Xueqin Cao | 9780140442939 | | | | | The Story of the Stone, Volume I The Golden Days, Chapters 1-26 1st edition PDF Book

Volume one has strange beginnings. Other aspects I found interesting included gender norms e. Also a lot minutiae and everyday life of this enormous family but with a lot of drama, betrayals and sex. On to volume II. First of all, the book was beautiful to read. This specific ISBN edition is currently not available. Convert currency. Of course I'm going to give it five stars, but that's not telling the whole story. The narrative never returns to that framing story in this volume, though the two monks have a brief cameo near the end of the volume. Ideal and Actual in the Story of the Stone. Jul 16, Martin rated it it was amazing. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Chapter one establishes the mythic allegory behind the novel. All the while the focus remains with the pair of teens adjusting to the breaking dawn of adult expectations sorry for that. Also Xi-feng can be very devious: she was definitely one of my favourite characters, probably the smartest, and not shy of taking charge when the situation calls for her, even though she is extremely busy with running the household. Greenwood Publishing Group. Much as it contains many discrete episodes whose significance to the whole is not always made clear to the reader, the book also contains a very large number of characters hundreds, I think , and it makes little effort to indicate directly which of these characters are most central or important. , in his essay Proofs on A , argued that the ending was actually written by , citing the foreshadowing of the main characters' fates in Chapter 5, which differs from the ending of the Cheng-Gao version. The main character of the novel is the carefree adolescent male heir of the family, . The first part of the story, The Golden Days, begins the tale of Bao-yu, a gentle young boy who prefers girls to Confucian studies, and his two cousins: Bao-chai, his parents' choice of a wife for him, and the ethereal beauty Dai-yu. Instead of the tragedy of PBF's non people working out artificial drama, The Dream of the Red Chamber has the tragedy of well thought out fleshed out individuals who nonetheless are forced by circumstance. What, or who, is the stone? Main lesson: be content with ambiguity. An unusual child, precocious, coddled especially by his grandmother and his maids , and not with the sort of ambition that the expectations of the family demand, he is the great hope of the family. I'm currently on page The Story of the Stone, Volume I The Golden Days, Chapters 1-26 1st edition Writer

On top of all this, we learn a lot about the time period China in the s , such as how people lived, what they wore, the different positions in society, medicine, literature, etc. Four Classic Chinese Novels. There is an entire chapter devoted to its description of around thirty pages, but even later on in the book the author couldn't stop himself from occasionally losing himself again in the midst of its abundance of flowers, rivers and shrubs. Archived from the original on 30 March I suppose one thing that struck me was that the bulk of this was similar to the Victorian society novels I'm familiar with: for example, Jan 's The Way We Live Now. It is definitely a slow book but I do think it is worth taking the time to read and savor. Novel , Family saga. Instead of the characters or events depicted, the things that I will likely remember from this book are the features you are unlikely to find in western novels. It is, I will venture to say, realism. Our group decided to limit our discussion to the first volume as a more manageable reading assignment. The early s was a rich period for with publication of major studies by . Of course it was harder to keep track of the characters because I'm not used to Chinese names; what's more, many of the characters are related and have the same family names. And let me tell you the Rong-Guo Mansions have lots of rooms, kangs and curtains to describe. Wang called the novel "the tragedy of tragedies", in contrast to the prosperous endings in most earlier drama and fiction. Reflections on Dream of the red chamber. Tricked you, but I'm playing a useful illusion here. Illnesses, loaning money, deaths, construction projects, birthdays, and whatever else is going on in their lives makes up the majority of the activity in this book. The Golden Days - US. Bao-yu and Dai-yu may have been the Edward and Bella of their particular time, an editorial note alludes to the heated arguments and violence which arose debating the merits of the characters in courtly circles. The other common thread that is so different from western novels is the active role played by the servants in the houses. In chapter five he falls asleep and has a dream of the Land of Illusion. Though there are many characters getting a lot of attention, it's safe to say that Bao-yu is the main one. Much of what I've said may just reflect the fact that I have only read a small part of a larger whole. There is witchcraft and mystery, but it's introduced in a very subtle way and rarely the overpowering element. View all 6 comments. Many chapters have nearly no tension and simply recount some episode of minor clan politics among the adult or servant characters or juvenile antics among the child characters. The Stone is responsible for its transformation into a fairy girl -- and she vows to repay him with "a debt of tears", willing to suffer for a lifetime in the world of mere mortals. I have created a soy candle to match this novel with a warm blend of jasmine and honeysuckle. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. There were many priceless moments of humor as well. Petersburg both also held manuscripts of the novel dating before the first print edition of This first volume is also referred to as "The Golden Days" and it shows these rich families at the peak of their success, but what is most powerful is the melancholy of a loss that is yet to come pervading the text. The Stone, along with a companion in Cheng-Gao versions they are merged into the same character , is then given a chance to learn from the human existence, and enters the mortal realm. If it wasn't obvious, it is clear Bao-yu is the stone and Dai-yu the flower, and due to the centuries the stone spent watering the flower, the flower owes him a debt of tears. One of the essays is on intertextuality, which is the focus on another used book I picked up a few weeks ago at Alexander Book Store in San Francisco. Total page count is 2, While some might prefer to have the language as close to the original as is reasonable--accompanied by notes and dense introductions and appendices that serve to bring the world of 18th century Chinese aristocracy directly to you, steep learning curve and all--the translators have instead ingeniously discarded such editorial bustle by making the text as readable and as familiar as possible, while retaining its Chinese flavor. It is a major challenge to translate Cao's prose, which utilizes many levels of colloquial and literary language and incorporates forms of classic poetry that are integral to the novel. People who have followed my updates on this book may remember a garden. Jun 27, Jess rated it really liked it Shelves: monthly-longreads , classics , bragging-rights. Email required Address never made public. And yet there are elements which would not be acceptable to 19th century Western realism. Published by Penguin Classics How do I make sense of a book infused with these concepts and ideas? Sek 6 tau 4 gei 3. The Story of the Stone, Volume I The Golden Days, Chapters 1-26 1st edition Reviews

More filters. Those who know me know I'm not big on poetry, but this book here opened my eyes in that regard. This Penguin edition provides family trees in the appendix and I am so grateful. He is recognized as special from the beginning, born with a piece of jade in his mouth. Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Stone it has a mythic quality to it where the spiritual and everyday physical world permeate each other's borders the "stone" in this title is actually the structural frame of the story Bao-yu is very intense in his friendly relations and often very sexual. I know that he did massive rewriting on the first 80 chapters and was not able to make everything sync perfectly. This novel covers the comings and goings of the Wang, Ning-guo, and Rong-guo houses of the Jia clan and most This book was unlike anything I have read before and I loved it. This book is first of a five volume English translation of a Chinese classic, Dream of the Red Chamber a. Story of the Stone - Chapters Vol. Read more Whatever happens, I'll have the next four volumes of this by my side part way through, and thus far, I'm engaged, leastwise on the level of fascination with a landscape foreign in both space and time. Views Read Edit View history. It's a lot wittier and a lot more full of life than I expected. There is no doubt that his English is exceedingly rich, well-suited to capture the richness of the original Chinese. Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote Wikisource. To close, a poem from near the end of volume one. Vernacular Chinese. One could say that nothing really happens but the minutiae of human life inhabits every page. I became attuned to the rhythms of this class, this time period, and the author. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Main lesson: be content with ambiguity. Given the complexity of the web of characters and philosophical premise, in his essay towards a new paradigm of Redology found on Jstor Gu Mong Dong mentions that readers have managed to read pretty much what they want into the story. Similarly the illustrative quotes chosen here are merely those the complete review subjectively believes represent the tenor and judgment of the review as a whole. Bao-Chai, the solid, virtuous girl cousin, is telling the story about the Fifth Patriarch , who is old and looking for a worthy successor. The translator does an awesome job with the poetry and it is a terrific translation. I can't decide if it is merely a poor translation or if the utterly dull meanderings in and out of the various humdrum and yawn-inducing social nuances of a wealthy Chinese family are just wildly and fascinatingly uninteresting. This translation however is not my favorite. Name required. But there is also viciousness in some characters who seemed angelic before and the result is a rich tapestry, not of caricatures, but of people that truly come alive. And hale old age shall be your lot. It is definitely a slow book but I do think it is worth taking the time to read and savor. During the , the novel initially came under fire, though it quickly regained its prestige in the following years. Main events include murder over an as of yet unrevealed noblewoman kidnapped as a child and sold as a slave, the visitation of a different, more household daughter lately elevated to the status of Imperial Concubine and all the ensuing architectural necessity of splendor, school and its rivalries both petty and otherwise in the not too straight hotbed of single gender classes, sex among adults as well as teens and borderline children legal being barely a gleam in anyone's eye, judging by Delaware's contemporaneous age of consent set at seven , edible delicacies, cultural refinements, objects of crafted elegance and unspeakable cost, and events both heavenly and mortal flowing through a royalty blessed household already hinting at the disaster to come. Since the s, critics began embracing the novel's richness and aesthetics in a more multicultural context. Hung 4 lau 4 mung 6. I will definitely look into it more when my book buying ban ends. Book Description Penguin Books Ltd, Some modern editions, such as Zhou Ruchang 's, do not include the last 40 chapters. So, how can one give one of the world's greatest classics only four stars? The "Jiaxu manuscript" dated to is currently located in the Shanghai Museum , the "Jimao manuscript" is located in the National Library of China , and the "Gengchen manuscript" is located in the library of the .

The Story of the Stone, Volume I The Golden Days, Chapters 1-26 1st edition Read Online

Feb 19, Morgan rated it really liked it. Sounds fascinating! But on the whole, Bao-yu is confused in his life, for he is largely estranged from not only the higher reality beyond the world, but even the world outside his very restricted social situation. But, this is only the first volume. There is a garden - created for a single visit from the Qing concubine - and there are the most majestic descriptions of costume, ceremony, theater, and ritual of Qing nobility. So, how can one give one of the world's greatest classics only four stars? Bao-yu must fulfill his obligations in the mortal world to attain enlightenment, and the novel runs its inevitable course. Owing to its immense popularity, numerous sequels and continuations to the novel have been published, even during the Qing era. There are some fascinating little bits. Like Liked by 1 person. Mar 24, Mizuki rated it it was amazing. Classic Chinese Novels. There is intrigue - a festering underbe This book 5 volumes has illuminated my life! To close, a poem from near the end of volume one. You are commenting using your Twitter account. Qin Zhong finally hears Bao-yu and begs the spirits to allow him just a moment back in the living world with his friend--the spirits learn the friend is Bao-yu, full of mischief and vibrancy, and who, to boot, is a descendant of the Duke of Rong-guo. During 's era, a Marxist interpretation of the novel was the focus of some Chinese critics, which deplores the feudal society's corruption and emphasizes the clashes between the classes. Without either of those qualities, The Golden Age left me bored far more often than engaged, something that certainly could not be said of Proust. Published March 30th by Penguin Classics first published January 1st Recommend avoiding it. I suspect that I've made it all sound like nothing but rich 18th century Chinese brats sitting around drinking tea and gossiping, framed by some mystical nonsense, but that's hardly the whole truth. It's a lot wittier and a lot more full of life than I expected. It's just an example of what this book does: it's very description heavy when it comes to the surroundings people find themselves in. Somehow this female presence informs the character of Bao-yu. About ten chapters in, I felt completely comfortable inhabiting this world. Stock Image. Illnesses, loaning money, deaths, construction projects, birthdays, and whatever else is going on in their lives makes up the majority of the activity in this book. The ministers of the underworld, armed with a warrant and chains to bind him with, were at that very moment confronting him; but his soul was refusing to go quietly. This Penguin edition provides family trees in the appendix and I am so grateful. While the original Rouge manuscripts have eighty chapters, the edition completed the novel in chapters. He set many of the novel's classical verses to music, taking as long as four years to deliberate and complete his compositions. Di 2 ban ed. But wait! The Dreamer Wakes - US. Please note that these ratings solely represent the complete review 's biased interpretation and subjective opinion of the actual reviews and do not claim to accurately reflect or represent the views of the reviewers. Retrieved 10 April Not to mention when she sets up a plot to get sleazy Jia Rui caught the act of coming to visit her for an amorous meeting. The characters read as if they lived today - some characters are verging on being an emo, a character who behaves like the hypocritical 'nice guys' of today, and even widespread acceptance of homosexuality and talk of The times may change, but people never will. The fact that everyone is a cousin or related in some way does not stop any relationships from forming at various times throughout the book.