Hudson Institute ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Hudson Institute Contents Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014

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2 24 Message from the Chairman, Philanthropy and Culture Tax-deductible contributions and President & CEO to Hudson Institute are a direct 30 investment in our core mission: 4 Hudson Outreach, promoting the strong and National Security Support, and Finances engaged U.S. leadership necessary to secure the vital 14 37 interests of our nation and Economics Management, Scholars, allies—and a better future for and Staff the world as a whole. Please 20 consider supporting Hudson’s Religious Freedom 48 work. For more information, visit and Human Rights Board of Trustees Message from the Chairman, and President & CEO

Major, troubling develop- ments across the globe made 2014 a year like none other in recent memory—presenting challenges that Hudson Institute was uniquely positioned to address head-on. More than fifty years ago, Hudson Institute was founded on the unshake- able conviction that strong, fully engaged U.S. leadership in a part- nership of allied democracies is the indispensable prerequisite for the preservation of global security and human rights. Restoring that leader- Sarah M. Stern, Chairman of the Board of Trustees Kenneth R. Weinstein, President & CEO ship is a vital task, for which Hudson management has aggressively mobi- lized its scholarly and programmatic Hudson Institute was founded on the resources—and Hudson’s board of directors has approved the Institute’s conviction that strong, fully engaged most ambitious growth and modern- ization project in decades. U.S. leadership is the indispensable In 2014, the broader Middle East—from Libya to Pakistan, prerequisite for the preservation of from Syria to sub-Saharan Africa— global security and human rights. was plagued by conflicts of almost unprecedented scale and scope. To help restore that leadership, we Iran, the world’s most implacable state sponsor of terrorism, contin- are undertaking the Institute’s most ued to threaten and interfere with its neighbors, and crept ever closer ambitious growth project in decades. to achieving its ultimate nuclear ambitions. Russia invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea, the first time in the post-Cold War era that the sovereignty of an internationally recognized country on the European

2 continent has been so brutally and featured senior lawmakers and policy- blatantly violated. In the Far East, makers from Congress, the executive Beijing pursued a series of sweeping, branch, the Washington diplomatic extra-legal territorial claims and corps, and overseas governments— military-related construction projects a product of Hudson’s highly success- in the South China Sea that unsettled ful, intensified government relations every other regional government outreach efforts. And all of this work from Japan to Vietnam. reached a sizeable—and still rapidly These unusually dangerous and growing—new audience with the difficult times were made worse, not launch of Hudson’s completely better, by the Obama administration’s redesigned and widely acclaimed widely perceived—and all too often website, social-media platforms, very real—retreat from America’s and email newsletters. traditional role: as leader of the In short, and as further detailed global community of responsible in the following pages of this report, nations, and as determined 2014 was in many respects a banner, opponent of autocracies, rogue breakthrough year for Hudson regimes, and terrorist groups alike. Institute—and for the visibility and Hudson means to do everything it influence of our experts. But the can to help reverse this retreat. In sobering truth remains: Ours is still 2014 we added several new world- a world of enormous risk and uncer- renowned figures to our roster of tainty. The United States confronts experts, like strategist Walter Russell a long list of urgent but unresolved Mead, Middle East scholar and questions of policy and strategy. policy analyst Michael Doran, Much work—hard work—lies ahead. and defense technologist Arthur And Hudson and its experts are ready Herman. We organized important and eager to continue that work. new collaborative research programs, Nothing that Hudson has already like our Center on American Sea- accomplished would have been possi- power, our Kleptocracy Initiative, ble without the financial support of and the Hudson-sponsored Blue our many and generous friends, of Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense, course. We are profoundly grateful for co-chaired by former Senator Joe the invaluable assistance you’ve Lieberman and former Governor provided so far. And we welcome your and Homeland Security Secretary active participation as we redouble Tom Ridge. We dramatically our efforts in 2015 and beyond. expanded our schedule of public events, with nearly 100 different panel discussions and special guest presentations in our Washington conference facilities—and with a SARAH M. STERN regular new program in Manhattan, the Speakers Series, as well. Hudson’s headquarters events attracted more print and broadcast coverage than ever before in our history, and many of those events KENNETH R. WEINSTEIN

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 3 N a t i o n a l S e c u r i t y International events throughout 2014 reinforced the guiding principle of Hudson Institute: that American leadership remains the indispensable foundation of global security and prosperity.

4 Headline-making developments like Russia’s invasion and annexation An F/A-18 Super Hornet prepares of Crimea, the continued expansion and appalling brutality of ISIS, to launch from the flight deck of the the threat of nuclear proliferation in Iran, and China’s newly aggressive aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt territorial claims in international waters of the Western Pacific—along with a during carrier qualifications at sea, host of related issues bubbling just under the surface—all made clear the risks October 30, 2014. and consequences of a passive and uncertain U.S. approach to the world beyond our borders. In the face of these challenges, policymakers, military officials, journalists, and opinion leaders in Washington, D.C. and allied capitals looked to Hudson and its experts for clarity, insight, analysis, and detailed, prescriptive advice about the future. Responding to this need, Hudson added major new talent to its already unpar- alleled national security team, including the bestselling military and diplomatic historian Arthur Herman, National Security Council veteran and noted Middle East specialist Michael Doran, and acclaimed geostrategist Walter Russell Mead. They and their colleagues also made significant new public outreach efforts, so the Institute and its scholars were central and visible in ongoing foreign policy debates as never before—with regular coverage and contributions in newspapers and magazines like , Washington Post, New York Post, Wall

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 5 Hudson Institute Street Journal, , American proper balance between national Interest, Foreign Affairs, Foreign security concerns and freedom of sponsored the fifth Policy, Le Monde, and Jerusalem Post; the press; and numerous other timely, annual Transatlantic interviews on major broadcast news related questions—in the Wall Street networks like CNN, Fox News, PBS, Journal, Washington Post, Weekly Think Tank and C-SPAN; and frequent testimony Standard, American Interest, and in congressional hearing rooms and National Affairs. He was a featured Conference in formal presentations at high-level panelist at a national conference on Brussels, “Rising international conferences. Hudson security and freedom of the press is making a difference. organized by the Paley Center for to the Challenge: Media in and also The West in a More provided frequent television and General National radio commentary on government Complex Global Security Issues secrecy and classification policy. Reflecting on the twenty-fifth Environment,” anniversary of Francis Fukuyama’s in partnership with Senior Fellow Gabriel Schoenfeld, The End of History and the Last Man, an expert on intelligence and privacy Senior Fellow Abram N. Shulsky the Wilfried Martens issues, published regular essays and published a widely discussed and Centre for European analyses—on the controversy sur- much-quoted article in the American rounding Edward Snowden and Interest on the post-Cold War prac- Studies and IRI. NSA surveillance programs; the tical and intellectual standing of lib- eral democracy. Shulsky is currently participating in an ambitious, collab- orative research project on the ram- ifications of modern, cyber-enabled economic warfare. A final report from this project, including Shulsky’s monograph on “Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare and State Actors,” will be published by Hudson in the summer of 2015. Senior Fellow Richard Weitz directs the Institute’s Center for Political-Military Analysis, which focuses on regional security issues— and nuclear, biological, and chemical nonproliferation policies in partic- ular—in Europe, Eurasia, and East Asia. In 2014, Weitz strengthened Hudson’s institutional ties at home and abroad by making formal presen- tations on these subjects at the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses, the China Institute of International Studies, the U.S. Foreign Service Institute, the Carnegie Moscow Center, the Asan Academy, and the before the House Armed Services Opposite: On October 9, 2014, Commander of NATO Defense College in Rome. Subcommittee on Seapower and U.S. Strategic Com mand Admiral Cecil D. Haney His byline appeared regularly in the Projection Forces. spoke to a Hudson audience in New York about National Interest, the Diplomat, Real the importance of strategic deterrence forces. Clear Defense, China Brief, World Above: The Military Sealift Command Politics Review, and the Eurasia Europe, Eurasia, fleet-replenishment oiler USNS John Ericsson Daily Monitor. Weitz also provided and Russia during an operation in the Pacific Ocean with testimony to the Canadian Senate the aircraft carrier USS George Washington. Committee on National Security and Defence about Canada’s role Hudson continued its longstanding in U.S. missile defense programs project to bolster U.S.-European and strategy. relations in 2014—as a revanchist Senior Fellow and Hudson Trustee Russia and homegrown Islamic Jack David delivered a well-received radicalism placed increasing strains lecture at Rutgers University on the on the NATO alliance. Collaborating importance of U.S. military prepar- with Belgium’s Wilfried Martens edness in the maintenance of a stable Centre for European Studies and the and peaceful global order. Adjunct International Republican Institute, Fellow Bryan McGrath, deputy Hudson sponsored the 5th Transat- director of Hudson’s Center for lantic Think Tank Conference in American Seapower, provided regular Brussels (“Rising to the Challenge: media commentary on the national The West in a More Complex Global security consequences of a shrinking Environment”), with Abram Shulsky U.S. Navy and testified about naval and Hudson President & CEO strategy and procurement needs Kenneth Weinstein prominently

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 7 PBS, and Le Monde. He is currently working on a new book, forthcoming from Yale University Press, exploring why Russia has fared so poorly in the post-Soviet era. Senior Fellow Charles Fairbanks published a series of Hudson reports on the Ukraine crisis—and related commentaries in the Wall Street Jour- nal. Senior Fellow Naser Khader was similarly active on the rise of radical- ism in Europe’s Muslim diaspora and on European responses to associated, homegrown terror threats. Senior Fellow Seth Cropsey focused on in- participating in the discussions. 2014, including talks at the Frontline creasingly important energy-security Here at home, Hudson hosted a Club and House of Commons in and defense issues particular to the major symposium on European London, the Foundation Max van der Eastern Mediterranean, moderating regional security dynamics in light Stoel in Rotterdam, and the Lennart a series of Hudson panel discussions; of Vladimir Putin’s announced Meri Conference in Tallinn, Estonia. co-authoring (with Senior Fellow Eric plans to modernize Russia’s nuclear His published commentaries ap- Brown) a major Hudson monograph weapons arsenal; panelists included peared in , on the subject (Energy: The West’s Senior Fellow William Schneider, American Interest, National Review Strategic Opportunity in the Eastern Visiting Fellow Andrei Piontkovsky, Online, and Satter was in- Mediterranean); and travelling to and Martens Centre Deputy terviewed dozens of times on Russia Nicosia, Cyprus, for meetings and Director Roland Freudenstein. by print reporters or on-air hosts from conferences with President Nicos Hudson also launched its (among others) Radio Liberty (whose Anastasiades, Minister of Defense Kleptocracy Initiative (KI) under Russian Service he advises), Voice of Christoforos Fokaides, and other the leadership of Visiting Fellows America, the New York Times, CNN, senior Cypriot officials. Charles Davidson and Julie Davidson, an ambitious project to document and analyze the growing threat posed to Western democracies by autocratic regimes that sustain themselves through corrupt financial practices. KI has already built an extensive network of partnerships with leading outside experts and organizations; has begun publishing its research, policy recommenda- tions, and news updates; and is making plans for an expanded pro- gram of public events, reports, and multimedia presentations in 2015. Senior Fellow David Satter main- tained a busy schedule of lectures and speeches on Russian affairs in

8 Hudson launched Middle East Bloomberg News, Reuters, and the Associated Press. Haqqani also kept its new Kleptocracy and North Africa an active speaking schedule, address- Initiative, an ambitious ing audiences at the Asia Society As large swaths of the Middle East India (Mumbai), Yale University, project to analyze and and North Africa remained con- Harvard University, the Chicago document the growing vulsed by political instability Council on Global Affairs, the Milken and violence in 2014, Hudson’s Institute Global Conference (Los threat posed to unmatched team of experts was con- Angeles), the Los Angeles World Western democracies stantly on call to provide historical Affairs Council, and the National background, sophisticated analysis, Defense University in Washington, by autocratic regimes clear public commentary, and fresh D.C. And he was a regular prime-time that sustain themselves research findings on the region and guest on CNN, PBS NewsHour, BBC, its myriad problems. France 24, and CNBC. through corrupt Senior Fellow Husain Haqqani, Shortly after arriving at Hudson in financial practices. former Pakistani ambassador to the November, Senior Fellow Michael United States, was much in demand Doran testified before the Senate Opposite from left: as an internationally recognized Foreign Relations Committee on the Ken Weinstein, Andrei Piontkovsky, Roland authority on religious extremism, Iranian nuclear program. Doran’s Freudenstein, and William Schneider on terrorism, and South Asian politics penetrating analysis of President October 1, 2014, at a panel discussion on and regional security. In 2014, he Jimmy Carter’s Camp David Summit regional and global security dynamics in light published frequent and widely noted (Menachem Begin’s Zionist Legacy) was of Vladimir Putin’s announced plans to mod- essays—on the U.S.-Pakistan relation- published as an e-book in December. ernize Russia’s nuclear weapons arsenal. ship; India and its new prime minis- He also completed a major new essay Below: ter, Narendra Modi; and Islamic (forthcoming in Mosaic Magazine in A Hull Maintenance Technician removes a radicalism, for example—in the February 2015) that reviews the bracket in the hangar bay of the aircraft Wall Street Journal, Foreign Policy, Obama administration’s approach to carrier USS Harry S. Truman in the the Daily Telegraph, Newsweek, Iran since 2009 and suggests that the Mediterranean Sea, 2014. Huffington Post, Financial Times, president has a much more coherent

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 9 and deliberate Middle East strategy The Theologico-Political Questions than is commonly assumed—one in examined the internal dynamics of which a questionable “détente” with Islamism through detailed analysis Iran plays a central role. of its leading figures’ personal and Senior Fellow Samuel Tadros is institutional relationships and poli- fast securing his place as a leading tical and theological disagreements. thinker and analyst of modern Egypt- Throughout 2014 Senior Fellow ian politics in both its “mainstream” Hillel Fradkin, director of Hudson’s and explicitly Islamist forms. In Center on Religion, Democracy and 2014, Tadros published his second the Future of the Muslim World, book, Reflections on the Revolution in focused particularly on the historical Egypt, which provoked considerable and contemporary conflict between discussion among experts in the field Sunni and Shiite Islam. Fradkin —and was extensively excerpted in conducted policy briefings for govern- the Hoover Institution’s online mag- ment officials and policy analysts in azine Defining Ideas, in the National the United States, U.K., France, Israel, Endowment for Democracy’s Dem- India, Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey on ocracy Digest, and on the Australian threats posed by the Sunni-Shiite Broadcasting Corporation’s website. struggle; addressed the subject on Tadros also published a number of Capitol Hill and at the British essays in Hudson’s flagship magazine Parliament; and published a series Current Trends in Islamist Ideology, of related articles and essays with along with two full-length Hudson Hudson Senior Vice President Lewis monographs that were instantly Libby. Fradkin’s forthcoming work in hailed as landmark reference works 2015 includes a major report for the for scholars of political Islamism. Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment Mapping Egyptian Islamism profiled (prepared in collaboration with Libby 128 individuals, groups, and cur- and Hudson Senior Fellows Eric rents of thought that form the basic Brown and Charles Fairbanks) on architecture of Egypt’s complex the Sunni-Shiite conflict’s effects Islamist scene. Islamist vs. Islamist: on the modern Middle East.

10 Senior Fellow Samuel Tadros is fast securing his place as a leading thinker and analyst of modern Egyptian politics in both its “mainstream” and explicitly Islamist forms.

Eric Brown also began work on lengthy retrospective analysis of the two major Middle East-related re- Gaza conflict for the Begin-Sadat search projects in 2014. The first Center for Strategic Studies. Senior will examine how and to what extent Fellow Douglas J. Feith, director of present-day internal conflicts and Hudson’s Center for National Secu- rivalries will shape the region’s future rity Strategies, published Middle security environment. A second East-related op-eds and reviews in study, which Brown and Samuel Foreign Policy, National Review, Tadros are conducting together, will Politico magazine, and the Wall Street explore America’s severely strained Journal; was interviewed by print alliances structures throughout the and broadcast outlets like Fox News, Top: Hudson Chairman Emeritus Walter Stern Middle East and South Asia—from Nikkei, and Politico; provided num- and former Vice President Dick Cheney the Maghreb to the Indian subcon- erous private briefings to members discussed nuclear security challenges at a tinent—and propose new strategies of Congress and their staffs; and Hudson luncheon in New York on May 7, 2014. and tools to revitalize and strengthen was a featured participant in several Opposite: Lee Smith, David Albright, and Hillel these U.S. security partnerships on a major academic conferences. Feith is Fradkin discussed the costs and benefits of lasting basis. currently at work on a comprehensive the prospective U.S.-Iran Nuclear Deal at a Senior Fellow Lee Smith moder- history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Hudson panel on November 19, 2014. ated a regular series of Hudson panel Visiting Fellow Ann Marlowe Below from left: Alan Bersin (third from left), discussions on U.S. Middle East spent much of 2015—when the Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and policy in 2014 and contributed unstable local political situation Chief Diplomatic Representative in the U.S. frequent opinion pieces on the topic permitted—assisting the State of Department of Homeland Security, met with to the Weekly Standard and Tablet Libya’s Litigation Department with Kenneth Weinstein, Christopher Sands, and magazine. Senior Fellow and Trustee vital asset recovery efforts. Marlowe William Luti on October 6, 2014. Emeritus Max Singer produced a also provided frequent media com- mentary and analysis about devel- Chinese Strategy, produced a series Above: opments in Libya—discussing the of essays on U.S. China policy (for Sailors man the rails of the amphibious assault kidnapping and subsequent murder Foreign Policy, the Wall Street Journal, ship USS Peleliu in the Rim of the Pacific. of American-Israeli journalist Steve and Fox News, among others); partic- Below: Sotloff on Fox News, for example— ipated in a Hudson panel discussion Marines at an all-hands call aboard USS and contributed essays to the Wall on “The Current State of U.S.-Taiwan Peleliu i n Okinawa. Street Journal, Daily Beast, Weekly Security Relations”; and completed Opposite from left: Standard, and Tablet. work on a major new book, The Gen. Ronald Keys, Arthur Herman, Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Kenneth Weinstein, William Schneider, Secret Strategy to Replace America as and Lewis Libby at a workshop on Asian Asia and the Pacific the Global Superpower, which will be security challenges hosted by the Asian published in early 2015. Forum Japan and Hudson Institute in As China’s unabated military build- Senior Fellow John Lee continued Tokyo on December 1, 2014. up and newly assertive territorial his work on China’s East Asian eco- claims in the East and South China nomic and strategic relations, Japan’s Seas created growing pan-Asian increasing prominence in the region nervousness and instability in 2014, under Prime Minister Shinzo– Abe, fu- Hudson intensified its work to foster ture economic and strategic dynamics broader and deeper diplomatic, in the Indo-Pacific, and relevant U.S. economic, and military support for policy responses. Lee produced four Japan and other U.S. regional allies. lengthy monographs on these issues Senior Fellow Michael Pillsbury, in 2014, including “Keeping the director of Hudson’s Center for Peace in the Pacific” (with Senior

12 Fellow Charles Horner)—along with foreign policies. His landmark essay, academic presentations across the a dozen lengthy essays and more than “Time Is Ripe for Stronger U.S.-Japan United States, and attended an Ex- fifty opinion pieces published in lead- Defense Ties,” which appeared in the ecutive Education Seminar on South ing American, Asian, and Australian Wall Street Journal in July, led directly Asia at Harvard University in April. newspapers and magazines. Lee was to a series of meetings between Projects for 2015 include Pande’s also a frequent guest expert on CNN, defense officials in the United States forthcoming book, Ideas, Individuals ABC, CNBC, and various Asia- and and their counterparts in Japan, & Institutions that Shaped India’s Australia-based television networks. including special advisors to Prime Foreign Policy, and chapters for His private briefings included presen- Minister Abe. Herman’s subsequent inclusion in books about India- tations to the U.S.-China Economic articles on Japan and U.S. defense Pakistan relations and Pakistan’s and Security Review Commission policy were published in the Wall ties with Saudi Arabia and China. and senior government officials from Street Journal Asia and Nikkei Asian Australia, Japan, Singapore, and the Review. Herman’s major current United States. project at Hudson, promoting a The Americas Senior Fellow Charles Horner formal Defense Trade Cooperation completed volume II of his book Treaty with Japan, promises to In 2014, Hudson scholars continued Rising China and Its Postmodern Fate: transform the collective security to provide research and analysis of Grandeur and Peril in the Next World picture in East Asia. major economic, political, and social Order, which will be published by Husain Haqqani, along with developments in Central and South E. J. Brill in 2015. He and Senior Research Fellow Aparna Pande, America. Senior Fellow Jaime Fellow Eric Brown continued to launched Hudson Institute’s new In- Daremblum, director of the collaborate on Hudson’s pioneering dia and Globalization Initiative in Institute’s Center for Latin American work in the field of Sino-Islamic 2014. Two major conferences were Studies, moderated expert panels relations, research that examines organized, one in Delhi in March, and on the future of Argentina; gang the multi-tiered connection between a second in Bangalore in August. The problems in Central America; and China and Islam and the likely effect March conference produced an im- challenges to democracy in Latin of that connection on America’s portant collection of essays edited by America posed by neo-authoritarian future worldwide strategic position. Haqqani and published by Hudson, movements in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Senior Fellow Arthur Herman has “India and the Global Economy.” Bolivia, and Ecuador. Daremblum attracted attention on both sides of Pande, director of Hudson’s Initiative is a regular contributor on Latin the Pacific as a cogent analyst of on the Future of India and South American politics, economics, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo– Asia, published widely throughout the and foreign policy for the Weekly Abe’s new proactive defense and year, delivered regular lectures and Standard and La Nación. Economics Hudson experts produced cutting-edge research on energy policy, regulatory trends in the tech industry, and the status of congressional authority in the American constitutional order.

14 Innovation, Distinguished Fellow Christopher DeMuth was active on many issues of both immediate and long-term significance in 2014, Budget, and including the status of democratic capitalism in contemporary political culture; government regulation and the growth of executive power; Regulation the nature and consequences of current public debt obligations; and the decline—and possible revival—of Congress’ Article I authority in our constitutional order. DeMuth’s widely read National Review essay, “Our Democratic Debt,” prompted extensive, high-level conversation and debate in Washington’s policymaking community. His Wall Street Journal op-ed page commentary, “Capital for the Masses,” was among the first substantial and detailed American critiques of Thomas Piketty’s bestselling Capital in the Twenty-First Century. DeMuth also delivered a major lecture on the subject in Europe, “After Piketty: A Capitalist Manifesto,” at a conference in Budapest, Hungary, sponsored by the Danube Institute and Corvinus University. In addition to his public writing and lecture activities, DeMuth main- tained a regular schedule of formal and informal private briefing sessions with members of Congress and senior congressional staff. He also prepared (with Professor Michael Greve of George Mason University School of Law) an important new research initiative on “Government Finance through Agency Taxation and For-Profit Law Enforcement,” which was presented and discussed at a major academic conference on rent-seeking organized by Steven Teles at Johns Hopkins University.

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 15 Wireless Law; ICANN President and CEO Business, C-SPAN, Wall Street Jour- Fadi Chehadé; Assistant Secretary nal Live, Bloomberg, and MSNBC. Communication of Commerce Lawrence Strickling; and the Economics Ambassador Daniel A. Sepulveda; of the Internet Rep. Anna Eshoo of California, Environmental ranking Democrat on the House and Energy Policy Energy and Commerce Committee’s In 2014, Hudson’s Center for the Subcommittee on Communications Economics of the Internet convened and Technology; Hudson Institute Visiting Fellow Lee Lane continued and hosted six conferences featuring Research Associate Jeffrey Li; and his work on a wide range of energy- distinguished speakers from govern- Professor Thomas Hazlett of policy issues. Early in the year, Lane ment and academia. Moderated by Clemson University. submitted extended comments to Center director and Senior Fellow With research assistance from the National Academy of Sciences Harold Furchtgott-Roth and Senior Jeff Li, Furchtgott-Roth also released in connection with a forthcoming Fellow Robert McDowell, these a series of studies on the economics National Research Council report— conferences showcased cutting-edge of the internet. He and McDowell co-sponsored by the U.S. intelligence research and expert commentary were regular contributors to Forbes community, NASA, NOAA, and the from leading figures in tech-related and the Wall Street Journal. And Department of Energy—on “climate policymaking and private industry. McDowell provided testimony on intervention” as a means to mitigate Featured speakers included current telecommunications policy to a the effects of greenhouse gas emis- FCC Commissioner Michael number of congressional committees sions. Lane’s analysis, subsequently O’Rielly; Professor Adam Mossoff of —and was a frequent on-air guest expanded and published by Hudson George Mason University School of analyst for PBS NewsHour, Fox as “Questions about the Geopolitics

16 Lee Lane moderated a of Climate Engineering,” urged and the Wilson Center. In December Hudson conference on policymakers to remain cautious he organized and moderated a con- about still-untested climate-change ference at Hudson’s headquarters “Bipartisan Energy strategies, like carbon dioxide (“Bipartisan Energy Policy: The Policy: The Solution or removal or albedo-modification Solution or the Problem?”) featuring techniques, whose success would Butler University’s Peter Grossman, the Problem?” featuring require major foreign actors like author of U.S. Energy Policy and Butler University’s Peter China, Russia, India, and Brazil to the Pursuit of Failure; W. David surrender their immediate economic Montgom ery, senior vice president Grossman, author of interests and agree to necessarily of NERA Economic Consulting; U.S. Energy Policy and stringent international oversight. and Hudson Distinguished Fellow the Pursuit of Failure; For now, Lane concluded, U.S. Christopher DeMuth. And through- policy should remain focused on out the year, Lane offered expert W. David Montgomery, greenhouse gas mitigation goals that energy policy analysis to U.S. and senior vice president America and other cooperating na- European radio and television tions are prepared to pursue—and can news networks. of NERA Economic realistically achieve—on their own. For 2015, Lee Lane is planning Consulting; and Other publications by Lee Lane a presentation on energy logistics in 2014 included “An Institutional and multimodal freight systems Christopher DeMuth. Critique of New Climate Scenarios” for the annual meeting of the in the scholarly journal Climate Transportation Research Board; a Change and “Toward a Conservative longer Hudson monograph on that Policy on Climate Change” in the subject (“Moving Crude Oil, Volatile Opposite from left: New Atlantis. In September Lane Price, and Sticky Policies”); in-depth FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly with addressed a major international con- assessments of the regulatory regimes Harold Furchtgott-Roth at a Hudson ference co-hosted by the European governing oil and gas production conference showcasing cutting-edge Trans-Disciplinary Assessment of from the Outer Continental Shelf research from leading figures in tech-related Climate Engineering, the Washing- and onshore private and federal policymaking and private industry. ton Geoengineering Consortium, land; and follow-up work focusing on

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 17 Top from left: Rep. Gene Green (D-TX) and Christopher Sands discussed the Keystone XL pipeline on May 29, 2014. Middle from left: Christopher DeMuth, former Sen. Don Nickles, and Arthur Herman at an event on the constitutional balance of power between the executive and legislative branches on December 17, 2014. Bottom from left: Amb. Daniel Sepulveda, Fadi Chehadé, Harold Furchtgott-Roth, Lawrence Strickling, and Robert McDowell at a Hudson event on future of Internet governance on April 4, 2014 following the announced proposal to transition the U.S. government’s stewardship of the Internet’s Domain Name System. Opposite page: Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) spoke at Hudson about net neutrality, the future of Internet governance, and spectrum auctions on September 18, 2014.

18 oil-transport regulation in particular. John C. Weicher wrote and spoke years, accounting for both the eco- Senior Fellow Christopher Sands, about the eightieth anniversary of nomic expansion of the early 1980s director of Hudson’s Initiative on the Federal Housing Administration, and the post-2007 Great Recession North American Competitiveness, which he directed as commissioner and subsequent weak recovery. spent most of 2014 working on from 2001 to 2005, and the fortieth issues related to continental energy anniversary of the Community and economic integration. No issue Development Block Grant (CDBG), General generated more debate than the which was enacted while he was Economic Policy proposed Keystone XL pipeline chief economist at the Department extension, which has been awaiting of Housing and Urban Development. a necessary, State Department-issued Weicher’s analyses of both programs, Senior Fellow Irwin Stelzer, “Presidential Permit” for construc- and projections for their future, were director of Hudson’s Economic tion since 2008. Sands contributed presented at multiple academic and Policy Studies Group, spent 2014 frequent commentary on the contro- policy conferences and subsequently preparing a forthcoming book on the versy to the National Interest, Energy appeared in symposia published by relevance of conservative principles magazine, The Hill, and numerous the journal Housing Policy Debate. to a broad range of contemporary U.S. and Canadian broadcast news Weicher, who serves on the Fed- economic problems; chairing econo- networks. In May, after President eral Deposit Insurance Corporation’s mic policy sessions with Sen. Jeff Obama vetoed a bipartisan bill to Advisory Committee on Economic Flake and former Sen. Jon Kyl in authorize construction of the Inclusion, also continued to supervise Arizona; making regular bi-weekly Keystone XL extension without a Hudson’s MacArthur Foundation- broadcasts for the BBC World State Department permit, Sands supported project on “The Long- Service; and writing a series of wide- hosted a Hudson event featuring Term Dynamics of Affordable Rental ly cited articles and essays on the Rep. Gene Green of Texas, one of Housing,” a detailed study of the sta- advantages of adopting a relatively the senior Democrats on the House tus and importance of federal hous- simple, revenue-neutral carbon tax Energy and Commerce Committee, ing assistance programs and privately in place of multiple, piecemeal and the principal co-sponsor of owned housing over the past thirty environmental regulations. pending bipartisan legislation to reform and modernize the permitting process for cross-border energy-trans- mission projects. Sands also com- pleted a State Department-sponsored speaking tour of Canada, discussing a variety of bilateral energy-related trade issues, including “social license to operate” and infrastructure planning and finance practices.


Significant housing policy anniver- saries occurred in 2014, and Hudson’s Center for Housing and Financial Markets participated in several commemorative events. Center director and Senior Fellow

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 Religious Freedom Hudson’s Center for Religious Freedom (CRF) is recognized internationally for its reporting about ongoing and emerging threats to religious liberty abroad.

20 and Human Rights

Religious Persecution

Hudson’s Center for Religious Freedom (CRF) is internationally recognized for its reporting and scholarship about ongoing and emerging threats to religious liberty abroad—and its advocacy of effective American policies to deter and combat religious persecution. In 2014, CRF and its scholars focused particular attention on the con- tinuing threat to freedom of speech and religious exercise posed by violent Islamic extremism. CRF director and Hudson Senior Fellow Nina Shea convened a series of high-profile Hudson events featuring presentations by leading guest experts and by victims of attacks. Panelists included Dr. Mark Durie, human rights activist and fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, on the movement to impose international legal bans on expressions of “Islamophobia”; human rights lawyer and activist Emmanuel Ogebe on Boko Haram’s persecution of Christian villagers in northern Nigeria; two teenage girls who survived a Boko Haram assault on the village of Chibok; and Dr. Amal Marogy of Cambridge University and the Aradin Charitable Trust, which is working to preserve the Middle East’s endangered Aramaic and Christian cultural heritage from vandalism and destruction by ISIS. CRF outreach efforts included a bipartisan May event on Capitol Hill—organized by Shea in collaboration with Reps. Frank Wolf (R-VA) and Anna Eshoo (D-CA)—to launch the “Pledge of Solidarity on Behalf of Persecuted Iraqi, Syrian, and Egyptian Christians and other Minorities,” a detailed roadmap for diplomatic and humanitarian-aid action in response to the crisis. Shea met Pope Francis to discuss the plight of beleaguered Middle East Christian communities in June (and at the Vatican’s request submitted an extensive research paper about ongoing religious cleansing in general); served as one of four expert panelists at the November “Symposium on the Protection of Religious Minorities Worldwide” organized by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and Pax Romana at the U.N.’s Eco- nomic and Social Council (ECOSOC) chamber; lectured at the New York Bar Association; provided numerous private briefings for journalists, members of Congress and

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 21 their staffs, and the new U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for Interna- tional Religious Freedom, Rabbi David Saperstein; and continued to contribute her own regular reporting and opinion pieces to the Wall Street Journal, National Review Online, Fox News, the Daily Beast, the Weekly Standard, and other major print and broadcast outlets. Early in 2014, CRF Senior Fellow Paul Marshall traveled extensively through Egypt, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai, lecturing on the parallel importance of religious and political freedom in the Muslim world, and meeting with important This page: Members of the Greek Orthodox clergy at the St. George Monastery in Wadi Qelt, journalists, religious leaders, human in the Judean desert; Nina Shea meeting Pope Francis. rights organizations, and academic Opposite from left: Samuel Tadros; Deborah Peters, survivor of a Boko Haram attack; and Dr. scholars. Marshall then spent much Amal Marogy of the Aradin Charitable Trust.

Early in 2014 CRF Senior Fellow Paul Marshall traveled extensively through Egypt, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai, lecturing on the parallel importance of religious and political freedom in the Muslim world. of the second half of 2014 in Indone- monograph Motherland Lost: The delegitimize Israel. In 2014, Gilbert sia, which has undertaken a national Egyptian and Coptic Quest for produced roughly two dozen essays campaign to combat radicalization Modernity received the Washington on these and related subjects for Fox of its enormous Muslim majority. As Institute for Near East Policy’s News, the Jerusalem Post, Hadassah, a newly appointed visiting professor annual Bronze Prize book award Huffington Post, United with Israel, at Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State for Middle East scholarship— and Zenit Online. University in Jakarta, he initiated and Tadros lectured on the Coptic a three-year graduate program on predicament at both Harvard and Indonesia, Islam, and religious free- Georgetown universities. He also Political dom. Marshall also became a senior published a penetrating analysis Repression fellow at Jakarta’s Leimena Institute, of the sources and history of delivered a series of lectures at major Egyptian anti-Semitism in the regional universities throughout American Interest; that essay is Building on the work begun in her Indonesia, and forged strong ties being translated into Arabic for acclaimed book Escape from North with the country’s government republication in a book produced Korea, Hudson Senior Fellow officials and agencies, NGOs, think for international distribution by Melanie Kirkpatrick, a frequent tanks, and Muslim and Christian the Simon Wiesenthal Center. contributor to the Wall Street religious leaders and organizations. Adjunct Fellow Lela Gilbert Journal, continued to raise inter- And in August, Marshall was invited (active with both CRF and Hudson’s national awareness about the North to address the UNAOC Forum in Center on Islam, Democracy, and Korean government’s catastrophic Bali at a session with U.N. Secretary- the Future of the Muslim World) is human rights record through regular General Ban Ki-moon. an award-winning writer and public broadcast-news interviews—and in In addition to his broader Hudson speaker whose work focuses on an important, widely discussed new research on political and intellectual interfaith understanding in the essay for Foreign Policy, “China is developments in the Middle East Middle East, the expulsion of Jews Complicit in North Korea’s Human (described in the National Security from Muslim-majority territories Rights Abuses,” which details how section of this report), CRF Senior throughout the region since the Beijing systematically denies refugee Fellow Samuel Tadros continued to mid-twentieth century, global status to North Korean escapees win honors for his work on the partic- persecution of Christians, and inter- while simultaneously permitting ular problem of religious intolerance national efforts—especially in Europe Pyongyang’s state security apparatus in Egypt. His widely celebrated and the Islamic world—to isolate and to hunt them down on Chinese soil.

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 23 Philanthropy, Society, and Culture Hudson’s authoritative research on philanthropy, public health and safety, and American identity won worldwide notice and acclaim.

24 American Culture Public Diplomacy in many years.” aims to touch both hearts and minds and Identity Hudson’s ongoing project in on the subject of American ideals, civic education, What So Proudly American identity and national We Hail (WSPWH), offers e-curricula character, and the virtues and Visiting Fellow Martha and a dedicated website of related aspirations of our civic life. Bayles’ latest book, resources ( On Constitution Day (September Through a Screen Darkly: designed to enrich classroom instruc- 17, the 225th anniversary of the Popular Culture, Public Diplomacy, tion in American history, civics, drafting of the Bill of Rights), and America’s Image Abroad (Yale social studies, and language arts. WSPWH—in alliance with twenty- University Press, January 2014), Inspired by the widely praised five other nonprofit, nonpartisan was published to broad acclaim— anthology of the same name—a organizations—helped launch described by the Weekly Standard collection of classic American the Civics Renewal Network as “a brilliant and courageous stories, speeches, and songs edited ( to pro- meditation on the difficulty of by Senior Fellow Amy Kass, her mote the “Preamble Challenge” for communication between modern husband Leon Kass of the American students and expand the availability and traditional societies,” and by Enterprise Institute, and Loyola of free online classroom materials American Diplomacy as “the freshest University Maryland political science for civics education. WSPWH also and most original treatment of U.S. professor Diana Schaub—WSPWH added two new teacher-created

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 25 lesson plans to its own curricular pro- Review, National Review Online, Philanthropy” at the WINGS Forum gram in 2014, “Understanding Fed- and the Claremont Review of Books. in Istanbul, Turkey. And Hudson eralist 10” and “Benjamin Franklin’s Research Fellow Jesse Barnett ‘Project for Moral Perfection.’” Two delivered a paper on “Measuring the more curricular units are under dev- Global Philanthropy Philanthropic Environment Across elopment for 2015, one on President and Development Nations: Methodology and Prelimi- Abraham Lincoln and another on the nary Results” to the International history and meaning of major public Society for Third-Sector Research monuments in Washington, D.C., Hudson’s Center for Global Prosper- (ISTR) Conference in Muenster, and throughout the country. ity (CGP) continued its pioneering Germany. Senior Fellow John Fonte, director efforts to promote worldwide aware- Here in the States, CGP and the of Hudson’s Center for American ness of the central role played by Aga Khan Foundation USA organized Common Culture, was active private-sector actors—for-profit and a major April symposium at Hudson throughout 2014 as a guest lecturer not-for-profit alike—in the creation of on “Philanthropy for Civil Society in and featured speaker on subjects economic growth and prosperity on Pakistan” with panelists including related to his prize-winning book both a nation-by-nation and regional CGP director and Senior Fellow Carol Sovereignty or Submission: Will basis. CGP research was presented at Adelman; Aga Khan Foundation USA Americans Rule Themselves or Be two major international conferences Chief Executive Officer Mirza Jahani; Ruled by Others? Fonte also spoke on in 2014. Former CGP deputy director and Shamsh Kassim-Lakha, chair- immigration policy in December at a and Hudson Research Fellow Yulya man of the Pakistan Centre for major Hudson symposium televised Spantchak (with Tao Ze of the China Philanthropy. Adelman also presided by C-SPAN and published regular Foundation Center) addressed a over a forum on the future of food articles and essays in National session on “Growth in Cross-Border and agriculture at the invitation of

Hudson’s Center for Global Prosperity (CGP) continued its pioneering efforts to promote worldwide awareness of the central role played by private-sector actors—for-profit and not-for-profit alike—in the creation of economic growth and prosperity on both a nation-by-nation and regional basis. the Council on Foreign Relations. researchers, multilateral and bilateral view and providing a regular collegial Work was meanwhile underway institutions, active foundations and platform for hundreds of distin- on CGP’s Index of Philanthropic philanthropies, and other independ- guished guest speakers—including Freedom, a first-of-its-kind report that ent think tanks. The forthcoming virtually every leading expert in the will examine and rank the legal and Index of Philanthropic Freedom— field. During 2014, the Bradley regulatory environment for philan- scheduled for release in summer Center’s twelfth and concluding thropy in more than sixty countries 2015, with launch events in both year, Schambra and assistant director across the globe. This study will fill a Washington, D.C., and New York— Kristen McIntyre added to this rich major gap in development policy and is now being supported by the John legacy, organizing public events philanthropic research by surveying Templeton Foundation, Canada’s about James Joyce’s short story “The barriers and incentives to philan- International Development Research Dead” and its famous description of thropic giving in three main areas: Centre, the Charles Stewart Mott life in a “thought-tormented age;” the ease of registering and operating Foundation, the Bristol-Myers Squibb author Nina Munk’s important civil society organizations (CSOs); Foundation, and the Bill and book The Idealist: Jeffrey Sachs and domestic tax policies for individual Melinda Gates Foundation. the Quest to End Poverty; the latest and corporate deductions, credits, annual results from Giving USA, and exemptions; and the ease of American philanthropy’s oldest sending and receiving cash and Philanthropy continuing data-collection project; in-kind goods across borders. CGP’s and Civic Renewal and newly developed public-opinion Index project—and the concept of research (commissioned in conjunc- indicator-based competition in tion with Public Citizen) on the in- philanthropy on which it’s based— During its first eleven years at terconnected questions of nonprofit has earned significant and growing Hudson Institute under the direction political activity, free speech, and interest among international devel- of Senior Fellow William Schambra, Internal Revenue Service regulation. opment practitioners, academic the Bradley Center for Philanthropy As a fitting summa to its many and Civil Society hosted more than years of excellent work, the Bradley Opposite: Carol Adelman and Shamsh 140 panel discussions on all aspects Center convened its final Hudson Kassim-Lakha spoke at the Hudson of philanthropy and the nonprofit symposium, “The Historical Split symposium,“Philanthropy for Civil Society sector, approaching them from a rich Between Charity and Philanthropy,” in Pakistan,” on April 17, 2014. variety of disciplines and points of on November 4, 2014. The event

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 27 Under the direction of William Schambra, Hudson’s Bradley Center for Philanthropy and Civil Society hosted more than150events over the last twelve years providing an unequalled contribution to the theory and practice of American philanthropy, and covering all aspects of charitable giving and the nonprofit sector. marked the publication and release and his colleagues and collaborators Center has quickly become a major of Both More and No More: The for their signal contribution to the voice in domestic and international Historical Split between Charity theory and practice of American drug-control and substance-abuse and Philanthropy, a Bradley- philanthropy—and to the Lynde and policy, and a regular source of infor- commissioned monograph (and Harry Bradley Foundation, whose mation, analysis, and advice for the first thoroughgoing history of sponsorship and financial support news outlets and policymakers alike. the subject) by Benjamin Soskis of made that contribution possible. Articles by Walters and Murray have George Mason University’s Center appeared in large-circulation dailies for Nonprofit Management, Phil- like the New York Post, Houston anthropy, and Policy. Soskis’ study Public Safety Chronicle, Miami Herald, and San celebrates the modern American Diego Union Tribune—and in influ- foundation’s proudest claim as an and Health Policy ential magazines like Politico, the institution: that it practices philan- Weekly Standard, and The Hill. Both thropy, which aims to solve problems men are frequently consulted and at their source, rather than charity, In April, 2014, Hudson Institute quoted by print reporters working which merely mitigates them as launched its Center for Substance on drug-related stories, and both best it can. Abuse Policy Research (CSAPR) led are frequently requested interview Now that the Bradley Center has by Hudson Chief Operating Officer guests on broadcast networks like officially closed its doors, Hudson John P. Walters and Senior Fellow CNN, NPR, and Fox News. Behind extends its deepest appreciation to David W. Murray, both former top the scenes, Walters and Murray are William Schambra (who will remain officials at the White House Office of in active contact with key congres- with the Institute as a senior fellow) National Drug Control Policy. The sional policymakers, offering guid-

28 ance on drug control issues to top Beverages Fuel Growth at Healthy explained in his May Hudson brief- staffers working with Sens. Manchin, Weight Commitment Foundation ing paper, “How to Sustain Sound Cruz, Grassley, and Feinstein, and Companies” (co-authored by Cardello Dietary Guidelines,” DGAC has lately Reps. Upton and Ryan, for example. and Jeffrey Wolfson), generated made an unusual decision to expand CSAPR plans for 2015 involve significant media attention, includ- its mission and address the question expanded contact with the newly ing feature broadcast interviews of agricultural “sustainability” on an elected Congress; additional, focused with Cardello on CBS, Fox News, equal footing with traditional matters engagement with Administration NBC, NPR’s Morning Edition, and of healthy foods and appropriate policymakers in the Departments Bloomberg, and print interviews in calorie consumption. The risk of of State, Justice, Health and Human the , Politico, and such a move, Kuttner argues, is Services, and the Office of National . obvious: where and how food may be Drug Control Policy; tighter coordina- For 2015, OSI has been awarded grown, raised, caught, and processed tion of effort with Dr. Nora Volkow, a Healthy Weight Commitment does not, by itself, make that food current director of the National Insti- Foundation grant to conduct edu- “healthy” or “good for you.” And if tute on Drug Abuse; collaborative cational seminars on food industry the government winds up clouding advocacy and education initiatives operations and decision making for or confusing that basic fact in its with former U.S. attorneys, DEA non-industry (public health, govern- next five-year Dietary Guidelines, administrators, and other govern- ment agency, and NGO) participants an important opportunity to improve ment officials; and more aggressive in the obesity debate. OSI is also the nutritional habits of those now public and media outreach—through planning a study on the availability suffering from unnecessary or cor- panel discussions and sponsored of packaged foods and beverages in rectable obesity may be lost. Kuttner’s events at Hudson—on the most “food deserts” (a USDA term for research findings were formally critical challenges to current drug urban neighborhoods and rural presented at a May 29 Hudson con- prevention and enforcement policy, towns that lack ready access to ference featuring opening remarks by particularly the ongoing movement fresh, healthy, and affordable food). Rep. Reid Ribble (R-WI) of the House for drug legalization. And OSI will be working with the Committee on Agriculture. Throughout 2014, and along Nestle Nutrition Institute to assist Hudson Adjunct Fellow Tevi Troy several fronts, Hudson’s Obesity and facilitate Nestle’s collaboration was a ubiquitous media presence over Solutions Initiative (OSI), directed with key public health organizations the course of 2014’s Ebola epidemic by Senior Fellow Hank Cardello, in an effort to more effectively ad- in Africa, providing policy guidance pursued its mission to devise and dress childhood nutrition issues. and commentary on the American publicize workable remedies for the Senior Fellow Hans Kuttner has public health and emergency-aid global obesity epidemic. In March, been studying the federal govern- response for CNBC, Fox News, Voice Cardello moderated a panel of food ment’s Dietary Guidelines for of America, the Wall Street Journal, industry executives from Campbell Americans, Washington’s official, and Newsmax. Senior Soup Company, Nestle, and Pepsico nutritional standards, which are Fellow Ronald W. Dworkin, M.D., at the annual Partnership for a jointly reviewed, revised, and Ph.D., published essays on the future Healthier America Summit chaired republished every five years by the role of physicians (“Re-Imagining the by First Lady Michelle Obama. Departments of Agriculture and Doctor,” in National Affairs) and Cardello contributed regular essays Health and Human Services. In anesthesiology’s increasingly com- to Forbes and Huffington Post. OSI’s 2014, Kuttner focused particular plex challenges (“A Feeling for Pain,” work was cited or referenced in attention on the Dietary Guidelines in the New Atlantis). lengthy news reports from USA Advisory Committee (DGAC), the Today, the Christian Science Monitor, fifteen-member panel of experts Opposite: William Schambra, director of and Minnesota Public Radio. And developing recommendations for Hudson’s Bradley Center for Philanthropy the Initiative’s major report in the next edition of the Guidelines, and Civil Society, hosted a panel discussion October, “Lower-Calorie Foods and due out in fall 2015. As Kuttner on the split between charity and philanthropy.

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 29 Hudson Outreach Hudson’s agenda-shaping commentary and research has won a loyal following among government and military officials, senior business executives, key print and broadcast journalists, and other leading opinion makers, both in the United States and across the globe.

For more than 50 years outreach efforts in 2014—and project to modernize and visually since its founding by leg- consciously redoubled them, as unify all its print and digital programs endary nuclear strategist our Public Affairs office rolled out and products. The centerpiece of and futurist Herman Kahn, Hudson’s a wide array of new programmatic that effort, Hudson’s redesigned agenda-shaping research and com- strategies and technological tools that website, now offers visitors a clean, mentary has won a loyal following of produced a genuinely breakthrough elegant, professionally illustrated government and military officials, year in terms of institutional visibility interface; a responsive display that senior business executives, key print and influence. automatically adjusts to each user’s and broadcast journalists, and other desktop, tablet or smartphone leading opinion makers, both in the device; a fast, secure platform for United States and across the globe. Hudson Online the Institute’s high-definition, live- The Institute has also long provided and Digital streamed event broadcasts; intuitive, American and foreign policymakers Communications easily-navigable browse and search with direct and timely private brief- options; and a carefully curated, ings and counsel about the most constantly refreshed homepage that pressing issues and challenges of In early March, Hudson completed clearly spotlights Hudson’s latest, the day. Hudson continued these a year-long, full-scale rebranding best, and most immediately relevant

30 scholarship and programming. The our latest news, publications, re- and robust growth. Hudson’s main relaunch of has been search initiatives, and broadcasts. Twitter feed, @HudsonInstitute universally well received, and has Hudson’s dedicated YouTube page —thoroughly embedded and cross- already won the Institute a dramat- ( promoted in all our public materials ically expanded audience; traffic to now features media interviews with —now generates follower “interac- the new site more than doubled our scholars and full-program tions” (retweets or click-throughs to during its first ten months alone. archival video (and edited highlights) Hudson website links)—at more Fully redesigned versions of of our public events, arranged both than three times the average rate for Hudson’s email newsletters and chronologically and under subject- public-policy-oriented nonprofits. A social media platforms, all of them specific playlists. Visits to the new, separate, high-volume Twitter seamlessly integrated with the Insti- Hudson YouTube page and the feed, @HudsonEvents, exclusively tute’s website, were also unveiled in amount of time viewers spent on that dedicated to our live conference-room March. The Institute’s Facebook page page were up more than six-fold and programming, further expands the ( nine-fold, respectively, in 2014. Institute’s reach. And more than two functions as an interactive supple- And Hudson’s redesigned and dozen additional feeds are now being ment to, where followers reconceived Twitter presence con- actively maintained by individual can easily keep abreast of and share tinued to experience similarly rapid Hudson scholars and policy centers,

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 31 giving us a combined Twitter unprecedented array of senior U.S. member of the House Energy and audience of more than 200,000. and foreign government officials, Commerce Committee (on the Key- industry leaders, academic and stone XL Pipeline and U.S. energy independent scholars and experts, infrastructure); British philosopher Events and leading media analysts. and critic Roger Scruton; Bruno Guest speakers at Hudson’s Maçães, Portuguese Secretary of Event programming at Hudson offers Betsy and Walter Stern Conference State for European Affairs; the Washington policymaking Center in Washington included Lawrence Strickling, Assistant community—and the public at large Beth McCormick, director of the Pen- Secretary of Commerce for —a unique platform for deeply tagon’s Defense Technology Security Communications and Information informed and civil debate about the Administration; former Sen. Don (on the Obama Administration’s most critical issues of the day. In Nickles of Oklahoma; syndicated Internet-governance policies); Fadi 2014, Hudson organized more than columnist George Will; Admiral Chen Chehadé, president and CEO of the 100 major panel discussions and Yeong-Kang, Taiwan’s Chief of Navy; Internet Corporation for Assigned special presentations featuring an Rep. Gene Green (D-TX), senior Names and Numbers (ICANN); FCC

32 Event programming Commissioner Michael O’Rielly (on net-neutrality regulation); France’s at Hudson offers Ambassador to the U.S., Gerard Araud, (on the future of the European the Washington Union and Paris’ perspective on the policymaking Iranian nuclear program); and Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA), whose district community—and includes Silicon Valley (on the future of U.S. telecommunications policy). the public at large In Manhattan, where the Institute —a unique platform now has a regular and expanding presence through its New York Dis- for deeply informed cussion Series luncheons, Hudson’s 2014 guest speakers included former and civil debate. U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey (on national security and civil liberties); Professor Paul Bracken reversing America’s retreat from of Yale University (on “The Second global leadership); New York Times Nuclear Age”); former President columnist David Brooks (on the 2014 Mikheil Saakashvili of Georgia (on midterm elections); and former Sen. “Lessons from the Putin Wars” Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut. and Russia’s invasion of Crimea); The Institute also held events and National Correspondent Jeffrey briefed key officials in Tokyo, Taipei, Goldberg of ; Admiral Bangalore, New Delhi, London, and Cecil D. Haney, Commander, U.S. Brussels, where Hudson’s annual Strategic Command (on America’s “Transatlantic Think Tank Confer- current and future national security ence”—co-sponsored by the Wilfried challenges); Mortimer Zuckerman, Martens Centre for European Studies publisher of the New York Daily News and the International Republican and U.S. News & World Report (on Institute—focused on Western responses to Russian revanchism in eastern Ukraine. High-definition video of all Hudson public events is streamed live on the Institute’s website home- page, (and many of our events are simulcast—or taped for later broadcast—on C-SPAN). A full archive of past events—in both video and audio-only “podcast” form—is available online at Free single-event or subscription downloads of the Hudson podcast library may also be obtained through iTunes (Podcasts, News & Politics, Hudson Institute).

33 Hudson Publications and Media Coverage

Hudson continues to distribute the full array of its scholars’ research and analysis—formal reports, brief- ing papers, book-length monographs, serialized journals, and other pub- lished commentary—in both print and electronic form. Readership of this work was at an all-time high in 2014, driven largely by the exponential growth of our digital audience following Hudson’s website relaunch in March. Hudson-bylined commentary also appeared throughout the year in major print and online publications including the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the Washington Post, the Weekly Standard, Foreign Affairs, Forbes, and the New York Times. Hudson scholars were interviewed and quoted by reporters from news- papers and magazines like these—and from wire services like the Associated Press—hundreds of times in 2014. Hudson experts were also in high de- mand for guest analysis on broadcast networks like CNN, Fox News, PBS, Bloomberg, WSJ Live, and C-SPAN. Hudson enjoys an expanding overseas media presence, as well. Through Voice of America, Hudson scholarship is now being translated into multiple foreign languages and distributed around the world to millions of readers, viewers, and listeners whose access to indepen- dent information might otherwise be limited. Institute scholars are particularly active and visible in Europe, with regular broadcast appearances on the BBC, Deutsche Welle, and France24; opinion pieces

34 in leading dailies like Le Monde and And our scholars were busier Hudson scholars the Times of London; and interviews than ever before on Capitol Hill and or citations to their work in news- throughout the broader Washington were busier than service syndicates like Reuters and policy community—on a bipartisan ever before on Agence France-Presse. Hudson basis, in both private and public experts are also well known for their settings, and on a long list of critical Capitol Hill and analysis of economic, security, and issues: defense and foreign affairs; political developments in Asia, and transportation and energy; telecom- throughout the are frequent contributors to Nikkei munications regulation, and the broader Washington Asian Review, NHK Japan Broadcast- Internet; crime and drug control; ing, Newsweek Asia, the Sekkai Nippo, healthcare reform; federal spending policy community— and the Yomiuri Shinbun. and regulatory reform; and trade on a bipartisan basis, and economics. Over the course of the year, in both private and Government Hudson experts were invited to public settings, Relations address House and Senate law- makers on the federal budget process; and on a long list Influencing public policy requires net neutrality and the future of the close and constant communication Internet; combatting ISIS; the plight of critical issues and collaboration with working of religious minorities in the Middle and civil debate . policymakers themselves. So in 2014, East and North Africa; U.S. defense Hudson launched an aggressive, preparedness and American naval systematic, and successful new power; North Korean human rights government-outreach program. Our abuses; and the Russian invasion of events in Washington, New York Ukraine. And on perhaps the most City, and overseas routinely inclu- hotly contested issue of 2014― ded feature presentations by senior international negotiations over Iran’s elected and appointed officials. Our nuclear weapons program―the research projects routinely involved Senate Committee on Foreign exhaustive consultation with relevant policymakers and staff in Congress and the executive branch; dozens of leading experts and line-responsibili- ty federal officials are participating in Hudson’s Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense, for example.

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 Relations specifically requested the hand experience and insight about strong and engaged U.S. leadership testimony of Senior Fellow Michael Washington policymaking, subject- necessary to secure the vital interests Doran at a high-profile hearing in area specialties, media relations, of our nation and its allies, and a December. Doran’s appearance event planning, and general office better future for the world as a whole. before the Committee (and his subse- administration. Many of our past Hudson Institute is a nonprofit, quent work on the P5+1 agreement) interns have gone on to full-time nonpartisan 501(c)(3) research or- generated intense interest in Wash- careers in the executive branch, ganization. Financial support for the ington and foreign capitals alike, and congressional committee or member Institute is gratefully accepted in the helped refocus the debate to highlight offices, foreign governments, non- form of cash, securities, stocks, gifts, the regional and geostrategic implica- governmental organizations (NGOs), bequests and other planned giving, tions of a deal that would permit major national and international and contributions to our endowment. Iran’s regime to resume a “normal” corporations, and academia. Donors are also invited to become place in the community of nations. sustaining members of Hudson’s new Chairman’s Advisory Board, which Support for Hudson grants participants special, behind- Internship Program the-scenes access to our experts and The size of Hudson’s footprint in programs in Washington—and ad- More than 200 students from leading public policy depends to a great ex- mission to our New York Discussion universities in the United States and tent on the generosity of foundations, Series luncheons in Manhattan. abroad provided research assistance private individuals, and corporations. Additional information about and other support to Hudson Tax-deductible contributions to opportunities to support Hudson scholars and staff in 2014. Hudson Hudson are a high-value investment and its work is available online at internships offer invaluable, first- in our core mission: promoting the

Finances 2014

Revenue Expenses

Investment income & other 1% Corporations 12%

Individuals23% Administration, outreach, National security 32% Government & development 24% 7%

Religious Freedom & Human Rights 6% Distributions from Foundations 38% endowment 19%

Economics 17% Philanthropy, society & culture 21%

Total revenue: $12,034,000 Total expenses: $11,310,000

36 Hudson Management

Kenneth R. Weinstein is President John P. Walters is Chief Operating and CEO of Hudson Institute. He Officer of Hudson Institute. He has serves by presidential appointment extensive experience in foreign and and Senate confirmation as a member domestic policy and in philanthropy. of the Broadcasting Board of Gov- Previously, he was director of the ernors, the federal agency overseeing White House Office of National Drug all U.S. civilian international media. Control Policy (ONDCP) during the Weinstein has written widely on George W. Bush administration. international affairs and comments He comments frequently in outlets on France 24, Le Monde, the BBC, such as CNN, BBC, and the NHK, Fox News Channel, and Weekly Standard. numerous international media outlets. In Defense of Thinking: The Essential Herman Kahn (Transaction, 2009) is his latest book.

Lewis Libby is Senior Vice President William J. Luti is the Vice President and specializes in U.S. national for Strategic Implementation. He security strategy, strategic planning, directs Hudson’s strategic planning the future of Asia, the Middle East, and efforts to shape and advance the the war against Islamic radicalism. mission and growth of the Institute. Before joining Hudson, Libby held Before joining Hudson, he held several high-level positions in the executive positions in several federal government, including Chief of private sector information systems Staff to Vice President Richard Cheney companies providing a wide range and Assistant to the Vice President for of information technology solutions. National Security Affairs. Dr. Luti served as Special Assistant to President George W. Bush for Defense Policy and Strategy on the National Security Council.

Senior Fellow David Tell serves as Daniel McKivergan is Hudson’s Hudson Institute’s Director of Public Director of Government Relations Affairs and Special Projects. He and Deputy Director of Public Affairs. previously had an extensive career as Previously, he held a senior position at a speechwriter, presidential campaign Baron Public Affairs and was Deputy strategist, White House aide, and Director of Policy for the 2008 McCain opinion journalist. presidential campaign. He also served as a Legislative Director in the U.S. House and Senate and as an Editor for the Weekly Standard and Philanthropy.

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 37 Joel Scanlon is Hudson’s Director of Thereza Austria is Hudson Institute’s Studies. Previously, he served as Director of Finance. She is responsi- Deputy Assistant to the President and ble for managing the overall finance, Director of the White House Office of accounting, and budgeting functions, Strategic Initiatives. Immediately prior as well as overseeing governmental to joining Hudson he oversaw policy contracting, foundation grants, and studies at the Center for International compliance reporting. Previously, Private Enterprise. Austria was an Audit Manager at Tate & Tryon, a CPA firm serving exclusively non-profit organizations.

Nicholas Mackey is Director of Operations at Hudson Institute. He was previously Program Officer for the Hertog Political Studies Program. He graduated from Boston College and is originally from Pasadena, California.

Hudson Scholars and Staff

Carol Adelman is a Senior Fellow Jesse Barnett is a Research Fellow and Director of the Center for Global at the Center for Global Prosperity. Prosperity, which produces the annual He joined the Center in 2014, where Index of Global Philanthropy and he writes and conducts research on international development in both Remittances. In addition to serving as developed and emerging economies. a Presidential appointee heading up A native of Washington State, he foreign aid to Asia, the Middle East, received bachelor’s degrees in both and Eastern Europe at the U.S. Agency economics and political science from for International Development (USAID), Western Washington University. she served as Vice-Chair of a Bipart- isan Congressional Commission to reform foreign aid, and as Vice-Chair of the Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid to USAID.

38 Martha Bayles writes and lectures Kim Bowling is Hudson Institute’s frequently about media and public Human Resource Administrator and diplomacy and recently published Office Manager. A longtime employee Through a Screen Darkly: Popular of the Institute, she is responsible for Culture, Public Diplomacy, and overseeing day-to-day office America’s Image Abroad (Yale 2014). operations, office systems and She has been a Visiting Scholar at technology, and human resources. the Getty Institute, a Fulbright Lecturer, and arts correspondent for the PBS program, “Religion & Ethics Newsweekly.” She is now Visiting Associate Professor of the Practice of the Humanities at Boston College.

Eric Brown is a Senior Fellow at Senior Fellow Hank Cardello directs Hudson’s Center on Islam, Hudson’s Obesity Solutions Initiative. Democracy, and the Future of the He specializes in food and obesity, Muslim World. He is co-editor of consumer behavior, and food policy Hudson’s signature journal, Current and industry. Previously, he was an Trends in Islamist Ideology. Brown executive at several companies, has directed or participated in a including Sunkist Soft Drinks, range of research and analytical Canada Dry, Coca-Cola USA, and projects focused on Islamic and Anheuser-Busch. Cardello authored Asian affairs, the alternative security and co-authored several 2013 reports and sociopolitical futures of the examining the impact of healthier food Middle East and Asia, and U.S. options in the restaurant industry. He foreign policy and strategy. is the author of the book Stuffed: An Insider’s Look at Who’s (Really) Making America Fat (HarperCollins, 2009).

Seth Cropsey is a Senior Fellow and Rachel Cox is Hudson Institute’s expert on military affairs and Asian Manager of Public Programming. policy. He has published in the Wall In 2012, she graduated from Street Journal, Washington Post, Georgetown University. World Affairs, Foreign Affairs, and the Weekly Standard, among other out- lets. Mayday: The Decline of American Naval Supremacy (Overlook Duck- worth Press, 2013) is his latest book. Previously, he served as Deputy Un- dersecretary of the Navy during both the Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations.

Ambassador Jaime Daremblum, Jack David, Senior Fellow and Senior Fellow and Director of the Member of the Board of Trustees, Center for Latin American Studies, specializes in national security and served as Costa Rica’s Ambassador defense policy. Previously, he was to the United States from 1998 until Deputy Assistant Secretary of 2004. He has testified before Con- Defense for Combating Weapons of gress numerous times on U.S.–Latin Mass Destruction and Negotiations American relations and is a frequent Policy under President George W. author of articles in leading publica- Bush. His writing is published in the tions such as the Wall Street Journal, Wall Street Journal and National the Washington Post, The Weekly Review, among other major outlets. Standard, and La Nación.

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 39 Charles Davidson is Executive Julie Davidson is Director of Media Director of the Kleptocracy Initiative Operations for the Kleptocracy at Hudson Institute. Davidson is also Initiative at Hudson Institute, super- Publisher & CEO of the American vising the Initiative’s website, Russia Interest LLC, and co-founder of the archives, and documentary film American Interest magazine with program. A former professional Francis Fukuyama in 2005. He is a theater director, Davidson was graduate of Bowdoin College and co-founder of the Young Entrepre- Duke University’s Fuqua School of neurs Alliance and is a graduate Business. of Williams College.

Emily Davis joined Hudson Institute Distinguished Fellow Christopher in September 2014 as Development DeMuth was President of the Manager. Before coming to Hudson American Enterprise Institute for she held positions at General Elec- Public Policy Research (AEI) from tric, The Heritage Foundation and 1986–2008 and D.C. Searle Senior The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Fellow at AEI from 2008–2011. Life. She also spent six years DeMuth studies government teaching elementary school on regulation, competition, and law the island of Guam. and economics. Formerly the editor-in-chief of Regulation magazine, his work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, National Affairs, and Commentary, among others.

Senior Fellow Michael Doran Senior Fellow Ronald Dworkin, M.D. specializes in Middle East security practices anesthesiology at Greater issues. Before coming to Hudson, Baltimore Medical Center. He has Doran was a Senior Fellow at the written for the Wall Street Journal, the Brookings Institution and served as a Baltimore Sun, and other newspapers. senior director in the National Security He is the author of Artificial Happiness: Council during President George W. The Dark Side of the New Happy Class Bush’s administration. He also served (Basic Books, 2006). in the Bush administration as a senior advisor in the State Department and a deputy assistant secretary of defense in the Pentagon. He is the author of Pan-Arabism before Nasser.

Senior Fellow Charles Fairbanks has Douglas J. Feith is a Senior Fellow served as a Deputy Assistant and Director of the Center for National Secretary of the U.S. Department Security Strategies. Prior to joining of State and member of the Depart- Hudson Institute, Feith served as the ment’s policy planning staff. He Under Secretary of Defense for Policy was Director of the Central in the George W. Bush administration. Asia-Caucasus Institute at Johns He is the author of War and Decision: Hopkins University’s School of Inside the Pentagon at the Dawn of Advanced International Studies. the War on Terrorism (Harper, 2008).

40 John Fonte is a Senior Fellow and Senior Fellow Hillel Fradkin directs Director of the Center for American the Center on Islam, Democracy, and Common Culture at Hudson. He the Future of the Muslim World. He studies national identity, immigrant specializes in foreign policy, Islamic assimilation, and global governance. and Jewish thought, war, and ethics. His book Sovereignty or Submission: Under Fradkin’s direction, the Center Will Americans Rule Themselves or produces the preeminent journal Be Ruled by Others? (Encounter Current Trends in Islamist Ideology. Books, 2011) was awarded the Fradkin has been published by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute’s Weekly Standard, Commentary, and (ISI) Paolucci-Bagehot literary World Affairs, among others. prize for 2012.

Harold Furchtgott-Roth is a Senior Jasper Goldberg is Hudson Fellow and Director of the Center Institute’s administrative and for the Economics of the Internet. development assistant. He also From 1997 through 2001, he served coordinates intern lunch events and as a Commissioner of the Federal manages proliferation research for Communications Commission. Prior Hudson’s Center for Political-Military to his appointment to the FCC, he Analysis. Jasper graduated with a was Chief Economist for the House Bachelor of Arts from New York Committee on Commerce. His most University, where his thesis recent Hudson monograph is The received the Middle Eastern and Contribution of the Information, Islamic Studies Department Prize. Communications, and Technology Sector to the Growth of U.S. Economy: 1997-2007.

Benjamin Haddad is a Research A Hudson Institute Senior Fellow and Fellow specializing in European and Director for South and Central Asia, transatlantic affairs. A lecturer in Ambassador Husain Haqqani served international affairs at Sciences Po as Pakistan’s ambassador to the Paris, his articles have appeared in United States from 2008-2011. He publications that include Politique also served as an advisor to four Etrangère, The American Interest, Pakistani Prime ministers, Yusuf Raza L’Opinion, Global Policy, and Gilani, Benazir Bhutto, Nawaz Sharif Atlantico. He holds an MA in and Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi. His book international security from Magnificent Delusions: Pakistan, the Sciences Po Paris and an MA United States, and an Epic History of in economics from HEC. Misunderstanding was published by Public Affairs in 2013.

Lianchao Han is a Visiting Fellow Jacqueline Harrell is executive working on Hudson’s Future of assistant to the president of Innovation Initiative. A patent attorney Hudson Institute. specializing in intellectual property protection strategies and innovation- related issues, he is also an expert on China’s economic and political development. Previously, Han worked in the U.S. Senate for 12 years, serving as legislative counsel and policy director for three U.S. senators.

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 41 Senior Fellow Dr. Arthur Herman is a Yoshiki Hidaka is a Visiting Senior frequent writer on defense, energy, and Fellow, focusing on U.S.-Japanese technology issues. He is the author of relations. Hidaka is the executive seven books, including the Pulitzer producer of Yoshiki Hidaka’s Prize Finalist Gandhi and Churchill Washington Report, a documentary (2008). His most recent work is The news program broadcast on Televi- Cave and the Light: Plato Versus sion Tokyo Network. He is a Senior Aristotle and the Struggle for the Soul Advisor to the President of the U.S. of Western Civilization (Random House, Chamber of Commerce. 2013). He was educated at the Univer- sity of Minnesota and Johns Hopkins University in history and classics.

Charles Horner is a Senior Fellow Maneeza Hossain, an expert on Islam specializing in the study of China, and Bangladesh, is a Senior Fellow Asia, and Sino-U.S. relations. He is with the Center on Islam, Democracy, the author of Rising China and Its and the Future of the Muslim World. Postmodern Fate: Memories of She is the author of Broken Pendulum: Empire in a New Global Context Bangladesh’s Swing to Radicalism (University of Georgia, 2009). His (Hudson Institute, 2007). articles have appeared in the Washington Post,the Wall Street Journal, and National Interest, among others.

Based in Tokyo and Washington, Amy Kass is a Senior Fellow Jun Isomura is a Senior Fellow and specializing in philanthropy, civic directs Hudson’s U.S.-Japan Strategic leadership, civic education, and Summit Program. He focuses on American citizenship. For more than international affairs, national security thirty years she was an award-winning issues, and information technology teacher of classic texts in the College security. Prior to joining Hudson, of the University of Chicago. She is Isomura ran an international public the editor of many books, most affairs and risk consulting firm. recently seven e-books (co-edited with Leon Kass) on the American Calendar: Independence Day, Washington’s Birthday, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Nibras Kazimi is a Visiting Fellow Senior Fellow Naser Khader served focusing on the growing threat of as a member of the Danish Parliament, jihadism in the Middle East, prospects Folketinget, from 2001 until 2011, as for democracy in the region, and the a member of the Conservative Party. national security of Iraq. Previously, Khader’s research areas include he directed the Research Bureau of the freedom of speech and the fight for Iraqi National Congress in Washington democracy and democratic values and Baghdad. He also writes a weekly in multicultural societies. He is a column on the Middle East for the frequent contributor to Danish New York Sun. media and television on Islam, the Middle East, and the Arab Spring.

42 Melanie Kirkpatrick is a Senior Marie-Josée Kravis is a Senior Fellow Fellow specializing in U.S. foreign and Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees. policy, international security, Asia, Kravis is a well-known economist and North Korea. She contributes specializing in public policy analysis reviews and commentary to various and strategic planning. Her articles publications, including the Wall have appeared in Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, where she was a Street Journal, and the National Post Deputy Editor of the editorial page (Canada), among others. from 2006 to 2009 and a longtime member of the editorial board. She is the author of Escape from North Korea: The Untold Story of Asia’s Underground Railroad (Encounter Books, 2012).

Hanns Kuttner is a Senior Fellow in Lee Lane is a Visiting Fellow working the Institute’s Future of Innovation on the political economy of climate Initiative. Kuttner studies change in change, energy policy, and the technology and health care, and has environment. He is author of the written Broadband for Rural America: report Institutional Choices for Economic Impacts and Economic Regulating Oil and Gas Wells Opportunities (Hudson, 2012), Taxing (Hudson Institute, 2013) and the Sales: Comparing the Origin-Based book Strategic Options for Bush and Destination-Based Models Administration Climate Policy (AEI (Hudson, 2012), and was a co-author Press, 2006). Lane serves as an of Double Duty: Payments Cards as a expert reviewer for the Intergovern- Doorway to Greater Financial Health mental Panel on Climate Change. (Hudson Institute/Center for Financial Services Innovation, 2013).

Based in Australia, John Lee is a Ju Young Lee is a Program Assistant Senior Fellow specializing in Chinese with the Kleptocracy Initiative. She development, the foreign policies of earned a degree in International states in East and Southeast Asia, and Relations and Government from Sino-U.S. relations. His articles have Claremont McKenna College in 2014. been published in the Wall Street As a student, Lee worked at the Center Journal Asia, the National Interest, for Strategic and International Studies and Forbes, among others. He is Korea Chair, the congressional office of the author of Will China Fail? (Centre Congresswoman Barbara Lee, and the for Independent Studies, 2009). Council on Foreign Relations Korea Studies Program.

Adam G. Lowe is the Technical Visiting Senior Fellow Mario Mancuso, Manager in Hudson’s Office of Public formerly Under Secretary of Commerce Affairs & Special Projects. He graduated under President George W. Bush, with a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor specializes in trade and technology. of Science from James Madison Prior to government service, Mancuso University and a Master of Science spent almost a decade in the private from University of Maryland, College sector as an international corporate Park. He and his wife are originally lawyer and business executive in from Columbus, Ohio. New York, Boston, and London.

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 43 Ann Marlowe, a Hudson Visiting Visiting Fellow Melanie Marlowe Fellow, is a writer and businesswoman writes on American politics, with an specializing in the U.S. military, emphasis on the presidency and the counterinsurgency strategy, Libya Constitution. She edited, with Carol and Afghanistan. A frequent traveler to McNamara, The Obama Presidency Libya and Afghanistan, Marlowe has in the Constitutional Order. Marlowe embedded with the U.S. Army numer- is a lecturer at Miami University (Ohio), ous times and covered the Libyan war. where she teaches constitutional law, Her articles have appeared in the Wall civil liberties law, and seminars on Street Journal, the New York Times, liberty and national security. She is a the Weekly Standard, the New York visiting scholar at Georgetown Law Post, Tablet, and other outlets. for the 2015 calendar year. She was a Congressional Fellow with the American Political Science Association in 2012-2013.

Paul Marshall is a Senior Fellow at Senior Fellow Robert M. McDowell Hudson’s Center for Religious Freedom, was a Commissioner of the Federal specializing in religious freedom, Islam, Communications Commission (FCC) and human rights. Marshall is the author until 2013. He was appointed by and editor of more than twenty books; presidents George W. Bush (2006) his latest with Lela Gilbert and Nina and Barack Obama (2009). During Shea, Persecuted: The Global Assault his tenure as Commissioner, he on Christians was published by served as one of only five policy- Thomas Nelson in 2013. His articles makers on the FCC, which regulates have appeared in the Wall Street approximately one-sixth of the U.S. Journal, the Weekly Standard, and economy and shapes domestic and National Review, among others. international commerce in the information, communications and technology (ICT) sectors.

Walter Russell Mead is Hudson Insti- David W. Murray is a Senior Fellow at tute’s Distinguished Scholar in American Hudson Institute where he co-directs Strategy and Statesmanship, the James the Center for Substance Abuse Policy Clark Chase Professor of Foreign Affairs Research. Previously, he served as and Humanities at Bard College, and Chief Scientist and Associate Deputy Editor-at-Large of the American Interest. Director (Supply Reduction) in the fed- From 1997 to 2010, he was a fellow at eral government’s Office of National the Council on Foreign Relations, Drug Control Policy. Murray holds an serving as the Henry A. Kissinger Senior M.A. and Ph.D. in social anthropology Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy from 2003 from the University of Chicago. until his departure. His most recent book, God and Gold: Britain, America and the Making of the Modern World (Alfred A. Knopf, 2007) was listed as one of the best books of the year by the Washington Post and the Economist.

Senior Fellow Andrew Natsios served Senior Fellow Jeremiah Norris as Administrator of the U.S. Agency for directs Hudson’s Center for Science International Development (USAID), in Public Policy, specializing in the lead U.S. government agency for public-private partnerships in international economic development development assistance; trade and humanitarian assistance, from and development; global AIDS, 2001 until 2006. He is the author of TB and malaria policies; economic Sudan, South Sudan, and Darfur: effects of NTDs; and the emergence What Everyone Needs to Know of noncommunicable diseases in (Oxford University Press, 2012). emerging market economies. He is co-author of the report The Pharmaceutical Industry’s Contributions to the UN Millennium Development Goals (Hudson Institute, 2013).

44 Rachel Pagano is a research Aparna Pande is Director of the fellow at Hudson Institute Hudson Institute’s Initiative on the specializing in political philosophy Future of India and South Asia. She and American politics. A PhD contributes to media outlets such as student in political philosophy the Weekly Standard, Huffington Post, at Boston College, Pagano writes Pajamas Media, IndoLink, Outlook primarily on ancient political India, and Chowk. Pande’s latest book philosophy and American is Explaining Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: bureaucracy. Escaping India (Routledge, 2011).

An Italian philosopher, Senator, and Senior Fellow Michael Pillsbury has former President of the Italian Senate, a background as a defense policy Marcello Pera is a Visiting Fellow at advisor, former high-ranking govern- Hudson. Pera specializes in modern ment official, author of numerous political philosophy, liberalism and books and reports on China, and has religion, and the future of Europe. appeared on PBS NewHour. Pillsbury His latest book is Why We Should was Assistant Under Secretary of Call Ourselves Christians: The Defense for Policy Planning during Religious Roots of Free Societies the Reagan administration. He also (Encounter Books, 2011). served on the staff of four U.S. Senate Committees from 1978 to 1984 and 1986 to 1991.

Visiting Fellow Andrei Piontkovsky Distinguished Fellow Mike Rogers is a member of the Russian is a former member of the U.S. Opposition Coordinating Council Congress representing Michigan’s and a well-known political analyst Eighth Congressional District, in Russia. An outspoken critic of member of the U.S. Army, and an Putin’s “sovereign democracy” in FBI special agent. He is currently the Russia, Piontkovsky is the author host of the radio show “Something to of several bestselling books on the Think About with Mike Rogers” on Putin presidency, including Russian Westwood One. Rogers is also a Identity (Hudson Institute, 2008). CNN national security contributor and a regular in major print outlets such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and the Associated Press.

Research Fellow Peter Rough researches Kimberly Russell is a Program a wide range of national security issues Manager at the Center for Global and alternate geopolitical futures and Prosperity. She is responsible for works on Hudson’s journal, Current executing all operational details Trends in Islamist Ideology. A former related to the production of the Associate Director in the White House Index of Global Philanthropy and Office of Strategic Initiatives, he also Remittances and the Index of served as Director of Research in the Philanthropic Freedom. She Office of George W. Bush, assisting received her Bachelor’s Degree the former president with his memoir, in International Studies from Decision Points. Rough has completed American University. stints as a Policy Analyst at the U.S. Agency for International Development and as an advisor to U.S. Army Special Operations Command.

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 45 Christopher Sands is a Senior David Satter is a Senior Fellow Fellow specializing in Canada and specializing in the study of Russia. U.S.-Canadian relations, as well as A former Moscow correspondent, North American economic integration, Satter is a longtime observer of Russia the auto industry, and trade policy. He and the former Soviet Union and has wrote Alternative Energy Futures for written three books about Russia, Age of North America (Hudson Institute, Delirium: The Decline and Fall of the 2013) and co-authored the joint report Soviet Union (Knopf, 1996), Darkness at Alternative Energy Futures for North Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal America (Hudson Institute/Dawson State (Yale, 2003), and It Was a Long Strategic/Institute of the Time Ago and It Never Happened Americas/Wilson Center, 2013). Anyway: Russia and the Communist Past (Yale, 2011).

Senior Fellow William Schambra Senior Fellow William Schneider, Jr. directs the Bradley Center for is a Washington based economist Philanthropy and Civic Renewal. and defense analyst. He is President He has written extensively on the of International Planning Services, Constitution, the theory and practice Inc., and serves as Chairman of the of civic revitalization, and civil society Defense Science Board (Department in the Wall Street Journal, National of Defense) and the Defense Trade Affairs, Nonprofit Quarterly, and the Advisory Group (Department of State). Chronicle of Philanthropy. He has written on defense and foreign policy, U.S. strategic forces, theater nuclear forces, and unconventional warfare.

Senior Fellow Gabriel Schoenfeld is the An international human rights lawyer, author, most recently, of A Bad Day in the Senior Fellow Nina Shea directs Romney Campaign: An Insider’s Account Hudson’s Center for Religious (InterMix, 2013). Schoenfeld writes Freedom. Between 1999 and 2012, frequently on national security and in- Shea served as a Commissioner on telligence for leading publications in the the U.S. Commission on International United States. From December 2010 Religious Freedom. She has written through November 2012, Schoenfeld numerous books, including most re- was on leave from Hudson while serving cently (with Paul Marshall) Silenced: as a Senior Adviser to the How Apostasy and Blasphemy Codes for President Campaign. are Choking Freedom Worldwide (Oxford, 2011) and co-authored (with Paul Marshall and Lela Gilbert) Persecuted: The Global Assault on Christians (Thomas Nelson, 2013).

Abram Shulsky is a Senior Fellow at Senior Fellow and Trustee Emeritus Hudson Institute. Previously, he served Max Singer founded Hudson Institute as an advisor to the Under Secretary of with Herman Kahn in 1961 and served Defense for Policy from 2001 to 2009, as President until 1973. Singer is the dealing primarily with issues related to author of numerous books, most Iraq and the Global War on Terror. Shulsky recently History of the Future: The is the co-author (with Gary J. Schmitt) of Shape of the World to Come Is Visible Silent Warfare: Understanding the World Today (Lexington, 2011). He has also of Intelligence (Potomac Books, 2002). written many articles for Commentary, His articles on intelligence and arms National Interest, the New York Times control have appeared in a number of Magazine, and Reader’s Digest. outlets, including the Weekly Standard and the Wall Street Journal.

46 Lee Smith is a Senior Fellow at A journalist and a Research Associate Hudson Institute and a senior editor at Hudson Institute, Cita Stelzer at the Weekly Standard. He was also previously worked for John Lindsay, editor-in-chief of the Voice Literary Mayor of New York, and Governor Supplement, the Village Voice’s Hugh Carey. She is currently a national monthly literary magazine. Researcher at Churchill College, He has contributed numerous Cambridge, and a member of the articles on Arab and Islamic affairs Board of the Churchill Centre and to the New York Times, the New Trustee of Wigmore Hall. Her book, Republic, and the Weekly Standard, Dinner with Churchill: Policy-Making at among others. His book, The Strong the Dinner Table, was published by Horse: Power, Politics, and the Clash of Short Books (2012) in the UK and Pe- Arab Civilizations, was published by gasus (2013) in the United States. Doubleday in January 2010.

Senior Fellow Irwin Stelzer directs Carolyn Stewart is Press Secretary Hudson’s Economic Policy Studies and Publications Manager of Hudson Group. He specializes in economics, Institute. Previously, she worked in regulatory policy, competitiveness, strategic communications and grant and the European economy. He is writing at the National Air and Space the U.S. economic and political Museum. She is currently pursuing a columnist for the Sunday Times Master’s degree in Public Relations at (London) and a contributing editor Georgetown University, and received of the Weekly Standard. Stelzer fre- her B.A. with honors from James quently comments on international Madison University in 2008. economics for television and radio outlets, including BBC and CNBC.

Samuel Tadros is a Senior Fellow Senior Fellow John Weicher directs with Hudson’s Center for Religious Hudson’s Center for Housing and Freedom. Previously, he was a Senior Financial Markets. From 2001 to 2005 Partner at the Egyptian Union of he served as Assistant Secretary for Liberal Youth, an organization that Housing and Federal Housing Com- aims to spread the ideas of classical missioner at the Department of Hous- liberalism in Egypt. A Professorial ing and Urban Development. He is the Lecturer at Johns Hopkins University’s author of the book Housing Policy at a School of Advanced International Crossroads: The Why, How, and Who of Studies, Tadros is the author of Assistance Programs (AEI, 2012) and Motherland Lost: The Egyptian and the report Rich, Poor, and In Between: Coptic Quest for Modernity Who Benefits from the Mortgage Interest (Hoover Institute Press, 2013). Deduction? (Hudson Institute, 2013).

Senior Fellow Richard Weitz directs Thomas Weldy is a Program Hudson’s Center for Political-Military Associate with the Kleptocracy Analysis. His current research includes Initiative. He received a bachelor’s regional security developments relating degree in Political Science at the to Europe, Eurasia, and East Asia, as University of Mississippi in 2010 well as U.S. homeland security and and a Juris Doctor degree from nonproliferation policies. Weitz is a Mississippi College School of Law regular source of commentary and in 2013. As a student, Weldy worked analysis for media outlets such as abroad or in Washington, DC for the Fox News, MSNBC, and the Associated Department of State, Army JAG Press. His most recent books, Global Corps and U.S. Helsinki Commission. Security Watch: China and Rebuilding American Military Power in the Pacific were published by Praeger in 2013.

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 47 Hudson Board of Trustees


Sarah M. Stern Thomas C. Barry Mitch Daniels Scarsdale, NY Founder and CEO of Zephyr President, Purdue University Management, L.P. Honorary Trustee VICE CHAIR

Marie-Josée Kravis Jeffrey L. Berenson Jack David Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute Chairman and CEO Senior Fellow Berenson & Company Hudson Institute CHAIRMEN EMERITI

Walter P. Stern Linden S. Blue Robert DuPuy Vice Chairman Vice Chairman Partner Capital International, Inc. General Atomics Foley & Lardner LLP

Allan R. Tessler Deborah Kahn Cunningham Laurence C. Leeds, Jr. CEO Consultant, DKC Group Chairman International Financial Group, Inc. Honorary Trustee Buckingham Capital Management

48 Hudson Institute is a nonpartisan policy research organization dedicated to innovative research and analysis promoting security, prosperity, and freedom.

Founded in 1961 by Herman Kahn, Hudson challenges conventional thinking Yoji Ohashi Kenneth R. Weinstein and helps manage strategic transitions to Corporate Counselor President and CEO the future through interdisciplinary and ANA Holdings, Inc. Hudson Institute collaborative studies in defense, international relations, economics and trade, philanthropy, society and culture, technology, science and health, and law. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., Hudson seeks to guide public policy makers and global leaders in government and business through a vigorous program of publications, conferences, and policy briefings and recommendations.

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© 2014 Hudson Institute

Hudson Institute would like to thank Mitzi H. Pepall, Susan Kristol, Kathleen A. Brown, Rachel Cox, Adam G. Lowe, Carolyn Stewart, and David Tell for their significant contributions to this report. William Schweitzer Curtin Winsor, Jr. Partner Chairman Baker & Hostetler, LLP American Chemical Services Company

Max Singer Senior Fellow Trustee Emeritus

Hudson Institute Annual Report 2014 49 Hudson Institute 1015 15TH STREET, N.W. SIXTH FLOOR, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005 TELEPHONE 202-974-2400 WWW.HUDSON.ORG