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• . -.·"'" -· .. ··•· ,,.- ' ... - .,-~ ..•., •. .,, ~-,~ .. . ·- .~,·• •• ..... _...... •- .., " • ,., ~"• ••~ .. • -~ --•-••--· _....._. •-•~••--.,.·•·- -·~•·•-.., . -••.-. '·~· .. ; :- ,. .,~. . I.' .,,, ... , '," .... ]_ , t .. ·/ . ' ' .. , . . • . ' THE m.uµ1'E --~--_..._ -·-:- 1955 .,r~·-1c1s en P•~~ . + ' · l .:OUR-BEST WISHES FOR A '\tERY HAPPY AND PROSPER()US CALENDAR GUIDE i ; • . . . • NEW'~ TO YOU ALL ' . ·. . . . l'. , . ' . . . SELKIRK_ .. LUMBER Ca 1llnuN fnm P.... 1-hsiish Section * FEBRUARY, 19.56 . ' Mr. and Mr& : SELKIRK Yauwy 2 -Jascha Heifetz. Famrius Yiolin­ ist. Born Vllna. lllOL HARRY GORDON -'·~~------8 -Maurice Samuel. Bom 1895. · _.,··EnnkJrllie'I An,.. . Mr. and Mn.. SJ.II Sarbif Author arid lecturer. Author OUR BEARTlEST WISHES FOR A VERY HAPPY AND of: . "Wcirld of·. Sholom Alei0 ·· · · and Family _ Wish. all their .relativa and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ;1955 ,nntm, un:ln n:iro n1m'2 . 5716. wuh all their relatives and friends • chem." "Prince of the Ghetto," nuu:,y friends tbe Best Wisbet a Very Happy and Prosperous . "Level Sunlight." "The People tor tbe Coming Year New Year of the Book." · WEST SEI-KTRK KANITOBA I --French Revolution extended l Yaeger' s Furs ·Limited complete equality to ;Jews. OSCA1t··-s· ·· Mr. and Mrs. I. Tenenhouse I -Dr. Martin Buber; bora Feb. CORDIAL :NEW YEAR 8. 18'78. Scholar, Rabbi and GREETINGS . NIPS • CHIPS • HOT DOGS . • SANDWICHES · · c;•c p ,--c nc C'l!'itRWllUat0 wish all their relatlves and friends Author. · •i••lt ~ -,nv,c l"ID" a Very Happy and ~ · · SELKIRK NewYeu , 13 -Henrietta Szold Day. Anniver- -Shebat 30 srztu, Prince A111m. hllr. sary of death of founder of . . ONE SOURCE OF se,...,ooa. • WEST SELKIRK MANITOBA Hadass•h . --·· . H -'Publication of "J'ewish State" SUPPLY ' -· ... ' . , . . ·-.. ~ -- . Mr. and Mrs. I. Feld by Theodore Herzl, 1895. Washing Machine Parts .~ , e:ttend to all their relatives and , H -Abraham IL Klein. .,Born :Mon­ OUR Hff WISH!IS ·FOR· A· YaRY HAPPY AND PROSPIROUS NIW YIAR. ·. friends best wislies for a Happy ·,• treal, 1009, advocate, poet and Rolls, Belts, Bearings, TO ALL OUR JaWISH CUSTOMIIJI ANp PRIINDI : ;. , ·.. and Prosperous New .Year author · of numerous poems Gears, etc.- ' . 1,, i WEST SELKIRK · ·. HANITOBA · and translations. · "Second to fit all · makes and sizes. HOOKER'S LUMBER YARD Scroll" (uovel) "The Rocking DEALERS ENQUIRE LUMBER AND BUILDERS!. SUPPLIES OVr - Wlshn to You .All for a Chair," "Hath Not a Jew," etc. .. Vr;ry Happy. - ,._....,. 15 . -Abram Leon· Sachar. . Born ·7 ·. .. New Year... 1889. Founder of Hillel Move- PhDne 7~The Lum!,&~ Number · . • . ... ' ment!' President of .8randeis · WADDELL SELKIRK-· . University. . . · SELKIRK MAN. '. RANDON ·14 S-M-o~ooiT-H ' 19-25-Brolherhood Week-Sponsored APPl:,IANCE PARTS CO. ( GARAGE , Conference of Chris­ Ph"ne 74-2426 AT 'f'HE BRIDGE tians and Jew,. ALLEYS 26 . -Purim. . 700 ELLICE AVE. BOWL • MERCURY • LINCOLN "Purim commlmorates · the MOST CORDIAL NEW YEAR GREETINGS B ,e METEOR day when through the inter­ , MAN. SELKIRK AGENCIES· LIMITEl)· . . ~ vention of Mordecai and ; SID HECHTER, Prop. Sales and Service .,; Queen Estller, the · Jews of i--M-O_S_T_HA_P•P-Y•N•li-W_Y_I_A_R__ All Classes of B.A. 011 Products Persia narrowly escaped be­ INSURANCI! RENTALS. REAL li_STATI! '.BRANDON MAN. REST ROOMS ing victims of Haman's plot 1·.,. MODERN ' GREETINGS TO THE JIEWIIH 227 Manitoba Ave; Phone 41 . to exterminate them.l' COMMUNITY· Phone 311.1 26-Mar. 27 -Hebrew Month. · Mouth · be­ SELKIRK MANITOBA tween Purim and Passover). I -~ ...... •-WI> ======. 28 . -Benjamin Disraeli D!lllled GLADYS KLYM · McLENAGHEN · & NEWMAN'" · · ·, · .. ·· WE CONVEY COROTAL NEW YEAR ,GREETINGS Prime Minister of England, 1868. DRIVING SCHOOL BARRISTERS,_ SOLICITORS,J~Tc••. , .',, ,. ~ ;::~: ,;.;i: : . TO ALL. OUR JEWISH FRIENDS MARCH, 1956 SpeclaRits:. ,n · 1nstructlnsr FRANK W. NEWMAN, Q:c. Marth D · -Sholom Aleichem (S. Rabino.. . !Extra Nervous People vich). Born 1859 in Russia, 227 Manitoba Ave. , .SELKIRK, . . MAN. died in New York . to become · 14 -37th anniversary of first ses• Skilled and Expert Driven · sion· of canadian Jewish Con• E11lly, Quickly and gress held in Montreal, March Economlcally 'A HAPPY AMO PROSP.EROUS NEW YEAR-TO ALL OUR MACARTHUR & SON LIMITED toV.lN:l ., · 14, 1919. · • "Jf You Can Walk ...:. We FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS . .c,~ 8-11-Z.O.C. convention, . Guarantee You can Drive" HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION IC:lll~'lllt: ,•i•.11")8 M~ ll'l'W~il$!1 · 14 -Albert Einstein, 1879-1955. PHONE 42-2417 18-27-Jewish Youth Week. 27·28-Pasaover-:--Flrst 2 Days. . -Nissan 15-22 657 jubllee Ave., Winnipeg .Branden s·crap lr~n and Mefcll Co. BRANDON WINNIPEG "Passover celebrates :!srael's DAVtD 8. WEU:18. Manager . . - PBO:$M 74-3441. deliverance . from Egyptian 2351 bondage. The . festival lasts ~r~ ~st and Padllc ~Vt!-_ •.· r,hone B~dol'I, Man. eight d!IYS, during which maz- . BEST WISHES FOR 3.4~t •• zot are eaten in place of leav- A JOYOUS NEW YEAR . '

1 ened b~ad. On·tbe first and - · r ; ·• . ,: : . •· .,: • ·.. r,, · · second bights of the festival, When entertaining' out-of-t~wn . the traditional Seder is held guests, dine at the· finest restau­ Qur HHrtlear Wl1h11 '°". Very tfappy a'nil:p;~p'.,ou, New YHr . in· the home at which the his­ rant and enjoy the finest food MacArthur Transportation Co. Ltd.· 'torical ideal of freedom is re­ ln all of Manitoba. affirmed." BRANDON PACKERS LTD. CHAltTER.BUSES - TAXIS 28 -L L. ·Peretz. Yiddish and He- - 18 · brew writer. Died 1915. · .Oden's Bar-B-Q the llome or "L&VBEL BRAND· . , APRIL, 1956 i 'BRANDON • Phone 236S • MANITOBA April .1 --Hebrew University founded, Oomer WWlam and Arllnston Dealera ~ Uveat~ ' 1925. C:aterln&' to Special Partlea .. . j 3 -Last Day of Passover. - 21 1, C. "CAM" DONALDSON•. Man111er I . 16 . -Israel Independence Day-8th -Iyar Ii Phone 74-4925 i ., ; . Anniversary•. For Beeervattona Telephone 5371 '. \ 17-28-Jewish History Week. .> 19 -13th anniversary of uprising BKANDON. and WINNIPEG of Warsaw Ghetto, April 19, I ,J.nJn i\J.l'O i\llll'2. 1943. , A Happy. New .YHr to All. our ~,... THE ••• 21 -Theodore Herzl. Anniversary - Jewish Prlend1 end cu1tomera .~ .. 10 • ,, ..• ,· ,. ..-:.•~ .. ,--;.r1 .•,r<•,'" ~-•·ti-Ir . ,· ·"- · ·of birth of founder of 'ZioniSm. · Mr, and Mrs. 22 -Yehudi Menuhin; born 1916 in . : . . . ~- Portage ·1a 'Prairie., ..... America. Famed Jewish con• DOMINION To Our Many· Friends and Cu1tomen w1 extend Ifft' With._ •cert violinist. . . for a Happy and Prosperou1 New YHr · · · \\ M. S. NARVEY - . ij - 29 -'Lag B'Omer. Bar Koshba Re- - 18 ARMATURE WORKS and family .,j Mutual Insurance volt, 135 C.E. LTD. • r MAY, 1956 !': Wisll all their Relative$ l!Dd . May 11 -Admission. of Israel to the ; 'I EJ~ctric M9t~rs Re-wound_ ~'; Friends a Very Happy and United Nations. · f i Pro;perous New Year . · · ·• · · aiid 'Repaired· · · · ' t Company 13 -Mothers Day. ~ 16-17-Shavout. 1 -Sivan 6-7 Electric Controls Repaired ': , NORM OMAN . f: A. H. THORPE, _General Manager Portage la Prairie, Man, "(Feast of Weeks) Is so called j: becauae it completes exactly BABY NEIECIS, COSMETICS, DRUGS, ICE CREAM, TOYfi ~: 7 weeks from 2nd day of Pass- PICK UP AND DELIVERY . ROBBER GOODS, TOBACCOS, ETC,• . ~. lJ., over on which the Omer (a 24-HOUR SERVICE r. PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE MANITOBA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ measure) of the . new barley 366 Church Ave, . : 56-16,~ was brought to the Temple. l -=.=.=.=•• =.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.~.=.=.======~=-=-:....":! .. This holiday celebrates the PHONE HEARTIEST WISHES l<"OR A early wheat harvest in Israel. Best Wishes for a Joyous New Year to the Jewish ~PY NEW YEAR It also commemo,rates the People of Portage la Prairie and District covenent which. was estab- . 56~4434 i .lished at Mt. Slilai_.giving ominion :'Day; Established ,.______,! ACCREDITED PUBLif ACCOUNTA,NTS 1867. . . . lT .:..Tisha B'Ab . · , -Ab 9 BRANDON-TWO STORES . "Commemorating the· destruc• Best Wishes for a Happy · PHON;; 75-138 tion of the:·Temple. 586 B.C.E. jl . VIRDEN-- .• and 2nd Temple 70: A.D." New Year to. our many , PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE MANITOBA Nelson Street 22 .-End of .13th. anniversary of Friends and ClientJ ' • deatruction of Warsaw Ghetto, 1943. · · . , C•. 24 -76th birthday of:Emest Bloch. Jewish Composer. Bora July . · . July ·24, 1880, E. Our Heartiest Wishes fer a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all our Friends 26 ~Anniversary of .death of Rashi, of the Jewish Faith 1105. . s . "i,UGUST, 1956 August 29 -First Zionist; Congress, 1897. I \ M With Us the Best Interests of Our Clients Come First WE EXTEND TO OUR .MANY FRIENDS AND 0 We provide one of the finest and most up-to-date bookkeeping and accounting CUSTOMERS, SINCERE WISHES FOR A N services for the business men and fanners of Manitoba. We are here to serve you, JOYOUS NEW YEAR in keeping your accounts, compiling the numerous government and income tax I returns. · T We would be pleased to have you drop ill, phone or write us concerning any of McCurdy -Supply Co. E your bookkeeping problems. · -~ ~· ,_. ·.. :. ·. •\: ~.,-.. ·~:-.- '. : . .. ;t .,.., • ).. . . i r; . ,Buy'the faa,ily rm Ion. . ; ·. • . .~ •. ,i' . ·,, ; • :. •• . .• ::·· ~ . ' ' ' i ·, LTD. ' . . ·,. Quality Coal;- Builders' Supplies;. · Real Estate ·of 6 ilg ••Illes [ _Deeley .Accounting Service Ltd. Insurance and Ready Mixed Concrete ·' ·A BUSINESS ft"ORTB HAVING IS WORTH ACCOUNTING roa• Mortgage .Loans •• Phone 92-5411 .. GOLDEN AGE BEVERAGES LTD. A«ounting - Bookkeepin~ - lnr..ome Tax Returns . ~ PHONE 37 251 SIMONITE BLDG. ·. 298 Main St. OTTAWA AND WATT PHONE ff:1 Jfi PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, MAN. - PHONE 75-138 WINNIPEG WINNIPEG MANITOBA

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