Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt

Scripture Readings: Epistle Reading: Hebrews 9:11-14 Reading: Mark 10:32-45 “Let us say something about the thorns. Blessed Mary of Egypt was twelve years old when she fell into the hands of the devil. She lived in sin day and night. But the merciful God enlightened her and she abandoned the world and went into the desert. There she led a ’s life for forty years. She was cleansed and became like an angel. God wished to give her rest, so He sent the holy ascetic Zosimas to hear her and to give her holy communion. Then He received her holy soul into paradise, where she rejoices with the angels. If there is anyone here like Blessed Mary, let him immediately weep and repent, now that he has time, and let him be assured that he will be saved as was Blessed Mary.”

St. Kosmos Aitolos

Dear parishioners,

Due to COVID - 19 and Directives from our and Eparchy, all our Services are Private for the protection and safety of the Faithful. The governor of State Oregon mandated that our citizens should stay home to prevent the spread of the virus. So we continue to be quarantined. Next week, I will continue to pray privately in our Temple. During this time, please see live streaming or worships that are recorded. I will periodically send you suggestions for private prayers. Next Sunday, April 5, is Palm Sunday. It is our tradition on Palm Sunday to bless the Pussy willows. I will bless the Pussy willows next Sunday, and you will have opportunity to take some with you from the parish hall at a convenient for you time.

The Mystery of Repentance (Confession): Bright Feast of Pascha () is coming. If anyone would like to have the Holy Mystery of Confession, please contact me. We can negotiate day and time. I welcome comments and suggestions.

Please remember in your prayers:

For health and salvation: Bishop Gerald N Dino, Fr. Frank Knuzel, Fr. Chris Zugger,, Tony and family, James, Ellie, Kanye & Kim, Cernovich, Stephan Molyveux, Glen Damewood, Luc and family, Carol, Alex, Gloria

For repose of the departed: + Kristina Beresh, + Fr. Michael Irwin, +Dorothy Beresh, + Fr. Stephen Casmus Please let me know if you would like to add new names to our prayer list.


Without everyone gathered on Sundays, we need to make sure that we still offer Christ our "treasure" as well as our time and talent. Feel free to send in your normal tithe check to 4630 N Maryland Ave, Portland, OR 97217. I regularly check the mail box. Your giving is greatly appreciated at this time!

Another way to support our parish Welcome to AmazonSmile! Thank you for supporting Irene Byzantine Portland. Remember when shopping on Amazon, always start at and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases. Be sure to click on “Supporting Saint Irene Byzantine Catholic Church Portland.” At the end of the quarter Amazon will make a direct deposit into our account.

Eparchial Appeal 2020: We are in a time of Annual collection "Eparchial Appeal 2020". You can donate online, please go to then “Home- Eparchy of Phoenix” then: “Giving” Make sure you note that you are from St. Irene Church Portland OR. You can also ask me for the 2020 Eparchial Appeal brochure, Pledge / Payment form. By the date, our parish have collected $1,325.00. Our goal is $4,416.89. Suggested donation is $275.00 per household. Some can donate more, some less. My goal is that everyone in our parish takes part in this collection. Kindly give what you can to help our Eparchy and our Church. Thank you! Being Byzantine Catholic during the Corona Virus Pandemic

Being Byzantine Catholic during the Corona Pandemic Virus Beloved in Christ, we are almost two weeks without public participation in the . "Liturgy" means a service or a common cause, that is, some action of people in a society. When we say Divine Liturgy (Slavs Bogosluzenie, Sluzhba Bozaja), we emphasize Who does this work, we claim that God Himself is doing this "work". The center of the Divine Liturgy is the Holy , the receiving of the Body and Blood of Christ. For an important reason, we cannot physically receive the Holy Eucharist right now, so I urge you to receive Spiritual Holy Communion. It is important for us to be in communion with Our Lord, to be in (Slavic prichastii) collaboration with Our Lord. Even if we cannot attend the Divine Liturgy right now, but we can do this by: * We can read the Holy Scriptures (Evangelia) and spend time contemplating this "good news." We can discuss it with members of our family, and those in our community. * We can spend extra time in prayer, praying Jesus Prayer, Akathists, Molebens, Hours, Typika, Psalms etc. * We are in , and it will be Holy Week soon, let us reflect on the love of our Heavenly God, One in the Holy Trinity. Over the Wisdom of the Father, over the Saving Power of the Son, and over the Sanctifying Grace of the Holy Spirit. Let us look forward to, and be watchful for, the unique ways that Our Lord is going to be working in our lives and church, and let us find creative ways of responding to His Working. And let us make sure that we are always praying for each other. Reflections on the Sunday's Gospel...


But let no man be troubled at the apostles being in such an imperfect state. For not yet was the cross accomplished, not yet the grace of the Spirit given. But if you want to learn their virtue, notice them after these things, and you will see them superior to every passion. For with this object He reveals their deficiencies, that after these things you might know what manner of men they became by grace ...No one will sit on His right hand nor on His left. For that throne is inaccessible to all: I do not say to men only and and apostles, but even to angels, and archangels, and to all the powers that are on high.But for whom is it prepared? For those who could become distinguished by their works...Do you see how they were all in an imperfect state, when these were lifting themselves up above the ten, and those envying the two? ... Hear at least how this same John - he who now came to Him for these things - everywhere gives up the first place to Peter, both in addressing the people, and in working miracles, in the Acts of the Apostles. He does not conceal Peter's good deeds, but relates both the confession, which he openly made when all were silent, and his entering into the tomb. And he puts the apostle before himself ...Let us then become lowly, so we may be high. For most utterly does arrogance abase ... says, I am dust and ashes' and prevailed over countless barbarians ...bearing a trophy more glorious than the former, and, cleaving to his virtue, grew ever more high. St. John Chrysostom.

Keep our parishioners, members of family, friends, and neighbors in your earnest prayers during this season!

"O Lord our God, Who by a word alone did heal all diseases, who did cure the kinswoman of Peter, You who chastise with pity and heal according to Your goodness; Who are able to put aside every sickness and infirmity, do You Yourself, the same Lord, grant aid to Your servants and handmaids and cure them of every sickness of which they are grieved; and send down upon them Your great mercy, and if it be Your will, give to them health and a complete recovery; for You are the Physician of our souls and bodies, and to You do we send up glory: to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, both now and ever and forever. Amen."