HISTORY OP THE SUERENDEB OP HOBBIBLB MUBDBB, 1 *BIAL HAVIOATIOW. t h e CONFKDEUATE TAX. C f i ' e ? B E 0 tn n Iftratitrat. CITMBEELAU-D GAP. Mr Sands Smith, an old citi^n of Matthews j We have this week the pleasure to record tho VM The Confederate Tax ie now due, and for the purpose j C H A RLO TTE, N. C. W i E Y E M B m 9 of collecting it I will attend the following times and* Major D. G. McDowell of the 62d N. C.. county, Va., was uardered in a most honiWe | succes^i of the most oztraorainary ia?entiau of t\ic {places. 1 hope each one owing a Tax will meet me ment, which was surrendered at Cumberland Gap, manner by the Yankees recently. It appears that i »ge, if not the most so of any that the world ever OPiiblished every Tuesday,(o) [promptly and pay. Per8oii,s failing to pay at the times , NOTICE. by Gen. Frazer, publishes a letter whicb^is the (,Jol. Spear’s Ilth PenDsylvania regimcot, with sa\f—at least the greatest stride in ioveotioQ ever BY :and places appointed, will, according to Act of Con- | Our terms are ^ve dollars per year in advance.— first jeliabl^ accoiidt of that affair. It appears I artillery, and a negro regiment from Ports- ■ made by a single individual. igress, be liable to ten per cent additional tax ; . W'lLLIAAI J. VATES, 6 months $3. ’ • ’ ...... October last. Dr. Solomon .\ndrews, of Perth KUITOU AXD I'Kor'nnnoR. Providence, Thursday, 1st ofOctoher, K'^Indivldual or local shinplasters will not be re­ , conimenoed tJic construction of a a Hlmron, Friday, 2d ceived. When sent to us. they will be held subject to (C for reeonnoitering purposes, on his Steel Creek, ■ SatiiTd.-iy. 3d the sender’s call, and not returned by letter. j p " - ^ ii During their last raid they had ‘dragged him { 0* “^ responsibility, not being able, afttr submitting liprrvhill’s Monday, * 0th maiided its surrender, which,was refused by Gen. u 8 ^ “ The Democrat will be discontinued to all subtfri- . $5 IX ADVANCE. l^avv Creek, Tue.sday, Cth P., and ou Tuesday again matie and again refut>ed. fr«m his own house, destroying at the same time j plans to the War l.^epartinutit, to n»ake the u ierf at the expiration 6f the time for ichich it is paid. * Long: Creek, Wedricsday,, 7t\i % The 3Iajor’s statement continues the narrative : a portion of his property, and carrjring o/F iiis ne^ I hiyiorablo Secretary of M ar ‘•se«^ the utility of * u Those xchowant to continue must reJieic lefore or at the ex- ' fii-lf” Tran.-'k nt nilvcrtisements muit be paid for in Lemley's, Tiiursday, 8th groes and horses. On this occasion he had armed machine which would go over into secesh and rc- piration of their tiv\e. j On Tuesdpy evening Col. I^eCccey’s command filvanco. , , , Deweese, Friday, ■ 0th <( himself with S double-barrelled shot gun, and on } eonnoitre the force and position ot the Advertisements not markod on the niannscrjpt Miillartl Creek,, Haiarday, 10th made their appearance on the north sid« of the u the approach of the Yankees fired on them, killing ' plans showed on the face of tljem, io anv one orr n tiiuo, \\ ili be iiiici tcd uutil forbid, und Harrisburg, Monday, ItHh ADDEBSS OF THB PRESIDENT. j mountain. A portion of his command approached (( one instantly. He levelled his gtln at the other,! stupid, that the machine could not do oilur- c!i:tr I (ic( orditijfly. Crab Orchard, T uesday, 20th on the Ilarlin county road, and a portion' on the u • The following address of the President was pub-; but the second barrel uiis.sed fire. They then-ithan go ahead in any direction in wliich the Clear Creek, VVedne?day, 21st main Keatncky road. A heavy skirmish soon be­ .Morning Star, Thursday, 22d rushed upon him, and seizing him, dVerpowered ^ow was pointed, and that, too, with any auiouni AN ACT lishod to the troops in front of Chattanooga on the ' gan between Capt. Turpin's company, of my regi­ Charlotte during Court week, (2d Moniay of Oct.) him by main force, and took him prisoner. They ' pow«r or force which might be de.sired, and. i;l a t h >n t o tiii-; m il i t ia a n d A g u a r d ; 17th ult., producing.the greatest enthusiasm ; | ment, and the advance of the Abolitionists. Capt. IN % tied a rope to his feet and dragged him to his own ! which greenbacks would readily |nK,setoheenrolledasaguardj Charlotte Office, Daily. votion which secured your success. Kepresenta- DeCogcy replied near 12 o'clock at night, refusing Col. Spears. When that officer came up, instead j ^^2 pounds, and 25G poauds ballast. t„r'li"r,ir .li'.Mce all .vhiie nrile i>i-i >ons notalreadyj ___ tives of eveVy State in. the Confederacy, your steps to* give the number of forces under his command, , li iii tho ei viee(tll.e (JonfoderaiP States, be- of reproving the soldiers he seized a stickick and beat I I^pon his invitation, luat spring,*we have sent A /^ A V V U S . have been followed with afiectionaio solicitude by stating that it was from motives entirely discon­ of ( ii'liteen and filly years, re=iiient in the prisoner over the head. He begged fora glass our reporters at three different timesr to witness 5 00 A. M. and 5 P.M friends in every part of the Confederacy. Defen­ nected with the attack upon the gap that he did ;i>iV St;i'lt'','^Vii liiding foreigticrs not uatinali/.ed, who,Fro a Char. 00 “ and 0 00 “ dence, human power can effect. Though you have resulted in the refusal of all to be surrendered. 1 ,,1'llic -, and such otlicr j.eisoiis as; “ Wil., C. k II. Kailroad 7 30 done much, very much yet remains to be done, Will state further that a majority preferred the risk cient, and he fell to the ground. He begged for work, and was sixteen inches wide at the bottom. ,1,,. (lov.tnor, for !5].eiiail reasons, may deem proper “ A,, T. k O. Railroad 3 00 P. M. liehind you is a people providing for your support of cutting their way through the Yankee lines mercy, but none was shown him, and Col. Sj>earfi The wrostat, or cylindroids, were made of varnish­ piii'j' i-i. ol' c.veiaptioii. and depending upon you for protectjon. B»ibre than to be surrendi'red'on any terras. A fight was s', ;i. n- it furiher enacted, '1 hat all per.sons above It is desired that all Parcels, Packages or Freight to ordered his mon to fire into him, which they did, ed linen, like ordinary balloons. you is a country devastated by your ruthless inva­ therefore confideniiy expected. Near 12 o’clock tl f ilfiv who may volunteer tor service in said be forwarded by eitlier ot the abo\e Trains, be sent to and he died pierced with fi*e balls. They then On Friday, the 4th inst, he made his last expe­ d shall be ai repted by aiihis Ollice Okr iloi u previous to it? departure, . liar.I f'lr Iuiiik ! d''f"iiei‘, an der, where gentle woman, feeble age and helpless on Wednesday, the 9th, when all was in anxious riment, and demonstrated to ati admiring crowd ent. buried him near tho tree, leaving his feet sticking (' ■ |;i.iin Ilf a rorii|iii!iy lor 1 he .same, fhaJl be deemed toj ' T. D. GILLESPIE, Ag inl'arrcy have been subjected to outrages without expectation for the fight to open, Gen. Frazer re­ the possibility of going against the wind and of held to service therein,j Charlotte, Sept. tf out of the ground, and placed at his head the fol­ 1, JMI:.' tiLeirto, ail.l .'hall l>e m.-iu lu ovi > m; 111.-, ■■ i..,! parallel in the warfare of civilized nations. ceived from Burnside, under tiag of trnco, a de­ guiding her in any and every direction with a . fji iieially or for any ,'peeial duty {3. j hnagso high that the birds will build nests in .■<1 r. 1- 111' it lurtlier eii.'M'teil, That the Governor! his family to the shelter from which they have down the mountain and ordered-me to take down but by a most ingenious plan demonstrated her ca­ In order to avoid misuiiderst.uiding and to make them. So take warning, such will be your late, . h.ill cMi|.;e all lier..>oiis eiiiolled in piil-.-iiaiiee of I he oiir char;^es confiirm to the liaoil'.ty assumed, this been driven. Forced to take up arms to vindicate my battle-flag and hoist a white flag instead there­ pabilities beyond ali possioility of doubt, whilst ho you damn cowards. Here lies the body ol an old . , pr. ee.lm- .’'> i a ' ! t y t h o s e ollendiug. 1 have no olijec posterity. demise white clouds, about two miles high, scatter­ That you may complete the .mission to which upon the ground that the troops in the gap would ing them as she entered in all directions. In her the i^uiii of live hundred ibdlars under the act of Con-j,j|j^g prudent persons fiehing on njy [ircmi.=:os. ATROCIOUS DECLARATION. „'ip s called the conseiijilion law aforesaid, he shalL Oct5, ISO.J 4t-pd A. A. KENNEDY. you are devoted, will require of you such exertion | not fight, and that some of them shouted when upward flight could be distinctly seen her rapid '.lot be ri ipiired to pay any sum of money tor his ex-i ------— ...... — ------in the future as yoti have made in the past; con- i the flag was ordered down. The last charge wa# A Yankee Colonel named Jennison, of Kansas movement in a contrary direction to the moving eiiipiion under (his act. | T A T f F T V IIP made against the G2d North Carolina regiment. notoriety, is raising a regiment in that State to op­ See. 0. That the said guards for home (lefence may' • ’ _ tinQancj in the patient etidurance of toil and dan- j clouds, and as she came before the wind, poBsing be ei lied out lor iei viee bv the (iovernor in .irfence of *>n the. 18th September, near Lonergan's , in per, and that self-denial wb'ch rejects every con- i The first is false, and the second not only false, erate in Missouri. Head the following extracts by them with great celerity. As she was distinct­ ihu Stat.- I'^.aiiist invasion and to suppress invasion, .Mecklc'iburg county, a Roan Horse, with saddle and ’sideration at variance with the public service, as ; but Ts a base and cowardly effort to protect those 'from a speech of his, and then let the most craven ly seen thus ».o move, both below and above tha ither bv rcgiineiits, bait,'lions, oi' coni]>anies, preserve the till ir own horses and accoulrements and arms, when directs. . ^ ^ B. F. BROWN. public good. i regiment 150.rounds to the man, and I presume them, for real Union men need uo written proof of capital. 0 aji|iiii\e.l by tlie (iovernor, on such terms as he shall Uelobor b, 18(J3. tf ' United as you are in a common , obedi- j other regiments had the same. As to the spiking their loyalty. We think I>r. Andrews deserves more praise for Jii'e. Tll'e. i " " ' and throwing over the cliffs t1ie artillery mention-- .'-ee. 7. Be it furthor enavfed, That thcGovernormayl ^'O T IC ’E. ence and cordial co-operation are essentially neces- 1 In my nei^ proclamation, I will say to every the patriotic ingenuity with which he has preserved ‘ ed in your issue of the 7th„taken, from, the Knox- his secret, and yet tried his grand experiment in fiirni'li to said troops the ;irms, aecoutrcment.s anti Committed to.the Jail of Mecklenburg ccnnty on the sary, and there is no higher duty than that which ' physically able man iu the State of Mii^souri: ville liegister, 1 know nothing, save one piece that tiiinnuniti«ii of the State when called as aforesaid into Sopt. ' a negro man, who says his name requires each to render to all what is dire to their ; “ You mu.st fight ibr your home.-*, or you’ll be put the open t»ir before the public, than even thnt u iive service, and shall jireseribe. rules for their return MlUlRIS...... ; an.- that he belongs to James Hudgeous of station, lie who sows the seeds of discontent and two men of my cotamand was picketing, which to death!” And the head cf the column will make manifested in th« conception and consfruotion of and to prevent tlie waste, de.-lruction or loss ot the The negro is coi)]ier color, small stature, abont distrust prepares for the harvest of slaughter and they spiked and threw over the clift near it on the road so clear that no copperhead shall ever his ma'chine.- Of that and its beautiful f>iniplicity ..-anie. J feet high and .TO or 35 years old. He was iu com­ defeat. To you have added gallantry, to gal- ;: their own responsibility. .sec the tail end of the c-ommand. wo may have occasion to speak hereafter. We Sr-•. He it further eniuti'd. That all aws and \vith Hii.lgeons (when arrested) but. it is believed This I witnessed and know to bo true. The clause' of laws coniiii'f within the meaniiig lantry energy, to energy foviitude. Crown these i I put theiiegro on the top and the traitor un­ have the documents.— yfw York IfrrnUI. ind fiur- runaway, as Hudgeous lefi without making number of forces investing the gap 1 am not by view of this a. i be. and the same are hereby repealed. (.nforts to obtain iiis release, The lawful owner with harmoi^', due sabordination, and cheerful derneath. Everything disloyal, from a Shanj^hae S.'c ;i He it furlhi r ei-acted. That the eomniission" Id hereby notified to come forward, jtrove property, support of lawful authority, that the measure of any means prepared to state. It was represented chicken up to a Durham cow, must be cleaned out. HrzzA FOR'the Women.— A gentleman re­ of ollieers of i!ie Miliiia. called into service liy this act, pay char;res and fake the negro, or he will be dealt your duty may be full. I lervenily hope that the to be near 10,000 on each side the gap. If the Adoplffhis policy, and there will be no more Cop­ cently from East Tennes.‘!^ 'ri'P Comity Court of Mecklenburg county giver, ther may coter you with the shield of Mis protec­ “I n^ver had any trouble in the old Seventh-in erodulous Confederates eMfre.ssed their willingness ‘ , notice that everv nerson who sells J o or buys from a C-M’TURE or Yankee Wago.vs.—The follow­ < .V.tou ( tor sale, but an early ca.Pwill only sc.-,i.poduce or other articles of personal 'property, tion in the hours of battle, and endow you with getting all the horses I wanted. All tho trnublw to submit to the yoke of Northern dospotism. At ing ofiicial dispatch was received by Gen. Bragg c-.;i-i’ a pair a~ wwe e uiily l'-^‘- ir i • on the streets of Charlotte, or elsewhere in the county, the viitues which will close your trials iu victory I ever hcd was in preventing tiie boys, (and par-' Sweetwater, Tennessee^ a mi'etinp of eitizcn* was I- h.ive on h.-.ud aii.iaiM can makemaUe to order calf-sku. - complete. t from General Wheeler : ticularly old Pardoy, over there,) from leading off called to diM:u«8 the propriety of hoisting tho Uf> Sli'H-. an.I (l.iiters of very line E;^;U^h leather, ! F. M. HOSS, Chairman . (.Signed) JEI-TEllSOX DAVIS. I “ We’crossed the river in the face of a division six or seven. ion flag over that place, ami .only one tnin, Dr. ladies' fe.ll-skin itoote-es. ! (Vt r>, 1803 Im of the County Court*. Bogart raised his voice to ueuonuce the disgrace­ Lot of iliu’k Brogans, large sizes. : at Cotton Port ford, on the 30th ult., and proceed- But my men most not take anything that will ! ed in the direction of McMinnyille, where, after a not further the interests of his own regiment. ful propositiou. Several ladies of the town, with J. !•'. JU T r, Mint Street, J S T K A V i:i> I’uEsjDENX Davis in Alaba.ma.—President .June 2.'t, 180i:? tf Charlotte, N. C. ; sharp fight, wo captured a large train, with 700 that unquenchabb patriotiaiu whjch is so charAo- ; Davis was in S^lma, Ala., on the ISth ult., and Every mau must, of courec, be his own judge From the subgcriiier's Ro?I;y River placo on Saturday ' prisoners. The train was loaded with ammunition | This^egiriient will march with the revolver in one teristic of Southern women, declared that they the 5lh inst., a i*orrel .MULE, 2 years old, and in good I was most enthusiastically welcomed by an immense . u . v r an<^ other stores, and was suppo.sod to consist of j band and the torch in the other. It wjll be or- would with ih<;ir own hands, tear down the Union order. It is probable he may have followed soiue one ; crowd of the citizens which a?sembled in front of BLACK ALPA(’(’A, ; 700 (fl-800 wagons, which were burned. \Ye next ; ganized on a military and patriotic, and not a polit- j*Aag as often sm the cravcus should put it up, let r.LlE FL.VNM-l.S, from the Factory situated un Rocky River. Any person j the hotel. He congratulated the people on meet- taking up said Mule and returning him to me shall be SP(t(t|i t’tl'ri't'N—black and white. ■ attacked 3icMinnville, capturing altogether .WO ■ leal basis. . I the constiquences bo what they miglit. Among liberally rewarded. My Post i.iirice is Kirkland, Cabar­ ‘ ing them under such favorable circumstances, and r.l.EAClIM) SHIRTING. prisoners and another large train of commissary j We carry the flag,Jiill with the. sabre, and haug | these wereMrs. Hu^^art, and .Mrs. H. F Smith, rus county. II. II. PH.VRR, ’ spoke in glowing terms of the gallantry of the Ala­ J. S. PHILLIPS. stores, ammunition, arms, clothing, li. bamians in every battle. lie said that if the •J'lui !803 tf troyed the bridge acro.ss Hickory Creek, together ! ' ^ Their f-terling loyalty to the South saved the com- September 21, 18i!3 4t-pd : non-conscripts of Alabama will get their horses, tC'C , with an engine and train of cars. W^e then made j I kei.-'VND. Ihv: Gazette de liunce, unuer date munity oi Swcutwatcr from the stigma of having C3 o ^ a, X» 1 13.0 1* JS l l i IP . ' and go to the rescue by guarding Courtland and j ' a demonstration upon M uifreesboro, destroying tho ’of the 15lh u lt, sayn : by a formal ^jublic declaration and act aommnced I . W D F o n SALE. ' other points, thereby relieving the regular soldiers 'vu.1,1 in.'e X railroad bridge over Stone River, took a tr.iin of A piece of news has ju.^l arrived from England, \ theiutielves the subjugated slaves of Abrahaio Uu- O A T i : « For sale, privatety, a Farm of four hundred acres, from the necessity of doing this sort of duty, such H w e this .lav the cars, at (Jio bridge over Warlracc ; and then which docs not burptl^e us, and which we should coia.—Ralet^h A>jk. i.ited with them in the .Mercantile in Randolph county, N. C., lying about ivveuty miles bl'iws will bt dealt the enemy that he will find it and l'olu■uis^i^..u [,K\V1S W. S.VN iiEi:S. south-east of High Point, on ’ the plank-road ruaTuing moved to Shcibyville, where we captured a large not be sorry to t5.ee confirmed.^ fi publi.-5bed by } ... , _ The style ol ih^.- i\nu wii; L, rcUtcr be from High Point to Fayetteville, and about five miles diffieult to recover from. In this way the most amount of stores and burned them.” j the Interna.tional, a^French journal a[ pearing in * Judge Bailey, in his charge to (he Grand WILLIAMS, G.VTRS A' CO. from Ashbor’.). .Vbout 100 acres cleared, the remainder cflcctive aid can be given the gallant Wheeler and i London, and is to the effect that a vast conspiracy ' of Wilkes county, said he believed, upon au- Tiii.s is a fecvcie blow to Bosencranz, whose men NUTH’E.— All pci-fons iiuM.tedindebted to the late firm o*'" ^*ak. A two-story others wlio are carrying out the plans of the ' is now openly organizing io Ireland—against the ! ‘^lat were it not for the great number of '.Villiams vV I'ates will iili-as.. t .-'ettle up as dwt-lling is the only iiiipi-twemcHt on the place. have been on short rations for some d»ys. noble liongstreet, under the supervis'ion of the ■ English domination, of course. The cou.'-pira-' deserters from the Confederate army, conscript* we wish to close our u'.d Uj'un-.-s, ’ 'iPossession given inimediatelv. For parti<‘.nlars >id- ’ heroio IJragg. In this way the President is con- Idress JNO. T. HAGAN, tors, wlio call theuuclvcs "Fcniaris” C) a^d “Sons ' between 40 and would not have been called out, 'VILLIAMTS OATES. . fident that Gen lloseneratiz cjii bj crushed to the No Imi'BESs.ment.— As much anxie'y exists Dee !>, l!»0 2 tf Care of H. D. Tirxer, Raleigh, K. C. 'of St. Patrick,” are said to be eighty thoU;,aud in ' »t is the latefwt as well a. duty of all dust. -It is only by force of arms that the Yan­ Sept 2S, 1803 Im-pd on the part of our country friend.s iu relation to uumbei, all armed and only aMaiting ai, t,t,noriu- 1 to th*ir posts, to kees can be brought to reason, or their plans tor our 1)1!. .1. M. M 1!11: k the impressment of produce and anii-nals coming to Dity to strike off the .Saxon yoke and proclaim the ' end that the Guveroment uiay out Us oompeU- TO COTTON PLANTERS. . subjugation defeated; .self-reliance and energy are market, we have made inquiry and are authorized independtncc of Irvliud. It the EnjilisL Govern- ■ the conscript ages. Charlotte, N. C., ’ I have been_ appointed by the Secretary of the now our duty, and we should i»ot look to Europe Has resumed the Practice of .Medicine, and to say that all animals hauling produce for local * “*ent were engaged in u war with F^raucc, wbich . , . can be^f'a^ury. Chief Agcut for the ] urehnse of Cotto,n for for aid, for .-uch is not to be e.vpected ncrw. Tlie Southern editors who employ their time attack- t un.l at Ins ilice in the Hr.nvley building opposUp to;the Confederate Governmeftt w ithin the State of Noriii . 1 . 1 » • ia not probable, or with the I'nited States, rirhich only alternative i.s to sustain ourselves with consun.ption will be re.-^re.'peetcd, pee ted, and that no nn-im- ^'^VabVe^theyr . w o u l d a t o7 ce raise tV s ta a - ! the.Governmen^ are the first to ^o to the Y^^^ iCarolira and will pav for the same in T percent l>oud5 _Fcb. J.., 180J. iorra-h. ■ re*ncwed energy alid deteruiiuation and a little prcssment will be made of any produce bnmght ^f t^eir country, and would be aided by their . ^^ecs when the city in whi«b they do basio«*» bap- more sacrificcs of the people. The J^resident The History of North Carolina, b„Sub-Ap;ents visiting the difTerent parts of tiie State. l>y the producer for the consumer. No impress- countrymen who have emigrated to America. » hands of tha enemy. A me- in my name, will biive written csrtificatcs of firmly believes that next spring wilf see the inva- dished iji l^.ll by ihe undvTsigned, in its preface’'l’P''iutuicnt. dert> Jiiren from our bordets, and then the farmers u.eiit.bas Leeii maJe, uur «ill W, of any [.rgduce Tbc IrUh would like lo have FraDoeo. their aide, “ “"J,'® ^ T*' ■ .mcedeJ tl; whatever intcndeJ (or j.rivale u «, aad ill^ b a t ia but tb'e, ll.>e reaoFved to do .i.bout ber. Tb. , ?b« .r.ter could iwid ooth. ;a1 it contaiiie.l omissions unavoidable andj ofder of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Cot- who are now refugees can return \vith their fami­ itii!i\ infpcrrf .-(ions, noeJeJ is fo, pa,ties to nulilj ibe CVa,u,i..ar; that ' people io .11 tbe eoun.ir, long for the daj of de- >»g BOO-I ■“ Preaideot V j.r u or t ^ toulcjeraw .-\ second i- iiiion \vas then prom-I'Urehascd by mvself or my agents, on and alter lies and pursue their unmolested as here­ vvliieh would reim .iv tl;: ‘'‘‘'Is. Tliis i.- now ,'***^ 'Li\ of March, 1863, will be jiaid for in V per anyproduee is itneudcd lortliCu..eaftl.e coiisuui- liverance, and do not make any secret of their I ^ •-iillp.i f.ir He will bo gra.^'ml lo any one who will ‘ f'l' I^ondsnr t’avi,. tin.l'not per rent Bon's as stated tofore. !ni at any errors in the date^, names or facts in tliel'^ former advertisement Up to' that tim?, however. er, to bareit pro^.ed Tbia .ill protect the con- hopea Ireli^d^h^ t a r ' ' » “ iH,”“ah«k n * tu h Bullcr ^ud B,nk, an j Various counties of the State: and any ftiograpTncnVper cent w ill be furnished as stated. A n Auabiax IIousi: fur tiik P residknt — * tcL of tb(i.s.e who have done service in the field or; ' ^>'i=^ens are now offered an opportunity to The fine Arabian horse presented to President "\Vhe%"p'’roduoe is ^porcl.ased and hoarded for uoder tngliah lyranny, and I atp. aid the (lovernment by selling to it their Cotton rather Davis, which ha.s been awaiting a passage in Nas- high prices, it must risk its chances, as it deserves, tonishing that she fhould always long for freedom; covert ITnioni^rn w/A^r> itt.r.s ii»ay be seut to tmt caretif Hfur D. L. Swain than to private capitalists. No order exists for impre.sin^ any produce on but that happy day is not so near, perhaps, as wc ^videnca of his covert Union.sm,— « i sau for some mouths, has arrived safely in the JOHN II. WUEiiiLEli „ LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. railroads intended for private uf«e. ; could wish. When itcomcs we shall hail it with joy.^ .av>'I Hi!' V. C. June 4tb. 1SC3. Charlotte, March 21, lS'j3 tf I Confederate States. •