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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

12-7-1939 Bulloch Herald

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1939). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 4196.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1.'hursday, November 30, 1939. TIlE BULLOCH HERALD "The First Complete. News in the County" OPEN 1I0USE LOVELY Business girls club News ON WEDNESDAY THE GEORGIA Ogeechee EVENT Deli-mark News While waiting In the lobby of EVENING. \ the Norris Hotel Tuesday evening I. V. Simmons spent several THEATRE for dinner, the Business Gtrl's with Wed- ens, days last week In Atlanta A brilliant event of last -M-rs-.-T-I-m-o-t-h-y-G-rlss-e-t-s-pe-n-t-I-as-t-D-a-n-Ie-l-Ak------, Club were entertained a THE with Mrs. Robert Aid- by BOng friends. was the Open Mr. and Mrs, Conard McCaskel evening . nesday an ance en Thu...... November Soth. . d d titled "Beer BarreII s, B'ULL,OC we.ek-endrich T. W. Burness of Mobile. Mr. and Mrs. Gra­ , were tennerh dl of Mr. and Mrs. House given by guests C. AUBREY June nu­ M. E. Ginn was Polka" given by Shtrley Lanier SMITH, brother George home on at, home for the I Mrs. G. E. Ala. Is visiting her dy Johnson at their lovely . Hodges. - and Ie b aun ew, prez In week end . accompan Id y J Ita N Hagin and family. North Main street Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Denmark and honorlng After a three course tur- "FOUR FEATIIERS" who Miss Eunice has re- enjoying Mis Ruth Belcher, teaches Hon. and Mrs. �nmark Mr " and Mrs Karl Johnston's parents, Durden and k turned home after vlsitI ey dlnner Mrs. Grace Purdam, 100 per cent Teonlcolor. Starts at School spent on their ng 1 of . In the Guyton High L. Lane of Monticello, family Savannah spent Thanks- J. I In of the con- with Miss Alva atives In SavlQlnah. charge program, 2:09--4:33-8:57-9:21 Friday afternoon 48th wedding anniversary. giving with their parents Mr. and rel-, ducted a liz and a straI ht In ' Messrs. John and Oscar Rahn q g p Wilson. Mrs. Gordon Mays greeted the Mrs. J. A. Denmark, of Pembroke contest. The winner for the quiz Fl'lday. Deet!mber 1.'. 'Ellis of Millen and Mrs. E. L. spent last Monday Joyner. was,I' at the door Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam T. Den- EdW. Ellis Ann I guests with Mr. and Mrs, Fate I was corlne Veatch and fo r the Shirley dinner last Thursday of Mr. Smith Proctor. guest Barnes and Mrs. Sidney mark and Mrs. Jesse L. to Mrs. Robert Aldrich was the daughter Eunice, I straight pin contest Menza Cum­ Lasky'a Gateway and Mrs. D. A. Edenfield. at the door leading I were stationed Timothy Grlsset and children HollYwood Miller and dinner guest of Mrs. R. S. Aldrich mInp. Mr. and Mrs. George from the music room Into the IIv- ' and Mr. and Mrs, James Aldrich spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs.. The president, MeJ1Z8 Cutn- Sunday In Savannah. J. O. Johnston In- "CAfIlEB" family spent Ing room. Mrs. Fate of Statesboro last Proctor and mings, welcomed the guests for Starts at Mr. and Mrs. George Hagin, to the recelv­ Tuesday. family. and, traduced the 'guests the Jeanette of G. C. Bath was honored with a Mr. and Oscar Hendrix's evening, DeLoach, 2:02-3,54-5:46-7:38-9:30. children, Donald Robin and Mar- was of Mrs, Ing line which composed I Mrs. of Ath- dinner at his home Sun- guests last Sunday were Mr. and Portal, Ruby Couta, garet, spent Sunday In and Mrs. Grady Johnston, Mr. birthday Mr. ens. Miss Catherine Rowe, of Sa- 8aturday. Deet!mber 2nd. ... Dublin, d NovembeI' 19 • In honor 0f his Mrs W L Ginn and . of with Mrs. Hagin's mother, Mrs. L. Kimball ay family and Mrs. J. Lane, Lane. vannah Mattie Belle Allen Eve- The Gleason Family R. McDaniel.. attract- 40th birthday. Those present were: Savannah, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hend- W. and Mary Jon Johnston, I I , Dar'Iey, and Mrs. W H • Temp- I� 'SHOULD HUSBAND8 WORK' of Brooklet last Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lanier of Sav- r1x of Nevils, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd I' B. C. Lee, spent Ive children of the hosts. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hend- IYIl also GEO. O'BRIEN In Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. D.' her In annan, Hendrix of Cllto and J. W. Black- Dr. Johnston received guests were to those rlx and family of Savannah, T. burn of and Wilmer esOifts presented "FIGHTING GRINGO" Je.nnings A. Edenfield. taffet with Sylvania la lovely frock of aqua J'I In Mr. and R. P. Jones, havlng'a birthday November Feature .tart. a' Friends of Miss Ida Hagin are Briarcliff roses. Mrs Lanier, Hendrix of a corsage of M�. Sy\vanla. ,Menza Cunurilngs, Gertrude learn she In and family of Statesboro, Mr, and 'Mr and Mrs. Harold Anderson Sellg� 2:50-5:15-7:40-10,05 Leads glad to Improving. was becomingly aftired In 'Ticket Lane I Mrs. Russ Waters and Mr. man, Frelda Martin, Virginia Miss Cleo Edenfield, who teach- a bou­ family, of Savannah formerly of here an- ,black lace with shoulder and and Dec. 4,-5th. and Mrs. Ben of Nevils. Doughtry Mrs. Roberta Gay. Monday Tuesday es at School spent Jon Thompson nounce the of a son Nov. Mlddleground o quet of red carnations. Mary The went to Cecil Ken­ Jascha Heifetz. Andrea Leeds and Mrs. Sudle Howell and son vis- birth guests the holidays here with her parents.: in blue or- 13. He has been named Harold ,vas daintily gowned later for Joel McCrea In I Mrs. W. F. last week. nedy's desert, pecan pie Mrs. A. W. and Mrs. Ited Aycock re- Belcher, trimmed with velvet rib­ Ronald. Mrs. Anderson will be .. gandy Mrs. Gorddn Williams and with whipped cream. .. TIlEy SHALL HAVE MUSIC". Robel·t Belcher anI! Miss Viola membered as Miss Mllta Belle bans and forget-me-nots. . Starts at were one last daughter Peggy Ruth and Miss EI- Belcher, guest day Mrs. T. J. Morris and Mrs. Rushing sle Waters last 2:16-4:38-7:00-9:22 wcek of Mrs. J. L. Wilson and the spent Wednesday' Many schools, In cooperatiorf Waldo Floyd conducted guests Mrs. Frank Anderson and M Mr. Waters. with local welfare groups, are Alva Wilson. I Here the Loyd ,MI� Into the dining room. with Wilbur McElveen have returend out school Open at 1 :15 first half hour MI'. and Mrs. working' plans whereby Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hagin with a Roy ' table was overlaid Quaker M��fee an� to thelr res pe ctlve homes after children gl!'t hot, nourishing food son the holi- the Thanksgiving .. at ADMISSION spent Thanksgiving holidays a mirrored spent rs.\ noon every school day. 1110 lace cloth centered by Mr. and Mrs. Haroid McAfee's VIsiting with their daughter Mr. and Mrs. sliver base days with Mr. parents. with handsome Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. plaque M' d M L d Lamb and Banney Lee Kennedy and family filled with bearing a silver bowl ell Anderson in Savannah. In Atlanta. son :�ear� of Mr. chrysanthemums. On either th:sdin���a:uests and Mrs. Saloman Hood and fami- Miss Grace Woodward of Mil- I { ,: I'daisyside were three-brrjiohed silver I Certlticntion of Iy Sunday. ledgeville spent the Thanksgiving oyer $7,000,000 candelabra bearing white tapers, I In cotton price adjustment pay- Robert Aldrich was a buslness : holidays with her parents Mr. and SANTA I 8t the sliver services on 1939 has p'residlng I ments Georgia's crop visitor in Savannah last Mrs. Frank the table Woodward, been made to farmers. at each end of . I placed Mr. and Mrs. Jim Everitt and and Mrs. day. were Mrs. A. J. Mooney seW-I I Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Zetterower Mrs. Gus Pablus of Savannah Miss Edna Mae Ackerman re- J. G. Watson. . and spent Thanksgivingwednes-I last with Mr. and 'family Thursday I home were ex­ spent turned to G. S. C. W. at Throughout the Milledge-I with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mrs. Fate Proctor. viile P. M. after quisite bouquets yellow ehrysan­ Sunday spending' o.f rower. Mr. Waters a color mo- and Mrs. Sylvester the at home with her themums holidays emphaslzin.g Mr. and Mrs. Williams andzette-json, and 'were the of tif of yellow and white, The party daughter guests paren ts . bell of Lester Williams of Stilson Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Waters Sun­ .. plate with golden wedding spent! I Mr. and Mrs. ice cream and individual cakes Thanksgiving with day. embossed in gold adhered to the color scheme. Nuts, mints and News coffce were also served. Those Register To the Hundreds of were Misses Nora Bob and people who' serving Church News By BILL HOLLOWAY Lucky Ann Elizabeth Smith, Sara Moon- are members of our Christmas s . ft!ETHODIST CHURCH , cy, Jenn Snuith and MI' James ,Club • I Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Holloway Johnston. J. Santa Claus will come this .. 10:15 a. m.-Church School. had as their guest Thanksgiving ea.y year. Arthur Turner presided .at L. Renfroe, general clay, Mr. and Mrs. LJ. J. Holloway. the Guest book and Mrs. Fled tomorrow will re­ ent. and Bill Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. fieginning They SmithMr.s. was at the door as the superintend-I 11:30 a. m.--Short sermon by C. H. Temples and Hudson temp- guests ceive nice checks for their Christmas. departed.. the pastor, followed by the ad- les, Mrs. Jimmie Atwood, Mr. and A musical program pre- lovely of A. and Albert r1111��lr-'• , ministration of the Sacrament Mrs. L. Youmans YOU can be one of the ones by Mrs. J W. happy ,sented .. J�hnston, the Lord's Supper. • Youmans, Miss Nell Coilins, Jake Mrs. Beaver, and MISS Le- Roy and Miss next 7:30 p. m.-Evening worship, Collins Ruby Holoway this time year by joining our nora WhIteside added the I I �o Prayer meeting every Wednes-, who is home from Savannah for pleasure of the guests. 1940 Club now. NOW. I day evening at 7:30. All, always the hoidays, Begin I About hundred called dur- Do You Li. A�iI�. Nights? two. welcome to all �el'Vices. the evenmg. A .family gathering was very do, .The worst of in� inuch enjoyed at the home of Mr. MILUON$it is. you never ·know when I Livestock and Mrs. J. L. Riggs Thanksgiving • sleepless night is coming. , BAPTIST C!lURCH' Those were Mrs. K. I Mr. (Yo L. McLeMore of the Bul­ :t;IItST day. present not be Why prepared? Minister E. Watson. Sara Watson and Jr .. loch- Stock Yards a C. M. Coaison, DR. MILES reports heavy school, Dr. of Readsville, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. run of hogs and cattle Tuesday of 10:15 a. m.--Sunday Bulloch Bank EJlerve.cent Nervi... Tableb of Mrs. W. M. County. Statesboro, this week. The hog market was H. F. Hook. superintendent. I Proct�r to th� nerves and MISS help quiet a. worship Hawkins of Jesup and Salley F. D. I. C. the lowest in a period of five 11:30 m.-Morning Member permit refreshing sleep. the Riggs. years. service, sermon by minister. Stop In at the drug store to­ "Get Out" of Way." No. 1 hogs brought $4.75 .to 4. subject: My Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Olliff had and a day get package. No. 6:15 m.-Baptist Training 80; No. 2's. 4.55 to 4.60; 3's, 4. p. their thanksgiving dinner with Noted Singer To Dr. Miles Nervlne Tab­ Harris Harvill, director. Try 35; No. 4·s. 4.35 to 4.75; No. 5's, Union, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Kennedy. leta for Nervousness, Sleep­ 4.25 to 4.95; fat sows: 4.10 to 4. 7:30 p. m.-Evening; worship Here .Dec. 12 . ....eas due to "Little B� Ie Nen1ousness. 40; stags, 3.00 to 3.75; boars, 2.00 service, sermon subject: Mr. WId Mrs. Otis Holloway had N"""ous Ea:cita­ Headache. to 2.40. Sows and were in Evils Laying Waste Life." as their dinner guest Sunday Nov. pigs . N"""ous ' lriIity. Irritability. good demand. Special music by th� choir and 26. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Bowen and 35f Cattle market was and chorus, Mrs. J. G. Moore, dIrector family, Mr. and Mrs J. R. Bowen 25t I steady . higher. No .real good beef type and organist. and family., Mr. and Mrs. B. L. 'cattle offered. Native fat heifers Bible study and prayer service Bowen and family and Miss Dela "

. and steers brought 6,50 to 6.!75; Wednesday evening .7:30. Ellis. is medium, 5.25 to 5.75; common, 4. The church needs you, it true, Miss Dorothy Collins Is visiting 75 to 6.00; fat yearlings, 4.25 to 5. but you need the church' far more Mr. 'and Mrs. Carlton her doors the Kicklighter 00; fat cows, 3.00 to 3.75; canners, If the church closed of'Gie!,ville, Oa.• 4.50 to 6.00. cost to you would be infinitely greater than adequate import of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Temples had with the door oen, the church as their dinner guest Friday Mrs. Ambrose Temples of Statesboro. Miss Mrs. T. V. FOR CITY COUNCIL Salley Tp.mples, Willis and Tomle Willis of Bruns­ Statesboro, Ga .. wich, Ga. Nov. 22nd. 1939 J. O. S. BRIDGE CLUB TO THE VOTERS OF THE , Save ·Meat Mrs. L. J. Holloway delightfullly Your CITY OF STATESBORO: entertained her club and a few Since I will be unable to see other guests Tuesday November each voter personally, I want to 21. The living room was attrac­ take this method of advising that tively decorated with white chrys­ I am a Candidate for City Council The. Weather is too changeable to anthemums and indoor pot plants. in the election to be held on Sat­ take chances with it. A bath mat was to Mrs. C. urday, December 2nd. given H. Temples for high score, a cookie If elected. I expect to try -to jar went to Mrs. Erastus Akins CURE IT WITH US discharge the duties of a Council­ for visitors high and novelty ash man to the very best of my abili­ EVERY PIECE trays went to Miss Emily Akins GUARANTEED ty for the best interest of the as low and a set of bath towels Concrete pavements. built to the color and reflection factor public as a whole. high see at went to Mrs. Jeff Moore for trav­ standards developed by high­ help you better night. . Our Cure is a If you think that I am capable Sugar Special • of this are all ling prize. Chicken a la king In way engineers state, Yet, with these advantages, of our own. of handling these duties for you, Preparation timbles with stuffed the last word in Yet they concrete is actually the vote and influence will be celer,y, pota­ safe�. cheapest your cost the than road to to chips, fruit cake and coffee nctu�lIy public less halle. First. because it appreciated. Go-called - costs less to build thaD GUARANTEED SUGAR was served. The hostess was as­ "cheap" pavements; other Respectfully, Concrete is sale because it of sisted in Miss Isebelle pro­ equal load-carry­ iI. B. Averitt. serving by pavements CURED (Barney) . vides a better "track" for vehi­ because Hardy. The guests were Mrs. Cly­ Ing capacity. Second. cles. From own . costs less to maintaiD' de Herndon, Mrs. Boyd Bdswell, your experience eqncrete **** To Broadcast know that its even, -salles hundreds of dollars Secretary Mrs. iI. E. Donalson, Mrs. Erastus fOU gritty per I . �urface reduces skidding. wet mile, every year, On Dece,mber 1, Secretary of Akins, Miss Margaret Hodges, compared BRING YOUR MEAT TO US weather or dry. Its freedom from with less eDduring 5u�face5. Agriculture Henry A. Wallace Miss LUIly Mae Glissior. and Miss i will the National (Jumps, ruts and chuckholes Urge public officials to build AND BE SURE OF speak during Vivian Griffin. Farm and Home Hour, 12:30 to 1: r,ives better control at the your roads with safe and 15 P. M. (EST), on the cotton ref­ Miss VerUe Mae K.y spent the whee. Concrete's savinI; YOUR lOU light gray concrete. CURE. erendum to be held December 9, holidays with relat­ He will talk from ,Thanksgiving City, ives in Statesboro. 80 Okla. On December 6, Homer S. l U. s. Route throulh Statesboro state Mr. and Mrs. M. C. an­ Durden, administrative Hersey needs to be modernized and \led officer of the Ad­ a p,- Agricultural nounce the birth of son, Mal­ . will clis­ justment Administration, colm Jones Hersey, November 'n, with concrete cus� the cotton marketing quotas 1939. Mrs. will be remem­ . Hersey , over Station WSB, Atlanta, at 1: 45 (EST). bered as Miss Mary Eulen Jones. , PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION The students of the Register (Itry Hurt lid , Ga. ICE •• CO. For the fiscal year ending June School Community wish to express Atlan�, 30, the Statesboro, Georgia Phone 35 Agricultural Marketing thel� to Miss Ecfua War­ .A n.llono' ",��',ol'on 10 ,.",..,.._••" lite _ 01 .on­ , s)l.lllpathy 'Service reports the of eN" ,.MorcN ..II '. \ b)spectlon ren In her sorrow ftom the cars of fruits and ,death ,�,N "'�III1! ""'_'!!'-.. '1.'" w� 456,394 vegeo . ' .. ao : ca:uuc_ t8bles. of �er father. or. Joh" Warren. ' .. ":rhe First Com lete News in the County". THE BULUlCH Thursda.v. December 7.1989. THE BULLOcH HERALD "The First Complete News in the County" HERALD I at the Georgia College and he can't make anything until he lets seasons. Teachers in Statesboro for the winter Portal School . THE HERALD· It'. the wone I've seen In 66 the food BULLOCH quarter. 1A Our pennmanship class i Whr ChUTchNews I - POLITICAL . I'm Ceeding my hogs is worth more than hogs Is Rev. Thomas' states that good of a nice to Santi Dedicated to the of Statesboro and thinking letter ANNOUNCEMENTS Progress Mr. Rucker He adds that' in his music will feature the servicess Claus. we write nne" bringing" -say. .·IRST BAPTIST OHUROH Every day Bulloch County for If and invites the public to come word for our letter. dacy member of the board of date for the mind Bulloch county can have n market here . Office of Sheriff of Published Every I C. M. Coalson, Mioister. and in the services. Thursday join 1C We are trying to improve ou county commlsslsoners of Bulloch our to are to work and County subject the rules FARM who in power �1I1 get get . -- For BRIEFS Bulloch Ga. they 10:15 a. m.-Sunday school, Dr. Clerk county, to the rules of Statesboro, County, reading corner and make u new subject the and regulations,of th Democratic the "There ain't a that can nuence. Around 9;000,000 trees are it for formers. thing H. F. Hook, to be held on ex. superintendent. health center in our room. primary December Party. to be To tile . I Having labored with and pected planted this In TREAT TOBACCO SEED be raised in that can't be ratsed here 'In 11:30 a. m.-Mornlng worship Vote... of BaUOClb Oouaty: 19, 1939. tor }-ear Georgia 2B the second grade is busy In seeking your vote and I the Georgia. This ,large n'llmber Is due I people of this for Po County.�cent Byron LEODEL COLEMAN Editor service, sermon by the minister, hereby announce my candl­ I will vote county to J>yer, this Bulloch county." All'S Fa·If... dressing tbeir room up for Christ appreciate your and fluence I wish to call attention to' primarily emphasis by county week I period of advised Bulloch "That A· t dacy for the office 0'" the Clerk influence. long years. and being acents on a Trlple·A county to­ G. C. COLEMAN, JR Asso. Editor subject: Subscription mas. We have the fact' that I was forestry pro- And ....'. 'Mr. Rucker be a bit already put up born and known One bacco growers to right. may of the Superior to personally by a large mao gram. million treea have been treat their seed gain." -our small tree. subject Respectfully, In '1 JIM COLEMAN Advertising and Court", Bulloch and have had his a little dlf· the jorlty of the voters, I feel that franker and may express thoughts 6:15 p. m. Training Union, Har- Democratic Prtnulry t 0 be reare� pre. era 4A Richard Byrd and Masle M. J. BOWEN, JR. years experience In the , be an of Business Manager. Th' to serving you are nlready to ����rle�h�I���°l'IJ��� ����,I ferent from others of us' but he knows his farm­ ris Harvill, director. This held December 19, 1939. 151 prepared judge ruth, Extension ��7':n������I�:n'::��n depart- Jackson made the honor roll [0 public. I have never before fOl'!'ster, that bed homes in States. asked as to whether or says by disease lerms, carried MRS. ERNEST BRANNkN -a Socral Editor ment Is All bUild:�g ��:�� I earnestly solicit and would not I would. Increased attention Is the t�: There have been several to eatabllsh growing. young peop- the six weeks. ap­ TO THE the good of our being given outside portions of the ing. attempts boro. Ouida Simmons is first in. past VOTERS people county for make a to seeds. preciate vote and 'yOU courteous. honest II.Ild forestry by county lam! use The •. Ie 0 come. your .,,--_ .. ed t ------urg influence. OF office or &&ent IBid the practice of a market here. There seem. to be every where to roses. Dis- 4B Janie Lou' Smith, Huber BULLOCH COUNTY: any favor and If elected faithful planning boards. For the former's deciding plant county official . remain- treating seed I. 7:30 p. m.-Evenlng worship ser- Respectfully, Ise a der of this widely used by and then outside de. Meelal'n, and Mary' Lois Olllf I prom better In which It year and next em- RATES OF SUBSCRIPI'JON reason in the world for Bulloch to have a Farmers hang pictures hereby announce my county may not be for me year Georgia growers, In all the sermon In O. LESTER BRANNEN. candidacy possible w1l1 be tobaceO vice, subject: "Fidelity have had attendance fo to live and raise our children. phasls placed by the' Ex. sections. He ciding where to plant Dis. perfect for member of the Board to see each of in urged the treatment $1.50 Pcr Year $0.75 Six Months Market. Claxton has one and what does Claxton roses: County you person be- tension Service on general of all Stewardship." the first three months. of I am 35 years of and am forestry seed before to tinctive Ieatures af the Lannie Commlsslonel'S, to the Ilge (ore the I education. planting, ob- have that Statesboro doesn't have? music the choir and TO THE subject primary. ask my This, Carruth will taln the best results -OFFICE PHONE 245- Special by 5A The A section of the fourth VOTERS allied with no man or '!8Ys, with tobacco Simmons home are the lovely door Democratic to be held special fae- friends in each and be, carried on by every Mrs. J, G. OF Primary every dls- ExtenSIon plants. chorus, Moore, director is a BULLOCH COUNTY: tIon 0f men and wllI means and Mr. A. A. Turner of Portal was In our office accenting the color motif grade very busy making pic Dec. 19. appreciate trlct. to be act ve agency possible special A solUtion 5 OAK STREET panels In my support, attention containing one.half and organist. ture scenes. your vote and Influence. being given to ounce of was us of each show of to the rules of the Dem- I will for which I 'forestry sliver nitrate to Tuesday. He about the election room, crystal .Subject appreciate very much wlll be most . three telling and Bible chandeliers, grate- schools for agents. vocational and Entered as second-class matter, July 16, 1937, Prayer study service, We have our for a ocrallc vote I one-hal! lallons of water Is floors charming colordietaoinshr begun plans Executive Committee I de- your and your Influence. Respectfully, fui. . up at Portal Saturday, They had' a hcit race with teachers, and farmers. most Wednesday evening at 7:30. We that commonly used by growers at ofl'ice at under the graceful stairway, satiny hard. program. hope sire to offer for Clerk of the Suo Sincerely, LESTER NESMITH. In post Statesboro, 'Georgla, 48 votes cast. Dr. C. Miller won with 33 votes. H. A is ,Christmas Respectfully, treating toliacco seed, he con- great ",-<>yalty Program" some of our will attend, • wood floors charming color com. parents perlor Court of Bulloch County. T. O. WILLIAM H. FARM AND CITY Act of March 1879. announced for the first ten weeks WYNN. CROUSE 3, W. Rocker was a close runner-up with 15 votes. ,8 The sixth a de­ the binations in' bath rooms, and mos. grade enjoyed Primary to be held December 19, Farmers t"!;:!ce tobacco seed' In a In 1940. In God's and businessmen are "Everybody The was: To FOR chees·cloth sack or some were . the slmlllar 1'======J. E. Parrish and Noyce Edenfield elected aic pattern in porch floors. . �ate Friday, 1939. Voters of Bulloch For School ORDINARY OF for ten sub�ect county: CQunty cooperating wholeheartedly In Ben material, and allow House successive Sundays," , them to I08k Some one remarked "Resolved that winter IS enjoyed Your and influence will I H1I1 In a I LET'S DO AWAY WITH councilmen. Mr. Tumer says he's got his turnips laughtingly 'Support hereby announce BULLOOH COUNTY county. movement to es- , for ten minutes In is the You can make 'it U· my candidacy the solution, slogan, more than summer." be for tebllsh better I at the Knight-Darby wedding appreciated, Member of the Boord of I relationships be- Mr. Dyer advised, "Then thor. up and he's worrying. He feeds his turnips to . SuPemntendent hereby announce tween "RUNNINO THE OAllNTLET" quit nanlmous. Look for further an- County my the two groups. Those the slxth , Commissioners of rinse that Bobbie Smith the from grnde S. EDWIN Bulloch for Sixty eight 1 oughly them In clear water her �aught GROOVER. dacy the office of of leading farmers and farm his cow "cause It makes give better butter." nouncements. County, subject to the rules and TO Ordinarycandi.' WOlVen and allow to When the Election was held here Satur· bride's bouquet; but Mary Sue having perfect attendance the THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS Bulloch as embled at I dry. City , the fo� regulations of the Bulloch County Georgia . subject. Fitzgerald court "After the job of Is com. "The Sheriff" J. F. Doolittle Is "nut" the man. about six weeks are: TO THE VOTERS . County OF BULLOCH ho se drying for were con­ Hllh Akins caught How past COUNTY: to the rules and I recently for the Farmers' the day the six candidates councilmen Democratic Executive Committee; of the, R I pleted, treatmellt Is repeated. it Sue? Remember we I Iduma Allen, Brannen, Subject to the rules of the Dern­ regulotion� Iy Day sponsored by the When the about everything-nuts being his business. He says I Mary with primary to be held December Bulloch Count)' coun., seed are dry, they may abeence the couurt house. Edgar, OF Democratte Ex- splcious by their from BULLOCH COUNTY: ty agent, R. D. Stephens, and the I NEVILS ,�e reminded you that romance Ernestine Brannen, Chrlstlne t:1If. 19, 1939. ocratlc primary to be held on I then be stored In a clean contain. is "the nuts" ccutive Committee, with B slnessmen's Club. I By mutual consent and asreement J. Barney politics .1 I hereby announce that I am a I and primary County agrl. Ill' until time." very often starts. at .. , ton, Mary R.' Collins. Delmar Co­ earnestly sincerely solicit December 19, I am to cu tural plantilll at Elder V. weddings offering myself be held on December' program was Preaching Nevils" candidate for the office of the your vote and Influence 19th , planning I Anyone deslrlnl more InfoI" Averitt, J. Gilbert Cone, John Everett, Dr. Glenn W" conlratulate Ronald Neil and the Teacher Kennon wart, Katherine Gard,. Kenneth and If as a candidate for dl cussed the Bessie trying to change elected will County Super­ 1939. by agent, and three mallon obtain full F. Agan 'Pastor of Statesboro Clerk of the Superior Court of continue to serve you E may directions on susch here John H. Intendent of Schools. If tension specialists made Jennings, Dr. J. C. Lane and Bonnie Morris, all College having distinguish artlst� the shape of her hat after she Gupton, Hancock, Roy the best of honored I am short for treating tobacco seed from the Primitive Baptlst Church will Bulloch to the my ability. running on my past rec- ta ks In Harold Edith County, subject with election to regard to their respective office of on December 12. See the front for the overheard a youngster say, Howell, Howell, this Important the county agent. candidates, did no last minute electloneerlng In page preach at Nevils Depot Saturday rules and regulations of the Pri- Respectfully, ord, and will appreciate the votes I I st�ry E. Me­ I best I "Grandma's done gone and left her Kent, Mary Laircey, J(lmes position, pledge my effdrts of. the citizens of the court house. Except when each one went In Ohrl.tma. I. In the air. I smelled It In the air night, Dec. 9. Singing at 7:30. macy to be held December 19, the County. I __ to serve hat on my bed." The 'hat' was Neely, Joyce Parrish, Johnnie V. G_E_O_,_!_P_._L_E_E the educational Interests Prcoching at 8:00 o'clock the 1939. Nov, 7th, 1939. to cast his personal ballot none of them were seen last as I was a here. of the night worki,{� Bessie Kennons new fall chapeau. Rigdon, Vera Stewart, county faithfully and ef. public Is !Invited, Char.les I solicit vote and about court sincerely -your Respectfully, the houd. .. a an Taylor, Gene Ernest me flclently. • They y "cooking whisky" makes mighty Seeing picture lately of. . influence. � Trapne:ll, For I shall J, E. For years It hu been the custom of candidates Atlanta girl wearing a sterling Vickery, Dorothy Wlggms, Claxy Sheriff appreciate the support MCCROAN'. good Christmas. , .. Respectfully. silver made Crom an ice Williams, Edwin and Reba of every voter. In any election which is 'held In the court house bracelet Wynn Our Briar Patch sure loves his STATESBORO PRIMITIVE ELLIS Y. TO THE OF Philosopher tea spoon reminded us that lately Womack. DELOAC�. CITIZENS Sincerely, to stand When at the head of the stairs and the entr­ BAPTIST OHUROH BULLOCH COUNTY shopping in plug mule. "Jake". He (our Philosopher) sends In we saw table spoons used for 7A The seventh grade has been WM. EARL MCELVEEN Savannah, ance to the court room where the ballot boxes are I For Coroner don't fail to visit Savan­ this week a story on the lowly mule. It makes good Allen R. Lanier, Clerk curtain tie-backs in Grace Lingo's doing a great deal of reading for hereby announce that I am a Brooklet, Georgia FINE'S,

. nah's and solicit votes, using II parrotted kitchen. and sheer ar- the two weeks. candidate for Sheriff of smartest ladies' expression' and throws a bit of on the 10:30 a. m.--Services Saturday Originality past Bulloch shop. reading light orneylest . For Chairman I I hereby that am a "Don't me". tistry entrance you as you enter This week we are enjoymg our County, subject to the rules and hereby announce my candida. '1nnounce I forlet of all the mule, morning. beasts, for re-electlon to candidate for Coroner of 11:00 a. the living room which delightfully study of cotton. We have m?t!e a regulations of the cy the office of Bulloch We know of a l!tdy who went to vote In one I m,"-sunday Service. forthcoming MORE nAYS TO

. WEATHED." 01", • . t . were Some Vacuum·Power Shift acl. lI\ talking about) travelers found mules l!."� the City Court of Statesboro. I for It..lf when ONE 1lkes to lie H you touch tbe le",r••.• Todar, ,TIl..,....,; 'oe-ber ., will be � being used by the Indians and brought them, ,the awake; yet every night thousands am serving my first term and 0..." toss and tumble, count tbll one ad'l'llnced Iteerlnll column i81,.hlft FftdQ', DecMlber 8, will be ...... mules,. to . I sheep, worry and fret, be­ have rendered the best service ratlDc. And reckon that's where Nocause can't to Ie 60% au,oma,lc In they get sleep. Next day many feel and If operation' Declember " will be we the possible re·elected I will llatvday, fair, get Missouri mule...• dull, logy, headachey and Irritable. I continue to serve tlie of You DMember will people lee, Che,rolet'. Ne SlIIIday, 10, be fiiIr. MOOD) Anyway it's good to know that a mule 'Is Has this eVer '(�ew happened to you? When It Bulloch In the same Vacuum-Power does, why County court· Shift hial I hidden pow. MOD"'Y. Deeember 11, will ,be' _I. got like Ma don't you do 88 ·other background, says about some of the many people do when Nerves eous and efficient manner. I And cylinder. thll power cylinder 11...1 Into Deeember threaten to spoil their TDeeda:r, 121, will be wloettled. people who I don't like "their rest, work, enjoyment, and good have falthfully tried to aetlon the wl1-Ys. temper-try discharge Inltant you .tart to shift 11"1'1. December ." my duties I WeOID¥day, wiD be some 'candldates and also to It d.... wIDely. �ad visit me this week. Impartially 80% of the work for you In.t..d of BUT DON'T BLAME US the best Intel'llst of all the people IF THE ALMANAO They \Vas mighty glad to see me. Reckon they Dr. .. Cenlnl&, you pu.h and tUII Ind do.1 the Mil Effcrve.c.nt Nervin. as IS T.blds tax payers of t Is county, I work WRONO. all think I'm gonna vote for them. youroelf! . Dr. MIle» w11l Ellerveacent Nervtne Tablets are a combloa­ appreciate your vote and In· But I You gotta quit now. Ma says I got to take tlaD of mild sedatives u.eful fluence for want .tbe newe.t and belt-the ....t ',' 'Ruker Is sore. "First time In Proven for generations 88 an ,my second tenu. ��'.-' my ald In In some castor . . and .. the oil. .Blurrrr..• qu1et1uc jumpy•. over-liralDed nerves. Respectfully. drlYlnll rldlnll ..,. be.t In s�&;� yem' I've' been sore-wby I'm getting .tylln, and road·actlon-and on 1111 B. P. P. Your drwadat will be aIacl to leU Dr, ... BERT H. RAMSEY the.. plumb 'dlaiusted" says "Tater". u.rv-t JrUVine ,OU Tabl8ia ID ....viiDIent omaIl '" "<;_he¥rolet'l F·IRST AllAin '" U1m down Mr. /Now Rucker". says Ye Ed, OHARLIE JO� MATTHEWS HONOItl!lD "It can't be all that bad." , iE����:!'k=.:'��rdIr,._ Wadr '" IPOiI JOUr pJeuun. Cliowrol...... ShI ecI Ie AT GEORGIA TECH .. Do.lorl­ �...... - '" liliiii ...... NOT NIVIN ;! Bat be was not to be "A I' calmned. farmer's Charlie Jo Matthews, son and Mr. and Mrs. $)VDLAND got to have a market where' he can' sell his pro. Charlie Matthews hod been elected president of duce at more than it cost him to He's produce. the Chi Psi fraternity at Georgia Tech this year. got to have capital to farm and he can't have He is n senior and was vice-president of the I capital until he makes a on"whnt c profit malles fraternity. during his junior year. December TIm BULLocH HERALD "The First Complete News in the Thursdav. 7.1989. "The First News in the County" Complete Countx" THE BULLOCH HERALD Friday In Milledgeville. j Miss Ruth Parrish spent Fri· I Brooklet News day In Savannah. Mrs. Robert Morgan has return­ NliV-ILS NEWS By Mrs. .loh" A. Robe_D ed to her hOIl¥! at Perry after ·.By Miss Maude and Mrs. Lester Bland aDd White, Mr. visiting Mrs. D. L. Alderman. Mrs. H. O. Watel'l _pent a few; Mr. and Mrs. Sam FOBS and fam. . Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Rushing � I spent Mrs. Carl B. has been Lanier BOX SUPPD days last week with Mr, and Mrs. I ��X..�'1>�'li'1'''''I''''i'''''�'''T'''''1'''>T''''l'' Sunday with relatives In Beau- were buSiness visitors In Savannah Ily were the dinner guelts of Mr. In Savannah for several days with G. D. Wynn In Statesboro. I S. c. W and fort, Mr. who a On edneaday, they having gone MrS. Walter Hendrix Lanier Is patient at Og' FrIday nlJht December 15th Rev. William Kitchens, Sr., vis· Sunday.j Miss Barbara Mills spent the will down to purchase a new for r Beaut'" lethorpe Hospital. there be a' "Box Supper" In plano 'Ited Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Zetter- Mr. and Mrs. I,ehmon Zetterow· Ruth's J the I week-end In and Augusta. the NeVIll Nevlls(Hlgh School. The old ,er and little Sylvania Miss Marjorie Durden, who Is High School. A' pro- ower Sunday afternoon. daughter Elizabeth Anderson was plano will l'e'ilIaln In Sylvia_Anne j .. .• Miss a .. In the auditor- I and Mr. and Mrs. taking buslne covae Birm· fesalona1 auctioneer w1l1 BUist the E. C. Lanier killed a deer Colon Rushing .. S ho e.. weigh. pp the of relatives at Portal lum and the new one will be and I here with her . of were the of Mr. guest end parents, Mr MBlter Ceromonles In the sale about one hundred famBy �ts Ing and flft)' i at III Ealt MaiD 8t. -Iast week·end. Ala. the of boxes. placed In the new music room, and Mrs. C. A. Locnted Inghllm( spent past week· Music w1l1 be fll!'llished pounda last near his Zetterower which Saturday Mrs. J. A. Minick Thurs· and Mrs.-J. L. Durden. will the space op- day. Special Prices spent th� the evening. The pub- occuPf home. , Prevailing In Savannah. poslte the superiJltendents office. day with relatives Bernard DeWltto has returned lie II cordially invited to attend: Frank Woodward of Savannah I MIa Grace Zetterower of sun.,AU" Set &: ...... S&e Shaml'" Dry Mrs. J. N. Shearouse spent sev- from a to The w1l1 the trip Florida. JII'OIP'UII begin promptly THIC OLD IIIUD HAND spent a few days at home with KUlta apent week-end with with Mrs. Ed· - , eral days In Portal Mrs: Sam Denltto entertained at 7:30 o'clock. hili - I Mr. and Mrs. C. A. During All work at reduced prices, PROOLUI A SUOOE88 family IBIt week. I Zetterower. �()lidays Parrish. the In the first of Mrs. A. master gar chUdren grade • Mia Denmark Is vis· Deloaela WBI the and guaranteed by JlI(J. OIIILII AND The old Hired Hand M�t honor-, . Mr. and Mrs. Anderson HO� -program ee Free set and Ivy the Brooklet High School In honor Itlng In Savannah with)relatives. at a lurprile birthday dinner operator. shampo AOBl(lULTOU BOYS AT· -!aged In"the NeVils School 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox, Mr. of her little a member High at each wave. IOn. John, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rountree 1)er home Sunday hOllOl'lng her dry with permant I TEND_ was a and Otis and chUd· � RABVlCBT Thursday night howling I Mrs. Rushing his sixth Mrs. 48th Those head In our I brating birthday, and visited Mr. and Mrs. S. birthday. present were: We need your succe... More than family . and Miss Hena all of HOME (lOlIUNO FlCBTIVAL 600 people ren, Cox, of ,the first grade, who was eele­ M. one lBlt 'week. Mrs. Terrel HarYDle and children, business. were present. This Is the Dowlng day were of program Mrs. Register. guests Sunday DeNltto was aslsted by Miss Eliza· The Home Economic of Mr. and Mrs. LoMle Zetterower J. D. Lanier and children, glr18 the former J. E. Malnl'r Radio Artists Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Williams. beth teacher of the first Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson, 10th and 11th grades with were the dinner guests of Mr. and Deloach, • a a their and proves to be the most popular PLATE 35c Mrs. Felix Parrish spent sever­ teacher Mrs. L. Zetterower MI'I. R. P. Miller. grade. Miu Sara Hqdges and the of Radio Thursday. al In Savannah at any program eve r I days Oglethorpe Miss Dyna Simon of Savannah of the 10th Mesdames R. L. Durrence and Mr. and Mrs. Rod Mitchell and Give Us A Trill Agriculture boys and to Nevils. where Mr. Parrish Is a brought A returning hospital spent the week-end here. 11th with their Lee McCoy were the dinner guests Mia Louise Shearouse, all of Sa· gra�es teacher engagement was booked for early Soup or D....rt. !�<>1!.'"'J.",�"",,,,,,,,,,,�,,..t"".l�'''>!.'"'''' patient. Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Wise and Mr. G. C. and of their and sliter Mrs. vannah, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Me­ '.��� Avery Supt. H. H. April. . daughter I Mrs. J. Wendell Moore from the La­ spent family have moved Britt ·attended the Harvest MIa Margaret Ginn • pen t Corkel and little IOn Jimmie Home Those from here attending the nler farm here to the Stilson com­ FNtiVal held at Robert Aldrich. _peilt the week-end with Mr. and Coming States· P.·T. A. meeting at Esla School M.,t I with Miss Aileen Mrs. G. E. munlty. boro IBIt , Thursday night Hodges. . Thursday. Friday night were Supt. and Mrs. Miss Sara Davis of Leefleld was NICW PIANO FOB Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Howell and The boys buket ball team won 8CJHOOL H. H. Britt, Mr. and Mrs. LaDoris was the week-end guest of Miss Mrs. E. D. Proctor Deloach. over Mlddleground Two •• and Miss Anderson, Mr. and. Mrs. E. L. boys eighteen V.s.tlbl Roll. Butt.r LUlie Mae Cardell. Maude White and Miss Elizabeth Lanier have reo and fifteen. The girls were de­ Anne Lastinger I White and Miss Lucille White. Miss Elizabeth Lanier has re­ turned to their home In Binning· feated by Mlddleground girl_ ten turned to Birmingham, Ala., where ham, Ala., after visiting Mr. allfl and three FrIday afternoon. T•• or CoFF•• she Is taking a b",ineu course, af· Mrs. Houston Lanier and other '" large crowd II exptcted to at- ter spending, week here with Mr. PERFECT ESLA SCHOOL NEWS relatives. tend the box SUpper Friday night . and Mrs. Houston Lanier. Miss Eunice Denmark and Mt;S. at the school house. cake walk8, wlll be cele P,·T. A. and other features "Fathers Night" MICETIJ D. D. Newmans and Mrs. Dan Timothy Grlsset Is spending some- wlll be enjoy· ed brated Thursday night (tonight! On last the time with relatives In Savannah. throughout the evening. " FrIday night Esla Futch Invited the guests to as. the . the members and frlenda of Mr. and Mrs . Fate Proctor's Many from here attended the by DIAMONDS P.·.... A. held their Nov· regular semble In 'he Primary Depart. funeral OTHER DINNERS AND Parent·Teachers Association. The guests for the week-end were; Mr... of Mr. John Powell Sun. ; ember meeting with a large crowd metnt where program, which Is In charge of they were served and Mrs. Henry Penton and faml. day afternoon. For Perfect After the Mrs. T. R. Bryan, Jr., will be ,reno present. busl� part of Ambrosia and Individual cakes. ly ,of Savannah, Mrs. Lester The boys and glr!s wiU play A LA CARTES dered In the School ..tudl· the H. H. Britt E1Ia team on the Denmark court. High meeting Supt. 'Of The table was beautifully adorned Proctor of and Berman torlum and the social hour will be Nevils School a Hagins of Nevils. CHRISTMAS High gave splend· ....Ith a christmas tree and cando In the Hoine Economics De­ . Mr. and Mrs. Ben Barnwell and spent Id talk on "Cooperation". He, In a les. The room was partment. Mrs. T. E. Daves Is attractively chUdren spent Sunday with Mr. very Interesting manner pointed chairman of the social committee. GIFfS given. The room w� attractively and Mrs. Henry wells. out evidences of very strong co- @FrI�day��aijftje�rnoonij�·i�i!iilj�l�jli����iij�����==ii.iijiiji;' Mrs. Ella Bland has ri!turned decorated' with the Christmas col. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Proctor and Dinnerware operation on the part of the stu- from a visit with relatives In Syl· -or little daughter have returned home dent body and faculty, and the .scheme. Miss Lucille White and vania. after 8pendlng some : time with people of the community at large. her 1st and 2nd grades won the ,the members of the ,Godey prints on Dinnerware. relatives In Savannah. FrIday night H. P. Womack Open stock with dinner Supt. gave an picture for the most room Methodist Church will give a "pan­ having Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Deloach Interesting report on the Improve. shower at the parsonage In plates priced as low as S&e present.- and of Savannah were the try" ment of the Esla School within representatlves_ family honor of Rev. lind Mrs. F. J. Jor· BOX 8UPP_ AT dinner guelts of Mr. and Mrs. G. Tea cups and saucers at IlOo the'recent years. He made some EBLA . dan, who have recent,y moved R. Waters Sunday. very complimentary remarks a- The Esla P.·T. A. will a here from Metter. Three other essential Items sponlOr Lester Waters Is relat- visiting. as low. bout the growth of the school and box supper to be held In the school MIss Jane Watkins spent sever­ propo�lonally Ives In Savannah. the amount of � they had auditorium th� night of Tues. al days In Portal with Miss Joyce Select the pieces you �Ish, ,?n Mr. and Mrs. G. C. W1l1Iams and To attained. The IBIt number on p� day December 12, at 7:30 o'clock. I It's Easy Tell Parilh. make up your own sets from Lithe daughter, Mr. and Mrs, stock. gram WBI the Duetts sung by The program will Include cake MIa Nell Vann of Denmark open DIamond Wedding RInp O. Waters lpent Sunday with Mr. is Mak- Other dinner sets In peree­ Supt. 'to N. Oglesby of Esla and walks, and refreshments. where Santa the week-end with H. T. music. Williams at Lan­H., spent lain and finest China antf""M1s. Dayton . priced frani ...... ,10 to $85 Supt.H. H. Britt of Nevils. A cordial invitation Is extended Brinson . from ,.:1.110 to ,'11.00. Ier, Ga. After the meeting the hosplta· to the general to coine and Jng His Headquar­ pubUc Mr. and Mrs. Lee MoCoy and IIty committee composed of Mrs. the ClC'!BUlon. J enjoy visited and Mrs. Rob- MALI) HJ:LP WANDO family Mr. ters, ert Aldrich Ambitious, reliable man or wo­ Sunday, '. Mr. and Mrs. K1arle Wilkerson man who In Interestfd,ln perrn8JI­ Make Him Happy WIth and IOn 'Fred ThomBl visited Mr. f ent work with a ioo4 Income, to Watch The Crowds A Atlllfled customel'l with Wateb-ElliDI and Mrs. Curtis PrOctor Sunday IUpp1y St._rap • - famous Watkins Products In Bulov_LeDliMe afternoon:'" As Come They Fro� Statsboro. Write J. R. WATKINS '70-94 W. Iowa Mem· CO., Ave., $24.75 to $62.50 MlNKOVrn'S phis, Tenn. Candidate For

You Can Know They IN TIll: MANG_ ORDINARY COUNTY The first grade went to town to A OUt to Lut· Her A BU.LLOCH - see the In the store windows. In the toys Are Pleased With manaer � � " lJfeUme EltriD·LonllM-· Pai Democratic Primary December 19 Where ChriIt was born, r\ . $25. Up When they returned to school, '...... ,.-'"I' Balov. Their The cattle were there ', .. they drew plcturel of the toys and Shopping ."!I.oi.j'I':'.: j'I" '�f , With their crooked horns. wrote stories about their trip; , As this office belongs to the people, I feel that lowe There The little donkeys would bray �\\ are toys for the �'-� � It to them to take them Into confidence and They rnakIna my give . And seem to 18)', $24.75-$125.00 them a very definite statement indicating my course, doll's ChrIItmaa tree. That ChrIst II lying on tlte hay. should they honor me with this office. The second Is decorating gra� ,. THE MOST COM­ their board8 with pictures of San· ',' I will affairs of the office In a " The shepherd watched FIRST: conduct the ta . Claus, The Santa Clauses are courteous, honest, manner, In the Interest of The stara by night See The Impartial made from red circles. Some of PLETE STOCK Largest. all the pe'ople, and I WILL NOT A'l'I ANY TIME NEO·· 't. As they would stare up LI:CJT MY DUTY AS YOUR SIl8VANT NOR 8AO..• their decorations are chains. They SelectioD' of Wat- , SMART .NEW In the Iky 10 bright, FlOE THIC 1NTER1:8T8 OF TH08E WHOM I AM have made a frieze, showing the OF XMAS ches ever Shown And seem to walk througli the OALLED To S_VIC. on their to Beth· in Ibepherds way IsIN Statesboro lebam. Other decorations conallt SECOND: I will 'consider It sacred to take MERCHANDISE IN Of ltara that were In great pUN. MeD'1 Watclleti I. Natural my duty of cedar, pine cones, and' holly. care of the Interesta of the at all times, rather people The Is third" _ making fOOTWEAR! Gold from Soltalre from than to seek my own financial gain, and I will avoid add· grade But the star of all, Christmas for the moth· STATESBORO brlghteat $9.9Itto· $62.50 Ing any UMeceasary COIts'ln the settling of matters which presents Looked like the lightest star of all. Rings ,25. Up must pass through the channels of the Ordinary's office. ers of the c1au. They have made I THIRD: I will strive to be kind and That Is the star that shows where LadIee w.tehea ID Nat­ especially help­ several friezes and pictures of ful to our aged' and unfortunate and give to them every ChriIt IIraI Oold from pretty Christmas scenes. assistance possible. We a of ladies' shoes in Shop from our spec- Lay In the manirer, the Rull'r, the , The fourth and fifth grades are hav� complete fine all w.ldths to and st.o� Highest. ,14.75 $125.00 Sterling �lated making things for Christmas. FOURTH: I favor limiting the OrdInary to two from the narrowest eto the widest, In all the new ial Christmas shop­ terma with his second term wholly conditional upon Many things have been with 'HUda Zetterower _PITCHERS courteous, honest, faithful and Impartial service during which to decorate the tree. Some smart leathers and colors. A wide selection mailed his first term. The state of Georgia limits her Governor are mak· ping news In Stock and Priced From of the fifth grade girls Grade 6 to four years. Why giVe the County Ordinary twelve, or Christmas books and friezes. to Choose from. T It Is a reflection our to BUume Ing this week. twenty upon citizenry •••••• $6.50 Up that we have only ONE man who Is capable of filling Sycamore ba1la have been painted OlllUSTMA8 P01EII •••••• this office. There are many persons In each and every for dellorations. LADIES' NOVELTY district In the well to fill this SHOES county qualified position; The sixth grade Is very busy de· Christmas comes but once a year; many who need the financial help It would give; many /' coratlng, too. They are trying to So we It brings good cheer , who would be glad to .Ilave the_.offlce even for one term. hope their look as If It were If elected, I wUl not under any consideration, betray the make rook In this wrld of toU and care. Selected from four large stock of quality confidence of ·the voters or undertake t9 violate this rille a temple. They are studying about The happiest day of all the year. / Visit olr In any way. which i'u1e my opponent labored 80 hard to the Romans. has written a Each \ Diamonds nationally known time establish In his of . pieces, camP.Blgn 1932., ChriItmas stocy and a Christmas The chUdren wake on Christmas OlE HALF PRICE poem. mom: and widely known these My worthy NOW says that It has all the novelties, sug­ opponent The seventh grade has been TOYLAID They find that Saint Nicholas has while been his hope and Intention of remaining In this new fence posts In the come -I office Indeflnltely-even for twenty years: This was putting and gone. gest!9nS are just a fraction of the many NOl' his contention In 1932 for In that year he INSIST­ fence. The girls have been work· Their stocklnp he filled with Bracelet�, many to ED on limiting the Ordinary to two terma no matter how on ChriItmas decoratiOllf our to styles· Ing ... beautiful to,.., store has offer you this Christmas. the man nor how falthful his service. He certainly choose good Wreaths have been hung on the For the good little girls and from. priced frOm was not willing, In that year, for" Istory to repeat It· boys. die made self". but definitely establlihed In the mlnda of the voters front board. Two of boys $5.00 of Bulloch County, that this office should 'be limited to an attractive wreath from cedar Though It rain Jr It may � two terma. and holly to be hung on the front shine" ...... door. The •••••• twenty'fifth of Deci!riIber Is It Is caiIdld that when the been my Legislature , The eighth bOys have Christmas time. the �lnlonI tenn from two to four � "'Changed (i)rdlnary years painting the fence posts. The gIr1s :years, It was their Intention of llriIItlng the OrdInary to .' have and Jesse Strickland one tenn of four years and that this change was made been,busy decora_ that the to for their-luncheon \dIIcli Grade 6 he mlaht give four :years falthlul, 1inpart1a1 PI&.!nInII service, ana not be tempted to give the fil'lt two years w1l1 be given Deeember 12. Several to ''back·slapplng'' and la ng political wires for reo - guests w1l1 be invited. election. To TIll: V0TJCB8 OF THE OJTY a box � TueIday I nlII!lt Iup­ OF .lJTATESBORO H. W. per was held at. the Opedwe _ Those who know me beit KNOW that I w1l1 be abso­ . rea­ I want to take thIS SMITHr - School. Sufftr.lent funda were opportunity I Jeweler-Watch Maker-Diamonds lutely true to everY p1� I have given In tllii ltate­ H. Minkovilz & Sons to thank the voters of t1ie City """nt. lIIed to pay tlie diIIt on tJIe InlIuIt· of Statesboro for their 81.!pport GEORGIA rial � � The �n .durlng the last election of� City was a �ter __ thU .tic- Counclbnen. lpatecl -$ Parenta-Te" Jls. IIOCIatlon wIIh to thaiik alI who putlcl�tedto t1ie�on 10 enjoyable. ������������������������:�����'iJi Thursday, December 7, 1989. THE . B'ULLQcu HERALD "The First News in the :-. Complete County":_

• Bob And Betty Return To • MORNING W. 1 PAR'D G-:- Clark received a Jean , --I Carruth, tty COIK', Mrs. reli�h; 9

I Miss Hassie Maude McElveel1 ISH on the In a Appear Soon 10VELIY apPeared program 9€ dlscsusslon of Children'S books. $8.95 TRIYS TJ{is club of Plan inter-esUng com�ed Now To Be �epresented In faculty' wives' has 28 members. Delightful treshments were We are giving you Santa Claus at our store. Shop early . prices s,et-ved the social hour, r Th'is Issue. - durll!g �I¥elty a•• for your Xmas Gifts. Shop at Dunn's Department Store for' E••• new merchandise at the lowest Prices. HOKE'S. BRUNSON BARBEVt1J: oFOB TJlA,(lIlD'. COLLEGE FOOTBALL sqUAD ,The Bulloch, IOrlh ••i. Ilr'el H�rald -:- 11.le•• •. On tite eve ot their de rture .,o, lor Cuba where they will play the - University of Ha".ana, the foot· ball squad of Geor£la Teachers' Co"lIege were eueatll of Coach Smith and O. J_. McLe� lit a barbecue given at Coacfi Sroith's '--_.....:;...... I ----_...J, hQme on SavRm'lIIh Avenue. /



"The First News in'the County" THE Complete BULLOcH HERALD Thursday. Decemberj; 1939. STATESBORO FANS AT sentatlves of the United Farmers :dded beauty to the ,I t.abl.e appoint- MRS. J. 'TO THE VOTERS 01' 'rifE ments. O:.JOHNSTON l'nE GEORGIA-TJIlVH GA�IE of Georgia. I PRESENTS SPEEVH GEORGI." CITV 01<' STATJIlSBORO Mr and Mrs Frank Mike" and' as I Serving hostesses from the IN PLAY I . THEATRE Among the football ,I'UPILS . DEDICATED ,TO THE wero - in --- - enthusiasts, Mrs 1. D. Flet.cher were: I 10 ta k I'118 Iurn I -- PROGRESS OF ..• membership comr;nittee Mrs. oppor 'ly -.--�-�-- STATESBORO AND who went to � -- -- in Statesboro ._---._- - Mrs. J. .. .. B·ULLOCH O. -"- 'COUNTl' Johnston, of the 1------.�-- Atlan-I Augusta Thursday on business. I Kermit Carr. E. N. IhankWISh. fOIe.t rind Brown.' vOLUME ., you your s:-- �--. -' �-.. " ta for the , Mr�. Lola Mae Howard speech department of the Public I December ---sTATESBORO;-OEoROIA----- Miss spent Mrs, Henry Ellis, Mrs. Repurd v�le Wedno."ay. 8th. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14•. 1989 . ---�-... were: Mr. and 111 the Election held . 1. of support CIty - __ • urday GeOrgla-TechJ:.m�!��� Schools Statesboro this week IIG ------_._-_._------_._._----. ._._ NUMBER 89 ,,--. end in and At- " -- the week McRae DeLoach, Mrs. Hobson DOUGLAS .....------Lewell and i Donaldson,' FAIRBANKS. JR. Akins and sons. I will present her speech pupils in' last Saturday. I appreciate It and -·-·-I-----�--· where she the Mrs. Moore. . attended Ralph The new "SUN NEVER SETS" Candidates Anderson . I h Mrs Arnold , vaug n: two recitals . assure will serve In rcch comers you that I you . Unopposed · I d'In thlIS d Primary Le-IlantaGeorgia- game. ll htf I tartsat I . . a n Joe' National and sons, A'B d Bobby , On I Guard Mrs, James M. Auld 0, manner were: Friday night. December in i I Mr. and rs. Ernest the of councilman to Bulloch 10noreM eH,g.uarris, capacity Casts Mr. and Mrs. Arthur '1 ar 7'30 in 8'1 1'30-3'30-5'30-7'30-9'30..... the School Audi-. . 'Savannah the week end in Mrs. Robert Mrs. High Is. Turner,. spent London. W. W. I the best of my ablltty. Julie Turner, Hazel Smallwood, torihm several of the School 0 her MI'. High t Statesboro with parents. Smiley. Mrs. ,rV' t 5 Fielding Russell. &I 4 Robert I' Mr. and Mrs. Thursday Dec. 1-8th 000 Donaldson, Sincerely. Friday. Maneuvers In speech students will be presented and Mrs. Arthur Howard, Mrs. John C. Munro. Mrs. C. ':1475 Votes I M,'. and Mrs. George Johnson. Mr. C'I in Ihree one-act The J. GILBERT CONE HEDY LAMARR & ROB'T TAY- Mrs. Dan Lester, Mrss. Hal Ken- McCollum. Mrs. Willie Fred 'Fem- plays. play and Mrs. H. �wnrt, "Changing Places.' includes Helen' LOR In carm�.� non. Mrs. A. M. Braswell and pies, Mrs. John C. Duncan, Mrs. Cowart. Dot Remington. MISS I Field Mrs, Alfred Dorman Wed- Rowse. Hodges. Charle,'. "LADV OF TUE TROPIVS" Rufus Jr .. spent Cone. and Mrs. L. R., ..... Training Zula Helen Rowse. Mr. MISS Anne Dai by. MISS Julia ! (otton, Quota! Gammage. Brooks MCAII ster and Arnold ess Bernl'ce Starts nan at nesday in Savannah. Williamson. I More than 120 members of ':Forll In . P. and Meadows and Irma I �t­ 1936 and Mrs. J. MISS Glisson Foy daughter. derson. -- "Sable Tones" includes I Bulloch colton . eTrSll;IS 1 Miss Mable Nolan spent the An-I I] county growers _ :54-3:49-5:44-7:39-9:34 214th .. .c. A. A. Anti-Air­ Betty Bird; Mr. and Mrs. M th E I the Georgia Teachers College' terY C, week-end in Atlanta with her Hod' 111 asked for continuance of market- . ------_�------­ 1 were craft I Smith and children, Zack. Bo y BUSINJIlSS GIRLS' CLUB vlsHors in Vidalia. last week of the Statesboro Nat(onal , and attended the Je:� �eS��J.� Heleng��ws:ran� mother, Georgia- I December 8th Ing quotas on for 1940 a and John Egbert Jones. TO MI!lET TUESDAV I ehd. Guards cotto.n by W. T W. Betty; Efelyn Waters Storm" . spent last and G. •. Here 'Tech rootball game Saturday. "Spring "AD\'JIlNTURES OF Saturday 1 Satur.dDY. SHERIOVK• 98 cent , . th'lof per favorable vote Satur- Akins MISS Mabel Nolen I I)EOE�tBER 12 : Ray I'includes. Carmen Cowart. Sara Sunday in active field training. 9, For December HOLMES" i day. With 1l1J13 votes I 0 I!! Buddie GI�dden, Wesley Moore.. The Statesboro Business Frances 'Jean cast, only I 0II" Hor:�e'I' Girls' Betty also CHARLES This Is the first of series of epe,IU oy Kennedy,. I "VO�nNG 1'IIRU 1'IIJ1l STARRET IN '35 were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aldred. Miss Ciub will hold their Robert allalnst the quotas and regular busi- and Robert I tlonal Guard RVE" TO 'OUT POST OF Tfflll together with Ihe 1475 W·In Mary Mathews Jim Coleman ness aruer, MOl.,.!" BJil 1'ltESEN1'.;O MOUNTIES' quoteas. .' d BIOWl!! meeting Tuesday, December �on�, " ' /19 L·lvestock • local Medical the I . Corps speat -I The Lochart a n- Miss Smith. AT FEATURE Starts at dlslrlct' m I Primary Bobby McElmo;'" 12th. 1939 at 6:15 o'clock in The School I'ORTAL their, Grammar Speech week....nd In intensive meneuvers, to an aaaoUDce- Miss AI- 1 talned its perfect record of not AocordJq Accordlnll to the of Margaret An'n Johnston. club room. It is important that Students wUl In the :40-4:27-7:14-10:01 Rqiatrars O. ore the "Coming The a fa- with full equipment. madtJ thl. Mr. "." a vote . Dub . casting moraJq by bert Braswell, Lovett, Frank all members be present. nual pr�sented.In a I :hru Rye". llIIalnst quotas. BUlloch Co u n t y. approximately . culty play will be In the ' This is the first 0 fa 'I H H Macon of . us .. presented serle. of tile Ed Bulloch StocLk· yMcdLetmlar weeOfk' re- Next In all the referendwns held on Geo-'a Farr, Cliff P Olliff . Fran- e ris mas Week paniny, I. on . 4.500 cltizena of the fThall reCch't�l! Cthh'lede. . county, will Portal School Auditm-Iuru field week-ends. Th'�� t"-"., a I. urvls.. ports that the cattle market was High special training the -t're much-t I k':"'-� cis Smallwood, Mr. and Mrs. Bill December 12 Mon" "Tn marketlna quotas, . Tuesday evening, at ay December 15 at Dec. 11-12th The next maneuvers I 48th-dlslrlct.I about ,be qualilied to vote In t.... trom so to 75 cents hlgnter than BOX AND OYSTER SUPPER Friday night. 8 e.,,"'}y. will take has not cut an unfavorable vole plct_ "Gone Wltb the Pflmany Jr Martm and Mr. ' Foss. .• Lj:ster .7:30 in the Grammar School Audi- JOAN 'to be o'clock I BLONDELL & MELVIN December 17 and WIDd" held here. I:lecem. last week with plenty of buyers J\T WEST SIDE 18 at Lake 1 I and on the cotton referendum Sat- will be ahOWD bere a. TueacIa)o. and Mrs. Hubert \ tori�m. Those in the are: ...... A!'lason. play The DOUGLAS IN ber 19...... I more is full of fun nnd hu- lew. with the final Includ- 800n a_ Metro-G Id- M.-r App--'--'-tu ".000 ... for here assking cattle. The West Side P. T: ael·1 'play �ace period Urday this district 63 votes _.D -..� "".,..,. A. � is Joe .� .. • polled 0, Bobby Anderson. mol' and the cast "GOOD GIRLS three In IIAIIHY qualify In the Stateaboro dlst1iet. 'With a run of No. I will include GO'W PARIS" Ing days 1 , belln. I� for one-_k h.eavy hogss. sponsoring u box and oyster Virginia! Washington. for the quotas and none all8ln1t. bookJq sup- Rushing, Dorolhy Ann Kennedy.' Also Vhalrman Df of Robert Wynn. Sudie March of Time December 30 and 31. Board I ruu• .TIII! new list I. IlIOn! l's 4.65 lo 4.80; on Hodges. Doy Georgia. 29. (Jount)· votes than 4.300 PERSONALS brought No.2'., pel' Wednesday evening. Avant Solleltor of tln t ,The returned by the com- Daughtry" Dorothy Ruth Slarls VommIIIIone.. City lell 4.35 No. 3's 4.10 Dec-I Gay. Seli"man.b RUlleJ.t Par- at Recently ehanlled from halilor TU' Mr. Macon received a letter tllan till! Ust of 1831 wIleD 4.55; 4.20; ember 13th at 8 The sale; "- mlttee from the 44th district Mr, and Mrs. t? Kathl'Yn Smith. Ann Rem- Grady Attaway s t� ?·ea Johnson. 1,-. Medium Lowest Prices In Years Baptist give soclation. (�t Advisor Tariff." This will be at . received n sachet for consola­ presented loch will be the er. when the Rev. N. H. Williams FOR MEMBER OF . bag county subject IIOARP.�F Mrs. J. D. Lee. Mrs. Bonnie \ annual Christmas Cantata next At this meetlll&. and lion. Ro!gillter School auditorium Thurs- for discussion I:lecember the with complete Morris, Mrs. B. Johnson and Saturday. opened meeting ,a pray- at under the COUNTY CQ..-n>N"_ ol. \ fIRsr TIME IN YOUR I Sunday evenlnll 7:30. detailed reports will be made by The has less served CITY OR COUNTY day night. December 21. at 7:30 at the United Fann- er after which he ambrosia Your Own 16, Georgia Tuesday· night . children. went to Savannah Mon­ lam" direction of Mn. J. G. Moore. the officer of the (two to be ...... ,. .. J JIcnL.e T�rms • I UIOCIatlon on 11IId fruit cake. Other I _.' . ers talked for about ton guests in­ meeting. o·� This, (in bent) . day. mlnute�. ol'l8lllst. BDDClllJlCement will -its operations for the past )'ear. Gao";-� '(JiIINm� c1uded: Mrss. Sidney Lanier, Mrs. Gives advice on eusiness and The play is a story of Mr."1nd L. F. Martin. program The aommlttces tim Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olliff. Mrs. love aUnks. teBs to whom you will 'be reeellIed�.lIy_.tM ben� J A. (0' ) �. J Charlie Mrs. Brown Mrs. Cotton Farmer, who unlll1le man. stated that ·R. R. Chalr-1'ex- meeting are as follows: dirKl�wW.�"'" Bonnie and Mrs. HowaJ·d. Bing if arc Childs, , for this Is one of the Morris. J. M. mal'l'Y,or you married or If in tl'o�ble in any do�'t constituency. bu.lnesa ,transacted, ltwt\I:N'..jiWP...... way, - �"o..r-'�' Mrs L. J. JI'" and sin�le. to of all of their cotlOn tension, cotton I.m v e men t FINANCE· J. Gilbert ImlX?rtant Thayer were visitors in Shuman, M,·s. faii dispose pro �one, programs of music to which the In Augusta 10 consllit Madam Lena: You wiil find her far to SEE THEM AT I artn!>unclng. the date of the FO� b'R­ Hal'ry Brunson. superiol' any crop, at home, visit a group of s'peelalillt, has been John Everett lind Dr. H. F. Hook. COU�Y �URVEY, Friday. procured to, community looks fOlWard every annual Mr medium you have consulled. This is meeting. ..HodCH said JAil W. Hendrix (1ncwnIM!ilt). Mrs. their first visit to this city u":d foreign cotton spinners In England. lead the discussion. Mr. Childs SANITATION-Dr. H. F. Hook, Willis Waters returned yuletide, thllt It was to make wiil hoped the F.OR C. from �rEitIBJIlRSIfIP CO�L'IITTJIlE 01' they convince you of their wonderful work. This is not to They trade American cotton for been conneeted with research Lannle F Simmons and J. Gilbert It Is almost coaoNl:R--c. (Luml Friday Savannah where she lady .hlJll I .. t�dltlonal to the attendance of stockholders at this a on Cone. AIrlnI 4. L. hns been her WO�IAN'S VLUB ENTERTAIN be classed with You will this foreign goods and learn great work cotton for several years work of this (jncumbentl\ CoIeiilan. visiting Gypsies. find place moral and you need . church that all the daughters. Henderson year's meetin& th� Israest In the orren O. NEW deal about the tariff and Its ef- at the of PROPERTY-Dr. Glenn S. Jell- Stewart, Hudlan Stan­ Mr. and Mrs. CO�rERRS TO not be afmid to College Agriculture.' do their best te) be Frank Parker bring your best friend \*ith' you. The most Gulf people present of the UIOCIatlon. He said skeptical history fects on the fanners of Dr. H. F.HooK and ford and- Jobn M, WllllldII, STATESBORO the south During the past five years has nlngs" Lan- ' were visitors In Louisville and best hl! I when the choir renders .this pro- that the annual SUllnday people I;ave consulted M_\DAM LENA and have weil meetlnp of the been when they meet Uncle Sam'. been with the AAA. where he was' nle F. afternoon. This Simmons.. gram of song glorifying the natal ...... __ morning (Thursday) the pleased with her In _latlon afford the stockholders readings. fact. she will tell you Tariff collectors as return to drafted to assist 'in the STREETS AND LANES-Lan- --,------Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Deal and anything relating they getting day of our Lord. The members and Station " an membership committee. Mrs. Ker­ I opportunity to de- to the welfare of one's life and the United States. started. He Is now nle F. Simmons. Dr. Glenn S.1 leamJ!very OF Mrs. Stothard bu"iness of any kind. Each reading is program back' friends of church are DIOBIT Deal atttended a mit Carr, chairman. was hostess Across the street from Bus Station tl!e Invited tnll of the operations of their or- confidential and with fhe' entenslon service Jennings, and John Everett. ORlBN'f contest of �Iriclly satisfaction Future Fenner 0f as] to share the of . preliminary One-Act at II guaranteed. Register joy Christmas . lovely, breakfast at the PHONE 303 The. I ganlzation PRlNl'I8 cotton specialist. Horace. Smith and Fred T. plays In Marlow Saturday Womans Club America chapter Is this music which will prepare us for ,""e AT T• C. night. complimenting ten 11 A. M. preparing Stateaboro Production Cre-c uaU.'Y" to 10 P. M. Dally and Sunday The hour has Lanier were named to succeed Little Patricia Deal returned women who and they meeting keeping this holy season In the It ._, ,. have recently come to , Association. Which make. W. W_ I - S"ltcsl.o.·o. pro�am. on to one changed to 3 p. m. for the wln- the city oard of the 8m11e)r. her home in Pembroke after make their home in Sta Located in Pullman Tl'ailers at Georgia. plenty of laughs.prom,:,an a�v�� th�mselves spirit of Babe of Bethlehem. short-tenn loanl lesboro. I to finance aU Teaehen . eoc::u. Mr. of real In tel' months. W. H. Smith. presl- education. GeorIia ..: visiting and Mrs. Stothard The breakfast table evening entertainment. , typee of fann and :l1li- presented AOROSS FROI\I, CECIL'S PLJ'VE-SOUTH MAIN beenj At twelve livestock oper- IIOUncid tOdir' tlIat theft! WOuld Deal. S�RJIlET to dent announced Mr Smith stated o'clock midnight I on Christmas addition the serves exquisite appearance,ng I ations, Bulloch and Evans be an exhibit of a detail on the both on oriental.' Lester these that are un that ;epo�t the na- police. YCII \vith other to In It wa;; announced here 'this week' Ordinary; H. P. WomaclC. for plaih shingle. Place lingers on Armored join Mallard (elected). G. w. slnqle winter_ Exira thiokness We're proud to join frigidaire In Wiring at 7:30 at �hurches A'cco 0 'recelved ''Tbermlzer'' Tonight the High this a b Mr Dan R. Groover. program Ing reports County w. 1.tI:i)!1 Da.bIc-DuIJ Utensil Drawers making memorable period Sch� Superlnten!lent; W ,L. ;:n �i���e a:c��o�. ho���� t��l� and modern. colors ,hi, stanling Dew Stonse from Willian,. 'rhe At- Clark. 1.1199; •. much more qUickly than Cork-Back non-Iadinq presencing Frigid· I-Piece School auditorium. Mrs. J. O. c�al�n of the Union Meeting to bllrg. Va" W. DeLoach. for Tax ,.M,ciElveen Porcelain Cabin« AN" ,,",,1mJ I. ,.""H'lIUhflJ In the history of Shlngle-prool that the Clrk-Ilnck add to roof aire Electric to the of thls,church. CoCIl�tor; 1.0'17.. FoW' thousand beauty, Range wom�Q /01",,/_1'0/_., Ft._,I,,,,, John,ton. speech and dramatic d1- 1M! h Id t La De- taway Construction Company of Geo. P. Lee and M. J_ six��undred ft'(arda penetration of heaL Ask us I-Piece 'Stainless Porcelain' Announcements will. appear In Chul"IJh Bowen for lor free of Se. this our We're enthusiastic st".UrJ Of ",iMUlI ",.1,.,.,_ alxt)'-two votea _re the samples shinglt'S to money·.avlnq. double-duty community. will a dramatiza- Ga.• Is_ the lowest �'for rectot, present •. the members of the mab tcsL Top •• � this from time to time cem!r:l th;:e��eOf ¥;eces- Statesborp. bid; Board of County or ",p,tuli .oJ,ls,1«W. newspaper • SoUeltor of , before you re-roof buUcl. about it because 0\1' own cUltomers , City Court.u >follows: ahJagl./ tion of the Chhls story. dts had been made der on one of the largest roadway Commissioners.' HiSh-Speed Brolier "Why as to' the of this sary arrangeme D • uThrifro-Madc'" progre8ll camp- . • .... women who know what a B H 'D . ranae �s tunnellJ ever to be .�_... (el_d� ;2'389' • �clusi.e "Bvenizcr" Hat Switch tae Chillies at the annual for one of the greatest meetlnp constructed)n Others rtmnlna Included W. :_::_�'I" should be ••• have algn. c:a. approved it 10 �ng . C. Jones; 1.742; Groov- Distributor P.-T. A. Dad s ever that state. The contract is fOI\ JulIajI;·,C. "Cook. Master" Night. --. to be held by this church, Clark. L. M. Mallard. and w. L. whol.b•• er. Four hundred .rtedly. Control U8_. a �I. I-Piece AU-Porcelaio Oveo The east will Include· the ._ en This at $286.500. It take year to th0U88�,1iIjc .Walter high Representatives ..... S. ..Alk meeting will'bellin 10:30 'Till McElveen. for sheriff; C. M. An- Aldred . Come in. Let us demonstrate this Interior "Time el&hty-ei&ht votes CBJIt for Company members B. continue 1.. v. the job. � Signal" speech students. and DalWllI Franklln and Sena- and ;411 Re complete derson. J. C. John P_ �"ool througtl. I DOnaldson. Tax u remarkable •• _ Receillfr . P_ raDge desiloed for Non-Tilt Drawer . Sliding Shelves Wuming o� the dramatic club. members of tor Harvey D. Brannen are meet- B. HQ!lts' wUl be the prj Lee Watson Neamlth' and followalqbhn ,W. clpal I MQrean Lee women - 1 718' by women. Let u. show you Counter Balanced. Shelf­ J.amp I I P.-T. A. AT LAB • II W Cookin'gTop the ·Glee Club and others of the Ing In Metter this afternoon with speaker. follower by other . waters for TaX Receiver; D. W. (eJected)... its astonishing record of low COlt Type Oven Door Condime", Set C. Do high school. Mrs. Leslie Jobnson other representatives and senators cussions to be made by O. L. Me-,dia-l SCHOOL GIVES ,Hendrix and J_ E. RIiIhlnIr for And let us teU 1''101'1 , • ., • and operation. you Is mlstin Mrs ...... a ,. ��� 1:mAn!� Johnston with the and school Lemore. Rev. Wm. Kitchens. Sr•• '...... CO C cO)1nty . ,'. " superintendents CRRIS PARmv ty (LIDft) it is to SEE THEM ALL •• "" S�' ".. easy enjoy modern elcctrk HERE • , TODAY I ,"'� WalBon Neannltli. �. � A wid, rhoi" Dr o",J,1I If ' music the of the to O. was the i forg p'rogrom'. First DIst.rlct discuss George·Mlller. Hutchenscin. and The at COllege C!. CtaJ' and O. 0. a few cents iI " party only dayJ .tlt/. ...._. � to the thr \ The same. .. I>VIIl AcCordlni taoking.for fi'"", progi-am will be pre- Ihe 'ways and means of Ing the -M... AE oodwaril The public 'I IJllt night at 7'30 to, 10 AleStewaIns'rt .UJ· ...... ner. Re&l&tl'l'l'I \ �eep ..' sented tomorrow for the schools fter the rlrst of the Is to attend ��cT k Trans was The eleetion In 1936 th �hlte' open cordially InVIted .( ratlo.- pro-. ni'elstration by distrleta was hell! �t Ch�lstmas as - program. union this! vld: for had no way. follows: 44 1395. _ th�Who ISlnkhole); 430; �unty year.., . meeti�g. I [ I J. E. Rushing Company States.boro, Georgia ,
