1st July 2011


PRESENT Councillors Mrs J Barker (Chairman), A Semmens, C Angove, D Angove, T Gwennap, A Tonkin, A Thomas and M Gwennap.

ALSO PRESENT Ward Councillor Bill Maddern, Mrs A Male (Clerk), Mrs L Doble (Cornishman correspondent) and five members of the public.

254. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were accepted from Councillor P Shannon.

255. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Maddern, as a member of the West Sub-Area Planning Committee, advised that he would take no part in the discussion or resolution relating to any application but would remain to hear the comments of councillors.

256. POLICE INFORMATION  The clerk had received a confused report from the Police website. Fortunately, Councillor Tonkin was able to let the members know that there had been reports of motorbikes driving dangerously and at reckless speeds in the Escalls Chapel area. It was thought that they may have come from the St Just direction but the Police were asking for any witnesses to contact them. Local children had been seen on scooters at various locations through the village, but mainly outside the school, riding in the road, deliberately in front of vehicles, causing them to stop. There had been a single vehicle road traffic collision at Escalls Chapel. The vehicle had left the road at speed and gone through the hedge. The driver was arrested for drink driving. A motorbike had been seized at by the Police and the driver reported for having no insurance or vehicle excise licence. Councillors were informed that the next PACT meeting would take place at the Centre in Pendeen on Wednesday 6th July at 7.15pm.

257. TO RECEIVE INFORMATION AND COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC  Sara Bevan informed the meeting that there was debris falling at the rear of the Institute. She said that the Surf Club could clear it up or the council might want to get somebody else.  The councillors were informed that the big bin by the Old Success Inn had been removed. It was noted that the one in the village, close to the chip shop, had also gone.  Mr Rothwell passed on some information about his planning application, informing members that changes had been made to the design of the house, the roof height had been dropped below that of Wavecrest and there were no dormer windows. He also pointed out to the councillors that this was to be a family home, not a holiday let.

258. REPORT FROM WARD COUNCILLOR  Councillor Maddern informed the members that he had two letters about the two speed cushions; one was from the headmistress of the school and one from Mr and Mrs Dungey. He would be having a meeting with Andy James the following week so Councillor Maddern was requested to remind him that the shrubs at Surf Corner still needed cutting back.  On the matter of Horizon Fields, Councillor Maddern was able to tell the meeting that there could still be one property to let but he had had to give way on the other joint equity properties.  Councillor Maddern had spoken to the officer concerned about the issue over the Blue Flag who had agreed and said that these comments would be taken on board and they would learn from it in the future.

181 1st July 2011 259. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd June 2011 having been circulated, it was resolved that they should be signed as a true and correct record.

260. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES  Men’s Institute– Councillor Mrs Barker reported that the trust document had now been signed by the trustees which now meant that the Parish Council was no longer in control of the building. The four trustees would now call a public meeting to form a committee and adopt a constitution. The Surf Club had earlier reported that there was an issue over the trees to the rear of the property but Councillor Mrs Barker felt that it was not for the Surf Club to do anything about them. It was pointed out to her that no Parish Council funds should be made available to do the work. Past payments were also discussed and that the Parish Council should expect repayment of any excess that had been spent. Councillor Maddern reported that Richard Dunn (CC) had been approached by somebody who thought that using the property for a polling station was not good value for money. However, it was felt that people living in the Cove would like to retain it.  Horizon Fields – The Chairman felt that Councillor Maddern had covered this earlier but added that she and Councillor Semmens had met with Andy Moore who had been hopeful of the one extra rented property but the S106 agreement would need to be altered to allow for this.  Playground repairs – The clerk had made arrangements to meet various representatives. In the meantime, she requested that somebody could pick up the loose pieces of filling. Councillor D Angove volunteered to do this.  Blue Flag – The Draft Beach Management Strategy had been circulated and after a discussion about its accuracy and clarity it was agreed to write to Council requesting that beaches be cleaned as before, for clarification on ownership, about the impression given to visitors and for any information on future suggestions to landowners.

261. PLANS  PA11/03665 – Mr & Mrs R Barnes – Demolition of store, garage and workshop, construction of dwelling and associated works at Carnacalla, Sennen. It was resolved to support but with the comment that adequate pedestrian access should be maintained.  PA11/04145 – Mr and Mrs S Rothwell – Construction of dwelling and associated works at Land Adj to Wave Crest, Stone Chair Lane, Sennen Cove. It was resolved to support.

262. TO RECEIVE ANY PLANNING DECISIONS, APPEALS AND CORRESPONDENCE  PA11/00295 – Mr G Whitehall – Confirmation of Withdrawn Application for the demolition of existing dwelling and construction of two dwellings with integral garages (amended design 06/P/1457) at Grassmead, Cove Road, Sennen.  Planning and Regeneration Service – The clerk informed members of two Local Council seminars, ‘Managing and Getting the Most Out of Pre-Application Negotiations’ on 26th July and ‘Eco Settlements’ on 23rd August. No councillor was able to attend.

263. FOOTPATHS AND GRASSCUTTING  The Chairman reported that there had been some problems with water and raw sewage escaping onto ‘Drainpipe Path’. This had happened on 9th June and 24th June and on both occasions South West Water had attended and cleared the blockage that was causing the problem.  It was reported that garden waste was being deposited on Footpath No33. It was agreed that the property concerned should be identified.  An email had been received about the problems on Footpath No2 – fencing that divided the first field was obstructing the line of the path, the stile from this field was obstructed on both sides, the next stile was choked with vegetation, the stiles where the path crosses the lane that leads to the sewerage works were invisible and several stiles on the remainder of the route to Skewjack Farm were difficult to locate. It was agreed that this path should be looked at but that it might not be worth the effort to open up.

182 1st July 2011  The council was informed that the cycle path in Maria’s Lane was overgrown and some of the railings were missing again opposite the school. Councillor Maddern offered to mention this matter to Highways.  Councillors Thomas and Semmens were thanked for clearing the flowerbeds and sourcing the plants respectively.

264. FINANCE  Cheques totalling £751.58 were passed for payment.  An application for a grant had been received from Tanya’s Courage Trust but it was agreed not to make a grant, in line with the agreement to only give grants to local issues.

265. CORRESPONDENCE  – Cornwall Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition. A further invitation to the conference at Gaia Centre, Delabole on Friday, 29th July had been received. No councillor felt they could attend.  Cornwall Council – Public Convenience Review. The Chairman read out the letter which outlined further suggestions. However, Councillor Maddern informed the members that, at present, there was no intention to close any public conveniences; it was possible that private landowners who had public conveniences on their land might be asked to clean them thus saving Cornwall Council some money.  Cornwall Council- Localism. The May report had been received. It was noted.  Cornwall Council – Festival of Sport. Further information had been received and the views of the council were being sought. The route was outlined and, although it did not come close to Sennen Parish, it was agreed that it could bring income to the area and should be firmly supported.  Action for Children – UK’s Longest Zip Slide. An invitation for councillors to take part in a sponsored event had been received. This event was, in fact, open to any members of the public so the information was passed on to Lesley Double.  Cornwall Council – Cornwall Conversations. An invitation to meet Alec Robertson, leader of Cornwall Council, and others on 25th July had been received. The Chairman instructed any councillor wishing to attend to inform the clerk.  Cruse Bereavement Care in Cornwall – Annual General Meeting, Thursday 7th July. An invitation to this event had been received but no councillor felt able to attend.  Patrick Thornberry – Naturism in Cornwall. Following the request for information brought to the attention of the councillors at the previous meeting, an email had been received from the SW Campaigns Representative on behalf of British Naturism expressing their dismay at the light- hearted way the previous request had been received and suggesting that Sennen should be actively encouraging more naturists to the locality. The email was noted.  St Just Town Council – Invitation to Lafrowda Day. The Chairman informed the members that she would be accepting the invitation to attend.

266. ITEMS FOR TOWN AND PARISH FORUM  No matters were identified. The Chairman requested that her apologies were given at the next meeting of the forum.

267. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION / NEXT MONTH’S AGENDA  The clerk informed the members that Matt Barton, Assistant Head of Localism and Strategy had offered to attend a meeting to answer questions and provide information. The councillors could see no need for this.  The clerk informed the members that she had collected the litter signs and that they now required erecting. Councillors C Angove and A Thomas offered to do this.

268. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting would be Friday, 2nd September unless there were any plans, in which case the next Parish Council meeting would be Friday, 5th August.

183 1st July 2011 There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm.

Chairman 2nd September 2011