ECVI Storage Feasibility Project for

Brannen Lake

Flora and Fauna Environmental Assessment Component

Prepared for: James Craig British Columbia Conservation Foundation #3-1200 Princess Royal Avenue Nanaimo, BC V9S 3Z7

Submitted by: Elke Wind E. Wind Consulting Suite A 114 Fifth Street Nanaimo, BC V9R 1N2

November 2009 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The British Columbia Conservation Foundation (BCCF) and various partners are involved in several storage feasibility projects being investigated on eastern and northern Vancouver Island. The primary goal of these projects is to maintain or enhance summer and fall discharge rates from lakes and reservoirs into downstream rivers utilized by various fish species. The focus of this report is Brannen Lake (Millstone River watershed) situated in the Regional District of Nanaimo (west side of lake) and the City of Nanaimo (east side). Proposed changes at Brannen Lake include up to a 30 cm (1′) change in water level achieved by top (positive), bottom (negative) storage or some combination of the two.

In terms of vegetation, Brannen Lake was included in the Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory study and several polygons were identified around the lake, including wetlands, young riparian communities, seasonally flooded agricultural lands, and older/second-growth forest. Results from a BC Conservation Data Center search did not indicate any rare or threatened vegetation communities within the Brannen Lake study area. However, two species of concern occur in the vicinity—water marigold and field dodder. Neither plant was observed during the survey. Based on classification systems, wetland communities found in the marsh and low shrub perimeter wetlands were identified as Wm06 Great bulrush, Wm50 Sitka sedge-Hemlock parsley, and Ws50 Pink Spirea-Sitka sedge. The tall shrub wetland plant assemblage situated behind or upland of the latter habitats was most closely defined as CDFmm-14 Western redcedar/slough sedge, a Red-listed community type. No site classification fit the young deciduous floodplain forest at the south end of the lake. Most of the remnant coniferous forest communities were classified as CDFmm-01 Douglas-fir/salal (Red-listed). Changes to water levels at the lake will cause shifts in the wetland and forest vegetation communities. A potential reduction in wetland habitat may occur with the proposed maximum 30 cm inundation if wetland communities cannot shift into upland areas (e.g., in areas that have been altered for housing, agriculture, etc.). No significant, long-term impacts are predicted if a combination of top and bottom storage is utilized or if inundation does not extend through the entire growing season. A management plan for invasive plant species should be developed as a change in water levels may facilitate their spread.

Based on a visual survey and funnel trapping, two amphibian species were observed at Brannen Lake—Northwestern Salamander (Ambystoma gracile) and American Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). No listed amphibian species were observed at the lake. Numerous fish were captured in the funnel traps set at the lake, the majority of which were stickleback. The presence of numerous fish and American Bullfrogs, as well as the rural/urban setting of the lake likely limits the suitability of the site for native amphibians, especially listed species. The proposed change in water levels will likely not have any long-term, significant impact on native amphibians at the site.

During the amphibian surveys, at least six dragonfly species were observed at Brannen Lake, including the Blue listed Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis). An increase in water levels as proposed by the proponent would only affect dragonflies if emergent vegetation was lost. The lake shoreline contains patches of relatively tall, emergent vegetation that will likely not be significantly affected by the proposed change in water levels.

2 Due to the variety of ecological niches and amount of wetland habitat that occurs at Brannen Lake, numerous bird species are predicted to occur at Brannen Lake, including three listed species: Great Blue Heron, American Bittern, and Green Heron. Great Blue Herons are known to forage along the Brannen Lake shoreline, but no breeding colonies are known of in the nearby area. The marshlands of Brannen Lake likely provide good habitat for Green Herons and American Bitterns. The American Bittern is a very rare visitor to Vancouver Island but one pair nested recently in the Nanaimo area. Green Herons likely occur at Brannen Lake as flooded shrubland habitats are one of their nesting habitats. One small area of flooded trees and shrubs at the south end of the lake, and the drainage creek at the south end, appear to have suitable nesting habitat for this species. An increase in water levels of 30 cm may result in wetland habitat loss at the lake, which would affect local bird species including the three listed species. Accessing bottom, or a combination of top and bottom, storage may mitigate these effects.

Although potentially suitable habitat for the Vancouver Island water shrew (Sorex palustris brooksi) occurs around Brannen Lake it is very fragmented. Some suitable habitats are connected along watercourses. Housing development along the northeast side of the lake has resulted in the removal of suitable habitat for S. p. brooksi and might prevent the shrew from moving between habitat patches in that area. In general, the habitat along the east side of the lake is marginal for the shrew. Although wetland habitat along the lake on the west and north sides of the lake appears suitable, the habitat fringe is quite narrow in places and might not provide suitable living habitat for the subspecies. Living habitat suitable for S. p. brooksi is mostly limited to the wetlands and two watercourses at the south end of the lake: Millstone River, which flows from Brannen Lake, and Benson Creek which flows into the lake. The abundance of Bullfrogs at Brannen Lake, a potential predator of S. p. brooksi, may be having a negative effect on habitat suitability of the site.

Several potential impacts of the proposed project on habitat for S. p. brooksi were identified. Where top (positive) storage occurs, potential impacts include flooded lake margins causing loss of habitat, loss of wetland habitat causing habitat fragmentation, possible reduced flow in the Millstone River during storage acquisition periods, removal or damage of beaver dams causing loss of suitable habitat for S. p. brooksi, and construction of a weir causing a barrier to movement of S. p. brooksi. Where bottom (negative) storage is accessed, potential impacts include exposed shoreline reducing covered foraging habitat and removal of beaver dams causing loss of suitable habitat for S. p. brooksi. In both scenarios, there will be increased flow during release periods, which may affect the prey base of S. p. brooksi depending on the magnitude of the flow. However, depending on the amount of water released, increased flows to the Millstone River in late summer could also improve habitat suitability for S. p. brooksi as compared to very low flow or dry conditions. Several mitigation options are suggested.

3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Julie Micksch for her assistance in the field. James Craig and Michelle Kehler from BCCF provided background information on the site and project.

4 Table of Contents

Executive Summary...... 2 Acknowledgements...... 4 1.0 Introduction...... 6 1.1 Scope...... 6 1.2 Objectives ...... 6 2.0 Methods...... 6 2.1 Literature Review and Data Mining ...... 7 2.2 Field Work ...... 7 2.2.1 Vegetation...... 7 2.2.2 Amphibians...... 7 2.2.3 Birds...... 7 2.2.4 Vancouver Island Water Shrew ...... 8 3.0 Results and Discussion ...... 8 3.1 Vegetation...... 8 3.2 Amphibians...... 12 3.3 Birds...... 14 3.4 Vancouver Island Water Shrew ...... 16 4.0 Conclusions and Recommendations ...... 19 4.1 Vegetation...... 19 4.2 Amphibians...... 23 4.3 Birds...... 23 4.4 Vancouver Island Water Shrew ...... 25 5.0 References...... 32 Appendix I. Plant Lists ...... 35

List of Tables and Figures

Table 1. Attributes of the Brannen Lake site and proposed project related to work to be conducted in 2009...... 6 Figure 1. Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory results for the area surrounding Brannen Lake (RDN 2009)...... 9 Figure 2. Conservation Data Center results for the area near Brannen Lake (BCCDC 2009c). .. 10 Figure 3. General features within Brannen Lake (boundaries and locations are approximate).... 11 Table 2. Amphibians and other species observed at Brannen Lake in 2009...... 13 Figure 4. Location of amphibian breeding observations and funnel traps set at Brannen Lake... 13 Figure 5. Tall, emergent vegetation used by dragonflies for perching and larval emergence...... 14 Table 3. Red and Blue listed birds that occur in the South Island Forest District. Green highlighted species occur or likely occur at Brannen Lake and are dependent on wetland ecosystems...... 15 Table 4. Birds observed at Brannen Lake during amphibian surveys (by J. Micksch)...... 16 Table 5. UTMs (all zone 10, NAD 83) of Bullfrog groupings seen at Brannen Lake...... 19 Table 6. Summary of at risk species or communities at Brannen Lake and mitigative measures.29

5 1.0 INTRODUCTION The British Columbia Conservation Foundation (BCCF) and various partners are involved in several storage feasibility projects being investigated on eastern and northern Vancouver Island. The primary goal of these projects is to maintain or enhance summer and fall discharge rates from lakes and reservoirs into downstream rivers utilized by various fish species.

1.1 Scope The focus of this report is Brannen Lake [Millstone River watershed (UTM 10N: 423109, 5451865; Geographic: 49° 12' 53" N, 124° 3' 21" W)], situated in the Regional District of Nanaimo (west side of lake) and the City of Nanaimo (east side). Partners involved in the project include the Ministry of Environment, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, local governments, First Nations, Ducks Unlimited, and various NGOs (e.g., stewardship groups, naturalist groups). The attributes of the site and project are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Attributes of the Brannen Lake site and proposed project related to work to be conducted in 2009. Max. (& Surface aver.) Focus / Elev. Area Depth Stand Lotic Lentic Project Concerns re: Site (m) (ha) (m) Fish Age Features Features Features Assessment Brannen 76 108.66 20.4 Yes Largely beaver milfoil; ≤ 1′ change flooded or Lake (11.6) rural / activity fish in water exposed urban along present; levels; storage shorelines; outflow high achieved by construction creeks public use positive, of a weir / profile negative or combination storage

1.2 Objectives The main objective of the environmental assessment component of the project was to identify and mitigate potential impacts of the proposed operations on the flora and fauna associated with the site, especially provincially and federally listed species. BCCF staff and partners are assessing the potential impacts of the project on fish and associated invertebrate prey as well as any engineering-related issues. In addition, BCCF have an expert assessing impacts to aquatic macrophytes at Brannen Lake.

2.0 METHODS The primary focus of work conducted in 2009 was to confirm the presence of listed species and identify areas where there is a high probability of occurrence based on a literature review and specific habitat features or elements. In addition, the best available information and expert opinion were used to assess potential impacts of the project and to suggest mitigation measures where species may be negatively affected by the proposed operations.

6 2.1 Literature Review and Data Mining Prior to field surveys, a literature review and data mining were conducted to determine whether any listed species have been found in the project area. This included gathering data from the BC Conservation Data Centre.

2.2 Field Work Qualified registered professional biologists that specialize in each of the taxonomic groups of concern conducted field surveys and assessed the potential impacts of the project. The First Nations in the area were contacted prior to the commencement of fieldwork to discuss the project and to provide an opportunity for band members to assist in the field. No First Nations assistants worked on the assessment in 2009.

2.2.1 Vegetation (Lead – Michele Jones, R.P.Bio. 1623) The primary objective of the vegetation assessment was to identify potential impacts that may arise as a result of altering lake water levels. Within the study area, plant species or communities that would be directly or indirectly affected by possible inundation were identified, especially those that are particularly sensitive to disturbance or have high ecological value.

Prior to the field work, aerial photographs and current maps were analyzed to identify areas of concern, potential risks, and drainage issues. Plant communities were delineated on aerial photographs to facilitate ground-truthing and to ensure that all communities were represented in the field study.

2.2.2 Amphibians (Lead – Elke Wind, R.P.Bio. 1568) Resources Inventory Standards Committee (RISC) sampling techniques were used to determine whether any listed amphibian species occur in the project area—Red-legged Frog (Rana aurora) and Western Toad (Bufo boreas). A visual survey was conducted at the site in spring and funnel trapping took place in summer. The visual survey was focused on egg masses and breeding adults. In summer, unbaited, collapsible, mesh funnel traps were set at the lake and left overnight to capture more secretive and cryptic species or life stages (e.g., salamanders). Visual surveys and funnel trapping were used along all shoreline areas, targeting calm, shallow, south facing shorelines and those with emergent vegetation. The visual survey took place under optimal conditions (e.g., calm and clear day), and polarized sunglasses were used to reduce the negative effects of glare on survey results. Both the visual surveys and funnel trapping were conducted by boat (i.e., kayak).

During the amphibian surveys, notes were also made on dragonflies observed in the area to confirm whether any listed species may occur at the lake.

2.2.3 Birds (Lead – John Cooper, R.P.Bio. 394) Field studies were not conducted at Brannen Lake in 2009, and no information on bird communities specifically for Brannen Lake could be found. This assessment was based on satellite imagery, and the biologist’s personal knowledge of Brannen Lake and of bird

7 communities and bird habitat use on Vancouver Island (largely summarized Campbell et al. 1990a, 1990b, 1997, 2001, and Stevens 1995).

A list of Red and Blue-listed birds for the South Island Forest District was created from the BC CDC Species and Ecosystems Explorer tool (MoE website:

2.2.4 Vancouver Island Water Shrew (Lead – Vanessa Craig, R.P.Bio. 1459) To assess potential impacts of changes in water levels/flow rates associated with the proposed projects on the Red-listed Vancouver Island water shrew (Sorex palustris brooksi), a literature review was conducted regarding the habitat associations of the species (and subspecies where available). The Ministry of Environment and other small mammal researchers on Vancouver Island were contacted to identify recent occurrences. Prior to a site visit, satellite imagery and maps provided by BCCF were reviewed to identify areas where potential water shrew habitat occurs and areas of potential impact. A checklist of important habitat components was developed as a basis for the field assessment. A ground reconnaissance was conducted and areas assessed for suitability for water shrews based on known habitat associations. The assessment was documented with photos.

3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Vegetation Lake Habitat The following are descriptions of the habitats identified within the study area during a general field assessment of Brannen Lake conducted in July 2009. A general list of all plant species found during the assessment, including scientific name, is listed in Appendix I.

Located within the city of Nanaimo on the eastern side of Vancouver Island, Brannen Lake receives water from several creeks, drainages, and associated wetlands, as well as surface flow from the surrounding landscape (Fig. 1). Water flows from Brannen Lake into the Millstone River and out to the Strait of Georgia through the Nanaimo Harbour (CMN 2009b). Brannen Lake lies within an urban and rural watershed. Small farms, a correctional facility, residential communities, and recreation are important land uses in and around the lake. Most of the surrounding lands have been harvested and only a few small remnant forests remain along the lake. Brannen Lake has two boat ramps, one private and one public. The private facility located at the southwest side of the lake also contains a recreational beach. The public boat ramp located by a small municipal park also has a beach, picnic area, and swimming platform. Within the residential developments there were several small docks. Recreational users encountered during the field surveys included boats with water skiers, canoers, swimmers, a float-plane, and personal motorized watercraft (i.e., “Sea-doos”).

8 Figure 1. Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory results for the area surrounding Brannen Lake (RDN 2009). NO230 R-1: Wetland: treed swamp; NO231: Second-growth:mixed, Old-growth:coniferous; NO233: Wetland:swamp; NO234a: Wetland:swamp Riparian:shrub/pole sapling; NO236: Seasonally flooded agricultural land; NO226: Wetland:swamp/fen; NO227: Wetland/Seasonally flooded agricultural land/Wetland:marsh; NO227a: Wetland/Seasonally flooded agricultural land/Wetland:marsh.

Brannen Lake lies within the moist maritime subzone of the Coastal Douglas-fir (CDFmm) biogeoclimatic zone (BC Ministry of Forests 2008, Green and Klinka 1994). This subzone occurs at low elevations (sea level to approximately 150 m) along the southeast side of Vancouver Island. It is known for warm, dry summers and wet, mild winters, which allows for very long growing seasons. Frequently the zonal (CDFmm-01) and drier sites within this subzone experience pronounced water deficits (Green and Klinka 1994).

Brannen Lake was contained within the Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory study area and several polygons were identified around Brannen Lake (Fig. 1). Polygons surrounding the lake included wetlands, young riparian communities, seasonally flooded agricultural lands, and older- growth/second-growth forests. Results from a BC Conservation Data Center search did not indicate any rare or threatened vegetation communities within the Brannen Lake study area (Fig. 2; BCCDC 2009a, BCCDC 2009c). However, two plant species of concern occur within 5 km of the site—water marigold and field dodder (BCCDC 2009c). Neither plant was observed during the survey.

9 Figure 2. Conservation Data Center results for the area near Brannen Lake (BCCDC 2009c). Polygon 14719 (water marigold), Polygon 2010 (field dodder).

There were two treed areas bordering the lake. The largest forest patch was located on the east side of Brannen Lake. This older second-growth stand was dominated by coastal Douglas-fir. Other species included western redcedar, red alder, salal, English ivy, broad-leaved starflower, oceanspray, red huckleberry, baldhip rose, and Oregon beaked-moss. Part of this remnant forest was located in the municipal park. Within the park were four older growth Douglas-fir that were greater than one metre in diameter (diameter at breast height). Soils were sandy with moderate coarse fragment content.

Located on the south side of Brannen Lake, the other wooded site was a young deciduous floodplain forest. Red alder was the most common tree species but there were occurrences of western redcedar, Douglas-fir, and bigleaf maple. Tall shrubs dominated this community. The shrubs most frequently observed were red-osier dogwood, willows, Pacific ninebark, hardhack, and cascara. The site had a low gradient (5% to 7%) and sandy soils with high coarse fragment content. A small channel (approximately one meter wide) flowed through the wooded area, carrying water into Brannen Lake.

Most of the lake contained open water. The perimeter was lined with wetland communities that had distinct banding (zonation) of vegetation (Fig. 3). These perimeter wetlands were often composed of Shallow-water, Marsh, and Swamp wetland communities (MacKenzie and Moran 2004). In the lowest areas, the shallow-water communities contained various floating and aquatic species. The most common species included Eurasian water-milfoil, pondweeds, and yellow pond-lily. Closer to shore, the most common emergent species observed was soft-stemmed bulrush. Low shrubs were found landward from the emergent species. Within these swamps,

10 hardhack and reed canarygrass were the most prevalent. Also found in this zone were patches of cattails, sedges, and rushes, as well as occasional black twinberry and willow. At the most upland regions of the perimeter wetlands, tall shrubs formed wetland thickets. The tall shrubs consisted predominantly of red-osier dogwood, Pacific ninebark, black twinberry, young red alder, and bigleaf maple. Within Brannen Lake, there were several areas with dense submerged vegetation. Most often, these areas were colonized by water-milfoil, which was dense enough to hinder boat movement.

Figure 3. General features within Brannen Lake (boundaries and locations are approximate).

The width of the wetlands along the perimeter of Brannen Lake varied with the local topography and from land-use modifications along the shoreline. The treed and tall shrub communities were most heavily impacted. Activities included re-shaping fields for agricultural use, development and landscaping of residential, recreational, and institution properties, construction of boat docks and moorages, and creation of walking paths. A concrete retaining wall was observed along the shoreline in a residential community on the east side of Brannen Lake. The outflow from Brannen Lake was located on the south side of the lake near the correctional facility and nature walkways. A small walkway bridge positioned at the outflow was situated within the perimeter wetland habitat.

Most of the terrain surrounding Brannen Lake had low to moderate slopes (less than 20%). Steeper gradients were located on the east side of the lake in the forested region, at the south end of the lake near the correctional institute, and on the northwest side of the lake. Shoreline soils were sandy with moderate to high gravel contents. In perimeter wetland areas, the substrates frequently had an organic veneer over the mineral soils. Small quantities of large woody debris were observed within the lake, which is uncommon for lakes on the island. However, with little 11 forest remaining along the perimeter, there is little source of input of downed wood at Brannen Lake.

Brannen Lake was classified as containing Lake, Shallow-Water, Marsh, Swamp, and Forest ecosystems (Mackenzie and Moran 2004, Green and Klinka 1994). In BC, forested communities are classified using the biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification (Green and Klinka 1994). The classification of wetland plant communities is fairly general in BC. As a result, non-forested plant communities are described within broad provincial classification schemes. Within Brannen Lake, Shallow-water communities were of the yellow pond-lily types and the pondweed types (Mackenzie and Moran 2004). However, Eurasian water-milfoil, an introduced species, was common in the lake. This species is capable of growing quickly under nutrient-loaded conditions and can alter the natural vegetation community structure within a lake (Mackenzie and Moran 2004). Wetland communities found in the marsh and low shrub perimeter wetlands included Wm06 Great bulrush, Wm50 Sitka sedge-Hemlock parsley, and Ws50 Pink Spirea-Sitka sedge (Mackenzie and Moran 2004). The tall shrub wetland plant assemblage was a young community where no site classification fit well. The closest defined community type for this unique plant assemblage was CDFmm-14 Western redcedar/slough sedge, a red-listed community type (Green and Klinka 1994, BCCDC 2009a, BCCDC 2009b, NatureServe 2005). No site classification fit the young deciduous floodplain forest at the south end of the lake. Most of the remnant coniferous forest communities were classified as CDFmm-01 Douglas-fir/salal (red- listed).

3.2 Amphibians Two amphibian species were confirmed at Brannen Lake during visual surveys and funnel trapping—Northwestern Salamander (Ambystoma gracile) and American Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana; Table 2). The majority of Northwestern Salamander egg masses were observed along the southeast shoreline of the lake on a shallow shelf that contained emergent vegetation (Fig. 4a). No listed amphibian species were observed at the lake. Numerous fish were captured in the 39 funnel traps set at the lake (Fig. 4b), the majority of which were stickleback. Many dead fish (mainly stickleback) were observed floating on the surface of the lake during the June trapping session, which occurred during a heat wave along the coast.

The presence of numerous fish and American Bullfrogs as well as the rural/urban setting of the lake likely limits native amphibians (e.g., high predation pressure, limited upland overwintering habitat). Life history traits likely facilitate the ability of Northwestern Salamanders to cohabitate with these non-native species in this environment. Paedomorphy allows both an aquatic and terrestrial adult component to exist within the population and the relatively large size of the adults may reduce predation pressure.

At least six different dragonfly species were observed at Brannen Lake on June 10, 2009: Dot Tailed White Face (Leucorrhinia intacta), Twelve-spotted Skimmer (Libellula pulchella), Chalk Fronted Corporal (Libellula julia), Four-spotted Skimmer (Libellula forensis), two darner species (e.g., Aeshna sp.), and a Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis). The latter is Blue listed in BC. An increase in water levels would only affect dragonflies if emergent vegetation was lost (L. Ramsay, pers. comm.)—dragonflies depend on these habitat structures as larval emergence and adult perching sites. However, the Brannen Lake shoreline contains patches of relatively tall,

12 emergent vegetation that will likely not be significantly affected by the proposed change in water levels (e.g., soft-stemmed bulrush; Fig. 5).

Table 2. Amphibians and other species observed at Brannen Lake in 2009. Date Common Name Species Life Stage Number 27/4/09 Northwestern Salamander Ambystoma gracile Egg masses 7 27/4/09 Beaver lodge 4 10/6/09 American Bullfrog Rana catesbeiana Adult/Juv. 4 Tadpole 13 10/6/09 Fish Adult 181

a) Location of Northwestern Salamander egg masses and beaver lodges.

b) Funnel trap locations. Figure 4. Location of amphibian breeding observations and funnel traps set at Brannen Lake.

13 Figure 5. Tall, emergent vegetation used by dragonflies for perching and larval emergence.

3.3 Birds The variety of habitats at Brannen Lake suggests numerous ecological niches occur at the site that may be used by different bird species. Both shallow and deep water habitat exists, providing foraging habitat for birds such as dabbling ducks, swans, herons, Belted Kingfisher (shallow) and diving ducks, grebes, and loons (deep). Marshland habitat provides good foraging habitat for many species of passerine birds (blackbirds, Marsh Wren, rails and American Coot, herons, dabbling ducks, sparrows). Aerial insectivores such as swallows, swifts, and Common Nighthawk likely use the airshed over the lake extensively for foraging during spring and summer.

The marshland habitat around the perimeter of the lake likely provides good nesting habitat for Red-winged Blackbird, Marsh Wren, resident Canada Goose, Mallard, Song Sparrow, Common Yellowthroat, Virginia Rail, and other species that may nest in marshlands on Vancouver Island. Brannen Lake’s marshland habitats are similar to those found in Somenos Lake in Duncan (the latter of which J. M. Cooper has extensive experience). At least 219 bird species have been recorded at Somenos Lake (IBA website: Somenos Lake (200 ha) is about twice as large as Brannen Lake and has more extensive marshland and flooded agricultural field habitats than Brannen Lake. However, most of the species of birds that have occurred at Somenos Lake could potentially occur at Brannen Lake.

No bird species at risk records occur for Brannen Lake in the BC CDC files (accessed 25 August 2009). A review of Red and Blue-listed birds that occur in the South Island Forest District resulted in a list of 32 species, 21 of which likely occur at least occasionally at Brannen Lake

14 (Table 1). This list was reviewed further to identify what species could potentially occur in the wetland and riparian portions of the project area based on distribution and habitat requirements, and are dependent on those ecosystem attributes. Information sources used in this review included Campbell et al. (1990a, 1990b, 1997, 2001), Fraser et al. (1999), and professional opinion. This reduced the list further to three bird species: Great Blue Heron, American Bittern, and Green Heron (Table 3). Birds observed at the lake during amphibian surveys are listed in Table 4.

Table 3. Red and Blue listed birds that occur in the South Island Forest District. Green highlighted species occur or likely occur at Brannen Lake and are dependent on wetland ecosystems. BC Potential Dep. on English Name COSEWICa Status in Area wetlands Northern Goshawk, laingi subspecies T (Nov 2000) Red Y N Western Grebe Red N Y Great Blue Heron, fannini subspecies SC (Mar 2008) Blue Y Y Short-eared Owl SC (Mar 2008) Blue Y N American Bittern Blue Y Y Marbled Murrelet T (Nov 2000) Red N N Canada Goose, occidentalis subspecies Red Y N Green Heron Blue Y Y Yellow-billed Cuckoo Red N N Olive-sided Flycatcher T (Nov 2007) Blue Y N Common Nighthawk T (April 2007) Yellow Y N Sooty Grouse Blue Y N Horned Lark, strigata subspecies E (Nov 2003) Red N N Peregrine Falcon, anatum subspecies SC (Apr 2007) Red Y N Peregrine Falcon, pealei subspecies SC (Apr 2007) Blue Y N Tufted Puffin Blue N N Northern Pygmy-Owl, swarthi subspecies Blue Y N Barn Swallow Blue Y N White-tailed Ptarmigan, saxatilis subspecies Blue N N Western Screech-Owl, kennicottii subspecies SC (May 2002) Blue Y N N N Lewis's Woodpecker (Georgia Depression population) SC (Nov 2001) Red Band-tailed Pigeon Blue Y N Double-crested Cormorant NAR (May 1978) Blue Y N Brandt's Cormorant Red N N Pine Grosbeak, carlottae subspecies Blue N N Vesper Sparrow, affinis subspecies E (Apr 2006) Red Y N Purple Martin Blue Y N Cassin's Auklet Blue N N Western Bluebird (Georgia Depression population) Red Y N Western Meadowlark (Georgia Depression population) Red Y N Barn Owl SC (Nov 2001) Blue Y N Common Murre Red N N a T=Threatened, SC=Special Concern, NAR=Not At Risk

15 Table 4. Birds observed at Brannen Lake during amphibian surveys (by J. Micksch). Date Common Name General Location / comments Apr. 27, 2009 Red-winged Blackbird Nests found on north shoreline Song Sparrow Chestnut-backed Chickadee Hummingbirds Canada Geese pair Starlings American Robin Mallard pair Crows Finches (House?) June 10, 2009 River otter Osprey Marsh Wren Common Yellowthroat Olive-sided Flycatcher Yellow Warbler

3.4 Vancouver Island Water Shrew A ground reconnaissance was conducted and areas assessed for suitability for Vancouver Island water shrew based on known habitat associations on July 20, 2009. Brannen Lake is surrounded by urban/suburban and agricultural habitat. Although the habitat is very fragmented, there is some connectivity between potential habitat around the lake and potential habitat to the north, south, and west. S. p. brooksi has not been reported from the area immediately surrounding Brannen Lake—the closest record is from Coombs, approximately 30 km north of Brannen Lake (Craig 2003). However, because of the connectivity to surrounding habitat, it is likely that S. p. brooksi occur in the area if suitable habitat is present.

Although the species S. palustris is considered to be primarily associated with small, cold, creeks and streams (Conaway 1952, Craig 2003), they have also been found around lake margins and in marshes and wetlands where suitable cover from downed wood, overhanging banks, tree roots, and vegetation is available (van Zyll de Jong 1983, Nagorsen 1996, Craig 2003). Nine S. p. brooksi captures have been in or associated with wetlands (Craig 2003). The majority of captures were associated with tributaries or channels of wetlands—dense, wetland vegetation was present at most capture locations. Vancouver Island water shrews would be most likely to use the periphery of wetlands where they can move between the forest and wetland interface, or would move along channels within the wetland. One record of S. p. brooksi is from Misty Lake, near Port McNeill. Much of Brannen Lake had a fringe of wetlands around it. Therefore, the lake margin, and associated wetlands and watercourses all could be potential habitat for S. p. brooksi, if the habitat present is suitable.

East Side of Lake Some areas around Brannen Lake have been altered and do not provide suitable habitat for S. p. brooksi. The development along sections of the north-east side of the lake limits the habitat suitability for S. p. brooksi in that area. Housing developments have resulted in the removal of most of the riparian habitat in sections, which limits the ability of S. p. brooksi to use the site even as corridor habitat. These developed areas might be a barrier to movement of S. p. brooksi around the lake.

16 Although some areas of habitat appear suitable to S. p. brooksi, their isolation or small size limits their usefulness. At the northeast end of the lake, a small unnamed creek provides suitable habitat for S. p. brooksi. However, it is surrounded by development and is not connected to other suitable habitat. In the middle of the east side of the lake there is a small park and boat launch adjacent to a larger area of coniferous forest. S. p. brooksi normally use forested habitat that is associated with water, so the habitat along the shoreline would likely be suitable for S. p. brooksi. This area of forest, however, has limited connectivity to other suitable habitat nearby.

Suitable habitat is limited in front of the Nanaimo Correctional Centre at the southeast corner of the lake. To increase visibility around the compound, much of the surrounding vegetation has been removed. A narrow band of vegetation, primarily grass, has been retained in front of the Centre. Only limited cover, from patchy shrubs, is present. Although the narrow strip of vegetation is likely not suitable as living habitat, it would likely provide sufficient cover for S. p. brooksi to move along the lake. The water is shallow and would likely provide suitable foraging habitat along this section as well.

Overall, there is little suitable habitat for S. p. brooksi along the east side of Brannen Lake. Although there is a narrow band of wetland vegetation along most of this part of the lake, it would be utilized primarily as corridor habitat along which S. p. brooksi could move between suitable habitat patches. The amount of suitable living habitat is limited along the east side of the lake.

South Side of Lake The habitat at the south end of Brannen Lake is the best quality S. p. brooksi habitat around the lake. In this area, the Millstone River (outflow) and Benson Creek (inflow) provide stream habitat for S. p. brooksi that is connected to other suitable habitat upstream and downstream of the lake.

The Millstone River flows through a hardhack wetland with bulrushes along the edge (see Appendix I for scientific names of ). Along the water’s edge, hardhack overhangs the water and small gaps in the bulrushes provide potential foraging areas for S. p. brooksi. A potentially negative aspect is that there is very little downed wood in the area to provide travel corridors (Craig 1995), nesting sites, and foraging opportunities (Ingles 1965, Thomas 1979, Maser and Trappe 1984, Harmon et al. 1986). Downed wood also provides an important connection between the aquatic and terrestrial communities. Therefore, in the winter, there would be less cover for S. p. brooksi. Upstream from the lake, the river moves through a hardhack wetland and forms a more well-defined channel with a deciduous overstorey of red alder and willow. The substrate in the channel is cobble with some silt, which is suitable for S. p. brooksi (Craig 2003). The section of river close to the lake is shallow, with gentle flow in summer and some deeper pools. During periods of high flow, the river would remain suitable for S. p. brooksi if there were pools or areas of slower-moving water. Although the riparian buffer around the river is narrow in places, this is likely good quality habitat for S. p. brooksi.

Benson Creek also has a wetland interface with Brannen Lake. At the water’s edge, sedges and grasses or bulrushes give way to a hardhack-dominated wetland with a deciduous forest dominated by red alder and cascara behind that. The wetland had numerous channels winding

17 through it, many of which contained water at the time of the site visit. Other areas clearly were inundated during the wet season, and the presence of skunk cabbage and large pieces of downed wood suggest this would be suitable habitat for S. p. brooksi during the wet season. Upstream from the lake the channel became more defined. There was a cobble/rock substrate and abundant overhanging vegetation. Little downed wood was visible along this section, which would limit cover for S. p. brooksi in winter. Again, the riparian buffer around the creek was narrow in places. However, overall, this habitat appeared to be suitable for S. p. brooksi.

West Side of Lake There is suitable habitat for S. p. brooksi in a narrow band around much of the west side of Brannen Lake. Along the less-developed areas of the west side of the lake, the shoreline typically is comprised of a hardhack wetland zone 10 to 95 m wide with some deciduous forest immediately upland. The water’s edge was composed of either a bulrushes, often accompanied by lilypads, or sedges or grasses.

The wetland was very dense and provided abundant cover for S. p. brooksi. The wetlands were mostly dry at the time of the site visit, although there were some channels with water which would provide useful habitat for S. p. brooksi. In the winter, the wetlands would be wetter and would likely provide better quality habitat for S. p. brooksi.

Much of the wetlands along the west shore abutted agricultural lands, which can be an important source of chemical pollution by percolation into the ground water (Rouse et al. 1999) or via wind-borne pesticides (Lowrance et al. 1997, Donald et al. 1999). This can negatively affect aquatic invertebrates, an important prey group of S. p. brooksi (van Zyll de Jong 1983).

Although there are numerous creeks that have flow into Brannen Lake along the west side of the lake, these creeks do not have intact riparian habitat and connectivity to other useful habitat. As a result, they do not provide good quality habitat for S. p. brooksi.

North Side of Lake Habitat for S. p. brooksi is limited at the north end of the lake. Although Metral Creek appears to provide some suitable habitat for S. p. brooksi upstream of the lake, it has been heavily modified on its way to the lake and is not likely to provide high quality habitat for S. p. brooksi at the lake margin. Hardhack wetland similar to that described above dominates the lake edge at the north end and likely provides suitable habitat for S. p. brooksi, particularly when the site is moist. The patches of suitable habitat are fairly small. However, they are connected to other wetland habitat around the perimeter of the lake. Overall, the habitat at the north end of the lake is marginal for S. p. brooksi.

Other Issues

Beaver activity Beaver (Castor canadensis) activity has occurred along some of the creeks around Brannen Lake. Beaver dams have the potential to create suitable Vancouver Island water shrew habitat. Pools created behind dams can be very productive and suitable habitat for water shrews (Wrigley et al. 1979), as long as there is water flow into and out of the pool. Although beaver dams can be

18 considered a problem when considering fish passage, they do not create the same problems for S. p. brooksi.

Milfoil Eurasian water-milfoil was present in Brannen Lake with some areas having dense mats. Although the presence of aquatic macrophytes can provide habitat for aquatic macroinvertebrates, the presence of dense homogeneous mats of milfoil can suppress native macrophytes and result in decreased abundance and diversity of aquatic invertebrates (Cheruvelil et al. 2001). The current level of milfoil coverage at Brannen Lake is unlikely to have a negative effect on foraging opportunities for S. p. brooksi. Although much of the diet of S. p. brooksi is composed of aquatic macroinvertebrates (Conaway 1952, Sorenson 1962, van Zyll de Jong 1983), the shrew forages primarily along the shoreline where milfoil coverage was limited. If milfoil coverage increases, particularly along the shoreline, then this could have a negative effect on the quality of habitat for S. p. brooksi.

American Bullfrog American Bullfrogs are a potential predator of S. p. brooksi (Nagorsen 1996) and are known to predate upon Sorex bendirii, another species of water shrew found in the Lower Mainland of BC (Campbell and Ryder 2004). During the site visit, we saw an area with hundreds of Bullfrogs basking on a mat of milfoil. Bullfrogs were spotted at lower density at another location as well (Table 5). Wherever large mats of milfoil occur in Brannen Lake, Bullfrogs appear to use the habitat. The presence of Bullfrogs at Brannen Lake could have a negative effect on the overall habitat suitability of the lake for S. p. brooksi.

Table 5. UTMs (all zone 10, NAD 83) of Bullfrog groupings seen at Brannen Lake. UTM Observation Description Easting Northing Bullfrogs (highest density) Hundreds sitting on top of milfoil 422733 5452147 Bullfrogs Sitting on top of milfoil 423234 5452514

4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Vegetation At this time, Brannen Lake provides a diversity of wetland habitats along the lake edge. Many of the wetlands contained multiple community types and habitats. One of the common wetland types was the Shallow-water wetland. This wetland type provides some of the most important habitat for wildlife and fish (MacKenzie and Moran 2004). Floating and submergent wetland plants growing in these communities are often highly palatable for browsing species, including beaver and muskrat. These areas are also used by aquatic macroinvertebrates. The cover provided by the emergent and submerged wetland vegetation, as well as the food value provided by the aquatic macroinvertebrates, attract both adult and juvenile fish.

Water level decrease A decrease in the water level of Brannen Lake to a maximum of 30 cm would affect wetland communities more dramatically than the surrounding terrestrial communities. Brannen Lake had low to moderate gradients along the shorelines. For much of the lake, wetland communities sloped from the higher dry areas into the lake. Distinct zones of wetland vegetation formed as

19 water quantities and substrate characteristics changed. It can be expected that with decreased lake levels, soils would become drier at the upland edges of the perimeter wetlands. The vegetation would become more terrestrial (increasing the numbers of woody species), resulting in a change to the existing plant community structure. Closer to the new lake water’s edge, wetland communities may become colonized by wet-tolerant shrubs with some wetland herbaceous or shrub species colonizing further down. This could result in an increase in the width of the wetland communities in Brannen Lake, including Swamps and Marshes, and in some cases, Shallow-water communities along the shoreline.

This migration of wetland vegetation to lower areas along the new lakeshore edge is dependent on several conditions. Suitable substrate, water depth, water quality, and the ability for sufficient light to penetrate the water column allowing plant growth will limit wetland species re- establishment. This is particularly important at the lower wetland elevations (Marsh and Shallow-water communities). In deeper wetland areas, where emergent, floating, and submerged vegetation currently exist, vegetation can be exposed or covered with a shallow layer of water during drier seasons. In these wetland communities, a decreased water level would result in further exposed terrain and greater periods of exposure in lower areas. Some plants are tolerant of drought and may survive increased exposure. Those plants that cannot tolerate the decrease in water levels may be eliminated or may re-colonize deeper in the lake, if suitable habitat is available. It is likely that the more sensitive plant species would be most affected. This would include species that are sensitive to disturbance, especially during flowering or germination.

Predicting the impact to some of the wetland communities in areas that receive water from upslope sources such as creeks and seepages can be difficult. The lake provides moisture to these areas through changing lake and water table levels. A decrease in the lake level may alter the hydrology of these wetlands. In some instances, wetlands may re-establish into lower areas if there is a shelf of suitable habitat along the foreshore, increasing the size of the wetland. If the source of the wetland’s moisture is limited, it is likely that the upper regions of these wetlands will become drier as the lake levels drop. Terrestrial vegetation may establish in these areas. Additionally, if there is limited or no suitable substrate along the lakeshore, there will be no habitats for the wetland plants to re-establish. This would result in a loss of wetland habitat in these areas.

As much of the land surrounding Brannen Lake has been modified or developed, few of the original forest communities remain. Forest communities provide valuable habitat and are an important component to maintaining the health of lake systems. Based on the field survey, the remnant coniferous forests along the lake were classified primarily as CDFmm-01 Douglas- fir/salal. Many of the treed areas were transitional between the lake and the drier terrestrial community upslope. The largest intact forest located on the east side of Brannen Lake contained some mature timber and old growth components. These forest communities provide habitat and are becoming increasingly rare, especially in urban communities. This forest would most likely experience little to no significant, long-term effects from decreased water levels. Within the stand, only those species located nearest the lake would experience decreased soil moisture.

Much of the lake either had very narrow or non-existent vegetated buffers. In some instances, landowners had also removed part or all of the shoreline wetland vegetation. Residential areas

20 with their associated docks exhibited high traffic and disturbance to the lake and its shoreline. Perimeter wetlands occurred intermittently between the many docks, walkways, and retaining walls. If water levels decrease, there would be an opportunity to allow the restoration of continuous perimeter wetland communities and the establishment of healthy lakeshore buffer zones.  Recommendation - As lake water levels decrease, landowners should be encouraged to protect the newly exposed shorelines and discouraged from encroaching or introducing non-native species into these areas.

Motorized water craft create wave action and stir up soft lake bottom sediments. These actions increase water turbidity and impact delicate submerged and emergent vegetation. Decreasing water levels will expose deeper vegetation to disturbance from recreational users.  Recommendation - Restricting the types of water craft and/or engine size may help to minimize damage to aquatic habitat.

With the lake level decreasing, there is a greater opportunity for seeds and plants to be dispersed to different sites. Newly exposed substrates will provide fresh ground for opportunistic species to colonize. Many introduced plant species are more tolerant to disturbance and changes in local conditions. Frequently, they are more aggressive than our native species and able to colonize areas more quickly. As there are already introduced species in Brannen Lake, changes in lake water levels may allow these species to spread or out compete native species.  Recommendation - Management plans for the control of introduced species or noxious weeds should be created and implemented prior to changes in water level. Initial emergence of weedy species should be removed at the first opportunity.

Water level increase An increase in the water level of Brannen Lake to a maximum of 30 cm would affect both forest communities and wetland communities. As the water level of the lake will remain at a higher level for a longer period, existing plant assemblages will change.

The largest forested area located on the east side of Brannen Lake was identified as a Red-listed forest type (CDFmm-01 Douglas-fir/salal). However, the majority of the forest would likely be unaffected by the change in water level. Only those areas of forest located nearest the lake’s edge would experience changes in soil moisture. Tree species are generally not well suited to long periods of inundation. Any trees at the lake edge, close to the water, or influenced by extended periods of a high water table, may become stressed. Impacts would include reduced growth or tree mortality. This would eventually create new snags along the lakeshore, dead tops, or cause uprooting due to the inability to support themselves in wetter substrates. As there were few areas that contained tall trees, there would only be a small increase in the amount of large woody debris. In addition, woody debris is limited in Brannen Lake so additional inputs might create new wetland and wildlife habitat or add substrate for vegetation establishment. Trees currently growing upslope from the level of the new lakeshore would continue to mature and would form part of the new lakeside buffer forest.

Changes to water levels would increase the amount of open water habitat in the lake. Parts of the existing wetland communities would become inundated or submerged during the growing

21 season. The increased water depth would limit light availability and available rooting substrates for species currently established. Present wetland species most likely would die back, creating more open water within the lake.

If suitable substrate is available, wetland plants may be able to re-colonize towards the lake perimeters where waters would be shallower. If appropriate substrate is available, increased water levels will result in wetter soils along the upland edge. Wet-tolerant woody species that are currently on the shoreline would likely re-establish further upslope if the new conditions are appropriate. Herbaceous species would also likely relocate to suitable conditions upslope. Re- establishment of many wetland species would be restricted due to limited rooting space, as well as light availability and water quality within the aquatic habitat. Zonation of the shoreline wetland communities will be dependent on water depth, as well as the type and amount of suitable substrate for each species.

Much of the terrain surrounding the lake had low to moderate slopes, with the wetland vegetation lining the lake shoreline. As water levels increase, additional water will spread into areas of low gradient, such as the young deciduous floodplain forest on the south side of the lake. If there are low spots, water may accumulate, creating pocket wetlands or small “islands” where water surrounds higher portions of ground. In areas with steeper slopes, wetland plants will be limited by the width of available substrates and depth of the water column. Establishment will depend on rooting space, access to oxygenated soils, and light availability in the water column. In these sloped areas, a decrease in wetland plant community diversity should be expected and the wetland communities adjacent to the open water may become narrower than at present.

Lakeside buffer areas are severely limited in Brannen Lake. Forest buffers are an integral part of maintaining the health of lake systems. As lake levels rise, the existing shrub and treed buffers will decrease, increasing the effects from surrounding land uses. Landowners may view the encroaching water as a “loss” of their property.  Recommendation – Property owners along the lake should be encouraged to protect the perimeter wetland habitat and should be discouraged from altering the wetland vegetation. Lake ecosystem management should include preserving or creating sufficient lake buffers to mitigate the impacts from residential, recreational, and agricultural land use. For more information on recommended buffers for sensitive habitat, refer to Develop with Care: Environmental Guideline for Urban and Rural Land Development in BC, Retaining Buffers, Table 4.2 (BCMOE 2006) and Wetland Ways: Interim Guidelines for Wetland Protection and Conservation in British Columbia (BCMOE 2009).

The most disturbed shoreline areas were located near agricultural, residential, and recreational areas. Agricultural and residential properties may be influenced as the water table rises and the shoreline encroaches further onto their land (see lake side buffers above). Increased water levels would impact agricultural properties where slope gradients were low. Effects would be more pronounced on those agricultural lands that already flood seasonally. With increased water levels, the lake would encroach slightly into the two recreational beach areas. Motorized water craft create wave action and can impact delicate submerged and emergent vegetation. Although increased water levels will not affect recreational boating, restricting the types of water craft

22 and/or engine size, especially during the recovery period after water increase, will facilitate colonization and re-establishment of vegetation.  Recommendation - Although increased water levels will not affect recreational boating, restricting the types of water craft or engine size, especially during the recovery period after water increase, will facilitate colonization and re-establishment of vegetation.

Most of the introduced species observed within the study area were located in areas where disturbance or human activities had occurred. With an increase in lake level, there is a greater opportunity for non-native seeds and plants to be dispersed to different sites.  Recommendation – A management plan for the control of introduced species or noxious weeds should be created and implemented prior to changes in water level. A monitoring program that encourages the removal of newly emerged weedy species at the first opportunity should be included in any management plan.

Combined positive and negative storage option The effects of using a combination of positive and negative storage would be the same for vegetation as mentioned under each scenario individually. However, the magnitude would be decreased in terms of the amount of shoreline flooded or exposed and the amount of wetland habitat impacted (expanded or contracted). The forest community would be impacted less as fewer trees along the shoreline would be exposed to flooding than in a positive storage only scenario.

4.2 Amphibians No listed amphibian species were confirmed to occur at the site. Red-legged Frogs may occur at Brannen Lake but breeding is unlikely given the presence of many non-native predators and the rural / urban nature of the site (e.g., little forested upland habitat). The proposed changes in water levels will likely not have any significant, long-term impacts on native amphibians such as the Northwestern Salamander, especially if shallow water shelves are protected (i.e., continue to contain shallow water microhabitats and submerged and emergent vegetation). Top storage and a combination of top (minor flooding) and bottom storage (lowering of water levels) would likely have less of an impact on amphibians than just accessing negative storage.  Recommendation - Native amphibian species would benefit from lake management practices that enhance the quality and quantity of shallow, shoreline wetland habitat such as the removal of non-native species (vertebrates and plants), reduced nutrient and pollution inputs, and protection of riparian vegetation and upland forests.

4.3 Birds Wetlands are among the highest value ecosystems, both for wildlife and for human welfare (MoE website: Shallow waters and areas of emergent vegetation in wetlands provide the highest biological productivity in wetlands and are therefore, the most valuable components of this important ecosystem. Negative effects on the productivity or extent of those components would likely have negative effects on birds that use or are dependent on wetlands. The emergent wetland (marshland) along the perimeter of Brannen Lake would most likely to be affected by increased water levels. Existing emergent vegetation

23 has been established for many years. The species composition and extent of marshland is largely the result of long-term water level patterns in the lake.

Great Blue Herons are known to forage along the Brannen Lake shoreline. However, no breeding colonies are known for the area (Gebauer and Moul 2001). The marshland of Brannen Lake likely provides high quality habitat for Green Herons and American Bitterns. The American Bittern is a very rare visitor to Vancouver Island and few nest records exist (Campbell et al. 1990a). Since one pair nested a few years ago in Buttertubs Marsh, Nanaimo (T. Clermont, The Nature Trust, pers. comm.) this species could occur at Brannen Lake. Green Herons, which are relatively secretive birds and which nest north to at least Campbell River (Campbell et al. 1990a; Fraser and Ramsay 1996), likely occur at Brannen Lake as flooded shrubland habitats are one of their nesting habitats. The small area of flooded trees and shrubs and associated drainage creek at the south end of the lake, appear to have suitable nesting habitat for this species.

Other species at risk, such as Barn Swallow, Common Nighthawk, Peregrine Falcon, Double- crested Cormorant and others may forage over or on the lake but a small rise in water levels would have no direct potential impact on habitat.

The extensive area of marshland and shallow water habitat along the perimeter of Brannen Lake likely provide valuable foraging and nesting habitat for many species of birds, including at least three species at risk. The following impacts on bird habitat are predicted if water levels were raised by the maximum proposed 30 cm from currently established maximum water levels.

 Raising water levels could flood and kill some shoreline shrubs and lakeshore forest. A rise of 30 cm in maximum water levels would impact a small section of the forest such as the coniferous stand on the east side of the lake. The flooding may result in an increase in the number of snags along the lake, which may be beneficial for some bird species. However, the flooding could reduce the amount of shrubland and marshland depending on the season and duration of increased water levels. Reduced plant species richness and plant stem density in wetlands are known to be significantly reduced by permanent increases of 30 cm above median normal water levels (van der Valk et al. 1994). Increased duration of flooding (more than 2 months) during the 2008 growing season in Arrow Lakes Reservoir, Revelstoke resulted in noticeable dieback of willows, but not of some grasses and sedges (J. M. Cooper, unpub. data).

Impacts that reduce the extent of marshland would likely negatively affect breeding and foraging bird communities in general, including species at risk, in proportion to the reduction of that habitat. Whether or not potential effects are significant for any given species is difficult to estimate and is directly related to the proportion of habitat lost. o Recommendation – estimate the amount of top storage that can be accessed based on the proportion of shoreline marsh wetland that will likely be permanently lost (killed) as a result of inundation during the growing season. Limit impacts to less than 5% of the current marshland habitat surrounding the lake.

24  If water levels were raised beyond normal maximums they should not be raised during the bird breeding season (April-July). o Recommendation – avoid flooding of any ground or low nests that may occur in the wetland area by obtaining maximum water levels before breeding begins in April.

 It is predicted that raising water levels less than 30 cm would have no positive or negative impact on birds due to deeper water conditions, as the overall increase in maximum depth would be approximately 1.5% of the estimated 20-m maximum depth. o Recommendation – utilize a combination of top and negative storage to keep inundation to less than 30 cm above current maximum levels.

4.4 Vancouver Island Water Shrew The site survey indicated that there is suitable habitat for S. p. brooksi in areas around Brannen Lake. The best habitat for S. p. brooksi was associated with the wetlands and creeks around the south end of the lake.

Effects of Positive (Top) Storage

 Flooded lake margins The major effect of the proposed change to water storage capacity on Brannen Lake would be the flooding of the lake margins during periods of top storage. The higher water level would result in flooding of the shoreline community, which is primarily hardhack wetland. This may result in a localized increase in habitat for S. p. brooksi, particularly if the increase occurs during the drier parts of the year when the wetlands are largely dry. The dense wetland vegetation will preclude S. p. brooksi from foraging for aquatic invertebrates, except where there are open patches. However, the greater level of moisture may improve the habitat for terrestrial invertebrates. The terrestrial invertebrate community composition is influenced by the composition (type and amount) of the vegetation and litter layers (Ehrlich and Murphy 1987). Insects may be more numerous on moist, nutrient-rich sites (Shvarts and Demin 1994).

The major potentially negative effect of the flooding would be the loss of wetland habitat in areas with only a small wetland buffer. Although this habitat is not likely to be suitable living habitat for the subspecies, it can provide suitable travel corridors. The effect would be greatest if flooding limited the connecting habitat between the Millstone River and Benson Creek and their associated wetlands, where the highest quality suitable habitat for the subspecies was located.

 Loss of wetland habitat As mentioned above, the flooding would have the greatest effect where it minimizes connectivity around the lake in areas of a narrow wetland buffer. Some areas on the north and west side of the lake had an extremely narrow wetland buffer, and no other cover, such as downed wood or trees present. This loss of connective habitat could isolate sections of the shoreline and reduce the suitability of the habitat.

25  Reduced flow in Millstone River Retention of water in Brannen Lake above normal levels from late winter to early summer has the potential to reduce flows in the Millstone River during that time. Changes to the water regime could negatively affect foraging opportunities for S. p. brooksi by impacting aquatic macroinvertebrate prey. Terrestrial foraging opportunities would remain.

 Removal/damage of beaver dams associated with water storage modifications Removal of beaver dams during modifications to water storage operations might result in the reduction of suitable habitat for S. p. brooksi. Beaver dams create pools and often flood adjacent habitat, which creates habitat suitable for S. p. brooksi.

 Construction of a weir causing a barrier to movement of S. p. brooksi. The placement of a weir at the outflow to Brannen Lake could create a localized barrier to movement of S. p. brooksi. Because the stream inflow/outflow and associated wetlands represent the best habitat for S. p. brooksi around the lake, the weir could have a negative effect on accessibility of habitat for shrews and a reduction in the overall quality of the habitat for the subspecies. The extent of the impact would depend on the type of weir constructed. A smaller weir constructed mostly of logs with minimal removal of surrounding vegetation will have a smaller impact than the creation of a cement dam that requires the removal of vegetation, excavation, and the use of cement structures or riprap.

Effects of Negative Storage

 Exposed shoreline A potential drawdown of the lake to meet greater demand will expose the shoreline. This drawdown would most likely occur in summer when water levels are already relatively low. Where vegetation overhangs the lake, the shrews would still have cover and the drawdown would have a limited effect. In other areas, the bulrushes along the shoreline would provide cover but it would be sparse. Brannen Lake has very little downed wood that could provide cover along the shoreline or that extends between the land and water. In many areas, the exposed shoreline will have little cover. S. p. brooksi is typically found in well-vegetated sites (Clark 1973, Craig 2003), and the lack of cover could inhibit their use of the shoreline. However, as long as the drawdown remains small (less than 30 cm, as proposed), the drawdown should have a minimal effect.

 Increased flow in the Millstone River The flow of the Millstone River would likely increase during periods of drawdown. As long as some slower-moving areas or pools of water remained, the river would still provide suitable habitat for S. p. brooksi and could in fact be improved during normally dry or low flow summer periods.

 Removal of beaver dams Removal of beaver dams during modifications to water storage operations might result in the reduction of habitat suitable for S. p. brooksi. Beaver dams create pools and often flood adjacent habitat, which creates habitat suitable for S. p. brooksi.

26 Effects of Combined Positive and Negative Storage The effects of combined storage would be the same as those for positive and negative storage mentioned previously. However, the magnitude of the effects related to water level changes would be reduced to some degree (e.g., the amount of flooded shoreline habitat around the lake when positive storage is accessed would be less and a smaller proportion of the shoreline would be exposed when accessing negative storage compared to the other scenarios). In this way, this approach would have the least impact of the three storage scenarios.

Potential Mitigation Options

 Recommendation – Maintain shoreline connectivity between the Millstone River and Benson Creek. The wetland buffer is quite narrow between the wetlands associated with the Millstone River and Benson Creek. There is an area of mowed grass between the two areas, which is inhospitable to S. p. brooksi. Flooding the shoreline will reduce the width of the wetland corridor and could limit the movement of S. p. brooksi between these habitat areas. o Examine the site at high water to determine if wetland vegetation or other cover remains along the edge. Placing downed wood along the edge could help to create a corridor. Alternately, maintaining a wider strip that is not mowed will provide a movement corridor (but requires landowner cooperation); o Examine the site at low water (drawdown). The wetland vegetation should provide a suitable movement corridor for S. p. brooksi between the two habitats. However, the drawdown may make the lake edge less suitable for S. p. brooksi because of the exposed edge. If already working in the area (e.g., constructing a weir or other alterations), consider adding downed wood that straddles the land- water interface to provide suitable cover for S. p. brooksi along the water’s edge. Anchor the wood if necessary to prevent them from becoming a hazard on the lake.

 Recommendation – Maintain water flow through Millstone River to retain habitat for S. p. brooksi. At times of higher flow than the normal maximum, ensure that habitat still remains along the river near the lake inflow. Suitable habitat could include areas of slower-moving water, pools, or wet areas adjacent to the river. When modifying the inlet area during construction operations (for e.g., the weir), ensure that a pool or wet areas remain.

 Recommendation – Limit the impact of the weir on movement of S. p. brooksi. Options to maintain a movement corridor include: o Use the simplest water control structure possible. Weirs created with anchored logs will have less of an impact than a spillway or dam; o Where possible, avoid the use of riprap because large boulders are less suitable than gravel, cobble, and mud substrates for water shrews; o Place downed wood that bridges the land-water interface to provide movement corridors for shrews (preferably greater than 6 cm in diameter; Craig 1995); o Plant native riparian vegetation around the weir to connect habitat on either side;

27 o Create small pools or wet depressions on the side of the weir to provide suitable connecting habitat. Ensure that these areas have protection from vegetation. o If already working in the area, add structure along the lake edge which can help provide habitat for S. p. brooksi whether the water is high or low. Examples include adding downed wood that crosses the land-water interface. Anchoring the pieces will prevent them from becoming a hazard on the lake.

 Recommendation – In areas that have been modified, plant native riparian vegetation. This will ensure that habitat remains suitable and will provide less opportunity for invasive plant species to establish themselves.

 Recommendation – Where possible, retain beaver dams. Although beaver dams can be problematic for fish passage they can provide useful habitat for water shrews by flooding the adjacent habitat. If a beaver dam must be removed consider compensating for the loss of habitat by creating interconnected pools in the area, which will maintain habitat for S. p. brooksi but not interfere with fish movement. Place downed wood and native riparian vegetation to connect the created pools and natural features (the creek, river, lake or wetlands).

28 A summary of species and communities at risk and associated mitigative options are provided in Table 6.

Table 6. Summary of at risk species or communities at Brannen Lake and mitigative measures. At Risk Species or Community Description / details Issue(s) Mitigative Recommendations Vegetation Sensitive Ecosystem NO230 R-1: Wetland: treed swamp; Reduction in wetland No significant, long-term impacts are predicted for vegetation communities if Inventory NO231: Second-growth:mixed, Old- habitat with the a combination of top and bottom storage is utilized or if inundation does not (see Fig. 1) growth:coniferous; NO233: proposed maximum 30 extend through the entire growing season. Wetland:swamp; NO234a: cm inundation Wetland:swamp Riparian:shrub/pole A management plan for invasive plant species should be developed as a sapling; NO236: Seasonally flooded change in water levels may facilitate their spread. This should include the agricultural land; NO226: removal of newly emerged weedy species at the first opportunity. Wetland:swamp/fen; NO227: Wetland/Seasonally flooded Lake ecosystem management should include preserving or creating sufficient agricultural land/Wetland:marsh; lake buffers to mitigate the impacts from residential, recreational, and NO227a: Wetland/Seasonally flooded agricultural land use. As lake water levels decrease, landowners should be agricultural land/Wetland:marsh encouraged to protect the newly exposed shorelines and discouraged from BC CDC plant Water marigold and field dodder encroaching or introducing non-native species into these areas. With water species at risk occur within 5 km of Brannen Lake. increases, property owners should be encouraged to protect the perimeter (see Fig. 2) No plants were observed at the lake. wetland habitat and should be discouraged from altering the wetland Vegetation Tall shrub wetland assemblage - vegetation. communities at risk CDFmm-14 Western redcedar/slough (Fig. 3) sedge (Red-listed community type) Restricting the types of water craft or engine size may help minimize damage to aquatic habitat, especially during the recovery period after water increase to Remnant coniferous forest facilitate colonization and re-establishment of vegetation. communities - CDFmm-01 Douglas- fir/salal (Red-listed community type) Amphibians Red-legged Frog Rana aurora – Blue listed (none Loss of breeding Listed amphibian species likely do not breed at Brannen Lake, due to poor observed at lake) habitat and cover habitat quality (i.e., presence of non-native species, urban setting). The Western Toad Bufo boreas – Special Concern (none (wetland vegetation); proposed change in water levels will likely not have any long-term, significant observed at lake) increased predation impact on native amphibians at the site. Northwestern Ambystoma gracile – Yellow listed Salamander (occur / breed at the lake) Native amphibian species would benefit from lake management practices that enhance the quality and quantity of shallow, shoreline wetland habitat such as the removal of non-native species (vertebrates and plants), reduced nutrient and pollution inputs, and protection of riparian vegetation and upland forests. Birds Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias fannini – Blue listed Top storage could It is predicted that raising water levels less than 30 cm would have no positive (forage at the lake but no known result in loss / or negative impact on birds due to deeper water conditions, as the overall breeding colonies in the area) reduction of wetland increase in maximum depth would be approximately 1.5% of the estimated American Bittern Botaurus lentiginosus – Blue listed habitat 20-m maximum depth. Utilize a combination of top and negative storage to (rare in area) keep inundation to less than 30 cm above current maximum levels. Green Heron Butorides virescens – Blue listed Estimate the amount of top storage that can be accessed based on the (likely occur / nest at the lake) proportion of shoreline marsh wetland that will likely be permanently lost (killed) as a result of inundation during the growing season. Limit impacts to less than 5% of the current marshland habitat surrounding the lake.

Avoid flooding of any ground or low nests that may occur in the wetland area by obtaining maximum water levels before breeding begins in April. Vancouver Island Water Shrew Vancouver Island Sorex palustris brooksi – Red-listed Top storage: loss of Maintain shoreline connectivity between the Millstone River and Benson Water Shrew (not observed at the lake – closest habitat, habitat Creek. Place downed wood along the edge to create a corridor and maintain a record is 30 km north – but suitable fragmentation, possible wider strip of vegetation that is not mowed. Anchor the wood to prevent them habitat suggests presence) reduced flow in the from becoming a hazard on the lake. Millstone River during storage acquisition Maintain water flow through the Millstone River to provide areas of slower- periods, removal or moving water, pools, and wet areas adjacent to the river. When modifying the damage of beaver inlet area during construction operations (e.g., building the weir), ensure that a dams, and construction pool or wet areas remain. of a weir causing a barrier to movement. Limit the impact of the weir on movement. Use the simplest water control structure possible – weirs created with anchored logs will have less of an Bottom storage: impact than a spillway or dam. Where possible, avoid the use of riprap reduction of covered because large boulders are less suitable than gravel, cobble, and mud shoreline foraging substrates for water shrews. Place downed wood that bridges the land-water habitat and removal of interface (preferably greater than 6 cm in diameter). Plant native riparian beaver dams. vegetation around the weir, and create small pools or wet depressions on the side of the weir that includes riparian vegetation. Add structure along the lake Combined +/- storage edge such as downed wood that crosses the land-water interface. Anchor the scenario: as previously pieces to prevent them from becoming a hazard on the lake. mentioned re: water level change issues, but In areas that have been modified, plant native riparian vegetation. lower magnitude in Where possible, retain beaver dams. If a beaver dam must be removed terms of extent of consider compensating for the loss of habitat by creating interconnected pools change to shoreline in the area. Place downed wood and native riparian vegetation to connect the habitat. created pools and natural features (the creek, river, lake or wetlands).

30 Invertebrates Blue Dasher Pachydiplax longipennis - Blue listed Top storage could The proposed water level changes are not predicted to result in significant loss (adult observed at the lake) cause loss of emergent of emergent vegetation or impact on dragonflies. vegetation used as larval emergence and adult perching sites

31 5.0 REFERENCES (BCCDC) BC Conservation Data Centre. 2009a. BC Species and Ecosystems Explorer. BC Ministry of Environment. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Available: (accessed July 6, 2009). (BCCDC) BC Conservation Data Centre. 2009b. Ecological Community Summary: Alnus rubra / Carex obnupta [Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa] (red alder / slough sedge [black cottonwood]). BC Minist. of Environment. Available: (accessed July 24, 2009). (BCCDC) BC Conservation Data Centre. 2009c. iMapBC, Endangered species and ecosystems. Available at: Data Centre&theme-path=Ministry+of+Environment%2FConservation_Data_Centre.ssn (accessed July 24, 2009). (BCMOE) BC Ministry of Environment. 2006. Develop with Care: Environmental Guidelines for Urban and Rural Land Development in BC. BC, Canada. Available: ml (BCMOE) BC Ministry of Environment. 2009. Wetland Ways: Interim Guidelines for Wetland Protection and Conservation in British Columbia (March 2009). Available at: l BC Ministry of Forests. 2008. Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification Subzone/ Variant Map of the South Island Forest District, Coast Forest Region. April 2008. Available:!publish/becmaps/PaperMaps/wall/DSI_SouthIsland_Wa ll.pdf Campbell, R. W., and G. R. Ryder. 2004. Field observations of bullfrog (Rana catesbeina) prey in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 1: 61-62. Campbell, R.W., N.K. Dawe, I. McTaggart-Cowan, J.M. Cooper, G.W. Kaiser, and M.C.E. McNall. 1990a. The Birds of British Columbia, Volume 1, Nonpasserines, Introduction, Loons through Waterfowl. Royal British Columbia Museum and Canadian Wildlife Service. 514 pp. Campbell, R.W., N.K. Dawe, I. McTaggart-Cowan, J.M. Cooper, G.W. Kaiser, and M.C.E. McNall. 1990b. The Birds of British Columbia, Volume 2, Nonpasserines, Diurnal Birds of Prey through Woodpeckers. Royal British Columbia Museum and Canadian Wildlife Service. 662 pp. Campbell, R.W., N.K. Dawe, I. McTaggart-Cowan, J.M. Cooper, G.W. Kaiser, and M.C.E. McNall. 1997. The Birds of British Columbia, Volume 3, Passerines, Flycatchers through Vireos, UBC Press, Vancouver. 693 pp. Campbell, R.W., N.K. Dawe, I. McTaggart-Cowan, J.M. Cooper, G.W. Kaiser, and M.C.E. McNall. 2001. The Birds of British Columbia, Volume 4, Passerines, Warblers through finches, UBC Press, Vancouver. 739 pp. Cheruvelil, K. S., P. A. Soranno, and J. A. Madsen. 2001. Epiphytic macroinvertebrates along a gradient of Eurasian watermilfoil cover. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 39: 67-72. Clark, T. W. 1973. Distribution and reproduction of shrews in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. Northwest Science 47:128-131. (CMN) Community Mapping Network. 2009b. Sensitive Habitat Inventory and Mapping. July 15, 2008. Search Results Available at: Conaway, C. H. 1952. Life history of the Water Shrew (Sorex palustris navigator). American Midland Naturalist 48:219 248. Craig, V. J. 1995. Relationships between shrews (Sorex spp.) and downed wood in the Vancouver watersheds, B.C. M.Sc. Dissertation, University of British Columbia, 97 pp. Craig, V. J. 2003. Status of the Vancouver Island Water Shrew (Sorex palustris brooksi) in British Columbia. Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection. Wildlife Working Report No. xx-xx. In Review. Donald, D. B., J. Syrgiannis, F. Hunter, G. Weiss. 1999. Agricultural pesticides threaten the ecological integrity of northern prairie wetlands. The Science of the Total Environment 231:173-181. Ehrlich, P.R., and D. D. Murphy. 1987. Monitoring populations on remnants of native vegetation. Pages 201-210 In D.A. Saunders, G.W. Arnold, A.A. Burbridge, and A. J. M. Hopkins, eds. Nature conservation: the role of remnants of native vegetation. Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales. Fraser, D.F., W.L. Harper, S.G. Cannings and J.M. Cooper. 1999. Rare birds of British Columbia. Wildlife Branch and Resource Inventory Branch, Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Victoria. 244 pp. Fraser, D.F. and L. Ramsay. 1996. Status of the Green Heron in British Columbia. Wildlife Working Report WR-78, BC Ministry of Environment, Victoria, BC. Gebauer, M. B. and I.E. Moul. 2001 Status of the Great Blue Heron in British Columbia. Wildlife Working Report WR-102, BC Ministry of Environment, Victoria, BC. Green, R. N. and Klinka, K. 1994. A field guide to site identification and interpretation for the Vancouver Forest Region. Land management handbook #28. BC Ministry of Forest Research Branch, Victoria, British Columbia. 285 pp. Harmon, M. E., J. F. Franklin, F. J. Swanson, P. Sollins, S. V. Gregory, G. W. Lienkaemper, J. Cromack, and K. W. Cummins. 1986. Ecology of coarse woody debris in temperate ecosystems. Advances in Ecological Research 15:133-301. Ingles, L. G. 1965. Mammals of the Pacific states. Stanford University Press, Stanford, , USA. Cited in: Maser et al. (1981). Lowrance, R., G. Vellidis, R. D. Wauchope, P. Gay, and D. D. Bosch. 1997. Herbicide transport in a managed riparian forest buffer system. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 40:1047-1057. MacKenzie, W. H. and Moran, J. R. 2004. Wetlands of British Columbia: a guide to identification. Land Management Handbook No. 52. BC Ministry of Forests, Research Branch, Victoria, BC. Maser, C., and J. M. Trappe (editors). 1984. The seen and unseen world of the fallen tree. General Technical Report PNW-164 U.S.D.A. Forest Service PNW Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, Oregon. Nagorsen, D. W. 1996. Opossums, Shrews and Moles of British Columbia. Royal British Columbia Museum Handbook, UB.C. Press, Vancouver, B.C. 169 pp. NatureServe. 2005. Ecological Association Comprehensive Report CEGL002844. Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa / Cornus sericea / Carex obnupta Forest. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 7.1. NatureServe,

33 Arlington, Virginia. _GLOBAL.2.787976 (accessed July 24, 2009). (RDN) Regional District of Nanaimo. 2009. Environmental Atlas, iMap. Available at: (accessed July 24, 2009). Rouse, J. D., C. A. Bishop, J. Struger. 1999. Nitrogen pollution: an assessment of its threat to amphibian survival. Environmental Health Perspectives 107:799-803. Shvarts, E. A., and D. V. Demin. 1994. Community organization of shrews in temperate zone forests of northwestern Russia. Pages 57-66 in J. F. Merritt, G. L. Jr. Kirkland and R. K. Rose (editors). Advances in the biology of shrews. Special publication of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History No. 18, Pennsylvania, PA. Sorenson, M. W. 1962. Some aspects of Water Shrew behaviour. American Midland Naturalist 68:445 462. Stevens, V. 1995. Wildlife diversity in British Columbia: distribution and habitat use of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals in biogeoclimatic zones. Working Paper 04/1995. Ministry of Forests and Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Victoria, BC. 288 pp. Thomas, J. W. (editor). 1979. Wildlife habitats in managed forests. USDA Forest Service Agricultural Handbook No. 533, Washington, DC. van der Valk, A.G., L. Squires and C.H. Welling. 1994. Assessing the impacts of an increase in water level on wetland vegetation. Ecological Applications 4:525-534. van Zyll de Jong, C.G. 1983. Handbook of Canadian Mammals. vol. 1, Marsupials and Insectivores. National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Wrigley, R.E., J. E. Dubois, and H.W.R. Copland. 1979. Habitat, abundance, and distribution of six species of shrews in Manitoba. Journal of Mammalogy 60:505-520.


Table 1. Plants found during the Brannen Lake survey. This general plant survey was completed in July 2009 and is not a comprehensive list.

Common Name Scientific Name Trees Bigleaf maple Acer macrophyllum Cascara Rhamnus purshiana Coastal Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii Pacific crab apple Malus fusca Pacific willow Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra Red alder Alnus rubra Scouler's willow Salix scouleriana Sitka willow Salix sitchensis Western redcedar Thuja plicata Willows Salix spp. Shrubs Baldhip rose Rosa gymnocarpa Black hawthorn Crataegus douglasii Black twinberry Lonicera involucrata Cutleaf evergreen blackberry* Rubus laciniatus* English ivy* Hedera helix* Hardhack Spiraea douglasii ssp. douglasii Himalayan blackberry* Rubus armeniacus* Oceanspray Holodiscus discolor Pacific ninebark Physocarpus capitatus Red huckleberry Vaccinium parvifolium Red-osier dogwood Cornus stolonifera Salal Gaultheria shallon Herbs American speedwell Veronica beccabunga ssp. americana Broad-leaved starflower Trientalis borealis ssp. latifolia Bull thistle* Cirsium vulgare* Canadian waterweed Elodea canadensis Common cattail Typha latifolia Common rush Juncus effusus var. effusus Common tansy* Tanacetum vulgare* Creeping buttercup* Ranunculus repens* Curled dock Rumex crispus Eurasian water-milfoil* Myriophyllum spicatum* Field mint Mentha arvensis Floating-leaved pondweed Potamogeton natans Fragrant waterlily* Nymphaea odorata* Grasses Hairy cat's-ear Hypochaeris radicata Pineapple weed* Matricaria discoidea* *Introduced plant species

35 Table 1. Plants found during the Brannen Lake survey (continued).

Herbs (continued) Pondweed Potamogeton spp. Reed canarygrass* Phalaris arundinacea* Ribwort plantain* Plantago lanceolata* Richardson's pondweed Potamogeton richardsonii Rushes Juncus spp. Sedges Carex spp. Self-heal* Prunella vulgaris* Slough sedge Carex obnupta Small-flowered bulrush Scirpus microcarpus Soft-stemmed bulrush Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Tufted vetch Vicia cracca Yarrow Achillea millefolium Yellow pond-lilly Nuphar lutea Mosses, Liverworts, and Lichens Oregon beaked-moss Eurhynchium oreganum Water-moss Fontinalis sp.

*Introduced plant species

36 Table 2. Species at Risk in the CDFmm Biogeoclimatic zone of the South Island Forest District: Plants. Plants species identified by the BC Conservation Data Center as at risk in the CDFmm Nanaimo Lowlands of the South Island Forest District (BCCDC 2009a). Global Prov BC Scientific Name English Name COSEWIC Rank Rank Status Abronia latifolia yellow sand-verbena G5 S3 Blue Allium amplectens slimleaf onion G4 S3 Blue Allium crenulatum Olympic onion G4 S2 Red G4G5T3 Allium geyeri var. tenerum Geyer's onion S2S3 Blue T5 Anagallis minima chaffweed G5 S3 Blue Andreaea rothii G5 S2S3 Blue E (May Bartramia stricta apple moss GU S2 Red 2000) Vancouver Island SC (Nov Bidens amplissima G3 S3 Blue beggarticks 2001)

Botrychium simplex least moonwort G5 S2S3 Blue

Bryum canariense G3G5 S2 Red Bryum pseudotriquetrum G5TNR S1S3 Red var. bimum Q Bulbostylis capillaris densetuft hairsedge G5 S1 Red Campylopus flexuosus G5? S2S3 Blue green-sheathed Carex feta G5 S2 Red sedge E (Mar Carex tumulicola foothill sedge G4 S2 Red 2008) Ceratophyllum echinatum spring hornwort G4? S3 Blue Chamaesyce serpyllifolia thyme-leaved G5T5 S2S3 Blue ssp. serpyllifolia spurge Crumia latifolia G3 S2S3 Blue Cuscuta campestris field dodder G5 S2S3 Blue Cyperus squarrosus awned cyperus G5 S3 Blue Dicranum bonjeanii G4G5 S2S3 Blue SC (Nov Dryopteris arguta coastal wood fern G5 S2S3 Blue 2001) SC (May Entosthodon fascicularis banded cord-moss G4G5 S2S3 Blue 2005)

37 Table 2 (continued). Species at Risk in the CDFmm Biogeoclimatic zone of the South Island Forest District: Plants.

Global Prov BC Scientific Name English Name COSEWIC Rank Rank Status dense spike- E (May Epilobium densiflorum G5 S1 Red primrose 2005)

Eurhynchium riparioides G4 S2S3 Blue

Fissidens ventricosus GU S2S3 Blue

Funaria muhlenbergii G4 S2S3 Blue

Githopsis specularioides common bluecup G5 S2S3 Blue

Grimmia elatior G3G5 S2S3 Blue

floating water Hydrocotyle ranunculoides G5 SH Red pennywor Isoetes nuttallii Nuttall's quillwort G4? S3 Blue

Juncus oxymeris pointed rush G5 S2S3 Blue

Juniperus maritima GNR SNR Blue Macoun's meadow- Limnanthes macounii G2 S2 T(Nov 2004) Red foam E (May Lotus pinnatus bog bird's-foot trefoil G4G5 S1 Red 2004) white adder's-mouth Malaxis brachypoda G4Q S2S3 Blue orchid E (May Meconella oregana white meconellai G2G3 S1 Red 2005) Megalodonta beckii var. G4G5T4 water marigold S3 Blue beckii T5 Microseris bigelovii coast microseris G4 S1 E (Apr 2006) Red E (Mar Microseris lindleyi Lindley's microseris G5 S1 Red 2008) waterwort water- Myriophyllum quitense G4? S2S3 Blue milfoil Psilocarphus tenellus var. slender woolly- NAR (May G4T4 S3 Blue tenellus heads 1996)

Ptychomitrium gardneri G4 S2S3 Blue

Racomitrium pacificum G3 S3 Blue

38 Table 2 (continued). Species at Risk in the CDFmm Biogeoclimatic zone of the South Island Forest District: Plants.

Ranunculus alismifolius water-plantain E (Nov G5T5 S1 Red var. alismifolius buttercup 2000)

Rubus nivalis snow bramble G4? S3? Blue

Rupertia physodes California-tea G4 S3 Blue

Schoenoplectus Olney's bulrush G5 S1 Red americanus Senecio macounii Macoun's groundsel G5 S3 Blue SC (Apr Sericocarpus rigidus white-top aster G3 S2 Red 2009) Henderson's Sidalcea hendersonii G3 S3 Blue checker-mallow SC (May Syntrichia laevipila twisted oak moss GNR S2S3 Blue 2004) Tayloria lingulata G3G5 S2S3 Blue Toxicodendron poison oak G5 S2S3 Blue diversilobum Trifolium cyathiferum cup G4 S1 Red Trifolium dichotomum Macrae’s clover G4? S2S3 Blue Triglochin concinna graceful arrow-grass G5 S2 Red Triphysaria versicolor ssp. E (May bearded owl-clover G5T5 S1 Red versicolor 2000) ochroleucous Utricularia ochroleuca G4? S2S3 Blue bladderwort Viola praemorsa ssp. yellow montane E (May G5T3T5 S2 Red praemorsa violet 2007) California hedge- Yabea microcarpa G5? S2 Red parsley

39 Table 3. Species at Risk in the CDFmm Biogeoclimatic zone of the South Island Forest District: Plant Communities. Plant communities identified by the BC Conservation Data Center as at risk in the CDFmm Nanaimo Lowlands of the South Island Forest District (BCCDC 2009a). Shaded fields indicate plant communities located within the study area. Global Prov BC Scientific Name English Name Biogeoclimatic zone Rank Rank Status Abies grandis / Mahonia nervosa grand fir / dull Oregon-grape G1 S1 Red CDFmm/04

grand fir / three-leaved Abies grandis / Tiarella trifoliata G1 S1 Red CDFmm/06 foamflower Alnus rubra / Carex obnupta [ red alder / slough sedge [ Populus balsamifera ssp. G1 S1 Red CDFmm/14 black cottonwood ] trichocarpa ] Alnus rubra / Lysichiton red alder / skunk cabbage GNR S2S3 Blue CDFmm/11 americanus Arbutus menziesii / arbutus / hairy manzanita G2 S2 Red CDFmm/00;CWHxm1/00 Arctostaphylos columbiana Artemisia campestris - Festuca northern wormwood - red G1 S1 Red CDFmm rubra / Racomitrium canescens fescue / grey rock-moss Carex lasiocarpa / Rhynchospora slender sedge / white beak- G2 S2 Red CDFmm/Wf53;CWHmm1/Wf53;CWHmm2/W alba rush f53;CWHxm1/Wf53;CWHxm2/Wf53 Carex lyngbyei Herbaceous Lyngbye's sedge herbaceous GNR S3 Blue CDFmm/Em05;CWH/Em05 Vegetation vegetation Carex macrocephala Herbaceous large-headed sedge G1G2 S1S2 Red CDFmm/00;CWHvh1/00;CWHwh1 Vegetation Herbaceous Vegetation Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. tufted hairgrass - Douglas' G3 S3 Blue CDFmm/Ed02;CWH/Ed02 beringensis - Aster subspicatus aster

40 Table 3 (continued). Species at Risk in the CDFmm Biogeoclimatic zone of the South Island Forest District: Plant Communities. Global Prov BC Scientific Name English Name Biogeoclimatic zone Rank Rank Status Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. tufted hairgrass - meadow beringensis - Hordeum G3 S3 Blue CDFmm/Ed01 barley brachyantherum Distichlis spicata var. spicata seashore saltgrass GNR S2S3 Red CDFmm/Em03 Herbaceous Vegetation Herbaceous Vegetation Dulichium arundinaceum three-way sedge GNR S2 Red CDFmm/Wm51;CWHmm1/Wm51;CWHxm2/ Herbaceous Vegetation Wm51;ICHwk1/Wm51 Eleocharis palustris Herbaceous common spike-rush BGxw2/Wm04;CDFmm/Wm04;CWH/Wm04; Vegetation GNR S3 Blue ESSFdvd/Wm04;ESSFdv/Wm04;IDFxm/Wm 04;SBSdk/Wm04;SBSmk2/Wm04 Festuca idahoensis ssp. roemeri - Roemer's fescue - junegrass G1 S1 Red CDFmm/00;CWHxm1/00 Koeleria macrantha Juncus arcticus - Plantago arctic rush - plantain GNR S1 Red CDFmm/Ed03;CWH/Ed03 macrocarpa Menyanthes trifoliata - Carex CDFmm/Wf06;CWHws1/Wf06;ICHwk1/Wf06; buckbean – slender sedge G3 S3 Blue lasiocarpa IDFdk2/Wf06;SBSdk/Wf06 Myosurus minimus - Montia spp. - tiny mousetail - montias - G2 S1 Red CDFmm/00 Limnanthes macounii Macoun's meadow-foam Myrica gale / Carex sitchensis sweet gale / Sitka sedge G3 S2 Red CDFmm/Wf52;CWHmm1/Wf52;CWHmm2/W f52;CWHvh2/Wf52;CWHwm/Wf52;CWHxm1/ Wf52;CWHxm2/Wf52 Pinus contorta / Sphagnum spp. lodgepole pine / peat-mosses GNR S1 Red CDFmm/10 CDFmm CDFmm Populus tremuloides / Malus trembling aspen / Pacific crab G1G2 S1S2 Red CDFmm/00 fusca / Carex obnupta apple / slough sedge

41 Table 3 (continued). Species at Risk in the CDFmm Biogeoclimatic zone of the South Island Forest District: Plant Communities. Global Prov BC Scientific Name English Name Biogeoclimatic zone Rank Rank Status Pseudotsuga menziesii - Arbutus Douglas-fir - arbutus GNR S2 Red CDFmm/02 menziesii Pseudotsuga menziesii / Mahonia Douglas-fir / dull Oregon-grape G2 S2 Red CDFmm/01 nervosa Pseudotsuga menziesii / Melica Douglas-fir / Alaska G1 S1 Red CDFmm/03 subulata oniongrass Quercus garryana - Arbutus Garry oak - arbutus G1 S1 Red CDFmm/00 menziesii Quercus garryana / Bromus Garry oak / California brome G1 S1 Red CDFmm/00 carinatus Quercus garryana / Holodiscus Garry oak / oceanspray G1 S1 Red CDFmm/00 discolor Ruppia maritima Herbaceous beaked ditch-grass GNR S2 Red CDFmm/Em01;CWH/Em01 Vegetation Herbaceous Vegetation Salicornia virginiana - Glaux American glasswort - sea- G3G4 S2 Red CDFmm/Em02;CWH/Em02 maritima milkwort Salix sitchensis - Salix lucida ssp. Sitka willow - Pacific willow / G2 S2 Red CDFmm/Ws51;CWH/Ws51;ICH/Ws51 lasiandra / Lysichiton americanus skunk cabbage Thuja plicata / Achlys triphylla western redcedar / vanilla leaf G1 S1 Red CDFmm/12 Thuja plicata / Oemleria western redcedar / Indian- G1 S1 Red CDFmm/13 cerasiformis plum Thuja plicata - Pseudotsuga western redcedar - Douglas-fir menziesii / Eurhynchium GNR S1 Red CDFmm/05 / Oregon beaked-moss oreganum

42 Table 3 (continued). Species at Risk in the CDFmm Biogeoclimatic zone of the South Island Forest District: Plant Communities. Global Prov BC Scientific Name English Name Biogeoclimatic zone Rank Rank Status Thuja plicata / Symphoricarpos western redcedar / common GNR S1 Red CDFmm/07 albus snowberry Typha latifolia Marsh common cattail Marsh BGxh1/Wm05;BGxh2/Wm05;BGxw1/Wm05; CDFmm/Wm05;CWHdm/Wm05;CWHxm1/W G5 S3 Blue m05;CWHxm2/Wm05;IDFdk3/Wm05;IDFdm 2/Wm05;PPxh1/Wm05