Memories grow dear as time streak. Mike Schmidt, who loves to hit in Chris trims Martina from the store. Shea was ordered to passe's on. Even though he has gotten very Chicago’s Wrigley Field, drilled a Agnaa Doherty opening the match and easily won appear in court May 4. Aiways remembered little batting support from his new two-run homer to highlight a four- AMELIA ISLAND, Fla. (UPl) - Mayor Gerald Levine, in continuing his fight to have the last 5.9 VERNON — Miss Agnes Doherty, Martina Navratilova's “bad day" the second game. It was no contest Police arrested Donald Tillson, 26, Wife teammates, Knepper is delighted to run third inning that carried the miles of Route 9 near Howell, N.J., dualized has erected this of 240 Church St., Hartford, Phillies to victory. The loss, the was worth $32,000 to Chris Evert from there. billboard saying “Welcome to the State of New Jersey’s Killer 9 charging him with third-degree Cubs’ 12th straight, dropped their Lloyd “1 was too anxious," Navratilova Road fight Highway.” His wife, Lee, was recently Injured In an auto accident burglary for breaking into an office record to 1-13, tying a club and NL “Martina just had a bad day," said. “I saw she was nervous. I had on the stretch of highway and one of his key aides was killed In an on 60 Church St. March 31.y' Eight held as hostages record for futility over the first 14 said Evert, who eased to a 6-0, 6-0 an ad (advantage) in the second auto accident on the road. Levine says his many calls and letters Tillson, who talked of "suicide National games of a season. victory in Sunday’s singles finals of game. In the third it was 30-all and I to Gov. Byrne have gone unanswered. (UPl photo) while at the police station after the Dodgers 3, Padres 2 a $250,000 Women’s Tennis Associa­ couldn’t quite get there." arrest, was ordered to ap|lear in before capture of man League Pinch hitter Reggie Smith doubled tion championship at Amelia Island The win was Evert’s 49th con­ court May 18. home Steve Garvey in the eighth in­ Plantation and collected firstplace secutive on clay. In the last nine NEW HAVEN (UPl) - A city and other relatives. ning to give Jerry Reuss and the money. years, she has won 174 of 175 Governor soys genocide Technician to speak man, a beer can in one hand and a Authorities said Kaliszewski Dodgers a victory at Los Angeles. "Nothing seemed to go her way. 1 matches on the slower surface, gun in the other, held eight people released all the hostages by 1 a.m., Garvey led off the eighth with a just went out there and played my losing only to Tracy Austin in the MANCHESTER - Regina Bat­ hostage for about four hours before but continued to threaten police with be with the Astros’ organization single, was sacrificed to second by game. If she had gone out there and semifinals of the 1977 Italian Open. taglia, an X-Ray technician at being captured early today, police a .357-caliber Magnum handgun. after three years with the Giants. Ron Cey, and after Pedro Guerrero pressured me, I would have had to "She’s damn good on the sur­ happens when it's ignored Manchester Memorial Hospital, will said. No injuries were reported. Officials said Kaliszewski was "The biggest thing is now I feel walked. Smith, batting for Mike do something different. We all have face,” Navratilova said. “She speak at a meeting of “We Gals” Police said Raymond captured a short time later when he like baseball is a lot of fun,” Scioscia, stroked his double to left. days like that.” knows it and we know it. But she Knepper said. “In San Francisco, would have beaten me today on any HARTFORD (UPI( Gov. William Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at Emanuel Kaliszewski, 23, apparently had left the house and began walUng Expos 8-7, Mels 4-6 It took the top-seeded Evert just Moslems and many, many races and million lives as a deliberate national Lutheran Church. the only way I can describe it is like 47 minutes to defeat Navratilova, surface.” O’Neill today told observers of the nationalities.” stormed Into a house on Lexington down the street, still in possession of The Elxpos were blitzed by Dave policy.” All retired women are invited and Avenue where he expected to find the gun. Police tackled the suspect working in a coal mine with a dirty Kingman, who hit three home runs the defending champion, in their In the doubles finals, 1980 Jewish Holocaust that genocide can The governor said genocide was “Let the Holocaust serve as a con­ scarf over your mouth. You can’t Wimbledon champions Anne Smith only arise when governments and refreshments will be served. his wife with friends. She was not and took him to Yale-New Haven in the doubleheader, but they first meeting since Navratilova beat allowed to become a reality for two stant reminder,” O’neill said, “that breathe. Evert in straight sets last October in and Kathy Jordan defeated Virginia people ignore the plight of basic reasons. Tuesday night at 7:30, the aaudia there and Kaliszewski, apparently ' Hospital. generated enough power of their we must always be prepared to de­ Circle will meet at the church. angered over a domestic dispute, Police said Kaliszewski fired at "Everything here encourages the own to sweep the twin bill at Mon­ Tokyo. Ruzici and JoAnne Russell 6-3, 5-7, persecuted minorities. “One was that it was carried out fend freedom and justice against player to the best of his ability.” 7-6, Smith and Jordan won the last Genocide was allowed to exist in Lorraine Comeau will present an then held the occupants, including least three shots during the siege. treal and extend their winning The second-seeded Navratilova by a government or a group that had any attack.” illustrated lectufe on the Special Denny Walling was the only picked up $16,(X)0 for second place. game in the final in a 7-2 tiebreaker, the past because it was “ignored by been ignored by some, underrated two infants, hostage in the base­ With the hostages in the cellar, he streak to six games. Ellis Valentine Olympics for handicapped children ment. had stationed himself on the first Astros hitter to make an impact and Gary Carter homered in the Evert broke Navratilova’s serve winning the final five points. some, underrated by others and dis­ by others, and discounted by many. Sunday. He belted a home run in the counted by many,’’ O’Neill told the The other was that it was often in Germany. The Rebecca Circle Officials said his wife later floor with a beer can in one hand and opener and Jerry Manuel and Andre AARP bus trip will be guests at the meeting. arrived at the scene with her father the gun in the other, officials said. first inning and it proved to be Dawson connected in the nightcap annual statewide Interfaith pushed aside because it was decisive. Walling, playing first base, Holocaust Memorial Observance. for the Expos. Lendl stops Solomon directed at ‘some other minority.’’’ MANCHESTER - Chapter 1275 also saved the game with a Giant. 3-8, Braves I'-S The somber ceremony to com­ O'Neill said freiedom can never be of the American Association of sparkling defensive play in the memorate the death of 6 million ROBERT J. SMITHy Inc. FINAL EXPENSE Doyle Alexander and Greg Minton LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPl) - Harold Solomon, 6-4, 6-2, to capture taken for granted. “And when Retired Persons will sponsor a bus seventh inning when, with two out a $340,000 tennis tournament. Jews during World War II is held an­ genocide or terror are directed at trip to Gelston House and the combined on a seven-hitter to help There’s always a lot of howling in and two on, he made a leaping catch the Giants snap a five-game'losing Las Vegas. Patrons at the burlesque ■The victory was worth $60,000 to nually in the Senate chamber at the some other minority, we must Goodspeed Opera House this MSURANSMTHS SMGE LIFE INSURANCE of Mike Vail’s hard line drive. Capitol and is sponsored by Jewish streak and break the Braves’ six- shows. Losers at the blackjack the 21-year-old Czechoslovakian, remember that we are all members Wednesday. The bus will leave at Cardinal* 3, Pirate. 2 game winning streak in the opener. while Solomon earned $30,000. It and Christian clergy and civic and of some minority, whether it be 10:30 a.m. from the parking lot of 1914 •500 to *5000* tables. Diners when they see the EVERYONE ACCEPTED Tito Landrum, pinch hitting for Darrell Evans had four hits, scored was Lendl’s fourth win without a social groups. race, creed, color or national origin. South United Methodist Church. food prices. BotwMn Aq m 46*87 pitcher Jim Kaat, stroked a two-out twice and drove in a run to complete The Jewish Holocaust “no matter Today’s onlooker might be Final payment is due no later than single In the ninth inning at loss against his American opponent *Depending on age the Giants’ sweep in the second Sunday, even the wind howled. this year. how massive, does not stand alone in tomorrow's victim,” he said. May 2 for the chapter’s trip to NO SALESMAN WILL CALL Pittsburgh to score Tom Herr from history,” O’Neill said in prepared 649-5241 game. Jack Clark homered for San With 40 mph winds roaring The strong winds, gusting to 44 Julius Erving of the 76ers dunks ball over Boston’s Robert Parish. O'Neill said Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Williamsburg. Checks should be Writ* and glvo ua your dot* Of Mrth second base and help the Cardinals Francisco in the opener and Dale Erving paced Philadelphia to 3-1 edge In best of seven series with remarks. government “was based on hate and made payable to Chapter 1275 AARP to their eighth straight victory. through the desert and over the mph, proved to be a bigger problem M E. CM ttr Strggt Un OF MiMCA MSURIWCE (»RP. O f Murphy and Bob Homer homered for Solomon than for the stronger 107-105 win. (UPl photo) “Other cases of genocide have fear” which the dictator used "to and mail to Jeanne JtAnson, 52 Reliever Bruce Sutter notched his courts at Caesars Palace, topseeded been directed at Catholics, various MsnchMttr, Ct. 40 Broad St., Boston, Mass. 02109, Oapt. 06-MH for Atlanta in the nightcap. Ivan Lendl defeated No. 2 seed I.endl. justify the development of a so- Constance Drive, Manchester. This or CALL TOLL FREE: 800 28-1760 Protestant denominations. Hindus, called Final Solution, the inUng of 6 trip is scheduled for May 18. -a 10 - THE HERALD. Mon., April 27, 1981 AAAiLJ taut Extra base hits power Indians Course too easy for Watson

Three extra base hits, including a 1 9 th H O L E NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - while Penney has a home engage­ home fifth frame. John Rodegher A long fly to center by Britnell think it’s too easy. be on the green putting from 60 feet than he has earned in any full year — was forced to settle for a two-putt pair of triples, were most helpful as He also yielded six hits, walked Dave MacBryde a two-run double Masters champion Tom Watson, ment against Conard High also at singled, Ken D'Attillo drilled a one- moved Quesnel to third where he “They’ve made some efforts to or 70 feet, and that’s a lot easier on the tour previously. par. Manchester High subdued Penney three and fanned four. and Leon Bilodeau allowed only six who ought to know, says the 7,080- the same hour. out single and John Klemba walked scored on Bill Herlth’s two-out make the course more difficult by than trying to hit a shot from the Morgan, who was even with Wat­ They made the turn tied at 15- High, 6-2, in CCIL baseball action Penney took the jayvee contest, 5- hits in a losing effort for the 3-5 yard Lakewood Country Club course The Indians jumped to a 2-0 lead in to load the bases. Jim Neary hit into single. bringing in some of the bunkers, but bunker, or chipping.” son turning into the final nine holes, under, and then Watson began his Saturday afternoon in East Hart­ 4. Mike McKenna had an RBI single, young Indians. Country Club where he won the New Orleans Open the third inning. Paui Peck singled a fielder's choice, forcing Rodegher Tim McCarthy singled, Peck I think as long as the greens are as Watson’s 270, aided by a pair of ended up with a disappointing 71 to charge with a pair of birdies at II ford, for the second year in a row is too and, after two outs, Don Sumislaski at home, but Damon Dombeck came tripled him home and the latter LOW NET ALL IRONS- A -Lynn big as they are we are going to shoot finish third — three strokes off the and 12, and another at 14. Watson ManchcBler — Sumislaski ss, 3-1- easy. walked with both runners scoring on through with a two-run single. scored on ^aw n Spears’ suicide Penney (2) - Rodegher cf, 50-^ Prior, Edna Wadas; B —Maureen the lights out, given the weather we lead at 273 — and pick up $23,800. saved par at No. 15. where his drive 00, Britnell cf, 3-0-1-2, Herlth 3b, 4-0- Watson defended his cham­ The victory boosts the Silk Alex Britnell’s long triple. squeeze for the final two markers in 0, Mazzaferro c, 5-000, D’Attllio if, Bednarczyk, Boots Camellia; C have.” “It looked like if Dr. Morgan had landed in a lake left of the fairway. Towners to 2-5 in the league and 3-5 1-1, Oleksinski If, 3-1-0-0, Schaeffer pionship on the par-72 course Sunday Manchester extended its margin A run in the eighth and two more the ninth. 5-1-10, Klemba rf, 1-1-00, Neary 3b, —Mae Anderson, Hazel Piper. Watson called Lakewood a good been putting he could have taken the He took the stroke penalty, then shot overall while the setback drops the rf, 2-0-0-0, McCarthy rf, O-l-O-O, Pic­ with a final round of 68 giving him a in the fourth. Mike Oleksinski was in the ninth gave Manchester some Spears, 2-1, went the distance to 4-010, Dombeck lb, 4-0-1-2, Dunfee ARIZONA SCRAMBLE- Edna driving course, but said it would be tournament away,” Watson said. a hook around some trees that Black Knights to 4-3 in the CCIL and cin c, 3-0-1-1, Peck lb, 4-2-2-1, Spears two-stroke victory with a four-day Can hit bad shot hit by a pitch, moved to second on a breathing room. Pinch-hitter Joe pick up the win for the Indians. He ss, 3-010, Smith 2b, 3-000, Garen p, Wadas-Bert Groman-Emily Sarra- more difficult and challenging if the Watson, the leading money- bounced in and out of the bunker to 5-4 overall. p, 2-0-1-1, Panaro 2b, 2-0-0-0, total of 18-under-par 270. Chris Schaeffer sacrifice and scored Chetelat walked with pinch-runner scattered six hits, walked five and 4-000. Totals 34-2-6-2. Mae Anderson 81, Isabelle Parciak- greens were smaller. winner on the PGA tour for the last land just short of the green. Chetelat ph, 0-00-0, Quesnel pr, 0-1- Bruce Flelsher was second, two still reach green Manchester returns to the dia­ on a Bob Piccin double. Dave Quesnel taking second on a struckout five. Scott Garen went the Manchester 002 100 012 6 Boots Carneilla-Eileen Plodzik- He said United States Fidelity and four years, started out slow and 00, LaBrec 2b, 1-000. ToUls: 31-6- strokes back, for his best finish to ll mond today at Enfield High at 3:30 Penney pulled a pair back in the Sumislaski sacrifice. route and took the loss for Penney. Penney 000 020 000 2 Betty Lou Nordeen 83. Guaranty Co., sponsor of the event, caught fire on the back nine. He Morgan hit the wrong fairway at 6-6. years on the tour, and Gil Morgan, ABCD FOUR BALL- Pete Denz- has offered to loan Lakewood the bogeyed No. 4 after a stiff crosswind the same hole, landed in a sandtrap. Bill Sklnner-Bob Gustamachio-Bob who started the final round in a 14- money to tighten the greens, but the dropped his tee shot into the left and his second shot went beyond the Lachapelle plus 12, Tim LaFrancis- under tie with Watson, was third at decision will be up to the club 69s and a 64, was three strokes bunker and chipped out, only to miss green. He ended up with a bogey Bill Tomkiel-Tom Leone-Ray 273 for the 72 holes. membership. better than his 1980 win and just a 12foot putt on the par-three hole. Morgan, a non-practicing op­ Lower part of order Hickey plus 11, Terry Schllling-Bert “Being defehding champion gave “I think that would be a great three strokes shy of the tournament Watson caught up with Morgan on tometrist, finished the round with a Davis-Fred Nassiff-Bob Wallace me no advantage except knowing idea,” Watson said. “I certainly record of 267 set by Lee Trevino in the next hole, hitting a 15-footer birdie at the 18th hole for a 71 and a plus 9, Jam ie Smith-Ben Delmastro- how I won it before,” Watson said. would like to see the greens a lot 1974. from behind the pin for a birdie on four-day total of 273 Ted Stepanski-Paul Dutelle plus 7, “The golf course is very easy. It’s smaller. It would make them more Fleisher hit a final-round 66 for a the par-three, 165-yard eighth hole, Barry Jaeckel was alone in fourth Bob Reynolds-Hal Giglio-Vic probably about the easiest golf difficult and more challenging. four-day total of 272 that earned him while Morgan — who landed 40 feet place, four strokes off the lead at ^ i pace Eagle triumph Abraitis-Joe Cerina plus 5, Tom course we play on the tour all year. I “You can hit a bad shot and still second-place money of $37,800, more away nn »hp lower edge of the green 275, and won $16.8(X). Prior-Sam Watson-Tom Atamian- ’" ' \ i Merrill Anderson plus 5, Rich Archambault-Ed Pagani-Alex First tour win ever By LEN AllSTER the fourth to take a 2-1 lead. sacks. Barter, on a 1-0 fastball, Eigner Jr.-Bill Bengston plus 4, Rosburg enjoyed Herald Sportswriter Designated hitter Keith Lysak’s sailed it over the 347-foot sign in left Dick Smith-Lloyd Davidson-Blll Ample power has been supplied by RBI single placed runners at the centerfield to put East in front for Sander-Hank Murphy plus 4. carded for Solomon the lower part of the East Catholic corners with no out. good. “The key blow was the grandslam B EST 14- A—Bob Reynolds 51-6-45, batting order this campaign. That Lysak broke for second with Ray Gordon 54-7-47, Tom Zemke 58- that old feeling s; homer. He hit it a long way and that BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (UPI) - 210, one stroke ahead of Patty Hayes iOiii fact was demonstrated again Satur­ catcher Steve Byrne’s peg in plenty 8-50, Terry Schilling 57-7-50, Joe day morning as No. 7 sticker Jeff of time to nail him with shortstop quieted us down,” Shukie stated. Beth Solomon’s seven-year itch has and tournament fayorite Nancy Novak 57-7-50, Dom DeNicolo 55-5- AUSTIN, Texas (UPI) — It was an Barter crunched a grandslam Falkowski applying the tag. The se­ The Eagles added two Insurance left her $15,000 richer. Lopez Melton. Gardner Dickinson and Dan Sikes 50, Gordie Wilson 58-8-50; B —Bill experience that still comes natural­ homer leading the Eagles to a 7-3 cond baseman, Furlong, faked cut­ runs in the eighth with Barter Solomon, whose best previous “ I wasn’t neryous all day except finished tied for third with Arnold Sander 59-14-45, Rich Bottaro 59-12- finish after seven years on the ly to Gene Littler. But it had been HCC victory over Northwest ting off the throw. singling home one, his fifth RBI of 47, Ben Delmastro 57-9-48, John until the 2th hole (the final sudden- Palm er and Dow Finsterwald at 16- Catholic at Eagle Field. “It was a regular steal,” voiced the day, and Tim Wisnieski plating LPGA tour was second, turned back death hole),” Solomon said. “ I quite a while since Bob Rosburg had under 264 Pionzio 57-9-48, Don Anderson 60-12- veteran on the third been in an old fashioned dogfight The four-bagger. Barter’s third of Northwest Coach John Shukle, the other. 48; C—Bob Lachaplelle59-17-42, Bill realized then that if anybody could The lucrative first prize seemed hole of a sudden-death playoff Sun­ and he came away fairly pleased the season and second in as many Byam, 1-1, went the distance to Palmer 64-19-45, Merrill Anderson do well here it was Jane. But I just to be slipping away from Rosburg day to win the $100,000 Birmingham with himself. and Littler at the ilth hole, a 185- games, erased a 2-1 Northwest lead pick up his first varsity win. He 64-19-45, Dick Melton 69-23-46, tried to play calm and it worked.” Classic. “I’m happy with the way my yard, par-3 that requires a carry in the fourth inning and powered spaced eight hits, struckout eight Charles Whelan 68-12-46, Ted Solomon said she couldn’t believe Solomon led the first two rounds nerves held up,” Rosburg said once over Onion Creek. A huge tree East to its fourth consecutive win in and walked none. "He hasn’t walked Stepanski 61-15-46, Newt Smith 62- it when Blalock knocked in her 30- anyone yet,” Penders cited, “you and clinched her first victory by he was able to relax Sunday. “My stands to the left of the green on that HCC play. The Eagles stand 4-2 Good week’s 16-48; Gross—Reynolds 72. foot putt on the 18th hoie to carry the pairing the final sudden-death hole. nerves have been pretty good all hole and both golfers hit the tree overall. have to do that in high school.” SW EEPS- A —Gross —Reynolds 72, match into sudden death. Bill Frobel went the distance for Blalock, the tournament’s only two- week. That’s the thing you worry The setback drops the Indians to 2- work: Penders Net —Novak 78-7-71, LaFrancis “I thought, 'Oh no, now we have to Northwest. He also gave up eight time winner, had to settle for a about in these situations.” Sub-masters and overall first place finisher In Sunday's Bolton 3 in the conference and 3-6 overall. 75-3-72, Dave Kaye 75-2-73, go into a piayoff,’” she said. “I safeties, walked four and fanned bogey after her tee shot hit the The nerves of the 50-year-old five-mile race was Tim Smith, left, while Charlie Robbins, right, East has a pair of back-to-back Schilling 80-7-73, Rich Riordan 75-2- never thought this would happen. Top men five. bunker. Littler and the 54-year-old Rosburg prevailed in the men's masters division for the fourth straight time. contests Wednesday and Thursday 73; —Gross —Bob Flynn 83, Net I ’m going out to celebrate tonight by afternoon, on the road the first out­ East Catholic (7) — Furlong 2b, “I feel like I played 72 holes out driving those race cars (go-karts) were put to the test on the fairways (Herald photos by Cody) —Don Anderson 84-12-72, Aldo D’ap- of the Onion Creek Country Club ing at Bioomfield High before retur­ “Both the guy on third and I lost the 4-1-1-0, Ayer cf, 3-0-0-0, Falkowski there today,” Solomon said after down the street. I’ve never done that Legends pollonio 87-13-74; C —Gross —Ray course Sunday because they had ning home for a clash against Wind­ ball. They decoyed us.” ss, 3-0-1-1, McCoy lb, 4-1-1-6, Four­ sinking her winning par. “I’m real before and I think it will be fun. Hickey 89, Net —M. Anderson 89-19- suddenly seen a seemingly insur­ sor High. "We got the guy at second and nier If, O-l-O-O, Goodwin dh, 4-1-2-0, “After that, when I realize I’ve 70, BUI Palmer 89-19-70. mountable five-shot lead wilt away of Golf "Barter had a good week’s work," helped get us out of the inning quick­ Byam p, 2-1-0^, Barter 3b, 4-2-2-S, won here, I think I’ll cry.” BEST 16- A —Georgp Seddon 66-8- to a mere single stroke. stated East Coach Jim Penders, ly. That pumped the kids up,” Beltrandi rf, 3-0-M, Wisnieski rf, 1-0- Blalock, who hasn’t won a tourna­ Smith retains crown 58, Joe Wall 68-8-60, Reynolds 66-6- But both of them made key birdie Penders stated. ment since the Elizabeth Arden mindful of his third baseman's 1-1, Byrne c, 3-0-0-0, O’Leary ph, 1-0- 60, Bob Vonderkall 67-7-60; B —Nick LPGA three-run homer last Monday in a Sophomore Mike Byam, after the Classic 16 months ago, said she was putts down the stretch to hold off 0-0. Totals: 32-7-8-7. Carlo 69-10-59, Jerry Troy 73-13-60, with their tee shots. Both golf balls 13-7 win over South Catholic. aborted steal, got out of the inning tired but I’m certainly excited. I let down with her play but pleased Gene Littler can’t believe his Australians Kel Nagle and Peter Northwest Catholic (3) — Rick Marshall 72-11-61, Ray Chittick dropped back into the creek and East opened the scoring in the without further damage. He went on Milligan 3b, 4-1-2-2, Lewis It, 4-0-1-0, feel real numb and shocked. I just with her putting. golf ball wound up In the water Thomson and win the $410,000 72-11-61, Roy Anderson 74-13-61; C L ittler and Rosburg wound up in Bolton road race first inning on a Tom Furlong single, to retire 12 in a row going with more Hagearty c, 4-0-0-0, Venora rf, 4-1-2- can’t believe it. “It was kind of a downer for me," on the 11th hole, the same spot Legends of Golf by one shot. —John Rieder 91-3061, Bert Brown “We gave it a good go,” said making a double bogey stolen base, infield groundnut and off-speed stuff, before yielding a 0, Clarke ss, 441-1-0, Frobel p, 04H1- 'T want to thank the Lord because Blalock said. “I was really keyed up his partner’s ball did In 77-15-62, Stepanski 77-15-62; Gross Nagle, whose team had started the Nagle promptly ran in a birdie ning the super-masters division with 37:03. vicious line singie down the third one-out solo homer to Mark Milligan 0, Lysak dh, 4-0-1-1, Beatty 2b, 3-1-1- this was a gift from him to me,” she to win and this was a^eal letdown. By RICH CODY —Rich Riordan 73. Legends Tournament. Little final round four shots back of Littler putt on the same hole and the five- a time of 31:52. The junior men's division was won base stripe by Mike Falkowski. in the eighth. 0, Connors lb, 2-0-0-0, Werle cf, 2-0-0- added. “I prayed for a little bit of “On the other han^qt was some of llrrulil Reporlrr SW EEPS- Gross —Riordan 73, Net and Bob Rosburg won by one and Rosburg. “But it was still a nice shot lead had been cut to two The Men's Open division (18-291 by Robert Carbary of Norwich in The visitors evened it in the third East, meanwhile, did some 0, St. Saveur ph, l-O-O-O. Totals: 32-3- peace today and he gave me some.” the best putting I'ye done in a long Tim Smith successfuily defended —Denz 78-7-71, Erwin Kennedy 76-4- stroke. (UPI photo) tournament for us.” “ I thought they looked a little was won by Jack Hovey, of Water- 32:25; Maureen Turner of Rockville frame on three singles with Mike damage of its own in the fourth. 8-3. The round went into sudden death time. I didn’t miss a putt I thought 1 his sub-masters title by easily win- 72, Bob Reynolds 78-6-72, Vonderkall Littler and Rosburg each won $35,- shaken,” said Nagle. bury who placed second overall with won the junior's women in 33:25. Lewis delivering the run. Northwest Dennis McCoy and Rich Goodwin East Catholic 100 400 02x 7 after Blalock sank a 30-foot putt for should make. I made some putts un­ ninq the fourth annual Bolton five 79-7-72, Seddon 80-8-72; B —Gross 000 for firing a final-round 66 and a “ We went into semi-shock for a a time of 27:40. The team award went to the Silk roped three consecutive singles in singled and Byam walked to load the Northwest 001 100 010 3 a birdie and Solomon followed with der pressure and that’s neat. Move confirmed mile road race Sunday. —Bill Sullivan 88, Jim King 88, Net 72-hole score of 257 — 23-under-par. while,” said Littler '1 fell like jum­ Mike Melo of Windsor took second City Striders, represented by An­ a birdie on the final hole of regula­ “I played well out there today. I Smith, a Norwich native who won —D’Appollonio 80-13-67, Orlando An­ MONTREAL (UPI) - Montreal ping in the pond” in the open in 27:48; Ray Parr of An­ dover’s Ray Parr and Richard Parr, tion play. , who was tied knew it would be hard and I never It was the largest single prize ever the sub-masters division (ages 30- num 89-13-76; C —Gross —Stan Aiouettes general manager Bob Rosburg made a 15-fool putt for dover was third in 29:15; Tim and Manchester’s Stuart Horn. with Blalock and Solomon going into gave up. I know I’ll be around for a won by Rosburg, while Littler, who 39) the last two years, crossed the Playoff hopes dimmed in double loss Prachniak 89, Net — Ekl Ansaldi 88- Geary has confirmed that Los birdie at the 13th hole which boosted Gurski of Manchester fourth in 29:17 Jeff Peterson was the first Bolton the 18th, paired the hole to finish while.” turned 50 last year, has managed finish line with a time of 26:43. 13 18-70. Angeles Rams’ quarterback Vince his team ’s lead back to three shots and Andover's Richard Parr fifth in finisher with a time of 34:03. one stroke back. Defending champion Barbara $89,600 in three seniors tournaments sconds short of his record perfor­ Ferragamo will sign with the Cana­ and both teams birdied the 14th. the division in 30:13, The oldest finisher was Solomon and Blalock both started Barrow finished way off the pace at this year. Littler won $50,000 first mance last year. dian Football League club. But there was a two-shot swing at Manchester’s Kim Scott won the Manchester’s Ray Rubinow with a One regret the day at 6-under-par 138 and shot 4- 220, but won a new car after she prize in the Vintage seniors tourna­ Hometown favorite Charles Rob­ A news conference has been called ment eariier this month. the 15th when neither Littler nor women’s open with a time of 36:37, time of 50:29. under-par 68s on the 6,307-yard sank a hole-in-one on the 12th hole. bins. of Middletown won his division CHICAGO (U P D - Mark Aguirre, today for 5 p.m. when the Rosburg could make par and .'Vagle and Cindy Geisinger was second in “Recently, I’ve really been disap­ For Rosburg, it was the first vic­ for the fourth consecutive year, win­ Housatonic stops AACC the two-time All-America player Green Valley Country Club course made a 7-foot birdie putt Alouettes’organization was tory of any kind since he won the who almost turned DePaul into a for a 54-hole total of 206, 10-under- pointed with my play,” Barrow said. expected to officially announce the Bob Hope Desert Classic in 1972. With the lead now down to one national basketball power, says he is par. “And in this tournament I wanted to Rams’ top quarterback has signed a Thomson and Nagle each won $22,- shot, Littler made a critical 8-fool Blalock’s second-place finish do well because there is something By BOB PAPETTI scoring single by Willie Marchuk Housatonic (9) — Milone cf, 5-1- leaving the university with one multi-year contract, reportedly a birdie putt at the 17th to salt away earned her $9,800. about defending your title. 500 for their second-piace finish, Correspondent and a two-run double by Dave Blake. 1-0, Valenzano 2b, 5-1-2-0, Frye ss, 5- regret — he never led the Blue three-year deal for $4(X),000 per having shot a 7-under 63 on the final the win and make Thomson’s birdie Miller, who started the day two “But I’m leaving here with a Schoolboy trackmen Top-ranked Housatonic Communi­ The home team, however, was still 1- 2-1, Velez c, 5-13-2, Bruno 3b, 4-1-0- Demons to an NCAA championship. season. day for a 258. at the final hole immaterial ty College swept a doubleheader three runs short. 0, Romaniello dh, 3-2-O-0, Smith rf, ■The junior forward said he had strokes behind the leaders’ finished totally different attitude now from plummeting Manchester Com­ The nightcap was a one-run affair 2- 1-2-3, DiCarlo If, 4-1-2-1, Kelley lb, placed his name in the NBA third with a final-round 67 for a because I had a good round today, munity College, 9-6 and 11-7, in after six frames (with the visitors 2-04W), Norko p, 04M)-0, Shevlin p, 0- hardship draft June 9 and will skip three-day total of 207. sank a hole-in-one and won a car. That’s not bad.” Shepherd victor in Virginia CCCAA basebali action yesterday at ahead 6-5) before Housatonic iced 0- 0-0. Totals: 35-9-12-7. his senior year. Donna Caponi finished fourth at WEEK DAY Cougar Field. the contest with a big five-run MCC (6) — Desauliniers ss, 4-0-0- MARTINSVILLE, Va. cond of three memorable bring home medals Housatonic, 24-10, blew open two seventh that included seven straight 0, Roath cf, 3-1-1-0, Craig c, 4-0-0-0, (UPI) — Morgan events in Shepherd’s life SPECIAL close contests with late-inning hits off three Cougar hurlers. W. Gonzalez 3b, 4-1-1-0, Testoni If, 3- Pros oppose PGA split- Shepherd’s four-year love that have occurred at the railies in dealing a severe blow to MCC trailed, 2-1, going into the Thinclads from Manchester High take second place with a 1:38.58 Four Indians took part in Eastern 1- 2-2, Monsees lb, 2-1-0-0, Marchuk affair with Martinsville .525-miIe track in 18 Hole MCC’s New England Junior Colelge home fourth when it exploded for and East Catholic boys' track clocking. The Eagles' foursome of Relay events last Friday in New rf, 4-1-1-1, Blake 2b, 2-1-2-2, Mckay NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - Pro Beman will put the proposal to the Speedway — an affair that Southside Virginia. playoff hopes. The six top ranked four tallies as Testoni, Andy Each player would be required to Green Fees squads brought home medals from Dave Racicot, Chris and Greg Britain, Doug Potter and Andy dh, 2-04M), Hill p, O-O-O-O, Klibanoff golfers this week will be asked to players Wednesday at a meeting in includes his wedding In 1977, a flat-broke teams in New England advance to Monsees, Marchuk and Blake led off compete in each tournament on his Saturday’s Eastern Relays staged at Eltringham and Randy Davison Wickwire were ninth and 12th p, O-O-O-O. Totals: 28-6-75. consider a plan to split the Houston. ceremony — is getting Shepherd needed a Late the post-season regional playoff. with consecutive singles and each circuit, with certain exceptions, in a and Cart on Hall High in West Hartford. secured third place with a time of respectively in the 3,000-meter run Housatonic 030 050 1 9 Professional Golfers Association Some pros such as player of the torrid. Model Sportsman victory The Cougars, whose record nose­ scored. It remained that way until season running from January to Weekdays Manchester took the silver medal 1:39.15. with times of 9:30.1 and 9:46.2. Tom MCC on 000 4 6 into two circuits and require players year Tom Watson and Hubert Green Shepherd, the Conover, to stay afloat. He won, in dived to 12-9-1 with the double the top of the sixth when Housatonic September. The remaining months in the 4 X 1,500-meter relay in the East’s foursome of Kevin Danahy and Donnie Parker were Housatonic (1 1 )— Milone cf, 5-1- to enter specified tournaments, but were reserving judgments until N.C., resident in his first what he calls the “turning defeat, now have slim chances, at chased starting and losing Cougar would be free for exhibitions and championship division with the four­ MacFarlane, Jerry Brown, Davison 10th and 15th respectively in the 2- 0, Valenzano 2b, 3-2-1-0, Frye ss, 4- many already have their minds NASCAR Grand National point” of his racing career. best, of qualifying. competition abroad. after the meeting but many, like some of Dave DeValve, Peter and Tierney took the gold medal in pitcher Cliff Pinney, 0-3, with a four- 2-2-0, Valez c, 4-1-1-1, Bruno 3b, ^3- made up. season, won his first race Last year, however, the 5,000-meter run with times of 17:00 Housatonic entered the fifth in­ PGA commissioner Deane Beman Bean, were outspoken. Murphy, Mike Roy and Gary Gates the 4 X 400-meter relay with a win­ and 17:24. run burst. Housatonic’s Steve 2-1, Romanielo dh, 3-0-1-2, Norko pr, “I will not be told where to play,” Sunday by whipping a biggest event of his life oc­ ning of the opener with a slim 3-2 Smith, who was 4-for-6 with six RBI has suggested the idea because he M2.00 turning in a 17:33,87 clocking. They ning time of 3:42.63. Manchester returned to the track O-l-O-O, Hills dh, l-l-l-l. Smith rf, 4- Andy Bean, one of the top 10 money- feels tour stars will not support all “I just don’t think the sponsors banged up field in the $169,- curred at the start-finisji were just outleaned at the wire by lead before proceeding to chalk up in the twinbill, had the key hit of the 2 people to a cart Manchester’s Scott Smith took today against East Hartford High at 0-2-3, DiCarlo If, 3-0-1-0, Clori lb, 2-0- winers on the tour said emphatically the events now on the schedule. will go for it,” Bean said Saturday. (X)0 Virginia 500. His speed line just before he steppeid Xavier, which had a 17:33.77 five runs off losing Cougar hurler inning, a two-run triple off reliever runner-up honors in the pole vault Wigren Track at 3:30 while the 0-0, Imri ph, 4-0-0-0, Kelley lb, 1-0-0- during the New Orleans Open, “and “You have to please the sponsors of 75.019 mph was 3.033 into his car and sewed up CALL clocking. Ken Hill, 3-1, as shoddy MCC Paul Pires. Also, the foreign tournaments and with a jump of 12-feet, 6-inches. Eagle thinclads oppose South 0, Truglia p, 0-0-04), O’Connor p, O-O- I doubt that anyone else will and you have to please the behind the record. the 1980 NASCAR LMS East’s foursome of Dave Barry, fielding virtually handed the contest That gave Housatonic the lead for O-O. Totals; 34-11-138. exhibitions with large purses drain Cheney Tech's Russ Smith took Catholic Tuesday afternoon at St, either.” galleries.” The triumph was the se­ championship. Bartlett S t, Portland 342-2833 Ron Adams, Kevin Byrne and Steve over. good. top talent from the tour. seventh place with a jump of 11-feet, Joseph’s in Hartford at 3 :15. MCC (7) — Desaulniersss, 2-14)-l, The plan calls for splitting the 44- Kittredge took the bronze medal in 6-inches. The Cougars, whose first two Housatonic iced it with the five- Roath cf, 3-1-1-1, Craig c, 341-14), Ch. event tour into two separate but the event with a 17:37.07 clocking. tallies were provided by RBI singles run seventh before MCC came back Gonzalez ph, O-O-O-O, W. Gonzalez 3b, equal circuits by 1985, with players Manchester’s 4 X 100-meter open by Steve Testoni in the second and with two in the home half of the in­ 4-1-1-1, Testoni If, 4-1-2-1, Monsees chosen for each circuit by a sponsor division relay of Bill Brown, Donald third, mustered a last-inning, four- ning. lb; 4-1-14), Marchuk rf, 3-1-2-1, Blake draft. Hurst, Mark Allen and Dave 19th Hole run rally highlighted by a run- Testoni was 4-for-7 with three RBI 2b, 2-1-1-0, Pires dh/p, 2-0-0-1, Christensen took home a silver to pace the Cougars in the twinbill. Pinney p, 04)4)4), Klibanoff p, 04)4)- medal with a : 46.92 clocking. The In­ Tallwood C —' Gross — Stan Zima 64, Net — MCC returns to the diamond 0, Cr. Gonzalez p, 00-04). Totals: 27- dian sprint medley of Brown, Allen, Harry Hadfieid 48, Gerry Blanchard Tuesday afternoon against South 7-9-6. I’d luva new YORK, Ron Isenberg and Dave Parrott ELIMINATE PAR 5 ’s % Han- 51, Clarence Denyer, Pat Paradiso Central Community College at Housatonic 110 004 5 11 secured fifth place with a 3:57.20 dicap — A — Gross — Nick Pahoulis 52, John Sutherland, Jim Stone 53, Cougar Field at 3 o’clock. MCC 100 400 2 7 clocking. 54, Net — Bob Callihan 51, Gino Sam Sapienza, John Boylan 54. Soccer Champion East, in the sprint medley, took Calderone 51, Frank Sullivan, Bob SWEEPS — Gross — Callihan 76, AUTO REPAIRS fourth place with the foursome of Thornton 52, Bob Chambers 53, John Neligon 78, Net - Zima 85-21-64, 85- Chris and Greg Eltringham, Jim Banavige, Ted Blasko 54, Henry 17-68, Pahoulis 78-7-71, Sutherland Cougar softballers Tierney and Kittredge having a time Steullet 55; B — Gross — Bruce 94-22-72, Paradiso 101-29-72, ' ^ WE SERVICE ALL Heatpump. of 3:50.9. Belcher 60, Net — Dick Barnett, Chambers 82-10-72, Lou Genovesi Seniors triumph -H ow of Mr. Ooodwnnch'' GENERAL MOTOR Allen, Hurst, Christensen and Craig Phillips 50, Dan McDonough 102-30-72, Bianchard 91-19-72. cop eight straight CARS AND TRUCKS Brown combined in the 4 X 200- 52, Len Belanger, Lou Gonzales 53, THREE WORST HOLES Manchester Soccer Club senior team took a 5-3 decision over Hart­ Continuing its winning ways, by Kim Hannon, who lashed three Now it the time to moke o smart meter relay in the open division to Stan Skiba, A1 Smith, Sal Russo 54; REVERT TO PAR - A — Gross - deal on o new York Champion or ford Peru in a Connecticut Soccer streaking Manchester Community hits Including two homers and drove • M l MECHANICAL REPAIRS Tony Staullet 72, Net — John Carey Maximizer Heatpump. 64, John Yetishefsky 65, Calderone League ‘B ’ Division clash yesterday College women’s softball team in six runs. Lisa Schwartz, Renee • COMPLEn COUISION REPAIRS at Hartford’s Colt Park. swept a doubleheader from Stam­ Abramowicz, Carol Oliva, Doreen 65, Jim Bidwell, Frank Sullivan 67, • RESUILT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS The York Champion computer East jayvees prevail, Leo Bravakis 68; B — Gross — Biz Stimac registered the three- ford UConn, 23-2 and 7-6, yesterday Downham and Gagnon added twq controlled heat pump is the total Bruno Frigo 76, Net — Norm goal hat trick and Billy Young and at Keeney Field. hits apiece. Schwartz, Abramowicz, • AUTO PAINTINS home comfort system that thinks Mawdsiey 65, Ray St. Louis 66, Les Eld Kennison each added one tally The twinbill victory stretches the Oliva and Noreen Tarbell homered. • CHAROE WITH MASTER CHAROE for Itself to heat and cool your trash divides twinbill Christensen, Andy Rhoades, Walt for the locals, now 8-1 in the league Cougars’ winning streak to eight and In the nightcap, Downham won pon nbase price ee of all new ROLLBBCK 81 amc passenger cars. Jeep vehicles and home while it saves you energy Kikszka 67, Bill Dowd 69; C — Gross table. moves their record to 11-7. her fifth decision of the campaign, • 2 4 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE Renault ..Including d-cyllnder Jeep CJ-5, CJ-7, popular concord .te car like never before I York Champion and Add-on Maxi­ Manchester’s next outing Is Sun­ MCC winds up regular season play scattering six hits. She walked none Limited time only. Shop early for best selection see dealer for details. East Catholic jayvee baseball East’s freshman squad opened its — Jim Stone 79, Net — Norm mizer Heotpumps hove the brain day afternoon at 1 o'clock against Wednesday afternoon against the and fanned eight. The York Maximizer Add-on Heat­ team won its second straight 9-4, season Saturday in Middletown by Pelletier 57, Larry Adams, that is always thinking about sav­ Blachard 62, Dick Field, Bob Stafford Springs. EUistem Connecticut State CoHege MCC, trailing 6-4, tallied once in pump is the add-on heat pump ing you energy and money, keep­ over Northwest Catholic Saturday splitting a doubleheader with with o brain. Just add It to your Reever 63, Dick Vizard 64. jayvees at Keeney Field at 3.30. the sixth as Hannon reached on an CARTER ing your system running trouble afternoon at Eagle Field. Xavier, the Falcons taking* the MCC rapped 16 hits, including six infield hit, stole second and scored existing warm air, gas, electric free and helping your system lost Tim Wlsnieskl and Dennis opener 4-3 in nine innings and young SWEEPS 8 Gross — Bidwell, Fans can relax homers, and played flawless defense on an Oliva RBI single. The Cougars or oil system and save up to 60% years longer. Goodwin each had two hits for the Eagles securing the nightcap 6-5. Steullet 75; Net — Pelletier 91-26-65, CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (UPl) in easily taking the opener. The won It in the seventh with a pair of of your winter fuel dollars, plus Eagles, who put matters away early Chris Markelon had two doubles Blanchard 88-19-69, Frigo 84-14-70, — Virginia fans can relax now that gel the benefit of whole house air Don't lot fuoi bill* got your down ogoln.... Cougars found matters much more naarkers. Reiuiiii le C.v with a seven-run first stanza. Five and Chris Darby two singles in the Yetishefsky 78-8-70, Carey 80-10-70, condijioning this summer. Call AAB Cooling A Hooting Corp. sophomore center Ralph Sampson difficult In the nightcap with a Tarbell singled, stole second and ond toll him 'Td tuvo now YORK 11", consecutive hits by Jeff Riggs, opener for East. Dave Vllga went Reever 88-17-71. has snubbed offers to turn squeeze bunt needed to bring home scored as Abramowicz’ sacrifice AUrO REPAIR Goodwin, Tim Feshler, Tim Kiro the distance on the hill, hurling no­ Tough decision professional and decided to stay the game-winner. bunt was thrown away. 1220 Main st. A&B Cooling & Heating Corp. and Paul Tucker started off the hit ball the first six innings. with the Cavaliers for at least Four MCC errors resulted in six Abramowicz, who wound up at fram e with a double by Sean John Giliberto had a key two-run another year. MANCHESTER flu'asmi' 101 Loomis St. BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (DPI) - unearned runs for Stamford UConn third, scored on a perfectly placed naui VOTH. iHuiJersey. conneGUcui; O’Leary and Wisnieski single cap­ double and Joe Smith drove in the The "decision was difficult,” said The Dallas Mavericks and Detroit in the second tilt. suicide squeeze by SchwarU. TEL. 040-0404 Manchostor, Ct. 06040 ping it. winning run in the nightcap for All-America guard Isiah Thomas of Pistons wooed the 7-foot-4 United Laurie Gagnon hurled a one-hitter Schwartz and Abramowicz each 6 4 9 ^ 6 9 1 Brian McAuley was the winning East. Markelon had two hits and Indiana University, but his choice Press International Player of the in bringing her record to 5-2 in the had two hits in the nightcap for nme Jeep Ronauic Dealers pitcher for 3-2 East with relief help Darby hurled three innings of no-hit became clear in his announcement Year with high-paying contracts. But opener. She fanned six and walked MCC. 'com Tony Sledesky. relief to notch the win. to enter the June 9 NBA college Sampson said he wants to "stay with three. Ample support was provided draft. a winning situation.” 12 — THE HBRALD, Mon., April 'I n . 1W>1

THE HERALD. Mon,, April 27. 1981 — l.'<

Consumer Update/ Gardens FOCUS/ Home TV-Movies / Comics

Minnesota Arroyo (W l-l) 7 r i i 9 i i fir s t Game I Bayer-Hawkins 10,088 08454966—288 Fleck-Elding 10488 98484649‘ 266 Corbett (S3( 2 i I 1 0 2 n e w YO R K MONTREAL Sw chak-Sifford 10486 . 884447-71—388 ab r h bi ab r h bi “rA™"W ilsonr( 2 00 0 Hamllton-Ford 10,000 69474747—270 The Coventry Garden Club Raines If 5 0 0 0 J.E rt> er-K ro ll 10,000 704B-®47—270 Falcone p 0000 Baseball Manuel 2b 5 2 2 0 Basketball a-Complon-Campbell 68484748—271 TORONTO Bckmn pn •1100 Dawson cf 3 1 1 0 Just Ask N EW Y O R K 0 0 0 0 White cf 1000 Haas-Mayer 10,000 abrhbi abrhbiab r h bi Toski-Harbert 10,000 Moseby cf 10 11 Valentin rf 4 2 3 3 4 1111 Rndlph2b 50 10 Hebert-Hebert 10.000 G arcia 2b 4 0 3 0iMmptirycf Mmi 3 120?®J^®pP 0 00 0 Hutton rf 10 11 Ainge3b 40 10 ___ss 1 4 0 2 0 Carter c 4 2 2 2 Ransom-Burkem 10,000 W infield If 30 11 Murray Olderman Sarzaen-Runyan 10^ 72-73W 0^ Mybrry lb 4 0 0 0 Jacksndh 4 0 00 Mazzillicf 3 0 0 1 Parrish 3b 4 0 0 0 By Unitl!(f Press International Demaret-Fazio 10.000 Upshaw lb 0 0 0 0 Gam ble rf 3 0 00 4 111 C ro m rllb 3 1 2 0 Velez dh Jorgnsn rf 4 0 0 0 Speier ss 40 10 Cooper-Guldahl 10.000 78-77-72-77-302 Flower Show Set May 9 2 0 10 Nettles 3b 4 02 0 AMERICAN LEAGUE a-^notes amateur Woods If 3 0 0 0 Spencer lb 4 0 00 Brooks 3b 4 0 00 Burris p 1 0 0 1 NBA Playoffs East Trevino c 4 1 2 0 Bonnell If 1 0 0 0 Oates c 2 00 0 By United Press International Greater New Orleans Open W L Pci. GB 2 1 0 0 Cleveland B e llrf 4 0 0 0 M urcer ph 1000 P ly " " 2b Q. Do yoB agree with the choice of the players this year that All Timet EDT IIS 7 4 636 - OOOO At New Orleans. April Boston G riffin ss 4 0 0 0 Werthc Conference Finals 7 S ,J® >-1 " “ O" Sta'ub'Jb" 3 00 0 Julius Erviag of the Philadelphia 76ers is the most valoable ( P a r n i Milwaukee Whitt c 4 1 1 0 Dent ss 30 I Best-of-^ven 0 9 « 2 4 « -2 7 0 7 5 .503 Totals 32 4 63 Totals 3f 8 12 7 piayer in ihe hiBa ? Who would be your pick? — T.G., Levlt- Tom Watson KS.OOO New York Piniella ph 1 000 Eastern Conference Bruce Fleisher37JOO 71272M0-272 8 6 .571 >/) Totals New York 001 001 011-4 town. Pa. Detroit 34 2 7 1 Totals 33 1 7 I Philadelphia vs. Boston G il MorganQ.flOO »»2B-71-273 7 8 467 2 Toronto Montreal^ 312 00101X-8 “ Heritage Expressions” is the theme, historical Baltim ore 0G2 000 000-2 I can’t knock Dr. J getting his first Maurice Podoloff Tro­ (Philadelphia leads series. 3-1) B a r n jaeckel It JOO 8927*?029™®5 Begonias, prepared by Mrs. Edward Dziadus and Mrs 4 7 .364 3 New York 000 000 010-1 ^^•Mazzilli 2. Burris. Parrish, Speier Apr. 21 — Philadelphia 105. Boston 104 Nathan Hale Homestead and the Strong House on South Toronto 10 333 4 DP-Montreal 3. LOB-New York 3. .phy - as pro basketball’s M VP — an award inaugurated, inci­ Jay HaasUJBS TMKB-Th-m F.D. Kingsbury. West DP-Toronlo 1 LOR—Toronto 7 New Apr. 2 2 - Boston 118. Philadelphia 90 Ron Streck U.2as e026-7M9-276 York 9. 2B—Randolph. Whiit. Moseby, Montreal 10.2B—Dawson. Speier, Manuel dentalldentally, by NEA. But personally I would have given it to Apr. 24 - Philadelphia 110. Boston 100 Street, Coventry, is the setting for the Home Flower Oakland 17 1 9M - Lon Hinkle 12 Jt3 eWD-722t-2n Special exhibits include natural dyeing of yams by Nettles. Winfield S^-Ainge, Garcia 2 3B—Carter. . HR—Valentine HR- Larry Bird, the unselfish forward of the Boston Celtics. He Apr. 26— Philadelphia 107. Boston 105 Show to be presented by The Coventry Garden Club on Chicago 10 3 789 4‘/i 13). Carter i4i. Kingman (2). SF-Burris, Fred Couples 12293 71294B-70-276 Jessie Marshall, Native Shrubs Attracted to W ildlife by California Mosebv Apr. 2 9 - Philadelphia at Boston. 7:X Rod Curl 9200 iM a-m -n-m Saturday, M ay 9 from 1:30 to 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Laurier 8 9 471 84 M azzilll was outscored by Dr. J, who averaged 24.6 points per game to p.m. I^is Kelly, director of the James L. Goodwin Conserva­ Texas 6 7 462 8>y IP H R ER BBSO David Edwards 9200 71««-7*-277 Toronto IP H R E R B B SO Bird’s 21.2. But the big Celtic forward was paramount in other x-May 1 - Boston at Philadelphia. 6:05 DeMars is show chairman. A guided tour of the Minnesota 4 11 267 114 New York Lou Graham 62M 0028-71-70-278 tion Center in Hampton; Colonial Flower Watercolors Kansas City Stieb(Wl-3i 9 7 1 1 4 3 important categories. He led Dr. J in minutes played, assists p.m. homestead will be featured. 3 9 250 11 ZachryiL3-l) 2 5 4 3 0 2 Jim DenttJCO 70- 7028-70-278 by Bonnie Kelly; Theorem Paintings by Sue Zering. Seattle New York and rebounds. He meshes so well with the Celtic system of x-May 3 — Philadelphia at Boston. M ike Reid 62G0 7026-71-71-278 4 12 250 12 Falcone 3 2 2 2 5 4 TBA Coventry Garden Club is a member of the Federated Saturday's Results U n d rw diLO -li 7 2-3 7 2 2 2 9 Jim Barber tJIM 7028-7228-278 Joan Potterton of "Caprilands’, will demonstrate the Bird 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Miller 2 3 1112 basketball that there’s a tendency to overlook his individual Western Conference Garden clubs of Connecticut, Inc., and the East Central Baltimore 7. Boston 2 Reardon 121101 contribution. Bob ShearerOJtO 71- 7026-72-258 making of herbal wreaths and pomander balls. The KansasClty4. Milwaukee2 Balk Slieb PR-Werth T-2:38 A- Houston vs. Kansas City 70-71-2028-258 37.306. Montreal Frank Conner62li0 Council of Garden Clubs, which includes the towns of Texasfl. Cleveland4 I Houston leads series. 3-1) Mike McCullough IXW 5828-7020-278 landscape display will be preparedly the Coventry _____ . Burris (W 2-1) 9 6 4 2 1 6 Apr. 21 — Houston 97, Kansas City 78 Manchester, Vernon, South Windsor, East Windsor and Toronto 7. New York 2 WP -Burhs Balk-Burris. T—2 22. Q. f have noticed a glaring omission. Why isn’t Frank JlmSlmons42M 712828-72-259 Garden Club with planting courtesy of John Whitham California 6. Minnesota 4 Apr. 22— Kansas City 88. Houston 79 J.C. Snead 42M East Hartford. TEXAS C L E V E L A N D ------Robinson, the manager of the San Francisco Giants, in the Apr. 24 — Houston 92. I^nsas City 88 0828-53-70-279 Nursery. Chicago4. DetroitO Keith Fergus4264 2927-70-73-279 abrhbi (Second eampi baseball Hall of Fame? He certainly rates it ahead of many of Apr. “ ...... Houston loO, Kansas City89 Members of the East Central Council have been in­ Oakland7. Seattle4 Wills2b Lanny Wadkins42M 09-712870-279 I M n i'!?NEWYORK M O N T R E A L the men who have already been chosen. — W.C., Napa, Calif. Apr Houston at Kansas City, vited to participate in two of the five design classes, Sunday's Re.sults Rivers cf TBA Larry Ziegler 4264 70-712929-279 Refreshments using colonial recipes w ill be offered by Chicago f.. Detroit 4 j 1 1 ft lb. abrhbi abrhbi Wayne Levi 2260 7323-71-73-280 O liver dh All that’s keeping Robinson out is a simple matter of eligi- x-May 1 — Kansas City at Houston. which will feature floral arrangements authentic to the Boston?. Baltimoref 1 n ? n Tifn J J i i Yongbid rf 5-012 Raines If Mike Dona Id 22M 88-7027-70-380 Coventry High School’s G irls’ Softball Team and the Bell 3b 3 0 10 Thorntn dh 4 0 2 0 Taveras ss ” 20 bility. Except in the special case of the late Roberto TBA colonial period. Toronto?. New York 1 5 0 2 0 Manuel 2b Greg Powers 2260 89287020-280 Varsity Club assisted by Mrs. Dennis Joy, a garden club Grubb rf 30 12C har^ lf 4 0 0 0 Mazzili cf 4 12 1 Clemente, a player must have been retired for at least five x-May 3 — Houston at Kansas City, Cleveland 4. Texas 3 Putnam lb 5 10 1 Dawson cf Brad Bryant 2200 78702871-280 Mrs. Stanley Juros is in charge of horticulture to be member. California?. Minnesota 1.1st game J ? S S HarraTT9<. 4 12 0 Kingmn If 5 2 2 3 Montnz lb 4 0 0 0 seasons before he can be voted into the Cooperstown shrine. TBA Jerry Heard 2260 Sundbrg c. 4 12 0 Diaz c 3 0 10 Staub lb 7872-27-71-280 Minnesota r. California 2.2nd game 4 0 2 0 Wallach3b x-if necessary Jerry McGee2260 displayed at the Strong House. Junior design and hor­ Admission is $2,50 and tickets may be purchased at Sample If 4 0 10 pvbzns pr 0 1 0 ( CubbagSb 4 0 00 Robbie last played for the Cleveland Indians in 1976, his 73292929-280 Milwaukee 11. Kansas Cilv 1 2 0 00 Office rf TBA-To Be Announced Mark O'Meara 2260 ticulture for ages 8 to 18 will be shown in the bam, as Mendoz ss 4 0 1 I Mannngcf 2 110 Brooks 3b 41 1 Q name won’t be on the ballot until next winter. The man who 67-71-27-75-280 the flower show or by calling Mrs. Stanley Juros at 647- Oakland 9. Seattle 4 2 0 0 0 Speier ss Bruce L e itz k e 2 is 88732871-an Veryzer ss 3 0 0 0 Hodges c 4 0 10 Kamos c w ell as an educational exhibit of the culture of Tuberous Monday s Games 3 12 1 hit 528 career home runs is a good bet to make it the first time Bunky Henry 2222 72- 712929-281 9833 or Mrs. E m ile Monet, 646-5565. Flynn2b 4 2 2 0 Sandersn p KANSAS CITY (89) I A ll Tim es E D T i Totals 2 0 00 out. Bobby Clampett 2J22 70287873-281 34 3 10 3 Totals 34 4 9 4 Swan p 0 0 0 0 Lee p 0 0 0 0 K in g 88-1024, Wedman71-116, Lacey vSeattle (Bannister L2) at Minnesota Two outs when winning run scored 4 4-412, Birdsong 104)2. Gninfeld 77-9 Peter Oosterhuls 2 ^ 72272874-281 ' W ilham sQ^i.2 If p m Hausmn p 1 0 0 0 Bahnsen p 2 0 0 0 ; Texas 012 000000-3 Wilson ph 10 10 21. Douglass204)4, Larnbert004)0. Toronto (Leal 1-21 at Milwaukee (Haas Cleveland 000 010 003-4 1-01.7 p m Reardon p 0 0 0 0 Ford 5 (M) 10. Totals 34 lO’M 89. 8100,000 Birm ingham Classic IP H R ER BBSO HOUSTON At Birmingham, Ala., April2B Chicago (Barrios l-Oi at Baltim ore Cincinnati LO^ Texas?. UevelandS 2B.-Harrah. Tolal.x 39 6 12 6 Totals 33 7 11 6 Paultz604)12, Reid8(M)16. Malone (Par72l 'M cG rego r0-11.7 30p m Sundberg SF--Orla Solo I L 1-31 MAJOR (Solomon won playoff on third extra Now York Ml Ml 004-- 6 1610-1442, Dunleavy004)0, Henderson New York iGuidrv 1-11 at Detroit Hume 1 1 0 hole) I Bailev 1-21.8 p m IP H R ER BBSO Montreal 201 000 31x-7 204)4. Murphy 62-214, Willoughby 5 (M) Texas Houston LEAGUE 10. Jon8s 1 ^ 2 . Leavell0(M)0. To U ls Beth Solomon, 81,',,000 67-7128-206 Boston (Torrez 1-01 at Texas (Medich E-Speier DP -New York 1. LOB- Kno[>per i W 2-0) Mallack 7 1-3 7 I 0 2 2 Now York 8. Montreal 6. 2B-Staub, 4412-16100. Jane Blalock.9200 702828-208 II >.8.3T p m Kern 2-3 0 2 T -2 21 A 23.428, A lice M iller, 7,000 712927—207 . n Ramos. 3B-Flynn HR-Dawson Kansas City 19 28 24 20 - 89 California (Forsch 2-0i at Oakland Johnson (L 0-1J 2-3 2 I LEADERS' Houston 20 98 29 26-100 Donna CaponI, 5,000 71-7029-210 'McCatty3-0i. 10 30p rn 1 0 0 t4i. Kingman 2 (4). Manuel 111, S B - Cleveland Raines2. Dawson. SF-Manuel Three-point goa)»->Wedman. Fouled out Patty Hayes, 3,750 71-7228-211 Tuesday s Games Blvleven (W 2-II 9 10 3 3 PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO Nancy Lopes Melton2,750 742829-21 IP H R ER BBSO By United Press international -None. Total foula-Kansas City 19, Seattle at Minnesota Kern pitched to 2 batters in 9lh ab r h bi ab r h bi New York Batting Houston 18. Technicals—Houston-Pauitz; Rosey Bartlett, 2,720 77-7026-212 Toronto at Milwaukee, night W P-BlvIeven. T--2.57 A-13 777 Rose lb 0 1 0 l>cJesus 3 1 1 0 Kathy M arlin, 2,720 73-7128-212 Swan (L0-2i I 1 McGraw’ p (based onXat-bats) Houston - zone defense; Houston • coach Chicago at Baltimore, nignl 0 0 0 0 FleU’hr2b 40 11 Harris A-18.121. Elaine Hand. 2,720 71-7229-212 Hausrnan Trillo2b National League Kansas City at ClevelancT night 4 0 0 0 BucknrIb 4 0 0 0 M argaStubblelleld, 2,720 7 872-70-212 New York at I>elroit, night Reardon Aguayo2b 0 0 0 0 Hendrsn If 4 0 2 0 g ab r h pet. MILWAUKEE Collins. Cin Janet Alex, 2,720 742870-212 Boston at Texas, night KANSAS (ITY Montreal M cBride rf 2 110 Dutham rf 4 0 10 15 57 12 24 .421 ab r h bi ab r h bi Flynn. NY I ^ n Adams. 1.920 75-2870-213 ('alifornia at Oakland, night Sndrsn (W3-0i r 1-3 5. 2 2 2 6 Smith cl 2 110 Morales cf 12 40 6 16 .400 Wilson cl 3 0 10 Molitor cf 5 2 3 2 3 0 00 Rose. Phil Kathy Postlewalt. 1^00 71-71-71—213 U o 1-310 0 0 0 Schin’idt 3b 4 12 2 ReitzSb 15. 6f 9 2f. .385 Wshngt ss 4 0 0 0 Yount ss 3 2 0 0 B,ihn.scn 4 00 0 Henderson. Chi Cathy Reynolds. 1 jm 712878-213 NATIONAL LEAtJUE 3 6 4 4 0 0 Vukveh3b 0 0 0 0 Biackwllc 14 m 3 19 380 GBrett.lb 3 0 0 0 Cooper lb 5110 3 1 1 0 Raines. Mon Judy Rankin. 1,442 74-72-68-214 By I'nited Press International Frym an (S3i i-3 0 0 0 0 0 Matthws II. 3 1 0 0 D illard ph 13 54) 10 19 .380 Hockey McRae dh 3 0 11 Oglivieli 4 110 1000 Dawson. Mon K yle O'Brien. 1.442 74-7129-214 Natalie DeMars. chairman of "Heritage Expressions" at ieft, and Barbara East Swan pitched to 1 batter m 1st ■ (jn»s.s If 0 0 0 0 ('audill p 13 49 n 18 .367 Otis If 4 0 0 0 Hisledh 3 111 00 0 0 Hernandez. S lL Barbara MIzrahie. 1,442 742871—214 Flower W L Pel GB VVP- -Hausman2 T--3:00, A--41,607 Maddo*; ( t 3 2 2 1 Martz p 10 0 0 11 44 8 16 .364 Thomas, president of the Coventry Garden Ciub, iook over brochure teiling Aikens Ib 4 0 10 Simmons c 4 12 4 (’arlcr. Mon Sandra Palmer, 1,4C 752871—214 Montreal 11 2 846 Unscr lb 10 10 Thmpsn ph 10 10 11 43 II 15 .349 Wathan rf 4 0 10 Thomas rf 3 2 12 Staub. N Y JoAnnW asham ,1.4C 7871-73-214 of the upcoming fiower show on May 9. (Heraid photo by Burbank) St lafiUlS 9 2 818 1 Bowa s.s 5 0 2 1 Kravec p 0 0 00 12 44 3 15. .341 Show Chalk 2b 4 0 10 Money 3b 3 12 2 (First (Jamc i Chris Johnson. 1.016 787428-215 Philadelphia 10 667 Bofino c 4 U U 2 Eastwek p 00 00 Baker, LA 15. 59 8 20 339 2 (Irotc c 2 110 Cjantncr2b 4 0 2 0 ATLANTA SAN FRANCISCO , 1,(H6 75-7120-215 Pitt.sburgh 4 6 400 5^ Bystrom p 3 0 0 0 Tracy ph 10 10 American League Totals 31 1 6 I Totals 34 11 13 11 ab r h bi ab r h bi H. B. Dunlz, l.Otf, 73-71-71—215 New York 4 7 364 6 Davis rf 0 0 0 0 Capilla p 0 0 0 0 g ab h pet. Kansas Citv OOlOOOOOO- I M iller If 4 0 10 North cf 2 2 10 Singleton. Ual JoAnne Cam er 75-2871—216 Chicago 1 13 071 10>z O u z ph I 0 0 0 11 37 7 i f .459 NHL Playoffs Milwaukee 020 203 2 2 x - ll I ‘(K’orob c 5 0 10 Cabell lb 4 0 2 1 l^nsford. Bos 12 V. Myra Van Hoose, 1,046 71-72-73-2L5 We.st Totals 36 6 10 6 Totals 34 2 8 2 8 19 422 By United Press International Ix)s Angeles E—Washington DP -Kansas City 1 Harper pr 0 0 0 0 Bergmn lb 0 0 0 0 Kemp. Dot 15. 5.4 4 22 .407 Janet Coles. 1,016 71-7874-215 13 3 813 Wshngtn rf Philadelphia 014 OOU100-6 Quarterfinal Round Atlanta 9 7 LOB-Kansas City 7, Milwaukee 8 2&- 5 0 10 Morgan 2b 4 0 11 Zisk. 5iea 16 61 9 23 .377 Jo Ann Prentice, 880 71-75-70-216 r«3 4 Horner 3b Chicago 100 010 00Q--2 Best-of-Seven Jan Ferrarls, 800 787873-216 ('incinnati 8 7 Oglivie, Gantne'r HR -Simmons (3) 4 12 0 Evans 3b 4 0 0 0 Evans. Bos 12 42 11 16 357 ri33 4>3 Chmbis lb 3 0 0 0 Clark rf 4 12 1 D P -1‘hiladelphia I. Chicago 1. LOB-- (A ll Tim es ED T) Cathy Mant. 800 0871-70-218 San Francisco 7 II 389 7 Tnomas (4i S--Simmons. Hisle. Armas. Oak 18 75 13 26 .347 IP H R ER BBSO Murphy cl 3 0 0 1 Herndon It 3 0 0 0 Philadelphia 10. Chicago? 2B -McBride. Calgary vs. Philadelphia Lynn Stroney, 669 75-72-70-217 San Diego 6 11 353 7>2 Henderson. Oak 18 75. 22 26 .347 Kansas City llubDru 2b 3 0 10 May c 3 0 0 0 Blackwell, Unser. HR-Schmidt (5 i SB - (C a lo r y wins series, 4-3) P a lly Sheehan. 0f« 7873-71—217 Houston 4 12 2fO Bernazard. Chi 13 52 8 18 .346 9 Leonard iLl-3> 10 7 4 Ratnirz ss 2 0 0 0 LeM astr ss 3 0 0 0 DeJesus. fH’hmidt. Henderson. Smith Apr. 16— Philadelphia 4. CalgaryO Louise Bruce Parks, OFO 74-71-73-217 Saturday 's Results Davis Paciorek. Sea 16 61 6 21 .344 Apr. 17-- CalgaryF, Philadelphla4 K Brett I 2 2 Lum ph 1 0 0 0 Alexandr p 2 00 0 Roberta Speer, 069 7871-73-217 Cincinnati 2. Houston 1 Winfield. NY 14 W 6 17 J t t Apr. 19— Calgary2. Philadelphia 1 Berenguer 2 2 2 Gomez ss 0 0 0 0 Minion p 10 0 0 IP H R ER BBSO Deanie Wood, 669 7871-73-217 Montreal 4. New York 2 Perry p Philadelphia Home Runs Apr. 20— Calgary f. Philadelphia 4 Milwaukee 2 0 0 0 National Uague - Schmidt. Phil 5; Marlene Hagge. 669 7871-73-Ta7 St I»uis5. Pittsburgh 1 Royster ph 10 0 0 Bvstrom (W 14)1 6 2 2 2 3 Apr.2 — Philadelphia 9. Calgary4 Dianne Dailey. 6F9 71-7874-217 LerchiW2-0) 8 6 11 McGraw Carter and Dawson. M il. Kingman. NY. Philadelphia 7, ('hicago5 Garber p 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 Apr. 24 — Philadelphia 3. Calgary 2 Pay Myers, 669 Cleveland I 0 0 C (.’hicagu Thompson. P itt 4. m-Tl-TI-W Atlanta 4. San Francisco 0 Bradford p 0 0 0 0 Apr. 26— Calgary 4, I^Uademhia 1 HBI’ -bv Berenguer (Yount) Caudill (LO-I i American League — Armas. Oak 6; Joan Joyce, .'90 74-7871—218 1.-OS Angeles 2. San Diego 1 <11 innings t Mahler p 0 0 0 0 Edmonton vs. N Y Islamfers ■V -24,398 ■ Martz Singleton. Bal. Smalley. Min. and Zisk. Kathy Ahem, 600 787873-218 Sunday s Results Linares ph 10 10 0 1 0 (NY Islanders win series. 4^) Montreal 8. New York 4.1st game Kravec Sear.; Fisk. Chi. Ford. Cal. Nettles. NY. Sharon Barrett, 600 71-74-73-210 Totals 34 1 7 1 30 3 6 3 and Thomas. M il 4. Apr. 16— N Y IslandersS, ^ m o nto n? V icki Tabor, 420 77-7320-219 Montreal?. New York 6.2nd game Kastwick Apr. 17— NY IslandersG, Edmonton3 Atlanta 000 000 010-1 Runs Batted In Kathy Young, 420 72-77-70-219 St Louis 3. Pittsburgh 2 OAKLAND Sail Francisco 000 001 llx—3 Capilla Apr. 19— Eklmontonf., N Y Islanders? PhiladelphiaS, Chicago2 SEATTLE National League — Concepcion. Cin Judy K im ball, 420 7871-73-219 ab r h bi E- -Ramirez. Cabell. DP—San Francis­ W P -C a pilla T -2:40 A -10.003. Apr. 20 - NY Islanders5, Edmonton 4 Sandra Hayrie, 420 75-72-72-219 Houston 1. Cincinnati 0 ab r h bi and Schmidt. Phil 13. Garvey. LA 12 (OT) RHndrsn If 5 110 Cruz 2b 4 0 13 co I LO B—Atlanta 12. San Francisco5i- Hendrick and Herr. StL. Cabell. SF. Bonnie Lauer. 420 74-72-73—219' San Francisco 3, Atlanta 1,1st game 2B- Cabell. HR -Clark (1). SB-MiUer. Apr. 22— Ekimonton4. N Y Islanders? San Francisco8. Atlanta5.2nd game Murphy cf 5 2 3 4 Simpson cf 4 0 0 0 ST. LOOlS Uarler. Mon. and Murphy. Atl 11. Revrnglb 32 11 Bochtelh 4 0 0 0 Murphv. North. Ramirez. PITTSBURGH Apr. 24— N Y Islanders 5, Eklmonton2 Los Angeles 3. San Diego 2 ab r h bi ab r h bi American League-- Armas, Oak22; Minnesota vs. Buffalo Gross 3b 3 0 10 Ziskdh 4 12 1 IP H R ER BBSO Fisk. Chi 14, Murphy. Oak 13; Smalley. Monday s Games Atlanta Tem plln ss 4 0 10 Moreno cf 4 0 0 0 (Minnesota wins series, 4-1) Jai Alai entries Armas rf 512 2 Burrghs rf 3 0 10 Minn 12. Lynn. Cal 11. \ (All Tim es E D T i Perry (LI-2) 6 3 1114 Scott cf 5 1 1 0 Foli ss 4 2 2 0 Apr 16— Minnesota4. Buffalo? (OT) Pagedh 3 0 00 Allen pr 0 0 0 0 Stolen Bases Montreal (Gullickson 2-0i at Phila­ Garber 1 1-3 2 2 2 I 1 Hrnndz lb 3 0 10 Parker rf 4 00 0 Apr. 17— Minnesotaf.. Buffalo? MONDAY delphia (Ruthven 2-11.7 35 p m John.sn dh 1 1 0 0 Paciorek II 4 0 0 0 Hcndrck rf N a ^ a l League — Raines. Mtl 13; Heath c 5 13 1 N arronc 4 1 2 0 Bradford 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 3 12 2 Easter If 30 12 Apr. 19— Minnesota6, Buffalo4 San Francisco (Griffin 1-11 at Los Lezeanu If N orllfflP 10. Upes. LA7; Collins. Cin. Fxjt • *>. / * Babilt2b 2 0 0 0 Edler3b 2 100 Mahler 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 40 10 Madlck3b 3 0 1 0 and Moreno. Pitt 6. Apr. 20— Buffalof., Minnesota4 (OT) Angeles (Valenzuela4-01,10 .T p m San Francisco Porter c 4 0 0 0 Berra 3b Apr. 22— Minnesota4, Buffalo? Tuesday 's Games McKav2b 2 0 0 1 Meyerph 1000 0 00 0 American Le^ ue -- Henderson. Oal I. Mnsla M ssM s Z IM a2n Stanley ss 1 0 0 0 JAndrsn ss 3 100 Alxndr(W3-l) 7 1-3 5 1 0 4 8 Oberkfll3b 4 0 0 0 M ilner ph 10 0 0 N Y Rangers vs. St. Louis 3.WM* 4.Mm»IU9t St Louis at Chicago Herr2b 13; Cruz.Sea9. (Jarew. Cal, Babitt, Oak Pallr.snph OlOOGrayph 1000 Minton iS2i 12-3 2 0 0 1 I 4 13 0 Thmpsn lb 2 0 0 0 and Paciorek. Sea 4. (N Y Rangers win series. 4^) S.lir«Bia-«ali4s lU y 2 ( * a d i Montreal at Philadelphia Martinez p 2 0 0 0 Nicosia c Apr. 16— St. Louls6, N Y Rangers? Picciolo ss 2 0 0 0 H B P -by AlexaneJer (M ille n T—3 01 2 0 0 0 Pitching LM m L t s t M a im Houston at Atlanta Tenace ph 1 0 0 0 Stargell ph Apr. 17 — N Y Rangers6, St. Lou is4 San Diego at Cincinnati Totals 37 9 n 9 Totals 34 4 6 4 1 000 Victories t*faas4h*sfts Oakland 200 013 003-9 lOdelcn p 0 0 0 0 Law2b 30 10 Apr. 19— N Y Rangers6,St. LouisS Pittsburgh at New York Second Game K aal p National League— Valenzuela, LA 4-0. Seattle 010 000 000-4 0 0 0 0 ^ u rrv p 3 00 0 A p r.20— N Y R angers4,St. U u is l San Francisco at Los Angeles ATLANTA SAN FRANCISCO Landrm ph Carlton. Phil. Hooton, LA. Sanderson, l->-Babitt 2, Cruz. Edier LOB- ab r h bi 10 11 Tekulve p 0 0 0 0 Apr. 22— St. U u is 4. N Y Rangers? EASTERN LEAGUE ab r h bi Sutter p 0 0 0 0 Jackson p Mon. and Sorensen. St.L 3-0; Zachry, A p r.24— N Y Rangers?, St. Louls4 Oakland 9. Seattle 5 2B-Armas, 3B- Miller If 0 I 0 North cf 41 1 0 0 0 0 0 First Half Standings Totals 35 3 9 3 ToU ls N Y . and Alexander, SF3-I. Semifinals Cruz. HR- Zisk (f.i. Revering d i. Roy.ster2b 5 0 0 1 Lavclle p 10 0 0 » 2 5. 2 i l l i m l s U M i By United Press International St. I..OUIS 000 too 011 - 3 Am erican League — N orris and Best-of-Seven Murphy (31 SB--RHenderson. Murphy : Wshngtn■ ;hi rf 5 0 0 0 Bergmn lb 4 12 1 Keough. Oak 4-0; McCatty, Oak. and O .M s O North I’ ittsburgh„ 100001 0 0 0 - 2 N Y Rangers vs. New York Islanders —Slanloy, Gross SF—McKay Horner 3b 3 2 11 Morgan 2b 4 112 Hoyt, Chi 3-0; May. NY, Zahn. Cal. and 't h r o M s m W L P c i GB IP H R ER BBSO Chmbis lb 3 12 0 Evans 3b 5 2 4 1 E Oberkfell. Jackson. DP-SI. Louis 2 Apr, 28 — NY Rangers at NY Holyoke 2 Langford. Oak 3-1 Oakland Murphy cl 4 113 Clark rf 5 0 2 0 Pittsburgh 1 LOB-St Louis 8. Pitts­ Islanders. 8;(T. p.m. Glens Falls 5 6 4ff. 2 burgh 5 2B- Foli 2. Herr. 3B- Earned Run Average Apr. 30 — NY Rangers at NY Keough (W4-01 4 3 2 8 Benedict c 3 0 0 0 Martin If 5 112 (based on 9 innings) Buffalo 3 7 300 3'j Seattle (iomez ss Temp^leion HR -Hendrick (3), S B -H e rr islanders. 8:(r.p.m. RM Lynn 1 0 0 0 Smith ss 2)10 National Uague - Allen. NY. and 2 7 222 4 Parrott i I.O-l i 5 2-3 9 6 6 3 2 Linares ph Sh--Easler. Hendrick May 2 - NY Islanders at NY Rangers, L M a n ita lM South 1 0 0 0 LeMastr ss 10 11 Sutter and Rincon. St.LO.OO; Valenzuela. Clark 2 1-3 0 0 0 0 4 l'"RRS p 3 0 10 Sadek c e. , IP H R E R B B S O 9:05. p.m. 1 t w ill «SM West Haven 4 110 St. Ixiuis LA 0,25 ; Knepper. HouO.43 Rawley 1 2 3 3 2 0 Bradtord p 00 00 Whitson p May 5. — NY Islanders at N Y Rangers, llk n ia lit n Bristol H 4 600 I 10 0 0 Martinez 6 5 2 2 9 t American League— Aase, Cal. Hoyt. 8:35. p.m. Balk -Parrott T--3:(J6 A--I5..r62 Mahler p 0 0 0 0 Slenntt pn 10 10 Chi. Stewart, Bal. and Bird, NY 0.00: T.MnaaUsnli Waterburv 6 5 54.5 p; Harper [ih Edelon 1 0 0 0 0 1 x-May 7 — NY Rangers at NY Reading 5 5 5tf) 2 1110 Holland p 0 0 0 0 Kaal (W l-Oi 1 0 0 0 0 0 U rc h . M il 0.64. Islanders. 8:05. p.m. Wohlfrd iT Saturday's Results 2 02 I Suller(S4i 1 0 0 0 1 0 Strikeouts x-May 9 or 10— N Y Islanders at N Y Totals :m 5 7 r Totals 39 8 17 6 National Uague— Valenzuela. L A 36. David Little, left, and Francis Martling, carry dogwood trees to the Nathan (ilens Falls6, West Haven 4 \tlanta Pittsburgh Rangers. TBA 000 310 001 Soto. Cin29: Carlton P h i28; Blue. SF Waterbury 11. Buffalo6 (HICAGO San Francisi’o !J<^urrv 7 1-3 8 2 2 1 4 x-May 12 — NY Rangers at NY A rK s -s r- Homestead where they will be planted at the site of the Coventry Rcading4. Bristol 3 DETROIT 000 132 20X-- i>>d Hvan lli>uI9. E -Benedict Dl*--Atlanta 1 LOB- Tekulve 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 Islanders, 8:05. p.m. Holyoke at Lynn, ppd , ram ub r h b) abrhbi \inori. an League Keough. Oak24: M l D O r U a y Garden Club's May 9 flower show. Trees, donated by the Connecticut Ar- Almon ss 4 0 10 Peters cl 4 0 2 0 \tlanla 7, San Francisco 10 2B-- Jackson ( L 1-1) 1 2 1 i t o Minnesota vs. Calgary Sunday s Results T -2 17. A 6.139 Langford. Oak and CorbeU, Minn 18; Apr 28 •- Minnesota at Calgary, 9 :X Bcrnzrd 2b 3 0 0 0 Trm m ll ss 3 111 Chambliss, North. Morgan. Evans. Norris. Oak. Burns. Chi, and Eckerslev. boratum in New London, were also planted at the Coventry Historical West Haven 4. Glens Falls 0 Nordhgn II p.m. Lynnf , HolyokeO (1st gamei 2 0 0 0 Kemp dh 4 0 10 Harper HR--Murphy (3i. Horner i3i SB Hos 17 Society. (Herald photo by Cody) Kuntz 11 2 0 0 0 Gibson pr Marlin. [.cMasler Sundjiv's I’.astern League Results Apr. 30- - Minnesota at Calgary. 9:3 Holyoke?, Lynn 4 (2nd gamei 0 0 00 Luzinsk dh 3 2 10 Parrish c By United Press International p.m. Bristol 1. ReadingO 11st game 5 12 2 IP H RWtBBSO LFiaiMipa Johnson lb 4 2 2 0 Wcknfss lb .Atlanta May 2 or 3 - Calgary at Minnesota, Reading6, B ristolS (2nd game) 2 120 4.fAlili[rkiWr Squires lb 0 0 0 0 Brown pr 0 0 0 0 Boggs (L 1-2) 5 2-3 12 6 6 2 3 (1st game) 8:35 p.m. Buffalos. Waterbury I (1st game i • r ’ ‘ iijiiiiii l..cnion cl 3 120 KellehrSb 00 0 0 Waterburv 000 001 0 — 1 5.3 May 5 - Calgary at Minnesota. 8;X Waterbury6. Buffalof (2nd gamei Bradford 1-3 1 1 10 0 L IrtsaiJbaNa Baines rf 4 0 0 0 Hebner ph 1 OOU Buflalo 3000000-3 40 .pm . Monday s Games Mahler 2 4 1110 Essian c 2 0 0 0 Cowens rf 2 0 10 San Francisco Townes. Scherrer (6i and Christmas; x-May. 7-- Minnesota at Calgary, 9:X Waterbury at Buffalo Fisk 3b 10 11 Jones If Whitson 5 5 4 4 4 0 Deleon. Guante (6) and Merulla. W - p.m. West Haven at Glens Falls 2 0 0 0 Soccer Pryor 3b 2 0 0 0 Papi3b 3 0 0 1 Holland i W 1-11 1 0 0 0 1 0 Delcon (l-D L-Townes (1-1). HRs- x-May 9 or 10 — Calgary at Minnesota sme Bristol at Holyoke l-avelle112 Bumbry cf 4 1ft ft Eichelberger 2 4 7 Nelson; Fol^and Miller. W—Foley. L— Seattle Verhoeven. T—2:11. ^ 0 0 Lucas (L2-2) Georger H lls - L " ' - ' 12 11 11 Evans rf 3 110 Dauer•r2b 1 2 0 “ Lynn. Hobbs. Holyoke Portland U s Angeles Pearsey; 9 6 8 Second Game Ystrzm lb 4 0 11 Dwyer rf 4 2 2 1 Edmonton Reuss (W l-l) 5 7 4 CALIFORNIA MINNESOTA Rice If 3 0 0 0 Singletn dh 4 14 4 7 2 2 2 3 Calgary T-2:38 A-f«ja3, (1st game) 2 7 2 ah r h hi ah r h bi Perez dh 3 1 1 2 Lownatn If 4 0 0 0 I Teams get six points for winning in Bristol Carew lb 4 12 1 Powell rf 4 10 0 Lansfrd 3b 5 0 10 Crowley lb 30 10 ------0000010-150 reflatio n time or overtime but only (our Allensonc Reading Burlesn ss 4 0 10 Engle rf 0 0 0 0 4 12 2 Dempsey c 4 0 10 CINCINNATI HOUSTON 0000000-010 points for winning a game decided by eoif Ford rf 4 0 11 SofUld If 4 0 0 0 Hoffmn ss 5. 1 2 0 DeCIncs Sb 4‘ 0 0 0 ab r h bi Burn and Lickert: Goff, Reed (6) and abrhbi Ibarra. W—Burtt. L--Goff. shootout. A bonus point is awarded for Downing c 4 0 0 0 CastinoSb 42 11 M iller cf 4 2 3 0 Belangr ss 3 0 0 0 Collins rf 40 10 Walling lb 4 12 1 each goal scored up to a meximum of Baylor dh 3 0 0 0 Smalley ss 3 2 2 2 Grahm ph 10 0 0 Griffey cf 4 0 10 Reynlds ss three per team per game excluding Beniquz cf 3 000 Admasdh 3022 ToUls 36 7 12 7 ToUls X 5 9 5 Conepen ss 4 0 10 C'Meno cf s n i f t <*«lgame) overtimes and ibootouts.) ^ ° ® Bristol Grtchab 40 10 Goodwn lb 3000 Boston (SI 000130— 7 Foster If 4 0 0 0 Cruz If 2 00 0 lOOOBOO-342 _ Saturday's ResuIU Harlow If 10)0 Jackson lb 1010 Baltimore 401000000-5 Knight 3b Reading mOIBx-681 402 0 Puhlrf 3 0 0 0 Shields i ChIcagol.TulsaO Cmpnrs3b 2 1 00 WI)fong2b 400 0 LO B- Boston 10. Baltimore 6. 2B- D riessnlb 3 0 0 0 Howe 3b 1 ft 9 ft •'•••v.Js and Colbert: Hart. C^bassa (7) Montreal 3, Dallas 1 Lynn ph 1 0 0 0 Johnstn cf 3 0 0 0 Singleton 2. M iller. HR—Singleton (5), Kenndy2b 3 0 10 Ashby c 3.0 00 ^Shields. W-Hart. San Diego 2. Los AngeiesO PatekSb 0000 Buterac 2 00 0 Allenson (3). SB-Bumbry. SF-Perez. O 'Berry c 20 10 Thon2b 3 0 0 0 ____- Vancouver 1. Minnesota 0 im .l»LMaiidiolOoU LfU tfO m tMaia* T o U ls 30 2 6 2 T o U ls 31 5 6 5 Yastrzemski. V ail ph 1 0 0 0 Knepperp 30 00 Sunday's Results At Austin, Texaa, April 10 California 000010010-2 „ IP H RERBBSO New York 4. Tampa Bay 1 , (ParTO) Nolan c 0 0 00 LMMirtra thwiAniw MinnesoU 000201 (Bx-5 Boston Sotop 1 000 Fort Lauderdale2. Atlanta 0 Final romid: LH Uer-Roahurg HOJKO LhMasMl tlHBOMiMi Ej—C ampaneris. Burleson. D^-Min Eckcrsley (W2-1) 9 9 5 5 2 7 M ejias ph 10 10 Saturday's Sports Transactions Washington 4. Toronto 2 08O32MO-267 Baltimore TTi/Wys amIa AC MM nesoU I. LOB~California{>. MinnesoUS. Hume p 0000 By Unite^Press International Edmonton4,Seattie3 ’n»mion-Nagle46jOOO 08tU72»-168 2B-Burleson, Carew 2. Adams. 3B- Palm er 61-3 6 4 4 3 2 Totals 31 0 8 0 T o U ls 29 1 6 1 Portland 2, Calgary 1 (ot) DIckinaon-SikeiSOAB B282026-284 Castino. H R -S m a llev (5). S F -A d a m t Stoddard ( L 1-1) 1 5 3 3 0 1 Cincinnati 000 000 ODD-0 College California 1, San JoseO PaImr-FnslrwldXj|n> 5 « 2 8 0 8 « 4 ^ IP H RERBBSO Stewart 12-3 Houston lOOOOOOOx- SW Texas State — Fired head Monday’s Games Burke-Hamey 23260 68072920-266 California HBP- by^toddard (Rice). T—2:39.. E-Knepper. DP-CincinnaVl 1. Houston basketball coach Dan Wail. (No Games Sch^Ied) Snead-January B JU 072M728-B6 Jeffertn iLO ^ i 71-3 5 5 i i 2 24.438 1. LOB—fflnclnniti 6. Houston f. 2B— Princeton— Named Austin (Jerry) F. 'Riesday’s.Game Boraa-M.BarberBA OMiX O l 166 Hassler 2-310010 Cedeno. H R -W a llin g (1). S B -C o llln s. S Schmidt head coach of men's lacrosse (All Times EDT) DeVicenso-&)l^ itJU 7128020-ia -S o to team. Chicago at Montreal, 8 p.m. Bolt-Wall 14jOOO 88072M9-107 Helping plant "Cornus Florida” (dogwood trees) at the Nathan Hale Committee Homestead are, from left, Francis Martling, Robert Hamilton, Barbara Thomas, Kathleen Little and David Little. (Herald photo by Cody) 14 — THE HERALD. Mon., April 27, 1981 THE HERALD, Mon., April 27, laai — 15 Tell plants from weeds Flower Show Leaflets on moths The Home Gardener School set now available The small, silken webs that are are inside at night or on a cloudy Flower Show School. Cntirse III, is being sponsored by becoming noticeable on some trees day. The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut, Inc., on are made by eastern tent cater­ Control of the gypsy moth is more May 19, 20, 21 at the Connecticut Agricultural Experi­ pillar, not the gypsjr moth, says John complicated, and is explained in a ment Station ... New Haven. This course is open to the F. Anderson, chief entomologist at ^ u s e many people are Here’s a handy visual a ta y those u n w an t^ free leaflet available from Publica­ public to increase Interest in horticulture and artistic The Connecticut Agricultural tion, The Connecticut Agricultural not sure which sprouting guide to heip you identify seeds design. The examination is optional but only members Experiment Station in New Haven. seedlings are really their the most common flower All ’ identifications read Experiment Station, P.O. Box 1106, of National Council member Clubs are eligible for "rte gypsy moth, which is far less New Haven, Connecticut 06504. left to right by row: credit. visible than the tent caterpillar, Mrs. Archibald Feinberg of Manchester, Mass, and will cause much more defoliation Miami, Fla., will be the featured speaker on Tuesday. oyer wider areas than the tent cater­ Gypsy moth Her topics include: specific methods of growing exhibi­ pillar, Anderson said. The tent The Gypsy Moth, one of the most tion sp<:x;imens of tulips, iris and rhododendrons, conser­ caterpillar attacks isolated trees bothersome defoliating insects of vation of natural resources, theory and ethics of along highways and railroad rights- hardwood trees in the northeast, judging;, and a demonstration of juding and points of-way. will soon be chewing its way through scoring; of the aforementioned plants. The judging and The eastern tent caterpillar is Connecticut’s woodlands. It is here Row 1 — Ageratum, alyssum, aster, bachelor’s button point sicoring of Horticulture Division of the small generally not considered a serious to stay, according to the Connecticut flower show by students for credit is scheduled for pest because its defoliation occurs Audubon Society, and, contrary to Tuesda.y afternoon. Mrs. Feinberg is accredited by on trees that usually have little popular belief, the forests will sur- HI National Council to reach Horticulture in Flower Show value, Anderson said. Schools and Svmoosiums. She teaches in the Landscape It is easy to tell one caterpillar “The gypsy moth has been with us Design School, the Radcliff Landscape Seminars and from the other. The tent caterpillar for more than a century, ” says Florida International University. spins a web that serves as a home Audubon President Roland C. Cle­ On Wednesday, Mrs. Alvin Helnu' of Center Ossipee, at night and on cloudy days. The ment. "It can’t be exterminated, but Row 2 — Balsam, calliopsis, calendula, candytuft N.H., will address the subjects of Flower Show gypsy moth does not build such it can be controlled on the Procedure and Design. Her design lecture will silken nests. The tent caterpillar has homegrounds where it is a pest,” he emphasize the elements of space, size, texture and a stripe down its back; the gypsy adds. pattern. In the afternoon, the topics to be covered in­ moth has pairs of red and blue dots The Connecticut Audubon Society clude the principles of balance, proportion and scale, on its back. has prepared a guide to help the niches, backgrounds, objects as accessories or features, The tent caterpillar usually at­ homeowner. Called "Coping With and weathered wood, and introduction to creative tacks trees such as chokecherry or The Gypsy Moth.” this fact sheet designs and free form. A demonstration of the use of crabapple, while the gypsy moth at­ details environmentally sound Row 3 — Carnation, celosia, chrysanthemum, cleome accessories, features and weathered wood is scheduled. tacks a long list of important forest methods that can be used by people Mrs. Helme is a creative designer and master judge. and yard trees, especially oaks, to protect the trees in their yards. Her design lectures with a fresh and timely approach, Anderson said. The gypsy moth And the woodlands? have been well received throughout New England and should be hatching in large numbers You almost expect a munchkin to answer the door at this imaginitive round alonR the Atlantic Seaboard. by the end of the month, and do most house. It is owned by Bo W. Lycke, a New York businessman, who has Examinations will be given on Thursday, of its visible feeding during the last Round house added an indoor swimming pool at the rear. In foreground Is the living The cost of the full course with examination is $27 for three weeks of June, he said. room end of the Foam Dome energy efficient house. Interior Is sprayed with members or $M for non-members. The per diem fee is People who have eastern tent To get a free copy of the fact The lofty interior space of the Foam Dome house owned by Bo W Lycke Is a fire retardant cement and exterior with a special acrylic paint to protect It Row 4 — Coleus, cosmos, diantbus, four o’clock $12. Box luiwh^ may be ordered in advance. For caterpillars in their yards can easily sheet, send a stamped business-size seen here. Four-inch thick urethane foam was sprayed on over a from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. The house Is In Cornwall Bridge. (UPl photo) further infotniation, please contact Mrs. Robert control them by destroying the envelope to: Coping with the Gypsy prefabricated assembly of wood, steel wires and fiberglass mesh (UPl Misc:hler, 67 Warren St., Cheshire, Connecticut 06010. silken tents while the caterpillars Moth, 2325 Burr St., Fairfield 06430. photo) ■ ' New siding materials: An easy way to beautify homes By UPl — Popular groove cut along one edge. values, economy and want to replace a section lend themselves to areas Mechanics ’The lap of each board over impregnated throughout hosing down with water is have a mill finish or durability. It comes in or one shingle, you often where the atmosphere is the public. Free-form honne The range of siding the next lower one is deter­ many grades and surface can buy all three in required to keep it looking stucco-embossed finish. loaded with chemical Fiberglass stone and materials available to you mined by the depth of the textures. “broken” lots. fumes and smoke. In like new. It is easy to in­ Fiberglass panels are is so broad you can dress rabbet. brick is another recent stall over sheathing or available in sheet form — Hardboard siding is Asbestos-cement siding design they are made in a developmennt in the siding up your home almost any Rabbeted siding, like manufactured in lap siding and shingles are durable, straight vertical pattern, existing siding with furring both flat and corrugated — way you wish. field. It’s basically made strips and nails. for siding jobs such as is ink blot test bevel siding, should always and panels. It may be attractiv e and can be similar to striated from fiberglass, plus ad­ Here, from Popular Corrugated metal siding patio enclosures and be applied over sheathing. appll^ over sheath^ or applied over any wall sur­ plywood, in a woodgrain ditives. so it is resistant to Mechanics Encyclopedia, Galvanized or aluminum unsheathed walls. If you face. Because of their pattern and smooth. Colors — steel and aluminum — is windscreens. Many colors is a rundown of the some of the weather, chemicals, manufactured in two styles are available CORNWALL BRIDGE, Conn. (U P D - nails should be used and use a hardboard siding physical properties, they are available and they’re etc. Only an occasional Moore’s and that is one of the keys the most popular types of driven flush with the sur­ of different pitch. Both Albert B Moore, 72, a man with a big, because his houses seem to be for the with a factory-applied white handlebar moustache, builds im­ siding with their good face. At all corners, the primer, it must be painted more adventuresome in spirit. points and bad: ends of the boards must be aginative round houses. When you arrive She once lived on a relatively lavish within 60 days after in­ at one of them in the woods you almost Vinyl siding is the newest butted against a corner stallation. scale in Switzerland but because of a on the market, and vinyl board or mitered for a expect a munchkin to answer the door. divorce, she has had to scale down her Cedar shingles and Ever since he built the first of a half ; also is being used to coat pleasing appearance. shakes have been popular lifestyle, which she suggests the average wood and metal sidings to dozen in 1975 people have been saying American will have to do sooner or later Water tends to creep into as a roofing and siding their freeform reminds them of all sorts increase their durability mitered joints more easily material for centuries. In because of the high cost of living. and decrease maintenance. of things. An igloo, one person said. A "And we are too limited in our than into tightly butted the early days of this na­ toad, somebody else said. The big features are an end ones. Bevel siding has one tion, cedar shakes were thinking. 1 have a great feeling of , to maintenance and pain- It's housing’s ink blot test. freedom. We have been restricted to edge thicker than the split by hand from sections Moore got the idea for his unusual ' ting. The colors go com- other. The board in of cedar logs. For siding, living in rectangles when there’s no need : pletely through the form 20 years ago by examining the egg for it except convention. I sometimes crosssection looks like a three types are generally RiO'Juleson is more ! material, and only an oc­ whose shape allows it to enclose wonder why all the houses are square wedge. used: rebuttedrejoined maximum volume with minimum casional washing with a Horizontal and vertical shingles are precision- when the whole world is round,” she mild detergent and water material. said. aluminum siding, which is trimmed for sidewall use, A successful magazine illustrator and keeps it looking new. Also, prefinished in a variety of both single-coursed and it won’t dent, scar, cor­ than a ^>od banka; graphic artist, his patented houses are That’s probably because houses have colors, textures and double-coursed. white thermal shells with lofty interior been made from wood for the most part rode, stain or scratch. designs, forms a sidewall Machine-grooved shakes space made out of a four-inch thick since man was able to cut down trees. Wood siding is probably that will probably outlast are also called urethane foam, which is sprayed on over "Stick construction," Moore calls it, the most common and one tbe framework of the “processed” shakes. ’They a prefabricated assembly of wood, steel which doesn’t usually lend itself to of the most attractive building. Textures include have a striated or grooved wires and fiberglass mesh. flexibility and makes for box shapes. siding materials available. rough, horizontal wood face with parallel edges a good ambassadra; The interior is sprayed with a fire- The visionary, Buckminster Fuller, in­ Most wood siding has a grains, vertical wood and squared butts. retardant cement and the exterior with a troduced the geodesic dome after World pattern “built in”, through grains, stucco effects, en- Handsplit shakes come special acrylic paint to protect it from War II and showed what could be done a distinctive cutting bossed and basketweave in three different typres: the sun's ultraviolet rays. It takes three with the curve in providing quick shelter method. The most common effects. handsplit and resawn, days to erect one of his foam sandwiches for the military. Since then, there have types are drop (or Plywood siding has many tapersplit and whether on a concrete slab or over a been other inventions like Moore’s, rabbeted) and bevel. features including beauty, straightsplit. If your home basement. extending its versatility. Rabbeted drop siding has a strength, high insulation is alreadv singled, and you He and his associate, Anthony Ghi, can The problem for Moore is that the To us al Heritage Savings, being a produce a starter home for $26,000 in public is not used to looking at round good banker means being a good today's money, leaving the occupant to houses. He is now busy trying to win citizen. That’s why Ray Juleson is expand it when finances permit. They their hearts and minds, but it is a slow The Inside of Bo W. Lycke’s house is bright and open with ample window deeply involved in the Chamber of are air-tight and so energy efficient that process. Open space space. Bedrooms are reached by stairs. Owner said the winter heating b Z Commerce’s Ambassador’s Club. the heating bill for a year for their first "A lady called me fron Stonington. 'I were roughly one-third of the usual. (UPl photo) CLEANSWEEP $ALE one came to $109 in 1975 and Moore has got your material, Mr. Moore, but it This club acts as a liason between the bills to prove it. really is a funny-looking house.’ I told PRICES SO LOW - YOU W O N T SAY NO!! new businesses and the Manchester "The less surface, ” says Moore, "the her, 'It may look funny to you but that’s community. Ray, Anne Flint of the less heat loss." only because it’s different than what • FABULOUS SAVINGS!! NOTHING HELD BACK!! He says mortgage lenders will be thp you’re used to. And there’s a reason. $ □ 1 Chamber, and several others work first to break the building industry’s There’s 34 percent less surface area,” / • STOCK UP FOR NEXT YEAR hard to see that new businesses get resistance against change and force a He concedes storage space is lacking, off to a smooth start here in town. switch to thermal shells because energy but says add-on rooms and basements As the Chief Operations Officer costs may become so high borrowers can be built for the purpose. might be unable to make their payments. Moore also is confronted with the at Heritage Savings, Ray puts the The inside is like most houses and is sense of status people have with their same 100% effort into perfecting bright, open and cheery with ample win­ housing but he suggests once people with our systems and operations. Ray dow space. Bedrooms in the larger ones the appropriate attitude are familiar Juleson is one reason why Heritage are reached by stairs and are private. with them they will become acceptable. LGVIS And there doesn't seem to be any sense “It costs so damn much and some peo- is a great bank and why Manchester of living in a shape derived from an egg pie are afraid to go out on a limb. But we is a great town. just as few people ever get the impres­ have the answer to tight money and ST. LEG sion they live in a box which is the essen­ soaring energy costs right here in these STUDENT tial shape of a conventional house. houses. They are safe, simple and Moore calls them foam domes and he economical. BOOT-CUT has orders to put up 10 this summer in "There are a lot of people who love New England. They are sturdy, wind and what I’ve done, but there are many more weather resistant and he says they more who think I’m a terrible person for in­ than meet building code requirements. troducing something like this into the He hopes to carry his concept across the world,” he said. country and is pushing for average Moore says, too, there can be confu­ prices of under $50,000, sion in some people’s minds about two I jH in. isstk /afioH One of the most impressive in types of foam insulation in wide use. His Cornwall Bridge belongs to Bo W. Lycke, is polyurethane foam and a 1981 report in S ilu r IS9! a New York businessman, with an eye the Journal of the American Medical for sculpture. The simplicity, low Main Offkc: )00T Main Sued. Maochcstci Association says to date there have been K-Marl Officr: Spcncct Sired, MaiichcMcr M 9 V)(r maintenance and energy efficiency of no reports of ill-health or toxicity from Covenlr) Offk-c: Rouic .M 742-HJI the house attracted him. He added a occupants of homes insulated with it as Tolland Offtcr: Houle I9 J, . mile south ol I Kft.l sii W RiJ ’’ I k' South Windsor Offlee: 2*4 Oakland Hoad 644-24K4 sauna and an indoor swimming pool. there has been with formaldehyde foam. Moncymarket h» Tood M art: Wesi Middle Turnpike in the Lycke said the winter heating bills are Moorel recognizes that young people Manchesid Parkade roughly one-third of the usual or about Moneymarkri In Highland Park Market: Highland Street. and thos^who like unconventional things Manchester $50 a month for heating, cooking, are more In tune with his ideas and so he Watch for opening ol our Nonh Mam Si Oltuc in Manchcsicr washing and sauna. The house is heated and Ghi, a builder who runs a sign electrically through baseboard units. business in Canaan, have regrouped their Moore’s starter homes would be enterprise around them. something on the line of 36 feet by 32 feet Moore’s housing ideas and his or 1,100 square feet. Marjorie Page has r s n r “Triangular Mesh Structural Tension BMNMIN TULESII Heriiage Savings Vice President. Raymond E. Juleson. with Chamber President, Anne Flint, 1=1 lived in hers for six years now and says, System" attracted Bobbin Wile, 28, as a work hard to make the Ambassador's Club effective. "I love it." She had $10,000 to spend and potential buyer. Moore was so struck by cutting corners, so to speak, Moore built her enthusiasm that he signed her on as a the sleeping loft, bathroom, and storage public relations aide. room walls out of used lumber. He also She spumed the usual methods and u m used $5,000 of his own money because it decided editors would be more apt to was a prototype and Mrs. Page was a read a handout written In long hand than friend. Moore himself lives in Lakeville they would be if it were typewritten. Albert P. Moore, left, and associate, Anthony Qhl, view the Indoor sw im in a converted barn. Some of them did, Indoor pool m rS ARMY&NAUY STORE Mrs. Page works in ideas and thus is “I told you we were unconventional,” c®® produce a starter home for $26,000, leaving the oocu flexible. So her personality meshed with Moore laughed. pant to expand it when finances permit. (UPl photo) 'nflineoccu- HOf. M A IN ST M O N SAT 4 :10 5 JO P M V b

TH E HERALD, Mon., /.pril 27. 1981 — 17 i i f Mickey Rooney: old-fashioned actor HOLLYWOOD (N E A ) - I would have liked to have (Cooper and Rooney, inci­ laughter. Cooper smiled dragged many of today’s dentally. are both former politely and went back to his actors — who take them­ child stars, and hadn’t worked work. But again, as soon as selves and their trade so seri­ H o lly w o o d together since they were boys. the camera rolled. Rooney ously — over to watch Mickey Cooper prefers directing to was instantly back in charac­ Rooney at work. acting these days.) ter. Many actors today are the Dick Kleiner Cooper called another cut. “ Did you ever go up in the kind who must go into a deep Rooney sat up. mountains and pick ferns?” study — undisturbed, com­ “God, this IS depressing,” he Roonev asked, during another muning with their souls — for said. "I need a laugh. Did you break. Nobody answered his hours and maybe days before know that a crowded elevator question, so he continued. "I they do a scene. ’They resent smells different from an emp­ went up in the mountains once ■ /i anything that intrudes into per in the TV movie "Leave the medication at precisely ty elevator?” with Fern and we picked their introspective cocoon. Em Laughing,” to be shown There were a few dutiful « 5 the right moment. ’The doctor sunflowers.” Woe to anybody who breaks on CBS April 29. titters. Rooney groaned. But, had to do his thing, the wife “Mickey,” Cooper said, their self-imposed spell. undaunted, he began a long Rooney plays a character had to shade a bit to one side “ you should thrash around But, on the other hand, story that nobody paid much based on a real person, a Chi­ so the camera could catch the more.” there is Mickey Rooney. May­ attention to. He was right in cago circus clown named action and, through it all, Roo­ ”OK,” Rooney said. "You be you scoff at comparing the middle of it when Cooper Jack ’Thum who (with his ney had to be in obvious pain will see such thrashing as Rooney with today’s "serious" called "action” again, and he w ife) helped raise dozens of and suffering. you’ve never seen.” i m : immediately lay down flat. In actors. But real pros will tell homeless kids. ’The scene they But Rooney, during the doz­ And on and on, for hours. you Rooney is one of the best an instant he was back in were shooting was one in ens of breaks, sat up in bed Rooney was two different actors we have ever had. character, moaning and which Thum was hospitalized and turned on the old Rooney people; himself, or whoever And watching him work is a groaning. — lung cancer, the doctor charm. He was fooling that clownish, puckish little joy. Here is a man who n e ^ said — and he was in pain, around, telling jokes, carrying When they broke again, man is, and Jack Thum, on his perhaps an eighth of a second physically and mentally. on as only he can. But the Rooney teckoned to Cooper death bed, once Cooper start­ to prepare a scene. As for His w ife (Anne Jackson) moment Cooper called for ed the action going. introspMtion, he thinks it’s and the director went over to agonized on one side of his “ action," Rooney turned on the bedside. And that is what is meant the first chapter in a book. All ' i bed. His doctor (Allen the misery. "Hey, Jack,” Rooney said. by acting. ^ he needs to get ready for a Goorwitz) ministered on the “ He can turn it on and off “ How about if I keep going scene is to hear the director Evelyn Seaton, right, volunteer in the Bright Spot Gift Shop at Manchester other side. And Thum like a faucet,” Cooper said ‘Ohh, ouch, yii.’ And Anne will Health questions As part of her volunteer duties in the Pediatrics Department at Manchester say “ Action!” later. “ I think he does it in Memorial Hospital, Laurel Signer helps David Passaretti, son of Dr. and Memorial Hospital, shows off a colorful caftan to Sue Cavallere, Infection (Rooney) gasped and lo a n e d say, 'Poor Jack, does it hurt Pediatrics His was one of the most and suffered. self-defense. If he took the Every day, exclusively in 2 Gift shop Control nurse at the hospital. terribly?’ And I ’ll say, ‘No, Mickey Rooney is an actor who needs iittie prepara­ Mrs. Michael Passaretti of South Windsor, play chess while David was a re­ amazing performances I have It was a difficult scene to whole thing too seriously, it you’re standing on my oxygen The Herald, get the inside cent patient at the hospital. ever watched, as he did a shoot. The nurse had to would b€f too depressing for line.' '■ facts on health in Dr. tion time to piay a roie, even for a scene in which he scene for director Jackie Coo­ appear with the tray holding him.” And he broke into shrieks of Lawrence Lamb’s health has to show strong emotions. Says Jackie Cooper, column. who is directing Rooneyin a new TV movie, “He can A family affair turn it on and off iike a faucet.” (NEA photo) 7 Volunteers aid AAMH TV tonight >1AN(;HK.STKR — Volunteering November 1979, she has served in a traditional pink smock, Mrs. Eigner 4:45 at Manchester Memorial Hospital is ^ (£ )(E )(2 < 1 3 2 ® N«w> Langston, Stephanie Winslow. Mar­ 39 (22) (29 Tha Tonight Show The variety of locations, such as the Lob­ 32M ovle-(Com edy)**** "Putney a family affair. has worked in the Gift Shop, on the ^ Startky And Hutch cia Warfield Best Of Carson' Quests Sally Field, by, the Bright Spot Gift Shop, the GC Joker's Wild (S> Baaeball Boston Red Sox vs Swope” 1969 Arnold Johnson. Ruth Baby Photo service and in the Credit l^ c Davis (Repeal, 60 mins ) Hermine A large Madison avenue As National Volunteer Week ap­ Shopper's Wagon, and the GD NCAA BBEBbell (Continued Texes Rangers (2l) Nawadaak A ninety-minute news and Public Relations offices. For advertising agency is taken over by proaches (April 26-May 2), the FromDaytlmelRicevsTexas-Game 9:00 final Engineering Department, Her (3)(£) M.A.S.H. Klingerarousescon- militant blacks (90mms) hospital prepares to honor special the Auxiliary, she has served as 32) M ovla'(Comady)**** "Putney favorite spot remains the Penny ^ Sports Now First complete cern for his behavior when he falls Swope" 1969 Arnold Johnson. Ruth 5:00 chairman of the Gift Shop and, last r into a deep depression after receiv­ (1) Prayer members of the hospital family — sports report of the day's sports Hermine. A large MadisohvBvenue Saver, the Auxiliary’s downtown ing a 'Dear Maxie' letter from his ex- 5:04 the dedicated group of individuals, Thrift Shop. year, as second vice president of the happenings. advertising agency is taken over by { ^DMoviB-(AdvBnturB) M * 4 "Light w if^averne. (Repeat) militant blacks. (90 mins.) (2) News organization. All three women 5:30 young and old, men and women, who “The Penny Saver is always At ThB Edg* Of Th# World" 1071 ( D ^ American Oraam The Novak 37) ABC Captioned Nawa in the past year donated more than value their volunteer experiences Kirk Douglas, Yul Brynner. Amidst family, turned upside down by their 11:35 (9) Daniel Boone exciting,” she explains, "It is a busy quite highly. “ I enjoy helping their tight torpossesslonofenieland, move from the comforts of a Chicago (2) Maude 47,(XK) hours of service to the local place. You meet a lot of interesting a lighthouse keeper end a sea pirate suburb to a mixed inner-city r^eigh- 11:45 hospital. people,” Mrs, Eigner explains. battle it out for the affections cl a borhood, triestocopewilhanexplo people and you can pick up some (29 Movie -(Drama) ** "The "Volunteering is not just something beautiful shipwreck victim. (2 hra.) aive conflict between Danny and his Damned Don’t C ry" 1950 Joan /HOUKA/COncmA/ The hundreds of volunteers at good bargains there." son, Casey, that began when to do, but a chance to do something ® TV Community CoilBgo: Crawford. David Brian A beautiful INTERSTATE 04 EXIT 58 SILVER LANE MMH know quite well of the sense of Amorican'Second C«ntury Danny's moonlighting at Casey's EASTHARTRORO 8e8-80«) Granddaughter Laurel, 15, has and clever woman in all but love rises BARQAIN MATINEE DAILY that’s useful.” (SlPaddlnglonBaarlnthiaprogram. high school inadvertently leadto Ca­ fromlosermiddleclasBsurroundmgs family they create — among been a junior volunteer since sey's accusation by his classmates FIRST SNOW ONLY S2.50 "My daughter got me involved in Paddington has trouble adapting to to a glamour woman (2 hrs.) themselves, among hospital staff November of 1980. She began in this life as an Englishman. of being a 'snitcher' on student drug 12:00 -WAUDISNEY$ and, most important, among volunteering,” laughs Mrs. Seaton, O ) Hogan's HaroBt users. (60 mins) 14) CBS Lai* Movla QUINCY M E formal program at age 14, following (1 ) M ovl«qCom *dy)*** "Pat And patients. Three of those volunteers "And I ’m so glad she did. I feel like IKJ) Jim Rockford: Private Images' Stars Jack Klugman. Garry a six-week orientation and training Investigator Mike" 1952 SpencerTracy.Kathar­ Walberg Quincy is convinced that she saved my life. I volunteer to ine Hepburn. A New York sports know intimately of this sense of session, and now spends three 6:06 television newswoman Jessica help people and to help myself. It In addition to serving as an In-hospital volunteer, Betty Eigner (center) also (2D News World Daily news high­ promoter turns an ex-physical in­ Ross was killed in a motet fire under family — they represent three struction teacher into the queen of Auce months per rotation in various gets me out of the house and in­ donates a great deal of her time to committee work for the Manchester lights. national and interanational mysterious circumstances, until she generations of a single family who 6:30 the athletic world. (2 hrs ) comes to a news conference to chal- WONDBIUAND hospital departments, Volunteers (SlMovlaqMyttary)** “Drataad have found satisfaction and fulfill­ volved with the community.” Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. Here she is shown working with Shirley ^ CBS News lengehim (Repeat)'HARRYO Book IZOHtUCDUXL [G] A freshman at East Catholic High ® Tic Tec Dough To Kill" 1980 Angie Dickinson. Mi­ of Changes' Stars David Jansen, ment in giving their time to the Most of all, Mrs. Seaton adds, “ I McCray, left, immediate past president of the Auxiliary, and Mary Fletcher chael Caine. Story of a Manhattan School, Laurel spends three hours a ® The Prince And The Pauper, AnthonyZerbe Wheniheownerofa m leel needed. It’s very important to publicity chairman. PartrThePauperKing'MarkTwain's psychiatrist, his frustrated patient A patients and activities of plush gambling casino is murdered. week in service at MMH, Already andaParkAvenuehooker (RaledR) feel needed. My doctor told me it's classic taleoftwo boys, oneaprince, Harry tries to find her killer Manchester Memorial. Their she has worked in the Laboratory, the otherthesonof a beggar, born on M04 mina ) ( |) MIko Douglas Co-Host Ronnie experiences at MMH exemplify the good to be volunteering. It proved to All three highly recommend Many older people don’t think the same day and destined to look (2 932(29 Live From studio 8H too Milsap GuesIs RonHoward.Dr Lee the admitting office, the Pediatrics Volunteers, in addition to the Years Of America's Popular Music' wide range of programs and oppor­ be excellent therapy after my hus­ volunteering to their peers. "More about volunteering, Mrs. Eigner alike. When fate brings them Salk. Arsenio Hall Unit and her favorite rotation, the assignments they perform, also together, they decide to switch George Burns, Paul Simon. Sarah ($) Movie-(Drama) * * * S "Calling band died.” people would find voiunteering says, “ but a great many of them Vaughn. Steve Lawrence and Eydie tunities available to anyone in­ Lobby. " I liked the Lobby best serve another important function. places. Northaide 777 " 1048 James Laurel volunteers, she says, “ to rewarding if they gave it a chance,” could be volunteering and con­ NBCNawi Qorme. Henry Mancmi and Gregory Stewart,Helen Walker Asmalladin terested in volunteering because it's never boring,” she “ Seeing younger people around the Hines will join composer-conductor help out.” She heard both her Mrs. Eigner observes. “ Remember, tributing to the community. We (24(27) OverEesyGuestiCongress- a personal column marks the begin­ i t 'S . Betty Eigner and her daughter, says. "Y ou 're always giving people hospital, instead of only adults, man Claude Pepper. Host Hugh Jack Elliott and the New American ning of a reporter's efforts to free an Orcheatra for this musical celebra­ Laurel, both of Manchester, along mother and grandmother talk about a volunteer doesn’t Lake the place of need them more than ever, as more helps lift the spirits of patients,” she Downs. (Cloaed-Captioned: U S.A.) innocent men from prison (2 hrs ) directions, bringing flowers to (29 Bob Newhert Show tion of a century of unforgettable with Betty's mother, Evelyn Seaton the various volunteer opportunities, a paid hospital worker, but instead young people are going to school or (l4)Movle-(Comedy)** "HogWIld" patient rooms and seeing your believes, “especially the older 6:55 melodies- from Joplin and Sousa 1980 A group of clean-cut high P of East Hartford, are presently very so she decided to give volunteering a frees up employees to do the tasks working and have less time to ones.” Princess Grace of Monaco and Ian McKellen, star of the (40) News through Presley and Dylan (2 hrs) school kids lakes on a group of mo W i E , friends and neighbors visiting the 3 4 3 7 )HereToMakeMusIc Portrait active in the hospital's volunteer try. She enjoys meeting the patients they were trained to (to. At the same volunteer.” 7:00 torcycle hoodlums (Rated PG) (67 hospital." Mrs. Eigner also recommends Broadway show “Amadeus,” attend gala buffet supper at the QBSNews of Itzhak Perlman' Hailed as one ol mins ) and talking to them. Although she time, the volunteer enhances the Her mother echoes these feelings. the greatest violinists of our limes, program. Betty has served as both an in- participation in the Hospital Milford Plaza Hotel In New York City Sunday following a benefit ) M.A.S.H. '1$) Dr. Gene Scott On Hebrews Mrs. Seaton, who will turn 68 in herself is interested in a career in patient’s stay with those “ little “ Older people have so much to Fund-raiser Sha Na Na Perlman’s diverse repertoire ^49 Fantasy Island Romance en hospital volunteer as well as an Auxiliary as an avenue for volun­ performance of “Acting Shakespeare” by McKellen. The aim was ) ABC Nawa demonsirateshisuniquetalent This government. Laurel does have e x tra s " such as the Shopper’s offer,” Mrs. Seaton reports, “If velops the mysterious Mr Roarke May, spends more than 10 hours a "out-of-smock” volunteer for the tarism. ‘ "Through a m em ber’s p ar­ ) Builsaya program offers a look at the man and when a beautiful woman wants to "AVCO EMBASSY r .z = ^ I week voiunteering at the hospital. several friends who are Wagon or the Library Cart, which you’re able to get out, you should to raise money for actor Sam Wanamaker’s plan to build a replica ) SportaCantar the musician (60 mins ) again meet the man she fell in love PiCTuPES Peiease "ZS" R Hospital Auxiliary for over 10 years. ticipation in the Auxiliary,” she 9:30 volunteering to learn more about probably would not exist if not for give volunteering a try.” of Shakespeare’s Globe Theater. (UPl photo) ) Faatival Of Faith with on a previous visit to the par­ Since she began at the hospital in In the hospital, dressed in the says, “ the hospital gains in terms of Sha Na Na Guest: Jayne ( 7 )9 ) Houao Calls A mugger IS lurk­ adise island, and a common man who medical career ing in the dark corners of Kensington volunteers.” Laurel feels that Junior service and donations. Kennedy. want stobeamovie-lypehorohas his (2!) Monaylina Financial, business Hospital and all the women on the wish granted (Repeal. 70 mms ) and consumer news with heavy em­ stall are potential victims, including 12:05 phasis on the Wall Street day. Ann. who considers buying a gun ( 3 1 CBS News Special First Three ^ News (Repeat) Months 01 President Reagan' Part I ^ Nancy Savln*The Arts 10:00 12:30 The best band in the land: (2^ Fall And Riaa Of Raginald (2 ) (£) Lou Grant Billie joltstheTnbi 6 ' Hogan’s Heroes Crossing the border? See the d o c t o r f Coventry shoppe Perrin when she uses what goes on at the 3 9 32) Tomorrow 44 DEPOT RD. COVENTRY, CONN. (29 Face The Mualc newspaper for her angle on a story Coasl-To-Coast 742-74D4 7:26 about sexual harassment on the job 1:00 DEARHEAR DRnw LAMIAM B R_u;„ - We ...... d (29 Daily Numbar (Repeat, 60 mins.) (5) Rat Patrol Now, her risk (chance) f Iratch For Our Ad Every Monday” (§) Nows are planning a trip to D E AR DR. LAM B — I pills sometimes cause high 7:30 (2D People Tonight An hour of Powerline, Wasp, Sf if Sox ? ^ PM Magazine ( B ) ^ ABC Nawa Closoup Near personality news, interviews and have a friend who has high of having a stroke depends Mexico and Central blood pressure and when it ( £ All in The Family Armageddon TheSpreadOfNuclear reviews lPG upon how high her pressure Weapons In The Middle East' America and wonder how blood pressure. The doctor is high one of the first steps ^ Wild Wild World Of Animals 33) Movie-(Adventure) ** 4 "Hus­ Y o u r told her he couldn’t give really is, and if it isi per­ ISSOrFHl ( j j Family Faud (21) F raam an Raporta A one hour tle" 1975 Burt Reynolds, Catherine we can avoid getting sick. is to stop the pill. That N E W Y O R K (UPI) - M ick ■ the mission control console for the national call-in IN'DEPTH TALK Deneuve. An L A cop and a high that Diane — Joey — would be one ^ Face Tha Music I < 'PJ. .1 l'\ .1 -J, hI Almost everyone seems to her medication for it sistently high or just when often cures the problem. If Jagger and the Rolling Stones space shuttle. (l4 Sports Dynasty: Tha Naw York SHOW WITH A LIVE AUDIENCE class call girl dream of escapingfrom V H e a lth of the good ones. Wouldn't Mrs. 33)Movla-(Comady)**4 "Taking g e t diarrhea and because she had been.on she is excited. weren’t there. Clash, the Police and Yankees Follow 60 years of New their gnttylitebutneverquite make It I..1. 1.i l l ”, ,-u „.| not, then the high blood In the middle of the crowd, in­ Jagger? York baseball from Ihegolden age of Off" Buck Henry. Audra Lmdiey (2 hrs ) Lawrence E. birth control pills. She isn’t Also, you or your friend DRESSES the Pretenders probably had other Square parents get hip in a hurry i« 11'\ .1 Kill'.; sometimes other digestive pressure is treated just as finitely out of place among the Babe Ruth to thecontroversialStein- 1:10 now. Could she have a may have misunderstood when their teenage daughter runs (49 USAFRellgloutFilm problems when they travel L a m b , M .D . it is for a person who never sEP'a * " T . 8:30-5;00 engagements. Not a sign of Styx or young, stood a middle-aged woman Comedians reteam brenner era and meet living legends stroke? her doctor. Birth control WED. 8:30 TO 8:00 P.M. Mickey Mantle, Whitey Ford and away from home (Rated R) (90 1:30 south of the border Is this took the pill. Jefferson Starship. in pastel green with Ben Franklin HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Yogi Berra mins.) > $' Adam 12 DEAR READER — Of ^ Connecticut Prime Time (14)Movle-(Horror)**4 "Dracula" from the food and water or It’s not that the regents of rock eyeglasses hanging from a gold Comedians John Belushi and Dan ( g $50,000 Pyramid course. Anyone can have a (2i) CNN Sports A report on what's (2T) Tomorrow Cam# Much Lator 1979 Frank Langella, Laurence EXCALIBUR something else’’ We don't were barred from entering the cKain around her neck. She hovered Aykroyd who got their start on T V ’s happened and what's ahead in Bertha Lautman, a survivor of the Olivier Draculaloomsoverthemisly stroke and the chances are Nazi death camps, returns to the want our vacation spoiled good old USA and it seems “ Best Rock ‘N ’ Roll Band in the protectively over several guitars “ Saturday Night L iv e ” and co- ^orts. moors and cobweb castles in this bacteria. The only way you increased with high blood @ M.A.S.H. scene of her torment with a group of handsome, moody rendition of the by being ill. What Country Contest,” but the $2,500 and a synthesizer. starred in the movies "A n im al high school students, andrelivesher to be increasingly common can really protect yourself pressure. So I surely don’t ®(2T) MacNaIhLahrarRaport classic gothic horror tale (Rated R) suggestions do you have? today. It is a far greater grand prize is probably less than the House,” “ 1941” and “ The Blues (29 Banny Hill Show experiences. Edward Asner nar­ (109 mms ) is with proper cooking and want to say she couldn’t rvO rates this documentary, which also' DEAR READER - Yes. Stones’ ” go-fer” can earn — with " M y daughter’s performing ® Barney Millar 2:00 problem in our fo TO ALL WHO ATTKND Eugene Ormandy conducts the including ameba which can weight this week. "I like St. Bridget's School because the teachers Philadelphia Orchestra with Itzhak survive w a te r that is Money back In full If not com­ are kind and If you need extra help they will help you. Momine Cleee — 10 A.M. or Evening Cleee — 7:00 p.m . Perlman as guest soloist in an all- pletely satisfied with weight We also learn good manners. There are many ac­ Tchaikovsky program which in­ treated with chlorine. tivities to join and have fun In." loss from the very first cludes 'Romeo and Julial' as well as thaconcartoforvlolinand orchestra, There is no rule that will package. Lisa Fournier, (student) ONE DAY ONLY! totally protect you but Duval St. us 35'. (60 mins.) Introductory o M a a American Lifaatylaa 'Paul drinking bottled water or Offor Worth " O "At St. Bridget's they teach you to be a good per­ THURSDAY, APRIL 30 Revere' son. The classes are always quiet so we can learn." 8:30 beverages and avoiding Cut out this ad — take to store Chris Richards (student) OUALtTY INN (X) 9 ) The Two Of Ue Nan and listed. Purchase one pack of salads and raw foods may Andover. Ct. Brentwood are in for a big surprise help. FAT-QO and receive one when.eachthinkingtheotherisoulof FAT-QO Pack Free. Open House Wed., Mey 13, 1S81 town, they both return home lor wee- You can also get food MAIL ORDERS FILLED B 1877 FBitMns UnUmlM Inc i^nd rendezvous. poisoning right here in the ______8:30 to 7:30PM (X) Merv Qrlffln Quests: Imperial Palace Show Qirls,,MiitonBarle, Nall Carter. Roger and Roger. Murray 18 — THE HERALD. Mon., April 27, 1981

PEANUTS — Chsfiss M. Schulz THE HERALD, Mon., April 27, 1981 - 19 ACROSS NORTH . 4.J7.SI 66 Poetic Answer to Previous Puzzle Bolton finance board I THINK I JUST WHEN It s HOT IN TTIE YOUR MATH PAPER prapofition ♦Q2 1 Sam* (prefix) T76 50METHIN6, ROOM. ANP VOU RALL STICKS TO YOUR HEAP! 4 Oft bale DOWN ♦ A962 A5LE#ATY0UR PE5K... illegally (Army 4AK85S "^r il.) 1 Applies WEST EAST T 8 Holds In frosting continues budget job ♦ AlO 4J97 wonder 2 New York City VKB32 WAQJ104 12 Who (It.) stadium ♦ 853 o j u r 13 Hub of a 3 Unctuous represents 20 mills of the proposed 4>QJ104 *72 wheel 4 Vexed BOLTON - The Board of crease cut at least in half, and when 14 Firtt-rsts 5 Female Finance will continue its work on beginning their work last week, set 31.23, and the education bMrd last SOUTH (comp, wd.) soldier (abbr.) the proposed 1981-82 budget tonight a goal of a zero increase as a ’Thursday approved a cut of $15,000 ♦ KII54S •v-zy 15 Lamprey 6 Shaped like to the bottom line of their budget. W95 16 College an egg at the Community Hall, finishing up guideline. PRISCILLA’S POP — Ed Sullivsn □ □ Q D D D its town proper budget cuts and The board cut over $50,000 from The education board’s proposed ♦ KQ4 athletic group 7,Tend 486 8 Motoring the town budget, with the iargest budget is about $1.9 million. I AAAPE V t e l l A4E MAAM" 17 Pone f pecialty 28 Actrssi 45 For hearing perhaps dropping the bottom line in ITS 18 Arbitrary ssiociation the B^rd of Education’s budget. cuts coming in the highway and Vulnerable: North^uth IT MVSELF, VIOW.' PEANUT Sheridan 47 Place for a PRISCILLA THIS IS etsertion 9 Verbiage 29 Beginning of The proposed budget, before any snow removal categories. The board will consider post­ Dealer: North BRITTLE.' (colloq.) 10 City in drama critic Louift CInulier Carol Levesque Claude Kuel marriage Lee Sloppleworih cuts were made, showed an increase The board cut last Monday $25,500 poning an expenditure of $100,000 for PEUCibU S 20 Explosive Oklahoma 48 Poetic foot Weft North Eut Soath TAFFV.'^ 30 Yowls of 6.23 milis, 25 percent over last from the highway budget, lowering a new fire truck, a move conceived 14 14 14 (abbr.) 11 Bodies of 31 Indian 49 Colonnade year, an increase of $431,000. The the total in the category to $139,950, by finance member Richard Barger. 24 Pass Pass 24 22 Collage water 32 Negative 51 Small bottle Barger said at the public hearing 34 34 Pass 44 degree (abbr.) 19 Fasten with command 53 Christmas budget is scheduied for a town a $150 increase over last year’s 23 Journey stitches Pass Pass Pass 35 Tiny state 54 Duo Democrats seek election meeting on May 11. expenditures. April 15 that the expenditure, ap­ 26 Gallic 21 Digit (abbr.) The board also cut $5,100 from the proved by a town meeting, could be stfirmative 24 River 55 Bring to bay The finance board last Monday cut 38 Fuss BOLTON — Bolton Democrats Knights of Columbus and member of to strengthen the relationship about $105,000 from the town proper­ snow and ice removal budget. postponed to a future date by Opening lead:42 27 Hebrew God 26 Actress 57 Compass 40 Built are backing four candidates for the the St. Maurice Parish Council. He between student and teacher. ty budget, including a $65,000 In order to meet the goal of cutting holding another town meeting, ac­ 30 Pined (si.) Merkel point 33 One (Sp.) 43 Unit of May 4 Board of Education Election. is married with five children. “We recognize that resources are the increase in half, the board must cording to charter. ’The board may 27 Chinese 59 Untried proposed roof repiacement for the 34 Extrema currency illumination Incumbent Louis Cloutier, 21 The forth Democratic candidate is limited and must be expanded only center school roof. find enough areas to cut about an ad­ also consider stretching out the 36 Air (prefix) Brandy St., is seeking re-election. Leland Stoppleworth, 1020 Boston with great care. Yet, we believe Finance board members ditional $120,000. payments on the truck, which would The obligatory 37 Actress 1 2 3 4’ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 The eight year school board veteran Turnpike. Stoppleworth, a former that we can continue to develop high Magnsni expressed that they want the in­ The Board of Education’s bo'tnot lower this year’s increase. t 2 13 14 is an engineer for United member of the Windham Board of quality education within our f i n e s s e CAPTAIN EASY — Crooks A Lswrsncs 39 Cairo’s river Technologies. He served as a Education, is a professor of educa­ budgetary constraints. With this in 41 Evil IS 16 17 helicopter pilot in Vietnam and tion at Central Connecticut State mind, we favor emphasizing the fun­ THAT’* A MIOHry HANP90MB 4 WARRICK EXPLORATIONS 42 Pine leef By Oswald Jacoby ROYALTY AOKBEMBNT YOU'RB 44 Adjusted 18 19 20 21 22 holds a bachelor of science degree College, He holds a Ph.D. degree in damentals. those core subjects ALWAYS SSU EV B S IN PZC to consider proposal a ^ Alan Sontag SISNINO WITH LONG JOHN AND TREATINS PEOPLE FAIRLY beforehand from the University of Maine. educational psychology from the which provide a sound basis for MARY BATEBSB, MISS WARRICK! ANP GENEROUSLY 46 Second 23 24 25 26 Cloutier is married with four University of Connecticut and was a whatever educational and Alan: “In our current Satur­ ON ANY OIL PEAL. person 27 26 20 30 SBROBAWTl 47 Befuddled 31 32 children. te a c h e r from 1960 to 1972. vocational paths our students wish day articles we have been 33 Stoppleworth is a member of the to follow upon their successful com­ showing how to play certain 48 Doctrine 34 35 36 for new housing subdivision 50 16, Roman Carol Levesque, 44 Flora Road, is New England Children’s Mental pletion of Bolton's course of study. card combinations involving 52 Church vault 37 38 39 40 41 Health Task Force and is Past “We will continue to de- another Democratic candidate. The one particular suit. How about 56 Egyptian deity 42 43 44 Democratic Town Committee President of Educational Resource emphaisize those trendy elective ANDOVER — A public hearing several conduits would have to be in­ can accept or reject its recommen­ a few articles to illustrate?” 58 Doesn't exist 45 merhber is a former head Associates. He is married with six which are found in some of the will be held tonight by the Planning stalled since about eight driveways dation as appropraite. Oswald: “Here is an exam­ (com.) 46 47 bookkeeper and holds an accounting children. larger school systems. Such glamor and Zoning Commission on the as proposed on the maps, cross the ’The commission will also consider ple of a play known as the . ^ 60 Egypt (abbr.) obligatory finesse. Needless to 61 Luminous 48 40 SO 51 52 S3 54 55 certificate from the Moody School courses may make a school look proposal by Fri-Land Ekjuities to brook. an application by Ernest say there is no one holding a heavenly body 58 of Commerce. She is married with The four Democrats released a more fun, but we believe we are in subdivide 85 acres into 18 building The commission will also receive Mendenhall for a special permit to gun to declarer’s head and 62 Sheltered 57 58 59 60 three children. joint statement, saying: business to educate, not to enter­ lots. data and recommendations from the sell candy and cigarettes from the forcing him to take It. It sim­ from wind 61 62 63 Claude Ruel. 135 Notch Road, is “We believe that our schools are a tain. Fri-Land Equities is a sub­ Environmental Review Team, store adjacent to Mendenhall’s Car ply is a play that can win for 63 Fib also vying for a slot on the board. source of pride to the Town of “We are especially pleasd with corporation of Fireside Realty Inc., which was consulted for the same Care Center on Route 6. He has also ou and can’t cost you a trick ALLEY OOP — Dsvs Grsus 64 Scourge 64 65 66 The Sonitrol Security Systems Bolton. Rather than look on the progress being made in the and the property proposed for sub­ r/' you take it.” 65 Lascivious KT reason that the state health board applied for a license to sell beer a m a z in g ! YtXJ CLEARED lUNDA LACALO'S •ITS RATHER MY THOUGHTS/ employee is a Boy Scout leader, a declining enrollment as cause for Bolton High School, and we pledge division lies adjacent to Boston Hill was called in for. and wine from the store, but the Alan: “South finds himself OUR BOARDING HOUSE in four spades. Maybe North THE ENTIRE ROOM! WHO ) THE NAME! I'M OBVIOUS YOU EXACTLY, S IR ! , coach for Bolton Youth Soccer, a despair (as do so many other ourselves to the continued support Road and the Hebron-Andover town Kostic said the proposed entry application must be approved by the AN EXPERT IN COULD USE I'M SENATOR | shouldn’t nave bid three. May­ GOVERNMENTAL CCD instructor and member of the towns), we see a unique opportunity of the high school" line. The land is also situated near SO M E NORTON P. LETS t a k e a &IKE into the area may cause some Zoning Board of Appeals. be South shouldn’t have bid ORGANIZATION ASSISTANCE BOOZLE, ANP.? YEAH, WE NEEP TO VO SOME­ the Andover-Bolton town line. problenqs, and the team may An attorney representing Scott four. It doesn’t matter. That’s AND EFTICIENCY.' HERE.' I... TRIP THIS WEEKENP, THIN’,' EVER SINCE THEY Commission Chairman John suggest the installation of a road Eiektronics from ^Iton will be dis­ the contract he has to play.” LEANPER! WE CAN CLPSEP TME TEKCHERS’ Kostic said Sunday that the commis­ into the area from another direc­ cussing the firm’s proposal to build Oswald: “East takes his ace CAMP 0\SX BY A RIVER SMOKIN’ RCOM\ THEY'VE BEEN sion is waiting for results of tests tion. a small manufacturing factory on and queen of hearts. Then he AN’ EKT Tr4E FISH m e a n e r t h a n b r o k e n WE CATcSH,' IT'LL from the state Board of Helath. Kostic said that if a road is put Route 6, just behind Burning shifts to the jack of SLASS AT SECCNP BASE diamonds.” HELP US FORcSET The soil conservation tests, he through, it would “cause the proper­ Embers across from Pine Ridge Alan: “South has lost two a :koc»l ' said, were sought by the commis­ ty to be very expensive.’’ A road, he Drive. tricks and expects to lose two TTIT sion due to concern that water from The firm manufactures electronic said, costs about $175 a foot, and the more. He wins the diamond in BESIPES, Burnap Brook, which runs through length needed for the area may parts, and the factory will employ his own hand and leads a low AUNT MARTHA the area, may back up onto surroun­ exceed a Vz mile. about 15 persons. ’Die firm just trump. West’s ten loses to WILL MAKE dununy’s queen and the deuce ding properties, The team is only an advisory received a grant to build the factory US VYCRK Kostic previosly noted that group, he said, and the commission on the land, which it owns. of trumps IS led back." FRANK AND ERNEST — Bob Thsvss Oswald: “Elast plaw the nine and now comes the obli- aatory finesse. South ducks, west has to play his ace and HAMBURGER ii.lS Employment rises in state South gets away with just one X ^ A N ' T S f i i f trump loser. Luck, of course, HAMBURGER but he had given the cards a X L»KB THB ^ HARTFORD (UPI) - State But with seasonable adjustments Weekly wages for factory produc­ chance." WITH CHILI Labor Commissioner P. Joseph the unemployment rate was 6 per­ tion workers were up $2.09 to $316.01 (NEWSPAPEK ENTERPRISE ASSN.) 11 Perarq says employment in Connec­ cent, up slightly from 5.9 percent in with an average hourly wage of O F T » W . .'VnilreH Mune^gia Michael Parsons James Marshall Pamela Sawyer < a o o v ticut increased by 8,000 during February, Peraro said. $7.56, up five cents from February. REASONS March while weekly wages set a Every labor market area had Wages in March were highest in TO new record high. lower unemployment, except for the Bristol area, followed by An- "Truly absurd is the man who LEAVE ■“ Willimantic where temporary plant sonia, Hartford, Bridgeport, New never changes." ;______Y-3.7 The latest figures provided by the Auguste Barthalmy Three in GOP incumbents closings occurred. Britain and the Norwich-New Lon­ TuAves 4-X7 KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE — Larry Wright state Labor Department also show don area. O br MA. Ms. TV Maf. UA. PH * TM OS that manufacturing output grew and The report showed the number of S BOLTON — Republicans are well as the Regional Advisory Coun­ didate seeking re-election for the Manufacturing output also grew the personal income of state people employed rose mainly in non­ backing four candidates, three of cil for Manchester Community education board. The five-year while personal income was higher THE BORN LOSER — Art Ssnsom ■mAT'5 PRiNce. He Lives College and the Board of Incor­ member of the board is chairman of residents reached a new high, manufacturing jobs. ‘‘Heavy con­ again in March. Average weekly in­ < % H ir which are incumbents, for the May 4 struction firms added workers as HoiHiugt reffeshwj^ OJOULPSbURMHH^I election to the Board of Education: porators for Manchester Memorial the curriculum committee and chair­ Peraro said the unemployment itial claims for unemployment ure^eojoi IN TH6 AFARTMgNT N©CT T>ooR. Hospital. man of the committee on future of rate dropped in March from 6.8 per­ the weather improved, jobs in ser­ benefits declined and new auto ^ r t h d a y lAMER Yt5U UPl CJICUT TALXTDYtX) R^inCjBj This cm>iue, itN Neui Andrew Maneggia, Michael Par­ cent to 6.2 percent with 97,800 people sons, James Marshall and Pamela Michael Parsons, of Cider Mill Bolton schools. He teaches two vice industries grew and govern­ registrations increased, partly due A T A a ? Sawyer. Road, is also seeking re-election. courses at the University of Connec­ out of work. That compared to a ment employment increased, the to stepped up application processing national average of 7.3 percent. labor department said. April 28,1981 Incumbent Andew Maneggia, 70 The two-year board veteran is a ticut, and holds a doctorate degree because of two shorter work-weeks. You’re likely to be luckier this Stone Road, is seeking re-election. nuclear engineer at Pratt and in political science for the Universi­ year In ventures or enterprises He is a 10 year member of the board Whitney Aircraft, He holds a private ty of Connecticut. you undertake on your own, pilot’s license and is chairman of the rather than those where partners and is a teacher and administrator Pamela Sawyer, of 95 South Road, Hotel becomes apartments are Involved. Try to perform at a Vernon school. He has earned a Economic Development Commis­ is seeking her first term. She is a independently. B.S. degree from Eastern Connec­ sion, and troop chairman for the Boy three year resident of Bolton, a TAURUS (April 20-May 20) If ticut State College and a masters Scouts. Professionally, he is a past teacher and a marine education NEW HAVEN (UPI) - Taft’s glorious past at a Famous guests like Al University. you have an ambitious undertak­ chairman of the Connecticut Section The venerable Hotel Taft, party Saturday which Jolson and Alec Guinness Eight years ago the Taft ing In mind today, don't seek degree and a certificate of advance specialist. Her specialty in educa­ help from persons unless you are fit-4. graduate studies from the Universi­ of -the American Institute of tion work is in the elementary and once one of the stateliest featured unicyclists, once passed through the closed its doors, the establishments in the east, vicitim of stiff competition willing to share part of what you ZT ty of Hartford. The 30-year town Astronautics and Aeronautics. junior high levels. She graduated jugglers and performing 8- opulent lobby and dined in hope to achieve. Find out more a resident is also on the Board of Dr. James H. Marshall, of from the University of Rhode Island will reopen next month as foot pythons. the elegant banquet rooms. from new downtown ac­ of what lies ahead for you In the WINTHROP — Dick Csvalll Health, Senior Citizen Committee as Fernwood Drive, is another can­ in 1974, with a degree in education. an a apartment complex. “Other than Mory’s President William commodations and major year following your birthday by The 68-year old down­ there is no place like the Howard Taft iived in the problems conforming to sending for your copy of Astro- p o u T to s l e 1ZXP FOR i n s i:a n c e - I'P L-IRE r ON THE OTHER HAND, town landmark has been Hotel Taft for both Yale hotel while teaching at the city’s housing codes. Graph. Mail $1 (or each to Astro- SOLEMN... WE N E E P TZOjS E E A C U O W N in M A Y B E ITS t i m e Graph. Box 469, Radio City t h e WHITE HOUSE, FOR A (O-bANt^- converted to nearly 200 un­ and New Haven,” said Yale University after his But city officials say its Station, N.Y. 10019. Be sure to AAORE HUM OR IN Republicans set priorities its, with rents averaging Richard E. Ballard who term in office. And the re-opening is part of an specify birth date. F K T u m o e . about $350 a month. planned the party. “This hotel was named after his ambitious plan to revamp GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ------y~ V But New Haven’s elite place has memories for brother, Horace D. Taft, New Haven’s downtown There’s a possibility your priori­ existing funds. tain our town and not allow taxes to ties could get a bit distorted /izzz^ ^ BOLTON - The Republican turned out in tuxedoes and everybody.” who was president of Tufts area. today. You may place more 4-^7 Town Committee, to kick off their • Increase community service become more of a burden.” furs to remember the emphasis on fun pursuits than campaign, issued this statement: through educational programs, you will on fullllling duties. "'Twenty-two of your Bolton neighborhood watches and the CANCER (June 21-July 22) neighbors are the Republican can­ widening of public awareness ATTENTION AREA CAFE, BAR You're capable of managing OlWHtvKA.Inc Gun death things for others today, as long didates for our towin’s elective of­ through information from a police as you don't run Into anything blotter. fices, NEW BRITAIN (UPI) — Eugene Dawkins, 30, was AND RESTAURANT OWNERS unusual or unexpected. Unfor­ BUGS BUNNY — Heimdahl & Stoffel “Fresh, new leadership is offered • Regularly maintain town equip­ scheduled to be arraigned today in Superior Court on a tunately you may. so keep cool. 4-17 for the Board of Selectmen and it ment and a planned program for LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Tasks to charge of manslaughter in the death of a 21-year-old which you allocate proper time LEVY’S LAW — Jamss Schumeister will be supported and backed by the replacement. woman, police said. today will be performed efficient­ experienced republican officers now • Consistently plan for large Police said Cynthia Raynor was wounded on a second ly, but those left to the last min­ in town government. They believe capital expenses. floor landing of a New Britain tenament building Satur­ FIGHT THE DOUBLIHG OF YOUR ute could get messed up or even CR1MESIDMPEB6 TEXT6OOI0 left undone. planning for the next three to five • Regularly bring together of­ day. ficials and heads of agencies with in­ VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sapt. 22) Your years cans be combined with firm possibilities for gain-or acquisi­ management of the town’s day-to- terested residents to consider and The woman and Dawkins were standing with two LIQUOR UCEHSE WHICH IS tion today look good, but you 5IO«-BO(XeTIN6 PeiCPS day affairs, opening to steady, affor­ review the town’s programs and other people as the gun Dawkins had ailegedly stolen must take care not to use meth­ HAVEPU6H»)S0M^ dable improvements which the town problems. was displayed and fired accidentally, police said. ods others find unattractive to M ldOPM I^Oes UP INTO needs and deserves. Your vote for • Support continued review of the get what you want. ALREADY THE HIGHEST IH THE LIBRA (Sept. 23-Ocl. 23) You're TVtEFPUJNYOASS them is asked that they may achieve town’s charter. Ms. Raynor died several hours later at New Britain lucky In moat areas today, but the following: “Republicans are convinced that General Hospital with a single gunshot wound to the getting something for nothing • Formulate a working plan for hard choices are necessary to main­ chest, police said. Isn’t likely to be one of them. TWD-WW WBI6T HORTHEAST Think twice before gambling or TV wnHUXJSY SUSPECT CHABOEOWTH improvement of town roads through UHFKttePTlON taking financial risks. GBANP THEFT PEANUT OUTTFa O 'M l t>i Warner b>o* me Aa HtgNs Aeterved 4>77 SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) ARE YOU THINKING Don’t change things today mere­ WHATS Z HATES fW BBtTS.' ) Cafe$ from *1,7S0 to *3,500 ly tor the sake of change. There’s SHORT R IBS — Frank HIM Seniors plan trip ABOUT RETURNING TO COLLEGE? a chance your Impatience could UR DOC? ------^------^ cause you to get something good COVENTRY — The Coventry Senior Citizen group is Re$taurant$ from *1,200 to *2,400 going off-track. The Bachelor of General Studies Program SAOnTARIUS (N ov. 23-D m . 21) sponsoring a trip to see the Lawrence Welk show at the Friends are likely to play major Hartford Civic Center on June 10. Those interested in at the Storrs Campus of the University of Connecticut is Cafe*Nightclub$ from *3,000 to *5,375 roles In your affairs today. Some going should contact Mrs. Mary Walsh, 742-8890, as soon an individualized, interdisciplinary degree program of will be of great help, yet one with as possible. good Intentions could cause part-time study designed for the adult student with an problems. The group is also going to sponsor a three-day trip to CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Montreal, Canada on July 10, 11 and 12. This is open to associate’s degree or sixty earned credits. For additional Contact Your Dem ocratic Senators Things should go rather well the public. Reservations should be made as soon as information contact today careerwise and financially, possible by calling Mrs. C. Moore, 742-6077. The next who support this increase and wiii but you’d be wise not to broad­ regular meeting of the seniors will be on May 20 at the Anita Bacon at 486-4873. cast what you have going. vote on it this week. Phone 525- Jealous ears are listening. Northend Community Center. Bingo will be played after Applications for Fall, 1981 will be accepted until AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fata. 19) the meeting. Your ability to plan antj reason June 1, 1981.....so act now! 4465, The Senate, State Capitoi, things out is vary good today, FLETCHER’S LANDING but there’s a possibility you may H a r t f o r d . not heed your own counsel. -rfcU. RibLtv ITS a Hit-run car sought Extended and Continuing Education Practice what you preach. BLt&siNQ iKi Disquiee l u t s r PISCES (Fab. 20-Mweh 20) HtB- fURNfi^Cfc. 6RD« l DOLON The University of Connecticut Joint ventures could prove very WOODBURY (UPI) — State Police in Litchfield were beneficial (or you today, provid­ NCXO IWSlCAD OF CJiNHUAR-Y. looking for a car involved in the hit-and-run death Sun­ For any further information, phone the ed you team up with one who Is day of a Woodbury teenager. equally productlvai Avoid Police said Katherine Galvin, 17, was struck by a car Executive Office, Connecticut Cafe and noncontributors. that left the scene on Middle Road Turnpike in Wood­ bury about 1:15 a.m. Restaurant Liquor Council, Hartford, Connec Police sai^the car involved was possibly a 1981 Mer­ BGSC> ticut, cury Lynx with damage confined to the right front signal and headlight area. 246-6566 20 — THE HERALD. Mon., April 27, 1981 MACC news T jjE j l E RAH). .Mon,. April 27. 1981 — 21 Days of Remembrance People Talk BUSINESS / Classified

By NANCY CAKK Amin’s Uganda and far more religious education and theological Center Theater Company in its first year in Kxcculivf [)ir

★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★ IT ir -k ir ir it ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ftftftftftftftft ft THE HERALD. Mon., April 27, 1981 — 23 ^ . .^uh ft NEW PRIVATE PARTY WANT AD RATES — FAMILY THRIFT SPECIAL!!! PHONE WANT GUARANTKD RESULTSI i * V L i o n t flood . ^ ^ ft II Your Item Isn’t Sold Within 3 Days— ADS ♦ Call 643-2711 ~ j ^ ^ Call 643-2711 ♦ 3 Lines - 3 Days *6.00 SECOND a DAYS ARB PREHt Price of articlaa muat ba Included In ad. PAi. ®^ At low Prlvato Parly Rrtta, ^ «i$1.00 nn niDiscount If DalrfPaid In AHwnn#Advanca FOR SALE ITEMS ONLY. MAXIMUM SI .000.00 CALL... the3-2711 herald ***••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• ftftftftftftfta»*««a••••••••#••• ••••••••••••••••••#••••• ♦••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••#« Na/p Wanted )3 Help Wanted 13 •••••••••••••••••••••••• *••••••••••••••••••••••• Services Ottered 3t PalnHng-Pap^iing 32 Houaahold Goods 40 Arf/c/o# for So/o 41 IVanfod to Buy 40 •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Investment Property 25 •••••••••••••••••••••••a •••••••••••••••••••••••• ♦••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••«# Apartments For Pent 53 •••••••••••••••••••••••ft •••••••••••••••••••••••ft Auto Parts For Sala 60 Auto Partf For 8a/a 60 NOTICE •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••ft •••••••••••••••••••••••• Legal Notice SALES AND INVENTORY EXCELLENT B&M TREE SERVICE, INTERIOR PAINTING, WATERBEDS - LOWEST TWO TIER OVAL Tea WANTED TO BUY PUBLIC HEARING CLERK, experienced of­ INVESTMENT! Good cash Inc. Complete tree care in­ IMMEDIATELY. Older BOARD OF DIRECTORS over ten years experience, PRICES ANYWHERE! Cart. $20. Hand push lawn TWO BEDROOM WARNING OF MUNICIPAL fice supplies and equip­ flow! First floor leased to cluding spraying for gypsy low winter rates and senior King or Queen, raised, mower. Craftsman. $35. house in need o f re p ir. WATER INJECTION 1973 FORD LTD - Running TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT MEDICAL SECRETARY APARTMENT Available SYSTEM. $34.95 in stall^ condition. $450. Call 646 ELECTION ment preferred. Five day package store. Second moths, other insects and citizen discounts. 643-99ffi). heated with headboard. 646-6794. Cash. Please/call Frank Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors. Town of Manchester. Part time. Manchester floor, very nice apartment, J.T. Strano/Strano Real June. |42S monthly. Foster-Bren, 707 Main 5422, after 4:00 p.m. MAY 4, 1981 week. Paid insurance - diseases. “ SPECIAL $199. Nimbus - El Camino Garden Condos. Call 5&- Connecticut, will hold a Public Hearing at the Senior Citizen Center. f>49 benefits. Apply in person. Medical Practice. Past plus 5 car garage, $67,900. Estate 646-2000. Street, Manchester. 646 East Middle Turnpike. Manchester. Connecticut, Tuesday. May 1981, RATES” on stump grin­ INTERIOR AND Plaza, Route 30, Vernon, ANTIQUE OAK 7717. BOLTON, CONNECTICUT Call 646-72*2 for appoint­ Experience helpful. Call Call for further details. ding with tree removal. Ct. 875-2362. DRESSER, refinished with 4300 for appointment. at 8:00 P.M. to consider and act on the following: The electors of the ’Town of Bolton are hereby warned EXTERIOR PAINTING, •••••••••••••••••••••••» TrucAa tor Sale 62 ment, Harrison's 643-2732 mornings only. Strano Real Estate, 646- TOY TRAIN - LIONEL and Proposed additional appropriation to General Fund Budget 1980-81. Fully insured and licensed. Paper hanging, carpentry ••• bentwood mirror, asking FEMALE ROOMMATE to meet at their polling place in said Town on Monday, Stationers, 849 Main 2000. Free estimates and work. Fully insurea. J.P. Articles for Sale $90. Call 643-7767. Svlvania other laroe sizes. U.S. or Autos For Sale 67 Board of Directors ...... $800,00 41 WANTED to share three 1977 4x4 CHEVY PICKUP - for Conservation Commission, to be financed from General Fund - Fund MAY 4, 1981, for the following purposes, to wit- Street, Manchester. foreign. Buying for limited DISCOUNTS FOR Lewis & Son. 649-9658. ••• console 20 inch color TV. bedroom duplex in Low mileage. Custom Balance (Surplus) reserved for the Conservation Commission. I. ’To cast their votes for the following Municipal of­ SENIOR CITIZENS. 643- time only. 649^70. Asking $70. Manchester. Non-smoker. paint. Everything to make Proposed additional appropriation to General Fund Budget 1980-Bi. ficers and members of boards and commissions: PART-FULL TIME JOB n BUSINESS 7285. DAN SHEA PAINTING & Police Department ...... $70,000.00 PURCHASING •••••••••••••••••••••••ft Available June 1st. Call it a show truck. Call for First Selectman; Selectmen; Town Clerk; Tax AT HOME. Send stamped DECORATING - Interior POOL TABLE PLUS details. No reasonable (or Special Police Services, to be financed from charges made for these SECRETARY who is a and SERVICES ALUMINUM Sheets used 646- 6138 evenings. w a n t e d JUNK AND Collector; Board of Finance; Board of Eduction; self-addressed envelope to self-starter and has good GARDENS and Exterior. Also: ACCESSORIES, 82 feet x * RENTALS LATE MODEL WRECKS - offer refused. 8761497. services. •••••••••••••••••••••••• ROTOTILLED. Small Cub Wallpapering. Quality as printing plates, .007 43 feet. Non-slate. Good •••••••••••••••••••••••ft Proposed additional appropriation to General Fund Budget 1980-61. Board of Tax Review; Painning Commission; O.N. Enterprises, Box Wping and office skills. MANCHESTER - Unique Cash Paid. Call Parker WA.NT TD CUT VOUR Services Offered 31 Cadet tractor with rear thick 23x28t4'’, 50 cents Motorcyclas-BIcyclas 64 Social S ervices...... $2fi.000.00 Planning Commission, Alternates; Zoning Com­ 5439, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Five dav week, full com ­ Craftsmanship! Call 6 ^ Condition. $40. Call 649-3068 Street Used Auto Parts, EyPENSei>? THEM ••••••••••••••• each or 5 for $2. Phone 643- Rooms to r Pent 52 three room apartment, one ••••••••«••••••••••••••• to be financed by State of Connecticut payments for welfare assistance. 71611. pany and medical benefits. tiller. SATISFACTION 5424, or 646-1703. after 5 p.m. 6463391. mission; Zoning Commission, Alternates; Zoning SELL YOUR E'ltrRAS REWEAVING BURN 2711. Must be picked up bedroom, appliances. 12 MO’TORCYCLE Proposed additional appropriation to General Fund Budget. 1980-81. Send letter or resume with GUARNTEED, Call 647- Town C le rk ...... $2.f>00.00 Board of Appeals; Zoning Board of Appeals, Alter­ WITH EFFICIENT HOLES. Zippers, um­ before 11 a.m. ONLY. GENTLEMEN. Private foot closet. Very private INSURANCE - Lowest salary requirements to 0530 or 528-0268. Building Contracting 33 1W4 T-BIRD, low mileage, for anticipated additional expenditures to budget, to be financed from nates; and Town Meeting Moderator. brellas repaired. Window home. Central. Next to and secure. Parking, Pets Rates Available! FAM ILY VJAMT APS Purchasing, P.O. Box 13, to be considered. Required air-conditioning, stereo, additional Town Clerk fee collection. II. To cast their vote on the following local question shades, Venetian blinds. WATER PUM PS - 3” Immediate Binding Lay- Proposed additional appropriation to Sewer Fund Budget 1980-81 South Windsor, Conn. FARRAND shower. Telephone. power seats, windows and for the approval or disapproval of all the proposed PART TIME AND FULL Keys. TV FOR RENT. Carter Gas Powered. W” NIGHT CRAWLERS FOR security and references. Up Options. Call Joan, ...... $61.f.00.00 06074. REMODELING - Cabinets, Parking. 649-6801. more options! $2,500. Also: TIME. Hours flexible. Men Marlow's, 867 Main Street. Carter Gas pwered. 2“ SALE. $1.00 per dozen. 875 647- 9565 p.m.. Also, 646 for principal paydowns and interest on Bond Anticipation Notes - to be amendments to the Town Charter, a vote of Roofing, Gutters, Room 1975 LTD WAGON, eight Clarke Insurance Agency, and Women. Earnings to 649-5221. GIRL, 16, GIRL Additions, Decks, All types Electric. 1W\ 3“ and 6” Parker Street, ROOM FOR RENT - Ve7 5499 days & p.m. 6461126. funded by surplus (retained earnings) in the Sewer Fund “ YES” being a vote for approval, and a vote of $300 per week. Special AVAILABLE FOR hoses. Call 649-7407. Manchester. passenger, air-conditioning Proposed additional appropriation to Eklucational Special Grants. Fund "NO” being a vote for disapproval: Business Opportunities o f Remodeling and nice, newly carpeted. $1,200. 8469404. training. Earn while you •••••••••••••••••••••••• CERAMIC FIRING. SUMMER JOB. Prefer of­ Repirs. Free estimates. Working gentleman MOTORCYCLE 4 1 ...... $I1.9f>6 00 YES NO If you’re learn. Can start im­ 7-ELEVEN STORE Discount rates. Quick ser­ fice work with diversified FOR SALE, ALBINAR F ESTATE GAS & MANCHESTER Heat paid. INSURANCE, see us now for ESEA Title IV-B Program, to be financed by Grant payments for Fully insured. Phone 643- preferred. $45 weekly. JEEPS, CARS TRUCKS this Program. For approval of all the amendments to the Town mediately. Call 646-3936. AVAILABLE for franchise vice. Call 643-2543. duties. References. Reply 6017. 2.8/55 telephoto lens for ELECTRIC RANGE. $100. One bedroom. New decor. for same day coverage and Strano Real Estate, 643- available through govern­ Proposed additional appropriation to Educational Special Grants. Fund Charter as recommended by the Charter Revision EOE. in the Vernon-Manchester Box X c /o The Herald. screw typ mount with haze Also: Antique Coal & Wood 1878. Just $225. Locators 236 ment agencies, many sell competitive rates. Ask for 4 1 ...... $2,176.00 Commission and approved by the Board of and skylight filters, $50. Stove. $65. Call 647-1334. 5646. FEE. for increase in Town Account 41-312 under P L. 94-142. to be financed by looking for area. For information con­ LEON CIEZSYNSKI for under $200. Call 602-941- Judy or Janet, Crockett Selectmen. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Call 633-5^ evenings. an increase in Grant funding for this account. tact Rav Pelletier at 289- BUILDER. New homes, Apartments For Pent 53 ^ 8014 ext. 7816 for your Agency, Inc., 6461577. The full text of such proposed amendments is FOR Experienced 8261. additions, remodeling, rec DETECTO BABY SCALES MANCHESTER Nice 2 Proposed additional appropriation to Educational Special Grants. Fund B -B UPHOLSTERY, directory on how to 4 1 ...... $6,270.00 available at the Town Clerk’s office for public inspec­ Painters. Call 643-9097. •••••••••••••••••••••••• rooms, garages, kitchens F O R SALE 30 inch beam type with chart to 30 TW O ROOM bedroom. Pets O.K. COMPLETE LAWN purchase. for an increase in the Head Start Program, to be financed by an increase an Situation Wanted 15 Custom Work. Free Franklin wood burning tbs. $25.00 folding Available now. $235. tion. The vote of such proposed amendments is taken un­ CARE! Mowing, fer­ remodelM, ceilings, bath APARTMENT - Heated. in Grant funding for this account. ARBOR ACRES FARM. ------1 Estimates. Will pick up tile, dormers, roofing. stove. Excellent condition. aluminum cot 24x72 with No appliances. $225 Locators 2365646. FEE. der the authority of Chapter 99, Sec. 7-191 of the Conn tilizing, seeding and JEEPS, CARS, PICKUPS SUZUKI 1978 GS750EC. Proposed additional appropriation to Special Grants. Fund 61 INC. Equal Opportunity . Residential or commer­ $99. Call 649-7935. mattress. $10.00. Call 649- monthly. Security. Tenant General Statutes and Sec. 14.6 of the Town Charter. thatching. All needs from $35. Available at 7500 miles. Excellent con­ ...... $800.00 Employer seeks full time 646-2161. cial. 649-4291. 0352. Insurance required. Phone EAST HARTFORD for summer programs for Manchester Laotian Children, to be financed Notice is hereby given that the location of the polling treated. Taking new SWIM POOLS - OUTLET Local Government Auc­ dition. Extras. Asking o(M)noinical 646-2426, 9 to 5 weekdays. Utilities paid. Carpeted by a Grant for this purpose. place is the COMMUNITY HALL, 222 Bolton Center poultrr^arm^worktrf MATURE COLLEGE BRICK, BLOCK, STONE- customers. 649-2728. offers brand new above tions. For Directory call $1995. Call 649-4151 after D ESIG N KITCHENS, REFRIGERATOR 2.8 one bedroom. Just $ ^ . Proposed additional appropriation to Special Grants. Fund 61 Road, Bolton, Conn. Voting machines will be used. The Agricultural background EDUCATED WOMAN Fireplaces. C on crete, ground 31 foot long pools CUBIC Ft. $80. Three lawn Surplus Data Center 416 6:30 p.m...... $lf,.607.63 cabinets, vanities, counter 118 MAIN STREET. ’Three Locators 236-5646. FEE. 864-0544. polls will be opened ay six o ’clock in the morning (6:00 desirable but not essential seeks position as compa- Chimney Repairs. “ No Job tops, kitchen cabinet fronts complete with huge mowers. Best offer. 644- room apartment. Heat and (or catalog system service, to be funded by Connecticut Grant Funds. TRIUMPH 1975 TRIDENT Proposed additional appropriation to Special Grants. Fund 61. for atten­ A.M.) and will remain opened until eight o ’clock in the way to sell We offer a Comnanv Paifi nion to older woman. Reply Too Small.’ Call 644-8356 custom woodworking, sundeck, fencing, hi-rate 8284 after 6 p.m. hot water. No appliances. VERNON - New 5 Room 1973 OLDSMOBILE 750 CC. Super excellent dance of a Police Officer at the Traffic Institute of Northwestern evening (8:00 P.M.). Health and Reti^erri^fnt Box WW c /o The Herald. for estimates. O D D JOBS - Light colonial reproductions. filter, etc. Asking $978 $360 monthly. Security. Te­ Ranch Condo. Stove, delivered. Includes in­ DELTA 88. AC, PB, PS. condition! All stock. Elec­ U niversity...... $16,210 00 Dated at Bolton, Conn, this 20th day of April. 1981. Plan. Apply in person: Trucking, Hauling, Brush. J.P. Lewis 649-9658. L78-15 WHITEWALL nant Insurance required. refrigerator, dish washer. to be funded by a Grant from the State Department uf Transportation. stallation. Financing Original owner. $975. 646 tric start. 6500 original Marlborough Road, ...... ^L Small apartments et Firestone Deluxe Belted Call 646-2426.9-5 weekdays. No lease required. Office of Highway Safety. Catherine K. Leiner. Town Clerk 2903 days, 649-3475 nights. miles. Call 643-8932 after something, Glastonbury, CT. ; E S T A T E cetera. No Job Too Big Or ELECTRICAL SERVICES available. Call Dennis tire $25. Eureka vacuum References and security. ALLOCATION - REVENUE SHARING 073-04 Small! 742-9238. - We do all ty p s of Elec­ collect (203) 225-8894. floor model, all at­ 5:00 p.m. Police Motocycles...... $ir,r.00.00 Mirtmu/Avc- M&M P&H, Manchester FOUR ROOM $450. 649-4003. 1978 MONZA 2 plus 2, trical Work! Licensed. Call tachments. $15. Call 649- APARTMENT. M ature James R McCavanagh. Secretary nl?Mn'N^gT^R ATOR ...... 649-2871, Small repairs, 230 VOLT 30 GALLON hatchback, four speed, 4 1980 750F HONDA. DEMONSTRATOR - Homes For Sale 23 remodeling, heating. YARDWORK-HAULING, after 5:00 p.m., 646-1516. 1919 between 5 p.m. and 7 adults. No pets. No MANCHESTER - Newer 4 Board ol Directors ELECTRIC Water heater. cylinder, 4(5,000 miles. New Fairing, header, black with Dated at Manchester. Connecticut this 23rd day of April 1981 look to Someone who enjoys food ...... baths, kitchins and watir Wood for sale. Reasonable p.m. ^ appliances. Security. Ref. Room Apartment. Stove, Legal Notice $25 or best offer. Call 646- clutch, 6 radials. Good con­ red pin stripes. $2500 or 080-04 preparation and cooking, MANCHESTER A-1 heaters. Free estimates' rates. Call 649-6832, Ask for ■. 649-1265. refrigerator. Lease, NOTICE OF BIENNIAL TOWN ELECTION 2300 anytime. dition. After 6 p.m. 741- best offer. 644-9776 W e will tram to CONDITION, three f a m i l y ------Dan, 12’ ALUMINUM BOAT references, security. No SUNDECKS 2086. between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. TOWN OF ANDOVER, CONNECTICUT demonstrate Microwave home on busline. 5-5-3. a |1 a 2 CAR OARAaeS, a nd l with 3V4 horsepower Sears MANCHESTER - One pets. $430, includes heat FOR SALE - TOOLS - Notice is hereby given of the Biennial Town Election to Classified! Ovens. Hours and wage are Separate furnaces, good in- LAWN MOWER SPRING 1 ROOM ADDITIONS m otor. $350. Also, 14’ ’ bedroom apartm ent in and hot water. 649-4003. Carpenter, Electrician, chain saw, $40. 646-7427. 1972 GRAN TORINO, new Campers, Cellars and be held on May 4th, 1981 in the Town of Andover, ‘ come, good investment. TUNE-UP. Ensure easy Rsssonsbis Pricnl quiet complex. No pets. motor, 2000 miles. New Sieffert s at 647-9997. Owner-agent. 643-8883 or YARDWORK-ODD JOBS. starts, in home service, Plumbing and many Mobile Homes 65 Legal Notice Connecticut for the purpose of electing Municipal Of­ CALL 646-0505. TWO ROOM - Partially muffler system and ------644-8593 after 6:00 Lawns mowed, leaves now until May 5th. Call 649- extras. Call 649-2532 Dogs-BIrds-Pats 43 ficers and members of Boards and Commissions as 646-1519 anytime. furnished apartment. brakes. Excellent running TWO PIECE CAMPER ANNUAL BUDGET MEETING weekdays. raked, landscaping. Will 2789 after 5 p.m, for EAST HARTFORD - Appliances, heat and elec­ provided by Statute, Special Act and Ordinance. The condition. $1700. 6469337 with cabinets and heater. ★ clean basements or attics. details. FREE! Dogs to good Share-a-House. 7V4 room tric included. $225. Call TOWN OF ANDOVER, polling place will be the Andover Elementary School. Call Kathy, 646-8663. SOLID CHERRY after 4 p.m. Excellent condition! Fits T H E MANCHESTER homes. Lively 6 yr. old raised ranch. $183/mo. plus 649-4108, 289-0327. CONNECTICUT School Road, Andover, Connecticut and the polls will be POOL, PET AND PLANT ROBERT JARVIS - CORNER TABLE opens to on 8 foot pick-up. $950. BOARD OF EDUCATION male Maltese. Also, Ml of utilities. Immediate. The electors and citizens qualified to vote in town open at 6:00 A.M. and will close at 8:00 P.M MANCHESTER LAWNMOWERS CARE. Call now for a Bridge table. $75. small Purchased new for $1550. is seeking certified secon­ Building contractor. female shaggy mixed Call Blit or Herbie 569-1321. Homes for Pent 54 meetings in the Town of Andover are hereby notified Assumable Fixed Rate r e p a ir e d - 15% Sr. carefree summer vacation. Custom building, additions, governor winthrop desk, 875-6231. Ruth K. Munson dary level teachers for 13 *'2%. Mortgage can be walnut finish $40. Both breed. Needs active life. that the Annual Budget meeting of the Town of Andover, Citizen Discount! Free Reasonable. 647-9013. Ask garages, roofing and 1970 MACH I - Rebuilt 351 Clerk of the Municipality home bound instruction in yours when you purchase good condition. 649-5555. 289-9003. VERNON HOME. Deluxe Connecticut will be held in the Andover Elementary pick-up and delivery! for Lisa. siding, kitchens, two bedroom. Large lot. Cleveland engine. Needs foreign languages, par­ our 8 Room Colonial. 4 Expert service! School, Andover, on Saturday, May 2, 1981 at 8:(X) P.M. Call us ticularly Spanish. bathrooms and repair work Available now. $325. body work. 875-3476 bedrooms, fireplace, first ECONOMY Painting-Papering 32 of all kinds. 643-6712. TWO BEDROOM - FIVE Help Wanted 13 for the following purposes: Teachers in other areas floor family room, 2''i Locators 2365646. FEE. anytime. LAWNMOWER, 647-3660. Garden Products 47 R(X)M RENT, with one 1. To choose a moderator for said meeting. may also apply. Contact baths, 2 car garage. Gor­ PROFESSIONAL Pooling 34 car garage, appliances, MANCHESTER HOME. 1976 DA’TSUN 710 FOUR 2. To elect two members to the Recreation Commis­ Legal Notice Jacob Ludes, 111, Prin­ don Realty, 643-2174. CUSTOM DRAPERIES. carpeted. No utilities. $375. today to cipal, MANCHESTER PAINTING - Interior and FOR SALE - Avacado STONE FREE LOAM. King size. 3 Bedroom. SPEED, 2 door, radials TERMINAL OPERATORS sion for three year terms commencing July 1, 1981. NOTICE FOR ADMISSION OF ELECTORS Made very reasonable. exterior. Commercial and Adults - no pets. HIGH SCHOOL. 647-3530. ROOFER WILL INSTALL green sofa, excellent condi­ Pick up or delivered. Call Won’t last long. |25(). and snows. 30 MPG. Very If you're interested in full­ 3. To elect a Building Official to serve for the term of Free measurements and residential. Free e s ­ Roofing, Siding, or Gutters References and security. LIMITED SESSION Equal Opportunity tion. Avacado green elec­ 644-1775 or 644-2769 7:00 Locators 2365646. FEE. good condition. Best offer time or part-time work, but one (1) year commencing July 1, 1981. MANCHESTER - Out of decor. Call any time. M9- timates. Fully insured. 646- for Low Discount Price! Call 646-8518 after 4 p.m. over $2,000. After 5 p.m. don’t want to fight the traffic TOWN OF ANDOVER, CONNECTICl T Employer. 4266. tric stove. (Built in unit) a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 4. To elect two members to the Regional Board of state owner wants an im­ 4879. Call Ken at 647-1566. Oven and one element 742-6476. into Hartford, we may have the place your 3 ROOM APARTMENT Offices-Stores for Pent Job for you! Hartford National Education of Regional School District Number Notice is hereby given that the Board for Admission of mediate sale on his Two >••*... needs repair. Best Offer. with appliances. Center Bank has an Operations Center Eight as follows: Electors for the Town of Andover will be in session in Family Duplex, with LEE PAINTING. Interior Approximately 6’ of metal separate furnaces for $61,- & Exterior. “Check my Street. $225 plus heat. WORKSPACE OR in Manchester Parkade. We A) One member for a term of four (4) years the Town Office Building on Saturday. May 2, 1981 from □ MISC. F O R bestos pipe for wood stove. have Customer Information 900. Gordon Realty, M3- rate before you decorate.” Security required. STORAGE SPACE FOR B) One member to fill the vacancy caused by the low-cost FLOOR CLEANING TAPING, CEILING SALE Call 647-9272. TOP SOIL FOR SALE. Representatives, Data Input 9 A.M. to 11 A.M. for the purpose of admitting those per­ CREW LEADER, PART 2174. Dependable. Fully insured. Available May 1. M9-8923. RENT in Manchester. No 1974 MALIBU CLASSIC. resignation of Cecily P. Dreyer for the unexpired REPAIRS, flowers, swirls. Rich, clean, stone free lease or security deposit. Operators, Confirmation sons whose qualification as to citizenship, age and TIME EARLY 646-1653. Very good condition. Air- Clerks, and Single Pocket portion of the term (to July 1, 1983) Sheetrock additions. Household Goods loam, any amount SPACIOUS 3 ROOM Reasonable rates. Suitable conditioning, stereo, residence was atUined since April 13th. Qualifications MORNINGS. CALL 649- Garages. Rec Rooms & 40 WORLD WAR I 1915 Operators positions available. 5. To see if the Town will vote to adopt an ordinance delivered. 875-7506 APARTMENT with large for small business. Retail asking $1400 or best offer. These jobs require CRT ter­ ad. 5334. Lots-Land For Sale 24 Homes. Experienced. 649- INTERIOR PAINTING FRENCH Field radio. authorizing the abatement of real estate taxes in are as follows: Applicant must have become a resident USED anytime. deck and fireplace. On se­ and commercially zoned. Call 5267202. minal experience and/or good professional environment. 8627; 649-3219. AND WALLPAPERING Telegraph receiver in com ­ excess of $10,000.00 per year for the low or moderate of Andover or become eighteen years of age or have REFRIGERATORS, cond floor in Vintage Call 872-1801, 10 to 5. knowledge of typewriter The biofeedback Clinic of MAINE, PALMYRA. pact case. $40. Call 649- income housing for the elderly owned by the New become a naturalized citizen after April 13, 1981. Manchester. 646-3382. Quality professional WASHERS, RANGES - Manchester neighborhood. 1974 VOLKSWAGON 412. keyboard as well as the ability Woodlot: 166 acres, some C 4i M Tree Service, Free 1724. to communicate effectively work at reasonable Clean, Guaranteed. Parts Close to shopping, banking, NEWLY RENOVATED Runs. Needs work. Best Samaritan Housing Corporation. Ruth K. Munson, Town Clerk fields. Ideal hunting, vaca­ Wanted to Buy and courteously on the estimates. Discount senior prices. Fully insured. 49 etc. $390 including 310 square feet office 6. To see if the Town will vote to increase the salaries For Board for Admission of Electors YbuNamelL^ OFFICE DUTIES tion spot. $24,900. Pine & Service. Low prices! CAST IRON TUB with legs offer. 649-4235. telephone. Also, you must be citizens. Company Free estimates. G.L. B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 Main aj)|)liances. No pets. 643- availanle. Main Street of the Elected Town Officials July 1,1981 as follows: 082-04 We've (jot It. EXPERIENCED Cone Realty, Newport, Manchester owned and plus toilet. Very good con- WANTED PIANO - Old up­ able to interpret and report McHugh. 64.3-9,321. Street. 643-2171. 10 after 4 p.m. location with ample First Selectman to a sum not exceeding $10,000.00 Preferred. Fringe benefits. Maine. 207-368-4315. Free operated. Call 646-1327. dition.” • Call" 649-4^. right. 643-4962. 1972 VOLVO - 145 Station confidential information to Al Vowr fH(«$ E.O.E, Call 289-8291 after 4 parking. Call 6462891. Wagon. Automatic, 89,000. customers in a professional Selectmen each to a sum not exceeding 650.00 Catalog. LEGAL NOTICE The Herald p.m. Good condition. $1800. Call and efficient manner. We will Treasurer to a sum not exceeding 2,250,00 OFFICE SPACE FOR 644-2208 - leave message. train all new employees on our Town of Munchenler Classifieds — RENT. 800 square feet. terminal and computerized Tax Collector to a sum not exceeding 4,250.00 equipment. If you feel you Registrar of Voters to a sum not exceeding 400.00 We have Newly re-decorated. Very The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Mon­ 1973 VW SUPER qualify, please come in and reasonable. Call 649-4751 Building Official to a sum not exceeding 5,500.00 day. May 4,1981 at 7:30 P.M In the Hearing Room. Municipal Building, everything BEETLE. 72,000 miles, 28,- apply. We will be interviewing Zoning Agent to a sum not exceeding 1,100.00 41 Center Street. Manchester, Connecticut, to hear and consider the between 8 and 5. 000 m iles on a rebuilt on a "walk-in” basis I from A - Z. Town Clerk to a sum not exceeding 5,000.00 following applications. engine. Must sell. $1650. Wednesday April 29 from 10 New and MANCHES’TER - 5 Room 871-7025, 6467869. a.m. to S p.m. at our Assessor to a sum not exceeding 4,000,00 SER-BEL. INC. • ZONE CHANGE - NORTH MAIN STREET (S-43i second hand. Office Complex. High traf­ Manchester Operations 7. To receive the Budget for the fiscal year from July To change the zoning classification from Residence A to Residence When in need of a Service or Product fic area. Near Superior 1968 LEMANS. Rebuilt Center, 346 West Middle Turn­ 1, 1981 to June 30, 1982 as prepared by the Board of B for a parcel of approximately 7 6fi acres - 67fi V North Main Street pike, 2nd Floor, Manchester. Court. Call 643-2121. engine. Good running con­ Finance with its recommendations thereon. SEEDING ZONING REGULATION AMENDMENT (Z-53) &lir Hrral^ dition. Body fair. $400 or 8. To adopt a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 1981 to MANCHESTER - MAIN Best Offer. Call 643-0814. The Commission proposes to amend Article IV. Section lf> 02iai by S’TRE Et - 2,000 sq. feet. June 30,1982 and to make specific appropriations for permitting an organization or Individual financially assisted by the Ideal convenient store 1976 CHEVY BLAZER - said period. Town of Manchester, a stale grant, or a federal grant i each ol which CALL A PROFESSIONAL 9. To see if the Town will vote that any property tax shall limit the housing to the exclusive use of the elderly han­ location. Established area. Excellent condition, many dicapped) to construct, own. and operate housing for the AMERICA Hayes Corporation, 646- extras. 30,000 miles. $5S0(>. due the Town of Andover in an amount not in excess elderly'handicapped. 0131. Call after 6 p.m. 633-8560. of One hundred (100) Dollars shall be due and ^ ^ T o ok ou t) 0 put this Directory to work for you, call 643 2711 INSPECTOR payable in a single installment oii July 1 of each TOWN OF MANCHESTER • ZONE CHANGE - EAST CENTER TIME! ^ Pesort Property For MOPED FOR SALE - One year, pursuant to Public Act 81-9. STREET (T-41) Pent 56 year old Motobecane. Used 10. To determine whether the tax on the list of October To change the zoning classification from Residence A to Ofl-Street F in t Shift Parking (or a parcel of approximately 0 62 acres • 208 East ( enter You Can Advertiae Your Service Or Buaineaa In This for one summer. Needs 1, 1980 shall be due and payable in a single install­ minor repairs. $325. Ability to work from simple to Street Directory For As Little As $3,65 Per Week. Please moderately complex ment or in two semi-annual installments, or in four Planning BUICK 19M RIVIERA. 2 At this hearing interested persons may be heard and written ctmi- blueprints and specifications. quarterly installments, Call 643-2711 And Ask For Joe. CAPE COD EAST door hard top. Sunroof. Must be familiar with the munications received. Copies ol these applications have been filed in ilie ^ bartieque? 11. To determine whether the tax on the list of October Town Clerk s office and may be inspected during office hours } HARW ICH - B eautifpl $700. Call 6 4 3 ^ 5 . usage of a wide variety of measuring devices such as 1, 1980, as it is applied to motor vehicles, shall be Need a grill or j ■UIIDIHB-CONTMCTINQ PAINTING A PAPEAINB MEN’S HAIR CUTTINB three bedroom, 2 full verniers, micrometers, height due and payable in a single installment pursuant to PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION baths. Home for rent near 1975 CHRYSLER ages, etc. Candidate must Leo Kwash. Secretary mis(«llaneeus t) CORDOBA - Air, power a able to perform simple and General Statutes, 12-144a. INTERIOR-EXTERIOR beaches. 646-0293 or 646 S Dated this 27th day of April. 1981 FARMND REMODEUNG moderately complex open items; (dteck j PAINTINQ MISTER HAIRCUT steering, am/fm stereo 12. To do any other business proper to come before said Cabinets, R oofing Gutters. 5620. layouta on surface plates. 069-04 « WALLPAPERINO S64 CeNTER STREET cassette, leather seats. Qood working knowledge of meeting. Room Additions. Decks, All ft « ft $1900 or best offer. 876 The Herald | Qu9lHf Work. 57 shop math and accurate Dated at Andover, Connecticut this 23rd day of April, types of Remodeling and Fulljf fnturod. Hou's: Tues. thru Fri. Wanted to Pent 378L record keeping necessary. LEGAL NOTICE Classifieds i repairs. Free estimates. Froo ERfmafM Choorfullf Qhfon 6 to 5:30 1981 Apply In person Fully insured. DAVID MET Saturday 8 to 5:00 • L ta-t— IK-nAirrfr J. Russell Thompson Town o f Manrh«*i4l«*r PHONE 643-6017 fC toiftd M o n d o fi 1969 MERCURY BBroar vCWllDTIC ITvWCTS ______646-07M______MON’TEGO. G ^ condi­ aai Brawl BL, Peter J. Maneggia At a meeting on April 20. 1981 the Planning and Zoning Commission tion, new tires. $375. Call Mwieh—lwr, C o m . 06040 Percy B. Cook made the following decisions: RESPONSIBLE COUPLE li ted tm tdii behm M/f AUTD SERVICE 6467648 after 5 p.m. Board of Selectmen with three children looMng RICHARD & MORRIS BEZZINI (B-42) for a three bedroom duplex Town of Andover, Connecticut 1977 Buick Regal. 2 door, Denied a change of zone from Residence A to Planned Residence You May Run ClassifiMl Advertising in the country. Have most 083-04 Development and'denied a general plan of development • 361 and Your Ad For MAPLE M ©bil tools for repairs. Will do A/C, AM-FM StereOi low Super'Service, Inc. Gives You More mileage. One owner. 381V Adams Street. As Many QA8 • OIL • LUBRICATION • yard work. Will help out Excellent condition. $3950. MICHAEL N. CORRADO (C-28) Insertions As DIESEL FUEL Fo r Your older couple. Call Marie TIRES AND BATTERIES 2866S17. Call 6469189. H E M E ’S Denied a change of zone from Residence A to Planned Residence You Wish. 220 SPBUCE n . . MABCKESTEll Advertising DoUw. Development and denied a general plan of development - 38f>. 399- Mfac. tar Pent 58 BANK REPOSESSIONS Have You AN 401, 413 Adams Street. FOR SALE. 1976 Pontiac CARLYLE-JOHNSON MACHINE CO. (C-29) QUALITY ALUMINUM WDRK RT TUNSKV Formula $3200. 1975 MANCHESTER - ReUil An Approved with conditions a special exception to permit development 3hr l^rral^ storage and-or manufac­ Chevrolet Monza 4 cylinder IHEA of an area which requires automobile parking spaces in excess of 60 Be Sure turing space. 2,000 sq. ft. to 4 cylinder. 1974 Oldsmobile - f(2 Main Street and 28 Hilliard Street. 25,^0 sq. ft. Very Cutlass Supreme, 8 hstrument FOR To Give reasonable. Brokers cylinder $1500. 1975 TOWN OF MANCHESTER (T-40) JILL TtMSKY protected. Call Heyman Chrysler Cordoba, poor Approved with conditions a special exception to permit development I’roliair Nolirr These of a site for a municipally-owned water storage tank - 463V Vernon F ^ r U e s , 1-2261206. conoition, best offer. 1976 For AN N U I K I I t ) t R | i m o i o Street. Pros A ft ALUMINUM 6 VINYL SIDING Subaru 2 door Sedan $2495. ESTATE OF HELEN F MANCHESTER - 2 Bay ’Hie above may be seen at IHEAL SELMA B OKRANT (0-7) KllLVNICK S a le -? The Hon Valdi.s Vinkols. Judge, of ’lYuck Garage, 700 square >the Savings Bank of Denied a change of zone from Residence C to Business 1 at 346 East Call, — f20 Colors To Choose From) the Court of 1‘robato. District of feet. ^ monthly. Call M an ch ester, 923 Main Center Street and denied an amendment of Article II. Section 6 02 02 Street, Manchester. S V M M E M r Andover, at a hearing held on April They All ft AWNINGS A CANOPIES 647-9137; Call of the Zoning Regulations. 21. 1981. ordertHl lhal all claims Gat more exercise, more fresh air and sunshina, and must be presented to the fiduciary HAYDEN L. GRISWOLD. JR (G-42) Deserve Auto Parta For 8ala 80 mora fun this summar by riding a bicyclal Check the on or before July 21, 1981 or be ft STORM WINDOWS A DOORS many bikes offered for sala each day in Clauified for Arrpoved with modifications a plan of subdivision for 4 lots - 90V. barred as by law provided 112V, 120, and 140V Buckland Street. Your N E W The longest continuous and a g o ^ buy on a new or used bike. Margaret K Vinkels. Herk The fiduciary is: A copy of these decisions has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk Phona 649-9005 undefended frontier in the Frank Kulynick Business PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FREE ESTIINATEt + EASY TERMS 2®*** IJES’ *^®'"'***^ world is that between And if you have a bike which no one in your family c,o Paul fi. Gniobert. Esq rim. OriglMl CMt $ ^ . Canada and the U.S. which H l f l l h rides any more, why not advartise it for sale with a Kwash. Secretary 63 l-^asl Center Street f?" •«•"«<* for 3,987 miles. low-cost ad in Classified. Call today. We’ll help you Dated this 27th day of April, 1981 Manchester. Ct 06040 2004 afte r 5:30 p.m . word and place your ad for quick response. 068-04 076-04