«Culture of Memory in the Dialogue of Generations» international Conference Digest

September 20-24, 2016, belovezhskaya pushcha, belarus List of content

Introduction ...... 3 opening and welcome speeches ...... 5


The Artistic History of the War in the Educational Process. T.G. osipova ...... 27

The Study of the History of the Great Patriotic War in Higher School in the Context of the Formation of Historical Memory. G.A. Bolsun ...... 35




National Socialist Forced Labor at the Liebenau Gunpowder Factory – Brief Overview. M. gUSE, p. aNOSHKO ...... 57

Nazi Persecution of Civilians in Belarus. 1941-1944. Interpretation of the Theme in the Exhibition and Scientific Activities of the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War. n.a. yATSKEVICH ...... 61

The Forgotten Lessons of the Holocaust in Buryatia: A Look at the Problem. A.A. zAYTSEVA ...... 66 cONFERENCE RESOLUTION ...... 70 Introduction

digest of INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE «Culture of Memory in the Dialogue of Generations»,

WHICH TOOK PLACE ON SEPTEMBER 20-24, 2016 IN Belovezhskaya Pushcha, BELARUS

International conference “Culture of Memo- Here you can find pictures of young and ry in the Dialogue of Generations” was organ- elderly participants of the conference. Photos ized with the financial support of the German were taken in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Brest Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility Fortress and neighborhoods. and Future” (EVZ). The organizers of the conference are In- 110 participants from Belarus, Ukraine, ternational Public Association “Vzaimoponi- Russia, Germany, Pridnestrovie, Armenia, manie” (“Mutual Understanding”), the Inter- Kazakhstan, Syria took part in the conference. national Union of Former Juvenile Prisoners Amoung the participants were former victims of Fascism, the Belarusian Association of For- of nazism, college and university students, mer Juvenile Prisoners of Fascism (BAFJPF) representatives of Belarusian governmental and the Brest Regional Organization of the institutions, international organizations and BAFJPF Public Association, the Committee for NGOs, scientific community, as well as the Labor, Employment and Social Protection of Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germa- the Brest Regional Executive Committee, Inter- ny in the Republic of Belarus Mr. Peter Dett- national Public Organization “International mar and the representative of the Foundation Foundation ‘Mutual Understanding and Toler- EVZ Mrs. Elke Braun. ance’”, as well as Documentation Center “Gun- powder Factory in Liebenau” and the Fund This book presents the conference digest: “Polish-German reconciliation”. opening and welcome speeches, scientific arti- cles written by historians from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, and the experience of Germany in preserving historical memory.

Introduction to the conference digest Angelika anoshko Chair of the Board of International Public Association “Vzaimoponimanie” (“Mutual Understanding”)

Over the years, members of the Internation- But maybe we all just need to become more al Union of Former Juvenile Prisoners of Fas- honest? and stop to pretend that somebody cism support the tradition of annual meetings, could have the ‘absolute right’? where they discuss the problem of preserva- tion of memory of the II World War events. For Every country and every person has his almost three decades, these people are finding or her own war. Oddly enough, but today’s the strength to remember and to speak, to young people also have their own war. The warn and to act. war as they understand it, but not the one they were told about. This conference is an And today, as the youngest and most inno- attempt to start an open and honest conver- cent witnesses of the Nazi crimes against hu- sation between victims of Nazism, witness- manity, they have the particular right to ask es of military events, and representatives of these questions: why the human willingness today’s young generation; between citizens of to kill each other increases frightfully with different countries with a common historical renewed force? why do such phenomena as past, but with different historical experiences; racism, anti-semitism, xenophobia, discrimi- between representatives of different religions nation still exist? where do aggression and vi- and cultures; between people who survived olence gain strength?.. tragedy more than 70 years ago in childhood or adolescence, and people who were thrown For more than 70 years after the end of away from their happy everyday lives by the most terrible and inhuman war, we still modern military conflicts… haven’t found any reliable way to preserve peace in the world. Maybe we did not do enough for this? or overestimated our abili- ties? or maybe there is just no way to do this? Perhaps it is just a utopia to think that our civ- ilization will learn one day to solve conflicts only in a humane way. Welcome speech on the occasion of International Conference “Culture of Memory in the Dialogue of Generations” Peter Dettmar Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Republic of Belarus

Dear Ms. Anoshko, Dear Ms. Braun, the future. The sense of guilt is always a very Dear Ms. Stativko, personal moment, just like forgiveness. It can Dear Mr. Korzh, not be inherited. But the responsibility that we ladies and gentlemen, are bearing, the Germans, in order to justify first of all, let me thank you, dear Ms. Anosh- the slogan «Never again!», is especially great, ko, for your kind invitation to take part in the because in the past many Germans were to opening of Conference «The Culture of Memo- blame. These two words «Never again!» con- ry in the Dialogue of Generations». The topic tain the understanding of what guilt, task and was and remains relevant and will not lose its responsibility mean today to us, Germans. relevance in the future. It is important to per- This concept includes the task to transfer the ceive work carried out within the memory cul- experience of the terrible past to future gen- ture framework as a permanent task, in par- erations as a warning and to resist those who ticular, in the implementation of educational ignore it. The truth is that history does not re- work with the younger generations. Indeed, peat itself, but it is also true that history de- today this memory can be lost, the witnesses notes prerequisites for the present, and the of that time pass away, and fewer victims can treatment of history thus becomes the founda- personally tell about the horrors that they had tion for the future. to endure. History quickly fades away if it is The responsibility that we, the Germans, not part of the person’s experience. Therefore, bear remains the same: our history vests us it is necessary to turn memories into a living with a special duty to counteract any form of future again and again. We do not intend to discrimination and xenophobia, the search for preserve our horror. We want to learn lessons cure-all solutions and collective accusations. that will become the reference points for fu- Never again the State and society should al- ture generations. Memory must warn us over low people to become, because of their origin, and over again about what terrible deeds a religion, political views, because of their dif- person was capable of and, as we can see in ference from the majority, a collective image many places of this planet, is still capable of of the enemy for the silent majority, to be hu- today. miliated or threatened. We, the descendants, have promised and confirmed that we would Ladies and gentlemen, not forget the horrors of history, that we shall the best guarantee against xenophobia, to- preserve the memory of history and learn talitarianism, fascism and national socialism from it the lessons for the future. Memory is still a living memory and active study of does not have a “period of validity, it can not history. Remembrance of and honoring the be declared by a decree as worked out or fin- memory — these concepts should not be per- ished,” said Noah Flug, who survived, when a ceived as an admission of guilt, which affects young man, the death march from Auschwitz 6 and conducting for many years an impressive the history. This was a pragmatic decision, activity against oblivion as President of the In- for which they still had to pay a high price. ternational Committee of Auschwitz. Victims While the winners and losers were reaching oblige us to reject any form of discrimination an agreement, the victims and, primarily, the and intolerance and to resolutely fight against Jews, have not been heard for a long time. hatred and discrimination in any form. Another principle is working today: to cope with the traumas of the past, you need to Ladies and gentlemen, turn to it and to get new guidelines from the on January 30, 1933 Adolf Hitler was memory of crimes. appointed Reich Chancellor. Thus the darkest chapter in the history of Germany has begun. Thanks to this Churchill’s approach it was On this day the National Socialists came to easy for a long time in the East and West power and in a few weeks eliminated the Germany to expel the feeling of guilt. Extensive first democracy in German land, the Weimar internal changes and a change in values that Republic. Almost 12 years later, on January 27, also included responsibility for the crimes 1945, the liberated the death camp of National Socialism, occurred in the West of Auschwitz, which has become a symbol Germany only with the change of generations of the breakdown of civilization, inhuman of the 1968s, and in the East Germany only cruelty and genocide organized at the state after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. The level. These two dates are separated by only famous speech of the former President of the 12 years — and the eternity full of horror. At Federal The Republic of Germany, Richard the end of the war of extermination unleashed von Weizsäcker, who died in February 2015, by Germany, and the National-Socialist racist delivered on May 8, 1985, is considered a ideology, almost all Europe turned into ruins, historic milestone not only in Germany. This and not only externally: even deeper than the speech has confirmed the mentioned change ruins of European cities that could be seen, in values for West Germany as a fundamental were invisible mental and moral wounds. state idea and has thus laid the foundation We know about many millions of the dead. It for a new culture of memory and the lessons is our duty to them to realize and remember that should be learned from this. This lesson is that then, in the words of the Russian writer most clearly formulated in the first article of Lydia Ginzburg, who survived the blockade the German Constitution: «Human dignity is of Leningrad, «one man perished a million indefeasible.» The meaning of this phrase can times». not be overestimated.

Ladies and gentlemen, I wish everybody a good and informative the process of creating a joint memory conference and thank you for your attention. culture in Europe, that is, including Germany, after the Second World War has a long and (See pages 7-8 for the German version of the difficult history, which, to my mind, is not speech). yet complete. Let me quote a few words that may cause embarrassment, said by Winston Churchill in 1946: «If we want to save Europe from the infinite evil and the ultimate destruction, then we need to be based on the act of faith in the European family and the act of oblivion of all crimes and mistakes of the past». Immediately after the Second World War Churchill believed that Europeans need to forget about their recent past, so that they could turn all their efforts to a new European project. Churchill’s idea was this: while a vision the past divides and splits the nations, the vision of a common future must reunite them. At that time the goal was not to forget 7

Grußwort zum Anlass der Internationalen Konferenz „Erinnerungskultur im Generationendialog“ Peter Dettmar Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in der Republik Belarus

Sehr geehrte Frau Anoshko Sehr geehrte Frau Braun, an und die aktive Auseinandersetzung mit Sehr geehrte Frau Srarivko, der Geschichte. Gedenken und Erinnern ist Sehr geehrter Herr Korzh, nicht als ein in die Zukunft wirkendes Schuld- Meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren, bekenntnis zu verstehen. Schuld ist immer höchst persönlich, ebenso wie die Vergebung. Lassen Die mich zunächst Ihnen, sehr ge- Sie vererbt sich nicht. Aber die Verantwortung ehrte Frau Anoshko, für die freundliche Ein- für uns Deutsche für das „Nie wieder!“ ist be- ladung zur Eröffnung der Konferenz „Erinne- sonders groß, weil sich früher viele Deutsche rungskultur im Generationendialog“ danken. schuldig gemacht haben. In diesen zwei Wor- Das Thema ist und bleibt aktuell und wird ten „Nie wieder!“ ist verdichtet, was Schuld auch in Zukunft nicht an Bedeutung verlieren. Aufgabe und Verantwortung für uns Deutsche Die Arbeit im Rahmen der Erinnerungskultur heute bedeuten – dazu gehört der Auftrag, die ist als permanente Aufgabe zu verstehen – ins- Erfahrung einer schrecklichen Vergangenheit besondere in der Erziehung der nachwachsen- als Mahnung an künftige Generationen weiter- den Generationen. Tatsächlich könnte heute zugeben und denen entgegenzutreten, die sie das Vergessen eintreten, denn die Zeitzeugen ignorieren. Es ist wahr, dass Geschichte sich sterben, und immer weniger Opfer können nicht wiederholt. Aber ebenso wahr ist, dass das Grauen des Erlittenen noch persönlich Geschichte die Voraussetzung der Gegenwart weitertragen und weitergeben. Geschichte ist und dass der Umgang mit der Geschichte verblasst schnell, wenn sie nicht Teil des eige- damit auch zum Fundament der Zukunft wird. nen Erlebens war. Deshalb geht es darum, aus der Erinnerung immer wieder lebendige Zu- Die Verantwortung, die wir Deutsche tra- kunft werden zu lassen. Wir wollen nicht un- gen, bleibt: Unsere Geschichte trägt uns eine ser Entsetzen konservieren. Wir wollen Leh- besondere Verpflichtung auf, gegen jede Form ren ziehen, die auch künftigen Generationen von Ausgrenzung und Fremdenfeindlich- Orientierung sind. Erinnern soll uns immer keit, gegen Heilsversprechen und kollektive wieder mahnen, was an Grausamkeiten der Schuldzuweisungen vorzugehen. Nie wieder Mensch zu begehen in der Lage war und – wie dürfen Staat und Gesellschaft zulassen, dass wir heute an vielen Orten in der Welt immer Menschen wegen ihrer Herkunft, ihrer Re- wieder feststellen müssen – immer noch be- ligion, ihrer politischen Einstellung, wegen geht. ihrer Andersartigkeit zum Feindbild einer schweigenden Mehrheit gemacht, gedemütigt Meine Damen und Herren, oder bedroht werden. Wir Nachgeborenen die beste Versicherung gegen Völkerhass, haben versprochen und bekräftigen, dass wir Totalitarismus, Faschismus und Nationalsozia- die Schrecken der Geschichte nicht verges- lismus ist und bleibt die lebendige Erinnerung sen werden, dass wir die Erinnerung an sie 8 bewahren und die Lehren aus ihr heute und Europa von endlosem Unheil und endgülti- in Zukunft ziehen werden. Die Erinnerung gem Untergang gerettet werden soll, müssen „hat kein Verfallsdatum, und sie ist nicht per wir es auf einen Akt des Glaubens an die euro- Beschluss für bearbeitet oder beendet zu er- päische Familie und einen Akt des Vergessens klären“, so drückte es Noah Flug aus, der als aller Verbrechen und Irrtümer der Vergan- junger Mann den Todesmarsch aus Auschwitz genheit gründen.“ Für Churchill galt unmit- überlebt und der als langjähriger Präsident telbar nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg, dass die des Internationalen Auschwitz-Komitees eine Europäer ihre jüngste Vergangenheit verges- beeindruckende Arbeit gegen das Vergessen sen müssten, um alle Kräfte auf das neue Pro- geleistet hat. Die Oper verpflichten uns, alle jekt Europa richten zu können. Während der Formen von Diskriminierung und Intoleranz Blick in die Vergangenheit – so der Gedanke zu ächten und jede Art des Hasses und der Churchills – trennt und spaltet sollte die Vision Ausgrenzung entschieden entgegenzutreten. einer gemeinsamen Zukunft die Nationen wie- der zusammenführen. Das war damals nicht Meine Damen und Herren, geschichtsvergessen, sondern eine pragmati- am 30. Januar 1933 wurde Adolf Hitler zum sche Entscheidung. Sie hatte allerdings einen Reichskanzler ernannt. Damit begann das hohen Preis. Während sich Sieger und Verlie- dunkelste Kapitel der deutschen Geschichte. rer arrangierten, fanden viele Opfergruppe, Die Nationalsozialisten übernahmen an die- an erster Stelle die jüdischen Opfer, lange kein sem Tag die Macht in Deutschland und liqui- Gehör. Heute gilt ein anderes Prinzip: Um eine dierten innerhalb weniger Wochen die erste traumatische Vergangenheit zu überwinden, Demokratie auf deutschem Boden – die Wei- muss man sich ihr stellen und aus der Erinne- marer Republik. Fast exakt zwölf Jahre später rung an die Verbrechen neue Orientierungen – am 27. Januar 1945 – befreite die Rote Armee gewinnen. das Vernichtungslager Auschwitz, das zum Symbol des Zivilisationsbruchs, menschen- Der Ansatz Churchills hat es dem Verdrän- verachtender Brutalität und staatlich organi- gen von Schuld in Ost- und Westdeutschland sierten Völkermord geworden ist. Beide Daten lange Zeit leichtgemacht. Ein breiterer innerer trennen nur zwölf Jahre – und eine Ewigkeit Wandel und Wertewechsel, der auch die Ver- des Grauens. Am Ende des von Deutschland antwortung gegenüber den Verbrechen des entfesselten Vernichtungskriegs und des nati- Nationalsozialismus einschloss, ist in West- onalsozialistischen Rassenwahns lag fast ganz deutschland erst mit dem Generationenwech- Europa in Trümmern – nicht nur materiell: sel der 68er-Generation und in Ostdeutsch- Tiefer als die mit bloßem Auge sichtbaren Ru- land erst nach dem Mauerfall 1989 vollzogen inen europäischer Städte reichten die uner- worden. Die berühmte Rede des im Februar messlichen seelischen und geistigen Verwun- 2015 verstorbenen ehemaligen Bundespräsi- dungen. Wir wissen um die Abermillionen denten Richard von Weizsäcker zum 08. Mai Toten. Ihnen sind wir es schuldig, uns jenseits 1985 wird heute nicht nur in Deutschland als der ebenso unglaublichen wie abstrakten Zah- historischer Meilenstein gesehen. Die Rede be- len bewusst zu machen und zu halten, dass da- stätigte den vorgenannten Wertewechsel für mals – um mit der russischen Schriftstellerin Westdeutschland als Staatsräson und legte da- und Überlebenden der Blockade Leningrads mit zugleich das Fundament für eine neue Er- Lidia Ginsburg zu sprechen – „millionenfach innerungskultur und die daraus zu ziehenden ein Mensch“ zugrunde gegangen ist. Lehren. Am klarsten ist diese Lehre in Artikel 1 des deutschen Grundgesetzes formuliert: Meine Damen und Herren, „Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar.“ der Aufbau einer gemeinsamen Erinne- Der Satz kennt keine Relativierung. rungskultur in Europa, das heißt auch in Deutschland, hat eine lange und schwieri- Ich wünsche Ihnen einen guten und er- ge Geschichte nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg kenntnisreichen Verlauf der Konferenz und die nach meinem Eindruck noch nicht ab- danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit. geschlossen ist. Gestatten Die mir an dieser Stelle ein vielleicht irritierendes Zitat von Winston Churchill aus dem Jahr 1946: „Wenn 9

welcome speech Nikolai Makhutov President of the International Union of Former Juvenile Prisoners of Fascism (IUFJPF), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The International Union of Former Juvenile world, books, video films, paintings, “Sud’ba” Prisoners of Fascism sincerely welcomes all (“Destiny”) newspaper, museums, monu- participants of the International conference ments, memorial plates have become carriers “Culture of Memory in the Dialogue of Genera- of this memory. tions” and wishes them successful work in the name of preserving the cherished memory of IUFJPF expresses gratitude to the organiz- innocent children’s victims during the Great ers of this International Conference: Interna- Patriotic and Second World Wars. tional Public Association “Vzaimoponimanie” (Belarus), Belarusian Association of Former The glorious Belarusian land and the Juvenile Prisoners of Fascism Public Associa- good-hearted Belarusian people once again tion (BAFJPF, Belarus), the Committee for La- hosted the gray-haired and young envoys of bor, Employment and Social Protection of the many European countries who had become Brest Regional Executive Committee (Belarus), participants in the worldwide tragedy of peo- Gunpowder Factory in Liebenau Documenta- ples during the war. tion Center (Germany).

The young prisoners of fascism who have The conference will certainly take its right- saved their lives 75 years after the beginning ful place in the incessant dialogue of gener- of the war are true living bearers of this mem- ations on the problems of the peaceful and ory, which is embodied in our fates, souls and bright future of all children on Earth - without hearts. We will pass this invaluable and hu- wars, without Nazi and fascist manifestations. manistic symbol of our memory over to the living and future generations of people. We will be vigilant, firm and kind!

Antifascist forums, international confer- ences and meetings in many countries of the welcome speech Zhanna Stativko Deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the VI convocation on the Belovezhsky Electoral District No. 8

Dear conference participants,

I greet you at the International Conference the legendary land of the Brest Fortress that devoted to preservation of historical memory. the first serious rebuff was given to the enemy, Many of you know firsthand how much and an example was shown of the invincible grief and horror a war brings. will, courage and heroism of the Soviet people.

It is always emotional for me to address We entrust a great role in the patriotic edu- you, people who have suffered horrors and cation of the younger generation and the estab- deprivations of fascist imprisonment. You lishment in the modern society of the values of have found the strength to withstand and not peace and humanity, to public associations the to break under the stress of inhuman treat- activities of which are aimed at the formation ment of yourselves. of an active citizenship and the preservation of historical memory. And having survived in such conditions, you tell the younger generation about your I hope that the level of an international fate and heroism of the people who won the forum will give you an opportunity to exchange victory over fascism. interesting ideas and concrete projects, as well as to find ways for further cooperation for the Thank you for not being indifferent to the progressive development of their peoples. memory of the past and participating in public life as much as possible. With all my heart I wish you all health, peace, happiness and fruitful work. We, the residents of Brest Region, treat the theme of the Great Patriotic War with a special feeling of pride and sorrow. After all, it was on welcome speech Elke Braun The Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future”, Germany

Esteemed Nina Antonovna Lych, esteemed Nikolai Andreevich Makhutov, setting. In this regard, the EVZ Foundation was I name you as representatives of the pres- pleased to support this event. ent leaders of the unions of juvenile victims of National Socialism, Dear representatives of the unions of vic- tims, Dear Mr. Ambassador Dettmar, Dear Mr. Chairman Skorobot, many of you have survived World War II, Dear Ms. Deputy Stativko, deportation, forced labor, cold, starvation and Dear audience, concentration camps, being children or teen- agers. Your memories are very diverse and of- I greet you all on behalf of my colleagues ten based on the experience of psychological and the Board of the “Remembrance, Respon- trauma. Today you live knowing that there are sibility and Future” Foundation. We are happy again wars in the territory of the former Sovi- and grateful that even 75 years after the Ger- et Union. Your voices are of particular impor- mans attacked the , many people tance. Meanwhile, you have a great responsi- who were taken to Germany for forced labor bility. You have experienced National Socialist are actively advocating the preservation of the fascism by themselves. You can compare what memory of persecution by the National Social- happened before, and what happens now. ists and of their fellow sufferers. “Culture of With all moral authority, you can object to us- Memory in the Dialogue of Generations” Con- ing the term «fascism» as a political tool, to its ference gathered all of us, participants from everyday use and application to people who Armenia, Estonia, Lithuania, Russia, Poland, stand for freedom, democracy and national Bulgaria, Ukraine, Germany and Belarus here sovereignty. All the more impressive, that you in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha. continue to attend international events. Today it is especially important to listen to each oth- The culture of memory in our countries is er and respect different views on the common still based on different views on history. This history. conference is designed to give you the oppor- tunity to exchange different stories, as well as All the people present here stand up for to communicate with interested young volun- their neighbors, even if they themselves need teers. Please, use this opportunity for discus- help today. Some do this with the support of sions, exchange of points of view, and also for the Remembrance, Responsibility and Future teamwork. One of the goals of the “Meeting (EVZ) Foundation, which has supported in Point: Dialogue” support program is to create the past 16 years more than 900 humanitar- opportunities for interpersonal exchange be- ian projects totaling more than forty million tween young and old people in an informal euros. With your activity, you make an impor- 12 tant contribution to the development of civil the team of Angelika Anoshko, as well as to all society. We wholeheartedly thank you for this. organizations and sponsors who took part in the preparation of this event. You invited pro- Ms. Anoshko and her team from the In- fessional speakers and good leaders, compiled ternational Public Association “Vzaimo- an interesting program that I intrigued me ponimanie” organized this conference to- very much. gether with the Belarusian Association of Former Juvenile Prisoners of Fascism. I I wish all of us a successful event! would like to express my gratitude to

welcome speech Gohar Akopyan daughter of former member of the Central Council Bureau of the IUFJPF, Chairperson of the Armenian Union of Former Juvenile Prisoners of Fascism (Yerevan)

Dear organizers of the International con- I wish fruitful work to the conference, tak- ference “Culture of Memory in the Dialogue of ing wise decisions and resolutions, carrying Generations” and your partners, the light of peace and friendship all over the Dear Nikolai Andreevich, Angelika Nikolaev- world, with the testament to the descendants, na, Nina Antonovna, Mr. Ambassador Peter so that the horrors of the war that my mother Dettmar and Mr. Martin Guse, experienced in her young years never recur.

On behalf of my family, the recently de- ceased Nina Karapetovna Akopyan, who head- ed the Armenian National Union of Former Nazi Prisoners for many years, I heartily con- gratulate all those who visited the blessed and courageous Belarus and national park Belov- ezhskaya Pushcha on this occasion. 13 welcome speech by Nina Antonovna Lych, Chair of the Board of the PA “BAFJPF” Ladies and gentlemen! Dear friends!

You have accepted the invitation of Inter- and their young children were ordered to leave national Public Association “Vzaimoponi- the shelter and to throw in the towel. Among manie”, the International Union of Former them was the family of political instructor Ilya Juvenile Prisoners of Fascism, the Belarusian Semochkin: a pregnant wife, the eldest daugh- Association of Former Juvenile Fascist Pris- ter and small Volodya. But all of them turned oners (BAFJPF) and the Brest Regional Organ- up in prisons, concentration camps, or became ization of the BAFJFP Public Association, the slave forced labors. Committee for Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Brest Regional Executive We bow low to the eternal memory of all Committee, International Public Organiza- those people who died on the battlefields and tion “International Foundation ‘Mutual Un- were tortured in the dungeons of concentra- derstanding and Tolerance’”, Documentation tion camps, ghettos, prisons during the Second Center “Gunpowder Factory in Liebenau” and World War. the Fund “Polish-German reconciliation” and arrived to the International Conference, that The date of the beginning of the Great Pa- takes place in Belovezhskaya Pushcha Nation- triotic War is a mournful date for all of us. al Park in Belarus. The war means dead and wounded, crippled human beings, war means the eternal fear of On behalf of the members of Belarusian As- those who spent their young years in slavery, sociation of Former Juvenile Fascist Prisoners war means a stolen childhood. Public Association, as well as on behalf of all the former victims of Nazism living in Belarus, Children and war are incompatible con- we warmly and kindly welcome you in our cepts. Children are the extension of Life on the hospitable Belarus and want to thank you for planet Earth! And war is a force that takes Life your participation. away.

Time pushes our memory away from the In this cruel war was born the notion of terrible events of the Great Patriotic War. The «Children-prisoners», saved in the hearts of war broke quickly into the peaceful life of our millions of people as the image of an innocent state – the Soviet Union, home Belarus, by the child with eyes full of horror, who is separat- treacherous attack of Nazi Germany at the ed from parents and placed behind the barbed dawn on June 22, 1941. The walls of the Brest wire. Fortress took the first strike of the German military machine. The crimes of the National Socialists left deep wounds on the body and in the souls of Today in the work of our Conference takes the former victims of fascism. part Vladimir Il’ich Semochkin, the chairman of the Brest regional organization of Former Implementing the plans of extermination Juvenile Prisoners of Fascism. Vladimir Ilyich, of the population on the occupied territories, the son of the political instructor Ilya Yegor- during the war Nazis created 260 places of ovich Semochkin, who was deputy command- forced detention, where 2.5 million people er of the 125th Infantry Regiment and fought were murdered, among them 800,000 Jews, in the neighborhood of the apartment blocks including deportees from Germany, the Czech of the Brest Fortress. Ilya Yegorovich died in Republic, and Austria. Over 400 thousand June 1941 at the age of 33. people, including 33 thousand children, were slaves. Only few of them managed to survive In order to save the lives of family members and return home. of the defenders of the Brest Fortress, women welcome speech Nina Lych Chair of the Board of the Belarusian Association of Former Juvenile Prisoners of Fascism (BAFJPF) Public Association

The reminder of every fourth dead Belaru- In our Republic we do everything to save sian is embodied in the image of birch trees in the history of the immortal act of bravery of the memorial complex «Khatyn». Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

Three months after the victory, on August 8, Today we gathered to take part in the Inter- 1945, the Nuremberg trial was organized. The national Conference. These personal meetings governments of the USSR, the United States, between representatives of different countries Great Britain and France concluded an agree- and generations promote mutual understand- ment on organizing a trial of the main war ing and reconciliation. criminals. Then another 19 states joined the agreement, and the tribunal is known now as Hearty thanks to all the organizers who the court of nations. The process began on No- helped us to gather together on the Belarusian vember 20, 1945 and lasted almost 11 months. land, to the participants and guests of this con- 24 war criminals, top leaders of fascist Germa- ference. ny, were judged by the court. I wish all the organizers and participants No one can ever erase the past from mem- spiritual and physical strength, success, health, ory. Memory is more than a glance into the peace and joy, successful and fruitful work of past. Only those who know the history can the Conference in order to prevent the repeti- learn from it the lessons of the present and the tion of Nazism and fascism. future. Thank you for your attention, Therefore, by our participation we promote Brest, Belarus, September 21, 2016. the preservation of peaceful coexistence. These are personal meetings with the young- er generation, performances in educational institutions, creation of films and publication of books about the fate of prisoners, creation of monuments, museums, joint activities with young people, visits to memorial sites of the history of World War II. Welcome speech at the opening of the International Conference “Culture of Memory in the Dialogue of Generations” Martin Guse Gunpowder Factory in Liebenau Documentation Center

Ladies and gentlemen, Dear Ms. Angelika Anoshko, munity of Liebenau, which since the 1990s has Dear colleagues, expressly acknowledged these developments Dear friends, and is working hard to ensure that the histo- I heartily thank the International Public ry of forced labor in a gunpowder factory be Association “Vzaimoponimanie” (“Mutual Un- investigated and known outside the country. derstanding”) and its leader Angelika Anoshko for the invitation to this conference, for pre- Since the residents of Belarus and the senting me as co-organizer and for reading my Ukraine in those years were taken to the gun- welcoming speech. Unfortunately, I could not powder factory in Liebenau, this led me to personally participate owing to urgent activ- multiple international contacts with these ities with German children and youth. I sin- countries. There appeared close relations with cerely regret this. In this speech I convey my former forced laborers and their families, as heartfelt greetings to the participants in the well as a series of youth exchanges. In 2016 conference and best wishes on behalf of the the 19th youth exchange united young people Board and the members of the Documentation from Belarus, the Netherlands, Poland and Center of the Gunpowder Factory in Liebenau. the Ukraine. A fruitful cooperation has been established with school classes, partner com- My special cordial greetings are to the el- munities and institutions such as the Interna- derly honorary guests of this meeting, who tional Public Association “Vzaimoponimanie” have personally survived the horrors of the from Minsk. There was a personal friendship terrorist dominance of the National Socialists. between the young and the elderly. We admire you with special respect and deep understanding. In our joint partnership work we remember the barbarity of World War II and the terror Germany was liberated seventy years ago of the National Socialists. We make this our from the national socialist barbarism by the own commitment to restrain by every possi- military intervention of the international alli- ble means the strengthening of despotism and ance, and the forced workers in Libenau — by dictatorship, abuse of power and hatred in the British troops. Thousands of Soviet prisoners world. We want and should contribute to the of war since autumn of 1941, as well as more development of reliable research, which we than 2,000 young women and men from Be- will introduce to young people from our and larus and the Ukraine since 1942 have been other countries. We will investigate the issues moved to this village in the north of Germany. of the national socialist past, the issues of a In the village where I later grew up, the bur- general crime against humanity, but we will dening national-socialist past has been con- also build friendship in the conditions of mod- cealed for a long time. But now this is the com- ern life and society. 16 “One hundred thousand dead are statistics. «Peace is not the absence of war, but virtue But those who leave and do not return, those stemming from the firmness of the spirit, the who are hurt — there are much more of them”, mindset, the propensity for kindness, trust, and said French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. justice».

In our projects, we recall the fate of young The true keynote of the work of Documenta- people during the Second World War. Their tion Center of the Gunpowder Factory in Lieb- personal desires and hopes were brutally de- enau is based on the Covenant of Survivors of stroyed because of the hatred and arrogance January 25, 2009, developed and signed by the propagated by the state policy. last surviving concentration camp prisoners. They expressed in it to what the witnesses of Facts do exert an influence, but it is always the events at the powder factory especially quite incomprehensible, unreal, and alien. We draw attention of the young participants in have to carry them on and pass on to future the youth meetings: generations as a reminder. With sorrow, sym- pathy and memory, we in Libenau consider «Our ranks are thinning. At all levels of our it our duty to do everything possible that de- unions, both nationally and internationally, pends on ourselves, so that as few people as people are taking our side to preserve mem- possible become victims of wars, racism, an- ory: they give us faith in the future, they con- ti-Semitism and violence. We remember, be- tinue our work. The dialogue that began with cause we can not forget and we must not for- us should continue with them. For this work, get! And not least because today’s news are we need the support of the State and society. filled with global violence, terrorism and war. Last eyewitnesses of events turn to Germany, to all European states and the international The Documentation Center wanted and community, so that the human gift of memory wants to dare and try to make enemies friends. and recollections is preserved and appreciat- And to do it not looking back, but with a look ed in the future. We ask the young people to straight to the present and the future. We keep continue our struggle against the Nazi ideolo- memory together in order to prevent war, rac- gy and for a just, peaceful and tolerant peace, ism and hatred, to build a peaceful future in for a world in which there is no place for an- the «House of Europe» and on the globe. We ti-Semitism, racism, hatred and right-wing ex- carry out this work in the hope that young tremism. This is our testament.» people, like the elderly, want to admit the fol- lowing: Let us all follow this covenant with all our That they can and must make their contri- strength! I wish the conference success and bution to reconciliation between peoples. good discussion. I greet all of you with all my That historical and economic development, heart! hatred, envy and racism have initiated and still generate the circumstances that lead to (See pages 17-18 for the German version of and result in the violent death of countless the speech). people. That people of different nations, cultures and religions can live in peace only when they meet, exchange and express respect for each other, understanding and tolerance.

Millions of victims of National Socialist vio- lence and World War II remind us of pedagogy in the understanding that Dutch philosopher Benedictus de Spinoza already described in the 17th century: Grußwort zur Eröffnung der internationalen Konferenz “Erinnerungs- kultur im Generationendialog“ Martin Guse Dokumentationsstelle Pulverfabrik Liebenau e.V.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, sehr ge- den NS-Vergangenheit geschwiegen hat. Zu- ehrte Angelika Anoshko;, sehr geehrte Kolle- gleich ist es aber auch die Gemeinde Liebenau, ginnen und Kollegen; liebe Freundinnen und die sich seit den 1990er Jahren eindeutig dazu Freunde! bekennt und massiv dafür einsetzt, dass die Geschichte der NS-Zwangsarbeit in der Pul- Der Internationalen gesellschaftlichen Ver- verfabrik erforscht und Grenzen überschrei- einigung „Verständigung“ um Direk-torin An- tend vermittelt werden muss. gelica Anoshko danke ich sehr herzlich für die Einladung zu dieser Konferenz, die Berück- Weil Bürgerinnen und Bürger aus Belarus sichtigung als Mitveranstalter und die Verle- und der Ukraine damals in die Pulver-fabrik sung meines Grußwortes. Meine persönliche Liebenau verschleppt worden waren, führte Mitwirkung musste ich leider durch akute be- mich die internationale Zusammenarbeit be- rufliche Einsätze für benachteiligte deutsche reits mehrfach in diese Länder. Ein intensiver Kinder und Jugendliche kurzfristig absagen. Kontakt zu ehemaligen Zwangsarbeiter/innen Das bedaure ich von ganzem Herzen. Umso und ihren Familien ist ebenso entstanden wie herzlicher sind meine persönlichen Grüße unser Jugendaustausch, der bei bisher 19 Be- und Wünsche sowie die des Vorstandes und gegnungen junge Menschen aus Belarus, den der Mitglieder der Dokumentationsstelle Pul- Niederlanden, Polen und der Ukraine zusam- verfabrik Liebenau e.V. , die ich mit diesen menbrachte. Es entwickelte sich eine frucht- Zeilen an die Mitwirkenden dieser Konferenz bare Kooperation mit Schulklassen, Part- übermittele. nergemein-den oder Institutionen, wie der Internationalen gesellschaftlichen Vereini- Mein besonders herzlicher Gruß richtet an gung „Verständigung“ aus Minsk. Persönliche die betagten Ehrengäste dieser Tagung, die die Freundschaften zwischen jung und alt sind Schrecken der NS-Terrorherrschaft noch per- dabei entstanden, die keiner der Liebenauer sönlich miterlebt haben. Wir verneigen uns Freunde missen möchte. vor Ihnen allen mit besonderem Respekt und in tiefer Verbundenheit. Mit unserer partnerschaftlichen Zusam- menarbeit erinnern wir an die Barbarei des Deutschland wurde vor siebzig Jahren von Zweiten Weltkrieges und an den Terror der der nationalsozialistischen Barbarei durch mi- Nationalsozialisten. Wir tun dies mit der litärische Intervention einer internationalen selbst auferlegten Verpflichtung, mit allen er- Allianz befreit: Die Zwangsarbeiter/innen in denklichen Mitteln dazu beizutragen, dass das Liebenau von britischen Truppen. Tausende Wiedererstarken von Despotie und Diktatur, sowjetische Kriegsgefangene waren ab Herbst von Willkür und Haß, in der Welt eingedämmt 1941 sowie über 2.000 junge Frauen und Män- wird. Wir wollen und müssen unse-ren Bei- ner aus Belarus und vor allem der Ukraine ab trag zu einer wahrheitsbasierten Art des For- 1942 in dieses norddeutsche Dorf verschleppt schens, Nachfragens und Diskutierens leisten, worden. In das Dorf, in dem ich später aufge- indem wir auch zukünftig vor allem Jugend- wachsen bin, in dem man lange zur belasten- liche aus unserem und anderen Ländern in 18 unseren Kommunen zusammenführen: For- Tod unzähliger Menschen zur Folge hatten schend und entdeckend zu Fragen der NS-Ver- und haben. gangenheit – aber auch suchend in Fragen zu c) dass Menschen verschiedener Völker, weiteren universellen Menschheitsverbre- Kulturen und Religionen nur dann in Frieden chen sowie Freundschaft aufbauend in aktu- miteinander leben können, wenn sie sich be- ellen Lebens- und Gesellschaftsfragen. gegnen, austauschen und Respekt, Verständ- „Hunderttausend Tote, das ist eine Statis- nis und Toleranz füreinander aufbringen. tik. Aber einer, der fortgeht und nicht wieder- Die abermillionen Opfer der NS-Gewaltherr- kommt, das schmerzt – das ist viel mehr“, hat schaft und des Zweiten Weltkrieges gemahnen der französische Schriftsteller Antoine des uns zu einer Pädagogik in dem Sinne, den der Saint-Exupéry treffend formuliert. niederländische Philosoph Baruc de Spinoza schon im 17. Jahrhundert niederschrieb: In unseren Projekten wird an einzelne Le- „Friede ist nicht die Abwesenheit von Krieg: benswege junger Menschen während des Friede ist eine Tugend, eine Geisteshaltung, eine Zweiten Weltkrieges erinnert. Auch ihre ganz Neigung zu Güte, Vertrauen und Gerechtigkeit.” persönlichen Wünsche und Hoffnungen wur- den aufgrund verantwortungsloser – von Hass Das eigentliche Leitmotiv der Arbeit der und rassistischer Überheblichkeit getragener Dokumentationsstelle Pulverfabrik Liebenau Politik – brutal zerstört. aber basiert in besonderem Maße auf dem „Vermächtnis der Überlebenden“ vom 25. Ja- Die Fakten wirken auf immer wieder nuar 2009, erarbeitet und unterzeichnet von nahezu unfassbar, unwirklich, fremd! Wir letzten noch lebenden Häftlingen der NS-Kon- sind verpflichtet, sie weiter zu tragen und als zentrationslager. Sie brachten darin zum Aus- Mahnung an die nachfolgenden Generatio- druck, was auch die Zeitzeug/innen der Pul- nen zu vermitteln. Mit Trauer, Anteilnahme verfabrik Liebenau in ihren Lebensberichten und Gedenken gehen wir in Liebenau die Ver- für die jungen Gästen unserer Jugendbegeg- pflichtung ein, alles in unseren persönlichen nungen immer wieder betont haben: „Unsere Kräften Stehende zu tun, damit nicht immer Reihen lichten sich. In allen Instanzen unserer mehr Menschen Opfer von Kriegen, Rassis- Verbände, auf nationaler wie internationaler mus, Antisemitismus und Gewalt werden. Wir Ebene, treten Menschen an unsere Seite, um erinnern uns, weil wir nicht vergessen kön- die Erinnerung aufzunehmen: Sie geben uns nen und nicht vergessen dürfen! Und nicht zu- Vertrauen in die Zukunft, sie setzen unsere letzt weil die aktuellen Tagesnachrichten von Arbeit fort. Der Dialog, der mit uns begonnen Berichten über weltweite Gewalt, Terrorismus wurde, muss mit ihnen fortgeführt werden. und Krieg strotzen. Für diese Arbeit benötigen sie die Unterstüt- zung von Staat und Gesellschaft. Die letzten Die Dokumentationsstelle wollte und Augenzeugen wenden sich an Deutschland, an will den Versuch wagen, aus ehemaligen Fein- alle europäischen Staaten und die internatio- den Freunde werden zu lassen. Und dies er- nale Gemeinschaft, die menschliche Gabe der folgt nicht nur im Blick zurück, sondern gera- Erinnerung und des Gedenkens auch in der de auch im Blick auf Gegenwart und Zukunft. Zukunft zu bewahren und zu würdigen. Wir Wir erinnern uns gemeinsam, um vor Krieg, bitten die jungen Menschen, unseren Kampf Rassismus und Fremdenhass zu warnen, um gegen die Nazi-Ideologie und für eine gerech- an einer friedlichen Zukunft im „Haus Euro- te, friedliche und tolerante Welt fortzuführen, pa“ und auf der Erdkugel zu bauen. Wir leis- eine Welt, in der Antisemitismus, Rassismus, ten diese Arbeit in der Hoffnung, dass jung Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Rechtsextre-mis- wie alt erkennen mögen, mus keinen Platz haben sollen. Dies sei unser a) dass auch sie selbst einen Beitrag zur Vermächtnis.“ Völkerverständigung beitragen können und müssen. Lassen Sie uns alle gemeinsam mit aller b) dass geschichtliche und ökonomische Macht dafür eintreten, diesem Vermächtnis zu Entwicklungen, Hass, Neid und Rassismus folgen! Ich wünsche der Tagung einen erfolg- jene Umstände hervorbrachten und auch heu- reichen Verlauf und gute Gespräche. te noch hervor-bringen, die den gewaltsamen 19 THE CONCEPT OF HISTORICAL MEMORY AND ITS MODERN INTERPRETATIONS Andrei b. sokolov

Ph.D in History, Professor Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University

Dear colleagues, German, Russian, Polish» (this is a quote). Ac- tually, the first chapter of Shama’s book begins I would like to thank the organizers for with a conversation about bisons and is called the invitation and the opportunity to speak. «The Royal Beasts of Bialoveza». The author writes there: «I had come to Poland to see this I was asked to introduce the concept of his- forest. See what, exactly, I wasn’t sure. Histo- torical memory to the audience, which I would rians are supposed to reach the past always gladly do, but I would like to start by mention- through texts, occasionally through images; ing the Anglo-American historian Simon Scha- things that are safely caught in the bell jar of ma, who is today almost the most published academic convention; look but don’t touch. author writing about history. Long time ago, But one of my best-loved teachers, an intellec- back in the mid-90s, he had written a book tual hell-raiser and a writer of eccentric cour- called Landscape & Memory, which was, from age, had always insisted on directly experienc- my point of view, a very successful example of ing “a sense of place,” of using “the archive of the implementation of this concept. The idea the feet.” My subject was landscape myth and of this book is that natural and geographical memory, and this woodland wilderness, the objects are original places of memory, storing puszcza, stretching all the way along the bor- the codes of the past. Spatial history is today derland that Poland shared with Belarus and one of the dynamically developing directions Lithuania, was the “native realm” of writers in historiography. The book of Shama consists of our time like Czeslaw Milosz and Tadeusz of three parts: «Wood», «Water» and «Rock». Konwicki; or past time like Adam Mickiewicz.1 He talks about myths and memories of what Generation after generation, such writers had really happened, and how they are sometimes created a consolatory myth of a sylvan coun- difficult to separate. He writes about how the tryside that would endure uncontaminated landscape influences mentality and people’s whatever disasters befell the Polish state. And perceptions, and how people construct in with a swerve of logic that only connoisseurs their heads the notions of the landscape based of Polish history can appreciate, this sempi- on memories of the past. A native of a Jewish ternal homeland was celebrated (in Polish) as family whose ancestors had fled from these “Lithuania.” «O Lithuania, my country, Thou places in the beginning of the last century, he art like good health, I never knew till now how begins his narrative from the way he came to precious till I lost thee?» «Imagine,» said my this land (however, from Polish side), where friend, “if the Americans sing ‘Canada is beau- «where frontiers march back and forth to the tiful’.” Variable identity is the trophy of history. abrupt commands of history. The same fields I know that under the greenery of the blood, of wheat and rye moving in slow waves with and in the clearings in the depths of oak and the rhythm of the breeze had been Lithuanian, pine forests - graves. Fields, forests and rivers 21 saw blood and terror, inspiration and despair, generality and strict division into periods, to death and resurrection, Lithuanian kings and the construction of schemes, whereas in mem- Teutonic knights, partisans and Jews, the Nazi ory there is nothing artificial; it only stores Gestapo and the Stalin NKVD. This is a refuge, what lives and can live only in the conscious- where in the fern you can find buttons with an ness of the group that supports it. Historical overcoat of six generations of fallen soldiers”1. memory is finite, because it is limited by the I included this quote in my message, not only existence of those groups that store the mem- because it is directly related to the topic of the ory of events and figures. Should a human conference, but also as a tribute to the hosts life span be larger, a historical memory could and the land that that has accommodated us have lasted longer. The second difference is for these days. that if history tends to generality, then there are several versions of historical memory, be- It is believed that Maurice Halbwachs, cause many groups exist simultaneously, each the French sociologist, has originated the of which having its own history. concept of historical memory. His fate was tragic: he was arrested for helping his son, a An important part of the Halbwachs con- Resistance member, and died in March 1945 cept is the substantiation of communicative in the concentration camp Buchenwald. As a practices for transmitting historical memory. scientist, he was much ahead of his time, and He himself recalled that in his childhood he he was fully appreciated only decades after had received information about the Second his death. As early as 1925, he published the Empire, about the war with Prussia in 1870, work «The Social Framework of Memory,» and about the Commune and the establishment of already posthumously, in 1950, they published the republic from the mouth of the old nanny, his book «Collective Memory». The essence «full of superstitions and prejudices, which no of his concept is that the concepts «historical doubt took the picture of these events how it knowledge» (or otherwise, historiography) and was painted by people’s imagination.» Each of «historical memory» are not identical, and in those present in this hall could have this kind many respects are opposed. He wrote: «History of memories. I remember that when a school- is a collection of facts that have taken the most boy, I listened, to put it mildly, with astonish- important place in the minds of people. But ment, to the story of my great-grandmother, being read in books, learned in schools, the who retained absolute clarity of thought un- events of the past are selected, compared and til her death at the age of 90. When the Bol- classified based on the needs and rules that shevik Revolution of 1917 occurred, she was were not relevant for those that for a long 32 years old, she was working at a factory in time kept a living memory of them. The fact one of the cities of the Yaroslavl province, and is that history begins at the moment when the she recalled that the meal in the working fam- tradition ends, when social memory fades or ilies was good (at any rate, meat was part of disintegrates. The need to write the history of the daily diet, in contrast to the hungry Sovi- a particular period, a society or even a person et era), and the strikes were organized by two arises only when they have already gone so Bolsheviks as follows. They used to lock the far into the past that we have little chance of gates and carry the keys, so that the workers finding around ourselves a lot of witnesses could not get to the shop. Why do I remember that keep a memory of them»2. Halbwachs this? Because even now I feel how much this also explained that even if historical science story was different from the official historical tries to retain the image of the past, still kept version that was presented to us in school. in the collective memory, «it retains from it only what is interesting for our society». Halbwachs viewed commemoration, that is, practices to preserve the memory of mnemon- Halbwachs identified two distinctive ic (memorable) events as an attempt to sus- features of history and historical memory. pend or at least to hide the process of changing The first difference is that history tends to tradition. Commemorative mnemonic stories 1. Schama S. Landscape and Memory. N.Y., 1995. P. 24 2. Halbwachs M. Collective and Historical Memory // Permanent Stock. 2005. # 2-3. P. 22. 22 strengthen the stereotypes of our conscious- In modern literature, Halbwachs has both ness, evoking specific memories of the past. supporters and critics. One can consider a di- Therefore, commemoration is highly signifi- rect adherent of his concept the famous French cant politically. Halbwachs originated the idea historian Pierre Nor, who for many years led of «places of memory», which include not only the preparation of a multi-volume edition en- certain geographical points, but also dates, titled “Places of Memory”, which published 45 special figures and events, everything that French historians. For him, places of memory awakens memory of the past. are not sites in a narrow geographic sense, but people, events, objects, buildings, traditions, After the Second World War, the interest in textbooks, and the research is not focused on historical memory in sociology has increased, the “historical core” of the place of memory while the development of this concept took but on its reflection in the mind and the forms place in the context of responsibility for the of its perception. The meaning of the work is war and the crimes of the Hitler regime. The in clarifying when this place of memory has leader of the so-called Frankfurt School, The- acquired its symbolic meaning and how this odore Adorno, and his followers turned to the meaning was changing over time. The authors study of the historical roots of anti-Semitism identified several forms of change in the ter- and have developed a theory according to ritory of memory, including spontaneous for- which the political behavior of the masses is getting and substitution of some mnemotopes; determined by socio-psychological factors. In opposite process of displacement of repressive the context of discussions in the Western Ger- or forgotten images; evolution of the most sta- many about whether it is possible to blame the ble places of memory, lining up in a different German people for Nazism, Adorno was the hierarchy over time. In post-Soviet Russia we leading intellectual whose views influenced see both the return and the evolution; for ex- the younger generation of the German “sixties” ample, recurrence of the symbols of the em- who demanded the building of a new German pire, Orthodoxy, Cossacks, the nobility, or the statehood on the complete denial of National rethinking of “milestone” events, in particu- Socialism and repentance for its sins. Arguing lar, the October Revolution. Nora went even about the desire to forget national socialism, further than Halbwachs in contrasting history Adorno asserted that this was the manifesta- and memory. He wrote: “Compared to history, tion of the so-called “weakened memory”, in which in all times was in the hands of the rul- which there is a strong neurotic component ing power, scientists or professionals, memo- and which resists the adoption of rational rea- ry has the prestige of democracy and protest, soning. I would like to support the statement it has appeared as a revenge of the insulted about Adorno’s influence by an excerpt from and humiliated, like the history of those who an interview that I had ten years ago with, so did not have the right to history. History was to say, a man of the German sixties, a promi- built based on memory, but against memory, nent didactic professor of the Bielefeld Univer- which was considered individual, psychologi- sity Johame Rolfes, who remarked, referring cal, deceptive, nothing more than a testimony to the chauvinistic and antidemocratic ver- in need of interpretation. The history was uni- sion of the past expounded in the Nazi history fied, and the memory is plural, because itis textbooks: “Such experience testifying to the individual in its essence. The idea of collective use of history for political purposes, aroused memory, emancipating and sacralized, turned my interest in this subject, which was further this agreement upside down”4. strengthened in connection with the issue of the historical roots of the radical German fas- Let us single out several statements sup- cism and the Holocaust”3. As we can see, the porting the concept of historical memory in approach of the Frankfurt School in the sociol- modern conditions and related discussions. ogy of historical memory differs in its accents The first consideration is of a practical na- from Halbwachs. ture. It consists in the fact that the concept of “historical memory” is rarely used in the 3. «The Future is Unthinkable without the Past»: Inter- 4. Nora P. World Memory Celebration // Permanent view with Professor Rolfes // Teaching History and So- Stock. 2005. # 2-3. P. 206. cial Studies at School. 2007. # 3. P. 60. 23 sense in which it has appeared. Most often, Annals school and within the framework of the arguments about historical memory are the so-called new cultural history they high- the manifestations of so-called historical poli- light the importance of addressing the oral tics, a characteristic phenomenon of our time, tradition, which is rejected in positivist and when the States, to the extent never displayed Marxist historiography, taking only a written before, manipulate historical memory, adopt text (and not every one) as a reliable source. laws that pursue the so-called falsifications of Suffice it to recall the classic work of the Amer- history, establish memorial dates and feasts. ican historian Robert Darnton «The Great Cat This is explained as the concern for historical Fight», in the first chapter of which he turned memory, but in fact it is, as a rule, an attempt to the mentality of the French peasantry of to officialise memory. Let us take the recent the Old Order era through restoration by the Russian example: the widespread «Immortal archival records of fairy tales made by folk- Regiment» action. From my point of view, it is lorists in the 19th century. Secondly, the phe- an official creature in disguise: it is not with- nomenon of the mid-to-late twentieth century out reason that the media have repeatedly has become the emergence of oral history as stressed that its value was not being designed a new historiographical trend. In a sense, oral in the Kremlin, and Putin «joined» its partici- history based on recording oral testimonies is pants in . opposed to official history; it gave the rostrum to those whose voice was outside of history, The second statement is of theoretical na- «written by the winners» - rejected, victims, ture. It concerns one of the contentious issues, marginalized groups, to those whose opinions namely the antithesis of history and memory. and feelings were of little interest to histori- Several researchers have objected to such op- ans. According to one of the well-known repre- position. This position is taken, for example, sentatives of oral history, Alessandro Portelli, by well-known scientists, German Jorn Ryuzen its true value is not that it communicates new and Englishman Peter Burke. They prefer to facts, but that it gives access to the perceptions say that historical memory and historiogra- and sensations of people, including those who phy are close or parallel phenomena both are called «silent majority»6. reflecting historical culture; moreover, aca- demic history itself can be regarded as a form The fourth statement is psychological. The of memory, as «collective memory in the age historical precondition for the spread of the of science». A similar point of view is shared concept of historical memory and the devel- by the most prominent expert on this issue opment of oral history were the tragedies of in Russia, Lorina Petrovna Repina. Thus, she the twentieth century, therefore, according wrote: «There is no fatal choice, there is not to almost unanimous recognition, the central even a gap between history and memory. We point of the concept of memory was trau- must not forget about the persistence of not ma. As noted by the modern Russian author fully reflected mental stereotypes in the histo- Nikolai Koposov, “since its origination, the rians themselves, and about the socio-political interest in historical memory has evolved un- incentives for their activity in the field of «new der the undoubted influence of the Holocaust mythology», on the one hand, and the process- problem. Thanks to this, the “memory of the es of intellectualization of ordinary historical victims” has become a classical, maximally le- consciousness, however ambiguous and con- gitimate model of modern historical memory.” tradictory they may be, on the other» 5 . Of course, there are aspects in the concept of trauma that generate discussions. Thus, there The third statement is historiographical. are two approaches: one sees the origins of The concept of historical memory contribut- trauma in real events that occurred in the real ed to significant changes in the field of histor- world; the second focuses not on the event as ical epistemology, manifestations of which I the source of the trauma, but on the signif- find in two positions. Firstly, in the writings of icance attached to this event in the minds of some third generation representatives of the the persons involved. Anyway, the view that 5. Repina L.P. Historical Memory and Contemporary 6. Portelli A. What Makes Oral History Different // Historiography // New and Contemporary History. Oral History Reader. L., 1998. 2004. # 5. P. 44. 24 traditional historiography is unable to con- criminals, gypsies, Russians, Poles, Italians, vey the significance of traumatic events and French - these are the criteria of the concen- their impact on the psyche of people and the tration camp, but they are accepted. That is, collective consciousness, is fairly widespread. the memory is styled according to the SS cri- Here I would like to refer to the interview teria”8. I do not comment on this statement at that I had with the prominent modern histori- all, I brought it with one intention — to show an Hayden White, published in Russia. In his how acute the discussion of trauma and his- opinion, when it comes to trauma, personal, torical memory topics might be. such as death or loss, or historical, for exam- ple, the Holocaust or the bombing of , The fifth statement, to continue the previous the Holodomor in the USSR or the genocide one, is about oblivion, which is the reverse in Rwanda, the language of “scientific histori- side of memory and is at times a salvation ography” does not work7. Even the enumera- from the traumatic experience of the past. tion of the number of victims does not affect This phenomenon is described in oral history. the emotional level (indeed, the debate about In Svetlana Alexievich’s work we find the whether the number of victims of Stalin’s ter- story of Olga Vasilievna Podvyshenskaya, who ror is exaggerated is far from the true sense of served in the navy during the war: «We did trauma and tragedy). The discourse of trauma not tell the children about the war for some has a moral dimension, which inevitably leads reason. I did not even wear medal pads,» and to different shades of pain over the victims. To further: «After the war, they have not talked illustrate this, I will quote one more excerpt about the war veterans for quite a time. Our from the interview, which I was lucky to have granddaughter knows everything about us, she with the most prominent German historian, is interested, we used to tell her, she is given now deceased, Reinhart Koselleck. It was also such essay topics at school. But we did not tell published in Russia. That was how he talked the children, and they did not ask us.» She about the memory of the war and the “hier- answered nothing to the qualifying question archy of victims”: “Germany has admitted the of Aleksievich: «Why did not you tell the war guilt before the Jews and conducts appropri- to your children?», but her husband Saul ate policies. However, in addition to the Jews, Genrikhovich, also a war veteran, answered: there were other categories of victims, for ex- «We probably have not yet understood, have ample, gypsies or homosexuals. When I argue not realized what we had done. After tens of against Holocaust memorials, it is not because years, life made us think about the long-lived I call to forget about the murders of Jews, but experience. But that time the war was too because the memory of Jews becomes privi- close and too terrible to remember. I wanted leged and a hierarchy of victims arises. But a to save the children from this horror»9. The death is always a death, and we have starved desire to forget, to get rid of memory-trauma to death three and a half million Russian pris- is described in many works on oral history. In oners of war. They were practically killed, this general, it was probably German philosopher is 60% of all Russian prisoners. I have always Friedrich Nietzsche back in the XIX century, said that if the German nation supplied killers, who first thought about the role of forgetting. then all victims should be remembered on a Focusing on the importance of oblivion, parity basis, and not only remember about the he wrote that if a person were deprived of Jews. I have quarreled with Weizsäcker, Kohl, the opportunity to forget, he «would be like I was expelled from the committee of the Bun- someone who is forced to abstain from sleep, desrat, since I demanded that everyone should or like an animal condemned to live only by be remembered. No, it was politically correct the same rumination. Thus, it is quite possible to remember only the Jews: there was pressure to live with almost no memories and even to from Israel and America, the rest were put on live almost happily without them, as shown by hold. And it sounds disgusting to me, because the example of an animal; but it is absolutely if you call the SS the killers, then how can you and surely inconceivable to live without use their classification: Jews, homosexuals, the possibility of forgetfulness in general. 7. Interview with H. White // Dialogue with Time. 2005. 2005. # 15. P. 337-338. # 14. 9. Aleksievich S. War has no woman’s face. The last 8. Interview with R. Kosellek // Dialogue with Time. witnesses: Stories. M., 1988. 25 Or, to make it even easier to express my idea: empirical material, the laws of memory func- there is such a degree of insomnia, a constant tioning were not discovered. Nevertheless, the rumination, such a degree of development of data and provisions of psychology can be used the historical feeling that entails tremendous when it comes to the phenomenon of historical damage to everything live, and ultimately memory. These include: the idea of memory as leads to its death, be it an individual or the imagination, for memory is not a simple mold people, or culture»10. Briefly commenting on of past events; the fact that the productivity this statement of Nietzsche, I note that I refer of memories is a by-product of conscious, so- it to that category of history which he himself cially-mediated activities; the thesis about the called a monumental, or official, glorifying emotional coloration of memory culture; the history, close to the phenomenon that we have provision about the role of associations, that is, already defined as a historical policy. the actions, sensations and feelings that cause the restoration of links and its functioning. Finally, the final sixth statement, provoking the nature: is there in principle a phenomenon of collective, or social, cultural memory, no matter how it is called? In this regard, I would like to recall the dispute between the found- er of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud and his follower, and then scholarly opponent Karl Gustav Jung, whose teaching can be regarded as one of the prerequisites for the concept of historical memory. One of the differences be- tween them lay in the non-recognition by Freud of Jung’s idea of the collective unconscious. Jung himself wrote: «The surface layer of the unconscious is personal to a certain extent. However, this layer rests on another, deeper one, no longer originating and acquired from personal experience. This congenital deeper layer is the so-called collective unconscious. It includes, in contrast to the personal soul, the content and patterns of behavior that are the same everywhere and in all individuals»11. Ac- cording to Jung, in the personal unconscious emotionally colored complexes form the inti- mate soul life of the individual. The content of the collective unconscious are archetypes. Without delving into this issue, we note that it was reflected in one of the core discussions in the psychology of memory: to what extent is memory determined biologically or cultur- ally? It is clear that in the context of Soviet «collectivity» the cultural-historical approach dominated, which was reflected in the works of Lev Vygotsky, Alexander Luria and Alexei Leontyev. The merits of Soviet psychologists are great, including practical applicability in pedagogy. However, as noted in modern stud- ies, with all the abundance of accumulated

10. Nietzsche F. Works. In 2 vol. V. 1. M., 1990. P. 162-163. 11. Jung K.G. Archetype and Symbol. M., 1991. P 97-98. 26 The Artistic History of the War in the Educational Process tatyana G. Osipova

Associate Professor, Department of History, Kostroma State University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

In recent years, interest in the history of and successes of others. The overwhelming schoolchildren and students (of non-historical majority (78%) disagree with the statement departments) in Russia is decreasing. Even 10 that history is dead and gone, not connected years ago, when questioning schoolchildren with the present life, and, therefore, are ready and students in the framework of the interna- to perceive it as relevant and contemporary. tional project “Youth and History”, we received At first glance, a less definite picture appears the following data (I will give an example from in the answer option: «History is a set of in- a survey of schoolchildren in Kostroma and structive examples: what is right or wrong, Yaroslavl)12: good or bad». At the same time, we have ap- The first question of the questionnaire proximately the same number of disagreed «What does history mean to you?» aimed at (39%) and agreed (33%) with a large number clarifying the pupils’ attitude to history not of doubtfuls (27%). These data seem to us in- as a school subject, but as a process of human dicative. They seem to reflect the fact that two development. The received data surely con- stereotypes remain in the understanding and firmed that interest in history went beyond the teaching of history: the first is «It is necessary school activity: 71% of students definitely did to learn a lesson from history» (in a primitive not agree that history was just a school sub- form this implies a search of examples in the ject. They were generally aware of the impor- history confirming this or that point of view); tance of history as such for the life of society the second: «History teaches only that it does and each person. The second option of the an- not teach anything» (here in exaggerated form swer «Is history a source of pleasure» is aimed the educating and socializing potential of his- at elucidating the emotional attitude of school- tory is downgraded). It is significant that the children towards history, which is also impor- majority of schoolchildren (65%) rejected the tant from the point of view of motivation, es- pessimistic view of history as a collection of pecially as it indicated the ability of history to atrocities and disasters. This is extremely im- develop imagination. Here we also received portant, since a certain share of historical opti- figures that inspired cautious optimism: 49% mism, a positive view of the past (if the «black of respondents saw a source of pleasure in his- pages» in the history of this or that country tory, while 20% definitely disagreed. From the are not ignored and not hushed up) is, in our point of view of socialization, it is important opinion, a prerequisite for the socialization of to point out that 68% of schoolchildren see schoolchildren through the means of history. in history a chance to learn from the failures 12. Training of a history teacher in the conditions 13. K.Mitrofanov. What does the history teacher re- of modernization of higher pedagogical education: ally have to work with (about the differences in the Monograph / ed. A.B. Sokolov, M.V. Novikov. Yaroslavl, subjects of historical research and teaching) // Mod- 2005. - P.88-89 28 Today, all positive indicators decreased al- • imagery, emotional coloring. It is a part of most twice. Students and schoolchildren open- the worldview: each person has his own his- ly state that «history is something that has torical insight, this is subjective knowledge, become obsolete», they do not see any point therefore, it is difficult to assess them by quan- in studying history, they do not associate it titative parameters, tests, etc. 13 with life. However, in some answers there is a statement that it is «just interesting» to study Understanding the differences between history. knowledge and image has a number of The conclusion that can be drawn from this implications for the study and teaching of is: it is necessary to look for new means of history. First, recognition, «legalization» of teaching history, to use sources that will sup- the historical image, historical metaphor. port this interest. First of all, these are artistic Secondly, the solution of the problem of texts and visual (artistic) sources. In the pro- opposing images and scientific and objective cess of interaction between «historical» and principles in teaching is the use of literary «artistic» (for example, the representation of images and metaphors as full-fledged history in art monuments), in the process of subjects of historical knowledge. According artistic communication, there appears a defi- to researcher O.Yu.Strelova, today we can nition of historical meanings, as well as the talk about such a phenomenon as a figurative «reverse» influence of artistic life on the his- education14. torical consciousness of society. The logic of the development of «historical» At the same time, it is important to remember and «artistic» is such that historical research that the historical source lies in the base of increasingly becomes multi- or metadiscipli- the modern school history study. Sources nary in its methodology and technique, and are the main means of learning to work with art covers almost all spheres of human exist- information and for the formation of critical ence. thinking in schoolchildren and students. For the educational process, these factors are significant if we take into account the Sources on the history of the Second World fact that one of the components of historical War and the Great Patriotic War are infinitely knowledge is the historical representation, i.e. diverse. But, traditionally, in our «big» history the image of an object or phenomenon that and in the educational process, preference is arises individually, and is not common to all. given to written sources, especially official In the modern teaching of history, the his- ones, they are usually taken to trust, while torical image (idea) is the subject of study, re- descriptive narrations, especially artistic texts, search, and it is paid great attention in history visual sources have an auxiliary, illustrative studies at school and university. role as «biased». Meanwhile, students and schoolchildren should understand that The researchers note the following features no source carries objective information, of historical images: information is perceived by the person, the researcher, and therefore, any source should • preliminary nature: («we do not know be treated critically. Do not forget that the how we know it, it is in the air ...») sources, performing important information functions, can show how the history is • «conventionality»: i.e., some kind of a se- distorted (consciously or unconsciously). I will cret understanding, the majority thinks the give an example of such distortion. Compare way it is commonly believed. The mechanism the two sources, which reflect the same event of this unspoken convention has not been - the execution by the Germans in 1941 of studied. Jewish population of Kiev in Babi Yar.

ern methods in modern teaching. Proceedings of the 14. Strelova O.Yu. Images-myths-falsifications // Teach- scientific and practical conference. M., 2002. - P.2 ing history and social studies in school. 2010. №8. - p.22-25 29 Source 1.

“All the Jews of the city of Kiev and its suburbs should appear on Mon- day, September 29, 1941, at 8 AM at the corner of the Melnikovskaya and Dokhturovskaya streets (near the cemeteries). Take with you the docu- ments, money, valuables, as well as warm clothes, underwear and so on. Whoever does not follow this order and is found elsewhere will be shot. Those citizens who penetrate into the apartments left by the Jews and take their belongings, will be shot.*

* Central State Archives of the October Revolution, Moscow. Fund 7021, inventory 65, stock unit 5.

Source 2. 30 This example clearly shows that even the tory teaching is aimed not only at the trans- use of official sources, which are considered fer of certain historical knowledge, but also to be «objective», requires great caution and at the formation of critical historical thinking critical analysis. Now let us turn to the artistic skills that are important for the socialization texts and their possibilities in teaching. of the individual. Most school graduates will not become professional historians, and their Modern historical science tends to depart communication with the historical past will from the so-called «objectivist history» and more likely occur through writers’ works than pass to a narrative – a figurative descriptive through the works of history researchers. exposition of historical events and phenome- Therefore it is important to develop the ability na. This fact is noted by many domestic and of students to acquire knowledge and critical- foreign authors. Thus, Roger Chartier in his ly comprehend information obtained in read- article «History and Literature» writes: «in ing works of fiction. our time, all scientific disciplines (including the most «exact» sciences) are returning to the The importance of the use of works of art in problem of the inevitable ‘literary dimension’ the teaching of history increases in connection of their writings.» with the recent changes of the goals of study- ing history. In methodological publications of History today is perceived not as a set of recent years, one of the main tasks is the devel- facts and concepts intended for memorization, opment of creative thinking of schoolchildren but as an interpretation of historical events and students, and fiction is an indispensable and phenomena. Different historians give means of teaching. The significance of empa- their own interpretations of the events of his- thy — the ability to experience involvement in tory, but writers also offer their own vision of past events and actions of historical persons — these events in artistic forms. Researcher E.N. is paid greater attention than before. Fiction is Tsimbayeva notes that the historical reality an important tool for achieving this. and artistic principle «... intersect in the work because they always intersect in the mind of The address to fiction often helps to under- the writer. He creatively recreates reality, in- stand the motives of the actions of historical evitably and unwittingly relying on it...»15. characters, which often had a more complex The author emphasizes that the historical and and contradictory nature than presented in artistic space «... have a common origin. Af- the usual history textbooks. Finally, one should ter all, if historical realities constitute only a not forget that one of the tasks of teaching his- small part of the artistic system of the literary tory, which, unfortunately, often was not given text, this latter, however brilliant, is only an due attention, is the increase in the literacy of insignificant part of the great historical reality schoolchildren and students, the development – the existence of mankind. And cannot be im- of their ability to speak and write correctly. agined without this”16. Of course, when refer- Artistic works can provide irreplaceable help ring to an artwork as a historical source, one in this. should also take into account the fact that such an approach is being developed quite recently, Historians often reject the use of artistic and «the necessary empirical base has not yet texts in the educational process, indicating a been formed ... and the necessary theoretical great degree of fiction present in them. I sug- tools have not practically been developed»17. gest that we compare the following two texts.

The most recent pedagogical and methodo- (See pages 31-32). logical literature emphasizes the fact that his-

15. Cit. ex: Zverev V. Historian, Fiction and Reality. // 17. Zverev V. Historian, Fiction and Reality. // Historian Historian and Artist. 2007. #2. P.109 and Artist. 2007. #2. P.103 16. Ibid. P.109. 31 Text 1.


Moscow, November 17, 1941

The experience of the last month of the war 2. In each regiment, form teams of raiders showed that the German troops are poorly of 20-30 people each for the explosion and adapted to the war in winter conditions, they burning of settlements in which enemy troops do not have warm clothes and, suffering many are stationed. ... Outstanding brave soldiers hardships from the coming frosts, huddles to be singled out for a government decoration in the frontline zone settlements. Arrogant for courageous actions to destroy settlements enemy was going to winter in the warm in which German troops are located. houses of Moscow and Leningrad, but this 3. In case of forced withdrawal of our units was impeded by the actions of our troops. ... in this or that sector, to take with them the German soldiers live, as a rule, in small towns, Soviet population and obligatorily destroy in villages, in peasant huts, barns, rigs, baths all settlements without exception, so that the near the front, and headquarters of German enemy could not use them. For this purpose to units are located in larger settlements and use first of all the teams of raiders formed in cities, hide in basements, using them in as a the regiments. shelter from our aviation and artillery. The 4. The Military Councils of the fronts and Soviet population of these items is usually individual armies to check systematically how evicted and thrown out by German invaders. the tasks to destroy settlements in the above- To deprive the German army of the mentioned radius from the front line are opportunity to settle in villages and towns, cast carried out. The General Headquarters should the German invaders out from all settlements be reported every 3 days in a separate report to cold in the field, stink them out of all the how many settlements were destroyed in the premises and warm shelters and make them past days and by what means these results freeze in the open — this is an urgent task, were achieved. the solution of which will to a large extent accelerate the defeat of the enemy and disintegration of its army. Headquarters The Supreme High Command General of the Supreme High Command18 Headquarters hereby Orders: 1. Destroy and burn to ashes all settlements in the rear of the German troops at a distance of 40-60 km in depth from the front line and 20-30 km to the right and left of the roads. To destroy settlements within the specified radius of action, immediately assign aviation, make wide use of artillery and mortar fire, teams of reconnaissance scouts, skiers and partisan subversive groups supplied with incendiary bottles, grenades and explosives.

18. Orlov A.S., Georgiev V.A., Georgieva N.G., Sivokh- ina T.A. Reader in the History of Russia: Textbook. - M., 2004. - p. 487 32 Text 2. are easily recognized. As a rule, the author is an immediate witness of the event. It is impor- V.S. Pikul «Barbarossa» tant that students understand the subjectivity of the cartoon as a source: a cartoon is an in- The year 1941 was really terrible! But it terpretation, an expression of the author’s at- seems twice as terrible when you find out that titude toward the event (he ridicules, is angry, Stalin ordered, during the retreat, to burn scolds, denounces, etc.), there are no impartial everything what the fire could burn. Russia cartoons. blazed up, the smoke glowed its sacred heav- Working with a cartoon as a source can be ens. The Germans are invaders, yes, they organized as follows: primary acquaintance burned our villages to punish its residents for (who, when, where, what event?); detailed ex- hiding partisans. But Stalin ordered his own amination and analysis of the image (subject, people to burn the homes of other own people. idea, plot, symbols, metaphors, details, people, «For courageous actions,» he dictated, «to de- their location, facial expression, etc.); inter- stroy settlements single out for a government pretation (decoding of the author’s “message”, decoration ...» definition of his attitude to the event and the Whom to reward? – Arsonists with torches. characters of the cartoon); verification, clar- Was there anyone who would tell him: ification of this interpretation of the cartoon «Comrade Stalin, winter is coming, we leave using additional information or other sources. villages with old people, women, children ... Consider, for example, an English cartoon where shall they go?» of 1939 depicting Stalin and Hitler. All perished in the fire – houses, cowsheds, gardens. Mothers cuddled children in horror. Primary acquaintance: an event is re- Old men dug pits in the outskirts of the village, vealed, which is reflected in a caricature form, in which they hoped to spend the winter, like students try to determine as accurately as pos- forest animals. The groan was heard over the sible the time of the appearance of the cartoon, Russian land, but Stalin relentlessly dictated find out in what country it appeared. his will: «To destroy settlements ... immediate- ly assign aviation, make wide use of artillery A detailed study of the cartoon: who is and mortar fire ...» depicted? How do you define it? Describe the characters of the cartoon, how do they relate to The texts are, of course, essentially differ- each other? Are they enemies or friends? Why ent. V.S. Pikul not only conveys the content did you decide so? What is the background of of the Order in an artistic form, but gives his the image? What does one boot mean? own assessment of the actions of the Soviet command in November 1941, while his atti- Interpretation of the “message”: what did tude is based on the official source, which he the artist want to communicate to the audi- interpreted in the same way as any historian ence? What kind of visual tools did he use for researcher does, working with the source. this? Where could this cartoon appear? Whom To create the image of the Great Patriotic was it addressed to? What does it express: love, War, a large number of various visual sourc- approval, understanding, fear, ridicule, warn- es are used: documentary video materials, ing? Whom, in the author’s opinion, should feature films, paintings, portraits, posters and the British be more afraid of? How and when cartoons (caricatures), photographs. From all would the attitude of the British to the heroes the variety of visual sources, let us consider of this cartoon change? a cartoon, which by definition is a historical source, because it was created at the time of Verifying your own interpretation: you the event (there are no delayed cartoons), the can offer students a textual source about the cartoon loses its relevance over time and it can events of September 1939, about the situation only be understood when knowing the histor- in the world after the outbreak of the Second ical conditions, the atmosphere of its creation. World War. A cartoon is a response to an important event, it reflects the essential signs of an event that 33 A cartoon can seem a simple, sometimes even primitive image, but it is nevertheless an artwork and an interesting historical source, the work with which will promote the development in students not only imagination but also critical historical thinking. We have uncovered, on some examples, the possibilities of artistic, imaginative teaching of the history of war, which is essential for the humanization of the teaching of history, fuller realization of its educational potential, the development and maintenance of interest in the study of history. Moreover, one should bear in mind the fact that «figurative» information, like any other information, can become a means of manipulating the consciousness and feelings of schoolchildren and students (the image of the enemy, the image of the hero, the image of the «ailien», etc.). Besides, as already mentioned above, images are part of the worldview and are not subject to the «right- wrong» assessment, which requires a more careful attitude to the system of testing and evaluating historical knowledge, as well as reviewing the criteria and forms of evaluation.


Zverev V. Historian, Fiction and Reality. // Preparation of a history teacher in the The Historian and the Artist. 2007. # 2. P.109 conditions of modernization of higher pedagogical education: Monograph / ed. by Mitrofanov K. What does a history teacher A.B. Sokolov, M.V. Novikov. Yaroslavl, 2005. really have to work with? (On the differences -P.88-89 in the objects of historical research and teaching) // Modern methods in modern Roger Chartier. History and Literature. // teaching. Proceedings of the scientific and Odysseus. M. Nauka. 2001. practical conference. M., 2002. - P.2 Strelova O.Yu. Images-Myths-Falsification // Orlov A.S., Georgiev V.A., Georgieva N.G., Teaching history and social studies in school. Sivokhina T.A. Reader on the History of Russia: 2010. # 8.-p.22-25 Textbook. - M., 2004. - p. 487 34 The Study of the History of the Great Patri- otic War in Higher School in the Context of the Formation of Historical Memory Galina A. Bolsun

Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of the Belarusian State University

The period of study at a higher educational Almost all those gathered today in this room institution is an important stage in the process are children or grandsons of the front genera- of formation of the personality. In the univer- tion, graduates of Soviet schools and universi- sity the students not only receive professional ties. The history of the war organically entered knowledge, there is assimilation and consoli- our historical memory through the stories of dation of the corresponding value system. In war veterans, the names of the heroes that our the process of education, young people ac- pioneer squads and schools carried, through quire social competence, namely, the ability fiction and dozens of movies about the war. to participate in solution of the tasks of their However, today’s students are a different university, region, country, take on civil re- generation. They have young grandfathers and sponsibility, participate in the work of demo- grandmothers, young parents. This is the gen- cratic institutions, be able to regulate conflicts eration for which the Great Patriotic War is no by non-violent means, etc. Therefore, the civil longer a personally significant event. They do and patriotic education of young students is not have the sharpness, depth and bitterness one of the priorities in the system of higher of perception of that terrible tragedy. There- education. fore the students are apparently ignorant of No doubt, history has a special role in shap- the main plots and events of the past war. ing the attitude of young people to their coun- Today I would like to share the experience try, to its past and present, to its traditions and of teaching this course and the conclusions culture. In our opinion, apprehension of the that can be made after 11 years. Starting to key events of the Great Patriotic War is of ex- create a curricilum, we conducted a question- ceptional importance for the formation of the naire among the freshmen of the Belarusian national idea of the Belarusian and Russian State University. This allowed us to determine states, for upbringing of the younger genera- the general level of knowledge on the indicat- tion. It should be noted that in the education ed problems. The answers we received seemed system of Belarus there is a lot of experience incredible. Of the 137 students who took part in introducing and teaching the course «The in the survey, more than 30% could not cor- Great Patriotic War of the Soviet People in the rectly call the chronological framework of the Context of the Second World War». In 2005, on Second World War, and 28% did not name the the eve of the 60th anniversary of Victory, it correct date for the beginning and end of the was introduced in all educational institutions Great Patriotic War. Analyzing these data, we of the Republic of Belarus. However, the de- formulated the main task of the course: the bate about the expediency and necessity of the formation of historical memory of the war, course as a separate discipline of the human- the moral and patriotic education of student itarian cycle in higher education, has not sub- youth. We took into account many factors, but sided to this day. proceeded from the fact that the education of 36 civic and patriotic stands in the teaching of the And the day passed in torment, because there history of the Great Patriotic War was to be de- was nowhere to dry or warm up. You can termined by the content of the course, as well not stretch your legs or just straighten up: as the ways and forms of instruction. Let us the enemy will shoot you. You can not fall dwell in more detail on the description of each asleep either, or you’ll freeze to death. And of them. so, staggering with fatigue, shivering from The problem of content selection. First of cold, you spent the day, and at night you had all, we tried to use such facts which bear not so to dig again ... Sometimes, you did not always much knowledge, but emotional load, the facts succeed to rise for attack by command: the appealing to human feelings. In the content of great-coat froze to the ground and a numb the course of the history of the Great Patriotic body did not obey.» War, there are hundreds of thousands of To my mind, when considering various examples of personal courage, heroism, selfless subjects of the topic «Man in War» it is advisable devotion to the Motherland, when people gave not only to use memoir and fiction, but also their lives for their homes and land, not for to formulate questions that allow students titles and awards, but for «their own friends». to reflect on the options for answering the For example, no one will be indifferent to the questions «Why a person remains human at fact that during the war years 4 million Soviet war», «What is that deep support which keep citizens went to the front as volunteers, or that in him his defenseless humanity?» more than 800,000 women fought together When developing the course, it is worth with men in all combatant arms. Therefore, paying serious attention to the coverage of more attention is paid not only to military various aspects of the captivity. In general, actions at the fronts, the number of tanks the problem of captivity is very extensive and aircraft, but also to the coverage of such and needs scrupulous research. There is no aspects as people in a war, children and war, common opinion among experts not only the problem of Soviet and German prisoners about the number of Soviet prisoners of war of war, partisan and underground movement, in Germany, but also about foreign prisoners daily life in the occupied territories, front-line of war in the USSR. The issue of mortality in life, «friends and foes’», humor at the front, captivity of soldiers and officers of the Red etc. Army remains intricate. Thus, by the German The main force which had borne the brunt sources the figure is 3.3 million deceased of the war, was a Soviet soldier. However, how (58% of all prisoners). In modern Russian often do we think about how the war affected historiography, they most often mention the psychology of a man who was wrested more than 3 million people without taking from the habitual way of peaceful life by the into account captured militia men, partisans, force of circumstances and found himself at raiders of fighter squadrons, etc. the front. Unfortunately, with the traditional Considering the multifaceted nature of the approach to studying military history, a great problem, we shall single out only a few of the problem remains behind the scenes, that can most significant points in its presentation. be identified as «a man in a war». Here, too, First, the treatment of Soviet prisoners of war is the behavior of a person in extreme combat by the Nazi leadership, soldiers and officers of conditions, and the attitude toward death, the the Wehrmacht. Secondly, the attitude to their «growing up» of yesterday’s schoolchildren, own prisoners of the Soviet leadership, which exhausting work at the margin of human left a heavy mark on the fate of hundreds capacity, the burdens of front life. What was of thousands of people and their families. more difficult in the war: to survive or live? Thirdly, the attitude towards enemy prisoners Who will tell about this better than the soldiers of war in the USSR. When covering the issues themselves. The former infantryman A. of captivity, it must be emphasized that the Sviridov recalled: «All combat arms endured overwhelming number of Soviet soldiers and the hardships of the war years, but nothing officers did not surrender and was captured compares to the hardships of the infantry. because of political and military leadership’s Once the pursuit of the enemy was over, an mistakes on the eve of and during the war. infantry soldier, if he had not been hit by a It is necessary to show that the heroism and bullet or a fragment, went over to defense... courage of Soviet soldiers amazed even the 37 enemy. The German documents contain nu- Soviet-German front. merous information that the Red Army sol- The tragic consequences of the war can not diers were captured wounded, exhausted, be estimated without taking into account indi- deprived of food and ammunition, because of rect human losses: the difference between the the incapability of further resistance. dynamics of population change during the war Comparing the situation of soldiers and years and the rate of its growth characteristic officers of the opposing armies that were in of peacetime. According to estimates of sci- captivity, it should be noted that for all the entists, indirect losses of the USSR amounted similarity of their destinies — long pedestrian to 23 million people. Among the demograph- crossings, hunger, psychological depression ic consequences one can call a sharp change — there was one fundamental difference be- in the ratio of male and female population, tween them. The German side purposely killed the problem of childhood homelessness, a de- certain groups of prisoners of war, regardless crease in the birth rate. of the requirements of international law. The Summarizing the results of the war, we orders of the Nazi command, prescribing to should show the gigantic significance of the brand the captives with red-hot iron, to shoot victory over fascism for the subsequent course the carriers of the «Bolshevik worldview» of Russian and world history, the decisive role without trial and investigation, served as a of the USSR and the Soviet people in this vic- guide to action for Wehrmacht servicemen tory. and caused the death of millions of Soviet sol- Of course, the history of the war is multifac- diers and officers. eted. In addition to military operations in the The Soviet Union, which did not sign the Second World War, there was an economic, po- Hague and Geneva Conventions on prisoners litical, diplomatic, ideological confrontation. A of war, fulfilled all their requirements in prac- severe truth about the most terrible war in the tice. During the war there were no written di- history of mankind can only be formed from rectives or verbal orders to kill these or those the totality of all the components. In addition, categories of enemy prisoners of war. the publication of a huge number of previous- Another extremely important and po- ly unknown documents, a serious expansion liticized problem is the price of Victory. Of of the source base, urgently requires experts course, the main component of the concept of to work painstakingly in the study and finali- «the price of Victory» remains the war victims zation of whole stories of the history of the lost by the Soviet Union during the war years. Second World War. Unfortunately, the article Within the 15 post-war years, the losses of the format does not allow us to highlight all the Soviet side were estimated at 7 million, in 1961 problems that I wanted to pay special atten- N.S. Khrushchev pointed out that «the war tion to in the development of the course. claimed two dozen million lives,» four years The next factor is the ways and forms of later L.I. Brezhnev named the number of over teaching. We are well aware that today nei- 20 million people. In the era of perestroika, ther schools nor universities are the main M.S. Gorbachev said «27 million lives of Soviet source of knowledge on history. As shown by people.» At present, the scale of losses tends recent sociological surveys conducted in Be- to increase. Authors so easy manipulate with larus among young people, the main source millions of victims that there is an impression of information is the Internet. As a priority, it as if it is not an issue of human destinies, but was named by about 70% of the entire youth of exhausted and inexhaustible human re- audience. Only 15.4% and 14.6% of young peo- sources. For the restoration of historical jus- ple watch on TV information and political, his- tice, it is necessary to indicate the number of torical and cultural programs [2, p. 163, 167]. losses of the Soviet armed forces and civilians, It can be stated that ignorance of key events to carry out a comparative analysis with the of history by young people makes them easy losses of the Wehrmacht and the civilian pop- prey for those who are trying to offer a “new ulation of the Third Reich. It should be noted look” at the history of the war. The introduc- that it was the Soviet Union that took the brunt tion of such stereotypes into the mass con- of Nazi Germany and its allies. Out of the to- sciousness of youth replaces the key meaning tal number of dead, captured and wounded, of the war and devalues the significance of the 72% of Germany’s human losses fall on the Victory of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germa- 38 ny. If it is presented not as a just, patriotic war topic of the German occupation regime, the of the entire Soviet people against fascism, but students were offered fragments of M. Romm’s as a battle between two totalitarian empires, documentary film “Ordinary Fascism” and a the Victory ceases to be a matter of national short feature film “The Country of Toys”, etc. It pride, and is interpreted only as the victory of is the formulation of the problems of personal some invaders over others. In this regard, the choice, personal responsibility that are neces- task of teaching young people to think critical- sary for the formation of moral values of the ly comes to the fore. younger generation. Critical thinking is formed, first of all, when A few words about the results of the course working with sources. And students do not “The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Peo- know how to do this. Tell young people to ask ple in the Context of the Second World War”. questions about the proposed text. They can A survey among students was conducted in not move beyond the question “What does the Minsk, Mogilev and Vitebsk regions. Thus, to document say about?”. Therefore, the ability to the question “Did the study of this course in- extract information from a source, determine fluence the formation of your civic and patri- the intention of the author, analyze, compare otic stand?” 57% of the respondents answered helps to ensure that students not only seek positively, 27% - “very unlikely”, 10% - “not information, but correlate it with personal concerned about patriotic problems”. To the knowledge, personal experience, seek to ver- question “Does the study of the course of the ify the authenticity, etc. Only in this way can Great Patriotic War contribute to a deeper un- one form a person, who can not be manipu- derstanding of the heroic deed of the Belaru- lated. sian people in the defeat of fascist Germany?” And it is not just written sources. It seems 66% of respondents responded positively [3, p. possible to use the whole spectrum - memoirs, 52, 54]. These data allow making a conclusion diaries, front letters, periodicals of wartime, about the expediency and necessity of pre- leaflets, posters, cartoons, documentaries and serving this course in the system of higher ed- animated films created during the war. As an ucation, and also show that there is something example, such task can be cited. Many repre- to work on. sentatives of the front generation, recalling the As it was already said, for Belarus the theme war, said: “It was our high point,” “I recall our of war, preservation of historical memory first autumn battles like my first love.” Think about the Great Patriotic War is extremely sig- over, what made the war veterans talk about nificant. I am pleased to note that attention to war as the best time in their lives? this problem is shown at the highest level. As It is necessary to give tasks aimed at devel- A.G. Lukashenko said: “Millions of those who oping an emotional attitude to the historical have not returned from the war are sleeping past. Invitation of veterans, former juvenile eternally under the thousands of obelisks all prisoners, witnesses of those historical events, over the Belarusian land. And while our hearts work with diaries, letters, memoirs help stu- are beating, we have no right to forget about dents to realize the uniqueness of human life, their feat in everyday routine. We bow our the inhumanity of wars as a way of resolv- heads low before the memory of the heroes, ing conflicts. Such activities give examples of who have done everything for our freedom, preserving human dignity, sacrificial service happiness, and bright future. This memory to society. It seems extremely important to calls us, sons, grandsons and great-grandsons increase the effectiveness of patriotic educa- of brave fighters, to be worthy of their glory. tion by inclusion in the content of studies the In their past, the people are always looking for materials on literature and art, which helps to that source that is able to strengthen moral emotionally color the events described. No ap- courage. Memory is necessary for living ones, peal to love the Motherland can be compared so that, looking at the greatness of the past, to with the power of the impact of literary works. build tomorrow.”[1, p. 5-6]. There is a huge scope for creativity, since the theme of the Motherland is a central one in Be- larusian and Russian literature. Viewing and discussion of films is of great interest for students. Thus, when studying the 39 References:

1. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet 3. Rusetsky, A.V., Gaschenko, L.A. Studying people (in the context of World War II): the history of the Great Patriotic War as a Textbook / А.А. Kovalenia [and others]; Ed. factor in the formation of citizenship and by A.A. Kovalenya, N.S. Stashkevich. - Minsk: patriotism of young students / A.V. Rusetsky, Publ. Center of the Belarusian State University, L.A. Gashchenko // Vyshesh. Shk. - 2009. - No. 2005. - 271 p. 2. 2. - P. 50-55.

2. Young people of sovereign Belarus: strokes to a portrait / D.M. Bulanko [and others]; Ed. By D.M. Bulanko. - Minsk: Publ. Center of the Belarusian State University, 2012. - 189 p. 3. STORING MEMORY OF CHILDREN’S VICTIMS OF WAR Nikolai A. Makhutov

Chairman of the IUFJP, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

On September 29, 2016 Nikolai Andreevich camps, ghettos, prisons, and march columns. Makhutov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Belarus, Russia and the Ukraine, together Professor of the Institute of Mechanical with Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Engineering RAS named after A.A. Blagonravov, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Estonia, like in the turned 79 years old. past memorial years, have become centers of international events related to the fate of The editorial office of the newspaper «Sud’ba» children prisoners during the tragic years of (“Destiny”) congratulates the former prisoner of the war. fascism, wishes him further success in scientific 18 million people passed through 14 and social activities, enjoyment of its results, thousand fascist concentration camps, of good health and long life. which 11 million died: one in five of them was juvenile. Only one in ten concentration camp 1. PROBLEM DEFINITION children stayed alive. Our International Conference «Culture of The international meeting of the former Memory in the Dialogue of Generations» takes juvenile prisoners of fascism in Belovezhskaya place on the glorious historical land of Belarus Pushcha, on the heroic land of the Brest Region, in 2016. at the Brest hero fortress, the battle for which The year 2016 for the peoples of Russia, the marked the beginning of the confrontation CIS, Europe and the world was the year of the between the USSR and Germany, followed 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Great by four years of battles, losses, occupation, Patriotic and Second World Wars, the 70th liberation of our states and the Great Victory anniversary of the end of the Nuremberg trial on May 9, 1945. and the 25th anniversary of the collapse of the One of the main goals of the 2016 USSR. International Conference is to discuss in the On April 11 and September 11, 2016 the plenary sessions and working groups the world commemorated International Days of origins, causes, consequences and memories the release of prisoners of fascist concentration of the tragic and heroic destinies of the peoples camps and the memory of the victims of involved in the Second World War and the fascism. Great Patriotic War, the bloodiest war in the “Vzaimoponimanie” (“Mutual Under- history of mankind. standing”) International Public Association, The International Union of Former Juvenile the International Union of Former Juvenile Prisoners of Fascism (IUFJPF) notes its Prisoners of Fascism, note this year at our historical peculiarity: for the first time in all conference as a year of memory and sorrow centuries and millennia of mankind, children for hundreds of thousands and millions of have become the object of political, economic, children who died in fascist concentration demographic, national, military criminal acts 41 of the 3rd Reich and its supporters. ble and inhuman medical experiments, they The lessons of the military tragedy of chil- took children’s blood for wounded military dren and the transfer to the living and future Germans and their allies, they were forced to generations of the memory of this tragedy are slavery work in industrial enterprises and in vital subjects, issues and problems of our In- agriculture. The children were Germanized ternational Conference. and turned into Aryans. The participants in the Conference are rep- resentatives of national associations of victims The International and National Unions of of Nazism (IUFJPF, BAFJPF, RUFJP, UUPVN, former juvenile prisoners of fascism with all etc.), organizations involved in the support of their life’s destinies and deeds for three quar- victims («Mutual Understanding» IPA, Belarus, ters of a century after the beginning of the war DC «Gunpowder Factory», Germany), their so- keep a memory watch of the children’s war cial protection at the level of the Belarusian victims. State and the Brest Region have the opportuni- ty and the duty to reiterate: The symbols of this memory are the docu- - nothing and no one is forgotten; mentary evidence of those years: - there is no limitation period for crimes - photograph of a fascist soldier who shot against humanity and childhood; the mother and child; - the memory of the victims of the war and - a photo of children behind barbed wire, of the lost childhood is sacred; live witnesses of which became members of - all the honest people should do everything the IUFJPF and the RUFJPF and are present in to prevent the repetition of the tragic past; the conference hall; - People, stay vigilant! - A photograph of a children’s sculptural group in the immortal Stalingrad; 2. SYMBOLS OF MEMORY OF WAR, VIC- - a lot of photos of dead children; TIMS AND VICTORIES - photographs of children who left the con- centration camps. 2.1. Imprinted fates of children of war To these symbols we refer the Monument Children of war is a relatively new histori- to the soldier-liberator with the rescued child cal term in public, political, economic and hu- in his arms in Treptow Park in Berlin and the manitarian discussions of recent years. memorial «Tragedy of the Nations» on Poklon- While in the Second World War about 50 naya Hill in Moscow. million people became irretrievable victims, and about 27.5 million of our compatriots per- 2.2. Children-prisoners: living witnesses of ished in the Great Patriotic War, there were fascist crimes 15-17% of minor children among those dead. Modern International and National Unions In our common country, the USSR, the partici- of former juvenile prisoners of fascism have pants in and victims of the war in the zones of begun to be created since 1992 on the basis of military operations and in the occupied terri- the association of prisoners organized in 1988 tories were: in Kiev with the support of the All-Union Chil- - juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, dren’s Fund named after. V.I. Lenin and its ghettos, prisons, marching columns; chairman, the famous writer A.A. Likhanov. - children-partisans, young men, sons of At that time, our ranks included 1 million 200 regiments, scouts; thousand members. Years passed, and more - children and children-prisoners at the be- than 800 thousand people died, joining those ginning of the war, and then soldiers of the who did not survive during the war. Red Army, aviation and navy; The above-mentioned child losses of the - children working in the rear. military and post-war years turned into mil- lions of unmade families and unborn children. Millions of children could not see and hear At our Conference, we, as living witnesses the Victory salute in 1945. Hundreds of thou- and victims of fascist innumerable crimes, are sands of children were shot, hanged, murdered obliged to preserve forever the memory of in fascist dungeons, killed by hunger and dis- those who are no longer with us. ease. Children were subjected to innumera- 42 2.3. Spiritual and material memory media The sharpened children’s memory and viv- For the 75-year history of the fate of the for- id sensations of the concentration camps made mer juvenile prisoners were reflected in the it possible for many prisoners to release won- most diverse publications of different periods: derful books of poetry, write words and com- 1941 – 1946: in the sent and unsent letters pose music for thrilling hymns and heartfelt of the war years written by the prisoners songs, to release the corresponding records, themselves, their parents and friends, in the recordings and CDs. protocol records on the crimes of the fascists High impact on the minds and souls of not against children in the occupied territories, only the children of the war — prisoners of in concentration camps, ghettos, and prisons; concentration camps, prisons and ghettos, but in the records of the filtration committees af- also those who did not see it from this tragic ter the release of juvenile prisoners; in the side, have the canvases of the People’s Artist above-mentioned materials of the Nuremberg of the USSR M.A. Savitsky (Belarus), a former Trial; in court cases when clarifying the cir- prisoner. His collections of paintings, exhi- cumstances of detention in places of fascist bitions, albums are known throughout the captivity; world as symbols of an unbroken spirit in the 1946 — 1965: in autobiographies, referenc- most tragic moments of fascist captivity. es, certificates of former juvenile prisoners We have remembered for long the exhibi- when they enter work, study or serve in the tion of art works (paintings, etchings, sculp- army; tures, embroideries, embossing) held in 1965 — 1988: in the materials of the search Moscow, Kiev, Minsk on the eve of the 50th- for former juvenile prisoners of fascism, ini- 60th-70th anniversaries of Victory. It was the tiated by the Ukrainian researcher and publi- creation of talented hands of young prison- cist V.V. Litvinov and continued by hundreds ers of fascism, passed through concentration of prisoners before the creation of the UFJP camps, members of our international union. under SDF named after Lenin; Continuation of this good tradition are con- 1988 — 1994: in numerous newspaper and tests of drawings of children of war and their magazine publications in the central and lo- grandchildren, held in Kiev by the Ukrainian cal press, in the first collections of memoirs of Union of Prisoners - Victims of Nazism under prisoners published in the USSR (before 1991), the leadership of M.D. Demidov and in Mos- the CIS, the Baltic states (after 1991); cow by the Russian Union under the leader- 1994 — 2008: in the materials of committees ship of I.P. Kharlamova and M.N. Suslova. and government funds on compensation pay- A great deal of work was done by the Be- ments from Germany and Austria; larusian, Russian, Ukrainian and Latvian na- 1994 — 2008: in numerous memoirs, in tional unions with the assistance of the Kras- one-volume and multi-volume generalized nogorsk Film Fund to collect and organize film publications on the fate of former juvenile and photo documents about the crimes of the prisoners published in the Ukraine, Russia, fascists against children and childhood. Belarus, and Latvia; The IUFJPF CC Bureau issued exciting vide- 1996 — 2007: in foreign publications of ma- os by the materials of the jubilee meetings of terials of international conferences, congress- the former juvenile prisoners of fascism dedi- es, meetings (Berlin, London, Washington); in cated to the 50th, 55th, 65th and 70th anniver- the books and studies of foreign authors on sary of the Victory, in which the faces dear to the history of child prisoners. More than 200 us were imprinted in the Parades on the Red basic publications are contained in the lists of Square and on Poklonnaya Hill, wreath-laying references. ceremonies at the Eternal Fire, at the monu- A special place for the accumulation and ment to G.K. Zhukov and the monument “The coverage of the work experience of the IUFJPF tragedy of Peoples.” is occupied by the collections of working mate- The presence of the presidents and heads rials (more than 25 volumes) of the CC Bureau of government of Russia, Belarus, the Ukraine, of the IUFJPF, the Work Centers in Kiev and the United States, France, Great Britain, Ger- Moscow, the Chairmen of the IUFJPF and the many, and China gave special significance to National Unions of Belarus, the Ukraine, Rus- the events. sia and Latvia. 43 Video films were also created in the Ukraine, Alytus, a wonderful journalist, a graduate of Belarus, and Latvia. Our meetings were re- the Leningrad State University and a partial flected in the IUFJPF photo albums sent to all man, LK. Sinegribov. Thanks to his efforts, heads of the National Unions. with the assistance of members of the edito- In recent years (2015-2016), the IUFJPF was rial board and the active author and corre- one of the organizers of important interna- spondent work of many hundreds of ordinary tional forums aimed at the historical, patriotic prisoners and heads of the International and and moral education of future generations by National Unions, their offices, 163 issues of the example of the fate of former juvenile pris- the newspaper “Sud’ba” were published from oners of fascism. 1993 to 2016. One of them was the International Confer- From the remote Trans-Baikal city of Ul- ence “World War II through the eyes of chil- an-Ude, hundreds of thousands of copies of the dren-former prisoners of fascist concentration prisoners’ newspaper have dispersed to hun- camps”, held in 2009 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, dreds of addresses in the CIS, the Baltics, Eu- where World War II ended. rope, Asia, America and Australia. We can say The next in importance became the An- without exaggeration: our personal destinies ti-Fascist forums in 2010-2016 in Moscow on became the basis of “Sud’ba”, and “Sud’ba” be- Poklonnaya Hill, in the Central Museum of the came a continuation of our destinies. Great Patriotic War, the Russian Army Theater In connection with the 20th anniversary and the Museum of the Armed Forces. of the newspaper “Sud’ba” on November 16- In 2012 – 2016 international conferences 18, 2012 in Ulan-Ude, the IUFJPF, the editorial were held in Moscow with the participation board of the newspaper and the Administra- of Russia, Belarus, the Ukraine, Armenia, and tion of the Republic of Buryatia conducted the Germany, dedicated to: International Action “We Are Still Alive”. - the 70th anniversary of mass movement to The newspaper “Sud’ba” has received the fascist captivity of hundreds of thousands and signs of state and republican attention, be- millions of people from the USSR, countries of came a laureate of the mass media and edu- Eastern and Western Europe; cating movement “Znanie”. - the fate of the burnt down villages; We sincerely hope that regular publication - the memory of the victims of the Holo- of the newspaper “Sud’ba” will continue, will caust; stir up our feelings and our memory and allow - the 75th anniversary of the beginning of us to see how much tragic, bright and heroic the Great Patriotic War. was in the long course of life of the young pris- At these conferences, an important initi- oners of fascism. ative of the Ukraine, Belarus and Latvia was noted, officially at the state level commem- 2.5. Perpetuation of memory of former juve- orated the tragic nature of this event for the nile prisoners historical memory of peoples. The International and National Unions of In its patriotic and educational work, the former juvenile prisoners of fascism have al- IUFJPF finds increasing support of the youth ways attached and attach great importance - military students, suvorovtsy, cadets of mili- to the perpetuation of the tragedy and deeds tary schoolchildren, university students, chil- of the children of war. One of the first in this dren and grandchildren of former juvenile noble cause as far back as in Soviet times was prisoners. Moscow school №1094 and its principal L.А. Stolyar, where a museum was created and be- 2.4. The IUFJPF newspaper “Sud’ba” fore it an obelisk was installed. For over 20 years the newspaper “Sud’ba” Then the plaques began to be opened, quite is the only publication of the former juvenile modest at first, and then more and more ex- prisoners of fascism. pressive and professional monuments to chil- The decision to create a IUFJPF organ was dren-victims of the war — in Smolensk, Mos- made at the constituent conference of the cow, Kaunas, Kiev, Mogilev, Bryansk and many IUFJPF in 1992 in Dnepropetrovsk. other cities. The most exciting of them were Our great success was the choice of the monuments in Kiev — in Babii Yar, in Kaluga, Editor-in-Chief, a former young prisoner of in Saratov, Mogilev-Podolsky, Sumy, Chelyab- 44 insk, Simferopol and other cities. pressed to the leaders of the IUFJPF: I.I. Mar- World-famous monuments to the victims tynov, A.V. Rodina, L.I. Ermolyuk, L.K. Sine- and heroes of the war are close to us by their ghribov, Yu.I. Nikitin, L.N. Timoshenko, E.M. spirit, because there are children among them: Ilyakhin, V.I. Afonina. in Moscow - on Poklonnaya Hill, in Latvia - in For IUFJPF, the main object of educational Salaspils, in Lithuania‘s Kaunas - at the Ninth work were and are children — our hope for a Fort, in Brest - in Brest Fortress, in Berlin - in peaceful future. Treptow Park, in Kiev - at Babii Yar and in The opening, on October 25, 2011, of the Volgograd - Motherland on Mamayev Kurgan, memorial complex in the village of Khatsun in Belarus - in Khatyn, in Russia - on the Kursk the Karachev District, the Bryansk Region, was Arc. One of the recent was a memorial to chil- an exciting event for Russia, the CIS and Bal- dren-prisoners in Moscow in the Park of the tic states, for all partial people of Europe and 30th anniversary of the Victory. the world who know and study the history and Former juvenile prisoners of fascism con- tragedies of the Great Patriotic War. sider the place of their worship to be memo- 70 years before, on October 25, 1941 in Hat- rial complexes in concentration camps: in sun fascists and punitive squads shot 318 peo- Auschwitz, Mauthausen, Buchenwald, and ple: all villagers, including children. Khatsun others. of Russia has become one of the world famous With tears in our eyes, we often stand in si- memorials of the victims of Nazism: Khatyn in lence at the exhibits of the Central Museums Belarus (22.03.1943) and Lidice in the Czech of the Great Patriotic War in Moscow, Kiev, Republic (10.06.1942). Minsk, devoted to an unprotected childhood A tree planted by juvenile prisoners of fas- and including genuine evidence of children’s cism will grow at “Khatsun” memorial. One of tragedies. the initiators of the memorial creation was a Important events of the former juvenile young prisoner of “Stalag 342”, writer and pa- prisoners of fascism were the creation in Kiev, triot E.P. Kuzin, the author of the book “Khat- Moscow, Minsk, Kaluga, Mogilev of school, sun Confession.” city and regional museums devoted to uncon- The members of the IUFJPF took an active quered children-prisoners. part in the creation of the complex: in the I should note a number of specialized inter- preparation of source materials, fund raising, national exhibitions prepared by the IUFJPF, in organizing participation in its opening. The the Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian “Foun- newspaper “Sud’ba” dedicated a special issue dations of Mutual Understanding and Recon- to this event. ciliation.” The most complete of them was an In memory of all children prisoners of con- exhibition in Moscow “The Slaves of the Third centration camps, children of undergrounders Reich.” A remarkable museum that covers in and partisans, who suffered like adults, a mod- Minsk by the Belarusian Foundation the trage- est but deeply symbolic commemorative sign dy of forced movement to Germany of women, “Remember you, baby” was opened in Mos- old people, children. cow on September 19, 2010 near the church of The memorial events of the IUFJPF includes the Archangel Michael in Troparev. the issue of medals and commemorative signs. Through the efforts of the IUFJPF, the RUFJP, They undoubtedly include our badge of the the Moscow city branch of the RUFJP, this sign IUFJPF on the background of the split Globe, was the place for collecting lumps of earth the medal of the Russian Union of FJP “Uncon- from all memorable places where children quered”, “The Sign of Dignity” of the member died and suffered, and where monuments and of the IUFJPF and dozens of other signs of the modest memorable signs were installed. National Unions and their branches. The IUFJPF newspaper “Sud’ba” began to The noble cause of perpetuating the mem- systematize all monuments known to us to ory of children-victims of the war is currently young victims of the war and planned for being continued by schoolchildren and stu- installation in the future, starting from the dents, collecting and processing the memories world-famous monuments “Tragedy of the of veterans, preparing course papers, diplo- Nations” in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill and mas and candidate theses. “Soldier-Liberator” in Berlin in Treptow Park Here, the most cordial gratitude can be ex- and ending with school, settlement, city signs 45 of memory for children of war. 3. TASKS FOR SAVING MEMORY IN THE It is hoped that this will be a unique collec- FUTURE tion of evidence of the tragedy of peoples and children, perpetuating their cherished memo- Based on the results of the first twenty-five ry for the sake of the future. years of the work of the UFJP and IUFJP and its Throughout its 25-year activity, the IUFJPF governing bodies, the main tasks for the up- actively cooperated nationally and interna- coming period in accordance with the Charter tionally with official, interstate, governmental were and can be as follows: and public organizations, defending the inter- - further consolidation of all the IUFJP forc- ests of former juvenile prisoners of fascism. es for coordinated solution of their new tasks to protect the historical memory of child vic- 2.6. Recognition of the merits of the IUFJPF tims and war heroes; and National Unions in preserving the histori- - expansion and deepening of the devel- cal memory opments on resistance to neo-Nazism and For active international, state, profession- neo-fascism in all their manifestations; al and public work in the period from 1988 - preparation and release of final summa- to 2016 IUFJP and its National Unions were rizing publications on the fate of living young awarded Honorary Diplomas of the Govern- prisoners, on recollections of living and de- ments of the Russian Federation, the Ukraine, parted comrades; Poland, Germany, the Victory Committee, the - production of television, film, and radio Mutual Understanding and Reconciliation materials at local, state and international lev- Funds, the Living Memory Foundation, and els on the humanistic, social and economic the International Resistance Federation. problems of juvenile prisoners; Dozens of heads of the IUFJP, National Un- - expanding the circle of authors, readers ions and their branches were awarded the and recipients, deepening the content of the highest state orders: the orders of Friend- newspaper «Sud’ba» with focus on preserving ship (Russia), For Merits of I-III degrees (the the memory of the lessons of war; Ukraine), Honorary Orders of Latvia, Lithu- - integration of materials on the basis of the ania, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. Hundreds of archival research and educational work of Na- leaders and members of the IUFJP in the war tional Unions with the release of official data and post-war years were awarded state med- on the fate of children of war; als for combat services, jubilee medals for the - the entry of the IUFJP and NUFJP into in- 50th, 60th, 70th Anniversary of the Victory. ternational associations of young prisoners A number of members were awarded state and victims of the wars of the 20th and 21st awards for special tasks on strengthening the centuries; country’s defense capability. - maintenance of the authority of the IUFJP Dozens of members of the IUFJP in different and National Unions, strengthening of friend- countries have become people’s artists, merit- ship between all associations and their mem- ed scientists, educators and sportsmen, laure- bers. ates of State and government prizes, honorary citizens of cities, members of state and public Given the complex socio-economic situation councils and academies of sciences. of our countries in the beginning of the 21st Many activists of the UUPVN were awarded century and accumulation of the burden of the “Gold Medal” of the Polish Association of past years, the increasing losses in our ranks, Prisoners and Resistance Fighters. About 50 one of our most important tasks is preserva- heads and members of the IUFJP received the tion of the dignity of the IUFJP member. It is highest award of the IUFJP — “Sign of Dignity”. our inherent duty and privilege. Tens of thousands of prisoners were awarded the “Unconquered” medal. Thousands of activists of the IUFJP have been awarded diplomas of national legislative and executive authorities, local government bodies, public associations and organizations. 46 NEWSPAPER OF THE FORMER JUVENILE PRISONERS OF FASCISM “SUD’BA” (“DESTINY”) AS AN INFORMATION SITE OF THE DIALOGUE


Chairman of the RUFNP, Editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Sud’ba”

Dear friends, of the martyrs of Nazi captivity, taking into You see in front of you the 163rd issue of account the petitions of the Russian, Ukrain- the newspaper «Sud’ba» (“Destiny’), the pub- ian and other UFJPs, and in accordance with lication of the International Union of Former paragraph 2.6 of the IUFJP Statute, the Bu- Juvenile Prisoners of Fascism. As each issue is reau of the IUFJP decided: 1. To start, in the always an event in the life of the editorial of- first half of 1993, the publication of the IUFJP fice, this number is also a certain stage in the newspaper on the basis of Pravda Buryatii history of the international movement. It is Joint-Stock Company (Ulan-Ude). 2. To appoint characterized by the following circumstance. L.K. Sineghribov, Secretary of the IUFJPF CC, There are still 11 issues to be published before member of IUFJP CC Bureau, an editor of the the 25th anniversary of “Sud’ba” (May 2018). IUFJP newspaper. L.K. Sineghribov to submit What will they be like? It depends on us, activ- for the IUFJP CC Bureau’s approval the char- ists of the IUFJPF. ter and program of the newspaper specifying Let us remember what was the immediate the format, periodicity, circulation, dispatch impetus to the creation of the newspaper, and procedure, to prepare a draft constituent con- where did it all begin? tract, to issue materials for registration of the When, shortly after the formation of the periodical in accordance with the procedure Russian Union, we, the activists of the move- established by law.» ment, including people from other republics, So that’s it. On April 15, 1993, the newspa- worried about the crisis situation created in per «Sud’ba» was registered by the Ministry of the RUFNP, gathered at a meeting of the RUF- Press and Mass Media of the Russian Federa- NP Council in Tula to overcome the said crisis tion. The certificate of registration in Moscow situation, Yuri Volsky, an activist from Dnepro- was received by the Chairman of the IUFJP N.A. petrovsk, put forward the idea of organizing Makhutov. A month and a half later, in the dis- the release of own newspaper. And soon after tant Ulan-Ude, the first issue of the newspaper the meeting in Tula, his newspaper was creat- «Sud’ba» was printed, one hundred copies of ed. which were delivered to the city of Smolensk, Here is the document of January 14, 1993. where the meeting of the Central Council of «Decision of the Bureau of the Central Council the IUFJP was held. of the International Union of Former Juvenile The appearance of “Sud’ba” is a vivid ex- Prisoners of Fascism, signed by the First Sec- ample of how, contrary to the seemingly in- retary of the IUFJP V.V. Litvinov. The decision surmountable force of circumstances, one can says: “In order to inform the public about the and should serve the interests of the victims, activities of the IUFJPF, the exchange of ex- to serve fiercely and selflessly. perience of the FJP associations in the newly A small stroke. The first issue of the news- independent states, demonstration of the life paper was printed in the republican printing 48 house on bail, which was provided by a hand- And remember the care of the Bryansk Foun- ful of people, consisting of 7 former prisoners dation in support of the newspaper “Sud’ba”. of fascism living in Ulan-Ude. And the entire With the funds collected in Bryansk, more circulation of 20,000 copies was bought out than 10 years ago, an editorial and publishing and sent out to UFJP associations with funds complex was purchased, on which “Sud’ba” is collected as «cap-money» in the same Smo- published today. lensk during the meeting of the IUFJPF. There The most important principle of editorial was also such a note in a cap with money. I can policy, which determines the very existence of not refrain from reading what is written there. the newspaper “Sud’ba”, was and remains an «Statement. We, the undersigned, Chairman of extremely careful attitude to the memories of the International Union of FJP Makhutov N.A., prisoners. Modern media do not give a com- 1st Secretary of the IUFJP Litvinov V.V., Deputy plete picture of the lives of people who sur- Chairman of the Russian Union and Chairman vived in Hitler’s concentration camps. They of the Smolensk Oblast Branch M.G. Badayev, extremely rare publish interviews with vic- made this statement in that a member of the tims, their memories of the occupation, their Estonian Union of FJP, Director of MUK Joint forced driving to a foreign land, slave labor Stock Company Smirnov V.A. handed over to and existence at Reich’s plants and factories, the Presidium of the plenary session of the gavel work, bullying in concentration camps, IUFJP for the development of our newspaper the happiness of returning to their homeland, «Sud’ba» 50 (fifty US dollars). The Presidium the bitter fate after liberation. The activity of passes the received dollars to the editor of the public associations defending the rights and newspaper.» Then follow the signatures of interests of the victims of Nazism is hushed the one who handed, who accepted, who was up. There are no stories and essays about vis- present at the transfer. I remember that Nina iting places of forced labor, where people lost Lych, the Chairman of the Belarusian Associ- their strength, health, lost their relatives and ation of FJPF, handed personally the cap with friends. As for “Sud’ba”, a publication created the collected money to the editor of «Sud’ba». by prisoners and for prisoners, our newspaper That’s how «Sud’ba» appeared. is filled from the first to the last page with let- Until now, many people are surprised how ters and materials warning generations that the newspaper “Sud’ba” survives, in the total violence against human nature and personali- absence of budgetary or other funding, with ty, especially in childhood and adolescence, is a meager material and technical base, with unacceptable and disastrous. Pages “Letters to an editorial staff consisting only of an editor ‘Sud’ba’”, “Mail of ‘Sud’ba’”,”From Mail”, etc. who has to perform on a voluntary basis every arouse wide response. Mail generates mail. imaginable type of work: literary, design, Interest in “Sud’ba” is shown by school mu- proof-reading, production, technological, for- seums, children’s and youth libraries. Each warding, courier. The IUFJP newspaper have letter containing elements of memories of be- existed for almost a quarter of a century, con- ing in captivity, in a concentration camp or on trary to the predictions of those who argued forced labor is published without any correc- that issue of own publication for such a cash- tion other than spell check. We try to preserve strapped organization as the IUFJP was an the author’s style, not to emasculate facts, to empty undertaking, a mere quixotism. They highlight the basic idea. We do not “trim” let- used to say, you are doomed and would aban- ters to one standard, we save figurative and don your plans a few months later. No, we did expressive sayings from the former, camp vo- not. At all stages of our movement, our news- cabulary, we keep a living, direct speech of a paper played an important role. person about what saved his memory after One can say that thanks to “Sud’ba”, a cul- decades. ture of charitable assistance has been formed Yes, as the editor of the publication, which on a regular basis in our union. For more than often publishes touching memories, I often two decades the former prisoners have trusted think: is it possible to fully believe everything charitable foundation “Newspaper ‘Sud’ba’”, that is reported by the elderly people who sur- the publisher of the newspaper. Donations to vived the war? Firstly, many tragic events re- the newspaper from year to year ensure its lated to the initial stage of the formation of the regular release and independent existence. personality, and even more so of the infant, 49 could not only slip out of memory, but even The reality of our events and destinies is never arise in the mind, and if they arose, it that in the post-Soviet society during the so- could be displaced from memory forever with called perestroika years, desperate attempts years. were made to influence the historical memo- Secondly, the memory of childhood, con- ry of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The sciously or unconsciously, is corrected and majority of the media in Russia, for example, interpreted for decades already from the po- pursued a policy of de-heroizing its history, ex- sition of an adult, and today an elderly per- aggerating the mistakes and errors of Stalin’s son. Involuntarily you will think, reading leadership during the war years, unjustified these memoirs: «But was it all like that?» But human losses, and so on. As a result, politi- when you read a frank and bitter confession, cians, journalists and scientists who belong to you reflect on the fate of the author, who ex- the generation of children and grandchildren clude any anonymity of the publication (as a of the participants in and contemporaries of rule, those writing to «Sud’ba» by hand inform the Second World War, have already become their home address and telephone number), among the people most affecting the histori- you crosscheck the facts of his concentration cal memory. And these people are far from camp biography with known historical events, being unambiguous in the assessment of what you come to the conviction that everything happened to us, the former juvenile prison- what a person writes about was in reality. Yes, ers of fascism. You can hardly count on their he was a child, but what is most important, he compassion. Remember the publications in does not doubt what happened to him during the “Sud’ba”, telling about ignorance of mod- the war. ern officials and functionaries, their insulting «Does not doubt» — this is what determines questions addressed to us: «Were really there the publication! those concentration camps?» «If they killed Moreover, not everything is said in the con- people in the camps, then why did you stay fessions of people who suffered from Nazism alive?», «What do we owe juvenile prisoners. during the war! Is it due to the fact that they were not finished We do not have the right to forget that in there?» Stalin’s times, and even in Khrushchev’s and Brezhnev’s too, those who were behind the We must admit that the truth about the fates barbed wire of fascist camps were often named of children during the war breaks into the almost as traitors. They used to say, honest peo- public consciousness on the shoulders of our ple fought, and you were God knows where. social, humanistic movement. Our memories Many people preferred not to talk about their became the basis for a dialogue with the soci- military past. Only in the 1960s and 1970s in ety. Our worthy contribution to this beneficial the Soviet Union the search for children from process was made and continues to be made concentration camps began at the initiative of by our newspaper «Sud’ba», which is known individual writers and journalists. Documen- everywhere where prisoners live. tary stories, newspaper and magazine essays, Nevertheless, the fact remains: bitter fate of and radio broadcasts began to appear in the Soviet children trapped in the occupied terri- territories that survived the occupation. How- tory, captured by fascists and stolen into slav- ever, the authorities did not encourage all ery, thrown into Hitler’s concentration camps this. A story is known about former prisoners and suffered there to a full measure, has not of Auschwitz and Mauthausen, brothers Ana- yet reached the depths of public conscious- toly and Vitaly Savchenko, who tried in the ness properly. Our fates and biographies are Ukraine to organize the isue of a newspaper in the shadow of memory up to now. This was of former prisoners. They were convicted of stressed at the 6th reporting and election con- «anti-Soviet activities» and expelled from the ference of the RUFNP, which took place on country. Only in the beginning of perestroika, June 16 in St. Petersburg. This is confirmed in the 1990s, the Soviet people, so to say, began by reports regularly sent to «Sud’ba» from the to speak out, have recognized their dignity, organizations of prisoners of Belarus, Ukraine honor and pride, reached an understanding and other countries. of the essence of the past, the tragic that took place during the harsh years of the war. 50 Dear friends, We, the former juvenile prisoners of fas- cism, are the last witnesses of the Second World War and the immediate participants in the Great Patriotic War. United in the interna- tional union, we have an amazing luxury — our own regular publication, which makes a worthy contribution to the overall picture of the people’s memory of the war! To save this publication, to continue this holy work and to meet, together with “Sud’ba”, the 75th anni- versary of the Victory over fascism with digni- ty is an urgent task of our movement.

We are still alive! BABI YAR: PAST AND PRESENT. MEMORY CHALLENGES Anatoly Podolsky

Ph.D. in History Kiev, Ukraine

For the past quarter of a century, a tradi- territory of the Ukraine. tion has already been established in ф sover- In the today’s Ukraine, a true memory, in eign Ukraine to commemorate the victims of particular about the events in Babii Yar, is Babii Yar, which was virtually impossible to going through a process of a rather complex, imagine in the days of the Soviet regime (until sometimes painful formation and often has a 1991) in Kiev and other places of mass killing contradictory nature. This memory is activat- of Ukrainian Jews during the Second World ed in the Ukrainian society and the State, as a War and the Nazi occupation of the Ukraine. rule, on the eve of mournful dates, commem- In those years it was difficult or nearly im- orative practices become more active, all state possible to imagine a true culture of memory bodies issue orders for honoring events, the about the terrible crimes of Hitlerite Germany media, political, cultural, educational spheres, against Jews, Ukrainians, Gypsies, Poles, Rus- etc. are activated. After mourning, the inter- sians, representatives of other peoples and est in the events of the past, attention to and ethnic groups, prisoners of war, whose rela- respect for the memory culture is postponed tives were often forbidden to come to the plac- until the next anniversary. Unfortunately, this es of massacres. They were afraid to pass on strangely reminds us of the approaches of the the memory of their relatives, tortured by the totalitarian communist regime: the desire to Nazis, to their children. remain in the networks of oblivion. Such a situation of fear and forced oblivi- For the State and to a large extent for mod- on in a post-war Ukraine was the result of a ern Ukrainian society, work on places of mem- policy of commemoration of the Soviet power ory, interest in one’s own history, tragic events with regard to the Second World War (Great of the past is not a mainstream. Perhaps this Patriotic in the terms of that time), formed reluctance to know and remember the difficult during the war by Stalin and his entourage. past is one of the reasons for the tragic events According to this policy, all victims of Nazism of the Ukrainian modern history, in particular (“fascism” in the language of the Soviet ideo- the last two years and the military conflict in logical machine) were labeled by the euphe- the east of the country. I am convinced, and mism «peaceful Soviet citizens» or «the So- my experience in the field of research and viet people». The authorities prohibited the teaching of the history of the Holocaust helps allocation of the victims on ethnic, national, to realise and understand that the security of religious grounds; first of all it concerned the the Ukraine today is not only to strengthen the Jews. Victims of Babii Yar were defined solely defense capability of the armed forces, gas in- as Soviet citizens. Such a totalitarian false po- dependence or the solution of major economic litical concept in the minds of several post-war problems. It also consists in an open-minded generations has discredited the memory of the approach to understanding the lessons of the monstrous number of murdered Jews on the past, in responsibility for memory. 52 Who knows today the truth about the in- murders. During this period, the invaders credibly terrible and tragic events in Babii Yar, executed about 100 thousand people... They about the people killed there 75 years ago? killed people twice a week. The last shootings Who remembers the place and the crime that were held on November 4, 1943, two days be- happened there, as part of his national Ukrain- fore the liberation of Kiev by the troops of the ian history? What is happening now in the ter- First Ukrainian Front of the Red Army. Victims ritory of Babii Yar? Do they plan, after all, to of the Nazis, except Jews, were prisoners of create the Museum of the History of Babii Yar? Syretsky concentration camp, patients of psy- This should be considered. chiatric hospitals, Ukrainian nationalists, Gyp- A bit of history. Relying on German and So- sies, civilians of Kiev of various nationalities. viet documents, Babii Yar in Kiev is one of the According to current historical studies, today most horrible places of Nazi massacres of Jews we can quite cautiously tell about 100 thou- of Eastern and Central Europe during the Sec- sand dead, among them about 65-70 thousand ond World War. It was here, in Kiev, that one Jews, the rest are other victims of the Nazis. of the most monstrous acts of the Holocaust In addition to the documents of the two was committed, when the military took lives repressive anti-human regimes, there are ev- from civilians. September 29-30, 1941 in Babii idences of those who survived this tragedy, Yar, the punitive units of the SS (namely the who witnessed the crimes of the German au- Einsatzgruppe Ts, the German police battalion thorities in Babii Yar and Kiev. After the war, Yug and their assistants) killed 33,771 people. despite the ideological prohibition to remem- These were exclusively Jews: women, men, ber the truth, Soviet censorship of texts, which children, the elderly... logically followed from this prohibition, liter- For two years (1941-1943), the German ary works appeared about the tragedy of Babii occupation authorities and its punitive bod- Yar. In my opinion, the very testimony of peo- ies turned Babii Yar into a place of constant ple who survived and saw this real end of the

Announcement of the German occupation authorities about the collection of all Jews of Kiev. 1941. 53 world can bring us closer to the understanding were soon banned. The opportunity to read of what happened then, to genuine emotion- them appeared only after the collapse of the al reflections, empathy for people who found Soviet Union, during the years of independent themselves in the face of death, unspeakably Ukraine... terrible death... We must worry today and First Itzik Kipnis: “... Let’s go all this way, feel sorry while reading these texts, learn to let’s go through those streets that were full sympathize, otherwise we will be doomed to with our brothers and sisters, still alive. They another ... The degradation of a human, as walked from Podol and Demievka, walked from happened in autumn 1941 in Babii Yar, can Kurenevka and Shulyavka, Bolshaya and Ma- happen just tomorrow or even today... laya Vasilyevskie treacherously released from Therefore, I want to quote two large ex- their yards whole families and singles, young cerpts from the earliest texts on the trage- and old, small children and old people. In Lvo- dy of Babii Yar and the Holocaust victims in vskaya, they all flocked to one river, a river general in the Ukraine. This is an essay by of massacre and destruction, they were going the well-known Soviet Jewish writer Vasily deceived and devastated, tightly knotted, they Grossman from Berdichev, «Ukraine without terrified those who watched them go, although Jews», which appeared on November 25, 1943 some of them were dressed in all the best in the newspaper «Eynicite» in Yiddish. And clothes they had. They drove so many people in the stunning essay of the Kiever, the Jewish the street, a lot of people, one could say, all the writer Itzik Kipnis, «Babii Yar, To the Third people! Anniversary,» which appeared in 1944 also in Where were your hearts at this hour, my sis- Yiddish. They were translated to Russian, and ters and thousands of my children? May I be the

Soviet prisoners of war clear Babii Yar, October 1941. 54 the redeeming sacrifice for you! jovial schoolgirls were killed; ugly and stu- ...That’s why I want that now, three years lat- pid were killed; crook-backed, singers, blind, er, we go there on foot... deaf were killed; they killed violinists and Almost four years have passed since we were pianists, two-year-olds and three-year-olds, out of home. And now we met all together on they killed eighty-year-olds with cataracts in this day of mourning in this sad procession. dull eyes, with cold transparent fingers and They came from all parts of the country to the soft voices, like rustling paper; and they killed liberated Home. And hometown, like our moth- screaming babies eagerly sucking mother’s er, must embrace us, cheer up and get back to breast until the last minute. All were killed, life. The path was hard and thorny, and the time many hundreds of thousands - a million Jews of separation is saturated with bitterness and in the Ukraine. This is not death in a war with pain of loss. weapon in hand, not the death of people who So clear are the skies, so pleasant are the left the house, family, field, songs, books, tra- warmth and richness of the autumn colors, the ditions, history somewhere. This is the killing golden leaves on the trees and on the earth, like of the people, the murder of the home, family, sad farewell greetings to the departing summer! books, faith. This is the killing of the tree of Did the city shine so bright under the Germans? life, it is the death of roots, not just of branch- It cannot be so! And the road to Babii Yar three es and leaves. This is the murder of the soul autumns ago? Did not the sun dim at the sight and body of the people, the killing of a great of all that horror?..” work experience accumulated by thousands It is hard for me to comment on this text, it of intelligent, talented artists and intellectuals is really very hard, my heart aches, and I am for generations. It is the murder of people’s just going crazy... Today the sun is also shining morals, traditions, funny folk legends passing over Kiev, we need to go on living, but reread from grandfathers to grandchildren. It is the it as often as possible... murder of memories and sad songs, folk po- Vasily Grossman: “...Deep stillness. Si- etry about a merry and a bitter life. It is the lence. The people were murdered malicious- destruction of domestic nests and cemeteries. ly. Old craftsmen, experienced master hands This is a destruction of the people, who for were killed: tailors, cappers, shoemakers, centuries lived next door to the Ukrainian peo- copper workers, jewelers, painters, furriers, ple, worked along with them, sharing joy and bookbinders; workers were killed: porters, sorrow in the same land...” mechanics, electricians, carpenters, bricklay- Kievan Jews, Jews of the Ukraine were part ers, locksmiths, tractor drivers, truck drivers, of the Ukrainian society. Not only they were. woodworkers, water carriers, millers, bakers, Those who live in the Ukraine today, the mod- cooks; doctors were killed: therapists, dental ern Jewish community is also a part of our so- technicians, surgeons, gynecologists; scientists ciety and shares its Sud’ba. Thus, the history were killed: bacteriologists and biochemists, of Babii Yar is also part of Ukrainian nation- university clinic directors, teachers of histo- al history. Probably, it should be only so, and ry, algebra and trigonometry, privat-docents, then rendering honors to the memory of Jews chair assistants, candidates and doctors of and other victims of Babii Yar should be the all kinds of sciences; engineers were killed: task of the State, the society. Because it is our metallurgists, bridge builders, architects, lo- own history. comotive makers; accountants, bookkeepers, It is clear that the Memorial Reserve in the tradesmen, supply agents, secretaries, night territory where the executions took place is watchmen were killed; teachers and seam- possibly the future Museum of the History of stresses were killed; grandmothers who could the Babii Yar and should first of all be protect- knit stockings and bake delicious cookies, ed by the State. However, in my opinion, if the boil broth and make a strudel with nuts and Ukrainian society has taken serious steps in apples, were killed, and grandmothers who the field of perpetuating memory, in the study could not do many things, were killed: they and teaching of the history of Babii Yar for 25 only knew how to love their children and their years, the State still has to prove its honest children’s children; women who were loyal to readiness to take responsibility for the mem- their husbands, and frivolous women were ory of the past. And the preservation and dis- killed; beautiful girls, scholarly students and semination of true memory of Babii Yar should 55 become a litmus test for Ukrainian state insti- tutions of their ability to do something for the Ukraine. The history of the Babii Yar requires our shared responsibility. The State today does not prohibit scientific, educational or public activities in the field of memory of the Holo- caust, but it does not initiate such events and does not really support them, although at the same time it almost always declares this sup- port. That expressly demonstrates the lack of a state policy of memory about the victims of the Second World War in the Ukraine. This is a challenge to the historical community of the Ukraine, to our society. We should promote awareness of the tragedy of the Babii Yar as a universal symbol, the memory of which should be preserved for the sake of a better understanding of the nature of totalitarian re- gimes and human society. Finally, Babii Yar is a place in Kiev, which to this day remains a sad symbol of the policy of genocide of Nazi Germany. An example of manipulation of historical memory inherent in the Soviet Union. A vivid evidence of the current state of memory of the Second World War in the modern Ukrainian society. Monument to the children’s victims murdered in Babii Yar was nstalled on September 30, 2001. Photo: Vasilii Artyushenko, ZN.UA 5652 National Socialist Forced Labor at the Liebenau Gunpowder Factory – Brief Overview Martin Guse, Polina Anoshko

Gunpowder Factory in Liebenau Documentation Center, Germany

The history and significance of the his- chemical materials was very dangerous to torical site health and was accompanied by a permanent The Liebenau Gunpowder Factory in 1941- threat of explosions. 1945 was one of the largest weapons produc- A whole separate “microcosm” appeared on tion facilities in the Nazi State. Its construction the territories adjacent to the production com- began in 1939 in the settlements of Liebenau plex, which was a closely interlinked system and Steyerberg district of Nienburg/Weser of 8 camps (3 stone and 5 wooden barracks) to (near Hanover). 70 firms were involved in its accommodate the labor force in Liebenau and creation, the total area of the factory was 12 sq Steyerberg. The production of gunpowder was km. The construction took place on behalf of carried out with the total involvement of more the Wehrmacht High Command and Wolff & than 20,000 forced laborers from the countries Co from Walsrode. There were more than 400 occupied by the Wehrmacht. separate production buildings, 21 of them un- The workforce accommodation was or- derground, under the secret name «Installa- ganized in the system of newly-built camps: tion of Karl». Of course, camouflage played an two stone camps in Liebenau and Steyerberg important role. All buildings were built with for Western Europeans and Germans, the so- roofs in the form of baths, which were plant- called “Shelter house for single people” for ed with trees. Thus, from above the territory German workers in Liebenau, as well as five looked like an ordinary forest. All the build- different barracks in the two settlements. ings were connected by a road network 84 km The wooden buildings served as a place long and by railways 42 km long. The territory of residence for foreign and forced laborers, was divided into 9 sections, different in their prisoners of war were stationed in one camp purpose. High Command was the customer, in Libenau for Spaniards and Italians, in two the owner and the construction manager. The others in Liebenau for Poles, French, Danes planner and developer was Wolff & Co., and and Dutchmen, and in the camp for Eastern the contractor was Eibia GmbH (a subsidiary workers and prisoners of war in Steyerberg of Wolff & Co., created specifically for this pur- for women and men from the Soviet Union. pose), which leased production facilities from In Liebenau there was also a camp built the Supreme Command upon their readiness originally for the Polish workers. In 1940, it and provided labor, so that the High Command was transformed into a workers’ education- was not officially a manufacturer of weapons. al camp, where prisoners from other camps In 1941, the production of gunpowder began. were sent for various faults. The prisoners Eibia GmbH company was one of the largest of this camp were subjected to a particularly gunpowder manufactures in the Third Reich. inhuman and racist treatment. Everyone re- Until 1945, 41,000 tons of gunpowder were ceived his tenure in this camp: 14, 22, 26, 45 produced in Libenau only, while handling of or 55 days. For those who received the highest 58 penalty — 55 days, this meant death, no one documentation and education center. The re- could survive such a term. 250 deaths were sults of the studies of National Socialist forced officially registered, mainly among prisoners labor at the Liebenau gunpowder factory from the Soviet Union and Poland. were presented to the public in various publi- The remaining registration cards of the cations, at exhibitions, in the form of reports, communities of Liebenau and Steyerberg cer- and on the Internet. The main component of tify more than 11,000 names of foreign work- the educational work in Liebenau is regular ers who were at the plant in Liebenau. They excursions and information visits to the terri- were from the following countries: Poland, tory of the former gunpowder factory, the lo- the Soviet Union (from today’s Belarus and cations of the former camps, and the factory the Ukraine), Belgium, Holland, France, Ita- cemetery, which today is the cemetery of pris- ly, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, oners of war in Hesterberg. Slovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Denmark and Along with contacts with former forced Greece. This factory also received thousands laborers and their families from Eastern and of Soviet prisoners of war and prisoners of the Western Europe, several international pro- “Workers’ Educational Camp” in Liebenau. jects are noted, implemented in partnership Work, treatment and nutrition met the crite- with school and youth groups, as well as part- ria of the National Socialist racist ideology: at ner organizations in Poland, the Ukraine, Be- the top of the hierarchy were civilian foreign larus and the Netherlands. Workshops and workers and forced workers and prisoners project weeks are aimed at different target of war from Western and northern Europe- groups. Integrative approach allows account- an states, at the very bottom of the hierarchy ing the needs and features of people with dis- were Soviet prisoners of war and eastern abilities and learning difficulties. Thus, inte- forced laborers, “Ostarbeiters”. For the East grative international youth educational work European workers, this was associated with has become one of the main priorities of the cruel treatment, starvation and often death. Documentation Center. More than 2,000 forced laborers died from There has been a youth volunteer group digestive system diseases, hunger and torture, since 2002, organized under the Documenta- and were shot or hanged. tion Center of the Liebenau Gunpowder Facto- Polish and Soviet victims were buried in the ry. These young people support the Documen- factory cemetery, today’s “POW Cemetery in tation Center according to their capabilities: Hesterberg.” Western European victims were they help to find and process documents, buried in church cemeteries of communities. make translations, which allows them to maintain contact with former forced workers Memorable place and international edu- of the factory and their families, participate in cational work the preparation of various events, attend the The size of the factory, its value for the events of partner organizations, make reports Third Reich, the labor and death of thousands on the activities of Documentation Center, of forced workers are of importance to this they also take care of the cemetery of prison- day. This became the basis for intensive work ers of war. to preserve the memory of these events and As already mentioned, there was a work- for the educational work. The territory of the ers’ educational camp during the war in the former gunpowder factory has been used for territory of today’s school in Liebenau, the military purposes until the mid-1990s. The en- prisoners of which were subjected to especial- trance was forbidden to outsiders. This had ly cruel treatment. In 2007, Katerina Derevy- a great impact on the fact that the history of anko, a former forced laborer of the gunpow- this place was simply forgotten in the postwar der factory, came to Liebenau. She planted period. However, the increased requests for a maple tree in the courtyard of the school evidence and documents, as well as the first in memory of those died in that camp. Soon visits of former forced laborers, which caused the representatives of the youth group of the high public interest, led to the establishment Documentation Center decided that this place in 1999 of Public Association Documentation should be perfected in some way. They organ- Center of the Liebenau Gunpowder Facto- ized a competition for the best designing idea ry with the aim of establishing a sustainable among students of this school. The winner was 59 chosen by the majority of votes. Young people In the context of the theme of our confer- on their own laid a square around the maple ence I want to note the following important in the form of a flower as a symbol of life, in- points: side of which they laid out from colored tiles - representatives of the local community the flags of the countries, people from which initiate such work to preserve memory; died in the camp. Young people monitor the - until now the Documentation Center exists condition of this area to this day and regularly at the expense of very small membership take care of it. and sponsorship contributions of interested To date, Liebenau still does not have a me- people, and mainly through volunteer support; morial and an educational center with regular, - the Documentation Center is used in lengthy exhibitions, but appropriate planning educational activities, including the work with has begun to restructure one empty part of the intractable children; school in Liebenau for this purpose, since this - it has become an international integration educational institution was built in the 1960s platform, since young people from different at the site of the former Liebenau Labor Ed- countries are involved in the activities; ucational Camp. It is planned that after the - the Documentation Center is a site for establishment of such a center they will con- dialogue between young people and a war duct research work there, hold various events, generation (former forced workers of the exhibitions, as well as international youth gunpowder factory); exchanges on the subject of forced labor in a - active participation of young people in gunpowder factory. the center’s activities allows them to better However, despite active planning, there are orientate themselves in today’s events, have certain difficulties. Since the Documentation their own opinion, instill a sense of rejection Center is not a large memorial complex in a of discrimination, cruelty, and aggression. big city, but a small public organization in the countryside, it is extremely difficult to find support for its activities.

Forced laborers at the gunpowder factory in Liebenau. 60 Nazi Persecution of Civilians in Belarus. 1941-1944. Interpretation of the Theme in the Exhibition and Scientific Activities of the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War Natalia A. Yatskevich

Head of the History Department of the Partisan Movement of the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War

The study of the Nazi persecution of civil- In accordance with the development of his- ians was not given due attention during the torical science, the exposition of the Belaru- Soviet period. In the winning country the sian State Museum of the History of the Great honor and glory were absolutely deservedly Patriotic War has developed and changed. In rewarded and rendered now to front-line sol- my speech I will show how the theme of the diers, partisans and underground fighters, to Nazi persecution of the civilian population those who won victory in battles. Regarding was revealed in the museum exposition at dif- citizens who did not participate in the fight- ferent time stages. ing, but who were most severely affected by the war, they were in the shadows, and their Occupation regime fates did not interest anyone for many years. The exposition, open to visitors on October We call these people victims of war or citizens 22, 1944, three months after the liberation of who suffered from Nazi persecution. The in- Minsk by the Red Army, represented two large terest in this category of people who survived collections of exhibits - the Bolshevik (in the the war appeared in the early 1990s, which co- terms of that time) clandestine printing and incided with the collapse of the USSR, and was self-made partisan weapons. But already in also largely due to the decision of the Govern- the next 1945 the exposition was supplement- ment of the Federal Republic of Germany on ed with a new section “Occupation regime payment of material compensation to the per- and atrocities of German fascist invaders in sons affected by Nazism in the occupied terri- Belarus”. Among the materials about the de- tories and in the Reich camps. The same period struction of cities and villages there were pho- of time was characterized by a breakthrough tographs of the forced movement of people in in studying the history of the Great Patriotic slavery, photographs of executions of civilians, War, primarily in the source study: archival ghettos, about bullying of prisoners of war and documents classified for many years, became a set of genuine objects from the fascist camp available to the public. Historians were given of Trostenets. The systematic collection of doc- the opportunity to consider the events of the uments, photographs and materials “showing Great Patriotic War based on previously in- the atrocities of German occupants in the ter- accessible documentary materials, stored not ritory of Belarus” for the future Museum of the only in the archives of the post-Soviet space, History of the Great Patriotic War began with but also in Western Europe and, primarily, in the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Germany. With the introduction of new docu- Communist Party (Bolshevik) of September 30, ments into scientific circulation, a possibility 1943. The crimes of the Nazis in the occupied appeared of an objective assessment of events, territories began to be publicized by the Ex- elimination of the «blind-spots» of history, cor- traordinary State Commission, established in rection of certain assessments and views. 1942, through their printed issues, in the years 62 of the Great Patriotic War (since 1943, it has studying the history of their homeland within started its work in the liberated areas of Bela- the school and university curricula. rus). Also a valuable source was the partisan In 2008, on the occasion of the 65th anni- press of that time, which promptly informed versary of the destruction of the Minsk ghet- the population about the atrocities of the in- to, the Museum prepared an exhibition “War. vaders. This information came to the Greater The Holocaust. Memory without limitation Land. During the museum’s work in 1944-1945 period”, in which the Trostenets camp at a its workers collected a unique set of genuine separate stand and deportation of Jews from objects from the Trostenets camp, the SD pris- Europe to Minsk were shown for the first time. ons of Minsk and Borisov, and other places of Translated into German, the exhibition was Nazi crimes. Since then and up to now, in each successfully demonstrated in Germany at the of the four buildings that the museum has Berlin-Karlshorst Museum in 2011. It is still been located since its creation, the theme of being demonstrated in German cities. The is- the occupation regime is present and is exclu- sue of the deportation of Jews to Belarus, pre- sive, because no other country suffered such viously completely unknown and closed to the destruction and losses as Belarus. public, is now actively developing in scientific A number of documents testify to the direct studies and is being presented in expositions. participation of the Wehrmacht, the armed The problem of a wider display of this topic in forces of Germany, in the crimes against Belarus, as well as the Holocaust in general, is civilians: in particular, the organization of a limited number of genuine exhibits. In the the first and the last camps in the occupied modern museum exposition there are infor- territory of Belarus, in Drozdy and Ozarichi, mation terminals for photo and documentary where a significant number of civilians material. were killed. But the main guilt was borne by the occupation authorities, in particular Forced labor the security police and SD security service, The issue of forced labor of Soviet citizens which turned the territory of Belarus into a has always been considered in the context of testing ground for the extermination of huge the crimes of the Hitlerite invaders against the masses of people from all over Europe. 260 civilian population. But it was not an indepen- Nazi camps and places of mass destruction dent subject of profound scientific research, operated during the years of the occupation separate museum expositions, or wide public of Belarus. The result of this bloody activity discussions. was the death of 1,547,000 civilians and Although photographs of the forced move- 810,000 Soviet prisoners of war, according to ment of the population to Germany were al- Belarusian sources. ready present in the first museum expositions as evidence of Nazi crimes, but they had a de- Ghetto personalized, general nature. Address to the The most affected categories of the civilian personalities, the destinies of people began population are Jews and Gypsies, who, during the “Khrushchev’s Thaw” in the 1960s. according to Nazis’ intentions, were to disappear But the interest was, first of all, to the former from the face of the earth. The Minsk ghetto prisoners of the Nazi camps, to a lesser extent organized by order of the field commandant, to prisoners of the ghetto, while the category was one of the largest in Eastern Europe. The of eastern workers — citizens who were forci- order on creation of the ghetto, the way of life, bly taken into fascist slavery, remained practi- pogroms, deportation from Western Europe — cally in oblivion until the early 1990s. such materials are presented in the museum’s For the first time the topic of eastern work- exposition. Righteous men. This theme first ers was fully voiced in 2005 at the exhibition appeared in the museum in the 1990’s. First “Belarusian Ostarbeiters. The history of forced at the exhibition «The Tragedy of the Minsk labor and reconciliation.” In fact, our museum Ghetto», then in the permanent exposition created two options for the exhibition: one for during its reorganization in 2006. By the the Belarusian national foundation “Mutual way, the museum exposition and exhibitions Understanding and Reconciliation”, arranged are the most accessible and effective form of in two war time carriages, and the second for popularization of history, as well as a means of the museum. The exhibition was financed by 63 the Foundation “Remembrance, Responsi- Punitive operations bility, Future”, the organization of work was 140 punitive operations were carried out by carried out by the Foundation “Mutual Un- the Nazis against the partisans and the pop- derstanding and Reconciliation”. At the exhi- ulation within three years. They were held bitions the materials of our museum, the Na- from the first days of the occupation. In July tional Archives of the Republic of Belarus, the 1941, police regiment «Center» organized a KGB archive and archives of Germany were punitive action in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and used. This was an example of the excellent adjacent areas, in the course of which many international creative cooperation between settlements were destroyed. In the broadest Belarus and Germany. The work on the exhi- sense of the word, punitive operations are also bition supplemented the funds of our museum qualified as harassment and destruction of the with personal exhibits and documents: exhib- civilian population. The purpose of these op- its belonging to Lev Kolosov, a young oriental erations was purely military (the destruction worker, photographs and materials of Kras- of partisans, and along with them of the civil- nogir Nina Alexandrovna, Danilova Nadezh- ian population, as potential opponents of the da Stepanovna, the Sosinovsky’s family and Nazis) and economic (the seizure of labor, de- many other former forced laborers. The Ger- struction of villages with the entire economy man side provided materials on the captivity as an economic base of partisan resistance). of the Belarusians. A valuable collection of the museum are the letters of the Ostarbeiters to Burning down the villages their homeland. More than 9,000 Belarusian villages suf- All this allowed us to enrich the museum ex- fered during the war. 628 were burned down position on this topic, to put the person in the completely with the population during puni- foreground: the teenager, the woman, the tive expeditions, 186 villages shared the fate family. The modern exposition on the subject of Khatyn, not being reborn after the war. The “Forced labor” is represented by an installa- database on the burnt villages was created in tion in the form of a freight car, in which the the National Archives of the Republic of Bela- fascists took people to the Reich for hard labor. rus, as well as in the museum in the themat- The dominant of the exposition is the lapel ic information terminal. This theme is repre- badge “Ost”, which was used to mark all the sented in the museum by a large installation. eastern workers, which has become a symbol In its central part is a video wall showing the of captivity for almost 5 million Slavs moved fragment of the feature film «Go and Watch» to fascist slavery from the occupied territories directed by Elem Klimov. of the USSR. In the exposition there is an in- The cruelest crime of fascism on the Bela- formation terminal, in which photographs of rusian land was the use of civilians as hos- Belarusian Ostarbeiters are posted. tages for the combat actions of partisans and In scientific terms, the study of the topic underground fighters, for sabotage, for fami- “Forced Labor” resulted in a 4-volume edition ly members leaving for partisans, etc. A large of the collection of documents and a historical number of families and closest relatives of and analytical study “Belarusian Ostarbeiters. partisan commanders, ordinary partisans and Movement of the Belarusian population for undergrounders were shot as hostages. So forced labor in Germany”, 1996-2001. By the died mother of P.M. Masherov, 4 children of way, the result of scientific research on this M.F.Shmyrev, a partisan commander of Bat’ka topic was the change in the number of Belaru- Minai. The invaders issued an order that the sians forced to Germany from 377,000 accord- families of those who joined the partisans, ing to the Extraordinary State Commission, up and even those from whom they had rented to 399,000 people. the apartment, would be shot. One can cite as The topic is still up to date. The issue of repa- an example the fact of the public execution of triation, the long journey to their homeland the hostages in retaliation for the destruction through displaced persons camps, numerous by the partisans of the railway station Slavnoe inspections and filtration by special bodies, in Kruglyansky District of Mogilev Region in the post-war life of former ostarbeiters, the August 1942. The punishment order came per- taboo policy of the Soviet leadership have not sonally from Hitler who demanded the shoot- been sufficiently studied. ing of 100 people and burning down all villag- 64 es on either side of the Orsha-Borisov railway. to Germany.” This action, which had the code The Nazis placed all responsibility for safe- name “Operation ‘Hay’”, was conducted on the ty on roads, in settlements, for any actions of initiative of the 9th Army. Further, the docu- partisans on the local population. ment stated that in no case should we allow Thus, practically the entire population of adolescents to fall into the hands of the Bolshe- Belarus turned into real hostages of the war viks in case of retreat, since this could lead to between the two armies, the two political sys- an increase in the enemy’s military potential; tems, in conditions when the Hitlerites tried “It is not just about strengthening the military to cope with armed resistance in their rear by potential of the enemy, but also about prevent- mass repressions against the civilian popula- ing the development of its biological strength tion. in the future,” and that this “exercise should be made strictly classified for propagandistic Extermination of children purposes and conducted under the motto: Re- Children shared a heavy military burden ich’s concern for Belarusian children.” with the adults. Both children and their par- According to the Republican Commission ents were defenseless before gross armed vio- for Assistance in the work of the Extraordi- lence. To say nothing about orphans. On Sep- nary State Commission of the USSR fascists tember 23, 1942 at seven o’clock in the evening have taken to Germany 24,180 Belarusian chil- a 5-ton truck with armed Nazis entered the dren. courtyard of the Domachevo children’s home. By the data of the same commission, 166,885 The children were taken out of the premises, Belarusian children were killed during the ranked them by one and counted. A senior Great Patriotic War. Of these, 155,237 were German officer explained that the children shot, 59 were hanged, 11,589 were burned. would be taken to Brest orphanage. 56 chil- This information was collected hot on the trail dren and teacher Polina Grokholskaya were by June 1945. taken to the forest 1.5 km from the village of Thus, the destruction of children was part Leplevka and shot. of the genocide policy pursued by fascist Ger- Many children were prisoners of the larg- many against the people of Belarus. est camps in Belarus, Trostenets and Ozarichi. Children aged between 2 and 10 were impris- Death camp Trostenets oned in a camp at Shirokaya Street in Minsk, Finally, I would like to dwell on the top- the victims of which were 20,000 people. ic “Trostenets Death Camp”, which for many Nikifor Timovich Tozik, a resident of years has not got proper scientific research. Ozarichi village, counted, on the second day Although the material evidence from this after the liberation of the Ozarichi camp in camp, as I have already mentioned, has been March 1944, more than 600 bodies of children in the permanent exposition of our museum aged from infancy to 10-15 years, who had since 1945. frozen, died of hunger and diseases. In total, Only in our time, when the wall of hatred 33,480 people were released by the Red Army and misunderstanding that divided Europe from the three Ozarichi camps, of which were and the whole world to the “West” and “East” 15,960 children under the age of 13. collapsed, it became possible to use a serious The use of child labor was a gross violation scientific approach and, most importantly, of all international norms, a crime against the broad public coverage of this issue, perhaps future. Simultaneously with the use of physi- one of the central issues of the Nazi persecu- cal labor of children and teenagers, moral and tion. It was difficult for one museum to cope ideological indoctrination of young Belaru- with the study of this topic and its populariza- sians was conducted in a national chauvinistic tion. Uniting the efforts of museum workers, spirit, especially in special camps for youth in scientists from Belarus and Germany, former Germany. The Nuremberg trial featured one of prisoners of camps and ghettos, public funds the secret documents of A. Rosenberg’s depart- and organizations, we shall be able to talk ment about children, dated June 14, 1944. It about great progress in studying this issue. I said: “The Army Group Center intends to seize should mention two large joint publications 40,000 to 50,000 adolescents aged 10-14 years on Trostenets, which were released in 2003 in the areas of their location and deliver them and 2016. 65 On June 22, 2015 with the participation of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the first stage of the Trostenets memorial complex was opened in Minsk. The mobile exhibition “Death Camp Trostenets. History and Memo- ry” is close to completion. This is a large Be- larusian-German project, which has been pre- pared since autumn 2014. In November 2016 the exhibition will open in Hamburg, and in March next year — in Minsk at our museum. The joint work of the two countries in study- ing the difficult period of history is a bridge of peace and mutual understanding between the peoples of Belarus and Germany. The Forgotten Lessons of the Holocaust in Buryatia: A Look at the Problem Alena A. Zaytseva

Teacher of History, Secondary School No. 47, Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia

More than 70 years have passed since the Today there is no guarantee that misan- end of the Second World War and the Great thropic ideas will not find a fertile ground in Patriotic War. It would seem that this impres- the teenage and youth environment in any sive temporary distance reliably protects our region of our country, since a «demand» for contemporaries from the revival of that mis- these savage ideas and no less savage practices anthropic ideology and practice of the geno- has again appeared in the world. A purposeful cide of entire nations, personified by Nazism. struggle is being waged for young and fragile It would seem that humanity is insured at the minds and souls that are psychologically vul- genetic level against the revival of the preach- nerable and unprotected from the technolo- ing of racial and ethnic exclusivity, religious gies of manipulating the mass consciousness. discord and intolerance. There are several ways to resist the spread of However, the events taking place in the misanthropic ideas. On the one hand, through modern world, from nurturing of Nazism in the widest possible socialization of youth, its the Ukraine to the misanthropic ideology and involvement in various types of positive ac- practice of religious extremists of the DAISH, tivities for the benefit of people. On the oth- and so on, show that fascism, Nazism, racism, er hand, by familiarizing them with the true religious extremism and fanaticism, other motives of the actions of those people who are misanthropic ideologies are not at all obso- their authorities, revealing the beastly nature lete. They are able to reborn. Their carriers of their claims to domination. And thirdly, it is today are very young people, and ethnic and necessary to keep sacredly the grains of histor- religious blood purges, torchlight processions ical memory, to acquaint teenagers with con- with Nazi symbols take place even in a «civi- crete examples of the lives of people who were lized» Europe. victims of genocide or suffered from the hands My peaceful and prosperous in this respect of the executioners, and also to tell them about Republic, the Republic of Buryatia was shocked those who, at the risk of their lives, saved mil- recently by the news that one of its metropol- lions from the deaths in fascist captivity and itan residents, Alexander Tikhomirov, had death camps, who took very risky path of the become a member of terrorist gangs close to righteous people of the world. Al-Qaeda, banned in the Russian Federation, The history of the Holocaust is a terrible one of the largest ultra-radical international reminder for millions of our contemporaries terrorist organizations of the Wahhabi trend of what the monsters of the human race are of Islam. He also became an Islamic preacher capable of, how humanity delivered a fair ver- and one of the ideologists of the North Cauca- dict upon the Nazis and leaders of the Reich, sus armed underground of the so-called Cau- and that the inevitable payoff is waiting for casus Emirate under the name of Said Bury- the misanthropic ideas and actions of these atsky. new barbarians. 67 Buryatia, whose land the Nazis did not former juvenile prisoners of fascism «Sud’ba», trample on, from where no peaceful popula- published in Ulan-Ude for 14 years. He him- tion was forced to slavery, where there never self, as a child, knew the horrors of the Nazi were Jewish ghettos and mass executions of camps, but was saved by the Lithuanian fam- people of Jewish nationality, nevertheless, it ily ... Leonid Sinegribov gave all his precious has interesting examples of links with the Hol- letters to the National Archives of the Republic ocaust theme. Thus, thanks to a scientific and of Buryatia. practical student conference, we learned that Today Leonid Sinegribov is known as the our fellow countryman Sahyanov, Vladimir chairman of the Russian Union of Former Juve- Afanasievich, the deputy commander (politi- nile Prisoners of Fascist Concentration Camps, cal work) of the 406th regiment of the 100th as the founder and editor of the world’s only division, liberated the Nazi death camp of printed publication dedicated to the victims of Auschwitz. The Republic has become the Nazism. guardian of the most unique and impressive But this invaluable archive will be in de- archive of historical memory in Russia: testi- mand if among the citizens of Buryatia, first monies against Nazi atrocities and political re- of all among the youth of the republic, there pression, to which the victims of fascism were will be a genuine interest in the problem of subjected in the post-war Soviet Union. the Holocaust and a wider interest to the prob- Stories of eyewitnesses, recollections of lem of the revival of misanthropic ideas in the prisoners of fascist concentration camps, their modern world. relatives and friends, were collected and care- To find out to what extent the interest in this fully preserved by Leonid Sinegribov, editor issue is expressed in the republic and what of the newspaper of the international union of is in general the attitude of our compatriots 68 towards the Holocaust, we conducted a socio- Holocaust itself, its manifestations, although logical survey of residents of Ulan-Ude and vis- they were formed as individuals in the con- itors on this topic, and then decided to single ditions of the Russian Federation, where the out the age group of respondents aged 13 to 25 theme of the Holocaust has already been de- years, namely the young students of Ulan-Ude. veloped. Why did we conduct this survey? First of all, 3. Young people aged 16 to 25 have a very to reflect problems and to view the opinions poor understanding of the events being inter- of society. It is also promotion of the history viewed, many hear about it for the first time, of the whole people. Those respondents who although it was this age group that was able to could not answer a single question of the ques- obtain information about the Holocaust from tionnaire, had to reflect willy-nilly on their school programs on the world and national knowledge related to the Holocaust. history. The answers were often controversial. The We believe that this is due to the fact that at interviews showed that the percentage of Ul- school and in the mass media the problems of an-Ude residents’ awareness of the Holocaust the genocide of the Jewish people are consid- is 43%, but 67% of all respondents answered ered extremely rare, not systematically, not al- positively whether they should remember ways in the right context. In addition, the last those events. two age groups receive information mainly The results of the survey among the young from the Internet, and in its resources the Hol- students also seemed quite contradictory to ocaust theme is more peripheral than on TV. us. Thus, when asked how you had got to know We believe that in our city it is necessary to about the Holocaust, 23% of respondents an- put a monument or a memorial plaque about swered that this had taken place at school; of the Holocaust, despite the fact that the city of these, 70% of the respondents answered that Ulan-Ude was far from the main ghettos in the the topic of Holocaust had not been included territory of the USSR. This will arouse the in- in the school curriculum. It can be concluded terest of residents, as well as the youth of our that, quite likely, the respondents had other city. sources of information, such as movies and The lessons of the Holocaust show that if TV shows, which revealed this problem deeply they are not sufficiently understood in our re- enough. public, then in our multicultural society with It should be noted that the respondents open borders, both virtual and real, the prob- were of different sex and age, of different na- lems may arise in the formation of tolerant tionalities and religions, and also had differ- personalities, which can lead to aggravation of ent social status. There also were both urban interethnic relations and a possible repetition and rural residents among the respondents. of the past history. the following conclusions can be made on Based on our research, we can conclude the basis of the conducted pilot survey. that the younger generation of our city is very 1. The history of the Holocaust, the events poorly aware of such terrible pages in history and the names of people who are somehow as the Holocaust. The study of this topic will al- connected with it, are known in more detail low the young generation to realize the fragil- to the residents of Ulan-Ude in the age group ity of humanistic values in the modern world, of 45-65 years. Surprisingly, this age group to preserve the memory of the victims of the was educated in the USSR when the Holocaust genocide and to understand how important it theme was not openly publicized. It is likely is to resist hatred, aggression, cruelty, that it is that they acquired knowledge of the Holocaust necessary to store the memory of people killed from the historical subjects of TV programs or in the course of genocides on some basis: eth- from movies on this subject, which successful- nic and national, religious, racial, etc. Other- ly passed through various TV channels. This wise, it can happen in our republic. And this age group is more sensitive to historical plots, means that my further work on studying the historical publications, talk-shows on histori- topic of the Holocaust is just beginning! cal topics on television. 2. Residents of Ulan-Ude at the age of 30 to 40 have more superficial knowledge about the Holocaust itself, its manifestations, although 69 Resolution 70 of the International Conference “Culture of Memory in the Dialogue of Generations”

The organizers of the conference are In- nars organized by the Documentation Center ternational Public Association “Vzaimoponi- «Gunpowder Factory in Liebenau» and part- manie” (“Mutual Understanding”), the Inter- ners, the Foundation «Polish-German Recon- national Union of Former Juvenile Prisoners ciliation» and partners at the Sobibor concen- of Fascism, the Belarusian Association of For- tration camp site, and also the results of the mer Juvenile Prisoners of Fascism (BAFJPF) implementation of the projects of the human- and the Brest Regional Organization of the itarian program «Meeting Point: Dialogue» in BAFJPF Public Association, the Committee for Belarus. Labor, Employment and Social Protection of In the course of the conference, over 10 the Brest Regional Executive Committee, Inter- reports and presentations were heard on the national Public Organization «International concept of historical memory, problems and Foundation ‘Mutual Understanding and Toler- priorities of education and training in the ance’», as well as Documentation Center «Gun- field of history and culture, memorialization powder Factory in Liebenau» and the Fund of memorable places, teaching methods, sites, «Polish-German reconciliation» express their models and participants in intergenerational gratitude to all the experts and participants in dialogue. the conference for their informative reports, The key themes of the conference were the speeches and discussions on the urgent prob- need to develop public discussions at various lems of preserving the memory of the Second levels on the facts and events of the Second World War, to the Federal Fund of the Federal World War, the patterns of the emergence of Republic of Germany «Remembrance, Respon- international conflicts, the situation and the sibility and Future» for financial support of fate of the civilian population of the belliger- the event. ent countries, and the priority of anti-war ed- The international conference «Memory of ucation. Issues were raised about the social, Memory in the Dialogue of Generations» has political and demographic consequences of completed its work. The goal of the confer- wars. The conference was mainly of a debat- ence: ing nature, all participants were given the op- Social and psychological support of the vic- portunity for free reasoning and statements tims of Nazism through the development of in working groups and roundtables. Based on intergenerational dialogue about the Second the results of work: World War, based on consideration and analy- sis of historical facts. 1. The Conference declares: The conference was held from 21 to 23 Sep- The Second World War left an indelible tember 2016 on the basis of the GPU «NP ‘Be- mark in the history of mankind. 18 million lovezhskaya Pushcha’». Experts from Belarus, people passed through the concentration Germany, Russia, the Ukraine, Poland, former camps created by German fascism and its al- juveniles from former Soviet republics, rep- lies during the Second World War, 11 million of resentatives of the younger generation from them died. The crimes of the aggressor against Germany, Belarus, Russia, the Ukraine and Soviet prisoners of war, civilians, citizens of Syria took part in its organization and work. Jewish and Roma nationalities, children and Prerequisites for the conference were the re- childhood became an element of state policy - sults of the activities of the International Un- children were killed, burned, their blood was ion of Former Juvenile Prisoners of Fascism, taken for Wehrmacht soldiers, pseudoscientif- international working meetings and semi- ic experiments were performed on them, they 71 were forced to slave labor, they were robbed 4. The Conference deems it necessary: of their names and Motherland. The child loss- - to continue the work aimed at developing es of the military and post-war years turned a culture of memory based on a critical analy- into millions of unmade families and unborn sis of the facts and events of the Second World children. War; Children prisoners — citizens of Armenia, - to build a dialogue between generations Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, the Ukraine, on the basis of partnership, tolerance, direct- Transnistria and Estonia, live witnesses of ness and openness, taking into account mutu- Nazi crimes, the conference participants are al interests and values; the bearers of memory of the tragic events of - to continue to involve young people in the Second World War. the work on social and psychological support of the persons affected by the Nazi persecu- Aware of the responsibility before the mem- tion, taking into account the experience of the ory of those who saved the world from fascism humanitarian program “Meeting Point: Dia- and before new generations, the participants logue”; in the international conference “The Culture - to initiate public discussions on preserv- of Memory in the Dialogue of Generations” re- ing the historical memory of the Second World call: War and analyzing the patterns of military - crimes against humanity do not have a pe- conflicts of the past and the present; riod of limitation; - to initiate research on the impact of Nazi - the repetition of the tragic past, the revival captivity on the health and consciousness of of Nazism and fascism in any of their manifes- child victims of Nazism and subsequent gener- tations is unacceptable and disastrous. ations in order to improve the quality of med- ical care and social support. 2. The Conference recognizes: 5. To address the leadership of the States Ignoring by the Soviet ideology of the re- created in the territory of the former USSR, sponsibility for the destinies of civilians sub- with the following proposals: jected to National Socialist persecutions, in- 1) to establish in the state youth policy the difference to the memory of the victims of the priority of anti-war education; National Socialist persecutions during the war 2) to take measures on suppression at all years, to the fate of the survivors, including levels of any manifestations of chauvinism, those among the defenseless civilians, was in racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia, incite- practice the true policy of the Soviet State and ment to violence and opposition based on na- inflicted irreparable damage to the develop- tional, racial, gender, religious affiliation; ment of civil society, in which power and her- 3) to stimulate and encourage cooperation oism are idealized, but person’s rights, his per- of interested state bodies and institutions with sonal experiences and feelings are not valued. organizations of civil society aimed at preserv- ing the historical memory of the Second World 3. The Conference notes: War; The existing forms of preserving the memo- 4) through educational work, to stimulate in ry of the Second World War in the post-Soviet society the interest and desire for the analysis space, as well as approaches to teaching and of facts and events, based not only on official covering the history of World War II, do not sources, but also on subjective testimonies of meet the needs of modern society. eyewitnesses of real events; More than 70 years after the end of the Sec- 5) to focus educational processes in educa- ond World War, the forms of demonstration of tional institutions on analytical methods of memory of it both in the former Soviet repub- working with information, obtaining it from lics and in some other countries are increas- various sources, including live witnesses of ingly acquiring a character that is cynical and events; to stimulate the organization by edu- offensive to witnesses of and participants in cational institutions of independent research the events, as well as provocative and aggres- by students of historical facts on the basis of sive for the public. museums, memorials, and archives; 72 6) to initiate the adoption of legislative acts 10) to express gratitude to the Head of the that specify the special status of citizens who Republic of Buryatia (Russian Federation) Na- have been subjected to Nazi persecution; govitsin V.V. for the preservation of more than 7) to support, including at the expense of 40,000 letters and memoirs of the prisoners of budgetary funds, local initiatives to preserve the fascist camps, received by the newspaper information on historical events at the local “Sud’ba”, the publication of the International level; Union of Former Juvenile Prisoners of Fascism. 8) to ensure, at the expense of the budget, Take measures to create an electronic archive resource support of public associations of vic- of letters and memoirs of former prisoners of tims of Nazism as organizations that unite the Nazism, as well as translation into English and eldest and most vulnerable, by virtue of the posting on the Internet of the works of a for- age and health, citizens whose fates have not mer prisoner of Nazism and the initiator of the received the proper public recognition to date, creation of the International Union of Former but which are the latest witnesses to military Juvenile Prisoners of Fascism V.V. Litvinov. events and the last carriers of “subjective his- tory” of the Second World War; The resolution was adopted on September 9) to ensure the participation of represent- 23, 2016 in Kamenyuki village of Kamenets atives of public associations of victims of Na- District of Brest Region (Belarus) by the partici- zism in activities to preserve the memory cul- pants in the International conference “Culture ture, the history of World War II of 1939-1945; of Memory in the Dialogue of Generations”. 73 Contacts

International Public Association “Vzaimoponimanie” Republic of Belarus, 220116 Minsk, Dzerzhinskogo ave., 80-1Н Тel.: +375 (17) 207 91 67 Tel./fax: +375 (17) 207 91 66 E-mail: [email protected]

Photos: Lesya Kharchenko, Olga Zenova Design: Valeria Volkogonova

This publication does not reflect the opinions of the Foundation EVZ. The authors bear the responsibility for statements contained herein.