Last month saw two major running events take Dechase in second - all within two minutes olace or-r -Octoberwith the Eindhoven l2th of each other and barely two hours and 10 and the Marathon a week minutes after they started. The women's race later. was won by Kenyan Lydia Cheromei in an A new track record was set at the Eindhoven impressive two hours and 25 minutes. event when Ceoffrey Mutai Írom l(enya Thê marathon route took runners from the completed the race route in an impressive two Olympic Stadium through the city's historic hours and seven minutes. Repeating her victory streets, into the Vondelpark - which was from2007, Lydia Kurgat, also from , was looking particularly picturesque as autumn the first female to Íinish and achieved a time of swept through - almost all the way to two hours 33 minutes - knocking six minutes Amstelveen and back. off her record from last year. Fortunately, the temperature was perfect for The Dutch Championships 2008 were won by marathon running, although some runners Greg van Hest (two hours and 15 minutes) complained about the wind. It was also a fine and Nadja Wijenberg (two hours and 42 ud/J^-- rurf^- rPslLdLlrlË.^.^^-l^+:..^ minutes). The is considered The Some 24,000 people took part in the Netherlands' second biggest, after Rotterdam, Amsterdam Marathon, marking the 33rd year but both are among the world's Top Ten oÍr the event. Again, I(enya blew everyone , according to sports magazine else out of the water. Men's first and third Runner's World. Not bad for such a small olace. places were taken respectively, by Paul Kirui although there is something to be said foi and Robert Cheboror, with Ethiopian Chala having no hil1s!