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ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE ,: ,Vvoflh , O IT* I O 1 3 SS5 per am nun 0^\ THE ■CIIARACTER IS AS IMPOKTANT TO STATES' AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS, AND THE* GLORY OF THR ONK IS THB COMMON TROPERTT OP THR OTHER. \Vi-:ST SIDE OF Tli.VDE STIIEKT ^IN ADVANCI-l^.,........... E ditor and PROPniF.Ton. CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1863. TWELFTH VOLUME— K V H B E R m . HISTORY OP THE SUERENDEB OP HOBBIBLB MUBDBB, 1 *BIAL HAVIOATIOW. t h e CONFKDEUATE TAX. C f i ' e ? B E 0 tn n Iftratitrat. CITMBEELAU-D GAP. Mr Sands Smith, an old citi^n of Matthews j We have this week the pleasure to record tho VM The Confederate Tax ie now due, and for the purpose j C H A RLO TTE, N. C. W i E Y E M B m 9 of collecting it I will attend the following times and* Major D. G. McDowell of the 62d N. C.. county, Va., was uardered in a most honiWe | succes^i of the most oztraorainary ia?entiau of t\ic {places. 1 hope each one owing a Tax will meet me ment, which was surrendered at Cumberland Gap, manner by the Yankees recently. It appears that i »ge, if not the most so of any that the world ever OPiiblished every Tuesday,(o) [promptly and pay. Per8oii,s failing to pay at the times , NOTICE. by Gen. Frazer, publishes a letter whicb^is the (,Jol. Spear’s Ilth PenDsylvania regimcot, with sa\f—at least the greatest stride in ioveotioQ ever BY :and places appointed, will, according to Act of Con- | Our terms are ^ve dollars per year in advance.— first jeliabl^ accoiidt of that affair. It appears I artillery, and a negro regiment from Ports- ■ made by a single individual. igress, be liable to ten per cent additional tax ; . W'lLLIAAI J. VATES, 6 months $3. ’ • ’ ..... October last. Dr. Solomon .\ndrews, of Perth KUITOU AXD I'Kor'nnnoR. Providence, Thursday, 1st ofOctoher, K'^Indivldual or local shinplasters will not be re­ , conimenoed tJic construction of a a Hlmron, Friday, 2d ceived. When sent to us. they will be held subject to (C for reeonnoitering purposes, on his Steel Creek, ■ SatiiTd.-iy. 3d the sender’s call, and not returned by letter. j p " - ^ ii During their last raid they had ‘dragged him { 0* “^ responsibility, not being able, afttr submitting liprrvhill’s Monday, * 0th maiided its surrender, which,was refused by Gen. u 8 ^ “ The Democrat will be discontinued to all subtfri- . $5 IX ADVANCE. l^avv Creek, Tue.sday, Cth P., and ou Tuesday again matie and again refut>ed. fr«m his own house, destroying at the same time j plans to the War l.^epartinutit, to n»ake the u ierf at the expiration 6f the time for ichich it is paid. * Long: Creek, Wedricsday,, 7t\i % The 3Iajor’s statement continues the narrative : a portion of his property, and carrjring o/F iiis ne^ I hiyiorablo Secretary of M ar ‘•se«^ the utility of * u Those xchowant to continue must reJieic lefore or at the ex- ' fii-lf” Tran.-'k nt nilvcrtisements muit be paid for in Lemley's, Tiiursday, 8th groes and horses. On this occasion he had armed machine which would go over into secesh and rc- piration of their tiv\e. j On Tuesdpy evening Col. I^eCccey’s command filvanco. , , , Deweese, Friday, ■ 0th <( himself with S double-barrelled shot gun, and on } eonnoitre the force and position ot the Advertisements not markod on the niannscrjpt Miillartl Creek,, Haiarday, 10th made their appearance on the north sid« of the u the approach of the Yankees fired on them, killing ' plans showed on the face of tljem, io anv one orr n tiiuo, \\ ili be iiiici tcd uutil forbid, und Harrisburg, Monday, ItHh ADDEBSS OF THB PRESIDENT. j mountain. A portion of his command approached (( one instantly. He levelled his gtln at the other,! stupid, that the machine could not do oilur- c!i:tr I (ic( orditijfly. Crab Orchard, T uesday, 20th on the Ilarlin county road, and a portion' on the u • The following address of the President was pub-; but the second barrel uiis.sed fire. They then-ithan go ahead in any direction in wliich the Clear Creek, VVedne?day, 21st main Keatncky road. A heavy skirmish soon be­ .Morning Star, Thursday, 22d rushed upon him, and seizing him, dVerpowered ^ow was pointed, and that, too, with any auiouni AN ACT lishod to the troops in front of Chattanooga on the ' gan between Capt. Turpin's company, of my regi­ Charlotte during Court week, (2d Moniay of Oct.) him by main force, and took him prisoner. They ' pow«r or force which might be de.sired, and. i;l a t h >n t o tiii-; m il i t ia a n d A g u a r d ; 17th ult., producing.the greatest enthusiasm ; | ment, and the advance of the Abolitionists. Capt. IN % tied a rope to his feet and dragged him to his own ! which greenbacks would readily |<rocure Tho l (»It HOME I^KFKN’CK. 5^y- Merchants and traders are notified that on the | Turpin, with his gallant boys, effectually checked ~i- r 1 iJc it ciiiictod by th'i General Assembly ofrfirst day of October they must I'c turn to the Assessors IIeadq'rs Army of Tennessee, | yard. Ilis daughters, who have now neither fath- i . power required and the prupclliug apparatus addud the advance of the enemy until late in the evening, . S:iil-- of Nortii Ciirolinii, luid it is licreijv ciuu ted I the gross amount of their Quarterly.Sales, anti pay the October 16, 18G3. J er nor mother, with prayers and tears, up3u their ! weight to the »ruttat, whether of larger llic when the Yankees disappeared, Capt. Turpin*hold- I’lM- iuilliority of the Kamu, That the exeniptions Tax thereon to me as soon thereafter as jiracticable. knees, implored the officcr to be allowed to see ' smaller dimensions; oonsequeiitiy, it did not in- io' D. (Jr. .MAXWELL, Soldiers : A grateful country has recognized niii in tlie Miliii.'iot the Stute, shall be for the ing his ground, which was something near one hijn an3 bid him farewell. They were refused crease the dimen.sions of thrf aeronaut beyond that Tax Collector for Slocklenburg county. your arduous service, and rejoiced over your glo­ iiiii- and tolliesaiiie extent and no iarthc-r, mile in advance of our line. and their lives threatened if they dared to ap- i balloons of ordinary construction, much leas iff i c-cnbed in the acts of Congrfss of the (Jon • Sept 21, I8G3. Gt rious •victory on the field of Chickaniauga. When About 3 o’clock, Tuesday evening, Col. DeCosey t:. proach hiw. He was then tied behind a buggy j ^‘20 than many that are now made. The machine Icirr.tU* providing Ibr the cniollnjeiit ol wen your couutrynien shall more lully learn (he ad­ demanded the unconditional surrender of- General and cairied four miles beyond Matthews, Court- made by Dr. Andrews would carry up three men, i.jr till- litiblic dcjeiice ami gnitjtiiig (xemj.tions Ironi ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE verse circunistances under which you aftacked the tiic ;iiiie, foiiinionly eaIl.:4Uie contcrijitioii and ex Frazer and command. Gen. Frazer replied under House, on their return to Glouehester Point: 1 addition to all the fixtures and paraphernalia o r enemy, ttiough they oannot be more thankful, they flag of truce, asking of Gen. DeCosey the number While on the march Mr Smith was so brutally 1 its forward movenumt. It contains 26,000 it I'urllier mia't- d. That it shall be theiOF TH E SOIJTIIEUN EX PR ESS COMPANY may admire more the gallantry and patriotic de­ of forces to which he was ordered to surrender. treated by. the private soldiers that he asked to see | feet of hydrogen gaa. It carried hiui, weigh* ,: ,Vvoflh.-('.overnort'>nK,setoheenrolledasaguardj Charlotte Office, Daily. votion which secured your success. Kepresenta- DeCogcy replied near 12 o'clock at night, refusing Col. Spears. When that officer came up, instead j ^^2 pounds, and 25G poauds ballast. t„r'li"r,ir .li'.Mce all .vhiie nrile i>i-i >ons notalreadyj ___ tives of eveVy State in. the Confederacy, your steps to* give the number of forces under his command, , li iii tho ei viee(tll.e (JonfoderaiP States, be- of reproving the soldiers he seized a stickick and beat I I^pon his invitation, luat spring,*we have sent A /^ A V V U S . have been followed with afiectionaio solicitude by stating that it was from motives entirely discon­ of ( ii'liteen and filly years, re=iiient in the prisoner over the head. He begged fora glass our reporters at three different timesr to witness 5 00 A. M. and 5 P.M friends in every part of the Confederacy. Defen­ nected with the attack upon the gap that he did ;i>iV St;i'lt'','^Vii liiding foreigticrs not uatinali/.ed, who,Fro a Char. <k S C. Railroad of water, which was refused him^ with the remark his experiments with his machine, iod havo 6 25 “ and 5 “ ders of tlie heart of our territory, jour movements- so. Gen. Frazer the/i refused to surrender, and it ii.ive Ill-I ll residents in thp Slate for Ihirty da.ys bctorej “ N. C. Railroad that he would not want for water long. They watched its progres* with groat interest. Ill'll eiiroliin-nt, cxi epting per.sons tilling the ollicesj “ A., f.
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