SUBURBS. J .• 411 14 Green Thomas Thornton FlRE ALARM DEVONSHIR:g SQUARE 58 Booth Robert Howard 15 Bishop George Thomas 138 Macphail .Archibald La- BAPTIST CHAPEL 6o Robinson Miss 16 Simon Jnlius mont r.. I<'.P.S. Glas, phy- ...... he1·e i.~ Walford 1·d ...... 62 Hedgecock Edward ...... here is Benthal rd ...... sician & surgeon 121 \Valford tavern, George 64 Vickers Charles 17 Jarvis Miss l\L E. school 140 Hacker Joseph Charles Busby 66 Schenk l\Irs 18 MacVineJohnWilliam M.B., 142 Hilton Mrs r23 Speller Richard, grocer 68 Barnes Henry C. M. physician & surgeon 144 Bossy Alfd. Fredk. surgn 125 BrownJsph.Harrison,dyer 70 Callaway John H 19 Hast :Miss 146 Salomon Edgar, phowghr 127 \Vest Church Ho 72 Hosmer George 20 Butcher 1\Irs 148 Poulson~:Irs.Jane,registry 127 Burtt Joseph, bootmaker 21 Smith Henry office for servants 129 Simmons Wm. ironmngr Truman's rd. IS Stoke 22 Recknell Dickson Eclward 150 Lewis David T. surgeon 131 Helliar & Ward, prmters Newington rd. to Boleyn rd. 23 Hull John William 152 Clements Charles 133 Seagrove Chas. ding. rms NORTH SIDE. 24 Bennett Charles I 56 Whitel~w ·wm. llf.D.surgn I35 dlr 4 Quick George Henry 25 Crampton George Elliott ...... here zs Foulden rd •...... here ~s GoJ"don ul ...... 8 Wright Mrs. Katherine 26 ~Iuirheadlslay Burns M.A., 158 Godlonton&Sons,blindma Constance, midwife M:.D. physician& surgeon I6o Hine George Dyer Suffolk place, Wooclville rd. 20 Nicholass Joseph Henry, ...... hr:re is .iJfaw·y 1·d ...... I62 Fowler Thomas, tobcc~ist 13 Hoare Joseph insurance agent . 164 Curran Chas. beerretmler Hill Edward w B bootma Stoke New1ngton road, I68 Stewart Peter stationer 8 · · Tyssen road, High street. Kings] and Highs~. to High 172 UoyalLondn.Jt~riendlySoc. Sydner road, 282 Amhurst 2 'l'homasMrs.shirt &clr.drsr street, Stoke ~ewmgton. (G. Atherton, man) road to Rectory road. 3 Freeman proptr EAST SIDE. 180 1\Iay "\\'alter, confectioner NORTH SIDE. •. • •• . here is Leswin rd...... 2 FarrFrdk. Wm. boot manuf 182 Welch Rilvanus,cycle mfr 4 Dell James, watch maker I82 North Hackney Liberal & Huggins Thos. job master Union road,66High st.Stoka 6 Ennis ~\rthur Fredk. statnr Radical Association 1 Ware William, builder N ewington to Lcswin road. 8 Heath John, wardrobe dlr PILLAR LETTER Box 3 Bower .Ambrose Hughes & Son, smiths 12 Patters:m Saml.Donaldson, 5 Cox Charles I Rice George, house decrtr ...... here is Amhurst rd. & ur'Il'anls Mrs beer merchant 7 ., 1 1 · TV est Hackney church • ...... Turner Charles Edgar ro Webster George Stuart, q Dyer W. F. & Son, piano- 9 paper bag maker forte makers WEST SIDE. I I Curl William Matthias Victoria grove,SouthHorn­ 16 Rabbits & Sons,Lim. boot & 1 \Yalton, Hassell & Port, 1 3 Jones Miss shoe dealers oilmen 15 Yaxley Mrs sey, 41 Stoke Newington 18 Fleming, Reid & Co.scotch 3 Howarcl Joscph tailor 17 Rayner Charles road to Victoria road. wool & hosiery stores 5 Halll\Iatthew &Son, boot 16 Gould Waiter NORTH SIDE. 20 Jordain & Paine, builders makers 2I Waiters Joseph J rA, Taylor Geo.furntr. rmvr 24A, Linoleum TileCo.Limited 7 ·waiter Jn. :Moritt,pwnbrkr 23 Fish He~ry ...... here is Hamilton pl...... •••.•• here is .llfiller's ter ...... 9 Hart H. & H. fancy bazaar 25 Bro~d RIChard UNITED METHODIST FREE 28 Dunn & Co. hatters II Jackman Thomas Smith 27 White .Arthur CHURCH 30 Godfrey Misses Emily & H. L.R.C.P. LOnd. surgn 29 De Medewe Danl. Jn. Wood 17 Catford :\irs Jane, milliners 13 Kitchener Frederick 33 Pistor Thomas .Alfred 19 Grosvenor Septimus 32 Bailey Herbert,confectioner 15 Pye Henry 35 Romain Henry 27 Clark Frederick 34 Bardouleau Mrs.Henriet.ta, ...... here i.~ Truman's 1'rl ...... 37 Clark Frederick 31 Sparks Alfred Henry, bldr dyer 35 Newnes William, boot mkr 39 Weeks William John ... hel'e is Victoria grove ... 36 & 38 Worrall&Son,mat mas 41 LawrenceS.&Co.job mastrs {I Gable James 53 Garrard John, turncock,. 40 Davey Alfred, greengrocer 43 Chandler Frederick 43 Hurn George Frederick N. R. Co 44 Herbert & Son, upholstrs 45 Fisher William 45 Drewett Robert SOUTH SIDE. 46 Boultwood Thos. tobaccnst 47 Ostlere Robt. M.D. surgeon 47 Blakesley Albert 4 Day Wltr. Fnk.smith&farr 48 Marquis of Lansdowne P.H...... here is Barrett's gro ...... 49 Gibson Pierre Ullivero wGotchFrederick Geo. crpntr George Cattell 49 YoungChas.Vernon, solctr .51 Stevens Waiter H I6 Russell Thomas ...... here is Areola st ...... 51 ClarkeWm.Thos.bricklayer 53 G?lding John Gar~iner 18 Feesey Henry Francis so & 52 Miller Max, pwnbrkr 53 A'!ery John, photographer ~5 Kmg H~nry Shcrwm 20 Healing Wm. commisn agt 54 Beale Bros. printers 55 RwhardsonBy. Wm.srvnts. :J7 Lowe Miss . Victoria grove west, South 66 Clarke )1. J. musical in- registry office 59 Eyre Captam Edmund . , Victoria grove to strument dealer 57 Harris George William 6r Brandle Charles Edward Victoria road. 68 Grayston & Co. florists 59 Robinson Charles 63 Wildee Arthur David 40 Blaxill John, shopkeeper 'j6 Gant John, coffee rooms 6r Mills R.icha~d ~5 Bentley J?~n Robert 46 Curl Mrs . .Alice,general shp 78 Vincentl'vlrs.llarritt. toy dlr ...... h~e ts Wusbaden 1·d...... 7 Stokes W1lham Henry So Miller Jamcs, auctioneer 75 Sm1thMrs. Emma,confctnr 69 Rehfuess 1\!rs SOUTH SIDE. So Romain David .A. solicitor ... hm·e is Prince George rd .•• 71 ~ar~Iett ~~~s S. school 33 Lampkin \Villiam,plumber NorthLondon PoliceCourt, 87 Jarrett & Co. corn dealers 73 S~Ith Wilham .Anderson 43A Day Vi.ltr. Fnk. smith &c G. P.Taylor, magistrate Rogcrs Stephen, grocer 75 Thirkettle_M_rs 63 Levy David, fishmonger F.G.N.Bower,chief clrk 8 PosT, MONEY ORDER & 77 Wall ~atric~ Victoria rd. South Hornsey, 92 Farnell E. G. surg.-dentist 9 TELEGRAPH OFHCE & ~9 Skeldmg Mrs IS High street. 94 Fielding 1\Irs. F. J. drssma Savings Bank r Groves Albert Courtney 8 1A, Lutz George, hairdresser 96 Hart I<'. W. photographic 9I Fox Mrs. Clara Isabella, 3 Sparks Alfred Henry ...... here is Chalmers ter ...... instrument makers haberdasher sOUTH SIDE. 6 Coffin Wm. James, builder g3 Tyzack Samuel 93 Baker Frederick,tobacconst 2 Molyneux Miss ...... here is Ship way ter ...... 100 Miller Herbert Percy,surg 95 Brilliant Robin,watchmakr 4 Huggins Thos. jobmaster 7 Britain John Henry, house ...... here is Sorne1jord gro ...... here is Palatine 1·d ...... 6 Millar :Mrs decorator 102 Powell & Co. sign writers 97 Hare & Hounds P.H. John 8 Ochsenbein CaJsar 13 Vaissiere Hy.Geo. plumber I04 HatherillJn.photographer Philpot . 12 McLachlan James Alexndr ...... here is Victoria grove ...... 106 Varley Charlcs,auctioneer 99 Holland Charles Eclwm 14 Smee Walter Wallis 19 Shambrook 108 Pickett & Co. laundry I