Striped Legless Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland

Nature Reserves - Crace, Mulanggari and Gungaderra


Prepared for Conservation Planning and Research, ACT Government

March 2013

Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve areas



Project Name Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserves

Project Number 12CANECO-0015

File location Z:\Synergy\Projects\12CANECO\12CANECO-0015 SLL Surveys Gungahlin 2012\Report

Matthew Dowle Project Manager (02) 6103 2314

Prepared by Andrew Palmer-Brodie, Matthew Dowle Approved by Will Introna Status FINAL Version Number 2 Last saved on 12th March 2013 Centre: Map of Crace Grassland Nature Reserve. Top Right: Olive Legless Lizard. Other Cover photo Photos: Selected images of Striped Legless showing the variation in colouration from the 2012 field surveys. Images taken by ELA and TAMS staff. This report should be cited as ‘Eco Logical 2012, Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserves, Prepared for Conservation Planning and Research, ACT Government, Canberra.’

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This document has been prepared by Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd with support from Michael Mulvaney from CPR (TAMS). Robert Armstrong, Greg Baines, Bob Burdick, David Dobroszcyk, Maree Gilbert, Kristy Gould, Felicity Grant, Tegan Liston, Jason Mackenzie, Helen Mckeown, Michael Maconachie, Luke McElhinny, Claire McInnes, Richard Milner, Michael Mulvaney and Craig Wainwright all from Territory and Municipal Services or the Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate participated in the tile survey.

Disclaimer This document may only be used for the purpose for which it was commissioned and in accordance with the contract between Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd and Conservation Planning and Research, ACT Government. The scope of services was defined in consultation with Conservation Planning and Research, ACT Government, by time and budgetary constraints imposed by the client, and the availability of reports and other data on the subject area. Changes to available information, legislation and schedules are made on an ongoing basis and readers should obtain up to date information. Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for or in respect of any use of or reliance upon this report and its supporting material by any third party. Information provided is not intended to be a substitute for site specific assessment or legal advice in relation to any matter. Unauthorised use of this report in any form is prohibited.


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve areas


1 Introduction ...... 5 1.1 Study Area ...... 5 1.2 Study Aims ...... 5 1.3 Striped Legless Lizard Background ...... 6

2 Methodology ...... 8 2.1 Artificial Shelter Surveys ...... 8

3 Results ...... 12 3.1 Striped Legless Lizard Captures ...... 12 3.1.1 Crace Grassland Nature Reserve ...... 12 3.1.2 Mulanggari Grassland Nature Reserve ...... 12 3.1.3 Gungaderra Grassland Nature Reserve ...... 13 3.2 Distance Travelled by SLL ...... 14 3.3 Striped Legless Lizard Non-Captures ...... 14 3.4 Striped Legless Lizard Density and Abundance...... 14 3.5 Opportunistic Observations ...... 16

4 Summary ...... 20

References ...... 21

Appendix A – SLL Capture Data ...... 22

Appendix B – Other Fauna Captures ...... 30


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve areas

List of Figures

Figure 1: Study area – Crace, Mulanggari and Gungaderra Grassland Nature Reserves Areas ACT ..... 7

Figure 2: Grid locations Crace, Gungaderra and Mulanggari Grassland Nature Reserve Areas ...... 10

Figure 3: Methodology used to determine SLL individuals based on unique scale characteristics (Images: TAMS Staff, 2012) ...... 11

Figure 4: Striped Legless Lizard distribution and abundance Crace Grassland Nature Reserve Area ... 17

Figure 5: Striped Legless Lizard distribution and abundance Mulanggari Grassland Nature Reserve Area ...... 18

Figure 6: Striped Legless Lizard distribution and abundance Gungaderra Grassland Nature Reserve area ...... 19

List of Tables

Table 1: Summary of SLL records from Crace ...... 12

Table 2: Summary of SLL records from Mulanggari ...... 13

Table 3: Summary of SLL records from Gungaderra ...... 13

Table 4: Distances travelled by SLL ...... 14

Table 5: Non-captured SLL ...... 14

Table 6: SLL density measured at Grid A tiles (tiles & 10m buffer cover 8 arrays = 6.16 ha, 6 arrays = 4.62ha) ...... 15

Table 7: SLL density measured at Grid B tiles (tiles & 10m buffer cover 5 arrays = 1.3 ha, 6 arrays = 1.56 ha) ...... 15

Table 8: Summary for SLL targeted surveys ...... 20

Table 9: Capture data from Crace ...... 22

Table 10: Capture data from Gungaderra ...... 24

Table 11: Capture data from Mulanggari ...... 27

Table 12: Other fauna identified from the SLL surveys ...... 30

Table 13: GPS grid coordinates for the Grassland Nature Reserve Areas Error! Bookmark not defined.


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve areas



CPR Conservation Planning and Research

EEC Endangered Ecological Community

EPBC Act Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth)

NC Act Nature Conservation Act 1980 (ACT)

OLL Olive Legless Lizard ( inornata)

SLL Striped Legless Lizard (Delma impar)


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve areass

1 Introduction

Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd (ELA) was commissioned by Conservation Planning and Research, ACT Government (CPR), to undertake targeted surveys for Delma impar (Striped Legless Lizard) centred at three Gungahlin Grassland Reserves (Crace, Gungaderra and Mulanggari) in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Surveys were undertaken over a ten week period between October and December 2012.

1.1 STUDY AREA The study area comprises three Grassland Reserves (Crace, Mulanggari and Gungaderra) and adjoining associated open space in Gungahlin, in the north of the ACT (Figure 1). The grassland reserves are regarded as nationally significant and contain approximately 170 hectares (ha) of intact lowland temperate native grasslands. They are comprised primarily of Themeda triandra (Kangaroo Grass), Poa spp. (Tussock Grass), Rytidosperma spp. (Wallaby Grass), and Austrostipa spp. (Spear Grass). Surrounding the intact grasslands and providing a buffer to these core areas are approximately 330 ha of disturbed grasslands.

1.2 STUDY AIMS The aim of the Striped Legless Lizard (SLL) surveys is to provide information on the distribution and density of SLL in the Crace, Mulanggari and Gungaderra Grassland Nature Reserves and adjoining open space. The surveys will be used to compliment the Kangaroo grazing monitoring within Mulangarri and Crace being conducted by CPR, along with providing opportunistic sightings for all reserves of other threatened grassland species, including Synemon plana (Golden Sun Moth) and Perunga ochracea (Perunga Grasshopper).

The key components of the study are to:

 Determine the presence or absence of the species across the three grassland reserves using an artificial shelter survey method, and where present, provide an estimate of the population abundance and/or density

 Gauge the distribution of the species across the three grassland reserves

 Provide a report that details:

o The methodology used o GPS location of all grids (map grid of Australia) o Survey results and interpretation for each survey area including: . total number of captures and dates of captures

. number of unique individuals captured

. the number of recaptured individuals . an estimate of the minimum population size and population density using a conservative buffer to account for the movement of individuals around available habitat and extrapolation of the number of captures per grid


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve areas

o records of all vertebrate species observed under tiles and records of opportunistic observations of other threatened grassland species

1.3 STRIPED LEGLESS LIZARD BACKGROUND The SLL is a grassland dependent species of temperate Australia reaching up to 30 centimetres (cm). The characteristic trait of this family is the lack of fore-limbs and the reduction of the hind-limbs to vestigial flaps (SEWPAC, 2011a). The species is tan in colour and can be characterised by the presence of stripes running horizontally along the length of the body, however, this trait can be faint or entirely absent (SEWPAC, 2011a).

The species has a patchy distribution in grasslands of south-eastern , The Australian Capital Territory, north-eastern, central and south-western Victoria, and south-eastern South Australia (SEWPAC, 2011c). The distribution of this species within the ACT is fragmented, with populations occurring in four disjunct regions, of which one is Gungahlin (Grassland Reserves) (ACT Government, 1997).

The species primarily occurs in Lowland Grassland vegetation types dominated by perennial tussock- forming grasses such as Austrostipa spp., Themeda triandra or Rytidosperma spp. The species is known to show preference for ecosystems with a-greater-than 70% cover of Themeda triandra and a deep thatch between the grass sward (Osborne et al., 1993). Little is known about the species' habitat use, although it is theorised that they over-winter at the base of tussock-forming grasses (ACT Government, 1997). The species has been shown to move about the available habitat with individuals recorded moving up to 20 metres (m) in one day and up to 50m over a period of several weeks (SEWPAC, 2011a).


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserves

Figure 1: Study area – Crace, Mulanggari and Gungaderra Grassland Nature Reserves ACT * Note mapped area includes some parcels of urban open space


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserves

2 Methodology

ELA and ACT Government staff undertook targeted surveys for the SLL during the October to December period of 2012. The surveys used an artificial shelter (roof tiles) method with two different grid formations to determine the presence of the species across the three grassland reserve areas. Artificial shelter survey locations in Crace and Mulanggari were guided by Kangaroo monitoring plots established by CPR.

2.1 ARTIFICIAL SHELTER SURVEYS Targeted surveys were undertaken using an artificial shelter survey method, consistent with the ACT survey guidelines Survey Guidelines for the Striped Legless Lizard (ACT Government, 2011) and the Survey Guidelines for Australia’s Threatened developed by the Commonwealth (SEWPAC, 2011b).

Artificial shelters were set across the three grassland reserves using two different grid formations described below.

 Grid A: Consisted of 30 tiles in three rows of ten tiles (0.45 ha area). The rows were 25m apart and the tiles 10m apart. In Crace and Mulanggari, Grid A was located at each of the 1 ha kangaroo grazing monitoring plots established by CPR. These sites were stratified by tree cover and a stratified random design was used to determine the location of the monitoring plots. Random number generation was used to locate all Grid A locations in Gungaderra.  Grid B: Consisted of 50 tiles in five rows of ten tiles (0.09 ha area). The rows and tiles were 5m apart. Grid B was offset from Grid A by 50m at each location.

All rows were aligned along a north south compass bearing.

Crace and Mulanggari Grassland Nature Reserve areas: Grid A was established at eight locations within each of the one hectare (ha) Kangaroo grazing long-term monitoring plots at Crace and Mulanggari. Grid B (and offset by 50m) was established at five of these locations with each reserve. The variation of the vegetation present was considered in choosing the locations for Grid B. A total of 980 tiles (490 over 13 grids per reserve) were laid within Crace and Mulanggari.

Gungaderra Grassland Nature Reserve area: Grid A and Grid B (offset by 50m) were established at six locations within Gungaderra. The locations for Grid A were randomly pre-selected by CPR and the locations for Grid B were chosen with consideration of the variation of the vegetation adjacent to Grid A. A total of 480 tiles over 12 grids were laid within Gungaderra.

At Crace and Mulanggari the survey tiles were aligned with the long term kangaroo grazing plots to provide data for the SLL survey and to monitor reptiles for the kangaroo grazing research. One of the aims of the kangaroo grazing research is to quantify the effect of kangaroo grazing on the abundance and diversity of small ground frequenting , such as reptiles. It is anticipated that the survey results will be used to inform land managers of the optimal kangaroo densities that are likely to provide the most favourable habitat conditions for small reptiles, including the SLL. As part of the grazing research, further roof tile arrays have been placed and surveyed in grassland and woodland reserves across northern ACT and Googong.


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve areas

All tiles in the Gungahlin survey were laid on the 2-4th October at least two weeks prior to the first check. Upon placement, all grid locations were marked with a GPS and each tile was individually numbered using spray paint, so as to be independently identifiable. Numbers were accorded to each row, thus numbers in the same ten cohort (e.g. 23, 24, 27) are in the same row and those numbers that share a common last digit are in the same column (e.g. 23, 33, 43). Each tile in the Grid B progression is 5m apart, while those in Grid A are 10m or 25m to their nearest neighbour. The locations of the grids were mapped and are included in Figure 2.

All tiles within each grid were checked once a week for a total of ten weeks (ten checks) with the first check conducted over the 18th & 19th October. ELA and staff from the Environment and Sustainable Development and Territory and Municipal Services directorates shared the checking duties with each undertaking five checks. The weekly checks (surveys) were conducted in the mornings and involved the turning of each tile to inspect for any fauna activity underneath. Any fauna observed was identified along with the grid location, tile number and date.

Where an individual SLL was captured, the following data was recorded onto a data sheet:

 Grid location and grid type  Tile number  The length of the lizard (snout to vent and total length). In an effort to reduce stress on lizards and possible resultant shedding of tail sections, lizards were not always totally prised into a unfurled length, so measurements were in some cases, part estimates accurate to a few centimetres.  Any other notable features (scars, pattern of stripes etc.)  Photo numbers. Macro-photography was used to take images of the scales on the head of the reptile to aid in re-capture identification (Figure 3). Images were also taken of the lateral surfaces of the head.

On a few occasions more than one striped legless lizard was under the one tile, and only one of the lizards could be captured, or particularly in the warmer part of the day some lizards avoided capture. The location of lizards that could not be measured, but which were observed sufficiently to identify were recorded.

The occurrence of shed skins under tiles was also recorded.

Opportunistic observations of other threatened grassland fauna, including Golden Sun Moth and Perunga Grasshopper were also recorded.

All data sheets were entered into an electronic spread sheet for analysis and interpretation. ELA collated all of the photographs and field data from the surveys for recapture identification and population abundance estimates.

A density calculation was undertaken to describe the density of the species within each Grassland Reserve. The calculations attempt to account for the movement of individuals around available habitat by incorporating a buffer zone to the grid areas (Grid B (0.09 ha) & Grid A (0.45 ha)) and extrapolation of the number of captures per grid. Two buffer zones were used in the density calculations for each grid; no buffer and a 20m buffer. A conservative 20m buffer was used to account for the potential movement and overlapping territories of the SLL within the study area.


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve areas

Figure 2: Grid locations Crace, Gungaderra and Mulanggari Grassland Nature Reserve Note mapped area includes some parcels of urban open space


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve areas

Recorded at G4A20 on the 9th Nov 2012

Recorded at G4B40 on the 21st Nov 2012

Figure 3: Methodology used to determine SLL individuals based on unique scale characteristics (Images: TAMS Staff, 2012)


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve Ar e a s

3 Results

The SLL surveys undertaken by ELA and ACT Government staff during October - December in 2012 recorded individuals as occurring at most of the locations across three Grassland Nature Reserves. The results of the surveys are presented below. Details of each individual SLL captured are presented in Appendix A and opportunistic observations are presented in Appendix B.

The location of the SLL individuals recorded during the surveys across the three Grassland Reserves and adjoining open space have been mapped and presented in Figures 4-6.


3.1.1 Crace Grassland Nature Reserve Area There were a total of 60 SLL identified from 84 captures within Crace (Table 1). A total of 490 tiles were checked over the ten survey weeks, representing a capture success rate (using total captures) of approximately 1.7%. Density calculations (individuals per hectare) varied considerably, ranging from 0.85 (SLL/ha) for Grid 5A to 155 (SLL/ha) for Grid 7B. All grids except Grid 6A recorded at least one SLL. Grid 6A was set within a woodland vegetation community with a limited grassy understorey.

Table 1: Summary of SLL records from Crace


1A 5 5 1B 6 6 2A 11 11 3A 2 2 3B 4 5 4A 2 4 4B 3 4 5A 1 1 5B 2 4 6A 0 0 7A 5 9 7B 14 27 8A 5 6 Total 60 84

3.1.2 Mulanggari Grassland Nature Reserve Area There were a total of 90 SLL identified from 110 captures within Mulanggari (Table 2). A total of 490 tiles were checked ten times each, representing a capture success rate (using total captures) of approximately 2.2%. Density calculations (individuals per hectare) varied considerably, ranging from 0.85 (SLL/ha) for Grid 1A to 133 (SLL/ha) for Grid 3B. All grids except Grids 4A and 2A recorded at


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve areas

least one SLL. Grids 2A and 4A were set primarily within exotic pasture dominated by Phalaris aquatic (Phalaris). Isolated paddock trees were also recorded at the southern end of Grid 4A. In contrast, high SLL numbers were recorded in neighbouring grassland, to 2A, of similar habitat condition in 2011 (Biosis Research 2012).

Table 2: Summary of SLL records from Mulanggari


1A 1 1 1B 10 12 2A 0 0 3A 10 10 3B 12 19 4A 0 0 4B 1 1 5A 11 18 5B 10 12 6A 12 13 7A 7 8 8A 10 10 8B 6 6 Total 90 110

3.1.3 Gungaderra Grassland Nature Reserve Area There were a total of 101 SLL identified from 129 captures within Gungaderra (Table 3). A total of 480 tiles were checked ten times each, representing a capture success rate of approximately 2.7%. Density calculations (individuals per hectare) varied considerably, ranging from 5.1 (SLL/ha) for Grid 2A to 177 (SLL/ha) for Grid 3B. All grids except Grid 2B recorded at least one individual SLL. Grid 2B occurred on a hilltop dominated by native grasses and forbs, with occasional loose surface rocks.

Table 3: Summary of SLL records from Gungaderra


1A 8 9 1B 13 15 2A 6 9 2B 0 0 3A 6 7 3B 16 26 4A 8 11 4B 7 10 5A 7 7 5B 9 9 6A 8 12 6B 14 14 Total 101* 129


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve areas

* SLL (G52) was observed at both Grid 4A & 4B. The total number of captures at Gungaderra has been adjusted accordingly.

3.2 DISTANCE TRAVELLED BY SLL Across the three reserves, SLL were re-caught on 71 occasions. Of these 54 recaptures (76%) were under the same tile, a further 6 (8.5%) of recaptures were under an adjacent tile 5m away (Table 4). Only 6 (8.5%) of recaptures were further than 10m apart. There was only one record of movement greater than 20m and that was of lizard G52 (pictured in Figure 3), which travelled 80m in two weeks in November between tiles in Grid 4A and Grid 4B. The average distance between recaptures was 3.4m, but a third of all movement was undertaken by one lizard.

Table 4: Distances travelled by SLL

DISTANCE BETWEEN 0 5 7 10 15 15.8 18.02 20 80 RECAPTURES (M) Number of recaptures 54 6 1 4 2 1 1 1 1

% of recaptures 76 8.5 1.5 5.5 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

3.3 STRIPED LEGLESS LIZARD NON-CAPTURES Lizards were observed but not captured, measured or photographed on 19 occasions within Crace, 20 occasions within Gungaderra and 18 occasions in Mulanggari. In addition shed skins were recorded under 18 tiles from which no live striped legless lizard was observed. Table 5 indicates the distance that a skin or non- captured individual was from a measured individual.

Table 5: Non-captured SLL


Shed Skin  Crace 3 2 6 - 1 2  Gungaderra 4 5 1 - - -  Mulanggari 2 0 1 - - -

Lizard not caught  Crace 3 2 8 - 2 4  Gungaderra 7 7 2 2 - -  Mulanggari 6 1 6 1 1 1

If it is assumed that a shed skin or a non-caught lizard 10m or further from the location of a recorded lizard is a new individual then 23 captures would be added to the Crace tiles, five captures would be added to those of Gungaderra and 11 captures to those of Mulanggari.

3.4 STRIPED LEGLESS LIZARD DENSITY AND ABUNDAN CE A minimum estimate of the density and abundance of SLL across each of the three reserves and adjoining open space can be made by assuming that all lizards present within a grid were observed under a tile. Given that of the 251 individual lizards captured only 71 (29%) were recaptured the assumption is likely to be conservative and underestimate the actual density.

The density and estimated abundance of SLL will differ according to whether data from shed skins and non-captures is included and by the size of the buffer area placed around a grid to incorporate those lizards that may move into a grid from the surrounding area. Based on previous trapping results buffer


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve areas

areas of 10m (Williams et al 1995) or 20m (Biosis Research 2012) have been utilised. The results of this study where 84.5% of all recaptures were within 5m of the initial capture, indicates that a 10m buffer is likely to be sufficient.

The relatively small average movement of SLL also suggests that the design for the kangaroo grazing tile (Grid type A) is unlikely to capture all lizards within a grid as distance to a nearest tile maybe be up to 5m in one direction and 12.5m in another. This probably explains why density estimates from Grid A arrays is much less than that estimated from Grid B arrays.

Table 6: SLL density measured at Grid A tiles (tiles & 10m buffer cover 8 arrays = 6.16 ha, 6 arrays = 4.62ha) HABITAT # CAPTURES + RESERVE AREA SLL / POP LIZARDS/SKINS SLL / POP # CAPTURES AREA WITHIN HA ESTIMATE OBSERVED >10M HA ESTIMATE RESERVE FROM ANOTHER

Crace (8 130 31 5.03 654 48 7.79 1012 arrays)

Mulanggari 140 51 8.28 1159 58 9.41 1317 (8 arrays)

Gungaderra 240 43 9.3 2232 45 9.74 2337 (6 arrays)

Table 7: SLL density measured at Grid B tiles (tiles & 10m buffer cover 5 arrays = 1.3 ha, 6 arrays = 1.56 ha) HABITAT # CAPTURES + RESERVE AREA SLL / POP LIZARDS/SKINS POP # CAPTURES SLL / WITHIN OBSERVED >10M AREA HA ESTIMATE HA ESTIMATE RESERVE FROM ANOTHER

Crace (8 130 29 22.3 2899 35 26.9 3497 arrays)

Mulanggari 140 39 30 4200 42 32.3 4522 (8 arrays)

Gungaderra 37.8 240 59 9072 65 41.67 9984 (6 arrays) 2

It is clear that all grassland reserves support large populations of SLL. There are at least in the order of 1000 – 3000 individuals at Crace, 2000-4000 individuals at Mulanggari and 3000 -9000 individuals at Gungaderra.


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve areas

3.5 OPPORTUNISTIC OBSERV ATIONS A number of non-target species were observed utilising the tiles during the surveys, including:


Delma inornata (Olive Legless Lizard - - 3

Pseudonaja textilis (Eastern Brown Snake) - 1

Lampropholis delicata (Delicate ) 9 8 12

Lampropholis guichenoti (Grass Skink) 22 - 1

Morethia boulengeri (Boulenger’s Skink) - 1 3

Menetia greyii (Common Dwarf Skink) - 2 3

Hemiergis decresiensis (Three-toed Skink) 41 - 10

Lymnodynastes tasmaniensis (Spotted Grass - - 1 Frog)

Uperoleia laevigata (Smooth Toadlet) - - 2

Centipedes of the Scolopendridae family 63 33 38

Centipedes of the Geophilidae family 2 5 5

Wolf Spider (Lycosidae family) 9 16 14

It is highly likely that multiple observations were made of individual animals. A table detailing opportunistic observations of fauna recorded under the tiles within the three Grassland Nature Reserves is included in Appendix B.

SLL was the most numerous vertebrate recorded under the roof tiles across all three reserves.

Six Golden Sun Moths were also recorded from three locations within Crace and two from Gungaderra on the 18th December during check 10. The individuals were observed flying at Grid 1A, Grid 7B and to the south-east of the model aircraft landing strip within Crace and at Grid 5A in the north-western section of Gungaderra.


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve areas

Figure 4: Striped Legless Lizard distribution and abundance Crace Grassland Nature Reserve


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

Figure 5: Striped Legless Lizard distribution and abundance Mulanggari Grassland Nature Reserve


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

Figure 6: Striped Legless Lizard distribution and abundance Gungaderra Grassland Nature Reserve


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve areas

4 Summary

Eco Logical Australia and ACT Government staff undertook targeted surveys (using artificial shelters) for Delma impar (Striped Legless Lizard) across and adjoining three grassland nature reserves at Crace, Mulanggari and Gungaderra, over ten weeks between October and December 2012. The aim of the surveys was to provide information on the occurrence and density of SLL in the three Grassland Reserve areas.

Artificial shelters were set across the three grassland reserves using two different grid formations:

 Grid A: Consisted of 30 tiles in three rows of ten tiles (0.45 ha area 0.77 ha catchment area). The rows were 25m apart and the tiles 10m apart  Grid B: Consisted of 50 tiles in five rows of ten tiles (0.09 ha area 0.26 ha catchment area). The rows and tiles were 5m apart. Grid B was offset from Grid A by 50m at each location

Crace and Mulanggari each contained eight Grid A and five Grid B formations. The Grid A formations at these two Grassland Reserves were set within the one hectare Kangaroo grazing monitoring sites. Gungaderra contained six Grid A and six Grid B formations.

A total of 251 individual SLL were identified from 323 captures from the three Grassland Reserves (Table 4). Gungaderra recorded the highest number of captures with the highest density recorded at a single grid also observed at Gungaderra. All grids recorded at least one SLL capture except Grid 6A at Crace, Grid 4A at Mulangarri and Grid 2B at Gungaderra.


Crace 60 84 1.7% 4900 1000-3000

Mulanggari 90 110 2.2% 4900 2000-4000

Gungaderra 101 129 2.7% 4800 3000-9000

All reserves support abundant populations of striped legless lizard and this lizard is the most abundant vertebrate within the reserves.

There were 71 recaptures and most of these were under the same tile, with 84.5% of recaptures being within 5m of the original capture location. One lizard moved 80m, while only 6 recaptures were further than 10m distance, suggesting that a 10m buffer around tile arrays is probably a reasonable indication of the area from which lizards may have been drawn to a tile.


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s


ACT Government (1997). Striped Legless Lizard (Delma impar): A vulnerable species. Action Plan No. 2. Environment ACT, Canberra.

ACT Government (2011). Survey Guidelines for Striped Legless Lizards. Conservation Planning and Research, ACT Government.

Biosis Research (2012) Striped Legless Lizard (Delma impar) Survey and Vegetation Assessment Report. Unpublished report by Bioisis to the ACT Government.

Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPAC) (2011a). Delma impar in Species Profile and Threats Database, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Canberra. Available from:

Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPAC) (2011b). Survey guidelines for Australia’s threatened reptiles, Available from:

Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPAC) (2011c). Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Referral Guidelines for the Vulnerable Striped Legless Lizard, Delma impar, Available from:

Osborne, W.S., Kukolic, K. & Williams, K.D. (1993). Conservation of reptiles in lowland native grasslands in the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, Herpetology in Australia, pp. 151-158 in, Lunney, D. & Ayers, D. (eds.). Herpetology in Australia. A Diverse Discipline. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Sydney.

Williams D.G., Osborne W., Georges A., and Holloway S. (1995) Principles and Strategic Options for the Conservation of Native Grasslands and Their Threatened Fauna in Gungahlin, A.C.T. Applied Ecology Research Group. University of Canberra.


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

Appendix A – SLL Capture Data

Key to Tables 7-9:  SV – Snout to vent length of SLL (mm)  TL – Total length of SLL (mm)

Table 9: Capture data from Crace Grassland Nature Reserve

ID GRID TILE SV TL CHECK # DATE C1 1A 14 82 215 1 181012 C2 1A 18 100 212 1 181012 C3 1A 21 78 208 1 181012 C4 1A 21 70 210 5 191112 C5 1A 24 100 320 4 51112 C6 1B 2 95 245 4 51112 C7 1B 2 90 173 7 301112 C8 1B 13 90 250 5 191112 C9 1B 19 85 215 1 181012 C10 1B 35 70 192 1 181012 C11 1B 35 100 290 5 191112 C12 2A 4 75 240 5 151112 C13 2A 6 90 250 5 151112 C14 2A 7 70 210 5 191112 C15 2A 7 85 250 7 291112 C16 2A 8 102 200 1 181012 C17 2A 12 80 270 5 191112 C18 2A 12 105 305 5 151112 C19 2A 15 95 280 5 151112 C20 2A 15 96 282 7 291112 C21 2A 21 95 250 5 151112 C22 2A 25 85 255 4 51112 C23 3A 15 75 216 5 151112 C24 3A 16 72 220 1 181012 C25 3B 20 97 215 2 231012 C26 3B 21 94 275 5 151112 C27 3B 29 95 160 2 231012 C27 3B 29 90 162 5 151112 C28 3B 35 85 245 5 151112 C29 4A 12 75 240 5 151112 C29 4A 12 74 245 7 291112 C30 4A 30 100 235 6 191112 C30 4A 30 105 245 5 151112 C31 4B 27 105 158 2 231012 C32 4B 29 84 253 5 151112 C33 4B 42 95 270 5 151112 C33 4B 42 95 275 6 191112 C34 5A 13 95 270 2 231012


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

ID GRID TILE SV TL CHECK # DATE C35 5B 8 92 275 1 181012 C36 5B 13 95 225 3 291012 C36 5B 13 100 240 4 51112 C36 5B 32 97 228 2 231012 C37 7A 12 70 230 2 231012 C37 7A 12 90 280 3 291012 C38 7A 13 105 170 4 51112 C38 7A 13 105 165 6 31212 C38 7A 15 105 180 7 291112 C39 7A 14 84 265 2 231012 C40 7A 18 65 225 3 291012 C40 7A 18 70 240 7 101212 C41 7A 19 90 205 1 181012 C42 7B 2 92 175 7 291112 C43 7B 8 100 285 6 191112 C44 7B 9 96 285 1 181012 C44 7B 9 95 310 4 51112 C45 7B 10 100 280 3 291012 C45 7B 10 100 270 4 51112 C46 7B 15 80 145 1 181012 C47 7B 15 90 300 1 181012 C47 7B 15 95 310 2 231012 C47 7B 16 90 280 3 291012 C48 7B 20 106 247 7 291112 C49 7B 23 74 240 1 181012 C50 7B 23 70 110 3 291012 C50 7B 23 77 120 5 151112 C51 7B 27 105 290 5 151112 C51 7B 30 105 210 3 291012 C52 7B 37 90 200 6 31212 C52 7B 37 91 204 7 291112 C52 7B 39 90 215 3 291012 C52 7B 50 90 205 4 51112 C53 7B 42 105 180 5 151112 C53 7B 42 110 175 6 191112 C54 7B 43 100 305 1 181012 C54 7B 43 100 210 3 291012 C54 7B 43 110 210 4 51112 C54 7B 43 105 210 5 151112 C55 7B 43 110 205 5 151112 C56 8A 2 72 230 1 181012 C57 8A 3 70 240 6 191112 C58 8A 5 98 270 1 181012 C59 8A 7 90 235 4 51112 C59 8A 7 90 240 7 101212 C60 8A 14 70 214 5 131112 Total of 60 individuals from 84 captures


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

Table 10: Capture data from Gungaderra Grassland Nature Reserve

ID GRID TILE SV TL CHECK # DATE G1 1A 1 90 215 7 51212 G2 1A 11 73 215 5 141112 G3 1A 23 95 300 3 311012 G3 1A 23 95 295 7 291112 G4 1A 24 85 120 6 211112 G5 1A 24 98 n/r 7 291112 G6 1A 25 102 228 5 141112 G7 1A 27 95 190 7 51212 G8 1A 29 85 240 3 311012 G9 1B 1 90 250 5 141112 G10 1B 1 75 230 6 211112 G11 1B 5 100 265 6 211112 G12 1B 7 90 195 6 211112 G13 1B 8 72 220 6 211112 G14 1B 16 90 165 5 141112 G15 1B 16 80 220 6 211112 G16 1B 20 80 200 7 51212 G17 1B 24 90 280 7 291112 G17 1B 24 95 260 7 51212 G18 1B 26 75 240 3 311012 G19 1B 48 75 220 4 91112 G20 1B 48 105 295 7 291112 G21 1B 50 75 220 3 311012 G21 1B 50 75 235 5 141112 G22 2A 8 80 270 4 91112 G22 2A 8 83 252 5 141112 G23 2A 8 74 225 7 291112 G23 2A 9 77 224 5 141112 G24 2A 17 80 270 4 91112 G25 2A 25 98 138 5 141112 G25 2A 25 no no 7 291112 G26 2A 27 105 295 3 311012 G27 2A 28 70 230 3 311012 G28 3A 2 80 250 5 141112 G29 3A 2 75 230 6 211112 G30 3A 7 90 200 3 311012 G30 3A 7 105 210 5 141112 G31 3A 9 85 160 6 211112 G32 3A 12 90 270 6 211112 G33 3A 18 80 260 3 311012 G34 3B 1 90 260 5 141112 G35 3B 4 105 170 5 141112 G35 3B 21 70 260 6 211112 G36 3B 4 100 160 6 211112 G36 3B 7 94 132 7 291112 G36 3B 6 97 165 5 141112


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

ID GRID TILE SV TL CHECK # DATE G37 3B 7 80 170 3 311012 G38 3B 7 90 130 6 211112 G39 3B 11 95 180 3 311012 G40 3B 12 95 295 3 311012 G40 3B 12 97 215 5 141112 G41 3B 14 97 165 5 141112 G42 3B 20 94 210 5 141112 G43 3B 20 90 210 6 211112 G44 3B 22 80 245 3 311012 G45 3B 22 70 160 6 211112 G46 3B 27 60 165 6 211112 G47 3B 36 92 257 5 141112 G47 3B 37 100 260 7 291112 G47 3B 46 90 145 7 51212 G48 3B 36 85 245 6 211112 G48 3B 47 80 180 3 311012 G48 3B 47 91 193 5 141112 G48 3B 47 80 180 7 291112 G48 3B 47 92 195 10 181212 G49 3B 36 95 220 7 291112 G49 4A 1 85 175 4 91112 G49 4A 1 90 175 5 141112 G49 4A 1 90 155 6 211112 G49 4A 2 75 250 6 211112 G50 4A 11 90 260 3 311012 G51 4A 11 90 240 6 211112 G52 4A 20 85 235 4 91112 G52 4B 40 100 195 6 211112 G53 4A 20 95 220 6 211112 G54 4A 24 91 207 2 231012 G55 4A 25 90 280 8 121212 G56 4A 26 105 250 6 211112 G57 4B 6 70 220 4 91112 G57 4B 6 72 248 5 141112 G58 4B 11 90 250 3 311012 G59 4B 37 96 225 5 141112 G59 4B 38 80 230 3 311012 G60 4B 40 98 212 5 141112 G61 4B 48 75 235 3 311012 G62 4B 48 85 270 4 91112 G63 4B 49 80 280 7 291112 G64 5A 2 100 310 2 231012 G65 5A 2 85 270 7 5_12_12 G66 5A 9 90 170 8 121212 G67 5A 11 80 270 5 131112 G68 5A 13 90 160 7 51212 G69 5A 16 90 295 7 51212


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

ID GRID TILE SV TL CHECK # DATE G70 5A 17 85 155 7 51212 G71 5B 1 85 260 7 51212 G72 5B 2 90 290 7 51212 G73 5B 4 90 280 4 91112 G74 5B 17 96 280 4 91112 G75 5B 27 97 275 4 91112 G76 5B 31 95 210 7 291112 G77 5B 35 110 210 6 211112 G78 5B 37 100 280 7 291112 G79 5B 42 80 230 8 121212 G80 6A 2 85 170 7 51212 G81 6A 2 90 172 10 181212 G82 6A 3 95 170 6 211112 G82 6A 3 85 165 7 51212 G83 6A 4 85 194 2 231012 G83 6A 4 80 190 4 91112 G84 6A 8 103 174 7 291112 G85 6A 21 73 218 2 231012 G85 6A 21 70 230 4 91112 G85 6A 21 76 224 5 131112 G86 6A 22 98 210 5 131112 G87 6A 27 90 160 8 121212 G88 6B 2 90 270 8 121212 G89 6B 2 103 200 10 181212 G90 6B 9 80 190 4 91112 G91 6B 20 90 275 4 91112 G92 6B 27 75 225 4 91112 G93 6B 27 95 125 6 211112 G94 6B 27 85 260 7 51212 G95 6B 27 95 150 7 51212 G96 6B 29 95 265 6 211112 G97 6B 35 80 120 2 231012 G98 6B 37 80 265 4 91112 G99 6B 38 90 290 7 291112 G100 6B 46 90 105 6 211112 G101 6B 50 105 225 7 291112 Total of 101 individuals from 129 captures


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

Table 11: Capture data from Mulanggari Grassland Nature Reserve

ID GRID TILE SV TL CHECK # DATE M1 1A 12 97 276 7 301112 M2 1B 4 95 192 5 131112 M3 1B 10 70 195 2 231012 M4 1B 13 70 205 4 61212 M5 1B 14 70 125 4 61212 M6 1B 14 100 185 9 111212 M7 1B 15 80 110 2 231012 M8 1B 24 75 230 3 301012 M9 1B 26 105 250 5 131112 M9 1B 26 105 250 9 111212 M9 1B 26 104 246 10 211212 M10 1B 39 70 208 2 231012 M11 1B 41 90 125 5 131112 M12 3A 2 95 270 7 301112 M13 3A 8 75 215 5 131112 M14 3A 10 90 260 7 301112 M15 3A 12 75 160 5 131112 M16 3A 12 90 280 6 201112 M17 3A 14 88 247 5 131112 M18 3A 14 105 280 7 301112 M19 3A 15 60 175 4 61212 M20 3A 15 90 155 9 111212 M21 3A 23 83 260 4 61212 M22 3B 36 80 125 3 301012 M22 3B 36 80 85 4 61212 M23 3B 7 90 140 4 61212 M23 3B 7 100 140 5 131112 M23 3B 7 95 160 10 211212 M24 3B 8 90 260 5 131112 M25 3B 10 92 204 7 301112 M26 3B 12 100 160 4 61212 M27 3B 17 75 225 4 61212 M28 3B 19 95 277 7 301112 M28 3B 19 90 280 8 41212 M29 3B 20 85 141 7 301112 M30 3B 20 96 150 10 211212 M31 3B 24 75 210 6 201112 M31 3B 33 75 230 8 41212 M31 3B 34 85 230 5 131112 M31 3B 34 76 230 7 301112 M32 3B 25 90 95 4 61212 M33 3B 47 90 270 5 131112 M34 4B 34 80 140 3 301012 M35 5A 5 85 210 9 111212 M36 5A 13 100 7 301112

M36 5A 13 90 120 8 41212


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

ID GRID TILE SV TL CHECK # DATE M37 5A 17 90 235 5 131112 M37 5A 17 90 235 6 201112 M38 5A 19 70 215 9 111212 M39 5A 21 80 235 3 301012 M39 5A 21 80 235 4 61212 M40 5A 21 87 225 5 131112 M40 5A 22 85 215 5 131112 M40 5A 22 90 205 6 201112 M41 5A 23 95 250 5 131112 M41 5A 23 80 240 6 201112 M41 5A 23 83 235 7 301112 M42 5A 27 80 215 4 61212 M43 5A 27 99 269 10 211212 M44 5A 30 92 190 7 301112 M45 5A 30 80 160 8 41212 M46 5B 4 80 185 4 61212 M47 5B 16 76 248 5 131112 M47 5B 16 75 250 6 201112 M48 5B 17 90 270 7 41212 M49 5B 18 96 200 2 231012 M50 5B 19 84 166 2 231012 M51 5B 40 84 162 5 131112 M52 5B 40 90 270 10 211212 M53 5B 45 70 227 7 301112 M54 5B 45 100 215 7 301112 M55 5B 50 80 180 5 131112 M55 5B 50 90 190 2 231012 M56 6A 2 95 215 6 201112 M57 6A 4 90 250 3 301012 M58 6A 15 100 140 3 301012 M59 6A 17 85 269 5 131112 M60 6A 18 85 270 2 231012 M61 6A 18 105 265 7 301112 M62 6A 20 95 190 7 41212 M63 6A 22 95 220 2 231012 M63 6A 22 98 220 5 131112 M64 6A 24 90 180 2 231012 M65 6A 26 97 272 7 301112 M66 6A 27 85 140 3 301012 M67 6A 29 90 270 2 231012 M68 7A 3 94 195 7 301112 M69 7A 6 90 200 2 231012 M70 7A 15 78 155 5 131112 M71 7A 15 90 260 6 201112 M72 7A 18 100 180 7 301112 M73 7A 19 80 220 6 201112 M73 7A 19 80 205 9 111212


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

ID GRID TILE SV TL CHECK # DATE M74 7A 27 100 280 5 131112 M75 8A 1 90 110 7 41212 M76 8A 8 94 155 5 131112 M77 8A 9 90 150 4 61212 M78 8A 10 55 95 4 61212 M79 8A 14 95 290 6 201112 M80 8A 14 100 190 7 301112 M81 8A 15 90 140 3 301012 M82 8A 17 95 240 5 131112 M83 8A 27 70 205 2 231012 M84 8A 29 85 110 9 111212 M85 8B 1 90 155 2 231012 M86 8B 2 103 180 7 301112 M87 8B 9 95 190 7 41212 M88 8B 26 83 115 3 301012 M89 8B 32 100 170 3 301012 M90 8B 34 84 260 2 231012 Total of 90 individuals from 110 captures


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

Appendix B – Other Fauna Captures

Table 12: Other fauna identified from the SLL surveys

SITE GRID TILE SPECIES CHECK # DATE Crace 1A 4 Centipede - Scolopendridae 10 181212 Crace 1A 17 Centipede - Scolopendridae 6 31212 Crace 1A 17 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 101212 Crace 1A 19 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 191112 Crace 1A 20 Delicate Skink 7 101212 Crace 1A 8 Grass Skink 6 31212 Crace 1A 16 Grass Skink 6 31212 Crace 1A 19 Grass Skink 5 191112 Crace 1A 25 Grass Skink 6 31212 Crace 1A 3 Skink 7 101212 Crace 1A 18 Skink 2 231012 Crace 1A 20 Skink 1 181012 Crace 1A 23 Skink 7 101212 Crace 1A 28 Skink 7 101212 Crace 1A 3 Three-toed Skink 10 181212 Crace 1A 5 Three-toed Skink 7 101212 Crace 1A 6 Three-toed Skink 1 181012 Crace 1A 12 Three-toed Skink 1 181012 Crace 1A 12 Three-toed Skink 5 191112 Crace 1A 18 Three-toed Skink 6 31212 Crace 1A 19 Three-toed Skink 10 181212 Crace 1A 24 Three-toed Skink 6 31212 Crace 1A 23 Three-toed Skink 7 291112 Crace 1A 28 Three-toed Skink 6 31212 Crace 1A 29 Three-toed Skink 5 191112 Crace 1A 29 Three-toed Skink 10 181212 Crace 1A 1 Wolf Spider 10 181212 Crace 1B 4 Centipede - Geophilidae 4 51112 Crace 1B 10 Centipede - Geophilidae 6 31212 Crace 1B 23 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 191112 Crace 1B 24 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 191112 Crace 1B 35 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 191112 Crace 1B 37 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 191112 Crace 1B 50 Centipede - Scolopendridae 10 181212 Crace 1B 9 Grass Skink 5 191112 Crace 1B 28 Grass Skink 7 101212 Crace 1B 40 Grass Skink 7 101212 Crace 1B 23 Skink 7 101212


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

Crace 1B 25 Skink 2 231012 Crace 1B 29 Skink 7 101212 SITE GRID TILE SPECIES CHECK # DATE Crace 1B 16 Three-toed Skink 1 181012 Crace 1B 19 Three-toed Skink 3 291012 Crace 1B 19 Three-toed Skink 6 31212 Crace 1B 39 Three-toed Skink 1 181012 Crace 1B 44 Three-toed Skink 1 181012 Crace 2A 6 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 151112 Crace 2A 5 Skink 2 231012 Crace 2A 11 Three-toed Skink 5 151112 Crace 2A 13 Three-toed Skink 5 151112 Crace 2A 13 Three-toed Skink 7 101212 Crace 2A 16 Three-toed Skink 5 151112 Crace 2A 18 Three-toed Skink 5 151112 Crace 2A 23 Three-toed Skink 5 151112 Crace 2A 24 Three-toed Skink 5 151112 Crace 2A 26 Three-toed Skink 5 151112 Crace 2A 30 Three-toed Skink 5 151112 Crace 3A 4 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 291112 Crace 3A 22 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 291112 Crace 3A 14 Grass Skink 5 191112 Crace 3A 23 Grass Skink 6 31212 Crace 3A 29 Grass Skink 7 101212 Crace 3A 8 Redback Spider 7 101212 Crace 3A 13 Three-toed Skink 1 181012 Crace 3A 14 Three-toed Skink 7 101212 Crace 3A 23 Three-toed Skink 10 181212 Crace 3B 45 Delicate Skink 7 101212 Crace 3B 11 Grass Skink 7 101212 Crace 3B 3 Skink 2 231012 Crace 3B 44 Three-toed Skink 5 191112 Crace 3B 3 Wolf Spider 5 191112 Crace 3B 16 wolf Spider 10 181212 Crace 4A 18 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 191112 Crace 4A 21 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 151112 Crace 4A 14 Skink 7 101212 Crace 4A 6 Wolf spider 7 101212 Crace 4A 15 Wolf Spider 5 191112 Crace 4B 3 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 191112 Crace 4B 9 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 151112 Crace 4B 26 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 291112 Crace 4B 20 Three-toed Skink 1 181012 Crace 4B 42 Three-toed Skink 1 181012 Crace 4B 16 Wolf Spider 10 181212 Crace 5A 9 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 101212 Crace 5A 18 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 101212 Crace 5A 27 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 191112 Crace 5A 27 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 291112


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

Crace 5A 28 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 291112 SITE GRID TILE SPECIES CHECK # DATE Crace 5A 1 Delicate Skink 5 151112 Crace 5A 2 Delicate Skink 5 151112 Crace 5A 5 Delicate Skink 5 151112 Crace 5A 13 Delicate Skink 7 101212 Crace 5A 26 Delicate Skink 5 191112 Crace 5A 26 Grass Skink 5 191112 Crace 5A 1 Skink 2 231012 Crace 5A 1 Three-toed Skink 1 181012 Crace 5A 7 Three-toed Skink 1 181012 Crace 5B 2 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 151112 Crace 5B 3 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 291112 Crace 5B 4 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 191112 Crace 5B 4 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 151112 Crace 5B 6 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 191112 Crace 5B 7 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 291112 Crace 5B 9 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 101212 Crace 5B 14 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 291112 Crace 5B 15 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 191112 Crace 5B 15 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 151112 Crace 5B 20 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 191112 Crace 5B 20 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 291112 Crace 5B 21 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 291112 Crace 5B 25 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 51112 Crace 5B 36 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 191112 Crace 5B 36 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 191112 Crace 5B 36 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 151112 Crace 5B 36 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 291112 Crace 5B 36 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 291112 Crace 5B 37 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 151112 Crace 5B 39 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 191112 Crace 5B 41 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 51112 Crace 5B 42 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 51112 Crace 5B 42 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 151112 Crace 5B 1 Grass Skink 7 101212 Crace 5B 9 Grass skink 5 191112 Crace 5B 33 Unknown Skink 4 51112 Crace 5B 18 Wolf Spider 10 181212 Crace 6A 46 Wolf Spider 10 181212 Crace 7A 1 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 191112 Crace 7A 15 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 101212 Crace 7A 16 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 151112 Crace 7A 18 Centipede - Scolopendridae 10 181212 Crace 7A 19 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 51112 Crace 7A 13 Delicate Skink 5 191112 Crace 7A 20 Delicate Skink 3 291012 Crace 7A 10 Grass Skink 6 31212 Crace 7A 14 Skink 2 231012


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

SITE GRID TILE SPECIES CHECK # DATE Crace 7A 14 Three-toed Skink 7 101212 Crace 7A 28 Three-toed Skink 7 101212 Crace 7A 29 Three-toed Skink 1 181012 Crace 7B 3 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 151112 Crace 7B 6 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 101212 Crace 7B 8 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 151112 Crace 7B 9 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 151112 Crace 7B 10 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 151112 Crace 7B 10 Centipede - Scolopendridae 6 31212 Crace 7B 19 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 151112 Crace 7B 20 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 151112 Crace 7B 46 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 101212 Crace 7B 48 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 101212 Crace 7B 49 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 151112 Crace 7B 2 Three-toed Skink 7 101212 Crace 7B 3 Three-toed Skink 7 101212 Crace 8A 25 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 101212 Crace 8A 2 Grass Skink 6 31212 Crace 8A 11 Grass Skink 7 101212 Crace 8A 12 Grass Skink 7 101212 Crace 8A 15 Grass Skink 7 101212 Crace 8A 26 Grass Skink 7 101212 Crace 8A 27 Grass Skink 7 101212 Crace 8A 29 Grass Skink 7 101212 Crace 8A 2 Three-toed Skink 7 101212 Crace 8A 14 Three-toed Skink 1 181012 Crace 8A 23 Wolf Spider 5 191112 Gungaderra 1A 12 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 141112 Gungaderra 1A 19 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 141112 Gungaderra 1A 30 Centipede - Scolopendridae 6 211112 Gungaderra 1A 9 Delicate Skink 3 311012 Gungaderra 1A 9 Dwarf Skink 5 141112 Gungaderra 1A 16 Wolf Spider 6 211112 Gungaderra 1B 4 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 141112 Gungaderra 1B 28 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 141112 Gungaderra 1B 28 Centipede - Scolopendridae 6 211112 Gungaderra 1B 23 Delicate Skink 7 291112 Gungaderra 1B 26 Delicate Skink 4 91112 Gungaderra 1B 31 Delicate Skink 5 141112 Gungaderra 1B 31 Delicate Skink 6 211112 Gungaderra 1B 28 Skink 1 181012 Gungaderra 1B 30 Skink 1 181012 Gungaderra 1B 31 Skink 1 181012 Gungaderra 1B 40 Wolf Spider 7 51212 Gungaderra 1B 50 Wolf Spider 10 181212 Gungaderra 2B 37 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 291112 Gungaderra 2B 32 Delicate Skink 6 211112 SITE GRID TILE SPECIES CHECK # DATE


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

Gungaderra 2B 13 Wolf Spider 10 181212 Gungaderra 2B 19 Wolf Spider 6 211112 Gungaderra 3A 18 Baby Brown Snake 7 51212 Gungaderra 3A 24 Centipede - Geophilidae 7 51212 Gungaderra 3A 7 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 141112 Gungaderra 3A 13 Centipede - Scolopendridae 6 211112 Gungaderra 3A 19 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 91112 Gungaderra 3A 20 Centipede - Scolopendridae 6 211112 Gungaderra 3A 22 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 91112 Gungaderra 3B 31 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 291112 Gungaderra 3B 34 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 91112 Gungaderra 3B 34 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 141112 Gungaderra 3B 34 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 51212 Gungaderra 3B 48 Wolf Spider 6 211112 Gungaderra 4A 11 Centipede - Geophilidae 5 141112 Gungaderra 4A 17 Centipede - Geophilidae 5 141112 Gungaderra 4A 16 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 141112 Gungaderra 4A 29 Skink 1 181012 Gungaderra 4B 2 Boulengers Skink 8 121212 Gungaderra 4B 21 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 141112 Gungaderra 4B 25 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 291112 Gungaderra 4B 45 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 291112 Gungaderra 4B 11 Delicate Skink 5 141112 Gungaderra 4B 36 Delicate Skink 5 141112 Gungaderra 4B 9 Dwarf Skink 5 141112 Gungaderra 4B 22 Wolf Spider 5 141112 Gungaderra 4B 25 Wolf Spider 6 211112 Gungaderra 5A 24 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 51212 Gungaderra 5B 47 Centipede - Geophilidae 8 121212 Gungaderra 5B 10 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 51212 Gungaderra 5B 48 Centipede - Scolopendridae 8 121212 Gungaderra 5B 25 Wolf Spider 6 211112 Gungaderra 5B 34 Wolf Spider 5 131112 Gungaderra 5B 44 Wolf Spider 10 181212 Gungaderra 6A 23 Centipede - Geophilidae 8 121212 Gungaderra 6A 20 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 131112 Gungaderra 6A 14 Wolf Spider 10 181212 Gungaderra 6A 20 Wolf Spider 10 181212 Gungaderra 6A 23 Wolf Spider 5 131112 Gungaderra 6A 25 Wolf Spider 4 91112 Gungaderra 6A 25 Wolf Spider 10 181212 Gungaderra 6B 1 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 131112 Gungaderra 6B 6 Centipede - Scolopendridae 6 211112 Gungaderra 6B 16 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 51212 Gungaderra 6B 17 Centipede - Scolopendridae 8 121212 Gungaderra 6B 28 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 291112 Gungaderra 6B 28 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 51212 SITE GRID TILE SPECIES CHECK # DATE Gungaderra 6B 28 Centipede - Scolopendridae 8 121212


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

Gungaderra 6B 40 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 51212 Gungaderra 6B 44 Centipede - Scolopendridae 8 121212 Gungaderra 6B 50 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 51212 Mulangarri 1A 1 Centipede - Scolopendridae 6 201112 Mulangarri 1A 4 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 1A 4 Centipede - Scolopendridae 10 211212 Mulangarri 1A 11 Centipede - Scolopendridae 9 111212 Mulangarri 1A 12 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 1A 13 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 131112 Mulangarri 1A 26 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 1A 28 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 1A 9 Drawf Skink 3 301012 Mulangarri 1A 9 Three-toed Skink 10 211212 Mulangarri 1A 11 Three-toed Skink 5 131112 Mulangarri 1B 38 Boulenger's Skink 6 201112 Mulangarri 1B 43 Centipede - Geophilidae 4 61112 Mulangarri 1B 1 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 1B 3 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 1B 16 Centipede - Scolopendridae 6 201112 Mulangarri 1B 20 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 1B 27 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 1B 31 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 1B 47 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 1B 47 Centipede - Scolopendridae 6 201112 Mulangarri 1B 30 Three-toed Skink 7 291112 Mulangarri 1B 5 Wolf spider 9 111212 Mulangarri 1B 17 Wolf spider 4 61112 Mulangarri 1B 31 Wolf spider 10 211212 Mulangarri 2A 7 Centipede - Scolopendridae 6 201112 Mulangarri 2A 9 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 131112 Mulangarri 2A 1 Delicate Skink 6 201112 Mulangarri 2A 29 Delicate Skink 9 111212 Mulangarri 2A 28 Spotted Grass Frog 2 231012 Mulangarri 2A 6 Three-toed Skink 1 181012 Mulangarri 2A 11 Three-toed Skink 2 231012 Mulangarri 3A 5 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 3A 8 Centipede - Scolopendridae 5 131112 Mulangarri 3A 9 Centipede - Scolopendridae 7 41212 Mulangarri 3A 11 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 3A 21 Centipede - Scolopendridae 6 201112 Mulangarri 3A 23 Centipede - Scolopendridae 6 201112 Mulangarri 3A 24 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 3A 1 Delicate Skink 6 201112 Mulangarri 3A 16 Wolf Spider 4 61112 Mulangarri 3B 27 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 3B 1 Delicate Skink 6 201112 SITE GRID TILE SPECIES CHECK # DATE Mulangarri 3B 7 Delicate Skink 6 201112 Mulangarri 3B 10 Delicate Skink 4 61112


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

Mulangarri 3B 13 Delicate Skink 6 201112 Mulangarri 3B 23 Delicate Skink 4 61112 Mulangarri 3B 45 Delicate Skink 4 61112 Mulangarri 3B 35 Garden or Boulengers Skink 7 41212 Mulangarri 3B 22 Grass Skink 6 201112 Mulangarri 3B 46 Grass Skink 6 201112 Mulangarri 4A 2 Three-toed Skink 2 231012 Mulangarri 4A 29 Wolf Spider 4 61112 Mulangarri 4B 12 Centipede - Scolopendridae 10 211212 Mulangarri 4B 18 Centipede - Scolopendridae 6 201112 Mulangarri 4B 29 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 4B 30 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 4B 47 Centipede - Scolopendridae 6 201112 Mulangarri 4B 39 Dwarf Skink 5 131112 Mulangarri 4B 3 Three-toed Skink 7 291112 Mulangarri 5A 27 Boulenger's Skink 3 301012 Mulangarri 5A 10 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 5A 8 Dwarf Skink 10 211212 Mulangarri 5A 10 Three-toed Skink 10 211212 Mulangarri 5B 30 Boulenger's Skink 6 201112 Mulangarri 5B 19 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 5B 8 Delicate Skink 10 211212 Mulangarri 5B 33 Delicate Skink 6 201112 Mulangarri 5B 39 Delicate Skink 10 211212 Mulangarri 5B 33 Smooth Toadlet 1 181012 Mulangarri 5B 19 Three-toed Skink 7 291112 Mulangarri 5B 32 Uperoleia sp. 2 231012 Mulangarri 5B 4 Wolf Spider 7 291112 Mulangarri 5B 4 Wolf Spider 10 211212 Mulangarri 5B 5 Wolf Spider 10 211212 Mulangarri 5B 23 Wolf Spider 5 131112 Mulangarri 5B 27 Wolf Spider 5 131112 Mulangarri 5B 29 Wolf Spider 10 211212 Mulangarri 5B 34 Wolf Spider 10 211212 Mulangarri 5B 34 Wolf spider 9 111212 Mulangarri 6A 9 Centipede - Geophilidae 7 291112 Mulangarri 6A 11 Centipede - Geophilidae 5 131112 Mulangarri 6A 18 Centipede - Geophilidae 7 291112 Mulangarri 7A 15 Centipede - Scolopendridae 10 211212 Mulangarri 7A 2 Wolf Spider 7 41212 Mulangarri 7A 2 Wolf Spider 9 111212 Mulangarri 8A 26 Centipede - Geophilidae 7 41212 Mulangarri 8A 10 Three-toed Skink 2 231012 Mulangarri 8B 23 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112 Mulangarri 8B 23 Centipede - Scolopendridae 9 111212 SITE GRID TILE SPECIES CHECK # DATE Mulangarri 8B 27 Centipede - Scolopendridae 9 111212 Mulangarri 8B 37 Centipede - Scolopendridae 9 111212 Mulangarri 8B 50 Centipede - Scolopendridae 4 61112


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

Mulangarri 8B 33 Olive Legless Lizard 5 131112 Mulangarri 8B 41 Olive Legless Lizard 1 181012 Mulangarri 8B 42 Olive Legless Lizard 3 301012


Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserve a r e a s

HEAD OFFICE SYDNEY ST GEORGES BASIN Suite 4, Level 1 Level 6 8/128 Island Point Road 2-4 Merton Street 299 Sussex Street St Georges Basin NSW 2540 Sutherland NSW 2232 Sydney NSW 2000 T 02 4443 5555 T 02 8536 8600 T 02 8536 8650 F 02 4443 6655 F 02 9542 5622 F 02 9264 0717

CANBERRA NEWCASTLE NAROOMA Level 2 Suite 17, Level 4 5/20 Canty Street

11 London Circuit 19 Bolton Street Narooma NSW 2546 Canberra ACT 2601 Newcastle NSW 2300 T 02 4476 1151 T 02 6103 0145 T 02 4910 0125 F 02 4476 1161 F 02 6103 0148 F 02 4910 0126

COFFS HARBOUR ARMIDALE MUDGEE 35 Orlando Street 92 Taylor Street Unit 1, Level 1

Coffs Harbour Jetty NSW 2450 Armidale NSW 2350 79 Market Street T 02 6651 5484 T 02 8081 2681 Mudgee NSW 2850 F 02 6651 6890 F 02 6772 1279 T 02 4302 1230 F 02 6372 9230

PERTH WOLLONGONG GOSFORD Suite 1 & 2 Suite 204, Level 2 Suite 5, Baker One 49 Ord Street 62 Moore Street 1-5 Baker Street

West Perth WA 6005 Austinmer NSW 2515 Gosford NSW 2250 T 08 9227 1070 T 02 4201 2200 T 02 4302 1220 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA P T Y L T D F 08 9322 1358 F 02 4268 4361 F 02 4322 2897 38